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BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/12/2024 Fortress of Fraud, Chris Deal & J6er Jalise Middleton

Published Aug. 12, 2024, 9:03 a.m.

9am Fortress of Fraud - panel of patriots in Palm Beach County fighting the fraud in Florida. Including Jeff Buongiorno, Jason Ickes, Gabriella Fox, Candace Rojas. Mikki Isackson, Erin Aktas 10am Chris Deal - Chris is not only a trusted friend, but has a long history of military service to America both in Vietnam as a Marine and in several security positions that he held domestically. We will be talking about the current state of America as it relates to the world stage and what the implications are to Everyday Americans. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. James Brett is a father of 5 kids. He has 3 boys and 2 girls ranging in age from 1 to 15. He has based his life on service to others, faith in God and love of Country. He has a loving fiancé and is planning on tying the knot in the near future. He is an avid Patriot, entrepreneur and a hopeless believer in the American dream. On June 3, 2022 his home was raided by the FBI for his attendance at the Capitol on January 6th 2021. He, his lady, and their 1 1/2 year old daughter were removed at gunpoint. Dozens of agents broke doorframes, doors and personal property while clearing the house. He was peaceful, did not enter, vandalize, or take anything from the Capitol grounds. He is now one of over 1440 Political prisoners targeted by a corrupt regime. Eric Clark. I went to the capital on January 6th 2021 foremost because I felt the hand of God stirring within me making it clear I was to be there to peacefully protest the rigging of the 2020 election. After President Trump finished his speech, I walked to the Capitol. While at the front of the crowd I immediately gave out my Marine Corp battle cry of OH-RAH and a tall gentleman now identified as Ray Epps whom was marching back and forth between the line of protestors and Capitol officers says directly to me "Semper Fidelis devil dog, we have to hold back the crowd a little longer or they are going to f*#k up the plan" (please forgive the language just being accurate). I also witnessed 3 individuals approach a utility access structure directly against the Capitol bldg. where they procured certain siege weapons to include a 3' ladder, a 12' long 2"x4" and a 12' long piece of 6" thick cardboard pipe. I have been charged with 2 counts unauthorized entry and 2 counts violent entry and was offered an unauthorized parading plea bargain I turned down. I entered the capitol peacefully without damaging anything nor committed any violence. I WOULD NOT accept any plea bargains as I did nothing wrong. [They] have done many wrongs repugnant to our Constitution and my legal fight is not my own. It is "We The People" and our basic God given liberty's Epeshians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the 12th day of August 2024. I hope everybody out there had a really good weekend. It was a beautiful weekend here in Michigan. I actually got to ride horses a couple of times, which is nice because there's many days that I haven't been able to ride. First thing off is 9 o'clock this morning. We've got kind of an interesting lineup. 9 o'clock this morning, Jeff Bongiorno and Jason Ikes are supposed to be on. 10 o'clock, it's Chris Deal. And 11 o'clock, Jaleese Middleton. And we're going to start doing a show at 11 o'clock every day highlighting the stories of Jay Sixers. So Jaleese will be on at 11 o'clock. She has James Brett on and Eric. Clark. Their stories are just unbelievable. Hang on a second. You know, it's live broadcast on right now. So their stories are absolutely unbelievable and very inspiring. And I decided that we probably needed to, after talking to Jalise, that we need to document this so that people in the future can actually hear what's happened to these people. Now, David Summerall has been documenting the Jay Sixer stories also with Stop the Hate. And I hope he's watching today because he has... He's been doing this for quite a while, so I want to thank him for it. And I'm waiting for my guest to get on for some reason. There is a crazy amount of technical difficulties. I can keep things up here on this end, but everybody else back out there that is joining and such seems to have some problems getting through. or being able to connect to the internet. Now I've got really, really good tech here. So that's super helpful, but not everybody has that. So right now I'm just waiting for Jeff. And I think that Gabriella Fox is going to come on. There's a bunch of people down in Florida that are fighting the good fight, including doing pro se lawsuits, which is kind of cool. So I want to show you something this morning before, oh, there's Gabby. Hang on a minute. I want to, show you something this morning that happened because everybody's been following the story. Morning, Gabby. How you doing? I'm good. How are you, Donna? I'm doing just great. Thank you. Thanks for joining this morning. I wanted to show you guys something that's been happening here in Byron Township, which is an absolute, I'm just going to say it, it's a cluster here. It really is. And what's really crazy is J.D. Vance is going to be coming to Byron Center on Wednesday, which is kind of nuts to me. It seems kind of nuts. This is a little farming community. But they have been trying to set me up here. Hey, Jeff, how you doing? Good, how are you? Good, really good. So they have been trying to set me up here in Byron Center, and you guys heard about the person from the clerk's office last week that came here to serve me papers, and that was just nonsense. He went past two no trespassing signs, and they are alleging that I'm guilty of running a business onto private property with private property signs and no trespassing signs posted, handed an official piece of paper with a clerk's name signed in blue ink on it, to one of my employees that works at the barn to help maintain a private employee, right? Just like having somebody, you know, clean your house or do anything else on a personal level. Hands this to him, unopened. He looks at the inside and sees Peggy Sattler's name, our township clerk, signed in blue. and calls me and says, this guy came here to tell you that you are expected to register a business license. I would like everybody in here to think about this, to have a situation where somebody alleges in your home without proof that you have a business running out of it. So I called the township supervisor and he's like, well, I'm sure there's something That they came and did this. No, it's not. It's that they've been trying to harass me, including hiding a tax bill. So this morning, this woman shows up with her little dorky bike here going past all of our signs. acting in her most Pollyanna way. Well, I was wondering, it seems a little coincidental that this is all close together. I was wondering if you board horses here and said, you know, my daughter needs to board a horse to which my husband responds, this is my wife's barn. There's one on a uh the other road there that boards and she's like well they I think they only take pasafinos which is a which is a lie because it's a friend of ours that boards it and there's plenty of thoroughbreds there and other things so it was completely it looks there's nothing believable about this so all I'm going to say is to all you people out there that are targeting donna brandenburg facial recognition software is a and this stuff goes both ways you're going to keep sending me people to trespass on my property and try to do this plausible deniability bullshit. It's not going to work. And when I get through with beating on all of you and proving criminal conspiracy, y'all probably going to go to jail because I'm not going to stop if you guys don't stop leaving me alone. Even even with that, I'm so pissed off right now that there is definitely what appears to be a criminal conspiracy to take my property to harass us and extort money in Byron Township that the pummeling of your life is incoming right now. And this chick that was clearly sent here is going to be rolled into it. Stay the hell off my property. Leave us alone. Go find somebody else to pick on because you picked on somebody who will literally not back down and just beat the living hell out of you legally in a way that is going to be epic. And anybody say, grab your torches and pitchforks, that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about a legal pummeling that you will not recover from. So anyhow, good morning. How are you guys doing with your legal pummeling down in West Palm or in Palm Beach County? It's gotten epic, hasn't it? It's getting interesting. Good morning. Good morning, Jeff. I just left an early voting location. So we've got a new scam going around during early voting up here in Palm Beach County. And that is a couple of rogue, you know, radical, whatever you want to call them, people that are in our Republican executive committee have decided that their little mafia is going to pick who's going to get elected for this primary. And they've printed and emailed the Republican Party people Hicks. list. And they are handing this out at the early voting locations, passing it off as it's coming from the party, no disclaimer or anything. And thankfully, it's been exposed. And I'm pretty pissed off, especially because in my particular race, there are four people running as Republicans. I use that term loosely. And there's a consensus among three of us that as long as one of the three of us gets in, it won't be a catastrophe. But if the fourth corrupt candidate gets in, then we have a major problem. She is involved in a major bribery pay-for-play scheme. Her acolytes went around the Trump team, prevented her from being vetted, paid a lot of money to get the Trump endorsement. Everything they've done is corrupt. This woman cannot even speak properly. When she goes to events, she avoids Republican events and they are depending on money to win this. And it's just horrifically corrupt. And it's a huge insult to the ethical, you know. manner of which we are supposed to be running campaigns. And it's just a huge insult to the other three candidates, including myself, that we're doing things with integrity and this woman is not. So I'm out here. I've got people out here now at all the locations that are intervening and saying this is not a representation of the Republican Party. This is an opinion by a small fringe group. So that's what I'm running around doing this morning, hence why I'm driving right now while on the call. It is so shocking. I think it would be so shocking to the people that are not in this arena how bad the conspiracy is, because it is a conspiracy to defraud the American population of their vote, of anything that looks to be legal. It's incredible to me. It's election interference. It's a threat to national security, and it starts at the local level, and they're all corrupt as hell. It's incredible. Yep. What we're seeing here is like a lot of the land grabs. And you can take that right back to the DNR and how much the state, how much land the state has tried to grab. I'd like to see more people that have had the attacks that I've had. And I've seen, I just have a voice here a little bit. But I'd like to know how many people in the state of Michigan has experienced the same thing with these yahoos on a local level in office and or the DNR stealing their land. I think it's, I think it's a pretty, from what I'm seeing and what I'm experiencing, I think there needs to be an investigation on it because I think it's a widespread corruption. That's sad. So what else is happening, Jeff? Oh, good morning, Gabby. Thanks. You're a great fighter. You know, the women in Palm Beach County seem to have bigger balls than all the men. And, uh, love talking to the women in there you guys you guys down there are just amazing all the work you do and you're non-stop fighting I love it I woke up this morning mad as hell that's what got me out of bed today it's a good motivation so you know this the the republican executive committee the chairman of the Republican Executive Committee, Kevin Neal. He's handling it. He is addressing it. As of last night, he's on top of it. Just FYI. This is a few months back. He had a two-hour meeting with the Democrat supervisor of elections, a private meeting with a fellow named Three People. So it's Kevin Neal, the chairman of the Republican Party Executive Committee in Palm Beach County. a guy named Willie Gardena, who's a great pro-life advocate, and Wendy Satori Link, who is the incumbent who was appointed as a Republican, who promised to serve and finish one term after a corrupt supervisor of elections by the name of Susan Buescher was fired by Governor DeSantis. And the incumbent, Wendy Link, was appointed as a Republican, she flipped to a Democrat, And she ran for a second term, which that wasn't the deal. She was supposed to fix things and move on. And apparently, I don't have proof of this, things have gotten worse. It seems like they changed the prison warden, but the inmates still run the prison. And this brings up concerns with the Republican Executive Committee as a whole. And, you know, Gabby said this is a small fringe, but these people, I believe, and Gabby, you can correct me if I'm wrong, these are the establishment Republicans who have a lot of pull with the donors, who basically exchange favors for trips to the tarmac to watch President Trump get off Trump Force One. And they've been playing this game for a very long time. And the Republican executive committee in, in my opinion is they're negligent co-contributors in, in this plot to elect establishment Republicans and also keep in power some Democrats. And I state that with, um, Well, I will say one thing. The group that's doing this, the old guard, as we refer to them as, went after Kevin, the new chairman, like we've never seen anything ever before. I'm talking legally, reached out to all the donors and tried to sabotage his Lincoln Day event, tried to get enough members together to oust him. The RPOF got involved because they went to the RPOF to try to get him removed because he tried to do things a little bit differently to help raise more money for Republican candidates and to get real Republicans in office. their ammunition and he came out victorious, thank God. The donors kind of saw through what was happening, thank God. And he is aware of what they're doing now and handling it. There's a lot of pressure put on any chairman in the Palm Beach County Republican Executive Committee. We saw Michael Barnett fold. We've seen you know, under Sid Dinerstein's leadership. We never won an election. And there is, so this is what people don't understand, okay? That there is and has been for many years an attempt to almost negotiate control between the Republican Party of Florida and the Democrats, where they, the Republican Party of Florida for a hundred years, they've been trying to, create really two states within Florida, the vacation land part of Florida where we live in, Palm Beach, Broward, and Dade, and separate that from what I call Floribama, where you have the, you know, you have the weird deplorables, and then the other part of the states, you know, and it starts with Morton County. Morton County is becoming more and more like Palm Beach County. But the problem that we have is that this is basically willfully happening, where they're saying, okay, we're going to keep Palm Beach County, let's keep all those liberals down in Miami, down in Broward, and down in Palm Beach, and let's keep Tallahassee, and let's keep these northern counties safe. And the Republican Party is playing ball, where you see guys like Mike Caruso in Palm Beach County, who's an influential guy who's basically endorsing Democrats. So in these three counties, it's full uniparty control. And people don't realize that the globalists aren't beholden to any one party. As long as they remain in control as globalists, they masquerade as Democrats and Republicans, and they give us the illusion of a two-party system, which we do not have. And I never joined the REC for many reasons. And I'm actually, I'm part of the reason I brought Mike Barnett down and exposed all of the bull crap that they pulled. And they had an election, I think it was two years ago, and instead of bringing out the mail-in ballots, because you can't do mail-in ballots, they have a cast of characters of old timers who are in their 80s that get medical excuses, okay? So they don't have to attend the required meetings. And all of a sudden, when there's an election, You know, they come rolling out in their walkers and their wheelchairs and they outvote everyone and they have a bigger voice, yet they never attend a meeting. So this is the scam. We don't have mail-in ballot scams because there are no mail-in votes in the REC election, but we do have this geriatric group that gets doctor's notes, never attends meetings, but they're sure there for the vote to keep in the establishment donor class, to keep them in power. And as far as the chairman goes, you can be well-intended and you can get in that position and you start getting hit with lawsuits and on every angle, it's going to take a toll on you. It's kind of like what happened to Mike Johnson. If they can break Mike Johnson, they can break Kevin Neal a lot easier. And that's what I believe is going on here. I am a Republican candidate. I've done more for the Republicans in Palm Beach County by, you know, my investigative work with Tina Peters. Now they're using that data in trial. First, they laughed at me. CPAC, you know, called me a tinhead. Now it's verified by other IT professionals. And it's being used in her defense. I brought that to their attention. No one, no one did anything about it. And now I brought it for a year. I was preaching about non-citizens on being inserted into the voter rolls. And they're not just non-citizens, they're synthetic identities. And the chairman is embracing a mail-in ballot drive, which basically is he's promoting an unconstitutional activity. So he's, he's joined forces with the supervisor of elections now if you're going to protect and you're going to you're the you're the chairman like what's the simple solution okay if you're going to embrace mail-in ballots well where's the tracking number the united states postal system has a known reported rate and this is in the oig's own data government data that they have like a six percent overall failure rate now we have We have some agencies that are involved, federal, which I don't agree with, but they do have some good guidelines that you can only have one error in every 250,000 transactions. Now, that's not 6%. So the fact that he's embraced mail-in ballots, he's also made statements and even published on their website that Palm Beach County has turned red, and that's not true. Through an appointment, what they really did, this is where it really gets juicy, they took a corrupt Democrat county commissioner and they promoted him to run the Division of Motor Vehicles. The Division of Motor Vehicles is the key component in keeping these illegals and the mass volume injected into our voter rolls, a guy named Dave Kerner. So he took a Democrat, who's a uniparty globalist anyway, moved him to a power of position that has huge influence on the voter rolls, and injected the REC chairman, who really never had a job, and Michael Barnett, who's now a county commissioner, but he's just basically a position holder, right? He doesn't make policy. He doesn't object to anything. He just sits there. and you know and gives us the illusion that palm beach county is red when it's not it was done by appointment and we're still down like 70 000 democrats plus so this whole republican executive committee in palm beach county is colluding with the republican party of florida and additionally the republican executive committee has great control over the poll workers and on October, I'm sorry, on November 7th, 2022, the Department of Justice released a memo stating they were going to send monitors to Palm Beach County, Broward County, and Miami-Dade County, and the attorney for the Department of State fired off a letter back to the DOJ saying, do not come to our, this is a violation of a certain statute, we're a sovereign state, you're not allowed to enter any polling locations, and It gave a statute and it said if any poll worker or poll watcher sees a federal agent to call your local sheriff's department. Now, I put that out in a text to every, at the time I was running for Congress and my district contained three counties, Palm Beach, Martin, and St. Lucie County. I sent out a text with an image of the letter to every REC member telling them to spread the word and the Republican party of Florida within 15 minutes of that text, They fired off another text countering that my claim, saying that Mr. Bongiorno was misguided. And if you do see a federal Department of Justice or an FBI agent or any federal agent, that you should go on the RNC website and report the crime. Do not call the sheriffs. So there is a yes. And I have I have I have the text. I haven't published any of this. And it even gets deeper. There's a mother and daughter combination that trained 27% of the county's poll workers, and they misinformed them. They also backed this claim that I was misguided when it's clearly in a letter from an attorney in the Department of State of Florida. But they also claim that they're volunteers. And I have recordings of them doing training saying that they're paid by the Republican Party of Florida. And they have great influence over just these two people, over 27% of the poll workers. And they tell them things like, well, you don't want to make waves, don't file a report. It's OK. So this is part of the conspiracy that I've been texting Gabby and a few other members of the REC about. And I know I have all the receipts. I'm just I'm fighting other battles. I'm trying to stay focused on getting the illegals off of the voter rolls and, you know, bringing my cannon to a gunfight instead of fighting like a typical Republican and bringing knives to gunfights. It's so easy to get distracted, Jeff, because there's so much to honestly be involved in. So this is really interesting because I actually sat in a poll worker training for the RNC in Michigan. They said the same thing. They gave everybody a number, said report. If you see anything unusual, report it to the RNC rather than going to the sheriff. Yeah. I didn't know the RNC had prosecutorial powers. It's not the RNC. It was two people. The Republican Party in Michigan. Yeah, the local one, which basically they're going to escalate it to the RNC who's going to sit on it and do nothing. They're going to do nothing. What are you going to do if somebody's there right at that time? I would think that this would be a matter of national security. And if you see something wrong, you don't just like walk away from it, shuffle it into a stack of papers. You should deal with it right then and there. I think calling the sheriff is a great idea. Well, our sheriffs aren't going to do anything, you know. But going back to that, if you document all the names and the people that are involved just for your own personal file, you know, find out who people are and document this stuff, I would start documenting it so that on an individual basis, it's just like this Yahoo that showed up in my property this morning, just so everybody knows, anybody out there that knows who she is, I'm going to throw something. some facial recognition software at this and also pass it on to some people who maybe work in real intelligence to find out who she is. But we're going to get this thing figured out. But on a personal level, you need to document for your own files and for your own knowledge, not just hand it off to somebody else. That's what Dana Nessel did in the state of Michigan with registering those voters with GBI. She passes this on to the state police and thinks that that absolves her of any duty. or any responsibility, that's a bold-faced lie. She's still responsible for it. She just didn't do anything with it. She just shuffled it to a stack of papers and blamed somebody else. No, that's the plausible deniability. I said at the Palm Beach County canvassing commission's meeting on August 9th, and So what the game that they're playing in Palm Beach County and everywhere is plausible deniability. Where they say, well, we sent it to the state police and they didn't do anything about it. We're absolved. No, you're not. And I was asked to leave. I was basically evicted from a... Can you tell that whole story about what happened? Because I only saw a clip of it that Stanley sent. And I'd like to know exactly what happened. Yeah, so there's a... There's a little bit of history here between, well, number one, I'm a plaintiff in a federal civil lawsuit against these people. But there's one individual who's somewhat isolated, who happens to be a judge in the 15th Judicial Circuit of Florida on the Camden board. And she doesn't know who I am. The rest of them, they know who I am. And what happened was... Hey, guys, gotta go. Jeff, I support you, love everything you're doing. Donna, thank you so much for having me on. I got to get set up at this early voting location with my volunteer. Wish me luck. Thank you, Donna. Lock them dead, Gab. Lock them dead. Thank you, guys. Tell them where to find you, Gabby. Everybody, you can go, especially if you're in Florida, please support me. I will represent the whole state once I'm a state representative. It's Exactly. Just type it out. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for coming back. Talk about distracted. I mean, I got this person that trespassed on my property just before coming on live. And so I came in here with the mindset, you know, you're talking about getting distracted. It's hard not to because they keep throwing stuff at us. And when you get kicked out of that meeting, it was kind of almost a gift, even though it was absolutely infuriating at the time. So please tell everybody what happened because it's shocking when you see what they did. Yes, so the prior canvassing board meeting, they had convened in one open room, and they had those red velvet lines, do not cross, and they had the commissioners behind and separated from the public, and they were talking about just how they were gonna handle, this was before early voting started, and there's a very interesting aspect to this, It boils down to what Chris Gleason has. Chris Gleason is one of the 13 SOE candidates who represent MAGA, who we're pretty much a coalition of candidates sharing information. And Chris Gleason has done some outstanding work. He works with Peter Berninger. Berninger? How do you say Berninger? Berninger. I'm sure you know him. Berninger. Peter's a nice guy. I like Peter a lot. You know, they exposed the ActBlue Smurf scam. And what we found in Florida is that there's a form, a reporting form, that is part of public records. It's a DSDE40 form. And it has columns and it has different data points. And one of the data points is something called blank ballots. In 2022, I believe the number was north of 800,000 blank ballots were reported as being cast. So that means that 800,000 people went to vote, but they just wanted to exercise their right to vote, but they didn't want to vote for anybody. So I don't know. Maybe they have commitment issues, but I don't believe that to be the case. So this is a can of worms that we caught them. And now they're trying to redefine the terminology, saying that if an undervote is a blank ballot, and it's not. There's specific guidelines on how we report blank ballots. And that's a ballot with no votes. None of the old rules are filled out. So at the canvassing board meeting, I brought this up. And I brought it up because they were trying And they start talking like, you know, very technical terms quickly, and the public doesn't understand. And they said, well, the rule to move the DSD 40 reporting of blank ballots from column D of the DSDE 40 form shall now go to voter intent on the DSDE, I forgot the form, different number, 152. So basically, first of all, I totally disagree with this whole idea of, voter intent. So if you think about this, where now someone is somehow there's there's ballots that are not committed, they're blank. They reported them the way they were supposed to, according to the letter of the law. And it drew a big red flag. Now what you're saying is, well, now the canvassing board will have the power to look at a blank ballot and determine the voters intent. Now, that's a crack of bull. I don't believe that voter intent should be determined by any person anyway. They should just, the ballot should go as provisional. But this is what they're trying to do. And we have, you can pass rules in Florida pertaining to each statute, as long as the rule is deemed to be in line with the black letter law, you know, the theme of the law. So Cord Bird has been abusing this, and many people have been abusing these rules. rules that are adjoined to laws, to statutes. And what they're trying to do is pass a rule for reporting, stating that we no longer report the blank ballots as blank ballots, we give them for human intervention, for someone to determine voter intent. And at the first meeting, I called out Judge April, and I said, That's not true. You can't do that. And she was saying she also misinformed the public, saying that a blank ballot is just an undervote. There's no vote for either candidate in a certain precinct. And I have it on record. I have it filmed. And I said, also, April, how are you verifying you're a canvassing board member? Do you know that every vote was cast by a citizen? How can you certify that? Oh, it goes to the state. Don't worry about that. And then you ask the state, well, how do you verify? Oh, it goes to the feds. Then you go to the feds and the fed says, well, go back and see the local officials in black and white on the have and have a website. So this is the whole conspiracy, which is built, engineered around Plausible deniability and that happens to be the Biden term that should be the family slogan. They should have it on the mailbox plausible deniability Yeah, so this whole overarching theme is built around plausible deniability so let's go to the meeting on April 9th, I'm sorry on August 9th and There's now a new it's like Hunger Games you walk into the room and now those same canvassing board members who were in an open arena or now behind a bulletproof glass with brown shirt deputies sitting there. Did I lose you? Just for a second. It just came in and out. I can't hear you, but I can't see the video. Wait, wait, wait. My phone just let's see here. Yeah, this is always interesting because they're trying to shut us up. They don't want this information out there. I'm going to bounce out and come back in. Okay, that's fine. I'm going to bring my little visitor here this morning that should be... Let's see how many... Remove Jeff here so he can come back in clean. And think about this again. Think about the plausible deniability of just even on a personal basis. And how many of you out there have had something like this happen to you, but you don't have a voice to tell people what's happened? So we had somebody from the clerk's office, an assistant, come and trespass on our property. This yahoo comes on the property, passed two no trespassing signs. And plausible deniability. Oh, just want to see if my daughter can board a horse here with going past private property signs, no trespassing signs, signs for prosecution. And coincidentally, right after, a week after, the city, the township sends somebody to trespass on my property. And are you there? I still can't hear you, Jeff. Let's see if he can get that figured out. And so to trespass on my property to say I have to file a business license. They've got no proof. This is alleging that I'm guilty. And instead of assuming that I'm innocent of this, they're alleging that I'm guilty and making me respond to their lack of allegations and lack of proof. And then this Yahoo shows up and plays Pollyanna with me. And I'm sorry. I don't believe this stuff anymore. I absolutely don't believe it. I don't believe their innocence in this in any way, shape or form. And I'm going to find out exactly what the connections are. Can you hear me, Jeff? Let's see what's happened here. I'll bring Jeff in here and see, I may have to do this. We may have to do this through call. So if you know who this person is, please go ahead and let me know. See if we can do it by phone here. Cause it looks. Nope. Got his phone. It's not even allowing them to get on with a phone call. You there, Jeff? That is wild. That is wild. Okay. He's going to leave and come back in. Okay, let's see if we can make this thing work. Well, at any rate, I'm going to sit here and I'm going to just put this out there just in case somebody from Byron Center, because I know that there's several of you out there. Tom, always learning. Let's see, I'm going to read some comments here because I have people like Lev and Tom here. Good morning, Don. I think you're onto something by saying Grand Rapids is the head of the snake. Big news about President Trump wants to debate Harris here and Grand Rapids. Not only are they wanting to have a debate in Grand Rapids with President Trump, which is interesting, which is that the DeVos... Van Andel Arena. It's all connected there. Amway's all connected in this. Let's see. I got to get another link set out here. This is interesting. A lot of moving parts this morning. And that's okay. We just keep going. We just make it difficult for them. We're here like the people who are fighting in the Revolutionary War, standing behind our trees, whatever it takes to make this work. Let me see if I can remove this Jeff and we'll add this Jeff. There you go, Jeffrey. I just brought this up again because I'm talking about this plausible deniability crap. President Trump is coming to Grand Rapids, and I'm saying that this is the head of the snake. And now this whole crap with these people in Byron Township is happening here to beat on Donna Brandenburg to threat coercion. trespassing without a warrant, all of this stuff, delivering paperwork that's supposedly official on unsealed to an employee who happened to look in and see the blue signatures and such. And so here we go. Byron Township, JD Vance is coming here on Wednesday. To Byron freaking Township. Are you kidding me, right? And then going to a Trump debate with President Trump, the rightful president of the United States, at Van Andel Arena in Grand Rapids, Michigan, where Amway DeVos is and all this nonsense with all kinds of crap that has come out with how hard they have railed against President Trump. DeVos resigns on January 7, right after January 6, which is going to be my 11 o'clock show. And she resigns. And then Pence all of a sudden gets $22 million to be a trader, a further trader to this nation. And they're coming here? And then in Byron Center where they're harassing the hell out of me? A little cow town here? Are you kidding me? It's like incredible. Just incredible. Can you hear me okay? Yeah, I can. So everybody needs to try to figure out who this person is. I'm going to throw technology at it anyway. But if you know who she is, go ahead and tell me her name. She's riding on a Coral little squeaky bike playing her best Pollyanna with her little headphones on coming here to want to rent rent a space which is not a business so anyhow there we go I trust no one right now they're all involved so anyhow where we at yeah my phone is uh it's flaking out yeah it keeps getting interrupted by a security uh it's trying to well just keep talking because I can hear you even if the video doesn't come through you can keep talking okay so So now we've entered August 9th, where we have another canvassing board meeting, and I'm told that we have an agenda item that will be heard prior to canvassing. So canvassing takes a couple of hours, right? It's grueling. And we're going to have the agenda item prior to canvassing. And the agenda item was exactly that DSDE 40 rule. And now you're still flaking. I can't hear you, Jeff. This is weird. So they do not want this out there. This is why this is getting interrupted. It is they absolutely do not want Jeff's message out there. So let's try it with a phone call and see what happens here because this is crazy. Can you call? I want to see if you can call in and see if you can get this further in. So this is wild. So they're interrupting with broadcast on Jeff's side. Byron Township has had a direct attack against Donna Brandenburg, and this is where we're at. Okay, Jeff, let's see if we can make this thing work. We'll do it by phone call, phone. But I'm going to leave those feeds up just to see if any of them come back on. You there? Can you guys see us being noticed? I can bounce you off, but, but, uh, okay, we'll do it by phone. I'm gonna leave your other picture up though. I want to see if I can leave a picture up so that, oh, there you go. So your picture's up. So anyhow, yeah, you're coming through a little fuzzy, but we'll keep going. So anyhow, go ahead. Yeah. No, it's going to work. You have to pull me off on this special. There's a picture on there, but it's... Okay, here we go. I'll kick you off there. You're totally kicked now. Okay, it's just you and I. So go ahead. And what's going on? So they changed the agenda to put the boring, grueling canvassing... The canvassing is where they... evaluates all of the ballots that were brought into question, and it's grueling, and the people have a say, and sometimes it gets heated. So what they did was they took the agenda item intentionally and scheduled it after canvassing. Now, they were looking for a reason to throw me out, but I didn't say a word. I just sat there for the hour or so while they went through the canvassing, and the other people, the other patriots in the canvassing, meeting were saying no that signature is no I object blah blah blah and they were getting you know they were they were heated discussions and I didn't I didn't fall for any of that so now the canvassing is done and they're going to talk about this um item seven of the agenda which is the rule on blank ballots and pretty much unprovoked they throw me out you said nothing and they threw you out No, I was there. I said in the very beginning, I spoke about agenda item seven and how important it is to not allow them to move the classification of the blank ballots because 800,000 ballots is more than significant. So even if I may have uttered a few words, it was like Hunger Games. There's a big, huge microphone the size of like the Madison Square Garden scoreboard on an appealing and they hear everything you say now so when they were canvassing I oh there's another element to this okay okay while they were canvassing they said in public earshot within public earshot that a voter has cast two ballots And they have a procedure. And that procedure is, well, we're going to count one and we're going to send the other ballot to Tallahassee, the same ballpark with plausible deniability, and they're going to investigate it. But the minute they receive two ballots, that's a felony. Those ballots should have been excluded and they should have gone to the sheriff and an investigation should have taken place. Now, I said something to the person sitting next to me, and I whispered it. I said, that's a felony. They can't do that. If you cast two ballots, they have to exclude them. And then when they said, we're going to count one, I said, now they're aiding and abetting the crime. They're letting the one ballot. Now, who knows how many times this individual has done this, or is this part of the NGO ring where they got sloppy, but they just have this cavalier attitude that, oh, it's an old senile person and they must have just filled out two ballots. How did they get two ballots? That's an investigation. That's a red flag. And they just went on with their business. Now, I said that in a very... You know, in a whisper to the person next to me. And that's when I was thrown out right before they started the debate on the rule change. So it's like some of all parts. I don't know if they heard me whispering. I did not. It wasn't enough to interrupt or threaten these people. So, yeah, basically, I was thrown out for no reason. That is just crazy. So I don't know. I can't even imagine the audacity of these people. They're just looking for any reason to throw any of us out or prosecute us that are fighting against them. And they know. They've got to be scared out of their mind because they are coming at those of us who are fighting fairly aggressively. But they're kind of dumb about it. So... I think that's a really good point. It sounds like another lawsuit right there, Jeff, and possibly a police report, which I'm going to go to the sheriff and file two of them here. And I think that that's something we absolutely have to do is we have to start filing police reports on these people and start those investigations. We have to. We can't let this go anymore. No, a hundred percent agree that the, you know, the problem is that the public has, you know, a very short memory. And where, you know, there's three or five people who witnessed this and I asked them, you know, to be sure to come on the call and this morning, And I understand that there's a primary going on, but it's kind of like this primary with all this crime. To me, it's like they're playing house. It's a pretend election. And if we work really hard, we're going to change things. I don't know. And they think I'm a bad candidate because I am a candidate for supervisor of elections. And, well, you're not working hard enough. But, you know, meanwhile, I've seen very little support. I mean, yeah, I've raised some money. But it's going to take, you know, this is a countywide race. It's a four-year term. It's a position of power. And it's... the district, the geographic region is about 40% larger than one congressional district. So I'm going to need serious support. And, you know, I estimate between a quarter million and a half a million dollars to take this woman out. And you have the chairman of the REC saying, telling them, you know, these 300 members that, well, Wendy is really a Republican behind closed doors and we want to keep her. And he's having these secret meetings with, um, with the supervisor of elections, and he's promoting a fake narrative that Pan Bishani has turned red. So, you know, my campaign is basically We need a Black Swan. I want to call it a Black Swan event where, you know, one of these injunctions actually sticks. And if I can get my name out there, I mean, I'm not doing this for name recognition. I'm doing it to save the country. But then the recognition that I would get from being successful in some of these endeavors would amount to, you know, hundreds of thousands of dollars in media coverage. And, you know, that's my mission. And the people in the county are like, you know, you should be out locking doors. And You know, we have a few minutes left. I just want to point out the obvious that no one seems to talk about. Why was the presidential primary held in March? And why is the RPOF agreed to an August 20th primary? So we're in Florida. There's many registered voters who are snowboards. They vote in Florida, but they leave the state during the summer, during the heat. All primaries in Florida should be in March. Number one, you're not out door knocking in Africa heat. Number two, the people or the residents, more of the voters are still in Florida. Number three, an August 20th primary means you have about 12 minutes to turn from primary mode to fight a general election for an incumbent who's been in there for 40 years because early voting starts within only a few days. So this August primary is an attempt and it was agreed to by the Republican party of Florida to help the incumbents stay in power. Yeah, I think we need to continue to talk about the plausibility part of this, because anybody that has a little common sense has to be able to look at this and say, something is radically wrong here. And, you know, And then like, well, somebody said the other day, well, you got to have hard evidence, hard evidence. It's like, you know what? This this whole run around in our fake justice system with fake consequences, with fake elections, with all of this stuff is is it's all built on a lie. All of it is the beauty of the civil complaint. is, you know, this is a conspiracy, right? This is like espionage at the highest level. This is a cartel, right? So what we're trying to accomplish is saying, hey guys, we're not looking for convictions and guilt and evidence beyond a reasonable doubt. We're showing between a little bit, like a preponderance of evidence to evidence clear and convincing evidence that yes something's not right here and before we can really get to the bottom of this let's let's stop the obvious from further harming the people in this next election we're not malicious we're not looking to you know throw them in jail we're not looking to overturn an election we're just saying hey guys Hey, judge, we want this to be heard. Something is not right. And we need to put a stop to it. And then let's go to trial when the time comes. But we're facing irreparable harm if you don't take action now. Yeah, and I think that that's the point here is that they're expecting people to give a pass and not actually believe that these people are as evil as they are and that this isn't as intentional. Because I think most people can't even get their hands around the fact that this is an intentional coup against this nation. And it's a conspiracy. I believe it's a criminal conspiracy. And it goes so far. And so why that, and I, and I understand why people can't get their arms around it because it is, it's so big. Well, you know, we're civilians, right? We're not prosecutors. So if we, you know, our messaging should be, you know, we want civil action as civilians. So we don't want to come across like, you know, yeah. Are there crimes being committed? I'm sure there are. But, you know, in order for... action to be taken. We're just good people, conservative citizens, conservative civilians looking for civil actions that's within our constitutional rights, within common law to say to a judge, hey, something's rotten in Denmark. Let's take a look at this. Right. And to your point earlier, this starts with a report made to the sheriff. That's the proper process, am I correct? I mean, those two felonies, they're felonies. The statute, 204.18, I think, is about the casting of two votes. And I have them written down somewhere. And I have, I mean, I did do a little write-up on the event. It's definitely two felonies. And, you know, that's committed in plain sight of the public. So that just shows how brazen they are. And that, you know, I want to go to the sheriff and I want the sheriff to say, no, I'm not prosecuting. Well, you know, that means you're part of the codeword, Mr. Sheriff. Not only did you violate my First Amendment rights to free speech by having one of your deputies evict me from the meeting, you know, this is the second time now in as many months, you're not prosecuting a crime. We don't believe you about this imaginary crime unit up in Tallahassee where basically the The commissioner is dead, Peter Antonucci. He died, like, in Governor DeSantis' office, and as he took his last breath, they're, like, stepping over him and, you know, watching him. Okay, wait a minute, wait a minute. He died in DeSantis' office. I'm not from Florida, so does this seem weird to anyone? had a lot of evidence he wanted so I don't know I can't prove this I this is what I heard and I know he died and I know he died in his office I don't know you know exactly um this cause of death this matter of death you know maybe it's cold who knows because you know if you die now you die I don't know but he did have he did get a lot of evidence as to election fraud and you know conspiracy and now he's dead and now There's, you know, there's like one girl who's a Rick Scott operative who takes the complaints because I tried to file one. I Googled her name and all that came up was Rick Scott, RNC, you know, and so this is the woman that's pretty much heading this field office, which, you know, it's like a boiler room operation. This is crazy. So I didn't hear about him dying in DeSantis' office and they basically were stepping over him. This is weird. It was DeSantis' office. It was Tallahassee. I don't know if it was a governmental building. I don't know the exact room number. But what I heard is that people didn't really try to perform any kind of resuscitation. First day, call 911. They kind of watched him take his last breath. So is this like, this sounds like a Hillary. And that's just what I heard. And the guy is dead and he did die in Tallahassee in a governmental office. If that's not on par with the Arkansasiding and the dead doctors don't lie crap that's going on. Or Andrew Breitbart or any of this. One of the ODC chairmen in one of the counties with the 13 candidates that I'm in a coalition with, he died the same way. And he was a fighter and they didn't want him in. So I'm not saying anything. You know, there's all my conspiracies. I'm all out of conspiracies. They all came true. Yeah. Well, there's no two ways about it. Anybody who's actually working that is telling the truth, they're under huge, and I mean huge, threat. There's this huge threat going on for everyone. But to me, I know it is to you too. It's worth it. So what's the end game here? It's to make a change and to continue on when everybody else would quit. I think that's the goal is for me is just continue on. But everybody needs to get that mindset because if everybody that was awake, and I don't mean woke, I mean awake, stepped up and said no and just hell no, we would be done with this nonsense and it would be done quickly, very, very quickly. Yeah, you know, you can throw all the poll workers and poll watchers you want at an election, but when these ballots are coming in, like I talked about the rules change, right? So Court Byrd allowed a rule. Now, I haven't seen it and I haven't read it, but what I understand the rule says is that if you have a disability, you can order as many ballots for all your friends. What? Yeah. online and you know you're not showing photo id and this this is the achilles tendon that they're hitting you can go and register and I always repeat this at least once so first of all my website is that's b-o-n-g-i anyone listening $70, $10, $20, $50, whatever you can afford. So fighting this pro se, and it's expensive, and we do need legal representation. So Now, where I was going with the rules change is that they appended a rule to the law of ballot harvesting. where they say as long as, number one, you can request as many ballots as you want for people with disabilities, and they consider not speaking English a disability. So that opens the floodgates. Number two, well, there's no ballot harvesting in Florida. That's a cracker bowl because as long as you claim that you're a family member, you can submit as many ballots as you like. And, you know, these radical communists are in our face. Just think of the name of the NGO that's getting sued like in every state. Mi Familia Vota. It's one big family. So, hey, guys, they're all relatives. Here's 500 ballots of my closest cousins. It just goes on and on and on. It's shocking. Well, I got to tell you, you stay safe out there because I'm going to tell you what, I'm a little worried about you right now with the nonsense that's going on. And I really appreciate all the fighting that you're doing, Jeff. It's outrageous. It's shocking. We are literally watching crimes committed on a daily basis of usurpation, of threat, coercion, blackmail, money laundering, in ways I'd never ever, in a million years, would have guessed I would see during my lifetime. Yeah, it's Ballotpalooza. Yeah, there's a good word for it, Ballotpalooza. I love it. Well, I guess with that said, thanks for coming on today. You always have a lot to talk about. I think I could talk to you for like 10 hours and we'd never hit the same subject twice. Yep. All right. Thanks for coming on Jeff. And I'm going to let you guys let you go and we're going to do a real quick break. And then I'm on with Chris deal, the real deal, the big deal. Good morning. Welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the 12th day of August 2024 and we're going into the second segment here with the big deal, the real deal, Chris Deal. What's happening, Chris? Oh, my pickup. What's that? One second. Okay, hang on. Chris is out there doing his Chris thing right now. And I'm going to get this thing queued up because thanks for staying with us, everybody. There's a lot of people watching today, and I really appreciate that so much. I hope that everybody's having a great day today. It is absolutely gotten out of control. And, oh, Charlotte says, Charlotte, you're saying this absolutely true. It's like, hmm, let's see. Got to wonder who has connections with the Trump campaign for Vance to come here. Well, I've got an answer for that. It's Chris something forgot and forgot. Susan Wild needs to go. She's connected with a farm of clowns. This is from Charlotte. And Chris Lasavita. Oh, I met Chris before. Something like that. It might be misspelled. He's a pretty interesting guy, actually. I like him personally. Nice enough guy. DeVos is giving to the party. That's why the debate's held here. And it looks like DeVos has her octopus tentacles out for Donna. Well, I can't say that that's... anything about Chris because I think Chris is a nice enough guy. But we're going to go to the real deal, big deal, Chris deal. What's happening, Chris? Hi, how are you, Donna? Good morning. Good. What's happening? Not a lot. I enjoyed the part that I could understand. I was getting some bad feedback, I think, from that last guest. But he was pretty cool. I had some good stuff. Well, what's really amazing is how much of a conspiracy, and I'm going to say in my opinion, I think if we investigated this, we'd find out that it's a criminal conspiracy because all these people are talking. So I think some foying of, oh, say, e-mails. Text messages, phone calls, that sort of thing on these people would really help a lot to uncover things. And then this Yahoo shows up on my property this morning after a week after the township trespasses on my property. and saying we have to register a business license, which there's no business here. It's private property. This is like if your township or your city came to your home and said, you are guilty of this, slapped something on your desk and walks away. No proof, no nothing. It's all based on either hearsay or targeting or something like that. That's exactly what happens. Then this chick shows up this morning with her best Pollyanna Hey, I wanted to know if my daughter could board a horse here going past two trust, no trespassing and prosecution signs. Oh, I never saw them. Yeah. Like that's even possible. Was that, I wonder if that was the same girl that, uh, that I threw off your property. She came in the same way under the signs. This is down the driveway. So that's a this is a different chick that came on trespassing and had all kinds of a bullshit story that I'm sorry, I don't I'm I am not that. that person that hasn't been out in the world actually talking to people and having to deal with people who are involved in criminal behavior for a very long time. When you work with different companies that try to use legal loopholes to get around things, to uh break the really break the law but they do it through as as jeff said plausible deniability and or uh illegally which is unlawful maneuvering to get around things and oh we hit the gold mine of stuff in michigan yesterday a fur is going to start flying here quickly and it's going to be unbelievable this is going to be like a hound dog grabbing a rabbit because uh We hit the mother load yesterday, and it's just going to get more painful out there. Just keep kicking away. I'm just telling everybody, figure out who this gal is. I'm going to see if I can get some. I'm going to put some artificial facial recognition software on this, and we're going to find out. And somebody's going to get prosecuted for trespassing on my property, second one in two weeks, including someone who is literally, came on our property from the township without a warrant and did everything wrong. Everything these people have done is wrong. And if we don't kick back to them and we don't push back a little bit, it's just going to get worse and worse and worse. And next time they're going to come and stick a gun in your mouth, just like they did with Jaleese Middleton and Mark Middleton, the J6ers. This is where this is going, guys. They started there with this, which we're going to have them on. Jaleese is going to be on. every weekday at 11 o'clock with a J6er out there, but it's incredible. So, hey, my buddy Jason decided to join this morning. Hey, Jason, how you doing? Hey, good morning. How you doing, Donna? Good, really good. So Jeff came on. We had a good time with Jeff this morning, and I'm on with Chris Deal here, and we're talking about whatever comes to mind right now. Oh, awesome. So this is what happened this morning. You weren't here, but you were here last night. This chick shows up asking to board a horse after the... She seemed like a spy or a plant, but there's plausible deniability, but I don't know. She trespassed on my property, passed two signs. You know the property. You've seen it. And came and asked after the city wanted me to file legal paperwork of running a business here, which I do not, and asked if we would, in fact... board a horse for her daughter. When I left, when I took a right out of your driveway, there were three vehicles with their lights on. I don't know what they were. They were just sitting there the whole time. I took my time leaving. I couldn't see anything because they were blinding me when I came to the road. They all had their headlights on. I thought it was kind of weird. After I passed... By the time I was getting to the next turn, they were still sitting there until I turned, made that next bend in the road. Then they started leaving. But they were double stacked. There was three vehicles. The first two were double stacked right next to each other, both pointing with their brights on on the road. I thought it was really weird. Should have gotten out and taken a picture of their license plate. I would have done that, you know. Well. I would have taken the pictures and documented them. I mean, everybody out there, start taking pictures and videos of these yahoos that are out there because they're trying to set people up. And, I mean, I've had vehicles sit outside the driveway. We've had a couple weeks ago, we had a couple of guys that came in, and one of the gals that works for me, one was in a van. It looked pretty little spooky there, you know. And she's like, can I help you? And they said, it's none of your business, basically. and they got in their car and they drove fully into the driveway and then they they finally got in their car and they left who the hell comes on private property passed no trespassing signs and is questioned by somebody who's lawfully there and says it's none of your business because chris would tell him you get out or you're leaving in a black bag Well, you know what's been going on is we've had foreign nationals wandering on military installations. So I guess it's not a stretch of the mind to think that there's probably going to be doing the same thing around all sorts of other places, right? And just normal property. If anything happens to me or my property, you, everybody, march right down there to Byron Township, who hit a tax bill on me, who has been threatening and coercing me, who has been violating my property rights, as well as trying to take my property by hiding a tax bill and plausible deniability bullshit's not standing here. and then sends little spies or whatever to try to recon, gather information without coming to me directly. This is a bunch of crap. And then having the cars parked out there on the road, this is not the first time that this has happened where they're, you know, They can listen from a long distance away. If you want to listen to what I have to say, just come on Brandenburg News Network and or whatever, because I'm not changing my story and I don't have anything to hide or say in private, because what I say in private is the same thing I'd say in public. They have, Donna. That's why they're attacking you. Yeah, they know exactly what my stand is on all of it. Betsy DeVos. You didn't post anything on the UK, did you? On the UK? No. I don't know if I post anything. I post all kinds of random crap out there. I'm kind of sticking with this election thing and the fact that I am, in fact, working on several lawsuits with a bunch of buddies, and we are going to file these, and the hammer is going to drop. In fact, I think I have a couple other rabbit holes that we need to chase down that Jeff brought up this morning, which is anyone who casts two ballots is a felony, and anyone who helped them, is enabling a crime, which means every single clerk in the counties as well as in the townships were guilty of this because they did not go to the sheriff for investigation. They used their own discernment on this and decided to take one over another. And if that's the case, they all committed a crime and aided and abetted a felony. They just keep rolling. These people are so stupid. They're making it literally easy for us. I think the problem you're going to have is finding an attorney that has the guts to stick up for the Constitution of Michigan and the Constitution of the United States of America. Screw the attorneys. It's not even a license to practice law. It's a private club. And the only reason why it stands is because we involved them. It's got to be pro se, pro per. This is how this is going to have to go. because the court systems are so corrupt and the judicial system is non-judicial. And the people that stand up as attorneys, they don't have the guts to do the right thing because they're too worried about protecting their own self-interest. So that whole thing, the Bar Association, all of it's got to go away because if this is a case that they've been hiding things, then they're complicit in this insurrection, the coup of the United States of America too. If they don't step forward and do the right thing, they're all involved. You're right. And this is definitely a coup. I mean, look what the DNC did with Kamala Harris. I mean, that right there is a great example of the illegality of their own party. They squashed the voices of their own party. And their own party is so... unaware of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, they just move right along with it. They got no problem. And that's a big, big problem. That's always been the problem is that nobody knows. A lot of people don't know what their rights are. Sorry, Jason, go ahead. No, no. But that's not just the Democrats. That's Republicans too. Look what they did to Ron Paul. right like they do this on both sides of the aisle and they have completely alienated their base that's why you end up with factions in both sides that are willing to do whatever because they're like the other faction does whatever they want they're lawless why why should we abide by the law so we've digressed into the state of affairs that we're in because whoever's in control does everything that they can to retain control instead of having a civil society where okay you win legitimately you're in power we'll comply but you know we're gonna fight twice as hard next time we're gonna win and then you comply and we all sing kumbaya and we share power that's how a republic works um even in a democracy that they love to espouse uh you know you share power but the fact that they're they went so hard after uh the bernie bros right they ousted bernie sanders and they offended the entire socialist wing of the democratic party and then on the republican side they alienated all of the independents that had joined and jumped on board the ron paul who was a populist right and they they turned half of the republican party upside down against the other half um and this is the problem the logical fallacy of a two-party system it just does not work and you know what I think jason absolutely you're right 100 and you know I think I know what the cause of that is is that we've elected socialists, not Americans, that go by the American ideology, but we've got politicians in there that are Muslims, that believe in Allah, and we've got socialists in there that have always been against the Constitution of the United States and our Bill of Rights, because their ideology is the opposite of what Americans want. Now, how in the hell did we get to the point where we have been electing over the years people who have been misrepresenting themselves to get into office? That in itself is fraud. That in itself is a crime. How the hell can Marjorie Taylor Greene or any of them, Jim Jordan, not know that people like Bernie Sanders, how can Bernie Sanders honestly represent America, period? He never should have been elected. That guy does not believe in the American way. the values of America. These Muslims, Rashida Tlaib, she does not believe in God, not the God that our country was founded on. Our country was founded on G-O-D, God, Christian values. Half of the people that are in there that are serving are serving Sharia law. or believe in Allah. We have to have a vetting process where we can't just let any politician that says to you, oh, I'm for America and we need to straighten this out and this out. Oh, really? Well, Let's go to the core issue here, Chris, a minute, because you brought something up that's really critical with Islam and everything. I will allege that every single religion has been infiltrated and turned into a military and or political subversive organization. The religions have. It looks to me like Islam was basically an infiltration of and taking good people's intentions it's the same thing that happens in in the human trafficking with all of these these ngos like catholic services and and lutheran services and samaritas and all of these things that are moving people around for money that is the definition of human trafficking okay And people think, oh, I'm a Christian. I'll put my money into this and I'll follow this because it's a good issue. Or if there's people who are Muslim that just want to be, you know, hang out with their families, they have turned it into a military operation. You look at what's happened with the DeVosses. Go ahead. If you're going to stick your claws into me, I'm just going to. Throw it out there in your face. Partnering with the Seven Mountain Churches and such and turning this into an economic warfare on the planet as they're producing the vaccines in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The head of the freaking snake with Graham up here amongst other things. And then look at what's happening with Israel. Israel is 90% atheist. And we've got how many people in Congress that are dual citizens with Israel? This has nothing to do with the people. This is literally co-opting what the people think of as something they believe in with their hearts. And they co-opted all of these things and turned them into almost a military operation. to use them to tear down the United States through infiltration because they're parasites. Most of them are Satanists. And if you look at their backgrounds, I mean, look at the Dutch banking families. These people are Satanists. And when you look at what they were doing or what they have done and how close they are to Brussels and the IMF and all of this nonsense that they're involved in, it's like co-mafias that are working around the globe with the globalists. They are the globalists. That's the shocking part. They are the globalists. The enemy is sitting right at our door and in a lot of times right in our own homes and they've infiltrated the parties. They're all there. It's all there. And we need to question all this. Am I right or am I completely wrong here, guys? No, I agree with you, Dawn. I think that it's not just one uh, particular faith or religion. Look at what happened during COVID with all of the pastors that just shut their churches down. What is like, that is complicity, uh, within the very group of people that you would think are promoting Judeo Christian values. But then they're also part of the group that says state inject, you know, baby tissue into your body as part of a vaccine. And that's okay. Um, it's it's so contradictory and antithetical to everything that the the church the christian church should be um standing up against so I think you're right there's been a lot of infiltration into uh the religious community and if you look at our educational institutions they're all ran by predominantly atheists uh and that's I think that really one of the root causes of a lot of these problems is is our institutions have been captured and it's, it's not just one, it's an all of society. And, and that kind of goes to the communist revolution where they work their way up through the educational institutions first, and then they spread out like a cancer from there. And the idea is to flip the entire society into a communist system. But the reality is, is that there's no difference. It's, It's indistinguishable communism from any authoritarian type of regime, whether you have a monarchy or a controlled republic that's run by a bunch of kleptocrats, right? The oligarchs are in full control or any fascism. All these centralized authoritarian systems that squash any resistance against the the head headmaster so to speak right the one thing that we had in america is that our republic gave us the ability to put everybody on on an equal footing right every man was equal so that that's not true in communism it's it's equality of outcomes not Not true equality. It's actually as long as you buy into the system and you behave like the good little boys and girls that they want us to be, then you get rewarded. But there is no such thing as having any freedom or actually being able to behave as an adult would with the freedoms or what you choose to do. They will tell you where you're going to live, what you can make, and they'll tax you in order to take the rest of it for themselves. I mean, look at the bailout. that happened in 2008 with the banking systems. You want to be sick to your stomach. Look at what happened in 2008 and how all of these people got raises after the banking system collapsed. It's going to happen again. We're on the verge of an economic collapse, and there's no getting around it. It's going to happen again. And watch how they funneled the money to the bankers that actually helped create the system. That's exactly what happened in 2008. The bankers created the system. And then they all got million-dollar, billion-dollar bonuses for crashing the system. They're real easy to see when you just study. They're not real smart. And they do it right out in the open, hoping we're dumb enough to believe stuff like this kind of bullshit. All right? And or... Let's see. I'll find the other one that, uh, when, when, uh, Mr. Mr. From the count, the township clerk decides to show up and, you know, and sorry, you know, sorry. It's like, we have to push back on this kind of stuff, guys. We have to push back. Well, it goes, it lends itself to exactly what we're seeing in Tina Peter's trial, right? Like the persecution there. Think about what she proved. In the evidence she recovered, she identified that the Secretary of State had in fact issued an unlawful order to destroy records. And when she moved to preserve those records, she was shot down by all the IT departments. She had to go outside. and that's what they're suing that's what they're uh criminally going after her for is because she went outside the normal chains because the normal chains they had control they could keep those people all in line but the moment she went and got some and hired an outside third party oh boy that's when that's when they they no longer had control over the situation and they don't like that at all they do not like to give up control And here's Tina Peters coming in to do her job, preserve the election materials records. And she does. And then it comes out that there's more than 20,000 records that were destroyed. And what are they doing? They're prosecuting her, not the Secretary of State, for destroying them. Oh, now Jason's feed went down. Now they went after Jeff's phone. Now it looks like they're going after yours. Wow. Can you hear me? I can hear you. It's like the video is on and off. I just put on a picture of this is the first trespassing in the last week on my property, just so that everybody can see it. This is actually for real. So yeah, if you don't comply with them, they start harassing you legally. threatening, coercing and the whole 10 yards and or prosecuting like they did with Tina Peters because she won't be controlled. I love Tina. She's a real nice gal. Well, we've got people like Jeff too. Look what he's doing down there in Palm Beach. They can't contain it forever. People do not respond well to tyranny. So uh they're trying to contain it and the the so far I think it's been very positive that we haven't gone to any sort of kinetic um response mechanism as a result of the totalitarian measures that they've been uh trying to implement you know if we didn't have our second amendment we would be the uk right now and they would have taken our guns and they would have The reason they have not been successful, the only reason, the foundation reasons the second amendment, we have the ability to resist tyranny. Thank God to our founders for putting that in the document. It's just, it's a wild time, wild time to be alive. So where else do we want to go with this? Because I mean, we could, we could splinter off on this and in a whole bunch of different directions. Well, I kind of like what that guy was talking about, about the election. I mean, not the election. I think he was talking about, this is before Jason and I came on, about the assassination or the investigation. And, you know, what's really eating at me that I do want to talk about is the way that that they're doing this investigation is so off track, so wrong. They haven't even mentioned, look, if there's a murder, let's say on your farm or on your property or not on your property, the one thing that they try to do is get the closest person that knows the deceased. Then they go for, you know, like girlfriends, husbands, etc., Then they also get financial records of these people. And they also try to find out any types of outside financial hits that might be big, that might be out of the ordinary of their normal transactions, for example, which is You don't hear any mention about what that affiliate financial group did of BlackRock. You don't hear any more about their big investment that they made and then took back after they found out that Donald Trump was not deceased. They immediately called back and claimed a clerical error. and that's the whole reason why I tried to find out who owned that agr building that the shooter climbed up on because I think all those buildings are affiliated with agr agr's uh parent company is uh imc international machine company if you look them up they also make uh you can make a pipe bomb with the stuff they create, which is nothing but like rebar, screws, iron piping, et cetera. Well, Indicor came and bought that company in March, March 20th, I think. I'm not sure of the date exactly, but of this year. Indicor is owned, the signer to Indicor is BlackRock. And the Corps is located in Sarasota, in the city I live in. I wanted to make sure this was factual and true. So I drove up to University Parkway. I think it's 6964 or something like that. University Parkway. I'm not exactly sure off the top of my head, but I went there. And sure enough, that's exactly where Indicor is located. That's exactly who they're owned by is BlackRock. And I keep trying to keep the ties of the shooter, shooter to the building, building, who owns the building and what transactions have occurred recently. What kind of ties are there? Well, the shooter did a commercial for BlackRock. So you can't tell me that there's no tie there when I alone proved it myself. There is a tie. I'm not saying that any one of them in BlackRock or Indecor or anything like that is responsible for the shooter doing what they did. But there is a tie. I'm just trying to investigate everything that I can. And the fact that the FBI is not doing it, the Secret Service is not doing it, all they're trying to do is focus all of us into that little circle at the farm. And they're trying to contain that only. Nobody's mentioning all the pre-media videos that came out less than 12 hours after the shooting of people who already knew the shooter, went to school with the shooter. They did an interview with someone that went to school with the shooter. They did a 20-minute bio on YouTube about the shooter. In less than 12 hours of the shooter being shot, or neutralized on that roof, all of this lone shooter propaganda shit started coming out on media. I'm telling you something does not smell right. It doesn't make sense at all. It doesn't smell right at all. 53 people in a poll that was published yesterday believe that it was a lone shooter. To me, that's, you know, the 53% indicates the people who watch mainstream media because those are the only people talking like it's a single shooter and constantly hammering single shooter. I think it's pretty obvious the moment you break out of that feedback loop and you start getting any outside sources, look, the first three shots were probably from the same firearm. The next five shots were were not from the same firearm. They're not the same shooter, frankly. Well, I think they took a picture of eight shell casings that were on the roof, but by the same token, they could have also put those shell casings there. Right. But the point is, what you cannot do is you can't recall all the video footage that everybody was taking that day that's out there and and magically make all of the audio match your narrative and so all of the audio forensics that was being conducted by everybody immediately after that those forensics all of that analysis that's out there it's pretty clear that you have three shooters you have three you have three weapon systems at a minimum there are three weapon systems that were used the counter sniper that shot the shooter shooter one and shooter two I don't know he even shot who knows that who knows whether it was him that shot or if it was somebody from the window below him that shot well the other thing is the video doesn't show him having any recoil And if he's making those shots, he's 20 years old and he's skin and bones, this kid's going to get, you're going to visually see some recoil in his shoulder. Yeah, I can't even, I remember when those shots rang out and I know on my AR-15, I can't get that many shots off that quick because the gas cylinder doesn't come back that quick. To be able to catch the next shot that fast, for me to be able to rattle off that many shots that fast is something that kind of concerned me. Those three that were really quick. Where did those rounds go? What did they hit? If the first three rounds hit people around Trump and in the bleachers behind Trump, then where did the other five shots go? And who did they hit? That doesn't make any sense to me. Five shots that fast. One was Trump. One was a dead man. Two were injured. Aside from that, I think that's four. So you've got four people, right? And the person you can see, you can match up the audio with the people who are visually reacting to having been hit by a round. And number five, number five, Jason, was the hose on that forklift. Right. But what I was about to say is that first round that missed his ear also appears to be the same round that hit the gentleman that was standing up behind him and to the, what is that? from, if you're looking at Trump, behind him to the right, that was in the corner of the bleachers, and then that round appears to ricochet off the rail after passing through the individual standing up. And the ledge may be the same round after it ricochets off the rail that hits the hose. So one round causes the injury to Trump and one of the individuals and the hose that's, I mean, that doesn't require five rounds, but the point is if you're firing off five rounds that fast, they're all hitting very close in one area. I mean, you're a train, you're probably a trained individual or you haven't a full auto either way. You're hitting something. There's a huge, there's a massive crowd. If the idea was to do damage, Right? You start at the base of the stage and you just hold the trigger. And why did only five rounds get up? Do you have a jam? A function? These are all things that they could add a press conference and win 24 hours. And nobody's answering any questions and nobody's asking the right questions and nobody's really doing a real investigation. So it tells me that there's something that went on there. Somebody knows something. I'm going to use that stupid line that somebody else used, but they know what went on there. I would like to bring this up too. That guy, I call him Rutrow, but his name is Ron Rowe, the new director. He lied. He said that There were no communications, radio communications recorded that were on the Secret Service side. And that turns out to be a lie because I remember when the Democrat congressman, I think it was about three days ago or four days ago, said to him, you know, we're going to get all these communications back. I mean, regardless of what you say, we're going to get these recordings back. And the guy said, yeah, I know. He said, so I want you to send me all of the radio communications between you and you guys in a secret service and all. And he says, okay, I'll send them to you, sir. And so that just, he lied, period. Look, the FCC, are the ones that hold all communications that is transmitted from a radio whether it's fire ems police I don't care if it's secret service you know they they may have a a special squawk on it but they they hold they've got the records in the air I i you know unless they didn't say a damn thing and just you know went out there and You know, and if that's the case, if they didn't even use their radios, let me tell you what, the least. Every single one of them. At the very least, this is negligence, criminal negligence. At the least. It's conspiracy. It's criminal negligence. It is conspiracy. It's criminal conspiracy. Well, I know what it is. Everybody wants to say we need proof, we need proof. How much proof do we have to have that the elections were stolen and rigged? It's like they're trying to make us question what we know to be true and to just follow this constant. It's a little bit more than that. They know. that they destroyed evidence and they know that they're not going to let it in a court of law. So what did they do? So we'll prove, prove it to me. Show me the evidence. You destroyed the evidence jerk. So like when you have kids and they're fighting and they're arguing and, uh, one of them says, well, they took my toy and the other one says, no, look, it's right behind you. Well, that doesn't mean that they hadn't taken the toy and that they knew that they were about to be in hot water and put it back. Right? Like it's like dealing with children. Yeah, well, it's just like in my case with the ballots, with the petition signatures. I had one investigator, special investigator, that said that they had signed confessions from the signature gatherers. And then all of a sudden, this guy disappears. And I got another guy on there and said, no, that never happened. And I'm like, what the hell? Where did the evidence go? That evidence was destroyed, according to what I saw, within the attorney general's office to rig the case. And then they've been slow walking it. But what I heard was a destruction of evidence on my case. And I know another guy that they destroyed evidence. And this is the Michigan Attorney General's office that destroyed evidence in his wife's case. And they're doing it all over the place. And then they try to make people believe it because they are controlling the game. And we are cut out of it. There's no truth in what comes out of the news or they're lying mouths or a bunch of lying bastards. And they're just doing what they want. It's a crime. All of it's a crime. So what we need to do is, is, uh, get our politicians and start recalling every fucking one of them. None of them are standing up for the American people. Instead, they're just letting these people do these things. And these are NGOs. These aren't politicians. These are NGOs. They can be fired, gone like that. They ain't about recalling because you don't elect NGOs. You appoint them. Yeah, but you know what? It's more than that, Chris. It's that every one of them that's elected has done nothing. Let's bring up Marjorie Taylor Greene and the next guests that are coming on. She's freaking worthless. If any one of these people would stop getting in front of the camera and actually pressing charges on what they see instead of just looking past it, where were the people in the state of michigan that were actually taking this to court and all of a sudden now they're squeaking about it and it's like it's a little too little too late where where are these people that have been fighting for elections where are these people that are prosecuting and making sure they're holding the other branches of government accountable like poor widow dana nessel who took the evidence of gvi strategies and poor widow dana nessel took it and and sent it to the state police so she had plausible deniability said well I passed it on what was I supposed to do well how about make sure that this is no he asked the fbi to stand down there's a public letter where she sent to attorney general bill barr at the time saying this is my state I'm the head law of the law enforcement here I'm going to investigate. Don't worry about it. We got it. She asked the FBI and the DOJ to stand down and then she did nothing. But she also said she passed the information to the state police and walked away. Poor widow Dana Nessel. And none of them have done anything. And then you go back to the elections with the legislature passing this on to the state board of canvassers. You don't get to just reassign your duty when you know that there's a problem. They enabled the certification of the election. All of them have done nothing. They have done absolutely nothing. The Republican Party did not vote for President Trump. The Democrat Party was trying to take him down. And we fight for President Trump. I don't care if anybody likes his mean tweets. I don't care if they like the man. I don't care what your little fee wings are all about. This was a deprivation of rights. This is a direct attack on the United States of America, on every single voter out there, on the process. And anybody that doesn't fight with it is complicit in covering up or walking away from a crime. It's like watching a crime and walking away from this and refusing to do what needs to be done. Am I right? Well, it's a forfeiture of the government. It's a forfeiture of our nation where we're forfeiting. Our rights, we're forfeiting our inheritance. We're forfeiting our nation to occupying forces. Foreign forces and domestic. Well, the domestic are forfeiting their responsibilities and obligations, which is allowing foreign invasion and occupations. Within the next year, we're going to see how that pans out. It's not going to be pretty. Look what's going on in the UK right now. Everything that's going to happen in the United States over the next year can be witnessed actively happening in foreign countries right now. The only reason the United States hasn't experienced it is because the United States already had armed citizens. The other countries did not have as many armed citizens as the United States has, but mark my words, the foreign invasion, the foreign invaders will be armed. They will be armed. They're letting them buy firearms. They're letting them have . They're talking about giving them mass asylum. They want to give them rights. Look, why did they come? It's an army. They have invaded us with a foreign army. And this is exactly out of the Chinese playbook to invade Russia. They literally took the exact same playbook and used it on the United States. They said 7 million people, 1 million people a day for one week would overwhelm the Russians' ability to defend. And they could overwhelm them and then infiltrate and subvert them from within and destroy and crush them. They could open the gates and allow the rest of the Chinese military to flood in. And that's exactly what we're experiencing right now. The problem is that it's so disheartening and scary to so many people that are supposed to be protecting us. They don't want to believe it. Because it is a harsh reality. They have suspended their disbelief. It's absolutely shocking, isn't it, Jason? Oh, yeah. Well, it's incredible is what it is. Psychological warfare was never meant to be used on the American people. After the Second World War, we had a law, an act, placed specifically to put handrails on the use of Psychological warfare against the American people. Obama, under the Obama administration, the second, his second third. Well, they kept it, but they gutted it. And what they did was they allowed the use of psychological warfare on the American people. So after that point and having embedded senior executives, there are two thirds of the senior executive service. as his appointees, they took over the U.S. government. That was the biggest coup d'etat that sealed the deal for what we're involved in dealing with now across the country is that when he replaced two-thirds of the senior executive service and then allowed the use of propaganda, that's what allowed the COVID propaganda. That's what allowed All of the propaganda used against Trump to impeach him and to get them out of office and all of the things that they did after they lost power when Trump came in was all a result of Obama's administration locking down the levers of power. That was a soft coup behind the scenes that the average person has no idea The level of influence and control the senior executive service has over all the rest of the branches. All of the branch, it is the shadow government. When you talk about shadow governments, the senior executive services runs the government from behind the scenes. They're meant to be the continuity of government. Well, and look what we have in Michigan. We've got a board that works with Whitmer with seven people on it. And there's four appointees by the governor. They're basically running the state. So all these appointed boards are basically we just have puppets in office right now. And seriously, none of them have any guts to do the right thing because they put useful idiots in place who don't know the law, aren't interested in the law because it's all about a long term political career, self gain and self enrichment. Those are figureheads. Those are the people who are out there that are there for the face only. The people, the actual administrators, if you go down the list of the people who were put into positions of actually making decisions, those individuals, almost all of them, you can go and look at what companies they came from. And that's a pretty good indicator of who's benefiting, right? Like specifically in Michigan with Whitmer, you look at people in the administration that are British Petroleum. Why would we have British Petroleum people embedded in our government and shutting down our oil and gas production. You're literally bringing people in from foreign competition agencies. Do you really think that they have the best interests of Michiganders at heart? Well, absolutely not. It's just like with Burisma Oil. I mean, when you've got people running the nation, such as, you know, fake President Trader Biden, I won't call him president because he's not. And, you know, he's being run around by the Kenyan at this point in time. and Burisma Oil, and then you've got him, you've got Kerry's nephew there, you've got Pelosi's son, you've got all of these, the cast and crew over there of traitors in with the oil. And then look at the stuff that's happening with Ben-Gurion Pass and all of the people who have dual citizenship in Israel as well as sitting in Congress. If people don't think that this is a full-on invasion, by the use of the geopolitical climate as well as all of the corporations that should have been deep-sixed a long, long time ago. We can even go back to Citizens United. Citizens United was another one of those things that was installed to give corporations the rights of an individual. I've been saying this for a long time. Unless we get rid of this nonsense, they're going to start trying to have a vote as a corporation in our elections because they're not paying attention to any rules. They already do. They already have a vote. They do it through financial. Yeah, they do it by money. Every dollar spent in campaigns is a vote. Every time They give airtime to one candidate over another, or they intentionally suppress another candidate. They are effectively engaged in electioneering. Correct. And, and not, not only, not only with the money part of it and voting with the money, but my concern is, and I'm going to go back to this, that that set the precedent for them to be able to outright vote in our elections because somebody, some idiot out there, some, some, commie idiot out there is going to say, well, they've got the rights of an individual. I think a corporation should have voting rights. Now let's go ahead and vote on what percentage of a vote they should have. Are they equal to, you know, based on what they contribute to the economy? Are they, you know, worth a thousand votes for a corporation or what? I mean, this is how these people think. You know whose mentality that is. It is the original Dixiecrats mentality, right? Because the whole idea of slaves being able to count for votes. They wanted to be able to count everyone, vote on behalf of all of their slaves, essentially, right? They wanted their voting power to equal the number of people that they had directly under their thumb. And so what you see is their mentality has never changed. Their mentality is the exact same. The number of people that they control, they want to have the ability to make the determinations for. Yes, it's a shame, but you know what? I'll go back to every single person out there has to get involved with this fight. And I'm going to be filing a bunch of pro se cases right now. I've been working very hard on them. And just so everybody knows, this is the only way to win. And once we go forward with this sort of thing, I'm going to need help because I'm going to need help with people that are willing to put this stuff out there because fake news isn't going to cover it. I mean, fake news never covered either time with what actually happened without turning it into a propaganda piece about me. You know, with the with the petitions, as well as being removed from the ballot twice in two political parties. Don't you think that this would have been, you know, newsworthy? And I still get on the ballot. So for some reason, I was doing something right. OK, otherwise they would have knocked me out. And I just kept fighting the same thing with the pro se cases and never got any any votes. Press never got any money. I would have taken it anyway. And on and on and on. Had somebody try to hack my credit cards. I mean, it was just incredible how much pushback I was getting from this. And we're going to have to get a little smarter and see what actually works to take these people down. and to remove them. And I think the only way is going to be the pro se cases. And because involving an attorney at this point in time, you're just asking them to slow walk you to death in the non-judicial, the fake law process we have, because that's exactly what it is. They're just going to slow walk you to death and make you poor on the process. So I love talking to you, Jason. If you want to stay on, you're welcome to, but I'm, I'm thankful that you came on today and, uh, I'm sure we'll be talking later today and tomorrow and such. Cause we've, you know, we've got, I got to take on as a pleasure. I got to take off. I got another meeting to jump into right now, but, um, it's, it's always a pleasure. And thank you, Donna. We'll talk later. Thank you so much. We're going to go to a break right now and I'll be right back with Jaleese Middleton, Eric Clark. And, um, Jim, I know it was James Brett because that was the name I was given. So we're going to meet these guys for the first time. And I'm so happy that they're coming on. So I will be right back. Third hour of Brandenburg News Network. Bye. Good morning and welcome back to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the 12th day of August 2024. And welcome to our third hour today. We're going to move right into this and I want to welcome my guests on today because I have committed to Jaleese Middleton to having a segment on. I had 11 o'clock every weekday from now until her sentencing or. or to eternity and beyond at this point in time, because I'm done with these people. And we need to document the real crimes that have happened to Americans. And so I'm titling this Political Prisoners in America, because that's what we have going on here. And when we we've been talking about all morning, the usurpation of what people's roles are in the United States of America, starting from the illegal FBI, because it's a violation of Norton versus Shelby County and should not exist. It doesn't exist. The only reason why it does is because we. We agree with it. The IRS, let's just go ahead and make everybody mad this morning and throw some shade into their faces because they've used all of these organizations to create harm to people and Americans that we should be standing and fighting together. And you know what? If anybody out there is turning a blind eye to this Jay Sixer situation, I'm going to tell you, you're complicit. And you're a coward. And at this point in time, we have to stand with them regardless of what happens and the consequences. You cannot look at this and walk away. Otherwise, you are complicit and a coward. And with that said, I'm going to bring everybody on. Good morning. How are you guys doing? Doing great. It's so nice to meet you guys and I appreciate you being on. It's great to have you back on, Jalise. You know, I was so inspired by our conversation. We went almost two hours on Friday and I was so inspired. You know, I love it when people can actually visit, you know, and they can talk. And, you know, it's nice when I don't have to drag conversation out of people. That always makes my day a better place, too, you know. So I love that, you know, to get to know the real person, you know, we can all put our mask on on Facebook and create the identity we want. But when someone will take it off and just lay it out there, it's like, whoo-hoo. It's freeing, isn't it? I mean, because even with what we say and our thoughts and opinions, we are free. And you should be able to say whether I agree with you or anybody out there or not, I will uphold your right to say and think and feel what you feel because that's important. And that's how you get to the real truth. I really do think it's a civil discourse and the ability to talk with each other and hear our stories and say, this isn't right. Well, I tell you, my heart is really, you know, I didn't really know exactly what to do until I really talked with you to find out how to get involved. And I'm like, this is great. I can give everybody a voice. So every day from now until sentencing and or beyond, because who knows, you know, maybe this will go on for a long time. And I like the conversations we talked about as people who are saved by grace through Jesus Christ, the blood of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. And the fact that this is a spiritual war that we're in. Make no mistake. Make no mistake. It starts with a bankrupt spirit. These people do not have the ability to care, love their victimizers or abusers. They are haters of America and they are haters of human beings. I don't even know if they're human at this point in time. As many of them as destroyed their soul. But would you please introduce our guests here and let's have a conversation because I want to hear what's happened to you guys. I am super excited to introduce them. So down here with his Free the Jay Sixers shirt on is Jimmy Brett. And the other one here is Eric Clark. And each of these guys I've had the honor to meet before. So I obviously chose them right off the bat because every single January 6th defendant has a story. you know, what the enemy intended for evil, God will turn for good. And that's what he's done. So now every one of us have a story and a platform, right? And all we need is a people to give us the opportunity. And every story is unique and individual. Some of us have more skin in the game than others. And what I mean by that is, you know, We run every spectrum on January 6th. We have some that did a lot of bad things because I got swept into the moment. And I say bad loosely, and I will just withhold my opinion on that. But every single person is innocent. And what I mean by that is our civil rights have been violated. They've been violated in a grotesque way to the point that now we're held hostage. For the longest, we called ourselves political prisoners because that was obvious. But now we're even seeing it brought to a point of being hostages. And I was reluctant to pick up that name. I did not want to, you know, lay out any dishonor to to the POWs and that, you know, in our military. And so I was very careful with that word, but at this point, there's no other name you can call it. We're in a war. So, so anyone who is in or has been in the Gulag was a political prisoner in an unlawful government, which the United States has turned into. It is a corrupt criminal organization and it is absolutely the enemy of the people. And anyone involved in it is complicit with the crimes that have been committed against the Constitution and, you know, that are the rights guaranteed by the Constitution given by God and against Americans. And shame on all of them. Judgment is going to come. God is not going to let this go on for too much longer. And when he drops the hammer, it's going to get real, real quick. Yeah, he says vengeance and tithes. And honestly, this is the first time in my life that I have not struggled with resentment or retaliatory thoughts. I am so at peace with what they're going to face if they don't clean up. I know that sounds bad, but I don't want... I'm not looking to get my pound of flesh back. I'm truly at a point. It is so demonic that I'm at a point of saying, God have mercy on your soul. All I can tell you is you better repent, repent fast. And if you don't want to go down with these people, you better get on your knees in a hurry. But everyone has their own views. So I'm eager to hear. Before I really get off too far in it, Jimmy, I'll start with you. Tell me the man you were before January 6th. What did your life look like? It was chaotic. I'm a father of five. I've got a stepson, four children, ranging from three years old to now 18. He's going into his senior year. I own multiple local newspapers at the time, a web design business. And I was just Joe average. I'd go to the VFW, grab a couple of brews with my boys. I'm also a proud boy. I hang out with my fellow patriotic Americans. And it was really, before January 6th, we were keeping people safe at Trump rallies we were inserting ourselves as a barrier between BLM and Antifa and Patriots that love America. Um, other than that, I mean, I've, I've got my, my lady, Stephanie, who is my ride or die and my gift from God. Um, so yeah, I'm, I'm just, uh, just an American man trying to make my way. And, uh, You've always been very patriotic. Some of us, I think it's bred in us. It's something you either have or you don't have. And I mean, I remember running around the woods as a kid, you know, in my camo with my BB gun, you know, I was a great white hunter. And I just, I gravitated toward everything American and patriotic. So. That is awesome. Thank you for sharing that. Yes, ma'am. I don't mean to make this sound so formal, but I think it's so important that everyone sees the person. You know, all of us have done podcasts on here, I'm sure. Every one of us have told our stories somewhere. But one of the things, especially for me, was that I always walked away wondering how Do they know who I am outside of J6? Because I was a person before that. Now I'm a warrior. But I started out a person with a normal life just like everyone else. And I refused to stand silent. I refused to be ran over and not let my voice be heard. I felt like I had a moral responsibility to my Lord, to my brothers, to my nation. And I still feel that way. But there used to be a stay-at-home mom that cooked and cleaned all day, griping about wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe, wipe. That's all I ever do is wipe, wipe butts, wipe windows, wipe dishes, wipe tables, you know, and griped about my life as a homemaker all day, every day, right? And and now here I am. And I can still remember my first set of attorneys trying to get me to take a plea deal. And he said, listen, you need to take this plea deal because you are not. I forgot how you worded it, but you are not guilty. warrior six, you are mil six, something to that effect. And I walked away with that thinking, yeah, you're right. I'm just a stay at home mom. I'm just a mom. And then it hit me, you're not just anything. You've been a warrior for 20 years running a family and herding cats and And, you know, you're not just anything. And at this point, nothing of my past matters because they brought this to my doorstep. So anyway, that, you know, that's been the journey ever since. But it's so important that people know that I was just an average person like them watching this show when it all hit. What about you, Eric? What'd you do before January 6th? Don't tell me your whole life's been insurrecting. Unmute, Eric. I'm trying. There you go. Oh, you're muted again. Okay, we're good. Oh, it keeps remuting. Yeah, you're muting. There you go. Now you're off mute. No, it keeps going back and forth to the mute, and I don't know why. That's weird. Every time he undoes it, it goes back. Isn't that unusual? Yeah. We've had a few interruptions this morning just because they, I can keep it up on my end, but the problem is, is that on the remote ends, especially if they're targeting people, which they do, um, you, you can sometimes, we sometimes can't keep it up on the other end. If he comes back in here, he might be able to, um, he might be able to get it. I'll watch it. I'll bring him in. So if you want to just go ahead, Jimmy, and talk about what happened to you. I'm really curious because I heard Jaleesa's story. Well, tell us all what, what happened to you? What, how did you get, what was it like to be there at J6? And then what happened after that? Oh, wait a minute. Eric's here. Are you there? There he is. There he is. Now I can hear you. 10 for 5, brother. Can you hear us? We should be able to hear you. Okay, go ahead and tell your background, Eric. I don't know if he can hear us. Yeah, well, if you can leave and try coming back on, sometimes that works. I can hear the bugs in the back. Yeah. Okay. Well, we'll go ahead and see if he can make this work. And in the meantime, when he comes back, I'll put him back on. So, so tell us your story. So I, I went up with a very close brother of mine, my buddy, Eddie, Eddie George, who's also a J sixer. We prayed on it for about a week solid. And that's one thing I didn't tell you about myself too, is I'm, Faith, family and freedom and Jesus Christ is above everything in my life. So we prayed on this for about a week and we got our answer loud and clear. We were supposed to go. And I see that as a common thread with a lot of January Sixers, very faith based crowd led by God. And, you know, he does the driving. We're just in the car. So. We went up there on January 5th. It was an amazing atmosphere that night. The only thing that stands out in my mind that night was Ray Epps. We were right next to him. We were the ones chanting Fed. Yeah. He was just a whack job, but I got to enjoy Bryson Gray and General Flynn and We were in Freedom Square and just soaking it up because it was palpable. You could feel just a good energy. And we wanted to be a part of history that happened the next day. We just didn't know what that history was going to be. So the next morning, Proud Boys met in front of the Washington Monument. Before we do any rallies protecting people, anything like that, We invoked prayer and we took a bent knee. We prayed. One of the most beautiful prayers that I've ever heard. It's out there. But we prayed for our nation, prayed for our brothers to be safe, prayed for our fellow patriots to be safe, and that we would have the strength to keep them safe. That was our reason to be there. There was no plan. There was no... No conspiring, none of that junk that the mainstream media says. Now, I got to cut in a minute because there's tons of rumors out there about what the Proud Boys are. Will you educate all of us a little bit? I mean, I know you can't go too far off, but just tell us how this organization started and what it really was like. It started as a joke. Quite literally, it started as a joke. Gavin McGinnis formed it. He formed it because he saw that there were a lack of men's clubs someplace where men can congregate to be men. and we're we call ourselves proud western chauvinists because that triggers liberals uh very very largely they're too lazy they won't look at the word what chauvinist means and it's it's a nationalist someone who's pride has pride in their country so we're western chauvinists we believe the west is the best western culture above all um We believe in the First and Second Amendment. We believe in venerating the housewife, that that is the most important job that anyone will ever have. And we take care of our ladies. We're just American men with traditional American values that like to get together once a month and drink some beer together. So that's the crux of it. And they've transformed us into this almost... Militia type group, which we are not. We are just one of the groups that saw what was going on with Antifa and decided that we're going to keep people safe. And the thing is, we don't go out hitting people, but we do hit back. And that's what they do not like. My mom and daddy used to teach me, you don't ever start it, but by golly, you better finish it. You better finish it, right? So that's who we are in a nutshell. And we started standing up to Antifa all across the country because their communist agenda wasn't flying with us. We knew who was funding it. We knew they were hurting people. And we just weren't going to have that anymore. So as far as j6 goes um we were going down the national mall and it felt different that day it just felt different there was there was something in the air and I can't put a word on it but you could feel it that something was a little off so we're going down the uh the national mall and all of a sudden And this happens all the time, but it was to such a level that we were like, oh. All of these investigative journalists and reporters come out of nowhere and they start taking pictures of us going down the National Mall. And we went around the capital. you saw that wonderful picture that the, uh, J six, uh, committee put up of us. We were on the HBO specials. It was the one of us in front of the, uh, the Capitol. And, uh, so we had those, those pictures were just kind of hanging out there. Um, we go around, we true Pratt boy fashion where ADD squirrels, we had to get some food. So we stopped at the food trucks, you know, um, It's just kind of funny. My one buddy said, we're such domestic terrorists and insurrectionists that we had to stop at the taco truck on the way there. We were so charged up about this. But then we ended up at the peace circle. And that's really where it all kicked off. We couldn't see up ahead. I was probably about, I don't know, maybe 100 yards back, something like that. Not even, maybe 80. i hear trump's gonna speak at the capitol that's somebody yelled that out on the uh the bullhorn I didn't see the pushing going on at the front but somebody yelled that out and it sticks in my mind because people started surging forward next thing I know we're on capitol grounds because we stick together line moves forward I grab my buddy's backpack and in we go and um Then I see the police. And the weird thing about this was that I know police lines. I've seen riot situations and all that. The police in a riot situation will never pull back. They'll always push forward. They'll get reinforcement and push forward. So they're gradually stepping back and then more people will come in and then step back a little further. And it was like they were baiting us in. Next thing I know, I'm on the West Plaza. I see a bunch of stuff that I don't like going on, meaning with the police. So when we're in front of the West Plaza, I see what looked to be a SWAT team come out over the mezzanine. And then I see cameras. And I told everybody around, because there's women and children in the crowd. I'm like, women and children need to get the hell out of here. Please, now, it's important. They're going to start doing something. And sure enough, they started firing those pepper bullets, munitions against us, all that stuff. I saw women getting hit with riot shields. Um, when they're just sitting there and trying to have dialogue with the police officers in a peaceful manner, they're getting pushed down steps. Um, it was egregious and it started to inflame the crowd. So now we're seeing women and children that are in the mixed, uh, pepper bullets are flying those, uh, concussion grenades. Um, it was all hell broke loose. And at that, at that point I looked at my buddy and I'm like, we need to get the hell out of here because something really weird is going on here. And it just, it didn't feel right. So I had had pepper spray in my eyes at that point because they were, they were just spraying the whole crowd. So we went to the food trucks, got my eyes rinsed out, ate a hot dog, Because what do I do when I'm nervous? I eat. So we went back. My buddy said, we got to get our boys and get out of here. And when we went back, we went up to that mezzanine area looking for our brothers. And we got swept into the tunnel. And I've been in a lot of spots in my life. And I can tell you that that was... That was like going into the pits of hell. Police were pushing against the crowd. And if you know the tunnel, there's stairs in back of you. So at that point, you're forced to push back for self-preservation. You don't want to go off, get stampeded and thrown down the stairs. Someone did, right? Yeah. Yeah, Roseanne Boylan, Phillip Anderson, Tommy Tatum, they all got caught up in that, and we're at the bottom of the pile. I could hear Victoria White screaming. I had a little old lady in front of me that was getting pinned up against the wall. I was in that tunnel for about three and a half minutes, and I thank God for small favors. He gave me situational awareness. I'm like, I got to get out of this thing. So I, I started making my way toward the steps and as I'm making my way toward the steps, they're pressing forward and they clear the tunnel for the first time. Um, I got hit in the rib. I felt like, uh, took my breath away and I think I split my rib, but then I had, uh, an officer McAllister. We got it on his body cam. He pushed me down the stairs as I'm trying to leave. Isn't this the officer that part of his body cam went dark while he beat someone up on the Lower West Terrace? Yeah, I believe that was McAllister. I'm not 200% sure, but I know his body camera did go off at certain points. He's one of the most egregious in D.C. His record speaks for itself. And why would he be at the front lines of the Lower West Terrace where the original breach occurred and then so quickly be ahead of the crowd and now in the Upper West Terrace where this breach is occurring? Well, and that's the thing. If you look, there was a concerted effort at 303. They were given the order to push because they pushed upstairs and they pushed in the tunnel at the same time. And 205 in the Lower West Terrace. very well timed huh yeah hour markers well if you if you look at the whole situation you can see it it was very tactical in nature um you can see smoke being popped and then they do their exfil when I was in the tunnel and I'm coming out and eric will know where I'm driving with this uh I saw moon beams clicking and and it wasn't a random, a moonbeam is a flashlight. Um, but I saw them, they were communicating. You could see it was, it was very direct communication. They were communicating with some, some people up above us or bias. I couldn't really tell. I can't say, but there were so many characteristics of this as, as an operation that you could see after I got pushed down the stairs, um, I went down, saw an oath keeper, put a compression wrap on my rib. He gave me a medicinal shot of Jack Daniels. And I left the property at that point because I understood that we were being set up. And it was just hellacious at that point in the respect that I've always been taught to love my country. You know, God in core. And it broke my heart that day seeing what our government was doing on our property. And that brings up another point. You know, there was a guy with a bullhorn who they were trying to rack with, I believe it was 12 years in prison for using the bullhorn because he said, this is our house on the bullhorn, which it is. And they were going to give him 12 years for incitement with the bullhorn. You know, Jim, during my trial, they made the biggest deal. Now, me and my husband were huddled in prayer. But at one point, while huddled in prayer, everyone started chanting USA. And we joined in. And you can see, like, my head bobbed with USA, right? And they made the biggest deal about that. Like, somehow... that was communist behavior that was egregious enough that should add years to my sentence. It was so ridiculous. As the people coming into DC and protest under a foreign flag, a Palestinian foreign flag or any other foreign flag, they let them walk right in and trash the place. but yet they go after somebody that's on the outside praying and saying, you know, you're, you're like, are you kidding me? Yeah. For people that weren't there, it's really important to know up until that point where they started firing on the crowd and beating the hell out of everybody. Um, dogs, one of the most beautiful days I've ever seen. I mean, we were singing the national anthem. Um, buddies and I, you know, Marine Corps hymn, rosaries being prayed, just beautiful prayer. Coy Griffin, I mean, that man was driven to pray over the crowd. I love Coy. I talk to him a lot. He's just such a beautiful man. And it was a beautiful day, and it was ruined by mercenary motives. And people say we were there to interrupt the certification, but No, this happened to interrupt the decertification. And that's exactly what this was. You know, hindsight 2020, I think you're right. You know, the word was they were sending it back to the states and that's exactly why they had this planned out. Why would we be trying, you know, an insurrection means overthrowing your government. Well, people forget that number one, the transition of power does not occur on January 6th. And number two, that Donald Trump was in power and we were there to support him. So would we be trying to overthrow Trump? That's ridiculous. So, you know, they created a narrative right away. If you're like me, as soon as I got back to the hotel, I turn on Fox News and it was a totally different story. And I turned to Mark and I'm like, Things must have went really bad after we left because that wasn't what I saw. And then it kept getting worse and worse. And I'm hearing all this stuff. And I really didn't know what to think for a good month or two. And then I started realizing they're making this crap up. And they're picking it up as they go. For instance, I can remember about two days after Jan 6 is when they put that invisible mile perimeter around the Capitol and geofenced it. If you were in this area, we're coming to get you. That wasn't said ahead of time. So how were we supposed to know we couldn't be right there? There was nothing there telling us we couldn't. They made that up two days later. So I heard from Eric. Eric, you have time in here. Absolutely. Absolutely. Sorry about the technical difficulties early on. Can you talk a little louder, Eric? Can you get closer to your phone or something? Absolutely. Sorry about the technical difficulties earlier. Is that better? A little bit, but I'm still having a hard time hearing you, but that's okay. All right. Looking at the mic. So can the mic volume go up? No, I'm just honestly listening. Sorry about the technical difficulties earlier. So, yeah, I'm listening to a lot of what James is saying. And, like, my eyewitness account of January 6th is different because we sort of went, I was there at the West Plaza, but he sort of went one way and I went the other. And you'll find a lot of that, right? Like, depending on where you were. your story's a whole lot different. I didn't witness any violence at all on January 6th. I did witness a lot of what James pointed out, though, the kind of pre-planned, pre-planning that went into all this, and I think they intended to make it much worse than what it was. If it wasn't for people like James deciding to okay, this isn't where I want to be at, it's time to go, or standing up to kind of get in the middle of and de-escalate situations, because there was a lot of that, a lot of that the more you go through the footage. This could have turned out really bad. I think I heard like four different calls over the radio at different times, people trying to take down the scaffolding as if they wanted that all to collapse, right? And I think we're fortunate to have gotten out what we have, but... unfortunately, that's involved a lot of violations of our constitutional rights throughout the entire process. And that's why I agree with the leaf, even those people that got a bit overzealous. Regardless of what you think about their actions that day, their their due rights were violated from day one. From day one, they they refused us access to braiding materials, exculpatory evidence, and then they kept all this. They took a year to build a database, violating our right to a speedy trial, to due process to a speedy trial, delayed the entire thing. If you were arrested early, you didn't get any kind of real hearings until after February of 2022 because they didn't have a discovery database built yet. I mean... There's a lot of issues. There's a lot of issues that everything that's gone on after the fact, I think, that are just as important as some of them that happened that day. And I will agree that it was the most beautiful day probably of my life until I got back to the hotel room at the end of the night, right? Because that's when someone I had went with had shown me footage of that tunnel area. And my heart just kind of sank because from my perspective, it was 100% peaceful. We were let in. chanted a little bit, um, police officers about 40 minutes after we're in the building finally say, okay, it's time to go. And everybody in that Senate wing hallway where I had chosen to stay kind of left and picked up, picked up on their way out. So, so when, when I got back to the room, Yeah. Yeah. The people in the Senate wing hall, as they, one officer finally came down and said, it's time for y'all to, we need to clear the building. And everybody, the word passed, and everybody started falling out the doors, picking up like a water bottle or any trash that was on the ground on their way out. There might have been two people, probably actors of some sort, confidential human sources, federal agents, who knows, right? They're not going to tell us. They gave a little bit of a problem, but when they saw they weren't going to provoke any action out of anyone else, they just kind of followed on out too. Wow. And were we hung outside? Listened to a couple people come up on bullhorns, give some quite patriotic speeches. For a little while longer, Donald Trump said to leave. I left and went home, right? And Eric, you're quite the expert on researching all the different video. He has been instrumental in releasing a lot of video to the January 6th defendants. Absolutely, Jaleesa. Let's back up. I'll go back to where I was before January 6th, like you were trying to ask me earlier. Yeah, yeah. So I was a CNC machine operator at an automotive manufacturing plant. I had three years sober under my belt. I had issues with alcohol, right? Alcohol meant something different for me than it does Jimmy. It's not a good time. It leads to heroin and crystal meth. I spent 25 years on some really hard drugs, intravenous drug use. And I had three years sober come January 6th. And most of my time was spent in the church doors when they were open. Of course, they were barely opening anymore because of COVID. And what a lot of people see as communism trying to take over our country, I more see as Satanism, right? And it's just being, there's just a communist-like veil over what is actually very Satanic going on behind the scenes. Yes, sir. So then when I saw a post, it was by General Flynn on Twitter. It said, descend on D.C. I had this kind of knowing on my heart that it was God that was going to descend on D.C. that day. And I needed to be there. Didn't really have much to do with the election. I believe elections have been rigged long before 2020. Long before it was a knowing on my heart. God just kind of wanted me there. And so I went. So I went. I went to the speech, and it was beautiful. And I have done a lot of speculating the past three years. I've gotten obsessed. My father would even say possessed by tracking down every bit of footage I can and just pouring through it and pouring through it and pouring through it. And there's something that I would like to say to James in particular, because he was one of the first defendants who I started, like, posting their story from jail and their gives and goes, right? For a time, when you're investigating all this, you have to take away your emotion and just look at it from the outside going in. And I got very suspicious of a lot of Proud Boys because they weren't at that speech. But then I had to remember, as I talked to people like A.J. Fisher and other Captain Garcia that I built, they just wanted to tell me their story, right? Help looking for them in the footage, right? I had to come to the realization that that's what these men had been doing for two years, a year at least, leading up to this. They had been going to these rallies and they didn't get to watch the speech. They went around and patrolled the perimeter and made sure that our mothers, our grandmothers, our wives didn't get attacked if they decided to go to a Donald Trump rally on the way back to their room or coming up to. And the more I look through all this footage, I see exactly what James has said. They set the Proud Boys up. They set them up. They were a good 80 yards behind the front line, knelt down praying when people pushed through those barricades. By the time they stood up, they had a clear path, and that was intentional. That was intentional. So my heart goes out to you, James. I know that you've suffered a lot more through this than I have, where freedom is, right, you've I've been fortunate. All my crimes were misdemeanors, the charges they decided to bring against me, because of the path I took. Because I went left instead of right on that Upper West Terrace and ended up at that Senate Wing door. I spent four hours in a rural county jail. My life has been destroyed because of this. I've been made homeless behind it. been life shattering, but there have been so many of those God moments, so many of them that I'm starting to see a rainbow at the end or a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow. We have been called according to his purpose. And I would not want y'all for one moment to think anything different. Um, You know, I'm not sure if I talked about it last time, but the whole meaning behind January 6th, that date is a biblical date. That date is there because it is exactly 12 days after Christmas and 40 days before Easter. If you're a Bible thumper like me, you know the significance of date, of numbers. The other important thing about that is that is a feast of epiphany back from the Jewish faith. The word epiphany in the Hebrew language means revelation of God. January 6th was the day of the revelation of God. And it is in the biblical sense, the reason it was celebrated is it is the day that John baptized Jesus in the Jordan. Believed to be, it's celebrated as such. It is also the day that he turned water to wine, which was the first miracle revelation of God. It is thirdly, the day that, um, that the Magi followed the North Star to the birth of Jesus, revelation of God. January 6th was no accident. God is on the throne. He called his servants there that day. And we are protected and guarded, and any evil that comes against us will be repaid. And we're protected. I think they've seen that. They have not been able to break our spirit. They have not been able to compromise us. They have not been able to bring us down. And, you know, we may have our moment. I know with both of these guys, I'm more open about it. They can talk if they want, not if they don't. I tell everybody, every single J6 contemplated suicide in some form or fashion at some level or other. And the reason for that is how heavy the government is on us. But at the end of it, when we walk through those thought processes, we feel the calling. We feel the anointing. We know that we have have been equipped and we're able to press on by the grace of God. And so it's just such an awesome thing that, yeah, there's ugly sides to it. We've all lost marriages. We've lost relationships with children. We have lost our place in society. We've been treated like the dredges of society, all these horrible things. But what has happened in it is that we have learned our true purpose and value. We have learned who we are in Christ. Because you can be a Christian a long time and not fully understand your value in Christ. Your identity. I used to have the worst fear of rejection and now it's like, well, that's out the window. I don't have that anymore. You know, you just brought up something important, Jalees. And for those who don't know Jalees, you are are definitely a warrior you've got christ warrior consciousness um at my worst moment in uh it was october of last year and I was feeling I was at my lowest point I was away because I had to take a job up in virginia uh helping out getting people voting because I had no job prospects I had No money, no stability, no safety net. Eric knows that feeling. And you have children relying on you. Yeah. So I had to go up for six weeks into Virginia and travel the state. And I remember the neighborhood where I was. And I was sitting there breaking down, sobbing in this cul-de-sac. And your name came to mind and I called you. And in my lowest moment, she talked me through it. And she made me remember something that I said when I first got arrested after we got raided and the house was torn apart. We were born for this moment. And God didn't give it to us because he thought we were weak. Brian Mock said something in his song that he did at the end. He said, in my darkest moment, I asked, why God? And he said, his answer was simple, because you can endure. And Jalees reignited that flame with me and stoked those Christ fires in my heart, gave me the most amazing playlist to listen to, and I was recharged. And I've had my moments since then where you just sit there and you're like, you know, this is not what I thought my life was going to be. But the fact is that God knows what your life was going to be. And he called you for a purpose, for a reason, because he knows that you're fit. You have the fiber, the good stuff, the strong stuff to endure the attacks of the enemy. And make no mistake, this is a battle of spiritual principalities. This is flat out good and evil. And the battle is in the mind. You've got to you've truly got to lay it down before the Lord. And he does all the work through us. But it's still good for us, too, because it was a surprise to me to know that I'm going to be a warrior for American freedom. I thought I was going to be a marketer at a home health agency. OK, that's what I thought. It's only a surprise to us. It's not a surprise to God. I know Eric's got a similar story. Like the way he even found Christ is phenomenal. Eric, you've got to share that story real quick. You're sitting ready to go. You're good. We can't hear you. I mean, your volume's on. It's just quiet. I got you, I got you. My account of coming to Christ was, right, it involved a lot of different things. It probably started when I was 19 and I didn't realize it. And I was in the Marine Corps and I had some substance abuse issues, let's just say. I got caught with an ounce of crystal meth and put in a brig. And I didn't believe there was a God. And I was going to read the Bible to kind of disprove it, disprove that there was a God. I loved history in school. I wasn't exactly a great student, but I did love history, and I saw the correlation between the book, the big book, the Bible, and the history books we read in school through all the kings and the nations and what have you. So I knew at that point that there was some validity behind it. I just didn't have the spiritual concepts yet. I was a drug addict still. I was young, 19. probably 10 years later in an apostolic church when I was really first felt the hand of God but I kept using right I kept using and going out into the world as an addict and there was a point in my life where I was a single parent and an addict and I couldn't take care of my kids anymore I just I couldn't do it and I had needed help and I think what drove me to that was really my mother had, she'd always coddled me, right? I could, I need money for this mom, I need money for that. And as a single parent, you've got the grandkids to look at too, right? She always wanted to help. It wasn't until really that ended and I was, I found a bottom, a real rock bottom and I looked up and there was nothing but God there to look up to. So people had to stop helping me so God could. Right my mom was always my lifeline now it had to be God and and what a miraculous lifeline he was. He took a desire for me that. I thought would never go away, I was criminally minded, I was an addict and. It was just as if in a moment in a walk that I had and I'm hearing these footsteps next to me in the ground and I'm. looking down and it's almost as if the grass is moving. I knew it was God. I knew it was Christ walking with me. I didn't have that desire anymore. I think that it's remarkable that God could take somebody like me and change me in such a way. But then to use me in the way that he has, I'll never understand. I'll never understand. I'm so undeserving. I mean, and in just little ways. I go to pay back an aunt, right, because you get off the drugs and you really are changed by God. If there's a change on the inside, there's a change on the outside. And so I wanted to start making right some of the wrongs of my past. And I go to an aunt who I'd owned a lot of money. I owed a lot of money too, borrowed a lot over the years, and I wanted to start paying her back. I don't want your money. I want you to come to church with me. She didn't mean just come one service, right? She meant start coming to church with me. So I did. I started going to church with her on Sundays, and I had found as my spirituality and my relationship with God grew, right, studying the Word and learning more, just how wrong I was all along. I thought those people were the hypocrites, right? I thought the people sitting in those pews were the hypocrites. When they all know that they're wrong, right? And I had every way of justifying my obvious wrong actions. And so I learned a lot. I learned a lot. But we're sitting in that pew one day, and the preacher, he's giving a sermon on the prodigal son. And the the prodigal son is a young man he he he had a rich father and he wanted to go out and experience the world so he asked his father for his inheritance early and he gets his inheritance and he goes out and he blows it right he blows it partying doing the worldly things and he's thinking well I'm blown I'm broke none of my friends want to be my friends now that I'm broke right maybe I can at least go back home and my dad will let me be a servant right I can help around the house and just be a servant of my father, you know, works a farm or whatever, I guess, so to say. But he goes back home, and his dad runs out and dresses him in fine clothes and just accepted him in with open arms as if he'd never, or he'd never left. And I had really destroyed my relationship with my father. It was the one thing in my life I knew I could never fix, right? My dad, once you showed him who you were, he believed you. And he did not think people could change. And my brothers, they had a great relationship with him, whereas I had stole from him, lied to him, made him the root of all my issues. And in that moment, when that pastor has given this more of a Bible study on the prodigal son, I couldn't keep the tears back. I just wept. I wept. Because God had really communicated me with the first time that I had recognized, I had seen it. He put this knowing on my heart. It wasn't some loud voice. It wasn't God speaking to me. I just knew. I just knew that he was going to do for me what he had done for the prodigal son. That I would have that relationship with my dad again. And it wasn't three weeks later my dad's calling me asking me to start going having coffee with him. And Then breakfast in the morning with him and mom. And then there'd be at least one day a week where I hang out with mom and dad. Now that I'm back in Kentucky, I do it again, right? Every week, at least one day is go have coffee with dad, breakfast with mom and dad. You need yard work done. You almost sit around and play. Put a puzzle together, watch TV, whatever. I make it a point to spend a day with my parents every week if I'm in town and can. But I knew, I knew that when God made a promise, he kept it. So I knew when he put that same knowing on my heart to be at our nation's capital, I didn't really have a choice in the matter. So that's the thing I like to point out real quick is that all of us have a story of being called to January 6th. And these are not people that were inexperienced at hearing from the Lord. We were called there that day. I have heard more January 6th than any other statement. I felt called. And our stories are so similar that way. And it was through a dream, by the way, that I found out about January 6th through the Bible of the significance of the day. I woke up with a dream. The Lord showed it to me. And it was really crazy how it come about because he told me to go open Matthew 5. Well, that's the Beatitudes. I literally rolled my eyes at God and said, I don't want to get out of bed for that. I know what it says. What do you want me to know? Terrible. I'm telling you, we have such a gracious God. If he's tolerating me, he'll tolerate you. And anyway, he finally got me out of bed and I kept rereading it. Nothing was popping out. Finally, I kept trying to close the Bible. Like, yeah, I didn't say nothing. It was just all in my head or whatever. No, he kept adamant, go back, read more. And in the little blue window at the bottom of my Bible, where it kind of gives the history and updates of things, the date January 6th popped out. And I realized, oh, I wasn't supposed to read Matthew 5. I was supposed to go to the page of Matthew 5 because that's where the significance of January 6 was laid out. So anyway, I think it's a beautiful thing to see the power of God in this. You know, you hear all the horror stories of January 6th. You see the lives destroyed. You hear about our homes raided, our children with M4 dots on their, you know, on their chest, being drug out of the home in underwear and all this stuff. And how horrific it is and the destruction. But what you don't realize is the mighty hand of God on it. That this, we were called to this. So for me, I tell people all the time, listen, right now, God is separating the sheep from the goats. Right now, choose this day whom you will serve. And this is one of your last chances to turn back to get on the right side. OK, I'm telling you, you can do with it what you want to do with it. And, you know, I want to jump in and point out one more biblical point. I had a friend that every time we were out speaking on tour, she would chime in and say, God hates the coward. And I'm like, oh, quit saying that God does not hate. And she goes, yeah, he does. I finally confronted her. Yeah, he does. He says it. And I'm like, you show me. She comes back and she goes, got a Revelation 21. It's right there. I Googled. Okay. And what I found out is coward is only used one time in the whole Bible. You guys are going to love this one time. And it's in Revelation 21. So all those different times in the New Testament, when you hear who will not enter the kingdom of heaven, you know, it'll say the drunkard, the debaucher, the sexually immoral, the blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. And it lines them all out. Right. Revelation 21, he changes the game just slightly. The very first thing he mentions is a coward. Will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Guys, we're in the final days. This was a calling. We were called to this battle. This was not an accident. This is a war of good and evil. And we stood our ground in truth. We did not play with the government. We did not play with these demonic lies. We held our ground. And so right now the sheep and goats are getting separated. And you gotta choose. Am I gonna be a coward and let other people fight my battle? Or am I gonna stand firm on truth in support of these January 6th defendants? And I'm telling you right now, I believe we have an entire Congress that's about to go down. an entire Congress because they could have stopped this on a whim. They were elected into that spot to be the mighty powerhouse, to be our voice, to stand on truth. And every one of them little cowards have bowed down. I'm apologetic about it. Like what say y'all? You know, you just brought up about a coward and The one amazing gift that I think has come out of this, Jalise, is that I look at a pattern in my life and I can recognize it now. You know, a lot of times I kept myself from greatness with self-sabotage. Eric, you've heard that before. I'll be on the brink, on the brink of doing good things. And for some reason, it never worked out. Sorry. That reason was me. And God put me in a situation now where you can't bow out. You can't say, oh, God, take this from me. Please, I can't endure this when he knows you can. So the only thing that you can do is you can stand on your integrity, your morals, your belief, your faith and move forward. That's the only option you have. There's no way out of being a January Sixer. That's right. So he finally put me in a situation. And I always wonder, what's my purpose? What's my purpose? I always ask God that. What is my purpose? I don't feel like I have a purpose. Yes, I'm a dad. That's one of the greatest titles I've ever earned in my life. But this is my purpose. And it's very clear now. And it's increased my faith one thousand fold. through being persecuted, prosecuted, and treated like dirt. And what they sought to make us weaker, they made warriors who are strong and can endure the throes of the devil every day for almost four years now. So what did they do? They made us stronger. And they're going to lose because God wins. And Congress, yes, Congress is on the way out. You can see it. It's palpable. There's a couple of cases out there that people think are over that are not over. And I have good word on that. This is a restoration of our covenant with God. One nation under God. That was our covenant with God. We broke that covenant. We were distracted with sports, with all this Hollywood entertainment, all this garbage that means nothing. Now he's brought us back to craving freedom, righteousness, craving God, a relationship with him. So he's built up his army and we're here. And this is not a battle as of yet that's fought with weapons. It's fought with words and prayers. And he put us in this limelight for a reason because he knows that we have the tools to go out and tell people this, this, this live stream right now, there's going to be somebody who hears something here and it clicks. Oh my God. Yes, we are in a war of principalities right now. Oh my gosh. You know, the, Washington, D.C. really is evil. They are Satanists. They are proponents of the devil. And when you really realize that our country has been hijacked by a bunch of evil people, you know that the only thing you crave, and I served a living document. That's the only thing you serve is a living document called the Constitution. And that Constitution was put in that mind of that author by God. Because it's God given. Our country was God given. And now it's time for God to take it back and us to do his bidding once more. I agree with you. Thank you for sharing that. Because it is our calling. And to me, I mean, I'm a mother. That was my biggest joy and pride and calling in my life until this. and I truly count it as rags compared to what I'm called to now yeah and and all I can say is what an honor that he trusted us to trot in his footsteps because jesus was accused of insurrection too and he I almost picture him with satan going look at my servant jimmy look at my servant eric look at my servant jalees you can test them they're faithful I feel like job yeah exactly and you know guys we may not be doing this all right because there there's no road map but I look through the bible And those were some jacked up folks that are in the lineage of Jesus. And yet we have the most beautiful living word to go by and to know our father because of those little jacked up individuals. So I count it as pure joy. Another guy that felt really called was Luke Coffey. And I spoke to Luke. And his story is... It's biblical. And he literally heard an audible go up to the tunnel and stop this and pray. And he said that he saw scripture falling from heaven. And these are things that, you know, maybe when I was younger, like Eric, I would have been like, you're out of your mind. And I sat there and I was like, God was there. So that was an affirmation for me. And you could feel him. It was palpable that day that he was there. And you knew that it was a clash of good and evil at that point. And what followed with the raids on our home. And like you said, you know, my daughter had weapons pointed at her. And Eric, that was my rock bottom, buddy. That was my rock bottom. Because I had a jarhead who came over to me, FBI agent. And they were pulling my family out, and I kind of surged forward. He rapped me, and he said, don't give him this, devil dog. So he goes, it's going to be all right. Just let them do their job. It's going to be all right. It's going to be all right. You'll see. And then at the end of the raid, he came up, and he said, I just want to thank you for being a gentleman. He goes, a gentleman? He goes, you didn't have to be this way, and I wouldn't. But you were because you were a gentleman today. And that meant something to me. That meant something to me. But, yeah, I just I look at all this and it's. The stage is set. The stage is set for the feast of feasts. And on the other side of this is a glorious world, a restored republic that is of, for and by we, the people given by God. You know, that's a lot of what gives me hope to continue on is we know the word of God. We know how it ends. So the battle's already been won. But, you know, the Bible talks about that great awakening. And I really believe at the level of destruction over the past three and a half years, which, by the way, is no accident. If again, if you know numbers in the Bible, three and a half times, three and a half times. I look at that and I'm like, wow. How glorious is that going to be? That we went through the darkest days on the tip of that spear to see oceans of people bowing their knee before Jesus Christ. It makes it all worthwhile and it gives us the strength to carry on. There's probably your timer going off saying we're at our limit. No, it's actually, there is no limit because I own this whole thing. And so it's like, I'm not going to shut it up. That's friends calling in and wanting to comment, I'm sure, about the show and such. It's a blessing to so many people. And I think the biggest thing is to listen to the testimony because, you know, I feel the same way you guys do. When bad things happen, God is allowing them to happen. And instead of feeling sorry for, you know, For ourselves and such, we can go on no matter what the battle is, we can go on and go, Oh, God made this, you know, this, this is okay. He allowed this to happen. And there's going to be something really good that comes out of it. I had a cancer diagnosis years ago. of incurable cancer. I was never sorry for myself, not for one minute. I'm like, well, this is a different day. We're going to see what happens next. And to move forward into that and the things that come out of, things that a lot of people see are as a unfortunate situation, whatever they may be, that you can face with confidence when you're walking with God and realizing that that both the things that happen to us in our lives that we perceive as good and those things that are not quite what we want will produce fruit within us that you can't get any other way. You cannot gain these things by somebody telling you. Sometimes you've got to be shown. And people will say, trust the plan. Absolutely. The plan is God's plan. And so what do we have to be afraid of? What do we have to be looking at this with? Oh, disaster has hit us. No, it hasn't. It's like putting manure on the garden. Now watch it grow. You're not going to grow without having some manure on the garden to be able to really give you depth and sink those roots down into the deep water because that's where you learn to truly drink the spirit of the living God, God Almighty. And you'll learn to walk with him. And the more, I think the rewards in life, it's not that we're going to sit there on a cloud, you know, playing our harp and whatever else it is. The reward is he's going to give us more to do that we will be able to do unwavering, unafraid. unable to be coerced or threatened or step down. That doesn't mean that we're going to not have those temporary moments of things that are just like, oh, come on, God, you know, really, really? Or that we're like sick of the crap, right? That's a human thing. We're going to feel that way. But it's the defining moment is picking yourself up, shaking it off, take the hit, shake it off, And then go to him and say, all right, I'm not real happy with this because he already knows what we think anyway. What are we doing with this? Rub some dirt on it. What's that? Rub some dirt on it. Shake the dirt off. Get some leaves and some duct tape and bandage the wounds. Get up and refuse to lay down. Refuse to stop fighting. And to believe that we're told by people who are evil because they they right now should be absolutely scared out of their minds. And either they repent or they got a big major can of whoop ass coming to them. And it's just the way it is. You know, God is going to when God brings the hammer down on them. There's going to be a moment of reckoning. And that a moment of you want to talk about despair, that's going to be the despair. And to everyone out there, you know, if you're having troubles, the first thing you should do, and if you're mad or things are messed up, don't hide it from God. He already knows. He's already there. He's already watching every single thing you're doing. And so are his. He's got angels. He's got all kinds of, you know, all kinds of help that are helping you. But the bad guys are watching too. So back to your point, choose the side you're going to come down on. If you think that this world is going to give you riches or glory or honor, it's a trap. And that trap leads to total destruction of your soul, yourself, and everything you love. if you think that that's going to be something to desire, go after, is this world. This world, to the rest of us that have been walking, this world isn't our home. We're on temporary assignment here. That's it. And when we leave, that's going to be the greatest celebration of our life. We serve here, but this isn't where we belong, and this isn't where we stay. And so we can rest in that. If you look at everybody here, Host included, right? We've been given the gift of faith through suffering. Anytime you see suffering in the Bible, there's always a reward. There is always reward. There's suffering. So what's the worst they can do? They can kill me. And then guess what? I win. I'm next to my father in heaven. Bring it. Bring it. But, you know, and we have our good and bad days. I mean, I know you guys will attest to this. Some mornings it's like apparently while I was asleep, Satan was having a heyday and I had my guard down in my sleep and I wake up and I'm pissed. I don't even know why I'm pissed. And I feel broken and defeated and I'm full of fear. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, I'm going to prison the rest of my life. Blah, blah, blah, blah. And then he's so faithful to put someone in your path, isn't he? Like you might get away with it the first day, but the second day, no more than the third day, somebody shows up and it's like, that's a bunch of crap and you need to quit speaking that into the atmosphere. One thing I learned that is when we get down or if something bad that happens, we actually have two offensive weapons and you should, everyone out there should go right to those weapons, pick those swords up and start re-wheeling them. Now don't get stupid on me. It's not like grab your torches and pitchforks kind of thing. It's the weapons that we have is the first thing you should do is pray for someone who would be the worst loss to Satan. Shove it right in his face and start some fires out there. Divide the ranks. Give him something to do. You want to fight? I'll give you a fight. And this is what we're going to do. We're going to start praying for everyone who's the greatest loss to Satan. Let's pray for everybody who's transgender, who's been sucked into that, or Hillary Clinton, or the other Satanists that are out there that are blatant. Pray for their souls. Absolutely pray for their souls. Pray for the children that are in these satanic schools and indoctrination camps. Pray for them. Pray for the ones that are in harm's way. Pray for the J6ers that are out there. But not only them. Pray for the people that are absolutely. It's not just the J6ers. The bigger defeat is to pray for those that are persecuting them, holding them in jail, abusing them, and threatening and coercing them. Pray for those people that are in our nation. Pray for your enemies, because that starts all kinds of fires. And that's where we really need to be with us. The other thing is scripture. When you start speaking scripture out loud, Watch the demons run because you are speaking the very words of God almighty. So if you're depressed, if you're upset, if things have gone poorly for you right now, I understand. We're human. We're flawed. The only one that's perfect is God almighty, Jesus Christ. And he didn't throw a stone. He didn't throw a stone, right? But get in the fight and let's fight this in a spiritual warfare kind of way. to win this. Pray for those that are lost and speak life. The life of God, the life of Christ, everywhere you go. Don't, and I'm not talking be like, oh, what we've been sold in the West, which is a bunch of crap. Gentile Jesus with a lamb on his foot. Oh, don't say that. You might hurt somebody's fee wings. You may be not speaking out on it. You know what? We don't have Gentile Jesus with a lamb on his foot. Get in there and overturn some tables. Say what needs to be said. Be willing to fight. for the good purposes of God, instead of sitting back, being a coward and being complicit. We have to be willing to step forward and step in the way of harm for other people, not for our own self gain, but because we're actually living what Christ wants us to live. You know, and I want to, I really want to end with this too, of everybody has been called according to their purpose, you know, for God's glory. Every one of you have gifts that you can be helping in this January 6th fight. And let me point them out to you because a lot of people don't take these thoughts captive. Some of you have the gift of writing, and we need you writing congressmen every single day, asking them what they're doing and holding their feet to the fire. Some of you have the gift of gab. You should be on the phone every day with your senators, your house reps, asking them why this is still going on, and do they want to keep their job, okay? Some of you have been gifted financially, and I want to take this moment and ask you, to pour into these guys' lives. Eric Clark is still homeless, okay? James Brett still has five children. And these guys are bankrupted. They're bankrupted through this. I know because I am one and I'm bankrupted, but I was sitting in a better position because the Lord had called me a year earlier to become debt-free and I did. So I'm asking for you. They have gifts and goats. I would like for you to donate to them. Go to American Patriot Relief. Adopt a January Sixer that is sitting in prison rotting right now with toilets that won't flush, with roaches in their food, with burritos half eaten by rats. I know because I experienced that myself. We need you. There are people that have the gifting of You've been put in a position where you have all the right contacts. Reach out to American Patriot Relief and say, I am that person that knows a guy. I want to make something happen. Whatever your gifting is, you have a way to help. If you are an intercessory prayer warrior, start praying vigilantly when I'm in my deepest struggles I can actually see the prayer of the saints praying for me and interceding for me sometimes I even see specific faces and have been able to go to them within days and say were you praying for me the other night at this time or um when's the last time you prayed for me and they'll inevitably mention when I saw them Don't think that we're just praying to a woo-woo God. This is a direct relationship. So everybody does have a dog in the hunt. You have a responsibility in this. So if you're not doing something with January 6th, you're not obeying your call. I can straight up tell you because this is a spiritual war. Yes, I can tell you bad things happened on January 6th on both sides. I'm not going to say everybody is 100% blameless in this. What I'm going to tell you is that we're human, but we're called to this. And that no matter how you turn it, our civil rights were violated. They're going to do it to you. You have a responsibility to protect your children and grandchildren. wiser to protect them while somebody else is on the hook rather than waiting until you're on it. So go to these guys' Gifts and Go's. Eric, I'm going to start with you. Do you know your Gifts and Go? You've got to unmute, Eric. It's got a strange thing on the back of it, right? Like, just go to Gifts and Go and look up Eric Clark. But moreover, I... Like I'm homeless, but I get work here and work there and my daughter's let me crash on an air mattress and so I came back to Kentucky on July 12 thinking I was reporting to prison on July 15 to spend some time with family. I have a place, I can stay and a job in Florida. But I came here thinking I was going to prison in three days' visit with family, and I've been granted every extension I've asked for so far. I actually showed up to the marshal's office Friday to be fingerprinted and processed, and they said, sorry, Mr. Clark, we can't seem to access your case in the system. Have a nice day. So things are definitely, I mean, God's working. I mean, I've got a five-month prison sentence to serve. I was supposed to be in there last month and I'm still out. If y'all didn't pick up on that, that was a five-month prison sentence for misdemeanors. For four misdemeanors. Yeah. My trial on November 14th coming up. And I sat there and I started getting fearful again. And I was calmed by God. And I realized that every little step of the way, he's had my back. Do you have sentences coming up then, Jimmy? Or were you already sentenced? No, I had my trial in D.C. on November 14th. And God willing, on November 5th, I can go in there with a calm, cool, collect mind and assurance knowing that things are going to be all right. And I mean, quite honestly, if we do have that man that we want in office getting in there. The rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, who also had his rights violated by these criminals who launched an insurrection and a coup against the United States of America. They're treasonous traitors. You bet they are. And every single one of them needs to be tried for treason. Every single one of them top to bottom, because they knew what they were doing it. They did it with intention. Yeah. And at that point, you know, we can't, we're not going to judge them, but we'll, we'll send them to God for judgment. So I judge them. I judge them harshly. Let's just put it that way. I'm, I'm, I'm okay. I'm not in the Gentile Jesus with a lamb on his foot. You know, I'm, I'm more of the warrior that gets on the white pony and starts riding and takes names. But yeah, Jalees, could you pray for us today? Because we need to let everybody on to their day. I thank you so much. I would love to have you guys back on again. So until Christ comes back, I think we should continue this because I think it's really inspiring for people to hear others that have faced horrible things. that we don't expect and are called into those. It's not just that it happened. God calls people into those things that create a little bit of rub, you know, and he's sharpening us. And And take that as it is, as a gift from God, all things, both good and bad. It's a gift from God and he'll turn it into something beautiful. So could you say a prayer for today, Jaleesa? I can. I want to, real quick though, Jimmy, can you give us your gifts and go? I know you have a special need right now. Oh, you're muted, babe. It's forward slash James Brett. Okay. Okay. He has a special unspoken need going on, but I would appreciate that help from anybody that the Lord is impressing their hearts. All right. Well, let's close in prayer. I appreciate you guys coming on. It was even more of a blessing than I anticipated. So I hope it encourages y'all throughout the week and reminds you of your purpose. Real quick, Eric, brother, if you need anything, I don't care what time of day or night, you just need a friendly ear, you give me a call, brother. Jalise, I love you. Love y'all. And I hope to use your phone numbers, Jimmy and Eric. I'd like to have your phone number so that I've got you in my contact list. So, yes. Okay, Jalise, could you please pray? Heavenly Father, we humble ourselves at your feet. What a beautiful honor we've been given to serve you in such a way. Father, I pray for all the people out there that has sat in fear, waiting, wondering if they're next. I pray for all the people that has sat and watched in the silence, not knowing what to do and feeling total disarray in our country. I pray for all the January 6th defendants that are suffering every single day at the hands of this evil tyranny. Father, I pray that each of us find our place within you, that we know who we are in Christ, that we rise up as the mighty warriors you've called us to, that we recognize that fear is a liar and that Satan can only do his work in darkness. I pray that we would rise up and bring it to light at no point succumbing to the darkness because we have already won this battle. Father, I pray for this nation that we would turn our eyes toward you and that we would humble ourselves before you, that we would declare you as king as you are. I thank you for this time together that our voices could be heard. that you could be risen up and placed in your rightful place in this space. And for all those lost out there that are curious, I pray that they had ears to hear that today. Lord, we love you. We declare the victory. We declare you king. And we pray for a new day. All this we ask in your name. Amen. Jesus, we pray. God, I also ask that your favor would rest mightily today on Jalise, on Eric, and on Jimmy today, and that they would go forward, that their families would be blessed, so blessed by the abundance that falls from your hand with your favor, both financial blessings to provide for them, but also the peace that passes understanding that enables us to walk through all sorts of difficulties situations as you carry us. I ask that you carry them, that you would give them a joy that is just palpable and that, as I said, your favor would rest mightily upon them. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Well, I am thankful that you guys came on today, and I want to invite you back. So we're going to go ahead and move forward, and then I will see you tomorrow. And who is the guest tomorrow, Jalise? uh tomorrow I believe we have william sarsfield if I remember right I've got all my days mixed up so I'm not so sure who'd I tell you it was I i I'd have to look at my one of my phones and right now like I don't have the ability to do that because I have like three I've got four screens going on oh my goodness yes if you if you watch me walk away I'm managing a chat and uh I'm managing a chat, taking notes and as well as, uh, uh, see, I've got, got Eric's number there and, uh, and such. And so, you know, it's like I multitask decently, but not perfectly, you know? So there you go. Hang on. I'm going to put my phone in the, in the chat here. And, uh, as I always say, um, you know, you never know when you need a friend. So you keep that, tuck that right in your back pocket there. And, and, uh, And I love this. I'm really, really thankful to, and I'm really honored to know you guys, you know, quite a, quite a testimony to the true tangible reality of God and the way you live your lives and such is just really inspiring. So I'll make sure I put you in my phone there. So thank you guys. Um, so anyhow, that's where we go to the, the part of the show, boys and girls go to because I'm the best non-conceiver who has ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And I would like to talk to the rightful president of the United States who should be on Mount Rushmore, Donald J. Trump with there. Um, and, uh, and we'll be winning in November. Because he is, and we fight for him because this was an attack, part of the attack on the United States of America. And when they go after one of us, they go after all of us. And we stand together as united under God. fighting for god's good purposes and the rule of law which they seem to ignore conveniently so with that said we're not gonna let them we're not gonna let them uh ignore this anymore and we're gonna go forward so have a great day I tell you what everybody um it is uh it is a wonderful time to be alive realize that we're watching things that people have even dreamt of seeing their entire lives And if this situation or if this whole thing collapses, I'm pretty sure it's going to. I've been praying for it for years because you can't build on Babylon. You cannot build on a garbage heap. And so we're going to have the opportunity, I believe, by the hand of God Almighty to rebuild what he is going to take down. All we got to do is sit and watch it. And he's going to destroy Babylon top to bottom and then defending us. And then we're going to rebuild this thing and it's going to be amazing. So enjoy it. Enjoy watching our father work. It's going to be wonderful. And keep your faith strong in him. Keep your eyes on him all the time. Don't let this nonsense get you down. Keep your eyes on God and follow him. He'll take you down the path as he leads you, protects you and guides you. in his ways, which are always good all the time. So God bless you. God bless all this home you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. It starts here and here in your heart, your head. And if you don't have a good example, be one and lead the charge of making good decisions. It starts with introspection and weighing out what we do personally every day. Am I living the right way? Am I obedient to God? Am I standing up for somebody whose rights have been violated? Am I actually in the fight or am I just here for myself? If that's the answer, you got a little bit of growing up to do. So anyhow, we'll see you guys tomorrow. Have a great day and much love to all of you. You guys stay on the line. We can talk for a few minutes when I end this. Just hang on.