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BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 7/30/2024 Legal Defense & Real History

Published July 30, 2024, 9:04 a.m.

9am Tatar Tuesday with John Tater. Studying the Constitution. Know the law and use the law - using the law to defend yourself. All things Constitution and Lawful Process. Tatar Tuesday with John Tatar 10am Real History with Courtenay Turner - A weekly discussion on real history and the connections that were never taught in school. Courtenay Turner is the host of “The Courtenay Turner Podcast”, “WIM what is movement”, & her new show coming soon “The Right Voices”. She is also a speaker and aerial acrobatic performer. Having spent her academic career largely seeped in the world of philosophical and psychological texts and being a passionate athlete and performing artist, paved the way for the world in which she is currently immersed. Many today know her as the host of “The Courtenay Turner Podcast” where she boldly seeks truth, diving into a myriad of deep topics surrounding issues of health, fitness, medicine, philosophy, psychology, politics, geopolitics & sociocultural zeitgeist. However, she was born with a rare set of circumstances that has greatly impacted her perspective on life. “All human beings are designed to move and the ways in which we do are our unique creative expressions.” – Courtenay Turner X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg. And it is the 30th day of July 2024. And summer is moving along quite quickly. And I want to ask everybody out there, how are your zucchinis coming on right now? I'm going to tell you what, we have zucchinis for days. No kidding. And so if anybody needs any zucchini and you're in the area, please give me a call because I think I'm going to start start up. Leave them on people's porches at this point in time because we have so many. Anyhow, first hour, I have John Tater on for Tater Tuesday. And at 10 o'clock, I have Courtney Turner will be joining us today for Real History. So lawful defense with Mr. Tater. Good morning, John. How are you doing? I am doing very well. Good. We still have that little delay. The reason why I got on a little bit late this morning was – We were having a little bit of technical difficulties, and there's a little bit of delay. I still see the delay with you this morning. I don't know what's going on. Yeah, well, you know what? Somebody's probably trying to sabotage it, but that's okay. We're going to continue to move forward and let them pull their tricks or let technology not work or whatever it is. But at any rate, what's happening in John's world? Well, all kinds of stuff. Actually, I'm writing a almost done with it. a lawsuit against two judges, actually three judges. Judge Yonker from your neighborhood, Grand Rapids, Nugent from Cleveland, and Cole, who is some sort of an appellate judge, maybe not anymore. I don't know if he retired or not. Those three judges, yeah. So I'm suing those three. I'm getting almost ready to go, almost ready to be filed. It's not quite there yet. I have a little more work to do on it, but that's what's going to happen. How do you generally start writing a lawsuit against them? And you do all yours pro se. So how do you start writing them? Well... They're the ones that did the problems. They're the ones that the Judge Nugent said I was incarcerated and I had not paid my filing fee and which, of course, I did pay my filing fee and I've never been incarcerated. But he used that in order to dismiss my claim against Batani, which is another federal judge in Detroit, and Linda Parker, which is another federal judge in Detroit. and a few others. So he based it that that I was incarcerated and that I didn't pay my filing fee, which, of course, I sent to motions for reconsideration. And of course, he did not even listen to the motions for reconsideration. In fact, when I called his clerk, he his clerk says his she says to me that he does not counsel with non-bar attorneys. And so all of that's in the lawsuit. And then I gave it to Yonker and Yonker said I did not have a federal question. What's a federal question? Federal question is when the federal government does something illegal or in violation of the rights of the citizens and and lying on the record saying that I was incarcerated sounds to me like a federal question. Yes. I think something that I've been noticing is that there's so much push and pull on who's telling the truth and who's not telling the truth. And all of these judges that I've seen, I don't know if they're all bad, but I'm going to say a lot of them were placed. And they're funded by Soros money and on and on and on. It gets crazier by the minute. And they all protect each other. That's fact. That's the whole idea of the judicial system, especially the Department of Justice. We'll get into that shortly. But that's how I started. It's pretty easy when you put the facts down. And the fact is that I wasn't incarcerated. I can prove I wasn't incarcerated. Can they prove that I was incarcerated? And where? And can they prove that I didn't pay the filing fee? Well, I have a canceled check. So how could they prove that I didn't pay the filing fee? So this guy's totally lied, committed fraud on the record. And so that's why I'm going after him. And Yonker is just kind of covering him up, saying, oh, yeah, he did that. Nugent did everything right. And since he's got great latitude, I can't hold it against him. And I have not presented me. I have not presented a federal question. And of course, the federal question is, can a judge lie on the bench? Are we seeking the truth or are we seeking the justice of a human being that can make the truth whatever he wants it to be? And then Cole, who was the appellate judge, transferred it to Yonker. And I gave him ample time and ample opportunity to correct the situation. And he chose not to do that. Just push the button, transfer it on. Buck doesn't stop with him. Transfer it to the next guy. This guy's an appellate judge. And these are the kinds of people that we deal with. as citizens, so they're going to get a nice lawsuit against them. So how do I write it? I start by writing the facts, and then it just kind of flows from there. Okay. Yeah, that's good. So the Constitution Party meeting was this past Saturday, and we actually filled a bunch of seats that are up for a vote, and that was kind of exciting. But what I ended up doing and I found I really like is I like writing resolutions. So I came to the table with five resolutions for everybody to consider. And then Becky jumped on it. And so did everybody else a little bit and are going to be adding to it and smoothing it out, putting their own opinions and their contributions to it, which I think is the best way to do it. We can start things out, but then everybody out there could actually add their knowledge and their experience to it. And I'm kind of liking that. liking the process that I started here this weekend. So I have to show you the resolutions that I did when we get them farther along, but I felt pretty confident that we're on the right track. And once we get these resolutions going, the natural outcome is to start lawsuits that come out of the resolutions for their failure to perform. And I think that that's kind of a nice process. I sure hope people look up the U.S. Taxpayers Party of Michigan because I can honestly say that it's a very interesting group of people, statesmen, people that are not sheeple that just follow the crowd and are actually doing lawful processes to right the nation. The first one I wrote was getting rid of the machines. Another one I wrote was on negating all red flag laws and getting rid of the repealing or getting rid of all the red flag laws and such. But I've got, I should pull them up here and then I can tell you which ones that I put together. But I wish you were there this weekend, but I understand. Okay, so the first one is Resolution for a Nullification and Remedy for the 2020 General Election. That's the title. Resolution for Immediate Cessation of Payments and support to non-citizens. Resolution for repealing the red flag laws. Resolution for protecting the United States borders and upholding the rule of law. And resolution for, well, let's see, I've got, that's a duplicate there. Resolution for elimination of corrupt voting systems, return to paper ballot in Hand County. And that That right there is what I think we need to be focused on in the United States. So I attended a meeting and they didn't want any member of the press. They didn't record it or anything like that. But it's an issue that's come up over and over, and that's putting poll challengers in place. Now, I'm going to say that I think it's a really good idea that everybody should step up and do something. Poll challenging is part of the process, but it's not the only part of the process. We have to be able to watch the polls and watch the boost, the remote boost. What's the word I'm looking for? The ballot drop boxes and such. We need to have people on the ground watching that. All of this is important. It is all important. But it's not the only thing that's going to right it. And I think that. that there's a couple of resolutions that I'm going to write that's going to come out of some of these efforts that I've become a part of or that I've jumped into. Because I think that the underlying things is that the electronic voting machines, voting systems, have to be gone. They absolutely cannot stand. We will not have an honest election if we still have the machines in place. With that said, There's another level to this also, and that's the poll challengers to watch what's going on there. It's all important. Everyone should jump into this and get on the bandwagon on this a little bit. Somewhere you have to do something. either run for office, be involved in the elections that are ongoing with being a poll challenger and election, and watching how things are done, getting people to the polls to vote, as well as holding the public functionaries accountable. It all has to be done, but not any one of these things is going to fix the whole system. It's all of it working together. I only have one issue with the red flag laws. They cannot write a law that flies in the face of the Constitution. Red flag law flies in the face of the Second Amendment. Well, absolutely. So that law needs to be... And actually, it doesn't need to be removed. It needs somebody to file a court case to go to court on this red flag law because it's an obvious violation of the Constitution. The problem that I have found over time is that the people don't know what the Constitution says. They haven't read it. They don't understand it. They think that while we've put together a whole list of rules and regulations of which the federal government must follow. But then we don't have to pay any attention to it anymore. And that's the big problem, because a lot of the stuff that goes on with federal government is a usurpation of their authority. Absolutely. Usurpation of their authority is criminal. Criminal. That's all. You can't put it any other way. It's criminal. And they need to be kicked out of office because they violated their oath of office because it's criminal. Correct. So my thought on this is and you can correct me because, you know, I'm nobody special. I just jump in and do things that I see need to be done. Right. So this is the resolution that I for repealing red flag laws and as the party. This is a great thing for a political party to do something because nobody else is doing this. They're not writing resolutions or putting anything on paper, right? So I thought, well, we'll start with resolutions. And I've got about 12 of them in the works right now. I had five of them I presented at the Saturday meeting. And I think that that's a good place to start. But out of this is going to have to be a local effort on what we worked on for the machines and such to take every single one of these and move it into pro se cases or criminal complaints against the people that are doing this. If they don't remove those machines, we need to charge each person, each clerk in the counties, in the townships personally for a criminal act because that's what it is. So I'm going to read this out there because I know there's some people out there that don't read. So this was a resolution for repealing the red flag laws. It's a start. draft version for your consideration, Vice-Chair Donna Brandenburg. Whereas the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and this right is essential to the preservation of liberty and security, specifically as a protection against tyrannical government, which has established a pattern of direct attack against its own people. Whereas the right to bear arms is a fundamental right granted by God and protected by the Constitution, whereas the Second Amendment is not subject to any qualifiers or alterations and it shall not be infringed, whereas red flag laws infringe upon the unalienable rights of individuals to keep and bear arms without the threat or coercion, ensuring due process of law, whereas red flag laws have been used to harass and intimidate law abiding citizens and have resulted in the violation of their second amendment rights, whereas those involved in initiating red flag laws and violating the rights of citizens must be held accountable for their actions. Now therefore it be resolved that all red flag laws be repealed immediately And be it further resolved that the right to defend oneself, one's property, one's family is a fundamental right that shall be upheld and protected. And be it further resolved that those who haven't been involved in initiating red flag laws harassing citizens and violating the rights of any individual of these. Hang on a minute. Let's see. Let me go back. I had a pop-up that showed up. and be it further resolved that those who have been involved in initiated red flag laws harassing citizens and violating the right of any individual citizen of the United States to bear arms shall be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Signed, the U.S. Taxpayers Party. So what I'm working on now, and Becky jumped into this too, was to put the law behind it and quote the legal, the laws behind this and to insert them as well as now that, and then put this out there. So that's one of the things we're working on. And out of this, I think we need to be able to write some pro se cases of being individually harmed because you can't do it in the court system as per se, you have to do it as part of the Republic. So that will be the natural out, the next step moving out from this. So what say you? Well, remember that the Second Amendment says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. And that infringed word means shall not be adjusted, controlled, or anything that the government has or can do to stop or keep people from bearing arms. You just can't because it shall not be infringed. The problem with what we have going on in our world in America is that the people do not understand the Constitution. And they allow these some there's there's I know there are people out there that think the red flag laws are great because now they can go after their boyfriend, their husband, their wife or whatever. Using it as a weapon. use it as a weapon against them. But people in our country should understand you never call the government for help unless there is absolutely no other option. The government's the absolute last organization and or person that you want to get involved in a local spat between husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend or whatever, because the government doesn't help. The government hinders, and they come up with things like the red flag law, like the speech, what is it, the hate speech laws. What's a hate speech law? What is a hate speech to, if I call somebody out, that might be hate speech to them. Who's making those decisions? What is what is hate speech and what is not? And that's a violation again of the First Amendment. You can't do that. Government cannot do that. And but the people don't understand it and they allow it to happen. And therefore we are in the soup we are in. The other thing is a lot of people think that there are leaders. And I've heard that terminology more than once. Whenever people refer to politicians, public functionaries, whatever, they're our leaders. They're not leaders because if they were our leaders, then we're all sheep. We're following the leader. Come on, people. It's time to wake up. It's time to stop this nonsense because it isn't helpful to our society. It isn't helpful to the freedom and the liberty of the people. It is a control device which the government has been using on us all of these years. And we've allowed it. We've we've let it happen. Really, the positions that should be filled in the government should not be these celebrity status politicians because they just switched from Hollywood to the politicians to make celebrities and make it into a popularity contest. It is my belief that the people working in government should be quiet and, you know, be quiet and go about their business of running the country, not this campaigning nonsense, not this. Not this, I don't know, getting on every talk show on the planet. I mean, if they want to do their own and put it out there, that's great. But they're not working for us. They're building their own audiences instead of running the country. And that's a big problem. You know, I think that quiet servants that just want to get in there and do a function that they were hired for, like a job description. You know, when I when I started running for governor, that's what I because I'd never been involved in the political process because I hated everyone. Right. And I was like I was like, why would I go? I don't trust anybody. I'm kind of like the the poster child for the rest of. of the United States who basically hates all politics and politicians. That was me. So I started, okay, I guess I'll do it, you know, just because nobody else seems to have stepped up in any, in any, um, measurable way. And I know I'll hold myself accountable for this for sure. But, you know, it's like to look to look at how it's run is so backwards. It's incredible. We should have quiet people that just answer the questions, do their jobs, have a quiet political process, which is more of a quiet, non-centralized you know, a decentralized process is what we have to have. And right now they centralize it to the parties, picking your candidates, and then engineering it with the news, the fake news and such, so that the only people that are playing ball right now are those that the Global Crime Syndicate has chosen. And even if a person gets in there to do the right thing they're going to be they're going to be look at how many people have gone through divorces when they get in office because probably were they doing the wrong thing I'm not so sure I think a lot of them have been set up and all of a sudden you're in a bad situation and They can plant anything they want on anyone that are sitting in, who are sitting in the seats. There's so much threat, coercion and blackmail. It's kind of shocking. And, and they're good at, they know how to get in there and do it. They can plant things on your devices. They can, they can, you know, they can do all sorts of, of horrible things. And, uh, I think some of them do it willingly. I think a lot of them have been blackmailed and coerced, but, uh, You're certainly in there. You're either going to be in there playing ball with them or you're going to. So the process has to change is my point. I agree. I agree. I remember when I was growing up that they were called public servants. and they are no longer public servants, they're officials. And this is part of the language that the deep state has used against the public. They have changed the lexicon to make us believe that they are our bosses and our leaders. They're not, they're not. They act as kings and queens. they're nothing they are really nothing they are they have some backing by politicians and they may be stealing money from us so I get these documents you know you get them in in the mail all the time uh so-and-so is running for office uh donate so much to this particular candidate and I says why would I donate to a public functionary so he can turn around in an office and steal from me right it doesn't make any sense so I don't donate to any of these public functionaries in fact ibis was on the internet a couple days ago looking up three representatives that are trying to run for office on the republican party and the only one that had anything uh that uh had any information on him was not the information from him, but the information from the news media that said he went on a protest and he had a doll hanging with a noose around the neck of the doll on a fishing pole. And he said that doll was supposed to be Whitmer. And so he's probably going to get my vote. His name is Chapman. The other two, there's no information on them. I looked. There's no information on the other two representatives. I don't know what they believe in. What are their processes? What are their philosophies? And I like the idea that this guy's stepping up and doing something. Maybe it's not the best thing and the right thing to do, but he's not violent. He's making a point. And so I figured, what the heck? This guy probably deserves my vote versus the other two. So this is, and then incumbents, I'm not voting for anybody that's an incumbent unless he is a shining star. And I haven't seen one of those yet. I haven't either. I haven't seen anybody that's. Well, I say that I kind of like Jim Ronstadt. I think he's a pretty good guy. He's calling balls and strikes right now, which is kind of cool. I don't know him. I don't know enough about him. I had him on the phone. Okay, yeah, but I may not have, I didn't see that show, so I'll have to go back and look it up. I don't think he, is he running? I don't think he's in the election, but, you know, you're just talking about shining stars. I mean, he's kind of emerged as a little bit of an ornery truth teller, which is what I like. I want somebody that's going to get out there and just tell it what it is. Another Trump. Yeah. Is he a fan of Trump? I believe so, yeah. So, yeah. Okay, well, that's the reason I like Trump is he's not a polished politician that speaks like a politician. He is his own man, and he says the words whether the public likes them or not. That much I liked about him at the very beginning. I know he's toned down his rhetoric slightly, but... But because he is the kind of guy that says, you know what, this is corrupt. This is what I'm going to do. That's the kind of person I like, not these polished politicians. They are useless to the public. They're useless to America. In any way. So what I'm going to talk about today besides that, so what do you think so far of the resolution? Am I moving in the right direction? Yeah, that's a start. That's what I thought. What you need is somebody that got his weapons taken away at the red flag law and then support this guy in the lawsuit. That's what you really need because one good lawsuit or going all the way to the Supreme court will just blow the red flag laws right out the window and they'll not be able to bring them back again. So, but whether we get that or not, I don't know. And I'm not saying somebody should stick their neck in the noose. to fight that battle. But if somebody is. Well, I'm saying that it's like somebody's got to step up to do this stuff. This kind of Ryan crap has got to end. You can just be sitting back minding your own business and they pull the red flag law on you. And that's the guy that we want to go, we want to support, or woman that we want to support to fight the battle. Not to go out and do it on purpose, but if somebody gets pinched by this government, then that's where we support that person and help them fight the battle to win. At any rate, if the people fear the government, we have tyranny. If the government fears the people, we have liberty. So that's an old saying that's been around forever, but people need to understand that. I'd like to talk about Judge Cannon because obviously the media doesn't like her and they are trying to get her impeached already because she used the law to kick out Jack. This wasn't Jack Smith. Is Jack Smith the special prosecutor? kick him out of office and very very uh strong arguments that she put forth she she kind of did everything came covered almost every single aspect so he has so the so the government has no direction or avenue to go to appeal so I think her opinion which was much longer than necessary but very good And people should be rallying behind her for what she did. But here again, we have the government going after her, or at least making it sound, or bots making it, whoever is out there saying that she needs to be impeached because she did this, she did that. She's a shining star to me at this point. She knows what she's doing. Her court case is great. I read through a lot of it, not all of it, because it's a long case, but I did read quite a bit. And I find that the most important point that she brings out is what we've been talking about since I came on this broadcast. Norton versus Shelby County on page 84. She cites it, Norton versus Shelby County, but she doesn't go far enough. in my opinion, she talks about, and I'll read a little bit of it, here the problem is not merely technical defects. Instead, the problem is an absence of statutory created office to fill in the first place. The Supreme Court has made it clear. Quote, there can be no office, either de facto, de jure or de facto, if there is no office to fill. She cites Norton versus Shelby County. Now, why is this important? Because we've had people like, what's that guy that ran for attorney general not that long ago? What the heck's his name? Do you know? I'm not sure which way you're going with this, so that's okay. What the general, the attorney, the guy that ran for attorney general that fought the case about the illegal voting machines in our city up in your area. I can't think of his name. I can't search for a document while I'm, I don't remember. Anyway. I'm looking for the document right now. So here you go. Which document? The one from Canon. I'll send it to you. I'm kind of seeing if I can find it right now. I think I got, oh, I got it right here. So here we go. I can't think of that guy's name. I got it. We have approached several times talking about Norton and he said that Norton had no standing, that Norton was too old. And he brought in some court cases that tried to defeat Norton. And then he said everybody knew about Norton, so it's like a conspiracy with the bar. But Cannon basically says, and she cites Norton, so what she has done is she's brought Norton back into the lexicon. This is only two pages, so I must have the wrong one. No, you got the wrong one. I got the wrong one. Okay. Who knows? I'll send it to you. Okay. Because this one I've got is all marked up. Can you put that in the private chat? Because I can pull it up on the private chat. Yeah, I could. Do you want me to do it now? Yeah, if you throw it in there now, then everybody can see it. It's missing a page or two because when I scanned it in, somehow my computer didn't scan it in correctly. But I missed two pages. But they're not as critical as the two that I have. Just see if I can find the full one. Just put it in there and I'll pull it out for people to see. Okay. I would have sent it to you had it been completely copied correctly because it wasn't. All right, this is, give me your website real quick. No, no, I'm not going to give you that online because I don't want that all out there. But look on, there's a button on the right side that says private chat. Private chat. Chat with anyone, everyone in the studio? It just says private chat. It should say private chat. There's comments and there's private chat. So go to the private chat. Private chat. Okay, let's see what that says. It's on private chat at this moment. And then go to the bottom and paste it in where it says all. And then hit blur. Yeah, see, that's how you do it. So if you attach it there, then I can see it. We're learning skills, everybody. Yeah. I got chat with everyone. I got private chat, which is blue, but I don't see it. Just throw it in there. I'll see if I can figure it out. Yeah. You, but I don't know how to attach it. Oh, okay. Well, we'll have to do it later then. I'll send it to your regular email. Yeah, just don't say my email address. I've got a couple of them I don't give to everyone just because it gets over. Give me the first word or the first. Here, I'll text it to you a second. Let's see if I type in your name, if it'll come up. There you go. I texted it to you. Yeah. You texted it to me on my telephone. Okay. Well, let's see. Matt DiPerno. Charlotte said it was Matt. DiPerno. DiPerno. He's the one. Yep, absolutely. He's the one. He is the one. Is it true in Michigan it is now a crime to question election results? That's what they say. I don't think anybody's been arrested for it. No, it's not. They say everything is illegal here, but it's only illegal because we pay attention to their unconstitutional mandates. If everybody stopped up and said, no, that's an illegal law. It's unlawful. Just stop. Just like the masks and the shutdowns. We just have to say, no, you don't get to tell me what to do. I got used this link, but I do not have the link. It says use this link and contact. Okay. Well, we'll try it later. That's fine. All right. Yeah, let's not worry about it. In fact, we can go more specific into the court case as time goes on. But I wanted to point out that because she cites Norton, she brings it up to date. So people like Matt DiPerno can't say, it has no standing, can't say that... you know, it's too old, can't say any of the nonsense that he's been saying in the past. But the most important point is, it states that you can't have an officer de jure or de facto if you don't have an office to fill. And she used that and she starred that and she made that very clear. And therefore, Let's look at the DOJ, Department of Justice. She didn't go far enough because she could have blew the whole Department of Justice out because the Department of Justice was not created constitutionally. It was created by General Grant by an act. So it's not a constitutional office. It is not the jury. It is a de facto office, in fact, and therefore it does not exist. And so that is the very important point that she is spelling out. Not in those words exactly, but if you haven't read Norton v. Shelby County, then you don't know that so she cites it and she puts in just her very important point but the whole important point here is that you can't have a de facto office never never can create a de facto office so the department of justice goes away but along with the department of justice what other department goes away the bar Because the bar is a quasi-governmental organization. Why do I say that? Because they have certain privileges. They are not only do they have certain privileges, they are titles of nobility because they are esquires. So there's a whole lot of stuff going on about the bar itself that should be just totally destroyed. But this is something that as people get more and more involved and start learning and start reading and start paying attention, we can fix a lot of this stuff. Only because we know what is the legal ability for the government to do and what is not. And we have up to this point allowed the government to get away with anything they wanted to because most of us are ignorant. in the constitution and what the duties of the that particular office is for example uh the resident when he came out with his mandates that uh we need to get shots he didn't have that authority to do that and if people knew that at that time then they would have rejected the the vaccinations under all circumstances or any circumstance and if they knew that the office of the governor did not have the power to shut down certain businesses, she would not have been able to do that because people say, hey, wait a minute, you're in violation of the Constitution, you can't do that. But the people did not. The people were following along because of their ignorance. So we got to get out of the ignorant area and get into an educated area where we can start putting the government back in their box. I'm still looking it up. I'm using another search. What are you looking for? I'm looking for that case just while you're talking. I thought I'd look for the case, but it is absolutely not being helpful to try to find it. That's okay. Well, that would be interesting. obvious that they're trying to keep it very difficult, very hard to find. Yeah, what's the case name? Now you got me curious on this. What's the case name? The case name is United States of America versus Donald Trump. I don't know how to pronounce the last name. Say it again. Donald J. Trump is the defendant and Carlos D. Oliverta, I guess. Okay. Let's see if that works. Got to try everything. I could send it to you. Let me try that again. I'm just kind of curious here. Oh, well, we're quoting it. Let's see if we find the PDF for it. Oh, it's a, this is hilarious. Let's see. I think I got it. No. Well, where do you fill any accounts? You can find more about the case here. Oh, they've got it on Wikipedia. Check this out. This is hilarious. Oh, my God, Wikipedia. Yeah, it's like this is hilarious. It's like, well, this is what it says on Wikipedia. I think I got your website. I mean your email. Don't go to the website one. Go to the one that I just told you to use, but just don't say it out loud. You didn't tell me to use anything, at least not on the telephone. Yeah. On the telephone was the first word in the email address. Don't say it out loud. Oh, I did that. That's the one I'm using. Okay. That's good. So we're learning where this is what we do when we learn or we're doing things online guys. So yeah, Wikipedia is talking about it, but I'm not seeing the PDF of the case. Interesting. Oh, let's see the indictment. Here's the indictment here. Let's see. Just have to go further, right? Yeah, right now I'm looking for a list of all the clerks, including township and county clerks for the 2020 election. And guess what? The State of Michigan website does not, in fact, keep a record of that. So I think we have to FOIA that, which I think is interesting. Oh my goodness. Can you write this much about nothing? Because that's the go-to for most ignorant people. They don't know any better. Oh, Wikipedia says this. Wikipedia says that. Why am I not getting it here? Cases. Oh, well, sorry. It's taking some time, but I actually like to go through these things and try to find, find, I mean, this is the process when, when we're on, when we're looking for stuff, it takes a little bit of time to dig stuff up. Sometimes it's not a, it's not a quick process. That's, I think that's why a lot of people don't get involved in it because they just, they don't have the patience to, I might have found it. Hang on. I don't think they have the patience to stick with it. And it takes some time. That's why I do the long interviews too. I know it's real frustrating for people, but the point being is that, now let's see if this is it. I had to go through several incarnations of this. Oh, 60 pages. I think I found it here. Hold on. Dude, this is great. And it's hard for me too, just because When I'm online, you have certain four screens that I'm managing at one time. Here you go. Ta-da. Did I do it right? It looks like it. I'm going to give you the other version if I can. 60 pages here. It says the error exceeds 25. Oh, Jesus. That's okay. I got it here. No worries. I found it. I'll post it. We're good. It's not. So go to page 84. And I said it's got 60 pages if I've got the right one. Let's see what we've got here. I probably don't if it's only 64 pages because I have well over that. Yeah, this has got 60 pages. So I still have the wrong one. Well, and I can't send it because it's too big. That's amazing. I'll figure it out. But I'll get it to you somehow. I might have to break it down. Yeah, we'll get it figured out. Sometimes that's a problem, too. I mean, when I look at how they don't put things out. And they make it hard to find on the websites and such. They do make it very difficult to find information. You should not have. If you ever gone to the Michigan website, I went and got became a notary and it took me. I cannot even tell you how many calls and the gal that was in the office was like, this is ridiculous because they wouldn't let me open up an account to be able to do online business. And they couldn't get me an answer. They couldn't figure out why. And it took several days and multiple calls and hours on the phone trying to get this straightened out. It's ridiculous. They don't want us to have the information because that way we can't hold them accountable. So it takes a great deal of persistence. That's what I know about all this, tremendous persistence. Well, it takes the ability or the desire to read also information that's out there. You know, we had somebody called one of the members in our group on Wednesday night and said that Norton's not mentioned in the court case. And the only reason that that person said Norton's not mentioned in the court case is they didn't read the court case. Or maybe they didn't have the correct one like this one. They might have had a different version of something. They could have had a different version. They didn't, in fact, read the case because it's mentioned several times in this case. But the fact of the matter is that now that it's brought to the light and brought into focus again by this judge, it is now more able to be used in a district court and an appellate court and in the Supreme Court because it's relevant. It was relevant in this case. And they use the relevancy nonsense that, oh, it's not relevant or it's too old or it's been overturned or whatever. No, none of that's true because Cannon would not have used it in her court case and brought it forth at this period of time. And she did. And therefore it makes Norton very powerful. And we'll see, because my court case that I'm filing, Scott Norton mentioned in it a couple of times. So we'll see how the judges deal with that. I had somebody on the chat that said the letter was in response to, let's see, this is John Hawks. John, I sent you an email where 15 New Mexico state senators sent a letter to the governor and I will add a comment about Norton with the nine important points. The letter was in response to new building code that requires all new home construction requires vehicle charging. The heck? Well, these codes are so ridiculous. It's not even funny. It's because we allow it, but John is doing a good thing. John is stepping up and saying no. Yeah, John came over and visited when he was in Michigan a couple of months ago, and it was really nice to meet him and his daughter and such. So that was fun that he stopped by to say hi. It's important for people, general public, and John is one that doesn't put up with the crap of the politicians or of the public functionaries, that he understands the law, he understands what's going on, and he's going to make a point of it. And let's go back to do the ordinance officers and do ordinances actually exist? They do not. My guess is that they do not. Now, you'd have to go to a charter of that particular area and see if the ordinance is spelled out in there. The ordinance that's spelled out should say who they are, how many ordinance officers they can have, and what's their function and what's their responsibilities, and that's it. Remember, if it isn't written in the constitution the federal government does not have that power if it's not prohibited by the state by the federal constitution uh to the states those areas that are prohibited the government or the uh Local governments do not have that power. All that power is reserved for the people. That's what amendment. Well, it's just like the Chevron decision, you know, repealing the abilities or negating the abilities of the three-letter agencies and such. I think there's going to be more coming down the pike here. I'm just guessing because there's been an awful lot of legal motion to get rid of some of the nonsense. And I'm kind of encouraged by it actually. Unfortunately, most people are not watching that area. I think it's, I think it's, uh, I think it's an interesting, there was a, there's a video that let me see if I can pop this video in the, in the channel a minute. I don't know if I put it up yet, but, uh, I thought this was pretty interesting. Guy was talking about, I hope I put it in here. He was talking about, no, I didn't put it in here, about actually, I don't know, all of the reversals and how they're having us look at everything and the nonsense that's going on with the Olympics over in France. And what are they trying to keep us from looking at? So like when there's a bunch of stuff out there like this disgusting show that they put on and people look at it and they're like, oh, horrified. But there's no gain to looking at that kind of stuff. There really isn't. And so what are they trying to keep us from looking at? That's the question that should be asked. Really, it really is the question that should be asked. Because there's other things going on. I think the Olympics is fake. I don't pay any attention to that stuff either. It's just like football, baseball, hockey. All of those are fake. It's ridiculous. I'll tell you what is fake. Here's another one that's fake. They are part of the bread in circuses to keep us distracted from reality. Let's see if I posted this a minute. Oh, there he is. Here we go. Check this out. See if you guys can hear it or not. Can you hear it? It's a little soft. What else is more important that's going on at the same time? Stop Sinaloa cartel leaders, including son of El Chapo. I'm sorry. Missed it. Well, we saw that article and found it pretty interesting. You can start going down the rabbit hole. Israeli firearms fall into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. Tech savvy. Mexican drug cartels find a new partner. Israeli spyware. Israeli official faces corruption allegations in Honduras. This is President's Trial. Tape shows Israeli training cartel killers. I thought that's kind of interesting. There's all this stuff going on behind the scenes, and they're keeping us distracted by this stuff that really doesn't matter. I mean, we can have outrage all we want by seeing things that are going on that are wrong. But what are we doing that moves the needle towards what's right? There's a big difference there. We can get bogged down in having all the knowledge in the world, but if we're not doing something with it, it's wasted time. Absolutely. So I kind of like... What? Breads and circuses. Keep the public distracted. They've been doing this forever, and the public is still buying into it. I'd vote for anybody that says, I'm going to repeal, nullify, repeal, nullify, repeal, nullify, and what they're going to give us to buy our votes. Oh, I'm going to refund this with more money. I'm going to refund that with more money. It's all what people want or are going to get. I would vote for anybody that never mentioned that and went straight to nullification and or bringing it back to what's constitutionally allowable. That's all I want to hear out of anybody's mouth right now. How are you going to tear this corrupt system apart into a million unrecognizable pieces and restore the nation to we the people? That's what I want to hear coming out of people's mouths right there. Annihilate the democracy. That's first of all, and that comes from Pacific states. Annihilate the democracy. Anybody that talks democracy should not be in office because he doesn't know, she doesn't know their duty to America because they think we have a democracy. We do not. And as long as we continue to play their game in using their language and their logic and their arguments, we have problems. We have to stop that. Well, it's that whole language thing. I'm waiting for Courtney to come on this morning here too. Usually she's on a little bit. So we've got a few more minutes to talk. Is there anything else you want to talk about this morning? Well, only that we are going to – have our meeting on Wednesday. Those of you that are interested in coming on to our meeting on Wednesday would like an invite, send me an email or give me a call, telephone call at 734-968-4715. And I will put you on the mailing list and give you an invite to our meetings. we have had some new members show up at not only nicola's which where we have our our monthly face-to-face but we've had some new members show up on on the uh internet or on the on the zoom which is wonderful um because we have new people some of the old people that used to hang around and drop out uh you gotta understand or you gotta ask yourself If you don't have two hours to spend in the entire week to protect and defend your liberty and defend the Republic, do you really deserve one? And so, you know, Ron and I put together quite a bit of stuff. Sometimes we repeat ourselves because, hey, people need to be here more than once so they can mentally become aware and and it becomes part of their uh lexicon and their behavior so yeah we repeat ourselves but that and even if you knew it cold then that's when you should step up and say hey I know this let me uh let me say a few words about it that's what it takes to get the people to return our country to a republic and and annihilate the democracy And everybody that I have seen so far on these pamphlets that I'm getting talk about our democracy. So you obviously know they're not getting my vote. Yeah, that's all important. So, well, I see that Courtney's on here. So I think that thank you so much for being on today. And I appreciate your time and all of your teaching us. I mean, it's incredible. I'll send those resolutions to you, too. And then I'll post the PDF of that case on my Telegram channel just as a follow-up if anybody wants to see it. It still hasn't come across on my email yet. So as soon as it comes across on email, I'll put that up there for everybody to see so that we can, let's see, where did that go? So that we can, in fact, go through it and read it for ourselves. So anyhow, thank you for coming on today, John. And I'm going to go to a quick break here and I'll be back with Courtney Turner. Anything else you want to say? No, I think we covered it all for today. Okay. All right. Next, next week, I will just so you both, cause I know you can both hear me right now. I won't be on next week, Tuesday. So next week, Tuesday, we'll be taking a pause. Cause I've got a couple of family things that are, that we're doing that day. So, uh, so just, you know, next we're skipping that. That's important too. Donna forgets about self-care and Donna forgets about, about, uh, uh, taking some time for people closest to me. Sometimes it's not, not necessarily, uh, one of my best attributes because I get focused on something and I just run until I, until I drop. But at any rate, we'll see you in two weeks. Okay, John, thanks for coming on. All right. Thank you. Bye everyone. Have a great week. And I'll be right back with Courtney Turner. and welcome back to Brandenburg News Network second hour and I'm going to bring on the girl here Courtney Turner. Hey how are you? Good how are you? Good how are you doing? Just really super crazy busy. I think today today is going to be a honeybee day. I'm going to pull the hives apart a little bit and check all the frames and and I think I'm going to start spinning honey today. Oh nice okay great. We've got some new some frames that are full and And so that's going to be fun. Yeah, that should be super fun. I wish you were close. I've got a zucchini explosion going on here right now. Oh, yeah. I come take some off. I think we've got plenty to share with people. Let's put it that way. So what's happening in Courtney world today? Well, I am preparing for my Cognitive Liberty Conference. So we're in crazy mode right now. That's August 16th, 17th. It's in Nashville, Tennessee, but we do have live stream tickets as well. So people can tune in. They don't have to be here. So yeah. Oh, that'd be fun. Yep. is the website. Okay. Let me pull that up here a minute. You keep talking. I'm just going to go ahead. Yeah. So it's a two-day event. And the first day, we're going to focus on the history of the deliberate dumbing down of America. Not my words. That would be in the words of Charlotte Iservit. John Taylor Gatto had a book also called Dumbing Us Down. So that seems to be a consensus amongst those who have studied the history of our American education system. They've really targeted the West, but primarily the United States of America. And so we're going to focus on how did that happen? You know, the brainwashing, the indoctrination and the deliberate dumbing down of Americans. And then we're going to talk about what the end goal is, the agenda. Where are they? Where do they want to go? You know, the the whole purpose is to put every child into a computer. Again, that's their word, you know, create global citizens and globalize education and In fact, the world core curriculum was created by Robert Mueller. Robert Mueller, who was the secretary general for the UN for 38 years. And he actually said that the education system was going to be predicated on Alice Bailey, her ascended master, Joel Kuhl, as well as Kuthumi, who was the supposed ascended master of Alice. Alice Bailey's mentor, who is Madame Blavatsky. And that is what became Common Core, or as Charlotte Zabit calls it, Communist Core. So we're going to talk about that whole history, where they're going, what their plans are, and then what are the solutions? How can we instill true cognitive liberty in the youth? And so that's day one. And that is only available on live stream. So if you're interested in that, the tickets are at And if you just buy one day, it is 1776. We just like the essence of that. But if you buy two days, you get a big discount. It's $25. That's kind of a no-brainer. Probably worth doing both. But we like saying that we're selling something for $17.76. So each day, the speakers will do a little presentation first. And then we'll have a roundtable discussion. People who are participating in the live stream will be able to ask questions. They can submit their questions in real time. However, if you purchase a live stream ticket, you do have access on demand for up to two months after the conference. So you do not have to, if you're not available the 16th, 17th of August, you could watch it at your leisure. You can pop in and out. And then, you know, come back and watch it another day when it's convenient for you. So these are the guests for the first day. We have John Klesik, who is the author of School World Order. He is phenomenal. He is really carrying out the legacy of Charlotte Iserbeet. He inherited a lot of her library. He was friends with her. We have Matthew Crawford. who is wonderful. I got to actually meet him in person at the Bitcoin conference this weekend. We've done several podcasts together. It was his first time, you know, physically in the flesh, we got to see each other. So that was kind of cool. And, uh, right. Yeah, absolutely. So, um, We have to do that. He's created, he's written many math textbooks and he's created his own schools. And in his schools, the students were all excelling on the standardized tests. They were winning math competitions, which unfortunately our country seems to be very far behind in. So I'm really curious to hear his ideas for solutions moving forward. And then, of course, Tiffany Boyd, who I have been to the state capitol with many times. She's a total powerhouse fighting against the voucher system. And she has also homeschooled her own children, five children, her grandchildren. She's helped many parents to homeschool their children. And she really understands the legal and the political system that we're up against. And, you know, as both Charlotte Isabeet and Anthony Sutton talked about how they use the Hegelian dialectic to advance this agenda. They're both the left and right are pointing towards this. And I've talked to you about this, my own personal experience, you know, where they told me that they're the Republicans. They're the good guys. They don't know why I'm arguing with them. So I think this will be really edifying for people and especially parents to see. And hopefully it'll be hopeful. The other person who we don't have on here, I'm still waiting for her headshot, but she runs a one room schoolhouse and she has helped people all over the world to set up what she calls a modern schoolhouse. And it's the concept of going back to this, you know, idea of where there's a, you know, multiple grade levels all being taught at once. It's not you know, segmented by age and grade level. Well, I homeschooled and I tell you that that's end up, you know, my kids are all homeschooled because I was done with it 30 some odd years ago. And we were kind of some of the first ones that stepped into this, you know, when it became popular, kind of started, it started getting popular, but I remember it was like myself and several people that were, that were really running forward. They were still trying to put all of us in jail for homeschooling our kids. And there was a court case in Michigan that, that they were battling out when I started homeschooling and the, the benefit here in Tennessee too. Yeah. I actually know the parents who changed the law. So yeah, that's cool. The benefit of homeschooling and doing it like a one room schoolhouse is the fact that there's repetition. So by the time the first, the first grade gets to fourth grade and there was a fourth grader ahead of them, they've already heard a lot of the, you know, the overview of what those people that their siblings or their friends were studying. So it's kind of like, it's kind of like how you speed read, you know, you go through things real fast and then, you know, you get a broad overview for it and then you go back and you, you kind of, uh, Get a refresher. Get a refresher. And that's really important. So why, just for, just for a conversation points, why is Tiffany against vouchers? Because it's really a misconception. You know, they're using very clever marketing. And Charlotte is a Beat is a really great resource on this. Actually, so is Anthony Sutton. But she worked under the Reagan administration. She was a whistleblower under the Best Project. And they talked about how the goal of the vouchers was to create, make the entire world under government schooling. So they are really trying, they call it school choice. So it's very clever marketing. So the people on the quote unquote right, or even just, you know, more independent, liberty minded people tend to think that this is a good thing. But what it really is doing is limiting the rights of parents, parental rights to educate their children as they see fit. There is no school government school choice, whatever the government funds, it runs and And we know that we've seen that through other states where they're implementing this voucher system. And now I've found that they're not just trying to do this state by state, but they're actually trying to do a national initiative for the voucher system. And this is very, very concerning because, you know, of course, if a parents want to send their children to public schools, that's their prerogative. If they want to send their children to what are called, quote unquote, private schools that are still taking government funding, whether that be local or federal, it is actually not a private school anymore. However, you know, that's their prerogative to do so. But when the government is now trying to come after the parents' rights and, you know, limit them by, you you know, creating these incentives. Now, what they're really trying to do is take away any true private education, any true independent homeschooling. And that's very concerning to me. I would agree that any time you take money, there's strings attached to it. So you can't just say, okay, I'm going to take this money. If you're taking money, there's going to come a time that it's going to become absolutely clear to you that it was a trap of some type or another. It's always a trap. It's like a bait. They're holding the cheese out to the mice to see if you're going to bite on it. And if you don't bite on the cheese, you remain in control of things. I would agree with that. Absolutely. And you know what? There's so much stuff out there now that you can educate your kids on. There wasn't when I started. There were a few places where a backup was out and that sort of thing. But I really got into doing, I wrote a lot of my own stuff as well as just took the best of what was out there from all over the place and tailored everything to my kids, what they actually were interested in. Yeah. Self-directed learning. This is a very John Taylor Gatto type idea. Yeah. It really, it really worked. And I didn't know what I was doing. You know, I just jumped in and said, well, this makes sense to me. No, they know it works for their kids. Yeah. That's the best part about with homeschooling. And then, you know, I constantly got people together. That was my, that's my thing, right? I would get people together every Thursday in the summertime and We had game days at my house, and I had between 25 and 75 kids there every single Thursday. I got a whistle around my neck, and we'd go out tearing around like a bunch of savages out in the backyard. And there were some amazing things that happened during that time. And I still have people that walk up to me even today if I'm out in the store and such and say, oh man, game days was like the favorite part of our year. We just look forward to that. And it was just, just having a lot of fun and, and, uh, took a lot of planning on my part because you had, uh, I had to make sure that there was enough to, to, uh, and diversity of types of things that we did that was really, it stayed interesting to everyone. And I had a lot of fun doing it. Every week was a little different. I bet. Yeah. And what a great opportunity for parents to spend time with their children, to learn about their children, to find out what their children's gifts and talents are, where they may struggle more, where they need extra attention. You know, nobody's going to do that better, I would argue, than the parents. So the day two, I do want to talk about that. That does have in-person ticket options. And if you can make it to Nashville, I highly recommend you do because it's very rare that you get intimate and upscale. And that's, you know, that you get both of those. That's really what we're going for here. So it's going to be a great opportunity. It's going to be a full day event. And as you can see from the list, the speakers, they will each do presentation beforehand and It'll be Dr. James Lindsay, Jay Dyer, Michael O'Fallon, Stephen Coughlin, Dr. John Gentry. And I've done a podcast. It was a roundtable discussion. It was in person with Jay Dyer, James Lindsay, and Steve Coughlin. So if people want to get a little taste of what this is going to be, they should check that out. And then the next day, we did one with just James and Stephen. It was a follow-up, and that was a fantastic discussion as well. And so this will be kind of an expanded version of that, and the focus is going to be on political and psychological dialectical warfare. So we're going to dive into the philosophical roots of the dialectic, how it's being weaponized currently, really bring it down to very applicable, tangible, real-time examples so that people can understand how these concepts are being weaponized against them. and step outside the wizard circle so that they're not falling into the traps that are being laid out for them so that we can all be, you know, divided and conquered. And that's my intention in doing this. And then we'll have a little break for those who are in the audience, you know, do some refreshments and some drinks and some time for people to, mingle and get to know each other. And for the online, there will be content where we have a violinist coming. We might have another musician and we'll play some of my aerial videos. And then we'll do the roundtable discussion and both the in-person as well as the live stream audience will have a chance to submit their questions. for the panelists and for me, if they have any. And then we also have a higher ticket item for those who want to help us sponsor and they will get to join us for a farm to table dinner. It is in a beautiful, it's a really exquisite, like a rooftop setting in Nashville, Tennessee. And the location is not on the website, but for those who purchased the tickets, it will be, obviously they'll get the address, but it's a private residence. So we are, yeah. I can make a guess on that one. I don't know if I'm right on it, but we can, we can discuss it later, but yeah, I won't throw it. I won't throw it out there. The privacy. Yeah. I won't throw that out there. That is beautiful. It's rooftop setting skyline parts of it. You can see the river. So it's really beautiful. And we'll do a farm farm to table dinner with yeah. Like Nashville area is just gorgeous. One of these days I want to, grab my horses and head down to Tennessee and just go, when I get some time, which I have no time right now. I hear that. I hear that. And it's just like, just when I think I'm going to need a break. And yeah, I mean, these conferences take so much to plan, to organize, to pull everybody together, just to get everybody scheduled, aligned. And And then all the work, you know, not just organizing the people and the event and all of that, but then to organize all the content. I mean, this is kind of heavy material, so. Well, that sounds like fun. I know I've got another event that weekend. Oh, okay. And otherwise I would come down. I don't know if it's, is it Saturday and Sunday or Friday and Saturday? Friday, Saturday. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. I have a Friday night one and it's, it's a, Up north in the New Jersey area. Oh, that's where I'm from. What's that? I'm from New Jersey. What part? Angola Cliffs. Oh, I've got a bunch of relatives that live in New Jersey. Okay. It's North Jersey. It's right over the George Washington Bridge. Oh, very cool. Do you know where Totowaya is? Mm-hmm. Yep. Yeah. So that area. I used to ice skate there. Yeah. Huh. Interesting. Interesting. I had actually had an uncle that was a judge in New Jersey. And so his family, his family was out there. So kind of interesting. I've been out there a few times. I like Charter House having lunch at or dinner at Charter House is real pretty because you can see the whole Manhattan skyline and that's fun. Beautiful. So, well, that's, that's awesome. That sounds like a really nice night. If I could figure out a way to weasel my way down there on Saturday night, that could be a lot of fun. Yeah, that, that would be fun. The Friday one is actually only online. So yeah, so that's only, so you can only do an online option for Friday, but for Saturday there is in person. So yeah, we'd love to have you. That's very cool. Very, very cool. So we'll see, we'll see. I've got Got another invite to something on Sunday that I'm going with. A very good friend of ours, Mark McKay. He's one of my favorite musicians. You know Mark. And I think he's been to a couple of events that you and I have both been at. And so Mark invited us to something on Sunday. So I think we're going to run. run to that on Sunday too. So a lot of good stuff going on and the network of people that are working together, not necessarily in lockstep, but that are, that you can see God moving everybody in the same direction in order, you know, everybody's got a little bit of a piece of the pie here on what's, what's kind of being locked together in the plan. The plan is God's plan. And it's funny to watch how funny, amusing to watch how, all those pieces are coming together. It's really beautiful. Yeah, absolutely. I agree. Yeah. So I think God places it all in our hearts. Yeah. I had this idea a long time ago. Yeah. So it was kind of just like little by little kind of, and then there was more confirmation. I was like, okay, I should just put the pieces together. And yeah, so it took a while, but I I'm excited. That's cool. So what else do you want to talk about today? I don't know. I've been like, you know, kind of, I've had my, you know, research in a bunch of different piles and I've been swamped with this conference. So I don't have like a formal lecture today, but I'm open to, yeah. Do you have anything particular that's on your mind or? Nope, not today. I got on today and just said bees are on my mind right now and just doing normal stuff, you know, normal stuff every once in a while. I've been talking to more people lately and that have had to take a break from the intensity that we're going through in the political climate and just the survival climate with our families and such and watching how many people around us melt down. It's okay to go through times where you're having problems processing. or you're just angry or frustrated with what's going on. If you, if you weren't, I would be, I would be a little concerned at the apathy, right? People don't have that kind of a reaction. Then you're probably apathetic about what's going on or gotten to the hopeless point and looking at how to fix it. Right. So, so, but, But once in a while, you've got to take a break and go back to God and what's really important in the world, what we're fighting for and how to fight for that. And really what to do, what God's called you to and what. what to do at any point in time. I think that's important. Finding our purpose, finding the purpose of what, what you want, what God's put in you, not what somebody else tells you to do, but what listening to God's voice and going in that direction, regardless of what anybody thinks. I get a lot of pressure from a lot of people. You need to be doing this. You need to be doing that. It's like, really? Well, If that's on your heart, maybe you should be doing that instead of trying to run people around like a little truck to fix all your problems. We have to be in it to help each other and not look at fixing our own problems. This is another thing. It's really disturbing. I've listened to several people talk about if this melts down, I'm just going to go take what I need to to survive. Really? Yeah. Do you know how spiritually bankrupt a statement like that really is? That's so spiritually bankrupt. You know, things fall down. You better start looking at gathering people together to help each other, not to victimize them, because you will turn into what you hate. You have to be ahead of this and get your mind going in the right direction on What's your plan? What happens if things melt down a little bit or go in a wrong direction of what you know is right? And have a plan on what you're going to do in your local area with those you care about and love. How are you going to go after this in a legal, lawful manner and not become the parasite class that you hate? Because it's really easy to fall into that habit. Right, right. Yeah, for sure. I hear that a lot too. People are like, well, they'll, they'll just go on their own completely off the grid and take care of, I mean, I'm all for people being prepared, taking care of their, their basic needs, their loved ones, building local communities. I think that is really important. But you don't victimize other people and just take what you need a lot. Now you've become the government we hate. Yeah, that's that's not OK. No, that's definitely not OK at all. Yeah. So not OK. So I've been hearing a bunch of that kind of stuff and just how just just people's ability or inability to process the world around them. Yeah, well, I mean, that is a huge part of why I'm doing the conference. I think that these tactics have become really, really successful and they've become so subliminal. You know, I don't think people recognize what the warfare that we're really up against And by the warfare, it's really become very refined psychological warfare. And most of it is targeting specific groups so that people, they fight each other. That's really the goal. And I know I've made this joke with you. I keep saying the only game people learned growing up is pin the tail on the donkey, you know, and it does seem that way. I understand people really because things are so confusing and it does look like there's so much darkness that people want to find the boogeyman so that they can just wipe out whatever the problem may be. And I would argue that there is no, it's way more nuanced, way more complicated. It's a very intricate web. There's not like a single boogeyman, unless maybe Satan. But, you know, outside of that, like, I don't think that there's like a one entity or person or group that's really at the epicenter of all the problems that we're seeing. I think that there are some groups that have had a larger role in some of the strategies and the tactics that we are witnessing. And, you know, that we can point to. And we have lots of historical documentation to prove that. But I don't think we have like a one person, one entity or one group of people who's responsible for all the darkness in the world. But a lot of people want to believe that. And that's, you know, so I think it's become kind of a trap. And that's very concerning to me. There's a complex, there's a complexity in each and every person. So like, I think people are looking for a savior. They're looking for that savior that's going to fix all their problems all the time. That's not how this works. You know, we have to be adults enough to fix our own problems and we can help other people with theirs. Hopefully we work together. to fix the large problems as such, but that means that we have to be in the active role of fixing things. And even if you're listening to people, if you're listening to someone instead of listening to God, you're gonna have a mixture of what's a human reaction and what you think is from God. There's not a pure source in my opinion here, because even if somebody thinks they're giving good instructions, they may have been misled and they may really believe what they've heard, but their source may also be compromised. And so we have to think for ourselves and look at the path forward, making the best decisions. Are we going to get it right? No. Every single time? No. But does that stop us from risking moving forward and trying to help and trying to do the right thing? And just like I was talking about the the poll watch or training that's going on here. Is it the thing that's going to fix the election? No, it's not. It's part of it. We have to be doing that, but we have to be doing other stuff, too. But as long as people go to where God tells them to go, you know, like calls you to be a poll watcher, go and do that. And ask for what you need to. And then if somebody else has called us something else, go and do that. There's not one fix. The fix is that everybody working together to write what's wrong. Yeah, there's no one person coming to save us, but there's also not like one that's causing all the problems. And I think, you know, I see that. People keep looking for the boogeyman. It's the Chinese. It's the Jews. It's, you know, they keep wanting to pin the tail on the donkey. Add the Christians in there. Just go ahead and add the Christians in there, too. I think part of what I find actually kind of mind-boggling is, especially with what's going on with the Jews, is with the attack on the Jews, they don't really understand that the goal is to subvert Christianity. And they're doing it through the Jews. I, that's what I see so clearly. They're trying to turn the Jews and Christians against each other. But ultimately, you know, it's like when Trump says, you know, they're really coming after you. I'm just in the way. And I think that's a huge part of what's going on. And so many Christians are falling for it. And it's, I think it's because they're so desperate to find the enemy. They just want to, you know, who is it? Let's just wipe them out. And I always say, and I don't want people to take me literally. I'm really, I'm kidding. I'm prefacing the But I would say like if the Jews were really the problem, like they're such a small portion of the population, if they were really the root of all the evil in the world, I'd say wipe them out, eradicate them. But that's just not true. It's when you go through history, it's factually false and it's just ludicrous. And I actually had Richard Poe on. I don't know if I have his book in front of me. I think I do, actually. How the British invented communism and blamed it all on the Jews. And, you know, I think that's part of the picture. Actually, I think it's a huge part of the picture. I think it's a, you know, it misses a lot of the, you know, the secret societies, the Jesuits. There are lots of people who had their hands on this. Well, I think we got to separate the people from the global government that's going on. We already have. a one world government right now. If you look at it, our votes aren't counting right now because we've got the machines in place and they're choosing. It's way beyond the machines. It's way beyond the machines. It's way beyond everything because all of these global governments now, I think there's some of them that seem to be a broken loose from this. And those are the ones that are usually targeted. But you look at the government of the United States, I'm really concerned at the dual citizenship with Israel, with the people that are sitting in place. I don't think that that's a good idea at all. Not at all. But I think that I think that when you look at how they play ball with each other, the biggest problem I see is sitting right in the United States and who the United States, a deep state, is playing ball with. Because they're playing ball with China. Look at what Biden did. Look at how they use everything that we trust. It's like, you know, being Christian, I have a large problem with the Christian church. Right now, huge problem with it, because what it seems, and I'm the first to criticize the things and the structures that I am, in fact, that I am, I'm a Christian, period. So when I look at the church, I see it as almost entirely apostate. Because if you looked at what happened during COVID, the churches made it all about money. They closed down because they were 501c3s and they didn't want to lose their tax exempt status. So they shut up and they went along with us and they abandoned everyone. I have a big problem with that. I have a big problem with the structure of most of the churches. For any religious organization to be a 501c3 is actually completely unconstitutional and critical to Christianity or really any religion because there is supposed to be the separation. And if you are a Christian, your rights do not come from the government. They come from God. So a 501c3 is now saying that your rights are being granted by the government. But look at how they've used every religion on the planet in order to subvert the people. Because we do care about God. We do care about each other. Those are things that we care about that we're working to make sure that is done correctly. Good people want good things done. And when somebody comes to us with a message of this is what we're doing, let's all work together on this and take care of kids. And they don't realize they're giving money to the exact organizations that are trafficking children. And they're using... good people's intentions in order to get their money, disable them, make them poorer so they can't stand on their own feet. It's literally an attack of taking assets away from we the people for nefarious reasons. And it's been going on for a very long time. But you look at the churches. This is another beef I have on it. When people sit in church and they only want to be together with people they agree with, you're sitting with people. How is that helpful? It's like I get knocked a lot for talking to everyone and criticizing people that they say I shouldn't criticize. It's like everyone should be able to stand up to scrutiny. I don't care who it is. Nobody gets a pass. The Jews don't get a pass. The Christians don't get a pass. The Muslims don't get a pass. We have to be able to stand up to scrutiny of questions that are being asked and not just say, oh, no, they're picking on us. That is not okay. Right. I want people to understand the history though. You know, you, you're saying how, like with what's going on with our government and you're saying the globalists are already, it's, we're already in a global system. I think that there, well, yeah, I think it's true, but do many people understand the history of that? No. and they they think it came about with klaus schwab and uh you know that this has been going on yeah no this has been going on villain you know the guy's like the perfect villain and then you got harari next to him his little monkey harari is like his little monkey that's going on going we're going to experiment with everyone I mean it's like you couldn't have made up a better super villain if you tried it's kind of crazy well they recruited him He was recruited from a CIA-funded Harvard program that Henry Kissinger was helming. He and Herman Kahn then took him over to Europe. They created the European Symposium Management Program. And they mentored Klaus Schwab and he ran that for about a year. And then it became the World Economic Forum a year later. Who's behind it all? So that's why I like to talk to you about it, too, because we do need to get the history. But you know what? Some people aren't even at that point and it's too much information for them to process. But you can look and just as a normal person, everyday American and look at things and say, this is messed up. And then start digging into it so that you're not so overwhelmed. But everybody should be able to look at this and say, we got a big problem. And the first place that you should always criticize and look into is the structures that you're involved in, whether it's a political party, a religious entity. an economic entity, a, a, a cultural entity or, or something like education, if you're involved in it, you are the, or the law enforcement or the military, if you're involved in any of these institutions, you should be the first one to question things because you're closest to the problem to see what's wrong and not protect those people, but to, But to say what's I honestly think that and this is mine, you can you can. But I think it was our own government that killed people in 9-11 as well as the COVID shots. I think they're involved. I think they're involved. I think it's, you know, it's again, it's pretty complicated. I don't think it was just within like when, you know, when they say inside job, it's like, OK, what does that actually mean and who are they colluding with? Right. But I think there's all kinds of them that are colluding with this. But if our government was any part of it, they're guilty. And that's the problem that I have. We're funding the National Institute of Health. They're guilty. And the World Health Organization, they're guilty. They're putting money into these organizations which have no legal standing to actually exist. And we talked about that before, Norton versus Shelby County. We shouldn't be putting our money into things that are foreign necessarily foreign money laundering schemes and such, but also the things that are within our nation. They're funding the very things that have launched an attack on we the people and turned us into a slave class of irrelevant subjects. Right. That's what they've been doing. And I think maybe speaking out about it. But like I said, I think people in the church right now better start questioning their churches. And if you're not questioning why you're not out talking to people and serving people. I mean, Jesus went to people's homes. He reached out to the, he went out to the street where people were, he weren't expecting everybody to come in and be part of our little programs and getting the butts in the seat and paying for your air conditioning and everything else like that. I have a big problem with that. And I think it needs to be questioned, you know, but I question everybody. And, and also I'll leave it there. If you don't like my questioning, so sad, too bad, you know, too bad, so sad. I identify as a person who can say whatever the hell I feel like saying, you know, And that's how we have that honest discussion on all sides. You know, I'm concerned about what all the governments are doing. I think it's the British government that is attacking its own people by allowing their borders to be breached. The Chinese government are attacking its own people. And, you know, so, I mean, we can look at that across the globe and say, It's a real problem, and they're all working together to subvert the actual people that they're supposed to be protecting. Yes. I digress. Yes. They're all working together to subvert the control, the will of the people. The world. Yeah. The world, yes. The world. I'm reading an interesting book right now. It's by William Steed, and it was written in 1901 or published in 1901. And it's called Americanizing the World. And it talks about the great rapprochement. And this was in the late 1800s. So this was a century before the rapprochement with China that Kissinger did. And it was the concept of creating what Orwell called Oceania, but they called it the Atlanticist. And the idea was that all the American, like all the English speaking countries of the world would unite together. to create an empire. And this is kind of the predecessor for the idea of the Anglo-American establishment. There's a book called Anglo-American Establishment by Carol Quigley. He's the one who wrote Tragedy and Hope, which was a 1,400-page tome. And it was very much a tell-all book of how the roundtable groups, the Cecil Rhodes and the Fabians, how they created the Anglo-American establishment. And, you know, the Chatham House, the Council of Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission. And it was the idea of creating what, you know, people like the Rockefellers call the internationalist economic world order. And this is really, this is the new world order. This is the, you know, the Great Reset. It goes by many names, but really the concept was that it was going to be this internationalist economic world order. And the idea had always been, and Carol Quigley was an archivist for the CFR, the Council for Foreign Relations. So some of you may remember Hillary speaking in front of the Council on Foreign Relations, with the repeater step in the back. And she was saying how it was such an honor to be there because they get so much advice and counsel from the Council on Foreign Relations. And it's so great to actually be there and be in person and get to consult directly And I think that was a bit of a signal to the initiates, you know, who's running the show. But Carol Quigley was an archivist for them. And so he wrote this 14-page tell-all tome. And they were very upset with him because they were kind of like, we're secret for a reason. And he's like, but this is so wonderful. The whole world should know. He was kind of bragging about what they're doing and everything. revealed all their secrets. And it really was this idea that there's going to be this Anglo-American establishment. And from what I can see from, you know, not just his work, but kind of cobbling things together is that America, the United States has been kind of the outward frontman. So we were kind of the bad guys, like from the world stage, they look at us as being the bully. But really, we're not the ones strategizing and pulling the strings behind the scenes. It does really seem like it's a, you know, that's, I've done a lot of research. I know I've talked to you a little bit about Tavistock. The precursor to Tavistock is the British War Propaganda Bureau. And they really created, or I don't know that they created, I would argue the ancient mystery schools created it, but I think they really refined and, uh, scientized you know they gave legitimacy and credibility to the tactics of psychological warfare and they did most of it under the guise of wartime research which is what we've seen throughout history when you look back and you have access to some of the declassified documents what we often see is that the research that they were doing or some of the projects they created under the guise of defense I always make the joke that once they put a d in front of it they just get a black ops carte blanche budget to do what they want and often that research or whatever the projects are that were created under the guise of defending the people that they're supposed to be protecting often end up being weaponized against those people. And that is really what we've seen throughout history. And oftentimes the very people they claim that they were defending against or that they were racing against, they were colluding with. And that seems to be really the pattern. And the more I look at this, you know, I don't want to be too myopic or Because again, you know, it's way more nuanced. It's not just Anglo-American establishment because who people they play ball with whoever they need to to accomplish their agenda. So, you know, the old adage of my the enemy of my enemy is my friend. I think that very much applies and they do work together. But I didn't even know that actually the British were behind Soros even. It was William Reese Mogg who really catapulted him to fame and, you know, put him into the position that he was in. and they they were very strategic about it and I've seen that kind of you know they give a lot of these individual players and typically it's the propagandists they you know kind of empower them and they give them refuge in many cases uh and then they end up being the front men And the blame gets put on them, but they were not to say that they didn't bargain with the devil, so to speak, and maybe literally so, you know, they certainly did much ill, but, and of their own volition, but they were, they didn't come up with the mastermind plan. You know, they were pawns that ended up being scapegoated. And that's kind of the trend that I see throughout history. So usually wherever we're looking, like we were talking about Clash 12 and Yuval Noah Harari, right? They were recruited. They were groomed. And then they're painted into these, like, you know, supervillain caricatures. And then we think, like, that they're the mastermind behind the plans. And I think more often than not, they're not. You know, not to say they have no role. They absolutely do. But I don't think that they're, you know, the main strategists. Who do you think the main strategists are behind all of this stuff? I think it goes so far back that I wouldn't say that there's like a one main strategist. But I do think empire, oligarchy seems to be really at the epicenter of all of it. So, again, that's not, you know, I do think there's a lot. I think that the British Empire is a huge part of it. But there it's not just them. Right. Because you've got the three city states. So I would say like the Vatican, D.C., City of London, right? Those are kind of the three city-states. Those are major control grids, I think, for a lot of the world. It's where a lot of the military control is and a lot of financial control. Those two are really instrumental in order to execute the plans for control and power. So I think, you know, the three of them work together. Who's at the top? I don't know. I think sometimes that may toggle a bit, really, you know, depending on the what the mission of that particular time period is. But I think they work very much in consortium. And I think the secret societies are kind of, you know, I use the analogy of the mafia. It's like you may have the head mob guy. He doesn't execute. He's not going to go around shooting people, you know. He has his minions do it. And then it becomes really hard to trace, you know, the – the actual, you know, the person who committed the crime, where the focal point of the crime originated. So I think that's kind of how a lot of this works. And I think the secret societies are great tools for that. And of course, they're vying for power as well, because a lot of times it's, you know, they're a, I don't know what you would call it, but they're a epicenter for, you Power control. I don't know their power. I'd like to go back to the East India Trading Company. That's the British Empire. Yeah. Which is kind of interesting. But I also think that there's some connections with the Dutch banking families that go into that. And that's kind of, honestly, that's kind of what I see in the state of Michigan. We have an oligarchy here. There's about 22 families. And we can look at what is common. Not all of them. Not all of them. I'll give you that. But the ones that are buying and selling our elections, you can see the connection to, say, the Dutch banking families, as well as, you know, the economic means that they use to change. So, you know, I think that when you look at organized crime, too, it's organized crime. The mafia, yeah. It is organized crime. You have different crime families that are kind of operating out there. And I'm not sure if there's really one on top or if there's a symbiotic relationship. I think there's a lot of symbiosis. Yeah. Yeah. Because you, you can look into so many so many different directions, but it doesn't, I'm sure the, the, the head of the snake is the head of the snake is Satan himself. But when you're engaged in those types of activities, right. But I do think that those that are carrying them out in that capacity are You know, you've got you've got multiple different crime families. I think the cartels are part of our they're they're run by the banking families. And it's the cartels are run in Mexico. Mexico has already fallen. And Mexico launched a war against the United States. In my opinion, they actually hit. It was an act of war by passing all of these illegals through Mexico into the United States. It violates all law. lawful process is international law. They can take them in, but they can't pass them on to us. And that's exactly what they did. And it was the cartels that are running it. So Mexico, in my opinion, has already waged war against the United States. And they're not in control anyway. It's cartels that are in control there. When you bring up the East Indian British Company, the Skull and Bones was very instrumental in the opium war. And the Skull and Bones was... They were tied to the Russell family. I brought them up because the Duke of Tavistock was related to Ian Russell, who was one of the founders of Skull and Bones, along with Alfonso Taft, who was also related to our President Taft. But they created, you know, it was initially with the Russell Trust, Daniel Coit Gilman, whose task was setting up the Russell Trust. And he talks about it. Anthony Sutton talks about it quite a bit. Daniel Coit Gilman was very instrumental in kind of the whole takedown of the American education system, the whole, they call it the Americanization of Monterey. Wilhelm Wundt. Um, but the, so that's, and of course, Skull and Bones at Yale and Princeton and, you know, Johns Hopkins, the whole, uh, you know, Ivy kind of consortium, they were very involved in that, but the, it was, uh, they were opium, you know, drug cartels and that they actually also now, I think it's really interesting because, uh, you know, people tend to think of the, the Maoist insurgency model and the, uh, color revolution, uh, in China as being something very entirely different. But Mao was a Yaley. He was part of the Yale in China program, which was a Yale divinity. They set up a whole, like a bunch of divinity schools throughout China. And this was part of their creating a Yale in China program. And Mao was actually trained. He was a Skull and Bones, Yale trained. And they were very versed in color revolutions and using psychological warfare tactics. And the idea of the color revolutions actually goes all the way before the Frankfurt School. And that's a whole interesting piece of history as well. But it goes back to, I think, what was it, Joseph Maestri? And I have a quote from him. And he says, let me see if I can find it. He says, until it was in the 1800s, and he says, until now, nations were killed by conquest, that is, by invasion. But here an important question arises. Can a nation not die on its own soil without resettlement or invasion by allowing the files of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principles which make it what it is? So, yeah, so he was one of the earliest kind of codifiers of this idea of a cultural revolution versus a, you know, violent. I've got a question for you. Have you seen the DuPont family or the Hare family in Britain come up? I have, but I don't have off the top of my head the details of that, but they have definitely come up. Do both of those families have come up, Hare as well as DuPont? DuPont, definitely. Hare, how do you spell Hare? H-A-R-E. Oh, yeah, I've seen it, but I don't know the specific. DuPont, I've definitely, yeah. I'd like to see what you find on that. Okay, I'll take a note and I'll put that on my list of digging. Yeah. Put it, put it on a list of digging. There's a couple other ones that I could throw out there too, that I'm kind of curious about just because my curiosity, you know, killed the cat sometimes, but you got to do that. Me too. Yeah. You know, it's like, I really like running down this stuff too, to find out what the connections are, because, you know, you, you can have, as you said, you know, you have to, you have to look at what came before. And if we don't study history, we're going to repeat it. And we are repeating it right now. Yeah. Yeah, they're using, well, they use the same playbooks. I think that's the thing that gets so frustrating to me. It's like literally the same playbooks. You know, they oftentimes they revive like the same documents and they and then they circulate them to propagate for the same propaganda purposes. I'm like, how are we falling for this again? You know, I know people, you know, have different opinions on Q, but I do think at least some part of it was definitely an op. And they started. This is when most of my generation and younger had never heard of the elders of the Protocols of Zion. I mean, it just was not in common vernacular. It was not taught in school. I know some of the older generations were familiar with it, but, you know, we really weren't until Q. And, you know, I knew the history because I had been doing some of this kind of research before. And I was like, we know that that was like interesting. you know, propaganda. We have historical documentation that that was like intentional propaganda and they're literally trying to revive it and they keep recirculating the same. I mean, that's just one example, but they do the same, these kinds of things over and over and over again. And because people don't know the history, they fall for it all over again. Or the words, you know, it's like the words, we stumble over the words, even though there may be truth to parts of it. There's so much distraction going on that, you know, that we never hit the core of the problem. Because the defenses go up and the defenses go down and the attacks start and on and on. And you never get anywhere with that kind of stuff. Never, ever, ever. But I think at the end of the day, you know, we've got to look at each other as individuals and people. And make your mind up on what your experience is, not what you're told. You know, in the political realm, I listen to a lot of people that are, you know, they don't have any experience with you, but they just hate them. And this is what's wrong with it. It's like, well, if you sat down and listen to them, maybe there's more in common than what you think. You know, it's just like, I'll bring it. I mean, you can disagree with people and not hate them. I mean, I'm not going to sit on the table with that person because they like this person. What? What kind of playground nonsense is that? I have a lot of friends who like, I mean, one of our favorite things to do is discuss things. And we find we have a lot of difference of opinions, you know, when we discuss ideas. You know, I think the important thing is where the core values are. you know, do you align where it really counts? You know, like the old Charlotte's Web song, you know, we have lots in common where it really counts. I think that's way more important. And I think through, you know, figuring out where your values are and is, as long as someone's not so far removed from, you know, the things you really hold dear, then I think you can disagree on a lot of things and actually have a really fruitful discussion. And you might find that you learn a lot. I think that's, that can be, you know, very rewarding. And so, Yeah. True story. Well, let's, let's go. I think I've got, I got bees to take care of now. So it's almost 11 o'clock. So we'll share our prayer and we'll go on for the day. Thank you, Heavenly Father, so much for Courtney. And for John and everyone who has been so gracious with their time to come on being on and that we can have discussions and talk about things that are important to everyday Americans, not, not just things that we're told to talk about or a narrative, but just talk about all things and getting out in the weeds on some of our topics sometimes and finding out that maybe there's a million different ways to look at the same problem instead of just one way. We thank you for all the things you put into everyone's hearts, that they are unique and created absolutely special by you. And we acknowledge that, that we're not supposed to all be the same. We're supposed to be working towards the same goal, but there's many parts of that of those many parts of the body. And we're very thankful for that. Thank you so much for the great day that you put before us. Thank you for bees and for pets and for everyone that we care about in our lives. And I ask that your favor rest mightily upon all who are here. Give us discernment, give us wisdom, give us patience with each other and give us the ability to be able to listen to you as you carry us in your strength and your provision. We thank you so much for everything you've done for us. And for this day ahead of us, let us make the most of it. You've been a great friend to us, and we want to be a friend to you. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Amen. There we go. So anyhow, that part of the show, boys and girls go to bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. Bing, bing, bing, bing, bing. There you go. Sign up for it. Now you can go back and watch the replay on that and get the information you need. So with that said, God bless you all. God bless all the women you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. If you don't have a good example, be one. You can always make those good choices, you know, to look at yourself and Don't be afraid to criticize what you do and say, maybe I'm different today than I was yesterday, because we should be. Every single day, we should learn and be a different person. God gives us each new day to live as a mini lifetime, to get better than the last one, and to move forward and not say, it doesn't mean you're stupid. It doesn't mean you don't know something. It means that you got more information. And it's a stupid person who doesn't take that information and go, wow, I never thought of it that way again. be okay with being a little kid and learning, be teachable and all that sort of thing. It's important. So thanks for coming on Courtney. And I will see you in two weeks. Next week's going to be a Brandenburg play day for us and it's going to be a great thing. So have a great day and we will talk to you tomorrow. Tomorrow I have a, liberty essentials with bill moore ralph the it guy karen the riveter after that I've got a young guy named uh patrick that's going to be on and then an intelligence officer that I've had on before tom speciality and I think you're going to really like that discussion it's going to be a good one so have a great day and we'll be talking to you tomorrow wonderful bye