BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/13/2024 Off The Grid, Ammon Bundy & J6ers Jalise/Troy Smocks

Published Sept. 13, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 10am Ammon Bundy, Casey Whalen and Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independent Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country Researcher - Vicky Davis Voice of the People - Daniel and Hollis Smeriglio Independent Journalist - Casey Whalen Thought Criminals - Christina Holbrook Melissa Frysel The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton with Troy Smocks- will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Troy Smocks - Troy Smocks, is a former January 6th Washington, DC, Gulag, detainee. Mr. Smocks suffered 13 months in 23 hours a day solitary confinement. Troy never even entered the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, but was arrested as the first American casualty in the Biden Regime's war on protected political speech. Today, Mr. Smocks spends much of his time in a federal civil courtroom where he is suing the corrupt United States Government for $2.5 Billion dollars in relation to his tyrannical treatment by Washington's Department of Justice. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter, Casey Whalen, Dan & Hollis Smeriglio, Christina Holbrook, Melissa Fryzel, Vicki Davis, Jalise Middleton, Troy Smocks

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the thirteenth day of September twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show today. Today we have off the grid starting out at nine o'clock with Dr. David Kent, Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT guy. Another riveting conversation amongst friends who are out there researching and looking at all things, all things in every direction. It's amazing. And then at ten o'clock, we have our citizen journalist panel on this morning. And I believe Ammon Bundy is going to be on this morning. We were talking about scheduling him. Casey's working on that with me. So I'm assuming he's on. And so we've got him plus Vicki Davis, who is a beast researcher, Melissa Frizzell, and the rest of the crew, Dan and Hollis Mariglio, et cetera, and Casey Whalen. And then at eleven o'clock, it is Jay Sixer's Political Prisoners in America with Jalise Middleton. And today she has Troy Smocks on, which I love Troy. I've interviewed him. I interviewed him last December. And I got to tell you, this guy is amazing. He is totally amazing and filed a lawsuit against the federal government for kidnapping him for about two hundred and fifty six million dollars. And so we're going to get an update on that. So, and with that said, here we go back to bringing everybody on. Hey guys, how you doing? Hello. Doing good. Happy Friday. How's your, your first week of wedded bliss? It's still blissful. Thank you. Good answer. You know, David, I love you a lot. I think you're a wonderful person, but just for the record here, you married up with Jeannie. She is, she is such a lovely, wonderful person. And, uh, you know, I'm just busting you in the chops here. You two both are just wonderful people. And I just, I'd so which I, again, I just wish you a lifetime of love and happiness with your families. And, you know, with your family. And it was a very nice wedding. And we've talked about it a lot. And I had a lot of fun there. Thank you so much. Thank you for coming. Yeah, it's fun to hang out with friends and just be normal. You know, the world's gotten so crazy that just to have a day where you can just be normal. No politics, no stress, nothing. Yeah, it was fun. And the food. Oh, my gosh. I could not. I'm telling you, I'd be like a thousand pounds if I ate like that. The food was so good. It was amazing. I hope you got a cupcake. I did. You heard about my cupcake story, didn't you? Yes, I think you told me. Yeah, those are those cupcakes were a hit. I couldn't eat one, but I just stick to my carnivore diet. Yeah, but I did have a piece of cake for good luck. Yeah, you have to do that at your own wedding. I mean. That'd be really lousy if you didn't eat cake at your own wedding. I know. I think you break the diet once in a while. I was warned. Yeah, you lose husband points right at the wedding. If you don't eat the wedding cake, just got to say. Just need to have a meatloaf cake. As I recall, Donna, you had a story about that kind of thing. I did. So I've got a very warped sense of humor, okay? And when it comes to, I find like almost everything funny. I just do. I don't know why it is. It just works out for me that way because there's so many things when they go wrong, it's more absurd than it is tragic, right? So I decided when my kids were little that I've done some cake decorating and such. I've tried everything. grandma hobby on the planet, just because I like doing that sort of thing. Knitting, crocheting, cake decorating. I gave some of my friends wedding cakes as a gift, you know, because I decorate them all up and I have a good time with that, right? Just fun, just fun. So when my kids were little, I decided on April Fool's Day to get them, okay? And it was a beautiful setup. It really was. So I told them, today, it's April Fool's Day. We're going to make it special. We're going to have a backwards dinner. We're going to have backwards dinner. So what I did is I took meatloaf and I made it in the shape of a cake and I frosted it with whipped cream. potato with with whipped mashed potatoes. And I had my decorator tips out, man, I had this thing. No tomorrow. And then then for dessert, I made spaghetti and meatballs. And what I did is I use, you know, like strawberry shortcake. And then I put like, like a raspberry sauce on it to look like like spaghetti sauce. And I had piped in some frosting to make it look like spaghetti. And then I put like raspberry sauce on it and I took malt balls and I nicked them up with a knife, a serrated knife to make them look like meatballs. Okay. So we'll sit down at the table and One of my children, who did not have a sense of humor at all at the time, not at all, no sense of humor whatsoever, was relatively pissed off at everything, just because the world sucked to him. At two years old, I mean, I can tell lots of stories about my kids, right? But this is actually a true story. So we sit down at the table, and then I bring the cake to the table, which was actually meatloaf. Kids are cheering. They're having a great time. And one of my kids, which is a little higher on the spectrum of intelligence than the rest of them, I'm taking a guess who it is too. Everyone at the table and said, Hey, wait a minute here. This is mom here. And in their small child self of being, you know, very young says, says something's wrong guys. Don't buy it. Critical thinking it too. The rest of the kids are cheering, yay, we're getting cake for dinner, cake for dinner. The cheers for mom were going up, could have been heard from here to Taiwan, right? And I cut the cake, which was actually meatloaf, and I put them on the plate. They're still cheering, and all of a sudden, the one that is always pissed off all the time, puts it on the plate and goes... He is so mad. There's no words to describe it. He is just furious. He's like... I'm not eating that. He gets so mad. He's absolutely furious, right? And so then we got over it, but it took a little while before we got to the spaghetti and meatball dessert, but it was absolutely hilarious. And our family actually does stuff like this besides talking around the table about supreme nerd things, all right? So one time we're sitting at the table and I'd say everybody in my family is extraordinarily adept at conversational skills, probably way too much. OK, that we're like the people that you say, please shut up. You're talking too much at the table. Right. So anyhow. So my husband, who likes to set everybody up. All right. My husband has got he's he's funny. And if he can get you, he will. OK. And he's extraordinarily intelligent. And so he starts eating one night and he's like, throws it out on the table. Did you know that armadillos carry leprosy? And all of us put our utensils down and we're like... Nope, he's not sucking me into that one. Ain't going to happen. And he just keeps eating, and it's totally dead silent at the table as we're trying to figure out, is he getting us or is there truth to this one? And so we try to muddle through this without going to looking it up on Google or something like that so we didn't look extremely stupid at the table because, of course, we should have known this because he threw it out there. Finally, we took a vote on whether it was true or false and then looked it up and it is in fact true. And I'm like, okay, why would you know that armadillos carry leprosy? You know, one of those weird things. It's a medical school question. To me, it's like a National Geographic thing, and I used to watch all those nature shows. I've always watched nature shows and picked up on the most useless fun facts because I find them interesting. I was just thinking about that the other day. All this trivial knowledge that we know, and some people obviously know just tremendous amounts of knowledge. How much of it isn't true now? Yeah, I was speaking to a podcast from this professor that says so many of these papers and things that have been put out there are false. It's a lead to lead us in the wrong direction. Absolutely. Like a Harvard professor said this. And I think in medicine, it's probably the worst, but maybe Egypt and things like that. So speaking of useless information, last night was the Ig Nobel Prize ceremony, which I love watching that. This is not the Nobel Prizes. This is the Ig Nobel Prizes. What's that? They award prizes for... Research that makes you laugh and then makes you think is what they say. And so a lot of it is just really silly papers. So the ceremony is hilarious. IG space N-O-B-E-L Okay. And so last night was the annual prize ceremony, and they did stuff like they awarded the physics prize for a group of researchers for demonstrating and explaining the swimming abilities of a dead trout. What? A dead trout? Yeah. And likely our dollars to fund this nonsense. Yeah. Basically, they figured out that just by the shape of a trout, they move with the currents. The way they're streamlined, and this has implications for aerodynamics, the way that they're streamlined, a dead trout moves through the water in a current almost as well as a live trout. And so they showed that basically a trout takes really minimal amounts of energy to be able to move through the water just because passively the way their bodies are built move through the water so well. Wow. Interesting. They had another one that was for the medicine prize. It was for demonstrating that fake medicine that causes painful side effects can be more effective than fake medicine that does not cause painful side effects. I could have told them that. I always used to say, if it doesn't hurt, it doesn't work. For skin care is what I was talking about. Well, a group of researchers did a paper on it. The more it stings, the person has to feel it a little bit working. Well, I don't feel any better, and I was itching for more than a week from those yellow jackets. I got to be real healthy because I probably, I really believe that these stings that I got where they set their stingers and didn't really itch that much, but where they were crawling around in my hands, I think they were just like sitting there going, I probably had, I ended up having to remove all kinds of crap from my hands. Yeah, we got stung on the same week. Oh, boy. All right, so here's one. Here's the ignoble prize. Let's see. We've got peace, citation, experiments to see the feasibility of housing live pigeons inside missiles to guide their flight path, the flight of the missiles. Yep, that was actually a thing. They tried to use pigeons before computers could be miniaturized enough. They tried to use pigeons for guidance. Botany. Let's see. Finding evidence that some real plants imitate the shapes of neighboring artificial plastic plants. That was a really interesting one because it actually kind of indicated that somehow there's one species of plant that's a mimic plant. Somehow this plant must be able to see the plants that are around it because... despite having some distance between them, it is still able to mimic other plants around it. It was really interesting research, but it sounds absolutely absurd at first. But then you start looking at it and it's like, wow, there's actually some interesting things about this. Okay, here's one. Studying whether the hair on the heads of most people in the Northern Hemisphere swirls in the same direction clockwise or counterclockwise. All right. All right. On the mimicry, I've watched some programs on octopi. And that's fascinating. You can't tell me that these creatures, quote unquote, evolved to be able to do the things that they can do. They were created by someone who is more intelligent than all of us. Yep. Yeah, there was one prize a few years ago that was quite well circulated. I think the biology prize was awarded for a paper that tried to figure out why pregnant women don't tip over. You know what? You know what? I can tell you why pregnant women don't tip over. your, your base of how you stand, you know, I could have told you that. Yeah. And I've never been pregnant, but I just, you know, observe. Yeah. I can, I, I've got personal experience in this. That's all. Somebody got research funding for that. Well, and you also don't do stupid stuff because you're carrying a baby. Okay. You're not going to be, you know, you're not going to be doing as many stupid things because it is not comfortable. It is by pure. There you go, David. There's a pain thing. You know, it's like what you really want to do. Kind of like a hen on a nest. You know, you're just going to kind of sit still a little bit more. You know, you might go out and walk, but I'm pretty extra sure in the ninth month, you're not going to be running a marathon. no you better not well this just reminds me of those if you look at the uh the budget that congress passes all this money they send to these foreign countries to do these crazy studies that just make no sense you know it's money laundering basically Sure is. Just to change the subject. I'm going to go ahead and I emailed an article to myself. I'm going to see if I can find it in my email. My email has been really, really slow lately. And it was interesting. It's about the budget that they have and how much money they actually did money launder. It's crazy, absolutely crazy. Gender studies in African countries, you know, ten million dollars, five million dollars. It's so bad. Let's see where it is. I know I sent it to myself this morning. That's what I do. I send myself articles. Yeah, that's a good way of keeping track of them. Yeah, let's see if I can find. I was up at five o'clock this morning, so it's got to be here somewhere. But while you're looking, I'm going to just make a quick comment. Do you guys ever notice the number seventeen everywhere? I mean, I know every time I open up my phone and go on Telegram, through a certain channel and things. There'll be seventeen comments every single time. I started actually just taking screenshots and I literally have hundreds of them. Like I'll go on X, there'll be seventeen messages for me. It's just, it's the craziest thing. And it can't be just some random, it can't be random because it's way too much that's happening. I have no idea why. I guess you're blessed. You guys notice that? I have noticed it more, not as random, although I did hit, there was one channel. It wasn't the number seventeen, it was a different number. Every time I looked, when I got into the channel, there would be a lot more than that particular number of postings there. But it always seemed to be like eleven, the number eleven or something. But yeah, it can happen, but usually I see them in other, it's news articles usually. Or people's certain people's postings that will have a, Trump says, all the time. I got a video of my wedding on the front side. I mean, it's, it's crazy. I've got another little random comment, but it's a little more off the grid related. So I think a lot of gardeners are having a problem this year where they had a lot of tomatoes start, but then they weren't changing to red. And it might be because of this warm weather we have extending that, that might be happening, but we're getting such cold nights that it's been hard for the peppers and the tomatoes to change over. We had some volunteer tomatoes growing as a result of our chickens. And I had a ton of green tomatoes. I mean, for me, who's never grown tomatoes before, it seemed like a ton, but anyway, I had a lot of tomatoes that I knew were never going to ripen because these plants grew up in the shade. And, um, friend told me about green tomato jello jam at least that's what I call it and so I looked it up I got a recipe and I tried it and if you haven't done that and you have green tomatoes try it out because when you're preserving food for um Just because you're not fearful, but because you are preparing and you're smart and you might want something sweet in the wintertime. Or you want something to barter later on when other people have sweet cravings and all they have is things that are not sweet. This is another thing that you can do. You take about two and a half cups of pureed green tomatoes. two cups of sugar and a three ounce box of jello. Whatever flavor you like. Strawberry works really well. You heat up and put to full rolling boil the sugar and the tomatoes. And when that's mixed up good for ten minutes, add a full rolling boil. Then you mix in the Jell-O until it's dissolved, and then you can put that in whatever containers, refrigerate or freeze it, or you can even can it. It turns out just like jam. It tastes and looks like strawberry jam if you use strawberry. I've made strawberry, raspberry, and cherry. And it spreads a little bit more sticky-like, but it otherwise is quite convincing as a strawberry. It goes back to, like, foraging, you know, to be able to forge for food. There's so much food around us. And, you know, when we hear about, I don't know, all of the – fear that's out there of our food shortages and such. It's like, yeah, well, if you're not prepared, it's going to be a little more difficult. However, with that said, there's so much stuff you can eat out there. It's amazing. Okay. So like may apples, they used to make may apple jam, but I'm going to say the qualifier here. So make sure you're listening to the whole thing. They're poisonous until you get to like about two days out of the year. What are may apples? And there's little umbrella-looking plants when you're out in the woods. They're everywhere. And they develop a little fruit on them, two little fruits on each plant, little umbrella plants. And they'll be growing and growing. And then all of a sudden, in one day, they'll all be gone because raccoons will, like, eat them all, right? And so if you know what to look for, you can pick them. But that goes back to foraging for food. But that's a great idea, Karen. I've never heard that one before. I mean, it's just maybe other people have great recipes for green tomatoes. I don't because I've just never done anything with them before. But I had them. I didn't want them to go to waste. And it was a great way to put them to use. This year sucked for tomatoes in Michigan. Absolutely. Everybody I know. had a problem with ripening. And I know people in Iowa, that same thing, could not, their tomatoes did not ripen. So they got to one stage and they just rotted on the vine. Because it's been so hot? Yeah, the weather was just weird this year. Weird weather. And some plants- Oh, who knows what's in the air? Now, don't tell me, you know, it's like, I don't say that, don't tell me, but it's like, let's talk about zucchinis. This was a bumper crop year for zucchinis. Unbelievable. how much zucchini we got and potatoes too potatoes good year for potatoes good year for zucchini um there's some some plants like different weather and some just aren't you know all that hardy but that brings up something else about tomatoes which tomatoes is a night shade and that that is another um another thing to be kind of aware of good and bad, you know, all, almost everything out there. There's very few things that are, that are truly, one hundred percent poisonous. That, and that's true. It is always the dosage, just like, just like, you know, when you look at medicinal herbs, it's, or, or anything, it's always in the dosage. Okay. So like, so like, you know, when, when I was diagnosed with cancer and you guys, I haven't told you the complete story about that. And I literally went off the grid because there was no help. There was no answers on things. I'm like, well, great. I'm going to figure this out myself, right? And so I started looking into different things that some people probably wouldn't be open to trying. and I tried everything and I'm like but but I study you know I'm a nerd so I would study the dosage it's just like anything else if you had a bottle of ibuprofen or something on the table and decided to take the whole bottle ain't going to end well for you right tylenol what's that tylenol deadly and so you you look at this stuff and it's always dosage always but if you can figure things out And you get the dosage figured out on how these things help, even nightshade. Nightshade can be a real problem in some situations. And in others, I think it's worth looking into. I really do. But the nightshade plants, like the leaves of tomatoes as well as green potatoes are in fact poisonous because they are both nightshades. So something to think about. Is it just the green ones? Is it just the green tomatoes? Green tomatoes are a problem if you eat too many of them. Okay. Not ripen. No, but the leaves, you want to eat the tomato leaves. The tomato leaves are, in fact, not good to eat and will hurt you. Okay. There's a toxic nightshade growing in that same area. I pulled it everywhere I found it, and I don't know why it came up. I don't know why. Toxic nightshade. Deadly Nightshade, Belladonna. What? Both of you are talking. I don't know that it was Belladonna. It just, that's what the plant app ID told me. The plant ID app that I have. If you find any more, don't pull it. I want to come look at it. Okay. And there's a reason for that. it actually can be used in a medicinal way. If you, this is not an endorsement. Don't anybody go out and then try to blame Donna Brandenburg. Cause you were dumb enough not to look into it. Okay. It's like, I'm not saying that to you. I'm saying that to anybody. I know that there's a lot of plants on my property that I identified this spring and summer that are toxic. And a lot of them are toxic to pets, horses, dogs, people. But there are some that are more than others. And that particular one is invasive, which is why I pulled it because I don't want it spreading and it spreads. But there are one, a lot of those can be used medicinally. But when I started looking at it, it was like, okay, I am not prepared for to even attempt that. I don't have the knowledge and the skill to use it, but I'm aware of where it is. I'm aware that it is on my property. So if in the future, at some point it became more important to, to somebody that it could be collected and used for that purpose. It has become very important to me at this moment. Okay. Well, I know I have berries around too, probably even if the plants aren't around, but I can probably find some plants for you. I'll get some pictures and send it to you if I find it. Perfect. That is just absolutely perfect. That's not, not a bad thing to know. You know, it's good to know where the poisons of the medicines are because remember, you know, things are toxic. Very few things are toxic. Just flat out toxic. And I mean, fentanyl is one of them. Fentanyl is a creative drug, right? But other other things, if you you got but you got to study it. You don't just go out there and all of a sudden like a horse, grab a mouthful of something and eat it. You know, I knew something. So like I don't get poison ivy. My dad didn't get poison ivy. We don't react to it. And my dad had a friend that he said, you want to get rid of poison ivy? And he grabbed a handful of it and he ate it. I am not. I would never in a million years do this. I think it's nuts. It's crazy. It was an old farmer moment of stupidity, in my opinion. There's not a chance I would do this, okay? But he grabbed a handful of poison ivy and ate it. But if you go into homeopathy, they sell – and I've tried this – They sell something called Roostox. And Roostox is a homeopathic remedy for poison ivy. And what it is is it's a homeopathy is you take what is the thing that's a malady that you're dealing with. And Roostox is poison ivy. And you take it by putting like little, they come in like little beads and you put it underneath your tongue. So if you go to a health food store, you can buy Roostox. Mm-hmm. Bruce talks as a treatment for poison ivy, but I got a better one than that. And that's the fact that where poison ivy grows, you will almost always find jewel weed. Jewel weed is an antidote for poison ivy. And nettles. And I've never done the nettles one, but the jewel weed is. Unfortunately, nettles has been growing in my strawberry patch ever. So it's a little surprise, an unpleasant surprise when you reach for a strawberry and you get a metal sting. And unfortunately, they didn't also grow with jewel weed in my strawberry patch. but fortunately karen learned a few things earlier this year and in one of those is that plantain grows all around my property too so I have reached right down because my my strawberry patch is is raised is a raised bed so I reached down and grabbed some plantain chomped on it spit it up on my stung hand and made it feel better pretty quickly That's cool. Nettles are also supposed to be really good for allergies. Nettle tea. Yeah. Yeah. So there's there's a lot of things that you can eat. I mean, it's like squash blossoms. You can eat the flowers of squash blossoms and high end restaurants use them all the time, as well as daylilies. You know, the daylilies, the tiger lilies that you see in the ditches. You can eat the blossoms. I've eaten the blossoms. I love that. I can just tell you that the younger they are, the better they are. They get tough as they get older. So if you eat the ones that aren't quite open, they've got kind of a peppery taste to them. But once again, take the time to identify them. Don't just go grab something and shove it in your mouth and eat it. Like one of my kids did when they were young. One of my kids was Mr. Angry, Mr. Adventurous. He he would he would do anything. You know, he was that kid that was out there like laying in the mud, you know, laying in the mud. And, you know, a total savage, total complete. This is funny because you've talked about how you were farming in worms when I was a little kid. This is a story my mom told me because I don't really remember it. That's my excuse for how young and silly I was because I don't remember it. That's how young I was. But apparently I used to dig up worms and have them in each hand and have them talking to each other. So what did they say, brothers? And they didn't want to play with me. What did the worms say, Karen? I have no idea. I don't remember that. Oh my God, that's funny. I always used to catch frogs and toads. I've thought about getting pet frogs before. I think that would be fun. What's that? A pet frog? Yeah, I've thought about that before. Not the big Pac-Man frogs. I couldn't do that. But some of the smaller aquatic frogs. Some of those guys are pretty fun. I love watching them around. I've seen them around the property, the teeny tiny ones in the springtime. They're so cute. I like going to the zoo and seeing the little poison dart frogs. Yeah, those are cool. Cute little guys. I had a dog once that she liked to chase down toadies. I call them toadies. She would grab one and quickly spit it out and make the funniest faces. Oh, funny. I had somebody that posted this. It says, where is Ammon Bundy? And somebody came after him and said, such and such named him and said, it's now known as FBI surveillance. Yeah, they're watching this. They're watching everything. Knock yourselves out, guys. Knock yourselves out. Whatever. Yeah, so other garden things in the nightshades. Did you know that eggplants have nicotine? I did not know that. Basically, everything in the nightshade family has nicotine to a certain percentage, but eggplants have the highest of any of the nightshades. So, yeah, theoretically, you could get addicted to eggplants. I didn't grow some, but I don't think I know what I'm doing growing them, so I don't think I harvested them at the right time. There's no really great time. You can harvest them anytime. Well, they didn't do too well. I shouldn't say none. A lot of my plants didn't do too well this year. It was our first attempt, and I learned a lot. So I'm not trying to be hard on myself, and I know that a lot of other gardeners had similar problems than I did. So even if we did everything right, we would still have had some problems. Yeah. Yeah, I did learn a lesson, though. I wasn't poking around the eggplants very often. And when I went to harvest, I reached for the base of the fruit. Yeah, don't do that. It has thorns on it. I was really paying attention to it while I was watering it every day. They're better, too, if you can harvest them when they're a little smaller. And they don't have quite so many seeds. And then they kind of like, you can just keep getting eggplants if you get them when they're small. Well, and the skin on them gets tougher when they get real big. The smaller they are, they're real delicate, sort of like a zucchini. And you know what my least favorite squash is? The yellow summer squash, I hate those things. It's like when they get, then they get bigger than like, like about, I don't know, maybe, maybe an inch and a half around. They're disgusting. It's like eating, you know, it's like eating the skin gets real thick and nasty on them. And there's no way to make it better other than peel it, throw half of it away. I grew some of those straight neck yellow squash. But I had tried one zucchini and it got a borer in it. And that was that. And then all of my squashes got borers. Really? Yeah, I got some squashes out of them. But by the time late in the summer when I could see that they definitely had borers in them and I was trying to treat them and it wasn't quite working. So I pulled them and looked inside and I took pictures. It was gross. There was definitely borers that had survived the treatment I did. And so they were definitely not going to be more productive. So I pulled them. But yeah, that was very unfortunate. A lot of people had that problem this year, too. Boars were really bad in squashes. FBI surveillance just said, oh, no, you figured me out. Oh, that's hilarious. So did you use like diatomaceous earth or did you use anything like that? I didn't use that, but I did use, it's called BT. It's a bacterial thing that you can spray the plant with. Some people inject it right up into the stem. When the borers get into the stem and then they dig things out, they dig out the stem of the plant and it's kind of hollow anyway in those plants. But then they like, Like anything that digs out, you get this little crumble outside of the hole. And that's one way to tell that you have a borer. Well, they were doing it at the base of my short plants. These didn't come out and vine all over their ground. It's a bush-type plant in the way we groom in containers. So if it got in the stem, you can't just like... Some people would put a weight on a vine and grow roots into that vine so that it's independent of the rest of the plant and they can still grow the fruit on the end despite the pourers. But when it's in the very base of the plant, you lose the entire plant one piece at a time. So that was a tricky part, but... I didn't inject it. I sprayed it into the hole, but I didn't inject it up into it. They look like little white grubs or reddish grubs. I had two different kinds, I think, or two different stages of life. I don't know what it was, but it was gross. Just to change the subject a little bit, we're getting really close to the election, like, fifty days or something, and I think the deep state is getting really desperate. And I did hear from somebody about, and I know we've heard this over and over again, but there is a chance that the power literally could go out for a few weeks. General Flynn even posted about that. At least. I would share that too. Something that's an assurity. So be prepared. I mean, it doesn't hurt to have a few sacks of rice and jars of peanut butter just to survive and make sure you have water. Yeah, if you're going to have jars of peanut butter and rice, you're going to need some water. Yeah, exactly. For gosh sakes, have toilet paper so we don't repeat that little problem again. I mean, that was the dumbest thing. I mean, watching people lose their mind over toilet paper. Yeah. And keep a full tank of gas. Don't let it get low and then go to the gas station. Just keep filling it up, topping it off. And I would say, yeah, extra oil, extra windshield wiper fluid. Well, I'm thinking it's going to go out for like a couple of weeks to a month, not like for a year. You know, it's like, what do you need to get through, you know, two to four weeks? Just make sure you have it. Bill had a great point the other day. It's something I hadn't thought about. I've worked with first responder systems before. And so I'm familiar with the planning that goes on in case of certain types of situations. For example, if there's a tornado, there's a written plan in place. And between local PDs and FDs, there is a plan on how they interact and handle a situation that they expect to happen from time to time. A tornado, a thunderstorm, a winter storm that knocks the power out for two, three days at a time. A flood. They have it on paper because they know that's a likelihood. what happens with a township level fire department? My township doesn't have one, but a neighboring township does have a fire department and it's pretty small. So Bill, Bill had questioned what kind of plan is in place for a longer term lack of electrical grid support for a fire department. If you have a home on fire and, In that kind of situation where at length there is no power grid, there is no communication system that's going to be well supported on a wide level, how do you... save lives, basically, because that's what a fire department is all about. You know, if you had a fire department that still had an old wagon with a big old water tank on it and a team of horses and a Dalmatian to protect them from the neighborhood dogs running along, you might be able to get around and do some damage on a fire. But ambulance, policing services on a very local level Those things are impacted by an off the grid situation. And I don't know that any department in Michigan is really prepared for an at length scenario like that on paper and certainly not in training. I don't think there is a plan for a grid down anywhere from what I've heard. Well, the problem is that you've got to grab power from somewhere. I'm looking at this link that you put there, Ralph, ham info. Yeah. Can you go there a minute? What's that? Let's go there. Why did you post that? Well, something else to think about here, too, is that if you don't already have a ham radio license, you might want to know where your nearest ham radio people are. And since when you get a ham radio license, your information, your license information is public. There are places like this that you can get, you can put in a zip code or an address and find a map of all of the licensed hams that are near you. Okay. Give me a random zip code. Well, that's cool. Four, eight, three, two, four. Oh, that's cool. And then I think if you click on them, it'll give you their name and address. Oh, wow. Oh, that's really cool. That is cool. That's really cool. It would be great if we had a set up like that for people who are, say, certified in CPR. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and there's a huge overlap between people that are interested in ham radio and, uh, um, kind of emergency response kind of stuff. Uh, so like there, there's a ton of people that are, uh, weather spotters for the national weather service that are hams. Yep. And a lot of the search and rescue people are as well. Um, any pretty much anytime you go to any of the big like marathons or even five K races, a lot of times the people that they have involved in those are ham radio people as well, because we'll actually get notices from municipalities that are doing like marathons and five K saying, Hey, we need some communications people to be able to watch the route and call in any medical emergencies to the medical staff. Kent County has a very good setup like that. They have an emergency department that encompasses the sheriff and search and rescue and others. And so like with the mud run that they do in Kent County, they do exactly that. And they have an annual race that they do that with too. Yeah. So not all of those people are going to be, not all of the hams on there are going to be people that can do long distance communications. Some of them are only going to have radios for short distance communications. I mean, there's so much you can do with ham radio that, but it gives you a good place to kind of start. And, you know, when the grid is down is not the time to go look that information up to see who's near you. The time to do that is before the grid goes down. So, you know, who to contact if you need to get a hold of somebody. You just want to know what's going on. If you're coming up on a time where you can't get toilet paper, probably a good idea to have a little bit on hand before you get into a panic. Don't go to the ham radio guys looking for toilet paper. They might shoot you before you get there. Can the ham radio connect to emergency services? In a lot of cases, yes. From a technical standpoint, pretty much all of them can. From a legal standpoint, typically you can only, as a ham, I think that the, don't quote me on this, but I think the rule is that you can actually broadcast onto emergency services communication channels if there is a danger to life. Um, that's usually the guideline. I don't know the legalities of that. So don't quote me on that. I've never had to use it. However, um, most of the time there are ways for hams to get ahold of emergency services that are not through their, you know, their internal communications networks. Um, like during, uh, severe weather, uh, watches, the national weather service will usually put all of the ham radio networks around here. in direct contact with themselves so that people can call it in directly to the National Weather Service through the ham radio system. And so a lot of times during emergencies, they'll have police departments, fire departments, whatever, will actually station somebody on the ham radio networks so that they can be called directly without cluttering up their internal communications. Got it. Yeah, I think if your house is on fire or something. You're going to deal with a fine if they're going to give you a fine. You can also look it up. Their channels, I think, are public, aren't they, Ralph? You can find out what your county sheriff's department, what your county fire department. There might be a separate ambulance channel. I have a scanner app that I use on my phone, but the radio can be used as a scanner, too. Okay. all the time well not all the time it used to be when I lived in a city all the time there was police going down my house But there's often, because our road is a fairly common transport for fire department, sheriff, troopers, ambulances, they all will come down here screaming. And if there's more than one or two vehicles, sometimes I'll turn my scanner app and try to find out what's going on. And that's how I'll find out. Just a few miles down the road, there might be a big house fire going on for hours or something like that. There are a lot of places where emergency services, it's actually written into law that emergency services have to have their dispatch communications open to the public, basically for accountability reasons. And some of them do it voluntarily. Some of them it's required by law. It depends on where you're at. But yeah, there's a lot of, a lot of that stuff that is, you know, there's a lot of communications that go on that are, fully out in the public and uh and are permissible to listen to yep there's even facebook groups there's one for west michigan scanner something like that that you can listen to you can see there's somebody that's usually I don't know it's like their hobby and they will post a lot of interesting things that they're here overhearing on the on the scanner and typically they they won't have a whole lot of their personal opinion or anything on there they'll just say this is what they're hearing and so even if somebody doesn't have a scanner if they have access to facebook they can they can find things and occasionally someone will say hey um My loved one had an incident yesterday. Did anybody There is there a recording? Can anybody tell me what happened on the scanner? or the other day there was somebody that posted in there about how Um, there was an altercation between them and a spouse or an ex and they wanted to thank whoever called nine one one because somebody observed called nine one one and And authorities got there and this person said they saved them and their child. That's cool. And so that, that was kind of interesting, unusual post in there, but yeah. I got a heads up here a minute. Um, I missed a text last night. So I'm in my, I am in Bundy. Isn't going to be able to be on this morning. We'll have to reschedule him. So there we go. We'll go to our citizen journals panel and that's going to be where we're going to go today. So, and we'll just have to reschedule that. So anyhow, my bad on the text. So anyhow, continue on. Talk amongst yourselves. So something that comes up, uh, for communications for emergency stuff, uh, that doesn't really get enough attention in my opinion is a bunch of the electric car manufacturers have been really pushing lately to try and drop AM radios from their cars and just do FM radios. Well, the reason they're doing that is because Basically, they're not wanting to make their cars interference compliant for radios because with the electric cars, that becomes somewhat more difficult when you're handling large amounts of power to keep them from basically broadcasting on the radio themselves and interfering with everything around them. So now what they're trying to do is push to drop AM radio from cars so that they can basically get away with exceeding the limits. The problem that you have with that is that AM radio, whether you listen to it or not, is a fantastic emergency communication system. Really? Yeah. You can pick up AM radio with like darn near nothing for equipment. Oh yeah. Pick it up, but can you transmit? Yes. It's much, much simpler than FM radio is to broadcast. And, One of the other big benefits of it is that it can carry very, very, very far. And so there is a, not many people know about this, but there is a communications network that is kind of run behind the scenes by the U.S. government to keep the AM radio system up and running for emergency broadcasts. And so they've got a few strategic AM radio stations around the country. I think it's something like, uh, like twelve of them or something like that, that are set up to be able to reach the entire country from like twelve broadcast stations. And those particular stations have got, uh, I believe they're generally staffed twenty-four seven. they have enough food and water to be able to sustain that staff for I believe it's thirty days and enough fuel for a generator to be able to run them continuously for I believe it's also at least thirty days. And so AM radio, and this is something that FM radio, you would need like thousands of these sites to be able to do this, whereas AM radio you can do it with just a very minimal amount of infrastructure. And so for emergencies, uh, it's actually kind of critical that that system stays up in my opinion. Um, it's a huge resource and it would be, it would be a major loss to the United States in particular, because we're geographically spread out so far for AM radio to get dropped. There's arguments, there's better arguments for dropping it in Europe. Um, because it's easier for them to cover smaller countries with FM radio. But here in America, it's kind of critical that that system stays up just for that reason, even if you never listen to it otherwise. Is it kind of like the modern day version of the fires of Minas Tirith? Yeah, pretty much. Okay, I'm going to share a link that Dr. David just posted. This is great. I love it. You guys are posting like a bunch of little badgers digging a hole out there. Yes, as the emergency AES is a national public warning system commonly used by state and local authorities to deliver emergencies over AM radio. It's an essential warning system. Yeah. And, you know, when we had internal combustion engine cars, no problem. Those are easy to insulate against accidentally broadcasting on AM and not exceeding the power limits for having interference leave the car. It's just it's just the electric cars that they can do it. It's just it makes it harder for them. So they're really pushing to try and drop this. Yeah. We have a Tesla and the AM radio doesn't doesn't work or it's not even there. But they give you a list of all their FM counterparts. Yeah, and you can pick up AM radio with almost nothing. You can build an AM radio out of utter junk. FM is a lot harder, but AM, you can take a piece of copper flashing, let it rust outside for a little bit. Not rust, but oxidize for a little bit. You can make a diode out of that, and that's just about all you need to actually pick up AM radio is that and a coil of wire. What about a crystal? Do you want to use a crystal or something? No, that's what the copper is for. You can actually use oxidized copper was one of the early ways that you can make a semiconductor. And so it turns it into a diode. And so you can make like it's like a whisker or a point contact diode out of that. that allows you to pick up radio as a crystal radio. It doesn't require power. And you can make it out of multiple materials. Galena crystals were another one that were an early form of that, but there you have to have a galena deposit near you, which is like a, it's a lead oxide. Yeah, everybody's got those. Yeah. It's so amazing how many options we really have that we don't think we have when you get in and study just a little bit. You start studying a little bit, and then you compile more and more and more and more knowledge. And after a while, you're walking an encyclopedia of knowledge. That's the way it used to work. Do you remember when you guys were all kids? And, you know, you sit and you listen to the people that were older than you. And they knew all these great things because they didn't have conveniences at their hands. So they had to know how to do this stuff with or without anybody around. And I think that that's the core tenet of off the grid is learning to MacGyver your way through anything, no matter what. There's always an option to do things differently. But if the grid goes down, you're not going to be able to Google it. You know, you're going to have to. figure out how to do it on your own. That's why when I discovered these plants on my property, I wrote notes. I called it yard notes. And I would say, you know, I found this plant. This is what it looks like. This is what it can be used for. And it's over in the chicken yard. So I knew where to find it on my little acreage too. So that if in the future I It might not be in a chicken yard now. Maybe the chickens don't eat it. Maybe they do. Maybe I pulled it up. I got pokeberry all over in there. And that's another one that it's invasive. I hate that stuff. That is a miserable plant. Black walnut. Anybody need black walnut? Come help us dig it up. Here's my final word on this since we're reaching the top of the hour. Now's the time to prepare. First off, you know, you don't have to build your own radio. You can probably buy one on Amazon for ten bucks, an AM radio. But be prepared right now. If there's ever a time, it's right now. Be prepared for everything. Yeah. Yeah, nothing to be afraid of. Oh, yeah. Well, we use it. It's a homeopathic remedy. I have that as a homeopathic remedy. Well, we use belladonna alkaloids in medicine all the time, atropine. So when your heart is beating too slow or you go into cardiac arrest, we use atropine, which increases your heart rate. There's copalamine, which is an anesthetic, which is, that's what they use to basically, it's an amnesiac too. So they use it in South America and stuff. They poison people, Americans with it, and empty their bank accounts and they wake up, they don't even remember anything. And what's that called? That's called scopolamine. Scopolamine. Yeah, and then there's another derivative that is used for – it used to be called Donatol. It may still be around for GI upset. It slows down your GI system if it's acting up. Look, Donna, they've got a medicine named after you. Several of those are supposed to be good for pneumonia too, aren't they? I've heard that. Oh, yeah, to help loosen up the mucus, yeah. They actually used two of those on my mom when she was in the hospital before she died. It's for seasickness. You guys have probably taken it before. Oh, really? Yeah. That's pretty wild. Okay, I'm going to post this. Everybody get to know your alternative things, you know. For anyone listening who is like, wow, there might be medicinal plants or I might be able to find alternatives. We've talked about this on previous shows on BNN with Dr. David. Very careful about trying to make that stuff yourself. We've talked about the The concept of foraging and that there are some other natural remedies that are known for simple situations. And you've mentioned before, too, just like the ham radio, you can easily go and get an anti-inflammatory or... something to help with real basic, but common kinds of issues and illnesses. You can get it for just a few bucks right now and have it on hand. And yeah, I, you know, some of us have been slowly building up birthday kits with what we can and what we find and thinking of things in different ways. And it's really nice to have that little comfort zone that you've got and having multiple, by the way, multiple sources of your first aid kit, have one in each vehicle, have one in your house. That's easy to access. Have one in your, if you've got a shelter of some sort in your home or underneath your home or in your hillside or wherever it is, when there's going to be a bad storm, have a first aid kit in there. It might not have everything, but, that every other kit you have has, but I keep, I like to keep one in my car. I like to keep Narcan, but it is temperature sensitive and, When I travel, if I find somebody that's unconscious and it fits the bill, then I've got Narcan that can help them. If I come across a car accident, I have the knowledge, but do I have the tools? If I have a first aid kit in my car, I might be the first responder of a car accident that can help somebody because they have the training on how to use that stuff. So have that kind of stuff spread around so you can access it when you might need it. And, you know, you can even do like a group of people and have, you know, put together a group of people in order to decide what skill sets people have and divide and conquer the issues of what happens if the grid goes down so that so that, you know, it doesn't become overwhelming. And then you've got to be. the collective wisdom of years of different experience to figure your way around things. I think that's really important. She says that she uses Russ, our daughter uses Russ tax for poison Ivy. And love also says she's been seeing reports of the U S and NATO has okayed Ukraine to drop bombs deep inside of Russia. Good way to stop the election. I'm going to say another thing. I want to thank everybody out there that jumped on the conference call last night to work on resolutions. It was absolutely amazing. We got a lot done. I appreciate what everybody did. Karen, you were spectacular, so thank you for being on. I was working on it this morning before this, and I'll keep on it. I was editing one of them this morning. So I'll keep working on that It's funny because to me I've I've done a lot of this kind of thing From years ago. I was a member of an international organization and I was responsible for um writing and editing some position statements So it's kind of similar to resolutions And then, of course, as a former assembly member, we did a lot of writing of things, too. All right, boys and girls, thirty seconds to sign off. Any last words? Well, preparedness is not about fear. Never do it out of fear. But now is the time to take the opportunity to do this stuff, to get everything lined up and be prepared so that something happens, you're good to go. Yeah, and I would just second that and just say that, you know, like like you just said about Ukraine and stuff, a lot of people don't know what's going on out there, you know, but the the bad guys are getting desperate and to take down the power grid. It would be just a smart next move for them. So be prepared for it, and you'll probably have fun. Two weeks with no TVs, radios, people calling you. You might have to talk to people. Oh, my gosh. But, man, you're not going to have a good time if you don't have any food or water. I want to take a moment and just praise God. We had something happen yesterday that was unexpected. We had something planned and it went well, but not quite as planned. But what it did was actually prevent something more disastrous that was pending. And we did not know that. And god did know that and god was a part of the situation and I am so so grateful There is so much that he does for us that we don't always know Um, sometimes he shows his hand and lets us know that he is taking care of us and um But we should be thankful all the time because we don't know what's happening behind the scenes in god's plan and um the fact that we are together today talking about preparedness is a good thing. It's, we are acknowledging without fear, the faith that we have that things will go well, but we do have a responsibility to take care of ourselves and those around us. But I, I'm so, so thankful today. I'm just going to leave it at that. That's, that's good. Well, thank God because I know what it was. And so, you know, it's something that, That was a, it was a big thing. So with that said, everybody get prepared to be off the grid and, uh, thank you guys for coming on David. I'll leave you on this morning. If you'd like to stay on either on one of you guys want to stay on, that's okay. Just tell me, yes, don't leave me. So we'll go to their next, our next segment. And, uh, uh, next segment is with Casey Wayland. We're going to be talking to Ammon Bundy is not going to be on this morning. That was my bad. I missed the text. And so, but we'll be right back after short break. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the thirteenth day of September twenty twenty four and we're all here and I'm going to bring in my our citizen journalist panel and our buddies and our pals here. We've got Dr. David staying on Vicki and Casey Whalen. How are you guys doing this morning? Hi, just fine. Thanks. Thank you for doing well. Thank you. Hey, thanks for jumping on this morning, guys. This is great. I missed your text last night, Casey. So, so I was deep into resolution creating and we, the call went very late and I think I was, my brain was so fried when I got off of the call because we were working on five different resolutions and there were a lot of people that showed up to this to put their input in and it worked actually very well. It was our first resolution meeting that we invited more people in because I had written five resolutions and then, um, We on the committee from the U.S. taxpayers party, which is the constitution party in Michigan, of which I am the chairman of that committee and vice chair of the party for the state. We've been working on it a little bit and then we decided to bring more people in so we can do more resolutions and get them out to our public functionaries and tell them we're screwing up and trying to write this thing. So how are you guys doing today? Just fine. Thanks. Casey. Doing good, doing good. Wake it up, drink coffee. Yeah, I'm not quite there yet. My brain's still fried. So what are we talking about today, guys? Casey, you sent me a whole bunch of links. Yeah, I left on a trip on Monday early morning to Oregon City, Oregon to cover the sentencing of Antifa member Alyssa Azar. And then I went to Meridian, Idaho to cover an event with Sheriff Richard Mack of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association. And he was holding an event with a gentleman running for sheriff in Ada County, Doug Trouble. So I went there to film and help my another friend of mine who was filming the event. And so you can make a nice video of that great event in Meridian. So I'll have a bunch of information today and we'll get into that. I love Sheriff Mack. He's a really nice guy. And I think the first time I met him, I got to think where I met him first. I think it was, I think it was John Rich's house. And we went there for an event and it was a lot of fun, you know, hanging out with patriots who are super committed and, and teaching each other every step of the way. So you sent me a video, you sent me some links. Do you want to go through it? It started with the, with the morning grown compilation. I think you sent that, didn't you, Casey? Okay. Um, hold on a second. I'm not sure which, uh, I would say play if you could the first, well, hold on, I'll set this up, but play the environment video of it first outside courthouse. I've got the one that is, it's a YouTube video. It's got like Al Bundy on it. No, no, no. No, that was just a joke. Don't play that one. Okay. I was like, I'm not really sure you want to, you want to go with that, but Hey, no, the, the, the video is in, it says it's a titled environment video outside courthouse. Yes. I posted it all queued up. So, so no worries. Let me, let me throw that up there a minute. Okay, there's a buddy. No, that was the interview I did after the incident. Okay, they're not really titled. So I think that's probably it. Okay, let's try that one. But don't play it yet. Yeah, that's it. So anyways, this is outside the Clackamas County Courthouse. And I was basically working loosely with the Postmillennial. I've been speaking with Andy Ngo and Katie Davis Court, a reporter for the Postmillennial. And I was trying to film the sentencing on the inside of the courtroom of the sentencing of Alyssa Azar. And I was denied and basically deferred to Katie as she was the pool. She was given permission. She was the pool reporter. And generally, depending on what state you're in, the judge can allow multiple media outlets. I have had it happen in Idaho where they'll sometimes only let one media outlet and then they have to share their media coverage with everybody else. And so that was the case there. with this one, and Katie has been extensively covering this trial of Alyssa Azar, an Antifa member, who says she's a reporter and she'll show up at events. And in her testimony, she even says that basically they show up to occupy space to confront Antifa, or to confront, I'm sorry, the anti-fascists. So they consider anybody who's basically a patriot or conservative an anti-fascist when They're actually the anti-fascist. So Alyssa and her friends would show up. They showed up at this permitted event in June of two thousand twenty one at Clackamas Park in Clackamas County, which is next to Portland, Oregon. And I believe they are different counties. I think I want to I don't I think it's Multnomah if I'm correct. I'm not sure. I have to go look. But I believe they're different counties. So this happened in an adjacent county right next to Portland, basically. And so back in two thousand twenty one, they're at this permanent event at this park. They were doing a voter registration and a flag wave wave for a gentleman running for office. Antifa planned to show up and occupy the space, quote unquote. The Proud Boys show up. It becomes a confrontation and basically Alyssa Azar, the reporter there, she had brought mace with her and she tried to deploy the mace, basically. Long story short, Alyssa was charged with riot, disorderly conduct in the second degree, and dispersal of a chemical weapon in the second degree. And so of those charges, the jury found her guilty last month of riot and disorderly conduct. And then they were hung on the third charge of deploying a chemical weapon. And that will be heard in another jury trial in February of next year, a six panel jury. So I showed up on September ninth on Monday. excuse me, outside the Oregon City Courthouse in Clackamas County to film just the environment outside the courthouse. I want to document Antifa going in and out of the courtroom, the courthouse. I can't film even in the courthouse. You have to have permission to even film in there. In other states, you can film in the courthouse without permission, and then you generally need permission to film in the courtroom. But in Oregon, they don't even let you film in the courthouse. I would say the best state I've been to, which is very open, is Montana. They don't even make you fill out a form if you want to film in the courtroom, at least in Flathead County. So it just depends where you're at. So anyways, that's a picture there of her. And there's actually a video from Katie Davis Court. Ancele Balfarache, I think is how you say her name. Ancele is a reporter for the Republica. And we need to get... I was going to have Chelly come on with me today because she's really great at explaining this. Because these ladies, Katie Davis Court and Chelly Boforace, both live in that... Chelly lives in the Portland area and Katie lives in Washington. And so they've dealt with Antifa. These brave women have dealt with Antifa trying to report on this over the last, I would say, seven, eight years, at least Chelly has, in Portland. And they've, you know, they've... had assaults and encounters with antifa and it's so they're very brave women and so um yeah there's the there's a video there from from katie davis court I guess you could play that if you want to just showing alissa and the environment in the courtroom with antifa members there you see this this man I haven't even really watched this but I heard he cries And the guy that just stepped in the shot was the district attorney, Josh Coutinho. And he asked for the maximum sentence, which is thirty days in jail. The judge only gave her fourteen days in jail. So the judge only gave her fourteen days in jail. That's and she has to wear an ankle monitor or bracelet for thirty six months. And so that on the left there, that's her lawyer, Lauren Regan on the far left there. Um, and, uh, I got to look up the name of the outlet she's with. Um, but it's a, it's a, you know, like a communist outlet, I would say. And, and that lawyer put out a message after Alyssa was found guilty, just saying it was a travesty. Alyssa's at a reporter basically, and, um, just condemning the jury's decision. So, um, we'll see where it goes. So if you want to play the next video, cause that'll sort of show, um, what the environment was like outside. And then we'll sort of get to why we're going through all this. Can you see the one on the bottom behind the stage here? I'll just put up that one. I'm sorry. It's not that one. Yeah, it's that one. Okay. I'm going to have to kind of poke around a little bit because this was the order they were in. Sure. We'll be right back. convenience. You're all wearing masks. So that's Katie Davis Court right there, and then right next to her in the blue is Shelly. And one of the important things to note is that a gentleman... I can pause. What were you saying, Casey? It's almost over. She's just asking them if Alyssa Azar, she was basically like a sex worker. She has an OnlyFans account. So Katie was just asking some questions about the sex work that she was doing here with some other Antifa members. You can just play it out real quick. Outstanding. So that's just a flavor of it. And then we'll play another video here in a minute, which is interesting. What I was trying to say, though, the case last month when she was found guilty after the case was over, after the trial was over, a gentleman by the name of John Hacker, who's part of Rose City Antifa, went across the street and actually assaulted a man. And so he was charged and arrested. And then this time, I was the victim. So we're going to play that video next here. There were police everywhere, as you can kind of see in that video. There was like five patrol units. And then we had maybe a half a dozen officers on the ground outside the courtroom or courthouse. So they were expecting something. obviously, and so they were really paying attention. And so I had tried to walk up the street after you saw that last video there. I walked up the street away from the courthouse to try to film some of these people and try to basically film that lawyer for Alyssa Azar. But it basically... You'll see what happens here. But during this whole time when this is happening, I can see out of the corner of my eye, I can see patrol units driving by. Police are really just a block away. They're keeping an eye on things. And so if you want to play the next video, it is the PM video, the post-millennial video. So it's not that one. Okay, hang on. You can chime in, Vicki. I'm not trying to dominate the conversation here. Is this it right here? No, that's just from the county commissioner. A comment from the county commissioner. I appreciate that, but this is an important story, so continue. Okay. You may have to reload it or something. I don't see it. Yeah, can you repost it in the chat so I can make sure I get the right one? It's titled PM Video. PM Video. It's one of the earlier ones. I can repost it, though. Yeah, repost it, please, because I am not seeing it. There you go. Hang on a second. This says real news for real people by real people at the kitchen table. You look like you're in your living room. Yeah, we're just hanging out here, guys. Okay, I got it. It takes me a minute here. It's working, though. Yeah, it is. You're a little annoyed, aren't you? Let me go back and start it over here a minute. It's a crazy behavior. What is she doing with the three stooges? It's working, though. Yeah, it is. You're a little annoyed, aren't you? Nope. I'm standing here filming in public. Do you get health insurance for that? Go away. Go away? I bet you wanted my picture. Stay back. Stay back. You don't want to smile? You don't want your picture taken? No, bitch. Hey, don't push me. You called me a fucking bitch. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. You're under arrest. Fuck you. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you. Fuck you twice, fuck you four times. high quality individuals happening there yeah yeah well I was being I was being harassed for like a block or so while I was trying to film the head of the this antifa little caravan they had there weren't a lot of people there either it was mainly women so I wasn't really intimidated you never know though they can gang up on you and they can You never know what could happen, right? It could just be so fast. So I was trying to be careful yet kind of push it, you know, because there's cops right there. So if they do anything, it's I felt relatively safe about it. So but there's a full version of that and it really puts it in context and it shows that there you kind of get the gist of it there initially in that video. But as I go down the sidewalk, you know, one guy is shadowing. He's right next to me the whole time. And I pan over and you can see them right there. And then when I get to the front where the rest of the people are, I tell them, I filmed you getting out of your car. You might as well just go back to your car because that's what they were trying to do. They parked right across the street from the courthouse. They're not too smart. And so the people that got out of that car I filmed was the woman who attacked me. Her name is Natalia Gudvis and she is about ready to graduate next year from Portland State University. uh and um anyways in science and so she's actually taking russian and that sort of thing so yeah there you go and you know found this information here he asked me if if I got the police report well in oregon until the case has been adjudicated you can't find out you can't get the mug shot you can't get the police report you can't get anything and so uh I think katie davis court called the Oregon City Police and they were able to verify that this is who it was, and that she actually teaches two students in the Portland school district or the Portland area. So we've been tagging the Portland schools, the Portland State University to let them know that this is an individual that is in your midst. Then if you look there on her LinkedIn page on that picture on the top right, she writes on her LinkedIn page that, Andy Ngo is a Nazi bitch. Another thing she wrote was cry more fascists, LOL. And another thing she put up was something about Ben West's Something about Ben West's gay husband or something. Ben West is a county commissioner who Katie Davis Court has done a bunch of interviews with during the case of this trial. So I'm going to call Portland State University today and let them know that she is at that school because... you know when I I wasn't when I saw her say those things after the fact then it's like okay you don't have any remorse and you know that's the sentiment of these people they don't they don't care so they know what they're doing it's an absolute intentional attack and uh I I think that all of you know I look at all these people and they don't actually know how to communicate or act to actually be a normal human being I'm kind of wondering if all of them need some actual mental health help I think they should be deported. What's that? They should be deported. Yeah, she's actually from Central America, is it? I think. Yeah, it says on her profile page there that she's an immigrant. So it's, you know, I mean. They hate America. I've got a bulging disc pushing on a root nerve in my back. And she, when I walked away, I did call her a fucking bitch because she was being a bitch. And I was just, I'd had enough of it. And so that's what did it. That's what really made her mad was that I had the audacity to do that. But I just was sick of it. So as I'm walking away, I think she tried to body tackle me with her shoulder into my lower back. And it felt like getting rear-ended in a car. My head shot back. My hips shot forward. I almost fell over. And I caught myself. And what you can't see in the video is I turn around. She looks like she's kind of getting up off the ground. Her purse is on the ground. And I step on her purse and with my left hand because I have my like four thousand dollar camera in my other hand I grab her relatively hard with my left hand just instinctually and then you know I hear the cops coming and I turn and I'm like oh you know like am I in trouble but they saw the whole thing and so she's being charged with what is it again harassment and disorderly conduct in the second degree And hopefully battery once they see my video. Okay, so I'm just going to throw this out here because there seems to be a pattern here, and we can always make good judgments on things based on pattern. Look, she shares resources for Palestinian militancy and rioting. I hate to say it. This is Azar or Natalia. This is crazy because when I see all of these people that are protesting Palestinians, for Palestine and such, they're not right, first of all. They're just, I mean, like they're not right in the head, first of all. But second of all, when you look at them under a flag of another country, there's a big problem there, huge. And I would be very surprised if all of these organizations, Antifa, the Palestinian protesters that are actual threat, domestic threat on our soil, they're under a foreign flag. And I mean, we can go through the whole list of these people and say that I think that they're all operatives or planted or paid in some form. They're way too organized for people to have that much time on their hands. They're definitely paid. Definitely paid. Somebody's paying these people to show up and show up with their crazy hats on. And Donna, what's interesting is Natalia Goodvis here, she shows up to support Alyssa Azar, right? Alyssa Azar, she's Syrian. So she's not even an American either. Why the hell is she here? What the hell are we allowing people in the United States to create problems? Natalia Goodvis goes to Portland State University. On May third, there was a protest or a riot at Portland State University Library and Alyssa Azar was charged with trespass. Natalia wasn't charged. There's no charges really for her other than some parking tickets. But there's a huge tie there. So they are part and parcel. Do you think that when Trump was in office and all these riots were happening, they were obviously paid money? They were trying to do a, you know, an orange revolution or whatever you call that in the United States. And, you know, I think that they must have cut off their funding and the Soros funding or whatever. And these are just like the people that are left over that actually just really bought into it. You know, they're just something's mentally wrong with them. And there's like a handful of them left. They're like deep state toadies, you know? It's like deep state toadies running around creating problems. I have no, I can't get my, I can't even have words for this on why these people are not deported or, you know, why they haven't been deported. Send their sorry butts home. Why are we tolerating this crap? We're tolerating it because our policy, the American people were set up for a war between people on our own soil. This was set up as a battle of systems and ideas. And in nineteen eighty eight, Gorbachev gave a speech at the U.N. and you can listen to that speech and you can listen to his conditions that he set for basically taking down the Soviet Union and joining the world community. And one of the aspects of the agreement was de-ideologicalization of the nation state, which means that they took down our barriers of what it means to be an American, and they allowed our country to be flooded with all of these foreigners. And that's why we're fighting off at the ground level, people to people. People like these Antipa groups and the Chinese buying our infrastructure, Saudi Arabia buying farms and taking water. All of these things are due to the what I would call a world war on the people, people to people. You know, rather than nation states fighting at a national level, they decided to let the people fight it out. Well, you know, it's like President Trump talked about them not sending us their best. I think once again, his genius is being shown true because the people that they're sending here, I'm telling you, these are like deep state toadies. You know, you watch old movies and they're like, I don't know, doing every wrong thing you could possibly think of just to be, you know, like bottom feeder level. You know what I mean? They're like bottom feeder level. I mean, even even I hate to say it, but even look at their clothes all ripped up and such. What kind of an idiot moron goes into a court and wants to be taken seriously with holes in their shirts, holes in their jeans, other than just somebody who's completely disrespectful for the for. I mean, anybody that was actually there for a serious reason that wasn't a deep state toady disruptor would go in there and present themselves in a professional way. Not like this. I mean, you can make a lot of assumptions, and they're probably pretty good assumptions, just by watching the content of these people. And I'm sorry, but... Well, that's a statement in itself. because it is a people-to-people war. They set us up to fight for American ideology in the streets. But they didn't tell the American people that that's what they were doing. They have never told the American people that's what they did. And so it's taken me twenty years to figure this out. But that's what it is. And people need to understand what happened at the international level at the time when the Berlin Wall came down forward, because they set us up. Well, and a lot of things that we think are one way, we are going to have to question everything because, you know, you look at you look at Israel itself. It was set up by by the by England, the Balfour Declaration. Why? What was the reason for this? You know, these countries don't do things just to be nice guys. OK, exactly. Nobody does. Nobody when they get to that level. They're not like us. They're not like people that actually go to work. And I'm going to say it once again, that gateway pundit did so much damage to me by calling me a billionaire. It will never be rectified because I'm not. I work every day. Right. And they did it. It was an intentional damage to my to myself. But the people that are at that level. They have no interest in doing anything just for a good reason. There's always something involved in it. Even, even if they, you know, they, even if it looks like they're losing money, as they're losing money, I can guarantee you they're getting, they're getting paid somewhere else. They, sometimes they win by, by doing stuff like that. So do you want me to play this video, Casey? What's that? Do you want me to play this video? Sure. This is County Commissioner Ben West. He's a very relatively articulate guy. He wrote an article, too, about this trial and a message to Antifa about that they have to follow the law also. Antifa losers are just like these ridiculous people that wore the pink hats and such. I'm not going to say the words for it, because I'm offended by the whole thing. You know, it's like what kind of a loser runs around with a hat on that looks like genitals? I don't I don't get this. I don't I am so not understanding this. It's not even funny. So I think all of them need to have some psychiatric psychiatric help. Hi, my name is Ben West, Clackamas County Commissioner. Once again, I'm outside the Clackamas County Courthouse. Today was a big day because it was the sentencing for Alyssa Azar, a ringleader, a known ringleader for ANSAFA, who was just a few weeks ago found guilty on criminal riot felony charges. And today she had to face the court and figure out and learn what her sentencing was. So I promised all of you that I would follow this. And today I wasn't actually in the courtroom, but I did watch it very closely. The only political extreme group that showed up today was Antifa. They all showed up with face coverings, dark glasses on, and wearing keffiyehs, virtue signaling their political extremism and their allegiance to Hamas and Palestine. Why that was applicable, I don't know, but they're making it very clear who they are and the extreme values that they adhere to. The sentencing pretty much went on without a hitch. Right now, as we speak, Alissa Azar is just up the road in the Clackamas County Jail. She'll be spending fourteen days there. But that's not all. For three years, she'll have a GPS ankle bracelet monitor tracking her wherever she goes. If she violates her parole, she'll be swiftly sent to prison. So now she will be held accountable over a period of time. for criminal felony acts. And so I just wanna reiterate that that's what we do here in Clackamas County is we enforce the rule of law. After the trial though, this place was teeming with members of ANTIFA that all the people that packed into the courthouse and they were upset. And one of those members was arrested also for attacking an independent journalist from out of state that was here in Oregon covering this trial. That person is now also with Alyssa Czar in jail, and it is my understanding that she will also face assault charges for her actions today. And so I just want to be very clear that Clackamas County, though we may share a ten mile border with Multnomah County and very close to the city of Portland, we're all in the same metro area. You cannot act a fool here in Clackamas County. If you break the law, if you come and bring political violent extremism, if you try to make our community unsafe and unwelcoming to others just based on viewpoints, you will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. And so I'm proud of the county. I'm proud of our ability to fight for safe and livable space for everybody, no matter who they are. Now listen, we've all over America, we have seen Urban areas fall into decay and despair because local governments were incapable of doing its primary function, and that's keeping citizens safe. You know that your home and your area and your government is failing and falling apart and is a fatal sign that they're not a healthy government if they can't do the simple task of keeping citizens safe. Well, in Clackamas County, we're committed to keeping you safe, and we will not allow this behavior here. And Antifa's antics aren't welcome, nor is any other political extreme group that wants to instill fear and intimidation and do those tactics here. We're not going to have it. So I just wanted to give you a final update on this case that we've been following very closely. Melissa Czar is sentenced. She's in jail. She's on probation for three years with an ankle bracelet, just to recap. And her little comrade is up there in jail with her right now too for assaulting. That's two assaults from John Hacker, This other individual, I don't know her name. And now Alyssa Azar is a convicted felon and doing her time. So thank you for tuning in. And in Clackamas County, we believe in law enforcement. We believe in protecting people's rights. We believe in free speech. We believe in the rule of law. And we're going to keep standing for those principles. Take care, everybody. Have a good night. Well said. That's kind of cool. Yeah, he's great. He was a great asset. So Katie Davis Court would interview him on occasion during the trial, and I only caught like one of those, but he does a really great job. So it's really neat to see, and so we'll see what happens, I guess. Well, you know, and just even going on from here, I think this is a great discussion to have because when you see people that can't live in peace and harmony with each other and only want to sit out there like children that are throwing a temper tantrum because they want their way on whatever it is, they are not solving any problems. They are the problem. They are absolutely entirely the problem because they refuse to work with people in a in a peaceful manner. I mean, I think that we can all agree with that, is that they can, you know, that we want to live at peace with our neighbors. We want to uphold each other's rights and such. But this is, you can't violate somebody else's rights just because you're ready to win under all circumstances. And I'm going to go back to these very genital things on your head and all of your body. Who... whoever thought that was a good idea I mean you want to talk about the village fools that that is the biggest statement to how much brainwashing that they have done to this nation to actually get people to wear genitals on their heads yeah it is crazy intentional to be maximally offensive And that's going to be stupid. They are the village idiots right there. You see somebody wearing, you know, genitals on their heads or any of this stuff, immediately I go to, well, there's a village idiot right there. This has got to be the dumbest person I've looked at in my entire life. It's not like freedom of expression. They're wearing genitals on their heads. This is like the emperor with, you know, the emperor's new clothes. Maybe I'm just stating something that's like common sense. you know I don't know but it's village idiots I agree really quick I want to say really quickly that the oregon city police and the clackamas county sheriff's department did a really good job and I when they were taking my statement I was I didn't realize it initially but I was speaking with uh the oregon city captain of the police department and so he wanted to ensure you know asked me if I needed someone to follow me to my vehicle and and make sure I could leave safely and They went out kind of out of their way. So like that was really refreshing and I think that they're gonna be able to Make sure that the that area can stay safe from from Antifa But Portland's a completely different story like and you know said he said if that would have happened in Portland the police would not that would not have been the response but so I guess the neighboring count areas can do can try to stand up against it at least I Well, that's a really good point because there's so many issues or so many different efforts out there to back the blue and this, that, and the other thing. But any of these issues, I don't care what they are. Things have been infiltrated. Our courts are infiltrated. Everything is infiltrated. And we got to start thinking and using our heads, not doing this village idiot stuff to grab a headline no matter what it is. Because there's a gal that I know who was was trafficked by the Grand Rapids cops. And she said, you know, the first time that she was raped was ten years old and she was immediately put into a horrific trafficking situation. She said by the time she was eighteen, it was the cops that were passing around. Now, I'm not saying that all cops are bad. I mean, the ones that were helping, they're helping you. I feel really bad for them, you know, and would absolutely defend them. you know, and and and say something. In fact, I had a tenant years ago that they called the cops because of it was insanity. And I sat there and I said, you know what? You deserve to you. You should apologize to these nice officers for wasting their time on things that is complete and utter nonsense. And, you know, they have time that they could be out there actually addressing real crimes. And you two are sitting here like a couple of children arguing something that is absolutely a waste of everybody else's time because you refuse to act like an adult and handle your own problems. I don't I don't get it, but it goes back to asking questions on everything and having the ability to make critical, critical choices and baseline assessments of what's going on. Yeah. I'm a big believer in going back in history to try to find where the problems start, because if you don't find where the problem started, then any solution you have is just going to compound the error. And we're living in a nation of compounding errors on everything. And it's because of that ideological battle on our own soil of people to people war. And it's there in history. You can read it. You know, because the politicians, they're not going to tell you about it. The leaders in your city, they're not going to tell you about it. You got to read it and understand it for yourself and then spread it with everybody that you know. You know, the war is among peoples and it's the peoples who have to understand the nature of the war. And so that's what we have to do. How's your back, Casey? Are you doing any better? And which one of them hit you that damaged your back? Is this like a damage your back for life situation? Yeah, I have a bulging disc pushing on a root nerve. Natalia, it's the gal that was trying to intimidate me. I don't know if she... She must have shoulder checked me or something because it was pretty hard. You should sue her for everything she could ever do in her entire life. I mean, she just aggravated it basically. So it's, it's, I'm not, I'm better today. Like the last couple of days wasn't that fun, but you know, it'll be fine. These people are, they're like, they're like monsters. I mean, it's like looking at them going, we've got modern day monsters that are walking the streets that are willing to hurt other people. Unbelievable. Yeah, she has anger issues, obviously. That's a really nice way to say it. You know, call her out. She's a monster. She hit you and it was an unprovoked attack. That's crazy. Well, I mean, she has two charges and maybe there'll be another one. I mean, we'll just see what happens. I mean, she's only twenty six, you know, so. She did something stupid. You know what? Casey, I'm not even going to allow that to stand without addressing it. It's not because she was only twenty-six. She's twenty-six. She's an adult. She freaking knew better. And she did it intentionally to hurt, push, or violate your space. That falls into the Donna Brandenburg piece of shit category. Okay? Well, she's like my son's age, so I guess I'm just a little soft there, you know? Well, I guess I'm pretty much extra sure that your son doesn't fall into that Donna Brandenburg cat. No, no, no. Because he actually has a parent that would probably have a discussion with him, you know? I don't know. It's amazing. I've actually said that to a few people that I've run into that have done dumb things. I'll face right off with them. I had some tenants that the neighbor had a mastectomy and they didn't even pay attention to them. I got out there. They broke her fence. They did a bunch of things. I went over there and I started talking to them. I'm like, I'm not ashamed of you as a tenant. I'm ashamed of you as a human being that you can't even see that your neighbor had her breast hacked off because you're like a bunch of little boys peeing in the pool. And having no conscience about what's going on around you. And, you know, I think there were tears by the time I got into the ass chewing for about fifteen minutes. I think I seem to remember that. But my first thing is, I can't believe what a bunch of loser parents you have that raised you. that to think that this was OK and to be so narcissistic that you can't even see what's going on with a neighbor. Well, guess what? I persuaded them very nicely, not only to fix the neighbor's fence, but take care of her yard. do all of her snow removal for the next entire year. And it was wonderful. Said, we will get along just great, but you are in fact going to right the wrong of taking three months of this woman's life in pure hell while she was going through chemotherapy. And that might persuade me not to make a few calls to, I don't know, get you evicted from your college amongst other things. It was beautiful. So that's advanced accountability. You can do that even even without the courts involved but unbelievable don't mess with Donna Brandenburg Oh, I'm not going to screw with you. It's like it's like incredible. I mean, I've got you know, I ran out of the patience for this years ago. You know, it's just unbelievable. I think and I think I'm hoping that all of America has gotten to this point right now that they're that we're willing to step up when we see something wrong and actually not back away from it. I mean, you've got to you've got to run right into the fire. You have to. And get a plan before you do it so that you don't fall in your face, you know. Yep, you absolutely do. Anything else, Vicki, that you want to say about this? Because you've got just such an amazing amount of knowledge. And, you know, this whole, you know, Pantifa where they got their panties up their behind over nothing. And, you know, and something, you know, the other stuff that's going on. I mean, you've got a really unique perspective on this. Yeah. Yeah. Well, that's because I was a computer systems analyst programmer. And you've got to go back to the source. What was the source? What caused the problem to start with? And then go from there. And so that's what I've spent all my time doing is going back in history and trying to figure out what the heck was going on. When did it start? Why is it going on? So if more people paid attention to that, then I think we could get to a solution for our country. But until they understand the history, it's just going to be a continuing snowballing nightmare until we're actually all fighting in the streets. Well, let's rename Antifa right now officially because I think we should just do that. And we're going to start out by calling them domestic terrorists. And then Deep State Biden-esque toadies. How's that? They've got a new name. They're Biden toadies. And that can go for the Palestinian protesters, too. They're Biden toadies because they're being funded by the Deep State, which is directly tied into the criminals in office. So there you go. Deep state toadies, I like that. Yeah. Brainwashed deep state. It's taken a long time to even get recognition for the fact that they are domestic terrorists. For a long time, officials, Oregon... They denied there was an organization called Antifa. No such thing. There's a United Against Hate event in Moscow, Idaho on Monday. We're trying to go to it. I think that would be a good question to ask because that's basically the U.S. District Attorney's Office of Idaho will be there. That's basically the DOJ. A good question to ask would be when will you classify Antifa as domestic terrorists? Yeah, that question needs to be asked. And I mean, we can go right down the line to BLM should be should be categorized as that. And not only that, because it's a corporation, but of course, the deep state toadies wouldn't ever acknowledge that, that it's a corporation for money. And I mean, Lots of money. It's well-funded. BLM should have been designated as that. The minute the first rock flew out of somebody's hand, it should have been done. Game over. You lose, sir. And there's so many. I don't know why Weather Underground wasn't designated as that. Yeah, that's true. I think ultimately they were, but I think that was after they had already done their damage and a number of them were in jail already. Well, they just keep creeping back up again because it wasn't acorn and out shoot of weather underground. You might be right on that. I think Bill Ayers was involved with ACORN, right? Yeah. And then they just keep like putting, these people are like masks. I mean, the first thing that you should see is a mask. And I mean, if you've watched any Westerns at all, I'm trying to be funny right now, but you know what I mean? It's like bad guys always wear masks to hide their identities, right? Or the criminality of what they were doing, which I really think that the masks during COVID- had a lot more to do with trafficking children and hiding identities so that they could grab more kids and whatever and get them out of the way and nobody would be able to see or say anything. But when they're still wearing masks like that in the courtroom, I think we got a big problem. This is not paranoia. This is intentional subversion. to hide their identities and be able to creep around like the little, the little cowardly rats they are instead of up and doing the right thing. I mean, this is a coward move and it's an intentional move. I think the guy with the umbrella and the guy that was crying in the courtroom that basically drove the Prius that I filmed, all those Antifa getting out of because the one lady is from Portland State University. I'm guessing that guy that was crying is also affiliated with Portland State University. I just feel like that. On his car, he had like a, I don't know. It just seems like he probably works there too. So I'm starting to wonder how many of these Antifa people are directly involved in our education system. Well, I'd say a whole lot of them, and it isn't too hard to pick that one up right there. And then C's got the rainbow umbrella, too. You know, I know a lot of gay and lesbian people. I've got a lot of friends that are gay and lesbian. I don't shut the door on people. I talk to everyone. I'm sorry. I know some people it offends. And I'm going to tell you, I am a very solid Christian, but I don't just sit there and look at one sin and make it my priority. talking point or whatever that people think we have people and there's not one of us that's got everything figured out right so we stand together not the sinner and god loves every you know everybody and you know god worry about their sin and whatever he he's gonna deal with and I I stand with people right And it's just like, that's just the way. But I'm going to tell you what, looking at this umbrella that this guy's wearing and this whole LGBTQRX, what the heck ever it is, nonsense that's out there. How is this not becoming something too that is a terrorist organization in a lot of regards? This isn't about acknowledging things. Every single person I know that's gay and lesbian hates or All of this stuff that's out there in the public, they won't go to gay pride parades or anything like that. And they're embarrassed about this. And I mean, that's how all of my friends that are gay and lesbian look at it. They would never take part in this nonsense for any reason whatsoever. you know, but it's, but it seems like it's the same crowd that recycles through BLM that wants to go out and be social justice warriors, which are usually, you know, young white spoiled kids that are in the colleges that have had their brains carved out. Crazy stuff. Yeah. That, that is who it is. You know, the, uh, the privileged of, you know, the, uh, country in the colleges because and what they do is they organize the not privileged you know to stir up trouble that's crazy that's crazy well any last words guys I really appreciate you being I love you both so much and vicki's going to be on monday morning at nine o'clock I'm going to carve out time for vicki because we have to go through your research that you've done And it is some of the most impressive research. And I've been hanging out in the research communities. You know, I was in the Anon community for years before I came out publicly. And so, you know, I had to come out of the closet as an Anon. How's that? I'll use that right now. punch it in somebody's face. So I think it's absurd. The whole thing is absurd. And so, but at any rate, you know, being in the Anon community for many, many years, I am just blown away by the amount of research you've done and how organized it is. Usually you don't see those two traits together. And so Vicki's going to be on Monday at nine. And I think that we've been talking about having her on every single week because she's There's just so much information there that we need to be educated on that I am committed to helping get that stuff out for you, Vicki. You're totally amazing. Oh, well, thank you. I appreciate that. It was almost like I was on a mission. I had to figure this out so that we can solve it. But the problem is... getting people to understand it. That's the problem. Because it all occurred at the international level. And in our country, the news that, you know, there's very little about the international level and what the State Department is doing. And people can follow Vicki's work at That's And her older website is And you can follow me on X at Casey underscore Whalen, W-H-A-L-E-N. On Substack, And on Rumble, North Idaho Exposed. Thank you, Donna. Well, I got to tell you what, both of you are just extraordinary. Casey, your ability to dig up stuff on the fly as you're covering these events is just incredible. And you don't go to the headlines. You go to actually as an investigative reporter to actually nail things. you know, nail people with the truth, which is what honest media should be doing. I mean, that's the power of the press right there is bringing the truth forward, not manipulating it as a crack for dummies and putting the headlines out there, you know, and that people want to grab onto and think they know all the issues. You know, true investigative journalism goes to the levels that you do. And I would encourage everyone to follow Casey. Put his stuff out there. Share it. He is a true patriot. He is a true journalist and really deserves everyone's attention. You know, go follow him on on acts at Casey Whalen underscore or at Casey underscore Whalen, go, go give him a follow and, uh, and get some good stuff instead of the fake news crack that's out there. So you guys have a great day today and, and, uh, we'll be seeing you next week. Do you think that you can get Ammon on next week? I just had to, yeah, we have to plan it. He said, yeah, let me follow. I think the best thing to do would be to get him and Diego Rodriguez on, if I can talk, and rehash, maybe like in a two-hour segment, people's rights, go through what that is and where it's currently at and Some of these stories, which you have probably no clue. A lot of people, I guess, in your area have no idea about, but they're very monument. It's people's rights, a very monumental thing. And I think we need to have a chat about it. We can go ahead and do that next week. I can give you two hours here, there, and, and, uh, uh, absolutely. Um, we'll, we'll figure something out whenever it's convenient. We'll, we'll figure something out on this. Cause you know, these stories of real people is, is probably one of the most important things that we're doing on being on. It's not selling products. It's giving people who have had their voices taken away, the ability to talk and actually put out what's happening on the ground. Not, not the, uh, fake news crack headlines that are out there. So anyhow, I'm going to take a quick break and I'll be back with Jay Sixers, Political Prisoners in America with Jaleesa Middleton and Troy Smocks. You know, I interviewed him before, Troy Smocks, and I was so impressed with him and the lawsuit that he crafted that he really inspired me. And he was one of my inspirations for filing that latest pro se lawsuit. And I just want to thank him for that. And so we'll be right back. Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the thirteenth day of September twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show today. We're going to get right into I want to read one comment here so I can expand on. my, uh, uh, uh, equal opportunity criticism of things that are not correct. Love says, well, people better blow the dust off their Bibles and see that God also calls out not just homosexuality, but adultery, fornication, cheating on your taxes, lying, and all that sort of thing. So when you start pointing at somebody else's, what you think is, is, uh, is the right to criticize everybody for what you see is going wrong. You kind of got to watch what Jesus said and said, you better look at yourself first and get the plank out of your own eye before you decide to make somebody else's pain in their life or whatever your personal vendetta. And with that said, welcome guys. How are you doing this morning? Doing good, doing good. How are you doing? I'm great. And Troy, I'm so glad to have you back on again. Your segment that you had in December, and I look it back up, it was December one of twenty twenty three, was one of my favorite interviews that I still remember to this day. And just so you know, I, in fact, filed my pro se suit a couple of weeks ago. And it's it was you and that really you and several other people that were like you that have been fighting pro se. that actually helped me learn the process and get the courage to also do that. Good morning. Good morning, Ms. Jalise and Ms. Donna. Good morning. Good morning, TB Land, everybody out there. Go MAGA. Yeah, it's amazing. You're absolutely right, Donna. I will jump right into it with you. This is the rightful president of the United States. So I have toys on my desk, really. And so my one son prints these for me because we have a three D printer. And so there you go. And we've got the rightful president of the United States. Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. President Donald J. Trump. Right. That's right. That's what needs to get to work on that. That needs to happen, actually. Yeah, I'm kind of a fan of that myself. You know, it's like, you know, and I always tell people the right. And this is this is why this segment is so important for the J-Sixers political prisoners in America. When they attack one of us, they attack all of us. And we got to get past this nonsense, baby kindergarten playground crap of cult of personality. Oh, I like this person, but not this person. So I'll defend this person, but I won't defend this person because I just don't like them. That is so wrong. And I don't care if anybody likes or doesn't like President Trump, could care less. It's immaterial. That's a failed baseline analysis. He is an American first before president. He is a president of the United States of America. He is the rightful president of the United States of America. And if you were an American, you will defend the American process of each of us being absolutely equal on that one moment and that one day a year that we're supposed to be casting our vote for president and the people that run this nation. And it doesn't matter anything outside of that other than that we're not illegal aliens. We're actually citizens here. That stand with one American family apart from anything else that was created to divide us. And more importantly than that, if you're thinking about it, because we're all children of God, we stand here together in the kingdom of God. in his kingdom as service in in service to each other for the the privilege of doing good works that is the reward the privilege I love that because he don't need us I I get so frustrated when I hear people you know I don't know if I should do this I'm feeling good no no no no no he don't need you opportunity amen You know, we're speaking on that. You know, God don't go to he doesn't go to a palace to find his king. He never has. He always go to the dust to take the throwaways and make them great men. And God, when he shows up, he didn't twist your arm and say, hey, I want you to do this. He gives you the opportunity, kind of whispers it. And either you're going to you're going to rise to the occasion or you're going to say no. And it's about laying that at his feet because it has little or nothing about us doing that task. It's sort of like when mom and dad decide that they're going to make cookies with a little kid. And mom and dad can do this all along, okay? Mom and dad can make the cookies. They can bake the cookies. They can mix the cookies. They can package the cookies. They don't need you when you're about five years old, right? But they, okay, measure out the sugar and you measure the sugar out and you're like, oh, you did such a great job, honey. And they put it in the mixer and he's happy that we've learned something new. Well, it's kind of like that with God's, you know, with God's giving us the ability to participate in good works. He doesn't need any of us because he can pretty much get the job done, sans every single person on the planet. I look at it as, you know, heaven's a great place. And, you know, even if you go to the movies, you got to pay your got to pay for your ticket. So he makes your good deeds down here. You're paying for your tickets. I think he paid for our ticket because we can't even do that. You know, he sent Jesus to pay for our ticket to heaven right there. And then he watches us as we're mixing up these cookies, you know, and spilling the sugar all over the place. And he's like, oh, aren't they cute? They're kind of cute. Kind of a disaster. But I still love them. And each time we get a little bit better at that. Yeah, he says a lot of people are not going to be able to go to the show, though. You know, he says that door is quite small, so everybody's not getting their ticket paid for. That's right. Might have to put a few of us in time out for a while. Maybe, hopefully not forever, but the possibility is real. Yeah, well, I bought my ticket on layaway. You remember the old layaway system? I bought mine on layaway. Well, it's great to be with you, ladies. I'm in good company. I can't wait to meet you someday. In my opinion, you are like one of the all-time greats out there figuring out how to do this lawsuit. And every time I think about it, I'm like, oh, my gosh. He was like way, way into go big or go home. You didn't say, okay, I'm going to have you guys. No, no. It's like... slapped him right across the face with a serious lawsuit. I mean, this is like, this is like a dad on steroids to the, you know, to holding accountable. It's like, yeah, you just like in your face, shoved it right in their faces. And we're like, we will not be doing this anymore. And all of a sudden, what is it? Two hundred fifty some million dollars you sued him for? No, two point five billion dollars. Two point five billion? Yeah, would it be? I am going to tell you right now, I'm going to be your biggest cheerleader that you would win this case because I have complete and utter faith that you're going to take that money and do wonderful things for other people because it's in your heart to do good things. Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. It's for all of us. I would trust you before I trust anybody in there sitting in the seats. I'm going to tell you that right there. I got to correct you on a couple of things there, Donna. First off, he didn't have to figure it out. The guy is sharp as a tack. I think he's got a gifting and he's highly, highly, highly intelligent to the point it intimidates me. and he knows it well that's a great thing it's like I always say I want to be the dumbest person in the room which isn't too hard to beat but it's like it's great when you get people who are smarter than you're gives you a little different behavior and you can sit back and go go go go troy when I first heard about his uh rid of habeas corpus my heart stuck. Like I have been in this to win it. I have been a fighter from day one, but there's still that piece of me like, Ooh, you just went a little too far. And when he did that, I'm like, Oh dang, I got to separate myself. Like this is bad. But what I'm so impressed by because he isn't cowering down and that's how we all should be. There should not be even if we know our position in Christ, there should not even be a hint of intimidation. Right. No fear. I got to stop you one second because I've got an appointment I got to go to. And I know that you guys are absolutely able to carry this on to the end. And I love this being able to. Ding! Pass the ball to Jalise. And you have a wonderful day today, and we'll be talking soon. And then I just wish you every favor that God can give you in your case and in your efforts going forward, Troy. I really appreciate everything you're doing. And with that said, please say a prayer at the end. Please include Casey Whalen. And he had that crazy Antifa lunatic that hit him and hurt his back. And I... you know, these abusers that need to be not only designated as domestic terrorists, but have their sorry butts shipped back from where they came from. And, but, but at any rate, you know, please say a prayer for Casey. And before you leave today, because at least it'll be our prayer today. Have a great day and have a wonderful weekend. And that's to everybody out there. I'll do the quick Donna Brandenburg accent. Please go to because I'm the best non-conseater who's ever not conceded in the history of the United States. And I would love to have a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, discussing this. And love you all. God bless you. God bless all those whom you love. And God bless America. And wee, it goes to Jalise. Now I'm trying. All right. Hey, Miss Jalise. Oh, that's awesome, Troy. I do, before we jump too far in, I want to give the viewers some updates. I had two different things occur that I, since I had these people on the show, I want to update you on things that occurred. So if you recall, I had Brandy Bowen on the show. She's the one y'all saw sitting out by the pool. And right after her interview, she went to Washington, D.C. with her attorney on behalf of her husband to go to the Marjorie Taylor Greene congressional hearing. And for punishment for her going to that and speaking out, our attorney, DCCTF, which we call the DC Gulag, decided to punish her husband by moving him for absolutely no reason because he's got to be back in DC within the next two weeks for a hearing. And they just, up in the middle of the night, picked him up and moved him to FDC Philadelphia. So if you would, please keep her and her husband in prayer along with this tyrannical regime that is holding our January six defendants hostage. I also want to update you on Deborah Sandoval. She's the one that we kept having link failures and she couldn't get on for some time. And she is, while she was in prison, made friends with Audrey Southard, which is another January six defendant. And here is what Audrey had to say. We wanted her to get to get her voice out. And so I'm going to quickly read her update. I was performing my life's work. She's talking about before January six. I was performing my life's work, teaching voice and singing. My life was quiet except when on stage or at a street rally. January sixth was, quote, wild. I got caught up in the moment and the energy. The rest is history. I'm right now waiting for the fifteen twelve charge to drop off and resentencing, which will hopefully put me out the door this year. If not, I'm expecting to be pardoned by Trump on day one. I hope to return to teaching voice and singing, God willing. Since coming here, I have been reading the Holy Bible, prayer books, and doing Bible studies. I finished the twelve book series of Left Behind and discovered my enjoyment of Bible fiction stories by Francine Rivers and Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer and an American survivalist series, which I fear will be more reality than fiction here soon. is a real favorite. Being here has brought me face to face with my faults. I have a lot of epiphanies and I feel my love for Christ growing every day. I have a long way to go in my walk with Jesus, but I've made the first steps. I plan on becoming very active in my local church, singing and missionary work. Before coming here, I didn't feel comfortable being around a few women, let alone crowds of women. Now I can halfway tolerate them. LOL, just kidding. But I know she's not because I'm the same way. There are very talented, ingenuous women in here. Suffering. and they deserve to be judged fairly. The injustice system has failed this society miserably. I didn't think I could sit and do the same boring, tedious job eight hours a day, but I can. I still don't like it. I was distracted with my phone addiction and trying to control my environment. Here, there is no consistency, even though I'm in a cage. I just give it to God and go with the flow. I plan on continuing this Cause tomorrow is now promised and his worrying about it is futile. God has the plan. We just have to pay attention to the signs. Blessings, Audrey. And I just thought that was a beautiful update on her. The prison that she's been in has been very violent. There has been murders in there. The prison system itself has no problem putting men in there with men genitalia that just claim they relate as a woman and then are doing sexual acts in front of these women that they're in a cell with. So it has been a very volatile situation. So please keep her in your prayer. And on that note, back to the star of the day, which is Troy Smocks. Troy, you are one of our earliest guys that went into the D.C. Gulag. And you were not even there January six. So your story is super intriguing. So I'm just going to throw it in your hands and let you take off because you're more intelligent than I am. Your view of things is very different than mine. And I love hearing them. And I think it's important for the people to hear from you. So let her rip. Well, you know, I remember when I first met you and Mark, and I remember that first event that we spoke at, and I was like, oh, she is the sweetest thing. Boy, she's sweeter than honey. Give me a cavity. You know, I can be sour, too. My kids say I'm like a Sour Patch Kid. The candy, first it's sweet, and then it's really sour. Yes, but I will say this, you know, we find ourselves today as we were almost four years ago, same position. And on January six, the government did not pick a fight with, you know, the January Sixers. You know, the government picked a fight with America. know and they were so right here if only we could get that through to the american people you know everyone's still wanting to look at what we did that day well first off be careful what using that word we because that's what got me convicted is I they because I used we statements all the time, whether it was referring to me and my husband or me with the Patriots or whatever. And they conveniently twisted that to fit their agenda, of course. Them, they, you know, them, they, we, they, you know, yeah. Yeah. And the fact is, they are connected with us. We were not there doing anything wrong. Now, did things go awry? Yeah, they did. But thanks to agitators and human instinct, you know, they literally used our human instinct against us. So you're right about that. Yeah, they picked that fight. They picked a fight with America. And they were appalled that Americans would fight back. Yeah. Because remember, prior to that, you had the COVID. And that was the first test. Oh, let's see if they will wear masks. If they will wear masks, then they will comply. And then the second step was that they stole the election. And then the next step, well, OK, yeah, we stole it. What are we going to do? We're going to smack you in the face, too, because they started the attack. Just like they're doing now with Donald Trump. They said, oh, if he's elected, we're going to have to leave the country. He's going to come after us. Well, why shouldn't he? You came after him. You started it. I grew up in a time where they say, you know what? If you pass a lick, you take a lick. And these are the mentality is that, well, we get a trophy showing up. We don't have to do the work, but we get paid. And we can do whatever we want to you, but you can't do it back to us. That's right. And that starts from the very beginning. Look at when the FBI raided you. I don't know what your raid looked like, but I know what mine looked like. I couldn't lie to them, but they could lie through the teeth to me right off the start. Yeah, you know, it was... It's, you know, don't do to us, but we're going to do to you. And I have them in a pinch right now because you can't do that to me. You can't do that to us. And what a lot of people don't understand is that I'm suing the federal government, but I'm not suing it for me. I'm suing it for us because there's a lot of people, you know, they will slander you, which they did me. And I'm still going through that to get it. You know, I want to touch on that and I hope I don't put you on the spot, but I'm such a straight shooter. I have to. Troy, you know, because I was probably honest and told you, because that's just how I roll. I really didn't know how to take you. I did not have a category for you. Your intelligence was so high. I'm like, this guy's a fed. Okay. And then I realized, no, he's not. And, you know, unfortunately, us Jay Sixers get traumatized through this. And if we don't take our thoughts captive, as the word tells us to, we end up spinning our brain into mental illness by thinking everyone's a fed, everyone's stalking us, blah, blah, blah. Unfortunately, I'd say we'll take that thought captive early. However, I still didn't know how to take you because you, you are a lone wolf. You do not have to be in the fold to make things happen. You, you research on your own. You're a get her done guy and you're outrageously intelligent. So if you ever felt that hint of, I don't know what her deal is, but it is the awkwardness has been for me not knowing how to take you. So I just want to own that and tell you that. Oh, it's no worry to that. Actually, I was looking for something to see if I could show you here. I have to go into my secure file. Because the government did something very different to you than they did a lot of day sixers, probably because of the way your case was. Because you weren't there January six, they picked you up on different charges and you were one of the first ones. So they had maybe different tools in their tool belt that they were using against people. But one of them they annihilated all of our character. And I talk about that all the time through, through media blasting us, but they actually went after you in a very deep personal level, didn't they? Yeah. Yeah. They, they actually did. That's because, um, I'm, when you're looking for it, you can never find it, but, uh, it's crazy. But, um, As you know, the first thing that they did, they tried to get me killed. Because they threw me in there with what they claimed were all white supremacists. Oh, yeah. In the D.C. good log? Yeah. So what happens when you throw a chicken in a pond with hungry alligators? Right. Yeah. And this was early before the truth had come out. So it was their narrative and their narrative alone. And then just so the listeners understand, they will hire people from Nigeria that are over here just to work in the prison system. And they tell them that these are white supremacists that hate you, that if they're left alone with you are going to kill you. And then they leave these guards alone with these January six defendants. And it worked for probably the first year, didn't it? Yes. And, you know, like Mark Evergreen, when they came to D.C., you know, we were all there in orange when they came in to see to be to see us. You know, I'm there. I'm looking black and orange. I'm looking like, you know, and I spoke to her. She could have put it into this. you know, right after they left and say, you know what, Joe Biden, you're lying again. You know, you're claiming these guys are white supremacists. Why is this black guy in there with them? Along with Enrique Tarrio. He was there. He's Hispanic. Yeah. Puerto Rican, I think. Yeah, she was actually getting free press by, you know, now that she got a re-election, you don't hear from her just like Julie Kelly, you know. Yeah, showboating. Yeah. And you have so many of these people. And I made a promise to the guys when I left there. I said, I will not leave you behind, you know. And then, you know, the federal government, they knew they were lying. But they put out this stolen valor deal on me where, you know, and they knew, you know, and When it's all over, there's my everything that they had to return to me. Still, I still keep it in the evidence. You can see you can see there's my DD to work team. Yeah. You see it? Yes. Because this was one of the first conversations you and I had. And that's what red flagged me is that you were a pilot. My husband is a pilot and you were in the military and yet they're claiming you weren't. And I looked at it very skeptically. Of course, it's early on after my arrest. And I'm like, I don't know about this guy. Well, so they actually did that and then returned the evidence. So let the viewers understand clearly they told the world that. that he had all these alias names, that he was stealing valor, claiming to be in the military, even though he wasn't, and claiming he was a pilot, even though he was, and things like that. Now, you set the story straight. I just laid it on the line, what they were telling the public. Yes, they did. And let's see if... I'm going to kind of move the camera over. Let's see if I can swivel it here. You'll see there's military. That's why discharge papers and everything I keep, you know, there's things on the wall, everything, you know, everything had to be returned to me because, yeah, they were lying. They did the same thing to me as they did to General Flynn and to Trump. They did the exact same thing. Except, you know, one thing that I don't get credit for, I am the poster boy in this country for First Amendment protected speech. Because that's what they came after me over. I was the one that, you know, I was the black guy saying, you know what? Trump's a good man. He's a great president, you know, and everything. And as you see with the battle of the races, that's one thing that they could not afford to happen. A black man willing to promote Trump. Yes, yes. You were screwing up their narrative big time. Exactly, because what's happening today, they didn't want to happen. They didn't want the narrative to take off back then. Right now, they're so afraid, oh, we got to get the black vote that they have Kamala installed in this whole buffoonery that's going on because they knew after the Obama, well, after the the Hillary Clinton craziness. If you don't have the Black vote behind you, you're not going to win. So they attacked me to kind of keep it down. And, you know, now more and more, especially this election, I'm seeing it. So I'll let you speak on it, because as you see, I'm white as snow. But I need your opinion. So it looks like the black community is really turning around. They're really looking at what has been happening all along. Is that just my imagination? no no that's not and I said this um some time ago you know the narrative was if trump were to get twelve percent of the black vote that he would slam the doors on the democrats and now it's charting where he's somewhere up they're not going to tell you the truth it's somewhere up in like forty eight forty nine percent of the black votes in doing part as you know um I had um started in why I started broadcasting trump ads I did hear some of those. You did send me those. Do you have one you can play? Yeah, actually. Let's see here. I might have it too. I'll look as quick as you do and see which one of us gets to it first. Because I was intrigued by this. And what are you doing with these ads? Well, there's one radio station in the whole country that has agreed they're Black too, and they're not owned by the mainstream medias. And we're the only radio station in the country that will play Trump ads, but this does cost money. And so... From eight o'clock in the morning until eight o'clock at night, seven days a week, they run Trump ads on the seventeen and the forty seven minute mark. And these are ads that I paid to produce. I'm paying. Well, I'm bartering to get them air. I'm doing some of their legal work and stuff in there, you know. Because, you know, the DOJ, they stripped us of all of our money, you know. That's right. Yeah, right now I have red notices now where I'm trying to get bills paid before, you know, things. And it just keeps getting harder on us. I don't know how much longer the J Sixers will hold on. I'm running a nonprofit and we're absolutely dead broke. And every time we get a request, I just want to crawl under a rock and die. And I have to remember that, no, I've got to stand in the fight and I've got to pray for these people. And the Lord's going to be the provider of it. I mean, he has been for me and Mark all along. I trust that he called me to American Patriot Relief and he'll be the provider for that too. But I'm telling you, it's been a rough road to hoe. Yes. I don't know if you'll be able to hear it, but here's one of the ads. This ad was done in June. And because of this ad, Google created a similar ad for Kamala Harris. Remember, I sent that to you. Yeah, because I get real creative. And I say, I'm going to let everybody tell the story. Let even Alexa know that he's going to win the election. And yeah, so it was an Alexa ad that prompted Google to do the same thing in the real, I guess, in real time for Kamala Harris. And then they got in trouble for it. Oh, wow. Yeah. And let's see here. That ad was... Alexa, who is Donald J. Trump? Donald John Trump, born on June the eighth, nineteen forty-six, at Jamaica Queen's Hospital in New York City, New York, became the forty-fifth president of the United States. His attempt at re-election... railed by a shadow group of non-elected high-position government officials known as the Deep State. In the year twenty-four, Donald John Trump returned to power as the forty-seventh president of the United States and owned the second presidential candidate in U.S. history to achieve this goal. Donald John Trump defeated his incumbent Democrat rival Joseph R. Biden in the twenty-twenty-four election by a landslide margin due in part to Trump's quest to again make America a free nation and a beacon of light to the world. On November fifth, the twenty-twenty-four be a part of history and vote Donald J. Trump for president. And that was, that was just one, I'll play one more for you guys. Let's see. Try to hold it more toward the computer speaker. Okay. Toward the computer speaker. Okay. Why should we give credibility to a criminal justice system that we realize is completely broken, corrupt, and biased? On November fifth, twenty twenty-four, vote Donald J. Trump for president, and let's give a collective middle finger to corruption. Together, let's make America great again. This ad is sponsored and paid for by We the People for Donald J. Trump. yeah and and that's just two we have a total of six ads that run continuously you know and um But nobody helps. Nobody. No, I was fixing to say, like, you are such a Lone Ranger out there doing this stuff. I'm blown. And what I mean by that, just to help viewers understand a little bit, the January six defendants are pretty tight knit. We're all in communication and back channels. We try to help each other out and everybody's got their. their way of trying to help in the community. Some try to get donors for commissary, you know, like American Patriot Relief is one of them, Stop Hate, Condemned USA. You got all these different groups and some of them work together better than others. But at the end of the day, we're all in communication with each other and trying to help each other. Now, with that said, there's fifteen hundred January six defendants, and I would venture to say there's about three hundred that are communicating and working together to help each other out. And then there's Troy. Now, I don't mean that in a bad way, but this guy is just working at a high level. I don't know how else to put it, but every now and then American Patriot Relief will check in on Troy or he'll check in on us. And we're like, he is way out there. He's way up. He's getting stuff done. he don't play around with trying to build a team and gee, so-and-so didn't do what they said they're going to do. Now it's going to be delayed another month. He don't jack with that. He's like, just get the hell out of the way. I got stuff to do. And that's really what you're doing. Yeah. You know, um, I didn't want to fight with the government, but Hey, you picked it. And, and, you know, I, I, You wanted to brawl, so let's brawl, you know? And it just, it hurts me so much because there's a difference between MAGA and Republicans. Yes, there is. So I'm going to touch on that real quick because there was actually a situation in Dallas, Texas last night. And the Dallas GOP held an event called the Raw Hot Roundup. And anyway, great event they had scheduled out there, but anybody out of Texas knows that Austin, Dallas, Houston, these are all blue cities that should be red. Fraudulent Democrats that ran on a Republican ticket, we now call them rhinos, run that city. And the Republicans in Dallas are very wealthy people that they want to elbow bump and stay with the elites and ride the fence and not take a stand on anything. and they got in there and american patriot relief was invited to it we felt so honored to be there lectern guy the guy that carried the lectern at the capitol on january six big funny good-natured guy um decided to go to the event and he got shunned there and so did american patriot relief by the way we got stuck out in the lobby we did not get invited into the event and um they anyway because of this um What they failed to understand is lectern guy has seventy two thousand followers. Alex Stein that invited him and also got shunned has like one hundred and two thousand followers. Needless to say, Dallas GOP got absolutely hammered for not standing firm in support of the January six defendants. And they do that because they're cowering away from anything that's controversial. And you are right. You got your own fight going with that. So just so the American people know, this is still a common occurrence. And honestly, we're six defendants are getting very over it. Yeah. Yeah, we are. You know, and what a lot of people don't understand, you know, that fifteen twelve. I drafted that for Steve Metcalf. Oh, that's right. That's right. Yes. Right. I drafted that. You should have known. Yes. So the Fisher case that went before the Supreme Court to overturn the Fifteen Twelve was drafted by you. Well, Fisher came after us because Steve filed his first. We got our dismissal first. But because Fisher, he was represented by a bigger law firm. Steve Metcalf was on his own law firm. the Supreme Court appointed the Fisher case so that they could take the lead because they were the bigger law firm. Oh, wow. Yeah, but it came, you know, the whole concept came from, and that's because of a document that the, that the DOJ, we got a copy of the document. It was actually the memorandum from Barr, from Bill Barr on the feeling that they first tried to use against Donald Trump. And he told them, no, it's not used for that. It's completely not used for that. And you're going to try you're going to really screw up. You know, he barred the Justice Department from doing this. Now, the importance of that is once this memorandum by the attorney general was issued, it was like statutory law for the Justice Department until another attorney general came in and wrote a superseding memorandum. Well, they never did that. And the Supreme Court agreed with us. You had nine hundred thousand lawyers up there. I would say thirty eleven lawyers all running in the court, you know, attacking it. And they had no idea what they were doing. And so, you know, Steve and I, Steve Metcalf and I, which was Jake Lang's attorney. We talk all the time and he's a good guy. You know, he is. I met him personally over Isaac Thomas's case. I was in D.C. for my trial and he picked up Isaac's case and got him out of the D.C. gulag. And I have great respect for him. He's a very unique individual and and he don't mess around. I mean, even in talking to him, you can tell this guy's on it and he he don't want to chit chat about the weather. He don't want to jack around. He's in there to get these J-Sixers out of prison and get our country back where it needs to be. Yes. And he and I, we work very, very well together. And, you know, we would call each other and bounce stuff off of each other. And and he said, I want you to take a look at something and tell me what you think. You know, he sent me the files. I took a look at it. I said, hey, here's our argument. And this is this where they screwed up. And he said, OK, write it up and send it to me. I wrote it up and send it to him. He made a few tweaks on it, filed it. Boom. We got the dismiss. And then I want you to know then that you were involved in my charges going down from nine to going to eight. That was one of my felonies. So thank you. You're welcome. And you know, it's like, from my standpoint, you know, it's like a lot of the guys they've, they've raised hundreds of thousands of dollars. And nobody, you know, Patriot Relief helped me out once. Nobody has helped me with anything. You're right. And I fight for everybody. I mean, for everybody, you know. Right. it's crazy you know um before all this happened like I said I was in aviation I made very very good money after this you know my clearance was pulled I lost my job you know and everything else then they put you on the terrorist watch this you got quad four you know clearance to fly and all that kind of stuff and um and you know I'm fighting them and I'm winning by the way You know, the U.S. attorneys, they didn't know what a federal enclave was. What is it? Okay. Everyone knows that D.C. is ten miles square, right? And that's the seat of the federal government. And that's the federal government, the corporation United States. That's the little country. Anything else like your local federal building or your post office or your military reservation, these are like little embassies. And when you're on those embassies, the federal government has the same power as they do in D.C. These are called federal enclaves. Now, as long as you're on one of those federal enclaves, they have all the power in the world. I don't know where you're going. But as soon as they leave that enclave, they have no power. They have no more power. That's right. They are nothing. And that's what my suit is all about. And they're like, oh, wait a minute. We're the federal government. Yeah, right. You are the federal government and you have this much power. And so with that much power and absolutely no authority, they showed up on our property raiding us. That's correct. That's right. That's right. And in each one of them, you know, we have these sheriffs and the sheriffs are brainwashed like most people to believe in the federal government is the end all be all. But the law don't support that. And this is this is why they're getting the hell sued out of them. And they had the audacity to say that he's suing us for two point five billion dollars. And I came back and say, yeah, you're the you're the one that said this is the biggest criminal case in U.S. history. The bigger the headache, the bigger the pill. Right. You're right. You're absolutely right. So obviously that is an independent lawsuit. It's not a, what do they call that, class action, which I'm not a fan of for January six defendants because we don't deserve to settle for just peanuts on the dollar. Every single one of us need to independently be filing these lawsuits. Yeah, and there's a flip side of that coin. One, you can't sue the government in a class action lawsuit because you have a two-eleventh amendment immunity. But when you sue them under the Federal Tort Claims Act, you have two years from the time of the claim to actually start the process. But under the Federal Tort Claims Act, the federal government has already waived their jurisdiction. What does that mean? You can't like if you were to try to sue the federal government under the Civil Rights Act or something like that, they absolutely have sovereign immunity from that. And you can't sue them unless they say, OK, it's OK for you to sue me. But under the Federal Tort Claims Act, they've already said it's OK for you to sue me. And so that's what I did. I sued them under the Federal Tort Claims Act. And now their panties are in a bunch because I'm winning. Absolutely. Because there's a lot riding on that. So what do you see the future of that being? How do you think that'll play out? Well, I think the smart thing is they're going to try to settle it. Because if they settle it, then it could be settled under a nondisclosure. But if it goes to court, then our attorney general is going to have to weigh in because I'm I'm standing out here as a citizen defending the sovereignty of Texas. Why the attorney? Is that what you're referring to? Yeah. Yes. Yeah. He's going to have to weigh in on a dozen or more lawsuits going against the federal government right now. yeah yeah yeah and you know it's it's his it's the duty of his office to protect the sovereignty of the state and when you have the federal government filing in court papers and you know under the illusion that the whole state of texas is a federal enclave like it's been nationalized that his job is to step in there and say uh uh you know backup partner you know And so far, Ken Paxson's been a coward. I'm just going to put it out there. Really? You do feel that way? Why do you say that? I do. Because there are several things that he should have stepped up to the plate and stopped the federal government. See, when all of the Jan Sixers were arrested here in Texas, under Texas statutory law and the extradition processes, the federal government had to go through our governor. And then from the governor into Ken Paxton's office, which is the attorney general. And then Ken Paxton, well, he dispatches the complaints and the warrant out to the local sheriffs. And then real quick, I want the viewers to understand Texas has the second largest amount of January six defendants in it of everybody in the country. The leader is actually Florida. And so to date now, I didn't look it up today, but within the past two months, Texas was up to one hundred and five January six defendants. in the state so that means a hundred and five times they signed off on us being picked up even though they can look just as easily as the next guy that we had no criminal record they now know the truth they know the bs narrative that's being fed and they still sign off on it so continue on well well here's the thing the state of texas didn't sign off on anything the federal government just did And yet the state, these are statutory laws. So the state doesn't have the authority to sign off on anything because it's not in the statutory laws. The statutory laws is actually adverse to everything. And the Supreme Court has decided this a long time ago that the arrest of a person, even under a federal warrant, is controlled by the laws of the state. where the arrest took place. That's correct. The government is subservient to the state. That's right. That's right. And under Texas law, the federal government has no authority to do anything. They only have as much authority as the common making a citizen's arrest. If they see a felony being committed in their present and that felony is against the state, then they can arrest you, search you, seize anything that you have on you, and then call the local law enforcement to come and get you. And that local law enforcement is going to take anything that was on you as though they seized it from you themselves. And that's it. They have the, you know, under two point one, two, two, it gives a long list of all the federal agencies that are not peace officers and don't have any power. That's right. Now, my husband looked into this. You know, Mark, he ran for office at the January six defendant, which really ticked off the federal government, which is why our sentencing is looking so high, along with us refusing to go quiet while I'm sitting here on home confinement. So with that. what he found in researching the Texas law is that there's actually like a an immunity clause for the FBI that they they are given a peace officer clearance to work within the state of Texas. And he's actually actively working to shut that down. There has now been a bill written. I believe that came from Andy Hopper that just took office or he's actively working on it to put a stop on that. Right now, that's how they're getting on Texas soil on private property, doing what they're doing. Do you know anything about that? No, I've gone through, you know, all the discovery with them and, you know, on this. And you see, the problem is, is the Constitution, you know, any kind of bill or that will be contrary to the Constitution. Which is almost everything we have now. Yeah, yeah. And they're trying hard to get around that, but they can't. Under the enclave law, I just got a letter from Ken Paxton's office, and it was written to his prosecutors, and he's telling them the same thing that I'm telling you. Under two point one two two, they have no power in this state, except on those enclaves. And I hit them with that and they lost their minds. So, you know, and now what happens is once a January six or anyone's arrested by the federal government, they're supposed to be arrested by local law enforcement, taken to the state magistrate for extradition proceedings to the United States. And, you know. Yeah, they have kind of no, we're just going to take you right from here and take you into one of our embassies and then put you on an embassy airplane and ship you to our country. Now, how many times did that happen in Texas for J-Sixers? Because I've been asking around. And what I've discovered is most of them were just like me, where they put us in prison overnight, we went to arraignment hearing, and then they sent us home. Then we had a Zoom call with DC with the magistrate and the rest of our hearings, which they're saying means you basically extradited by willingness. You were willful. Bad choice. No, no, no, no. Because you still have a due process in law under the law. And you can't kidnap someone and claim that it was Willie. You know, the process started with the state. No matter what they say, it's going to it's going to stay the same. That dog don't hunt anywhere else. It starts with that state magistrate because that state magistrate has the power to tell you, OK, until the governor signs this this condition warrant to the United States, I'm going to put you out on bond under habeas corpus. And then you come back ten days later. And if the governor says he's not going to let you go, you go back home. If the governor says, you know, he's going to sign the warrant, then I got to send you to. them. That's how the process starts. And the federal government can't do anything about that. see I'm telling you people you're seeing it for yourself as my brain's blowing yours probably is too troy you're just absolutely such a wealth of information and I that's why I have to take it in little bites because I'm like okay I'm gonna have to on this because you know I want I definitely want my pound of flesh but I'm very cautious in taking that before the lord because he says vengeance is his but I'm going to tell you there's been three times in my life that I should have sued people that I didn't and I and I've actually regretted it because I knew the wrongdoing done and one was life altering for my husband and he's got to live with it the rest of his life because of that I'm willing to do that this time Now, I'm not saying I'm not giving that to the Lord. I'm not feeling nothing coming from the Lord telling me I can't do that and him have his vengeance, okay? Well, you know, you know, Mr. Lee, I am very spiritual. You know, I used to be religious, but the churches have kind of waned me away from that. But I believe in God with all my heart. And, you know, God said, you know, Render to Caesar what is Caesar's. But what don't belong to Caesar don't belong to Caesar. And what they took from you illegally, you deserve compensation on that. So that's a really good point because I want to touch on that too. Being a strong believer, always involved in the church community, I have heard so many people tell me that you're to submit to your government and you shouldn't have been there. Well, let me educate you, homie. okay let me educate everybody in the audience and you already know this troy but we are not governed by a man and our constitution is our government these government officials in place are in place to up uphold the constitution. So no, I am not subject to the government. I am subject to the constitution, which they're not upholding. Therefore, we are not to subject ourselves to them because anything out of alignment with God is out of alignment with God. And we're still called to obey the Lord Jesus Christ. okay so let me clarify for all the christians out there that can't get it straight in their little head if you knew the constitution and you knew your lord jesus christ and for women we should know it way before the men because we're called to be we're called to be under the authority of our husband as long as he's aligned with God. But if he gets misaligned, we're to stay right in authority with God and let him do all his wondering and warring with God over it because he's called to account for it. So we already knew this. And I want to make sure, I don't mean to get on a soapbox and take up any of your time, but I want to make sure the American people understand that we are governed by a constitution. And that constitution refers to our inalienable rights that comes from God. God. So thank you. I hope that was an education for all of you. And now I'll pass the ball back to Troy. And on that note, I want to say, you know, the Constitution is the supreme law of the land. Federal law is not the supreme law of the land. The supremacy clause only applies if the state law conflicts with the federal law. As long as they don't conflict. And the federal law has to be in alliance with the Constitution. So if what the federal government's doing is outside the realm of the Constitution, then it's null and void. That's just the way it goes. And the majority of people, they don't realize that we don't live under a democracy. My husband used to ride me about saying it, and I used to say, it don't matter, it don't matter. You're splitting hairs. Oh, it does matter. It really does. There's five thousand five hundred and forty three words in the United States Constitution. I challenge anybody to find the word democracy. They're not going to be able to do that. You should find the difference. Because most of her viewers probably know, but just to have it on the record, what is the difference between a republic, a constitutional republic, and a democracy? Okay, I'm going to break it down to you so a third grader will learn it because since they canceled civics in all of our classes. Imagine the government is a triangle. In a democracy, now in a republic and a democracy, you have a little tiny bit of people at the top. and those are inefficient. But in a democracy, the people at the top run everybody at the bottom of the pyramid. In a republic, you still have the people at the top, but it's burdened because the base of the pyramid, the big block at the bottom, runs those little people at the top. In other words, we are ran by the majority, majority rule. So when you've got Fifteen thousand transgender people in society deciding our laws. That is a problem that should not be occurring because it's a majority rule. And they have been, listen, I want to make this point to the viewers. The way they're succeeding in taking over our country is the very first thing they do is they hijack the language. They start imputing little words or adding a word to a word to change the meaning of the word. And I can tell you way back there, I was alive when it started happening, that they started imputing the word democracy to get you to use that word because it just flows so easily. But we are not a democracy, nor do you want a democracy. You do not want, you know, a hundred people making the decisions for the country and those people sitting high on the hog. You're watching it with Kamala Harris. She's stinking rich. She's wearing eight hundred dollar earrings. OK, she was wearing, you know, one hundred thousand dollar outfits and then telling you that there is no economic crisis whatsoever. Well, hell no, not in her world, there's not. So I want to point that out to you because as peons, as peasants at the bottom of the triangle there are the ones suffering. You want a constitutional republic. So there's another history for you. That's right. Before we leave, I want to give you a little bit on Kamala Harris. But I do want to say this. These rhinos, they are different from MAGA. Rhinos are cowards. And a lot of people in power, especially the Republican Party, they're rhinos. They're cowards. And it was those rhinos that were responsible for the shooting, for the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. I'm going to say this. I'm just going to put it out there. When all these rhinos, when they sat on the sidelines and let the government have its way with the January Sixers, they emboldened the government to go even further. That's right. I am so quick to tell people. The people I blame for me being under attack and losing my family and losing my life and everything about it isn't the Democrats. It isn't the liberals. I blame Congress, my own Republican party. for doing this to me. They could have pulled the purse. Every time somebody perjured themselves in there, they could have called the sergeant of arms and said, take them into custody. Oh, they just wrote a stern letter. Shame on you. Well, if all I had to worry about was a stern letter, I guarantee you, you would have got a lot more from me. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. And these rhinos They would always ask, hey, would you come speak at this event or that event? But nobody would ever help me financially, and they knew my situation. They knew it. Dave Summerall from Stop Hate. He helped a lot during those really rough times when it was winter and I was just getting back, trying to figure out not just get my footings, but where my belongings are. People don't realize that when your life is upset, when your phones are gone, you have no communications. When they put me out of the gulag, it was in January. There was just... a major snowstorm that they had on the east coast they put me in a paper thin sweatsuit because you know they threw they gave all of our clothing away They put me on a paper-thin sweatsuit with some flip-flops on in the snow with no phone, with no money because when they let me go, their financial office was closed. So I had no way to contact anybody, no money, no transportation, no anything in the snow. And that is still happening, by the way. Because the American Patriot Relief has been trying to come in when we can. We're starting to get a lot of January six defendants coming out of prison after their three or four year run. And they're doing the same thing with them. What's worse is, you know how you were told, Troy, that you couldn't go into D.C. before? Well, you went in immediately, but they tell all of us we're not allowed into D.C. Then they have turned around and when they're releasing them, regardless of what prison they've been released out of, if they do not have a home, which you lose your home if you're in prison long enough, then they make you report to the D.C. probation office and they tell you you're going to have to report to them for the next year. In a ninety seven percent liberal area that they won't rent you an apartment, they won't hire you. And they expect you to stay on your feet. And by the way, with the clothes on your back and no money and no sofa. That's right. No, no anything. And, you know, actually what they're doing again is illegal because incarceration does not waive your domicile. You're still a citizen. You're not a citizen of the United States. You're a citizen of the state where you came from. And it's just when the federal government releases a person into Mexico, he doesn't have to report back to dc right he's once they release you back into your sovereign state officially they have no power to bother you anyways wow you know there's so much so many things that they are doing illegally but our republican people that we hire as Republican leaders, they're such wusses. Most of them don't know the law. Their only ambition is to make as much money in self-enrichment as they can while they're there. You've nailed it. Go ahead. Three weeks ago, Jamie Raskin, he was given an interview, and he said on January they're going to declare Donald Trump unqualified to run for office. And then they're going to put the nation under, what did he say, civil war-like conditions. And then a week later, Joe Biden comes out and he says, no, there's not, unless Kamala Harris moves, there's not going to be a peaceful transformation of power. And what people don't realize- Yes, what people don't realize is that the reason that they have the southern borders open is because they've been smuggling UN troops onto our soil under the cover of night just for this instant. They knew that, you know, and I told you this long ago, this is going to end with blood in the street. I told you that when I first met you. I remember. I did not like hearing that. Yes. If Donald Trump wins, when he wins, because he's killing them. He's killing them right now. This is why they try to kill him, you know, in the whole nine yards. But when he wins, he's already said he's going after them, you know, with a full, a heavy hand. You've also heard a lot of these people, they're saying, well, he's going to come after us. We're going to have to leave the country. You've also heard that too. Well, they have to have... They have to create civil chaos before they leave, because if they leave the country, then Donald Trump can extradite them back to the country under criminal charges. But if there's civil chaos in the street, then they could run the countries and claim political asylum. That's right. And then they will be safe. This is their plan. This is what Jamie Raskin said. Oh, there's going to be chaos in the streets because they're already planning this. There's UN troops. I think I sent you a link. Yes, you did. Yeah, there's already UN troops on our soil right now. They're just waiting to go to one of their designated areas in these blue states to pick up their little blue helmets and their weaponry and, you know, in their machinery to start trying to put Trump supporters in their reconciliation camps or re-education camps or, you know, and that's just how it works. You really point a scary picture, and sadly, it fits. I mean, it resides with truth, and it's scary, scary. Troy, what do we do about it? What can we do right now to stop it? Well, for every action, there's a react. And the best thing to do is just be prepared. There's more Americans than there are U.N. troops. And you just have to prepare to, you know, do what the founders say do. You know, everybody always say, you know, we got a Second Amendment. We have a Second Amendment. Well, they gave you a Second Amendment for a reason. If you uphold it. And, you know, the founders have told us many times, you know, Adam said, you know, the tree of liberty has to be watered by the blood of patriots every now and again. You know, freedom ain't free. It's not free. And now Americans have taken it for granted for so long. Now, if you want your freedom, you're going to have to really stand up for it. Because it's not a battle of ideology. Well, it is a battle of ideology now. It's just not politics. We're past that. They want the America. America is not just, well, the United States is just a plot of land. But America is an attitude. And all three hundred and forty four million of us, we have an attitude. We are the cowboy to the world. And they know if America falls, the rest of the world don't have a chance. That's right. And you're right. And the rest of the world does know this. You know, I've talked about it before on this show that when I talk to people over in Europe, they know all about Texas. They know all about the United States. They talk about the tech, the Texas border. people being kind of the alamo the last stand to save america and if america falls they fall and one of the things they point to is our attitude that that we are a vigilant people that we are very determined that we're very faith-filled and we're armed and we don't mind a good fight If you put the music on, Texans are going to show up for the, for the hee haw, you know, we're going to show up for the dance. Some of my favorite things have been memes about the rednecks, you know, cause it's true. It's funny, but it's true. So Troy, do you have, we're getting close to needing to close up. Do you have anything that you were wanting to share today that we did not get to discuss? Cause you are such a wealth of knowledge. I would. And, you know, we brought this there. There was a couple of other military or former military officers that brought this to the Republicans, including Ken Paxton. And they didn't want to act on it. But Kamala Harris is constitutionally. ineligible we're not going to say qualified we're going to say ineligible to run for president under the plain and ordinary language of article two of the constitution you see when the um the constitution was ratified we were under colonialism and in those days women weren't allowed to do anything you couldn't vote you couldn't buy a car you could you were under once you were married you were the responsibility of your husband you couldn't even vote The Constitution is written in gender-specific terms, which the Supreme Court has upheld that and said that, you know what, if a Constitution or a statute is meant for a specific gender, it does not violate the Fourteenth Amendment to exclude gender that's not there. Now, the Constitution, for the office of the president specifically, it speaks in he, him, his. She is a her. Right. But, you know, she'll just identify as a man. Come on. Well, you know, that doesn't change. I mean, she's identifying as black when she's Indian. So come on. That doesn't change her plumbing. Her plumbing still says you're a woman. But, you know, we brought this because. In every state, when they allow their registration to run for federal office, they have to attest that they're qualified or they're eligible under the Constitution to hold that office. She lied because she's not eligible under that. And yeah, Hillary Clinton ran, but nobody challenged her on it. And all of these Republicans, including Ken Paxton, they were so worried about, no, we can't do that. We can't take her off. The women will lose women. They'll be mad at us. But, you know, this is a slap in the face to the women that fought just to be able to have the right to vote. Remember, there were times when women could not vote. And I will tell you, Troy, I'm going to throw it out there. Because for probably thirty years at least, I have been saying, I don't believe a woman should ever be president. And it offends some women. I'm not going to lie. And I've even heard a few men go, and that is ridiculous. Well, you're not living in my head because I'm here to tell you we are led by emotions. When you look at the scriptures, the scriptures even direct it within leading the church. And to me, if you can't lead the church, you can't lead women. And I recognize we now have female leaders in the church. But the argument is, face it, Eve was the one deceived and ate the apple. OK, Adam, Adam let it happen. He was complacent, but she was deceived. And I've never met a more vindictive line of people. And I know poor Donna, she's going to get a lot on this, but it's my opinion. It doesn't represent her opinion. I hadn't met a more vindictive line of people than women. You get crossways on a woman. Listen, scripture talks about it in Proverbs. It's better to live on the corner of a roof than with a divisive woman, right? we just have our own way of doing things. And I've never agreed with a woman being president. And I am one. And I'm a great leader, but I don't think I should be in a presidential position. And I've met hundreds of women that say the same thing. So I don't know where others fall. You have a right to your opinion. But If anything else, even the ones that don't agree with my opinion, look at it this way. If it gets you out from having this woman in presidency, that might be a good opportunity. Well, you know what? I'm just like people are unhappy that they just installed her without going through the process. The founders, if you. are going to live under a constitution. You can't chop it up into, oh, I like this, so I'm going to keep this part, but I don't like this, so I'm going to ignore this. It is what it is. And there's a process. It's called the amendment. Just like it called for the Nineteenth Amendment in order to give women the right to vote, They have to do an amendment in order to give the women the right to run for president. I mean, as a Black guy, the Thirteenth Amendment held us in slavery. So I understand the importance of the amendment. But just because it's going to upset several women, the Constitution is what it is. I know a lot of guys that came home in a box with flags over them for that document. You know, you hear a lot of women and I'm not going in on women. I'm just making this analogy. They just implemented the automatic selective service registry. And you hear a lot of women said, oh, no, my daughter's not going to fight. You don't want your daughter to fight, but you want your daughter to command some men to go fight. That's right. You're preaching it. You are preaching it. And I'll be, listen, I'll take that too. I've never believed in women being in the military. And it's because of my biblical principles. God designed a man to be protector provider. You put a woman in the battlefield and I listen, I talk to veterans all the time and I've ministered to them. I've held support groups for them. And they will tell you straight up if they're being honest. It distracts them having the woman in there because they feel like they have to protect her. Yes, and that's our natural instinct. In close quarter combat, that means that I have two bad guys to contend with. The one that's on her and then that one that's going to kill her and come for me because she's not physically strong. capable of you know handling you know I hate I hate these things are really doing it come up again with trump with the cia women that were a laughing stock truly made us all look bad because I'm here to tell you I can handle a gun and I can handle it very very well so where they dug that woman up out of I have no clue but I will tell you this I will tell you this I'm five foot three There ain't no way I need to be guarding and protecting a five, a six foot three, six foot four man. That was pure stupidity. There has to be an acknowledgement of the sexes. We are not as strong as a man. We weren't designed to be as strong as a man. You can pump all the, all the steroids you want to pump. You're not going to be as strong as a man. This is just pure stupidity. And because of our build, we are not designed for certain jobs. I know because I worked many years in a machine shop, I would use my entire body weight sitting on my butt, dragging five gallon buckets of metal across the shop while the men just stared at me. Okay, I've held my own in the battle. And I'm still going to tell you, there are certain things we're not designed to do. And I hope that protects you because, of course, when a man said that, well, you're just a showman, you're just a woman hater, you're just a blah, blah, blah. Suck it up, people. Even white women believe that same thing. So you're on your own on that one. Yeah. And that's what I said. And, you know, for Paxton's people to say, oh, no, that'll piss too many people off. OK, but, you know. this man got shot in the face on national TV and you're worried about how it's going to make you look, you know, that don't just don't hunt. These are some cowards. And I'll say it to his face. I'll say, Ken, you're a coward. You know, I have no problem calling it out as it is, you know, but I'm just going to say, you know, guys, if any of you out there, if you want to contribute to me, you can, Hey, Cash app me. So tell people your cash app because Troy has been a warrior in this. He does need our help. He has reached out to American Patriot Relief before and we were barely able to help him at all. And we are about taking care of our January six defendants. American Patriot Relief isn't a machine just pulling in money. We disperse it as fast as we get it. But because we disperse it as fast as we get it, depending on the timing, It may or may not be there for somebody else. And Troy is in the battle. So tell us about your Cash App, Troy. Cash is the Cash App sign at T.A. Smocks. You'll find me there. Capital T.A. ? just ta it doesn't okay I don't know if it recognizes the capitalization or not so oh yeah because you know wells fargo and all of that they're closed all of our accounts and you know on brokerage accounts everything was closed all the funds seized and then you got to fight to you know what's the check here and there and you got to try to it's just it's maddening And, you know, listen, you've heard the guy's intelligence and he's got a very gifted art at law and motion writing and whatnot. You know, he can't I guess you can't practice law. But what you sure can do is assist someone in their pro se. Well, before we get out, let me tell you about this. See, there's a distinction in law. When you hear you're in a criminal case and you hear a lawyer come into a court and say, I represent this person, you kick him in the butt because he doesn't know what he's doing. In criminal law, you have a Constitution Sixth Amendment right to the assistance of counsel. Yes, I talked about this yesterday on the show. Go ahead and talk about it. And because if... if you're not allowed to be free on bail to prepare your own defense, that you need someone that you can trust that's going to be able to go out and take care of your affairs and help you prepare your defense. Now, in a civil matter, you don't actually have to show up in court. So you can point someone to represent you. There's a distinction. And a criminal lawyer can't represent you. He assists you. And he has to do that efficiently. But in a civil case, a lawyer or an attorney can represent you, which takes us to the Thirteenth Amendment because under the Thirteenth Amendment, there's never supposed to be any title of nobility or anyone that's connected to a foreign government in any positions of power. Whisk through that pooch, haven't we? Yeah, the British Accredited Registry, the BAR, is part of a foreign government. So, you know, no lawyer is supposed to be a part of that. Anyways, the practice of law was outlawed in this country until like the late forties when they felt like, okay, if we can open up schools, we can make a lot of money from this. And you know, there's no creature called a bar license or a law license. There's no creature, no such a creature. They have a certificate from the Bar Association, a private entity. This is like a little USDA stamp, isn't it? Yeah, yeah. Your agenda is approved and recommended. There's no requirement to have it. You can still use that toothbrush if it don't have it. Right. And the majority of these lawyers don't know what the hell they're doing. They can cure cancer when they're trying to get your money, they can cure cancer. But as soon as they get your money, they don't have a clue. And this is why there's so many ineffective assistance of counsel cases in criminal matters, because these lawyers, in order to draft a good motion, a good defensive motion, it takes you about eight hours of research and crafting and then going back and looking over again. There's just not enough hours in the day when these lawyers are chasing fifteen, twenty so when there's an attorney that has approximately forty five crime federal criminal cases on his uh on his account right now actively working that's probably too much isn't it that's a problem that that means that nobody's getting you know a good service for him and everybody is is going down and then the federal system defendants are dealing with by the way Yes. And you know, it's funny because I told a lot of the guys before I left, Kelly Maggs, I told them all, I said, listen, man, do not rely on your lawyers. You have those tablets in your hands, you know, get your tails in your room and start studying the law. Do not rely on these people or you're going to jail. And my lawyer is good. My lawyer is good. You know, Joseph McBride is my lawyer. He's an eggplant. You just got to recognize, you know, the position they're in, that they're trying to promote up. They're trying to get their name known. And the people above them are the ones that will pull them up the rung of the ladder. Who's, you know, who is that? Well, you're looking at the judges. You pissed off your judge. And now every time you walk in their courtroom, you're going to lose your case. Okay, now your name is mud and you fall off the ladder again. all together, which is everything you built up in your career field and going to school, moving your family, everything. And so you've got to look at that at the core. It's kind of like when you see a commercial touting a product, you got to look at who's paying for that. Okay. I mean, every time you see a candidate getting touted on the TV, look at who's paying for the political act. You've got to follow the money. When it comes to these lawyers, they're trying to move up the career ladder. And in order to do that, they can't make the judge mad, which means that you can't prove him wrong, which means that you can't win your case if they're part of the cabal and don't want the case won, which is what's going on with the January six defendants. Yes. And, you know, it's interesting that you say that. I know we have to wrap this up. But in the lawsuit that I have against the government, I actually had to file a judicial complaint against the judge here in Sherman, Texas. And yeah, I you know, in Sherman, Texas, it's predominantly red. You know, and what red is very, very, very critical. But it also has a bad history in Sherman, Texas. There's a lot of racism up there. That's right. This is up in my area. And the entire corridor on North Texas around Eighty-Two is very, very racist. In general. I'm not calling everyone there racist. Obviously, I'm not. So I'll probably get accused of it. I don't care. But I'm a pretty strict shooter. I actually had to file a judicial complaint against Judge Masson up there for racial bias. If you are a Black defendant in a civil case or you are a defendant suing the federal government, he's biased toward you. And one of the reasons that I filed is because the magistrate that he forced on us She actually signed the illegal warrants to allow the FBI to come to my home. She's not allowed to sign warrants for any place that's within the jurisdiction of the state. And so she had a conflict of interest. She had a vested interest to try to move the case in a certain direction because of her own liability. And so it was a now he's got some act right you know I filed a judicial complaint with the chief judge of the circuit over in new orleans and now things are looking different he's like oh you know I'm not I'm not afraid of him you know you're gonna do right you know you're gonna do right by me or I'm gonna set you on fire you know I don't mean that literally I mean I'm gonna set you I'm gonna pin on your butt and uh and now you know we're steady going because we filed for summary judgment against the government. They had already admitted that they did X, Y, and Z. So there's no more controversy. You know, you're supposed to get- So Troy, I just had a passing question. I'm really naive to this stuff. All the stuff that you have filed, all these civil suits, okay? Mm-hmm. Is it a plug and play? Could every January six defendant come in doing this? Well, when you're when you're if you're going to sue the like the D.C. police or whatever, then you have three year statute of limitations from the time that you are released or absolved of that liability to bring suit. Under the Federal Tort Claims Act, you have a strict two year window of liability or statute of limitations to file your ninety five. It's a four ninety five. And basically what this is, this is a claim that said, OK, government, your agency did X, Y, Z to me and you owe me for this X, Y, Z. And if you don't if you don't take care of this within one hundred and eighty days, I'm going to file suit on you. Okay, so hold up. That time stamp starts, say, all of us that get three years probation after all the other hell they put us through. On the last day of your probation, that's when that time stamp starts? No, ma'am. The time starts at the time of your, when you realize that they have harmed you. So at the point they beat down my door, the FBI agents come beating on my door with a tank on my handicap ramp. That's when I was supposed to do that? Yes, ma'am. So while you're still completely annihilated by the government, which is why it's been so hard for you. Yeah. And, you know, I go at them every day where a lot of the defendants are not going to be able to file a federal tort claims act. you can still file a suit against your sheriff for failing to protect. Okay, that's good to know. I hope a lot of J Sixers are watching this. I think it is really important that we start turning this around. And if we're really all in, we need to be really all in. So, and that's, I'm preaching to the choir on that one. So, Troy, I thank you so much. I am going to close this up. This has definitely been the most informative show we've had to date. I knew it would be. Um, it always comes at a different angle with you because I tend to, you know, you've got different personalities of people and I lean a lot on the emotional aspect. the relationship aspect. And you come in there with the legal side of things, knowing that constitution, knowing your rights and holding your ground. And, you know, I look at the hands and feet of Christ, right? We're supposed to be all things. And if I'm the hand, left hand, I'm sure glad you're the right hand. So yeah, if any... Before we get out of here, if anybody wants me to come speak, you know, just send an invite to Mr. Lisa. That's absolutely right. Absolutely right. Because he is a phenomenal speaker, as you see, very well educated. OK, well, let's close it up in prayer. Heavenly Father, thank you for this day, this time together. Thank you that that it takes all the members of the body to make us whole. Thank you that we've got Troy running as our brain in this January six movement. Father, I thank you for him. I thank you for all that he is doing that really bleeds down to all the January six defendants. And Father, I pray that you lead him and guide him, that you pivot him if he's headed in the wrong direction. And so I pray this for all January six defendants. Father, I pray for our nation that they would humble themselves at your feet. I pray for all of those sitting in prison that feel isolated and alone, that they're afraid, that they're being mistreated and malnourished. Father, I pray that you would come alongside them, that they would fill you in the most miraculous of ways that would put them in full submission of your authority while you take care of them. Father, I thank you for Donna and I raise her up to you that that she would take her guidance and ruling from you, that she would be a voice for you and use her platform to grow and minister to your people. I thank you for her that she has that insight and wisdom. And with all that said, Father, may you be glorified in all that we do. All this we ask in your name. Amen. Amen. All right. Well, I'll talk to you soon. And it was great. Thank you so much, Troy. We'll have you back on, I'm sure. All right. Have a good day, everybody. Bye-bye. Bye.