BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/1/2024 Darlene Cerezo Swaffer & Leah Hoopes

Published Aug. 1, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Darlene Cerezo Swaffar is not a Politician, however she is running for Congress in Florida CD23. If fact, she is not an establishment pick. Swaffar has lived and worked in South Florida as an entrepreneur for the past 30 years, and she understands what every day Americans have to go through in their efforts to raise their children in safe communities while trying to earn a living. Now, she’s determined to do whatever she can to help make the American Dream a reality for her and her neighbors by running for Congress. Best known in her Deerfield Beach community as “The Medicare Lady” ™, Swaffar runs a successful Medicare Health Insurance Brokerage firm. Her background is in economic development, accounting and finance. Her expertise in corporate recruiting, as well as mortgage and insurance, will be valuable assets in Washington. She’s also highly-skilled in project management, strategic thinking and problem solving. Never one to back down, Swaffar intends to question government over-spending and bring issues that affect “We the People” to the forefront. Swaffar is a Precinct Woman #A004, on the National Small Business Association Leadership Council, was Founder of South Florida First, Inc., and is a Board Member of 10am Leah Hoopes - Leah will be talking about her extensive legal battles to uncover the truth. Leah Hoopes is a business owner, and Republican Committeewoman for Bethel Township in Delaware County, Pennsylvania. As a Krav Maga instructor and practitioner, she trains women in self-defense both physically, and emotionally. She is a highly effective political activist, who develops strategic plans, and recruits experts and advocates to execute them. She holds an Associate of Arts degree in Criminal Justice from Delaware Community College and an Associates of Science degree in Physical Therapy from Harcum College. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg. It is the first day of August. Can you believe it? Twenty twenty four. And I'm so happy that you joined us today. We have two two featured guests today. Dyer Lean Swoffer from Florida, who's running for U.S. Congress. as well as Leah Hoops. And I'm really excited to talk to both of these ladies. They're in the fight and they don't just talk about it. They're in the fight to do something. There's doing, there's talking, doing, talking. They're in the doing category and I really love them. But first thing I'm going to bring on my buddy, Karen the Riveter. How you doing, Karen? I'm good. I got my deep morning voice on for you. Yeah, you know, my chest has been real heavy this last week. And I think because I think we've got the summer humidity and some of the allergens have set in. I don't know if you can hear it in my voice, but. I've just been kind of like, you know, that kind of thing, but it's not sick. It's just, it's just kind of a, I think it's a, I think it's allergies or it's just the heavy atmosphere or something. Yes. No, a lot of people that have allergies or asthma that are dealing with dealing with stuff here. So, so you've been posting a whole lot of stuff and I thank you for that because, because when I get super busy, which I have been, I go to Karen's feed for I've got a couple of feeds that I go on. One is my, First research group when I was working in, let's say, perhaps more as an anon or in a non world. And I go to that one and then I go to Karen's because Karen, you guys post almost the same things unless there's an original research on there, which is always kind of fun. They're they're a little heavier into Twitter than, you know, or X. I can't get it. I like calling it Twitter. It's Twitter. OK, I don't call it Twitter. Yeah. Yeah. So so it's going to be canonized as Twitter from now until Christ comes back, as far as I'm concerned. So but I go to I got off my grudge match with X because or Twitter because I got kicked off with all the Flynn's at the same time. And I was like, nope, not going to go back on it. Done. They still haven't given me my original account back, which I'm still holding a little bit of a grudge over. But I might be able to understand that a little bit. But I never said anything that was really out of line. I just questioned everything. And you couldn't do that on Twitter, the original Twitter. But I got back on it. I've been posting stuff there. And I'm actually enjoying meeting up with old friends there and such. So that's been a good thing. But your feed is really good. And you started posting yesterday about some aircraft. And you know that I'm like aircraft obsessed. Two days ago, when I was drawing honey off the hives, there were two Sikorsky Super Stallions that that helicopters that flew right over the barn. And I'm telling you right over the bar, they were probably, I think I looked it up and they were at 1700 feet altitude, which is, that's fairly low, right? That's like, you can almost feel your hair blown off of them. Not quite, but you know what I mean? And, And we watched them until they disappeared and then looked on the flight trackers to see what they were doing. But that's a heavy lifting helicopter for like rescue and that sort of thing. But it was odd to see two of them. I've never seen them in the state of Michigan. And I watch. I don't watch like constantly, but I watch a lot. But I've never seen them. And they flew right over our barn. And then they went over somebody else's house that we know. who's, uh, you know, part of, part of, uh, uh, my team, I would say. And, uh, he saw him too and said, said, wow, this is crazy. You got videos of them and everything. Cause you could hear him when you have the big choppers up there, you can hear their, their, uh, them running, their engines running, like in their propellers, um, uh, for a long, long ways off. They're noisy. The Blackhawks. Yeah. they have a different, they have a different sound. So I can always pick them up by the sound. So it was interesting. And then you started posting about something else. So would you like to describe what you were posting about? Cause it was a great, great posts. About the crash. Yeah. Oh, so I'm trying to remember because I was posting more than I was actually taking in the information. Ohio Air National Guard were operating in the area. Two F-16s from the 180th Fighter Squadron from Ohio were operating in the area. One of those F-16s declared an emergency and dumped two external fuel tanks of jet fuel. One of those tanks landed in the north of the Baldwin Resort Road in Lake Huron and exploded. The second landed in the Baldwin Plaza parking lot, which houses tractor supply, save a lot, and the MISOS. No injuries on the ground and only minor damage to a few vehicles. It was reported that both F-16s landed safely in Toledo, Ohio. Yeah, I don't think I've ever heard of them dropping external fuel tanks in a parking lot. Well, what they said was it's a standard procedure when they have an emergency scenario. This is the story. That that's what they'll do is they'll drop the fuel tank because if they crash, I guess the idea is they're less likely to explode and burn up and die. But so you're going to drop it in a civilian area and who knows who's going to get hit. Um, but I guess that's the chance you take. And in this case it worked out, but I mean, it prompts a bunch of questions and I, I don't see any answers come forthcoming to those, but. Why don't you have any answers on anything? Nobody wants to investigate anything and get to the bottom of it. They say, yeah, we had a crash, dropped fuel tanks in a parking lot. move along. Well, they had the Coast Guard involved, too. They're the ones that found the other one. And they didn't know at first, you know, was there in fact a crash? Or is there a person they're going to be looking for? Or anything like that? But How I found out about it was there is a follower on Karen Riveter who texts me when she notices things happening and she wants me to be alert to it. If it's a breaking story, she'll text me. That's how I found out about Trump. And so I'll just say A-N for initials. Thank you very much again. At tip to you. She's on top of things. She's like my Ed McMahon. She's like my little researcher sometimes. Hey, you got to approach everything with friends. That's the deal. It's like this is a friend situation where we grab onto each other's hands and run down the hill, you know, like we did when we were little kids. Isn't that what we're all doing, though? And, you know, iron sharpens iron, you might say. We're doing everything together. You know, I'm sitting here at home. Actually, I'm not sitting a lot lately. You're gardening. I'm sitting in the dirt outside sometimes and working hard and And and then I've got somebody on my back, you know, behind my back to support me and what I'm doing, because she's not doing it. She's probably sharing it, too, but she might not have the audience that I have. And so she makes sure that like that's how I found out about Trump. And then who did I text? Donna Brandenburg. She already knew. Cause she's got a lot more people that make sure she knows. I had kind of a direct call from somebody that was like, before it hit the news or everything, it was a panic. And I was sitting down to dinner with two friends of mine, Patriot friends of mine. And all of a sudden it's like, okay, I'm sitting in the middle of the restaurant and going, you guys are going to have to hang on here a minute. Cause I need to contact some of my buddies here because president Trump just got shot. And this is before we knew anything. Right. And so, so you're trying to, you're trying to say, Hmm, I'm at dinner here, trying not to be rude or anything like that. But they were, the table went very quiet and everybody knew that it was just time to figure out a little bit what was going on because to find out if they killed him or find out if they, if he was injured or if he's okay or whatever. I mean, it was one of those moments where did they get them? I mean, you know, that they're trying to get him that every, every single thing that he does, the rightful president of the United States, but just to sit there and find out if he was okay, you know, praying. We stopped and we prayed and prayed for safety and such. And then then got on and did a little contacting. And of course, that's about the time that my text messaging, my text messages just went absolutely crazy and my phone was blowing up entirely. So, but that was what was going on. So yes, the last statement in the first post is, please stay clear of the area as containment and cleanup are underway with more Air National Guard units en route from Ohio. All right. I'm kind of, Don't go near the area and find our secrets. Yeah, no kidding. There you go. Stay out of the way. We don't want you to know what the heck's going on or getting in our way. It's for your safety and protection. Yeah. Okay. So this brings me to my interview I had yesterday. That was actually one of those interviews that I had to really process. I'm going to have Tom come back on again. But he's like, we don't know if anybody's been involved. We don't know that there's, you know, we don't know. There's not a pedophile group that's running the country. And and trafficking kits. And I'm like going, yeah, I really think there is that they, that they, yeah. So anyhow, we went through that yesterday and I'm like, Hey, it looks like a doc walks like a doc quack, like a doc. It's a damn doc. Okay. I don't need to have somebody tell me what I'm seeing. It's sort of like with the OJ Simpson thing. with a glove. You know, what's the proof? What's the proof? It's like proof is he's a bad actor. Okay. And he killed her. So, or he knew what was going on and it was, they were playing the legal crap that always goes on and say, you didn't see anything. We don't have proof. Yeah, we do have proof. You can't get a good, good trial in our justice system. Anyway, the whole thing is rigged. How do you count on, How do you count on getting a fair shake on anything? If you do, it's just because it's because you have launched enough attacks, which would be like lawsuits, notices, blah, blah, blah. Just flood the whole thing and hoping that one gets through. Right. Yeah. I saw a brief story yesterday, day before. I think it was yesterday. A man was accused and convicted of killing, shooting a 15 year old. Years and years ago. And he spent 34 years in prison before he finally got out because they found new evidence in his case and were able to prove that he was innocent. So it happens. It does happen. And I think one of the problems is that when we got into the civil action jurisdiction nonsense, which is what we're into now, and a corrupt DOJ, and judges that are placed by Soros and big money, you can pretty well be assured that we have a large, and I mean large, problem. And it's all paid for. It's all about legal or illegal maneuvering. It's not lawful at all. So the way to deal with this is we actually don't have enough judges. We don't have enough court officers. So this past week, we had an eviction at one of our properties, which I really should talk about what landlords actually see and what we deal with. And everybody wants to demonize landlords or people that own property or something like that. It's like, Oh no, it's a landlord. You know, they're all rat bastards. We know it. They're just here to take our money. Well, no, actually these are properties in which we have worked very hard for and own and and try to make a living. You know, if somebody had an issue with you getting paid for what your job is, it would go right to the labor board and you would have a claim, right? Not landlords because people don't understand that this is part of the property grab to nationalize housing as well as to weaken anyone that owns land. Now you look at Byron Township who hid a tax bill on me hoping, and I know that there's a lot of people out there that would love to get their hands on my property because the developers are running the township. There's no two ways about it. We've got realtors and developers and people that are in with them and friends with them that are running the township. So all the decisions made for developing, none of the citizens want the development here. Nobody's listening because it's the board and the township that continue to hammer this development thing because all their buddies are developers. And so the residents don't matter to these people because it's just a great big, let's develop it out and turn it into this one big metropolis, megapolis thing. So we have more tax money of other peoples to play with in the meantime. We lower property values. We have lousier schools. We have bigger, lousier palace schools that we have to build. What they did in the last board meeting is they wanted to put $6 million into the arts, but they were going to destroy the only two school districts in West Michigan that have a robust trade and shop program. They had no money allocated for that, nothing for the trades, but $6 million for the arts. Now to me, that's all good and fine. You know, I like the arts a lot, but with that said, I went to school to be a designer when I went to college. Right. But I didn't want to be poor and stupid at the same time. So I went and I also took business. You know, you do what you enjoy doing. Right. But you got to make money at this stuff. You got to be able to provide for yourself and not sit there like a baby bird with your mouth open, hoping that all these foundations and and and. and rich people pay your way. Okay. Because a lot of it is that you got to get grants. So I decided not to be, you know, poor and stupid at the same time. And I mean, that's, that's, it's a truth. I have, I have, uh, four areas of concentration in art that I took when I was in college, because I wanted to be a designer. I wanted to do, do, um, graphics and such. And, and, uh, You know, then I ended up going into marketing and found out I really like corporate strategy, but I can also do I can do the creative as well as the the numbers part of it behind it. And then I went back and study engineering, industrial robotics and computer programming. OK, a years later, just because I like to learn stuff. All right. That's that's what I like to do. I like the creative part of it. I like to be creative as well as put creativity into the things that require numbers and accountability and such. And so anyhow, looking at all of this nonsense that's going on, it's all about the developers and a land grip. So back to the landlord thing. We had an eviction this week, and I will allege Not going to tell you who it was or where it was, but I will allege that I am very concerned for the safety and well-being of the children involved. CPS had been called multiple times, and so did the police on this situation. There were six in a two-bedroom building. apartment, there were six mattresses carried out there. There was bunk beds built in the kitchen and filled of, of clothes that were not washed that had dogs that had been crapping in these clothes. They had a washer dryer that they just didn't wash it. And, and I think that if I really think that the safety of the children, I can tell you what I think was going on there. We can draw some conclusions of from what we saw. And what everybody there that was there saw as they were cleaning this out, 11 bags of filthy trash, whole thing's going to have to be repainted and just absolutely filthy. But it took us three times to go in there to even address it in the court system. to get them out because, and this is the way that it works, they're trying to break landlords so that they can nationalize or have all the big corporations buy the properties so that it ends up being a nationalized property. public-private partnership kind of crap or BlackRock. Look at how much the big corporations are buying houses, and they leverage their equity in what they have, most of them using foreign money to buy places. If you think this is going to end well for anybody, you're crazy. If you know somebody who's a local landlord, refuse to rent from the ones that are owned by the large corporations, know who you're renting from, and realize that the smaller landlords are the people that have smaller businesses that they've built. They actually care about the tenants and they care about the buildings. But the amount of abuse that happens to landlords is just shocking. I could write volumes on what we've seen and what people are capable of. And it takes a strong stomach to go in, even when you're buying properties. I mean, I've been into multiple properties where you go in, and this is the truth. This is God's honest truth here, I'm telling you. And I've told people, I said, this is going to be one of those houses where somebody is going to be in there and they're going to be in the pity me class. Oh, help me. Everybody needs to help me and pay my way class of individuals. And I said, you're going to find one room in here because I warn people if they're with me, you're going to find one room in this building. And these are the people that go down to the mission. They go down to the churches. And all the churches want to help these poor people who are so, so in need of help. It does happen. I'm not saying it's across the board. But people need to be smart about it because there's a lot of people that just do it just to take advantage of people who are stupid and naive, right? So you'll go in and there will be one entire bedroom. And there was one, I'm going to use this as a case study, walked in and it was a building that I was looking at buying because I like to buy sometimes mostly buildings that are really, really bad shape. And I try to rescue them. I put a lot of improvements into it. and make it a nice place to live. So we walked in there and first thing is, is I could tell that they had a dog in there. And as we came in the front door with our, with a realtor, we watched them basically run out the side door with a dog. There was dog poop everywhere and human poop in this, in this, with this unit. And I'm like, yep, this is, I've seen this more times than you can even ever imagine. And as we're walking through this, you know, you can start smelling it, the room. Okay, there's a room in a lot of these places. We get up to the second floor, first bedroom, we open the door and it is stacked. And I mean stacked. From floor to about three quarters of the way up the wall, around the outside of the room with clothes and junk and whatever they just threw in there. And the smell is urine, feces, body odor, animal, animal smell. It is, it is the most vile, disgusting smell you'll ever smell in your life. Walked in there. Yep. Expected that the person that was with me literally turned around and was like, I can't handle this. Turned around, took off downstairs and went outside. And I'm like, well, they were warned. I mean, they were warned. This is, yeah. It's what landlords do in fact deal with. I don't believe there are bedbugs in that one, but that's another thing that you come up or cockroaches. I've been in places that I've gone to buy and the roaches are literally just running up the walls and such as you walk past the dirty underwear on the floor, the refrigerators that have like flies flying out of it and such. I mean, it is disgusting. And so anyhow, that's what I try to rescue. And so walked through the building, the rest of the building and the people that were living there sat there and they just kind of watch us walk through and such with a realtor. We had permission to be there and such and walked out. I cannot tell you how many of these types of properties I've been through. On the other side, I went through a building years ago and I walked in and I could tell the tenant was there and he's like, are you here to help me? And I'm like, what's going on? And I was walking through with the owner who was going to get ready to sell. He's like, we haven't had heat in six months or six weeks. I looked at the landlord like, you've got to be kidding me. And I'm like, no, but I can probably help you. And I didn't buy that property. I was disgusted with the owner on that one. But it happens kind of both ways. But honestly, we are responsible to each other to have a moral code no matter what. If we're tenants or just living or, or, you know, people who own buildings a couple of weeks ago, I had somebody whose dog was peeing in the entryway and it was somebody brand new moved into the building. And I'm like, you gotta be kidding me. And I'm like, the dog doesn't get to pee on the floor that everybody has to walk past, get it handled, basically was what was said. But this kind of stuff does happen. And people, unless you see how people live, and like I said, I could tell stories for days that people would be shocked at the bad communication people have or things that they're actually capable of. And You know, I like to do mediation. I like to go in and come into situations that are hostile and go, well, let's see, what's the problem here? And try to come in on a reconciliatory, but yet these are the rules type of a situation and get everybody playing nice in the situation. Shocking, isn't it? Well, not for me because I've seen the hoarder show on TV a number of times. Sometimes if I see that, I'll turn it on and it'll inspire me to do some house cleaning. Is the hoarder show about hoarding stuff? Is it like Stuff Mart or is it pure and total human filth stuff? Both. It can be either way. They usually do two different scenarios in each episode and they start by introducing the person and then some family members or a friend or somebody who hasn't been in their home for some time and they're invited in and they see it and they're in shock and then they bring in some mental health people because usually it's come to the forefront because the local It could be fire department, it could be health department or whoever. Some kind of enforcement agency realizes the safety issues going on. Sometimes it's plumbing, electrical, um a lot of times it's because they have physical health issues and ambulance crew can't get in for example um they have asthma and they have what you've described in their living conditions like how can you even like where do you sit you can't lay down you can't sleep you can't use the bathroom because usually they let the plumbing go um And some of these people can still function and work out outside of the home. And you wouldn't even know because they keep themselves clean, their clothes clean that they wear. But you get inside and sometimes it's a it's a collector of things and it becomes more than clutter. Other times it's complete filth and they're. they're pooping in diapers or whatever you know everywhere all over the house there's dead animals under there like oh the cat went missing and months ago and well he's there in the bedroom you know under this pile of clothes and so they bring in a cleaning crew and they talk to the person throughout the cleaning process while these volunteers with suits like hazmat suits on will clean it out but it gives you the idea of what it takes to clean this out well and not everybody's here to do this kind of work I'm going to tell you we we bought I bought one house that there was three kids there were three kids that were kind of abandoned in the house the mom and dad just kind of left and didn't come back And this was before I had the house, right? So this is the kind of stuff that I will buy and try to help make the neighborhoods better. And the way I think about it is way different than anybody else. And I get that, right? I'm not doing things for myself. I'm doing it for the people that come after me. And so my whole joy in life goes in. writing things that are wrong. That's what I enjoy doing, right? But these people had, when they found the kids, the plumbing was completely overflowed and broken because they had, the kids had backed up, I think they were 12 and under, three kids 12 and under that were pretty well abandoned in this house. I don't even know how they survived really. if they got out on the street and the neighbors felt sorry for them or whatever. But this is why CPS and these city organizations are such a failure, because they really don't deal with any problems. They'll go to the surfacy ones that are easy, and they'll write up people who are responsible landlords for stupid crap like paint drops on a a on a doorknob or something like that zero you're gonna go the paint drip off the doorknob that the tenant dripped on the doorknob or something because they thought it was a good idea to paint the door black okay so that that kind of stuff so anyhow This one house that I bought and I ended up buying it. We had a hazardous team, a team that was there doing biohazards had to come in first. All of the toilets had to be thrown out because they were packed with human waste. feces, et cetera. It wasn't even, it was completely filled up. The basement had about a foot and a half of raw sewage in it. There were 17 pit bulls in the house. They found two dead ones in there. And they pulled out 17 pit bulls. So they'll come in and they'll rescue the dogs. And that seemed to be a bigger issue than the fact that there were three children in there, which was really shocking to me. The neighbor told me later that even the people that were in there to remediate, get rid of all the hazardous materials, would come outside after they worked for a little while, throw up over the fence, and then put their suits back in and go back in and deal with the problem again. This is, how bad some areas of America are. And we think about this overseas with what people are living with. We're not even dealing with the stuff on our own soil. And we're not dealing with the mental health. We're not dealing with the problems that are tearing our society down. We're not dealing with the money that these people are laundering to other countries for a million other reasons and taking money away from the American taxpayer and not serving in the neighborhoods, not helping people. I mean, think about this. If we didn't have how many billions of dollars being money laundered into Ukraine and everywhere else, we could have extraordinary and actual health care. We could have doctors that practice in the local areas that have a untethered, uninsurance company manipulated, dictating how the practices are run. practices because the insurance companies are dictating how doctors practice medicine. That's why a lot of them get out of it. I know several of them who stopped because of being told what to do by money, the insurance companies. There needs to be a complete and total overhaul of on how the insurance companies work. It should not be mandatory and there should not be mandatory insurance to protect your assets. Now, with that said, if we actually enforce the law and made sure that the punishments were brutally and I mean mercilessly and brutally addressing some of these major crimes that are out there, there'd be a little bit more caution on the point of the people who are breaking the law. Maybe perhaps a little bit more personal responsibility. And then if we encourage, say, contact, competition in the insurance industries instead of taking, say, like a beneficiary trust like Gretchen Whitmer's dad did and turned it into a mutual stole it basically from from the the people of the state of Michigan and turned it into a into an entirely different situation. There's a lot of ways that we can do this and we could make we could make insurance very affordable. But right now you've got them all on the big take. They're pushing the politicians. They're part of the huge lobbying issues that are out there. And they don't serve the people. Mental health is very, honestly, it's very easy to fix. I have a very mentally ill. ill daughter, very mentally ill. She, her, her head was smashed in a train accident where her mom died. And we have to deal with this on an, on a daily basis, either us or we have somebody that helps take care of her now, which is a real help. But for 22 years, my family was 24 seven without much of a break taking care of her. And, uh, how you deal with this and the people that are, how do you find good people that are dealing with others in mental health that are not just like the stupid clock shot type of mentality where they're in it to make money or a name for themselves. You see a lot of people in mental health who are truly in it to be social justice warriors who create more of a problem than they solve. And that's the truth. They want to come in and tell you, oh, it needs to be done this way and that way. And then they go the hell home and leave the family stuck with their non-helpful situations. I mean, that's true. You can't go to the psychiatrist that takes care of my daughter because she's heavily medicated. said, you know, we've looked into that. And, and I'm like, if we need some extra help, are there issues? He goes, well, there is no good issues right now in foster care. And I am of the belief that most of the foster care that's out there, not all of it is probably not acting the way they should. And I think there's a lot of people that are being trafficked through foster care, as well as the safe houses that talk about solving the problem with sex trafficking and as well as the adult care that's out there. It is such an abysmal drain on families. that all the whole system is backwards the entire system and um so I mean we could go into many different areas with this and quite honestly I try to stay up on those issues I may not be up on everything that everybody is there everybody has their pet issue everybody does but but I try to stay up on a lot of it a lot of the code enforcement all of it is uh is mostly harassment. There's a lot of things that happen that are good, but a lot of it is just harassment. and a money grab for the municipalities and such that it's in place if we took all of the systems we have and make it local so there's a local control over the the judicial system the how the how everything is run I think we'd see a market improvement and it would be community centered that the community has to get involved you see a neighbor that needs um some help maybe they're aged and they need some help Instead of the neighbors running right to the city and going, I'm going to report you. Maybe you should get off your dead behind and go over and see if there's a way you could be helpful. Instead of just accusing and, you know, in a very Nazi-esque way, just go and let's just go report everybody today. That's what we're going to do. Well, that's a cop out. It's a coward's way out. That's what they've done by trying to divide us. They've done a great job for generations of dividing people and we've talked about that before. In Michigan, you can have a community that's fairly comfortable with each other. And you can also have a community where nobody wants to know each other because they've all escaped from the cities in order to get some privacy. And I just want to live in my own little bubble and not have to deal with anybody else around me. Here we're kind of in the middle of that. I've met my neighbors, many of them. Some I don't really want to communicate with. But some... if there was a local emergency we would know how to reach people and get together and and handle something but otherwise most of the time we just leave each other alone um but we should have a closer communication get to know each other a little bit better because then you know who has the talents in certain areas who has the skills who has the knowledge And we've talked about that many times with things like farming, health, off the grid conditions and so on. I've mentioned the Little House series. I read the first book again. It's been years. And it's really cool because. It's kind of like a manual. Here's this girl living in the big house in the big woods, the little house in the big woods. And before she gets to the town that we all know with the little house in the prairie TV show, they had a grandfather and an uncle. that lived within a like a day's ride or wagon trip and from time to time they would have a social visit and they would often be that would often be associated with Even if it was a major holiday. Well, we're going to butcher a big animal and we're going to need help for that. Or we're going to harvest the corn and we're going to need help for that. These kinds of things bring the community together, even when it's really, really small. And they socialize with one another. They knit the family ties. Everything small becomes a big thing, but everything is slower. Well, and I think that this is a real important thing. I mean, how many times do we sit down and reach out to our neighbors and just see if they're okay? Because if you listen to people, you can find out what they're struggling with. And maybe you have the ability to help them. Maybe just listening is enough, but you can help them. I know we had a, we had a friend who I'm going to give an example. We had a friend. So I've got a maintenance crew that works on, on, um, um, my stuff. Right. And, um, A couple of years ago, we had a friend and the wife was, the wife was, she had cancer and she was, she was dying. And the husband, they were fairly older and husband was really struggling. And I didn't know about it, but I had somebody in our family that called and said, well, they're really struggling. So I went over there and here's the guy, he's almost 80 years old. He's on a ladder and he's scraping the ceiling. from, you know, scraping the ceiling. And he's, he's pretty big guy. I mean, he's, he's probably over 300 pounds and he's up there, you know, trying to scrape and get it done and, you know, swollen legs the whole 10 yards. And I'm like, what are you doing? And he's like, well, I paid somebody on Craigslist to come over and do the work here. And, and he said, and they took the money and they left and they never came back. And so I'm like, so you paid them up front? Yeah, yeah, okay, okay. Well, I'm like, how about you just go sit down and, you know, let's talk about this a minute. And we did. And I said, I tell you what, I said, we do this professionally. You don't have to do this. And so I put my crew together. on their house. I said, Why don't you just rest? Let's get you some coffee and talk about this. And I said, Well, how about how about we come and we help you with this? So I put my crew on it. I just told him, I said, Redraw all the ceiling and just redraw wallet and let's get this thing in a good position. And they work there for, you know, they they have to go do things for us and then they go back and then they work there. And I'm like, Whatever you need done, you ask these guys to do it. And and they will come in and redo whatever you need. And so when went in and and redrew all the ceiling and replaced some light fixtures, you know, did, I had, I don't know exactly everything we did, but it was, it was pretty, it ended up being fairly extensive. And I'm like, you just get this, you get this the exact way, you get this exact way that you want this to be. And, and, and anything else you just call. Now, this is what we should all be doing, right? I'm sorry. And, and the guys were The guys were so excited about it on the maintenance crew. They're like, man, we need to do this every day. Let's go and find people's houses that we can do projects on to help them. I'm like, that's a great idea. And I'm not talking about somebody who's sitting there with their hand out all the time, trying to get free shit, but people that are sitting there in their homes and they don't know what to do. And a lot of the older people that need some help. I mean, And there's no end to how we can be helpful, whether it's like, hey, you know, I see some, you know, your basement windows are peeling here. Would you like me to power wash this and paint it? There's so much we can do if we just decide to take a few minutes out of our schedule and, you know, and go help people. And I don't say, I mean, you have to do it all the time, but I mean, if communities did that, and had the time because we are not overtaxed, unlawfully taxed at about an 85% rate right now, if you add all the taxes up. This all comes down to how the government is being run and the burdens that are put on the taxpayer so that everybody's having to work too hard just to stay alive, for them to grab their cash and money launder it in every direction other than what's helpful and make people feel guilty if we're not laundering the $300 billion or whatever has gone out to Ukraine. I mean, it's just everything is backwards. And the politicians, it's a round robin. They go out to the foreign entities and come right back into the politicians' pocketbooks through economic means. It's disgusting to me. But there you go. There's a long explanation of what can be done. Well, as we talked about on the Off the Grid show, um learning I mean we're going back to godly ways basically if we and I talked to you about ecclesiastes not long ago ecclesiastes is is a book written by solomon solomon asked for wisdom god gave it And then he kind of regretted it, I think, because he he's everything is vanity. Everything is useless. Everything is just like not important because you can't take it with you when you go. So what is the most important thing in life? And what he was saying is you need to find joy in your work. And. the work itself is what you can benefit so much by. So what are you doing with your energy in life? Are you applying it to help people? Are you applying it to store up wealth that you can't take with you? I used to have a picture on my wall from a National Geographic magazine with a skeleton that's surrounded by gold. And That for me was a good reminder that you can't take it with you when you go. So what are you going to do with it? And I know you live by that philosophy too. It doesn't matter how much money you have. What are you going to use with that money? How are you going to, and it's not just money. Money is just one form of resource. Well, how are you going to use your time? And for me this year, I decided that I needed to take care of myself and my family a little bit more because my health was suffering. What I was doing with my time wasn't helping anybody necessarily. And it certainly wasn't helping me necessarily. And I needed to take a step back and look at how can I improve my health? When I discovered what was actually going on and remedied that, then I had more energy. And what did I do with that energy? Well, Donna prompted me to think about gardening. And as a result of that, I have um more strength in my body lately I'm more flexible um my muscles are still hurting sometimes but not in a way that I was used to the pain that I was dealing with on a daily basis um my body is changing because I'm getting back to natural forms of Behavior and expression. And that creativity. That you were talking about earlier. I've put that into the garden. So I'm not just doing vegetables. And herbs. I'm doing a flower garden. But I'm improving the property. And feeling really good about my work. I'm in the sun. I'm in the dirt. Go out and mow Karen. Go out and mow. Oh I have mowed too. I like to mow. And all this is. It's connecting me with nature and nature's God. You might say that natural form of health And it's a mental health as well as a physical health. Then I could take that to help somebody else. Usually when you have a garden that produces, which mine is not yet. Oh, don't even talk about zucchinis right now. Oh my gosh, do we have zucchini. It's unbelievable. I did that. We got one plant because I didn't want to be in a position where we had too much. yeah perhaps we should have thought this through before we we planted as my son planted a whole a whole packet of zucchini and it all germinated well I didn't know anything about what I was doing you know I was researching like crazy but but still you you have to learn by doing and so that's that's the problem this year and I want to I want to put a clarification on my story about helping the helping that couple just so everybody knows I don't make money off of people who are in a disadvantaged state. So they paid not one dime on this. And so I don't, I do not pay. I don't take advantage of people. If somebody needs help, I just jump in and help. Even if I have to pay the people that are there doing the work, their normal wage, because their staff of mine, I don't take advantage of people. I think it's disgusting. We should be there to help and not take advantage. So anyhow, I digress, but go ahead. So my one zucchini plant got a squash vine borer, got a vine borer in it. And so I learned because that one died. I found the borer. So now I know what it looks like inside the plant, but it was killing the plant. And you killed it, right? yeah um it was slowly killing the plant so I finished the job because I figured out what I thought it was and I was right so now I have a few others I have two different kinds of squash and I think they have vine borers too but I just found out more information about how I can deal with that because I think I might have stopped one um but there's another one I can't get yet but I've got um another another option I've got to go get a product but it's it's organic it won't hurt um the produce at all and diatomaceous earth well that's one but this one you can it's called bt it's a bacillus you can inject it right into the plant and it'll it'll take care of that bug So I think I need to try that with one of them because the plant is still looking really healthy and it wants to produce. I've got two of them like that that are just, it's looking pretty healthy overall. But I'm not sure exactly where in the plant the borer is. Because if you have it on, mine is just an upright plant right now, those two. It's not the type that crawls all over the ground. and or you have to trellis if you do that and it's happening along the vine well you can you can try to eliminate the bore and then cover that part of the vine and then you just either restart the plant there or you help the plant heal there well mine is right at the base of the plant so everything depends on whether I get that right or not and I have got a few squashes off of my squashes so that's a good thing so I want not a complete loss but Thankfully, it's just here and there. I've had problems like that. It can be pretty discouraging, though. A lot of people probably stop gardening because they just everything is a loss. But one nice thing, I mentioned Facebook the other day. I'm in a container garden group on Facebook because that's what I'm trying. And there's a whole community there of beginners like me. And they're all having the same kind of problems. Like the other day, everybody had these little naps on their plant because the weather just hit a certain place and a certain life cycle of that insect where they were all clustering around the leaves where they meet the plant, trying to avoid the rain, I think is what was happening. And it freaked everybody out. Because they're like, what is this bug? I'm infested. I wasn't worried because I knew they were that kind of bug that just gets in your face and annoys you, but doesn't really hurt you. Unless you're allergic to them, those no-CMs. Yeah. So it wasn't a bug that was going to eat everybody's plants. But some people thought that's what it was going to be. And they were like, what do I need to do? How can I... What can I spray my plants with? Farmer Donna will tell you how to fix that so that it's a good environment for yourself and your plants. Go out and buy one of those Flowrite, I think it's Flowrite, Flotron, Flotron Diplomats. It's a bug zapper. And the little no-seams are the things that annoy people. Put that out. It's the big one, not the small ones. The small ones don't work as well as the big ones. I have about, I always have a bunch of those around working. Because you can't, if you're outside a lot in Michigan, the state bird is a mosquito, right? And gnats and such. And so those things will give you happy toads around because underneath each one of them, we usually have a toad that will sit there buried. It doesn't move, okay? Toads don't move. They sit there underneath the bug zapper with their mouths open. As manna from heaven, dead toasted bugs fall in their mouths, right? And you'll have the little biggest, little fattest toads sitting in there. And they're like buried. And all you see is just a little bit of their mouth out like this as they just fall in. It's hilarious. Oh, and we lost Karen. There must be some technical difficulties going on here. I know that Darlene Swoffer was supposed to be on this morning. I've been communicating to her off to the side. I think that we've had a few technical difficulties here this morning. But we'll get past it. Oh, here's Darlene. Let's say hi to Darlene for a minute. Leah, who is on there too. So I'm going to bring Darlene in just for a minute. Hey, Darlene, how you doing? Hi there. And I'm also having technical difficulty as well. And I'm not really sure if you can see if my... My camera keeps rotating, auto-rotating. I can see you. It's great. Well, thank you for joining us this morning. Sometimes we have that. It's live broadcast. And what I'd like to do is have you say hi to everybody. I've got Leah coming on in about five minutes here. And then if you can say hi to everybody, and then we'll reschedule you for a full interview. And that's okay. You've got a really big fight on your hands. And we're here to help you and get the word out and such. And so... Big respect and love for you. So what's going on in Darlene world? Well, we're on the campaign trail knocking on doors. We've knocked on over 14,000 doors so far within our district. And what's amazing about that is I actually get to meet my neighbors, hear their concerns, and that's how we created our platform for our campaign. So it's all of those voices mixed together with some ideas on solutions is what created the platform that's on our website. You mean she's actually doing a we the people from the bottom up sort of process? Yeah. It's funny because this is what we're talking about this morning is you have to get out and know your neighbors. And then once you do know your neighbors, you've got to do something. To interact, help, you know, help them when you see a problem. You don't condemn them. You don't go to, you know, you don't condemn and say, oh, I got a crappy neighbor here. You know, what a crappy thing to do. You know, you should know them enough to step in and say, wow, they're really struggling in this. Maybe we get a group of people and. you know, bring them food or help them with their house. I mean, you know, we're, I'm older than I'm pretty sure both of you, which is, which is kind of a nice thing for me because I went, when I was a kid, whenever somebody got sick, the neighbors knew they were sick and they brought food or when they had a baby, you know, people would offer to come over and vacuum your house and bring groceries and that sort of thing. Or if somebody was getting a house painted, everybody would jump in and say, Hey, we'll help. or even roofing a house. I remember a time when it was neighbors that did other people's roofs. They didn't go and call somebody. They didn't go and hire a roofer. They did it themselves. And it was a big picnic and eat afterwards. So that's great. That's very beautiful. Everything that you just shared. And that's what makes you feel that you're part of a community. And honestly, Nationwide, we need to get back to that. You still find that in very small towns, hometown America, but that's missing in big cities. And it's also missing in places like South Florida, because this is a very transient community. You have a lot of people that move here for a better life and then realize maybe it costs too much for them based on their income, and then they move back home. Or you have one third of the community in my district are seniors, and a good portion of them spend half their year up north with family. So this is a very transient community, but I love everything that you said. And I think that's definitely the focus and the premise of our whole campaign is getting back to we, the people, getting back to you, me and our community. It's not about the R and it's not about the D. And even Democrats, Democrats are not happy with the progressive direction that's been hijacked and where their party's going. They want what you and I want. They want safe communities. They want good education for their children. They want a good economy. They want, they want to bring back jobs. They want to bring back, you know, economic development, lower inflation. They want secured borders. They want everything that we want. We just have to stop what we're doing for a moment, knock on our neighbor's door and have that conversation and say, you know, find, find what connects us and then let's drive together to make those changes for our country. So we have the future that we want for our children. Oh, I love everything you're saying because that's so important. So 14,000 doors you've knocked on. That's amazing. And I just love that. That is so cool. And thank you for all that you're doing. So it's 10 o'clock here. So what we're going to do is go ahead and reschedule another time, maybe next week. I don't know if you can. I got to look at my calendar here. But we'll talk about it when we're offline and find a good time for both you and I. And then, you know, I'd love to hear more about what you're doing and how, you know, how you're moving things forward. And I was reading stuff on you about not only being the Medicare lady, but the mortgages and all of the other stuff that you seem to have a huge amount of knowledge. And, you know, I know a lot of your friends, we have common friends and, you know, friends in common. And so I'm very thankful that you came on today. And so we'll get offline after I'm done with the interview with Leah Hoops and then go ahead and take some more time to talk about these things. But thank you for coming on this morning. And I hope you have a great day today. And this is Donna here to help no matter what you need. You know, we'll help, you know, get the word out there for you because that's just extraordinary work you're doing. Yes. God bless you all. Have a great day. And you too. Thank you. Bye-bye. So Karen, I think, are you okay with me jumping on with Lear? You want to stay on or would you want to run out to your day? I probably get out my garden because I haven't watered yet this morning and I've got a project. I'm so close to finishing. And I'll send you some pictures later. Awesome. I need to get together with you probably next week. And we have an exchange to make. Farmer exchanges happen all the time when you have friends, right? I've got an exchange for you. So since your zucchini didn't go well, I've got that plus. Oh, no. She's going to sneak a bunch of zucchini in my poultry can jars. Hey, August 8th is a national hide a zucchini on your friend's doorstep day. So watch out because I've got big plans, big plans for August 8th. All my neighbors are going to be making zucchini bread. So, all right. Well, have a great day and thanks for coming on. I will be right back after a quick short break with Leah Hoops. And I'm very excited to talk with her. She's amazing. If you look at what she's done, I mean, talk about getting in there and just, just pow, pow, pow, pow in a legal way. I'm totally inspired by this woman. And so we'll be right back. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. It is the first of August 2024 and welcome to our show. I want to get right at it here. Good morning, Leah. How you doing? Hi, good morning. Thank you for having me on. Oh, thank you for being on. I can't even tell you. I'm looking at the savage, the savagery that you've unleashed upon legally upon this nation has just been really, really inspiring and just really wanted to thank you for all you're doing. I've got uh, the election integrity. Let me put your, put this site up here a minute. I think I've got the correct one. And, uh, you know, this, this stuff that you've been doing is just on believable. Uh, how much, how much that you have, um, just, you just keep fighting and it's, it's pretty much pro se, isn't it? Yes. It's, uh, um, we had an, we had an attorney in 2020, Her name was Deborah Silver. She is an amazing human being. She was the only one to take our case. It was so volatile and full of just crazy facts, but she was sanctioned. And also they tried to destroy her by disbarring her. And then we took on two attorneys who we since fired who are self-serving psych offense. So we dumped those two people and we're not quite done with that situation, but that's for another day. And we went per se, and we have been very successful in per se in representing ourselves. The biggest win that we have was March of this year, and that was the case Savage v. Trump et al., in which we were co-defendants with President Trump and Mayor Giuliani. How did you get into this? Tell us your story about exactly how you got into this legal fight. Because I'm assuming one day you woke up. This is how I think. That Lee gets up one day and she goes, today's the day. And saw enough of it and just got into it. But then what led you there? And how did you go down the road to get into Pro Se? And how did you approach this? Well, I've always been quite earnest. when I was a kid in, in, uh, and I always fought against, uh, authority in the sense of when I knew authority was wrong and in the wrong, I would fight against it. Even, even in school, um, I fought for the, um, I fought for the underdog and that's just how I was raised, uh, in a Christian conservative home, um, and a God fearing woman. So it started there with my, my parents and the values that they instilled in me. And, uh, I went on to, uh, physical therapy and I worked with the geriatric population and I became a patient advocate there as well. Um, and eventually I became a committee woman in my township for the Republican party. And, um, I, I became a big, big, uh, a big mouth, I guess you would say in, in fighting for the constitution. And I became a problem for the Republican party and for the Democrat party. Um, I don't subscribe to either, uh, to me, it was a fight for my country and a fight for our constitutional Republic. So that's where I got started. And then I found when we were locked down, I knew very early on that COVID was planned. It was the plandemic. I had a medical background and knew that everything that they were doing completely went against every medical protocol that you could possibly think of. We started investigating Delaware County, which had flipped from Republican to Democrat after 150 years. And they had installed Soros-bought communists into the district attorney's office and into our county council, and it had flipped Democrat in 2019. So we started investigating in 2020, myself and some great blue collar patriots. We started investigating our county and the people that they were installing into our county, these bureaucrats that were also communists. And what year was that again, 2020? That was the beginning of 2020. So about seven months, we all investigated and found a lot of really insane material facts that played a very big role into the general election in 2020. And then what I did was I recruited people for the 2020 election, including my co-author and partner, Greg Stenstrom. He's a former naval commander, and he's actually put people in jail, including the sheriff of Philadelphia. Sheriff Green. He has worked for the federal government. He encrypted the Federal Reserve and also encrypted Naval Space Warfare. He's a data forensic scientist. And I recruited him because I knew he had a background in fraud. So I put military people in place. I put ex-law enforcement and I put poll watchers in place, including myself, into certain places strategically to look after these people that were installed into our government and were there for a purpose. And what we found was basically it was criminal what they were doing. And in that time, since November 3rd, we filed injunctions to be able to see certain things in certain parts of our elections, including a back room that was completely obfuscated from poll watchers. We watched an absent chain of custody. And then eventually what we did was once we got into the back room at the counting center, Greg saw 70,000 unopened mail-in ballots that were the real ballots. This was two days after the election. We watched them pop in USB sticks into the tabulation center, which flipped the vote, 50,000 votes. And, you know, I mean, it's countless, countless things that we've seen. And then we put them into a declaration and supplied them to the Trump campaign and then U.S. Attorney William McSween. So that kind of brings you to November of 2020. And, um, I'll kind of stop there. Uh, and then we can talk about what we have done since, since then, but that is a very small explanation of, uh, of what we have, uh, what we have done, uh, you know, kind of what led us up to the November election. And then I can hear the timeline. Do I have a timeline? The book. Okay. The book's the timeline. Are the documents included in the book or not? Because you know what? I'm going to buy that book today. Yes. I saw, I've got that pulled up. Let's see. I had that pulled up in another space here because, oh, here it is. And election. That's awesome. Yeah. So I like to try to see if I can find things to pull up so that, that, you know, anybody that's doing some great work, you know, there's, there's so many people doing some really great work behind the scenes with the scenes, whatever. But I, I, I'm really kind of excited about this, but my plan is to buy this today. Is it on Amazon too? Or is it, is it just through the website here? Yes, it's on Amazon as well. It's on Barnes & Noble, Books A Million. We're everywhere. It was published in 2022. It is very dense, but big letters. We use big, big letters so people can kind of see. We use pictures of people. We talk about the who, the what, the when, the where, the why, and how it's both sides of the aisle. And we are hated by both sides, which makes me just warm and fuzzy in my soul. You're in a good spot right now. Yeah, I love it. So that's kind of, you know, kind of to bring up to speed, you guys can really look into and what we've determined and what we can prove is that this really started during the Obama years. But the plan to get Trump out of office started in 2016. And we can we talk about. you know, where the development of the voting centers, um, the development of the all mail-in ballot system, these counting centers that they brought in, this was all designed before COVID. So people are like, Oh, you know, counting centers came after COVID. No, no. The plan was well established. Uh, they changed election laws. Um, they were already talking about changing voting technology. Um, and you know, they knew how they could, uh, how they could cheat and how they could do it on a national level. And what's interesting and what's backfiring in their face is that when they closed down the country, they really thought people were going to just kind of shut down. But what it did was it allowed people to start understanding their constitutional republic, their rights, and it also gave them the ability to research on their own. And it backfired in their face because now we can see that people can see the gaslighting You know, people are understanding their rights. People are standing up. People are not complying with tyranny. So it really kind of backfired right in her face during 2020. And it's been an awakening, to say the least. Wow, that's amazing. So just so you know, as we're talking online, I just bought your book. Thank you so much. I'm a, I'm a, I'm a quick, a quick actor on stuff like this. Cause it's like, if I, if I don't, I will forget. And cause I've got so many different people I'm talking to and such. So I try to, I try to move right into those things. You say it, you need to do it right away or else you'll forget about it. So as we go through our busy day, so everybody, here you go, you can go to Amazon or you can go here and buy the book and let's, let's get up to speed here with somebody who, not only is talking about it, but actually did something in order to write this thing. I think you're going to get some real go on everything that you're doing and could have some incredible implications. So I'm hoping that we see the 2020 election decertified. I don't believe we can go forward without Without decertifying the crimes of the past. I really do. That's why I haven't conceded to the 2022 election in Michigan here for the governor's race. I'm not going to concede to it because, and it's costing me money to continue to kind of keep that ball in play. But it's like, I just don't think we can go forward without seeing this whole thing, the whole sham election, because it was. There was nothing carried out the way that it should have been. And anybody that certified that election is complicit in the crime. There's no excuse for it. 100%. So there is kind of a message I want to tell people. We've fallen trap to the government demanding things of us. You've forgotten your role in the government. You've forgotten your role as the republic. And, you know, you really need to go back to the Bill of Rights, which are God given, which means they cannot be stripped by man unless you allow it. And, you know, defiance to tyranny is obedience to God. You know, what we're witnessing right now is such gaslighting and people have become very complicit in their oppression and in their servitudes. So you have a role in the government according to the 10th Amendment. So all rights that are not given to the federal and state government are reserved for the people. So I have a duty to exercise my rights and I have a duty to be a checks and balance system to the government. I have to play my role. If not, they're going to strip you of your rights. And that's what they're trying to do and have been successful in doing because of people's compliance and ignorance. That's where I come from is always about conserving rights. It's not about political party. It's not about anything else, being white or black or Republican or Democrat. At this point in time, if we continue on this path of being ignorant and continuing to allow them to gaslight us and tell us that we're a democracy, even though you can't find the frigging word in any of our founding documents, You know, people have to play their role or you accept the barbarism that is here. I mean, we are living in light communism at this point. So that's where I come from. You know, people want to get into divisiveness and race and political parties like we're talking about a football game and we're cheering for red and white, like red and blue. It's just stupid. It is so stupid. You are singing my song here because I really think that where we are with political parties, they need to be abolished. They have gotten into the position of just being this big pay for play. And it's vetting people to see if they will actually go along to get along with the globalists who are funding the entire thing. It's a money game. And they launched economic warfare against us. And they're using the political parties. To set up a narrative and both sides are like, they're like cowboys driving cattle right to the pen. They're just bouncing it back and forth. The end game is the same. We're just driving the cattle right into the pen for the slaughter. And I'm not seeing, you know, you see some go here and there, but the structure is always going to go back to what we have right now unless you tear those structures down. Correct. So this is kind of where we are. We're at a crossroads right now in this country and people have to make a decision. You're either about freedom or you want communism. And that's just where we are, whether you're black or white or brown or whatever it is, whatever melanin, you know. Yeah, whatever you identify as. That's the dumbest thing in the whole world. I don't know about you, but I identify as Donna Brandenburg and that's what it is. I mean, I identify as one of God's children and I need to be a witness to Christ and that's my goal. And to fight for my freedom. So that's where I am. I don't do the identity politics. I don't either. It's stupid. You want to talk about my whiteness and whatever, you know, I'm still waiting for my privilege card to come in. You know, I was I was a single mother for a very long time. I did use the welfare system when I was in college, 100 percent. And those socialist programs are designed not for a handout, but a hand out. I use that opportunity to get my college degree and be a productive citizen. And I never, ever use any kind of victimhood. I didn't say, oh, poor me. I'm a single mother, blah, blah, blah. Nope, nope. I use that as an opportunity. And I also went through a lot of adversity. And regardless if I'm white or black or brown or whatever, there is so much opportunity in this country. And that comes only when you have freedom to do so. So, you know, I can talk the talk because I've walked the walk. And that's just that's just how I approach things. And right now I'm watching the gaslighting coming from both sides. Like I'm watching conservative conservative platforms talk and regurgitate the word democracy. And I'm like, what are you conserving? Tell me what it is. How are you conserving your republic when you are? using the word democracy. It makes no sense. And they're doing it for clicks and likes, and they keep allowing more and more and more and more communism to come through because they're enabling it, right? So they talk about, let's fight the fraud, let's fight the fraud, and then they go, nope, we need to move on from 2020, okay? And now let's just talk about mail-in ballots, and we should be fighting and chasing the vote, right? So the whole goal of the mail-in ballot system is to eventually get rid of the in-person vote. That is the end goal, so that the government has complete oversight and control of your elections. They are achieving the goal of fundamentally changing this country, which Obama said, which, by the way, his stepfather was a blatant communist. So every time a conservative platform pushes for mail-in ballots, well, You can kind of see through their BS. They have no foundational principles. They are not conserving rights. They are not conserving the electoral process. They are not conserving the Republic. So what are they? They're nothing. They're the steel. Bait clickers, right? Click baiters, whatever they call them. So, you know, it's astounding to me that people don't see through their nonsense. And I don't, you know, I think for me, just being honest about this stuff and pushing back and being like, I am never, ever going to allow these people to forget what they did to us in 2020. Your loved ones, listen to me, your loved ones died alone in a nursing home. Died and they allowed it. You were not allowed to travel. You allowed it. You were not allowed to travel without a vaccine card. They were forcing you with a medical experiment. Okay. And telling you that if you didn't do it, that your grandmother was going to die. Okay. What were the other things that they use? You're going to lose your job. You're going to be court-martialed from the military. They used literal communist tactics. during the 2020 period. And then, while they were doing that and telling you to comply and oppressing you and creating slaves, okay, they stole your country. We have an illegitimate government. Now, moving on, Donna. I'm just here to say you were talking about moving the cattle towards slaughter, right? That's exactly what they were doing. So, This is kind of where we are at this point. We have not made, but people are buying into. It is my responsibility to prove fraud. No, it is the government's responsibility, constitutional obligation to prove they ran a free and fair election. They can't do it. They won't even show you their work. Where does this work in every any other aspect of life? Can I just go to the government and say, you know what? I'm not going to reconcile my taxes. I think the word reconciliation is subjective and we're not going to audit my taxes either. I'm just going to make up numbers because I think it sounds good and it puts me in the positive. And you need to accept that at face value. How does that work out for you? Can a bank teller not show the cash in their drawer and not be audited and not show receipts? Like in what aspect of the world or any system does this mentality work? So let me give you, for instance, while I'm on a roll here. I say I have enough circumstantial evidence, it's not just circumstantial, I have hard material facts that can prove that they committed fraud and broke the law. Let's just start there. They won't show, through public records, they won't show through court, ballot images, the physical ballots, the signatures on the envelopes, the slog files, the CVRs, their return sheets. But the best part is, We did a sting operation, okay? We, me, Greg, the whistleblower, with Project Veritas, talk about hard evidence. They literally on video, okay, are splating evidence, which means it's the alteration and destruction of evidence that would so-called exonerate them. They're destroying return sheets. They're destroying proof sheets on camera. Let me explain the stint. We found a whistleblower in December that worked inside the Bureau of Elections. We linked up with Project Veritas. I was working with the second in line, Spencer Meads, the guy right under James O'Keefe. Found a whistleblower. She was agreeable. God bless her to be camera'd up, mic'd up. We were talking to her and telling her what to look for, who to talk to, who the bad guys were, and because of Greg's extensive background in fraud, we knew that they were going to destroy the evidence. So we asked for every single return sheet, which by the way, according to the County Records Act in Pennsylvania, the return sheets are what are supposed to be kept forever. We asked for the return sheets of 428 precincts through a public records request and the proof sheets. So we set them up. She's inside with the video camera. Guess what they do? They destroy them and recreate them. Right there in front of her. Right there in front of her. Everything. So they're supposed to have the original return sheets. That is the ground truth. for your election. They destroy them. Now, why would you have to destroy something if everything is kosher? Then they won't show them to us, right? And the ones that they do are not even the original ones. It's fantastic. It's actually, it is, the irony is just It's incredible. It's shocking. It is shocking the lengths that they've gone to cheat the American people of their voice, their vote, and those that they want to be in positions of as public functionaries. It's amazing. It's amazing. How they stole this country is unbelievable. Uh-huh. Now, it didn't start in 2020. They've been stealing elections for frigging ever. Right. It's been decades. But it's the information that we found since, you know, who these people are in our county, why they are there. And it's purposeful. And they took over this country at a county level. It was at a local level. And that's where all that's where all the change happens. And that's how you win back the country. It's a township, you know, municipality township. County by county is how you take back your country. I have no, I mean, I think local action is national change. Bottom up approach, not top down. So regardless if Trump wins, which they're going to steal the 2024 election again, it doesn't matter who sits in that White House. At the end of the day, it's our responsibility as the Republic to keep it. so that's what we're doing we work on a county level and the information that we found out since the 2020 election and the things that have happened to us um josh shapiro who is uh on the uh probably going to be the the vp pick for camelot uh is a criminal uh we started that website uh he was the pennsylvania attorney general he was a biden elector in 2020 And he sent two special agents to my front door, Greg Stenstrom's front door and Joe Driscoll's front door. What was the website again? So he sent two special agents to our front door to intimidate us. This was November 17th, 2020, after we had already submitted witness declarations to the Trump campaign and then US Attorney William McSwain of the Eastern District of Pennsylvania. He later came out and said that Bill Barr told him to stand down and to hand over our information to then Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro. That was on November 9th, 2020, when he received our declarations. And then on November 17th, Josh Shapiro sent two special agents to our front door to investigate us for crime. Since then we have filed public records requests to find out any information about the two special agents that were sent to our front door and guess what happened? What's that? Well, at first they said no records exist. And then I asked again, guess what they said then? It was exempt from being released. And what was the response on that? Oh, well, we're suing them in court. And this is why we've come forward and we filed formal criminal charge referrals against Josh Shapiro to the House Judiciary Committee. So he is, I'm hoping, eventually there's going to be an investigation. But what's fantastic, what we found out since filing all these public records requests and actually setting up what's called forcing functions and trapping these people with their own words, We found out that we were illegally being surveillance by the federal state and the county law enforcement, that they obstructed on every level all the investigations in their own words. It is magical what you can find out. Also, since we've come forward, other whistleblowers have come forward and witnesses, including Security Exchange Commission whistleblower Sean Connolly, who helps run this website. He's fantastic. Sean Connolly has been fighting Josh Shapiro. He lives in Montgomery County, where Josh Shapiro was birthed from when he was a commissioner and then built his way up to the Pennsylvania Attorney General and now an installed governor. Hadassah Feinberg has come forward. She is from the Harrisburg Jewish community. We're also dealing with Ellen Greenberg's family. And if you don't know who Ellen Greenberg is, she was murdered in 2011 by one of Josh Shapiro's friends. And Josh Shapiro helped to cover up that murder. She was stabbed 20 times, including in the back of the head. And while Josh Shapiro was the Pennsylvania Attorney General at that time during that investigation, they ruled it as a suicide. Apparently you can stab yourself after you're dead. They've ruled that he helped to cover up and obstruct that investigation. He helped to cover up and obstruct the investigation into Sean Connolly's claims against Toll Brothers. He's helped to obstruct investigation into Hadassah Feinberg's information and the crimes that she has seen. And he has he has been they have been grooming Josh Shapiro for a very long time. So we've been exposing him. for about four years now and knew that he would be at least the vice president pick, or they would just use his name to build name recognition for his run for president in 2028. So the things that we have found out since the election, the election is just a piece of the puzzle. It really is about the criminal enterprise that is going on within our own government. It's a global crime syndicate, in my opinion, because all the governments are working together. There are a few of them that, that are, are able to keep things kind of clean, but usually they're on the CIA, Mossad, GCHQ hit list of for removal, which is like, like Gaddafi and, and several others that were being that they actually, I thought Gaddafi had a really good system. If you really watch what he, what he did and they, they, They threw a whole bunch of propaganda out there because he wasn't going to go on the global currency. And I mean, so the propaganda that's out there is just incredible. When they put somebody in place, you've got to look at their backgrounds. And I feel very strongly about that because both sides are doing the wrong thing. Mm-hmm. Oh, it's fascinating. It is fascinating, but it's maddening. So where do you want to go with this next? Do you want to go into Pro Se or do you want to go into what happened after 2020? So it all kind of, it's really the same kind of story. Kind of all together. Once we did this thing operation and we were trying to find protection for the whistleblower, we ended up with two attorneys who did nothing but use and abuse us, stole from us and have since have lied about a whole bunch of things, which that's that'll come out. It's going to come out. I don't want to talk about that right now. But what it led us to and God has led us to is to representing ourselves and It is a constitutional right. You don't have to have representation, and thank God that we didn't. So after we did the sting operation, which they didn't know about, in October of 2021, James Savage, who was the voting machine warehouse custodian and a DNC operative, we talk about him in the book, he ended up suing me, Greg, President Trump, Mayor Giuliani, Phil Klein, Thomas More Society, and Jenna Ellis. We represented ourselves in Philadelphia. The judge, Judge Erdos, he is a Democrat. I would give that man kudos. We gave him the courage to do the right thing because we spoke the truth. And we battled it out with Attorney J. Conor Corcoran and James Savage for 860 days in a Philadelphia court. They tried to sanction us four times. He tried using a lawfare as much as he could, tried to confiscate our firearms, tried to silence us and defame us and make us into domestic terrorists, and it didn't work. So we shut that down. We were offered settlement in January of 2024. We laughed in their face. They offered us to pretty much leave the... the case, but leave behind President Trump and Mayor Giuliani. And we said, hell no, we would not do that. And then in March of 2024, they capitulated and they dropped the case. But that's not over because the judge, we had asked for sanctions against the attorney and we won. And he is being disciplined right now for violating rules of professional conduct. And we're not done with him either. So that's just one case. We have been sued for malicious prosecution by Delaware County. We're also being sued again by Jim Savage and James Allen, who was the director of elections in Delaware County. He came from Cook County, Chicago, purposefully. So suing us for defamation and all this other with Newsmax and the Federalist. And, you know, they're trying to extort money from us. It's not it's not going to work. they're trying to shut us down and intimidate us it doesn't it doesn't work it's fascinating to watch these people these attorneys do nothing but lie um and um because of my rights and over requests and because of the other people that we work with with the delco deep divers and all of our public records requests um let me show you something here if I can I don't know if you can see about how thick that is In total, there's about 600 pages of a public records request that I had to fight for all the way up into appeals. They had to release the billing records from the solicitor who works for the Bureau of Elections, Jay Manley Parks, who works for Dwayne Morris. And despite the redactions within the billing, I can actually show the collusion and conspiracy that they were working with Josh Shapiro, the Annenberg Public Policy Center within the Biden Center within the University of Pennsylvania. They were working with Biden administration, colluding and conspiring to go after me and Greg. And also they mistakenly unredacted some information which shows their criminality. It is glorious to see these people and just how brazenly stupid they are. So all of these tactics that we use, we've used their own rules against them. We use it in court and we've learned as we go along. I mean, it's not hard to read the law and just use it and exercise your rights and redress your government. This is not a hard task, people. These lawyers are stupid, stupid. They are morons. They are, they are criminals on top of it and liars. So how can it be hard for me as a person to just tell the truth and destroy these people in court? I don't get it. I don't, I don't get, I don't get this, this reverence for, for attorneys. These people are morons. They are. How did you, how did you start writing the pro se cases that you put together? Did you have help on those or were you putting those together yourself? So Greg has some experience in writing legal briefs, but really it's about studying, oh my goodness, cases and getting some advice from attorneys and just kind of learning really as we go. I mean, we've made plenty of mistakes, but it's not as hard as you think it is. If you just use the truth and use kind of like a blueprint of how they want things structured, it's really stupid. And it's costly on top of it. So there's just certain ways that they keep people from representing themselves because they make it so much harder. More so about procedure. Things need to be a certain size and a certain font and all this other stupid crap. And they make filing fees ridiculous. But in reality, the crux of it And and when you're when you are fighting in a court of law is recognizing that the court is for the sovereign. It's for the people. It's not for the judges and the attorneys. And they use lawfare and lies and trickery. So once you can get past all that stuff and you learn to use their own rules against them, you will be very successful representing yourself with, you know, just the simple truth. Well, that's, that's cool. Now on your website, do you have all the cases listed there on the, let's see, I'm going to bring it up. Is this, do you have all of your cases listed here? If you go to the home or excuse me, if you go to, if you just type in, it'll bring you to kind of like the homepage page. And then you can go and click on the button that's called Election Resources. You can see our 20-minute documentary there. This is what came up when I did that. Did you type in Yeah, that's what's coming up. Oh, boy. And so that's what I was trying to find. The way I found this one right here was kind of around. Let me just say it because they love to block. They really do. They try every blessed thing that they can think of. See, it comes up on mine. It could be the browser that you're using that could be blocking it. Okay. Let me try a different browser here a minute because I know that sometimes I'm in Chrome for that one. No, that's Firefox. Let me try Edge because Edge sometimes is a better browser for a lot of things. Right there in the private chat, I put up the link. It pops up on mine. Okay. google chrome no sorry safari it had to be the browser yep good to know so fire so firefox won't allow it yeah firefox isn't allowing it and right now chrome it popped up in chrome let me uh let me see I gotta try it on edge because chrome is not allowing it to go up and so let me let me see what I can do Um, so I put in the private chat there, the, uh, the election resource page. Um, it's like a, it's a button. Let's see election resource page. Hang on a second. Let me grab that. So see if I can get it to go and edge because that, that is a, that is a problem. Usually edge is a little better. That's my experience. Let's see what's happening here. It's kind of popping up on mine for a Patriot online. If you use Google Chrome. So it looks like Safari and Google Chrome will allow for you to go into the election resources page. Yeah, I just still had a problem with it. No, check this out. Here's Edge. I'll even show you what's happening there. Love it. I love it. They attack Patriot Online all the time. Greg is a co-founder of Patriot.Online. And I mean, he talks to me about all of the... Here's Edge. Do you have Google Chrome? Yeah, I'm on it. Let me see if I can. I'm going to try it in another place because I think this is definitely worth. Let's see if I can get it to come up. You get to see it in real time of how they do not like the truth to be out. Yeah, and I think this is, I really do think that this is a valuable thing to go through. It is running around the circle right now, but it did not pull it up right away. So I'm still kind of, let's see if I can move this over here and you can see what's going on here. So there's all of our cases. Check this out. All of our interviews are there. Our documentary is there. Yeah. Check this, check this little beauty out. This is, this is Google Chrome and what, what I went to put it up there. There, you can see it. Freedom of speech, right? Yeah. See, it's still like going around the circle. Let's see if we can do it again. But that was exact. page that you put up for me and it is not allowing it. I love it. This is a serious issue. But I mean, it pops up on mine because I'm looking at it right now. Oh, this is fascinating. I love hearing this. Now, do you use a VPN? I have pretty high level tech out there and they've got all kinds of crap behind things. But for this to go down, I'll have to talk to them and see. see where, what it really stopped and, you know, where it stopped along the process. And so, so it stopped somewhere. I'm going to let them do the evaluation once they get in there and see why. You know what? Here's another one. I'm going to try. I've got like five different browsers that I use. This is your government at work. So Greg, Greg is, like I said, he is a white hat hacker. This is what he did for a living. So he was, tasked with actually hacking into federal banks for the government. Let's see what the Brave browser does here. There's Brave. See if it brings it up. Still going around in circles. Might be something the way ours is set up, but I'll have somebody take a look at that. But That's what we're dealing with on several browsers. So this may be on our side of it, but we'll have to see. Because I want to see what you have there. I think that would be really interesting. I'll put it up there and have somebody check it. This is also something that when we're online, things happen. And that's a good thing to know. So I'm going to put it there. Then we'll see once I get offline what they come up with. Because this is fascinating to me. So if you have an ex account, you can follow me there. So it's Hoops, H-O-O-P-E-S underscore Leah, L-E-A-H. And I'm trying to build like a platform there just to get the truth out. I share a lot of my rights and no requests, the public records requests, updates on our cases. And very shortly here, we will be releasing a new documentary about what's going on and what has happened since the 2020 election and the people involved in obstructing the investigations and the harassment that we have had to deal with. Right now, the whole point of it is to fight the gaslighting. And that's the other part where conservatives really just suck at fighting. I hate to say it, but for the pearl-clutchers out there that are so interested in my language, Don't tell me that you're fighting for free speech. Don't tell me that you're fighting for God-given rights when you are sitting there trying to censor how I speak. If you don't like profanity, I don't know what to tell you. That's between me and God and my salvation and how I deal with my sin. But if you're going to protect free speech, that includes not censoring profanity. I have a hard time right now with where we are and how people call themselves conservatives when they conserve nothing. If you want to conserve the right to speech and free speech, well, that includes the bad words too, people. I feel the same way that you do. I don't get offended by that at all. And you know, a lot of it is speech patterns and, and people will try to shut you down. Like, Oh, words, you know, I, I was addressing a tenant whose dog was, was peeing on the floor or the common area. And I said, your dog doesn't get to piss on the floor, you know? Oh, the words you use. And I said, I identify as saying whatever the hell I want to say, and you're going to have to deal with it, you know? I'm sure now you can go back in the privacy of your home and watch HBO and everything else it has, you know. But it's okay if Hollywood does it. But in real life, no, we can't do that. I don't understand that. Right. Everybody's heard the words. If you've got a TV in your house, I know you've heard all the words. Yep. So to me, it's just hypocritical. People's foundational principles of conservativism really fall, you know, they're built on quicksand when you're trying to censor someone's right to speech. Not to mention the fact you're the same person that will go to church and pretend like you're a good person while you sit in judgment. Sit in judgment of yourselves. Be a good witness to Christ. That's fine. But don't sit there and try to chastise me. Use that energy to fight the communism. How about that? I'm putting this on you. Don't worry about what I'm saying. You worry about what you're doing and the actions you're taking to fight the evil communism that's creeping into every part and aspect of your life, including the fact that you literally just watched a man, a biological man, boxing and physically abusing a woman in the Olympics. How are you not living the book of Kings right now? It's more important. You're like, oh, these poor athletes and oh, they really deserve to get a gold medal. You are worshiping a gold medal and praise right now and accepting evil. You're watching a crime happen and excusing it. And you're the same person that's going to pray in church on Sunday and talk about me using profanity. The hypocrisy is overwhelming. The hypocrisy of watching abuse of women, that's really happening. It's like to let people into the women's bathroom who don't have the same equipment is not okay. And I know what's been going on. People will say, well, people have been doing it. They're just out in the open now. It's like... This is not okay because you're putting small children at risk. And if a dad brings a boy into the guy's bathroom, I would never let a child go into the bathroom by themselves. I don't care under any circumstances. It's stupid because you don't know who's in there. The men's bathroom or anything like that, uh-uh. You know, it's like it's like I think it's a bad idea if a dad wants to bring one of their kids in there. That's great, because if things go awry, they're going to beat the crap out of somebody that tries to harm their kids. And that's a good thing. Bring on the toxic masculinity. But to excuse this in a woman's bathroom or in women's sports and such, you are literally putting people in the position to see women being abused and excusing it because you don't want to hurt somebody's fee wings. I'm sorry. Sometimes fee wings need to be hooked. And you know, it's like, it's too bad because it's like, I'm so, I'm not even sorry to say it. It's pathetic. And, and bad things are going to happen under the guise of, Oh, we don't want to hook these people's fee wings. Oh really? Yeah. You're contributing to the crime. And if you jump on board and something happens like that, because you've allowed it or pushed it or said, I'm going to be compassionate. They need to be able to go into the girl's bathroom. It's like, well, crimes that are committed there are going to hang right around your neck when you face God at the end of life. Because I'm going to tell you what, this is pushing something that puts young children at risk. I don't care if you want to do the family bathrooms or separate bathrooms, but when you're in a public bathroom, if you don't have the equipment that is consistent with the label, and most of us who aren't mentally ill will be able to know what a woman and a man is biologically, we know what that means. Not just playing dress up. There's a difference there. If you have the equipment and you have the chromosome structure, there you go. That is a pretty easy thing to discern. You go into where you're supposed to go. That's it. Well, what's interesting is how they scream women's rights, but can't explain or define what a woman is and then allow for help. They hate the patriarchy, but yet the patriarchy is sitting in that boxing ring right now as a biological man beating on a woman. If you use their own rules against them, they lose every single time. It is fascinating to me that what they try to scream about tolerance. Tolerance is a word of evil. That's it. I am never going to tolerate this delusion. To me, true help is not exploiting a mental illness. So true help and wanting to heal someone is encouraging them to accept themselves as God has made them. True help is not exploiting someone's delusion and these thoughts and giving them the resources and healing that They're hurting souls. So, you know, to me, the only the only thing I can come up with is the reason why they've picked gender dysphoria, which is a mental illness. It's a mental health disorder. It's the only mental health disorder that they exploit. Think of it this way. What is the motivating factor to pick gender dysphoria? It's money. Look at Pritzker's increase in the genital mutilation clinics that he has across the United States. It's all for money. All of this is about money and leaving people destroyed. They're not helping people. I've heard more stories about people who have gone through transitioning than success stories. I've heard more disaster stories and regrets, deep regrets from people. And they're heartbreaking to hear that because they realize what happened. I mean, I heard a testimony from one woman who said, I pray for death every day because I have nothing. And this is what these clinics have left behind. Is this compassionate? No, it's not. It's the opposite of everything that they say is the opposite is true. And even if a person is compassionate, um identifying as a woman and goes in there and really believes this okay and isn't guilty of of you know being a sexual deviant to get in there to harm children and women it opens the door to those who are using it as an excuse and that's the problem they've left the door open for for horrible crimes. And I would allege that the people that pushed this agenda at the beginning wanted the pedophiles, the crazy people out there that are sitting in positions of power, they want those doors open so they've got access to kids. If you want to find, if you want to find people who are, or when you look at what a predator will do, They're going to go to where the kids are, the women are. So I really think we need to have bigger scrutiny in our daycare centers, in those centers that say, we're here to help. Have you been raped? Are you abused? Come and we'll help you. I've got a friend, Ruth Rondon. And she was trafficked when she was a child. She just got a record expunged and such. And there's many, many people out there that are saying the same things. You want to find the problems. Go to where they're saying that they're helping people because the cops were passing her around. And, you know, there's so many people in these shelters that the pedophiles know that there's hurting people there. They're going to go there to abuse people. And I'm not saying every single one of them. But who is keeping watch on this? Who's keeping watch on the foster care homes? Who's keeping watch on the adult care homes? Do you know who's in there? I have a friend whose mom was in an adult care home for a while. And there were people in there. that were wearing satanic symbols in this particular home. And she was horrified when she got in there. Do you know who these people are? You know, I don't know the answer to this, but I sure as heck would be asking questions. So in every institution in our country, they have used, they have excluded, including these loopholes here. And that includes, so my question is, I don't, Well, yes, I do answer with questions because I use their own rules against them. So I don't come from a place of defending my position. I just ask them certain questions, right? So gender dysphoria, which is being exploited right now, they are literally prescribing Lupron, which is used to chemically castrate pedophiles. That is what they are prescribing. They are mutilating healthy tissue and these things are irreversible. And actually suicide increases after they mutilate these poor kids. So really where I come from is if this isn't about money and this is just about saving these people, why aren't we using these same tactics when it comes to other mental health disorders like anorexia or schizophrenia or bipolar disorder? So am I supposed to live in the delusion that an anorexic person has that they are fat? Where is the application of the treatment for gender dysphoria to be transitioning and mutilation and exploitation and living in delusions apply in other mental health disorders. Say they want to be a dinosaur or pirate. Well, it's fascinating if you just, if you just keep it about mental health, mental health disorders and I go, okay, fair enough. I'm going to apply your treatment to a person who suffers with anorexia. I'm going to tell them to mutilate their bodies so that they are not fat anymore. I'm going to tell them to starve themselves because so they don't have to be fat anymore. I'm going to make sure that they exercise to complete exhaustion so they're not fat anymore. I mean, why not? I'm living in their identity. They identify as fat. I don't understand. Why can't we apply exactly what they're doing to people who have gender dysphoria? Why? Because there's no money involved. when it comes to exploiting people with anorexia. There's nothing involved in that. They're not going to be able to justify giving liposuction to someone who weighs 70 pounds but identifies as fat. They're not going to be able to justify medically giving someone a weight loss pill who weighs 75 pounds because they identify as fat. You can't apply this to any other mental health disorder. Because it's not about mental health. It's not about helping anyone. It's about exploiting it. And it's about ruining lives. And it's about to the benefit of the person, okay, that's going to make the money from it. That's my argument. And no one can explain that away. They can't even argue it. Every time I brought that argument to someone, they are dumbfounded. Dumbfounded. And then it turns, of course, into name calling. I'm a transphobe. I'm this. Okay. Still doesn't change what I said. Right. Well, you could use a pirate example too. So a kid wants to, he's like two, three years old. I want to be a pirate. What are you going to do? Poke an eye out and chop a leg off and give him a peg leg. It's a, it's insane. And you know, the, the parents that do this, that, that buy into this stuff, I think they need some help quite honestly. Cause it seems to me like, like, you know, it seems to be the trendy thing. They want to be in crowd and you know, it's like, it's like, no, you're not being a parent. This is irreversible damage to a child. It's abuse. And if they want to do something when they're 18 years old, well, then they have the right to do that. That's fine. That's by our law. However, it's an irresponsible thing for them to do. And if they're being preyed upon by somebody that is delivering these services instead of helping them, that's a moral crisis right there. What a moral, horrible, victimizing mindset. I can't understand. I don't understand this. Moral decay. It's moral decay. Systemic moral decay. Do they have the right to change their bodies after they're 18 years old? I believe they do. It's their choice. Do I believe people have the right to prey on them? No, I don't. But this is a moral crisis that people are in. When you take advantage of another person, it's wrong. We're in a republic. We uphold individual rights. I don't have to agree with them. but it's, it's there, but victimize me. I always thought that with, with that Dustin, what was it? Dustin Mulvaney. Did I say his name right? Yes. What is it? And Dylan, Dylan, that's right. And watch what Budweiser did to him. I'm sure that this was a huge, you know, if a person is in that mindset and they throw a whole bunch of, we're going to make you famous. We're going to solve all your problems. Budweiser was despicable. And I called it when they did that. I said, he's going to disappear. Those people, once they've used them are going to disappear. And I would like to know today, how is he? I really would like to know how he is. Because once they're done using you for their pushing their agenda, giving you a stage, what happens when they walk away? Because they will all walk away in a band because it's only for money. Once you don't serve that purpose for money, they gone. They out of here. Yeah, absolutely. That's where we go. Well, this has been a real pleasure. Do you know if there are any books or resources out there on writing pro se cases? So there is a website. It's actually a, it's a, you know, paid for service or whatever, but it's, it's called how to win in I actually bought into that several years ago. It's a great website. I talked to many people who have used it and are very successful in, in filing per se cases. The Brunson brothers were used that too, to learn, to learn that, that system and such. So yeah. The other thing is you have to understand the rules that they use. Rules in the sense of rules for radicals. And the best thing that you can do is study your enemy. You have to know your enemy in order to defeat your enemy. So Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, it's a really great playbook for criminals. So you have to understand a criminal in order to be able to catch a criminal and in order to be able to defeat their ideology. Um, so don't be, don't live in an echo chamber. Um, you know, you have to, uh, go to, go to court hearings, watch what they do, get experience from other people, um, who have been victim to lawfare, you know, listen to people's stories and, uh, expand your mind, start reading, uh, the constitution. You can start there, uh, and understanding what your rights are. Um, and then, and then put them on paper. To me, it is not hard once you start doing it. And the only other way that you can do it is by practicing and learning by error. So people are very afraid to fail. I'm not. I've never been. I make mistakes all the time, and I try to correct them and learn from them. So failure is not a bad thing. If you stick with the failure and then you use it as an excuse to not move forward, then that's where your problem is. But we failed quite a few times in filing certain things that have learned from the process. So doing it, putting your head to the grindstone, using your brain that God gave you and knowing your rights so you can exercise them. Start there. I love that. Well, thank you so much for being on today. I'd like you to come on again and maybe we can talk about specifics of some of the cases. Would you come on again? I would love for that, you know, to really immerse ourselves in what you've been doing so we can learn from you. I would absolutely love that. Yeah, that would be a huge gift to everyone out there to share your knowledge. So let's say a prayer here at the end of this. Would you like to say one or would you like me to say one? Take it away, Donna Donna. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for Leah and for Karen and for Darlene who came on today. And we're just so thankful that we have wonderful people who are fighting for your just causes that are willing to share their experience or knowledge. And I ask that your favor would rest mightily upon any and all people who are fighting in this way to restore this nation, this world, fighting for your good purposes and serving you here on earth. We pray that your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. We ask that you would bless everyone out there who's hurting. There's so many people that are brokenhearted and hurting from what they see happening out there. But you know what? We're going to turn that into joy today, knowing that you're here. You've already gone before us. Things are being prepared and that we can trust that the plan in place is your plan, no matter what. And you are good and faithful and wonderful to us every day. We thank you for all the good things that we have and we enjoy hearing. here in the United States of America, in the midst of the evil that we see on the outside and know that you use everything, the good and the things that are bad to work for good. All things work for good to those who love you and are called according to your purposes. And we thank you for that so very much. And you know what? Today, we're giving it all to you. Everything that we see out there and we're going to give it to you and just say, show us what you want us to do. We're willing to go wherever you ask us to do whatever you ask us to do. whether it's running for office or getting in the game and filing lawsuits or talking to people that are in place or reaching out to our neighbors and finding out what their needs are, if they're brokenhearted just like we are, which I assume most people are, and what we can do to help. in our communities, our neighborhoods, our families. We need to focus on where you're leading us, not where we think we need to go, but where you are. And give us some surprises today so that we listen to you. Sometimes you got to talk a little loud. Sometimes we're a little distracted and a little slow. I know I am. And we need that help from you and that guidance and that leading every single day. Thank you so much for everything. You've been a great friend to us, and we want to be a friend to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, we pray. Amen. Amen. So there we go. Well, thank you so much for being on today. I love this. I love what you have to say, and I love your fight. I don't meet a lot of fighters that are just like brutal fighters, you know, throw something at some of us fighters, and it's like throwing gasoline on a fire. That's what happens. We just come back and... That's it. If you're going to hit us, we're going to hit you harder. The next time that arm comes forward, boom, it's going to be landing somewhere that's going to have some golf. So here we go, boys and girls. This is where we go to the part of the show. Ding, ding, ding, ding. Go to because I'm the best non-conceiter who has ever not conceded in the history of the United States. And I would love to have a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, on that issue and such. But we're not going to concede to liars, cheats, and thieves. We're not going to concede until... we see that 2020 election reversed, decertified, and the prosecutions that have to go along with that because it has to happen. And with that said, go into this day, find some great things to do. You've gotten a lot of people that have said, good job, continue to, may God continue to give Leah success from Tom. And I had a man bring his older daughter into the men's bathroom. I was surprised, but I told him I understood why. A woman's room wasn't safe. That's a very good point, Tom, and I appreciate that with you. Great show. Thank you. Everybody's saying great show today. Dan Dreher saying a great show and thank you. And God bless you all. Truly. You know, heart hands time. God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love. God bless America. Make it a great, you know, this is a mindset. We're in a battle. We're in a war. This isn't, this isn't a point where we get to sit back and say, you know, this is, this is not, we're not sitting ourselves in heaven right now. We're here and we're here to, right the things that are wrong a lot of it's our own fault and we have to you know accept the responsibility for the things that we've done wrong and say okay screwed up let this thing go on too long I guess it's time to get in the fight now and everybody else everybody has a responsibility to do something so byron township right now I'm getting ready to pull together a group of people so we can actually hold people accountable here and uh and so that's what we're going to do so god bless you all we're going to sign off for the day leah's going to come back and we will see you tomorrow All right. God bless. Thank you, Donna. Thank you, Leah. Bye-bye.