BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/25/2024 Liberty Essentials, Tom DeWeese, James White, Casey Whalen

Published Sept. 25, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Liberty Essentials - Bill Mohr, Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT Guy will be teaching the perspective on religion in government. This is a continuance of study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be learning together the relevance of current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. 10am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 10am Tom DeWeese is one of the nation’s leading advocates of individual liberty, free enterprise, private property rights, personal privacy, back-to-basics education and American sovereignty and independence. A native of Ohio, he’s been a candidate for the Ohio Legislature, served as editor of two newspapers, and has owned several businesses since the age of 23. In 1989 Tom led the only privately-funded election-observation team to the Panamanian elections in which voter fraud on a massive scale determined the outcome in favor of dictator Manuel Noriega. In 2006 Tom was invited to Cambridge University to debate the issue of the United Nations before the Cambridge Union, a 200 year old debating society. 11am James White President of Valley Broadcast Network (VBN) which is Flathead Valley’s newest Over-The-Air (OTA) TV outlet. It’s been designed from the ground up to help promote Montanans and to provide a place for those in Flathead Valley to promote their work and ideas. It has extensive coverage in both Flathead and Lake Counties and VBN’s signal reaches approximately 153,000 households. OTA TV is one of the fastest growing media technologies, especially in the coveted 18-35 age group . X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Bill Mohr, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter, Tom DeWeese, James White, Casey Whalen

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the twenty fifth day of September twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show. First hour is Liberty Essentials with Bill Moore, the chairman of the U.S. U.S. Taxpayers Party in Michigan, the Constitution Party, the Michigan affiliate of such. And we're going to be talking this morning with with Bill Ralph, the I.T. guy. and Karen the Riveter. I'm still trying to get enough coffee, forgive me. And after that, we have Casey Whalen on at ten o'clock and eleven o'clock. At ten o'clock, we have Tom DeWeese on with the, let me see here, let me bring this up. Tom DeWeese is with the American Policy Center. American Policy Center. Thank you very much. I want to get it right. Thanks, Bill. I'm glad you're able to contribute with that. And he's going to be talking about lots of things. And then after Tom is James White, president of the Valley Broadcasting Network. And I think what we're going to be talking about today primarily is property rights, which I think is going to be very, very interesting to hear the conversation. the work that these gentlemen have done. And in the meantime, I'm going to bring on our, everybody here with Liberty Essentials, Bill, Karen, and Ralph. How are you guys doing this morning? Good morning. Good morning. I'm still trying to wake up. We went to Stevie Nicks concert last night and I got to tell you, it was really wonderful. It was such a nice concert and we had a very nice time there. I think she's seventy six years old and her voice is just as beautiful as it was when she was younger. And we had such a nice time. And and I got to tell you, There's so many good things about being American, not just getting in the political realm to fight, but just being a part of a family where we enjoy going to things together, where we sit together as a family and we enjoy the life that God has given us the ability to enjoy. I want to show you something really quick that we didn't talk about before we get started here that I think is kind of significant. This is a series called the Biblical Blueprint Series. And Captain Baron Reinhold passed this information on to me. There's a link to all of these books. There's ten books in the series. There's an electronic link. And I would suggest and recommend that everybody go through this. It's really wonderful. Talking about the origin of Karl Marx and Marxism and such, and secular humanism to elevate human beings to the status of God as the ultimate creation. That's where all this nonsense comes from and doesn't recognize God Almighty as the highest, the ruler, the king of kings over all of us, and that people are fundamentally flawed. We are fundamentally flawed. We are sinful creations. We're sinful. We were born into sin. We do things wrong. And I don't see how anyone can actually say that human beings are God. I don't get it. I don't get it. All you got to do. And I mean, even when you have children and you look at your kids, your kids are born into sin. They make excuses for things. And as we grow, hopefully we grow closer to God as our example, as our savior, as the only one that's perfect. But we aren't it. And this series really very much acknowledges the fact that people are imperfect and that we need to look as god the minute we take god out of the equation whether it's prayer in schools or someone we look to for guidance or or you know putting him in his rightful place or not really putting him but putting him in our minds our lives in in our places that we are under god and we are to follow god and be led by god because we aren't it um You know, I think that that's where we start healing this nation. So I just wanted to bring that forward because it's amazing. That's funny. Now, before the show, normally we oftentimes spend like ten minutes talking about things. And a lot of times we get into. what we're going to talk about on the show, right? Well, this morning we didn't do that, right? We didn't even discuss that. And you just highlighted exactly where I was going to go. This is amazing. Yeah. To reiterate your point, there's been so much of a twist about what even religion is or how religion is supposed to interact with government. And even up to nineteen fifty two, the Supreme Court of the United States had said, unless separation of church and state means that public institutions can make no adjustments to their schedules to accommodate the religious needs of the people. We cannot read into the Bill of Rights such a philosophy of hostility to religion. And this is, this is crazy. We never, we never, uh, we never really talk fully about what we're going to talk about. We'll say, yeah, let's go in this direction. Right. But we had no idea that both of us were going in. So that's a God thing we're supposed to be talking about. I want you to read the title of this first, one of the first section is religion as a tool of communism and how that translates. I read this yesterday on the show and then, um, The Marxists do not believe in a God who created this world and will bring it to final judgment. They believe only in man. And going down here to the deception and why and how they do this. It is easier to enlist the support of the average citizen if you disguise your intention to destroy everything he holds dear. The communists are out to destroy Western civilization. Marx said so from the beginning. Western civilization is middle class, and the communists hate it, even as they imitate it and buy Western goods. Satan is a deceiver. He prefers to use deception. He deceived Eve. He deceived the nations. He used biblical citations in his major temptations. And that's exactly what we see in these stupid, irrelevant political parties, which we were warned against. They've been infiltrated. A dying face in faith. In communist nations, Marxism is a dead religion. It is a joke. The idea that Marxism-Leninism is taken seriously in the Soviet Union or communist China is a myth indulged in only by a shrinking number of Western intellects. What communists has produced is an endless series of crop failures. I want you to think about this. In communist China, it took only two years of partial free market agriculture to make that nation an exporter of food. Nineteen eighty three to eighty five, after four decades of starvation, communism is also the most efficient producer of bureaucratic inefficiency in history. It produces bumper crops of cynicism and corruption. Communist nations systematically and deliberately corrupt their populations, guilt ridden, corrupt populations are easier to control. The communists know they can compete with the West only in terms of sheer military and terrorist power, like Antifa, like all of these, like the gay pride parades. Those things are all funded political hit squads to take this nation down. They don't even have anything to do with the populations that they allege they're supporting. And who are they funded by? Who are they funded by? They are funded by the people. It is your tax dollars that are funding these things through government organizations and institutions. Those are their specialty exports in the world economy. When a religion begins to lose its followers, it must reform itself or else resort to power and fear to remain dominant. The final stages of religion are seen when its followers no longer believe its creeds, but instead seek to escape from it by drunkenness, escape, and corruption. At this stage in Marxism's history, the communists must find new sources of ethical motivation and vision. The Bible gives them the rhetoric of moral vision that they need. Yeah, and you look at the teachings of Jesus. He spoke out very, very heavily against the religious establishment as being apostate. And you look at the Antichrist in Revelation. And the way that that co-opts and warps the belief systems of people. And, you know, it's a pattern that repeats itself throughout history. I mean, we've talked about politically on here, go back to the source documents and read them. Same thing with Christianity, go back to the source document, read that. Yeah. Yeah. Remember one of our last shows we talked in eighteen fifty where the Pennsylvania Supreme Court said that the destruction of morality renders the power of government invalid. Right. Government is based on that moral system. The people who say and the U.S. taxpayers party, the Constitution Party is accused of this often. Right. That you guys just want to create a theocracy government. Well, every government is a theocracy. I don't care how you look at it. You're either governed by God or you're governed by man, right? It's a theocracy based on whoever is in power or in control of said government, their ideals, their definition of what morality is, and their agenda will go forth, right? What are you setting the standard on is the question here. And honestly, it's like either the standard is set and fixed on what God has ordained and set down for us as the way to set up a country even or a population and have rules and laws in place so that it doesn't become a human thing. construct of what do I get out of this that if you if you lay everything at the feet of god it's all about serving god here his creation mankind under his rules and if we don't do that then people put themselves up as little gods and and such and decide what they want for themselves it's exactly what they talked about of if you want a king and you you arrange this to have a king. The king is going to take your sons and throw them into war and have them killed. They're going to take your donkeys. They're going to take anything you have to serve themselves because this is a failing of human beings. So you either have to make a decision to take and step away from that and go with God, or you will be lost from here until Christ comes back and brings this to judgment. Look at the difference between the way that God had directed everyone to set up the government and judges for the nation of Israel versus what they demanded and got in kings, where they asked for a king because they looked at all the nations around them and they all had kings. So they wanted a king and God basically told them, it's a bad idea, guys, but here you go. Do you mind if I go there? I want to go here on a subject. I'm going to go off in the weeds. If you've got something to talk about, say timeout, Donna, I want to say something. That's fine. But I am so done with these political parties. And even I talked to Bill this morning, even the Constitution Party, the U.S. Taxpayers Party. I'm sorry. I'm going to put the criticisms out there and nobody gets a pass on this, even our own organization. Right. And Bill and I, Bill's chairman, I'm the first vice chair. And going forward, I am fundamentally opposed at anything that looks like what the political parties have done. And I get a lot of criticism for it because I do things the way that nobody expects or wants because I'm sick of the nonsense that we put our time into things that don't matter. All of these ridiculous Facebook posts that I see out there, are they doing anything? Not a thing. They're doing absolutely nothing. And the only way we're going to win this is if we get resolutions out. We can bring candidates forward. That's great. But those candidates better be willing to work and not expect to run us around like their little psychopathic truck recipients to go do their bidding and to get them in office. The candidates have got to be able to work for that. But the parties need to bring them forward, give them the ability to get on the ballot because the system's rigged right now. And the only way to get them on is through this corrupt system using the tools we have. It needs to be burned right to the ground. The party system needs to be burned to the ground. OK. And furthermore, with the tools we have, even within the U.S. taxpayers party, the Constitution Party, of which we are part of here. Right. is that if we're going to do things the same way that they've always been done, which have failed spectacularly, we're still going to lose. The only way that we are going to get this forward is by doing resolutions, instructing our elected officials who are all of them guilty of committing treason, and then taking this into the courts and consistently trying to hit this problem from different vectors in order to try to just land one. We only need to land one win, and that's all it's going to take. And I think Ralph and I talked this morning before we got on just on a different situation. We're in a situation right now where it's an asymmetrical warfare. And to put it into terms of hackers, hackers hit us every second of the day, twenty four seven, three hundred sixty five days a year. We are hit by hackers every day. Sometimes It's more than one a second. Sometimes it's thousands a second. Depends what it is. You got to be able to see those attacks and thwart them at a base level, right? Well, when you get into politics or what we're doing right now, you better be able to assess whether these little coffee committees that are happening are doing anything or if people are just sitting around drinking the free coffee and eating the free cookies and such and feeling good about the time that they're in or what are they doing. Every single time somebody meets, There should be an assignment of tasks and something that everybody that's in the meeting has a job they walk away from and that they do. The problem is, is we got too many coffee drinkers there and then people that are not willing to step up. Or if they do, they want the party to grab their little specific issue and get behind that little issue instead of get behind a legal process to take this thing down. Only thing that's going to work. and building parade floats. Does that work? No. How many parades have we been in? A lot. Did it work? Yeah, people get to see your name and see what you do, but this still isn't fighting at the fundamental level, which is writing resolutions, talking to these people, and making sure that they know that there's enough of an issue of we the people out there, that they're a little afraid to step outside of it. We need to have them be way more afraid of the consequences of what's going to happen by we, the people, than those that are blackmailing them or holding the stick over them of their funding mechanism. Yeah, that's exactly how it was done in the early days, right? The Declaration of Independence was no more than just a resolution. It describes who they are, what was happening, the infringements taking place, and what they were going to do about it, right? We also looked at the Declaration. The Declaration of Taking Up Arms, right? Same thing. The numerous resolutions throughout the original thirteen colonies. Almost every colony had a resolution to that effect. What was their purpose? Was to get out and educate the people and their government at the point in time as to what's going to take place if you refuse to listen, right? So... We see a lot of local governments, not so much mine. We don't have a whole lot going on in my little town. Every once in a while we get something good. Oh, man, Byron Township is the poster child of what shouldn't happen. Yeah, but a lot of local governments, you'll see them passing resolutions and such. However, most of their resolutions, it's a lot of fluff and guff, right? It's a lot of words. There's no action. There's no tangible course to take to enforce it. And why is that? What they have built, what they perceive that they have built, their little house of cards, as you say, is built on the wrong foundation, right? They're on a foundation of sand. It shifts, right? Just as Christ told us in Matthew. It's just shifting sand. It's constantly moving. There's nothing secure about it because we've left off the first principles of this country, right? We're told we're supposed to build our house upon a rock, namely the rock, right? And we've done other shows where we went over the Declaration of Independence, right, the beginning of that. We went back a little bit farther. We looked at Mayflower Compact. I think we've done the Magna Carta here as well. Reach back and see where we came from because we know through history, if you don't know where you came from, you have no idea where you're going, right? Everything is up in the air. As I was told by one heretic pastor one time, he said, truth is relative. I had the mayor of Kentwood look me in the face as he was trying to get somebody not to give me information on their name because I asked them because I had a runaround from the state who told me to copy, just go off and Xerox in her exact word, Xerox off your petitions and handwritten is more accurate than typewritten. When it comes to resolution, which you can't are with the petitions. I was trying to get the scale's name at the county courthouse. Mayor of Kentwood walked up and we had a very heated discussion and he was like, don't give her anything. Don't tell her who you are, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, what's this your business? And this is your, and then he turns around and says, what is truth? I'm like, I can't even help that kind of a mindset. You know, what, what, what a moronic idiotic statement to make. Yeah, that's their election of duty. If you're a representative in any capacity, employed, appointed, or elected, you have a duty to inform the people when you are asked of who you are because it is our right to know who you are. You do not have the right to hide that from the people. Your name, all your actions, all the public records, they have no right to hide that from us because we the people own it. right as long as you are or in there the people own you you are an indentured servant until your term is done they're doing their best to hide things with the foia processes yeah they sure are the foia process when it came out right that legislation was was a good a good layout of what should happen. However, the legislation is a completely moot point. It's not required because the people had a right to it before the legislation. That exists in our basic understanding of the Constitution, that we put you there. Therefore, we are in control and we own what happens. Right. It's not necessarily just the politicians that are set up right now that are in office that are responsible for the crimes being committed. It's the people who don't put the stop to it as well. So you can't just say, oh, yeah, we we have the right and the responsibility to know everything that's going on without saying we have the right and responsibility to be held accountable for everything that's going on as well, because we do. And our children will hold us to that account. The next generation will always look to the previous to see what in the heck happened over the last several decades. So I want to go through and lay some foundation. Hopefully there are some of those who are listening that need to hear it, but lay the foundation and rock as to where we came from a little bit tighter, not just the common founding documents, but some of the more intrinsic documents you never hear about. We all know that beforehand, the original pilgrims that came over, they were still under allegiance to the king. But they also understood that that allegiance to the king only held as long as the king was governed by God. You can read that in the Declaration of Independence when they realized that. They owed no allegiance to a tyrant. And that is where the American church has the screwed up in Romans thirteen. And we might get to that as well. They have it back. Right. So all the way back to sixteen oh six. Let's look at some of the original first colonies. The colony of Virginia. Oh, oh, I'm going to give preface. This this was well laid out and well, well documented by David Barton. I don't know how many people know who that is, but he works with a wall builder. You can go to And there's a book called Original Intent. It is an incredible book, and he does a phenomenal job. I haven't even been through the whole thing. But he does a phenomenal job acquiring all the information and putting it in one spot for you. So the Sistine O-Six Charter for the Colony of Virginia the settlers' desire was to make habitation and to deduce a colony of sundry of our people into that part of America commonly called Virginia and propagating the Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness. Christopher Columbus said some similar things, by the way. They said the principal effect which we can desire or expect of this action is a conversion of the people in those parts under the true worship of God and the Christian religion. Right? The Mayflower Compact, again, said, Having undertaken for the glory of God advancement of the Christian faith, we combine ourselves into a civil body politic for furtherance of the ends of foresight. William Bradford, one of the leaders from the pilgrims, he had written... "...that a great hope and inward zeal they had of laying some good foundation, or at least to make some way thereunto for the propagating and advancing the gospel of the kingdom of Christ in those remote parts of the world." It sounds completely different than what we have today, right? We're going just the opposite direction. "...the charter of Massachusetts." Our said people be so religiously, peaceably, and civilly governed that their good life and orderly conversation may win and incite the natives of that country to the knowledge and obedience of the only true God and Savior of mankind and the Christian faith, which is the principal end of this plantation or colony." King Charles sent to Lord Bradford in This went to the colony of Maryland. He said, Our well-beloved and right trusty subject, Cecilus Culvert, Baron of Baltimore, being animated with a laudable and pious zeal for extending the Christian religion, hath humbly besought leave of us that he may transport a numerous colony of the English nation to a certain region, having no knowledge of the divine being. Lord Baltimore wrote back to his father. He said, We celebrated the Mass. This had never been done before in this part of the world. After we had completed the sacrifice, we took upon our shoulders a great cross, which we had hewn out of a tree, and advancing in order to the appointed place, we erected a trophy to Christ the Savior. You can go on and on and on about that. Every colony had similar resolutions, all the way through the foundation, the settling of the colonies, all the way through the Revolutionary War, through the Declaration of Independence. That is the foundation of this nation. Right. And I think it was Virginia, the colony of Virginia. They had stated something along the lines of when they enacted their their first governing documents. They said something along the lines of to establish the laws of God until. until such a time can be made to frame better. And that's not framing better than the laws of God, but that's framing more in depth the laws of God in their colony. It's dissecting as the court system is supposed to do. They are supposed to look and apply and not reveal, but they are supposed to understand the laws of God and apply those to every circumstance. Because that is what our laws are based on. If there's no law, William Blackstone said, a law can only be a law if it is subject to God's law. Right? Let's paraphrase. So, What are we being told in America now? I don't think I have to answer that question really in depth. We understand that every body politic in America right now, for the most part, except a very select few, I think I know of two down south, that every body politic is trying to remove all Christian principles, all the basis of morality, from anything in our education system, right? Purposely raising a heathenistic generation that has no idea what America was founded on. And if they have no idea what it was founded on, they will accept whatever they're being told unless somebody instructs them properly or they get up and do their own research about it, right? Some of the early education documents. In America. In. In. One of the. one of the laws in Connecticut, stated that this legislature, observing that there are many persons unable to read the English tongue and thereby incapable to read the Holy Word of God or the good laws of this colony, it is ordered that all parents and masters shall cause their respective children and servants, as they are capable, to be taught to read distinctly the English tongue. First and foremost, what was the purpose of that? It was to read the Holy Word and to understand the law. Not to get educated and be able to speak fluently or to read or write. But for those two principles, it is important that we educate the next generation. Going to Harvard, right? Who wants a scholarship to Harvard? I'm not going to raise my hand. Or any of the other current colleges that are funded by the state or federal government. But if you go back to Harvard in They said, "...let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well the main end of his life and studies is to know God and Jesus Christ, which is eternal life, and therefore to lay Christ in the bottom as the only foundation of all sound knowledge and learning. And seeing the Lord only giveth wisdom, let every one seriously set himself by prayer and secret to seek it of Him." Everyone shall so exercise himself in reading the Scriptures twice a day that he shall be ready to give such an account for his proficiency therein. This is coming from a college, Harvard. This was Harvard's foundation that they left off and now are setting on a foundation of sand again. In Michigan and many other states, again, I reiterate that religion, morality, and knowledge being necessary to good governance and the happiness of mankind, schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged. For those three purposes, we are to instruct and educate the next generation. They said again in seventeen ninety, a hundred and fifty four years later, all persons of what degree forever residing at the college and all undergraduates shall constantly and reasonably attain the worship of God in the chapel morning and evening. All the scholars shall at sunset in the evening precede the Lord's Day, lay aside all their diversions. And it is enjoined upon every scholar carefully to apply himself to the duties of religion on said day. You can go to the College of William and Mary, right? In sixteen ninety two, they said the youth may be piously educated in good letters and manners and that the Christian faith may be propagated to the glory of Almighty God. In , they said again, the student shall attend prayers in chapel at the time appointed where there demean themselves with that decorum which the sacred duty of public worship requires. How many of us know what Yale is teaching currently? Right? The huge, huge funded college of Yale. Look at what they had for a foundation. In , They said that their order was to plant and under the divine blessing to propagate in this wilderness the blessed Reformed Protestant religion. A couple years later, in one, they said the scriptures morning and evening are to be read by the students at the times of prayer in the school, studiously endeavoring in the education of said students to promote the power and purity of religion. Does that sound like any of our education we have today? Those are just a couple of little excerpts. Right? Right? We talked about it before that the Department of Education federally has zero authority to exist. If somebody wants to dispute that, you bring a constitution with you and I'll meet up with you and we'll discuss it because you ain't gonna find it. Nowhere in there, the only thing you can come close to is to promote the general welfare. And you better understand that concept because it has nothing to do with establishing a specific Department of Education. And beyond that, what more is a Department of Education, right? What is one of their duties? They establish, not only do they fund local schools, right, with mere penance, and then mandate that they have authority over it, but they also establish educational materials. They establish a curriculum, which the majority of is being sent down from who? The United Nations. This is a curriculum that is being taught in the majority of our schools today because they want to take the pennies from the federal government because it helps them in some way or another. And they sign over their authority to the federal government. They have signed this country over through these international treaties to destroy this nation. And one of the first things that has to happen is all those treaties need to be absolutely nullified. Well, and I think another thing here, too, is that with what you're saying in this point actually leads me to a counterpoint on the religion and education issue that comes to mind for me, in that I tend to think that our educational systems at this point, I don't think it's possible to properly return to uh, introducing religious education in public schools, um, for the reason that if they did, it would be, it would be so apostate as to be, as to be absolutely antichrist. And, uh, it also brings, you know, most of the references to that also predate, uh, the, uh, there were a lot of people that came to this country to escape religious persecution, and a lot of that came from the state-prescribed religion of the Church of England, which many people saw as being apostate. And that's one of the reasons for not having an official state religion or an official state... denomination really, I guess is probably the better term for that, for what they were trying to get away from at the time. Not that it wasn't supposed to be a Christian nation overall, but that the specifics of that were not supposed to be prescribed by the state because the state has a tendency to become tyrannical and thereby use religion as a tool of apostasy. Well, I would say that you're almost correct on that. We all should understand our First Amendment in the U.S. Constitution, right? Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, right? Which means anything regarding religion, Congress is out. They cannot set a standard of religion, and they cannot tell you that you have to or cannot worship a certain way. That is the basis of that. A lot of people want to change that and say, well, we have a freedom of religion in this country. Well, you do, but that comes with some hitches, and I'll explain this. The federal government has no intrinsic duty or authority to establish a sect of Christian religion. If you go back in our dictionaries near the founding era, you will find that religion is only defined as the worship of God according to the dictates of one's own conscience. It includes no other religion. religion as we call it today, right? The word religion has been twisted as Samuel Adams says, how strangely the tools of a tyrant will pervert the plain meaning of words. Well, that word has been perverted, not only in government and education, but it's also been perverted in the church to be used as an apostate term to include all pagan worship. Well, let's go back to this and insert this in here is that as soon as they got the five Oh one C three status, they became state religion. And there's things that they have to do. Those, those churches, that is a government church. If it's a five Oh one C three, I don't care what anybody says, because the minute you can see exactly what happened during COVID when they all shut down, like a bunch of, of gutless cowards, because they were after that almighty dollar status. And that's, that's exactly what happened. So they've already, they've already done that. Yeah, and one of the things, just a side note, one of the things with a five one C three, especially any organized churches, right? That means if you have to file paperwork with the state to exist, you're an organized church. If you read about that, I don't know about other places, but in Michigan law specifically, there are statutes in place that allow people for the attorney general, our wicked attorney general, that abomination that sits in office over there, but that allows for the attorney general to come in and shut you down if the attorney general deems that what you are teaching is wrong somewhere in there that's a real light phrase to use right I'll have to look that law up and send it to you and you can you can bring it up on the show um but to continue the point ralph had said that uh that no religion can be established in the states that the states cannot establish a religion right and that's actually untrue according to our constitution and according to our laws The way the colonies were set up, obviously people are drawn to what they like, right? What they hear, what they like to hear. And it's not necessarily all the tickling of the ears, but we like to go to that which we like to understand and we like people to talk about, right? So the original colonies, a lot of them were actually sects of the Christian religion, right? You had the Quakers, the Puritans, Protestants, you name it. I don't know them all. I never actually went that deep. But you had a lot of different sects that were all established in their local areas. In Michigan, believe it or not, we have an established religion in Michigan. And that is just a Christian religion. We don't have an established sect of Christianity, but if you look at our Michigan Constitution, every individual has the right to worship God according to the dictates of one's own conscience. However, also, we cannot compel an individual to do so. You have the right to exercise that, and you also have the right to not exercise that. Right. Just as we read in some of the original founding charters that their their whole goal, their order was to go out and promote the teachings of Jesus Christ, to go out, promote Christianity to those who haven't heard. And that's the exact same thing that's established in the Constitution in the state of Michigan. is that we are protected in that right, or at least we're supposed to be. I've seen many people already get arrested for exercising that right. And it's great. I can't wait until one of them does it to me. I'm going to have a heyday. If so-called he calls me to that persecution, let's do it. But where was I going with that? Exceptional standing for what you believe in. That's where you're going with that. Yeah, for all practical purposes. But you cannot force somebody to practice a religion. And that's where the Church of England had it wrong. You cannot force somebody into salvation, into a belief. That's just impossible. No man can force you to believe something that you don't honestly believe. And that is where our freedom of religion, as so-called, that's where that basis stands. However, to that point, there's nothing prohibiting a state except their own constitution from establishing a religion. It is only Congress who cannot do it. Now, do I think it's a good thing? At this point, probably not, because our states are so large that they would definitely include different sects of religion throughout a state. You can see that. What are we up to now? Like forty thousand denominations or something, most of which are apostate. But we have like forty thousand denominations of Christianity. Right. A lot of them have become the synagogue of Satan, as you hear about Revelation. But. The state should not, at this point, establish any specific style of worship. They should remain free for the individual to worship God according to the dictates of his own conscience. And that is where we differentiate. And that is where a lot of the original writers, I'm trying to think of his name and I can't... He was over here during some of the original founding eras after the Revolutionary War. And he went back to France. And basically, he wrote this article. He was seeking to find the strength of America, where our strength lies. And he looked here and he looked there and couldn't find it. And he looked over here and it wasn't there. But where he said the strength of America lied was actually based on their churches. Right. Their churches were the stronghold of the nation. They were the ones promoting the correct morality, the correct instruction. They were the ones promoting good governance. They were promoting adherence to good governance. Right. And they were the ones giving the people the information that they needed to do what they did to establish their liberty. And I think he was absolutely right in that. And that is the reason why we don't have it today is because the churches have left off what the original founding era preachers used to have. Well done. And when you look at politically, what's really disturbing is to see people who are willing to win at all costs. You know, there's some telltale signs across our nations. that morality is absolutely on an individual basis, it's completely gone. And that's one of them right there in the political community. That is what I see more than anything else is willing to win at all costs, even to do very, very bad things. That's not even getting into the hardcore stuff that's out there that's really bad. But just in a daily basis, our entire civilization is in jeopardy right now because of the lack of a standard to hold, even to the point that it's a more godly thing to lose than win if you have to violate any of God's laws to do it. Yeah, and you make a good point. Winning at all costs. Let's look at that a minute. Because a lot of the conservative movements, right? And my friend Bradley Dean says this correctly when he says that conservatives are nothing more than yesterday's liberals. I believe that is a correct statement. He uses that well. But winning at all costs, we see a lot of the conservative movements, the patriot groups, the constitutional candidates, right? They are compromised at some level or another, or they have compromised at some level or another, right? I find very few who will hold to the Constitution and the law, right? without compromise, even if it negatively affects their campaign. I agree. I'm willing to do that. I ran for school board on the premise that religion, morality, and knowledge be taught in schools. I lost to a guy that didn't even run. That is where we are at as a nation. I sent out flyers to the whole community. I would talk to anybody who wants to talk to me. But that's besides the point. Winning at all costs. We think that that is a good thing. Not this group of four right here, I'm sure, and a lot of people listening. But the majority of the movements think that it's a good thing. Well, even if we have to compromise on this issue right here, right? Let's compromise on the Department of Education, right? We can leave that in, but we can overhaul it. And then we can get rid of it in like eight years, right? Yeah, right. Let's see how well that worked for the last several people that said it. Well, the ends justify the means, right? Yeah. That's where they would get out in the weeds right there. That is where the nation is torn down. That thing is evil. So let's look at what we're fighting, though. We're fighting a globalist order that has been trying to establish a one-world religion for generations. forever, right? Since the beginning of mankind, somebody has wanted to take over the world, right? It's never happened and it's never going to happen, but these are the people that we fight against, right? In the physical realm. It's a lot bigger spiritual battle than that. But we also fight against numerous other little sects. You have Marxism. You have Communists. You have Socialism. You have Totalitarianism. Fascism. I'm sticking ism on it. Any ism you can think of. But basically, they're all promoting the same purpose. Government without God. They are willing to win at all costs. You bet they are. They will compromise on things to get other things done. We see it being done all the time. You see people flip-flop in office. Especially, they'll say one thing and then get elected and do the complete opposite. How many people do that? Ninety-eight percent of them, I would say. That's just Bill speaking. But they are willing to win at all costs. The question is, how much are we willing to win at our costs? because there's a difference. We know the cost of liberty. Our military men, our fathers, uncles, aunts, brothers, sisters, nephews, cousins, and all those that came before us, our military men understood what it costs for liberty. Our founding fathers understood what it costs for liberty. Namely, that is the blood of the patriots who gave their lives to give us what we have. When you look at that, that's the cost. How much are we willing to win knowing that cost? The end of the Declaration of Independence said what? We mutually pledge what? Our lives, fortunes, and sacred honor in defense of this Declaration, right? they understood the cost and they were willing to hold to it to its end. Right. That's where a lot of these movements fail because they're not willing to hold it all the way to what they know what's going to cost. Right. Donna said it. I said it. Karen said it. I think probably Ralph said it. We are willing to take it to the end. Yep. Okay. I have, I have children, right? Um, In fact, this is a good time to say this. I have four girls in my house, right? Children and my wife. I've got a dog and he's half boy, right? But nonetheless, so I have this daily struggle to understand women, but that's besides the point. I have that to protect, right? That is my God-given duty. He gave it to me and my job is to protect it. So I will take it to whatever cost necessary to make sure that they are protected and that they are given what they need to continue on and survive in life. But, oh, man, I am losing my train of thought today. Where was I going? You have a duty. I do. But it'll come back. God give me the words here. Oh, yep, that's right. I told you this was a good time to say something, right? Yeah. None of you know, but you will in just a minute. I have four girls, four children in my house, not kids, right? Let's use the correct terminology. Go to your dictionary, but use the word kids, people. I have four children in my house now. I've got one more on the way. Right. Big announcement. Yeah. She's due in February. So that helps you kind of understand things we've talked about before, Donna. Yeah. That's kind of a part of that. But yeah, so I've, I've got future generations that I have not even seen that I have the duty to protect. Amen. Right. Thank you, Karen. I do too, and I don't even have kids, but I have a duty to protect your kids. That's right. That is the end game, right? You read all of our constitutions, all of the preambles. What do they state? To secure blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, right? That's Michigan. The U.S. Constitution says similar things, and every state constitution has that goal in mind. Why? Why? Because without protecting our posterity, there is no nation. And it goes the same thing in the church, people. People that like to complain, and I've been through a lot of these, but people that like to complain about young kids maybe throwing a little fuss or starting to cry in church, I've seen them actually say, you need to remove your kid. You're disrupting the service. I'm telling you, you remove those kids, they don't come back. Guess what? In a generation, you don't have a church anymore because they're not there anymore. Get used to it and educate them and train them to do what's right so that they can actually stand up and be the future fighters that we all claim we are. They don't know how to sit still. They won't know how to fight either. That's right. That is how we win at our cost is understanding what it is and how to do it. Well, I want to bring something up right now on the fact that God as our Father has been turned into in the apostate church, just a judge. And when you go back and you look at, I think this is why a lot of people run away from God is because they only see him as a human being normally does. You're making me mad. Stop doing this. Stop doing this. And then it's just a constant judgment. But the thing of it is, what is a father and why did they go after... The men in the United States, you know, I'm all kinds of against the feminazis out there. OK, and or any favor for women or protected classes. I absolutely think it's a bad plan and I wouldn't buy into any of this. But they were able to divide us. And who did they go after? They went after women's emotions and they went out there to neuter the presence of men in our society. And all I got to say, which I've said a million times, is bring on the toxic masculinity, whatever they want to call it. because when you look at videos of random acts of kindness, okay, ladies, ninety-seven percent of it are men that will jump in without thought to themselves with extreme bravery and courage in any situation without thought to themselves, and they will do heroic deeds. And all you got to do is just start looking, and you'll find out how much this is based on the male characteristic and what God built into men. And when you look at the Bible and see it, let's just take, for example, Ishmael. Ishmael didn't really have that father figure in his life, per se. And I think that's where most of the fight came in, in the problems we've had in the Middle East. It's the fact that his father was pretty much absent. So what did he see? He's running around without a metric of having a relationship, a daily relationship with his father, which messed him up and the people that came after him. there was consequences for having that father figure not so present in his life and or being considered illegitimate. Once we get this figured out that God is our legitimate father, what a father really is, which, yeah, your father's going to say, knock it off, you're going to die. My dad did that. I'm going to tell you that he was a tough dad. I had a very tough dad. He had a military... background. And my dad was a tough dad. And I'm going to tell you what, there was right and there was wrong. And there was no in between on this period. You know, you do what's right, regardless the cost. My dad was, could have been poster child for that mentality. I'm and authentically unwavering on matters of morality and integrity of anyone I've ever met in my life. But my dad, if you played the piano or you did something beautiful because he loved us so deeply, he would be the first one crying and just acknowledging how much he absolutely loved his family. and would have stepped in front of any threat or danger to his family, regardless the personal cost. And until we get that figured out as a nation, that God isn't just here going, don't do this, don't do this, don't do this, which is what the communists want us to believe, that there's no relationship. It's just a bunch of rules of trying to keep you from doing what you think is fun. instead of doing what they have done, acknowledge him as our father, the one who is willing to pay the ultimate price to have a relationship and walk with us, to protect us, to, as our provider, our banner, our provider, our healer, everything as we walk with him and the one who guides us through the sinful nature that we were born into, into, salvation into restoration into redemption we can't do it he's the only one that can do any of this as we turn to him and walk with him out of this mud swamp we're in and not only for ourselves our posterity And to look at the people around us with his eyes and ask every day, God, give us your eyes to see the world around us and the people here as you see them. It's a very hurting nation that the only way out of this is God almighty and following him day by day, not by looking at other people's approval. Or what they think we should do. But by going to the standard. There is a standard. And all the answers are right there for every problem we have or will ever have. It's right there. You approach it by reading his word and asking the Holy Spirit through the salvation in Christ. The relationship with God to show us exactly. And it changes when you walk with the Holy Spirit guiding you. you know, through salvation in Jesus Christ. I'm just going to say it. Your life changes and it will change in ways you can't even imagine because God Almighty will lead you through anything you have to go through. And you'll see that unwaveringness in people who are true believers. You can't get away from it. It is an unwavering courage, strength, and in wisdom, discernment, all of those things that are spiritual things that this nation has walked away from and traded it out for thirty pieces of silver and worshiping that golden calf of materialism over caring about people, the human heart. And over the last few days, I'm going to keep beating on this and I'm going to beat on it till the day I die. The human heart is the most fragile thing on the planet. Watch your words. Watch your actions. See who's hurting and see if you can step in. Even a smile. The Boy Scout manual even had it. Treat everyone with a smile. Even if you're struggling inside, go to God. He'll take care of that. You don't have to worry about yourself. You just walk right past it and worry about the world around you. And they keep saying, oh, you've got to have self-care. You've got to have self-care. How does that work for everyone? It hasn't at all. We keep going down this little mental health nonsense just because it's BNC. I'm going to beat up on everybody today. The political parties, the counseling system of taking people and making what was already bad worse. Medicating us into craziness. I mean, on and on and on. It's all corrupt. And the answer was always right in front of us. And it's just like, stop and sit with God. Be quiet and listen. He will talk to you and reach out to him. He will talk to you. He will tell you everything a counselor has no ability to ever say. Yeah. Listen, God's laws and God's rules are there for a reason. They're not a fence to keep us in. They're a guardrail to keep us from jumping off the cliff. Right? It's as simple as that. Or walking out in front of a semi. You know, it's like if your earthly dad said, don't walk out in front of a semi or don't touch that hot, hot stove, you know, and you just ignore it and do it. Well, you got what you got, right? Yeah. We've got three seconds here. My next guests are ready to come on. Sorry about that. But today was a downer rant day because I'm sick of all the crap out there. I just put a link in the chat. Feel free to use it on a video. It would make a good ending or transition somewhere. A link in the chat to a song that I just finished up a couple of days ago. Did you make this song? Yeah. You did? Okay. Sorry, guys. I'm going to play Bill's song. Okay. Didn't have to now. Well, I'm going to put it up there just for a minute. To the point that we were just talking about, too. Thirty seconds, guys. We have around our chicken pens. We have fences and we have mesh over the tops of them. And those aren't to keep the chickens in. The chickens will stay, you know, reasonably close to their coop. It's to keep all the predators and bad things out. Right. Okay, hang on. I'm putting this up real quick. And let's see. Oh, and I stopped the screen. Here we go. Let's try this again. Okay, I'm going to play part of it. Go look up Bill. I'll put him in my Telegram channel. This is cool, Bill. Congratulations on doing this. This is great. I am the Lord thy God, and thou shalt have none other gods before me. Thou shalt not make thee any grave and given. Hey, that's really cool. And of course, YouTube is going to shut it down. I didn't do that. So but anyhow, thanks, guys, for being on. We're going to go. I'm going to go to my next guest. And we have Tom DeWeese on next. And we will be talking to you guys next week. But I'm proud to stand with you guys. I love you guys so much. And thank you for being on here today. And have a great day. We'll be talking soon. The activist handbook. There you go. I'll put everything in my Telegram channel. Have a great day. And I'll be right back after a quick break. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg. It's the twenty fifth day of September twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show today. Second hour Brandenburg News Network is Tom DeWeese and I'm going to bring Tom DeWeese and Casey Whalen. Hey, guys, how you doing? Good, Donna. Thanks for having me. Oh, welcome. Thank you so much for being here. I mean, you've been fighting this this battle for many, many years and I'm very excited to talk to you today. Casey, would you please introduce Tom? Yeah, sure. Tom DeWeese is of the American Policy Center. The website is American Policy, and he's been a champion over the decades fighting against Agenda XXI. He's been to many, many, many United Nations conferences over the decades, and we're just here to have a conversation with him and find out where we currently are with Agenda XXX and what's coming down the line as far as the social, economic, and environmental control of our lives. So thank you for joining us today, Tom. My pleasure. Thank you for having me. Well, this is great. Well, what would you, we kind of like just go off the cuff here and what would you like to talk about today to help educate people on what's really going on behind the scenes? Because there's so much that everybody doesn't know and people work in specific areas. So where would you like to go with us today? Let me just start by saying, you know, you're talking about all this stuff in the background and that is very true. Uh, you know, you've got the United nations, the world economic forum, uh, world health organization, all of these organizations are working towards one major goal. That is global control. They want to get rid of our national sovereignty. Uh, they, uh, you know, they want to control, uh, you know, everything we do think or say. And, uh, A lot of people don't understand. I work a lot with the grassroots. My real mission is working with people on the local level on how to fight back on these policies. And I do that because the local level is where we can make the most progress. If you are succeeding on the local level, that can move up to the state level. because your state legislators are looking at it saying, wow, look what they did here. We've got to be careful what we do. If you're really successful, same thing going to Congress. But if you try to go to Congress, then you're just slapped down. I mean, they'll listen to you anyway, but they've got to feel that pressure. So that's why I do that. Well, one of the things that people don't understand when they try to work on a local level There are twenty thousand non-governmental organizations, private organizations that are behind all of these programs that we we're facing, whether it's environmental programs, education programs, you know, just, you know, the whole slew of everything that we're facing. And they know exactly how to present these programs to your local officials. They bring them in sample legislation. They they they know the grant programs because they help write them on the federal level. And what a lot of communities don't understand your city councilman and so forth is that maybe they are getting a grant to. help fix infrastructure under Main Street. It's a hundred years old, old pipes, old wires, and we got to fix it. That's a legitimate thing for government to do. But when they get the grant, suddenly there's wording in there about what kind of materials that they can use, cutting back on energy use, cutting back on traffic and so forth. That's how they impose this stuff. and people on the local citizens don't realize that they're there and don't understand why suddenly their city councils have changed and they're not listening to them. And one of the clues that you'll get on this is if you try to talk to your councilman and he says, well, this is just the way it's done now. And that's the clue right there. They've sold out. They're taking this. We've got to have that grant money. We've got to make sure that's our taxpayers' dollars. We've got to have that. And so, you know, this is the language that we run into, but we have to understand how all this operates. One of the things that we are facing today on almost every level is one of the challenges heart pullers that they use on us you know the emotion is redistribution of wealth that poverty basically that we've got to stop poverty and redistribution of wealth is their answer to this that we all are going to be equal in this we all need to be make sure that we are helping out everybody, because we're all in this together. That's the other line that, you know, you're going to hear all the time. And I always say, I'm not in anything with you. But using redistribution of wealth is a means to it. And I'll tell you a quick story. In two thousand and six, I was in Cambridge, England, the Cambridge University, to debate the issue of the United Nations before a two hundred year old debating society, Cambridge Union, and One of the people that I was debating was a gentleman named Salih Shetty, who was the head of the UN Millennium Project. And there was a dinner before the debate, and he and I were sitting next to each other. And just before we went to debate, I turned to him and I said, you realize you don't have a prayer, don't you? And he looked at me, he said, about what? And I said, the goal of the Millennium Project was to eliminate poverty by the year two thousand and fifteen using redistribution of wealth. And that's what I said, using redistribution of wealth and poverty by two thousand fifteen. And he said, yeah, I know. And I started to talk to him about why this was wrong. And there I there's a an economist from Peru named Hernando de Soto. And Hernando de Soto wrote a book called The Mysteries of Capital, Why It Works in the West and Nowhere Else. And what he was talking about in this book is that private property ownership is the means to building personal wealth. Our founders, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, were adamant about this. The reason that the United States became one of the wealthiest nations almost overnight is because our founding fathers insisted that people have private property ownership. This is how the average person builds their own personal wealth. You know, you're doing redistribution of wealth. You're taking this all away. And Hernando de Soto talked about the fact that we register every single piece of property, whether it's your yard or your, you know, maybe your business and your, you know, your supplies, your goods. things you manufacture and stuff, all that is your personal wealth. And the fact that it's registered, now you can use it to get loans, to, you know, build on your wealth. And, you know, I, I, when I started talking about this and I hadn't mentioned Hernando de Soto's name and Salish said, he said, Hernando de Soto, I have associates who are looking upon him favorably. And, uh, uh, then, uh, he's told me that in his community in India, they had started to register private property and, uh, the economy was beginning to improve. At that moment, we had to go down on the floor and debate all this. When it was over, I rushed over to Salih Shetty and I said, we started the conversation and I want to finish it. I ended up meeting with him in his office at the United Nations in New York, and I was hoping maybe I could convert him and bring him over to us, but it didn't work. But I thought it was very interesting that he admitted that everything I was telling him about private property ownership and so forth was right. The reason I bring all this up is that sustainable development is the main policy being used behind Agenda twenty one and the United Nations plan for global control. And I have I have learned over you know, thirty years of fighting this issue, that if private property is protected, they cannot implement sustainable development policies. So this is why I really, really push for that. But that's a long way of introducing all of this. But this is what we're up against, is why is it that these the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, all this, and their great reset, why have they always focused on the environment? The reason that they have focused on the environment is because the environment does not recognize political boundaries. So you can make the excuse of your national boundaries, your state boundaries, your county boundaries, your city boundaries, or the boundaries around your yard are not safe using sustainable development policies, the protection of the environment, because they can make any rules they want that comes right across your property. That is the most dangerous thing they can do. We keep proving that the whole argument of climate change is bogus, that it doesn't exist. There is not something man has done to this. And they keep coming back to it and they won't let go of it. And that's the reason because the environment is the most powerful weapon that they can use to take away all of our liberties. So that's a quick overview of this. Yeah, well, and it's become such an issue when we have foreign entities even buying up and being allowed to buy American land or even corporations. I have a big problem with that because that's all foreign money and it's just basically hidden from us. It's not right out in the open, but that's what they're doing. What else can you tell about how they're using those economic policies just so that people can become aware of what to look for? Well, you're hearing it constantly today, the entire energy system in our whole country. I mean, if you want to control this country and bring it down to its knees, the most powerful country in the world it's been, and all of a sudden we are being attacked from every direction, going after our energy system is a major tool. And now the... The focus is on wind and solar policy, getting rid of all of our oil, gas, coal sources of energy. And again, talking about taking private property, foreign countries coming in and taking private property. China is leading the attack in this country on establishing wind and solar policies. And wind and solar are a complete joke. They do not produce anything in the name of energy. At best, four or five percent of our energy needs. But we are seeing millions of acres of valuable farmland being buried under solar panels, wind towers there, even offshore wind towers. We're finding on the offshore wind towers that the fishing facilities, population is moving away from underneath them. Fishermen who have all their lives have fished in a certain area. All of a sudden, there's no fish there. It's affecting whales and so forth. One of the interesting things you find with all of this is you have this powerful environmental movement in this country. the Sierra Club, the Nature Conservancy, the World Wildlife Fund. These are three of the biggest environmental organizations or NGO organizations in the world. And they have always told us that we've got to save the trees. We've got to cut back and go to wind and solar to save the environment. And what is the hypocrisy of these people is beyond belief. I have said for thirty years their goal is not protection of the environment. That is a lie to get us to surrender our voluntarily surrender our liberties. And, you know, I had environmentalists get in my face many times and say, it doesn't matter how many rights you think you have. if you don't have a planet to stand on you know this this is uh the threat and that's the root of it well What's interesting is that in order to make room for these solar farms, for example, they have to cut down millions of trees. They are doing this all over the country, all over the world, cutting down millions of trees. The other thing that I've learned, I just got a report not too long ago from an expert on this showing that when you've got thousands and thousands of acres of these solar panels, They are absorbing the heat and bringing it back out. They are causing warming. And they are now showing that they are the cause of creating massive storms, hurricanes, tornadoes. And you understand that in order to really push this whole thing on us, the environmentalists have claimed that the... changing of the environment, changing of the weather. We're going to have all these unusual weather occurrences, big storms, and it's going to get hot here and there. Well, actually, the only place where that is happening is is where they're putting in their wind and solar farms and they are changing the atmosphere over that land and changing the weather. So, you know, they're causing it. And it's just the hypocrisy of this is beyond belief. But that is, and now they're using that, get rid of our cars, our gas powered cars, get rid of our gas stoves in our house, you know, stopping. There's one program called the C-Forty Cities. There are over about twelve that I know of, major American cities that have signed on to see forty cities. What this calls for is, first of all, we get rid of personal ownership of cars. We get rid of gas stoves. We get rid of meat consumption. We only have, this is my favorite one, only allowed to buy three articles of clothing a year. Really? That went out. And you're already seeing across Europe only allowed to take one short airline flight maybe every three years. And you've got Los Angeles. You've got Washington, D.C. You've got Chicago. I just found out that Cincinnati and Cleveland, Ohio, and many other cities have signed on to this. Oh, I'm sure they're getting money. They're getting a payoff somewhere. Somebody's paying for this. And the people that are in the positions, they're getting a payback or kickback out of that, too, in some form or another. It's all about the money. Absolutely. Go ahead. Tom, can you discuss how can people find out about it locally? I mean, obviously, it's the United Nations. It's nonprofits pushing this. But how can we find it in our local community? What are we looking for? C-Forty? Are we looking for some sort of organization related with the U.N. pushing this? Yeah, the first thing that I advocate is that doing the research, that's where you have to start to fight on this because if you don't know your enemy, you can't beat them. You don't know who they're there or whatever. And the first thing is almost every single community in the country has a comprehensive plan. And this is where they're putting these programs step by step by step. And almost every community has a website. And you can go in and look at the comprehensive plan. And you can see what grant programs they have applied for, who are the people behind it, so forth. The grant programs are a major part of that. And a comprehensive plan can be found more at a county level, correct? County or city, yeah. Mm-hmm. I found this. I don't know if this is applicable or not, but this is pretty interesting. And it's definitely it's globalist because it's going UN is involved in there in Latin America, etc. But there's a list here. So, ninety six major cities making it more than twenty two percent of the global economy. So that's this, you know, it says the, our cities. Let's see. Yeah, almost a hundred cities worldwide. As I said, I had about twelve cities American-wise, but they're growing. There you go. See them? Yeah. Yeah. Let's see what they have. This is very interesting to see. Here we go. There we go, people. Check the list and see what you have. Well, this is amazing. I've never heard of this before. Yeah, I just learned of it not too long ago. And of course, you've got the the fifteen minute cities as well. All of that is moving people out of the rural areas and piling them up in the center of cities and the high rises and all of that. What they do with that is they can control your energy use, your transportation, and get you all living there on top of each other. Well, now if they do that, then you're completely dependent on them for food and water and energy and everything. It's a prison. You're creating a prison. Exactly. And it's interesting you say that because as you're building the high rises, you're going to live on these high rises, you can only go so high and then you're in outer space and have no air. So you can't keep going higher. So what do they do then? They begin to make the apartment smaller and smaller to eventually you've got a little place for your cot and your little bathroom there and maybe a hot plate there. like a prison cell you know it's a prison cell yeah that's kind of compared it to that and um the what's oh for crying out loud that's okay this is real news for real people by real people at the what they're really pushing to get everybody living there on top of each other. And people living in the rural areas are a danger to them because they are you know, more independent. They can grow their own food. They can live on their own. In the cities, they can't. So they get them in there and living in those cities. The Fifteen Minute City, they flat out have come straight out and said, this is the idea of eliminating cars. So you use public transportation if you have to go a little farther than you can walk, but you walk to work, you ride your bike, all of that. And what's amazing about all of this is They you listen to your city councilman and so forth. They'll tell you, well, this is all just local. This is just local. I can take the plans that they are presenting and I can find the exact same language in this plan in Dubai, in Jamaica, all over the world. It's exactly the same language. And so it's, you know, they keep telling us it's all local. It is not. And I said these NGO organizations, things like programs like Roundabouts have an NGO that's an expert at that. And it's not just... You know, these kinds of things. It also is education. The exact same things happen in your local board of education and putting those programs in place. All locals, all just local. We're just taking care of our local people. That is a complete lie. Well, what you brought up, the roundabouts, that's like one of the dumbest things you could put into any city because it messes up your truck traffic. And most of them are created by anybody who really understands the logistics and the problems that these things cause logistically, but it makes it look really great and they can slap their name on it and put a stupid statue there or something. But I'm just always shocked how much money has been wasted on these things that should never have been done. Absolutely. I'll give you an example of that. In my hometown of Newark, Ohio, we have a square at the center of town and there's a courthouse in the center of the square. And, you know, when I was growing up, this is where we cruised on Saturday night and we had all the way around. We've got the traffic lights. I mean, that's how you're able to meet the girls in the car next door because you're sitting at the traffic lights and stuff. Tom's a man's man, by the way. He wears cowboy boots. He shoots guns. He drives cars fast. He's a man's man. He eats beef. Oh, that's good. Bring on the toxic masculinity, gentlemen. I love it. That's right. But anyway, a few years ago, the city council there now and the mayor are ridiculous. They haven't found a grant. They didn't want all this. And they came up with a legitimate plan. There's infrastructure underneath the streets there. It's a hundred some years old, old pipes, old wires, and they needed to replace those. So they get a grant from the EPA. and to do that. Well, the grant said that not only were they gonna replace that infrastructure, but they had to put a roundabout on each corner of the square. Why? To eliminate the traffic lights. And the guy who is in charge of all this, I talked to one of the county commissioners there and he told me this, that they said, well, it's much cheaper to put the roundabout there than to keep those traffic lights in there. It's like, what? That's a lamp. You're talking about millions of dollars in cement and everything else to put there. And now you have these roundabouts. What I can't wrap my head around is, They have two-way traffic around the square now. My brain will not accept that. But they just absolutely destroyed the downtown area. It's insanity. It's absolutely insanity. You don't want people to get jobs in the government because it's too stupid to work out in the public like the rest of us. They can only do it by being a parasite and stealing what other people make. Can we shift to the topic of the cattle industry? Because Tom is actually intimately involved in the cattle industry and is a voice for the cattle industry. Can you tell us a little bit about your relationship with the cattle industry? Where are we right now as far as beef is concerned? Yeah, this is... industry-wide, whether it's farmers growing crops or the cattle industry. But of course, they have determined that cattle are the threat to the environment, not millions of acres of solar farms and plastic panels and so forth, or wind towers that are killing animals. millions and millions of birds flying into them, but it's the cattle there. And they what's happened to the cattle industry is that they are now stuck under the Global Sustainable Roundtable. The World Wildlife Fund is the organization that is behind this to our entire American cattle industry. And the National Cattlemen's Beef Association is going along with this. The very organization that should be protecting the cattlemen And they're forcing all kinds of regulations on the cattlemen. One of the biggies that's costing them a huge amount of money is every cow has to have a tag put on them. And that sort of thing. They're controlling how many cattle they can have. They're controlling what areas of the farm can be for the cattle versus it's got to be open for cattle. you know, the deer and the antelope to, uh, to have their space and the, uh, grizzly bears and all that. Uh, and then they, uh, there are four, uh, beef, uh, packer companies that, uh, that control the entire beef industry. And this is where it all comes down to it. And, um, they, uh, uh, They're giving them all these rules. If you don't raise your cattle this way, we're not going to take your cattle and all that. What is really happening through all of this is that these beef packers are actually bringing in a whole lot of their beef from Brazil, which isn't covered by the round table. What are the company names? uh tyson's is one of them and I'm sorry I don't have them all in front of me here well tyson's just just got rid of a whole bunch of american workers and let the government fund their labor costs by bringing in illegals in the illegal invasion of our country and our government is funding them and replacing american workers with with these people same things happened in uh in ohio in springfield ohio with the um They're making money and they're bringing people in and they'll pay a Haitian nine dollars an hour and replace the workers that were making twenty something. It's a replacement of the American worker and Americans in general. Absolutely. Absolutely. And that's how it all works. And it's all just global or just local. This is all just for our local community. Of course, that's what they keep telling you. And what are you hearing from the the city manager of Springfield, Ohio? You know, you're here. Oh, no, none of that stuff exists. Well, of course, he's making lots of money on renting to the Haitians there because he's getting it funded from the government. So displace Americans, bring them in and have the government pay him four to six hundred dollars, you know, even a day. Some people are getting paid that, you know, and I don't know how much money the guy's making, but there's no there's no disputing this, that this is what these people in office are doing. They're using their position for self-enrichment. Yeah. And see, that's the thing with these NGOs. As they surround your local elected officials, they are bringing them the policies. First of all, they have the sample legislation say, oh, hey, we got it all right here in a box for you. Got the money for you, too. And everybody's doing it this way. The other thing that happens that people need to understand is that. Almost every community in the country are paying dues to private organizations that are called things like the National Conference of Mayors, the National League of Cities, the National League of Counties. Those sound like government organizations. They are not. They are private or NGO organizations. And the first thing we do, maybe you elect a really good guy to city council. And the first thing we do is ship them off to these guys and their national conferences. And who are they here speaking from the podium? The World Economic Forum, ICLEI, the National, you know, the Nature Conservancy, all that, or others in these programs. And now they're interacting with other people in the communities. They have a there's an NGO called What Works Cities. This is what's being done everywhere. And so then your elected official comes home and give him a couple of years of this kind of world. And then he's going to tell you, well, this is just the way it's done. Everybody's doing it this way. And so that's how they are changing them, turning them around. If you have a councilman or a county commissioner or city councilman that is not playing the game, is a good guy who's really working to do the right thing, then they're gonna go after them. They're going to bring political power on them. They're gonna get people to run against them, get rid of them. And usually, and this is key, People who believe in limited government, private property, free enterprise, you will find in almost every single situation, whether it's city, county, state, federal, they're in the minority. And I just challenge you as a city councilman, if it's, you know, five to one or four to two, how far are you going to stick your neck out? You know, I've talked to so many of them. There's nothing I can do. It's not going to change anything. And so, you know, that's that's why we don't see somebody standing up and really fighting back. Monday I was at our township meeting and the township supervisor said that development is the main priority. And then there was another person on the board, Scott DeBergen said, that was Don Tillman, Scott DeBergen said that they take their orders from the state. I'm like, I think, and then he very, very ineptly tried to quote the constitution, which clearly showed me he knew jack nothing about the constitution. and how the nation is supposed to be run. And we really have people in office that, first of all, they're uneducated about the process, unqualified and uneducated. And then they allow them to run. The system in our elections is so rigged that they're allowing people to run who are easily manipulated or are ignorant enough to manipulate and just fit them into their little system. Yeah, you've hit it right on the head. I mean, that's the attitude. They don't know anything. And if we go in and try to explain to them this whole global agenda and that they're victims of it and so forth, they give you that three minutes as they sit on high to look down at you and say, well, you may speak for three minutes if we approve of what you're saying. And I've often told a lot of our activists, they try to go in there and in three minutes tell them all this global stuff that, you know, it's taken thirty years to learn and they think they're going to manage that. I've often told my audiences when I speak, if there's a trap door under where you're standing, you're gone. Boom. Yeah. You know, one of the tools we have to fight that, too, are the standing cases that are stare decisis on the books, like New York Times versus Sullivan. And I will quote that when I talk to them is that by the judgment of New York Times versus Sullivan, they cannot tell you you have three minutes to talk. You may talk as long as you want. And if they violate that, they're in violation of the law and I will sue them. Yeah, and these are things that we're going to need to do. I'll tell you an interesting story. I've got a fantastic organization I'm working with down in Shreveport, Louisiana, the Caddo Alliance for Freedom. There's Caddo Lake there, Caddo Alliance for Freedom, C-A-D-D-O, Alliance for Freedom, and Caddo Lake there. I had worked with these folks. Their local congressman tried to put in a national heritage area on the lake, And I went down there and spoke to they had we had four hundred people show up that night, including the news media. And we built such an opposition to this, which was another environmental program to stop you from using the lake and so forth. And the congressman got scared and pulled the thing back. So we won that fight. But the next year. They never back off. They never stop. They'll back away and they'll change the name and then they'll come at you from a different direction. What started to happen was the city of Shreveport began to extend its authority over this township, which they didn't have an authority over it. And about three or four guys who lived around the lake who were not political people at all, but they saw what city of Shreveport was doing, went over to talk to one of their councilmen. And they tried to explain their problem with what Shreveport was trying to do. And the councilman said, well, you're nice boys. But you're not going to have any effect on this. This is just the way it's done. These five guys got together and they created the Caddo Alliance for Freedom and became very determined. Yes, we are. They started, first thing they did was communicating with all the people who lived around the lake. They put flyers together with photographs. Almost all of them had their own boat dock and they showed them in a flyer, you're not gonna be allowed to have that boat dock anymore. They had four or five other issues like that. They passed these flyers around showing people you're already victims of what's happening here. They started getting about a hundred people showing up at city council meetings every single time. And Their people who they selected to speak on their behalf didn't go in and start wailing and yelling. When the councilman says, well, this is just the way it's done. There's nothing we can do. Like you said, the state says we have to do this. They showed, no, that's not true. Here is the statute. Here is whether they were very reasonable in what they did. Next thing they had, two hundred people starting to show up and they were their speakers were really having an effect. And. the favorite thing when I talked with the gentleman's in charge of it, he, he said the most amazing thing happened. That same councilman came up to them and said, how can I help you fellas? That's what victory looks like. I I've told my audiences many, many times the way what victory looks like is the next time the NGOs brought in, Hey, got it all right here in a box for you. Got the money for you too. And your city councilman or county commissioner looks at that and says, Are you nuts? Do you know what my people do to me if we try to do this? That's what victory looks like. The thing is that we aren't there because, I mean, you know, people from from our point of view get all excited about presidential campaigns and. You know, we can get involved in that. But the city council and going to a city council meeting every. Oh, come on. Gives me a headache. And so they don't do that. And we're not there. And when one of us does show up, we're just, you know, target bait. They're not going to get anywhere. That's got to change. I've also had. some people tell me that, well, we had a hundred people show up at city council and I'd say, well, what happened? Nothing. They didn't pay any attention to us. And I asked him this question. What did you do the next day? Well, nothing. There's the answer to the question right there. Yeah. And nothing, it didn't work. And I said, they were looking at their watches. They knew that's exactly what you were going to do. This has got to change. You cannot save the Republic in one day and You know, that's what a lot of people think. We're going to go in there. We're going to stop all this. Well, it didn't happen. They have no idea who they're up against. And so they get crushed and then they quit and they're expecting that. And that's why we lose. So what are the steps when they do that? What are the steps that you would take when when a council fails like that? Yeah. Well, first of all, a little victory is a victory. If you had a hundred people show up, that is a victory. It doesn't matter what happened. You had that many people. Make sure you get everybody's contact information. Try to get a hundred and fifty next time. But the You know, we put together our local activist handbook. The purpose of this is organizing at the local level. And there are several steps to take. First of all, is do the research. Know who you're up against. And as I mentioned earlier, the comprehensive plan of your community, you can see a lot of what is going on there. And then... That's the link there. Yeah. As you're doing that, you can also get three or four people who will volunteer to go to every single public meeting. They don't have to do anything. We call them the watchers. Just go there and watch what is being done. You will find out which member of your council is really leading things into this. You will find out who the NGOs are that they're talking to. They'll talk to them right there in the meetings. You might actually get an opportunity. What I'm advocating here is building a permanent infrastructure to fight back. Too many times we don't do anything until, well, some crazy thing's coming up. And, hey, have you heard about this? Do you know what that's all about? By the time you ask all those questions, they've got it in place because they've been working on it behind the scenes for months. And we aren't aware of that. So the watchers, the research we can find out, Who you're dealing with, what you're dealing with. You refer to it as freedom pods, Tom? Yes, that's what I call it, is a freedom pod. And focus in your community. Don't worry about next door. Focus on what's going on in your community. If you are successful in what you're doing, the next community is going to say, how did you do that? Yeah, we're freezing up a little bit because they don't want us to get this out there. so um and in fact the uh let me see if I can I'm gonna try to give myself a reason so we're freezing up a little bit because they don't like what we're talking about I'll post a link there to the activist handbook that people should definitely pick up because you host different authors. Remember Mary, I forget her, Baker, I think. Mary Baker, yes. Some very interesting information, very effective tactics. Tell us a little bit about her tactics. You mentioned that in your book. Well, I've used that as kind of my guideline, and she created how to be an activist ninja on this, and the very things, the research, and then the watchers. Then she calls the agitators. Some people get a little confused. queasy about that, the speakers, the people who are going to go in and speak to your council, get your best speakers. One of the things she's advised is if you have four or five people are gonna speak, don't have them all from the same organization, have them from different organizations. It might just be the name of their neighborhood. you know, in that. And the other thing, a key to this is looking at the plan, who is going to be the victim of these programs? Why are you opposed to these programs? And not just because they're coming from a globalist position, but how are they going to affect your community and who's going to be affected by that? And for example, In a large city where you have a good number of lower income people, you have a neighborhood in the community that's a lower income neighborhood. There are people in that neighborhood who own their own property. who have their own small businesses. But now these guys working on high in the back rooms where nobody can see them, working with the NGOs, looking at that neighborhood and said, hey, we can go in and we get a grant. We can go in there, we tear down that neighborhood and we're going to rebuild it with the high rises that we want to put in place. And it's going to be a bright, shining new place. It'll be just wonderful. Well, when they do that, they are tearing down the homes of the people that they own those homes. Some of them do. And what about the, you know, when they reopen all of this and they're going to have new restaurants, new laundromats, new, you know, whatever that may be. What about those local people who had those little local stores and they've lost them now? Are they going to be represented there? No. These are going to be global corporations. So now they have destroyed their hopes, their dreams of what they can be for their life. And they've stuck them on. government programs. And so when you can look at the plan and see who's going to be a victim of that, go down there and knock on their doors. Do you know what's going to happen here? The worst nightmare of these globalists is when those people show up at city council and get their three minutes of what they have done to their life personal. One of the main things is key to fighting back is first of all, make it personal, not some big global plan, but what it's going to do to you. That's going to get people motivated. And when you look at these plans to start with, you cannot go before your city council and educate them on the whole global plan. Why are you opposed to this particular program? And start from there. You can grow from that, but go after it from there. So these are just some of the ideas on how to organize and be effective with it. I just posted all the links that you put in the chat, Casey, on my Telegram channel, and we'll pull them off of that later and make sure that these are all all out where people can find you and find your information. Tom, this is brilliant. I love it. And we've had this happen in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I've been covering this for many years here and that's how I met Tom actually about five years ago. I did an interview with Tom and we've been in touch ever since and he's come and spoken at a couple events in Coeur d'Alene. Essentially, we have, you know, we have these, you were mentioning corridors, essentially these zones, they have like an education zone, they have a medical zone, they have a, you know, on and on. And they'll open and close these districts. They'll have a local nonprofit in our area, it was named CDA-TwentyThirty, Ignite CDA. et cetera. They would hold workshops. And one of the workshops I went to was a medical corridor workshop. And I'll never forget this was in two thousand nineteen. This one guy at this event, they were moving out of the medical corridor area. This guy was really upset at this workshop. He didn't understand what was happening. And I did, but I didn't really know how to explain it to him, you know. And so to really see that happening in real life and now that we no longer have control of our hospital that's now become privatized after all this has happened of course this is all pre-planned so now we have completely lost control of our medical uh our you know we're losing grasp of everything here so I guess like what I mean you have the freedom pods but I guess maybe the main point here is you have these non-profits that are running the show here with the city council and people feel uh excluded and they are excluded and that is and that's that's why people are disenfranchised yeah absolutely oh I want as you brought that up I just remembered another part of this the um the the big issue at the moment that we're hearing hearing from harris we're hearing all over is we have a housing crisis a shortage of housing and um What they are doing is they're looking at single family neighborhoods. This is a place where people bought their own home to build their own personal wealth. It's a home they want to live in. They're there with their kids. They've got a backyard. And what these monsters are doing is they're looking at these neighborhoods and they're saying, we have a housing shortage. And where you are living there with only four people in that house, we could put a hundred families in that area by building a high rise there. And you have cities now that are starting to eliminate protections for single family neighborhoods and bring in these high rises and so forth. Now we have Senator John Fetterman from Pennsylvania who has put in a bill that is on a federal level to eliminate single-family neighborhoods for all these same excuses for it all. They want to bring in Section Eight housing there. One of the things that they use in pushing this is that it's not fair that people... somehow people who live in these single family neighborhoods, they've got all kinds of benefits, like they're closer to jobs and they get better salaries and all that. So if we bring all these single, these public housing projects into there, then people will get a higher salary and they'll be closer to jobs and schools. Have you ever had your income influenced by where you live? But this is the argument they're using. They created the issue of housing shortage. There is not a housing shortage in this country. There is a government problem. And, you know, they put together and all around the communities now these no growth boundaries around the community that they Everything's going to be inside the boundaries because outside that's urban sprawl and that damages the environment. Well, what happens? Take Portland, Oregon. For about thirty years, they've had this no growth boundary there and everybody's crowded into the center. The boundary hasn't grown in thirty years, but the population has grown by eighty percent. That's why they have a housing shortage in Portland. And it's all over the country that is coming into this kind of a situation. So they are creating the crisis in order to herd people off the rural areas, out of the suburbs and into these cities, the fifteen minute cities, the C-forty cities, all of that. So they can control your energy use. They can control your transportation and the school boards can control your thoughts, you know, how you're grown and all that. That's how they're putting all of this into place. And they're allowing foreign entities and foreign money to buy up all of our rural lands and our farm lands to control the food supply. And so I really think anybody that sells out to one of these organizations is a traitor to the nation. It's not just those buying it. I heard somebody the other day say that somebody here sold their land to a developer for big money. and said, well, congratulations, I'm sure he made millions of dollars and such. And I'm like, are you kidding me? He sold out to the very organizations that are taking over this nation. And they're complicit right down to selling out to these organizations. And it's a personal choice. One other thing I wanted to bring up just so we throw this into the conversation. They don't really tell you what is exactly. I work in the energy sector somewhat. And I've done quite a bit of research on the wind energy and that sort of thing. What they don't tell people because they're not reading the contracts is that most of the contracts don't have remediation for pulling those windmills out, which are going to fail in twenty to thirty years. And so now you're stuck with all of this infrastructure, which I can almost guarantee you they're going to require them to remove that or they will seize the land. So it's another way to seize the private property of people who have I'm sorry, but you bite into or you grab that thirty pieces of silver and it's going to take you down because they know what they're doing. This is a key issue. I'm glad you brought that up. And one of the things, put yourself in the shoes of the farmers. First of all, they've been dictated to about how they can grow their crops and they're not working. They're losing money doing that. Now somebody comes along and says, hey, let's put a solar farm there and we'll give you this money. Well, I need that money to keep the farm going. The worst possible thing that a farmer can do today is sign an easement, giving these people control of it. Exactly. But that's what they're doing. And then they're finding, absolutely, as you said, as the wind and solar equipment, actually, it's only about ten years that it lasts, I think, at best. And they've got to have new blades. They've got to have new panels and so forth. And they are moving in to get more control of that land. And the farmers have no control over what is done there on that property. So... Well, in furthermore, the wind energy, I funded a study with Western Illinois University to go through some of this wind stuff and such. And so another thing that people don't understand is that what the wind energy creates is it creates a rat problem. underneath the windmills because they're killing all the birds, thereby they're losing the crops. And it's an, it's a, it's a downward spiral. The whole thing is a downward spiral and you can't break them down. They're made of composite materials that what are you going to do? Throw them all into, you know, the landfills. You're going to have to, you can't break this thing down once they're made. It's creating so many more problems that, that people are so short sighted. on what they think the solutions are and instead they're creating such a bigger problem that they haven't even thought through the repercussions of what's what's happening there and it's it's sad If you want to protect the environment, we have got to stop wind and solar. They are the biggest danger to our environment that has ever been developed. And that is an argument that you need to get in front of your city councilmen and stuff. Real quick, I know we're going to end here, but we... in Minnesota. I have a great activist there working on things. And he found that their community was going to have a hearing talking about they already had one solar farm in the community. They're going to go for a second one. And I had him ask this question. What was the benefit to the community for the first one? Nobody could answer the question. And he asked a couple other questions. Pretty soon the crowd starts to get alive because they're seeing he's putting them in a very difficult place. They all have these dumb looks on their faces and couldn't answer the questions. And this is something we're working on now as a new tactic is to get very basic questions in front of them. Because as you said earlier, city councilmen don't know anything about this stuff. They're just being herded around by the nose by these NGOs. And they just, well, that's what we're doing. Everybody's doing it. But when you start asking them specific questions about these programs, they haven't got a clue. We did that. Well, I actually did that on Monday. I said, what's the benefit to the citizenry? Because I said, do you serve the developers or do you serve we the people? And I said, if you serve anybody but we the people, you're committing treason. And they sat there a little bit nervous for a while, but they went ahead and they passed it anyway after they gave the audience a thirty minute cell job on their criminality. Yeah. Next step is going to be illegal. The key now, what we have to do is develop a means to get that information out, name their names, stop being polite, expose them. And I know it's hard with the news media to find them that they'll do it. We got to create our own, whether it's the flyers like the people in Caddo Lake used, or I have some people who are actually putting together their own little monthly newspapers and they're succeeding. It's amazing as they get this information out and get it to people. People are hungry for this and they want the truth. And if we can start to get that out, we can make a difference. And a shameless plug, and Brandenburg News Network, who is a non-censorship platform. So there you go. Well, and I love that. Thank you so much. I would love to have you come back on again, Tom, because I think there's some issues we could get into much deeper. And you've got a very friendly audience here because we have the same concerns about the globalist takeover of this nation. And it's just an honor to talk to you and hear all the work that you've done and all the work that the people around you have done. And I'd love to I'd love to make sure that your voice gets out there so that you can, you know, you can help educate everyone. This is important. So, and let me see if I can, I put the links in Brandenburg for him on my telegram channel. I don't want to bring your website up again. Just one more time. Go check this out, everybody. And see, see what, do you put a newsletter out then? Well, not a newsletter, but we put out articles. You can see there's some articles, most recent ones we've put out, and we send those out to our email list. Okay. Awesome. So there you go, guys. Give them a look, and thank you for coming on today. We're going to go for a real quick break, and then I'll be right back, and I'll give you a call later, Tom. Thank you so much. All right. Thank you. Thanks, Tom. Third hour coming up with James Light. Good morning and welcome to the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the twenty fifth day of September twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show. We're going to get right into the next segment with Jim White and Casey Whalen. Casey, can you introduce Jim? Yeah, yeah, James White is a journalist in Kalispell, Montana, and he's been digging into an issue that I've been kind of working with him on, actually, a little bit over the last couple years, but he's been on the forefront of documenting the Whitefish Credit Union fiasco, I guess you could say. A gentleman by the name of Dennis Thornton has had his property essentially taken by Whitefish Credit Union, allegedly, and he's been going through a bankruptcy right now, so... James has been writing a bunch of articles on this. He's very intimate with this story. And multiple other families have been affected by Whitefish Credit Union, as we've documented. So he is currently running Valley Broadcasting and has a TV station out of Kalispell, Montana. So thanks for being on, Jim. Really great to see you again. How are you doing? Hey, great. Thanks for having me on. I really appreciate it. And you have a nice production going here, Donna. That was good. Nice intro and things look good. Oh, thank you. Thank you so much. Well, I really appreciate you coming on today. I want to, this is a no censorship network, so you can say whatever you want on here and, and let's go expose the bad guys and what they're doing to this nation because they're trying to take us down, you know, by, by not just a thousand cuts, about a million cuts right now. So what's happening there in Montana? Well, you know, as you know, just as across the country, they have their folks in every place, like every position of power. They get in and they seem to make sure that the people that make the decisions are their folks. And what I'm saying, and Casey can certainly attest to this, he's done some video work here as well. We have really an organized crime ring here in the Flathead Valley, and there are judges that are involved. There is the county prosecutor that's involved. There's attorneys that are involved. As Casey mentioned, the Whitefish Credit Union. It's not just what we're finding now as we continue to dig into it deeper. It's not just a Flathead Valley thing. This is just the... flathead valley cell of the statewide organized crime ring that has stolen properties and businesses all across montana I've had people call me from all across montana with similar type stories um they utilize the in this case here in montana the mostly crooked judicial system and uh they get favorable rulings ruling summary judgments in their favor And in our case particularly, the sheriff here in Bryan-Hano, the sheriff in Planted County, he was trying to get to the truth and really did, I think, an honorable job to try to do that up to the point that he could. But he went to the prosecutor and told him that he wanted to press charges against these guys for what they were doing. And the prosecutor said, you can arrest them, but I'm not going to press charges against them. So the criminality really is, it's naked, actually. And I've interviewed many, many different victims and all that can be seen. I think I have it on One of my Rumble channels, I don't know, I got kicked off some channels, honestly, and some stuff got flushed on others. I backed most everything up, but I think on my Rumble channel, North of Subway News, which is really my flagship broadcast and news network that I started a long time ago, ten years ago. So I transitioned over into television when I acquired these stations. So I put a link in there, uh, right on value broadcast network. What we're really trying to do right now is we're trying to get to the bottom of the, uh, the quick claim deed. And I've, um, I wrote an article just, I don't know, a couple of days ago, and a big outlet picked it up, and it got really a lot of views. Do you want to explain Dennis Thornton's background real quick? Yeah, Dennis Thornton is just a logger. He's a multi-generational Montana guy that's a logger. He purchased a piece of property back in two thousand nine right above Flathead Lake in Summers, right. But looking overlooking Summers Bay, which is just probably south of me, about six miles. It's a pristine piece of property on top of an overlooks all of the bay. It's. well he got he got offered fifty million dollars for it um not very long ago so it's a pretty nice piece of property so the minute that he acquired this property we have court testimony that I've I've published it actually published in that article there the whitefish credit union was trying to steal his property from the very beginning he had not even made his first payment yet he shows up on the property and the uh the the uh the loan officer of the bank was showing another developer the property and he hadn't even missed his first payment he haven't he didn't even missed the payment having made a payment so he went there unexpectedly I think for this guy and caught him And they had to admit in open court, and the court testimony is published in one of the documents I have there. They had to admit under testimony that he was there to try to sell the property out from under Dennis Thornton, and he hadn't even, like I said, made a payment. So these shenanigans have been going on a long time. There was a dismissal with prejudice. It got opened back up by the crooked judge here in the county. We've got testimony from the banking commission that says that he doesn't owe any more money. Everything should be finished. They gave him a quick claim deed on May twelfth, two thousand twenty two. They issued a quick claim deed and the president of the bank went in and filed a corrected mortgage claim. and took the property back that they never owned. They only had to lean on it and didn't go through any of the Montana processes and the law to do that. So it's really just basically they've, um, they have essentially, uh, unfortunately, oh, that's, uh, that's not the Soviet news. That's, that's, I don't think that hasn't been updated in a while. Uh, that's my old, like I said, that's my, uh, flagship site from a long time ago. And again, I pretty much updating, uh, updated uh value broadcast network from this point pretty much for the last I don't know year at any rate So we're battling right now in bankruptcy court because they actually filed against Dennis Thornton. They filed trespassing charges against him off his own property and gave him a lifetime ban from being on his own property. So he filed bankruptcy because they were trying to take all of his equipment off theirs. And it's long and drawn on me. They're dastardly. So... We're right now in a bankruptcy court and we are presenting our evidence and they are, they filed, I filed one motion and they've probably filed three or four motions against me to make me a vexatious litigator after, again, only filing one motion in a case that was already in progress. I'm a creditor because I did work for Dennis Thornton and I'm owed money for that work. Uh, my contract with Dennis Thornton stated that if he got his property back, I would get paid the agreed amount, you know, amount that we agreed upon. Um, and that was, it was contingent upon me getting the property back. Well, he didn't get the property back. Well, he did get the property back when the quick claim deed was issued. But the, uh, CEO of the bank came in like three weeks later and filed the corrected release of mortgage, which is nowhere in Montana code or law that he's able even to do that. Um, And he did. So what we're trying to do now is we're trying to establish the fact that that's the superior document. And if that is established, then they're guilty of falsifying the public record and felony conversion, which is many, many, many years behind bars if we can get some justice. And I heard you talking previously when I came on It's hard to find justice these days. You know, it's hard. It really is. I mean, it's a corrupt system, unfortunately. And we know this and it's just, it's not getting any better because the people are just not speaking up and not speaking out like they should. The apathy is what's killing this nation. Apathy is because there's so many more of us than there are of them that if people actually stood up, it's like a bug's life with the ants and the grasshoppers. If people actually stood up, we'd put them in check real quick and we would be done with this nonsense, right? Well, the people do stand up, but unfortunately, they stand up and they follow like false political idols. They follow sports figures. They follow political parties. They follow political parties. They follow Hollywood. They follow entertainment. People do stand up. I mean, they certainly do. They just stand up for the false idols and they stand up for – they don't stand up for liberty. They stand up for – pop culture uh and and what's the the latest thing is like npcs you're probably familiar with the the mean about npcs some of these people are just like mindless borgs they just follow whatever whatever is is is is in vogue that's what they're going to do whether it be change your kids gender cut off their body parts shoot them up full of poisonous vaccines hey if the crowd's doing it let's do it and it's just like it's it's almost like a uh I don't even know how to describe it. Cognitive dissonance, of course, probably doesn't even fully describe it. But it's just like an escape. It's like they're not even in tune with what the real world is. Zombie apocalypse. We'll call it that right now. It's like a zombie apocalypse. I don't know how else to put it, right? So... You know, politics, I've stopped covering politics completely. I was pretty involved, and I had a couple of clients that I worked with and they were running ads and stuff on my television. I created some commercials for them and things like that. But after this last primary here, I think in June – I haven't done any political stuff from this point on because I've really come to realize that it's all basically theater. It's all essentially theater. It really doesn't matter because at the very top, they all play for the same team. All of them do. These are just management teams of the same corporation. One's wearing the blue team, one's the red team, and they battle out between each other. This is all just theater. It's all a mockery of every American. When we go through the, but you better vote because it makes it, they haven't even solved the problems from the other voting. If they, if voting mattered, they wouldn't allow us to do it. I mean, it's again, it just continues to perpetuate the illusion. So I'm just trying to break through the illusion and get to what the truth is. And it's probably one of the most difficult tasks I've ever undertaken in my life. And now there is some other aspects of this case with Dennis Thornton. And he was also found as a vexatious litigator also. And he's been I mean, the guy is unbelievable. Like he's been nonstop fighting this battle. in court for like the last decade, right? Ten years or so, right? Basically, it's finally almost to the end of it. And so where are we at right now with this current bankruptcy? Can you tell us a little bit about the current updates? I know this is kind of a dry subject and kind of a hard subject to talk about, but it is important because it is affecting many other families in Flathead County, Montana. and elsewhere in the state as as we as you could talk about senator mark nolan a little bit sure so this is uh this has been going on since and what I didn't say is originally dennis thornton purchased that property his son was in a motorcycle accident and had a severe closed head injury he purchased that property on top above the bay to build a rehab hospital because they're in short supply here in Kalispell. Montana is not growing, but back then brain injury hospital, right? A special brain injury, a specialty hospital. And he was going to attract the greatest, you know, the greatest doctors from around the country because of the location and because it was going to be just, you know, it's going to be magnificent. He already had put in sixteen or seventeen million dollars into the property. to rehabilitate it. And his goal was, of course, as I said, to put a children's hospital at the top for his son, his brain injury hospital. Well, they came in and he's been fighting them the entire time to get this property back. And his son just passed away, unfortunately, this year. and never did ever receive the treatment that he set out for him to have because the property that he had set aside to have that built has been in contention and been tied up by these scoundrels, to be honest with you, all that time. So it hits pretty hard for Dennis. He's pretty motivated. And I've never met anybody like the guy. He just never quits. He just it doesn't matter. He just never quits because, I mean, he knows he's in the right and he's got the truth on his side. And he's one of those guys that if he's standing behind the truth, you know, he'll take it all the way to that. He'll take it all the way to the end. Right now, we have filed the judge ordered them in a hearing we had about a month ago. that I was present at, the judge ordered them finally, after Mark Nolan, as you stated, wrote a letter, a very detailed letter. Mark Nolan is a senator here, a local senator in Big Fork. That's, I don't know, ten miles away or so from where I'm here at the studio. He filed a lengthy letter with the judge, and Mark is also on the Banking Oversight Committee and the Judicial Oversight Committee here in Montana. So he sent a letter to the judge and explained the situation to him and said, we need to have a finding a fact. So the judge granted us a finding a fact hearing supposed to start supposed to be Friday. And they were the Whitefish Credit Union was supposed to turn over the loan file, all of the loan files and all the documents. Now remember, they've been claiming They've been claiming possession and claiming that they did these certain legal things all the way since, what, two thousand and eighteen. It's really where the case is focusing on right now. Although I have another perspective on that. We'll just go with what the case is focusing on. Here's the problem. They turned over the loan file and the loan file stops at two thousand and fourteen. They have no documentation at all. That's convenient. They just kind of like lost it or destroyed it or something. I mean, you can look at this with common sense and say this was intentional malfeasance. But I never had it because it was all under the table. Gross incompetence, maybe. I don't know what. It was all off the books. I did several videos. We researched their books. None of the apparent money they lost or they sold this for, I forget what it was, was on their books. They're foreclosing on properties under Whitefish Credit Union Incorporated, which is a non-entity. It doesn't exist. Whitefish Credit Union Association exists because that's the official credit union name here in Whitefish, Montana. They're foreclosing on properties and stealing properties, essentially, under Whitefish Credit Union Incorporated, which we've searched far and wide and everywhere. It doesn't exist. I've searched all the records. Dennis has a private investigator, Kathy, who's great, and maybe you can touch on that a little bit. Yeah, Kathy Wilson is a private investigator, and she's interviewed the title company. She's interviewed many people involved in this case and has expert witness testimony because she's an officer of the court. She's a certified licensed private detective here in Montana, so she's an officer of the court by default. So her testimony is considered expert witness testimony. We have filed numerous documents of expert witness testimony with several cases. We have... eight or ten different expert witness testimonies. All that goes on deaf ears, especially here in the county. Now, we've lucked out here because we have the bankruptcy judge is not part of the Crooked Montana Bar Association. thankfully when dennis thornton filed the bankruptcy case the judge that was presiding over the case had a conflict of interest because I think they'd had another a previous case something had happened previously in another case or he was a judge on another anyway the the case had to be transferred there's a reciprocating relationship with the montana bankruptcy court with uh with um Washington and Idaho. So their judges can adjudicate matters in Montana as visitors, but they have to follow Montana code and Montana law, even though in this particular case, the first judge was in Idaho and he passed away last year on Thanksgiving. They got transferred over to Washington to another judge, Holt, over in Washington State. So that is probably the only thing in this case that has kept it going so long. Because if it would have got transferred here to Montana, in the Montana court system, they would have flushed this case and we would have lost a long time ago. Because they're all, I mean, I'm telling you, that we can't find a lawyer here in Montana to take the case. Because they're, the bar, if you've done any research on the bar and the Bar Association and what they actually stand for, it's a cancer on America. It is a Cancer on America. It's a membership club. It's not a license to practice law. And they work for the judges. I mean, this whole thing in the civil action jurisdiction that they've got going on needs to be absolutely addressed and replaced with a lawful form of justice. Well, I agree. And they have tried to designate me a vexatious litigator, which means if that designation, if they agree with that designation, then it basically silences me. It's basically what it essentially does. It's lawfare. It's the lawfare way to get around your First Amendment rights. So what I did and filed in my response, um, I respond, I had to respond by Friday. I had to, I had to postmark my, my objection to their accusations. And I asked for a jury trial, uh, because it's a personal injury matter and it's not the purview of the, uh, of the bankruptcy court to, to settle, you know, to, to, um, to overview to overlook that matter it's a personal injury matter so I cited the seventh amendment of the constitution because they want to charge me for as a vexatious litigator and pay court costs and lawyers fees so that's more than twenty dollars so if it's over twenty bucks the constitution affords me a grand jury I am titled to a grant or a grand jury but a um jury a jury trial so that's what I've requested and I don't believe that there I don't know how that could be denied that um that would be certainly an appealable event if they denied me my right to a jury trial and then designated me a vexatious litigator nothing surprised me these days but uh when we stop fighting what's that They only win when we stop fighting. No, correct. No, no, and we're not going to stop fighting. So right now, they didn't turn over. The judge ordered them to turn over the loan file. the current up to the current date which should have been all the way up to when the ceo filed the correction of mortgage so the loan file should go all the way up to june sixth two thousand twenty two that's when it should stop that's that's when the last entry in the loan file according to white first credit unions activities should have been placed in there we only got it to two thousand and fourteen so there's almost ten years of transactions I believe that's what it was two thousand thirteen two thousand fourteen But there's ten years of transactions that they are claiming in court as evidence that they're using against Dennis Thornton, and they don't have the evidence. loan files to back it all up so essentially it's hearsay so we filed the motion to strike all of the any of testimony that they claim um you know after I think it was any testimony or any evidence they claim that they possess after is hearsay because they don't have the they don't have the corresponding documents and the loan file to back it up and that's by law where it all should be So the noose is getting tightened around their neck. They haven't provided no evidence. All they've done is filed motions to keep us from showing our evidence. Now we've got to respond to two more motions that they filed against me. They want to strike my testimony. They want to strike all my witnesses. They want to strike all my evidence, everything. They want to totally, completely shut me up. and all the other folks, too, that are all the other creditors that are trying to file motions because we're trying to protect our property. I have over over two hundred thousand dollars that's owed to me, which is no small amount of money. And I want I want that money. It's I earned it. I worked for it. So this is what we're up against right now. We're trying to prove that the property is not owned by the credit union like they claim, and they have none of the documentation to back it up. So I believe that the judge is going to agree with our sanctions against them. And according to the law, the credit union has to pay a million dollars a day. They can pay up to, let's put it that way, they can find them up to a million dollars a day when they don't release the information that he's ordered. Remember, the judge ordered this information released. I don't think he's going to be very happy. I don't know. But we'll see Friday. You should name names, too. I mean, the president of Whitefish Credit Union is. Yeah, James Kenyon. It's on that article there. Yeah, James Kenyon. I named his name there. Sean Frampton is the is the attorney that is he just got convicted. And Casey's very aware that he got convicted of of malicious prosecution on a gal named Donna McAtee. So, yeah, these and Travis Honor is the is the prosecutor. He's in on the gig. He's in on the jig as well. Amy Eddy is a judge. Dan Wilson, who's running for Supreme Court here. He's supposed to be a conservative law abider who's he's in on it, too. Um, they're all in on it. And I, and I reported all that and showed their faces and I've called them out as crooks over and over and over again. I've used, I've named names. Uh, this is what they supposed to do right here when they, when they, when there is a. When there's an objection to a conveyance, which is what the quit claim deed is, it's a conveyance. The title company, at the behest of Whitefish Credit Union, they issued the quit claim deed. Now, if James Kenyon would have objected to it, he has to go through all these steps. He's got to file the document in the court, district court. He has to open a lawsuit, file a lawsuit. Attorneys get involved. None of that stuff. He didn't do any of that. He filed the paper document that's referenced down there And we found out that he doesn't have a power of attorney with the county. We also found out just yesterday that Sean Frampton doesn't have any power of attorney either. James Kenyon, the CEO of the credit union, also his securities license is inactive. So he has no securities license either. And I did a recent search on that and I put those results there as well. So the evidence is the facts are all on our side. One hundred percent. And that's why they're trying to shut us up. I said to several people when I filed my first motion, my first and only motion, I had stated they cannot, they're not going to be able to argue the facts because they're irrefutable. They're going to attack me personally. And right on cue, that's exactly what they've done. They've come after me and tried to attack me personally. So it's not this and that's what's unexpected. We're going to win out in the end. because we're not going to stop until we do, because we have all the evidence, as I stated, on our side, the truth on our side. And I think that their crime spree is about to end. Wow. Well, this is an amazing amount of work you've put into this, as well as really holding their feet to the fire. I think one of the things that really struck me the most is how you looked into the background of these people that were involved and actually found out what their standing was or what they were actually doing, not just the fact that they're claiming certain things that proved to be untrue. Well, you know, the evidence is out there. They've tried to certainly prevent us from producing that evidence, but... Thankfully, I have a medium here that I'm able to put out information and get it out to the public. So they may censor me in court, but they're not going to be able to censor my television program and my broadcast and my website and that type of stuff. And I already have a... you know I mean I've been doing this for a while I mean I have several folks that I can send articles to and have it published you know uh widespread and that happened I did that to just one of my pals and they they went out and got thousands and thousands of views just on that article so your station too now you bought a tv station that broadcasts um through the air correct Yep, it's an over-the-air broadcast station. Actually, there's two stations with sixteen channels total. We had to combine several of those channels together to get high definition. But currently, right now, I'm broadcasting... So my network, there's other satellite feeds that are broadcast and that just get picked up from a satellite. But I actually here in the other room over there that you can't see, I have my sort of that's my broadcast area where I have a server over here that you can't see either that has all my videos and everything on it. so I literally broadcast everything right out here out of my studios well at least my one my two channels I broadcast two channels that are like considered live or current um the other stuff is you know you know other tv programs that you just get off the satellite but yeah it's been how can people listen james uh in the area in the flatted county area you're outside of flatted county too right Yeah, we just got picked up. As a matter of fact, I just came in and installed another connection up there. I got a call from a guy, and they wanted to broadcast me all down, going into Missoula and everything. So I think I just picked up about another twenty five thousand people, I think, on my feed. But yeah, if you just if you just tell me why is that important as far as Missoula is concerned? Oh, they're pretty liberal in Missoula. They're not going to like it. Going right into the enemy camp there. Challenging their belief system a little bit. That's fun. We just got to get you into Helena. Yeah, right on. Well, we were almost there. We were working on that. Yeah, we wanted to expand across a larger portion of the state, but that didn't work out. I'm not saying that's over yet, but we're still got that in our sites. Yeah, so if you're in the Flathead Valley area, you just have to have an over-the-air antenna. And you can see right on Valley Broadcast Network, I did some research and found two... of the pretty of the better antennas that you can get um they're both under a hundred bucks one of them you can just put on your set top uh on your tv um or you know in your table next to your television if you're if you're closer to the antenna um but if you're farther away you can get the one on the roof and you just go up there and clip it on the roof it's not very difficult what's the brand Um, it is, uh, I'm tired. It's to see, it's right there on the page. It goes right to the, uh, uh, I don't know. It goes right to pro pro. It goes right to the page. If you click on it there, it goes right to the Amazon page. Yeah. It's a PDA WA two sixty digital amplified outdoor HD antenna. It goes up to one hundred and fifty miles. So and it's free. That's the thing. It's free. It's free TV. So once you you only have to pay for the antenna one time. And then you get all the programming for free. You know, you just tune it right in like the old school way. It's like the old school way back in back in the day. You got to leave a little bit early. You got you got ten minutes left. And I thought maybe if we if it's OK, Donna, we'll play maybe a video of a panel of people locally that have been affected by Whitefish Credit Union to really put a face on this thing to show that it's not just one person. It's not just an off chance thing. This is a this seems to be it's been going on for many years. Right, James? Oh, yeah. It's been going on for many, many years. It seems to me when James Kenyon came over to Whitefish Credit Union, that's when a lot of the shenanigans started. Where would you, which link would you like me to put up? Oh, just is fine. You mean for the antennas? Yeah. I already put that one up, so I'm looking for the, do you want to play a clip of those things that that give a face to it, Casey? Oh, yeah. We'll do that at the end if it's okay because he's got to leave in like ten minutes. So if you have any other questions for him. No worries, yeah. Then we thought we could play it maybe at the end a little bit if you have any of that. Yeah. Just give people an idea. Yeah, I apologize about that. I always take the whole hour, but we had, and I think I mentioned to you guys, one of the cars went down and I had to take it to the shop and I have to take my, I have to taxi here. So... it's one of those things where and almost on any other day we never would have had a problem but it's just one of those things so you know what it's like all of us have lives too besides fighting for the united states of america we all have our own things we have to do in our personal lives so nobody can hold that against you I appreciate that yeah and I'm delighted to be on your broadcast I do really do appreciate the invite um yeah so I've uh um You know, one of the things I'd like to see, and I think it's coming back into the mainstream now, and it's not really a very pleasant topic to talk about, but I think Casey knows. I did a lot of work for about two years. I worked with CPS, child trafficking, foster care system, and all that stuff. And that is... That's one of the biggest crimes that occurs in America on a day-to-day basis. And if I can just, you know, if I can, I know this, not this topic of this broadcast, but it's still dear to my heart because I know there's so many victims out there. And I did it for a couple of years. And I have to be honest with you, I had to stop because it's just, It destroys like you're just your soul. And it still goes on to this day. You can see a lot some of the stuff coming out now, you know, in the in the people, the high profile people are getting questioned and arrested. And, you know, you're starting to see that maybe this whole thing is a lot bigger than people had ever anticipated, which I think is good. because it's a scourge. It's a scourge on America. I mean, it's very, you got a lot of expertise on the, in that world. What do you think about, I mean, this is somewhat related in a human trafficking way, but what do you think about the recent arrest of P Diddy and, and all that looks like the things are finally starting to unravel a little bit. Getting it out in the open because the, you know, it's been there for a lot of, a lot of us researchers, we've been looking into this for a long time, but it's so, uh, It's really hard to get it in front of people who haven't had to face it yet because it is so unpleasant, but it is the biggest battle of our time. No, absolutely is. And I don't think people realize how many people that they consider, again, that's why I called them false idols earlier. All these people that they idolize and that they hold up on a pedestal. And I think they're going to be really shocked to find out a lot of these people are who they thought they were. You guys know that blackmail is pretty much how things are run, whether it be in DC, whether it be pretty much know any organization there's a lot of money people are going to be you know there's going to be blackmail there's going to be espionage and things like that so I just think that you know I don't think that they're any different than anybody else I think a lot of these folks are blackmailed and I think we hear about cameras being put up in these places where they have these parties and these rooms and They got the goods on these folks. So I think it's great that this is getting brought out and getting exposed. I think that, you know, we really need a really, really big dose of justice in this nation. And we need to bring a lot of these folks to justice. And, you know, if the crime, you know, the punishment should fit the crime. If they're doing things like we hear that they're doing, well, I don't think they should. I think they're predators and I think they should be put away. like rabid dogs are. I mean, I'm just being real with you. I don't have any mercy for these people that harm kids and do things to children. I mean, zero. So yeah, let's hope that we can, you know, continue to expose it and bring these scoundrels down. Well, and the ones that are sitting in the seat allowing it, they're committing crimes against humanity and they are committing treason. I mean, I'm, I'm like really hoping to see Nuremberg two point oh, that actually works. And, you know, this has got to be eliminated off the face of this planet because, you know, I'm sorry. God can forgive them if they turn their lives around and they turn back to God. But I'm going to tell you what. we can't coexist. Light and darkness of that magnitude cannot coexist. You cannot make an excuse for raping. And I'm going to say it, not somebody who, this is what they sold to us, somebody who's like, like, and looks like they're dressed as a hooker, right? Even though it's wrong. We're talking, it's so much worse than what most people can understand. They're raping infants. They are raping They are raping infants. This is not just what has been sold to us as pedophilia. And it's even worse than that. When the real truth comes out and what these people are involved in, it is going to be sobering. I don't think that everybody is going to be able to even stand looking at it. I actually showed somebody what a satanic worship or service looked like. And most people can't sit and watch the whole thing because this is what we're dealing with. It is heart-wrenching. What is happening to these children is it, unless you are not human, you will not be able to sit through it without being ill. No, and you're right. And I know we do got a jet soon. And I know, you know, I want to touch on something that you had just talked about. There's two kinds of, you know, two kinds of crimes. There's crimes of commission and there's crimes of omission and people that know what's going on and don't speak out and comply with it. Yeah. They may not actually be the ones that are physically create doing the crimes, but their silence is, is, is considered, I think criminal by not speaking out. Yeah. Yeah, essentially. Essentially. Donna, I really appreciate you being here. I hate to jet out on your show like this. No worries. Go live your best life and be your best gem self. And we'll continue on. We'll put this video up so people can see exactly what's happening. And as you said, to your point, Casey, put names and put faces to this. on what these criminals in office, and I appreciate you coming on today because as you're really highlighting very well, the criminality isn't just where they've got us looking at the higher levels of government. It's all the way through. This is systemic corruption of a, and not just a local crime syndicate, but this is like an organism that has cells. It is a national and a global, this is a global crime syndicate that's waged war against humanity. I appreciate you both for your time. Casey, I was going to see you again. Appreciate you having me on and we'll have to reciprocate and have you on my broadcast Donna. Thank you. Have a great day. And I look forward to talking to you again soon. Thanks. You too. Take care. Bye. Okay. ahead let me see if I can put this up here a minute can you put the nolan one first maybe because it's a shorter video and I just because I think this is actually I think I have a feeling this might go national um okay I mean if it goes the way it it it may go it it will it should go national so this You guys are getting the front row seat to this. So this is Senator Mark Nolan here, and we went to the Flathead County Sheriff's Department. I documented him talking with the sheriff. I forget his name. Jim did say his name, but I forgot his name. And he can play us about three minutes. First time here, Brandenburg News Network, once again, ahead of the curve. Hi, this is James White from Northwest Liberty News, and I'm here at the Flathead County Courthouse with legislator Mark Nolan, who's a senator here in Montana. Mark, thanks for joining us today. You bet. Thank you. You know, we're here today making a petition to the sheriff's office because of some mis- or irregularities in funding that we feel we as citizens of the Whitefish Credit Union potentially may have not... put the money in the right place. So those are concerns as a credit union member myself, not just as a legislator, we want to see all of our funds put in the right place. And then if there's potential dividends, we should be able to get some of that money back. As a legislature and a senator over this district, we want to have the good citizens of the state of Montana, and particularly our Flathead Valley, protected. When we invest, things should be done right. There's protocols, there's laws, there's rules, there's regulations. All we're asking is let's investigate. Let's find out if inappropriate things have happened. Take care of it. If it hasn't, fine. Thank you. We're here with Dane Clark. And Dane is representing a group of Whitefish Credit Union members who have called for an investigation into Whitefish Credit Union for potentially having bad lending practices and bad accounting practices. And the members want to know where the four million dollars is that they sold the property last year. We're here with Dane Clark. Dane, thanks for joining us. Thanks for having me. You're quite welcome. Tell us why you're here, Dane, and why is it important to... point out if there's any improprieties with Whitefish Credit Union, why is that important to you and important to the community? I think it's a ethics question and a moral question to me. Um, as a member of Whitefish Credit Union, apparently we're owners and they're doing this potentially in our name and with our deposits. So I believe a investigation is seriously called for and, uh, Once that happens, there may be potential charges and it's due diligence to have this done because apparently it's a long time coming. And, uh, from what I've learned is this is what's been going on here with the specific case is happened right after the Oh eight Oh nine crisis. So, you know, we're, we're going on in years now, so it's due time. Well, there you have it. Members of Whitefish Credit Union are standing up to the credit union and wanting to know where the money is. Dane Clark is leading that charge. We appreciate him. Stay tuned to Northwest Liberty News, and we'll continue to bring you the up-to-date information. Thanks again. This is James White saying bye now. Rocky Mountain air smells a lot like freedom. I was smiling because during the B-roll, when they're showing Whitefish Credit Union, they actually called the cops on me. I forgot about that. Did they really? Actually, yeah. We were actually up the property that Dennis Thornton had owned. He actually was later trespassed because we were up there. It's a long story, but essentially... I was there just filming B-roll. They called the cops on me. I almost got arrested, actually, because I was standing my ground. So they know, they're aware of me. So anyways, just kind of forgot about that from a couple years ago. I also did film the, there was a five-day jury trial. against uh whitefish or was for a lady named deanna mcatee who you'll see in this next video with some other people and she essentially won a lawsuit against whitefish credit union or I believe basically uh their their lawyer sean frampton was found guilty of malicious prosecution like james said earlier so I actually filmed the entire five-day jury trial they they're very open there in montana I didn't even have to fill out a form to film the five-day jury trial but I have all that in the can. And basically, we can reuse some of this. We have the president from Whitefish Credit Union testified, Aaron Archer, who's another employee of Whitefish Credit Union. So we have like five days of testimony from the very people that are behind all of this. And we can rehash that if we have to later. Which video is that next one? It's just the one right above. It says panel interview. And it's a longer, uh, yeah, just go up to two links there or three links to two links. Okay. Panel interview. I see it. Yeah. And so this is a little bit longer interview. I just want to kind of put, show people that there is some validity to this because I know it's very dry and it's really boring, but there is a lot to this story and it's very, you know, there's, it's tangent, it's real. So, um, I, I will see how it goes, but, um, On the left there is Deanna McAtee, and she won the lawsuit against Sean Frampton, the lawyer for Whitefish Credit Union. And anyways, she was wronged, and justice prevailed in her story. James White from Northwest Liberty News. Thanks so much for joining me today here. We have a special video presentation. We're going to have some of the victims of Whitefish Credit Union here live in studio today. If you've been following my website and following what I've been doing here for the last couple of years, I've been trying to uncover what looks like really illegal lending practices by Whitefish Credit Union. We've uncovered a lot of that, put a lot of that out on the web on Northwest Liberty News. If you want to find out more about that, of course, you can go to That's, and see all of the evidence there that we have for this investigation that we're doing. So please enjoy this video. It's going to be compelling. These are real victims that were victimized by the Refuge Credit Union. And thanks so much. Keep following North Mississippi News for the story or to watch my show live. Until next time, this is James White. Take care. Enjoy the show. Rocky Mountain air smells a lot like freedom. Okay. You there, Casey, or are we locked up? Oh, there we go. We're locked up for just a second. Okay. Yeah. So it goes into the panel interview there. If you want to, if you want to play any of it, um, just to give people a flavor of it, that was kind of an intro. I know you're not really into probably playing a lot of videos, but no, I really don't care. Honestly, God takes us for this and we go in any direction he wants to go on. I don't really care. I'm just pushing the buttons here. Really? Sure. And then I posted the last link I posted in the chat is the story of Dennis Thornton. And if people are interested in this story, I suggest you go watch that video with Dennis because you get an idea of who this person is. And it's very he's very real. I don't know. It's he's I just feel bad that all this terrible stuff has happened to him, him and his family. And he had a lot of their equipment locked up on the property because Dennis is a developer. He develops properties. crushes rock, creates roads, all that. So on the property he was developing, he had millions of dollars of equipment on the property, very heavy industrial pieces of equipment, which the court did order or grant him permission. I went and filmed three days on the property, We had ten hours per day, and Dennis and a couple people were able to get the equipment off of the property because it had since been sold to another person, and that's part of why this is so convoluted and a difficult topic. But it was amazing to witness because a lot of these pieces of equipment had the gas caps were taken off. Water was put into the oil reservoirs, the gas tanks. so they had to drain them they had to you know put gas in them they had to fix batteries and we're talking like you know very heavy industrial pieces of equipment so these batteries are huge and somehow they were able to get a vast majority of the equipment off of the off the property so that he can continue to work and a lot of that property was locked up on his property for I don't know how long for sure I think it was like a good you know seven eight years long time So these are some of the people that were affected by Whitefish Credit Union. And you can kind of get a flavor of, you know, the demeanor from these people. Okay, hang on a second. We'll go ahead and play that. Northwest Liberty News. Okay, we're going to start here with you, Deanna. Please go ahead and state your name, where you're from, and where the property was located when you suffered your loss. Okay. My name is Deanna McAtee. And my properties, I had four of them, a three-fifty-seven Elk Park Road, one Ken Lone Cedar Drive, a six-forty Sloan Lane in West Glacier, and then a property on Fourth Avenue West that was a rental property. And when I got into my, the original action was with the property at three-fifty-seven Elk Park Road, where I was instructed on a property, much to my, I did not want to do it and that was not the policy. But once I did that, it severed the lien that Whitefish Credit Union held. So they, by their own admission and their own problem, severed the lien to the title to the property. So they, I was, I still owed the debt, but they had no lien position on the property. So I was then accused of fraud and anyway what they did because they were in an adversarial action with me they began to refuse payments on my other three properties and because I was a really trusted business partner with them had a great relationship over time they eventually got all of my mortgages and I was different with different lenders but they offered me pretty pretty good terms and You're jumping a little bit ahead. I'm going to get to that in a minute. I just wanted you to give your name and where your properties are located. That's all. We have Tony and Randy Mitchell. I've been on my program before. Go ahead, Tony. I'm Tony Mitchell. This is my husband, Randy. We have property on Minesinger Trail in Polson. The bank snuck documents in and we had a house in Ronan that I thought it was co-signing on and they snuck documents in putting our house on the lane and which we didn't find out till at the end. But when they went to foreclose on the house in Ronan, they took both properties. We're going to cover that. A little bit later with the questions. We'll go to you, Dr. Perry. Just go ahead and state your name, please. And if you want, you could switch over to the Dennis Thornton story. Just sort of gives people a flavor. It kind of puts a face on it. That's not just one person. It's multiple people. And there's been other stories and other... I'm not very privy to it like James is, obviously. I don't live there. But there's been more people that have come out since we've been doing this and since he's been doing this. So... But Dennis Thornton is really the main person who kind of started this whole thing off because he doesn't stop. And luckily, he is where he is right now. But his story to me is like, if you want to see anything about this story, you need to watch this because Dennis is an amazing guy. You know, just a lone guy trying to fight the system, you know, it's pretty tough to do. After that didn't work and we were going to expose him on that, we ended up in a settlement. agreement, and they didn't honor the settlement agreement. The settlement agreement called for deeds going into escrow at First American Title, releases going into escrow at First American Title. I signed all the documents and delivered them to them. They never opened the escrow. They're the only ones that can open the escrow because it's credit union business. It has to be done by a licensed underwriter. I found out that before the time expired, I had eighteen months to pay them. I found out I had the money. They wouldn't deposit documents into escrow. They told people I was still in foreclosure, which they vacated their judgment and dismissed their case against me with prejudice, which satisfied the whole works. And they never recorded the new agreement. So they have no perfected security interests and the agreement never went into effect. And they took the deeds out of the agreement and transferred the ownership. I've been trying to get this investigated for three years now. So why now? Because I finally met enough people, met Nick and enough people to help me with it. Jim White from Northwest Liberty News started, you know, it takes quite a while to get everybody. First, we tried using the court system. We tried. Well, I think the biggest thing is that when we finally talked, I told him because he's worried about I said, well, why don't you just take the property back? Well, they might get you for trespassing. one of the biggest problems is that all of the evidence in the case is sealed, which we talked about by being, if the sheriff comes here and trespasses, that's a Christmas gift because now it's really hard to seal evidence in a criminal proceeding. Now you have the opportunity. As soon as it's initiated, you can file all the evidence. Yeah. Yeah. No. Yeah. I get it. Yeah. No. Nick talked me into, between Nick and Jim, you know, just a lone guy trying to fight the system, you know, it's pretty tough to do. And when we start getting support, you know, and people see the corruption, and it's not only the corruption at the credit union, it's the corruption in the court too. And we'll get into all of that and expose all of that stuff. These guys, and they designated, they got a brand on me now. I'm a vexatious litigator. I didn't even know what a vexatious litigator is. I'm not sure what that is. What it means is that if he brings a case, a civil matter against Whitefish Credit Union, they can immediately come after him for damages. And so they've got it to where we can't even present any evidence, none. Hmm. And so they got a judgment and they vacated their judgment and they dismissed it with prejudice because I had counterclaims that I was bringing against them that were gonna get litigated, okay? And we settled this case. Now, I sue to enforce the agreement and the damn judge brings back this judgment that was vacated and dismissed with prejudice. Not only that, Montana Supreme Court affirmed his ruling. And that cannot happen. I hired John Canarday, who was the former lead counsel for the NCUA. Do you know who he is? I know the name. Okay. So anyways, he says in his report, the expert witness report, that the judgment is null and void. and that a dismissal with prejudice concludes all litigation and all U.S. courts must accept it. And that's the end of it. And they can never bring it up again. And they brought it up again. And they're going back after a debt that was already settled. Well, that's racketeering. And if a judge helps him do it, I think he's aiding and abetting, right? Sounds like it. Okay, so you've got two district court judges that did this along with the Montana Supreme Court. So did they all aid in the betterment of the theft of this property? I kind of think they did. Sounds like you need an investigation. That's right. That's amazing. Totally amazing. Well, I've got it on my Telegram channel right there so that if anybody wants to look at it and see Casey's work and what he's done there. The link is on the Telegram channel and it will direct you to North Idaho Exposed, Casey's Rumble channel. Okay. Thanks Donna. Appreciate it. Yeah. Yeah. I always try to put the, I always try to put your links in my, on my telegram channel so that people, that's the best way for me to communicate the links of the show is just to quick put them there while we're going so that, uh, you know, other, if I, otherwise I don't do that. I get like buried in links, right? You have too many platforms. It's hard to keep up, right? Oh my goodness. I need a bigger brain. That's what I need right now. That's what I want. So, you know, but there's so much to do and there's so much criminality that's happening on every level of our government. I can't even imagine. I would like to suggest to anybody who is in a position like this, who is doing this sort of evil against the population, sitting in the seats of ungranted power, which they stole at this point from the townships all the way up to to the president's office right now, I suggest they just like step away because if they don't, if they don't step down and they continue on with this, they are, they are absolutely criminally complicit. And, and someday judgment's going to be coming raining down on their heads. Every single one of them top to bottom, the systemic corruption has to be, has to be ended and there needs to be restitution for the victims and, Absolutely. Yeah. And hopefully that'll happen in this case with Whitefish Credit Union. And hopefully that Dennis's case will set the standard and open up other people's prior cases or, you know, stories that have been since buried. But if you want to find out more about the story, you can go to Valley Broadcast Network dot com, Valley Broadcast Network dot com. James has written a bunch of articles about this over the years. And you can also go to uh and see some of the I think probably some of the older articles but this is a very interesting topic and like I said I know it's a little boring but it you know I don't think it's boring at all I think it's well to me it's a little dry you know but it's hard to keep it kind of keep it going but It's fundamental, though. This is what we have to do to educate ourselves, is be able to see these stories, not just jump on every flashy thingy headline that we see out there to go to our emotions. Where we really do the work is to get in there and knock out the true information without having to have a dopamine high from whatever they crafted in fake news out there, because all of it's fake news. This is the kind of stuff we need to be talking to and looking at. It's real stories from real people. And then getting behind those that are willing to step up into office and run and replace these village idiots that are running our political offices right now. But I appreciate that. I think I put James' links in my Telegram channel too. So that is the best place to find it. And there are imposters out there, but the one that's truly me is at Brandenburg number four MI. And that's just like I spelled in front of me here. Ding, ding, ding, ding, go there. So, well, are you right? I think, Casey, we can close out for today. This was a wonderful interview, and I love the content both these gentlemen brought forward. It's amazing to see them do the actual work of fighting. I very, very much appreciate that. Let's say a prayer and then you can have last words and then we're going to go on to be our best selves in our day today. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to still have a voice to be heard. Everyone out there needs to have that vision. And I ask that you would lead people away from being concerned or maybe even afraid to step out and say what needs to be said and calling people to account for when they're when they're breaking the law, when they're doing things that are criminal or hurting other people for their own selfish gain in this world. It's just incredible. And I think all of us are really sad about it. We see it and it feels like maybe it's too big of a project to tackle, but we know you're bigger than that. And there's no project out there or problem out there that you can't write and turn around. We're asking you for the help that we need to, in fact, change this whole order, which is very, very evil and victimizes people through CPS, as well as so many other things, EPA, all of them. This is just crazy. And we ask that you would bring this house of cards tumbling. down because we know that this is not something that's hard for you and we know that um we know right from wrong and we're asking for your help we ask that you would help every single person out there see the world as you do with your eyes the people around us who are hurting with your eyes and compassion when we fail but being able to see a difference between actual criminal behavior and just us down here being you know being human beings. We ask for your help. Guide us out of this bondage to this beast system and help us to follow you and become more like you. You've given us the way and every step of the way. You're here as our Redeemer and our Savior. And we thank you for that so very much. We love you. And we want to be a friend to you also as you have been to us. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. There we go, boys and girls. What other last words do you have, Casey? Well, I just thank you so much for having me on, Don. It was great to have Tom DeWeese on and haven't seen him in a while. So and great to have James White on. So thank you for having me. OK, so just just so you know, you're one of my very favorite people, just so you know. And I'm always grateful for you to be on here because you're it. I just don't see many people that have approached, you know, being an independent journalist. the way you have, bringing the receipts, showing up, videotaping it, putting this together. The amount of work you've put into your investigations is just stellar. And I hope someday you receive the recognition that you deserve for all the work that you've done. So with that said, boys and girls, go to because I'm the best non-conceder who has ever non-conceded in the history of the United States of America. And I would like to talk to the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, about that non-conceding thing here, you know, personally, because I think I win the category because I wear cowboy boots or I can make up something else anyhow. But with that said, have a great day, everyone out there. Remember, God bless you. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. And you know what? You don't have to do the big things. You just need to do something, even a small thing. If everybody stepped together and did... what God put in front of us for that day, we would have this thing won in a New York minute. I'm going to tell you what, even though it seems overwhelming, it really isn't. We just got to keep walking and refuse to capitulate to these village idiots that are running the country and selling us out and standing with each other. and doing those things that build each other up as we walk along this journey called life. It's an adventure. Look for those opportunities and don't be afraid to try. Don't be afraid to fail. You're going to fail. It's part of being alive. And that's kind of like one of those things that you tuck in your backpack there and wear it kind of as a badge of honor because you were actually in the game. If you fail, kudos to you. Kudos to anybody who stepped out and failed, but learned along the way. That's what we have to do. So if you don't have a good example, be one. And I'm off, I'm off broadcast tomorrow and Friday. I'm going to be traveling, but we'll be back on Monday with some more incredible, incredible interviews. I had Sheriff Mac that called me yesterday and, uh, There's a lot going on with the sheriffs and there's a huge amount of people that are actually fighting. And we're really fighting together, though it may look like we're fragmented. We are fighting together to take this nation back. So you know what? Get on your knees and pray, first and foremost. Ask God's help and his blessing on this. Whatever it is, we can get through this as one American family. We are family. We stick up for each other. We fight for each other's rights. And you know what? There's no problem that we can't overcome with the help of God Almighty. Just remember that. Put your trust in God. He will always make a way, even when it seems bleak and dark and that there's no way out. There's always a way out. It's not our battle. It's His. And He makes a way defending His children. as the good father that he in fact is. So turn to him this day. Thanks, Casey. Have a great day, my friend. And let's talk about who we're going to bring on next week, you know, and with some more stellar, stellar interviews with people that are actually fighting. Thank you so very much. And we'll be talking to you next week.