BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/26/2024 Stan Leszewski, Chris Deal & J6ers Jalise/Ryan Zink

Published Aug. 26, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Stanley Leszewski, President, American Substance Abuse Foundation @SubstanceL7672 Helping America become "Clean and Sober" one day at a time in which will contribute to the growth and prosperity of our great Nation. Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization located in Jersey City, NJ. 10am Chris Deal - Chris is not only a trusted friend, but has a long history of military service to America both in Vietnam as a Marine and in several security positions that he held domestically. We will be talking about the current state of America as it relates to the world stage and what the implications are to Everyday Americans. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Ryan Zink On January 6th I was working as a Congressional Media Campaign Staffer for my father Jeff Zink Congressional District 3, Arizona. I was waived through the barricades by police. I did not walk into the capitol building, I did not cause any destruction, I offered aid to police, I attempted to stop violent protestors from attacking the police with the video seen and heard here. Despite doing all of this they still charged me with a felony and two misdemeanors. I lost my business, was forced to move, and now can no longer finish school. Help me fight for my freedom, my education, and my life. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it's the 26th day of August 2024. Welcome to our show today. First hour, we have Stanley Lazewski on, and I love this guy. He really has invested his life in so many people's lives and used his own experiences in order to help others. The second hour is The Big Deal, Chris Deal. And then the 11 o'clock hour, the third hour, is Jaleese Middleton and Ryan Zink. We're going through some more of the J6 Political Prisoners in America series here. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm really loving this. I love listening to stories of people who are overcomers. Not that they've gotten everything right or easy, because you usually don't develop character that way, right? You only get it through rough times in life. That's when we really learn. And we can certainly talk about this, but I'm going to bring Stanley on. Hey, Stanley, how are you doing? Good morning. How are you? Great to be back. How are you doing? Thank you. I love talking to you in the morning. It's like, you know, I think the focus on other people that you have is just extraordinary. And you really do put yourself in a position to support and take care of a lot of people. Jeff Bongiorno, he's come up against his political persecution there, as well as so many people who have had problems with drug and substance abuse. And I'm really thankful for that. So this morning, I'd like to talk about something else. I'm going to bring this up here right now and clue you in on what's happening in Michigan right now. The convention in Michigan for the Republicans was an absolute cluster. There's no other way to put it, right? They had people fighting. Getting kicked out. They didn't get a lot done. It went till like 1.30 and they still didn't have some things settled and such. And I'm just going to say this political climate we have going on comes down to, and I'm going to read what I posted on it, a failure to communicate. This is the typical political party acting like a bunch of degenerates. Why can't we fix what's wrong with America? This is why. They aren't working to fix it. They don't want to fix it. They want to stay in power. Absolutely no leadership. The goal is to keep everyone out, depending on which subgroup wants power, all for control and money. And I said here, I might just be motivated to write a professional evaluation on how to resolve this. Republicans won't listen. Democrats won't listen. But the 72% of disenfranchised voters, I'm pretty sure, will listen. Because most of us are sick of this little dancing monkey show they've got going on here, looking like they're trying to fix something. And they aren't. They haven't backed President Trump from the beginning. They say they do. But all I'm seeing is them trying to raise money. But I'm not seeing... as much support there is what there could or should be. Because if they were, they would not just be giving it lip service. They'd actually be working to write the 2020 election and some of these other bigger problems. They skim over the things that say like, Jeff or yourself or I am working on. And they just work to see whose little popularity contest they're supporting next. And it's going to fail because they're not choosing leaders. And that's a problem that I see. Yeah, I agree with you. I've said it a million times and I still say, you know, divided politics, you know, reflects a divided society. And if you really listen to them and pay attention to them, what they argue most about amongst themselves is themselves, you know, how they feel about each other, you know, you know, stop focusing on each other and start focusing on the people, what the people want, what they're, what they're concerned about. And, um, You know, I feel a lot of these politicians, they lack virtues and morals and, you know, a lot of things on a social level, you know, the social interaction with the public, with society in general, the constituents. You know, take, for example, you know, we're at the SOE's office and you want to walk in and ask a question, you got to fill out a form. From my point, walking into the place, it was structured like a prison. It's a process. It's all structured. For you to receive any kind of information, you have to go through a process, and it shouldn't be like that. They should have open-door policies where anybody could walk in at any time, anybody from the public, and ask any question they want, and it should be answered right away. You shouldn't have to hide behind walls, hide behind glass. And be so defensive about everything, you know, and then on top of it, to have the sheriff's offices throw people out and prevent you from coming back in again. You know, that reflects who we have in power to make decisions and choices for us. And, you know, where I'm at in life, you know, it doesn't sit well with me. Well, and I think that the only ones they want to talk to are the people that have money or perceive they have money because that's what this is all about. They should be talking. They should be out in the neighborhoods or out at the schools or something else, but they only seem to want to talk to people who have money. who have big money behind them or lots of letters behind their names because they see that as being connected, but they're not connecting to what real needs are like you are. You know, they're not getting involved in people's lives to help. They're not looking at how to structure the United States in order to have a a benefit to Americans. It's all only to them. And I'm really quite disgusted at the whole thing, if you really want to know the truth. Because I love President Trump. I'm an unapologetic President Trump supporter. But whenever I tried to have a meeting with him, the people around him, he's got so many guard dogs around him. And I don't know if he really realizes how bad it is, because they would say, well, you want a picture with President Trump, even a picture? You're going to have to be one hundred fifty thousand dollars or seventy five thousand dollars. It depends on who you talk to. And I'm like, I'm sorry, but I do not believe in pay to play. Even with President Trump, I wouldn't do it because there's a there's an issue here that I think this comes back to a spiritual issue when you have. When you're a respecter of persons, the Bible talks about it, where you see one person is more important than another person. I don't have that. I see everybody as kind of equal, right? I have respect for people that do the right thing. Like I respect you, like I respect President Trump. And I think that anyone who actually does things for people, they gain my respect and trust. Right. But it doesn't matter who it is. If they told me to, you know, pay seventy five thousand dollars or one hundred fifty thousand dollars for a picture, I tell them stick it. You know, I'm not going to do that because I could take that kind of money and put that into helping actual people that I know. really need that help, whether it's, you know, whether it's a veterans or whether it's somebody like you that has, you know, that's actually on the ground working with substance abuse and helping families that have had horrific losses. I would not put that kind of money in it. And I've said no to many events that, that I, you know, I was invited to, or they wanted me to be involved in because I would not pay that type of money for it. And it's just the way it is. And people think they know what's going on here, there, and everywhere. They really don't know what's going on. They really don't know what actually is going on at these events and such. And I'm going to tell you that it's not exactly what you think it is a lot of times. I go, I make lots of connections and that sort of thing. But I don't go to hear the speakers. If you ever watch me in an event, you'll almost never see me listening to a speaker, even Donald Trump. even president Trump, I literally will go into the auditorium. I might listen for a few minutes, then I leave and then I go make connections. And and and, you know, and offer to help people and what they do or that sort of thing. I'm not a person who goes and listens to speeches or or a lot of talks. I just don't do it. I've never have and I won't because I'm not going to waste that time in listening to somebody. I can listen to a pay playback of that. I'd rather take that time when there are people there and connect with them. I can listen to it. The replay at home. yeah I i agree with you 100 you know I could go through every news channel and it's different faces different places repeating and recycling the same information yeah rinse and repeat that's all it is you don't know what the problem is and you know just like in substance abuse when I work with people on a on a on the business end of it and my personal clients that I sponsor you know I i try to teach them the importance of you know you're not picking up a drink or a drug you know, each day now. So it's important from the time you wake up until the time you go to sleep to start structuring your life in a positive way. It comes down to like simplifying it, like, you know, 50% of the solution to all your life's problems and issues is knowing what the hell the problems and issues are. And the other 50% of the solution is doing something about it. Exactly. Do something about it. Stop going on 400 news networks and crying about the same thing over and over again. And it's like, you know, I go to these, you know, a lot of AA 12 step meetings and meetings and you hear people who really don't have the solution, the knowledge of recovery. So they stand there in front of everyone and they talk about how much they drank. It's called war stories. You're up there and you complain and you're sharing about the problems and there's not much of a solution in the message that you're putting out there. So it's the same thing in politics. Stop sharing the problems and start talking about the solutions. You're either living in the problems of America or you're living in the solutions of America. So it's positive and negative. mentality coming out. I see where the morals and virtues and the ability to address society and maybe the possibility of people who are coming from different lifestyles and they don't know what it's like for most of the Americans out there to struggle and what darkness is. Maybe some of these politicians need to really get on a different level in society and see what's really happening. Instead of hiding behind the doors and the gated communities and you know, having a body guards and security guards around them all the time, you know, you know, wake up and see what's really happening in America. Well, and what, what I was talking. So like, I'm kind of a communications type person. Right. And when, when I was talking this morning, we were talking that I had a discussion with my husband this morning and really got to the bottom of, of some things that, you know, we each help each other in marriage and this, that, and the other thing, he's got incredible insight and things. And when we talk about things, you know, we, we have real frank discussions. And the subject that we got on today is because we have a lot of people around us that get butthurt over nothing, which is what happens. Okay. And, you know, the way that I describe it to him and a lot of other people, there's a lot of people that take things personally. When something goes wrong out there, they're like, they're trying to get me. They're trying to get me. I'm like, no, they're not. You're looking at it totally backwards and wrong. They're telling you how they see the world. They're playing their poker hand entirely in front of you. so how I approach people and I think this is something that's really unique is that I and I don't know why I have the ability to see people this way but I do I look at people kind of like as a like I would an injured horse or cat or dog right everybody's out there trying to cope in one form or another some people have better coping skills some of you have lousy ones when they say something or do something against you it really has nothing to do with you it's the way they see the world And generally, most people will take that and say, oh, I'm offended. They've done this to me. No, no, you shouldn't be offended. They're just talking, right? They're giving you information. But the point being is that like my husband said, he said, when somebody tries to dump their problems on me, I'm like, he's like, I don't let them make their problems into my problems. And this is how our discussion went. And I said, well, this is how I see it. You don't fix your problems with them dumping on you unless you fix their problem. So I, first of all, I stop and I'll listen to people And decelerate the problem, decelerate the communication. So it's a nice, calm communication. And then after that, I'll try to figure out what they're really trying to communicate. What is the problem that they are really having stress over that they're trying to dump on me to fix, right? And then I'll look at it and go, oh, this is the problem. And then help them verbalize it and get a strategy to fix what their problem is. And all of a sudden, the stress that they're trying to put on me is gone and you fix two problems at once. And so instead of just going, boom, get out of my face, which is what most people do, you've just offended me. I'm like, well, what's really the problem going on here? And then look at them as, like I said, a rescue dog or cat or something like that that's been abused, neglected, has somebody that's spit in their face. People haven't treated them well. They're stressed and they're angry at everything. Well, let's see if we can get rid of the anger and figure out what the problem is and help them frame it so that they can be productive again and happy. You find your happiness when you really find your happiness in life when you go out every day to help others. that that's that's just the way it works yeah I can agree with you you know from from my end you know the work I do you know from the beginning up until now the more people I help you know it's when you help someone it's like holding a mirror in front of your faces you help someone find solutions to their problems and start finding problems and answers to your problems your own problems and um yeah this is there's a lot that comes that comes with that you know a lot of it requires a lot of compassion and being empathetic you know um you know I speak about that too like you know the most important thing I had to learn how to change about me was everything and that's a lot you know and that's really speaking about self you know how I see other people and and and deal with each person each client on a psychological level is a reflection of how I deal with self and that's pretty much what recovery is broken down to know because you're removing an addictive substance that hijacks the mind and controls the behavior of an individual and you know you go through a physical detox after that point and now it becomes the work where you start detoxing mentally your old behaviors your old self and people like me and other people like myself who help other individuals we teach them how to structure their lives and how to deal with self without the addictive substances involved. And it's one of the hardest things because that's where the spirituality comes in. And, you know, from my own experience, the first thing that came back was reality, along with this thing called my conscience. And I could see the impact of how these addictive substances affected my behaviors and impacted every relationship that I had in my life with my mother, my kids, my friends, my family, my coworkers. You know, addiction is very powerful. And, you know, a lot of these coping mechanisms and restructuring teachings that I teach people, you know, you can pretty much apply that to anybody in life. You know, it's a simple, you know, they call it a 12-step program in recovery. But, you know, it's a foundation and a way of life recovery. And, you know, I can apply it to anything. And I still believe today, you know, politics could benefit by a really good political 12-step program. A lot of these ideologies out of these crazy people at a, you know, have been voted in. Oh, my God. Illegally got their seats in their positions. I'm going to tell you what. You just gave me the perfect segue where my brain was going on this. And my brain was going on. When you look at what's happened with the political parties, it's crazy. This is such psychotic behavior. It's unbelievable. Instead of, you know, they claim Jesus. They claim God. They claim they're for this or that. But their behavior is completely opposite of that. They go in there. And they get crazy. There's so many people that were were they're just hostile. They don't know how to communicate. I don't really think that that's what Jesus would do. Just, you know, I mean, he did turn tables over, but he I think he wants us to get along and solve problems, not just be right. and that need to be right and be in charge. It's indicative of a person who has a very, who's very, I'm trying to look at the word, it's not self-conscious that I'm looking for, but that is insecure. It shows these people are incredibly insecure. They don't really believe that they're right, but they're grabbing onto something that they think is right, because if they did really believe that they were right, they would be able to articulate it as a statesman and in a calm manner and get things to move forward in a way that is beneficial to everyone. But because they want to pound on each other constantly, they act like brothers and sisters, you know, little kids that are fighting over a talk, a truck, you know, it's ridiculous. And, uh, And there's no communication there. And it's just it's totally dysfunctional. I mean, the whole thing is completely and utterly dysfunctional. So I look at this and, you know, I I was given an ultimatum to join the Republican Party. And I ultimatum. Yeah, I had an ultimatum that was given to me to join the Republican Party, which if anybody has done any profiling on Donna Brandenburg, that probably isn't a real good. good tactic or message for me. And so, you know, just, just saying, I'm pretty sure they know what my personality is like the people that were talking to me, but at any rate, if you don't know me well, ultimatums don't work well for me, not at all. And so, so I, I refuse to be anyone's slave minion or, or mouthpiece. I'll talk to anyone. And if somebody has a good idea, I don't care which way it goes. I want the best idea and it doesn't have to be mine. I prefer it not to be mine because I would rather just be able to go back and shovel horse shit in my barn, really. And so solve the problems like Cincinnati's did and get out. That would be Donna Brandenburg, right? I don't want a entrenched position. And so and then I'm going to go do something that I enjoy doing, which is usually, you know, quiet by myself somewhere, you know, that I enjoy. Right. And so, yeah, I was given an ultimatum, which doesn't work really well for me. And I was watching this this nonsense going on. at the Republican party this week, I was here listening to this in the DNC and such, and none of them have any interest in fixing the United States. And I'm going to lay this out there because I think this is going to be the truest statement that I will probably ever say. The only way to finish Michigan or to fix Michigan, the only way to fix what's wrong in Michigan is by having a governor who is not a part of either parties because they have disenfranchised 75% of of Michigan, 75 or 72% are disenfranchised voters. They hate the parties, absolutely hate them. Anybody that's out there just as disgusted. And I've heard so many people within the parties that are disgusted with the behavior in the parties. So for me to jump into the party and be told that while you can fix things from the inside, it's like, Have you been watching what's going on here? We've got like a plethora of deranged people people who are not listening to anyone. And it's like a horse. You can train horses, but you train them one at a time. You don't get in and get a whole herd that's stampeding and get them to think. You can corral them. You can put boundaries on their behavior. But you have a stampede going on within the political parties. And the way horses do is when they're afraid and they're acting like this, they go to their own death. And that's exactly what they're doing. This whole herd of people in the parties is marching straight to their death, being driven by the people that are driving them in that direction. And nobody's thinking they have wasted. Every time I go to a meeting, I sit there as an operations person. And in my head, I'm tallying all the opportunity losses that they have. It's a constant amount of opportunity losses that they have with what they're doing. They will never fix it this way because they're not listening. And then they started voting on, if you're not part of the Republican Party, we're going to ban you for four years if you're part of another party. You're banned for four years. Okay. So now these people are so dumb. I'm going to tell you how dumb this is. Okay. And I don't care if I piss anybody off out there. I'm going to say it. These absolute political idiots out there have basically left the door open to every subversive person on the planet. So they're, they're, they've got, they're, they're, they're overrun. With Democrats and rhinos. So now they're going to make a rule that says we're going to keep people from other political parties out for four years or anyone that hasn't been part of the party, which was the party that let all of these traitors in to destroy the party in the first place. But we're going to just leave everybody at them and so they can fight and keep anybody else out. that has ideas that haven't gelled with us. Well, guys, you missed your opportunity on that. So at this point in time, keeping anybody out that's not part of the party shows how really stupid you are because you've already let the enemy in. How are you going to fix that situation? It's going to be by inviting people in that can overwhelm the enemy, which is probably the 72% of disenfranchised voters. It's not going to be all these people that say they're Republicans, because a lot of the people on the Republican Party that are working to fix it absolutely hate what's going on in there. Same thing as the DNC, right? So what they've done is too little, too late. And they're going to assure their own. They're sure and ultimate destruction. There's no two ways about it. So with with this nonsense that they've got going on, That's one of the problems. But there's more than that. They are addicted to fighting, and they get in their little subgroups, and it's like a gang war within the party. It's sort of like what's happening on a greater scale to America. They've got gang wars going on. I'm in a whole bunch of different text threads, and you should see these people in there and how they talk about other people. And then they talk with their mouth and say that, and then they pray to God. And it's like, it's like, okay, do you people see the disconnect there? I see a huge disconnect there. And until they get themselves under control, which they don't, they are addicted to fighting. They are addicted to the high that they get and having to push people around. It's very narcissistic. It's psychopathic. And they really have no goal to fix anything because all they want to do is climb on top of the heap. Now I'm going to tell you exactly what that is from a psychological perspective. Okay. I adopted a little girl whose mother was killed in a train accident a number of years ago. She had her head smashed. She had a craniotomy when she was in India. So she has half a brain and she has massive, massive mental illness. Massive. Her drugs historically have cost us about $20,000 a year out of pocket. It's about $100,000 out of our pocket a year to take care of her. And I'm not a person who's going to jump on public assistance because I was the one that agreed to this. And I was the one who will pick up this and push it forward and take responsibility for my actions. OK, now there may come a time when she's she gets to be so bad because she's basically has a degenerative. Her brain is in a degenerative state and she is going to I get to watch my daughter die. OK, but it's it's the painful part is how long of a process this takes. It's not like it's an everyday thing. It's years and years and years and years. And there's no way out of this. So you just watch and you you learn to love the days that you have. But anyhow, she had been in an orphanage for about, you know, they lied about her age. They said she was three. She was actually by her dental records when we got her more like six. So she had been fighting for life in an orphanage. She had worms crawling out of her and boils. And I was puke head to toe when I was in India trying to get her out. We had Skit Bowl Airport, the absolute assholes in that airport. And I'm just going to say that. Looked at me with my one white child who was 11 at the time that went over there with me. I thought it'd be a great field trip. And my little black Indian, because she's South Indian, so she's really dark. She's darker than most African Americans or people that associate with that in the United States of America. And she's puking and I'm a mess. They literally took my luggage, dumped it on the floor, kicked through it, just about spit on me. I mean, it was unbelievable. So anyhow, I'm pretty much pretty aware of what it's like to have somebody who is orphaned, who fought for life, who never had anybody give a crap about them, and what that really looks like and what it takes to stay with somebody who has been abandoned to that degree. And I will tell you right now that America is full of people who have been orphaned. And it's an orphanage mentality. That's actually the word for it. When you have no one and you climb on top of anyone in the orphanage, In order to get someone's attention for fighting for food or status or power or favor or anything like that. And the entirety of the United States of America has pretty much gone to that mindset. And it's an orphan mentality. Unless we recognize this and we get back to God and say, I have a father, regardless of what's happening. Now, my mom is dying right now as we speak. And so they're going to try to put a feeding tube in her. But it is highly likely that last night, I didn't know if she's going to make it through the night last night. And it's very sad when we lose people. I'm the founder of Grief and Loss Today, Advances in Hospice and Advances in Bereavement. So I've done quite a bit of work in that area. However, my stance on things always goes back to, I have a father and all of us do. And that's the only one we really have to worry about walking through life because he's bigger than any problem here that we ever encounter. God is bigger than anything. And we can rest no matter what we go through in the fact that he's got it. But if you're so focused on the problems and being part of these little cults and these subgroups because you're looking for somebody to recognize you or accept you or give you a hand or care about you, they won't. I'm going to tell you that they're human beings. They can say all they want that they care about you right now. Give them about 50, give them about a day or two and see if they're still faithful. Generally, they won't be because that's not what human beings are like. Human beings are incredibly fickle. They only like you when you're giving them something or agreeing with them. And that's just the way it is. That's part of our fallen nature. And we have to square with that, but also examine ourselves and say, well, I don't want to think that way. And when you immerse yourself enough with a connection with God, it disappears because you become more like him. I agree with you 100%. I said it on your last show. I said you're going to meet people in the world. You're going to meet people that are genuinely, naturally kind, God-loving, Good people, they're going to impact you in a positive way where you experience a lot of positive growth in a relationship with them and with yourself. And the rest of them are going to just teach you how not to be and what not to do in life. But on the political end of it, and I call it Jerry's spring of politics. I do too. I hear all of this going back and forth. I'm like, Jerry, Jerry. Yeah. you know, if you really break it down, you know, you got to look at where some of these, most of these politicians came from, their background, their lives, you know, the schools they've been in, you know, they've been indoctrinated and they come from a different level in society where, you know, they were pretty much padded and reflected from what's really happened out there, the struggling end of it. So, you know, I call it self-destructive behavior. You know, it's just like, you know, go back to substance abuse, you know, it's my life, but, you know, There's a saying that I use. How do you tell when a drug addict's lying? Do you know the answer for that? They're always lying. When their lips are moving. Yeah. It's the same thing with people in politics. It's like when you listen to the people, and I'm not talking politicians. I'm talking a lot of the people in the political parties. Take the politics out of it. They're manipulating all the time. Everyone's manipulating because they're either trying to get close to someone, they're trying to gain favor, they're trying to make sure they're standing next to or hanging out with the people they see as winners. That's like the decision-making process. Most people, I don't know if you know this, But people do not make decisions because it's the right decision. It's risk aversion. That's why they wouldn't get off the Republican Party or the Democrat Party. That's why they won't go away from these parties, even though they know that there's things that are wrong. They won't get off of them because they want to go in a place where they stand with the people they think are going to win. And it has nothing to do with them thinking it's the right thing. or that there's risk going in this decision, the risk of losing, the risk of splitting the vote, the risk of what if. Well, the world doesn't get changed by that kind of method. The world gets changed by people who are not afraid, who are innovators, who are willing to think for themselves and maybe put the first, you know, plow in that first furrow that goes in the ground it's always the hardest one but that's usually the one that's the most that does the most good you can't you can't do it you can't do it by following the crowd you've got to think for yourself well you know it kind of goes back to you know what I said earlier like a lot of these politicians they live you know with security around them they have walls around their houses but it's the same thing if you let's say you have this Ability, like a mental filter, and you can filter out Republican and Democrat and just see people for who they are and what they are. They say one thing, but the actions say another. And it's the same thing. They go into the party and they use the individuals around them in their party as a protective barrier, their walls around them. They feel safe there and they feel secure there. Yes, it's like me. I have no problem standing on my own two feet because nobody's going to have my back the way I have my own back and speak my truth and live life the way I see morally fit. But a lot of the people in the parties, it's like, you know, a few times I had invites back in Jersey and they wanted like five, ten thousand dollars just to attend an event. And so what's all this about? What am I being extorted for? They break a window somewhere. Yeah. it's ridiculous I thought this is about you know going meeting with politicians to talk about what's happening in society and coming up with solutions and addressing the problem you know you got to buy your way into these cartels and that's exactly what it is it's no different than trying to be part of organized crime or being part of one of the street gangs out there what happened to america where did it all go wrong donald I know. And I know I'm sure people think that I will pay big dollars for that. Just so you know, I won't. Society, America is paying a high price for the way politics are. We're living and we're suffering on the other side of it. There's two sides to the coin. There's the truth and there's the lie. And in between lies all the problems. And a lot of people are either on the social side or on the political end. But what's happening in between, just like the same saying I use, you know, all that matters is from the time of death to your last breath. It's the same thing in politics. You know, it's what's happening in politics and what's happening in society. It's two different things. But what's what's happening in between is all the problems and there's nothing being addressed. There's no solution. It was just a bunch of people up on screen. you know, asking for money and crying and screaming at each other and blaming each other and nothing's getting done. And they won't list, listen. So, you know, the problem is, is it's an unteachable, it's an unteachable spirit. And so until we learn to be teachable and actually, you know, Sit back and go, you know, maybe I was wrong. Be able to say maybe I was wrong about something. That's why I like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. He will admit when he's wrong. I like him. I think he's a nice guy and, you know, seemed like the most sincere person I'd ever met in politics. Really, I very much like him. And I don't agree with all of the things that he believes in, but I don't have all the answers either. And so I'm willing to listen to him and what he says, as well as other people. And, you know, even if I don't agree with them, we have to listen to each other and maybe we'll learn things that that maybe we've been indoctrinated in. Maybe we are being indoctrinated too by one side or another. Everything is about manipulation and distraction and leading people astray. And so with that said, I mean, this world right now, Satan is running amok in it. If you think that everything that we have out there hasn't been infiltrated, you're probably wrong because everything has been infiltrated. So like when we go to the political parties, Or we go to any of these gatherings or anything. You kind of got to look at it as a person-to-person basis. And you're going to find those people that have the Spirit of God no matter where you are. And you're going to find people that need some help. So to think that there's safety in anything that you identify in, you're absolutely wrong. It's all been infiltrated. And it's back down to the way that God meant it to be. It's between you and him, and that's it. So even if the whole world tells you to do something and you know it's the wrong thing to do, you shouldn't do it because you still should be listening to God and not expect anybody to give you their approval. You've got to be able to stand on your own feet and make decisions, not popular decisions, but the decisions that need to be made because you know it's the right thing to do. Right. Yeah. You know, we're talking about everything that's going on in the world, but, you know, let's get to the root cause of it. You know, it's that child who's sitting in kindergarten and working his way through the educational system and being indoctrinated. You know, we're seeing a reflection of where society went wrong, where our educational system went wrong, where we went wrong as Americans, what we took out of the classroom. We took God out of the classroom. You know, we took the spiritual end out of it. You know, and we replaced it with people with a lot of problems that weren't being educated the right way. And, you know, you look at some of these politicians and wonder why they're not doing a good job and why they're so easily manipulated and so easily, you know, bought out by the financial end of it, you know, to sell themselves out for money. And, you know, it goes back to this word called integrity and the moral end of it. You know, these are people who really don't care about other people. They only care about themselves, you know, very selfishly. You know, you look at whole America, you know, everyone that's here, you know, we all want to be happy. We want to be prosperous and, you know, live productive, successful lives. But, you know, it's a lot of problems. You know, America is being raped, being destroyed on a social level and on a psychological level. You know, it's really, you know, you break it down. It's a spiritual war, you know, because when when morals, virtues and integrity and all that is good is lacking from an individual, know what did that individual miss out on learning about in life because how can you give something you ain't got how can you help somebody when you don't know how when you don't have the actual experience like you know what I learned I went through trial and error I learned because I came from the darkness but at the same time I had to educate myself and learn the theory end of it to be able to fix myself and be productive in my life in society And I realize, you know, I don't have all the answers, but there's a lot of people out there and I can see it in politics. So, you know, people are lacking something, the ability to actually reach out and connect with the public and, and instead of talking about things to really come up with a true solution where it's going to impact society and make a big change, you know, the most, you know, anybody can stand up there and script themselves and, you know, and, and say a lot of things that people want to hear, but What are they really doing besides talking a lot of shit? You know, I talk it, but I walk it. You know, I say I'm going to help somebody and I make a commitment to somebody. I'm saying, you know, I'm there for you. You can rely on me. You know, no matter what, I will be there and do everything I can to help you. You know, you can count on me. You know, my word is all I have. And I mean, you know, you can ask my friend Jeff or anyone that knows me. There's a lot of people who know me. And it's something, you know, I'm very proud of, you know, when I say I'm gonna do something, I do it. And these are things that I learned from myself that I, that I don't see in other people, that integrity, you know, that, that truth, that honesty. And, uh, you know, America has a lot of work to do and. There's a lot of problems out there and it'll, if you really break it down and get to the root cause of the problem, you know, it's that young mindset in that classroom, you know, and it's a lot of factors that, that play it, play it apart, you know, the upbringing, their parents. And, you know, it impacts that person. And, you know, as they grow in life and learn, you know, somebody has to care about that person. You know, it's just they come from broken families and you have broken people walking around in society that are lost and easily manipulated by these ideologies that are thrown out there in society. You know, that's the problem. You know, they're like lost sheep. You know, they don't know what to believe. They don't know what's true. They hear something crazy and they run with it. But, you know, on a social level, you know, I can see all the problems and I can identify with it easily. And, you know, it's the same thing, you know, with politics. You know, there's still people, you know, at the end of the day, you take the word Republican out, take the word congressman away. And, you know, at the end, you know, you still breathe the same air as me and bleed the same color blood. You know, you're a person. You're no different. It doesn't matter. But, you know, people talk a lot of shit, right? Yeah, they sure do. And it's just really kind of a crazy time to be alive. So I'm going to ask you a question. What is, of all the spiritual lessons that you've learned, and I'd like to see if you can tack it to the Bible, what would be something that really impacted you? Spiritual lesson? Yeah. Wow. My spiritual side of it is to actually believe. that there's a God and it is a higher, a higher power that people call it, you know, a divine creator. You know, I struggled with that my whole entire life, you know, you know, for me to actually say there's a God and Jesus was there. If I will, I have to see and hear things with my own eyes and ears. And I feel like, like you go through the story of apostle Paul, you know, he's, he went around, he slaughtered Jews, thousands of Jews. And, you know, he lost his eyesight. And, you know, when he came back a believer and he started preaching the word, you know, to the people again, they didn't believe him. They thought it was like, Oh, why a big trap? He wants to kill more of us, you know? So, you know, sometimes, you know, we find ourselves going on a path where everything happens. And, you know, I went through so much darkness and, you know, to lose my life, not once, but so many times, you know, and, um, to still be here today. It was like an indoctrination to believe. And I'm a believer today. I really believe. You can call him God, Jesus, Allah, whoever. But I honestly believe there's a divine creator. And we're not here by chance. And I've done my own personal studies in seeking out what the true religion is. Is there only one world religion? Is there only one God? And there's so many different gods and it's all different books. But, you know, it's all broken down to the same basic understanding that there was a creator and life was created and we're all here. But also, if you look at religion, you know, it's a blueprint to teach people how to live good, godly lives of honesty, integrity and kindness and love and compassion, you know, and that's, you know, how I look at religion, you know, it's teach people how to live right and get a month, get along amongst themselves without hurting each other. And so, you know, they took that out of society, you know, they, they, they replaced it with this, the circus act that you see today out there, you know, they replace it with everything that's wrong and prevents people from, from getting to that spiritual point, that enlightenment and really feeling what life is like. And, you know, to be able to appreciate waking up every day like me, you know, I'm up 430, five o'clock in the morning. I don't care if it's raining or snowing out, which it doesn't snow in Florida. But I want to I want to get outside and I want to look up at the sky and see the sun because I'm grateful for every day of my life. You know, I realize I'm not here. You know, when my parents had me, it wasn't like I volunteered to come into this world like, hey, you know, I want to I want to be born, you know, stick me on earth. When I die, I'm thinking about if there's reincarnation, I want to be reincarnated on another planet. It's too crazy. I honestly believe we're not here by chance and we're all part of a bigger plan. It takes real people who got real big to step up and immerse themselves in the problems and really get involved and see the problems and speak about the problems and bring the truth. and bring a message where it could pierce the minds and the hearts of society and tell them, look, you're struggling right now. It's going to be okay. We're here for you. We need politicians like that who can get up there and say, there's no good, there's no right, there's no wrong. We're the problem and we're the ones that need to change. Society doesn't need to change. Society needs good leaders. They need people who can get up there and connect with them on a social level. And it's like keeping an open door to your public office and letting them come in and let's see all your problems one by one. It's like, you know, like little kids. They say, you know, my kids like that. You know, how does God answer the millions and billions of prayers every day from all people in the world? You know, people depend on government and they want government to fix problems. You know, start looking at your own problems, trying to fix your own problems in life. you know, be, be the reflection of what you want to see in society. If you're a public leader, a public servant. I'll go back to when you fix other people's problems, you fix you end up fixing your own. That's right. That's where, how can you fix somebody else's problems when you are the problem? I always said people, people have asked me, cause I've spoken at a, you know, a university and, and, uh, you know, a couple of different capacities that I was like a guest speaker and they wanted me to talk about entrepreneurialism and how, you know, how, what I thought or, or how I thought, you know, I was able to do some of the things that I've done. And I said, well, I said, I think the reality is, is that the only way you're ever successful is if you have a motivation that's bigger than yourself. So like, if you choose, let's just say you're trying to build something and you think this is something that I you know, that I want to build, I want to do really well with, and you get up every day and you're like, yeah, you want to do it, but you know, I want to go play golf today or something today. And you don't work at it. You, you will always find things that are instant gratification, that will distract you away from your major goal. The only way that you won't do that is if you find something that's bigger, that's more important than yourself, and then you'll be successful. So if you get up every day and your motivation is, I want to build a better world for my kids, i want to I want to and have achievable goals say like like I want to do this this and this because I want to make sure that my kids or whatever it is could be anybody you know it could be anything but if you're doing it for somebody else you'll always have the motivation to get out of bed and and and go to work every single day you won't do it for yourself guaranteed People will go find something that's a distraction that won't keep them on track. But that's how human beings work. And then I'll tell you one of the greatest spiritual lessons that I think this is applicable to what we've been seeing in these sham political parties. And it's not going to be fixed because this is a spiritual thing. And I can say, they can say, God, God, God, all they want. But I'm pretty extra sure they're preaching another Jesus other than what's in the Bible. Because Jesus was very clear. Don't listen to anyone that preaches another Jesus than what's in the Bible because their actions show them. They're shown by their works, right? When Noah got drunk and he was in his tent, right? And he was doing some bad things in there. I'm not going to expand on that too much. But he got drunk one night and he's in his tent and he's laying there naked, which there's extra connotations to that, but I'm not going to go into that right now. But his one son, Ham, came in and saw his dad laying there naked and he left and he went out laughing at him and telling everyone there that he saw his dad naked in the tent and he's drunk and blah, blah, blah. His other two sons who actually loved him, walked in backwards and laid like a blanket on top of him and covered his nakedness. And they never spoke about it again. And that is actually a pretty good description of what true love looks like. It's what Jesus did by dying on the cross for us and taking our sins. He covers those to make relationship with God so that you understand that he takes them away as if they never were there. So when you see what Jesus did on the cross, he covered, he took away that so that it's not even there anymore. And so when I see how the political parties act, they want to sit there and lay people out publicly, not for their actions, but who they are as a person. And, you know, actions and having the ability to differentiate between actions, what, you know, poor actions or, or processes, or that is a whole lot different than going after people on a personal basis, just to destroy them. The better way to approach it would be, see if you can have a discussion with them and a real discussion, not one where you're acting like a bunch of deranged idiots, but to have a statesman type discussion and see if you can see if you can find something that you can agree on And not have to be right. And, you know, the other thing is usually when somebody steps back and doesn't try to be king of the mountain, the game stops. And then you can actually work together, not trying to fight for the top of the mountain, but sitting there down at the bottom of the mountain, looking up at the mountain, trying to fix the real problems because that's where the real problems are. Yeah, I agree 100%. But as far back as the story of Moses, you know, like me and many other people in recovery, you know, I have a similar story. You know, like the way I live because of my problems, because of drinking and drugs, there was a lot of shame involved. You know, I have two daughters and a son. And, you know, there was a point where I had to look at the truth. And, you know, people would say, you know, how can you live like that? You know, don't you care about what your kids think about you? or anybody thinks about you. And, you know, that's very important. You know, I really didn't like myself. I hated myself. I felt more suicidal in the beginning years of my recovery, my sobriety, than I ever did my entire life. Really? I had to look at the truth about how I lived and how substance abuse impacted my behaviors and how it impacted every part of my life, specifically my relationship with my kids, my family, my mother, everyone. And, um, you know, I had some really bad behaviors and, you know, I was morally bankrupt, emotionally bankrupt, you know, spiritually bankrupt, you know, alcohol and drugs was, was my higher power was my God that bring me to my knees every day. And to take that away from me, I felt like, you know, it was like a funeral. Like I lost my best friend, you know, that's all I knew that that was my life at one point, you know, there's a saying to recover, you know, many come, but few are chosen. And, um, The only thing I can do right every day is to keep putting my hand out and keep living the life of virtue that I have. And I meet a lot of people who are broken and they can't look at themselves in the mirror like I did at one point. And they wouldn't be able to sit here. I never imagined I'd be on your show and have the life I have today. And I don't have all the materialistic things. I'm not a rich man, but I'm rich in a lot of other ways that you can't put a price on. That's true richness. True richness is what you have, not the fake things of this material world. They don't matter. No, it doesn't matter. I already won in life. I won 100%. The hand of God came down, and he reached deep inside of me, and he cleansed me. He put that blanket over me, and he protects me every day. I can say that today. I'm very blessed and fortunate. And, you know, I feel like this, like when I speak at places and I'm out there in society, you know, I speak in front of hundreds of people in substance abuse, and I get to meet their moms, their dads, their fiancés, their wives, their brothers, their sisters, like, oh, you don't understand, you know, so-and-so has been in 100 facilities, he's been going through this 20 years, and then I'd speak and I'd come up crying, please, can you help him take my number? But, you know, it's, we can only... give what we have and that's by you know if if you want people to change be the change in the world you know don't talk about it be about it and I really believe you know it's going to be one person at a time you know as we help one person at a time out there you know it's going to make a difference and there's a lot of people and a lot of problems and it only takes the real people to step up and those real people are still out there and we need to find them and get them elected and put them in and have the right people up there to help society, to help save America. You know, it's like one big movie right now. You know, it's hard to believe it's all true and happening. And I never imagined this when I was a kid that society and life in America would turn out to be the way it is today. You know, it's so serious. And, you know, there's a high probability things could get even worse. Yeah, I think it's going to get worse and that's okay. I mean, I think at this point in time, I think it's going to be God himself that's going to be cleaning the stalls out here. He needs to come down and flip the table right away. Yeah, he needs to come down here and he's already here. But I mean, you know, Jesus needs to take a hold of this thing. I agree with you. We're all vessels. And I believe when we speak and we help each other, you know, that's God working through us as a vessel, using us as a tool, you know, to carry his message and to help instill the right virtues and to guide us to do the right things to help other people. You know, that's how it works for me. Let's go back to this political thing. What if the people in these political venues or these political things actually treated those people around them like they were actually talking to Jesus himself? I mean, what would that change? Because God says that you may be entertaining angels unaware. What if you're actually talking to one or you put that mindset on that you're actually talking to somebody that is more important than what you maybe thought they were. I mean, what would that do? What would that do is if you talk to everyone, not what would Jesus do, but what if you were talking to Jesus? How would you frame that differently, the way you're talking with people around you? Would you talk with humility? Would you be respectful for them? Would you care? Would you be interested? Or is it just... out of contempt and wanting to control people. What would happen if we changed that entirely around? I think we might have some answers there because it's clear that Jesus showed up in a myriad of ways through the Old Testament. And people would say, oh, it was the angel of the Lord. Well, that's another way of saying it was Jesus himself that was there. Or the angels. What would you do if the person that you hate the most in the world, you actually tried to treat them like you would if it was Jesus standing there. I've I've experienced a lot of moments like that with a lot of people in my life. And you know what? I had to learn how to forgive people without them even knowing about it. And as I did that and learned how to do that, you know, I experienced more inner growth and spiritual growth within myself. And that became a reflection of how. I keep an open mind and deal with each person in my life, you know, along my journey. You know, nobody's perfect and, you know, none of us are going to be Jesus. And I could never compare myself, you know, to being a Jesus or being a God. But, you know, like I said, you know, the book taught me how to live a life a certain way and teaches me virtue and honesty and all that is good in the world. So I strive to live my life as a good man and a good person and try to, you know, maybe that's going to rub off on people around me. You know, like the saying goes, you know, show me your friends and I'll tell you who you are. And, you know, I'm around a lot of broken people. And I spend a lot of time around the worst people in society. And people say, why are you wasting your time around those pieces of crap? You know, in my eyes, they're not pieces of crap. You know, before I judge someone, I look in the mirror at myself. You know, I reflect back on myself every day, you know, and ask myself that I hurt someone's feelings. If I did, you know, can I call them up and tell them, you know, I'm sorry. You know, nobody's perfect. And, you know, life ain't easy. But, um. The best thing I can do every day is try to be a good man and carry a message and always keep my hand out and be compassionate. I wear my heart on the end of my sleeve and I know people are going to hurt me. I have somebody that's looking over me to protect me for those things. But he also teaches me how to protect myself and have healthy boundaries. A lot of the basic principles and the blueprint how I live my life You know, I try to teach other people how to do it, but one size hat doesn't fit all heads. And it's pretty much the same terminology on a larger scale in politics. You know, not every solution is going to work across the spectrum. So, you know, we need to find quality people and good people who know how to really get in there and insert themselves and impact. not just society but the other politicians like to quiet their minds and hear some kind of message like look you know it's not a uniparty or anything this is about saving America and helping change society for the better you know the people in America the more they get along with each other and the kinder they become to each other you know the more the chances they're going to learn more things and become productive in society and help build our country prosperously you know instead of the evil spirits coming in and everybody attacking each other and hating each other and causing the division. You know, that's where the problem sits, the problem lies, and all the other million and one problems on top of it. But, you know, if you want to see America change and you want America to become better, start looking at yourself. Yeah, that's so true. It's amazing. When you're by yourself, how are you thinking and how are you living? You know, it's called living a life of integrity. You know, you're behaving and thinking the right way when nobody else knows about it. When you're hiding behind your walls in your mansion. That's the key. The key right there is like, like, can you anything? I think that the perception is that what we do in the dark, we do hidden. Well, you know what? The dark isn't dark because God's there. He knows what you're thinking. He knows what you're doing. You can't get away from that. You're never alone. No. Three years, I used to say, my grandma was probably looking down on me like, what's wrong with you? Are you serious? Yeah. But, yeah, I agree with you 100%. You know, God is good, you know. God is good. I have a term for God, good orderly direction. Oh, I like that. I love that. I'm going to write that one down. Let's get good orderly direction. It's a common term used in recovery. I'm waiting for my next guest, Chris, to come on here a minute. And hang on a minute. So let's go back to the beginning behind, you know, backstage. What are we going to talk about today, Donna? Yeah. You know, I think you said that the other day and I was really amused by that, that people ask you, what do I, what do I give you as talking points or what can you talk about? And you said absolutely nothing. Have coffee and see what's going on. You know, I, and I guess I feel like, um, um, backstage. Okay. Uh, I didn't come on the right one. Hang on a minute. Let me get them the right, the right, uh, I got to get the right link. Go ahead and talk amongst yourself there, Stanley, for a second. I was hoping you were going to talk about chickens some more. I have a friend who has chickens in Massachusetts. Oh, yeah. No, you know what? I love my chickens. And they're starting to slow down for the season, actually. And so they have a lane cycle. And in the wintertime, they always slow down just a little bit. So let's see. I got to make sure that I get. Hang on one second. I can't. I'm not doing this well. Hold on a minute. I'm going to. Let's see if I can get this to the right person here a minute, because I think he's confused. Chickens are doing okay though. All right, we got the wrong link happening here. No, you're not. Let's see, try this one. Hold on people, we're experiencing technical difficulties. We're experiencing difficulties at the other end of the line here. And let's see, try that one. I think he has the wrong link. Okay, there we go. We'll see if that works. So anyhow, chickens are doing good. They're slowing down for the year a little bit. You know, you get to into the fall and they they don't lay much in the wintertime. Now you can force them to lay all winter, but you have to put a light on them. So like if you if you want to breed any animal or bring them into that cycle, most animals reproductive cycles slow down during the wintertime. which is God's protection for babies. You don't want babies hitting the ground in the middle of winter, dead winter, because you're going to lose a significant amount of them just for the cold up here in Michigan. But in the wintertime, the egg laying goes down to almost nothing. And so we can keep them laying by keeping a light on them a certain amount of hours a day, But we don't do that because we feel like that that's the way God created them and it gives them the rest they need. So that they're not just constantly producing. The big farms do that sort of thing. They do things in ways that are not productive or not good for the animals. But we try to do it a little differently so that we're taking care of the animals. We actually like them. They're pets to us. It's funny. We have one that, we have a couple of them that if you don't pick them up when you go out there, they will fly on top of you and wonder, what's the problem here? Why didn't you pick me up? They love being held. And if you picked up a chicken and you walked around with them all day, man, that would be like the best day for the chickens ever because they love, love, love being held. You hear yourself, right? This is why I asked you to talk about chickens because it's kind of like, you know, the same terminology that politicians need to use with society. You know, handle the people like little baby chickens, you know, put the light over them, keep them warm, you know. Yes. Yeah, they're happy. Yeah, that's absolutely true. It's like, it's like, you know, when we take care of others and, and animals, oh man, there's, there's all kinds of tricks that we do with our, with our animals to keep them happy, but you got to know them. And each one of them is different. The horses, every single horse is different. People are like, what's your favorite horse? And it's like, they're all different. You know, they're, they're all, they're just all different. So it's kind of like asking what's your favorite kid? Well, they're all different, you know? And so you don't like say, oh, that's my favorite, unless you're a real, you know, And a person that says that only loves their kids because they're getting something back. You love your kids all the same. So kind of interesting. Okay, so I see Chris there. So I'll bring Chris on in a minute. Chris, how you doing? Good, good. How's it going, guys? Hi, how's it going? How you been? Good, good, very good. Good. Look like you're all dressed and ready to go. I'm in a jogger suit today. Oh, are you? Running around? Yeah. Yeah, I just got my jogger suit on. So if you want to stay on a minute, I'm going to take a real quick break here. Gives myself a quick chance to stretch and all that. And we'll be right back to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. And just stay on, Stan. This is great because I love you. I got you. All right. You stay on? I'm on. I'm on. Okay. I'll see you in a few minutes. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the 26th day of August 2024 and I'm on my second hour here with Stanley Lazewski and Chris Diehl, the big deal. You're a big deal. I'm looking at all of the things that are going on And I want to first say, you've got a very smart audience. You've got a very intelligent crew. I've seen Marcia, Robert, Keith, Angela. You've got a lot of smart people out there that are, and that's just to name a few, that are watching your show. This information war that we're having has really been turning around. It's been turning around because a lot of people are finding the guts to say how they feel instead of being afraid of having their door knocked down or being in politically correct. I'd like to talk for a second about the OGAs out there that the government's misrepresenting as intelligence officers or agents or agencies. There's no such thing as an OGA, except for the fact that it's not an other. It is, in a sense, an other government agency that the FBI and our government hasn't told us about. In that fact, Christopher Wray is truthful, but he's very misleading. And what it stands for is Global Health, well, Office of Global Affairs. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with intelligence. It has more to do with the indoctrination of our universities, hiring kids directly out of the universities, even before they're out of the universities. they're hitting them up to join the Human Health Services Agency, which is a actual government agency. This OTA bullshit is a foreign, an extension. I'll be right back. Can't get into this. I've got probably my mom's thing. Go ahead. but is like an extension or an arm of the human health services. And what OGA, the euphemism Office of Global Affairs is doing, they have what's called, out of that, they have Global Health Alliance, which that arm of Office of Global Affairs That part of it is the arm that is seeking partnerships with people that fund, people that will help them financially. You have global health security. Global health security has not anything to do with the security of your health which is what they proclaim it has to do with uniformed security enforcement of their agenda okay I don't have I don't think I need to explain that they have global health diplomacy that is a arm also that they are basically the ones going out selling people brainwashing people and inoculating people into the global fantasy. It starts with what, Chris? Say that again. Well, this is all the Office of Global Affairs. the OGA, the other, Christopher Wray says, government agencies, which absolutely have nothing to do with our security. It has to do with an infiltration that is happening presently, or a definite attack on our constitutional republic with foreign governments such as the ones that support the WHO. The WHO wants to infiltrate our country through the Office of Global Affairs, which is the main output of human health services agency, governmental agency. Look it up. The human health services agency The ones that are supposed to protect your health in this country are reaching out to the WHO. The guy that runs the WHO is a former terrorist. He is the president and CEO of the WHO. He is a POS. Not to offend anybody, but that definition stands for piece of shit. I would like to see that son of a bitch hung. I'm telling you, because he is attacking our country. He needs to be sent down to put him on a vacation with the rest of our politicians that are pushing this shit in our government right in front of our face. I mean, this is. in our face. This is like saying, you're stupid. You're stupid. Everybody watching this show, they're saying it's stupid because we're just going to call it a different name. And like a cloud rolling over your country real slowly, we're going to go ahead and indoctrinate all of the university students, make them enforcement agents of our agency. And we are going to dictate how you perform, how you act when we go ahead and we biologically attack you with another COVID-19. We'll call it monkeypox. You know what monkeypox is? Here I go into one step that leads into another. Monkeypox, remember the AIDS? uh uh situation when that came out in the 70s yeah okay dr uh fakie he was out there uh in that situation and dr fakie uh who was also the one in charge of covet where did it come from where did they say covet came from A monkey, I mean a bat, right? Right. Okay, so these are animals that they are really into. I don't know what it is. I guess they do something with monkeys. They're so close with these animals that they get these diseases. So they went ahead and they said, okay, monkeypox, right? This is all coming from Hitler-style WHO terrorists and shit, okay? This is their idea. Fakie just jumped on board. Hey, sounds like a great idea. We'll attack the black communities, give them all AIDS. We'll say it came from monkeys. We'll say black people made love to monkeys. Someone brought it back, and the homosexuals started – invading the black communities. Oh, it's not their fault. They didn't mean to. They just screwed a monkey and came over here and bam, bam, bam. There it is. They tried to attack the homosexual community, the poor communities. They tried to wipe them out. OK, that's what they've been doing forever. Ever since slavery, they've been trying to to be the ruling racial class. And they're still doing it today. They're doing it now with monkeypox. Now, it must be the same monkey. He's probably very old now. He probably once had AIDS and gave it to this guy that gave it to the United States, you see. And now this monkey that's going around, now he's got monkey pox. I mean, this monkey just can't stay out of trouble. I don't know what's going on with this monkey, but he's getting everybody sick. How can we find this monkey and just shoot him and just get rid of him? Then we won't have any more problems. Well, I think you bring up a lot of interesting points here, Chris, for sure. The thing of it is that when you look at what they've done to weaponize every part of the pharmaceutical industry, I mean, look at what they did. Bayer was the precursor of Monsanto. Bayer was making chemical weapons back in World War II, and then they had to figure out what to do, so then they went into pharmaceuticals. And then they merged with Monsanto, which is where the glyphosates and all the glyphosate. I personally think that most of the gluten problems that our country is experiencing really suffering from, it's the glyphosates. It's the Roundup Ready crops. It's not the crops. It's the Roundup itself. Because Roundup is a drying agent. It's a desiccant. And so did you know that they spray the wheat right before they harvest it to get the moisture content down? So they're literally spraying. They don't need it. It's not there to kill the weeds. They're using it to dry them out. And so the problem with these crops is that they're spraying the poisons on right before they harvest them because it increases their bottom line as it kills us. So going back to what you said about the monkey pox and whatever that they've engineered, they're engineering all these things. Margaret Sanger stated goal for Planned Parenthood was to bring down the population of non-Caucasians. I remember back in the 90s on a radio station, they were talking about how they cloned a tomato and they extended the shelf life of it and they used the genes from a frog. And then later on, you know, in the 2000s, I hear about how Monsanto, who were the manufacturers of Agent Orange in the Vietnam War, one of the main causes of cancer amongst veterans from the Vietnam era, you know, were in bioengineering. know the seeds for our crops you know first it was about um keeping uh to sustain the crops from the flooding around the world you know the rice and the wheat you know this way when the waters reside you know the crop's still there standing but then you know you get into the deeper end of it where they actually built in pesticides into the dna structure of some of the seeds for our crops and how america has the highest cancer rate and obesity rate worldwide And it all started, you know, when we started messing around with the DNA of the seeds, you know, through Monsanto, you know, I, I, I don't know about you, but you know, I don't, I don't eat genetically modified organisms, you know, GMO food or, or processed food, you know, when it all started and, you know, we changed the food supply, we started changing people, you know, and it just wasn't on a physical end of it, you know, but you're speaking about how to indoctrinate and, and going through the world health organization. and using bureaucracy and laws and rules that they're creating. And when a pandemic hits, you know, that strips us from a constitutional right because martial law and government law overrides it in the name of national security. You know, I could see this, but, you know, how many people in society see what's really going on? But thanks, you know, for bringing that up. You know, I try to simplify things for people sometimes because I've learned how to simplify things for myself to understand it. But it's real important. It all matters. And again, if you really look at the bigger picture, America's under attack. It's just not on a social level amongst ourselves in society. It's abroad. It's coming from all. You speak about- about the who, you know, it's just like fentanyl. Fentanyl is the precursors of manufacturing in China. The cartels have it. It's not cocaine no more. It's not heroin. It's fentanyl. And it's an attack on our country. It's killing millions of Americans instead of Americans getting a degree or becoming something productive in society, they're becoming a burden on society and they're dying, you know, running around in the street, you know, robbing and stealing. So, you know, as other countries grow and prosper because they don't have drug problems and have failed government you know they're holding down you know we're the ones we're the challenge ones we're the ones that need to step up and start speaking more about what's really happening and start advocating for change we need to change we need to get rid of these politicians these people in power and start making bring it back to the beginning let's bring back the constitution and just keep the constitutional for every one law we have how many bylaws do we have in rules I really like your analysis, though, on the Health and Human Services and all these departments, Chris, because, you know, you worked in the belly of the beast there in D.C. for a while. So, I mean, you really do understand how this all dovetails together. And, you know, they really... if anybody believes anything coming out of fake stream media, fake news, all fake news out there, or, you know, anything, any of their agendas that they're pushing, I got to tell you, you're being manipulated because they've got no good plan for you. They're not interested in helping. They're only interested in hurting. If they were, the first thing they would do is probably start cutting the bloat out of government, but that would cut down on themselves. So they're not going to do that. i I think I agree with you and I think that they should also vet these people that are coming in or saying that they're from this place while jd vance I'm going to take jd vance as an example jd vance um I've been doing some research on him, and I found that Peter Thiel is the one that really funded his whole political career. And if you look up Peter Thiel, Peter Thiel did a lot of work for the CIA, a lot of investment banking and stuff like that for the CIA directly. And he saw something in J.D. Vance, and he put money toward him. I don't know if another Mike Pence. It's it's funny that that he has that tie and nothing's been brought up about it. He's been financed by a guy directly involved with the CIA. He's been financed and funded by. I would say that he's not straight. From what I found, you know, he's definitely not bringing it up. He's definitely not talking about his financial, you know, foundation or anything like that. I think that they're trying to set Trump up. This is just another rant topic that I have of another one. I think they're trying to set Trump up. Well, who doesn't know that, right? Yeah, that's kind of like a big duh there, Chris. I mean, they've been trying to set him up from the beginning. I don't see enough people that are actually faithful, not only to him, but the American people. The crime wasn't just committed against Donald Trump. The crime was committed against all of America. When they attack one of us, they've attacked all of us and our rights. We fight for equal rights. This is a constitutional republic. And when that vote went down, when he was deprived his office, we were deprived of our voice and our ability to self-govern. Yep. Our rights were violated. Yes, they were. And I'm not sure, but I think that's not only an impeachable offense for Biden, but I think it goes a little bit further. I think they deserve a little vacation down south. Well, let's talk about integrity. I agree with you on that. Anyone who accepts a position like that, knowingly, because he knew they were part of it, right? Even if you accept a position and you know that it's going on, I don't care what your capacity is. You have the ability to walk away and then you better be screaming from the rooftops of what's going on, not covering it up. We are all called to do that. That's integrity. Not just go along to get along, not just accept a position and think that we're all good enough to change everything in a position. How are you going to change a position when the swamp is so bad that, you know, you're just going to end up getting dirty by getting in there? Well, You know what? At that point, it does take a whistleblower to stand up or a person with integrity that got in there for the right reason and stayed in there for the right reason because most of them do get blackmailed or they do get offered something that is against the morality in which they live. They accept it. Ah, come on. It's okay. We all do it. They do it and then they use it against them later when it comes up for a bill vote or it comes up for uh anything to stand for these people then fold you know because they don't want the threat of losing their children their wife their home their their what they value more they find out what they really value is is their people at home it's not really about the money because when it comes time to make a decision and you got a gun to your head or not to your head, but your kid's head. And they're saying, we're going to wipe out your family if you don't put your signature on this bill. And let me tell you what, operatives, I know operatives in D.C. Well, I used to. That shit was going on back in the frickin 70s. And it ran downhill straight down to the Metropolitan Police Department. And you had drunks driving around, lieutenants that were detectives driving around drunk. They were Metropolitan Police Department. And we're like, well, what if you get pulled over or something like that by another, you know, by one of your brothers, you know? And he's like, I just flashed my badge. And it's all, that's the example. It's all good in the hood. It's all, as long as we're all brothers and sisters, we protect one another from the crimes that we commit. So the public never find out because we keep it a secret, all the way down to the Metropolitan Police Department. And that carries over into Maryland, into the Prince George's County Police Department. I know because I worked right beside him with the Prince George's County Fire Department. which I was a part of and served, and I was proud to say I served for them, but it runs all over the place. Anywhere in the government, they protect their own from us. They keep it as silent as they can because they don't want a black mark on anything that you do below the one that was elected to hold that office. Anybody down the chain screws up, guess what? It's a reflection on the guy that got elected. That's why they protect each other. Without a doubt. Son of a bitch in office. Guys, I have to bid you farewell. Thank you for having me, Donna. My time's run out. God bless you guys. God bless America. God bless you. I love talking to you. You have a great day today, my friend. You too. Thank you. Bye-bye. This whole protection racket that they've got going on, I think that the extent of it is so vast and so shocking. When it comes out, not if, but when it comes out, it's going to rock this country right down to its core. And what these people have been involved in, and their superhero status that they've given people, instead of looking at them for what they actually have done. I said it right off the bat when I saw J.D. Vance, and I'm like, what? What? I'm like, why would that guy, unless he's controlled, which I don't, I'm kind of stopping believing or switched out. Who knows? They got a lot of body doubles out there and such. But it was one of those moments where you just kind of like, I can't reconcile this. I cannot reconcile it. When you have someone, they always say once CIA, always CIA, because they've all been doing bad stuff. So how do you just walk away from that after having been involved in things that compromise people. Why do you walk away from some of that and expect that everything's going to be hunky-dory? Gee, we're just going to sit down with our mamaw and things are going to be great again. I don't think that it works that way. I've got a lot of questions, a ton of them. And it's shocking that they were not asked at the RNC. I don't know if you know this, but I was threatened by the Secret Service to be thrown out of the RNC thing in Wisconsin. Rowan. Yeah, because of one of my posts. I didn't think it was that bad. I was just saying the truth, but clearly that wasn't a good thing to do. I didn't take it down, but I was like, I'm not going to take it down. It made me madder than hell, though. I'm going to tell you what, that they would try to censor me or remove me because I said something. I'm like, I will return fire and say, this is the truth. This is what's said. But I'm like, I'm not taking it down. And that's the way it's going to be. It's going to stand up there because it was the truth. I'm not going to make an apology for saying the truth. The truth is the truth. And if somebody doesn't like it, then that's an organization I don't want to be a part of. I don't need that kind of nonsense. I would rather walk away from something than just to be included in something that I believe is wrong. Another word to describe it. misinformation and or disinformation is freedom of speech. They're taking your freedom of speech away by implementing misinformation, disinformation. Oh, we don't want misinformation to be on social media because it's gonna hurt people. Excuse me. That's called freedom of speech. I can say anything I want. You can disagree with me. You can put me down for it. You can turn me off. But I have a right to say how I feel. That is a God-given right, not a man-given right. Man didn't give us the right to express ourselves or to gather in one place and talk with one another or to protest together about something that we may not like. Because once you take that right away, how does that affect you, the one that did that? I'm really upset. I'm really frustrated with the fact that our government has done nothing to return fire on the people that are attacking our rights now. Misinformation, disinformation, crap. This is an attack on our Constitution. This isn't a political debate. Right. It's a threat. It is a clear and present threat. And they need to be termed what they are. It's domestic terrorism. That's exactly what's going on. And to say the words that it is, it is domestic terrorism. exactly and the fact that they have our agencies government agencies which they don't tell us about we have to find out about it the hard way when you have the president of who come and tell us that we're going to have to be uh locked down because another uh thing is coming and if you're not you're going to be arrested and all this oh I'm like who the hell are you right terrorists trying to come into my country, trying to invade my rights, telling me what I got to do if there's a pandemic, which you're going to produce and put on the American people. Oh, man, don't. Yeah, I get it. Well, this right here, what you're looking at right here, ladies and gentlemen, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services is a domestic terrorist organization. I said it. I'm not going to back down. You want to come after me? That's good. It'll give me something to sue your asses about. WHO. That is a terrorist organization. World Health Organization. That is a foreign terrorist organization. But let's just go down here and see their X account. I don't know why there's nothing there. Because they can't make a damn thing work is why. They can't even make that work. There, I said it. So that's what we have. Well, it's an intrusion on our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. And for our government to even have any kind of a positive conversation or have this DEI person make her or it, whatever the hell it is, to be the leader of our HHS, to speak with the WHO and say, yeah, we want to be partners No. You want to be partners with the United States of America, with the American people. That's who you have to be a partner with. You're being a partner with the wrong people. The foreign people, the foreign... God loves this world and the people in it. But... You've got to be partners with Americans first. You can't be going making partners with them behind our backs. To me, that's treason. That's treason itself. You're bypassing us totally, just like you have our taxes, just like you've misrepresented us with taxes. You're doing the same thing. You're inviting a foreign entity into our government. That's treason. yep there you go and and the fact that any of these people want to shut us up we should all be mad I mean furious over this you know when that when secret service when the word was given to me that secret service said that they were going to remove me because of a post they finally somebody finally bought me ice cream to distract me because I was so doggone mad I was ready just to burn you know to to start to start the jumps not really you know I'm not not a physical one But I was ready to just let it fly. And it wouldn't have stopped. You know me well enough to know that issues of such matters. Once I get started, as a professional ass chewer, it never ends. And I don't give a shit if I'm locked up. It's like it's one of those things that it just gives me something better to work on and sue about, really. You know, what are you going to do? What are you going to threaten me with? Threaten me to shut my mouth? I'd rather die first. Beautiful. I would have to jump in front of the crowd and say no to keep them away from you. Keep you away from the crowd. Yeah. Chris is there. Chris is there as my security and ends up being the crowd security. I said that a few times. I'm like, I, when, when somebody's done the wrong thing, I'm like, weigh your next answer very carefully, especially when they decided to threaten me a couple of times, you got, you got less than 20 seconds to weigh your response very carefully. Cause it's like, it's like, you know, and I was planning my next move and it wasn't going to be positive. It was not going to be a positive day for that person. They chose, they chose poorly. They just do. That's what they do. The Secret Service is really, you know, the men and women that go in to serve for the reasons that they serve, and they go in for the right reasons, and they do a difficult job. But the problem is at the top, as everybody knows. But at this point, you have Robert. Kennedy Jr., that the Biden administration told Secret Service, do not protect him. Do not give him any service. Another reason to love the guy, right? I mean, another reason. If they hate him, you got to love the guy. I've already offered my services to him. I like the guy. I think he's a great guy. Yep. You know, when you think about it, Trump made the best move of his political career to have him be on the team. And I think that it would even be a better step if you took him one step further and made him vice president and kicked J.D. Vance to the curb. Because I'm telling you what I saw of the crowd when J.D. Vance was there and he stepped aside like crazy. Then when RFK Jr. got up there and spoke beside Donald Trump, that was a golden, that was a team, boy. That was a team that Donald Trump introduced and said, look, we may not agree on everything, but we do agree on America. And he introduced Robert Kennedy Jr. And let me tell you something. That right there, if that's not a uniting situation to occur, the best political move he could ever make is to make him the vice president. I'm going to throw another wrench into the works here. I personally would probably choose a different person. I would put... Kennedy in as attorney general, because what he does best is he fights, he fights in court and he wins and he fights for the rights of individuals against big pharma and all these corporations. He would be the best attorney general this nation has ever seen in the whole world. So based on his skillset, that's what I would ask him to do. Be attorney general and give him every resource he needs to tear this globalist, a crime syndicate down and rip it out by the roots, put it on a dumpster fire and set that thing on fire. That's exactly what Black Rock, State Street, Arabella, all of them and give him the ability to just add Monsanto, the rest of them, give him the ability to rip this poison out by the roots. Okay. And that's where I would put him. Now, going back to vice president. Hmm. Who would Donna put in as vice president? I stay corrected. It wouldn't. It sure as hell wouldn't be J.D. Vance. And who would you put there? Because that's a great idea. Attorney General, that's that's an awesome idea. You got to look at the skill set. And so he can deal, you got to get somebody that is capable and willing to do the job, right? So you're looking for the skill sets. You're not looking for popularity contests. You're looking for someone who will absolutely get in there and clean out the swamp. That means they can't be part of it. Anybody that they looked at so far is disqualified because they're all part of the swamp. I got the person. Donna Brandenburg. Oh man, that, that, that would be, that would be the shit hits the fan moment. Wouldn't it? Um, I was kind of thinking along the line, but of somebody who has some military experience. And that could run, you know, you can run it as the nation as a company, which it should be. And that would be a good qualifier. But I also think that there are some wonderful people that are within the military that have the skill set of working within the system. Ivan Raiklin should be on the team. I'm not saying... Ivan definitely. Ivan definitely. Sergeant of Arms is as Ivan Raiklin. Okay? That's where he needs to go. And he laid it out. He'd be great at that. It would be fantastic. Because him and somebody who is really good at tearing things down and has gotten way past give a crap about any of their feelings. I got it. I got it. Put Ivan Raiklin as FBI director. Put... Put... Put... Dan Bongino, Director of Secret Service. I'm kind of out on that one. You are? Yeah, no. I'm not good with that one. I'm good with that one. I'm not. I'd put you in charge of Secret Service because I know you. No, I would probably hurt the Secret Service. I know you would. Okay, so we're going to scratch that one. We'll scratch that one, okay? Yeah. But, um, I think, I think there's a couple of people that I know that are in the military that would be outstanding, outstanding, um, that, that I think would that have bucked everything stood, stood the first, the first qualifier is, did they fold under pressure or did they stick with their integrity or did they just stay to be part of an organization or did they stand regardless? Why do you not like Bongino? He's got experience. He's done the work. He's got the resume. Okay. You know what? We'll throw him in the resume considering area. How's that? Make him an applicant. Okay, we'll have to have applicants. We'll have an applicant there. And then one of these days, I'll tell you who my VP choice would be, okay? But it sure as heck isn't Vance, and it wouldn't have been Doug Burgum. It wouldn't have been, you know, he had three people he was going to choose from, and all of them wouldn't have made the cut. I mean, that wouldn't have made – none of them would have made the first – round of cuts with me. They would have been out of here. It's got to be somebody who can be the president of the United States country the same way Trump would. Yeah, somebody who isn't obsessed with getting all the bros in and the people in that are hanging out. And I mean bros by brothers and sisters that said the bit, how do I say it? The old guard, the politicians, the good old boys club, that sort of thing. It's got to be somebody who is not interested in that. Because those are the ones that are going to hit the chopping block right there. They're the first ones to go. And I know when I talked to General Flynn one time, I'm like, yeah, when we were talking and I was actively running, though I'm not conceding to the 2022 election, I'm like, I need some planes. I need some really fast planes. Not comfort planes, but big planes that are going down to Gitmo, running full-time, full-time, you know, round trip to Gitmo. And we're going to clean this thing out. And that's... bricklayers, blocklayers. We need to build some more space. Yeah, I think they already put like $29 million into Gitmo. So as long as you make appointments with God, you don't need a lot of storage area down there because that's just temporary holding grounds for people who committed treason. So I'm kind of okay with that. I kind of actually think, you know, it'd be a great idea. You'd have to take, if you took part of Detroit, okay, because Detroit isn't what, there's so much condemned ground there. It's not even funny. And I'm not sure how much you can do on American soil though, if you designated something else. If you did something where they were gonna put the World Economic Forum, seize that land because that was from Queen Gretchy here in Michigan, our lousiest governor in the history of the world. She decided to bring the World Economic Forum to Detroit and make that their national headquarters. Thank you very much. No, none of us want them there. as you track garbage into our state from Canada, piece of crap. You want to talk a POS, that's it. So anyhow, if you took that land and turned it into Gitmo North, Look, you can save transportation costs right here. You just take them over there on Greyhounds or whatever it is. I think we can even spring for some buses. And I don't mean comfort buses. I mean like bare floor buses. You just sit yourself, stack them in there nice and tight so they're a little uncomfortable for what they did to the people of America. Ship them off to Gitmo 2.0. Make the appointments with God. Temporary holding area. Out of here. You should have chosen better. Yeah, that would be a way to definitely make the trip easy. That is the Brandenburg cost-cutting method of cleaning out corruption and crap. You just got to be thinking about these things, Chris. Yeah, it just escaped me. Michigan. I didn't want to hurt all those apple trees. I didn't want to think about pulling an apple and thinking I'm going to be eating Hillary Clinton. You've got to bury them somewhere, you know? There's a lot of trees that need, you know, good soil. You know, incinerators. I don't even think they'd make great, like, fertilizer. I mean, you've got to really be starting to think on this one. You know, the crematoriums would be busy. You know, lots and lots of crematoriums. So there you go. Got a lot of those in Germany. Yeah, I don't believe that nonsense either. You know what? Have you ever really looked at the gas chambers in Germany? No. Yeah, we better start questioning that a little bit. You tell me that they gassed 11 million people there to get rid of them. you know, are executed. I think a lot more of them were done by just this open trench shooting them and letting them fall in and such. But the amount of people that were killed in the gas chambers, is highly inflated. I'm not saying it didn't happen, but when you look at the actual structure of the buildings, it would be physically impossible to have run that many people through there. Not that it didn't happen, but you got to realize that they are lying their tails off about everything. And quite honestly, I mean, they killed, you know, there were 5 million Christians that were killed, 6 million Jews, and there were a bunch of gypsies. I mean, There were anyone that disagreed with them, they killed. It was not designated to one person. a class of people or one race. But they sure as heck have made everybody believing that. And that's a great place to mislead people, create a victim class that can't be questioned, and then do all sorts of things behind the scenes. Now, I don't hold anything against the Jewish people. I don't. I don't hold anything against the Palestinian people or the Chinese people or any race whatsoever. I don't care if people are Our black, white, purple, yellow, pink, polka dot, whatever. This is a made up construct. And I reject it all. It's all we're all made. God made us all. And that's the end of story. And I think it's all stupid. But when you get an organization or a group of people that say like the ADL stands behind and everything else that can't be questioned or they lose their total shit. We have a big problem. Huge problem. Nobody is above being questioned. Nobody. And if you can't question them, that's where the problem lies right there. Guaranteed. It does. I agree. It's all leadership because you can't tell me for one second that Americans, while they're sitting there laying brick on their work, are going, those damn Chinese, those sons of bitches. I can't stand those Chinese. They have so many restaurants here, those sons of bitches. No, nobody's saying that. The Chinese aren't sitting there thinking, it would be a great morning, but those damn Americans are just really pissing me off. I mean, come on. Africans don't wake up hating people, Chinese people don't. You know what? Everybody just wants to live in peace. It's the leaders that are greedy, that want more for their country and are willing to use and chop off the heads of the people that feed them and give them their luxury, like the Chinese people, the German people, the African people. These people just want to live their lives, but their leaders have to have them pushed down as slaves because how else are they going to get their reward? They're just service. They're riches. They steal. They're in charge of stealing from you, the population. But I, as a politician, have to come up with a good enough lie to sell to you. It's called diplomacy. I go ahead and I sell this bullshit to you. You believe it. I've got an agency. It's called the Criminal Intelligence Agency. I'm sorry. The Central Intelligence Agency. And I use them to go over to foreign countries and do criminal acts. You know what? This is all bullshit. This should all be cut out. All of it. but hurting America by doing shit over there. We need to take care of our people first. Look, we used to have a country, Detroit, industry in Detroit, like crazy. Manufacturing in Detroit, like crazy. Michigan, a big, big producing state. We had California with the fruits, wine, grapes, everything. Agriculture crops. Agriculture out of the, I mean, like crazy. We were building cars. We were making steel, iron. We had an industry. We had a country that was a producing country. We were, all except for fuel, oil, we were almost totally independent. What did we do? Well, you and I did- They gave it all away. They gave it all away. The politicians gave all of our- work and wealth and prosperity away to other countries why did you think they did that they did that back in the 70s they were doing it they were doing it in the 60s they were starting it that's why they were coming up with these propaganda twilight zone uh tv shows to show the american people look This is what we're going to do to you. That's what Satan does. Satan goes ahead and tells you basically in a off kind of way what we're going to do to you just to psychologically put it in your brain so that you don't go crazy when they do it. Well, they believe that that absolves them from guilt. I mean, look at what these morons did with the Panama Canal. We built the Panama Canal. We funded the Panama Canal. We had people die building the Panama Canal. And they give it to Panama, who ends up giving it right to China. China owns it now because we were stupid. It's like that should never, ever, ever have happened. Why would you throw something like that away in the first place? Why would you build it on American backs and then all of a sudden give it away and there's no benefit here to the American people? It's like, that's great. Did Panama build it? No. Were the people down there that helped? Yes. But why didn't we do a win-win for Panama and the United States and protect it from invasion from a freaking communist country? Because the people that are in an office in the United States are communists. They are part of this global crime syndicate and they sell everything out to their little buddies that are giving them favors overseas and giving them kids to, you know, kids to screw around with and all that kind of stuff. I mean, that's what's happening. And how many of our politicians, if you don't look, look at all the politicians that have, have ties to, to China. Oh, Betsy DeVos. Am I, huh? Wonder how that worked. I wonder how that worked, you know, and Justin Amash. Justin Amash is right here and everybody's like, oh, he's such a nice person. He's such a nice person. Really? Have you looked into his background? How much connection does he have to China? You should look at that. I believe that he's behind most of the tools that went through Sears and some of the other stuff. It's not just, oh, he's got a nice import business over here on 28th Street. Come on, Harry, let's go buy a car. You know, that kind of crap is like, are you kidding me? It's like, let's look into their backgrounds and the dealings that they have overseas. Where are they connected? Are they are they selling out? Are they standing on the principles of America first, America's jobs first? Or are they shipping everything overseas? Let's look at Marjorie Taylor Greene for a minute. I've got a few bones to pick with her. OK, and this leads into my next my next state segment here a minute. But I'm going to say it. Why is it that she, like every other of these worthless politicians, why didn't she do something? Oh, I don't know. Was she getting money from the pharmaceutical companies before she got in there? Hmm. I wonder what else happened to that might have compromised her. I don't know. But we've got a million people. questions that need to be answered, and just go, oh, she's such a nice person. Look at the words she says. She sounds just like J.D. Vance. She stands up in front of everyone with the great words to say, and everybody believes her. Did I tell you, besides the Peter Thiel, the CIA reference, I think it's Pence 2.0 that President Trump was forced to take him in some manner or another, or some wackadoodle came up with this idea. That's insane. Vance and Pence, they're the same. It's like Pence 2.0 is Vance. So did I tell you about shaking the guy's hand? I shook his hand over here. Oh, my God. It's like I have never shaken a more girly hand on a man in my life. And it was like cold and wet and has 90 degrees out. And I was like, yeah, I like that. I'm like, you know, it wasn't like even myself with my fantastically large stature has a better handshake than that. And I sure as heck wasn't cold and clammy at 90 degrees out. I'm like, dude, what the heck? Yeah. I'm just like, I'm just like asking a lot of questions. And the pomp and circumstance around this and why nobody wants to talk about actually have a really good article. I think I left it up on JD bands. And it was I'll see if I can bring it up here. Because I was like, Are you flipping kidding me? Oh, that's what I said when I when I found out about Peter Thiel. I'm like, how can you people be that stupid to just go along and get along? We're just going to go along and get along as we just watch this country marched right straight to the death. Here, it's on Burning Platform. This is really kind of an interesting article. Watch them have it, like, take it down. I hope I got it all saved. I've got the link saved. But it's like, I'm sitting there watching this going, And nobody's questioning this, but we're all sitting there. Rah, rah, rah. Let's go. Let's go. What's that? Questioning what? Questioning his his appointment at the RNC. Right. This is where I'm going to get secret service. You can't do this. We're going to ban you. You know, we're going to threaten you or something. Screw all of you. Exactly. How come they didn't look at Peter Thiel? Why didn't they look at this guy before they put him in here? So I'm going to put this up here. It's a burning platform. And I think that it's wise. Now, I don't know if he's controlled. I don't know, but nobody's telling any of us the darn thing. So if he's not controlled and he is, let's see. I wonder if they took it down. Nope, it's coming up. It's slow. We're slow. Kind of like a lot of things, I suppose. Look up T-H-E-I-L. Yeah, he's in this article. But anyhow, Bernie platform, man behind Trump's VP pick. I'm like, I would take Kennedy a million times over than Vance. Vance is, I'm like, has nobody done a background check? Has nobody, I mean, if you're going to put somebody in place to run the country, wouldn't you do a freaking background check and find out who you're voting for? Or is it, I'm just going to listen to whoever somebody endorses. I don't think that's a that's not taking our country back or self-governance. That's called stupid sheep following. That's what I'm saying. He makes quick decisions based on, you know, people that say, you know, recommend stuff and stuff. And he's I know he's got a million decisions he makes per day. Well, I'm not even saying President Trump, I'm saying the American population. It's our responsibility as Americans to run our own damn country. It's not to sit there and look at anybody else. I mean, President Trump is amazing. He actually had the guts to step forward and do the right thing, right? What are you going to do when he dies? He's close to 80 years old. And as my mom is laying on the bed, pretty much dying right now. I don't know if she's, you know, I don't know if she's, she should be in surgery actually, but she's dying and she's 88 years old. And it's very likely that she does not die. live more than a few days. I don't know. If she does, it'll be a miracle from God, right? But at any rate, it is our responsibility to look at President Trump and say, you did all of this for us. And you know what? We'll step up. Pick me. I'll help. I'll do something. What are you going to do when he goes on? You better have a sustainability plan or we're screwed. And the fact that nobody did a background check on this guy is so shocking to me. Beyond description. So recent reports noted that TL first recruited Vance into a circle while Vance was still a student. Bing, bing, bing, bing at Yale Law School. Bing, bing, bing, bing. This guy was in there in the crosshairs right from the beginning to do something. Why is he there and why was he not checked out? You know where the CIA goes to recruit recruits? They go to MIT, they go to Yale, they go to Princeton. Yeah. And I'm going to go ahead and as long as I'm throwing everybody under the bus, I'm going to throw MIT under the bus. We all know if you were in the Anaheim community for two seconds, you would have known that Aaron Schwartz was killed by hanging with a red flag. tie necktie around a doorknob how do you how do you hang yourself on a doorknob people really and so it's a he was killed because he found all he had he was a contractor working for mit and he found a whole bunch of child porn because these networks these pedophile networks have got millions of them in it across the globe. He found them, started downloading them eight hours before they caught them and locked them out. That means that there were lots of videos in there. It wasn't just pictures and such. And we're not talking 16-year-olds that look like they're 20-year-olds. We're talking infants that were paid to create this stuff in order to sell it on these networks. That's MIT. And that's where, you know, we can we could go down that rabbit hole for a very long way. So so so here you go. The guy who hung himself was the whistleblower, not the one that was doing any illegal acts with kids. No, they took Aaron Schwartz out. He was a hero. Yeah. Yeah. He was going to just to make sure. Yeah. And they killed him because he was going to bleed it out there. Well, you know what? There's enough of us out there that were in the Anon community long enough to tell you that this ain't never going to die. It's never going to die. Because you know what? We have long memories on stuff like this. And if you were part of taking Aaron Schwartz out, James Dolan, John Perry Barlow, and that whole group of people there, Anons have a very long memory. It's never going to die. You couldn't kill enough of us to kill this. And that's just the way it is. And some of us are willing to die for this country, unlike you people that are only here just to make a buck off of it. So anyhow, but we digress because this is just Chris and Don and this is what we do. Just like that guy that hung himself and then shot himself in the chest. Or twice in the back of the head, that kind of thing, right? No, he shot himself in the chest. That went to the head to make the point. But, you know, he hung himself, supposedly, and then shot himself in the chest. Oh, please. You know, that's definitely a hit. That's a CIA hit. And the CIA contracts somebody else out to do it. They don't do it themselves. You know, the organization and they do operate in the United States. I don't give a shit that they say, oh, no, our job is to perform outside in foreign countries. And the FBI does domestic. Well, yeah, that's what it was set up to do. But that's not what they do at all. You know, I had something that came to me when I was actively running. And that said, basically, you want a hit called on anybody? I can call a hit on everybody. I'm like, you're fired right now. Get out of this room. And went on his way. I immediately called military intelligence and said something. I'm like, I'm just kind of like shocked right now that somebody would be dumb enough to say that and even stupider to engage in that kind of activity. But it was it was I was kind of like shocked. I'm like, OK, nobody carded me to be available to be aware of how bad this is. But it's like, you know, this stuff's going on all the time. And so you just kind of hopefully have friends in high places that you rat them out to it. at that moment in time, they know that, you know, they probably have a short future of being alive on the planet if they step out of line, because you don't, you don't, you don't do that sort of thing. The key is, is as, as Americans, we have to be willing to say something, see something, say something, not be quiet. And, and in all situations. So anyhow, Chris, how are we going to end this thing up today? Um, With what? With you saying a prayer. What, is it time to go? Oh, I've got my J6ers on. I usually say it at the end of the J6ers thing. But anyhow, what do you want to say about anything else? Well, we'll hold this Donna's VP pick for next time. Okay, we'll hold the VP pick. Yeah, and maybe we can bring up the – the bombing issue with the J6ers. I would like them to bring up the fact that there were bombs placed at the DNC where Kamala Harris could have been blown up to pieces, yet she didn't even capitalize on that January 6th. So that was an FBI plan. Actually, I think it was a Federal Protective Agency plan because it's the Federal Protective Service that winds up finding all of these bombs that are in the new tax court building, like I found, or the bench right next to the DNC on J6. Are you shitting me? And the dog, the gunpowder dog, didn't smell, went right past it like nothing. So it didn't have anything in it. So it was a bullshit bomb. They knew it was a bullshit bomb because they kept walking around like it's no big problem. No big problem. And Chris, where potentially are these things made? I have an idea. I know we all do. It's like they can't hide this stuff anymore. Because you can actually, as a person, track it down. And just so you know, if anybody has nefarious plans for anyone, there's dead bands, which is all over the place. You're not going to silence this. We are so done with your nonsense. And following the tracks, we're on to them. We know the companies. We know we're the stuff. And we can follow the trail. I got a company right now. I heard you. Plain view. And they never should have done it. They never should have done it. Because I dug and I dug and I dug. I found a parent company of a certain building that has a different name on it and is owned by someone else now. But that building's parent company, guess what they engage in? uh making rebar making uh uh pipe cylinders with funny screws on the ends of the pipes uh they make uh all kinds of steel and iron type screws and all kinds of things if you wanted to get make a get a bomb together you go right to that building And you just pick out what you want. Fill that bomb with nothing but black powder and screws and cut-up rebar and glass and anything you want. Screw the ends together. Bam. Awesome. Well, we'll leave everybody with that little nugget of truth as we drop them here. And we'll be back on next week, Monday, with the big deal, Chris Steele. I'm going to take just a second break here, and I'll be on in just a minute with Jaleese Middleton. and Ryan Zink. Some more Jay Sixers that we are going to beat this thing until we get it across the United States of America and that everybody knows the crime committed against Americans. May I say one thing? Of course. I want to say thank you to your audience for putting out the things that they do, for the information that they put out, because that shows the strength. And this is why the Democrats are going crazy right now, because of what you're producing online. I want to say thank you to every single one of them. Where are you looking at the comments, Chris? Which channel are you looking at when you mentioned Rob being on and everybody else and Angela? Where are you looking? I was looking on Rumble. Rumble, okay. Yep. Awesome. Some of them aren't coming through to me. I can tell you that right now because I only see several of them, but I'm not seeing all the names that you commented on. Let me look a minute. Okay. Give me a shout out, guys, if you're out there. Oh, OK. Now I'm seeing some of them. But at any rate. All right. I'll be right back with Jay Sixers, political prisoners in America. Thanks, Chris. All right. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. This is the third hour of our show this morning, August 26, 2024. And thank you for joining the show today. Thank you for all the comments that are there. I'm seeing them now. Sometimes I get into conversations and I'm like right here and I forget to look at the comments, but I am paying attention. So anyhow, I'm going to bring our guests on right away. And we have, let's see, Jaleese Middleton and Ryan Zink. How are you guys doing? Can't hear you, Jaleese. I'm not sure what's going on. Ryan, can you talk? Yeah. Can you guys hear me? I can hear you. I can't hear Jalise right now. So we'll wait until we get that figured out a minute. Oh, you know what? Hang on a second while we're doing technical difficulties. The hospital's calling for my mom. I'll be right back. So Jalise, can you see if you can resolve that? And Ryan, go ahead. And I know it's your first time on, but go ahead and I'll be right back. All right. So seems like we have lots of stuff going on. Well, my name is Ryan Zink. I am a January 6th defendant who's due for sentencing on September the 20th. I'm one of the several hundred defendants that had the 1512 C2 removed from my charges. I was actually convicted last year in September. on the felony and two misdemeanors. I was facing basically 22 and a half years in prison. I'm a January 6th defendant that never went in the building. I was on the east side over by the Supreme Court and Whenever I was at January 6th, I was a congressional candidate's media staffer, that congressional candidate being my father, Jeff Zink from CD3 in Arizona. And I was hired to go and document this trip about everything that happened. And when January 6th kicked off, I was waved through the barricades by police officers and made our way up to the east side steps where there were some participants that were engaged in breaking windows and things like that. Hunter Allen Emke is the name of the individual that I videotaped kicking out windows. He's a California Antifa member. who received a four month sentence and thousands of dollars in fines and like two years of probation or something like that. And when all that happened, some of the crowd members had turned on the police officers that were up there and I had started yelling at them and was telling them, hey, just leave them alone. They're just doing their jobs. That's not why we came here. You know, you guys need to just leave him alone, basically. And then those same police officers, now with new discovery that has come out that was not made available to me at my trial, the police actually pulled me and my father behind the police line after Ashley Babbitt was murdered. And I actually have new evidence that one of the Capitol Police officers perjured himself in his testimony. So... We've got some things going. I appreciate Barry Lauder Milk's office and some of the things that Jim Jordan and a couple of the other congressmen are doing, but I think that all January 6th defendants as a whole should be entitled to have all of the discovery that was taken by the FBI, the CIA, and then, of course, the FBI. the ever lying and distrustful January 6th committee that was formed of, you know, Liz Cheney and Benny Thompson and all of them. So I've got some things going forward. I'm immediately going to appeal, um, you know, right now, um, when they talk about the needs of Jay Sixers and like what needs to happen, like platforms like this is one of the biggest, you know, advocate tools that we could possibly get is to get out and share our stories and to, um, you know, show people, you know, the human side of, you know, what the government has tried to do, which is to destroy the patriotic American family, you know, but, uh, I agree with you with that. And thank you. Thank you for jumping in and being able to punt there. That was the hospital calling. And, and so my mom's in the hospital right now. So I had to answer the doctor's call. So I apologize for that, uh, abandon you for a minute, but you did like a champ. That was great. So. Well, you know, as a congressional media staffer, I'm also running again for Congress in 2026 against Jody Harrington, you know, from West Texas. Um, you know, I, I find it completely ironic that, uh, know we had uh donald trump's son don jr was in loving texas on the 23rd and he was giving a speech and they brought in uh dr simone gold and uh john strand to to speak you know when uh don jr was there and yet here I am the only january 6 defendant from congressional district 19 who ran against jody errington and I wasn't allowed to participate in the event um you know because there's there's some ties and that's not a knock at john strand or you know dr simone gold they're both fabulous people or even at don jr because I think that trump's presidency is the only answer that we have right now you know for this nation because I i truly truly believe that kamala harris will destroy us in its entirety the way that they've been doing it over the last three and a half years and uh You know, so it's interesting to see all of these people and the exact reason that I ran against Jody Harrington was because he doesn't speak up. I don't feel like he is a man of the people. I think that he's only there because he went to the local university there in Lubbock and, you know, he worked for the Bush campaign, which I think, you know, we've all seen some of the stuff that's come out of the Bush campaign and. being a prodigy of that. The Bushes are globalists. There's no two ways about it. They're globalists. They were funding through the North Sea Standard Oil. They were working both sides of World War II. They have been involved in this for a long time. Prescott Bush was the banker for the Nazis. This is not what we think it is. And so when we look at the labels of Republicans, Democrats, or whatever, you really better do your research on these people because they're Some of these people are monsters. And then you look at the CIA connections with George Bush and such. I give nobody any credit for having the pedigree. Absolutely. I mean, I've you know, I've seen and heard a little bit of that stuff. But, you know, the primary focus that, you know, that I have as a congressional candidate, as well as a Jay Sixer, is that, you know, what happened to my life and to Mark and Jaleesa Middleton, you know, for, you know, the other guests that's on this show. You know, some people are more familiar with her. I know she's been on here a few times. It's that if. Left unchecked, our federal government is going to do this to every American family. And so that is my battle is to go out. And my primary mission in life is to spread the word of God, to preach the gospel out to everyone who would need it. And then secondly, to protect the American family, you know, because it's in God we trust, not in government we trust. And because, you know, people that are elected into these positions, they have a set of rules and stuff that they can go. along with that they haven't been doing. And it's up to the American people to hold them accountable. But where's the accountability for the bureaucrats? That's one of the biggest things that I'm trying to wake people up to. You look at Anthony Fauci, he's one of the worst bureaucrats that we've ever seen. He's possibly responsible for the death of millions of people. that I'm sure the investigations are going to be opened wide up. And then at the same time, while completely being devoted to changing all of these three-letter agencies and the government to benefit the American people, we still have to bridge the gap with the other side. And I think in recent political spectrums, we see things like RFK Jr. joining Donald Trump as a campaign staff member and being a member of his cabinet. pulling people together and doing the right thing I think is the biggest portion of what America needs right now because we have gone far too long unchecked with our three-letter agencies. Like in my case, the original arresting officer, the FBI agent Michael T. Brown, out of the Washington field office, he stated that in his findings, and I'm quoting here verbatim from his from his account. It says the actions of Mr. Zink led to violent entry into the capital of the assault of multiple police officers and the death of a federal police officer. He tried to implicate me in the death of Michael, sorry, Brian Sicknick. And, you know, we just saw Brian Sicknick's brother. And his mother go on at the DNC convention and say everything except the truth of what happened. Like Brian Sicknick was not hit by one of the January Sixers. There's no evidence to that. It looks that he was struck with a fire extinguisher by another police officer. And, you know, that was my original arrest warrant that came from the FBI. And, you know, one of the things that we need to do for accountability, like on a majority of these January 6 cases, is that FBI agents, when they go in to these federal judges like Zia Faruqi, who has signed off on probably 95% of these arrest warrants and sworn affidavits by FBI agents, they don't have to present any evidence. They're basically just given this... uh, this free reign, this card that says, you know, like, Hey, what's up? I'm an FBI agent. I swear that in a test that the above is true. And then there's no, there's no way to go back and to look into these people's history and stuff, you know, and you go and you look at, uh, let's take one of the, uh, you know, the prosecutors against the January six defendants. There was a man that was repeatedly stabbing a guy in a traffic incident that was over, uh, another January six defendant, William Pope's case for a long time. And, uh, You know, they were trying to, you know, preposterously let this guy pose as a prosecutor and then yet he gets into a single, you know, like fender bender style accident or a minor inconvenience on the highway and he repetitively stabs a guy like he's currently in custody. you know so it kind of makes you wonder um what's happening you know and then there's these malicious prosecutions with the 1512 c2 that we had to take all the way to the supreme court that was fought all the way up and then you know we had a few surprises and some decisions up there on some people that it should have been clear and cut and then you know we have uh very very surprising you know democratic standings but that upheld that ruling to state that you know that wasn't uh happening and you know the selective prosecution of january 6th defendants we had a you know a protester ripped the microphone out of kamala harris's hands you know uh while she was speaking not just a few days ago and in every single january 6th case the prosecution puts on that each and every single individual that was at january 6th knew that mike pence was in the building and that he was protected by the secret service you know why has this guy not been arrested i mean he literally touched the vice president of the united states of america kamala harris and yet where are the charges where you know where's the the outcry you know why aren't prosecutors you know removing this man from his home at 4 15 a.m by driving through the front of his house with a battering ram like they did me and you know so many other january 6 defendants and I and you know and I just I just feel that um We're a long ways off with our justice system. And so that's one of the reasons why I will be, you know, I was never political. I was never political. I didn't care at all about politics. The only reason that I voted for Donald Trump the first time was because I wondered to myself, what kind of woman would stay with a man like Bill Clinton? and you know there was all the haiti stuff that was going on and just all the different you know angles and stuff and I was like I don't want this you know and then we basically see the tony stark of presidential candidates come out of the woodwork uh you know a billionaire playboy philanthropist entrepreneur decides that he's going to throw his hat to the ring and you know and I work in the oil field I'm I'm out here right now on you know on a break and uh take time for the show. And I thought to myself, I was like, man, if, you know, if he was able to, you know, set the finances for, you know, like the GDP and the national debt and, you know, eliminate all of the deficits that we have, you know, that might be good to actually put a businessman in. to see instead of an attorney, because I don't even trust attorneys. Look at the attorneys in a lot of these J6 cases that are going. I understand there's about a dozen, a handful, six of them are not good at all. And some of them, they try really hard, but You know, these are average American families, too. And if you look statistically at some of the work, like Trinis Evans, what he's done is he's gone in and he's looked at the financial allocations of families of people that were arrested. And you don't see any super rich January 6th defendants because I feel like they were targeted strategically for not being able to defend themselves so that the government could get convictions. And, you know, that's why they play hardball. It's the reason why they come after, you know, people is that they know. I think the last number that I saw for the total amount of money spent on January 6th in the prosecutions was somewhere close to the range of 66 million dollars, you know, of the American taxpayers money. And they're still ramping this up, by the way. There were more January 6th defendants arrested yesterday. Really? What is the reasoning that this is? You know what? How can they possibly how can they possibly justify this? So I I think so. It's OK. I could carry the show for four hours and I know it's always good to. You know, I think that the political persecution of Trump supporters and his followers has got to be one of the biggest attributes to this because I was completely nonviolent on January 6th. I was helping police officers. I have that on video now, like I was alluding to earlier, that I now do have and am going to be pursuing perjury charges on one of the government's witnesses, if not two, because I think that I can implicate the other in that. And, you know, it's, I, I think we're all forgetting a big step of this. I think that you. Yeah. Yeah. I've got some. Big time. Which, which this is, this is not uncommon for my shows. I feel like interference because I'm educated and spoken well. I just needed. Yeah. So, yeah, I'm not sure what's going on there. I mean, you've been on every single day for a while here, so there's something going on. It's probably me. It's probably me. My shows get messed with all of the time. So do my dad's shows because my dad's an election integrity expert. in Arizona. And, you know, there's all of these little tricks and stuff that happen behind the scenes. So interference is nothing new. I've just gotten used to it. Modern technology creates modern inconvenience, especially when it's tampered with. And so anyways, going back to my last point is I, you know, I think that a lot of people have overlooked that, you know, currently the Non-elected or voted for, but selected presidential candidate for the United States on the Democratic side is a corrupt prosecutor. And then you have people along the lines like Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray and all of these other guys who are targeting these events. We've had multiple breaches even to the White House during the time of prosecution of January 6th defendants. right now and they continue to ramp up those prosecutions because I think they think that it will benefit kamala harris as they go and you know and you even see like yesterday there was an announcement made I think it was uh by merrick garland where he was talking about you know anyone who dares to challenge the elections uh results of 2024 can meet the same fate of the january 6 defendants And I really feel like it's about suppression. That's what I think that this is about. I think that it's about suppression against the ideals of free speech in America. I had the right to say what I had to say on January 6th, and they didn't like that. So they implicated me in these trespassing charges and this and that. And there's absolutely no chance or no way that a police officer waving with both arms you know could be taken or misconstrued that they were allowing people into the area and then not to mention for the fact that for 38 minutes on the east porch I am working side by side with police officers who are giving me instructions to stay into an area and take pictures of people who are either assaulting them or destroying the building but I was a violent rioter I never I never broke anything I never assaulted anyone I never moved a barricade I never encouraged anyone to assault anyone. I never encouraged anyone to go into the building. I spoke on social media and that was how they found me. And you know, whether or not you disagree with the points that I made on January 6th, it doesn't negate my first and fourth amendment rights to be able to say what I have to say and take my grievances to the government. And that was why I decided to run for Congress because I didn't just want to take my grievances to the government. I wanted to make them count. And that's, you know, changing legislation and removing unconstitutional laws. Because, again, what does 18 USC stands for? It's United States Code. Code is not necessarily law. And I think that it's time that as an American people, we start to look at what the law actually is and start eliminating it. portions of law that are repugnant to the constitution because there are so many of them if you look at missouri this week there was a federal judge throughout the case of a man who was in possession of a machine gun and he said stated that the government failed to meet its objective to um to overdo or overturn the Constitution that he has the right to have it. It doesn't say. It says, shall not be infringed, and the judge upheld that. So that's going to be an interesting case, as well as, you know, the most common misdemeanor amongst all January 6th defendants, myself included, I think it's nearly 1,200 people have this misdemeanor, is at the appeals court right now, and they are, you know, stonewalling and slowbagging this to come out, you know, even at the Fifth Circuit removal. it up to the Ninth Circuit. And so I think that, you know, as a criminal justice advocate and a criminal justice reform advocate, that, you know, it's time that we start seeing some of these decisions come out. That's not to say that I don't think there were some guilty people that were January 6th that day. You know, it just, whenever you What about the FBI? I think the FBI was guilty. We need to talk about that. Well, there's a guy you can bring on that'll talk about that very, very much so. His name's Bobby Powell, and he would love to tell you about the FBI agents that were standing. I was within feet of Bobby Powell. Him and my father have also never been arrested, convicted of anything. Um, that's out there and praise God for that because Bobby's testified in multiple cases and, uh, my father's testified in mine as well. And, you know, it just, uh, I think that, you know, there, there's a lot there. It's not just the FBI, it's the CIA, you know, the department of homeland security, um, You know, then you had Muriel Bowser and all of these other people that were involved in all of this stuff. And yet there's not been one person who's had any range of accountability. It's all just been placed on the people who are standing there. And the United States Capitol is the house of the people. And so I think that's, you know, why it's important that we get these, you know, we get some transparency and transparency. You know, previously in your other segment, too, you were talking about, you know, like congressmen and congresswomen who haven't done anything. You were talking about Marjorie Taylor Greene, about why she hasn't spoken up. Well, I just wanted to let everyone know that I actually subpoenaed Marjorie Taylor Greene, Jim Jordan, at the time Speaker McCarthy. And there's there's one more person, but I'm just not I'm not drawing it right now because it's been a while since I've talked about that. They all sent staffers over and rejected them. Are you kidding me? To testify. And that's that's in the court records. You can go and find that on Pacer under my case. And and, you know, it's just there's a lot of this that I think that it's done good. It sets some precedents for the protection of the American people. But what most people don't realize, even on the Democratic side, is that every single one of these court cases that goes through. They're setting precedent to take away the rights of everyone for any type of particularism like this. So if you're a Democrat now and you really hate Trump, just imagine what happens whenever you're at a protest and the tables can be turned on you. You see, it's not just about protecting Republicans or protecting January 6th defendants. It's about protecting America and the American families because that's what this is about. Our founding fathers based this country on two principles, religious freedom, and being able to be the leader of your household. And as a matter of fact, when the Constitution was written, there's several sayings that says, I've now given you a democracy, let's see if you can keep it. But the Constitution in our government was written for people believe in the Lord Jesus Christ it was written for Christians and people who don't follow that allocation of Christianity or don't believe in Jesus or don't follow or practice you know Christianity they have a hard time sticking to it because when you don't have a guidebook of morals and ethics you're pretty much at the whim of whatever the law or the current standing is and You know, even Jesus himself says, you know, give unto the Lord what is the Lord's and give unto Caesar what is Caesar's. And, you know, to take a sidestep from that, that's not in the entirety of what he was talking about there. But when you look at where God draws the line, he tells, you know, even slaves serve your master while they have one master. And that's that's the Lord above. And until I take my last breath. uh you know I want to set an example for my children and to protect the american families of west texas and the united states of america and I hope that in 2026 that you know the people of my district will be able to see just how much of a coward jody harrington is and that um we would be able to progress and move forward and get the Bible back to where it belongs, which is everywhere in schools, in our government. And my father is going to be preaching from the floor when elected in the House to make sure that the word of God is being said all across America after the cameras and everything are off. He's going to be preaching the word from the congressional floor. And I hope to help him do that and and move forward and, you know, just see where things go. So, I mean, I'm open up for questions. I know we still have to get to Jalise, too. Hopefully the technical issues will go away. Jalise, it's so good to see you. I think I'm good. She's here. So we finally made it back on. So how are you? Yeah, I could tell that was an FBI attack. I could see it happen in real time. So it's like, well, you'll have to start over with this one now. But we're not going to stop here. So, you know, just keep going. Thank you for sharing all that you're doing and for staying in the fight, even when it's not for your own welfare. You know, I understand that as well as as you do. And it's very, very frustrating when you're laying it all down and nobody's picking it up. You know, when we see the truth that this is a war of good and evil and everybody's just sitting back scared and it's like you have to turn back to God. This is not an option. I know you're thinking it is, but you have to bow. And the scripture does say you can it. you're going to bow now whether you're in hell whether you're on earth or in heaven or in the dirt wherever you are you will bow and so the decision is when do you want to bow not if you're going to bow and that's what scares me the most is because our nation is at risk of being lost right now and you we're still out there trying to tell people we're in a war they are so deep asleep we're still trying to tell them they're in a war and um this is very scary to me I know it is you um my husband ran for office during j6 you know after uh getting arrested for j6 and uh yeah the government's not too fond of it um It makes them very scared to poke your head up and say something. You've dared to do that. Oh, my gosh. They can't have that. They can't have that. And, you know, I don't believe I'm probably different than a lot, but I don't believe that. that Democrats are bad. I know that's really hard for conservatives and Republicans to hear, but I see more dirty Republicans nowadays than I do dirty Democrats. At least a Democrat will tell you to their face that they hate God and hate you for liking God. Whereas the Republicans will sit back and act like they're wanting you and then attack you. And that's exactly what I feel like has happened to the January 6th defendants. I think we're in a world full of cowards that is handing over our country. And I'm just grateful for people like you and your dad that are standing on truth. But I just wonder, what do you see for our future? Well, I think that the future is still bright for America because I think that a majority of what is conflicting in our country right now is not a matter of Republicans, Democrats. anything. I think it's a matter of the heart. And I think that it's a spiritual battle. I do believe that spiritual warfare is taking place all over our country. And I, I think that it's, uh, you know, just manifested its way to the head of our institutions because I, I meet people all the time in my district that, um, our Democrats, our Republicans, our independents, the green party, you know, I have people that, um, They, you know, they don't identify to any particular party, you know, construction workers, nurses, teachers, firemen, oil field workers. You know, I'm an oil field worker. Lots of guys out here. They still don't know what's happening because we don't have. We don't have a good system of notifications. Nobody knows who to trust anymore. A lot of people don't know this, but whenever I was in college, I was actually a media strategy public relations major. That's why my dad hired me to work on his campaign. And there is a tactic that is used that is called bad world theory that whenever you are lulling in the polls or you don't have content that's available, you will do things like the O.J. Simpson car chase where you cover an event, you beat it to death, you make sure that – Everybody sees and everybody knows what's going on because you don't have anything for ratings and that will pick up the ratings. And so what we see right now is the bad world theory being played out. They want you to distrust the other side. They want you to distrust people like women are supposed to do this. Men are supposed to do this, hate each other because the ultimate goal of the enemy, the devil comes in to steal, kill and destroy. And so what he's doing right now is stealing away the American family. Because the American family, the family unit in itself, is the most powerful portion of the church, of what God calls the ecclesia. And the ecclesia, the church in itself, is derived of family. Church is not a building. Church is not a word. Church is not just a person in Jesus, although he is that. It is the absolute accumulation of all of the above together. that makes the church the church. Because our biggest portion that we have to do is we have to go out into the world and be among sinners. Even myself, whenever I found Jesus for the first time, I was about 26 years old. I had a guy who was a police officer invited me to a church. It was kind of like a college ministry youth group thing. uh, what's going on at a church in Amarillo, Texas. And I had already started drinking for the day. So when I found Jesus, I found Jesus living in a portion of sin in my life, not necessarily saying that having a drink is, is a sin or anything like that. Just be careful. You know, I don't judge people for the actions that they do. I just based them on how I would live my life and what I think God tells me to do with my life. But, um, I found God at the end of a bottle, and then I found him again on January 6th, and I found him even more so whenever I was in the D.C. Gulag in Washington, D.C., where my food was being poisoned with chemicals because I didn't want to take the COVID shot and because I didn't want to... know I just simply asked to be moved from a cell that was covered in urine and feces because I didn't have any working plumbing or water and then you know days later they would move me over and I'm looking out the window after several weeks there after losing a numerous amount of you know of weight and I'm looking out the window into the cemetery and I'm wondering if I'm going to be next and I feel this tranquility and this peace come over me as I say a prayer and I see god if no one's going to stick up for me if no one's going to come after me then send me. That's all that I'm asking you to do. I will be okay with the consequences. As long as people know your name, I'm fine with that. And then a few days later, they upped the ante and they put raw chicken in my water line. And I, you know, I luckily about a week later after discovering that I made it out, I was extraordinarily sick. You know, I've lost friends. I've lost family over this. And, you know, it's just, It's come down to one standing factor, Jesus Christ. That's the only way that I can do this, and I've met some great people along the way. I don't actually think that there's any bad people from January 6th. I think some people did said some things that were bad, stuff that we can't agree with. But when you look on the other side too, there's been no accountability. You know, things that have happened. Now, I got to stop you a second because I'm going to tell you what. I'm like totally shocked that they put raw chicken. I was like, how did you find this? So I didn't have a cup whenever I was in jail. I didn't have anything to drink out of. So I was drinking out of a plastic bag that my soap came in. And that soap bag was see-through. So if it gives you any idea how far back I was arrested, I was arrested February 4th, 2021. And the guy that was next to me in my two doors down from my cell was Guy Reffitt. So that's how early in the arrest we were in all this. So, you know, they were still... You know, this facility was completely different than the facility that's given to people now. There was mold all over the walls. So they were beating people in there? Yes, they were. Yes. You could very clearly hear people being beaten while you were inside. And I still, to this day, I've not figured out who, but the explanation that they gave us was that, oh, it's just the little gangsters that are in here trying to hoard the tablets. We were in a unit by ourselves. There were no gangsters in there. It was only January 6th defendants. So but anyways, I digress on that. So how I discovered that there was raw chicken that would have been placed in my water line was I complained about the conditions of my cell to my attorney. And then I told my dad, like, you know, hey, you have to get me out of here. They're putting, you know, like stuff in my food. And for that, they retaliated. So in that little plastic bag that I had, I was getting a drink. And I put the plastic bag up underneath there and I saw something that was in the water. And so I picked it up with my fingers and kind of ran it through and it was kind of fibrous, you know, just, it looked like meat. And I was like, what is that? And I hadn't really been eating much because my food was already covered in whatever type of chemical. Like I remember having to like put rice in my socks and run it under the water so that I can rinse all of the, sorry, my truck's vibrating from the wind and you felt, um, Hold on, everybody. We're falling down. But, you know, I remember rinsing the rice out just so that I could have something to eat. And because, like, the eggs and the meat always soaked up, like, the bleach or fabuloso, whatever, the kind of, like, flowery smell that was in there that was really bitter, it would always soak that up. And so it was – you know, I either had two choices, just rinse off what I thought I could eat and not starve and stuff. And so I thought maybe some of that was in my teeth, but – and it had come out in the bag. Well, then later – uh, about three days later after I'm violently ill at this point, I'm throwing up everywhere. I've been asking to go to medical, um, because I was having a lot of stomach aches from the chemicals that they were putting in the food for me. And so I was asking to go to medical and they were refusing and, you know, I was having nosebleeds and I was bleeding out of other places, uh, from being this sick. And, you know, it just, um, I got up, and I was so weak, and I was shaking, and I put my plastic bag underneath there, and lo and behold, a bigger piece falls out, but I saw it fall out this time. So I took my lovely government-issued toothbrush, which is about this tall, with about 18 bristles on it, And I kind of bent it and curved it and just kind of like shoved it up in the slot. And three huge pieces of raw chicken came falling out of there. And then that was when I, I think that was the day that I really understood that I was in a different kind of fight. Because I just remembered thinking to myself, what could I have possibly done on January 6th that would make somebody try to kill me? right and I and I feel like most j6ers have hit that wall now with it but mine was mine was very very early and and uh you know and and right after that was when I had the you know basically my come to jesus moment where I just I decided that you know I was going to serve him and it didn't matter what the outcome was That kind of changed everything for me. It's where I found my voice. You know, it's when I finally decided, you know, hey, I'm going to do this. It's why I refused the plea deal, because they were asking me to blame Donald Trump and say that I know that he had invited me there to overthrow the government. And that's just not true. Um, it's, it's just not true. I was there to cover a media event and something happened around me and I was doing my very best, my very, very best to cover something that I was extraordinarily out of my element. I was not, I was a sports journalist. I wasn't a, I wasn't a, um, you know, a political event cover of, you know, as Kamala Harris calls it, one of the worst events in history since nine 11. You know, and I'm a new journalist trying to cover all of this while being injured on, you know, muscle relaxers and painkillers completely out of my element, not knowing what to do, not knowing what to say. But apparently I said something that the government didn't like. And that's why I decided I was going to follow Jesus and try and always say and do what makes him happy. Because as a January 6th defendant, there's nothing that you can do or say that is going to please the government because they hate you. You know, Ryan, that was something my husband said to me from day one is, honey, they always overplay their hand so we just have to wait and I think that was one area they did that first off they had higher expectations of us being as demonic as they are and I think that's why they had all that geared up in the media of the worst thing since pearl harbor the worst thing since 9 11 and it's like four people died and they were all protesters okay so that failed big time because they thought that if we got in there we would act a fool and there might have been a little bit of acting wasn't the masses by all means and uh the next thing I noticed about this is they did come at us so hard that they left us no alternative but to stand and stand firm to trust in the lord and keep pressing forward that now we have nothing to lose so what are you going to do take our life you already have What do we have to lose? And it's caused us to stay in the fight. Now, I still see many trying to negotiate with the enemy, trying to, as I call it, you know, make a deal with the devil. But I think even the January 6th defendants I know that have tried to do that have still come back out of that going, yeah, no matter what, you're going to lose in this. And they've proven that. So really, all they did is make us know for sure that the fight is not ours and handed it over to our father. Well, that's their guaranteed loss. And, you know, that's where we can kind of take our refuge and our rest is knowing that we're going to win it. We've already won it. They screwed up. They overplayed their hand. Now, you know, how many more lives got to die? Well, that's going to be up to our father. But he wishes no ill on us. He wishes that not one would perish. He went to a cross to take death back. Okay. So, you know, it made the government so mad. And since they're listening today, I'll just. We know they are. Oh, they're listening today. I know for a fact. I watched them do it on my computer on my side. And so while they're listening, I'll just say it again. All you can do is martyr me. I'm a born again believer bought with a price. And all you can do is martyr me. So you do what you need to do, but just know my daddy will prevail. And I think you feel the same way, Ryan. I know so many other J6ers that we might not have been walking our best walk before J6, but we sure as hell are now. There you go. Guys, I'm going to step out a little bit and let you guys continue on for a minute, okay? Okay. So, you know, I have to keep that hope and that reality on the table, not only for other J6ers like you. I feel like I am my brother's keeper. And I'm going to take a minute because you mentioned Guy Reffitt. And there has been a plea put out for Guy Raffet last night. And what I find intriguing about this one is Guy Raffet's been in jail almost four years. He never has. And I'm in Texas. Guy's in Texas. He has listeners hear this. He has never went to federal prison. They have kept him in a county jail that is not equipped to hold a prisoner long term. They don't have you know, any recreation yard that have no way for you to go outside and get fresh air. They have nowhere for you, no library, no nothing. You're it's like being in solitary confinement the entire time. So his wife, Nicole Raffet, that also works Freedom Corner, has put out a plea and I'm just going to read it. um it says save guy uh guy wesley reffitt prisoner number two six two one six just because he's locked up it doesn't give away his human rights fainan county jail texas phone number 903-640-4171. Please move Guy to better conditions. Warden King after 9 a.m. phone number. 903-640-4171 Texas Jail Standards Phone Number 512-463-5505 Governor Greg Abbott 512-463-1782 ag ken paxton 1-800-252-8011 fainan county sheriff 903-583-2143 texas rep reggie smith good luck with this one at capitol 512-463-0297 and the local district is 903-891-7297. And then we can go to the Fannin County Health Inspector at 903-583-7495. Demand an inspection. We are not supposed to have conditions like what Ryan has been pointing out, okay? He shouldn't have to worry about dying by food poisoning. He shouldn't have to worry about botulism. He should not have to worry about bot flies. He should not have to worry about having drinking water or a cup to drink it out of. He should not have to worry about chemicals on his food. And yet this is what's still going on in the Fannin County Jail. Why has this guy been left in a county jail for this long when it was, as they put it, a federal crime? OK, that that not only speaks to who's in Fannin County that should upset everybody, because obviously they're in bed with these people. But it also speaks to the traumatic human atrocities going on on American soil. And this is in Texas. Like you, Ryan, I'm embarrassed this is coming out of Texas. That sounds like something that should be coming out of Washington, D.C. That's the low class, OK? Not Texas. We always took the high ground. Where did we lose our ground that now we're stooping as low as they are? I don't understand this. And how are we gonna fix it? We really have to start asking these questions. Well, I know – I think the best way that we fix this is – one of the things that I've learned after actually being in politics for two years is that federal elections are lost at the local level. And if you or somebody that you know is not happy with your mayor, like let's take Surprise, Arizona yesterday. And Surprise, Arizona, the mayor, had a constituent arrested for bringing up their disapproval of several of the candidates that were there, including themselves. And they had her arrested. This has already been litigated all the way to the Supreme Court that a constituent cannot – be arrested for, you know, outside of like the obvious, like assault, things like that for speaking at a community town hall meeting. And they had this woman arrested and her first amendment rights were completely violated for doing this. That mayor needs to be impeached and the people need to go in and they need to elect somebody, whether they disagree with that or not. I talk to people all the time that I think are morons. plain and simple I don't like them I don't like what they stand for but I listen to them and I talk to them because even though I disagree with a certain aspect of their policy or I disagree with a certain aspect of their standing they may have an idea but the thing is is they're allowed to talk they're allowed to participate they're allowed to be there at these things and you know and I and I see this all the time like there's a there's a politician in my area that no one likes Nobody. Everybody doesn't like him, but he won his election again because of the other things that he stands for. He's been kind of beneficial in some of the things that I'm doing and may have some use in the future. This is politics. This is people. We can't place judgment on people for their opinions, but we're getting to a point where we're living in a police state of those that have come to power that are overusing that power because I'm just going to be completely honest. The The oversight committees and all this other stuff, they're feckless. They have nothing that can – there's no teeth. There's no teeth in this. The American people are the ones that have the teeth. We're the ones that have to go in and say, hey, you suck. This is the way that we're going to do this. You're gone. We're going to put somebody in here. Everybody wonders why Clay Higgins has such a successful run in his political career. I think that Clay Higgins is going to be astronomically invaluable to the investigations that come once Donald Trump is back in office, Lord willing, on January the 20th. Because then we've got four years to right the ship. We've got four years. And that doesn't mean that we're going to go in there. and just arrest everybody like they've done to us we but there need to be some arrests over this there need to be some federal judges removed there need to be some federal prosecutors that I believe I believe federal prosecutors at this point along with the 1512 and the overcharging and the overreach and you know not allowing for you know transfer revenues I believe that there's some people that are going to do some serious prison time for ethics violations and for a lot of stuff. But none of that's in our control unless we win at the local level. So those are the people that go into politics. Those are your Kamala Harris's that sleep their way to the top, that get everything done. They know the right people to to be around and to be with. And this is why you have to watch your elections, watch your votes, watch the polls, vet your candidates, and go in and find out who the best representation for your area is. And that's one of the reasons why I think we have to be way way way more involved in our local elections because in 15 years these are the people that start to run for office at the national scale and they will take advantage of you over parking tickets or over you know sewer repair or building a community center that nobody wants or in local areas building a baseball stadium that nobody wants and Take the taxpayers' money and do things with it that they don't want. What do you think they're going to do when they're in charge of all of our money? And then debt relief and tax reform for Americans is another huge, huge aspect of what we need. Because if we are capable of sending billions and billions and billions of dollars to Ukraine and to this country and to that country and to this and to this, we're being taxed too much. They're plain and simple. They are taking too much of our money to be able to do frivolous things with it. Now I do believe that we are supposed to give, Jesus tells us to give generously. I believe that, but I don't believe in paying both sides of a war. You know, we've been fighting this proxy war with Ukraine and Russia now for, you know, two and a half, three years. And I don't believe in, um, Just handing away money that doesn't have to be paid back. I don't believe in that. I think it's completely human and personable to be able to give a country money with the expectation that either this is a gift. And it's a small gift for infrastructure. We can go and build water wells and schools and stuff like that to benefit the economy. But if you're asking us to send American dollars to send soldiers from either side, And we're not directly involved in that conflict to where it's affecting the lives of American citizens, like where American citizens are the ones that are truly being there. We have no business being in it. And you have your warmonger congressmen and senators that are always looking for a competitive edge to boost their portfolios because, let's be honest, war is profitable. It always has been. That's a problem. That's a problem. Because it's never the Congressman's son that dies. It's never the Senator's son that dies. It really shows how disposable they see the American people's lives. It just does. And it's a horrible thing. People don't really wanna think about that aspect of it. We don't wanna think they're that evil. Those are the same people that don't wanna think our children are disappearing by the masses. while they rape and kill them either well and even then it's to the point like they don't even take care of our troops afterwards which is another one of my huge policies is I want to completely reform the va and take care of them because our our american soldiers like let's just be 100 honest the american military is the most badass force on the face of the planet that will completely wipe you out and eviscerate you no matter where you stand There is a reason that the name United States of America rings bells. Just ask anyone who's ever been on the other side of a C-130 or any of those planes that are up there in the sky, because we don't even have to reach out and touch you on the ground. We can kill you from 3000 feet. You know, it just and these guys and these men and women, they go over there, they sign up when they're 18 and green and don't really have a lot of. either don't have a lot of options it's what they want to do because they they want to be you know like the legacy parents that they have that serve in the military or you know or there's an opportunity and a benefit it doesn't matter how they come in they come in and they serve and that is one of the biggest things is that many of the people that go into combat zones not like kamala harris's vp pick nope he's stolen valor didn't happen Checked it out myself, had some veterans go and tell me it's confirmed. Nope, a bunch of BS. Guy didn't, you know, he's not a combat veteran. You know, these guys that go overseas, like friends of mine, I have friends of mine right now that are walking around with shrapnel in their body. They're walking around with bullets in their bodies. And that's something that I've never seen or haven't been a part of. But I have been there for the fallout. I have been there for the aftermath while they're coping with alcohol and while they're coping with the things that they were required to do to be a United States soldier. I have been there for that. I've seen some of them go to jail. I've seen some of them lose their marriages and their relationships with their children. I've seen some of these guys come home and commit. and commit crimes that could be helped if the federal government were going to step in. And now they're trying to take away gun rights from veterans. They're trying to take away their children. They're trying to take away all this. These men and women have paid the ultimate price when they give their life for the country. But on the way there, they're sitting there with their gun in their hands, knocking on the door saying, hey. I don't want to die for my country, but I can. And then we come back here and treat them like this. It's absolutely unacceptable. And they're using January 6th in a new way, attacking the veterans. You know, it would be a tragedy to not bring this up every opportunity we can. Seven percent of the American population are veterans. Seven percent. But we have over 20% veterans in prison over January 6th. They are arresting and imprisoning them at a higher rate than the average citizen in America. And even in D.C., too. Look at the crime rate in D.C. You know, they're not even arresting normal people and putting them in jail. You know, the crime rate. We've had multiple congressmen staffers assaulted, you know, carjacked and all this stuff over there because their sole and primary intent focus is to get Trump and get his supporters. Yes. But they deem the veteran a threat to national security. They train them. They equip them and then they deem them a threat because they're trained. So they're actually imprisoned over January 6th at a higher rate. The other thing I want to speak into that is, you know, I was a home health marketer. So I worked with veterans at a very high level because know people forget about them but they carry such a high risk for so many more diseases in their late years because of their chemical exposure and so they pay all the way till their death because of their service to america but then please understand just because they're a veteran does not mean they're getting veteran benefits right but as they treat it like a handout like medicaid that only if you're low income and have medical needs do you qualify for your veteran benefits, only if you have certain levels of service. And then they determine your level of assistance from the government based on how you served. Was it during wartime? Were you stateside? Was it during a war era but you're stateside? I mean, they take all that stuff into account And so here they are, sick as a dog, and because they happen to have made a go for themselves and earn an adequate living, now they're not receiving any veteran benefit because they're too high income to get it. Now they worked and earned this. That would be like you earning a pension and then saying, well, but, you know, you were able to make a good go of it. So we're not giving you your pension, which is what they're doing with the veterans. It's an atrocity all the way around. And, you know, and it just for me, me personally, I, you know, I had family members that were in the military. I'm starting to see the fallout of some uncles and stuff that have served and you know, in Vietnam and a couple of other things and watching that decline. And, you know, and they say that there's not a lot that the average citizen can do. You can't, you can vote for people that are pro military and that, that want to make a difference in, and the total aspect. And it just pisses me off so bad sometimes to see, you know, just how dilapidated these VA centers are and, you know, And I just think that on top of that, so whenever you look at, you know, the backside, backdoor plans of all this, you know, the Harris administration wants to remove private health care. You know, they want to remove all these things and make it funded. But we see what they do with the B.A. and with our soldiers. And, you know, that's just another policy. I don't want any part of that. But I also want to go back and make reform. to where the insurance companies – because if you look back, when Barack Obama was doing all of the Obamacare and they were going through and they were getting all of the stuff together to make the current legislation as we see it today, who did they get to write all of those policies? They got the providers to write them. And who better to write law and legislation than somebody who's going to benefit off of the backs of the American people? and that's sick and it's disgusting and it's wrong and so we need to repeal a lot of legislation when it comes to when it comes to that to just to the normal stuff but when it comes to our to our veterans I'm sorry I don't I don't care if they went overseas lost a leg or they never left training period and they have an injury They served. You know, I have a friend of mine who went to the military, joined the army while he was in basic training. He was they were out on on one of the courses and he slipped and he broke his back and he had to get an honorable discharge. from service before he ever even completed. And he's had two back surgeries they've never paid for. He's has a lot of problems and actually had to change his career path. And now in our late 30s, to do something else because he's from his injuries, he's not able to do that. From that point forward, if you have an honorable service right there, there shouldn't be any reason why the federal government is not picking this up. After all, they can tell us what we put into our bodies with COVID-19, but then they can't take care of it afterwards. You know what I'm saying? That's just wrong, and that's one of the bills that I'm working on is the Veterans Affairs bill. So I'm titling it the Veterans Affair and Healthcare Adjustment Bill because we need to make some serious adjustments to this. And I don't want politicians writing this. I want American soldiers writing this policy. So if you're one of those people that's out there, you can reach out to me on my email. It's is my website. You can go on there and check that out. I don't have any of that stuff posted. I'm still working on that for now. You know, going into the election cycle of 2026 at some point, I would like to post that and get it going. But I do need I do need some guys. I need guys and girls from across all spectrums. And don't come to my campaign talking about transgender rights in the military and all that stuff. That crap's not going to be included. in my bill. It's not going. There's two genders, a man and a woman, and they have the choice to either put God at the head of their household or not. Anything else is foobar. Not going to have it. You know, that's an interesting point because, you know, I'm a little older than you, but all throughout my life, the transgenderism, you know, was kind of, you had to do psych evals to go into the military. And that would have been a surefire way to know that you were not psychiatrically strong enough to go into the military. And yet we have now taken them. And now that's pretty much all they can get because they infected everyone else with that stupid vaccine or ran them off when they refused to take it. So, you know, very sad. I plan on helping with that, too. Donald Trump's talked about it where they got kicked out of the military over it. They're going to get their back pay and stuff. And they absolutely should. They absolutely should. The government does not have the power to tell you what you can and can't put in your body. Under certain circumstances, you know, we have the shots that they have to go in. They're going in, dengue fever, all those kind of things. But we, you know, just like RFK said when he's coming in, let's make America healthy again. We need to go in and we need to look at the side effects of aluminum that all of these understudies and everything are coming in. I'm not a medical expert, but I have an uncle that is. And he says, don't get the COVID vaccine shot. He says, don't touch it. Don't go near it. You talk about all these other programs, which what I'm speaking about, I'm not a medical expert. I just say that this is not medical advice. But the vaccination schedules for children and things like that, the things that we're being told by unelected bureaucrats are not the truth. These government-funded labs are There's two different ways that you get the outcome of a study that you want. You either have a government-funded portion of it, or you go and you talk to the people who are making the product, and they will design some series of tests. But we're not seeing – we have no long-term results for human clinical trials, all this stuff. And it all needs to be looked at, which is why I am all for RFK joining the Trump team. I'm a Trump supporter now more so than ever. Um, you know, from, from what I've seen from, from this, uh, this tyrannical, uh, you know, just godless dictator and Joe Biden. And I don't even really think that it was him that's been pulling the strings. Like where's Joe been since Kamala Harris was selected, not voted and selected into office. Like how, how does that, how does that work? There were millions of Democrats that I feel like their vote has been disenfranchised. It's a great opportunity because, uh, You know, Democrat or Republican, we know how our voting system should work in America. And I really hope and I'm more worried about Republicans than I am Democrats, but I really hope that democrats are wise enough to want to save their future for their children and they recognize that this is tyranny this is not my party um I'm still a democrat but at the moment to save our nation I have to come against this tyranny so therefore I'm going to partner up with with the other side and we're going to stand together and put a stop on this my fear is the nastiness that I'm seeing out of the Republican Party are going to try to use that as an opportunity to taunt. And I would just encourage people to remember who they are in Christ and that we are all broken and fallen and that none of us have all the answers and won't know until we get up there and ask Peter and hopefully Jesus. And in the meantime, Be the person God called you to be and let's all bond together. I know it sounds like a kumbaya moment. I'm not asking for that. This is a business venture. When you go into partnership to make it an empire, to get done what you want to get done. This is a business venture. And so anyway, with that, I'm going to start shutting this down. Ryan, I want to take a minute with you. You know, I like to answer four questions on this show. The first one I've heard you answer, and it's because I missed a bit, guys, so forgive me. But the first one is always, who were you before January 6th? Who was that guy? You said you want political and, you know, you talked about what you were doing and where your stances were. Now I want to know you, you went to prison. What, where was Christ when you were in prison? What did, what did, how did your life change with Christ? So, um, You know, I had the brief stint of, you know, pretrial custody that I went through for about two months. And it was it was. kind of incredible. You know, I, I didn't really know what was going. I thought, surely this is a mistake that they'll figure out. And then I slowly figured out that, you know, Oh, okay. You know, they're, they're going through with this. Like they're actually going to say that I killed a cop and, you know, they're, they're actually going to say that, you know, that I forced my way into the Capitol and all this. And then, uh, Christ at first, it was just holding onto a Bible. You know, it was something physical to touch, like a comfort item. Um, And then the first service that I was in jail, it was not exactly the message that I wanted to hear. Sometimes when you go to church, you don't really want to hear what's being said that day. But that's the beauty of God is that His introduction, just being amongst the church, amongst fellowship, will put you in places that make you feel awkward. And then... By the end of where I'm at now, my faith is everything. You know, it's helped me be a better father, a better husband. You know, it's helped me to... adjust on the political scale of things that I stand for and the way that I address people and constituents. And so while I was incarcerated, towards the end, it became everything because I thought I was going to die. And I think that that's one of the things that changes people is once you've been that far, there's not much else left to go through. So yeah, I think that's kind of I can relate to that for sure. And the next thing I want to answer for people, where are you now? Not only emotionally, but also career-wise. I mean, are you back on your feet? Are you still deep in this battle? Are you looking at imprisonment? Are you on probation? Where are you? So right now I'm on personal recognizance. I have to call in once a week. If I'm leaving Oklahoma or Texas, I have to make a phone call. I go to sentencing on September the 20th next month to find out if I'm going to get time in prison. And so my felony has been dropped. I have two misdemeanors. I have the most common. So you murdered a cop, but you don't have a felony? Yeah. Yeah, apparently. I like to point out the ridiculousness of what's occurring. Yeah. And, you know, so I have that. And then I'm about $300,000 in debt. Fortunately for me, I have the oil field. You know, my wife and I, we just had our first daughter. She's a month old today. Oh, I love it. So, yeah, you know, it's it's been it's been a learning curve. My wife had a very aggressive labor. So she's recovering. You know, we barely get by most of the time. But I know that the Lord provides in that. you know, we, we have a lot of stuff like my attorneys right now to move forward with appeal, they want $20,000 and then $2,000 a month, uh, you know, for, for payments and, you know, what, who can afford that? And, you know, so it just, uh, that's, that's kind of where, you know, where I'm at. I'm a sole provider for my family. You know, I've, I go home tomorrow for a week. I've been out here for today's 13 straight days. I work anywhere from 70 to 115 hours a week. I'm out here struggling like the rest of these guys are, getting it in, trying to trying to make it happen. I'm trying to get back into school right now. Now that I'm not a felon anymore. I'm still waiting for a reply from the from the university. So hopefully I'll be able to actually go in and finish my degree. I plan on when my father wins his election in November to represent the people of Arizona. I'm going to be in DC helping him with the January six cases. I plan on joining him in his J6 fight to help January 6th defendants have access to the footage they need. And if God bestows that opportunity upon me, I will never, ever leave that building because I want to make sure that it's available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for January 6th defendants who are continuing their fight into the upper courts. Ryan, I want to take a minute and thank you, if no one else has, for fighting the fight for all J6ers. Because that's been part of the failure in this process is everyone looking out for self instead of sacrificing for their brother and banding together. So thank you for that. Because you've got a full plate if you've got a new baby at home. And we know that. And being a... I was a stay-at-home mom. Being a single-income family, it's like, oh my gosh, you're robbing Peter to pay Paul every month. So because of that, will you please share? I wish I could pull it up. I don't really know how to share screen. I'll try to get that figured out. Would you please share your gifts and go with the people? I'm asking that the people would donate to Ryan today. He's in this fight for all J6ers. He's coming at the political level. And he really needs your help. So you know you've got that you can donate to. But today I'm asking that you donate to Ryan. And let's help keep him in the fight and standing firm. It's easy to get discouraged. And I don't want him to feel discouraged because he is doing a fantastic thing. And his father is doing a fantastic thing. So share that out. Yeah. So the one that I have right now through my law firm is it's through the NCLU and it's Gibson go dot com forward slash Ryan Zink Jan six. I need to take I need to take my other one down. I'm trying to make sure that I have the right link here. um I need to take my other one down because there's there's two up but as you know as everybody I'm sure most of you know that have been following january 6 cases if the defendant themselves raises money for their case on gifts and go and you know all these other places they're being assessed that in fines so it has to be directly given to the law firm because a law firm and its defendants cannot be penalized based on somebody donating to that because what they're alleging is that you raise that money under criminal activity and therefore it can be levied as a fine or a penalty. So that's why it's forward slash Ryan's Inc. Jan 6. Donate to that one so that I don't have to pay more of this later. down the line. And if I do meet my goals, so right now, with my current set of attorneys, I owe $88,000. They're, you know, just to move to appeal, they're asking for 20,000 upfront plus an additional $2,000 a month for it, which I don't, you know I have some disagreements about this kind of stuff um you know about the cost of these these uh legal you know defenses and everything because on on some level I i feel like attorneys already are you know profiting from this like it shouldn't be a distraction but at the still the only ones who have stood up you know with some you know some great ones uh like john and and roger and emily have you know had some successes with j6 not very many but that's not with but that's not you know talking down on them either it's just saying that you know it's such a hard district you know to come into and then you've got guys like anthony sapatini and a couple others that I won't mention because they're just foolish um you know it just uh you know it all plays out so that's that's kind of where I'm at like I i have enough to put food on the table and keep roof over our head but uh you know it's it's a uh it's it's a learning experience I've been looking at getting a second job uh here even with as many hours because you know I work two weeks and then I have time off and so you know is what it is Well, let's take it to the Lord and close this down in prayer because we know that he's the authority over all of it and he's our provider. You know, he's our healer. He's our provider. And he's really the only one we can trust at this point. So if you'll bow with me. Heavenly Father, we thank you for this time together. We thank you that there are still truth seekers and those willing to stand firm on the rock of salvation, that we can trust you in all things. that we know that you are still on the throne, your authority over all things. And Father, we know that this battle has already been won. It is just a matter of standing firm patiently and waiting for the Lord to provide. In Exodus 14, you told the Israelites, do not fear, but stand firm, that the Egyptians you see today will never be seen again, that you, the Lord, your God will fight for us. And Father, I'm proclaiming that over the January 6th defendants and the battle going on for our nation. All this we ask humbly in your name. Amen. Jesus, amen. Thank you. I'm going to pop back on here for a few minutes. So busy day here at the Brandenburgs, you know? Yay. Thank you so much for sharing your story, Ryan, and always for you, Jaleesa. Thank you for praying for this. So this is the time of the show, boys and girls. We go to ding, ding, ding, ding. Go to Oh, man, what happened to my hair? I just step outside to take our phone call, and I start looking like a long-haired cat that's been severely licked by its mother. So, yeah, part of the show, Boys and Girls, go to I'm the best non-conceiter who has ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And, you know, we've got choices every day to make to be more resilient no matter what gets thrown at us. And God will walk us through us. It's amazing. So with that said, heart hands high. God bless you all. God bless all of whom you love. And God bless America. Make it a great day. It's a choice. It's always a choice. Starts here, here and here. We'll see you tomorrow. I've got on. Let's see. I've got Eric White on and John Tater as well as I think that's it. And then who do we have on tomorrow, Jalise? We don't. I will be out tomorrow. That's right. That's right. John and Courtney and then Eric White on tomorrow. So you guys have a great day and we will see you tomorrow. Thank you.