BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/21/2024 Liberty Essentials, Bambas & J6ers Jalise/Perkins/Alberts

Published Aug. 21, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Bill Mohr II, Karen the Riveter, & Ralph the IT Guy will be discussing true liberty and the principles the Founding Fathers intended. Also we will be discussing the role of religion in government. The Mohr family has a long history in the study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be teaching current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. 10am Mike Bambas - Mike Bambas Challenged US Senate Candidate Mike Rogers with questions about the lawful practices of the United States. After being unable to answer questions aabout his record, he walked out of the meeting. We will be taking the Trading with the Enemy Act, as well as, other lawful practices not followed by our government including a lawful path to abolish property tax and convict political criminals of concrete violations of acts leading to treason. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Britany Perkins - Dedicated Christian wife, and mother. Advocating for justice for the January6 political prisoners, including her husband, Michael Perkins. Melissa Alberts - J6er Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the 21st day of August 2024 and welcome to our show today. So today in the first hour we have Liberty Essentials with Bill Moore, Ralph the IT guy and Karen the Riveter. Second hour is Mike Bambus and he's got another lawsuit that he has had some good success with. And I wanted to talk about that since I'm working on a bunch of the pro se type lawsuits right now. And I wanted to tell you what he's doing because he's got a real interesting story. And he does the same kind of stuff that John Tater does, but they come about it from a different angle. And then the third hour is Political Prisoners in America, the Jay Sixers with Jaleese Middleton. And today we have on Melissa, let me think here. Of course, I've You know what? I've got so many people on here right now that I can't seem to keep it straight. Brittany Perkins and Melissa Alberts today. And so it's always interesting to hear their stories because what's going on with the J6 political prisoners and the super soldiers that set them up that were cowards and haven't been prosecuted, the story needs to get out. And especially the the conditions that they've been living in and living under threat, coercion and all sorts of bad things. But with that said, let's go ahead and move right to Liberty Essentials. Morning, guys. How you doing? Great. Good morning. Good morning. Karen, you've got like the greatest good morning ever. Good morning. You sound like a son. So what's happening? Thank you. Thank you. What's happening in Bill, Ralph, and Karen world? My world has been busy, like nonstop busy. There's always something to do, and I'm working on finding the time to not do all of that so I can focus on other things, right, if that makes any sense. There's so much that has to be done, and nobody has the time to do it all. And here we stand on Wednesday morning again doing one more thing that is costing us all a little bit but has to be done for the betterment of society, right? Absolutely. I agree with that. And it's like every time we talk and we help educate people, we're also educating ourselves, just having conversations with each other. Just so everybody knows, Bill's the chairman of the U.S. Taxpayers Party. I'm the vice chair. for the Constitution Party in the state of Michigan. So this week we were working on, I got myself all motivated one day and wrote five resolutions. And we had a meeting. I thought the meeting we had this week was probably one of our best meetings. It was enough of a meeting that overwhelmed at least one other person that was on the committee, which was good. They're like, oh my gosh, I'm like, this is the way you get her done. I mean, we just got to, you know, hammer this thing out and fly as much stuff out the door as we can. But We have five resolutions we're working on right now. I've got 15 more in the queue. So I think what we're going to do is move forward with our content is going to be based on resolutions and putting people on notice of what they need to do and instructing them. So instead of sitting around trying to complain about who's won the popularity contest, which the Uniparty does, the other two parties do, We are actually going to be generating documents and then sending them to the people who need to know what action we have and then what's the repercussions if they don't act. How's that? This is the first step. I mean, you see the problem, you make a statement on it, and then you notify the people that are part of the problem to say, hey, we know what you're doing is wrong. Here's the action we call for. And if you don't do it, then we're going to come after you for it, right? That's the process. And it's been lacking. I mean, it's not only been lacking on my part, it's been lacking on all of the party's parts, none of them stand up and do anything about it. Statements may be made, but none of them actually stand up and do anything about it, which is why we exist as the U.S. Taxpayers Party or the Constitution Party in the first place, is to be one more avenue that people can join in and say, yep, we agree with the principles here. We agree with what we stand for. So we're going to jump in and we're going to help make the difference, right? To take that next step and take that action and get something done. Well, and I think going into creating pro se lawsuits, I think there's another step. And Ralph and myself have gotten really super involved in that as well as studying the law. I mean, I mean, it's been almost it's been over a year and a half that I've been sitting with John Tater. But it's more than that is really digging in, reading things, finding out how to structure it, how to format things for the for the courts. And we went through it yesterday with John Tater. I said, you know what? I want to hear your take on how, you know, you can listen to a million people out there give you their opinion on everything. Right. But I asked him, I said, I want you to explain this. the structure and the hierarchy of our court system. So if anybody doesn't know exactly how that works or how they play the game to keep us out of the court system, like the court of claims and why that is an unlawful court, you know, the whole DOJ is unlawful right now, but why you wouldn't go to the court of claims because the court of claims is there to protect the government. You're never going to get anything through the court of claims. It is a guard dog. It's a guard dog. So and how to get around those things that they do by changing between law and equity and all those other things and when you do file a case. And so I think what's really important is to be able to be educated enough to make the legal moves that you need to. It's like playing chess and outmaneuvering those in the court system in the bar that are trying to that are trying to find ways to break the law but skirt around the law. I thought that was a great segment and I posted about it on Telegram while I was listening so that people knew that they could go there for that little, if nothing else, that segment was really informative. I thought it was great. You say it's like chess, but, um, we have to understand that it's not a game at all, right? It is, it is making the appropriate moves to, to conquer, right? To successfully, uh, get the job done. Um, But I'm not sure if chess is the absolute way to word that. It's more like war. They're playing it, though. They're playing a game of chess. So if you want to win, you're going to have to have a strategy. And I would argue, too, that really chess was treated several hundred years ago now as training for military strategy to be able to get people into the mindset of trying to predict the moves of your enemy. Yep. Yeah. I just want to make sure that nobody ever thinks that this is just a game, right? Right. Now you're correct. This is for keeps, but we need to know how to function within the way it works and get an actual strategy. Just like we were talking, it's like, you know, I sent something out on team building this week and how, you know, what we need to do for team building within the party for the different committees, what we have to have clearly stated goals, have the right people with the right skill set that can accomplish those goals, do a step-by-step plan with some contingencies in there, and then have people assign certain jobs and then carry things out so that they're accountable for what they need to get done. And I think that putting, you know, we've worked really hard at putting the structure in to carry things forward. That's been a Herculean task. It really has. And because most parties and most people will just go out and pay for everything to be done. Well, if you have no money, because we haven't accepted any of the smurfing money or any of the dark money or any of the pack money or anything like that, we don't have the money to do that. So it has to come from a few people that are willing to step forward with either some raw talent or absolutely unwavering determination to just keep chipping away at it until you get to the end. I've got to take this call from the hospital. I'll be right back. Everybody has to be involved. We say it over and over and over, whether it be on this show or within the party itself. Everybody has something they can do, and nobody can sit back and do nothing, lest they be complicit in everything that's going on. I wish Donna would have brought up the slides, but we... Can you present them from your end? Oh, she did. I guess she's still sitting there. So we just talked about the... and in the past we've talked about it as well, is understanding where we came from, right? Understanding the principles that were set forth, how this is all structured so that we can actually make a difference in it, right? And I did part of this, I don't know, early on when I first started doing Liberty Essentials here, I did part of this regarding religion and government and how those two coincide. But I was telling Donna this morning, I thought it cool to see if I could actually build a PowerPoint again. So I took some and added and removed others and made what I think is a PowerPoint. But I'm not the best at it. So it's all kind of blue and white. You know, it's nothing fancy. But. I wanted to hit this point again because how many times, especially in an election year, how many times do we hear elected officials from both parties that are being promoted Call our country a democracy. Karen, are we a democracy? Boo! Boo! Boo! No democracy. Everybody knows that. Donna and I, I think you brought it up, Donna, at one of our meetings recently where to claim America as a democracy should be a punishable crime because, in fact, that is treason against the people. It is subverting the form of government that exists by... by claiming that you are part of another government and promoting, right? Yeah. All practical purposes. That's all they're doing when they say that this is a democracy. Well, base level, if they're calling it a democracy, they're either ignorant and stupid, or they haven't had an education, which is not necessarily their fault by the NEA, MEA, and all that commie nonsense, or they're flat out a Marxist who are involved in tearing down this nation by misinformation, disinformation, fake news. Ding, ding, ding. You know, that's the thing of it is, is that all of these people that are manipulating the message, even sometimes we don't really even know that we've been turned into their little minions, you know, but we've got to be real careful on what we put out there. We are absolutely not a democracy. There are some democratic processes that go on within the Republic, but we are a constitutional Republic. So for instance, if there's a local election, that's just basically it's a local election. It's still a Republic, but they win by a democratic process of whoever got the most votes. Yeah, ballot initiatives. Ballot initiatives. And they can't even do that right because you have to have a certain amount of people that vote for it and they're not even paying attention to it. to the amount of people that are citizens, not just voters. And that's why the 1963 constitution was illegally unlawfully installed. Yep, that's where democracy ends right there is the ballot box, right? And then the people no longer assemble in mass to determine what is good in government. So if we are in fact a Republic, I wanted to hit the point of what it is according to those who were there when they set it up. And then how that is to be played out currently in modern day. What have we left off? Why are we not claiming it's a republic anymore? And I think I can make a very clear foundation as to the difference between the two. just by describing what a republic is and moving on from that. So this is, I don't know, I've got like 40-some slides here, but they're pretty much all just quotes, whether they be from founding fathers or those in that general era like Noah Webster or George Bancroft, the father of education, people like that. Can you send this to me so that I can take the individual slides off of this and I'll throw that up on the Constitution Party, all of the social media? I can, yeah. That'd be great. So we all know who John Adams was, right? The second president. He served in numerous delegated power or delegated authorities, whether it be the Continental Congress early on or numerous other government entities, right? Well, he wrote shortly after 1776, he had written a book called The Thoughts on Government. I'm sorry, that may not have been shortly after 1776. It was after 1776, anyway. He wrote a book called Thoughts on Government. If you've never read it, you need to get it. You can look it up online. It's just John Adams going through the process of everything that had happened, and he lays it out very clearly in his mind as to how things fit together. He says a republic is a best form of government, a government of laws, not arbitrary rule. There is no good government but what is republican. I wanted to make that very clear. If we are an empire of laws and not of men, where did those laws come from? Okay? Just keep that in your thought process as we go. He says, that as a republic is the best of governments, so that particular arrangement of the powers of society, or in other words, that form of government, which is best contrived to secure an impartial and exact execution of the laws, is the best of republics. We know that above our Supreme Court, what does it say? Justice guards our liberty, right? The exact execution of the laws is justice. Our Michigan Constitution, you just mentioned the 1963 Constitution, right? So when that Constitution was adopted, and I believe the one right preceding that one had a similar statement. But in 1963, even during the height of the most liberal Supreme Court we've ever had, right? The people of Michigan claim to have put up in our Constitution the preamble. We, the people of the state of Michigan, grateful to who? Almighty God for the blessings of freedom and earnestly desiring to secure these blessings, right? Undiminished to ourselves and our posterity to ordain and establish this Constitution. Noah Webster, right? The man who taught millions to read and not one to transgress God's law. He says, the religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and of his apostles. This is genuine Christianity, and to this we owe our free constitutions of government. In 1854, Congress said, and you can look it up, it's in the record, the great vital and conservative element in our system is the belief of our people in the pure doctrines and the divine truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Well, this was said in Congress, guys, right? Remember it was, which president was it now? I think it was the sixth president. I can't even think of his name. Andrew Jackson, he said the Bible is the rock upon which our foundation rests, right? They understood this at the time, being close to the foundation. They also said, had the people during the revolution had a suspicion of any attempt to war against Christianity, that revolution would have been strangled in its cradle. In this age, there can be no substitute for Christianity. That was the religion of the founders of the republic, and they expected it to remain the religion of their descendants. Are we saying that all of the founders were Christian? No. Not necessarily. I can't prove that one way or another. But what I'm saying is they all understood the basic principles that required to set up a government that was functional and good for the people, right? Well, the principles still stand, whether somebody is a Christian or not. Those principles are a moral code or a standard that pretty much everyone can agree on. You don't murder, you don't covet, you know. You don't lie. You don't try to take what others have. You treat other people as you want to be treated. And so, I mean, then also the structure of government, which is in Judges and Kings. Yeah, that is the empire of laws, not of men, and the exact execution of laws, right? Correct. That's the whole premise of what this is about. There should be no discussion between people who are Jewish, Muslim, Christian, or anything on those base laws that are out there that help us to live at peace within our society, respecting each other. There should be no disagreement with that with anybody. But, of course, you know, you get people who are throwing themselves into it and are doing it for self-gain, and it changes everything. The same thing has happened with the Constitution. Yep. Yep. The founding fathers understood that the freedom of religion, the foundation of the Christian principles is what established it. The freedom of religion is tolerable to those who would claim to be Christian or not claim to be Christian or claim to be something else or not claim to be something else. It didn't matter as long as the law was upheld. Those principles had to be upheld. And if you were... If you were a Muslim at the time, it didn't matter. It was tolerable for any other sect that was plausible, except you had to follow the laws that were set forth. There was no other option. And also, in our Constitution, there is no other right to a religion other than Christianity. I've argued that one with people, but especially in Michigan, there is no right that is protected except the right to worship God according to the dictates of one's own conscience. It is only tolerable as long as it does not infringe upon the principles of liberty set forth in the laws that have established this nation from the beginning. And the execution of such laws will ensure that that remains the same. But that is, in fact, what we're missing. John Dickinson said, Governments could not give the rights essential to happiness. We claim them from a higher source, from the King of kings and Lord of all the earth. We all understand that from the Declaration of Independence as well. Elias Boudinot said, Let us enter on this important business under the idea that we are Christians on whom the eyes of the world are now turned. Let us earnestly call and beseech Him, for Christ's sake, to preside in our counsels. We can only depend on the all-powerful influence of the Spirit of God, whose divine aid and assistance it becomes us as a Christian people most devoutly to implore. I mentioned it before in the early deliberations, especially during Patrick Henry's time, when the men would meet in the local churches, namely, what was it? It wasn't Park Street. I lost it. The one down near Jamestown or Williamsburg, one of those very common place where they used to meet. George Washington actually has a seat specifically reserved there still. But they used to meet there, and it's been recorded in times past that the beginning of it, there was a time when there was a three-hour prayer. Why? Because they wanted the divine aid and assistance there. that becomes us as a Christian people most devoutly to implore. That hasn't changed. Webster said the Christian religion is the basis, or rather the source, of all genuine freedom in government. He was persuaded that no civil government of a republican form can exist and be durable in which the principles of Christianity have not a controlling influence. We are now being called a democracy by those who have been set up, those who have so-called been elected, but those who have been placed there to what? Not serve the people, right? Why is that? Because we have left off the basis or the source for all genuine freedom in government. Without that, there can be no Republican form of government. He said the moral principles and precepts found in the scriptures ought to form the basis of all our civil constitutions and law. What has been tried to push out of civil government in its entirety? If not, but the scriptures. If not, but the very foundation of the republic. They understood this then, and we have lost it, and I believe this is one of the things that has to be so promoted to the next generation, lest we lose it all. Joseph's story said, I verily believe that Christianity is necessary to support a civil society and shall ever attend to its institutions and acknowledge its precepts as the pure and natural sources of private and social happiness. He's claiming that we should be teaching this in all of the institutions, all the education. Daniel Webster said that Christian religion and its general principles must ever be regarded among us as the foundation of civil society. Patrick Henry said, The great pillars of all government and of social life are virtue, morality, and religion. This is the armor, my friend, and this alone renders us invincible. The guy who claimed, as we did last week or the week before, give me liberty or give me your death. That whole long speech calling for the men to see it for what it is at that point in time. And even though he's calling them to pick up arms and go meet the brethren in the field, he says that this is the armor that renders them invincible. Virtue, morality, and religion. Again, the Constitution says, of Michigan, Article 8, Section 1, that religion, morality, and knowledge are necessary to good government and happiness of mankind. And that the schools and the means of this education, means of education shall forever be encouraged. That right there should always be taught in the schools and in the means of education if we are to have good government and the happiness of mankind. That goes back to the same thing that John Adams wrote in Thoughts on Government. Benjamin Rush, one of the institutors in our public education in the early days, not current, he says the greatest discoveries in science have been made by Christian philosophers, and there is the most knowledge in those countries where there is the most Christianity. The only means of establishing and perpetuating our republican forms of government is the universal education of our youth in the principles of Christianity by means of the Bible. Most of us on this panel understand these principles, right? But I'm going to start using this particular series of slides and other uses as well. I'm just going to continue to build on it, and this is going to be one of the number one things you will ever hear me speak of, okay? Because I believe this is the most important thing that we are missing out of everything we talk about in a conservative movement, okay? Noah Webster again says our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct Republican principles is the Bible, particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion. It is the most important and one of the first things in which all children under a free government ought to be instructed. No truth is more evident than the Christian religion must be the basis of any government intended to secure the rights and privileges of a free people. Benjamin Rush again said, the great enemy of the salvation of man, in my opinion, never invented a more effective means of limiting Christianity from the world than by persuading mankind that it was improper to read the Bibles in schools. Does anybody know when Benjamin Rush lived? I do not. So Benjamin Rush was before the 1900s. Right? And he is already talking... about the most effective means of limiting Christianity from the world is persuading mankind that it's improper to read the Bible in schools. Let me ask you a question. This is a logical question. Why do people lose their minds when you bring up the name of Jesus Christ more than any other thing you could actually talk about in the world? People lose their minds. And you can talk about any other book with people and have a discussion on different topics. But the minute you bring that up, people lose their minds. I've always been perplexed by this. Not really, but the lack of even being open to crack a Bible. Because for some reason, that is the great evil to a lot of people. There's a lot of people that feel that way out there. They're the ones that are actually... not following a moral code. And they don't want to face the fact that maybe what they're doing is in question. And I think that that's something to really consider because we should be able to be self-introspective and look at what we're doing, criticize ourselves and change our plans when we're not doing the right thing. And I think that that's part of it. The other thing is it gets people out of the mindset of being their own little saviors, their own little gods and such and running around doing exactly as they want instead of saying, I'm a mess. Please help me out. I accept your gift of your substitutionary death for everything that I've done wrong. It's having to admit that we're not perfect and accept somebody else's gift for, you know, for making a way to God in heaven, for cleaning our lives up. But have you noticed that too? And how many people or the type of people that are so against even cracking the Bible? Well, that was the pivotal moment in history, right? The entire scriptures reveals nothing but Christ crucified and him risen, right? Even the feast days, the Jewish feast days. are completely in sync with the life of Jesus Christ. From beginning to end. And the entire Scriptures, I mean, I hope I just laid that foundation pretty clear, and I think I'm like halfway. But the entire Scriptures is the foundation for the law, right? What did Paul say in the New Testament? It's the law that detects sin. It's the schoolmaster to bring us under Christ. If you eliminate that, if you lessen the law at all, and I can't remember who said it, but it was one of the preachers of times past. He says if you lessen the law, you dim the light by which man perceives his own guilt. The moment you bring the correct law of the Scriptures into context, and that being Christ crucified, the moment you bring that up to the level that it deserves, that it demands... Now men have to look at it and understand that it is by that law that they are condemned, right? They become guilty by their own admission. No one has to tell them that if it's right there in front of their face. So, of course, they want to get rid of that. Because they want to do what thou will. I mean, that's the satanic mantra right there. Just do whatever you want to do. And you don't have to listen to anybody. The minute that you have to come face-to-face just starting out with the Ten Commandments is, oh. That was the whole premise for removing the Ten Commandments in schools, right? Is that they were afraid that a child might actually look on it. And if they looked on it, they were afraid they might actually read it. And if they read it, they said that child might actually do what the commandments say. Well, we can't have that. That was the whole premise for removing the Ten Commandments out of the schools. It is ludicrous in my mind to think that somebody could actually say that. But that is the foundation that people have built up in this new democracy, they want to call it. The freedom to do whatever they want, it's mob rule. The majority will say this, so it must be right. Well, I'm going to be the one standing in the gap, and I'm going to tell people I don't care what the majority says. If the majority says that, It's good to throw yourself off a bridge. I'm going to be the one standing there at the railing with a rope trying to tie people from falling. That is where we need to be. And we are right at that precipice edge of that bridge this day in America. We have people ready, running to their own destruction because they don't have the principles. They don't have that law to perceive their own guilt. They don't understand that if they make that jump, there's no coming back. Here we are, Americans. Who else is going to stand in the gap to save it, to save them? Right? Well said. And, you know, think about this. If they can get enough people to throw out any plumb line on what's right and wrong, and then you go into brainwashing them into democracy, you have torn it down in steps that are very much strategic steps to destroy the nation. on an individual basis and then a collection of individuals. They don't have to do it themselves. They just sit back and laugh as we buy into their satanic agenda. That's right. Here's the thing, though. This is a universal concept I'm seeing happening. The more they push that agenda, the more it starts to backfire on them. This is a biblical concept. There is always a remnant. It doesn't matter. There's always going to be a Bill and a Donna and a Karen and a Ralph who are going to say no. wait a minute, you people are going the wrong way. You're going the wrong way. My husband likes that line because of a movie. Anyway, there's always going to be a small number who are saying, wait, you got this wrong. The Bible says this, what are you doing? That's not right. And I see that like in the, even in the commercials or the ads for Kamal Harris, I can't say her name, Just can't get it right. I'm sorry, guys. Harris. Everything they say in the commercials, I'm like, that's entirely backwards. But it works totally right if you see it from the other direction. And that's how everything goes. The more they push on that agenda... the more it backfires. And a primary example to me is Donna having those J6 defendants. I've been trying to keep up. I think I'm caught up now on listening to the shows because I want to hear what they have to say. And what has been interesting is like progressively each show, Donna, you have had more and more and more God in the last week. Yeah, it's really amazing. And Jaleesa and I were talking about it. The one thing I find is that when Jaleesa and I are on, it's amazing to see what's really happened because we give permission to talk on those things that really matter, not necessarily their physical circumstances, which is important. But have you noticed how more than that, what they really want to talk about is how This really moved them closer to God because they were in a situation they could not control. And so all of a sudden seeing the miracles of God working through all things for good, not the circumstances they would choose, but that all circumstances, all things work for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purposes. And that's a real dividing. There's a dividing line in people, and you can see that clearly if you pay attention. And I think it's great because I just want to finish this thought real quick. That's okay. Their freedom was taken away, and yet in that process, they became closer to God. And that is shining a bright, shining light through them and their story via your show. But doesn't that cover everything that the whole country is experiencing right now? We're losing freedoms. We feel like we're losing control. But at the same time, we're going, hey, wait a minute. Let's put God back in the schools. Well, see, I think what we're describing here is a process of creating diamonds. You know, it's like a little bit of pressure. We're getting out of control and we're getting squeezed a little bit. And pretty extra sure God's going to create some diamonds in the hearts of men through this, which I think is a beautiful process. Hawks Design says, Benjamin Rush was born in 1746 and was the treasurer of the U.S. Mint. Bill, you sound like David Barton. Thank you. Curtis said the quote was 1854 and was during the time of the Home Rule revival. Then came the Civil War and squashed the Home Rule movement. The Marxist deep state created a demoralized society when they removed God from the public schools and the public square. There's a lot of comments on today. Don't tell me the Civil War was about slavery again. Yeah, there you go. It wasn't. I am so sick of people coming up and describing that in that sense to me. The birth of the Republican Party, right? They crushed America. There, I said it. You said it. I'm saying it. Yep, and I would encourage anybody that thinks that to go read the Confederate Constitution and take note of the steps that were in there to start eliminating slavery and then take note of when there was any action in the North for it and compare those two dates. You got it. Yeah, but you got to have your propaganda, you know, and fake news and lies all over the place. Graybearded Fedora said, Those who go crazy at the name of Jesus are under the influence of evil, whether they are aware of it or not. They may or may not desire to be free of evil. It is our duty to seek through the HS, Holy Spirit, their deliverance. And the Federal Court of Claims is a great place for people to seek remedy for those who have been harmed in the past by vaccines. Great idea. And Charlotte says, sneak in and change the Cameo Biden attack. the art three judges judicial term limits. We don't want that for judges, just their resident. That's milking the milk and honey out of DC term limits are for PF. I don't know what PF is. So yeah, so American and remember the initiative amendment is unconstitutional according to sorry, decisive 1912 Pacific states. Telephone and Telegraph Company versus Oregon. That's one that John Tater quotes a lot. So thank you for that. On the subject of term limits, we talked about this off show the other day, but there is an effort circulating around to try and do term limits and be very, very careful if you're looking into that because there is one that is very, very dangerous in the way that they're trying to accomplish it. I'll say it's Constitution of States nutsy, nutso jobs out there that they were trying to get me to sign their thing on term limits. But you read down and you get to the bottom. And it's because what they're really trying to do is use an emotional trigger that everybody is, you know, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We want property tax gone. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We want, you know, term limits gone. Well, we do. But you got to do it the right way. or it's going to backfire massively, and they're using the emotional triggers in order to get a foot in the door, especially with term limits, for the Constitution of States, which would be a disaster for this nation because we don't have the morality. They're going to swarm that thing with political operatives, and that Constitution will be gone. So here's the basis for term limits, right? They want to put term limits in so that those who become corrupt or are corrupt and put in there have to be removed at some point, right? You take the other half of that, Donna, you and I talked about this a little bit, is that if you get a good guy, a wise man, a righteous man in place, well, guess what? He's term limited. So when you do that, he's gone. How many of those can you find compared to how many corrupt people that they can put up? I guarantee you that those who are tolerated in power can continue to bring more corrupt people in place than we can find wise and good people to replace them with. And it's all premised on what I'm talking about. The other thing is people in Michigan specifically need to understand if you read your Constitution and you understand the principles on how this government functions here, it's either Article 2 or Article 3, I'm not sure which, in Section 10 you will understand we have term limits for representatives and senators in Congress. But because of a Supreme Court ruling from a case in Arkansas Michigan does not enforce that because they say that we can't put any more stringent restrictions on how we elect our servants more so than what's in the U.S. Constitution. I don't find that anywhere. But what I find is that Michigan has term limits and we're not even enforcing them here. So you go ahead and you put your term limits in the U.S. Constitution and you tell me who's going to enforce them. That's all I want to know because they can't follow it now. You add something to it, they're not going to follow it then. The only way we do this is if the people are morally set up enough, morally righteous enough to stand up and look at one of them congressmen and say, you have violated your oath of office. You have violated the law. You're a criminal. We're going to hold you accountable by impeachment, prosecution, and remove you. Why do we need term limits if we have the right to remove those servants? It's ludicrous to think that we can just keep them in there and keep them going. But that's only if the elections work, right? Which at a federal level, I guarantee you, you can't touch them because we never corrected anything from 2020 or from 2022, Donna, or from 2018, 16. Go back all the way. Go back decades. We have had this stuff going on for decades. I dare you to go back to about 1865. The more I find, the more I can trace it right back to that era. Before. Because of Lincoln. That's where it starts for me. But it's probably before that. There was definitely attempts to cheat before that. But Lincoln wasn't legitimate. He shouldn't have been even on the ballot. So there's so much more than, I mean, I am glad to see people all of a sudden starting to wake up to the problems. But they got to be more than that. We have to wake up to the solutions. That's where we're at. And it all starts at the local level. And it all starts with actually upholding the law and enforcing the law. Get rid of all these plea bargains or plea deal nonsense that's going on. and uphold and enforce the law. And the penalties have got to be there that actually give it some teeth because right now there's no teeth to any of the laws. They do whatever they want because there's no consequences. They've got themselves entrenched in a situation where they're protecting each other. And there's not enough Americans who are willing to step up and do the hard work, which doesn't include going to political meetings and standing around eating cookies and drinking coffee. That doesn't work. You've got to be able to get out there and actually do the work. Run for office. Work on somebody's campaign. Write resolutions. Write letters. Start communicating with these people. Not just talking about them. That's the last thing we should be doing is just talking about them. We've got to do something. Well, and I would argue, too, that a lot of the problem with a lot of the laws we have is the selective enforcement of them. Because if all of the laws were enforced onto everyone, as they actually are written on the books, every single person in this country went to jail at least six times on a daily basis. Pretty sure a lot of those laws would change real quick. Yeah, there's such a bloat of laws and the ridiculousness of how many laws go in front of our Michigan legislature in a year, over 2,000 of them. They're not even reading them. It's like an assembly line. They're just stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp, stamp. That's it. They don't even know what they're signing. Somebody's telling them because that's going to earn them money to get to fund their campaign next time they run. It looks like law and it smells like law, but it's pretended legislation all the way around, right? And it's the lack of education that has caused this, is the whole deal. And apathy. Yeah, we're not educating the next generation to stand up. I was not educated to stand up. My father was not educated to stand up. It was later in life where, oh crap, we got a problem here. Now all of a sudden we got to spend... an unfathomable amount of time to play catch up, right? Because we're on defense. We've got to get to the point where we can play offense. And Benjamin Rush, I mean, I've got the slide pulled up right here too. He says that the wisest plan of education that could be offered would be unpopular among 99% of the citizens of America if it opposed any degree of the doctrine of the Trinity. I'll be right back. Hey, wait a minute. He mentioned the citizens of America. Ooh, Karen's going to blow a gourd. It just depends on which time frame and what definition you're using. It was fine originally. And also understand that the citizens of America is not the citizens of the United States. Because the America was the unifying of sovereign states, sovereign nations. The United States as corporatized, right? When? Right during Lincoln's time. That became now citizens or subjects to the United States of America. When was that, Bill? That would have been 1871. 1871, yeah. Yeah. So that changed the citizenry as they would have known it. Oh, Benjamin Rush again. He said, let the children be carefully instructed in the principles and obligation of the Christian religion. This is the most essential part of education. George Bancroft, this guy I love. Some of the things that he said and did in his time during the setup of the public education system, he said, God forbid the day should ever arrive when there should be a separation of pure morality and deep religious conviction from our public places of education. That's a bold statement today, huh? Well, I think too that to a certain extent, the people waking up to the problem is part of the reason why homeschooling has really taken off as well as it has. And that's part of the reason why now they're talking about regulating homeschooling again, because now it's becoming a thorn in their side, right? Now it's a threat. Yep. So I mentioned this last week, Proverbs 28, where it says for the transgression of land, many of the princes thereof, right? It's because of the things that we've left off our duties, right? and the security of our rights that we've been granted, that the government has set up all these different agencies to harass the people. Because now there's problem, there's sin and transgression they have to deal with because the people didn't deal with it. So instead of princes and kings, we have republic and agencies, unconstitutional agencies that have been set up. I'm going to lay a strict foundation here that has to be put down. In Daniel, when he's talking about King Nebuchadnezzar, he says, They shall drive thee from men. Thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field. They shall make thee eat grass as oxen. They shall wet thee with the dew of heaven. Seven times will pass over thee till thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men and giveth it to whomsoever he will. This was a king that he did this to. David said in Psalms, For promotion cometh neither from the east nor the west nor the south, but God is judge. He putteth down one and setteth up another. In Isaiah he said, Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket and are counted as the small dust of the balance. Behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. And Job, he increaseth the nations and destroyeth them. He enlargeth the nations and straighteneth them again. Right? Right? It is God that rules over the destiny of nations. When Obama came into office in 2008, right? I got that right? When he came into office in 2008, people flipped a lid, right? The Christians were up in arms, the professed Christians. But they didn't do a whole lot to stop it. And now they're up in arms trying to figure out what has happened to the nation. Well, I'm telling you, according to Scripture, God put Obama in that place. He allowed that to happen for the judgment on the people that left off the duties that he gave them. Right? And that's a topic that comes up all throughout the Old Testament, over and over constantly. So Samuel Davis clarifies that. He says, Shall we live as if we in our country were self-dependent and had nothing to do with the supreme rule of the universe? Can an army of saints or of heroes defend an obnoxious people ripe for destruction from the righteous judgment of God? The answer to that is no. The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but safety is of the Lord. Thomas Jefferson said, God who gave us life gave us liberty. There's no separation there. Can the liberties of a nation be secured when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God? No, you can't. This happened in the Constitution Party, Donna, right? Back in April at our convention. Somebody thought that they should clarify the rights that are guaranteed in the Constitution as... and should be defined as, I forget the wording he used, but basically stated as natural rights of men. But everything about that removed the premise of who gave them. And if you don't have the authority of who gave them, then men can remove or add to as they wish, right? Okay. Thomas Jefferson understood this. He said, I indeed tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just, that his justice cannot sleep forever. And Governor Morris, I forget which state he was from, Like I said, I'm still adding to all this, but somebody can probably answer that. He says, there must be religion. When that ligament is torn, society is disjoined and the members perish. The most important of all lessons is the denunciation of ruin to every state that rejects the principles of religion. This was an elected governor, might I add. And Jedediah Morse, we'll end with this one. He says, " the kindly influence of Christianity we owe that degree of civil freedom and political and social happiness which mankind now enjoys. All efforts made to destroy the foundations of our holy religion ultimately tend to the subversion of our political freedom and happiness." In proportion as the genuine effects of Christianity are diminished in any nation, in the same proportion will the people of that nation recede from the blessings of genuine freedom. Whenever the pillars of Christianity shall be overthrown, our present republican forms of government and all the blessings which flow from them must fall with them. Somebody tell me that's not what I'm seeing in America. Because everywhere I look, every one of these men is correct. And all of this was written generations before I got here. Right? So somebody prove to me that what these men are saying is not happening today. Because I see it everywhere. Agreed. The basis of any good action comes by having a moral compass, and that's defined by God. If you don't have a moral compass and you're not living in a way that is trying to be more like him to improve, the only way that we can do that is to be introspective and look at our failings with courage as well as the higher dignity, not being trying to preserve things we do wrong. or the things that justify our separation from God, but to run to God and correct the things that are wrong. When we look at the government, to your point, and I think we've said this many times before, we got the government we deserved. We did. The government is a representation of the people of the United States. The corruption is there because there's so much corruption out in, you know, how do we expect them to be, you know, lily white and clean? And I'm going to say whatever you want to say, you know, how are we going to expect them to be perfect? You know, I mean, quite often they talk about lilies being a purity, right? How are you going to expect them to be to be pure and righteous when our society is so corrupt? And that goes down to the individual. You know, it's a collection as an individual. I don't know how else to say it, but I think God's going to put us through some really trying times here. And I think it's going to be real shortly, right? Because this can't go on the way that it's going right now. And as to your point, Karen, it doesn't have to be, should be all of us. But God does always have a remnant and that remnant is getting stronger every day. I'm listening to stories out there of incredible persecution. And all it's doing is pressing those people into diamonds. And it's amazing. Totally amazing process. And I guess to kind of as a mild counterpoint to some of this, I don't think it's a good idea anymore to have the schools teaching any of this. to have them trying to teach morality because the school system itself is so morally bankrupt right now that all it's going to do, if they try to teach morality, all it's going to do is pervert it. And I think the only saving grace for any of this anymore is for parents to take on this duty. And that's, it's one of the reasons why I am loving seeing homeschooling having such an incredible impact anymore. And that's not even an opinion or a thought there, Ralph. What that is is a direct representation of what Deuteronomy says, where we should be teaching these things to our children. Everything we do, whether we sit up or lie down, they should be written on the posts of our doors. This is the law, the law that keeps men free. Right? That's what we're talking about here. The principles of Christianity that keep men free. It is that we should be teaching to our children. To think that we can have a department, right? A prince, as Proverbs 28 said, called the department of energy to help teach our children because we don't want to take the time to do it. All we're doing is sending our children off to the enemy. Because that's what they've become. The public school system is being taught 100% by the enemy. And yet so many people who call themselves Christians, so many people are sending their kids there on a daily basis and then maybe taking them to church on Sunday morning and saying, well, that's enough. Well, you know, one of the dumbest statements I hear people make regarding school, this is a really dumb, dumb statement. Well, I want my kids in there because they're going to have an effect on the school system. You know, I want to be in there because I want to have an effect on that. That to me is a very arrogant. It's an incredibly arrogant statement. That one person or one kid who's been peeled away from the family and thrown into a group of people, you really think that children are going to stand up to that type of pressure. There's some of them that might, but it's going to be very, very, very few kids that aren't going to be compromised in one way or another. It's like throwing a pond of, I hate to say it, a pond of filth and expecting them not to come out of there you know, kind of wrecked. And I mean, look at how many trans kids have been destroyed by this. They get confused. There's no plumb line. God is not there. And, you know, you say God is everywhere. But when they've taken God out in any right teaching to give them a stable mind, What do you think is going to happen? The kids are going to crumble. And it's going to be chipping away at them one little bit at a time. And there have been some accounts of children standing up, especially during the whole pandemic and such, that the children actually stood up and took it to them, right? That's because the parents wouldn't. But what you just described would be like, be like your community or your country going to war and sending your kid to go fight the battle instead of you. How arrogant is that? I mean, we read from Thomas Paine's The American Crisis, right? Number one, where he talked about he saw the father holding a child in the doorway. And the guy said, just let me have peace in my lifetime. How unfatherly is that? I can't imagine that. That man should have set his child behind the door, closed it, locked it and gone with arms and met him at the battlefield. That's how you protect your posterity. You don't send them to go fight your battle for you. Oh, I'm going to get angry. No, I mean, it's a righteous anger because the parenting skills have gotten to be so poor. They're listening to all the experts. Well, the experts are telling you exactly how to destroy your children on many, many fronts. You're going to put your children in the hands of these experts, and then you find out later how many of them were pedophiles. And people that bring in children? You send them to Disney, you send them to school, you send them to the nuns, whatever it is. You send them to places which are riddled with criminals because they know they're vulnerable there. Yeah, and we know who the enemy is. There is no excuse at this point for doing such things. How many women in the school systems lately, I mean, have you paid attention to this? It's like, you know, they want to always point to men as being pedophiles, but how many teachers and such in the school systems have been having sex with young boys? It is shocking, absolutely shocking when this happens. And I don't know. I mean, I think we need to not look at things with rose-colored glasses and evaluate things for what they are. Do you even know these people that are teaching your kids? Even if people decided to get together and school their kids together, were the parents there watching and participating? Instead of throwing them out there in every event or every organization or every activity that's out there so they have a better education, I don't think that that's accomplishing the goals that anybody really wants if you really look at it at all. And one of the things with the public education system, and I'm not going to argue with people who say, well, we need that because we can't take the time to train our own kids, or we don't know how. Well, we can go down that road, and I can argue that point that everybody can. But for those people who want community-based public education, right, Go back to the way that it was in the early 1800s and understand that first. The parents were in charge. The parents still paid for it. The entire community didn't pay for it. It was the parents of the children that paid for it. And then the community would chip in as they see fit. Their oblations, if you would, to the school system. It wasn't demanded that they... pay for the school systems because it is even listed in our Constitution now that you can't demand somebody to pay for a teacher of religion. Yet we've set this up as a public education system through the departments of education all the way up from the federal government down to the state government, even local levels. All these princes again now are controlling our education system. And what are they teaching? They are teaching nothing but religion. It is the religion of anti-Christ in the school system. That's all it is. And they're making everybody pay for it. So everybody that pays your local school tax, you are paying for the instruction of a religious teacher to destroy the principles of Christianity. Keep that in mind every time you pay that property tax because that's partially where it's going. yeah and and you're you're you're absolutely right and economically when you look at this how much money so because because we have one company that's that works with unions and I understand how these unions work very very well but think about this what what we could pay if we if we paid for instead of paying the union the union fees and dues and such As a private company, we can get insurance for a third the cost of what it costs through the unions. I want you to think about this. This is going to go for the teachers, too. And the teachers are all out there screaming, no, no, you're going to wreck my profession. I put so much time in that. Well, you know what? Any of us can say that right now who are having our lives destroyed and have to make moral choices on walking away from things. All of us, even business owners, we have had to make the choice of closing our companies or complying to the to the communist structure that's going on here. All of us have had to do that. So cry me a river because we're all in bed on this right now. This isn't teachers against society or anything else like that. This is society collapse. We're talking right now. And the doctors who have bought into this that are that are, you know, I mean, we can go in many directions. So there's no victims here. There's no bigger victim than anybody else. We're in this together, and we either get out of it together or we die together, okay? And we're all going to have to make some cuts. But think about this on an economic matter. If you ended up hiring a teacher of your choosing, of your choosing, and instead of, what is it, about $8,600 a pupil that's going into the public school system, sometimes it's more than that, I think we're at $8,600. I might be wrong on that, but we'll use that for talking. We'll say $8,000. If you ended up having like a one room schoolhouse, which had around 20, 25 kids in a one room schoolhouse, sometimes they were smaller and multiply, let's, you know, let's just, let's just say, let's just say it's, it's 20 kids. You got $160,000 right then and there. that you could put towards a teacher. Are there any teachers out there that are making that kind of money? I don't think so. I don't think so. And have great benefits and have the parents, the money would be going into such a better gain for the students of having real experience educating them on the three R's so they can actually live, teaching them skills by having people in the community actually teaching them skills, having them do apprenticeships, having them open up to be able to learn actual skills by working with their families. If you had a situation like that, it takes no more. In a homeschooling scenario, you can surpass the public schools with actual education in less than two hours a day. Think about this. It's unbelievable the waste that is going into this. So to expand on something too that Bill said earlier about, you know, some people don't feel like they're qualified to teach their kids. Well, if that's the case, then you've right there demonstrated the ineffectiveness of the school system in training yourself to be able to train the next generation. So why would you think they would do better with your kids? That was beautiful. I tell those people that have kids, I remind them of three very important things. Number one, who taught your child how to eat? How to use a spoon for it? Number two, who taught your child how to put on their shoes or tie them? Who taught your child how to use a bathroom? There's a big one, right? Was it not you? You've been educating your child from the time they were born until the time you decided to send them to the enemy. It's no different. It might take a little bit of sacrifice, but there are plenty of other people out there willing to help, right? We've educated all four of our children. Well, all three, and the little one's still little, right? But we've been part of a co-op of families that, you know, come and go. We all share as much as we can. We have numerous used books, right? I don't buy new stuff if I can help it. But a lot of it is the basic things you already know. And if you don't know them, maybe you ought to learn them too, right? I can't tell you, Donna, how much I've learned about gardening in the last two years. I hated gardening, but... I realize there's a problem, right? The stuff we're buying is horrible, right? Whether it be actual poison or whether it just be absolute trash and lack of any nutrients the body can use. Red dye, you're eating bugs. You're already eating bugs because you're eating the red dye that comes from bugs. Well, I'm okay with eating some bugs, garden spiders and such. I mean, it's not even worth brushing them off my tomatoes, right? I'm kidding. But besides that, there was a problem. I found the problem, right? It was revealed to me of what I was doing, so I had to turn from it. I had to repent from everything that I was just feeding my kids. That became a serious issue in my mind. So what did I have to do? Well, now I had to find another food source. Where is another food source? I don't know. We got raw milk from a local friend, right? Don't do it, Ralph. I see you in the comments. So we get raw milk from a friend that has a cow. Okay, cool. We got that taken care of. We got a garden in the backyard now. We're growing all sorts of vegetables, not a single fruit, right? And then... Private joke here. We justify how we eat here when we talk to each other because there's all these arbitrary rules that... There's inside jokes going on. And then my wife has now learned even more so of what she can can, what she can preserve. We bought a freeze dryer because we saw the need that maybe we need to preserve food farther and longer for the community, right? For other friends and family and people that may need it. So she's been doing that as well. She's a phenomenal woman, right? When the scripture says, you findeth a wife, findeth a good thing, that is such an understatement by Solomon, right? right she's more precious than rubies he says I'm not a ruby fan right um but my wife is just absolutely incredible if I could brag on her for a minute right not gonna stop you go go bill go she's crazy right she she allows me to go out and work right there's no complaints when I get home okay um The moment I come back, right, after working a long day, I come home. The family's taken care of. There may be stuff on the floor. I got kids, right? That's acceptable. But the family's taken care of. She's almost always in a good mood. The dinner is being made right there. I mean, it's like living and leave it to beaver time, okay? That's what I feel like right now. And I don't know of a better woman, okay? Amen. So, men, be careful who you pick. Because you have to look at that face every morning for the rest of your life. This is not a love at first sight thing. It's can I actually love the person? Love is an action, right? We know that from 1 John 3, 318. That love is an action, not in word or tongue, but an action and a deed. It's what you do to love someone. It's not just saying you love them. In fact, I was talking to, on that point, since we're going that way, I was talking to... I've got our next guest backstage too. Oh, okay. I'll finish this point and then I'll let Mike take it. He's a smarter guy than I am. But I was talking to my wife's parents yesterday. months ago at our local church study there. And I was mentioning that fact, clarifying that love is an action and such. And the point came up, then why do we say we love people? Well, we do in word, but we have to prove it in action. And my wife's mother actually said that she could not remember a time when her parents ever said, I love you. But there was never a doubt that they did. How powerful is that statement? Yet we have people saying, I love you, and then aren't even willing to give you the truth of the matter. Like what we just did on this show today. I love you, Bill. I don't know how to handle it. We love you, Bill. I mean it in a friendly way. And we really love your wife. Your wife is amazing. So she's an unsung hero that just works me. What a precious soul she is. She really is a very precious. And your children are just absolutely precious. I mean, they're just amazing. such a one there's, they're just wonderful to be around. And, uh, you know, your whole family is just precious to all of us, you know, and, and I, I love, I love Ralph and I love Karen. I love you guys very much. And, and so many people that are commenting in the chat too, where there's, there's a lot of people that are on today and we truly do love each and every one of you and want the best for you. So that's why we come on every day is that we, we want to, continue to go forward as a family because our family that we have, it's a family of God. It's not a family of convenience. It's a family of people that are willing to commit to each other to be there. in times of trouble. That's what, it's not just through the parties and the good things. It's when things go to, you know, go to completely to hell that you stand together in good times and in bad times with long suffering, with a word of encouragement to help each other stand when things go wrong. And I can't, I couldn't wish for finer people to stand with. I really couldn't. Love you guys so much. Well, with that said, I think what we're going to do is I'm going to cut into this because we've already 15 minutes over and I need to bring Mike in and He's being very patient right now. So we're going to quick go to a break and we will see you guys. I'll see some of you on Friday, Karen and Ralph, and then we'll see Bill who's going to be sitting in a canoe with a cigar next Wednesday on Liberty Essentials. So you guys have a great day and we got to work on those resolutions. So I'll probably give you a call later to get some motion going on those. I don't think I'm letting you out of it. I'm gonna tell you, you're gonna have to work on some of these a little bit with me. I've got working documents. They're in process. I'm just not giving you things until I have a set. When I'm completed, I'll give it to you. This is a sneak attack here. So going into Donna's resolutions and making them better, that's what we can all hope for. So I'll be right back in about 30 seconds with Mike Bambus. Thanks guys. Love you, pieces. Love you too. Good morning, and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and I'm sorry we ran over to Mike and such, but I want to get right into bringing Mike Bambas on. Hey, Mike, how you doing? Good morning. How you doing? Glad to be here again. Sorry for the delay, but when a man is talking with absolute adoration for his wife, I just can't stop him, okay? Yeah, he was on a roll. He was on a roll. He was on a roll. So how are you today, and what are we talking about today? Well, I'm living the dream as always, and that we all should be doing. Basically, we've had a series of events take place here recently that I've been just getting out there to as many people as I can right now. This doesn't just affect the state of Michigan, it affects everyone across the nation. And This has to do with, this kind of started with the fact that, you know, years ago during COVID, the state police of Michigan issued a death threat against me for wanting to bring a warrant against the governor for her actions during COVID. and they threatened to kill me over it. And so since then, the MSP and I have not seen eye to eye. And then in a series of events that started last December, where a gal by the name of Misty Leanne Thompson, she was stopped by the Michigan State Police. allegedly for speeding, and she was never cited for speeding. But she's still in jail today, has not had an arraignment. She has not been given her civilian due process. She has been physically abused, sexually abused by the guards. She's been denied food. And as a matter of fact, we had one of our associates visit her last night, and she ended up passing out on the floor. And it looks like it may be caused by malnutrition. What is the justification for any of this? We don't know. We think that she's being held as a political prisoner. Yeah. Yes, because she was very active against the governor. And she was also involved with stopping funding that Amy Gearhart, the chief judge of Tuscola County, was trying to get. And she somehow was able to stop the funding that she was trying to get from the feds and the state. What's her name again? Chief Judge Amy Gearhart. And she is just a... I got to keep this G-rated, a piece of work. She's an ass, sounds like an asshole. You can say whatever you want in here. What's the gal that's in prison? I'm sorry? What's the gal's name who's in prison? Her name is Misty Leanne Thompson. And so a group of us have been trying to get her out of jail. The judges, we're on our sixth judge, and they just have been digging their heels and they will not release her. Did they give you grounds or why? Right now, it appears that the grounds for holding her is, one, they've charged her now with obstruction for refusing to show a driver's license. They have charged her with no securities on her car, meaning no proof of insurance, and for having a dangerous weapon, which is a box cutter that was in the backseat of her car that she used for work. That's it. Well, why, why is a box car in her car illegal? Good question, but they're claiming it was a dangerous weapon. Okay. So here's a question. Is there anybody at the Michigan state police that we could call that that would be a person to contact? well we sent uh because of this because it was three uh state police officers that uh were involved on this uh traffic stop we have sent them interrogatories on this matter and they have refused to um answer any of the interrogatories who are the officers I don't have their names in front of me at the moment, but I can get them for you. Yeah, I'd like to know who they are. Because these people have to be called up. Actually, if you can look it up a minute, I feel very strongly about putting people in front of the camera who have done the wrong thing. And, you know, if she's been sexually abused and all of this by the guards, this prison system that we've got going on here is absolutely, it's absolutely like, unspeakable things are happening in the prison system, and they're doing it to target good people. So I want to see if we can jump on and help her out. Well, yesterday she had a hearing. The judge has quashed all her subpoenas, so she can't call any witnesses. The body cam footage is missing, and the judge said that he's okay with that. And, you know, quite a few other things, but the tip of the iceberg now is I did a series of FOIAs to the police. And one of the FOIAs that I had sent and all I did was ask for two things. The first being that they produce documentation that they are a jury department or agency. And how I worded it, and I'll actually read it to you so everybody can understand it. And I don't know, I think I sent you a copy of it so you can post it for everybody to see. It states that the Department of Michigan State Police is one of 20 departments created by the Michigan governor through executive orders and does not exist within Michigan's constitution, thus making the MSP a de facto department according to Norton v. Shelby County, 1886. Norman V. Shelby County, 1886, defines the following words, de jure, as by right based on the Constitution or a law passed in conjunction therewith. De facto, as a matter of fact, not by law or Constitution. Provide documentation to the Michigan State Police or, in fact, a de jure department or agency pursuant to Norman V. Shelby County, 1886. That was the first thing I asked for. The second thing I asked for was, according to the following U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Shapiro v. Thompson of 1969, the right to travel by private conveyance for private purposes upon the common way cannot be infringed. No license or permission is required for travel when such travel is not for the purpose of commerce, profit, or gain on the open highways operating under license in commerce. please provide all documentation that grants the Department of Michigan State Police the delegated authority to ignore, disobey, or violate the decisions of the United States Supreme Court on the right to travel. The response I received on August 14th was that no such documentation exists on either one, showing and proving that they don't have any authority to stop you in your travels and that they are operating as a de facto department or agency. Under Norton, What that means is that they have no authority to stop, detain, arrest, or even issue a ticket. Issuing the tickets is revenue raising, and only the legislative branch can do revenue raising. Because they're created under the executive order of the governor, they don't have any of these authorities, none. And the governor can't delegate those authorities to them, and neither can the legislator. So my next move on this is to write a letter to our wonderful AG and point out the fact that the Michigan State Police now, through this certified response on the FOIA, have been openly admitted that they are de facto. And as such, as governor or as AG, her job is to protect the state and the people from fraud. So I'm demanding that as the AG, she disband and shut down the Michigan State Police and return all funds to whoever was extorted by the Michigan State Police. Now, the response I'm expecting is basically go fly a kite, which is fine. If that's the response I get, then I'm going to send her a FOIA demanding her delegated authority as a usurper to do what she's doing. And then we can do start the administrative process and bring her before a federal claims court and have her answer to a federal judge her actions. So this goes in conjunction with Misty's case being that the state police are the ones who stopped her. So they never had the authority to stop her in the first place. This case should be dismissed immediately and she should be released from, from jail. So this is all kind of. There's gotta be, there's gotta be, you know, there's gotta be some justice brought to this regardless. I'm trying to find it. It's what's the, here it is right here. I pulled it out and. Let me see if I can open this up so they can see this. This is shocking. This is absolutely shocking. And she's just basically swept off to the side with no help. Correct. And they've held her now in maximum security as well. There's no order putting her in maximum security. And she's been stuck in maximum security. and they've been denying her phone privileges, uh, food. Um, they, uh, denied her the, uh, access to the law library, everything. Um, I'm her attorney in fact, and that doesn't mean I'm a bar attorney. I would never stoop to that level. Um, but, uh, Yeah, they're denying me the ability to give her aid. I'm also her power of attorney. And they just refuse to release any documentation or any evidence that they claim to have against her. So they're interfering. They're obstructing. I've been assaulted and threatened by the Tuscola County Sheriff's Department. So that's witness tampering, witness intimidation. They're just off the rails. They've gone rogue up there. And so they have a trial scheduled for September, September 10th, 11th and 12th. And I invite you as well as anyone else who wants to come up there and witness firsthand what is going on. um I've now contacted the board of commissioners to let them know I've sent in a bunch of affidavits of people who have been there as court watchers from before and who are willing to testify to the corruption that's going on there and we're bringing to the board of commissioners attention because they're the ones who hold the purse strings on the courts and the jail So right now, these are crimes against humanity and the Board of Commissioners are funding it. So we're looking to see if they won't take action and do something about this, either cut the funding or conduct an investigation as far as what's going on up there. And we're willing to meet with them and we're willing to testify to everything that's going on. This is shocking. This is absolutely shocking. I'm just going to let you talk because I don't even know what to say. I've gotten just bombarded. I did a blast on Telegram with this information. A lot of people are asking, what do we do with this information? Well, first, get a copy of this FOIA response. Keep it in your car. If you ever stop by the state police, ask for a supervisor, show it to them and say, you have no delegation authority to stop me. We're on the clock. This is all commerce. This one right here, correct? I'm sorry? This response? Yes, the one from the 14th of August. down towards the bottom of the first page, the paragraph just before the last, it'll state in there that the requested information does not exist. And that is the proof that they are de facto. They cannot prove that they're a jury department or agency to do what they're doing. So I would keep a copy of this in your car if you're ever stopped by the MSP and demand a supervisor. For them detaining you, there's case law on this that it comes out to $1,087 per minute payable in gold and silver for them detaining you on the side of the road. So you can bring a claim against the officer or I should say the trooper. The reason why you go against the trooper himself is because he's acting as a usurper in that capacity. So you can bring a claim against him personally because he has no immunity for what he's doing. Now, the other part about this, and people have heard me make this comment before, that my approach on a lot of this is similar to Douglas MacArthur during World War II and the Pacific Campaign. You had thousands of islands occupied by the Japanese, but you couldn't liberate them all. So what you do is you take out certain specific islands and the others around shall fall. So with that philosophy, by going after the state police in this manner, showing that they're de facto, what this does is this takes out the main island on this. The islands around that shall fall are all of your city and township police departments because none of them are listed in the constitution. The only law enforcement agency listed in the Constitution is the Sheriff's Department. That's it. The others are all de facto. And they're peacekeeping officers. Well, they're policy enforcers. The whole dynamic is different. They're policy enforcers. They're not even law enforcement. Right. And I'll get to that in a moment. So the Sheriff's Department is the only legitimate lawful agency for doing any enforcement of laws. So, because they're the only ones that exist in the Constitution. None of the others do. In regards to the other ones, and let me back up here. I got several messages like, oh, you're trying to defund the police and you're trying to start anarchy. No, that's not what this is about. This is about going back to a republic and we have to follow the Constitution. Now, a lot of people are wondering, why do our politicians not listen to us? Why do they do what they do? And, you know, we're having so many problems and we're not being successful. They're not listening to us. Well, here's a possibility. You have, I'm going to use a township as an example. You have a township that decides to become a chartered township. Well, what's a charter? Well, that's corporations. Well, if it's a corporation, as a corporation, what do all corporations do? They create bylaws. So if you look at your charter township, who's the executive branch and who's the legislative branch? They're all the same people. Would that not violate the separation of powers stated in the Constitution? Yes, it would. But how are they able to get away with it? Because they're using the veil of the corporation and the bylaws of that corporation to say that they can hold more than one position. So the ordinances and such that they create are not lawful laws that we have to follow. Those are guidelines or rules of that corporation only. And they cannot enforce those upon we the people because that's a form of revenue raising that they're doing because they assess fines and fees in connection with those. That's all revenue raising. They can't have the authority to do it as a corporation. They've usurped their authority because nowhere anywhere in our founding documents whether it be the Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance, Article of Confederation, U.S. Constitution, or the Bill of Rights, does the word democracy appear? Nowhere does corporation appear, corporate body, any of these words that create a corporate status in that capacity. So they're not Public functionaries in the sense of representation of the government, what they are are public functionaries as a corporate officer of a corporation. So my opinion is that since 1871, when the United States incorporated, and that's shown in 28 U.S.C. 3002 subpart 15A that defines the United States as a federal corporation, Give me that number again. 28 USC what? 28 USC 3002 subpart 15A. Okay. And that's Congress's definition of what the United States is, is a federal corporation. Since then, we have not had an actual government. Those seats are sitting vacant. And what we have are a bunch of corporations running everything. The state of Michigan is a corporation. Article 7, Section 1, and even the county, right down to the counties. Article 7, Section 1, organized counties shall be a body corporate. The state of Michigan runs on, operates under an EIN number. They're all corporations at different levels. So as corporations, they're basically hiding behind the veil of the corporation status to circumvent the Constitution. So that's where the Administrative Procedures Act came into play because now they can create these rules and guidelines and then the courts enforce them as if they were laws. Wow. It's such a huge trail there. I mean, I know some of this, but it's amazing to hear you put all of this together and how they've really torn down through deception the United States and the lawful standing of the United States of America, what we're supposed to look like. I think that every day we're finding out more and more that this has been going on for decades and more than almost two centuries. Yes, yes. Now, there is an Achilles heel to this. They do have an Achilles heel. The Achilles heel is this. Our founding documents represent a trust indenture. We the people are the grantors, and we the people are the beneficiaries. All of these public functionaries are the trustees. Now, during the Civil War, Congress didn't convene, and we didn't have a Congress during the Civil War. So under the laws of maxims of equity, a trust does not fail for lack of a trustee. So the trust still continued on, it still exists and it still exists today. And everything that they're doing, they're doing it as trustees in the name of the trust. So anything that they create, anything they do, whether it is lawful or not, whether or not they have the delegated authority or not, belongs to the trust. And we are the beneficiaries of that. What they do is they try, and especially in the courts, they try to make us the trustees, make us responsible to pay fines and costs and go to jail or prison and When in reality, they're the trustees and they're trying to switch the roles on us. So we need to make sure that we declare that they are the trustees, that they are the ones responsible for all this. Now, if you look on one of the things that we do is we challenge the prosecution with a coronal. Where's your delegation of authority to open this account? And that's what it is. It's an account is what you're doing when you go to court. The court case number is an account number. So they have to fill out what's called an AO430. And on that AO430, the prosecution is listed as the detour, and we, the people as the defendants, are listed as the creditors. And they're supposed to notify the Department of Treasury that this court case is a taxable event, and they're not doing it. What they're doing is tax evasion by not reporting the income that they're making off of these court cases. Oh, my goodness. This is a big house of cards. Now, how we can start chipping away at this is like what I just did with the MSP. We show that these different departments and agencies are de facto. We can now start putting them back in their place or eliminating them and start defunding their whole operation. And that's what we have to do is start chipping away at that way. Well, you guys were talking about the school systems and such. Since when we're in the Constitution, can government officials unionize? Where is that? I don't believe it's in there. So how do teachers, which are public functionaries, they're public school, public functionaries. That's what teachers are. How are they able to unionize? Can you imagine what would happen if the House of Representatives were to unionize or the Senate were to unionize? And here's the thought. What if we the people were to unionize? How would they handle that? So, but yeah, we need to start fighting back and chipping away. We have to start calling them out and FOIA is a great way to do it because the response you get from them is automatically certified. They have to answer is a certified response and that can be used in court. So you get stopped for a speeding ticket. Yeah, OK, whatever. You go into court and say, hey, look, I got a FOIA response right here. It says that this department is de facto. They have no authority pursuant to Norton v. Shelby County. This case should be dismissed, judge, because you are the trustee and you must do what's in the best interest of the beneficiary, which is me. So what can anybody do to help Misty right now? I mean, this sounds like this is a clear and present threat to her life. Right now, what we would love to have see happen is as many people come up, be court watchers on the 10th, 11th and 12th. I'm going to be testifying. I plan on testifying as a material witness because I'm the one with firsthand knowledge regarding this FOIA. She has already submitted it as an exhibit in her case for trial. So this should just shut the whole thing down right now. But for whatever reason, they've dug their heels in and they're not going to budge. And so it's okay, then we're going to go and present this before a jury and go down that route. So we'll see what happens. But if we can get as much supporters out there, the judge made the comment yesterday that they don't like all these court watchers showing up, that they fear It's a problem that... Oh, so we can't even watch our own court proceedings. They want to shut down. Yeah, they're trying to keep her to a Zoom. And it's like, you can't do a trial by jury by Zoom. You can't do it. So what they've now done is they stated that for jury selection, they're not releasing any of the names of the jurors. they'll be assigned a number and you only know the juror by number, not by name. Yeah. So what is it like the kid of the judge? Yeah. It's like, how do we know that these are not relatives of the court officials? Right. Or the people that are there. That's what I want to know. So they're really playing a lot of shenanigans here. And so, yeah, if we can get people to show up and support, if we can get the media to show up and, you know, either in official or unofficial capacity, be there just to witness it and then report on it. Where is this in Tuscola? Tuscola County, city of Carroll. OK, give me the information and if I can make it there, I'll record it for Brandenburg News Network. OK, I've done that a few times when when, you know, people have been in court where I've shown up and and start recording. That does make them a little nervous. And I tell you what, anybody that's there, you don't have to be necessarily, you know, official media. They might try to stop you. I mean, if you are media, like I fill out papers when I go there and they give me the right to to as media to to record. Right. And so that usually happens that you have to submit a request ahead of time to be able to record. And they can deny your request. You know, they can't do that. But the problem is, is if they deny one person's request, you're a citizen journalist, they got to deny them all. And so that does seem to frighten them just a little bit on the accountability of what they're actually doing. But yeah. This is incredible. You know, don't you wonder how many people have been put in jail as an example of sit down, shut up and don't question us. We're in charge and you're just going to have to deal with it. That probably happens every day. It probably happens every single day because people are not been properly educated on how the system works. There are a lot of people. And, you know, back when I first started doing this stuff, you know, I believe, you know, you go to court, you tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and justice shall prevail. No, it's it's a money game with them. And that's all this is about money. And right, wrong, justice, it doesn't exist in a courtroom. We don't have courtrooms. There's a video going around from Justice Gorsuch. Basically, he calls out the state courts as pretend judges. They're all pretend judges. They put on a black robe, but they're just a pretend judge. Is that on your Telegram channel? I'm sorry? Is that on your Telegram channel? Uh, yes. Yeah. It's on another telegram and I've been kind of sharing it around. Um, but, uh, yeah, he talks about the courts and the fact that they're all fake. What's your telegram channel name? Um, it's not mine. It's a different groups that I, um, associate with, but I can, I can send it over to you. And, uh, Yeah. If you give me, if you give me one, put it in the private chat, I'll pull it up. Is it one of them? So I believe it's we, the County. Okay, got it right here. And let's see what we've got here. I'll see if I can find it. I love Weedy County. That's Paul Urban, isn't it? This one's up in Tuscola. Oh, this is Tuscola? Yeah, the one I linked up with is in Tuscola. Okay, let's see what we got here. Come down to the bottom. Oh, I think Judge and here's one. Judge in Trump's case is dumb. That's from eight, nine. Is that the one? I can't see. Let's see if I can go up. I'll see if I can grab it. If not, if not, I'll find it and we'll post it later. And so, so because we, we've got, we definitely have a problem. Oh, definitely. Yeah, these are not real judges. You know, we've actually shown before that none of these judges have a proper oath of office under Article 11, Section 1 of the Michigan Constitution. They don't have an anti-bribery statement on file. They don't have a forest statement on file. And I even challenged one judge down in Ann Arbor because she started in on me about it. And I said, Judge, you know, you know, You know, the attorney from the other side, I said, he doesn't have a proper license. And I said, in regards to licensing, you know, in Article 6, Section 19 of the Michigan Constitution, even judges are supposed to have a license to practice law. But the Supreme Court's ruled that there is no such thing as a license. Which court case did the Supreme Court rule on that? I don't know. From the top of my head, I think it was Ames v. Sims. I think is what it was. Um, I can get you, I can get you that information on that. Um, but, uh, yeah, there's, there's a whole bunch of different, uh, court cases on, on not no license required as, as, uh, uh, for attorneys because it doesn't exist. Yeah. Well, even the Michigan constitution said that you are, you have the right to counsel, but counsel doesn't include the private membership of the Michigan bar or the bar association. That's just a private membership. And I actually converted my construction business into a PMA. And the judge started giving me crap about it and said that, well, you still have to follow state law. I said, as a PMA, I'm not bound by state or federal laws. And she's like, well, you have to do this. I said, judge, my construction business, the PMA is identical to that of the Bar Association in its structure. So if I'm required to follow state and federal regulations and so is the Bar Association and she shut right up, didn't wanna talk about it anymore. Oh, that's amazing. Do you have paperwork for filing a PMA too? Well, my company was originally a C Corp and all I did was take basically the same paperwork and rewrote it and converted it into a PMA. So I already had everything established as far as bylaws and the whole structure and everything. So I just converted it to the PMA process. And so, yeah, that's what I did. And that's what I presented to the judge down there. And she started giving me a hassle about it. And I said, judge, I set it up just like the Bar Association. So if I've got to do it, then so do they. And yeah, she didn't want to talk about that anymore. So you were right out of that. You were probably kicked right out of the courtroom, weren't you? Yeah. Well, the thing is, you know, they basically put all this stuff right out there for us, right in our face. You know, the Bar Association is a PMA, right? Well, how is it they're exempt from all these things? Well, because they're a PMA. They put it right in front of us. All we got to do is pay attention to it. Where does a license to practice law come from? What department or agency of the state of Michigan issues that license? I've got a FOIA from Laura stating that they do not license or regulate attorneys. So what other department or agency issues licenses if Laura doesn't? This is amazing. And that's the power in Laura. Laura, by the way, is a de facto department. They have no authority. So how do I get a license for as a business from a department that doesn't exist? I absolutely love this discussion because, you know, we've talked before and we've kind of, you know, there's a bunch of us that are looking into these things and filing pro se and that sort of thing. And every time that I talk to you, John Tater and some of the other, you know, wonderful patriots out there that have been doing this stuff for a long time, I'm always almost speechless because there's so much to learn. It shouldn't stop you from getting in there and start hacking away at the at the corruption. But you know what I mean? But you've got to start, you got to keep going. And then when you think you've got your arms around how to do things, all of a sudden you learn that there's a whole nother level to it. Yeah, it's the matrix, as a lot of people refer to. So, yeah. And as far as, you know, going back to your earlier show, regarding the schools and educating the kids. This is what we should be teaching our kids. Yes. Everybody should be teaching their kids is how to operate in this system. And how to be able to represent yourself without, you know, without having to buy into the high, you know, that's why a lot of the legal work doesn't get done. It's because the attorneys have basically got it all captive and it costs too much to actually have a, a, you know, a, a fair shake in the system and they're controlling it and they know what they're doing. I mean, they absolutely know what they're doing, but this is shocking about Misty. Absolutely shocking. How long has she been incarcerated? Since last December. And no trial, no charges really. She hasn't even had an actual arraignment. If you look on the register of actions, it shows that there's been arraignments. but they were always canceled or postponed. How are you justifying this with a straight face? Why is it that nobody has picked this up? And, you know, I mean, here we are on Brandenburg News Network, but why is it that there's been no attention to this whatsoever? I don't know. It's shocking. With all the people out there that claim to be patriots that are fighting for people's rights, why is it that nobody else is stepping up to defend people whose rights have been absolutely annihilated? And, you know, I have a real sneaking suspicion that, you know, I'm doing a series right now on the J6ers and what the J6ers have been going through. But to hear about this, the torture, rape in the court systems of Tuscola, I mean, everybody should absolutely be absolutely shouting this out from the mountaintops and holding. And we need to publish these people's names. We need to publish the names of the township council, the council that's funding this. You know, the officers that were involved in this, they need to be opened up to the public. I know when I go somewhere and the media grills me, I turn the camera right on the media. It's like you're going to put a camera on me. I'm going to put a camera on you. We're going to stand here in equal footing. You do not control the venue. And usually they'll run for the hills. They really don't like the camera put on them because they look bad when when when you get some of these reporters out there. I think they're going to be, you know, just out there to be abusive because that's what they are. They're abusive. They ask leading questions. They're abusive. They're only pushing an agenda through subversive means, right? Well, I think all of these people that are seated in the seats, the public functionaries, the cops that were involved in this, the judges that are involved in this, everyone should absolutely see that these people have functioned outside of the law. And they're absolutely enemies of the people right now. Let's call them out for what they are. I think this is why this is why everybody's so afraid to say something because they're afraid of getting sued. Well, you know what? Sometimes you've got to risk some things and you've got to be you've got to you've got to go big or go home. It's like if you're not going to stand up for things, then get out of the way. So actual adults can handle the problem. But playing like you're involved isn't working anymore. So I would love a complete list of these people. I'll publish every I'll publish every damn one of them. I want to see the cops. We'll get you a list of everybody that's been involved. I'd love to see the cops. I'd love to see a contact address for them or a phone number so that we can throw this out there and say, this is not doxing people. This is putting public functionaries in a position to being contacted and saying, we're not tolerating this. You don't get to take people in under these circumstances. This is a side of the law and you're breaking the law. Give me a chance to resolve it. But they need to face what they did in the court of public opinion. Because they're criminals. This is terrible. And they're using the system just like Biden has done. And, you know, little mini Biden hunter out there where they, you know, they're losing laptops, they're losing evidence. I mean, look at what they did there. The body cam footage disappears. for bumbling the evidence, I would wager to say that they did it on purpose. I know the Attorney General's office, I knew that they had some evidence in one of the cases we had. And all of a sudden, they put a new special agent on there. And he calls and he tells me, he tells me, I don't know anything about that. There was no crimes here. There was nothing done. I'm sitting there going, this is absolute bullshit. I know you had it. And I know the guy that told me that you had it because he was removed because he was telling the truth. And this is what they do. I am outraged at what's happened to this woman in the state of Michigan. Yeah. And the governor knows about it. We've contacted everybody. We've contacted everybody about this and nobody will do their job. Nobody will lift a finger. The governor is a sham. Yes. Well, ironically, the judges that have been overseeing this case. They're shams, too. They're all appointees of Mitwit. Of Whitmer. Yes. Of Queen Gretchy with her little, you know, you got Queen Gretchy with Esquire Nestle and the court jester Benson. I mean, the whole thing is just crazy. Yep. Wow. I don't even know what to say. Well, see, this is where everybody, this gives everybody an opportunity to get involved, okay, and start doing something. Because of this FOIA response, being that the MSP is de facto, you can start now writing letters and bringing things before the AG to say you need to take action. Because they're de facto. They shouldn't be funded. They shouldn't be in operation. And all the money that they extorted through the security instruments, i.e. the tickets, needs to be returned to everybody. All the truckers that have been stopped by the MSP and extorted on the side of the roads, everyone else who has been extorted financially by the MSP, that money should be returned. Well, when I look at the structure to this, this is actually how they've destroyed community policing. In case anybody doesn't know this, Jaleesa, we ran over in the first hour, so it's going to be just a minute here because I want to make sure that I can give Mike some time to talk. And you know, you guys all know how this is. Brandenburg News Network is like an amoeba that stretches and moves in different direction based on what comes up. And I think this is really important. The MSP, Michigan State Police, as one of Whitmer's 20 departments that she is in charge of and or created not non-legal. They're not, they're not a lawful department. We all know that. Right. But the problem that I looked at with this is they're taking all the funds from the sheriff's office. So the sheriff's people would join the sheriff's office. They'll get some training on the sheriff's office. Then they'll leave and go to the state police because they get paid better and better benefits because they're a union police force. And, um, I just think that this – I don't think everybody's got their arms around what's happening here. We are literally paying to destroy community policing to keep our community safe by the way that they funded the state police. This is going on all over the place. When I look at how they've done it, and they have created these blighted areas in the bigger cities. They did it on purpose, and it's through this structure – the taxing structure, and the structure of depreciation. All of this is created. All of it is. You want to get rid of the local crime and have our communities safer? What do the state police do? They sit their sorry butts on the highway waiting for you to come past at the end of the month when they've got to burn through the money that they've got. So they sit there and they're out there playing traffic cops so they can give out tickets. And if you look at how the tickets come out and they come out in clusters, it's by the end of their financial period. So they got to burn through the money. So they all sit out there and they give tickets to instead of fighting real crimes, like real cops would. I've got a real problem with it. I know that Gretchy had the state police following around congressmen. I was told this, that the state police were following around people in our legislature. And it wasn't for good reasons from what I heard. I'd like to see more substantiating evidence on it. But you know what? Where there's smoke, there's usually fire. And, you know, it's just like watching when Mike Brown was running for office. I don't know if anybody understands this, but a guy that gets up to the chief of anything, they're a politician right then and there. You don't get there without being a politician. This isn't something that – I don't know. It's not what most people think it is. I'm going to leave it there. Yeah. Well, if no one wants to so much go down this road, the other avenue would be to do a FOIA to your chartered township or – or even the chartered county, whatever, and ask for the EIN number. Ask what members of your township board or city council are the executive branch and which ones are the legislative branch. My guess is it'll be the same ones. I tell you what, can you keep talking a minute? My mom's in the hospital, so I'm getting calls. So go ahead and educate people. I'll be right back, okay? Sure. And I would ask who is the resident agent of that corporation? Because there has to be a resident agent. Ask for a copy of their bylaws. Because their bylaws will reveal of their corporate status as far as who has what duties and what they can do and what they can't do. So these are things you can do through FOIAs to get that information and start exposing the fact that they're not in compliance with Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution. We are guaranteed a Republican form of government. And they're not doing it. What they're doing is what they keep claiming, democracy, democracy. We're not supposed to be a democracy. It doesn't appear in our founding documents. Well, that's a failed IQ test right there. Somebody says democracy, you can guarantee that they don't know what they're talking about. Yeah. Yeah. And so, you know, these I would start at, you know, that's a simple FOIA to where you can request that information. And basically what you're going to do is you're going to do this in building blocks. You don't have to try and get all the information in one FOIA because you can do a series of FOIAs to do this. And they have to respond within five days. The first one is an EIN. What's the second one? EIN, I would ask for which of the board members are the executive branch and which ones are a legislative branch? Okay, just a minute. Which are the executive branch and which are which, what's the other one? Legislative branch. Okay. Because if they're operating under the constitution, then they should have a separation. They can't be the same person. I would ask for a copy of the bylaws of the corporation. Who's the resident agent? Then from there, you can start saying, well, what delegated authority do you have not to operate under Article 4, Section 4? Where's your delegation of authority to incorporate the first place? Where's your delegation of authority to be revenue raisers? And if they're acting as a corporation, and the Supreme Court has ruled on this, if they're going to take on the role of a corporation, they have to act as a corporation, which means a corporation can be sued. All corporations can sue and be sued. So the other problem they then run into is property taxes. How do you charge for products and services absent a contract? Where's the obligation? We've already had someone do a series of FOIAs out in Lansing. and ask those very questions. And it came back that, yeah, you're right. There is no obligation. There is no contract. There's nothing binding the obligation to pay the taxes, but guess what? If you don't pay, we're going to take your house was their response. So they're just doing whatever they want to do. They're completely off the rails. Correct. But by getting these answers from these FOIAs now sets the whole whole foundation up to now you can now hit them through what we call an administrative process. You hit them with a notice of liability. Because you admitted that you don't have the delegated authority, there is no contract for obligation. So. We're going to hit you for a notice with liability for the harm that you have caused I, i.e. you have extorted money through property taxes or whatever, whatever it may be. And they're not going to respond. So what you do is you send them a notice of non-response. And again, they won't respond. And then you hit them with a notice of default. Now you can take all that to a court clerk, get it signed off and authenticated. Now you take that to a court of claims. And now they got to appear before a court of claims And they've already defaulted them out. So you can take action that way on them. Huh. Oh, this is amazing. I like that. I like the one, two, three, four list here to develop that to actually take action. I love it. Absolutely love it. Huh. There's other processes that we have that you can go through strictly equity, which when you're in equity, there are no codes and statutes that apply. Attorneys can't be heard in a court of equity. You're actually appearing in judges chambers in a court in equity. So there's a lot of different processes out there that we can apply. I could probably talk all day and I could probably bring in some of my other friends and associates to discuss this also. We could probably talk your ear off all day long on the different processes that can be done. But there is remedy out there. There are things we can do. I'm just giving you the starting building blocks to get there. And these FOIAs are a starting block. Do you have like an outline of all of these processes or how it can work already written out? I mean, you gave us the process here. I mean, I know it's all in your head, but do you have, or are they actually written down somewhere in an ordered manner to- Do we have them written down? I'm not sure how organized our- our process is we could probably use some tweaking to get a little bit more organized and for, for, you know, explain explanation purposes. Um, but, uh, you know, that's something we can work on and, uh, so that, you know, but, uh, Yeah, what I'm giving you right now is the basics. It's the foundation basics to getting started on this. Well, this is amazing. I took some notes here. I was writing like crazy. And I'm going to go back through this. And I've got a little time today. My mom's in the hospital right now. I'm sorry I had to jump off because I'm trying to jump. Yeah, she's not doing real well right now. And so I really don't know. We really don't know what the outcome is going to be right now. But, you know, that's so when, when the hospital calls, I actually will pick up and see, see how she's doing. And yesterday she rallied a little bit. She wasn't able to talk there for a couple of days. And so, you know, everything's, everything's. Prayer's with her. Thank you so much. Yeah. You know, it's all in God's hands and he orders our steps. So to have people like you brought in front of everyone here to potentially defend someone like Misty, who has been thrown in prison as a political prisoner, this has just got to be, you know, right now, you know, everybody's hearing about the Jay Sixers and the ability for people to understand that we have political prisoners in the United States of America. is, is absolutely crystal clear. I know, I know, um, Judy Mikevitz and they did the same thing with her. They threw her in jail. She was proving some things medically, never arrested her. And she was in jail for five years. They confiscated all of her medical, uh, work that she had done as a, as a doctor and, uh, and destroyed all of her records and all of the work that she had done. They came in and they basically just grabbed all of it for no reason, was never arrested, never charged, but she rotted in prison for five years. And this happened years ago. So when we look at this and we look at what's happened to the Jay Sixers, and now we look at this under, you know, criminals running this state of Michigan, it's happening all the time, guys. I know that there was somebody that was working with Scott Ogney. They did the same thing to her. They threw her in jail for 30 days. To make a point, to try to make people be afraid, to stop them from fighting, to put them under the yoke of oppression and tyranny. This is tyranny. This is treason. And the hammer of judgment is going to eventually fall on every one of these people. They're going to get charged for the crimes against humanity. They're going to get charged for the rape and the sexual abuse of this woman in prisons. That happened here for the malnutrition, all of it. They're going to get charged not only with treason, but also crimes against humanity. And I think there's a bunch of us that are out there willing to go the distance to see that justice is served because I don't know. I don't know about you. I hope everybody out there is maddened hell over this right now. We should all be mad and we should be furious with the state police for and defund the police. You know what? If you can't criticize a religion, somebody in Congress, a political party, A police force, a corporation, if something is above being criticized, guarantee they're breaking the law and they're using the censorship to shut us down so we can't question. A person who's honest never, ever, ever minds being questioned. I don't mind being questioned. Do you mind being questioned? I love it. And I and I will always tell people don't when they say, should you know, why should we trust you? I've said it in public many times. I was like, you shouldn't trust me. That's how we got in this position in the first place. Trust is earned. And every single one of these officers that are there, anyone in the military, if we can't question the military. We've got a problem because every system that we have has been infiltrated. And unfortunately, there's not enough people with guts that are in these organizations, in the hospitals, in the police forces, in politics, in corporations, in all of it, that if you're not cleaning out your own house, you're part of the problem and you're in with them. Yeah. Yeah. And you've got to be able to walk away from anything that you're in, no matter what it is. You've got to be able to have the fortitude to walk away from a career, a business, or whatever it may be. Because first and foremost, we stand before God Almighty. In the name of Jesus Christ, we stand before God Almighty to do the right thing, even when nobody else is willing to do it. And if it means you have to walk away from something, then you better walk away because you'll be held accountable with the rest of them. Well, one of the things everybody can do to protect themselves is to get everything into a series of trusts. Put your house in one trust, your cars in different separate trusts, your guns into another trust. Create a biometric trust for your biometrics. Put your kids into each trust. And now that eliminates the leverage that they can try and use against you because now the trusts own everything, you don't. Put your bank accounts into trusts. And with thinking that though, you got to remember that they can change the law to be, you know, so you're going to have to, if you do something like that, you're not going to be able to just cruise the rest of your life because until we get the criminals out of office, And out of being in charge, they could change the laws no matter what you do. They could try and change the laws. The Michigan legislators right now are attempting to change the Michigan trust code to change the jurisdiction of the courts on the property of the trust, the trustees, and the beneficiaries. They're trying to get personal jurisdiction over everything. Of course they are. And they're also changing the guidelines on guardians and guardianship. Of course they are. They're thieves. So you have to have a trust that addresses these things to shut it down. And one of the things that I put into a trust, and I have a template, I think I've shared it with you, is that the jurisdiction of the courts have to be de jure, which means they have to meet certain criteria in order to improve a de jure court. And if they can't do it, they have no jurisdiction over your trust. Send me that paperwork again and I'll put it out there for everyone. And we're not giving legal advice here. We're not telling anyone what to do. We are exploring all options right now because we have a rogue government. that is set against we the people. It is the enemy of we the people. And we need to explore everything that we can to pull this back into the Republic, which it was intended to be because it's not. And they don't even know the laws. I don't think half of them have even read the Constitution. I'll bet you there's not 5% of these people that have read the Constitution. You want to have fun? Next time you're stopped by a cop, ask them how many amendments there are to the U.S. Constitution. I guarantee you won't know. How many limits? How many amendments there are to the Constitution. Oh, how many amendments? If he doesn't know, say, how do you do your job if you don't know how many amendments there are to the U.S. Constitution? And then what does he say? As far as the trust, you know, the state of Michigan tried to pierce my corporate veil back in 98, 99. Livingston County tried three times to come after me financially, and they lost all three times because of how I have everything set up. So the trust sample that I put out there mirrors how I put the company and everything I put together so that they can't touch you. They can't pierce your veils. I'm going to bring in our next guest right here, Jalise, because Jalise is fighting for the J6ers. And what I want to do is I want to go full stop right now because you didn't hear the story of what's happened to a woman in Michigan. But she literally collapsed in prison. But she's had sexual abuse. She's never been arrested. She's not been arrested or charged, correct? She hasn't been properly arraigned. Properly reign. And so they're just holding her. And so I want to stop right now and I want to have everybody pray for her because that should be the first step that we do in addressing these issues is call God into this and ask his favor to fall mightily upon her and the terror of the Lord on those that are abusing her. And absolutely doing the wrong thing. And that goes to the Michigan State Police, the judges, the politicians, Whitmer, Benson, Nessel, all of them that are seated in a position of power that could help her. Because people are not helping people that are being abused. They run the other way because they're part of the problem. You know, you've got Marjorie Taylor Greene, who I believe was making money off of pharmaceuticals before she got in office, could have done something else. These people are in office, they've got a great song and dance, and they want to make us on the right or left, it doesn't matter. Believe the words of the snake's tongue coming out of their mouth. But if they don't step forward and do something, You've got the animal identified right there. You don't need any more proof. You've got common sense that says who you're talking to. So let's stop a minute and pray. Misty, right? Misty what? Misty Leanne. Misty Leanne. Dear Heavenly Father, our hearts are just absolutely full of just righteous indignation over what has happened to Misty Leanne. And we ask that you would bless her, that you would send your Holy Spirit to her in prison right now to comfort her, that she would have a peace that passes understanding, that you would shut down any evil plans that the judges, that the legislature, that Whitmer, Benson, and Nessel have, that you would throw confusion into the camps of the enemy, a tremendous confusion into the people who are holding her. the ones that have brought charges, the ones that are involved in the Michigan State Police right now, all of this. I ask that you send justice for what's been done, that you protect the innocent that's out there, that you bring this back into a lawful process, which you have created. You are a God of laws and processes so that we may live in peace with each other and live in peace with you. And we thank you so much for that structure and for those things that keep things in order. You're a God of order and we thank you for that. We ask that you would open the eyes for every single person that's involved in this and the ones that are listening. We ask that you would draw every single person who has committed a crime in this case to you, that you would bless them with your presence and that you would absolutely kick out anything that's demonic, that's set up to destruction, demoralization, of this woman and the process of laws in the state of America, in the United States of, or in the state of Michigan, in the United States of America. And I don't even know what to pray for exactly, but I know you know what is necessary in this situation. And we hand this entire thing over to you. We ask that you would help everyone out there to see the urgency and the desperate urgency that's needed here, that people would show up at the trial to be watchers, court watchers, and that no one would turn their backs on her any more than we will on the J sixers on president Trump and anyone else who has been, who has been persecuted by criminals that are in allegiance with Satan himself. We ask that you would throw confusion into the camp of Satan, that you would absolutely, um, absolutely turn this thing around to your honor and glory, that all good things would, would, uh, coming from you and the miracles that you're about to do we thank you in the name of jesus christ we pray amen so all right I'd like you to come back on again for a longer period of time I'm going to see if I can pull another two hours I know you're a super busy guy um but I want to talk to you about this because I think that this is something that we really need to work on and and and give give everyone a good plan to follow to hold these people accountable because all of them are off the rails and it doesn't matter it's the townships it's the county it's the state it's the board of elections it's all of them they're all protecting each other and so the only way that we get past this and they're they're weaponizing all of the three letter agencies the unconstitutional agencies the ones that are in violation of norton versus shelby county and judge cannon brought that up in her her um response to her opinion about United States versus Trump. And she actually put it in there, which means that she upheld the fact that this is a stare decisis law and that it's standing. And we can use the laws on the books to defend people and not just let them run roughshod over this nation. Unbelievable. I've had judges here in Michigan say, well, we don't go that far back. We only go back to about 1940 on case laws. I wonder why. we got a lot of news for them because we, the people are going to go back and we're going to go back, not to 1940, but to the original constitution, the way it was intended. And then we're going to go back one step further. And we're going to go back to the Bible, which laid out everything that this nation is built on. You can't, you can't turn a blind eye to this. If you do, you're in league with Satan. And I'm, I'm going to, leave it right there. You got any last words here now that you got me all, all completely pissed off. Yeah. I'm completely pissed off over this. You know, when, when I see somebody who is having, who is absolutely having an injustice done to them, I go straight. I mean, it's quick. I go from zero to a thousand miles an hour of outrage at what somebody is willing to do to another human being and, and then justifying it. For what? I don't get it. If you go after another human being, you're despicable. Yeah, we've thrown everything at this, including the kitchen sink, and we cannot figure out for the life of us why they're doing what they're doing. why they've dug their heels in so deep on this. It's got to be because they're just hellbent on setting an example that we're not going to tolerate anybody challenging our authority. And that's what she did. You know, here we are. We're talking about what a fix it, fix it, fix it, ticket type thing. You know, no proof of insurance, a box cutter and and refusing to show a license. You know, she stated she goes, I take the fifth. I'm not going to say anything. Well, that's not obstruction in any in any court. That's not obstruction. But yet they're making it a crime to say that, you know, if you take the fifth, if you refuse to answer questions, well, you're committing a crime. That's obstruction in their books. all right cops if there's any good cops out there right now listening it's up to you to clean this thing out you got to clean your own house out and or you're or you're involved in it this is despicable every single part of this is absolutely despicable so we just we just you know if any support can be given uh you know uh we we greatly accept it and greatly you know and I know she she would greatly accept you know any all support you know of any kind so Send me anything you can do that we can have a little group of encouragers that can encourage her and jump in to back her up on a human level. And I think that we can probably let's start the storm that they're looking for, because I think that that would be an awesome outcome of this. They want to fight. they're going to get one. And so I'm going to take a quick break here. I just real quick want to ask if there's a way he can get on and register her name so that she can start receiving some mail while she's in prison to encourage her. Yes. Okay. Okay. Yep. Okay. There we go. Well, they've deprived her from the law library there, so she can't even look things up in her defense. Yeah, they pulled out the phone, so I can't even talk to her now. They pulled her phone? Yeah. And the sheriff there has issued an order stating that all of her privileges are revoked until November 1st, which I find strange that because her trials in September, but the sheriff has revoked her privileges until November 1st. That to me sounds like a predetermination of the outcome of the case. What was his justification? And who's the sheriff there? I don't remember his name off the top of my head. Well, let's just look that up a minute because it's like, you know, we can't turn our back on this kind of stuff. And let's see, Tuscola. Tuscola Sheriff. Let's see who this is. I wonder if I talked to him. Welcome to the Sheriff's Office. We have Tuscola Sheriff's Office. Here we go. Sheriff's office. Got a phone number if anybody wants to talk to him. 989-673-8161. Tuscola Sheriff's office. Let's just, let's just give him the, the interested Sheriff Glenn Skrent, S-K-R-E-N-T. Let's check this out a minute because this is, if he wants, if they want to hide things, we're just going to help them out, putting it out in the light of what they've done. Sheriff Glenn Skrent. Tuscola County Sheriff's Office. And I think they owe her and everyone else. Oh, we can even put the staff out there. Let's see what we got. Here you go. There you go. Aren't you proud of yourselves? We got Under Sheriff Robert Baxter, Administrative Assistant Sharon Beach, Lieutenant Ted Hull, Lieutenant Brian Harris, Sergeant Justin Nitz, Detective Sergeant Joshua Herman, Sergeant Ryan Robinson, Sergeant Jordan Wade, Sergeant Ryan LaFleur, Sergeant Timothy Zube, Ashley Coleman, Spencer Coleman, Thomas Peterson, Uniform Division deputies. Chris Whetstone, William Webster, Kyle Brocker, Jonathan Perry, Tiffany Reynolds, Ryan Woods, Caleb Brock, Mallory Feeney, Sergeant Dan, corrections division, Sergeant Dan Lizowski, Sergeant Mike Schumann, Sergeant Brian Hammerline, Sergeant Rodney Friday. Friday's one of the bigger problem ones. So Sergeant Friday is a problem. So bad attitude cop there that are unlawfully detaining Misty Leanne appears to me. And if they don't have an answer for this, they're all of them guilty. All of them. Look at this. The whole bunch of them. I'm going to put this in my Telegram channel right now and we'll go back and I'll I'll go back and I'll put this out later, but this kind of work is important, guys. This is where we, you know, the boys and the, you know, the men and the boys get separated here. If you're willing to call them out, put your name on it. You know, I remember when I was first running for governor, I was kind of sneaking around as an anon, didn't put my name on things, you know, working behind the scenes. Run for governor. My name's all over everything. Put your name behind this. Refuse to stand down and demand to be heard. Whatever the consequence. This is the perfect sign of what I say all the time when interviewing the January 6th defendants. If you don't get involved now, you're next. And this is a sign of that. Like, where has the Calvary been? And now they've just moved on to the January 6th defendants and anybody else they want to take out. Yep. It's going on all over the place. They are weaponized. They've weaponized all of our organizations, our governmental organizations. Well, I'm going to jump on here, and then let me take a break real quick, and then we're going to move to the J6. Thanks, Mike. I'll be talking to you again. I think I'd like to do maybe a nighttime special. that we flip the camera on and you can bring on whoever you want. And if we can do this and then maybe a work meeting or something, because we could have a bunch of people that are on and lay this out and have a discussion on how to get people moving forward. I have a question. If you're suing somebody, say like Gretchen Whitmer in Pro Se case, can you name them in their official capacity or do you have to name them as an individual? You name them as the woman known as Gretchen Whitmer, who sometimes acts as a governor. Okay. And okay. The woman known as who acts as who sometimes acts as governor. Okay. Who sometimes, oh, my writing is terrible. You should see it. I look like a, I look like a, two-year-old writing. I'm writing so fast. So I might have to come back to you on that. All right, guys, we're going to take a real quick break right now. And then I'll be back with Jaleese Middleton, Brittany and Melissa. And thanks so much for coming on today, Mike. It's just, it's always a pleasure to talk to you. I'm going to tell you what, you're full of information, incredible amount of information you're bringing forward. So thank you so much. And thank you for the fight. Thank you. Get us in touch with Misty, please. All right. We'll be right back, guys. All right. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the third segment today, the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the 21st day of August 2024 and welcome to our show. I'm going to move right on to bringing everybody on here this morning. Good morning, Jalise. How you doing? I'm doing good. I feel like a hot mess this morning, but it is perfect and great. I'm so glad that you're on right now because I'm fairly pissed off right now with this story. You made me that way too now. Yeah. I mean, I like started, the more he talked, the more pissed off. And I mean, I'm not going to say angry. I'm going to say I am pissed off. They threw this woman in jail. She's been sexually abused in jail. She's not in proper arraignment and they're just holding her there. And this is and they keep they keep, you know, destroying her rights. I mean, this is not what America is supposed to look like. This is thug nation happening here. We can thank the Patriot Act for. stealing our constitutional rights. What's your thing to terrorists? Do you have none? And who gets to decide what a terrorist is? I'm going to say that is a perfect thing to put forward here because, you know, I have a real gripe with a lot of the people that are seated in the seats of power because we need to look at these people and say, who's behind the Patriot Act? Well, you know what? I think Pete Hoekstra is, who's running the Republican Party, the chairman of the Republican Party of the state of Michigan. And I think that Mike Rogers might have had something to do that. I met Mike and I've given them a chance to rescind what they've done because Pete Hoekstra signed that thing twice. And all I do is I see people that are sitting around like, oh, we're part of the cult here instead of holding these people accountable. It's like you people voted him in. He committed treason by signing that Patriot Act, not once, but twice. And nobody is doing anything to say, all right, buddy, we voted you in. Now, let's get your head out and get this thing fixed. No, they just keep going and they just blow right past it as they've taken real Americans captive. You need to go back and listen to this story. I'm going to have to decompress here a minute because, you know, I'm ready to be on my white pony with a sword's just a flying on me right now, you know. And don't be a stupid bill on me. It's not grab your torches and pitchforks time, but we need to hit these people with, with lawfare. that they have no wiggle room to get out of. If we have one honest governor in the state of Michigan, let's just put it that way, this would have been over. Instead of following the direction of the political cults, if people made up their mind for themselves under God, under the direction of God himself, this would have been done. And so, you know, we're only going to add insult to injury today because I've got two wives here that their spouses have come under the persecution of the government because of their involvement January 6th. And so anyway, we're going to jump right into it because these ladies have busy schedules today and may have to jump off early. If so, we'll try to get them back on here because their information is very crucial. I'm sorry I ran over. No worry. We have focused a lot on the January 6th defendants over the past couple of weeks, but it's super important to understand the ripple effect. I'll be right back. So continue. Absolutely. So what we're going to do is we're going to speak to these two women and hear an inside story of what it is doing to the families, because that is where the long term damage is going to come into effect if we don't turn this thing around, because it is jading the spirit of children against law enforcement, against our government, our country, and that is going to carry a long-term effect. So without further ado, hi, Melissa. Hi, Brittany. Hi. Thank you. Thank you for the invite and getting us on. I'm sorry it ran so over. Sometimes you run into circumstances where you can't let the viewers fall short of really understanding. So anyway, Melissa, who is your spouse and what has been going on? So it's my fiance's, Chris Alberts. Gosh, what's been going on? It's been almost four years now. I mean, we'd probably be here all day if I told you every little detail. So you might have to reel me back in at some point or another. So I guess- I first want to say thank you, Donna, for having us on and prayers for your mama. I hope she pulls through and that God's got his hand over her heart and just watching over her today. Yeah, it's thank you. It's really been heartbreaking. She called me last night and she's like, help me, help me, help me, Donna. And, you know, when you hear when you hear something like that, it's kind of one of those things that, you know, you you it's it's a hard thing for everybody to watch, but we all have to go through them. And even this time is in God's hands. And there's always good that comes out of everything. We just have to be patient and know that God's there. We saw a couple of rallies by her, but it's a tough time, right? Yeah, absolutely. And I mean, you got it spot on. We've just got to remember to surrender. And I think that's the hardest part of walking this human life here on Earth is just remembering to surrender and that we don't have control over these situations. But I mean, I feel especially that God's definitely got his hands in this. So last week, Chris Scott moved and he was in Oklahoma in a transfer facility. He was in Elkton, Ohio for the past year now. And then so I get word that he's moving to Michigan. And then like within the same hour, Jalees reaches out and says, I got this interview. I've got chills up and down my arms even right now talking about it. I've been telling everybody that this is just God moving. So this is really weird because I'm going to bring this up right now because I brought it up to Julie. So this weekend, you know, listening to everybody's things and I'm sitting here, you know, I'm like a little kid playing in a sandbox, right? I don't have all the answers, but I keep going. And this weekend I got talking about it and I said, you know what? We need to find some housing for the, for, for people because they're trying to split families and impoverish Americans. Right. And I said to her, I said, you know what? I had interviewed somebody for a job and He's a Christian. And he said, I prayed about it. He said, I don't know why this is an amazing opportunity, but God keeps telling me to turn it down. And I'm like, this is incredible, because after I interviewed you, God put it on my heart to help the Jay Sixers. So, you know, I could probably give somebody a job or several people and also housing. That's awesome. Yeah, that'll be huge. I mean, that's a big thing, too, is like now a lot of people who have been in for all these years, they're getting out and, you know, they're going to need a lot of support to transition. These guys are men and women are never going to be the same mentally, emotionally, physically. And they've been forever. financially decimated at this point. So like, it's like starting over in life. Except, you know, some of these people have kids, have families. So it's not like they're just worried about themselves. They've got, you know, little humans that are looking up to them or have had their fathers or mothers ripped out of the home. So it's, it's heartbreaking. There's actually somebody who was moved local here and I've been working to try to help get him a job in this area. And he's all the way from Texas and he got put in a halfway house in Baltimore, Maryland. So it's, It's really it's easy, but it really takes an army and all of us. We have to pull resources. And that's been something I've talked about for a very long time is, you know, if it's administrative, if it's doing social media stuff, if it's finding just through your network people that can help these guys, that's what we have to do. We have to get creative. Well, and everybody needs to do it in their local area with where they are and what you have. You know, God gives us all gifts and you can take an assessment of the gifts that you have. And how can you use what you have to help others in this situation? You don't have to have a big foundation organization. You've got you and that's enough. You have to have a heart. You know, people used to always question me throughout the years because I've always been the worst about opening my home to anybody. You know, if they needed a place and people go, I don't know how you can do that. You know, my house is too small, blah, blah, blah. I said, there's never a too small problem except when it comes to your heart. And, you know, I look at Harriet Tubman, look at what all she could do with what she had. If everybody would just take an interest and say, I'm not going to do nothing. But unfortunately, everyone's running and hiding like, you know, the last story where they know right from wrong and they're choosing to be part of the wrong. And just so you know, scripture is so clear in Revelation 21 that if you're a coward, you will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. So good luck to you. Well, there's rules even in the Bible for how you treat prisoners and people who are, you know, you don't just you don't get to treat people no matter what their station in life is and justify it by, you know, in the manner that they're treating these people that are political prisoners. A hundred percent. I mean, the problem is that these people don't answer to God. They don't have any moral structure. They don't have a faith based system. They don't have those answers. There's nothing that's below them. And so, you know, it doesn't matter what they do to people. But the judge of all judges will one day meet them and will make that call. So we just have to as much as we have to. like use the fire that's within us for a positive notion. We have to try not to get distracted or get angry or disappointed. You know, commonly we compare RJ Sixers situations to what's going on with these other protesters. We know that they're paid to do what they're supposed to do. These guys went because they paid the price that God told them to pay. They were spiritually called that day. I don't care what anybody says. They were led there. It's for a reason. And we were all made for such a time as this that we're walking in right now today. There's no mistakes. There's no coincidences. It sucks, but it's for a reason. Melissa, that is an outstanding point because that was the first thing that shocked me when I finally got over my fear and started reaching out to other January 6th defendants is how many times over and over and over I started hearing them say I was called there that day, which was my story. And I'm like, have you heard my story and you're copying me? But it's too much. It's way too much. There's no way. We were called there that day. A hundred percent. And you know, some people will say it's a blessing, it's a curse, but the sooner you can get your head wrapped around why we're going through this and trust in him, I mean, because it's the ultimate sin to not walk in faith. And I have not been a perfect person, but this story has brought mine and Chris's relationship to a much stronger place. It's brought my faith to a much stronger place. I've been blessed with a lot of people that have come out of the woodwork, family and friends. Some of them have really disappointed us or totally shut us out during these times, but I've had complete strangers jump in and And just get in the ring and fight with me or pull me out of the corner. Like I lost my brother five days before Chris was sentenced. And like when you have nothing left but strength to rely on, like, boy, does it really show? Like people will be like, how do you do it? I don't know. Except for the fact that God gets me up every day, kicks me in the ass and says, wait, there's more. I don't I don't have any other. There's not a secret weapon. I don't have a special tool belt. I got the armor. God, I got my faith. And I know that, you know, I'm like my brother Chris is coming home one day. But I had no time to stop. I had no time to even really mourn. They took that from me. They wouldn't even give us a continuance knowing that. So, you know, it was Chris's sentencing. I got up there on the stand and I spoke to the judge and I was just like. You know, it's unbelievable that they would take advantage of people in emotional times like this. But it's again, they don't care. There's nobody that they answer to. They don't believe in karma. They don't believe in being judged by God. So there's nothing that they won't do. But I've had so many people step up and help us. Even a few weeks ago, I did an event. So I met a woman in my area that's part of the Baltimore Women's Republican Club. And she's just got a huge network of people and she's been trying to get me in front of all these audiences. And in the audience at a VFW a few weeks ago, I had a lawyer. I think he was a finance lawyer who basically told me the best way through this is just to put your head down, be quiet and try to just navigate from behind the scenes, you know, to try to just focus on getting Chris home because you're not going to win. And I said, well, sir, with all due respect, it really depends on what you define as a win. A win for me is not shutting up. It's not cowering. It's not giving up on my worst days because I very easily could have. I could have sat in a corner, rocked myself to sleep, cried and just prayed for it to all be over. But instead, I look to him. I pray. I read my Bible every day. I go to church and I just keep trying to remember to surrender and not walk in my anxiety and my fear. My church has been really good to us. Last week was also Chris and I's nine year anniversary. And my pastor's wife brought me a bouquet of flowers. I don't know why she said, but this week you were just heavy on my heart. And I don't know if these are from me or Chris. And I told her I was laughing and crying at the same time because it was just such a beautiful notion. But I was like, I totally forgot that it's our anniversary. But he sent me a letter and he's like, happy anniversary, my love. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, I forgot. It's not something the woman usually does, but he was good by it. But we've been going so hard. Like, I mean, I've been fighting every day since he's left. And that's why this year has gone by so quick. We just filed his appeal last Friday, not this past Friday, but the Friday prior. So I've been focused on trying to get some amicus briefs written to support his appeal. So I've been focused on that. And then I was looking forward to this interview. I've got a couple other interviews I want to get lined up. And then we were just praying and waiting to find out where Chris was going to get moved to. So, I mean, we don't know. I didn't even know how long the transfer process was going to take. But one of the biggest things right now outside of like the amicus briefs and, of course, getting that appeal filed is – So in Elkton, Ohio, where he was at previously, he wasn't getting any of the medical treatment. So I'm hoping maybe Michigan's better. That's what Chris said. A lot of people are really frustrated that he got sent even further away from home. But again, I'm just trusting that God's got a plan. There's a reason he went there. And then when I found out I was going to get on here to interview with you and talk to you a little bit, I was like, OK, see, I'm not even going to stress this because that was not a coincidence. Where in Michigan is he being sent? To Milan, I think is how you say it. M-I-L-A-N. Okay. He just got there this morning. So hot off the press, he's in Michigan. Wow. Unbelievable. That is that is not coincidental. Obviously, the Lord is pulling us together for some reason. And I think that's an amazing story you've told me. Tell me what your life with Chris look like before January 6th. So before, I mean, Chris and I, we met online, ironically, and we were kind of like attached to the hip since like day one. So this is the longest we've ever been apart. Like we did everything together. We were that corny couple that people probably thought were cheesy and annoying because we did everything together and there was like nothing we didn't share, probably overshared. But we had moved to Maryland just before COVID from New Jersey, which is where we met. And then we moved down here. We were going to save up to get a house. And then we were going through saving up for IVF treatments because that hadn't worked out really in our favor. But I just don't think it was the time yet. And that was another thing right before Chris went away. We had gone through a cycle because we didn't know when he'd be home and I'm not getting any younger. But I've got a little a little something stored away for a good day when I can get the funds together. And when I get my stress levels to a point where when God tells me it's time, then I'll try one more time. And if not, hopefully he gets home sooner than later and we can start a family. But that's kind of where we were before all this happened. And then it's just been fighting ever since and not knowing what to really expect. We went through what this government could have very well stolen an entire family from you. I mean, essentially they did. They stole my best friend, they stole my brother, and they stole my opportunity as a woman to probably have a family if we don't get him home. This just infuriates me. It really, really infuriates me. When I see, you know, these J6ers that are childbearing years, you know, I've seen it with many of them that now they're holding them in prison a length of time that that may very well steal that from them And, um, I'm going to pray against that. I want you to know, but it just makes me, I too, my children are infertility babies and I understand that walk, um, a pain beyond belief that I don't think you can understand until you walk it. And so my heart pours out to you for Thank you, Julie. Well, and I really appreciate you being real honest and telling your story, because the thing of it is, is that when when people have actions like what's happened against the Jay Sixers and such, there are people behind this. This is not just a oh, yeah, there's people in prison, which a lot of people see it that way. They don't connect this with actual people's lives that are being destroyed by. the feds erection that was a set up by our criminal government. You know, that's why these segments are so important. And I feel like the Lord took it over from day one with me and you, Donna, because there's these ladies have probably done podcasts. I've done hundreds of them. But nobody ever focused on who are you? Not the J6 or we all know the J6 story. Everyone can see one video until it was a setup like that. I wanted, and I really believe it was of God. I want people to see the person. because these weren't hardened criminals. Yeah, some people had a criminal background. They had already moved on past it. There are so few January 6th defendants that were active criminals that within two years they'd committed a crime and it was just a regular lifestyle. I could probably count them on one hand. I mean, there were so few. Most of the people had never had a criminal past. They were just happy getting peanuts thrown at them for trying to go to a job every day and feed their family and Rob Peter to pay Paul day in and day out to do the right thing and be on the treadmill. And they love their country, love their family and planned on dying with the peanuts they had that they managed to store up that their children didn't eat. And, And here we are, our lives annihilated. The peasants, the dictators stepped on the peasants and have destroyed us. But the story doesn't even end there because you see the spirit of Melissa. You're going to see it in Brittany. You're going to see it in Brittany's husband. You see it in Chris. You see it in every January 6th defendant and their family. It's like, oh, that's game on. We're ready to fight now. We have nothing to lose except to come out swinging. Amen. And so, you know, all they did, I mean, man, all they did is wake the sleeping giant. And the sleeping giant, come to find out what Americans, it was mamas and wives when you tore up their family. That's what's a sleeping giant. And so I can only imagine how this is going to turn out. But I know that God's on our side. And when God is with you, who can be against you? So this is going to be an interesting thing here. I think the feminazis that started this nonsense who turn out to be nothing more than little bitty snowflakes with an attitude are going to find out what real women are all about. And I'm not confused. And I don't think any of you guys are confused. You kick a mama bear, which is a real woman. And it is like the claws come out and the gloves come off. You threaten our families. That's not like a snowflake wannabe. That's a mother who's willing to protect her, those that they love. And I think I think they open up a massive can of whoop ass here. I'm just going to say that. I know that Melissa is starting to get in a bind on time. Melissa, we'll try to get you on again for sure. But how can we be helping you right now? So I'll try to squeeze it in. So one of the main focuses with Chris's case was, well, he was charged for assault, which is a big one. And then he also brought his Second Amendment with him. So I want to be transparent about that. Never drew it, never touched it. But he was arrested at the end of the night on January 6th. He was cracked in the head by a baton by an MPD officer. That officer almost years later is continuing to be hidden by the police and also the FBI. They've corroborated the story. The officer who wrote the report lied multiple times in the grand jury testimony and then when he was on the stand in Chris's trial. So Officer Dallin Haynes absolutely lied. And then you had the FBI corroborate the story. There's another case that's going on right now. They're pulling the same stuff with these assault things. So whether he had a weapon with him, which I think Brittany's husband had something and they can make anything a dangerous, a deadly weapon. It could be a shoe. This gal that was on before you guys is they said she had a weapon and it was a box cutter that she had in her back seat and they call it a weapon, you know, a box cutter for, you know, a cop calling a box cutter a weapon because it's something she does for her job. I mean, that's, that's like about the, one of the most cowardly things that I could think of. You know, she was sitting in her backseat. She wasn't wielding it. Yeah. They had, they had these blanket charges. They threw them at the wall to see what would stick. And then they figured out how they would paint the narrative of their lies. And you know, the devil is a liar a hundred percent and they can't even keep up with their own lies. So it's all good because the truth will speak for itself and it will come out. And that is, you know, that is our biggest burden is not standing down because our, our path to walk on is the exposure of all this corruption and to be the change we want to see and to be those people. So I'm still trying to get some exposure to this officer that hit Chris that could have killed him. Chris also has a cyst on the back of his neck that wasn't there before he was hit with that baton. And he's not getting the medical treatment in there. He has lots of different back injuries and things like that. But my main focus is the fact that he has a cyst that could get exacerbated in there. And if it's not monitored every six months or so, which is what the VA said they would do, they didn't want to remove it at the time. they would monitor every six months, it could potentially be lethal. So, you know, this guy has no accountability. Chris has an injury that's being ignored. I have a petition that I shared in the chat that I'm trying to just get as many signatures on out there. And then I've written the oversight committee a couple of times and I want to just take this petition and then Keep going at it because I know that if I'm anything, I'm persistent. And I'm just going to keep trying to get that out there and get some accountability for this officer that hit him. There was no proper documentation. The officer lied and said he didn't know that Chris was hit, even though it was his own body cam footage where you can see this other officer hitting him. So the arresting officer is not the officer that hit him. The officer that hit him immediately tucks himself in the crowd and hides. So if the man did nothing wrong, what are you hiding from, number one? He had a face mask up to here. He had his helmet on. You cannot see the guy. You can't identify him. Nothing on his uniform. But somebody knows who that man is. And I don't know how he sleeps at night knowing that he could possibly kill somebody, whether they did wrong. In this case, Chris had no idea he was getting hit in the head and dropped to the ground and then arrested. He was not warned at all. He wasn't told to freeze. He wasn't told to stop. He just literally got cracked in the head and was dropped to the ground. It's the last thing I seen the night of January 6th until like 36 hours when he got home. I didn't know if he was alive or dead. And then still almost four years later, we don't know who this person is. There's no accountability. So I just want to bring light to that situation. They also hid that arresting footage for almost two years, saying that that footage failed to upload conveniently. Oh, isn't that funny? They lost that. Again, like it was that we were talking about before. They conveniently lost the body cam. Yeah. When I heard that, I was like, sounds familiar. Yeah. Liars. Yeah. Yep. And we found it and we're like, praise God, this is it. You know, they can't lie. They can't hide from it now. Sure enough, the judge didn't even give it the time of day in his courtroom. Everything was prejudicial to the government. It was a complete show trial. Yeah. The decisions made before you even go through the door and you sense it. You sense that you're you're like in a movie production where they're just going through the scenes to make it look legit. But the decision was made before you walked in. Yeah. Well, every branch of our government, the judicial executive, everything has been infiltrated. And like, you know, now they're going after the Supreme Court, which is the last hope. So there's nothing that they'll stop at. But we're in their way. So I don't plan on moving. And I don't think Brittany does. I don't think you do. I'm pretty sure they like you guys said they picked the wrong ones because there's nothing stronger than love and love is going to win. Absolutely. You know, I've said it and it made them furious when I said it, but I'll say it again. The only thing they can do to me is martyr me. That's it. Because I'm a born again believer to live as Christ, to die as Cain. If I go home, I get to be with my father. And if I stay here, I get to witness to everybody far and wide and see the kingdom of God prevail. So either way, this is gonna win. But one thing that's not gonna happen is they're not gonna prevail in this. They're not gonna prevail. So it's just a matter of suffering and enduring for the Lord Jesus Christ. God knows he did so much more than we've ever been asked to. So we just stand firm. I've been woke up with many dreams to tell me to stand firm. So, Melissa, I hope you can stand firm. I know you will. I have no doubt about it. And I'm going to do everything to get you back on the show. I think it's important that they see the family side of things. This is great. These men that come out of prison, they're amazing and they got an amazing story and you see the power behind them. But they won't really talk about the emotional wounds of things. And that's where it's important to bring the family in because guys, this is a long-term effect. This has got the damage they've caused. I see going beyond 50 years because of the harm that they're doing right now. This is like this type of torture crap going on. Absolutely. If we began to tell you stories of the lack of medical treatment in the prison, because I know these ladies know the stories too. People would be infuriated. They literally intend to let them die of natural causes. Well, they're doing that in the hospitals now, too. I can tell you a couple of examples of that. You know, if they want to get somebody out of the way. I mean, this is the structure that's going on right now. It's so satanic. It's unbelievable. You know, during during the whole covid thing, I allege and I'm going to stick with us that they tried to kill my mom when, you know, during during that. And I will also allege that one of my dearest friends, she went in, you know, it's not just a J6, it's in the schools, it's like, It's like this transgender nonsense. How many suicides are happening from body mutilation? How many people are they killing in the prison systems? Because that's what they're doing. I mean, these are some sadistic, nasty people that are behind this. I mean, these people are not human. They're not right. And they're not human. It's the spirit that dwells in them. You know, it's the demonic spirit. Remember, he is the author of Confucian. And, you know, so I'm not surprised that all of a sudden someone can't look down and figure out they're male or female because he's author of confusion. That's what he does. And these people are embedded. They didn't realize they left themselves open to it. It for whatever reason, it's easier for them to believe there's no God than to believe there is a God and that you're going to be held accountable for that when you don't choose to walk with God. Melissa, I know you're starting to get backed in a corner. I'm going to cut you free if you need to go. And I'm going to jump in and introduce our next guest. I got to tell you, I knew Brittany before Brittany knew me. She didn't know it, but I was keeping up on the J6 cases. And her husband come across. And when I pulled up their family picture... I saw the spirit of God on that family. She don't know this. I saw it. And he was proud of that family. And so I follow her very closely because I know that the Lord is protecting them. And like I say, she don't even know that this is the introduction. She had no idea. I've never told her. Um, but I've had very special favor as my sister in Christ. And I've never even spoke to her of any length. So anyway, Brittany, will you introduce yourself? So today's the day. Yeah. So you don't know, but I knew about you too. I watched your little, you know, your little 30 second or 60 second, you know, things and it encouraged me. And so I was watching you too. Yeah. We just didn't know we were watching each other. Exactly. Exactly. You know, our spirits recognize one another. And I say that all the time. But, you know, just like when Mary went into the presence of Elizabeth, both of them pregnant. Elizabeth said that John jumped for joy in her womb because he recognized Jesus as the Messiah, even in the womb. And I believe our spirits do that. When we get into the presence of another believer, it's like we just want to jump for joy. We get excited. There's a bright light that comes to us. We feel encouraged and restored and strong. And you've been that for me. So I'm happy that you're on. I'm happy you accepted that. the request. I know you're limited on time, too, but we're just going to get us back on today. You know, Brandenburg News Network is kind of like an amoeba and sometimes introducing people and giving them, you know, actually the first time on people get are usually a little more nervous. And the second time they come on, it's realized, oh, I'm just sitting here having coffee with friends. Yes. They know stress situation, you know. Tell us about yourself, your situation, Brittany, what your life looked like before J6. So it's so crazy to me to hear, you know, so many people caught up in this. You know, I've been speaking at events. Republican assemblies, FRA in my state. I mean, anywhere that will listen to my mouth, I have been going since Michael had to self-surrender back in April of 23. Honey, he reported for duty. He didn't self-surrender. I just clarify it right now. And so, you know, I have heard so many testimonies and I have been saying this in every meeting that for such a time as this, you know, and I've heard it from everybody and it just reiterates to me that God. orchestrated this we think you know satan did it but god did it and um that gives me the strength and the courage to keep going you know to know that I would never have chose this path I don't believe um but to know that god trusts me with it he trusts me with this and so you know I've been um I had a really rough upbringing. My father was an alcoholic for most of my childhood, and he was an angry drunk, and he was a fighter. And I was a fighter. Before I became a Christian, I had a temper and I was a fighter. And since I've been saved, you know, the Lord has helped me use that for good and that fighting spirit. And now I know why I walked the path I did when I was a child, because God knew I needed to have that hardness about me. You know, one of the very first conferences I ever went to as a new believer, the lady said, spoke on enduring hardness as a good soldier of Christ. And I wrote that in my Bible. That was the first thing I wrote in my Bible was endure hardness. And that has stuck with me. And I've went through some hard things with my husband, with my marriage, you know, And with all of this, I've endured some hardness. Um, but that, that was my calling. And I honestly believe that. And, um, my husband and I are high school sweethearts. Um, we've been dating since we were dating since we were 17 years old. And, um, about five years after that, we both surrendered to the Lord, gave our hearts to the Lord. Um, we have a 21 year old son and my daughter turned 18 yesterday. And, um, he was very involved in our church. He was like my pastor's right-hand man, you know, anything you needed and maintenance, he's an electrician. He could do anything. And, um, he went to homeless shelters. We fed the homeless. We were involved in our pregnancy center and our local community. Um, you know, he had a drug problem when he was a young, a young man, he was like 12. He had a drug problem and he was very troubled kid. He had a broken home too. And, um, He went into juvenile facilities and men's prisons and shared his testimony and tried to help young men not walk the path he walked. And, you know, I just had a meeting I spoke at last night and I told him, you know, I deserve to be in jail. He's the salt of the earth type of man, you know, I'm the mean one. He's the sweetest, always has a smile on his face, you know, just a good man that loves God. He loves his country and he doesn't deserve what has been done to him and all that he has endured. You know, he's endured a lot in this prison system and it's just been, um, it's hard, you know, it's very hard, but I hear stories like Misty's, you know, and it just reminds you that there's somebody else out there that has it a lot worse off than you do. And, um, you just count your blessings, you know, and you don't hang on to that stuff because it'll, it'll eat you up, you know, spit you out. And, and I'm not going to let that happen. I think the revolution to start right now is to pray for every single person in the prison system that's abusing prisoners and the judges and the people that are not following the law because our nation is a nation of laws. It's not of men. It's of laws. And we need to remember that, that that the best thing that we can do is send some firepower from God in their direction. And and I think that could really change some very lost people who are doing the wrong thing. He'll he'll bring he'll bring the action if we ask him. Well, you know, before when I say for such a time as this, you know, my husband had experience going in the men's facility and I was a new Christian and he would beg me to go. And I'm like, I'm not going to prison. I fought my whole life to stay out of that place. I'm not going in willingly. What crazy person, you know, is going to go in there willingly. And, you know, about five years ago, God got a hold of my heart and I've been going in a women's prison in our state for five years. And, um, teaching and just encouraging those ladies. So I knew from their stories, the nightmare that they lived through every single day. Tell us about them. So the facility I go in is in around where Michael's located in Ocala. It's one of the biggest women prisons in the state of Florida. And these, these women, there's investigations that have been going on there for, I don't know how many years, but they were pimping women out in that facility. And, you know, they would tell us these things and just the stuff that they do to them. And, you know, they limit you coming in because they know they talk to you. And so they would give us a hard time every time we tried to come in that facility. And we're volunteering. We're not getting paid to do this. You know, we go in there with a heart to really let them know they're not lost or forgotten and, you know, to share Jesus with them and let them know that, somebody loves them. And they would just, you know, we would, it's like two hours from my house. So I drive, sometimes they wouldn't let us in, you know, for whatever reason. And it's because they knew they would open up to us and tell us the things that were going on in that place. And so it's just been a lot of torture going on for a lot of time. And unfortunately, you know, we're law abiding citizens. We're not really in the system a lot. And you don't know until you have somebody that's caught up in it. And then you start seeing the darkness that's involved. And that's one of the reasons I believe God's letting us walk through it. You know, he's shining a light on this stuff that's going on and how just people are being treated is wrong. I just got to tell you, I now know. why the Lord highlighted you to me, our stories are identical. I was a prison minister. Wow. And I married my husband at 19. We started dating at 16. We met at 14 and found Christ along the way through doing everything in life wrong. So I get it now. Mm-hmm. That's awesome. That's how the Lord works, though. Like, you can't make this stuff up. No, you can't make it up. And you just can't. I got chills thinking about it, but you can't make this kind of stuff up, you know? Nope, you sure can't. You know, it just he sends stuff like this to show us I'm still on the throne. I see what's going on. I've got you. You know, I always say, I got you boo. Like he's got us. Okay. And, and he sends little moments like that all the time. It's just little reminders. I'm still here. I'm still running it. Don't get weary. Stay the course. Keep looking ahead. Don't look behind. Don't look too far ahead. If you're like me, I wake up every morning and I can literally only look at the step in front of me. If I even look at halfway through the day, I get overwhelmed and I shut down. Yeah, I feel you. You know, Michael was I stayed at home. I homeschooled my children. And, you know, he was the provider. And we went from, you know, his income to nothing, you know, and it's been 14 months and I've not lacked anything. You know, I'm not the Lord. Yeah. I mean, he has stepped in time and time and time again and provided every single need and even the things I want, you know, and he's a good God. He's been good to me. Our stories are identical. I'd say the same thing. I've been out of work for a year and both of us, and yet we're provided for. And I tell the story and I always preface it with, you're not going to believe me, but I'll tell you the story of how we're surviving because we have an envelope that we had saved some money in before, after January 6th, but before we went with public defenders where people were donating to us and things like that. and it wasn't much it was not much but when we'd go to count it the lord would tell my husband I I'm the one riding oh count it I need to know are we gonna make it I'm the financial person and he would go and not do it and finally I was mad at him and I'm like go count that money and he literally said if you want it counted you go count it the lord's telling me not to count it and I'm like whatever I go to count it and I'm like I feel the wall like and I feel the lord tell me don't count that money yeah I'm like okay so that's gonna be a new faith walk for me so I'm not gonna count the money and we haven't and the envelopes never went empty that's awesome it's been about two years now yeah that's amazing Well, girls, this is wonderful. I'm going to have to step off here because I've got a few things I got to get done. If you want to continue on, I'll let you guys continue to talk, you know, to talk here and I'll come back. Just let me know when you need me to end the broadcast. But I've got a couple of things that I need to get done here and I keep getting calls. So I need to check on, see what's going on. Okay. Thank you so much. Thank you. It's nice to meet you. And hopefully we'll have you and Melissa back on again. Okay. Thank you. Oh, this is fantastic, Brittany. I really feel like I've got a long lost sister in you. I'm excited by your determination to speak out about Jesus Christ. You know, you're in the January 6th movement, just like we are. I hate to call it a movement. It's so much more than that. But you're around all the people and you hear everyone. We just got to fight. We got to, you know, Civil War, World War Three and all of this. And and I bet you're like me. I'm like, guys, you're just throwing punches at ghosts. Mm hmm. We don't have any one to be mad at. This is a war of good and evil. The spiritual battle and these battles are only one on our knees. They are not a battle of flesh and blood. You know, this is about principalities and the power there. And that is Satan and this Antichrist spirit that wants to take over. And I believe that's why, you know, he's going so hard after us for going to D.C. You know, we poke the bear. We were over the target. And so I honestly feel like, you know, the media and stuff, they want us to fight with our neighbor. They want us to, you know, red or blue, you know, Democrat or Republican. They want to divide us that way because they know if we fight each other, you know, we ain't going to worry about them. And that's what I talk a lot about, too, when I speak, you know, be united. Because if we're united, then there's nothing that they can do. you know absolutely you know and the thing of it is is you you know and I'm just coming to this maturity I'm going to be honest so at first I was so angry at nancy pelosi because I do feel like she is the one behind it she's the jezebel spirit and and I was so angry at her and and all that just fell into order I called them the brown shirts and the boxcar loaders And what I've discovered along the way is that's misplaced anger because you don't know what you don't know. And these people are lost. They have been raised just like us in a nation where it's the one with the most toys wins. Materialism is at its highest. We're a capitalist country. You know, capitalism is the rule of life. And I'm not bashing all those things, but When you never let the Holy Spirit come in and take over, then that's all you know. And you will do anything to get more of it. If it's not put in check, you'll do anything to, you know, depending on your level of competitiveness to be at the top. The scriptures tell us there's nothing new under the sun and the enemy tempts us with all the same stuff. It's old hat, new day. And so, you know, here we are now and we're so-called victims of it. I almost feel guilty saying that because I don't feel like a victim. I feel like a victor. It's just, it hadn't been announced yet. Yeah. We're still waiting. It's the waiting. Yeah. The waiting is very, very hard. So how many children do you have, Brittany? So I have a 21-year-old son and his name is Shane. And then I have my daughter, Emery. and um yeah like she's 18 she just turned 18 so okay so two children okay well that is fantastic it's good they're as old as they are how are they coping with this so my daughter she was actually with us at the capitol that day so she's had a lot of trauma she's been working through um the raid kind of brought up a lot of that too because it was so violent um And, you know, we both struggled with a little bit of PTSD from it for a while. So she's, and, you know, she was a daddy's girl, so she's taken it the hardest. And, you know, my son, he, he is really close with his father too. They, they, my husband had a small business, so they worked together every single day, you know, and my son and him fish, you know, on Saturdays. And, and so he's missing his dad, you know, he's just more quiet about it. And, um, but he's stepped up a lot and, um, you know, he was saving for his future and he's been helping me with some bills and things since his dad has been gone. So, you know, he's amazing kids, you know, just very, um, just determined to, you know, and, um, my daughter, you know, I feel the worst about her cause she was so young and, um, you know, just missing her daddy like she does. And, and she dreaded this birthday. She's like, I'm going to be a woman, you know, I don't want to be an adult when my dad comes home. And she's, you know, he, he had, he sent her flowers and on her birthday, and he had a card on there that said, doesn't matter how old you get, you'll always be my baby girl. So yeah, Those are things people cannot understand unless you speak them. I didn't even think about that, but I could see me because what does daddy say? You're daddy's little girl. And then all of a sudden you're a woman. And it's like, by the time you come out, I'm going to be a grown woman. What if I want to get married? Yeah. I can't get married because I'm waiting on you to walk me down the aisle. And, you know, I want to start a family and then you hold back your family and all this stuff that we don't think about unless we talk about it of how the long-term effects of the damage of this on family. Yeah. My son, he has his first girlfriend, you know, and my husband, I just went and seen him Saturday and he's like, I'm missing everything, you know? I was telling him how cute they were together and how sweet my son's been to her. And he's like his daddy. And, you know, and he was just sad that he's missing it, you know. And so there are things that, you know, you'll never get back, you know, time, you know, that they've stolen. They'll never, you know, never, ever be able to pay back the time that they've stolen. But I know Job's story, you know, and he lost everything, everything a man could lose, he lost. But I know the end of that story too. And the Lord restored to him so much more than he even lost. And God's going to do that for us to fully believe you in that, too. You know, he never took the hope out of my heart. I've never been, you know, the dreamer type. My husband carried that role in our marriage. I was, you know, miss facts and reality and what's in front of my face, you know. So every now and then he'd have to reign me in, you know, show me the dream and the visions. And I would be so hard on him. In fact, you know, I've got people, friends that live here with us now because they're going to take our property. and take care of it when we go into the prison system. And they've heard me say it 1,000 times. My husband will start talking about this dream and that dream. We're going to do this. We're going to do that. Mind you, we're looking at nine years in prison. Okay, I'm 54. There's not a woman in my family that lived past 62. I'll spend the rest of my life in prison the way it looks with my eyes, right? But I will literally say to my husband, would you please get off your unicorn and quit riding the rainbow? We need to talk about things. You know, but the reality is we, you know, he balances that out in me because that's not the end of the story. That's not the story the Lord has wrote for me. And I still see our life at the beach. We planned on retiring at the beach and I still see it happening. But you're right. There's been a lot of things lost that can't be regained. I've had two grandchildren that I couldn't be there for my children during their births. And one of them I've still never met. And he's four or five months old now. And, you know, what do I do with that? they don't even know my name. They don't know my voice. They don't know the love that only a grandmother can give. They're being denied that. My children and the long-term effects of that, that I can't go see them. And you know how it is. You're broke when you have children. You have no vacation time because they're getting sick all the time and you have no money. And So they don't have a way to get to me. And the whole family is severed because of this, not because of different belief and ideologies. And, you know, I raised my children in the church. We're all like minded. But it's the the the trauma that the government is imputing onto our family that is just separating us by distance. Yeah. So You know, it hurts me for your daughter. I'm like you. I know it's hard for the son because he had a special bond with his dad by working with him. You know, when you do work, you get frustrated. And you get a lot of stress. And especially when you're self-employed. And his son walked through all that with him. So there's a special bond. Make up for it on Saturdays. They go fishing. Yeah, make up for it. It's like, sorry I called you a jerk. Yeah. sorry I threw that tool and it bounced off the tire and almost hit you in the head you know yeah that's for sure you can tell with I too was a stay-at-home mom I didn't do as much homeschooling but I did homeschool one of my children for a short time and um And so we definitely went through the difficulties of a single income family trying to make it work. And it creates a special bond because you really suffer together. You can't be materialistic. You have to focus on what's important. And I praise God now that I raised my children that way because now I see how Satan has lured everybody away by making them think they have to have that job. you don't have to have a job. All you have to have is faith in the Lord. And he's going to provide for you if you're not at that job to honor him, if he called you to it, because he actually called me away from my job after January 6th. I did get fired, but I, I went right back to work and at another company. And then he called me to leave it. And I'm like, what? Like, I'm one of the lucky ones. What are you telling me here? But I just didn't want to be a Jonah. I'd already had a big Jonah story in my life. And so I obeyed. And it's been biggest blessing that I could draw closer to him in a time I needed to be able to be very close with him. Yeah. I can't tell you how many applications I filled out. You know, I'm like, feeling like I need to work somewhere full time, you know, and none of it, you know, I'm like everywhere, everywhere's hiring, but you won't hire me. He's preserving you for himself. He wants you to lean into him. Yeah, and you know I do. I clean how I clean so I have a couple of cleaning jobs and things so I mean I have income but I was thinking I needed to add more. You know I do need you know financially. Yes, I do need more income. But, you know, God has just not opened that door yet. And it's allowed me to be able to be in the word more and, you know, pray more. You know, my kids have been spiritually attacked. And, you know, this is a hard it's hard for me, you know, and I've been a Christian since 2005, you know, and for a young adult, you know, that has literally watched their family be torn to pieces over this. And to not build up a bunch of bitterness towards police, towards government, towards just the people that raided us, you know, all those things. And just them battling this. I know it's hard. You know, for me, it's hard. So I could just imagine what it's like on them. And so, you know, being able to not have to work full time right now. It's just helped me to be able to pray more for them, you know, and stay in the word, you know, and stay on a routine that keeps me grounded, you know. You're absolutely right. And I don't know any other way to survive. You know, as you know, American Patriot Relief runs a hotline for the January 6th defendants and their family. And You know, I am so awkward on the line if someone is not a believer and the line is available to anybody. But if they're not receptive to the truth, I don't know how to help them. The only way I'm getting through this is by the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ of showing me how to walk it because he was accused of insurrection, too. He's already walked it. And so all I have to do is be a copycat following his footsteps. So, you know, when someone calls it and, you know, I start talking and they're like, well, I don't believe all that. Okay. You have that right. And I love you for that. No judgment coming your way, but baby people aren't surviving that don't know the Lord. Like, I don't know what else to tell you. I want to give you hope. And I paint a picture of the hope I have in Christ. But if you're not, If you can't see the picture or willing to look for the picture, I don't know how to help you. This is big. To me, the only thing bigger than our government is our Lord. And we got the weight of the government attacking us. So you kind of have to lean into him whether you want to or not. Yeah. And when we went in to the courtroom and they said, the United States of America versus Michael Stephen Perkins, that I can't tell you the pressure I felt literally. And in that courtroom, you know, we had a co-defendant and his wife and I, we sat in that courtroom with my Bible between us. And that prosecutor, she'd take turns, you know, she'd be on her husband and I'd be in Psalms looking up Psalms and I'd be pointing them to her because she would be on the edge of her seat, you know, and just the amount of mental and just the physical impact. torture of it. You can just feel it in your body. Yes. And I would, I would find her scripture, you know, and point it out, you know, read this while they're, you know, just lying and attacking. And, and when they'd start on my husband, I was just in my Bible, you know, and I left it between us that whole time. And that's what got me through that. Um, the first week I wanted to jump over that railing and get that woman. She made my husband sound like this horrible father that took his daughter to insurrect and, you know, just lying, assassinating his character. And I wanted to... get on her. And the second week, I don't know the Lord, we got away for the weekend. We went to the ocean city. I'm like, I'm a Florida girl. Get out of this concrete this weekend, please, honey. And we went to the beach and we just sat on, it was the coldest day too. And we just sat on the beach for hours and hours and hours that Saturday. And when I come back in the courtroom on Monday, I looked over at her and I felt sorry for her. I felt sorry for her. I said, God, this is somebody you love. And you died for her, too, just like you died for me. And I started praying for her. And at the end of the trial, you know, I was able to go over to her. I called her and the other prosecutors and the FBI agent. And I just told him, I want you to know I forgive you for what you've done to us. I do. I forgive you. And I'm going to keep praying for you. And I could only do that because of the Lord. Like, you know, I couldn't do that in my own strength. Because like I said, I wanted to, I wanted to rip her head off. I wanted to say, catch me outside is what I wanted to say. Meet me behind the playground. Well, I want to, you know, I want to use that as an opportunity to play to anybody that might be in the DC or Maryland area. Try to go to some of these trials. You can walk into the Pretty Men Courthouse at any given day or time. And there are J6ers going through their trial. And I ask that you join. Number one, I think it holds them more accountable to know that they're being watched. But number two, there's a demonic presence in those courtrooms. And we need people to intercede. I was fortunate. A team went with me and I had my dear precious friends praying for me, interceding for me, casting demons for me, fasting for me. and my husband. And I'm telling you, it worked. It cast a demon, an actual physical demon out of our courtroom. So, you know, I don't know where you're at on the spectrum of your walk, but I just have to tell you, if you're going to believe in heaven, you have to believe in hell. If you're going to believe in angels, you have to believe in demons. And I'm telling you, we need deliverance in those courtrooms. You don't got to be outrageous. You don't got to be disruptive. Because where the presence of the Lord is, they can't be. So all you have to do is in the name of Jesus, I'm commanding you to leave this courtroom and not return. And, you know, some only come through through prayer and fasting. So it may take some fasting. And, you know, the January 6th defendant, you know, they're kind of busy at the moment. They're in the middle of a trial and being persecuted and judged and all the horrible things that we're having to walk through. So I just I want to put a plea out to the to the world out there that that is a way that you can intervene now. No, no, Jay Sixers should go through a trial by themselves. I can't fathom it. I can't. I've been on that stand. I don't know what I would. I'll cry. I don't know what I would have done had they not been there. It just it changed everything. When when fear would try to come in, I could look to my my prayer team. And I would become bold again and confident again. So please, if you are retired, you might make that your journey right now. If you're wondering what to do with yourself, that is a beautiful thing you can do is just sit in that courtroom. When they go to the restroom, let them know that you're there to pray and intercede for them. so um continue on you've had a fantastic story I know you're getting close to time to have to leave um but I also want you to touch on because I haven't done this even though um it is a big part of the torment they do I have not touched on in a week and a half the raid so will you share with me what your raid look like So back in May of 21, we were actually, it was a Wednesday night. We were actually headed to church. My husband and my son had came in the door late. They had like five minutes to get a shower. They jumped in, got a shower. It was a very hot day that day. My husband said, you're driving to church tonight. I can't, you know, I want to take a nap or I'm going to be sleeping in church. And we have about a 30 minute drive. So he'd get a little cat nap. And so we hopped in the car and I got a little ways down the road and I, I seen a car and it looked undercover sitting at a church nearby and I didn't have my seatbelt on. And so I was like, ah, I was like ripping my seatbelt on. And I was like, please don't pull me over. I could tell it was undercover, you know? And so I, I get to the stop sign and he pulls out behind me. And so I was a little bit paranoid, but I didn't say anything, you know, I just kept on going. And And about 10 minutes later, I was getting on interstate and he got on with me. And I was like, well, that's weird. So I was kind of going slow in the slow lane, wanting him to go around me so I wouldn't be paranoid the whole way to church. And and he but he wouldn't go around me. And so that was weird. And I acted like I was going to get off at the exit and leave. And he went with me. And so I got back on. And so I knew he was following me. And I still didn't wake my husband up. He was asleep right when he, you know, five minutes after we got in the car. But I got off interstate at our exit and there was he got off with me. And I thought that was weird because we passed about five or six exits, you know. And so I thought that was weird. He'd come from all the way from the house. And when I got off, though, there was a bunch of cars, like five of them that looked like his. And so I got suspicious and I woke my husband up. I said, honey, I think we're being followed. And he said, followed who? And I'm like, I don't the cops, maybe. And we got to church and and he told me and the kids to get out of the car and he'd go drive around the block and see if he could see anything. And sure enough, you know, there were five FBI cars and they were all outside their car in a circle talking right by our church at a little dog park. And so that was in May, the middle of May. So I want to say about the 15th of May. And so that evening after church, we realized that what it was, you know, we had been seeing the news. We knew they were going after people. So we knew what was happening. And we went home and my daughter, she was 14. She was scared to death. She was like, I'm in the front of the house. You're in the back of the house. They're going to come in here and they're going to go to my room. You know, she just seen cops before, you know, the show. And she's like, they bust your door in. And she's like, that's going to scare me. And And so I'm like, well, you can sleep in our room, you know, and she's like, I don't want to sleep in your room. She's just being a big girl, you know, she don't want to do that. And I said, well, we'll sleep on the couch. So my husband and I, we have a huge sectional and for six weeks we camped out on the couch. And, you know, I was like, what is going on? Where, why, what's taking so long, you know? And I called the district attorney's office. I said, listen, can you tell me if there's an investigation opened or a warrant or anything? I said, I know we were being watched by the feds. I said, can you tell me if, you know, there's an active warrant? Could you hurry up and rate us? I've got things to do. I'm like, Get this on the road, what's going on? And so she said, I'm gonna have an officer meet with you in two days. And I said, okay. And two days later at 5.45 in the morning, they raided our home. And I woke up to flashbang grenades because, and I thought it was a tornado or something because we live in Florida and we had a bad storm the night before. And so I woke up thinking, OK, this is a tornado. It's a really bad storm. There was white lights flashing and I was like, what is going on? And so I ran through the kitchen and as soon as I got to the kitchen, the lights were red and blue on the ceiling. And so I just ran to the front door because I knew what was going on. And as soon as I opened the front door, they had lasers pointing at me all on my body. And they were screaming for me to come out the door. And I have video of this. I had my cameras on. I'm kind of wondering on the porch. I was stunned. I'm like, what is happening? You can see me like kind of wandering around. And then I'm finally told to come off the porch and walk. So I come down and they detained me and they called my children out by their names, handcuffed them. Then my husband came out and they handcuffed him and took him away. I didn't even see him get put in a car or anything like that. But they threw those flashbang grenades in my house and burnt my carpets up. My carpets are actually still burned up. I just put an area rug over it, you know. It's our battle wounds, you know. But they drove through our back cattle gate, you know, busted it off the thing. My dog ran away. Like, this just sounds like a bad country song at this point, you know. But my dog ran off and... They, like I said, they detained the kids and things and they sent a robot in the house. They sent drones in the house. They beat my cameras off the house with a claw hammer. They put holes in my house on the outside. I have holes from where they beat the cameras off. I just want to stop you and ask the listeners, does that sound like a Gestapo or does that sound like the FBI? Yeah. Why on innocent people dwelling in that home? Okay. There's a wife and two children that were unrelated to this situation that they have now attacked the house and the dog to torment them. They have long-term damage in their home because of this. And he showed them no threat. They'd already been following him. For the love of God, they had to do surveillance at church to find you. Mm-hmm. Yeah. And so, you know, they, they, allowed my daughter and I to go in and get dressed because she was half naked. I was in a nightgown and they allowed us to go in and get dressed and they're letting me brush my teeth and take my time. Well, they hurried her out the door. And when I came out the front door, there were two ladies with an envelope talking to her and they were showing her pictures of herself at the rally that day. And they were telling her 14 years old, that she needs to tell who was with us and how she went. And we have pictures of you there. So they were trying to scare her into talking. And I said, I screamed and said, excuse me, she is 14 years old. I don't see myself or her father. What are you doing? And they apologized and they kind of disappeared. I never got their names or anything. Um, and they had my son still handcuffed at this time in his underwear. He wasn't allowed to go in and get changed. And there were three FBI agents over there talking to him and they were threatening him because he didn't go to the Capitol that day with us. Thank the Lord. That was the Lord. I know that maybe that's the one thing I couldn't have handled was my son to be, um, gone through what my husband did, but, um, he didn't go. He had just started a little shop race car shop job, you know, and, um, this was before my husband opened his business in 20, 2022. And, um, He had just started a little race car shop job and we had a vacation plan that same weekend that we were supposed to be at the rally. And so he said, I can't really take that much time off. You know, he had already was taking a week off. And, and so thank God he stayed home and they were over there threatening him saying, we're going to get your phone records. We're going to get your bank records. And if I find out you were there, I'm coming back for you. And I yelled to him and I said, son, tell him you need a lawyer. You want a lawyer? And my son told him, I want a lawyer. And those officers cussed me and said, he's an adult now. He don't need his mama to speak for him. And they were mad because then they couldn't talk to him anymore. It was just wrong, you know, just terrorizing. The tyranny of that. Yeah. You know, we all know Guy Riffitt's story where they did the same thing with their son. You know, they used him as a pawn to to get evidence on the father and. and get him sentenced and everything else and this poor child don't know better you know all he knows is what he's been exposed to he doesn't know better he you know and he's got to live with that the rest of his life. And how did the parents even minister to that? I know. You know, I mean, I know, I know they're doing a fantastic job. I know Nicole Reffett, but it's just a sign of the demonic spirit in them that they would use a child against the parent. Yeah. Yeah. They tried. They tried. Wow. Wow. They messed with the wrong mama. Yes. And I'm like you, they ain't going to shut me up. They might throw me in jail, but they're not going to shut me up. Even when I go in there, you cut my tongue out. I might have to learn sign language. I don't know. Um, honestly, there's nothing that they can do to me, you know, unless it goes through my father's hands and I trust his hands. So, yep. I trust them in a way I had never even knew was humanly possible. Hmm. You know, my husband was my world. When you meet at 14 and you marry at 19, they're your world. You don't know any other way of life. And my kids, you know, after going through infertility and being blessed with three kids, they're my world. And I really never would have imagined that I could lay them at the foot of the cross and say, they're not mine, daddy, they're yours. And that's where I'm at. And it's it's just such a piece that he's called me into this battle, knowing that that's exactly what I would do. So we're going to stay in this fight, even if it is just me and you. And we are going to stay in lockstep and locked arms. They're going to encourage and pray and restore. And and we're going to bring our brethren with us. Mm hmm. Because let me tell you, our type of faith is very rare. And I don't think any accident that we've met one another. And I'm actually excited to see what God's going to do with this. It is just so profound to me that what I saw in that picture that day, that I'd never met you. but I saw the Holy spirit with his stamp on each of you, your children too, by the way, I found that very beautiful. Um, you know, just cause we, uh, raise our children in the ways of the Lord, their faith is on them. They don't come to, they don't have salvation because of their parents, you know? And I thought it was very beautiful that I saw that on your children at such a young age. So, um, I thank you for being a witness for Jesus Christ through this turmoil. What do you see for your future? You know, I've thought about that. I don't know. I know... I know God, when we're on the other side of this, and we will be, there's an end to this. And when we're on the other side of this, you know, we talk a lot about the lasting effect that this is going to have on these men. And I've seen my husband become the man I always prayed he would be. I mean, he... He has he's got a Bible study going on. He's he's encouraging those men in there. He's coming out of this better than he went in there, honestly. And now he may have some emotional stuff that he's going to walk through. And and, you know, that's for any trial we go through in life. You know, you've got to work through those things. I know I went and walked through things I'd never thought I would get through. And I'm on the other side of it. And I'm better for it. And, you know, our future is better. It's going to be better. You know, Romans 8, 28, that is one of my life verses. And it says that we know that not we hope so, but we know that all things work together for good to them that love God. And to those who are called according to his purpose. And so we know that he's going to work all this for our good and his glory. And I don't know, maybe we're going to be still involved in the prison ministry. I don't know where we go from here. But but the Lord is going to is going to direct our steps. And I know, you know, we're going to be better for it. How did you picture your retirement before January 6th? What were y'all's hopes and dreams? On my porch in my rocking chair when my grandbabies play and after Sunday church, you know. And I still see that, you know. And now we just have an amazing story to tell, you know. You know, the Lord would not have put that vision in your heart had it not been what's coming. Yep. You know, I see all these ladies, you know, they're trying to hold on to their youth. They're trying to hold on to not having wrinkles and all those things. And I look forward to it. I want to be a grandma on my porch. That's what I want. That's what I aspire to be. I don't care about Botox and all these things. I'm the same way. I can't. I look forward to being grandma, you know, a meemaw and a pawpaw. That's what I look forward to. Yeah, I feel like, man, I've spent a whole lot of suffering enduring. And, you know, fortunately, I never got too caught up in that to begin with. I'm proud to say I'm not plastic. I don't have a single thing on me that's plastic. I got a whole lot of steel because I have a disease that I've had to be put back together again. I'm more like Humpty Dumpty. So anyway, and I take it as a badge of honor. All of these scars are war wounds and it made me stronger. Everything that I couldn't understand about myself throughout my childhood. Why so much pain? I've had a rheumatoid arthritis since I was four. why have I had to go through a life of so much pain? And at times I was angry at God, times that I'd see other people and think, why can't I be like that? And it's all come to fruition right now. I was made for such a time as this. I am a hell fire and brimstone warrior of Jesus Christ because of all of the pain I've had to endure throughout my life that has made me so strong. And I just look at it and I'm like, Thank you, Lord. I never thought I'd say thank you for it, but thank you. And that's what he's doing with you too. Amen. I think he gave us prison ministry so that we wouldn't be as afraid of the prison system. FBI agents tried to intimidate and scare me the entire way to prison. And as we're walking through the doors, they're like, good luck not getting raped and good, you know, all this other stuff. And I go, baby, I used to be a prison minister. I know these people. Because I knew some of the best Christians I've ever met in my life were in the prison while I was ministering to them. I would leave and they ministered to me. Yeah. Yeah. I went to Encourage and I left Encourage. Yes. Yes. And so it's like, no, no, you're not. You're not going to jade my view of these people. You know, there's no such thing as good people or bad people. There's good people that do bad things and bad people that do good things. And depending on the day they put their feet on the ground and the circumstances around it is what caused what happened. And I'm just convinced. Wait a while and there'll be a different person. I wish I could see it more. I don't always see it that way. Sometimes I see them as a bad person, but I really try not to. And we're going to be stronger for this. So, Brittany, I thank you for investing in us and truly showing your true self. And I see you went black. I don't know what happened, but... But she is an amazing individual and we're just blessed to have got to hear her story. Go to gifts and go and slash Michael Perkins and gifts and go slash Chris Alberts and help those families out. If you want to become a regular donor, American Patriot Relief gives out money as needed to the families. If we got a penny to our name, they're getting it. Our organization has no paid employees, so you're not paying the machine. Please go to and become a regular monthly donor. Even your $5 a month makes a huge difference. You just can't fathom it. You know, when the husband's out of the home, it's like, I know you women out there relating to this. That's when everything breaks. My husband would go on a business trip, the washer would go out. He'd come home, fix that, leave out again, and the refrigerator went out. And it's always something. Well, now they don't have their husbands to fix those things. So please donate to them. Donate to American Patriot Relief. And for the love of God, keep us in your prayer. Mm-hmm. Thank you. Do you have any final words, Brittany? No, I just want to encourage the Christians, stand your ground. You know, I told Olivia Pollack, she's a good friend of mine. She's also being held right now for January 6th. She's an artist and I call, she called me and I asked her to draw me a picture because I had a vision of, you know, there's these politicians on one side of the country. I wanted it to be divided, the country divided. We got these politicians in D.C. in these suits, you know, and then you got little people over here like us with our Bibles and there's holes all in our country. And I just had this vision where we've allowed them to take so much, take and take and take and take. And I just want to encourage the Christians to stand our ground. Don't give them no more, not one more inch, not one more piece of dirt. Don't sling, not one more piece of dirt because we, we lose ground that way too. When we're, you know, at each other over things and not unified, stand your ground, be bold and be encouraged because like you said, If God be for us, who can be against us? You know, and he's for us. He's always for truth. He's always for righteousness. And who can be against us? That's right. That is a beautiful way to end it today. And I also want to encourage the listeners tune in tomorrow to Donna. I don't have her perfect pitch that she gives about not being conceited, but I can tell you this. She has a heart for this nation. She sees the truth and we need people like that in our government. So with that, we're going to check out, tune out and see you tomorrow at this time. Brittany, I'll be calling you back on. You know that there's too much here. There are so few of us that truly that see the true battle. And so we got to cast a vision. So tune in tomorrow. God bless all of you.