BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/5/2024 Technocratic Communism-Davis/Whalen & J6ers Jalise/McCombs

Published Sept. 5, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Vicky Davis and Citizen/Activist Journalist Casey Whalen The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what. The primary policy areas used to conquer our states and country are: Regionalism Trade Policy Environmentalism Regionalism is a strategy to disenfranchise the voters - depriving them of honest, elected representation and as a method of de-construction of the United States as a nation-state. Idaho is statutorily a participant in the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER). The PNWER is a collective of states and provinces of Canada. The PNWER has propagated other international initiatives - programs as they like to call them. Metropolitanism is regionalism at a lower level. It was first detected in the Boise area with the Treasure Valley Partnership (TVP) to establish a region with several counties and cities with elected officials partnered with businessmen (Boise Valley Economic Partnership (BVEP)). Again the collective organization that includes elected officials deprives the voters of the elected representation. The communist collectivists are now working in Coeur d'Alene to establish a metropolitan organization there. Fascism-Communism is being implemented in the U.S. using the strategy of regionalism and environmentalism. The United States and our government under the Constitution is being de-constructed every single day. The international economic agreements signed by the U.S. which government and media characterized as "trade" have been used to harmonize our systems of government and regulatory authority in preparation for the merger of governance over North America and ultimately South America. On June 27, 1990, President George Bush announced the Enterprise of the Americas initiative that was to culminate into the Free Trade Area of the Americas. You can watch the event on C-Span. George Bush: "the first fully free, democratic hemisphere but when all are equal partners in a free trade zone stretching from the port of Anchorage to the Tierra del Fuego.” You don't have a country if you don't have borders. We see it every day as the United States is being invaded with illegal aliens across the southern border. The United States is being de-constructed every day but I hear nobody talking about it in terms that people would understand. When the La Paz treaty was signed with Mexico (1983) followed by the NAFTA agreement (1992-1993), followed by the establishment of the World Trade Organization, the U.S. was opened up for foreign investment including foreign country sovereign wealth funds. What did the foreigners go for first? Our water. Isn't it funny that the EPA didn't object to first a Canadian buying land over an aquifer in Colorado. Then the Saudis buying land with water under it in Arizona. The question for Idaho is - who did they sell Idaho water to that the EPA is trying to limit Idaho farmers from using Idaho water? They use environmental protection to block use of our water which I believe is because they sold it to some foreigner or foreign country. I don't hear anybody talking about that. The internationalization of environmental policy began in 1969 when Richard Nixon signed the National Environmental Protection Act. It became effective in 1970. The legislation created the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). The original intent was to provide representation at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. In 1970, Nixon created the EPA first through Executive Order and then through Reorganization Plan No. 3. The EPA was initially to monitor government activities as it pertains to the environment. Their authority was expanded to include management of the environment of the United States - breaching our state borders and ultimately becoming the overseer of the entire North American continent along with the Mexican EPA and the Canadian EPA. This was followed by George Bush' Free Trade Area of the Americas - announced on June 27, 1990 as the Enterprise of the Americas Initiative. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Jenny (Cudd) McCombs Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Vicky Davis, Casey Whalen, Jalise Middleton, Jenny McCombs

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the fifth day of September, twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show today. I'm looking like I might be having a little bit of a trouble with being on this morning on Rumble. So you might have to switch to Brandenburg for governor on Rumble if it's not coming up. I see we have quite a few people there. Anyhow, welcome to the show today. We have I've got two different segments on today that I want to introduce. The first one is with with our buddy Casey Whalen, who's on here a lot and also Vicki Davis. And we're going to be talking about technocratic communism and what the implications are of this. This is really interesting. I've been looking at the links and going through this, and I think this is going to be a wonderful segment, and I would encourage everyone to send the links out to your friends and such, because this could be really fun. The next one is Jaleese Middleton with Political Prisoners in America, the Jay Sixers, and she's on today with Jenny McCords. So that's our show today. So without any further delay, I'm going to bring on my guest. Hey, Casey. Hey, Vicki. How are you doing? Hi. Fine. Thank you. Glad to be here. Awesome. Thanks for having us. Appreciate it. Yeah, I appreciate you being on here. And I read all of your comments in the write-up on what we're talking about. So Casey, I think I'd like you to go ahead and introduce this, and then we're going to just start the discussion. And I'm really looking forward to the information you have to put forth, Vicki. Yeah, Vicky's a good friend of mine. I'd say a colleague and I've worked with her over the last handful of years. I would do public records requests and she would sort of give me information because she's done a lot of research on systems of government and she's a former IT analyst and she can go into more detail about her background. But she has a gift of finding nuggets of information, you know, hidden in technical information that's very boring to read, I would say. And so Vicky has a very unique skill set to find information. And a lot of this stuff is very, you know, like technical, like I said, and very, it's a lot of information, but she can parse it. And she's been doing it for a long time. And she just has, you can ask her just about anything about government, and she'll have an answer for you. So I'd like to welcome Vicki Davis, co-host of, and her website is and Thanks for joining us today, Vicki, to talk about technocratic communism. Well, hi. Thank you very much for having me. Yeah, my primary focus is on the changes to government and everything that I've found probably after the first six or eight months has been a surprise to me. You know, you live in a country your whole life. You think you know your country. And I found out I didn't know it at all. And one of the main things you wanted to highlight today was that, you know, basically how we have systems over our existing government that are running the show or the citizen is the constituent doesn't have much of a voice anymore. And so that was maybe the point of this conversation today. But real quickly, before you get into that, can you tell people about your background and your history? Can you give me the website again, Casey, please? The technocratic The technocratic A lot of really great information there. Got it. Go ahead, Vicki. Okay, I was born in Idaho, but I grew up, you know, half my life in California and half in Idaho. But when I went to California, I went to school to learn programming. And this was in the mid-nineteen seventies. And I'm probably what you would call the first generation of computer programmer that was not a physicist or mathematician or anything like that. I you know, had a high school diploma and I went to a technical school and it turned out I had a talent for systems analysis and programming. So I spent a little over twenty years doing that. And then after the Around the year two thousand, you know, there was the whole year two thousand scare. Everything is going to be blowing up and whatever, which turned out not to be true. I could no longer find contracts or work. And so I started researching on the Internet saying, what the heck? You know, I thought my husband and I thought that. The corporations had blown their budgets on the year two thousand thing. And so maybe they just weren't hiring for a year or so. But that turned out not to be true. I found out about the mass importation of computer programmers from India. They were importing cheap labor, doing what I do for a living. And they flooded the market. What year was that, Vicki? That was about the year two thousand, two thousand one, when I found out about that. I found a group. Well, first of all, I had a lot of time on my hands. I always listened to a lot of C-SPAN and I found the group MoveOn. And I didn't know. I mean, you know, I didn't really know how leftist they were. But anyway, I was on the move on forum and this other programmer rescued me, directed me to a group of programmers on Yahoo. And so I started working with them and that's when I found out about the H-B visa program. And so from there, I started researching what the heck is going on here Because that's the biggest betrayal a country could ever do to its own people is to allow the importation of people to take American jobs. So that was, in my case, that was kind of a mistake for them because I've been researching ever since, heads down. Can you just tell people what companies you had worked for in the past? Well, I started out with a company called National Semiconductor in Silicon Valley. It wasn't Silicon Valley back then, by the way. And then I worked for another company there called Technicon Medical Information Systems. I worked for King County Medical Blue Shield up in Seattle. I then worked on contract for ARCO Alaska, up in Alaska, and the municipality of Anchorage. And because I was a contractor, I bounced around. I worked for the city of, what was it? It was in Arizona. It wasn't Tucson. At the moment, I can't remember the name, but it was a city government. And then I worked for Con Edison in New York and Pfizer Pharmaceutical. And I did a brief time at the New York Times. So I've had a lot of experience, but it was all business programming. no scientific programming at all but that basically allowed you to understand sorry systems of government essentially right through that process yeah um yeah because once I started uh looking at h-one bees you know that's a government authorized uh program okay so um and and that took a while to figure out because In your mind, as you're researching and finding new things, sometimes it's really hard to absorb that information, that magnitude of a betrayal. And for blue-collar people, it wasn't just programmers. It was also engineers, white-collar people for the H-I-Bs. Blue-collar people were being pushed out of their jobs by massive immigration from the southern border. And so people that were construction workers, anything that you could do with your hands, they were being pushed out too. It was pretty amazing, actually. And we just watched this expand, you know, your, your background is really incredible. I mean, you've got quite a, quite a broad base to pull knowledge in and have just a very, very a variety of industries that clearly when, when I look at it, I see them all kind of working together, but you don't see the connections readily. So you're, you've kind of got a front seat, front center seat to all of this. Yeah. And I, dove relatively deep. I didn't read other people's websites. I went to the source, government sources, and I read the papers of think tanks and things. So all the information that I have really is from credible sources. And being in the business that I was in, I know what a credible source is. And people, when I first started, they would try to call me a conspiracy theorist. And I wasn't sure enough of myself with trying to promote ideas and whatever, or what I was seeing. So I just ignored them. and continued on with what I do. And then ultimately, of course, I found Agenda XXI. And that was kind of a weird thing because there was a guy on a radio station called RBM, and his name was Chris Gerner. And so I started calling into his program. Then he had me on as a guest. because I guess I was one of the few people that was actually looking at Agenda XXI. This was in the early two thousands, maybe two thousand three or two thousand four, something like that. And I actually called the mayor of my city to ask if they were going to cover Agenda XXI and or if they were implementing Agenda XXI, and it must have freaked her out because a newspaper guy interviewed me, and when he finally put the article in the newspaper, he said, it's funny, you know, she doesn't look like a terrorist sitting there in the chair with her, you know, pink V-neck sweater on. And I thought, what the heck is he talking about? Terrorist. You know, I've always been like middle class, don't make waves, I work for a living. You know, that was a real shocker, how anybody could suspect that I was a terrorist. It just blew me away. I didn't understand it. Well, shall we shift gears now and delve into the topic at hand? Because it is quite a large topic. And I guess where would you start with this topic? Would you start with the intermodal commerce zones or where would you start research? And I just know that I scheduled two hours here today. So if you don't want to keep talking, that's fine as much. You know, when whenever you want to stop, that's fine. But if you want to keep talking, you just don't feel like you're in a hurry because I do feel like the information you have is so critically important that we're going to take as much time as you need. And then if you want to come back on, we'll go through this further so that you can get this all out there. Okay. All right. Thank you. I appreciate that. Okay. In the course of my research, when I would find something that referred back in time, like I was reading some think tank paper and I saw reference to the Helsinki Final Act. Well, I researched the Helsinki Final Act. And then, you know, in reading that, it took me farther back in time. And so that's kind of how my research has gone. I've traversed areas and programs and whatever. But what I finally settled on is that at the end of World War II, when the international financial system was set up and the United Nations was established in nineteen forty five we are our government was in the control of communists from that point on everybody knows about uh... probably everybody knows about alger his and the un-american activities hearings that took place in the nineteen fifties The impression given is that when Joseph McCarthy, I don't know what happened to him, if he had a breakdown or whatever, but supposedly it all went away when Alger Hiss was found guilty and whatever. But Alger Hiss, when he finally was out of all that legal problem, he went to work for the Carnegie Foundation. And I think he was only there for about a year, a year and a half, something like that. And he was replaced by Joseph E. Johnson. But the impression given to people out here, and I never really studied it in depth, but the impression given is that the communists were all cleared out of our government. And I don't believe they were. I think our government has been under the control of communists since post-World War II. It seems reasonable watching the path that our country's been on. This didn't happen overnight. I know a lot of people want to look back at Obama, but there were so many things that were wrong before that. And I believe that we probably could all agree, if we really got away from our allegiance to labels, that both sides have been playing us? Yeah. As I've seen it, it kind of seems like our government is controlled by a uniparty. Well, it's important to know, to look at the security state that was set up after the end of the war. the National Security Act of nineteen forty seven was a reorganization of government and it set up the national security infrastructure, which is the secret part of our government. And it also created the position of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. And The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff sits over the branch leaders of our military, you know, like the main general. I don't know the military names of them, but like the admiral that runs the Navy and the general that runs the Army and so forth. But the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is also the liaison to whoever is in the Security Council of the United Nations on our behalf. So the UN Security Council is comprised of the Soviet Union, China, the United States, Britain, and France. And those are the five permanent members of the United Nations. And each one of those has a military staff member supporting them. Well, we don't vote for who represents us at the UN. That is an ambassador position appointed by the president. So they have this kind of, security structure over the top of our government with a direct link into an appointed person who represents us at the UN Security Council, which I think was a really bad thing to do. It kind of seems like our country was captured militarily. It was put into American law, but you know, creating that whole secret structure. Oh, which includes, I don't know how many years after a couple of years after the CIA. So. So we can all trace the origin back to the same, pretty much the same action of that security act. I'm sorry. Can you say again? So basically, the start of all of this, really, the structure was the National Security Act of nineteen forty seven is what you're saying. Yes. Understanding that. Wow. Uh huh. And so and they operate in secret. We it's all classified. So we don't we don't know what they do. I mean, you know, there are declassified documents, but I haven't. really gone specifically for those. I have a few of them, but essentially what they did to our country over time is basically what I would call legal deconstruction of our country. And the three primary areas where they've done this deconstruction of what was America is through regionalism, trade policy, and then environmentalism. And like, for example, with regionalism, it just started in nineteen eighty three when Reagan was in office and he signed the Treaty of La Paz with the President de la Madrid of Mexico. and created an international zone ostensibly for the purpose of border cleanup. And it is a treaty. And then a couple of years later, Reagan signed a free trade agreement with Canada. You know, free trade agreement being open borders for goods and services across the country. across countries. And so in doing that, that was the beginning of building the North American Union. And now they're very careful about how they do things, but essentially we lost sovereignty of our economy when they did that. another part of that trade policy, they moved towards open borders for commerce beginning with hearings in the nineteen sixties. And with the idea behind it being an open and free market, You know, we're all going to be a free market economies so that you can move goods and services and everybody can prosper from that, theoretically. But it actually doesn't work like that. What they did is they used our economy, segments of our economy, and basically worked with other countries to build their economy with chunks of our economy that they extracted. And they did that for like, you know, since the end of World War II, Ford Motor Company was really heavily involved in that sort of thing. Now Ford Motor Company had, the old Ford, had a policy that if he paid his people enough, they could buy his cars. and his company could grow from that. And that was great for a company that was within the borders of the United States. But they took that same paradigm and worked with economic development for other countries to do the very same thing. But they were pulling out parts of our economy. If you look at the textile industry, different kinds of manufacturing. They basically were exporting our economy to get buy-in from other countries to participate in this global free system. And I think around the year, they'd finally pulled out so much that our economy basically collapsed. And it was really, I don't know if you remember around the year, right around when Enron took a dive. And I don't know if there were other, the Wall Street companies, Lehman Brothers went down. Anyway, it was kind of like a meltdown of our economy. I have a clip of Treasury Secretary Jon Snow saying they took seven trillion dollars out of our economy. Now, I don't know what the timeframe was that he was talking about, but seven trillion dollars out of the American economy is huge. And I don't actually think our economy has ever recovered. And so... Anyway, that's regionalism. That was trade policy. But then regionalism, getting governments to sign treaties to participate in collectives, basically, is what you're talking about. You're talking about collectivization. And the State Department are the ones that manage treaties, right? So they essentially... put the State Department in charge of our country with treaties. Now, the La Paz Treaty created an international zone on the border of Mexico. It's a geographically defined area, and the day-to-day management of that international zone is under the EPA Administrator. And the ultimate higher authority is the Secretary of State. So we've got this international zone, a huge swath. I think originally it was sixty miles on each side of the border, but they expanded it to be a hundred miles on either side of the border under the control of the Secretary of State. Well, we don't vote for the Secretary of State, right? And that's the method, that's the method, issue by issue of how they've replaced our elected representative government with a Soviet that sits over the top of our elected representative government. Now, they did the same thing in the Pacific Northwest Well, not in Idaho, but Idaho is a member of it. It's called the Pacific Northwest Economic Region. And it includes the Washington State, Oregon State, Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. And it includes the Canadian provinces that sit right above us. And they have, it's kind of like an association. It's made up of government representatives, but it supposedly represents this segment of the Pacific Northwest, including Canada, that works with corporations, makes decisions for, issues, whatever issues that they come up with. And so that's how they've been replacing our elected representative system of government is through the creation of collectives sitting over the top of our elected representative government. Yeah, you know, you vote for the mayor of Boise, But the mayor of Boise is involved in this collective called the Treasure Valley Partnership, and he's with four other mayors. So you've got five mayors together with a couple of county officials, and they're the ones that are really making the decisions. Wow. What article is that in, that image of the Treasure Valley Partnership? I've got them all up there. Yeah, I can pull the ones that you sent me up. Okay, yeah, that Treasure Valley Partnership, that is, well, that says it all, really. Do you know where to find that image and what article? Yeah, Summit of the Future, I have the World Economic one. We've got the, let's see. Might be called the Boise Valley Economic Partnership, BVEP. Okay. Because that image was really good because it showed, you know, all these players that are running the show behind the scenes, you know, over, you know, just it was a very, very good image. So I wanted to find that. But I haven't seen this article. I guess maybe it's a newer one, What's Up With Minnesota? And that looks like more of a regional, sort of like the Pacific Northwest Economic Region. Well, it actually is part of the – Great Lakes region. They're breaking up our country into regions. And the thing is, it's all done. It isn't done as much by geography as by economy. They're building the world economy as if your economy is separate from your political system. And so one of the major drivers is the right, right of this is the intermodal commerce zone. Can you discuss that? Because that ties in with what you're talking about here. Yeah. Um, in the, uh, two thousand six governor's race in Minnesota, which I was watching, which I guess probably tells you kind of how weird I am, but, um, I was watching that and, uh, they started talking about, uh, a special economic zone in Minnesota. and about a concrete company. There was a concrete company that was up north, and the government of Minnesota had defined this economic zone in the south part of Minnesota, and locating in that zone got them special tax privileges and connections to government. I mean, there were all kinds of, incentives for that concrete company to move down south into that special economic zone. Well, the thing was, is that there already was an existing concrete company down there, but they were outside the zone. And so they were, because of the all the benefits and perks of being involved in the special economic zone, they were putting the other concrete company out of business. And so you have your own government facilitating, putting you out of business. Well, they're choosing the winners and losers. And I'm sure that they're probably owners and The stocks or the, you know, the corporations that are controlling the winners and losers, you know, and I think that's where we get back to the private public partnership nonsense that it's going on. Because you cannot compete when they've got this system so rigged. That's exactly right. Do you know the name of the cement company? Because I'm just kind of curious if this has anything to do with CMEX. It is CMEX. It's CMEX. Knew it. As soon as you said it, I'm like, okay, this is going to start making a lot of sense on how this works because CMEX is down at the border. And I'm going to tell you, I've got some real problems with what's going on there, especially in light of all the child trafficking and that sort of thing. I want to know what's going on down there because I think that we're going to find out that we've got a horror show going on behind the scenes in this nation. And it's a human horror show, Crimes Against Humanity, the likes of which none of us can even imagine. remotely get our arms around how bad this is. Yeah, I have a couple of stories on CMEX. I'll send you the links to them. I've written about them a couple of times. Can you put it in the private chat? Because I'll put them right up there so that people can see what's going on. Because all of this stuff is connected. And I think that any of us that have been in this arena of researching and looking this stuff up for a time, clearly you're a master at this. This is amazing. But I think that people need to actually see what's going on. Because as you put it, the secret part of the government that's been hiding all this thing as well as the bad actors that have been basically put in position. You can see that not just in the federal government, the state government, but in our local governments too. And In our area, you can see it through the development. And for a long time, I've been saying this for a long time, the developers, the land developers, when you want to see how they move money around, capture our land, that's a perfect example of it. Doug Burgum up in Minnesota, you brought up Minnesota. Doug Burgum was the one that was. actually behind signing the tracking for the red flag laws up there, as well as putting a stamp of approval to sell land to China right near our military bases. And nice guy. I've met him. I mean, all these people, they come across as the nicest people in the whole world and that they've got all the pretty words to say and they've got everything neatly packaged so that they're hoping the stupid sheep will follow them and never call them out. But when you start digging behind the scenes, it is absolutely a, you know, for lack of a better word, it's a shit show. Yeah. And the deeper you look, The worse it gets. We really don't have, I don't want to use the word free market economy, but our companies are partners with the government in the same way that the communist system works. They partner. And that doesn't work for a truly free country in terms of commerce. You can't have your big corporations in partnership with government. Because like you say, they select winners and losers. Well, based on their own self-enrichment. And I mean, it really is looking more and more to me when I see the, you know, BlackRock, State Street Capital, Arabella, some of the big ones, Vanguard, that all own each other. They all own each other. And they're all owned and controlled by the government as they take over our business. I don't see any different right now than exactly what you have in China. And our country's already been sold out to China. It's already been sold out. They have pieced this thing together. And I mean, it never made any sense to me why they were not going after these companies with antitrust suits. because they wouldn't go after them because they're all behind it. They're all members in it. And the government itself owns the companies. Yeah. Yeah. They did convert us to kind of like the same system as communist China, which they call state capitalism, state capitalism, but it's really communism. You know, it's just that the government, owns a piece of it or the entire company. But when they signed the world, when they created the World Trade Organization in nineteen ninety five, they just basically threw open the doors to our country for anybody that wanted to come in and invest in our country, including the sovereign wealth funds of other countries. So you've got Saudi Arabia owning land in Arizona and drilling down, taking water. Well, water is a scarce commodity in Arizona. And all around the country, they set it up so that these companies can have front companies. So you think you're dealing with a small company, but you're actually dealing with a big company. And then they buy them out. You've got your mergers and acquisitions and all that nonsense that's going on. So if somebody does buy or have some success, watch the big corporations come in and they buy them out and give them a whole lot of money just so that they can own more of that corporation. I know in Michigan right now, one of the biggest problems in Michigan that I see that really should be called out and shouted from the rooftops is Nestle. Nestle went in and bought for a two hundred and fifty dollar permit, pulls millions and millions of gallons of water out of this state. And there's no royalty. It's it was the stupidest deal of selling this state out. that I I don't even know who conceived of this other than somebody's getting paid on the back side nobody does this stuff without getting a payment and they're all getting paid on this they're getting paid somewhere nobody goes in and spends fifty million dollars on a political campaign to earn a hundred and eighty six thousand dollars a year it's not it's not reasonable it's absurd someone is getting paid somewhere and I believe they're all getting paid from top to bottom entire government is absolutely compromised. Yeah. Well, water was a major target. I remember when the Nestle issue came up. I might even have articles on it. But, yeah, I mean, who would ever think that they would sell water are water to a private corporation or a government, you know, foreign government like Saudi Arabia that doesn't have any water. So what do you think they're going to do with that water? You know, it's so... We don't have any water. The other thing that I know about the water is that, honestly, one of the biggest things that Israel's got going for it, which I don't know how many people actually know this. I've got a little bit of an inside track on this one. But Israel's independence, their water independence, because of their ability to desalinate water, is what really is making Israel a powerhouse and viable in the Middle East. It's not just the money going there. It's the desalinization of water that they have, which is crazy. And that sets us up once again for the dual citizenship. And all of this nonsense needs to be ripped out by its poisonous, traitorous roots and tossed on the fire of it was a bad idea from the beginning. Well, yeah, and U.S. economic policy has been a bad idea since the beginning, which is the post-World War II period, when they came up with the idea for the Marshall Plan for rebuilding Europe. But when they could no longer justify rebuilding Europe, they made it... They made the... organization be at the global level for everybody you know and so the united states has been uh doing economic development in foreign countries all of this all of this time all these years spending our tax dollars building other countries exporting our economy to those other countries And then the final coup de grace, importing people from those countries to, you know, take our jobs. Did you see what Tyson did? Tyson got rid of all of those, all their employees. And now they got rid of all their American workers. And then the government, through their money laundering nonsense to fund illegal aliens, funded their labor force through our government and our tax dollars to the illegal aliens to replace American workers. Every single person that had a little finger of issue on this in our government needs to be run in a one-way ticket down to Gitmo on this. It's treason, all of it. I'd like you to go back to CMEX a minute because I'm really interested in what you dug up there. This is so important, Vicki, to get this stuff out. I am really grateful that you're on today because I I'm, I'm absolutely loving this subject. This is phenomenal. Okay. You see in that article, there's a link to the Mad Hatter's Tea Party. Yeah. Um, that's the second article. So if you click on that, um, that was the first, uh, actually it was a rant that I wrote because I thought it was so outrageous. Um, what I found out about CMEX and the special economic zone and all of that. So that is kind of my introduction to the whole system of importing foreigners and special economic zones. And it was what I learned about the special economic zone in Minnesota that when I saw it in Idaho, but it was called an intermodal commerce zone, I think. Anyway, I recognized it and I dove into researching about it and it was just really fortuitous. I was with a group called the Idaho Eagle Forum And we were reading legislation that year, and I stumbled into one piece of legislation. And I thought, what the heck is this? It's a special zone. And then I had to go back for three years of the legislature to get the beginning of it because they were putting it into law piece by piece by piece. And it was really totally unnecessary to do that because the legislation wasn't that complex. It wasn't that long. It was very brief legislation. But I suspect they thought they were being clever by putting it in over a three-year time span. Wow, this is amazing. So when you were going through this, too, not only is it economic warfare on this country and on we the people, is there concrete links to the human trafficking that's going on down there? Because what I know, you know, just from what I know, I'd like to hear what you have to say about it. But when you look at McCain down there who set up the human trafficking campaign, organization through, I think it's University of Arizona. And he took in like, I think, ten million dollars and only five hundred thousand was ever spent. And you look at this and it's like, I'm not buying any of this crap because there's too many smoking guns everywhere. And I see in your thing that you've got the George Bush connection to the New World Order. That whole family needs to be disgraced and gone down in flames for what they've done to this, this world too, you know, and that started back quite a while, world war two with, with standard oil there. So, but have you seen concrete links where they're using these economic zones to, to traffic human beings through and make them disappear? Vicki, are you there? Watch them cut the feed. Look at that. Yeah, we'll see. Maybe who knows? Yeah, it happens. But it also they also cut the feed. And I mean, I've had people that are cyber experts watch it happen in real time, because when you get over the target on this stuff and you're actually talking truth, they will take it all. I got to do say the word China once in a while. And all of a sudden everything goes to all the crap right there because the truth is going to come out. It's already out there and you don't have to look too hard to find it, you know. But she's done an extraordinary job getting down here and really finding out. I did not know that about the economic zone on the border. Yeah, it's fascinating once you start delving into some of her research. And I mean, I wanted to ask her about the highways and the transport systems. That's another aspect of this, too. And hopefully we can get her back on here. Yeah, can we text her a minute and we'll see if we can get her to rejoin? Because I honestly think that we need to go down each one of these little rabbit trails. and figure out how this is all connected. Oh, here we go. Hang on. Am I back? Yeah, you're back. Oh, okay. Sorry about that. Yeah. No worries. Did they cut your feet or did you have a problem on your end? Oh, I've been having all kinds of problems with my machine. If you haven't updated your machine to Windows X, don't do it. You know, stay with your old operating system. It's just been a nightmare since I did that. Or go to Linux. But I digress there, you know. Well, I might do that. You know what? I probably could give you a hand on that because your information needs to be out there. And so if you need any help with that, you just give me a call and we will make sure that you have connectivity because I'm here to help anybody that's willing to get this information out there and bust this criminal organization into a million unrecognizable pieces. So you're doing a great job. I really appreciate that because because it stops me from doing what I want to do, which is this research. Well, I tell you what, we can keep it up on our end. And I gave everybody a fair warning a while back. I said, you just keep because they kept trying to take us down. You know, I've been censored and silenced and I'm like, keep it up, guys. We're watching everything you do and you're going to hit me one more time and I'm going to be done with this. So we put up a couple of tour notes, and we actually know how to do it. And I'm like, you keep it up, and we're going to have a hundred thousand little Donna Brandenburgs out there, and you're going to be playing whack-a-mole from now until Christ comes back. We will be able to get around this, and there's not a thing they can do about it. Because they're good, but they're not good enough. And so, you know, there you go. Keep trying. Well, I appreciate that. Yeah, I can help you with all kinds of things. If you want to if you want to get it, you know, if you want to keep going, because I would love to have you on. And maybe what we can do is an ongoing and ongoing segment here. until we get all of your stuff out there. I do this all for free. I'm not getting paid for any of this. I just want my country back. And I am absolutely willing to help you get your stuff out there so that you can be heard and your work can be seen. Oh, I appreciate that. Yeah, I don't take any money either. I do this all for free. I mean, my motivation is that I want my country back. Yeah, then you're in a great spot because we're all in the same spot here. We just want our country back and we want to watch all of these losers in office and these losers that are pulling the strings from above, all of these losers to end up paying for the crimes that they committed. and take the country back to what it was supposed to be, not their little playground of slavery, because that's exactly what they've done. The amount of money laundering in this nation is shocking. The state of Michigan is one big money laundering shit soup, if you really want to talk about it and watch what Whitmer's done and such. And I think it's coming to an end. I really do. There's an awful lot of indications that going on right now that justice is coming and they're not going to stop where this is going. They won't be able to stop this. So I just, I'm real proud to stand with you and to get your stuff out there. And I appreciate all the work you've done. It's extraordinary. So where are we going to go from here? Let's just keep going. We got, we got another hour and I know it's a lot of information, but if you're willing to stay on, I would love to have just keep going. Yeah, well, I could talk about this for days. But I wanted to tell you that George Bush's New World Order speech at the UN, that isn't really the good one. The good one was done on June twenty seventh, nineteen ninety. And it was called on C-SPAN is called the Latin American Initiative and what it really is the enterprise of the Americas. And it's a free trade area of the Americas. And here's a quote from it that he said, the first fully free democratic hemisphere, but when all are equal partners in a free trade zone, stretching from the Port of Anchorage to Tierra del Fuego. in Argentina. Okay, so these psychos, and I want to name David Rockefeller, Nelson Rockefeller, as being the psychos. It was Nelson Rockefeller who got regionalism, recognition for regionalism, put into the United Nations Charter. And so I think that the idea of no borders anywhere in the world is a Rockefeller and probably a Carnegie initiative. Well, you can take that. I'll chip you a little bit of information here for Grand Rapids, Michigan. But if you really want to know how I feel, I think Grand Rapids, Michigan is the head of the snake right now in the United States. And the reason being is that when you look at President Ford, President Ford VP was Nelson Rockefeller. And if you look at the Ford Museum, which is a DeVos creation, which is Amway, which is globalist and into China, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. And you look at the symbolism that they have there and the nonsense going on with this and the traitorous activity that Betsy DeVos had to attempt to remove President Trump by resigning. january seventh after january six and then all of a sudden pence got twenty two million dollars from you know who um this whole thing is so tied in and when you go into the ford museum it's not a ford museum all you got to go in there and I took lots of pictures it's a kissinger museum and kissinger was the one that really started um and was behind the ccp in china Kissinger, I believe, was the security advisor for Carter National. Okay, so he's part of the secret government. And when you look at the people in our government, how many foreigners are there? How many people have dual citizenship with Israel? You know, you've got Little Miss Mouth up there that's got a dual citizenship with Somalia. They should absolutely... be removed from anything that has to do with the governance of the United States? Yeah, so that's why I say I think our government has been a communist government at the security state level since probably beginning before World War II. but solidified in law after World War II. And they've been converting our country. They're really very brilliant how they do this step by step, piece by piece. And our politicians, they never talk about this stuff. They almost never mention anything that's going on. It's like, The so-called trade agreements, they're not about trade. They're about harmonization of our laws across the region that they intend us to be a part of. Across the globe, they want our resources and they want a workforce. Yes. Absolutely. Absolutely. I really haven't looked into human trafficking too much because part of it involves children. A lot of it is, and they're using the NGOs to do it, and they're actually paying the NGOs with our dollars in order to move these people around and make them disappear. One of the biggest areas is they're coming up from the Mexican border, and they're funneling it into the United States. But one of the biggest highways for it, it goes right up to Michigan. They dump them off in the Great Lakes, and they disappear. Yeah. Yeah. There was one woman in Idaho when the whole Haiti thing, the hurricane happened. There was a woman from Idaho affiliated with a nonprofit. She went down there and she actually stole, I don't know how many children, you know, three or four or five children, brought them back to the United States. But fortunately, they caught her. And who knows what she was going to do with those children. Well, look up Laura Silsby with that because Laura Silsby was down there getting prosecuted for it. And then they put her in charge of the Amber Alert up there. So she had access to more kids. The Clintons did. There you go. Yes. There's all kinds of stuff. Man, we could talk for years on this stuff. I love talking to you. This is great. So where do you want to go from here? On the transportation, Casey, you wanted to talk about transportation. And I've got a bunch of UN sources up here that you guys sent me that I could click on and we can look around. Yeah, I was going to get some more coffee real quick because it was kind of early at the start of the show. I want to ask Vicki about transportation and the the intermodal commerce zones and how does you were mentioning up here in North Idaho how a highway was dictating an intermodal commerce zone. Can you talk about that relation and how is this dictated and governed? Yeah, in nineteen ninety. George Herbert Walker Bush announced a new transportation system for the United States. And before, the different modes of transportation had their own government organizational structure for regulation of that mode of transportation. Well, what Bush did with this legislation in the legislation was called the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of and that was passed concurrently with legislation having to do with telecommunications. making the internet available to everybody. And the reason was, is because they were going to automate, implement a fully automated transportation system from going from Mexico, of course, clear up to Canada, an integrated, automated transportation system, theoretically, you know, so that they could track shipments and so forth. Um, but they turns out, you know, that, um, it's for really tracking people. They don't care so much about the commercial aspect as they do the police state of tracking people. And so that's how, how you got, that was the beginning of having all of this technology on the highways and then in your cities. you know, with license plate readers everywhere. And, you know, you almost can't spit on the sidewalk anymore without a camera taking a picture of it. And they use third-party contractors for that, too, so that they can get around the law and they just buy the information as they set up these public-private partnerships. So there's a sham veil there, but it's all the same people. Well, and that's the memorandum of understanding. has become the way that government functions. When I found it, it was in the federal government, where the Department of Transportation would sign a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Energy. And you look at that and say, what the heck is this? If they're supposed to be working together, they should be able to work together. And if they're not, why would they have to sign a memorandum of understanding? What does that do for them? I don't know if that was done as a sham to fool the people. so that they could work together. Now, what these globalists have done is they have studied our laws and the way our government works, and they find cracks in the law that they can exploit. And I think these memorandums of understanding are one way to exploit a crack in the law. Being a programmer, I knew that government systems have to be authorized in law. And so it may be that the memorandum of understanding of cooperation between two agencies of government basically allowed one agency of government to use the authorization in law of another agency. So that steps outside of the legislature because the legislatures are supposed to be involved in that. So they just, they just took that right away and put it in between departments. Yes. Yeah. So they, they are absolutely subverting the constitution and the way the country is supposed to be run in order to increase their, their reach there, you know, they're over their overreach or usurpation and they're still doing it wrong, you know? Yeah, there's so many, I'd have to sit and think about all the ones that I've found, but that's the modus operandi, is to find that, oh, okay, one of them, and this one is really important. In nineteen thirty five, you know, after the stock market boom and crash and all of that, the Congress passed a piece of legislation called the Public Utilities Holding Company Act of nineteen thirty five. And what that did was to prevent utility companies from having holding companies that going into business to exploit their relationship with the utility company, setting up a system of unfair competition And ultimately, you know how important electricity is to our whole entire existence. Well, what the utilities companies were doing is gaining monopoly control over all business. So they passed this Public Utilities Holding Company Act to regulate the utilities, including their rates. Now, the way electric rates used to work, is that the rate would include the cost of the materials as they're installed and maintained, plus a profit factor on top of that. So utility company stocks were very secure, great retirement investments, because they were regulated. And it was a cost plus basis, and the plus was control. Well, what they did in the early nineties, and I just figured this out recently, I didn't realize this, even though I'd written about utility companies. What they did is that they had a holding company buy a utility company. So the utility company can't own a holding company, but a holding company bought the whole damn utility. And so they use rate payer dollars to basically manipulate rates to buy other businesses. And that's the kind of crack in the law that they exploit, that these globalists exploit. They actually study the law and figure out how to exploit it. Which is pretty darn clever, actually. Yeah, it's clever. We found a chain of communications in Michigan here where there's criminal complicity and how they used, they tried to, the communications was, how did they subvert the law? Did anybody have, the essence was, how do we subvert the law to get this done? Any ideas out there? They're right out there with it too. It's not like they're hiding it kind of, but not that much because they think we're stupid and we aren't going to really look into it or hold them accountable. Who would we go to anyway? Our federal government, the Congress, they are absolutely useless. They do hearings, but they don't ever fix anything. And they haven't for a long time. The puppets. They talk about, well, in order to stop the mass illegal immigration, we've got to pass immigration reform. Well, they've had a piece of legislation that they consider part of immigration reform, which is for the federal government to take over as and build a national human resource management system. I mean, that was one of the first systems that I really took a hard look at because I read a conceptual design in a letter that was put into the congressional record. And I read that. What the heck is this? The United States. This is not an American system. The American government does not manage the labor force. But that's what the proposal was. And it was. goes on. They never passed legislation, but in two thousand five, Congressman Tom Tancredo, that's a Republican, he had a piece of legislation that defined the system in law. It's called the Real ID Act, and the idea is that All jobs would be posted on the government website. The government would manage the American labor market, and they could then control foreign inputs. If you had shortages in the domestic labor market, the government could then fulfill those shortages by allowing the importation of foreign workers either h-one bees or um uh whatever h-two a I think is farm label um anyway a whole whole bunch of different visas but but that system is actually a system to manage the american labor market how an american does that get yeah it sounds like it's creating a creating a slave class that they can just give enough crumbs and, and make sure it's broken off that, that going back to, you know, the model that you put out there on what Ford was doing to sell their employees, their products, basically just keeping people at a level where they really can never get ahead and that they just have to continue to work paycheck to paycheck. Yeah. Well, I don't know if you've noticed over time, I don't, want to pry, but, you know, I'm... Go ahead. We don't censor anything. You can say anything here, and it's absolutely zero censorship. You can say whatever you want. Well, I'm kind of like a senior citizen, so I've watched... I know the transition, you know, and I've always been kind of aware, so we could say that I was kind of alert in the I noticed over time that as the tax laws changes, they basically have set up your budget for you, such that you can deduct this from taxes if you put this much here and this much there, basically telling you how to spend your money. And if you don't do that, then you don't get those tax breaks. Well, and the whole thing is the tax system is junk. I calculated it one time and it's changed a little bit, but we're above an eighty five percent tax rate. If anybody thinks we're less than that, I got a bridge to sell you when you've got all the discretionary taxes and fees and all that. And that doesn't even roll inflation in on it. We're at a net zero constantly. You're exactly right. You are so right. And most people don't get that. They don't. They think they're at a thirty percent tax rate, which is still too much of what a tax rate is. But all of the taxes that we have going on right now, there's not one of them that's being taxed correctly. They're all unconstitutional and it derailed at the Sixteenth Amendment. All of it needs to be wiped away and nullified. In fact, this is my here you go. There's nullification right there. I am a absolute proponent. of nullification of going back and nullification until we get this thing about ninety percent of the laws on the books need to go almost all of the uh that the uh well you gotta go back to the constitution so anything that was not uh laid out by the constitution needs to go It stands under Norton versus Shelby County. Judge Cannon just put it into one of the latest lawsuits for President Trump, validating that that's still a stare decisis law in the books. And we need to get in there and start chopping this thing out like we were dropped off in the middle of the deepest, darkest jungle and going at this thing. I think what we need is we need like a semi full of pens and somebody who has the guts to do it and go through that semi full of pens, nullifying all of these rules, regulations, mandates, executive orders, all of it, and just keep chopping until we get back to we the people taking back all of our lands and kicking these people straight out of our country. And anyone who's an American, they go straight to Gitmo. We're done with this. Yeah, well, I couldn't agree with you more. It took me a long time to come around to the idea of eliminating the taxes. But somehow we've got to kill this demon, these demons that are running our country. Honestly, you kill this thing. You honestly kill this beast system by financial means. You stop funding it. And somebody who was in an office that understood how that worked could have this thing moving in the right direction in a relatively short period of time, actually. You know, you hear the abortion debate and such. You're not going to you're not going to win a philosophical debate with people. You're not going to do it, but you can defund it and watch watch these things go up in flames. It's just like Pritzker is a major owner in this this genital mutilation nonsense going on. And if you watch after two thousand twelve with all of these things expanding and what Pritzker's, you know, financial interest in it, you start defunding this this stuff that's going through in a money laundering method through our government. And all of those areas that you're talking about, bam, we have this thing going in reverse real quick. You know what other amendment we need to repeal is the seventeenth amendment. Oh, yeah. when the constitution was set up, they balanced power. The senators were supposed to represent the states. And of course the people- By appointment. Our state government represents the people. But when they made the senators free agents, They basically, you know, allowed them to become criminals and not represent anybody but themselves. They were supposed to be appointed by the House, not by a vote. So, I mean, even everything that they've done has been outside of the of the policies. We have our nineteen sixty three constitution here that was installed illegally against the Constitution. They put a new one in place. I mean, they haven't followed any policies, you know, so, but we can go off into that direction. And I agree with you. I mean, it's time to start chopping this. You cannot make or alter the original amendments. And that's exactly what they did by altering the articles and the amendments through adding more amendments. It's the same thing they do is to your point on adding laws to amend the existing laws and finding cracks or creating cracks for them to accomplish criminal activity. But I digress. You and I are on the same side. We're on the same sheet of music here. Yeah, there are so many things that need to be done. And they have so altered our country. Just the changes that I've seen in my lifetime. We are nowhere near living in the country that I was born in. Well, tell us some more stuff that you know about that you've been researching, because this is amazing. Do you want to go more into the global transportation, Casey? Oh, yeah, we can get back to that. That's up to Vicki, but that's a driver. Yeah, that was really the driver of implementing the police state technology systems all across our country. And I took a deep dive into transportation because of looking at the intermodal system that they were implementing. And then intermodal commerce zone is where two forms of transportation come together at a single point. And it doesn't matter if it's a bike rack and a parking structure or just two forms of transportation that come together at a location they can define as an intermodal, part of the intermodal system. Okay, now it was a system that was designed for nationwide And I don't know if you know that the interstate highway system was originally called the Dwight David Eisenhower transportation system. And Eisenhower started building it in the nineteen fifties. And the idea was to be able to move men and equipment across the country in a hurry in case there was a war. And I remember the old We used to come up to Idaho to visit, and the road out of Sacramento going over Donner Summit, that was just like a two-lane highway with, you know, just kind of cut out of the mountainside. So it was a pretty scary drive, actually. But it was with this legislation, the interstate highway system, that they started building, you know, with the two separate lanes, or not lanes, but sections, you know, for going different directions. Like a medium in between them. Building the transportation system in the United States, and it really did help the economy. But That legislation required that in the cities, a metropolitan planning organization be established. And so you had your local, you know, boss tweed select a committee that would decide where the entrances and exits were to the highway system. The other thing they did in nineteen sixty six was to require hospitals be at entrance and exit locations on the interstate. And so that was a good thing, but it actually evolved into the nine one one system And it turns out that as they begin building this metropolitan governing structure, the first groups that sign a memorandum of understanding turns out to be the sheriffs, police departments, EMSs, and it's all for the nine one one system. And so, And of course, the the nine one one system really is kind of the beginning of the fusion center system. Because it's kind of a, you know, they're in on everything that happens. And then with technology, they get the GI was GIS mapping, geographic information system mapping. And I don't know if you've ever looked at those, they used to call them CAD systems, but the geographic information systems, they slice your entire city into like flat maps. for different information. You've got the information, the layer on the soil, the layer on the street addresses, the layer on who lives in those houses, the layer, it's all layered so that they have absolutely every piece of information about the city And it's in that geographic information system. And then, okay, for buildings, you can then further slice it. If you have an old building, oh, that's got asbestos in it. You know, it's really kind of a fantastic thing, an incredible thing that's really, really great but being used for equally bad purposes. And so that's all part of the police state system, what you have in the fusion centers. So anyway, getting back to the metropolitanism, under regionalism, they've been creating metropolitan regions out of our cities where you have a partnership, memorandum of understanding between your mayors of different cities close around, and then you're a couple of county officials. So you have this Soviet sitting over the top of your elected representative government. So it leaves the illusion that you have elected representative government, but you really don't. Do you have an article on your page about this? Oh, yeah. I've got it. Can you put it in the chat? It's on global transportation. Okay. I have all kinds of articles on that. Where would you like me to go to click on one as an example? Well, you've been busy. I've been at this for a long, long time. I can see that. Maybe technology vision would be one. See, I was documenting, I was trying to document each element of it as I saw it. And by the way, there are some other stories on that page about Pakistan and their system. It's a cookie cutter system around the world. Transportation and intermodal commerce zones is a cookie cutter system around the world. Maybe you can talk about inland ports real quick. I think maybe you probably briefly touched on that a touch, but how to, what are inland ports? How do they tie into like these intermodal commerce zones? I guess they do tie right in, but can you discuss that a bit more? Yeah. Um, under, uh, well laws go back, you know, they, they may change the name of it or whatever. But under the admiralty system of law, as far inland as they could reach with a boat, which they built the Erie Canal so that they could get to the Great Lakes, the waters then become international. If it connects to the ocean, it's international. Well, in nineteen twenty one, they passed a piece of legislation, I think it was under the League of Nations, called the Barcelona Declaration, defining an inland port for countries that are landlocked. There are not too many landlocked countries across the world, maybe about thirty. But they defined this declaration called the Barcelona Declaration, where landlocked countries could get access to goods shipped by oceans over the sea coming into a port in a country as long as the goods are across a designated highway that becomes a dry shipping lane. And so you, like Oklahoma, for example, Oklahoma is a landlocked territory, it's a state. So in the intermodal system, they made provision for maritime highways. And so going from a port, say in Alabama to Oklahoma, if they sign agreements, you can go, the interstate highway system basically becomes a shipping lane And the location where the zone is, the intermodal commerce zone is, is a port. And so they can, and they did, build in the intermodal commerce system, design maritime ports in our inland territory, okay? And it was really very clever. How did I figure that out? I don't know. I just remember snippets of things and I put things together and I just remember. But I had, there was a guy here in Idaho who had been in the Navy and he was a private attorney general or something for the state. He asked me, how did you figure this out? I don't really have an answer. That's just me. How much ownership in these inland ports then, designated, is China and some of the other foreign countries involved in? Well, that's a really good question. And we don't know about that. But there is a lot to know about our transportation system Well, President Trump, he reversed some of the ownership in our ports, specifically the L.A. port there. And as soon as Biden got in, they reversed that. I do know that. And something that shocked me was only two percent of the goods or the containers coming in the United States are actually inspected, which ended up giving us a huge problem with... with the containers that they had, you know, the containers that they had all over the United States that were fitted for chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons that most people don't even know they were there. They were the Club K cars, and they were all over the place. So they could hold us hostage and the politicians hostage because stupidly, the United States, not stupidly, I mean, it was planned. It was planned subversion. They basically just walked right in. Yeah. I watched hearings, smithereens, you know? Yeah. I watched hearings on the, uh, ports and the containers were coming in so fast that, you know, they could barely count them, but, um, yeah. And when they ship them to a foreign trade zone, which the, the legislation for foreign trade zones was passed in nineteen thirty four. And it basically just sat kind of, uh, like a trap waiting to be sprung. But the foreign trade zones are foreign soil on our domestic soil. How many of these are there out there? When I was researching it, there were over, I'd say over two hundred. I've got a map showing. Where's your map at? Let's go back and look at the map. Click on the global transportation. Let's see. Okay, here we got global transportation. FTZs, right? Foreign trade zones. FTZs, yeah. If that's on there, that's that. Oh, there it is. There it is. The fusion center one, this one? Yeah, the fusion centers. Well, those correspond to foreign trade zones, right? Oh, man. Did we lose? Yeah. Oh, yeah. This is amazing. Like to be illusion. Looks like that's the fusion center map. Yeah. Oh, is that where you see that diagram there on the right? this one right here those are all the systems that tells you all the systems that are included in the critical infrastructure in the fusion center system they're all connected now if anybody can look at that and tell me that's not a police state stasi control system um I'll just, you know, it's just astounding that they would come up with a system like this. It's incredible. You know, it's incredible. Right. There's nothing American about this. You know, I have no problem with systems for highways like California, like in the Bay Area. I flew into the San Francisco airport on a Sunday about in the year, and there was a backup going across the San Mateo bridge on a Sunday afternoon, middle afternoon. So California's highways are totally jammed all the time. So I have no problem at all with automated control systems on highways like California. But we sure as hell don't need those kind of systems in Idaho. Well, they're packing everybody into like a pig pen to take them to the slaughter. Yes. Yeah, that's a good description. That's exactly right. They've built a police state that the East German Stasi would just be proud to have. And interestingly, all of this technology came about as a result of Germany and Japan both working on technology systems together. I've got an article on the transportation page I think it's called Paradigm Shift, but it talks about what Germany was doing in terms of automating their highways and cars that could communicate with the highways. And of course, Japan was very into robotics of their cars. So it really was Germany, Japan, And then the United States joined in in about nineteen eighty four with technology development. So I'm going to go to the global transportation. Yeah, I'll try to get all this stuff up on my telegram channel, everybody, the links and such. So I have to go back and do a little digging here because we're coming up with enough links that I'm going to go back and redo. What do you want me to click on here? Paradigm shift. Or the one right above it. Right there? Yeah, West Germany. Prometheus. Prometheus project. The Eureka project. OK. It's almost like in your face they figured out a way to do something. But the same system they have here is the same system that they have in Europe. And it's the same system they tried to build in the Middle East. They did put systems in Iraq. So it's a global system. The system is global. So it's under the UN, right? Wow. This is just amazing. And everything that I've researched, there was a connection to a system a computer system in some way and so that's really what I was following was the development of the computer system I I wasn't looking at the political system democrat republican I didn't care about that um I I only cared about the the link because it is a computer system And so it's amazing what you can find out, you know, when you don't look at the political system. That's just a political system is a Punch and Judy show. And I think they do that intentionally to keep your attention off of the really important things. Wow. This is one of those things that you could just keep digging and digging and digging and you never come to the bottom of it. Do you have any ideas on, have you thought about how to remedy this absolute subversion and theft of our nation by some really bad people? I mean, I can make a couple of guesses on how to tear this thing down quickly, but what's your thoughts? I would cancel all of the international agreements that they signed having to do with harmonization of our economy. I would eliminate the State Department. The State Department is a diseased branch of government. And I would take a real hard look at the National Security State Basically, I would bring the secret part of government out into the open. I would get out of the UN and get the UN out of the US because they're trying to take over global governing. I don't know if you saw anything about the next conference, but it has to do with... and it's coming up here in September in about a week or so. And it was, there's information on it on the UN website, on the World Economic Forum website, on the European Commission website. So, you know, it's a big deal. It's like the Millennium Summit in the year two thousand. And I think this is the point in time when they're going to try to become actually global governance. Do you know what it's called? Is this a COP? Yes, the Future Summit of the Future or something like that. Let me get to my email. I sent out emails about it. If you're looking at your email, Casey, I think I called it Go Time. I've got Summit of the Future right here. That was one of the Okay. Yeah. There's an article by Dr. Bregan. He was a doctor that became known, you know, during the COVID scandemic, but he's got a good article on it. And you put that in the private chat and I'll click on that and put that up. Yep. I love that when you share there, because then I can just like put it right up for us. Now, can I do it? Yeah, I guess I can. Just copy the link in the chat and then I'll the private chat The link is in my email. Maybe I could just send you an email and you can post that. I can do that. It's easier for me to do it this way. I've got four screens going at one time. I'll see what I can do here, guys, because I think this is important. Let me forward this. Okay, anyway, while I'm doing this, I can tell you that it's the UN Summit of the Future. And then the World Economic Forum has information on it, Summit of the Future. So that's what it is. Okay, let me see if I can get this one up here. I think I got it. I got it here. Okay, here it is. World Economic Forum. What is the Summit of the Future? Now I'll reject the cookie and see what it does. Yeah, it's going to be a big one, I know. Just like the Millennium Summit. Huh. Forty-three points agreed on. That's good, Terrence. Yeah, that's always a bad thing, you know, when they... Okay, I just sent you that email. Okay. Go back and see what I can find. Can you see what I've been putting up? Yeah, I'm looking at it now. Okay. All right. Let me see what I got here. Might take it a minute to go through. So anyway, I... I think it's going to be really important to keep tabs on this because this is a project, an ongoing project, step by step by step, phase by phase, to build a world governing system that basically is a world free for these big commercial entities and essentially slavery for people like us. Have you ever looked into Citizens United? Because I've got some real concerns about that. Because they gave the status of an individual to corporations. My concern of that is that it's going to eventually morph into, hey, you know what? We've just given the status of a person. to corporations, and I'm afraid until that thing is deep-sixed that they're going to continue on with that. Oh, for Pete's sakes. They're going to continue on with that until they actually get a vote. Yeah, the idea of corporate personhood, that came about, it was one of those kinds of things where it was slipped into a core decision or some way it was flipped into what became precedent is that a corporation has free speech effectively just like a person. So that's corporate personhood. Well, that's absolutely obscene. Which one of these articles do you want me to click on? You've got the UN Summit of the Future. We've got WeForum. We've got Europa. Yeah, I was just showing how many places are advertising it. So I don't know, World Economic Forum is always fun. They like to, you know, push things in your face. I don't know if you could come up with a better superhero than Klaus Schwab, you know? Really? I'm like, seriously. He needs to have some sort of an evil villain lab coat on as he's experimenting with crap over there with CERN and the, and the like, you know, it's like, wow, evil villain, you know? Yeah. So much of what we see and what we're told is psychological operations. Yeah. You know, they want people to be intimidated or they want to wow them to be on the side of the evil, you know, Dr. Evil. Or they want to have people come forward that have celebrity status. I have a big problem with that. Why are we putting news anchors up for political positions? In effect, installing Barbie dolls into the system instead of somebody who knows anything about it. I'd vote for you. You know what I mean? I'd vote for somebody who actually has some knowledge and has a way of fixing it. instead of just a, you know, a plastic political action figure who, you know, somebody's got their hand up their rear end moving their mouth, you know, and who's moving their mouth and what they don't know about it and who's funding them. I had somebody on yesterday that the question is, is it's like they're always claiming, oh, I do it all by donations. It's like, yeah, you know. I'm so sure about that. Nobody's doing anything by donations anymore, not by private donations. And I'm not buying that for any reason whatsoever. But I let people talk. And then once they come out and they start playing their cards, I start looking into them. But I do not believe that at all anymore. There's always a funding mechanism behind it. And it's going to be somebody like this. Yeah. Well, if you've looked into the nonprofits and their networks, it's like organized crime, only better, only more organized. And they launder money through the many linked nonprofits. So it's just, it's kind of an unbelievable system. I wrote an article about the Tides Foundation. Oh man, I love that subject. That's crazy. Okay, let's go here. Let's see if we can get back to your main page here and see what we have. I've got a few things open. We'll see if we can get back here to the beginning. And ta-da! Okay, where's your Tides Foundation article? Do a search on Tides Foundation. Okay, let's see what we got here. This is Nancy Pelosi because she was involved in setting up the Presidio. When I found out that the Army privatized the Presidio and then let Mikhail Gorbachev move in there, Okay, there, from swords to plowshares. Okay, there we go. This is fantastic. This is fantastic, the amount of information you have here. Oh, you know what I'm going to be doing? This is going to be binge reading and watching by Donna Brandenburg in a massive way. Okay, keep going down there. Okay. I should have a diagram there of the Tides Foundation. This time, this time of the green. There it is. Okay. All right. Tell us what went on here. Okay. Um, the way that the left does things is that they, they set up networks of nonprofits and that way they can amplify the power of the nonprofit simply through the number of nonprofits that will be active on a certain subject. When it might only be like one person who is behind, you know, a named nonprofit, but it looks like a gigantic network of these people, like they're going to overwhelm you. And that's a strategy that I noticed a long time ago. But then when I found this Tides Foundation at the Presidio, there it is right in front of you. And so they use illusion, images of things to fool, especially members of Congress, because members of Congress assume that if a nonprofit group is contacting them then there must be a power base behind that non-profit right power base or money something that that they can get use out of and so they get re-elected they don't give a crap about the american uh about americans they give you know they care about that those dollars coming in this is wild Yeah. I don't think there's too many subjects that I've missed. If it's connected with a computer system, which almost everything is these days. Should I click on the tights foundation? Sure. Let's check this out. Okay. So there's your, there's your, uh, Wow. Okay. That would be, that would be one more thing I'd do is, uh, um, stop the nonprofit status, make them, uh, file tax returns that, that what they call nonprofits, that's just really money laundering for, uh, political purpose. All of these nonprofits exist for political purpose. So why the hell is the American taxpayer funding them? Right. And it's highly misleading because a nonprofit is not not for profit. They just can't show it on a balance sheet. It's an accounting function. That's all it is. Exactly right. That is exactly right. I am so shocked. I went to one nonprofit and I visited this when I was running for governor. And I had watched this company grow. And all of a sudden I went over there. I was, you know, meeting people. I talked to everybody, whether I like them or not, or agree with them or not. I talked to everybody. Walked in there and they had done, I'm going to take a guess because I understand construction pretty well. Probably a eight hundred and fifty. I'm going to say it's a million dollar investment. Addition that they put onto their little startup, right? So I walk in there and it's just incredible how much money they put into this addition. There were two people working in there. There were probably twenty offices with glass fronts and I mean impressive expensive ones. with really expensive, uh, hand carved desks and such. It was amazing. They had a whole room in the top that was for getting together. And I started looking at this and I'm like, how many people are actually working here? Oh, well, uh, there's, there's like two of us, but there's more, there's more and blah, blah, blah. And, and I'm like, well, what do you use this room up here for a big gathering room? And they had a glass office in the corner of the whole tiny yards said, well, We get our donors together once a year, and I'm using this for a shower for my daughter-in-law next week. And I sat there, and I'm like, what kind of money are you bringing in? And how many people? Then they started getting nervous because I was actually asking them questions. I said, how many people are you actually helping? You know what the answer was? Ten. Ten. Ten. And they would not give me, I could not get the budget or how much money they were bringing in or anything like that. And I'm like, well, you know, maybe I want to invest in this. I have no idea. But as soon as I started asking questions, boy, the nervousness went up like you cannot believe. And I'm like, I got your number here. There's no two ways about it. This is just money laundry. Well, you can always ask them for their nine ninety forms. That's the form they have to file with the government to maintain their nonprofit status. You can look it up. You don't have to ask them for it. Hold on. Let me put a link in the chat and then people can actually... I actually knocked apart, I got asked to knock apart the nine nineties of Bethany Christian Services in Michigan. because they were trying to put a refugee resettlement center in Alma. And the guy that was sitting on top of that board was a Mason. And what they ended up doing is they set it up through the Masons in order to put that in Alma. So I started knocking this thing apart. And I'm like, I couldn't even believe what I was looking at in their nine nineties and how much they were paying out for salaries as well as is the nonsense. And I call it right out in a meeting, which they immediately tried to cut my microphone. But I just kept I just kept going. And I'm like, this is money laundering. And I'm like, this is treason. Well, they didn't want to hear that to make everybody nervous enough. And, you know, they, the people that were there, they were crawling for the shadows to get away from the ass chewing. I was giving them because, you know, I, I, I just, I couldn't believe it. I'm like, guys, I'm a professional ass chewer. Right. And, uh, and they, they actually were running from the shadows and they, they, the, uh, The group got nervous enough because I started looking at this. I'm like half of Bethany's budget was for refugee resettlement. And and it was all having to do with refugees. And they bill themselves as an adoption agency. And and some other things are four things. But half of their budget went to illegal, illegal activities and the refugees and such refugee resettlement and all that sort of thing. I'm like, are you kidding me? Didn't go to foster care. It didn't go to adoption services. It went to that sort of thing. Then you start looking into, you know, Samaritas and you look into Lutheran family services and Catholic services and all of them. And they're all tied in. Yeah, I have a section on my website about refugee resettlement. Oh, man, this is like binge watching for Donna. Fantastic. Okay, well, on the front page, if you scroll down, there's a list of article types, not the front page. I get that. It's just going to take me a second. So, okay. Yeah, just click on home. All right. Okay, now scroll down to event stories. And there's a section there on refugees. Refugee resettlement. If you look down the list. Oh, man. There it is. The jackpot right here, everyone. This is amazing. She comes with receipts. This is amazing. Vicki is one of my new favorite people, and I just met her this morning because she actually brings receipts to the table. Wow. Yeah, I... It was just kind of a guy asked me to take a look at refugee resettlement and to write about it because in Boise, a friend of his found a refugee in his garage. The refugee just walked into his garage and was stealing stuff. And apparently that's customary in the country he came from, is that if you see something, you need something, you take it. So each one of those dots at the bottom of those, that's a different story. So you have the month and then the different stories that were written during that month. Wow. So do you think we have anyone in office right now that's worth a crap? No, I don't. I don't either. I'm really concerned. I mean, you'll see them throw some things out. But in my next segment here, we've got the J-Sixers, political prisoners in America. And Jaleese Middleton is on. And every day we've been having a different J-Sixer who, honestly, this was one of the – most egregious crimes against humanity that I have seen against Americans. I can't even, there's not enough words to go to say how bad this is and what's going on here in the United States. You know, and if they attack the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, the rightful president of the United States, They went after his rights. They went after it in a lawfare type of way. They continue to violate every single right that he has as an American. And they have violated them all. I mean, you could go write down every single amendment. And every single one of them, he has had violated his rights guaranteed by the Constitution, have been violated over and over and over again. And the problem with that is that's just the first step to these communist infiltrators, these Marxists, these criminals, these Satanists. They're Satanists. They want to kill God and they want to kill us. That's what their goal is, is to rid the country of God, to rid the country of us. and basically take over everything and just have a small workforce that will serve them, right? And the problem is, if they can go after not a former president, they went after a seated president in J-Six. It was a seated president that they went over, that they went after in a coup against the United States of America. I will fight for his rights, not as... the president who I dearly love I thought he did a great job as a president but as an american whose rights whose fundamental rights were violated until christ comes back or I run out of breath okay and because the he he was the one that they he was the one first one trying to make an example of him. And they started they started before he started in his presidency. They continued throughout his entire presidency, and they they continued J six to make sure that he didn't have the electors and then to make an example of anyone who stood there as an American to back him. And guess what? They're going to go after every single one of us unless we decide to get our heads out of the sand and stand for what matters and fight for this nation. And I'm just really honored and so honored to meet you. I can't even put it into words right now how honored I am to meet you and see the amazing work you've done. And I'm going to tell you what, you're going to be on speed dial for me. I hope you don't mind that. I don't mind a bit. I'll talk to you anytime about any of it. Dude, I'm going to be binge watching and reading this site. This is going to be my only place I'm going to be looking here until I've got every bit of information in there stuck in this little pea brain of mine so that we can go after them. I'm going to tell you what, you're amazing. Well, thank you. I'm just doing my best to have our to get our country back that's what I want I want the united states to be a country of honor and integrity I want it to be a safe place for everybody that's here that should be here and you know I I'm just an ordinary citizen I love my country I want it back Ordinary citizen is the highest level of government that we have. They're a service company. They were supposed to be a service country or a service basically entity for us to do certain functions for us. They work for us and they've completely flipped everything upside down and backwards. But, you know, I digress. That's what Satanists do. And that's who they serve. They're liars. They're full time liars. And they serve the father of all lies. Guess what? Time's over for them. They're done because we've got their game now. And I really do believe that we are seeing the changing of the old guard as we speak. There's going to be a little collateral damage and some bumps along the way. But I'm going to tell you what, we're taking this country back. And when we do... The the retribution on the crimes that they have committed against us is going to be is going to be appropriate, decisive and absolutely no way out for any of them. They had their chance to turn around and do the right thing and they refused to do it. So they basically damned themselves in the process. And there's no getting out of it for them. I agree. I want to leave you with two tools if I can say something. Yeah, sorry. I'm teasing you. I know this is good. But I posted a link there for the nine ninety look up through the IRS. And that's a tool that people need to have bookmarked because you can easily look at look up businesses or nonprofits through the EIN, the employee identification number, or you can search by the name of the organization. So you can punch in Tides, you know, and take a look at their, what they filed. And then you can take a look at the board and you can see, like for doing research, it's really great. Another really good tool that you can use with that is going to your state's secretary of state's website and do a business search lookup. And then you can find out more information between those two tools. You can actually find out a lot of very surface information, very fundamental, simple information, and that'll help you tie together some some dots. So those are two things I use in Michigan. It's Laura. Laura is the licensing regulation for the state of Michigan. And you can find all kinds of things on that because you can go in and see who's on their boards, who's the directors. You can find out Chinese links to some of these companies because you'll see a name, click on the name, let it lead you down the path. And you can put some of this stuff together there. So this is fantastic. That's a really good one. That link is great. Yeah, Tides. Let's see what we got here. Well, well, well, we only have five. Um, not sure if that's the right, that's not the right one, but, uh, Oh, you didn't do, I think, did you do it by search by organization name and tides is probably an acronym, right? Right. Okay. Let's go back to the homepage anyways. Oh, here we go. Um, I got a bunch of, okay, here we go here on my end. search term they want the ein number see I think I found it um yeah here we go it's out of pennsylvania and yeah anyways I I've never really looked them up much so I just have a final letter here anyways it's it's it's good information it'll it'll help it'll help a lot of people try to uh ferret out some information so Perfect. I'll put that all in my Telegram channel, which is at Brandenburg number four MI on Telegram. I do post the links there. And so I'm going to be busy here going through this and getting all those links up there today and trying to bring it forward. Well, Vicki, it's been a truly an honor. And let's close out here with with, you know, any closing remarks for you, Casey and Vicki. And then I'm going to go into my. Jay Sixers hour at eleven here and try to get out, try to get all this. Everybody's voice heard. You know, this is really why we're here is to try to help everyone who's been censored, silenced and their information quieted. I mean, because these people are trying to tell us, shut up and sit down. Guess what? That doesn't work for us. Doesn't work for me. That'll never happen. No. Like pouring jet fuel on a fire. Go ahead, Casey. Oh, I don't really have much to add, but people want to see what I'm doing. You can follow me on X Casey underscore Wayland. That's W H a L E N on sub stack Casey Wayland dot sub stack dot com. And my video platform is on Rumble North Idaho exposed. And of course, follow Vicky at the technocratic tyranny dot com. And her older website is channeling reality dot com. And then her weekly Saturday show. And she can give the time. I always forget the time. It's a three hour show. She's co-host with Darren Weeks, and that's at, and you can get a whole lot more of Vicki every week. Yeah. Darren lives in Michigan, by the way. Oh, is he? I think I know who you're talking about. I'd be surprised if you didn't. Yeah, I think I know Darren. He's involved in the, or he is or was involved in the Drill Assembly. Drill Assembly. Yeah. Yep. I know who he is. So there you go. So small world, isn't it? There's a whole bunch of us out there that are fighting. So very cool. Well, guys, thank you so much. And then Vicki, I'm going to give you a call later. And I'd like to have you back on next week, if you would be so kind. I think this is extraordinary. And thank you so much for all the work that you've put into this. And I hope that everybody shortly knows your name and knows all the work that you've done. And all of us here will make sure that we can do our best to help you in any way we can get your information out so you can talk to more people because people need to know this. Well, yeah, that's an interesting thing. Having everybody know my name makes me want to run away and hide. You know what? We'll put your information out there. They can't get all of us. The more of us that are out there posting this stuff is when we're strong is when we all stand together and refuse to lay down to these people and watch them kick us in the head until we're dead, right? Yeah, I'll never quit. I'll never quit. I declared war on these people. And I love that. So, yeah. So when a member of my family declares war, it's to the very end, to the, you know, to the death. Last breath until Christ comes back. That's the only thing that releases us from this. So, well, thank you so much. And I think you're going to find an army of people out there that are going to absolutely stand with you. and start lobbing some truth bombs and the way it's going to be. Okay. All right. Well, thank you so much for having me. I appreciate it. Awesome. I'm going to take a quick break here and I'll be back with our third hour. Jay Sixers, Political Prisoners in America. I'll be right back. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Dr. Brandenburg and it is the fifth day of September, twenty twenty four. And welcome to our show. I just absolutely love this morning show. What a great show it has been so far. And now we're going into the next segment, which I'm equally going to love. How are you guys doing this morning? Good morning. I'm doing great. Welcome to your segment, too. When I come on, I'm like, why didn't I join this sooner? Yeah. Well, guess what? The magic of replay and the fact that they can't take Donna Brandenburg down is sure that this is going to come, you know, stay up until Christ comes back, you know, or I breathe my last breath and probably after that. So at any rate, welcome to the show, Jenny. I'm thankful that you came on today. Good morning, Donna. Hi, Jalise. Thank you for having me. So, yeah, you know, the thing of it is, is that the criminal conspiracy that's happened in the United States of America, it just gets worse and worse and worse. And some of us, too, who have been researching for for I don't know, we're coming up on I think I'm coming up on probably close to, I don't know, eight, ten years or something like that as a researcher, because I started out as an anon. And I researched full time all the time. I was constantly looking up things. And I was in a couple of research groups where we actually started chasing this down. There's a few people that really have the skill, honestly, that my last guest has, Vicki. And I'm just in total awe right now on how she's not only connected this, but she's got it laid out. She's got the receipts. I mean, this woman did. She had it together. And I thought, see, I don't have that skill set. So I was impressed myself. Yeah. I'm going to be like binge looking at her stuff. You know, I keep a lot of stuff in my head. I've got stuff saved off. You know, when we were told to stay offline, I probably have, I'm going to say, Sourced documents, a screenshot saved off or more. And so, you know, when I get told by somebody who has a very high clearance save offline, I'm going to tell you, I'm on it. Right. But she has it dissected enough in a structure that anybody can go in there. And start picking through this. We need everyone since our education system is complete shit. I'm just going to say it. You know, it's indoctrination that we have got to get in there and help educate each other and ourselves. I mean, every single day we should be out there on our own deciding that we're going to complete what what they tried to subvert. We take it back ourselves by getting in there. And doing the hard work, not looking at what they're spoon feeding us, because what they're spoon feeding us on fake news, crap media out there is just further indoctrination to further put us in the position of of being completely ignorant and stupid so that we can't fight them. And we've got to put on the full armor of God to do it, because I'm telling you, every single day. Entity ran bar government at this point is corrupted. I'm going to show you rabbit hole. I have went down. I get so deep. I run out of oxygen. I'm telling you warm your listeners. I got to show you this right now. So I filed a pro se, a jury for Pete Prio lawsuit and the cards are starting to come back with their summons. And let's see, I'll get it out there. I've got two of the four back. The Wicked Witch being that one. And I've got two more that I'm waiting. They've already signed for it. So I'm just waiting for those to come back. And we are going to start holding it because the Department of Justice is crap. The judges are all Soros bought and paid for crap. The legislature is nothing but a puppet with somebody's hand up their behind moving their mouth. They're not doing a damn thing. You look at all of them, Marjorie Taylor Greene included, because when that hit home to me on how worthless these people are to watch Americans, the Jay Sixers is, I hate to say it, but the poster group of people for how far down the United States of America has fallen. You're right. And they're seizing our lands. They're doing it through in Michigan, the DNR, including the zoning boards and such. They tried to seize part of my land here in Byron Township by hiding a tax bill. They're doing this stuff all the time. And when you look at the structure that Vicki had laid out there, you can see it. It's like falls right down to the ground. And guess what you're going to do, guys? When we see this sort of thing, are we going to stop? And I just know, but hell no, we're going to grab this thing and we're just going to go on the table so everybody can see it. What are you going to do? You can't kill all of us. And some of us don't care because we know where we're going. That's absolutely right. You know, I've said it don't matter how this plays out for me. This is how my life is going to look from here forward. I will not rest with it. And the reason I know that is because of our scriptural calling. Okay. We are called to be our brother's keeper. So now that you're made aware of it, it is in disobedience to the Lord to not stay with it. Yeah. It is their problem. You are now responsible. When you see this, you are responsible or you're complicit. Right. Right. Yes. Yes. you just nailed it right there and not in the people you know the people are running they're or they're seeing tidbits and their brains not embracing it I'll be honest when the sex trafficking when pizzagate first hit the the news that was my first time that somebody sent it to me and said are you watching this and I was clueless to it and he sent me some information and it was opening I have to admit as a believer I'm like you don't see coincidences like this But I couldn't believe it could really be. I'm like, that's just gross. I don't know who come up with this, but it's gross. Well, roll forward about two or three years, I met my hairdresser and my hairdresser's like, what do you think of this? And I said, I don't know what to think of that. I mean, it's very coincidental. She goes, girl, I got a captive audience for the next three and a half hours. You're not going nowhere. And I got schooled. That's awesome. Well, I tell you what, it's like I don't you know, there's some things that I haven't put out there that I've seen or that I have that I have seen and that I could put out there because people have no idea what they open the snake. You know, you listen to President Trump, the rightful president of the United States, which I'm going to say every time when he said the poem of the snake. Right. And the snake bite, I don't think they really realized what they let in here to our country. And this has gone on for decades. This is more than seventy years. This goes back before the Federal Reserve was set up. This is before World War I. World War I was about setting up the Federal Reserve. World War II was about the U.N. and subversion of this nation. You can go back to eighteen seventy. seventy one when, you know, when the corporation started and all of this stuff. And I think we're backing out of it. So the good thing is, is that there's been some really good people working on this for a very long time. But I'm going to throw out the proverbial challenge here because that's what we do here on Brandenburg News Network. Choose a side. Because there's going to become a time you either fight with us or you're fighting against us. And there's going to be some of us who have a long memory on this sort of thing. You either stand or you're going to be kicked right outside of the gates of the righteous that are going to stand here and stand for something and stand for the innocent. and stand for God here. And I think the first thing we need to do is we need to strip all these people of their citizenship before we send them to Gitmo. It's like if you had any part in this corrupt situation, voting rights are gone. Anybody who entered this country illegally, you will never be able to ever vote as a citizen in this nation. Gone. Right. And that never gets turned back around. Because if they came here breaking the law, we can pretty much make a decision that they came here as a lawbreaker to take advantage of this country for self-enrichment, taking advantage of the system instead of coming here like we see it as defending each other's rights and building a country together. as one American family, not as little individual pukes crossing the line. And I'm going to tell you, some of them I know have been trafficked. I get that. This is something we can figure out. We're in a surveillance state. We have everything. We can go down and figure out this thing to the last mole on somebody's behind, I'm pretty sure, right? So we're going to be able to figure this whole thing out and all of these rights that they assume they could walk in here with, with a stamp of blessing, with the political puppets and the, you know, the technocracy, the warfare, the economic warfare, the warfare that's been waged against the American people. We are never going to forget. And and there will be justice because, you know, I look at this with how many people there are here and how many guns are in the United States of America and how many trillion rounds of ammunition here. Good luck with that. You know, that's what's disgusting to me is that people know if they get your First Amendment, they've got your Second Amendment. And why they're sitting here letting it methodically be tore down. Listen, I'm not calling people to arms. I'm just saying we're the only country left that has the capability. Well, and the stupid snowflakes that are assisting them are also have chosen a side. I'm sorry. You know, the ignorance is there. They better start moving around a little bit and getting their, you know, fat-free cookie and their tea, you know, their herbal tea that they've got to go have to make themselves feel better about some sort of imagined slight in their victim status. You know, it's like I'm kind of done with all this, quite honestly. It's like, oh, no, the men are so horrible. They're treating us. Just shut the hell up. You know, that is not a woman thing. That is a weak, pathetic puke thing. And you just haven't lived enough life to see that we've got it better here than anywhere on the planet. Even though we've got problems, we've got big problems. We've already been taken over. I really believe that we can say with the evidence of the J-Sixers, I can honestly say the United States of America has already fallen. Yes. Straight up. In the classical sense. And we're still in the mode of education. That's what I don't understand. We're still in the mode. And they've taken out fifteen hundred January six defendants. OK, only so far because family, they all had a community. They all had a neighborhood. They all had friends. So I would venture to say for every every day, six or all fifteen hundred of them, they knew there's three hundred people that knew them. We have that amount of people at the very minimum that has first and secondhand information to this. And could have stepped up. And how many people have actually stepped up? Well, guess what? If it's here on Brandenburg News Network, the non-censorship platform up there, you can say anything you want, where we're archiving all of these stories that will go down in history as what happened in the United States of America, their little concentration camps of death, destruction, of harm, of destroying people's lives without probable cause to hide their criminality of what they were trying to do to deprive a seated president of his rights. This is not a former president, like they say on the fake puke news. This is a seated president attack on him in the United States of America. This is going to go down in history as one of the greatest takedowns of a criminal organization that the world has ever seen, because you know what? They cannot kill the American spirit. We will not be put down. We will not shut up. You can hold a gun to our head. You want to kill us? A hundred thousand are going to pop up in our place. You have opened up the largest can of whoop-ass that you never thought even existed. And it's going to be epic. And I'm so thankful to be born now. What a great time to be alive. Everyone every day should get up and say, this is just one more day to kick sand in their face. and get out there and kick sand in their face. Whatever way God calls you to do it, refuse to capitulate to the Satanists because that's what they are. That is. So the word good and evil, I can't say it enough. You can throw punches all you want, but until you bow on your knees and turn to the Lord and repent of your sin and ask him to save this nation, we're going to be stuck right here with these tyrants as our leaders. He's going to kick us right out in the desert for forty years until we learn our lesson to turn around to him, follow him, even if it's against all odds. He loves that sort of thing. He gives us miracles when we do that because we trust in him and our faith is in him, not in us. We say, OK, God, yeah, you want us to have three people take down a criminal organization that reaches every country in the whole world. whole world and it it it lumps in the politicians the economic part of it the uh I don't know the monetary system the taxes bring it you know because our trust is in god and he can turn around anything but I'm going to go ahead and duck off here it's nice to meet you and by the way I did hurt my back very badly which is why I've been jumping off here at the eleven o'clock thing because I do stupid stuff like usually involves horses or bees or something like that and uh so but but I know I know uh you were praying for me and actually I got up this morning and my back pain is virtually gone so thank you But I'm going to turn this over to you guys. And you have a great morning. And just let me know when you're ready to get off here. You can talk as long as you want. We're archiving this. Say every detail that needs to be thrown out there that we can hang them all on because that's what needs to happen. Thank you for that. And that is exactly what we do because personal stories need to get out to it. You know, we've got lots of podcasters that talk about, you know, the atrocity of January six, the infiltration, you know, the abuses that occurred. But everyone's forgotten the human behind that banner. And just remember, I am and I am a non-conceding governor candidate and I'm the best non-conceder who has ever not conceded in the history of the world. And so just go to Actually, I don't visit that site that much. But if you go to Brandenburg for MI on my Telegram channel, I will talk directly to you right there. And we're going to plan on what we're going to do when we take this nation back, because we do have a way to do that. And I'm going to let you girls talk about what's going on here today. And thank you for being on. Julie's please on with a prayer and have a great day, guys. And we'll see you tomorrow. Thank you so much. That's awesome. Have a good day. YouTube. I might be hostile to these people. They deserve it. Oh, I plan on being much more methodical than that. Don't you, Jenny? Am I going to let hostility take over? Oh, no. That's not methodically planned. Goodness. Introduce yourself. This is my favorite redhead. I Thank you, Fran. So I'm Jenny Kudd. I'm a January six defendant and Jalise knows that my personal January six story is one of the smallest, most boring ones, honestly, when it comes down to it. You know, you've got a lot of interest to your story and you always downplay it so much, but especially at this point in the game, because you were one of the very early ones that they come after. And that means you've now had three and a half years to see how much treacherous and torturous they can become. Oh, absolutely. So I was one of the first one hundred that got arrested and was arrested one week after January six that my flower shop, I used to own a flower shop in Midland, Texas. Can you imagine, y'all? Look how threatening and dangerous she was. Oh, let's go attack this flower shop. And the Midland Police Department sent eight police officers in seven vehicles and full tactical gear carrying long arms and two attack dogs to come pick me up at the flower shop. Of course, like all of us didn't get the option of just turning myself in and it was dramatic. It was dramatic and silly and all of that. So you owned a flower shop at the time, right? Yes. So you had employees, right? I did. And thankfully, none of them were there at the time. Just my fiance at the time, now husband, Doug, was there. But it was the day that we were going to reopen the flower shop after being closed for almost a week because of all of the crazy hate calls and crazy people that were constantly calling the shop. So. Okay. Wait a minute. So how did they find out about the shop? About like, why were they calling your shop acting crazy? Explain. I'm confused. So on January six, um, the shortest version of the story is I was inside the Capitol for the rotunda and then in Statuary Hall and always between the velvet ropes and taking my unguided patriotic tour of the Capitol, which I was always taught to believe was called the people's house, but that is not true. And I'll never forget when I had to interview with the FBI after I took a plea deal, they asked me if I heard the chant on January six, whose house? Our house. And of course they did. And they said, what do you think that means? And I said, well, it's the people's house. So I assume that's what it means. I couldn't believe how stupid they were. Anyway. Because remember, in court, because we wanted to attend the Jericho march around the Capitol, we wished for the walls to fall down on the Capitol. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Absolutely. That's called not knowing the word and trying to use it against a Christian. Uh-huh. Yes. No, that would be fantastic if that happened. So I totally forgot what you even asked me to. So you were in there staying in your unguarded in the velvet. So I was in the Capitol for nineteen minutes and I left because I was in the hallway above where Ashley Babbitt was murdered by Capitol Police Officer Lieutenant Michael Bird. And people were coming out of the hallway underneath. with blood on their hands saying that they killed a girl. And that's when I thought, okay, it's, it's going bad. So it's time for me to exit. And so I exited out the east side of the Capitol past police officers through an open door, just like I had come in. And that evening I sat down and recorded a twenty seven minute long Facebook live video. And I've been doing a Facebook Live video every single day since the stolen election. And it was just to the people that followed me, friends and family and stuff like that. And nothing big at all, just super casual. And somebody took a one minute clip out of that twenty seven minute long Facebook Live video and put it on Twitter. And that got seven million views in two days. And that's what That's when you knew there were problems. Infamous. Yes, ma'am. And so at twelve hours happened to me and you just reminded me of it because I sent a picture of a man that looked like a Vietnam veteran as I was walking up the steps and he had his arms held up and it was looking out toward the Washington Monument. It was gorgeous. Tears going down his face. And I said, this isn't your first rodeo, is it? And he said, not by far. And I said, can I take your picture? And I did, and I sent it to my daughter. And I said, this is why we have to stand firm. And that picture, she put it on a TikTok video and it went viral and she had to take it down because so many people started aggressing her. So now I've forgotten about that until you just said that. So that video that went viral, you had doctors come after you from that video. Oh, instantly. Yes. So within twelve hours of that Facebook live video. There were over a thousand one-star reviews on Google for my flower shop, which of course my flower shop didn't protest a stolen election. I did, but people are really dumb. And to Google's credit, they took them all down because it was such unusual activity. But that of course doesn't stop the people that, you know, still, still today. And I don't even own the flower shop anymore. I sold it, you know, still today. Leave reviews about me storming the Capitol or insurrecting or whatever. Which means they don't know you because they don't even realize you don't own the flower shop anymore. Right. Right. So who do you think these people are? Oh, I think it's the leftist lunatics, whether they're paid or not paid, but the people that It's amazing the amount of hate and vitriol that somebody can have in their heart for a complete stranger. That's what baffles me. I receive death threats. I mean, like almost like out of the movies where they cut letters out of magazines and glue them together to make it. I've gotten those too. And I'm thinking to myself. You remember those dream boards that got popular for a while where you glue out of magazines on the board, you know, to represent what you want to see in your life in the next five years, you know, and it focuses you. I was too lazy to complete my dream board because I had to cut out of magazines. And these people are cutting out a little H out of the word the on the thirty second page of Time magazine. Like all you can think of is you are a very stupid and sick individual that your life is so wasted and useless. That you're expelling all this energy on your hatred toward me that you don't even know, don't know the story. But then the bigger question was, how'd you get my address? How did you get me? And I can tell you most of my letters come out of the Washington, D.C. area. I full on believe it was our politicians sending them to me. Interesting. I sure do. I sure do. I know there's a couple specific people that send the postcards, you know? And all of us J Sixers get them on the regular, right? For every holiday, for on and on. And it's always the exact same, like they're mass produced postcards from whatever Looney Tunes that somehow has all of our home addresses. And That's the capability and time. Yes. Or I would like to know who is behind the postcard guy. Yeah. Yeah, that's absolutely right. And I've been just left so intrigued by that because people that I righteously deserve to be able to hate. Okay. Yeah. they don't hold enough headspace in me to hold my attention long enough to do something like that. Right. To me, it shows the level of mental illness. So when they start talking the so-called conspiracy theories on fluoride and the vaccines and the metals, I believe it now because Now those people got mentally ill. Okay. And I, the scripture tells us that I have given you a sound mind. So then my first question is, if you don't have a sound mind, why don't you? And where did it go? And you can't help but think there's had to be an outside force, not just, these aren't people capable of thinking for themselves. These are people being used robotically. I have fried your brain, so now you believe what I have to tell you. Because they didn't take any research. If they would have, the things that were said to me wouldn't have been said. Like, I still see the stupidity on Twitter. I've seen it on YouTube. Where I know for a fact, because I do happen to know you, that this wasn't your story. But they add to the story, make things up. It's mental illness. It is. It is. And I think that all goes to a larger thing of how the vast majority of Americans have become that lazy and complacent and keep giving the government more and more power and turning over their... Like we're not a people anymore that are emotionally responsible for ourselves. Right. It's everyone else's fault that we're having a bad feeling. And so, of course, those people act that way. Like I'm just, I can't imagine lashing out at a stranger across the country, even with some of the, as you know, some of the stuff that has happened. Like we can get addresses too, right? But I don't have that kind of time because I'm trying to actually make a positive difference in the world. You know, and help people. Imagine that. Imagine that you could actually do that with yourself. Yeah. So it's pretty crazy. But just to wrap up my J-Six stuff. So there were twelve hundred tips to the FBI about me and twelve hundred. So twelve hundred viewers of that video that didn't know you from Adam. Called FBI. Wow. Wow. Do you know who they were? I know some of them. Okay. I know mine too. And it really shows the mercy the Lord has placed in my heart that I don't call them out by name. There's many times that I am tempted at this point because I know that now they are a boxcar loader. What do I mean by that? Well, during the Holocaust... Other Jews would load their family and friends and neighbors and community into boxcars to be led packed in to the point they could not sit. They could not go to the bathroom. They had to pee right down their leg, whatever. And they were led to a gas chamber. Their own people did that to them. And January six defendants have experiences due to exactly what we're talking about here right now to where they know you. They know who you are. And yet they turned you in as an enemy to the state. Oh, yes. Yes. But that's what everybody was taught during twenty twenty. That was during COVID. to rat out your neighbor. You know, if your neighbor's doing something that might put somebody at danger or whatever, then, you know, Tim Waltz had a freaking hotline for it, for you to rat out your neighbor. Yes. And I want to add to this. It's a bit of a rabbit hole, but I want to add to this. Right after that, I have seen amber alerts come through my phone that they call the blue alert. Have you seen one of those? I have. I have. That blue alert tells you to look for somebody that the police are looking for because they they're accused of harming a police officer in a stop or something like that. Here's what my challenge is for the American people, because if you're taking your thoughts captive, you should be appalled by blue alert because they're being accused. Somebody else. They're not convicted. They're being accused. And it's witness against witness, a police officer against that person. And y'all are assuming because they're wearing a uniform that their testimony is stronger than the individual. They didn't give you body cam footage. They didn't show the scene. They sent an alert through your phone. And now you're calling the police department. I just saw a blue Mazda. Are you kidding me? How many blue Mazdas just got pulled over that had a family of five in it? Or even that had that individual in it that was accused, not convicted. You should not ever answer one of those blue alerts because you have not been given enough facts to report that individual. They are innocent until proven guilty. But anyway, that's my thought. Go back. Amen. This is casual here. Right. It's just casual. I love it. So just to wrap up my part of it, I wound up taking a plea deal for trespassing and got one of the lightest sentences of all of the J-Sixers. And I personally believe it's because I made a deal with God that if I got my consequences of January six over sooner, that I would use my voice to educate people about what happened that day and to tell the stories of those that can't either because they died that day committed suicide afterwards or because their case is still active and it's not safe for them to talk because everything can and will be held against you in a court of law and and so that's what I've done since then um I I am in a different spot than a lot of J Sixers because I've been off of probation for almost two and a half years now, which is crazy. Yeah. Because it's still like it was yesterday, isn't it? Yes and no. Yes and no. It's weird. I don't regret it at all. I regret the effect that it had on those that I love. Yeah, I regret that. We both got to live it every day. And I think it's especially hard for you because For you, if when I put myself in your shoes, I look at it and you've built all these relationships because you understand what they're going through. So you're talking with January six dependents, you're building relationships and you were blessed in that you went through the process early. You had excellent counsel. and you were able they were they were more lenient then so the listeners probably don't know this they started out more lenient with with the january six defendants if they let it get resolved quickly and you plea bargained you took the plea and they would let you off and as long as you obeyed everything they told you it It was more than a slap on the wrist. It was still horribly and unjust and destructive in your life. I mean, it destroyed you just like it did every other Jay Sixer. You got blasted all over the media. Everything got robbed from you. But you quickly got out from under the oppressions. Well, then we, within those first about three hundred arrests, after that, they started coming down hard. Then the question, like for me and Mark, we were number four hundred and twenty and four hundred and twenty one that were arrested. And one of the first. How do you find out what number you were? They put it in the newspaper. I don't know. Because I want to know what number I was. Yeah. And so with that, you know, their very first question to me was, why didn't you turn yourself in? I said, why would I? And for what? I didn't do anything wrong. He goes, well, you knew there was an interaction with police. And I said, because he beat the shit out of me. Right. Yeah, because they attacked you. And so anyway, they started coming at us harder. And so then you could still take a plea bargain. But the plea was always to like the four misdemeanors. You couldn't plea on one misdemeanor. And then to do that, they gave you at least ninety days in jail. Well, then it went from that to that same plea agreement now took you six months to a year in jail. And so they just keep building because they're more and more angry for those of us that have held out and stood firm and moved on. So it's made it really hard for you because you're looking at your brothers and sisters and trying to pull them out of the net, want them out of the net. You love them. You don't want to see them hurt. And even on the other side of it, you can't get them out of the net. And I personally find that your situation, I hear you downplay it. I do. But your situation, I feel like is so much more emotionally tumultuous because of you so grateful that you got through, but then watching so many people you love. Mm-hmm. And that's hard. So why did we put our makeup on? If you're going to really want people to understand this because no body. is getting out unscathed this has changed their life forever not just the material not just the physical not just the emotional but the spiritual every single aspect of every single person even when they so-called got off good which you tend to present yourself as getting off good but it is still horrifically traumatic, which tells you how unbelievably shocking this whole situation is. Cause even the best case scenario is beyond anything you could ever imagine. And that's all of the things that, um, We all, not just Americans or J-Sixers, but also lawyers and judges and all of that, have believed for years and years that the longer you wait, the longer you delay, that you push the trial out, all of those kinds of things, the better the result is going to be. And it's wound up being the exact opposite with J-Six death. And you know this especially. But for the other people that are watching, like those of us that went first absolutely had it easier than everybody that's come since. And, you know, I still have people contact me all the time that are brand new baby J sixers. And, and, and I hate that what I've told them has changed. Right. You know, the, the good news is we have all the infrastructure in place to give you support, to connect you to prayer groups, to help your family out to, you know, where you don't have to walk through this alone because it's been almost four years now. But the bad news is you're going to prison no matter what. So you might as well go ahead and wrap your head around that because that's what's going to happen. And that's not what I used to say to people because used to there was an option to not go to prison. And now it doesn't matter if you never went inside the Capitol and you were just charged with trespassing or picketing and parading like low level misdemeanors that don't even matter. you know, you're still going to prison. That's right. That part is off the table. Even when I minister to people, I tell them that part is not even up for discussion. It doesn't matter what you do or how you do it or who you do it with. That is not up for discussion. The discussion is what are you going to do when you get there to preserve yourself, preserve your life and come through it a warrior and an overcomer. Yes. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. So that's frustrating from anybody that believes in injustice. And if you still believe in justice at this day and time, then that's great. Good for you. Because there's a lot of us that don't. Yeah. Until it knocks on their door. Because when justice is gone, it is gone for everybody. That's where it becomes blind. The tyranny is blind too. The justice is supposed to be, but the tyranny is blind. So I do as, as somebody who has, is just in a different part of the journey, you know, just further along. Right. Um, I do, I thought this was going to be a casual conversation, Jaleesa. Hey, it's casual, but it's real. I was going to talk about my baby donkey. I've cried more times than I haven't. Okay. So just get over it. They've already seen me. I'm a cryer too. You know that. I cry on Jaleesa all the time. So I do feel like I have a sense of duty, which is something that we don't talk about much anymore, to work through the shift. so that I can help somebody when they come out. And that's not easy. So last year, almost a year ago, God gave us this amazing opportunity to move down to Fredericksburg, Texas, which is the best part of Texas. And it's where the Texas wine country is and the hill country and the blue bonnets and all the things. And I've wanted to live down here since I was eight years old, which is the first time that I came. And so I've literally looked at real estate for thirty two years, like since I was a child, because I've always wanted to live here. And I have no problems with running and jumping off a cliff. And figuring it out all the way down. Yes. And so, I mean, literal miracles, literal miracles for us to get here. And God just figured it out, right? Because, of course, we didn't have the money, right? Like, I haven't encountered a J-Sixer that after all of their J-Six stuff is like, gosh, I just have too much money. I'm just too comfortable here. You know, that doesn't happen, right? Right. And so I sold my flower shop to my longtime manager and that was all God business. And then my husband and I somehow miraculously got approved to buy this property. And it's a bed and breakfast and we have eleven acres and eight different suites and a stage and pavilion and a giant hot tub and chickens and goats. And we just got a miniature baby Jesus donkey two days ago. my gosh donkeys sound awful oh wow you've heard kamala cackling for years that's what it's like nails on a chalkboard and I'm hoping that as he grows up because his name is vernon hayburner I'm hoping that as he grows up maybe his voice will deepen or something so it doesn't sound so it is awful no granted he just got here so hopefully he'll Quit communicating all day every day, but we shall see. Anyway, and so we absolutely believe that God brought us here. And the reason why I wanted this specific property is because we want to build it up to where we can help the J-Sixers as they get out of prison and give them somewhere to live and somewhere to work and help them rebuild their lives. And And that's always been the plan with this because we've got plenty of space, you know, and then it's a bed and breakfast. There's tons of work with that. Um, we also just, just so you know, it's called full moon in. I'm going to shamelessly plug it because I need everybody's help in order to make the dream happen. Okay. And I want you to because this is another way to support January six defendants. Listen, people, you may not have tons of money to donate to American Patriot Relief or to donate to one of the gifts and goes that I tell you about on the daily. But what you may have is vacation time every year. And at the very least, you could go visit this B&B and get to know Jenny and her husband and find more ways to help that doesn't require money. But in the meantime, you can support a business that is in full intent of supporting January six defendants to get back up on their feet. Because one thing I don't talk about often enough is that some of these people lose their homes while they're sitting in prison. They lose their marriage, they lose custody of their children, and they're coming out of prison with nobody nothing and no way to start over because they've annihilated their character in the media. And when an employer, which all of them do it now, I know because I've managed people, first thing I do is go and Google their name to see what kind of trash do they put on their social media. If they're dropping F-bombs and fighting with everybody, they're going to be divisive in my company. I don't want them. And so that's what they do. Well, when they do, they're finding out, oh, you're a terrorist, according to the government. And even if they don't believe what's being read to them, what they do, what they do is they know, I don't want in the middle of this because these doctors are going to call my company and bother me. Mm-hmm. It's called the chilling effect. And that's what, that's what January six is all about to keep people from standing up to the federal government. Cause they see what has happened to those of us that did. That's right. And so, you know, yes, all of that is a hundred percent true. And also a lot of these guys that are coming out of prison, the vast majority of them, um, have a whole bunch of felonies on them. Yeah. And, uh, And so it's especially difficult for them to get a job and get back on their feet and all of that, unless there's somebody on the inside that's willing to push them through that background check. And so in the time that we have been here, which is almost a year, you know, at first, when I came down here, I was super gun shy about, uh, using my, my J six last name, because now it's McCombs because I got married. But I was real excited to have a new last name, to be in a new town, to where I hadn't been on the cover of the paper, you know, for weeks and weeks and months on end. And really didn't want to to open up and to talk about the January six step. Also, I was trying to heal emotionally and still am working on that. And you had an opportunity to basically break free and start over with a new name, new city, new everything. And that goes back to the duty thing, right? I have a duty to make sure that I am healing emotionally, healing spiritually. I mean, just wait till I start talking about forgiveness here in a minute. And, you know, going through these different things, because how can I help somebody else who has had it way worse than I did, you know, and has lost way more than I did. If I'm not willing to go through the hurt and the pain and, you know, walk through the grief in order to get to the other side. And that's not fun. That's not fun. But you know what? I'm here for it. So we slowly started talking to, and when I say we, we got me in huge trouble on January six, huge trouble. And I didn't use the word for like two years after that. I mean, my husband and me. But mostly I mean me. I just refer to myself as we. Maybe that's me and the Holy Spirit. I don't know what it is, but I just say we all the time. And let me explain that to the listeners because that's what got me in trouble too. All of my Facebook posts were, you know, we broke through the barricades. We got in the Capitol. We... Whatever. Referring not to me and my husband because we were sitting in a hotel room while making that post. We was referring to partnering with patriots. In other words, we attacked ourselves to everybody. And the government used that against us to make it look like we were confessing to all this wrongdoing. That's why I tell the people we are being convicted because of our words, not because of our actions. And that's First Amendment. Absolutely. Absolutely. And I had that too when my judge gave me a five thousand dollar fine and he told me specifically, he said this would have normally been a one thousand dollar fine. but I'm increasing it to five thousand because your words hurt people. Give me a break. Right. Anyway. And so. So we opened up a bar here on site back in April and it's called the seventeen seventy six bar and it's the most patriotic bar in Texas. Can't speak for the whole country just because our entire country was founded in a bar. So I would say that that one is more patriotic than we are. um which I'd love to go to someday but so it's pretty easy to see when you walk into that bar and pretty easy to read people and see which direction they lie yeah and I've got um a wall of heroes on it and I've got you know my dad and my uncle my grandfather raw military and doug's dad and cousins and you know different people and then I have a whole bunch of j-sixers up there and Mark and Jalisa are up there as well so I can't look at you because that'll make me cry again but Ashley Babbitt's up there a whole bunch of my j-six people are and so that has been a great way to educate people about the j-sixers and what's going on with them and And so we just slowly started talking to people or people would bring it up, you know, whether it was locals and the Fredericksburg area that came to our bar or a guest. And, and I'm so grateful that it happened the way that it did, because I knew that my purpose was to build this up to where we can house the J Sixers, hire the J Sixers, help them rebuild their lives. Um, And this was the only way that it could have happened, you know? And so now we've got this network of people from Houston to West Texas that own businesses that are willing to hire the J Sixers sight unseen, don't care how many felonies they have on their record now, anything like that. And, you know, most of the jobs that we have available right now are manual labor, whether it's oil field or building cattle fence, um, or being a handyman or being in the hospitality industry or working at a vineyard or, you know, just different things like that, food business, all of that. And so it's really been amazing that the community of people, and I think, you know, everything is in God's perfect timing. Yeah. And boy, that really irritates me because I sure wish it were on my timing. Right. I wish it were so much faster. But it's happened the way that it was supposed to happen in order to, I mean, if nothing else, just the fact that people that are not Jay Sixers, all of the other people in the country, have some emotional space and some emotional maturity from whatever it is that they think that they saw that day on TV. Right. You know, or because of programs like this and people like you that are willing to talk all the time everywhere about it have started to realize, OK, it's not over. Right. It's not OK. There's still a whole bunch of people that are locked up and. You know, I never thought about what happened to their wife and kids while they were locked up for the last three and a half years. Right. You know, so any platform that's willing to give us give us space to talk about. I am all for, and anybody that's willing to get into the J six fight. I don't care if you were blind or deaf or dumb or whatever it was for the last three and a half years. Yes. Cause you're here now. And God gives us eyes to see and ears to hear and hearts when we are ready. You know, I, that is something I've been really pushing over the past week and a half is, um, As RFK came over with the Trump team, we are going to have lots of Democrats, libertarians, liberals, that this other group does not represent them. And they are going to want to join forces with the conservatives, the patriots, the MAGA. And I can only hope that the people that I have locked step with and locked arms with have the integrity to not be saying, I told you so, or belittling in any way, because of just what you said, that when the Lord gives you eyes to see and ears to hear, and no sooner will you have that awareness until he brings it to your awareness. And we have to show the integrity that this isn't a pride thing. This isn't who was right, who was wrong. This is welcome home, brother. I'm happy to walk arms with you now. I'm glad you're here. Yes. I'm glad you're here now. Let's go. Absolutely. Yes. So all of that has been building, you know, in the last, I always think everything's going to happen immediately like that. I don't know that that's ever going to change because we've only been here almost a year. You know, at the end of this month will be a year. And but the emotional side of, you know, back to the duty side of it. Right. Like, I know what the vision is. I know what the long term, how I want to help these guys and these women that are coming out. Because it's not just J-Sixers, but of course, I'm partial to them because I'm one of them. You know, it's also just people that are weathering the storms of life. Right. Like we're supposed to be the hands and feet of Christ. And, you know, there's, there's something I posted on Facebook a while back about learning the difference between being a Christian and being a kingdom Christian. And, and there's been a lot that's happened, you know, spiritually and God wise and everything in my life and in my husband's life in the last few months and, and learning that difference, you know, I've, We have this amazing property. We have all of these different rooms and suites and everything. And if somebody is in need, why would I not bring them here? Why would I not house them? You know, unless, and I think, Julissa, I think I was talking to you about it when I got so frustrated because unless your home is only the size of your bed and that's it, You have room to help somebody. That's right. I've said it my whole life because my house has been open to so many people. I had three kids. I raised eight. You know, I've always had people living here. And everyone's like, I don't know how you can do that. And I'm like, because it's not the size of the house. I live in a mobile home, people. It's not the size of the house. It's the size of the heart. Yes. Yes. Yes. And, and that's not for everybody, you know, and thank goodness. Right. Um, cause that would be wild. And, and like I know Jaleesa has told y'all before, you know, there's a million different ways to help and some of them are free, right? Like prayer is the most powerful tool that we have. Yep. And, or sharing a social media post or, you know, sharing this podcast, this information with somebody else that's mentioned that they're interested or even not interested, whatever. You don't know how they're going to get convicted over something. Writing letters to the January six political prisoners and giving them support and encouragement and everything while they're locked up. I don't know how much stance costs nowadays, but I think it's like fifty five or sixty cents. There's no talent, but it's not very much. And all the way up to you know, getting involved as an investor or partner or something like that with, with one of the big J six organizations, you know, if you want to, I mean, if you want to build a tiny house on our property so that we can house J sixers, let's go. Absolutely. And you're open for that. You're looking for that. Oh yes, absolutely. You know, there's back when a minute ago, when I said I've got no problem running and jumping off a cliff, Uh, I'm not going to wait until all of my finances are lined up before I start helping people. Right. I'm not gonna wait until everything's perfect and the stars align and I feel good that day and I look good that day and everything, and then be like, oh, you're getting evicted and you're about to live in your car. Um, come live with me. Right. Now I'm going to help people regardless of what. Right. And like right now we have two ladies living with us and one is J six related and one is not J six related. And, and I wouldn't have any other way. And you're a newborn business, newborn baby, a year old. And you're in what you feel like is the sinking boat right now, trying to stay afloat and back away. And you took on more people to save them, even if it was for another day. Oh, yes, absolutely. And I am trusting... I'm going to take a minute and take over this. And I am going to put a plea out. I don't know what listeners are listening here, but I'm feeling a moving of the spirit. So I'm just going to jump on it. So... I am specifically asking for you to take a moment and fill in your heart has the holy spirit just asked you to come alongside this woman because I felt two people I don't know I I know y'all are gonna think I'm a kook I don't really care and you know after all I you know I'm a terrorist so why do I what's wrong with being a troop Might as well be a kook and a terrorist. So I am asking those two people to come forward. And that's gonna mean you're probably reaching out to Donna Brandenburg, but I'm gonna do something bolder than that. I'm giving you my personal self. Yes, haters, you can join in calling me too. Eight, one, seven, two, six, nine, nine, three, five, two. I want you to text me and say, the Holy Spirit put that on my heart. I need to talk to you. because I just felt it. I saw two people. And so I'm going to run with that. I don't know what it looks like. I don't, I have no idea. I just, when he shows me, I've learned to act on it and I know he's protecting me. So the haters don't scare me anymore, but just know you're going to get Jesus to death. Amen. Thank you. Okay. Now roll forward, girl. Um, so yeah, I mean, I've, I've heard people talk about it before. Like, um, I'm trusting in God for, for a financial miracle, right? If you knew the story, which would take me eight hours to tell you, I mean, Jalise heard every single blow by blow last year when we were doing this. If you knew the story and knew the miracles of how it is that God brought us here and the property itself, like everybody that stays here or even that just comes to the bar on the weekends, they talk all the time about how it just, how it feels. The camaraderie and the family and the, you've stepped a minute back in time to the way. The peacefulness. Right. And I always call it magical by which I mean, God's magic, right? Not other kinds of magic. But there's, there's a lot of energy here. I mean, I personally believe that it's holy ground and that it's consecrated. I could tell you that much. And the two ladies that we have here right now, it's amazing to get to watch God do miracles in their lives. One of them was getting evicted. And every story has plenty of details and everything. And the best plan that she had come up with, because she was so beat down, was to live inside of her car with her two little dogs until she figured out what to do and when I found out what her plan was I said well that's stupid and you're not going to do that so you can move in with me right one of our rooms wasn't booked for the entire month of august and so you could stay in that room it's got a kitchen like all the things your little dogs can come and and we'll figure it out and watching the miracles that have happened in her life in the last few weeks. She just got approved for an apartment. She's going to be moving out in the next week or so. And it's different, right? It's different. She's different. And she's starting her own business. And the business side of it, I love anything that's entrepreneurial or big vision or anything like that. And so many of the J-Sixers were small business owners or were tradesmen you know welders electricians plumbers handymen different things like that and and then down here in fredericksburg because it's a tourist town you know it's the most popular tourist destination in texas a year round that is not a major city you know like san antonio has the alamo dallas fort worth like all of that kind of stuff um but Fredericksburg is very much a touristy town even though only twelve thousand people live here and there's tons and tons and tons of businesses here and so many different people that are willing to help and that are willing to help these guys you know some people are a little bit more like I'll wait and see right I'll wait and see but if everything works out then yeah I'll buy them a truck and a trailer and a welding rig and help them start their own business here You know, and it takes all different people. And here's what I love about it. I know that you're receptive to what the Holy Spirit asks of you. And you're responsive. Guys, you don't count the cost. She is a redhead of redheads. She jumps in and you just watch the crazy. But God is working through her because she's not afraid. She's not afraid to be the Noah building the ark when it's never rained, okay? Amen. That is her and I've watched her. So I'm excited about what the Lord is doing through you. I'm excited that you're on our team because there are big things coming, but she's got to get through the here and now. And so we are calling on the community to come alongside her in that. There are just too many ways to help all the Jay Sixers. And this is a big one. It's helped them to get reestablished and on their feet. It shouldn't be a long venture. We're talking about probably three months for most of them. And maybe at the very most, five months. This is not our government welfare system, okay? We're hard on each other because we're siblings. We are now brothers and sisters in Christ. And we expect you to stand on your feet. We expect you to start on the bottom and fight like hell coming out of there. And we are going to come alongside you for you to fight like hell. We are going to lift up your arms when you've got to go into battle and your arms are tired. We are going to hold you up, but you are going to do it. Yes, you are going to do the footwork. Absolutely. And, you know, a couple of years ago, I started thinking about what happens to these guys when they get out. And not just guys. I mean, you too, Jalise, right? You know that You're welcome to come live here. And I listen, I already got, I love your cleaning skills. Cause I cleaned houses for a living. I don't have to do that. I owned a cleaning company and my love and my passion. I'm a sick minded individual. I love to clean house. I love to mow. Perfect. Cause we need all of that. I just love to have you and Mark here. I know that. Um, but. I realized a couple of years ago that there wasn't anybody working on what do we do with them when they get out of prison? You know, when the legal side of the J-six nightmare is mostly over because most everybody has two or three years of probation. What do we do with them then? You know, we've got tons and tons of different programs and organizations and people involved on the today problem, right? How do we support them today while they're in prison? How do we pray for them? How do we get their family members connected? How do we take care of their wife and kids while they're locked up? How do we make sure that they don't lose their house? How do we write letters to them? How do we get Bibles to them? Like the today, right? The immediate right now need. But there's also a very real, what do we do with them when they get out? We can't, Just say, well, now you're out of prison. So may you have fun with life. You know, we can't do that. And, and so to my knowledge right now, we're the only re-entry program for Jay Sixers. You're right. American Patriot Relief will give them. you know, a, a, uh, assistance once a quarter. And it's not a whole lot because they said the donors are, they're not helping right now. I'm going to be perfectly honest. They're not, um, we're down right now. We've got two hundred and fifty dollars in our account. Well, I'm about to go out speaking about y'all. So that should go up. Yes. So, you know, and so we do help them with one time, whatever. It's again, it's not welfare. We cannot help them month in and month out. We're not getting funds to do that. And so you're absolutely right. We've got to figure out on a shoestring budget how to do it. Well, you know, Christ don't have to work on a shoestring budget. He makes all things possible. And that's where you're coming in. He's called you to that battlefield. And that's where we got to lift you up so that we can get these J-Sixers back on their feet. Because face it, as the taxpayer, y'all don't want them on the welfare system. And that's what the government's trying to damn them to because they're trying to bankrupt our nation. And this is just one more way that they can do that. But patriots just don't roll like that. So we're hard and fast trying to prevent that from happening and make it on our own. And that's where we need your help. Absolutely. And there's, there's a million different ways to get involved. Like I, at least knows I took a break from speaking publicly about January six for almost a year, I think. And so I'm going to have to go update my website, Jenny and let people put this vision and like the property and all the things on there and let people know how they can get involved and help and help because everybody has different gifts together. Right. And you might have a business and you're willing to hire these people and you've got an extra bedroom and you live in Michigan, right? That's great. I need to talk to you so that we can start building out this network because not everybody can move to Texas. Nor do they want to. It's hot. Which is shocking to me because it's so delightful. we only have one month of over a hundred degree weather down here which is oh y'all do have it perfect there in fredericksburg up where I'm at texas it is it is just one step above hail in the summer and then it is practically blizzard weather in the winters yeah north that's the problem you need to be further south anyway so yeah there's a ton ton of different ways to get involved and And what excites me is because of who God made me to be, right? Which is a, if I believe in something, I'm going to do it a hundred percent and I'll figure it out on the way, flying through the air, I'll figure it out. You know, people have started, J Sixers have started calling me and saying, Hey Jenny, I hear you have jobs in Texas. What do you have? And, And one of them that I was talking to, Colonel Larry Brock, he actually just got out of prison recently, was in prison for over a year, had the same charges that I had, and is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Air Force, retired, and just an upstanding, wonderful man, you know, lost everything. Outrageously intelligent. Yes, crazy, crazy. And and Larry called and said, hey, I hear you have jobs in Texas. What do you have? And I told them, you know, right now it's it's mostly manual labor, hospitality, like entry entry level stuff right now. And he was like, OK, well, you know, I'm in my mid fifties. I don't know if I can go back to manual labor. And and it's like, well, what it was was God gave me the question to ask is what it was. And I said, Larry, how about you tell me what kind of job you want, and then I'll go and find it. And, and so he told me what kind of job you wanted, um, like, uh, anything that's evaluatory, you know, like being a surveyor appraiser, um, things where he has to like evaluate the whole situation and, um, and like mid-level sales and, uh, And so now I've been talking to guests and locals and different things like that. And like sharing his video that he recorded when he walked out of prison and. And so there's other people in other parts of Texas that are starting to work on this step, you know, and Larry's one of the people that had the fifteen twelve conviction. Now it's been overturned by the Supreme Court, but that doesn't mean that it just falls away. And so he has to go back to resentencing, even though he's already served all of his time for it in order to get the potential of adding to the sentence. Oh, yes. I heard about that with Biggs. Yes. Because that's what they're doing. They're then hitting them with a civil disorder and saying, oh, now you've got to go back to prison for that. Right. And it's very dangerous. And I just heard that Joe Biggs went for resentencing to get that fifteen twelve charge dropped. And the judge wound up giving him more time than what he had originally been sentenced with, even though that felony is now off. It's insane. And so I don't know what'll happen with Larry, but I know that he's welcome here and we'll figure it out. And there's other people that are working on it. That excites me mainly because I, and I'm not trying to put her on the spot at all. I'm glad she's not on right now, but I thank Adonna for that. I know some of the things that, that she's looking for, he might be absolutely perfect for that. But Larry's the Texas boy, isn't he? Yeah, he's DFW area. Okay. So we'll keep an eye out in our ear to the ground, but, you know, because many are going to relocate, many aren't, you know, you just got to look at what tides do they have here. And it'll take all of us, you know, it'll take all of us with this, you know, there's at some point there's going to be families. Right now, we're not set up for that. If it's a husband and wife and three little kids, we're not set up for that. I would like to eventually build that kind of housing just for those families, because it's not to come live for forever. Like you said, maybe three months or six months or whatever, and we help you get on your feet and start getting the different resources and stuff that you need. everybody I know is willing to work their way back up again. That's right. You know, the people that I talk to aren't looking for a handout. They're willing to work for it. All they're needing is just a little pick away of the orange pills so they can peel the orange. I mean, they are ready to go. They just need somebody willing to trust them and quit looking with their eyes at what the government's feeding them up About them, but be willing to look at the person and go, oh yeah, I can see it in you. And give them a chance. Yes. Yeah. Like, you know, I'm especially fond of veterans and, and some of these vets that are coming out. Oh my gosh. Um, what I wouldn't give for them to move down here. And there's several of them like James McGrew, uh, Marine was blown up by an IED in Afghanistan. you know, in Iraq and James will hopefully get out of prison next year and perfect candidate, right? It's not married. His kids are, um, older and of course he doesn't have custody of them because he's locked up right now. And James is a handyman by trade. Oh, yay. And Lord knows everybody down here, all the BNBs, all the different, you know, restaurants and wineries and on and on, like they all need that. And so I have, you know, just extended like an open, open invitation, you know, to James because I need him to be here. Absolutely. There's so many of them. It's amazing. And then the different, I'll tell you offline about some banking stuff, which is real exciting. Because we're starting to put together like this network. Just like you would do with any prison reentry program, right? Which none of us have ever known anything about before now. But when you come out, like here, open a bank account at Old Glory Bank. Oh, my gosh. Those people are amazing. Amazing. I might have just gotten a J-Six or higher there, which is really exciting. and like go open a bank account with old glory bank you know here are the different people in town that are willing to hire you and the next thing that I'm looking for is a doctor a local doctor that's willing to see cash patients and where you don't have to wait three months right because a lot of our guys went in to prison with medical issues and we're not treated for them and so are coming out with even more medical issues And, of course, don't have insurance, don't have, right, they've gone through their retirement, their life savings, all of that, fighting this shit. Just to remind me of this, after we get off of here, I may have a perfect resolution for that. Excellent. Good. Yes. I think that one got solved. Perfect. Yes. But, like, putting together that whole little community of what it is that you need, you know? Do you want to go to trade school and learn a trade? okay if you if you're an electrician and you want to pay for somebody to go to trade school let's go yeah right like there's so many different options and there's there's a lot of stuff here in fredericksburg that is I believe a hundred percent divinely led and patriotic just like crazy um I agree with you we have hosted events down there with American Patriot Relief, sharing our story and asking for help. And they were some of our strongest supporters in that area. So I see your Tell me about this website briefly and how can people get in touch with you to get involved with the Full Moon Inn in Fredericksburg, Texas? Yes, ma'am. So is a website I put together while my case was still active. And I was going around speaking at different groups and everything and educating them about January six and the January six defendants. And so it just says information about my background. I've I only ever had a personal fundraiser for like the first three days after January six, and then that all got shut down. And so I don't have any kind of personal fundraiser or anything like that. Um, it does link to different J six organizations like yours, American Patriot relief that I would a hundred percent believe in. Uh, if people wanna get involved financially with direct needs with, um, it also links to Patriot mail project for writing letters to the prisoners. just the different organizations that I believe in and has some of the interviews that I did back in. Twenty-three, which I can't believe that that's been a whole, whole year for sure. Um, with Dinesh D'Souza and some other people like that. And then I'm gonna put on, um, another page onto that talks about this vision and different ways to get involved. Um, if you have an RV, that you don't need, please bring it to me so I can help somebody in it. You know, there's, there's a million different ways to get involved and we're really excited with some of the people that we're starting to partner with like Patriot Academy. If you haven't heard of them, please look them up. We're going to start being the place that everybody that comes and takes their constitutional courses, that they're going to refer them to stay with us. And if the listeners have been paying attention to this show, I have been really calling for you to educate yourself on the Constitution. because your rights are being violated and knowing what your rights are and where the government's place is at will be beneficial for you in that time. And I'm sorry, but from what I experienced, the FBI would not wait at the door while I read the constitution to see if they were allowed to be doing what they're doing. So you kind of need to know it in advance because when you've got a tank parked on your handicap ramp, touching your door, that it's not the time to try to learn about your constitutional rights. You're going to want to go ahead and get that little thirty five cent book off of Amazon and read it. And you're going to want to become more educated on this course that she's talking about. Yes, absolutely. I think we're the only kind of people that would laugh about having a tank on your handicap ramp pointed at your door and you're trying to figure out your constitutional rights. Wait, hold on. Is that on page twenty-two? Is this an amendment? Is this a right? I don't know. Right, right, right. I love it, Jimmy. I've loved this time with you. And tell us again how to get in touch with you at the Full Moon Inn to make a reservation for an amazing weekend. And I just, I got, I got to put a quick plug in here. Two things. Number one, her place is right across the street from Lukenbach, Texas. And don't you know, that's where Waylon and the Willie and the boys are. So you got to go over there. The other thing is that there is a museum there, a World War II museum. This museum changed my life. I'm not a history buff and that stuff just bored the snot out of me, but my husband loved it. And so he got a day in Fredericksburg and I got a day and he chose that museum. And I gave up my day because that was so awesome. It's the first time that a museum of history ever caught my attention so heavy. I literally read every single thing and it took, it took both days, read every single station. And when I left there, I understood World War II, the beauty of it. I mean, I was just bawling. The pictures, the imagery, it was unbelievably amazing. So when you go there, look for that museum, and them people owe me for plugging them. The Pacific War Museum, it's really amazing. They have a submarine buried in the yard in front of the museum. It's fantastic. So, yes, you can find me at Both the Full Moon Inn and the Seventeen Seventy-Six Bar are on Facebook. Full Moon Inn is on Instagram. Learning TikTok, regardless of the Chinese, it's how people get, you know. I had to fight the bullet, too, and I swore I never would. I know, because I'm with you on TikTok now, too, and I have no idea how it works, but... I'm trying to figure it out myself I guess I figure out rumble I'll probably figure out tick tocks oh yes okay so you can get a hold of me through that uh info is my personal email um you can call the number to the property eight three zero nine nine seven two two zero five um there's it's pretty easy to locate me so And Jalise has all of my, for those two people that she was speaking about earlier, Jalise has all of my contact information. And I'd love for you to come down here and see what it is that we're doing. We've got plenty of videos and pictures and all of that stuff up on our website. And then I'll rework the website to where you can really see the vision of what that is. And we do have, different ways where if you need a tax write off, if you want to give a large amount of money and partner with us, then we have opportunities for that. And if you would like to just come cut down some trees and move some rocks and do some yard work, we have opportunities for that. So as much as I hate who got credit for it, it takes a village and it definitely takes a village in order to help heal And even Lord, it really is because I'm out on a farm myself and to get out there alone with the Lord and do hard manual labor, you know, he calls us to fast and it is because of the stress on the body that it makes us focus on him. And same with when you're working out on a farm doing hard manual labor, it puts your focus on him and the gratitude that you're able to do it. So with that, I thank you for this time. I'm going to close it up in prayer. Um, and I really want to pray for these two people. I saw them clearly. I don't know if they know, um, we're in a society where people don't believe they're hearing from the Holy spirit and they question it. Was that just me in my head? No, she couldn't be talking about me. Yeah, it's you. And, um, And the funny thing is, you know, when you're stamped with the Holy Spirit, the very fact you thought it came from the Holy Spirit, you know, the thoughts that the enemy tried to impute in, you know, which ones they kicked out. So when they're good, beautiful and perfect, when they're kind, when they're compassionate, those came from the Lord. So anyway, let's close up in prayer. And I hope that you see nothing but blessing. Well, in fact, I already know that's all you're going to see. It's scary, yes, but nothing but blessing is coming your way because your heart's in the right place. And God needed a servant to obey his call so that he could minister to his people. So anyway, if you'll close with me in prayer. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time with Jenny. We thank you that you open up a different part of our mind every single time we come on this show and talk about the January six defendants. We see new ways in which that The government has found to wound them. But we've also seen new ways that that gets turned around into something even more beautiful every single time. That even the lilies of the field, Solomon wasn't dressed as such. And we trust that with you, Lord, that every hardship we go through, that we are going to be more beautiful for it and that you're going to be glorified more and more. And I'm thankful for Jenny that she was able to come on the show and just really show off the beauty of the Holy Spirit shining through her. The hope that she has even amidst such difficulty. Even as a January six defendant with everything robbed from her, that she is still scratching and clawing her way right back out of that hole. And that, Father, you're waiting there for her. You've been raining down manna. And you've been providing for her every single day. Father, I pray that she can be risen up for your namesake to minister to the January six defendants and to help them to get back on their feet again. This nation is relying on you and your people to answer your call. And on that note, I know that there are two people out there that they know that they have an ability in some way, shape or form to help the full moon in, to come alongside Jenny. It may be that they're called to be hands-off, and it may be that they're called to be hands-on, but they've heard in their spirit that they know they can help you. And I am asking that they come forward in excitement. The Lord tells us, you tell us, Lord, to be joyful about our sacrifices and our giving. and um lord we just praise your name for the opportunity to be at the forefront of this battle to watch your mighty hand at work the lord knows if I was at the back of the crowd I would not see your hand performing these miracles on the daily but I am up front I am on the tip of the spear and I get to see your glory Lord, thank you for Donna. I pray that you continue to heal her back up and that she'd be delivered from that pain and that you use her, continue to use her in a mighty way as you are now. Lord, we love you. It's in your precious holy name that we pray. Amen. Amen. Thank you. Yes. Yay, God. I love that you say that. I've said yay, God, for years. Like I'm known for saying yay, God. I just need to have t-shirts made that say, yay God, full moon in. That's what I need to do. And I know somebody that makes t-shirts. Yes. Yes. You reach out to me. This whole confinement J-Sixers still got to work. So even if it's just psychological, the Lord is, it really just... It really provided for us in such a beautiful way. I don't even know how it's doing it. Like every day is our manna, but we still feel that moral obligation to keep our body active, to continue working. and to continue trying to make the world a better place. And that is what this is all about. That's why I'm doing this. If you remember, I was due to go to sentencing on September, just to update the people that's next week. And our sentencing has been delayed again to October, and that is by your answer prayers. I see the prayers of the people. I feel them on their knees for me and Mark. And I thank you for your prayers. So continue to support me and Mark through your prayer. Continue to support I don't know my own website. And please donate to us so that we can continue to help people in need. Right now, I have two requests on the table and unable to help either one. I also ask that you would reach out and contact the Full Moon Inn. Become a a supporter of her and find and if nothing else, book a room and come come be our friend. Check out the seventeen seventy six bar. And after all, you got to go meet Vernon Hayburner. And I'm not telling you who that is. So anyway, y'all have a blessed day. And as Donna often says, follow back up with her here tomorrow. Same bat time, same bat place. She is the one and only Michigan governor that has not conceded and is not conceded. So we love you very much. Continue to stay in tune and continue to keep your ear to the ground. We're not in a safe place, but in the arms of Jesus, we're always safe. So God bless you all.