BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 7/12/2024 Off the Grid & BNN Citizen Journalist Panel

Published July 12, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become indpendent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 10am Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independent Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country Voice of the People - Daniel and Hollis Smeriglio The People's Pen - Joel Bevaqua Independent Journalist - Casey Whalen Thought Criminals - Christina Holbrook Behind Enemy Lines - Terry Newsome The Brewster Call - Jason Brewster X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the 12th day of July 2024. Welcome to our show. First hour we have off the grid with Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT guy, and Karen the Riveter. The second hour is the BNN Citizen Journalist panel and we'll see who shows up today. It's always a mystery to me. So morning guys, how you doing? Good morning. Good morning. So what's happening today? Where are we going to go with this? We never know. Well, if we stick to topic, we can talk about battery charging. So much of our lives revolve around electronics these days. And imagine that being shut off. Some of it might be good, like getting off social media. But, you know, if we have, you know, communication issues without power, we've got... I was thinking about medications. Some medications need to be kept cold, insulin, things like that, that you really can't go without. Even something as simple as lighting. Pitch black at night and you can't see, you need lighting. Keeping food cool. Keeping things clean and maintained. Yeah, yeah. And we should have a backup power source. is a great idea and um there's a few um ralph what were you what were you thinking about talking about um you know generators are real easy solar is complicated but generators are a great idea to have on hand but most of the generators that you've got also rely on fuel infrastructure right So it's I think it's a real good idea to have multiple different sources of power, because I mean, even you look at bad snowstorms and that kind of thing and how frequently that knocks out power. You want to make sure that you've got a cell phone that you can assuming nothing goes down. You want to make sure that you've got a cell phone that you can call for, you know, emergency medical help or or. Fire or police or that kind of thing, you know? And if anything goes down, it becomes even more important. So I really wanted to bring something up. So all of us are friends, okay? So I'm friends with Ralph. I'm friends with David. I'm friends with Karen. And Ralph and I are working on a project right now, and it is a communication. It's an alternative communication system. You know what, guys? Carry on. I've got to take this call, okay? Okay. Yeah, that communication system is going to be really cool because it pretty much requires no intervening infrastructure, and it doesn't require any radio licensing. So that's going to be pretty cool. Yeah, that sounds amazing. But it still needs power. But it still needs power batteries, right? It needs power. Yep, you still need power. And I'm... I'm not in favor of solar as an environmental thing. If you're doing it for environmental reasons, solar, there are a lot of environmental problems with solar. If you're trying to, you know, have something that's more environmentally friendly than other energy sources, such as, you know, switchgrass alcohol or hydro or anything like that, there's better options. But for backup power, I think it's a great idea for people to have at least a little solar power that they can use to charge their phones or something like that, or a flashlight or, um, like Dr. David, you had suggested a while back, uh, getting, uh, for, for medical cases, um, getting a, uh, a headlamp. Oh yeah. Great. And even just for, you know, any, anytime the power goes down, putting on that headlamp at night, You know, it's an awesome tool. Yeah. And you can get rechargeables of those. Yeah. You can get, there's several different models of USB powered nickel metal hydride battery chargers where you can get the little double A's and triple A's that are rechargeable. Yep. So if you've got other devices that aren't rechargeable, you can charge up your batteries with those, put them in it. and you can charge those off of any USB power source. So if you've got like one of those little solar panel setups that's got a USB output on it, there's all kinds of stuff you can do with that. Yeah, I think it's something people don't really think a lot about, because electricity, it's always there for us. But having some sort of generator, the easiest is go to Home Depot and get a gas power generator. You said gas will run out after a while, but you don't need to leave it running all the time. Yeah. And you have to have something heavier duty like that to be able to keep a refrigerator or a freezer running. Right, right. Or in a lot of cases, to be able to kick off the fan motor on a furnace. You may have a natural gas-fired furnace, but there's a heck of a lot of current draw when that fan motor kicks on. Absolutely. Absolutely. Yeah, and I don't know how much solar. I'm sure it can give a tremendous amount of power, but it's kind of not practical. Yeah. If you get a few, like they say, if you get three of the big panels and put them together, that'll suffice. I'm not familiar with how. I know it's a little more complicated, but basically you're charging up like a car battery or something. Yeah, you can get kits for it anymore. They've made it pretty easy. And they've got a standardized connector now for the panels where like one side of the connector is always plus pretty much. The other side is always minus pretty much. So they've made that significantly, you know, if you're familiar with the way that solar was back in like the 80s and 90s, where you had to hand wire everything. They've made it significantly easier nowadays. That's good. That's a great option. Do you know what the cost for two or three panels is? Oh, you can get them for like $300 or $400, I think, for a kit that's like, I don't know, 12 square feet or something like that, 400 watts. That's pretty reasonable. It really gives you a peace of mind knowing that you have that. It's pretty much always available. Yeah, and if you're going to do that and charge a car battery off of that, I would highly recommend not getting just a plain old regular cheap car battery, but invest in a better one, like an ATM. A deep cycle, right? A deep cycle and ideally an AGM type. They've got basically like a fiberglass wick inside of them that wicks up the acid so that it keeps it across the entirety of the lead plates inside. Since I've switched to using AGM batteries and equipment, I have yet to actually have to replace an AGM battery. Interesting. Okay. Do you know what AGM stands for? It's like advanced glass mat, I think. Oh, okay. Interesting. I haven't heard of those. Okay. It's a lead acid battery, regular lead plates sitting in a bath of acid, just like any old regular car battery, except they add a layer of fiberglass in it. And that makes all the difference in the world. They're a little bit more expensive, well worth the cost, especially if you're doing something for an emergency situation where you may not use it every day. You don't know if you're not regularly checking it to make sure that it's still good and you wanna be able to count on it five years from now. You got a lot better chance of that if you get a battery that isn't going to sulfate just from sitting there. Yeah, and to slow that process down, forget never put the battery on like cement or outside if you're going to put it outside put it on a piece of wood um never let it sit directly on the cement I'm not sure why but it definitely messes it up yeah there's uh there's a lot you can do with that anymore or you can do you know a stationary solar panel setup but unless you're gonna go and get like a uh unless you're gonna go the extra mile and put in an inverter that does battery charging so that you can run completely off grid a lot of the solar setups out there can't run off grid they only well they they what they do is they um they'll set up the solar system where the solar panels feed into the inverter and the inverter feeds the grid so you're basically working as like a small cell of the power grid more than you are an independent uh unit well we don't want that right I mean we want to be able to we're assuming the power's going to go out at some point yeah and that's why you need to make sure you get an inverter that's capable of charging batteries and running off grid they're once again they're a little more expensive and so a lot of times when people get into solar because oh it's going to save me money on my electric bill They don't look into the specifics of that. Yeah, it may save you money on the electric bill, but what happens when the electric bill stops? Yeah, exactly. What is an inverter? How does that work? Okay, so the power coming out of your wall is AC, right? Right. Alternating. Yep. Power from a battery is DC. Correct. An inverter is able to change that. And the power coming from solar panels is also DC. So an inverter is able to take that DC and turn it into AC. Got it. Got it. So just having a battery won't necessarily work. I mean, I guess it will charge another battery. So your battery operated things, but it's not going to run your refrigerator unless you've got the inverter. Yeah. Yeah. And if you've got a car battery or ideally a deep cycle AGM battery that you've charged off of solar, you can run a car inverter off of that. The ones you can plug into your car and use them to charge things if you're out on the road. Good point. It's just 12 volts. You need a battery. If you can't afford the battery, you basically, what you're saying is you could take your car and keep the battery charged with solar and then use the plug The cigarette lighter or the, you know, whatever. Yeah, you definitely could. That's a great idea. And you assuming have another thing we didn't talk about is, or you did mention. are the batteries. Make sure you have rechargeable batteries. It doesn't pay anymore to buy disposable batteries because rechargeable ones are like a couple bucks more. And they literally, I've had batteries that I've used for years and years and years recharging them, just little AA, AAA batteries. You can charge them like an infinite number of times. So that's a great setup. And know how you're going to charge them too. Because like, if you've got, if the only way that you've got to charge your rechargeable double A's and triple A's is wall power, well, you better have a way to simulate wall power. If you're going to use your car, then you need to get adapters that fit into, you know, I don't know if cars have cigarette lighters anymore. I think my last one did, but my new one doesn't. Yeah, I think they usually do. Yeah, my new one doesn't. It has USB. Yeah. Well, you can get USB AA AAA battery chargers. Absolutely. Yeah. Cigarette lighter to USB to, I mean, you had any combination you want on Amazon for like $3. So, and you can have that stuff. You can also very inefficiently use your car as a generator. Yeah. You know, we should do a talk on using your car for survival. Like you literally could in a worst case scenario, they had to abandon your home or whatever. You could live out of your car. Yeah. You got all sorts of, you have, you have heat, you've got power, you got light. Exactly. And you got protection. It's a good thought. Wow. But yeah, it's, it's not a great generator because you're just basically running it off of the alternator of your car, which is a going to be hard on the alternator long-term. And B, you're going to use up a lot of fuel for the amount of power that it generates. Yeah, that would be kind of a waste. I'm thinking the solar panels, you know, if you could just like, you know, have them portable and just put it on top of the roof of your car. Yeah. Keep that battery charged. You can make a little homestead out of your car. Yeah. And that's a great idea. And then you don't have to burn any fuel. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. Yeah. So everybody should really think about, you know, think deeply about the things you use throughout the day that do require power. And if you can go without them, you know, such as storing insulin, things like that. Yeah. Because when it happens, it's going to be too late. We lost our power a couple of days ago, just out of the blue. They said it was a generator, an equipment failure from DTE. You know, that's pretty strange, but I heard somebody else said that in another state. Well, you know, too, a lot of times in the summertime, what happens is you've got all of the air conditioners coupled with all of the electric cars that have such a huge electric load on the grid. What happens in the summer a lot of times is that it gets hot and hot things expand, right? Yeah. That includes the power lines. Ah. So as you draw more power and as it gets hot out, those power lines droop. And then they end up hitting trees that they previously weren't hitting and short out or break. Got it. Interesting. That's one of the reasons why you see so many power outages in the summertime. And a lot of that really comes down to poor tree maintenance by the power companies. Yeah. But, you know, that's kind of inevitable. Yeah. And in the winter, it happens to when the ice builds up. Yep. So the two extremes where you need it the most, that's pretty much when it's the most likely to fail. Yeah. But the other thing, too, is for keeping medications cold and stuff, you've brought that up. If you're kind of standardizing around your car or at least a 12-volt storage system of some sort, you can get refrigerators that will go in your car. Yeah, little ones. Because you don't need much. Insulin usually comes in little vials. Yeah. Make sure you have enough insulin because if the power goes out, probably you're not going to go to the pharmacy. Yeah. You're not going to be giving out insulin. I have seen some really cool experiments for people making insulin or insulin substitutes at home. Interesting. Interesting. I can't say I would recommend that for the average person. But if you happen to be like, you know, a molecular biologist, you might be able to pull that kind of thing off because I've seen some like there's one dad in particular that built an entire setup for doing this for I think it was his daughter that was insulin dependent. And he had like one really bad scare of like, you know, a snowstorm or a hurricane or something like that. And he said, basically, screw this. I'm never going to have this happen again. And figured out a whole pipeline for making insulin himself. Wow. It was really kind of cool. I don't remember how he did that. No. Interesting. I'm sure you could find it. Once again, I would not recommend it as something to rely on unless you get good and comfortable with it and you know exactly what you're doing. But it was pretty cool because it's like, wow. This is actually within the realm of something the average person could potentially do with enough study. Yeah, that's really... Well, that's the thing, isn't it? Here's what, as we talked about last time, when I was on the show anyway, having the skill set is really important. That's what I'm doing right now. I've made a... tincture and I made an infusion on the way to making a healing salve and I'm less interested in actually using these things in the near future and more interested in saying okay I know how to do that because I've done it before and with something like um insulin for example if things go poorly And you can't keep up your plan B for when a power goes out. You're more than two or three days in as we're experienced with storms here in Michigan. You're more than a week out and you have no more insulin and you can't get any more. And again, I said, I've seen it on The Walking Dead where the pharmacy has run out. There's your example. What do people do? They fight over what's left. They kill each other for it. It disappears. And eventually all those people will die unless they have a backup plan. And. A lot of people, here's the other hard truth, a lot of people don't need insulin as much as they need to return to a healthier state of living. Karen, you're 100% right. I was going to say that next. Yeah, so if you clean up your diet, and I'm not suggesting that everybody is in, it's a fault, or that everybody is capable of doing it. I don't know. There may be some diabetics that are never going to get away from that. Type 1 diabetics. It's more difficult, but with type two diabetics, 100% of them can get off of insulin and their diabetic medications with a proper diet. And Karen, that brings up another point. You should think about your diet if you are on insulin or diabetes medication, and think about if you can't get to that insulin, what could you change in your diet? You stay away from the high glycemic index carbohydrates, eat more meat, fat, try and live on meat and fat and not so much sugar. Oh, the key, the key most certainly is the sugar part of it is the, is the huge part for, for everything, you know, from, from heart disease to the amyloid plaques and everything. I mean, the sugar is what's killing us. It's probably the thing that's killed more human beings in the world than all the wars and all the famines and everything put together. Sugar's killing the world. But America, just look around. Most people are overweight, and it gets younger and younger every year. I forgot the number of it, but there's an incredibly high percentage of teenagers and preteens that are considered obese now. And it's, it's all due to diet and most of these disorders and diseases that we're finding that we, that are just so rampant today, like Alzheimer's and other forms of dementia and Parkinson's and, you know, diabetes, high blood pressure, myocardial infarctions, all this stuff we're finding it's all metabolic. It's not your genes. It's metabolic and it's from what we're eating. Stop taking vaccines. Yeah, and the vaccines play a big role in that as well. They're changing our DNA and the vaccines and tinkering with it. This is our wonderful government. We're like guinea pigs, rats that they experiment on. It's far worse than anyone can imagine. Well, I got to come back to something here, which I think is interesting. I was reading the platform for the Republican Party today, and you know what I think a lot of this absolutely comes down to? It's the removal of God from society. Have you read the Republican platform? I know the bullet points, but I have not read through the details of it yet. Well, Not in a while. What really struck me, so they're going to vote in a new platform. And while I think the operating plan for this is really good, I got to tell you, I am a little bit concerned with, how do I say it? Here we go. It's back here. I was looking at this morning with the fact that when you take God out of everything, there's nothing you can do. It's going to free fall. Did they say that? Or they didn't include it? Well, if you read through this, I want you to read through this and yes, it's a great plan, but there truly is. I didn't really see anything in here that was about the sanctity of life. I didn't really see anything in here that is, it's like a, it's a business, it's sort of a business plan, which is great, but it looks like it's mostly about material. It's about nationalism, which is good. And I think that as a business plan, it's really good, but I'm kind of not seeing a whole lot of, of, you know, turning back and maybe the, maybe the strategy here is to get people to step up and actually take personal responsibility. Once the, once the, the, um, the structure for running it is there. That's very possible, but I have some, I have some questions. So these look like all of the talking points. That's really the most important to Americans. But when I see a lack of mentioning of sanctity of life at any, at any and all stage, stage of this, I kind of briefly ran through this and it's like, huh, this is interesting that the Constitution Party, there was like a soft cue to the Constitution Party and they were going to eliminate all mention of God in it. And some of us stood up and we said, not just no, but absolutely no. And That was a hard stop. No. And we went back and it ended up really dividing the party to a certain degree. It really did. What's the logic behind not including it? What are they thinking? I don't, I can't even fathom it. Diversity? Yeah. What's that? Trying to lure people who want the diversity of multiple religions and so on. Right. But it does not have gotten in at all of any religion I'm taking. Well, Republicans will use existing. Here we go. Federal law. to keep foreign Christian hating communist Marxist social side of America. And those that who joined accounts with love must love our country use extreme vetting against jihadists. So a lot of this, a lot of this is talking about being against things, which is great. We got to push back on all of it, but what are we standing for? That's, that's kind of what I was the, and this is just my cursory. It's bringing out all the problems. and what we're standing against. So we have some things here, housing affordability, higher education, affordable healthcare, lowered everyday costs. And I got to say, I'm really concerned because I'm really wondering how much When you look at some things that are happening, you've got to wonder if even all the fundraising, if President Trump is really behind all of this, or I don't know how to say this. He's the rightful president of the United States. I get it. Is this trying to unite the country and then hopefully Christians, apathetic Christians, will actually stand up and do their thing? do their job and say what needs to be said. That would be the ideal thing to do is actually move America into standing up for God and for the principles of living. It's really our responsibility. I'll give you that. But I'm seeing some things that are definitely, definitely wondering about. Clear that not one penny will be cut for Medicare or Social Security. Okay. Healthy living, protect, care at home for elderly. It's all good things. There's nothing bad in here. But it's kind of amazing. excellence in parents, right? You know, you know, when I look at this and it's like, you know, this is kind of interesting to me because it's like, perhaps the strategy, I'm trying to figure the strategy out, but there's really nothing in there that talks about sanctity of life. It doesn't talk about, um, it doesn't play into what the, what the mainstream media has been hammering into people to, to divide them. You know, when I, I kind of, I was skimming through it a little bit there, and what I'm seeing doesn't really have much of an actual plan. There's no plan. I think it's almost like propaganda. I'm sure they want to do all this stuff, but it's to get as many people from all sides to go to join together. And I think there are probably some controversial subjects that may may push up against that, like abortion and God and things like that. So if they don't include it, then even the far left could look at this and say, hey, these are all great ideas. I'm going to be part of it. Yeah, the rights are there. And I mean, there's nothing that I agree with 100%. And I think my MO is always to question everything, okay? And then try to figure out why things are going in the direction that they're going. And this is really interesting. One of our feeds just When I got down there to this and started talking about God, one of our feeds went down. And so, no, it was actually a different feed, which is interesting. Because I'm not even going to Facebook right now because we would be absolutely nuked off the planet. I posted something this week. They are not allowing the U.S. Taxpayers Party, the Constitution Party in Michigan, to post any ads or notifications about our presidential nominating convention. We're getting rejected. The only way to get this out there is by our mailing list. Please go to and sign up for our mailing list and please pass it around so that other people have the opportunity to have different choices. It's not that I believe in telling people how to vote or one way or the other. I just think people need all the choices out there because I won't ever tell anybody how to vote. I'm going to tell you right now, I'm voting for President Donald J. Trump, the rightful president of the United States. And that's what I'm voting for. I appreciate it. It's just like looking at this platform. This is kind of a wonderful goals set out there. Goals are keeping things on the rails. But I think there needs to be something out there for those of us who are actually Christians who are committed to God that will stand up and say, say we are going to make a commitment to be conducting ourselves with absolute honesty and integrity. And this is what we're going to do to help. This is the plan to help, but nobody's doing this. If everybody wants to say they're a patriot, they need to step forward and actually do something instead of just showing up for the coffee and free cookies. Because that's a problem. It's a large problem. There's got to be work involved in it. I mean, even if people were to go out there and, and so minimally I'm going to do, I'm going to do posts, you know, we're going to do like a hundred posts a week or repost X amount a week or something like that. There's got to be a plan out there. There's no leadership and there's no plan in the state of Michigan. It is devoid. Michigan is absolutely, I believe it is the head of the snake. I've been talking to people who are working. human trafficking a lot. And the pipeline goes right up from the border, right to Michigan and dumps off into the Great Lakes. Now, I don't know what, but someone should be answering some questions. asking questions and answering the questions. Why is this? Why is Michigan so taken hostage? And if you listen to Senator Jim Runstead, who I had on the other day, he's amazing. He explains exactly what's happening here in Michigan. And we've got to, I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat, I don't care who you are. We've got to get together and fight this because there's a power here that's involved that's so far above even somebody who goes up to Lansing's head that the only thing that's going to right it is we the people getting together, getting a plan and stop fighting amongst the ranks, but deciding we're going to work together. I'm going to tell you what right now, I'd like to invite everybody to come to the Constitution Party meeting. And I'm like saying, just show up, you know, show up and see what's being said there, because we are being so censored so heavily and attacked. There's something going on there that they don't want out. It's just like being out. We were so and have been so heavily censored and fought against that you've got to know that there is absolutely a reason why this has been suppressed. You know, I support President Trump. I support the Republican Party. I support anybody that is willing to fight for this nation as one nation under God. And that's the operative word right there is falling in almost a military structure. The demons have it. Demonic structure. There's a hierarchy there. And they fall in and they look how the Democrat Party works, which is by and large, mostly run by Marxists. You know, I'm just going to say it, but there's a structure there and people decide to work and pull together. If you've got a team of horses and you want to move the most amount of dirt at once, you have to step in and say, okay, team one, team two, team three, this is what we're going to do. We can't even get people to show up for stuff, let alone pull together. And that's symptomatic of any effort across the boards. Do I believe that the political parties need to go down? Yes, but that means you either people are going to have to step up. Even if we take the corruption out, who is going to step up to the call to replace them? I think that, well, I have a lot of thoughts, but a lot of them are conjecture. But I think even if, like we almost need a new form of government. Like we did this for a while and it worked for a while and it doesn't work anymore. And if we got rid of all the bad people, And everything is the structure of our government just allows it to happen again. Yes. It has to be something different. And I guarantee it's going to go down to the states, you know, and just getting rid of the federal government or making it very small. And back to states' rights, how the Constitution was originally written. 90% nullification is what needs to happen. And a governor, if you have one honest governor, a governor can remove every single person from the current government, which brings us back to the key of what was in the Declaration of Independence. If it becomes so corrupt and the violations insufferable, You have to go back. I mean, if you had a company that's run as bad as this one or as this state has run, you'd have a hatchet person that would come in there. And that hatchet person would go in there and say, sorry, we're going to hurt some people's feelings. And those are the people that are sucking off the system. It's not we the people. It's the people sucking off the system. But there needs to be a hatchet person that goes in there and starts nullifying and cuts all this. this graphic corruption and all of this back down to putting we, the people first, it's got to have the cuts. So, you know, so, and then, then I'm going to tell you, I would have gone in and I would have caused all taxes. All of them. You want to talk about go big or go home time. That's what needs to happen and get some answers and then start, then start, well, start immediately with humanitarian efforts. but cut the taxes and put a little pressure on these people until we start seeing these people that are criminally involved, start seeing a little motion, move their feet, just like you would horse training. All right, you want to rumble? We're going to move your feet until we get some action going in the right direction. I feel like something, I say this all the time, but like something drastic has to happen to wake more people up, to get them more involved, even to get them, to send the 100 emails or 100 texts. Something needs to wake people up. It's just so slow. So people just don't even know. Well, I think going back to this plan, the Republican platform plan, What it does, it gets the burden off we the people, which I think that's a really smart move to get the burdens off we the people. Once again, nothing is as it ever seems out there. Got to question everything. So if we can get the burden off we the people, maybe we'll have some more time to serve the nation. And I think that's a, oh, this is amazing. The one channel keeps, every time I bring up the Republican platform, one of the feeds gets knocked out. Corrupted. Everything is. Every part of our society is corrupted. Well, what does that tell you? What does it tell you? You can't discriminate against what? A particular party? Both parties? They're trying to keep us absolutely how do I say it? Separated? I'm going to go ahead and put all these links for the stuff in my telegram channel at Brandenburg number 4 on my minute And I'm just going to just mass post all of them that are in the private chat here, guys. So if you want to see what we're talking about, I'm just going to throw them in here. I'm going to speak to one of them that I saw Ralph had posted, which was a heated vest. I have a heated vest. And since then, I know that there's a whole bunch of different brands. Some of them just are knockoffs of other brands. So you kind of have to shop around for a little bit. And maybe try one. I had tried one. And sent it back. Because it wasn't as good as the one I have. I like. I love the heated vest. For winter. I've talked to Donna about this before too. Because. When you're working outdoors. And. A vest is great. Because it keeps your core warm. But you don't overheat. And in the winter time. there are times where it's very handy to have that little bit of extra warmth. Also, if you have any internal issues like muscle cramping or something within your core, that can help a lot with it because you have heat right on it. So mine has heat throughout the back, the collar of it. around the waist and also inside the hands pocket so you can put your hands in there and warm your hands up. There are gloves and socks and boot warmers kinds of things too but the heated vest for me was one of the best things I did. My husband and I both have one and we have a spare battery so you can keep it charged up and always have one to run on and different vests will last longer depending on your usage. I like the, mine has three different settings. So I keep it on the lowest setting and it lasts longer and it's good enough for me. But there is a hot, hot setting that it won't last as long, but it's, it'll warm you up real fast. And you can feel it within seconds. I'm going to give you another one that doesn't require any, any, uh, uh, extra energy. and this is one of the reasons why I like leather and fur, is that if you want to be really warm, get yourself a really good leather and or fur coat. And I'm not talking the bougie ones necessarily. There are bougie ones out there, but some of them are not the bougie ones, but they keep you extraordinarily warm. And I mean, you cannot have anything warmer. And I, cause I fought it, you know, I fought it for a long time and I was always cold all the time. And finally my husband was like, you know, we're, we're going to get to, we're going to get you something with some fur on it. Cause you need to stay warm because I could not stay warm. I absolutely could not stay warm. And there's nothing that's synthetic that can be, can be a, a true honest to goodness, true fur coat. And I'm just telling you right now, It's like even when I travel, I have I have like fur shawls that I'll wear over my shoulders. And you can you can get them fairly reasonably priced if you know where to look. I mean, if you're dumb enough to shop at Bergdorf, which I am not, then then you're going to pay the price there. Right. But if you if you can find a local furrier or somebody that sells a really good leather jacket, because I can tell you, When I went to college, I did not have a winter coat and I didn't have boots the first time because I was really poor. And so it took me a while to actually buy some boots and a winter coat when I was in college. But I picked up a leather, like one layer of leather jacket somewhere. I had one. And I would put a really big sweater underneath it. And that leather jacket would keep the cold out as I was walking to classes. And it would at least protect me from the wind when I was out there. And it was an amazing thing. I was so thankful for that leather jacket. I can't even tell you because I had neither winter boots nor a winter jacket. You got to see me out there. I was quite a sight, I'm going to tell you. There's a reason animals have leather and fur in the winter. They don't freeze. I would recommend everybody ought to get some alpaca socks. I switched from sheep's wool socks to alpaca socks years ago when I started getting a sensitivity to wool. And it is a, they are way warmer alpaca socks are than wool socks. Wow. And even if you, even if you don't have a problem with wool, I'd recommend trying them because they are the warmest socks I've ever had. Really? I've been wearing Merino wool year round. And there's a little place over at Williamston that they've got the farms. They sell the socks. And you can buy their socks on Amazon. It's just a little bit to the, I think it's the southeast of Lansing. And, yeah, they got great socks. And you can get alpaca gloves, too. Once again, you know, you come back to what is the natural way of living. Our ancestors would have had their own tanned hides and fur and they had no problems using it. And it was healthier, healthier for the environment, healthier for their skin and their energy. And now we have all these artificial fibers that where are they going to go when you're done with them? by the way you know so we talk about taking care of the environment and how much how much production how much energy how many earthly supplies go into this these poor fabrics and they don't insulate quite as well as the natural thing oh but you can't you can't kill any animals for that you can't raise animals for fur or just hunt them for fur Yeah, I get dinged for it a lot, but it's like how much, you know, it's like I, and those are the same people that wear leather shoes and leather belt, you know, like, oh, Donna wears fur. Well, so what's the difference? I have my own rabbit hides in my closet. I haven't done anything with them since I first made them. It was a lot of work to get that far, but at least I did it. And I've made paper out of rabbit hide. So I put the work into learning how when we raised rabbits and it became too much work for me to keep up using the hides. So it's unfortunate, but I didn't want to waste any parts of the animals. But for those who have the skill and the tools, that was one of my shortcomings. I didn't have all the right, the best tools to use to do it. So it makes a lot of work. But I have, I have tanned hides before and it's, it makes you feel good to use things properly. Like right now we're, we're getting ready to slaughter more chickens this weekend. We freeze the feet of the chickens for the dogs. They love it. It's bone, a little bit of meat. But hey, in the summertime, when they need a little treat, they can chomp through those things pretty quickly. Chicken necks are another treat for them. So rather than just put them in a stew pot, the dogs get to have a special treat that way. The organs, most of the organs get used. The feathers go to the laying hens or they can be used for your compost pile because they add calcium. Laying hens love especially the smaller ones. They slurp them right down and I think they're great. They're like little velociraptors. But anyway, when I get done with them, like the first batch, because we have a lot of meat birds right now, the first batch are either all in jars or in our tummies or in the freezer right now. I canned four batches out of those, Donna. And that was so satisfying. That's the other thing. I am so full of joy right now because I'm using everything I can off my property. I have one more big project where I'm going to chap down a whole bunch of the soapwort that I have growing all around and try to make some cleanser out of it. It's a gentle soap you can make. That's why they call it soapwort. Haven't done that before. So I'm going to give that a shot. But I have medicinal plants all over and they look like weeds. I've always thought of them as weeds or they're pretty little flowers or whatever, but they're everywhere. And it's really satisfying and very, it's bringing a lot of joy to my life to learn how to use them naturally. So I don't feel like I'm wasting something by just chopping it down or pulling it up by the roots. I can use that stuff or at least know how to identify it and use it if I have a need in the future. I can't do it all at once. But I can start doing it. And I'm finding it so interesting and fun right now. That's why I said the other day, everybody should try. It started with Donna suggesting microgreens because it's something everybody can do. It doesn't take up much space. Everybody can learn to do something. And it also, besides learning a new skill, finding a better connection with nature, it gives you a stronger sense of connection with God and with nature and that brings joy into my life. So that's a great way of combating all the negativity around us too. So I haven't been as as frequently keeping up on telegram and uh what what's going on in the world around us because I'm too busy doing these other things at home trying to prepare and take care of us and learning these new skills oh make hay while the sun shines right donna it's it's up ralph so hang on one second yep that's that's it I you cannot believe how much recommend trying this is wild I've got a bunch of things that are just like going here there and everywhere yeah talk amongst yourselves please hey Ralph your audio just shifted yeah it was weird it's like like you were oh no it's back but you were like off like it was dating 30 feet away or something it was going on it was going through my phone Oh, so your phone was playing the stream, maybe a little out of sync with things. No, I had it off. I had the audio off, and all of a sudden it switched to my phone. Huh. Weird. That was weird. That was Ralph talking about socks. So that's how far back it was. Yeah. That was just really, really weird. I thought Ralph was really going back to the alpaca socks. Well, alpacas are awesome. That's funny. They're messing with it. They're, they are messing with us. That's okay. You know what? They can do whatever they want. It is, um, it's not going to stop us. It's going to, you know, what's really funny is everybody's along for the ride here because people can see exactly what, what they're doing in real time on a live broadcast and how they're in fact sensory and, you know, um, doing the wrong thing. I love it how they give you this many X's and you got to go in order. You can't get rid of stuff. It's so weird. Um, Yes, we were talking earlier about fridges and stuff for keeping insulin cold off-grid. There's one that I found just looking at this. This looks pretty cool. The Frigidaire apparently makes a small portable fridge with a handle on top that you can power using either wall power or 12-volt car power. Perfect. That's interesting. Yeah. Could you hand crank something like that or bicycle crank it? You could do it with a bike. Yeah. If you got like a car alternator and hook that onto a bike. Yeah. Because a car alternator is going to put out 12 volts. Well, actually it's a little bit higher than that so that it charges a battery. But, you know, it puts out car voltage because it has to charge a car battery. So anything Anything that you can hook up to an alternator to spin an alternator, you can pretty much generate power with it. And car alternators, you can basically pick up a scrap. Those things are a dime a dozen just about. Hey, this is kind of a cool site. Look at this. You can get past the ridiculous ads. Plants that can be used, list of plants, saponins. plants can be used as soap, soap nuts. This is amazing. Yeah. Well, that's kind of fun here. I'll post that in the chat and my Telegram channel too. So Interesting. So So too fun here. Hang on. Let me put that in my telegram channel as we learn to do soap making out of what we find in the field. You just never know when you come to Brandenburg News Network what we're going to get into today, boys and girls. So, yeah, I'm starting to already get information in from the next group of people that's coming in. So it's kind of fun. I think that we're going to have a good rousing BNN. citizen journalist panel today. Great. Should be fun. It's amazing what those guys are able to find and dig up and put together. Really good people. Really, really good people. I'm going to be going to look at getting some laying hen chicks. There's at least one store that has them at 50 cents for a number of different breeds. I'm going to check another store first. Which store is that? Family Farm and Home. Oh, really? That seems to be out of season for them. They and Tractor Supply, I know, still have chicks. Tractor Supply doesn't usually discount them like Family Farm and Home does, but they usually get a lot of them from Timeline Hatchery, which is a big one in Michigan. And they start out at five-something or six-something sometimes, depending on their breed. And when they're a week or two or three old and they haven't sold them yet and they got new ones coming in, they start dropping the price on them. And they start jumping out of the tanks if they're not careful with them because they start to get big enough that they can flutter around. Well, now that our meat birds were getting ready to finish them off so that we can use the same space for the chicks. Yeah. I like how brutal you are. We're going to finish them off. Look at that. It was like, we're going to finish off the chip. Well, finishing raising them for the year, because this is our second batch. We started off with 25, and we did the second batch we got for 50 cents. Same store. 50 cents for 35 of them. And now they're only seven weeks old, but with this heat... um they start to suffer in the heat when they're about seven eight weeks old so and we had all that wet weather they're they're covered but some of it is a little wet in there and we'll we'll try to make them as comfortable as we can but this weekend some of them are going to freezer camp or caning camp nice And I'm going to be kind of busy because I don't have two digital canners I can work at a time. I only have one. So I usually do a batch a day, a butcher one day and can them the next. So, you know what, Karen, I got a cheaper, I got a cheaper chick source than what you have. Yeah, you have an incubator. Yeah, well, not only that, we just let the chickens lay and just let a hen sit on the nest. They can do all the work and you don't even have to plug it into the wall, you know. But yeah, I've got like six incubators. So I think that my max is I can hatch out about 240 birds at a shot. but yeah, I actually did. We actually did that one time. We had 240 eggs that we picked up and threw in the incubators. And the problem with this whole thing is, is that those of us who are not meat eaters, which, which I should have just, just called you Karen, you savage and given them to you. But, but we, we, we ended up having a 70 rooster hatch out it was a rooster because I was looking for for laying hens you know I wanted more eggs out of it no we had a 70 rooster situation so we had to have the rooster execution happen and and uh and so but you know honestly you just let the I can let the uh the uh uh the hens sit on the eggs and you'd have free chicks if you really want to do something like that because you know, 21 days and you can hatch out and that's no power requirement. So you can actually do that off the grid. Yeah. How long did 21 days? Yeah. Yeah, you know, when you have ducks or guineas, it's a 28-day cycle. That's why the eggs have such big yolks in them, because they have to have more nutrients for those extra seven days. And so when you use a guinea egg, that's why bakers like duck eggs, and they like the duck eggs better, and they like duck eggs as well as guinea eggs or anything like that. That's why. I think geese are that way too, if I remember right. Yeah, because they've got, they've got more yolks, so they're richer. So they're better for like custards and that sort of thing. When they're laying on an egg, do they continue to produce eggs? It depends on how many they have in the nest already. Um, generally what they'll do is they'll kind of the lay until they have a suitable size clutch of eggs, and then they sit on them and they, they kind of like stop laying while they're sitting on them. Um, But that can take, you know, that might take a week or so of the incubation there for them to, or a week of laying for them to have a suitable size clutch in a nest before they sit on them. Usually they'll stop laying though once they're sitting on them, I think. So this is the deal. Over a hundred chickens, we usually have about 130 of them. I could pick up about 85, 90 eggs in a day, throw them under one or two chickens and they could take care of, you know what I mean? So, I mean, like if you really want cheap birds there, Karen, I'm pretty extra sure I could hatch them out, but I'm going to be making a trip to my house to pick the little buggers up, you know, and take them home with you because I'll hatch them out, but I'm not going to raise them right now because you know but there you go yeah that's that's a nice thing about the 50 cent ones is they're already past the little baby stage so they can handle the space that we have and they'll and they'll grow out of it um they'll grow big enough to be into the outside sector um a little sooner and then Hopefully it'll be laying by fall because some of the older hens that we have, they'll be going to freezer camp too because they're not productive as much. We have somewhere around 12, 15 birds right now. And I think I collected like four eggs yesterday. So our laying hens, even in the summertime, are not laying as many. We do have a couple of them that are broody right now. So part of that discussion, they're not necessarily laying. They just want to sit on everybody else's legs. And one of them is biting me. One of them is just sassing off every day when I move her up there. She's a very social bird, but she's just sassing off at me. Why did you take me off my nest? I was perfectly comfortable there. And then she just struts around angrily and pecks the ground and she finally eats and drinks a little bit and then she goes to bed because she doesn't have a choice. Karen, you just put them in bed with you at night. You don't even have to worry about putting them underneath a heat lamp. Just throw them into bed with a blanket over them. You'd be all set. Yeah. Well, guys, it's time to go here. I've got my other guys coming on. So I will. We need to sign off here today. Oh, my gosh, this phone is going crazy. Hang on here. Hold on. I've got this whole nominating convention coming up, so my phone's going off. Somebody join us. Are you guys going to come on the 27th? Yes? I'm planning on it. No. I have other things I've got going on that won't be going that day. All right. Well, we'll pray that you guys decide to change your minds a minute and show up because we'll have a great time that day. But anyway, thanks for coming on today. Any really quick last words I'm going to give you each 30 seconds. No, I think it was a good discussion about thinking about how to use the resources that you have. And I loved Dr. David's idea of basically using your car battery as your solar battery. That was a great idea. Thank you. That's awesome. And get horses. You can make one of the little pony go rounds. My last words are just be prepared. Think about things that could happen before they happen. I would like to add, putting God first in this conversation, what we were just talking about with laying hens happens in the wild with birds too. They will lay an egg a day until they have enough. And what they do is time it perfectly so that the insects their young ones will need to eat are available just in the right time. And that is not a coincidence. That is creation. That's cool. Hey, I'm going to bring in somebody in this backstage here into this conversation right now and welcome. Hey Jason, how are you doing? Yeah, I was just going on the private chat because I always have a lot to say about stuff. I never just talk just to talk. Had to let out someone that picked up steam back there. I was watching him in the private chat, and he's like, my profile picture is a rooster holding a payphone. Watch this. It's a rooster holding a payphone. When I created this branding, what I realized is my last name is Brewster, Jason Brewster. i didn't want something that was just like any other show everyone and their sister has like the blank blank show you know the matt walsh show ben shapiro show gotta hand it to stephen crowder when he did louder with crowder with a pun on his last name and I don't know if I mandela affected this into existence but I could have sworn when I was very young I used to get a little butt hurt because everyone was like oh jason brewster like brewster cock noodle do now I just embrace it so There you go. Okay, guys, we're going to move on to our day here. Thanks for coming on this morning, guys. And we'll talk to you next week. David, if you want to stay on the line this morning, too, for a little bit, that's fine. And you might really enjoy this a little bit. And we're going to move on to our day. Thank you guys for being on. And I'm going to play that music, and we'll be right back on with our show. Yeah, I got it. We need to have something that does the actual special effect. What's that? Jason can play. We have some sort of. Yeah, there you go. All right, guys, we'll talk to you next week. Thanks for being on. And I'll be right back with my second hour of Brandenburg News Network with our BNN citizen journalist panel. Yay! morning and welcome to brandenburg news network I am donna brandenburg and it is let's see where did house and dan go it is the second hour of brandenburg news network the 12th day of july 2024 and welcome to our show how are you guys doing today good morning how are you doing good need more coffee seriously right It's far more effective to brew your coffee at home rather than going to like Starbucks or Dippin's. I say Dippin's, that's a chain nearby, but we, I get the grounds recently and it's so much more cost effective to just brew it in your own home and have it. You're not wasting a bunch of money on coffee every day. Besides that Starbucks has crappy coffee. I don't like Starbucks coffee. Yeah. They burn it. You know, I was in Hawaii years ago and I watched how they bought their coffee berries, their coffee beans. And they send people in. We were told is that they send people into the fields to pick. Normally a coffee cherry is ripe within 48 hours and you have to pick it within 48 hours or you have unripe berries or rancid berries and whatever. And so anyhow, they literally pick the whole field at one time. ones that are unripe, ripe, and rancid berries, and that's why they have to over-roast it because they got to kill the rancid taste. I don't like coffee. No, I cannot hear Dan and Hollis. You guys want to leave and come on back in? I know Terry's going to join us in a minute. I wouldn't trust Starbucks coffee. I wouldn't trust any of these big giant international companies to think twice before you consume anything from them. Yeah, I buy my coffee locally. It's a brand called New England Coffee. They have a nice pistachio cream. What I like about it is that when you're drinking the coffee, it's brewed all the way through with flavor. So it's not like at Dunkin's. I'm from Massachusetts. I'm a Massachusetts native. You'd expect me to be all for that Dunkies. Actually, I used to work there and I saw how the sausage is made, so to speak, or in this case, the coffee, and they'll put the coffee in and then they'll pump flavor into it artificially with sugar or whatever. I could drink a black coffee and it would still taste like pistachio. It's amazing. But I also want to give a shout out to Timcast. I'm a huge fan of their brand and they do cast brew coffee and they're pioneering a lot for that as well. Well, I drink a variety of coffees and such, but that's one that I try to avoid at all costs. Once in a while, I'll get a good cup there, but if I'm out traveling, but it's not my favorite. So today I want to introduce Jason Brewster to everyone. He is one of the turning point, friends that were on media row there and he's able to join us today which is great and we were we had such a great time at turning point it was it was really fun and talk about finding uh people that you're like-minded with it was really amazing and what a great time and uh uh so so tell everybody a little bit about yourself and how you got to be there and then we'll determine topics we're going to talk about today because we just really off the rails all the time we started with off the grid now we're off the rails Yeah, well, you know, I have the uncanny ability to speak for three plus hours if I so choose. Makes me great for podcasting. I'm Jason Brewster, host of The Brewster Call. This is really my first time doing a lot of media circuits, so to speak. But it isn't my first rodeo at Turning Point events. I started my chapter at my college in 2023. At the time, I was just a secretary because I didn't want my face out there. And boy, that changed. Now I'm the president of that Turning Point chapter. We also started an activism hub in the county. And we're fighting a good fight up in New England where it is 10 times as hard to... get people. If you're in Tennessee, you're guaranteed like 20, 30 people right off the bat. But in a state like Massachusetts, it's 10 times as hard. And what I always see is everyone's kind of just moving out. And I used to want to do that. But when you retreat from the battlefield, you give the left, you give the communists who want to take us over everything that they want. And so I'd encourage people that even if you're in a blue state where all hope seems lost, don't give up and keep fighting the good fight. There you go. Agreed with that one. You know, we really have to get in the fight and stay in the fight no matter what. You know, it's like we had some difficulties this week. a lot of difficulties this week. But that doesn't mean you stop. It means you kick it in and you go twice as hard. When things get tough, go twice as hard because you're probably getting ready to break through something. I mean, that's the American spirit, isn't it? That is we're months. We're months. You know, we got kicked out of the country on the planet and came here. We didn't, we didn't leave while we, some of us left, but I mean, we also got kicked out every good planet on the country on the planet, found it, found a new world here. And it was great. Well, I mean, I wrote about that. I did a few op-eds for a class. I haven't published them yet. But one of them really says that the core argument is that the America First movement, so to speak, is not something that Trump started. Rather, what causes a group of pilgrims to risk their lives, their treasure, their sacred honor to come across to a land where nothing is literally just wilderness and Native Americans? and build something out of the absolute Wild West, so to speak, there's a spirit of rugged individualism and entrepreneurship, which is core to the American identity. And so the America First movement doesn't belong solely to someone like Donald Trump. it was something that was core within the american spirit that the founders did it during the revolution and and reignited that for their time so did lincoln so did reagan and now trump inherits that movement and at some point he will need to pass it on to the next generation I mean just by looking at me I've had people guess that I'm like 37 38 years old I'm only 21. i was born after 9 11 after the Patriot Act was passed, all of these rights that you guys talk about, I did not grow up in a world that did not have the TSA. I come at this from a very different perspective of someone who had to learn about liberty, someone who it wasn't core to my identity until I had the right father figure and right people come into my life and actually teach me, you should be free. and you should think for yourself. Interesting. That's the core principle right there. Look at how they remove people who will fight for freedom, who will, and this is what I mean by the American spirit of the spirit that fights for the liberties given to us by God, the right. Who are the first groups in every country that was taken over by the communists to be executed, exited and kicked out? Right now, they're trying to kick out all of us conservatives who are ready to fight for our rights. They're trying to do the trying to replace us with with migrants and the the. uh invasion that's on right now I mean they're trying to kick us out they're trying to replace us they're trying to make us irrelevant and that's that's not going to happen because that american spirit is going to come back double down and shove it right up there you know what so backstage okay I'm still having trouble getting Dan and Hollis. Are you guys there? Can you hear us? Can you hear us? Oh, yes. We can't see you. Yeah, I don't know why. Nothing's changed in my computer. My camera's not working all of a sudden. But we are here. I don't know. At least you can hear us, right? They've been messing with us all morning. I've watched one of our feed, one of the feeds that I'm on, because we're on like nine different channels. I've been watching it go down sporadically. Which doesn't really happen here, so I'm not really sure. I had checked the server, so if you see me kind of messing around and trying to figure out what's going on here. But we have had so many times this week that this has been interrupted. The broadcast has been interrupted. It's not on our end. They're cutting it on the end of almost all of our guests. because we can generally keep things up here but it's the connection and it's what's happening on the others and that if people don't have a high degree of of uh tech support or tech help behind us it's wild it's gonna keep happening yeah we just keep going so how so how's being in house doing this morning we are doing all right we're doing okay uh how's everybody there Great. You missed the great chicken discussion this morning with the Brandenburg Chicken Revolution that we're trying to get started here across the United States. We heard a little bit at the end about the laying eggs and stuff. I'm personally working with Casey to do a potato revolution. So we're going to merge rest of these potatoes and become one giant thing. Well, Michigan will join. We've got like two and a half rows of potatoes and they're absolutely going gangbusters right now. That's awesome. Well, I never knew that Maine was a potato state. So you learn things. But yeah, Michigan, Maine, Idaho. It's strange. I thought it was just kind of an Iowa thing. But see, you learn something new every day. I was enjoying this morning watching the clips that President Trump shared of Joe Biden's press conference yesterday, the big boy press conference. I definitely enjoyed that. And as I will always say, some people like to say, well, don't be cruel. Don't be cruel. I will be cruel because he's an evil, disgusting man. um pedophilistic allegedly men so who's caused much death and destruction to this country for decades so I like watching his cognitive decline play out live for the world to see and it's sad that america hasn't had a president for over three and a half years but I like that everybody is really really seeing it now and I love again I i said this last week but I will say it again I like seeing the establishment, whether it be the conservative ink establishment, Project 25 or whatever that's called, which is just laughably stupid. And the Heritage Foundation is a piece of shit organization. And I like I like watching them collapse. and just be made fools out of. And I will give credit to Ben Shapiro, who I despise and loathe with every fiber of my being, but I enjoyed seeing him destroy what's-his-face in Congress, and when he made that remark about if you say it enough, like Tinkerbell, Peter Pan, does your candidate magically come back to life? I liked that. I love seeing the left and the establishment, the unit party establishment, just collapse because they don't know what to do. So I definitely suspect there'll be more, you know, more cyber attacks. There's going to be a terrorist attack, more than likely. They're going to do some fake pandemic. They're going to do something because they're losing control of the narrative. Yes, you know, Wisconsin and what other state is doing the ballot, the drop boxes. you know they're having their little victories but at this point they're kind of they're spinning out of control and I like seeing evil fail but congratulations to alexander soros who I thought was a homosexual so my apologies for saying that for a year and if you were homosexual it's insulting to homosexuals But Alexander Soros and getting engaged to Huma Abedin, you want to talk about a match made from the bowels of hell? I mean, right there, right there. So congrats to those evil pricks. And then I'm done. I'm done ranting. I want to show you something that I found this week. Oh, let's see what's going on here. Add stage. Here we go. So Heritage Foundation, it was all over the news that they were hacked by the gay furry hackers. And they're denying that they were hacked. But it says it wasn't hacked, but nobody really knows if they were hacked or not. And they aren't going to say anything if they were hacked. So, but at any rate, you got to make up your mind on this one because it looks like, it looks like either somebody hacked their image by having this article, gay hair, furry hackers, or it was actually breached by the gay community. furry hackers. I did want to say something regarding Project 2025. I found that there's a lot of moral outrage on the left from people who haven't bothered to read the thing. That's the thing. They come up with this boogeyman and they try to take it down. Dan, I know you said personally you don't like it, but honestly, I actually printed this sucker, this 900-page behemoth I printed it out and I plan to read it and become an expert on it. Because even if you are of the position where it's like, I don't like it and it's a crappy organization, I still want to understand it. And I think in order to be intellectually honest, we should want to kind of engage with it. I don't agree with the communist Mao Zedong. but reading his works gives a good insight into, you know what, this is how sick and twisted he is. And for me, I'm doing this more as a, one, I want to know what's inside of it, and two, I want to be able to counter like a leftist or like, oh, this random thing I haven't read. Well, I have, give me a page citation, baby. It's good to do, and that's something that I commend you on because it's always important to read the enemy's propaganda. I do it often, and I enjoy doing it because the more you know, you're kind of armed with the info, so it's always best. So, yes, it's important to do, but understand where it comes from. And the Lincoln Project, of course, what are they called? I had a fight recently on Twitter. He unblocked me, I guess, with a fight with me, Rick Wilson. who I despise. They're quite evil, but it's fun seeing them do what they're doing. They pushed it a little too soon because they're getting desperate. Usually this would be one of their weak October surprises, but I think everything's off the table now, basically, because they're just spinning out of control. But all these groups represented there are literally the... They are... the devil they are what's wrong with the quote right side of politics wait you mean or this uh this project 2025 all these groups involved they they have always always I'm surprised to see America first legal, but I've heard some things recently about that. So that's- I will admit I'm a little bit more neutral when it comes to this. I wanna hold off making opinions before I actually, you know, I wanna actually kind of read what's going on and then, you know, read what other the opposition is. But also it's important to note that Project 2025, despite being made out to be like, oh, this is Trump's main plan, you can find that on Agenda 47. This is an entirely separate thing than Trump's actual agenda. Yep. Agenda 47 has been in place for well over a year. When he announced, he started putting it out. So that's what we tell everybody to look. But again, you know what? I guess at this day and age, I'm never surprised because I've been in this game long enough to see that the ones who say that they're your friend and they're fighting for you. are always the ones working against you and looking to destroy and undermine everything that we actually try to do, fighting for actual liberty, conservatism, God, things that matter. So I just kind of laugh at it. I like seeing them spin out of control. Go ahead. The right one, the Agenda 25, there you guys seem a little lost. Was that the right link? The Project 2025? Yeah. Yeah. The playbook, it's called Mandate for Leadership, A Conservative Promise. It's actually on that website. It's like 900 pages long. But I realized that my eyes would be shot if I spent all of my time reading it from a computer screen, something about the contrast of the white and black background. So I figured I'd just print the sucker out and try reading it for myself. That's good. That's always important. Like I said, always download the info and read their, read their evil playbooks because that's what they are. So really super, really super interesting. All of the stuff that's going on. It's a, And I think right now it's like I'm spending a lot of time taking on the position of being an observer to see how some of this is going to shake out. Because it comes down to are the good guys in control? Are the bad guys in control? Do we believe it at face value? Is there something more going on behind the scenes? And there's a lot of questions that need to be asked and answered yet. Black hats at play. Anything Heritage Foundation, black hats at play. Always. You seem to have very strong opinions on the matter. I know too much. I've been in this game too long, and I've seen it for well, you know, since 2007 on. I know what evil is. I know where they are. I know who they are. They've come after me. They've attacked me. They've tried to destroy my life. And I'm talking about everybody on the, quote, right side of politics. So the left is the left because you know what they are. They're a pathetic, weak, feeble organization of some lost souls and then just those perpetrating evil. But it's the ones on the, quote, right side of the spectrum that are the most destructive, duplicitous, disingenuous, fake, fraudulent. And they love to lead you astray and act like they have your best interests when, believe me, they don't. These are mega, mega money powers that they make money off of basically. As I said on the radio once with you, Casey, you know, they bathe in the blood of the innocents. They love war. For those of us who have actually served our country, we know what it is and we've seen it firsthand, the lies. And when you see things and you wake up to it, you can never, ever, ever go back to sleep. So you call out evil on all sides. You call out evil under every single rock. You have to. You have to. It's essential. I think that's an important distinction. Right now, the battle of just the political has really taken the dogs in the fight for it's a moral battle from good against evil. And it's important to note that Satan can't create anything new. He can only pervert and twist something that God has already created for good. I mean, that's where we get the transgender movement from, is it's perverting the natural order of, you know, male and female and turning it into like Z-Zim-Zers and all that. But no, that's a very astute thing. I just wanted to point out that it isn't us versus that. It's a battle of good versus evil at this point. From those who think that they are God versus those who want to actually follow God. And which side will prevail? And Jason, you're spot on with that. I also think it's something that I point out all the time that people always need to remember, because I've run into it many times on my shows and in person and whatever it may be. People quickly say they're Satanists. These are Satanists, Satanists, Satanists, Satanists. They have to understand that the established order, they create the left-right divide because it keeps us distracted. And when there's chaos, there's control. That's literally what they do. They think we're dumb. They think we're insects. They like us doing left versus right. It's a divide and conquer thing. Of course, and they like you saying it's God versus devil. These people in control on either side, air quotes, if you will, they don't believe in God or the devil. They believe they're bigger than both such entities. They literally you look at the very core of a Soros and go down. They don't believe in God or the devil. They believe that they are bigger, more powerful than. So it's always important not to get bogged down in the ship, you know, and the little the little. distraction techniques, but you call it out. You be fearless and you call it all out for what it is. Stay focused on the mission. And that's realistically, it's about achieving liberty and, you know, trying to find and fight for justice, but bringing people together. But you have to do so by being a fearless warrior as far as I'm concerned. Two things on that, because I know you and I are kind of taking up most of the conversation. I want to step back. But the two things on that is, one, I kind of, growing up in Marks, Massachusetts, I was a default liberal, and then I came out of that and actually saw reality for what it is. But I still have the temperament of a leftist. I'm able to, or sorry, I have the temperament of a centrist, and not a leftist, God no. But I can... interact with people on the left. And because I know that they're primarily going from a place of emotion, from a place of they're being deceived and emotionally manipulated, I can be like, listen, I feel you. I know where you're coming from, but, and then drop a truth bomb on them. I think what's really important at this point in time is that people are trying to, it's almost a gang or a cult mentality that people have been brainwashed into and having to have a group or an entity to align with, to validate their experiences and such, it would be probably a much better process to align only with God and make up your own mind on the issues. Because there's not one pure thing on this planet. We're in a fallen world with fallen nature. There was only one perfect, that's Jesus Christ. And he's not throwing the stones, okay? But watch what people do. People have to, they're so weak. And I mean that weak in the purest form. They're so weak, can't stand on their own feet in what they believe. Or they're so, I'm trying to look for the word that I'm losing it here. But they're not independent enough to think for themselves. And that's why we don't have enough people that will stand up, regardless of if anybody approves of what you say, and just goes and does what God puts in our heart and follows God. We've got all of these entities that are usurping following God. I am absolutely against endorsements. Really, I'm against the political parties. I think they should all be abolished. And Washington said they were going to do. They've turned into cults. And people are vetted before they are able to progress within the cult. If they don't capitulate, they are immediately broomed off to the side. It's all backwards. It's all... A very few top-down, it's a pyramid scheme that is running the rest of it. It should be something very different than the structure that we have right now. But it comes down to the fact that people have to have enough security in themselves and self-confidence to stand up and disagree with people and say what needs to be said, even if it's a friend sitting right next to you or, or, and, and I'm not saying do it in the way that was done in Macomb County this week with Darla Dotson going after Terry McCoskey in a very inappropriate way. So you apologize. It was a half-assed apology and I don't accept what she had to say. And so I'm sorry, it shouldn't have been done in the first place, but you don't, you don't, go after people, you have an, a stick to the facts, have an honest discussion, be willing to listen to somebody you disagree with. You know, I do that on a daily basis here. I'm listening to, there's not one person I've had on that. I agree with everything they have to say, not one. And, and that's okay. It doesn't mean I'm right. It means that we have a difference of opinion, but those core issues we agree with not being Republican or Democrat, It's like I disagree with people calling people purebloods, you know, or I'm a pureblood or you're not a pureblood or something. It's like the Starbelly Sneet just crap going on in the Dr. Seuss books. It's the no-true Scotsman fallacy taken to its purest logical extent. Yeah, you need to stand and be an individual that stands together with other individuals for good purposes in these United States and are willing to fight for everything that's good, which always comes back to God. It's all good things. All good things come from God. And then, and, uh, but you gotta, you gotta listen to what's in your heart and not violent. You know how you feel when you do something and you think that you're, you're aligning with somebody and you don't really agree with it, but you do it anyway, and you feel a little hollow afterwards. That's the Holy Spirit telling you, you didn't listen to me. You went ahead and you let something step in between your relationship with me and you. And it's going to cut the ties from God a little bit. The communication of the Holy Spirit. The closer you are with God, the more you listen to him and ignore the things here and follow him, the closer you will be to walking with God. And that's the only thing that matters. Yep. Cults need to go down. Political parties are cults. There you go. Bam! Dropped the bottom of the room, Dana. I'm just trying to be quiet so I don't interrupt anymore. I love it. Yeah, me too. I've been yapping this entire time. I wanted to see what Casey or Dr. Dave are talking about. Casey's like the most polite of all of us. It's not fair. You're the most polite. What you've all said. From my perspective, just doing one right thing every day. I've been on a path for quite a few years now and it's been very difficult. I almost quit one time and I didn't and I'm glad I didn't because I wouldn't be where I am now. But just by perseverance and just doing the right thing and listening to your heart and it will drastically change your life for the better. And so I think we're at a point in time in our country now where people are starting to see that, people are starting to be affected, and more people have to be affected before there is a drastic change in this country. And it looks like it's going to be a turn back to God revival, you know. I'm not overly spiritual. I just have a personal relationship with God, and that's vicariously through doing the right thing and just listening. My personal relationship with God, just listening and, okay, this is wrong. What can I do about it? And then just try to do whatever I can do about it. Like this last week or so with this hate crime ordinance that went through, it was kind of hard I documented the whole thing but at the end of the day everybody was able to see that it was one-sided that you know if you're a white person uh who's being defamed in public you know and I don't really care about words big deal but it just shows there's utter hypocrisy there's an agenda And so I just encourage people to stick it out and just do what's right for your family. Everybody is limited in certain ways to a certain paradigm with what they have going on in their life. But everybody can do one little thing every day and it will help your community. I think we should go there because you just brought up this topic about being spiritual but not necessarily religious. You know, I stopped going to church like 35 years ago because I didn't like what I saw. And it was a problem. And I've had people on here, and I'm going to tell you right now, there's a lot of people that like to call other people's names. And I fundamentally, I'll say it, I didn't say it when I was online, I fundamentally disagree with anybody calling Somebody who is homosexual is sodomite. I think it's demeaning. And it's a blatant attack. And the same thing with, you know, I have friends that are atheists. I have friends that are Muslim. I have friends that are in different religions and such. And it's like what I have a real big problem with in the Christian church, and I am absolutely unapologetically a Christian. That's who I am, right? But I have a real problem in the Christian church with people that just go sit in the pews with people that they agree with. It's like they can only sit down and talk to people that they agree with on all subjects and everybody else off with their heads and demean them and such. And I think it's wrong. And it goes back to, honestly, it goes back to the lessons in the Bible. And I think it's one of the greatest lessons of love is I've ever heard in my life. When Noah got drunk and was laying naked in his tent and Ham came in and saw him laying there in a bad situation. And he ran out and told everybody what he had done that was wrong and laid him out to everybody. The two sons that actually loved Noah walked in backwards, did not look on his nakedness and covered him. And didn't, you know, we're willing to walk with people and, and this comes back with being willing to walk with people with all of their flaws without destroying them, but saying, Hey, you know what? I'm here to show you the love of Christ. I'm here to help. We don't have to disagree. That's God's business, but I'm here to serve God. Here I am. And I care. Well, Donna, actually, that's an interesting thing there. You made two separate statements that I think are actually related by a thread. You were criticizing the Christian church just now because of, you know, not the church itself, like, but the people who would attend would only sit with the people that they, like, 100% agree with. And then you were also saying that political parties are essentially cults. But I think, honestly, it's more the attitude... that you have to agree 100% of the time. I mean, we all criticize the left because you could agree with them on fiscal policy and BLM, but then the second you question the trans stuff, they kick you out. They demand entirely sort of unanimity marching in lockstep, which is the degradation of the individual. And Casey, you had said something about them being hypocrites. I disagree. They're not hypocrites because they don't have any principles. You need to have a principle and then not be living with that principle in order to be considered a hypocrite. But if you don't have any principles whatsoever, they're not going against anything. And I guess I think we ought to be careful. I'm talking about the hate crime ordinance here as far as applying the law is what I was talking about. Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. But as a general statement, it's like you need to be principled in order to be a hypocrite. And if you're not, it's a different thing. But I'd argue against that. Like, in the Republican Party, like, sure, you can call out blatant evil. I mean, Dan, you're doing that with, like, the Heritage Foundation, what you think, but... I think we need to be wary to not be as much like the left that demands like you have to agree with us on 100% of the issues. I mean, if I can find like one or two things I agree with the person on, I welcome them with open arms because we can build a meaningful coalition of people who genuinely want to be free and genuinely want liberty. And that's from a strategic thing that we only drive people away if we're saying you have to agree with us on 100% of everything. Yeah, I think that it's good to have the discussion on things. But I guess I'm harder on a Christian church because I am a Christian. And so it's like you can put that across the board, though, that when you look at another human being, that's a human being. And wouldn't it be better to be able to work together and maybe we can both learn from each other some things together? instead of sticking to these issues that are divisive. You know, there's core things. I think that one of the best things I ever heard is sometimes we need to protect the rights of those we disagree with as much as our own, because when we protect rights, we're protecting the rights of everyone. And I think that as long as they're not shoving agendas down our throats and grooming our kids, I mean, they don't have the right to overstep the rights of parents either. I mean, you can't destroy somebody else's right while you're pushing your own. Does that make sense? There's a balance there. But I don't know. This is one of those long discussions that I think we need to make sure that we're, I'm far more critical of the Christian church because I think that we have failed in reaching out. And when we see the evils that are out there, to actually step forward. If you just sit in your church or if you just sit in your political party or you just sit with those people you agree with just so you can sit and have coffee and agree, what good are you? You got to get out in the world and talk to people. Yeah. No, that's key. You know, on my shows for well over a decade, I've had co-hosts that were, you know, atheists, socialists, communists. I've had every type of, you know, differing opinion you know for the last couple years blm activists and we sit there and we have a conversation they said that we had you misjudged I said no you you didn't know me until we actually sat down and conversed and that's fine because I don't hate you for the person I hate the evil that's doing these things and that's pitting people against each other each other and dehumanizing and that's why I will be overtly critical of the organizations that divide and try to conquer through that and pull people away from people because that's what's lost, the ability to have a conversation. Do I go on the radio show and do I go on Ransom times? Yes, I do. But anybody who's ever heard my shows knows that at one minute I'll have conservatives cheer me on, cheer me on, cheer me on, and then I get to them. And then I tear them down and then, Oh, you're not a real conservative. Thank you. You know, you, you judged that's prejudice. It's, it's funny, but you break through the noise sometimes of force. And it's important to not lose that, that basic unity that we have with each other, you know, and Donna, what you said about Christian, I was raised Catholic and I, I loathe the Catholic church and I, I feel more like Casey does, you know, I have a relationship with God. That's, that's my thing. But I've seen the churches as institutionalized. They do the same thing that the political parties do. They're all kind of in bed with each other. They cause division. They sow hatred. They sow despair. They cause death, destruction. And it's a shame because it's a perversion of unity and love and acceptance and faith. And it's okay to believe what you want to believe. We can still be good to each other. But when you have so many of the powers that be that use it for evil and twist it to keep us all at each other's throats, it's it's really, truly the greatest mortal sin there is. I want to show you guys something that just a lot of these things are schools of sorry, but. Go ahead, Casey. I'm going to play something as an encouragement to everybody, but go ahead. I was just going to say, you know, these things are isms, they're schools of thought. And so I grew up Lutheran and Baptist and it, you know, it was good. It was a good thing. It was good to, you know, I have good morals and, you know, I believe in God and Jesus Christ and all that. But I just, I got to a point where I found that I just by having, you know, just this relationship, this dialogue with God that I don't know, I've been able to I don't feel like I need church. Maybe that's, I don't know. I just feel like by doing the right thing on this walk that I'm on, I feel like I'm kind of going to church in a way. I don't know if that makes any sense. It should be a day-to-day. What you're saying is it should be not just go to church on Sunday, but you should live it every single day of your life and talk to God. It says in the Bible, pray ceaselessly. You don't cease. You don't stop praying. Right. Yeah. Okay. I want to show you. Yeah. I want to show you guys this. Cause I think this is, it's about a three minute video, but I think this is really important because of where it goes to, but you got to kind of stay to the end. I'm probably going to interrupt it. So I, I don't get a straight interruption from YouTube, but this is interesting. Can you hear it? Yeah. You know what? That baby's fine. See that? She fine, too. She fine. My bag ain't be sitting here. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Don't you just drop my damn bag on the ground. I'm gonna need you to pick that up. I'm gonna pick that bag up. Pick my bag up. After you pick your hat up, but pick my bag up first. Where you at? You didn't say you let me have it. You didn't say you let me have it. Dang, dang. Wow. I don't care about no ticket. I don't care about no ticket. Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. You ain't got no rights to be talking about somebody. You ain't got no rights. I'm fighting for your freedom. I'm fighting for your family. I'm fighting for your mom and your dad. Don't worry. Everyone here, I'm fighting for them. You know what's been worse? that you girls are gonna make it? You know, not just me, telling my mom, my dad's shoes, what do they go through, knowing that I'm in war? I'm sorry, but don't worry about it. Ma'am, she's pregnant. I apologize. I'm so sorry. I just had a bad day. It's okay. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have brought you back. No, please sit down. Have a seat, please. I would be honored if you don't have to sit by me. I'm sorry. I just had a bad day. That's what it's about. It's okay. I was having a bad time. All right. I thank you. I apologize. I'm sorry. It's okay. Bring it in. Yeah. That's great. It's okay. Oh wow. That was a great video, isn't it? Yeah. It was awesome. You know, it almost made me cry because it shows that it, it was just beautiful to watch because it shows, you know, people lash out, people are hurting everywhere. And it's, you know, people act out of their ego and their thing. But when you are compassionate, like he was, and he hugged her and said, it was okay. That's how people learn. And that was awesome. Thank you for sharing that, you know? We got a lot to learn. We got a lot of really hurting people. And I'm telling you, we got a lot to learn and everything, but just to love each other. I love you guys. I had so much fun at TPA and it's just, it's so fun to just sit and have real discussions with real people who actually give a crap. Yeah, I love you too, Donna, and I love what you said earlier. I know I didn't say – because I'm always learning when I'm on these videos. Maybe sometimes I don't say as much, but I love – like I listen, I learn from you guys so much. And what Donna was saying, the one thing that we all have, we do really believe in God. And as you said, whatever version that is, if it's a Buddha, if it's Jewish, whatever, some people – just the division that it causes. But what's important is the intention behind it. When you know you're – your true intention now your ego your soul is saying you know you're doing things for the right reason because of god because it's the right thing to do then there are miracles when things happen like we had a couple things happen to us this week we dan and I know we're on the right track but it's it's hard it's just struggle sometimes and we've had like some miracles happen just just an example just to show like we were trying to get some equipment it's very expensive and all this stuff and we were kind of having a day where we were down and we were like you know it's hard and how are we going to do all this and our mind is thinking you know our ego is thinking how are we going to get the money how are we going to do this that how are we going to get this computer thing we needed or whatever and just out of the blue we went down to a uh thrift store and it was like called jenna's helping hand down the street and we met this man he i don't know he's not always there but we ran into him he's like coming in the back here I have some stuff I think you're gonna like and he had video cameras and screens and all this stuff and he's like and he was so awesome so nice and he's like basically giving to a lot of us for free and like very cheap and we were just like and I said to him thank you so much because you showed dan and I were asking we're like we'll find a way you know we'll figure it out but I just thought that was an example in the flesh of like literally and I said And I said, that was God. That was so God answering those prayers, really, you know? And so it's just the intention behind it. We all have that in common. And it is a shame, the control and divide and all that stuff. But that's why I love you so much, all of you guys. But Donna, you know, you are... you know, Christian and you believe and we all do. So that's my two cents, but thank you for having me. And I love these discussions too, because you're from the soul and the heart. And that's so much that that's what we all have in common. We're all divided about everything else, but we all have that in common, you know? I think if we walk away from the feeling of being afraid and the threats that are out there and realize that God's in control and let him take the wheel, he'll resolve the things that are problematic, but that's gotta be the first step. And then we've got to, really look at each other with great compassion, but holding people in a beastly way accountable when they do things that are against the rights that were given by God and guaranteed by the constitution in a lawful form. You know, to your point with the hate crimes, Casey, I, I love it that you have the guts to stand up and do what needs to be done. I mean, I just absolutely love that. I think that, I think people need to be called out when they're, when they're doing the wrong thing or hurting other people. How is, how is that the fight out there going with, with Dan, with Don out there? Is it Dan? It's Dan, isn't it? Yeah, City Councilman Dan Gookin, for those who are not aware, you can go to my Substack,, and basically what happened was a city councilor at a 4th of July parade was saying, was basically pointed at my friend and I who were just off the main strip where the parade was coming by, and he call this white supremacist, racist, you know, like four times and whatever. But he just passed this hate speech ordinance. And, you know, there's different aspects of the ordinance, intimidation, public nuisance, et cetera, which are already laws. But of course, they have this social agenda to it. If anybody condemns somebody or perceived race, religion, etc., etc., gender, then they could be charged with a hate crime. So he essentially violated the very thing, essentially, by calling us white supremacists. White is a race, of course. But as we've seen, you know, last March, when the Utah women's basketball team was downtown Coeur d'Alene, and somebody went by and yelled the N-word at them, then, of course, it was all hands on deck. This is, you know, you had the city, the mayor, the local human rights organizations, Gonzaga University hate studies all having a press conference, and... Of course, they couldn't charge this 18-year-old kid with anything because he didn't actually threaten to hurt this person. He was just making a derogatory comment while speeding downtown Sherman. So anyways, suffice to say, the police department decided they weren't going to press charges against him. uh they're they're I think they're trying to say the ordinance isn't in effect yet what but from the information I have it was signed on july 20 on sorry july 2nd by the mayor and um I was I heard it was in effect immediately but beside the point it just showed the other hypocrisy you know the paper didn't mention it the press you know nobody ran it so it really showed it's just it's it's they're they're hypocrites and there's an agenda and that's it's to demonize uh christians nationalists white people essentially and you know if you're if you can't dare speak out against this lgbtq agenda otherwise you could be charged with a hate crime so that's that's very real and that's that's the situation here in north idaho and Sounds like it violates the First Amendment. Sounds like it violates the First Amendment. Yeah, and Congress shall make no law, right? These agendas are so evil. They are so evil. And we've got to stop them by speaking out against them because they're hurting people and they're hurting people badly and they're destroying this nation. Absolutely. So I'm going to have to go here pretty quick today. I can't stay on all day because I have to, I think I'm going to be going to Lansing today too. I've been fighting monsters on every level right now. And so if I'm a little off this morning, it's because I got on here this morning and yesterday was too, everybody's asked for not moving day for Don Brandenburg. And it's really, you know what it is? It's the apathy. So getting so tired of the apathy. And people following paper, you know, being afraid of paper tigers and not honestly getting down to the real information. You guys are great at it. And I love having discussions with you. But, man, I'm telling you what, I have had a couple of really rough days because I got something thrown in my lap that I'm not real happy about. But it's so help me God, I'm not going to just like. walk away from something that needs to be handled. So I'm probably going to have to head to Lansing today. And well, that's the plan anyhow. And I'm supposed to leave in about 15, 20 minutes. So any last words for everybody? Well, I wanted to say, first of all, thank you for having me. It's been an honor to be here. Don't let the idea that the Lord's just going to come next Thursday and take everything over and Jesus take the wheel, lull you into a sense of complacency. I'm on the welcoming committee. I'm not on the planning committee. And when the Lord comes back, I want to be caught doing the best I can to fight for our nation. I don't want to have to explain to him on judgment day that, oh, I was just sitting back and doing nothing. But I'd also encourage everybody to pray for the Northeast. An attitude that I've taken is, if not me, then who? And ultimately, we're on the forefront of a movement that has what's right in mind, but is being relentlessly persecuted. But blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake. And so parting words is that There are good people, not just in the America First movement, but even in Generation Z. We're not all lost. I've got my ear to the ground, and there's a lot of base patriots in my generation. It's about finding them and encouraging them to speak up, especially in places where it matters most, like Massachusetts. There you go. David. The next time this group gets together, I'd really like to hear from you. You guys are all so smart. What is the core problem? Where did we go wrong in our republic, our democracy? And what do you think would fix it in the future so it doesn't happen again? Because to me, it's going to happen again, even if we win and get rid of every single bad person. There's something wrong to the core. that turns people bad or allows them to do what they're doing? Because this has been going on for a long time. We're just coming to the top of it where it's outrageous, but it starts slow and it's a bad seed. How can we, if we do win, how can we restart in a different way to ensure that this doesn't happen again? Yeah. Good question to think about. Yeah. And more of like what Donna shared in, I won't be too long, but that, that video that you shared, like, you know, if there were more of that people understanding like that and people, you know, it took some fighting and everything to, for her to, you know, break down and she understood, you know, more of that kind of stuff happening because people are always defending their fighting, trying to be right when she, like she understood in the end. And I think if, you know, obviously not that simple, but like more of that kind of stuff and people learning and people opening up and people just, you know, helping each other and being understanding of compassion, empathy. I don't know. How do we get more empathy in the world? Cause it's all comes to empathy. That woman was struggling. She looked like the villain, but at the end she's just hurting too. So yeah. Yeah, thank you so much for having us on. Again, I really appreciate it. I'm going to be going to the West Coast. I'm not going to say where right now. Tomorrow and Saturday, there'll be some live videos, some videos from that. Macy Antifa. And then I'm going to be in Southern Idaho on Monday and Tuesday for a talk at the Old State Saloon. which made the news recently after they offered drink specials for heterosexuals. So now it's become a place where people go to listen to some... There's a lot of people speaking at this saloon now. It's kind of become a readout of sorts for Liberty in southern Idaho, so it's really cool. And then I'm working on two documentaries that will be featuring Dr. Jim Fetzer. And I'll be in Wisconsin maybe in the next month or so to get that in the can. Jim Fetzer is 84. So I'm going to be working on two documentaries, one about his life and the other one will be about Sandy Hook because he was sued for defamation. And there's quite a story there. And Jim has a lot of really interesting information about that event. And so... I've never made a documentary, but I've done this a lot now. And so I've got some people on board to help me with it. And I'm really looking forward to it. And I do need some funding. So if anybody's interested in that, I don't need a lot, but I didn't have to at least pay for the trip. And people can shoot me an email at North Idaho exposed with a D at and look forward to seeing you next week. I'm going to answer your question there on how do we stop it so that it never comes back again. When you look at the root of all evil being money, and you look at all of these things that we're fighting right now, It all comes down to financial incentive. If you want to stop, you know, we can sit here and have a discussion on abortion. We can have a discussion on all of this, but we can, but look at how much money is in the government and how that literally centralizes all the power into those who are the best at stealing pillaging and taking what is not theirs. You have to cut. The financial purse strings on all of these issues. If you started cutting out the PACs and the lobbyists and the money flow to politicians, you would have people that are willing to step up for the right reason because they cared about the communities and they decentralized it. If you cut out the big government, if you went to 90% nullification of everything out there, you cut the funding for all of these trans clinics because in 2012, there was one in the United States and then Pritzker got in there and Pritzker is the one that owns the majority of them or he's got a controlling interest. Why? Because they're getting funded from the federal government because it centralized all the money and it turned it into a parasite predator. The ultimate predator is the government of the United States. You look at CIS Airlines that's getting funded by our government for $10,000 for every migrant child who is a victim of what's going on coming across the border, the coyotes, the cartels, which is running the entire damn world. And so, you know, as puppet with the globalists, if you cut the money, because what's happening with this is they're paying $10,000 per migrant child to run them back across the border. They never get home. Most of them go right back to the cartels to be re-trafficked again, or they end up in a meat grinder somewhere. They don't make it back home and we are funding this. You want to stop abortion? You cut the funding. You want to stop the discussion and the nonsense with the discussion on gay marriage and such? You cut the financial incentive. I had a friend. Who happens to be gay asked me. I get asked this a lot. What's your stand on this, Donna? What's your stand on this? Well, this is what it is. He asked me, what's your stand on gay marriage? I said, my stand is this is a stupid question, and I don't understand why you're asking me this. I said, the real question that should be asked is why is the government in marriage at all? Because there's a financial incentive to see the marriage fail. That's what they want. They're betting marriage is worse. and they're making it absolutely impossible for them to go forward. And so if you take out a marriage license to get married with the permission of the government, it used to be when I was younger, you had to go through a physical exam to get married, including a complete pelvic and everything else. You had to do that before you could get married when I was a young woman, I'm 60 years old. And how is this okay for government to mandate this? If the government gets out of marriage, they get out of owning your property because it's all about property rights and determining who gets to take it and how it gets to be distributed to the attorneys, which is not a legal entity at all. The bar is a club. That's it. They don't have a license. to practice law. They don't. We have the right to defend ourselves and they put it into a civil action jurisdiction, cut all the money and this goes away and make it illegal by the process of overstepping it and enforcing antitrust laws that are out there and or enforcing all acts that go against the Constitution, which is treason and leads to death. Make it hurt. If somebody steps over that, you've got to make the punishment so severe that they never even think about going in the direction that the United States of America is in. You don't get to violate another person's rights. We're not God. We shouldn't be acting like God. We should be here to be brothers and sisters to help each other. And when somebody gets out of line, that's when the playground brawl starts right then and there to stop their actions against other people. That's how you end it. You cut the money. Yeah. Yep. Agreed. There you go. Well, thank you so very much. You need to be governor of Michigan, Donna. You'll be. So they don't want me to be governor of Michigan. That's why they try to silence me because it would be the hatchet man of your existence of the millennium that would go through here and start chopping this thing like going through a freaking jungle with a machete. You know, that would be what would be happening here in Michigan. It would be like people would either be absolutely shocked. You want to talk about shock and awe. That would be the shock and awe right there. Give me a couple of planes to go to Gitmo. Round trip flights one way. Now, I'm not talking to 747. I'm talking to C-130. Pack them in like sardines. And we're done with this nonsense. You know, that's what needs to happen. And I'll help. I'll volunteer my help. I love that. Make all of the college communists and give them a one-way government-funded ticket to any communist nation of their choice, be it like North Korea or... Iran, let's put them all in Iran. They can wear their tutus over in Iran and have discussions over in Iran by how they need their rights there and see what happens. They're going to be some bad man's girlfriend at that moment in time and then probably not escape with her head. But, you know, that's what you're going to fight for. I think we should let them have what they want. And so there you go. Well, let's say a prayer, guys, and end this day because I really do have to go. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so very, very much for all that you've done for us and for leading us out of this very complex situation, which we understand it's actually pretty simple. It appears to be complex, but it's simple. The simple part is, is that you are God and we are not. And we are so thankful that you have a handle on this thing. You have control of it. The battle is the battle that Satan himself waged on you. It's a battle that he waged on your children to hurt you in the worst possible way. And we categorically reject this. We are willing to stand against all forms of evil, to stand for your good purposes, for your earth. You created it. It's a beautiful place. And against those who are willing to destroy it in their battle. against you and we're willing to stand together even with people we disagree with this is your project and we should we're willing to do the right thing and say the right thing every step of the way we acknowledge you as our lord savior that you paid a terrible price to pull us away from the control of a fallen world because you wanted a relationship with us. You were willing to send your only begotten son to die for us, that we may have a relationship with you forever. And we're thankful for that. We're so grateful for every single thing you've done. You do make a way. We are grateful for what we've done. This mess stems out of not being grateful for what you've done. And thank you so very much. We love you. We're willing to do whatever it asks. Whatever you ask us to do and lay everything at your feet, everything we own, our treasure, our sacred honor, everything we are willing to acknowledge. It's all yours. It always has been. And we're just stewards here and your servants to do what it is you ask us to do to bring to bring your purposes, your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Thank you so much for this day. We love you. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. So this part of the show, boys and girls, go to because I'm the best non-conceiver who has ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And let everybody out there know that we love you. We're all fighting together. We're fighting together. It may look like we're separate. Don't focus on those things. Focus on what is the reality of the fact that we're all human beings. We all bleed red. We feel the same thing. And everyone is hurting right now. Everyone is hurting. You're not alone. And we're trying to find the best way out of a very dark place. And I think we're getting there. We're winning. We're winning a lot. If you watch the legislation that's been passed, we are winning. So with that said, God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. If you don't have an example, be one. It's a choice every single day. Have a great day. And next week, I'm going to be at the RNC. I decided to go there. And so it's like go big or go home time, guys. If you're going to talk about working together, then it's time to get off our asses and do the right thing and reach out to people and build those bridges and expose the ones that are working against we the people and standing with those who are willing to stand together and fight for this nation. It's important. So I'm going there. I'm going to be talking to everybody. So we'll be we'll be on live. And so we'll see what happens next week. And I encourage everyone to join us in our journey to to writing this nation. I'd go to the DNC convention, but I think that would be kind of an interesting. I'd go. So sign me up and let's start talking to everybody and trying to bring everybody back to one nation under God. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Have a great day. Thanks, Donna. Bye-bye. Bye, everyone. Thank you.