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BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/14/2024 Liberty Essentials, Earlina Velting, Mark Mackay & J6ers

Published Aug. 14, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Bill Mohr II, Karen the Riveter, & Ralph the IT Guy will be discussing true liberty and the principles the Founding Fathers intended. Also we will be discussing the role of religion in government. The Mohr family has a long history in the study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be teaching current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. 10am Earlina Velting - Caledonia School Board Candidate & Mark Mackay - singer/song writer Earlina Velting is running as a candidate for the Board of Education for the Caledonia Community School District. "My husband, Mark, and I have been married for over 43 years and have called the Caledonia community our home for over 33 years. I am a mother of four and a grandmother of 9. All four of my children attended Caledonia Community Schools and 7 of our grandchildren currently go to school in the district. As a mom, I’ve been active in our school district for over 30 years, volunteering as a Parent Teacher Organization. I have also helped manage our family’s local business for over 20 years, serving as a bookkeeper. Additionally, I have worked at Metro Health Hospital for 15 years prior. It has always been my passion to Be a part of teams that developed leadership! One of the principles that has meant so much to me over the years is from John Maxwell, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care”. My husband and I currently reside on Campau Lake, where we enjoy boating and spending time with family and friends. The Caledonia Community School district means so much to my family, my children and grandchildren are all proud to have attended Caledonia Community Schools! It would be an honor to serve and give back to our community to ensure generations experience an even better Caledonia Community School district for years to come." Mark Mackay singer/songwriter - From the legendary Ryman Auditorium in Nashville to Colorado’s famed Red Rocks Amphitheatre, and countless destinations in between: Singer-songwriter Mark Mackay delivers electrifying performances to unite listeners with captivating anthems and blazing musicality. Touring relentlessly across the country, he has reached a loyal multi-genre audience for his guitar-driven American Music. In addition to headlining slots at concerts, fairs, festivals, and tours, Mark has opened for hard rockers REO Speedwagon, Richie Sambora, Ted Nugent, and Night Ranger; plus platinum country hitmakers Blake Shelton, Tim McGraw, Old Dominion, Gary Allan, and Eli Young Band. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Don Hazard I was released from FCI low Beaumont Texas on April 8th 2024. Since April 10th 2024 I have been in a halfway house in Baltimore Maryland called voices of America. I feel very blessed to be out of prison and in a halfway house. I have filled out countless job applications, and gone to several job interviews, but unfortunately have yet to find a job. The halfway house I'm in does not make it easy to find work. You are not allowed to have any driving jobs or any non-stationary jobs, meaning you have to go to the same address every day for the same hours and not leave that address until you're headed back to the halfway house. So that really limits the jobs that I can accept. So things have not been easy but God willing they will get better. Christian Matthew Manley. I was born and raised in Alabama and joined the Marine Corps at age 18. I have one deployment with 3rd battalion 6th Marines, and spent nearly 3 years with the Chemical and Biological Incident Response Force. Before the felony Assault As a result of the Janury 6th incident, I was working as an Unexploded Ordnance Technician and traveling around the continent. Covid really opened my eyes to government tyranny, and the election was the last straw. I knew something had to be done so I showed up on January 6th and the rest is history. Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it's the 14th day of August 2024. Welcome to our show today. Hope you're enjoying this beautiful day outside. It looks like it's going to be another gorgeous day in West Michigan. I don't know if you guys noticed this, but yesterday we had we literally had six Blackhawks fly over my house. Yesterday, well, we were on air, which I thought was really interesting. And there were several more. If you watched the skies yesterday, it was a very interesting day. And by the end of the day, the upper half of the lower peninsula was a dead airspace. There was nothing up in the air, which I found is really interesting. So today when we get started, we're going to start out with Liberty Essentials with Bill Moore, Ralph, the IT guy, and Karen the Riveter. At 10 o'clock, we have a candidate for school board in Caledonia, in the city of Caledonia, and that's Erlina Belting. You guys might know Erlina. She traveled around with me. She still does when I'm out and about. Does a wonderful job of things. And I actually think she would be a really good candidate or a person to fill that spot because because she's detail oriented and she is she actually stands for something. And she's going to be on with Mark McKay's, a friend of ours, musician, singer, songwriter. And he is an unapologetic President Trump, the rightful president of the United States, Trump supporter. At 11 o'clock, we have the Jay Sixers on again today with Delise Middleton, Christian Matthew Manley and Don Hazard. So I've made a kind of a commitment to the Jay Sixers because quite honestly, I'm kind of disgusted with how everyone seems to be not really working hard to get them out of their condition of being political prisoners. We had a guy on yesterday. whose intestines, his guts fell apart because they were feeding them. They had no water in the prison he was in, which was in Mississippi. And he's not doing real well health-wise. So there's some long-reaching... problems that have come out of these political prisoners. And I'm going to say it again, that anyone that's in office right now in the legislature is a traitor because they have literally done nothing, just like our stolen elections. But with that said, we're going to just continue to fight and bring everybody on here today because everybody who is on Brandenburg News Network is actually selflessly fighting. And I'm really proud to stand with everyone. Hey, guys, how you doing? All right. Good morning. Morning. Hey, I wanted to read a scripture this morning to start this out with, because I think this is important. Philippians 2, 3, do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit. Selfishness is an obsession with self that excludes others, hurting everyone. And it comes from the root words, strife and contentious. And I think that that's pretty telling here on what we're seeing. Strife and contentiousness. Now, look at how people are behaving out there. And I think that we've got our answers to what's happening. But it's okay. We can watch those things. And probably a good reason why we're here is to bring peace into any situation, no matter what it is, because we're not moving. We're not wavering. And we're not going off the crazy train to do stupid stuff. like grab your torches and pitchforks kind of nonsense. The way to fight all of this stuff is in a lawful manner. The law is actually on our side. What they want is to provoke us to doing something stupid. And we don't need to do that. We can maintain a countenance of statesmen. I'm not saying don't be pissed off. Be pissed off. That's fine. But your actions need to follow a lawful conduct and not turn into what we've seen with the Palestinian protesters, which is actually an invasion under a foreign flag. or what's happened in our elections, which is foreign involvement in our elections, as well as domestic terrorists in the form of NGOs who have been rigging our elections in cahoots with those seated in positions of power through the fake elections. But we can set an example, and I think that's what God expects us to do, and he's going to bless us and our actions. So how's everybody doing this morning, and what are we talking about today, Bill? Well, You kind of just ran right through what I was going to. Well, this is wild. We never planned this. And so clearly God's directing this. If he's putting us all on the same page here, it's crazy. So I was actually going to take the majority excerpt of Patrick Henry's speech. I'm sure most everybody should be familiar with it, right? His give me liberty or give me death speech. You're assuming a lot. Assuming a lot. But everybody should at least know that phrase, okay? That's the last line in the entire speech. However, his speech before the men at that time was a lot more to it than that. It's still relevant today. It has never lost its relevancy if that's an actual word might have made that up but It's the same ideas that we should be carrying forth on a daily basis the only Only thing that stands different at this point is just as Donna said, we still have the ability to fight lawfully. We can still take this through the appropriate channels because this is America. The people are the law here and we should be exercising every avenue of peaceful measures before taking up any type of arms in an offensive manner, right? So at this point, when Patrick Henry wrote this, it was beyond that time. They have exhausted all measures of peacefulness. They've put up with everything they could. As Karen said numerous times, Declaration of Independence, they have suffered all the evils that existed as long as they could tolerate it. Eventually there comes a time when you can no longer. So we're not at the no longer point yet. We still have the freedom to consistently do the right thing. Until they start throwing all of us in jail for doing something that's right, which you see happening from time to time, but it's not the norm yet, then we should be exhausting all those peaceful measures. So I guess I just want to start with that. It's going to go... elsewhere afterwards, I know that. But I wanted to start with that principle. Hey, it's us, Bill. Of course, we're gonna get out of tangent. Yeah, we know. We know. started this when he was addressing the first continental county, okay? The First Continental Congress, there was numerous arguments, numerous debates going on. It was the time of the country's almost destruction and almost completion, or almost beginning, I should say. Completion was many years later. But they were looking at either total annihilation and slavery, or they were looking at being able to form something to exercise their freedoms, to secure their liberties to themselves and posterity of their constitution. What year are you talking, Bill? What year? This would have been 1775. I think in March. March of 1775. Technically, that would not be the first Continental Congress because the first one was 10 years prior. There's only nine out of 13 counties present, but still. Right, right. I am sorry. Yep. Patrick Henry was part of the First Continental Congress. That's where I got that mixed up in. Yeah, so this was later. But addressing the Congress nonetheless, he states, No man, Mr. President, thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism as well as the abilities of the very honorable gentlemen who have just addressed the House. But different men often see the same subject in different lights, and I therefore, I hope it will not be thought disrespectful to those gentlemen if entertaining as I do opinions of a character opposite to theirs. Ooh, good statement right there. It's freedom of speech, right? This is the essence of what is addressed in the First Amendment. I should speak forth my sentiments freely and without reserve. This is no time for ceremony. That's one of the phrases. How many people right now are rejoicing for all practicalities of being able to put... a person right a fellow person up into the white house the corrupt government that we currently have how many people are rejoicing saying oh yay you know we're going to throw big parties and all that listen I'm telling we're in the middle of a war what are we rejoicing about because the destruction is is is coming if we don't change this up right and He says this is no time for ceremony. The question before the house is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery. And in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way we can hope to arrive at truth and fulfill the great responsibility which we owe to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time through fear and giving offense? I should consider myself as guilty as of treason towards my country and of an act of disloyalty towards the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings. Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against the painful truth and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts. It is the part of wise men engaged in a great and arduous struggle for liberty Are we disposed to be of the number of those who having eyes see not and having ears hear not the things which so nearly concern their temporal salvation? For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth to know the worst and provide for it. This is the problem I have in government today when they say, oh, this is a matter of national security. We need to conceal these documents from their masters, the people. We need to conceal these documents because we need to protect national interests or national security. Well, whose nation is it, is my question. Whose security are they protecting? Is it not yours, Donna, yours, Karen, Ralph, mine? Each one of us have a right to know what goes on. It doesn't matter how bad it is. It doesn't matter how much we think that it's going to destroy our mentality to know the truth. History proves that if the people know everything that's going on, they are able to make the correct decision for their own lives, for their own families, for their own communities. Well, and something on that note that I would argue is that just like with a medical procedure, you don't have informed consent if you don't have all the information to make that decision. If a government is supposedly representative of its populace and its populace does not have the information on what's going on within the government, it is no longer a representative government. Agreed. There it is. Yet every administration has something that they hide in the background because of national security. And the funny thing is, is that the only national security that they're hiding it from is they're afraid of us because every other country on the planet's got all that information anyway because they're all spying on each other. The only ones that don't are the people, the rightful masters of that information. That's exactly right. And you want to know something. When we went down the hackers with Bob Terry into our elections, which was rigged at the Microsoft level, it's rigged at the operating system level. Forget about Dominion. Dominion is already, you know, Dominion, ESNS, and the electronic voting systems. They're already rolled into this little complicit nonsense. But what they did is they leaked all of the code. They said, oh, you can't audit the code. You guys can't audit the code. That's a matter of national security. Well, the fool's already leaked it out to every state-level hacker on the planet because they're all working together with hacking their elections, like Venezuela. And they're all in bed together. So it is, you're absolutely correct. They're trying to hide it from us. They're afraid of us. Remember that in our Constitution that the people have the right to instruct their representatives, right? Right. That is one of the things that we have to understand. How are we to instruct our representatives or our servants? How are we to instruct them if we don't have the knowledge of what we're instructing them about? Very little do we actually know about what's going on. And that's understood, especially when it comes to war interests and such. Now, a lot of us know some of the background that's happening. When you start talking about the military industrial complex and everything that goes into war and who's making money on it, a lot of us already know how, not necessarily all the details, but how that's working. The issue is, since we don't have all of the truth, since they continually hide it from us, they create division. You mentioned, Donna, before we even got started, you mentioned Israel and Palestine, this war they want to call it. Everybody has to understand that Israel set up Hamas. through American funding, get that together first and foremost, because they had to take out Yasser Arafat because he was a threat to them. That's where that started. And then they became a problem. And now they have a whole other fight. And so what do they have to do? They have to create division among the people so that it looks like a valid war, so that it looks like a righteous war. But all they're doing is fighting against the problem they created. There's not much more than that that's going on over there. Right? But it keeps the people divided into playing sides, so it looks like something valid is actually happening. All the while, it's just tearing down the very fabric of who we are as a nation, who we are as a people, into believing that there is actually good and bad, you know, a good side or a bad side happening in events like this. Well, they're creating both sides of it. Like Britain set up Israel. And through the Balfour Declaration and such. And Britain was behind all of this. Who funded that, by the way? It was funded that way. And then we continue on. Why is it that Israel has anything to do with the United States of America? Where are these dual citizenship stuff going on here? That should have been flagged and kicked out immediately. Because these are people that serve big money interests. Now, I don't have any complaints with the Jewish people. Not at all. And I, you know, not at all. And all the people of faith, I consider them, them, uh, you know, they're, they're, they're fighting for the good purposes, though, maybe a little misdirected. Like we all are, nobody has exactly everything right. Correct. But, but, um, When you look at the ones that are seated in the seats of power, just like our government, the Israeli government is guilty and corrupt as hell. Because they're in with the globalists. They are the globalists. They're part of this. And so when people want to say, oh, you know, you can't pick on the Jews. I'm not picking on the Jews. I'm picking on the global crime syndicate that's going in and parading Israel. as governments that are standing up for their people while they kill their own people. Yeah, look at the things that are happening here. They pale in comparison to what's currently going on over there. The stuff that we are now just waking up to and just starting to fight, whether in culture wars, is the stuff that was happening over there 20 years ago. or 25, 30 years ago almost now, back in the mid-90s. All this stuff was happening over there. It's just finally made its way over to our shores, and now we've got to fight it. Well, and they destroyed it. It's like 90% of the people that I've talked to, somebody who is Jewish, 90% of the people in Israel are atheists. And that's what they're going after for here in the United States. And this person who is Jewish said, this fight is to kill Christianity. So that's behind it. And, you know, for having somebody who's Jewish say this, it's really shocking, you know. So watch ADL come after me right now. They've got good reason to for many times because this is a bunch of crap, and we're going to have to sort this out, go through this stuff, and bring this stuff forward because they're lying to us about everything. So let's continue on then because this – We're playing right into, I think, Patrick Henry's line of thought. Different situation, different times, same process, right? Right. He says, I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. And judging by the past, I wish to know what there has been in the conduct of the British ministry. In this case, the conduct of American history, right? Right. for the last 10 years to justify those hopes with which gentlemen have been pleased to solace themselves in the house. It is that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received. Oh, I'm sorry. That was a question. Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir. It will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. I wonder where he got that line from. Anybody know? I would take a guess that that's a pretty easy chip shot from Jesus and Judas. We'll get to that in just a minute, too. Okay, that's good. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that a force must be called in to win back love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation, the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask, gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array? If its purpose be not to force us into submission, can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it? Has Great Britain any enemy in this quarter of the world to call for this accumulation? accumulation of navies and armies? No, sir, she has none. They are meant for us. They can be meant for no other. They are sent over to bind and rivet upon those chains which the British ministry have been so long forging. And what have we to oppose to them? Shall we try argument? Sir, we have been trying that for the last ten years. Have we anything new to offer upon the subject? Nothing." We have held the subject up in every light which it is capable, but has all been in vain. Shall we resort to entreaty and humble supplication? What terms shall we find which have not been already exhausted? Let us not, I beseech you, sir, deceive ourselves longer. Sir, we have done everything we could... Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Our petitions have been slighted, our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult, our supplications have been disregarded, and we have been spurned with contempt from the foot of the throne. In vain after these things may we indulge a fond hope of peace and reconciliation. There is no longer any room for hope if we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve and violate those innocent... I'm losing my words here. Those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, in which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight. I repeat, sir, we must fight and appeal the arms unto the God of hosts is all that has left us. We're not that far from that point. I pray to God that point never shows up. But when you look through here, when he was talking specifically about being betrayed with a kiss, that is a direct reference to Judas betraying Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. He took his 30 pieces of silver, paid for the lie that he promoted, brought the armies, brought the people that paid him for all practical purposes, brought those armies up, and was told that the one that I kiss is the one you're looking for. And walked up to Christ and betrayed the Son of God with a kiss. Right. The kiss was a greeting at that time. Right. Paul talked about that. He says, you know, kiss, kiss the brethren or greet the brethren with an holy kiss. Right. That was a greeting. That was a formal way of of addressing somebody when you first when you first. It's still normal in many other cultures that you come up and you kiss them on that you get a little little, you know, it's more of a cheek touch really than anything. I think Italy is still very large on that. And Italy has some really weird culture things that I was shown one time. And I got really, you know, like weirded out by what they were trying to trying to show me. But that besides the point, do we understand why we shake hands in America? Right. And why several several other areas we shake hands. Karen, you probably know this. Yeah, to show that your hand is empty of a weapon. There it is. Because there were too many times, and Ehud was one of those, and judges, I think it was Ehud, where you can read about that, where he would come up at the time, and people would greet you with a kiss, and then they'd have a dagger in their hand and come around your back and put the dagger in your back, right? It sounds like the political climate in the state of Michigan here, only it's not a dagger like a real one, but they're stabbing each other in the back all the time. Oh, my friend. Yeah, right. Yeah, but I'm not saying that's common, but I'm saying that, in my opinion, is the basis for a handshake now, right? Because they can see what's in your hand, your face-to-face. And there's safety in a handshake. Now when you look at that and take that farther, you have to understand that a handshake also, if to that extent, means that I don't trust you. Right? That initial reach out, I don't trust you, but I don't expect you to trust me either. So we're going to compact between each other. Understand there's a mutual distrust among us right now. But when we shake hands, that's binding. Right? I still come from the generation where I don't need to shake your hand. If we say that we're going to do something, it's done, it's settled. You can bet all your gold on that, that it's going to happen. Because your word is good. Right. That is still the generation I claim to come from. Now, if you look at my generation, not the case, right? Look at the next generation, not the case, not in entirety, but the majority of what we see. That's because we've been so demoralized into believing that a vow or promises, you know, they really don't mean a whole lot. Well, I think that's one of the things that... when like there's some Christians that are opposed to taking oaths. And that was something that I pointed out to somebody a while back when we had to do a governmental function, which involved taking an oath and how in a lot of ways, that's actually kind of religious discrimination against a lot of Christians. But the commandment that that's based on or the directive that that's based on in the Bible is, in my opinion, the way I interpret that, you know, of not taking oaths is that you shouldn't make a distinction between making a promise or an oath and your regular word. That your word should be the truth, regardless of whether you're specifically taking an oath or a vow or a promise or whatever. If you agree to do something by golly, you better do it. Yep. Yeah. And I've met some of those people and I've had that discussion and You have to bring up the point that if somebody asks you a question or asks you to do something and you say yes, you have just promised. You've just said that oath, right? However, you have not sworn to do such a thing by any other means outside of yourself. That's where Christ talked about how we should not swear by heaven, neither by his throne nor by the temple, right? I'm sorry, that was not. That's why we're commanded not to do such things, right? Because we're swearing on something we have no control over. However, in the case of our Constitution, where we command our servants to swear by an oath that they will uphold the Constitution and defend it against all enemies, right? Even our military, we do that with all enemies, foreign and domestic. That is a means of a promise to the people and an oath before God, right? Because we understand that God takes his vows seriously. It is better not to vow than to make one and not uphold it. That is a promissory note to the people that you are going to do what you say. But that only applies... to those who fear God. If there is no fear of God, that oath means absolutely nothing to them. Originally, it was all ended in so help me God. Even the oaths in the courtroom were all ended in so help me God, where you'd raise your right hand to the heavens, and you would swear before the people and before God that this is what you will do. The problem is we've lost that fear in America, that felile fear before God, not like actually the fear of trembling and certain destruction kind of fear. There is a proper place for that. But the fear, the reverence, the respect, the awe before the Creator, when we lost that, we lost all of the power, the authority that an oath carries with it. But to say that you cannot swear an oath at all means that you should never answer anybody and promise that you're going to do something. Because you have oath. Oath? Is that a word? You have made that oath to them in and of yourself. Still done before God. You're just not swearing by him. So there's that aspect of it too. And I understand both sides of that. And for the groups that claim that they're not gonna swear oaths and that they believe nobody should, that's fine, right? But you gotta stay out of the government then. I don't know how else to word that because that's the law here. And that's actually based on, I don't know if I can find it right away, but that would be based in numbers I don't know, it's towards the end, it's either chapter 23, 23, either Numbers or Deuteronomy, one of those two, where they cause their leaders to swear by an oath to the people, right? That's where we get that from in our Constitution. It's the same lineup of government. There are so many similarities between the self-governing nation, the self-governing people of Israel at the time. And America, where we have self-governing people, and then we elect servants to do a specific job that, whether or not we want to do or that we don't have the time to do, however people want to word that, but we elect those people to do a specific job for us that we can continue to live out our life. I think something that I find very significant about the... the Old Testament that gets lost on a lot of the modern translations is if you read through one of my favorite translations of the Bible is the Tree of Life version. And one of the things that they did in that version that I think adds a bit of significance to some things is they put the books of the Old Testament back into the order in which they were placed at the time of Jesus. And one of the things that that involves is the books are in a lot more of a chronological order, but Judges is followed pretty closely there by 1 Kings. And the contrast between Judges and First Kings of basically here's how the ideal government was supposed to be set up in Judges. And then they begged for a king. And then it goes into First Kings and shows the disaster that befell them when that happened, when they got their wish. There's a lot of significance there. And I would encourage everyone to read those two books back to back. and look at the parallels to current governmental systems. They've got a good app, too. Tree of Life does. Yeah, that is the exact comparison. If you read some of the debates that were happening during the setup, even in the Articles of Confederation, and when they were writing the Constitution, you read some of those debates, a lot of that was said because they understood that how it was set up by God originally, and they understood how it was supposed to function. And they also understood that it was man and his desires that were gonna screw it up. So we had to put in safeguards so that as much as is within us, we could limit that from happening. The problem is, as John Adams said, our constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It's wholly inadequate to the government of any other. That was the truth. The moment we pulled out of our moral and religious history and our principles, now the Constitution is no longer valid to the people because we can't hold it without those principles. Because I think I was talking a couple weeks ago regarding the passage in Proverbs where for the transgressions of a land, many are the princes thereof. I don't know if that was here or one of my other spots. but that's the reason why. The moment we fall back into transgression of the law, we lose that moral standing, right? We lose our principled lives. We fall back into transgressions. Now the government has to set up princes, right? In our case, in America, the government sets up agencies to deal with those transgressions, right? Well, and look at right now, the government being a reflection or representation of the population, It is. Oh, yeah. And that's that's the problem. We can look at the government and those in the seats and say, say, look at their criminals. Have you looked around you lately? You know, and I'll say that to to everyone, the amount of selfishness. And I'm not directing this to the people that are listening to this broadcast. OK, if people are here, they probably listen to us enough to know that you're probably on this on. on the same thought process that we're on. But to see how many people that will not do what's in front of them in any right manner. You know, let's start with jobs. Well, it's not my job as they're looking at a dumpster fire. It's not my job when a family next to you is struggling. It's not my job to go get involved in the school board or attend meetings. It's not my job to contact our public officials, our public functionaries. Not my job, it's their job. They work for us. If that's the case, the people that say that suck as being managers and actually being in charge. They're acting like baby birds and children to be told what to do until we grow up and learn how to self-govern. And that includes being an adult and taking control of situations that are off the rails and not putting up with it, you know? we're in trouble. And it starts with talking to our public functionaries and starting that dialogue and instructing them. There's probably a lot of, the only people that get promoted to that are useful idiots. They're vetting them for compliance and in some cases, complicity. It's our job to figure out who is just a compliant idiot and who is a complicit knowing criminal, because you got to look at it. We were used for many years. The average person, the average everyday American has been used for many years in many different scenarios, and we didn't know the difference. And in the past, I'm going to say 20 years, 10 years, five years, you watch the population waking up to the fact that what's happened to us was We were turned into useful idiots to pilfer our nation. Look what the DNR is doing in Michigan and the rest of it. They're pilfering our state. And we were letting them. Now we've gone to the stage of actually knowing, getting educated. The next step is when it gets real and we start asserting our rightful position and and taking people to task for breaking the law, for not staying within their job descriptions. Anybody that works for the state or the nation has a job description. And when you find somebody that has gone off the rails so egregiously and so egregious are the violations in the state of Michigan, we have to hold them accountable. The only way to do it, in my opinion, is we've got to get together, we've got to get educated on the law and start filing pro se lawsuits because the courts are off the rails. And once we start removing them, we go from top to bottom. We have to do that to make sure we have people that are not lawbreakers, but that will follow the law in the positions. Or we can go to Revolutions. Bill started out with this discussion. We don't want to do that. So Donna's way sounds like a more peaceful way. Nobody gets hurt. There will be people that get hurt even in that, right? Yes. But it's not going to be a massive bloodshed. Can I say something really interesting here? I don't want to break your train of thought. If you want to go with it, we'll go with it. But this is kind of cool. Yeah, go ahead. Okay, so we're going to go over here to the idiot that's parading around as vice president right now. And look what she has to say. I will use an executive order to end the Second Amendment. Go ahead and try that. You'll be getting them all in bullets first, says 100 million U.S. gun owners and such. And there's a guy here that writes a... Pretty good, let's put this all in perspective, okay? For those people that are breaking the law, that are not doing the right thing. The math on this is kind of, and this kind of stupidity has been done to death. But for the baby duck retards in the meme who shat on this genius idea out of their tailpipes, let's go over it one more time. The late great blogger, a weapons man, shortly before his untimely passing, calculated conservatively and accurately that the actual number of privately owned, he says weapons, I'm going to say firearms, in the United States was somewhere north of not 200 million, but rather a number in the ballpark of 600 million at the lower end of the estimation. At the upper end could be more than 1 billion private firearms. with over 1 trillion rounds of ammunition, which is more than the 10 largest armies in the world we have combined. But let's tie one hand behind our backs. We'll stipulate that only 100 million gun owners are out there. We'll make it even easier and state that only 10% of them have AR-15s. Then we'll say 10% of them strenuously object to confiscation. That's only 1 million people, one hell of a lot more familiar with the weapon system than 95% of the military and all the law enforcement in the entire country, federal, state, county, and city. For the record, there were only about 50,000 Taliban in Afghanistan and half of the army, most of the Marines, and a large hunk of air force and Navy forces were ignominiously driven out of an A-stand after failing to oust them despite 10 years of earnest efforts where the Taliban still runs the show. So we're talking 20 Taliban-sized armies except homegrown on their home turf. You want to confiscate the guns starting with the AR-15. Before those million gun owners have worked through their first magazine, they'll already have wiped out every soldier and LEO in the country. That's before we see how many of the military and police will turn their weapons on their would-be overlords first, leaving them nothing better to do than go after the politicians that instigated such shenanigans, followed by the left-hard arseholes who voted them into power in the first place. The stampede of violence that ensues will be for the folks to collect notches and count coup before Team Liberty runs completely out of targets to shoot at from Mexico, Canada to Mexico, and coast to coast. Washington, D.C. would be an uninhabited park for the next century, and the mountain of skulls that result will make the pyramid of liberty that free people will marvel at for decades, if not centuries. Please, please go ahead with that plan. Otherwise, somebody ought to clue in Senator Kneepads and Governor Chickenshit and tell them to be careful what they wish for before they get themselves all Mussolini'd It's hilarious what this guy says. And if you thought that Secret Service was underqualified before, wait till they have half the country cheerfully taking accurate pot shots at their bosses. I think this is very funny, probably very accurate. And something worth pondering when we start getting all sorts of fearful on what's going on. And that is precisely why all of us are currently fighting the good fight is to try and avoid that kind of situation. Yes. Do not pick up your firearms and do anything stupid. Do not do that. Let's stay within the law and keep things peaceful because the minute things get off the rails and go into stupidville... It's going to be a situation which we won't have necessarily the control that we want to kid ourselves into having. And it's going to be a very non-ideal process to go to the desired ends that most people want to achieve. A better way to do that is to get yourself educated on the law, have the guts to get involved in a peaceful way at this point in time and fight because the law is on our side. Fight within the smart way of doing it, not the stupidity of grab your torches and pitchforks land. Now, I'd be all for some torches and pitchforks. I really would. That can still be people, all right? Oh, can it? Here's the issue is that these same people that are going around saying, you know, well, we're going to – you do this, and we're going to put up our arms, and we're going to just go to war, right? Well – Oh, yeah, let's just flip that off a minute. Yeah, we're just going to flip that off in a flippant way to say that. Yeah, number one, that is really loosely stated. And that's the most fearful measure I could think of, right? Because... The war is here. Understand that. We are in the war. The moment a shot is fired is only the beginning of the end of the war, right? And Americans are not right now organized enough because we have failed to understand our militia duties among the several states. We're not organized enough to pull this off. There are only select small groups that you could bind with, all right? So I don't want that. We can't even agree on what kind of cookies to bring to our political bitch sessions. Right. Understand that Christ said in Matthew that a house divided against itself cannot stand. They continue this division. I've said it over and over and over and over again. And that is my number one talking point, is that if we're still playing the left-right game, the red-blue game, the political party game, the good or bad in the military industrial complex wars that are going on, You want to play those games, you're playing right into the division. As long as they keep us fighting amongst themselves, they don't have to worry about a threat, right? You brought up something, a good point, that a representative government should reflect what the people are, right? John Adams said, as they were establishing how to set this all up, he had said, as good government is an empire of laws, how shall your laws be made? My words here, that's called a democracy. And that is mob rule. The whole people go in and they vote, right? Each individual represents himself. That's democracy. You hear that being promoted by everybody that's out there in the political field right now. And it's mob rule. He says the first necessary step then to depute power from the many to a few of the most wise and good people. But by what rules shall you choose your representatives? Agree upon the number and qualification of persons who shall have the benefit of choosing or annex this privilege to the inhabitants of a certain extent of ground. The lower house of the legislature should be closest to the people representing their views. The principal difficulty lies in the greatest care should be employed in constituting Oh, I'm sorry, constituting this representative assembly. It should be in miniature an exact portrait of the people at large. It should think, feel, reason, and act like them. That is exactly what we have. As many people as want to deny it, but our representative government thinks like the people do right now at large. They feel like they do, right? You can see them either pro or con protesting or what's the other, the antonym for protest. I don't know, coddle, codify, whatever. Contesting. Yeah, you can see them doing the same things there. They reason the same way, right? The majority of people don't understand their Constitution. They don't understand the Declaration of Independence, the very documents that founded this nation. Well, neither does their representative government, right? You can ask some of them if they even have read the Constitution, right? And a vast majority of them, I am not kidding you, a vast majority of them will tell you no. Or they will lie straight to your face and tell you that they have. And then do the exact opposite of what it says. He says that it may be the interest of this assembly to do strict justice at all times. It should be an equal representation, or in other words, equal interest among the people. Should have... I'm sorry. In other words, equal interest among the people should have equal interest in it. That's where we get our instructing our representative. He ends saying that great care should be taken to affect this. and to prevent unfair, partial, and corrupt elections. Oh my word, he said this when? In the foundation of our Constitution, they're already talking about corrupt elections. Why? Because they know the nature of man is to leave off the morals and principles that this nation was founded on. The very nature of what they saw, what they fought against, they could see reviving among the people if they left their duties off. That is where we are. So what's the good news in this, right? We got to go back to Patrick Henry to get the good news. He says, they tell us, sir, that we are weak, unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be next week or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed and when the British Guard, or American Gestapo, shall be stationed in every house? Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power." Three millions of people armed in a holy cause of liberty and in such a country as that which we possess are invincible to any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destiny of nations and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. I think the correct word there was with us, but nonetheless, it's recorded for us. Besides, sir, we have no election. Kind of where we're at now as well. If we were base enough to desire it, it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery. Our chains are forged. Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston. The war is inevitable, and let it come. I repeat, sir, let it come. It is vain to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, peace, peace, but there is no peace. The war has actually begun. The next gale that sweeps from the north, in this case from the east, will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms. Our brethren are already in the field. Why stand we idle here? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear or peace so sweet so as to be purchased at the price of chains and liberty? I want to add, purchased at the price of chains and slavery of your children would be the correct wording here. Forbid it, Almighty God. I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty or give me death. Patrick Henry was absolutely right all the way back then. These men knew what the essence of government was to be. They knew that if men did not stand up and fulfill their roles in being active consistently within their own representative form of government that they had given us, as Benjamin Franklin rightly told the lady, a republic if you can keep it, They knew that if the men laid down and forsook their duties in government, that they would end up exactly where we are today. Right? When I say, is life so dear or peace so sweet, so as to be... I'd have to read it again. I don't have it memorized. But so as to be purchased... at the price of chains and slavery for our children? That's the way I look at it. If they want to put me in chains and try to make me a slave, so be it. I'll fight them tooth and nail until I'm out of breath, right? But the moment you think that you're going to put my children in chains and make them slaves, you've got a whole other thing coming. I'll take it to the ends of the earth to make sure that my children don't have to put up with what I have had to put up with and what was left to me by the previous generations. So it's not so much taking up arms and going on the offense because that's not what we're called to do. That is a defensive measure only. If they want to push it to that limit, as the Minutemen rightly said in 1775, if they mean to have a war, let it begin here. But if that's not the end goal, then leave it be. We have plenty of other things we need to handle and we need to tackle on a daily basis, right? If they want it, let it come. But if they want us to start it, you've got a whole other thing coming because I can fight until I'm dead without picking up arms. And that should be the cry of every American person. The moment we start talking about going on offense with arms, you've lost it. You have absolutely lost it to think that that's not what they want. We're too divided. We're going to be fighting amongst ourselves. The amount of bloodshed that's going to happen over such an unjust cause right now is going to be extreme. We're talking tens of millions, if not hundred million. And over division that's been manufactured through propaganda. Exactly. That is what they are driving the American people to. They want us to do their killing for them is what they want. And they, you know, with the COVID and the vaxes and all that sort of thing. I mean, this wasn't the first time that this has been done this way. The nurses in Germany were injecting children to kill them. And they've done it before. And so if they can get us to buy in for protecting, oh, I don't know, let's say our livelihood, what we think we have, our stances on anything we take, and they can get us to commit violence or kill each other or hurt each other, they're sitting back smoking their cigars laughing and realizing they've done exactly what they wanted to do. Yeah, and to think that, I don't know, how many times has this panel right here heard the term leaders in government? I can already see Karen's blood boiling. We don't have leaders in government. Never existed in America, never will as long as we keep it that way. They are servants, and the servant is not above their master. to think that any of these people who are pushing this wickedness among us, to think that they have some sort of rule over us, To think that they're getting one over on the American people? They're not getting one over on anybody that's not allowing it. And they're definitely not going to get away with it because they will have their time for judgment. Let me finish with this point from Psalms 2. He says, "...why do the heathen rage and the people imagine a vain thing?" The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, Let us break their bands asunder and cast away their cords from us. That is exactly what they're doing right now. These globalist leaders who think they're getting away with it, that is what they're doing. And verse 4 says what? He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh. The Lord shall have them in derision. He shall speak to them in His wrath and vex them in His sore displeasure. They're not winning this. They never have, they never will. It is impossible for them to destroy the principles of the king of kings. They cannot eliminate His kingdom from this earth. As long as we remain part of that, we are nothing but strangers walking through this America, right? And it's our duty to redeem the time. It's our job to occupy it until the end of our days, until He comes. That is our duty. That is what the Republic is set up to be. For anybody saying that that's not the case, call me. Right? We'll have this discussion one-on-one. Because... Yeah, go ahead. I would like to add to this because with saying that they're our servants, they are our servants, but there's more to it. I actually like the term public functionary because what it is is someone who stays within their job designation. They stay within their function of what they're supposed to do. If we stay within the structure that is supposed to be carried out, We don't have all this usurpation. It stops the usurpation and it keeps them in that position of serving a function within the Republic to the people there. And also what it does is it moves them out of people saying, you work for me. And then they sit back waiting for them to fail and So they can laugh at them or use them for target practice instead of getting them involved. Yeah. And I don't, I don't know how many people remember back in 2020 when all that went down, you know, we were, every, everything was being called, uh, uh, what it was all being called new, you know, with the, we're, uh, we're waiting into new waters here with the whole, the whole pandemic that was set up against the people. But, uh, Our Michigan representatives, right, I heard from several of their lips saying, we don't have a guidebook on how to handle such things, right? That is what they told me. One of them was my representative at the time, okay? We don't have a guidebook on how to handle these things. Well, I'm telling you, you have a guidebook. If you're in office, if you were elected by the people or appointed to a position, you have a guidebook. The people have delegated certain authorities to you, certain powers that, number one, you can't exercise anything outside of, and number two, you must exercise those powers. Right? Right? That's the guidebook. It's called the Constitution. It's simple. It's effective. And the more we try to get involved and to add all these little things we think are going to fix our little problems, the more we're going to screw it up. Because no new ideas are going to fix these same old problems. Man only finds new ways to commit the same sins. That's it. It's the same thing that every generation, every nation has had to deal with. We can only fix it by going back to the solutions that worked. And that's through lawful practices, fulfilling our duties before God and man, that includes elected servants or your public functionaries, however we want to call them, right? They are not leaders in this country. It is time for them that understand that fact to stand up and start speaking that way. Don't think for a minute that those in office are going to be able to get away with something. You're either going to give an account to the people you represent. You're either going to give an account to another lawful authority, maybe before a judge. Or you're going to give an account before God. Right? Yep. God forbid that one ever come. But if that's the way they want to play it, so be it. That's justice. There you go. And with that said, let's give 30 seconds apiece for your closing words here. And I'm going to bring on our next guest, Evelina Velting and Mark McKay in our next hour. So let's start with Ralph, Bill, and Karen. Let's go, Ralph. Yeah, let's go, Ralph, Bill, and Karen. You've got 30 seconds apiece. I think the kind of one of the things that kind of illustrates some of that, too, is there is a there's an account of an early when Japan first kind of opened up to the world. There's an account from one of the first Japanese visitors to the United States back in the 1800s. And he talked about just marveling at being able to just walk up to the White House and talk to the president without having a whole bunch of security or anything like that. And the general sentiment was, well, yeah, of course, we don't want to be like the monarchies back in Europe. These are all just regular people. And, you know, we are all the governing body of this. So why should we? restrict access to any of this and looking at the difference between that and now is just striking bill yeah that's pretty incredible so there's a quote and donna this is in the back of your new book that you got but by j herbert smith bill got cheap and I had to spend like 130 dollars for this little beauty but it's it's quite a document by j herbert smith there's a quote he says you and I are america unless we change america will not change Unless we are willing to experiment boldly with the application of absolute honesty, absolute purity, absolute unselfishness, and absolute love in our lives and in our relationships and responsibility, America, the land of the free, may lose her freedom because she no longer has the moral and spiritual values to maintain it. You and I are America. There you go. Karen, 30 seconds. I'll try. I want to connect. The concept of the oath and the concept of the leader that was discussed today. The oath, I think one of the problems with the oath is that we cannot always tell what the circumstances of the future will be. and we're warned about that in the scripture don't count on your estimation of what the future is going to look like for what you are how you are going to handle it so if you make an oath that you're going to do something and the circumstances change and you you are not able now you violated your oath but because you've taken it Out of your own hands, so to speak, by making an oath that you can't promise. And I think that's one of the problems with the leader concept. They are so busy in politics saying, I'm going to do this and I'm going to do that. I'm going to decrease taxes. Wait a minute. You haven't got enough office yet. We haven't given you that instruction yet. Don't tell me what you are going to do. You must wait until we give you that instruction first. That's kind of backwards to what we're used to. We've got to understand who's really in charge and that we don't have control over the future. But as long as that candidate understands that the people are the ones who will direct under the circumstances of the day what they need to do, that is the candidate we want to vote. bring forward. And Donna request, can you post that thing that you wrote about that posting and also Bill's letter? I threw that out there. Bill, I don't have your letter that, that do you have a link on it or do you have a direct link to the Patrick Henry reading that we did or not? If you don't just, just text it to me and I'll put it up later. But I did put up that, that firearms evaluation. And I think that's really good. It's like, It's like if they think they're going to come and take our guns, they're going to open up a massive can of whoop ass. Because you know what? The United States of America is not going to stand for it. We're not going to stand down. We're not going to listen to these morons in Britain come and say, you know, if you say something against us, we're going to come over there and we're going to extradite you. Good luck with that. Good luck with that. I don't know what their people are dealing with. The American spirit here and just how tough we are. With that said, we're going to have to end it here. I'll be seeing Ralph and Karen on Friday for Off the Grid. And we're going to go to our next segment with Mark McKay and school board candidate and friend, Erlina Velting. So I'll be right back in just a few minutes. And thanks, guys. We'll see you next week, Wednesday. See you. Bye, Bill. Be right back, everybody. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the 14th day of August 2024 and we're going to get right into the second hour. We've got a school board candidate for Caledonia and that's Erlina Velting. I know everybody's seen her in a lot of the pictures with me, friends, she's been traveling around and also another good friend, Mark McKay and Patriots. And this is really fun for me to be able to interview people that I know really well and just sit here and talk. So I'm going to bring everybody on. Hey, how you doing? Yeah, what's up? Not too much. Hey. Trying to figure out this camera. Yeah, that's good. This is real news for real people by real people at the kitchen table. And this is just the way it goes. Everything is backwards when you set these things up. So you think you're going in one direction and all of a sudden you're like, what in the world's happened to the camera? But glad to have you guys on today. And we've been really beating up the constitutional and the founding basis for our country. and what it really takes to stand for this nation. I don't know if you guys have seen it, but I have over the years that I've been involved in this. It's just a normal, regular person that doesn't do it for money, but patriot, that's pretty much it, right? But the lack of people that have the guts to step forward. I mean, we can't even get two people together to agree on the type of cookies to bring to these political bitch sessions. And... I mean, it's really true, right? And so, but to sit down and find what we can do. And I just want to applaud both of you for all the work that you've done. And so I wanted to give you a chance to talk this morning. This is Erlina's website right now. And Erlina, we know that everything in the schools has just completely gotten off the rails. And I wanted to, I'll post this on my Telegram channel. That's a cute picture of you. I love it. And nice logo and such. So come here and help Erlina. And then hang on. I've got another one here. Ta-da! Mark McKay's. My buddies. And so we've got Mark doing his amazing. I think you are my favorite. uh guitar player of my entire life every time I listen to you play I'm just like just everybody just shut up and just let mark play you know just just listen to him rod moving around on his guitar is the best you're so sweet so what we're gonna be playing we're gonna be we're gonna be playing an event for elena this coming weekend so we're gonna play guitars as long as you ask us to that's the drill okay you you know you know what you just asked for didn't you I told that to our mutual friend, Danny. When it all got locked up, I said, you know, given that we're doing this as an event for them, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to just play guitar solos for Donna for two hours. Well, yeah, and I liked it. I'll even cook you breakfast if you stay longer, you know? Now you're talking. We'll just keep going. That's so fun. Well, and I just love I love your music. If you want to put a like a link in the private chat here to something that you're coming out with or that you have current current music for people to hear, because, you know, it's like for me, I really have an appreciation for raw talent. And just listening, not somebody that has to have even all of the big speakers and such, though you do that, but the raw talent of actually being able to play. And yeah, I appreciate you saying that. It's funny, like not to go not to go too deep into the music business stuff. It's not that interesting to anybody. But one of the things that I I really trip out on is I feel like I'm one of those last of the sole survivors that sees that the same way you do. You know, we just one day we we were trying to be a good guitar player. and trying to be a good band and we were playing in bars and then we were playing in casinos. And then we were just playing hundreds and hundreds of shows around the country until we got better and better and better. So a lot of times when we're standing on a stage with everything you're describing with big giant PA systems and lights, it's still back to the fundamentals of just being a good guitar player playing in a bar you know and oh my gosh that was that picture we were on tour with ario speedwagon in that photo you're showing but anyway the point of me saying that is I as I go around these days and we tour with so many of our favorite bands we play in so many shows I still am just such a sucker for somebody who can authentically pick up a guitar and play a great song or tell a great story or sing a great song and I feel like in today's world that that gets more and more lost every day behind all the you know, the drama that we set up around it, you know? Yeah. And I think, I think, so my kids all took piano lessons and I had them play practice like an hour a day from the time they were four years old. So my kids are actually really pretty good pianists. And where that started is listening to somebody who is an extraordinary talent. And that's Bruce Hornsby. I was, concert that he was at. And I love him just as a piano player. And he's a huge guy. If you've ever watched him, when he's at a grand piano, he's over the top of it. And he dismissed his band and sat there and played for 45 minutes just off of what he had in his head. And I looked at my friend, I was with Janice and I said to Janice, I said, oh yeah, my kids will be taking piano lessons. And it was the impetus of me really making a serious commitment to having my kids have that training. I mean, what a gift it is that you have to share with this nation. And I'm gonna say this right now, okay? They have an event or we have an event coming up this weekend on the 17th, okay? And I'm just gonna put this out there because I know what's happening behind the scenes. And and know what it's like to put everything you have into a campaign and have half the state either hate you or say, screw you. OK, this has actually been my reality here for about four years because of the lack of getting people involved and freaking apathy. Now, Erlina is a friend of mine. OK, Erlina has traveled around with me and I love you, Erlina. OK. And I am going to say right now, we're going to be at this event this weekend. And everybody who's out there, I want you to know what I know about Erlina. Erlina said, this is about giving back to the community. One of the most profound things that I have heard. And she said it a couple of days ago, I heard her say that. So at this point in time, instead of having politicians that everybody goes, yeah, yeah, it's just another politician. I'm going to sit home and drink my coffee and bitch. We're going to go and we're going to participate in this and act like a family should. So what I'd like to tell everybody is you want to impress me with how smart you are or what you know or how involved you are. Come and join us this weekend and support something. that Erlina and Mark and Danny and everyone has worked very, very hard at to put this together to make a really nice time, a really nice family time for everybody. I mean, politics don't always have to be like the stuff that I do. I'm mission driven. I'm going to get in there and I'm going to pound out the law and I'm going to find out every last stinking detail. So when I go and talk about it, um that I'm going to personally be able to get in their face and prove a point but not all politics have to be that way sometimes it's this way and I want to thank you on behalf of caledonia the state of michigan the county of kent and the nation thank you for stepping forward and running for school board and handling the problems that you see. Tell us about what you see there and why you decided to run and how this kind of transpired. Well, it was nothing I set out to do, probably just like Mark. We just start, you know... Not like me either, right? We just kind of were there. Right. And that's funny how it all started out in, you know, back before... And, you know, we were getting involved with things and making a difference where we could, but it was really fun because all of a sudden it was like. there was a need in Caledonia for some conservative constitutional, um, parents or grandparents or people that cared about the schools. And so we had been asked, um, and we said, you know, we've been pretty busy, but. You know, let us know if, you know, you don't find anybody we would, we'll step in, but, uh, it's not an us, it's an Arlena. And that's a real gracious way to put it is say, you know, say that there's really, there's really nobody that there's, there's, there's a few people that are stepping forward and taking the local office action. And honestly, all, all local action is, is where it all, where it's all should be focused on. Yeah. And, and you, you stepped up and, and what were some of the things that you saw that really bothered you? Well, You know, I'll be honest with you. You know, working with you in the campaign, we got to meet great people. And to be honest with you, you know, being a part of the community, I don't have to deal with the political stuff as much. I've really seen a lot of people jumping on board. And, you know, the opportunity came up that Danny had heard that – Mark was open after he had a gig on Friday night and he was pretty close. And I knew what a patriot Mark was and Danny too. And it was like, Hey Mark, all of a sudden Danny gets these ideas going. And, and all of a sudden it's like, Mark, you want to come up and help support Alina? And I'm like, Oh my gosh, that'd be so stinking cool. Cause remember when we were at the Lincoln dinner over, or I'm sorry, maybe it was just a McComb dinner and Mark performed with Laura Trump. And she just loved him and we all did too. And it was just like, oh my gosh, I could, that would be like a dream of a lifetime. And so hearing Mark and his passion for this country and what he's done and how many openings he's done for the Trumps. I just, I was just like honored completely because yeah, I'm, I'm just jumping in and helping. I, I'm not in. a fight right now. I'm sure that there will be some, but right now it's, it's caring about the kids, caring about what, what the parents are concerned about, what the community is struggling with. And it's always the budget. It's always about money. And so instead of jumping into the war, we thought let's party, let's have fun. Let's have Mark come. And we're just so excited, Mark. And I'm just honored that you'd come to Caledonia. Oh, anything for you. Are you kidding me? Yeah, no, it's going to be a really nice day of music. You know, it's funny. You were talking, I can't remember whether it was in our segment or the segment before, Donna, because I was watching before we came on, but we were talking about It was probably our segment, but you were talking about nobody ever being able to agree on anything. You know, one thing people can agree on. Yeah, a freaking package of cookies. I mean, try to get them to come for a package of cookies. And it's like, well, we need this or the silverware, stupid stuff like that instead of the stuff that matters. Totally. Yeah, but anyhow, I'm sorry. You know, the one thing people can't agree on is concerts are great. right that's true and you know you look at all the nonsense okay so like let's go there because you know I'm going to go there to uncomfortable subjects but we're going to go there what we have gotten involved in and what we've seen is just normal people is the absolute bankruptcy of our entertainment industry historically with the stuff that was going on in Hollywood and all that sort of thing. And there have always been good people there, but they typically gave the biggest stage to, say, like, you know, those people that were part of their criminal cabal. and would push their agendas and such but but then all of a sudden when we got smarter because our society is a reflection of us our patriotism whether we're committed to god and such and all of a sudden we started rejecting all of that stuff that we were we grew up with and all of a sudden we start seeing the superstars actually starting to emerge without the fog of war that was really manipulating what we were seeing and listening to and engineering our nation to be violent, disassociated, and lacking God and lacking patriotism. And I think that that's one of the greatest things is actually seeing actual musicians and not just puppets. But people like yourself, Mark, and normal people like Erlina and myself, who's just stepped forward and said, enough of this stuff. We're going to jump in the fight. We're going to defend the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, who had his election stolen from him and our voice stolen. I'll show you one of my toys. That's cool. I was just there. We just played out there last week. You did? I improved it. See? There's the improvement right there. Where is out there, Mark? We just played at Sturgis at the Harley Davidson Rally in South Dakota. that's so not right. So, you know, Donna, you know, what's interesting is remember the first place I met you was at John Rich's house for that, for that fundraiser. And yeah, that was great. I was telling John that it was so funny to have all these people. It was like, all of a sudden people would be coming in the room who I've toured with for years or I've known forever. And I'd go, Oh man, really you? You know what I mean? Like there's so there's so much of that. And I think that to take it down to kind of a dummy level, I consider myself to just be a pretty hardworking sort of normal common sense person. I didn't grow up particularly political. I didn't grow up. particularly angry about anything. I grew up on the American dream. My parents told me, if you work really hard, you can accomplish anything in this country that you want. And I think it's a great spirit that I think when I weigh out all this stuff that's going on, all the noise, all the things that we all are so plugged into, that's the part of it that scares me the most. That's why I'm not afraid to speak up, is that I think that the loss of the American dream is the end game. And I think that... to the point you were just making with musicians and stuff coming out, I just think that a lot of people were used to sort of not being that plugged in for a long time. I think even if you could go back to the beginning of, of COVID. You know, the day that they announced that there was a virus coming and we didn't know what to expect, I had a whole country kind of went, oh, well, we better figure out what this is. I'm sure there were, you know, I'm sure a lot of us were very skeptical and had other thoughts. But, you know, as a whole, we were almost united for an hour and a half. You know what I mean? But then quickly, it turns the other way. And I feel like it was right in the middle that I can speak to a lot of my friends who who always voted the other way and weren't my way. One day they were watching whatever that news network that starts with C and ends with N, and they were watching- Clint News Network? Yeah, and they were watching this guy standing there talking about this peaceful protest with this towering inferno behind him. And all of a sudden they went, something's not adding up with this. As far as musicians and actors in Hollywood and our industry and stuff, yeah, it's guarded by, the other side of the fence. But I think there's a lot of common sense people like me that just kind of go, yeah, this is not right. And then there becomes a point where the more you watch it happen, the more you watch it get steamrolled, the more you're willing to speak up. You know what I mean? Yep. And I want to show you this because I know you got to leave in a little bit here and then it's just going to be Erlina and I for a few minutes. But I wanted to show that, okay, so this is the Caledonia event on August 17th, my favorite number, which is really cool. And so that's where we're going to be here in Michigan. And then as you go down here, you've got several other concerts in California, North Carolina, and Nevada. And then underneath this, I'd like to play a little bit of your music so people can hear what you tell me which one to click on. Somebody else's everything is a great song. That's the that's the top. That's the top right corner there. This guy right here. Yeah. OK, let's click that guy. OK, it's on Instagram, so I'm going to I'd have to change out my. Well, here you'll get you'll get to it. See if we'll get to it if I click on it enough. There we go. There we go. Turn that up. Let me see if we can make this thing work. Yeah. There you go. It's going to start over, I think. Okay. Well, as I think we got a short clip there, but anyhow, so if, if, if you want to hear Mark, guess what? You're going to have to come to the concert. And Hey, for the record, Donna, you can hear Mark anywhere. You consume music, Spotify, Apple, YouTube. We're, we're, we're everywhere. We, you know, when we, our music is available on every platform that music could ever be available on. So I post on true social. I post them everywhere. I just enjoy. Can I, can I put in a request? Yep. Can you do like a Brandenburg tape or something like that where you just sit there and play guitar? Yes. Nothing else. That's what I'm going to request. I'm going to request a Brandenburg version of McKay music, which is just raw talent Mark playing. I got you. That would be cool, boo. Yeah. Well, it'll be exciting to see you guys on Friday. I hope everybody comes out and enjoys the show and gets to meet Erlina and gets to hang out with Donna and witness the guitar solo and all's going to be good. That's good. What's your favorite cookies? Snickerdoodle. Okay. I'm on it. Does it impress you that I answered that so fast? Yes, that was great. That was fantastic. So that was a decisive, that was a decisive answer. All right, you guys. Good seeing you both. Thank you, sir. And we will see you Saturday. Love you. Take care. Actually said it might even be Friday, but anyhow, thanks Mark. Oh yeah, that's right. Yeah. We'll see you there. See ya. All right. Bye bye. Okay. So it's, it's you and I girlfriend. So, um, so what, what, uh, what does it look like? So to run as a campaign, now I've done this before, so going in and not knowing anything and such. And, uh, So what are you doing currently to, you know, we've got the concert this weekend. What other things are you finding out and running that are challenges, just putting the word out there and, you know, such? Well, we're pretty new at it. We just started really, I think, technically three weeks ago. And, you know, if it wasn't for great friends, I'll tell you, it's been amazing. I've had... um neighbors that jumped on board said hey we're gonna door knock for you we're gonna we're gonna get involved um put a calendar together and create um events that you need to go to and then it was just like even when we got the call we were in wisconsin at the big rally for the rnc and and they were like you know, we really haven't had anybody step up. And and we have from what we know, we have one other person and we think you might know her and her name is Jessica Cohn. And I'm like, oh, my gosh, you know, small world. We used to bank at Fifth Third. And and at the same time, she was the manager of the branch manager in Caledonia and worked with her for 15 years. So absolutely love her. And so I I'm like, OK, you know what I got to do this I you know I didn't know how the time in for everything but you know what the lord's just opened up doors like crazy and it's just been amazing and so we have our website up we have signs we have our business cards we're getting hats t-shirts You know, it's crazy. You do all this for just a school board, you know, compared to what you did as a gubernatorial candidate. And it's it's crazy and it can be overwhelming. But, you know, it's it's cool that I'm a little bit older. So they consider me the Nana Bear and Jessica's the Mama Bear because her last daughter just graduated last year, this past year, actually. And so for me, it's kind of like, You know, I feel like I'm back at the school, you know, working with the PTO, helping out where I can, you know, whether it's sporting events or in the classes. And so it's kind of fun to come back full circle around to working with the kids, the parents, the staff, the amazing teachers. I was at a board meeting Monday night, and it was really cool. I'm really honored that it's Caledonia because there was a tech teacher that's starting a – He had gotten a grant and one of the teachers wrote a grant and and I didn't quite understand everything that they're doing, but they're implementing part of it this fall with mechanical and welding and it just sounds like it's going to be an amazing thing. And that's really what I would like to get involved in because our has my husband and I was saying our husbands because we're all self employed and we love. We love small businesses, and we love to create trades. And I have a daughter who's a nurse, so that's great. You know, no problem. I love college for those that choose to need that in their career. But there's a lot of kids that do go on, and... they get into trades or they get into jobs where would have really helped them a lot if they could have started in their junior or senior year in some kind of a trade that prepared them, whether it be engineering. I spoke with a gentleman A couple weeks ago I went to the Taste of Caledonia and there was a young man there and I introduced myself and gave him a business card and his dad was there and he said he was from the community and he had gone to the Kent Skills Center and I said how many get into that and he said well you know not too many but you know he was one of the privileged few that did get in and He's working in a job and it's helped him out immensely. So that's kind of my desire is is to help young people be prepared. So you see my platform on my website. I mean, we are definitely about. We want to increase enrollment, but not only that, we want to really meet the needs of the community, to the students, to the parents, and to the teachers. We want to have them good relationships. So even though there's a lot of crazy things going on out there, we want to get involved and care about those things. But at the same time, you know, maybe hear the parents, hear the kids and things that they want to do and care about. So I'm kind of really excited working with Tim Morris and John Brando and Jennifer Nichols. It's been a great start. And there's many more that I've been involved. And so, yeah, the only thing I was really cute about a week ago, I was at Culver's and I met Bob Lilly there. And it was really funny. I go, Bob, you were on the school board back when my kids, you know, graduated. Well, my oldest is 42. My youngest is 35. So that was a long time ago. But I said, I remember when you did that. And I always appreciated you so much for doing that because busy moms, we... We were busy raising families and taking care of the classrooms and PTO stuff. And I said, now it's my turn. So I just thanked them. And I said, so if you get a chance, remember me, vote for me this fall. We'll see what we can get done together, because I'd love to tap in some of your expertise and knowledge in what you were involved in and what you guys cared about. This is what's really amazing. And I would prefer somebody who is an authentic person than somebody who has the canned message. And I love just, you know, you being able to talk off the cuff like that. This is your first time on video, isn't it? Yep. And it is a very difficult thing. I've talked about my first time where General Flynn told me, come on, Donna, you got to do videos. And I was like, no, don't tell me that. And I stood in front of my horse, the one horse Napoleon, And for two hours, I tried to, to record something. And after two hours, I didn't get 30 seconds of video. And I'm like, this sucks. I'm, I'm, I'm going to die. I can't do this. And every, every time you do it, It gets a little easier. But when you step out, and I'm saying this to encourage everyone out there, because we all felt the same. We saw something that needed to be done. And honestly, every single person out there should be running for something. Because if we say we want to return this government back to we the people, that means that everyone's going to have to step up because we're going to need people to fill those positions. And it's not that you have to have everything perfect. It's that you have to be willing to do it and maybe even make some mistakes and have people be, you know, criticizing you and or that sort of thing. But you know what? What's really amazing is that you will find those good people that will come alongside of you, which, you know, Earlene is finding that now. when you're kind of like going, I don't know what to do with the next step. And then God provides the way and he brings your buddies to go with you so that you are equipped. If God calls you to do anything, he will equip you to carry it to the end. And I think that watching, you know, as we have been watching, you know, everything that's gone on in, you know, I don't know, everything that's gone on here in the past few years, we are seeing problems that need to be fixed. And there's so many of them. The pornography in the schools, the lack of actual curriculum to give people skills to be able to take care of themselves, the destruction of the family, the transgender initiative and or abortion or things without parental rights and strong families. And you're really very committed to strong families. Yes, very much. And You know, as you talked about your horse, I have this, I don't know if you can see her, this sweet little dog. And that's, you're right on because that's what I do is, you know, I just sit and go, man, girl, what are we getting ourselves into? And practicing with her, I hadn't thought of doing that. But, you know, she's just amazing. She's been at my side, and that's just really what it's about, is caring about my grandkids. My grandkids, I have seven left that are at the school. Actually, it's just been a ball. One graduated last year, and he's off working in a plumbing, local plumbing company here in Caledonia, and they're in an apprenticeship. program for doing apprentice for plumbing. And I just sat there and I'm like, that's it. That's exactly what we're looking for. And even if they, you know, we build more programs like that. Talking with my friend, I'm just so excited about what Romeo has been doing. Um, they actually build a house from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, they put up a whole house and that's an incredible trade program that has, you know, you can't imagine, um, you got framers you got drywallers you got electrical you got plumbing you got you can't even imagine everything and whether the design team you know that that comes up with the architect I can't even imagine but you know that's not going to happen overnight but think about what that could look like if we could get more trades we know very well you own a business with pipeline and I own a whole bunch of stuff. I'm like crazy. It's like I start one. It's sort of like, you know, a collection of, I don't know. It's like, it's like the, I don't know, grandma connect collection of salt and pepper shakers. Only I collect businesses. So yeah. Yeah. You're gonna be able to do stuff. Well, and that was what was really kind of interesting. I started out, it was a little bit hard. We, this came up really quick and we were trying to figure out because of the campaign rules, how to, how to fund it and how to do all this. And, you know, it was like, can we take corporate, you know, and we couldn't, we had to work through a pack. Well, then I started realizing, you know what? Businesses are hit hard. As I found out the past few days in Caledonia talking with these businesses, it was like so many of them really wanted to get involved and sponsor, but they're just hurting. One business said, and it's a chain, it's a franchise. And they said, we'd love to, but we're not profiting right now. So our corporate sponsors would never allow us. to give right now towards a great concert and sponsor something like this because we're just not profiting. And I thought, oh, this is so wrong. And I just as a business owner, I thought if somebody came to me, you know, I would do it. But you just feel so bad because you just sit there and think, man, there's so many businesses hurting. Let's just forget it. Let's just give back. And you know what? I'm just so honored that Mark had a spot in an opening and we threw it together kind of in a matter of two and a half three weeks and we're just excited you know to do a meet and greet um of course we'll do the parades those are always fun down and we did those together and get to meet more people and and get in the community as sports starts up school starts next Monday so um there'll be events starting up and you know I'll be able to meet people and introduce myself but To be able to kind of start before school started and have a big concert like this right in the little heart of Caledonia. It's just a perfect place. The pavilion, we're going to do a four to six kind of a meet to greet. Just get to know people in the community, get to know different people that are helping me. And at the same time, just a little something there. And then we're going to go into a full concert with his, you know, his whole band. Right. next door right there in the green space in the amphitheater in caledonia and it's so cool because it's it's it's like you just kind of giggle because this guy has performed all over the united states and you think of red rock and all these amazing places in new york and here he goes on and he says you know what some of these little venues you remember don when we went to jackson michigan and we saw him in a I don't know it was a ice skate it was an ice it was an ice house And got to sit down and talk with with Ted Nugent and and, you know, Jeff Marshall is going to be there. And I love Jeff. He's another another amazing, amazing musician. He played with the Alan Parsons Project and such. And so. you know, with, with Jeff Marshall there and he's been, he and, and Mark play together and such. And so, I mean, this will be a really, really nice concert for everyone. And, and it's really cool to have friends in high places that, that, you know, let's just say it that way that are willing to jump in. But again, We need everyone to come and get involved. If we want to change things on a local level, I mean, I am completely against the funding part of political campaigns and such, just because I watched and I was involved in such a fight with the governor's race. And it's just like, it shouldn't be that way, but it's a way we have to deal with it to get rid of it at this point to a certain degree, right? But I still don't think it's the best way to do it. I really think what is the best way is just sheer raw effort from individuals. Find out what assets you have. and what you can do and you just do it. Like, you know, for me being on, to be able to do Brandenburg News Network has, I'm working probably 10 hours a day on this sort of thing because I have to do everything. I don't get paid a dime for this. And I try to help everybody out who's had their voices taken away from them. And in the process, it's been a great education for me. And I feel like it's such an honor to be able to talk with so many people And every person I talk to is we're educating each other. And, and I think that's the greatest thing. So what, what I usually tell people is, you know, what's more valuable than you sending money to anything right now. I never asked for campaign donations, really. I was told I should, but I couldn't do it. And, uh, cause I realized too, like you said, The businesses are hurting. People are hurting. Nobody has more than because the government, we're at about 85% tax rate right now. If you add everything up, everyone is hurting. But what you can do, whether you're struggling or not, you can jump into this and you can help Erlina by taking and saying, you know what, I am going to make a commitment to to Erlina, to somebody who is just a regular average Joe person, okay? Donna Brandenburg, just a regular average Joe person, really. And I'm going to make that commitment to her to come to her events and bring buddies with me, first off, and ask what can I do to help you and take maybe I mean this is like this is like bonehead silly easy stuff try running a governor's campaign that was difficult okay but this is like bonehead easy stuff that an everyday person can do is commit and say you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna spend Five minutes, because I know every single one of you is on social media. And so I'm going to spend five minutes or 10 minutes every day texting people or putting it on my social media groups. to support Erlina and get her name out in front of people. They are silencing us. They will not put it on the newspaper. They will not. If you've got an honest person, it is going to be censored, silenced, buried, deep-sixed. People won't talk about it and such. And she needs your help. And so, so I would love to have everybody out there and give you a, give you a job, say, bring your whole family to this concert this weekend. And then that's great. You came for the cookies, but then go talk to Erlina and ask her, what can I do to help you? That should be the first words out of your mouth. And so that we can, we can help good candidates get in, get in office. That really needs to happen. And she needs you to do this because, you know, she never run for office before. I mean, she's been around with me and such and, and, you know, behind the scenes and such, but it's a whole different ball game when you are, you know, you can't say the we part, it's the singular effort of Erlina Velde. And that's what we need to have happen is, you know, This is where the eye jumps in because you've got to have a leader that's willing to be the person out in front and takes that risk. And it's a difficult thing. But it's doable. It is. And, you know, that's the thing. I mean, excuse me. Do you want to get a glass of water? No, I'm fine. It's just funny. I got mine right here. Excuse me, it's just the morning. I think the other hard thing is, you know, we've done so many different things in our lives. And as a wife, 43 years, you know, I was so blessed to be able to stay home for a lot of those years. But then later, as the kids got older, It was like going through the hard times in 2008. It was like we needed to get involved and do some different things and maybe get some good health care. And I had a friend who worked at Metro Health. And so when I jumped on at Metro Health, worked there for 14 years, And I worked more on the administration side. And I think, Donna, the big thing that I learned, and that's what helped me with doing this, is I learned that really we can do more than what we think we can. And I remember sometimes being put in some pretty You know, for me, I'd never been involved in medical. I'd never been in horrific situations where a woman was having a baby outside and, you know, just different crazy situations of real life trauma places, things that were happening in people's lives. And it really, it was good for me to stretch myself and to see what a lot of people go through and what are living through. And it just really gave me a huge heart to care about people. So, you know, and that was at a point when my kids were, you know, going to college or going off in their careers. And I was an empty nester trying to figure out what I was meant to do. So I did that for, you know, 14 and a half years and just about 15 years. And then COVID hit, you know, in 2020. And we were asked to, any of us want to take furlough? And I stepped out and I thought, you know what? I'll take some time off. And I worked on a grant for my husband's business. And it was like, I started doing some history of the community and how this community grew. And I got all the way back into the hard times of the Spanish flu. And back when our particular city was known for making furniture during the war. And what we had to do, we stopped and we helped our particular... got involved in making parts for boats, for planes, with our aeronautical programs that we had in this part of the state. And I was just amazed, under hard times and duress, that's where the true American patriot citizen comes and steps in. And so I'd had five weeks off from Metro and you know, they called us back. So I went back and my co-worker said, you know what, she's the same age as I was, you know, she says, you know, I'm going to retire. She says I really had just a great time with her grandkids and her kids needed help from her and The more I thought about having five weeks off, I thought, you know, it was really nice being able to do my bookkeeping without being pressured with my work at Metro, too. Even though I was part-time there, I was still a full-time bookkeeper for my husband's business. And so I was like, you know what? It's time. to step in and see what I can do to help Mark more. And we own Full Circle Recycle. So in July 2nd of 2020, I retired from Metro and decided it's time to get full-time a little bit more with the business and help my kids where I could. But more than anything, it was just to be available. And so that's kind of what I did and get involved in all the Patriots and what we were trying to do to open the state up. Excuse me. That's the business phone. It never stops for those of us that are in business. It's like the phone's ringing and you gotta, you gotta take care of business. That's right. But it's funny because you do, we, uh, we are, we're a company and has done about some of our products. We're a crushing company and we, uh, formerly bought the Consumers Ready Mix building on East Beltline. And we own another location up in Grand Rapids where right next door to Padnos, it's full circle recycle. And we just crush aggregates when guys bring in their broken asphalt or their broken crush or their concrete, we turn around and crush it with our crushers. And so it's been fun to formerly owned a sandpit and just to see all the ways in which, you know, We've been just going through life, doing what we need to do and being business owners. And it's just been a blessing. And, you know, so Donna, we're the real thing. We don't act like we're anybody special, but when we're needed, we step up and, okay, what can we do? And that's kind of what I was asked to do. And I'm excited to see what that looks like for the community and for the kids. And like I said, the staff. I think it's great. And all the variety of experiences that we all bring to the table is where the strength really is. The people that have been in politics or have been involved for a long time, they've turned this whole thing into an industry. And it's an industry that is self-perpetuating. and for self enrichment. We were talking about self selfishness this morning, and I want to read something to you that I think it's really interesting. We're going to start out with, I started out with, in case anybody, I don't want to see if I lost my place here. Could be, I bet. Oh, I lost it. It's Philippians. Here we go. I'll open up to it. I didn't have a bookmark in it. That's crazy. Do not do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit. Philippians 2, 3. And selfishness is an obsession with self that excludes others, hurting everyone. It comes from the root word strife and contentious. So when we do things just because we love our country, our families, our communities and such, it's truly a selfless, um, act of service. And, uh, not looking for anything in return. And I think that those of us who are here to serve God, we have a different way to look at the world. We're not looking at the next greatest, biggest, greatest toy we can have. We're looking at what's the next situation we can fix and going, running right into the fire. So, so yeah, very, very, very interesting. Are there, I looked at your, your your platform, is there anything else specifically you want to talk about for Caledonia and the things that you really want to address? Well, it'll be interesting. You know, I've been kind of helping out a little bit in the last probably four months because it was brought to our attention, one of the struggles. It was presented that... the staff. Oh, now you got it. Yeah. Well, my mom went in the hospital last night and, uh, she was, how's she doing? So I was up listening. If I'm tired, I'm on a, I'm going to be on a massive caffeine run today. Um, kind of, uh, she's kind of okay, but I actually was kind of, wouldn't have been surprised if she would have died last night. She was that, she was that in bad shape, but you know what, when people get to be in their upper eighties, there is, uh, That's a reality you have to face on a daily basis. And she's there. Um, she's at the hospital right now and, and, uh, we'll see, we'll see how she does today. But, you know, um, I might, you know, life as people of faith, you know, life goes on and, uh, knowing, knowing that, um, that, uh, we're, we're not afraid of either death or even loss because it's like, it's part of life and our, it doesn't end here. So, so she's, I, I, I had a call. I think the last call was in the middle of the night last night. So, so we'll see. Well, I, I assume that that was a call from the hospital. So I'll check on this, you know, when Delise gets on next. So yeah. So, but yeah. Thank you. You know, again, I think the big thing right now is just kind of looking at, you know, anything hitting me. Yeah, I hear lots of struggles with the budget and everybody's trying to make things work, enrollments down. And again, it's always, always they have issues. But, you know, when I helped at church years ago and I worked in our youth department because our youth pastor had left and, you know, we... jumped in wherever we're needed. And I remember one of the guys that said he jumped in and helped too. He said, there's a lot of things that are going wrong, but let's start with what's going right. And that was such a great place to look at it. I mean, we're always going to have problems. We're always going to have, you know, fights, struggles with schools and parents and staff, but you know what, what's going on, right? What can we concentrate? Where can we, where do we see the good things? What can we, What can we encourage? Where can we work to help benefit kids in a way that, hey, that's really cool. Let's inspire. Look at this athlete who was in the Olympics. And I'm sorry, I don't even know her name. But she's one of the graduates from Caledonia. And she won in the Olympics. And they're going to be... a big, you know, to do when she comes back into Caledonia, when she gets back from all this. And it's like, we want to concentrate on the good because the bad is always there. And we just want to really know that we're working on those things. We're not afraid to deal with them. But at the same time, we don't want it to divide us because remember that's, that's Satan's number one job. If he can divide and kill, destroy, that's what his joy is. You know, but we really believe it's it's working together, working on teams, solving problems together. It's a give and take, you know, relationship. And then when I heard these guys and what they're dealing with with the budget and I really appreciate our superintendent right now. He's got a he's kind of a he's kind of filling in until. We find the next superintendent, and he's been incredible. I wish we could just keep him. But I had to run back. I left something there, and I said, thank you. You're really doing a great job. And he said, I'm trying. And I thought, you know what? How many times do we encourage people? It's so easy to jump on them and, you know, why aren't you doing this or the football program or the, you know, blah, blah, blah. You know, and it's like, no. What can we do to encourage areas of growth and work on those problems? And we'll do that, but we're not afraid of it. But how can we see this in a bigger picture to help one another and to come alongside and walk through the challenges? There you go. And that's a great, great thing to focus on for everybody. Just jump in there and help. So there you go. There's the website for And I'm going to see if I can bring up, I think it was on Mark's, where the address is in Caledonia, Michigan. What's the park? in Caledonia, Michigan. Did you see that great little promotion he did and it showed Caledonia on there? I don't know if I saw that one. If you sent it to me or texted it to me, I probably have it there. I have been putting this on my Telegram channel. Yeah. It was great. He's in like three places this week. And then Caledonia is his last one, of course, on Saturday. And so it was kind of cute. He threw something out there with, you know, again, he's going to be at Shipshuana Friday night where we're going to that one. And then Saturday he's coming to ours. So... You know, I'm just honored that I can, you know, was asked to help and that I can get involved. And I just, I really do. I hope that we can work together at these issues. Not everybody's going to get everything they want. We know that in life. But at the same time, we can come up in the middle somewhere and do what's best for the kids, for the staff, and the budget that the school has. Yeah, it's going to be a lot of fun. And I'm really excited. Mark brings a lot of energy and momentum. And I just think it's a great way to kick off the campaign. So I'm super excited. Thanks so much, Donna, for having me on and Mark on and advertising this. I appreciate it. Yeah, you're welcome. I mean, we're all standing together to fight for this nation. So we should be, you know, we got to put our time, our treasure and our sacred honor to, to fight for this nation. And I mean, that, that comes down to something that every single one of us can do. So I have this on my telegram channel. And if anybody wants to find any information, it's there or go to Erlina's website or Mark McKay and McKay is spelled M-A-C-K-A-Y. And so, um, thanks for coming on today, Erlina, you know, of course, we'll be working for you to, uh, I can't give endorsements because I've made kind of a solemn vow to myself not to do that because I think it should be illegal. I really do. But with that said, everybody can kind of figure it out without me saying anything on standing with people who I know personally and would do a really good job. So thanks for stepping forward. Appreciate you so much. And we're going to we're going to take a quick break here a minute. And I'll be right on with Jaleese Christian, Jaleese Middleton, Christian Manley. And last one. Hang on a minute. I'll get it here a second. You know, we're bringing on two people a day. Don Hazard, that should be a chip shot. That was an easiest one for me to remember. So we're doing two two people a day who are J6ers. Letting them tell their story, talk about their legal struggles on how I'm of the belief that every single person in office should actually be removed just even for this issue alone. I mean, we can go down all the issues, but this issue alone, having political prisoners in the United States of America who are rotting in these gulags, Under the overlordship of foreigners. I mean, this isn't even being staffed by Americans anymore. This is how much the invasion and the coup of the United States of America has gotten to. And I don't know about you guys, but I'm sick of it. And we're not going to back down on wavering. We're going to stand with those people in America who have been truly harmed by what's going on. So thanks for being on, Erlina. We will see everybody on Saturday in Caledonia and bring friends. Everybody brings friends. Thank you. Yeah, we'll be right back with a third hour of Brandenburg News Network. Thank you. Good morning, and welcome to the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it is the 14th day of August 2024. Welcome to our show today. We have another installment of Jay Sixer's Political Prisoners in America, and I want to bring on my guest this morning. We've got Delise Middleton and Christian Manley, and I'm waiting for Don Hanzard to come on, but right now we're going to start. How are you guys doing? Good. Doing good. Thank you for having me. Hello. Well, it's a pleasure to have you guys on. This is actually, I'm really enjoying doing this. I think that, you know, to actually hear how bad people in our government have truly affected Americans and targeted you guys. This is amazing. It's shocking the stories that are being told of the nonsense going on inside the United States of America. It's disgusting. I think every single person out there needs to understand that this is today you guys, tomorrow everybody. We shouldn't do it because we want to save our own behinds. We should be behind this Because if one of us is harmed, all of us have been attacked. So how do you want to start this today, Jalise? I'm going to have to leave shortly, and I'm going to let you finish the show today. So I was supposed to be gone the last two days, and we had to cancel our trip. And everyone I know that was going to this event personally, and nobody talked about it too much, but everybody canceled the trip. I'm assuming that there was a large threat there. So I, I, I heard that from one group that that's from the Southwest of the United States, that there was a threat there, but we all ended up canceling. So I'm here yesterday or I'm, I'm here today and we'll also be here tomorrow, but I do have to leave for a little while today and you will be able to carry on my friend. So how, how do we want to start this with Christian? Thank you for coming on. And then we'll just wait whenever John gets onto. So. Absolutely. I appreciate that. So, you know, I love for the community to get to learn who we were before January 6th. Because, you know, if you were a mom, you always, like, talk about your life before children. That's your B.C., For us J6ers, it was life before J6 because it's been permanently altered. Our identity has been permanently altered. Life as we knew it has changed. And so I like for people to be able to see the person they were. um before the government tried to destroy them and I say tried because I know christians the same way I am they might have thrown at it but they didn't get away with it and so um I would like for him to come in and give us a share of who who were you before january 6 christian Hey, thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. God bless both of you. Before this, I thank you. Yeah, I had joined at 18. I joined the U.S. Marine Corps. I was in the infantry, spent two and a half years doing infantry training and deployed with USS New York to the Middle East. And then after that was in chemical biological incident response force for the rest of the time I was in. And then following the Marine Corps contract, I was a federal contractor working with unexploded ordnance all over the continent. And really, nine months after the J6 incident is when I got arrested. And I was actually in Alaska doing UXO work on the Aleutian Islands. And that is when I got arrested was during all that. And then the Con Air travel from there to Las Vegas, to Oklahoma, to Virginia, to D.C., and then Mississippi was terrible. Because imagine taking a plane in shackles just like this for, it was a good year and a half of travel. And just before all of this happened, You know, I was always just a simple guy, you know, just wanted to always help the lady across the street, and I still am, but really this whole prison experience just made me better. You know, it made me It made me realize what was important in life. I got a lot closer to God. I was able to read probably hundreds of books in the last three years that I was in. Really, I regret some things I did that day, but I don't regret this entire incident. I don't regret being there. I don't regret making my voice heard because it has made me 100,000% better. Glory to God, really. That is amazing. So you, did I understand right, you were serving in the military when they came after you? No, ma'am, that was post. In 2018, I was discharged from the military, and I was actually doing the federal contracting under the Army Corps of Engineers. It's civilian contracting. I get it. Okay. Wow. Wow. In three years in prison. Yes. Two years, nine months. Exactly. But we'll call it three years because every day seems like a year in there. So. Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. That is unbelievable. And so you're, you're the type of person that loved your country enough to go into the military and serve and even go all over the country, all over the world. for your career, for all that you've done, and they come and beat you and then left you shackled while you traveled. Did I understand that too? While they flew you back? Yes, ma'am. Yeah. Prior to this, I had never really done a violent thing in my life. And to sit in front of the judge in Alaska and for him to kind of turn his nose up and say I'm a danger to society, you know, and for them to just lock me up and not give me any bail whatsoever. I couldn't. I had all these automatic payments that were just decimating my bank account the entire time I was there. And everything I owned was in an apartment in Anchorage, and I lost every bit of it. So, I mean, they could have easily just let me get out for maybe a day or two to take care of my affairs, and I would have come right back to jail. You know, it was never an option because, you know, they just wanted to, you know, there's like a show trial basically like, oh yeah, we're going to treat this man like a terrorist because he's dangerous. You know, it's just, I've never been a dangerous man. They think that way because they're judging you based on what they would do in that situation because they are the terrorists. Our government has turned into a nest of parasites and they are the terrorists that are committing crimes upon us. We, the people of the United States of America. So when they look and they turn the nose up at you, it's because they are looking at you, judging you through their lens, which is corrupt, totally criminal, willing to do harm to people instead of correct a problem. We've got to take this into a point of torture and abuse. I mean, they're torturers, they're abusers, they're domestic terrorists, and they're sitting in the seats of power. Unbelievable. I hear nothing I disagree with right now. And I took an oath specifically to defend this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And it just so happens that our biggest domestic enemy is our own government. So everybody needs to be standing up. Absolutely. 100%. Yeah, we're so sick of this, Kristen. It's unbelievable. They may have gone after 1,600 people on two sets, but I'm going to tell you what. I'm going to silence you a minute, Don. Hazard's halfway house is a little louder than mine. What? Hazard's halfway house is a lot louder than mine, so you may have to go muting in between when he talks. Okay. Let's see where you're at. Let's see. Hang on a second. Hey, Don, how you doing? I'm good. How are you? Good. Really good. A little bit loud there. So I think we've improved it right there a lot. So we're good to go. Yeah. In this place, it's near impossible to find a quiet place. I apologize for that. No silence for him whatsoever. Wow. Well, that's okay. We can deal with it with you. That's right. They're doing that for the freedom of our country. Fighting for it and standing up for it. And, you know, I think it's so important. I love, honestly, Dawn, that it's showing what you're having to live in right now. As if it wasn't enough to torture you guys in prison. They then throw you in a halfway house that was supposed to be better for good time served that you get to go to a house. And they torture you even worse there. So I know from what I have heard, y'all fill me in how it looks for y'all. How much have they tied your hands to when you're trying to get up on your feet there? Which is what a halfway house is supposed to be for. We'll start with you, y'all. Really, I mean, it's big time. They make it to where the only jobs that you can go for are stationary jobs. So you have to go to a set address, like a certain building, the same hours all the time. They can't change without giving these people notice. My felony doesn't even show up on a background check, right? So... you know I if that didn't come up in conversation in an interview I could conveniently kind of leave that out you know what I mean and uh but this place makes it a point to call these people and tell them hey do you know who you've hired this guy you know this and that so there's that um you know no no driving jobs are allowed whatsoever no jobs like if I could I'd go get You know like a plumbing job or something like that where I'd go from job site to job site or house to house or whatever Can't do that So, I mean it really it really limits you as to what you can get You know, it makes it tough for sure Don how long were you in prison? Uh 10 months in prison 18 months in the in different county jails so What, 28 months total? So the public may not know this, but that's usually even more torturous than federal prison because those county jails are not, and I know because they put me in one, they're not designed to hold you long term. So they don't have a lot of the amenities. You're in a prison cell with nothing but a toilet and a sink. Is that right? Yeah, in some instances. I mean, some of them are kind of like dorms where, you know, you got just a huge room with a bunch of beds, which I really, I hate that. I hate being around that many people, like forced to be around that many people. Yeah, my halfway house, pretty much the same way too. And then you got single cells, you know, or double cells or whatever. So... Wow. So in these cells, is this a shared bathroom where you have no privacy for the bathroom or anything? In prison, no. It was a big community bathroom. I've seen county jails where you have a bathroom in your cell. I've seen county jails where you have a bathroom outside of your cell as well and inside. In this place there's actually here I'll kind of show you Okay, so right here you got this door, okay, here's the bathroom And here's my door right here so both of these doors share this bathroom So you've got you've got 16 guys housed between two rooms that share one bathroom Okay. Wow. So much for emergencies, right? So John, who were you? It's not, you know, Oh, well, it's kind of a loaded question. Um, uh, just pretty much just a, I'd say a regular, guy from texas I mean I was I was doing landscaping when I got arrested uh working for a really good company and an actual friend of mine really good guy uh you know life wasn't very complicated it was fairly easy I've never really been uh like the criminal type at all you know what I mean so it's not like I was in and out of trouble or anything like that um i uh I was kind of a political activist activist I'd say um I was involved with a group and we pretty much went to different rallies and whatnot in texas conservative rallies and kind of provided security it's kind of our gig so you know life was life wasn't bad I hate to do this, guys, but I've got to bow out a minute. And so I'm going to let you guys continue on. And I'd like to have your phone numbers, Don and Christian. So get those to me so that we can continue to communicate. We'll have you back on again. And so but but carry on, Jalise, and I will see you tomorrow. But but I'm really thankful that you guys are willing to tell your story and we will give you a voice and call these traitors out that have abandoned you and set you up in the Fed's direction. So you guys have a great, great morning and we'll see you tomorrow. Thank you so much. Pleasure. I appreciate all you do. Definitely a pleasure. You might want to mute when you're not talking. You might want to mute, Don, just to cut the noise. OK. How do I do the next thing? The button on the bottom left, Don. Oh, OK. Excellent. Fantastic. Thank you for doing that, Donna. You guys have a wonderful day. Don't forget to pray when you're done. Thank you so much. You as well, Donna. Thank you. I'll be in touch. The question that I have in this, guys, you know, do y'all have families? You know, I mean, what's happened with your family since all of this? Oh, I have a good one on that one. Initially, my grandparents are very conservative, so they were always very supportive. But my father was a bit more kind of moderate left-leaning at the time. So we kind of had some issues, like maybe he thought I was a little crazy at the time. But since then, a lot more information has come out, especially since the Twitter files and everything. And, um, the government actually, he had a top secret clearance and they actually took away his clearance because of me. So just completely unrelated, like, you know, your, your son does something, we take your clearance away. That just makes absolutely no sense. And, uh, that kind of ruined a few things for him at the time. And, you know, I felt bad about it, but. I mean, that shouldn't be related whatsoever. But that shows the evil of our government, the evil of these tyrants. That's not American. If anybody out there is questioning my America, my government would never do that. You're right. Black should show you that there was a coup that occurred November 3rd of 2020. And these tyrants are going after any and everybody. And I personally have heard stories right now in prison. There's a mother, a grandmother, 72 years old, that was protesting an abortion clinic, now has two years in prison with all kinds of health problems. And they will attest to there is no accommodation for health problems in the prison system. There is no medical care. Not really. No. Nothing serious. Yeah. I've seen people come back and I've had someone get in touch with me that was arrested here in America for a meme. She was charged with felonies for assaulting the first family because she re-shared a meme that said Hunter Biden did not kill himself. Okay, this is the America we're in now. And your January 6th defendants are the warriors standing in the gap so the government cannot get to you right now. We're showing the tenacity, the perseverance, the love of Christ, the warrior spirit to stand on truth. not budge, not back down, not give in, not be defeated. We can be pressed but not crushed, persecuted but not abandoned. We will still get this gap because we have to. And if we don't, our loved ones, our grandchildren and your grandchildren are all going to pay the price for this. Imagine you as a little, for me, a little girl, when you are doing cartwheels and playing and now imagine the new america where they tell you when you can come out of your house how much you're going to eat how much you're going to earn and that you can worship anybody other than the leader of that country now keep this in mind because that's where we're headed so what say y'all about that well really my entire involvement politically began with COVID because before this, kind of a pot smoking hippie, not going to lie. So COVID happened and I was traveling a lot for my job and I got to witness firsthand all the craziness all across the country. And I would walk into Walmart and the employees would be chasing me down, trying to make me walk a certain way and wear a mask. And I'm just like, what in God's name? I knew I was surrounded by idiots, but I didn't know it was that many. You know, I felt like a lone voice in a sea of robots and AI who were just kind of falling in line. And that's what really enraged me enough to start getting involved and paying attention. And then the election happened and it was just all over from there. The rest was history. I had to get involved. So why did you go to Washington, D.C. on January 6th? Well, because I was obviously a part of the crowd who saw a lot of issues with the election. Um, because, you know, again, I've traveled a lot. I don't even know a single Biden supporter. I really, I mean, where are these people? I don't even know. Um, so all I saw, all I saw, who are these people? All I saw was Trump support all across the country. Okay. So I'm like, okay, logically something is up here. So, and then that famous tweet came out, you know, January 6th, be there or be square kind of thing. And I'm like, all right, you know what, I'm going to show up and I don't know what's going to happen, but I'm just, you know, I gotta be there. Right. And I showed up with body armor and bear mace because I was under the assumption, kind of like Hazard was, that maybe BLM and TFO, there'd be some leftist weird stuff going on. So I wanted to be able to protect people. What we didn't expect was the Capitol Police to start hitting us and throwing flashbangs and bear mace. And there was a man, as far as I know, there was a man who died because of a flashbang. He had a pacemaker, I believe. I mean, it's just crazy stuff. I even witnessed Suzanne Boyle's murder on the steps. I was like 30 feet away and there were too many people between us to do anything about it. But I saw every second of that. And I still haven't fully processed that. Who was that again? Sorry. Lala Morris. I believe she was a Capitol Police officer. She might have been Metro, maybe. Did you see? Is that the woman? Boylan? Yeah, yeah, the officer that was beating Suzanne Boylan. Yeah, I saw her second at that. Okay, her name was Roseanne Boylan, but yes. Oh, Roseanne, my apologies. Okay, Roseanne, yeah. I've taken so much information the last month since I got out that it's all just kind of bouncing around, so I apologize for that. No worry at all. That's amazing. You were in the Upper West Tunnel. I was, yes, ma'am. okay and did you follow the crowd up there how did you end up up there I did yeah um so after trump's you know famous peacefully and patriotically speech at that point it was hey march to the capitol we're gonna make our voices heard and then I marched with the crowd you know to the capitol and then by the time we got there we start to see you know flashbangs are going off people are getting thrown downstairs and beat over the head And there was just this feeling of, oh my God, we have to do something in the crowd. And people were just like, hey, this is it. We got to get up there and do something. And, you know, the mob mentality kind of took over. And, you know, we just kind of rushed up there and like, hey, what's going on here? And then the rest is history. And Christian, I would assume if you spent three years in prison, they charged you with felonies. Do you mind sharing with us what felonies they were? Yeah, sure. I initially had the 13 or 14 charges that I think everyone had. But we ended up settling on the assaulting and resisting and pitting certain officers with a deadly or dangerous weapon. That one was kind of a mouthful and it's extra terroristy. But, you know, really, realistically, I sprayed some mace out there and stuff and I yelled a lot. And I was just a scary dude with body armor, I guess. So, you know, they definitely took full advantage of the image I portrayed that day to to make it look worse. Exactly. Which is what they did with all of us. You know, police officers beat the crud out of me and Mark in prayer. And the minute we try to protect ourselves and get away from us and we're the bad guys. So I totally get it. What about you, Don? Where were you that day? And what brought you there? Oops, you muted back, sorry. There you go. I got a little bit of a delay on my end. I think, I believe I was on the northwest side. I wasn't at the tunnel. My altercation with the police happened on a stairway. The crowd thousands of people bottlenecked into this one little stairway going up. It was outside the building, but it was going up toward the Capitol. And there was so many people that bottlenecked into this small little area that it was like, I'm like, man, you know, the cops are guarding the stairs and not letting us go forward. And I thought I'd like to go back, but I mean, there's a sea of people trying to come this way. And it's going to take me hours to make it, you know, through all these people. So I was like, I got to go up these stairs. I have no choice, really. You know what I mean? And a couple guys ran before me and tried to make it past the police and get past them up the stairs. They got caught. And I was like, okay, well, diversion. Maybe I can kind of sneak around this way and I'll be fine. Well, I proceeded up the stairs and one, one caught happened to turn around and see me. And he runs at me. Oh, I lost him. Oh, he's got a delay. Let's give him a minute. And the next thing you know, I don't even know. I got maced from somewhere. I didn't even see where that came from. But I was totally blind. And I just felt, you know, I was getting jumped by God only knows how many officers. You know, and then I was pretty much airborne, like flying. I knew I was flying down the stairs. So I guess they, you know, shoved me down the stairs or whatever. And so I landed at the bottom of these stairs. I'm face down. I got a dog polycops on top of me. And, you know, they're hitting me with billy clubs and with their batons and whatnot. And I remember one screaming in my ear, don't you death and move this and that. Quit resisting. And I'm like, no, I'm moving. You know, I'm resisting for sure. So I just pretty much all I could do was just crawl with this whole pile of cops on top of me. And I knew I was like, man, you know, I landed at the bottom of these stairs. I think all the patriots are this way. I'm trying to get back to my people. Maybe they'll get all these cops. Maybe they'll go. Well, sure enough, that's what happened. From what I was told, they shoved all these cops off me. They scooped me up, took me to a safer area where I could wash my eyes out and whatnot. And, you know, for a long time, I thought that I had nothing to worry about. Like I thought, well, the worst that they could get me for was resisting arrest on the stairs. Because I mean, I did, I did pull a smooth little double leg take down on a couple of the officers that first grabbed me. And, uh, but you know, it wasn't, it wasn't a hurdle. Like I could have, I came to a point where I was like, Oh man, you know, this is bad situations gone south. Do I fight back or do I just try to get away? And I was like, I'm just going to try to get away. Cause in the end, you know, Trump supporters back to blue. I didn't go there to get into it with any cops. I went there. under the assumption that I'm going to get into it with the Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and left-wing hate groups. So getting into it with the U.S. Capitol Police or Metro Police was not something that I had planned, and it took me by surprise. You know, that's what I want the viewers to hear there, Don, is None of us went there thinking that we're going to have an altercation with police. You know, we had concerns about Antifa. We had concerns about BLM. And, you know, they made a big deal of that in my trial that we bought pepper spray to take with us. It was in a text message. And it's like, it makes me, if we had it that day, we said, well, no, we didn't think we had to worry about the police attacking us. We were worried about Antifa. So I took it the night before when we went out to the rallies, because that's what we had been told. And, you know, here these police were. And, you know, I don't want to make out like all of them are bad, but for whatever went on that day and whatever they were told to do, they decided that they were going to initiate and instigate a lot of trouble. And that's exactly what occurred. Yeah, that's a good distinction, Jaleesa. You know, the fact that not all of them are just bad. You know, we're not trying to paint a big brush stroke over the Capitol Police. I mean, a lot of them are honorable people. I believe a lot of them were victimized, too, that day, not just by patriots that maybe got caught up in the moment or... you know become fearful because like dawn said you know I was there I was on a front line but it right in front of the bike racks on the on the northwest side and um yeah you had you couldn't go back your only option was to go forward And, you know, I kind of looked at it that, you know, the Capitol Police were kind of shanghaied in this situation, too. I don't believe they knew what the plan was for that day, but I full on believe it was a complete and utter total sin. And I believe they threw them to the wolves. There might've been a few on the inside that were liberal minded and they're like, you know, part of the plan. But I think for the most part, those were innocent people getting victimized also. Well, think about it like this. If you wanted, if you wanted to rig a football game or something like that, all you got to do is get a couple of referees and a couple of star players on your side. And there you go. That's the game's throne. You know, So I think that's what they did. You know, some of the upper echelon or their bosses, their bigwigs were definitely in on it. But the average officer, I think, was definitely thrown into the wolves. You can see it on their face. You know, they were like. They looked a lot like we did in a way. Like we're all forced together to do this thing and everyone's like, what in the world is going on? You could see the fear in some of their faces. When we had our altercation with the police, you know, I could see fear in his eyes. And I walked away from that. People ask me, well, you know, if they attacked you, why didn't you file charges? And I'm like, you know what? I looked at it like they had 2 million people standing on the other side of that fence. And that had to be scary to them. And I felt... You know, he overreacted, freaked out for whatever reason. I really didn't know why. I made justification for him and I'm like, you know, he had a moment. I lived through it. I've never been to a protest. You know, it is what it is. We're fine and it'll be fine. And now I look back and I'm like, how ironic that the mercy I showed you, you don't show me. And the Bible gives a very scenario of that situation where the king forgave, you know, basically a pauper's debt. And then he turned around and demanded the debt from someone else. And I thought, you know, he speaks directly to that. You're going to have to hold an account for that. And, um, So I literally just walk by faith. I trust the Lord is carrying me through this. And I know it's got to be somewhat of that for y'all. I don't know where y'all range in your walk and growth. Christian, you have hinted to yours that this has changed your life and your heart. I'm excited to hear that. I believe we are going to be part of the great awakening that the scriptures talk about all because of the suffering we've endured. that so many of us will come to Christ that will lead so many others to Christ. Um, because I'm telling you, I'm still waiting on sentencing and there is no way that me and Mark could have carried this for three and a half years with our sanity and had it not been for the Holy spirit. So for me, and I want to encourage others because of what a big deal it is for me. Yeah, imagine dealing with all of this with no faith whatsoever. I think you would easily lose your mind because there have been multiple times where I wanted to give up and just go bleed out in the shower. Me and Don actually met in Central Virginia. We've known each other for quite a while now. And we've had some deep talks about, you know, depression and everything. And him and I have kept each other going through all of this. And I really appreciate him for that. Oh, that's beautiful. I didn't realize that. I knew I met y'all about the same time, but I didn't put two and two together. So y'all were in prison together. Yes, for an entire year. Oh, my God. I appreciate you. I got to tell you, that's why American Patriot Relief started that hotline. It's not a suicide hotline, but it's just where you can call and know someone's going to answer. It's man 24-7. And it's just to talk because I've even mentioned on this show, if a J-6er claims that they have never even considered suicide, they're lying. Straight up, I'm a liar. Because I don't know where you're walking. You know, the only way to be 100% free from this ever again is by suicide. And that is horrible. Because the truth is, we don't need to be 100% free from it. His grace is sufficient. All we need is his mercy and his mighty strength to walk through it. Amen. The battle's been won. He is going to bring us through this. He's going to empower us and equip us to get through it. We're going to be better on the other side for it. We know we've won. And in the meantime, this is what makes me laugh, y'all. What the government meant for evil, God intends for good. And so now we each have a story and a platform. We were a bunch of nobodies walking around out there, minding our own business, happy with our little meat milker job and our little peanuts they throw to us for our job while they tax the crap out of us. We were happy if we could just get a house and a car and do our job. And now we're mighty warriors with a story and a platform that the world wants to hear from us. And we can speak life into the world and show them what true living looks like. And it's all because of them thinking that they were going to hold us back. But you can't hold a good man down. Right. And that's a thought I was having this morning. Yeah, it's how backwards God is about things like this. Like, you know, my power is made perfect in your weakness. I'm going to take the wise man and make him dumb, that kind of thing. I mean, that's all completely what's happening with this entire incident. It really is. And, you know, I know y'all have done like me just as much as you might have had the question about, do I want to live through this or not? You also had the question of why me? Of all the mighty people he could have chose, he picked this jacked up, crazy, radical, insane woman. He chose y'all, you know, and it's like, wow. We're just screw ups. How do we end up here? Well, and that's something I heard on a podcast yesterday was, you know, the saints aren't the people who were born perfect and the people who never made a mistake. The saints are the well-known screw ups, the people that know that they don't deserve God's grace whatsoever. Those are the people that really light a fire under their butt and get it done. And Hazard, I don't want to speak over you or anything. If y'all give me the option, I'll speak the whole time. So you go ahead and give us something. Fill us in, Don. So now you're in this horrific halfway house. When are you due to come out? And are you getting on your feet even though they're oppressing you? Don't forget you're muted. Try to unmute your line there. Okay, there we go. Is my audio coming across better? Yeah, it's beautiful. It's perfect. Okay, I did away with the Bluetooth. So anyway, by my calculations, I'm still getting FSA time while I'm here. And so by my calculations, I'm out of here in January or February. You know, I have... Unfortunately, I have no set place to go right now, which is fine. I mean, I'd rather, you know, get a job, save money, get my own place, this and that, you know what I mean? I'm 46 years old. I'm really not trying to go roommate with anyone or move in, you know, intrude on whatever they got going on. We all have lives, you know, we're all grown adults. So, you know, my plan is save money, get my own place. The only problem with that so far is I thought that I would have had a job a long time ago. I mean, I've been, I've been looking for a job for months now for, I guess, four months and, um, you know, have just yet to found, I found one, a maintenance, a maintenance position at a hotel. Um, but once they found out that they had to deal with this place, they were like, God, no, nevermind. You know what I mean? Like it was a hassle to deal with these people. So, yeah. I've been passed up on like four different employers just for that reason. Like, Oh yeah, we don't want to deal with that. Oh, and the J six thing. Yeah, no, thank you. You're a terrorist. It's like the, like the felony doesn't matter, but dealing with the halfway house is what the big deal is. Or do they have a problem with they're scared of people have trolls basically going after, um, the company for hiring a J six. I mean, it could be a little bit of both, but in my experience with the one job that I definitely landed, you know, it was just dealing with this place. They're like, Oh no, nevermind. That's, that's too much trouble. You know? So, and you know, here's the deal. Like these halfway houses, if they were really about like people getting it together and reintegrating back into society and this and that, they'd give you the freedom to just, just go get a job. You know what I mean? Just go do what's right. You're a grown man. Go do it. Make it happen. But they don't. They micromanage the out of you and they make it very difficult. They make it as difficult as they can for you to go find a job. And my take on that is, you know, this place is ran by the BOP. Okay. The BOP makes money off you while you're in prison and they make money off you while you're in a halfway house. And then, possibly while you're out on probation. I'm not exactly sure who runs a supervised release or probation, but I think the third deal is they want to make it difficult on you so that you come from prison to here, go back to prison, go back to here and they want to keep it that, that yo-yo effect and that revolving door. You know what I mean? And they, That way they continue to make money off you. If they made it easy, like if they just said, look, here you go. You got a free pass. You can be gone all day long, you know, be back by 9 p.m. tonight or whatever. Go get whatever job you need to get. It'd be so easy. Yeah. Are they pressuring you to get a job and then withholding the ability to get the job? Christian? Yes. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I mean, somewhat. Somewhat they are. Really what this place pressures you to do is they want you to find a place to go so that they can kick you out of here, have you on home confinement where they're still making money off you. but put someone in your bed so that they're making money off that guy as well. They even threatened to send one guy that I know here, they threatened to send him back to prison if he couldn't find somewhere to go. And he ended up winning that argument, but they tried to bluff him and say, look, you find a place to go or we're going to have to send you back. that is ridiculous so you're in the halfway house because that's where they said you had to be that's why you so if the viewers don't understand if I'm understanding y'all have to fill me in because y'all are further along in the process than me I'm on home confinement so my gel is in my house but if I'm understanding correctly you participated in a program of some sort to keep yourself busy and to work your way out of the BOP, the Bureau of Prisons for the viewers, sooner so that you could get to a halfway house. Is that correct? Yeah. I got my GED and I maintained having a job pretty much the whole time I was in prison. That along with very low recidivism points. I was able to get first step back time, which is why I'm here. And I actually went homeless on my halfway house. I told him, I said, I'm homeless. I have nowhere to go, which is why I ended up up here in the Northeast rather than down in Texas. Okay. So yeah. And I can speak on that too. Go ahead. Okay. Yeah. And basically they, like, like we're talking about now, they set us up for failure. I, you know, I believe at the lower level, these people aren't aware that they're propagating this crap, but at the higher level, it's okay. You know, this is a business. So let's set all these rules and regulate, like there's, there's rules for like breathing too much or something. You know, it's just, it's stupid crap all the time. And there was a BOP inspector here not a week ago. And I attempted to explain all of this in the most intelligent, most well-spoken way possible. And the look he gave me was a look of arrogance and impatience. And he basically was like, You know, I'm just here to make sure they feed you, man, whatever. And he just left. I mean, I was like, I was blown away by that. I mean, they could absolutely have us. We're not even allowed to have computers. I could be in here taking college courses. I mean, we could be doing so much more. And that's the basic complaint of everybody else here. That is so ridiculous to me. And, you know, I remember talking to a J6 in the prison system that made a similar comment that when he was making a complaint that he was having some serious health problems, they refused him medical care and told him, my only job is to make sure that your chest is going up and down. And as long as that's happening, I don't want to hear from you. Right. That's exactly the sentiment. Yeah. wow and it's like what you know we were talking yesterday about punishment in the process and that that really speaks to that like aren't you being punished enough that you went to prison do they really have to deny you healthy food do they have to deny you in food do they have to deny you a clean toileting do they have to send you to a halfway house and keep you you uh your hands cuffed basically and being able to provide for yourself. They do all these things and that's yet more punishment. And then to belittle you to less than human. But you know, listen, I would be saying the same statement to a rapist and a murderer, to a pedophile. I don't know where the viewers stand, but me, I know that every single person was a creation of my Lord Jesus Christ. And he says that I wish that not one would perish. And therefore, I don't have the right to try to beat them down or make them subhuman. As long as they're breathing air, there is a level of respect that needs to be portrayed to that individual. And, you know, we're not here to judge one another. We've all sinned for the glory of God. And so it's a devastating thing to me when I hear them treat you subhuman. Your punishment for doing nothing wrong, in my opinion, straight up, I don't even need to know your story because that violated your constitutional rights. So right there, you're in the right. Okay. But the punishment should be the fact you're in prison away from family, not that they find new ways to empty a can of earth spray on you in a prison cell or give you food with Windex all over it or whatever they're doing. And you guys are trying to get back up on your feet. That's what a halfway house is. Right. And I, you know, it does say in the Bible that It's not our place to judge. So I try not to. And this whole experience has made me believe that if you're going to house people, then you need to be held to a certain standard of housing them. And if you're not going to uphold that standard, then you just shouldn't be housing people and incarcerating them. I mean, this is America. If you're going to house them, house them right. Like this place, one of my biggest complaints about this place, the food is trash, right? No nutrition in this food whatsoever. I'm pretty sure most of the meat is soy or something like that, which is terrible for a guy. The nutrition is just non-existent. We're typically allowed one tray, tiny portions, And here's the difference between this place and prison. At least in prison, we were allowed to have commissary. We could stockpile food. You know what I mean? So you could try to make up for the fact that their food sucked. Here, you can't do that. You can't. There's no commissary. You can't have any food or drinks. uh in the back in your locker and you're not allowed to and here's another difference between this place and prison in prison they have protein powder they have at least multivitamins and some some little supplements that you can buy you can have none of that here so it's like they're not going to give you the nutrition that you have to have and they're not going to let you do it on your own so I mean to me it's like That is just in prison. You literally worked your way out to better yourself to get out earlier into a halfway house and then they torture you worse than you were in the prison system. You're right about that, boy. I can remember a story coming out on the outside about the guys in the D.C. jail. that when we took the House after the election and we had more Republican representatives, I think they were fearful that they would come in and release the guys out of the D.C. jail because they did have the authority to do that, by the way, and didn't do it. So, yes, you're a Republican. Right. flirty as your Democrats, but because they were afraid of it, they moved them all over to, I believe, Lewisburg or Northern Neck. I can't remember. They moved them all over there to keep them from getting released out of prison. And a lot of the supporters stood to watch the guys come out of the prison into the bus. to be transported. Instead, they could barely recognize them. They were white as a sheet. They had formed breasts from so much soy. They were malnourished. They even had a bloat look to them because they had no fruit, no vegetables. I actually had gained probably a good 50 pounds just in that county jail in Central Virginia. Thankfully, I've been able to lose every bit of that just from eating right. Some of the food in these jails, the weight gain is probably the biggest number one issue just because it's so terrible, full of carbs. It's just absolute trash. When I got arrested, I weighed... 181 which is light for me but uh in in virginia I went up to 243 pounds and uh now I'm at 200 last I weighed so the uh you know you're a big man yeah you must be tall don how tall are you uh six foot oh my goodness no wonder I'm five three I'm like oh my gosh That can beat up a six foot four cop. That's what they said. Wow. Oh my gosh, guys. I hate this for you. And I hope the American, I hope the people watching can look at y'all and see the human behind this facade, this narrative that they paint about you. And for anyone out there that owns companies and they want to stand in the gap and help these guys to continue to fight for our Constitution, hire them. Get in touch with me. You can go to Get to contact us and tell us who you are, where you're at. And we will find J6ers that are needing employment in your area or willing to relocate. And I can tell you, I've met hundreds of January 6th defendants and every one of them have similar stories. They're heroes. They love our country. They love family. They love God. And they just want to live their life. They want to do the right thing. They like working hard. And now they're especially inspired because they've been held captive all this time. They're ready to breathe fire. They're ready to get the job done. And I was very fortunate. i I got fired from my job right away too and I went right back in my field two months later because a marine got in touch with me and said I'm starting a home health in your area I want you and I said no trust me you don't want me you know and he said no I know I'm coming after you and I'm not packing off until you come to work for me and that's what I did so I know they're out there and I'm going to be listening close for that God is put on the hearts of those that are called. And so I'm going to be looking for those emails through American Patriot Relief. Do either of y'all have a gifts and go? I do. Yes, he does, too. I set him up the other day. OK, can you tell us how to get to that? Yeah, mine is gifts and go dot com slash Christian Manley. M-A-N-L-E-Y. Really simple, really easy to get to. I appreciate anything. Absolutely. And what about you, Don? Mine is, I sent you a link to it. It's actually the official page or whatever. It's a long address. It reads like, I don't know, HTTPS, blah, blah, blah. You might be able to just type my name in, my name and Gibson Go and go to it. I'm not really sure. I should have checked on that. Okay. I will try to get those up in the show notes and on APR Twitter page. APR underscore foundation is where you can find American Patriot Relief. I ask that y'all help these guys out. lord knows the bureau of prisons is not going to let them get on their feet before they get out that means that they get like don has mentioned he's going to go into a homeless situation and this is a good opportunity to share with the viewers a little bit more what the government is doing up in dc as a january 6 defendant part of your free trial release It's that they tell you, you cannot go into D.C. unless you're called there for your hearings or trial. You're not allowed in D.C. But then if you're homeless, when they go to release you out of the prison, they make you report to D.C. probation and they won't let you leave D.C. Now, what that means for a January 6th defendant is is that that is a community of 97% Democrat. These are Biden supporters. They hate January 6th defendants. They feel like they bought the narrative that we come there to attack and destroy their city, which is a total lie, but they bought it. And now these are the people that live and work there. So they will not employ a Jay Sixer and they will not rent their properties to them. So that leaves them homeless, trying to survive in Washington, D.C. for a year. And having had a family somewhere, they can't see their family. right right yeah it's absolute discrimination and I you know the first job interview I had when I got here it would have been perfect if it weren't for all of that you know I just I i heard the hesitation in his voice when I mentioned it he's like okay yeah we'll call you like okay I didn't get it got it but then but then the lord to him that you're to hire him. You know, I tell people that I come in contact with all the time. I can sleep well on my pillow at night. The question is, are you going to be able to based off how you treated me? Right. I agree. And that's what it boils down to. So Guys, I thank you for coming on to this show. My heart just hurts because we cannot do enough as Americans right now to help you guys. But does hand out money as needed. All these guys got to do is go to our website and request funds, and the board will evaluate those. If we've got a penny in our name, we'll make it your penny. We are here for y'all. We love you so much. We thank you for what you're doing. We see the truth and we want the American people to see the truth. And is there another way that we could support you or help you right now? Do you have anything that comes to mind that you need the American people to help you with? As for me, really, other than funding my fundraiser and helping me get into my own apartment and getting my life together, that's all I can really ask for. I also wanted to throw my Twitter handle up, or X, I guess, just in case anybody wanted to follow. It's manlyman95, so feel free. Love that. I love that handle. Good play. What about you, Don? I'd say pretty much the same. My biggest dilemma right now is all all revolves around finances, you know? Um, so yeah, when I, when I get out of here, I mean, um, like I said, I'm going to do my best to make it happen. You know what I mean? But it's, it's like, I'm, I'm kind of, I'm kind of backed against the wall as far as time. So, you know, and up here in the Northeast, things are expensive. Rent's expensive up here. Very expensive. That is true. Do you have an intent of coming back to Texas at any time? Texas or Florida, for sure. One of the two. I'm definitely coming back down south. I can't wait to get out of the Northeast. Well, Texas is ready and waiting for you. We have a team of J6ers. their own companies that are ready to re-employ and help get you back on your feet. A lot of it's walking by faith, but just know there's also J6ers ready to house you. I know you can't live with another J6er. You can't communicate with a felon, all that good stuff. But just know that Texas is actively working on keeping it as comfortable as they can for the January 6th defendants. We love you guys very much. Would one of y'all be interested in closing in prayer? I can if you'd like. I would be honored. Normally I would do it, but I don't get honored, Christian. Okay, sure. Yeah, I got a good one. All right. Are you ready? Yes. Okay. Father, let us be the vessel in which you are glorified. Let us remember what is important. We are all projections of your divinity. Lord, defeat our egos and help us look outward and remember what is important. We are here to grow, learn to love, and experience life in the most adverse circumstances in your name. We love you. You love us. And all is well in the universe. In your name, we persevere. Amen. Father God, I just want to lift these two men up to you. that you could keep your hand of protection over them, that you would rise them up in a mighty way to be the warriors in Jesus' name, to stand on truth, to be encouraged, and to be an encouragement to others. Father, I pray for this nation that they would have ears to hear what is going on, that we would humble ourselves and kneel before you. And confess our sins and turn our eyes back toward you in your name. So that we could be the nation that you called us to be. So that we could be strong again. We could be the lighthouse for all the world to see. May you be glorified in all that we do. We trust you and praise you, Lord Jesus. Amen. Amen. Thank you so much. And I know it's not easy for you to come on these calls in the environment you're living in. It's probably not easy to do anything. I can hear the noise. It's not easy to sleep. It's not easy to have a conversation. Nothing is easy for you. But I want you to know that we are praying for you, that we see you as heroes, and we want you to keep up the good fight. Don't forget that American Patriot Relief does have the hotline. I'm one of the call takers. It's 833-SAVED-J6. S-A-V-E-D-J6. Call today or not. We've got people ready to talk and you know, they're not professionals. You're not calling a licensed counselor. You're calling a friend that's going to be there for you in that dark place. Okay. I love you guys. Thank you. Thank you. Have a great day. God bless. God bless you too. God bless. Thanks for having me on. Thanks Don. Thank you for being on. I'll be talking to you soon. Okay. Thank you. Have a blessed day. You too.