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BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/20/2024 Tatar, Christine O'Donnell & J6ers Jalise/Tony Griffith

Published Aug. 20, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am John Tatar - Lawful Defense Tatar Tuesday with John Tater. Studying the Constitution. Know the law and use the law - using the law to defend yourself. All things Constitution and Lawful Process. Tatar Tuesday with John Tatar 10am Christine O’Donnell is a nationally recognized political commentator, marketing consultant, speaker and author. She’s been featured on the cover of countless national magazines including Time and Newsweek. As a speaker, Christine’s been invited to conferences and campuses around the globe, including multiple invitations to speak at the exclusive Oxford Union Society at Oxford University, England. The Oxford Union describes itself as the world’s most prestigious debating society and has been host to global leaders such as President Bill Clinton and the Prince of Saudi Arabia. After Christine’s stunning victory in the Delaware U.S. Senate Republican Primary in which she beat entrenched liberal Republican Mike Castle, Christine became the world’s most covered news figure for all of 2010, even beating out President Barack Obama, according to Pew Research Institute. In 2011, Christine partnered with St. Martin Press to publish a book about the 2010 election titled Troublemaker: Let’s Do What It Takes to Make America Great Again. (That tagline is now trademarked by President Donald Trump!) Additionally, Christine ran for U.S. Senate in 2006 and 2008. In 2008, Christine won the Republican Nomination and ran in the general election against Senator Joe Biden while he also campaigned for Vice President. Although the 2008 campaign against Joe Biden did not garner the extreme level of media attention as her 2010 campaign, the 2008 campaign was also record-breaking in that her grassroots campaign won the most votes per dollars spent in Delaware history. (Senator Biden’s U.S. Senate campaign spent about five million dollars, whereas Christine’s campaign spent about $100,000 on a truly grassroots driven campaign that garnered a much talked about respectable margin.) 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. J6er - Patriot. Tony Griffith 60 years old. Husband of Pam for 39 years. Father of two successful adult children Tony Jr and Breanna both with bachelor degrees from OU and OSU. Grandfather of two beautiful grandchildren. Successful Electrical Contracting business for 30 years. Son of the Almighty. House Builder. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the 20th day of August 2024. Welcome to our show today. We've got an interesting show. I think it's going to be amazing. I would like to show you a video or I posted a video for Christine O'Donnell on my Telegram channel. But I'm starting out this morning with Lawful Defense with John Tater at 10 o'clock. We have Christine O'Donnell. At 11 o'clock, we're back to our Jay Sixer series, telling the stories of the political prisoners in America with Jaleese Middleton. And today we have on Brittany Perkins. So this is going to be interesting. I'm really finding these stories and what's actually happening in the United States of America with political prisoners not following the law, targeting individuals, this bunch of nonsense. is absolutely insane and crazy. And you know what? I think it's going to take all of us to step up and really talk about what's going on. I've referenced the pro se lawsuits that I'm starting to file. I have a couple more of them that are not pro se that I'm on that will be filed either this week or shortly. I'm not sure the status on either one of those because I'm a signatory on those two because of my state standing. And then we have the pro se lawsuits that I myself am filing and have dove in, dived in to learn this whole process. So with that said, I'm going to bring on Mr. Tater. How are you doing? I'm good. I got to tell you, you're one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. And you want to know why that is? Why is that? Because you are 100% reliable as the day is long. How long have we been doing this every Tuesday morning with very few that we've missed? Quite a few. I can't remember even when we started this. It's probably been a year and a half. Okay. I'd say it's about a year and a half that we've been on every tuesday with missing very few and it's funny I can tell you what I when I put the broadcast together in the morning it takes me about two hours to set it up put all the promotion links up contact everybody that's on there create a few graphics and that sort of thing and uh and so uh this morning I thought I sent you the link this morning because I sent it to everybody else I see christine o'donnell's crew is in the background here so hey guys And so I thought I'd send it to you because you should be the first one I'm sending it to because you're the first one on in the morning. And all of a sudden, John texts me, hey, are we on this morning? I'm like, oh, sorry, I'm an idiot. I forgot to send you the link. So anyhow, we're going to talk about this morning about I've been learning so much about the courts. And this is what we talked about this morning is We've got the Michigan Constitution, which is an unlawful constitution, but that's what we got. You got what you got right there because it was installed unlawfully. But I digress. I mean, the de facto government we have in place is still going back to these unlawful documents and laws and all the other stuff on there. So with that said, we're going to bring that up because that's the one they're working with in the Civil Action Jurisdiction. And then we're going to go through the court system, which is also unlawful and show everybody what we're working with and how to navigate something that's turned into a absolute dumpster fire. That's a good way to put it. It's a dumpster fire. Michigan sucks, okay? Nobody's doing anything right that's in office, and then they want to tell you that they're standing for something, and then nobody does anything. They just sit there and they wham, wham, wham, let's grandstand. Send us some money. We need money. We need money so we can get elected and we can rob from you. Yeah, John, I've got a question for you. See, my hair's gone weird again this morning. I told you guys. Mine always goes weird. I'm like a long-haired cat that's been severely licked by its mother. So this is a big gripe I have with the political parties because the Uniparty is doing this. We're going to have a fundraiser. to have another fundraiser, to have another fundraiser so we can sit and we can, you know, eat cookies and drink and, you know, bitch about why everything's bad, but we don't do anything in the country clubs that are in these things. I don't understand this. You know, the amount of money that goes into this nonsense is incredible just so they can brag how much money they have. And they say that's what determines the elections. It shouldn't. The whole system is wrong, but I digress. So morning hacks, morning. That part is true. It's true. They buy their positions. Who would pay half a million dollars for a position that only pays $170,000 a year? Right. Where's the payoff coming? Well, we all know where that is, you know. It is because of power and because they have influence and they can steal money elsewhere. You know, I go to events just to get contacts with people, which then I bring them on and I work for absolutely free on being on, trying to take, you know, make some motion with moving the pin in the United States to you. to return it to something that looks like a constitutional republic. And I've met some really good people that go to the events. I'm not saying everybody is corrupt, but the system is broken. If I were looking at this as a process evaluation in a company, I would give it full F marks right now. It would be everything is failing, and it's failing because the structure is wrong. Until we change the structure, we are not going to have anything that we the people want to see happen. How are we going to change the structure? Going to put Donna Brandenburg in place as governor of Michigan and then start the clock because, you know, start the clock and see what happens. You know, we're going to go to nullification and locking some of these people up. for their violations and for treason. That's it, you gotta clean house. The quickest and easiest and most effective way to stop this is eliminate the Federal Reserve banking system and go back to sound money. So they can't print money at will and they can't buy off the government and buy off the people and create these uh situations where the people are either bought off or they're controlled because they did something stupid in their lifetime We got to get to a sound money system and that'll bring us back to a sound. Well, I know there's a lot of talk on Bitcoin and all that stuff. And, you know, it's like we can keep being up whether the all the other communications went down and we can keep being up. And there's reasons for that. And so but I look at the Bitcoin thing. You know, if you have like a block chain situation where you've got some redundancy there. that's probably got the best chance, but you're still relying on a communication chain that nobody has control over. I'd rather have something sitting right there in my hand that we can trade out. We don't have that. Even with our paper, we don't have that. That paper is useless. I mean, it only will do what the marketplace will bear, what the people will buy or the people will take for their goods and services. But it has no value. And you can't use that piece of paper for anything if the market goes down. If commerce goes down, you're done. So it's useless. It has no value, whereas gold and silver have value. and at this point bitcoin has value because you buy the amount of bitcoin based on how many pieces of paper that you have and the pieces of paper are the things that are going up and down just like in the marketplace it's not that the food prices are getting more expensive it's that the value of the currency that you're using is going down So we have to get out of that system, which is broken and it's been broken for years. I'm going to acknowledge Lev. Lev says the problem with Michigan is too many people that really know what they're doing to stop this evil keep bailing and moving out of the state. And you know, where are you going to go? If people keep running to other states or where they think the grass is greener, you really think the grass is going to be greener? This is where we have to stand and we have to fight where we are. And, you know, not just run to run to a Disney World framing of the of the world, but sit here and fight the evil that's here, because evil doesn't stop. Even if you think you're going to go to another place, it's there and it's going to find its way in. And God's going to let you go to different places just to show you that you need to learn to fight and it will follow you. And so Greybeard Fedora says, Donna, you go, girl. Good morning, John. Ten percent. Joe, sure had a good night last night. LOL, lies and all. And Charlotte says, Whitmer has to be recalled. She is having toxic radioactive waste in Michigan around our water supply and communities. This is crazy. It's like a schizophrenic government. You know, if one thing, it's another. Yeah, seriously. So where are we going to go? Let's talk about the courts. And then I brought up the Michigan Constitution, the unlawful Michigan Constitution that seems to be, you know, still being used in the court system, which is also unconstitutional. But hey, you know, we got what we got. If the government, the state government of Michigan would follow the illegal 1963 Constitution, we would have a better government. if they would just follow the laws that were written, but they don't follow anything. This is for our edification as people, because we don't support or we don't pressure these public functionaries into behaving certain ways. We allow them to get away with whatever they want to get away with. taking a look at the judicial power in the court of the justice. Do you have that up on article for the chapter? I got the constitution up. Let me know. Somebody's mowing my lawn right now. So it's going to be loud here for a minute. Okay. We just talk about them. That's all. Yeah. We just, we just got to turn it loud in here. You're you're military. You can, you can turn up the drill sergeant voice. We're looking at article. Six, section one. Okay. Let me get us down there a minute. And then this is kind of being brought out because of your question yesterday with me. And so I want to, I want to point this out. That's good because, okay. So everybody out there knows that I'm working on a couple of pro se lawsuits and I don't want to talk about it until I file it. I'm going to be filing it. It depends on if we get the changes made today, it'll either be today or Friday. And, oh man, it's way down here. Yeah, it's down. It's a long way. I'm going to see where I'm at. I'm going to give you the pointer. Someday you can run it. Let John run it. All right, hang on. I'm going, I'm going. Squirrels are working this morning. I was up a lot last night. Everybody knows my mom's in the process of dying right now. So, yeah. That whole thing is we were in the hospital last night and I got a lot to say about this, but I'm not going to bore everybody with it right now. But the same authoritarian nonsense in the hospital is going on. And I literally had a nurse lie to me, flat out lie. And I called her a liar to her face. And then the charge nurse came on for the floor and told them both that at this point in time, nothing coming out of either of their mouths is is holding water because it was an outright lie. But they've got the same authoritarian thing going on right now that they have. And so we're going to have to address it. They just don't know better behavior. So that's what commies do. All right. So I'm at six. Six what? Six one. You got, what do you got? Six eight. Now go the other way. I was too efficient. I went past it. Yeah. 6-1, one more. There you go. Judicial power in court of justice divisions. Except to the extent limited or abrogated by Article 4, Section 6, or Article 5, Section 2, the judicial power of the state is vested exclusively in one court of justice, which shall be divided into one Supreme Court, one court of appeals, one trial court of general jurisdiction, known as the circuit court, and one probate court, and courts of limited jurisdiction that the legislature may establish by a two-third vote of the members elected to serve in each of them. Okay. By reading that, I did not see anything about the court play. You? No, there's nothing about the court of claims and that at all. And that's like many things that there's different organizations within our government that exist to, in fact, protect the government and not we the people. And Norton versus Shelby County says what? Says you cannot create a de facto So the Court of Claims is de facto. It doesn't exist. And what is the purpose of the Court of Claims? Well, the Federal Court of Claims is to protect the government. So you take stuff to the government, you take a court of claims or take an action to the court of claims in the state of Michigan, for example, and it becomes what they call a civil rights violation or title point 1983, which is civil rights. And article or the 11th Amendment, for the state government because you can't destroy the treachery of the government. You need to stay closer to your microphone, John. Every time you sit back, you're going out on me a little bit. I don't know. What the heck is that all about? I don't know. Maybe it's your grass cutter. I'm not really sitting back, but anyway. There you go. I kicked up the volume. Okay, good. So the point here is that in a Title 42 action, which is a civil rights action, you go after the departments of the state, but the Eleventh Amendment prohibits you from suing the state government because they don't want you to destroy the treasury, take all the money from the state of Michigan, and then what would Michigan do at this point? So they say you can't really sue the department. So you go into the court of claims, and the court of claims basically says you can't sue us without our permission. So why would you take a fight to the Court of Claims? By the way, the state of Michigan established the Court of Claims a few years ago. Well, a few years ago, several years ago, but it wasn't established by the Constitution. Who decided that, and do you know what year it was established? At one point, but I don't remember what year. So they just decided, somebody within the court system just decided that they were just going to add another layer of a court in there to screw things up to protect the government from we the people, and that's where that came from. Am I getting this right? Well, kind of. The court of claims is that you sue the state of Michigan and basically you can't win a battle when you're suing the state. You just can't. That's ridiculous. Besides, it's not the state that makes the decision that created the problem. The state of Michigan didn't do anything. It's the individual that's in that department that did it. And that individual, the governor or the mayor or the attorney general, those are the people that are creating or violating the Constitution. State of Michigan isn't doing anything. State of Michigan didn't violate the Constitution. Whitmer violated the Constitution. Where? What article? Then you have a case, a claim, but it's specifically against her. not the state of Michigan or not the executive branch, because you're not going to win that case. That's a waste of your time, even filing a case of such nature. And our dear friend DiPerno, who didn't know that Norton existed or didn't know what it said, He decided to take his claim of the election fraud to the Court of Claims. And of course, he lost. And of course, I would have told you he lost. In fact, we even told him the Court of Claims doesn't exist, according to Norton v. Shelby County. Why would you do that? Well, why would you even go in and allege fraud because that's so hard to even defend? I mean, why would you go in there under, like, maladministration or anything like that? As soon as somebody shoots their mouth off on fraud, they've lost. I don't know. They don't like to talk about fraud because fraud is a huge can of worms. Well, you got to prove intention if you say fraud. I mean, generally, some of it. OK, like cut me a little slack here. Right. But but generally, that's a harder thing to prove than maladministration. That's cut and dry. Well, here's the case. If you know that they eliminated the results of the election three, four days or a week after the election, and that was not lawful for them to do that, that's fraud. What do you have to prove? You're supposed to keep it there until a year from now or two years from now, and you removed it two weeks ago. That's fraud. There's no way to cut that in any other direction. That's not maladministration, that's fraud. And when you go into fraud, that opens up a whole can of worms of all kinds of financial gains that you could ask for. Fraud is treble damages, first of all, if you can prove fraud. Then you can go in for punitive damages because of them violating the Constitution. So you can talk about some serious cash involved. Of course, will the court system rule in your favor? That's another story. But the fact of the matter is that you brought a case against them. And as we bring cases against these public functionaries, eventually we're going to break through. Eventually we're going to win this battle. But if we sit back and do nothing, like we didn't notice it or we didn't say anything about it, or we, you know, if you file a case against some private individual, for example, for destroying the voting records, a clerk, That clerk gets brought on the carpet. The next time around, that clerk's going to think twice about doing something wrong if that clerk is still in office. Or be removed. I mean, part of the remedy when somebody does a crime like that, you have to ask for the remedy of removal. Yes, and that may or may not be plausible at this point, but the point of the matter is that you've already brought them out. You brought them out. You brought them out into the public. And that's what we have to continue to do is bring them out into the public. Because if we don't bring them out into the public, then they think, well, if they didn't catch us on this one or didn't say anything about this, then we can get away with it, as they have been doing over the years. They got away with changing the money system from a gold-backed and a silver system to a fiat paper print-as-you-go system just because nobody said anything. A few people argued, but most of the public was asleep, and they didn't have any clue what was going on. There were a few people that argued about taking silver and gold out of the system, but there were far and few between. They did not get the general public aware of what was going on. Roosevelt says, turn in your gold. And people did. Why would you do that? Same thing you can be said about when they're telling us to turn in our guns or turn in this, that, or the other thing. I mean, this is so authoritarianism. That's the word I'm looking for. You know, it's like there's so much of an improper communication that and treatment of we the people. It's like a king talking to a subject. They have no intention of doing what we want. And I believe that our government now has just become a group of individuals with a collection of individuals for self-interest and to kind of cover for each other and make sure that they preserve their little power structure in an industry that's set to preserve itself. They're socialists and communists. And I'm wondering whatever happened to or why we don't have a thing like they did in the 40s when they went after the communists and the socialists, because we would have half of our government would be locked up in jail. Because we got to think about their fee wings. We don't want to hurt their fee wings because I'm sure they're just good people. I'm sure they didn't mean to do it. No, they meant to do it. Let's take a look at... So, all right, before we leave here, let's make it very clear that the court of claims doesn't exist. Okay, court of claims doesn't exist. And that's north of Shelby County. It says it doesn't exist. Okay. Where you start your battle in court is at the lower court levels, which they call here the trial court or the... A court of limited jurisdiction, because the trial court in every city has limited jurisdiction, a limited amount of money that you can ask for and certain kinds of. things that you can require of that court for example if you're suing somebody uh in another county or another uh city could the court of claims probably or the uh district court your district court is probably not the place to take it so you'd want to go to circuit court the advantage of the circuit court disadvantage of the circuit court is it costs more money to file a claim, but still not that much. How much is it about in circuit court? I don't know. It was probably 250 bucks or something when I filed. It was a long time ago that I filed in circuit court. The other advantage to a circuit court is if you get ruled against, you can go directly to the court, to the appeals court. If you lose in a limited jurisdiction court or a regular district court in your city, your next step if you lose is to go to circuit court. So by going to circuit court, you're eliminating that one step and you can go directly to the court of appeals. So there's an advantage to that. I think there's an advantage to that. Why would I want to go to another lower court, which is the circuit court? By the way, the judges in the circuit court are as corrupt, and I mean corrupt, as the local district courts. So if you think you're going to go to a circuit court and have more justice, that's not going to happen. They are as corrupt and they are there to protect the system, just like they are in the local district courts. Keep that in mind when you go to fight that battle. Thank you. Ooh, the coffee fairy just brought me a coffee. That's a good idea. Thank you. So that was great. Thank you. Great. Now we're going to be voting on a Supreme Court justice to replace or to fill in one of the seats that are available. And, you know, I don't know who's a good justice of the Supreme Court. You know, I know two of them for, are you talking Michigan? Yeah. I know Boonstra and O'Grady. And, you know, I know Boonstra and O'Grady a little bit. Did you ask them if they know Norton? Because Ron did. Did they say anything? Yeah, they did. He said, well, I looked at it. Well, I tell you what, I can honestly go talk to either one of them because you know how I am. I'm the champion networker of the universe. I've got their phone numbers. It would be good if you can call them and talk with them and see who can give you an honest opinion. They're really nice guys. And Boonstra is currently a judge in the court of claims, I believe. And, but I think too, some of this exists. Okay. Yeah. But I think this is part of it too. And us educating those people that we vote in, in office, you know, if they don't know something, you know, I remember the flogging I got when I came into your meeting the first time and didn't know what was going on. And I was, you know, about the cases that you guys knew. And it was one of those things I'm like, wow, you know, I'm here to try to learn. I don't know everything. And I'm the first one to admit that. but I will dive in and figure it out. But if somebody takes the time to, to educate me on what they know, I'm not adverse to that. It's just that I wish my brain was a little bit bigger. You know, I really do. Instead of having this, this head, I wish my head was like out to here and then I could probably process everything. Well, so somebody said that Boonstra agreed that the county is not a creation of the state, but rather predates the state, 100% correct. And Boonstra of the Michigan Court of Appeals. Yeah, oh, it's the Court of Appeals, not Court of Claims. But I really like Boonstra a lot, besides that he raises horses. So that moves him up on the cool factor, like 5,000% for Donna Brandenburg. So that's just the way it is. Boone's just, you know, he raises, raises Frisians too. That's even more cool. I need a Frisian. You want to know why? Cause I have Pasafinos and if somebody gets over 225 pounds, they're not built to carry the weight and everybody wants to come and ride. And if I have somebody that's a little bit heavier than that, they need a little bit of a heavier chassis to ride on. Okay. So, okay, then we've got the circuit court. Then the third one is the Supreme Court? Supreme Court, yeah. So that's the stepping stone. You go to the district court, depending upon what your claim is, what you're arguing, or you go to the circuit court. And then you can move up the ladder if you want to appeal. You have to appeal to a circuit court if you've been in the lower court. Or if you're in the circuit court, you go to Court of Appeals and then to the Supreme Court. It just cuts a court out of there, which I think is an advantage to somebody that's fighting this battle. But you might not do it to all of them. By the way, if you go to the circuit court for Court of Appeals, In order to go to the court of appeals, you have to ask permission. You can't just appeal to the appellate court from the circuit court. Okay. So if I have to go on to an appeal, I'll be calling you. Well, if you go to the district court, then you end up going to the circuit court for appeals. Then if you want to go to the court of appeals, then you have to ask for permission. No, I'm going to go to circuit court. I'm not going to dink around with the trial court. So we're going to go right to the circuit court and see what happens. Yeah, if you go to the circuit court, then you automatically get the right to appeal. Okay, that's where I'm going. That's where I'm going. We're going to do it that way. Then after the Supreme Court, you go to the federal courts, right? Well, now it depends upon the issues. because the federal courts also play this little game. Well, it's a state issue and we really can't rule on it, which they can, but sometimes they won't, they'll use that as an excuse. And that's happened to me a few times where I've taken it to the federal court and they say, this is really a state issue and it should go to the state court. But in fact, it was a federal, I used the federal constitution which gave it diversity, which gave it the right to be in federal court, but the federal courts didn't want to deal with it. Well, when I sued in the Michigan Supreme Court, they were gutless cowards, and they claimed that they didn't have jurisdiction over it, which was they were the right court to have jurisdiction. But we ended up going into federal circuit court, and I think it was federal circuit court we went to, and they ruled that my rights were violated, but because absentee ballots, the holy grail of cheating an election. I mean, that's what it is. Those absentee ballots are the holy grail of cheating and stealing elections right there. Well, here's a particular case that I'm suing. In fact, I'm suing one of your judges, Yonker, who is a Judge out of Grand Rapids. And because he played this game that it, that when I filed the lawsuit against, uh, Judge Nugent out of, uh, uh, Cleveland because I got shifted to the Cleveland case because I filed my case originally in Detroit and then it got shifted to Cleveland because they said, well, we can't have you suing the judges in the city in Detroit because the judges you're suing in Detroit are the same judges that are going to either hear the case or their friends are going to hear the case, other judges in the court. And so all of our judges work together and we're all for parties and there's no such thing as individual justice because we're a group think here. So they shifted it to Cleveland. So that judge in Cleveland says I was incarcerated and I didn't pay my filing fee. I was filing in forma pauperis is what he called it. And so I sent him another claim. First of all, I called. his office and said, you know, I want my money back, I want my $400 filing fee back. And the clerk says, his clerk says, he doesn't conference with pro se. What? Yeah, that's what she said. Doesn't conference with pro se, only with bar attorneys. So then I filed a case against him, and it ends up being shifted to Yonker in Grand Rapids. And Yonker says, I didn't have a federal question as part of my argument. So that's how he dismissed my case, no federal question. But the federal question that I filed basically said he was in violation of the Constitution. But according to Yonker, that's not a federal question. Well, now I'm refiling that case against Yonker, against Nugent, and against Cole. who was the one that transferred it, and I asked him to fix this problem, and he wouldn't answer my letter. So he's on the hook too for it. So that case is going to be in court pretty soon. I don't know exactly what day, but that's a lawsuit that I'm filing. Now I'm asking for treble damages, for fraud, And that treble damages was the $400 filing fee, which they did not pay me back. Why do I deserve that? Because I paid for a service that I never got. I never got a chance to get to court. So that's fraud. And I'm also filing, also hitting all of them each for $2 million for punitive damages. We'll see where it goes. But that case is going to be filed probably in Detroit again, and we'll see which appellate. When you sue them for that, when you sue them for the punitive damages, does that go after their surety bond? Well, I suspect somehow they're going to have to pay that if they lose, and I suspect that they're going to. I'm asking for what they call a special master bond. which is a judge that they pull out of retirement, somebody that's not on the bench. Would you call it a special what? Special master. And you can't ask for that unless you have certain qualifications or reasons, and I do. Spell that, special mast? I didn't get the last word. M-A-S-T-E-R, a master. Okay. Special master. And I'm asking for a special master because of the maturations I went through with Judge Patani and Judge Parker and Judge Nugent and Judge Cole and Judge Yonker. All the judges are on the list. I bet these guys will never come to your birthday party. That's all I got to say. That's fine with me. Yeah, I wouldn't think that you would miss them too much. Then after that, you have to go to the Supreme Court here. You go to federal court? Well, that's the point. It's got to be a federal issue. If it isn't a federal issue, if it's not connected somehow with a federal issue, then you won't succeed in federal court. So is it federal circuit court first? No, you got to understand what you're fighting, what your issue is. List the courts in federal court that you can go through, please. Well, same thing. It's U.S. District Court. It's U.S. Appellate Court and U.S. Supreme Court. They follow in the same format that the state of Michigan does. They also have a court of claims. So you got to treat it the same way that you would on the state courts. I would be suing them individually, not as a judge, but as Robert Yonker. Is his first name Robert? I think it might be. I don't know what his first name is off the top of my head. But I would be suing Yonker first. Do you do it in their official capacity or as an individual? Individually. Not in their individual capacity. I've got to think about how it's worded. Just as an individual. As an individual. They're an individual. It wasn't the court system that screwed up. It was them that screwed up. They're the ones that didn't read the law right. They're the ones that violated the law. Yonker called me, or not Yonker, Nugent called me and said I was incarcerated. I was in jail. Prove that. I never was in jail. And I even told him that when I did two reconsiderations. I says I wasn't in jail. He even said I filed in forma pauperis, which means I didn't pay the filing fee. And I sent him the copy of a check that I sent to the state to the district court. And I sent him a notice from the bank saying it was cash. And he says, I filed in forma pauperis, I didn't pay my filing fee. The guy lied on the record. And then Yonker just says, yeah, well, he didn't file a federal question and therefore you're being dismissed. So this is the nonsense that goes on and they just play their game, whichever way they can to protect each other. Yeah, it's sad, but that's just the way it is. And the thing of it is, is that to dive into these subjects is so important to get in and actually understand how it works. And people can tell you or you can read it a hundred million times, but because there's so many nuances and how they cheat within the system, you can't even know the structure, but you got to know their strategy, how they think and how they're going to work against you to get justice because they're not interested in justice there's a they're not interested in justice at all they're interested in dragging it out it's like I i filed a civil case against sean wilmoth for the signature fraud and such or signature problems and um nestle went ahead and that was a civil case and and to get in front of it filed a criminal case And so that thing has been sitting on the bench here. They keep asking me, well, what's happening with the suitcase? Have you done anything? I'm like sitting out there like a bad dream right now. And we'll see. but they're dragging the timeline out and they're doing it intentionally. This is what they do in the court systems is they drag the timeline out. So you can't, you don't have the right to a speedy trial and they're playing all these games and they let the bar attorneys play games. And it's, it's just, it's one of those things that you, it is so convoluted and so poorly run. Anybody else would lose their job if it weren't protected by the gut, by a government structure. Remember that the judicial system, the Department of Justice, doesn't exist. Right. And so it all stems from that. It's fake. The whole justice system is fake. So what do you do with that? Since Judge Cannon filed that and used Norton v. Shelby County, how do you remove all of their sorry buts? Well, this is going to happen eventually, but there's going to take enough reckoning of the public to figure this out and to request that it happens, to push that it happens. And I think Trump has got this well in line when he says, if I have the majority of the public, I will clean house and he will take care of that. Yeah, I love President Trump. I'm sure he knows about Norton. Let's move on. It was in that court case. It was in the court case that we were going through. Trump versus U.S. Or U.S. versus Trump. Our group We have a couple of people in our group that have really been pushing Norton to him as hard as they can in almost every single rally that he shows up and talking to General Flynn and the pillow guy and passing Norton on to him. But the problem with those people, they turn it over to the gatekeepers, such as Alan Dershowitz, who is absolutely a buffoon. He is, I don't know, I don't want to use bad words, but he is as dumb as they come. And Trump had him as his attorney at one point or a gatekeeper at one point. And, of course, he doesn't know what the law is. He's just, I don't know. So that's my exact feelings of attorneys. They don't know what the law is. 99.9% of the attorneys don't know what law is. Gray-bearded Fedora says, we point circuit court judges to the important decisions the Supreme Court has made in the last year, moving back to what our forefathers' intents were. and Supreme Court experts, lower courts to adhere to. Lower courts that have followed the laws of the Supreme Court, but they're de facto appointees in the system, like in President Trump's case, and then usurpers of public functionaries, Jamie Ratface using the 14th Amendment. Four years, Donna. I bet I can turn this thing around in a couple of months. John Tater, the bulldog sitting on one side. So kind of interesting. Hang on a second. I just got a text in. Okay, where are we going to go from that? Scroll to five, section five. The Supreme Court, 1933, changed the court system from... Go to what now? Section five. Just scroll up to section five. So scroll up, whatever. I can do that. What... Court rules. Hang on. Let me get this up here. Equity, mastery, and chancellery. Okay. So we're in Article 5, Section what? Section 5. Article 6, Section 5. You're in the right section. Section 5. All right. Section 5. section five all right let me get back down here man this thing is slow that's all right there you go in 1933 right there you go the court the supreme court changed the law from constitutional law and by the way this was done This is an unconstitutional act done by the Supreme Court in 1933 that changed the laws from law and equity to combining the two. And then the state of Michigan in 1963 picked up the same argument. and change the court systems in Michigan from a distinction between law and equity and master and chancellery. If you read it, it says the Supreme Court shall by general rule establish, modify, amend, and simplify the process and procedures in all courts of this state. The distinction between law and equity proceeded shall as far as practicable be abolished. The author of Master of Chancellery prohibited. So what that meant is that they took law inequity and combined them into, how would we put it, a soup of nonsense. So you walk into a court and then people think that it's all about contracts, it's all about the French flag, it's all about that we're at war, it's all about birth certificates. No, it's not about any of that. It's about the fact that they changed in 1933 from law and equity to the civil action jurisdiction. And the civil action jurisdiction combined the two together and gave the judge all kinds of latitude that he could rule in any way he wanted. So you walk into a district court and you don't know what you're doing and you file a case in law, the judge turns around in his own mind, changes the hat and puts on his equity hat and he says, well, this has nothing to do with equity and therefore you lose. Or if you go into court and you argue equity, he changes his hat to law and he says, oh, this has nothing to do with the law and you lose. So that's how the judge is playing this game because they have the right to. Can you define those for everybody? Yeah, law is law. Law is what's written on the document, on a piece of paper. And equity is something that you might have You might have ruled on, you want the court to rule on because you consider something might happen in the future. Ron uses the example as a tree falling on your garage. If a tree falls on your garage, that's a case of law that you can go after for fixing the garage, paying for the damages and so on and so forth. But if you see that tree in your backyard or in the neighbor's backyard, and it looks like it's gonna fall on the garage, you go into court for equity and say, hey, judge, have them cut that tree down because it's gonna fall on my garage and cause damages. So the court will rule to get the tree cut down. That would be equity. So the law of, before they are in court, you'll need to go until, in one point, When before 33, you would go to the window of the law if you had a case in law, or you'd go to the case of equity if you had a case of equity. You'd go to the window of equity, and you'd file it in an equity court. And therefore, they would rule on equity. And if you filed it in the law court, they'd rule on the law. But now the judges have the latitude to change as they go if they want to and rule against you. And that's supposedly a legal ruling against you kind of thing. So see, it was changed in 1933 by the state, by the federal, by the Supreme Court. And you can look it up in the history and you can look it up on I got it written down on that website, on my website about the 1933 switch. into the civil action jurisdiction. And the civil action jurisdiction gives the courts all kinds of latitude to do whatever they want to. In the civil action jurisdiction, the state could be a victim. The state isn't a victim. The state's never a victim. You're speeding on the street and the state is a victim? No. But in the civil action jurisdiction, the state can file a ticket against you and collect money from you because the state is the victim of your speeding on the street. That's the civil action jurisdiction. In the Republic, civil action jurisdiction doesn't exist, and in the Republic, You can't have two jurisdictions existing at the same time. You can't have a jurisdiction of the Republic and a jurisdiction of the civil action jurisdiction existing in the same space of time. So it's one or the other. But if you go to a district court and you don't know the difference, then you automatically walk into their civil action jurisdiction. If you hire an attorney, you're in a civil action jurisdiction. And what's the case that you used to plead the republic? Oh, I plead the republic at the very beginning, that we're in a republic, Your Honor. You swore an oath to the federal constitution. Article 4, Section 4 of the federal constitution says we have a republican government guaranteed in every level of government. And you swore an oath to that, Your Honor. How are you going to get out of that one? Do you put that in every single case? I do. I start my case out that way. That I'm not in the civil action jurisdiction. I'm in the Republic. Did they start throwing paper wads at you at that point in time? No. I actually just try to figure out how to get out of that. What can they do or say or move or dismiss the case or Officer Haynes doesn't show up. That kind of stuff. If the cop's not there, they dismiss the case and your case is done and they never have to answer that they're in the Republic or the civil action jurisdiction. If you go into court and you're in the civil action jurisdiction, don't expect a miracle. Don't expect to win. Expect to lose. Then you're going to have to go to appeal. And Curtis asked a question. Can you ask John, if he researched Michigan Supreme court, justice Thomas Cooley and his decision that paved the way to home rule? I have not. Okay. That would be no. Sorry. So yeah, quick and to the point. No. What does he, what, what is that point or what is the issue there? I have no idea. We'll have to wait and see the answers. So what's the point, Curtis? I have to go on to figure out what the point is. What's he trying to resolve from that? Don't know. So not a clue. We'll see. Okay, let's move on to 19, Section 19. This is another one of this menagerie of... of fakeness that's going on with this constitution. Go on to section 19, scroll up to that. Okay, hold on a minute. Now I got myself all screwed up again. 19. Problem is we don't read the- Section 19. Oh, the constitution says. And when we don't- You know what the biggest problem is? The biggest problem is I'm out of ports to be able to do a mouse. So I'm like doing this with my finger and that's why it's wonky. That's the biggest thing. Okay. You know, I got to get like a digital, one of those, those wifi mice type things. And so I sit here like a little, that's what I'm doing. So here we go. Okay. So there you go. So article six, section 19, is that what you wanted? Are we in article six public utilities franchises? That's not what I'm looking at. What section is it? This is article. We're at article six, section 19. Did you jump up? All right. So hang on. Let me see if I can unscrew this. You went too far. Back up, back up. Keep going. Somebody talked to my guy and tell him that I need, I need a, digital or optical mouse here. Okay, there you go. Wi-Fi mouse. I'm going to just jump. I'm not going to read the whole thing. I'm going to jump to two. Section or paragraph says to be qualified to serve as a judge of a trial court, a judge of a court of appeals or a judge of the Supreme court, a person shall have been admitted to the practice of law for at least five years. Into their like what? The thing that has no law license. They're admitting people into that have been part of the board, which is a private membership club. You have to go to a bar in order to be a judge. Do you see a problem with this? I see a large problem there because it exists to basically protect itself, the bar, which is not a license to practice law. It's a private membership club. That's right. And here we go. Can we go back to the... Okay, I know what you think about this, but I'm going to bring it up anyway. Let's go back to the titles of nobility. Exactly. Yeah, the titles of nobility. The last time I checked that there was supposed to be nobody that had a title of nobility, which makes them immediately disqualified. Exactly correct. Am I correct? Yes. Federal Constitution says no title of nobility. We looked at that already. That's in Article 1. The title of nobility and what is an attorney called? Esquire. The Esquire is above the local peasants or the local people, the working class, so to speak. The Esquire is the next step up. Is that a title of nobility? It's a license to steal. Exactly. And that's licensed to lie and steal. Yeah. And manipulate the illegal court system or the court system that doesn't exist in order to. You know, the thing that really gripes me about this whole civil action jurisdiction crap is that I think, what is it, 98% of all judgments are only a result in money judgments. So they won't even hear cases unless there's a money judgment involved. And then what is it, 18% they take to put in their retirement fund? Mm-hmm. It's 18% that they take out of any money judgment to go into the retirement fund of the judges, the people that work for the court system, the attorneys, the whole thing. If everybody isn't so absolutely furious about this, Everyone out there has the right and the obligation to be absolutely madder than hell over this because they have completely and totally hijacked the whole system. It's incredible. Okay, so now we've complained for the last hour because it's now 10 o'clock. We've been complaining about what the problem is. How do we fix the problem? File pro se lawsuits against the individuals and have their sorry butts removed. Exactly. File as many pro se lawsuits as you possibly can, as you possibly feel comfortable in. You get stopped for a speeding ticket. You go into court and you fight the court. You've got to push back. You've got to push back. If you don't push back, you're a greed of the system. I'm going to make a comment to Christine a minute. Christine, I can see you backstage. Are you ready to go? Let's see if they can hear me. I don't think they can hear me. So we're going to let him continue to get a little bit comfortable there and keep talking, John. We're good. I'll end it real quick anyway. I'm just saying we file lawsuits against the individuals who violate the law. But you've got to know the law. You've got to start reading. You've got to start paying attention. You've got to start learning. We are covering this stuff in our Wednesday night groups, Zooms, and this week we're going to be at Nicola's on Telegraph Road. If you could come out there and listen, that'd be great. And if not, the following week we'll be on Zoom. And we're talking about the law all the time. Anybody that has a problem, bring it to us. We will help you out and get you straight into how to go about and battle the case. You got to want to do it though. You got to, the the thing is you don't go to the so-called quote professional lawyer and ask him how to do it because he's not going to do it for you he's he's there to protect the system and to collect as much money as he can from you he's there to raise your uh raise your fees to charge you for uh what a tenth of a minute or uh every tenth every 10 minutes he gets the charge It's all about making money on you. He's a slime ball. So you got to get out of that nonsense and learn how to deal with this and fight it yourself. Then you're going to be successful. We're going to push back and we're going to get rid of the crap that's going on around us. If not, then we're agreeing to it. Silence is acquiescence. Well, and I think the other thing is that people have to be okay with getting out of their comfort zone and doing things that they've never done before and taking a risk and being okay with it. You gotta be okay with jumping into something. Are you gonna fail? Well, if you're not gonna be willing to fail, you're never gonna do anything. And take that risk and learn what you need to know to make it successful. So Curtis has put a few other things in here. We can create and vote in our own constitutional county home rules charter. See Section 34, Article 7 of the 1963 Constitution. Still to this day, 79 out of 83 counties are still general law counties. A home rule charter, if passed in Ottawa County, could put the Campbell PowerPoint into a county co-op and the revenue generator could pay for the county needs and I'm kind of liking the creative ways to deal with this stuff because there's so many things. If we had the right person running the state as a business, pretty extra sure we could make this thing into something that actually works for Read the People instead of just draws away from us. I think when people hear my breakdown of our taxes, I think they're shocked and they think I'm all full of crap, but we are at about an 85% tax bracket and that's for every single person. And that doesn't even include the, the inflation, which is a absolutely a tax and they do it by printing money. And so it's like, if, if people realize how much they're really having taken away from them 80, about 85% tax for every single person in the state of Michigan, I would hope that that would light a fire under everybody's behind so that they know that these people that are money laundering like little badgers digging in the dirt to steal from us. That's what they're doing. That's what they're doing. They are stealing from us. And they know what they're doing. They're psychopath parasites. They don't care. They absolutely do not care. And so it's a painful process, but it is what it is. Hang on one second. If you can go to text messaging, I would prefer that because I'm still on here. I'm going to make sure that everything's all set and ready to go. So before I switch over to our new guest here, so. Anyhow, so that's kind of where we're at. So anyhow, well, this is really super educational. And I think that I don't know about everybody else out there, but I'm going to tell you right now, every time I talk to John Tater, I feel like I am at least 20% smarter than I was the last time. Well, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Okay. So I'm going to take a real quick break here. Mr. Tater, thanks for being on. And I will be right back in about 30 seconds with our next guest, Christine O'Donnell. Have a great day in our republic. I think she and I are going to get along just great because we both had stuff shoved in our faces that we're going to push right back. And a couple of seconds here. I'm going to give you a few more seconds. And then... And then I'm just ready to go. I'll talk until they're ready to come on. So anyhow, thanks, John. And we'll see you next week, Tuesday, with Tater Tuesday Lawful Defense. Have a great day. And I'll be right back with Brandenburg News Network and Christine O'Donnell. Thank you. morning and welcome to brandenburg news network I am donna brandenburg and uh second hour of our show today and I'm very very excited to bring on my next guest christine o'donnell I'm going to show you something right now while they're getting ready for this a minute and it is a video that let me grab it off my telegram channel yeah y'all can always go to my telegram channel here to get to get uh news and views and all that kinds of good stuff. Oh, wait a second. Screwed that one up. Hang on a minute. Let me grab it. And, uh, I, I think it's, um, I, I post links to everything there. So let me, Oh, here we go right now. And I'm going to play this little video that I think introduces Christine very well. Um, they've got, let's see, hang on here, getting it figured out. Um, This is what you get, guys. Real news for real people by real people at the kitchen table. So hang on a minute. Let me go back here and twerk this thing up. O'Donnell received more national media coverage than any politician in America. The White House today called her the most formidable force in the Republican Party. The big winner joins us now, Christina O'Donnell from Delaware. Oh, this is nice. Look at this. They blacked me. Here we go. Federal authorities may have launched a criminal investigation into former Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell. The Treasury Department told Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley at least four politicians had their private information examined improperly by the IRS. And former Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell says she was one of them. It's time, and I'm going to name names. You need to know what's really at stake. We're getting all excited, and then all of a sudden, the Delaware Department of Elections computers go down. I was told my race against Joe Biden in 2008 were the first time that these Dominion voting machines were used domestically. They were just called Smartmatic machines. He comes to me and says, you'll never prove it. but you really did win. And all of this was about to be revealed. And then Elaine Manlove, who was the commissioner of elections was killed in a car accident. The Treasury Department computer records were deleted. The gentleman who hand-stamped that erroneous computer error tax lien is now on the committee that's investigating how he accidentally hand-stamped a computer error tax lien. If that's not a conflict of interest, I don't know what is. This former elected official, Democrat, calls me up, and he's like, Christine, you've got to stop. They're coming after you. They are very good at making decisions. fatal accidents look accidental. Step away from Delaware politics and promise never to come back to Delaware and we will set you up. I called no less than 22 attorneys. 12 of them had the compassion towards me enough to tell me why they weren't taking the case. Vice President Biden personally called them, or Mike Castle personally called them, or Karl Rove personally called them. and said, don't take Christine's case. Their law licenses were threatened. They were just warned not to take my case. I believe that if you're on the side of justice, there's a path to justice. It was my father's dying wish that I not give up. Do you really believe the vice president has a part in this? Okay, this is hilarious. I went to play this video, and did you guys see that? I had to click the you have been temporarily blocked repeatedly. And I think this is absolutely hilarious. They do not want this information out here. And you guys all know that this happens on a regular basis where, you know, I guess we're over the target on this. So I'll take that as a badge of honor. Anyhow, I want to welcome Christine O'Donnell on. Morning, how are you? I can't hear you. Oh, you can't hear me? OK. Let's see what we need to do. I can hear you. Can't hear you. OK. Can you jump out and come back in again? Sometimes that resets it. OK. Jump off? OK. Yeah. Jump. How do I jump off? Okay, there we go. So I'm sure this is... Okay, we'll jump out. Let me just make sure we're on our side. There we go. We'll see what happens here. So anyhow, I find this to be really, really interesting because they basically... There's a whole bunch of us candidates that were absolutely singled out to remove from being able to be on the ballot. And that had our rights violated and pretty much, you know, blackballed us. Hang on a minute. I'm going to take this call. Hey, good morning. Hey, we're trying to. What's that? We're on. Can you hear me now? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, awesome. Oh, good. Okay. There we go. Okay. Yay for tech guys. Yeah, yeah. Yay for tech guys. I just want to let your audience know that if they want to see the trailer in full without being blocked from Facebook, they can go to, and we have it right there. Let me pull that up a minute. We can even pull that again. And so it's the politics of power. The politics of Okay. Hang on a minute. And we've got politics of power archive. No archives. So let's see. It is absolutely. This is hilarious. They don't want this out there. They don't. Oh, I have been dealing with this type of stuff since 2008. It says the power of is a second. No, it's politics of power, not the politics of Okay, politics of Okay. Maybe my dyslexia kicked in. Oh, there we go. We got it. So there we go. So, uh, interesting so do you want to replay it again so we can see it in its entirety let people because then we could talk about the bullet points that we talk about here let's go ahead and do that then that sounds great in the past few months christine o'donnell received more national media coverage than any politician in america the white house today called her the most uh formidable force in the republican party the big winner joins us now christina o'donnell from delaware don't ever underestimate the power of we the people federal authorities may have launched a criminal investigation into former senate candidate christine o'donnell the treasury department told iowa senator chuck grassley at least four politicians had their private information examined improperly by the irs and former delaware senate candidate christine o'donnell says she was one of them It's time. And I'm going to name names. You need to know what's really at stake. We're getting all excited, and then all of a sudden, the Delaware Department of Elections computers go down. I was told my race against Joe Biden in 2008 were the first time that these Dominion voting machines were used domestically. They were just called Smartmatic machines. He comes to me and says, you'll never prove it, but you really did win. And all of this was about to be revealed. And then Elaine Manlove, who was the commissioner of elections, was killed in a car accident. The Treasury Department computer records were deleted. The gentleman who hand stamped that erroneous computer error tax lien is now on the committee that's investigating how he accidentally hand stamped a computer error tax lien. If that's not a conflict of interest, I don't know what is. This former elected official Democrat calls me up and he's like, Christine, you've got to stop. They're coming after you. They are very good. at making fatal accidents look accidental. Step away from Delaware politics and promise never to come back to Delaware and we will set you up. I called no less than 22 attorneys. 12 of them had the compassion towards me enough to tell me why they weren't taking the case. Vice President Biden personally called them, or Mike Castle personally called them, or Karl Rove personally called them and said, don't take Christine's case. Their law licenses were threatened. They were just warned not to take my case. I believe that if you're on the side of justice, there's a path to justice. It was my father's dying wish that I not give up. Do you really believe the vice president has a part in this? Outstanding. Thank you. There's more to come. Welcome to the show today. I'm really glad to talk to you about the stuff that you've been through because it sounds like we've got actually a lot in common. Oh, my gosh. Boy, do we. Let me tell you something. I have been getting media requests, especially once Biden announced his campaign in 2019. And I just, you know, I went to law school. I'm like, I'm out of here. So when we were making this, I told my team, I said, I'm not doing any promotion. You know, I don't want to go on where people are going to go, blah, blah, blah. When I sent you the trailer and you said, come on my show, I was just like, Okay. I was like, what about not doing stuff? So then I started watching your archived episodes and I'm like, okay, I get it. I get why I just immediately went, okay. So I'm very excited. And you are the first interview I've done in almost 10 years. Wow, I'm so honored. And I'm excited. When we had this technical stuff, I was just praying. I'm like, devil, no. Because I don't care if we have to sit here for hours. I'm talking to her audience. Well, you know what? I really love that because, you know, and one of the things that I'm really proud of with BNN is we do it live. I show everybody, even if there's technical problems. Right. I want them to see that this is authentic. It's raw. It's real. This is not state people. In fact, yesterday, somebody said that they were asked every well yesterday. Yeah. Every time you come on the show and they're asking, you know, well, what kind of like list of, of questions or things you can talk about? He goes, what questions, you know, we don't even talk until I flip the camera on because I want it to be just like, I think this is what we need to get back to is just friends sitting down, having coffee, solving real problems without anything that was scripted. There's nothing scripted here. There's no list of questions. There's no list of anything. And it's kind of like this weird little amoeba thing that kind of shifts as we go. But I really think that it's important that we just get in there and we talk. And we let God dictate where the conversation is going because he may want things to go in a completely different direction than what we have preconceived notions on based on who's listening or whatever. And so for me, I'm just like, you know, Jesus, take the wheel when I get on and let's see where this thing ends up. Right. Right. Oh, we have so much to talk about. I mean, like I was taking notes and I'm like, you know, watching your back episodes. I'm like, I have to tell her about this. You know, I have all these behind the scenes stories. And then I was like, now just go on and chat with her. That'd be great. You know, and the one thing, too, is that if you if you want to come on and we want to do like a regular type of a show so that so that people can see what an authentic news, you know, like like I'm going to tell you, tell you what. I there's a lot of people that are doing podcasts and they're wonderful. They're wonderful. It's, it's great to have like a decentralized, a decentralized, um, a news source. I fully support that. And that's why I have the citizen journalists come out on Friday to help, help them get notoriety for their channels. We have to have things decentralized and I, but there's, there's something comforting about getting on a channel where you actually start knowing the people that are talking to you a little bit in, in, in a very raw, real way. And I think that there's some value to that too. So we probably could talk for a year and never hit the same subject twice. Yeah. And I'll tell you, I was very hesitant even doing my own podcast to come out and tell my story just because when all of this was going on, you know, when they were You know, people I never knew, never even met, said they were sleeping with me. I was getting tax liens on houses I didn't even own. Oh, yeah. It's like you try to say this is wrong and people in the conservative movement would just be like, OK. Like I remember saying that. When I ran, Facebook was one of the only social media platforms. And my posts would get deleted or even changed. And they'd be like, oh, Facebook is taking down your posts. And it's like, yes. OK. And that's why I was like, forget it. Forget it. And then around 2020, 10 years later, things started happening to everybody. And everybody started... It's almost like you're believed now. So it's a different time to come out and tell the story. And I'm very I mean, I'm sad that it's happening on a grander scale. But I think that the more that comes out, the more we can stop it. And that's where. You know, the purpose of this podcast is to put all the dots out there, all the dots, even what's going on in our own movement, and then let people connect them. And platforms like yours enable us to do that. Wait, I'm sorry. There's a lot going on behind the scenes here. I'm getting distracted. You know, that's okay. You know, the one thing about it is it's like, you know, we're just having coffee as friends and all kinds of, all kinds of things happen when we're online. But honestly, it's the, it's the only way that the news should be put out there because for, for the way we're doing it, nobody can say that we've manipulated anything or that there was any any editing done or anything for good, bad, or otherwise people that come here are getting just absolutely raw footage. If we make mistakes, we got to say they made a mistake and, or didn't know this or, you know, or, or, uh, or whatever. And, and it takes a lot of guts to come on a show live. It really does. Because, because, uh, There's nowhere to run if you make a mistake. You can't blame it on somebody else. You have to stand there kind of as a single individual person on yourself. And there's there's huge benefit to that, though. Huge. Yeah, I was watching one of your shows when they were talking about the election integrity going on in Florida and how it's all happening with the Republican Party. And it I mean, the Republican Party is doing the bad stuff. And it reminded me of 2001 when I was down here in Florida. I came to Florida for law school. So I had graduated in the middle of covid and got involved with the election integrity efforts because, well, let me give a little bit of backstory. In my podcast, In Politics of Power, I talk about it, how in 2016, I did not support Trump because what I had seen, even within the Tea Party, even within the conservative movement, now what's called the MAGA movement, it wasn't MAGA then, there were a lot of people who were just charlatans, you know, and they would go on stage, say our sound bites, talk about what's going on with China, talk about what's going on with national sovereignty and raise tons of money on dropping these anger bombs. And then behind the scenes, I would have meetings with them And, you know, see how in these congressional meetings they would say and do completely different things behind closed doors. And people that are household names would actually say to me, Christine, you'll understand when you get elected. This is how you have to do it. You know, we have to say this stuff so that we get money to campaign. But then behind the scenes, we have to give a little here, but we're going to. so that we can keep moving forward. And then we're gonna do what you suggest here. And it's like, but then we are playing by the enemy's rules. So when Donald Trump on his campaign, he was saying all the perfect sound bites, I was very skeptical. I was like, I don't support him. Then he got elected and he started doing what he said. And I was like, wow, OK, maybe I was wrong. But by then I was in law school. So I was kind of just trying to stay behind the scenes. I was grateful for what he was doing. And then 2020 happened. And I go into detail about this in the podcast, but the way Elaine Manlove is relevant and everything is because I was, 2020, I was in my apartment before election day, studying for the bar exam, and a friend of mine from Delaware texted me You're about to be vindicated. It's all going to come out. This was two days before Election Day. And I'm like, what? What's going on? And he said, a whistleblower is coming forward. A whistleblower has been talking to the authorities. And I was like, OK, let me just keep studying tort reform. You know, like, this is great. Thank you, God. And then I get a text from him saying, never mind, false alarm. I don't know what happened, but Elaine Manlove, who had been the commissioner of elections since 2009, right after my race, my race against Biden in which smart medic machines were first used and the computers went down, she got killed in a car accident. So the whole exposure thing happened. Was off the table. So I'll just put the dots out there. Let the audience. Well, you know what? I'll connect the dots for him. I have no problems connecting the dots for anyone. You know, these people are murderers or thieves or cheats. It's a global crime syndicate and they are not above killing people. They are absolutely not above killing people. Look at how many people were Arkansas-ed under the Clintons. You got to be stupid not to look at that list and realize that these are hits. The amount of airplanes they've dropped out of the skies. And I mean that, I mean, the doctors that went to Brazil, they were about ready to release some really groundbreaking things. And they killed all those doctors by dropping that plane out of the sky. I think the statistics are seven out of eight, or seven out of eight people plane crashes are to remove people wow that's that's a stated number and so when you see when you see the plane crashes go down it's sort of like the titanic and everything else Start looking at the manifesto. Start seeing what's going on around that, who got off or who stayed on. In this plane that went to Brazil, there's some very, very big damning questions people have to ask because there were people that refused to get on that plane. How are they connected? Connect the dots and go after these people because they are murderers. And I have no problem believing that she was taken out. As a that somebody told her. Right. They haven't, you know, for the podcast, we tried to do some research about, you know, police reports and stuff. And they still just say, you know, no conclusions. What caused the accident? Whatever. They didn't do any further investigation. And this was the night before election night, 2020. Right. where someone could think, OK, you know, you're manipulating a U.S. Senate race, a congressional race, you know, in Delaware. But now you're taking that operation to a presidential level. You know, if this stuff is true. And it's funny because I wanted to get it all out there before we started connecting the dots for people because we don't want any interference with getting the story out there. But I'm going to take a risk anyway. So. I believe she was about to say, okay, enough is enough. A presidential race is completely different. And then she died under suspicious circumstances. And then 2020, election night, I'm in my apartment, on my bed, all my law books are out. I'm studying for the bar exam, which kept getting postponed because of COVID. I had no idea when we were going to take it. But I had to be ready. So, you know, all the election coverage is in the background. And then I start hearing reports about the computers going down. And that's exactly what happened in 2008. And again, I go into detail because in the podcast we had when I was two points behind Trump. Joe Biden and the only districts that hadn't reported were the very conservative districts where I actually won as a write in candidate. So people were sending me congratulation texts. You know, we ran a very grassroots campaign and it's like, wow. And then the Department of Elections computers go down and then an hour and a half later they come back up and the results are in. So we went to the Department of Elections, or my campaign manager went to the Department of Elections the next morning. And they were like, the computers never went down. And he was like, well, give me the paper backup, because there's a federal statute that for federal elections, you have to keep a paper backup. And they said, oh, Delaware doesn't have to comply to that. What? They just make up stuff as they go. Why? Why are you why is Delaware exempt from that? So we had we had the the computer printout printouts. We took screenshots of everything. The Republican Party wanted nothing to do with it. So we were like, OK, do we pursue legal action on our own? You know, like sue the Department of Elections. Why didn't you comply with the federal statute? And then our campaign offices were broken into and everything was, all of our records, everything was stolen. So long story short, you know, all this happened and, you know, for the next, I ran again and, you know, I feel like I just kept getting gaslighted even by the Tea Party movement. You know, when we were saying, let's take preemptive measures with voter fraud, people were like, oh, we don't have to do that. And so 2020, I'm in my apartment after law school and I see the computers went down. I was like, it really felt like a punch in the gut. I mean, it was crazy. I say this almost tongue in cheek, sort of, but it was like PTSD, you know, because it's like, really, God, did you really call me to win or call me to run and then call me to law school just to have these wicked people do it again? And I believe that. you know, emotions were running very high after that. And it's almost like I needed to believe that Donald Trump had a plan and that Donald Trump was going to do something. And I think that You know, I admired him so much because of that. I feel like, you know, we kind of have a trauma bond in that who else can say that you sacrificed everything and Joe Biden stole an election from you. So when people were like, he should be giving up, he should just let it go. I'm like, I get it. I went to law school because of that. Here I am, 16 years later, and I'm still not giving up. I'm not going to say go back and undo the 2008 election, but I'm going to do whatever I can, including putting my life on the line, my career on the line, to get it all exposed. And any time it gets too hard, I think of A friend of mine, when the IRS, in early March 2010, when the IRS first put an erroneous lien against a house I didn't even own, and then they blamed it on a computer error, a friend of mine was like, why are you doing this? And, you know, just back out and let Mike Castle run. And, you know, you could, you'll then have an end. She took me to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers in Philadelphia. the Revolutionary War. And we sat there and we looked at the inscription, which we have on the Politics of Power website, which is freedom is a light for which many men have died in darkness. And I just sat there and I thought of all those, um, You know, I thought of how Nathaniel Green, how he won the final battle where he he got these poor landowners and kind of cast a vision and saying, you're not doing this for you, but this is for your children's children. And they went and they the same thing. team of people went to one area and Cornwallis would see them there. And then, you know, in the middle of the night, they'd run to another area and then Cornwallis would see the same people. So he thought that Washington's troop, Washington's army was much bigger than it was, but it was just the same people completely exhausted, you know, and I thought of that and a they knew they were doing this for their children's children. So I sat there in front of that tomb, just meditating on that. I'm like, you know, they said, you know, we sacrifice our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor. If people are going to believe this about me, I'm sacrificing my sacred honor, you know, and it tests your relationship with God and your sense of identity, who you are. And it really, over the last 10 years, it had really made me drill down on that. What does it mean to be a daughter of God? And what does it mean to be pure before God? It's not these other people's standards because, you know, as you and I have talked before, I'm from Jersey. Once in a while, I'll drop the F-bomb and I... Pray for me for that. But sometimes I want maybe not. Maybe you're just being real. You know, it's like I can think of a lot of other things to pray for, like things that are being sacrificed or in Chicago this week with the DNC. Right. Nonsense. I mean, exactly. And I'll have to go before God and say, OK, you know, if I'm sacrificing my my sacred honor, you have to be OK with me. You know, are you OK with me as I go through this? Anyway, fast forward 2008. 15, the FEC filed a bogus lawsuit against me, which is now, you know, it's still going on, and it's what's keeping me from getting licensed. And she said to me, I don't know how you do it. And I reminded her of, well, you know, you were a big inspiration to me. You took me to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. And she goes, I did that to convince you not to. I did that to scare you. And I was like, oh, oops. Well, I'm sorry. I've been going on the, you know, like telling this story and campaign speeches and stuff. Oops, there's a different ending. But that is, as I think about what's going on now, that's exactly what we have to keep doing. And I think, you know, getting back to election integrity in 2020, I believe that because emotions were so high, mine included, we got duped. And I think you and I could have a whole, as a matter of fact, I want to have a whole hour-long conversation with you just about that and just about Operation Trust. Because as the Politics of Power website says, their tactics haven't changed. We just keep falling for them. And I love how on your intro it says, question everything, because we have to. And the scary thing is then, well, if we have to question everything, you know, sometimes we're afraid to question everything because then it means that the safe world we created for ourselves, the bottom is falling out. That's where you have to cling to God. If you trust God, you trust that he will give you the discernment you need about what plan to trust, how to go forward. That's how I believe we're going to win this. And even, you know, as I was watching your past episodes, it's only going to take a handful of people as you talk about it, you know, the remnant of the remnant. And, um, I was watching one of your Archive Deck episodes about what's going on in Palm Beach County. And the woman, I can't remember her name, a blonde woman, but she was talking about conversations that we had in 2021 that I was part of, where people were saying, no, don't worry about that, with all the people who were working on election integrity to protect to make sure it didn't happen in Florida. And I remember being in those meetings, when they're saying, okay, we're gonna get this evidence and we're gonna file this lawsuit and the evidence that they were collecting, they had someone going into the Department of Elections machines and pulling the data from there. illegally hacking into them. And I was in these meetings going, even if we get a smoking gun, we can't use it. It's not admissible. And they're going, no, no, no. And they're telling the people who were leading, oh, Christine just graduated law school. She doesn't know. OK, I went to law school at 50, by the way. I have some real life experience. And You learn in Constitution 101 what standing is, and Evidence 101, that illegally obtained evidence can't be admissible or has to go through all these hurdles. And I was saying, why don't we just partner with candidates? Because candidates have standing to go back and pull that. We need about a year lead time, which we have. And then based on this legally obtained smoking gun evidence, We file for injunctive relief to have this. And they're like, oh, that's that's that's a costly plan. Instead, we're going to spend 19 million dollars on obtaining this illegal whatever. And it was just you know, it felt for me it was like the same crazy spiral in 2008. They're not listening. you know, and whatever. And I just said, I'm out of here. You know, I got to go take the bar. What I hear from you saying, though, is that this is what people don't realize. They think they're in a club, a group. I call them a cult because they stop your brain from working. And they believe that they're safe because people are herd animals. You've got a horse behind you on the wall there. Well, I have horses and I do some horse training. So yeah, your cool factor just jumped for me right there. But the reality is, is that because we're geared by God Almighty to be herd animals, to be social creatures and such, we think that we're safe in a group. And we look at people and say, they look like us. They kind of talk like us. So we must be similar. But the problem is, is that every institution organization on the planet has been infiltrated. If If there's something there that they think they can mess up, they're going to send, I'm going to say Satan himself is going to direct somebody who is going to mess up the plan. And so when you're in a group, assume that you're standing there with both good and evil intentions. You cannot trust people and even people that have good intentions a lot of times. will be given bad information and they may not have a bad intention, but somebody could be working through them. I've seen that quite a few times. Absolutely. The one thing that I've said in front of many groups, and I said this because they want to gaslight you. Trust us. I'm the expert. I'm this. And I'm like, somebody asked me one time, why should we trust you? And I'm like, you shouldn't. I'm like, this is how we got where we are right now. And the reason why is that you need to ask questions. Trust is earned. Trust is never given. And no matter who you're talking to, grill them a little bit. And even if it's a person sitting next to you in a meeting, just because they're sitting there sharing an armrest and you're looking at each other eating cookies and drinking coffee doesn't mean you have a clue who you're talking to. Right. Right. Yeah. And that brings me back to what happened in 2021. I was just like, all right, whatever. It's happening all over again. And then everything I predicted happened. Maybe it had to happen that way. Romans 8, 28, it all works out. If you're following God, the Lord's going to work it out for the good. Now people believe it. Now people know that there are some, even in the mega movement, who are there as infiltrators. It's scary. I remember recently talking to someone and she was like, I just wanted to keep my head in the sand as long as possible because you mean you can't trust anything. You can't trust anyone. You can't trust the plan. What do we do? Wow, we got to be an adult? You trust God. You trust God. And I believe what keeps me going is that if you trust God and, you know, Proverbs says, you know, Let the Lord order your steps. He's going to lead you to the right people like he did with me, you and you and me. And it's only going to take a handful of people. And that's what we're trying to do with with this podcast is. You know, there's a lot of people who wanted to license it or, you know, like come on my network. And then they were like, you can't say this or you can't say that or, you know, don't don't say Dominion. And it's like, well, all I'm saying is that I was told by an investigator that my race in 2008 was, was the first one that the Dominion voting machines were domestically. That's all I'm saying. And that the computers went down. I wrote that in my book that I wrote in 2011. And I had to fight with my publisher because they were like, you can't say that. There's no proof. Everything got stolen. And I was like, I'm going to be vindicated one day. I want a record. I don't want someone to say, oh, now she's saying this. So all I got to write was that one little But it is a record, and we have to trust that with a few people following the Lord, God is going to breathe on that and do what needs to be done to win, to win back this country. Because there was, unlike... I've had other people say, well, he didn't do that for Russia when it fell into communism. I was like, America was founded on a covenant with the Holy Spirit. Our God is a covenant-keeping God. And I believe he's going to honor that of a handful of people. That's all it's going to take, a handful of people. And I've had even one person of faith. Right. He would save a nation. And I mean, that's the you know, the pattern, the precedence is there. And now we've got a lot of us that actually follow God. and love God and are saved by the blood of Jesus Christ at the mercy seat. And it's like, we all deserve to have our sorry butts thrown in hell. Every one of us does. And the only, I mean, we are fallen people. That's why people are so messed up. That's why most of us want to be with animals because they're cooler than people. People are flawed. And the only one that can look past those flaws and see people with eyes of love are God almighty, because we are all. A mess. And it happened at the fall. Yeah. And I think for this election, I've had a lot of people say, well, is it too late? You know, like we they we can implement your plan where you get the credible evidence and stuff. I don't know from a technical point of view as you know, what can we do to protect election integrity this election cycle? And I have some interviews coming up in meetings with some more experts about what we can do. But what I do know we can do a foolproof plan is to get out the vote by a great enough margin that we overcome any fraud. Even if we can't stop the fraud, we can overcome it, which is how I won my primary in 2010, which is how I believe Donald Trump won in 2016. And in order to do that, we are going to have to reach across the aisle. We're going to have to go to independents and to some Democrats. And I think that's the difference between now and 2020 is that things have gotten so out of control that there are some people willing to listen now. And what we want to do at Politics of Power is take that message, take the evidence and and craft it in a way that, you know, we put on our website a challenge to liberals. Watch, watch a few episodes, watch the episodes or watch the evidence we put out before you start taking things out of context because it is your freedom we're fighting for too. And so it is my prayer that we will be able to get enough information people who might not be voting on our side. And because we're raising money for a PAC, I have to be careful about whether I say, well, right now, I'm not representing the PAC, so I'll just say it. Hopefully, we'll get enough people to vote for Donald Trump. that otherwise right now wouldn't, that we can overcome the fraud and then start fixing things now that the evidence is out there. And speaking of which, I did mention the PAC. I want to give a shout out to Alfie Oaks. and ask your audience, if I could, please go to Politics of Power and sign up to get alerts from us. And if you can, make a contribution because this is for Alfie Oakes PAC. And those of you who don't know about Alfie Oakes, he is a true hero. My race in 2010 is one of the first things that got him involved in politics. He contributed in my campaign. And since then, especially in 2020, he has been a lone wolf. He has been attacked. He personally has self-funded a lot of the J6 legal defense programs. And the interesting thing about Alfie, I was talking to him last night, he has these fundraisers for all kinds of people to the point where I believe he gets taken advantage of a lot. And I'm like, Alfie, when are you going to have fundraisers for yourself? And he doesn't. And I was like, you know, there's something about... And I know this from being a candidate. It's hard to ask money for yourself. So I said, I'm going to do it for you. Because he's like, I can't ask money for myself. But he has... even while his business is hurting, because he owns a chain of grocery stores, and he stands against big pharma, he stands against big farms, and there's a lot of liberals who would actually agree with him on a lot of these things, because he really does stand against big business. But MSNBC told the liberals to hate Alfie, so they hate Alfie, and they don't listen to him. so um I love alfie oaks I do too I do that I i just think he's he is absolutely an amazing person he's just so nice I mean he's just a very nice person and he instead of raising prices with his grocery stores he cut into his profits you know and and I'll give an example I use um I have all kinds of health issues so I have to use like all organic and no chemical stuff So I use this organic heavy cream that forever has been $4. And now his local raw organic heavy cream is cheaper than the chemical-laden heavy cream at Publix. Because he refuses to raise prices and he is lowering his profits. But even with that, he's still paying Jay Sixers legal defense. He's still self-funding a lot of these things. So that's why I'm like you... Let's start raising money for you so that you can maybe take your family on vacation instead of funding all these causes. So please go to and donate because it all goes directly to the efforts that we're working with with Alfie Oaks. And what we plan to do with Politics of Power is take this show on the road. Keep doing episodes where we talk about things. And in future episodes, we're going to be naming names, even in the MAGA movement, so that people know what they're dealing with. You can't fix something unless you know how it was broken. And nobody wants to talk about how it was broken. And that's for a variety of reasons. Either they're too... It's trust me, I was right there myself. It's too emotional. You know, like, you know, we can't admit this or they're too afraid. I had a lot of people, including the person who texted me in 2020 saying, hey, you're about to be vindicated. There's a whistleblower. When, when, when later, you know, a couple of weeks later, there was all this stuff going on with 2020 and leading up to January 6th, I reached out to this guy. I was like, look, you know, you should be a witness. And he was like, what? I never texted you. I'm like, I have it. I have it right here. And I realized he's afraid. You know, people are literally dying and nobody, their deaths aren't being vindicated. I believe one day we will. But Alfie's not afraid to say that stuff. And so I ask you to please keep him in your prayers and please contribute and please help us to expose some of this stuff. And You know, some of your viewers might be like, when can we watch the first three episodes? Please keep that in prayer because we were supposed to have them at the end of July and we don't yet. So our goal is to at least make the first three episodes, which is the full story. that I talk about in the trailer. It's all the details. We want to drop them live by next Tuesday, August 27, which is also my birthday. Oh, happy birthday. It just happened to be that. So please keep that in prayer that all the logistics get in place. I don't mean to keep plugging, but it's true. We need money. One of the things we said was, well, we have our own team of editors. But we don't have the money. Like, even if everybody continues, because we are volunteering their time, there are certain things that cost money. Graphics, you know, access to machines and software. So that's what we plan to do is once we raise the right money, we want to get a mobile studio and take the show on the road. And we need... We need secure measures, which is something I want to talk to you offline. You mentioned that your network didn't go down when everything else did. And I told my producer, Matt, I'm like, we got to talk to her. We got to see how she's doing all this stuff and duplicate that. We've got some amazing, I own a tech company. And so that is very helpful. We need your help. That's a very helpful thing to know how to actually do it and not not a hack around way to do it, but actually a way that you can mess with the hackers. And I know that when I know that when we first we were getting really attacked and we follow and we'll look at like all the IP addresses and see if they're coming from South Korea or China where we're getting attacked because it's global, you know, going to get attacked. And so we can see all that. We see it all. And I warned everybody. I said, I'm going to tell you what. I said, you keep messing with us and you're going to have 100,000 little Donna Brandenburgs out there playing whack-a-mole from now until Christ comes back trying to get me. And so then we got attacked. You know, we had a couple of significant attacks again. And we set up two nodes on tour and we know how to do it the right way. I love it. All of a sudden. boom, attacks started going away. It's like, I'm not messing with you because, you know, you will never stop the message short of a bullet. And you know what? I'm going to go back to the fact that, you know, only person that can then end the life of a believer is God himself. He's already got our days numbered. So I'm not worried. That is already in the plan. And so, so I just, you know, you go forward with no fear, realizing that God, You know, God has our steps ordered. He knows what our life is going to look like. And no fear. We go forward into the future doing what he asks us to do. Unwavering, undaunted and no way out. You know, it's like this is something that really changes when you are a believer. I mean, it's like you burn the boats there and when you get into a fight. You don't give yourself a way to back out of this when you're in a fight. You know, it's like there is no escape route from going forward when you're in the middle of a fight. And, you know, there's other historical figures that that's where that alliteration comes from, Spartan. And so, you know, you burn the boats on the shore and say, fight your way out or die trying. And so that's kind of where we're at right now. And that's a good place to be. Yeah. And I'll tell you, though, I am very optimistic about this election cycle and not because we have a foolproof election integrity plan, but because a lot is coming out and a lot is being exposed. And in spite of the internal sabotage, we are still moving forward. So I just, you know, I know we've talked about a lot of disheartening things, you know, infiltration within the MAGA movement and infiltration and intentional sabotage. within the 2020 election integrity efforts. But I believe that that had to happen in order to expose what's going on. And we are going to be able to rebuild looking at the pieces we can rebuild. And I think when you look at people like, you know, Bill Maher, he will still say he's still a liberal and he is. It's just that some things have become so blatant that as long as you are open-minded, you have to say this is nuts, you know, and enough is enough. And it's time to do more than just say enough is enough. It's time to get out there and talk about religion and politics when you're at a dinner party. Absolutely. We have been told, you know, oh, don't talk about religion and politics because – once someone knows the truth, you know, that the truth will set them free and we don't want people set free. So don't talk about anything that will get them set free. And we have towed the line for way too long. And a lot of people have suffered and You know, I'm imploring your audience to go out there and talk to their friends. And we're going to help empower you. You know, we're going to go back with all of your archives, Donna, and take some of that research and try to condense it into nice little sound bites. I really see us working together. And, you know, not to just throw this out there. You're like, what? I didn't even talk to you yet about this. Yeah, you know what? God drives this bus. This is how this works here, okay? It's like, you know, I sort of hack around running like four screens here, but you know what? Watching your stuff, I'm like, wow, if we can boil all that down into... Um, little, little shorts and stuff. My, my producer is very good at that stuff, taking fun, creative shorts and putting comedy around them, you know, cause this is a very serious subject. And if you didn't laugh once in a while, you'd go crazy, you know? So I, I really see as I was watching your archives, I was like, wow, we could do this. We could do that. So, you know, I'm kind of one of those serious people, you know, I caught up and I can have a lot of fun with stuff. But when, you know, my approach to it is that we have to be the adults that have stepped forward. We played for way too long. And, you know, it's like, it's like, it's great to live in, in a, you know, blue pill society, but there comes a time where you've got to take the red pill and you've got to walk away from the illusion because we have an illusion that we have elections. We don't have elections. We have selections and we haven't had them for decades. And when that comes out, we do not have altruistic politicians. They're puppets of the big corporations. And a lot of them are pedophiles. A lot of them, a lot of them have been, have been, you know, and if you, if you get behind the scenes and they're like, I get into some really raw research. I, I, and I don't put it on my channel because I don't think that there's enough people that are ready to see the truth of what's out there. It is, it is when you, if you're willing to go into the, what's actually happening, not what we want to believe that's happening, but what's actually happening, you better buckle up because the absolute truth of what's really going on out there is so shocking. I think, I think we're getting ready. I mean, when they pulled up the, you know, the, the abortion mobile out there and outside of the DNC, the reality is, is this is a fight between good and evil. Yeah. And I don't know why some of us probably were born maybe a little differently. We can perhaps see things into the spiritual realm that maybe others can't. You know, and and such. I don't know why that is. I have no idea. I'm not going to go into that right now. But but there's there's some some people, some of us can see things that into, say, the spiritual world that other people can't. You know, if you read the Bible, it's you might call it the the the gift of discernment or the naming of spirits and that sort of thing. If you have those gifts, they are probably the hardest gifts to bear because you see things raw for what they are, not what you want to see. And you don't have a choice in the matter. You really don't. It's just the way it is. And the thing about this is, is that we need to get back to what it really is. Demons are real. So are angels. And it's like, you know, God is real, but so is Satan. And it's great to sit there and live in the clueless world where you sit in a pew in church and you talk to people you agree with. And, you know, you think about Gentile Jesus with the lamb on his foot. And, you know, all things are great and rosy and that sort of thing. But I'm going to tell you the truth. There's two different times that Jesus is quoted really coming. The first time was as the lamb of God to forgive our sins. The next time he comes back, he's going to be on that. You know, it's not going to be the same. And the justice comes with a second time. He's perfectly balanced. But God is perfectly balanced. And those people that smugly look at God and think they're going to mock him. You had your chance to forgive your sins. When he comes back again, it will be the hammer of justice again. And no one will be without excuse on that. So I guess what I'm saying right now is that it's probably a really good time to turn to God, because the reality of what you don't see in the blue pill world with your head in the sand is going to become real, real fast. And there's no escaping it. You know, it's like you got the time to turn around now and and realize. that what we're dealing with is a world that's been taken captive by Satan. And the actions are so evil. If you want to see it, I can show anybody they want what an actual satanic ritual looks like. I have those on file. And the reality of peeling people alive for torture and such, it is real. I can show you I've got them on file because I did go down that thing to see what's going on and what they're willing to accomplish or to do. I mean, it's horrific. I mean, it's part of what the gangs do. And we have those in every state. We have them in your community. They're happening in your community. But they've sanitized all of this to make it, oh, we're just going to go and eat cookies and drink coffee at the political parties. Nonsense. Right. Is a distraction of what's really going on behind the scenes. But most people don't have the guts to face it. Right. Or they don't realize that they're being manipulated. One thing that I've seen in the voter integrity movement was that, you know, it's almost like these infiltrators don't come in and be the noisy one, but they'll sit next to someone and go, should we really take this? They're a snake. They talk with a snake's tongue. And they'll find out who is the most vocal yet insecure one. Because the insecure will doubt their own instinct. They'll believe this person who's whispering in their ear. They'll believe their credentials. So they'll check their gut at the door and do what this person is subtly telling them to do. And I would encourage your audience, I'm going to talk about this in a future episode, but people need to know about Operation Trust. Are you familiar with that, what Operation Trust is? All right, I'll try to give a quick bullet point. I live the trust factor because that's what you do when you actually raise horses, is that if you've got a horse that's been abused or neglected, you have to establish trust before anybody goes forward. And that means anybody. You are absolutely the same every single time. You never fail. Once you fail one time, you've blown it and you'll never recover from it. Right. Well, what Operation Trust is, is in the Russian Revolution, when the Bolsheviks took over, when they went from a monarchy to, you know, the monarchy fell. And for eight months, they had a provisional government. And in that provisional government, they had people who wanted it to be a republic. They had people who wanted it to be socialist. They had several different factions in this provisional government. And then they had the Bolsheviks, run by Lenin, who wanted it to become communist. So he ended up taking over the government. And for a period of a couple years, exactly 100 years ago, from I think it was 1918 to to 1926, this operation trust was in plan. And what they did was they looked at the people in the provisional government and they said, okay, you know, communist Russia, the cement isn't dry yet. We could still, our plan can be taken over. So who are the influential people? Even if they're not in a position of leadership, who are the people who have been exiled? Now we need to assign people to them to make sure they do what we say. So what ended up happening was they had this gentleman who was a Bolshevik and And they arrested him intentionally to give him street cred with the anti-Bolshevik movement. Then they went out and they assigned everybody they thought was a leader. And you read these CIA documents and it's some people who was like, oh, he's just a milkman, but he's strong. He can't be swayed. So they had someone marry him, you know, like, ah, and, you know, the reports are like, you know, He said he wanted to do this, but his wife made him a dinner and convinced him otherwise. And it's like, when you read these, you have to know God because you start going, oh my gosh, who can I trust? And then you take it to prayer and you trust the Lord will show you and empower you. Like, okay, thank you for showing me their operation manual. Thank you for being so close to me that I can go forward. But with this, the key thing about Operation Trust, someone came to me and sort of like, without fully committing treason, sort of like left the file there, you know, because people want to blow the whistle because it's so obvious what's happening. So I'm reading this CIA document from what happened in the early 1920s. You could extract paragraphs and apply it to 2020, exactly what happened. They're like, we are telling them to trust the plan. You know, there's this one woman, Mary, I forget her last name, but Mary wanted to do this. So we assigned so-and-so to her and she, we're telling her we've got, people planted in the Bolshevik Revolution. And they're doing something to overthrow the Bolshevik Revolution. And if you go do that, if you go file that lawsuit or you go have that rally, you're going to topple everything. So sit back and trust the plan. And when I read that, trust the plan? Wait, I was told to trust the plan. Then you read that there were two particular operatives. One of them was a British intelligence officer who James Bond was actually, you know, inspired the character James Bond. They couldn't get him, and I forget the one other guy's name. So they had this woman, Mary, who just was so credible in the movement, and she was funding a lot of things. They intentionally assigned someone to her. And any time someone started to doubt, you know, is this... Are they really doing something? Is this anti-Bolshevik movement really credible? They used Mary unintentionally. She didn't know this. They used her to convince them, hey, I got this intelligence report. Pipe down, don't worry. She convinced everyone to have a rally at the Capitol that was actually planned by the Bolsheviks. And she convinced this gentleman. Had I known I was going to talk about it, I would have had the details. Well, you know, we can always come back and do this again. I think we should be doing this on a regular basis. Yeah, this is the critical thing is... They had a rally at the Capitol. They arrested 19 people, 17 of which were infiltrators. They did that just so that they could get the other two. And they executed the other two. And then the other 19, the CIA report says he went to America and started a conservative organization. I'm like, Oh, my gosh. You know, and so a lot of this is happening now. So when we're told to trust the plan, when we're told. Oh, the other thing I want to encourage people about is with both trust the plan or Operation Trust. This is a well-documented intelligence program. operative plan that is being rolled out today. And there are intelligence reports that prove it. And some of the modern intelligence reports say the exact same thing. One of them that I read was they are funding their own demise. So someone is going around raising money funding our own demise but the encouraging thing about that both with what happened with operation trust and with what happened with jekyll island which we'll talk about later but the two both of those were exposed and we wouldn't know about them had a whistleblower not come forward yeah and we need to we need to encourage people to do that and then to trust you know know who to trust Well, I just want to really thank you for being on. This was wonderful. And I got our other guests are ready to come on. So what we, what we need to do, this is great. And I'm going to call you after we're off the show today and excuse me, we'll talk more about it. And we'll go to politics of to jump on and, and, uh, See what they're doing. Support Alfie Oaks. Make a donation at And so I'll be right back. I've got my 30-second break here, guys. And we'll be right on with Jaleese Middleton and Tony Griffith. Actually, I introduced it as my guest tomorrow at the beginning of the show. But it's Tony Griffith today. So I got ahead of myself. I'm sorry. I was at the hospital all night last night. So if I'm a little brain foggy this morning, there's a reason for it. But I'll be right back, 30 seconds. And it's the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. Thank you so much for coming on today. It was a pleasure. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. This is the third hour of Brandenburg News Network, August 20, 2024, and welcome to our show today. I think I'm going to jump right on to our J6ers, Political Prisoners in America, with Jaleese Middleton and Tony Griffith. Hi guys, how you doing? Doing great. Thank you for having me on. I can't wait to introduce this guy. I'm going to jump right in. The first time that I met him was by phone. And it was so much fun because we ended up in like a four-hour conversation, I swear. I don't know how long it was, but we just went on and on and on. So I feel like it's a treat for me today to have Tony on here because it was just so wonderful. So Tony, introduce yourself. Hello. And then I say that he's like, hi. What can I say? So I'm trying to recover from an attack that I had Saturday night. Wow. What kind of attack? Well, we had planned this big old event And I planted, it was called the Truth and Freedom Rally. And I did it in my hometown, you know. So I got out there and I got a bunch, well, I got like four speakers together and they all spoke. And then when I got up there, the mosquitoes came out. And they were the size of helicopters and they were full of blood. I didn't get to say what I thought I needed to say, but the Lord delivered a message, and I mean, it was great. So I'm a little bit nervous about, am I going to be able to talk? Because I thought I was going to talk the other day, and you see what happened to Well, welcome to the show today. I'm really excited to hear what you have to say in your story. I mean, I think this is really a very valuable thing to do because you would be shocked at how many people don't really know what actually happened or is happening to Americans that are being held as political prisoners. well you know well they let the real insurrectionists the feds erectionists just scot-free that they set everybody up with and I think we need to keep talking and get loud and refuse to be quiet about this until we get some behavior change from these people um and I think at least you and I could sit here and talk for days on end and and I i think we're like champion visitors I agree with you. Absolutely. I have been just beyond blessed by this and I want to thank you for it. I really do. Every single January 6th defendant has a story and it's so unique and it glues you to the seat. I have yet to meet someone that's like, Yeah, it's no big deal. It is life altering. It is huge. God is doing huge things through it. They're becoming this warrior they didn't even ask to become. They didn't even know it was within them. And I'm just excited to be on the front line with them to watch what he's doing. That I get a front row seat to this, that he trusted me to trot in his footsteps. I mean, I can just picture him almost like the scene with, you know, with Satan and Job where he's like, you test my girl there, Jalees. You see what she does. You know, I mean, I just I feel like it's the greatest honor of my life. I really do. It don't mean that it's not coming with persecution or difficulty or, you know, emotional distress. There's moments of that. I'm not going to lie. It just don't rule me. And I truly understand now what that means when when the Lord says, I'm going to be with you. You know, before I'm like, well, whoop-dee-doo, you know, so is the enemy. I didn't get it, you know, but now I do. Now I get it. And I'm always quick to share that with people that I get when you're having that deep internal thought. I did too. But it's okay to be there and rise above it. I'm now there. I see where, oh, well, if he's with me, there's no harm that can come upon me. I mean, to live is Christ, to die is gain. What's going to happen to me? You're either going to make it good for me or you're going to make it good for others. Either way, it's win. Right. Anyway, and I know Tony stands the same way. He is an absolute powerhouse for Christ. And I'm sure he didn't know that, you know, January 6th was going to hang him up like this. But God did. I tell people all the time, listen, this wasn't a surprise to God. It was a surprise to us. You know, he knew we didn't. So it's not like we're behind in the game. So anyway, Tony, tell me a little bit about who were you? What was your life like? What were your interests, your career? Did you have a family? What was going on in your life before January 6th? What did it look like? Well, I mean, I can tell you like, I mean, I can go away from birth. I was pretty much raised just kind of poor, you know, but I had a really good mother. Uh, she loved me, you know, uh, my father wasn't any good, but, um, she, uh, she, she, she, I guess she really instilled in me to be an overcomer, you know, but, uh, we didn't have anything. So I discovered early on, if you want anything, you work for it. So I've pretty much been a working man my whole life. Uh, uh, Pam and I traveled all over the United States doing industrial-type electrical work, and so I did that. And I settled down when my children came along and started an electrical contracting business. I did that. I've had that for like 30 years, you know, but pretty much work day and night. I mean, I'd say for my 30 year career as a contractor, I average 60, 65 hours a week every week. But anyway, I did that, just focused on taking care of my family. Both of my children, I got two children. Both of them are adults. They're successful. Both of them graduated from OU, and the other one graduated from OSU. So, I mean, they're representatives of our fathers. I will overlook that being a Texas girl, but no kidding. I've been there. I've been there. No, I think it's fantastic. I'm just teasing you. I've got family there, you know. Not a whole lot, Cass. Anyway, so I work my electrical business pretty much single-handedly. I had a, I had a, my general contract, or my electrical contracting business was my, I had really, I centered my work around one customer and it was our local St. Francis Hospital in Muskogee and they I mean I was there day and night all the time you know it didn't matter I mean I was always there for them so we just one day man you know of course we seen what happened we seen what happened what was going on in the summer of 2020 you know manifesting what they were all about. I mean, they were tearing down our our, uh, monuments, uh, just destroying the fabric, you know, of our country, you know, and I've seen that and, you know, it's disturbing. And you, you, you, when you're a working man, you just, you put that back on the back burner, you stay in your bubble and you just, you keep, you know, hitting the grindstone. But, and I did that, but, uh, then, you know, we're seeing how the election went and, uh, So I'm like, well, shoot, man, Trump, you know, Trump was the best president that, I mean, I could ever have imagined seeing. I seen him and I, you know, everything was great while he was my, well, he was the president, you know, and so we just decided at the spur of the moment to go up there and to D.C. to the rally. It was the Stop the Steal rally, right? So, yeah. just went up there and just kind of, I don't know. Do you want me to tell you my experience? I absolutely do. And, you know, I've got a question for you at your trial. Did they make a big deal about the name of the rally that that in itself, you shouldn't have went? I mean, yeah, it was, it was, I mean, shoot, they made a big deal about everything. I mean, it was, it was, it was the biggest bunch of line and, Yeah, their whole MO is sit down and shut up and don't question and do what you're told, like the subjects that we think of you, because they have total contempt for we the people. And I think we've jumped the shark on that one. That whole game, that whole play is done. And all of us are awake and we're not going to watch them as a very small group of people, highly unintelligent, but very devious that want to take everything for themselves and kill the rest of us. And anybody that comes out against them, they're going to attack. So if you get attacked, it's a badge of honor. Absolutely. And, you know, what I what I was talking about with these court hearings is that they made it sound like you named the, you know, the the march. You named the protest. Yeah. Oh, it's all your fault. All on your own. It's all your fault. And they want you to talk about it in court. And here's what's so sad, y'all. This is where we're at today. they do that because the jury in washington dc is so corrupted that they they literally uh find your guilt or innocence based off whether they like you or not I mean and they're so never trumpers they're so hostile to trump because of the lives they've been fed once you go to dc you see that these people don't stand the truth a chance of knowing truth It is everywhere you walk, there are cameras everywhere you walk. They've already been taken over and long since taken over. This generation that's walking around D.C. has probably never seen what real freedom looks like. And they don't know it. They have no way of knowing. So anyway, they want you to talk about it during the trial. Yes, I believe the election was stolen or yes, I support Donald Trump. Anything to to make them hate you more. And that will determine their decision. Yeah, my my the big narrative push for them is. in contingent to what I was doing was that, so they made, so we went for like four hours in the three, four hours in the trial because I had come up to this window that was busted and I had my, you know, I was doing this and they were looking at me and they're like, what is that? You know, they couldn't figure out it was prayer, you know, so. It was a three or four hour ordeal about what that was. So then the big thing to me was, hey, you could come up here at the March for Life. Did you come up here at the March for Life? How come your God didn't tell you to come up here at the March for Life? They actually said that to you? Yeah. Oh, darn it. How come I came up here... Under God's direction instead of under their direction, pretty much. And they said that because you went in the Capitol and prayed for the aborted children. That was one of the main reasons you went for the march. I mean, we all we all were probably there because of a stolen election, but that just brought to fruition that we realize how bad things are, that they would blatantly steal an election. Do you realize how fun it's going to be, honestly, to watch God throw that in their evil faces to make a statement that's stupid? Donna, I'm like, oh, you know, why didn't you do this? Why didn't you do that? Well, I don't know. Why don't you guys act in an honorable law abiding manner? Give me an answer to that and I'll answer your stupid question. They, I mean, they really attacked me about, like, so when Jaleesa and I are talking, I mean, she's my sister, you know? And most of the people that we talk to, they're really, they're like-minded, you know? There's really a lot of good people, you know? But like when I got up on the, when they had me on the cross examination, right? And they had me up there. And so at one point when I was in the Capitol, I got into what they call the crypt, the crypt of the Capitol, which the prosecutor told me that that's the heart of the Capitol, right? You mean to tell me that you would come into the heart of the Capitol and shout USA? You mean to tell me that your God would tell you to do that? Because I told them that every step that I took was under the direction of the Almighty. And so they, I mean, he tried to wear me out over that. And when he said that, I'm just thinking, I'm taken back, you know? And I'm like, wait. asking me if my God would tell me to do something. But he said, you're God, you know, and I'm used to him being everybody's God because I've been in this bubble, right? My bubble is my family. And I mean, I went to church for years and years. I was deacon at church, you know, but I'm used to people being around people that he's everybody's God, right? When he told me that, I'm like, I'm taking back. And I had to think about it. And I'm like, yeah. I'm intrigued by that myself. You know, where we come from in the South, if he's not your God, you typically don't talk about it. No, but so, like I said, I ended up in the Capitol. And the whole time I was in the Capitol, I was looking for my apprentice. He's a young guy, and he went with me, and he was kind of rambunctious, you know. And I finally, I found him in the crypt. And, you know, how can you call the heart of the United States of America a crypt? But basically, see, here's what happened, okay? They had this little ramp that went up into the Senate wing doors, right? Have you heard about the Senate wing doors? Yes. So that's where, like, hundreds of people. And when I went in, there was people just going in, you know. So they had a ramp going up there. So you know about the sheep and the goat? You know how that works? They put a goat out in the sheep pen, and the sheep follow the goat around, right? They divide the flock. Yeah, so they had this ramp up into the capital and so then they just had the sheep follow the goat. They put a goat out there is what happened. They put a goat out there and then the sheep followed the goat in and then they, what did they do with the sheep? Slaughter them? But see, here's the problem. Here's what we're dealing with. I need to take this a second and continue on, please. But, uh, So when we know who we are, and I'm telling you, when you get to the place that we're at right now, when you see me, you see the Lord. That's right. We get to a point where for the first time in our entire life, like, we've been following. We thought we were Defebocrats, and we are. I don't want to downplay that. But it's a new level. Listen, Julie, we're no longer followers. We are the shepherds. That's what we're doing. We're leading this country into righteousness. We are called the disciple and that is part of it. And that's where we've been failing. You know, we've got a bunch of churches that are looking to dunk them and chunk them and that don't lead people to all the beauty of the relationship. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Jaleesa. You said we're disciples, right? You know what Luke 640 says? What? The disciple is not above his master. But he that is perfect is as his master. So I think that makes us a master now. I mean, what God has given us is the one spirit that joins us all together. And this is Christ. What we're doing is Christ. Yes, yes. That is through the Holy Spirit dwelling in us. Absolutely. Hey, Tony, so here's what I think about. During our trial, we had mentioned that one of the things that we wanted to go to was the Jericho March. Do you remember that the Jericho March was due to be out there that day? I don't even know about the Jericho March. Oh, okay. That was one of the many scheduled protests out there that day was the Jericho March to go around the Capitol the seven times, basically symbolic to, you know. Yeah. the walls of Jericho coming down. And the prosecutor literally accused my husband of wanting the walls of the Capitol to fall down. And that's why we wanted to participate in the Jericho March. Thus, we intended evil on the Capitol. Has he actually said that? Yes. Yes, he did. And I'm just like... These people really need to learn the heart of God beyond just words in a book. So here's the question. What's wrong with wanting to see evil fall? You know, I mean, what's he going to think? I mean, you got a bunch of people out there with $12 flags walking around the Capitol out there. If they really are standing on anything that that looks like reality, they're actually going to say something that ridiculous. We do not have the top brass sitting there in any court system out there. I'm just going to say it, you know, to even say something that stupid. It's like it's like I don't even know how you can help these people. There was a, there's still, I mean, they're still arresting people. And it, like, like, Jaleesa, I told myself, I kept telling myself, I kept telling everybody, hey, guess what? I'm not going to, I'm not going to jail. It ain't happening. So, but, I mean, but. It hurts me and it tears me up to see little old ladies and little old men having their lives destroyed like this. And I want to know where are the people like the Middletons? I want to see some so-called Christian people stand up and take their rightful place. The scripture says that the devil was a liar from the beginning. And he that sins is of the devil. And it also says he that is born of God does not sin. And for this purpose, the sons of God was manifest that they would destroy the works of the devil. So go out and find God. Dig for God. Look for him. He's in you. But dig him up. Dig him up and get every bit of him. And don't stop until you got every bit of God. And when you do... You don't have no place to go anymore. There ain't no more sin. There's just the work. And the work is to destroy the works of the devil. And that's where we're going to get this back. that is where we've failed within the the church body I can't just blame pastors because it's also every christian that just wanted to love love love and they're worshiping they're worshiping a little g god of comfort that's what americans are doing they they read the new testament They stopped there. They didn't read the Old Testament to get the full picture of who God is, which is not only, as you put it, you know, the Jesus with the lamb on his foot. Gentile Jesus with the lamb on his foot. Yes. It is also a warrior king. We can't forget that. And we have that dwelling within us. And we are called at times of battle. Listen, I read the Old Testament as much as I do the New Testament. And let me tell you, I've read in scripture where God called to annihilate every man, woman, child, and livestock and leave nothing standing. Now that don't sound a whole lot like a Gentile Jesus with a lamb on his foot. There's both. There's both because he is a righteous, just God. He is not. And he is. He is a manifestation of love. But if you love something, if you love someone, do you let it self-destruct? he calls you into repentance look at how you raised your own children for crying out loud if they were in rebellion did you just step back and go I love you sugar bear no you did not you called it out you do it again I'm gonna bust your butt And it's through love that you did that. It's not because you like to swing a paddle. It's not because you like to go in a rage for the day. What'd you do? But grief, son, this is gonna hurt me worse than it's gonna hurt you because you grieve it for weeks. You're praying for them. You're interceding for them and you're wounded by it because you know the way they showed you love back is through obedience to glorify their parents that the job well done. Well, and I got to say something to tack on to that right now, too. Jesus talked about another type of Jesus that was being preached than the one he preached. And I'm going to call it right out this claim it and frame it nonsense that's out there. This is a fast track to getting your behind handed to you. And the reason being is these people think they're going to hold God to a contract. I'm going to do this and God's got to do this because that's the contract. It doesn't work that way. And you know what? And I want you to think about it. If you treat God with that kind of contempt of saying, well, I'm going to do this and you're going to have to do this for you. He doesn't have to do anything for you, me or anybody else. And if you actually loved him, you wouldn't have the audacity to say that in the presence of God almighty, you would sit down, you would say, and God, I love you. What would you have me do? And that's it. You don't look back. You don't look up for a payoff. You don't try to hold God to some sort of a made up contract in your head. You sit down, you shut up because nothing we have is ours anyway. And it's even our righteousness is giving to us by God. We are nothing. And he allows us to take part in his plan. He doesn't need us. He is totally self-sufficient. I don't think that you're nothing. I think that you are the light of the world. It's through God. It's through God that we are that. And what we become, we become what he is. Jesus showed us what to do, and that was to be what he is. Right, right. And, you know, the funny thing is, you said, God, what would you have me do? That's the very thing that I said when I got to the window at the Capitol. God, what would you have me do? And he goes, you damn demons don't get to kill no more babies in this country. Yeah. And then they come at you for it. And here's the thing, you know, I think of all that everybody throughout the Bible, you know, all of those people had been through. And, you know, he summarizes it through the Beatitudes of, you know, blessed are the persecuted, blessed are the poor in spirit, for they will inherit the kingdom of God and the kingdom of heaven. And so, you know, Everything we're going through, we can count it as pure joy. And, you know, while I was sitting in jail, the very first day they put me in jail, that's what was spoken into me as, Jalise, they can't take your joy. You can only give it. And I said right back, like, I don't even think it's in my nature because honestly, I'm quite, I get accused of being a pessimist. Okay. I call it a realist, but I get accused up until January 6th. And it's because my immediate response is, then I'm not going to give them my joy. They're not getting it. And I mean, I come out like a little warrior from that jail that day. If I have to laugh and cackle like Kamala in your face, I am not giving you my joy. And so no matter what they've done, I'm counting it as pure joy. Now, does that mean I'm tickled to death? What is happening to me? No. But what it does mean is through all things, I know that I can glorify my father and I can trust him in what I'm going through. And that's kind of where I've been ever since. You know what? Paul spent his whole darn life in prison, shipwrecked three times, all this crazy stuff. And you can hear it in his writings. He was tickled to death for the opportunity. And so I know that it's through trusting the Lord in your circumstances, that if the Lord is with you and you're leaning into him, you're not going to feel the pain of that. It is going to be no matter where you're at, you're carrying him with you. And I've got to trust in that because Tony, like you, Mark and I have said, we're not going to prison. We're not going to prison. I'm claiming that in the name of Jesus Christ. That is not his intent for me. He told me I'm not going to prison and I'm expecting that I'm not going to go. But you two went to prison. So tell me about your prison experience. when we were marching from the Washington Monument to the Capitol, we were joined by tens of thousands of people and we left when the crowd left. And it was after Trump had said, we're going to peacefully and patriotically let our voices be heard. And there were people from all over the world. And it was, I mean, there was, there was Japanese, there was, korean people there were chinese people canadians and they were all saying the same thing don't let this happen so uh anyway so we was marching along there and they were doing all of these different chants like stop the steel and different things and every once in a while the crowd would get real quiet right and when it did I would say Freedom! Just as loud as I could, you know, and when I did, it was like a million people screamed it back at me. It was the most awesome thing. So once I, you know, once I did the court thing and all of that, you know, and they sent me over here to the to the federal prison in Oklahoma City. And I got there and so I ended up, so my apprentice had already been there because he, you know, he took the plea deal. So his trial was over quicker. But so once I got there, he had kind of paved my way for me and he had to make friends in there. Everybody already knew me before I got there, you know. So once I got my job, which they had already given to me, and normally they don't do that. But so they gave me a job down there in the electrical department. And my guard had read my case, you know. And so everybody gets a nickname in freedom, right? Well, they named me Freedom. So everybody in the whole prison knew me as Freedom. How appropriate. Yeah. I mean, so I was housed with a guy that was Aryan Brotherhood, and he was the shot caller for the whites in the prison. And, of course, you know, there was a couple of people that wanted to kill me. in there and I found out about it later you know but I I'm just I'm I'm in there just telling everybody about the lord you know and I think everybody's listening right well I mean there was a couple of that wasn't listening and like one guy he he uh he got mad at me and called me a a-hole you know so then and and he was a he was like a mo he was a white guy but he was a uh a muslim you know But anyway, like the day after he cussed me and got mad about me telling him that Jesus was the son of God, then he ended up getting thrown in the shoe for a week. But so then like my cellmate, he was telling me that a lot of people in there really thought that I was a hero because I stood against the system. And so, but no, I mean, I spent a lot of nights, I spent a whole, I did all kinds of tears in the prison. I did tears of joy. And I did tears of sorrow, and I did tears of just missing my little grandbaby. I got two grandchildren, but my little baby granddaughter, she's got these freckles that goes across her little nose right there. And I had looked at those freckles before I went in prison. And I just lay there in that bed just crying about those freckles, you know. But I had to do it silently because I didn't want nobody to hear me, you know. But, I mean, there was a couple of guys in there that, you know, we become, we grow up into the fullness of Christ is what happens, right? We become the Lord Jesus. Every, if we long, we long to be everything that he is and the spirit, his father, our father teaches us how to be that. Okay. But when I was in there, I actually led two people to fall, took back to father. So, I mean, like, uh, Like one guy, he got put in there when he was 35 years old. I'm sorry, he got put in there when he was 17 and he was 35. But he was one of the first ones that talked to me in there, and he'd give me food. And he wanted to take care of me. But immediately, I started talking to him about, you know, the Lord. But it ends up that he was thrown out on K2. And he'd get K2 and smoke it every chance he'd get. Well... I've seen his mother in the visitation down there one day when Pam, my wife, come to see me. And she and she's a 90 something year old woman. She just looked at me and she said, please save my son, because he had been telling her about me, about how I'd been talking to him about the Lord, you know. And she, she asked me to save his son, her son. And after that, it was like, he's mine. Ain't nobody going to get him for me. So I had to battle this big, there was this big old, big old muscle up guy. And he, he was the head drug dealer for the whole prison, you know, and he was a double murderer. And so like, here, here's how you do spiritual battle. Okay. So this guy, he, he's a, I see him down in the infirmary one day and I start talking to him about the Lord. Right. And so he's like, man, he says, I love the Lord, you know. And so then like this, this lady walked by and he looked at her, you know, and he's like, I'm a ladies man. So, I mean, he identified himself to me right off the bat, you know. So. I was up there sitting in my chair, up in my seat. They gave me a seat that I had to sit in. You know, everybody's segregated. You have to sit in a certain spot, you know. So I'm sitting there, and here comes the big drug dealer through our pod where we all live, you know. And what he's doing is politicking. He's making everybody his friend so they'll buy his drugs, see. And I looked at him, and I said, he better not come over here. I ain't talking to him. You know, I don't want him to say nothing to me because I knew that he had my my brother strung out on drugs. Right. So he starts he starts walking toward me. And then when he got closer, I thought, man, if I don't check his hand, he's going to kill me. You know, so so I reached out and I took his hand. And I shook his hand. I didn't say nothing. But in here, I was saying something. You know what I was saying? You get out of here, demon. You know, there's no place for you. I command you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. You're gone. And it was like a couple of days after that, they busted him and he was out there in a higher security prison. So then, you know, and and and. See, the whole time when I'd try to go get Sean, and I had already won this other guy to the Lord, so it was me and him, you know, and we'd go get Sean. But when Sean was strung out, he'd duck his head and run from us. But after that, I was gone, and it was like the last two weeks that I was there, he wasn't ducking his head no more. And so now Sean's out of prison and he has committed himself to Teen Challenge. I don't know if y'all know what that is or not. I think it's kind of a Christian rehab type deal, you know. But just stuff like that. Can you imagine... what the prison system is going to look like after all these born-again believers on fire for Christ that has been rejuvenated with the fire, that the Holy Spirit is no longer quenched, are getting sent into that prison. Can you imagine what it's going to look like after we get done? Plus, you awaken all of these people, these powerful people from the top down as far as the hierarchy of our... Of our, you know, of our country, as far as their economic status, that they've had to go and serve time in prison and see the failures of the Bureau of Prisons and come out of the bushes. yeah we're we're getting this place is gonna be like totally revamped when we get done with it yeah and I am excited about I almost think that's because god works all things very good and he don't leave any dot I undotted or t and stroke and I just fully believe that after all this is said and done they're gonna go like oh that didn't go the way we wanted it like We are going to have a wonderful prison system. And when I say wonderful, the American people are not understanding because I didn't. And I know they're not either. They're not understanding how vile this has become. The punishment is supposed to be the alienation from family, the alienation from friends, pulling you out of your lifestyle that maybe wasn't benefiting you. That was supposed to be what prison is intended for. But instead, it has become a vile machine of money making. And so that means they're not providing adequate nutrition. They don't care if you live or die. I mean, we've had guards that have literally said, if your chest is moving up and down, I don't want to hear anything else. That's all I'm responsible for. You know, and this is going to be... Think about that. They're, they're, they're truly, they're putting people in there that have no compassion, empathy, or even see people as human, as human beings. And that's a real problem because, you know, you can, you can go into a situation and see people. I think a lot of people that, that I'm going to say it, there's a lot of people that, that I believe that there's a big part and I'm not using this as an excuse that, But for people that actually commit true crimes, we've got a decent amount of mental illness involved in this. And I think that that is something that has not not what you guys did. Right. That was totally, totally unlawful. But they're not providing the things, you know, the goal should be. And it's not realistic because there are true psychopaths that their brains are not right. You can't change a person. That's wired that way. I don't care what anybody thinks. God can. It's highly unlikely. If you talk to somebody who's truly a narcissist or a sexual predator or anything like that, they're wired wrong. You're probably not going to change it. Jeffrey Dahmer said it best. He said, if you let me out of this prison, I'm going to go kill and eat somebody again. And he said, and I will double down my efforts. You don't change a person that's like that. And he knew himself well enough to know. Sam Backman, he is a self-proclaimed narcissist and writes how a narcissist or sociopath, psychopath actually thinks. He is not committing crimes, but he tells people how the brains of somebody who works with that think you're not going to rehabilitate them. You can stop them from hurting people by boundaries. But also looking at that is you still have to not turn into what you hate. The people that go in there to serve, instead of going in there to do a A job that is an unpleasant job. None of us deserve God's mercy. But if we go forward, we need to be acting in the correct form, no matter how people are around us. Did I say that? That's kind of convoluted way of saying it. And realize that have realistic expectations to know that there are such things as psychopaths. They are not going to do the right thing. They will never do the right thing. It's like seeing somebody who's an amputee and saying, we're just going to, you know, We're going to make sure that that arm grows back or that it's not going to happen. A person who's a true psychopath is not going to have the capacity to get past that. I just wonder how many psychopaths Big Pharma has created. A lot. And that's my point is that you've got people that are true psychopaths in the political realm. You've got people that are true psychopaths in corporations and such. I mean, these people, they're everywhere. All right. They're devoid of any empathy. But we go into the prison systems and you see somebody in there that's treating other people like lower than them, like dogs that are somebody to lord over. And that attitude has to be eradicated if they are in charge of anyone, whether it's politics, in a hospital, in a nursing home, in the prison system, where they're in charge of other human beings. Those people have to be devoid of those tendencies because they will just use it to harm other people because that's how they get their kicks. There's been story after story of torture of January 6th defendants. Oh, I'm sure. Let me tell you about Christmas in prison. Okay. So they made this big, huge deal about this gift that everybody was going to get, right? So they locked us in our rooms for about four hours straight. And then they brought the gifts, right? It was a bag of, I called it the doggy treats, but it was cookies and different little snacks, right? So they get up to my prison door and open the door and threw it in and said, can I say the S word? Yeah. They threw it in and said, shit, that was my Christmas. Why'd they say that? Huh? Why'd they say that? You were just talking about how these people are devoid of humanity. Yeah, I can answer that question. I know I'm just saying it rhetorically. So they put this... They put this... this mural up on the wall, and it was a fireplace. And they had all of these prisoners coming through there, taking pictures by this fire class. And some of them had robes on and stuff. And they're like, man, this is home. And I'm like, this is not your home, brother. This is not where you're supposed to be. But they trained these people into being institutionalized in a... They it's institutionalization. It's what they do. It's they turn people in. The machine eats the people and they become part of the machine. I mean, really, really, it's I mean. The day that I was leaving prison to go to the halfway house, they led me through this little, tiny little office, and it had some desks in it, and there was about four guards in there. And it was barely enough room to walk through. And I walked in there, and I put my hand on the desk to stabilize myself, you know? And that guy roomed me out from one end of me to the other. telling me about how he would annihilate me. What do I think I'm doing touching his desk? So just trying to devalue you and like you're stained or, you know, nothing more than, you know, a bacteria to them, you know, a virus. The county jails were even worse. The county jails were worse than that. I mean, there's bees everywhere. And the guards, the guards... are in a lot of cases worse than the prisoners. Yes, I've heard that consistently, that it wasn't the prisoners. Even as this whole attack on the American people with the J6ers has been going on, the prisoners have heard What we have done, the truth of what's going on, they've actually embraced the January 6th defendants. They protect them. The bosses of the prison have even warned, you better not touch them. or you're going to deal with me. They have truly embraced the January 6th defendants. It is the guards that they have hired from Nigeria and told them that we're white supremacists and want them dead and things like that, that they then attack the prisoners. Because they're cowardly little pukes and they want to recruit minions to do their dirty work. It's a pattern that keeps being repeated over and over and over again. It's okay. Justice is coming forever. And that moment that that settles into people's consciousness of what they're aware of, Yes. It's going to be a problem when they when they really wake up and see, you know what? Guess what? You thought you could cheat justice. You thought you could mock God. God's not going to be mocked. No. I mean, I don't think President Trump's going to be mocked. I really I believe I really believe that it's going to be payback time. It is. And and I mean, I don't know everything. I don't know everything that he's going to do, but I hope that he does what the will of the people is. And I can't, I mean, Jalitha, I really love you and I appreciate your warrior spirit so much. You and Mark, I really do. She's an angel. She's a freaking angel. That's what she is. Well, she is. Y'all, I'm so far from it. But I do. The Lord has blessed me with a vision. He has blessed me with being able to see way in the distance of what's going on. Exactly. And that's all it is. I mean, and the thing of it is, I'm on the hook already. So I have nothing to lose. So why would I not? This is where I get hurt even amongst other January 6th defendants. Why would I not lay my life down for my brother? I'm already on the hook. It only makes sense to do this to protect you from getting on the hook. And you're already there. How you respond is not going to matter. The problem with the January 6th defendants, if I could just be so bold as to say. Say it. We don't censor. It's that they truly believe in being obedient to tyrants, that it will help them. No, it's not. It's not going to help you in the least because it's tyranny and you cannot apply logic to tyranny. So to play the game with them and sit there and play patty cake is throwing your brothers under the bus. And I'm not talking about taking a plea deal or not. I could care less about that. I would like to see nobody do it because it would have clogged the system 500 people ago. but it's about recognizing what a tyrant looks like and standing your ground saying, my God is bigger than yours. And because I'm a born again believer and I know my Lord Jesus Christ, I know I have nothing to fear, not a single thing, but my position is a little bit different. My kids are grown, they're independent. Yes, I love my grandkids. It devastates me that I have one I've never even met because of the tyranny of this government. However, I'm already on the hook. Why would I then not stand and try to protect my brother and at least make life a little bit better? No, I can't rent every house and barricade their door to keep the FBI out of it. But what I can try to do is I can try to minister to them. I can try to keep them solid in their faith. I can try to keep their mind clear of doing hurtful things to themselves. I can try to provide money for them to stay in their homes. We have rescued about eight homes out of foreclosure. And listen, APR gets very little money. American Patriot Relief, right now we're probably sitting on less than $1,000. But if we get a penny to our name, you can bet your buns we're going to hand it out to our RJ Sixers that are trying to keep their children alive. Can you imagine what these kids are going to grow up thinking about our government and police? Because of what these tyrants are doing in their name. They're going to have a realistic view of what the world is because everything's been infiltrated and we need to do that. I mean, misplaced worship for any organization is a really bad thing, but there's enough of us that are going to point their parents out and their grandparents as heroes who had the guts to stand against the tyranny. And, you know, I wanted to talk about something that you just brought up that I think is, is, something that kind of defines people who are spiritually mature is that we don't see this world as permanent. We see this as very, very, very temporary. And it doesn't bother us because the reality is that God can restore everything. He can restore the time that you think you've lost. He can give you more time. And, you know, it's like he said in the Bible, you know, if you leave your family or you leave your animals or your horses or cows or something, God can replace that. God can restore these things. They weren't ever yours in the first place. They were always God's that he gave to us to share and to enjoy. But they've always been God's. They've never really been ours in the first place. This is a sandbox. He owns it all. And, you know, and we can let go of those things and realize that, you know, God, not only he doesn't want to see us as paupers, he's teaching us lessons and he loves giving good things to his children. He absolutely loves doing that. We don't have to fear him or try to take things that aren't ours. We can let it go. And he can replace and restore all of it. He can restore broken hearts. He can give us back the time that we thought we lost. He can do all sorts of... God is not subject to the things we are. And so we've got to stop looking at him as if he were... human being he was fully human but he's also fully god and that changes the whole scope of things right there it does this morning I was reading in genesis about uh sarah becoming pregnant at 99 and right. Sure. The Lord coming and tell her and she laughs. She's like, surely not at my age. And I could see me being that woman of going, sure, do it now while I'm going to grow, you know? And I mean, I could totally see it, but look what the Lord did. She lived to be 126 years old. Her son, Isaac, or yeah, I think was 27 years old when she died. okay she he gave her full energy full strength in a full life watching her son grow to a complete man okay and she didn't think that at 99 she's thinking I got the shaft yeah I get pregnant now you know when I'm 100 years old but we look at it through our earthly eyes yes I'm looking at it I'm going really I'm a grandma I'm 50. I'm disabled. I'm 53 years old. You're a baby. You're a baby. And you're going to tell me that now you're going to use me as a warrior for our entire country. And he says, yes. And I said, okay, let's do it. Yeah. It is really amazing when you change and you look through the lens and ask God, give you the lens to look at other people and the lens to look at what he wants us to do. It changes everything when you give that up and you just say, okay, I don't need to know. I don't need to know the plan. I don't need to know what's on the path. I know the path is there and he's going to make our path straight, but I know who's in front of me on that path and that's good enough. And if it takes a turn that I wasn't willing or I wasn't thinking it was going to take, that's okay. He's still got a plan there and And he's going to see us through this and he's going to carry us when we're tired. It's his strength that will carry us. It's his wisdom. It's his discernment. It's all of those things that he kind of opens up for us and takes scales off of our eyes to see. He moves things away from us. And it's all in his time. We can't do it all at once either, because I liken it to if you've got if you've got a cloth. OK, let's just say you've got an old moldy rag sitting around for a while and you decide you're going to take that old moldy rag and you're going to rehabilitate that old moldy rag. You know, are you going to are you going to douse that thing in so much bleach for a very long that you absolutely destroy the fabric? Or is there a better way to deal with it? Do you approach things like that or stains one step at a time? And I think that's what God does for us. It's one step at a time as he watches us grow and makes us shiny and new. But it's in his time. And we want to see things in our time. We want to push things. We want to push the timelines. We want to we want to be in control of that. Well, we're never in control of it so that you might as well just give that little illusion up right off the bat and just say, you know, we're willing to follow him and trust him enough to be good all the time and order our steps the way he sees it and then be open to what are you teaching me? I think that's really the biggest failure going on in our walk with Christ is we pray still wanting our own outcome instead of just laying it completely out. I think, I mean, Abraham laid Isaac out on an altar to be sacrificed. Okay. Whatever your will is, Lord. I had to lay down my family. I had to lay down my husband. I had to lay down my house. what I thought my retirement would look like. I had to lay it all down and just say, not my will, Lord, but yours. And then Jesus was there. Yes. Go ahead. Yeah. Until we do that, we are not praying with the rightness, the right mindset. And so when you know, when the scripture says, you know, when you pray with the right mindset, with the right desires and with your right thinking that the answer is yes and amen. The problem, and people are like, I prayed it. You know, you're praying for your mother to live or you're praying for your son to get off drugs. You're praying your own agenda. I'm sorry, you're praying your own agenda. But when you pray, Lord, this is your child. I'm coming in agreement with you that I want the fullness of Jesus Christ in them. I want them whole again. And you're casting demons. God doesn't wish that we carry demons, right? You can pray in that like-mindedness. But to try to get your agenda of the picture you want for your life. Lord, help me get this house, you know. it's not right thinking with god and that's what I had to lay down I'm just telling you I come to christ in august of 99 it wasn't until april 21st of 2021 that I got in the right mindset in sync with the lord of saying okay that this in my life it's not my own you get what you want what does he teach us to pray you know, that thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. It's his will, you know, and then take the ride like you're on a roller coaster that you're not in control of the drops or the twists or the turns, because that's what the reality is. And that's okay. You know, he'll, you know, there's going to be ups and downs. There's going to be things that we don't expect, you know, and it's like, you know, I've talked a little bit with you, but about being diagnosed with incurable cancer. You know what cures it? don't go into the doctor and I'm going to, I'm going to write a, you know, I'm going to talk about this at length because, because this is something that people have to face. And, and when I tell you the story of how this came about and what was said to me, you would be absolutely shocked. And I've got to take this because I actually am taking calls to the hospital right now. I'll be right back. Absolutely. So, Tony, I get excited. I know we've talked a lot today and probably kind of shadowed you a little bit. It was not our intent, but you get us so excited for Christ. And I love those conversations. So will you share with the viewers, like, what has that done for you now? Where are you at now? What did God do through this? Or just, you know, are you on your feet? Are you still on probation? Fill us in where you're at now. So I would say maybe like a year. Let's say January of 19. I had a heat stroke. And when I had that heat stroke, I went off planet. Now, I don't know if you know what I mean by that or not. I do. Yeah. So when I did, I just really, honestly, I mean, I came into... I think at that point I came into oneness with God. So, I mean, when I went to D.C. and I ended up at that window, see, I don't really operate in, you know, bowing my head down and asking God somewhere in heaven, you know, if he will show me which way to go. I've already given everything. I've given my life to God. But at the same time, he gave this to me. So he is mine and I'm his. So where I go, he goes. Where he goes, I go. So what do you mean? You're not just a Sunday Christian sitting in the pew with Gentile Jesus and lamb on his foot? Yeah. But so, I mean, I was already there before I got up there. But like when I went to prison, I mean, what I discovered is that, you know, I heard a lot of the stories that you hear in the Bible, like become like the real life action. So like, you know, about the Daniel in the lion's den, right? Well, it's not the lion in the den. It's the lion that's inside of you that comes out. Because, listen, no one can bring harm to the Son of God. He lays his life down willingly, right? Right. And he takes it up willingly. But, no, I mean, I told you I worked hard, but it's like a feast or famine, right? Right. Who was it? Joseph that had all of the grain, you know? But he... Gathered it for a reason. And my wife and I have always lived that way. So when all of this happened, I don't know if I told you, but they fired me from the hospital the day after I was arrested. And it was a 25-year career. I mean, it was every day just them. And they treated me like I was some kind of perpetrator, you know. But we had that money put back that we didn't spend that I had made. And so we used it. It took what I thought was a retirement, you know, it's all gone. I mean, I paid about $65,000 for an attorney and, you know, but I mean, now I'm just working, but I'm the same person that I was before this. With me, my oneness with My brother Jesus and my father, the Almighty, I've already passed into eternity. I'm here right now, and I'm going to try to do everything that I can for humanity to wake them up. I tell you what, I think what's going to happen here is that you lost your entire savings. This is going to be a hold my beer moment because when God gets done with like tearing this whole system down, it's going to be epic. We are poised. For a crash, it's going to come from the hand of God himself. This thing, if we do not see a total flat line of the economy, it's all the indicators are there. The banks are all failing. We've got problems all over the place in the financial sector. It's going to be God himself that's going to bring it down. And you want to know something? It's not going to hurt people like us. It's going to hurt the parasite class that doesn't produce anything. Like those that are in the big corporations. They don't produce anything. They're paper pushers. Or the politicians. What are they going to do? Schmooze somebody like you guys and me? We're going to say, get out of our face, Satan. You were the ones that sat here and created this whole thing. You think I'm going to give you one scrap of bread? Not a chance. Figure it out. And and you better be it better be in a way that serving other people, you know, maybe you'll rehabilitate yourself on the way out and have a chance of getting through with even maybe part of your life. But I don't think that's going to happen. I think we're going to see a complete cleaning of the ranks. And if you haven't been tested in this manner, you probably will be. And that goes to everyone. I believe that. We've made money and riches and our fortunes our gods. That's our gods for most people. They're only tools. I have been incredibly poor in my life, and I've also been incredibly successful. And I'm going to tell you what, when you have... a lot of success in your life and you can put things in perspective on seeing it, it really never changes anything. It's a tool and that's all it is. And sometimes it's a very heavy burden to bear because what you see is you see that monster come out in other people. And and it's like it's constantly the handout, handout, handout. They act like little baby birds with their mouths open instead of somebody who's willing to pull their weight and help other people. Right. And that's that's you know, that's what we're about. We're supposed to be helping those around and use the gifts that he gives us to help others. If you use all your gifts and you give it all away to help others, if you give your stuff away and you commit this to God, He's just going to keep giving you more stuff to give away, you know, because it was never about us amassing that for ourselves in the first place. That's absolutely right. I can't say that enough to people like, you know, we should be conduit. If you even have a hint of desire to hold it for yourself, it's kind of like the talents, you know. he blessed them more when they were faithful with the little, okay? And the one that held onto it for himself, it's like, depart from me, you evil servant, you know? So that's just- Selfishness is selfish. Yeah, we got to, I mean, that's the whole purpose is to give it away. To me, I've told my kids, don't expect it. I'm not trying to be mean to you. But one thing I've learned through this life is if you don't work for it, you don't appreciate it as much. And the second thing is that, hey, you know, I'm going to be giving away. And if some of it does do great, I'm not out to keep it for my children. I want them to be blessed, too. But at the end of the day, I hope I don't have a penny to my name when I'm finished. I have said that to my kids. I'm like, I'm like, I have absolutely said that, too. I think the main thing though, is, is that here's another thing that you see with people is that you see people that look at people who have a degree of success and they're always trying. And my husband, my husband says it perfectly. If you have any success in your life, 97% of the people want to be near you to enjoy your stuff, try to destroy what you have or take it or use it to do favors for their friends. That's true. And so when, when you see that, it's not that, And then they want to judge how you decide you're going to use it and or to use it to help others and such. That's that's an incredible damning process. And it's a really interesting process to see that family and human beings to look at those around you and say, say, you know, I want I want that. That's coveting. And it's like, you know what, if we're all if we're going to be honest with ourselves, coveting is a huge sin. It really is. People don't see it as such because it allows us to be lazy. to look at other people and judge them, to want what God gave to someone else, not us. And it takes our focus off of looking at other people and being there as a servant into what we can gain and hoard into our little dragon life. dragon, um, piles of treasure. You know, I don't, I don't know if you've ever read the Chronicles of Narnia. I read them to my, my kids when they were little multiple times before they could even read. And there's a part of it where Eustace the dragon turned into, he turned into a dragon, Eustace, one of the characters, and he was laying on his treasure. And I love, I love, um, I love the writings and such. I really love these books a lot because they're allegorical and they're in a way that children can understand, but adults can too. We'll go back to that. And how the process of him realizing that the treasure that he coveted and sat on was nothing more than a lonely place to be, a place of great pain and agony, and he was ready to get rid of it. And it was, it was tough because the only one that could get rid of that was Aslan himself, was Jesus himself to take him away from that, peel the dragon scales off of him. And it was a painful process, very painful and get back to being what God created us to be, which is brothers and sisters to take care of each other. The process is painful though. And, and A lot of times it's a lot more painful than people would realize when God really is doing a fundamental change to the way we look at the world. It's that getting rid of what we think we have to have to give us security. And the only thing that we can grab on is God Almighty and let the rest go away. It's going to go away anyway. We're all going to die. That's assured. That's assured right there. You think you're going to take one thing with you. You're going to come in here buck naked and you're going to leave here buck naked with nothing. And whatever you have and whatever you've built too, the right mindset is, huh, I wonder how the people who come after me, which I may never meet, how it's going to benefit them. That's right. You know, I mean, all of these things and introspection that we really need to think about and lay at the feet of Jesus Christ. You guys, any of you want to give it like an altar call to Jesus? Because I love this kind of stuff. I mean, and tell people, you know what? You are flawed. You know, we're all flawed. Look at humanity. In the name of God, look at humanity right now, what we've got. Have you seen anybody perfect? I haven't. I have not seen one person here that's perfect because we are fallen. And it's only by the blood of Jesus Christ, by accepting the gift of his imparted righteousness that he gives to us as a gift. And once we accept that, he sees us with the eyes of God. He made a path for us. through his righteousness, to actually go and approach the throne of grace, throne of God himself, to become children of God. Not children of Satan who's been wrecking havoc here, following his rules. He gives us the ability and the righteousness to be sons and daughters of God himself. Well, you know what excites me about it? And even within the altar call, what I would want to say is, to your viewers that might be curious or sitting on the fence or in turmoil right now because they feel that calling, but they're scared to respond to it. That's what the enemy does is he sets all these obstacles in the way to make it look like, oh, you'd have to give up way too much. What will people think of you? That's your identity, your reputation. You'll be annihilated in public. You'll lose your business. Everyone will think you're crazy. He sets all this stuff in front to try to deflect you from reaching the father because he knows that he's lost you forever. If he ever gets you to look past that and just say, man, I like a football game. I'm running for the goal and I don't care what you throw in front of me. That this is it. What I got to lose. I can just try it. Go all in. Because that's how it was for me. Like I was scared of giving up my lifestyle. I was the partier. Okay. I was the life of the party. Julie showed up and it's like time to get the party on, you know, and it's, it was my whole identity. And what I realized is the light now that I carry in me brings a party everywhere I go. I don't need the alcohol. I don't need the drugs. I don't need the reputation. And now I don't have any of the ill effects that that came with because, you know, the enemy always tries to make it look like it's equivalent to the light, but it can never be the light. And, you know, so I would just encourage your viewers, you know, it's not about a fancy prayer. All the people that have said, well, I prayed the prayer and I didn't feel anything different. What's the prayer? Let me ask anybody. If you're actually talking to a person, what's the prayer? Just talk to them. Say, God, I'm a mess. I'm a mess. I need your help. I need, I want to be saved. I accept your gift of salvation. And go get yourself a cup of coffee. The words, that's where the failure is at, Donna. It's not a big hurdle. He knows our heart. You cannot hide that from him. He knows. And so therefore, if you're just praying the words and you're still thinking, okay, well, I'm going to hold on to this or You know, well, we'll just see. I'll throw it out there. And it's not going to work. You cannot hide your heart from him. He knows it better than you know it. So until you're all in and you're like, that's why, you know, oftentimes you've got your jailhouse salvations or your alcohol anonymous where they say you got to hit rock bottom. It's that point where you finally get to the end of yourself and you say, I have nothing left. I have nothing else to lose. So All I can do is get myself over you and you don't have to hit rock bottom to hit that. It's just, that's the easiest place, you know? And it's truly a pureness of heart that you want what's different. You're not you're not praying against your consequences that you're sick of the consequences of your living. That's not good enough. He's like, oh, no, that's not good enough. You truly have to have a desire to be a better person and finally get to the end of yourself that you can't fix it. That's where we fell because, see, that's still being your own God. You can't fix it. So there's no more, well, I'm going to try this different next time. Or, well, maybe I need to adjust it. There's no more adjust this or that. There's no more try this or that. It is laying it down at its feet and going, you're the only one that can clean up this hot mess I call Jalees. You're the only one that can do it. So I'm laying it at your feet. And I trust you to do with my life what you see fit. Not my will, Father, but yours. And until you get to that point, there is no salvation. I agree with that. So I'm going to make a point to something you said to your point about being called crazy. You know what? If people call you crazy, you got all kinds of leeway for behavior. I agree. That is like my passive aggressive thing when I'm driving. I'll give you all a secret. When I'm driving and someone won't move from beside my car and I'm scared I'm going to forget them and hit them because they're in your blind spot, act like I'm crazy and drift over in their lane. And then they're like flipping you off and honking. And I'm like, oh, sorry. That way they leave you alone. Oh, that's so funny. Yeah. Or like, like, you know, how about how about we break some of these rules that have us in bondage over stupid stuff? You know, what brings you joy this day? You know, in true transparency, what what happens if you're actually honest with the people around you about who you really are and you take the mask off that so many people have on because they want to make sure everybody thinks that they're acceptable? You're not being true to yourself. You're not being true to what God made you. And you put yourself in your own prison right there. And it's like they're going to have to get over themselves. They don't get to determine who you are or what's important to you. Maybe you want to do something different that the whole family disapproves for you about. Can I tell you something that everybody disapproves of? What's that? You remember when Philip said to Jesus, he said, Lord, show us the Father and it will suffice us. Y'all remember that? Yeah. Just show us the Father. And Jesus said, dude, how long have you been walking with me? And you asked me to show you the Father. The Father and I are one. This prayer is for my brothers and sisters in Christ, that they would become that, that they would realize that it's not flesh, God is not flesh and bone, but spirit. You see, thoughts, original thoughts only come from one place. If you hear something, I mean, you can hear two different things. But one of them is going to be a perversion. That there's only one place that original thought comes from. And that's Father. And if you can hone into that, and you can receive that, and I got the way to get it. There's a way to get it. And For my brothers and sisters in Christ, this is what it is. I pray that you would ask for the mind of Christ. Now, when you get this, it's the ability to bring every thought under subjection to Father. Yep. Okay? And then you do as he does. You walk as he walks. And then you take dominion over this planet. You're right. That is a prayer for my brothers and sisters that you would do it. And it's all you have to do is ask. Ask for it. Well, and this is a great way to end. Delise, could you say the prayer for us today again? And you've taken the heat off of me because I usually say the prayer. So this is kind of a fun thing for me to sit back and have you pray. So let's say a prayer. And then I got to get on my day because I had a big surprise. One of those calls was my mom. She couldn't even talk yesterday. And she just called. I was like, she's kind of miserable right now. But she actually called. And I was like, I didn't. She... Okay. This is unexpected outcome. I didn't know that she was going to live actually through the night last night. She was that bad yesterday and the doctors even said as much. So that was kind of a shock that she called. No. Well, I'm going to count that as a praise and that's what we'll start with. There we go. Okay. Heavenly Father, we come before you praising your name, praising that you were glorified through Donna's mom. Father, we continue to lift her up for healing. And we just praise you for every minute that Donna gets with her earthly mom, that she could enjoy that time with her and watch her be healed through this. Father, I thank you for Tony. I thank you for the platform you have now given him to speak your words for your namesake. And I pray for all the American people that, Father, that you would bless them, that they would turn their eyes toward you, that they would go beyond turning their eyes toward you, that they would turn their hearts toward you, repent of wrongdoing and truly lay their lives at your feet and say, you'll do a better job with it. I give it to you. Whatever will you have for my life, Father, let it be in your name's sake so that you can be glorified. Father, thank you for this time together. Thank you for the people that have had ears to hear. I pray for some victory stories to come to us, however we receive them, that your kingdom just got expanded today. May you be glorified in every step that we take. In every moment of joy and in every moment of pain, may you be glorified. All this we ask in your name. Amen. Dear Heavenly Father, please let your favor rest upon my Lee, upon Jaleesa and Tony today that we are always walking with you in your will. That you would give them a voice that's expanded and to reach out to more people. And that in all things, you are glorified that we would do the good works that you have set aside for us to do. And that we would listen to you, that we would have the mind of Christ and that you would bless every single person out there. with the knowledge of your presence and especially the prison guards today. I feel really led to pray for the people that are in the prisons as guards that you would absolutely send them a wonderful call to look up to you that they weren't expecting. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Amen. There you go. So, all right, boys and girls, here we go to because I am the best non-conceder who has ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And I want to have a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, the greatest president in history of the United States, President Donald J. Trump. And the crowd goes crazy. And and so that that's we're going to keep going to keep punching forward, guys. And I can't wait to show you my lawsuit that's going to be filed. I'm excited about that. I also want to remind the viewers that if the Lord has led your heart in giving to these January 6th defendants, Mark and I do not take any of the funds of American Patriot Relief. We're all volunteer. It does all get administered back out to the January 6th defendants. that may look like buying marketing materials. So please don't condemn me when I have to buy marketing materials to go to events. But anyway, please donate. Please become a monthly donor. Even $5 a month really does help out. And may God be glorified. Y'all have a blessed day. Okay, there you go. So here we go. Heart hands. God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love. And God bless America. Make it a great day. It starts here, here, and here. And if you don't have a good example, be one. Tag. You're it. Stay on the line. And I'm going to end this and we'll talk for a few minutes. Sorry. I wish you guys could all hear this. It's always fun. But we will see you tomorrow. And it's going to be Brittany. Brittany Perkins and Brittany Perkins. And we've also got Melissa Alberts. Okay, that's a new one. So they'll be on tomorrow as well as tomorrow. I have on, I got to think here. Man, Liberty Essentials and Mike Bambus with another court case that's coming out that he's he's also a pro se litigant. And so this is this is going to be really fun. I think this is great. You know, if you're going to get in the fight, get in, get in it and make leave a mark. OK, that's what we're doing here. So we'll see you tomorrow.