BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 10/21/2024 Technocratic Communism & Process for Accountability

Published Oct. 21, 2024, 9:03 a.m.

9am Vicky Davis Technocratic Communism The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what. 10am Bryan Bowermaster - Process for Accountability through candidates debate. Bryan Bowermaster Profession - Video Production Company Owner I was wronged by our government and the Lord activated me. Long story short, I was called to use my gifts and talents as a visual artist to spread the truth far and wide with high caliber and integrity in this spiritual war. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Vicky Davis, Brian Bowermaster

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it's the twenty first day of October twenty twenty four. And welcome back, everybody. Last week, I decided to take last week off because of a number of reasons. But I am back this week and I'm looking at my schedule coming up. And quite honestly, there's a lot of stuff going on right now. And so keep keep your eyes on what's going on here on my channel, because there's so many moving parts and I'm going to be moving around a little bit to two different things. But at any rate, I want to bring up the fact that the barn bash this weekend with Ambassador Rick Grinnell was absolutely fantastic. We had such a nice time. And last week, well, I'm going to bring Vicki on a minute. Let's just go back to this. We're going to start out this morning with Vicki Davis with the technocratic communism, as well as at ten o'clock. I'm bringing on Brian Bowermaster, and he's going to be talking about holding public officials, public functionaries. I know I'm going to get dinged for that one. accountable and how to do that through debate and what happened to him because he was wrongly treated by public functionaries. And so I'm going to bring Vicki on a minute and then we're going to talk about the barn bash with my friend Rick Grinnell. I really like Rick a lot. He's wonderful. And we had a very diverse group, which was really fun for me. I don't play identity politics. I despise it. I think it's toxic when people want to break off into subgroups. However, I just kind of float between all groups. And honestly, I don't know if you, when you were in high school, I didn't like fit into any clique. I kind of just got along with everybody. And And I think that that's the way that we should do it. So I'm just going to announce myself as an American, a patriot, and a child of God. That's what I am, okay? And I can get along with anybody, anytime, anywhere, as long as they're not intentionally trying to screw with the innocent people or America or Americans. And so that's where we are. So how are you this morning, Vicki? I'm doing just fine. Thanks. A little tired because a lot of times I wake up in the middle of the night and I work for several hours and then I go back to sleep. You know, I kind of do the same thing. My sleep schedule is absolutely nuts. That's just the way that I am. I'll wake up. I think last night I woke up about, I don't know, Twelve o'clock. I went to sleep about ten thirty. I woke up at twelve o'clock and I was up for two, three hours, then back to sleep again. I don't I don't typically sleep the night through. Yeah, I don't know what I'd do if I ever, you know, had like a full night's sleep. So so long. Yeah, I think some of that's the function of age, too. When you get older, both of us, you know, I'm sixty one. You're a little older than me. Not that much. But when you get older, your sleep cycles aren't like they were when you were younger. That's okay. That's okay. So I want to show you something. I'm going to show a video that Ambassador Grinnell put out. And it was at my barn, which I was really honored. Man, it was kind of like one of those huge honors, right? So let's show this little video that he put out there because we are going to be doing a countdown here. It's fifteen days for the election. Everybody, you know, get on this because I think this is going to be an important. This is going to be important. What we do for the next what we do for the next fifteen days is going to be important. So let's just play. Ambassador Grinnell's Instagram video. We have sixteen days left in this campaign. When I look at what's happening to our country, it's hard to take. And we handed them a world totally at peace. And you look at what's happening now and you have two escalating wars. But what we do know is that President Trump has already proven that he knows how to bring people into a room, tell both sides to knock it off, and deliver peace. We have to participate. We can't just let this go by. You can't leave here and hope someone else does something and then watch on November fifth and hope and cross your fingers. You gotta work. You're in the state that matters. You're in the state where it's going to be Yes or no. So I just ask you to dig deep to do what President Trump taught us to which is fight, fight, fight. Yay, isn't that nice? Yeah. Really, really nice. And we had a very nice time. I love all the people that were there. We had people from the Log Cabin that were there. We had Log Cabin Republicans were there. We had several pastors that were there from different churches. And Jean Pearson gave the gave the prayer before we, you know, when we got started, really. And just a wonderful group of friends, you know. And I think that's the most important thing that we can remember is that we need to stand together as people first. And, you know, I don't know, we all need each other. And when we get back to the basics of, I don't know why it's kind of magical, but when people are at a barn, at a farm, a work, because our barn is a working farm, they kind of, all the masks go off. And I don't mean like the masks, like the COVID mask, but trying to pretend like people who are something they are not. You know, it's just like everybody gets down to just being people, you know. grab a drink, hang around, talk and visit, um, uh, grab some pie. I made a, I made twelve pies for the event and, uh, arguably I make the best pies in the whole world. I'm going to say the United States, but I'm going to say the whole world right now because, um, uh, so that was a lot of fun. We, we just had a really a lot of fun. We had French media that was there. We had, um, Just an amazing amount of different people from all over that came here. We had a couple of my Anon buddies that were in my first research group, and that was such an honor that they came here. to be with the ambassador and all of us. My family was there. People always say, where's your husband? She's not really married. Yeah, my husband was there. Mr. Brandenburg was there. And it was wonderful for me to introduce him to everybody because we work so much that unless something is really significant, a lot of times we're busy just taking care of things. And as we talked before we got on this morning, we were busy last week. That's why I was not on BNN last week. Just getting a barn ready for non farm people. It is a it is it's kind of interesting. My power washed myself and Mike Waddell power washed all the stalls we we went through and sealed the stalls because when the horses are in there, you get oil off their coats. Animals are messy, okay? And you have to really spend a lot of time keeping things up. We do generally, but there was just a little more spit and polish that needed to be put on the barn. And I just want to thank Everybody that works, you know, kind of like barn staff, the family, friends, volunteers, that sort of thing. My family, my children, which are, they're all adults now. How much work they put into it. It's amazing. My daughter, Julia, is absolutely amazing. And then my sons, Aaron and Kyle, they're totally amazing. My husband worked hard. And we've got Mike Bodell and Micah that work there and Lulu. They are totally amazing. And I'm telling you what, I know who I can count on in the pension. Those guys are kind of my A-team that we've worked together for a very long time. But then there's others like Holly DeBoer and Erlina Velting. And Danny and Nick and Steven Schumacher and just all the volunteers that were there. Will Betty that does, we do our hay with him. And he drove the tractor for the hay wagon and such. And I just can't even name the amount of people that were there. that we're working on this and doing the barn work is dirty job. I'm telling you what, and it takes a special kind of person that will stay with that. Not only do you have to be physically fit, you've got to be predisposed to be able to do that, but also physically fit enough to do the work because it's hard work. So just want to say thank you to everyone. And thank you so much, Ambassador Grinnell and your whole team. You are amazing. I love you. His mom came, Judy. It was a pleasure to meet her and introduce her to people and her friend, Patty. It was it was really a nice time. And so many patriots that were there. Amazing. So I think we just had one of the best turnouts too. I mean, I don't even know how many people we had there, but there was a lot. So anyhow, what we wanted to talk about today was agriculture. So I'm going to go ahead and segue into this and put your links up here. Hang on a minute. Let me see if I can put your links up and we can go ahead and talk about this. Okay. Okay. Everybody should know these articles are in progress. I posted them because Darren Weeks and I talked about it on our radio program on Saturday morning called Govern America. I do that every Saturday. Send me links and I'll post them in my Telegram channel. Okay. I only have three links. Okay. And what the subject is, is about the North American animal identification system. Last week, Congresswoman Harriet Hagerman, she's from Wyoming. She gave a presentation to a couple of groups of cattlemen about this NAIS animal tracking system. It's an animal inventory system. And she just gave a great speech. Let's be clear. This is absolutely the government trying to own our assets. That's right. In fact, one of the things that she talked about was that what this does, the participation in this animal tracking system is vertical integration of the cattle business. And what that means, vertical integration, that means supply chain. And so they're trying to draw in all of the small independent cattlemen into a supply chain, which, you know, the implications or the... You would assume that it would be the American supply chain, but no, it's the America's supply chain. That means like the North, South and Central America. And what we're talking about is global systems, because this system that is presented as if it's an American system, that actually isn't links all the way up to the WHO and the WHO's One Health program. So with the One Health program, they're trying to take control of animals, plants, and people, us. It's so evil. They have no right to tell us how many animals we have. There should be food sovereignty in every county. There is no reason for compliance on this. This is like step two or version two of the COVID shutdowns. But they've been doing this for many years. I mean, that's really what the extermination of the buffalo was about. It wasn't protecting the Transcontinental Railroad. that was about extermination of people and controlling the food supply so that there would be less people on the planet. Well, that's, I believe, what their objective is today. I'm not sure about back then. It doesn't make any sense if you look at the logistics. So when you look at what they've done to commandeer our natural resources, the food supply. This has gone back, and when you look at every society going back through time, it's almost always, because these people aren't real smart, okay? They're devious, but they replay the playbook every time. They go after food. Look at how they've gone after farmers, the boars in South Africa, the farmers in Africa, in say the Bolshevik revolution that whole time and how many farmers they, they basically, they basically took out the farm supply. But that's, that's constantly being repeated. So that's, that's a problem. And when you look at what they're doing right now, they're doing the same thing. Well, and that's the, I believe that's the whole objective of the WHO is, they present a face of being to protect people from medical tyranny and that sort of thing. But the flip side of that is that they are trying to take control of people. And actually, if you look at what they're doing, the NAIS animal tracking system They started it out just for animals that exist on the farm, you know, which includes deer and llamas and that whatever. But their objective is to inventory and tag every animal in the world to have an inventory of it. And guess what? You're an animal. And that is part of the system to bag and tag you as well. Yeah, it's really, really sad how they've gone about this and that it's really never, their methods really haven't changed. Well, when I was working with Idaho Eagle Forum, which was the Idaho chapter of Eagle Forum in two thousand six, we found out about them trying to implement this system and they were imposing it. on the small ranchers at that time. And so we mobilized and fought it, did a lot of research on it and we fought it. And so after I heard Harriet Hagman's speech and she's talking about them bringing it up again, I thought I better bring forward all the research I did before and tell people you know, what this is really about. Well, in doing that, she thought that the first attempt at implementing this was in two thousand and ten. We were working on it in two thousand and six, and this time when I started researching again, I found out it was actually an initiative in nineteen eighty five. Really? And it was proposed by an inter-American organization. So we're talking about like the free trade area of the Americas. In, they started working on this. And when you have an inventory of every animal or every product in a whole area, what you can do is, of course, you can manipulate the price. And you manipulate the price by controlling who can be in the business. And that's really the function that the supply chain serves, is to be able to control who can be in the market, how many animals they can raise, which in turn controls the price of the product. Well, they're doing a lot of price fixing and manipulation right now. They're doing it in the real estate market too, bigly. Bigly. Through the taxation methods is one way they're doing it because they're setting the values at a... at a local county and state level and telling people, no, you can't sell this house for this. This is what it's really worth. Well, they're trying to make everything nationalized. Yeah. You know, so that so that the price of a house in Washington, D.C. is the price of a house in Twin Falls, Idaho. Well, you can't do that because people in Twin Falls, Idaho, don't make that kind of money. Yeah, well, they're they're absolutely they're absolutely wanting everything to be the same across the board and destroy capitalism, destroy fair market economy. How's that going to work when they raise the prices so high that only BlackRock, Vanguard, State Street Capital can buy the real estate and we all become just tenants on their property because that's what they're doing. That's absolutely what they're doing. They're trying to price it out of the ability for real Americans to actually to actually own it. When you look at the developments going on, I've got a real bitch about this because I watch it here in Byron Township where the people that are sitting on the zoning boards as well as the township councils are absolutely guilty as hell of this. They give the benefit to the developers every single time. And then You've got them going into HOAs and all that sort of thing. The developers that are doing multifamily housing or planned urban development get the benefit. So they get to own more of it instead of single families. It's incredible. Well, it's communism in the twenty-first century. Yes, it is. It is absolutely communism. And when you talk to them about it, because I just call them all out. I'm like, you're a bunch of Marxists. That's what you are. And you can sit there and slap a Christian label on it all you want. Slap a Christian label on it. The last time I was at the meeting, they wanted to slap the Christian label on it and say a prayer to Jesus. And I don't know which Jesus they're praying to. but I'm pretty extra sure it wasn't the same one that I served because they went ahead and they voted it in and and I went up there after you know when they were talking and I said I said you have literally not listened to one word that any of the neighbors have said and you're slapping this in their backyard how would you feel if somebody slapped this into your backyard didn't deal with the drainage problems these people's properties are all going to get flooded It's happening all the time and they don't care because they give the advantage to the developers. They'll slap Christ's name on it and use it. And I'm going to tell you what, it's like it's taking his name in vain. And then they just they just think that that's going to make it all better. And it just doesn't, you know. That's what it looks like now. And I'm going to say it right now. We've got fake Jews, we've got fake Muslims, and we've got fake Christians out there. That's exactly what they do. The parasite class takes over what we the people or what God intended for good. Well, it's not going to last. But when you look at exactly what the playbook has been, one of the first things in the Marxist playbook was to take over religion. So then they want to. you know, they want to make it look like it's all right. It's just not. So it takes a lot of discernment to know, to know, or to realize that, that, um, what they're saying and what they're doing, who we're actually listening to and who we're talking to, but it is, it's communism in the, in the century. Yeah. Well, and they brought, uh, uh, religion into it by, um, allowing, uh, religious groups to become five Oh one C threes. Exactly. So they make money on it. I, you know, they've got their Bible in one hand and their bank book in the other. And, and so, you know, they, they do take bribes there. They're as crooked as crooked can be. You bet they do. And any of the churches that shut down during COVID they're gutless cowards and they should, they did it because they wanted to get that five Oh one C three. keep that status. And I believe that they were also, many of them getting payoffs. I was told that there was somebody, individuals were getting paid off in this. They were getting back, they were getting money for this. The schools were getting money. I heard that one of our educators in this township took twenty thousand dollars personally to keep the masks going in Byron Center. And I really, I want to see the receipts on that. I got it from a pretty good source, and that's why I haven't slammed it out there too much. But this is absolutely, I think we need to frame this into what communism looks like, what putting people into their little pens to use them, because it's changed. What we think of as communism and the Holocaust and all this stuff, which I'm going to tell you right now, I'm questioning everything in history. even the numbers, what they have to say, and how they've used this to set aside protected classes of people. We need to honestly look at this. There were, you know, six million Jews, but there were five million Christians and all the gypsies that were killed during World War II, but we never talk about that. And And I think we need to we need to talk about these things like air pack and how it's how it's funny things like people with dual citizenships. Right. There are true. There are honest believers in that that that believe and hold to God in in the Christian religion and in in Christianity, in Judaism, in Muslim. They they are trying to do the right thing. Right. Right. Now I have a pretty solid commitment to Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior. I'm going to tell you that right now. And I think if people weren't led astray by these fake religious systems, we would actually see what was really said there instead of what's been programmed into us. Um, and, and I mean, that goes across the board and I can, I can elaborate on that later. I'm not going to right now because, and I'll give everybody something to chew on and maybe, maybe, uh, maybe provoke some conversation here a little bit, because I think we need to be a little bit of a provocateur. Jesus was, Jesus was a provocateur and it was the religious establishment that killed him. You know, that's what killed him is the religious establishment. So let's go ahead and poke the bear on that one a little bit. But, uh, Yeah, well, what people should understand about computer systems is that the purpose of them is centralization of control. OK, period. That is the purpose of the computer systems is centralization of control. And when they, during the Clinton-Gore administration, actually it started during the Bush administration, but it was really in the planning stages at that point. But when they started building national systems, you probably remember the healthcare system that, you know, they called it Hillary Care. That was the first attempt at implementing a national system for health care. So we were told. But people rose up against that, you know, because nobody wants national health, a national health system. Because your health care goes, your health care system just goes right down in the toilet, you know, when the government controls it. Um, but, uh, in, uh, the G seven, the group of seven countries, which are, uh, basically the UK, the United States, Germany, France, um, and, and a couple others, they decided on a set of. Eleven global systems, you know, and the, the global systems. would control processes, share information across country lines. Well, that was the first really big movement towards global governance. And what year was that in? It was nineteen ninety four when they made that decision. I have that documented on my website, so I will get you a link for it. Does they have any coordination with the Five Eyes that was going on? Because that sounds like it was all coordinated with Five Eyes initiative. Well, the Five Eyes was a function of the globalization of systems. And they brought together these five countries, they say. I don't believe it's just five. I think they included Russia. Even at the beginning they did, because I questioned that too, because it was United States, Canada, Great Britain, Australia. And who did I miss? Sick. Was it France? Yeah, France is always in. France was France was in that, too, I believe. And then I think it's been expanded to like I think there's thirty countries in it now. And AT&T was part of it because, of course, they have to suck in all of the economic players that are out there in court and corporations. The corporate structure of America was part of their Marxist takeover of the world, basically, and go to a one world government. Yeah, well, what people don't know about the development of computer systems is that you can never, when you're working on big systems, you can never do the whole thing just, you know, within a few years. You know, start here, end here, you got a system. That's not the way it works. You build the base system first, and then you add on to it. You know, you expand it over time. So whereas they started the development of global systems in nineteen ninety five. Let me post this link. They were never they were never. the presentation of completed systems. They were just that particular phase of the development of the system. Well, is it ever really done? Because, you know, you see technology change. And as soon as the hardware and the hardware type changes, or the communication grid expands, or you know what I mean? It's like, it's a constantly evolving system. And then, you know, God help us throw AI into it. And I'm actually kind of a fan of unmoderated AI. And I honestly think that that's something they are terrified of. We run an unmoderated AI system and anybody can do it. We tried showing people how to do this so that you get off like the chat GPTs and that sort of thing. That's all moderated. And I think it's critical that people understand that they're terrified of AI. And they launched it way before they should have. And so now the flaws are built into it. And not only that, they're moderating it. So we don't have to be afraid of things. We need to understand them and then go ahead. and use them for what they are and then find their weaknesses, find their weaknesses, find their strengths. And you can use anything, anything the bad guy you have made to tear us down. We can also use against them and they're not real bright. Okay. That's how I feel about this. Well, at AI system, it's really just a decision support system. Statistics. It's just statistics. Yeah. Well, yeah. And it's like a decision tree. You know, if this, then that, or if this, then that. And so it depends on, number one, how good the programmers were, how good they were at programming the options, how logical were they? I mean, the idea that they would turn over any aspect of decision making for uh for us it it just it horrifies me absolutely horrifies me Well, and think about this. We can attack those moderated AI systems, too, because there are feedback loops in there that if everybody got in there and gave it some different information, the information that we feedback into it because they're trying to learn us. Well, guess what? We can do the unexpected on them, too, and change things. Uh-huh. Yeah. OK, now that that next link that I have, the Global Information Society, the one I put in after that one. Yeah. OK, I have a list in there of the eleven. Global systems that they chose to start with. Perfect. I just love it. You bring the receipts. This is amazing how much work you've done. I am I am. rarely in awe of this type of absolute brilliance in how you put this together. You and Jonathan Kegel are just unbelievable with the amount of information you have and the connections you've made. Just astounding, astounding amount of information you put together. Well, thank you. Yeah, I do work on it because it's so important. I just can't even I can't even express how important it is that we have to break apart these global systems and take our government back, our country back, our humanity back. Because these computer systems turn you into nothing more than an object in the computer system. And they intend to manage your life. As a matter of fact, one of the links I put up there at the top is questioning, are you just a unit of biodiversity? You know, because in this animal tracking system, I believe and other people believe that they're including humans in that. Sure they are. Well, look at the numbers they've got on, you know, with social security numbers and all of this identifier, all of the identifiers they have on everyone is for tracking. Yes. Yes. And one of the, one of the systems that they started to work on early on is the healthcare system. And I found out about that by watching a two thousand and seven National Governors Association meeting in which IBM and Mayo Clinic were doing a presentation and the subject was personalized medicine. Well, you know that personalized medicine is by definition experimental. And so the idea was to implement a national system of medical records And when I researched that back, I found that John Glenn, Senator John Glenn on the Government Reform Committee, was the first one to make an inquiry of the GAO, I think it was, to find out about all of the issues that would be involved with establishing a national medical records system. And in his inquiry, he said right on there, it's for medical research outcomes. Well, if you, I mean, first of all, you can't really justify the cost of a national medical records database. There's no justice. And they put so much information in there, like with, you know, the McLaren systems and all that sort of thing. Mm-hmm. Well, and for what justification? Well, if you're having the pharmaceutical companies pay you for research subjects, I mean, think about what you can do with that information. You could do a search and select a population of research subjects that are distributed around the nation so there are no pockets of anomalous medical activities, you know, like people dying, And, you know, they all go to this clinic. No, with a nationalized medical records database, you could distribute your population of research subjects. And so nobody would be the wiser that you were doing it. Well, information is the big moneymaker across the globe. So whenever I see anybody that's involved in that, the red flags go up immediately. Yeah. Well, they should. I mean, that whole system should be taken down. But initially, I thought it was for medical research, but there's more to it than that. What we ultimately got was a system of universal health insurance, you know, which was Obamacare. Well, the insurance company's That is a statistical system. They don't care about the details in your medical record because it's the disease condition, the expected number of people among your population that might get it, and what it's going to cost you. And the actuaries do the calculations so that they can price their insurance product to be able to cover those conditions for the estimated number of people that are going to get those disease conditions. That's what insurance is about. It's not about looking in detail at what your medical record says. And so the idea that they would use insurance a national health insurance system says that the purpose of the nationalized medical records was something different than that. Well, when you start reading about the national animal identification system, it's really what they're trying to do is an inventory of all of the animals. And guess what? You're an animal. You're a unit of biodiversity that can be included in the animal tracking system. Right, and when you look at the basic analysis of insurance, they're gambling. It's high-stakes gambling, which you are coerced into participating into. They set the rates, they know what the risks are, and they have it skewed in their favor, just like any table game at a casino. Yes, they should never have allowed profits Making health insurance. Exactly. And I don't know if you know what happened in the state of Michigan, but Whitmer's dad was part of Blue Cross Blue Shield in Michigan. And they did a little quick switcheroo there. It used to be a beneficiary trust that was owned by the people of Michigan. And in one swipe, they made it into a mutual trust. and it was stolen basically from the people of Michigan. But that's what these people do is they steal everything. They never make anything. They don't make anything. They produce nothing, zero. They create crisis, then they bring the solution to it. But up and beyond that, they will take over any host that's dumb enough to let them or weak enough that they can move in and take it over. But that's exactly what they do. Mm-hmm. Well, that whole the move towards profit making insurance companies that started in about nineteen seventy nine, the ERISA Act of nineteen seventy nine. And the reason why I'm aware of that is because I was working for a blue shield, blue shield in Washington state at the time that happened. And they allowed these big corporations to become self-insured. Was that in seventy nine or seventy two? I thought that was a seventy two act. I think there was an ERISA of nineteen seventy nine also. I mean, they do these things instead because we were affected by by what they did in seventy two because the teamsters, a lot of the pensions are broke, completely broke. And what they did is they they didn't make an allowance or they did. I know they did. I know it was intentional from the bottom of my heart that that they could come back on companies that paid into the unions. and blame the companies. But what they didn't do is they didn't write anything in there that held the, the, the unions, the management of the unions themselves accountable. And they were the ones that mismanaged the pension funds and broke, broke some of these union union pensions. It was now. Yeah. Well, you know what? It just happens to be my whole life. My whole, it seems like everything in my life prepared me for this moment. But I mean, you know, for this work that I'm doing. But in the early nineteen seventies, I went to work for a company that it was called Trust Fund Computer Systems. And they they kept the systems. They ran the systems for local two fifty in San Francisco. And they did the computer processing for the pensions and for the health and welfare and and all of all of that. And as a matter of fact, I got fired because they brought in a new computer manager and he got rid of the check register. He'd been working on the systems. And he just threw out the check register. Well, you can't balance a damn thing without the check register. Right. And they tried to make me say that I was in the wrong for bringing that up and not moving off my position. I wouldn't do that because I knew what they were doing. You're hiding it. Yeah, it stuck to my position. We had a check register, and he got rid of it. Turned out, and they fired me because I wouldn't move off my position. About six months later, I heard that that guy was fired because he'd stolen about thirty thousand dollars out of the union funds. Oh, and there's a big surprise. Don't have any accountability or any trail of documentation. And then surprise, surprise, somebody steals something. There is not enough integrity in the United States to let people necessarily run with things like that because there's so many parasites out there that will just be an opportunist. that don't have a moral compass, that will jump on anything and think they're going to get away with it. Well, you know what? To those people, I'm going to tell you right now, God's watching everything you do. And your true integrity is always judged by what do you do when nobody's looking and the lights are off? Would you do the same thing as if you had a cloud of observers around you? Well, guess what? We do. And so to those who think they're getting away with it, you're already busted. And, you know, it's unfortunate for you that you've chosen poorly. I want to read a couple of comments here real quick. Unrelated to today's podcast, have you heard what happened to the Strong Sisters Farm? They bought pigs in Indiana, returned here to have the pigs dressed, and when they went to the second facility to have the meat processed, and health inspectors poured Motor oil on the pigs to prevent them from going into the food source. Over four thousand farmers out of business in Michigan. You've got to be kidding me, Denise. This is amazing. I did not hear that. In oh nine and eleven here in Michigan, they instituted animal tracking. A few years later, they called the herds. They wanted to prevent us from eating meat. They are gassing chickens in Michigan. People better wake up. That's exactly it. And you have to start raising your own food. This is going to become a non-negotiable issue if you want to survive. You're going to have to start doing co-op farming. You better get to know somebody who's a farmer. and a volunteer to help so you get the information and you learn how to do some of this stuff because they're going to try to starve us out again. They've done it before. Well, really, that's not a solution. I mean, you know, you look at a city like Chicago or San Francisco or, you know, there's a lot of people there that will starve. They can't go farm cooperatively. And even if they get a little patched, of land in the city, that's not going to be enough food. It's just not enough food. Where this has to be fought is at the national level. And you better understand what this system is about. And you better understand that vertical integration is a supply chain. And that's how they're going to put the small producers, the small independent cattle ranchers, the small pig farmers. I don't know if they have a better name than that. But the animal producers that are our food supply, they're going to put them out of business so that they can control your access to food. If they control your access to food, they control you. Right. And look at the development going on in the communities and such. They're not protecting the farmland and they're trying to turn these into, you know, metropolises, you know, megatropolis is so that you are stuck in a state. They're doing it under a lot of different names. They're doing it under development. The developers out there, you better check yourself because there's going to come a day where where everyone is going to wake up and realize that you've been part of this system. and being used. If anybody out there has a decent heart, you better realize that your profession right now is contributing to the demise of the lives of probably millions of people. Oh, but Donna, we're in a housing shortage. No, We're not. How many communities have empty houses in them? The Chinese have got them all over the United States that are empty. And it's like, why? Because nobody's talking about this. They're just taking them off the market, which drives up the price. And that's why you have so many homeless people in places like the big cities. You know, when they go in and they do economic development, it's supposed to be for affordable housing, which in the cities would be, you know, like an apartment building. What they do is they gentrify and the price goes way up. If you look at what happened to, I think it was called Cabrini Green in Chicago. That's what they did there. As a matter of fact, that was one of the first projects. And it was supposed to be refurbishing the housing for the urban poor. But what they did, they gentrified and they only allocated some units for the people who lived there traditionally. And everybody else had to leave the area. Well, you know that property in an inner city area is really, really valuable. And so basically they stole that property from the people who had traditionally lived there. I watched it happen in Grand Rapids, and I tried to explain the economic implication of what they were doing to a couple of these do-gooder groups in Grand Rapids that try to sell themselves as caring about humanity. These people are stupid puppets. I'm going to tell you that right now. They have no idea. that their actions are contributing to the gentrification. And I told him that I said, I own a bunch of property. I said, it doesn't, it's not going to financially matter to me which way this issue goes, because either my property values go up and my property values go up there. You know, it's like, it's like in, in usually not in direct proportion. It's in, it's in like a, adverse uh a relationship right so I'm like it doesn't matter which way this goes you raise the property values my properties are going to get really expensive I said you you go in the other direction that they're going to I said my rents are going to go up so either my rents go up or my properties go up I'm going to win in either situation but but The people around me are the ones that are going to lose bigly. And I happen to like the communities I'm in. I love the communities that I'm in. I like real people. I love real people. I do not care for these little spoiled white kids that are jumping on to Black Lives Matter and that sort of nonsense. And they're too dumb to know that this is actually a well-funded corporation which is here to do exactly the opposite of what the title says. And so they get their emotions all caught up in whoever has the most emotions in their little game of who's the most valid that we should be listening to. The one that has the most crazy emotional response to everything. Those are the ones that are the most likely to be used by these Marxists because they're emotional. Their brain stops working. They can't make a good evaluation and they will jump on anything. that everybody around, oh, oh, honey, you've done such a good job. No, it's not. You're a communist. You're a communist puppet at that point in time. And that's what happened with all of these Black Lives Matters nonsense, spoiled little white kids that are going to these universities in the college indoctrination camps. And you want to know something? I spent a lot of time there. So don't tell me I don't know what I'm talking about, because I think that I think that there's a lot of us that went there that came out of it. And after a while, you're like going, this doesn't make any sense. And so we're able to see what they were doing. And now maybe I'm maybe I'm a reformed whistleblower to this system. You know, let's let's just call that I am now I'm going to designate myself right now as a whistleblower to the college indoctrination camps. And in such, however, I wasn't a spoiled little white kid because I ended up paying for my education. I worked three jobs to go to college. Nobody, you know, I didn't, I came, we were very poor. So it was either on my back to do this or I wasn't going to go, right? And do something different. But point being is that we are going to have to dig through this stuff and know what's actually happening. Not what they want us to say. Not what they want to tell us is happening. But but to think for ourselves and say, uh, you know, we're going to raise our own food and and we're going to be speaking out when you do something wrong and hopefully suing the ever living crap out of them and impoverishing them to the point where they can't get back on their feet again. And that goes to townships that boards that goes to zoning boards. It goes to our counties. We need a house clean from top to bottom because ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Right. Well, and that's one of the worst things that happened to our young people is that they stopped teaching them to think. They stopped teaching logical thinking and to analyze problems. They moved to this social and emotional learning. And so all these tantrums, all these young people, they think if they stomp their foot and you know, whatever, get huffy. That's the way to get things changed. And it isn't. Let's go ahead and balance this out, because look at a bunch of the old hippies that are our age here that do the same thing. The environmental hippies that go out there and are absolutely out of their minds. These people are like demon possessed. You know, it's like this would be great if we all lived in a Disney World reality. We were there for a while. I think that, you know, believing that believing that there was something. You know, if we just kind of shut up and went along and and put our princess dresses on and and waited for the prince to come and save us and the prince, you know, doing you know what I mean? In this unreal engineered reality, it's all been part of this. But the reality is, is dudes, we need to get our our warrior on and say not just no, but oh, hell no. And never back down from this. And if you hurt somebody's fee wings, I'm sorry. Too bad. They are ignorant puppets that have been asset captured by these global powers. Yeah, they are converting the world to a disreality. It's not a reality. And they are in the process, they are capturing people. You are being captured and herded. is what it is. And if you don't understand how the history of this, where it started, how they've been implementing it step by step by step, and how they're going to control you, which is through the computerized information systems, the fusion centers, the surveillance, the tracking, everything you do. I mean, I don't think people really understand how under the microscope they are. Um, but they basically built a panopticon for people to live in. And that, and that is dehumanization. You know, they've dehumanized us by making us no better than the cows out in, in the field, you know, no privacy, no anything. You're just a work animal. Yeah. We all need to be like, uh, on the rampage here a little bit. And, and, uh, You know, give them the horn and you know what I mean? They need a lesson here. Denise said, go to Dr. Eric Berg's YouTube podcast two days ago entitled This Crazy UN, who World Economic Forum orchestrated this crap. They took over Ireland, the electronic tracking in the name of safety. If they say safety and we're here to help, run, because they're lying. They're ever living behinds up. And then how did this get passed in Michigan when we had Republicans in power? Okay. It's currently fighting the good fight. That's right. We'll go back to that. You know, we're going to have this, this dialectic that's going on where you've got this side fighting this side and moving us into camps and we're go sports team go. And let's have all of these, these nonsense popularity contests going out there. And if you don't agree with me, I, you know, cause I follow this person or that person, then we can't talk or be friends and we certainly can't get sit down and and have an honest discussion on anything because you're on the other side and that sort of thing. What a bunch of high school bullshit going on there. And I'm going to tell you what, the Republicans... I would like to see things happen. I support President Trump without wavering on this. And the reason being is he is an American who is deprived of his lawful ability to have an office that he deserved. He is the rightful president of the United States. And these communist bastards deprived him of this. We have fifteen days left to make sure that we stand, not as a Republican or as a Democrat or as a whatever label you want to put on yourself, but as an American who watched another American be brutally attacked by these people, deprived him of his office. stepped outside and spit in the face of every single voter out there whose votes were diluted. They lied. This thing, there's so much cheating in that twenty twenty election. There's never been more evidence of crime committed, crimes committed of anything in the history of the world. We have one job to do right now, and that's to vote in an American who is deprived of his office, his rightful office, and to stand for that as the most important thing that we can be doing. Besides, I'm going to say prayer right now. The most important physical activity that we can do right now is to get our behinds in there on what day? On what day, people? I've said it enough. Election day. I will not be early voting. That's like, I'm sorry, that's like following somebody. And I think President Trump is so smart, he's going to see who's going to be an American for dummies type situation and just follow what we're being told or critically thinking. And knowing the Constitution, knowing the law, and getting in there on election day, having the integrity to show up, I think this is a vetting process right now. Are you going to sit there and listen just like a stupid sheep? Or are you going to do what we're supposed to do as Americans and vote on Election Day, not give them any more information than they need before that Election Day comes down and standing there with the Constitution doing the right thing? The choice is yours. And you know what? And if you follow somebody's advice, I don't care who they are. Instead of the law, we are a country of laws, not of men. then you failed. Well, I was listening to a program that was reporting on what was happening in California. And according to him, California passed a law saying that the poll workers cannot ask for ID. They can't ask for ID. Now, what the heck? Now, where are the lawyers? challenging that. Congress should be voting on legislation saying, well, if you don't follow the federal law, which says they've got to be American voters, I can't quote you the law, but we can't accept your electors. We will not accept your electors. I haven't heard a thing about anybody doing anything about that. It's amazing. It's like the amount of fraud going on. And it's intentional. Okay, guys, this is intentional, what they've done here. And you look at this. Let's just say I want to go to Family Fair in this area and buy a bottle of bourbon. I like bourbon and scotch. I don't drink a ton, but I do like a shot of bourbon or scotch once in a while. And go in there. They ask me to show my ID. All right. We got a twenty one. You have to be twenty one to buy booze. And it's like so twenty one years old. Guys, I'm sixty one years old. If you can't tell, I'm not over. Look, if you get close, you'll see the wrinkles and the or certainly the orneriness coming out through my pores. Right. But it's like if you got to ask somebody who's sixty one, were you twenty one years old? Did they take an image of your driver's license? Yeah, they do. okay yeah the same thing happened to me with a a store that's close by me I my car battery died and so I wasn't able to go anywhere so I had to walk to this store to buy my cigarettes well and and it hasn't been a problem um up until the last time that I went in there and the girl the clerk didn't just take the image of the license. She actually looked at my license. Turns out it had expired a year and a half ago and I didn't notice, you know, I, I get busy doing things and I forget stuff like that. Well, she wasn't going to sell me the cigarettes because she said, you have to have a valid license, which means that they are, they think that their law enforcement you know they'll be doing is they are the state has turned people in on to be their enforcement arm on each other well go ahead and narc on your neighbors you losers it's like to the to the communist government that we have in place for something that you could just go talk to them about no I'm just going to pick up the phone and call the government on them and cause a whole bunch of problems, you have just become a captured asset of this government, this unlawful government. And the businesses are there to enforce their unlawful policies. You know what? I am a fan of these private membership associations, and I think all of us should be doing that, because if they go after private membership associations, then they've got to go after Hillary, the criminal, the murderer, Clinton, and the Clinton Foundation and all of that, because that's what they've been doing. They've been doing the private membership type associations. We do it. Use their tools against them. Yes. Yes, absolutely. Turn it around on them. Turn it around on them. They've given us a perfect pathway to stick it in their faces and bring them down. But we've all got to be in that mindset, not a child mindset. Okay, I'm going to do what I'm told to do. No, we can't do that, guys. That day has come to the end. And get your warrior on. Be ready to get out there and fight. kick ass and take some names. I've got, I've got Brian backstage. I'm going to, you know what, I'm going to go for a little break. Can you stay on Vicki or do you need to go? No, I can stay on if you want me to. I'd love for you to stay on because you're, you're genius in this. And I think some of your insight with what Brian has to say is going to be very valuable because yeah, I just, I just love you. You're an amazing person. So we're going to go for a quick break and then it will be right back on with Brian Bowermaster and what's happening up there in Idaho. Idaho is like a nest of, of crazies, crazies. I don't know why it's like, They're like breeding up there. You know, it's a hornet's nest. It's a hornet's nest of stupid going on in the public functionaries. These people are idiots. So I'll be right back. Give me just a three second break and we'll be right back. Morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the twenty first day of October twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show. We're going to go on. I'm going to just jump right into this because, of course, we we got into this and Vicki and I can go off the rails on everything here and welcome Brian Bowermaster. And how are you today? Oh, I'm well. Thank you so much. What an honor to be here. Hey, thank you for coming on. This is great. I don't know. It's like Idaho seems to be a favorite hotbed of nonsense up there. And I wanted you to talk about what's going on up there because I'd like you to explain your story to everyone and then what you're doing to combat what their criminality, their criminal usurpation is happening up there. Wow. You know, I have to say, you hit the nail on the head. It's kind of a weird thing. A lot of people think that this is such a red state that, you know, we got a lot of people moving here as well. They think that it's all good here, but it's not. It's very much not. We have a lot of problems. Listening to you guys backstage was, like, extremely inspiring as well, that people are aware of this. People are waking up. So... Quick nutshell of my story is that I'm a video producer. I've been in the visual arts for quite some time. That's my gift and talent. And little did I know that back in twenty twenty that I was going to be led on my faith journey, doing this work to a place where I was going to be completely violated by our government here. And I don't know if you guys heard about it, but long story short, I ended up in our Capitol building and they are completely corrupt in the way they think that we, the people in the press exist, especially in all these public buildings, they have the nerve to think that we need to join some club and we need credentials. When it's clearly written in our supreme law, the land that you can't abridge that right whatsoever. So I was aware of this, but I ended up getting really knocked down by the enemy for a minute. After that, I could not look away. And then I started watching our elections here locally. And this is where I think my main concern is, is that. Everything you guys were saying about the national stuff that's going on, especially the election, it's so important. You're absolutely right. And what I think is missing a lot of attention, too, is the fact that the playbook is being shown to us at a national level on what we need to do locally. Trump's showing it to us. He's showing us, look, court of public opinion is one of the first and one of the biggest effective ways to get around this bullying that's going on. Because everybody's standing around asking, what do we do? So part of my story is, and I really appreciate you giving me a chance to get the word out on this, is the power of debates. We saw this with Biden. We see this with Kamala. The ones that don't want to stand on their own two feet because they know they can't, That's where the people, even the most confused, deceived people, finally woke up to the ineffectiveness and the cognitive issues with Biden. Isn't that funny? To me, I found it interesting that they didn't see that all the last three years, but it took the debate. for them to kind of snap out of it. And I heard it from multiple accounts. I never would have believed it until I started seeing it with my own eyes and in my own personal polling. So that's what I wanted to talk about today. I know that was kind of a lot and vagaries in multiple directions, but I couldn't deny helping the people that I know were good running for office here locally after I saw what happened and what happened to me. But then I started seeing how there's election interference on a local level. I just have this gut feeling no matter what it's happening. And it's easier for them to get away with certain things locally. Kind of a weird thing. You would think because we're closer to it. But the problem is we pay less attention in different ways locally than we do nationally. It's really bizarre. So the power of debates, I think that there's a consciousness shift that I think will happen, and I'm hoping it happens in Idaho. Maybe we'll be an example state. It's the concept of no debate, no votes. It's one area we have control of. If we can get back to what do we have control of and act accordingly when the bully thinks he's a runaway train and we can't do anything about it, now we have the power of public opinion back in our court and we make it the prerequisite to anyone running for office. I think that's a great idea. It's important to realize that the local governments, when you go in, you actually listen to them. They constantly blame, well, the state tells us what to do. It's backwards. It's totally backwards. So we're going to have to get our warrior on here and and take some steps in order to reverse this. And it's on us. It's our responsibility to do this. You know what I think would be really interesting, even more interesting than listening to the candidates, is to have a debate between the supporters. You know, like, I'm a Trump rah-rah supporter, or I'm a Kamala Harris rah-rah supporter. I'd rather watch two rabid political following. Oh, I would volunteer for that, Vicki. I would absolutely be first in line to debate these people. It'd be totally gloves off, wouldn't it? Oh my gosh, it'd be glorious. That's brilliant. If I might share too, that's brilliant because that goes along with a point I meant to make was that somewhere down the line, and look at this, this is how cunning the enemy is, is that they convinced us the debates were for them. So now everybody's kind of sitting here waiting for one to challenge the other, right? I don't know. This has always been for us, the point of us vetting and having public scrutiny, which is brilliant with what you're saying there, Vicki, is that this could be an evolution of the debate process where they can actually opt to allow a supporter or somebody to stand in their place for their talking points, which would show other levels of consciousness in this in the in the process the the vetting process because and would you say let me ask you this would you say that if one does that they both have to come to an agreement to have a supporter or could one supporter debate the other candidate because I don't know if that would organizer could just you know um somebody could just organize it not even go to the candidates but just you know get out there and find somebody who is really rah-rah and have them participate in a debate. Oh, the Kamala supporters won't be able to do that because they're going to have to have their fat-free cookie and their herbal tea and such. You know, their lattes. Too busy, can't debate. You weren't kidding, Donna. Vicki is awesome because she's totally intuiting what we're doing here in Idaho because that brings us to the next point. But what you're saying, I think, is an excellent facet to this that needs to be implemented as well. So what we did, we have a sheriff race that's going on here in Idaho. And this person is an obvious establishment member. which is it's a huge issue he's totally cucked you know he doesn't want to do anything he's not approachable or accessible to the people and he just follows orders and we've had some extreme tyranny going on here literally it's nothing new but people arrested on the courthouse steps for a failure to appear because they wouldn't wear a mask to go into their court session. Yet they're okay with throwing these people in with no masks on to arrest them and then calling it a failure to appear. And at the time, the undersheriff who was standing in the place, we actually had a sheriff step down at one point, He didn't do anything about it. And Clifford, which is our current sheriff, didn't see any problems with it whatsoever. We just have all this same nonsense, right? So he's been challenged multiple times by our constitutional sheriff that's running, the guy that will be a constitutional sheriff. Excellent. Yes. You know, drug travel. There you go. Yep. And he's fantastic. He's written two books. I've rubbed elbows with this guy for a long time and, and I work as hard as I can to not be biased. And, and I can, I can tell you this, this guy stands on his own two feet and he's willing to change his mind. He's got a heart like a JD Vance, if you will. He doesn't mind saying publicly that, Hey, you know what? I didn't like him before, but I changed my mind. So point being is that Doug has challenged multiple times to have this debate. And we literally have this incumbent saying on camera, I don't need to debate him. I'm going to win. But the people have been wanting this debate for a long time. So what we decided to do was, why are we waiting for them? Why are we asking them for permission? So we organized a debate that is designed to go on with or without that candidate, because it's going to be a public spectacle that is going to be really nasty for him if he doesn't show up. Because we are no longer asking. We are demanding that he show up and show us that he's not another Kamala or Biden because we believe he is. He can't do anything. I love this. This is absolutely brilliant on your part, Brian and Vicki. You guys are both brilliant. This is amazing. The people that come on BNN, I feel like if they stick with us, they're probably a little bit above average intelligence because we get into the tough issues. And this is absolute brilliance on both of your part. I think this is amazing. And you bring up a great point too, Vicki, that we don't have to stop there. We can have other people that stand for the important aspects on each side, provided there's actually real... Because that's the other great thing about it, is it would bring us to a depth to see if there's actually any real stances. Because we're not just hearing the same parroting or the same nuances of that one person and their energetic... We're going to hear it from people that are in their community, people that actually have researched them and found even more points. So I love what you're saying too, Vicki. This is exactly what we need. Somewhere down the line, we started, and I'm a believer in God. I had this revelation that when we all started rallying to do this, I was like, oh my goodness, this is probably how the people back then during the old times of elections and really making sure our community stayed on track when we actually use grand juries against treasonous like we're supposed to. By the way, quick plug, if you haven't read the book, The People's Panel, totally recommend it. We were rallying around the truth and the righteousness, which caused us to give substantiality to the process. And that's what I feel like is happening. Even though I support Doug, this is for Clifford too. This isn't just about my opinion. This is the correct and right way to do things that they should show up before us and show us what they're made of. I mean, why are we asking for permission for that? We shouldn't be. And they've convinced us all that we should sit back and just watch the show and that we're not part of it. Just be a good puppet. Yep. Okay, I'm ordering the book right now as we're online. Oh, great. You're going to love it. I actually do that. If somebody says something while I'm online, I will literally, when I'm live, I will literally order the book while they're sitting here so I don't forget to do that. Fantastic. I'm putting a great library together because I find that the wonderful guests that are on Brandenburg News Network are absolutely brilliant. So thank you for sharing that. Absolutely. Absolutely. So where are you at right now with what's going on in your debate? Talk about the debate that's coming up. Sure. And I've got graphics. I've got several things that you gave me. So I will see if I can put some of those up for you right now. Sure. Yeah, and if it's all right, I'll just carry away while you're doing that. Which ones do you want me to put up here? I've got the, let me see if I can. The press release might be a little small to see on screen. Perhaps the flyer or? Yeah, I can do that. We'll switch through this so that people can see what's going on here. And kudos to you for initiating this. This is amazing. I wish I could take credit. You know, like I said, I'm a believer in God. And it hit me one day because I had so much righteous anger in me. I call it that because I knew I wasn't wielding it. It wasn't something I could handle. So I prayed for help. And then I went to sleep on it the next morning because when I saw that video of him saying, I don't need to debate him. I'm going to win. The fact that he thought it was all about him, I was so enraged. I was like, you think this debate is about you? No, no. And I didn't know what to do about it. I woke up the next day and all of a sudden I was led straight to the strategy that people have used in the past. Not often enough, if you ask me, that we don't need your permission and we're going to carry on with or without you. And we're actually going to make a public announcement that you disrespected us and the process if you don't show up. And we're going to make a big deal out of it. And we're going to and we I think we're going to have hopefully at least. hundred couple hundred people that are going to show at this uh library where it's going to happen and uh it's going to be live streamed uh because obviously I've got to use my skills somehow to to help get this out but um where we're at so far what we what we I looked up the process I saw that we need to give them both formal invitations in person recorded on video so we have video evidence of both of them receiving it they can't deny it And then we've got the... so they've been invited and their instructions are in the letter. They get to pick their own moderators. They're going to have a deadline to do that, which today's actually the deadline because if they don't send their moderators, which we already have Doug's, he was right on it. But if we don't have... Oh, yeah, please. Let's play that so we can see what you're talking about here. Hello? Yes, yes, you can. You're Doug? Hi. I have been asked to give you this invitation to participate in a debate for the Ada County Sheriff's race. And given that I'm going to give you this invitation, we hope that you agree to participate. I certainly would. So Clifford's going to be there? I have no idea. I'm simply the delivery vehicle today. So we hope you say yes. I would debate them anytime, anywhere. Whoever's putting this together, you tell them yes, I'll be there. Very good. I'm glad to hear it. Let me see if you have any questions, having opened that. Okay. This is brilliant. You did it live. Absolutely. I'll be there. Perfection. Well, thank you for coming out. Okay. Doug Trouble is a great guy. He really is. Okay. Let's go to, let's go to the, this is fun. Hello. this is uh an invitation for sheriff matt clifford for debate and is it is the secretary that we can give it to that uh he can how do we go about getting this to him what did you say it was for huh it's for a debate for the uh upcoming election okay give me one second okay All right, I will take this and get it over to his. Okay, you'll get it to him. And then we'll follow up on it with a phone call and see what other arrangements can be made. Okay, yeah, they're coming to grab it right now. They're just on a phone call. Okay, excellent. Thank you very much. Now, we wish we would have gotten him in person, but we knew there was going to be a gatekeeper, so we just wanted to have evidence that they can't deny they didn't get it. And yesterday, somebody sent one out, certified mail as well, just to make sure because this guy's been a little slippery. Yeah, that's really what you want, right? A slippery sheriff. Exactly. Well, and it's disturbing to me that he didn't have a process where his little gatekeeper there came up and said, had a process where, how about I give you a time slot here that you can come back and talk to him face to face on something. If somebody takes the time to come into your office and ask you a question, you, you should honor them. Even if it's, even if it's only two minutes, because remember people that are in, we got to be respectful to them too, because they're in public office. There's a lot of people that want to talk to them. So even, but even if it's a short bit of time that, that they can respond, I think this is important or a phone call or anything that, You know, not just blow it off and I'll give it to him and he can put it in the trash can. You're absolutely right. And when I look at Trump and I see the way he behaves, he will take time with people in the grocery store. I mean, shoot, the man took time to go to a McDonald's to make a point. If the guy at the national level has more couth and more presence, that's a problem. That's a big problem. And something tells me that even him at the presidential office, if you had something you really needed to talk to him about, you'd have a process to actually get something. And we should be having no issues with that at a local level. Well, and honestly, the United States has gotten really too much bigger, too big. When the power centralized the federal government, when the United States was created, the entirety of the United States was the size of Michigan. And so now our states really are the size that countries used to be. But because they have centralized the power taken and usurped the state's rights, the Tenth Amendment, and put more of the power in the federal government, that's kind of one of the places where things went very wrong. And then to Vicki's point, you've got all the treaties that came in and it's bad. But if our governments were more locally focused on then you would have that representation. But because they flipped it and say, I just take orders from the state, you know, it's like, okay, okay, you're a meat puppet at this point in time. Fantastic. You're a butt in the seat. Don't care. You're worthless. And you bought into their communist structure. Yes, and this is why I think there is a prompting for the sheriff's race, because this is one of the important areas that protects us when that overreach begins. And I know there's a lot of research that goes both sides. One thing I appreciate about Doug is that he's aware of the actual, I'm going to say the stigmatized word, militia. He's aware of how that's supposed to work, which is why he's implementing what he calls the posse, which is where he will actually deputize people when we have issues that require more than his his team can handle, which I think is brilliant because that's what it was supposed to be. Always is that we if we had something that was going to be infiltrating and too much, we would always have our militia to stand to defend. create or give law enforcement aid to our local law enforcement. Well, and it's been so, as to your point, demonized, but it is the only thing, and the Constitution says, is necessary. It is necessary. And it's not like some, you know, it really was for providing and protecting. And it wasn't just like, get out the pew-pews out there. You know, it was more than that. It's food. It's medical aid. It's having preparedness for your community. And they literally destroyed that. community preparedness by eliminating or demonizing the militia because they wanted to control it. Absolutely. Do you want me to show the commercial? If you'd like to, sure. I want to go through your stuff because you've sent a lot of stuff, which I always appreciate. So however you want to go, the flow, you can tell me the flow. This is your time to shine here. I'm just here clicking buttons, okay? So you get to tell what you want to show. Well, thank you, Donna. Daniel Bobinski here, founder of True Idaho News and a resident of Ada County here in the beautiful state of Idaho. My question to you, my neighbors, is this. Do you want a say in how our county operates? Well, on Saturday, October twenty-sixth, at the Meridian Library on Cherry Lane in Meridian, we, the people, will have an impact for shaping the future of our county's leadership. This is when you are going to get a chance to see your Ada County Sheriff candidates in action, side by side, in a public debate. not organized by campaigns, but by citizens right here in our community. This will be a chance to demand accountability and respect and see if the people seeking leadership in this county actually listen to us. At this debate, you and I will witness firsthand how these candidates tackle issues that matter to us, issues about our families, our safety, and our liberties. This is an opportunity for our sheriff candidates to realize that the voices of the people cannot be ignored. It's an opportunity to see whether these people are approachable and humble enough to listen to us or whether they are serving a political agenda. The debate is important. I encourage you to attend this debate with me. It's going to be Saturday, October twenty sixth at one thirty p.m. at the Meridian Library, thirteen twenty six West Cherry Lane in Meridian. We need to know about the people seeking leadership in Ada County because we the people have a choice to make about our future and our children's future. I'll see you there on October And that's the other nice thing is we were able to quickly develop a way that's pretty simple just for the community to submit questions as well, because that will be a section of the debate. So that way, where the blind spots are of the moderators, they'll be helped out a little bit with that. That's fantastic. Here, I'm trying to look for the, you've got another commercial there. You want to play another one? Oh, do we? I didn't even realize that. Oh, you know what? So there's three different versions. Is that what you mean? Yeah. Those are the exact same way. I just have different formatting of how they were set up. Okay. No worries. I just want to make sure through everything that you wanted to make sure he is aware of. So, so Vicki, do you have any questions for Brian? What are you going to do when Clifford doesn't show up? Do you have a surrogate for him? Great question. So this is a plan A, plan B structure. Plan A is just standard debate if he shows up like he's supposed to. Plan B is we will make an announcement of how unacceptable it is to disrespect. And this will be the MC. We have an MC who's completely neutral to what's going on. They're not going to be involved at all other than just pushing the event along. and they will voice the disrespect and the unacceptable nature of not showing up and not listening to the people and then we will if and unfortunately for clifford he's already uh shown his haughtiness and a level of arrogance that we just don't want in office anymore so we will play that video showing that this is potentially why he didn't show up just so the community knows that he believes he's already got it in the bag And he doesn't need to answer to us. So that tells you all you need to know. And so you guys should act accordingly when you go and vote. And then there will be a little bit of a notice to the public that we've seen in specifically, I think this is even written out in the press release. Oh, actually, it might be in another way, but it spells out that in recent history, which is very recent for all of us, that we've seen what this avoidance of public scrutiny does, and it's disastrous. We're literally, as you guys already know, it's like watching a cartoon sometimes that Kamala is even able to do anything at all, have any camera crews or anybody listening at all to her. This is like Looney Tunes. And so this is what we are going to get here locally if we allow somebody to do this. And then once they finish that announcement... Then they will say, now we will move forward with questioning for those who did have respect for the process and what we the people are asking. And so we'll move on with just allowing Doug to answer some questions at that point. And I know he's going to show up. That's the only reason I say it like that. It could be either candidate. If Doug skipped out on us, then Clifford would get all the time. But something tells me it's only going to go one way. But we all hope to be proved wrong that he will show up and he will respect what we want. Do you have a life size image of Clifford that you could, you know, like a cardboard? We thought about that, either that or we were thinking about an empty suit. We were going to have like a like a three D suit that would just sit there. Yeah. Yeah. I think it has a new fall in the back background to answer questions for him. Get a man that can make it look like an NPC. An NPC. Yep. I think that'd be hysterical. Yeah. Or one of the local guys here had some comedy he would use in the beginning. We could just put like Clifford, the big red dog in the chair. Well, he couldn't show up. So this is how you're represented today. This is how much he thinks of you. He couldn't even be bothered. Exactly. Yeah, you're going to have to have one there for each one of them to be non-biased. And if they don't show up, then sit the parody entity in the seat. Right, right. Exactly. And so I hope that answers your question. That's the goal is that this is really about the process, which I think is so amazing, is that we're moving back to Because I was doing another prayer about, you know, guidance on what to share today with you guys. And there was something that came through that was powerful is that somehow what they've also done is they've rested that weight that they're supposed to carry in the eyes of the public to show us what they're made of, show us if they're really fit for the job. They've put it on us so we would bicker back and forth. They've put this level of bandwidth into us and made us think that, oh, we're supposed to just argue. I mean, you look at, it's sad. Some of the trolls, trolls will be trolls, right? But there are some people out there that are like, I feel like you're just doing this because you don't know what else to do. And you're just bickering because you don't know what else to do with your time. You don't see a solution. So you're just going to try to get everybody to lean your way. Well, I started realizing that it's not about people leaning one way or another. We're letting the bully shake the jar. You've heard the red and black ants metaphor. If you got red and black ants in a jar, they won't attack each other until you shake the jar. Well, they're shaking the jar. And we're all just different people that have no real problems with each other. other than we don't know where the how the attack is hitting us and and it's uh it's this total uh total stockholm syndrome too for a lot of people they sit here and they just they want to be virtuous and in their own mind's eye they want to have some sense of of connection and reality so they're they're inner I'm a psychology major so I one of the things I learned was that the justification that a person will do in their inner dialogue is insane You have to work very hard to not justify your pains and your traumas that are coming from the enemy To stand up to it. And yeah, so I think that's what a lot of people have a problem with. And I really hope this... So the no debate, no votes thing is something that I believe we're going to continue. I've got several others that have agreed and they feel it too. We're going to continue to push this on podcasts and local media, no matter what, even past this election, no matter how it goes. Because if we can get a... The analogy that has always stuck with me. You guys have heard people and probably seen the memes now. Finally, people are on a general level are saying they print money. So why am I paying taxes? If you've seen that popping up, that was knowledge in many of us a long time ago. But now it's starting to become general, even meme worthy. Right. I think if this can catch on, no debate, no votes. The candidates running will have such an overwhelming sense that they don't have a choice in the matter. You will debate or we will make an assumption about you that is not good. I like that as a slogan. That's a really good slogan. That is a good slogan. The one thing that I got to tell you, because I'm one of those critical thinkers that likes to punch holes in everything, that I think is going to have to be addressed eventually, is the fake news is going to jump on this and try to commandeer it. And then then as we know, the rigged debates that are out there, because they're rigged, they rig the debates, they give them the questions, they give one person the advantage over the other. And it doesn't matter which side they're on. I saw it with Tudor Dixon and Gretchen Whitmer in the state of Michigan. They honestly, They skewed that for definitely a purpose. And they both looked bad. It was like a sixteen-year-old cat fight. There was no substance to it. It was embarrassing. And I was shocked at how low IQ the whole thing was. But if there was a way to vet this, that these are like unaffiliated people because you're going to have political operatives that are jumping on this, there's got to kind of be a way to, though I don't believe in controller centralization in any way, shape or form. There has to be something that clearly defines fake news and rigged elections from something that is truly individuals just taking it upon themselves. Right, because you're so right. Because if this is done correctly, you know what's interesting? You've heard of the Streisand effect. What I feel like this would do, if these debates actually do become very grassroots, very real... Even when they try to cover up, there will be almost an intentional, on our part, Streisand effect that will happen every time because the power of debate and the power of that presence. Because even if they have a silver tongue, right? This is what I was thinking about. I was like, like you, I'm like, what are all the pitfalls here? What are the things that could go wrong? And that you, we may just start... they might start farming all these people that have a silver tongue they're really good at talking really good at debating well the nice thing about that is is we're still going to have the effective well now when they didn't follow through we've invested time in the room with you it's way different than when somebody's campaigning around and they've got their videos and they've got their everything that's popped up on our feed and then they turn their back on us it's going to have a different effect I believe if they actually have spent time in rooms with people And they painted a pretty picture for us. And now we saw how far they would go to deceive us even in person. So no, these people are out, done. We're going to come down on them like a ton of bricks because I think that will have, and this is why I think they avoid it and the whole virtual experience thing, which by the way, no disrespect because it's helped us. I think everything has a good and everything has an evil practice to it. They love when we're disconnected because the, and so they stay disconnected because there is something, there's a law, one might argue, in person that comes into play that you cannot call it Holy Spirit, right? You cannot lie. in front of the Holy Spirit. And I believe it's still true even when you have videos and it's coming through the screen. But people are easier deceived on a collective level. So I think it will help with that too. I know I got a little off track there. No, that's okay. That's what we do. We are the best at getting off track and going down all of these rabbit holes, which I think are sometimes some of the most important discussions that we have. How much time do we have left? Because I was going to ask you if you'd like to hear, to your previous point, another aspect of that hole that you wanted to see if there was a hole there. Yeah, sure. And how we would handle it being commandeered. And I'll make this really fast, the shortened version. You've got time. Take your time. Okay. At the beginning, when I told you I was wronged by our government here, what had happened was there was a bill that was going through that shouldn't go through. It was bad. I got a tip off and that I should show up and film it because I've been working on a documentary for a while. And so I show up. I thought I was just going to get some shots of the people going in the gallery and then I'd interview people later. But they wouldn't let people in. And it was all under the guise of COVID, as usual. And then they have their little thirty five maximum occupancy in the huge house gallery all because of coven and there were hundreds of people in this foyer saying no no we want to take the risk it's our process we want to be here and witness what you guys are doing and talking about and we had to they literally tried to keep us out and it wasn't until multiple video feeds were going viral because everybody was chanting for like thirty minutes straight. This is our house. This is our house. Let us in. Let us in. Let us in. We were not going away. And so I'm sitting here like, OK, I can't leave now. This is a historical moment. Well, then two of the doors had gotten opened by the people, and one of the officers tried to take the door from the patriot that was standing there, and it twisted the frame, broke the glass. So, of course, the media had a heyday with that, right? Trying to say, and this is funny, six months before January six, they used the same structure in our headlines here. Stigmatized term, which happened to be Ammon Bundy at the time, and anti-maskers. And then they said stormed. The capitalists. Same exact structure. Stigmatized term, the word storm. They must have done some kind of focus groups on that word. And then capital. And it's such a big deal because it's the capital, right? Like we're a bunch of insurrectionists. They did that six months here in Idaho before J-Six happened. And I wouldn't be surprised if they were doing little test markets all over the place. But point is, that happened. I happened to be the only one in the spot that got the footage of what really happened to that door. So I gave it to a friend of mine. She sends it out. It gets all the way across. I think it even made it on InfoWars in several different places because so many people were like, they're doing something right in Idaho. And it had nothing to do because I'm coming to my point here. after all this happened they conceded and allowed us in then we go downstairs for the testimony on the bill everything was fine and they had to have an overflow day because we had so many people wanting to testify we had to come back day two day two they didn't give us any issues going in the gallery this time imagine that we go in we go through those proceedings and then we go downstairs to finish up the testimony and now they don't want me sitting in the seat I was in for media they come up and they say you can't sit there I was like, why not? Well, this is for credentialed press members only. Oh, they like to play that game. They love the credentials, yeah. And it's totally fake, total lie. They've been doing this in the public buildings for a long time, so I don't know if this will ever come to pass, but quick aside, I have a life mission that I would love to see that no public buildings ever again allow any No private press. Credentials. No press BS in public buildings. We never allowed that. It's not in the law. And it's a total abridging of that freedom of press for all of us. And the First Amendment audits that went like wildfire across the country have already proven that. But anyway, we go down there. Finally, they tell us they're threatening to arrest me if I don't move. So me and the gal that was sitting with me, I did move for a moment. And then I was like, no, no, this isn't right. I'm not. No. So I quietly just went back and sat back down. There was nobody that wanted that seat. It was where I needed to get my shots. And I was there in my capacity to do that. And they came up and the chairman stopped the proceedings. They brought like twelve, fifteen officers, hauled me out of there. And they hurt women and children on the way out. And my point to all of this, right? Nazis, a bunch of commie Nazis. Seriously, yeah, just completely corrupt. And I could go into a whole bunch of it, but I don't want to do all that right now. No, go ahead. I want to hear this. they tried to intimidate me in the back room. They didn't even know what they were charging me with. I could tell they were frantically running around while I'm sitting there in cuffs. And, and I'm looking at them. I'm like, what are you guys arresting me for? What was, and they didn't know what to say until after all this time, they dragged me to a back room where nobody, and they wouldn't let anybody follow me with my camera, by the way, which was totally wrong. I should have had the right to have somebody there documenting and protecting to make sure. Cause they could have totally beat me up or did whatever they wanted. And it was the craziest thing because it welled up in me. When I was in there, I attribute it completely to God, is that when I'm looking at the two of them in the private room, it just came out of me. I said, I'm so disappointed in how dishonest you guys are. Like I felt like a kid who looked up to these people as leaders, and I was completely disappointed. My heroes are fake. I was so disgusted. And you should have saw their faces. It was like they got caught in the cookie jar. The one guy, he went pale and then did that whole defensive laughing thing that people do and then says, why would we let you go? And starts laughing in my face. And I was like, you know exactly why. You know that this is completely fake. And and you guys are just doing whatever you're doing. And he's got my ID at that time. So I was going to wait around to get that back. But they finally let me go. And then I watched the headlines come out. I even went on the radio to get the truth out there about what occurred. And then I found out that that's a corrupt establishment to the one that I thought was going to be OK, because he's rubbing elbows with the chairman before I get on the show. And I found that out, so I called him out and I said, fake news, you know who you are. And he didn't like that. Thankfully, that happened to be in alignment with a lot of what Trump was calling out too, so it worked very well. My point to all of that was that what I witnessed was they thought I knew the people there. They thought we collude like they do, that we have these same nasty manipulative techniques that we're trying to use because they can't think outside of their own evil, right? And it showed their hand that it was really God's orchestration that brought me to do the thing because there was a huge, you might have heard of People's Rights. There's a bunch of them there, including Ammon Bundy. I didn't know any of them. I just wanted to do the right thing because I was sick of it. And then they lumped me in with them and Streisand effect again because they might have thought, oh, well, we're going to do that because it's easy to call Ammon crazy and snuff this story out. So we'll just make him an Ammon Bundy supporter. Whatever ignorance they were in, they didn't realize that, oh, now we can see that you can't predict God's orchestration. You don't know who knows who. And so this showed me something with what we have to do is that vetting people, trusting people, there's a mechanic to all of this, absolutely. But if we have the spiritual faith and courage to say, I'm going to do something I've never done, it doesn't make any sense. Everybody in my inner circle is even disagreeing with me maybe, but I feel like I'm supposed to, and I'm going to have compassion for them, and hopefully they'll see on the other side. then the orchestration kicks in. And we may not always be able to vet them consciously or know exactly what's around the corner, but the unintended consequences of the enemy will be revealed every time. I love it. That's well said. Absolutely brilliant. I'm kind of glad you went through that experience, quite honestly. You know, God hands you something that's maybe not ideal. And it's sometimes the greatest gift you can be handed because now you got something to stand on. You've got something that you've risked that went in an adverse way and you were able to see it, testify to it in a firsthand situation. That's a great story. Do you have the names of these cops that were in there with you? Let's let everybody know who they are to know who the traitors in your community are. Oh, well, I don't even know if some of them are still in office. The one guy that called that shot, I believe, was Speaker Scott Bedke. He was the Speaker of the House at the time. Now he's the Lieutenant Governor. Go figure. Yeah, they make sure they get into a nice, better, comfy job as soon as they show that they're going to fall in with the communist structure. Exactly. Yep. And then they bring them up a tier so that they have a little more, a little more reign over their kingdom. And let's let somebody else take the punches for a while. And yeah, it's and then the the security officer there, Blake Higley, he was and all of this led to trials and everything like it for years. This stretched on, including for Ammon, because he went and sat in the seat right after he saw what happened to me. And then that was the big news story. And so the security officer, Blake Higley, he lied under oath. Several of them lied under oath. I was there and I watched them. And they tried to call this all trespassing, which is totally fake in a public building. Yeah, how do you trespass in a public building? Right. And there's a little clause or something they were trying to use to justify their charges. And there's a gal here, one of our representatives, Judy Boyle, who actually wrote that. and she was being brought in as a witness to explain that that was never the intention of that writing, they wouldn't let her testify. How funny. There's so much just whack stuff. It's so fake. And they don't even care that we see. This is why I think that, don't get me wrong, nobody take the offense to this that I'm saying that anything you're doing is pointless because I think all of the orchestration is necessary. Everybody's doing their piece that they feel called to do. Get into office, vet this person, study the law, learn how to do litigation, all of it. But I think there's also some of us that need to stop trying to participate in all the things we see in front of us and just get back to grassroots and start creating a compelling nature that they cannot deny. And it will reveal to our fellow man that this is what they're up to. They don't care that we know, so let's make them care. Yes. They want to drag us into their coffee meetings and such where we can't even get people to bring a bag of cookies or something, you know. But we can sit there and complain and have a bitch session for X amount of hours and nothing gets done. I mean, there's so much waste of time stuff going on out there. that they just keep us fighting about who's the best candidate because we like the color socks they're wearing. You know, something that dumb, right? Not what are the solutions to fix this and how are you going to bring everybody together and unify them instead of working, you know, working all these little stupid fringe things or philosophical discussions that have no, that have no resolution. You've got to look at more as a mechanical function rather than a philosophical. You're not going to win it. You're not going to sit there and tell somebody, you're wrong. I disagree with you. And they're going to go, you're wrong. Well, all right. So how do we come to peace between this? Usually it's a funding mechanism. Yes. And, and I'll tell you, there was something in the process that I learned about this. There was only one other time that I was called to do something like this, that I tried all kinds of things too. And that's when I stepped back. I was like, it's like pushing a string with a lot of the stuff that I was led to. Cause you get in groups, just like you said, you have all these sessions of, oh, this or that, this or that, this or that, uh, commitment, no commitment. There's one self initiator or maybe two. And, you know, you, you have a lot of problems with getting organized. But what I found is that it's okay. There's always a learning lesson, but know when to step back. The one thing that taught me though is if you truly ask, and I know I may sound one-sided here, but I believe that we can't do it without God. If you truly ask that thing that has got a fire in you, if you really stop and say, what do I do about this? Please help me. And you will get an answer that is unlike your own understanding. That when everybody on the team starts wavering, you're like, I don't care. If I'm the only one standing there the day of... following through and that's the only way I found that anything ever seems to come to pass is that you actually become the leader that everybody is asking for and they don't even know they're asking for it that's why like I think it's so brilliant that Trump has taken the calling and he and I know he knows there's a something so much bigger Something so much bigger than probably he's even thinking. But he knows that it's inherently there. Because the calling doesn't exist without that bigger picture. It just happens. And I know that was kind of vague, but you could just see it all over him. You don't get up after getting shot and do that with your own understanding. You just don't. You just don't. I mean, take it from somebody who's been literally, like, I didn't know what was going to happen to me. The enemy could have killed me, could have done whatever, and you do. You truly do tap into that. So when you ask for that, there was one other time that I was called to do something like this, and it ended up being impactful enough in our downtown area that they had to put out a bunch of fake propaganda on their local news stations to snuff it out. That's when you know you're on the right track. Yeah. That's absolutely beautiful. Well, I appreciate you coming on today. Do you have any last words here, Vicki and Brian? And then we're going to go to, let's do a prayer. Then we'll go to last words and then end the show. But I really appreciate both of you. You guys are brilliant. Absolutely brilliant. What a fun time just being honest. Oh, you too. Thank you for your spirit. It's just awesome. Thank you. Dear Heavenly Fathers, thank you so much for Brian and Vicki and all those people who are out there that unwaveringly stand. Continue to fight for your good purposes here on earth. We want your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, as you taught us to pray. Thank you so much for every single person out there. We ask your blessings on Ambassador Rick Grinnell, who came to the barn this weekend and the wonderful time we had there. It was such a blessing. Thank you for every single person for blessing us with time to get together and just visit with each other. The gift that you've given us of each other is so unbelievable. And what a treasure. It's not the material world that we live in and care for, even though we're thankful for all those things you've given us. It's each other and the preciousness that you put into each of our hearts, our abilities, and the gifts that you've given us. And more so when we walk with you, listening to you every single day, every minute of the day, praying without ceasing and relying on you, for everything in our lives. You're so good to us. And what's really amazing is when we walk away from this world and we walk with you, it changes. It's a game changer. It changes everything. And I just want to thank you. We all want to thank you this day for loving us, for being a friend to us, for caring about us, our hurts, our hearts when things go wrong, for drying our tears. And when we're sad and also the joy that we can experience every day walking with you as you lead us and love us as the wonderful, faithful, protective, providing father that you are. We love you so much. We ask that in this next fifteen days that you inspire people. to do what they need to do and critically think before this election that's come up because we know that you're leading us. Now we have to do our part too and our lawful part, our duty to the structures that you've given us to live in peace with our neighbors and have peace with everyone as we unite behind you, our King, our Lord, and our Savior. Thank you so much. We love you so very much. and want to be a friend to you in the name of Jesus Christ. We pray. Amen. Amen. Amen. So last words here, guys, before we move on to our day and then Brian. Um, well, I'm just so happy to hear Brian. I'm glad you let me stay on so that I could listen to what he has to say. It gives me hope, you know, and, uh, um, anything I can do to help you brian just you know make sure you get my phone number and uh give me a call I don't go out and do things I am one hundred percent researching on the internet so any anything you need to know anything you need researched I'd be happy to help you that's an invaluable skill right there So, Brian, what's your last words here for today? You want to tell people about the debate and when, where, why, how? And let me see if I can get the flyer back up here a minute. Sure. Yeah, thank you so much. I just want to say I'm very grateful to be here and very grateful to be able to share this. And yes, the debate is this coming Saturday, October twenty sixth at one thirty. It's going to be if you're in Ada County or even in a surrounding area, you're welcome, because this this actually involves all of us as hopefully a model of of being going forward that we can take our counties back. And if it's not going to happen by getting constitutional sheriffs the right way, we can start making sure nobody else gets into office around them until we have another election. Do whatever you can. It'll be at the Meridian Library. And yeah, I guess my final words would be we can do this. Not only are we called to do it, I believe, but we can. We can with the power and the mightiness of God that created this and allowed us to learn our lesson from our dereliction. I think that's what really helps me the most is that I realize this was our own fault. Yes. And believe it or not, the correction, the staff of correction, it really is brings joy when you realize, oh, well, at least we have a path forward now. Yes, we can say, okay, Papa, Dad, we screwed up here. We're taking responsibility for it. And help us get out of this and then standing for it. It's okay to admit that we screwed up or that we were wrong because we were the ones that let the United States go to hell. We really did. It's not God's fault. It's our fault. It's not the public functionaries' fault, though they participated in it, but this is a republic and it's representational of the people, which is a pretty sad commentary on we, the people, who either are being represented in the money and power grab or... or we just, we just walked away from our duty. Either way, we need to take that back. I'm going to let Denise, um, Denise said, Idaho is lucky to have you, Brian. The world is lucky to have both of you. I'll say that. And then Denise said also, I love that Brian isn't using parties to separate the people. This is an important unification of the people to take control of their local leaders. And, uh, That's a good point. And share your debate response with Brian on Okay, I think he did that. Eric. So thank you so much, everybody, for being here today. And we're going to go to that time of the show, boys and girls, where go to because I'm the best non-conceder who's ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And I would like to have a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, who will, with God's help, win the election. Again, on November five, we've got fifteen days to go and I'm going to be doing a countdown. So get your warrior on. Get ready here to go vote on Election Day. Bring people with you. Know your constitution. And let's let's get her done. This is this is a great time to get her done on this. And with that said, God bless you all. God bless all those who we love and God bless America. Have a great day. If you don't. Thank you very much. B one and stay on the line guys. Cause guess what? Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah. We get to talk when, when, uh, when we end the show here, I'll be, I'll just hang on Brian.