BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/4/2024 Liberty Essentials, Mark Cook &J6ers Jalise/Burlew

Published Sept. 4, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT Guy will be teaching the perspective on religion in government. This is a continuance of study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be learning together the relevance of current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. 10am Mark Cook will be discussing the process for handcounting paper ballots. Our Current Mission: Ensure that our elections accurately and verifiably represent the will of the people. Our Goal: Personal visits to counties to educate and offer advice to help fortify the security, accuracy, and verifiability of each County’s upcoming Election. At Each County: Public Election Integrity Briefing to explain the Election Ecosystem, Vulnerabilities, and both Short and Long Term Mitigation Meetings with local Grass Roots, Election Officials, Commissioners, Sheriffs, and other Countywide and City officials to answer questions and provide suggestions on paths to reclaiming county control and securing their elections Recruiting Citizens committed to working the elections 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Brandy Burlew is a homeschool mom, a homesteader, a master gardener, an accountant, a singer, and currently working on writing a book, in an herbalism certification program and a naturopathic practioner program. Before January 6th, she had a sizeable accounting practice of her own that she had since she was 25 and a landscaping/ garden center business that she had with her first husband and biological father to her three children. He passed tragically in a car wreck in May of 2019. She still has a few accounting clients she does things for, but J6 really took a toll on her income. Brandy has 3 biological children and she is the wife to January 6th Defendant, Benjamen Burlew, a decorated former Army Ranger, who is 100% Permanently and Totally disabled due to his service to our country. Ben and Brandy married in Oct of 2019. Brandy is Ben's full-time caregiver due to his disabilities when he is home. He is currently detained in DC. The federal government took Ben away from his family just 1 day after the 5 year anniversary of Brandy's first husband's passing. Brandy's passion is to serve her Lord and Savior and to be a shining light into the darkness we are facing. Her faith in God is what has kept her going through all of the tragedy she's experienced in her life and what has allowed her to keep a positive outlook in the current situation our country is in. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Karen the Riveter, Ralph the IT Guy, Jalise Middleton, Brandy Burlew

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it is the fourth day of September, twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show today. First hour, we have Liberty Essentials with Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT guy. Bill Moore, unfortunately, isn't able to be here today. And everybody, keep him in your prayers because they had someone very close to them that lost a twenty six week old child. And so so they're going to a funeral for that today. But he'll be back. And then the second hour is Mark Cook with let's see, it's Hand Count Roadshow. So he's going around the United States teaching people how to do hand counting paper ballots. And then the eleven o'clock is a Jay Sixers Political Prisoners in America with Jaleese Middleton. And we have Brandy Berlew with us today. I think it's going to be fun to talk. You know, everybody needs to get their stories out. And quite honestly, I'm very interested in talking to just average everyday Americans, honestly, more so than the audience builders for the most part. And I and I very much enjoy the people who have had their voices silenced, which is why I love talking to my buddies here, Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT guy. How are you guys doing this morning? Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. What's happening? I'm still recovering from my yellow jacket stings from like two days ago. Driving me crazy. I don't know if you can see this really well, but one of the stings I got was right here. Oh. It's actually improved markedly because my whole hand was swollen up. So I'm learning new tricks to deal with honeybee stings when they breach the bee suit. And just a shout out to Cognitive Carbon, Eric, my bee coachies there. He was like, I think we should put some more smoke on these bees. And I'm like, nah, it's good. It's late. It's dark. They're not flying. Well, the problem is he gets to smirk about this, right? He's like, okay. So I put my hands in there and I'm pulling things out. Well, what I didn't realize is after dark, they crawl and they burrow and they breach the suit by going underneath, you know, the hems and such. So I'm like radically trying to get these bees calm down because I've got bees in the suit and they're going around my head, they're in my hair and everything. And then trying to take a bee suit off when you've got bees crawling all over you inside a suit is... is worthy of a comedy routine in a movie at some point in time, quite honestly. Sounds to me like a job for duct tape. Yeah, something like that. Or just getting smarter and putting more smoke on the bees, like Eric said. So he's got one on me for that one. So it had a different effect on you than it did on him, based on what I read in his article in your description. How so? What do you see different? Because he had that anti-inflammatory positive effect. Yes. And that was not the case with you. Well, I think actually he did swell up with it kind of like I did. I think the net result of it still was that he saw some positive effects from it. And I think that I'm going to wait and see. The jury's out on this. I used to know an old guy that he would sting himself with honeybees three times in the fall. It's called apitherapy or apitherapy. And he said that it got rid of his arthritis. And I know of a couple of doctors that do that. One of them is in Minnesota. His wife had MS and he tried it with her. And so he was doing bee sting therapy on his wife and it actually it actually got rid of the MS. So there's some properties that that bugs as the bugs have, such as the bee sting and such. that apparently has the ability to destroy scar tissue. And in Eric's case, actually kind of got rid of his asthma. He didn't have to take his meds for a while, which I think is pretty amazing. He goes, I think the next time we go out there, I'm going to take a glove off and get a couple more bee stings. So we'll see. We're going to be experimenting with bee stings and all other sorts of crazy stuff because, of course, it's us and we've got to. Honeybees are just cool to watch, too. Well, I'll tell you what, I have no inclination. I don't mind honeybees. In fact, I've been out in greenhouses and gardens and seen bees around and they're not causing me to panic. But I do not feel the same way about yellow jackets. So did you swell up from the yellow jackets? No, I didn't swell, but... I had a psychological effect because of a previous incident in the same area, which I did not anticipate. And the other factor is I'm itching. I've got one on my belly and one behind my wrist. I was wearing gloves because I was pulling up wild raspberry. I'm still gardening. I've got some plants that need to get into the ground from some perennial flowering plants. And there was some raspberry that kind of grew wild and I was pulling some up and I told my husband, you're going to get the last of it. There's just like one part left. You're going to finish that off. Well, he being the protective masculine male that he is, he went out with some spray later and found those suckers in the ground. So I don't have to deal with that. And nobody else does. But I don't know if it was the same one that got me twice or not. I had no idea. I just left quickly. And when he went out, he said they were swarming. I hit a swarm and I didn't know it. Yolo jackets are annoyingly aggressive, too. They were building masks in our horse gates this year. So for about three weeks there, we were going out there with wasp spray, trying to spray the little drainage holes in the horse gates, the metal horse gates. And every once in a while you'd go out there and I'd grab a gate and open a gate or something. And all of a sudden a whole bunch of, of those yellow jacks that come out. Now, when I get stung by those, I don't get a reaction. And it's like, you know, it's no, no reaction. It's like, to me, it's like, oh, okay. I got stung, big deal, flick it away and I'm done. But the honeybees too, I, I didn't, the stings itself didn't really bother me. They're really not that big of a deal to get stung as far as pain wise. It's like, okay, big deal. Right. I've been kicked by a horse. I mean, there's just no comparison there, you know, as a bee sting. But it was the swelling after the fact. So I got to get better at figuring out how to get rid of the reaction from it. You ever see cicada killer wasps? Those things are terrifying if you don't know what they are, but they're really cool. They look like about the largest wasp you've ever seen. And they're evidently quite docile and friendly. And they pretty much just go after cicadas. They don't really sting people like hardly ever. And we'll even let people carry them around. I'm going to show you guys something that's kind of cool here. We had, I had to add the screen a minute to see if I can find it. It's really weird to try to go back and find stuff from my Telegram channel. Because I think I still hurt from the yellow jacket, but it's mostly because of the itch. I'm itching incessantly to get in. It hurts because I itch. But the first day I hurt like well into the evening, I hurt from the sting. So it really it packs a punch on me and and it. I knew exactly where the baking soda was, so I grabbed baking soda and water and put that on it immediately. Yeah, I think that photo's great. I don't remember if I showed you guys that before, but that's the difference between this is the first of the year honey, and this is after you take the feeder off. and they're scavenging. You get a darker, richer honey. They're both good, but that's the process. So this was the first extraction we did on honey. This is the second extraction. And we probably got, I'm going to guess, we're about... sixty five pounds of honey this year. But but we're just starting those three hives up. So next year it'll be one hundred fifty pounds per honey for the three hives we have. And then I'm going to start four more next year. So each one of those will produce about twenty pounds next year. And then the three older ones will be one hundred fifty. And the following year it'll be about one hundred fifty pounds per hive, maybe more because they're really doing quite well. So we'll be about a thousand pounds of honey a year that we'll be able to produce from those seven hives. So one of the suggestions that Dr. David had a while back for a thing to have on hand is Benadryl cream. I don't know if that would help or not. Did me. Yeah, I don't know. I might have some and I haven't tried it. I've been using histaminum, which is a remedy, a homeopathic remedy. And I had some Apis that I got both on board almost immediately. Okay. Um, both of those are for apis is a good one for insect bites and stings. Apis. I've never heard of that one. You know, for, uh, for just general allergy purposes, but the only herbal, uh, remedy that I've found that actually, that actually seems to work pretty well for me is one called histoblock. Um, and, uh, yeah, that one, I've even tested that against Benadryl on, on things that I know I'm allergic to. And it, I've tried a lot of different herbal remedies. That's about the only one that I've found that actually works. Sorry guys. Are you there? Yep. Yeah. Okay. Got to show you one more farming thing, then we'll go into political nuttiness for the day and other things that we're talking about for Liberty Essentials. But this is a great way to start the day out skunk herding without getting sprayed. This is called skunk herding. I just made that term up, okay? It's not a real thing. So this skunk, we caught a skunk in a live trap because we try to catch the skunks and the possums because they eat chickens, right? And so we got this guy, this guy was caught in a live trap. And that's one of my sons. He let him out and the skunk ran directly into the garden, which is fenced. As he's running past his, his lunch options, which is all the chickens. I noticed that they were very alert. Like skunk marauder coming. Here we go. So. Leb said, I use histamonium too. Works great. What? It's called histamonium. And she said histamonium. I think that's incorrect. It's H-I-S-T-A-M-O-N-I-U-M. Okay. So I'm not familiar with either of those. So six of one, half a dozen of the other. So what are we talking about here, boys and girls? We're talking about for Liberty Essentials today. What do we want to talk about? We've got a topic. Well, the first topic I threw out at you was the SAVE Act. So what that is, Congress wants to pass a budget so they can keep the government operating through the election, which, you know, that's kind of an important thing. Sort of. Like everything else. Okay. I don't know about that. Anytime that they've let that lapse, I haven't considered that much of a bad thing, really. Right. Not at all. They could go away. None of us are missing at all. It'd be like a market improvement on the nation. It's like, shut her down. You ever notice how they shut down things that affect people on a daily basis? Like, you know, they'll shut down the library, they'll shut down, like, the park system and that sort of thing. But they sure as heck keep the experiments of shrimp on a treadmill going or some other nonsense of money laundering. Yes. Love it. Not only do they shut down the parks when they do that, then they post guards to keep people out of the parks because, you know, if they just shut them down, if they just, you know, pulled out all of the active... maintenance of the parks, people would just kind of take care of the parks themselves for a large extent and they'd keep enjoying them. So we got to stop that nonsense. I don't know how that's even working so much because a normal security person that works, say like in the Capitol is about four hundred thousand dollars a year. Bing. Everybody goes, really, Donna? Bing. Yes, it is. They they're they're well, the security people, private security of the security for for, you Our public functionary thieves is about four hundred thousand dollars a year. So I want to know how this is saving us any money. If they've got to post guards at the at the the the parks on the park system, keep people out, you know, as they loot and plunder our natural resources from the DNR and the mineral rights and the logging rights. I hate these guys. I just hate them. You know, it's a great theater. So I digress. Go ahead, Karen. Yeah, I shouldn't have said it was a good thing. I apologize. I think from the public's perspective, that's the way they're like, this is something that has to happen. Well, they want to put a rider on it, which they often do when They want to pass something that might be controversial, but the other thing is essential. The main idea is to them. Okay. Essential. So they want to put a rider on it that only citizens can vote. So you have to prove citizenship to vote. Well, this is already the case, technically speaking. You have to be an American to vote to cast your ballot in a federal-level election. It's already in place. You can't, if you're an undocumented, illegal immigrant, you're not supposed to be allowed to cast a ballot. But they want to put it in another term with this rider. It's already passed the House. Democrats generally oppose it. And so it becomes a narrative of, well, the Democrats want the illegals to vote, so we should want this. But like a lot of things, it's a great opportunity to look closer at what it really means. I have heard and I posted, I didn't see anything that Trump has posted, put out, spoken about, but Jack Posobiec said that Trump supports the SAFE Act. So he is saying, yes, we need to add that to the let's not shut down the government bill. we need to make sure that undocumented illegals can't, but you have to prove citizenship. So then we need to go into an effort to define what they're going to say. And technically in that bill, they should have a definition for citizen or citizenship and then define how you're going to prove that. And so my question is, what exactly is that? Um, It might be a great idea. It may be a terrible idea. But and then so why is Trump supporting it? Is he prompting us to think for ourselves as he did with his promotion of the shots or the mail-in ballots, which is the other topic that we can go to? Yeah. When Trump is promoting something that makes you go, hmm, well then let's go, hmm, maybe he knows exactly what he's talking about and we should support it, even if it doesn't seem like the right thing, or maybe we should actually be in stern opposition to it. If citizenship means that in order to vote, you have to prove that you are an American by way of a birth certificate and or Social Security card and or a driver's license, let's say, in the state of Michigan. I don't want that to be the proof of citizenship because all of those documents are unlawful. And a lot of parents are not doing birth certificates and Social Security on their children when they're born. They're preventing that from happening. So what are they going to do then if that is the requirement? This is going to potentially shut out a lot of lawful Americans from being able to vote. Well, the Secretary of State gives voter registration cards to any illegal that as they register, at the Secretary of State for whatever. This is what's happening in Michigan. We've got such a problem here. You actually gave me a really good segue here. Let me play this a minute on the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, who we will fight for his rights because they were deprived until Christ comes back or this thing is righted. This is the way it's going to be. Because when they attack one of us, they attack all of us. I like RFK Jr. I like him a lot. I'm going to tell you that. I don't agree with all of his stuff, but I don't agree with anything anybody believes, one hundred percent. And that's the way it's supposed to work, right? We're supposed to be able to agree to disagree on some things, but still work together. But listen to what he has to say. If President Trump wins, people are going to see very different. person uh and I've known him for you know thirty years I've sued him I've litigated against him and and had a friendship with him even when I was litigating against him and by the way successfully against him but I I think he is um he's focused on his legacy he said many interesting things to me about what he did wrong the last time about how He had no idea he was going to win. He had no idea how to govern. And people descended on him the day that he got elected and said, you've got to appoint this guy, appoint this guy. And he said, you know, I appointed a lot of people I shouldn't have appointed. I know who they are now. Well, and I'm going to go back to the fact that I really think that President Trump knew quite a bit about Gideon, and he was more about working with those elements within our government to bring forth and expose the bad guys. I really do. I don't think he walked in there like an idiot. You don't walk in there and have the success that he has and not know what's going on. That would be a great story. And I think a lot of people want to grab onto it because it makes them feel better about things. But the reality is he knew what he was getting into. There's no two ways about it. I ran for governor of the state of Michigan and I had people come here that were honest, telling me exactly what I was getting into. and what what it was gonna what it was gonna look like and uh and I'm an I'm like a nothing nobody you know it's like why would they even spend the time telling me this right he's he's in as president of the united states and he was running a very large campaign with a lot of people that were working with him where it was me and I had some fabulous fabulous supporters there's there's no two ways about it but they weren't the big dollar supporters they weren't the the, you know, they were everyday Americans like we are, right? Which is the preferable way to do it. But he knew what he was getting in there. It wasn't like he just, you know, decided to walk off the, you know, walk out of the elevator one day and bam, you know, I guess I'm going to be president of the United States with no knowledge of this. He was in large construction projects in New York. He had been involved in politics for a very long time. His best friend was JFK Jr. So he knew what he was getting into and he knew about the swamp. So the explanation for it is that he was there and there was a plan and the plan was to expose the bad guys. I can't really accept anything else other than that because I do think that they knew exactly what they were doing. Too much evidence of good guys working behind the scenes and you got to be a little bit out of touch if you can't see it. Yep. So to go back to the citizenship topic, I kind of think, you know, we've already got methods of proving not necessarily citizenship so much as nationality, because there is a slight difference and not much of a difference for most modern practical purposes. But we've already got methods of determining that for issuing, say, a passport. that those criteria are already agreed upon both by us as well as internationally to be sufficient to prove that someone is from the country that their passport says they are. And a lot of those same requirements have also been integrated into the driver's license real ID program. which I am not a fan of that program. I disagree with that entirely because I think it tends to, it puts us on a track for a national ID system, which I am opposed to because I think it infringes on something that should be the responsibility of the states. However, we've already got systems in place for investigating whether someone should be granted the privileges of citizenship. And whether that's whatever documents you need to be able to prove that if that system is flawed, then basically, I guess my point is, is that if the entire concept of citizenship is flawed, that says that process is flawed as well. And both need to be be fixed. But either way, something that shows a distinction between legal citizens with both the rights and responsibilities of being a part of our country, as well as something that shows the distinction between that and people who are visiting here or on just a visa or here illegally. there needs to be some method of being able to distinguish that for the purposes of being able to vote. Well, and I'm going to throw something out there that's going to be like throwing a bomb in the middle of the table here, right? I think anybody that comes into this nation illegally at any point in time needs to be disqualified from ever voting in an American election. if they, if they want to come into the United States and they do want to want to immigrate in here at the legal way, that's another story altogether. But it's, it's too easy to, you know, it's like everything is a slippery slope. And once you have concessions on one thing, you may, you end up making them down the line and then people, people start drawing lines based on what they want to gain out of a situation. But I, and I understand that our immigration system sucks right now. They, they let people in and then they give them appointments and then it's like, twenty years while they're building a life to figure out how to how to get their citizenship resolved, okay? But there are ways that people can come here on a visa. There are ways that people can come here legally to work within our system that helps put a check on that, on using that as an excuse for invasion. So I really am a fan. If somebody wants to educate me in a different way, maybe I don't know all the... ins and outs of this. But personally, from where I sit, I think anybody comes in here illegally should not be allowed to vote ever. To your point about the broken immigration system, look at the way that, for example, Ellis Island worked. Basically, they did the full process right there to permanently change someone's nationality and make them a legal citizen with all of the rights and responsibilities conferred therein. However, they didn't even have the benefit that we do now of having surveilled every bit of communications that has gone on in the entire world, which shouldn't have happened, but we have those tools. So why does it take twenty years to do something that used to be done without near as many of the modern tools in a matter of a few minutes. Well, it's kind of like, I mean, think about this. It's like when somebody comes in here illegally because they just want to come to America, they want to come to America where they want. Well, that's like that's like I hate to say it, but it's like a kid that wants a cookie in the cookie jar and just goes and takes it. And the parents go, well, I suppose they just wanted to do that. The next thing you know, you have absolutely no no discipline, no rules, no no or no order. And so, you know, I really think that it's broken. There's no two ways about it. We are broken. And a lot of that too kind of comes back to the problem of birthright citizenship, which is, yeah, that is a problem. And that's also one of the reasons why you have an issue with having a birth certificate, being able to prove citizenship because we have birthright citizenship. So if there is a birth certificate, well, that's pretty good documentation that someone is a citizen. Well... Not really. Yeah. That causes all kinds of other immigration problems. And I mean, going... Today's Daily Dose of Roman Empire references... You had to do it, didn't you? You had to do it. Even in the Roman Empire, that was not really a thing. You had to be a child of two full citizens to be granted citizenship automatically. There were varying degrees of citizenship in the Roman Empire, depending on your circumstances of coming into it. The... you could be a citizen if both of your parents were citizens in good standing. You could also become a citizen by being effectively a foreign resident national within the Roman Empire and doing certain types of military or civic duty service. And you could be granted full citizenship for that kind of thing. There were a bunch of different rules and they varied over time. But they had lots of time to figure that stuff out. I think it's, I think it's worth looking at how they did it, you know? Yeah. Well, again, you've got to, you've got to determine the definition of citizenship and how it has been changed over time. If you pull up that sub stack. I will. And I'm going to preface this to Karen is wrong. Yeah. Scroll down to the Michiganian part. As we go back to the Michiganian part, I'm a Michigander. She's a Michiganian because, you know. And we're all Michigies. Yeah, I like the redneck roots to the Michigander. Okay, how far do I go down? Until you see the part on citizen. Person. person to find. You do a really good job on this. You're amazing. I looked at it yesterday and I was like, yeah, this still works. Citizens United was a terrible decision. Terrible. That needs to go away. I have looked this up and I can't determine exactly where I got this screenshot, but it says to the private people of their sovereignty it is first necessary to get the people to agree to submit to the authority of the entity they have created. This is done by getting them to claim their citizens of that entity. Um, and of course, like I mentioned here, the thirteenth, this fourteenth amendment was, it's not actually properly ratified is what I have heard. I don't know the precise history on that, but, um, anyway, uh, keep scrolling. I think we could, um, go back and nullify most of the amendments because they're in conflict. or they added to or took away from the preceding amendments, which was unlawful. They really can't do that. So what do we do in that sense, boys and girls? Let me show you a minute. Bam, right there. Nullification. Now, see, I kind of disagree with the premise that the word citizen kind of – requires the person who is claiming to be a citizen to be considered a subject of the government that they are, or the nation that they are a citizen of. Because being a citizen does grant you voting rights, and even did back in the Roman Empire. And So in a republic, the citizens, the voters, are the government themselves. So I kind of disagree with the premise that citizenry is tied to being a subject or subjugated. I see where you're going with that. But you have to look at how the government uses the term. Because if the people use it properly, I don't have a problem with the word citizen. When I hear my local township use it, it makes me feel quite uncomfortable because I know exactly where they're coming from. They're coming from an attorney handbook that tells them that we are their audience. Yeah, sit down and shut up is their attitude. And I mean that literally. They call us a democracy, though. They have no idea what terms are. Did I go down scrolling? Yeah. Keep scrolling. Cause I have other definitions so we can look at that. Okay. There's, there's one where it's, you'll find the word citizen in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in, in fined or imprisoned not more than three years or both. So if you're a national of the United States, even if you're not a citizen of the United States, you owe permanent allegiance to the United States. So be careful calling yourself a national. And a state national does not occur in law. So don't even, that doesn't make any sense to say you're a state national. It doesn't make sense. Okay, so keep scrolling the war manual. I've read this on your show before. I think I really like this section about what American is. In lesson one of the training manual by the War Department, number two thousand dash twenty five. Citizenship is that membership in a nation which includes full civil and political rights subject to such limitations as may be imposed by the government thereof. And this is where, Ralph, I was thinking of the same thing that you just said when I wrote that, because the government thereof is if it's the people involved. And the people put limitations or privileges on what citizenship is. Well, that's cool. If the people make that decision, I'm cool with that. Most of the decisions, though, are basically just somebody decides to do something and they just write it down and say, you guys are subject to it. Yes, that's unfortunate. I mean, John and I were talking about it yesterday that we need to know who passed these laws, who started it, who passed it, who their funding mechanism is. Because you can almost always go back and follow the money and you'll find the answers right there. And you got a whole nest of them that are working together to subvert the United States of America. And that, in my opinion, is a criminal conspiracy. It's not a conspiracy theory. It's a criminal conspiracy. defraud the united states we the people we the people of of the unalienable rights given by god uh guaranteed by the constitution but anyhow let's I don't know maybe we should just go to corporate speak now that uh you know we've got the the corporation and just say we're all members well voting privileges you know you know I think all all crazy things need to be considered there you go Well, and if you went back up to the definition of person in Michigan law, in Michigan code law, a corporation is a person or can be described in law as a person. So if that definition of citizenship means you are a person, blah, blah, blah, a corporation could cast a ballot. Well, that was my point that I've been trying to make for a long time is that that citizens United is where it started. Yeah. That's what designated corporations as a person. My fear in this, or my concern is that they're going to take that one step further because evil doesn't stop. It takes little bites and little bites and little bites and little bites until they eat the whole thing. Right. And so that. It is. It is. There you go. So, so the next logical progression is, into the Marxist playbook of taking over America is give these corporations who have been waging lawfare on us and economic warfare on us that they will gain the right to vote because they are legally, because this is what they do. It's all legal twisting and turning. We found something this week that Benson's done. You know, Benson, her little threat to the United States of America. on the fact if you don't certify, we will be coming for you. Technically, they wrote that into the law. And they're going to even, you can go back further to the Constitution and you can deep six it. But the lawyers who don't give a crap about us will sit there and start arguing their unlawful laws that they wrote into being. And they can, by virtue of that, try to wiggle out of it. for uh a general description of why citizens united was a problem to anybody who's not familiar with that case it was effectively the ruling was that a corporation donating money to a politician was free speech uh because the corporation as a person should have first amendment rights and therefore money is speech and They are allowed to donate money to politicians because they have that First Amendment right. That's why it's such a problem is because that was really kind of the beginning of the legal background for corporations having full rights as a person. Prior to that, the idea of it being a person was sort of a legal fiction for the purposes of contracts and law and such, so that corporations were not just above the law. But that case really kind of set a really bad precedent for granting corporations the same rights as a person. because it effectively made it so that they were legally considered a full person in a lot of ways. And that's messed up because that's a slippery slope right there. But if you read the laws that are pertaining to what Jocelyn Benson said this past week, which we did, they really will shock you to your core. And you're going to come to realize that certification does not mean accuracy. and certification, we don't have any certification for accuracy in the state of Michigan. It is absent. It is absolutely absent. They broke all chain of assurances. Everything that should have led up to an honest election, they broke it all. And they broke it by writing these laws that are in conflict or these executive orders or whatever else they've got in there that led to two changes to the MCL, which I really don't believe that the legislature, they may have been that stupid to pass it, honestly, because they pass all kinds of stupid stuff and they walked away from their responsibility for certifying the election. They passed it on and they didn't ensure that it was honest and fair. So that's where it broke down. It broke down in the legislature. Yep. So then if a corporation is owned by China, are we giving the Chinese a vote in the election? That is a concern if you start going down that path. Yeah. Yeah. And look at how many people that are in politics who have given the ability of foreign corporations to own land in America. That's a big deal. It really is. Because they don't have to come in here as a Chinese national. They just come in here as a company or corporation, which is owned by the CCP. It's all tied in. Man, they had this thing so slick to take over this nation, it's not even funny. Going back to the the illegal immigration issue, I'm going to stick with that. If somebody comes in here illegally, they should never have the right to vote. Now they can become, I believe that they could probably, you know, become, go through the immigration process. But I don't think that, I don't think that that's something that should be considered. If they, if they broke the one law, I think that they've outed themselves as somebody who is willing to break other laws for either self gain or for, for other reasons, just like dual citizenship should absolutely not be able to vote in our elections. Absolutely. Nor should they have be able to hold a political office, which many of them do. When you see how many people have dual citizenship with Israel, that's nonsense or miss Somalia up there. That's nonsense because you can't serve two masters. They're going to, they're going to, try to funnel funds and favors and influence away to their home country. If they really wanted to be an American, they would come here and be an American. This is supposed to be the melting pot of all nations where we come together as humanity and humanity first, not necessarily what's going on right now. Well, you know, on that note, something that that bothers me heavily is the, you know, we're supposed to be the melting pot of the world. Right. Right. And that means basically as an American, cultural appropriation is my culture. You know, the whole thing about, you know, oh, that's cultural appropriation. You can't do that. Oh, I called BS on that because that's what we're supposed to be doing as Americans. That is, that is exactly, you know, having somebody that's even opposed to that is anti-American in my opinion, because it's not only is it racist, number one, but number two, just that's kind of what this country is supposed to be about is about taking the best. ideas and concepts from every culture that that makes up this country and using them all collectively you know I mean do we complain about other countries uh serving like modern pizza or ice cream cones or you know flying airplanes or anything like that no all american inventions How about the fortune cookie? That's another one. That's another one that's American, isn't it? Yep. Yeah. Oh no, we can't do that. we're going to step on somebody's, uh, you know what? I don't care if anybody wants to eat. Oh, let's see. I could, I can name like about, Oh, I'm going to say like eight nationalities that I have inside of me. Right. I make me up and it's ridiculous. If it was, if somebody, I honestly, I make the best pies in the whole world that comes from the Dutch side of me. I'm pretty sure, you know, or Bonkat or something. If you haven't had Bonkat, which is a very Dutch food, it's delicious. And, uh, It's an almond paste type thing. But I wouldn't care if anybody decided that, you know, if they were Mexican and say, man, I love banquette. I'm going to make banquette. I'm not going to sit here and throw a tizzy fit. And nor am I going to run down the road in wooden shoes every day either, besides the fact that they're really uncomfortable, you know. And it's, you know, we have our own culture and our own culture is a mix of everyone's culture. We come here to be one American family. not set up our own countries within a country. And I mean, people, people tend to gravitate. I get it to people that are similar. I get that. And they have the right to do that, but to institutionalize it in, in, uh, To criticize people for not. Yeah. Is a problem. Exactly. So anyhow, we could, we could go on about that ridiculousness for a long time, but So do you want to touch on the topic of uh, Why does trump support Well, we started with why does trump support the the save act and you wanted to talk about because there was something new about trump supporting mail-in ballots Yes We got like twelve minutes left. So I thought Well, I tell you what, when that first came out, I'm like going, I've never I've never done an absentee ballot. I would never done anything other than vote in person. And I will continue to vote in person. However, I listened to a a presentation. by Jovan Pulitzer, who, you know, everybody's got, wants to divide people up into different camps. Just stop it. Listen for information from everybody. You're never going to agree with a hundred percent of what anybody says and see if anything resonates with you. It sounds like a great idea. And, and stop looking for heroes and new saviors. We've got one. His name is Jesus Christ. End of story. Done. Okay. The rest of us are just people. So anyhow, he came out with a presentation, and I thought, man, this is really pretty smart, is that to order a mail-in ballot and go to the polling locations, leave it sealed, don't open it, and show up and ask to vote and bring your ballot in to turn your ballot into the polling locations. And if they say you already voted absentee ballot, you got the ballot in your hand, and it's sealed. And you ask them three times, you get an election inspector in there to see what they're going to do to handle this. Because if they do that, they're admitting right there that they were rigging the election on the absentee ballots and somebody else breached that. Which means that if there's one, there's more. But if there's more of us that do that, it would be a great attack against, you know, we can't ever look at everything at face value anymore. We got to get smarter than that. Be strategic, be part of the solution. And I think this is a great part of the solution. If somebody votes in your name and you've got your absentee ballot and you show it to them, what you're going to do now, Scooter? I would say before anybody goes and does that, watch that video because it was a It was actually a really good video and it had some really key legal points to it. Yes. And so I think that I'll post it on my Telegram channel, which is at Brandenburg, the number four MI. Watch the video because I thought it was absolutely brilliant. And I think it's a way to hold them accountable, quite honestly. And when they fail, you call the sheriff immediately. You don't go to the police. You don't go to the state police. State police is there just like the court of claims in the state of Michigan. It's not there for we the people. That's to protect them and the government. The same thing for the state police. State police is a unionized police force. It is a department that is appointed and run by Gretchen Whitmer. Out of the twenty departments, she gets to protect her. Mike Bambus was threatened by the Michigan State Police. He had an arrest warrant for it. They said it's absolutely perfect, but if you go ahead with this, we will shoot you. They threatened to kill him for forcing an arrest warrant on Gretchen Whitmer for what she did that was unconstitutional for this nation. So we go to the correct law enforcement, the only one that's constitutional, which is the sheriff's, and You start an investigation right then and there. And I thought it was brilliant. I can probably find it. Let me see if I can, let me see if I can pull that up a minute and play it. Hang on just a minute, because I'm not sure exactly where I have, but I'll post it to my Telegram channel a minute and perhaps we can watch it. Before I forget, I want to throw out, because it's slightly different, but it's on the election topic. And I just want to let people know, if they didn't see it, that yesterday a court decided that RFK Jr. cannot get his name removed from the Michigan ballot. Yeah, that's some kind of nonsense. It's just like us not being able to change the name of the Constitution Party in Michigan, which is the U.S. Taxpayers Party, I might add. That Benson, once again, is not doing the right thing. boys and girls. There will be people casting their ballot for a man who's no longer running. Yes. Because either they're doing it on principle, they're doing it out of sheer ignorance because they don't know any better because they haven't been paying attention. How about it's another way to win the election? Yeah. Ralph, I know I sent that to you. Could you text that to me real quick? I'll do what I can. Give me a few minutes. Yeah. And then we'll, we'll get that up and running for you so you can see exactly what Jovan said. And I thought this was a pretty, I thought this was a really good, I thought this was really pretty, pretty amazing. So I believe I'm going to actually I think I'm going to do this because I want to see see if it actually will hold people accountable because there is no accountability. If you read the law in Michigan for free and fair elections, they've even got this thing rigged. Not only did they rig it at the signature level, they rigged it. Tell me why Tudor Dixon's. signatures passed and she had an error on every single petition. She had an error on every single one. But then there were others that they decided to kick off for other reasons. It's a pick and choose process. There is nothing that's not rigged. Every part of it's rigged. And it can be proven. It can absolutely be proven. Oh, and I want to show you guys this. I think I showed you my cards yesterday. Here is my Let's see, Gretchen Whitmer card for my lawsuit. And here is my, let's see. Let's see. Dana Nessel card. Nice. Yeah, I got two more coming back on my summons that I delivered. And those two should be in today unless they rig that too. And once that's there, I will be talking about the not one, but two lawsuits we have going on. One is I'm going to be talking about it. It's with United Sovereign Americans. This one is a jury proprio case. You might call it pro se, but that's the correct terminology according to John Tater, which he fights this sort of thing all the time. So I'm going to defer to him because he is the smartest guy in the room when it comes to fighting pro se. Did you send that over yet, Ralph? Still trying to find it. All right. Well, I may have to find it later if we can't find it on here. But I know I sent it to you. And I just don't remember if it was in a group, if it was, let's see, but it's worth your time to watch this and figure it out because I think it's another way for us to hold them accountable. That's the point. So is there anything else you guys want to talk about before we move on to segment number two today? Well, I think what we're trying to do is prompt people to think about things before you jump to conclusions. We've always been doing that. But understanding what sovereignty is, where you being a man or a woman and you know one way or the other, which you are, you are a sovereign. You are above the Constitution. you are above all the laws. You are the creator of those things. Government is limited in their ability to grant you things or force you to do things that you don't want to do. And when these actors are trying to add something to a bill, especially if that's not even necessary, then Before you jump to the conclusion that it is a good or a bad thing, look at it. It may be both. It may have aspects of it that are reasonable, and there may be aspects of it that are terrible. What are the definitions of the terms involved in it? And think about things from different perspectives. Yeah, let's play this one from Jovan. Folks, you've got to follow these instructions. Do not open it. Don't you dare. What can we do? Here's what we can do. Number one, request your mail-in ballot. When it comes to you, folks, you've got to follow these instructions. Do not open it. Don't you dare open it. And you keep every version that comes to you. Now, what you do is you go in on election day to vote. These numbers went through the roof in twenty twenty and in twenty twenty two. You get there. You have a high statistical chance happening in California that they say, I'm sorry, but we show you've already voted. Yeah. Now, you know, you haven't followed the rules. Number one, don't bitch. Don't say anything. Don't start saying fraud. No. Can you repeat that to me? The worker is going to say, I'm sorry, but you can't you can't. We show you already voted. And they'll say, I'll give you a provisional, which means we're going to let you vote, but we're going to investigate it. Now, what they don't tell you is they're going to count the mail-in ballot. They're not going to count the provisional, because they have no way of telling if that was really you. Now, you're going to be handed a provisional. When you're handed that provisional ballot, because they've already told you, I'm sorry, we show you've already voted, ask for the supervisor to come over and just do one more check. They'll bring the supervisor over and say, can you just double check this for me? I didn't vote my mail-in ballot. Supervisor's going to tell you the same thing. They're only as good as the data they have. They're going to tell you, yes, you voted. So I can vote provisional. Step aside with the provisional. Call your sheriff's department, not the police. It is all about the sheriffs. You're right. Totally about the sheriffs. Do not call the police. Uh-uh. OK, now, follow these exact steps. Call your sheriff. You call your sheriff on the non-emergency line. Don't you dare use nine-one-one, ask for the servicer. You have your sheriff ready on your phone. And when the sheriff line comes on, non-emergency line, or they'll ask you if it's an emergency, you say no. Said, I need to report identity theft, but it's unique. I'm standing here at a retail place. I watched it happen, and I'm still here. I need to have a deputy show up. Now, they'll send you a deputy. Notice I didn't say polling place. I said, I'm at a retail location because that's actually what it is. Somebody has stolen my identity. Yes, it has. Don't talk ballots. Don't talk voting. Now, the sheriff's going to show up. Now, of course, you're going to see it's a polling place. What's going to happen is you tell the sheriff's going to find you. You meet him. You tell them the story. You can even tell the people. I'm going to give you my provisional ballot. I'll be right back. You're going to tell the sheriff the story. The sheriff's going to go to the two people you talk to and going to get the exact same story. Sorry, you're revoted. And at that time. And only at that time, reach into your pocketbook or your purse or your jacket and pull out your mail-in ballot. And you say, this is my mail-in ballot. You can see it's not open. I have not voted my mail-in ballot. Somebody has stolen my identity. And you get a report right then and there on the books. Do not surrender that ballot. You have no requirement by law to surrender it because it becomes your property when they mail it to you. And you can clearly say, this is my evidence. They've stolen my ID. I'm keeping it. Right? File the report. Now, what you've done is you've empowered a sheriff who actually has the ability to investigate and seize ballot boxes and seize things. And you put the responsibility to work. But it's identity theft. Stay away from voting. Stay away from fraud. And you will force the right type of investigation. But this is only if they say you've already previously voted. But that's what they did. They did it. So that's number one. They do that quite a bit. And I can tell you, when these votes come down to two or three or four or five thousand people, they only need to do it to a double handful per person. Next, if you're a woman or man, for whatever reason, that have changed your name, you got married. statistically, if you're a woman, you got married, you changed your name and moved away, you are still voting in your old county. You are still there. Next, if you've had anybody in your life die within the last sixteen to twenty years, you need to look them up and make sure they're not on the voter rolls. Chances are, statistically, they're still there and they're still voting. What a crooked fucking country. Yes, it is. There's all kinds of super rules. True enough, right? But isn't it brilliant? She just tells me exactly what she's thinking. I like her. I think she does a good job. At least she's not lying to us like the rest of the politicians are, so there you go. Yeah, it's a heck of an interesting strategy. I don't know that it's one that I'd want to do without doing some more research. But, boy, it's an interesting strategy, and that could be really, really cool. Well, what do you do at that point in time, though? Then do you not get to vote? That's my other question, is that do you forfeit your chance to actually vote in the election? So we need to think through this, I guess. But it's a good thing to look at. Well, guys, I'm going to give you thirty seconds each. What you got to say? Nothing. Wait for the other. Well, I guess, you know. To go back to the most important part of this conversation, you know, if you've ever had to go near a goose before, the geese that we have here are pretty vicious. So, you know, being a Michigander, I don't think is such a bad thing. See, what you have here is like one of those Oreo cookies, right? You've got two Zanders with a Michiganian in the middle. It's the historical term. What? It's the historical term, and I stand by it. It was the corporation that changed it. It was the corporation. Oh, no, they kicked you off. That wasn't even me. That was something else. The powers that be just kick you off. It was the corporation that did that made that change to gander. So I say I stand by it. But I'll say again, just, you know, keep thinking. Keep thinking from different perspectives. Be thoughtful. Don't don't react with emotions. And that applies to everything that's going on around us. Yes. Well, thanks for being on, guys. I'm going to go ahead and take a real quick break. My next guest, Mark Cook from Hand Count Roadshow is going to be on next. And love you both a lot. And we will see you guys be back on on Friday. Thank you so much. And you guys have a great day. We'll talk to you later. All right. Thank you. Bye. Bye. I'll be right back with the second hour of Brandenburg News Network just after a real quick break. We'll be right back. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it's the fourth day of September, twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show. Well, I'm going to jump right into the second hour because I've got Mark. My guest here is Mark Cook from Hand Count Roadshow. And welcome to the show today. Mark, how are you doing? Doing well. Can you hear me all right? Yeah, I can hear just fine. So thank you for coming on today. So you were just in Michigan and you had something going on at Berry County. And I wish I would have been able to go there to that, but I was dealing with my mom's death. And so I was not able to attend. So how are you? I'd like you to introduce yourself and then tell everybody about what you're doing right now. Okay, sure. Well, my name is Mark Cook. I'm an IT and cybersecurity guy from Colorado that was never involved in our election system. Prior to all this, but I did get called a week after the twenty twenty election by someone that knew I worked on complex systems and root cause analysis and asked if I would come take a look at the election system. And when I came and took a look at it, I realized what a disaster it is that it was either set up by people that had no concept of security, which would be surprising for a system that was deemed part of our critical infrastructure. Or it was set up by people that purposely set it up like that in order to manipulate it or allow manipulation to occur. And when I realized that there is no way that even semi-intelligent people would have set up a critical infrastructure system that's this poorly designed and this vulnerable, I realized what we were really dealing with. I went on a mission to try to educate the rest of the citizens to be able to understand the environment in which we're in. So we, the people can reclaim our election system. Well, that's wonderful. Well, yeah, you've got like a, do you have a slide? He said you had a slide presentation here. Did you want to do that or do you want to just go off the, you know, go off the, you know, talking about it? I can definitely do some slides, absolutely. How long do we have? So I know how- You've got an hour. An hour. Yeah, you've got an hour. You can do whatever you want with this. All right, we'll do it. Yeah, this is your time. So you can do whatever you want. Now I can take this down and you can actually share a screen if you'd like to. Yeah, I'll go ahead and share a screen. Let me go ahead and get that set up here. Let me see how I'm going to do this. What I will do. Go under present. I'm getting my presentation ready, and I just want to set up things properly. See, guys, this is real news for real people by real people at the kitchen table. I love it. That's exactly what we need. It's authentic. All right. Yep, absolutely. All right. And of course I lost that. So what we'll do is I'm just going to set up the slideshow on one display, no presenter console. Let's see here. Presenter console disabled. All right, here we go. So we'll go ahead and set this up. Then I'm going to go ahead and share this screen. So let's go ahead and present and show screen. I hope I can select screen. Let's see if we can. Show window. Yeah, there we go. All right. We're going to do entire screen. We're going to pick that screen there. We'll get system audio. So you can see I've done this a couple of times here. All right, there we go. And you should have it now. There we go. Okay. So I'll tell you just a little bit about me. Um, I've been, I started programming when I was ten years old, been doing this a very long time back before the internet existed essentially. Uh, and, The CompuServe Prodigy days, the America Online, the screeching modems. That's when I became a little computer nerd at ten years old. And I ended up running one of the larger bulletin boards in the western United States when I was, I think, about thirteen years old. I also ran a Fidonet node, which was email before email really existed as people know it. I've been doing this a very long time. And then I started in IT there. I started connecting networks back when they were all token ring networks. And it was fantastic. You know, they were able to connect one computer to another computer and share information. That's when I got into all of this. And then there were bad people out there in the computer realm. We were just so shocked we could send information from one computer to another. The last thing we were thinking about is bad people or bad actors abusing that system. But fast forward, we know there's bad people out there. There are evil people in the world. And it was just a matter of time before those evil people realized, oh, we could use computer technology to deceive people in a new way. And so then I started having to battle the bad guys that were using technology in those ways. I've done that for about forty years. And then I got asked to take a look at the election system. I went out to D.C., did some research with some people. Now I'm showing an Allegan County presentation. That's the one I gave last night in Allegan County. If you look at and you scroll down, you'll actually see all the events that I've done. This is a solo operation that I've done since I think May thirty first of last year is when I left Colorado and started this journey. So I basically have every event listed and most of the events have my presentation slides on them and they have video. that I recorded of each of the presentations I've given. And it's not the same presentation each time because I incorporate the newest, latest information and I try to customize it for the particular county that I'm in. I used to be a Democrat, so full disclosure, I Had my eyes opened a little bit and I thought that maybe I had changed or maybe I wasn't really a Democrat. But what ended up happening that I realized now is that the Democrat party changed over the years. And what happened is it was infiltrated. It was infiltrated by globalists that intended to change it. And they did. So I left that party and became a Republican. I thought that was the solution. And then I realized that the Republican party was then infiltrated. And so now we've got this fight in the Republican party. We have, you know, the citizen Republicans, and then we've got the globalist Republicans, which really, you know, we call them rhinos and they are not on our side. They are trying to actually infiltrate and destroy the party, just like the same people did to the Democrat party. So this is not a Democrat versus Republican issue. This is a globalist regime. that is trying to take over the country from the citizens. And the citizens are Democrats or Republicans or independents, libertarians. We're all over the map. And we have to realize that the globalists are playing us all against each other. And they're using our election system, which we assumed determines our will or measures our will, really. And we use that to determine who represents us and what laws we follow. They realized that they could use the election system to gain and maintain power over us, choose the laws and choose who the representatives are. So it's a control function for them, for the criminals, the globalists. And for them, that's what it means. For us, we think it's a tool to measure our will. So I'll cruise through the presentation here and I'm going to go pretty quick. Normally, like last night's presentation was five and a half hours. So I'm going to take five hours and I'm going to condense it into an hour as fast as I can. So there's my contact information. And so please take, you know, take my number down. The website's That's how you get to it. Now I will put this presentation on the website as an event. And when you have recording of this, I'll put the link to your recording on there as well so other people can find it. But you'll find all my other presentations on there also. Thank you. The election ecosystem is really important to understand. It's the voter registration system, a validation system, tabulation, and reporting. When people talk about get the computers out, they're really only talking about that third leg of the stool, the tabulation. But the majority of the manipulation now as this system of control has become more and more sophisticated over the years, a majority of the manipulation now is occurring in the voter registration, the validation side. I saw this whole thing very clearly back in two thousand twenty one, when everyone kept focusing on the tabulators that are counting our votes. And it's been very challenging to try to open people's eyes and help them realize it's not just the tabulators. It's the entire system has been built. All the pieces work together in order to obfuscate and be able to manipulate it by people that know how to do so in various aspects. It's not a one size fits all. It's not like they're manipulating it this way. In some counties, some people manipulate it one way and some people manipulate it another way. In other counties, they do slightly different things. It is a toolbox to subtly manipulate an election system without the citizens and sometimes, most of the time, election officials even realize it's happening. That's their goal. Their goal is to be able to manipulate it while putting on a show so everyone thinks it's normal and is working properly. You've seen a magic show. Everyone's been to a magic show and the magician looks amazing. I mean, it looks like they're really conducting magic. Turns out they're actually not. They're using sleight of hand and distractions and mirrors. to simulate, make it look like it's magic. And that's what our election system is actually. It's just a high-tech magic show. But that doesn't mean there's no hope because the real votes can overwhelm it. They're still merging in the real votes with the manipulation. So we have ability to have the real votes overwhelm their cheating, even with the illegal immigrants that they're bringing in. I really think, too, that what's really important is you have to go through a thorough analysis on anything you have a problem with to find out where the deficiencies are. And I think that this whole process is really very critical. It's important that we go through and really look at what went wrong because it seems like every day we're finding more and more things and more and more ways that they have been using to cheat the American people of their voice, their vote. Yeah. Yeah. And they are very smart people too. I wish they used their intelligence for solving the world's problems rather than trying to psychotically take control of everything. So maybe someone will have a change of heart at some point, but they're all going to get exposed. They're all going to get exposed and they're all going to be held accountable. There is no way out. No one will escape this. We are not stopping. We are only growing and You know, the window of them becoming whistleblowers and becoming heroes instead of being held accountable for all of their actions and their complicity in all this is closing very quickly. Some people are choosing sides and they're choosing the side that's probably not going to end up too well for them. Hi, Benson. How you doing? Yeah. So the voter registration system controls the number of ballots in circulation. And here's how this voter registration system has been totally botched. It used to require physical verification of the registrant when they went into the county to fill out their voter registration card and they signed that card in front of the county officials. That was physical verifications of their presence and their existence. Our current system has disconnected physical verification entirely And now what we've created is a virtual voter registration database with a list of entries in it. And those entries are allowed to vote in our election. We used to allow citizens to vote in the election. What's happening now is entries in a database are allowed a vote in an election. And entries in a database, because they're virtual, it's very easy to just add more entries or swap them or remove them. because they don't necessarily have to correspond to a real living person that exists in that county. So because we have virtualized the voter registration system in that manner, we have disconnected the voter themselves, and that allows a massive abuse vector into our system. Then we have the voter validation components, which we're told protect the election to make sure only legitimate ballots come back into the system. Voter validation is like the TSA at the airport. And if you have a defective TSA or defective metal detector or x-ray machine, you're going to let things in through and into the terminal that you don't want in there. And we have a voter validation system that is horribly broken. We've got a broken TSA in our election system. And that broken TSA allows a superhighway of fraud to come right through. Mail-in ballots is a big portion of that. And because when a mail-in ballot shows up, when even if the signature matches, the signature actually doesn't matter. Let's just assume the signature matches so we can get rid of all the signature arguments. The signature matches. You open the envelope and you pull the ballot out. How does anyone know who filled that ballot out regardless of the signature matching? And the answer is you don't know. There is no way to prove who filled out that ballot that comes in the mail regardless of the signature matching or not, which makes every argument about signature verification moot. You have no voter ballot. You have no validation or no back to the voter. I agree. It's a problem. We have no idea who filled the mail-in ballot when it comes in. So we've virtualized that as well. We have virtual ballots coming into the system that we cannot definitively tie back to an absolute voter that we know lives in that particular county. or precinct or township. So when you have virtual voters registering to vote and you have virtual ballots, what do you end up with? You end up with virtual results. And that's exactly what we have. We have an election that produces virtual results, not real results. And they can manipulate that all they want. Of course. Along the way, I mean, there's not one thing we can count on in either of those processes. Exactly. So the tabulation is, again, that third leg that everyone keeps talking about. Get the computers out. That's the part that hand counting fixes. And that doesn't mean that it's not a problem. It's still a problem. It's one of the four legs. So it's important there. We don't want black boxes counting our votes. I don't think I need to go into the details of all the different ways that those can be manipulated. But I'll just tell you, as a programmer of forty years and a cybersecurity guy, there is no way anyone can trust electronic tabulation systems. Every one of them can be subverted. And the idiots that tout hand counts aren't accurate. are either actually are idiots or they absolutely know they are lying to the citizens. In fact, they use hand counts to confirm the accuracy of the machines and then turn around and tell us hand counts aren't accurate. They talk out of both sides of their mouth because they are liars. Then the reporting is that final leg and When the results come out of the tabulation system, those results somehow have to go somewhere and get to a media outlet of some sort to be able to put it on the TV screen so everyone that's staring at the screen knows what the results of the election are. And if that reporting system is usurped, manipulated, then we can't trust the results we see on the TV screen either. In the reporting system, we are allowing other companies, other people to add up our results for us. Can you imagine what could go wrong if we all send our totals in the counties to this organization and we just blindly trust them to add them all up and tell us what the totals are? Can you imagine how easily someone could manipulate that And that's, I believe, what's exactly happening. So those are the four legs of the stool. And it's important. If we want to fix the problem, we can't just fix one of the legs. You have to fix all four. Because if even one of those legs is manipulated, we can't trust the results at the end of the election. What do you think are the worst problems in Michigan right now that you've seen in those four areas? Your voter rolls. are probably the worst. And I think that's really the worst across the entire nation are the voter rolls. That's where they have moved most of the manipulation into. Now, of course, if you've got a crooked clerk, and I think only a tiny percentage of clerks are crooked. I think most all clerks are very good patriotic people trying to do the best job they can with what they're allowed to do. They are handcuffed a lot because of the laws. They're only allowed to do so much in an election. They have a lot less control and power than they think they do and less oversight. But there's manipulation happens across the board locally, all the way up to nationally. And I think a majority of that manipulation has been moved into the voter rolls, early voting and mail in ballots in order to manipulate the election from the outside. And by the time the counties get those ballots, they have to count them. if the signature matches and they wouldn't even know if the ballots are coming from legitimate voters or not. They have no way to determine that. So that's where most of the problems happening throughout the country, including Michigan. And then you've got the psychopath, you know, running the show at the Secretary of State's office who thinks she's some type of God. I don't know what is wrong with her, but she's got some issues. And she's absolutely a joke of a person. So what we have is we have a lot of people have trouble understanding this and navigating this because there is a psychological contrast that they're not recognizing. So it's important to recognize that contrast. So Group A, we, the citizens, believe that elections are a tool to measure our will, to choose our representatives and to determine what laws we choose to follow. But not everyone thinks that that's what elections are for. Group B, the criminals, think elections are something totally different. To them, elections are a tool to gain and maintain power, control the laws, launder money, and covertly decide what the citizens see in their elections. So they basically can put on a show, keep the citizens appeased while they actually have covert control of everything. So they love elections. Elections is a game to them. It's how many votes can we stuff in to manipulate it and then keep it a secret and keep the citizens from finding it out. We are not the same. We're just not compatible. And we both can't look at elections so differently for much longer. So we're going to return elections to what they should be. And we're going to take them back out of the hands of the criminals and put them back in the hands of the people. An honest election, very simple. Citizens cast their votes. They collect the ballots. You tabulate the ballots and you get the results. That's how elections are supposed to work. Here's how elections have been manipulated over the years. First order manipulation. Well, that's just when the candidates lies about their opponent and then People believe the lies and then they vote for the other guy or gal. That's old school. That's been going on since the very beginning. People lie. They shouldn't. I don't want any, even politicians shouldn't lie. No one should lie, but they have. And some of them think the end justifies the means. And Obama gave them the legal, legal right to lie and not be held accountable in our, in our news media. So that didn't help any matters at all. of course and Obama was a massive liar I voted for Obama the first time I didn't think he was a liar I never even thought for a second he was a liar now yes obviously I should have realized politicians lie um but I did I actually believed everything he said because man he's a smooth talker and he said all the right things and I was all about that and I voted for it and I thought we were going to get it and I kept waiting and waiting and he didn't deliver And then all of a sudden he's passing these laws and pushing these things. We're forcing us to buy things we don't want to buy and, and didn't give us the transparency that we were promised. And I realized we've got swindled. And that's actually when I changed the parties at that point, when I started opening my eyes a little bit more, I won't even get into the birth certificate deal. Yeah, there you go. Yes. So second order manipulation. Well, I actually here, I missed this one. Let me tell you about the, Yeah, we'll go right to second order. So second order manipulation gets a little bit more sophisticated. So if between collecting the ballots and tabulating the ballots, if you interrupted that process and you took the ballots off to the side and you counted the totals yourself to determine what the real result was and you knew what the result, what result you wanted it to be, you just simply subtract the two and then you know what ballots you need to add or remove, or maybe you fill in undervotes. If anyone doesn't know what an undervote is, let's say Bob and Mary were running against each other in a race and you didn't want to vote for either of them for some reason, you just left them blank. Well, if you leave those blank and someone else got their hand on your ballot, they could fill out a vote for either Bob or Mary. It's a free vote for them to fill out. I'm sorry, what was that? Have you found evidence of that? Let me think about that. It's very difficult to determine if someone did that unless they used a very obviously different pen. But that's the problem with leaving an undervote. If someone uses the same color pen and makes it look fairly similar and we, the peasants, are allowed to actually look at the sacred ballots. we might be able to determine that. But it's difficult. Yeah, the penalty of cheat is there, is what the point is. It's absolutely, it's a free vote. They left a door open. Yeah, and I think we actually probably saw that in Montana, in Carbon County, Montana. I think that's what that clerk up there was doing when she was making sure she won the election, her reelection. I'll go into that and show you that little video here. But then if you do that, then you go back and tabulate the ballots and get the results. You're able to manipulate the election because you interrupt the process midstream and play some games with it. That's second order manipulation. Third order. Oh, actually here. Speaking of Carbon County, Montana, let me show you this video and hopefully you get audio and everything. This is the attorney general in Montana. uh actually talking about this clerk who he got a video sent to him of her shredding ballot so I'll play the video and uh and I'll explain what's going on in the video so what happened is crystal was the clerk The citizens aren't anywhere near. She tried to black out all the surveillance video, but she left a tiny little slit at the top where the date and time were. And the citizen that got the video was able to, and let me get rid of this little window here, was able to scale it up to six hundred and fifty percent, zoomed way in and got to see her doing this. What happened is she took a bunch of ballots in the envelopes, went into a room in the back. came out a little while later with ballots outside the envelope, and she walked over to the paper shredder. So we're looking at her in front of the paper shredder right now, and she's sitting here shredding papers, which look to be ballots. You know, they're folded. And why else in the middle of the night during an election would the clerk that's tabulating ballots be at the paper shredder shredding things? So she ended up shredding what they counted was about twenty one batches. Then she went back into the room. And she came out sometime later with another staff and she walked over to the tabulator with that staff and tabulated the ballots, what was left of them. So she didn't hack the election system. She just used the fact that the citizens are no longer a part of the elections in order to manipulate the election old school style. There's been lots of explanations. No copies. Maybe that's true. So what happened is, The AG said, yes, it needs to be investigated. It looks like she's shredding ballots and the county attorney and the sheriff need to do something about it. The citizens went to the county and attorney and sheriff and they didn't do anything about it. They didn't investigate it. And then they went to the commissioners and the commissioners kicked them out of their office. Oh, man. Who is the most powerful person in a county? Do you know? That'd be the commissioner should be, aren't they? No. A lot of people say the sheriff is the most powerful person in the county. And some people say the coroner is the most powerful person in the county. But actually, the most powerful person in the county is the county clerk. Because it's the person who runs the elections. And if you have a crooked clerk, if somehow they get in there, they actually can control everything. who the sheriff is, who the commissioners are, who the coroner is, who the clerk is. They could stay in power forever. And they keep all their friends in power as well. That makes a lot of sense. Your taxes go up. All the contracts go to their friends with the construction companies. And you can never get that cancer out once it's in. So that's why it's so important that the citizens never give up control and oversight of their elections because you end up in a situation like this. And she's still clerk in that County two years later. Wow. They installed their little mafia there. And that's, that's, that's the end of story right there. You can't overcome that. You got it. Once the cancer shows up, it's really difficult to get it out of there without some extensive chemotherapy. There you go. And the, the, FBI was called, and they said that they would investigate it. So they started investigating it, and then they closed the investigation. Of course they did. The FBI liars. Yeah, FBI. Now, I do think there are some good FBI agents around, probably in the organization, and they're probably not too happy with the criminals that tried to infiltrate their organization. and I really hope the good guys do a little chemotherapy on the bad guys and get them out of it and return the fbi to what it should be and what it was originally well everything's been infiltrated it doesn't matter where you are there's so much infiltration because these people are parasites they don't do anything they don't make anything all they do is they live off the host and the host is us we the people They destroy, that's all they do. They don't create, they just destroy. But the cool thing about them being everywhere and infiltrating everything is we're surrounded. So anywhere we aim, we hit them. So that's actually a good thing. Just fix what you can fix. Don't worry about what's out of your control. If it's out of your control, ignore it. Focus on what's in your control and every single citizen has their own county in their control. Even if it's been infiltrated, you can still create pressure to clean that infiltration up. Well, we have an obligation to create that pressure and hold them accountable. You don't run away from problems. You run right straight for them and deal with them. Right. You have to run for it because these people are bullies and they have succeeded a lot because people have run. Because people didn't want to be confrontational. This has been decades of conditioning of the public to basically neuter them and neuter them almost at the brainstem. But some of us have not been susceptible to that. And the others that have, well, we need to repair those brainstems and we need to stand up and realize there are far more of us than there are of them. There's only about a thousand of these people doing this to this whole country of three hundred and fifty million. It's about a thousand. We way outnumbered them. We just have to realize and start acting like it. And we absolutely can clean house. They cannot stop. Three hundred million people. Not going to happen. Very angry. Three hundred million people, too, I might add. Yeah, well, I don't think we have. Yeah. I don't know if we have three hundred angry yet. We probably have one hundred and fifty to two hundred angry people. and in the others actually the other side is just always angry they're just they're miserable and they're angry but they've been psychologically manipulated and they've been put into a situation that's kind of blinded them and I feel really bad for them so one thing we can't do is attack our fellow citizens even those that are completely seem to be on the other side and are crazed and suffering from you know real diseases like tds We cannot hold that against them because they are victims of psychological manipulation and they don't realize it yet. So I always tell people, have big full backpacks of forgiveness on you at all times and be ready to forgive those that have fallen for the deception and be ready to welcome them with open arms. And there are people jumping the ship of the TDS and being cured day by day as they open their eyes and start realizing about the cracks in the foundation of lies when they realize it is all just lies and they've been lied to and if they think that we're going to attack them they're just going to hide and they're not going to want to realize it but if they know that we'll welcome them with open arms when they finally do realize the truth they're going to jump ship much quicker and then we'll all take care of this and do this as a united states of America rather than a divided population. So second order manipulation is when the media starts conditioning the people to accept the results before they even conduct the election. And they started getting much better as they started consolidating media by doing that. And so we've seen that happen for decades now where they've been preconditioning people. And then people aren't surprised when they see the results. And it's much easier to make it believable that way. Then we move to the third order and that's the third order manipulation is just more sophisticated ways to manipulate elections. And that's kind of where we're at now is of course they start with the media psychological conditioning. They tell us it's the safest, most secure election. They create logic and accuracy tests. They even call it, you know, a logic and accuracy test to make people think that it's a legitimate test. And they feed that to our election officials. They go through this, very involved process to check the machines to get a false sense of security that the machines are working perfectly. The only thing that shows them is that the machines work perfectly at that moment. It doesn't guarantee that they will always work that same way. Computers are imaginary devices. They can be programmed to do whatever the programmer wants them to do. Any type of output can be created by a program. So if A person, a human always thinks the computer is going to produce the same output. That's only if the program is programmed to produce the same output all the time. People, good people just don't see evil. They don't see evil. They don't have a filter for it. They don't think like evil people do. And they also don't understand the complexity of computers. They don't understand necessarily that computers aren't toasters. You put bread in the toaster and you press the lever down and you always end up getting bread out of the toaster when it's done toasting. But in a computer, you can put a piece of bread in and an apple can pop out. There's no control over what happens inside that computer. And we've proven at their state level that they leaked the code. They leaked all the code to state level hackers, but they wouldn't let any of us go in and actually audit it or have access to it. It's already out there. So when you say they're liars, these people are liars on a large scale. I would say that, yeah, I mean, obviously the source code is available to everyone in the companies, the developers, right? Plus anyone else they've given access to and all those that have hacked that company and got access to it. The only people that don't have the source code to be able to look at it are the citizens, the ones that actually rely on these systems to measure their will. We're the only ones in the dark. And that's ridiculous. That's why we have to simplify this whole system. So they subtly raise the margin of human error by actually inducing mistakes in the elections. and allowing procedures that just natively cause errors because they want to raise the margin of error in order to hide manipulation within the margin of error. They then conduct a manipulated election. Then they design this thing called the risk limiting audit, and they claim it minimizes fraud. What it does is actually minimizes error detection. A risk limiting audit, the only thing that does, and so people understand what a risk limiting audit is, They say that we only check this percentage of the ballots. And if they come out right, then we assume all of this is correct. So we check a little bit and then we assume the rest. And so what a risk limiting audit does is it actually limits the risk of fraud being caught. It's actually a risk enhancing audit because you're only checking a small percentage of it. If you want to limit risk, a true RLA would audit everything. It would count every single ballot by hand to make sure the computer counted it properly. That would actually limit the risk. So RLAs are actually risk enhancing audits. And then of course they condition everyone to trust the RLA. If anyone finds a mistake in the election, they explain it as isolated human error. And they, in fact, design the manipulation to always look like human error so they can always claim it's human error. So you can't see the forest through the trees. So if someone happens to find a mistake somewhere and someone tells them, oh, it was just human error. If they're not looking at all the other little bits of human error scattered across the whole country. They think it's just isolated to that one little instance. And then they claim the mistakes are under the margin of loss. So they say, okay, yeah, there was a mistake in it, but it didn't change the results of the election. So it's not a big deal. Who determines the margin of loss? So they just decide that there's an acceptable bar of margin of loss. Oh, those votes don't matter. Those people's voices don't matter. We're just going to explain that away. It's absurd. People that are really doing this, pulling the puppet strings, are actually very intelligent. They're not like, you know, Benson's an idiot. She's not smart. She's a puppet in this. They then rush to certify, speaking of Benson, but we'll get into that, right? Because once the election's certified, now there's a different burden of proof to show fraud. If you find it beforehand... In my opinion, we shouldn't be certifying anything unless it's actually true and accurate. And the legal definition of certify is that, is that you're certifying something as true and accurate. If something's not true and accurate and someone is certifying it as true and accurate when it's not, I think that would be against the law. In fact, that would be lying, fraud. So fraudulently certifying an election, I think would be incredibly dangerous. In fact, threatening people to fraudulently certify an election might be a very punishable offense. And they do. They threaten anyone that threatens their beloved certification. And they attack anyone that questions the results. And of course, the mainstream media is in on it. Parts of the FBI, DHS, CIA, CISA, propaganda. Give us things like no widespread election fraud and safest, most secure election. And this is critical infrastructure and all that, all that BS. So here are the two ways that they manipulate it. So people understand the main concepts. They create headroom in order to stuff in illegitimate ballots in to counter the real ballots that are there. If you remember about fourteen years ago, they removed that question off the census. Are you a legal US citizen? I couldn't figure out why they would remove it. Why on earth would we want illegals filling out our census? And then I thought, well, are people really trying to break into our country just to fill out our census? That seems ridiculous. But fourteen years later, now I realize why they wanted to do that for a number of reasons, one of them being if they have the excuse that people that aren't even citizens could have filled out the census, then they can justify the increased census numbers. And those increased census numbers are now unverifiable. Because how are you going to go back and find the illegal that filled it out? It allows someone basically just to stuff entries in the census without ability for us to verify them. They don't even need to be real people. They could just stuff them in, make up some names, and we wouldn't know. And when they increase the amount of headroom in the population, that then gives them the ability to increase the voter registration. Because typically they don't want more people registered than live there. Because if they have higher registration numbers than population, the peasants, the stupid peasants gum on the bottom of their shoes, somehow figure out you can't have more people registered than you have in population. So they attempt to increase those census numbers as much as possible to provide headroom for that. And then, of course, they try to have record voter registration. In fact, they condition us to think that there's record voter registration. Well, is it record real citizen voter registration or is it record voter registration entries being stuffed into the voter rolls? They don't really tell us that, do they? No, they don't. But they're conditioned to believe there's massive voter registration. So when we see high numbers of voter registration, we think that's perfectly normal because they repeated it twenty times over. They had the voter registration drives with the NGOs, those are the non-government organizations. The secretary of states are really pushed to increase voter registration and make people think that there's huge registration numbers. I know this firsthand. I went to the NAS conference because I was going to look to run for secretary of state of Colorado in two thousand twenty one. I still may do that. We'll see what my future entails. But I definitely am going to be running for office because we can't just sit here and complain about it if we're not part of the solution. So I will absolutely be part of the solution. I'm just a different part right now. I'm trying to educate some people so they know where we're at. And then I'll I'll jump in with both feet and run for office at some point here in the near future. So then we have the motor voter stuff with the DMV. We're allowing voter registrations to come in that way. It's all about stuffing in as many voter registrations as possible. They could care less if they're legitimate or not. In fact, they don't really care. They'd love to have illegitimate registrations in there because those are perfect records to stuff ballots in. Because if you have an illegitimate registration record in the system, there's no chance of that real voter showing up to vote. You'll never be told that they already voted because they don't even exist. So those are the first records they use. Then they'll use the low propensity voters, like the ones that moved and registered to vote in another state or another county. They're very unlikely to register to vote in another state, vote in that state, and then come back to their old state and vote again, because that would be horribly against the law. And good people don't do that kind of stuff. So they know that that registration record from the person that moved is a great candidate to stuff a vote in for. And there are people that are finding now when they check their voter registration records for their old states, old locations, they're finding that they voted without them even knowing they voted, which means they didn't actually vote. Someone stuffed in a vote for them. They voted on behalf of them. They stole their identity to put a vote in the system. We are finding that out. People are actually seeing that. It's happening. It's probably happening on a massive scale, too, would be my guess. And then of course, ERIC facilitates that, the Electronic Registration Information Center. What a perfect way to know who's moved and registered in new states. Then if you control the voter rolls for thirty-one states, you'd have all that information. What they've done is they've created a massive data gathering system where they gather huge data on the entire election system, and then they use that data to engineer the results in the election system. And they use mail-in ballots, early voting, and the electronic systems to stuff in all the extra votes and then hide it all in the end they take the registration voter control from the counties the states actually took it from the counties and then they outsourced it a lot to ngos or their private white label systems that they created in-house they inhibit pruning of ineligible records right I mean you could get your you could probably register your dog to vote at this point But to get your dog's registration entry removed from the voter roll would be impossible. You could probably send a picture of Fido into that. And they still wouldn't believe it. And they'd still keep it in for two voting cycles just in case Fido decided to vote in the future. But that's their game. Their game is get as many entries in the registration database as possible and make it nearly impossible to ever remove them. And here's how they complete it with a feedback loop. Now, if I know what your party affiliation is, I know what your ballot looks like. And with everyone so divided, everyone's voting on party lines these days, even independent voters. There's still a profile of everyone in this country about how they vote and which way they lean. That data is out there. Plus, big tech we know is in on this. They're finally starting to admit it. Zuckerberg finally came and admitted. They're in on it. They have all the data. They read all our emails. They see all our social media posts. They pay attention to every time we like a post. And they build a profile on every single person so they know how everyone leans. So if they know how everyone leans, they know if that person's voted, they know what their ballot looks like. And if they are able to monitor who votes when, they can build a model of the election results without ever looking at a ballot. They've designed a system that they can know what the results of the election are within high accuracy without ever looking at ballots before, which is brilliant of them that they did that. So if they monitor who votes, how do they do that? Well, for mail-in ballots, they created this mail-in ballot tracking system. They told all the citizens it's so citizens can feel good. Peasants, you can, rest assured, you can vote by mail because you can pick up your cell phone and you can use your cell phone and you can check where your mail-in ballot is. Well, all that is is another computer program that tells you where your ballot is. Well, it doesn't mean that's where your ballot is. They didn't build it for the citizens. They conned us again. They used our money to build a system so they can monitor when someone votes by mail. Or tell us what you think we want to hear, not necessarily truth or accuracy. Of course. They're masters of deception. And so they built this mail-in ballot tracking system for them to feed their feedback loop. And they feed their results model with that. Then the people that say, I don't mail in, they go in in person, so they'd never know it. Well, of course they do. You check in on an electronic poll book, so they know that right away. And even for the people that have electronic poll books that aren't connected, well, they still have to report it every day, who voted. And people that have paper poll books, guess what? Those counties still have to report who voted every single day. So the bad guys have all this information of who voted every single day. They've got the profiles on everyone. So every day they've got a pretty darn accurate model of the election results. I bet it's high ninety, ninety eight percent accurate, I bet. And if they know what the results are and they know what they want the results to be, all they have to do is subtract and know exactly how many ballots to stuff in there. They already have the dirty voter rolls so they can attach those ballots to those registration records. They start with the no propensity, then low propensity, medium propensity, and then they only save the high propensity for last. And those are the people that always vote because they don't want someone to walk in and be told they already voted. And then, in fact, let's talk about that real quick, because you were talking, you had Jovan on a video before I showed up here. And Jovan is telling people to request a mail-in ballot. And a few other people are doing that. And I know Jovan's going to love hearing this, but Jovan's wrong. So now his face is bright red and he's got smoke coming out of his ears and his nose because the guy can't hear that he's ever wrong about anything. But But smart people will pay attention to this. And hopefully he'll think about this a little bit more in depth. And hey, Jovan, if you want to call me and discuss this, I'm happy to do it anytime. You know how to get a hold of me. So here's why you don't want to request a mail-in ballot. One, you create an additional attack vector in the election system when you request a mail-in ballot. You basically put another ballot in circulation that wasn't there before. And that's not a good thing. And I've got a good list here, so I'm going to go over all this because I want people to really understand this. You also send the wrong message. You send the message to everyone that people want mail-in ballots when you request a mail-in ballot. So these masters of deception and their masters in messaging also, they're going to collect that data and they're going to use that to substantiate the continued use of mail-in ballots, which is a superhighway of fraud in our elections. So when you request a mail-in ballot, you are feeding the monster. Stop feeding the monster. The other problem you have is when you request a mail-in ballot, in some states, if you go in to vote, you are only allowed to vote on a provisional ballot, which means your ballot will get put in a stack of provisional ballots and may not get counted at all or will get counted separately. it puts it into a different path, which can be further manipulated. But if you vote a regular ballot, it gets mixed in with all the other regular ballots. So that's another disadvantage to requesting a mail-in ballot. And then you can't catch them if they do certain things like if you request a mail-in ballot and then you find out a mail-in ballot got mailed out somewhere, but you didn't get it. Well, you have now given them ability to say well you requested it so you know that's not a not a real big deal but what happens if you never requested the mail-in ballot but they have in their system that a mail-in ballot was sent out then you get to catch them so by requesting a mail-in ballot you actually cross off a few of the things that you could catch them in and you create another abuse vector for your vote Now, the rest of what Jovan says is very smart. If you do get a mail-in ballot for whatever reason, because some states have all mail-in ballots and everyone gets one. Every entry in the voter rolls gets a mail-in ballot sent to it, regardless of whether they're legitimate or not, bad addresses, it doesn't matter. Those states, yes, bring in your mail-in ballot. Do not show it to them. And if you're told you already voted, you have proof that you did not vote. And then, yes, call your sheriff. Don't call nine one one, but call your sheriff. File an identity theft report. Get it on record. Talk to the election officials there. Show them your mail in ballot. Because when these are people all the time to say, well, where's the evidence? Where's the evidence? Well, if their system says you mailed a ballot in, but you're holding it in your hand still sealed in the envelope. Even the most confused, deceived person would say, OK, wait a minute. Maybe there is a problem here. And that will maybe the first evidence of fraud they actually pay attention to. And then as they start peeling the layers of the onion, they'll see the rest of it pretty quickly. There's no chain of custody on mail-in ballots either. So you don't want to create another one for that reason as well. All right. So back to the third order feedback loop. So after you feed in the phantom ballots, well, first you have to have a way to do it, right? How do you feed them in? Well, mail-in ballots. And we know that there's no way to prove who filled out the ballot. So there's no way to prove who filled out the ballot. It's a perfect way to put them in there. And they can even use drop boxes. Thanks Zuckerberg for buying half a billion dollars of drop boxes because that even avoids the scanning at the USPS. Another way to stuff ballots into the system. It's a laundering operation. And so if you do that, how could you do that across the board all in one day? That would be a monumental task. So if I was a criminal, what I would want is more time. And how am I going to get that more time? Well, let's deceive the citizens again. Let's deceive the peasants. Let's tell the peasants, oh, your lives are really busy and there could be a storm or there could be a power outage. And you really need early voting. You need to have flexibility because your vote's really important. So we should open this thing up and let you vote for a week or a couple of weeks before an election, maybe even a month. Let's have election month. And so we come up with early voting. Early voting actually allows a lot more fraud in our election. And here's why they need early voting. Because they can't manipulate this whole thing all in one day across the country. It's way too much work for them. So early voting allows them to collect information about who's voting earlier in order to then pepper in the ballots they're stuffing and spread them out and keep them below the radar. Most people are procrastinators. So early voting wasn't enough. People were still waiting to the last minute. So they had to encourage people to vote as early as possible. So they had that data early on. So they had weeks to manipulate things. So that's where they came up with the whole vote early. You must vote early. And then what does the Republican Party come up with? Which, you know, I don't think it was people that were thinking very clearly or it was people that are manipulating elections that came up with bank your vote. The bank your vote people, the ones that really designed bank your vote, are trying to encourage people to vote as early as possible in order to obtain that information to calculate how to manipulate the election effectively and keep it all below the radar. That's what the bank your vote is all about. Your vote is not worth more if you vote on the first day of early voting than if you vote on election day. Our votes, we get the same amount of voting credit no matter when we vote. But an early vote is worth far more to someone that's going to manipulate an election. Now, there are wonderful people out there like Charlie Kirk that are pushing bank your vote. And Charlie just doesn't seem to understand this concept. Scott Pressler understands it, but doesn't care. And he told me right to my face that and I don't know why he doesn't care, because I don't think these people want to be the ones that actually cause this election to be manipulated. So they need to remove their head from their butt. Now, everything else Charlie's doing, I absolutely love. Turning Point is amazing. Legally helping people register to vote and getting them out to the polls to vote, I think is absolutely great. But telling them to vote early and bank their vote is shooting them in the foot. Please, Charlie, stop doing that. Scott, stop doing that. Laura Trump, stop doing that. Let's encourage people to vote. Let's get them out to the polls, but let's get them out to the polls on election day in person. Because when you do that, what you do is you channelize the bad actors that have been manipulating everything. We're not showing them our hand until the last minute. If we show them our hand, For two weeks beforehand, it gives them every ability to manipulate it. Any person that plays cards knows you're not going to be very good at the card game if everyone can see your hand the whole time. So don't show them your hand. Wait and do it on election day. Then what you do is you channelize them. They've got to then try to cheat from election day forward, which means all their manipulation is going to be concentrated in a small area. And we'll be able to see it much easier when it's concentrated there. Makes good sense. Trust me on that. That's exactly what's going on. That's why these people do not like me. Well, there you go. I've got a question for you. Would you like to come back on again on another day and to continue this discussion? be more than happy to I know it's a lot of content but these are the the core points here and then I want to go into the evidence and then I want to go into what do we do in the next two months to actually get in front of them um in all this so yeah definitely and of course I'll get to the, at least that's the last part of that slide there. Yeah. I'd be more than happy to. I'd love the opportunity. I honestly think that, you know, I want to give you enough time to really go through all of this so that you can truly educate everyone on the amount of information that you have here. And I'm afraid that if we go into, you know, could to go further and we don't stop here and start another segment that we're going to miss some details. Does that make sense? Would you rather, would you rather continue on or would you rather come back on? I'm more than happy to come back. This is actually, well, I could do one more slide and then that'd be a good stopping point. So let me hit this one here. Actually, a couple more slides, but we'll hit this real quick. The backup override, of course, is when they do all this manipulation and they don't get through enough of it. That's this override where they stop the counting in the middle of the night, they readjust things, and then they start counting, and then their set points are different. All of a sudden, the trend changes magically when they stop and restart, which that's perfectly natural, of course. Give me a break. Then they publish target results and they call those unofficial results to appease the public. And then when we freak out about the results, because we know they can't be right, they tell us, don't worry, they're not official yet. So just settle your little heads down. Just focus on all the distractions we're giving you. And then they shuffle everything. They shuffle the voter registration entries. They backfill the results. They backfill the paper. And by the time we actually get to look at the ballots, if we ever get to look at them, they then publish the official results. And then everything magically matches. Because they do their little cleanup afterwards. So the seal and cleanup, they rush and threaten to force certification as well as fast as possible. And that's where our little friend comes into play, I believe, Jocelyn Benson. And do we have a couple more minutes for me to show this little clip? Yeah, because we've been talking about her because it's Michigan, right? And we've been talking about her extensively when she said, we're going to come and get you. Well, it's like I've got a group of us that we get together and we study law. We study the laws and the cases on the books and what they're doing wrong and such. And I filed a pro se lawsuit. so that we can go after him for it. But as we were looking at what she was saying, they've actually written plausible deniability into the law to get around this. That's why she gets guts to say it. But there's a higher law. So they violated the law by writing these laws and these procedures in the first place. I don't even know if it came from her or the legislature. It had to come from the legislature. Oh, it didn't come from her. She's a moron. Well, but somebody had to put it in there. And I don't know if it was written in through the legislature or if it was somebody that just decided to insert this stuff in there. And we're doing some investigation on that to see where it actually came from. It's coordinated across the country. It's what? It's coordinated across the country. It has to be. But I don't think it went through the legislature. That's my point. These people don't follow the law. They don't care. No, they don't. Yeah, we live by two completely different sets of rules. That's the problem. That is. Yeah. Yeah. And I did not edit this video. Those are her eyes. Just so you know. I didn't manipulate any of it. That's a legit screenshot right there of the video. So here we go. Oh, Barbara Streisand. Love that. Let's see what she has to say. Hey, guys. Hey, guys. I am Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson. I'm the Secretary of State and Chief Election Officer of the great state of Michigan. And we get a lot of feedback on social media, on a whole bunch of things, from the hair to elections. I'm here today to respond to all of it. So let's get started. This is the real Barbara Streisand, my legit blue check mark, guys. Rolling Stone profiled seventy pro-Trump election officials who've been put into positions in swing states of Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, and North Carolina to make sure that the election results, no matter where they are, do not get certified in those states this year. They are counting on the election results not being tallied as normal if he loses, but there's nothing normal about Donald Trump. Okay, gotcha on that last line there, Babs agrees there. Nothing quite normal about anything we're seeing this election season. But that said, what I can say and what we've worked to do in all of the battleground state conventions, in particular here in Michigan, is to make sure that we do have statewide election officials in place. We will guard and protect the results of every election regardless of their outcome. We believe in protecting the will of the people. And if anyone in our jurisdictions around the state don't follow the law, we will hold them accountable and ensure the law is followed. Oh, Joan Crawford's eyebrows. See what they have to say. Are plans in place in case some counties don't want to certify? That's a really great question, Joan Crawford-Rouse. Who knew that you had such great questions in you, in addition to all that beauty? Yes. In fact, we dealt with this in twenty twenty when some local officials in Wayne County, Michigan, our largest county, were pressured to not certify. The law is quite clear. These officials have one ministerial duty to certify our elections, and then it goes up to the state level, and then they certify it at the state level. So all that to say, if someone were to violate the law and not certify the election at the local level, So any local certifier and not certifying the vote, don't even think about it because we'll get you. We're getting a lot of feedback there right now from that. I think I've got a dual track coming in somehow, but yeah. Oh, no, no. I repeated that last part a couple of times. Okay. Yeah. Because I wanted people to realize she's sitting there threatening election officials. And I'm pretty sure threatening election officials is, Is against the law. Yeah. So I don't know if that's a real good idea, Jocelyn. I think it's actually really stupid of you to do. So we'll leave it at that. And I want. Yeah. Speaking of Wayne County, that's my next stop. So if you look at Hand Count Roadshow, sign up for the flyer there. And then Wayne County on September fifth, tomorrow night at the Victory Center, five thirty p.m. If you know anyone in or near Wayne County, please come and hang out. I would love to meet you. And I would love to do my whole full presentation there. And we'll have a chat about all of this, including Jocelyn Benson. That's cool. And you've got another one in Allegan County on the six. I should just finish Allegan. But there is a radio interview I've got on the six that will come out on Friday. It's a Friday report with Pastor Austin Krutz. And then I'm heading to Pennsylvania. And then I got a quick stop in Maricopa County. I got to fly to Arizona. Then I'm going to do North Carolina for a couple of weeks. And then I've got to fly to Nevada for a quick stop. And then Georgia is going to be all of October in Georgia. So if you know anyone in Pennsylvania, North Carolina or Georgia, please have them contact me or go to take action and then request a visit right here on the website and request a visit so I can get everyone set up on the routes and get the event set up so I can present in all those counties that want me there. I don't reach out to you. I expect you guys, you guys got to reach out to me and help me do this because I'm just one guy. I'm literally one person. I can only do so much. And speaking of, if anyone can help me on the road, I would love it if you click the donate here button in the top right corner, because no organization pays me. I've listed kind of what my expenses are on a daily and monthly basis here. And there's some donate links there. If anyone wants to help keep my tank with fuel as my savings account runs out, please do help. I hate asking for help because I'm an independent person. But at this point, if I don't ask for help, I will be able to make it all the way. Well, I really appreciate the amount of information that you've presented. I mean, it's overwhelming. It's just so much information that you present. And I think it's amazing. That, you know, the work that you're doing is really amazing. And thank you. Thank you for coming on today. Maybe we can have you on again next week so that, you know, I really I would really like to continue this on and get you on the schedule next week again so that we can finish, you know, the finish the process and finish the thought on that. If you're OK with that, I give you a call when we're off today. So, yeah, I would love it. And just everyone knows it looks overwhelming where we got this. If we all work together, we've got this. God wins in the end. All will be held accountable. And we're only growing in force. Good, honest, nonviolent force. That's great. Well, thank you so much, Mark, for being on here today. And I look forward to talking to you again. And God bless you with the work you're doing. This is amazing. We're going to take a quick break and I'll be back on with my third hour with the Jay Sixers, Jaleese Middleton and Brandy Berlue. And we're going to continue about talking about the political prisoners in America because we're not going to stand for this, the theft of our elections. or the harm that happens to our fellow Americans, because we're one family. Being an American means that we are one family and we fight for the rights of each other. So I'll be right back. And thank you. Good morning and welcome to the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the fourth day of September, twenty twenty four. And welcome to our show. I'm very, very excited to bring on my guests here. How are you doing, Jalise? I'm doing good. How are you doing? Good. Really, really good. So we're going to be talking about political prisoners in America and we've got Brandy Berlouin. How are you, Brandy? Welcome to our show. I'm good. How are you? Doing very, very well. Thank you. I'm jealous. He's doing good until that moment. We've got a rainy day here in Texas. Oh, it's all rainy? Yeah. Which is rare at this time of year. Well, I don't know. It always rains September first, but we're happy to see it. It's been dry, dry, dry. Right, yeah. Well, good deal. absolutely so brandy uh will you introduce yourself and and why I would ask you to come on this show I'm going to step away for just a minute while you girls are taking over here and I'll be back in a little while thank you all right thank you thank you thank you Okay, I am Brandy Berlue. I am the wife of Benjamin Berlue, who is a January six defendant. And the things that families endure as families of January six defendants are just absolutely atrocious. Right. And, you know, we hear a lot on, because I'm a J-Sixer, we hear a lot from me on what's happened in my life. We hear a lot on, you know, the other J-Sixers. I invite them on the show. They'll tell their story. And that in itself is tragic. But when you're living it firsthand, I think it kind of keeps you occupied. But the family is sitting there feeling completely helpless. And I think it's important to get those stories out too. So that's why I brought you on today. I've had wives of J-Sixers come on one other time. And I've been trying to get some moms, but oddly enough, the moms just weren't radio silent. So... Maybe in the future, I'll be able to make that happen. But in the meantime, I think it is so important to see, you know, not only the devastation on the families and what it's like as a wife to keep the household running, but I think it's important to see what keeps you going too. Yeah. Yeah. So prior to January six, I had a lawn and garden center that I'd had with my first husband who passed away in twenty nineteen. And it was a you know, we, we did pretty well with that business and it was doing quite well. And I'd had it in that town that it was in, it was an existing business when we bought it. And so that lawn and garden center had been established in that town for almost thirty years. And yeah. And then I also had an accounting practice in that town that I'd had in that town for almost ten years at that point. And After January six, after they found out that Ben was a January six defendant, that town chose to deny my occupation licenses, even though I owned the building I was in, chose to deny my occupation license to continue to do business in their town. And so I had to shut down. That was when they heard he was arrested. Yes. So so much for for innocent until proven guilty. Yeah. Yeah, they literally denied my occupation license. The community tried, convicted, and determined guilt just off of what the newspapers put out about your husband. Yes. Even though they know with their heart and their eyes from working with you all these years, they totally denied all that. Totally denied. Yeah, literally denied. We wonder if our constitution is not getting destroyed by the American people even more than this communist regime that has taken over. Yes. It's really sad because my business was, it's a very small town where my garden center was. And I was one of the only retail businesses in the town that actually provided tax revenue to the town. And because they run off of sales tax revenues and stuff. And after that, it was. So at that time, Ben hadn't worked for a while at that time because he's a disabled combat veteran. He's a hundred percent permanently, totally disabled combat veteran. So the existing income. Hold on right off the bat. A man that served our country, sacrificed his life and limb, well-being and everything that the rest of us get to appreciate his luxuries of being an American. He gave it up so we could continue to have those freedoms. And yet the minute a word come out in the community that he was a J-Sixer, everybody immediately tried to convicted and condemned a military veteran for having the courage and strength. Even if they didn't know what really went on January sixth, they had the audacity to deny our constitution and treat y'all that way. I am just absolutely by that. I'm not sure why, because I know the same thing happened with me, but it's a whole different show when you've actually worked in the community, been a business owner, the whole world knows you, has seen you. and they know he's a veteran he's disabled he's served I'm blown away by this yeah and the thing was is his name he had absolutely nothing to do with my businesses they were businesses that I had before ben and I got married um and so for them to do that to me it was really like a stab in the heart because I'm like I have contributed to your community for Ten plus years and serviced a number of people in the community. Like I was a garden center. I had so many people coming in and out of there that just absolutely loved my garden center and they would have stood by me. But because the town denied my occupation license, I had to shut it down. I had no option. It's a ten dollar piece of paper. I would absolutely love to see you be able to file a lawsuit for defamation, destruction, and anything else you can get your hands on for them. That, it just, straight up, it pisses me off. You know, even looking at it outside of your husband, I'm looking at an innocent woman that didn't go that day, didn't- the charges were not on you and you're a widow. And what does the word of God tell us about the widow that we're to care for her? If anything, it was now their obligation to step it up a notch and provide and protect you. And instead they condemned you, they kicked you while you're down and they literally tried to bury you. Very much so. And so in doing that, um, it's just by the grace of God that we've survived, um, financially. Um, because it really, I mean, I went from having about. A hundred and fifty thousand dollars, two hundred thousand dollars a year in gross income, at least coming in to basically none at that point, you know, um, And so it was a big hit. And at that time, we were still in the process of working on Ben's. We were still in the process with the VA and with Social Security on trying to get all of that stuff done for him. Because, you know, it takes years to get through all of the process to get. He already had a rating when he when he ceased working in twenty nineteen. through the VA, but, um, we were working with a group of attorneys to, because his disabilities were getting worse and we're like, something's got to give, well, they deemed him a hundred percent disabled, but that wasn't until the beginning of That we finally got all that. So literally, we were without much income. We had just a little bit coming in from him and a few clients that had stuck by me that were like, you know, we'll bring our stuff out to where you are. You know, we don't have to go to your office. We'll just bring our stuff out to where you are. And so there's been some very wonderful people that are like, this is wrong. What is going on is wrong. And we're not going to pull our support from you. Praise God for that. Praise God because y'all, how am I? Yeah. And we have no family. I have an uncle on my dad's side and then I have some uncles on my mom's side, but both of my parents are gone. My mom passed away when I was sixteen. My dad passed away in twenty sixteen and both the cancer. And then Ben's family is just non-existent because it's better off that way in our lives. But we were even ostracized by the church that we were in at the time and told that we couldn't talk to anybody in the church. I was actually on the praise and worship team at the church. And Ben was told that he could not speak to anybody in the church until all of his January six stuff was over. And by the pastor and I stepped down off the praise and worship team, the pastor tried to get me to stay on the praise and worship team. And I was like, you're going to ostracize my husband and expect me to stand up there and praise God for you for show. Like, no, you can screw off basically, you know. And it makes me question again. Let's take it back to scripture again. You're under the headship of the Lord and the headship of your husband when he is aligned with the Lord. And yet the pastor is saying, oh, you know, he's already deemed your husband guilty, deserves prison. He don't even deserve the Lord. There is going to be such a high price because pastors are teachers. The word is very, very clear. You're at a higher accountability level. And because of that, you will give an account. And when you stood in the way of his children getting to him, all I hope is that he has come to his senses and bowed before the Lord and repented and been wise enough to come back to you and ask forgiveness. He hasn't asked forgiveness yet. He has changed his tune about January six. Some now we have a new pastor at our church, but this former pastor is now a senior pastor. Like he's, he's the pastor for the senior people at the church, the older people at the church now, but our lead pastor now is a phenomenal man. Him and his family are absolutely wonderful. And they have actually locked arms with us and said, we're going to get you through this. We are your family. Look at the beauty that's coming. And I'm so happy to hear because I'm telling you, he's leaping condemnation on himself. And the reality is, I'm not so far out that I don't realize that it probably took you a minute to see what was happening. We're used to trusting our news sources. In America, there were laws protecting against bias, protecting against lies, false witness, things like that. And then Obama wrote, I guess, laws into play that allowed propaganda to come into the news. And then they all got bought up by eight liberal companies. And from there, you know, the propaganda began. So they started hiding the public. I get all of that. I do. But at the end of the day, we're called not to judge. We're called to be to be wise, gentle. All these things and our own constitution, even if you're not a Christian, our own constitution tells you innocent until proven guilty. And that cannot happen without the American people determining that in their heart. I started noticing after January six, when I would read an article in the paper about someone doing something that I would mix up the word indicted or charged as guilty right away. Right. I wasn't taking my thoughts captive and I've had to now go back and retrain myself. What is this article really saying? And now the question I'm like, but is it the truth? I mean, because now I know they create the story the way they want it to read. And my heart is just broken, but I'm so grateful that the pastor was wise enough to go, okay, I was wrong and let's clean this up. And now you've got a support system. So that's good to hear. Yes. And through all of this, it's, you know, I've, I tell people sometimes I've been under attack since the moment I was born. I was born in the middle of a tornado in the hallway of a hospital and my mom almost bled to death while she was having me. And so like the devil's been trying to take me out since I was born. Powerful woman for the kingdom. I, yeah, I take that as a compliment because I'm like, that just means that I'm a threat to him and his ideology, you know, and anybody who possesses the ideology of the devil. Because I know who lives in me and it's stronger than any force in this world. And after after January six, I had. So what what that little town did with sending me to my house, basically, and not allowing me to do business in their town. What that did was bring me and Ben closer together with our children. It put us together and all the time and allowed us to start homesteading more, to start seeking God more as a family. And I had been contemplating the idea with my first husband before he passed away of homeschooling our children. But I actually had such a a busy schedule and a big practice and stuff, you know, and had multiple businesses that it was hard to homeschool my children, even though I wanted to. So they were in public school at the time. And now we're in year three of homeschooling full-time. I think it's year three, it might be year four, three, year three. And of homeschooling full-time and it's been, One of the best decisions that I've ever made, that we've ever made for our family. My children are thriving. They're excelling in everything that they're doing. Just watching their growth daily in God and in maturity. They're farm kids, so they have some chores they do. You know, we have a few chickens. We have some rabbits and a few ducks and everything. And then we have a huge garden. And so we just live farm life. We live the way that I believe that as best as we can in this world, anyway, that God intended us to and to get away from the world. You know, we're called to be in the world, not of the world. And so we we try to instill that in our children that, you know, you judge things based upon God's word, not upon what the world tells you to do. And that's been the wonderful thing about this is it has brought us all closer to God. It has tightened our walk and straightened our walk and made us realize that he is our only hope. He is the only thing that is going to get us through this. And he is our vindication, our restitution, our defender, our protector, our provision. He's all of it. And if our country would realize that and, you know, if we would humble ourselves and call on his name, our country would heal. That is absolutely right. And that's the message I hope that I get out over and over is this is a time of repentance. This is a time of awakening. I see it all around me. I have people coming to Christ. I have people hungering for the truth and the word, hungering for hope. And the hope that lives in me can live in you. And so even though this is so tragic and I know the people hear our story and they're like, oh, my gosh. I mean, they're just they're blown away that this has happened. You can look at it. Yeah. that just loved our country and had no idea we're walking into a trap. And what a betrayal of our country that we trusted you. We trusted you. We trusted that we were being ran by good, honest people, good, hardworking people that loved us, that cared about us, that wanted good things for us, that wanted to protect us. Uncle Sam. Uncle Sam. We had family and you betrayed us and you attacked us and hurt us. That is like a parent that abuses their child and betrayal of that. It's going to be so hard for us to recover from. So when you sense anger from us toward our country, please know it is not toward America. It is not toward the American people. It is not toward our government. We know that our government got taken over by tyrants. Well, how do we know? Because our government would never do this to us. That's how we know. And by faith, we will walk forward through this and we will be victors because the Lord tells us that the battle's been won. And so that's the exciting good news out of all of this is that the battle has already been won. The hard part is going to be for us to stay reminded of that because we're on the tip of the spear and we have to fight this by standing firm on the word of God through and through. And I got a question for you, Brandy. So for me, I have watched and been a part of the January six community now for three and a half years. And I have heard people call up for Civil War and World War III and this has to stop and we got to take up arms and pry my gun out of my cold dead hand and all of these things. And I've been the one telling people, You're throwing punches at ghosts because this is evil. And you can't throw punches at ghosts because they don't feel the hit. You feel the hit by spiritual warfare. I'm curious, though. I mean, that is just my one opinion. What is your opinion on that? I agree completely with you. It is a fight of good and evil. It's not a physical fight. It's not anything that can be won with a physical fight. show a force or anything. We have to drop to our knees and pray for this nation and fight in the heavenlies because that's where we're going to win. God has already won, but there is a battle going on for this country and it's just a fight of good and evil. I fully, I agree. I've been very curious because, you know, I can't speak for all January six defendants or everybody has their own viewpoint, but I can I can just I can feel the demonic forces when I go into D.C. Oh, yes. I can feel the demonic forces pushing back. So that is why I say that I don't say it, you know, trying to, you know, sound holier than thou. Trust me, you spend five minutes with me. You'll realize real quick. I'm not holier than thou. But I, you know, I also think the Lord can use that because I am real. You know, if I'm, if I'm struggling, I'm struggling. And if I'm not, I'm not. And, I just call it like I see it. And I feel that coming off of you too. And so, you know, now you've told me, you know, what happened to you and what your life looked like before. I'm curious. You've definitely spoken where, where your relationship with the Lord has greatly increased and what it's doing for your children. I'm curious what you see for your future through this. Um, So I, I love owning a business. I've owned a business since I was twenty three years old. And it's just been the last few years, you know, since January six that I haven't actively been able to really operate a business. After all, this is over. I do have aspirations to open a business again. And I actually have a mission in mind as well. I'm not going to say the name of it because I don't want anybody to steal it, but it's not that you would, but somebody might. But to reach out into communities and to, especially around here, there is a, what's sad around here is you don't see a lot of churches doing a lot of outreach in their own communities um they send money to missions you know that are in other countries and don't concentrate on the mission that's right outside our door right and um we want to have a farm to where it'll be our family farm. I mean, we have one currently, but it's not very big. It's kind of a micro farm. But I am a generational farmer. I was raised by a dirt farmer and a rancher. He was also a mechanical engineer, but his passion was farming. And, uh, my dad, uh, and then my grandpas, both my grandpas were ranchers and my mom's dad, he was also a dirt farmer and a phenomenal one. And so it's just in my blood. And the reason that he, that my grandpa, um, that was the dirt farmer, the reason that he grew such a big garden every year was so he could give the majority of it away. And, um, I have those same aspirations. And so I'll have, I want to have a garden center that has a retail store, but I also want to have with that a mission that our excess, our abundance just gets given away to people in the community and need gets donated to shelters gets, you know, and I, because I just, I have a heart for God's people and I don't want anybody suffering. I've, I've seen suffering. I've been a youth minister in the past as well. Uh, my first husband and I were youth ministers and, um, Hey Bubba, sorry, my son just walked onto the deck. Um, but, um, there's just such a need for God's love to be shown in our country and whatever we do, I got to challenge you on that a second. So I hear you. I got to ask you, did you have that heart before January? No, I've always been a giver, but it's like, you know, if somebody's hungry, I'll give you some food or take you to get groceries or something like that, but not to this degree. That's the point for people is, you know, that, Through our pain, beautiful things are going to rise from this. All the enemy can do is martyr us. Because you step on one of us and a thousand come out. Have you thought about that? Like our heart is so much. I didn't realize I was a lover of people. I need a box of Max's woods from over there. I didn't realize I'm such a lover of people. I truly, if you would have asked me, I'm like, people suck. I mean, I was that person. I'm being honest. And I had a boss one time. I love speaking about this. She picked that up in me and how frustrated I would get with people. And she'd say, Jalise, people just do people-y things. And I love that. And it has stuck with me because that's what people do. They do people-y things. And that means that hurt people will hurt people. And that means that blessed people will bless people. And you just got to let people be people. But through January six, I found out how much I love people that I'm willing to lay down my life for them. And I'm hearing coming from you, too. You built a wealth. You built a wonderful business. You had a great lifestyle. You were climbing your way to the top of the food chain. And yet you got rejected by your own. And now you're like, wait a minute. Look where I'm at. I have all these beautiful people around me that are needing me. And your heart has changed. I just think that's glorious and beautiful. So, you know, we're still in the point of our pain. So we're still not ready to say, okay, it was a fair trade. Right. Yeah. But we see the beauty that's going to rise from these ashes. Yes. Yes, ma'am. I love it. I love it. No, you don't give away your ideas, but I see that God's got amazing things with you. I'm also, so where are you at now? Where, what about your husband? What's going on with him? Okay. So, um, Ben is currently, um, in the DC Gulag, uh, in the CTF there. Um, he is, uh, He has a hearing upcoming. I'm not sure what's going to happen at that hearing. I guess we'll have to see. But currently, so my husband is a, like I said, he's a one hundred percent permanently and totally disabled combat veteran. And the majority of that is to PTSD. But he also has some physical disabilities that are due to combat as well. And. the lack of medical care that he can have. And a lot of this comes from, we are completely holistic. He's a former addict. He's a recovered addict from pain pills. And it's because he was, he's in chronic pain all the time. And whenever we got married and, I switched him to completely holistic medicine because he was on fourteen plus prescription medications. His liver counts were messed up. His cholesterol was crazy. His blood sugar was crazy. He was inflamed everywhere and he was still in pain. Like, what they were giving him wasn't helping and they were throwing sleeping, sleeping pills at him and all kinds of stuff because he has insomnia, you know? And I was like, man, we've got to get you off of this stuff. Well, after losing both of my parents to cancer, I had started researching medical cannabis because it's legal in Oklahoma. And through the research that I had done, I was like, we need to get you on this stuff and see if we can get you off all these prescription pills because medical cannabis in and of itself is not addictive. It's actually, they say it's a gateway drug. Well, it is to get you off of prescription medications. It will not get you onto something. It will get you off of stuff and you will not have withdrawals from it. So if you have to stop using it for whatever reason, you won't have withdrawals like you do with prescription medications. Well, For the last four years, Ben has been on a completely holistic lifestyle to include we eat a kosher diet, which is out of the Book of Deuteronomy. We basically eat the diet that's laid out there. My first husband and I actually had been on what was called the Maker's Diet. It's a book by Jordan Rubin. We had been on that for years. our entire marriage. Well, whenever Ben and I got married, I switched Ben over to that. And he was like, what in the world? Like, it's amazing what real food does for your body, you know? And so, and having grown our own food and stuff like that. Um, so with him being detained, um, they just want to throw narcotics and opioids at these guys. They don't want to try to help them at all. Um, he can't, he's too expensive. Um, So my poor husband is sitting there in pain every day because he has been stripped away from the only medicine that he takes. And that is medical cannabis. It's he takes a Rick Simpson oil, which is the cannabis plant extracted into like, it's just the oil out of the cannabis plant. It's an extract and you just ingest it, you know, and that has replaced his. pain medication his sleeping medication his anxiety medication stuff for his tbi um it's been a godsend you know I mean god created the plant and it's an herb by definition and so it has terpenes on it like the lavender plant has linalool in it well so does the marijuana plant um There's such a taboo on it and I wish we could break the taboo because it's really good medicine when it's used like it's supposed to be. But instead in the jail system, which I'm not asking them to provide my husband with medical marijuana in jail because people would be trying to do nefarious things with it and that would just be bad. But there needs to be some give to where they'll allow him to be somewhere safe. to where he can have his medication because it's wrong to try to put him on narcotics, on opioids when he's a recovered addict and he refuses it. And he's like, I'm not going to do it. The first thing I think about is women that have had children in prison and how they provide them a private space to nurse the baby. Um, I, I, I'll be the first one to tell you I've been very anti-anything marijuana and I have a debilitating disease. And then like you, about, oh, twenty sixteen, I started waking up and I went to a holistic medicine doctor that started treating my whole body. And I, for the first time in my life, went into remission. My weight dropped, my mental health improved. Everything was amazing off the chart. And for the first time, I realized that I can be a normal human being going around in this world. I still fell off the wagon again because it's so hard to change your lifestyle in a world where, you know, we live off the sad diet here in America, standard American diet, which is nothing but poison. And you retrain yourself because it's actually an addiction, intended addiction. Now they get upset because they want to accuse marijuana of you'll get addicted. If they were so worried about that, they would not have used the maker. What is it? Philip and Morris to develop our foods to figure out how to make them so addictive to get rich off of us. So they're not worried about addiction, people. They're not. No. no yeah nope they'd just soon you'd be addicted so that they can control you with big pharma that is absolutely right and I worked in the medical field I can straight up tell you that I actually had to leave my career um a little over a year ago for that very reason after walking through covid as a essential employee you know yes and watching it was really really bad for me because I saw the evil of mankind that I can't speak for every single doctor I happen to know a couple that were not like this but for the majority they were in it for the money and they used covid like mad to get rich as fast as they could, knowing that it would come to an end and they would not be able to deceive the American people anymore. And they used it to the best of their ability to pad their pockets. They didn't care about the welfare. I watched them murder the elderly and alienate their family from them. I was standing in windows of nursing homes, dancing in a costume just to bring a moment of joy to them. And it was disgusting and sickening. And I tried to go back after January six, after our raid, I went back to work and I couldn't bear to do it. And I suffered through it for about a year. And all of a sudden I realized I'm living a lie. I'm telling these people that this is the way to do things. And it's not because I had already went down the holistic path. So I am all in with you. In fact, there's probably going to be later phone calls to pick your brain. And help me get back on track because people need to hear it. And I would love to have you back on for an opportunity to just educate on superficial stuff, just to get people to hunger for truth and start digging in. Because the minute you do, you're going to be pissed. I was. Very much so. Yeah. I really thought these were, y'all, you got to forgive me. I own where I failed. And I called y'all tree huggers. And I thought you were coops and you're a conspiracy theorist. And then I realized, you're the ones that know the truth because you actually used your brain and I did not. And So here we are. So he's in the D.C. prison. I know that's horrific. There's not a worse place to go other than maybe that Supermax in Colorado where Lucas Denny is being held captive. And so I know where he's at and the suffering he's got to be enduring. Where are you in staying on your feet with your children? So the pickle that we have is currently Ben's pay is still intact. um once he is sentenced um depending on what type of sentence they give him where they put him stuff like that it will if it it could potentially affect his pay and the vast majority of our income is his disability and social security income from so um at this american people I hope you're hearing that our veterans that their benefits get treated in like a handout, not like they earned it, even though they made sacrifices, worked and earned it. Oh, I lost her. Oh, there you are. Even even with that, OK, even though they earned it, it gets treated like a handout and then they take it back. They don't care about the family they've established. They don't care about the sacrifices that the wife and children made while they were, you know, in the military, which I get your situation was a little bit different. You may not have been with him while he was in the military. Right. Sacrifices have been made and should pass on to the children. But instead, they're like, oh, y'all can burn in hell. We don't care what happens to you. And literally, literally take away the benefit of the veteran. And I am disgusted and appalled by this. I wish the American people would become outraged because that's that's hitting a town near you. That's not just on January six defendants. That is. Right. And the complaint that the federal government has lodged against combat veterans saying that they're all dangerous due to their service to this country, basically their training. They jacked their brains up and then they blamed them for it. Is that what you're saying? Yes. And they're saying that due to their, they're literally saying that, um, My husband is a threat to... He has no criminal record, by the way. He has an honorable service record. He's got a Bronze Star with Valor and Archon with Valor. He's got multiple awards and medals. And the... they're saying that he is a threat because of his service to this country. Well, they're lodging that complaint against every combat veteran in the United States. At that point, if one is a threat, they were all trained the same way. You know, all the army is trained one way, the Navy, the Marines, you know, air force, they're all trained in specific ways. So you're going to say that all of our protectors are a threat to society. And Brandy, as you say that, I'm just sitting here going, okay, you're American citizens that you trained to be warriors for our country. You're considering a threat while you're paying for military arms in foreign countries that are dangerous to us and leaving them there for them to use against us. And then inviting them over our border to use the weapons you gave them against us. They're not a threat. But your American citizens that you trained to provide service to this country of protection is now a threat. I literally have a document that states it. That's what the FBI said about my husband. This is ridiculous. It's ridiculous. Yes. And that's why they want to keep him detained. It's because they say he's a threat to society when he's never had a criminal background. And like I say, an honorable service record. And so they are taking our protectors and they're putting them in jail is what they're doing. That's exactly what they're doing. So just to add a little bit of history to people in case you hadn't seen prior shows, seven percent of Americans are military veterans. Seven percent. Yet we have, I believe the last number that was looked up was twenty six or twenty seven percent are our January six defendants that have been incarcerated that are military veterans. Now, what's on the inside should equate to what's on the outside. It should be about seven percent of the population. But there is an unusually high rate of them going after the military veterans. Why would they do that? Well, let me tell you why they would do that. For that very reason that they deemed them a threat, because they know what they're doing is evil. They know that they're attempting to take over our country. And our military veterans are the ones that would recognize a PSYOP and act on it. That's why they're putting them in prison. Very much so. We're in a sad state in this country. And I hope that every one of these interviews have been eye-opening to the American people because you can't make this stuff up. And I don't care how deep you want to go down the rabbit hole. It seems to go deeper. I'm so deep in right now that I'm oxygen deprived. I don't even, you know, I mean, you think, oh, you know, I'm just going to look into this one little thing. Someone mentioned it. I want to know more about it. And two days later, you come out and you feel like your walls are closing in around you. You know, the gentleman that was on just before us talking about the hand counting boats. and the way they're already stealing the election again. I've been listening to James O'Keefe and OMG, where they have started investigating Act Blue, because that's where they're funneling what looks like foreign money in to the Democratic Party and using innocent elderly yet again. As if they didn't do it enough during COVID to try to get rid of the ones that are, you know, taxing our medical system and cost too much money. I believe that's why they killed them was to get them out of their hair. And now they're turning around and using them again to steal their vote from them because after all, they're dying anyway. When is the American people going to be outraged and put a stop on this? And the only way they are is start beating down the doors of Congress wanting answers. questioning that. What are you going to do about this? Where have you stood on this? Why am I not hearing from you when you're doing interviews? Why am I not hearing about this topic? That's what's going to have to happen because right now they think they can get away with it and they are getting away with it. And God says it's about to be our at least second election stolen. I really believe it's the third election stolen. And so, you know, I look at Bernie Sanders, wasn't a fan of the guy, but hey, let's face it, that was stolen. You know, look at Kabbalah Harris right now. She just stole the nomination, didn't even leave it to vote and then pretty much dictated at the DNC. This is who you're going to celebrate. Yay me. So this is disgusting and it's an outrage and it's got to be stopped. And it's only going to be stopped by the American people. You know, we're, we're to fall on our knees, we're to pray, but we're to be active too. I can point scripture after scripture where the Lord is holding you to account for your cowardice. The revelation, he straight up tells you, you're not going to enter the kingdom of heaven. If you are, are walking in fear and, um, that the coward will not enter the kingdom of heaven. I posted the other day, if anyone sins because they do not speak up when they hear a public charge to testify regarding something they've seen or learned about, They will be held responsible. This is Leviticus five one. There's another scripture I ran across the same day. And by my righteousness, one will live by faith. And I take no pleasure in the one who shrinks back. But we do not belong to those who shrink back and are destroyed. You hear what's going to happen when you shrink back. You're going to be destroyed. And but to those who have faith. and are saved. If you have faith and you walk boldly in that faith, you will be saved. The one who, the one who tries to save his life will lose it. The one who loses his life will gain it. And so I'm, and the biggest thing is what you pointed to Brandy. And that was this, You're showing your children how to walk through persecution right now. You're showing them. You're showing your grandchildren because your children are going to raise your grandchildren and so on and so forth. You have the opportunity to save your family line by walking in boldness and walking in faith through this because you're teaching them how to handle it at all costs. So I'm excited that we have this opportunity in America. I'm sad because I'm seeing almost all of them take the wide road instead of the narrow. And that's very scary for our country. Very. And you now have jumped on that narrow road. You didn't know you were going to get faced with that. But when you got pulled out from under you, you decided that you will boldly protect your children. You will, with or without money, trust in the Lord and you will homeschool them. And, you know, I have big opinions on homeschooling, too, because I feel like at this point you're doing nothing but throwing your children out to the wolves. I picture Sodom and Gomorrah where the angel of the Lord come to visit Lot and tried to encircle them, to rape them because it was so deficient there. and locked through his own virgin daughter out in the street for them to devour so that he could get the angel of the Lord into his house. People, that's what we're doing right now with our children, sending them to school. Single mom or not, trust in the Lord. You will find a way to provide for them. Grandparents, step it up. This may not look like the retirement you were going to have. Suck it up. Get them grandkids out of school and start homeschooling. So that's my soapbox. I like your soapbox. Sounds like mine. But, you know, Brandy finished this up. And I know this is kind of a shorter interview and it always makes me sad to keep it that short. But sometimes I think we bring such powerful information to the table that I almost want people to really feast on it and not be overwhelmed by too much information. So tell me, you know, you've told me what you're hoping your future looks like. What about the future of our country? If Christians, if children of God do not stand up and be bold and roar louder than the lion that is seeking to devour us right now, we're going to be devoured. We have to, with the lion of Judah that resides inside of us, We have to be that pride of lions that roars back in the face of this big devil that we're facing. And John ten, ten says it, you know, the thief comes to steal, kill and destroy. But Christ came so that we could have life and to have it more abundantly. And the current regime that is in power right now is the thief coming to steal, kill and destroy everything that our forefathers wanted. fought for for this country and that men and women have laid their lives down for a few hundred years now and that have lost parts of themselves that they have survived war but they're you know they're physically still here but they've lost parts of their mind parts of their body you know um if we don't fight we're for what our forefathers fought for for our country being founded on God's principles, she's gone. And so I just call to the church, be the salt and light. Don't hide it under a bushel. You know, this little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine. Be the light, be the salt. Don't be afraid. Walk boldly in what Christ has given us at the cross. We have the victory. We just have to take it back. That's absolutely right. That is absolutely right. I love, I could not add to that and make it any better. You know, my prayer today is that your little town will repent and that your Lord will prepare a table in the presence of your enemies and you will be restored tenfold as in, as just as Job was. that there will be no loss, that it will be fully restored for each and every one of us. I don't know what that will look like, but I know it is a promise to the Lord as long as we are obedient and faithful to him. And I'm excited to see a sister in Christ that is a warrior on her knees to restore this nation. We need so much of that right now. And that is something that every single American can do. You may not be in a position where you can go knocking on the doors of Congress daily or writing letters or calling or whatever, but all of us are in a position to fall to our knees before our father and lift up these January six defendants and their families. How can we specifically help you? I know that Ben probably has a Gibson Go. Will you share that with us? Yeah, we do have a give, send, go. I can, hmm, how do I get it to you? What I do, I'm going to have you, when this goes into a video, people can replay it. I haven't figured out how to get this on a share screen where I can pull it up. But if you can tell me that, I will look it up and hopefully be able to get that in the show notes. But if nothing else, people can definitely replay this and look it up. Yeah, let me hold on a second here. Let me go with me into my house. And I'm afraid if I pull it up on my on my phone, I'm going to drop the video. Well, let me go. It might be that I can even find it. So, OK. Yeah, it's. Let's see here. To do to do. And I know how to spell his name now. It'll actually be under Brandy Bowen on the Gibson Go, because my legal name is actually still Bowen. Perfect. And it should be, it's Family Relief Amidst J-Six Persecution. And I think is what it is. It is Family Relief Amidst J-Six Persecution. If y'all would go to her gifts and go, um, I'm going to repeat it again. It's, uh, in fact, I'm wondering if it won't let me, let's look here. Gifts and Uh, and I just searched Brandy Bowen and it pulled her up, but it's under family relief amidst J six persecutions. And I am calling for people to reach out and help Brandy because it is a rough road when everything you have known for your financial security is ripped out from under you. Yeah. Yeah, it is. Look at her beautiful land out there, guys. So also you can go to and donate there. We try to help the January six defendants and their families with not only commissary and their travel to and from DC in order to go to their trial and sentencing. We also attempt to help keep the family afloat for whatever they need. We don't overly scrutinize what the need is. If the need is there, we're going to try to help. If we've got a penny in our pocket, we'll give it to you. So y'all help us get that penny in our pocket. We are all volunteer. And that means that we are not feeding a machine. That means there is no real minimum cost. that we have to meet every month other than I think a twenty five dollar or fifty dollar phone bill. That's about it. So please help us out. Help us to help the January six defendants. And furthermore, Donna is so gracious to us to give us this power to share with you about January six and the different personal stories. I hope that every time that we come on the air, you get to see the person behind that January six banner, that there are real people, real lives just like yours that have been destroyed for believing in our country and standing up for what is right. So I thank Donna for that. And I hope you will continue to follow Donna Brandenburg with BNN Network and that, you know, I love her. I'm going to memorize this. I'm going to get on here and memorize this because I love her little pitch where she says the only governor that never conceded and isn't conceded. I love her. I love her pitch. And I hope that you will continue to follow her. Come back tomorrow and see a new segment. And in the meantime, I pray that every one of you will be blessed and that you will join us in our final prayer here. And Brandy, do you have a specific way that you would like to be prayed for? Yeah. No, I'll just let you do it. All right. Well, let's do it. Lord Jesus, we come before you always with a heart of gratitude that even through the darkest of times in our nation right now, that you are a light in a dark place, that we can lean into you, that we can cuddle up in your arms and still be protected and safe, that you are a mighty warrior that has taught us how to fight these spiritual battles and that you have fully equipped us with the full armor of God that we can suit up and show up. Father, I thank you for each and every January six defendant that you put the calling on their heart and that they answered to go on January six, that they stood firm on truth. Father, I pray for the mighty courage in them that they can continue to stand on truth, even in the face of opposition, even in the face of rejection, even in the face of persecution. Father, that they would stand up as a mighty warrior. You've called them to stand up as and continue to stand for truth and protect this country and to be that light in a dark place, no matter where that dark place is at. Father, I pray for your protection around each and every one of them. They are America's army right now as our army has stood down to not protect the enemy from within. Father, we love you so much. We trust you and we seek to be a light in a dark place. Thank you for Donna. I lift her up to you as she stands firm on all the difficulties that's going on in our world and bringing truth to the table, even when they try to shut her down. Lord, we love you. It is in your mighty name that we pray. Amen. Amen. And there you have it. That is the wrap. Thank you. Thank you so much for coming on the show. I know it is so difficult. You know, here's the thing. We hate to cry, don't we? But the reality is when we do, all of a sudden, people, you know, the Beatitudes in the Word of God says, blessed is the poor in spirit, for they shall be comforted. When we cry, we get comforted. And then something miraculous happens. You make it safe for others to cry. And we weren't given tear ducts because they were useless. That is our stress relief. And if we're going to win this battle, we have to keep our body running optimally. That means we have to keep the stress shed off. And so I thank you for your vulnerability today. That's actually the Bible study that I started today. And you did that. And I thank you for that because we have a lot of Americans that are hiding behind pride and nobody knows the pain that they're going through. And the comfort is just waiting for them to become vulnerable. And you helped us to do that today, Brandy. So thank you for that. And I hope everybody has a good weekend. Tune in tomorrow. And I don't even remember who I have on tomorrow, but there's some. I am definitely not at the professional level of Donna. I praise God for her to keep me on track. So anyway, y'all have a blessed day and tune in next time. God bless. Thank you. Bye. Bye.