BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/9/2024 Off The Grid, Journalist Panel, J6er Jalise Middleton

Published Aug. 9, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 10am Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independent Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country Voice of the People - Daniel and Hollis Smeriglio Independent Journalist - Casey Whalen Thought Criminals - Christina Holbrook Behind Enemy Lines - Terry Newsome The Brewster Call - Jason Brewster Melissa Frysel Jason Brewster Candidate for New Mexico Governor - Joshua James Ryan Lawrence 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - Mark and I both were born and raised in Texas. Most of our lives were spent in Arlington, but for the last 15 years we have lived in the country on our family’s “old home place” where we moved to care for my ailing father before he passed. We have been married for 33 years. Mark and I met when we were 14 years old, began dating when we were 16 years old, and married at 19 years old. We have three children and now have six grandchildren. Mark worked long hours as a machinist and facilities maintenance to support our family while I stayed at home to raise our children due to my health complications. I ran a side business of cleaning houses to be available to my family. We raised our family in church as often as the doors were open. Our world centered around God and family and community. We have never been in any trouble with law enforcement. After a serious work accident, Mark returned to college to attain his master’s degree in theology at the spry age of forty-two. I worked as a marketer in home healthcare, and Mark worked as a marketer for a local telecom company. Our normal life was forever changed on April 21, 2021. That is the day the FBI did a full swat raid on our home with 22 federal agents, 2 swat teams, M-4’s pointed at us, and an MRAP pointed at our front door while parked on my handicap ramp for our involvement on January 6, 2021. They threw flashbang grenades at us. They took us to jail over an hour away where we spent the night. When we were released, we discovered the FBI had poured lies out to all the national news media . They sent pictures of not only us on January 6th but also of our home with our address and my cell phone number to the media. Then they “classified” our evidence to prevent us from sharing the whole BWC videos that reveal the truth. We were fired from our jobs and received many death threats in the mail. We have been charged with 9 federal crimes, 4 felonies. Assaulting, Resisting or impeding certain officers/ Civil disorder/ Obstruction of an official proceeding/ Entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds/Disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds/ Engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds/ Disorderly conduct in the capitol grounds or buildings/Act of physical violence within the capitol grounds or buildings. All this when we never went past a barricade, and never went in the capital on January 6, 2021. This prompted us along with others to form the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the ninth day of August 2024. Welcome to our show today. We have, I think it's going to be an interesting show today. So we've got Off the Grid on with Dr. David Kent. Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT guy starting us out. The second hour is the BNN citizen journalist panel, which is always interesting. We'll probably have a couple of new people on here because I think people are joining, moving in and out of that as they can. And then at 11 o'clock, I have Jaleese Middleton, who is waiting for sentencing. as one of the Jay Sixer victims of the Fed's erection. She has, I think, 30 days to their sentencing for the Fed's erection, which is the fault of our deep state criminal behavior, including Ray Upps and some of these other jerks that are sitting up there that have been involved in this. And so she's at 11 o'clock. And this would be fairly interesting today. I think what we're going to do is she is able to she's sitting home waiting for the sentencing right now. And so I said, well, why don't we do this? Why don't we just go ahead and do an hour show every day or whatever? You can bring on all the J6ers you want. And they can come on and they can talk about it and get this information out there. So Jaleesa will be on at 11 o'clock. This is her first time. And I think that we're going to have a good time just talking and such in the next week and the following weeks until she's sentenced. I think she's going to have other J6ers on to be able to talk about their story, not only so we can inform people, but so that we can actually document what's going on. And I think that that's almost as important or more important. than educating people at this moment in time, because there's going to come a day where justice is going to be served. And on that day, all of this stuff is going to come out. And I think that being able to actually document this and get it in a space that has not been Manipulate it. No CG. I mean, this is as good as it gets. I mean, this is real news. I've got my little paper backdrop here of where I started at my kitchen table in my little office here with, you know, all of my resource materials and stuff. But this is the way it is. And I think going forward, we're going to have to focus on more of this instead of engineered work. news media. It's just us talking and educating each other because I don't know about you, I'm pretty well just completely out on all the experts. And when they give me their pedigree of how smart they are, what they've done, why we should trust them, I'm at full stop, time out. I don't want to hear it anymore. I want to just listen to real people who actually live in the world, who are not making money off of this thing, and who are just bringing information forward with what they know. And with that said, I'm going to bring on my bestest buddies here that have stayed with me and been with me from the beginning. Ralph, Karen, and Dr. David Kent. I love you guys so much. And you know what? On my last day, I would want to be standing with you guys. Absolutely. We'd be on. Hopefully that's a long time from now. Yeah. Yeah. I think, I think so too, because I think we got a lot of work to do and I can't think of finer people because you know what, I know you guys personally. And the, the nice thing is, is that, you know, we've, we've hung out enough together in the media space and such and, and actually, you know, in person type stuff that I know you guys so well. that I could probably predict what you would do in a bad situation. And the first things out of your mouth is gonna be, no way, hell no, not gonna comply, not gonna capitulate. This is just the way it is. So what's happening in your worlds today, guys? Well, I feel like something big is gonna happen soon. I feel like the stock market crash and then coming up was kind of like a warning. Did you see all the globalists that were selling off stocks this week? Yeah. In the week before. Oh, let me see if I can pull up a list. There were a bunch of big names that were selling massively this week. I want to bring something up here. So just so you know, the X channel on the US TPM site is not allowing me to live stream and neither is the YouTube fake news YouTube channel that I was going through to the US taxpayers. So I'm going to have to post those manually and we'll see if they'll let me do it. But right now we're on my X channel, two Rumble channels, and there's two tour nodes that we've got up on. So there's other ways we're getting it out there. But I really could ask you guys for some help. to pass this information on so other people can see it. Especially, you know, as we sit here and talk and work through things, I can keep it up on this side. is up and running and will continue to be up and running. And so but it would be real helpful if people pass this on a little bit, because I think a point that was made this morning by somebody else that I'm working with on a couple of pro se lawsuits, okay, and it's coming, it is coming. We were talking about how he just got canceled off of everything on Google, everything. He's like, all of a sudden, He's been fighting for 12 years. He's like ghosts, nothing happening there. Can't find him, can't find what he's done, anything. Anyone even that we perceive on our side who has a large audience, I want you to think about this. How is it that they're actually having a large audience and getting through? Is it because they're watching their words? Is it because they're actually part of the problem that we don't know, but we believe it because we like the headlines? I mean, look at Jonathan Kegel. He's gotten kicked off everything. And this week, Derek Gibson, who I had on Wednesday, I suspect that that's why they canceled those channels is because Derek was on on Wednesday. And Derek is an unapologetic guy. He's running for governor of the state of New York. He got canceled petition signatures, just like I did in the 2022 election. That's how he got kicked off in 2022 or was not able to go forward. And so anyone, I mean, anyone that has a big audience, Even though we like to listen to the stuff they have to say, remember, you've got to question everything. The ones that are being kicked off or silenced are probably closer to the truth, in my opinion. Well, 100%. I mean, Google, I can't believe anybody wouldn't know this at this point, but Google, YouTube, these are CIA-developed weapons, and they are really powerful weapons. you know, that are able to manipulate like the news, manipulate entire populations of hundreds of millions of people, possibly billions of people to manipulate people to think a certain way. And if you're going against the grain, they kick you off. That's just they push a button. You're done. Or, you know, you're censored. You think that people are watching you and nobody's watching you or you're out. Yeah. Yeah. But even without killing somebody, physically killing them kinetically, they can silence you. And I always wondered about all those, you know, people that, you know, through the jabs and everything that we've been through, they're still on YouTube just chatting away. And look at how, you know, we had so many years of making fun of the USSR and for erasing people from photos and stuff. And now what do we do? We erase people. Yeah, we erase them even worse. There's 66,000 people out there that are paid by the Department of Defense just to put out the misinformation. So you know a lot of these people that you're watching, they're, they're getting paid and they have a, they're reading scripts and they're following, you know, what the deep state wants them to do to keep you. Yeah. Yeah. Keep you confused. And, and that's why everyone's very confused. And I think a confused population is a, and a very at risk population. You know, if you just look around what's going on, all these, you know, I think president Trump said 20 million people to come in illegally and Well, I think it's way higher than that, quite honestly. It's huge. It's huge. And I mean, if, if even a small portion, one or 2% of them have bad intentions, you know, that's larger than any standing army. You know, the police wouldn't be able to stop them. Heck, half the police are contributing to all this stuff. You know, Border Patrol, they're letting them in, the police and sheriffs. You know, I know Trump's very pro police and sheriff. And I think that must be because he knows something's going to happen. We're going to need them desperately. But they're contributing to it. They're not doing anything. They could have stopped this stuff a long time ago in the 2020 election. Well, you look at it and everything's been infiltrated. There's no two ways about it. Yeah. So Leb says this morning, morning, Leb, morning, everybody out there. Di and Leb are out there. And this is a nice day to see you guys. You're all friends. And so anyhow, Venezuela shut down off the net for the next 10 days. And so they're canceling whole countries, even if they're proxy countries. And Maduro, he, you know, people, people, look at what he's done. But what I know about the infrastructure there is he just, he's the one that single-handedly destroyed that country. He didn't put any money into their infrastructure for, they have enough gas and oil, but you know what guys, you got to maintain things. You can't just go in there and say, okay, we're going to, we're an oil rich country. That's fantastic. Let's just continue to pull all the money out of this. We can, you have to do maintenance. And And that's why we got into trouble with our roads. You have to do maintenance. It's not good enough just to do new build projects. That's part of the reason why our cities have gone completely to hell. They have done this through the tax structure where the downtowns have been re-renovated and renaissance and such. But you look at like three blocks off the downtown and And a lot of times it's like Detroit is a disaster. While the developers are making big money off of these big downtown, the cool factor of the buildings, where the people right next door to it are, you know, I wish everybody could go through downtown Detroit. In fact, I'm supposed to go there, when is it? Around the 20th or something like that. I'm supposed to be on the other side of the state. I might just go down there with a camera and GoPro this thing through the neighborhood so people can actually see You know what it looks like down there. I mean, you know, David, you're near there. You could jump in the car with me and we could go around tour this so people can see what the difference between the elite creating nests. And it is it's nests for themselves in Grand Rapids. All of these people that are that are sitting on the top, they've all got penthouses in the downtown buildings. All of them. They've got large apartments, condos in these downtown buildings, way up high so they can look down on their pathetic little subjects that they could give a rat's rear end about. And it's like the same thing's happening in Detroit. Some of the buildings are beautiful. I mean, we love these things. It's a great and it's a fun place to go to on occasion. But The problem is that you can go to these things all day long, but two or three blocks away, the poverty is staggering. I think part of it, too, is that so much of new-build construction is effectively subsidized. They don't include all of the actual costs of construction in construction. You see that when... Like, for example, compare the cost of tearing something down and rebuilding it right now to the cost of just building something new. Well, if you build something new, yeah, you may have to take out a permit for it, but you don't have all the infrastructure build-out costs to be able to build out the city infrastructure to that new property. If you do a tear-down and rebuild, well, the person doing that now has to do all of the demolition costs or the remodel costs And in a lot of cases, they have to pull permits for each of the different things that they want to do. Whereas for a new build construction, they might be able to be able to put in like a PUD or something like that and even get a whole bunch of the local ordinances waived. Right. I want to show you guys. Smart cities, right? They want everybody to move into the smart cities so they can really control every aspect of your life. Yeah. I want to show you guys something that happened to me this week. and I don't think I talked about it, but let's see if I can, I'm going to see if I can quickly zoom through this stuff a minute to find out, to find a picture right here. So talking about the local, how corrupt the local politicians are. Now I'm going to put this up here because I chewed tail on our township this week. And this is what happened. And I talked about it on my Telegram channel, but I didn't talk about it enough to show what is happening in the townships and how these people view us with total and complete contempt. Okay. So while I was at my broadcast, I got to think what day it was now. I can look back in the records here, Tuesday or Wednesday. I get a call from one of the guys that works at the barn, helps at the barn, and says, hey, there's a city guy here or a township guy here, and he gave me some paperwork and such. And so I'm sitting here. Are you kidding me? So I'm going to tell you what happened. They came in and said I had to take out a business license for for my barn. I'm like, that ain't happening because it's private property and I don't run a business out of my barn or my horses. It is my property and blah, blah, blah. So this Yahoo who works for Peggy Sattler in the township, and I have a signed letter from Peggy about filing for a business license in an envelope that was open, not sealed, hand this to one of my employees to give this to me to file a business license for the property. So here you go, guys, we've got a signed piece of, of, uh, of, uh, you're going to do this some sort of an order to, to, to apply for a business license on private property in, on my bar for my barn. And I'm like, Are they claiming you that you run? Well, so let me tell you. So this guy goes past the no trespassing signs on private property from the city, threatening us in a threatening, coercing way, hands paperwork to one of our employees, which is not sealed. He pulled it out and looked at the signature because it wasn't secure. And it wasn't, there was nothing done correctly here, right? So they violated coming on my property, the city did. They came on my property without a warrant, passed no trespassing signs. They are guilty of trespassing on my property. That's illegal. It's illegal. And then handing the paperwork to an employee, not to me, you know, directly. They could have put it in the mailbox and mailed it. Well, they know where I am. I own enough property here in Byron Township. They knew how to get ahold of me. But a trespass on my property from Byron Township in order to hand me a letter of threat coercion and assumed guilt, okay? They're assuming I'm running. So I called down to the township and I've been pretty hot about this for a few days, just so you know. And I said, all right, I said, this is the third time that you people have harassed me in the last year. The first one was claiming that we had income property that needed to be registered, which is not income property. At all. And it's a place where my special needs daughter, we bought a little house and she's living in this little house so that she can have a little bit, she's 28, a little bit of autonomy, a little bit of sense of, you know, she's got her own dog and a pony and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. I mean, she's got a life of a freaking princess. And it's like, I paid the bills on this. This is just like having an add-on to my house. It is not income property. It is our family's property, just like the barn is. It is our family's property. We do not run a business out of there. And so I told them this. And then they hit a tax bill. Not income property, expense property. It's expense property, you jackasses. And so I called down there to the clerk's office and I said, you will not come on my property again under threat, coercion, and harassment. I said, this is the third harassment I have had with assuming that we are guilty instead of assuming that You know, where's the burden of proof? It is gone into threat and coercion coming on my property. And I'm like, you will not come on my property again for any reason whatsoever. And this has ended right now. So the gal from the clerk's office sat there in her little smug snide way and was like, I'll pass this up the chain of command. I said, good, pass it up. Because I said, you will not be coming on my property today. You will not be talking to my employees. You will not be handing over unsealed paperwork of threat and coercion. You will not have any part of this. I think you have to call the police or the sheriff and actually trespass them. So you have to give them a warning first. And then if they come on, they can be arrested. so so the next one well I'm going to sue them and so then the next one I went to the township supervisor call and I told them the same way I said I said uh you you assumed that uh my guilt and you have to prove it I said I will not be signing a business license because I'm not I'm not running a business number one but number two you trespassed on my property without a warrant, assuming I'm guilty. And he's like, well, there must have been some reason. I said, yeah, it's called not some bullshit when you listen to somebody that says, oh, they're running a business out of there. And I said, just so you know, I said, I'm not like the rest of you. I'm not actually, I said, I actually, whatever we have that we grow, that is in abundance. We share with neighbors, people, we give it away to people to share what we have. I said, so this is absolute and total bullshit. I'm like, you will not be coming on my property. You will not be threatening me. You will not be coercing me. You will not be, um, putting paperwork on my person for any reason whatsoever without you better have pretty darn good proof instead of just threat and coercion. So the township supervisor started thumpering around and I said, besides that, you know, he's like, well, it's a new city ordinance. I said, I don't give a damn about your city ordinances because you know what I said, first of all, they're, they're illegal. And I said, in fact, I think you should be sued for this because they have no teeth. And I said, since the Chevron decision came down, you have no tooth for any of this. I'm like, you stay off my property and don't you come back again. And I'm like, this is unconstitutional. You violated my rights guaranteed by the Constitution. And your little minions came here to sit here and threaten. I said, it ain't happening again. I said, don't do it again. And I told them, oh, yeah, we're aware of the tax bill. I said, yeah, you are, because they're behind it. They were behind hiding that tax bill to foreclose on my property. You can't tell me they weren't behind it. If we had to go down there three to four times, to get them to all of a sudden go, oh, no, we just found it. We never had any notice. And we went down there and they said we didn't owe any taxes. And all of a sudden, days before it was going to be seized by the government, oh, no, we just found it. Wow. This missing paperwork thing, this is what they did to you in the election. And by the way, just as a quick aside here, one of our township people had applied to run for a position in the election the other day. And he was watching to be sure that it was processed. it hadn't been processed well oh we forgot or oh it didn't get sent um from within the tiny little township office it didn't get sent they found it and I said that sounds so much like what happened to you where you went with your petition signatures and he was he was wise too he had proof and they straightened up and got him on the ballot but if you're not watching if you're not paying attention that's how they get you just like you were just saying yeah Well, I hate these, the minions are just like Nazis, taking orders and from the top, all these people that work for government, just 90% of them are just terrible people. Can you believe though that they did this this week? And I mean, I mean, I know if they've done this to me, I know they're doing it to other people to threaten and coercive. So guess what? Monday night, if we have a township meeting Monday night, I'm going to be there. Chewing ass on these people in the most Brandenburg epic way at the township meeting. And then another thing, one of the guys apparently got drunk. That's on the township council and Byron township. We're watching you guys. And basically said that they changed the master plan without basically any consent from the citizenry bragged about it. So they changed it and, oh, and laughed at somebody and said, it's a done deal. What? Oh, yeah. They pass these ordinances and laws in the middle of the night on weekends, and it's just such a shame. Well, I've got somebody writing out the conversation so that we can present this. in the open at their contempt for the people that they're supposed to serve. And you know what, guys? This is happening all over the United States. Oh, yeah. It's a lower level. They're looking at us and spitting this. Look at how many are developers, realtors, or have a vested interest where they or their buddies are getting paid to subvert the nation. Every single one of them are guilty of treason. 100%. Make sure you go with New York Times versus Sullivan, because when they try to shut you down in public, you let them know that they would be in violation of that Supreme Court ruling. What was it? New York Times versus Sullivan. What was the summary? What's your summary of that? Well, in part, one of the things that came out of the case is that. The people are able and certainly allowed by right to make their grievances known before the public officials. They cannot limit your time in speaking. They cannot tell you that you can't curse. They cannot tell you that you haven't registered. for the meeting and therefore you cannot speak they cannot tell you that um well they don't like the definition of the word you're using because I've seen that done before they can't shut you down for any reason whatsoever you can be loud and rambunctious and cuss at them but you have every right to do so it's not wise but what they'll try to do is say well, Ms. Brandenburg, we'll talk about this tomorrow. Let's let the next person speak or whatever. Well, you've gone over your two minutes. No, I have as much time as I need to speak, and I will speak for another one or two minutes because I've got more material to share. She has the right to do that. And when somebody comes with a complaint – As I have, or a challenge, they will try to shut it down. And I successfully warned a board in a meeting once where they shut one woman down and she acquiesced because she didn't know her right. And when they tried to limit how many people were going to speak, because a lot of them were saying the same thing. You know, they could say, if you're going to say something in favor of this, raise your hand. Okay, now we've heard you. If you want to speak specifically, please come on down. You know, they could save a lot of time by saying, we recognize your right to express your opinion while also shutting down the excess. They could do that in an orderly fashion, but sometimes they just don't know how. There's one I saw one time where they tried pulling at a meeting that I was in where they said, well, We have to have, we have a rule where you have to have alternating supporting and opposing views presenting one at a time. So you have to have one supporting and then one opposing and then one supporting and then one opposing. Well, that's okay. But as long as they let you talk, I mean, we've all seen videos of people, you know, getting their microphone shut off or the sheriff going up there and handcuffing people, throwing them out. Well, the problem was, is they ran out of people supporting everyone else was opposing. So it blocked the rest of the meeting from being able to talk because they were trying to stick to this alternating rule and ran out of one side. Yeah, during the during the scandemic, one of the things that happened in our township, they they were trying to limit how many people could come into the township building because of the COVID concerns or saying, well, we can't do. A zoo meetings. In our township. at least half the population probably does not have internet access or very good internet access for something like Zoom because we have a lot of trees. We have a lot of disruption. We don't have the infrastructure for it. And a lot of people just don't care. But if you, and even in the county, they limited, you could not even go into the buildings. So if you can't get on Zoom, you can't express yourself. That cuts off half the people in the community. And I called them out for that, too. But they, well, there's nothing we can do about it. Yeah, it is. You follow the law and you let people come. You let people get on there or you don't hold a meeting. You don't even schedule it. Or you find a way. And at one point when we had the noise ordinance issue, they had to put it into a larger space in a school so that they could. And they couldn't at that point in time, they couldn't say, well, you have to wear a mask and so on. So some people chose, some people distanced themselves, and a lot of people just were over it by then. But um anytime you go into a public meeting nowadays I take when I go I take the New York Times versus Sullivan quotations that I've pulled out of it I know where to go for what kind of quote I would need and I am ready to go in a moment to notice for um proving to them that I have the right to speak or someone else does so It takes a little preparation to do that, but you can then protect somebody who is about to have their rights removed. Then the other one, we've talked about it before, but they'll tell a sheriff's deputy to take someone out. They have no right to direct the actions of a sheriff's deputy, and a sheriff's deputy would be violating his oath to protect your constitutional rights and your first article rights to prevent you from being able to speak your grievance to a public official. Well, let's face it. The sheriffs and the police are not on our side. Some of them are. And it doesn't matter. There's a distinction, too, between the sheriffs and the police. Well, yeah. And I say neither of them, though. I mean, I've seen I've seen it firsthand. And I see, you know, if the if the board says throw those people out, they're happy to do it. They say let those migrants in and set them up and don't arrest them and go harass this person. They do it. They follow the orders. Some of them don't know unless you stand up, just like I just said. Those board members in my local township did not know about New York Times versus Sullivan until I made it clear to them. And I mean, I'm... I haven't been going lately, but I used to spend some time educating them on certain things because I had studied it. They don't know unless the township... What is it? The township... Attorney? Attorney. Yeah, the attorneys association that educates them and tells them how to do things. They're attorneys telling them how to do things. Unless the people instruct them, they're not going to know. They think we're the audience. No, I'm sorry. They literally tell you that in the book. I have a photo of it. I know. I've seen the book. They're instructed that we are their audience. Well, the sheriff's deputies are not instructed how to express their oath. And so if you turn to them and you warn them, I will have your oath. You gave an oath that you will protect my right. I have the right to speak. Look here at this case. It's a Supreme Court ruling. If you violate that, you will be violating your oath and they have no control over you. Sometimes they'll back off and they'll look at the board like, I don't know about this. I've never had to do that because ours is... Well, we've never gone to that. Well, Karen, I think the police... get great training and education on how to fight crime, I think they get zero education on the Constitution and how to protect our constitutional rights. Zero. Okay, I got a friend I want to bring in, not to interrupt you here, but the friend who actually was there, hang on a minute, I've got like my phones are blowing up right now, which is cool. My friend, this is my friend, Amber. Hey, Amber, how you doing? Hi, good Donna. Thanks. How are you? Good. Really good. So, so thanks for coming on and in a pinch here, but we were talking about the nonsense and what happened with me this week in Byron township. Okay. This is not, this is a friend and a neighbor. And I love Amber, okay? And her family is wonderful. And I consider them patriots and good friends. Well, what happened to me this week? I'm going to just hit the high points and you and I can have coffee later. But what happened is the township, first of all, alleged that I needed to take a business license out on my barn. And they sent a minion from Peggy Sattler to go past. There are no trespassing signs. And basically violate no trespassing. We had no warrant delivered paperwork to one of the persons that work in the barn unsealed with Peggy Sattler's blue ink signed official document and and violated my. you know, constitutional rights or my rights by the constitution. First of all, alleged that I was guilty. This is the third, the harassment from this township that I've gotten the last year. One of them was they try, they hit a tax bill on me for, for, um, And we went down there three or four times, our CFO did, who does this sort of thing. Went down there and all of a sudden at the last visit, this woman comes out and goes, oh my goodness, here it is. Days before they were going to seize our property because they hid the damn thing. And then another one is they alleged that we had income property, which we don't. And I'm like, And so I just said, get out and don't come back. So I railed on them the other day pretty heavily for sending their little minion, which was this guy right here, on our property to harass, coerce, and intimidate us and also allege that we were guilty of something without any proof. just on hearsay that we're running a business, which we are not. And we give away what we don't use. We give it away. So I said to them, unlike you and everyone sitting in the township who are grifters, who are parasites and live off everybody else, I said, we actually contribute to the community and share what we have. So anyhow, I was telling everybody about a conversation that was had by a drunk councilman And I said, this is outrageous what they've done by, you know, changing the master plan and laughing in our faces of changing it and that there's nothing we can do. It's a done deal. So could you tell your story about what happened? Sure, Donna. Oh, your sound is weird. Okay. I'm trying to just move to a better spot. Can you guys hear me now? Is that okay? I can't. Sorry, we've got construction. Let me just try a different area. My apology. Let me just try to get into a different room here and near. Sorry, we've got a lot of construction going on. Is this better? A little bit. A little bit of a buzzsaw in the background. We can hear you, Amber, if you talk louder. This is what happens. Real news for real people. It's all right. Don't bother me. I am trying to just find a quiet spot where I actually can. You guys can hear me. Is this better? Yeah, that's better. Okay, good. I'm so sorry. Well, regarding the development that is going in behind the Speedway, I was unable to be there because I was at a school board meeting. I'm on the school board here at Byron Center, and my husband had went. Well... Fast forward a couple of days later, and I see one of the councilmen at a restaurant, and he had been drinking, but what he mentioned was talking about how that plan, a portion of it had gotten passed, but there's a second portion, which my husband, after the township public meeting He had told me that, you know, the first phase had passed, but the second phase they didn't even talk about that night. So back to my conversation-ish with this councilman. Yes. Yep. He mentioned, and it was like early in the afternoon, late morning maybe, he mentioned that that was by design. that the second phase, the way that he has, for lack of a better explanation, the way that he has set this up, the second portion does not have to go in front of the public, nor will it be going in front of the public. So there's going to be no public comment at all whatsoever for that second portion of that development. And he just laughed about it, didn't he? He was laughing and thinking it was funny to pull it over on the citizenry. And when we've approached them, we've had somewhere between sometimes 200 people that have been there at these meetings fighting this township over the years for issues, and they just don't care. They do what they want to do, and then they laugh in our faces. He mentioned that he was called a communist at that public meeting and just chuckled about it. Um, yeah, he, he said that, uh, basically again, the, the, the gist of, of, I mean, he mentioned a bunch of other developments that, that weren't even in Byron center, but the gist of that one was that they held the hearing. He was called a communist. Um, they passed it period. He said, because this is what, it's what Byron center is going to do anyway. It's the right thing. It's the best thing. Um, they passed it and, uh, Little do, you know, the rest of Byron Center, the people that were there know there is not going to be a second public hearing for the second portion of that development because of the way that he designed it. What's his name? Can you say it? Tim Newhouse. Tim Newhouse, go to hell. You know, it's like I'm going to just say it publicly right now. I hope you hear this. You can go to hell. And I believe there were some comments about Donna Brandenburg, too, didn't he? Yes. He's not a fan. Yeah. Sorry. I, I, yes, I, I don't curse. So, uh, I, uh, I, yeah, I will, I will say that he is definitely not, not a fan. I love having people that are not fans of you for good reasons. Yeah, I do too. They don't like people that fight them when they commit treason and they do things to subvert the will of the people when we have people there. I mean, that flat out, let's just go where it is. I mean, they're not upholding their oath of office. They don't give a crap about the people they serve. And, and they, you know, they, so, so Tim Newhouse, I think we should mention his name. You probably shouldn't go on drunk rants with people. Just guessing. Cause I mean, I wasn't there, but it sounds like there was a drunk rant went on by Tim Newhouse in Byron center, telling us basically that he has complete contempt for the citizens of Byron center. And they're just going to do what they want to do anyway, which has been what I've seen happen here over the years. They, they, they have complete contempt for, for the citizens here. And then they have their little developer buddies come in here and everything else like that. And then they expect the township and all of the tax base here, the taxpayers, to pick up the bill for the infrastructure improvements. Terrible. Isn't he going to give himself a raise too? That keeps happening in our area where they give themselves raises for all their hard work. Well, we had a $30 million. I don't know if you know about this, Amber, but we have a $30 million overage in Byron Center, which I was able to hear the conversation. I was sitting there, and the people were talking about it, and they were laughing smugly, thinking this was funny. They had a $30 million overage in the township, and guess what they did? They went ahead and they changed, oh, I don't know, the township building and such, and they did some buildings to build themselves bigger castles. Really? I did not know that. Oh, yeah. These people are slick. And so I don't know why. They seem to think that it's real funny to play with the taxpayers' money instead of helping the people in Byron Center. They put it into their project. that they can stamp their name on and go around bragging about all these great things they've done to Byron Center, but they keep keeping more things on the tax base. And when they say, well, we're just bringing more tax money in. No, they're not. If they are, then the tax rules or the tax policies are illegal and or they're not working the way they're supposed to be. It's grifting. So there you go. Lab says Marty Tillman is a snake too. You know, it's like, I'm real concerned when you watch how they vote and you watch the amount of developments and how they cozy up to the developers, but they have total contempt for the people of Byron Center, Byron Township. It's crazy. So there we go. Building their own castles. I like that. Yeah, Jeff was talking about too, Amber, about going to the school board meeting and having, I believe it was a million dollars going into the arts, but basically canceling shop. I lost you there, Amber. What was that? probably looking at hoping to increase the trades for sure. But no, shops not being canceled. Okay. Yeah, there was, you know, in the budget, Yeah, we, in the budget, the shop is included under the, part of it is included under the arts and then part of it is included under academics, just because of the way, the nuance of where it lies in the physicality of the school. Oh, that's good to know. Good to know. Well, I tell you, I can't think of anybody better to be on the school board, honestly, here in Byron Township than you. Well, thank you. You know, you're articulate and you'll hold them accountable to what they're supposed to be doing. And I really appreciate that. Well, it's been eye-opening. There we go. It's been eye-opening for sure. And, you know, especially with you've got the new Title IX rollouts. So working on some things behind. You're cutting in and out, Amber. Oh, I'm so sorry there. No, just working on some stuff with Title IX with the new rollout to maybe see what we can do about rolling that back. Just wanting to protect our kids, our community, do what is right by God. And yeah, my focus right now is just our wonderful little community here. And I can't believe what has happened to you. It's eye-opening for those of us that... that unless your eyes are opened to things like what you went through, it feels just fine. The status quo feels okay when you're walking through Byron Center. You know what I mean? Yeah. Nobody would know that actually, I mean, you can't tell me with that kind of nonsense going on that I personally am being targeted. Right. Right. We've talked a lot on the show before about how important it is for everyone to get involved in Uh, doing whatever they can. And that includes how important it is for people to stand up for what's right at a local level like this, like at the township board at the planning commissions. And as you've experienced on the school boards, you know, that is incredibly important that everybody get involved in something. Absolutely. I would absolutely agree. There's so much that happens at the local – I shouldn't say that happens at the local level, but when people look at the broad spectrum, the big elections, they said in the last election, which I don't agree that Biden's actually – correctly elected but they said from the beginning this is going to come down to the locals like the local people that's where you start with that's where you start with your your some of your change and I just want to make certain that I can do is what whatever I can to keep things correct clean right correct by the constitutional law that is the main thing um and anything that I can do I i mean I i commend you know donna um to the nth degree all of her knowledge all of her insight all of her research you I mean for one person to have that much is is unbelievable and I'm so grateful and thankful to to even know you donna Oh, thank you. And, you know, I just really appreciate everything that, you know, there's some really good people in our community that are fighting this. I mean, I could name a bunch of them out there. And I think I'm going to go. I don't know if we've got a meeting on Monday night. I've got to look at when the next meeting is. But I am going to go and I'm going to address this. And I think I'm also, I'm looking at actually, I think they're going to have to be sued. in order to stop their behavior. Because they just do what they want because there's no teeth behind it. And so I'm looking into this because this is crazy. And there has to be some bite to their behavior when they step outside of what is lawful. That even any of their ordinances are unlawful. Did you know that? I did not. Cities don't have the ability. They are absolutely non-binding. The only reason why they're binding is because nobody fights them. And it's like I said to the township supervisor, I said, just so you know, there is absolutely no ordinance that you can write that's lawful. And I said, the township should be sued for this because it's an unconstitutional action right there. And he's like, well, you'd have a pretty big lawsuit because you'd have to sue them all in the state. I said, no, all I have to do is sue one. And I said, since the Chevron decision came down to reverse the reversal of their power, it would be pretty easy to prove. and, and get rid of all this, all the homeowners association stuff is unconstitutional. The, the ordinances from a city are unconstitutional. It is not, the licensing is unconstitutional. They are so off the rails from top to bottom. And because the citizens, the citizen base, we, the people, I know that's going to, Rub you wrong, Karen, on that one. I don't know. Domiciled individuals. I'll use the correct term here. Is that because we have been so dumbed down by the communist indoctrination camps that we call education. By the MEA and the NEA. by their usurpations and such, by teaching things that are nothing more than a color revolution going on to capture the minds of our young people. We don't even know how far off base this has become unless we spend time ourselves, educating ourselves on what is wrong and finding out the actual laws on the books like Norton versus Shelby County. These are stare decisis laws that are still standing, have never been challenged. They are terrified of this stuff coming out. New York Times versus Sullivan. I always get it backwards. What is it, Karen? You got it right. New York Times versus Sullivan. Pacific States, one that's out there. And all of these laws that are on the books, the open meetings, you know when they snap your microphone off at a meeting? It's a violation of open the acts of open meeting. If they tell you, you can't stand there and talk, but sit up there like they're like, there's some sort of a, of a King or monarchy or whatever. And they treat you as a subject. They're in violation when it's clear violation of the law. And they just do it because nobody knows how out of base it is. And I'm literally going to put a packet together to tell them what their jurisdiction is before I speak to them. And I don't know if we get enough people there for their contempt for the citizenry of Byron Township. Literally, we could remove them on the spot. You know, okay, so I have a little bit of a different. So Karen, sorry, again, I'm Amber, I don't I don't know you or your or your background. And you don't know me, other than we both love and appreciate Donna. But I think Donna, because I don't know, you know, not even I can't even scratch the surface on your knowledge. I think that that would be a definite uphill battle only because of the perception of Byron Center. It's beloved by all who live here because we don't know and we haven't been educated on the things that you know and the things that you see and have been through in Byron Center. So when someone is looking to remove a councilman or to go through the steps that you're thinking, unless they've had the experience of being at that meeting, which is only a couple of hundred people, which is a great turnout. But still, when you're talking about the entire town of Byron Center, it's still just a couple of hundred people that I feel like the information and knowledge needs to be greater amongst the community. You do realize that, I don't know if you remember, but I was the one that was behind Byron Center Speaks. And so when we stopped the change to the master plan, I think it was eight or 10 years ago, we ended up putting it to a referendum and we got 75% of the vote. So it is possible to do this. And I think that there's a lot of people that are out there that want to do something, but they don't know what to do next. So I think we're going to start some meetings here again. And absolutely, but I'm going to lay it out to a Monday night. It's like, so that they know that the council knows. And I mean, I was the one that put Audrey on notice and she was in fact, she in fact did step down. Um, and, and was done. And I'm like, you either do what we tell you to do or you're done. We're going to remove you. And there was, and I was, I was hostile about it, but we got 75% of the vote on that referendum. And furthermore, she was done right there. And she, they were laughing. I remember this. They laughed at the people in Byron center. I hope everyone out there understands you are being laughed at by these people. They don't care about you. And not only do they not care about you, they laugh at you behind your backs because they know what they're doing is wrong. I think what you did with Byron, I guess that was my point, was I think that what you did with Byron Center, and I did not know that you were behind that. Thank you for letting me know. That's awesome. As Byron Center speaks, like, go ahead. Sorry. I own, I've got a database about 14, 15,000 in it. And then not only that, it was us that came up with the name as well as have the website and everything. And we've got several of them out there. But this really is a good way to act on a local level is to be able to act. But I really think that we're going to have to have some meetings to get more people on the ground. so that we can not just when these big issues come out. Somebody said to me, well, why didn't you do anything when we had something out here by the schools? I said, well, first of all, I didn't know about it. And second of all, it's not my sole responsibility as one person who lives in this township to do everything. I'm pretty visible. If they needed help, they could have found me. OK, and I would have jumped on and helped them. But if you've got a problem in your area, you're going to have to stand up and fight it. I'll fight alongside you. But I'm not solely I'm not paid. I'm not getting any reimbursement. I do this all volunteer. And it is not my sole responsibility to save your neighborhood, your township, your state, your country. I will absolutely get in there and fight, but it is everyone's responsibility. And you can't just sit back and point your finger at Brandenburg and say, you haven't done enough. I'm working probably eight, 10 hours a day trying to save this nation. And it's all volunteer and it's part of our civic duty for everybody to step forward and do this sort of thing. But I think this is really important to come forward. But yeah, I mean, I've got all the infrastructure to do it effectively as well as enough knowledge to be able to back it up with some stare decisis law that's on the books. And they can't they can't point to the to their illegal licensing for and hold water with me. They can't point to the attorneys. Well, we got to send this to the attorney because that's always their way out is let's send it to the attorney. We got to send it to the attorney. Well, the attorney doesn't have a license to practice law either. It's a it's a it's a club. The Michigan Bar is a club. It's not a license to practice law. And it's not jurisdiction over us. I mean, there's all these things that are there that they've been snowing everybody under to try to shut them up. But I digress. You know, it's interesting. Hey, Amber, maybe you know this. Is Byron Center a charter? Is there a charter for Byron Center? I don't believe so. I couldn't tell you. I actually don't know that. I don't think there is either. I don't think there's a charter here for it, which is interesting. That changes the rules, but nobody's been ever able to find it. And I don't know about, I don't know if they all have like, like if they've sworn an oath or if they've signed an oath, they're supposed to, they're also supposed to carry bonds, surety bonds. But I don't know if any of them doing that either. You know, it's like all of out of accounting is basically doesn't have one. They're all under like an umbrella bond and such, but it's crazy. Yeah. If they can't produce a charter by FOIA, then do they exist? Right. And then how do you fight it in that direction? It's interesting. What changes when it becomes a charter? That you have a foundation for existence. Right. Speaking of FOIAs, I think you had somebody that was very familiar with doing FOIAs, and I would love to see more about that process. Well, Casey's backstage right now coming on for our second hour. So I really appreciate it. And thanks for being patient, Ralph, Dave, and Karen. I appreciate this. I felt like this movie was brought forward, and I'm really thankful, Amber, you could jump on this morning. Yes, thank you for having me. I think that people, you know, this town is a very rurally place. the basis has been rural, right? And this town is fairly naive in what's going on. There's some people that really know what's going on. You know, certainly your family is, and a lot of people that you know are pretty disgusted by what's going on here in this township. But basically people are pretty naive. They go to church and they believe, they still believe that all these people, we can trust them because they've got, you know, we know they're good people. No, they're not. They've been infiltrated and they've infiltrated us from top to bottom here. And it's a crazy time to be alive, but this is just the way it is. Well, everybody, thank you for being on today. Any last words? I'll give you 30 seconds and then I'm going to go to a break here and then hopefully we can all come back on. Amber, I'd love you to come back on again. Well, thank you. I will have to check. I have my son here with me. He came in on Tuesday and leaves on Sunday. He's in from the Air Force. I haven't seen him in a year. So I will do I will try and do my best. Yeah, the next week I'm going to be I'm going to be off for two days next week. But this is kind of like a long term thing. You know, it's like if you can come on in a couple of weeks or something like that and we can talk about it or just do like a segment just for you, that would be great, too. So we can we can knock out all these things on. and Byron, the township, because I'll think it's local action equals national impact. What we do at the local level matters. And when you watch a township that's literally been taken over and, you know, I don't know. What did you say, Ralph? You said something about weekly? I was just thinking maybe that could be like a recurring segment of local action updates kind of. I think we should do that. Amber, that'd be great. And you can tell us what's going on at the school board, as well as what was going on at the township for people to get involved. And I think we need, I'm going to start some township meetings where we can look at what these yahoos are doing up there to basically mock us, laugh at us and, uh, And do everything that we don't want done. And they're just going, well, you're powerless. We're just going to do it anyway. Because, you know, we really hate you. Just keep funding our little pet projects. That's what's been going on here. So we can talk about that offline. But that's what I've seen over the years that's happened. Most of the cities and most of the townships across Michigan are functioning very similarly. And I've had people on all over the state. And they're all saying the same thing. so any any last words let's go around the room and we'll say um amber karen ralph and david let's go in that order 30 seconds okay um I i really want to go I i really like to go back to that the planning portion behind that speedway uh my husband is is great at at um kind of that ceo mind and the planning commission had it correct in the beginning that is zoned commercial it was there for a reason kitty corner to that you've got um developments that are going in it has taken longer than anticipated but it's moving in the commercial direction our schools are already busting at the seams we open another elementary but we I mean the the high school can only house so many kids and now you're going to bring in even more transient transient-ish type of people into that development And it affects the schools. You're going to get more taxes out of commercial property as opposed to these renters or landowners that are going to be in condos. And the Planning Commission had it zoned properly from the beginning, and they just needed to stick the course. I agree with you 100 percent. They keep trying to change this master plan. So I'm like, who's making the money? Why are they making the money this way? And we keep hearing, well, you know, we've got to bring in people so that they've got options to live in our community. It's like you're going to ruin it for everybody because it's mismanaged. And we're going to end up being like Rentwood, which is, you know, Kentwood, Rentwood, which is was wholly mismanaged. And it's just really sad. I've actually had somebody from Kentwood call me and say, hey, Donna, if you want to invest in Kentwood, we'll give you people that you can work. We will make it very easy for you because we know how you do business and we want you to do business here in our township or in Kentwood. And I mean, I've had personal calls on that. But they're trying to dig out of years of this kind of lousy planning by people who should never be in a position to do this because they're looking for gain, self-gain. All right, so who did I say next? Karen, 30 seconds. I just put a link in the chat to a meme that I dug out again. It's a good one. All it takes is one person to go against the crowd. So if there's one person at one of those public meetings that says, no, I resist, you're doing it wrong, let me instruct you, and we will fix it. Because there's a lot of people that are really frustrated and disappointed, discouraged is the word I'm looking for. They feel helpless. Well, what can we do because they... They have our elections under control. We can't get anybody in office because, because, because we're helpless. All it takes is one. Figure it out. Stand up. Disagree. Bring some others with you. And that's how it works. Yep. All right. So let's see. Ralph and then David. I think it was just, I don't know, good conversation. And the local action is a huge thing and everybody can do this everybody should do this you know there's there's so much you can do at a local level that makes a difference and if everybody just did a little bit the task wouldn't be insurmountable david Just to carry on with what Ralph and Karen said, I think that everybody's very upset about what's going on, or almost everybody is, but people don't know what to do, and they're looking for leadership. And you need to be a leader yourself. It doesn't cost any money to FOIA things. Find something, some subject or something that you know is probably going on in your local government. Start with FOIAs and file. You can file a pro se lawsuit and it's just throwing a small wrench into a giant machine. But like Ralph said, everybody's throwing wrenches at this giant machine. It's going to break. So we all have to do our part or the consequences are going to be significantly worse than they are today. Yes. Oh, man, I forgot to send the link to the next group of people that's coming on. No wonder I was like, where are you people? That'll do it. That'll kind of do it. It's like, okay, Donna, you needed more coffee this morning. So here we go. Sorry for everyone. But anyhow, I thank you guys for coming on today. I'm going to cut to my break here and we'll be talking again. And thank you so much for all of you being fighters and friends. I love you all the pieces and we'll be talking to you soon. I'll take a quick break and we'll be right back. Great. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the next hour, the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and welcome to our show. I have on the BNN Citizen Journalist this morning and so far we've got Casey Whelan and Melissa Freisel. How are you guys doing? Hey, I'm good. How are you? Thanks for having us on. Good. Can you start your camera here for us? I wanted to follow up with something here, with something that Leb said on the chat here. She said, I've lived here in Byron Township most of my life, over 60 years. Byron Center is almost totally destroyed. Shocks me that the supervisor who has lived here his whole life is on board for this destruction. It's amazing. They get an office and all of a sudden they take a stupid pill. And they get in with this, oh, we've got to develop. We've got to have it bigger, bigger, bigger. But they never realize how much infrastructure and money has to go in the infrastructure. And just because you want to build a big, you know, you want to pack people in here like rats. What does that do like the rest of us? People end up leaving and moving out away from the high density housing. You know, it's like the high density housing is a problem. And then they have to hire more people to manage it. And then the crime rate goes up. It always goes up when the density of housing is higher. It just it just is. That's just the way it is. You can look at any statistic or any numbers anywhere. And that's that's what you're dealing with. So I don't get it either. I don't get it. It's like they feel like the enemy of the people to me. So, hey, Casey, how you doing? Good. Sorry, I had a tech issue there. Yeah, no worries. So you brought up the FOIA stuff that we were talking about. Karen was looking at it. I'm going to, oh, we got Dan and Hollis are here. And we'll see. I've got Terry on the list, Terry Newsome and everybody else. So we'll see if Terry and Jason Brewster come on. And we've got Christina on this morning, but welcome this morning. Let me see, which one is the most important one that I should pull up for people to see? Well, essentially, one of the things I sent was a guide from the Michigan Attorney General's Office. And so in every state, the Attorney General will provide a handbook or a more up-to-date guide as far as how to do public records requests. So, records requests, or I should say FOIAs, or Freedom of Information Act, are referred to, I would say, more at a federal level. And then I refer to public records as like a state thing that's done. But it's a very powerful tool once you learn how to do it. And it's very, very easy, actually. One of the more frustrating things about conducting public records requests is that you first have to find out where you're going to get the public record request from. That's usually a very simple question. From the department you want the records, obviously, from. You have to try to find out, how do I submit a records request? You can either basically notice the principal as notice the agent, notice the agent as notice the principal. So if you send an email to somebody in the department, like an email asking for whatever, they basically have to do the record request. Many times they will refer to you to an online form or an online way of doing things nowadays. That's usually the M.O., So you just have to figure out where do you submit it to? And you can either just send them an email, try to figure out like a clerk or somebody and just send them an email with your request, which is a little dicey. You have to kind of follow up on that. Or you can just call them and just tell them, who do I submit it to? And that's a lot of cases what I do just so I can avoid a lot of confusion. And so every state's a little bit different. Idaho is actually a very good state for records requests. And so in Idaho, what's great about Idaho is when you submit a record request, the entity has three business days to reply. Then they can file an extension, essentially a 10-day extension. And I think they can even ask for a 30-day extension. which is really rare. And so you want to make your records requests very short and concise. And the reason you want to do this is one to avoid fees. And two is because you'll get your record requests back much faster and you're making the life of the, of the, you know, the public servant, you're making their life much easier too. So it's sort of a give and take. A lot of people right out of the gate, they want to request everything and you just you can't do that. And so it's a very hard thing to get over initially. But once you sort of learn how to craft your records requests for things that are very maybe specific, even if you don't really know what you're looking for. And I'm sorry, I can go on this topic for a while, so you may have to stop me. But essentially, one of my go-to records requests is I will just ask, I will scrape email domains. So for instance, the city, I do this all the time through the city. Some places can't do this for whatever reason. They just don't know how. But in many cases, you can do this. You can ask for essentially all emails through a particular email domain. So for instance, the city of Coeur d'Alene, So I would say I want all emails through for keywords and then whatever you're looking for. Now, if they're general keywords, like common names or whatever... that's gonna affect your date range. And so the two things is your record request and your date range. So those two things, you work between those two metrics to craft your record request. And depending on if your keywords are unique, then you can have a wide date range because what you're asking for is very specific. If you have common keywords, your date range needs to be shorter. because you're ultimately trying to avoid not paying for records requests. And in Idaho, the first two hours are free. And then after that, any additional hours, if it's a lawyer that has to look at it, whatever, you're charged their rate. And so that's something important to keep in mind. And that's why we want to keep our records requests very short and concise. And we also always want to request electronic documents because that will avoid fees too. So, really, that's the cusp of it, I would say. And then, you know, if you're trying to find, you know, it depends on what you're looking for. You know, police records, obviously, those come from the police department. Sometimes the sheriff's department will have, like, a police record, but it's a sheriff's police report. There's also something called CAD reports. Now CAD reports are like a police report, but they're a text version of an audio call. So you'll almost always have a CAD report. And so whenever I request police reports, I'm always requesting CAD reports because there's, like I said, there's almost always a CAD report. And then that will actually give you additional information that may not be in a police report. So I always request those two things. What does CAD stand for? i think it's like computer automated something um and so and then you can get uh 911 audio calls in my area and many many other areas from the sheriff's department so once you kind of learn those key things okay police reports once you learn that process and you do it a couple times it becomes very simple and and one of the things I wanted to encourage people today to do is to uh you know um Include this into your regular routine, your daily routine. Maybe once a week, do a record request. Every Monday, I'm going to do a record request. Every Monday, just one record request through the city, through the sheriff's department, whatever. At first, it seems kind of tedious and boring. But once you do that every week, you're going to start getting records requests. You're going to start finding out things in the community that nobody else knows about. Not even the local paper because they're not reporting on it. And you're going to have the access. You're going to have the information. And that's obviously very important and very desirable. And so that's what I've been doing this week is I have, I've been putting out emails through our local city attorney after they pass this hate crime ordinance. I just asked for, I want all emails, for instance, through city councilman Dan Gookin for a whole week. That's basically, I just want all his emails to and from. They gave them to me because it fit within the two hour window. It was easy for them to get the emails. They didn't have to actually redact anything. And I got a whole week's worth of emails and I found out a whole bunch of information in that. So that's how easy it can be. And I'll stop for a minute, but I keep going on this topic. Morning, Jason. How are you doing? Good morning, BASE Patriots. I'm Jason Brewster, host of the Brewster Call. I'm sure you're all acquainted with me, but I'm here. Oh, Dan Hollis, good to see you actually on camera this time. Last week, I was at YowCon for Young Americans for Liberty. This week, I was getting my haircut. Do you like it? Yeah, it's nice. I think you look great. Just happy to be here once more. Us too. Yeah, good to see everybody. Melissa, it's nice that everybody's here. So we'll see who else pops on here. I throw the link out there. Except for this morning, I forgot to put it in there. I had it out to everybody else except for the chat. So that was kind of funny. I'm like, oh, yeah, that would have been a good thing for me to post there. So I got to tell you, I'm really interested in really finding out more about doing the FOIA. And I'm getting ready to file a couple of pro se cases. And I'm learning more about this all the time. but I've got one I'm working on right now. And I think it's just time for us to really learn how to do this sort of thing. And cause we can't count on the attorneys. The attorneys are completely worthless and complicit in the state of Michigan. The attorneys are, the bar is not a, is not a license to practice law though. They claim that it is in the civil action jurisdiction, which is their sham judicial process. But, In the Michigan Constitution, you have the right to counsel, which does not mean a bar attorney. So as you represent and you have the right to represent yourself. So you can represent yourself and the people around you can act as counsel and they can't say a thing about it. And so I think that this is the way to start fighting. Leah Hoops is fighting on this front. I've got about 15 people I know that have been fighting pro se. And I think we're going to have to get really good at that, at reaching out for records requests as well, so we can actually know what to put into cases. and have the evidence that we need firsthand. I think it's great. I want to go back to that in a minute and we'll just kind of go into time. Are you encouraging us to pull a Goodwill hunting here? Yes. I think it's all good. So what other things can you FOIA, Casey? Well, you can FOIA anything you want within a public domain. Give me examples. Well, like I said, police reports, 911 calls, emails, I mean, anything really. Invoices. I mean, if public service are issued a phone, a cell phone, you could ask for messages on their phone. That's something I really haven't done a lot of, but I need to do more of. I really just go with the emails. That's kind of my thing. And then I'll just add on once I find a thread. I'll find a thread in the emails a lot of times. Then it gives me a place to look. Another really awesome thing you can do is that when you read your local paper, if you have to do that, you'll find that they'll mention like, you know, so-and-so did this or whatever. They don't give you... the details of how that transpired, that's a public record request. That's a, that's a tell. And so you can just, just do a simple public record request and find out more. Um, I mean, there's no, there's no limit really. You can ask for anything within a public domain because it's, it's ours. So whatever you can think of, essentially a lot of times, like police departments tell you, Oh, it's a matter of ongoing investigation. Cause I've, yeah I mean if things are if yeah there's an open investigation there's really not a lot you can do about that one interesting thing that you can do with that recent I recently found out is if if there is an active investigation they cannot give you a an unredacted police report or a lot of cases they won't even give you the police report if it's an active case in some cases But in that when you get the police report, if it's not redacted, then that means that charges haven't been brought yet and you can get more information. You can get body camera, whatever. For instance, we had in Coeur d'Alene, we had a hate incident downtown Coeur d'Alene where someone shouted the N-word, you know, at somebody. Well, I was able to get the police report. It wasn't redacted. And I was going, well, that's weird. They almost always redact this if it's if charges are issued. Well, the charges, there were no charges. I was able to get body camera footage from the guy that reported the alleged hate incident, which was really not what he said it was. And the 911 call, a lot of that stuff you can't get during an active case. So that's one way to find out if charges have been brought or not is to just ask for a police report. And if you get it unredacted or if you get it, then that tells you that charges haven't been brought yet and I can get other information. I mean, there's no end to what you can get. I just asked for... Back in 2013, one of the records I got yesterday was for a city councilwoman, and she mentioned something in an email to somebody that back in 2013 they passed this anti-discrimination ordinance. So I went back, I found the agenda minutes. It was very interesting, and I want the audio. or the video from that city council meeting in 2013. Well, that's something I can request. It's maybe something the city is not going to have because obviously it's 11 years ago. But, you know, I can ask and they can check. And, you know, honestly, once you do records requests through your city, like I have a very good rapport, I would say, with the police department, the sheriff's department, the city. A lot of these public servants that are doing the records requests, they're very awesome people. I used to think that they're trying to hide stuff and all that. I don't think that I don't buy that anymore. I've done so many of these that these people are, you'll find out if you do a lot of these, you'll build a rapport with these people. You'll kind of get to know them and they're just really down to earth. A lot of them are just really good people. And so that's kind of part of the fun of doing records requests. And I think part of the amazing part of records requests that I'm learning about this now, kind of I knew it existed, but it seems that it's something that anybody or any person can do. That's the beauty of it. As you were saying about building rapport, I'm just imagining you walking into a sheriff's office and a grizzled sheriff being like, all right, Casey, what do you want to know now? Well, the sheriff called me a propagandist just a couple weeks ago at a public meeting, so I don't really care what he has to say. It doesn't matter. We have a lot of good public servants in our community, and it's pretty neat. Then they start to get to know you and understand what you're trying to do as far as bringing truth out. It's a lot of fun. It's a little tedious initially, but once you learn the ropes, I'm telling you, it's amazing the amount of information and the latitude you can have with it. Right. So when y'all are talking about filing pro se, um, litigation, I think one thing that needs to be kept in mind on the information requests is your state statute of limitations. So initially, again, to save money, you know, you don't want to go back and pull anything like Texas at seven years. So I really don't want to focus on anything that's over seven years old, you know, cause then, you know, if I do find something and it's past that statute of limitations and I've wasted my time and effort. So, unless you start finding stuff and piecing it together, you know, to show like a pattern in the past. But, you know, when it comes to the litigation, it has to fall within that statute of limitations. Yeah, in Coeur d'Alene or in Kootenai County, we try to get records from an undersheriff back in the 80s, and they only keep records for 30 years at the county level. So you have to understand there's different dynamics wherever you go. Different cities have different procedures, different counties. So you're going to have different experiences depending on where you are, and you can't You know, like I said, Idaho is really awesome state to do records requests because there's actually they give the public servants, you know, guidelines. This is the amount of time you have, etc. In Montana, it's terrible. There is no real guidelines. I've been ignored many times. There's no real repercussions whatsoever. On the East Coast, there's the Right to Know Act. And that's in many states. That's very... I have had such great experiences on the East Coast doing records requests. So you're going to have good experiences and you're going to have bad experiences. And you're just, you know, that's just part and parcel to the territory. One of the things I wanted to mention real quick, and I'm not trying to hog the limelight here, but if you can go to the NFOIC link, that's the national, oh boy, what does that stand for again here? I knew I was going to forget the acronym. Yeah, National Freedom of Information Coalition. And so there's this, it's a really great website here. So there's a link there for the Michigan Freedom of Information Act request letter. And so I usually, if I have to send an email, I'll usually just grab the first sentence from these letters, depending on what state I'm in. And I'll just see that first sentence there, Donna. I'll just grab it up to the part that says that. And then I'll just use that and I'll just say, this is what I want, this is my date range, and I want electronic documents. That's all I'm saying in my email, usually. Okay. and and so that sort of gives them okay you're citing the law so it has a little bit of weight to it when you when you go to request uh documents uh through through email but like I said a lot of places they have an online form and or they have you fill out a form and send it in and so you just sort of have to go along with the administrative bureaucracy but ultimately a lot of a lot of good experiences and then you can you know like I said kind of read read your state's public record law and just get the, you know, what are they supposed to do? How much time in Michigan they have five business days to reply. So that's good to know. If they go over five days, then you email them. Hey, what's going on? It's been two weeks, you know, and then they usually are. Oh, I'm so sorry. Whatever. And then you then you sort of have them in your pocket to a degree. You know what I mean? And they're going to be more they want to help you more. So I don't know if you guys have any other questions. Perhaps I missed this at the start, but what's the most pressing things? What are the type of things that you would want to get an information request about? Is it more crime reports or is it like stuff that you think the government would hide from you? What is the exact sort of thing here? Yeah, this is a really, that's kind of an interesting question. And where I live anyways, and this is probably part and parcel to where you live too, and you probably don't even know about this, but at least where I live, I've uncovered through hundreds of records requests in my area that the local human rights networks are working directly with and they have carte blanche access and contacts to DOJ and FBI agents in this area to report, for instance, a Catholic rosary walk, um, So basically, the human rights groups are using the DOJ and FBI to report local citizens here for engaging in constitutional activities. And it's tied into the Joint Terrorism Task Force. And we have a huge problem here where I live. I'm unconstitutional. I am. Yeah, I mean, it's just it's very eye opening. It's it's shocking what's going on here. It's very dangerous. And I won't go into it. But but that's I've been doing public records requests to uncover this essentially. And people are just they don't know what we don't know what to do outside of trying to get our legislators to to do something about it. But I found in journalism that most of the battle is knowing the right questions to ask. So I'm still kind of trying to get my sense there for that. I know when I'm talking individually to a person that usually I'm pretty good at bringing out some sides of them. I'd be like, huh, I've never been asked that before. But in terms of these, you know, official level, I've had so much experience in terms of people trying to obfuscate and hide the truth that it's, I'm a little bit cynical on the matter that they're just going to try to hide everything from you. But I could be wrong. That's the point. That's why I do records requests. And then if they are, if you think they are lying, then you can sue them. You know, that's part of the, that's the mechanism. Like if they are, I went, I did a record request through a school district, right? I was ignored like quite a few times. I did, I think I submitted like 50. four records requests and I was essentially led on. Yeah, we'll get to it like two months later, nothing. So I filed a lawsuit. The lawsuit was really relatively put together, relatively simple. And the county lawyer told the record person at the school that she had to give me the records. She gave me the records. I kept doing records requests and she consistently kept giving me records. So I did drop the lawsuit, but I could have, you know, went further on that. So that sort of once you kind of understand how it works, you can you can, you know, email them and be persistent about it. But that's very rare, very rare. And I have had nothing but good experiences, honestly, doing records requests. And I don't have any I don't think I don't feel like they're trying to hide stuff from me in a lot of cases because I'm asking for I you can kind of tell, you know, it depends on the nature of what you're asking for. But, you know, these people are a lot of them are very, very good people and they're just they're just doing their job. Well, that's good to know, but I don't know if you heard the three instances of harassment from Byron Township upon my person and what happened this week. But it was pretty, the problems are pretty serious here. So basically, and I am alleging that they hit a tax bill on us and I only found out about it by a piece of junk mail. And I said, I started looking into this, but there was no, no, we had our taxes paid up to our taxes were paid. And it was a tax bill that we never, that never showed up on the records. Our CFO went there three, four times to figure out what it was. And I kept saying, there's something going on here. I said, why would we be getting all of a sudden this mail and people are showing up at the house trying to figure out. if they if you know looking at it like prospective buyers and foreclosure which we don't owe anything of it so it would have been a tax sale right and they're like showing up on our property so there's something going on down here fourth time that we went down there somebody behind the desk said oh no I just found it days before they were going to seize the property with no with no um contact with no nothing and so then this week I ended up having and I'll show you this guy I brought it up earlier because you guys didn't hear it I'm gonna beat the crap out of these people on on the uh um not physically don't get stupid on me but but I'm going to go after these people because this is the craft this is our township and it's like it's not physical beating don't be stupid on me people but it's like it's like when when you look at what they did here so this guy shows up on our property going past all the no trespassing signs hands a envelope an unsealed envelope with blue ink on it from peggy sattler the the clerk for the township to an employee unsealed telling me I have to um I have to apply for a business license And I'm like, this is my freaking barn and you're on private property. You came on private property without a warrant, without permission, passing no trespassing signs. and handed a piece of paperwork that is legally signed by the township that I had to file a business license, to which I called and told them I will not be filing a license because there's no business being run here. So that comes off the table. Number two, you do not come on my property again. Number three, this is the third harassment you've given me within the year. And The unstated things is that I think they need to be sued because they don't understand. I said, I am not your subject. And they're like, well, it's an ordinance. I said, an ordinance are non-binding no matter what you say. It's unconstitutional and it's a usurpation of rights. And you do not just get to say it's an, and then, then they, they were basically what they were telling me is I was guilty of running without any proof of running a business on private property. And they can come on your property during, due to an allegation, which they wouldn't tell me what the allegation was or where it came from and threatened me with a, the necessity to license my business. That's what happened. Complete. Well, Hey, we'll have a fun project here to do in the next day or two. I think so. I'm going to sue them. I think I'm going to sue them. What process would you guys go through to go after them? I'd start by calling the sheriff and tell them they're trespassing on your property. They went right by and don't trespass. I'm sorry. I'm trespassing. It's trespassing, number one. Then FOIA all the information, anything pertaining to what who's communicating, talking about you and what this business is, they think you're operating. So they had no, there's like, well, we don't have, so there had, this is the town to supervisor's response. Well, there had to be something. And I'm like, I'm talking to the guy that said, well, there had to be something at three, three times and hiding a tax bill. Someone just sent me a text that Oakland County lost their property for a $10 tax bill or something. That's what they're doing. And I think they're doing it all over the state where they are hiding tax bills on people. And I mean, think about this. We went down there three times, three or four times to do the count and the dates on this. And they did not come forward with the fact we tried to pay. If there was anything out of date, we were not aware of it. So they waited until the last minute. Had we not pushed it, they would have used it to seize my property. You cannot tell me. with a straight face, anybody out there that that was not intentional. And regardless, what were they going to do if they seized my property and just said, oh, sorry, it's too late, too bad, so sad. And if you've got somebody over there that said that too, have them call me. Maybe we should do some sort of a, you know, of a joint effort here to hold them accountable. But this is exactly what, and I think this is happening all over the state. When you look at the DNR, they're in charge of 4.6 million acres in the state of Michigan. They own all the lumber rights and the mineral rights. I was up there at Camp Grayling, and I'm telling you, there's no military at Camp Grayling. I was there, I saw it. Nothing, zero, zip, zilch. The security is running by DK, which is a service, let's just say that, to the oligarch families in the state of Michigan, the DeVosses. And they do the Van Andel Arena, the DeVoss, and they're up there doing security on the military base. I want to know. How the DNR is up there clear-cutting. We do clearing for right arrays in one of our business and such, and I understand how this is done. I understand how you have to comply and what you have to do in these situations because there is actual... time that's put into saving the actual environment. These people are clear cutting the state of Michigan. I saw it. And it was amazing when I went up there because when I was looking at the map of Michigan and I'm like, why is the color here? When you look at satellite maps, so like sand color, I'm like, this doesn't make any sense. And I went up there and you know what? They're cutting the state, leaving the stumps. It is a disaster. The ability to actually put that ground into anything usable from here forward is going to be in the billions of damage that the DNR is responsible, solely responsible for. And you can see why they're doing it. They've got, and I started looking into this, they've got a plan to continue to buy more property and take more property so that they control it for the DNR. And the DNR is basically the foot soldiers of these oligarch families. So they can steal the resources. This is exactly what's going on. And people better start smartening up and not going, well, it's the DNR. Of course they're doing the right thing. No, they're not. They're all criminals. They're totally corrupt. I mean, that applies carte blanche to the entire government. You think they're doing the right thing or anyone who's, you know, kind of still bought in and brainwashed. But then you actually start looking into it and they're just all high and mighty and abusing their power because they think no one's going to challenge them. I mean, that's the case in most of these things. If no one goes and says, hey, you're wrong and you know it. uh then they're just gonna keep doing it and that's sad but we need trailblazers like us you know I i go back to the thomas jefferson quote if a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it he is obligated to do so and so I I'm gonna give this over the you know tim cast said this but like he often says you know the authority of the government is only really you know, not just derived off the consent of the government, but also how legitimate that people think that they are. And right now it's almost like, you know, if someone knocks on your door, like Hong Kong, we've got a clown warrant for your arrest where, you know, you're not going to take a bunch of clowns showing up at your door. Seriously. No, we're not. If the direction we continue going, it's like, if the government continues to fool around, they're going to find out. Yeah. Agreed. The tree of liberty is getting thirsty in Minecraft. Well, think about the value of that lumber, though. I don't know if anyone's bought any lumber recently, but after COVID, it tripled, quadrupled the value of it. It's like gold. Oh, yeah. Cutting it all down. Where's all that money going? I don't know. It depends on the state. I bought some two-by-three planks to do a little project and make sure my bed was not hitting the wall or something. And it was like six bucks. I don't know if that's a lot for a two by three planks. I thought it was par for the course, but wherever I am, it seems fine to me. Well, let me show you, I'm going to bring up a map here so you guys can see, I think I brought it up before. Didn't I bring this up before David? I mean, I've been railing on this thing since grayling and cause I can get it on, on my phone. I just got to find, I got to find a good link here. So talk amongst yourselves a minute until I find something because it's, it's real. It's, it's really evident when you start looking at this, it's crazy. And you can start seeing, let's see, true color. What township are you in Donna? I mean, I'm in Byron township, but this is, yeah, Byron township. Well, it's just like, you know, go past all the cows in the, and the corn and you're going to find, it's not quite that bad, but, but Byron township and where we're talking though is up at Camp Grayling in the, in which is, is central north part of the lower peninsula. Also on the upper peninsula, they're stripping down all the trees too. They're clear cutting it. And people, people are sitting there. It's like, it's like, dudes, I'm telling you, they're clear cutting this state. And let me see if I can find something here. I'm going to go back to the the another search. This is interesting. Well, in the meantime, I'll say up here in Maine, we have stuff going. I mean, I think they're doing this everywhere and Donna is someone who's going to go after these people and not take shit and question things. But as Jason was saying, there's other people who... We met a couple. We were trying to help people up here when we heard what was going on. They actually came to us and telling us about this land scheme that was going on. The guy is kind of all over the place because they basically... in so many ways like stole the land from under their feet you know and like it's something there's a lot of resources under the land dan was that what it was yeah and they basically driven them out of their home and they did something with the trust but these are people who are you know they don't have a lot of resources they can't go after the people and they're basically almost homeless now but there was a lot of shady stuff going on and then they told us about Because they're from here. We just moved here maybe seven or eight months ago. We're learning all this stuff about the corruption up here. And they have some of the names of the people who they know have done it. And we went on the Truthfinder and started finding that there's, I don't know if it's anywhere where you guys, if it's just in Maine, but they told us about this thing called N Street Given, where we searched it on Truthfinder. And you start looking, and it's the same group of people are buying up all this land for like $10,000, and then they're paying like $200 in taxes. But they're basically – I think they're stealing people's land, and it probably is happening to a lot of people. And like you said, they're not saying anything about it because they don't know what to do, and they're actually going to the extent of trying to frame the people so they get them in jail, and then they can't even fight back. Is that right? That sounds crazy, but that's like – Exactly. We talked to someone. Literally, we were trying to help them. They said they couldn't go to the cops because they're involved. They couldn't go to the lawyer because the guy who wrote his trust... There was two things going on. They told us a crazy story. There's a lot, but... I feel bad for them because they're victims of this. And there's probably a lot of other people it's happening to. And you said that you're right. No one's safe. I just said to Dan, we better go check our tax bill, make sure we don't owe anything because it's not the point where, Oh, they'll just call us. Let us know. Well, not only that, if they did what they did to us, they hid it from us. And it's like, how is there, how is there any, Oh, look, we've got an ad. Let's see. What is it? Site-wide access for 24 hours. I wonder if I can get rid of it. Oh, look at this. This is Google Earth, whatever. Four seconds, no flat time. I have no idea what this is. Just a response. Don't forget, they want us. to be renting and not anything. So look at this. So Grayling is up in this area right here. Okay. This is where Grayling is. And so I want you to look over here at this area as I bring this up. And why is it? I've been, I was wondering, why is it that that is all, all Brown. Why is it that these areas are brown? It doesn't make any sense until I went up there and I'm like, look at this. They're clear cutting it. People. I do all kinds of aerial evaluations of things. That's my thing. Right. And cause you know, I, I like, I like air. I like, I like flying. I like doing all this, but I want you to look at this. This is, they are clear cutting this stuff. wow this is unnatural it's it's an unnatural thing and when I toured around here I toured around and I'm like going what the hell's going on up here they're clear cutting everything the the airfield looked like it was being abandoned it's like this is unnatural and they actually showed me some places I saw bases on the base that were clear cut right on the base, next to the base. There's stumps everywhere. They didn't even get a bulldozer in there. They just sat there and hacked it down and left things laying. Explain that. Somebody explain this to me because it doesn't make sense. I saw it with my own eyes. I have pictures of some of it. It's like, are you kidding me? This is Michigan. It's like jungle up there. It's totally forested. And it's like, this is what these people are doing because they have contempt. They hate us. Have you looked at the resource map for that area? I have not. I'll look at that in a little bit. I do have an interesting point here. Look at this. Yeah, that's all really bad up in the UP. This is all you got up here in the UP is like bears and, you know, wolves, a few assorted larger animals. But I mean, this is like, I'm telling you guys, it's all pretty much forest and such. It's, it's not, this isn't like a natural, this isn't natural. You know, but you bring up a good point, Donna. The fact that you're caring about, you know, these resources and the forest, like typically, I think on the right, we've been giving the left a monopoly on like, oh, we're the environmental people. And yet they're, you know, trying to rob the taxpayer with the Green New Deal. You got to remember that, you know, Teddy Roosevelt was the original conservationalist, you know, conservative, conserve is in the name. I actually draw a lot of inspiration from the American Climate Coalition or ACC, or sorry, American Conservation Coalition. It's the conservative alternative because we don't want to give the monopoly to the left over climate policy. And just because we're opposed to big government intervention does not mean we do not want to be good stewards of the earth. And I think it's important to actually, you know, look at these issues from a level-headed and prudent place in order to actually make effective changes. that empower the free market to come up with novel solutions for these climate issues as such. And something that people should pay attention to is look up the records that Donald Trump actually did more for wildlife and conservation than any president in the history of, well, the modern day anyway, with what he passed. And he feels like I do about climate change as well. But it's important to note that that gets no credit, that gets no play, that gets no pull because they want to own that issue and do their typical bullshit that paying more taxes will somehow save the environment. So, you know, it's important to realize who's doing what, but doesn't get the call-outs from the mainstream, you know, scumbag media. Yeah, well, it's comedy gold to me that the left will simultaneously be like, oh, the government really sucks and we hate them, and then be like, oh, yeah, and the solution is to give that government, which we all hate, more power? Well, that's what they like. They always want to make you beholden. It's the same reason why Code Pink went from anti-war activists to now they can't get enough war. So it's just a delusion. It's all a game. And to your earlier points, Donna, what you were talking about with when they come to your door, you know, the former cop in me is disgusted by that. But I've seen it. I've seen it play out. I saw it notably in Pennsylvania. It's one of the reasons why I stopped being a cop after 13 and a half years, because I've seen so much of this. And I just advise people, you know, there's there's things, but there's also a point in time where you have to know your rights as well. Understand Castle Law, understand Stand Your Ground Law, and being relentless and not backing down when they come for you is important. because believe me, they do it. And as far as clearing goes, one state that we don't we know all too well about timber lumber is up here in Maine. And specifically the luring the former warring Air Force Base that nobody can still access or have any anything with they've been deforesting tons of area up here. And people don't assume that but you do some aerials up here, you'll see the same thing. It's unnatural destruction of land and they're mining things and there's a lot of there's a lot of particulars going on that's very similar to michigan and very similar to um oregon so it's it's something that goes unnoticed but it's very very bad and they're getting away with it because people don't know about it when they don't know about it they operate in darkness and believe me I know everybody wants to love law enforcement there are good cops out there but there's also a lot of scumbag cops out there that will go along with anything because you know they're beholden they're there you know their pay Well, this is the same thing with the military. It's like, I love the military. I love true law enforcement, but we can't automatically assume anything. And I had Baron Reinhold on who has the most impressive resume I have ever seen in my entire life. He was on yesterday, the hands down best resume I've ever seen. I mean, I'm like, how in the world did you do this? I mean, it was incredible. And, uh, you know, we were talking about, and he said, too, he said, I went to the Naval Academy and, with all of these admirals around me. And he said, every one of them, he said, they're my friends. And he said, any of them that are under the flag right now, he said, I'm going to tell you what he said. They've all pretty much committed treason because they went along and they didn't step up and they did something. And he said, He said, it is incredible. And we have to look at our law enforcement. And then the right wants to demonize you for asking questions. Well, how dare you? You're anti-law. No, I am for the law, but not sham law or law that is parading. It's like I'm against people that parade as a Christian that are not Christian. I'm very against that. I'm against... You know, people who are of any religion that parade is that religion, but they're just using it for their self gain. I'm against any government that parades that it's for the people when it's only for themselves. It's a collective of people that are out for their own self gain. And it seems like we've got like a parasitic infestation of these types of people. And and we're going to have to stand together. Now, I've got I want to give you a chance to talk here. Thanks for being a real patient here, Melissa, because I love what you have to say. And going to the human trafficking and what they're making it look like that they're looking like they're doing something. They're not doing a thing in any of this. They're not only not doing the thing, they're part of it. They're part of the J6ers. I've got Jaleese Middleton. She's going to be on in a minute. I can see you, Jaleese. Hi. I'm going to bring you on because I want to introduce you to these people in a minute. This is going to be outside normal protocol, but we're going to do it anyway. I want to introduce you guys to Jaleese Middleton because we are going to be doing something very different because anyone who's been silenced, I will work my hardest to give you a voice, anyone out there, because it's going to come down to you and I, all of us together, not just Donna, but it's going to come down to all of us working together to write this thing because they will not give a voice to people who are being persecuted. They're going after, they're trying to make it look like they're doing something. Marjorie Taylor Greene is a traitor in my opinion. And oh my goodness, I dare to mention this, but any one of them could have stepped up to stop this and they went along, go along to get along. That means they're all traitors. They're all of them traitors. And they have put up with things like Jaleesa's waiting for sentencing. I'll let her introduce because, Jaleesa, I really want to welcome you to Brandenburg News Network. This is a group of friends here who are fighting as patriots. Hello, Jay Sixer. Hello. Thank you. Thank you for having me on. I'm excited about it. Well, and I want everybody to get to know you. And just so that you know, Jaleesa's waiting for sentencing in J6. Now, I'm going to tell you what, I've talked to you and I'm pretty extra sure you're not a hardened criminal that deserves to be thrown into a gulag for what, 26 years or something is what they're working towards? If they stacked end to end at full potential, I'm looking at over 70 years. Wow. Yeah. Fortunately, that isn't what they're doing. So according to my PSR report, I think they're looking at about 41 months, maybe. I'm not exactly sure how to read all that because, well, I'm not very good at being a criminal. So I don't quite know. But yeah, I am looking at extensive sentencing. And guys, I never even went in the Capitol. really I never even went past same thing better we knew we knew the psyop and we didn't go inside it's right right got a good fbi agent and obviously you you're uh that enrages me did you did you take a plea deal or are you fighting no I refused um I'm willing to lay down my life for this there is nothing more important than our country and my children and my family. And I would prefer be the one at the tip of the spear than one of my kids. So, so this is what we're going to do. Delisa's going to, Jaleesa is going to come on BNN and tell she's got her sentencing. And I'm like, we're going to shove it right in their face here with BNN. And I'm going to ask everybody to please pass these links on because this is how this is the only way that we can get the word out there is if people do their civic duty. I mean, we can put this out here. We can put our lives out there and actually step in the spotlight to where we're. We're not necessarily something we want to do, but we're putting our lives in danger. Every day we challenge these bastards. And that's the truth. Okay. And so, but everybody else out there, if you take the links and you start peppering the internet with a link so that we can draw attention to this, we can actually support Jalise. And so what I told her, I said, let's do this. Let's do an hour a day. She can bring on Jay Sixers on tell her sentencing. and bring these people forward so that they're in front of the media. And I need help from everyone, everybody in the panel, but everybody out there to pass these links on so that we shove it right in their criminal faces, that we are not going to shut up, capitulate, be quiet or whatever. And I can keep it running on this side. OK, that I can keep we can keep being on up. We've got really good tech here so we can keep this up on our side. It's the it's getting it to the other end or the connections you guys have that are sometimes in question. But what we can do is if they if they nuke you with a connection on your end, we can do a call in. We can do things like stuff. I have a good picture of everyone. We can still do this through calls if they nuke you guys, as long as they have a good picture. So give me a good headshot, Jalee, so that if they kill your video, we can still get it up and we can still get it out there and we refuse to be quiet. And if you go after Donna Brandenburg again, we have two tour notes, which should tell anybody with a little bit of tech knowledge, not even a lot, that we will get around your, your stops, your censorship and whatever. And if you try to take us down again, it'll be like a hundred thousand little BNNs that are going to pop up all over, all over tour. And you're going to be playing whack-a-mole to take us down. Okay. You're absolutely right to be concerned about it. Almost every podcast I do, you start seeing the, the technology go compromised or even be totally detached. And I find it almost every podcast I go to, especially if it was well advertised before I come on. And we've had some really interesting scenarios occur, but they're not going to hold us down. They're not going to keep us quiet. Mark and I've been speaking out since about two months after our arrest and we haven't backed off. We decided trial, no trial. You do whatever you want. We've been bought with a price. I don't belong to you. I can't be taken out of my father's hand. So you just throw it at me and I'm going to keep going forward and you're going to regret the day you touched me. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake, ma'am. That's right. And we have been nothing but blessed through this. I get so excited. I can't wait for the day that I get the opportunity to just do these podcasts on the blessings that I have witnessed firsthand. It's been phenomenal. But just rest assured, these have been the best three years of my life. You know, I think that it is, it's like we get to meet each other and God always has a remnant. There's always a remnant in the midst of a crowd that will stand and will not, that cannot be coerced, cannot be bought out, will not fold and will stand true to the end. And I'm really, really, this has been the best part of the journey has been everyone that we've met along the way who are truly good people. that we can look at and say, in the darkest hour, we've met some amazing people that still find a way to shine for God, to serve this nation, to serve those that we love, to stand up for human trafficking. And just before we go into the J6 thing a little bit more, Melissa, can you talk a little bit about what you're doing with the human trafficking? Because every one of us is fighting such an incredible battle, and I'm always inspired by all of you. You're amazing people. What's going on right now with your fight where you are, Melissa? You're off. Yeah, there I am. Um, you know, I'm actually catching back up on the migrant work to catch everybody up in December. I decided to go to the migrant facilities run by Catholic charities for myself to see what was going on because obviously we know we can't trust mainstream. Um, you know, I went out there and I'll say that I went out very guarded and situationally aware, ready to fight if I had to. But when I got out there, um, What I found was women and children being put up on the street in downtown San Antonio at night. We intervened on one family that had traffickers trying to take them because they were refused shelter at Catholic Charities due to a seven-day-old baby they had being born in Eagle Pass, Texas. I ended up getting a lot of stories. I don't speak Spanish, and the dialect between Mexico and Venezuela is different. So I was talking to a lot of these migrants through text translation apps and getting their stories and what they were telling me. it's just completely off from what we've been told in the media. You know, I guess to sum it up is what I'm seeing is our government, our media is trying to keep us heated and angry about the border so that, you know, we are blinded from what's really going on. I dealt with mothers that had come across with six children, more than that. And, You know, they were told at point of origin, go to this place, you'll have airfare to get to your next destination and get to go to work. But when they get to the shelter, the first shelter here in Texas, you know, they're denied airfare. You know, we're told we're all paying for the airfare, but airfare is being denied for ages, children ages three to eight years old, which is prime age for pedophilia related trafficking. You know, so these, these migrants are like, you know, we were lied to and it's too late to turn back. That's how a lot of the kids were ending up in these, what they're calling the camps. I don't want to use the other word. We have several in Texas that I've found. And I think Casey, I might want to talk with you on getting a FOIA for some of the stuff that I'm working on. Casey's amazing. It's amazing. Yeah. Now I've been, I've been speaking recently to the migrants that I've worked with and amazingly the ones I've worked with are from Venezuela. And I think everybody's seen what's happened in Venezuela with the presidential election and Maduro. Well, now the ones that I'm speaking with and I'll say in advance, the ones I speak with are Christian because they approached the cross when I was set up at the migrant center. So there's a lot that I did not talk to, but those that came, and approach the cross, you know, they're now saying, please ask Trump to help liberate Venezuela. Now we have issues. I think there was a bill recently passed in Georgia and Christina and I were looking at this and it started in July. And so what's going to happen in Georgia is that somebody a police officer even assumes may be illegal they can pull them over for going five miles over the speed limit okay so at that point if they're pulled over for going five miles over the speed limit legally they've broken a law and if you look at their immigration paperwork any type of law broken is reason for immediate deportation um and the way that that law is written in georgia is if any officer fails in their duty written in that law then it's going to set them up that they're going to get in trouble so you know my question in it is what's going to happen to the children there's no answer we know here what happens to children when law gets involved and a parent is taken to jail and there's nobody else around to you know take care of that child they're going to go into the child the child protective services system um So that's one thing I'm looking at right now is, you know, to me, these laws are being set up to put more children into the trafficking. And for those that are not aware, the last count, we're up to over 85,000 missing migrant children. I understand that a lot of people, you know, it's a very sensitive topic. You know, we do have bad people crossing, but in our heated exchanges over these bad people crossing, the kids are getting brushed under the rug. You know, for instance, I took one family in from the San Antonio shelter. I was just going to try to get them off the street because a little three-year-old girl was sleeping on a bus stop in front of a sex novelty shop. And when I picked her up, you know, to put her in the truck with me to get her warm because it's December in South Texas, you know, she just clung to me. and she would not let go. Now, myself being a survivor of some horrific things in childhood, I know that, you know, we recognize something in one another and that baby had been through a lot. So I was worked to see if I could help them get to the next place and off the street. Well, when we look to check the address where we needed to take them, it was the American Islam college up in Chicago and talking to a Marine ex Marine friend, they did some research and apparently, all of the individuals that end up in Chicago, it's an Islamic trafficking hub, and the individuals get put on a ferry, sent up the Great Lakes, and are never seen again. So obviously I did not, I was like, sorry, I just took this baby off the street. I'm not going to take you to Chicago knowing that I can't. You know, it's completely, you know, hypocritical to our reasoning of taking her in to begin with. Back to the point, there's just a lot going on that we don't see. Our government is making money off of this. This situation in particular, I think it was last fall, Biden made a deal with Maduro in Venezuela to deport the Venezuelans. He reactivated within days an Obama-era uh, contract with a place called CSI aviation. CSI Aviation, when you start looking at it, now, this is not just Democrats doing it. It's not just Republicans doing it. When you start looking at the financials, they're doing it together. Alan Way was part of this CSI Aviation, and he's Republican. He's associated with one of the guys out in Utah. I can't think of his name right now, but Utah and New Mexico. CSI Aviation is operated in Albuquerque and in Texas. Um, they stand just to on deportation alone for the ones that pass through the same one San Antonio shelter. In one year, $530 million. So this whole thing and we're being riled up on one end, they're sitting and raking the money in on on the other. You know, between robbing them on the way, the cartels robbing them. The buses that we're seeing that you know we're told we're paying for these buses now. This group, when they got to Laredo and wanted to ride the bus to the San Antonio shelter, they had to pay $120. Now I look up and they thought they were getting on it. They thought they were paying Greyhound. They don't know. They don't speak the language. I can't read anything. But when you look at the Greyhound rate from Laredo to San Antonio, it was less than $30. So who's actually making that money? Who's actually operating those buses? I mean, there's so many different areas that people haven't looked at because we've all been so just riled up and angry at the fact that our border is wide open. And I understand we need to be angry about the dangerous criminals coming over, but we also need to put attention on the fact that our government is facilitating, paying, and coordinating mass child slavery. Yeah, it's crazy. It's crazy what's going on. They don't care about human beings there. It's it's like it's almost like they're almost kind of inhuman. They're not they're not like us. And I think that when people realize that instead of framing others in the way, well, they think like me, they look like me. We do the same thing that there's there's problem with that type of thinking, because the reality is, is that people that are psychopaths, they don't think the way that we do. They think about themselves. They think about climbing the ladder. They think about, we think about how they're going to self enrich. They don't do it for the right reason. It's always for money and fame. And that's, that's a, you know, that's such a sad, it's such a sad state to be in. And that, that when I hire people, I tell them that one of the first things I tell them is don't make the mistake of thinking that other people think the way you do because most people don't. And when we frame it in the way that we would do things in situations, that's where they take us hostage and slit our throats usually. And that's just the way it is. And I mean, there's so many stories I could tell everybody that are really concrete that would be shocking to people in what people are actually capable of doing is absolutely shocking. And I think this has been a good exercise for all of us to see the, to see the, the masks pull off of people and see who they are for real. And, you know, it's, it's, it's very, very shocking. And when you get into the political realm, all of us are quasi in the political realm or a victim thereof, you, you really start seeing The flaws in human beings. Now, we're all flawed. We all are. But to recognize those flaws within ourselves and be able to things without with that objective ability to observe rather than be. And I think that's what God was talking about when he talks about be in the world, but be not of the world. And that's a difficult thing to accomplish because there's so many distractions and that carrot that's, that's dangling out there in front of many people will lead them astray so many times. And it's, it's something we have to watch our daily basis because, and that goes to all of us. I know, I know the, the instances where I was offered like $4 million to be in my bank account, 48 hours, all of these things that, that, you know, that I personally saw and basically told them to shove it and lay, and I'll lay people out for when they do that kind of behavior, because it's not okay. You, you know, you don't, you don't do that sort of thing. It's just not okay. So, so there you go. And I think that I want to talk more with you on, on a full broadcast again, because I think that the work you're doing down there, Melissa, is just amazing bringing the truth forward. I mean, That CSI that you brought forward, I don't know if you guys understand it, but it is an airline. It's the same thing they have done in the past, like with Air America. They did the same thing when they were trying to fund their wars back in decades ago, where they were running drugs into the United States and giving it to the mob, the mafia, to distribute them to fund their wars overseas where they were making money. That's really what was happening. And now they're using CSI, which is an organ transplant transport organization to do a sham relocation of kids, migrant children back to the country of origin. They never arrived. And those kids are not going back. They're either dumping them off to the cartels to resell them, re-victimize them again, or they're throwing them in a meat grinder. And if you haven't really gotten into this as deep as some of us have, who have basically pledged to our last breath to absolutely not put up with this crap, and you haven't seen what these people are capable of, God help your heart when you finally get it figured out, because some of it I thought my heart was going to stop when I started seeing the actual crimes of pulling people's hearts out, beating while they were alive, slicing faces off, dismembering, decapitating. You know, we'll see the decapitations one some time, but. the cartels right now are literally bragging. And so they publish this stuff. If you know where to look, they publish it to show how brutal the crimes are to send a message to the other gangs and, and people to say, don't question us or this is going to happen to you, you know, but it's real. And that's started a piece of trash George W. Bush in 2006. So yeah, I, I, Believe me, we could talk at length about that. I know you have a more important guest to focus on right now, but believe me, I'd love to go deeper into that one day. We're all important because everybody's fighting in their own way. And it's like Jason is getting to the younger audiences. Delisa needs to be out there for all the Jim Sixers. David's in the fight showing people how to help fight as a doctor off the grid. Casey's doing FOIA and he's fighting to set precedents up there. Melissa's working on the, you know, on the human trafficking and the border issue. And you guys, Dan and Hollis, you're working on getting the message out globally to a large audience. We all have a place and we're not in competition. We're here to help each other. And if there is competition, it's because somebody's got self-gain. And I don't see that happening here. God keeps that away from us. Yeah. Like even when you said playing our smart part, each of us, it's all different, but it's all in rap. Like we started last night. We're because I, I, you know, I started working on something. It's just literally, and Dan is so good at explaining everything. And he's, I always learn from him, but we, I think we're all in agreement. We know that these people, as you say, you have no soul. You know, sociopaths, it's a new world order. It's the people. And he literally broke down so good. And I've been working on it for the last couple of days here. Just started literally a, like a 101 for the new world order of 101 for dummies kind of like people who are way not at our level but like who are interested who don't believe that this is happening because this is deep shit as we know like it's unbelievable but like kind of just starting he broke it down so good about the trilateral commission and like literally the people who sell their souls to the gatekeepers to this this so people who don't think this is real what it is you know and for people like the beginners of it who and why it's so important that trump gets in because he is our best shot at I feel in this time and defeating these people or turning it around because people like, look at, Oh, you guys are crazy. Cause, but they don't want to see these facts. They don't want to know. They don't want to see someone get, Oh, it's horrific. But we like, you're like, once you wake up, we cannot go back to sleep and child trap everything. It's just disgusting. And we're, so I'm doing my part. He said, it's more of like, I think I, the last show we talked on, I said, Oh, what do I do? When someone says to me, you're misinformation. Well, I decided I'm going to show you some facts and back it up and say, well, so at least take a look at it. you know and then and then for the people really asleep you know and the work that she does is so important because starting next week like I said last night on the show we're having some whistleblowers come out and these aren't just whistleblowers talking with no backup we're going to hear audio recordings we're going to hear phone calls we're going to see paperwork these are Big name individuals, and these are big money individuals that were offered to see the table and just opted not to take part. And now they're being targeted and I don't take anybody. Just for face value, but these people, they have more than the receipts that we're about to go down and even more dangerous path and it's my honor. because these bastards hate me anyway. And I love being their enemy. And we have to expose it all. We have to shine a light on all of it. Because everything we're talking about, everything, it's been going on much longer than people realized. And it's all intertwined. Everything from deforestation, to the trafficking, to legal immigration, to J6, to everything they're doing, it's all connected. And that's why we have to go there. We have to go deeper. And to the population control and watch them just realizing when people realize that we all of us it's all destructs republican democrat all this stuff when they realize when we can finally realize something we're not the enemies of each other that is being done to us a very design then they don't want that people wake up obviously that's what we're doing I so I thought you know educate people we got to get trump in and all that because I feel like he's our at this time. If he's not like that, we say now this election is more than Democrat Republican. It's freedom and just the end of the world. Yeah. By defending him, we're defending all of us because their, their attack on him in the 2020 election was to take our vote away. And it was an insurrection to take our country away. And whether you like president Trump, what he has to say or anything, if we watch an attack on another citizen and we do nothing, And we sit there and they watch them or on Jaleesa or on any, any of us sitting here and attack on any one of us is an attack on all of us, because if we don't push back, they may be coming for, for Jaleesa and Donald Trump right now. They may start out with some, some nonsense, like what happened to me in Byron township, but it's going to happen. If we don't push back, it will happen to all of us. They've got a track record. over the centuries of doing this because it's the same group of people. They're dumb. They've got the same playbook. And so we've really we've really got a real problem with this and the infiltration is incredible, and we have to be really quick at spotting it and not being able to be okay with the infiltration when we see it and call it out because it's in everything. It's in the law enforcement. It's in the courts. It's a parasitic infestation is what it is. So I guess what I'd like to do now is give everybody a chance to – let's go Casey, Melissa, Dan and Hollis, and Jason. David, you stay on here a minute. And then I know that kind of sometimes we get in here, we start talking and all of a sudden hours go by. I want to give a little bit of a focus time to Jalise here and let her talk about this because I'm going to launch her into a daily show. so that we can bring people on and get these words out there. We've talked about this for a while and really feel strongly that we need to get this handled. So if you guys can tell people where to find you, that'd be great. And then I won't tie you up for the rest of the broadcast. You can stay if you want, but I really want to give Jalise her time here a minute. all right well thank you so much for having us on I appreciate it and uh you can find me on casey whalen that's w-h-a-l-e-n I'm on x casey underscore whalen and on rumble north idaho exposed I'm working on an article probably be an article today that'll be exposing the universalist aspect of agenda 21 or agenda 2030, as Hollis and Dan were alluding to, and be exposing a network in my community today. So that's what I'll be working on. Thank you. Yeah. Melissa. Yeah. So I have an article on my migrant work, which is on X. And so you could find that there in my profile. my x and tick tock name are the same so it's going to be at texas spelled out t-e-x-a-s mariam m-a-r-i-a-m I put it on my telegram channel for them to find you there and uh anybody that wants their stuff out I'll throw it on the telegram channel where people can find it there dan hollis Okay, is the site. We are live 24-7. We're now simulcasting some pretty big shows, and we're honored at Liberty Roundtable joining us six days a week, Political Cesspool, The Mike Church Show. Christina, one of ours, is coming on. Casey is coming in. holding them to that because the man's a legend. Obviously, BOP USA Radio on the X or the Twitter. Rumble, please, if you could be so kind. We don't have any followers. We're late to the bubble. BOP USA Radio. He was talking last night. We'll restream anything you have done. You guys come on. We'll restream, obviously, at least everything. Melissa, we'd love to talk to you guys. We all work together. Just get it out there. We'll replay it. Just put it out as much as we can. God bless you all. Love you. Keep fighting. Love you too. Jason. I'm Jason Brewster, host of Brewster Call, fighting the good fight in Marks, where my back is against the wall and I'm facing an uphill battle, but we will fight, fight, fight, just as Trump says. You can find me anywhere at the Brewster Call, the Brewster Call, usually one word. I know it's not cap sensitive. It's the good benefit of having a name that no one's thought of yet. So feel free to follow me and spread the calling. I usually tag everybody here on my X channel when I put the broadcasts out there too. So that's another, so that's another it's yes, Jason, was it Donna or Dana? Dana, Donna, Donna, D O N N A. Oh yeah. I was just saying, who are you talking to? I didn't mean to ignore your comments. Sorry. I don't want to keep that, but was that someone you knew from the people's convention, Jason? You were saying we knew? Oh no, it's Christina. I was, I was referring to Christina. I was saying that Donna had her, on the show during the people's convention yeah I love christina christine has been on here a lot we text almost every day she's my girl I love her and she was on to this last week when we were talking about you know um you know the name calling for transgenders as well as for For gay and lesbians, I am totally and completely insulted when I hear that because there's a bunch of people that like to call people who are gay and gay sodomites, the sodomites, the this, that. And I'm like, you know what? You're going to start calling them names like that instead of reaching out to them and helping them as a Christian. That judgment is going to hang solely around your neck because we are not to label people as untouchables or this, that, and the other thing. But to, even though you disagree with the way they think and such, you need to reach out to people instead of labeling them and then, you know, destroying them. You know, I don't think that's a good, so they, we were on talking. I said, Christina was part of that conversation last week. That's not okay. And so I call them out. I'm like, that's about the most anti-Christian behavior I can think of. is calling people names and derogatory names. I mean, because you disagree with their choices and people are, oh, well, the Bible states, it's like, yeah, but you're calling them names. And we have people behind all the names and the division that we have here. I'm pretty extra sure that he asks us as individuals to step up together and embrace each other and work together to write things. It's never about one person or anything. You don't win by putting other people down and calling them names. You can call them out. Call them out, call them for their behavior or whatever you want to do. But when you name a whole class of people as unworthy and ready to throw off to the side, you may miss the fact that people are really hurting. Everyone's really hurting right now. And, you know, it's it's not OK. And I'm not OK with that. I won't want to look like an idiot. Go ahead and look like an idiot. I'll let you. And then, you know, I'll let people look like idiots. I'll let them do what they want to do. But they stand on their own when they do behavior like that. I think it's an idiot. It's an idiotic. It's a moronic behavior to call a whole group of people sodomites. It's not OK. So anyhow, with that said, well, thanks for being on, guys. This was the Christina bookend. So at any rate, thanks for being on, guys. I'm going to go ahead and go for a real quick break and then just stay on the line here, Delise, and I'll be right back. And David, you can stay on, too, if you want. And David's kind of become co-host to me in certain things, David and Delise. Karen. So we'll get, we'll give Delise her time in the sun here and we will see you guys next week, Friday. I'm not going to be on, on Wednesday and Thursday because I've got a trip to see, uh, to, uh, a close proximity to the big guy. So, so, and I think. I think, as we all know, the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, who is the rightful president of the United States. So I'll be right back, everybody. Hang on, and we've got a third hour of Brandenburg News Network. Thank you. Good to see everyone. Bye-bye. God bless. Good to see you guys. Thank you. That's what I did. I got up to leave, and all of a sudden it stopped. Let's try that one more time. Good morning. Now we're back here in the third hour of Brandenburg News Network, and I've got my guests on, Dr. Baby Cat, Angelise Middleton. How are you? Good, good. Thank you for having me. All right. So now we can get down to it. And if you can stay in a little longer, that's great. I really wanted to give you a really good introduction and introduce you to everybody there. And I'll connect you. They've all got podcasts and broadcasts. So I think that you might be in a group of really good friends who can really help you get the message out to not just one audience, but multiple audiences as we stand together. And I think that's really, really important. The more we stand together, the more impact we have. It's like one and one doesn't equal two when we stand together. One and one equals a hundred. And so, you know, I've got a lot of people that probably would love to have you on the broadcast or the podcast too. And so I'll make sure that we share that information because we're here to help you in whatever way we need to. And I don't know what that looks like, but hopefully everyone here that's listening and that has their own broadcast that I try to help promote, that everyone will get behind you and help you in, um, in this fight that you have going on, cause this is serious. And just to go back to that, please, everyone, when, when Jalise comes on, I would like everybody to pass those connections on wherever it may be, because she needs a wave of support behind her. And so can you please tell everybody about you and what, let's start out with what happened and, and that sort of thing. Okay. So, um, I haven't ever really been a political person, and I now understand what a failure that is in my character because I really, I hated politics. I hated hearing about it. But Trump really caught my attention, and I wasn't a huge fan. I actually was very anti-Trump. Oh, were you? Yeah. I had been a swing voter. I just felt like, you know, the nastiness of his attitude. was detrimental to our country and not a good representation. This just goes to show, believe me, it ties in. But anyway, along the way, I started seeing his potential for our country and realizing that this guy's not making, you know, all these outrageous promises that, you know, he's not going to keep. He wasn't acting like a politician. And what he was saying is, I'm going to give you your country back. And anyway, me and my husband had started going to some of the MAGA drag the interstates and things like that in support of our country and Donald Trump. Well, the Lord put it on my heart around October of, I guess it would have been 2019 to go to Washington, D.C. And I didn't want to go. I was a marketer, you know, being a marketer for a company in the face of that company, you don't dare step off into, you know, volatile things like politics and religion. You know, you stay the fifth and kind of just go with the flow. And that's never been easy for me. And so I went to my boss and kind of gave her a heads up that, hey, you know, I'm kind of feeling called to this. I don't know what the deal is. Well, I kind of blew it off, to be honest. And my life was full of a Jonah story. So I already had a commitment to the Lord that I would not run from him again. Well, here I am running from him again. So at the end of December, it welled up like a wellspring to the point I just felt like I needed to start crying. And I knew exactly what it was. I turned to my husband. I said, I really think we're going to have to get DC. And I'm expecting him to, are you nuts? No. And instead he goes, I think you're right. And that told me right there that, okay, pack it up. We're going. So that's what we planned. It did feel dangerous. It felt very dangerous. And I actually wrote my will out with my children. Yeah. Before we left, I really thought it was going to be death. I don't know why it felt so dark, but I knew it was still from the Lord. It was a call and I had to go. So we did. And anyway, that day was magnificent. I mean, unbelievably cold. Holy moly. I'm from Texas. That is just wow. But anyway, we go. I'm not seeing anything unusual. We go don't get into the Ellipse area where the president spoke. We're more close to the Washington Monument. And you couldn't hear anything. You couldn't hear anything going on. I mean, you could see from the jumbotron who was up speaking, but you really couldn't make out what was being said. There was a lot of cheering in the crowd and whatnot. So I have health problems. I had brought a little stool. My husband actually had carried it around so that I could sit. And I was sitting at that speech. So I kept getting tripped over because it was shoulder to shoulder. There are no words to describe that crowd that day. And it was like we were all packed into a 10 by 10 room, shoulder to shoulder, hip to hip. So I got tired of getting tripped over and falling over and not being able to hear anything and freezing to death. I'm like, I saw other people leaving toward the Capitol. I'm like, let's go there. I've got friends there that are due to speak. I'm excited to hear them. I want an upfront spot. It'll take me a long time to get to the Capitol. So we left out early while Trump was speaking. Now we make our way to the Capitol. And I remember getting so excited when the Capitol came in view because I saw people up on the lawn and all the fencing had been removed. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, we're going to get to go all the way up there. I was shocked because that morning when we headed down for this speech, there were fencing everywhere. And so, you know, I really didn't draw a conclusion about that. My assumption was that, you know, they don't want you walking on the lawn when it's going to be muddy and get all tracked up. you know, until time for the speakers. So that was really what I thought from it. I didn't take a lot of thoughts captive. I look back, I really didn't. But anyway, I was excited to get to go up to the Capitol. And the only barricades were right there on the that, you know, we encountered was right there at the northwest side up on the the Not the Upper West Terrace, but the patio, the lower terrace. And so we thought we were allowed to go up to that. There was already a massive crowd there. We weren't, you know, the first ones leading a crowd or anything. And there was tear gas in the air. So, you know, the only thing I thought about that is, well, for the longest, when I was hearing the pops, I thought it was fireworks. But when I got up there and it's burning your eyes, all I thought was somebody's acting a fool off, you know, around the corner somewhere and they've set off tear gas or they don't want us to go past those barricades. So we went on up to the police line. There was a line of police on the other side of the fencing. It wasn't fencing, it was bike racks. But when we got up there, Me and Martin kind of looked at each other like, well, we're here. Now what? Like, we don't know why we're called there. OK, we just know we're called there. And so we decided to huddle in prayer and that, you know, our nation need a prayer. And while huddled in prayer, the police started attacking us from over the police line. We didn't know why. I didn't care why. There was no question. Being a spicy Texas girl, there was no question. You're attacking me. You're unfounded and attacking me. And I'm going to stop you. What I first felt was a hit on my wrist because me and Mark were huddled together. And I pulled back. And when I pulled back out of the prayer to see why am I getting hit and I see the police attacking, they're attacking Mark. And I am provoking him. They're provoking him. And I instantly jumped into the police line to stop them from hitting him. When I did, I was wearing a scarf doubled around my neck because I kept my nose covered from the tear gas. Anyway, when they grabbed my scarf and started trying to pull me into the police line, trying to pull me over, Mark saw what was happening. I was being choked so bad I couldn't even yell out. I couldn't even yell. All I thought is they're going to get me over this police line or they're going to kill me trying. That's what it felt like. So Mark started pulling the officer's hand off of the scarf, trying to pull him off of me. So now we're both tussling with police. And as soon as the crowd saw what was going on, they actually pulled us out of the grips of police. And when they did, when the officer felt like he was losing control of me because I'm getting pulled backward, he leans in through and breaks the barricades of the back racks to pepper spray me while still holding me down. That wasn't the goal. The goal was not for me to leave the area. The goal was to get me over the barricades and attack me. That's virtue. This is abuse. This is absolutely brutality. It's abuse. And we should have the names of every single one of those officers that was involved in it. And they need to be brought up on some serious charges. Here's the interesting thing that you point out about that. We had two officers that I was accused of assaulting and Mark was accused of assaulting. Um, those two officers during our trial took the stand. Now, when they walk in the room, they have a presence. These are big guys. It's 6'2 to 6'4, 250 plus. These are big boys. Super soldiers. Super soldiers. And for some reason, they were able to lie on the witness stand, even when we played it frame by frame, showing them in their own body cams and from an aerial view, is that not you holding her scarf while pepper spraying? No, I wasn't holding her scarf. And I was literally getting choked out like they were able to prove it to the point the jurors actually chuckled at him lying on the stand. But not once did they get called out or corrected. Nothing. This was totally acceptable to think that this five foot three crippled grandma, blind in one eye, literally the dog named Lucky, somehow was trying to pull him over the police barricades, which is what he told them. And it was acceptable to say that. One of them said I punched him in the face and it hurt. How tall are you? I'm 5'3". Okay. This is like the example of what's happening like in the Olympics. This is all about abusing women. And they wanted to get in front of women and abuse women because they know that the men around them will defend them. And so they use women as a pawn. Exactly. to engage males who are doing exactly what they're supposed to do. These people are coward little pukes. I don't care if they're six foot two, five or whatever. They're cowardly little pukes. Yep. You know, that's what we're watching all the way across the board, not just on these January 6th stories. You watch them hijack the Black community and take over their identity and make the world believe that all of them were standing united thinking white people hated them. Then now they're taking over the Pakistani and Hamas. All they're doing is stealing identities. They're stealing the identities of women. So that all it does is devalue them in a mass group. That's all that it's doing. And as long as Americans were playing into that, instead of seeing past it and saying, you can't tell me how to think because I've been given my own mind and I have eyes to see, we're gonna sit here and fight each other. Meanwhile, all that energy is getting wasted and they're succeeding behind the scenes at destroying our nation. They did it on January 6th too. What we found when reviewing all the body cam footage that we had access to is I found one consistent thing. And of course, because we run American Patriot Relief, we also, which is a nonprofit helping J6ers, we hear all their stories. We're on the inside with the families, the individuals. And the consistent thing we saw is about 13 Metro police officers that were conveniently at the front line of every attack. And what they showed on the news were just about five attacks, so-called attacks, let me put that in parentheses, over and over again on the news. Well, when you watch the whole reel, what you see is them instigating. And then when the Patriot finally loses their crap and fights them, then, oh, cameras are rolling. Look at this horrible person. They don't show what instigated it. And that's why they won't release the body cams to the public. Yeah. Do you have names of these officers? Yeah. Yeah. So I personally watched McAllister. His last name's McAllister. Can't remember his first name. I believe it might. I don't remember. I personally watched his body cam where it conveniently turned off on mine because he had evidence for my case. It conveniently turned off. Well, then another guy posted his on Twitter and said, can anybody tell me what happened in the, I think it was three or five seconds that are missing out of his body cam, which is where mine ended. Well, then what you see from another body cam that was there on scene is he had a protester on the ground, face down, handcuffed, beating the snot out of him with his fist in his face. That's so illegal. And, you know, so this was regular behavior. I can't. But it was from what me and my husband call yellow jackets. If we started noticing a pattern that all the ones that were at the front lines attacking protesters were all in yellow jackets. Now, I'm not saying all the yellow jackets were them. But I am saying they were all in yellow jackets. And so there may have been more that did not participate. I don't know. But what I do know is you find very few of them that are in black jacket. And there were Capitol Police that acted ugly, too, because, as we all know, Michael Byrd is the one that shot and killed Ashley Babbitt. And he was a Capitol Police officer. I believe I'm not sure about Lila Moore. She's the one that beat Roseanne Boylan to death. Not sure if she was Capitol or Metro. But there is so much fraud going on. We all know it. But like you said about Congress, not a one of them was willing to pull the purse. And that's all it took. Nobody takes to account that they're over the D.C. jail. Well, we've had approximately 45 guys in the D.C. jail without due process for three years. Why did they not release them just to show a point that we're after you? We'll take you down. You're not doing it on my watch. No, they all sat back because somehow they've got. They're all part of it. They're all part of it. Every single one of them have violated their oath of office. They have committed treason upon individuals within the United States of America. In fact, the entire nation. This has been a coup against the United States of America. And every one of them sitting in the seats has participated. Yep. Everyone. After that election, I called it a coup on Facebook. And everyone thought that I was being so dramatic. And even I can remember on January 6th talking to people and saying, this is a coup. They're taking over our country. They actually started it with COVID. This was intentional. And by the way, this next election, they're doing the same thing again. And because we sat on our duff for three and a half years, we have no way to stop it. I can't believe we've been in the middle of a war for three and a half years and Americans are still thinking that there's going to be an election. Are you nuts? Yep, it's bread and circuses. Everybody's so concerned with the bread and circuses and such that they are not seeing what's actually happening. We have political prisoners on American soil. It's been going on for a while. Judy Mikevitz, she was a political prisoner. They took everything she did, Dr. Mikevitz did, they took her stuff and they threw her in jail without arrest. This has been happening. Not just J six is what's happening before that. But the point being is that, is that our nation is not what we thought it was. Right. And it, and I, I don't know how far it goes back. If it goes back 50, 60, 70 years. But if you start looking at the actual criminality and how they changed, they've, they've amended the constitution with, with, laws with amendments that contradict the first ones. Well, you can't change those amendments. And they went ahead and they did it anyway. 1861, we had a whole bunch of nonsense. Michigan Constitution wasn't even lawfully placed in 1963. We've had political prisoners within our borders. And right now, we have a whole group of people who have been complicit in this. And I don't care. There's a lot of them that have been threatened and coerced and whatever. That's okay. You're still responsible for your decisions and your behavior. You can't blame it on that sort of thing. If they kill us, so be it. And it's like, you kill innocent blood. And this is for any of them out there. You kill innocent blood from every baby in the womb that's been destroyed. And did you see that video that was out there where they actually showed and talked about mutilating the babies after they were burned at full term and or partial birth abortions? to cover the crimes of killing a child. And where did it go? Do you see them talking about did anything ever get done? They literally swept that under the rug and the American people are like, oh, off to a new day. Yeah, it's like nothing worth getting involved on. I mean, it's just the way it is. You know, this sort of thing just sort of happens and everybody sits there. with their mouth shut as people have been killed in front of our eyes, killed by Remdesivir, killed by the shot, killed by the ventilators, killed, intentionally killed in the hospitals. Killed in wars, killed in needless wars. Yep. You know, the COVID, that was really the main reason I felt led to go to D.C., even over the stolen election. I really wasn't that sure of a stolen election. I just knew by the way they're acting. It's fishy. I knew it wasn't right. I mean, in my heart, I felt like it was stolen. But the very fact that they're like, nothing to see here, nothing, nothing, you know, and weren't investigating at all. It's like, I can smell a cover up. But what really led me January 6th was over the treatment of COVID because, see, I was a marketer in the medical field. Well, the first question you have to ask yourself is why do you need a marketer in the medical field if it's not money based? OK, so I'm on the money end of things. And then COVID hit and all of a sudden it's get all the COVID patients you can get your hands on. And they're dumping 30 grand a patient just to take them on. And all of a sudden our company is expanding. Everyone else is expanding. Doctors are treating you with a vengeance if you interfered with them taking on a patient. I mean, crazy stuff. And I was watching them get killed. I was watching people get killed. The biggest atrocity was watching what they're doing to the elderly. Because they were using them as disposable tools. Yeah. and so anyway you know that's really what got me fired up initially and got me involved in all of this as as a believer the spirit speaking into you telling you things you're seeing it and then it plays out before your eyes and it's like okay I heard that right um and then your confidence builds in hearing from him and now it's unwavering now You couldn't convince me of what I know if you tried. I've become pretty hard headed through this. But, you know, this J6 battle, you're right. I'm down here in Texas. I remember Waco with the Branch Davidians. My view of that then and my view of that now is not that different because now I'm seeing as a J6 or what they did. I have a question for you. And I don't know if you know the answer to this, but what if you just don't show up in court? They put an arrest warrant out. Are they going to come to Texas to grab you? They come to Texas to grab me the first time. Really? Yes, sir. Now you have. Your attorney general may protect you this time. OK, so let me tell you how they arrested Jay Sixers. OK, so Jay Sixers, even if you saw yourself on the most wanted list and turned yourself in, you went to the FBI office. I'm here. I'm just turning myself in. They would interview you, send you home and say, don't worry about it. We'll be in contact if we need you. And then they'd go out the next day with their tank, with their 22 federal agents, their SWAT team, the M4s pointed at you, rip you out of your house in your underwear at the crack of dawn, put you at gunpoint, throwing flashbang grenades at you and arrest you at your house. That's horrible. Unbelievable. Which is what they did to me and Mark. Now, they were a little more gentle with us. They actually got Mark first out in our lane. We're out in the country on a farm. And they picked him up. The tank was out there. They threw a flash grenade at his feet. What a tank. A tank, an M4. No, what are they called? MRAP. Threats and intimidation. They suck at it because they got to have a tank. Oh, little, little miserable, cowardly pukes. You got to come with a tank. You know, to their credit, though, I think it has worked. I mean, you want to you got to think from a high level. Why are they doing this? They don't want when word comes out what they've done and people know they don't want people come and knocking the door down to the capitals and stuff. So they're putting the fear in everybody. To silence the people and to put them in fear of protesting as they take over our country. And it's kind of worked. It's worked very well, even within the January 6th community. Yeah, but they let the Palestinians do it under a foreign freaking flag. That's okay. That's fine, yeah. Because they work for them. They're working for the people that have launched a coup against the United States of America. That's right. They are part of it. And you even look at, well, it'll get off too far down the road, but I'll go back to it. So anyway, they picked my husband up in the lane and he begged still, my wife is disabled. Please don't shoot my dog. Please don't shoot my wife. She carries every morning. Just call her, please, please call her. And so they call me. And when I take the call, it's a female FBI agent. She says, I have your husband. This is FBI. You need to come out with your hands up. Now, no normal person has a category for this. I think I'm getting punked at first. And then I think someone's kidnapped my husband. I'm gonna have to come out fighting. I'm pacing in my bathroom floor because I carry every morning. I'm on a farm. I practice gun shooting for entertainment, okay? I go to come out. I don't know how I'm gonna come out yet. Am I gonna come out guns a blazing or am I gonna come out to see what's happening? I ran my corner in my bedroom and there's my, I'm already holstered up. I'm ready for work. I see my gun there and I go to grab it. I don't know if I looked at it or grabbed it. I don't remember. But she on the other end of that call said, do not touch that gun. Come out with your hands up now. How did you know that? I don't know. To this day, now I do think that a drone on the scene, because at that point I realized, oh, this is for real. Like they're able to see me right now. So I walked out, I went to the door. Were the curtains closed or were the curtains open? I don't remember. No, I know my living room. They can see right through the house now. They can see every movement in any house. So I opened my front door and as soon as I opened it, a drone flew past my head. Well, now I'm ticked off because I haven't seen a search warrant or anything. And they're searching my house with a drone and almost hit me in the head with it. So I come out there and, you know, I got my hands up, you know, M4s pointed at me. I hear a flashbang grenade. I didn't realize it's flashbang. I'm out in the country. We hear gunshots all the time. I later found out it was a flashbang. But anyway, I go down, I have to veer around the, what do they call that thing? Battering ram to get down my handicap ramp. I get there, I handle my phone right off. I asked to see the search warrant. He said he didn't have to show me. I'm like, oh, you do and you will. But just know for the record, they don't have to show it. Why? There's no law saying they have to show it to you. They can actually do that. This is the FBI? That's the FBI. So they didn't have legal reason to be on my property. People don't realize a federal agency has no legal right on private property. They only have legal right on federal property. They need a warrant to go on private property. Right. And the problem is your sheriff is the one they have to communicate with to get access to your property. So that's the failure all the way across the United States, all 50 states, because we have J-6s in all 50 states that this has happened to, that the sheriff allowed them onto the property. Now, I'm in a small area. So I went to my sheriff that I elected into office and I'm like, what is your freaking problem? My husband actually did it. And he said they never came to me. They devalued him so much he wasn't even worth their time. They brought a DPS officer out with them. Wow. So this is where the violations are occurring is people don't know their rights. I didn't know my rights. I had no idea. I don't know what I could have done differently other than it becoming a big shootout. But I do know they did not follow the law. I do know that they're coming out attacking citizens that don't have the legal right to attack. I'm not going to give a fair trial in D.C. Oh, I've already had it. It's the most corrupt place in the world. No, no, no. And that's intentional, too, because they won't allow one case to be moved out of D.C. Why? Well, they vote 97 percent for Biden. And when you go out to D.C., which I learned the hard way from all of my transactions out there now, those people have been living under a police state for 40 years. I don't know what freedom look like if it smacked them in the face. There's a camera in everywhere you turn your eyes, there's a camera. They have absolutely no rights. You do what they tell you to do and you like it. And you go and you earn your little peanuts for your hard work while the upper echelon keep getting richer. They're already under it. That's a true story. Me and Mark couldn't believe how they're living out there. So those people don't know why we're fighting for freedom because they don't know what freedom looks like. Do you think that Ken Paxton, your attorney general, have you talked to him? Actually, not firsthand, but many people on our behalf have. He is definitely a Texas fighter. We are definitely trying to educate our sheriffs. We're educating the people on electing their sheriffs so that they know the questions to ask. The fact is, these sheriffs should know the Constitution better than anybody in the room. But and me and Mark called one to the mat up in Oklahoma because he was running for office where we were speaking and happened to be there to give his little spiel. And we proved that he don't even know the Constitution. He didn't even know what his job was. The police and sheriffs have no idea. Do you have a list of questions for sheriffs that you've asked? You ask them constitutional questions along with what ifs. What if the FBI was trying to come to my door to arrest me? What would you do? If he says anything other than send them packing and come and guard your front door with his sheriffs and that a gun battle will transpire, then you don't have the right sheriff. Yeah. So here's the question. I just was wondering if you ever compiled a bunch of questions that you've used or taught people. I think that'd be a great thing to do. I think that would be a great thing to do. That's a very good idea. That's going to be another resolution for the Constitution Party. It just hit my desk right there. I've been like papering me. I've been writing stuff like there's no tomorrow. I'm working on some pro se stuff right now, too, because it's like we have got to stop this. We've got to. Now, my husband, he ran for office as a J6er for House Seat 68, which was taken by David Spiller. I'm sure everyone's regretting that over and over because he's in bed with Dave Phelan out here that's bought off our entire Texas house. But in the meantime, my husband has went through all the legislation to figure out how did the FBI get the right to come onto our property? And that's where we found out that they get kind of an honorary peace officer accreditation in Texas. What? Yes. Yes. They have found a loophole. And so my husband has helped write some legislation to change that. And it is getting pushed up the ranks with our new, more conservative House members that have taken office over the past six months. And Ken Paxton is one of them that cares about that and working to close that gap. so that these FBI agents cannot come off a federal property in Texas. Wow. Yeah, I had somebody that just came on and said the biggest terrorist organization in the world is our own federal government and the police are not our friends. They are agents of the state and the state hates we the people. Got to agree with you on that one. That's that sure seems like that's and it's not all the police. But here's the question. When you're in an organization and you see criminal behavior take place and you don't Call it out and prosecute it. It's like God talks about it in the Bible. You've got to clean your own house out. And the way he talks about it is the fact that he's going to come down on the Christian church first and foremost. That's going to be the one that gets the judgment first. You know, I've been talking a lot about complacency as a Christian, but I want to tell you that's even in the law. It's called guilty by association. If you don't call it out, stand against it, you're part of it. There's a lot of people that fall in that category. Oh, yeah. In my book at this point, if you are what you think a good person still working for the FBI, No, you're a boxcar loader is what you are. You're a brown shirt. Yeah. A terrible organization. There's the mic drop right there. I like that because, you know, it's like and that's that goes true with any organization. If you're if you're in the hospital systems and if you're and you're giving the shots out and you want to make an excuse as a doctor or nurse. And well, it's my livelihood. Well, it's a frickin lives. So, you know, are you that dumb that you can't switch gears and do something that's honest? that you're that dumb that you're you're being held hostage by an entire by a by a uh an organization or by a job or something that is raw stupidity right there and then to be able to say that's okay it's my livelihood it's my career as as people are being killed And that's what they're doing. You know, I can under this is where I kind of have to separate things because I can almost understand as a nonbeliever. I have absolutely no mercy on the Christians saying that because, you know, darn good and well, it's not your livelihood to begin with. You are being honored by the Lord for your obedience. Thank you. You are not earning that paycheck. He is gifting you a paycheck for being obedient. Thank you. And that comes down to that. It's like nothing we own here is ever ours. And what we think is ours, it's not. It's blessings from God. And if any of us have our heads screwed on right, we're looking at our things to be able to be laid at the feet of Jesus Christ. And thanks, I mean, everything we do, we're going to lay him at his feet. And everything, you know, this has been something that God's really been, you know, when we talk about our walk with God and how he's leading us out of this captivity of what we have in our minds and what we have and what we think is normal, because everybody's fallen victim. We're all fallen. We are sinners and we are fallen and we're sinners saved by the mercy of God and by grace through the blood of Jesus Christ. Period. That's it. It's a gift. And so everything we have gets laid at his feet because he bought and paid for every single thing that we ever had, ever will have. He made restitution for our sins, the things that were wrong, and we owe him everything. You know, and I don't know that, you know, I can tell you, I accepted Christ in August of 99, but I can tell you until J6, I really didn't know what it meant to lay all at his feet. because I've had to lay down a 34 year marriage because if I go to prison, we're not gonna go in the same cell together. I've had to lay down my children and my grandchildren because I'm scared to have a relationship with them right now because then they'll just come after them. I had to lay them down at the cross that Lord, while I fight this battle, they're yours. You have to protect them and take care of them. I've had to lay down everything that we deem acceptable as Christians to hold on to. And I've had to lay it down. I was a stay at home mother. I homeschooled. Family was my idol. And in America, it's acceptable. It looks honorary. No, it's sin. You're absolutely right. And I'm just like really loving what you have to say because there's all these things that we all hang on to. And one of the things I got to tell you, I have these conversations with God, very real. You know, when I'm mad at him, I tell him, you know, so it's like I've got all these things that I'm just like right out there with God because he already knows anyway. You know, you might as well just come and have a real relationship with you because that's what he wanted in the first place. And so, you know, if he was looking for perfection, He wouldn't have come here, right? I think the biggest thing that he's been telling me personally in the last two weeks, and this started out stupidly. Okay, stupidly, I'm going to give you another one of those Donna Brandenburg things. I do not like losing things. OK, when when I was a child, I really never played with my toys because my upbringing was, shall we say, ideal. Because if I got a scratch or anything on anything that I had, I got severely punished for that. So I actually left things in wrappers. And I mean, it was it's pretty tragic, you know, a great and gut sometimes comes out of a very bad experience and you just decide you're not going to do it. So when I lose things or when I don't pay attention to something, I am literally beating myself up for not taking care of something. And God addressed this with me this week. And it was a very freeing up thing to have something I probably wrestled with for darn near 60 years off my back. And all of a sudden I realized I couldn't find the stupid purse that I, and I'm like, where did I put this? And, and I start like having, you know, like, oh my gosh, I failed. I failed. I failed. And I, you know, that, that type of mentality and I've got to get organized. I've got to find this. And finally I just said, you know what, God, Wherever this is, please bless something with this. And all of a sudden he starts talking to me, you know, and it's like, oh, my goodness, let go of everything. It's going to be OK. You're not you're not a bad person because something disappeared or something like that. And I literally it was another stage because I'm pretty good at letting go of things just to give it away. But if there's something I'm supposed to take care of and something happens, oh, I beat myself up over it. Control. Yeah. Well, it's like I don't want to I don't want to fail in responsibilities. Right. That's what it is. And I feel responsible. And so I feel like I've failed in a responsibility to make sure that everything in my in my. hands is well taken care of. Right. And all of a sudden I'm like going, you know, please bless somebody with this purse. It doesn't, it doesn't mean anything to me really. It was in realizing that everything. And then for the last week or so every day, it's been like, what am I doing to benefit those people that come after me when I die? And look at everything that I do. And I mean, I do that anyway, but not it's like a really deep level that this happened this week to let go of everything and say, you know, even something is losing a stupid purse, which I hate losing stuff or I hate misplacing something because I feel like I'm being irresponsible. That's what it is. It's a feeling of being irresponsible and realizing that that. even that letting go of that conditioning as a child and saying, this is a great thing because he's going to use this to bless somebody else. And then I'm all okay with it. You know, it's like, it's like, it's not a failure and it becomes a blessing to others. And even looking at the things that we have now, everyone, it's a great lesson. Let go of everything and look at everything you have as a blessing to others and And God literally will free you up in ways you can never imagine, even if it comes from a situation of abuse, which I really was very abused in many ways. I don't talk about it. You know, I don't talk about it. I don't talk about things like that, really, because, you know, it's like it's not other people's problem and it's not I don't I don't want anything. any attention for it or, but it's all those things to lay what God puts in front of us at his feet and watch him turn it into something absolutely beautiful. So your words are really like kind of a neatly well-planned thing as we work together through this thing called life. Because all of us have similar stories where there's something in our character we can't get rid of and we don't know why we have it. And we're like, oh, we just and we want to fix it. That's the beauty. Yes. The fact you want to fix it shows your heart. But your daddy's the one that's going to fix it. He's going to either burn you in a way or he's going to bring a revelation in a way. Some way he's going to do it. And, you know, so as a stay-at-home mother, I had just went back to work a couple years before January 6th, and I promoted up very quickly. And I'd started at the bottom. I mean, I started out as a subway, you know, a sandwich maker because I'd been out of the workforce for 20 years. And I, anyway, I've become this marketer in a health agency and, and I really quickly took that as my identity that I could earn so much money and know so much about the medical field. And, um, I was highly respected and a couple of things I learned through it was that, um, I had a fear of failure. And I had a fear of rejection and I have lived my entire life under that. And in one 24 hour period of the government blasting my name and my picture and my cell phone number and a picture of my house all over world news, it was annihilated. And all of a sudden I didn't even feel like a Christian. Oh, they're going, I'm a criminal. You know, and that's when I had to grapple with who are you? I'm not who people say I am. I'm not who I think I am. I'm who Christ says I am. And I finally had to accept it and own it to move forward. Okay, so now there's no longer fear or rejection. Basically, I'm screw all of y'all. None of you matter. Yeah. That brings us to that point where, and it's really freeing because then you live without the world having an effect on you. You love, you're here to work and serve, but there's nothing here. I don't know if you're like this, but I am. There's nothing here that has any real appeal to me anymore. Especially after January 6th. That's when I realized I really am a foreigner here. And, you know, when I when I lost my job, so I went back to work two months later in the same field for another company that tells you about my reputation that they're like, I don't care if you're a J6 or not, I want you. But I left that job because a year later, the Lord asked me to leave the job. Well, I'm so confident what I'm hearing now that I left the job with no other job, not knowing why, how am I going to support myself? We're in this battle. It's expensive. I had no idea. And it's been one of those little miracles. I can't wait to share, but he's provided for us with both of us out of work for a year and we have no savings and annihilated our income. We're all intents and purposes bankrupted. And, um, And we survive fine month to month in abundance even because we're on home confinement. It's crazy how well he's provided for us. And I can't even tell you how other than telling you we had cash in an envelope. We had no idea how much and the Lord wouldn't allow us to count it. And he's told us not to count it. And every time we need money, we pull money out of that envelope and it just doesn't empty. Wow. Your story is so inspiring. I love this. This is so amazing. What a great, you know, and going forward as we go forward as a nation that is hurting tremendously, our nation is hurting and every single person is. And what we think are the constructs that we've created that we think we need I think God's going to rip that all away. I do too. And that's a beautiful thing when you can walk your next step and say, what's the adventure? I don't really care because I know who's in charge of that. And if we lose all those things that we thought we had to have or we thought that we were responsible for, our self-concept, our reputation, our lives, our families and everything. Well, they killed Jesus and it was the religious establishment that killed him. That's right. It's like you look at the amount of gossip that I see in the political parties, the amount of gossip that goes on in there, they're not solving any problems. They're just tearing each other down to create their little silos of who you're approved to like and who you can like and who you've got to hate and who, there's no action behind it. It's a cookie, coffee and milk club. That's all it is. It's throwing punches at ghosts is what I tell people. There you go. This is a spiritual war and you're blaming it on the people carrying the spirit. I just got to tell you. So American Patriot Relief is a nonprofit that we started for Jay Sixers to help keep them afloat and just kind of help them in any way we can, whether it's commissary, whether it's flying them to and from their trial or whatever. So we fundraise. Well, one of the shirts I was sitting this before we had shirts. I mean, I was sitting one day on the couch watching TV and out of nowhere, I hear the Holy Spirit tell me, you know, Jesus was accused of insurrection too. And we have put that on a shirt and it is one of our best sellers. And I'm out wearing it. People think I'm referring to Trump. They have no idea about the Jay Sixers. And I'm like, well, it actually refers to all of us. The reality is he was. Yeah, he was accused of blasphemy. That's what the Christian community was angry at. But the Romans were afraid of him taking over. Yeah. Yeah. It's an amazing time to be alive. Well, I think what we're going to do, it's almost 1230. I want to we always end with a prayer and I want to pray. And then because I mean, we're all committed Christians and I mean committed in a way that is like we're not going to stop. We're not going to stop with our last breath. We won't be coerced. We won't be intimidated. You can kill us if you want. That's okay. You know, because I'm pretty extra sure that pop up there. You touch the innocent blood. It's going to be a real and his children. You got a big problem. And this is a can of this can of whoop ass. That's never going to stop. That's right. Better for a millstone to be wrapped around your neck and thrown to the bottom of the sea than to mess with one of these. That's right. Exactly. So let's say a prayer and then we're going to stay on the line and we're going to talk a little bit. And then I want to get this set up because we talked about it before. I'm so inspired by you. Thank you so much for sharing your story here, for taking the time. And like I said, I'm absolutely committed to you so that we'll need to get a schedule up so that I can set the broadcast up because it does take me a long time. It's probably an hour and a half to two hours every day that just to get a setup to get on. And then I still have to, you know, schedule people and that sort of thing, which if you're doing like an hour a day or two hours, whatever you want to do, all I got to do is just keep things running. And I'll probably pop on next week, Wednesday and Thursday. I won't be here because I'll be traveling to Bedminster. So that'll be an interesting, that'll be an interesting trip. I do want to throw in, if the American people, if your listeners would please donate to Me and Mark do not take any of those funds. We went with public defenders and we trusted the Lord for all of our provision. We wrote ourselves out of the bylaws. It is about helping the others because if they don't know Christ, I don't even know how they're living through it. So please go donate. We're down to almost no money left. Ever since they put me on home confinement, you know, we were going across the nation speaking and fundraising. Now we cannot do that. And it is so, so important. I've got a house being lost right now by one of the J6ers. We need help. We need help. What I hear they're doing too is that they're incarcerating them in DC. And then when they do let them go, they let them go, but that they can't leave DC. So they're putting them in positions where they're out on the street and homeless. And putting them at risk, hoping that they will randomly be killed on the street or die to exposure, lack of food, broke, homeless, and alone. This is so despicable. There's just no words to what's happened. And these people that are doing this, I'm going to tell you, I cannot even imagine. I mean, the evil that we have seen over the last few years is... absolutely not only horrific, but I don't even have any words for it. They are lost. They're without God. They are totally without God. These people are Satanists and, and they don't even know, you know, it's like they, it's like Jesus said, they don't even know what they're doing because it's so blinded by money and fame in this world. This world is nothing. This is nothing. And we have to come to the terms that that we are here as an alien in a foreign land. This is not our home. And to do what we can do to to mitigate the suffering of others and help them find Jesus Christ. And before it's too late, before it's too late. And it's it's truly becoming life and death. So. You know, I know that God turns all things for good. He's done it in my life and he's going to do it for every single January 6th defendant. The problem is so many of them don't know that. They don't know the hope that I have. And so we've got suicides occurring. And, you know, then you've got the question, are they suicided or suicide? Yeah, because we've got that problem going on, too. They're killing people. They are flat out killing. You know, it's like World War II. It was the nurses that were doing most of the executions. They were executing babies. And in fact, they got brought in front of the Nuremberg trials because parents would hand their kids over to the nurses because they were afraid they couldn't take care of them. And they said, we'll take care of your kids. The nurses killed those babies instead of putting them in the orphanages. The parents would come back to check on their kids and their kids were either gone or dead. But they were injecting children and killing them. And it was the nurses that did it. And I mean, the pattern is there. These people are not that smart. And, you know, you have to, I think, approach all things with people through the spirit of Christ. The Holy Spirit will tell you who you're talking to. He gives us that discernment. And you've got to trust it. Don't trust the experts. You've got to trust the Holy Spirit and invite him into your life. to guide you, to talk to you on every step of the way. You can only do that if you're covered by the blood of Christ. You will be lost. There's a big difference unless you have the blood of Jesus Christ accepted as your Lord and Savior. You do not have access to the Holy Spirit talking to you like you, you know, God will talk to you. He talks to all of us. Let me give you that. But it's a different relationship and it changes. And those of us who are, you know, who I would say have had that experience can talk about it quite eloquently on how God literally will show you everything you need to know and walk with you through this life to give you peace, comfort. Even if things fall apart, guaranteed, it's not going to change anything for me. I know it's not going to change anything for you because the Holy Spirit will literally walk us right through it. You can walk right through the darkest, deepest, darkest time. And it's not going to affect you because God will. God will. You may you may get hurt. You may get this, but you'll have a different mindset, a different peace. that just blows people's minds when they see it. They're like, how can this be going that way? And we know the answer. It's the fact that the Holy Spirit is in fact walking with us and we have no fear. That's right. And no reason to fear. No reason to fear. We know how this story ends and it's a great ending and it's okay. And this is not a naive, this is not a naive perspective. This is actually, it's hard one. usually to get to that point. That's not an easy journey. As we try to control it and all of a sudden we're not in control. But he has been so mighty. I fully believe I was created for such a day as this. I fully believe there's going to be... I believe you were too. Everything in my life that didn't make sense, one of which was my mouth that I never could control, I now get it. That's a good thing to have a big mouth, isn't it? When you can call things out and you don't have that fear of men. It's a fear of men that stops us from from calling people out and holding people accountable. Because realistically, even the bad guys that are doing the really bad things that have sold out to Satan, it's like we need to confront this kind of stuff because the best goal isn't to watch them go to Gitmo and die, be executed for their crimes. The cleaning out has got to happen. And if somebody did a crime that doesn't absolve them of the punishment, I'm not saying that. But the eternal punishment, these people are lost. And the biggest loss that we will have is looking in the eyes of God Almighty, our Father, our beautiful Father, and realize He lost a child that He cared for. And if it was because of something we didn't do or we did, like calling everybody who's gay and lesbian sodomite, you know, to alienate them so that we don't have a chance to be that helper in you know when people that are very broken or the people that are trans who that body modifications that I listened to a gal tell about her story and it was she's like I have nothing she said I pray every day for death because my life is so bad and they took advantage of me and that sort of thing we have to be getting we have to be willing to step forward and bring calm in peace into all we have to look at things through christ eyes and you know the christ said that he wished that not one would perish yes I look at my children when I see that scripture and I've had some that are very rebellious that that were they were lost and and confused and and because of that would I choose death for them or do I love them as much as as the ones that were obedient Of course he loves him. He don't want to lose one. So for us to then start trying to throw one under the bus, you know, and I admit, I mean, I battle anger. I battle resentment. The reality is, though, he has been so faithful in showing me the value of people and that they just are lost. You don't know what you don't know. I could probably repent for telling one of our council members that he needs to go to hell because of what he did. But it's like one of those things that, you know what I mean? Yeah, we're human. We're human, but we're also in a war right now. And there's a time and a place. where we're like those, those super soldiers that grabbed you to choke you and ostensibly kill you, you know, arguably that's what it looks like they were going to do or try and, and how they picked where, you know, somebody who is physically disabled to go after you as their victim, because they're a bunch of, I'm going to say it, they're a bunch of cowardly pukes and call them out for what they are. You know, they can be lost and we can talk about them on a, on a, a personal level. But when you see behavior like that, you better be willing to call them out and call and hold them accountable because they are going to kill, hurt, maim, rape, destroy innocent lives. And there's a line they've crossed. Their behavior cannot stand. And then they get the choice. Christ is truth. He is light. Okay. He is hope. You remove him out and you remove those three things. And so the people need to understand this isn't politics anymore. Because we separated church and state, we opened the door and did it wrong. We opened the door for Satan to come in, which he has done. It don't matter, Democrat or Republican, because at this point, honestly, it If a Democrat is living in truth, they need to just partner with a Republican right now just to remove the evil. I'm going to say goodbye to David in a minute. He's got to leave, pick his daughter up. So we'll have to. It was an honor to meet you. Your words are incredible. And I'm excited to listen to your full interview with Donald. I'm looking forward to it. I am sorry for talking so much. No, that's why you're here. Keep fighting. Keep fighting for everybody. Thank you so much. All right, David, if you want to duck out, I'll finish up with Jalise. So please continue on with what you were saying. He texted me and said, I got to pick my daughter up. I want to stay on. Sorry about that. No, don't. I just want to finish it out for the people to understand why this is so relevant to them. And it's relevant because communism, number one, has failed economically in every single it's ever been in, but it's bigger than that. See, communism, it becomes your God. Your leader of your nation becomes your God. You're no longer allowed to worship who you choose to worship. And for us Christians, we cannot teach our children about Jesus Christ. We cannot worship him in public. We cannot go to church. And that means that truth, light, joy, happiness, all the fruits of the spirit will go out with him. You need to think about that with your children because it is an eternal damnation. And that's why this should be so important to every single individual. Even if you're not walking in the ways of the Lord, even if Christ is not your savior, you have to recognize the joy, the hope, the peace, the light, The love, God is love, that will leave with him. And that's my warning to the public. Think about what you just said, though. You know, it's like there is a point in time where the nonsense has to stop. God throws people where they, he doesn't, you know, at that last moment, you're going to go to the happy place or the hot place. And that's the way it is, because he's not going to allow this to go on forever in order to, you know. in order to hurt those that he loves. He will protect those he loves. And it's a protection to divide people out who are serving evil or serving good. He's not going to watch his kids tolerate and put up with this nonsense forever. And he's going to clean it out. And I do believe that that's a godly mindset to clean out. And I think that's the next step for us here on this earth is that he's going to give us a chance to clean it up. And that means following the rule of law. That means bringing people to justice who have had only themselves that they serve and hurting other people and killing and raping and taking people's lives apart through drugs. ungodly things in the schools and such, that judgment is going to come on earth. It has to come on earth. It's not just the final judgment. There's a judgment that's coming. And I think it's going to be pretty shocking to people when that final judgment happens. Somebody asked me this week, I said, I think there needs to be capital punishment for drug dealers. And the person said, even 18 or 19 year olds. And I'm like, yes. How about eight and nine month olds? They're killing them at the full term in the womb. Yeah. I mean, these people are literally murderers, liars. The Bible talked about it, about those who follow Satan and the people that have thrown in with them. They are absolutely liars. They're thieves. They're cheats. They're murderers. They're rapists. A person that does those sort of things, you can pretty well imagine. make a good judgment that they've gotten to the point of almost no return. Almost. They can be saved by God. God can turn everyone around. But there's a point where you get past things that it's going to be real difficult and you're going to have to leave behind. Hopefully he gives you enough pain in this earth to turn you around to seek him. Because when I see people with a lot of pain, quite often is to redirect their attention to him and get You know, it's a it's a it's a actually it's the mission of mercy to give people some difficulties and pain sometime because he loves us enough to say you're done. We're going to you're going to torque up the pressure until you you get this thing figured out. And that's that's an important point to make on that. People need to understand it. You can't get too far. outside of Christ in your actions, like, you know, oh, I know I'm such a bad person. The fact that you are still aware and still longing to do better shows you're still being sought after by him. But that point of no return is very, very real because what happens is you destroy your soul, you know, one bad action at a time. So you basically get complacent. You get where you're hard hearted. You get where you don't care anymore. You get where life is not valuable to you. And that is where you're getting to the point of no return because the likelihood of you falling on your knees before the father and repenting becomes slimmer and slimmer because your heart becomes so hardened. Well, you walk away from our source, which a lot of people who are, you know, throw that term around a lot. But, you know, it's a source, it's a global, it's a universally accepted consciousness and energy. It's like, you know, guys, I think you better call him by his name and call him out. It's not your source. That sounds like vending machine God to me when somebody says that. It's like he's a person. You can walk with him. You know, you can get to know him. That's what I think he wants us to do is get to know him here so that we can have a real relationship. And he's gracious enough to share who he is and his personality and what he's all about so that we can get to know him as a person. And I think it's a really beautiful thing. But to your point, and you said it beautifully, we walk away from God and those godly principles. We die one inch at a time as we walk away from him. He gives us lots of choices to turn around back to him and stop watching the destruction of ourselves destroy our soul. and the connection that we have or the relationship that we can have with God. You can turn around at any point in time. It's just less likely. Every step you walk away from God, it's less likely. And it's going to be pretty sad when people get to the end of their lives. And like those people that say, God, God, and he's like, I never knew you. I never knew you. Or we're sorry now. Well, those people are those people that are being saved maybe just by an inch. And all they missed here, that that that sadness, there's going to be a sadness that comes with that. I really think that that's what we're seeing in our nation right now. The people that are being called to give something up for him that choose to not give it up. You know, those are the Lord Lords. I agree. You know, I did this for you. I did that for you. And he's going to say, depart from me. I never knew you. I see it. These are the people that because they're Americans or because they go to church or because they have some scruples about them, they call themselves Christians. But when God says, I want you to lay this down and you won't let down, whether it's your job, your family, whether it's a relationship, I don't care what it is. Only you know, and you feel it in your conscience and you keep denying it. That's called quenching the spirit. And when you do that enough, I don't even know if it's doing it enough, but you're denying him every time you do it. So at some point he's got to say, You've always denied me. When I asked you to lay it down at my feet, you would not. I was never the master of your life. Let me ask you a question. Can, with Jay Sixers, because there's, you know, I've talked to several of them, Troy Smocks and and several people that have been J6ers and people who were interrogated by the Nazis in power in their homes and such. I go right to pissed. I don't get sad about things. I go right to get on that white pony, grab your swords and start going. That's a Donna Brandenburg mindset. But my question here is, With the J6ers, is it possible for people to go sit with them inside the Gulag? No. So you can visit, but you have to be on a pre-registered list where they did a background check. And the J6er has to put you on that list. Then on top of that, what the Gulag does a lot of the time, because they're just a new type of demonic, okay? Yes. Nothing describes that good luck. People don't realize they're not sitting in prison. This is an abandoned part of the prison that they never used before. They call it the Patriot Pod. It's full of mildew, pipes broken, toilets. They'll sit in their cell with an inch of water from the toilet. Toilets backed up that hasn't worked for a week. And Torture. OK, so what they do with them is they'll let the family try to establish a visit. And then when they get there, when they manage to get the funds together to go out to see their loved one, they'll tell them that they can't see them because they put them on lockdown or they'll tell them that what you're wearing is inappropriate and you can't go in. Yes, they have a dress code for the visitors and you have to abide by it and it can be changing and it is up to their discretion. What's the dress code? Well, I'll tell you how eccentric it can be. We know that it's commonplace for women to wear leggings these days. You're not allowed to wear leggings. Pants. Pants. So it can be quite difficult to achieve, you know, all all the God's desires for you before you can go see your loved one. And it is quite difficult and more extensive than with the public things. So how many people are there and can we get a list of the people that work at the Gulag? So I wouldn't be the right person to ask, but there's a beautiful woman out there. I'll just call her nickname. It's Pat Chick that has done her homework on how to get a hold of the administration. Can you connect me with this gal? Because this is something that I would have a great time with. Yeah. Yeah. I'm very proud of the work she does. She lays pretty low with it, but not out of fear. She is a little powerhouse. Be prepared. I like that. Yeah. But because they also deny medical care. To talk about some of the torture, we have J-6ers that went into prison with, this has occurred three times, that has went in with non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and they denied them their cancer treatment until it hit stage four and on their deathbed. And so they, She actually was very instrumental in getting to the right people and convincing them you're going to want to fix this and right away. And one one of our guys love her. One of our guys had a visitor come visit him and he violated protocols by pulling up a shirt to show her his chest. Because he had gaping open lacerations from his extensive cancer. And it was oozing and seeping and he was dying. And it was because of that. Now he got punished. He got punished very hard, thrown in the hole for showing his injuries. And yet we they were still able to get him out of there and get him the appropriate treatment. So so this is what we're going to do. We're going to while you're incarcerated, we're going to go and put you on for like an hour every day until you're sentencing. And you know what? If you get sentenced, I'm going to go down there and I'm going to visit you. I would love it. I'm just going to be straight up with you. The Holy Spirit told me I'm not going to spend a day in jail. I don't know how that's going to happen. If you do, I promise you, I will find a way to come in there and visit you, one way or the other. I love it. I'm like, and or be part of your liberation that's going to hold every one of these rat bastards accountable. I really feel that way. This is where the Christianese goes away with Donna Brandenburg, because I know all the words, I know how to use them, and God knows that I know them and such, and I'm not going to apologize to anybody. Yes. I agree with you. I'll have an amazing story for that Sunday on how I was spoken into and even sent a confirmation. I'll cry talking about the confirmation because he does know our heart. But anyway, I am walking by that faith. I don't know how it's going to happen. But again, I pity the soul that tries to counter what he's doing. I tell you, he's been on my life leading the way and making himself known in a way I didn't even realize could come around in this day and time. I'm talking biblical Bible stuff that is crazy off the chart. Y'all are going to think I'm a loon. That's why it's so important I show you who I am before you see who the Holy Spirit is in me. I like that. I'm going to, I'm going to put something up here a minute too, because I think this is a really, this is really important. You know, when people talk about, about God, do you know him? Only way you're going to know him is get in that word, get in the Bible and start reading. Not what somebody tells you. The Bible says, you've got to do this yourself. You've got to go to the to what he says. I'm going to put this up on online here a minute. Listeners have to know that the reason they haven't been able to read the Bible is from the enemy. And as soon as we lay our life down before the Lord and we receive him as our savior, clarity comes to the word. So a lot of times people read the Bible and they're like, I don't understand it, or they can't hold their attention to it, or it's just too confusing. Um, That is a tactic of the enemy. And as you relinquish your life, as you ask him to show you the clarity, as you tell him, I want to know you, that's where you'll get the clarity in the word. I think I want to see if I can, this YouTube will not let me play. Oh, are you there? Hang on a minute. I'm going to, she'll come back out. I'm sure. See if she's there. I'm going to go ahead and play this because I know she would approve of this right now. We're going to listen to, is God talking to you as we wait for her to come back on? Yeah, we're going to go ahead and move this into this. Hang on a second. Oh, YouTube will not let me play it. That's okay. You just keep going, guys. We're going to find a million other ways around your censorship. And we're going to continue on with this. Almost there. Almost there. Okay. And listen up. Hey, you just got kicked off it looks like. You're on right now, so I kept it going. But I was playing some scripture. So if you want to try to rejoin, you can. But otherwise, let's say a prayer. And then we will move on to our day today. And I would like to welcome you on anytime you want. And then we'll start setting this up. Let's say a prayer. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for Jaleesa. And we ask that you would bless her. You bless her future. Bless the words that come out of her mouth. And every single J6er that's in the gulag right now, we ask that you would... Do a mighty, mighty thing and give them hope and shine your light into their lives, their minds, the way they look at the world, that you would carry them, that you would give them strength. We ask that every single one of them would be spoken to, to turn to your precious son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, and that you would give them the hope and that they wouldn't be disappointed. It wouldn't be basically dying by inches there, rotting in the gulag. We ask that you would, to every single person that's there committing these heinous crimes that are happening, that you would speak to their hearts and you would absolutely silence Satan in action, deed, words. orders and anything that would speak to these people, you would take the scales off their eyes, that they would turn to you and that they would become a force within the Gulag to treat the prisoners well and get them out. This is just a disgrace on American soil. And every single person that fell into this, that has not done anything to help liberate them or speak out for them or stand with them would absolutely have their eyes open and their words change, their actions change and give everyone motivation to see that things are done the correct way. We love you so much. And we thank you for coming alongside of us with the Holy Spirit, you know, your Holy Spirit guiding us, directing us, leading us, strengthening us as you carry us through this time. And we trust you. We trust everything you do. No matter what we see, we lay it all at your feet. And we trust you. You've been a great friend to us, and we want to be a friend to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. I'm going to go ahead and play this scripture. There's a YouTube channel, and on different things, that you can get and play these Bible verses. And you should flood your mind with the scripture, and it will change your outlook on life. you know, no matter what comes, it will change your outlook on life. And you'll find strength that you never even knew you had. Proverbs 24, three through four. By wisdom, a house is built and by understanding it is established. By knowledge, the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches. Psalm 34, 7 through 8. The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him and delivers them Oh, taste and see. And I'm going to stop it right there because that's the word for you for the day. So we're going to go back to what's on the broadcast and I'll talk to you. Thank you so much for joining us today. And, you know, have a great weekend. It all starts here and here. It starts with your connection with God, your motivation. You can walk through anything, any difficulty that hits you. You're going to be able to go through it, not even be scared. It's like Daniel in the lion's den. Remember that. People have been sent to sure death to walk right away from it because God can walk us through anything. And don't be afraid. That's what they're counting on is that you're going to be afraid, you know, like a horse that's got a chipmunk that jumps out at it. They've got no power here. They have no power here. And stand on that. With that said, go to I'm the best non-conceiter who has ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And I would like to have a nice discussion with President Trump about this. And at some point in time, but right now I'm just going to continue moving forward and doing what I need to do. With that said, God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. If you don't have a good example, be one. I'll see you all Monday. Thank you. Thank you.