BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/2/2024 Off the Grid & BNN Citizen Journalist Panel

Published Aug. 2, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 10am Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independent Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country Voice of the People - Daniel and Hollis Smeriglio Independent Journalist - Casey Whalen Thought Criminals - Christina Holbrook Behind Enemy Lines - Terry Newsome The Brewster Call - Jason Brewster Candidate for New Mexico Governor - Joshua James Ryan Lawrence X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it's the second day of August 2024. Welcome to our show. Let's see. I think Pepe says hi. I got Pepe in my pocket today. And today we have on Off the Grid with Dr. David Kent, Karen the Riveter, and Ralph the IT guy. And first hour, second hour is the BNN citizen journalist panel. And I've got a surprise for everybody this morning. Hang on a minute. Okay. Morning, guys. How you doing? Good. Good morning. Good morning. Guess what? We have a new toy this morning. Besides the fact that we have our buddy Pepe, who's always cool. Thank you to my son who printed that off beautifully, faithfully, and wonderfully because it's cool too. But check this out. My daughter decided to surprise me this morning, or not this morning, last week with something in my car. And here it is. So now we have a real Donald Duck. You're right, President. Is that funny? Awesome. This little guy is running shotgun with me in my car right now. And a nod to the rightful president of the United States. The real Donald Duck. I love how he's got little hands up. I know. Isn't that funny? I am the best duck that there ever has been in the whole world. His hands are clean. He's good for your bathtub. That's right. You're going to be riding in my car with me. So how's everybody doing this morning? Good. Just one quick thing. Are you on Rumble because it's not showing up? Rumble is going on my two of my both Rumble channels are on my two screens. But it was flaky this morning. Rumble was flaky when I was getting up and going because I noticed that it was taking a long time to load. So I don't know what's happening. I can tell you right now, there are so many interruptions in the tech world right now. It's not even funny. And I don't know if you guys have been watching what's happening over in Israel. But there was a there's a lot of chatter out there on the fact that Iran and Lebanon are going to start bombing. Now, I don't know if there's any truth to that, but there's an awful lot of people talking about it. And usually where there's smoke, there's fire. So we need to keep our eyes on that just a little bit, see what's going on there. Did you guys hear that? Oh, yeah, definitely. I don't know what to believe anymore. You know, it's just the news is just so crazy. The news cycle is just literally it's twice a day something now. Yeah, wars and rumors of wars. Yeah. Well, I, I believe the Bible and what the Bible says and that it seems to be to me, like things are speeding up quite a bit and, uh, you know, we'll have to see. And I, you know, I don't, I don't ascribe to, to pretty much anything like wholesale. Right. I look at bits and pieces of it because if, if, if we were in this world, which is a very fallen world and, and, uh, we all agreed on something, then I'd say, okay, that's probably it. But it's so fragmented right now that you got to pick through the pieces and kind of decide if there's anything that substantiates it. But in the meantime, don't get too nervous about stuff. My dad used to always say that. Don't get too excited. Don't get too nervous about things. Just kind of sit back and watch, go into observation mode. One thing that I am noticing is that, oh man, I can't tell you how many people I talked to have the IMDB accounts out there. And that's something that everybody can really lock their teeth into a little bit because I think that we're being helped by a lot of really good people, but things may not be exactly what we think that they are. Can you explain what that is? It's a site that lists actors and actresses And in what they've done and that sort of thing. And other other people on film crews as well. Yeah. Lighting techs, directors, producers, you know, anything like that. Anything that's been involved with production of films and such films, videos, whatever you want to call them now. I mean, terms have changed so much. I've just kind of given up on that. but there's a lot of, there's a lot of people that are, are doing it. Another thing that came out yesterday that I wanted to tell you guys about that I got, because I get this from, let's just say my confidential sources. Some of them are confidential. Some of them are not, but let me bring this up a minute. Might take me just a second because I'm going to going to post this on my telegram channel there's there's a couple of uh uh laws that are currently working their way through uh through congress right now that probably ought to keep an eye on because they're once again trying to censor the internet One of them is, it goes by the name Kappa 2.0, because there's already a law on the book called Kappa. That one doesn't seem to be too terribly, terribly bad. It's not great for censorship, but it's not as bad as some of the other stuff they've tried to pass. The other one is KOSA, K-O-S-A. And that one has some major implications in that basically it forces it's, you know, think of the children measures to try and get platforms to not promote videos that might possibly contain things that are harmful to minors. Wow. And that, the act of promoting them basically would be, you know, like recommended videos or related videos to something that you're watching or that kind of thing. So, uh, basically trying to bury anything that isn't completely sanitized to their, uh, to their liking. Oh, to like the point of YouTube. Yep. Yeah. That's just it. They sent something out this, uh, this week that their, their standards, they're like all but irrelevant at this point in time, in my opinion. And, uh, So this is kind of interesting. And there's a fourth article that Bob Terry wrote. Let me see. This is on Cyber Express that he sent me this article. But he called this because he had his fourth interview or fourth article he wrote. And this kind of like confirms everything that he's been saying too, is that the FBI insists that issue urgent warnings, DDoS, attacks could disrupt the 2024 US infrastructure. And I believe that we're truly in uncharted waters here with what's happening politically in our nation, as well as just in our everyday lives. And so I think this is quite interesting. The FBI and the Cybersecurity Infrastructure Security Agency have issued a joint announcement with, they're coming from them, it's kind of crazy because my trust level on them is like, meh, right? But awareness about potential impact of distributed denial of service attacks on election infrastructure as we approach 2024. Well, that's a good start for them because they've been lying their tails off for years. The other thing that this implies is, you know, I kind of wonder how in the world you could have a DDoS attack, which is, you know, internet-based, if the voting systems aren't connected to the internet like they're telling us they are. Which we already know that they're connected to the internet because In fact, I was in on the panel that found it in Michigan here because with them connecting. So I personally can vouch for the fact that they are reaching out to the internet at least every 15 minutes in one direction that we found, right? Oh, but they're totally not, which is why this DDoS thing is so important because they're not connected to the internet. And so they are completely immune to internet attacks, but boy. An internet attack might take them down. So, you know, how's that working for them? They need an excuse to bring in the paper ballots to match the, you know, the electronic cheating. So instead of having water leaks and, you know, all this other stuff, they could just like say, hey, the internet just went down across the country. Sorry, Russia did it as they ship in all the ballots through with semi trucks all night. Yeah, well, it could be that. Let's go through all the scenarios, too, here. It could be the good guys that are actually infiltrating the infiltrators, double spy type crap going on. And that may actually be requiring the paper ballots and actually have people on the ground watching this stuff, refusing to let the 2024 election be stolen. Or they may just take the entire thing down and we don't know if it's good guys or bad guys. We don't know who's doing any of this crap. Just like the assassination attempt on President Donald J. Trump. Do we know what's going on there? Absolutely not. Absolutely not. We do not know. Because there's nothing there that's adding up or making sense. Right. And they'll be off to something else and just like everything over the last... four years, we'll never know. They'll just move on to something else to attract your attention to a war or some bombing or something, terrorist attack. They lie, they lie, they lie. That's what we know we can know for absolute certainty is that everyone's lying and we don't have the truth. And so we can sit back and trust God in all circumstances to work for good in all things. He uses all things working for good to those who love him. So the rest of us, we just sit back I'm going to sit here with Pepe and check in the popcorn and watch things. You know, Pepe, he's sitting tight in the pocket there, just all kind of okay. And we're just going to sit back and watch this play out. But those of us who have been in the research for a while can kind of sit back and look and go, what the heck? too, so that everyone has some background on what a DDoS attack is, because it gets thrown around in news a lot, but nobody ever really explains it. It kind of started with, we'll go back a generation to denial of service, DDoS attacks. Those were when you have an adversary that has basically an enormous internet connection, is able to go to a smaller adversary, or a smaller connection and overwhelm it with traffic to the point that legitimate traffic can't get through to that site or can't get through to whatever they're trying to block access to, denial of service. A distributed denial of service attack is when you've got a bunch of computers that are infected with malware and someone controls all of those computers to all point their traffic at that particular site and uses a whole bunch of little internet connections, you know, people's home internet connections, to overwhelm the internet connection of whoever they're trying to attack. Could that bring the whole... the internet down though? Generally it won't take the whole internet down because they're focusing all of those individual computers on one site. Maybe the good guys could do that to Dominion or whatever site they're using to cheat. That kind of sounds like what they're implying with this because it is a lot more difficult to do a DDoS attack on a whole bunch of individual polling places. Because now you can't focus your attack on one spot. You have to have a huge number of computers to be able to do a DDoS attack on potentially thousands of polling places. But it's coming from a centralized location. According to Torrey, at least in 2016, it was coming from Virginia. someplace in Virginia where they were actually controlling, you know, whatever they do to change, you know, the results. Do the hands, David. That was great. And that would be a perfect fit for a DDoS attack to attack one site, which of course we know from what they've told us of how the voting machines work, they don't connect to the internet. So that can't possibly happen, right? No, they always tell the truth. Does anybody actually still believe that? I'm sure there's probably people still listen to NBC and CNN and believe that kind of stuff. People that just don't listen to anything. There's a lot of people that don't listen. All right, guys, I bought, I'm saying, okay, so off the grid, we can go any direction you want, but I did buy this book and I was listening to something. I actually like listen to this gal, Barbara O'Neill. And I think she's really interesting. She actually was, I caught her on a video talking about having your body and her, her reason to sound, but I never thought about it this way, that if you have a broken bow and your body knows how to replace it and teeth are in fact bones, And so if you understand what they need to repair, your teeth and your body will repair your teeth. Mm-hmm. Agree or disagree, David? Oh, 100% I agree. I'm not sure that we have the tech. The technology exists to regrow teeth, but I don't think we have access to it. 100% I agree. Every time I get into a Rumble video, I'm seeing this hack about growing new teeth. All those hacks. Your eyesight will be 20-20. I have heard of people that have broken teeth and been able to regrow enamel over the broken tooth. How did they do that? Um, primarily through, if I remember right, eating a high mineral, low acid diet for a while. Um, and I don't remember for sure. It was somebody that I actually talked to that this was, it was, uh, they had one of their kids that they couldn't get in for, uh, for dental treatment for a while. And, um, I don't remember the specifics on it, but I know she said that it worked for her own kid. And that was not somebody that I just heard of on the Internet. It's, you know, somebody that it's it's been a while now. I don't remember who it was that I talked to about it, but it was it was real interesting the way she described how that worked. Okay, I just posted that last link on my channel. I've got a bunch of links to catch up with today. So if you watch a flurry of posting on my channel, it's going to be putting all those links up that I have been remiss in getting up there. Which link? The YTDLP one? Yeah, the DDS attack. Hold on a minute. Oh, okay. So I'm going to get, let's see if I can get Barbara O'Neill. growing teeth. Yeah. Now she, the, the gal that I talked to, she wasn't talking about completely regrowing new teeth. It was just about basically healing over a broken tooth to the point where it would seal up all of the Denton inside. But I don't know, at least that I have heard is possible. Okay. Let's see what she has to say. It's probably going to go right to, oh, there we go. It actually went to it. Let's see what we have here. No, thank you. No. And see, this is what YouTube does to screw with us right there. And then I'll go back to you guys, and then all of a sudden it'll start playing. So that goes kind of back to the last link that I posted in the private chat there. I got thinking about this the other day that people may not know that this kind of thing exists, but there are tools for downloading and archiving videos from various video sites on the Internet. One of them being one of the better ones being YT-DLP. And the link that I posted is for GitHub, which is owned by Microsoft. However, this is an open source project. And if you go over to the releases on the side, you can download it for pretty much any platform. Well, any of the main platforms. If you're outside of that, you can probably compile it. But that allows you to archive videos in case they become inaccessible or either by being censored, deleted, or having your internet connection go down. It allows you to archive those. Now, several video sites do have things in their terms of service saying that you can't do that. However, there is case law on the books allowing, actually thanks to Mr. Rogers from Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood, there's case law on the books for allowing you to time shift and space shift media, which has generally applied to being able to record broadcast things. So whether those terms of service would hold up in court or not, I don't know. However, you have the tools available to you. We're not advocating any breaking of any laws here. So this, it's all on you if you don't check them out because we don't know what they are. That is correct. Isn't there another one out there, Ralph, on... YouTube DL actually kind of got abandoned, and this is a continuation of that original project. Okay. All right. Interesting. There's another one out there that you talk about a lot that's able to copy websites and such. There's Kiwix. There's Kiwix. And that's a great tool for allowing you to locally browse copies of an entire website. So like Wikipedia, you can download an offline copy of Wikipedia with that. Wonderful tool for that. All of Wikipedia? All of Wikipedia. Oh, wow. Yeah, I think that having a hard copy of everything is a really great idea. And Casey, We end up going off the grid. We need to have things like, say, Trela and other books and reference materials that we can use to resource, use as a resource. Let's see what Barbara's book says here a minute. This is kind of cool. I was going through, it just came in the other day. And she goes through introduction to Erwin. And I'm not getting paid for this, okay? I don't get paid for this kind of stuff. I'm just, I'm one of those, curious people that like to look at everything. Introduction to herbal medicine, fundamentals of non-toxic living, non-toxic diets and lifestyles, immunity, the herbs for the immune system, comprehensive herbal remedies, respiratory, digestive, wound treatment, pain management, and herbal support for mental health, detoxifying, So there's like 10 books in here. There's 10 books in one, which I think is really interesting. So these are all the books that are in here. She goes through detoxifying, what works well for detoxifying and cleaning your body up right off the bat. That's in book two, which I was kind of perusing through. It's kind of interesting. I love this kind of stuff. Yeah, I know you do. Not all of us are classically trained doctors like you. Well, finding more and more that the lies that I was taught in medical school and over the years, just things just, you look back now, they just don't make any sense, you know, or they're just, you know, medications, you know, no, there's medications pretty much don't heal any disease, you know, other than maybe antibiotics, you know, they just, they decrease the symptoms, you know, but we're never really taught about, you know, how to not get the disease in the first place, you know, everything. And then most of it, I think I'm finding just boils down to diet and what we're eating and also the various chemicals in these can't trust our government. You know, like they say, like, even like a toothpaste, you know, this is a safe toothpaste. They've never checked, you know, toothpaste could be killing us for all we know. But I guarantee, I mean, I'd say probably three quarters of the ailments, the major ailments that everybody's experiencing or most people are experiencing, you know, diabetes, Alzheimer's, things like that. They're all basically diet related. But no doctor ever talked to me about that. They never taught us about that. Sugar and seed oils are really killing everybody. So for toothpaste, I found something a while back that I thought was really interesting. They're finding that the chemical in chocolate that makes it poisonous to dogs, naturally produced by the cacao plant, theobromine, has... some, there's one study that I saw that actually measured, uh, how it does the same thing as fluorine basically for rebuilding enamel and strengthening enamel. Um, but in the one study that I saw, it actually provides a hardened layer that is like, I think it was like five or six times, uh, as thick as a fluorine supposedly does. Um, And so, yeah, this is one of the toothpastes that is made with that. You'd have to go look up the study for yourself to see the details, but I think it's worth looking into. I thought it was pretty cool. Wow. I've been making my own toothpaste for a little while. I tried another product just because I wanted to be lazy sometimes, but coconut oil is the main base. You can put charcoal in it. You can put baking soda and salt. And you can add flavoring like peppermint or spearmint, wintergreen into it. And it takes a little getting used to because you're used to the foam. For me, that was the big difference. But it does the job. Yeah. Is that hard on your teeth baking soda? I don't know. I think it depends on how much you use. It's like the charcoal. A friend had made me the first batch that I had and she said she used less charcoal than what was recommended in the recipe because she said it was a little bit harsh. So I was going by like the color, but you can get those charcoal capsules. um another thing that you can get for an emergency scenario um but you can break that open easily and use a portion of that and um you don't want to be really dark color that's what I was going by is trying to match the coloration of what she had made when I made my own after that um and there you look it up there's a You have to have a little bit of grit in there. I'm checking it out. You guys know anything about this? I don't know. Somebody just dropped it in the chat. I don't really know anything about it. Okay. Well, there you go. Something else to look up. So this is an archive's website pages for online, offline access. Okay. We'll go check that one out. I'll throw that one. I'll go ahead and throw that one. Yeah, anyone that runs Linux too, you may already, you probably already have this installed. But for crawling websites and archiving them, again, making sure that you abide by terms of service, there is a tool called wget. And It comes built in on a lot of versions of Linux, but that can basically crawl through a website and just download everything. Okay. And you have somebody put Theranime Mint toothpaste in there too? Yeah, that's what I started using. Is it working? Yeah, I've used that before too. All right. Let's see what it looks like here. It takes a little getting used to. How come? What does it taste like? It's different. I don't know. But you can handle anything for a minute in the morning. Brushing your teeth before bed. It's like Indian. It's from ancient Indian thing. From India. Neem. Neem oil is good for you. So that's cool. I just bought some from a plant store. I just think we have to be suspect about everything as we're finding out. Yeah, no kidding. Because, you know, they want us what's sick and sick and I forgot. Sick, weak and stupid. Sick, weak, stupid, independent on the government. You know, what better way than to slip stuff into what we eat and what we put on our bodies, deodorant. toothpaste, shampoos. I just saw something on Teflon in these pots. How toxic that stuff is. Hey, look at how toxic that is. You can't cook with Teflon if you have a parrot because the fumes that it gives off are very, very toxic to parrots. If a parrot can't have it in the house, you think you should? Yeah, exactly. It's a canary in the mind, except it's bigger. Yeah. I suppose some parrots are very small. People are really sick out there. If you just look around and just see how many people have diabetes or prediabetes. Yeah, there's things. It's universal. Everyone's getting Alzheimer's at some point, you know, in their 80s, 90s. You know, not everyone, but most people are getting, you know, dementia. Yeah. This stuff, you know, the first reported heart attack, I think, was in like 1920 or 1919, something like that. They didn't even have heart disease back then. It's like, wake up, people. Something's going on. Oh, but it's just because they didn't identify it, right? Because people in the past were stupid. No, because that is just such an easy thing to identify. People say that to justify it, but doing an autopsy, you guys have never done autopsies, but it's easy to see that the big arteries going to the heart are blocked with something. They would have been able to do that in the 1800s if they did autopsies. Oh, I think, I don't know. I think all of those people in the past must have just been absolutely stupid. Stupid, right, exactly. All of the people that were able to build mechanical computers to do the valve timing on steam engines without the, without the, you know, Anything to do with the calculations other than themselves. You know, they were just too stupid to figure out a heart attack. And those buildings they made in the 1600s and Fort to the Chapels and those organs and, you know, all these, you know, complex machinery. You know, it wasn't electronic, but just think of all the moving parts. But no, they couldn't figure out, you know, that some big thing blocked the artery going to the heart. No, it's a cover-up and we got to get to the bottom of some of these diseases, not just find pills to treat them after you already have them. Q National Geographic. We're going back into the primitive times when people did not know how to do this. And you've got what? You've got these huge buildings. You couldn't build them today if you had to. No, those buildings, that's incredible stuff. You ever get on the channel on Telegram that's Tartaria? Yeah, that's really cool. It's amazing. Let's see if I can pull this up here, Tartaria. And, oh, man, there's all kinds of Tartaria and the History Channel. I'm going to... To say that, not to change the subject too much, but Jeannie and I met a mason And he's also a Freemason and something else. He's the head guy. He's going to be the president of the world of all the Freemasons. You met him? We met him. We know him now. Yeah. Of the whole world next year. He's going to be president of all the Masons next year. Yeah. Masons and what's the other one in that? What's the other, what are some, what's the other? Shriners. Yeah, he's a Shriner. And he's the head of the Masons of the whole world. There's so many of them, it's unbelievable. Like the number in Michigan, I think he said like we're 60,000 or something. So why was he talking to you about it? I thought this was like- We met him at a party. We met him at a party. And he was like a really nice guy and- He was telling us all about it and stuff. I mean, on the surface, it seems like a normal thing, other than they don't let women in. And he went like this. I said, can you tell us any secrets? He's like, no. He was a really funny guy. I mean, he was really, but he's a really high level, like as high as you can go. Cause he, he is going to have the only paid position is he's the president of the entire world, not just the United States, the whole world of it for one year. Really? Yeah. My face. Right. I'm like, yeah my little muscles flexing and I'm like smoking something or is he for real I don't think they let this guy's out like in public Okay, so there's like a ton of the Tartaria channels, right? So we've got one with history. And I look at stuff like this, and I think this is kind of funny, actually. This is hilarious to me. All right, so let me stop the screen here. I don't know what happened to Ralph. Oh, there's Ralph. Where'd you go, Ralph? Yeah, sorry. For some reason, my browser died. Okay. He's telling too many truths. Yeah, hang on a minute. We got... We got a lost soldier. I got to get in the right place here, but we're to start here. Check this out. This is okay. I got a delivery guy delivering something. I got to talk amongst yourselves, but this I'm looking at this one. This is Photoshop for gosh sakes. Yeah. It's crazy. It's like not everything we see is for real, but talk amongst yourselves. I got to, got to get somebody in the right position here or a right spot. Well, have you seen the Antikythera mechanism? Yes. Yeah. That, you know, that knowledge of mechanics is really old. Yeah. With analog computers. Yeah. I mean. But there is a comeback, I think. They are doing something. I saw an article a long time ago. I don't really recall exactly what it was, but I'll. analog is really good for certain things. And they have these really high tech analog computer things now. And they they combine them with digital. Yeah, there's no more an idea about that. But it was really interesting. The main problem that you have with doing anything like analog electronics is it generally requires more math. And electronics engineers, just like any engineer, is going to find the easiest way to do something. And digital is usually just the easier way to do it. Something with the frequency. It did something with the frequency that you just can't create with digital as accurate as analog. Analog, though, is a much better, in a lot of ways, it's a much better tool for doing neural networks for AI than digital is. Maybe that's why they were talking about it. And so if you can find engineers that actually know how to do analog stuff anymore properly, you know, high-speed analog stuff, Would that be a mechanical engineer? What's that? Is that a mechanical engineer? No, I'm talking about analog electronics instead of digital electronics. Because you can do electronic analog computing. I've actually got a book on that. It's really cool. It's one of my favorite books. Yeah, that's what I read something about that. Yeah. The one that I've got is, if anyone wants to read, anyone out there that's interested in electronics and wants to read it, it's Introductory Operational Amplifiers in Linear ICs. That sounds fun. Yeah, it's cool. Very early methods of being able to do computation, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, all kinds of stuff without using anything digital. It's really cool. Yeah, it is really cool. That's what I was talking about. Can you drop a link in the chat? Let's see if I can find it. It's an old book. I'd love to find an old medical book, like from the 1800s, just to see what they say. We need a Tartaria History Channel for medicine. Okay, handled. So, yeah, here's the, let's see, here's the Tartaria thing. Got all kinds of crazy stuff in here. See if we can find some buildings. Hitler was time man, amazing man of the year. Well, that explains a lot. The best part about the electric vehicle is we're trying to save energy. That's what they tell us. But we're going to use electric vehicles, which require two to three times more energy. And then we're going to use LEDs when the oldest, longest standing light bulb is an incandescent, the Centennial bulb in California. Or how about this? California just proposed a 30 cents per mile tax on every electric vehicle. Didn't see that one coming because they're not getting a gas tax anymore. Now they got to come up with different taxes. People thought they were going to get out of taxes because they were going green. also they proposed that they don't want to push solar panels anymore so they gave people tax incentives to get them onto the solar panels now they're having rolling blackouts so now they're trying to say that we need to get them away from solar panels you see how this goes we'll figure it out later after we destroy mother earth after we rip it up and take all the materials out of it that's green green green green green That's green in money, if you think about it. Big dollar bills. Those are green dollar bills that they're cashing in on. DNR in the state of Michigan is dead center with that. They've been ripping and clear-cutting the land up north like there's no tomorrow. Oh, so that whole green thing there, too, that brings up another thing that I saw recently that they are finding... Okay, so to back up a little bit, there's a whole bunch of... There's a whole bunch of... Metal nodules on the sea floor in certain parts of the ocean. And there's been a bunch of companies that have wanted to go and effectively just scoop those up and mine them because they contain a lot of rare earths. Yeah. Which, you know, we need for all of the. lithium ion batteries and all the power electronics for all of this kind of stuff to go green, right? Yeah. Well, what they found out is for some reason there was an awful lot more oxygen at the seafloor than what there should have been because oxygen shouldn't be coming from the seafloor. It should be coming from the air and then going into the water by wave action and then diffusing downward yeah uh but uh what they found is that the sea floor seemed to be producing oxygen and what they what they're kind of narrowing in on is it's it seems to be related to these metal nodules on the sea floor and they're generating just enormous amounts of oxygen Interesting. From the nodules themselves. Yeah. And they figured the way that it's working, as best they've been able to figure out, because this is still ongoing research, these nodules are acting effectively as electrodes of a saltwater battery and are generating just enough electricity to be able to split the water off. by electrolysis into hydrogen and oxygen. And then the oxygen, I'm not sure where they figure the hydrogen goes, but then the oxygen diffuses throughout the salt water. And the one study that I saw was actually paid for by the nodule mining companies that are trying to do this. And so now they've kind of been trying to hush it up because it Even though it was funded by them, I guess it kind of went public without being filtered by them. So interesting research. We'll see if it pans out, if anyone's able to duplicate this, but it's really interesting. Well, what's really sad is how many people are trying to protect the knowledge they have rather than to share it with everyone. The only reason why you protect knowledge is because you want to control it. The ideas are not altruistic at that point or the intentions are not altruistic. If you have something that you can share to help the world, And I think this goes back to a fallacy that we've been brainwashed in, and that would be the fallacy that we have to always compete. And look at how much competition the schools try to instill in people. Competition, competition, competition. They say that they're doing things in teamwork, but there isn't any teamwork going on out there. It's all protect yourself, make sure that you're first, always first, taking the advantage, that sort of thing. I'm not really sure that that's the optimal way for the world to really work. And it's divide and conquer and control at the level of the individual. It is. And build your own teams, that sort of thing. And I get it. There's something baked into us for survival and that sort of thing. But if we could all work together on things a little bit, I think things would go quite a bit better. And you'll notice that. What I noticed is when you see the difference between people who are younger and people who are older, the older we get, the less competition we have. And I don't know why that is, but it seems to be a natural progression. When you're hanging out with a bunch of older people, they, you know, older people, I'll put myself in this category now, too, because, you know, it's like as we age, that need to compete goes away. To win at everything. You don't feel that need to win on a personal level because you're a lot more settled. And I think sometimes, you know, when you look at people in other countries when they have a high density of younger people. I think, what is it? Iraq was for a while there. I don't know how they are now, but 75% of the population was under 25 years old. Wow. There's a couple of countries in the Middle East that it was... It was like, and that can't be right. I got to think I shouldn't. Because we probably killed off an entire generation. Yes. And that happens when there's a lot of war. There's a lot of older people that die. Look at what they did here with the COVID shots and how many older people they went after older people to eliminate them. And they absolutely did it here in the state of Michigan. And Gretchen Whitmer let this hang around her neck and every other one of them when they have to go meet God because that's exactly what happened. But the important part of having people who are older in society has been quite overlooked because the focus is all on kids. I'm sorry, but I didn't run my kids around to every single sporting event or this, that, and the other thing, and sit in the stands and watch all the time. They worked with me. Not that it's all bad, but it seems to me to be a little bit out of whack. It's plugging them in the system and that high competition when they're very young. I'm not sure that that's optimal, quite honestly. I think it's better if you can learn to work with each other. And you see the difference. I've got a very, very dear friend, who owns a restaurant and a very well-respected Italian family in this area. He's one of my dearest friends. I love this guy a lot in this family. But the whole family works together. Their family works like our family does, where we just kind of all work together. And the kids learn that responsibility and working with family, having adults and grandpa and grandma and mom and dad pass that knowledge down as they go. And it's amazing how that changes the dynamics. I was talking to him yesterday. We had lunch there yesterday and talking to him yesterday and how that doesn't change the dynamics. But this high competition, individual glory type of stuff isn't necessarily optimal for how society works. And really, My opinion is it kind of leaves behind a lot of times the human part of really caring for the people around you instead of seeing them as something to take advantage of or beat or get ahead of. Older people don't seem to have that. It's necessary. It's a pride thing, too. I'll admit he just left, so you don't hear me. my husband sometimes he's got a big job to do and he wants to try to do it himself because that's that's the way he is but if he reaches a point where he doesn't have a tool or the strength or the skill he will work really hard to try to figure out how else he can do it before asking for help and I'll say you know I I bet so-and-so has what you need and he would be more than happy to help you and you could get it done so fast. Why don't you give him a call? Oh no, no, no, no, no. I'm, I'm not done trying. And it's like, you know, I, I, and I put it this way. It would be a blessing for him to have the opportunity to bestow upon you that gift. You are offering someone else a chance to be helpful and give you something that God gave them. And if you look at it that way, why wouldn't you? Because you're giving them something to give. You are, in a sense, blessing them. And when we work together as a community... You know, think about everybody knows we kind of have this image of the Amish barn raising. That's that's a good concept. I was talking about this the other day to somebody because everybody comes together and they get a really big job done. Well, then you have other people who are supporting. So you typically it's the women who bring a bunch of food around. There's always refreshment for the workers. The children might play, but they're also observing how to do things. And as they get older, every time there's a barn raising. The kids that are aging are finding a role to play in there. They're helping in some way. So they are learning in that process how to do something their family might not need to do for another generation. And so this is how communities should be working together from within a family, if you've got a big one, to a neighborhood, to a township. when you have a need and you got to shut down your bride a little bit and we haven't been raised some of us especially men that competitive environment it's interesting that you bring that up donna in that perspective it the competition builds pride instead of saying let me shut down my pride be a little humble and ask for help asking for help is not a bad thing And losing is not always a bad thing either. I know when my kids were growing up, I honestly pounded this in their heads. Remember when you win, somebody else loses and you know how that feels when you lose. So be a gracious winner when you do win and then try to help them improve instead of gloating over it. It's not okay to do that. And sometimes I've actually seen seen some really beautiful things happen when somebody will throw a game or something. I'm not talking like in a high competition game, but because they know that the other person needs to win. And that can be kind of an art form, you know, it's like you might be better at say like chess with your kids. But if you go in there and you slam your kids every time you play chess with them, just because you know how to play it and are better, they're never going to learn anything and get demoralized before they really get there. So once in a while, you just kind of, you know, I would toss something out in a game. just so that my kids could learn that. And I think that that's something to remember with each other that winning isn't always everything in the classical sense. Sometimes we win by making sure that somebody else succeeds and it's okay to lose if it's for the healing or the benefit of others. It's a very noble thing to do. Yeah. makes me think of a cheetah I've seen cheetahs do this where a mama cheetah will put tons of energy into catching a little fawn an antelope and then she she doesn't kill it but she waits for her cubs to catch up to her and then she lifts her paw And lets them experiment. And it sounds horrible. But they have to learn how to catch. They have to learn how to kill. And then they can eat. And. For her the competition. Is not a competition with her cubs. It's like you said. She's trying to teach them. How to do it. By making the game a little bit easier for them. She'll catch it. She might injure it. She'll weaken it. She'll separate it from mom. So there's no danger. But she'll make it a little bit easier. It was funny. Because I just. Within the last week. Saw Andy Griffith episode. In which Opie. He's really determined. He's going to win a medal. With a 50 yard dash. And he loses. And he walks away. Instead of congratulating the winner. And Andy gives him. A talking to. And he doesn't care. He's still spiteful. He's angry. And his father says, I'm disappointed in you. And it takes him a little time to process that. And then he comes back. He says, I don't want to disappoint you. And he explains it just like you said. You need to be gracious to the winner because there's always a loser. Yeah. And you need to be nice. It's interesting that they taught those lessons on TV, you know, years and years ago. But now what are they teaching kids? Yeah. Not be, you know, boys and girls. They should be something else. And I mean, it's just horrible. The lessons that we should be teaching the kids. Politics is is exactly what you're talking about, because I don't think I've ever seen so much brutality. in groups of people in my life than in politics, where it's like they will literally destroy anyone and everyone around them just to be right in what they believe. And it may not even be the right answer. But so help them. They're going to win and they'll win at all costs, which isn't a win. You know, winning is the right answer no matter who it comes from. And being able to work together with people and listen and keep your eye on the goal of is the goal just so that you can be on the winning team? Or is the goal and the bigger picture winning for America or winning for God's world or God's children? You know, which is human beings. Is it winning to be a servant to have or is it always to win and destroy anything and anyone that gets in your way? That's really psychopath behavior right there. And unfortunately there's so much of it out there, but it's a good thing to even remember that and check ourselves, I suppose, you know, and, and, uh, are you building the people around you up or is this just all for some, you know, some little moment, fleeting moment of glory? I'm pretty sure that God's going to come back and say, I'm disappointed in you. You did it first. I think too, you need to ask yourself, are you fighting for yourself or are you fighting for your moral stance and God? Exactly. If you're, if you're fighting for the right reasons and, If the outcome is not what you want, but you fought it valiantly, it's better than a disgraceful win. This idea of teaching. There's also a song I posted about on the Telegram channel because every time I hear it, it just, it strikes me. It's by an artist named Doogie McLean. I don't know if he authored it or not, but there's a line in the song that It is not a thing to learn inside a day. Stand closely by me and I'll try to show the way. And in the verses, one circumstance, there's a daughter that's learning to dance. And then the other, there's a father trying to teach the son how to harvest something like wheat. So he's throwing the tool across the blade across the whatever it is. I think it's wheat. And there's an art form to that. And when you're a kid, you're growing, so you're awkward all the time until you mature pretty well. And you're never going to be as good as your father until you're more fully grown. It takes years of practice to be able to be efficient at a particular movement like that. Um, so he's trying to tell his son, it's not a thing you can learn inside a day. And what do we try to do with kids now? It's everything's fast. Everything. If you, the attention span is 15 seconds or whatever it is, you gotta give them a fidget spinner in class. Cause they can't learn how to sit still. Boy, when I was a kid, you sat still through church. And now they have to have a whole other room to put the kids in while the adults have service. No, you learn how to sit still. You didn't play a game in the car unless it was something that you could look out the window and see. You had to learn to sit in a car for a long time, sometimes on a trip, and not fight with your siblings. That patience... Whether it was dealing with adversity or dealing with a skill set is something that that is getting lost, too. And again, it's one of those things that is taught when you have something like chores around the farm. You learn a lot more. Donna, if your kids grew up in a barn, they're going to learn a lot more about life from shoveling animal poo. You gotta get up early and you gotta go to bed late. Make hay while the sun shines. They learn all those principles. And as Dr. David was talking about earlier about how people didn't have heart attacks years ago, from my short experience this far this summer, just getting outside and working in the garden, I can tell a difference in my health. It's It's more natural health to do the things that we were designed to do and meant to do, to feed our families, take care of our communities. That's healthy. And I mean that in a physical medical sense. Well, Karen, one thing that they've discovered, you know, in those blue zones, you know, and it's very controversial, you know, they try and figure out what people eat, what they don't eat, you know, the longest living people. But one thing in common is they all work until they're in their, you know, 90s, 100s. They do some sort of physical work, you know, whether it's pulling weeds or gardening or something. They're all active and outside. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I've seen that a lot, how much gardening actually does increase your lifespan. It's amazing. I'm actually looking for something. There's a video out there where the music is It's a Mad, Mad World, and Dianne Feinstein is on that. And it's a real interesting video. I was going to play that a minute. And it kind of shows her sadness when she realized that she was caught. in some things that she should not have done. And it's a very haunting video. But it's one of those things that we all have to remember. And this is something to weigh out every day. There's going to be a point in time when every single one of us is going to come face to face with God Almighty. And what is that moment going to look like? should be a sobering thought for everyone. You know, is it, is it going to be a happy moment or sad one? When I saw this video years ago, it was, it's actually one of my favorite videos to watch the literal shock and, and, and total, total what just happened and, and realizing she had nowhere to run. And I think that that's because everything was out in the open at that point in time and she knew it, that everybody knew it. Same look that you had at George Bush's funeral with his kids. And Jeb had that look on his face and he looked like he was going to throw up when George W. sat there and basically, you know, they have it all type of stuff. Yeah. kind of amazing. So I'm looking for it. Of course, YouTube's not going to load. Maybe I could find it on Rumble. Hang on a minute. Let's try Rumble. YouTube is worthless. There's definitely, you know, one thing to take away from this whole thing is there's a war on the children, on the kids. And I don't know how they're ever going to come out of it. You know how you come out of it? You have to have some actual adults. To take care of their kids? That will be able to stand up and say what needs to be said and be really tough. I mean, we're going to have to be tough. And I don't mean tough in a mean way to the kids, but tough in a way that is unwavering when things go wrong and say, it's going to be okay. God's standing with us. And I think it's going to take animals if you really want to know. Um, because the animals are more stable than people are. They don't, they never change. Something else too, that I think we've kind of lost as a society is that you look back in history and a lot of societies, the kids were actually raised by the grandparents more than they were by the parents. Because the parents were busy trying to provide all of the food and all of the clothing and all of the – basically the material things to keep the family running because they were still fit enough to do that. And so – the kids a lot of times were raised and trained by the grandparents. Yeah. And that's something I think we've really lost is that intergenerational training. Even living under the same roof, you know, with multiple generations, you know, that's much more common in Europe than the United States. Just having those kids live with their parents and grandparents. That concept is built into the founders monument. There's a grandfatherly figure on there. And I'm trying to remember what the pose is. I think he's got a book, a scroll or something, and he's teaching. And that's important. And I think the other thing that gets lost there, too, is the emotional moderating aspects of that. Because older people tend to be a lot more emotionally stable than younger people. And so having the kids being kind of moderated by that calming effect of older people, I think is something that's very important too. Yeah. Well, guys, it's I think this is all good things to talk about here. And you're ready to go on your day. I've got one guest that's coming on here. We'll see if everybody else from the from the citizen journalist group jumps on here. But I can we can jump. I'm going to add Dan. Hey, Dan. How you doing? Good morning. How are you? Good. You got Alice there? No, she actually, she set up an appointment. She had her times mixed because we're still in West Palm. I'm treating her to an extended media row thing for her birthday. So she's in there. She apologizes and sends her love. Oh, that's okay. No worries. Love back to all of you. So you guys can stay on for a little bit if you want here. So it's Dan today, and I know that everybody else said they were going to jump on, but I'm not sure when they're going to be here today. So welcome. Second hour of Brandenburg News Network. We've got the citizen journalist going to be joining us, and we've got Dan today. What's happening, Dan? Oh, it's been a crazy time. You were right. The Believers Summit, the Turning Point Believers Summit was a good experience. Very good experience. I did. I'm not going to lie. I missed the new group of friends. So it was kind of weird being there without you all. It was a little different. How so? different types of people we met some good people don't get me wrong we met some really interesting people and probably did about 70 freaking interviews um and some legit we definitely could say we added some legit people to the the stable but I don't know I kind of feel loyal to uh the group from the people's uh the people's convention you know because yeah you became instant family i know it was really great it was is amazing it was so it I don't know but it was a great experience don't get me wrong and like I said meeting some legit people and some people that are actually not frauds was definitely a nice experience and some other opportunities possibly coming from it that may benefit the whole so hey it's a win-win you know it was it's it was worth the trip That's cool. It looks like Karen, you got to bow out today. You got any last words here before you leave? It's garden time. You got to go get healthy. Go mold. I got some, I got lots of work to do outside if I can, while it's still a little bit cooler today. And, uh, you know, everybody needs to spend some time outside. That's what I'll leave you with. Everybody needs to spend some time out in the sunshine, get your feet in the sand or in the dirt. And, uh, Let that healing energy carry you. Leave your phone behind or whatever device you're on the internet with. Get offline. Don't worry about the rest of the world. It'll take care of itself. Get away from all that stuff and get into some nature this weekend. Take care of yourself a little bit. That sounds good. Let's go back to the IMDB with the fact that there are so many actors and actresses out there. And we need to stay into real life here a little bit. Everything we see, a lot of it is just, it's not real. It's fake. It's engineered. And so don't get too tied up in all of this nonsense that's going on out there because we don't even know what's true and what's not true from what comes through the media sources and such. So spend some time with God. That's true. And he'll carry you through whatever comes. So got to go more. Yeah. What's that? Read Ecclesiastes this weekend. Good, good plan. I'll see you next week. All right. That sounds good. We got a trade to do here at some point in time. So one of these days I'm going to head over, head up north and over to you and I know a client up there and. And maybe run over and get one of those little maple donuts at the Amish store. Man, I got to tell you, we go to Amish stores, the Amish Mill and that sort of thing. And they got these maple donuts next to the- It's a twist. It's a twist, a maple twist. If you've never had one of those, I feel really sorry for you. It is worth all the calories that you're going to consume in those little beauties. They're amazing. So have a great day, Karen. You too. Thanks. Thanks. Bye everybody. So what are we going to talk about today, Dan? Oh God, I could get into anything. You know that I I'm, I'm all about it. What's on your mind? And what you're working on. Tell us about the faith conference down there. And what differed from that between the people's convention? Because I was kind of curious. I've been down to West Palmville a number of times. And it's interesting. It's always interesting down there. It is an interesting world. I will say, just to get it out of the way, I went in the ocean for the first time in my life. So that was an interesting experience. So she was right about getting out in the sun. And even did one of those weird IV drip things for nutrition and whatever. I didn't know how to take that stuff, but it actually felt pretty fantastic. So I'm not going to complain. But I digress. The summit was... fascinating to me. Now, it was nice to be around so many people that are, you know, campaigning God, which is pretty cool. And I did a lot of interviews, obviously, and I didn't like to do leading questions or anything like that. It's always about having a conversation. But I have to say, it is interesting how many people can quote the Bible and literally give different quotes from the same from the same. It's it was fascinating. It was like it was a program narrative. Yes. Yes. And so the real ones really stuck out, you know, the real ones that were there. And they're all about we got to fight evil with, you know, love of God, but also be forceful, be on the ground, do the other things. The other ones are the pray only do nothing. It was an interesting dynamic, you know, and obviously, you know, You know, Trump came and spoke on the first night. We knew that was going to happen. I mean, you know, he's a mile away or whatever it is. So, you know, that was a good experience. You know, Dr. Carson came and everything else and got to meet him briefly, which was nice. You know, I never got to meet him before. He was very cool, very personable. But the overwhelming magnitude of these pastors, and some I really liked, and some you just kind of see it as... Wow. The, the level of fraudulence and I don't want to be mean, but no, say what you got to say, because I'm the most critical of the Christian church of any of the religions out there. And I am a Christian and Jesus was. Jesus was, that was one of the biggest things he talked about was criticism of the religious establishment at the time for being apostate. That's who killed him. It was the religious establishment that killed Jesus. Yes. And I think, you know, one woman from something called Awaken TV, a couple from, I think from Texas, God spoke to them and they decided to quit their business and start this online Roku channel thing. Really nice people, but they're about $180,000 in debt and they're making no money doing it. And your heart goes out to them. It's like, know you don't want to burst a bubble but it feels like you're going down the wrong path trying to do something that you know but we met one person interesting person um I don't remember her last name her name is karen and she's a former supermodel miss america native american and now she's engaged in the fight she's been part of reawaken and everything else and she has her own show and she escaped the modeling in the music industry she came up to me and she said I gotta tell you She said, out of all the people I've interviewed, she goes, I've heard so many people quote the Bible. And she goes, which one of the 62 versions are they quoting? And she said, I love God. But she said, at the same time, doesn't it ever become a little obvious that you're being used and manipulated and played against each other? And it is true. They preach tolerance. They preach acceptance. They preach love for all, unless or except for. And so many different interpretations. It was... I know this has nothing to do with current events, but it was fascinating to see it really play out. And again, these people, you know, I mean, hey, to each their own. Good for them. They're getting paid to go up there and speak. Turning Point has the money to just throw away. But they sit there and say they're, you know, the regular common Joes and they're just in it, you know, and it's a life mission. They make nothing of it, but... then they're getting paid money to speak. And they sound like televangelists. Most of them, you know, you have everything from former porn stars. Now, you know, this one guy was a porn star for 10 years, made millions, but now he's a pastor of a super mega church in Texas. And, you know, he's, he's preaching against everything that he, and I'm not saying people can't be saved and, you know, and find their calling and everything else, but You know better than anybody, Donna, and I'm sure the rest do, too. And I'm sorry. I mean, I know. I remember Dr. David Ralph. I never actually got to share the screen with you. So hello. You know, it's it's one of those deals where and Donna knows better than anybody. It's like we spoke about the last time the camera goes on. They are this wonderful, God fearing fighter all about the good camera goes off. arrogant just kind of douchebags you know and you just see the fr I saw it more there than I did at the people's convention because the people's convention the quote influencers I think we kind of expected it but the religious side I personally kind of expected it as well but it was fairly obvious that a lot of these people are going to be fake my god donna it was terrible and And some of the people from Blexit, of course, were there because, you know, they're worth Turning Point. And I had an interview with that Sage... I think her name is Sage steel. Another one, you know, she's all known because she was a sportscaster and ESPN. She spoke up, you know, against black lives matter. And then she lost everything and then sued and settled for millions. And she's kind of revered as a hero. I mean, nice enough on camera, but off camera. Oh my God. If you have to ask me a question, go to my people and they'll come to me. And if I have time to grace you with my presence, it's just, you know how it is. I have run into that so much, Dan, and it's incredible. It's like, you know me on a very personal level. I am what I am. I mean, you just see me here. I really don't change, right? No, you're real. I might actually say things that might be a little more shocking just because, but I don't moderate what I'm going to say. I just know that some people, it would be real hard for them to jump into some of the arenas that I've been at. and see some of the things that I've seen and such. So I might not say that on online, like, you know, most of my audience already knows about what what the Hillary did and what what you know, what happens in the gangs and the cartels and such. I mean, that's pretty brutal to face that. But I am what I am. And this is where it is. But I run into that so much. And it's it's exactly what you said. It's that, you know, Well, they won't talk to you. I saw this with Carrie Lake at Mar-a-Lago and she seemed really nice, but she's got somebody that kind of follows her around and they had a crowd of younger women that were crowded around her all the time. And they were trying to keep people kind of away from her to make it look like there was a whole bunch of hype around her. And I wanted to get picture taking with her. So I looked at him and I'm like, okay, so a minute I got anywhere near her, They would, they would, uh, here we go. Hey Christina, how you doing? I'm doing good. How are you guys today? Good. Welcome to the world. Yeah, we're talking about people that are that are that we run into that are fake out there. And what what Dan saw at the Believers Conference down there and such. And anyhow, I'm going to go back to my story being at Mar-a-Lago with Carrie Lake. And I think she's probably a pretty nice gal, you know, but I don't know. And these this this crowd of women kept pushing in front of me, but they never really left her side. So, you know, it wasn't organic. Right. And finally, I sidestepped him and I got right next to her and I was like, hi. She's like completely and totally horrified for a minute. And she seemed like she was a little horrified. And the girls that are a little handler, they were a little agitated, like, holy shit, what just happened? And I took a picture with her and she looked at me like, I don't know if she wanted to say something or she was trying to get out of it or what. She was very uncomfortable for a few minutes there. And we see that kind of stuff. all the time. I can tell you that Bannon, I've met Steve Bannon several times and such. When I was running, we had a gal that was working for us to try to just, she worked for a couple of months and she failed abysmally. She was recommended. And so of course I had to broom her because she couldn't get anything done that she promised that she could. For me, I had no connections. I had no idea who was for real, who wasn't, but I want my country back. And And so, you know, it was kind of important, I thought. So anyhow, went to Bannon and Bannon's, and I don't know if it came from him exactly, but the word was said to me that they said, well, what's she pulling and how much money has she earned? And it was like, that was the only question that they had. And I was like, well, I guess I know where things are going in that direction. And so when you come up with and what you're saying about people questioning even the religious side of it, I mean, look at what the DeVoss's have going down in Texas around, I think it's Austin, with the Seven Mountain Churches and such, that the church is being used. to get to people and make them turn their brains off and blindly follow. It's what happened in Jesus' time. The religious establishment was used as a, it was, or they were, they were the establishment and they were being used as a propaganda arm of, the people who were in charge of the money. And Jesus saw through it. He kicked those tables over. He knew exactly what he was looking at. And we're living in the same time right now. You have to question it. Why is it that the churches shut their doors during COVID? because 501c3 has got to take that money, got to bow down to that 30 pieces of silver. Why is it that people get in the race and all of a sudden you can start seeing what they're doing and what they're willing to do for money? They're no different. They're absolutely nothing's changed. But the churches, and they have a great message. They know how to suck people in. But last time I checked, Jesus went to people's homes. He did not. They wouldn't even let him in the churches. Sound familiar? Sounds easier. And Donna, it's so spot on because some of the interviews, I've actually had people's teams from pastors, regular pastors, reach out to me. They want to see the interviews before I post them. I said, no. No. I said, you know damn well that we sat down and I asked these questions. I said, what is your take on the church being used as a propaganda arm for essentially the global establishment and keeping people divided? They look at you with blank faces and they don't like it. Some of them ended the interview early. Oh, God bless you. Shake your hand and walk off camera. I have it all. We were ready this time with the camera and everything else. We upped our game, even though we had to fly, you know? So I have some very interesting and telling spots that I'm going to put it out there. I don't give a shit. I mean, it's one, they need to be. We have to put the truth out there, Dan. Yes. Yes, irregardless. Even if it's our golden calf that we worship outside of God. And people, they're there. They're still there. And the only thing that's sacred is our relationship with God Almighty. And it's like, and what did he teach us? I mean, look at what's happened. Look at how the state of Israel changed. Is that a religious establishment? Hell no. It was created by the British. Of course, I've got no quarrels with the Jewish people at all. I have a lot of Jewish friends. I have a lot of Christian friends. I have Muslim friends. There's a disconnect and good people everywhere being used. I've got we're going to get into this because we were we were Christina, we were talking about bringing a person who is who is transgender. And I believe in talking to everyone. We've got to get to the bottom because all the subgroups are being used to divide us also. And I got to tell you the reason why I said, I don't really want to bring this person on today because we're all here. And I think this devotes, it is worthy to devote a whole show to. Okay. I believe that there's been tremendous damage done to people all over the place. And I know a lot of people, they want to get on here. And I always tell people, I don't agree with a lot of things that come on here. I let people talk. But I've had a lot of people that have gotten on here and those sodomites, those this, that and the other thing. And I have said to them when I've got offline, I'm like, you're calling a human being a derogatory name. Is it okay if you walked in and said the N-word to somebody who's Black because years ago there was tremendous hate and whatever? It's not okay. And I see the same thing. There are people behind these horrible labels that are being thrown out there. And most of it is engineered propaganda from the globalists who want to divide and peel people off. So we don't even see them as people anymore and can kick them like a rabid dog, which I wouldn't kick a rabid dog, so that we can just continue to kick them. And I said to one guy, I said, I don't know how you feel about this, but I'm going to tell you how I feel about it. If we see one person lost because somebody opened up their mouth and called them names, sodomite, this, that, and the other, divide and divide and divide us, instead of going to them in service and saying, you're a person, probably not the same as... The gay pride activists, the trans activists, the Pritzker using them to fund their clinics all over transgender, but an actual human being. And we don't know that until we talk to them. You chase them away from God with those kind of actions. That judgment is going to hang right around your neck when you face God yourself. And you better put yourself in check. And this is what this is what we're talking people here. And this is what I wanted to talk to you about, Christina, when we were talking about it, because I am so offended with this. I don't even believe that a lot of the gay lesbian activists are, you know, are actually gay or lesbian. I think they're paid protesters, just like Black Lives Matter and Antifa and all of this. And we're too stupid to get to the core of it and believe things at face value. What say you guys? I just throw a bomb right in the middle of the table here. I think a lot of people are paid nowadays. And it's funny because when you talk about paying someone, for instance, Kamala Harris is now paying $150 to TikTok influencers if they'll make a video. that says that they support her so you you're you're giving up your morals for just a small amount of money and when it comes to the gay and lesbian community we have to consider what we have now in this generation is not the gay and lesbian community from the 80s 90s and early 2000s a lot of these people have clear mental illness but when we do bring tracy on She talks about the social and the biological engineering of the LGBTQ movement and how they have. I'm sorry, the garbage man is out here, which is why I was staying muted. But they you know, she talks a lot about how this movement, how the pandemic was used to create this movement, this is all by design. This is not something that just happened. It's all by design. And people have their feelings about the pandemic. A lot of ours are similar. I absolutely think it was something that was put out on purpose so that the Democratic Party could usher us in to these next four years, which we have been living, you know, currently. But right now, a lot of people, especially older people, they don't understand the difference between the gay and lesbian community of the past and what we have going on right now. And until you have someone that is willing, that is in that movement, that is not... upset by being misgendered because you know we didn't have those pronouns then uh and and you hear it from them it's really it's she really opened my eyes to to what what has actually been done to our children and a lot of the people in the gay and lesbian community now um are younger adults so We really need to take a step back and look at the propaganda. And if you do that, you'll understand how they were easily swayed. They were products of the mere exposure effect on every social media. Everyone remembers that when you're at home, the only thing you're doing is social media. So our kids were doing that too. And unfortunately, when you have kids that are stuck in situations like that, this is the outcome of it. And it hasn't changed. I'm going to tell you who paid for all of this. And this is going to be really, really a hard pill for everybody. We did. And the reason why we paid for we paid for the education, we paid for the abortions. And everybody says, oh, I don't want to get in politics. I don't need politics. I'm not going to do that. Well, guess what? If we don't step up, you know, we are sitting there and watching them putting our money that we have worked for into wars, into Ukraine, into killing people, into the shots, into the funding of all of this. And we sit there and go, well, I don't want to get my hands dirty and fix the problem by getting into politics. Whose fault is it? It's our fault. It's our fault. Right. And that's what I say all the time. We are complicit in this talk about the the NGOs that are doing disgusting things to immigrant children. These are still children. These are still human beings. We don't we don't want our country invaded by illegal immigrants. But by God, Joe Biden has created a humanitarian issue on United States soil. And now we, the people, have to deal with that issue. It's our money that's funding the NGOs. It's It's our money that funds all of this. And I've been asking a lot of questions to a lot of Republicans lately because I feel like the Republican Party is now the party of no action. You see the Democrats, they will go to the streets, even if they're wrong about what they believe in. At least they have the gumption to stand up for it. But do you see that within our own party? No. And everyone says, well- Because, you know, we'll get arrested. Well, as long as you ain't storming the Capitol, and I won't go into that, but you guys understand the point I'm making. You can peacefully protest because what's getting ready to happen now, if you've read Mike Savage's book, we are a tinderbox just waiting for one thing to happen. I think Ralph has to jump off here a minute. Ralph, I'm going to let you go. Thanks for being on today. And we're going to continue on with the show. But thank you for being on and sharing all your wisdom with us. Yeah, have a great day, everybody. See you later, Ralph. Yeah, so we're just one problem away. One situation. Well, they want a civil war, right? I mean, America's standing in the way of their global domination or whatever they want to do. And we're standing in the way. They got to take us down. they want us to do their dirty work for them and divide to divide us and watch us kill each other off for survival or to be right or whatever as they sit back and laugh and then watch us do their dirty work who did jesus sit with who did he sit with he sat with prostitutes and tax collectors Did he tell him? Did he throw him right into hell right there and say, you're going to hell, you sodomite, or you this, that, or you whore? He didn't say that. He said, go and sin no more. He said what he said. And I agree with that. I don't agree with some of these things. But we don't even understand what we have in front of us right now. Have you looked at the charts of how men's physiques have changed. Yes. Like the forties to where they are now. You can't look at that. You can't look at that. We were talking about how dumbed down people are right now. It's a science experiment. If you really want to know the truth, we couldn't pull off what they were doing in the 1800s for in, in any, in any, in stretch of the imagination now donna they now they look at especially white men white men right now are being so criminalized but the masculinity portion of men it's like you're wrong if you want to play sports you're wrong if you want to do this the masculinity is gone it's like Back in the 80s, a man wouldn't wear pink. I'm not going to comment on whether wearing pink is right or wrong. But to my example, it's just they're taking down the masculine man. Because the masculine man is the one that will stand up for his country and defend women. Who will kick ass and take names. Right. So they want those pussy men. That's that's so spot on. That's so spot on. I said to a lot of people, I had people there pray for me because they think that my words are very hostile. And I said, you could save your prayers. I said, pray for somebody who actually wants it. I said, you could save it because I think you're a pussy. And I think you're a fraud. And I said, listen, I said, I look at the world around us today. I said, I preach peace, right? I said, but back when we had our rallies back before it was cool in 2007 to 2010, if somebody came and laid hands on you, we beat their ass and we let them know that it's not going to be tolerated. You know what? You have to assert dominance and assert strength, but peace first. Peace resolved patriotism, right? But at the same time, you want to throw hands. You have these people running away from these little soy boy creatures. And it's sickening to see. And I said this to your other point. I said this to many people on camera. I said, you know, you sit here and I was preached to so many times about, you know, how, well, the gays are going to hell, but they'll have a chance to find Jesus, but they're still going to go to hell. And they're going to this and that. And I said, didn't Jesus forgive the rapist? Didn't Jesus accept, like you said, Donna, the prostitute to tax collect, right? And they have nothing to say to that. Because I said, essentially, you are the indoctrination. You're just as bad as he, quote, left because you're playing a part. I said, some of you willfully, some of you just blindly because you're a puppet. I'm no puppet. I'm strong through God. No, you are literally separating people, demonizing people, and it's bullshit. It is bullshit, and I've seen it firsthand. I've always known it, but you see it really play out with the most religious aspects of it all and the most holiest of holies. They're freaking frauds, and they're part of this segregation. They're doing it for money. Yes, it's all about the money. So you have this breaking down. I've met more lesbians, gays, and trans that want nothing to do with hurting children, don't agree with any of the crap on TV, and wonder what the hell happened to them. I see Code Pink. I saw them there protesting outside. They was at the RNC tonight. too yeah I said nice to see you again I said back in my day you were protesting the war at my illegal immigration rallies I said now you're all pro-war pro-death I don't understand it but it's such a great lie I met some activists that I haven't seen in almost 20 years that were also memory hold back in our day because in 2007 we were opposing illegal immigration there was in the media 12 million illegals reality 30 million and here we are in 2024 oh 10 to 15 million there's about 90 million or more illegals in this country okay and it's always been the case and they tried to erase us they just don't document it exactly and we we proved it we did undercover stuff we we had I think I might have told you my friend carmen from you don't speak for me she's puerto rican right she She went to a shop, a pawn shop in Hazleton, Pennsylvania, next to the police station. Went in there, spoke Spanish, had a camera, 2008. She bought a birth certificate, social security card, a welfare card, everything. We had it documented. Told the police, what did they say? That's just how it is around here. 2008. So we have exposed this and we're working on something very big right now that we're going to expose soon. We got our own whistleblower, which is a beautiful thing. But there's it's just it's so deliberate. And the faith based community are some of the weakest. Not us who have a relationship and a belief. Yeah, I love God, but I'm going to fight like hell against the frickin evils. And I don't give a shit if you think what I'm doing is right or wrong. You get people's attention. You keep going. You fight. You have to fight. because our silence is the compliance that they seek and they want. They want us shut down. They want us dumbed down. They want us mute. They want us accepted. They want us to feel defeated. I had one person say to me, well, you sound a little bitter. Maybe you need to pray more. I said, I'm not bitter at all. You know, what were you paid to be here? Yes. Well, this pastor said to me, are you paid to be here? I said, no, I paid to be here. He goes, well, that's the difference, son. I was paid to be here. And I said, you just admitted that you are a piece of shit, snake fraud. And I said, and I hope everybody finds out who you are. I said, luckily for you, I was recording that. I don't give you permission to use it. I said, that's You know what? Go ahead and sue me and take the nothing that I have away from me. You know, I don't care that it wasn't I wasn't intending to do gotcha, but it came very, very easily with the fakest of fakes. So screw him. Screw him. You know, you have to expose it. Oh, it's infighting. No, it's called funneling out the weak pieces of shit that manipulate. They're just as bad as us funding all the evil that you were talking about, Donna. It's these grifters, these frauds that come in and they do the same shit. They take you like the Tea Party started it and it is spun out of control. Oh, we're here for you. Give us your money. Now we own you. We own your message. We own your thoughts. They're using the same system because they're a part of the system. And the churches are some of the biggest perpetrators of it. I questioned them on camera. I said, why did you, two of them, why did you close your congregation during COVID? Well, we had no choice. I said, you gave up your freedom of religion. choice. Exactly. I said, you should be, I'm willing to die for my cause. I'm willing to die. And you're not even willing to open the doors and get fined for your constitutional right. I said, you gave it away. You're a hypocrite. This interview is done. Why? Because you're a pussy and you got called out because you're part of it. It's disgusting. But it was fun. Well, see, that's why I love you guys. You guys are like, like I am, you know, it's like, it's like, I see, I don't care. I will tell the truth and, and that needs to be said. And it's just the way it is, you know, and whether somebody likes it or not, it's the truth is the truth. And if I'm wrong, I'll say, I'm sorry, I was wrong. You know, it's the information I had at the time. But the truth has to stand and we have to be truthful in everything that we do. I mean, or this is why the country is spinning out. We've got all these little cult mentality groups that are going around. You know, one of the things that I see... You want to hear something funny that I saw... at the RNC. So I was at the inside of the RNC and I was at a meeting there. And yes, I was a guest there. I get it. But it doesn't make any difference. Everybody within there has to look at this critically and say, what did I just hear? What what did I just hear? And one part one morning Somebody got up and spoke at breakfast time. We were there listening to a couple of speakers, and the one speaker, he was quoted as a kingmaker of his time. And he spoke, and I'm like, well, this is a bunch of weaponized bullshit happening right here. And then the person that was speaking in front said, come on, Jollywoods, you've got to sit in your seats. It looks bad when everybody's up wandering around and the cameras come around and blah, blah, blah. It doesn't make a good showing for Michigan. And I was like... The reality of what's on the camera is people were whooping it up and their signs were up. And one of my good friends who was sitting there, Mark Coaster, and I were sitting up there watching what was happening down on the floor. And he said, look, they're all playing for the camera. He said, every time the camera goes past, everybody gets whooped up like this and showing excitement for it. And I'm like... That's great. I support President Donald J. Trump, the rightful president of the United States. I think he's wonderful. But if everybody out there thinks that he's going to get in there and do everything by himself, I got a lot of news for you. Because he not only needs to make the cuts that he's talking about making, but he's going to have to make some huger, bigger, more gargantuan cuts than what he's even laid on the table now. Yep. And that's going to take the entire nation has got to say, go, President Trump, go. Bring the hammer down on this. And we got to do our part like we already are. Exactly. We have to be active. It's not sit back and be freaking silent. We're going to have to be more active, more loud, proud out there fighting because this is what we do. And this is what people didn't do his first term when he did everything but send up a smoke signal and say, please help. But nobody did. You know, he's got it. I would say 85% of the MAGA party just sits on their social media and complains about the country. Yes, yes. What needs to happen with President Trump is he's there, is not the savior of this nation. We have a savior, and his name is Jesus Christ, okay? He is sitting there as a representative of we, the people. What does that require? That requires us to stand with him and say, we want you to absolutely decimate all of these three-letter agencies that have been weaponized against we, the people. Take that pen and scratch them right off. Get rid of them. And we're going to do our part to get your back and take it to the streets and not be silent. Right. We're going to back you, President Trump. We will back you. We're not going to sit here. We're going to back you and anyone that stands with you of getting the job done of righting these United States. We're going to back you. We need to get good governors in. The governors is more important, actually. If we had one good governor in the whole United States, We could write the whole United States. You don't need to stop being fearful. Yeah. Right. Somebody's got to get in there and take that pen. If I would have gotten in there, I would have had a semi full of pens or right off the bat. And take those pens and gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone, gone. On the basis of unconstitutionality of all of it. and crimes and then audited and prosecuted every single one of them that's what needs to happen who jumped in on on turning the united states government against we the people but we the people have got to say oh but my aunt my aunt such and such works in that department too bad them too bad jobs somewhere else like did you guys hear about kyle rittenhouse this morning No, he's not voting for Donald Trump. Oh, yeah. Fuck that little asshole. He's got right in Rand Paul. He's a piece of shit. This is because he says that Donald Trump had bad advisors and that he's soft on our two way. And I'm like, wait a minute here. So if you write in Rand Paul, that's essentially a vote for Kamala Harris. And wait till you see what she does with your two way rights. It don't make no sense. Yeah. Well, I got to tell you, I'm a little concerned about Vance. I'm real concerned about Vance. And I'm like, I hope he is the controlled actor at this point in time because I'm not kind of okay with that. And if you really want to know the truth, then I would like to see an answer back from somebody that says, yes, he's controlled and all of his connections to Peter Thiel. And he's not just sitting there put in there as someone like Pence 2.0 to betray President Trump. You know, and to all those people that say he had bad advisors, he did have a lot of bad advisors. But I'm going to tell you, he actually jumped into the swamp. Who's he going to pick from? Did you step up and go up there to help him? I'm here as a nobody shit shoveler, and I'm willing to do whatever it takes, including clean the toilets or help you write policy or sit there or tell the bad guys that they're not going to be welcome here, whatever. How many people stood up to help him? Well, I don't think that Vance, I'm really confused as why he picked Vance. I kind of agree with, you know, Donald Trump does things strategically. Very strategically. And at this point, he needs a cabinet of loyalty for sure. But I really question why he picked Vance, because I don't see what he brings to the table. I've said this before. You guys know, I'm from Cincinnati. We tell J.D. Vance to go back to Kentucky. So I don't know what he brings to the table. And I think he and I don't think he did any good to Donald Trump. By picking him, I think if he would have picked somebody different, you know, you may have been able to corral some people that weren't behind him before. But we will find out what J.D. Vance is about. You know what would be the absolute beast move of all times is if President Trump, the rightful president of the United States, picked somebody that was just a person. Yes. Yeah, I would be like, so just just pick a person that's a person of 10 people that would be outstanding as a vice president that that have business knowledge, that have no connections to the criminality that's gone on, that I know would die for this country. Donna, I wrote one of those stupid little, I know they don't go anywhere, but I got one. Then I got about 10 more and it said, pick your VP or write in a name. It was the RNC GOP thing. I literally wrote in your name. I swear to God, I wrote in your name. Like, you can't get her as governor of Michigan? Fuck it. you know and I know it's not going to go anywhere but you know what start a goddamn movement that's what it should be one person people don't realize that they say what can I do what can I do every movement has started with one person are you guys going to the dnc is anybody gonna go I can't afford it. You know I'm going. Yeah, I would pick you guys as part of my cabinet if you really want an opportunity. I would have a cloud of advisors around me, though, just normal people. I'd probably start in like the coffee shops in every small town and say, okay, everybody who's over the age of 65 is welcome at the table here. Because, you know, first of all, I know that you got all day to sit there and drink coffee and and solve the world's problems. And they're asking them, what do you think we need to do? Damn straight. Our media is a problem. Our media is a problem. I know what. I think I know what we need to do. I think I know what's going to happen. What's that? I think there will be no more United States. I agree with you. That's what they want. Every state. I think that's what we need. Because we failed. Really, the entire federal government. The experiment failed. It didn't work. And we need to have governors that just are senators. They become senators, they run their state, and they negotiate with other states for trade and stuff like that. And if you heard President Trump's speech, I think it was two weeks ago, he said, and you gotta really listen carefully, but he said, go out and vote. This will be the last time. Yep, the last time he is going to dissolve the government completely. There will be no more. Our government is way too big. And I think that's what the plan is, and they are freaking nervous, and that's why they're doing all this stuff, because they know it's done. It's over. Well, it's not for the people anymore. It's monetary now. It's all monetary greed. We are literally in a war of ideas. They control everything you do and say at this point. Yeah. Yep. And you think you have freedom. No, the Statue of Liberty. Tori was talking about this yesterday. If you look at her feet, it's bound by chains. Yes. It's an 11 star thing. I forgot what she said. I've seen the whole breakdown on that. Yeah, it's in the in the private chat there, David. Yeah, if I can find it. It was from an old one. There's also some conspiracy theories about what's underneath the Statue of Liberty. Yes. Oh, did you guys see? So there's a story going around on Twitter right now. So an illegal immigrant was at the grocery store, and she left a receipt. And the cashier picked up her receipt and looked at her food stamp balance. Do you want to know how much her food stamp balance was? Thousands. $13,000, but cash balance was 4,400. That tells you what the government thinks of the Americans. You can starve. Christina, I proved it. 2007, I exposed in Pennsylvania. if you need disability as a regular american citizen good luck but if you're an illegal alien well the inability to speak english is considered a disability one thousand dollars a month if you're a depressed illegal immigrant five thousand on top of the one thousand and we were up to six thousand dollars in food stamps and cash assistance I identify as a depressed trans illegal. So, you know, it's sickening. They're doing everything they can to destroy the country, right? Yes. And what was... What was will be again. These things that we exposed in 2007 and 2010, they didn't go away. They're going back to those numbers because people have forgotten and they do it intentionally. People forget about the fights. My one friend, he's a Navy SEAL, retired. He was out there in the fights with me and he literally said to me in West Palm, I was shocked to see him. He said, look at these fraudulent assholes around here. He goes, they don't know the first goddamn thing about what it is to fight or what we did. And he goes, then go ahead and try to find stuff on us. You'll find the hate articles. You'll find them talking about the 20s. Yes. 20, 30,000 people rallies though. You'll see, Oh, the race is gathered today, but they memory hold everything else because it's the same narrative. When in reality, it is 200 times worse than what they're saying. Some of us know it and they want us stopped. They want us shut down. They need that. So I know more than ever. And this goes back to, I got to ask Donna, are you planning on going to reawaken? She, I don't think they probably will not be going to that. Okay. It's too dangerous. You can't. Yeah. There's some... things to be a little concerned about for donna brandenburg there yeah I understand because um I'm planning on curtailing that because I know christina is gonna go and we're planning it right now we're gonna hold a rally in west virginia the weekend before and then go from there to reawaken and it's gonna be what weekend is that um it is the weekend it's the 17th I believe of october Yep. So the weekend prior to that, let me check. I literally just marked it on the calendar this morning. I owed you that info, Christina. I'm sorry. So it's going to be... All right. Reawaken starts the... Check-in is the 17th, 18th, and 19th. So we are holding the rally in West Virginia on Saturday, October 12th. And Governor Justice is definitely all in, wants to be, you know, he's down. But we're going to hold a massive-ass rally, and it's going to be an old-school-style rally. And there's going to be a shit-ton of people. But obviously, you know, I understand, Donna, but I'd love for you to be at any of it, you know? Yeah. You know, and the thing of it is, is usually I don't announce my schedule a whole lot ahead of time either, because, you know, as you know, we run for governor and you're going to see a lot of threats, which I'm not afraid of at all. But it's like it's like there's there's it's always interesting. yeah okay I i get it like I said I had money 300 000 death threats a year I loved it so it was always I got my first death threat like two months ago and I felt so accomplished I was like I made it you did good for you you made the cut huh Yeah. I was like, I feel great. Yeah. Well, I know when I took, I took Ivan, I took Ivan Raiklin to the airport after the RNC and he and myself and one other person, they, and he said it too. He said, he said something, we ended up picking something up or getting something there. He was sick and he was sick in the car and, And so I'll tell you what it was, Donna. I'll tell you what it was. So and the same thing happened at the Bitcoin convention. So there was a smell outside. I smelled it. And it was the same thing at the Bitcoin convention. I came home from the RMC. They told me I had COVID and I was like. No, I'm not even sure. I'm convinced that COVID isn't a thing. I'm convinced that that's the flu. But yeah, so there was a smell. And then very shortly after, you can hear people asking for Tylenol. They got a headache immediately. and then I didn't you know I didn't keep up with those people and then at the bitcoin convention it was the same thing there was a smell then all the people around me all my head hurts they couldn't see correctly yeah and that's what I was telling you I watched it firsthand donna because there was a group of 30 of us yeah and then it was like simultaneously every single one started to get sick I shit you not, everybody. I swear on everything that is sacred, and Hollis would attest to it. I had planned on taking her for her birthday, you know, after we left the convention and surprised her. Come Saturday, obviously, like I said, not as cool as this group, but we had our little group, and there was about six or seven of us, the real ones, on media row. We were all, you know, lumped in in the same corner. Second day after I started going, having these confrontations, I swear to you, we all brought it up. There was a strange-ass smell. And I literally said, something's, something's not right there. I was so sick. Yup. I was so sick by Saturday night. I went to the urgent care poison, got loaded up with meds and did this IV infusion thing just so I could get back to normal. I was sick as hell and I was fine. I was fine. And one of them literally said to me, we all got sick. We were all sick by Saturday evening. We came there Sunday, all of us sneezing, coughing, everything. Couldn't have a hard time talking. And the one kid, Chris, I want you all to meet him. He's a smart one, 26 years old, very awake. He said to me, he goes, they just Havana syndrome us. He goes, guaranteed. He goes, that's how you know that we made the right enemies. I said, I know all about it, but isn't it odd? Isn't it odd? And I'm not just saying it for the sake of saying it. Believe me, I have the cost, even with insurance and what I had to pay to go to urgent care and all this other bullshit. But, oh, yeah, it's so real. It's real. Well, I tell you when I was walking down the street at one point in time and I, and all of a sudden I smelled a smell and I ended up getting the worst chest pain I've ever had in my life. And it was, it went up my neck and it went down my arm and I was just like, like this. And I thought I was going to hit the ground. And I talked to the people I was there and I said, I said, I'm in trouble. I said something. I was like, I am literally had a sharp and it was sharp. And I sat there and I started praying. And about 20, 25 minutes later, it kind of let loose and went away. And I'm like, man, if somebody didn't have was older, didn't have a hard, a good heart. they would go they would hit the ground with that I'm going to tell you what there was a lady in in the line behind me while this was happening and she she was standing behind me in line and she said she said I'm I'm having I'm having trouble right now she said excuse me um she said um I had a concussion or uh what did she say she said she had something a while back and she said I need need to get in but she was struggling And I like, you know, I'm good at shaking stuff off. You know, I'm really good at shaking stuff off. And so I grabbed a hold of her and I pushed her right in the front of the line and got a hold of one of the security guys. And I said, she needs to get in there now. And so walked her in and got her in past security, you know, so security could get her in there so she could sit down and such. And she was probably mid-70s, late 70s, somewhere in there. but I'm going to tell you what I don't think I've ever had worse chest pain in my life. And I can tell you, it was bam that quick. I probably, I smelled the smell. I walked maybe 40 feet and it was, it was just about 40 feet. It was like, bam, it hit me. What could they be using? It started in, it started in Cuba. It was a CIA play. It was, um, I, I, I can't remember it right now, Tom. Can you guys see me? Because my camera's messed up. Yeah, we got you. Now we can see you. I got to find a clip. Maybe for next week's show I could play it. I literally did it, exposed it, and the whistleblower testimony that came out regarding exactly what we're still experiencing and they're still using. It's by definition what they did to you, what they did to me, what they do to us all the time. It's called Havana Syndrome. You can look it up. You'll find some stuff there. a little bit of articles google's scrubbing everything right now you guys they notice of course the syndrome is a microwave right it's microwave yes this is one jealous well a microwave this sounds more like a chemical this this what they did was with the delivery the last time in 2017 I'll be right back guys hang on keep going they found a way to essentially infuse the radiation that they were doing but also to combine it with the delivery system 5g and they were getting people heart palpitations they were getting people essentially covid flu everything else it was causing vomiting headaches um I've talked to other people that have said it's interesting because I've talked to someone else who was at one of these meetings and had this exact same thing. He says he was poisoned. Yes. So I question everything. Right. So when it happened at the RNC, I told Donna about it. She'd already been sick. OK, I put it out of my mind when I was at the Bitcoin convention last week. I text Donna like, oh, M.G., this is insane. Yeah. Same exact thing. Same exact thing. Only I watched the people before it was before it was, you know, I'm at the RNC. People are moving all around. You know, you know, you can't keep track of the people that are getting sick. But I was in a group of people. So I watched them all within the same time period start to get sick. I'm like, they're doing something. And it's a real kind of cat piss kind of smell. Yes. Yeah, I can tell you that. But it was a weird thing. And I'm like, oh, that's weird. And I remember exactly where I was when I smelled that smell. And I'm like, that's a different smell. And it didn't dawn on me until I took 40 steps or so. And I was just like. Oh, and it was like, it was a sharp pain. It radiated up my neck and down my arm. And I told people with, I'm like, I'm in trouble. I said, something, something's wrong. And I'm like, my heart, I said, my chest is absolutely. And I mean, I was struggling and I don't think they believed me because they were kind of blowing it up. But I mean, I was seriously going, I probably should be on my way to the hospital right now. But I sat there and I prayed about it. And I was like, I'm like, I'm going to see if I can, you know, see what happens here in the next few minutes. If I don't hit the ground, I guess I'll be good. But, but it took about 25 minutes, 20 to 25 minutes. And then all of a sudden it started going away. It was about, about 15, 20 minutes from the time I smelled the smell. But I think when they did it at the, cause there were some officers that were getting sick at the RNC as well. So I mean, they, I think they deployed it directly out in front of the RNC. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And after I got sick, I was watching. I was starting to watch people at that point, which I watch everything. You guys know I record everything. If you see me at an event, I am most definitely recording. Whether or not you are aware of it or not, I am recording. So I was looking at some of my footage, trying to just see if. But there was so many. And I've got 30, 40 hours of footage from the RNC. Can you imagine the conversations I got on there that I don't even know about? Hell yeah. This is horrible. I wasn't going to tell anybody this story. But Donna, you remember the guys that were standing out there with the microphone saying, you're going to hell. You know, the extreme Christian, you know. Yeah, I went out and I interviewed one of the guys and all of a sudden he walks away. He like left. I have him on no other footage. Yeah. And I mean, he was out there and I interviewed him. I was like he was making a scene about stuff. And I went over and I talked to him and I interviewed him. I said, well, I said, if you want your voice, if you don't believe your voice is being heard, I will let you say what you need to say and what you want to say. I don't have to agree with you. I've got my own opinions on things. Doesn't mean my opinions are right. The opinions are opinions on things. Right. But we all have the right to be heard. I never seen that guy again, Donna. After you interviewed him, never the whole rest of the RT did I see that guy. Isn't that wild? There was those Christian people with the microphone, right? And they were so loud. They were giving everyone just migraines. And I was standing, I was talking to this cop. And this is horrible. And I told him I wouldn't put this footage out. And I won't, but I'll tell you guys. They were talking back and forth. And I was like, man, I really wish that guy would just shut the F up. I've got a migraine. He goes... I'm gonna taste him he looked at me and did this he was like I didn't say that I was like I didn't hear you say that but if you do I'll turn this video recorder off what do you what's your opinion David and what you heard about about everybody getting sick and even that that situation with with my chest just like bam Oh, I think it's definitely a chemical weapon of some sort. You know, it's probably not biological because you got better in 15, 20 minutes. So it's some sort of chemical. I don't know. I was walking down the street outside. Yeah, they have all kinds of shit that you can just. We have no idea. Somebody with a little canister could be spraying it and you'd never know. But I think this is more common than people know. Oh, yeah. Well, look at what happened to Breitbart. I mean, he dropped dead on the road and got him. And I'm pretty extra sure that that was CIA ice needle because that stuff goes away. They go and do an autopsy. It doesn't matter. It's not going to last in your bloodstream. They'll never find it and say, oh, it's a heart attack. Oh, yeah. Well, you can inject some more potassium. Usually you would see the needle mark. But, you know, who did the autopsy? right that guy in california that the clinton that got clinton cited with the bullet hole in his chest and his head but they said he committed suicide yeah what was that girl who I think it's minnesota one of somebody's running for office up there's a gentleman some they determined a female that was stabbed like a whole bunch of times even stabbed in her back yeah back to the house I'm like, what? I think doctors are easily paid off. I know my profession and they're easily paid off or bribed, whatever. Morals are bought every day. Well, they work for the government, you know, pathologists, you know, whoever does those autopsies is a government employee. I used to have so much faith in our nation, so much faith in people. And I really thought that every... like when I would watch like the first 48 and those people would go to jail I would feel bad that they went to jail too because you know their life is over and I would think that everyone had some type of good in them and boy was I red pilled like two years ago now I'm like this some of these people don't even have souls anymore And now my faith in this government, my faith in the people, it's just, you know, people I interact with, you know, I have faith in. But as a whole, it's like I have no faith in this country anymore. Yeah, it just seems like such a massive number of people are involved in all this stuff. Like 20% of the population or 30%. I mean, it's huge. You couldn't pull this off to get to the point where we are without having just hundreds of thousands of people involved in it. Because this goes right down to the local level, the local governments. It goes into the clerks. We've got 83 counties, I believe, in Michigan here. So you've got county clerks running it. Then you've got all the township clerks. You've got so many people that rigged this election. And just the election to keep them in power, that goes back to the competition when it all costs so that you can dominate other people instead of enabling people to be their best selves. And it's come forward like nobody's come forward and said, hey, this I got paid to do this. Like, how could. Well, a third of the clerks in Michigan resigned, David. So I think somebody, but then why isn't there this huge thing saying, hold the phone, we're done with this. I tried to get somebody to say, will those clerks come on and be in and talk? Will they be whistleblowers? No, no, no, no, no. Because they're going to be complicit in it. they'll be bathtub people if you if you stand up against the government these days and you know something you you just magically end up not here anymore that's right I call it clinton's you're clinton's but now we're excited are the united states is in such uh a dismay and the people don't even know where to turn anymore it's like who can you even trust anymore Maybe it's designed to be that way. Maybe it's designed. Maybe there's something going on that we don't know about. And, you know, you look at Peter Thiel and his plantar, planetar, whatever that thing is that tracks literally every single person that's involved in all this stuff. It can track down to everybody. And maybe that's what's going on. I don't know. But maybe it was meant to let him steal the election to find out everybody involved, you know, so we can get rid of them all. And maybe volunteer is being used by the good guys to track the bad guys and throw them out there. And maybe Vance is actually controlled and part of it at this point in time to bust them. Yeah, right. I mean, that's what's going on. But to me, nothing else makes sense. You know, I'm just trying to look at you guys are down in the in the foxholes fighting on the front line. I'm more like I'm here, you know, West Bloomfield, Michigan, looking from a 40,000 foot trying to figure out like what the heck is going on. And it's just something's going on that we just don't know about. And obviously the bad stuff we can see. So they're not hiding anything. You know, we get it. But Trump's hiding something. And those people got to be hiding something. He's really too smart. And he couldn't have gotten this far. without there being some sort of plan and something that we just can't comprehend. There's some good guys out there fighting. There's no two ways about it. You guys are all good. All three of you. I look at you. You're fighting. I wish I could fight like that. Maybe I can a little bit from where I am. You guys are fighting. You're going to be famous. You're saving our country. Well, the reason that I do what I do, I don't have any grandchildren yet, but I have four daughters and they will never, ever experience what the three of us experienced in our childhood and our early adult years. So that's why I do it. So maybe. you know and I tell my daughter montana all the time because she's 17 like what you're walking into in your life you know what you'll go through for the next 20 years will be unimaginable it will you'll never experience the type of peace that our generation like me and dan's generation we were the last generation the last generation and it's but these kids will never know that and a lot of it has to do with the social media that the television yeah I mean it's it's it and and I ask myself I tell myself all the time with all of these problems going on where do you focus your most attention because there's so much so much stuff going on right Do I do the illegal immigrants? Do I do the corruption in the United States? I mean, where do you focus your energy on? The only thing that matters right now is to get rid of these stupid machines and get real people in the offices because we've got to have good people stepping up. That's the only thing. Everything falls down with that. But I got to tell you a joke. So I homes birthed my kids. I homeschooled my kids. I was done with this, you know, a long decades ago. I was done with this whole thing. Right. And I can tell you, I know some people who are Amish, and I always joke with them. And the one guy, I thought he was going to cry. He was laughing so hard. And he runs a mill, an Amish mill. And I said, yeah. I said, you know why the Amish didn't get COVID? And he's like, no, why? Because you all don't have TV. And he started laughing. And it was really pretty funny. But if you want to stay out of this, there's a way. And the way is turn to God, turn the TV off, take your kids out of these godless schools that they say are education, these indoctrination camps, figure something else out, like perhaps this, and, you know, and do something different. And I kind of spilled the beans on online the other day. But years ago, I was and I was because I was talking about Tira Dixon using her cancer diagnosis, which I was absolutely disgusted with. Disgusted. She's like, vote for me. I had cancer. That makes me a fighter. I was like, you're despicable. And I'm like, well, I had a cancer diagnosis years ago. And it's an interesting story. It's a long story, but it's an interesting story. I would never have thrown that out on the campaign trail for anything, for anything in the whole world. Just like, oh, feel sorry for me. I have cancer. You know, it's like, that's despicable. That has nothing to do with serving the United States and and actually being able to do the damn job. And I have no respect for somebody that does that. None whatsoever. Because if you have cancer, had cancer, it's an insult like you can't ever imagine. Right. And I'm- Qualifications for being in government. That you're, you qualify for being in government, Tudor Dixon, is because I had cancer. My dad died while I was on the campaign trail. Well, mine did, too. And I never said a damn word because that has nothing to do about a job. Everybody has problems. You know, you don't sit there if you can't if you can't handle the problems and you can't solve the problems and you can't take care of the problems for other people because you're so tied up in your own problems. You got no business stepping into that arena. None whatsoever. and so I wonder why trump talks about her I know we're out of time but why does trump talk about her and it just kind of dawned on me like if if he wasn't talking about her being governor she would just fade away in the the the I the ai won't be able to like follow the connections to her So you bring her into the spotlight, right? Like they say, and then people start contacting her, all the bad people. And it just allows it to dig deeper and deeper and, you know, find more and more people that are involved in this. But do you realize that when people throw that stuff out there, would you go into a job interview, which it should be to be in office and say, well, you know, you need to hire me because I had I had cancer. It's like, the hell does that have to do with anything? And I was so, so disgusted and insulted with it. And I was like, oh, poor tutor. Her dad died during her run. Well, mine did, too. I just never brought it up. It's a sympathy thing, Donna. It's what the left uses, too. It's sympathy. It's identity politics. It's identity politics. It's my identity. It's my skin color. It's what I've been through, my cancer, whatever. It's got nothing to do with, hey, how's your leadership and your skillset? What's the freaking plan? We're all in this mess that we're all in. Not individual problems that we all have to deal with. It's part of being an adult, right? That's what they use now, Donna. They use those emotional triggers because that's what most of the population is responding to right now. And we all know if you respond in an emotional manner, then you can't critically think, right? And that is the problem with people. And that's why, you know, you have something like Ivan. I watched him the first time I met him. I watched him interview with a guy that was trying to trigger him. And he controlled his emotions. Who was that? Ivan, Ivan Raiklin. Oh, Ivan Raiklin. Ivan's a beast. He's so funny. He plays with people. He lets them go on and he's hilarious. I got some good footage of him. I posted some of it, but yeah, that was what initially drawed me to the conversation he was having was his ability to control his emotions. He wasn't getting upset with the way that the gentleman was speaking with him. He was turning it around and, and yeah, a beast. We have to be very careful of people like him though. too okay that's what it is he's smarter than all of us we need to be careful of him because he calls for like the worst thing that could possibly happen is you know for people to listen to him you know there's other people but listen to him and like say oh I'm gonna go do citizens arresting in somebody you know obviously trump's playing by their rules you know and we got to play by their rules because what could derail the whole thing would be a literally a civil war here Yeah, they want that. That's what they want. That's what they want. You know, so if you listen to people like him or people saying, let's go enforce the border, grab your AR-15s, let's all go down to the border in a convoy. Well, I was part of that. I was part of the take our border back convoy. And you'll see tons of hit pieces written about me because I controlled this telegram channel. And everyone kept saying it was going to bring their long rifles. And so basically I put it out there, said long rifles are not welcome and we are not militant friendly because the people really thought that we were going down to the border to stop people from coming across. And that was never the message. We were 30 miles away from the border. So it was so spun. You got hijacked. You got hijacked by the FBI. Yeah. yeah it sure did but we had but when we was there there was only really one problem and that was the the extreme christian nationalists that were out there screaming about how we're all going to hell because we're doing this and that and they ended up trying to hit some person's jeep we had a relatively good turnout I mean it was what we wanted it to be And there were, I'm sure there were infiltrators in the crowd. I'm positive there were. But for the most part, there was no violence. The message was heard. And we all went about our day. It was never to go down there and stop people from coming across the border. Yeah. I tell you, you know, when I see people that are down there and they say that they're the extreme Christian right, I think that they're paid for racquet. They probably are. Yeah. I think it's the same mechanism because they infiltrate everything and we have to take things instead of taking it just as face value and what people say, but really watch and observe and find out what they're doing. And that's what I do. It's really interesting. Well, and back to your point, Dave, I had Tom Speciale on this week and I think he's funny, but he's an intelligence officer and he was like jumping around the pond like a mosquito. I said, man, you're like a mosquito on a pond. And he's like, isn't your First Amendment right? The right to He's trying to write for violence and he's moving on. And I said, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold the phone here. You know, it's like, and I got to the end of the interview and I said, I do agree with everything that was said on this interview. Carte blanche until we can go, you know, go through point by point the, you know, flitting around on every subject. Intelligence officer for what? Is he like a FBI officer? Yeah, he's, he's, he's, he has worked for the FBI and such. And so he said that there's a lot of good people in the FBI. It's not it's just the guys in the top. Most people are good. And I'm like, going, prove it. Yeah. And not only, you know, it's like, I don't trust I don't trust anybody. And I like Tom. I know Tom. I like Tom. And he's going to be on Monday. I said, we're going to get back into this conversation again. I get like that sometimes too, Donna. What's that? I get like that sometimes too. Like I'll start talking about it and before you know, I'll end up on some other entirely different point. Yeah. Can you interview the guy that Tori interviewed, the guy that got framed in Michigan for the kidnapping for government? No, I haven't interviewed them. You should interview him. That's really good. And I'll tell you about how wonderful the FBI agents are at the lower level. Well, I met one FBI guy that was sitting next to me at a dinner and I was like, he said it and I'm like, well, what do you do FBI? And I'm sitting there going, how did this even happen? Right. Ended up talking with him. He's a, he's a really super nice guy. So, I mean, I think it's like everything. Things have been infiltrated. But, you know, with that said, it's like with with a friend of mine who was passed around prostitution wise by cops when she was younger. She's had her record expunged because she was a child and the cops were passing her around. And, you know, when you see this happening and the stuff that are in, because everything has been infiltrated. And to say that, it's like, where are those cops that knew it? You can't tell me that the people around that didn't see it and didn't know that it was happening and they turned a blind eye. Yeah. If you're silent, you're complicit. I want to talk about the paid thing, though. So when we was at the RNC, there was a kid out there and he had a big old photo of Thomas Crooks. And it said, rest in peace, Thomas Crooks, an American hero. Well, me and I can't remember the guy's name. His name is Ben. You know him. But we start to question him. I have this kid on videos thinking that Thomas Crooks was still alive. And once he said that, I was like, you are paid. You are paid to be here. So they are legit putting infiltrators. And these kids don't know. They sell their morals, and they don't know that. That kid did not know that Thomas Crooks was dead. He had no clear view of what actually happened. But he's standing out there with the sign that says, rest in peace, Thomas Crooks, an American hero. These people are everywhere. Yeah. They're not just at these events. They're in our daily lives. These people are everywhere. And I didn't realize how bad it was until I seen that dude. And then, then it, you know, the things, the conversations that me and Donna had had, it was clear to me, like, wow, they are really paying these people. Yeah. Like who would have kind of a nice thing going on. It was sort of divide and conquer. You were on the outside and I was on the inside talking to people and there was There's a lot of really cool people. I met Vincent Fusco and, you know, I met a lot of, I met Ron Johnson. I met a lot of people that were there on the inside. You were meeting people on the outside and we got to, we got to say hi to each other there just for a brief moment, but it worked out well. Group of people with me and such. And so we were kind of moving around navigating into different things on the inside. And I think that worked really well, but I really look forward to the time when we've got time just to sit and hang out. Like we did media row. We had a, I had a great time with you guys. And I got to tell you what an amazing experience it is when you meet real Americans who are fighting for this nation, who will say whatever needs to be said and not back down from the fight. And I feel honored to know all of you. What an honor. God puts people in your path for various reasons. That was a God thing. It is a God thing. I came last minute. I told Don I was literally sleeping on my chair and I heard it on the thing and I knew Josh was down there and I was like, called Josh, like, you want to go to the People's Convention? And it literally, it manifested, like, two days before. So that is a God thing. Mine was, like, a week before that convention is when we decided to go. And, I mean, I had to put booths together for media releases. I mean, it was that quick. But we're going to Amfest in December in Phoenix. What is it? America Fest. Already already put in the whole thing. And I got a whole shit ton of credentials, too. So I got like six credentials. I talked to Aubrey in person at the Believers thing. Oh, can I have more of those credentials? Yeah. Yeah. And she said, just give me the name. She goes, I said, we want a bigger booth and we want more credentials. She's like, I think you earned it now. Yeah, I want one of those credentials. I'll absolutely go. Yep. So we're definitely in for Phoenix, too. So, David, you need to come with come with us sometime. Yeah, you should. I should have had to come for it to be on my being on crew there when we were over there. But it happens so fast. It was like we were scrambling, just like pulling things together. And I got to, you know, put together. And it was like I was kind of abandoned there with with my one crew member. And, you know, and then you guys showed up and I'm like, oh, God, thank you for, you know. It was beautiful. I had the best time on top of the parking ramp with you guys just sitting up there talking as we were getting a Bavacqua truck tied down and everything else. It was hilarious. Such a good time. I've got to go though. I've got to be on the job site. Let's say a prayer and then everybody head out on their way. You guys got time? Amen. Yes. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for Christina and for David and for Dan and for Ralph and Karen and everyone else that's joined the show. And we ask that your favor rests mightily upon us, that you would give us the strength to always tell the truth no matter what, and that we will stand together as friends and warriors in this venue that you put us into, that we would be always serving not only the purposes of our own or of man, but of your purposes to serve here. your world your creation and whatever it is that you would ask us to do thank you so much it's been a long morning and I think all of us are ready to go on to our day but we thank you for every single thing that you you do for us every day and I ask that your favor rest upon everyone not only on the show here but also that it's watching rest upon them mightily give them hope and peace and let them know that that you are here that it's going to be okay And that all these things that we go through for evaluation purposes, so we know how to fix this nonsense, becomes crystal clear to us as we follow you on our daily walk. Thank you so much for being a friend to us. We want to be a friend to you in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Amen. The best Donald Duck right there. That is the best Donald Duck. So I'm going to ride shotgun in my pickup with me. So everybody have a great day today and always remember God bless you. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. Do something crazy today, you know, and like stand up for something that you know is wrong and risk. Risk pissing a few people off. Risk it. Risk the fact that you said the truth and weren't waiting for somebody to approve or hide what somebody else is doing that's wrong. Just do something that's a little risky in that regard. It isn't a big risk, but it's somewhat of a risk. So thanks, guys. Have a great day, and I'll see you Monday. Next week I have Commander Jay Furman on. as well as Baron Reinhold. These are military guys that I've gotten to know a little bit, and I love these guys. Lots happening there. Also, Derek Gibson. who ran for governor of, of, uh, New York. I can't see his location online. I just, I just can't do it, but I'll let him do it when it comes on Wednesday. And then all the, our regular people, David will be on next week and you guys too on Friday. So we'll see you next week, Friday, and we'll see everybody else Monday. Have a great week. Bye guys.