BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 10/11/2024 Off the Grid, Lori Brock-removal of Green twp board

Published Oct. 11, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 10am Lori Brock - Lori Brock, who helped the start the petition to remove the Green Township board will be talking about the process. She says since speaking out about Gotion, she has received death threats and had signs in her yard taken down. “We’re moving forward with lawsuits against Gotion. We prepared ourselves a long time ago for a couple-year battle with them, and so we’re ready for it,” Brock said. “The new board is ready and waiting to go into effect. They want to clean up the township and actually, you know, do some positive things for the community. Be accountable, be transparent. We need that, we really do. These people that are set up are amazing people, each one of them cares, each one of them is invested in this community, and I think they’re going to do a phenomenal job,” Brock said.Over the summer, a petition was filed by voters claiming the board wasn’t listening to the voice of the people when it came to the building of a controversial electric vehicle battery plant by Chinese-owned Gotion. Lori Brock is the business owner and owner of a horse farm in Green Township who fought the Gotion Battery plant in Green township. She is very active in local politics. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter, Lori Brock

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the eleventh day of October twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show today. First off, we're going to start talking about preparedness off the grid with Dr. David Kent. Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT guy. And then after that, Lori Brock is going to be on at ten o'clock and we're going to be talking about how they have removed the entire board from Green Township in Michigan. This is kind of an amazing story because they had the Goshen battery plant that was trying to move in on them. The people, we the people got together up there in Mecosta County and said, no, ain't happening. And now they have taken it one step further and removed their entire board. And the stories are really funny because you can't just, people in office, and this is, we want to point to the people that are on the top, like Gretchen Whitmer, you know, the Gretchen and Nestle and Benson and Brader, But this systemic corruption goes all the way down into our communities. And to see a community have such success is just really inspiring. So we're going to start off with off the grid and then we'll go to to Lori Brock. Good morning, guys. How you doing? Good morning. Good morning. Good morning. I love I love all your. Cute, happy, cheerful. Good morning. I want to share something with you guys. This is going to be kind of fun. And we're going to talk about preparedness and disaster because we've had plenty of them. I want to share this with you this morning. Guess what this is? Tornado or hurricane hitting your house. That is part of my place down on Anna Maria Island that is basically completely destroyed. Blown apart. Do you remember when the straight line winds came through here in the nineties and every news news channel came on with a stupid, ridiculous headline, blown apart, the disaster in West Michigan. Well, pretty, pretty much the Island is completely a disaster. And I mean a disaster. We're talking five feet of sand over all the roads. We will not have power back there for at least, at least, I don't know, they're saying two months maybe. And the, the amount of destruction is just incredible. And of course on the barrier islands, you're not going to get insurance on any of this. So it's a crap shoot on whether you're going to survive it. And like for us, we it was kind of worth it for me because our place wasn't that expensive. It was just a little nothing place that I could drop my suitcases and, and go and head out to the beach and, and or walk or whatever, you know, there's a lot I do a lot of walking when I'm down there and such and just being active in the middle of winter. But the point being is that is that if you go to and you have property on these barrier islands, you have to realize that you're taking a lot of risk. So quite honestly, I know a lot of people have felt really bad for me because You know, we had these two little places down there, and one of them is still standing, but we had to tear all the cabinets out. We lost every single thing inside of this. Cabinets are gone. We've got walls, but that's about it. So this one, the second one, Milton, was we didn't have the storm surge, but what we had was high winds, and that just basically just decimated everything. And now we've got another one that's headed for the same area, probably going to be another direct hit, but we don't know yet. And so I know I've had a lot of people that have been, you know, well, feeling really bad about it. And I'm like, don't feel bad. I'm like, quite honestly, if God wanted this to miss us, he would have. So I'm just taking this as, okay, he's got another plan, another adventure. And not looking at this as a big disaster, as I'm sure a lot of people would have. Was that a house on the water, like on the beach, or was it up further inland? I was literally about twenty five feet off of Sarasota Bay. So I was right on the bay. Wow. And so so I mean, literally to walk out the door there was to be about about twenty five feet off off of Sarasota Bay. Wow. Right on the water. And so the thing of it is, is that I was going to I was going to do some work there and Bradenton Beach was not super cooperative on getting anything done. So I've been struggling with this place a little bit because nobody wanted to work on it and get things done. And when you're on the islands, everything works differently. Absolutely everything works differently. So in a way, it is what it is. I'm sure it's very corrupt. Enjoyed my time down there. I will have to say that I do believe that there's a decent amount of human trafficking that goes on in those islands, just like everywhere else. And I did turn somebody in at one point in time where it was indisputable proof that that's what was going on. And I think that a lot of the things we're seeing in these disaster zones are honestly, if they save one kid Or if they can bring down one network and I lost absolutely everything, it would be worth it for me. You know, what's the price of a human life? What if it was you? What if it was your kids? It would be worth it. It would for me. And if we could save somebody else's kids or something else, it still would be worth it for me. And so I'm not crying any tears here, guys. God has a plan. And we just need to trust him, whether it's everything is good or if there's difficulties or good or bad. Good things come out of everything. Well, Disney is underwater. Well, that's kind of a good thing. Hopefully all the tunnels. Yeah, that's a strange place. I need to do some research on it. I don't understand how they're having this war with the governor, the Santas, like over like. the ownership. It's like its own little country or something like D.C. Well, it is. They set up their own local government there. That was part of the... Basically, when they bought all the land for Disney World, they bought it up under a whole bunch of different little shell companies so that they could get hold of all of the land under different names without anybody figuring out what they were doing. Once they did that, They basically set up their own town and made it so that it's composed of only the people who live there are allowed to vote, right? But they have to be permanent residents. And so what they do is, as I understand it, any of the properties there within this district that they've created, any of the properties are pretty much only available as rental units and for only short terms, so that it's short enough that no one gets permanent residency status, except for the ones that the Disney board figures are going to vote with them. OK, so what do they have? Like it just it seemed to me like the state has no authority over what they're doing. I remember it started with the the schools and what they were what they were allowed to be taught. And DeSantis banned it for for the state of Florida. But they said, screw you. And they're in some kind of major war right now. Well, it's kind of, I hate to say it, but it's kind of supposed to be that way, where the communities dictate to the state rather than the state to dictate to the communities, okay? But the only ones that got it right is Disney, and the ones that got it wrong was all of us who have patronized them and gone down there to play. If you disagree with what they're doing, boycott them. And if the money stops flowing to them, if they stop having a reason to exist... If they're doing something wrong, you just got to stop participating in funding them. But, you know, there's certain things that certainly there's certain things that a governor can do under emergency situations. I believe we have forty three declared national emergencies right now that would give a governor that had the guts, the ability to straighten this mess out. But what are we seeing? Not one of them. seems to have the guts to do this. And that's a concerning thing. Did you see what Whitmer did this week? No. Oh, for gosh sakes. Talking about Loserville. Hang on a minute. Let me see if I can pull this up a minute. Talk amongst yourselves a minute, and I'm going to see if I can bring this up. But Loserville-Whitmer kind of like went... completely and totally off her rocker. And I mean totally off her rocker on deciding to make a choice. Hang on a minute. Like she's getting desperate. Yeah, well, it's kind of in your face. Well, I think it's just so in our face right now that cheating, you know, and California, it's illegal now to ask for voter ID. They'll put you in jail if you even ask for it. California. It's so blatant. They've got to be scared of something big time. In California, they don't even need to cheat that hard because they've already got it set up such that their votes are always going to go one way anyway because they won't let the North Californians have any kind of say in anything. but maybe enough people woke up in California. I mean, you just have to be like so ignorant. If you lived in California, just to not to, to vote for more Democrats. They've had about a thirty year struggle, I think now to try and get North California has been trying to split off from South California into the state of Jefferson. Yeah. And they've been fighting that battle for probably thirty years now. So. We'll see. Some of this, it may get bad enough that it'll actually get people enough motivation to do it. Okay, this is my ex-channel. And check this out. Check this nonsense out. Oh. That is like so creepy. I can't even, it's just so creepy. It's like, she's given communion, a Doritos communion to this person that's sitting at her, at her feet. So this was part of a interview, a podcast interview. So I think the other woman set it up and she also asked her, Oh, what was it? She asked her. Cause I found out later and I shared that a little, a little bits of the interview, um, It might take me a minute to remember what she had said during that, but it was, oh, about abortion. She said something about post-birth abortion, and Whitmer said it doesn't exist, and she was laughing at it. The woman asked her if something about her daughters, was she set up a post-birth abortion for daughters or something like that? And it was just so stupid, and they're mocking it, like mocking the communion. They've completely lost touch with reality, it seems like. This is where I had written a sub-snack about the screaming bobcat. I keep coming back to that lately, because when an animal like a bobcat is trapped... It sees the hunter coming, and all it can do is scream. Or when you get really close, lash out at you, which is where we're coming closer to that now. But in the meantime, they scream because they're trying to intimidate you somehow. That's all they've got. And so that's what we see Hillary Clinton do. And some of the mainstream media and the journalists and other politicians, Obama's doing things that just don't seem to make sense. Biden and Harris are going opposite of each other in the things that they're saying. And he seems to be working actively against her now. It's a fun show if you're watching from where we sit. Well, you know, even looking at Whitmer's face in this, I can't. It's like it is so over the top that I can't even really take this seriously, other than the fact that it's an absolute mockery of a lot of people's faith. Yeah. And, you know, and it's just it just absolutely was intended to be the most offensive that they could possibly be. And I don't know. I just I'm just kind of like I'm just kind of done with her and all the nonsense that's gone on around around the. the people that are running this entire country, honestly, because nothing's really been going the way it's supposed to be. Neil Gorsuch was on and was actually talking about how much of the government really is just incredible bloat that needs to be gone. And I'm going to tell you what, ninety percent of what we have needs to be gone. But the problem is, is that we've got so many people that would not be able to survive if they weren't being handed something that the rest of us were carrying. They don't even realize that someone else is having to produce to actually fund them. And the top of the stack isn't even necessarily welfare. It's the people working for the government. We got one third of our workers work for the government. Put that into perspective. Is it that high? Thirty percent? Yeah, I've heard thirty thirty percent is what keeps floating to the top. Actually, you know, is actually getting a paycheck from the government. So it's probably not the entirety of government workers. But but we've got so each one of us is is carrying a half of a person. That actually produces. Wow. That is straight up communism. You know, when I was in college, I remember one of my professors saying that at this point in time, it was twenty people to every one person who was on the government dole. And he said, by the time you guys get to be so I was like around eighteen, twenty years old, he said, by the time you guys get to retirement age, it's going to be. one person being uh carrying every two people that don't work at the rate as it was trending that should be sobering well right now I'm and we've got a a uh one to two ratio right now um And it's just, it's shocking, shocking. And they don't even realize that they produce nothing. Anybody that works in an office, you know, some of that has to be done. Some administration has to be done. But the majority of what we're doing now in businesses and such, it is absolutely ridiculous. The amount of documentation, spying that they're doing. There's that act that we had to comply with for the companies that you have to turn in Just a crazy amount. What was it? Corporate Transparency Act or something. I'm not even sure that they can even lawfully enact an act. I don't think it's a law. I think it's an act. But they're snookering everybody to jump in and comply and give them all this information. They're spying on the United States and everyone who has a business. And they're doing it under the guise of, well, we've got to have this information because we've got to have control of that. Because they don't produce anything and they need us to be silent slaves. I hate these people. I shouldn't, but I really do. Fifteen to sixteen percent of the U.S. workforce is directly employed by the government. So it's probably triple that if you look at, you know, direct government contractors and everything. Yeah, the contractors that just work for the government. Yeah. Like the entire CIA. Yeah, I want to look it up a minute. I want to see how many people. Let's employ a little AI on this one. Probably won't tell me. Sounds like you guys are talking about conspiracy theories or something. I was speaking of Florida while you're doing that. Um, There was a man named Milton William Cooper, Bill Cooper, and he was well, well known, apparently, for conspiracy theories. Makes me think of the character in the movie Conspiracy Theory with Mel Gibson. I think he was probably spot on about a lot of things, and maybe he was off on other things. They wrote X-Files episodes after this guy. Yeah. So his name is Milton. Supposedly, one of the conspiracies he talked about was human trafficking. So, Dr. David, I'm glad you mentioned about Disney being underwater, because that means that Milton successfully flooded one of the largest human trafficking networks that we know of. And I think Milton would probably be happy about that. And by the way, he makes me think of the gentleman you talked to from Idaho, Donna, he was threatened with arrest for tax evasion. Ammon Bondy. Ammon Bondy. Thank you. For some reason, that name is just hard for me to remember. Anyway, so they wanted your arresting for that. He fought back, allegedly. He ended up getting shot and killed on November fifth, a few years back. So just one of those, like, he would probably be kind of a little entertained by having this particular hurricane named after him. Interesting. Maybe that was purposeful. There's a little side track rabbit hole for you guys. Well, there you go. What'd you find, Donna? It says that as recent estimates, nearly one hundred million Americans receive some form of government assistance. So that's like a third of the population is on assistance entitlements, you know, like entitlements. Let's just call that entitlements. This includes various programs such as Social Security, unemployment benefits and other welfare programs. So that doesn't even include government contractors. So you got a third on entitlement programs, according to a copilot, which I think it's probably pretty accurate, actually. So a third of the population on assistance, which would be entitlements. And then you don't have the government contractors. You don't have people working for the CIA, FBI and such. And honestly, I've heard that a lot of the security people are making about four hundred grand per security. individual that that's that four hundred, four hundred fifty is what they get for that. So anytime they move around a public functionary, they're paying for all of that. I did a study on how much they need to move the president around, what it costs per minute. It's ridiculous. There is no reason in today's world that that we should be moving people around to physical locations It's backwards. If I were in charge of the world, I would say whoever is in a position like that that needs that kind of security needs to sit still so that roads don't have to be closed, so that all of this stuff, buildings don't have to have snipers on them and such. You could sit right in one spot, control that spot, and make it super secure. and have them just sit there and do their job. It's just, it's way too much money into this kind of stuff. It's nonsense. Yeah. Well, especially politicians. I can understand the president needing to meet with other world leaders. Right. Trump and stuff, but these politicians are just, even the local, like the governors and stuff, they all have security and the mayors have armed security around them. It's just out of control. It always makes me think back to, there was an account from back in the, back in the eighteen hundreds, I think, when they, when Japan just started to kind of open up to the world because they had blocked off basically all contact with the world just about for a very long time. When they started opening back up again, they had a Japanese diplomat that came to the United States and he wrote an account of his trip And one of the things in there was he talked about going to Washington, D.C. and being able to just basically walk right up to the White House and walk in and talk to the president. And how he was kind of shocked by that. But the Americans that he talked to at the time were like, yeah, that's obvious. Because they had set it up and they were of the opinion that That's what set us apart from all of the monarchies back in Europe, is that the president was basically just another person. And of course you should be able to just talk to another person. He's one of us. And you look at that in sharp contrast to what we've got now, and it's a little different now. And part of that is we've put way too much power into the executive branch. And part of that is just because we've put way too much power in the government anyway, to the point where people even see politicians in any capacity as being above them is kind of, it's anti-American, really. Yeah. It's un-American. Yeah. That's the new term now on American. But I want to take a moment to point out for anybody who missed it, Wednesday's show in which Bill Moore talked about the Davy Crockett story. That was a great story. I think it's really been interesting for me from that perspective in a sense to look at what people are asking for, what people are expecting, why they're upset about how the government is responding to the hurricanes, because should we be begging the government for anything? Should we be asking them for certain kinds of things? And, Should we be disappointed that they're not responding? Is America capable of doing how much? These are some big questions that I've been asking since that show. So for anybody who's missed it, go back and listen to the Wednesday BNN program. That was really a great story. And how far away we have gotten from holding the line on our oaths of office. that it's really shocking once you start digging into this to see how much we've tolerated and how quickly people are led astray. And on that note of all of the disaster stuff and the things that cities are falling down on that we're actively seeing down there, Dr. David, you had some... information I think a couple of weeks ago now about water filtration that sounded really interesting. Did you have that handy? Because you had a whole bunch of different techniques for water filtration. Let me see if I can find it. Because that's one that's really important for all of these locations. You look at what's going on in Tennessee with all of the disaster that they've got there. And the water filtration, you know, you can last a long time without food. You can last a long time without power. But you got to have water. And that's something that's kind of a choke point for a lot of this stuff, you know. Can't last more than a couple days without water. Two or three days, maybe. Can you imagine what would happen to our large cities? if all of a sudden the sewage and the water handling capabilities ended. Yeah. And there's a lot of locations too where the sewer level is actually above the ground level. And the only reason why it continues to function is because they've got the lift stations that are able to pump that up to higher locations where the sewage can actually flow out. that breaks down a lot of the sewers will end up backing up to the people that are in the lowlands and could cause some major issues there too. Yeah. So what, what are people going to do in these areas when they haven't planned on this? You know, if they have like a septic system or something like that, that's great. Except for it takes a pump to, you know, not all of its gravity, you know what I mean? Some of it, but not all of it is. And so, you know, there's, there's definitely some problems. Oh, there's a, you know what? Hang on a minute. There's a link on a find that I found the other day that was really cool about infrastructure maps. I'll be right back. All right. Yeah, and if you don't have water, there's a mix out here by us of some areas that have septic and some areas that have well. Well, that's great, but the wells aren't going to work unless they've got a way to pump it if the electricity. out. So you got a problem. So that takes your, that takes your, your, your sewage issue right out too, because there's nothing, there's nothing to carry it to the septic systems. Right. And if you have to have additional, additional pumping mechanisms, no matter what it is, you're, you're in trouble. Right. So. I've been thinking about a lot of things that I haven't thought about before in watching the footage and information coming out from Tennessee and I hadn't thought about what you would do because we get a little water in our basement sometimes. I've never expected that we don't have, it would be extremely unlikely for us to get completely flooded where we live. Michigan does have a lot of water. Muskegon County had some real, some places had some fairly severe flooding and one day's worth of rain. But if your house was flooded and you didn't have any electricity, not having been in one of those hurricane-prone areas, it's not something that I've thought about, but how do you clean up? And the cleaning is important for health. So I was thinking about these people that they have properties that have withstood the mudslides and hopefully there's some in places where they don't expect another mudslide to happen so they have a shelter but it's wet and they don't have power and winter is coming and for everybody else who's had to come down the mountain or is still stuck they're going to have to figure out a shelter that's wet and largely unstable. These are things I haven't thought about where I live before. Yeah. How do you, how do you clean in order to maintain, uh, sanitary conditions? I heard the smell there is terrible. We don't, you don't get that on film. And somebody from Florida, I said, um, told me the other day, they think that the first thing that should be removed from all the homes is mattresses. They said the mattresses will hold the water and they mold up and then that must be a really big source of illness. So then what can you do in these sorts of conditions to protect yourself from disease? Well, everyone that I know down there has literally thrown out every single possession they had. on the barrier islands. Unless they were really high, which a lot of area down there was not, to be able to sustain the storm surges at ten to fifteen feet in that area, that's going to bury a lot of first floor and then also knocks the houses right off the foundation. A lot of them are leaning, the structures are unsafe. And so the first thing that you do is you've got to throw out all your furniture because as you said, so like everything in my place ended up on the street, including the refrigerator. Everything was toast. The furnaces, the air conditioning, the HVAC, all of that's gone because it fried everything. It's all wet, unsalvageable. And it's all a combination of, honestly, it's a combination of sewage water as well as ocean water. So, I mean, it's a substantial problem. And so everything has to be torn out. You have to tear the walls out. If you've got insulation, you've got to get that out so that can dry out. You go right down to the studs a lot of times. A lot of times the cabinets will get waterlogged, especially if it's particle boards. that will get waterlogged and you got to get that out because that's not going to dry out either. And the amount of humidity that follows something like that is generally very, very high. If you can't dry it out with a... I've had a few places that have had broken pipes and everything in it is just floating. I mean, you've had that happen before. Unless you've got a quick way to get dehumidifiers in there or large fans to dry out even... this stuff you're going to go into a very very unhealthy situation and all you can do is get out yeah yeah everyone really should probably have a portable dehumidifier and then I kind of tend to think everyone should have an ozone machine on hand too they those are great for for taking care of like mold after you've dried something out um because they've They make the ozone machines, and the idea is that you don't want to be around them. You put them into a sealed-off room with no people in it. On a timer, so when it shuts down, it's done. You don't want to go in there. Yep, and they use those a lot in hotel rooms, actually. In between people, they'll put an ozone machine in there to just kind of more or less do a low-level disinfection of an entire room. unit at once but if you have an ozone machine like that they can if you've got the right one they can kill bugs they can kill uh mold uh they can kill a lot of stuff in a quick hurry and uh those those are kind of a handy tool to have bleach is also another good one that everybody should have some bleach on hand and probably a bunch of it it you know just just in case it's cheap And there's a lot of things that you can use to, you know, you can use that for to treat, disinfect, kill mold, kill mildew. And if you've got it in like a little sprayer or something like that, makes it easy to, you know, deploy. Yeah. Bleach, very good friend. So you want to talk about the water purification? Sure. I mean, I have a list. pretty much the stuff we've talked about. Water filter, if anybody, it's like, ten dollars to get a LifeStraw, but any type of water filter would be very handy to have. Then water purification tabs, you know, they're like, probably like, ten cents each, you know, have a bunch of those. We talked about, many times, about bleach. or four drops of bleach in a gallon of water um will that kill all the bugs in it and everything I mean does that kill kill like parasites and anything else bacteria and viruses yeah parasites the iodine tablets I think you can I think you can get those at like a lot of camping stores yeah However, those were one of the things that gets you on an FBI watch list. Really? Yep. Just like not being on Facebook. Or like BNN, right? BNN is going to get you on the watch list too. Yeah. Why? What's the reasoning behind that? Because the people that would be buying those are people that are under preparedness. Okay. Domestic terrorists. They didn't know that we're all terrorists. Yeah, domestic terrorists. Prepare and take care of ourselves because FEMA can't have that. Yeah, got to make sure that we're all heavily dependent on government systems. And boy, if you want to be prepared to be able to function on your own, boy, that's a heck of a threat. Yeah. Yeah, remember, they can give all the money they want over to Ukraine and everywhere else. But when it comes to Americans, we're like second-class citizens here. Yeah. The best way to treat water is to boil it. And if you can boil it, and you probably should know how to boil water in an emergency. Who wouldn't know how to boil water? Yeah, no. I mean, is it boiling? Some people may not be able to think about how to boil water if they didn't have their convenient stove or microwave oven. Yeah, some people would be so tied to fuel sources that they wouldn't be able to think about doing that on a wood fire or, you know, that kind of thing, I would think. Guys, I can't even relate to this. Somebody wouldn't know how to, you know, start a freaking fire and get a pot on it or wouldn't you? Okay. I think anybody with a Harris Waltz for president sign in their front yard probably doesn't have a lot of boil water without fuel. They can use their signage as fuel. The Biden-Harris sign people, those are the ones that are going to be the first ones to die in the event of an emergency. Yeah. That's actually another thing, I think, if I remember right, that was explicitly called out by the FBI as something that they'll put you on a watch list for is magnesium fire starters. Because once again, you know, not because of anything dangerous, but just because it means that you're into preparedness. and magnesium fire starters will work without any other infrastructure. Crazy. I tend to think the new plasma lighters that they've got for camping are really pretty cool because they're rechargeable. I mean, you get an EMP, you're screwed. But anything less than that, if you've got a solar panel and you've got one of those, Man, those are a convenient way to be able to light a fire if you need to. Do they use butane? No, no, it's full electric. Okay. Basically, they use enough voltage to be able to create a spark that's a good, I'd say maybe a three-eighths of an inch long. An arc-like? Sorry, three-sixteenths of an inch long. It's a continual electrical arc that you can then use to light tinder and then use that to light a wood fire. Okay. I'm not seeing a legend on this. I'm trying to figure out exactly. Oh, this is interesting. Yeah, isn't that a cool map? That's a cool map. I bet you go down farther than that and you can see all of the nuclear. Oh, yeah. Speaking of maps, somebody posted in a Facebook group recently, do you know how to read a road map? And it may sound kind of funny, but I've actually been thinking about that lately because if, let's say, you had family in North Carolina and you lost touch with them, And you really wanted to get down there to find out if they were okay, to help them out in some way, to connect with them. Would you be able to get from Michigan to somewhere specific in North Carolina or even to the general state without a roadmap in hand for every state? And would you be able to read that roadmap? How many people know how to read a roadmap in outings? It's like the videos of the teenagers trying to figure out a rotary phone. They're so used to things like Google or their car telling them where to go and just following it. They wouldn't have a clue how to pull out a paper map and use it. But that's something that as long as the infrastructure doesn't change, I mean, if we had a nuclear attack, the road system would probably change. Something that was brought up the other day, too, by somebody, and I don't remember who was talking about this. Actually, it might have been you, Dr. David, was talking about, do you have a way to tell time? If in the event of like an EMP or something like that, or even just a power loss, do you have the ability to tell time? I can tell you how to tell time. We have a complete grid shutdown. You know what time it is? It's we are screwed. Well, it does help for navigation though. I mean, if you've got a mechanical clock, that's one of the, that was one of the big things. I mean, you can, you can tell latitude using a sextant. But to tell longitude, that was one of the things that really limited ship travel for a long time was the ability to have an accurate clock that could stand up to the motion of a ship on the waves. And once they solved that, then positioning became much easier. Interesting. Anybody who hasn't taken a land navigation course should take one. You can get a good one in Kent County, by the way. I've taken that particular course several times. Because by the last time I took it, I was able to help other students through the exercises. And I could be like an assistant teacher in the class. I still don't feel comfortable. It's just not. It's like ham radio. It's just I can talk on the radio. I know all the protocol. Well, not for general ham radio use. I knew how to use it for my team. But I could do some things with it, but I wasn't comfortable in other situations. And in that particular land lab course, if I can find it, I'll share a link. Okay, good. They have a higher level course if you take in the basic where there's a park. I think it's just outside of the South Kent County area where you can go into that park in the evening and practice your skills while you're out there seemingly alone in the dark. Can you get from a certain point to another certain point, collect information and get back to where you started safely and without freaking out? First time I did it, I admitted it was a little scary for me. It took me out of my comfort zone. I didn't perform the tasks very well. The second time I did it. I did better. I was more comfortable. I knew what I was doing. I couldn't get all the information I was supposed to collect, but I was able to get myself to a couple of pathways and maneuver my way out with ease. Well, that's one of the reasons, too, why I advocate with the ham radio. Don't just get a ham radio. Get your license and get on the air and practice with it because... It's just like a firearm. You don't want to just get a firearm just because, you know, in case I have it, but then never practice with it. It's the same with radio. And that's why getting a license is so important on that is because practice with it while you've still got all the resources available to you to learn. Okay, let's pull this up a minute. Let's see if he's... I haven't seen this video yet. Let's see what it says. This is super easy, super fun, and a great skill to teach your kids. The most maps that you use are recreational maps. Let me just draw you a quick recreational map and I'll point out some key components of it. So the first thing we want to look at is the legend. The legend tells you a lot of important information about the map. It has what the signs and symbols mean and what the trail colors mean. The next thing we want to look at is north. Now nine times out of ten, the top of the map is north. You can verify this by finding the north pointing arrow on the map somewhere, like in this example here. So the first thing we do is we look at the terrain of the map. We look at the trails. We look at the points of interest. And we kind of orient ourselves to the map so that we can get a general idea of what we're going to use it for and where we're going. The last thing we look at is the scale. Now, the scale will tell you the distances on the map. This will become important later when you want to measure trail distances. And I'll show you this in another video called Using the Scale to Measure Distances. So to use these basic map reading skills and to use the map, the first thing you do before you enter the trail directions north. You can either use a compass or a cell phone or the compass is in a card to do this, but you want to figure out which directions north generally. When you're on your hike and you make a sharp turn, turn the map. Okay, I got to stop one minute or I'm going to get a YouTube strike here. But I think this is really super helpful to actually have these skills. And I guess I didn't even think about people not knowing how to read a map. But if this is a thing, let's continue on. There, okay. So who here remembers having to navigate in a car using a paper map? Gazetteer, absolutely. I am old enough to have done that. Think of how many people have not had to do that. And think about wrestling that in a car as you're trying to get somewhere. It was always easier if you had a navigator that could say, hey, turn here or there so you don't have to manage the whole thing. And then try and fold it back up when you were done. Right. The huge books of maps, those were actually quite handy. The big Atlas ones that were like, they were kind of unwieldy books, but it was a heck of a lot better than trying to fold the darn little maps. You can get a plastic cover for these, by the way. If you're out in the wilderness somewhere, or even in suburbia, it doesn't matter where you are, having a plastic cover that fits your map so that you can read it while it's raining is also very helpful. Or laminated, you know, laminated stuff. You know, the biggest thing with being outside is you want you want to stay out of the you want to stay out of the, you know, the water. You want to keep the moisture away. I mean, that's a lot of the problems people have is if they're say their boots or socks get wet and that sort of thing. When they're out for long periods of time, you really can open yourself up to a whole heap of hurt. Have a raincoat. Not those little stupid plastic raincoats. That's kind of in a pinch, but that's not one of those long-term options. Have multiple pairs of socks. Have a bug-out bag, they call them. Just something packed away for emergencies if you need to get out of your house. Well, there's another one. That's a good point. If you're away from home... And let's say you work within an hour from home, but you're still some miles away. And the grid goes down, your car can't run or you run out of gas and you can't get anymore. Can you get yourself home? Can you get yourself to your child's school or a spouse's place of work? Do you have a plan for that kind of thing? In my household, we do. Do you have a bug out bag in your vehicle? So that you could safely get where you need to be on foot, even if it took a while. And does your family know that you have that so that they can trust you know what to do and you're on your way and it's just a matter of time and they can relax. Because the stress of knowing that someone is away from where you are and secure, you don't know what's going on with them. That's happened in North Carolina, Tennessee, Florida. Please check in. Please check in. Well, how can they do that? They don't have power. They don't have internet. They don't have cell phone abilities for days. And so people didn't know if they were drowned, if they got squashed in a mudslide, anything horrible could have happened to them. Or were they perfectly safe and they just couldn't get to communicate? Knowing that there's a plan in place for your loved ones makes a world of difference in your Because if your stress level is down, like Donna said about the survival time, if you're out of a high-level survival mode, your stress level, the cortisones, the hormones that are all related to illness are going to be lower. And you can more aptly survive the situation because you're confident, you have faith, you know what's going on, you're capable. Yeah, when people are in a stress situation, they make bad decisions. So the first thing is, is to get a handle on the stress. And I would suggest praying and just just stop, take a walk around the building. And I don't mean like physical building, just stop and and really try to try to decelerate your emotions to the point where you can you can think. And some of that comes down to just going back to base level facts. You know, still alive, going to have to make some choices. It's not ideal, but making choices in non-ideal situations is what we do. You're never going to have an ideal situation as long as we're on this rock. Because that's just not how it works here. We're going to solve one problem and there will be another problem that comes after that and we'll solve that problem. But we're never going to be in utopia here on this earth. It's not realistic. So to be able to handle problems that come up is a huge skill in crisis management. uh, being able to do crisis management and hold your, hold yourself together without, and then, then think about it later, you know, think about it later, but you got, you've almost got to go into a mode where, where you're kind of like emotionless and cold compartmentalize yourself. And, uh, that, that is, that's the way that you stay from being hauled into, um, a reactionary, uh, mindset. On Karen, you brought up the, uh, uh, Navigation class. Another really, really good class that I've been to that I'd recommend everybody look into is in the spring. They usually do. Each county has a class for the National Weather Service Sky Warn program, which is basically it's volunteer weather spotting. So during storms, the Skywarn volunteers will usually watch the skies for any kind of severe weather, not just on radar, but actually eyes on the situation on the ground, looking at things and reporting it back to the weather service. That class is invaluable for anyone in the Midwest because it's got a lot of good information about tornadoes, how they behave, straight line winds, hail, all kinds of severe weather, how to spot it, how to prepare for it, how to do damage assessments afterward. Phenomenal class, and I'd highly recommend it. It's one of the most interesting classes that I've ever been to. I believe it's free, isn't it? And a lot of ham radio operators are part of that. Well, and to your point, on all of your points, because you've all basically said the same thing, is gain the knowledge to be able to have some competence and security and confidence no matter what situation arises. And if things go awry, that's outside of your control. it just is what it is. And sometimes you got to just do an assessment with what you have and pick up, pick up what you have and just keep going. Right. And let it go. It's kind of goes back to, honestly, I'm going to go back to the Bible on this one because it's like with Sarah as a, you know, turning into a pillar of salt. And I think, you know, you brought this up several times, Ralph, she kept looking back at what she lost instead of looking forward into what what do you do now when you can't go back and we probably shouldn't want to go back just because things are familiar. Doesn't mean that that's the best, the best course. It just makes us feel comfortable because we're comfortable with those things. We feel familiar with people are human beings are very, very adverse to change. Even if it's, even if it's for the better, you see that when you adopt a child, like I did, they will always mourn what they lost, even if it was incomplete and utter squalor or problem. And that's to the point of in the constitution is that people will, be willing to suffer huge, huge over, you know, usurpations by the government rather than get in there and change it because it is a difficult thing to change what we're used to. But these fundamental changes right now, they have to happen. Again, like Bill said on Wednesday about all the things that we have. If you go to the philippines where flooding is really common there was a man who came to michigan A couple of times and he was like you have houses for your cars And their their church they have a photo they shared once where their church was In like two feet of water. They were holding a service. They were all standing outside together singing and praising god and And while they're standing in water and it was just like, well, this is what we have to deal with. We are so stuck on all of our stuff that like you were saying about after a hurricane, getting rid of all your stuff, you have to, you have no choice. And that would be traumatic for most of America. Yeah, for me, it's like I just I kind of felt like it was unencumbering to me. Here's Skywarn. I just just, you know, you got to enjoy what you have for the day and be thankful for it. But that could change in a heartbeat for any one of us. And I expect it's going to change for most of us at some point in time. If the grid goes down, it's going to go down. There's no there's no two ways. I don't know if it's going to go down all at once, but I will I will take that bet with anyone out there. that we are going to have a catastrophic failure financially as well as an infrastructure failure. It's going to happen. You know, you can even look at history. No society has ever lasted long term. Just doesn't because the people become too corrupt and they will do, it will run to its own demise just because the people don't have the fortitude, the honor, the integrity to continue to keep it on the rails. And that's just the way it is. Until we as human beings decide to clean ourselves up and our motivations up, it's probably always going to run its course like it does. And so those of us who understand that just have to be ready for those changes and know that it's going to be okay. God is with us every step of the way. And some of the stuff that we think we need have caused us more problems than then we're willing to admit, but it's comfortable. Just comfortable. I think here's something to think about that trying to survive in your house, if there's a grid down situation, I guess it's okay in the summer, but in the winter or with flooding, Even in your house in the summer, I think they say the toilets and everything are going to start overflowing. It's going to be a tough situation to live in. But everybody pretty much has something that they could survive in in any season and probably thrive, and that's your car. If you can think ahead what you would need in your car Even if you're like a common thing that could happen in Michigan, you know, I guess you got to prepare for where you live. You know, in Michigan, we're not going to get a hurricane. You know, we're probably not going to get massive flooding and stuff, but we get massive ice storms and snow storms. And if you're out on the road, you know, they say don't leave your car. You know, if it goes off the road or you run out of gas, you know, don't don't try walking. You know, you got to be able to survive in your car. And I think they say with just a candle, you can keep your car warm enough to survive. You know, assuming you have got some winter clothes and stuff. But, you know, everyone should have some sort of emergency kit in their car, in the trunk of the car. You know, some extra blankets, flashlight. Tea candles. I have them in my car. How about a metal cup where you could just take the snow and melt it over a candle for water? I don't know, we could probably think of a hundred things you could put in your car, but you could probably fit everything into a little backpack and you could survive in your car in almost any type of situation. One of the greatest resources I've seen for that is looking into the Jeep community because the Jeep community has a lot of people that do off-roading and a lot of times they will be prepared not only for being able to stay off-road for long periods of time and survive in harsh environments, but also a lot of them have figured out good ways of keeping a full mechanical repair kit with their car as well, and sometimes spare parts for cars to the point where if you need to, like I said, don't look to somebody that has a Jeep to save you but look to their community for what to put into your own car, because they've figured out a lot of that stuff into how to do it in the most compact way possible. Yeah. And pray to God that you got a lot of people with like big old diesel trucks out there to pull people out. That's the one thing as a farm girl that I see a lot. You got a Prius and you're wearing like high heel shoes out there. You're probably going to have some problems. I mean, I've literally seen my, you know, my husband pull somebody out of it. He's pretty strong guy, right? Yeah. Pick up some chick that had pumps on that went in the ditch, lost one of her pumps, and he's carrying her out of the ditch to get her somewhere safe. She's freezing her tail off. I'm sorry, guys, but this is kind of one of those things that looks like an IQ fail test in the state of Michigan in winter. Because just go out with, if you have to wear pumps, bring them to the office with you. But you're out in the middle of Nanook land here and above zero temperatures sometimes. If things don't go exactly right, you're toast. And you better hope that somebody that's a farm girl, like I can see Lori backstage here, like Lori, myself, you know. Karen, Ralph, and such that's got a big old diesel truck and hope they got a tow strap and enough guts to get you out of there because y'all are going to be sitting there freezing to death in your car until somebody comes along. And at that point in time, you're a liability on the whole area instead of an adult that can help. And that's what preparedness is too. It's not just preparing to save our own behinds. It's thinking of the others around us in a humanitarian way that you're prepared to be helpful in all situations. I think everybody should have an emergency or a security plan in their neighborhoods. Talk to your neighbors. Find out who's got the pew-pews out there. that can actually be helpful in a situation if you're being attacked by, oh, I don't know, the millions of illegal immigrants that have flooded into this nation funded, the army funded by the Biden administration and all of these people that are sitting in the seats that have not put a stop to it and have allowed this to be funded by our own nation. We're sitting here with an invading army funded by the UN inside our borders, powered by the drug cartels. And as long as everything goes perfectly right, it just kind of goes on and we don't see it. What happens if one thing tips out of balance? I would suggest everybody take this a little more seriously and have a few plans put in place. and not expect the cavalry to come and save you. We're gonna have to save ourselves just like in North Carolina and Florida and Tennessee. Georgia, it's going to be our neighbors and those we love, the people around us that are going to have to stand together and get a plan figured out because FEMA ain't coming. They're way too busy funding the illegal immigrants that are here to invade us and kill us. And well, the reality is that it's a tough reality, but that's just the way it is. So your future probably going to be in your own hands. And I hate to say it in Such an in-your-face way to say it, but that's the truth. They're not going to tell you the truth. They won't tell you. They'll let you walk right into the trap and watch you either fail and sit back and laugh about it because they don't care. No. FEMA's not coming to save you. No. So, thirty seconds, guys. Lightning round. Last words. I'm going to bring Lori on in a minute. We're going to talk about how to remove all of these criminal bastards off of our boards and out of the... You know, these people are just criminal bastards. That's all you can say about it. I'm sorry. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. Because if any of them were actually doing what they were supposed to be doing, we wouldn't have the shit show going on that we have right now. Right. Just is what it is. It is. You know, if any of them were doing instead of saying, let's go ahead and impeach them. The legislature sitting there twiddling their thumbs. You know, we're going to watch Benson go in there and completely give our elections away. Nobody's nobody's starting the impeachment articles impeachment from within the legislature. They're dinking around at all these little stupid issues that don't matter and are not working. But we're going to talk to Lori because Lori actually was involved in removing some of these these people. And so we need to go there. So, thirty seconds, David, Karen, and then Ralph in that order. I'd say start thinking about and make a winter survival kit for your car and your kids' cars and your husband or wife's car. Karen. Okay. Fortune Bay Expedition Team. That's the team that does the land navigation training. They also do expeditions. So if you're really interested in practicing those practical elements, they are the people that go off-road. But their land nav is designed for the ordinary American Michiganian who wants to know how to navigate around. Dander, Karen, dander. Yeah, and I guess look to the south, look what's happening there, and get prepared now while all of the services are up so that you're prepared for when they go down. I mean, at this point, FEMA is not helpful. I mean, this country needs a cast and some crutches because we definitely have a broken FEMA. All right. All right. Mwah, mwah, mwah. Dad jokes abound here on BNN. So thanks, guys, for coming on. I'm going to take off and we'll be right back for a quick break. We'll be right back with Lori Brock. Thank you. Welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it's the eleventh day of October twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show. And I'm going to jump right into this with Lori Brock. How are you doing, Lori? Hi, Donna. Great. How are you doing? Great. Hey, this is like glorious what you did. And I'm so glad that you were able to come on today and talking about how you guys removed the the board of. Green Township, which is just amazing because they were not doing the right thing. Do you mind if I play this a minute? No, go right ahead. All right. Five recalls were on the ballot for voters in Green Township. The recalls included the supervisor, the clerk, treasurer, and two trustees. They centered around the anger over the proposed Goshen EV battery plant all five tonight now repl Morris joining us live fr there with more on tonigh Yeah, Brian, they threw them all out. Five members of the Green Charter Township Board are out tonight because of their support surrounding the controversial Goshen Battery Plant. Now, just a little bit ago, members of that board stopped by the township hall behind me to Collect their belongings, clean out their offices. We went in there to ask them for comment, but they declined. Now tonight's vote comes after a recall petition was filed by voters over the summer with claims the board wasn't listening to the voice of the people when it comes to Goshen. The battery plan has been a topic of discussion for months now here in northern Michigan. One man I spoke to earlier today who lives in the area said it's created a divide between residents, those who want to see the plant be built, and those who want nothing to do with it. The petition was filed by voters to recall the Green Township supervisor, the clerk, treasurer, and two trustees. Tonight, we spoke to the woman who helped start the recall petition. She says since speaking out about Goshen, she's received death threats and had signs in her yard taken down. The new board's ready and waiting to go into effect. They want to clean up the township and actually do some positive things for the community. Be accountable. Be transparent. And we need that. We really do. And these people that are set up are amazing people. Each one of them cares. Each one of them is vested into this community. And I think they're going to do a phenomenal job. Totally amazing. And thank you, Lori, for everything you've done to defend that area because you're just totally amazing. Go horsewomen. Well, thank you. It's not just me, though. I'm telling you right now, it's a grassroots movement that just, you know, I just seem to be on the front of it just because my farm's right here. But it's the people behind me in this community. We couldn't do it without everybody. And we're so thankful that everybody was brave enough to come forth because they've been vile. They've been horrible. They've come after every community, like anyone that speaks out against Goshen, they've come after us. And we knew that, but just in the last week, well, it was last week, actually, court documents actually proved that they were actually going after us. They went... When I was being outspoken against them, Chuck Thielen, who's the vice president of Goshen, ordered, or I shouldn't say ordered, but asked Jim Chapman, who was the township supervisor, to shut me up. He says, go to the courthouse and pull up all of her divorce records. Find some dirt on her. Let's get her shut up. We need to have karma come back on these people. They were talking about how they were gonna give each other money. We'll send it through my wife's Venmo account so that no one will know about it. I mean, the corruption that has come out has been unreal. And they made a, even one of the people that's running for Against Tom Koontz right now, her name is Tracy Ruel, has a list of people they were going to blackball in the community because we voted on the recall. There were thirty businesses and it was brought up in the court documents. It's like, they're so corrupt. They offered them trips to China. They offered them golf outings and dinners and money. One of the township directors or whatever was offered or gotten money almost twenty times the value of his land for buying land. They were offered jobs. The corruption is so deep and we knew it, but now we have proof of it through the court documents. When they went through discovery last, you know, that's all become public last week. So it's it's it's very refreshing to have it all there. All the things that we were saying all along is just. you know, just kind of vindicates us and shows how corrupt those people are. And we didn't just go after the Green Township Board. We got rid of them. We got rid of the people that were supporting it in Big Rapids Township. And then we also went after the county commissioners. We didn't get all of them. There were seven and we got four. So we've got the majority rule of the county commissioners from the vote earlier this spring. So we feel pretty confident of where we're sitting right now. How did you organize this and what was the process you used to accomplish this? Well, when I found out about it, it was given to me through a note in our mailbox. We didn't know anything about it. All of these township people had signed NDAs with Goshen. They had been working on this project for over two years and never let the community know about it. It was a disgrace, absolute disgrace. The people that were running the community, I could care less. I mean, honestly, I absolutely can't stand any of them because they're all corrupt. They were all being bought off. You know, they didn't care about the community. They didn't care about our voices. And so what we did is, you know, when I found out about it, we kind of gathered a group of people together. There's only six of us to begin with. And we just kind of said, what do we got to do? And the first thing was get rid of that township board. And so, you know, we got a you know, we went and got a referendum and then we went through and got a vote, got it put on the ballot, and it was overwhelming against them. We knew we had the vote because we did three different independent surveys to find out if the community was really against it or for it because those people were lying. They were saying that we had ninety-five to ninety-nine percent of the community backed it. Jim Chapman would go to, he would get his butt reamed by the entire community. Four or five hundred people would show there. I shouldn't say the entire community, but the amount of people at the meetings was overwhelming. Some meetings had seven hundred people there. And then he'd go to the Appropriations Committee the next day and say, oh my God, everybody wants us here. When he knew, he just took four and a half hours of public comment violent. I mean, people were angry, you know, yelling at him. And then the very next day, go to the Appropriations Committee and say, oh, yeah, everybody wants it. So they lied through their teeth nonstop. And then when we did the surveys, we found out we definitely were in the you know, we had every township do a survey because Jim Chapman, our our acting community or township supervisor refused to do a survey because he knew nobody wanted it. And when the surveys came in, ninety to ninety five percent of the survey showed that they were adamantly against Goshen here. So they had lied. They had lied to the community. They had lied to the MEDC and the right place to get because they had to have funding or they had to have community support to get this money. They lied to them. They lied for the Renaissance zone, which they gave them a thirty year Renaissance tax free zone. They lied about that too because they needed community support and they never had it. So it was just a whole bunch of lies. But we went after them. We educated people. I held rallies at my farm. I've held so many rallies at the farm, it's unreal. And we educated our community and we voted them out. And we're going to continue to go right up the ladder. We want the rest of the county commissioners voted out. So that will be our next thing going forward. Oh, froze up a minute. She'll be back. This happens. Real news for real people. We find out that they're all, you know, one of them in particular, I won't name names yet, but he owes three hundred thousand dollars into a federal liens. So, of course, he thinks this is a get rich scheme with Goshen. You know what I mean? So the more you look into these county commissioners, you find out the dirt on them and you go, oh, that's why they're there for this. They think they're going to get paid by Goshen and they do. Goshen comes in and is very generous with our tax money. They give five grand to this group and five grand to that group. And and they're so involved and they try to make the community look like they're this wonderful company. When in reality, I have to remind the people, I'm like, that's our tax dollars you're using. Governor Whitmer gave them a hundred and seventy-five million dollars of our tax dollars. They're not generous. They're just using our money to not only fight us in court, but to also, they've overpaid for land by twenty times the amount that it's worth. They're just corrupt. That's all our tax money. And now they want to raise our taxes because there's no money to run the schools and to fix the roads and all this other stuff. But because they gave their money away to Goshen and other communist companies. It's an absolute disgrace. Yeah, it's really amazing. And then when you look at the people that accept those kind of donations, or let's just call it what it is, it's a pain to shut people up. This is like straight up, you know, straight up organized crime crap going on. And it's going on in every community that you're in or that anybody out there is in. I guarantee you that it's going on because these people have infiltrated everything and they do it by money. They get to individuals by money and they won't stop at anything to hurt you. We've got right here in Byron Township. Absolutely, we've got it going on in this community. It's going on in every community across the state of Michigan. People are going to have to stand up on a local level put them on notice and tell them what their jobs are because clearly they're they think their job is complete usurpation and grabbing power never granted to them right absolutely and and they're so cocky about it like jim jim chapman the supervisor would say if you don't like it get out get out the door we don't need you here He did. He would do it in every meeting. And we're like, you're a jerk. You know, you're going to be going out, buddy. You know, we don't need to be treated that way. We have a voice. But the corruption of leaders signing NDAs, too. How can you possibly be a leader and sign NDAs where the public doesn't know what's going on? I think all those NDAs should be outlawed. There should be no way that they should be allowed that. Nor should any communist company be allowed to buy land in our state or in our nation. I'm going to go one step further than that. It's not just the communist companies. I think that most of the corporations that own land in the United States of America are funded through foreign money, which leads back to the global crime syndicate. So any of these corporations, we need to have a complete, and I mean total, redo of what we've accepted from a corporate structure. Because the corporations, you look at BlackRock, Vanguard. Oh, my God, Josh. All of them, you know, the Goshen plan going back to CCP. But there are forces that are are so subversive and they're doing it. It's what Marxists will always do. They will always go for an economic gain to to commandeer, to steal, to infiltrate and take over things. They're not that smart, really. They couldn't ever come up with anything on their own. So they have to steal what other people do. They project what they're going to do always. So it's pretty easy to fight them because they project exactly what they're going to do. And the thing that gets me is, you know, these Democrat people are so blinded by them. We can show them all of the evidence. all the collusion all the bribery all of the the um that you know they say oh we want to we want to fit into your community I'm like you want to fit in by taking out community businesses and blackballing them and putting them on I said come on I said and you bring that to them and they're so naive they're like no they're not they're not and we still have people here in this community that are saying they're not run by the ccp I'm like are you out of your mind we've given you the evidence but they're just like blinders they don't want to look They don't want to read the truth. They don't want to look at the court documents. I went to a meeting just Tuesday night at the township and I printed off all of the text messages between Chuck Thielen and Jim Chapman. because I wanted people to know who were involved and it showed a lot of the other people in the community that were involved in this too a lot of democrat people were all involved in in ruining businesses like they went after my business and gave me one star reviews I have a real estate company we had thirty one one star reviews to try to drop my google rating down to a one And luckily, the community came back and they gave me a bunch of great reviews and we got it back up there. But they tried to they say that if they didn't fire me at my job, that, you know, they'd never do business with me again. Well, those people would have never done business with me to begin with. And I'm like, and you're hilarious because I own my own company. So you're an asshole. You know what I mean? Good try. But you better do your research before you start coming at me because I own the company. But they're vile. I mean, they went after the state of Michigan with me. They tried to shut me and my farm down. They killed one of my horses last year. They killed one of your horses? How did that work? Oh, absolutely. From one of the townships one of the township's trustees sister actually wrote me a uh put it out on facebook that said you better shut your mouth and pay attention to your farm if you know what's good for you and I took a threat you know I'm like you know I I could care less what this uh this person says because she's you know it's just not important to me And then literally three days later, she's called a crown mare, she was poisoned and found dead in our field. And then three days after that, we were blessed enough to have our horses in a movie and they tried to poison our stallion that was in the movie, but it was poisoned in his water. And we were able to, you know, get rid of that and move them and whatnot. But yeah, they will stop at nothing, you know, to to try to shut us down. They've taken our signs down. So right now I have a damn semi in my front yard that says Trump twenty twenty four. I'm like, you can't take that now, Kenya. You can try to take my signs. You can try to shut me up. But every time you do that crap, I come back stronger and I come back louder. So, you know, keep coming at me. I don't I honestly don't care anymore. You know, I mean, that's what I love about horsewomen. It's like, go ahead and piss us off because the attack in the you know, it's like I like to say, you know, I have horses. That means I can throw a metric ton of hay. I have pitchforks and I can take a kick from a half ton animal. You're not going to be any problem. It's just going to piss me off. And when I come back, it's going to be an attack you ain't going to get away from. Right. Well, they sure don't like to hear the truth. I stood up. We've been going to the county commission meetings, the township meetings, and these people. are busted red-handed and they do not want to hear the truth the one last at the last meeting we had a whole group walk out the minute I walk in there's there's such cowards they walk out they knew I had you know I'm like hey I got information and a lot of you guys are involved in this sit down let me give it to you and they walked out huh did you foil all that information Well, what someone in our group did, it was all the court documents. So it's all posted, all the transcripts because they sued us in federal court. So when they sued us, it opened it up to discovery. And we were able to ask a lot of questions. In fact, Like Chen Li, the owner, does not want to be deposed. And it's like, we just got a court ruling last week. Well, he's going to be deposed. You know, it's like these people. And then the more they go into the depositions, the more they lie and the more dirt we get on them. I mean, all this stuff coming up about, you know, that they had bribes. They put money into people's political funds without it going through the right, you know, they kind of snuck it into PayPal accounts. Jim Chapman's like, here's my V or my QR code. Here, send it this way. They'll never find it that way. And how much money can we send you? So they didn't do it the legal way at all, but we've totally got them now because they squealed on each other. It's like a bunch of idiots. And then Jim Chapman's going, well, you know, this is, or Thielen was saying, you know, this is a really big thing. If it all goes our way, there's free trips to China for you guys. We'll pay for your passports. We'll do this. We'll take you golfing. We'll buy all this for you. It is so dirty and it's so corrupt. So I'm hoping that we're able to do a countersuit of some sort with the class action lawsuit against all of them because there's a lot of community members that have been hurt or fired from their jobs because of them. You know, they went after a local radio station and went after their sponsors and said, you know, you know, we're going to contact every one of your sponsors, which they did. And it cost them a ton of money and all over lies, you know. But and this was all orchestrated by our elected officials and Chuck Thielen, who's the vice president of Goshen. But it's all there in writing. So everybody can see it. You can see how corrupt it is. And the stupid thing is Chuck Thielen, the vice president, even slammed the owner of Goshen, about telling him what an idiot he is and how stupid he and his son are, blah, blah, blah. So I took those and sent them to Chen Li. I got his personal email address and I sent him to him. I thought, boy, with Chinese people, I don't think that's going to go over real well with your vice president talking crap about you. But I sent him fourteen emails last week. I'm like, I think that he needs to know what a creep Chuck Thielen is. So I did, you know, and I'm like, I'm going to keep I'm like, hopefully we can get them fighting amongst themselves and they'll go away. I mean, the big thing that they say is, oh, if you don't want us, we'll leave. Like, we made it very clear. We don't want you. Why aren't you leaving? You know, we've said it over and over. Get out. We don't want you here. You're not welcome here. And yet they still try. They've got us in court right now. They're suing us. which is just a big expense to our township. But our township is like, fight them. We don't want them here, so fight them. We'll take the hit, you know? And they always want to say, oh, you know, if we do the right thing or if we listen to the residents, they're going to sue me. You know, they're going to sue the county or the township. They're going to sue us. Well, guess what? I think they should be more worried about the citizens suing them. I think so, too. And I truly believe that we should... I believe I, I'm not gonna be happy until we get a lawsuit against them because what they've done is, and I think everybody's looking at us and I think we need to make an example of them. I put a big billboard on my farm. I put big billboards up all the time. And the last one I put up last week says, we've all read your text and jail is next. And that is what I'm hoping happens because these people are corrupt and they need to be brought down. You know, so I think by getting the message out and Pete Hoekstra has me going talking to different communities all over the state and I think by getting educated, people will realize what's happening beforehand. And a lot of people were very lackadaisical and didn't go to their township meetings. And this is the crap that happens if you don't get involved. You really have to go and you have to find out what's going on at these meetings, or you've only got yourself to blame. And we found out the hard way, and it's costing us money. And I mean, it's been a year and a half of fighting. None of us wanted this. We didn't go looking for a fight. That fight was brought to us when they tried to take our land. Luckily, we had a group of people that were so strong and able to come up with ideas so quickly to stop them. They literally were supposed to start breaking ground last June, and we found out about it at the end of April. It was crazy. We've done a lot in a year, but we've got a lot more to do. And this stuff is going on all over the state. It's incredible. Do you have a lot of problems with the DNR up there grabbing land too? Because I know the DNR and these governmental organizations or agencies are literally in a land grab for the state right now. You know, it's not such a huge deal right now as a land grab. What they're doing, which I think is kind of creepy, is they're taking our forested land and Whitmer's logging it, you know, logging this. They're clear-cutting it. Yeah, clear-cutting the land, which is disgusting. You know, these are beautiful forests. And they're going through and just in clear cutting all of them. And that is disgusting. You know, and we're not happy about that. I mean, eventually when we stop them here, I think that'll probably be one of our next fights is to go after that. But hopefully, I mean, hopefully we get a whole new government. And I mean, this election right coming up is so important. I mean, we're sitting here watching all the stuff going down and downstate with the hurricane and no relief. I mean, I'm getting calls from people left and right. especially animal organizations and whatnot. And I think we're going to make a trip down there to bring supplies because they're literally FEMA's stopping them from making the deliveries to people. And there are people suffering and it's like, what in the hell is going on? You know, our government is corrupt. They need to, everybody needs to realize this and vote them all out. I mean, I, I'm hoping people understand that, you know, and. I don't know. We're trying to make it very clear that you need to get to the elections. And we're we're on the Trump force team. We're headquarters here. We're doing everything we possibly can to get people out and to vote. One thing that came up the other day that surprised me is thirty percent of religious people, churches and people in the churches don't vote. Thirty five percent of gun owners don't vote. And I'm like, are you guys crazy? You need to get out and vote. You protect your rights. They're trying to take away. our freedoms of speech and our right to bear arms. Why are you not coming out and voting? I mean, to me, it's just bizarre, but it is true. And so we're trying to reach those people as well. I think so many people think that their votes don't matter and their votes do matter. I mean, some of these elections, we only won by a few votes. So those people voting, it mattered a lot because we were able to take them out. But without everybody coming out and seeing how important this is, We would not be as successful as we have been. And then once they're in there, we need to hold them accountable, just as you've been doing. And there's other people out there, too, that are that are learning to hold them accountable because we really were at a disadvantage with our non-education system, the indoctrination system, because they didn't want us to know the law themselves. How the process works, how to hold it. It's all been engineered. I mean, the whole thing has criminally been engineered to disadvantage the American population so that we just sit there and go, well, we can't do anything. Yeah, you can. There's a lot we can do, but you got to be willing to go in there and stay with it until you get to get hit the goal. Well, you know what it is is so many people are terrified. The amount of abuse, I'll say it for my own self, the amount of abuse I took for standing up for what was right is criminal. People shouldn't be chastised for freedom of speech. I mean, they went after me. They tried to discredit me. They tried to lie about me. They told that Chuck Thielen and Jim Chapman, the supervisor, went online and told people that I was a horrible realtor and that I built my property on industrial zone land. Absolute lies. You know darn well if you're a farmer, you're going to vote, you're going to go on agricultural. My whole farm is agricultural. Yet they went online and tried to tell everybody that I was a horrible realtor and made these mistakes. And then, oh, bringing up my divorce, bringing up this, bringing up that. They even... it was just crazy. The threats that were made to me, the threats to the animals. I mean, honest to God, we've, we've, we've put up with a year and a half of abuse. I'm a tough girl. I don't know that a lot of people could put up with that. You know what I mean? They get scared. They take their signs down. You know, when, when you have people tormenting you and, and calling you names and meetings and stuff, not luckily we go to the meetings and we're very vocal and we'll shut the people down that are ridiculing people. But my God, they come in and, and, What they wanna do is they wanna destroy people and destroy their families. And luckily we have a strong group and we were able to stop them from doing that. But I don't know that other communities have that. You really have to have a strong leader. And I had so many people saying, I'll stand by you, but please don't stop. If you stop, then we're gonna get the repercussion. I mean, they made up lists of businesses to target. How corrupt is that? That isn't an election. I mean, people in other years never went after targeted people because they voted a certain way or not. These people are vile and mean and people are scared of them. They're criminal. I mean, the threat, the coercion, the character assassinations that have gone on, the hiding information, it's incredible. It's happening everywhere. It literally is happening everywhere. It is. And it's so surprising because now Slotkin's changing sides. She has pushed for motion for the last two years. And now all of a sudden she's like, oh, I'm so against it, blah, blah, blah. I'm like, oh, you are a lying witch. You have been pushing Goshen for two years. You think we're stupid and just because you make up a little thing now and you're saying you're against it, that we're gonna turn tight on you? hell no I'm like we'll never support you you know we want you out you know I mean this is horrible I don't I just think people think we're stupid and and a lot of people have said they've messed with the wrong group of rednecks up here because we're not going to put up with it and and we didn't know that we couldn't take out a whole township nobody told us that afterward everybody's going oh my god this has never happened before blah blah blah blah I'm like well I'm glad no one said anything because we might not have fought for it you know if we didn't think it was possible but if people people just have to forget all that and move forward and and fight and and continue to fight and and not give up I mean we have made so much ground you know they they started out wanting a two thousand acre mega site and we've got them we've got them like cornered into a little area of two hundred and seventy acres and out of that a third of its wetlands so they they're not gonna they can't do anything right now now we've got a planning board and and and they're all on it and they're not gonna give them the zoning that they need. I mean, we had to go the hard way to learn all this stuff, but we've all got it in the nick of time. And I swear to God, that was because of God and God helping us. And this is a spiritual war right now on top of everything else. But we got through this planning board like hours before they were gonna vote. I mean, we've been so incredibly lucky and we have to believe that God had a hand in that. And we feel very blessed where we're at right now. And we've got to stay right now. We just went to court last week and the judge ruled that Chen Li had to come in and testify, which he did not want to be disposed. And we also have ninety more minutes of questions for Chapman because he's obviously showed a lot of dirt and taking money and all kinds of stuff that was came out in the in the last discovery. So we we were granted ninety more minutes with him and they gave us a stay. so that they can't move forward until we get this figured out. So we feel like we're really have come a long way. And if we can, you know, you know, I hope to God we can pull Trump through because Trump will stop this. I mean, they, he's said over and over, he doesn't want Goshen here. They even were trying to say that he was, he was in favor of Goshen and he made up a press release for us to say, no, not in favor of Goshen, a hundred percent against it. And even at that moment, they're like, well, no, he really does want it. And it's like, no, his press release, completely stated he is against it, one hundred percent. But they try to change the narrative. Even our local paper, which is the Pioneer, which is run by Hearst Corporation, they are the most liberal left-wing paper. They won't report the truth to save their life. I had J.D. Vance here at my farm maybe a month ago, and I told the Pioneer about it on Saturday. They put it in the Pioneer on Monday, the the rally was on Tuesday and they put the JD Vance would be showing up somewhere in Michigan on the following week, knowing that it was at my farm. And I'm like, you know what, forget it. You are banned from the farm. So we wouldn't let any of the reporters come in. And so now they lost hundreds of subscriptions and they're mad at me. And I'm like, good, I'm glad. I hope that you lose all of them because you're a corrupt newspaper and you'll never come on my farm and we'll never get an interview from us again. And you won't know about anything from now on. And then they, the group of them even had the audacity. They couldn't hide the fact that we were doing that because obviously you've got the secret service here and great big cranes with flags and stages being made. So then they put out to the factories into the hospitals flyers that copied our flyers, but change the time from eleven. to five pm that night you're kidding are you kidding me absolutely not it is I had people like literally probably eighty ninety people showed up at six o'clock the night of our after our rally where everyone was gone the fields were cleaned up we had thousands of people here and we've just been cleaning up everything and they show up and they're like no this is a flyer and it was our flyer they just changed the time so that people would be um you know misinformation Do you know who did it? That's how corrupt these people are. Do you know who did it? Oh, absolutely. I know who did it. Can you say it? I really can't say, but there's a group of eight people in town and they're responsible for all of this. They still think that they're going to be, you know, they've signed NDAs with Bill Pink at Ferris. They've signed NDAs with Goshen. They're in with their Goshen meetings. We know who they are. And one of them's running for state representative. You can figure it out. They are corrupt as all get out and they're the ones that are going around doing this and trying to get people to drop their sponsorships of people. They are just corrupt, corrupt all the way through. And but then in their little, you know, you go to their meetings and like, oh, we want community and we want everything to come back together. It's like, oh my God, you do not. here's all your lies. I've got all your texts from a year ago. And so I keep, you know, I go to the rallies and hand out the real people and what they're really for, you know, but they're a corrupt bunch of people, man. And there's not a lot of them. It's about twelve people, but they're very, very loud. And And they seem to think that they are in charge of the community. One of the ladies, we call her the chocolate queen. She thinks she's in charge of everything and you can bring her any of the findings and she won't look at them. She'll throw them in the trash. It's like they've got blinders. They wanna believe that Goshen is good and Goshen is great for the community. And no matter what people are saying or no matter what dirt comes out on them, and all the bribes and the collusion and all the other stuff, they will not look at it. And it's like, these are court documents. This isn't hearsay. This is from the court. These are direct quotations from your people that you so believe in. And it shows the dirt and it shows them taking money and making bribes and offering trips to people and whatnot. But anyway, it doesn't really matter. The people that matter are the ones that are in our community and they know the truth now. So I'm hoping this new election, cause a couple of our people are up for reelection and I'm hoping to God that, you know, we, we continue to be very successful. Wow. Keeping our people in. It's just I was looking up to see if I could figure out who the it's hard for me to do that when I'm online. But I want to find out who your who your candidate is that's up there doing the wrong thing. So Tracy Ruel's her name. Tracy Ruel. Yeah, I think we should throw the names out there. So why not? Why be what you know? What do you got to hide? I mean, these people are so freaking corrupt. I know. People need to know who they are. Throw it out there. Throw them all over the map. Throw it out. Well, it's in the court documents. Her and a guy named Mark Bloxham in town have a list of thirty people they were going to blackball their companies. Jim Chapman, who was a supervisor, came and gave them the list of people that signed the recall. And they're going to blackball every one of those people in the community. Is that crappy or what? I mean, it's written right there. that is a clear and present threat. They should be sued into oblivion. I know, I know. For threatening another, an American citizen. I don't care who, if they agree or disagree, they should be sued into oblivion. I think they should too. And I, I'm actually meeting with an attorney group on Monday, and I'm hoping that one of them will take our case. And I would love to do a class action lawsuit against all of them because they've cost us. I can't even tell you how many how much money and lost jobs, husbands, jobs lost. You know, they're the jobs that have gone after it. They put the you know, like my my company, one star ratings and stuff. These are corrupt individuals. And it was all brought on by our supervisor at Jim Chapman. He and Chuck Thielen connived all this stuff to go after. Who goes after someone's divorce records of a community member? I'm not an elected official. I'm just somebody in the community. I have a business. I have a farm. That's it. And they went through and pawed through two thousand pages of divorce papers. How creepy is that? That's stalker level. Oh, there's another lawsuit for you. I'm telling you. You can get me talking on that. They're creepy. They're absolutely creepy. And now that it's all come out, it's like I knew they were doing it. We had people from the courthouse tell me they had six people and they're just pawing through my divorce records last year. And I'm like, what? Why? But they were trying to find dirt on me. And then they waste a taxpayer money to do that? Absolutely. To have a... to stalk you and for blackmail. Oh my gosh, these people are horrible. They are horrible. And the thing is, we have it all documented. And I knew it was happening, but to see it come out in the testimony was like, oh yeah, I knew this was going on. And now we'll just expose it. It's just more corruption. And like I said, I made copies and copies and handed them out to the township people because I want them to know how dirty they are. Because he's orchestrating the people trying to take over the township again. You know, they've got another election coming up. And those people are his puppets, you know. And I'm like, oh, because this guy named Percy is trying to run against Jason Cruz, who's our supervisor, who's a good guy. And he came right up to the meeting the other night and said, oh, yeah, I think Goshen's good. And you guys just need to deal. You need to find your place. And you need to realize that we're going to do what's best for the community, not what you care about. Oh, you should have heard everybody scream at him. I mean, he was more or less booed out of the meeting. It's like, you're a jerk. No, we got rid of people like you and we'll get rid of you too. You know, you have no chance. So I'm sure he won't get elected. Jason's a good guy and know they've they've uh you know they make up lies they said that because of that lawsuit that they're running the township into bankruptcy well we did a comparison from last year to this year and our township's up a million dollars same time same day and they're up a million dollars because they don't have the corruption going on anymore and it's like that came out too and I'm like don't lie about it and don't give misinformation to the community you're a liar you know that we're in way better shape than we were before. And then it showed when Jim Chapman took over, we had like four hundred grand extra in our account. Well, during the time that he took it, there's a graph that shows where it is now to where, you know, where and when he got kicked out. And it went down almost four hundred thousand dollars. I'm like, and who took who was who was who was elected then? And they're like, Jim Chapman, like, oh, so you are people are don't want to come out and name names, but I will. I'm like, so when Jim Chapman took over, all this money disappeared and now it's all going back up the minute after last year in October, November, whatever, when the election was. Now it's gone back up. Wow, who's the corrupt? Who's the one that was bad here? You know, but they tried to give misinformation and they feed it to the paper misinformation. And when you try to correct the pioneer, they won't do any rebuttals to show that they were lied to the community. It is a disgrace. The media is bought and paid for and Hearst Publications is a absolute disgrace. And I brought it up five times and said, when are you going to put all these court docs that we just found? I called them five days last week. Every day of the week, I called Pioneer wanting to know when the article is going to be in to show the corruption and the bribery and all the other stuff. They won't print any of it. It's just disgusting. No, of course. Yeah. Yeah. Well, and that's their game. It's an organized crime syndicate, a global organized crime syndicate, and they're all working together. They call each other up for favors. And I tell you what, the developers that are involved in this, I am so disgusted by what I see with development that's going on all over. The whole process is backwards. What is the benefit to the citizenry? Absolutely nothing. We do not benefit from anything. We're not getting anything out of this. We go in reverse because it destroys our property values as they peg us into these fifteen minute type cities and the PUDs and all of it. It absolutely brings down the value of the community until they gobble this up like the parasites they are to gobble up the entirety of the area, all the farmland. Any square inch they can build on. And then they let it go to hell. And then we're responsible for the cleanup. And we're going to bring up two hundred and twenty thousand tons of lithium in a day here. It's like, are you out of your mind? We're sitting on one of the top three aquifers in Michigan. You know what one rainstorm would do with lithium? It'll poison everything. And there's not one environmental group that's helping me. I reached out to thirty nine environmental groups in Michigan. Nobody helped me. And then one convenient. And where's where's PETA when all of this abuse? Where's PETA? Where is whatever the rest of it is? Unlimited. None of them. And then one of them had the audacity to call me back and say, sorry, Lori, we'd love to help you. We'll get involved when there's a cleanup or whatever. But we can't lose our funding from Whitmer. We've already been warned to stay away from. I'm like, you're, you're, you're, I go, and I told him, I go, you're a piece of shit. You guys are horrible. The Muskegon watershed, the Great Lakes watershed, none of them would return a phone call to me. Do you know how awful that is when we're a quarter mile away from the Muskegon River, which jumps into the Great Lakes? It could poison everything. And they don't give a shit. They just don't give a shit. They don't care because they, they truly just, they want to kill people. That's what they're doing. Money is going to be worth it. What are they going to do with money when they've literally decimated all of our natural resources, logging, the minerals, the water, all of it. If they can destroy that. It's the same thing they did with the Transcontinental Railroad. They put this little strip of railroad through millions of acres and they exterminated the American bison, which was feeding a lot of people. What was that for? To kill people so they could do their secret crap out there. And how much land out there have they commandeered for their little secret bases and such? I mean, I've seen them because you can't even fly a drone over them. I mean, everything out there is hidden. And that's what I'm trying to do here. Penicillin and then they've got the run of the planet and they only use this when they need to. And if you don't help them, guess what? Off with your head. Yeah, they would have they would have loved to have taken my farm down. Like they they turned me into agriculture and rural development last year. I have an organic farm. There's nothing we don't we don't use any pesticides. We use lime only and cow manure, horse manure to fertilize our land. And I was turned into the state and they tried to shut me down that way. If it wasn't for Pete Hoekstra coming to help me and filing a counterclaim against the state of Michigan for government overreach, they might have shut my farm down. I was never polluting anything, but they tried to, they said it was, they escalated it because of the pollution that I was causing. Then there was no pollution. There's nothing. They came here and tried to make a big deal. Well, Pete brought a whole bunch of TV stations with them. And so they left me alone. But when we found out all this, you wouldn't believe how intertied a lot of these people are. The MEDC is corrupt. The White House is corrupt. Bill Pink, who will tell you he's not involved with Goshen, he offered to house all the Chinese nationalists here at Ferris State University. The reason they want here is because Ferris started a new cybersecurity program last fall. That's why the Chinese want here is they want to spy on us. When I brought it up to Bill Pink, I wanted to talk to him about it. He wouldn't talk to me. He absolutely denied having anything to do with Goshen. No way he didn't have an opinion one way or the other with them. Well, then I went to the MEDC to show them that we didn't need the jobs because we have eighteen hundred jobs available in this community right now. he's on the board of the right place bill pink's on the board of the um medc he's on the board of an acosta county environment or economic development he's a damn liar he was involved all along and lied to all the people that had called and asked him about it and he said he had no no uh no issue with them he didn't have any connection with them and then just recently we found out he was traveling with whitmer to taiwan How corrupt is that? And there's NDAs flying all over. The corruption is so deep, it is unbelievable. It is unbelievable. Chuck Thielen is the... the vice president to Goshen, Randy Thielen is the vice or the president or vice president of the, I mean, it's either the MEDC or the right place, one or the other. They denied knowing each other until I sent a picture of them hugging each other at a family reunion. I'm like, oh, you denied knowing each other, but here's a picture of you two together. The guy who sent the complaint on me with rural development, his name was No, Jared Thielen, I believe. So they're all Thielens. They're all colluding together. And yet they deny knowing each other. It's like, come on, you guys, this is all, you guys set this up years ago. Whitmer is pretty clever. She got all these people in all these places to push everything that she wanted in. And there's no checks and balances. They just unanimously agree. Give the money here. Even though you have one hundred and fifty people there stating, do not give us the money. We don't want the money. We don't want this here. They unanimously send it through. And then, you know, Bill Pink says, oh, I wasn't a part of that. It's like, yeah, you're on the board, you jerk. And you voted for it. The lies are unbelievable. I just so sick of the corruption. And then you can't get a straight answer. When you call him to his office, he'll say, we don't have any comment. We're not part of that. It's like, you're a liar. And the reason they wanted here was because of the cybersecurity. The Chinese nationalists didn't care about anything else. What they cared about was where the cybersecurity building was, period. when they were supposed to go on. So you can get rid of the people and then just take the national, the natural resources. Right. This is all about. It's our, it's our water supply. That's our number one. That's our, that's what we, you know, Michigan and pure water. That has always been pure Michigan, blah, blah, blah. Whitmer has ruined that. She is, she's just wanting to contaminate our, our area and sell us out to the highest bidder. And it makes me sick, you know? Yeah. I mean, she's next on our list. I mean, honestly, we have to go and we have to expose her as well because she has been so dirty. And, you know, she won't even come here. She won't come here. She won't answer emails or questions. I have sent so many emails to that woman. In fact, the Detroit News gave me one of the nominations for the Michigan Year of the Year. And she was there as well. I tried to have conversation with her and she freaking bolted. She left the awards meeting early and wouldn't talk to me and made up a lie saying that she had an important meeting at Camp Grayling that she forgot about that had to go to. And Pete Hoekstra's like, no way. That meeting's next week. She just lied because she didn't want to confront you. Wow. What a coward. What a piece of work. Yeah. Disgusting. Well, Lori, I appreciate you coming on today. Let's say a prayer for you and everyone out there, because, I mean, there's just so much corruption going on. It's incredible. And I really think that, you know, you're such a great example of standing in, you know, when it looks like all hope is lost. It's amazing how God steps in and does everything. It really does. You know, when we get to the end of ourselves, that's when God, you know, when God steps in and he helps. So would you like to pray or would you like me to pray? I would love it if you'd pray for us. Okay. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so very, very much for all your wonderful blessings that you're giving us and leading us out of this horrible situation we're in where these people have tried to remove you and they're also trying to remove us and stealing your land, stealing what's happened to ruin it. That's what this is all about. It's amazing the war on you that's going on here. We ask that you would please give everyone strength in their heart and that they would absolutely not back down, stand on wavering, do what needs to be done and not be afraid going into situations where we have to confront this criminality. It seems like it's overwhelming, but we know that you truly are in charge of everything and that you know where this is going. And you've got it. You've got, you know, it feels like it's out of control for us. It is out of our control. but it's in your control. And we thank you for that so much. Thank you for every single person who is willing to step forward and do small things, big things, or whatever it is that you call each of us to do in the roles that you're calling us to fulfill. Thank you so much for good people everywhere. We ask that you would completely and totally destroy and confuse the plans of the enemy to destroy the state, people's lands, our freedom, that you would completely confuse and that you would send a, incredible amount of redirection and confusion for them so that they can't accomplish anything, that the bad people cannot accomplish anything, and that they would turn their hearts to you and be healed because we know that our battle is with principalities and powers. It's not with flesh and blood. So please be with them. And everybody else out there who's struggling with some anxiety and concern about what's going on, we know that this is not our home. It's a temporary place for us to be and to shine for you every step of the way, every word, every action. We want to be in service to you in this land that you've given us. Thank you so much for being a great friend to us. You've just been a wonderful friend. we want to be a friend to you we love you in the name of jesus christ we pray amen amen may his favor be upon you and everything that you do seriously so that you know that whatever you do is blessed and uh I'm I'm pretty sure that you've already got his blessing right now it sure sounds like it and put that put it out too if anybody else needs help we are very willing to help other communities that are going through this I will come if you you know just reach out to me I will gladly come to your community and speak about how dangerous this is and how to prepare yourself for it so it doesn't happen to your community. We want to be proactive to help other areas as well. We're uniting other communities going through this. So please, if you need help, reach out to us. We'll be glad to help you. Well, I appreciate that so much. So, boys and girls, this is the end of the show. And we're going to go to go to because I'm the best non-conceiter who has ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And I want a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, about this. And we're both wearing cowboy boots. That would be a lot of fun. Anyhow. everyone out there, remember there's, there's a lot of good people doing good things and you can say you have faith all you want, but if you're not willing to work, it doesn't count. You know, it's like faith without works is dead. You've got to just step forward and do something and have faith. God will never call you to do something that he doesn't equip you for. So, but you got to take that first step of faith and just step out and do something, do anything that God put on your heart. And that's how we win this game and hold them accountable. So with that said, God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. And if you don't have a good example, be one. That's what it takes to take this nation back. Thank you so much, Lori, for coming on today. Stay on the line. I'm going to end this a minute. We'll just talk for a second when we get offline. I wish you guys were all here to hear these backstage conversations because they're really fun. So I might publish it someday.