BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/14/2023 - Monday morning in the Mitten - Chuck Ritchard

Published Aug. 14, 2023, 9:02 a.m.

Monday Morning in the Mitten! 9am Blowing the Lid off Michigan Politics with Chuck Ritchard The amount of conflict of interest and connections between people engaged in politics is astounding. Truth and encouragement for the world we live in! We have to know the truth and have transparency at all levels of government. Facebook: Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

good morning welcome to brandenburg news network i am donna brandenburg and it is the fourteenth of august welcome to our show here this morning we have a lot to talk about which we always do at amazing when you gethings happening in the world that really require a little bit more in and research that make you ask is like the fires and hawaii there there is a crazy stuff going on here and i believe that we should be very careful face because he is so much manipulation going on however were that we have to ask a lot continued asked the so any anyhow grin owercome on my i guess this morning chuck richard i do into itwondering were ready to coddle you know that monday morning one in monday morning in the mitten and it is gone a crazy then a really crazy week week and i'm always shocked at the twists and turns that so what's happenin in chuck words oh oh oh contack when i talk about what went on or in the second district ellicott to concho saracanco nty and and the five pettoallee people is thine that's her that's kind of sad it's going to leave things in disarray but were in thought i say that and really know so they can out of work with the helicopter's going we call kellieston so storm was prisoned o a concoction and a misgiving county we you do there being there so night as well so there's a lot going on so let's get rid of it so low it is glad yeh i would giouare with you there there's a lot going on there but there's also a lot still going on i mean there's questions i i am i am really a taking the poison there's a lot of good guys out there that are playing bad guys there's a lot of bad guys all their playing like good guys it's goin take us a while to sort the all out however i think i think there's some good guys and post in order to make us ask questions of in he endures his people in order for us to look at they really are all about what's going on in the last time he addressed christina karamo he called her christina karano and he suited couple of times and my whole thought on this pointing us to look deeper and so with that side i still am completely shocked the financial and how things have been been handled there i posted a bunch of filings that shows at one point nine million dollars in the account and how that was kind of moved round including some exposures that are of questo and i i want to try to get the person that was piling some more information on this and then also i'm looking into the amount of absolute not job felons that she is putting in i don't know if you saw what robert owens got a pointed or is working and homopolar working for robert owen's is in lois amount and he's got he's got a record that that's incredibles from from ohio and then you also have a joindront go those records and to know what that is cause onionwe the oh yeah holsomest shocked it how many people have got a rounder have got records i i mean a ran or felons and have admitted animal cruelty and all this sort of thing so i'm in good people are getting let go people that ask is our being in that's what i'm seeing hope his wiser as he would on total about the truth about things we wanted just give it a path let twenty twenty go move on we're not going to talk about and i think it's a bunch of red oh athene on the word thereon ilhas done and the skin canbecause it brought out his call on national level chris was as peaceful opposition from his own pen on escaping how sanction in to do it and then cruised in because it was taken longer they wanted their wonted it captured a glory of it quite away and make it look like their doing something for the work and you well know dad of a time to analyze and enpress and he was doing a great job i aconteieron i got rid of him they did by christaphersen an estate on course because of that we have a lot of stuff that he's done come forth in this takencount reached up a gewapende put out stuff on it and his going opination now and it's all duty if it's not to the party at all because they were raised right and it's it's really odd as you got an honest that working with cress and i like christina i alone he's a good guy and then i could go he's good guy and then fill halloran stops and like he's done something on the likecome son what's he done since twenty twenty what's he done since he was she was put in place and all of a sudden they shoved his face and found of the camera as an opportunist the glory for something he now or had anything to do with and were in refused to stand up with so in like are you kidding me and there's no mention of cress there's a there's a minor mansion of the clerk there but the republican party the glory for something they didn't do and i've got a problem i should have enceintes no doubt about it i mean i can understand it or go what they should have thought about the work that he did to create you know i colored my retirement every case isaeus a pride somewhat that that i know his heart and soul was in it the red oefers god about the moon so he knows his out there and not why it upset her so with these guys were going through him off i told him i told that don't do it don't do it it's a wrong thing and yet they did it and i see now i geschriebenes worthy that's okay because it's sintenis correct sintenis or the truth in these god agreat jos painting of be putting him upon the corocanus or for asking counting because i think he deserves that and more what look at look at all these people that they are nothing more than camera horrors i'm going to say that if the camera horse that's what they are they done nothing and then all of a sudden when somebody has he got to break oh look at i'm the front man here that's exactly what they've done and i'm i'm going to say the same thing about those sixteen that were that were indicted or investigated or charged by dan and assthough republicans those people were were due nothing no do nothing say nothing go along with everything except i think there's one person in that might just a little bit nieve a got sucked into the deal but other than that these people did not ever speak about president trump other than to use his name to fondas and or to turn their backs on elections so now they've made them into some sort of martyr and everybody the publican party of the lot have lost their minds there one of us really then i don't want to stand here you because these people did not fight for the rightful president of the united states and they didn't they i bought for the elections on one then thought for in we he and so on so now all of a sudden they become the rallying point of martyrs now a with that sad wore things done correctly now dan enough isn't done anything she isn't done one thing it's just serves then come in only going to live three now we know that there's a novelties of all sorts we don't even octo argue that rethondes of soul can argue that the ore no onlesse work but the question is someasuring and colin i want a sight of it the carpense everything o ke rag well you don't hear that what you drew that is in rather send him for persons sick so i chose a totality be you know let him be to you don't you entered you have intervention i tried to find what the repasses cause alas these cases have no clue nor in nor do they want to there's no clue or no desire that's a distinguishing it if they don't want to fix it they have now no room to complain they mean that that means that they are content with the way it is is like what you like these people say oh oh he's not so bad content let it be that way are you happy to day are you one asked for rattled regan are you better off to day and you work for years and he answers no i we'd better off any time with any of this dancers now that we have an application to step up and do it can a persidio way though i mean to i sho people step not like with a second district that have no clue there they may have the passion of their so polical you have the foofoo if you like canofari you if you have a father here and you tell the father of the mother the piece of crop in her the child all that will get you very far walletwell there comes a point time they that this is this is got in to be so criminal that i relate believe that you cannot work with you can't work with he that there there's too many staffs they'd put in place and we have to go back to the declaration of an iponence we have the right in the obligation to remove people and or any form of government he has been or repugnant to the constitution and that's exactly what we have here and i really believe that same thing for the republican party right now i don't think we can work with anna because there's just two too much just wait too much question i mean we're going to work i'm in to go there then the theamount of foundlings and people who have who have records is overwhelming and shocking and the fact that people don't want to talk about this it's the party is is not i mean were were tight were talking on the amount of a tone overtaking oh wire fraud were talking replacing people with with other with others that have serious and i mean a very er i'm the smile get to my want show you on if there was this a serious problem here in but i don't know one slip through this good and you come in on her i do think that in other old thing it is in dustlike a house of cards is come coldly down because you mention of cringle's absolutely we see the insecure added o fie john smith when the evaporator breaking in entering cars and we see tilestones reckoned up by a fellow in a bill radicatine million dollar was receptsand something about it does one of the etymon dollars who is that methodicalness and fished her chair we see so much of this going to and people have criminal pass i do tendonitis i are we not the mining better we see the second fisticke sees things going on over there that that's menabrea that there be issues brought out on those people that it should make people oh sir walked away from i mean great now that's part of the problem we have charlottetown and everything told her tween here not even claim the their hesoid well i just i des brought up this on the charitcher person coronel um in it was the resolution of the came upon the meeting and he said the purpose of the meeting is discussing obtained the following so we duly request the special meeting to set by some virgil so we've got on this on this one we got the news randy got nicky on a grogan bird stephen cinadon rose the time roth and feeble cristen gillicolane i got a bite one of because i let bring it out on every one of them what a strong weopinde sepolture that's got to show up in court next to confine on how paperall are and this is why we got to start calling him out as we we got to look at at all of rochere know rochers is here not honorable people and you people i send you the screen shots and men i keep going please do cause did you said is just why we're facing what cause we don't have one gisewell nobody's clean yet they are there people that are clean its people that tried their best but we have to try our best and when we all bore at their minit but these people continue to concetto violate principles and law they continue to violate the constitution and the bible the very cocons of what three publican is what is republican to day i mean we really got to look at it if they wonders republican it should be less government it should be remarked it should be concerned with it as it should be on the plate like a platform with with the pope the constitution but i got to ask which constitutional retalking about on an tantanege point because the constitution was never ratified correctly anyway it never rather fight so that the question i asked this creek the constitution fails what rules really are in place what stops us from deedie sidenote i sent you attack there and then if you look at the party a monothecal about the constitution the constitution but this is like anything else i never hearing them really talk about it and you know it's like tuesday we get on to john tater and we go through the constitution and the law but they're not educating people they're using as the head line rather than something thatahthat's what it is to its its click at and can and so and but it's o and so in stationwhere republican we got to stand or the publican as liliceous so as democrats their trying to get to go in different direct through manipulation rather than looking what do they actually stand for while republican already with christina has got so many people that that you it's just like what i i went to this you know resolution for the meeting here and who signed on to it in order to have have of an their someothers a couple of really good people on this last contingono don't make no mistake there there there is a lessonthe names i'll i know about so i i sent this to you and this was there was its randygo nick nicky is undeformed ah inexperienced like her but in his spirits as sole a the class quite under the assam under character fled sufflato i honor iacobin differs if i called as a character with his against o on what grounds o the ingenious proceeding and involved her and others so i'm going to go on for as the petition of the caste stephania rotten running door ah i heard some good things but if she's tied with them other characters clad ah john rose character been closed from day one a snake sails with extraordinary girl find me question is what's you live in on what is his practitoners just question about who is he hasn't done anything in his life on it was to talk about a binabatonga tringoid he do for instricption as a hero as many eshaness tried to portray themselves as or as constitutions you just see this gas has springwater training and caused a two short wall is or in constitution as studies how much had they studied and when because i want to tell you right now i neither a really that first ten nor by i keep taking class after class on tis don't know ante i corinthians there babagas of about dark body asked him about a lot of the stuff he's going to get his characters could be brought up rope repast christian re in he is probably she carries a otoyo's daughter that coincidence ibility per se all my better and i think she has great passion i just don't know where she's a line it is i haven't got with her a lot a hard hard to say was to be ovalwith his twenty thousand dollars here i i have got my background to youshe seacoat i just judging her honor her and i mean right hank chase choate who has who's that hank showed the hot so remember these people are arminians and negotiater by a a group of people behind the scenes and i'm told and i haven't true in this that bellido as part of that epithet be gutter so i will leave it at that and i just question every one of em great now every one asked a question of the secondary if there's supporting this insurrection without and i'm going to call them out you've got a well and i'm not afraid to stay and afore them face to face or in a debate with them if any of them can they know that i think that is i think that they all that they have the right to ask questions and if they're not been told you know economyand were we got a problem and i'm seeing that they absolutely not answered annie he he absolutely the other retorts as question no doubt about it but to do it in a manner that brief ecossais above and pro you do not go what what what could old greed did at the clear on july at into which he did she made herself look like a fool over one number two is it delays a process because remember at the end of the day he still haven't objected so the dog ii eollege professor there was and you ask est you continued to ask questions you become non obstruction as i thesake let's deal with that later because if not you will not achieve one your function is that oh for that articolasse the other things as a sacred you're in charge and responsible for training them in bringing them along to get them where the tobe betrayed when you have obstruction is to incomeshow after time you will know what a person has the question where there were hard as if every time every meeting they do the same thing there is only but what in city the way that the same thing that was true the king county coolie of the certain numbers on that can conope obstruction is is why i said what i say about good god osorapi snyder god or andrea pat hassan pie schal never colder her neither just a bare field bill the name grindonan gloss see these are people that i happen encountered yet even foreseen because i think goes were there polly relatively new comers and the in the game and there ben this led to be honest with you i think he'd be in this lad because i've seen i've seen enough people out there that are wont to be and they go all we got one o this is changing for a tour or glass or coming out and tell people all you got power you yes you do but you have to maintain he's thought the man prone conserere through this rollickin so many the run cocina done beat down go going gonson all alone saturday colonsaythe in o well jane gift as you call him you know that that i don't want to estover the target if she's been attacked i don't know jones a criminal for district of drinking in erin cars also child support i think those are the things i remember your engine will a less a man cut she there she signed the so i don't know she was there not with this was the call for a emily bowman darling dots i know darling very well einsine it's the same thing it's one it's i just soneto and then ere yet that i may because i did i can the shoares con noticed if this came out of that meeting i would question it why there were some illegal things that happened and i already said to colvile a complaint with them i took i guess it because of her reason people's proxies their names were never allowed he's called that's called and we're going to go after him for fraud that believe me this is what i want to do people got to stop being his fraud stuff and we got a start nail a in the shorts i enhale as well as any other way we can with the law and to lose were i in everybody's onicrom and do it see that while all of a sudden this is a direct outcome of that ye were going out i ocasiones twenty three is blank and then you've got tied gilman a fried nice i don't proteogen bursfield deerfield is the questionable person out of down had touched as ah i climatejapan i'm better down there at one other advances or one of their meetings not impressed absenter barsine i don't bore a well i resicatoria i in dog i'm going to ask her personally i cause you sent me a mosogo to ask her pre a showy he resigned on norms sang or tackles on outclearening did darshanee was on the border canvassers he abstained at a time when he needed his boat to be able to quote for this president of the pirate the real present unites that downstroke get what he repeat took abstain has not this not a sorry that's or back bone and normans can round his long as i have but he would have reason chosen he be guided and dried one on say nor what did you have her ever do that and then when i called him out and a nidobeatine call them out on that border camasoso velour before because i was i practicalhave been no good one because i handed him so much i guess what he collowrat i said will you change the rule to we did i see you dance blipper the change monoprionid cossartmore ing i know what they did and then he said to worryabout a gorget on what happened they postponed me i never got on they were feared they feared me done they feared me nor is not honorable i'm sorry he's not he should never be allowed to own a porter camasoso dear i gomenos tion again scared or political position as herselfonly a girl goes there the more so behind his is just the has second amentamat to the chat just to remit and welcome coperation he tried i regratiatory can yet and i can get on rolling quiet one i hate it when that have in one i get it rolled the garroting of faded day yea is closed now you always as somethings and then there is a ah margaret a curtel nor shingle hassan nemi and ian shotten and mary how now oinoscomme because i want us i want to go to the next thing delaware attorney and died at six folenfont after being suspended for miss and that would be the new guide that is there to replace lost and this is zoocracy robert le and he is out of ohio and i have a question about a and don out of vocal homeand who was paying these people because they're all working or so here we go coon some plates again i think this hasting iden opost about we can look at em if we can look at say ah we've got how many people there that are not getting paid a lot and except for christina she's getting paid but nobody elses a mendis not gettin paid ah and a you've got jonathan done not getting paid for the ideot my knowledge neither is an her me neither as an ah let's see now we've got this this robert allas that and i don't know what he is the so he's painted here be doing its so there on what your gesadelod his cabin a record i want to know what that is while we can we let me vrot yet hang out a minute and this is this is real news for re people by re people at the kitchen nomen that's why when i know the cool reason i want to yeah i ansely screened shouted don't think i put it up isolated from and as gresset iss true besi went to the i went to the second of the supreme court rothered in ohio and hing on mine i will get us there moments i let out i need elevator misionero is she on a large he turned a robot on me again ye your voice all like a row by an cookmaiden my friends epiphany foul again again no should be oh you're back and i'll bet it was weird for a minute when we got taught in about he it could be done on my friends for the air playing games with now eovesholme so the i get it all the time care king out imence the super here on this the got here now because there is definitely a ah it's the ohio supreme court is going to take me a minute and a talk amongst house look it owertaken about them and now you're all going to come cowering you now talk about the severe people that resigned her doors the nest was a basin and the leaving at entire stocktonthe a laugh of a opinoient i call it the name school and bloom oh because if that's really what they they are it could be interesting because they called at a big meeting to morrow the guy called it does he have the right to call it this the treasuries part of the grand old party the name checkenock into whatever his name is regain keep track of the guide for the way he is the god he uses the chinese premiers pitcher on his asinometer and once which do you not find he at all any more you know this is like the clock in a not missis menot fanny guise we was talking to one is the sober a two or stepony got the one flower the cookers this once enter where you've got the inmates run in this one so let's his see what hope very lineland and others have told or behind the scene of this were going to find out goldtree and will she have in fact the establishment is in control once to get the but it looks like i have to grieve with him i think it's probably what's going on none the less he who says the sartine and i think some people like you said or one to do the right thing but they're getting misled by some of these other charlotte accettatore we go we got springcart of asperne director a interieisti on number robert morris allons and resigned discipline panting not required and we have a discipline history of administrative and call on the supper and that takes us down for suspended for term costa placed on probation and termed to fault suspension suspended indefinitely resigned disciplined and a horlestone was i at eighteen his number two thousand eighteen two thousand twenty two so got three of em for two thousand eighteen and there three of her for two thousand one here the water the power they for who is incense can take down on this the little jackerooing nellie in the iistation want to dispassionate it now if it is one of his force oriolein when i'm coleridgerather late because as one of my biggest e its character sassination like what they're trying to do can buy her down on the fort his or i seen his people operate and is almost like a scithian type of proach that the one to go out for a minute in a way to complete that came like an go out and just as well but i'll throw him in a court law i like the i like the stick of in court by the way speaking of which we policetake a county commissioner to or unliable and slander while i you know my whole thing is i do say as st you know when i find stuff in it is shinslike we we have to ask is it really it really seems like we've got so many so many a red you know red flags on what's happening where the enemy goke and then somebody else i had i am on iforget somebody out of somebody else told me that he honestly at the hearing where i was being represented that my attorney was also a haven of meeting with ah may a mattock and i had no idea when seriesthat is a serious issue so that just came out and in like really now we got asked a lot more questions he that that is this is this crazy then monothisme thing else and i i wish you could get on one because i think this fairly again and this is this is where my problem is is that when you have when you have red flags that come all and i don't know i don't know this is what i'm saying but i really do think that we need to serious so i posted this oh my posted the i found with a little help back and it's the lore opinly for daniel hartman and then the iron on his finding there are several people at the bottom that i think this is interest a president dan hartman and and i like i've had no promise of dawn i like dan but you know what if you see something that you have a question about you have to look into it you absolutely have an interdependent in more well i don't know but i mean it's one of those things you have to ask questions about when you did things and so you know it's like any how so this is got dan hartman william gitre joe fan he on dan hartman and marten two of them three of them i three groups that have the same adres so let's look it lets the cat it closer sir here you go we've got the names here and then when we and when we go further it's like i went through in the board of the board of elections is looking for some work some more spots then here's an article published by as s publications and it's the journal of american chemical society here's somebody that shows up there hanger and then he got seen it fonsecas and i don't know it some person or not i don't know but it's like this kind of crazy and i like to throw things out there and say please everybody look into this because i think that this is something that we should look into you and ask questions so i mean have you had people that put things out on companies i've owned and said what this company as is registered to to this corporation not like you got the name wrong first all you didn't spell it right different company and i don't mind people asking because if you're doing the right thing you can answer them with honesty and integrity and and be able to have it discs to in fact get to the bottom geminos things but anyhow the sob god of it's all about none an invasive brain imogene crossing the blood brain barrier and in research and then further than he ii cited some articles that in all the articles on this publication like their chinese it should be a concern and then i went further and looked into porosa small molecule and i are two florescence he crossed the blood brain berry for non invasive brain ange and almost all the names on her a chinese and its rice university he there is of shanghaiing back this one and shang high two at the time ah here go on go the laboratory of der doresch and a shanghi china swanston for university but the rest of these are our rice university as we go through this oh we've got one from a cow we got saying how university again shangan here's hangs and so my question is i have some i have some as if this is the same one that's on that that finally from fate university we need to do some more questioning on this and i'd like to have dan you know come on and correct us are not correct but clarified this forest because if this is in fact some i'm i'm kind of like a at a loss here going well what what are you do with that when you find stuff like that and you have to ask questions that's that's the only thing you can do to and to out question i find you know it and i'm that person i put it out there and said oh wait a minute you know if this if this is in fact a thing we have to talk about this if that ecce this is the case in it it's it's what it perhaps looks like an we've got all these people who've got criminal background standing or on christina koromo and then we have things like this come up on oh no you know on some one around her if if this is in fact de appears we've got some big questions to ask and i would love to have dan come on and explain this explain this on you know what what are we looking at her i think i am on it's going to be important i know he said he would be a come on before remember yes you commanding for i think a babe that's time to say come on but i know i ii sainprae with dan many many times you know and i know not his wife his wife is a lovely such an what am i missing exactly i think o we need there's some questions he is not wrong to ask questions but i think questions you know or actions declare the words and these people are not houourable i mean i've seen secret now in starting to question the real ersuasions just about everybody because i intensely more i mean i'm getting the point where i think what am i doing in this game it is so far gone the gatebut i am a fighter so i'd not conodo what they did over in the kan county step down i'm going to step off i am clean i gave his it's time to go scorched earth here and on what we have sitting in the seats and start over i think that where exactly what this sad and the in the declaration of independence is where we are right now because there's so much compromise there's so much in the systems were created in order for criminality and no people to hide and also for criminality to a crime to be committed i mean that's ah that's exactly what i'm seen here and this is this is a problem but what are you do when people refuse to answer questions what do you do how do you get through to them you just continue to go on or do you ask questions do you interrupt them do you do you say while hollandinformation i mean what else do you do i mean with the man in or while the courses the critical on his care the usual againstwhat i'm doing i use in law against the coronitis at work because none of my stuff is worked my i one pleases got just smiles for colde my county prison exactly what i did to him ask him how i wanted federal court against the past what a gittin ready to one of them an liable in slander because they know i'm light and they know him in there i'm going before the board the next be and asked him if their supporting us this rome this rod cocountry christner because in his role as a county chester he gave a report and an coperasse which one and three he didn't know what he's talking about he lied he lived in a life so i'm calling on on the task who put em in cork well i want to know is my counting commissioners i tek going to listen to me again are they going to listen to me i think on to do what they did last time which i put them in percoon if i have to i love not you he's out there tellin my cow i caused the kent thirty thousand dollars they violate my rights and it was more than thirty thousand dollars but they don't want people to know that the online is this we have to stand up i think i have seagreen with you in that can the quest this how do we get retribution for the wrong said her out there we have to go out of wetgood of with every tool we have the law is the law and until we prove a wrong or otherwise his fellow lollius it well how many are you de realized how many cork cases had been dismissed because he we've got crop prosecutors and judges sonow i know i'm out on this the disportment justice fraud they have refused to do anything dan enossen right on the top and is trying to murder a bunch of people that never stood for election to county go pee from what i saw was not i went in there and i wanted to talk to a few people that were in the cat counties none of them would talk election integrity with and i talked to the couple of people that were on staff there i i want to talk to you about the election and an i as to many things that were done wrong in these we had a fine election it was fine there was no fraud and that sit are you selegesceot is the old as haslam was might there was he is he still there or not oh he's not he's not one of them for the cook there he's gone oh god is gotheles covers with nests in leopolis right the teyoteepee the light holders no letter with the best lection ever here before the senate oversight without even knowing what he thought about octopetale about the camp county or we know that in wancouth suddenly present deficiency rate you can't have seversen deficiency rate i did not now stratlins were dropping out of the sky depletive because a spot these guys don't realize you know that the clerk of commencant sterno election fraud on the side this state i sees note the cuspidatis is three years ago toappear and she was talking altogether told me on the eastern side of the state south east it is hot i to you wait till complectitur enough i hope sir a estos last name is a piececount oh she's eaten her words on this because in reality it now we know she was wrong she was wrong then as he told her and she's wrong now well you know in people not to be put out and i and i want to i want to have a have this this discussion because you know what i mean i i i'm pretty exterior that that you know you didn't called rode a lot o time you know and now all the time so i want to go back to these these guys that are and i mean guys that she the ionogen specie the michigan bowel college other guys in now i got a guy that does those ligotage that does that and anybody so anyhow i i'm i'm going to say what do you do when you are when you see something wrong and you stop off and management refuses to listen to you and and i'm not i'm not going to say that that oh ah when when the policies are wrong when the organization is wrong when the structures sometimes you have to step up and in mansethe same thing for john beaty i have liked john beaty i think she's an honest or and if she's at in milindapanho got called rode these and unlike ok ah how many can howhowdare without for better theatre you could be seen political interplay out lobit with it i only give me my experience right beardbut it's happy on every level so why is it that some people are getting getting demonized for being rude when they're actually they're not being heard then and nobody nobody's nobody's listening to them and they're not being heard and they get shut down for asking and they get shot down when their concerns because the whole damn public and party complete and when you look at it you know i can't i can't not go back to the amount of one criminals that are sitting in one they have a recoil you have somebody who has ten counts of wire fraud sitting in as executive director and get rises some ladanaballa what why would you do this discothe sky is got like i don't how many masters degrees and highly educated is incredibly don beat his work tale of and in you get you get rid of don be the any bringing somebody whose all so got a back why would you do see thanks be given absolutely as you all know the end corkerina you know that certain inapt of rs captivated but i think these are questions that need be in one way another i they have to be comen and legitimate i don't disagree i though is the and you also mentioned about the people colonel records just astronesthid not be i should not let her what other things in order for you to have a job if you re incorporalia you be with you god cold at these to happen is a fact constructionally to be on shoraic because why i the organization good dutchmen to the organization they should not be brought up word i didn't go on the michigan conservative union because i am i an antagonist im an i really am more of a protagonist that is don't know it but in carebecause that was thy foe me doing all in doing go i like being a take a cent person know not at all but i also know that some old cold to be dead and i've said it being times over on your program i whenas to be the the bridgeforth the truth that comes lot of people turned their heads in hesionidae we turned our heads i agree that the lobelioides to get the carcase of for my person you know i think it's important to bring the truth for and if somebody has a criminal background you bring forward all the time but we can't pick and choose if we have if we have people that have a record like a we can't say okay we're going to go after bill robertine but we're not going to go after and on likeit'll goooooooooo and mark in erianthera but i only the they have a criminal path i'm talking about a tegenaria has absolutely has to make you question what's happened at the top as well as not showing the records as well as all that your in time talking you don't win the people are speaking out like down and and ah you know specifically down and and some of the other people that are speaking of and there being silenced the her absirtides the question i ask is fundamental wired there was an illegal meeting in the first place what was to hold coal what was the purpose of that meeting it there serves the function explained me why not was the legal check as i don't understand coke collegal because he did out in bile a protocol okay let me get in the sample this reading on tuesday tomorrow at conicalshaped give a great near back yard a nechecolles it cool kissed him he also authority to call me i have to go nobody goes i laughed because anybody should go to call a meeting if you call me called me but nobody has to go then okay what's the order of going goes what's the fischelach who was in charge at giver alexander haig here's a camp alexander had when roderigues shot what it all hindered cousin charge oechardes and in i think he pulled out a thirty eight or of the i don't know what it was but the donedeclare will wait a minute you're not in charge ostitis in charge he took control toscanelli here with the canoe you kate i'm sixteen the women on other votes or going to die well wait a minute noisettes is kithratlas other what rules are operated cause what in what i'm lookin we are you said it clearly we are in this array the little ernestine there and i mean the whole thing is in disarray because there's no man is with this no leadership and we've got a leesethe that a later ship team on the top which is just riddled people with with criminal backgrounds and i i i'm sorry but it's like i have to look at that if you if you had a corporation that was run that way that had a hole monopole at the that have a criminals who weren't getting paid were all looking at his whose paying them why are they coming from odette his bringing them here whose who is pain to move these people and why is it that people that have you know why is there obstreperous i can i'm not oversman sage for he tells in sheashore gatemen there's a lot of this cup can go in on my question is people need be called out in he wamanato make sure a recent oh he is turned into a robin again shock oh you dis turn into a robot again he and con his i return we get into the cat conversations like this chucks pongoes absolutely weird and was she to comes back on me there shock try that again get a cot the friend il me a good one again yes i think i think you're the surveillance is out there and so lossesthe word chinense what happens just hinting train i got paris i knew secretyou know it others create the gold really crazy thing is in the thelast i'm a well i see i am not of you go there it's consart hold big to conversation but but at any rate i yeh i'm seeing pretty much a loud olot of people instead of staying neutral to picking and choosing and we can't do that you cannot pick on so you can't go after ah you can't go after a like like rowers dank and all these other people without looking seriously at the people that christine has got around her you have no auletes and internationality but but cope's forsure i don't disagree i mean to me does it make a lot of sense but you're one and we've got a lot of good people that are playing a role of bad people that are infiltrators at from the good side of the bad side of we got peep from the bad side coming over the goods people don't think that there's a war going on within our country i can't help you it's a war of infiltrates this generation warfare the so much disinform in all like for me i just want to be out your boss in and out every day and throwing things out in the light let's just great let's go into every single corner and drag this stuff right out into the like you know you mentioned you mentioned a can buyer i ran into in a restaurant yesterday him in his and it was it was as it was amusing ah sinnis enough guy you know he shore as you know you never you never really i put it i'll bet we had a discussion yesterday yet you really most time in politics yet you never know who you're talking his cry you never ever but you can look at what they're doing and you can start connecting the dots and then once you start making one confined things in start digging out a man then who are they connected it is in the you start creating almost a whole keep going out on that web and then all of a sudden the pattern and start to in one a patens developed that you fight you and not finding you know irrefutable evidence of old so and and i i really do believe that but might fallenstein and off the hook as i went had had with it phil got looser sky that's on telegram secession telegram and he scanned like i just he's really create some problems out there or and i an i i hope that he ain't goes ahead and he comes after me because i'll drag his sorry but right out of the dark and of the light because there's there's so many things going on there he is crazy people think that that i can't him miss representing i was at the event with john a flint and in he takes he scans my video and he then with i think he's in the dutch dagerous he doesn't dachtiger to the they put out truth or what we think is and then just the satan works they started sliding things in and all of a sudden you can start seeing the the chinks and their armor their right so they the sky grabbed some of my video that i posted out my channel and of course i didn't water market you ijust want to get the information out there that's what needst he takes that any says that it was him and that general fleetened phil and mentioned him and he was in the seats right now it was talking about a a pastor a felspath burned out housman who was sitting at the top and used the video as proof that he was there only it was my video he scared video posted at and is as if to say that he was there and general flann called him out it it wasn't an i've got a itricci's very serious and you know what you did me a favor cause i had people calling me from all over the united states telling me i'm so sorry that in a hat he jumped on you said to everybody never vote for brandon burghis better candidates in the settering in one together at their posts when i would had to to to had with them and on like i'm sorry you respect the people's general general on then if anybody took the time listen to the idealistic he calls out pastor smith and burned in this guy sassagereal phil and he was sitting right there in general flint called him all by name that's not what hope and i don't like this use and abuse his just like like pre what happened to these sixteen that god got called up by nose they were just used in one in order to earn money that's it none of em stood for president trump and i'm not buying the the bull set meter his pegged and i'm not giving in corder to us i will i would take exception one of i know i was i will tell you he does stanford president was he then whileere pet about the people we stand with because that was a bit you don't go stand with somebody who who is illor stand for not the do nothing in oratorical the other ones in all you that three of those people tidy letter to day is i do now those three mershon stanbrough and marriage turn and very short his full spear cross char grade couldn't bend there woke what is she doing holding upon razor when the show just forshorten her as not leadership cowardice and then i go over to have a party at for straws a i'm last friday what's the same to the privy fortessa time as cliff is that it makes no science failed and not about all sixteen and so per me i've got a problem a leader stands with his toe it does not stay and on its own really well go with the back or handand maria did not do that tenders stand brought me in from the stand cock we know his history we know a lot about in course i been questionable pass so so with that and my those thre the principle is still the same i believe that the principle that shown even to don't like her and i think it'll bear bear that in court the that the nineteen fifty four law will probably be ruled unconstitutional or as be modified in some way okay am and caked about the lack of the sixteen electors and there was a reason why i'm so strong on that even though i don't like her i don't like stand the arteries items it is our country unitive had this discussion that we have to stand for right at his principal that he drives me andre that while in this is the thing that i've been ponian pretty hard too is that the the the hands don't justify the means you have gone to do the right thing every step of the way and in the end people people that are out there and politics right now it's win at all cost doesn't matter what you do as long as you win and they're not they're not thinking the therejust if they can watch it out a sporting on brothers politics it should be a job entered you know and we and we need to have we need have a job it treated like a job interview with seriousness this is about managing our asset which we own instead of just all we want of you know culpers nality going on here because we just like this person bout her and honestand next to well if this person is is it a criminal and o'er who he has a criminal better would you somebody to manage money who has a criminal background of foulon or or a charges have to do with financial re no so why would why would we let this go in our state when these people are standing with other podiscus were familiar with esses like an orphanage mentality you know i had adopted a little girl friend orphan in everybody that comes out of an orphan and has certain characteristics just as the way it esterminals skill right from being unadvanced let alone an abuse in our entire state suffering from this right now because our government and the people in politics have lied to we have been led there has been money laundering going on this state like people have never seen an i don't even think they're even really coming to terms with how that is we we are seen criminality happened in ways that dey expect and so all of us are trying to figure out who do we trust what who we trust will write now pretty much nobody and the entire it was created the stain by by by corruption and it lends itself positive say it we have to go to know face and no pietising back to the beginning and end recoletos a little bit because it's completely out of no they could womanize the three latter agencies don't exist under the law nor do they have the right to under a case norton verses shall be county and they weaponized them in this is all of its ill the tax structure is the legal the amendments it that were added were illegal and absolutely non representational dost the mission constitution was in it was not properly put in place and i mean we could go back a long way i know it's whereas startanother so much to go after right now as relieves the problem we have so many fires and that might be the strategy of we can describe the real focus from the conservatives then that is when we can control because his resemblerent former and of am i to peer for her head of the missing chamber comer said the waiter the to be the state of controlstake is to control the grass roots is absolutely right right and you know it's kind o it's kind of too bad because his were fighting his political to keep the political parties that are absolutely corrupt a place where losing our conte and when only to relate focus on effect that were americans and to save america not severe ulican party letter go down the shot the ship nelsonhis ship needs to go down so does the democrat part the two party system and they there the audacity to say that they are the party of the constitution when have you heard the constitution even talked at in the republican in any republican meeting may be may be just as k but the constitution parties us taxpayers that is the national fillet of the constitution party and a few read it and read them read it actually pay attention to what's going on there within the constitution party which is the text pars party u s textes party michigan only nosso only vented could allows the change our name refuses to let us change our name because why because the unipartite not want a third party gain any traction and haven erosion of power here so that the people have right now that the parties are selecting candidates we don't have a choice like well here's your candidate eh or can get be and we've chosen them we bring groom them and and that he while is there being chosen groom by criminal organization what you're going to get you're going to get criminals that are going to be seen given exactly what we got we got we got a large number of than that's got my problem is that how do we get them out at her ease long she we have this system if we haven't played getting an an we got charlton bound in a well we got the inmates run in this silence those that the means always been an issue to distill his position simonites something other things i am in research in right now with hot with the spy program through the michigan geop that's another spy program that they got going on here i want to know who's being paid for some of this structure or is this is all free or somebody is throwing this in there as a way to collect data in on looking at a company called planter and i'm curious on plant about the connections if there is connection he with planter the good neighbor paspy program spye your neighbor put all the information on an out and then we're going to collect this later and i'm i'm going to make an ghosther with the attacotti republican party that just filed and on june twenty three of this year and all of a sudden we've got the good neate neighbor program that was launched after it was his all about dat and i want to know what's going to happen here who's going to own that data and if it's something that is all cleeared i mean how was i conpostela here not that planter palander he placed i mean go has access what's that oh who's on onfortified to you i am formation how are you can control it and then the question is if it gets leaked or how you got to tell us that it was a like concretation there be gals given obligation to inform the preincarnation has been preached and you need to be telling the people that gave you that responsibility i don't think that's been done i think it needs to be tallish well and handsomelooking about protecting people's information why didn't the republican party come out and talk about this conic and all of our you here not then squat about her election workers having having no china having one point eight million records for election workers are kids and all this over one service and and in his i'm like wire to not citing for the gold of the goschens in witegodon at the white and comes here allen because they're all in it together the party of or in it because they placed the people there and so it's it's one big it's one big criminal organization and on going to stand on that and there is no ice it's it's an comensator sure i think there's a face i'm an optimist you don't be that finois of love i go at it but i think it's the same time these concerns for then all got ter do saythe don't exist they do so so this is crazy it's like robert all incident charge of mac and i now and was he asking i had somebody one of the chaps say that i think it was dawn the arm that robert went to one of her friends to get a hotel room and something else for general flinn who is going up there now and i'm i'm sittin here going ah i don't know if he were they going to get the money to even pay these people to go there you know carry lake has a history of backing out of even and i'm dark got i'm sure is see this your iron not contributing money to bet organization do we have any right or responsibilities we have i mean i'm asking that the otomaques tion well this is something that i went through with john tater and john tanner said yes it's not it's a it's a public it's a public of organization and it's like it isn't about it it is your about money we can vote for republican so then yes we have a stake without giving money so it's dullerton on it all i got red so right or they to day get a right to ask when the sunbecause we should be americans and not notecousin ile and in its not about asses not a country clod this is not about week lead ore does and so therefore therefore in anybody can go o that mack in our island come and so in its like in anybody can vote for republican or done so it's like that to me is not a nonessential point because this is not a country where you pay your do in genesis that what right you have to get that explicit information he answers no you don't you can have a right to you don't have the right to be there's a big fire freedom has some responsibilities as well when we were out fred it goes with me that you get this from prcises actful it doesn't matter men that you get to gurnalise down no it does not ask gillemichel we have a responsibility to to acopler voice forward now solutely and in to make push for change is the matter how we coletrough that does what was getting a collier as to stones or to be and validated reels and apply where do we go for control controls who says what he becomes an issue and on question comes up what is ability in in in today's term so let me share let me ask it let me go back to the cement because if you have to if you have to contribute to the republican party to have a say saying anything that's quid pro coquo that's copanians at the private you don't have to go you don't have to be a part of it she that's where people make a mistake you don't have to be a part of it you do not the changed her ears so problem i've got with it i have coatepecs the i have known expense i have no michelins of you have the house to any of the pet to have a choice it is paid a play in this is a political or this is poet is not this not politics this is running our one and so in one reason he does because in michigan law they control the political party to prison law can have any effect deal control this hero tale they don't control the american legion i don't control come these other organisations so wise government decides at once the form of handle the republican party or the democrat party or that matter secretes her own keen power and control that's the only reason together said power and control in different ways but desolates poesy forming this is governments and so i tolerationist government is quasi but his hot complerment it's a very or for entry you can't desenterestedness you're part of one of these parts and so it is it absolutely is he it's a great watery overshoot to the question of why the streetepisodes cause against reliaunces of free mark and free and on and really is in retraded in a way be just said it's a verier while events of various ore because simple so that's what i don't understand is why we are even allowed this to her he should never get it don't regulate other other costs or organizations exhibit have an impact is so as business heaven in a business as an impact on uncontrolled teaches more can infect in the party this wife because they give the money it's it's the milk if you will the very life blood is the money and he's corporation give it an now always in any good way so is the satiator absolutely rats about money and in its is the political parties are bought and paid and in as the part i don't like that exactly paris hehethinks anson really good going i met an hour of my time my account is colonne that i have i have to do something in it for the day they come i protestants always fond to chalk and bring me things ideas we have to bring him forward and in discussions on you you know where we're the process to try to get to the that is the prose and we were there and walk away as fresh to walk away as friends without his negatives of that other yes we have which go can debate and still be friends we can hope difference of opinion we can agree to this degree that's which should be for some reason we've got away from that vestry may be i added to that i don't know what i did up pologize c love the bating which you will now well in a mining for wagogo down as a result i think i think it's kind of funny it's like all this all this nonsense out there name calling and and you know what was sad down and killinan then ran on you know ah the sea word thing in she as like you know what i hate to say it but you know we're in it were in an arena that's a tough arena and if if you you know you think i haven't been been attacked and brutally and business and those things don't get sad there oh yeah they do and i'm going to tell you what if you're a woman i know if you are a woman in your tough and business you're going to get a tack tack and you're going to get call every name in the book bo who we can't have a woman that that you know that is a a may be challenging in certain things you know so then we devolved on to words is the i could care less it bounces off me like water off a doe and so in politics too i don't really i don't really preciate the the women out there honestly i don't appreciate them pulling this boho i'm a little girl and somebody called me names really can you see one whatever that is one name are you don't end be like all the inward i got to say there's there's still is or there still is i shall as well you don't like if they were going to get the exclusive they called by the way the person he called it his negroes number one the person is never recreation it's a winter the be ben if he can conditorei saw his behavior it was this it don't go like you think it's the law you think to call people names like that i'm just going to say i don't call trochosphere and i don't i don't disagree with them in doing it opens on how you do it but let me see this is no point so late we can have discussions and not do as ever ever to me oh i mean he tried to call to day he was calling in he was calling into naysaid check at any up dates about canon that he would like to share and i i don't know what to a homoeogeneous got he's afraid of me knows it now thoseuntrained calling solothe did cry try calling this morning and and i will cite god girl please go give cooples because she doesn't deserve it he to ycallin why didn't it whitintonus i didn't pick tonopah god wichaniwa him on what people to hear his side i want people to be able to abe oferniman i discussing this as an adult for change and stood watching him curiositee ing i was there i saw and i on otell you it was to pit i cannot like i can never get a corporate and barren he could never last so well now her last i so i have some experience with with a nick prillion a one on one too as far as i ecully wasn't on on on it was in it was in groups and so i've seen i've seen his diet no it isn't in the past so that's of meeting i have seen and so i i he came to one of my vest and was a was a kind of going in that direction he is a provocator i'll give you that the the reality we could get into the sthanto dog if not so as i gave him a solution he could even talk about wood cause analysis he doesn't understand the very things to get to the solution he does not know he is not experienced an he was people to portray that is thought i read some of the stuff i read this to that writes no sire his another one i'm telling you this is why we have the problem we have people out there that are pretending to be something other than they are and i think it's fine we as you said before call them out and start sticking to a melilit because they're not used to some one be able to challenge them with gone he or someone can't think quick under e remember that we're after the truth no matter where comes i just i guess cannot believe these people in i can i can tell you that i can tell you that there's some truth to which i said in the in the disrupting of of things i can tell you that that's there is some truth to that but there is also if there is if there's been rules that have been broken we need to bring him forward and whether i whether i like a person personally or not doesn't matter to me to goldsmith the truth and that's in the chow iconoplast called on he had to please called notesnothing as she workdespite please call it is i said he in anyhow pete other people that are on his friends getting made he was out of control there is an issue of one of a one of anger management will you know when i have gone to any meeting a republican meeting where there was an odd to control behavior not one of em it is so old like it's like that the whole parties that dumpster fire right now so anyhow hopefully god will stop in and the truth in the can come out in el in all people can react the correct way to this so that they don't you know they you know instead of being hostile and such we need to get back to talking talking out solutions and getting to the bottle of this and doing it in the very adult way o th there are some there some really tough questions and need to be asked old like to ask overoolde plan a polander that that is something that i think needs to be looked at and in conjunction with the republican party and or the good neighbor program and orontes look into that i want to see the so any hour i go chuck anywhere for a setting of creontiades hampshire it told all for that he was an independent not a party loyalist okay he was nervous as sopas sonthese enough have nisistratus these of proindependence in part cannot a party loyalists why that he has he called it be a republican party can county number one and why is anybody letting him because his father recalled taken yet the pro you out of out of a man now you understand why i can wait these badlywhere talking to over men the demons got to be jumping off that shock you know it a long and well she standing there with john o god who is breedbread sholdnesse it's like over a hole for was it you remember the pitchers with a tom hangs and the black eye club and and all that sort of thing he met in the schools that she has in africa i hate to say it but there's so much child than human trafficking going on right there she resederit dad sat next to one which john of got in in brazil who got prosecuted in a court of law so whatever she said that's that will snake tongue that's coming out there to let to let everybody astray saw an that's what demons do lead people astray and i can walk in esactly or than there salegre conococheague confronting a discussion to day all haistens to be mine it's okay because our job is to our job is spring there it is exposed it is others to do also do the research to see yes those ties are writer in the wrong and to other words rondeen gerald make willis take about it and keep the eyes open for the demons out there because i'm telling you what there's so many people that are just constantly talking on both sides of their most o ye so anyhow here got long to let to go body we'll talk later thank you sanromates that was fun i always have fun talking a shock on in to bring in a body in it is currenthe riveter scrisse how you going an god i'm i'm okay i shouldn't say i'll good i'm always honest in people asked me that queston she had by careful asking me that is you oneshort answer don't ask the other goats as we i am too it's like you know what there's the comes point time where you just got to throw all this cramp out here but i'm going to tell you what some of the stuff that i've specially her love get me the chain up here a lot of people in watchings some of them caught ah commanding we've got a some of more coming in from different areas to some and i want to give a big shot out to dine beauty because i think down and lowes and danny were very very poorly ere by the amigo and you know what i'm really concerned about this little connection that i heard about with with the dan hartman and map man or i rely imconcerned about so i and i think i think that this son i would like to know i would like to know more what's going on there and i think we're going to find out more what's going on there you know people talked to other people i talked to lots other people whether i like him or i don't like and there's the yoni give everybody a cane and when they fail it is you know when they when they fail the task then then stright there the talecomes on outsport does not make any one a friend crime that's right it's feigenbrcke open meetings act is a question yet for stone is the situation in rope and love at holding light against conomies inhs and i water my garden wall yowler talking that is est las eldon laughed one on one will thank you very much and i love isonitriles on and collies on think there is a few other ones that when i go back and forth between the channels sometimes i on that the chant the chant but there go in to go to bramberger's not work right now and see if is anything the so how are you this morning with it rousing bit of of debate there is a movie in i can't remenham of it it was a comedy with a couple of guys running for an office and one of them he would just his is like motto for the campaign was it's a mass in watts funny cause he had his release strong like southern feminine kind of way of saying it's thomas sometimes when i hear chalk talking about the depe or i hear you talk you about or here you both talking about the ship st skicoack to the in a rhinestone and fire talked about it being the swamp and its own right and and we have a friend that said you can't let menasha a polishin fair in some thickness yes what is it is large in andreaeales renoncant so you can't clean swept by standing in it and the new i don't know i i think it it may be that you know you talked about how the party system needs to be dissolved because it's not working for us is current is certainly not working for us as it is then operating for years years may be for love beginning so maybe what we're saying is the beginning of the destruction of that whole party she co this be the discrete destruction of the old guard that were seen old dear jesus let these and i think it really is a really do pihowa der i wonder how this compares other stinged in for semievening is like a somebody else said that one point time and don't want to go robotics so maybe i won't say it hoitelohon haughty letter you know is just the letters and take my cue from donna you choose that's right deigning to me than oh no we can't look at everything we can only look at seeing on and things that other people look at oh no that's horrible so eneas methat question because you you talk a lot about michigan and you're very familiar with the michigan political see what do you see you do you not see from other states regarding this kind of thing is it are they having the same kind of mass there or if michigan really like the to have a lthat i think that we're seen especially with i'mgoing to the lindantes we so i went here two's all beer to morrow and then wednesday thursday and friday i am not going to be on lying here but what i might do as i might do some live brodcasts from for micheline but what an i've seen is that there's patterns that eve repeated across the we were dofinally repeating the same pattern the same problems over and over again but for some reason michigan seems to be in the cross hairs we we seem to have a i would i would wager to say that we probably have the most oh miss henn arizona georgia colorado pennsylvania though those of the states that seemed to be the most ah in involved in the most manipulates and and so when when we see the seeming even california new york are completely axast so but the other ones that are really going affecting a swing states and the states where they can manipulate things by by the a the invasion common across our border i i was talking with with a man journal he's running for office down and florida and he has uncovered so amazing the he's going to be michael in allseven too including a lot of other friends and people that i just loved dearly down he so that is going to be very interesting their using the the cartels the mexican cartels broke into an looks like hath spenswere people can register to vote anseres in one week added in sees me a quarter of a million registrants in one week how is this even possible it's it's not and so when you look at it we we have such a problem i to think that the crimes and michigan are so over the top easier to see which is the same thing we may westoutre the reason why this is not working the political parties are at there there the asega the choice of a of americans to pick their candidates it's all wrong it needs to go away president washington warned us about part political parties they need to go away so because we don't have a choice it if they don't like you it's it's almost like up oh the masonic the way the free free masons that candidates to move up up the the wrongs and at the top rungs of freemasonry let out if it is sae it's satan absolutely satanic and people that go on the lower levels they never to the point of seeing you know how how bad it is the top because if you're not good if you're not going to go along to get along they knock you out at about love three in the you're not quite ready to how many masons out there actually in wide wine now thus why why do i have some knowledge about this i've never been involved in the masons but i had a lot of people round me that had first hand knowledge there i know how this stuffe and and you don't even have to have the you know the amount of people around you that i have that have been in the basins to know how this works but it's actually it's for real and when you look at when you look at the satanic roots in this its undeniable i have had a guy on last friday he we talked about the child trackingand rocky rescuing kids when we get it when i get off line with people the interested then as is the the discussions do get more ere more intense his people are afraid to say things in line he sues i didn't want a found anybody of like a fiend away we say everything here you know you can say whatever you want i don't you know i'm i'lli'll debate you if i think that there needs to be more questions and or if somebody's off base a little but i will debate them i i loved on betty i think she's great i don't think she's rude i think she's actually a very strong woman who as and and i want to applaud her you know it's amazing how people get shut down for asking questions and they get called names like rode in the seether thing while maybe she's just a fighter that sees things that are very very wrong was on the inside of the ami goes she had the inside track he she knows what was going on there why did they get rid of her over ask that question so now people want to silence don beat are you kidding me let her say what she needs to say and i don't care if anybody thinks she is she needs to get out there and people need to pull on their big boy and big girl pannis and enlisted a people who have been inside the machine to what they have the probably probably going to have the most intelligent conversation that you're going to hear out he i lifting don't want her and the job she might need to do what you've been doing outside the duke you can be orecome but ternero if you're attacked your probably over the target that means you're not compliant that means they can't control you and they can't control down beady they couldn't control her they and then then the other two positions what happened with donnie danny bart lotta and lois they put in people that have retorts are you kidding yet like they couldn't find anybody better the didn't have a criminal record bidentatis danny's got all kinds of he's got all kinds of a a master's degrees and and this of the on the guys highly intelligent highly connect and principled in honest and you know it i i've heard him talk about a you know i've heard him talk about things in the ithacan or the most he would never have the ability to say though the dawn bade and in low and lowest i mean loses a grantwhy wed they get loreto lo isloses he grandma that when in there and was they caught her salary and half and i don't know if they were trying to demoralize her to get there to get there people in there they have criminal backgrounds what are you what is the best way to compromise the something on them and if they have a record what else were they involved in ah i have a lot of questions i mean i just do you to don't you just don't you things like that you just don't do and in our metargiope e mate misty on on a personal level people make in and there was a story that i was told about flipping some one who has a coyote at the border and the guide the guys started crying is like i i didn't want to i don't want to do this and there's people in our government that there like i don't want to do this what they got on in with he got emwith something on that's what absens island was about is getting people down on there throwing a man a room where the cid put agonothet hat or somebody that they loved and sand raked the cid and they rode corded it and now they owned the the the person wanted to it i don't know that i can even answer that we weren't there but we know this is going on we know this is going on in every love of our government and if they can get somebody that has a compromise background you know you're you are already got one step right straight to hell right and in their so much of this going on because the entire system is one and its broken for giving people in possession its compromising the doing like a double vine as the satanic if that the satanic almondnot so funny i i think that we cannot underestimate and understand sitting in pure the the spiritual battle that's going on he watch people's behavior it's incredible people will built the slip like like alice in in all the sudden they'll be talking at one side of their mouth i'm giving it to you now hanging loose swishing as men but the though the flip they're going to one side another and in a hurt the in your lap how did they slip their quickly it's it's like the double mindedness has talked about in the bible the bible talks about a double minded person being unstable in all their ways and i don't get it i don't get it we are it lily if people acted give every one a chance if they decide to make a good decision that i think what god wants to be you give them a chance you encourage them you want them to do better you want them to make a good is and if they show that they are capable of doing that continue on to encourage him because every one is flawed everybody's maidens you know we've all been taken in at the wrong time so we've got to give people a chance the person may flips any others got the border that was scooty he handed up being in the format for the guys that actually were and they gave a chance and and he was able to turn round and we've got a realized that this is part of it the other is as i've noticed it too it's the strangest thing to me him still i may never reale a rat my head around it like a i just in my life experienced in in your experience and i'm not just describing age you have ah no connections of with a lot of people compared to my life history and in i have been all over the country so i do have that but i've never seen the kind of behaviour that i've been seeing in the last year or two and and in its part of that is you get to know somebody to some degree and you see a good person and in that's why you sociate with that because you can see good person and good behavior and suddenly there i call it a shadow or like a veil ah or both a shadow being like their something that's cast over them that is there behavior is not normal and and you go at first you know me i am ological and i always tried to think about things that in terms of giving person ah the benefit of the dog and in giving them grace and mercy cause that's just too i am so that's one of the things that came to makes me gall because i don't see the worst in people first in getting better at that and that's just experience with the serment a short part of it is like you know well they've had some stress in their life this this and that is going on and that's why they're behavior is shifting in no more familiar with that dogs because if a dog is not feeling well or its stress and i'm sure you see that with horses there behavior will changes or result and i could see that in people too so i like all maybe this an that is going on in their life and causing stress and when people are stressed they start to act out more aggressively or negative to some degree that that's more old that you can explain that this is not that what i'm seeing in people is beyond that and that's why you see it's abnormal to me and that's why i say i am wondering why i see it as there's a veil over some people that might descriptive that their blind and deaf like you can talk to them about something that you witness them doing and they don't remember it in wetting now lots there's a you can't remember they can't see or hear it seems to be ah there health meactually take down turn same time and so you don't know which is the cause of which is the effect or is a happening together and that kind of witness between you and i talking and then me really seeing that behaviour in a number of people but i can think of a few very specific i see that battle of good verses evil differently in those kinds of scriptures like there's one in june about it the geneva bible calls them sleeper and in description it talks about them as if they were blind or the given over to the reprobate mind i i never really understood that before in reading it cause i didn't i don't think i experienced it like i am now and know it's making much more sense so this is not new under the sun it's just that careening for clearly now yes we the snap out of it in and like he said they won't even remember that they said something or they did some ah and and i i had i've had some that have been credible like like you would to look at the person go yet their deemed possessed there is no twas about and they won't remember what they sided and i think i think that were actually seen biblical things play out with were the times were right now are so biblical and if he read the bible and see what it says about about these sort of things you'll look at the world to go this is what i'm seein it helps sense out of what we see what we feel is so in the wood away you deal with that is remember this battle is the lord's we had have to remember that remember the story of of gee where he came he i think we should just read through this is some point but what gideon proved is god he came with all these troops against a hundred and thirty or so thousand and god said we've got too many people there any kept cutting it down and cutting it down until he got down to three hundred people he said now you're going to take that many people with three hundred those people that that oh i thought it was interesting that the last caught that he made to get to the three hundred was about those that lapped from their hands you know those are the ones that are going to stand with that told me as he was looking at those people that didn't just fall face first in the river because they were exhausted but that they were still following the protocols of an cleanly so they were following the rules even when they were en and that's the way it is with oscar standing here going forward are we going to follow the rules even though were exhausted from the and in its repeated the bible has all sorts of things that get repeated over and over again are you so exist you're willing to justify are the means by the end no you you've got to stay solid you've got to do it the right way you followed the rules you follow the protocols and these we know we have to do and god will take as and even if its one person ten people a hundred when when you when you had that stability and that lack of double minded singular pre take in this nation back it's been infiltrated we have already a basically a we were the position of losing this country now i believe there is enough good people that have been fighting that we already wanted battle the battle is the lord's and the lord will already has already got thing one in the spirit before its rout one in the net i think i think too you know if we look at how ah how lowerjust call it is it is i mean jesus could come in and appear in rooms and disappear and it's our eyes that we can't see things that are here any can look at dogs or horses they can see things that we can there's no two ways about it we are we are limited we are definitely limited there are other entities that compass between a dementes if you want a monoculist or that can appear and disappear jesus de absolutely he all a sudden den it on ole's god so you you've got that and ah you do have that but but the demons can do it too and there lesson and so is it kind of interesting but when you see somewhat who is deemed possessed why is it that all the sudden you can see a change and even in their eyes in such way as it because why because the demons can absolutely move in an effect what they do and so the only way we stay away from this as we have to stay in the word of god we have to pray we her eyes on god and listened to him you've got to have time where you're quiet you have to be you have to be quiet in order to listen to god with all the commotion the tv the movies all the stuff that's going on and the political nonsense have to take time to sit with our father god almighty quiet and listen to him he will talk to you but you also have to remember we stand the word of god the word of god is the is the the bible and people the other's flaws in it really do you think i'd with leave us you know you know do you think god would leave us absolutely abandoned with no help now he sends his holy spirit you you right on our part or it's written on our hearts the important topic you are not abandon god did not abandon us he's here he's walking with us every step of the way he is a good friend to us but listen to and read his words listen to his failure heart with a goodness of god in the things he said i was talking to somebody to we that was a very hostile to god and to the bible and i like our problem is as your listening to what everybody says about you're not going there and you're not listening to miss coy and they wore mesoreodon and like any time you listen to is giving their interpretation going to be errors in there because you're going to see their humanity come forward and if they're not close enough to god their doing it for money like so many of our our churches and evangelists you're going to see there humanity and or deeming himself coming right through them telling you what they want here with a little snake you that that's reet rate reality of what is when when it was finished in the val in the temple was run into we were able to go directly to god he without without a human interest without that we can go to god to jesus christ our lord and saviour we can go directly to him we can talk if you will take he will show you he will open to hers he will close doors in and lead you right through the midst of a battle ten thousand can fall one in a one thousand can follow war side ten thousand at your right hand and it will not come near it faith is in god the battle is the lord and all we have to do is just listen to him and on but don't don't any of these prophets that are talking out here any of these commentators people that want to explain things to you is is your still getting parts of their humanity and potentially demonic involvement in what the a nonoit is true one hundred per cent of the time as yet we heard anybody that's one hundred en i don't know the answer to that question cause i don't listen i go directly to the bible and that is the only place i go to st now i listen o the people's comments that the snowe all do in passing but i don't jump on to somebody and follow anybody one hundred percent none none of hector you've got to use your discernment like anything else the you mentioned the prophets so called prophets what i see in all of them is a desire to be heard see and make money god said to me this but they in any go on in the usual lot of bible language ok or you encouraging people or you just do in gloom because if you're just saying you've got nothing to hope for your completely missing the goal of the gospel right in now if all their doings trying to frighten people about this is the end of the world these are the intimes and you have no hope or you have to do something and in order to be one of the few yet you have some instruction in the bible it doesn't come from go to some goshoots his name known it's in the bible what you got to do if you can leave when you've got a stake macon on it am i you mentioned the battle belongs to the lord my substance first sub stack in that series is kidding they've got it right in front of me i'd like to read a little bit from it like you if you don't effect then and i think this is important all that to realize that any hurt human interpretation therein the potential of being and yet just like dislike people sitting in in a political officer of government and we are flawed people are and so you have to go to the sources and the source or source is god and in that that is the that is it you know you go to god god will talk to you go to the bible and ask him to tell you what it is your post learn that you know even even pastors pastors are or hyp they will get hung up on one issue that is their thing it's their thing and they preach on it and they preach in the preaching on on on that one issue and we've got to remember that they are only human and they're giving their take on it it's not necessarily a there may be something we can take away from it but that doesn't mean there not there is not some flaw in their teaching cause there's going to be one when i went and studied messina jewish what would happen in the services is the first person we get up and read the word of god standing up as the voice of god and then would sit down and give an interpretation some of those interpretations are great it's how they apply this to their own lives that we even earn that we learn that's a great way to learn this is what god was really talking to me and what this meant that's a great way to start discussion in learning from each other i think it's i think it's a beautiful a beautiful way to to approach his but when somebody sits up there and an is this is the way this is the way it isn't like we what does it mean to you how did you again as to your how are we going is this just like had nowe i don't wicked feller right right application was vital and lines the what things mean all day long and never hinted on what it did you learn did you learn go to god go to god a lot god as the only one who is perfect jesus price or lord and savior open that door to us for salvation to make peace between us and god we no longer had to go to an intermediary we can go right to god thus christ and boom he is the door of don he opens our access he opens our path to god almighty and and that happened at the cost and the fact that died for this died for us to be reconciled to god he was raised from the dead because the only one who is why was he perfect as he had the blood of god running through his veins the blood comes through the dead the blood land comes through the dead jesus christ had the blood line of god almighty he is in was and is to and he made with between us and god he was god in the only one that could have paid the price was god himself and we wouldn't believe any other way his now that's just way it is so we can go to god and learn but any how goto yourself substantiate i ran for god you know then that fontenette pretenses or thatsomething as is the way in onthinking out there the th deny god that her leaving people at strike their gonoine they're going to find at the base of the cone there it has some real serious things to deal with it someone is coming back and when we when he does we better be avowed the kingdoms business and about god's visitors no time for him on that there's no conditions on that there's no you know well god you got to do this for me and these diculous i claim it frame at prayers you know i'm onisim an hold god to contract i don't think so nobody holds got to contract we were his worst friend and we should be acting like his friends you know we shouldn't be acting like like he's a any machine here god i'm going to put a couple of prayers and pulled the lever and i get results that's how he works no ressaisit i think he'll preciate the first line because it is let's look at the example found in the story the of gideon in judges eleven i have references for my work and that is in great destinies hertely it was like it like get god created sad so i'm going to share my opinion i don't on what i'm pulling out for application to day but i'm leaving out a law of course and that's why i like to put the the chapter and verse in there and my suspects so that people can go and read it themselves use whatever train of a bible translation you want to study it further if you want to don't just go like you said don't dast go by what currents as here but were to talk about a couple of things that we can pull out o here ah judges seven got to give in the separate out all those men who laughed water by putting their hands to their mouths there were three hundred they were up against men numbered like grasshoppers or as the sun which is by the sea shore and multitude it's from birch god didn't select a bunch of valiant skill warriors for this fight ahead instead he selected more randomly a small number why to make clear that the battle belongs to the lord gideon had the three hundred men carry a trumpet and a light covered with the clay probably and they fanned out around the enemy in the middle of the night they simultaneously broke the pitchers which revealed their lamps in the darke blue the torches and shouted the sword of the lord and of gideon shock and all the enemy ran cried and fled other israelite men saw this and pursuit of the enemy we can read a verse twenty two the lord every man's sword upon his neighbor and upon all the host so the host gideon's men also pursued according to chapter god didn't need warriors he needed men who trusted in him stood firm and acted according to his plan he confused the enemy so that they largely destroyed each other this people had in half to do work as judges eight thirty four we learn that one gideon died the israelites remembered not as the lord their god which had delivered them out of the hands of all the enemies on every one who won the battle god dead let us all remember that let's unpack that a little bit more sometimes you must show them god showed them who is in charge he shocked and awed them in what way he used a small number of faithful men it made the enemy of freight enough that they destroyed themselves in their panic sound familiar who gets glorified gideon may have noted that as a vessel of the action god gets the glory even now for that vice it is his plan and his strength not theirs but the three hundred didn't just stand still they had to follow instructed be quiet until the right time participate speaking up you might say with one accord and half trusting god that his plan would work can you imagine going anywhere near an enemy as the sand which is by the sea shore for multitude with a trumpet and a torture lamp under a pitcher in a quiet darkness they had to set aside their fears trusting god wait for his signal follow his plan as best one and let him do the rest i see it so that is part one that's the end of part on the battle belongs to the lord in a three talk about the screaming bobcat but i can hear it in my in my mind's eye when we were talking about how frightened the other side is that's part of what we're seeing wee seeing with bob cat that's caught in a trap its scream in and holding and lashing out and writhing it knows its dead unless it can convince the hunter to forget about it and go away and maybe maybe somehow it can survive will this evil knows that it's one so its train figure out how can we take down as many good it it all the other people are already taken their dead people walking so to speak it's those who are trying to figure out how to get closer to god that are the ones who the devil's so to speak whether true or imagined or however you want to put it the other side we'll try to attack the good people the people who are trying to find god the people who are trying to do god's will st wants company his miserable and he just wants as many people as he can take down with him i like you said if we're quiet and we do what god is instructed as to do nothing we have nothing to fear he's got it all figured out and oh what were seeing i think and i think you'll agree is that the other side knows it's losing at or lost big leninists trying to to scream and lash out and well i don't believe we should be fearful i think we should be aware that there are consequences to this battle there will be people who are harmed damaged killed even and the honoraffusion the lord it doesn't matter whenever these sinners always collateral damage look at when somebody when somebody gets into it in a situation of and i'm not saying this on the kind of nation way i'm sane i ight me well that get into an addiction there have in a problem copy what's the the base problem lack of love every single time lack of love is is the is the is the problem the and so or their hot there their not cope with either love for them themselves for things they done wrong gulps their guilt ye know all this thing i'll make comes back to a common a common cause right in so their hiding the ththirty ically hiding they're trying to escape having to deal with this the copy mechanism got right so you know when we look at a person who is going to diction though does it only hurt them now what hurts every one around and it's like the there's if so there so many propose and then you've got the flat out sadness from things like like a santo where the which are giving sacrifices to demon god that they've got down there you know the scene of death or murder is what it is and in that sort of thing it's like there is huge consequence two to the evil the rule is in in effects it infects holebut or whole thing is this is not our home and we are looking i really do believe that there's a point people's lives where they were they ah they changed that there's decisions that are but our home is in heaven and we are constantly looking for god looking for that looking for we're never going to find it here and so our home here is where wherever god is if if you can frame it this way wherever god is he any have nothing to fear your you can step out of can step out of and away from evil at any point in time you can step out of behaviour you can step out of things and got draw closer to god and he will heal you he will provide for you i mean all those things are possible we got to make that we got to make the decision and say you know what my it's not working forming life is not working and all of us come to that point the our life is not work working for us not well or you know at endeerement s going to be be at the point of death but it happens to every one in hopefully we make that decision early or earlier and so that we can save ourselves from a lot of self inflicted problems that were great at we all creator on all the probe that happened just from the outside too but we can hear nathan we are helpful you know and so re nobody nobody can claim that right is sister was only one that was erst it was jesus christ on he had the blood of god running through his eye his perfect and there was reason for that we talk about david a little bit to david is one of my favorite i don't want to call him a character cause he's real man in the bill call him brother no raphaelsthe had a man after god's own heart i think as how it's descried he when we see with the philistines is like whywhat a guy you know he sure i have faith i rode about that that subsederit and so sometimes we feel like we have to be like david and wrote about esther too because she had a great faith but he behaved differently she had a different role to play then david we don't always have to try to be david but my point is there were times when david was doing really well fighting physically for the lord and there were times where he was hiding in a cave begging god to destroy his enemies because he was be in tormented by fear and he stress he knew that they were coming for him and he didn't know what else to do he is hiding and doubtful and fearful but he never let go of his and when he sinned against your eye with best sheba he proved you was a perfect like you were saying do you how that old that blood line and david made mistake he still had facing god and when he realised his his son was dying he grieved heartily and when his son died stopped grieving and people look at that look at that whole situation too because that is a great example of his faith too nothing i can do about it any more he's with god ah but anyway his his face is a great example for us because even when the consequences of what was going on around him overwhelmed him emotional he still had a and not for mine and all the sensitive person of an emotional person sometimes i might be pretty sad i might even be afraid of some in but if i looked at to david or look at paul's another example of the suffering that he accomplished complished he complished with great faith alongside it would ringratiate i want interject this here is that i would prove prefer having friends who have a little bit of flaws in their backs i don't i never have never become friends with somebody who hasn't had a rough rough time in their life or is made to major mistakes or have set had some real struggles in the background because you know why people that sit there and want to play this piety contest putting out a sea that the perfect and sent hurch and the they've got all the answers to every thing and looking down the nose that everybody else had mollie and they are also their focus i think that's one of the greatest blasphemies that you can have because then it becomes all about your behavior instead of what christ has done for us that we can't claim any rights and i rarely friends with that can't come to terms with and have grace and mercy for others in their flossy night you know i come on over here you're you're welcome to my table because this is this is where sinner saved by grace and saved by mercy save by jesus christ said over here and every one is jesus died for every one and had met the call is out there for every single pers the he stands with his arms wide open come all who are weary and heavy laden come and he will make things he will change feels he will provide answers and give shelter from the storm and and that that's out there for every single persons is not an exclusive of you know what or come over you this not one person in the bible that was perfect except for jesus it is a line of what not to do you know crania hard time with that because when i was younger i i really when i was a little girl i had a very very hard time with his i could look at myself in the though i really wanted to always be right about things and try tandolanos and life i really did i don't talk about it much but i did and you know always tried to do the right thing but felt so much none know ah coronation all the time people had a religious spirit around me which was diffwys very different its ianesse spirit from hell it really is and instead of sin europe you can do this he makes you in war except in europe he didn't make you as a mistake and you know when i was born a that's how i was treated as a mistake in outcasts and that that's a real problem and i didn't want to you know i saw these people in the bible and the church and figured they all had it together it you know just set there with so much oh so much a shame and so much so much to kondemnashon shame then i i just had a hard time with it then all a sudden really read a goin wait a minute this isn't a book of all these perfect people that are better than you this is the perfect this is a book of all these people that were a disaster there a duster fire from the beginning and not one did the right thing the only one that did was jesus that that's set the rest of them were highly flawed and we can learn from those people round as these that i did that on that could be due in that because he's screwed up over he are we able to out live a perfect ah not one of us is going to get to the end and say we were able to do things perfectly because we do not have we we we we we will never achieve that a paul said i do that which i don't do or that i shouldn't do it he struggled with that and he take died we all struggle when we see our flaws in the things that ourselves that we are we wish for different we don't one of makes it right and that's the one when we hear that won't hear a message and somebody says jesus first just a certain amount of people but not for every one that's wrong as did for all of us in we can all except we just have to turn towards them now will everybody do that i would hope i prayed to god that that would be the is that is that biblical i think it is we get were given there in the bible does say narrow is the gate and i don't think that's because he doesn't want any people i think like the ought because that's because the agents there's not many coming that that he would i mean there's not enough that he really wants like you said he wants everybody but just not a noted enough those ah well when either matterated no matting is arason small number of people who will choose to go do you want to be god's there's the st its like is hideous there is a animacin for you or do ye is it in your heart to know that you have the heart of god in mind every minute of your day are you about the kingdom is are you no matter what struggles or strife come are you here because no matter what god asks you to do leave in your plans and and looking at somebody who's heard in and just trash in her whole day because god puts something front of you to do you aren't you matteromoneal or you honestly and somebody who would stop in the way like the good samaritan the goods the good samaritan in those two people on the path before him you know what they did they did exactly what the law dipped do not a dead body or a nearly done body they walked on the other side of the road because that's the religious teachers to marin stepped up and and o put himself outside of the law he let the love loved it the his midway up is the higher law right there were two rabbis that were having discussed when jesus was walking the earth and i he was the one that preach and this is with the farces were asking us which way we fought follow do we followed the law or do we listen to helles he answered that no one certain terms it's the it was the law of love that comes you you know you say rest on sunday but if you're if you've got lamps to take care of her somebody what a shepherd band in their lamps and on inhoneste somdetch would be saturday actually it's so were we all in violation all of us are in violation in some part if we want to hold the lot to the to the tea were a holdingoutto so you you you know and so what he did as he gave us that was to so that we would know that we can't do it honor the only way we can do this is to of the cross lay down our life and followed out a rendereth no he still on to make way and he still going shoot so when about one of the most surprising moments i had when i was studying for the the child sacrifice series i did ah i when i read the story of vanessa i was kind of surprised people the children were made to walk through the fire is how the the scripture words it won't children there does not mean just small children it means the children of isereel so could have been people any age the my point was they were doing this sacrifice of people to a god other than god that's that was the chief thing that anger got and so when they realized what was wrong with that and that this was the problem the king and all the people ah tore off their clothes put on sackcloth and ashes and were just in a great morning and repented to go and he relented and did not destroy them in to me knowing that some one who even some one who sacrificed another person to another god that god has the right the authority and the ability and the willingness forgive even that have i done that no i've done other kinds of sands in my life i haven't done that one and that his letters of one one then but iserinexact ly but i put in our minds i you know that's kind of an encouragement that we need will have got a king forgive that if jesus can forgive the man of cross next to him could he could forgive me and in that should be a great a greeting couragement to all of us i don't be gonodon know to sologob y out there is a mistake nobody out there is one turn around and follow go there's been some into the battle is the lord's but there's the battles between principalities and and so we have to think about ourselves a little bit as a as radio too is as a radio where were red and so it's like if you're tuned to god differ than being tuned to help eliseo le that are in bold and santo where there they turned to god no not chance they're too in in to a different in their minds which is not a god which is nothing which is nothing but a satanic like bellockin all the rest of em that they sacrificed to i mean hillary clinton and the wikele's talked about sacrificing to moloch son whom home at ebony these are these are this is sick it's demanded its demonic it is amblodon this is the ante of if you're down one of those paths there i suggest you get yourself turned round and maybe maybe go back to god because you know you may not have a lot of time left if he can drag your sorry but down to to how he's going to do it and the only way to to avoid that is you better you better turn to god and ask him to help you he well he's good and he set in hell forgive you in such which you better turn to god in and turn your back on anything that has to do with to mamook and in the rest of their the nonsense of demonic as in cree of losers out there there there following satan the the chief loser out there and oh and i like tekisimme describe it as a filter you know you've got a set of filters that that get added to as you go on so like with discernment the more discernment you have the more filters you have that con filter out the gard bridge in your life in and also specially in michigan we cannot recognize the the pot hole issue that we have if you're looking at potholes you'll go you're going to drive yourself right into them if your folk is done the path where you're supposed to be you won't fall into those potholes you'll be able to steer around them and that is really important aspect saint has no power here unless we give it to and so we have to stand for a minor convict we have to we have to stand firm with to do the right thing don't lie to or steal you give an anstey given him a crack to get at so you know that that's one of those things that it's not got doesn't tell us not to do things just to be mean he's sayin you won't avoid a lot of problems your the cracks closed up so he can't get and stay in the light of god and the light of god chases away chases the darkness you know we resist we resist evil and i can't stand here he has no power here it's like i always say you can't i know is the only one that can add my life's going to be got almighty you know we and when you when you turn your life over to god you got nothing to fear you keep you may though anything and let's let's prattle or less put out there men oh it will be a scripture cause i i love this i love the sun theed here i think this is really good of course they're going to have some do you have a constipated coal and that mitigation sense on these channels they always do something stupid like that but what's isn'tness some encouragement and see what is god's say about you what does he say about the relations about you and so this this is what god says this is in the this bible verses is all it is listen to what god has the common mass told you there was a way to easily restore healthy blood sugar terrors thirty one there be strong and courageous do not fear or be in trade as to for your god who goes with no leave you worse some thirty two shepherd she had placed you preserve me from trouble you surround shots were to revert passports state this strong tower the righteous man words into and is so some one thirty eight to lord lankathe midst of rock to preserve my life oh you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my head is and you're right heah and to letters so shalt keep me as the apple of your eye i the shadow of your wings second son twenty three or four oh my god my rock in my take rushing owyhee the word is my salvation mashonaland my refuge my safe you save me from myron i called upon the horse who is horror and to my prehistory damon or to the core a strong and the th of old now stood refuge section placed the stop so i think that's a wonderful feed and i like listening to the scripture there is guy's voice super cathartic inospiti can show with us you know on or not such what i think i think it's of st scripture and not always come toes it's not our knowledge that's going to save us we studied that we are founded mihi so but it is truly it's just spending time with god just spent time with a it'stootoo so with that said you are have me less words which would say prayer menlook rumor there only father we thank you so much for being with us and giving us a you know to come in here to die for us what i can't even imagine the love that you must have for that you are willing to leave heaven to come here to the to our hearts and to to help us in to save us and we're just so grateful you have been a great friend provider protector or band you you have always come through for us and now it's time for us to come through and be a friend to you we want to be a friend you we lay our lives down or and were thankful that you confuse the enemy that the fable is yours that it's already won and we lay our plans down we lay our life down an we want to be about your business the kingdom business the kingdom of god your kingdom would be on earth as it is in he help oh help us by opening people's eyes and ears up to the and a confused the plans of the enemy an i'm so thankful that you walk in front of us besides us and behind us that you are a protector that you put a hedge of protection around us and that you just you know you walk is right through this life not that we don't have any troubles troubles teaches things and even in those times were thankful for everything you do or tis you're giving us you're giving us experiences to learn to be better people and make good decisions and all such a tuck in even closer to we thank you so very much we ask your blessings on this nation on general flint admirers we ask your ah we ask you would still peopleth mouth and there there need and propensity to be on the personal attack for each other and that we'd recognize it for what it is with a a bell between prince baldies and powers we asked that we would only speak the words that you give us to speak in nothing more and nothing less so much for the day we love you wont be re is named red then go to her he got it piranthat no anno to brander for goin her not com i'm best not concerto has ever not conceded to lighters his in our government and these in order then to the the the jocose you the best conceived feclno none none none can refuse that had meconidine of you know why i'm a bull had that's on it is stop fighting the snow why because we're about god's in no political party see you're david you would get that fistand said excuse me otoyo think you are now wot he gustomers you know many on interfering gods one horse thesiger wait or but he skirwort words at him you know and i look at toteecoo pigeoners sarmanai could find in me for that i'm a pathetic second to david but there oo but i will i won't chuck worster and a so at any rate i have a great day so just already knows we love you there's lots of people fighting them for the nation and for you and for each other come and join us be a friend to us we need to stand together let's be friends let's not just do van de everything here you goes go fight this political bad lie that they're in critici in on no it doesn't work that way you know he'll have to get into the fight and the same thing would be in christian it's time to get into the fight now to say any cries but then reviews the stand for anything that's not how works that's not this now the game works so at any rate have a great day god bless you god bless all those whom you love a god blessed a great day in the keep those cracks out of your foundation here and do the right thing don't lie no cheating no stealing tried to be about that of the father's business here and do the right thing on all levels and will see to morrow with john tatertate tuesday and a enakanee beat up this constitution here a little bit and getting the truth out and it could be it up were going to hold it on like the republican party who says of third party about the constitution but do they talk about it now it's anyhow there we got were going to continue have a great day whilst

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

good morning welcome to brandenburg news network i am donna brandenburg and it is the fourteenth day of august twenty twenty three welcome to our show here this morning we have a lot to talk about which we always do at amazing when you gethings happening in the world that really require a little bit more in and research that make you ask is like the fires and hawaii there there is a crazy stuff going on here and i believe that we should be very careful face because he is so much manipulation going on however were that we have to ask a lot continued asked the so any anyhow grin owercome on my i guess this morning chuck richard i do into itwondering were ready to coddle you know that monday morning one in monday morning in the mitten and it is gone a crazy then a really crazy week week and i'm always shocked at the twists and turns that so what's happenin in chuck words oh oh oh contack when i talk about what went on or in the second district ellicott to concho saracanco nty and and the five pettoallee people is thine that's her that's kind of sad it's going to leave things in disarray but were in thought i say that and really know so they can out of work with the helicopter's going we call kellieston so storm was prisoned o a concoction and a misgiving county we you do there being there so night as well so there's a lot going on so let's get rid of it so low it is glad yeh i would giouare with you there there's a lot going on there but there's also a lot still going on i mean there's questions i i am i am really a taking the poison there's a lot of good guys out there that are playing bad guys there's a lot of bad guys all their playing like good guys it's goin take us a while to sort the all out however i think i think there's some good guys and post in order to make us ask questions of in he endures his people in order for us to look at they really are all about what's going on in the last time he addressed christina karamo he called her christina karano and he suited couple of times and my whole thought on this pointing us to look deeper and so with that side i still am completely shocked the financial and how things have been been handled there i posted a bunch of filings that shows at one point nine million dollars in the account and how that was kind of moved round including some exposures that are of questo and i i want to try to get the person that was piling some more information on this and then also i'm looking into the amount of absolute not job felons that she is putting in i don't know if you saw what robert owens got a pointed or is working and homopolar working for robert owen's is in lois amount and he's got he's got a record that that's incredibles from from ohio and then you also have a joindront go those records and to know what that is cause onionwe the oh yeah holsomest shocked it how many people have got a rounder have got records i i mean a ran or felons and have admitted animal cruelty and all this sort of thing so i'm in good people are getting let go people that ask is our being in that's what i'm seeing hope his wiser as he would on total about the truth about things we wanted just give it a path let twenty twenty go move on we're not going to talk about and i think it's a bunch of red oh athene on the word thereon ilhas done and the skin canbecause it brought out his call on national level chris was as peaceful opposition from his own pen on escaping how sanction in to do it and then cruised in because it was taken longer they wanted their wonted it captured a glory of it quite away and make it look like their doing something for the work and you well know dad of a time to analyze and enpress and he was doing a great job i aconteieron i got rid of him they did by christaphersen an estate on course because of that we have a lot of stuff that he's done come forth in this takencount reached up a gewapende put out stuff on it and his going opination now and it's all duty if it's not to the party at all because they were raised right and it's it's really odd as you got an honest that working with cress and i like christina i alone he's a good guy and then i could go he's good guy and then fill halloran stops and like he's done something on the likecome son what's he done since twenty twenty what's he done since he was she was put in place and all of a sudden they shoved his face and found of the camera as an opportunist the glory for something he now or had anything to do with and were in refused to stand up with so in like are you kidding me and there's no mention of cress there's a there's a minor mansion of the clerk there but the republican party the glory for something they didn't do and i've got a problem i should have enceintes no doubt about it i mean i can understand it or go what they should have thought about the work that he did to create you know i colored my retirement every case isaeus a pride somewhat that that i know his heart and soul was in it the red oefers god about the moon so he knows his out there and not why it upset her so with these guys were going through him off i told him i told that don't do it don't do it it's a wrong thing and yet they did it and i see now i geschriebenes worthy that's okay because it's sintenis correct sintenis or the truth in these god agreat jos painting of be putting him upon the corocanus or for asking counting because i think he deserves that and more what look at look at all these people that they are nothing more than camera horrors i'm going to say that if the camera horse that's what they are they done nothing and then all of a sudden when somebody has he got to break oh look at i'm the front man here that's exactly what they've done and i'm i'm going to say the same thing about those sixteen that were that were indicted or investigated or charged by dan and assthough republicans those people were were due nothing no do nothing say nothing go along with everything except i think there's one person in that might just a little bit nieve a got sucked into the deal but other than that these people did not ever speak about president trump other than to use his name to fondas and or to turn their backs on elections so now they've made them into some sort of martyr and everybody the publican party of the lot have lost their minds there one of us really then i don't want to stand here you because these people did not fight for the rightful president of the united states and they didn't they i bought for the elections on one then thought for in we he and so on so now all of a sudden they become the rallying point of martyrs now a with that sad wore things done correctly now dan enough isn't done anything she isn't done one thing it's just serves then come in only going to live three now we know that there's a novelties of all sorts we don't even octo argue that rethondes of soul can argue that the ore no onlesse work but the question is someasuring and colin i want a sight of it the carpense everything o ke rag well you don't hear that what you drew that is in rather send him for persons sick so i chose a totality be you know let him be to you don't you entered you have intervention i tried to find what the repasses cause alas these cases have no clue nor in nor do they want to there's no clue or no desire that's a distinguishing it if they don't want to fix it they have now no room to complain they mean that that means that they are content with the way it is is like what you like these people say oh oh he's not so bad content let it be that way are you happy to day are you one asked for rattled regan are you better off to day and you work for years and he answers no i we'd better off any time with any of this dancers now that we have an application to step up and do it can a persidio way though i mean to i sho people step not like with a second district that have no clue there they may have the passion of their so polical you have the foofoo if you like canofari you if you have a father here and you tell the father of the mother the piece of crop in her the child all that will get you very far walletwell there comes a point time they that this is this is got in to be so criminal that i relate believe that you cannot work with you can't work with he that there there's too many staffs they'd put in place and we have to go back to the declaration of an iponence we have the right in the obligation to remove people and or any form of government he has been or repugnant to the constitution and that's exactly what we have here and i really believe that same thing for the republican party right now i don't think we can work with anna because there's just two too much just wait too much question i mean we're going to work i'm in to go there then the theamount of foundlings and people who have who have records is overwhelming and shocking and the fact that people don't want to talk about this it's the party is is not i mean were were tight were talking on the amount of a tone overtaking oh wire fraud were talking replacing people with with other with others that have serious and i mean a very er i'm the smile get to my want show you on if there was this a serious problem here in but i don't know one slip through this good and you come in on her i do think that in other old thing it is in dustlike a house of cards is come coldly down because you mention of cringle's absolutely we see the insecure added o fie john smith when the evaporator breaking in entering cars and we see tilestones reckoned up by a fellow in a bill radicatine million dollar was receptsand something about it does one of the etymon dollars who is that methodicalness and fished her chair we see so much of this going to and people have criminal pass i do tendonitis i are we not the mining better we see the second fisticke sees things going on over there that that's menabrea that there be issues brought out on those people that it should make people oh sir walked away from i mean great now that's part of the problem we have charlottetown and everything told her tween here not even claim the their hesoid well i just i des brought up this on the charitcher person coronel um in it was the resolution of the came upon the meeting and he said the purpose of the meeting is discussing obtained the following so we duly request the special meeting to set by some virgil so we've got on this on this one we got the news randy got nicky on a grogan bird stephen cinadon rose the time roth and feeble cristen gillicolane i got a bite one of because i let bring it out on every one of them what a strong weopinde sepolture that's got to show up in court next to confine on how paperall are and this is why we got to start calling him out as we we got to look at at all of rochere know rochers is here not honorable people and you people i send you the screen shots and men i keep going please do cause did you said is just why we're facing what cause we don't have one gisewell nobody's clean yet they are there people that are clean its people that tried their best but we have to try our best and when we all bore at their minit but these people continue to concetto violate principles and law they continue to violate the constitution and the bible the very cocons of what three publican is what is republican to day i mean we really got to look at it if they wonders republican it should be less government it should be remarked it should be concerned with it as it should be on the plate like a platform with with the pope the constitution but i got to ask which constitutional retalking about on an tantanege point because the constitution was never ratified correctly anyway it never rather fight so that the question i asked this creek the constitution fails what rules really are in place what stops us from deedie sidenote i sent you attack there and then if you look at the party a monothecal about the constitution the constitution but this is like anything else i never hearing them really talk about it and you know it's like tuesday we get on to john tater and we go through the constitution and the law but they're not educating people they're using as the head line rather than something thatahthat's what it is to its its click at and can and so and but it's o and so in stationwhere republican we got to stand or the publican as liliceous so as democrats their trying to get to go in different direct through manipulation rather than looking what do they actually stand for while republican already with christina has got so many people that that you it's just like what i i went to this you know resolution for the meeting here and who signed on to it in order to have have of an their someothers a couple of really good people on this last contingono don't make no mistake there there there is a lessonthe names i'll i know about so i i sent this to you and this was there was its randygo nick nicky is undeformed ah inexperienced like her but in his spirits as sole a the class quite under the assam under character fled sufflato i honor iacobin differs if i called as a character with his against o on what grounds o the ingenious proceeding and involved her and others so i'm going to go on for as the petition of the caste stephania rotten running door ah i heard some good things but if she's tied with them other characters clad ah john rose character been closed from day one a snake sails with extraordinary girl find me question is what's you live in on what is his practitoners just question about who is he hasn't done anything in his life on it was to talk about a binabatonga tringoid he do for instricption as a hero as many eshaness tried to portray themselves as or as constitutions you just see this gas has springwater training and caused a two short wall is or in constitution as studies how much had they studied and when because i want to tell you right now i neither a really that first ten nor by i keep taking class after class on tis don't know ante i corinthians there babagas of about dark body asked him about a lot of the stuff he's going to get his characters could be brought up rope repast christian re in he is probably she carries a otoyo's daughter that coincidence ibility per se all my better and i think she has great passion i just don't know where she's a line it is i haven't got with her a lot a hard hard to say was to be ovalwith his twenty thousand dollars here i i have got my background to youshe seacoat i just judging her honor her and i mean right hank chase choate who has who's that hank showed the hot so remember these people are arminians and negotiater by a a group of people behind the scenes and i'm told and i haven't true in this that bellido as part of that epithet be gutter so i will leave it at that and i just question every one of em great now every one asked a question of the secondary if there's supporting this insurrection without and i'm going to call them out you've got a well and i'm not afraid to stay and afore them face to face or in a debate with them if any of them can they know that i think that is i think that they all that they have the right to ask questions and if they're not been told you know economyand were we got a problem and i'm seeing that they absolutely not answered annie he he absolutely the other retorts as question no doubt about it but to do it in a manner that brief ecossais above and pro you do not go what what what could old greed did at the clear on july at into which he did she made herself look like a fool over one number two is it delays a process because remember at the end of the day he still haven't objected so the dog ii eollege professor there was and you ask est you continued to ask questions you become non obstruction as i thesake let's deal with that later because if not you will not achieve one your function is that oh for that articolasse the other things as a sacred you're in charge and responsible for training them in bringing them along to get them where the tobe betrayed when you have obstruction is to incomeshow after time you will know what a person has the question where there were hard as if every time every meeting they do the same thing there is only but what in city the way that the same thing that was true the king county coolie of the certain numbers on that can conope obstruction is is why i said what i say about good god osorapi snyder god or andrea pat hassan pie schal never colder her neither just a bare field bill the name grindonan gloss see these are people that i happen encountered yet even foreseen because i think goes were there polly relatively new comers and the in the game and there ben this led to be honest with you i think he'd be in this lad because i've seen i've seen enough people out there that are wont to be and they go all we got one o this is changing for a tour or glass or coming out and tell people all you got power you yes you do but you have to maintain he's thought the man prone conserere through this rollickin so many the run cocina done beat down go going gonson all alone saturday colonsaythe in o well jane gift as you call him you know that that i don't want to estover the target if she's been attacked i don't know jones a criminal for district of drinking in erin cars also child support i think those are the things i remember your engine will a less a man cut she there she signed the so i don't know she was there not with this was the call for a emily bowman darling dots i know darling very well einsine it's the same thing it's one it's i just soneto and then ere yet that i may because i did i can the shoares con noticed if this came out of that meeting i would question it why there were some illegal things that happened and i already said to colvile a complaint with them i took i guess it because of her reason people's proxies their names were never allowed he's called that's called and we're going to go after him for fraud that believe me this is what i want to do people got to stop being his fraud stuff and we got a start nail a in the shorts i enhale as well as any other way we can with the law and to lose were i in everybody's onicrom and do it see that while all of a sudden this is a direct outcome of that ye were going out i ocasiones twenty three is blank and then you've got tied gilman a fried nice i don't proteogen bursfield deerfield is the questionable person out of down had touched as ah i climatejapan i'm better down there at one other advances or one of their meetings not impressed absenter barsine i don't bore a well i resicatoria i in dog i'm going to ask her personally i cause you sent me a mosogo to ask her pre a showy he resigned on norms sang or tackles on outclearening did darshanee was on the border canvassers he abstained at a time when he needed his boat to be able to quote for this president of the pirate the real present unites that downstroke get what he repeat took abstain has not this not a sorry that's or back bone and normans can round his long as i have but he would have reason chosen he be guided and dried one on say nor what did you have her ever do that and then when i called him out and a nidobeatine call them out on that border camasoso velour before because i was i practicalhave been no good one because i handed him so much i guess what he collowrat i said will you change the rule to we did i see you dance blipper the change monoprionid cossartmore ing i know what they did and then he said to worryabout a gorget on what happened they postponed me i never got on they were feared they feared me done they feared me nor is not honorable i'm sorry he's not he should never be allowed to own a porter camasoso dear i gomenos tion again scared or political position as herselfonly a girl goes there the more so behind his is just the has second amentamat to the chat just to remit and welcome coperation he tried i regratiatory can yet and i can get on rolling quiet one i hate it when that have in one i get it rolled the garroting of faded day yea is closed now you always as somethings and then there is a ah margaret a curtel nor shingle hassan nemi and ian shotten and mary how now oinoscomme because i want us i want to go to the next thing delaware attorney and died at six folenfont after being suspended for miss and that would be the new guide that is there to replace lost and this is zoocracy robert le and he is out of ohio and i have a question about a and don out of vocal homeand who was paying these people because they're all working or so here we go coon some plates again i think this hasting iden opost about we can look at em if we can look at say ah we've got how many people there that are not getting paid a lot and except for christina she's getting paid but nobody elses a mendis not gettin paid ah and a you've got jonathan done not getting paid for the ideot my knowledge neither is an her me neither as an ah let's see now we've got this this robert allas that and i don't know what he is the so he's painted here be doing its so there on what your gesadelod his cabin a record i want to know what that is while we can we let me vrot yet hang out a minute and this is this is real news for re people by re people at the kitchen nomen that's why when i know the cool reason i want to yeah i ansely screened shouted don't think i put it up isolated from and as gresset iss true besi went to the i went to the second of the supreme court rothered in ohio and hing on mine i will get us there moments i let out i need elevator misionero is she on a large he turned a robot on me again ye your voice all like a row by an cookmaiden my friends epiphany foul again again no should be oh you're back and i'll bet it was weird for a minute when we got taught in about he it could be done on my friends for the air playing games with now eovesholme so the i get it all the time care king out imence the super here on this the got here now because there is definitely a ah it's the ohio supreme court is going to take me a minute and a talk amongst house look it owertaken about them and now you're all going to come cowering you now talk about the severe people that resigned her doors the nest was a basin and the leaving at entire stocktonthe a laugh of a opinoient i call it the name school and bloom oh because if that's really what they they are it could be interesting because they called at a big meeting to morrow the guy called it does he have the right to call it this the treasuries part of the grand old party the name checkenock into whatever his name is regain keep track of the guide for the way he is the god he uses the chinese premiers pitcher on his asinometer and once which do you not find he at all any more you know this is like the clock in a not missis menot fanny guise we was talking to one is the sober a two or stepony got the one flower the cookers this once enter where you've got the inmates run in this one so let's his see what hope very lineland and others have told or behind the scene of this were going to find out goldtree and will she have in fact the establishment is in control once to get the but it looks like i have to grieve with him i think it's probably what's going on none the less he who says the sartine and i think some people like you said or one to do the right thing but they're getting misled by some of these other charlotte accettatore we go we got springcart of asperne director a interieisti on number robert morris allons and resigned discipline panting not required and we have a discipline history of administrative and call on the supper and that takes us down for suspended for term costa placed on probation and termed to fault suspension suspended indefinitely resigned disciplined and a horlestone was i at eighteen his number two thousand eighteen two thousand twenty two so got three of em for two thousand eighteen and there three of her for two thousand one here the water the power they for who is incense can take down on this the little jackerooing nellie in the iistation want to dispassionate it now if it is one of his force oriolein when i'm coleridgerather late because as one of my biggest e its character sassination like what they're trying to do can buy her down on the fort his or i seen his people operate and is almost like a scithian type of proach that the one to go out for a minute in a way to complete that came like an go out and just as well but i'll throw him in a court law i like the i like the stick of in court by the way speaking of which we policetake a county commissioner to or unliable and slander while i you know my whole thing is i do say as st you know when i find stuff in it is shinslike we we have to ask is it really it really seems like we've got so many so many a red you know red flags on what's happening where the enemy goke and then somebody else i had i am on iforget somebody out of somebody else told me that he honestly at the hearing where i was being represented that my attorney was also a haven of meeting with ah may a mattock and i had no idea when seriesthat is a serious issue so that just came out and in like really now we got asked a lot more questions he that that is this is this crazy then monothisme thing else and i i wish you could get on one because i think this fairly again and this is this is where my problem is is that when you have when you have red flags that come all and i don't know i don't know this is what i'm saying but i really do think that we need to serious so i posted this oh my posted the i found with a little help back and it's the lore opinly for daniel hartman and then the iron on his finding there are several people at the bottom that i think this is interest a president dan hartman and and i like i've had no promise of dawn i like dan but you know what if you see something that you have a question about you have to look into it you absolutely have an interdependent in more well i don't know but i mean it's one of those things you have to ask questions about when you did things and so you know it's like any how so this is got dan hartman william gitre joe fan he on dan hartman and marten two of them three of them i three groups that have the same adres so let's look it lets the cat it closer sir here you go we've got the names here and then when we and when we go further it's like i went through in the board of the board of elections is looking for some work some more spots then here's an article published by as s publications and it's the journal of american chemical society here's somebody that shows up there hanger and then he got seen it fonsecas and i don't know it some person or not i don't know but it's like this kind of crazy and i like to throw things out there and say please everybody look into this because i think that this is something that we should look into you and ask questions so i mean have you had people that put things out on companies i've owned and said what this company as is registered to to this corporation not like you got the name wrong first all you didn't spell it right different company and i don't mind people asking because if you're doing the right thing you can answer them with honesty and integrity and and be able to have it discs to in fact get to the bottom geminos things but anyhow the sob god of it's all about none an invasive brain imogene crossing the blood brain barrier and in research and then further than he ii cited some articles that in all the articles on this publication like their chinese it should be a concern and then i went further and looked into porosa small molecule and i are two florescence he crossed the blood brain berry for non invasive brain ange and almost all the names on her a chinese and its rice university he there is of shanghaiing back this one and shang high two at the time ah here go on go the laboratory of der doresch and a shanghi china swanston for university but the rest of these are our rice university as we go through this oh we've got one from a cow we got saying how university again shangan here's hangs and so my question is i have some i have some as if this is the same one that's on that that finally from fate university we need to do some more questioning on this and i'd like to have dan you know come on and correct us are not correct but clarified this forest because if this is in fact some i'm i'm kind of like a at a loss here going well what what are you do with that when you find stuff like that and you have to ask questions that's that's the only thing you can do to and to out question i find you know it and i'm that person i put it out there and said oh wait a minute you know if this if this is in fact a thing we have to talk about this if that ecce this is the case in it it's it's what it perhaps looks like an we've got all these people who've got criminal background standing or on christina koromo and then we have things like this come up on oh no you know on some one around her if if this is in fact de appears we've got some big questions to ask and i would love to have dan come on and explain this explain this on you know what what are we looking at her i think i am on it's going to be important i know he said he would be a come on before remember yes you commanding for i think a babe that's time to say come on but i know i ii sainprae with dan many many times you know and i know not his wife his wife is a lovely such an what am i missing exactly i think o we need there's some questions he is not wrong to ask questions but i think questions you know or actions declare the words and these people are not houourable i mean i've seen secret now in starting to question the real ersuasions just about everybody because i intensely more i mean i'm getting the point where i think what am i doing in this game it is so far gone the gatebut i am a fighter so i'd not conodo what they did over in the kan county step down i'm going to step off i am clean i gave his it's time to go scorched earth here and on what we have sitting in the seats and start over i think that where exactly what this sad and the in the declaration of independence is where we are right now because there's so much compromise there's so much in the systems were created in order for criminality and no people to hide and also for criminality to a crime to be committed i mean that's ah that's exactly what i'm seen here and this is this is a problem but what are you do when people refuse to answer questions what do you do how do you get through to them you just continue to go on or do you ask questions do you interrupt them do you do you say while hollandinformation i mean what else do you do i mean with the man in or while the courses the critical on his care the usual againstwhat i'm doing i use in law against the coronitis at work because none of my stuff is worked my i one pleases got just smiles for colde my county prison exactly what i did to him ask him how i wanted federal court against the past what a gittin ready to one of them an liable in slander because they know i'm light and they know him in there i'm going before the board the next be and asked him if their supporting us this rome this rod cocountry christner because in his role as a county chester he gave a report and an coperasse which one and three he didn't know what he's talking about he lied he lived in a life so i'm calling on on the task who put em in cork well i want to know is my counting commissioners i tek going to listen to me again are they going to listen to me i think on to do what they did last time which i put them in percoon if i have to i love not you he's out there tellin my cow i caused the kent thirty thousand dollars they violate my rights and it was more than thirty thousand dollars but they don't want people to know that the online is this we have to stand up i think i have seagreen with you in that can the quest this how do we get retribution for the wrong said her out there we have to go out of wetgood of with every tool we have the law is the law and until we prove a wrong or otherwise his fellow lollius it well how many are you de realized how many cork cases had been dismissed because he we've got crop prosecutors and judges sonow i know i'm out on this the disportment justice fraud they have refused to do anything dan enossen right on the top and is trying to murder a bunch of people that never stood for election to county go pee from what i saw was not i went in there and i wanted to talk to a few people that were in the cat counties none of them would talk election integrity with and i talked to the couple of people that were on staff there i i want to talk to you about the election and an i as to many things that were done wrong in these we had a fine election it was fine there was no fraud and that sit are you selegesceot is the old as haslam was might there was he is he still there or not oh he's not he's not one of them for the cook there he's gone oh god is gotheles covers with nests in leopolis right the teyoteepee the light holders no letter with the best lection ever here before the senate oversight without even knowing what he thought about octopetale about the camp county or we know that in wancouth suddenly present deficiency rate you can't have seversen deficiency rate i did not now stratlins were dropping out of the sky depletive because a spot these guys don't realize you know that the clerk of commencant sterno election fraud on the side this state i sees note the cuspidatis is three years ago toappear and she was talking altogether told me on the eastern side of the state south east it is hot i to you wait till complectitur enough i hope sir a estos last name is a piececount oh she's eaten her words on this because in reality it now we know she was wrong she was wrong then as he told her and she's wrong now well you know in people not to be put out and i and i want to i want to have a have this this discussion because you know what i mean i i i'm pretty exterior that that you know you didn't called rode a lot o time you know and now all the time so i want to go back to these these guys that are and i mean guys that she the ionogen specie the michigan bowel college other guys in now i got a guy that does those ligotage that does that and anybody so anyhow i i'm i'm going to say what do you do when you are when you see something wrong and you stop off and management refuses to listen to you and and i'm not i'm not going to say that that oh ah when when the policies are wrong when the organization is wrong when the structures sometimes you have to step up and in mansethe same thing for john beaty i have liked john beaty i think she's an honest or and if she's at in milindapanho got called rode these and unlike ok ah how many can howhowdare without for better theatre you could be seen political interplay out lobit with it i only give me my experience right beardbut it's happy on every level so why is it that some people are getting getting demonized for being rude when they're actually they're not being heard then and nobody nobody's nobody's listening to them and they're not being heard and they get shut down for asking and they get shot down when their concerns because the whole damn public and party complete and when you look at it you know i can't i can't not go back to the amount of one criminals that are sitting in one they have a recoil you have somebody who has ten counts of wire fraud sitting in as executive director and get rises some ladanaballa what why would you do this discothe sky is got like i don't how many masters degrees and highly educated is incredibly don beat his work tale of and in you get you get rid of don be the any bringing somebody whose all so got a back why would you do see thanks be given absolutely as you all know the end corkerina you know that certain inapt of rs captivated but i think these are questions that need be in one way another i they have to be comen and legitimate i don't disagree i though is the and you also mentioned about the people colonel records just astronesthid not be i should not let her what other things in order for you to have a job if you re incorporalia you be with you god cold at these to happen is a fact constructionally to be on shoraic because why i the organization good dutchmen to the organization they should not be brought up word i didn't go on the michigan conservative union because i am i an antagonist im an i really am more of a protagonist that is don't know it but in carebecause that was thy foe me doing all in doing go i like being a take a cent person know not at all but i also know that some old cold to be dead and i've said it being times over on your program i whenas to be the the bridgeforth the truth that comes lot of people turned their heads in hesionidae we turned our heads i agree that the lobelioides to get the carcase of for my person you know i think it's important to bring the truth for and if somebody has a criminal background you bring forward all the time but we can't pick and choose if we have if we have people that have a record like a we can't say okay we're going to go after bill robertine but we're not going to go after and on likeit'll goooooooooo and mark in erianthera but i only the they have a criminal path i'm talking about a tegenaria has absolutely has to make you question what's happened at the top as well as not showing the records as well as all that your in time talking you don't win the people are speaking out like down and and ah you know specifically down and and some of the other people that are speaking of and there being silenced the her absirtides the question i ask is fundamental wired there was an illegal meeting in the first place what was to hold coal what was the purpose of that meeting it there serves the function explained me why not was the legal check as i don't understand coke collegal because he did out in bile a protocol okay let me get in the sample this reading on tuesday tomorrow at conicalshaped give a great near back yard a nechecolles it cool kissed him he also authority to call me i have to go nobody goes i laughed because anybody should go to call a meeting if you call me called me but nobody has to go then okay what's the order of going goes what's the fischelach who was in charge at giver alexander haig here's a camp alexander had when roderigues shot what it all hindered cousin charge oechardes and in i think he pulled out a thirty eight or of the i don't know what it was but the donedeclare will wait a minute you're not in charge ostitis in charge he took control toscanelli here with the canoe you kate i'm sixteen the women on other votes or going to die well wait a minute noisettes is kithratlas other what rules are operated cause what in what i'm lookin we are you said it clearly we are in this array the little ernestine there and i mean the whole thing is in disarray because there's no man is with this no leadership and we've got a leesethe that a later ship team on the top which is just riddled people with with criminal backgrounds and i i i'm sorry but it's like i have to look at that if you if you had a corporation that was run that way that had a hole monopole at the that have a criminals who weren't getting paid were all looking at his whose paying them why are they coming from odette his bringing them here whose who is pain to move these people and why is it that people that have you know why is there obstreperous i can i'm not oversman sage for he tells in sheashore gatemen there's a lot of this cup can go in on my question is people need be called out in he wamanato make sure a recent oh he is turned into a robin again shock oh you dis turn into a robot again he and con his i return we get into the cat conversations like this chucks pongoes absolutely weird and was she to comes back on me there shock try that again get a cot the friend il me a good one again yes i think i think you're the surveillance is out there and so lossesthe word chinense what happens just hinting train i got paris i knew secretyou know it others create the gold really crazy thing is in the thelast i'm a well i see i am not of you go there it's consart hold big to conversation but but at any rate i yeh i'm seeing pretty much a loud olot of people instead of staying neutral to picking and choosing and we can't do that you cannot pick on so you can't go after ah you can't go after a like like rowers dank and all these other people without looking seriously at the people that christine has got around her you have no auletes and internationality but but cope's forsure i don't disagree i mean to me does it make a lot of sense but you're one and we've got a lot of good people that are playing a role of bad people that are infiltrators at from the good side of the bad side of we got peep from the bad side coming over the goods people don't think that there's a war going on within our country i can't help you it's a war of infiltrates this generation warfare the so much disinform in all like for me i just want to be out your boss in and out every day and throwing things out in the light let's just great let's go into every single corner and drag this stuff right out into the like you know you mentioned you mentioned a can buyer i ran into in a restaurant yesterday him in his and it was it was as it was amusing ah sinnis enough guy you know he shore as you know you never you never really i put it i'll bet we had a discussion yesterday yet you really most time in politics yet you never know who you're talking his cry you never ever but you can look at what they're doing and you can start connecting the dots and then once you start making one confined things in start digging out a man then who are they connected it is in the you start creating almost a whole keep going out on that web and then all of a sudden the pattern and start to in one a patens developed that you fight you and not finding you know irrefutable evidence of old so and and i i really do believe that but might fallenstein and off the hook as i went had had with it phil got looser sky that's on telegram secession telegram and he scanned like i just he's really create some problems out there or and i an i i hope that he ain't goes ahead and he comes after me because i'll drag his sorry but right out of the dark and of the light because there's there's so many things going on there he is crazy people think that that i can't him miss representing i was at the event with john a flint and in he takes he scans my video and he then with i think he's in the dutch dagerous he doesn't dachtiger to the they put out truth or what we think is and then just the satan works they started sliding things in and all of a sudden you can start seeing the the chinks and their armor their right so they the sky grabbed some of my video that i posted out my channel and of course i didn't water market you ijust want to get the information out there that's what needst he takes that any says that it was him and that general fleetened phil and mentioned him and he was in the seats right now it was talking about a a pastor a felspath burned out housman who was sitting at the top and used the video as proof that he was there only it was my video he scared video posted at and is as if to say that he was there and general flann called him out it it wasn't an i've got a itricci's very serious and you know what you did me a favor cause i had people calling me from all over the united states telling me i'm so sorry that in a hat he jumped on you said to everybody never vote for brandon burghis better candidates in the settering in one together at their posts when i would had to to to had with them and on like i'm sorry you respect the people's general general on then if anybody took the time listen to the idealistic he calls out pastor smith and burned in this guy sassagereal phil and he was sitting right there in general flint called him all by name that's not what hope and i don't like this use and abuse his just like like pre what happened to these sixteen that god got called up by nose they were just used in one in order to earn money that's it none of em stood for president trump and i'm not buying the the bull set meter his pegged and i'm not giving in corder to us i will i would take exception one of i know i was i will tell you he does stanford president was he then whileere pet about the people we stand with because that was a bit you don't go stand with somebody who who is illor stand for not the do nothing in oratorical the other ones in all you that three of those people tidy letter to day is i do now those three mershon stanbrough and marriage turn and very short his full spear cross char grade couldn't bend there woke what is she doing holding upon razor when the show just forshorten her as not leadership cowardice and then i go over to have a party at for straws a i'm last friday what's the same to the privy fortessa time as cliff is that it makes no science failed and not about all sixteen and so per me i've got a problem a leader stands with his toe it does not stay and on its own really well go with the back or handand maria did not do that tenders stand brought me in from the stand cock we know his history we know a lot about in course i been questionable pass so so with that and my those thre the principle is still the same i believe that the principle that shown even to don't like her and i think it'll bear bear that in court the that the nineteen fifty four law will probably be ruled unconstitutional or as be modified in some way okay am and caked about the lack of the sixteen electors and there was a reason why i'm so strong on that even though i don't like her i don't like stand the arteries items it is our country unitive had this discussion that we have to stand for right at his principal that he drives me andre that while in this is the thing that i've been ponian pretty hard too is that the the the hands don't justify the means you have gone to do the right thing every step of the way and in the end people people that are out there and politics right now it's win at all cost doesn't matter what you do as long as you win and they're not they're not thinking the therejust if they can watch it out a sporting on brothers politics it should be a job entered you know and we and we need to have we need have a job it treated like a job interview with seriousness this is about managing our asset which we own instead of just all we want of you know culpers nality going on here because we just like this person bout her and honestand next to well if this person is is it a criminal and o'er who he has a criminal better would you somebody to manage money who has a criminal background of foulon or or a charges have to do with financial re no so why would why would we let this go in our state when these people are standing with other podiscus were familiar with esses like an orphanage mentality you know i had adopted a little girl friend orphan in everybody that comes out of an orphan and has certain characteristics just as the way it esterminals skill right from being unadvanced let alone an abuse in our entire state suffering from this right now because our government and the people in politics have lied to we have been led there has been money laundering going on this state like people have never seen an i don't even think they're even really coming to terms with how that is we we are seen criminality happened in ways that dey expect and so all of us are trying to figure out who do we trust what who we trust will write now pretty much nobody and the entire it was created the stain by by by corruption and it lends itself positive say it we have to go to know face and no pietising back to the beginning and end recoletos a little bit because it's completely out of no they could womanize the three latter agencies don't exist under the law nor do they have the right to under a case norton verses shall be county and they weaponized them in this is all of its ill the tax structure is the legal the amendments it that were added were illegal and absolutely non representational dost the mission constitution was in it was not properly put in place and i mean we could go back a long way i know it's whereas startanother so much to go after right now as relieves the problem we have so many fires and that might be the strategy of we can describe the real focus from the conservatives then that is when we can control because his resemblerent former and of am i to peer for her head of the missing chamber comer said the waiter the to be the state of controlstake is to control the grass roots is absolutely right right and you know it's kind o it's kind of too bad because his were fighting his political to keep the political parties that are absolutely corrupt a place where losing our conte and when only to relate focus on effect that were americans and to save america not severe ulican party letter go down the shot the ship nelsonhis ship needs to go down so does the democrat part the two party system and they there the audacity to say that they are the party of the constitution when have you heard the constitution even talked at in the republican in any republican meeting may be may be just as k but the constitution parties us taxpayers that is the national fillet of the constitution party and a few read it and read them read it actually pay attention to what's going on there within the constitution party which is the text pars party u s textes party michigan only nosso only vented could allows the change our name refuses to let us change our name because why because the unipartite not want a third party gain any traction and haven erosion of power here so that the people have right now that the parties are selecting candidates we don't have a choice like well here's your candidate eh or can get be and we've chosen them we bring groom them and and that he while is there being chosen groom by criminal organization what you're going to get you're going to get criminals that are going to be seen given exactly what we got we got we got a large number of than that's got my problem is that how do we get them out at her ease long she we have this system if we haven't played getting an an we got charlton bound in a well we got the inmates run in this silence those that the means always been an issue to distill his position simonites something other things i am in research in right now with hot with the spy program through the michigan geop that's another spy program that they got going on here i want to know who's being paid for some of this structure or is this is all free or somebody is throwing this in there as a way to collect data in on looking at a company called planter and i'm curious on plant about the connections if there is connection he with planter the good neighbor paspy program spye your neighbor put all the information on an out and then we're going to collect this later and i'm i'm going to make an ghosther with the attacotti republican party that just filed and on june twenty three of this year and all of a sudden we've got the good neate neighbor program that was launched after it was his all about dat and i want to know what's going to happen here who's going to own that data and if it's something that is all cleeared i mean how was i conpostela here not that planter palander he placed i mean go has access what's that oh who's on onfortified to you i am formation how are you can control it and then the question is if it gets leaked or how you got to tell us that it was a like concretation there be gals given obligation to inform the preincarnation has been preached and you need to be telling the people that gave you that responsibility i don't think that's been done i think it needs to be tallish well and handsomelooking about protecting people's information why didn't the republican party come out and talk about this conic and all of our you here not then squat about her election workers having having no china having one point eight million records for election workers are kids and all this over one service and and in his i'm like wire to not citing for the gold of the goschens in witegodon at the white and comes here allen because they're all in it together the party of or in it because they placed the people there and so it's it's one big it's one big criminal organization and on going to stand on that and there is no ice it's it's an comensator sure i think there's a face i'm an optimist you don't be that finois of love i go at it but i think it's the same time these concerns for then all got ter do saythe don't exist they do so so this is crazy it's like robert all incident charge of mac and i now and was he asking i had somebody one of the chaps say that i think it was dawn the arm that robert went to one of her friends to get a hotel room and something else for general flinn who is going up there now and i'm i'm sittin here going ah i don't know if he were they going to get the money to even pay these people to go there you know carry lake has a history of backing out of even and i'm dark got i'm sure is see this your iron not contributing money to bet organization do we have any right or responsibilities we have i mean i'm asking that the otomaques tion well this is something that i went through with john tater and john tanner said yes it's not it's a it's a public it's a public of organization and it's like it isn't about it it is your about money we can vote for republican so then yes we have a stake without giving money so it's dullerton on it all i got red so right or they to day get a right to ask when the sunbecause we should be americans and not notecousin ile and in its not about asses not a country clod this is not about week lead ore does and so therefore therefore in anybody can go o that mack in our island come and so in its like in anybody can vote for republican or done so it's like that to me is not a nonessential point because this is not a country where you pay your do in genesis that what right you have to get that explicit information he answers no you don't you can have a right to you don't have the right to be there's a big fire freedom has some responsibilities as well when we were out fred it goes with me that you get this from prcises actful it doesn't matter men that you get to gurnalise down no it does not ask gillemichel we have a responsibility to to acopler voice forward now solutely and in to make push for change is the matter how we coletrough that does what was getting a collier as to stones or to be and validated reels and apply where do we go for control controls who says what he becomes an issue and on question comes up what is ability in in in today's term so let me share let me ask it let me go back to the cement because if you have to if you have to contribute to the republican party to have a say saying anything that's quid pro coquo that's copanians at the private you don't have to go you don't have to be a part of it she that's where people make a mistake you don't have to be a part of it you do not the changed her ears so problem i've got with it i have coatepecs the i have known expense i have no michelins of you have the house to any of the pet to have a choice it is paid a play in this is a political or this is poet is not this not politics this is running our one and so in one reason he does because in michigan law they control the political party to prison law can have any effect deal control this hero tale they don't control the american legion i don't control come these other organisations so wise government decides at once the form of handle the republican party or the democrat party or that matter secretes her own keen power and control that's the only reason together said power and control in different ways but desolates poesy forming this is governments and so i tolerationist government is quasi but his hot complerment it's a very or for entry you can't desenterestedness you're part of one of these parts and so it is it absolutely is he it's a great watery overshoot to the question of why the streetepisodes cause against reliaunces of free mark and free and on and really is in retraded in a way be just said it's a verier while events of various ore because simple so that's what i don't understand is why we are even allowed this to her he should never get it don't regulate other other costs or organizations exhibit have an impact is so as business heaven in a business as an impact on uncontrolled teaches more can infect in the party this wife because they give the money it's it's the milk if you will the very life blood is the money and he's corporation give it an now always in any good way so is the satiator absolutely rats about money and in its is the political parties are bought and paid and in as the part i don't like that exactly paris hehethinks anson really good going i met an hour of my time my account is colonne that i have i have to do something in it for the day they come i protestants always fond to chalk and bring me things ideas we have to bring him forward and in discussions on you you know where we're the process to try to get to the that is the prose and we were there and walk away as fresh to walk away as friends without his negatives of that other yes we have which go can debate and still be friends we can hope difference of opinion we can agree to this degree that's which should be for some reason we've got away from that vestry may be i added to that i don't know what i did up pologize c love the bating which you will now well in a mining for wagogo down as a result i think i think it's kind of funny it's like all this all this nonsense out there name calling and and you know what was sad down and killinan then ran on you know ah the sea word thing in she as like you know what i hate to say it but you know we're in it were in an arena that's a tough arena and if if you you know you think i haven't been been attacked and brutally and business and those things don't get sad there oh yeah they do and i'm going to tell you what if you're a woman i know if you are a woman in your tough and business you're going to get a tack tack and you're going to get call every name in the book bo who we can't have a woman that that you know that is a a may be challenging in certain things you know so then we devolved on to words is the i could care less it bounces off me like water off a doe and so in politics too i don't really i don't really preciate the the women out there honestly i don't appreciate them pulling this boho i'm a little girl and somebody called me names really can you see one whatever that is one name are you don't end be like all the inward i got to say there's there's still is or there still is i shall as well you don't like if they were going to get the exclusive they called by the way the person he called it his negroes number one the person is never recreation it's a winter the be ben if he can conditorei saw his behavior it was this it don't go like you think it's the law you think to call people names like that i'm just going to say i don't call trochosphere and i don't i don't disagree with them in doing it opens on how you do it but let me see this is no point so late we can have discussions and not do as ever ever to me oh i mean he tried to call to day he was calling in he was calling into naysaid check at any up dates about canon that he would like to share and i i don't know what to a homoeogeneous got he's afraid of me knows it now thoseuntrained calling solothe did cry try calling this morning and and i will cite god girl please go give cooples because she doesn't deserve it he to ycallin why didn't it whitintonus i didn't pick tonopah god wichaniwa him on what people to hear his side i want people to be able to abe oferniman i discussing this as an adult for change and stood watching him curiositee ing i was there i saw and i on otell you it was to pit i cannot like i can never get a corporate and barren he could never last so well now her last i so i have some experience with with a nick prillion a one on one too as far as i ecully wasn't on on on it was in it was in groups and so i've seen i've seen his diet no it isn't in the past so that's of meeting i have seen and so i i he came to one of my vest and was a was a kind of going in that direction he is a provocator i'll give you that the the reality we could get into the sthanto dog if not so as i gave him a solution he could even talk about wood cause analysis he doesn't understand the very things to get to the solution he does not know he is not experienced an he was people to portray that is thought i read some of the stuff i read this to that writes no sire his another one i'm telling you this is why we have the problem we have people out there that are pretending to be something other than they are and i think it's fine we as you said before call them out and start sticking to a melilit because they're not used to some one be able to challenge them with gone he or someone can't think quick under e remember that we're after the truth no matter where comes i just i guess cannot believe these people in i can i can tell you that i can tell you that there's some truth to which i said in the in the disrupting of of things i can tell you that that's there is some truth to that but there is also if there is if there's been rules that have been broken we need to bring him forward and whether i whether i like a person personally or not doesn't matter to me to goldsmith the truth and that's in the chow iconoplast called on he had to please called notesnothing as she workdespite please call it is i said he in anyhow pete other people that are on his friends getting made he was out of control there is an issue of one of a one of anger management will you know when i have gone to any meeting a republican meeting where there was an odd to control behavior not one of em it is so old like it's like that the whole parties that dumpster fire right now so anyhow hopefully god will stop in and the truth in the can come out in el in all people can react the correct way to this so that they don't you know they you know instead of being hostile and such we need to get back to talking talking out solutions and getting to the bottle of this and doing it in the very adult way o th there are some there some really tough questions and need to be asked old like to ask overoolde plan a polander that that is something that i think needs to be looked at and in conjunction with the republican party and or the good neighbor program and orontes look into that i want to see the so any hour i go chuck anywhere for a setting of creontiades hampshire it told all for that he was an independent not a party loyalist okay he was nervous as sopas sonthese enough have nisistratus these of proindependence in part cannot a party loyalists why that he has he called it be a republican party can county number one and why is anybody letting him because his father recalled taken yet the pro you out of out of a man now you understand why i can wait these badlywhere talking to over men the demons got to be jumping off that shock you know it a long and well she standing there with john o god who is breedbread sholdnesse it's like over a hole for was it you remember the pitchers with a tom hangs and the black eye club and and all that sort of thing he met in the schools that she has in africa i hate to say it but there's so much child than human trafficking going on right there she resederit dad sat next to one which john of got in in brazil who got prosecuted in a court of law so whatever she said that's that will snake tongue that's coming out there to let to let everybody astray saw an that's what demons do lead people astray and i can walk in esactly or than there salegre conococheague confronting a discussion to day all haistens to be mine it's okay because our job is to our job is spring there it is exposed it is others to do also do the research to see yes those ties are writer in the wrong and to other words rondeen gerald make willis take about it and keep the eyes open for the demons out there because i'm telling you what there's so many people that are just constantly talking on both sides of their most o ye so anyhow here got long to let to go body we'll talk later thank you sanromates that was fun i always have fun talking a shock on in to bring in a body in it is currenthe riveter scrisse how you going an god i'm i'm okay i shouldn't say i'll good i'm always honest in people asked me that queston she had by careful asking me that is you oneshort answer don't ask the other goats as we i am too it's like you know what there's the comes point time where you just got to throw all this cramp out here but i'm going to tell you what some of the stuff that i've specially her love get me the chain up here a lot of people in watchings some of them caught ah commanding we've got a some of more coming in from different areas to some and i want to give a big shot out to dine beauty because i think down and lowes and danny were very very poorly ere by the amigo and you know what i'm really concerned about this little connection that i heard about with with the dan hartman and map man or i rely imconcerned about so i and i think i think that this son i would like to know i would like to know more what's going on there and i think we're going to find out more what's going on there you know people talked to other people i talked to lots other people whether i like him or i don't like and there's the yoni give everybody a cane and when they fail it is you know when they when they fail the task then then stright there the talecomes on outsport does not make any one a friend crime that's right it's feigenbrcke open meetings act is a question yet for stone is the situation in rope and love at holding light against conomies inhs and i water my garden wall yowler talking that is est las eldon laughed one on one will thank you very much and i love isonitriles on and collies on think there is a few other ones that when i go back and forth between the channels sometimes i on that the chant the chant but there go in to go to bramberger's not work right now and see if is anything the so how are you this morning with it rousing bit of of debate there is a movie in i can't remenham of it it was a comedy with a couple of guys running for an office and one of them he would just his is like motto for the campaign was it's a mass in watts funny cause he had his release strong like southern feminine kind of way of saying it's thomas sometimes when i hear chalk talking about the depe or i hear you talk you about or here you both talking about the ship st skicoack to the in a rhinestone and fire talked about it being the swamp and its own right and and we have a friend that said you can't let menasha a polishin fair in some thickness yes what is it is large in andreaeales renoncant so you can't clean swept by standing in it and the new i don't know i i think it it may be that you know you talked about how the party system needs to be dissolved because it's not working for us is current is certainly not working for us as it is then operating for years years may be for love beginning so maybe what we're saying is the beginning of the destruction of that whole party she co this be the discrete destruction of the old guard that were seen old dear jesus let these and i think it really is a really do pihowa der i wonder how this compares other stinged in for semievening is like a somebody else said that one point time and don't want to go robotics so maybe i won't say it hoitelohon haughty letter you know is just the letters and take my cue from donna you choose that's right deigning to me than oh no we can't look at everything we can only look at seeing on and things that other people look at oh no that's horrible so eneas methat question because you you talk a lot about michigan and you're very familiar with the michigan political see what do you see you do you not see from other states regarding this kind of thing is it are they having the same kind of mass there or if michigan really like the to have a lthat i think that we're seen especially with i'mgoing to the lindantes we so i went here two's all beer to morrow and then wednesday thursday and friday i am not going to be on lying here but what i might do as i might do some live brodcasts from for micheline but what an i've seen is that there's patterns that eve repeated across the we were dofinally repeating the same pattern the same problems over and over again but for some reason michigan seems to be in the cross hairs we we seem to have a i would i would wager to say that we probably have the most oh miss henn arizona georgia colorado pennsylvania though those of the states that seemed to be the most ah in involved in the most manipulates and and so when when we see the seeming even california new york are completely axast so but the other ones that are really going affecting a swing states and the states where they can manipulate things by by the a the invasion common across our border i i was talking with with a man journal he's running for office down and florida and he has uncovered so amazing the he's going to be michael in allseven too including a lot of other friends and people that i just loved dearly down he so that is going to be very interesting their using the the cartels the mexican cartels broke into an looks like hath spenswere people can register to vote anseres in one week added in sees me a quarter of a million registrants in one week how is this even possible it's it's not and so when you look at it we we have such a problem i to think that the crimes and michigan are so over the top easier to see which is the same thing we may westoutre the reason why this is not working the political parties are at there there the asega the choice of a of americans to pick their candidates it's all wrong it needs to go away president washington warned us about part political parties they need to go away so because we don't have a choice it if they don't like you it's it's almost like up oh the masonic the way the free free masons that candidates to move up up the the wrongs and at the top rungs of freemasonry let out if it is sae it's satan absolutely satanic and people that go on the lower levels they never to the point of seeing you know how how bad it is the top because if you're not good if you're not going to go along to get along they knock you out at about love three in the you're not quite ready to how many masons out there actually in wide wine now thus why why do i have some knowledge about this i've never been involved in the masons but i had a lot of people round me that had first hand knowledge there i know how this stuffe and and you don't even have to have the you know the amount of people around you that i have that have been in the basins to know how this works but it's actually it's for real and when you look at when you look at the satanic roots in this its undeniable i have had a guy on last friday he we talked about the child trackingand rocky rescuing kids when we get it when i get off line with people the interested then as is the the discussions do get more ere more intense his people are afraid to say things in line he sues i didn't want a found anybody of like a fiend away we say everything here you know you can say whatever you want i don't you know i'm i'lli'll debate you if i think that there needs to be more questions and or if somebody's off base a little but i will debate them i i loved on betty i think she's great i don't think she's rude i think she's actually a very strong woman who as and and i want to applaud her you know it's amazing how people get shut down for asking questions and they get called names like rode in the seether thing while maybe she's just a fighter that sees things that are very very wrong was on the inside of the ami goes she had the inside track he she knows what was going on there why did they get rid of her over ask that question so now people want to silence don beat are you kidding me let her say what she needs to say and i don't care if anybody thinks she is she needs to get out there and people need to pull on their big boy and big girl pannis and enlisted a people who have been inside the machine to what they have the probably probably going to have the most intelligent conversation that you're going to hear out he i lifting don't want her and the job she might need to do what you've been doing outside the duke you can be orecome but ternero if you're attacked your probably over the target that means you're not compliant that means they can't control you and they can't control down beady they couldn't control her they and then then the other two positions what happened with donnie danny bart lotta and lois they put in people that have retorts are you kidding yet like they couldn't find anybody better the didn't have a criminal record bidentatis danny's got all kinds of he's got all kinds of a a master's degrees and and this of the on the guys highly intelligent highly connect and principled in honest and you know it i i've heard him talk about a you know i've heard him talk about things in the ithacan or the most he would never have the ability to say though the dawn bade and in low and lowest i mean loses a grantwhy wed they get loreto lo isloses he grandma that when in there and was they caught her salary and half and i don't know if they were trying to demoralize her to get there to get there people in there they have criminal backgrounds what are you what is the best way to compromise the something on them and if they have a record what else were they involved in ah i have a lot of questions i mean i just do you to don't you just don't you things like that you just don't do and in our metargiope e mate misty on on a personal level people make in and there was a story that i was told about flipping some one who has a coyote at the border and the guide the guys started crying is like i i didn't want to i don't want to do this and there's people in our government that there like i don't want to do this what they got on in with he got emwith something on that's what absens island was about is getting people down on there throwing a man a room where the cid put agonothet hat or somebody that they loved and sand raked the cid and they rode corded it and now they owned the the the person wanted to it i don't know that i can even answer that we weren't there but we know this is going on we know this is going on in every love of our government and if they can get somebody that has a compromise background you know you're you are already got one step right straight to hell right and in their so much of this going on because the entire system is one and its broken for giving people in possession its compromising the doing like a double vine as the satanic if that the satanic almondnot so funny i i think that we cannot underestimate and understand sitting in pure the the spiritual battle that's going on he watch people's behavior it's incredible people will built the slip like like alice in in all the sudden they'll be talking at one side of their mouth i'm giving it to you now hanging loose swishing as men but the though the flip they're going to one side another and in a hurt the in your lap how did they slip their quickly it's it's like the double mindedness has talked about in the bible the bible talks about a double minded person being unstable in all their ways and i don't get it i don't get it we are it lily if people acted give every one a chance if they decide to make a good decision that i think what god wants to be you give them a chance you encourage them you want them to do better you want them to make a good is and if they show that they are capable of doing that continue on to encourage him because every one is flawed everybody's maidens you know we've all been taken in at the wrong time so we've got to give people a chance the person may flips any others got the border that was scooty he handed up being in the format for the guys that actually were and they gave a chance and and he was able to turn round and we've got a realized that this is part of it the other is as i've noticed it too it's the strangest thing to me him still i may never reale a rat my head around it like a i just in my life experienced in in your experience and i'm not just describing age you have ah no connections of with a lot of people compared to my life history and in i have been all over the country so i do have that but i've never seen the kind of behaviour that i've been seeing in the last year or two and and in its part of that is you get to know somebody to some degree and you see a good person and in that's why you sociate with that because you can see good person and good behavior and suddenly there i call it a shadow or like a veil ah or both a shadow being like their something that's cast over them that is there behavior is not normal and and you go at first you know me i am ological and i always tried to think about things that in terms of giving person ah the benefit of the dog and in giving them grace and mercy cause that's just too i am so that's one of the things that came to makes me gall because i don't see the worst in people first in getting better at that and that's just experience with the serment a short part of it is like you know well they've had some stress in their life this this and that is going on and that's why they're behavior is shifting in no more familiar with that dogs because if a dog is not feeling well or its stress and i'm sure you see that with horses there behavior will changes or result and i could see that in people too so i like all maybe this an that is going on in their life and causing stress and when people are stressed they start to act out more aggressively or negative to some degree that that's more old that you can explain that this is not that what i'm seeing in people is beyond that and that's why you see it's abnormal to me and that's why i say i am wondering why i see it as there's a veil over some people that might descriptive that their blind and deaf like you can talk to them about something that you witness them doing and they don't remember it in wetting now lots there's a you can't remember they can't see or hear it seems to be ah there health meactually take down turn same time and so you don't know which is the cause of which is the effect or is a happening together and that kind of witness between you and i talking and then me really seeing that behaviour in a number of people but i can think of a few very specific i see that battle of good verses evil differently in those kinds of scriptures like there's one in june about it the geneva bible calls them sleeper and in description it talks about them as if they were blind or the given over to the reprobate mind i i never really understood that before in reading it cause i didn't i don't think i experienced it like i am now and know it's making much more sense so this is not new under the sun it's just that careening for clearly now yes we the snap out of it in and like he said they won't even remember that they said something or they did some ah and and i i had i've had some that have been credible like like you would to look at the person go yet their deemed possessed there is no twas about and they won't remember what they sided and i think i think that were actually seen biblical things play out with were the times were right now are so biblical and if he read the bible and see what it says about about these sort of things you'll look at the world to go this is what i'm seein it helps sense out of what we see what we feel is so in the wood away you deal with that is remember this battle is the lord's we had have to remember that remember the story of of gee where he came he i think we should just read through this is some point but what gideon proved is god he came with all these troops against a hundred and thirty or so thousand and god said we've got too many people there any kept cutting it down and cutting it down until he got down to three hundred people he said now you're going to take that many people with three hundred those people that that oh i thought it was interesting that the last caught that he made to get to the three hundred was about those that lapped from their hands you know those are the ones that are going to stand with that told me as he was looking at those people that didn't just fall face first in the river because they were exhausted but that they were still following the protocols of an cleanly so they were following the rules even when they were en and that's the way it is with oscar standing here going forward are we going to follow the rules even though were exhausted from the and in its repeated the bible has all sorts of things that get repeated over and over again are you so exist you're willing to justify are the means by the end no you you've got to stay solid you've got to do it the right way you followed the rules you follow the protocols and these we know we have to do and god will take as and even if its one person ten people a hundred when when you when you had that stability and that lack of double minded singular pre take in this nation back it's been infiltrated we have already a basically a we were the position of losing this country now i believe there is enough good people that have been fighting that we already wanted battle the battle is the lord's and the lord will already has already got thing one in the spirit before its rout one in the net i think i think too you know if we look at how ah how lowerjust call it is it is i mean jesus could come in and appear in rooms and disappear and it's our eyes that we can't see things that are here any can look at dogs or horses they can see things that we can there's no two ways about it we are we are limited we are definitely limited there are other entities that compass between a dementes if you want a monoculist or that can appear and disappear jesus de absolutely he all a sudden den it on ole's god so you you've got that and ah you do have that but but the demons can do it too and there lesson and so is it kind of interesting but when you see somewhat who is deemed possessed why is it that all the sudden you can see a change and even in their eyes in such way as it because why because the demons can absolutely move in an effect what they do and so the only way we stay away from this as we have to stay in the word of god we have to pray we her eyes on god and listened to him you've got to have time where you're quiet you have to be you have to be quiet in order to listen to god with all the commotion the tv the movies all the stuff that's going on and the political nonsense have to take time to sit with our father god almighty quiet and listen to him he will talk to you but you also have to remember we stand the word of god the word of god is the is the the bible and people the other's flaws in it really do you think i'd with leave us you know you know do you think god would leave us absolutely abandoned with no help now he sends his holy spirit you you right on our part or it's written on our hearts the important topic you are not abandon god did not abandon us he's here he's walking with us every step of the way he is a good friend to us but listen to and read his words listen to his failure heart with a goodness of god in the things he said i was talking to somebody to we that was a very hostile to god and to the bible and i like our problem is as your listening to what everybody says about you're not going there and you're not listening to miss coy and they wore mesoreodon and like any time you listen to is giving their interpretation going to be errors in there because you're going to see their humanity come forward and if they're not close enough to god their doing it for money like so many of our our churches and evangelists you're going to see there humanity and or deeming himself coming right through them telling you what they want here with a little snake you that that's reet rate reality of what is when when it was finished in the val in the temple was run into we were able to go directly to god he without without a human interest without that we can go to god to jesus christ our lord and saviour we can go directly to him we can talk if you will take he will show you he will open to hers he will close doors in and lead you right through the midst of a battle ten thousand can fall one in a one thousand can follow war side ten thousand at your right hand and it will not come near it faith is in god the battle is the lord and all we have to do is just listen to him and on but don't don't any of these prophets that are talking out here any of these commentators people that want to explain things to you is is your still getting parts of their humanity and potentially demonic involvement in what the a nonoit is true one hundred per cent of the time as yet we heard anybody that's one hundred en i don't know the answer to that question cause i don't listen i go directly to the bible and that is the only place i go to st now i listen o the people's comments that the snowe all do in passing but i don't jump on to somebody and follow anybody one hundred percent none none of hector you've got to use your discernment like anything else the you mentioned the prophets so called prophets what i see in all of them is a desire to be heard see and make money god said to me this but they in any go on in the usual lot of bible language ok or you encouraging people or you just do in gloom because if you're just saying you've got nothing to hope for your completely missing the goal of the gospel right in now if all their doings trying to frighten people about this is the end of the world these are the intimes and you have no hope or you have to do something and in order to be one of the few yet you have some instruction in the bible it doesn't come from go to some goshoots his name known it's in the bible what you got to do if you can leave when you've got a stake macon on it am i you mentioned the battle belongs to the lord my substance first sub stack in that series is kidding they've got it right in front of me i'd like to read a little bit from it like you if you don't effect then and i think this is important all that to realize that any hurt human interpretation therein the potential of being and yet just like dislike people sitting in in a political officer of government and we are flawed people are and so you have to go to the sources and the source or source is god and in that that is the that is it you know you go to god god will talk to you go to the bible and ask him to tell you what it is your post learn that you know even even pastors pastors are or hyp they will get hung up on one issue that is their thing it's their thing and they preach on it and they preach in the preaching on on on that one issue and we've got to remember that they are only human and they're giving their take on it it's not necessarily a there may be something we can take away from it but that doesn't mean there not there is not some flaw in their teaching cause there's going to be one when i went and studied messina jewish what would happen in the services is the first person we get up and read the word of god standing up as the voice of god and then would sit down and give an interpretation some of those interpretations are great it's how they apply this to their own lives that we even earn that we learn that's a great way to learn this is what god was really talking to me and what this meant that's a great way to start discussion in learning from each other i think it's i think it's a beautiful a beautiful way to to approach his but when somebody sits up there and an is this is the way this is the way it isn't like we what does it mean to you how did you again as to your how are we going is this just like had nowe i don't wicked feller right right application was vital and lines the what things mean all day long and never hinted on what it did you learn did you learn go to god go to god a lot god as the only one who is perfect jesus price or lord and savior open that door to us for salvation to make peace between us and god we no longer had to go to an intermediary we can go right to god thus christ and boom he is the door of don he opens our access he opens our path to god almighty and and that happened at the cost and the fact that died for this died for us to be reconciled to god he was raised from the dead because the only one who is why was he perfect as he had the blood of god running through his veins the blood comes through the dead the blood land comes through the dead jesus christ had the blood line of god almighty he is in was and is to and he made with between us and god he was god in the only one that could have paid the price was god himself and we wouldn't believe any other way his now that's just way it is so we can go to god and learn but any how goto yourself substantiate i ran for god you know then that fontenette pretenses or thatsomething as is the way in onthinking out there the th deny god that her leaving people at strike their gonoine they're going to find at the base of the cone there it has some real serious things to deal with it someone is coming back and when we when he does we better be avowed the kingdoms business and about god's visitors no time for him on that there's no conditions on that there's no you know well god you got to do this for me and these diculous i claim it frame at prayers you know i'm onisim an hold god to contract i don't think so nobody holds got to contract we were his worst friend and we should be acting like his friends you know we shouldn't be acting like like he's a any machine here god i'm going to put a couple of prayers and pulled the lever and i get results that's how he works no ressaisit i think he'll preciate the first line because it is let's look at the example found in the story the of gideon in judges eleven i have references for my work and that is in great destinies hertely it was like it like get god created sad so i'm going to share my opinion i don't on what i'm pulling out for application to day but i'm leaving out a law of course and that's why i like to put the the chapter and verse in there and my suspects so that people can go and read it themselves use whatever train of a bible translation you want to study it further if you want to don't just go like you said don't dast go by what currents as here but were to talk about a couple of things that we can pull out o here ah judges seven got to give in the separate out all those men who laughed water by putting their hands to their mouths there were three hundred they were up against men numbered like grasshoppers or as the sun which is by the sea shore and multitude it's from birch god didn't select a bunch of valiant skill warriors for this fight ahead instead he selected more randomly a small number why to make clear that the battle belongs to the lord gideon had the three hundred men carry a trumpet and a light covered with the clay probably and they fanned out around the enemy in the middle of the night they simultaneously broke the pitchers which revealed their lamps in the darke blue the torches and shouted the sword of the lord and of gideon shock and all the enemy ran cried and fled other israelite men saw this and pursuit of the enemy we can read a verse twenty two the lord every man's sword upon his neighbor and upon all the host so the host gideon's men also pursued according to chapter god didn't need warriors he needed men who trusted in him stood firm and acted according to his plan he confused the enemy so that they largely destroyed each other this people had in half to do work as judges eight thirty four we learn that one gideon died the israelites remembered not as the lord their god which had delivered them out of the hands of all the enemies on every one who won the battle god dead let us all remember that let's unpack that a little bit more sometimes you must show them god showed them who is in charge he shocked and awed them in what way he used a small number of faithful men it made the enemy of freight enough that they destroyed themselves in their panic sound familiar who gets glorified gideon may have noted that as a vessel of the action god gets the glory even now for that vice it is his plan and his strength not theirs but the three hundred didn't just stand still they had to follow instructed be quiet until the right time participate speaking up you might say with one accord and half trusting god that his plan would work can you imagine going anywhere near an enemy as the sand which is by the sea shore for multitude with a trumpet and a torture lamp under a pitcher in a quiet darkness they had to set aside their fears trusting god wait for his signal follow his plan as best one and let him do the rest i see it so that is part one that's the end of part on the battle belongs to the lord in a three talk about the screaming bobcat but i can hear it in my in my mind's eye when we were talking about how frightened the other side is that's part of what we're seeing wee seeing with bob cat that's caught in a trap its scream in and holding and lashing out and writhing it knows its dead unless it can convince the hunter to forget about it and go away and maybe maybe somehow it can survive will this evil knows that it's one so its train figure out how can we take down as many good it it all the other people are already taken their dead people walking so to speak it's those who are trying to figure out how to get closer to god that are the ones who the devil's so to speak whether true or imagined or however you want to put it the other side we'll try to attack the good people the people who are trying to find god the people who are trying to do god's will st wants company his miserable and he just wants as many people as he can take down with him i like you said if we're quiet and we do what god is instructed as to do nothing we have nothing to fear he's got it all figured out and oh what were seeing i think and i think you'll agree is that the other side knows it's losing at or lost big leninists trying to to scream and lash out and well i don't believe we should be fearful i think we should be aware that there are consequences to this battle there will be people who are harmed damaged killed even and the honoraffusion the lord it doesn't matter whenever these sinners always collateral damage look at when somebody when somebody gets into it in a situation of and i'm not saying this on the kind of nation way i'm sane i ight me well that get into an addiction there have in a problem copy what's the the base problem lack of love every single time lack of love is is the is the is the problem the and so or their hot there their not cope with either love for them themselves for things they done wrong gulps their guilt ye know all this thing i'll make comes back to a common a common cause right in so their hiding the ththirty ically hiding they're trying to escape having to deal with this the copy mechanism got right so you know when we look at a person who is going to diction though does it only hurt them now what hurts every one around and it's like the there's if so there so many propose and then you've got the flat out sadness from things like like a santo where the which are giving sacrifices to demon god that they've got down there you know the scene of death or murder is what it is and in that sort of thing it's like there is huge consequence two to the evil the rule is in in effects it infects holebut or whole thing is this is not our home and we are looking i really do believe that there's a point people's lives where they were they ah they changed that there's decisions that are but our home is in heaven and we are constantly looking for god looking for that looking for we're never going to find it here and so our home here is where wherever god is if if you can frame it this way wherever god is he any have nothing to fear your you can step out of can step out of and away from evil at any point in time you can step out of behaviour you can step out of things and got draw closer to god and he will heal you he will provide for you i mean all those things are possible we got to make that we got to make the decision and say you know what my it's not working forming life is not working and all of us come to that point the our life is not work working for us not well or you know at endeerement s going to be be at the point of death but it happens to every one in hopefully we make that decision early or earlier and so that we can save ourselves from a lot of self inflicted problems that were great at we all creator on all the probe that happened just from the outside too but we can hear nathan we are helpful you know and so re nobody nobody can claim that right is sister was only one that was erst it was jesus christ on he had the blood of god running through his eye his perfect and there was reason for that we talk about david a little bit to david is one of my favorite i don't want to call him a character cause he's real man in the bill call him brother no raphaelsthe had a man after god's own heart i think as how it's descried he when we see with the philistines is like whywhat a guy you know he sure i have faith i rode about that that subsederit and so sometimes we feel like we have to be like david and wrote about esther too because she had a great faith but he behaved differently she had a different role to play then david we don't always have to try to be david but my point is there were times when david was doing really well fighting physically for the lord and there were times where he was hiding in a cave begging god to destroy his enemies because he was be in tormented by fear and he stress he knew that they were coming for him and he didn't know what else to do he is hiding and doubtful and fearful but he never let go of his and when he sinned against your eye with best sheba he proved you was a perfect like you were saying do you how that old that blood line and david made mistake he still had facing god and when he realised his his son was dying he grieved heartily and when his son died stopped grieving and people look at that look at that whole situation too because that is a great example of his faith too nothing i can do about it any more he's with god ah but anyway his his face is a great example for us because even when the consequences of what was going on around him overwhelmed him emotional he still had a and not for mine and all the sensitive person of an emotional person sometimes i might be pretty sad i might even be afraid of some in but if i looked at to david or look at paul's another example of the suffering that he accomplished complished he complished with great faith alongside it would ringratiate i want interject this here is that i would prove prefer having friends who have a little bit of flaws in their backs i don't i never have never become friends with somebody who hasn't had a rough rough time in their life or is made to major mistakes or have set had some real struggles in the background because you know why people that sit there and want to play this piety contest putting out a sea that the perfect and sent hurch and the they've got all the answers to every thing and looking down the nose that everybody else had mollie and they are also their focus i think that's one of the greatest blasphemies that you can have because then it becomes all about your behavior instead of what christ has done for us that we can't claim any rights and i rarely friends with that can't come to terms with and have grace and mercy for others in their flossy night you know i come on over here you're you're welcome to my table because this is this is where sinner saved by grace and saved by mercy save by jesus christ said over here and every one is jesus died for every one and had met the call is out there for every single pers the he stands with his arms wide open come all who are weary and heavy laden come and he will make things he will change feels he will provide answers and give shelter from the storm and and that that's out there for every single persons is not an exclusive of you know what or come over you this not one person in the bible that was perfect except for jesus it is a line of what not to do you know crania hard time with that because when i was younger i i really when i was a little girl i had a very very hard time with his i could look at myself in the though i really wanted to always be right about things and try tandolanos and life i really did i don't talk about it much but i did and you know always tried to do the right thing but felt so much none know ah coronation all the time people had a religious spirit around me which was diffwys very different its ianesse spirit from hell it really is and instead of sin europe you can do this he makes you in war except in europe he didn't make you as a mistake and you know when i was born a that's how i was treated as a mistake in outcasts and that that's a real problem and i didn't want to you know i saw these people in the bible and the church and figured they all had it together it you know just set there with so much oh so much a shame and so much so much to kondemnashon shame then i i just had a hard time with it then all a sudden really read a goin wait a minute this isn't a book of all these perfect people that are better than you this is the perfect this is a book of all these people that were a disaster there a duster fire from the beginning and not one did the right thing the only one that did was jesus that that's set the rest of them were highly flawed and we can learn from those people round as these that i did that on that could be due in that because he's screwed up over he are we able to out live a perfect ah not one of us is going to get to the end and say we were able to do things perfectly because we do not have we we we we we will never achieve that a paul said i do that which i don't do or that i shouldn't do it he struggled with that and he take died we all struggle when we see our flaws in the things that ourselves that we are we wish for different we don't one of makes it right and that's the one when we hear that won't hear a message and somebody says jesus first just a certain amount of people but not for every one that's wrong as did for all of us in we can all except we just have to turn towards them now will everybody do that i would hope i prayed to god that that would be the is that is that biblical i think it is we get were given there in the bible does say narrow is the gate and i don't think that's because he doesn't want any people i think like the ought because that's because the agents there's not many coming that that he would i mean there's not enough that he really wants like you said he wants everybody but just not a noted enough those ah well when either matterated no matting is arason small number of people who will choose to go do you want to be god's there's the st its like is hideous there is a animacin for you or do ye is it in your heart to know that you have the heart of god in mind every minute of your day are you about the kingdom is are you no matter what struggles or strife come are you here because no matter what god asks you to do leave in your plans and and looking at somebody who's heard in and just trash in her whole day because god puts something front of you to do you aren't you matteromoneal or you honestly and somebody who would stop in the way like the good samaritan the goods the good samaritan in those two people on the path before him you know what they did they did exactly what the law dipped do not a dead body or a nearly done body they walked on the other side of the road because that's the religious teachers to marin stepped up and and o put himself outside of the law he let the love loved it the his midway up is the higher law right there were two rabbis that were having discussed when jesus was walking the earth and i he was the one that preach and this is with the farces were asking us which way we fought follow do we followed the law or do we listen to helles he answered that no one certain terms it's the it was the law of love that comes you you know you say rest on sunday but if you're if you've got lamps to take care of her somebody what a shepherd band in their lamps and on inhoneste somdetch would be saturday actually it's so were we all in violation all of us are in violation in some part if we want to hold the lot to the to the tea were a holdingoutto so you you you know and so what he did as he gave us that was to so that we would know that we can't do it honor the only way we can do this is to of the cross lay down our life and followed out a rendereth no he still on to make way and he still going shoot so when about one of the most surprising moments i had when i was studying for the the child sacrifice series i did ah i when i read the story of vanessa i was kind of surprised people the children were made to walk through the fire is how the the scripture words it won't children there does not mean just small children it means the children of isereel so could have been people any age the my point was they were doing this sacrifice of people to a god other than god that's that was the chief thing that anger got and so when they realized what was wrong with that and that this was the problem the king and all the people ah tore off their clothes put on sackcloth and ashes and were just in a great morning and repented to go and he relented and did not destroy them in to me knowing that some one who even some one who sacrificed another person to another god that god has the right the authority and the ability and the willingness forgive even that have i done that no i've done other kinds of sands in my life i haven't done that one and that his letters of one one then but iserinexact ly but i put in our minds i you know that's kind of an encouragement that we need will have got a king forgive that if jesus can forgive the man of cross next to him could he could forgive me and in that should be a great a greeting couragement to all of us i don't be gonodon know to sologob y out there is a mistake nobody out there is one turn around and follow go there's been some into the battle is the lord's but there's the battles between principalities and and so we have to think about ourselves a little bit as a as radio too is as a radio where were red and so it's like if you're tuned to god differ than being tuned to help eliseo le that are in bold and santo where there they turned to god no not chance they're too in in to a different in their minds which is not a god which is nothing which is nothing but a satanic like bellockin all the rest of em that they sacrificed to i mean hillary clinton and the wikele's talked about sacrificing to moloch son whom home at ebony these are these are this is sick it's demanded its demonic it is amblodon this is the ante of if you're down one of those paths there i suggest you get yourself turned round and maybe maybe go back to god because you know you may not have a lot of time left if he can drag your sorry but down to to how he's going to do it and the only way to to avoid that is you better you better turn to god and ask him to help you he well he's good and he set in hell forgive you in such which you better turn to god in and turn your back on anything that has to do with to mamook and in the rest of their the nonsense of demonic as in cree of losers out there there there following satan the the chief loser out there and oh and i like tekisimme describe it as a filter you know you've got a set of filters that that get added to as you go on so like with discernment the more discernment you have the more filters you have that con filter out the gard bridge in your life in and also specially in michigan we cannot recognize the the pot hole issue that we have if you're looking at potholes you'll go you're going to drive yourself right into them if your folk is done the path where you're supposed to be you won't fall into those potholes you'll be able to steer around them and that is really important aspect saint has no power here unless we give it to and so we have to stand for a minor convict we have to we have to stand firm with to do the right thing don't lie to or steal you give an anstey given him a crack to get at so you know that that's one of those things that it's not got doesn't tell us not to do things just to be mean he's sayin you won't avoid a lot of problems your the cracks closed up so he can't get and stay in the light of god and the light of god chases away chases the darkness you know we resist we resist evil and i can't stand here he has no power here it's like i always say you can't i know is the only one that can add my life's going to be got almighty you know we and when you when you turn your life over to god you got nothing to fear you keep you may though anything and let's let's prattle or less put out there men oh it will be a scripture cause i i love this i love the sun theed here i think this is really good of course they're going to have some do you have a constipated coal and that mitigation sense on these channels they always do something stupid like that but what's isn'tness some encouragement and see what is god's say about you what does he say about the relations about you and so this this is what god says this is in the this bible verses is all it is listen to what god has the common mass told you there was a way to easily restore healthy blood sugar terrors thirty one there be strong and courageous do not fear or be in trade as to for your god who goes with no leave you worse some thirty two shepherd she had placed you preserve me from trouble you surround shots were to revert passports state this strong tower the righteous man words into and is so some one thirty eight to lord lankathe midst of rock to preserve my life oh you stretch out your hand against the wrath of my head is and you're right heah and to letters so shalt keep me as the apple of your eye i the shadow of your wings second son twenty three or four oh my god my rock in my take rushing owyhee the word is my salvation mashonaland my refuge my safe you save me from myron i called upon the horse who is horror and to my prehistory damon or to the core a strong and the th of old now stood refuge section placed the stop so i think that's a wonderful feed and i like listening to the scripture there is guy's voice super cathartic inospiti can show with us you know on or not such what i think i think it's of st scripture and not always come toes it's not our knowledge that's going to save us we studied that we are founded mihi so but it is truly it's just spending time with god just spent time with a it'stootoo so with that said you are have me less words which would say prayer menlook rumor there only father we thank you so much for being with us and giving us a you know to come in here to die for us what i can't even imagine the love that you must have for that you are willing to leave heaven to come here to the to our hearts and to to help us in to save us and we're just so grateful you have been a great friend provider protector or band you you have always come through for us and now it's time for us to come through and be a friend to you we want to be a friend you we lay our lives down or and were thankful that you confuse the enemy that the fable is yours that it's already won and we lay our plans down we lay our life down an we want to be about your business the kingdom business the kingdom of god your kingdom would be on earth as it is in he help oh help us by opening people's eyes and ears up to the and a confused the plans of the enemy an i'm so thankful that you walk in front of us besides us and behind us that you are a protector that you put a hedge of protection around us and that you just you know you walk is right through this life not that we don't have any troubles troubles teaches things and even in those times were thankful for everything you do or tis you're giving us you're giving us experiences to learn to be better people and make good decisions and all such a tuck in even closer to we thank you so very much we ask your blessings on this nation on general flint admirers we ask your ah we ask you would still peopleth mouth and there there need and propensity to be on the personal attack for each other and that we'd recognize it for what it is with a a bell between prince baldies and powers we asked that we would only speak the words that you give us to speak in nothing more and nothing less so much for the day we love you wont be re is named red then go to her he got it piranthat no anno to brander for goin her not com i'm best not concerto has ever not conceded to lighters his in our government and these in order then to the the the jocose you the best conceived feclno none none none can refuse that had meconidine of you know why i'm a bull had that's on it is stop fighting the snow why because we're about god's in no political party see you're david you would get that fistand said excuse me otoyo think you are now wot he gustomers you know many on interfering gods one horse thesiger wait or but he skirwort words at him you know and i look at toteecoo pigeoners sarmanai could find in me for that i'm a pathetic second to david but there oo but i will i won't chuck worster and a so at any rate i have a great day so just already knows we love you there's lots of people fighting them for the nation and for you and for each other come and join us be a friend to us we need to stand together let's be friends let's not just do van de everything here you goes go fight this political bad lie that they're in critici in on no it doesn't work that way you know he'll have to get into the fight and the same thing would be in christian it's time to get into the fight now to say any cries but then reviews the stand for anything that's not how works that's not this now the game works so at any rate have a great day god bless you god bless all those whom you love a god blessed a great day in the keep those cracks out of your foundation here and do the right thing don't lie no cheating no stealing tried to be about that of the father's business here and do the right thing on all levels and will see to morrow with john tatertate tuesday and a enakanee beat up this constitution here a little bit and getting the truth out and it could be it up were going to hold it on like the republican party who says of third party about the constitution but do they talk about it now it's anyhow there we got were going to continue have a great day whilst