BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/24/2024 John Tatar, Off the Grid, J6ers Jalise/Brad Rukstales

Published Sept. 24, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Tatar Tuesday with John Tater. We will be going over the new Pro Se case filed in Michigan - Defendants, Whitmer, Nessel, Benson and Brater. Studying the Constitution. Know the law and use the law - using the law to defend yourself. All things Constitution and Lawful Process. Tatar Tuesday with John Tatar 10am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 11am J6er Jalise Middleton with Brad Rukstales- will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Brad Rukstales Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, John Tatar, Dr David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter, Jalise Middleton, Brad Rukstales

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the twenty fourth day of September twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show today. First off, we have John Tater, lawful defense, and we're going to be going through our pro se lawsuit, which that name seems to be up for. for discussion and the responses that I've gotten this morning a little bit. And then after that, we're going to be doing off the grid. Courtney Turner is getting ready to get married. So she had a dress fitting this morning. And then after that, it will be Jalise Middleton. And she has Brad Ruckstall on at eleven o'clock. And with that said, we're going to my buddy. Hey, John, how you doing? I'm doing good. Good. Trust the plan. I like that. That's that's what what I always say on things. Got to trust the plan because Because, you know, trusting the plan means you trust God above all because it's his plan above everything else. Absolutely. And I'm sticking with it. So what's going on with John World this morning? Man, there's a lot of nonsense out there in the world. Oh, there is. There is a lot of nonsense going on. Actually, somebody stole my Trump signs from my neighborhood, back from my yard. Really? Oh, yeah, they did. They stole my Kennedy sign. I have a Kennedy sign that's got a picture of Kennedy, and it says, what have you Democrats done to my party? Oh, I like that sign. See, I like Kennedy. I really do like Kennedy. People go, oh, he's against guns. He's against that. Well, yeah, but he's a phenomenal attorney and he knows how to use the skills he has. I mean, this whole. No, this is JFK. This is not. Oh, JFK. Well, I like both of them. Okay. So just for the record, I like both of them. And the problem that I see is that we're having to, I don't know, put people in the same category as Jesus Christ, absolutely perfect, instead of realizing that we're working with human beings, which introduces a little complexity into the situation. You're never going to find somebody you agree with a hundred percent of the time, no matter what you do. And that's why This nation is a nation of laws, not men. It should not be a popularity contest. And that's where we're getting ourselves in the weeds. You stick to the law. You hold each other accountable to the law. And then you instruct them on the law. Does that mean they shouldn't steal my signs off my lawn? I would say that that's correct. So I had an interesting night last night, which shows exactly how ignorant people are of the law. And I just got to say that thank you, sir, for taking the time to teach both myself and everyone else out there on the Constitution and the, you know, you and there's a lot of people out there that have been teaching everybody on this. But the point being is that the thanks to everyone who has taken the time to hold everyone accountable for and show each other what is right. So I went to this meeting last night, Byron Township, which is kind of here. I'm queuing up my Rumble channels. Hang on a minute. So I have to queue them up so that I can get the comments on the chat so I can respond. So last night, I went to the Township Council meeting. And I want to tell you, I'm going to write on how ignorant these people are. A developer came in and I said to them, I said, you have one job to do, and that's to uphold the interests and serve the interests of we, the people. Don Tilma got up there as the chairman of the board, basically, and said, well, development comes first. No, it doesn't. And I said, basically, I said, you're inviting these developers into Byron Township. It's the same thing on a smaller scale is inviting China in to buy land in the United States. They are literally coming in here as a foreign entity to our township to make money. There were some concerns about the drainage and what needs to happen. And I said, I'd like them to post a bond. in order to make sure that if there's any problems with the groundwater, make them post a bond. If they're willing to do the right thing, make them post a bond for it. So if there's any problems, they pay for the problems they created rather than citizens of the township who get no benefit from this whatsoever. I'm like, what is the benefit for the township? Why should we pay for their mistakes? and or the increase of infrastructure that's going to have to happen, the citizens are going to have to pay for this. Their little peeing in the pool party that they've got going on. They're like a bunch of little kids peeing in the pool. And then, Another one, Scott DeBergen stepped forward and said, well, we take our orders from the state. And I'm like, no, you don't. And he sat there and he admitted to the fact that the state is giving them orders and they are following the orders of the state. And of course, there was not one person there that approved this development as it was. And there were some really good reasons for not approving it. One of the biggest ones was, was they were not paying attention to the drain water problem, nor did they deal with it, nor are they going to hold them accountable to anything. There was another question that was brought up, and I brought it up, is it's on a hill. And they're going to be dumping. It's a double density. It's a double density development for this area that shouldn't happen. And I said, okay, you guys just prayed to Jesus. I said, um, I'm assuming that you, that you hold true or hold to the thing that treat others as you would want to be treated. And would you actually want to be treated the way that the neighbors here are being treated to dump this here on their backyard? Um, And with no concern for them. So there were some things brought up, but then, you know, you can get into the weeds on this a little bit and say a true constitutionalist says that anybody that buys property should have the ability to do what they want. But with that said, you're talking about a corporate entity, which is funded by the banking system, the illegal banking system, which is basically foreign money. And so honestly, you could hang it all on that. If it's a private individual, that's one thing. But when it comes to foreign entity that is being funded by foreign money and a corporation, not a citizen, we got a big problem. And that's where I have a problem with all of this. The corporations should not be running the United States of America because as soon as we do that, you are harboring a foreign entity. You are doing business with a foreign entity. You are protecting the interests of a foreign entity over the citizens of the United States. And I have a big problem with that. So I sent over the lawsuit this morning and I wanted to bring up, I'm going to see if I can pull these up a minute. The responses we got responses for, let me see where it is here. I got responses for say the lawsuit. I wanted to go over them with you this morning. Hang on a minute. I know you didn't get a chance to look at this, but we're going to start out with this one. And this is actually, well, actually this is the court date. We have a court date that we're going to be going to, and then we're going to go into what they said and we'll read their response on why they should go for dismissal of the suit. They go right into dismissal. So we have Donna Brandenburg plaintiff, and Whitmer, Benson, Nestle, and Brader in their official capacity because what they did is they actually broke the law in their official capacity, not as an individual, but we're suing them individually. Take notice, defendant. I did not see your complaint, so I don't know how you wrote the complaint. We went through it last week. But We did go through it last week, but I can send it to you. I'm saying if the language as who Gretchen Whitmer in her individual capacity and not as governor, she's governor, but in her individual capacity is how you should have listed. Well, if they kick us out, we're going to appeal this and we're going to appeal it to federal court. So we'll make the. Well, here's the here's the point. Okay. You have to squash their appeal. I mean, their dismissal. And it's easy to do because they've done a lot of stuff in here that you could start raising questions of. Yeah. So take notice of the defendant's motion for dismissal will now be brought up to hearing on October. Eighteen twenty twenty four, eight thirty a.m. or as soon as may be heard before Christina and more. So there's the proof of service. So our is. October, eighteen eight thirty. So I will be there for that, which I think is interesting. So they're just they went straight for motion to dismissal, which we knew they were going to do. So that's OK. Now we're going to go for the motion to dismiss. Now, what I thought was really interesting to this to this point is that they never disagreed with anything we had. No. So they agreed with it because they did disagree with any of our charges. Yeah, but you're kind of stretching because you think we're dealing with a legal, lawful, governmental judicial system. And the circuit court is not. The circuit court is corrupt in Michigan, is corrupt as the Attorney General, as Gretchen Whitmer, as Dana Nessel, and as Benson. So we've got to deal with this differently. Now, what I'm going to tell you that we found is that, and it's right in the law, is that they allowed an API to be, and we actually found more that shows a complicity going on there and a conspiracy, quite honestly, to get around the law, but that'll come later. But at any rate, what they did is they allowed NGOs to use an API to register voters instead of going to the Secretary of States. There's very specific language on where they can register voters to vote and including an API isn't one of them. And they decided to take it upon themselves to change that without the approval of the legislature. So- Well, they can't change it anyway. Legislature has to do the changing if it's going to be changed. They didn't do it. And the legislature cannot- They can't break the law. The legislature cannot authorize or give authority over to the executive branch to do their job. Right. The law on the executive branch carries it out. That's the way the government is supposed to be set up. So we got a big problem here. So the state defendants have immunity from the suit where the court of claims has immunity. Exclusive jurisdiction over Brandenburg's claims against him. No, it doesn't. We're going to skip the court of claims, guys, just so you know. We're going to go right to federal if you dismiss this. They're not going to stick it in the federal court of claims, or they're going to say it's a state issue. You've got to defeat this thing first. Okay, well, at any rate, so we're going to figure out a way to do this. How to defeat this? Yeah, I want to know how to defeat this. Okay, let's start at the very beginning. First of all, they've changed the first page by putting in her official capacity as governor and in her official capacity as state, they changed that all. So that's incorrect. Okay, hang on a minute. Let me go up there and I'm going to make some notes here. So she has this as... You're not suing them in their official capacity. Their official capacity didn't violate the law. They did. Well, she did violate the law in her official capacity. No, no, no, no. Listen, listen, listen. I put you in an office. Let's say I put you in, I don't know, any kind of office, any governmental office, and you step outside your job description. You are the one that's violating the law, not your office. Your office didn't do anything. Your office is an inanimate object. Those offices that they're touting, They're using for their immunity, but they have no immunity because they stepped outside their official capacity of what they were allowed to do by law. So this thing is, and this is the word speak of the Attorney General of the judicial system to try to twist the language here to make you follow what they want you to follow. And so that's where you got to start and say, you know, you guys are all wet. First of all, you've changed my lawsuit from individuals to official capacity. You're not suing them in official capacity. We did, I believe, have that in there as in their official capacity because she stepped outside of what, but we're suing her individually. I didn't see that, so I don't know how that's worded, but that's what I'm telling you. That's number one. Number two. Most important. Okay. Most important. Norton versus Shelby County. Remember, we said you can never create a de facto office. Which office is de facto? I'm taking notes here. Which office is de facto? Go ahead and fill me in on that one. The court of claims. Okay. There's no... There's no... provision in the state constitution for a court of claims. Okay. That doesn't exist. The court of claims is a made up organization. They cannot create a de facto office by a legislative act. Can't be done. Has to go through the constitution. That means you gotta amend the constitution to bring in the court of claims. The court of claims in Michigan does not exist. And so you need to beat them over the head with Norton as hard as you can. Because they said here, the State Department agrees the civil registration... Wait a minute. That's not the spot that I looked at. Where is it? Do you want me to go up? Because where we started was in their statement. This is their statement here. Yes. Oh, and why did they bring in... That was on the other one that I had up, on this motion right here. So this was the court date and this is... Registration online. No, it is here. Why did they bring up that you were a former gubernatorial candidate in twenty twenty two who seeks challenge the use of the API? What the heck does that have one thing have to do with the other? That's that's an issue that should be brought in. That's that's kind of saying that you were a former that you lost the election because you didn't get enough signatures or because you lied on your. This is this is where they're going to go with this. Oh, you know, your signatures were. But that has nothing to do with the issue. So how do you rebut this? They take this. How I would rebut it is I would say being a gubernatorial candidate has nothing to do with this lawsuit, period. You know, let them do the dance around that. Okay. Paper registration, drivers, guidelines, let's see. Are you looking at the actual motion here? No. I'm looking at the motion to dismiss. Okay. So if we go down here, we'll go down here and they've got all these cases listed in statutes, which is great. So my court date is October, and I should write something back. Oh, I would answer this. I've given this to Ron yesterday to take a look at. I'm sure he's choking over it, laughing like crazy. But they kind of think that you don't know what you're doing, and therefore they're going to pull this over on you. Well, we're going to get this thing figured. You know what? I may or may not know what I'm doing, but one thing about it is I sure as hell am going to jump into this and get it figured out. You know, I mean, I think that's just it. It's like, you know, we can't be afraid to try things and be intimidated by them. I saw that happen at the township meeting last night about be afraid of the state instead of stand there and like a coward that they were and capitulate because that's exactly what was happening. They're using all these psychological tactics. Jump to the argument. Jump to the argument. Well, let me, okay. We're going to go around about here. If you have this on a piece of paper in front of you, you can scribble notes if you want. Standard review. Here's the argument. Then we'll talk about it a little more. So here's the argument. Yeah. The state defendants have immunity from suit where the court of claims has exclusive jurisdiction over Brandenburg's claims against them. So this thing dies right there with the fact that the court of claims. is that under Norton, it dies right there. You didn't put this in the court of claims. No, I have to. To the circuit court. And you didn't sue them in their official capacity. You sued them as individuals. So the Court of Claims really doesn't fit in there, number one. Number two, Court of Claims doesn't exist because Norton v. Shelby County states that it has to be done constitutionally. There is no constitutional... provision in the State of Michigan Constitution that provides for court of claims. This court of claims, and they even say it in here, was brought on by a legislative act. Well, you can't do that. Norton doesn't allow that, okay? Second most important case that you should look at is Scher versus Rhodes, because Scher versus Rhodes says you have the ability as a petitioner to have your claim heard before they could dismiss by summary judgment. And you're going to have to go find that paragraph in Scher versus Rhodes and write it in your document. So they can't dance around that. that's a supreme court decision same thing with norton versus shelby county when you quote it you quote that a non-constitutional act is not a law and that that little two sentence paragraph that's in norton at the end on page six I think it is So you quote that in there to you. You put these quotes in there. You don't just throw something out like MCL six hundred six four or one because you don't know what that says. You've got to go read it. You've got to go look and interpret what they're trying to tell you in there. Here they're saying it permits. The six oh six hundred point sixty four oh one gives you gives the legislature the power to enact the court of claims. Now, I'm sorry, it doesn't do that. Norton versus Shelby County Supreme Court decision of eighteen eighty eighteen eighty six, which was which Astari decisis says you cannot create a de facto office by a legislative act. You blew him off there, blew him right out of the water with that one. Awesome. I wonder if they follow and they follow the Supreme Court. But you've got to list all of those things if you're going to appeal this, because those are the issues that you're going to be able to raise that appeal. Okay. So when I file this answer, do I file it as a motion, an amendment, or what? How do I file it? It's a motion. It's a motion. It's a motion. Yeah. It's a motion to... something like um my motion in response to or in reply to state's motion to dismiss we can work out the language in fact I can't can't give you that at this very second but we can work that out okay um okay uh any uh farley uh extraordinary against any department It spells out writ against any state or any of its departments or officers, notwithstanding other law. Now, where are you? You're jumping around. I'm in the argument about second page where it talks about six hundred dash six four oh one. OK. It says the court of claims provides that the court of claims has exclusive jurisdiction. No, they don't. If they don't exist to hear and determine any claims or demand statutory or constitutional liquidation or unliquidated, unliquidated or ex... Contractual or X, whatever. Some of this stuff I can't. Delicto or whatever. Any demands for monetary equitable or declaratory relief and or demands for extraordinary writ against the state, but you're not suing the state or any of its departments and you're not suing any of its departments or officers, notwithstanding other law and here suing their officers in their individual capacities because they violated the law. That confers jurisdiction to the case of the circuit court. Whereas the court lacks jurisdiction, it should not. You didn't file this in the court of claims. They're trying to transfer you to the court of claims. Now, if they get away with that, if they get to transfer you to the court of claims and say they have no jurisdiction in the circuit court, and they can do that by saying you're trying to sue the state, then you've lost. The case is dead. So then you have to do it a different way. Or you can appeal it, but this is why you got to put the arguments in this and put it on the record so it can go to the Court of Appeals. So you can use Norton v. Shelby County in the Court of Appeals. So you can use Scher v. Rhodes in the Court of Appeals. And then the immunity clause, which they pull out, you use ex parte young. which says if they step outside their official capacity, they will be stripped of their office and be held to the consequences. Okay, hang on a minute. Hold on. If they step outside, say that again. If they step outside their official capacity, they will be stripped of their office and face the consequences. And I'm not, you got to go to Ex Parte Young and pull that phrase exactly. I'm paraphrasing because I don't remember it word for word, but I know where to find it if I need it. And so pull it. All right. So if they step outside of their official capacity, they'll be stripped of their office. Yep. And they'll be stripped of their office and face the consequences. stripped of their official, well, stripped of their office. You got to go to the court case and pull it and read it. It's only a paragraph. You can find it. If you've got our copies, they're all yellowed. So it's there. It's prominent. So you've got three arguments right there on the top. And then I don't know what these MCLs read specifically about. If it reads specifically what they're saying, then they have an argument. But if it doesn't and they're trying to paraphrase something or add something to it or say that, well, yeah, it applies to us because we have the ability to read into this a little bit, that is incorrect. So you've got to read those. And I haven't read the six hundreds MCLs. But they're generally pretty specific and say what they can do and what they can't do. So that's what you got to go and find out what it says exactly. Can we argue the fact that they're not perhaps a lawful process or contradicts the Constitution at that point in time or contradicts higher processes or law? Well, you argued in Norton. You said unconstitutional act is not a law. That kind of covers everything. And the fact that the court is de facto and not de jure, and you're going to use those terms, it's not constitutional. There's no provision in the Michigan Constitution that provides for a court of claims to even exist. It doesn't exist. And you quote Martin versus Shelby County. Well, this is going to be fun. Like I said, you know, you know, and I think this is, hopefully it's a good lesson for everybody. You don't need to know everything. You just need to be willing to jump into things and figure it out along the way. And, uh, you're going to make some mistakes and that that's okay to make some mistakes along the way. At least you can get in the game and, and, uh, Be in the game and learn. And I think this is a good process to go through is going through this and figuring out this entire process. So we've got another tool. All right. Then go down to page five, top of the page. All right. Hang on here. Page five, top of the page. Where it says... agencies of the state and or official officers, employees or volunteers of the state or any governing legislative or judicial body, department, commission, board, institution, arm or agency of the state acting or who reasonably believes that he or she is acting within the scope of his or her authority while engaged in this charging of the governmental function is the course of his own duty, which says that they basically have immunity from an act. So you want to say, okay, I want to see the authority that gives them the right to bring in the API. Where does it say that? Specifically in what MCL. And if it doesn't, they have no authority. If it's not written down, you can't assume. Okay. So can I quote where it is explicitly illegal? That is the correct statement. Or should I just ask them to provide that? No, you want them to provide. First of all, you want to read it and see that it doesn't say that in there. Well, I know it doesn't say that. I know it doesn't say that they can do it because I've already looked into that. Okay. If it was me, I would read every single MCL and see what they're trying to tell me that it says. Well, here's the question. If I can prove that, if I can quote it and that it does not allow for them to do an API, can I put that in here? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely. They don't have the authority to do that because where does it say that in what law? And they can't assume that they have the authority to do that. Government is well-defined in their functions and their duties. They can't assume anything. Because once they start assuming, well, heck, we can assume we're going to have an organization called the Department of Gun Registration. No, you can't. It doesn't exist in the Constitution. You can't do it. So they can't assume, well, this says that we can make up other departments. No, it doesn't. If you make other departments up, then they're only for your purpose. In other words, they're only to give you information. They're not ever to be used on the public. So that's the way you got to kind of look at this. I'm asking Karen to text the phone. She's got a couple of references there. And I'm like, text my phone, Karen, so I can put it up. I can't get it off of the chat. I can't do links off the chat. But if you, oh, it says also, Sher versus Rhodes from John Hawk says, court can't prematurely dismiss complaints. Okay. That's what I was saying. You go in there and there's a paragraph specifically. Thanks, John. There is a paragraph specifically that states that, that you cannot dismiss the case with summary judgment until the petitioner has a chance for discovery and to prove her claim. That's in sure. So you got to find that paragraph and you got to cite it in there. That's Supreme Court. Try to get around that, Attorney General. Okay. And then, um, let's see, it's like, John is amazing and you're doing great Donna. Hey, thanks. You know, we're learning here. Right. And, uh, told Karen text to phone. So, you know what, if this is great, because it's like, I feel like I've got a whole team sitting here with me, this out against these criminals. Right. So Karen just sent, you know what, Karen, I'm going to do this. I'm jumping, jumping backstage. And put it in the private chat. I think this is easier because you're finding all kinds of good stuff back there. Can you do that? I'm sorry to ask you to do that, but can you do that for me? She's a great friend. It has read under the first graph under held. Okay, so Karen here, I'm going to take that and we're going to, it takes me a minute to transfer all this stuff, guys, because I've got like four freaking screens going. And that's craziness. All right, here's the paragraph you got to look at. And it's the last paragraph. Here, the complaint explicitly states that Brandenburg seeks monetary, injunctive, and declaratory relief from state defendants in this court. No, you're seeking monetary relief from individuals who have been put in that job as public functionaries to do a function of government. The language here is what they're trying to twist. Okay, so say that again. Say it exactly as you said it so I can process this. You're not suing the state. You're not suing for relief from the state defendants in this court. You're seeking relief from the individuals who are public functionaries... who have a specific function in government to follow the law, is a good way to put it. And so you're not suing the state, you're suing the individual defendants. They have the state defendants. No, defendants, period. They're not state defendants. They're individuals. They're stripped of their individual capacity. No, that's ex parte. That's ex parte. See, I'm learning. And when you cite this and you pick on these words and you write them out, then you specifically say, because you've already cited ex parte young once, you say ex parte supra. So they go back to ex parte, but you've already cited it. So they should be, you know, they can't read past the second sentence, these attorneys. They play these games. This is word game, word speak here. If you go in there and you argue state defendants, you're going to lose. Okay. And hang on a second. Karen just put something up. I'm going to grab this just real quick. And we're going to hold on here. So the court of claims has exclusive jurisdiction of such claims for relief against the state. You're not suing the state. Okay, hang on a minute. So here you go. They're Sherbert versus Rhodes. Okay, she sent me that. We've got the case up in front of me. Thank you, Karen. You should have all of my cases. They should all be yellowed by now. I mean, I've sent it out. I'm telling you, I've got them all. You know, it's crazy. I'll have to go back through. I started pulling some of them off, and I might have to have you resend them because I changed my – my inadequate filing system right now. Cause I'm doing this all on the fly. You know, I'm braidering this in a way, you know, doing it all on the fly, putting them into, into a, trying to get them into file so that I can pull them up when necessary. So anyhow, so here we go to the conclusion. And where did you go next? I'm kind of writing. We're above your conclusion. We're talking about MCL six hundred sixty four nineteen explicitly requires that such claims for relief may only be filed in the court of claims. B.S. which doesn't exist. The state of Michigan and the state defendants have not consented to be sued in this format, in this forum. As a result, Brandenburg's claim against the state defendants are barred by immunity and must be dismissed. Okay, that's all crap. That's all BS. That's all legal speak. And it can all be defeated sentence by sentence, actually. Now, one of the things that you want to go back to, and we go back to the first page where it talks about their use of the API. This is, and they're basically saying that the Department of State developed and utilized the application program interface API tool, Pacific States versus Oregon. states that the legislature is responsible for elections. And it says that a thousand times in that lawsuit. Say that again, that the legislature is responsible for elections? Legislature is one hundred percent responsible for the elections. That's why you never take a dispute on elections to the courts. courts deal in law legislature deals in politics and pacific states uh versus oregon pacific states telegraph and telephone and telegraph versus oregon which you should also have and you can read you can find the quotes in there to use that say that the state that the legislature is responsible for So that kind of just destroys this part that the Department of State has developed and utilized the application program. If they would have said that the legislature passed laws that allowed the use of API, then you might have an argument or they might have an argument here. But the legislature or the executive branch has no authority to do that. and you cannot delegate authority to another branch of government. That flies in the face of the state of Michigan constitution, which says there are three branches of government and one branch cannot do the duties of the second branch of government. And I don't remember what specifically the state of Michigan constitution, it says that, where's my constitution? Oh, here it is. But they're violating that part of the Constitution. And then that's basically just that they can't take over another branch's duties. Yes, exactly. And you can't delegate that authority to another branch of government. Can't be done. So they violated the State of Michigan Constitution. oh I know where it exists somewhere in here but this is a great learning experience separation of powers article three section two Powers of government are divided into three branches, legislative, executive, and judicial. No person exercising power of one branch shall exercise the power properly belonging to another branch, except as expressly provided in this Constitution. Okay. I think we're going to nail them here, guys. I really do. I honestly think we're going to be able to nail them. And I think this is an important process to go through. I mean, I really feel like honored to be able to do this kind of stuff because it's something that I've never done before. And, you know, quite honestly, I'm not really afraid of trying anything. And I think that's the way we all have to be is we have to jump into things we have no knowledge in and just give it our best shot and see what happens, you know. Pray, jump, and see where you land. That's right. If you go to their footnote, see Michigan Department number two. See Michigan Department of State. New tools allow civil groups to conduct voter registration drives digitally available at, new tools allow civil groups to conduct voter registration drives digitally, Michigan governor,, list view September, I don't have any idea what this says. Last viewed September. I'm trying to figure out where it is. Where's the footnote in? I'm looking at it right here. Footnote number two. Number two, okay. There we go, ta-da. You can pick this thing apart. The new tools allow civil groups to conduct voter registration drives digitally available at new tools allow civil groups to... Where did this come from? Where did this authority come from? Is this a legislative enactment or is this the Department of State enacting this? And here it says voter, the next on page two, top of the page. Voter registration is generally controlled by statute. And it cites one six, eight point four nine one. You gotta find out what that is and specifically where it says that Benson has the authority to make law. Okay. Hang on a minute. And then it talks about executive directive. What the heck? Excuse my language. What the heck is a executive directive? Who made this executive directive? Twenty twenty three hyphen six. That's interesting. This executive directive was made last year. And when did they use the API? It was in the election prior, wasn't it? Yes. So what was the timing here? Something's wrong. I don't know what this is. I haven't done the deep dive on your document. All I did is read it. And as I'm reading it, I'm saying, wait a minute, all of this stuff, what is this stuff? What, who's an executive directive? Is this, uh, uh, let the executive branch coming up with a law by an executive branch can't make law. They are violating article three, section two. Is that what I said it was? Yeah. Article three, section two of the state constitution. They have no authority to make law. Okay. Well, I think we got a lot to pick apart here for certain. Yes, you do. This is just a really crazy thing. I'm going to bring Karen on in just a minute because I think that she's going to be on in the next hour. Hey, Karen, how you doing? Good morning. Thanks for throwing the law up there for me so that I can have a quick reference to it. Oh, look, I had it here too. I had it in. And right there, I've got a bunch of them right up there. So what's your thoughts on this, what we've been talking about this morning? Well, first of all, like I said in the Rumble chat, because that's where I was listening, I think you have jurisdiction whether you're a candidate or not. And there were a number of other individual people on the case that that weren't a candidate or anything else. And so even if they dismiss you because of blah, blah, blah, candidacy, number one, you have not conceded. Number two, you still are an elector and you are a Michiganian and you are an American who has all those rights that you've included in your case. So they can't dismiss you saying that your candidacy doesn't have a jurisdiction because those other things apply. Can I butt in here? Absolutely. I don't think they're dismissing her because she was running for governor. I think they're just trying to take this. Yes. This whole idea is that, oh, you ran for governor and you lost, and therefore you're not really up on what's going on, and therefore we can do as we wish. They're trying to make you look bad. Yeah. That's okay. I ran for governor. I had everybody trying to make me look bad. Yeah. So that's the only purpose. The fact that they threw it in there makes me aware that they're grasping at straws. They're trying to pull the wool over your eyes while you ran for governor. Therefore, what do you know? Yeah. Well, that's just it. I'm a peasant because you know what? I was the only one running that was not a... you know, an establishment candidate. They had them all picked ahead of time. And honestly, I was the spoiler and that's the truth. You know, that's why they had to get rid of me specifically. When you look at the straw poll, the illegal straw poll conducted on Mackinac Island in twenty one, they had the five candidates that made it that made it basically to the primary and And that they had chosen, they had chosen Kelly, Saldano, Tudor Dixon, and Perry Johnson was another one. And not Perry, I've got, well, yeah, Perry was in on it too. And the mayor there, Craig Johnson. And all of their candidates that they chose, they were on an illegal straw poll because they only had five candidates on that straw poll, period. And I was there. They just ignored the rest of us that were running. And so, honestly, it was the Republican Party that electioneered even who was being seen. I mean, I was not included in anything. and specifically not allowed on most of what they were doing in the Republican Party because they had them chosen way before I decided to run. Of course they did. That would make the Republicans there a danger to our democracy. Yeah, the Republicans are a danger to our democracy. You know, this is the real sad truth. And I think that the United States of America, being we the people, need to get our arms around this. The political parties are the ones that they are using to engineer the electioneering that's going on within. And I know there's a lot of good people that are standing up that are trying to do their best within these parties. You don't matter at that list. They will do exactly what happened at our city council meeting yesterday, where they will do exactly what they want to do regardless. You don't have enough power to change things at this point in time. Because there's too many people in the seats that are pulling the levers. And we can say that we're going to change them. But we might make incremental small changes within the parties. But overall, they don't need your money. They don't need nothing from you. Because they're all getting this dark money. They're getting money from Smurphy. Tudor Dixon had a million. I'm not going to say a million. But she had a ton of five-dollar donations coming from Arizona. She had on all of her petitions, the wording on the top of the petitions was wrong. She should have been disqualified like they disqualified the rest of us. But no, they gave her a pass. Donna, you're being dragged into the abyss of nonsense. Well, possibly. Why not? The point I'm making here is that they should not have added the former governor candidate. It has nothing to do with the lawsuit. And they did it to smear or to sidetrack you. And you don't want to go there. If you want to address that at all, you just said, who cares? That's true. Well, I'm not going to address it in a legal sense, but the point being is that America needs to wake up and realize that the people that we've been taught to trust, they're not on our side. And that's for what label they have. That's right. There's the point right there. I brought it out because it's a sidetrack. that they're going to try to use in an argument. Oh, you were the former governor's candidate. What does that have to do with anything? Yeah, it doesn't. Well, Denise just put in there that she's being bombarded in emails from the grand new party pack. That's Michonne Maddock right there, state of Michigan, GOP, Tudor Dixon. That was the connection to DeVos's right there. And so we have, um, Tudor Dixon leading a training and Denise blocked their training. Of course, that's good. I'm glad to see some serious intellectual brilliance there and realizing that all of them were in on it and are in on it. And Ralph's backstage, too. I'm bringing it back on, Ralph, in a minute. We'll just go ahead and move you guys in. Gretchen Whitner is also a former governor candidate. You could have said governor, but she's also a former governor candidate. so I don't know the whole thing is ridiculous but was she I mean really and I'm laughing because because I don't know where gretchen is but I don't know. I'm just going to digress on that. But I think, like you said, Donna, I was a delegate, too. You have to be a delegate and grassroots, blah, blah, blah. Well, that didn't work out for me. And that's because you can't clean a swamp while you're standing in it. All you do is get dirty. Well, look at the convention that they had. It was a joke. The conventions that they both have are a joke. Democrats are out there doing abortions in front of the convention as their little badge of honor, as they're paying homage to the child trafficking, as well as the other terrible things that are happening to our children. And then you've got the Republican Party that sit there in an embarrassment, you know, arguing points instead of getting anything done. And it just doesn't, it's not working. And quite honestly, the Constitution Party, our convention was incredibly orderly. And, you know, I'm going to say I'm not a fan of political parties, even though I'm vice president of the Constitution Party here. I'm not a fan of parties. We need to abolish all parties. but we use the tools we have in our hands when we have them. So what else do you want to go to, John? Is there anything else in this? I think we should just read through this a minute and let them see what their motion is because we jumped around because you actually- Well, I don't know if we got the time to read through it because it's already time for your other guests to come on. And we could probably do this more specific, but I gave you the- the basic information to kind of start figuring out how you're going to put it together. Do I use the same format? Do I use the same format that they've used here and go through? Yes, the front page, except obviously the front page is wrong because they're saying Gretchen, in her official capacity, you want to make it Gretchen Whitmer as an individual. Okay, well, I know in our case- You could put brackets, governor in the bracket. Okay. Which means- If we listed her as in her official capacity in the lawsuit, can I change that to clarify? You don't need to change it to clarify. You just need to rewrite it properly. Okay, rewrite it properly. Okay. And then when you say brief in support, brief and reply to defendant Gretchen Whitmer in her individual capacity, Jocelyn Benson in her individual capacity, and Dana Nessel in her individual capacity, and Jonathan Brater in his individual capacity answered to motion to dismiss something to that nature. In other words, stay away from their office. We know who they are. We don't have to list their offices in there. And so you want to make the court aware that you're not suing them as a governor. You're suing them as an individual officer. And that's and that'll keep them out. Supposedly, we'll keep them out of court claims because you're going to attack court of claims with Norton versus Shelby County that it doesn't exist. And so that's the kind of that's where you want to go. You want to you guys have got it all wrong here. You've changed the whole they called you in proper. You're not improper. You're in jury proprio. So you want to make sure that that's correctly put on there. Those kinds of things change the... We want to go back to the Republic language, not the civil action jurisdiction language, which is all attorneys know how to talk anyway. So you want to go back to the Republic language, language of the Republic. And once you kind of put a rough draft together or at least an idea together, then we can go further on to it and refine the idea. Well, I think I'll have that done by next week. I will have that done by next week and we'll see if we can go over it. We might even be able to just make changes while we're here online. I think that could be really interesting. And with the brilliance out there of John and Charlotte and Denise and and Leb and some of the other wonderful people that are out there that actually know the law, Karen and such, you know, we can. Denise says taxpayer party proves smaller is better. Abolish current government. Get rid of the parasites. Yeah, I will agree with that. Two election cycles. All three Soros back women in our state were installed. Yep. There you go. So I think that go ahead and say what you're going to say, Ralph. Oh, just thinking that probably should clarify that this is not legal advice or legal counsel. Not that that actually matters legitimately for any, for anything that they would try to argue, but. Hey, this is directed at this lawsuit that Donna Brandberg signed her name to. We're doing anything legal here. Yeah. It's lawful. It's lawful. I'm not arguing with you, Ralph. I understand what you're saying. It's lawful. This is what I'm doing. If you guys want to try something like this, it's all on you, you know, but you got to be willing to jump into the, jump into the fray a little bit, not be afraid to make some mistakes and, and, uh, It's like I could care less what anybody's opinion is of me. If we're fighting a battle like this and losing our nation, it's like who's going to listen to the naysayers? Who would honestly listen to the naysayers that are out there? If you listen to the naysayers that are out there, the freedoms that we enjoy in the United States, you're not worthy of them. You need to stand on your own two feet. and do what needs to be done regardless of the naysayers that are out there. There's always going to be people that are going to tell you, oh, you're stupid. You're an idiot. This, that, and the other thing. Why would you listen to these people? Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Just go forward and do what you got to do because I think that's where we take this nation back. We don't take it back as a nation of cowards. We take this nation back as a nation of the free and the brave, and that's what we have to do going forward. And that even comes in our personal space of not being afraid of other people's comments or emotional abuse to try to stop us. You just gotta ignore them. It's not how many times you fall down, it's that you stand back up. There you go. And with that, I'm going to have to say goodbye. But I want to let everybody know we have a new website called And you can go to that site and get involved with us and find out who we are and what we do. And we're going to meet at Nicola's on Wednesday, which is a restaurant in Southfield at five o'clock next Wednesday or this Wednesday coming up. so anybody that's in the light neighborhood and wants to stop by and have dinner with us and chat with us or you're welcome you don't need an invite just show up and that's the same with our webs with our zooms which are other wednesdays just show up there's no uh requirement we take no role there's no money to be paid you just show up If you show up and want to learn some of the stuff that we're doing, please show up and become part of the group and become part of the membership there. Membership. yeah the group there yeah the main thing is that we all stand together as americans and I think that's the most important thing that we do is that we have to we have to realize that all the systems that we have been taught to trust in whether it's at your local level I mean uh quite honestly local at action equals national impact because these people are breaking the law on a local level on a daily basis And the people in each of the communities need to get up in their faces a little bit, and I don't mean in a hostile way, but not just to sit back and go, okay, I guess I'll just go home now and I'm not going to say anything. This is part of the problem on why we're losing this nation is that when you step up as an adult and have to have your voice heard, of course they're not going to want to hear what you have to say. They're breaking the law. And a lot of them, what I saw last night in Byron Township, was watching them trying to save their behinds. In fact, Scott DeBergen came right out and said, well, you know, we're just ordinary citizens. We're not professional at this, blah, blah, blah. It's like, that's not an excuse to break the law. And he flat out admitted, flat out admitted that they were taking directions from the state. It goes right back to blaming somebody else. for breaking the law or not doing what's right. You know, that's exactly what they did. Byron Township last night, make no mistake. And it's just too bad, but we need to step up and call people up and instruct them. I'll give them a running start before I say something to... let them know in a hostile way. I'll go to the non-hostile first. But if they don't answer the question correctly and or they don't put themselves in a proper perspective, then it's time to go into them with a little bit more pressure when you use your words. I'm not talking grab your torches and pitchforks. I'm talking you've got to be able to use your pen and your words. It's a lawful process. And the pen is mightier every time. So, well, thank you for coming on today, John. I really appreciate it. And let's jump into this thing and answer them with a spectacular response that takes their little pat yourself on the head, put your mittens on you and put you out in the playground again and get out of our way because, you know, we're the kings and queens of Michigan here. Queen Gretchen, the court jester Benson and the squire Nestle. That's a monarchy here in Michigan. The three whores of Lansing. There you go. So, all right, John, we'll talk to you in a bit. I'm going to go to a real quick break here. I'll be right back with Karen and Ralph. Bye, y'all. Bye. We'll see you next week. Be right back with a second hour of Brandenburg News Network. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's September twenty four, twenty twenty four. And welcome, Karen and Ralph. Glad to see you guys here. That was really interesting. The last hour going through this motion to dismiss that we're going to go to court. So I guess we're going to be working on this because we need to smooth this thing out. You know what I think we should do? I think I should put something up on like Google Docs or something like that. and give access to several people who are brilliant to help smooth this out. What do you think? An interesting way to do it. Whatever works for you. I don't know. It'd be nice to have something that people can actually work on and make their comments on. You know, I know you did a lot of the editing on our resolutions for the Constitution Party. Karen, and I love the way you did it and you noted it and you put your thoughts in with that so that when we went over them in our meeting, we actually discussed every single one of your comments. Okay. At length. I mean, every single thing that you put in there, we literally went through this line by line and discussed the merits thereof or if we wanted to say things differently. yeah well like I said to you um I think I put in my email or something that I have I've been taught some things and I don't know if they're true like for example john just mentioned putting something in brackets and I had just been thinking about that this morning while listening to him and I was like What I was taught was that you should never put anything in brackets when addressing the de facto because a court, a judge, can dismiss or not even pay any attention to anything in brackets. It's separate from the document. It does not apply to the case. Um, so I don't know if that's true. I had been lied to so many times that I just don't know. And it makes me question everything, which is good, but it just means a little bit more work. So that is one thing that could very well be true. I don't think I was misled. Um, but it's something to think about if you're going to add a thought that you might otherwise put in brackets or parentheses. I wouldn't put it in brackets at this point because just state what you're going to state. Use a reference. You don't need to put it in brackets. But I'm not a legal scholar. Or I am, but I'm a titch of what John has. He can run circles around me with his knowledge, I'm sure. So that's just something to consider. And on the concept of your... The other thought I had was whether you address them in their official capacity or not. And what I sent you a text real quick of was that check that first couple paragraph in that opinion because they talk about the official capacity in that SCOTUS opinion. Okay. I don't know that you can change it when you say, look, I'm suing you in your official capacity. I don't think in the middle of your case you can change it. But again, I could be totally wrong about that. It may be that if this one doesn't work, that you may have to go back and start all over and do it differently. But I don't know that this one isn't going to work. Well, we're going to try it because they actually broke the law today. as acting in their official capacity we there's there's actually a um there's actually a uh process that we can follow to watch exactly what happened there but I want you to look at this um that so we're suing them on an individual capacity because they broke the law they were outside of their official capacity they did it as an individual okay posing as the governor When you don't follow the law of the scope of what you're doing under what's allowable by the law, if you follow the law, you've got immunity. But if you don't follow the law, you don't have immunity and can be sued individually. And technically the state itself should be holding them accountable for exceeding the boundaries of their official capacity. It shouldn't have to be the people suing. The government itself should be taking action on this. Well, and honestly, the government, the chief executive officer of the government is we the people. It's each one of us individually should be. We have to hold them accountable. And as part of our civic duty, unfortunately, there's not enough of us that have jumped into this morass of confusion and such to try to hold them accountable and bring forward what needs to be done. But you know what? We're learning. I don't feel badly about anyone who feels out of their league. I'm telling you right now, I've been on here slogging through this for the last couple of years. Okay. And I'm going to tell you right now, this is not an easy thing to slog through. And it takes an awful lot of focus as well as, you know, a decent amount of time that you put into this thinking these things through and finding the actual sources. It's not something you're just going to flip on, you know, fake news and get a headline. You're going to have to dig. And you're going to have to have the focus to stay with it. And I'm not going to say it's easy. It has not been easy. But when I finally, you know, got up the – I'm not even going to call it courage. To the point of competency, I figured I needed to file that case. It's not that I just was going to jump in it without having a little bit of background or having something. some other people help me with this a little bit. And there are people out there that will actually help you like John and such. And of course today, like Karen and Ralph have done, but, but you're gonna, everybody can do what I did. There's no difference between me and anybody else, except for maybe motivation and a boss level characteristic of stubbornness. And I'd say that's my superpower, honestly, is stubborn resolve to fixing what's wrong. That's it. And, you know, a saying comes to mind from the great Curly Howard. If at first you don't succeed, keep on sucking until you do succeed. Yeah. Is this the, we granted centenary in these cases to resolve where the district court quickly dismissed civil damage actions brought under. Yeah. Forty two USC, nineteen eighty three. on the grounds that these actions were as a matter of law against the state of Ohio, hence barred from the Eleventh Amendment of the Constitution, an alternative that these actions were against state officials who were immune from liability for acts alleged in the complaints. So the point being, in these cases, the person representative of the estates of the three students who died in that episode seek damages against the governor, adjunct governor with his assistant, various named officials listed in Ohio. And so... I think this really does a good job of saying they did it in their individual capacity, not in their capacity as the governor, because they used a state title to do something that was unlawful. That's the point right there. And that has to be clearly stated that they used their office to do something that was unlawful. They stepped outside of their office because the office itself is a legal entity. Correct. And it says Gretchen Whitmer in her official capacity as governor doesn't say it against the office of governor. It says Gretchen Whitmer. She used her office in order to break the law. That's what I'm alleging. Yep. There's the argument right there. And you know, when we get this thing figured out to the point where it is, we've got all the loose ends tied up on this. Honestly, this can be basically copy and pasted into so many other actions against these people. because in their official capacity, because I told them last night in the meeting, I said, just because you're sitting in the seat doesn't mean that you're immune individually for breaking the law when you step outside of the designated duties as a public functionary. Man, you should have seen their faces drop on the table, looking at each other like, can she actually say this? I actually pulled out New York Times versus Sullivan, too. They did a good job of letting everybody talk. They didn't actually throttle anybody down, but I just shot out a warning shot across the bow to let them know that we were watching them. You brought up New York Times versus Sullivan. I'm so proud of you. Isn't that fun? I was sitting there thinking about that, and I thought, oh, Karen's going to be so proud of me when I throw that out there. But I did that in order for them. And quite honestly, what it showed me is that the people sitting in the seats were grossly incompetent and ignorant of the law. And I actually brought up the fact that the city, I said, one of the first things I did is say, I have no faith that you actually care about the citizenry. And they didn't. They passed it, even though there were all sorts of dissents. And there was not one person for it. And there was a lot of questions that needed to be answered before they just rubber stamped it. They did exactly what the legislature does. They just rubber stamp and they don't listening to any dissent or have those questions answered. They had no plan, no accountability to answer that. And I said, First of all, the Byron Township alleged that I was guilty of being in violation of something by walking on my property past no trespassing signs and alleged that I was running a business without proof, which I am not. It's private property. And they said I had to register as a business. You know what? I called them up and it was not a good call for any of them that day because they probably all the two that I talked to probably lost five pounds out of their behind from the ass chewing that they got. I'm like, you are not to come on my property again. You are not to allege that I broke the law, which they alleged. That's what they were alleging by walking on my property, past the signs and saying I had to file for a business license. that's an allegation that I broke the law so with what they did in your township meeting if they pass something that the public instructed them against are they not going outside the the duties of their elected offices they did I said, I want to see what the benefit to the township is from this. And I said, if you're going to tell me that it'll bring in more tax dollars, then the tax structure is wrong and that needs to be addressed. So, because that's what they always say, oh, we're bringing in more taxes. It's like, well, what's the benefit? If that's what they're saying, then they just put on a huge addition to the township hall because what I heard was they had a thirty million dollar overage. Now, first of all, we have about approximately fourteen, fifteen thousand people in Byron Township for them to take thirty million dollars. And poof, it's gone. And they put this big addition on the township hall in order to do that. And they're changing the master plan right now because as Don Tillemus said last night, the chairman, he said that the most important thing is development. He didn't say that the most important thing was we the people. He said the priority is development. So what the hell is he doing sitting in that seat, not making sure that the that the residents of Byron Township is he sided with a foreign entity that is financed by foreign money. Whenever you get involved with it, the banking system and or where they're getting the funding from. you're talking the big corporate structure, and the Fed is a foreign entity here. They're playing ball with all foreign entities, and they literally walked away from the citizens of Byron Township, and Scott Toburgan blamed it on the fact that they get their instructions from the state. Right there, they just admitted in front of everyone in a public meeting, in a lawful public meeting, that they're breaking the law. Wow. No, I had a conversation with a gentleman who became clerk. So I think that's how he got onto the board. Because the other one resigned because we put too much pressure on her telling her exactly where to be. So anyway, he gets to be clerk. And they have a noise ordinance that the public had some debate on. But most of the people showing up to the township meetings were against it. And they said at the last township meeting, next month, on such and such a date, we're going to go over the latest version for approval. Or not. But they were hoping to approve it. And what they did then was they called a special meeting on a separate subject. Unless you maybe follow their Facebook page and they maybe put it on there or they maybe put it on the website or you drive over to the hall on a regular basis to see the posting, you're not likely to know that they have a special meeting. No, they hide that and they're doing things like that. They do it. Not only are they hiding and obfuscating the, the truth of their actions, they're signing things and they're hiding that they're signing them, you know, after hours overnight, the, the legislature is, is famous for that. The Congress, as well as the Michigan legislature, they just sign crap after, after hours and then say, Oh, we didn't even read it. Legally. But what they did then is they brought up this noise ordinance and a meeting they knew nobody was going to show up to because very few people are going to know about it. They addressed it and they approved of it. And the next time I talked to him, I was polite enough, but I let him have it. Because you hid this and you destroyed any confidence I had in you. This board was trying to show the people that they were listening. And they had done a pretty good job of at least pretending that they were listening to the voices of the people. They were allowing everybody a chance to say what they needed to say. I said, when you did that, instead of what you promised to us, you hid it. Well, it was going to be approved anyway. A lot of people were silent about it, but they wanted it done. I don't care. You hid it from the people and you did it on purpose. And now that you personally in your capacity in office destroyed my confidence in you. You had been, you know, prior to this, he had been present in meetings and he was listening to what I had to say and chatting with me before or after meetings. So I knew that he was aware of both sides and had been pretty fair about it. Gone. Out the window. You hid this from us and I'm not going to forget it. Yep. And, and I think this is, I think what's really important though, is that when they do that, you have to reply, you know, I think you've got to get it in the record and you have to reply either to their you know, I, I've actually brought up put your lawsuits back up this week and see what you wrote. Yeah. I can send it to you, John, too. That I'll, I'll send it to you. I can put, I can put the one off. You want me to put that one up right now? I can do that. That it's really important for people to, To go to these meetings and let them know. But you need to write out what you're going to say ahead of time. Because if you can't speak extemporaneously, such as myself, you probably should have something to, you know, keep you on the rails. And I get off in the weeds a lot, especially like I did bring up the fact that they hit a tax bill. Peggy Sandler, she's sitting up there writing all kinds of notes. Like, go ahead and write your notes. But it came from your office. It's got your name on it. And you sent somebody to break the law to my property. And I'm going to stand with that. I will stand with that. And I hope one of these assholes sues me someday. Just lob it at me. Because I literally am not afraid of that. I hope they lob it at me. Because I'm going to throw all this stuff out in discovery. And you know what? We'll take them all down. I'm not kidding you. Go ahead. Give it your best shot. You want to see me pissed off? You'll see me pissed off. Let's see. So John wants me to put my lawsuit up. Let's see. I'll do that right now. I found that I usually would... um write out what I wanted to say based on what I I expected they were going to be talking about ahead of time and I would even time myself saying it aloud so that I knew I would be within the time limit but as I became more educated about New York Times versus Sullivan and I brought that case my case notes with me on that so that I could use it if they tried to cut me off in any way um it didn't matter if I was a little over, I could defend myself, but I still try to stay within the time limit just to be respectful. But, um, other, my, a friend of mine who would go was listening and she said, sometimes I was better when I didn't have it all written now, or I changed it. And I tended to wait and let other people speak their mind first, because I might react to something other people were saying too. Um, I could improve on it or point it out again or whatever I felt was necessary based on what other people said. So going a little bit later might be helpful for me. But I also was listening because if they tried to cut someone else off or violate their right in any way, I was prepared to defend them too. Well, and I think that there's some, you know, as we learn, you know, we learn as we go. So parties are Donna Brandenburg is plaintiff, Gretchen Whitmer, I'm just going to read the cliff notes here that it took out of it, AI assistant, Jocelyn Benson, Dana Netzel, Jonathan Brader, jurisdiction of injury. The facts of the case are that the Secretary of State created an API. This is outside of their power to do so. It's all about designated voter registration agencies and turned NGOs into designated voter registration agencies. And if we've been paying attention even a little bit, I want to throw it out there that that is where a lot of the crime went on. In the twenty twenty two in the twenty twenty elections, they were using the NGOs. And I'm going to back that up by saying that Gary Bell, Gary Bell was a guy that was behind GBI strategies. OK, Gary Bell started seventy different NGOs. Besides the fact he was the owner. Get this. He was the owner of all of those guns they found. Remember the guns they found in Flint? They were semi-automatic and fully automatic firearms. And there was something written on the whiteboard up there that said, and I can quote exactly what it was, but I'm going to paraphrase it now, is take these into the field with you. No locks. There were no locks, gun case open, no locks, no gun locks on any of them. With the low lives that they had hired, to do the work out there and then the little gang going on. But anyhow, they designated voter registration agencies, so they changed that to be any NGO that wants to use an API. Now, In the law, it states that they may not do that. There are specific places that they can go. They can direct them to the Secretary of State, but they may not hand that over to an NGO because it breaks chain of custody. And so this is what it is all about in that the defendants are not immune. It was an unlawful delegation. of authority and then the request for relief. So here we go. This is the case. We've been through this. It's not a real long case, but plaintiff seeks declaratory and injunctive relief to prevent election fraud, the upcoming coming twenty twenty four election. Well, the NGOs are already using that in the upcoming election as well as a money judgment. They've already stolen enough from me this process in the in the from the entities that will that be let's put it out there. So we're just gonna go after him a little bit. And you know what, quite honestly, I think I'm going to Robin Hood this a little bit. And you know, take from them and set up the systems the way that it's supposed to be done for we the people because these morons couldn't do it if you if you serve the two amount of silver platter. Okay. voter disenfranchisement occurs when a valid vote of an ineligible citizen, a qualified elector is nullified by the illegal voting of a non-citizen or otherwise ineligible voter. Michigan law one six eight point five oh nine V defines the entity who may legally register citizens to vote, which does not include non-governmental organizations. Yet the secretary of state, state's own website publicizes and encourages the use of an API that can be used by NGOs for the purpose of voter registration. This is in direct violation of Michigan law and petitioner claims. The evidence shows that there's sufficient evidence of maladministration of the process of proving citizenship requirement. And this is where we start. So this is basically, I'll send this to you, John, so you can take a look at it. And we can talk about it further because they're literally just writing it up as they go. They say, OK, we just want to do this. So we're just going to do it. OK, because nobody's going to challenge us. Hold on here. Hold on. We, the people, not only will challenge it, we have to. I think they're counting on all of us not reading the laws they pass to. And yeah, that they just wrote in, they didn't even pass the laws. They just write them in there through executive order and other means. They're not expecting in this case, they're going outside of what the law says because they're assuming that no one is actually reading the laws that were passed by the legislature to catch the fact that they're not staying within those bounds. Yep. It's, it's, it's, it's kind of, it's kind of crazy. It's crazy, but we have to do that. I'm going to quick send you an email, John. Well, if you guys give me your email addresses, this is actually a great way to get a hold of me. Hang on. I don't know if I've got you in this address book on this computer. John, can you, let's see, text me your email to my phone, and I will be able to very quickly send this to you. So just text it to me, and I will. be able to pick you up from there and send you copy the lawsuit. So I was thinking here on the topic of off the grid stuff, what kind of, we got all kinds of stuff coming out of gardens right now. What all are you guys doing for- That's like a sharp right turn without a segue, dude. What are we doing to preserve? Well, for me, number one, I didn't get much out of my garden. I'm doing green tomato jello jam, which has been fun. Lots of recipes if anybody wants to look it up. Two and a half cups pureed green tomatoes, two cups of sugar, boil them together, ten minutes, add whatever flavor of jello you like, and then you can put it in your jam jars just like you would and preserve that for your sweet bargaining chip or or your sweet juice if everything goes kaput but you can treat it just like another jam it doesn't spread quite the same but it can look and taste just like strawberry if you use strawberry jam or strawberry jello so that's one thing I've been doing hoping to get some venison from hunting to can um and I have one pepper plant left and some herbs that I have to harvest some peppers yet. Strawberries are dead. I've still got flowering plants because I keep buying them on discounts at the end of the season for perennials. I was wrong, Donna. I don't have seventeen total hydrangeas. I have twenty hydrangeas. But I have get this. I have seventeen in the conspiracy plot. Oh, that's funny. So the one has yet to go in the ground. I want to make sure I get it in the right spot. But and the name of that one is Let's Dance Can Do. They got that one half off, and it was a good price to start with, so it was a little unexpected, but... It's an addiction. My flowering plants are doing better than the, you know how we were talking about how everybody has an interest or a skill that differs from everybody else in your community. It seems like my interest being an artist and not doing, while we're talking about this, I'm cleaning my art table off. I need to move my art table out of the window area so I can put plants there for the winter. So I I've been really enjoying the flowering plants process this year, which is also new to me. Um, and maybe that's just a joy thing for myself, my family, anybody else, but, um, that's been more productive than our garden, but I learned from the garden. I can do things in the garden, but next year, I think we'll have a lot more focus. If we grow anything, what we grow, that we're going to actually use it and that we will grow it better than we did this year. So it was good. It was totally worthwhile to start and lose, you know? Well, you gotta, you gotta try things and not be afraid to fail. You know, I was talking to the university years ago. I they asked me to be a speaker to entrepreneurial, their entrepreneurial students. And so I started telling them about, you know, all the stuff that I've done. And I threw up websites and such more than I ever talk about on here. And somebody asked, one of my kids was there and they said, how many hours do you work? And he said, all of them. And then outside of that, somebody asked me, have you ever failed at anything? I was like, of course I fail. You know, that's that you are, you are going to, You're going to fail if you're not like hiding in your, you know, in the fetal position in the corner. Anybody can do that. Anybody can be in the fetal position in the corner and have great success doing that. But if you're if you're trying new things, you're going to fail. And it's not it's not a it's not an indictment against your intelligence or anything else like that. It's that you're trying things. more information comes in. Maybe it just didn't, it wasn't the timing there. There could be things outside of your control, but every time you fail something classically fail, you're learning. And that, that makes you smarter. Usually we're smarter by our failures than we are by the things that go right. Yep. Yep. Well, yeah, we were just, uh, Donna and I were just talking earlier this morning about, uh, some of the things to try and preserve and, uh, Talking, you know, how awesome like freeze dried blueberries and freeze dried apple slices are amazing. And we're coming up on on apple season here. So I have to start firing up the freeze dryer here pretty soon and get some of those put up because those are great. Yeah, I love freeze dried food. It's really it's really amazing. I think I've got peppers in there right now. took the last of the peppers out and one of my sons who actually loves gardening, massively loves gardening. You guys know who he is and loves, loves, loves, loves, loves to garden anything. So harvested that out. Next thing for us is going to be potatoes. So last year we took all of the potatoes out that looked a little green, threw them in boxes and that's what we planted this year. for our potato crop. And quite honestly, we have so many potatoes, it is like shocking how many potatoes we have. So I think I'm going to turn them into mashed potatoes and then freeze dry them so that we have freeze dried mashed potatoes for the winter. Sounds awesome. Yeah, Michigan soil really is about perfect for potatoes. And when I was reading up on it, it appears to actually be pretty well perfect for peanuts. I've never tried growing peanuts, but it's supposed to be, they take similar soils to potatoes from what I can tell. What's the process for growing peanuts? I've never done that. I believe it's just, you get ones that are not roasted and plant them. They're a legume. So pretty easy? Yeah, they're a legume. So it's pretty much just like planting peas. Oh, okay. So I guess we'll have to try that. I'm going to try that next year. That'd be fun. Yeah. I got some Jerusalem artichoke tubers and some amaranth seeds that I think I want to try planting because those should grow pretty well. And both of them have great nutrition and you can use them for all kinds of different stuff. And Jerusalem artichokes are kind of cool because you can leave the tubers in the ground over the winter and just as you need them, harvest them even during the winter and they stay good in the ground. So I got a question. Are Jerusalem artichokes the same thing? We used to call them Mexican daisies. They're the really, really tall ones. They're about seven feet or eight feet tall. Is that the same thing? I had a question about that. Sounds about right. They're in the sunflower family and it's like a yellow flower and yeah, about seven feet tall-ish with yellow sunflower flowers on the top. All right. Let me, I can identify that. Let me grab a, I'm going to go ahead and grab... Real pretty. Sometimes they get called sunchokes, too. Sunchokes? Mm-hmm. Okay. Let me go through something. I want to go back to something that I've been reading at the Biblical Blueprint Series, and we'll go there next. Hang on a minute. I was reading about kudzu, too, because I saw a thing where a guy was presenting on all of the good aspects of kudzu. Uh, for, you know, anybody that's visited the South, we don't really have kudzu too much up here in Michigan, but, uh, it was intentionally planted throughout the South. Uh, and the, uh, a bunch of that was done by the Civilian Conservation Corps. Um, but there's actually all kinds of really good uses for, uh, for kudzu. And I didn't realize this, but it is also, uh, the same thing as arrowroot. So when you use arrowroot powder and stuff that you can make that, I guess, from kudzu. Yeah, that's Mexican daisy. So they're growing all over the place. Oh, let's see. Wrong, wrong screen. Hang on. Let me try that again. Um, yeah so I'm sorry guys that a lot of my um flowering plants are attracting bees and butterflies and in some cases hummingbirds too and I'm not afraid of bees by the way not when they're out doing their business over here I don't know that I would really want to get involved with a beehive without a suit let's go let's go there make sure you use smoke You know, so I tell you, I itched for like two weeks on those yellow jackets. Oh, look, they got them in a nice row there. Check that out. So they're actually growing it for food. So yeah, that's Jerusalem artichokes. And you can find that anywhere. You know, I liked, I liked foraging for food and they're using it also as a prebiotic, which I think is really interesting. So a digestive aid, et cetera. So interesting. That's, that's not a, It's not an artichoke. It's like they've got the little tubers at the bottom. Yeah, you can use the tubers in a lot of ways very similarly to how you would use potatoes. Okay, hang on a minute. I'm going to be right back. Just hold on and I will show you something really cool. Talk amongst yourself. So, yeah, you can use them. There's a lot of nutrition in them. And whereas potatoes... If you leave them in the ground over the winter, you can have some issues with them. If you don't harvest them and then keep them in a nice dry area. With Jerusalem artichokes, you can leave them in the ground over the winter and they still stay viable as a food source. They don't go bad like a potato would. And some people have some issues digesting them just because of how much fiber is in them. But otherwise, as long as you're eating them, you know, not as your only food, but yeah, there you go. Ta-da. There you go. That's Jerusalem artichoke right there. And now it's on my computer. So now your computer gets to sprout them. That's right. So now we're going to have sprouts everywhere. I want to show you something that this is kind of interesting. So here's swans, and I have no idea what they're, let's see what they say about it. Swans and vitamins. I'm not promoting them. I'm just looking at what they say. Usually they don't tell you what they do if they're selling them. Prebiotic insulin helps support healthy microbiome. Ninety percent insulin to support digestive health. Inulin, it looks like. Or inulin, I'm sorry, inulin. Sorry, read that wrong. Yeah, they're supposed to be really good for you. And they're also supposed to just, I mean, they grow like weeds. They're a little hard to eradicate once you've planted them in an area because they're that hardy, which is a great attribute to have for a food source, you know. And they're pretty. And they're pretty. Yeah. Let's see. What else do we have? They got nice happy yellow flowers. Oh, yeah. That's the most important thing, isn't it? That's the most important thing. Happy little flowers. Okay, let's see that. I love sunflowers. Everyone really should be growing some sunflowers, too, because that is a great source of oil. There we go. We've got sunchoke and spinach, roasted root. Let's see what else we have here. Oh, you can cook these things. Isn't the Googles amazing? Actually, I've got duck duck all, but you know what? I get it. You get it. I may check with you next year about sunflowers. I've never grown them, but I do have coreopsis, yellow coreopsis, also called tick seed that I just planted. It is really light colored yellow. And I have a yellow rose bush that I'm going to put into the ground with rain stops. That's cool. All right. That's what we used to call them. Absolutely. Yeah, I've grown sunflowers, like the black oil sunflowers, but I have never been able to grow them intentionally. I've tried growing sunflowers, and it's been years since I've had any sunflowers that I've intentionally tried to grow actually grow. What ends up happening for me is that they're the ones that we feed to the chickens. The chickens just kind of spread them around. And so they sprout up around the chickens. And so the accidental ones, they come up great. That's how we got those green tomatoes. It doesn't spike the glycemic. It doesn't cause a glycemic spike as potatoes would. Very, very interesting. I wonder how they made the soup. Now, aren't you curious? This is what happens. We get on the rabbit trail and all of a sudden, oh, there's another rabbit hole to go down here. Look, there's the soup. Ta-da! At a French restaurant in California. Okay. So, there we go. You know, I was picking this thing up and I was like, doesn't it look like one of those little woolly, what are they called, those little bear microbes? Oh yeah, water bears. It looks like a water bear, doesn't it? I picked it up and I'm like, dude, it looks like a water bear. Are those the kind that they can freeze but still survive? There, a water bear just swam in front of my camera there. Too funny. Alright, so where else are you going, guys? Well, blueberries too. Those are coming up and those freeze dry great. And then you had some success with just freezing some too, didn't you? Oh, yeah, that's easy. You can freeze almost anything. Some things you have to blanch. You don't blanch fruit. You just wash it, throw it in a quart freezer bag, and throw it in your freezer, right? You do want to dry it so that they don't have ice chips around them and such, and then get as much air out of it as you can. With your vegetables, most vegetables have to be cooked or they just get really mushy. You blanch them. So you can freeze onions. You can freeze That sort of thing, if you're not, you know, that freezes pretty well. You can't freeze. Pasta does not freeze well. Rice does freeze pretty well, but pasta does not. Pasta gets by and large, you know, unless you're doing it in an uncooked manner that you have to cook. Pasta doesn't freeze well in prepared dishes, but rice does. A donut, it's not like having it al dente or just right out of the pot, right? But all your fruits can be frozen. If you're doing things like apples or peaches, you want to throw in just a little bit of ascorbic acid just to keep them from turning brown. So that's not a problem. But like potatoes, you have to blanch your potatoes or they'll turn black. You have to blanch your beans. or beans get kind of mushy and disgusting. So most of the time you want to look at a chart for blanching, how long you have to blanch them. Normally you throw them in boiling water. And I use a spaghetti pot to do blanched vegetables. So you've got the strainer that you put right inside, you know, the basket inside of a larger pot. Makes it easy to take them out that way so you don't have to use like a spider. You know, a spider is one of those scooping, a large scoop, flat scoop that you can pull them out of, right? And so you can use a spaghetti pot to blanch any of your veggies in and such. Squash freezes up pretty good. Quite often I used to roast a lot of that before I'd freeze it. But once they're frozen, it does change some of the consistency. Cook your corn on the cob. Cook that and cut it off the ear. After you're done blanching that, you cut it off the ear. And then that's, that's pretty easy to cut that off. And it's, I used to love doing it, cutting it off in a great big wooden cutting board. And then I'd sit there and I'm like, like a little chipmunk, you know, stuffing the little corn pillows in my mouth. I love fresh corn. That's just right off the cob like that. I think that's really good. Yeah. I'd never really had much success with the freezing fruit without it basically just turning into a big block of Well, put a little ascorbic acid into it and just a little bit, and that's all you really need to do. And when you unfreeze it, then, you know, you thaw it out, then it usually works out pretty good. Apples don't freeze really well because there's too much water in them. Peaches freeze really well. Strawberries freeze really well. Blueberries freeze really well and such. But certain things do freeze better than others. Apples certainly freeze dry well. I love freeze-dried apples. I can eat way more freeze-dried apples just by themselves than I can apples. I like dehydrated ones. I've never had freeze-dried ones. Oh, freeze-dried apples are great because it's like they're... Not quite so like I like dehydrated apples, too, but they lose some of their structure. Whereas with freeze dried apples, they're like they're kind of like crunchy. And I mean, like kind of the the consistency of like, I don't know, maybe a cheese puff. I was I was going to say astronaut ice cream. Yes. Yes. Okay. What about Skittles? What is the texture of the Skittles? Same thing. It's like popcorn. Like sugar popcorn. Tried it. Had to try it. I know. You told me about it. Jonathan Chapman asked me to make some, and so I'm like, freeze-dried Skittles, is that a thing? I told you to do it. Yeah, it's like some of you guys are like – I think I was the first one, and then somebody else. Yeah, it's like all of you guys are saying, do freeze-dried Skittles, and I'm like, is this a thing? I didn't even know this was a thing, you know, to do candy. First of all, I don't eat much candy. And so it was like, well, that's a different idea. I think I ate a grand total of two of them because I'm not a big candy eater, you know. I'll throw up. I've got the greatest nectarines. Costco right now is really good at nectarines. So yesterday I ate two fresh nectarines, which was a very happy spot for me. I have to tell you, last I was in Whispering Pines, number one, they didn't have any maple twists. But number two, they did have a jewel weed bottle. It's a spray bottle. Oh, that's cool. So I knew that there was a man selling it at the farmer's market for about ten dollars for a little bottle. And I think Whispering Kinds sells them for about twelve dollars. I don't know how they do it. Um, and they don't have, the bottle doesn't give any description of exactly what it can be used for or not. But, um, but I wanted to let you know it was there because next time you come up for Maple Island twists or tallow or whatever, you might want to get a, I don't know. See, I don't know if it would help with the sting of bees or not. It's an antidote for poison Ivy. And so yeah, wherever you, um, wherever you, oh, hey, David decided to join us this morning. Hey David, how you doing? Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. So Dr. David. Good, how are you? Good. Jewelweed will help with nettle sting. Will it help with bee sting? It works on poison ivy. I can tell you that if you're in the woods and because I spent a lot of time in the woods and such, if you find poison ivy, look right around it because you will most likely find the jewelweed right next to it. And it doesn't matter whether you have poison ivy or you are along in it. It's preventative. Or if you've already gotten it, jewelweed is the claimed fame of that is that it works. It's easy to find too and reasonably easy to identify because it's in the mint family. And so it, it looks, uh, Yeah, there's some. If it's in flower, you got it. If it's in flower, you're going to find it. That's hunter orange, by the way. People say hunter orange does not occur in nature. Well, there it is. Well, even without the flowers, though, it's pretty easy to identify because it's got the kind of diamond-shaped leaves in their opposite, and it's got a square stem being in the mint family. So we have a lot of it in Michigan. If you walk around in forests... There's a lot of it here. Yeah. And it's always growing right by poison ivy. They always grow together. It's just sort of like in the old gardens. The reason why we have, honestly, the spaghetti sauce that we have is that the old gardens, that's what grew together because it's called companion planting. And when you companion plant, you put crops together that help each other. So the pest of one plant... is adverse to the other plants you plant around it. Like if you want to get rid of bunnies, plant marigolds, okay? Rabbits don't like the smell of marigolds. And it used to be that at the end of all rows in the gardens that we actually would plant marigolds at the beginning and the end of each row in the garden. It's true. And it would keep the rabbits out. If you really want to keep the rabbits out of your garden, plant a whole line of them around your garden and the rabbits won't even touch it. They don't like the smell of it. I don't think they'll even jump over the top of it, quite honestly. They find better, happy munching grounds elsewhere. So what you're saying is for anyone with pet rabbits, they need to just make a fence out of marigolds to be able to have a pen that they can put their rabbits into. Allegedly, that probably would work. But outside of that, the other thing that you can do is that that's the reason why you plant oregano and basil with tomatoes, because the pests of each other kind of prey on the pests of the other plants, as well as the plants themselves are deterrents from each other's pests. So like basil is a great deterrent for the pests of tomatoes. Same thing with oregano and the same thing. the, the tomatoes are, the pests for oregano and basil are adverse to the tomato plants. So when you look at how all of our recipes in the past come out of the, the understanding, the really the understanding of the way that God's world works, because he gives us an antidote in nature to everything, you know, even cancer, which is kind of interesting, you know, And I do believe that. And yes, I had a cancer diagnosis. And yes, I will talk about it because, you know, there's, there's, I haven't talked about it much because I wasn't going to make, you know, the elections all about having cancer. That's the dumbest thing. And I hold it against Tudor Dixon from now until she apologizes to this entire nation. It's, it's, it should never be done. Personal problems have no place when you're there to do a job. You're there to do a job. Everybody has problems and we can count on that. You know, I want to bring something up here that just just real quickly. We're going to touch on this today. Tomorrow, I have a couple of of guests coming on. Tom DeWeese is going to be on as well as I got to think about this a minute. So tomorrow I've got a two hour show in the afternoon. I got to make sure I tell tell DeWeese about this. Because tomorrow we have in the afternoon. Not tomorrow morning. I have I have Liberty Ascent. And after that, Tom DeWeese is going to be on. And I can't remember the other guy's name. But so we'll be taking up two hours tomorrow. But I really want to talk about forgiveness and the. ability to have people I talked about it a little bit yesterday but we really need to get into this forgiveness thing and not live in the past because everybody as a human being makes mistakes that doesn't mean we forgive people who have broken the law and that's the dividing line there and crimes against humanity and knowingly breaking the law as well as being a human being that is the division that's the dividing line right there and so um remember to forgive those people around you that have They have personally offended you because we can see what happens in people around us who harbor grudges. It's not okay to harbor grudges and go and talk to them. And if you can't, you know, if you can't resolve it, well, it's up to you whether you want to hold a grudge against them or not. But point being is that there's a lot of people that are trying to do the right thing out there and a lot of people who are spectacularly failing at it. And so just remember to not take things so seriously. And when it comes to people, because people are flawed. But with that said, I'm going to give everybody thirty seconds to finish up today. We're going to get into some of this stuff later. But but Tudor Dixon, who came up again begging for money with a grand new PAC, needs to apologize, needs to apologize to the state. and move on because already disqualified in having the ethical standing in order to lead either the state or any part of the nation by inserting the fact that she had cancer as a reason to give her pity votes. And I have no respect for that whatsoever. So with that said, you guys want to finish up here for three seconds? Yeah, we've talked about that before about how the cancer industry, once you've had cancer and you have some experience with that, you can see the cancer industry as an industry. You know, it's just like the military industrial complex. Well, there is definitely kind of a cancer mirror of that. Well, I think it's the entire medical system is a complex. that's being manipulated against us. It's the killing fields right now. Yeah, absolutely. The vaccine, God forbid you had cancer and it got better and you took that vaccine and it came back, you know, as they call it a turbo cancer, even worse. So, but my, my final, right, my final, I just started, but... Glad you joined us this morning, David. Because we're really close to elections, whether they happen on the fifth or not, it's still up in the air. But, you know, everybody should be very hypervigilant and do their best to, if you see something, say something and just keep an eye out and think about what could possibly happen. I would say I think the truth will out. I think we're finding a lot of truth coming out. A lot of wins, as I call it, where you have various prosecutions happening. It seems like a lot of that going around. A lot of the sex crimes are coming out into the news via Diddy, opening up the... Those kinds of criminal activities in Hollywood, but it's also bringing up in the mind of the normies, the connection between those things and Epstein. So I think we're going to have more and more of this coming out. I think it's part of that plan. And in the meantime, instead of being worried about things like elections and everything else that's going on, take the time every day to to notice like I'm watching the rain pouring today all morning. And I'm so grateful for that. We have a lot of things to be grateful for. So be grateful instead of fearful, be faithful and, um, and everything's going to work out. All right. God is in control. It's going to be okay. Uh, Tom Deweese and James White is on tomorrow. So just, I, I got James's first name there. So, uh, Ralph, anything, or did we already do you? No, we already did me. Okay. Well, guys, let's go. We're going to move on to the next segment, which is Jay Sixers, political prisoners in America. And remember, when they violate the rights of one of us, they violate the rights of all of us. And that's why we fight for president. Donald J. Trump, the rightful president of the United States. I don't care if you like him or not. I could care less. That is an irrelevant point when you're hiring someone to do a job. I don't care if somebody is the biggest jerk in the planet. If they can do their job, that's fine. That's what we're looking at. And maybe we can help each other along the way. That's what we need to do is if somebody's being a jerk, The question is, is why? Hurting people hurt other people. And maybe we should step in and say, hey, little buddy, what's going on here? Why are you being, without saying a jerk, but what is the problem? You know, in communicating with people, it's necessary. And then those people who are breaking the law, absolutely, they have to be held accountable. That's the dividing line right there. We don't have to like anybody, but right now, every single one of us has the duty, the obligation to stand with America and the processes that were laid out by our Constitution, by the Founding Fathers, as what makes America unique. One of the biggest things that you will ever do in your life is defend President Donald J. Trump right now as not Donald J. Trump, as not the rightful president of the United States of what he is, but because he is an American and he had his rights violated. That's right. I'm going to go for a quick break here, guys. And we're going to be off Thursday and Friday because I'll be traveling on Friday. And then Thursday, there's another reason we'll be off. But at any rate, we will see you guys. I'm going to see at least one of you tonight. And safe travels, Dr. David. So have a safe travel over here. And kiss that genie for us. I will. We'll see you later tonight. And then we'll be talking about all of this stuff. And I want you guys to, if you would, go over that lawsuit, the Jerry Proprio lawsuit and the motion. Because I think I'm going to put it up on Google Docs. Eric put it out there. Put it up on Google Docs. you know, on Google and we'll look at it, Google Drive. And then we're going to answer this pleading because we cannot walk away from it. It's great to have knowledge, but if you don't act on it, it doesn't matter. It's like we go through the education process to get smarter in order to act. It's not just to sit there in the knowledge. And it says it clearly, lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge him and he will make your path straight. So we need to act on that. So with that said, I'll be back in just a minute with a third hour of Brand Reduce Network. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg. It's the twenty fourth day of September twenty twenty four. And welcome to our show. We're going to get right into Jay Sixers political prisoners in America. And welcome on Jalise Middleton and Brad Rextalis. Did I say that correctly? You did. Perfect. Good. Well, welcome to the show this morning. We're having all kinds of fun. And I don't know if you watched earlier in the week, but I am going over. I think this is fairly important because we need to talk about this. The biblical blueprint for taking back the United States of America and how Karl Marx has gotten in and has given everybody. this entitlement-minded mindset or authority that's happened in our public functionary, the offices of our public functionaries, and how they're using that to try to pull rank on us. Well, they don't have any rank over us. That's just the way it is. We supersede them in all forms of jurisdiction. And also, did you know that Marx was an atheist? He started out as a liberal Christian, went completely to being an atheist, And the problem with that is that it was basically about saying that in the secular humanist way that humans are in fact God instead of God being God. That's what they were alleging, which we know is a blatant lie. And then not only did they do that, but they used religion as a way, as a tool of communism. And I think this is a really important thing to look at because just because somebody comes as a title to any and all of us doesn't mean there's any truth to it. We have to really listen and absolutely know who we're talking to and then also what they're actually saying. But there's a background to this and it's a... Something we have to remember. Number one, the normal communist practice of deception was used. And number two, the need to infuse stagnating Marxist thought with new religious impulse through the realization that it is a high-risk strategy. to impose atheism on a religious society prematurely and how they actually did that to weave in the destruction of God so that they could sit themselves on the thrones, the Marxist thrones, and designate themselves and the state as God. Yep. You know, that's what people don't understand about communism. I have literally heard some of our young people say, who cares? I've heard it. And I'm like, do you, have you ever found a person you would want to worship as a God? Because the reality is one of the very first things I do is take your, your freedom to worship away. And then they make themselves God. You go to them for anything you want, anything you want to do. And you account to them for any move you make while they dictate to you the type of life you're going to have. Yeah, how you live. I mean, it doesn't matter what college degree you got at that point. If they want you to work for three dollars and twenty five cents a day, that's what you will do. And it doesn't matter what what education you have. It doesn't matter what career you've been working. You're now going to do it for the amount they tell you to do it. And I don't think a lot of people realize that. As they say, you will own nothing and be happy. I'm going to do Klaus Schwab. He's like the perfect evil villain. He's like, you will own nothing and you will be happy. It's like, yeah, right. You can just shove that. I'm going to read the first comment here. It's deception. in this deception of communism, which we are in a communist nation right now. It is functioning not as a republic, but we are communist right now. We have a way out of it to hold them because we've got the Constitution. However, it is functioning as a communist nation. Globalist communist nation. Number one, deception. It is easier to enlist the support of the average citizen if you disguise your intention to destroy everything he holds dear. The communists are out to destroy Western civilization. Marx said so from the beginning. Western civilization is middle class bourgeoisie and the communists hate it even as they imitate it and buy Western goods. Satan is a deceiver. He prefers to use deception. He deceived Eve. He deceived the nations. He used biblical citations in his major temptations. And last night I went to our town council meeting and literally They prayed to Jesus as they absolutely walked away from their oath of office. They didn't listen to the citizen. And I said, well, I know you prayed to Jesus right now. And the main question is, is this how you would want to be treated? As what Jesus basically said is, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. And they broke that command right there because then none of them would have wanted to do, have done to them what they did to the citizens of Byron Township last night. So. You know, I want to go back to something you said earlier, too, that, you know, somebody started out as a liberal Christian and went for this. Yes. Marks Charles Karl Marx. Yes. I want to go back to that because I hear people make comments like that. And I just want to tell you that there was no way you had relinquished your life to Christ, which is a true Christian. And then went back like that. So there is following Christianity as a religion. And then there is the relationship of relinquishing your life to Christ. Once you relinquish your life, it is no longer your life. So therefore there is no taking it and putting it somewhere else. So I am very intrigued by the statement. I've heard it a lot. That's just my opinion, by the way. But I don't know how you can... like not have something and yet give it away. So what do you mean? What do you mean, Jaleesa? You don't, you don't buy into this claim it and frame it crap. They're holding God to a contract. No, it is apostate. Plain and simple. It is apostate. You don't hold God to a contract. Who do you think you are to hold God to a contract? Yeah. Yeah. And we are here being privileged to be included in his good works because he doesn't need us to do them. So I'm going to let you guys go on and talk about this and, uh, and, uh, finish out the show here. And I've got a few things to do today. We're dealing with my mom's ashes. And so we cleaned out her apartment yesterday. And so today we have to go to the funeral home again to make sure that we get that all handled. So, uh, kind of an interesting part of life, but all of us have to come to terms with what we do in life. And there's going to be an end date. There's an expiration date on every single one of our lives. And God determines that day. I know I've said it many times, people out there that are criminals, that nobody can kill me. They can't because God has numbered my days. And I'm good with that. When he calls me home by one means or another, that is when I go home and I'm looking forward to it. So make my day. Right. So, so there you go. You guys have a great day today. And it was a pleasure having you on today, Brad. And we'll be talking to you soon. God bless you. Oh, Brad. And I was so glad when you told me how to pronounce your last name, because I've never ever pronounced it right. Because it looks like ruckstalls, right? Exactly. Ruckstalls. I get a whole bunch of things. I bet you get it all. And it is Ruckstallis? Ruckstallis. Rhymes with Gonzales. I love it. And last name that comes with instructions. Yeah, exactly. I saw a meme that said, I've spent half my life trying to tell people how to pronounce my name. It feels that way. No kidding. Well, Brad, I'm happy to have you on. I haven't talked to you in absolutely forever and it's a shame. because you're one of our earliest January six defendants that went through the process. And so you're probably back to life pretty close to normal. What's your life like? Well, so first of all, thanks for having me on and thanks for giving me the opportunity to speak with your viewers. I'm happy to share my story. So is life back to normal? I don't think it'll ever be back to normal. um and if you know if I can if I can go back a little bit you know when i Actually, I was listening to Donna earlier. She was talking about tomatoes and how she was growing tomatoes. Now that's just a part of God's natural, you know, natural remedies for, for things. And I can't grow a darn thing. So I've had time on my hands. I've tried apple trees. I've tried blueberries. I've tried, you know, spaghetti squash. I could grow green beans, but green beans are at our local farmer's market. So I don't have a green thumb, but yeah, And I also like what she was talking about when it comes to the concept of shame and the concept of how forgiveness is not a very dominant behavior in our society today. And all of that has woven its way through my story, you know, from Jan. Six forward. Before Jan. Six, I ran a successful marketing analytics firm, a multimillion-dollar company. I'm a statistician by training, so I have a series of propeller head hats that I have in my drawer that I pull out whenever I feel like geeking out on that. But then I also got an MBA from the University of Michigan because I had an entrepreneurial uh interest at the time so in two thousand two after nine eleven um the advertise and well nine eleven two thousand one the advertising business went to a deep recession and I was in that business working with some of the madison avenue advertising firms and at the time I realized I saw the writing on the wall so I decided to hang out my own shingle so to speak and start my own analytics company and I was able to start as a solo consultant and worked with some of the largest telecommunications companies, auto manufacturers, financial services organizations. And over the course of time, added staff. And by I had employees, multimillion dollar business. I would speak at the conferences. I would be interviewed with the trade press. um and in addition to that you know personally I was able to uh to travel to south africa to travel to uh to italy for my honeymoon and really enjoy the blessings that I had received during that time um I've been a christian Yeah, it's something that I always wore as a, you know, a sign that I've done something right and that the good Lord has blessed me. But I've also used my brain and worked with other smart people to build something that had credibility and integrity that I could feel proud of. I've been a Christian my whole life. Both my parents brought us up in a Christian house. My father was a choir director. My mother would accompany him at choir at the Lutheran Church in the next town. I gained an interest in music and I was a music major for a while at Indiana University. You like to learn. I do. I like to learn. I like to challenge myself and I like to express myself in different ways. So fast forward, I became a worship leader as my wife and I got married and joined a local congregation, one of the largest Lutheran churches in the Chicago area. And I was able to lead. I was able to write music. I wrote a musical for the church with brass and strings and the whole thing. So I was really able to fulfill what I believe God was asking me to do musically. And that gave me such a sense of fulfillment of doing his will in my life at that time. That is such huge achievements. You definitely didn't do that alone. No, not at all. That is such a God movement in your life. Yeah, and I ended up writing that in about seventeen days. So I, not quite like Handel's Messiah or not. He wrote his in eleven days and his is much longer. But no, but I worked with my employees. I said, hey, look, I'm taking some time off and I've got something I just feel inside me that's coming out. And we ended up performing it on a good Friday, a couple of months later. And that was truly, truly, it was God running that. I was just transcribing as fast as I could. And all the glory be to him for that time in my life. And after that, I became a member of the school board of our church, and then I became the president of the congregation for several years. And at the time with my business success, I also started a philanthropic organization. where I had a lot of employees that would come from, say, Eastern Europe or India. We were very technical. We're into databases and predictive modeling, and that's where a lot of that technical expertise was from. So I started this foundation so that we could invest in my employees' hometowns or their home countries, and I'd ask them to find some cause in their own area that they could feel proud of, and we would contribute. So we ended up working with an orphanage in India. We gave them a whole playground, a whole new set of beds and bedding. We worked in another area for women's shelters so we could help them not be brutalized by their local gangs. And then I also have an interest in... in microlending and so part of the foundation focused on microlending in south africa so I was able to go to south africa and and a business partner of mine and I would sit there and we would listen to people come to us and and uh you know they would they would ask they would say hey you know I just need money to buy you know buy a case of tomatoes so then I can sell tomatoes one at a time out in my in my stand and make money that way. And so it's very, you know, everything from that to a guy that ran a dry cleaners who one of his dryers broke and he's not able to get a contract with a hospital unless we help him fix his dryer. So we gave him the money to fix his dryer. And then the next year he was expanding. We gave him money to expand. and our church had a local school, our church sponsored a church down there that had a school, and they all had uniforms, so we allowed, where we funded this young man to have a second dry cleaners right by our school so people could take their uniforms there and really grow that South African township that we were active in. So I was very, you know, I was involved in many different ways with my faith, But at the same time, I was also extremely committed to my business. And I would, as you can imagine, as we're growing, I would be traveling quite a bit. And I was not around my home a lot. I have a great relationship with my children. And I've been there for the important things as much as possible. But my wife and I had an agreement where I would work during the week, but my weekends were for her and the family. And how many children did you have? So I have two daughters. So they're, they're, uh, twenty-four and twenty-eight now. But, uh. And how long have you and your wife been married? We've been married, uh, You better know that. Thirty-two years. Thirty-two wonderful years. Amazing. So hold up, because I always try to, I'm trying to wrap my brain around this. Number one, I feel pissed, to be honest, because you were doing so much for our world. You were providing so much. It created a hole. The government deemed whatever you did as a bigger atrocity as everything you were doing for the welfare of others that benefited our entire world. I mean, not just in the United States. And there are several Jay Sixers like this. I happen to know of one that, his last name's Easterday, that was delivering Bibles over to the Bahamas to five churches that had no Bibles. And he was sailing down there with Bibles. I mean, this is the atrocities of our government trying to stop anything good from going on. Well, they're not going to stop me. And I think God's story is bigger than their story. And, you know, I still have some nuggets to share with you about that as well. And but I mean, I'm livid with what our government has done. I'm livid with with how they've how they've treated us. You know, I if people are interested in hearing more about my story, I do have a sub stack. It's called Falling Rocks. So people can go to Following Rocks at Substack and they'll see my story. I've got, it's gonna sound intimidating, it's twenty-four installments, but they're each very short. And it talks about my journey from where I was to my journey through TAN six, my sentencing, my time, my thirty days I did in prison, and then some of what I've been through after that. And now what were you convicted of? So I was convicted of parading. So the parading charge that so many of us have had. On January sixth, I attended the rally and then I saw that a whole bunch of people were over at the Capitol. So I walked over there and I walked up the steps and there were police officers there. I was on the west side. I wasn't part of the tunnel. I was not in that area at all. but I was on the other side and the doors were wide open and people were walking in in a single file and the police were there. And I just figured there was some place inside for us to protest or at least assemble. So obviously not much smarter now. I would never do something like that, but kind of in the moment, I'm like, okay, I'm going to see what this is about. And I went inside. Well, when the police are acting like a tour guide. They were. And you have red ropes that everyone's following along in. Exactly. People don't understand what a setup it was. You had someone open the doors from the inside out. You had some police waving people in. Everything was peaceful. So good that they're chanting. That is not not peaceful. They were chanting beautiful things. They weren't saying death to America. No, not at all. Not at all. And so when I was inside, I walked down some of the stairs or other people walking down and there was a chair in front of me that had fallen down the stairs and I picked up the chair and I tossed it to the side so that nobody would fall over it. Um, and I would later be told that I was throwing that at police officers because like a minute before some police officers had walked by that area. So they made my entire story about me throwing the video, right? No. Well, no, they had the police walking and then later on they show me, you know, tossing a chair to the side and they tied the two together. Now, luckily the judge didn't take, he didn't listen to that too much. But then we walked up to a door and the officers were there and there were people peacefully talking to the officers. and just saying, hey, this isn't right, what's going on? And we should be able to protest and have our voices heard. And then the crowd grew a little larger. And then there was a person dressed in all black. I'm sure it was an Antifa person. I can't verify that, but certainly they looked like they had military type headgear and chest. And it wasn't the Proud Boy look that I've seen before. And this person sprayed some sort of gel or spray right into the eyes of the officers that were protecting the doors. So the officers immediately jumped out at the people at the front. And I was about four people back. And as they jumped out, they tackled those people and I turned to leave. And as I turned to leave, I was bumped by somebody. And so I just, I was about to fall. So I just put my hand up and that happened to be a police officer. And there was another officer across the way that saw me do that and thought that I had initiated contact with the officer and tackled me to the ground. And then I was dragged behind the police line, and I spent the next several hours in plastic cuffs. So you were detained that day? Dragged around the Capitol. Yeah. Wow. You're one of the few I've heard that happen to. Yeah. Yep. Yeah. I could be notably one of the first arrestees of Jan. Six. And at the end of that night, I was told that I would be charged with trespassing by the Metro Police. that I would have a court date that was more like a citation than an actual ticket or an arrest. Court date in June, pay my fine just like a traffic ticket and I'd be fine. So even though I was somewhat horrified at what had just happened to me, at least I felt like, okay, this will come and go, this will pass. And of course my wife was trying desperately to get ahold of me. She came with me, but she and my daughter were far away from the Capitol. Praise the Lord for that. No kidding. No kidding. So I found my way back. And then the next morning we drove back to I'm from Chicago area. So we drove back to Chicago. And mid morning, I got a call from from my assistant saying, hey, we're getting phone calls from local press. you know, what's going on? I said, well, I said, I don't know. I mean, I'll tell you what happened. I mean, I got arrested for trespassing and it didn't make any sense to me, but it didn't seem like it was any big deal. The next thing I know, there's a group of people around my building that I own for my company and that they are, you know, trying to get people from my company to come out and talk and they felt harassed. And next thing, so then I'm told to look at the CBS lunchtime news and there's somebody outside my house doxing me, showing my address, showing all my political contributions of the prior year. And I thought, oh my gosh, this is terrible. How am I going to deal with this? Like, none of this makes any sense to me. I was having this sort of this, the reality of it was just starting to dawn on me. You can't fathom it. You know what? Not having citizens does not have a category in their brain. So we're sitting here like, no, no, no, you don't understand. And then you think, oh, this will get cleared up. They're just confused. That was exactly it. And by mid-afternoon, I realized I had a crisis on my hands. So I started calling around to some of the PR people I know to see if I can get a PR consultant to handle this for me. And I found someone and he said, well, you need to get a good attorney as soon as you can. And we need to get a statement out to the media. So I got a statement out to the media just saying, hey, look, you know, since I've been arrested and set free, I've seen some of the things that looked violent. I had nothing to do with any violent interactions with anybody. You know, I shouldn't have been in the Capitol that day. I'm looking to have this peacefully resolved, and that was it. Then I went to work to find an attorney, and one attorney in Chicago said they wouldn't touch it. They were like, we're not doing any of this. So then they sent me to somebody else, and somebody else had a conflict. I'm not sure what conflict they had. So I ended up with a D.C. attorney. And they got in touch with the FBI, and the next morning they found out I would be charged with four misdemeanors. and that I would be indicted and that I needed to get myself to DC. So parallel to that, all of my clients that are national clients have boards of directors that they're beholden to. And these boards of directors said, we can't have our company associated with Brad or his company as long as he's a part of it. So the company I spent years building, I had to walk away from two days later And that was painful. But I have to tell you that, like, I was so, my head was in such a different space. Because I'm, you know, at that point, I'm a trauma victim. And I'm not thinking straight. I'm like, okay, whatever I have to do. And of course, I'm concerned about my employees, their, you know, their families. And it's sheer love that you didn't come in with pride and say, to hell you say, I'm not going nowhere. You all can go suck eggs. Like, You didn't do that. You didn't have the mindset to be able to do it, because I know. I've been J-Six. You're just like, holy crap, these people are confused. What am I going to do? Well, yeah, and I take my role as a leader to be protective, regardless of what I'm going through, to be protective of those people. that I'm in charge of. And these people have devoted their careers to me and their lives to me. And regardless of how unjust what I was going through was, all I would do is just destroy everything I built if I went in there and took that attitude. And I'm very thankful that I have a business partner who's a good man, good Christian man, who just said, hey, look, I'm just trying to tell you that I think this has to happen. And we'll figure out the details later. But if we want to save these clients by four o'clock, you know, I need to be able to tell them that you're gone from from running the company. I said, OK. So I turned myself in to the FBI the following Monday, and that was probably the most humiliating day I've been through for the places they took me, the way I was tied up and, you know, chained up and all of that. And Describe that for a second, because I know from watching my husband, I mean, they told him don't wear shoes with laces. So he put on a pair of flip flops and, you know, a waist belt with his hands down by doing the little shuffle and. And these are not criminals. No. These are people that walked in integrity. And they put me in a pretty bad local jail in D.C. while I was waiting my time with the judge. Was that the gulag? No, no. This was not the gulag. This was kind of a local metro jail. kind of a holding place. And it's the first time I've ever been in any jail like that in my life. They were, I walk in, they shackle me up, they bring me down to a cell and there's two steel beds or two metal beds. Somebody is on the bottom bunk. I didn't even know how to get on the top bunk. And the guy just, he's like, toilet, sink, bunk. So I had to step on the toilet, step on the sink and go up on the bunk. Which is very interesting to point out because I've done some studying on prison etiquette, okay? Because there's a whole new governing system within the prison. Oh, yes. And what you don't do is you don't dirty up the sink or the toilet if you don't want to get beat up. Yeah. And so I'm intrigued that there, that's the way you did it. So that was territory. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And so I'm lying there with my, you know, with my coat as my pillow, and there's bugs on the walls just crawling around. I sat there for a couple of hours. I heard a lot of yelling and screaming. What was interesting is I heard an older African-American gentleman say, lecturing some of the younger guys that were in there about responsibility, about how, you know, how Trump isn't a bad guy and you need to look at his example. And I thought that was fascinating to just hear that and just to hear them talk back and forth. And that, yeah, exactly. In D.C. People were not awake then. They didn't. All they knew was what was being fed to them by the media, not realizing the media had been taken over. That's right. That's right. So that was very interesting to me. So then I was taken, kind of the silly thing is that I was taken to an office where I had my discussion with the judge over the phone, which I could have done from Chicago, or I could have done from my own attorney's office. But it would have been humiliation. That's right. They need to humiliate you. That's right. We have a saying in the J-Six community that the process is a punishment. Like their whole ideology is to annihilate you every single day that you breathe until they have nothing else to destroy you over. That's totally accurate. And I've not had anywhere near the sort of firepower thrown at me that so many others have, but this is my little version of that. And- No tank on your handicap ramp. Right, exactly. So then they brought me back to my cell and they said, we're just waiting for the paperwork. They were gonna let me stay there overnight and extend the paperwork until the morning. And my attorney said, hey, it's four fifteen. You have fifteen minutes until you're done with work. Get this thing signed and let me get this guy out. so my attorney I have issues with my attorney but that's one thing he did that uh that I'm extremely thankful for because that would have been the uh you know a torment that I that would have been completely damaging to my soul to have to live through that I stayed overnight and you know when they come to get me the next morning the fbi agents to take me to the arraignment hearing You know, they're searching me. Now, mind you, you got strip searched to go in the prison. Right, exactly. Now they're giving you your clothes back and they're patting you down. And he goes, you don't have anything on you, do you? And, you know, I still had my sense of humor. I'm like, I hope not. Referring to the bugs because, you know, there's lice, there's fleas, there's fly flies. Yeah, exactly. Oh, man. So you might have a few things on you that you didn't have before. I will say during that day, before I ended up at that jail, I had to go get, you know, fingerprinted and my mugshot at the Metro police station. And there's an older black gentleman who was kind of running that part of the operation. And he takes me to the side, we're talking a little bit and he takes my fingerprints. And then the FBI agent that was driving the truck said, hey, you know, I'd like to work at the, you know, in police, can I practice fingerprinting? I said, that's fine with me, I have no place to be. So I just sat there and then he's teaching this guy how to take fingerprints with my fingers. I went, hey, if I can be helpful to the cause in that way, sure. You know what's funny is they do that with everybody. They fingerprinted and took DNA from me and my husband going to that arraignment hearing. Wow. Wow. Well, on the way out, that officer said, hey, man, I hope everything turns out for you. You seem like a good guy. And whatever happened, this doesn't seem like it's right. And I thought, okay, there's a lot of people that get it that you don't hear from in this world. And so, unfortunately, the media narrative is so overpowering. and punishing that it outshines anybody who has anything kind or nice to say about that day. That's right. And they railroad anybody that does. When I went for the federal fingerprinting, just so people know, you go through local fingerprinting and then federal fingerprinting when it's a federal offense. The U.S. Marshal that was fingerprinting me, he was he when I walked in the room, it felt so cold and icy and demonic. I mean, I just I was scared and I shuffled my way into the little box to get my picture took and all that. And he hadn't turned around and then suddenly turns around. And I'm expecting him to be mean and hateful like everybody else had been. And instead he's got tears in his eyes and he goes, you just need to know I'm retiring at the end of the month. You're the sixth J sixer I've seen come through here. And this is not the country that I served all my life to in the military. And it just helped reaffirm me that, okay, I'm not going crazy here. Cause I was trying to figure out what was happening to me still. I'm like, people are so silly, you know? Yeah. Well, that's good. Yeah, again, it's just the exact same thing. I mean, it's a sign that, you know, people in the legal, I'm sorry, the law enforcement community certainly see what's going on. Yeah, absolutely. So fast forward, you know, I had a plea deal where I would plead to a statement of facts and I would plead guilty to parading around the Capitol. So I did. I didn't love the statement of facts. You know, I wanted to make some changes, but this is where my I wish I would have had an attorney who was a little more attentive. Now, again, I've never been through the legal process before. So I was looking for an attorney to kind of walk me through and say, like, OK, here's what this means. Hey, here's here's the ramifications of this. And despite the outrageous amount I paid, I didn't get that sort of advice. So I think monetary inquiry was tied to the D.C. legal industrial complex. Sure, they're trying to promote us in their system. Yep, yep. They make themselves part of the cabal by trying to hold the hope for moving up the ladder. Well, and I saw that during my sentencing. A lot of Jan Sixers with this one offense would just have like a thirty minute sentencing hearing. And it's like, OK, you've got probation or something, you know, or community service. Well, this is right after Matthew Graves was appointed. And I was one of the first cases that had a prosecutor who was underneath Matthew Graves. And this person spoke for about two hours. about me, and he had slow motion video of this chair. I have hearing aids, and after I was tackled by the police officer, one of my hearing aids had fallen on the ground. There was one officer telling me to stay down, and then another officer was telling me to get up. And I'm like, I'm staying down because that's not an aggressive act, you know, because I'm not sure who to believe, and I'm not sure what's going to happen. So in my case, I had cops saying push forward and cops saying get back. Yeah, exactly. It's like you don't. And that's why I just said I'm going to do the least aggressive thing I can and just show I'm compliant. I'm just laying on the ground. Move me where you want me. Tell me, you know, take me where you need me. But he used that as me being defiant against police and, you know, even showed me in slow motion on the ground, which is just just crazy. Um, and the video went to the press and I was on, you know, uh, my, my story was on CNN. I was, I was international. I mean, I have friends in England who have been dear friends and they couldn't believe what they were watching, seeing me on there on BBC in, uh, outside of London. And there's a reason we couldn't believe it. It's because it wasn't true. Of course it wasn't true. And I was sentenced to thirty days in prison and I was I was devastated. I couldn't couldn't even imagine that someone like me and, you know, with what I know, who I've been on my life and what I've been. And, you know, and of course, I sit there at the time and go, man, did I really do something wrong? You know, was there, you know, I should have known better. Yeah, exactly. And and so I had to come to grips with the fact that I was going to be entering a federal prison facility. And and while thirty days doesn't seem like a long time, we've never been through it before. You know, the anxiety, of course, is is something you can never, never believe. Oh, yeah. One day is too long. Like you cannot fathom surviving one day, let alone anything else. And I understand because I'm looking at nine years and I'm like, I know for a fact I won't live through that. I simply won't. I don't want to. And I'm not going to try because if I if I lose my life, I'm going straight to my daddy. And at that point, he will redeem my blood. He will. And God is just. And God will provide. Sometimes I wish he'd provide a little quicker with a little more clarity. But he does provide. And the crux of my story that I really want to get to is, you know, while I was in prison, I brought several Bibles with me. They only let me bring one in. And as I was reading the Bible one day, one of the young men came over and said, hey, is that the Bible? I said, yeah. He's like, hey, can I read that? He said, I haven't read that in a long time. And I was in the quarantine floor, so a lot of these were people that had just come in, or they were people being transferred between areas. And I said, absolutely. And that's why I wanted to bring a second Bible, because I've done that before. I bring a second Bible, and then for some reason, someone ends up asking for it. I did it at a... at an airport in South Africa. The security guard was looking through my stuff, and he said, is that a Bible in English? I said, yeah, it's a little pocketbook Bible. He said, I've never had one before. I said, here you go, young man. And he was so grateful. So I wanted to do the same thing, but they wouldn't let me have two Bibles, and I really needed to read it myself. So he and I shared the Bible, and I learned that a lot of people in prison are way overcharged, I'm learning that our justice system is misnamed far beyond Jan six, as I hear the stories of these men. And I mean, there are some people that definitely needed to be in there and be in there for a long time. Well, and he, and that guy did the guy that was in there for like, Oh yeah, I messed up. Yeah. I totally, they caught me. Yeah. Oh, you got knocked out. So y'all know the FBI absolutely hates for our story to get out. They hate for the truth to get out. And they do everything they can to keep it from it. So welcome back. Sorry about that. For some reason, my phone, someone's got a scam call coming in. Oh, okay. How convenient. No, good grief. And prior to my sentencing or prior to me going to prison, I had a fifty mile radius around my house that I was restricted to. So my wife and I learned all about Northern Illinois. She would joke that if I'm bad to her, she's going to go drive fifty one miles away and there's nothing I can do about it. I see y'all learned how to laugh through it too. And we decided to listen to a guy named Monkey Works on YouTube. He had a special series on revelations at the time. And he had two pastors and the three of them would talk about revelations. And they would spend an hour, roughly like an hour per chapter or an hour for two chapters talking. So they had like nine or ten of these episodes, and we would just drive and listen, and we would stop and talk about it and, you know, stuff we didn't understand, we'd go back and listen again. So I'm in prison, and there's some guys talking in the hallway, and they said, hey, Brad, you probably know about some of this. What do you make of this? And it was this tall Hispanic gentleman who had tattoos all over his body, and he had a big six-six-six tattoo on his ankle. And they asked me like, did he take the mark of the beast? Like he's really worried, like that's a part of his life in the past and he's really worried. And I said, well, I said, what I can tell you is when you take the mark of the beast, you know what you're doing. You're gonna be doing it because you know you are signing up to go to the dark side and you're signing up to reject Christ and reject what God has given us here on earth. And you won't be fooled into it. You won't do it because you think it's cool. You're gonna do it because that's a decision you're making. And I don't know you. But I don't think that's the decision you made when you got that tattoo. So I said, that's six, six, six. This is meaningful. It was six, six, seven, six, six, eight, seven, two, nine, whatever. I said, you're good. What a good answer. I said, I hope you look into your heart and I hope that you're in a different place now because God will love you, you know, regardless of that time in your life. Start naked. And I don't even think he even sees skin if you want to know the truth. I agree. I agree. And I'm sitting there going, well, God put me in that book of Revelation and then put me in that prison so that I could have that conversation with knowledge and certainty with that young man who was looking to hear it. And so after that time, I'll skip some of the stories. You can read them in my sub stack. But God gave me a lantern. And the context that I have is that God picked me up and said, okay, you're done with that life you had. You're done with running that business. You're done with those people because he permanently closed that door. Employees haven't talked to me since, you know, I mean, I had some friendlies on the client side, but nobody would work with me again. So God clearly said, you are going to be doing something else with your life now. You're done. And I'm fortunate that I was able to sell my business to my business partner, not at a fire sale, but certainly not the value that we had built over the years, but at least it's enough to springboard me into what's next. And I've tried a lot of things. I tried to rebuild an analytics company and God said, nope. Nope, it's different. So I thought, okay, I really had a heart for the men I met in prison. So I wanted to go into prison ministry. So I spent time and effort. I met somebody at this local post-jail prison recovery center. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Are you telling me you didn't get enough of prison after thirty days? I felt such a heart for the men that I met. What the enemy intended for evil, God intended for good. He did. And you claimed it, and you're like, party on. I know who these guys are. I did. I did. I did. But God again said, no, I don't want you doing that. Because I was all gung-ho. I went to this training meeting, it's a whole day meeting, Saturday down in Joliet, Illinois. And at the end of it, the guy that's running it said, hey, well, and you just have to fill out your application. And as long as you haven't been in any prison or jail for the last two years, you can do this. I said, are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? Good grief. I'm not even good enough. So I went up to him afterwards. He's like, oh, Brad, I should have. He's like, Brad, I didn't even think like, even though you told me your whole story, I looked at you. I'm like, no, he's not. He's good. He's never been in prison. I said, I know. I said, I still try to think that too, but I've got some memories that tell me otherwise. And then God also decided to add several more trials to my life. One is I have a condo in Captiva, Florida, and I had that condo since twenty thirteen. And I was relying on that for some of my income, given that I couldn't get work after June six. Well, in September twenty twenty two, there was a hurricane that wiped out the entire resort. in my condo. So he decided to add some more financial stress to my life. So are you telling me everything that you relied on as your identity and your support system, he broke down? You got it. You got it. And he was very firm about that. And I said, okay, God, where are you putting me? Where are you putting me? And I was never, as you can see, I'm a very positive person. I try not to, you know, not to, you know, spend time wallowing in my sorrows. So I just said, okay, God, what's next? Tell me what to do. You know, where do I, where do you want me? And he finally I believe finally who knows anything can happen After a few other financial setbacks like all my cars going to put in the same month I'm like I'm on my knees going. Okay. Where do you need me? And I An old, a pastor friend of mine from twenty years ago, when I first started worship leading, reached out to me. And he said, hey Brad, I need someone to lead worship at a small congregation on the other side of the suburbs. He said, would you mind doing that a couple times a month? And so I reacquainted myself with him and he just gave me strength and like that helped me with my soul. Like, okay, I feel good. I've got a, you know, I've got a team of, or I've got a congregation of, you know, a small congregation, but I would lead and they would be so thankful and we would celebrate and joy and raise our hands and praise the Lord. And then he put me in touch with a friend of mine from high school. who had started a ministry. He's into personal development. And a lot of what he does is helping people overcome the feelings of inadequacy and shame that we have in our lives. And he's got, he and his business partner, a wonderful woman who I've come to love dearly. They've been running this company for several years. And they said, you know, we're doing it as a nonprofit. and the Lord is closing that door on us. And we wanna do a for-profit thing. We wanna be bigger. We know we can touch more people. We can help the souls of so many more people, but we're not business people. We don't know how to build it. We don't know how to run it. We don't know how to grow it. And so we spent a lot of time together, we prayed together, and here we are. We started our company this February, and we're building out a product to give people mental toughness, but we're also having these weekends where people can come and really explore why they are what they are and what's that thing holding them back from really living that full life that god wants them to have because we all have those things that hold us back and our society is so full of shame our society is so much trying to tell us we're not worthy and that and that we will be judged by the most egregious thing that society thinks we've done not by the patience and love and kindness that we offer to people. And it's the furthest thing from the truth. You know, the scripture tells you, blessed are the poor in spirit for they shall be comforted. Right. If you run to it and confess it, people are, even non-believers are faithful in embracing and saying, brother, we're going to get you through this. They may have all the wrong answers, but instinctively people want to help one another. Right. They do. And that's what's so tragic about communism coming to our country. They couch it in kindness. They couch it in, you know, take responsibility for your neighbor. And it all sounds great until they have to kill a hundred million people to make it actually work. You know, so, you know, so like I said, the Lord picked me up and said, you're going to do something different now. And instead of focusing on a business and growing that, he's got me focused on people's souls, people's hearts and helping people heal. And I feel like as a Jan Sixer, we all know what that's like, that we have to heal. We've all been through trauma and we have all been through unexpected things and had to think about things we never thought we'd ever have to think about. And my life is now dedicated to bringing people into that closeness of what they can be. And we're looking at people that are really on the trauma side, but we're also looking at people who are leaders, but still have things that are in their way. People that are like, I just can't quite get there. And we're talking to organizations, the military, law enforcement, as well as different Christian organizations who work with pastors. So we're casting the net wide. Beautiful. I am just giddy over it because I know that not only from my own church home, but my own experience that you can have your life really together and submitted to the Lord. But there are still those internal takes that you will fall right back into that cycle when you get to that point every single time. You know, I've called mine a strong man of burden that I feel like I'm a burden to the world. And it's a lie. My head knows it's a lie. I know it's a lie. But yet every time I get in that situation, I go right back to that cycle. Well, and at least we get a lot of those. We get a lot of those signals from our childhood. Yes. Yes. You know, so for me, like you said early on, like, yeah, I'm an achiever. I'm like, I'm always doing something. I'm always learning new things. And I'm known as what's called a hyper achiever. And that means that when I was when I was young, I probably gained a lot of positive vibes from my parents or those around me for achieving things, for finishing things, for getting things done. So I learned that that's that's my that's my power in life is to is to get things done and work hard. And that's good until it becomes a burden or until it becomes a barrier. Right. Because God tells us when we humble ourselves, when we don't try to do it in our own strength, that's when he can work through us. And so when you're so good at doing it yourself and being the leader and making it happen and done, task oriented and you're overburdened, mad at the world for it, but you get it done. then Christ can work through you. Right. That's right. And the hardest thing for me has been what my pastor the other day said. He said, Brad, you need to make sure that you are abiding. Just take the time and you're abiding, you know, and, and, you know, and all of a sudden someone saying, just sit, you're like, uh, ask me anything else. Can I sit more actively than I'm sitting right now? Is that okay? What plan B do we have? Yeah. So, you know, so that's, that's my story. And, and, uh, you know, I, I, uh, I look forward to where God is going to take us. And if he decides this is not it, then I'll find what's next. But right now, I feel like I finally have a future that's worthy of the struggle. There's joy in the suffering. And I know that my suffering is nothing like what you faced and what your husband has faced and what so many other Jan Sixers have been through. And my heart goes out to those that are still sitting in jail for pretrial, those that are in prison, those that have just been, just because of who they associate with, they've been unjustly accused and convicted. And it's a travesty on this country. It's a travesty on our government. And, you know, and I certainly hope that God has a plan to rectify some of this while we're still here so that the world can see what's happened. And that's out of our hands. There's things we can do, obviously, through activism. Right now, I've been focusing on what my wife and I'll refer to as Rokstalistan. protecting the home front. Our country is our one acre plot of land. That's right. You know, I feel like I've given what I can personally and that God's calling me to go the direction I'm going. So I'm not one that's going to be terribly involved in politics. I've always been a private person and I feel like that's where I'm best serving. But that doesn't mean I don't have my my point of view and share it to those, you know, ironically, you know, everything involves politics. Even your privacy, like everything about it. Now you viewed through that filter. Cause I wasn't political before this, but, but you can be sure bet. I'm keeping my thumb to the pulse. Now there won't be no lulling back to sleep. No, no, no. Once you're awake to the reality of what's going on in this country, you don't have a choice to go back. There's no choice to, you know, you can't undream that dream. That's right. You see the danger. If you're a family man, now you realize these political, you know, leaders, tyrants, whatever you want to call them, they're going to affect your children. So you have to stay in the game whether you want to or not, if for no other reason but to watch them and be awake. That's right. That's right. Oh, I'm going to tell you, Brad, this has been one of my favorite interviews. I did not realize what the Lord had been doing in your life. You know, I think it's probably been a year or a year and a half since I talked to you last time. And I had no idea. I think it is just one of the most gorgeous pictures I've seen. There is nothing more attractive than somebody submitting their life to the Lord. Lord, do what you want. And, you know, here you had wealth, you had fame, you had everything going in your direction. And you were even glorifying the Lord with it. and he still tore it down and said I have a new direction a new thing and that's where the people need to understand your when you relinquish your life to jesus christ your life is no longer your own it really belongs to the lord and whatever he wants to do with it and who are we to tell the potter how he can make the clay if he wants you to go through brokenness you're going to go through brokenness and I guarantee you're going to be more beautiful for it You know, I don't know if you'll pay attention to broken glass, but it really shines a lot of beautiful light and color. I'll definitely take a look at that. But yeah, and there's a peace that surpasses all human understanding when you know that God is putting you where he wants you. Of course, there's pain. Of course, there's tears. Of course, there's anxiety. And that's being human. And we're all human, and we all sin, and we all have human emotions, and we're supposed to have human emotions. But working through that and knowing that, okay, God's in control, and it's up to me. He doesn't hand us a spotlight. He gives us a lantern. He says, okay, go look for it. Go look for it. It's out there. Go look for it. And that made me earn it. Because I wasn't going to stop. I wasn't going to despair and say, OK, I'm done and hide into a cocoon. So to God be the glory. And may he bless all of the Jan Sixers who are messed up in all of this. And may we find redemption through him. And may he share that with the world. Amen, brother. That couldn't end on a more better note. So obviously, y'all are going to be in the healing process for a long time, like me and Mark. I've told people we'll never be the same again. We're not looking to be the same again. That's the beauty of it is this cleans up a lot of problems that you had in your life that you couldn't get around to. You didn't even know. I didn't know I was a fearful person. I was afraid of everything. I didn't even see it. And now that's gone. It's, you know, my only fear now is Lord, am I pleasing you? You know, I don't want to let him down. I don't want to fail him. And I want to be obedient to the call. Yeah. Amen. Amen. Would you mind closing us out in prayer? I would love to. Awesome. Let's do that. Dear God, thank you for this opportunity to witness on your behalf and to witness your goodness and your faithfulness. May that flow through to you. all those who are being persecuted in this country, the good people who have made their voices heard and are being unjustly persecuted by a government and by a system that does not have your will at heart and has their own will, which is not that of peace and prosperity for us citizens. Please fill our hearts with your will. Please fill our lives with blessings and joy. And may we continue to dedicate our hearts, our souls, our minds, and our lives to your will for us. It seems we ask in your precious name. Amen. Amen. That is so wonderful, Brad. I thank you for coming on the show. It is hard to be vulnerable. And those are always my favorites. Because it's not easy to do in front of people. It's not easy to do to say, you know what? I'm just laying my life out there because I love my brother enough. I love my sister enough to see them not fall in the same traps and for them to be wise and awake and for them to feel the safety to be themselves, to take off that mask, to be broken and to lay those pieces out and say, daddy, I need to put back together. And that's just allowed people to do on here today. Amen, and be told you're okay. You're okay. Yes, you're going to be okay. It feels like you're going to die when going through it, but I promise you're not going to be. You're going to be more beautiful than you were before. So, Brad, thank you for coming on the show. I wish you the best. We're going to have to stay in touch more because I feel so edified through this. That sounds great to me. And all the best to you and Mark, too, with all you're going through. Thank you so much. God bless you. Y'all have a blessed day. Oh, you too, Trulice. Bye-bye.