BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/11/2024 Liberty Essentials & J6ers Jalise/Richardson

Published Sept. 11, 2024, 9 a.m.

9am Bill Mohr, Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT Guy will be teaching the perspective on religion in government. This is a continuance of study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be learning together the relevance of current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. 10am J6er Jalise Middleton with Deborah Sandoval- will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Howard Richardson Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Bill Mohr, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter, Jalise Middleton, Howard Richardson

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is nine eleven, 2024 welcome to our show today. I am on and I'm not driving, so here, but I just wanted t here and talk about all Today we're gonna have a show. We are going to start And she's got two guests on this morning, which will be real interesting. She's going to take over on that as I'm driving back to get, you know, on the road back to get things in order back at home here. So lots and lots of things to report to you guys. And I guess I just want to say right now is that keep... Keep your eyes on God because there are things that are changing. Change isn't bad. Embrace it and realize that sometimes radical change has to happen in order to clean house and right things that are so out of whack. So anyhow, with that said, I'm going to bring on my guest. We're going to bring on Bill Moore, wealthy IT guy, and Karen the Riveter when she gets on. Hey, guys, how you doing? Pretty good. So we just went through a pretty wild couple of weeks, both you and I, Donna, and I don't know what else was going on. Several very, very close people to us now have passed on, and that kind of put a kibosh on a lot of the stuff we were doing momentarily. But back in the saddle again, a term that Donna understands more than I do, I use it mainly as a Just a cliche. Metaphorically. I ride on leather seats, right? Big horsepower leather seats. Donna rides on leather saddles, one horsepower. So it's relatable. Those are leather seats, too. So we both ride on leather seats. Mine's a little less gutsy than yours in many regards. But you've got to be a little crazier to ride an animal that is irrational. Yeah, yours have a mind of their own. Mine has a mind of mine, right? Yeah, that's true. So, a lot of things going on out there, and I think, you know, Bill, you brought it up this morning and to your point, I think we're going to subjects for people and that's okay that's okay I was on with Courtney Turner and we got talking about the fact that I do not believe in protected status of anyone and I mean anyone and that comes with comes in Well, as she was saying earlier, there are some connectivity problems today. Sometimes it's difficult to do live and drive at the same time. Yeah. war games in cyberspace. So what we have is an amendment to the Fourteenth Amendment, right, that all people are protected under equal protections of the law. That's kind of what Donna's referring to there. and that there is no class or sect of people within these United States that separate any type of protections or justice under the law, might I add. Each person is accountable to the law in their own individual capacity, no matter what position, office, or position. or title that they hold. Let's try that again. Okay. So what you're going to expect out of today, because there's an effort going on, it includes six countries and many companies that they have public a public private partnership with and it involves almost all the countries that have stan in their name and so whenever it shows up it's never a good thing at this point in time okay we're gonna have interruptions I will make a donna brandenburg prediction that you're going to be able to take to the bank we are going to watch go down and probably the electric grid at some point in time and it may not be the whole thing at this at time but we're gonna we're like going to change and in many ways so anyway they're playing war games all of our infrastructure communication I pulled everything up this morning that I could because it kept knocking me off of even making cell phone calls and or having any contact. And all of them looked like the same bikes that happened around what was going on at the RNC because the same cyber hacks were going on at the RNC with all of the telecommunications And you're going to see it. Verizon's having problems. AT&T is having problems. And Twitter wasn't loading this morning. All of them are having problems. And it's something that we'll be monitoring. But I can almost assure you, as in the last time, BNN was the only one that was really able to keep things up. And we are going to probably be the ones that are going to be keeping this up. Now, if things go down, we've made allowances for things. We have put a lot of hack-proof measures in place, and they're going to have a hard time knocking us out. And so it's possible, anything in the digital world is possible, but I think that we're sitting in a pretty good spot right now. So if things go down and Look bad. Come back to Brandenburg News Network and I'll pop on here. We'll turn the cameras on and let you know what's going on to the best of our ability. That's good. That's like our own. What was the commission back in the revolutionary time? Karen, you could probably answer that commission of correspondence. No, I don't know. Our committee of correspondence, that's what it was. A group of individuals who would constantly keep communication lines open and notify the public of what's happening. It's an essential part of maintaining liberty. So you kind of walked right into that one for me. Well, you know what? The other thing is, too, is that we've been working on a wireless communication system, and we can get it all the way to Boston. We've done that before, and that is completely off the grid. And so the nice thing is that we have... And we're getting ready to deploy it. We started to deploy the handheld devices. And we also have base stations. So you two are on top of the list to make sure that we're all connected. But other critical people, too, that need to be connected. But we were able to. improve those communications by an important entity. And we're the only ones that were able to accomplish what we've accomplished. And so it's going to be available shortly for other people who want to take part in that sort of activity. And I think it's going to be A critical thing. Communications are going to be wonky. And I am feeling. Seventy five percent of it go down or more. It may be. It may be. It may be an interesting time to be alive. If it happens, don't panic. If you're here, it's because you're probably average with our shit. You know what? Yeah. Yeah, I'm saying that cheap, right? But, you know, it's like one of those things that's going to be our job as followers of Christ to walk forward unwavering and keep people calm and realize the plan is there. It's God's plan. It's God, and it's going to be okay. Well, let's see. What's the first thing that goes just before war? We all should know this. The first thing that is, the first casualty of war is the freedom of speech, right? It is essential that we maintain that right in any amount that we can, any avenue that we can. Because as Hosea said, my people are short for lack of knowledge. If we quit bringing them the knowledge that they need to free themselves... then they'll be bound into servitude by whatever entity is silencing them. And we see it happening across the board, government funding. Well, and I'm going to tell you right now, I got offered a bunch of money again for, in this direction, was people that wanted to participate in BNN. But the problem is that you've got to think strategically, I think, about how they've done this. Anything that's an app is to Apple, Microsoft terms and conditions. They're manipulating them. If it's an app, it's being manipulated. The way we're doing it, differently and I can just tell them all to you know go screw them all they try to get they would try to censor us that's why when what's really important now is that everybody who's here have a part to play and the part is is that we we can't outspend We can't use, no matter how much money that we throw at this, it is not going to work. The only thing that works is human capital. And that means a group of people or patrons that care enough to say, you know what, I'm going to buy into this. And what I mean by buy into us is that we get out there and post every day. Get more people here so that we can raise them up with what's going on. Zero sensors. And the only way it's going to work is that anything that involves money will compromise it. If I went to an app, that app is going to be subject to terms and conditions of them absolutely turning it off at the Microsoft level, at the Apple level, at the programming and operating system level. It doesn't work. And it makes people feel really good. They can click around and they feel technology savvy. Well, this is another part of this beast system. And so if we keep going in the direction we have going right now, there's things that we can do as long as we don't put them all together. They control over us. And I can imagine sitting there completely and utterly pissed off. When we put those tornadoes off, I'm going to tell you right now, the hacks stopped dead in their tracks. And so, you know, we're on to something. It is going in a great direction. The responsibility of this rests on every single person that's out there listening to this. And that cares about this country. It's one way to fight. That's an important thing. The people have been deemed the threat, right? I think we can all agree on that. The people of this nation have been deemed the threat. And being that it's nine eleven, tying that back to the Patriot Act, I don't know how many people have actually read through the hundreds of pages of the Patriot Act. I know I have. It's absolute garbage, the fact that it was ramrodded through. Pretty sure nobody that passed it read it. Nobody that passed it read it. No, that's a guarantee because they didn't have the time from the time it was presented until the time it was passed at whatever it was, three o'clock in the morning or something like that. Or they don't know what to vote for. And I'm going to tell you what right now. The crap Republican Party, the absolutely criminally complicit Republican and Democrat Party, they installed Pete Hoekstra, who signed that thing twice, which puts him in the category of treasonous against this nation. It was a... and our ability to not be surveilled in such. They're criminals. Yeah. Every single one of them was an accomplice to that. The Patriot Act actually, the definitions of what they called a terrorist immediately after nine-eleven, right? What were we told? We were told almost immediately the narrative came out that it was the Oh, come on now. It was the, for lack of a better word, the Islamic people, right? That there was an Islamic group of terrorists. And what did George Bush come out and say following that? He says, you're either for the terrorists or for us, right? It was an immediate way to divide the people based on an emotional response to a huge catastrophe. Mind you, that was pre-planned and pre-known by our government entities. Between Bush and Cheney and the CIA and the FBI, a lot of that information has already come out now. And a lot of us, at the time it was happening, we were saying there's something wrong here. The way all that fell into place is just absolutely ridiculous. Never let a good crisis go to waste, right? That is exactly it. Exactly it. Let's talk about that. They went right after, you know, as long as right there. Nobody could ever convince that that believable about. They've got a whole city full of papers and things blowing in debris, blowing everywhere. But somehow they find the passports of the two terrorists. that went up allegedly in a fireball, and they find it in a city full of paper, and they've got their names. We know who it is, and the whole country looks like a bunch of carp on a line. We know who it is, and it's an Islamic terrorist. And all you've got to do is look at the absurdity of this and just stop and think a minute. How do you cut through a building with a steel exoskeleton and have the perfect outline of an airplane. You can't even, you know, I fly, and it's like you can't even touch wingtips without those puppies crashing or crumpling. It's absurd. Yeah, let me pull up this picture a minute. This one has been going around. Oh, good grief. I'm not used to doing this anymore. You can pull that up, Ralph. There's a picture going around recently of an airplane wing. And I don't know much about airplanes. That looks seven thirty seven, seven forty seven, somewhere in that era, similar to the size that they claim hit the towers. Right. Running into a light pole and bending the pole over about ten degrees and smashing almost a quarter of the way through an airplane wing. That's a light bulb for Pete's sake. For anyone that still believes that the entire nose cone of an airplane can make it through a building, it's absolute insanity. There's pictures of airplanes that have been hit by birds mid-flight, right? It completely demolishes the front of the nose cone. It's incredible how people believe. And once you get past the point of knowing that something wasn't quite right, like when you referred to the passport thing, when you can rationally process that, and then you start to dig a little deeper, and you find out that... They also had that building planned for abatement, right? Because all of the pipes and such were still wrapped in asbestos. So they had that building planned for abatement. They already had contractors on scene that have given quotes, which are astronomical prices. And I don't believe that they would have afforded it at that point. You look closer at the details, and you also find out that both police and first responders, firefighters, there's numerous accounts. And I mean, I know I have seen at least fifty accounts of individuals saying that while they were in there or nearby the scene, they heard explosions. Just before the towers came down. You take all that into account and understand that the melting point of steel is well below the burning point of jet fuel. We're not even going to go into there. There's just irrational arguments that people want to have. And there's a larger picture as to why they had to come down. And Karen, let's not even talk about building seven. Right. City blocks away. We're talking about another not real high rise, but a taller building that they claim. And I actually had a video of that where they scientifically claim that the disruption in the Earth's surface tension from the collapse of the towers caused Building seven to weaken its structure and fall down. Which coincidentally where the CIA was hiding documents. And they had lost track of like eight hundred million dollars on helicopters and crap that they had to hide. You know, that's like the seven hundred dollars screwdrivers. And with that point, to your point of the melting point, there's no way to go. melts or acts or reacts the way that they're and the only answer to that is enriched thermite and that's a military grade um uh you know that's military grade yeah nobody ever talks about the that tower it's that building it's it's as if nothing happened that day when they retell the story Like right now, there is a program on C-SPAN where they're doing a memorial service. They're naming all the people who are lost one at a time and ringing a bell and everything they do now. everything they try to do to go oh look what a terrible day it was and all the people that died and and there was a sixty minutes program on Sunday about firefighters and how there's a second generation now of their children who are now firefighters because they were inspired by that day it's um It's interesting to me how every type of program they put out and the information and the storytelling they do ticks me off more because it's like, yeah, when you talk about the firefighters who lost their lives and you talk about all the people who died above the flames, people who threw themselves out the windows because they were, they didn't want to die by burning up and, all that emotion that they want to put into the storytelling and the narrative of the terrorism. I'm like, yeah, our government did that to us. Our government did this on purpose to us. And it just ticks me off even more. They're trying to make us forget that or deny it or continue telling the old narrative. And it's like, yeah, please tell us, please do more of that. It was interesting, too. I want to tie it briefly into what happened yesterday with the debates. Because I started picking up on it. I started posting about it. And then I find out everybody else is posting about how David Muir especially was fact-checking Trump repeatedly. And it was made very clear that ABC was working against Trump and they were heavily biased. And one of the memes I sent to you this morning was, um about how obvious it was that The media is working against Trump and how it was a gift. That was a great phrase because now the people, if they didn't see it before, this was part of the awakening for dummies process. The media is the enemy. They're going to be continuing to tell us stories. They made Trump a victim again yesterday. He's had all these attacks against him and the media victimized him again last night. I think that helps him. And you have this contrast where Biden last night told the press, I'm going to do nine, eleven tomorrow. It was on his schedule to do nine, eleven. It's so flippant. Yeah. that you're over the target on this. And the fact that everything they do is smoke and tears. And you look at the attacks on our elections, we have proved beyond any reason, if this would have been a murder, somebody would have been executed for capital crime here on this. We've got so much evidence on this. It's just, it's unbelievable. I don't think there's ever been another crime committed in the history of the world that has so much evidence of a criminal conspiracy here as what they've done in our election process. And you know what? I don't really give a rip if anybody likes President Trump or not. I really don't care at this point in time. And the reason being is that they attack us as America on our elections. this was an attack against we the people president trump is one of us and it's like people were attacked on that day our constitution was attacked on on the with the election with um uh with the patriotic this is a complete assault on the united states of america We, the people. And whether it's President Trump or not, we have to fight for the process of him being president of the United States because the process is what they violated. They violated his rights. They violated every single right of every person in the United States of America. If you don't stand by fighting for when they subvert a process that's their awful process, then I can't help you. This country is a country of laws, not men. And when we walk away from when they usurp a law or a process, and it becomes a popularity con, and people say, well, I'm not going to vote. I don't like President Trump. You just stood with the traitors that absolutely launched an attack through our elections against the United States of America. They diluted the vote. They took your voice. They took the will of the people. Anyway, it is a violation of not just one amendment, but multiple amendments, as well as the articles and processes. Well, to tag off what you just said a minute ago, Karen, that the media absolutely portrays Trump in a negative light, which helps his campaign. I don't doubt that for a minute, but you can't leave off the other side of the media as well, what I call conservative crack, you know, like Fox News. The same goes for both sides of the two major parties. They're constantly supporting one and demoting another, right? How do you pack a stadium for an MMA fight? How do they do it? They promote the fight, right? One set of people is promoting one guy, another set of people is promoting another guy. It's constant division, and it keeps the people entertained. As long as they have a piece of bread, a little bit of food, and a little bit of entertainment, they own you. Right. If we're tied up into that bread and circuses, that is absolutely the case. And they've been doing it, doing it for a long time regarding the elections. Donna, we've touched on this before, that this is nothing new. Twenty twenty was not anything new. The only thing it was was more people were were woken up to it because it was their guy being attacked. But I'm going to tell you in twenty sixteen, the exact same things were being said. You go back back to the twenty sixteen election when Trump was was was elected. And you'll find that the other side. Right. The whole unconstitutional sides that we're dealing with. The other side, that group of people made the exact same claims, not only regarding the election process, the stuffing of ballots, but also they made it public in twenty sixteen that Dominion was in fact a foreign entity and that could easily be hacked. But how many people heard about that? Because it didn't come across the conservative news, but rather it came across what everybody would call the left. Yeah, I think somebody made a great point the other day. Maybe it was it was John Tater's show. And his segment on BNN, which which was really interesting. So if anybody missed it, watch that one where Donna was talking about her election case. And he brought up a point, too, that the Republicans are not using the very important point that Kamala does not. fulfill the obligations, the requirements in the Constitution in order for her to be a candidate, just as Obama did not. Why aren't the Republicans attacking her on that? And you could say, well, because they know they can beat her, and so they're just going to use her as an easy opponent and I'm not buying that. If you're the constitutional type of party, that's the first thing you say about your opponent. They do not qualify. They didn't do it with Lincoln. They didn't do it with Obama. They're not doing it with Kamala. And I was waiting last night, and David Muir didn't ask, hey, don't you not qualify for He's not asking her that question. Trump's not asking her that question. Why is no one asking her that question? She doesn't qualify as a candidate. That's the most basic concept there is. Well, and why aren't the political parties fighting for this? This goes back to, and I'm going to drop this here, Marjorie Taylor Greene. Everybody's like, we got to have more Marjorie Taylor Greene. Really? She was making money off the drug industry before she got into office. And then why did she step up to get those J-Sixers out? Why are none of these people stepping up? You know, they all play lip service to this. How many people stood up that were in office actually for President Trump? With the election, none of them, none of them. There's no body that is actually standing. And number two, if a dummy like me can file a pro se lawsuit and get this thing figured out, how is it that all these great minds that are in office can't do anything to actually hold them accountable? And I'm going to bring up another thing that I'm really concerned about. I went and listened to the Null Brothers, and I gave them a very pointed question because I believe both sides of the narrative are being funded. I just do, okay? And they were talking, one of the guys said, started talking about running for governor and everybody was like clapping. And I'm like, so we voted somebody who was a victim. What qualifies a person because they've had media attention to run for governor that is just based on the fact. So I asked him, I said, I threw it out there. I said, I want to know. And I want to question what you're going to hold the FBI accountable for that clearly violated your rights. And I said, I see a kidnapping charge in there. What are you going to do to hold them accountable? They went right to Fairport. Oh, you can't do that. You don't understand. You don't understand how volatile this is. You're all on a watch list. One of the guys said, well, I'm not a Christian, but if you're a Christian, you're on a watch list. And I'm sitting there going, is nobody listening to what's being said here? The reason why they won't, now I'm not going to say they can't do anything, but the reason why they won't do anything is because the moment people start using the law and the Constitution to expose the crimes of everybody we know by name, especially in the federal government, the moment they start doing that, they expose their own works. They're all complicit in it and they they will not do that because they have to be held just as accountable. Right. Both both of these political parties understand that principle. That is why nothing can get done. How many times had the Republicans exposed the the the corruption and the treasonous acts of Joe Biden? How many times do they talk about it? Good grief, almost daily you can hear something or some article that some Republican puts out regarding the corruption of Joe Biden. Now it's Kamala Harris, right? We just moved targets is all we did. But with all of the evidence they have, Why do they not do anything about it? It is their duty to impeach, and then it is the duty of the justice system to prosecute it. But that is what is lacking, right? Just as Micah said, three things are required from us. Do justly, love mercy, walk humbly with the God. We can't even get the first one right. We can't even do justice in this nation that guards our liberty, right? That is the issue, and they won't do it because they will have to be held to the same account by the people, and they know it. I saw a movie aired the other day. It's called man of the year I recorded it because I wanted to watch it later and uh, it's it's from two thousand six Robin williams stars as a comedian He's a late night talk show kind of guy And someone stands up and tells him you should run for president. So he does and he's not doing well in the polls he had like seventeen percent actually was the number in the movie and the polls which I thought it was interesting so he pulled seventeen percent well all of a sudden that night he uh he won the election That's the story. Well, meanwhile, they're showing this woman that works for the company that the legislature brought in a single company to run all the electronic machines. And there was one woman who decided to run a test on the program at a larger scale, and she discovered that it wasn't working properly. And she eventually figures out it's in the code that alphabetically the candidates are going to win by alphabet. And so she tries to out the truth and they come after her. They try to threaten her. They try to kill her. And she gets to Robin Williams' character. Meanwhile, he thinks he won. And so he's acting as the president-elect. He's got all this protection. He listens to her. He believes her when no one else does. And he steps down because he has an ethical standard. I didn't win. The will of the people is more important than what good I could do. And because he has an ethical standard, he backs out. And I think the incumbent wins in the story. I could not believe they were airing this movie because there was so much in it that I was like, It was as if it was kind of predicting the future. And they were putting it out there so blatantly, I couldn't believe it. But you're making a great point, Bill, that too... When all of our politicians are corrupt and they're afraid of exposing corruption because they're a part of it, what then does that require? It requires the ethical people, we the people, to number one, know what things like due process and proper justice mean, but to then act upon it. And I think we're getting closer to that point where we have people like Donna who are trying to figure out how to file cases or go against the election process one way or another to say, hey, this isn't right. What's happening in Michigan with our registered voter rolls is not right. What can we do to solve that problem? And little by little, we're getting some wins. is it going to be enough let me tell you what happened you know a few weeks ago I was given an ultimatum okay like I get offered money I get I get given ultimatums all that and they just don't really work well with me and somebody said you either switch to this uh this you have to change it I mean it was it was hostile in my face you have to change or two days you're done and I'm like really I'm like, let me help you. We're done right now. I'm not going to give this two days because I don't get threatened. And and all this all this sort of thing happens. And so, yeah, hang on a minute. She drove. And so I'm just parked right now. All this sort of thing happens. And I got to tell you, you know, when you listen to God rather than men and women, it things seem to be they don't make sense to people. But God does things like that so that we don't get the glory. And it all goes back to him because it's his plan. And I'm going to tell everybody out there, if you're thinking American, jump off that stupid Republican Party and Democrat parties that have done nothing. Run for your lives from this. And and I'm going to tell you what, I don't believe in political parties. Neither does Bill. They're wrong. But we have a tool right now to fight them. And it is a it's a tool we have to use right now to fight. We're working on in the in the U.S. taxpayer party, which is the Constitution Party in Michigan. And the only reason why we can't change our names is because Benson, the traitor who I am, I'm suing right now. is not allowing us to change our name we are the constitution party whenever I hear republicans say that I'm like okay sure you are only time I hear constitution is when you use it as a headline I don't have never heard any of them quote it I've never heard them quote michigan compiled law I haven't heard one peep of them out of them on why we stand on the constitution unless they're on a stumping of speech and I'm going to tell you what We have five resolutions right now that we are working through to put law into and make it stick. We have the database of the contacts. These things are going to the people that are breaking the law. And you know what? There's going to be more lawsuits that come out of this to hold these people accountable. You want to keep going to these popularity contests, nonsense, bitch club, coffee club that people are still fighting over who's going to bring the cookies so they can vet people to install them. Be my guest. But get out of the way of the patriots that are willing to take this country back and do what it takes to take it back. That is the key right there. And we've said it before, too, that we can't do everything. As much as I would like to, we cannot do everything, but everybody can do something. Everybody has a skill set, and everybody is capable of just doing something. The amount of information that's hidden from the public is absolutely astronomical when it comes to what they have been doing to us for over a hundred years, right? I would dare bet say a hundred and fifty years. Karen, you mentioned Abraham Lincoln. I think you and I are on the same page in that. I've brought it up before. That was the birth of the Republican Party, right? This whole conservative party that people have spent decades. Norm Hughes, not Norm Hughes, was it Hughes? I forgot his name. I'm sorry. But he fought for over forty years trying to restore the Republican Party back to its principles. I tell you, if you restore the Republican Party back to its principles, you've lost state sovereignty again. You have lost the Tenth Amendment the day the Republican Party took power. Right. That's how that works. It wasn't to bring about some new avenue of constitutional correction or restoration back in the categories into Republican or Democrat, left or right. And that hasn't changed. That principle remains from that point. And we know Washington and Adams specifically talked about that. It's the greatest political evil under our Constitution to allow such things to happen. They have no constitutional authority to do what they're doing. It is only the people that allow it. And as long as they keep playing their game, Right. The game continues. There's there was an image that I found that I saw a while back of of some big fat bureaucrats sitting around a I think it was a Monopoly board or something. And then the people all hunched over with the with the game board on their backs. Right. The caption was when the people stand up, their game is over. That is exactly accurate. And what do we hear the majority of the time is, well, we can't do anything. They're too powerful. There's too many of them. They've got this. They've got that. Well, wait a minute, because my God told me that we're given the spirit of power to overcome the deeds of the wicked. There's no in-between there. Either we overcome as a... Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, Romans, And I've said before, I think Edmund Burke was wrong because good men do not allow evil to prevail at all. So if we're claiming to be good people, and believe it or not, I actually have a study that I'm doing on this right now. It's kind of fun. But if we're claiming to be good people, but yet we just allow this to happen, when we hear about it, we turn a blind eye or we shrug it off or we think, well, that's not really important. then I got to tell you, you are not classified as a good person, right? There is none good except for those that have the Spirit of Christ living in them. It is simple as that. It is only through His power we're able to do anything in this life. If it wasn't for Him, I wouldn't be on this show. I wouldn't be wasting hundreds of dollars out of my own time to do what I do, right? So there's my little spiel for the day. I love it. We're all on the same page with this. And it's like, I'm going to go back to President Trump, the rightful president of the United States, who has deprived his office. And all of the manipulation that's gone back. Well, let's go back to, you know, eighteen seventy one. Let's go back to before that. And when they allowed Lincoln to come in, who was an attorney. Eighteen sixty one. I'm sorry, when he came in and as an attorney, we started the absolute downfall right then and there. And now you've got the usurpation of our court systems and you can track that right back to the private membership of the bar, which is not a license to practice law. There's no such thing. And in our Constitution, it says you have the right to counsel. Somebody said to me the other day, you're going to have to hire an attorney. I said, no, I'm not. I'm like, you have the right to counsel. Counsel, what is counsel? Whatever you choose it is. It doesn't say you have to swear allegiance to Michigan Bar or any bar association. That is a membership. And they have been part of taking this nation down. And all you can do is see the unconstitutional Department of Justice. Norton versus Shelby County, goodbye, it doesn't exist. And whoever gets in office that really wants to right this country is going to have to have that whole semi full of pens for nullification. I listened to the two of you in your tone. and I'm reflecting again on trump's expressions last night he came in with that game face on and I went right back to the face that he was wearing when he was up against um clinton hillary and he he was looking looking at her back as she's walking around on the stage and she's doing her thing and he just looks disgusted absolutely disgusted and she brought up john mccain last night in the debate and I remember I have a picture of him that I took a screenshot of because when when john mccain died and he was he was sitting at his desk and he had this disgusted look on his face and the people were like he's not even you know being respectful of his funeral process or anything and I'm like no why should he be because he knows the truth He knows the truth and he's absolutely disgusted and he's tired of it. And he's expressing his disdain for this election process and the taking over of our country at the border. And why is he repeating that, hammering that over and over and over? Because those are the two biggest threats right now. And she's over there laughing. Everything he says, laughing, laughing, laughing. And I'm like, yeah, the rest of us are feeling disgusted, too, because we have more truth coming out because the media has been freeing us up. Telegram, Rumble. We do have ways of communicating widely to audiences what the truth about nine eleven and all these other things is. And there's more people hear the truth. More people are disgusted, just like the two of you have been. And you're expressing this patriotic effort to bring that truth out. Unite Americans as Americans and not as this or that party or this or that race or religion or culture or whatever. We're Americans. And that disdain, that disgust, that anger is going to be a uniting factor for our country. I think it already is. I want you guys to think about this, what these people in Michigan have done to us. And I want you to frame this. Okay, so people in politics think that it's a party that is bringing the candidates and that's where the money is and such. No, it's not. They're getting all their money from corporations, from dark money funds, from ways that these people know how to manipulate the money in the financial system. And you will never see how they do it. Your money doesn't matter to them. They don't need your money. They're running on a separate system. You want to know what these people in the state of Michigan did? And our legislature The executive branch, the legislative branch, and the judicial branch, they're all in on this, okay? The whole thing, it's one nice tight package. And when you see some of the things that I'm gonna bring out having to do with my lawsuit and tying some other people into what they've done, there's gonna be more people madder than a hornet on what's been going on here. They took, and I believe it's an eight point one or two billion dollar surplus and it's gone. Think about that. They grab this money, they throw it around like no tomorrow. And that doesn't even count on what they did during COVID with the COVID money. If you start looking at the financial ways that they had, because the governor is nothing more than a CEO of the state service organization to serve the people. If you have this stuff going on in a corporation, every single one of them, and I'm going to put this in a term like Enron or some of the other scandals that have gone on, they would be so gone. And there would be prosecution going on. But think about this. They absconded with an eight billion dollar loss. And during COVID, they got everybody thinking about, oh, you know, Detroit's this big city. No, it's not. They're down to five hundred thousand in the population. They got forty million dollars of COVID money. Grand Rapids about one point two and they got one point two million dollars. That, ladies and gentlemen, is money laundering. when you've got all the NGOs that are out there doing their nonsense. That, my friends, is ballot stashing, an election rigging under the guise where nobody will question it, and human trafficking if they're taking one dime for moving people around. Yep. I wanted to hit on something just a minute, what Karen was talking about. regarding the debate last night, and you were talking about Trump's facial disdain for Hillary Clinton. I want to remind everybody, this is one of the huge problems I have. I want to remind everybody, one of the initial promises that President Trump had made, right, was that he was going to hire a special prosecutor to look into her case. And he said that if I'm in office, that she would be in jail, right? Neither one of which ever happened. But what happened immediately following the election, in the inaugural speech, I have a huge problem with this, alright? See it however people want to see it. In his inaugural speech, I think it was forty-six seconds into his speech, President Trump had said, the American people owe a great debt of gratitude to Hillary Clinton for her service to the country. I looked at that, and that was a smack in the face to the American people from what was initially said in the campaign. I don't care what kind of look, disdain it shows. My point being that the justice that was promised to the American people, because we know Hillary Clinton belongs at the end of a gallow, not in jail, right? The justice that was promised to the American people was forsaken, right? I just wanted to highlight that a minute. I'm going to throw out another way to look at things too, okay? And I don't have all the answers. None of us do. But first of all, whoever gets an office, I don't care if you like them or you don't like them. It's our responsibility to hold them accountable. Absolutely. That's number one. Number two, there's not one perfect person that's walking this earth right now because I don't know about you, but I haven't seen Jesus Christ land. And so whoever is in place, they're going to make mistakes. And when you're dealing with a criminal crime syndicate, which we are, make no mistake. When President Trump took office, he had threats that he was having to deal with. And he had to juggle threats on, do I go in this direction or do a whole bunch of people die? And was walking through a landmine. Yep. of nonsense. There's not a person on the planet that was going to be able to walk through that with the structure that we had, unless somebody had the guts to absolutely tear it down. mercilessly tear it down to get the cockroach, the criminals out and bring them to justice. But what do you do if you've got Club K cars all over the United States and that they didn't know where they were? And I know this to be fact, that were outfitted with biological, chemical and nuclear weapons that could have touched off and taken cities out one at a time. What's the decision? If you had to make that decision, what do you do? Well, there's not any one of us that has an answer to that because we didn't have the information at the time and knowledge. And so there's things that don't go always the way that we want it to, but there's more in play. Now, do I agree with any of this? Yeah, I'm kind of a hardliner, okay, just so that somebody said something. It would be if somebody pointed a threat at me, that threat would be annihilated and it would be quick. Well, and that's the guideline. When we say that we don't have a way to deal with situations, I understand that in today's... Let's put it this way. We have not... The people have not updated... our delegated authority to our representatives in accordance with the changes throughout history, right? The new technology isn't even addressed in our constitution, right? Except for mainly the fourth and fifth amendments where we have the people have the protections against it. But we have not delegated proper authority and determined usage of how those things should be put into place to deal with such things. But what we do have is any executive authority, and that could be federal or state or county or local, any executive authority has broad authority to what in Article I, Section VIII says. that they can call forth the people or the militia, you know, the big demon word, to execute laws, right? When there's a problem, what we have is executives and legislators calling forth agencies, unconstitutional agencies, to deal with issues because the people won't do it. And at any point, there are men and women willing to stand and deal with certain issues and corruptness in not only government, but in legitimate threats to our own liberty and the security of elections, for instance. There are people willing and ready to stand up and do something about it. But we have no executive authority anywhere in this country that is willing to actually take the stand and call them forth to do their job. And let me give you a point in that. Last night was our little township meeting, right? It's the first one I've been to in a while. I've been lacking in that regard to the extreme. But last night was our township meeting. And I went there because I was specifically asked by another individual to he was going to bring up some issues, and he very well did regarding the continuity of of a township and the defense of liberty of the people if something were to ever happen. For instance, any type of government tyrannical threat or an outside threat that may come into a township, right? There is no township to my knowledge in the state of Michigan specifically that has any guidelines put in place for continuity through a threat, right? So we were talking about that a little bit with our township officials and just laying out, you know, we should at least have a few reserves for our essential responders, like the fire department, right? They should at least have some fuel and power for their generator, right? Not attached to natural gas like it is, but a separate power source to be able to survive and be able to continue their work within the township for a period of about six months, right? That would give us time to figure it out. Off the grid. Yeah, yeah. Everything off the grid. We should be able to self-sustain our townships if anything happens, right? For instance, back in the sixteen hundreds, seventeen hundreds, during the transition of the nation into what we are supposed to have, one of the things that every local body had was what? They had a, and I can't think of the word, but they had a building for munitions, right? For arms and munitions. It's right on the tip of my tongue, and I can't... Arsenal or armory? In armory, there's a specific word that they use for it. But anyway, every community had that for the people. If a threat came, they would call them, they'd go, they'd arm themselves, and they'd deal with the threat, right? That is how this is supposed to work, and that is the one thing we don't have in any executive authority, right? They want to just delegate or perceive their own authority that was never delegated to them to utilize unconstitutional agencies to do what the people are supposed to be doing. So anyway, I tagged off that idea last night because not only should we be self-sustaining as communities and townships, but I made the point if we are going to do this, and I told him I think we should, that there also has to be a defense mechanism because what happens... For instance, in war, what happens to the commodities of the enemy as you go in and tactically annihilate them for all practical purposes? Those assets become yours. The same thing happens in local entities. When you have a township that is self-sustaining with all these different assets, Now you become a threat to somebody else that may not have done that. And by all means, we should be helping out our other townships. We should be helping out our own counties in this, our neighboring counties, just as you would help your neighbor, right, if we really love them. But we have to have a defense mechanism to keep any outside force from taking the assets that we worked up. And so I am personally working with a couple other individuals establishing a local militia in this township, right? Recognized by the township board for that purpose, right? One of the reasons behind that was a couple years ago, we had a young kid, and I forget how old he was, maybe twelve to fourteen. His name's Colin, right? This kid just went to school, right? That was what he did, right? He was a phenomenal kid, very artistic. And this kid was drugged. He was tied behind a car and drugged down the street, almost to his death, by two other individuals, about fourteen, fifteen years of age. Or, I'm sorry, fifteen, sixteen years of age, right? No justice was served for this kid. He's a vegetable in the hospital. No police force would take it up. And the only thing that happened was these two kids now are free to roam the streets again with nothing more than a tether. Right? This whole family was destroyed over that. Yet there were no men willing to stand with me and deal with the issue. That's the problem I see in our local township. A quick question for you. Have you looked at Holton Township in Muskegon County? Because they did create some kind of militia locally in the township. I don't know much about it, what kind of structure it may have. If it's not a structure, it's just on paper, hey, we have a right to exist kind of thing. Can you look at that one? So Holton Township passed a resolution, and I have looked diligently at that. And what it is, a resolution is basically a statement, right? It's a statement saying, hey, this is where we stand on an issue. However, without any executable force, a resolution is null and void. It's just words. And that, in my opinion, is what Holton County did because they they still have no established. They have not established what they said they would protect. Right. And there are some issues in that resolution. I wish I had it on my desktop. I have it in a file somewhere and I don't know where it is. OK, but there are some. I can't remember. So it is just it is just a resolution. So, OK. Yeah, it was a very good basis for their next step, right? And our township actually looked at that resolution as well, but didn't have the support to pass it at our board. So we're looking at going a different route. We're going to establish it and then we're not going to ask the board for permission, but rather I'm going to ask the board to recognize it and call for the state to appoint a captain or not a captain, but it would be a sergeant in a township and then appoint a captain in the county. and then help the neighboring townships do the same thing. That's the only way we're going to secure, number one, our liberties, number two, our prosperity, number three, our laws, and number four, our elections. That's the only way we're going to do it, right? And I brought up that point as to how we're going to defend our elections. If something were to happen in an election cycle where they would tactically go into polling places and say, and interrupt the election, right? That's very plausible at this point. I don't think anybody's gonna deny that. I asked them, what's our defense mechanism for that? Because every time I go vote, I'm the only guy that's actually armed and ready to deal with any situation that may become a threat to the people, okay? I've never seen anybody else in my township. I know of many others across the state. But there's no established defense mechanism. And the response I got was, well, we can look at getting a few deputies there. Well, deputies are funded by the state, right? They barely answer to the sheriff anymore. That's the biggest issue we have. And they jumped right on board with this COVID nonsense and violated the Constitution by requiring. I had it in Muskegon where I was denied access because I wouldn't wear a mask. And they lied about having an order in place. They never did have it signed after they denied me access. So it was botched. And I hope that's against them massively. I mean, we have got such a crisis in this nation of integrity and honor and doing the right thing. And you know what? I'll go... I'll go there. The government we have is the one we deserve. It is. It's representational of us. The fact that we allowed this to happen, that how many people do you know out there that honestly would do the right thing no matter what was thrown at them? I'd say I know maybe a short handful that I could probably count on one hand. And that's about it. Because most people don't have the fortitude to tell people to shove it right in their face, you know, or to do the right thing no matter what was either offered them or threatened to them. because they don't want to hurt people's fee wings. They want to go along and get along. Well, you know what? Standing as a patriot or standing in the kingdom of God, it takes a commitment to no fear and unmovable on matters of the law. And those things that actually give us true freedom. We're all slaves right now to this beast system. You can't do one thing without the system touching you. You drive on the roads. I laugh when people say, I don't think you talk about politics. Well, everything you do has something to do with politics. You pay taxes? Well, then you're funding the things you hate. You're paying for your own demise. We're paying for our own demise. We're funding the invasion at the border right now. You know, our tax dollars as well as, you know, our tax dollars aren't as important as how they've rigged it economically with all the corporation and the corporate welfare that's going on. Anything they get in from us or business or anything, they're throwing at these big corporations and putting the mom and pop businesses out of business. We're literally funding our demise. And those that are sitting in the seats have not done one thing to help because they're all in. Let me end with this story that I've used in the past. Regarding the ability of one person to make a difference. There's examples of that all over the place. But I wanted to tie that in a little bit more with the Spirit's power that I was talking about earlier. This is... This is the epitome of what every individual should be doing. There was a church, and we're going back decades. We're going back into the seventies, right? But there was a church that had a fairly small congregation, about thirty or forty. And a group came in with the intent of killing everyone in the church. The church was not armed in defense of itself. But rather, they ended up lining everybody up against a wall. And when Christ said that the kingdom of heaven is like unto a little child, and that no man may enter in unless he becomes as a little child, this is the example of that. The faith of a little child that we should all have. So one by one, they took the cross off the wall, threw it on the floor, and one by one, they told everybody to denounce their faith. And they had to walk across the top of that cross, and they would spare their life. And one by one, everybody did. It sickens me. Until this little eight-year-old girl came along. She was marching right behind everybody else, and she got to that cross. and she walked around it. And they shot her for it. Everybody after that walked around that cross and was shot for it. It took the faith of one little girl to make a difference. And yet we have men out there that can't even come up and voice the opinion of what they know is right. James four, seventeen tells us, if you know to do right, and do it not, that's a sin. If humanism is a sin, yep. Yeah. And we have so many people out there, that know what's right to do, and refuse to do it. I wonder how many people, today, would step on that cross. How many people today, would step on the constitution, in fear of their life. Right? I'm not willing to do it. I'm going to hold to it, and I'm going to hold to the law, and I'm going to hold to what we're told to do. Because if we don't do that, the people following behind us, if anything, the posterity following behind us, are going to do the same things they see us do. So let's be that one person, that one change, that goes outside of the norm and holds to what's right every time that we have the opportunity to do so. Lest we curse the next generation to do the same. That's a great way to end this segment. And I want to thank everybody for being here today. I know Jaleesa is on with her guests. So we're going to move on to the next segment. And you said it very, very, very well. The insanity that is going on out there and people are just like being blown around by the wind instead of put your feet, you know, sink your feet right into the rock and don't move. You know, it's like, that's all, you know, you can say stick your feet in the concrete, but I'm going to say stick yourself to that rock of Christ and do not move. And he'll give you the strength. If you're willing, he will equip you. This is not a battle about, it's not even our battle. The battle is the Lord. All we got to do is do the right thing and stand. You know, you don't feel like we're carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders. This is God's battle. And what he says is that it will be finished. And there's going to be no this wishy-washy crap that's going on. Stand with God and no fear. Thanks for being on today, guys. I really appreciate it. This is a great discussion. I love this. So we're going to go ahead and go to the next segment. And I love you all very much. And I'm proud to stand with you every single day. And every day that I've known all of you, your friends, you've become closer than family. And I love you all very, very much. And thank you for everything you do for this nation. Thank you. Thank you for everything. Thank you for having us. Yep. Don't forget to send your case along. I'll do a review for it. Yeah, sounds like a good one. I'm also sending out the resolution to anybody that wants to on the eight o'clock Zoom call tomorrow night. I gave you my phone number yesterday. I put it out there because we can't stand here like cowards. This is a six one six four three zero four four one zero. Text me. I will include you in on the on the call tomorrow night. We're working on these resolutions. And, you know, that'll I think this is going to be a huge thing because we're not going to just sit around, you know, whining and sobbing about what's what's not being done. We're going to get in there. We're going to work and make it happen. And if you want to work, not just come for the free coffee. You know, I hate to say it, but I'm a CEO and I'm a wonderful delegator. I'll use I'll use Bill's word where we're going to volunteer you. That to do this because having everybody like little baby birds out there hoping somebody is going to solve all their problems and all they got to do is chip in two hundred dollars and sit back and criticize. Those days are done. You've got to get in the game. You've got to be willing to work, not talk, but work and actually do something. And so with that said, since I'm not there, Ralph, can you cue the music? We're going to go to a quick break and then I'll be on with Jaleese. and uh her guests and we'll be back doing this again next week we do the same same time same bat channel okay guys and and spread the word get more people out there watching this because we need to educate each other and need to come together and I don't care what you think you are you're an american and we live in the kingdom of god that's it amen all right all right we'll be right back Good morning and welcome to the second and third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is nine eleven twenty twenty four. We're remembering the things that happened and have happened in the past of our country. The attacks on Americans on American soil. And with that said, I'm going to bring on my next guest, Jaleese Middleton, who and the Jay Sixers, who have been part of the attacks on Americans on American soil. And we are disgusted with us. This is absolute stuff we have for what's happened against our fellow Americans on American soil. And not one of them has stood up, take a stand and make sure that the ones that are perpetrating these crimes are held accountable and also defend our country. our American family. The attacks are going to come if we don't stand up right now. If you don't stand up right now, I can guarantee you, you're going to be on the list next. And if they want to add any of us to the list, put mine on the top in big bold letters because they want to give it to them and guarantee the can of whoop ass they're opening up is going to be amazing. So welcome to the show this morning. Thank you for being on today, Jaleesa and Tim. Thank you for having us on, Donna. Definitely a monumental day. I'm glad that I was able to get Tim in here short notice and get some information to the people. Because honestly, what we're dealing with right now is an extension from nine eleven. It's hard for people to imagine. But because of nine eleven, they Bush implemented the Patriot Act. And now the rights and our freedoms are taken away through that Patriot Act. So, yeah. In essence, Jay Sixers are, in fact, the carnage from nine eleven. Yep. And so is every single American that is here. You may not think you've got fallout from it, but you do. And Andy goes back from that. It goes back to eighteen sixty one. The usurpations have been have been coming on for quite a long time. and uh but but the direct attacks against united states of america it's undeniable we have we have more evidence against the elections that the stolen elections that we've had than any crime in the history of the world and not one of these people in the seats has done anything to actually go to the target that's going to, in fact, right this nation. They talk, they talk, they talk. They do nothing. Marjorie Taylor Greene, in the case of the Jay Sixers, everybody's, oh, she's such a nice person. You know, the road to hell is paved with nice people, okay? And it's like, she's such a nice person. She's done nothing. And any of these people could have waged war against what they saw within the system, but they can't do that because they're going to implicate themselves. So with that said, my hand is actually cramping up here. I'm holding my phone. I've held it there for an hour. Well, we're on short notice with Tim anyway, so we will just jump right to it. And I'm going to let you go in because you're absolutely able to do this. And I love it. I really do like the fact that we're able to do this back and forth. And I want to thank both of you. for everything that you have done to stand for this nation I I am so full of gratitude to those of you who stood unwavering under threat coercion uh you know false imprisonment and all of this nonsense that's going on god knows god's going to vindicate this god's going to vindicate you and it's going to be glorious but it took you to stand unwavering with guts And I'm very proud to stand with you, and I'm proud to have you on BANN, and we're going to continue to bring these stories out of abuse by our government. The enemy of the people is our government. So off base, we've been infiltrated, served our rights, and they are they're involved in criminal activity right now. And so thank you very much for being here. I'm going to jump off and we will be talking to you tomorrow. Tomorrow, I've got Marlee Hornick. I'm going to be talking about I talked about my my that has been filed yesterday. And tomorrow we'll be talking about another one that I signed on as a plaintiff. And it's a good lawsuit. Bruce Castor, one of President Trump's attorneys, was involved in this as some other very noteworthy people. this fight so I'll be on tomorrow with marley hornick and we'll be talking about the web or the lawsuit and uh then emma and bundy is going to be down on friday so we'll we'll be seeing go out and take a favor and we'll be talking to tomorrow thanks guys see you later thank you Well, Tim, I know we're on borrowed time with you, so I'm cutting to the chase. We want information from you, so I'm just going to tell the viewers real quick who you are and what you're about. Every now and then, y'all see us, American Patriot Relief, talking about the real heroes in January six, and that is those that have ran into the fire to help save the January six defendants. And that is Tim. He is one of those. He is the owner of the American Gulag Chronicles, the founder. And he is actually in a hurricane in a car to bring some information to y'all that is so important. You've got a great opportunity. I'm having trouble reading the documents, but I am going to try to get that posted up here while he talks about where he's headed right now. Well, thank you for having me on. Yeah, we are racing Francine across Louisiana to try and make the Texas border before it comes up. I'm betting odds we're going to beat her because we got right on our side. But where we're headed is an event that I don't think has ever been done before. It is a new organization that we created to try and give conservative voices a way to get published, to get their films out. It's called Unredacted Media. It is a public benefit corporation in Texas. It's our third organization. We started with J-Six Patriot News, which you can find us at, everything that's current about our fight and our J-Sixers. And then we started American Gulag Chronicles, which you can find at to let those letters and things come out. And now we've created Unredacted Media, which is about letting conservative voices find their way to the public marketplace. So in films and audio books and writing books and published books, We are going to be a voice of the unheard. And our first event is starting on Friday. It's just outside of Dallas. It's in Greenville, Texas. It is an in-person invite only to be at the location, but it's being streamed to the world. And you will get an opportunity to be a participant in this. It is a First Amendment film outreach, FAFO. And it's also what we are calling the One A Film Festival. This is our first festival It has twelve incredible documentaries that are going to take you basically through an educational role of what has happened to us in the last eight to ten years. And we're going to start with the pandemic and then come all the way through to what is treason. There are two world premiere documentaries in here by J.J. Carroll. And I can't I won't even give the other one away. It's going to be really a one of a kind of event. I'm calling it the Clark Kent Convention. Because the invitees for the VIP represent what I would say the superheroes of this movement, people who have put everything on the line, like Julissa and Mark, and who unfortunately can't come because of the federal government. But you're going to see some amazing people if you come to this film festival virtually either through your twenty five dollar ticket price. And you can get that at one a film fest dot com. And then even though the festival is running only three days, you'll be able to watch everything that happened in the festival in our post-production, which will be available until our next festival, probably at the end of the year. So you're looking at, you know, if you can't make the live streaming event, which is really going to be spectacular, you can use our post-production package. Not only will you see everything that you could have seen live, but you're going to see the things that happened that are not live streamed. The award ceremony, the presentations by Jay Sixers, phone calls from prison um there's there's going to be some very uh important content and I want to tell you you can have a watch party I don't want you to have to buy a ticket for everybody buy one ticket invite every friend invite the people you like invite the people you don't like invite people you wanted to red pill but you just never really wanted to get into that conversation this is your chance these movies will red pill them um you're going to see something I'm just going to tell you, some of it's horrifying, but it must be seen. You cannot turn away from this. I tell you again, like Jeremy Brown tells me over and over again, don't do nothing. If you can't do anything, just watch the movies, get informed, inform your friends, share the content, invite people to watch it. This is your chance to make a difference in November, to educate people. So they walk in that ballot box, they know exactly what they need to do to restore this republic. This is a one-of-a-kind event. Davidson Raw, myself, and Tamara Lee have formed this new company. We hope to add other J-Six luminaries to the board of directors. And like our other organizations, we are all about being public benefit to bring truth to the public. We're message first and dollar second. So you can help with this. You can get informed. And you're going to really, it's a one-of-a-kind event. You will not regret paying your twenty-five dollars for this. Go to, get your streaming ticket, start inviting your friends, get your church group over, get those people you like to politic with around the water cooler, invite your neighbors, invite the folks who still believe this was not a stolen election, and let's get the truth out there before November. Because you are the key. Every single one of you are the keys to this. Just like everybody was telling, just like Donna was telling you, you cannot sit on the fence and watch this anymore. You cannot blog from your keyboard. You cannot watch TV and go, damn, that was a horrible debate. You must get off your butt and do something or this republic is done. And if it is, then the things that are happening to Jaleesa and Mark are going to happen to you. That is absolutely right. In fact, my life is in the hands of the viewers at this point. You know, me and Mark are due to go to sentencing October twenty second. And if we do not have President Trump in there, me and Mark fully anticipate being tortured in the prisons of America where they are on the daily. We have stories being released. of prisoners being tortured in unique and disgusting ways on our own soil. And that's looking to happen to me and Mark. And the only way around that is going to be getting President Trump back in office because he has committed to pardon the January six defendants. Why would he do that? You may ask. Because he knows the truth. He was there. What they showed you on TV was a production. It was not what happened. The select committee had a TV producer to make the committee. It's a lie from the very core. And I just plead with the American people. It is your time to rise. We're not asking you to break the law. We're asking you to be the American citizen that you are called to be. we're not here just to be a parasite sucking off of this country we are called to be the country and so Tim y'all are doing amazing work also plead with the people you want to get educated or have memorabilia this is going to be your only history lesson okay they're covering this up so therefore go to the American Gulag that he's got two books out One is called The Art of Confinement and one is called Letters from Prison. I encourage you to get those. Get those for your grandchildren. Get those for your children. Because this is telling you about the woes and tortures going on on American soil right here in America in our prisons. And the letters are just unbelievable. I'm going to be honest with you. I have the books. I can't read them. When you're looking at that being your future, it's a little bit too much to handle. But Tim has been a warrior. I love you. I know you've got to get off the air. Would you like for me to call you so that you could keep rolling forward? Or do you need to just call it from here? I'm putting the show in your hands. Yeah, I've only got like one bar here. So I'm actually doing pretty good for one bar. But I am going to race Francine to that border. I'm a little concerned in my high profile vehicle about the windage. If we get up into that cone, I think we're really ahead of it. But you know what? This festival is so huge, even the hurricane wants to come. I'm telling you, if you miss this one, there will be future regrets. Yes, I love it. And you look at it, nothing is stopping this man. And it hasn't from day one. And so I'm going to let him jump off to stay safe. I'm very worried about him. I've even got a team headed to Louisiana. I'm worried about them. So I understand that full well. So you just stay safe, get on the road. And I'm going to continue to plug this on. I wasn't able to get your... your stuff up I don't think I have access from the i.t uh yet to post anything but I'm gonna pound this puppy home while you're driving so awesome okay one eight we're gonna give you four websites real quick one a film fest dot com for the festival most importantly write these men and women and let them know you have not forgotten them patriot mail project dot com how I got started So simple. A stamp, a letter, and you will make a difference in somebody's life. Go to If you want to find out what's happening, whose birthday's in prison, who's getting released, who's going in, what's happening in the court system, how our J-Sixers are joining in this fight, And I always tell you,, you can find our books and go to American Patriot Relief and get in the game. Thank you, Julie. Thank you for what you and Mark do. You guys are beacons out here. We are facing the fight of our lives and it's time for you, America, to get off the couch. That is absolutely right. Thank you, Tim. Thank you for all you do. So with that said, I'm gonna roll forward and y'all get another monologue from me. I knew Tim was gonna be on short notice, but I thought it was so important. And so I kind of switched things around today and I wanted him to have a chance to tell y'all about this One A Film Festival. um the ticket's only twenty dollars and here's why it's such a big deal twenty five I think I'll go ahead and look it up for y'all but the reason this is such a big deal is because these are documentaries that have been very well done And they're there. They back it up with all the facts. We've got the video, the data, everything. And the reason that is such an issue is because it's all it's twenty five dollars, by the way, is because that's that's what the government is doing. They're covering this up. And through our. as Trump calls it, fake news, they are not telling you the facts. They're covering stuff up. They're making things look one way when it's really another. And that's why they won't release the body cam footage to the public. That's why they won't release the forty one thousand hours. is because their own FBI agents, CIA agents, DHS agents, along with the CHS is confidential human sources. These are prisoners or people that has violated the law in the past. They were looking to go to prison and they go in and they offer them a reduced sentence. in order to uh if they'll trade out some work for them in other words if they will if they will spy on or do whatever the fbi ask them to do for their own agenda then they will give them a reduced sentence and basically let them break the law however they need to to accomplish their dirty work. So we have, I don't know if y'all know this, so I'm going to jump off track for a minute. So on all the front lines of January six that day, what I mean by front lines is where you saw the worst attacks, the worst fighting, right? Right there at the front of all those lines, they have identified about fifty four to fifty seven different people that were on those front lines doing very nefarious stuff, you know, attacking police, breaking down doors, breaking down barricades, blah, blah, blah. And you may wonder, well, how do I know those aren't patriots or how do I know those aren't Antifa? Because the government has refused to go after them. They're not on the FBI most wanted. A few of them accidentally made it there. Ray Epps is one of them. They weren't paying attention and let him go on the most wanted and then went, oops, and hurry and took him down. Okay. They claim they cannot identify who they are. I'm a Jay Sixer guys. They can identify who they are. I'm just telling you right now, they can identify who they are. All those cute little apps you have on your Facebook, where you can try different hair colors, you can try different glasses. That's all facial recognition software that they're keeping updated every time you do that. That way they have the most recent side profiles up, down, everything they need for your face. to lock in your identity so that they can facial recognize you wherever you're at, whether you're at a stoplight, whether you're in a parking lot, so this is what's being used okay all of a sudden that facial recognition software doesn't work on the most nefarious people on the front lines but yet someone like me and my husband that we're praying at the barricades and all sudden even though our face is all wrapped up you can recognize us come on so with that said these film festivals This film festival that's being held, it's got a ton of movies in it. Y'all have heard of them and you probably have wanted to see them. So I'm just going to list some of them off for you because this twenty five dollar ticket is getting you access to all of them. And if I understood him correctly, it's not just that one night you have access to them. You can pull this stuff back up. You can send it out to friends. You can have a party at your house and show different movies. If you're tightly connected into your church, Have a film festival at your church. Wouldn't it be awesome to, you know, every week for a six-week period or however long, host a movie night? You have so many options. And we have movies like Let My People Go that was done by Professor David Clements. We've got Plandemic Three, The Great Awakening by Mickey Willis. Another one I'm seeing here, Between Lambs and Lions by Mark Sutherland. The Journalist Battle of January Six by Daniel Goodwin. A Thousand Days of Terror by David Summerall. A True Timeline by Daniel Goodwin, David Summerall, Jason Ring, and Paul I hope I got that right. Sorry if I didn't. I got a weird name, so I'm used to mine being mispronounced. So with that said, and that's just a few of them. That is not all of them. But I want to touch on the J-Six, A True Timeline. This particular documentary to me was earth shattering. And I'm sure it was for the government, too, because they did everything they could to make sure that film did not get promoted. They kept taking it down. They kept flagging the content as disinformation. They kept, what do they call, ghosting it, where when you try to look at it, it wasn't there. They did so much to cover this film up, and I'll tell you why. David Summerall with has the most video evidence on his website. So you can go to to look at this. He's got the most video footage out of January six. And not to mention he's had access to all of it. So that's a good point, too. But he used all of that video evidence to build the timeline and show you like at one thirty two, what was happening at the Ellipse, at the Washington Monument, at the Capitol on the West Lawn, at the Capitol on the east side. And he and what was happening in Congress at that time in the congressional offices or whatever um the reason he did this is because the math does not add up OK, it simply doesn't add up. So he don't give you a bunch of opinion. This isn't one person's regurgitated information that they took in themselves to decide to impute on you. All he does is lay out the timeline facts and you do with it as you may. And I think that is so powerful for a documentary because. The fact of the matter is nobody's doing that and the government didn't want that done because they knew it didn't add up. For instance, why would there be such a vicious attack if we were, you know, insurrecting? Why was there such a vicious attack on the west side of the Capitol and nothing going on on the east side of the Capitol? Why did it happen before Trump's speech ever ended? Wouldn't all the Trump supporters be there to hear Trump speak? And I, for one, was there early on, but as I had explained to the viewers before, I'm disabled. It takes me a long time to walk, and it was like two miles to get from the Washington Monument over to the Capitol. I didn't want to impede people and be in the way. I was sick of being tripped over and falling over. And I just wanted to take my time and get up front and up close at the Capitol so that I could sit and watch my favorite speakers speak. which obviously never happened. So, you know, there's questions like that, that this timeline actually points out and highlights a lot. Another movie is January six, part three, The War on Truth by Chris Burgard. Mark and I are in that video, that documentary. It's very short, but we're in there. And I look forward to you checking that out also. Y'all, this is a really great film festival. And Bloody Hill, my goodness, it doesn't stop. Bloody Hill is going to be on there. That's one made by David Sumrall and Andrew Mullenix. MAGA, the cruise full of Donald Trump by Adam Riva. the American Gulag Chronicles letter for prison. So he's going to be reading out of that. So this is such a great opportunity, y'all. And here's the deal. You know, we've got to allow people to have their own opinions. And that's actually what's making Americans scared to go public and talk about these things is because they're scared of the confrontation. but it doesn't have to be a confrontation. That's what's so amazing. We're still in a country where people have freedom to believe what they want to believe and to, um, and to speak their mind. Now, granted, this current regime, this coup that has taken over our country is trying to take that away, but you still have it at this point. So what I'm challenging you is when we can humble ourselves before the Lord and love our neighbor as ourself, like we're called to do, then we're okay with them having their own opinion. We're okay with them believing what they want to believe now we love them enough to try to educate them and so we can talk about it humbly and we can hear them humbly okay I've heard a lot of opinions that I'm like okay you are out there in left field you are wrong But I don't have to tell them that that's the beauty of it. I can respect where they're coming from. And, and if, if the Lord puts stuff on my heart that I'm like, Ooh, that's going to put, you know, a dagger in that opinion. Um, I'm gonna do that gently with love and just say, did you know, blah, blah, blah, blah. You know, I'm trying to produce an opportunity for you to have an intelligent conversation with someone without trampling all over their belief system. And when we get this art back of listening, loving, and confronting in love, believe that we can, we can educate even people on the other side of the aisle without confrontation. And that's what it's going to take because nobody wants to be disrespected. Nobody likes being told they were wrong. And so you don't have to tell them they're wrong. You can even embrace their, their own, uh, way of thinking. And then, um, Question it, start asking questions. Okay, so I believed this had happened and you're saying that happened or, you know, I listened to that speech and I heard him make a joke about that, but you're You're telling me you think it was factual. You know, there's ways to do things. So this one, a film festival is an opportunity to do that where there's not even conversation, you know, except in between shows, you know, invite them to the house. Say, I just want your opinion on this. I want to have both sides of the story and I want to see what you think about it. And because it is a shocking, all these documentaries are shocking. I even learned things in them that I didn't realize was going on in other places. So again, go to and grab your virtual tickets. And please always say this. Go to Find a prisoner to write to them because that is a really big deal also. The, that's actually where I stay informed. I get on there. I learn about these people. I learn what's going on. They're always at the forefront. For instance, I don't know if the listeners heard or you, Donna, but Marjorie Taylor Greene actually did something this week. She held a committee hearing to let people speak their piece. And we had some of the best representation. In fact, Brandy Bowen that was on here interviewing with me Last week, I went in front of her and she shared her story along with her attorney. And this is really important. I don't know whether it'll go anywhere because after all, they're one person. But I was proud to see something other than showboating for your dollars and for reelection. That's good to know that she did something because, you know, we're all about telling stories here and letting people know the truth, whatever it may be. And, you know, I think that that's so important to have these discussions on and such. And so, you know, I just thank you for what everybody's doing out there. Do you have, is Howard coming on today or is he not going to be on today? Howard is not coming on, but we have Greg Rubenaker that is due on next hour. And that's in about whenever he comes into the show. I think he's due to come on in about ten minutes. And in the meantime, like I say, I'm kind of bringing people up to speed on what's been going on out there as far as in the J-Six community, along with this. This one, a film festival is massive. I don't even know how to put words to it because of how many documentaries you're going to have access to at this point. And the reason it's such a big deal is it's twenty five bucks. We were paying that much for one of them. Right. And now we can have access to all of them. That's good. So can you tell me some more stories like about give me a little bit of upcoming on what what Howard's going to be talking about? So like I say, Howard, I'll have to bring him on at a later date. I don't know what happened with him yesterday, but I wasn't able to secure him in today. Howard has just gotten out of prison, and he was our oldest January sixth defendant that has been incarcerated. And he went through extensive torture in the prisons at the BOP. He really had been through a lot. Many times we had to do some calls to action for him. And he was stroke prone. They took away his veteran benefits. He's married. They're retired. His wife at her age had to come out of retirement and go back to work at like seventy two years old. This was a level of atrocity. They've used their, these guys served our country and they've used their service to our country against them of now deeming them dangerous. And that's why they needed to pretrial, put them in prison pretrial. It's because of their skill level from being in the military. And then they pull their benefits away from their family that's keeping them alive and in their home. What do you do at that age? It's ridiculous. Yeah, it's really it's really too bad. And I mean, I think that what people need to realize is that this is real people. You know, this is real people's lives that this is affecting on a daily basis. And the other thing is, is that if we don't stand up and fight for the rights of others, our rights will be next. The time to just to just stand still is is over. And we're going to. We're going to have to work together and get over some of our things that we disagree with and such. It's so important. And I'd like to talk to him because what kind of torture did he have? So I don't remember all the details of his. Unfortunately, I follow so many of the January six defendants and the prisoners that I'll get their stories mixed up if I'm not careful. So I'm always very reluctant to go into the details. That's why I want them on the air. And I want him to have that story because I do plan on trying to get him back in here. I do know that he struggles with significant health problems, if I recall right. He had had a stroke in prison without medical care and they refused the medical care. They're doing that actually right now with several people. That has been an ongoing issue from day one of denying them medical care. We've had guys in prison with cancer that they let them go to stage four without treatment. Um, we've had, uh, we've had several prisoners that were actually beaten and attacked, uh, by the guards. One of them, it was a police officer out of Tennessee that was, uh, Colt McAbee. Um, the sad thing about his is all because he didn't wear a face mask to go get his medication that you would have had to take the mask down for. You hear that? They attacked him and downloaded a can of pepper spray on him, bear spray, in his cell and then left him there over twenty four hours without getting a shower. And, you know, there's tortures like that that are over and over. And by the way, that that was proven on video. The guard did lose her job over that. And Ryan Samsel is another one that was beaten and abused in the prison system. He was beaten so bad he lost vision and one of his eyes had a broke hand. They refused to give him medical treatment and his hand actually healed up, deformed. He's, I believe, best I can understand, permanently disabled and at this point still trying to get medical care three years later. So this is all happening on American soil and Richard is one of those that Howard Richardson is one of those that that suffered that kind of treatment. And so I like to get those stories out when I can. But as you can imagine, there's a lot of emotional trauma with that. And we kind of got to take it as opportunity arises. Some of them are still scared to speak out. I wish I could say all fifteen hundred January six defendants are vocal and warriors and fighting this past. Some of them have went into hiding and are fearful. And I don't knock anybody. I feel like once you've been through this and you have the full weight of the government on your back, people are going to react different ways. So I feel like I've been called to it. The Lord has strengthened me for it. So I'm in it to win it. But I recognize that not all people are called to be what I am for the J-Six community or what Tim is or you. So we give them that mercy and just pray for them. But I wish I could have a January six defendant on this show from now on and get all fifteen hundred voices out there. But that's not going to happen because there are so many that are in fear. We've got I would venture to say about three hundred that are willing to speak out and stand firm. But of those, about two hundred are in prison. So there you have it. Yeah. And and that's well, you know, you got. Oh, we got you hung up there. She's trying to give conversation. There you are. I like listening to the individual messages because, you know, I think that that's really where we need to go in a decentralized way. And that's kind of the focus that we have here on BNN is talking to individuals. And I think that that's where the strength is, is a decentralized message. where people just come on and tell their story, you know, and really, you know, happy and proud to talk to everybody who have actually taken a stand. So I don't know, there's so much work to be done. It's just incredible. It really is incredible how much work that we really have to do um, as a nation, because this is just one example of your patients, right there. And as to your point that this is a natural out, out, uh, come of nine, eleven on today, nine, eleven, it really is. And, you know, to really be treating that with respect for the individual lives that are, have actually been so harmed and touched by criminals in our government. And, uh, I don't know it's just incredible every day that we go through this and I I'm just more and more shocked at living your government I don't know if you heard bill talk about it this morning but And was talking about a young man that was dragged behind a vehicle and is a vegetable. And nobody did anything. Those guys are out walking the street. His family's been destroyed. It's just like fentanyl. I met with somebody last night or I talked to somebody who's part of Fentanyl Fathers. And they go free of charge to talk to people about fentanyl. He lost his son to fentanyl. This isn't a joke anymore. And I never joke. But it's just like there's just it just is not a joke anymore what's happening to this nation. And every single person needs to step forward and be loud. And, you know, it's like going to festivals and listening to the information out there is a great starting point. But that's not the ending point. The ending point. out there and doing what are you going to do with it if you're just going to go to a festival and listen to more information what's the point if you can't get in um you know if you can't get in the game and decide that you're going to make a difference on an individual basis you might as well sit home and eat bonbons because this is what scares me so much is there is nothing more important to me than my relationship with jesus christ and the protection and future of my children and grandchildren nothing like there's nothing more important and I cannot fathom how the american people are sitting on this and not screaming from the rooftop if my life gets cut short thirty years to protect my children and my grandchildren It's well worth it because, listen, we all know we've got eternal life. It's just where you're going to spend it, right? You're going to spend eternal life in heaven with Jesus. You're going to spend it in hell. It's up to the individual. Has every one of your children accepted Christ? Have they had that opportunity? or are you damning them to him by allowing this and that's what's so amazing to me is the christians above anybody else because they're secure and the you know scriptures tell us if you love your life you'll lose if you try to save your life you lose it if you try to you know if you don't You know the scripture. I'm getting mixed up. But why I'm saying that, why that's so important is because our children are at stake. Their future is at stake. And they're going to look back at how you walked it when it all hit. And you're hiding. Well, and I'm going to say this because this is something that has to be talked about. There's a lot of content creators that have done documentaries. There's a lot. I've seen film festivals. I've seen documentaries all over the place. And I'm going to throw this out there popular or not. This is a dead end game if you're just going to go and listen. And I'm sorry, but the time of just going and showing up for the free coffee and cookies, showing up for saying it's only twenty five dollars, that's all you have to put out for is absolute bullshit. And I'm going to tell you why it is, because it's an excuse to go and think people did something, but there's no plan after that. And on an individual basis, people have got to get in the game and they've got to be willing to to do something. And it's not about money. If you're doing it for money, get out of the way. And I don't care. I don't care if they're just people. If you're doing this for money or to create an industry, shame on you. You will stand damned before God. That is a beautiful thing that's going on because it starts with education. If you don't know what's going on, if you can't hold an intelligent conversation about what's going on, and you're right, that is what this is for. The twenty five bucks, I think it's important to mention that everything the American Gulag Chronicles takes in with Tim Rivers goes right back out into the Jay Sixers. They partner with the American Patriot Relief. to support the january six defendants and their families through this battle because after all if they get killed in the process if they give up and commit suicide like twelve of them have already then we've lost the battle for them so we have to keep them in the game and after all y'all want them in the game because they're on the head of the spear not you so you better keep that in mind too So the point of it is to get that money in there to keep them going, educate you. And you're absolutely right. If you're just going to go home and talk about what a tragedy is, you failed. You failed. And that is my point right there, is that I want everybody to look at this. If all the money is going back to the J-Sixers to help. Then you come to the table, not with twenty five dollars, but make a donation and get in there and help them. It's like it's not enough to just go for the cookies and then find out what you can do in a material way. Your own self where you're writing letters, you're asking Jalise how you can help. It's like, don't just. the cookies and that's what to me the j-six is to help them you're saving lives then you need to make a plan and an individual commitment that you're not just gonna like you know like play with like beating you know hitting a balloon up in the air because it's fun Grab that ball and run with it and help the people that are willing to stand forward. So I guess I guess that's that's my my I said I was listening to this as I was driving. I was just listening to, you know, and such. And I'm like, there's got to be more to this that's in other than just a commercial thing. to make people feel like they're doing something because you know what it's great but it's a starting point and we can't drop the ball and just say say come and do this it's like do this and then let's have a plan what are you going to do when you turn it off and you walk out that door are are you going to let these people fight it by themselves or are you going to stand with them with as it says in the when in the declaration of independence with your time your treasure and your sacred honor You know, it's all in it. It's your treasure. It's your treasure. You're in your sacred honor. It's everything we have. We have to stand together. And I think I quoted that wrong right now, too. But but you guys get that. I know it's like when we're on the fly. What are you going to do? The people definitely know what we're talking about. And sadly, far too many really get out there, you know, to kind of give everybody a little bit more of a push to this. Because it's like if you get into something just because you want to show up, get out of the way. Because you're dragging us down because that means that we've got to carry your dead weight with us. But if you want to show up and you want to put some help to these people behind it, now we're talking. You can say every word you want, but if you're not willing to do the work, it doesn't count. It doesn't count. And that's that's my there's my last little bit of CEO Donna's ass chewing there to get people moving. You know, it's like it's like I'm like I'm like a general. I'm like biting people's feet. I'm like, come on, come on, you know, get moving. And I love it. We need it. You're right. Everyone's called according to their purpose. Yeah, no crying in the gym, no sobbing, no whining about why things are wrong. I don't even want to hear what's wrong anymore unless there's some motion forward. We already know what's wrong. We already know what's wrong. Now it's time to do the work and pick it up. So I'm going to jump off here, and then I'm going to have somebody trigger the intro, and then we'll go to the third hour with Jalise. And who do you have on you, Greg? Greg Rubenaker, yes, indeed. And so she'll be right back. Thank you. Well, until I wait here, tomorrow we'll be on with, hang on a minute, I guess I've got to cue somebody up here. Tomorrow we'll be on with Marley Hornick with the other lobster that I love to hunt. Hey, Greg, how are you doing? Hey, how are you? Yeah, I am doing fantastic. I want to take a minute and introduce you to the listeners. Greg Rubenacre is also, or is it Rubenacre or Rubenacre? Rubenacre. Knacker, that's what I was thinking. I got my Southern drawl going in there. So Greg Rubenacker is one of our January six defendants that is in a halfway house. So like when we have on Don Hazard or Christian Manley, guys, they're in the battle right now. we're pulling them off the battlefield to do these interviews. So that means it can be loud. It can be chaotic because they're not in a stable spot. And, you know, I just want to point out to the listeners when we when we have these guys on here, they are in the middle of suffering. And I think that's so important because you see the tenacity and the faithfulness them standing firm, even through the frustration, the disappointments, the separation from family. And that's why I always refer to this more as a war zone, because we're in the middle of a lawfare, a war with the legal system. So anyway, Greg, I want you to introduce yourself and who were you before January six? What were you doing? What did your life look like? Well, I was a full-time musician. I've been doing music since A lot of the articles were saying that I was a DJ, but I actually haven't DJed in quite some time. That's kind of where I started off years ago. During COVID, I mean, probably around like, twenty nineteen, I stopped DJing. And I kind of went into the production side of everything. And I went full force with that. for a year, and then in twenty twenty. Things started coming full circle in the beginning of twenty twenty. You know, I was doing more of the hip hop side. And. In. The end of February, I actually I went down to Virginia Beach to be in Timberland Studio. So that was. That's when I knew things were going to be like starting to like flip. I was like, I could really do this. So what is special about Timberland Studio that that told you that? Well, Timberland, you know. It's a legend. So once once I got there, I was just like this is where this is like. I'm just destined for greatness. I'm like it's not like this isn't a joke anymore. And I know that I could do this like for a living. So until that point, you were just kind of messing around with it. You're young. So how old are you now? I'm twenty eight. Oh, my gosh. One of our babies. So on January six, I was twenty four. That's crazy. OK, so you were just messing around with this kind of like the garage band, having some fun DJing. you come and all of a sudden you realize, oh, I just moved up in my game. Like I'm going to be able to make this happen. Yeah. And then right before COVID happened, um, I don't know if you're familiar, but I mean, he's, it's a pretty big artist. Um, by twenty one, his name's twenty one Savage. Um, but he, you know, he has, he did a, he has an album with Drake and everything. And, uh, His producer, I was working with this producer for a little bit, and he was going to fly me out to Atlanta. And we were going to start working on things and trying to get placements for other artists, like Chance the Rapper and stuff. And COVID happened, so that never happened. OK. Now what led you to the Capitol that day? So roll forward, you've, you've obviously you're building on a career, you're very young. Um, but how did you even, were you always into politics and knew what was going on or, you know, why'd you show up January sixth? Well, actually, no, I wasn't, I wasn't always into politics at all, but during COVID, um, there was so much downtime. that I started just like, I'm like something just, it just didn't make any sense to me. So, you know, I started doing my own research and stuff and I was never, never really into the news. So like my news cycle has always been like, um, like independent journalists and journalism. outside about like the media like I never was like gonna sit there and just watch the news for an hour I don't know just never that never sat with me so I mean it really first started with you know like I would go on like a forum and people would be like oh you should look into this you should look into that and then when you like actually start looking up these things and it's like crazy too because like a lot of the things that I would look are just like you can literally go on like and look up all these documents. What? You're saying you don't need to be spoon-fed your information? You could actually do it on your own? Yeah. That's just how I am. I'd rather just read an actual federal document instead of someone telling me what I should think. That's how I think. That's not how a lot of people think. If you're going to take the hour to Watch the news you might as well to take the hour and just read what's like being said. Yeah, I love it. Okay. So now you don't realize, but you've drawn a really hard opinion that something's fishy with coven. So obviously that's what took you there that day. I know for me, you know, I've told the listeners, not everyone was there, but to support Trump. I mean, obviously they weren't against Trump, but a lot of people, a lot of January six defendants went there because they were angry over abortion. They went there because they were angry over the mask mandates, the forced vaccinations all the crap you know the telling telling the people that oh well you're important but but we're not you know that was crazy talk because it flew right in the face of the word of god and as much as people want to admit it or not admit admit it we're we're this nation was founded on christian principles and so it's been carried down the family line all the way to where we're at today. And I don't care what religion you associate with. You've got a lot of those values that you're standing on because our country was founded on. So we knew things were fishy. Even the people that totally complied, most of them did it out of fear, but their heart told them things aren't right. So go forward. So what happened on January six? You're a musician. You're not political. You're there. Because things look fishy. Yeah, I mean, you know, there was a lot of those videos that dropped, especially in Maricopa County, of just them moving suitcases around. And especially, was it Maricopa? I think it was Maricopa or was it Georgia where it's just like the line goes straight. And then like all these analysts are just like, it's literally scientifically and mathematically impossible for it to be like. So I had went down there because I was frustrated, but not more, not really frustrated so much that I felt like there was something fishy about the election, but I was fishy because a lot of the things that Joe Biden was saying were aligning with what the world economic And the United nation plan for a large, what's bigger than. You know, he was saying, and I'm just like, people don't understand that if there was something fishy with the election and they don't want to question it, they might not care now because of their political beliefs or whoever they wanted to win one. But years from now they will care. And I don't know, you know, at the time I'm, I'm years old, but I'm sitting there thinking, well, if I want to have a family a couple years from now, five years, ten years from now, it's not going to be the same America. And we're in a completely different America now. Yes, we are. We are, and it makes me proud that you stood up. None of us intended this. None of us knew we were being set up. We might have known that there were false flags being thrown. Some were intelligent enough to see what was happening that day. uh due to their military training and whatnot I think us normal citizens were everyday people just going I don't know what's happened everything was happy at the at the ellipse in washington monument hearing trump speak and then you got to the capitol and everyone's mad and we're like what's going on here you know uh but but we really most likely I didn't uh have a clue that um that there were bad people there to hurt me I had no idea yeah me either I mean by the time I even got to the capitol I mean I like walked on the capitol grass like I guess like all the videos where they're showing like people like escalating with like the cops and stuff like that happened I would I didn't even know that happened so when I got to the capitol I'm just like oh this is like by the like later on that I find it's like yeah like where I'm standing I'm already like getting all these trespassing charges and everything and I don't even know anything because all these signs people took all these signs down the barricades are completely gone and so did you go up the west lawn I am not I don't even know I just like walked I walked in the parking lot and then I just ended up on the grass So that's what I want to point out, because that, to me, is really interesting for the viewers. He just said, I really don't know. People don't understand. There were no barracks. There were no fencing. There were no signs. Yes, there were that morning. And everything the news showed you that morning, there were signs saying that the area was closed. It was done with the netting they used for construction. Now, do you think the wealthiest nation in the world could afford something more than snow fencing if they really were out to keep people off the lawn and especially if they knew that it was going to pull the mass crowds and people say well how would they have known because they were seeing the activity on the airline tickets you almost could not get a plane to go into maryland or Washington DC because of how many people were booking the plane. When I come out of DFW, I showed up at the airport, everything was red, white, and blue. Every single person that was sitting there waiting to get on the plane was heading to Washington DC. And trust me, their intel told them this thing was going to be massive. I believe there was about two million people there. And I personally think the wealthiest nation in the world could have afforded something more than snow fencing if they didn't want us around the Capitol. As a matter of fact, you roll forward about fifteen days on January twentieth and all of a sudden they could afford a ten foot wrought iron fence to go around the place. So it just tells you this was something planned intentionally. But you're right. There were no signs. And I've got video evidence. Go to where police officers that have been identified rolled up that fencing and actually took it down before all this started. So here we're just protesters. We're not even protesters like we're sightseers. we're going and just checking everything out in total camaraderie it's like a gigantic festival and we're all with like-minded people it was wonderful and look how innocent he is that even after going through all of that he still don't even know where he was at in placement at the capital because everything got railroaded on him from that point forward Not to be speaking for you, but I think that was really important to point out that it sounds like, did you go to a trial or did you take a plea bargain? I didn't take a plea deal. I just pled guilty to the whole indictment so that I can appeal everything because their plea deal was for them to just drop the misdemeanors. My lawyer was just like, that's just absolutely not acceptable because My plea deal was the same thing as me pleading guilty to the whole indictment. Right. I would have not gotten a shorter sentence. Right. So my lawyer said, why would we give up your appeal rights? And it's funny because he argued the fifteen twelve C for a while and. My judge actually had agreed with us for about a couple months leading up to sentencing. And then out of nowhere, she just started to side with the DOJ. And my lawyer... Once she figured out that it would not damage her reputation, because that's all they're worried about is being able to get on the Supreme Court, then once she saw other judges and what they were doing, she went right in with the fold. Yeah, and it... It's crazy because I don't know what was said in the Supreme Court hearing, but I looked at what was filed in the appeal for Fisher in the appellate court. In my case, there's so much writing about referencing my case. I know that my lawyer tried his best. That's beautiful. I want to elaborate to people. When he's referring to Fisher, He is referring to the Supreme Court case that went before the Supreme Court to tear down the fifteen twelve charge in the way they were using it. They were used in the eighteen USC fifteen twelve from Enron back in nineteen eighty four, where documents were getting shredded to cover up. you know, the investigation to protect themselves. They wrote a law for it and they used that law, molested it and used it for January six defendants. That's the best way to put it because none of us were carrying a paper shredder that day And this was literally an evidence protecting charge. Well, instead they tried to twist it on January six defendants and make it a Congress protecting charge. Anybody that needed secret service, they were trying to switch this charge around and make it look like it was the charge put in place to protect anybody that would need secret service. That obviously was not the case. And if it would have passed, we would have lost our First Amendment on the Constitution. That's how close we got to losing our First Amendment. So anyway, Greg, did you have the Fifteen Twelve? I'll say that one more time. Did you have the Fifteen Twelve? Yeah, that's why my lawyer was arguing it. But it's crazy because I'm not going to benefit over the overturn. My judge already said that she still wants to give me forty one months. And had she had agreed. So to not give me the fifteen twelve C from the get, because the reason why she still wants to give me the forty one months is because she says, you know, the way I acted and stuff like I deserve to be punished and all that stuff. So, and more about what she believes instead of the actual law, which is kind of just messed up because these judges. Who was your judge? Chief Judge Barrow-Howell. That speaks for itself. She is one of them that publicly had said every January six defendant deserved to be in prison for being at the Capitol that day. And yet she has not recused herself off of one January six defendants case. So there you have it. So I'm in, I am, I want to dig into this more because that is atrocious to me. You're telling me that you're sitting in a halfway house right now with a forty one month sentence on misdemeanors and a fifteen twelve charge. Or do you have another felony? No, I have. um, an assault charge. Okay, so, one eleven. Yeah, so, but it's crazy, though, because, you know, people, I've been, you know, I, you know, when I got out, I, you know, I started looking me up and stuff, and it's, like, all these people are, like, oh, he beat the shit out of cops, you know, he has the assault charge, and, like, my assault is, I got bear maced because I was getting up to the in front of the what I seen when I was in the capital was this guy was just waving an American flag and then they just literally bombarded him and hit him with a bunch of sticks and jumped him like several of them and I was just like that's messed up like that's completely messed up and then so I guess like they're like oh like you're you know you're a threat because you're so close to us even though I don't have like I literally had a water bottle that's all I went to the capitol with and they bear maced me and out of frustration I tossed maybe a couple droplets of water with this like exact water too like a plastic bottle so you didn't throw the bottle you you literally just sprayed water yeah and that's my assault charge so that's what I I have forty one months for tossing a couple drops of water I'm being facetious, but so for baptizing a police officer, it's now assault with a deadly weapon, I bet. Did they put the deadly weapon charge on you? No, they tried to. But my lawyer had to fight because the DOJ was trying to say that I was chemicals. my lawyer had to go through all the videos and what and then you know he literally was just like if it was chemicals then why is he drinking from this water bottle he's not drinking chemicals and then uh the judge said well I'm not gonna I'm not gonna agree with that it's a deadly weapon but it could have gotten the office of every sick you know covet was a serious thing and I'm just like this is crazy like we got like I just felt like so much thing was just like about what if, what if, what if, and I'm just, and it's like, instead of what is, yeah, and it's like, that's, that's, we don't go out, we're not supposed to go off what if in the court system, we're supposed to go on, this is what happened. And I just felt like that kept happening to me, like, what if, what if, what if, and I'm just like, and it's because their case was so weak. And, you know, listen, I want to clarify that for the viewers, I am definitely not condoning any negative activity toward a police officer. That's why we have these talks. We own what we've done, good, bad, or otherwise. We own it. The question at hand is, was it worth their civil rights being violated, their lives being destroyed, almost to the point of unable to rebuild because they annihilate our character all around the country through all the media sources. It doesn't matter what state Greg lived in. I can assure you the Washington Times, New York Times carried it. The Washington Post carried the story. The Dallas Morning News carried the story. It didn't matter where he lived because all these news sources are connected together with one owner, you know, a couple owners. So it's hard to rebuild your life because the minute that you put a resume in somewhere, the very first thing they do is Google search you to hear that you're a terrorist, to hear that you're a cop beater. And it's like, but if you heard this story, it's so not what they're presenting. I mean, they take it. Off the chart to extreme levels. And not only do they. Just you know. Exaggerate. What there really was occurring. They flat out lie about some of it. For me and Mark. There were flat out lie. The police officer said on the witness stand. That I punched him in the face. They didn't have a video one of that. Because I didn't. Not to mention I wouldn't have been able to. The guy was like six foot two. I'm five foot three. So anyway. back to yours it's crazy too because um you know like I was telling you you know when I got out I started researching and I'm like they still have all these articles and I actually like looked up myself like a week ago and like actually a majority of the articles about me online are starting to be deleted and I find it actually very strange wow probably because you're getting to the end of your sentence because how many more months do you have in the halfway house I have three weeks left. There you have it. So now they're like, we have tortured him with the process all this time. And I'm furious over the fact this fifteen twelve charge got taken down. And yet it had no effect on your sentence whatsoever because they did that pretty much determined in their heart. You're getting a minimum of three years period in the story. And then you can work your way on good time to knock it down to get into a halfway house. But people, please understand the halfway house is a bunkhouse with a bunch of people that are getting out of prison. It's loud. There's no peace of mind. You have no private space. You're in a bunk with in a room with about what, ten other beds? Yeah, there's fourteen people in my room. yes so this is a horrific situation too it's not like you're going to any better situation I think the only improvement really is that you don't have the threat of guards beating you is that correct yeah I mean I think the only good thing about it is having a phone but that's crazy though because like I was just telling someone this recently and it's just like it's kind of there's so much more stress being here than there is actually being in the BOP. Because it's like, you're trying to like, I actually had an opportunity to get a really good job. You know, I went to school for marketing. And now I'm just applying to all these places and I got called back by a marketing firm that does some marketing for Fortune five hundred companies. You know, they asked me all these questions and I know all this stuff by the top of my head. You're like the perfect candidate and I'm like, awesome. So I'm doing everything that you know, how to get a suit and all this stuff. And. They're like, okay, so when can you come in? And I'm like, oh, you know, I'm at a halfway house. Like, I need you to fill out all this papers so I can leave the halfway house. And that was it. It's over with. Never got the job. Absolutely. You know, it's sabotage because while you're there, they want you looking for a job and they want working and they put a lot of pressure on you to do that. However, you are not independent enough for them to let you get the job. and you bring something back showing you're employed at that company like, oh, no, a paycheck stub. No, that's not good enough. Before you get the job, you have to complete a bunch of paperwork for the halfway house. And now that company has to report to the halfway house. So now you're telling them this is in my past because, Greg, this is something that I believe Don Hazard might have told me. When they do a background check on you, is there a felony showing up on your background check? I don't have that answer. So I am hearing that these felonies actually are not showing up on a background check. And I would suspect it's because of the level of corruption within the judicial system in allowing this. They're basically preparing to cover their tracks. Uh, if things don't go in this presidential election, the way they want it to. Um, so the only way they're finding out is by Google search and by having to report to the halfway house. So anyway, that's preventing y'all from getting jobs. So how did you even afford a suit for your interview? Your donation. I love it. Bless his heart. I wasn't even trying to plug my... I had no idea. Just know if you can't work, you can't even afford clothes. You can't afford anything. And there's somebody behind the scenes making it happen. And that's what I really want to encourage the listeners that, guys, it matters. That cracks me up. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to put you on the spot like that. But, you know, people do. They have to donate because there's situations like this. He cannot take care of himself. I never even told you that. I just told you that I needed it. And you said, all right, I'll try my best. That's what I needed it for, though. Oh, well, that's beautiful. So, you know, me and Mark, even though we're January six defendants, we do all we can to donate to them directly if American Patriot Relief doesn't have the money. And so I don't even remember which one of us paid for it, but I know that I'm not going to turn it away. It's like, you know what? I can have one less meal. Trust me, I got room to miss a meal. So, you know, we try to give when we can give. But anyway, so you are now still sitting in a halfway house. And for, you know, so everyone thinks that the fifteen twelve being overturned by the Supreme Court was just like, yeah, the J-sixers are free and you're living proof. It made no difference at all. Now, for me, I have the fifteen twelve on me. I also have two different one eleven charges. Um, because it's against a lot of protect yourself when you're attacked by police, then, um, for me, it's same thing. I'm going to sentencing and, and I have, uh, I don't know how it's going to play out, but I've been told it won't make a difference on my sentence either. So, um, because I have all kinds of ways to, to manipulate the numbers. For instance, they can run all your misdemeanors consecutive instead of concurrent. That way, as soon as you finish one, you go on to the next one, you go on to the next one. Well, they charge stack five misdemeanors on us. And so that's like five on your- They're not legally allowed to do that anymore though, which is crazy that they're doing it because I know they're getting away with it. But legally, I don't even think they're allowed to do that anymore because- I'm pretty, didn't Obama, I think Obama said that you can't stab charges. Interesting. So, like, you're supposed to take, like, whatever the highest, the highest, like, all right, so felony, right, whatever, it could be, um, thirty-three to forty-one months, and then they can take that, and then whatever the highest misdemeanor is, which could be up to twelve months. So it's supposed to be, at that point, it would be, like, fifty months, because they could put the two together, but they can't take, like, it can't be, like, okay, well, this charges six months of misdemeanor, and this one's six, because, I mean, if that was the case, I'd be, I would not be here, right? That's right. It would have been like that. I think it was like if they would have done that, it would have been like thirty eight years in prison or something. Right. You know, that's what I pointed out for me. Me and Mark were looking at over seventy years in prison with them running consecutive. Yeah, it's crazy. Absolutely crazy, especially when you've never even had a parking ticket. Not that you didn't take care of anyway. I just talked to my probation officer last week. I had to go see him and he's like, you know, I looked you up and he's like, you've never gotten in trouble ever in your life before. And I said, yeah, I know. I said, one day I'll cry and I'm here. And he's like, yeah. He's like, I've never seen something like this in my life, to be honest with you. He's like, you have no investigation, no nothing. Like, they literally, you got arrested for one day. Yeah. Yeah, that's what is, you know, part of this whole atrocity is that, you know, we are innocent people. We were law abiding citizens. We're innocent. We thought we were abiding the law that day. We had the right to protest under the First Amendment. And, you know, we weren't there to cause violence. We weren't there to do anything crazy. And they basically started a movie production with us in the movie. And then, and people don't understand, you're dealing with human instinct. You know, we are what I call crowd animals, right? The Lord refers to us as sheep. We easily will follow a leader and we can easily get pulled into a crowd mentality, a mob mentality, as you've heard it. And the reason I point that out is most everything I saw that day was human instinct. For instance, men have been designed to be our provider and protectors, women. So when they would attack the women, the men would jump in to protect her. You have a fight or flight mode. You're either instinctively driven to fight back or you're instinctively driven to flee. Well, you couldn't flee because the crowd was so massive behind you and all around you. So most of what you saw was people fight back. But nobody wants to talk about what were they fighting back against. It was police attacking the January six defendants. And that's what happened to me. Violence just isn't the answer. I just think that they could have done so many different things that day, but it is what it is at this point, but it's just so crazy to me. It really is. I love that you said that too. As a defendant charged with a felony crime of assaulting police officers, and the first word out your mouth was, violence is not the answer. yeah and uh it's the one thing I didn't like too is like um you know out of all the photos that they had on my phone of course they take the worst ones but they never took the ones of me literally like I have like before everything even happened like everything's getting crazy and stuff like I just have I have my selfies with you know next to george washington next to ape lincoln and all this stuff like inside the capitol and I'm just like this is showcasing like what I did before that was chaos in there. It's not like, oh, he went there to stop the certification. I don't think that the person that was stopping the certification would have been taking selfies in the rotundra. Exactly. That was the same for me and Mark. They blasted the picture of me right after getting pepper sprayed. all over the media. And of course my, what do you call that? Mugshot blasted that everywhere. And it's like, well, you know, I kind of took it as a badge of honor because I'm like, they couldn't find a bad picture until those two moments that they caused. So as a fifty three, fifty four year old woman, I'm pretty happy about that. That's petty and shallow. So we'll move past it. So where are you at now? I know you're in the halfway house. Do you have probation after this? Yeah. Three years. Unless Trump gets him. But, you know, we'll see how that goes. I'm just like, it's crazy because, like, I'm just... I was, you know, listening to you before, you know, I came on. And it's like... I'm just like, I... I'm just not into politics as strong as I used to be. And I would say twenty percent of that is, yeah, because I've seen what the government does and it doesn't really like no matter how many, unless like the whole country stands up, I just don't think it matters because they're just too strong and they're not supposed to be that strong. There's no checks and balances. There's no checks and balances. We have literally fed a fat hog all of our tax money and made this massive machine steamroller to then roll us over. And it's because of our own laziness. I have nobody to blame but myself. You have nobody to blame but yourself because we fact they're fat, dumb and happy letting them tell us what we need to do and not do. And we sat complacent because it was too much work to get on and research it for yourself or to, you know, look into this candidate and what they stand for. I would venture to say probably forty percent of our Republican candidates are Democrats running on a Republican ticket. You want to know how do I know that? Because when I looked them up at their voter history and what they were a registered voter as, you can see within five years of them running for office, they flipped over and started voting Republican. It was nothing but a show to get on in conservative areas so they could take over our country. And y'all are still sitting there clueless that that happened. And I, being the real unintelligent one on politics in this picture here, the one that didn't stay up on it, and I knew that, and you don't. And you still don't. And what you're going to do, all of you, not you, Greg, but all the American people, they're going to run out there November fifth to vote. And any other election going on during that time, you're going to vote for whoever had the most signs on the corner and the biggest sign because, well, they must be the most knowledgeable. No, they're the most bought off. And you are unwilling to do your homework and all of your stuff. But I'm in the middle of raising kids and I'm working and that was by design. The government makes sure that you stay poor enough that you have to keep your nose to the grindstone. But you have to decide if I have to live a lesser life and my kids don't get to have Reebok on their shoe, then that's what it's going to have to be. But it's more important for them to have freedom. So that's me on my high horse for a minute. But it is up to the American people to stand up. And I'm not talking about I'm not asking you to go out there with your pitchforks and torches. I'm asking you to stand strong, be educated and speak it. And don't be afraid of your own opinion. It's OK to be wrong and it's OK to be right. But you should be speaking out. intelligent conversation, iron sharpening iron. That is how things get done. I can't tell you over the years how many times I changed my opinion on something because I got in front of somebody that I respected their intelligence. They knew more about the topic and they had a different opinion than me and could point out where my thinking was wrong and do it with love. Now, I'm not saying everyone is humble enough to let that happen, but you're not going to know if you don't try. So, Greg, I hope and pray that you're not, well, you're not allowed to vote now, are you? No. Neither am I. So isn't it interesting? Now we have a new goal. I don't know if you realize it. Our goal now isn't to vote. It's to get ten registered voters that are like-minded. Okay? They can't take our vote. They want you to think they took your vote. They can't take your vote. You go find ten people that are like-minded and ask them to vote on your behalf. See, I picked up this trick a long time ago. I have a disease that I can't donate blood. And because of that, and I'm passionate about it because my brother almost died and life-saving blood saved his life. So because of that, I would solicit other people to donate blood on my behalf. Please, if you love me, if you care about me, let me feel the honor of getting to donate blood. So my children would donate. My husband would donate. Friends would donate. And it wasn't about they didn't have to sign something, you know, in my name. No, no. They just come back. Hey, I donated blood for you. And I felt like a million bucks. So now I'm doing it with voters. Ten people that aren't registered to vote. You go register to vote. And you run that. You vote for Trump. and you do it in honor of greg rubinacker you do it in honor of jaleesa middleton because uh I have a couple friends that um are doing actually going to do that because they they don't agree with what what's happened to me and and they voted for biden in oh my goodness yeah they they said they draw the line when um when they started calling J-Sexes domestic terrorists. Yeah. And isn't today a monumental day to point that out? Because we are in this situation right now because of what occurred on nine eleven, which I personally now believe was a complete set up by the government. I believe that our own government tore that down. But that's a story for another day. I used to think that people that thought that was a conspiracy theorist and it was an atrocity. But Uh, I have different opinions now and again. Because of people that could bring the receipts to the table. And so because of that day. They had a darn good reason. While everyone was scared to death. They always used fear. Right before they're coming to take your rights. They did it with COVID. They did it with nine eleven. And I'm going to tell you. They're going to do it with these Venezuela gangs. They're trying to scare you. So they can take more of your rights. And as long as you're not walking. In your faith. they're gonna get it because you're gonna walk in fear and you make bad decisions in fear. And who was it? George Washington that said that you don't deserve either one if you're gonna stand in fear. So you're willing to give your security or your freedom for your security, now you're getting what you get. And I'm here to tell you, when you're watching this happen to your child because you walked in fear, that's going to be a hard pill to swallow. And that's where we're at, because nine eleven brought into play the Patriot Act. And now the Patriot Act is being used against every single January six defendant to take away their civil rights. I'm classified as a domestic terrorist. OK, the only thing that I'm terroristic toward are bugs and spiders. OK, I don't know what else would be a terrorist threat to. So, you know, this is where we're at today. And it's because of nine eleven. And here we are sitting here on nine eleven having a talk about it. So now you're looking at three years probation. People probably don't know what probation looks like for a January six defendant. What does probation entail? Do you know? He just, I guess, just wants me to get a job and just stay out of trouble. I don't know. To me, it's kind of just like, I don't understand how they can give you prison time and then say, oh, now we're going to lock you for another thirty-six months. Like, I don't know. I mean, it's not like just January sixes go through it. Everyone that leaves the system goes through this, but I just don't see how, like, It's constitutional legal for that. So what I know, and I don't know a lot about probation, but just from communicating with other January six defendants, what I'm aware of is that they you have to pay for it every month and it's usually around three hundred dollars. So you have to afford to pay probation or now you're in violation of it and at risk of going back into the prison system. You have to pay up all your funds that the court assessed to you. How much of a fine did they assess to you, Greg? Two thousand dollars for not destroying anything. Yeah. So there you have that. And then you have also depending on your personal situation, they will make you go for a drug test. Well, you've got to go to the probation office or wherever they tell you. For some people, that's a two hour drive. They're requiring them to do it weekly. That's all that gas on their time and leaving a job. Imagine trying to tell your employer that you've got to go take a drug test for your probation. So they do all these things to sabotage you getting back up on your feet. In the meantime, you've got to get housing. If you do not have a stable house to go to that does not have a felon in it and does not have a January six defendant in it, then they will let you stay in that house. But they will not let you stay if either of those two occurrences are in your house. So then in order to stay in compliance with probation, you've got to find different housing that's affordable. Imagine doing that right now when you have no job, you can't get ahead on getting a job because you're in a halfway house. And I mean, they literally put you in a circular trap where because of this, it leads to this that led to that, that now won't let you do what you needed to do in the first place. So it is all bondage and entrapment from our government. And it is such a sad, sad state. And I'm looking at this young man, you're twenty eight years old now. Yeah. And he's still trying to get up on his feet. Nonetheless, I live in New York. The prices here are just astronomical. Yes, they have not been overly friendly to the J-City community. I can vouch for that. However, New York had a lot of representation out there January six, didn't they? Yeah. I mean, it's really just a city that's very blue. Like Long Island is very red and upstate is very red, but there's much more people living in the city that it overshadows that. Yeah, you're absolutely right. That's how they took over California too. Most people don't realize California is a red state, but the cities are blue and liberals took them over probably through stolen elections and they don't represent their people at all. I did not see any bigger crowd January six than people from California. And that always surprises people. I think California turned that way, because I think it was a nineteen eighty six a pass and amnesty for illegal immigration. And ever since then, I think it's been blue. They are using that playbook, how they took over California. They're using it in Texas right now to turn us blue. And everyone has really downplayed what I've been saying here. But I'm in Texas and I'm watching them do it. We're purple right now because they're stealing the election play by play by play, just like they did in California. And they're doing it in the entire country because when Texas goes, the whole country will go. Yeah, I mean, they they passed the law and. Yeah, twenty sixteen or twenty twenty, I'm not too positive, but. Yeah, legal is a legal vote in New York elections. Yep, that's why our governor was shipping them all to New York to teach them a lesson. No, he wasn't. He was shipping them to New York so they could vote. Yes, that's that it might drop. OK, so I want to go back to you for a minute. So one thing I've noticed is, you know, we serve a mighty God and he has been on scene with this from day one. I've heard hundreds, if not a thousand J-Sixers say I felt called there that day. And I've heard many of them talk about the beauty of what Christ has done since then through this atrocity. What has happened in your relationship with the Lord, if anything? And it's okay to say nothing. It's okay to say that ain't my cup of tea. I have no clue. I just want to hear from you. What does it look like now? Has something changed in your personality at all? Yeah. I mean, I was going to church, but I really just was going to church before, but you know, during prison, I started reading the Bible and stuff. Um, I feel closer to him. You know, we all have our demons. So I feel like he's helped me get through a lot of them. And, you know, he definitely helped me when I was behind the wall because I lacked a lot of faith because, you know, it's like, I don't know if I've told you this, but, you know, my dad passed away when I was incarcerated. So like that took a toll on me. Back up on that one. Your father passed away while in prison. Yeah. That's time you can't get back. Yeah. And the BOP didn't care at all. Like my family tried to do like a video call and they just denied it and didn't care. They would not even let you do a video call to be at the funeral. just to even talk to my dad before he was passed away. You had the opportunity to talk to him before he passed. Yeah. I mean, I would, I would be able to call him on the cell phone, but my, you know, I didn't get to see him. And what would that have hurt at all? That is the atrocity. See, that's where the punishment is in the process right there. Yeah. I am so sorry, Greg. Yeah. So, you know, I don't know, I'm just. That's like my that's like one of the reasons why I just like I'm just trying to keep moving forward because stuff like that, it's just like you can't get back. You can't get it back. Oh, that my heart is just in my stomach right now, that made me sick. I don't even know what to say from that. I've lost both my parents. I wasn't quite as young as you. I believe I was thirty two when I lost my mother and that was too young. I can't even imagine my heart breaks for you right now. So obviously you have had to lean in pretty hard to Christ to get through this. Um, you've kind of had a special insight where he's had to carry you through at least that time that season for sure. And, and like, it sucks too. Cause it's like my, like my, my dog passed away like a month before my dad. So it was like in the same period. And like, my dog was like, helped me get through so much like anxiety and depression. I called her my first daughter. I love that dog so much. That really messed me up too. Where do we go from here? When you get out, do you have a house to go to? Is your family supportive? Have you lost some of your family through this? Beyond death, have people rejected you because you were at the Capitol that day? It's like, yeah, no. Like people have, you know, they lean into it and some people don't, but it's like, I try to, I don't want this day to define who I am. So I just got to just keep pushing forward. And like, you know, I've been writing music and like, I'm just, I want to tell my story about overcoming things and, and trying to heal people. Cause I don't want people to feel what I've been through. That's like, That's like where I've been putting my energy in and trying to. Regardless of political party or anything, just try to help people that are going through rough times in their life and depression and all that stuff. So loving your neighbor, that's the way we're supposed to do it, not by political affiliation, not by religious affiliation. But for the fact you're a human being just like me. Yeah, so that's where I've been putting my energy into. And do you have a website or something with your music that people could go to? My music got taken down when I was incarcerated. Of course. So. You know, when I get out, I really want to just like rebrand myself and start. Really? getting out there and just showing people that I'm not just this old DJ or whatever these people think I am. I'm an artist that belongs to stay and can touch people's heart outside of politics. And politics aside, music's not supposed to be politically oriented. It could be, but that's not where I want to be. I want it to be more of a healing process. I would like my shows to be like a therapy where you can go there and you can meet all these people that feel the same way you feel. Right. You know what I love about talking to you? I do feel a strong sense of love for people. I'm not feeling... With most of us January Sixth defendants, there is a thread of animosity that I can feel in everyone's spirit. We're just wounded. I'm not feeling that with you. I'm feeling... I'm feeling love, love, love from you. I am excited at what the Lord is going to do with your music because I don't know if you're harboring it or not, but I'm not feeling it. Like I'm feeling somebody that has felt like this was unfair. It was wrong. It wounded me. There's scars there, but I just want to get out and love people and love life again. Yeah, so that pretty much sums it up. That's, you know, that's a feat right there because the enemy comes to still kill and destroy. And by you, you know, controlling your thoughts and keeping love at the forefront, you know, love wins. You know, that is how we win our battles is through love. And you're going to be able to launch right back on your feet. And I just want you to know that that is scriptural, that you... I mean, that's just a fact. I pray on it every day. I pray on it every day. I just want to let you know my phone might die. So if it cuts off, I didn't hang up on you. My phone died. Well, we're going to close it out now. You know, I think we've got to know Greg really well. Is there a way for the people to help you? Yeah, I have a GiveSendGo. You could type in, I believe it's HelpGreg on GiveSendGo. Okay. Y'all, please do that. Go to slash help Greg and make sure it talks about January six or shows this picture or something. Go in there and donate to him and help him to get on his feet. He's fixing to get out in three weeks. He's going to need some money. So also always remember We're out there helping these guys. We love them very much. And with that, we're going to close up in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this time together. Thank you for me getting the opportunity to know my brother, Greg. I feel like we're forever going to be bonded through this situation. He is my brother in Christ. And Father, I thank you that you brought him forward to be a fighter for this nation, that he has stood in the gap for the American people. He has withstood the persecution. Father, I thank you that you've given us the strength to do that. Everything comes through you, Lord Jesus. Father, I pray for this nation to bow their knee before you and to repent of their wrongdoing, of all the evil that we've allowed into this country as we set complacent, just trying to mind our own business and go to our job and pay our mortgages instead of seeking to glorify you and stand on the word of truth. Father God, this nation needs you right now. I pray for our leaders. I pray for Joe Biden. I pray for Kamala Harris. I pray for President Trump, that you would be a vessel into their lives, that they would see the truth and humble themselves before you. Because when this nation humbles itself at your feet, you will lift us up and redeem our nation. Lord, thank you for this time together. May you be glorified in all that we do this week. Amen. Amen. All right. Thank you, brother, for coming on. For the viewers, don't forget to tune in tomorrow. We've got a great J-Sex show tomorrow, too. I am super excited about this one. So I'm going to jump on here real quick. Yes, Greg, you have been amazing for us today. I love when I can bring on... My hope was yesterday to have Howard Richardson on. He was our oldest Jay Sixer. You're one of our younger ones. And I think it's always fun to see all the differences and viewpoints. Tomorrow, we're going to have JD Rivera on here. And... He's just come back from Washington, DC, where he went and sought some healing. uh, from his, uh, from his story from January six. And he also was at that congressional hearing with, uh, Marjorie Taylor green. So I'm excited to bring him on and hear what he has to say. Y'all tune in tomorrow with your favorite, uh, Michigan governor, uh, Donna Brandenburg. She is the one that did not concede and it's not conceding and, uh, and we love her very much and we're grateful for the space she gives the January six defendants and brings the truth to y'all to tie it all in together. This is all connected. Every single thing you're hearing her talk about is connected to January six. We are the final phase to oppress and suppress the people so that they can take this nation. And everything she talks about is what they were doing leading up to it and where it's at now. So stay tuned. I'll see you tomorrow and God bless you all. Bye-bye.