BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 10/9/2024 Liberty Essentials - Bill Mohr, Ralph & Karen

Published Oct. 9, 2024, 9 a.m.

9am Liberty Essentials - Bill Mohr, Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT Guy will be teaching the perspective on religion in government. This is a continuance of study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be learning together the relevance of current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Bill Mohr, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

good morning and welcome to brandenburg news network I am donna brandenburg and it's the ninth day of october twenty twenty four welcome to our show today um we have liberty essentials coming up with bill moore karen riveter and ralph the it guy but first I'm going to do a couple of news news items that I want to show you what's going on here as a uh um as a uh problem that we have in the war zone down there Hang on one second and I am going to, sorry guys, there you are. I'm playing with this a little bit because I'm learning how to do this a little bit differently. And I want to bring in a few news clips so that we can see what to focus on a little bit and or what I'm focusing on. That is, there we go. Now I got it right. That we can get outside of the headlines and actually hear what's going on. So apart from headline news, I wanted to bring this out this morning. This afternoon, the unmarked military-style helicopter flies into the local distribution area and rotor washes destroy supplies in Burnsville, North Carolina. Check this out. We went and hovered around looking for a bit, looking for what they thought where they could land. They got waved off, told not to land. Then they dipped down and performed a rotor wash, which seemed to be deliberate, and then flew off, destroying a lot of the staging area, harming people and destroying supplies. It was unmarked and unable to zoom in and see the persons who were in it, except that they were wearing masks. Ooh, and check this out. Forty minutes prior to this, two unmarked black SUVs running blue light rolled through. They could clearly see the supply set up. And look at what they did. They destroyed it. And then flew off. So there's the reality of what's been going on down there. FEMA has been turning people away that are trying to help. And now we've got a helicopter that comes in and destroys a supply area. What really is going on there? And then I want to read another thing that I got from a person who's on the ground there. And this comes to me through another friend. Local contact said that he personally witnessed multiple freezer trucks filled with bodies from floor to ceiling. They claim to be with the hospitals and we're going to identify them, but it may take weeks. to accurately get counts into line of the missing persons. Multiple areas with hundreds or thousands of missing or unknown. Some of the stories are pretty rough, I'm not going to lie, but people here are completely not trusting anyone from here and have run out FEMA and other government employees in many cases with physical violence when they try to assert their authority, respect meh authority. They're not buying into this. All the cops and deputies of our locals and have banded with the people, no hesitation. Our clinic is set up and we're in a sweet, super she-she area, Sugar Mountain, and using the local business for people to be treated. And my contact, who is a former Marine, jim bob yes that's his name is getting us four wheelers and side by sides to head into the back country currently it's around forty five degrees I'm gonna pass us out in my sleeping bag on the deck and we're going to get going in the next two hours so this is what's really going on down there guys there it appears that there's a un you know there's definitely an undeclared war going on so uh we're gonna we're gonna stay with us and get it trying to get news on the ground not just from the fake news media And then bring it out here. So with that said, morning, guys, on to Liberty Essentials. What's happening this morning? Morning. Good morning. Wednesday morning. Got a cup of coffee. Life's good, right? Life is good. Oh, man, we got all kinds of things in the private chat. We've got our. A Ralph video. We've got a Karen video. Let's see what we got here. I'm going to start out with a Ralph video in a minute. But I think that we have become the news because they have completely proven themselves to be incapable. You can disregard my video. It's the one I think is probably the one you just showed or something. Oh, no, it's the pilot turned away from a rescue. Okay. Okay. Let's bring this here and see what... By now, I have no doubt that most of you have heard about some manner of suspicious happenings in regard to the hurricane relief effort. Maybe you have heard about the bungled... But in the course of conducting yet another rescue, was told that if he flew back up the mountain, he would be arrested. And I've been getting calls in for folks with family and friends trying to conduct rescues and drop supplies and... He is not the only one facing these threats. Hang around for this one, guys. It is going to piss you off. I'm working harder than ever to provide for my family. So I think that, yeah, nice. Anytime they throw an ad in, I'm usually done with it right then and there. But I think that we can see what's happening. The government of the United States is at war with we the people. Not only are they not doing their jobs effectively, They literally are at war with we the people by sabotaging rescue efforts, among other things. And I really think that it should be, you know, we are all going to need to wake up to this. And we're all going to need to fight these criminals that are grabbing authority, which has not been granted to them. It's gone way past usurpation. This is a direct attack against us. the United States of America, against we the people. Yeah, and this is why it is so important that people understand, like our previous shows, people understand who the militia is and understand what their duties are. Because you do have a declared war in North Carolina, right? Whether people want to admit it or not, there is enough evidence out there, that's just one of, there are a couple of the videos, but there is enough evidence out there that The government has been threatening people who are only trying to help their neighbors, right? This is how far we've gotten in America to think that what we are commanded to do, as the Good Samaritan did, would become an illegal act by their own admission, right? There's no law against what anybody's trying to do down there. And it is important that as the people, they should be able to have access to their own helicopters, if they so choose, and even helicopters that were designed for military use. This is a prime example of that. You've got people coming in, destroying supplies that are needful for others' lives. or threatening the arrest of individuals who are trying to rescue and save people. This is the point where the people have to stand up and say, there is no more. You will not tamper with us. You will not arrest any of these men. And you have to put on the show of force because government is only known by its force. It has no other recluse salutary measures that they can show to the people. Government is a force, and the only thing it understands is a force. So unless the people are willing to put up that force against what is going on, you're going to see a lot of heartache. And everyone that is doing that regarding the government is going to be responsible and answer for every drop of blood that is spilt from any one of these individuals who are not able to be rescued. Well, let's go back to the masks because the masks mandates and such and the closures, that was like baby steps for waking up the American population. When things get real, it's going to come into a situation like this where they're threatening with arrest, even for this. I don't know why that helicopter pilot left that dad that was there because that's what he did. He left his son up on the mountain with the dad. He took the mom. and their children out. And then he had to go back and get his son and the The dad, he picked up his son, left the dad because they threatened to arrest him. Man, I'm going to tell you what, that would have been so worth it. Just go and pick him up and say, go ahead and arrest me. Your charges of crimes against humanity are mounting fast. And everyone that's taken part in this, they're not just guilty of small crimes. They're guilty of crimes against humanity. And that would require... a Nuremberg-type trial for these people that have decided to wage war against we the people, because that's exactly what's going on there. Those helicopter pilots, they should be the first ones, you know, some of the first ones that are being prosecuted for this. Donna, I shared in a chat, a second leak, it leads to a Facebook video. But that Facebook video is a follow-up report to the pilot that couldn't do the rescue. He opted to get his son and not the man because he was threatened with arrest and he was just trying to do what he thought was the right thing. But it really bothered him. And now he says if he could go back in time, he would have gone back and got the man. He feels really guilty, terribly guilty about it. I think in the moment he just didn't have the courage. But now he would. He might not have a lawful feeling about it and really comprehend his right to do what was right. But he he regretted it. But the husband did get out with a fire rescue team that had told the man to get him. They were able to he came down the mountain. He walked down, hiked down until where he saw them across the river and they got him out. And he and the wife are both extremely grateful to him for getting her. And they're like, they have no bad feelings. He should not feel guilty. They were very gracious about it. But when you're in a situation where there's people are going to make mistakes trying to navigate waters, there's no two ways about it. And so we can't come down on we the people for falling down on occasion because the brainwashing and the usurpations are so great, so I get that. But the point being is that we still have to talk about this so that we don't keep repeating these same mistakes. We're going to have to stop making these mistakes and stand on the rights given by God and tell them, you are not going to tell me what to do. Yeah, that's exactly it. When they become a clear violation of their oath, of the Constitution, of any laws that stand with the Constitution, then that is to be met by that phrase. It says, no, we're not having it. So beyond that, I don't know how many people listening actually understand weather manipulation and patterns and what they've been doing to our people. to our weather and storms and skies. But I mean, we could do that forever, right? But they are manipulating things in such a way to create disasters as well. There's also a lot of information coming out about what's going on in Asheville, about what's there and what they want out of it, right? That's a whole nother show you could do. But nonetheless, there's enough evidence out there to honestly believe that what is going on at least was helped along, engineered in such a way to create a larger disaster than what was not intended, but then what should have been, right? The other part of that is it's clear that by their own actions and threatening the arrest of people and keeping people out from helping, there's most definitely a back narrative to this, an agenda that they are going after. I don't think anybody can deny that. The question is, all through my life, we talked about FEMA. There were numerous hurricanes down south and some other things. In fact, my father during, what was that hurricane in Louisiana years and years ago? Katrina. Hurricane Katrina. My father was one of those that was taking down trailers and homes down to the people down there, right? They were actually being helped along by FEMA through many different companies that were bringing down trailers. I don't know what happened to the trailers. I just know that's what his job was, to get trailers down to people. However, in this case, you also have FEMA keeping people from helping. So as much as I believe that the government had set up FEMA with the guise of humanitarian help, What it's become now is very clear was not its possible intent then. And if you look in our Constitution, there is absolutely no delegated authority for the government to be in humanitarian help. There is no authority for FEMA to exist, let alone do what they're doing down in North Carolina, right? The people are responsible for helping the people, right? And when the government steps in and takes over that role, the people step back because they're already paying the government and the government is now, they're paying the government through taxation and now the government is stealing their money and using it for things that are not delegated to them, right? Yeah, so look at this. What is now Hurricane Milton went from an ordinary tropical depression at a one thousand five millibars with winds of thirty miles per hour Saturday morning to cat five monster at nine hundred and eleven millibars at one at one hundred seventy five miles per hour. It is now in roughly forty eight hours. It's unheard of. That is an increase in max sustained winds of one hundred and forty five miles per hour and a drop in pressure. of ninety millibars in just forty-eight hours. In the last twelve hours alone, we have seen a sixty-five millibar drop in pressure and an eighty-five mile per hour increase in maximum sustained winds. This is insanity. And there is a lot of proof out there. This is not normal or organically occurring. And no, this is not due to climate change. And this is what there's just a ton of people talking about. This is geoengineering at its finest. They're engineering this like nothing I've ever seen before. And I've been in amateur weather and nerd study hurricanes since I was eleven. They've got some big, big plans. Something big, big planned with this one, folks. And the Florida residents are leaving. We do have a son that's down there. And we talked him into driving north. The gas station's down in Florida are out of gas. I have a friend in Sarasota that, uh, that said, so, you know, Chris that comes on here, he's in Sarasota. He said all the gas stations are out of gas. In fact, I haven't been able to get ahold of Chris for a couple of days here because it's crazy down there. And, uh, to Karen's point earlier, there seems to be almost a dueling, uh, group of, of, uh, hurricanes going in opposite directions. It's really weird when you start looking at this. So, but back to the, it's going to take we, the people, because if they are creating these storms through geoengineering and then, then keeping people out to actually help, this is, this is absolutely murder. And, uh, It's mass murder on a scale that we can't even imagine. Yep. So there's a story about a man named Davy Crockett, right? This is very applicable to what's going on regarding the government trying to get in there and be the help, in this case, be under the guise of helping and, in fact, not. Davy Crockett was a congressman back in the early eighteen hundreds. A lot of us know the old stories with Davy Crockett, the frontiersman. And he was an incredible man to say the least. But I wanna read this out just a little bit. In the early eighteen hundreds, Congress was considering a bill to appropriate tax dollars for the widow of a distinguished Naval officer. This is a Naval officer who had died now, obviously. So several beautiful speeches had been made in support of this bill on the floor of Congress. It seemed that everyone in the House favored it. The Speaker of the House was just about to put the question to a vote when Davy Crockett, the famous frontiersman and then congressman from Tennessee, rose to his feet. This is what he said. But Mr. Speaker, I have as much respect for the memory of the deceased and as much sympathy for the suffering of the living as any man in this house. But we must not permit our respect for the dead or our sympathy for a part of the living to lead us into an act of injustice to the balance of the living. I will not go into an argument to prove that Congress has no power to appropriate this money as an act of charity. Every member upon this floor knows it. We have the right as individuals to give away as much of our own money as we please in charity. But as members of Congress, we have no right to so appropriate a single dollar of public money. Some eloquent appeals have been made to us upon the ground that it is a debt due to the deceased. Sir, this is no debt. We cannot, without the grossest corruption, appropriate this money as a payment of the debt. We have not the semblance of the authority to appropriate it as charity. I cannot vote for this bill, but I will give one week's pay. And if every member of Congress will do the same, it will amount to more than the bill asks. There was a silence on the floor of the house as Davy Crockett took his seat. When the bill was put to a vote, instead of passing unanimously as had been expected, it only received a few votes. The next day, a friend approached Crockett and asked why he spoke against the bill for such a worthy cause. In reply, Davy Crockett related the following story. Just a few years before, he had voted to spend twenty thousand dollars of public money to help the victims of a terrible fire in Georgetown. When the legislative session was over, Crockett made a trip back home to do some campaigning for re-election. Now understand, if they have the authority to take twenty thousand for humanitarian needs or for a charity purpose, then they can also have the authority to take twenty million. The amount is completely irrelevant, right? In his travels, he encountered one of his constituents, a man by the name of Horatio Bruce. This guy was very well known in his community and very highly respected. Mr. Bruce bluntly informed Davy Crockett, I voted for you last time, I shall not vote for you again. Crockett, feeling he had served his constituents well, was stunned. He inquired as to what he had done to so offend Mr. Bruce. Bruce replied, you gave a vote last winter which showed that you either have no capacity to understand the Constitution or that you are wanting in the honesty and firmness to be guided by it. The Constitution, to be worth anything, must be held sacred and rigidly observed in all of its provisions. I take the papers from Washington and read very carefully at the proceedings of Congress. My papers say that last winter you voted for a bill to appropriate twenty thousand dollars to some suffers by a fire. Well, Colonel, where do you find in the Constitution any authority to give away public money and charity? No, Colonel. Congress has no right to give charities that individual members may give as much of their own money as they please, but they have no right to touch a dollar of the public money for that purpose. The people have delegated to Congress by the Constitution the power to do certain things. To do these, it is authorized to collect and pay money and for nothing else. Everything beyond this is a usurpation and a violation of the Constitution." You have violated the Constitution in what I consider to be a vital point. It is precedent fraught with danger to the country. For when Congress once begins to stretch its powers beyond the limits of the Constitution, there is no limit to it and no security for the people. I could not answer him, said Crockett. I was so fully convinced that he was right. I said to him, well, my friend, you hit the nail upon the head when you said I had not sense enough to understand the Constitution. A repentant man, right? If you will forgive me and vote for me again, if I ever vote for another unconstitutional law, I wish to be shot, said Davy Crockett. After finishing the story, Crockett said, Now, sir, you may know why I made that speech yesterday. There is one thing now to which I will call your attention. You remember that I purposed to give a week's pay. There are in that house many very wealthy men, men who think nothing of spending a week's pay or a dozen of them for a dinner or a wine party when they have something to accomplish by it. Some of these same men made beautiful speeches upon the debt of gratitude which the country owed the deceased, yet not one of them responded to my proposition. Money with them is nothing but trash when it is to come out of the people." But it is one great thing for which most of them are striving, and many of them sacrifice honor, integrity, and justice to obtain it. This is the early eighteen hundreds, right? How much more of that do we see going on today, especially right now in North Carolina? It's amazing. That's incredible. And it encourages them to actually create these situations in order to siphon the money away. Be right back. Yeah, there was a, I'm not big on memes, but one thing I did appreciate is a meme going around locally that describes FEMA funneling emergency money to aliens. There's been some really good memes about that. Yeah, I do believe that's as close as you can get to that understanding. I have no idea, but how many thousands of employees do we have in FEMA that are being paid by tax dollars for humanitarian aid? Not one of them should receive a single penny from the public treasury. That was the point of the whole story, and yet they continue to send them and restrict the people from helping instead. I I'm, I'm telling you, it's disgusting in my mind. It is absolutely sick. What is going on? Um, and even worse. So, uh, but last, last week, I think I had talked about, uh, putting together a team and going down there. Uh, I've got several friends down there right now. One of them just got in, I think last night or the night before. Um, and he's got some pretty interesting stories going to come out, but, uh, But even trying to put together a team, I got from, I'm going to say the leader of the team, but the guy who was mainly helping put all this together, I got word from him, what was it, Wednesday? No, Saturday morning. We were all together. And he even made the comment, this was less than a week later after we announced this, but less than a week later he made the comment, I don't know if we're going to be able to put together a team to go down there. And I just shook my head in disbelief. I was like, we barely even talked about it. It was just the option to do so. And the lack of men involved. that actually have the courage and the willingness to sacrifice something of themselves to actually go do something good is incredible. And I believe that's one of the sole purposes for it is because they deem the government can take care of it, right? In fact, I hear a lot of men making those same types of prayers that one of which I heard last week was that They were praying that the government could actually get in there and do their job. And I just about laughed out loud. The government is very well doing their job. They're showing their force and seeing exactly what they're capable of. I'm from the government, and I'm here to help. That's right. That's right. What was that, eight words? Ronald Reagan said those are the worst eight words you can hear, something like that. Yeah, something like that. I don't know. So I'm still going to be down there, whether a single man goes with me or not. I'm resolved to do such a thing, and that's just the way it's going to be. Around the same time, since I've got to go there for something anyway, I'm going to plan on spending some more time down there. So if there's anybody who wants to go, I carry a twelve-passenger van around with me, so I've got plenty of seats. I could fill that puppy up and we could actually make waves down there. Can you put a horse trailer? We can pack everybody in a horse trailer like they used to do with the military at boot camp, right? Anything that it takes at this point. We all got to be willing to do something. I've had a lot of people that have actually messaged me and said, hey, you know, I'd like to donate for this. You know, where can I send you some money to help out with finances and such, you know? And I tell them, I was like, I don't need anything. I've been blessed with the funding to get this done, right? And I won't go into all the details, but I am perfectly capable of taking what I've been given and using it for that purpose. But there are people who are not so blessed, who are not in my position, that need that extra little bit of help. And there's many organizations out there doing it. And those are the people that need the help, right? And like I said, I've got a van. I can take anybody that wants to go in my area, right? Or on the way down, I'll pick anybody up. But I don't need people to donate. That's the best blessing there is. And that's the same point that Crockett was making to the Congress. Like you guys have the ability to do exactly what you're trying to do, but instead you want to use somebody else's money to do it. Go ahead. Sorry. Go ahead, Ralph. In regards to donating money versus donating your time, your time is way more valuable. We can't win with the money side of this because they have unlimited money. They laugh at our money. And I completely believe that you shouldn't donate your money to, like, political, necessary political things because they just raise money to raise money to raise money. And it's all about creating an industry by manipulating people to give away their money to things that aren't going to change. I mean, think about how much has not changed or has worsened So and the amount of money that gets donated to these political hacks and such hasn't changed a thing. The only thing that's going to work is when we put our our time into it and such. Well, and the other thing, too, is that if you're if you're working for a job, your income is, you know, if you're if you're doing any kind of work for an income, your income is a representation of the time that you put into something that. that income is then taxed and then you're donating it to some place so you're giving away forty percent of the time that you could have donated to somebody you're giving at least forty percent of that away to the government as a pass-through between the time that you spent and the equivalent time that you've donated Let's talk about that and expand that little effort right now because I was kind of thinking about something this morning. It's amazing how we end up going down paths that end up kind of like dovetailing into each other. How about the consumption that we have going on in the United States? If we cut our consumption, which is primarily the money is going to these multinational corporations and such, and learn to raise our own food and simplify our lives and such, That is one of the biggest things that could in fact make a difference. Yeah, in the early settlement era, when we were expanding to the West, right? Everybody ought to think about this at least once in their life, right? You expand out to the West where there are no established cities or towns, right? The men go out there, they build a homestead and together they build a town and then create together a civil body politic. Now, what did they do in the meantime? They didn't have businesses to go work at. Certainly, the majority of them did not work for somebody else for their money. The homesteading is the prime example of what America is capable of, what each individual... is capable of in their own capacity, and that is the ability to provide your own shelter, the ability to provide your own clothing, the ability to provide your own food, and the ability to have an abundance, if blessed so, to help somebody else up, whether that be to give it away or to actually sell it to whoever needs it. That is like the epitome of what the foundation was as we were moving out to the West. And it's incredible to think that where we have gone in that, Before we were talking, we were mentioning how homes are now being hooked as smart homes, devices being able to be controlled via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. You can change your thermostat from anywhere in the world, right? That's how far we've got at this point. Yeah. I look around now. Well, let me back this up a little bit. We went down to Mexico to help with a children's home. These are children that have either been abandoned, left on the street, or children that have been tied up with the cartels down there. Donna, you know very well what the Mexican cartels do to children. You've highlighted that before. This home was built by a group of individuals, several of which that I know personally. And we went down there to help one time. I did. My father used to go down there about every year. But I went down there to help one time while we were in the area. And it's incredible to see what they are capable of. And when you look at... what you would normally think as depraved in regards to housing and such, where people will build houses out of like skids and a couple pieces of tin, right? Just put a roof over their head and then take a family of twelve and sleep in an eight by eight area, sometimes smaller. This is what that was. And through the help of people who were willing to sacrifice their time and money, they now have a decent-sized structure and building and a church on site and food and cafeterias and rooms for each of these kids. And when I got back home from that, I looked at my own house and all the stuff that is around here. And I've got stuff that I just throw away because there's so much abundance and I don't need this stuff. And the luxuries that I see, I now began to despise because there are people that don't have that, right? That I can go and help out. And when you get to that point, you almost dread coming back into America Because our land of prosperity has been turned into a government that just takes from the people. They take their profits, take their livelihood, take their time. And the people have not stopped that to be able to give of themselves. Well, it also changes our focus. And you look at the idolatry that's going on around us towards people. There's a lot of idolatry towards people and wanting to be with people or around people that we view as successful. And it distracts us entirely from the invisible characteristics that we should be desiring and moves it into a material world. A material worship, you know, we're worshiping the golden calf. We've done it. We just we went right right into what they what they've done in the past again, just to look at that. And the the Marxists know exactly how how to manipulate us. to make it worse. It's like it's a virus. It's a demonic virus. It's a sickness. When that is what our whole focus of our life is, instead of focusing on other people and God and his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We can say we want God's kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. But the problem is, is that are we actually working towards that? Or are we working towards this individual Western type of a stuff mart mentality that, you know, that's like, give me more, give me more. And we're all guilty of it. All of us that are here are guilty of it to a certain degree. But that's one of those things that we really have to get rid of. And if we're going to go back to this biblical blueprint and looking at how They have co-opted the Christian Christianity, all the religions. They know how to co-opt them to get people to do crazy stuff. Right. And and use us for their as as a as a weapon of their warfare. So they they destroyed areas in in Central and South America. And liberation theory appeared as an intellectual force in the early seventies and is accelerated. It's the latest in a series of liberal theology movements that the communists have dominated. This time they have gained support of many apostate Roman Catholic priests. I'm going to say it's not just Roman Catholic, it's all of them. It is all of them. the different churches and the different denominations, which is demonic, you know, demonic nations is what they are. who never seem to get themselves excommunicated, a sign that the Roman Catholic Church is in deep, deep trouble and deepest in history. It's all over the place, guys. So a version of the liberation theory is found in this book simply as an extension of modern times of the Bible's message of salvation and covenantal faithfulness. Biblical liberation begins with liberation from sin in the life of each God-redeemed, brought-back individual. liberation doesn't end here but it must begin here without spiritual liberation from satan and sin there can be no long-term liberation from political and economic bondage and this is this is what we're talking about here is that we got to clean this we got to have god help clean this out of our lives if we want a government that is clean and is is uh working for the people individually, we need to turn ourselves around and make that commitment. We can't expect them to do what we can't do ourselves. And Jesus said, get the plank out of your own eye before you work on other people. And this also goes back to what we've heard a lot, local action equals national impact. If we work on a local action to ourselves and our families and our communities, that is the entire nation and the world would change. but it's got to start there. Yeah. Yep. That's important. And you, you touched on a topic that, uh, that I was actually studying out recently. Um, if you go back into, uh, judges, judges, chapter five, when it's talking about Deborah, uh, The biblical woman who was willing to run a spike through the head of a tyrant. I love that story. But in verse eight specifically, one of the things that she had said was that they chose new gods and then there was war in the gates. This whole coexist thing. I mean, regarding individuals, right? And I'm not one to say that... that an individual should be deprived of life just because they don't see things the same way. They don't believe the same thing, right? That's not me. However, we are a government of laws, right? One of which we've done a couple of shows on regarding the religious aspect of our foundations and of the founding fathers and throughout the state constitutions as well. And Judges five touches on that. When Americans allow other gods, other idols to come in and begin to accept that, well, what does that bring? That brings a whole other culture in as well. The people that choose to do such things and to infiltrate America and indoctrinate the posterity into believing something that is not, they are causing, or not causing, but they are amplifying the destruction that follows. She says, because of that, there was war in the gates. And we see that happening all the time. Even regarding the idolatrous state of government. I mentioned those prayers I was listening to people say, and it's It's almost like they worship the government in that sense, that somehow the government has this superior authority that they're not utilizing, in which the authority has never existed nor will ever exist here in America, except the people lay down and they strip the government and rewrite it into what they would like. I think there's this expectation of, well, the government is capable of doing what I can't do. Bill, I was one of those people that reached out to Bill and said, my church wants to participate. We don't know how. I've been thinking about going myself. I have training and experience that could help maybe in some way. I don't know how, but I kind of feel called to. Um, but that's the thing. Like I, I don't have a team to network with, you know, I don't have, I don't, I don't, I, I, I don't have, you know, that's what I keep thinking. And I know that's what a lot of other people think. Well, the military or the national guard, they're organized. They can access equipment that is needed. Well, what are the people doing? The men, especially who are there, they're saying, Hey, we need quads. We need chainsaws. We need large equipment. And that's coming because there are businesses that are donating. There are people that are donating. They're working together to get construction equipment down there to clear roads so that rescuers can get in and provide supplies. And everybody, I mean, there's, there's people that are doing laundry and, for the rescuers. This woman, she did a video. She says, if you see this strange woman waving you down and coming up to you and saying, can I do your laundry? That's me. It's okay. Everybody has a role to play. There's even kids that are writing messages of scripture or encouragement into free Bibles just to make sure that people have that sense of hope and faith. and so there there is a role to play for everyone I think that if you just go and try you'll find it but that's where america hasn't had that you don't know the strength that god gives you until you're called to do it and you actually pick up and do it and I think that's one of the things we're finding out we're learning all over again We're a really strong and resilient people, amazingly strong, resilient people, because God has blessed us with that ability. And especially if you go and put that to work, he's going to give you what you need. It may not be easy. It may be very hard. It may cause damage for you for the rest of your life to see what you're going to see going down there. But can you help your fellow man? Or are you going to sit on your butt and not do anything at all? That's the question. And America's got to figure it out. We got fires in Wyoming, hurricane and hurricanes in Florida. It, You never know what's going to happen in our own backyard in the next few months. It could be another sort of some kind of tragedy or disaster that you might be called upon in your own neighborhood to help somebody. And I'm not meaning like just a natural disaster or something very large, but it could be that somebody's house gets burned down or something. Are you going to pick up and do something or just say, well, the Red Cross will help them out? We know that there are sleeper cells all over the United States. The cabal is in every single state. And I'm going to say the cartels, the cartels are in every single state. If you have watched what these people are capable of. It will literally make your blood run cold to children, to adults. There's nothing that they're not capable of doing. But on the positive side, there are also sleeper cells, and we're seeing this down south right now. There are also sleeper cells of patriots that will get out there and help. Yes, absolutely. So I mean, but the point being is that we need more people to step up and be willing to defend your family, your neighbors, your community, the United States of America. And I brought this up because to your point, Bill, on the fact that other gods, listen, this is a Putin quote, if minorities prefer Sharia law, then we advise them to go to places where that's the state law. Russia does not need minorities, minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges or try to change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they yell discrimination, Vladimir Putin. Now, I got to tell you, I don't think he's that bad of a guy. I mean, he was blowing up the bio labs that our country set up on his border. And quite honestly, if Canada had done the same thing and set up those bio, well, it wasn't Canada, it's the United States that are setting these bio labs up. I think there's three hundred and twenty of them across the world that our country is guilty of participating in. And they want to talk about diversity. in a lot of this stuff. And the way that they're doing diversity is by homogenizing everything, not giving people the diversity of choice of like, for example, having differing state laws, where if people like a particular state's ideology, go to that state. That not having all of this federally dictated to all of the states, so everybody is exactly the same. and calling it diversity. It's controllability is what it is. Yeah. And one thing about Vladimir Putin, he is on the, on the new world order set, right? He, he has made that mention, but there are always people that will say correct measures, even though they, They are very evil people, right? Everybody can speak truth, and a lot of them do. You just look at American presidents throughout the past, right? Okay, that's enough. How many of us have actually read Brave New World? You read that one? I have not. Nope. Nope. Okay, Ralph, you just touched on that. That is what that entire book is based on. It is to... To destroy the diversity and try to make everybody the same in recognizing that the state is supreme. And doing so by indoctrination and chemically altering individuals at birth that they may have specific jobs or roles in society. That's how far Brave New World goes. In fact, I like... reading Brave New World even more so than Nineteen Eighty-Four. It touches on a lot of other things that Nineteen Eighty-Four does not. A lot more of what we're seeing today. So if you haven't read that, take a chance and read through it. You might absolutely hate it because there are a lot of things in there that seem really weird and off-base. But the more and more we see what's happening in the world today, the more and more that possibility actually exists. I just lost my thought. I was going to reply to something you said, Karen. Oh, one of the things that is not happening, right? We know that one of the powers of Congress is to... Come on now. To equip and discipline the militia, right? Organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia. And that the militia is actually called out to execute the law, suppress insurrections, repel invasions. What do we have going on in North Carolina? We have an invasion from the government, right? Now, the governor of North Carolina is Roy Cooper, right? He's part of the Democrat Party, but nonetheless, he's a governor. He's supposed to be representing the people and enforcing the laws. And what is he not doing? He is not repelling the invasion that is happening at a federal level. This is not an outside invasion. It's an inside invasion. I have a friend by the name of Tim Brown. He actually does morning show six days a week. And one of the things he starts out by saying is that he is from South Carolina. How does he word that now? The federally... federally controlled or federally invaded, something along those lines, the state of South Carolina, right? And he recognizes that that's in fact how it is right now, that the federal government has usurped the authority of the state. And this drives us all the way back to the mid-Eighteen Hundreds, right? Right after Davy Crockett, for instance. This all happened in the eighteen fifties, eighteen sixties during the War of the States and that has been continuing on since then. I'm not sure why after that time the people submitted to such a thing, but I can believe part of it was the fact that the South was so destroyed by the federally controlled armies of the North that it was just hard to rebuild. They had to accept something just to survive at that point, right? Those are just my thoughts on what was happening at the time. I really wish I could have been there to be a support for that, but not a support for the war, but rather a support for the good. But that is what we continue to see from the federal government, right? They will take everything they can. I said it earlier that the government is nothing but a force. That's all it understands. And by force, they will take everything they think is necessary, especially in this case for humanitarian aid. However, the state should be standing up, putting together the people and saying, no, you're out of here. We're not having it. We're going to handle this. Those who want to help, here's how to contact us. But you will not invade our state. It's as simple as that. And I have never seen, except for small groups of people in Texas that I know of, I have never seen anybody take it to that level. But that is exactly where we're at, that the federal government has to be put back in check. And the executive branch won't do it. The Congress definitely won't do it because we can see everything that they're doing. in violating the Constitution, and the Supreme Court certainly won't do it. They've made some good calls in the last couple of years. I'll admit to that. But overall, none of them will actually uphold the Constitution, nor the people's rights, nor the state's rights. So it is left to, what does the Tenth Amendment say? To the states or to the people, respectively. Which means if the state isn't going to do it, then we've got to do it. That's where the sole power lies. In Michigan, we have that perfect clause, Article I, Section I. What does it say? All power is inherent in the people. All political power is inherent in the people, which means we have the right in all political cases whatsoever to exercise authority. We created them. They did not create us. I've heard there are some sheriffs kicking FEMA out if they interfere with any kind of rescue efforts. So there are some at that level who are actually doing their job. That is really cool because that we haven't seen except for a couple, and there's only one in Michigan that I know of that has taken that kind of stance. That would be Darley, wouldn't it? Yeah. During your governor run, you talked about doing that extensively of kicking out people, federal agencies trying to assert authority unlawfully. ATF needs to be done. They know that needs to be abolished. All of the education organizations need to be abolished and return them to the parents and local control. There's teachers and parents that could decide what needs to be done or how they're going to do it in the local areas. The ATF needs to be out. I mean, you can go right down the list of the three-letter usurping traitor agencies because through Citizens United, they've all got rights as an individual, so let's treat them as such. And they need to be abolished because this has been so weaponized against us. Health and Human Services, Child Protective Services, all of these agencies have have proven to be incredibly incompetent and predatorial, as well as a total usurpation. Hang on a second. I got to look something up because I think I got a helicopter going overhead. Let me look. Yeah. You got to look at that sort of thing, right? You've got to absolutely look at, yeah, that's what it is. Hang on, let me see what we got here. I got to have situational awareness of your environment. Situational awareness. I got a helicopter overhead right now. It's not the first time that's happened during the show. It happened at my house once. Yeah, it happens a lot. Let's see what I got up overhead. I was like, Donna, I think there's a helicopter going over my house. It was circling around looking for a place to land. They did not rotor wash my property. but they land on a neighboring property because somebody had had an accident and they needed to be airlifted out. It's a Sikorsky Spectrum Health. It's a hospital helicopter. They sound like a Blackhawk. They really do. They're a little bit smaller, but you can usually hear them a mile away, miles away, probably twenty miles away sometimes if they really kick it in, just like the Chinooks and that sort of thing. You can you can hear them forever away. So I want to bring something up here that Ralph put up. This is on the weather manipulation again. They can weaponize it. They have been weaponizing it for a long time. Project Storm Fury was an attempt to weaken tropical cyclones by flying aircraft into them and seeding them with silver iodide. The project was run by the United States government from sixty two to eighty three. The hypothesis was that silver iodide could cause super cooled water. and the storms to freeze, disrupting the inner structure of the hurricane. So, guys, this has been going on for a very, very long time. And so, I mean, let's just look at, you know, almost seventy years of, well, sixty, sixty-five years or so that we have been, that they've been messing with this. And so you think that this is a new thing? No, it's just that we're not up to speed. And then we also have this one that is Operation Popeye. Project Controlled Weather Popeye Motor Pool Intermediary Compatriot was the military cloud seeding project that was carried by the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam War, sixty seven to seventy two. Seventy two that year. Seventy two. I'm going to tell you what. There's there was a fundamental change in the United States of America in nineteen seventy two. And it quit. It is the whole thing was completely coordinated, coordinated criminal conspiracy. Not only was it our money system, but there's other things that went with it in almost a comorbid event to to Take down the United States. Watch for that number. Watch for numbers for the year nineteen seventy two and see how many things fundamentally change in that year. It's incredible. Comorbid. That's a great word for that. Yeah, it is. It's comorbic because it's like a death to the United States. The report titled Rainmaking in SEASIA outlines the use of lead iodine, silver iodine deployed by aircraft in a program that was developed in California at Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake. Well, there's another big, deep, dark hole of all kinds of bad things in China. Allegedly sponsored by Kissinger. Yeah, there you go. And so it's all the chemical water modification program was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. And it was allegedly sponsored by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and the CIA without the authorization of then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, who had categorically denied to congress that a program for modification oh yeah what what there's nothing to see here everyone of weather for its use as tactical weapons ever exist nothing this was eventually weather modification for military purposes was uh later classified as a war crime but as the fat electrician likes to say it's never a war crime the first time yeah have you guys ever watched the fat electrician Is that another one of those things you have to be older to do? No. You are all children. All right, children. You have to learn from the master here, children, on what to look at. Because the fan electrician has got some wonderful videos that he's put out on military involvement. One of the funniest ones is the one that they did a beaver relocation. And it's absolutely hilarious how a bunch of guys in North Idaho decided to relocate a bunch of beavers that were destroying the town. And they were all ex-military. So they use their skills. So you can see what skills come in handy when there's no government oversight and you can get real creative real quick to solve a problem where the, the, the way that they were doing it from say organizations like FEMA, we're actually just killing the beavers. Okay. And so they actually took it upon themselves to here. Let me put a link up here a minute to actually do what Americans will do is get get in their respect for beavers and how they actually help areas. They literally relocated beavers. That's not the only thing that he writes. It's, it's incredibly, this guy is hilarious. And he has done videos on, oh my goodness, I've got to, let's see what's happening with this, on all kinds of military action And he's well worth the watch. A lot of you probably already know the name Desmond Doss. And even more of you would remember it if I reminded you that he was the first objector in World War II that refused to carry a weapon into combat, despite that he saved seventy-five men at Hacksaw Ridge as a medic. But what almost none of you have heard of is the experimental unit that he was a part of. Today we're talking about the Seventy-Seventh Infantry Division, aka the Old Bastards. Ladies and gentlemen, whether you realize it or not, we've all been exposed to the concept that you should never underestimate the old guy because sometimes he just might be a complete badass. We see it everywhere. There's memes and commonly held sayings all over the internet like youth and exuberance is no match for old age and treachery or beware an old Okay. And remember that that's also old women. So remember that children, old women, old men can truly be bad. The bad assery starts right there because we get past the caring stage and just want things to be right. Right. And the creativity of doing things and having complete contempt for idiocy in government. That is the, that is the origin point of bad assery in old bastards, right? Whether they're men or women. and in a profession where young men die. And if that wasn't enough, in pop culture and TV, there are characters in pretty much every show and every movie that are the embodiment of this sentiment, and they are more often than not the fan favorite that everybody loves. On Nickelodeon, a kid's channel, you see characters like Uncle Iroh and King Boomy. In anime, you see characters like Master Roshi. In more adult shows, you've got characters like Mike from Breaking Bad, Lloyd from Yellowstone, and sir baristan from game of thrones characters like this are everywhere in pop culture and they are catered to every age group because it is never too early to learn the simple concept of be careful because that old man just might wolf your ass it is absolutely his videos are absolutely hilarious I will put this in the in the chat so we don't get a strike on youtube here but but uh you you'll enjoy you'll enjoy his channels and And not only does it do a very, very good recount, he does a great recount of history in a very raw way that I like his straightforward approach. And there, it's in my Telegram channel. So there's a good, he's got a good one on a horse too named Reckless. And the story of Reckless is absolutely amazing and how this horse, absolutely saved so many lives and it was going into a bad area. I mean, this is actually applicable to what we're talking about, North Carolina and such. It is a horse that they picked up to carry ammunition and ordinance into battle. While he was being shot, this horse got awarded two Purple Hearts. And they smuggled this horse back into the United States because the troops would not abandon this horse because the horse had so many acts of heroism to save people. And the stories are just amazing. And then the commitment of people that actually serve together and won't let anybody be left behind, even if it was a horse. That's really a great story. The question was asked earlier as well. It's like, what can somebody do that doesn't see any way to help or any way to send money? While we were talking, this thought came to me. It's like, everybody can do something. Regarding North Carolina again, how many people have like a can of food in their cupboard. I bet almost everybody has a can of food to spare. And if you think about this in the most simplistic terms, a can of food might save the life of a child for several days. When we think about it in its most simple terms, that is... That is the littlest thing that somebody can actually do. But almost everybody can do it. I don't honestly know of a person that does not have a little can of food, except for several of the homeless down in Grand Rapids or such. We can talk about that at some other time. Well, and I think we've got to remember, too, that when we're preparing, I mean, this is going to happen, in my opinion, in every single community across the United States. Because the only way to get rid of the criminal enterprise is the whole thing has got to be cleaned out. And that means it's back to you and I, our families and our friends, the people we know. Do you have a preparedness plan for yourself, for your family, for your communities? Are you thinking I just need like six cans for myself to like to live on for a week? You're going to find yourself starving to death and in trouble because if this thing shuts down as evidenced by North Carolina or there's another tragedy in the area, it could be years later. before we see our way out of it. If the power grid goes down and we end up having to do a dark start or a black start, where are you going to get the power from? All they got to do is knock out nine critical infrastructure stations and the United States is done. And I mean, we're done for power because there's going to be a problem restarting it, even if we can't. And they haven't fried us with an EMP. We have to be taking this seriously, not only to help the people in North Carolina, but to have a years full of stuff saved up. Because you never know the people around you. If you're here, you're probably a little bit above the curve when it comes to knowing what's going on out there. Because you wouldn't stick with us if you weren't. But the point being is that those of us who are out there better realize that we're probably in the three percent range. that is taking this seriously, not just for ourselves, but the people around us, you better have a plan. Yeah, it's back to the early frontier days. right? That we talked about earlier. Everybody has to be responsible enough for their, their own safety, their own survival. Um, it's not government's job and it certainly isn't your neighbor's job. However, uh, each, everybody should be watching out for their neighbor. Uh, we, I've mentioned it before. We live in a very small community up here, right? There's a lot smaller, but we only have forty seven hundred people and a little bitty village. Um, But we have a group, right? We have a network of people that are capable of doing certain things. We're setting up our own defense mechanism. for the township, right? We're setting up our, and I'm not talking about just individuals. I'm talking about an actual township. We're talking about this where very few actually are as to what happens if we have to go this route. We have to be able to be self-sustaining. The moment you rely on somebody else to provide something that you need, that somebody controls you, right? If we are capable of providing for ourselves, there is nobody that wields a sword over us. It is impossible for somebody to say, do this or I'm going to make you hurt in this way. And that part of it is making us dependent on them. Yeah, you can do whatever you want, guy. I'm not going to back down. I'm not going to. I'm not going to be the guy that, that cowers because, uh, I can't do something or else I will lose some aspect of my life. So there are things that are still wielded over me, right? That I have subjected myself to in all honesty. Yes. Uh, I think each one of us has those few things. However, push comes to shove. You want to pull those? So be it. Uh, I'm not going to compromise on principle. I'm not going to compromise on just or what's right or the law based on somebody else's opinion or somebody else's agenda that they want to push that may or may not affect my life. There is no compromise. And when we understand that principle as Americans, We all band together based on principle, not opinions, but based on principle, and Americans are capable of getting anything done they put their mind to. Look at it. Look at what it was in the early sixteen hundreds throughout the foundation. Look at the revolution that happened to separate ourselves from a tyrant who wouldn't be ruled by God. Look at how far the states have progressed in their understanding and in their power and in their scope of authority. And also look at how the federal government has progressed in its power and authority, right? Because we've left off that measure. We've allowed it to happen. And now we reap that consequence. But there are few people, right, and I know a lot of them, but there are few people who will stand there and say, I don't care about what happens to this. I don't care what it's possible for them to do. I'm going to remain here, and I'm going to stand this ground, and I'm going to stand in the gap of somebody who may or may not be able to. There you go. There's a satellite image of Milton. And I think that's kind of amazing. Look at the force there. U.S. Stratcom has changed their HFGCS call sign from home team to game time. Interesting. Sorry to get off topic there, but I just... got caught up with the shiny thing, but. Well, that's all right. I've got a crew that's working that I got to get to here pretty soon, so. Well, why don't we go to prayers this morning, and Bill, would you say the prayer this morning? Sure. Okay. Father, again, we thank you for this day. We thank you for the ability to come together, Father, even though it would be virtually, we're still able to with each other, Father, and be able to get information out that people may not be aware of or that may not understand, Father, or maybe encourage somebody to actually step up and join with us or join with somebody who's actually making a difference, not for the world, but for your kingdom alone. And, Father, I would not only pray for the protection of those down in this hurricane, but also that you would strengthen men and call them out, Father, men and women that would stand and be willing to take part to make a difference, to not only help protect and serve the community, Father, but to protect life in general. We have so much going on. There's an unending amount of stress that anybody can be caught up in. We ask for clarity of mind. We ask for power, for peace, Father. We know that you've overcome the world and that you've granted each one of us to overcome it as well. For us to come by it, it is something that we have left off, that we have not done or partaken. I ask that you would clear the way, Father, eliminate the idols in our life, the transgressions that we may have possessed or retained. Clear those out of the way, Father, that we can actually stand up and stand in the gap, if not for ourselves, but for somebody else under your authority and your power. I ask all these things in Jesus' name. Amen. Thank you so very much. Last words, guys? Well, we can all do it. Go ahead. Find your role to play. You know, I've been trying to figure out what that is for me. And I said, well, for right now. When I was down for the count for a couple of days, I spent more time looking around at what was going on elsewhere and just sharing it. That was my role to play for the time being. So I wasn't just not doing anything. I was doing something. And I'm also looking around in Michigan. Is there going to be a need here? Maybe that's why I haven't found a need somewhere else. Find a role to play. Think about what your skill levels are, where your resources are. What has God blessed you with that you can share with other people? There are people who have some land or have some space in a barn that are saying, hey, bring your horses here. I'm only an hour from North Carolina. Yeah. They just have a willingness, and that's a great place to start. Yeah, and I actually wrote a song that I'll have to bring up at some point. It's called Faith of Words, based on James II, where it says, What does it profit if a brother or sister be naked or destitute of daily food? And we say... For instance, if we just pray for them and say, hey, depart in peace, be warmed and filled, right? Make sure that you're taken care of. But we don't give them the things that are needful to their body, right? What does it profit? It's faith without works, and it's dead. It's as simple as that. If you're not willing to stand up and do anything to help out a brother or sister in need, you might want to reexamine where your faith actually lies. Ralph, I think looking at this, this is exactly the kind of thing that we advocate, you know, doing preparedness stuff for is that you get in a situation like this. Not only can you help, but you can try to be less of a burden on the other people around that are helping, too. Not that I'm not that I'm saying, you know, blame any of these people for this, but it's something for all of us to learn from that this kind of thing happens. It's not, you know, Don't just prepare for the end of civilization as we know it. Be prepared for any kind of a natural disaster or an unnatural disaster so that you can jump in and help. Well said. Well, guys, thanks for coming on today. And there's a lot going on trying to, you know, keep people in, you know, informed of what's really going on on the ground I think that's really important but also to moderate that with what we are supposed to be doing and keeping our eyes on God and realizing that he's allowing all this to happen there's a reason for it we may not understand the plan he's got one but um you know the fact is is that every single one of us is going to die it's part of life and uh it's not, in my opinion, uh, you know, we've suffered a lot of loss around here, but it's not the biggest tragedy in the whole world. The biggest tragedy is the destruction of a human soul and the eternal separation from God. So to keep ourselves in that, in that, um, right mind and not focus on the things of this world, because what we should be focusing on is, is God and fighting for his kingdom here. And, uh, You know, get in your Bible, read your Bible and see what God is saying to you. Try to listen to him and pray and getting close to him. And the only way you can really do that is by forgiveness of your sins through Jesus Christ. You really have to turn to Jesus. And unfortunately, the world has done such a hit job, a character assassination, on God and on Jesus that people don't even know. Really, if you're a Christian, you've got to step up and talk about what this actually means. And do you know what this means? Do you know what salvation in Christ means? Do you understand your sins being wiped away as if they never even happened? And walking that life with God trying to do your best. You're not going to be perfect. There's no perfection here. We're not in a piety contest with anybody. But walking with him as he is the perfecter of our faith and doing what we need to do. Love isn't a feeling. It's an action. And sometimes even the most loving thing is when somebody tells you you're on the wrong path. and doesn't let you crash on the rocks. It's a very hard thing to be told when we're wrong, because we think we're right. We're all the heroes of our own story. But the reality is, is there's one hero. And even what we think about ourselves or what we're doing, the only authority on that is God himself. And we have to listen to him because he'll keep us on the straight and narrow. He keeps us moving down that path the way that we're supposed to be, because we'll put ourselves out in the weeds, every single one of us. And so the reliance on God every day to keep us walking on that straight path without the distractions of shiny things. We all do it. I do it. Everybody does it. We're human beings. There's only one perfect, and that's God. And Jesus Christ was the only perfect one that ever lived a perfect life. And he didn't throw a stone. He was there to help and tell people the truth about what was going on, as well as walking away from things that are sinful. God makes it pretty, pretty clear that those things are going to lead to our own destruction. Sin always leads to our own destruction and the destruction of those around us. And it's important to remember on an individual basis that we've got to confront that within ourselves, not just in society and say, look at what they're doing wrong or they're doing wrong or they're doing wrong. The government's all wrong. It starts with us and an individual decision, um, to, uh, to, uh, to evaluate things and to be real honest with ourselves. It doesn't mean that you're a bad person or you're a worthless person or anything like that. You're a human being, and God's been really clear on outlining what that means. So I think that there's your mom words today, and the mom words go back to mom too, and every one of us needs to be walking together to help each other. In the Bible, when Noah fell asleep, in his tent, he was drunk in his tent, right? We can go into that for a longer explanation. The son that came in, Ham came in and made fun of him and told everyone what he had done, pointed it out, told everyone. The sons that loved him walked in backwards and wouldn't even look upon his nakedness. and covered them. The true test of love is, do you lay people out in their own weakness? Now, I'm going to clarify this as being a human being, or do you step in there and help lead them into a better plan for their lives, right? That there's a question on how we handle things. Now, there are people that are absolutely breaking the law, and the Bible is clear on this too, There is law there. It's a fundamental basis. There's a standard there. And when we see people doing these horrible things that are happening in the cartels and such, there is a standard that most people couldn't even handle if they had to look at it and see what they're actually capable of. It is horrible. But when we kick God out, that standard is completely gone. And it goes to a depth of depravity that we can't even see until we're already down the road in a situation that it's almost unrecoverable for. So our protection is a standing next to God and talking to him, inviting him into every part of our life and telling him, you know, we want you to be leading us. We want to be one nation under God. And we want you to help us out of this because we've created a terrible mess here. And the only way out of it when we create the mess is to invite God in. So with that said, go to The best non-conceiver is not conceited in the history of the United States of America. And I want a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, about this at some point in time. God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Remember, God is calling his people out to step forward. Step forward with boldness, no fear. And let's be a force on this world against this evil that's standing here and stand up for the things that are good and God's good purposes. Have a great day. And if you don't have a good example, be one.