BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 10/8/2024 Lawful Defense - John Tatar

Published Oct. 8, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Lawful Defense Tatar Tuesday with John Tater. Studying the Constitution. Know the law and use the law - using the law to defend yourself. All things Constitution and Lawful Process. Tatar Tuesday with John Tatar X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, John Tatar

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg. It's the eighth day of October, twenty twenty four and welcome to our show today. A little bit, a little bit of getting things started today, but we sure have a lot in the news right now. Today, I've got John Tater on with with Lawful Defense. talking about how um everything is kind of like crump seems to be crumbling but I really think that that uh we're going to find some real positive things in the midst of all this and then after that I don't know when he's going to come on but there was a post put out by Jim Runstad this morning and I called him and I asked him if he would come on today and he uh He's actually been calling out... I'm going to bring John on just for a second. He's actually been calling out what's happening in the Supreme Court. Morning, John. How are you doing? I'm doing well. Good. I'm going to throw something up here online because I think this is... I'm going to start doing a little bit of a format change here. And the first... Today, I'm just going to do a couple of things. But hang on a second. I've got... A couple of things that need to be done here. But I wanted to bring this in here because because Jim has been calling out some things that a lot of other people are not calling out. So he's going to jump on this morning for a minute. and talk about what's happening in our Supreme Court. And I'm just going to read this post that you put up on X. Election law alert. Tomorrow the House and Senate will vote on giving Michigan Supreme Court a huge raise. Two hundred and seven thousand dollars a year. That's two raises back to back, each to get that number. The Democrats bring up this vote at this time. Appears to me as nothing less than a reward for one of the biggest travesties of injustices. or injustice ever in Michigan courts. Unbelievably, Jocelyn Benson gave eighty two thousand five hundred dollars to Supreme Court Justice Kyra Bolden while this lawsuit against Benson was pending before the court. It was Bolden who then wrote the majority opinion in favor of Benson and overturning all previous unanimous decisions against Benson and in favor of O'Halloran. Secretary of State Benson violated the law by writing a boatload of election rules that were directives to the clerks and put in the election manuals that were completely in opposition to what the law states and requires. The role of our courts is to interpret, not to make laws. We now have Supreme Court members accepting campaign cash in advance of a decision directly connected to the donor. This kangaroo court is the ultimate in partisanship. Devoted to an overt partisan agenda, As opposed to lawfully interpreting the laws as required by their oath of office, I urge my colleagues to vote no and reject this reward raised for any Supreme Court justices who flagrantly violate your oath of office, the Constitution, and the law. I urge you to call your legislature and tell them to vote hell no. Lawmakers do not deserve reward raises. And I think this is an important thing that we're going to bring up because there's so many things going on right now that we need to talk about. But I'm going to do like a rapid fire thing in the morning and just do some brief things that are not necessarily headlines, but things that we really need to be aware of. Haitians, I want to listen to this real quick and then move on. I don't have money and they haven't deposited it to my phone. This is a Haitian in Mexico who has been given U.N. cards to come across to the United States. So back to the treaties we've been talking about. Treaties are what they're using as a way to get into the United States and fund this unlawful invasion. Next one we're going to go to is this one. Elon Musk says Bill Gates and other billionaires are terrified of a Trump victory because if he wins, the Epstein client list is coming out. Musk said that after declaring that there is a strong overlap between Kamala's top one hundred puppet masters and the Epstein client list. I think this is why. Kamala's getting so much support is that if Trump wins, the Epstein client list is going to become public. And some of these billionaires, which I am not, I did not make the list because I'm not, even though Gateway Pundit said I was, behind Kamala, are terrified of the outcome. But she'll just say whatever words are on the teleprompter. So, you know, it's really whoever controls the teleprompter is the actual sort of, that's who's actually in charge. And who is that, do you think? Well, I've tried to put it down. It's not like any one kind of mastermind. It's not like it's, it seems to be, it's like, um, Kamala sort of a, a marionette with, you know, a thousand puppet masters type of thing. Like not it's, it's, it's, or maybe it's, it's, it's somewhere north of a hundred is what it seems like. Yes. Um, I bet you know, any of them probably know most of them. Yeah. Yeah. so I mean just by virtue of your job and what you've been doing for the last thirty years I mean um so I think that this is a real important thing to watch is that this is going to come out as time goes on um we're going to get more information on this in this false world that we have been living in run by marxists who are paying off the um paying off people in order for them to be on the take. So this is, I'm gonna, I'm going to smooth this process out a little bit, but I think that's what I'm going to do is take, take maybe a, five, ten minutes at the beginning of each show, and we're going to do, I'm going to interpret some of the things that I'm seeing out there. One of the things we really need to be careful of or watch for is how much spying is going on, as well as surveillance on Americans right now. They're collecting all sorts of data, but I don't necessarily think, even though I'm opposed to this, I'm very, very opposed to this. We are at war right now. And the weapons that they created to take us down as a nation are going to be used against the bad guys. So just watch the long game here. President Trump had this figured out. He absolutely knows what he's doing. And I think that there's a lot of good people standing with him and that we have one shot to take this criminal enterprise, global enterprise down. And that's what's happening right now. So don't take things at face value. The headlines are misleading. Got to look at what's going on behind things. And there we go, John. How did I do? That's good. By the way, I apologize for picking on you a little earlier. I didn't realize you were talking about the state Supreme Court, which I agree with. I thought you were talking about the federal Supreme Court, then I would add an issue. Well, the one thing that I think we need to remember is that everything that we see out there has been infiltrated. And it's a mixture of good people and bad people. It's a mixture of people that maybe just don't know what's going on, which is our fault for not infiltrating. actually talking to them with respect the way we would want to be talked to in those situations. Judge Cannon did mention Norton v. Shelby County on the ruling that she put out there. So we've got a complex mix of people out there that we've got to give them a chance to do the right thing. And there's a lot of people who have been blackmailed in the system. If you were in a situation where your children or people you love or maybe a city has been held hostage, I've heard plenty of evidence on that, that President Trump actually, there were things he wanted to do and they literally had it loaded up with dirty bombs and such that it kind of, he had to make some hard choices. They might not have been ideal, but I think the goal was to mitigate the suffering and the life the loss of life so we got to remember that that war is a dirty business there there is nothing clean about it and there are going to be people when you're in a war which we're in we're in an undeclared war but we are absolutely in a war most of it right now is still non-kinetic thank god on the united states shores but we're in fifth generation warfare right now which is information And so if we have good information and we keep our heads out of this foggy morass of misleading deception, the deception that's out there, and really get behind the scenes to see what's going on and think our way through it. Not listening to what necessarily everybody has to say that are that are like a quick headline or a bite we can grab on to to get our emotions all messed up. But to really think about it, go, hmm, well, well, well, this is kind of interesting. I wonder if this is connected to this, to this, to this, to this. Instead of just grabbing one part, we got to think our way through it and we got to know the law. The law is on our side, as we know. It is. But we have not paid attention to it, not learned it, and expecting these people that we elect to do the right thing and to know the law. Well, the law is supposed to be against them, not against the people. We are the authors of the law. That's Downs versus Bidwell. Law doesn't apply to the people. Law applies to the government. And we need to understand that. And that's part of, like I say, Downs versus Bidwell, which spells it out quite well. And there's another one called Yickwo versus Hopkins. And that's another one that says the same basic thing, that we are the sovereign, not the government. And so the government doesn't have immunity. The government only has immunity within their job description. Once they step outside that job description, their immunity is gone. There's a dozen cases that cover that. Scher versus Rhodes is one. Of course, Norton versus Shelby County, unconstitutional act is not a law. Those court cases spell it out. Who's in charge? We're in charge, supposed to be in charge. But we act like we're not in charge and we hire these people and we give them the moniker of being a leader They're not leading anything, and they never were supposed to be a leader. But we live in a fake world. Everything's fake. The Supreme Court's fake, the Michigan Supreme Court. I would say the federal Supreme Court is probably on target with what's going on. But Michigan is probably the worst of the worst, the most... non-transparent government in the entire United States. We are the worst in Michigan. We have the worst judges, we have the worst legislature, and we have the worst judicial system. Well, if you can look at the payments that are made, the payments honestly can show you everything you need to know. Follow the money and you'll figure out what's going on. If they're taking campaign contributions from Benson and ruling on cases that have her, that are involving her or have her on the docket, you know, we have a pay, we have paid judges. and that this is a conflict of interest. There's not one thing right with this entire situation that's going on because literally they're taking payments for judgments. That's right. That's absolutely correct. So why do we live in a fake world and how do we know that? Because most people elect politicians and leaders, not public functionaries. It's the terminology, and it's who they are. We consider them officials. They're not official. They don't officially officiate anything. They're not leaders. They do not lead. If they're our leaders, then we're the sheep, and we need to be led by the hand and taught. Tell us what we are doing. We, we do not have the brains to stand on our own two feet. That's why you hire an attorney because you don't know what you're supposed to know. You're supposed to know the law. If you don't know the law, how can you carry out the law? How can you be lawful? How could you be a lawful citizen if you don't know what the law is, but they play their little games with us and we buy into it. Um, We elect a jackal and then we expect them to follow the law and be de jure. They can't. It's not in their character to do that. When you elect a leader, you are considering yourself somebody that needs to be led They're our representatives. They've always been representatives. They represent us in court, they represent us in the legislature, and they represent us in the executive branch. And yet we let these so-called representatives tell us we have to wear masks, we have to stand six feet apart. That's nonsense. That's nonsense. We're the ones that have the laws and we're the ones that delegate that authority to these public functionaries. We're allowing them to commit human rights violations on a regular basis just because we don't want to speak up against what they're doing. If there's someone that's committing a human rights violation or committing, say, treason against the United States or sedition or breaking the law and. and violating anyone's rights. I don't care if you agree with them or not. We're here to defend each other's rights, standing together as one American family without all this division, but treating people the way that we would wanna be treated, with respect, with dignity, and with upholding all that is good. The news is fake. How do you know the news is fake? When you listen to the news, they talk about a democracy. We don't have a democracy, we have a republic. And they haven't been able to figure that out over the, you know, actually, I can tell you over my entire lifetime, they have never said republic. They have always said democracy. Where does it say we have a democracy? Whereas in the federal constitution, it says we have a republic, and that's Article IV, Section IV. Not only do we have a republic, we were guaranteed to have a republic at all levels of government. but yet we have the news media saying we have a democracy so you know right off the bat if they say democracy they're lying they've been lying to us all this time they they say the environmental agency when they were arguing that in the supreme court overreach they didn't overreach anything they there's no such if you go to the dictionary the black slot dictionary there's no nothing in there that talks about overreach it talks about usurpation Usurpation is actually treasonous against the government. These people are against our country, not the government. We the people against we the people. Usurpation is what these public functionaries are doing. They're not overreaching. They're usurping authority never granted to them. And that's the way we have to be looking at it. We have to be thinking about these people. They call public functionaries leaders and officials. I say they're not leaders and officials. They called Obama, Harris, and Biden a president, and they think that Harris could possibly become a president. She isn't even a natural born citizen. It's not the fact that she was born in the United States. It's the fact that her parents were not citizens, naturalized or otherwise, on the date of her birth. So she's not a natural-born citizen, and she can't run for office for the presidency because the federal constitution doesn't permit it. What's the law in the books that you quoted on that that pretty much negates all the anchor babies also? That's... Minor versus half a percent. See, guys, the law is on our side. We just have to know the law. We've got to take the time to be informed, know the law, and then be able to even quote the law so that we can say, wait a minute, wait a minute, you're wrong. We're going to do a John Tater. You're wrong. And then quote the law and hold them to a standard. We have to have a standard. And the law is a standard. Our country is a country of laws, not men, not popularity contests, but of laws that are equally upheld. You know, the blind scales of justice, that's what we have to have. Well, Minor v. Happersett spells it out very well that both parents have to be American citizens at the time of the birth of the child. Harris was not. Obama was not. So how did Obama get to be a president? We even had several states argue that fact that he can't be president, but then the Supreme Court, because the Supreme Court really can't get involved or shouldn't get involved in politics, said that they had no standing to make those rulings or to make the court case. So the Supreme Court, by law, shouldn't have been involved in politics. That should have been the legislature's. But if the legislature, such as Lansing, is corrupt, then how do you expect the system to be good? Because they're supposed to be running the political end of this that's going on in our state legislature. And they're all, for the most part, they're all usurpers. They've usurped authority never granted to them. We need to stop this and look at who these people are. Ask a very simple question to these people running for office. Are we a democracy or are we a republic? And how they answer that question. Or what kind of government do we have? If we have a democracy or a republic, then explain that. Oh, we have a republic. Well, what does that mean to you? Those kind of questions should be asked to these local people running for office, these local people that we're going to put in public functionary positions. Remember that a public functionary has a function to do for the public. That's it. They have a job description. I actually listened to somebody in Byron Townships here when I quoted the law in front of one of the township meetings say, we're just average citizens. We don't know these things. I was kind of shocked when they're making decisions. They're making decisions with no knowledge of what their actual job is or what they're supposed to do. And that is to uphold their oath of office to what? To what? To we, the people. Not them, the developers. Not them, China. Not them, you know, whatever else that you want to say. Not to a corporation. Not to BlackRock or... or vanguard or state street capital or or whoever tells you that you need to do this to be an approved person who who has that right nobody does but they they are not upholding anything it's just sort of like who's paying the most money who's giving them more more dollars to play with within the within the townships our counties the state whoever's willing to pay that price That's the direction they go. And it's a crisis of integrity. Remember that they're not to uphold or support the public. They're there to uphold the Constitution. Which supports the public, which supports these people. But the problem is that we can't fall in line with their language. We have to have our language, the language of the public, the language of the people. Because when we speak our language and they follow our language, then we have control. If we follow their language, they have control. We can't do that. Again, we talk about overreach. It's not overreach. There's no legal definition for overreach. That definition is usurpation. And so when we use our language, we have the power. When we use their language, they have the power. And they've been twisting our language ever since the Constitution was developed. So we need to get back to what the proper language is that we need to talk about. How about the jury? Is it a jury? Are you a jury government? Are you a jury officer occupying a jury office? That says it all. That says you were either operating by law and by the Constitution or you're not. Or you're just kind of making up policies on the fly, which I love that little excerpt from Jonathan Brader. And you're not the jury. Sorry. You're not the jury. You are either a de facto person or, at best, you are a usurper. If you don't follow the law, you're usurping authority never granted. That's treasonous to our country. John, can you pull your shirt down so I can read your whole shirt? It says, I'm not a Republican, I'm not a Democrat, I'm an American, and I want my country back. That's a fact. I love that. Yesterday I had an interview, a political interview. Somebody called me and said, Dan, will you partake in our party? on politics, and I did. And the questions that they had were very structured. They asked me, would I vote for Harris, more likely or less likely? And I'm going off the deep end saying, Harris, she doesn't have the authority to become president because she's a de facto, because she doesn't have the birthright. And the lady says, oh, you can't talk like that. You got to just say yes or no. Will you vote for her? Yes or no? I said, absolutely not. But the point of the matter is you want to interview me and then you want to make me fall in your line of interview. Yeah, but we're trying to put together all of these facts and stuff. I said, you're not putting facts together. You're putting opinions together. They're your opinions. They're not my opinions. So anyway, that was the way that interview went. And that's why I say the world is fake. The news is fake. The government's fake. Lansing's fake. Everybody running in Lansing, the politicians, so-called politicians, because that's fake. We don't have politicians. We have public functionaries. Well, and I like the way they ask your questions. It's like when you're running for governor, like they want to send you questionnaires. I refuse to answer the questions because the questions were, first of all, they were misleading and they were leading questions and they were misleading. And so the questions on a lot of the questionnaires would be a compound question. There would be three questions within one question. And no matter how you answered it, they crafted it so that you were going to be wrong on one of the answers. So I'm like, you know, if you guys want to ask an actual serious question, and ask me one question at a time. I will answer them, but I'm not going to be set up for you to throw this all over the news media and say, oh, look at what Brandenburg said. She answered this question and she's saying that. And I'm like, no, I'm like, your questions are stupid and I'm not going to answer them because they are not real questions. They're just a setup, which really kind of threw people off. I want to show some, everybody, this is really funny. So you guys have been getting text messages, political text messages. So I want to show you how to fight these. This is great. So I got this the other day. It's Ken Burns, Mr. PBS himself, which I enjoyed his documentary. So I suppose part of him at any rate. So he's like now he's pushing a politician. So that came out. And so I just I decided to answer him back because, you know what? Most of the time I'll answer these text messages back because they have to pay for every response that you send back to them. Oh, that's good. So, you know, remember in World War Two when there would be, you know, people that were working on the bombs and such. Well, there's a wonderful story about Corrie Ten Boom and she was a watchmaker. And so she would specifically screw up the work that she was doing in there. and not doing her best work in order to sort of play dumb and sabotage what was going on. Well, if you think smart about this, you can like all of these ridiculous text messages, get them back. So this is what I did. It's like t-r-u-m-p dot four dot dot. The win going in each letter is a separate text message. So they got about twenty, twenty five, maybe twenty, twenty five text messages from Donna Brandenburg for for for screwing with my phone. So I just I just absolutely went crazy. And I will do this on occasion. So I was just putting this out there in case anybody wants to get these text messages back, go waste some of their money. I think it's a great way to do it. And so a couple other things. The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably, he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane and intolerable. And so if he is romantic, he tries to change it. Even if he's not a romantic personally, he is apt to spread discontent among those who are. H.L. Mencken. I thought that was interesting. Yeah, that's good. And then here's another one. Breaking FEMA disaster relief fund monthly report reveals that nearly four billion was spent on COVID-Nineteen aid in September of twenty twenty four. Here are our criminal politicians laundering money into their fake made up. Nonsense. The most of any month since October, twenty twenty three. There are money laundering into the covid-nineteen aid. Billions of dollars are being spent on a pandemic that's been over for years while Helene victims are struggling. See for yourself where the priorities lie in Kamala's America. So I thought that was interesting. Fake money, fake people, fake government. Yes. And also open border two years ago, CNN had no problem explaining that the Biden Harris regime had transformed FEMA into a migrant resettlement agency. Today they're providing cover to Kamala Harris by pretending it never happened. It happened. It happened. This is what they're doing here. So it's all a distraction. And then here's the hurricane that's coming forward. The most, um, the, uh, It looks like it's going to be the most dangerous hurricane in the history of the United States. And one more thing I want to bring up here, which as long as we're at this, I think this is kind of interesting. Let me see if I can get it. Did you know that there's only a few hurricanes that have ever really originated in the Gulf where they are coming from? Kind of interesting. Yeah. So that's got to tell you something. Where are they coming from? In fact, I think I can bring up the, let me see if I can see where this is. I'm going to keep going, but talk amongst yourself a minute. I'm going to try to bring this thing up because I thought it was, yeah, talk amongst yourself, John. The public is very unaware that we are being played. We have been played ever since. Most of us have been born by the, by our government, by a group of people that get into power. Um, a lot of it is being true. A lot of it's being directed by the CIA, uh, and the other agencies do realize that when Bush rat senior was junior, I think maybe. that came up with Homeland Security. Was it Bush Senior or Bush Junior? I don't remember. I think it was Bush Junior who combined all of the federal agencies into one organization called Homeland Security. While that nonsense that was brought forward put centralized control over these agencies so they could control them from the top. This was never meant to be number one, to centralize anything. Our founding fathers wanted decentralized and Homeland Security is really a con job that was placed upon us through, I think it was a nine, eleven. That whole nine, eleven was a con job on us. It's not that people didn't die. A lot of people died, but the government, played a con job on us by coming up with Homeland Security and coming up with a centralized government. As Obama wanted to come up with a centralized police force, remember he said in his speech that he wants a police force as strong as the military, a private police force as strong as the military. Centralized police force, centralized at the federal government level so they could control it. This is the con job that's been placed upon us, and we the people are allowing this to happen. And so how can we stop it? Because I'm not about griping all the time. I'm about stopping all the time. I don't want to sit here and gripe. I could gripe with everybody else as good as anybody else can gripe. But I'm not here for that. I'm here to say, how do we fix this problem? we as American citizens need to push back. We need to stop following the edicts of what we hear on the internet, such as it's about contracts, it's about the fringe flag, it's about building a parallel government, none of that stuff. Those are distractions from the Constitution. And CONCON is another one, our constitutional convention. Those are distractions. That is a con. That is such a con. It's not even funny. I mean, if we had the integrity and honor to do the right thing for the nation, I would say that's a good idea. However, right now, we don't have five people that would attend that. that would do it for the right reason because they would be over, well, even if we did, they would be overwhelmed by the parasite class who is looking at this as a way to make a buck. We have the best constitution that has ever been developed in this world. All we have to do is follow it. All we have to do is hold the public functionaries to it. It has the chains on which to bring the public functionaries under control, but we have to know it in order to do so. We have to know that the state government, state District court level judges can't force you into labor on a civil action infraction or a civil action jurisdiction. They can't force you to clean up the highways because you violated a speed limit law or something like that. They can't do that. that is what we have agreed to we have allowed them to get away with that stuff they have no authority to do that there is no involuntary servitude allowed in the federal constitution and the state constitution and yet the judges uh ignore that part part of the constitution because they think we're in the civil action jurisdiction and the constitution doesn't apply The Constitution applies everywhere, all the time, under any circumstance. That's Downs versus Bidwell. That's the law. The Supreme Court is the law of the land, and Downs v. Bidwell is a Supreme Court decision that states that. So the local judges have no authority to do what they're doing, and yet they get away with it. They have no authority to charge you for a fine under a civil action jurisdiction because, first of all, the civil action jurisdiction has no authority. because we live in a republic, not a democracy, but people need to understand that. And people have been played all this time and they just don't get it. If you want to get into a situation where you actually can watch a comedy show, go sit as a court watcher in a court and watch these people walk up to the court to the judge and the judge says, Oh, this is a thousand dollar fine, pay at the window. And if you can't pay, you can pay in payments. And so it's a money laundering, money making thing for the judges, for the court system at the district court level. And they make money on anybody and everybody that walks through that door. So they have no authority to do that. Remember, Any fine over twenty dollars requires a trial by jury. That's the Supreme Court. That's the the Constitution. Amendment seven, we need to understand these things when we get pinched by the law as to how to deal with this stuff, and we need to push back. We need to say, no, it's not constitutional. Yes, the Constitution applies all the time, every time in this court. I am not in the civil action jurisdiction. I'm in the Republic. You have no authority over me. We do not have a democracy. Those kinds of things, if you know the language, And then you won't be played and you won't be part of the dance and part of the, as one of our people in our group put it, you won't be on the hamster wheel of injustice. Yeah. Well, and, and I think that this is important is to actually spend, put the time into our own education since, well, we don't really have education in America. We have indoctrination and, uh, it's really important to, to, uh, pick our sources and, and then go ahead. And I know that's kind of been over, overused, but do your own research and find out, you know, go down and find out what's real and what's not real because, uh, And then what are the underpinnings? What's the base foundation that we base our decisions on? That's right now. We're staying up here on this level of whatever they want to do to blow us around like leaves, right? We need to be down here and have a standard, a base level that we build on top of. If we don't have that, then it's just somebody else is just feeding us bait to get us to move our heads around. Let me ask you a question. Okay, here it comes. It's going to be the John Tater thing so he can say, you're wrong. Does education mean that you have the sheepskin from college? Or does it mean that you have the knowledge because you have done your own research and learning? Well, it should matter. But unfortunately, there's so many people that are hanging their head on that degree. and on what they learned there. And quite honestly, okay, I spent way too much time in college. I'll just tell you that right now. And it doesn't make you a smarter person. It gives you certain tools if you can apply them, right? And also, you don't know who's teaching you and what their real agenda is. What's that? what their bias is what is their bias hey I'm going to bring on it looks like like uh senator runstad just popped on here a minute and I want to hear what he has to say this morning because he honestly has been delivering this uh a very very good uh wake up to reality of what's what's happening within our state. And I just really want to thank him. Before you do that, I want to ask you, what is it called when you graduate? When you graduate? Yeah. What's the word? Commencement. Commencement. What does commencement mean? It means a finality or not finality. It means you're commencing. It really, it's your commencing of learning, correct? No, it means that you're, this is the start for you. It's a start. That's what I mean. We gave you the tools. Now you commence and go forward and learn. I agree with that. You know, it's like, it's like, and unfortunately a lot of the, a lot of the libs there have, have changed us around. I'm going to bring Senator Runstead on a minute. Morning, sir. How you doing? Good morning, Donna. Good. I have limited time. I'm almost to Lansing and then I got to go battle, go into the battle. Hey, no worries. I am so thankful for you and your bringing things forward in order that we can kind of see things from the inside. So what's what's going on there? Can you back the camera out just a little bit so we can see you? Can you see me now? Yeah, I can see you now. So what's going on? So the problem is, you know what, let me shut the camera off, actually. This is too distracting. Can you still hear me all right? Yeah, I can hear just fine. Okay. So the problem is that we have had a Supreme Court that is ruling for Joycelyn Benson on illegal rules. Rules that are implemented by a department like the Secretary of State have to follow the law, and they have to be just rules to implement the law that were not addressed in the legislature. They can't rewrite the law. They can't make up a new law. It has to be in conjunction with just simple implementation that was not addressed when the law was crafted. So what Benson has been doing consistently is just rewriting new rules that are for the guidance of the clerks and for the manuals, the election manuals, all illegal. So she had a whole series, a boatload of laws that were categorically illegal, such as this concept of a liaison that would liaison between the poll watcher and the poll worker. Now, the poll watcher can look at what's going on and spot some kind of a potential illegality. They mention it to the poll worker. There has to be a notation put in the poll book so that the system can go back and audit if there turns out to be a legitimate concern. And what Benson said is, no, the poll worker, poll watcher can go and talk to the liaison, which there is no liaison, but she wants to appoint a liaison, and then the liaison will determine if that complaint has any merit, which they're always going to say it has no merit, then there's no record in the poll book. And a whole bunch more rules, I don't have time to go into all of them, but it gives you a flavor of the Secretary of State illegally, arbitrarily making a bunch of rules up that benefit her, And that went to the Court of Claims, where all government claims go, and the Court of Claims ruled unanimously that what she did was illegal. So that went appeal to the appeals court, and they ruled unanimously that that is illegal. It is illegal. You can't make up laws. So it went to the highly partisan Michigan Supreme Court, And by a three to four ruling, they said, yeah, she could do that. They just are partisan hacks who want to win elections for Democrats. And here, Benson said she was going to be a nonpartisan player in her role as secretary of state in the elections. Her PAC gives only to Democrats. She says she's supporting those who protect our democracy, which apparently is only Democrats. But even far worse, when she has a pending case, this pending case before the court, she gave eighty two thousand five hundred, which is almost the max, to one of the Supreme Court justices, the very one who ends up writing the majority opinion. of this illegal law is corruption, kangaroo court, the Banana Republic style operation you'd expect out of a corrupt court in any of the third world nations where you have dictators running everything. That's what we have in Michigan. So what we're going to do today, I'm heading in there to vote no on giving an increase to the kangaroo court. So today the Democrats want to reward the kangaroo court and say, good boys and girls, you did wonderful work. We're going to give you two back to back seven percent raises to one hundred and seven thousand in annual pay. Good, good work for violating your oath of office, violating the Constitution. And that's what we're heading in to do this morning. So the same thing I'm saying to you now is what I'll be saying on the floor of the Senate. that this is outrageous, that these people do not even adhere to the Constitution. And they're doing this right before the election. One of the last meetings we're going to have before the election, and they reward this kangaroo court, I guess, for their partisan behavior and say, keep going with the partisan votes and we'll keep the money coming. So that in a nutshell is what we're doing. And I would urge your listeners to call their legislators and say, it's in the Senate, so it's not in the House right now, but call and urge a no vote and that they speak against it. So much of what we need to be doing in the legislature is not sitting on our hands, but getting up and speaking against these outrages. When the Democrats were in minority, my God, they'd come jumping out of their seats, come and blazing and blasting away at us on any perceived anything that they didn't like. And we too often, way too often, sit on our hands, oh, well, they got the majority. Yeah, they got the majority, but that doesn't mean we cannot speak against it. So I would urge your listeners to call, especially the senators, and tell them to speak out against this. And the House, they have, I just found out, I didn't realize, they'd already passed it. but they can certainly get up and speak against this outrage that is just ripping the judiciary, the rule of law apart in the state of Michigan. Well, they have absolutely no respect from the population, from we the people anymore. Our entire judicial system is a joke, you know, loaded up with Soros activist judges and this sort of payment for, for, um, for performance or lack thereof is shocking. Yeah, it is. It's just disgusting what we're dealing with here in this country. I never thought I would see a situation where we have every arm of the commanding heights of society, from the legislature, from the governor, from the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, now the Supreme Court, all operating outside the law in any way possible they can do to rig the system in their favor when it comes to elections. They just seem to have no concern about the rule of law. I mean, it's just outrageous. And yet you'll hear them and the media say, oh, the election was the most perfect election in the history of mankind. Every election, now that the Democrats are a majority, is the perfect election. They're passing all the rules to loosen all the restrictions against voter fraud. This is the most perfect way to make a perfect election. This is the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party called the media, the establishment media, just parroting along all of the same talking points of the Democrats And we, the people, are the ones who can't seem to find the levers to undo the attempts at voter fraud that the Democrats just seem hell-bent on pushing forward. What can we do to help you today besides calling our senators and such? So John just wrote something that said articles of impeachment, Benson. But what else can we do to be helpful to you today? I would say pass on my ex post that I think you did see and encourage people to call their legislator, especially their senators, but even in the House and say, start getting up. You have the ability to speak in the Senate. You can press your button, get up and speak on anything for five minutes. and tell them, get up and start raising hell. In the House, they're a little more constrained because they don't have ironclad rules of being able to speak, but they usually work out a deal between the minority and majority to allow even the House members to get up and speak to things. I would say, get up and speak to this. And start watching what's happening with the bills. Apparently this already passed in the House. Why aren't you raising hell? Is anyone raising hell? Tell them to call their legislature and start saying raise hell. Let us know what's going on. At the very least, we shouldn't be, you know, like mushrooms sitting in the corner eating manure. We need to be informed about what's going on. So tell the legislators to start communicating to us these important things that we need to be aware of in advance of the vote so that we can help to impact things. Well, I really I love your ex account and I love the fact that you do post this stuff and that you do speak out about it. Because quite honestly, I haven't seen anybody else do it besides you, where you are informing people and you're willing to stand and tell about this stuff. And I really appreciate that so much. Well, thank you so much. I'm almost to my capital here, so I got to let you go. But thank you for covering everything. Yeah, you're so welcome. And if there's anything I can do or we can do at BNN to help you, just let me know. And we will certainly help you get your voice and get this word out. Thank you so much. Have a great day. You too. Bye-bye. There you go. Pretty interesting. I'm going to go ahead and play this little excerpt from his ex-account so that everybody can hear what he had to say. This is a good channel. Give Jim a watch. Well, voters out there in Michigan, I think it's imperative that you understand what is happening with the Supreme Court and a resolution that's going to be voted on tomorrow to increase the pay. of the Supreme Court by two double seven percent increases, putting them at two hundred seven thousand a year. This is the big increase they're going to get if this resolution passes tomorrow. Now, what kind of a Supreme Court do we have? We have a Supreme Court that took up looking at a law that the Court of Claims reviewed and said was illegal. It was an election law. It went to the appeals court and they said it is illegal. As it is illegal, what they were doing, the Benson Secretary of State is making up rules that had nothing to do with the law, saying that they've The poll watcher has to go and talk to a liaison that she treats, and only the liaison could pass on the information. None of this is the law. But this partisan Supreme Court, this Michigan partisan Democrat Supreme Court, who only cares about winning elections for Democrats and not their oath of office, not the Constitution, ruled that that's okay. She can make up with any rules she wants. Absolutely patently illegal, and now they want to raise tomorrow. I would call your legislator and say, hell no. No race for you if you don't even have the wherewithal, the integrity to vote for your oath of office and the Constitution. Thank you. Yeah, I think he did a pretty good job on this. And I like talking to Jim. I think he does a good job. So call your senator. It's in the Senate, Michigan Senate. Call your senators and tell them to get up and raise holy hell about this breaking the law and then paying them off to do it. Why do we have a legislature? They should be making laws. They should be following the law and they should be making the law, right? If somebody violates the law, what do we do about it? Sit and cry and complain? Why did we hire these people to put them in Lansing to be legislators? because we expected them to follow the law and carry the law out. And we call up, and I don't even know who my senator is. I should look him up or her up in Yipsey, but I just moved here, so I'm a little behind on my local politics, but some of them, some of them I'm paying attention to, some of them I'm... I don't know very well, but number one, if that's a Democrat in there and I call up and I complain, she'll say, yep, thank you very much. Hang up and do what she wants to do anyway. Why are they not pushing for articles of impeachment on Benson? She's been violating, and Whitmer for all that matter, who violated the Supreme Court decisions back when COVID was on. Why didn't they push for articles of impeachment right then and there on the spot? They pushed for articles and impeachment against President Trump twice for nonsense. But they would not push for articles impeachment against these three triumphant horrors in Lansing. Why not? What's missing? What am I missing here? Legislature has the power to do that. You and I, yes, we can complain, we can argue, but if we're arguing to a person that is not following their own oath of office, that's going to go absolutely nowhere. It's a waste of time. We had submitted, not we, but a bunch of people had submitted a whole bunch of affidavits regarding election fraud in the, it went into one of the public functionaries closets. And that was the end of it because that person was part of the election fraud. How are you gonna go through over that? How are you gonna get over that hump? when you have legislators that are violating the laws themselves. Yeah, vote them out of office, but you gotta number one, have the public aware of what's going on and half the public is still not aware of what's going on, that they're being played. This is a problem. So why do we have legislator in office? The legislators are supposed to follow the law and each one of them is supposed to be obviously accountable to the public, But the public has to be awake too. We have several problems that we're facing at the moment. But right at the moment, articles of impeachment against Benson should wake her up. So this is kind of interesting right here. If you look at this, the Democrats have designated themselves as where their contacts behind it, where the Republicans are kind of like on their own. Look at the terms that they use. So they're even dividing themselves out by their contact information, which would be a server. which would be, to me, I'm kind of like, wow, that's kind of amazing. I didn't realize that Democrats only vote for Democrats. They're like stating their allegiance to the Democrat Party, where the Republicans are just calling themselves senators. I thought that senators, no matter whether they're Republicans or Democrats, were supposed to be serving we the people, not just an agenda. I just saw that. That should be pretty telling right there. Yep. So where are you as far as what district are you in? Again, I'm not, I don't know. I guess I can look at my voter card, which I have. I have voted already. Not this lap, but I'm in the primary district. US congressional state Senator. Okay. Let's see who you got here. I'm sure it's a Democrat. Okay. Let's see if I can rip through this minute. We have Irwin Democrat. Yeah, you were right. So there you go. And as I've said, I don't know if I said before, but I had my Trump signs taken off my lawn. Can't do that. Can't support the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump. They haven't removed my Trump flag yet, but they took the two signs down. I had to put two new signs back up. So that's the kind of public that I'm living around. And I actually had a lady that dropped a note in my mailbox saying, And the note says, and I'll read it to you because I think it's nice. She says, hello, patriot neighbor. Just want you to know we appreciate your signs, especially in this very liberal community. We know it is the election of our lifetime. So just know you are not alone. Look for our signs down the street at the curve of Harris. Hopefully they will be there and not be taken down. And they gave me their name and their phone number. Welcome to the neighborhood. Did you know that Ann Arbor is one of the two cities that the Franklin School out of Germany targeted in order to set up their Marxist structure to take down the United States? Ann Arbor is one of two cities that they targeted. that they had targeted, which is, should be a problem. And then be recognized as a real problem. Recognized as a problem. Yes. It's a problem. And you know, the, the, the amazing thing is, is that we can look at this and we have to look at this realistically, not because we're afraid or fear mongering. It's like, we need to have, we need to have these. I hate to say the word target, but we need to target our, our efforts into where the problems really are. You know, it's like sit here and watch all these distractions and look like, you know, be like this looking everywhere and never landing on the problem. You have to honestly evaluate it, look at where the biggest problems are. And then you, in order to do that, we need to do that and then start nullification and defunding, defund the NEA, the MEA, all of that nonsense and education needs to be gone. And by the way, everybody's freaking out about title nine. Remember the Supreme court already ruled on that as unenforceable. And there's another case that was won by a teacher. We're not using these ridiculous pronouns. And, and he was, he was, uh, exonerated and that he didn't violate the law. And you know what he did? He just didn't use pronouns. He used their names. So he turned himself into Elmo from Sesame Street. Elmo says this. Elmo says that. John says this. John says that. Just avoided it altogether. Man, that's like a big in-your-face. I love it. I love it. You know what? If my kids would have come home with that kind of nonsense... except for I didn't even have him go to the indoctrination camps because I was done with it almost forty years ago now. You know, it's like I would have just been like, uh-huh. And now let's have a discussion about, you know, I really thought I would have had smarter kids, you know. Indeed. So. So. All right, where are we going next, sir? Well, as I was saying, articles of impeachment. These people should have been impeached. They should have had, at least had the articles of impeachment brought against them. Yeah, and I understand it's the House of Representatives that brings the articles of impeachment and the Senate kicks them out. I do understand that. And I do understand that the representatives in Lansing are mostly Democrat. So they're probably not gonna be willing to bring the articles of impeachment. But if I was a Senator in Lansing, I would be yelling, at the top of my voice, articles of impeachment. I'd be on the radio as much as I could or on the television as much as I could saying articles of impeachment against these three. And I'd be pushing for it. And so he should be pushing for it, too. He's not alone. There are other supposedly Republicans over there that are supposed to be doing it. But to sit on your hands and do nothing and just allow it to go through and get the public involved is not what this government was set up to do. We do not have a democracy. Check this out, John. They've even got this whole thing divided up for the state of Michigan. The Democrats are on top. The Republicans here and all represent. This should be illegal. And this is absolutely a failing policy. of our supposed representative government. They're not representing us. They're representing Republicans. They're representing Democrats and sort of a cursory, here you go, here's representative. And you know where we the people are? Somewhere way off over here because these people are completely out of touch. So let's see what our representatives do. I want to see if it even brings us there. Let's see if they got a list. Nope. Broke up. Let's see if we can go this way. You can't even get into the list. Oh, wait, wait. Oh, here we are. All representatives. I just had to scroll down a minute. Okay. So here we go. Here are our representatives. I'll put that out there, too, just in case you don't know who your representatives are. At least they don't say Democrat or Republican like the Senate does. What a bunch of morons. Well, that's why we are facing the problem we are facing. You are voting for the party, not the person. And that gets back to the nonsense of political parties. We are not a party-oriented country. We are a person-oriented country. We vote for the individual. We do not vote for the party because they are Democrat or because they're Republican. If they're de jure, I don't care what party they belong to. If they're de facto, they don't deserve the vote. And that's the way people need to look at it. If they're going to use SERP authority that wasn't granted to them in the first place, they need to be out of office. Okay. I just put both links up on my Telegram channel. That's at Brandenburg, spelled this way, not Don, D-O-N, Brandenburg. It's Brandenburg at number four. At Brandenburg, number four on my telegram channel. There's lots of imposters out there. That's a fact. Yeah. So that's where you go. So anyhow, call your state senator and tell him to raise hell about the raise for the Michigan Supreme Court. And then also impeach Benson under the representatives. Go and look it up. Figure out who it is. And it's time for us to raise hell and call them and say, not just no, but hell no. And if y'all don't do your jobs, I think we should go after every single one of them. Just start going right down the list, right? That's right. Start at the top. Go right down the list. Hit all the judges on the way out the door until we get every one of these rats cleaned out. And I don't mean Democrats or Democrats or Republicans. I'm saying all the rats need to go. That's right. That's right. We hire them to do a job. They're not doing the job. Yeah, break the laws. You get in the rat category. It's like hiring a custodian to clean your house or to clean your school or whatever, and he doesn't do the job. Well, and I think they all need to be aware of the fact that adding more laws and more spending and more, more, more, more. How would you, you know, how do we have people in there that they could never run a business? They could never figure out how to live like the rest of us who, in fact, go to work every day. How we have to, you know, how we function. Under the thumb of the regulations and all the other nonsense, they could never figure that out. The first thing is start hauling in the money that's going out like money fatty everywhere to everybody except for the American population. And then get kick every single one of these international organizations that are tied into the international treaties, it's time to kick their sorry butts out. And I did see an article this morning that was really interesting. I'm going to give people a bit of good news here because it's not all bad news. I mean, it's only bad news because we're not looking in the right place. We're really not looking in the right place for our news a lot of times and hitting headlines of the fake news media. Fake news needs to be ended. But the reality is that China is really in a bad spot right now. Here, let me, I've got that in my email, just a minute. China is in a very, very bad spot right now. And I'm going to read you something that can help clarify that. the position here of China. China, I guess that's not going to TikTok. At any rate, our focus turns towards China today. This is by Peter Zion, not a Zionist, but Peter Zion. Our focus turns towards China today, specifically in the technological struggles facing the Chinese military and manufacturing industry. And yes, We're starting with a nuclear submarine that sank in port. All right. So remember the paper missiles that North Korea was touting? You know, they weren't real missiles. They were like paper missiles, right? So China has some of the same problems. The Chinese have been looking to make some upgrades to their technological capabilities across the board, but they're not gaining much traction because they're kind of broke. As evidenced by the nuclear submarine that sank near Wuhan, China's nuclear deterrence system is one area... that could use a little love. Unlike the U.S. nuclear triad that provides redundancy and security, the Chinese really only have ICBMs to bail them out of nuclear troubles. While the sinking of that sub is embarrassing, it's far from the only area that the Chinese could use some help in. China is a manufacturing hub for low-tech stuff, including less advanced semiconductors. So that's why they want Taiwan, you know. Think about the stuff you get from China. I mean, really think about it, right? Just go to Harbor Freight and that's all you need to know. You can smell China there. Anyhow, however, China has struggled to make much of any progress on the chip front because they lack the expertise and access to operate the necessary machinery. And things aren't likely to improve anytime soon. U.S.-China trade tensions are on the rise and the coming U.S. election isn't likely to change that. regardless of who wins. I take issue with that. See, I don't really agree with what anybody says a hundred percent of the time. If I really said everything, I'd be in a fight full time. So I just, I'm just quiet about a lot of it, but right now I'm not going to be with sanctions, tariffs and technological controls, limiting China's capabilities. It will be difficult for them to achieve. technological parity with the United States. And they'd probably like beat us on transistor radios and stuff like that. But there's, there's, they've got some real problems. You know, you put, you put the communist party in charge of anything with, uh, It's just like having Biden in charge, right, or Harris. They're all in bed together. China, the morons running the country, they're all part of this global crime syndicate. They don't ever produce anything except for more bullshit that we have to follow. So it's not like they're the top of the top of the top of people that have intelligence. So they fail. lot more than what we think the only reason why they have any success is because they just overwhelm the system with more and more criminals and the news media oh be afraid be afraid americans the news media will make sure that you're afraid so you're afraid to step out and do anything that's right that's all they do so anything else there No, no, other than we are going over Minor versus Happersatt. For those of you that still think that Kamala could run for president, needs to show up Wednesday night on our Zoom to hear the truth. Hear what the Supreme Court says about Minor versus Happersatt. See what the Supreme Court says about what it takes to be a natural born citizen. Being born in America is not being a natural born citizen. Anchor babies are not citizens automatically because they're born in America. So we need to overcome this lie that's been perpetuated all these years and bring out the truth. Well, a lot of that's been funded by the CCP to bring these people over here to start having children. to install their people here or give them some sort of made up pretended standing to stay here. Yeah, because the, and I don't want to use the word Democrats, but the Nazis, the communists are making the laws of immigration different or trying to change the laws of immigration. and therefore allowing them to come and get fast track to citizenship, number one, to hopefully get them to be able to vote. And number two, when they have a child born, then that child born, once they are naturalized citizens because of the fast track, then they can become, then their child will become an American citizen. This is all fake. This is all fake, and we need to stop this fake. How do we stop this fake? Well, first of all, make America great again. We need to vote in the right people. Yeah, like that guy right there. That guy is where he should be right there. That guy should be right there. Anybody that thinks voting for Harris is going to fix the problem or if they love what's been going on for the last three and a half years, then Harris is their choice. But they need to really wake up. Harris can't change anything. She doesn't know how to do anything. She hasn't done it so far. Why would we think she could do anything now? You're in power. Why would I put you for another four years in power? When we know in the first three and a half years, you haven't done anything. Yeah. So you're just going to wreck it further because you're going to do less. You're not going to life's not going to change because you got elected. Come on, wake up. Uh, Biden, according to Biden, he gave her all the power to do everything. Made her the czar, the border czar, gave her power to do political or economics and all the other things that are going wrong in America at this moment. She's got the power. She's done this because Biden's kind of stepped back. And she's done nothing. I think he had to step back because he had to manage his supply of pens. Right. Yeah, or his cocaine supply. Yeah, whatever. Got to manage his kids' poor choices and try to hide all that nonsense while playing the oil market and breeze my oil over him. You know, he's got a busy schedule. You know, this whole crime network thing keeps the person kind of busy, you know? That's right. Can't run the country. We got to work too hard at, you know. being able to, to be, uh, steal money from people and turn us all into their little puppet slaves, not working well for them. If you ask me really. They're kind of a failure at that, too, because we're all waking up and holding them accountable. These people are a failure at everything. They couldn't manage an ant farm. So, all right. Well, let's do this. We're going to go on to the day because I've got some landscaping to do because I actually work. Non-billionaire Donna Brandenburg, you know, still works, still shovels horse manure, still paints seal stalls. throws down wood chips, goes and drives and gets wood chips, all those things that normal people do, you know, not billionaires, but normal people. So anyhow, let's say a prayer a minute, then tell everybody how to find you Wednesday night. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for John and Senator Runstad today. I ask that you would bless the efforts of the people who are honest in our Senate today to absolutely just bring this entire nonsense to a screaming halt and And hold everyone there accountable to the law, stopping the pay to play and the pay for favor scheme that seems to be going on in our Supreme Court. I ask that you throw everything out in the light that people can see what's actually going on and help us all to know exactly what to do, what steps we need to take to fight this incredible criminal enterprise that's going on right in front of our faces. In fact, being pushed right into our faces. We thank you so much for the opportunity to participate in good works here and work for your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. We are thankful for each and every person out there. Please give everybody a renewed sense of fight, of doing the right thing, of seeing things that need to be done and bravery, the bravery and the strength to go forward. No matter what we see, knowing that you are always in charge and that we can follow you right into battle and know that you're still in charge. And nothing happens by accident. There's no coincidences. And we can put our entire trust in you, which we do. Thank you so much for this day. Keep everybody in Florida safe. I ask that you would bless and protect everyone. This is a really horrible situation for everyone down there. But we know one way or the other that your will be done. And we're okay with that. No matter what happens, we're okay. with your plan. We trust your plan. It's a good plan. You might not understand the plan, but you got a good plan out here, the redemption of mankind. Thank you so very much for everything you've done to us. You've been a great friend, and we want to be a friend to you. We love you in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. All right, sir, how do they find you? Jay Cater, oh, actually go to the Magnificent Republic, It'll give you all the information there. Okay, and tomorrow night, John has a call that you can get on and learn about all things lawful, legal, and what they've done to subvert the United States and to usurp the powers that... They were never granted. So with that said, everybody, you guys have a great day. It's time to wood chip here. I'm going to be throwing wood chips like a savage out there today. So at any rate, have a great day. Remember, we don't have anything to fear. If you are walking with God and you're paying attention to God, keep your eyes on him. Don't believe what you're seeing out there. There's so much fake stuff. It's incredible. Even question the things that I say. I expect you to question things that John says. and myself and anybody here, because even good people can make a mistake, even if their intention is to do the right thing. So when we stand together the way we're supposed to, we help each other and say, oh, wait a minute, Brandenburg, you might be a little bit off on that. That's what I like about John. He will literally tell me, you're wrong, if I'm wrong on something, and help educate myself and everybody else. That's a true friend, not somebody who tells you what you want to hear, but what you need to hear to grow up, to increase in knowledge, to just become more helpful. I guess that's a good way to put it. At any rate, remember you're not walking alone. There's a lot of us good people out there fighting. We're going to do this. We're doing it together and justice is going to come. It's just a matter of time because we have it all. So with that said, God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love, and God bless America. Make it a great day. If you don't have a good example, be one. And if there's nobody around you that's doing the right thing, that's honest, well, guess what? It just makes you shine just a little bit brighter in the darkness. Don't feel sorry for yourself. Take it as a badge of honor. Have a great day, and I'll be back on tomorrow with Liberty Essentials. Bye, everyone. Thanks, John.