BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 7/22/2024 Crowdstrike attack & 911 Documentary Michael Delaney

Published July 22, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Jeff Buongiorno is Running for Supervisor of Elections in Palm Beach County. He and a team of cyber experts have been investigating the crisis in our election infrastructure! Recently the information went viral and we will discuss current acceleration in information uncovering the fraud and theft in failed processes in our elections. Jeff Buongiorno is a cyber and data consultant who has worked in the IT field for over 30 years. Jeff built a successful Cyber company that works with US Manufactures in implementing business process and computer systems to accommodate the processes. Jeff accumulated over 100 IT certifications throughout his career and considers himself to be a jack of trade and Master of none. He is currently running for US Congress FL District 21 for a second time. Jeff has been an election reform activist since Nov 4th, 2020. Today we'll discuss a National Crisis caused by vulnerabilities in our election infrastructure. We will try to connect the dots between a vulnerable election infrastructure and the anomalies found in the data, some reaching the odds as farfetched as one in 15 trillion. Jason Ickes - Born and raised in Grand Rapids, Jason Ickes developed a strong sense of duty and patriotism from an early age. His journey into public service began when he enlisted in the United States Army, ultimately earning a place among the elite ranks of the Green Berets. Jason’s military career took him to various corners of the globe, where he bravely defended American values and interests. As a Green Beret, Jason Ickes served in diverse and challenging environments, gaining a unique and invaluable perspective on the importance of fighting for America’s strength and security on the world stage. Ickes has personally fought terrorism and foreign adversaries while also rebuilding nations and fostering multilateral relations. Stanley Leszewski - Border and Fentanyl, Rehab Counselor Stanley R Leszewski, President, American Substance Abuse Foundation @SubstanceL7672 Helping America become "Clean and Sober" one day at a time in which will contribute to the growth and prosperity of our great Nation. Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization located in Jersey City, NJ. 10am Michael Delaney - investigator into 911 and creator of 911 documentary X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the 22nd day of July 2024. And welcome to our show. It's kind of glad I'm glad to be back. I have a lot, you know, to tell you about last week and lots of things to share of things that I posted my telegram channel and such at the Republican National Convention. And it was kind of an interesting thing because I've never been to a national convention before. Honestly, Donna Brandenburg has never really been. involved in politics before I ran for governor, which was one of those large steps. But, you know, sometimes you just got to go big or go home. So anyhow, I want to invite my guests on this morning. We've got Jeff Bongiorno and Jason Yates. How are you guys doing? Great. How are you doing? Doing good. I'm doing good. We got Stanley Lazuski on at 9.30 and then I've got Mike Delaney on at 10 o'clock and he wrote the documentary on 9-11, The Missing Link. So that should be really interesting because I've always been interested in looking at that further because I never bought it from the beginning that it was anything other than controlled demolition. So I think that I think there's some very bad actors out there and, and I think we need to, we need to face some of that stuff that, that we have going on in the United States because there's a whole bunch of bad stuff going on. And, and I think it's to, uh, throw things out in the public a little bit and get people to wake up to the realities. So what are we talking about today, gentlemen? Crowd strike. Yes. I'm all about that. Yeah. I think it's pretty interesting that, uh, CrowdStrike has the outage the day after the assassination attempt. And though I believe most people think CrowdStrike's based out of California, if you look at the filings, they have the holding companies based out of Austin, Texas, according to their SEC filings. So the interesting part about that is the company that shorted the Donald Trump media stocks and rumble and a bunch of others, uh, significantly shorted, but put, put positions, which are short positions. We don't know if they actually owned this. I didn't look into see if they actually owned the shares or if they were borrowing the shares, but, uh, that's the difference between a put and a short, right? They don't actually own the shares. Um, but, That was Austin wealth management. Uh, so based on Austin, Texas. So you've got CrowdStrike that goes down, has an outage the day after. Not the shooting, the convention. The convention. Yeah, it was a convention because we all got, we all were getting stuck. There was a lot of people that were stuck in, in Milwaukee. and uh couldn't couldn't get flights out so everything was kind of down for a while there and you could see the outages you could see the outages and where they were going down but I'm sorry go ahead did you so are you saying crowd strike was shorted or were there no I'm saying that they're they're holding company it doesn't doesn't smell right so we know that uh The ties with CrowdStrike in Ukraine, right, from the Hillary Clinton era. Serbia or Ukraine? Both Serbia and Ukraine. Well, I was going to say Donald Trump was talking about the Ukraine part where he was asking Zelensky to look into CrowdStrike because of the Clinton server stuff, right? Yeah. That reemerged. Yeah, go ahead. You want to talk about the Serbia part? Go ahead. No, I just want to talk about it and see. Did we check if there were shorts, if there were puts, and the same pattern between DJT and CrowdStrike? That's what I think is good information for the people. I find it really hard to believe that someone would accidentally have four extra zeros and miss that. For a wealth management company, I imagine they probably don't have that many errors, let alone it being – they allege that it was on all of the stocks that they did, list came out so far only that stock was the one and potentially the the rumble stock uh did they actually mess up on so or or have the error now if that's the case then they clearly misspoke but uh I'm not buying that for a second I wouldn't even waste my brain so so did crowd strike caused the outages to allow them to go in and cover up their tracks on what could have been the payoff for the assassination attempt, right? Because there was two events. There was before and then there was at the convention. Yeah, that was... Listen, okay, so here's my theory. Every time there's a significant event of fraud, massive fraud that they need to cover up, either they're Solar Wings, like after November 20th, November 2020, Same thing. And now we have the payoffs. We have the bribes, whatever went down with communications. Now we have CrowdStrike. But we know that it's Bob Terry who we all love and appreciate who you've had on your show many times. For two years, he's been pleading this to me. And the portal that Microsoft basically has at their disposal that was engineered into the product. Now, I'm on Microsoft. I make my living off of Microsoft. I'm a partner, so it's hard for me to come forward, but I'm a patriot, and I will at the risk of persecution by my biggest partnership that I have that helps me. So that's a big deal, and I don't think it's not. It's always the blame game. Now it's CrowdStrike. That's what the article is about, the blame game. The problem is there's inherent backdoors that can be manipulated by skilled technicians. And they're all over CISA. There's CISA contractors. We have the 140128 executive order where CISA and its contractors have special access. And we have the .gov act now where they've all consolidated, right? First, they consolidate the vote count. Now they're consolidating the technology where they're all on First, they made CISA a top-level domain registrar, which means they have access unfettered to the DNS root zone, which controls a lot of the settings and addresses, and you can do a lot of damage there. And they all have them on the same named server under Cloudflare. So basically, in essence, all of the government, all of the local voting jurisdictions' websites are on one wide area network. They call it Zero Trust. network architecture, and they try to get you behind one big DMZ, one big firewall. But meanwhile, now from the back end, Cloudflare, CISA, CISA's contractors, they have DNS, top-level access to their root zone. They can connect, and this is a problem, and we need to address this. CrowdStrike has that contract to protect the .gov domain. Did you know that? Yeah, it's all set up. This has been in place. No, I didn't. But I know the contractors, whoever CISTA has a contractor with is going to be in on it, right? This is like, and then this is the same as, you know, we looked at CISTA. It's an NGO. The NGOs, that's their ground game. Those are their foot soldiers. Not only is it a ground game, right? It's foot soldiers, man. You saw that video I put out where La Familia Volta, They're parked out of the Palm Beach County Department of Motor Vehicle with signs in Spanish and English. And we know we love the Latino community, but they're targeting folks that they don't want to go inside the voter registration and make that attestation that they're a citizen. So why are they in two places? In essence, there's two voter registrations set up. You could go to the DMV and this La Familia Vota is right outside, camped out. So you go to the DMV, attest that you're a, you're a citizen and it's, you know, it's in the system, or you could go outside to La Familia Voltaire and it's one big family, right? And you could fill out your voter registration, just give them four digits of a code and you have a little more cover, a little more comfort. And now they know who you are. They made that handshake, that first touch. They're going to go and harvest the ballots, you know, and yeah, ballot harvesting is illegal in Florida, but it's not because it's First of all, you can order three vote-by-mail ballots. So that's some pretty good throughput, some good bandwidth, right? We can get three at a time. And then the Florida statute says, well, you can return family members. There's no cap. And they define a brother or sister, you know, or this, or someone who identifies, you know, Sammy the cat can submit one, because Sammy the cat's a family member. So it's very vague. So now you have the throughput of... requesting three without ever showing photo ID, after you've registered without showing photo ID, and then you can cast your ballot without ever showing photo ID. Now, what is to prevent bad actors to just create synthetic identities, right? How do they know who these people are when all you see on the southern border, they're dumping their passports and their identification? So who's, in my opinion, that these, when folks are questionable, non-citizens, when they go to La Familia Vota, you could just as easily make up a synthetic identity that doesn't exist, mail it to an address that has 200 people in a studio apartment, and vote them, and they're letting this happen. So this is what has to be stopped, is the throughput, the supply chain, the distribution, the ground game, the foot soldiers. And that's what I'm going after the next month. The private public partnerships. Don't you love that? And all these NGOs, I mean, there's enough evidence out there that they were stashing ballots. They were doing all sorts of things at a bunch of these NGOs. And people just seem to be turning their heads and not looking at that and calling it out. The investigation into this stuff has got to go far and deep into the different levels because there's so many different levels to this. Yeah, well, and to get back on to CrowdStrike, I think that the parallels between CrowdStrike and SolarWinds, you had mentioned earlier, SolarWinds is also based out of Austin, Texas. So, I mean, and I don't think a lot of people realize this, those claddings, the landings where all of the Chinese electronic parts for our election systems, land in texas and they go to mckinney texas so all of this stuff uh revolves around a very you know finite area in texas and it really calls into question you know this whole governor abbott and the board hey look he had the ability to shut it down what did he do he helped them traffic people around the country All of these people are all up in arms. He was the ground game. Oh, yeah. We're just going to. It's all a side. It's all a side. But you're helping facilitate the movement of these people. Yeah. Around the country. Where they came from. And he's like. He ate in the bed. Yes. So. That's what. Go ahead. Sorry. No, I just. No. You know what? And all this is coming out, right? Yeah. So you guys know that. You guys know. I'm running for Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections. We got all these endorsements, Mike Lindell, Colonel McGregor, Ann VanderSteel, to name a few, Colonel John Mills. But there's no point. I watch these people, these folks, candidates, and they're like, oh, we're going to do another event. They're running around like it's a regular election. And the consultants are like, You know, they're taking people's checks. Well, you know, your messaging is a little off. Meanwhile, we're at war. And to me, it's just. You're breaking up, Jeff. It's unraveling for them. Sorry. Jeff, you got to get a better connection, dude. That's all it is. That's all there is to it. You need a better connection. You know, I have too much strain on it. Yeah, you know. Okay, so I'm going to say, Mike, are we back? I'm testing one, two, three, you know, live streams. Yes, can you hear me? Yes. Okay, so I went off on a tangent there on a rant, but we're taking a chance at filing a civil complaint against the federal government against um for basically uh infringement of the 14th amendment right the they've abridged voting laws to you know at the peril of this of the citizens where they have all these gaps in the issuance of social security numbers we I we did a lot of research 6.1 percent of all All people who hold a social security number have two, have at least two numbers. As of 2010. So this whole scam of this four-digit code, this is the root of the problem that can cut off the supply chain, and that's what we're going after. I was talking about running for office. There's 11 of us, 11 SOE candidates in Florida that are all brainstorming and putting together civil complaints that we're going to file, one in the middle central, the central jurisdiction in Tampa, and that's going to pertain to technology and a backup contingency plan for an event like CrowdStrike, and they're going to seek injunctive relief. I'm doing one in the southern district, which we're praying to God that we get Aileen Cannon. It's right here in Fort Pierce. It's the same, you know who Aileen Cannon is, right? This is the venue that had the documents case with Jack Smith. That's right here in Fort Pierce. So that's my jurisdiction. So I'm going to put this together with my team of 11 candidates. We kind of split up, and we're doing back-to-back press conferences, and we're going to file one on the 30th in Tampa and one on the 31st in Fort Pierce, hopefully Aileen Cannon. We're praying. I mean, we have to just demand that we have alien canon because we know the judicial system is broken. So the first step, you know, you want to rip down the government and the power to the people and everything. How do you do it? How do we do it? Well, right now, we file this civil suit, followed by an injunction, and then the people rise up and say, the judicial system is broken. Look at Merrick Garland. Look at all the Trump cases. You can go on and on and say... The people of South Florida, we demand that we get a fair judge and we want that judge to be Aileen Cannon. Why can't we appoint our judge? Especially with the evidence that we have. So, so what do you, what do you guys, and that's what we're doing over the next. Are you finished? I lost you. I don't know if it's my connection. I'm finished. Yeah, that's it. That's our plan. I've spoken it, and we've got to execute it now. We're all ramping up on federal, all the procedural stuff, and hopefully we'll file it, and then we'll get some donations, raise some money, and hire a lawyer. But there's so much that they have to give injunctive relief at this point. And we could even frame out that the DHS, as time goes on, even days. Mine is in November. I'm the Republican nominee. The primary is August 23rd. A lot of the 11 that I'm with are running in the primary. We just have to get this out there now. August is going to be in August 1st. Wheels in motion. I want 100 people there in front of Aileen County, in front of that courthouse. State support that President Trump had from those same locals, they need to come out with the same enthusiasm. This man took a bullet. They are. I'm not. I'm getting it done. I'm focused on this. There's people out there. Okay. This has been a really crazy couple of weeks here that we've had. There's a lot of stuff. Now you're breaking up. There's a lot of stuff that's been going down. What do you think about the CrowdStrike? To me, it looked like something that was kind of almost a test run in how it worked. What's your thoughts, Jason? I don't. I know I've heard a lot of people say that. I don't think it was. I don't think it was a dry run at all because they exposed themselves in a way that if you're doing a dry run, you really would not want to have it reflect on you. You wouldn't want to expose the vulnerability of what you've got in a dry run. That's too risky. And if you do a dry run, you do it in a limited use case. this did not seem like a limited use case seemed very widespread. Um, it was very specific and, um, and there was significant blowback. I mean, if you're doing a dry run, then you might try it in a, on a state perhaps, right? Like they might test in Texas or in a smaller state would be even more, uh, primed, uh, and not, You wouldn't want this to get out there to the point where everyone now knows where to look. They know where to look for the file. They know the file name. They know now all the systems. So what people, another theory that's out there is that this was an opportunity to see what systems were not going to be impacted. And then this was a bad actor testing to see what all that they would be able to impact because they didn't know. the scope of what they had access to. So that to me seems more logical and plausible because I, for a dry run on a nefarious actor within the company or the company itself being in a various actor would have exposed themselves unnecessarily to something that they, they may be trying to plot in the future. I think it's more likely that it's, a outside bad actor that is assessing what they have the ability to impact prior to going, you know, this is a part of a reconnaissance type. It's a penetration test. Exactly. Penetration test. Okay, so good enough. So when I looked at this, I like going to this site called And I don't know if you're familiar with this, but I love going here and spooking around and looking at things. If you look at how things behave, you can see similarities between different sectors of communication. So look at Verizon, T-Mobile, and that sort of thing. So you can go in and find out and look at the maps. Which AT&T, not my favorite because they're super involved in spy crap. But you can look at when they're done in the last, say, here's 24 hours. But you can also see the map and see where the problems were. And what happened when I went in there and I looked at the maps and where the communication was going down when we were at the convention and leaving, this was a large area right here, Chicago north to Milwaukee. But there were commonalities in areas between the providers, which I thought was really interesting. So you can go in there and play around with that, guys, because that honestly, if you go in and let's just say we look at telecommunications. you can go in here and check this out because quite often you will find that there's a lot in common. The charts are similar. So what happened when we were sitting in the auditorium, I noticed it at five with my cell phone coverage in there. And then at 10, when it really went down, there were two different patterns that emerged while we were in the RNC. And it was interesting. So if you have a problem with cell phones or you have a problem with anything, jump over here and see if you can see the commonalities between the different providers. It's like clockwork. It's all the same, which tells me that there's something behind all of these that's either hitting it with, as you say, a penetration test and or somebody is screwing with it behind the scenes. Yeah, either way, we're looking at a really big problem. And I think it stems from the fact that we've caused so much centralization in our security apparatus that we have consolidated. You know, this the idea of a republic is that we are decentralized and that allows independent jurisdictions to come to their own conclusions. It allows a myriad of opportunities and diversity within our, uh, various different arenas, specifically the, the whole purpose of capitalism is to allow competition to create better products. But what we have here is the government shoves giant sums of money into a handful of companies that are all cherry picked. Um, and, And they get to run a mock. They get to run the gambit, essentially, with little to no scrutiny. And this is what we end up with. We end up with a company. Go ahead. There's a structure. There's a structure there, right? It sure is. And it's contractors. And who are the contractors? They're big tech. And who does CISA answer to? The same freaking criminal company. who orchestrated the border invasion, who put a hit out on the president of the United States, and who allowed a bridge to collapse. So this is CISA. This is Alejandro Mayorkas. This is the DHS. This is your fraud cartel. This is RICO. What they accuse President Trump and Rudy Giuliani and all, RICO is exactly what they're doing. And it's all uncovered now and it really is we need to capitalize going for the kill right that's what I'm saying we know we have a judge who's fair alien cannon we should have 100 people there on the 31st we should have 150 people there on the on august 1st and every day there should be a force multiplier to show what the people want in south florida and that's what I want to orchestrate that's my campaign if I win the election fine but hopefully I get the injunction and we have a fair election Well, I want to go to another place here on this, what you have to say too, because all of these people that are sitting in the seats, they're being funded by someone. And so my focus right now is looking at the operations behind the scenes, which are basically an economic warfare that's going on here. Because somebody's paying for this. It's not just the people in the seats. That's the next level. The first level or the highest level, in my opinion, is the level of say like, oh, I don't know. Let's look at Michigan because I think Michigan's ahead of the snake. Why did President Trump go to the very next rally? and at Van Andel Arena in the city of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and the state where all of the oligarchs in the state of Michigan have got places up by Bay Harbor, Charlevoix, Petoskey and such, and trace it right back to Michigan, Michigan State, U of M, and all of the leaks that went through all of them. And, oh, I don't know, let's just throw out their switch, which is in Grand Rapids too. And who's behind all of this? We're going to have to ask some questions because these people sitting in the seats, they're puppets. And the ones that are pulling the strings are the ones that have waged economic warfare on this. I put something out there on what's behind Michigan because I'm going to tell you what. And I'm going to be a little brutal and I'm not going to make a lot of friends with this, I'm pretty extra sure. But who does the security? at all of these places in Grand Rapids and some of these other entities? DK security. What did I see when I went up to Camp Grayling? There was no military up there. Who was doing their security at the gates, at all the gates at the Air Force? DK security. Why were there no security being handled by a military force up there? And what's the commonality? And then when you- Mayorkas is the commonality. Mayorkas is the commonality. I'm not so sure. I'm not so sure. I think that it's these people that are hiding behind BlackRock and all of these economic- They're funding it. So who are the names? And I think we need to start looking at some of these names and specifically in the state of Michigan, because I'm going to tell you, there's a pipeline that's coming up from that border with kids, with trafficking children and they're dumping them right off in the Great Lakes. So there's a huge connection here with Michigan, with the Great Lakes and such and the people that are behind it. Why is it that the DNR was up there at Camp Grayling with DK And there was no real military presence there. Answer that question. Why do they control 4.6 million acres, which they are clear-cutting in the state, and all the waterways? Answer these questions for me, because it's not making any sense to me. So what's the commonality, you know, besides all these agencies being under the purview of Mayorkas, is you look at what did we mention? La Familia, the people that are registering voters. Arizona, right, border state. You have Michigan, what you just mentioned. And then you have Texas and the whole financial, Austin. They're after the border states, and that's what they have a stronghold on. But I think what I'm saying here is that you're looking at the elections, but the ones that are buying the elections, because our elections are bought and paid for, the ones that are buying the elections are the oligarch families. They're the ones that are sitting behind Black Rock, Arabella, State Street. Donna, what are they doing? What are they doing? They're shutting down oil companies. They're buying them up, and they're mothballing oil production. And other things, and then they've got all of the money that's going through this green initiative. What's communism, right? You control the flow of goods and products. That's communism. That's it right there. You're responsible for the supply. And the only supply chain that they've increased are synthetic identities and non-citizen voters. That's the only supply chain that's thriving right now. Well, I want you to think about this too. So I'm going to throw this out there and screw all of them because I'm done with their shit right now. It's like look at the pharmaceutical industry and look at what we've got sitting in Grand Rapids, right here in Grand Rapids. The DeVosses have got GRAM up here. Nature Boy and Girl who own Peters Island right next to Epstein Island. I'm not buying the bullshit. I don't care what anybody says. They've got four entities up here that were packaging the vaccines. Oh, and what else do we have? We have Parago, which is bulk ordering chemicals from China that comes right up into Michigan here. I'm telling you guys, there is a whole network here of this. And I think there's some questions that should be. I put something out of my Telegram channel because I was kind of done with all this. And why is it that they went to Grand Rapids, too? I'm going to say it. Why did they go to Mandel Arena? Why did they go in there? I was losing my mind. That was predetermined before the assassination, though. That was already on the schedule. It doesn't matter. Because they had J.D. Vance and they want the Rust Belt. I don't think they were lured in there. I think that was because J.D. Vance was going to be the VP and they're looking at the Rust Belt. Listen, he made it through. He made it through. You have valid points, but you know, let's put that in the books. And I think, yeah, Michigan and Duvass and Brian Mests, you know, and, and how to, how do they break in? How do you, how do you run for Congress the first time? And all of a sudden you raised $5 million of, you know, it's, oh, well, you know, he's a war hero, but no, it's not that it's that's how they, they audition, right. They audition and they get the financing and they stay, keep them in power. Well, how come J.D. Vance has got all these connections out there, too, to other things? Skull and bones. What's that? Skull and bones. Yeah. They're all in on this. And it's like, why is he? So I'm sitting here looking at this, and I don't know anything, but, I mean, just looking at it from an outsider, a normal people, who some people will not talk to because they're guard-dogging the information. I want to know why normal people can't get in to talk to them. And I mean, I could fry a few people right here and now, but I'll wait. I'll let them squirm a little bit because there's some crap going on here. This was all orchestrated. Why is it that we had to go to the Van Andel Arena? Why is it that J.D. Vance got chosen on this? I don't know, but there's some things that don't make sense here. You know, J6, Betsy DeVos resigns from the Trump office, citing Trump investigation. as a riot and violence. And it's like all of this Did Amway, DeVos, Van Andel Families, via RDEV and other means, through the UN and China, Blackmailed and Funded, Dick Cheney, Liz Cheney, Fred Upton, Tom Rice, Dan Newhouse, Adam Kinzinger, Peter Meyer, Anthony Gonzalez, Jamie Buehler, John Katko, David Valado, Mitt Romney, John McCain, Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Pat Toomey, Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, Susan Collins, Mitch McConnell, and more. The smug. Well, the smug. Where is it? Sitting right here on its tail in Grand Rapids, Michigan. And it's like, and always, Amway, did Amway's Doug DeVos, QB, funded Mike Pence to run against Trump organizing and funding him I got some questions here. And after an assassination attempt on him in Butler, I'm going to tell you what. Why wasn't there an investigation into this investigation? before they landed him right here in Michigan into the very ones that were funding his opponents. Somebody explain this to me. Maybe I'm too stupid to understand this. I don't know. But I got some questions here. And why is it? Why is it? And did Mike Pence single-handedly block the quorum and work hand-in-hand with Nancy Pelosi? Where's the funding coming from? Michigan. Michigan. Guaranteed. Well, it's so, you know, what is one of the investors besides black rock Vanguard and all the rest of them is being capital and who, and where did it be? And where did Mitt Romney, uh, you know, before he became governor of Massachusetts, right. Was Michigan. His dad, dad's got his name on a building here in the Capitol. Right. Right. Well, the Capitol buildings. Where's here? Government buildings in Michigan, Lansing. Yeah. And then Ron Romney is from the third congressional district where I was from. This right here where the Van Andel and everything else is, is their backyard. This is part of the territory to Romney. Yeah. He wasn't doing an investigation. He was going full steam ahead. To the next rally, it was on the calendar for six months. It was planned to have J.D. Vance and to build the Rust Belt support. It wasn't like, okay, now let's put him in Vandal Arena and off him. They never thought he would make Vandal. He was supposed to be dead the week before. Well, regardless, regardless, if you had an incident like that and you knew you were walking right into all these people who absolutely here, let's go to something else. I'll show you this. You know, guys, it's God's plan at this point. Listen, it's God's plan, man. You got to just go with it. And, you know, that's that's so my what I want to get out today is we're having the press conference. There's two that the North team of SOE candidates are filing a civil suit and the end. an ensuing injunction on the technology and some laws that were broken. And on the south side of Florida, the southern district, we're filing a civil suit and seeking an injunction against the voter rolls and the use of the four-digit code that's supposedly an SSN number. So we need support up by Aileen Cannon. And we have an asset here, and we need to leverage her. Jeff, before you go, could you answer one question for me? Yeah. The response to, not SolarWinds, but CrowdStrike, one of the methods was to back up the systems. Do you recall that process or could you elaborate on that a little bit real quick? No, the whole thing is very strange. You know, you have a security operation center a sock right and they're supposed to test all that prior to it it's it's just it's it's it's all it's it's all mirage so I don't know it's a penetration test is what it is and it's microsoft and I believe it it links back to bob terry and the back door window and just you know I think some less sophisticated firewalls won't let the fender make changes and I think that's probably what they were they were uh testing sit to see who they can access and who they can't and they're going to make changes accordingly. I think Maricopa County had a lot to do with it. That may have been an overall test for Maricopa County, who's having a primary. But right now my focus is on citizens. I kind of dropped the tech hat and handed it off to Chris Gleason. Have you heard of Chris? Yeah. Yeah, he's great. So I'm sticking with the, you know, the plan is South citizenship, you know, the five SOE candidates that are in the South. And in North, we're going to hit them on the technology and on the actual crimes of doctoring public records requests. We had a public records request that was returned with the date of 1984, September 13th, 1984. Yeah. And so they were baffled. And then finally, Chris and I started sharing information. And I said, Chris, in the Mesa County, Colorado, of forensics, we found time stomping enabled. So they still have it running in Palm beach County, the time stopping to, to, to obfuscate, you know, the, the, the, the event log. So you can't do any, you know, uh, kind of forensics time-stopping was enabled on the Palm beach County server. And the report had, had an actual, you know, grid that it was, you know, you could track and we, they put it out again, they changed the date and they took the grid off. So we have them on falsifying. public records. And that's what the North team is. I'm doing more of the constitutional stuff to keep the citizens, get that four-digit code removed. I want to show you something in a minute because I'm going to jump back to where we were just for a minute because I'm not letting this lay. I'm a never-Trump guy. I never liked Trump. We can't go back. We can't go back. We can't go back. I got to go. I can't leave it. It's done. What's done is done. What should be unburdened be unburdened, right? Stop talking like Kamala. Kamala. What's done is done. Let's not be burdened with it, Donna. What's done is done. All right. Sign it off, baby. I got it wrong. All right. Sign it off, baby. I'm playing this again because I think this is an important thing to look at. And Peter Thiel and everything. I never liked him. Project 2025. I've reviewed a lot of it. There's some good ideas in there. We need to help Donald Trump get across the finish line. It's all about getting him elected president. I'm not a Trump supporter. I didn't vote for Trump. I've criticized a lot of Trump's rhetoric, and I'm not a big fan of some of the things that he says. The biggest problem Trump had during his first term, guys, is you had a lot, and I hate to say it, of congressional Republicans who actually refused to support the agenda. They were stabbing me in the back in private. I know Donald Trump. He cares about this country. What's the right for president to make it better and not to install himself as some. So I don't know, guys, I, I think we need to ask some questions here. I just, I just have to, the connections and the concern I'm concerned with the connections with Peter Thiel and some of the other things going on there. I hope that they've got things controlled, but you know, it's like, it just, it's just very concerning because it smells an awful lot like having Pence as his VP to me. Did you see, uh, General Flynn's post yesterday or last night, late last night? I did, and I put it up there. You want to read it to everybody? You want to put it up? That would be great. I think that we are in uncharted waters. I think that this is no longer something that we can say, anybody can say they know what's going to happen next. And at this point, there's a lot of posturing. And whether JD is just another one of the cabal's posturings or otherwise, it is important to know that we're in this individually. And we have to, at the lowest levels, come together and be prepared for the worst case. Because the reality is that we don't know what is in store. I think that that's well said, but it's always concerning when somebody tries to shut you down when you're asking questions because those questions have to be asked. I'm going to try to find the post that we were talking about. Okay. Did you find General Flynn's post there? Yeah, he had a couple of them. He was posting like crazy. This week on Thursday at 7 p.m. EDT, we're going to have a Twitter spaces. Tina Peters will be hosting, talking about her case. So it's going to be the American Project's promoting it, but it's Tina Peters' case update. And she's going to go over kind of how everything's been going last week. Because there's been a lot of major updates. The CrowdStrike, in the CrowdStrike report that tells you how to respond, one of the things that they tell everyone to do is to back up your system before and after. So that way you can always roll back. That's exactly what Tina Peters was doing when she was backing up her system prior to having the Secretary of State come in and alter the system. And so they are going after her for criminal charges because she backed up her system and caught them destroying those records. And they're mad that she's exposed them for doing that. But yet here we are getting instructions from a private company working with government saying that's exactly what you're supposed to do. Well, I'm going to go ahead and put this. I'm going to read what General Flynn said. He said, all kidding aside, this is a very serious time for America. Unprecedented type actions. in the past 24 hours alone. That said, some stray electrons on Monday morning. First, Biden's inner circle began yesterday on TV saying, Biden, notwithstanding, nine minutes later, a letter is released. He obviously didn't write, withdrawing from the race in an incredibly humiliating manner. Some takeaways. Number one, HRC no way allows Harris to get the nomination despite endorsing her. Something is in the works. Obama is a puppet master, just not a very good one. The Obama-associated cabal is very powerful to be able to make Biden go out on their terms and And I'm not confident Biden even knows he dropped out for Harris. Harris will likely be a filler for the next few weeks. Five, the DEM establishment is not at all concerned with FEC laws and knows she's highly conflicted and a loser in parentheses here. are less than 3% of the dumb primary. Six, the globalist cabal is very powerful and will do whatever is required to stay in power. Trump's security needs to be on high alert. That was my point right there because they're going to try to get rid of him again. This is not over. This is not by any means over. Seven, for Trump's campaign team, focus on how dishonest these people and their DNC processes are and laser focus on how damaging their issues and policies have been to the regular Americans and how you will improve the safety and security of all Americans. Eight, finally, whoever emerges as the Dem nominee, Obama will only support that nominee if they enable him to serve for a fourth term. Presto chango. Yep. So this is all orchestrated. I don't give a rip what anybody says. This whole thing is orchestrated. And I'm quite concerned right now. I'm very, very concerned. And I think that anybody that can't have an honest discussion on this also puts me into a position of going, this is concerning. I had a discussion this weekend and I literally, I chewed ass hard enough to have this guy that claimed he was a military guy. His voice was shaking. And I'm like, why is it that we can't get questions or information through to President Trump And the guard dogs want the information so that you can't get anything through to anybody. Why is that? And it's like, you know, it's like, you can't question anything. And then they come back with their answers or whatever it is. And it should be very concerning to everyone. I mean, very concerning. I don't know how you feel about it, Jason, but I'm really concerned right now. Well, like I said, we're in uncharted waters and at the lowest level, we need to band together. If you look at how the language in the selection that the globalist elite, the World Economic Forum, when they planned on reducing the world population to 500 million, they chose a majority Asian for their subservient nature, for their work ethic, their intelligence, all these different reasons that they wanted the bulk of the remaining 500 million to be uh of asian descent the if you look at what transpired over the last four years who was peaceful and who was not I think that they've had a period enough time to reflect to realize that the psychos they sided with to take over things they're not going to have to put out to pasture because they have created an adversary that they themselves were not ready to have to fight They thought they would have total control, that these people would be so blind that they would walk into the gas chambers. That's what they thought that they would have. And they are now at a position where the other side didn't riot, didn't burn everything down, didn't cause a civil war, and their last best hope of an assassination attempt failed. And now they're like, well, these people are actually relatively peaceful. We can probably continue to do our games as long as they're around. But these other people are going to be a problem because of what they know, right? Because they were all brought into this entire thing. And if they start flipping on them, they're screwed. So I think what we'll see likely here is going to be a lot of random people dying. Um, people that probably had something to do with Antifa riots, BLM riots, all those types of things, people that were influential that were promoting the murder of, uh, the former president, those types of people are going to, and one already did, uh, she, uh, was it, uh, Sheila Jackson, I believe in Texas, the rep there, you know, that, uh, Trump plays the song, the, uh, opera. And I think she was probably the first of the people calling for the assassination of the president to pass away the following day. Well, and I think that everybody really needs to just keep your eyes open on things. And I really think we need to be able to question things, no matter what it is. I don't care if it goes against the grain of the little cult clubs going on out there. these little political cult clubs, as Americans, we have to question this. The parties were how they destroyed Germany. And so, I mean, I'm not a big fan, quite honestly, especially if people don't ask the questions that need to be asked. and shut us down when we're asking questions and trying to bring things forward. I mean, what kind of nonsense is that? So this is real interesting about, I'm going to go back to Vance because somebody better be asking some questions. After recent revelation that Donald Trump had selected J.D. Vance, I don't know if he did select J.D. Vance. I have no idea. There's so much blackmail and coercion going on out there. I don't believe one damn thing I'm seeing out there anymore. Anyhow, he selected him as vice president and turned towards Vance, but also towards billionaire Peter Thiel. Vance has been one of several prominent Thiel protégés whose profile has risen in recent years with other protégés of the PayPal co-founder, including OpenAI, Sam Altman, Andrew Palmer, lucky reports have also noticed that Peel's first recruited Vance in a circle while Vance was still a student at Yale University. Shortly thereafter, Vance joined Teal's investment firm, Mithril Capital, where he worked for two years before rejoining Revolution Ventures and played a major role in Revolution's rise of the rest. whose major investors included Amazon's Jeff Bezos and Walton family of Walmart, who both long standing ties to what? The Clinton family people. Vance later launched his own venture capital firm called Naria Capital, which is heavily funded by Thiel as well as Eric Schmidt. I'm sorry, guys. I'm really sorry to bring the bad news forward, but I'm sick of playing the stupid card with people that refuse to look into things and find out who and what they're voting for. And why is he there? Does this not make you ask some questions, Jason? Well, my question that comes to the forefront of my mind is that I understand that there's a divide within the cabal, within the globalist cabal, right? There's two methodologies going forward that were contested. It was the Washington model and the Beijing model. And do you remember, did I bring these up before to you at all? No, but you know what? I'm going to bring Stanley in because he was supposed to be on a while. Sorry, Stan. We got kind of on a tangent here. I've been gone for a week. So bad things happen when Donna's gone for a week. Good to see you. What's up, Jason? Hi, Donna. Yeah. So go ahead, Jason. So the Beijing model is obviously the communist model, whereas the DC model is the capitalist model. And in the intellectual circles in universities, they have been steering over the last 50 years towards the Beijing model. And in the last 20 years, it has been the preeminent model that is basically was decided by our intelligentsia that that's the way forward. And I believe that what we're starting to see is the realization that that model does not work the way they thought. I think they're starting to realize they were sold a bad bill of goods and that there's a portion that the minority within the globalist community, which still wanted a Washington model, but had been going pressured to go along with the Beijing model are finally starting to build some resistance within that group. So I believe there's a cohort within the globalist community that is rebuffing the China model, the Beijing model, the communist model, and they are probably affiliated with the Clintons. And that's probably why there is what we're seeing, which is some of these globalists aligning with Trump or whether people determine that he's being infiltrated by them or otherwise. But I think that's the group that has the most in alignment with Trump's policies that would make the most sense to me. So if I'm asking questions, my questions would be, where is J.D. on all of these economic issues? Because I think that's going to help suss out whether or not he's a Beijing model, communist type, or if he's a capitalist, might be a crony capitalist, might be part of the cabal or the globalist cabal on the capitalist side. But at least the policies that they espouse are more in alignment with what we idealistically believe in. And I'm sorry, but I really like the fact that President Trump, what he does, he's all about exposure. He is about exposure. He's been from day one is to expose the bad guys that are on the scene. Okay. And he's great at it. And he also keeps his enemies closer. So I think that all of these discussions, though, help educate us so that we're not just listening to endorsements. We're not just doing this, that, and the other thing. I support President Trump. I like President Trump. I think his policies were absolutely genius. And I like the fact that he's teaching people how to think rather than throwing it out there. What I have a problem a little bit with is people just buying things hooked things hook, line, and sinker. If President Trump wins the election, which I believe he will, the rest of us better get real smart out there and saying, okay, this is an important thing for us to realize is that we need to be supporting those that we choose and the ones that will represent us and what we want done and how the United States is run. I personally do not want a bunch of oligarchs that are in league with BlackRock and the rest of them running this nation and then buying the elections because they're buying the elections right now. Until you chop the head off the snake here and remedy where the money flow is coming from, the PACs, the dark money, all of that, they don't need our money. They don't need the voter money. They got all the money in the world because they just print it. And that head of the snake has got to be chopped off and cut that money. Well, I'm praying every day that this whole economic system falls flat, absolutely flatline it. Because, you know, it would be a little bit bumpy for the rest of us for a little bit, but it's not going to absolutely destroy us like it would the deep state. It would destroy them because they don't do anything. They just trade favors. Let me point out one more thing, a policy issue that Trump brought up, which is the removal of the individual income tax. That is a death blow to the Federal Reserve System. President Trump is a genius. And I think that the people who put the hit out on him are the people who own controlling shares in the 13 Federal Reserve Banks in the United States. They're the most likely culprits. Also would have had the ability to lend the shares to short almost a trillion dollars in the market before the assassination attempt. So I wouldn't I think that that's probably where that came from. If I'm just doing a little ad hoc analysis. And that's. Hey, if he if he delivers on that promise, my goodness, that would be tremendous for the average person. because it would put more money in our pockets, would allow us to actually live in a capitalist society versus a Fabian socialist society, which is what we're in right now. Right. And my point here is not to tear down President Trump in any way, shape or form. I will be voting for him. And I like President Trump. My problem is, is that if he's got snakes around him, which he's had from the beginning of time. We need to know who the snakes are and be adult enough to face them and realize that this could be creating a problem which every single American needs to step up and get in the fight for this nation, for America, and back the people that we believe are best suited to run the nation. We have to step up when we see something that's concerning. You know, what would really help is if you put together some baseball cards. So what we did, this is what we did overseas, but baseball cards would, you know, you, you list the features of that candidate. And I think that you'll find if you put together a baseball card deck of all of the options that Trump has, you'll, you'll find that there's not a whole lot of great options out there. um that every one of them you will find certain things that you'll not align with on so it comes down to a myriad of different reasons why you want to find one person to fit the the the right position and given that it's the vp slot the real threat is to assassination because really the vp doesn't do a whole lot um it's mostly ceremonial until the president gets off and then which case they take over. That's where you have to be careful not to put somebody who's more ambitious than you are in that slot because they may try to pull a Julius Caesar or a Brutus on you. That was actually a post I put out this week. I don't know if you read the post I put out, but my whole thing is about if you've got somebody next to him that is either, and that's why I'm questioning this. It's like if you've got somebody next to him that's in league with these globalists that leads us right up to, say, I don't know, CIA. I mean, you've got CIA, you've got Mossad in there, you've got GCHQ in there, all of the connections there. And you've got a candidate there. And I don't know Vance. I would love to talk to him and ask him some very hard questions and see what falls out of that. It would be really interesting to me, right? Because I'll give anybody a chance. But the connections there are a little disturbing. And if he ended up, if President Trump ended up taking somebody like he did Pence, which didn't work out so well with J6, right? I have some questions. Is that valid? Is that a valid thing to say? Well, no. We should be asking questions. And it's always a good position to be to be asking questions because the only way we understand our operational environment is through asking questions. Yeah. Well, there you go. I appreciate that. Well, Stanley, how are you doing? Good, good, good. Listening. What's that? You're listening? Yeah. I was listening to you guys. Yeah, we were going back and forth. We turned into The View there for a few minutes going back and forth trying to talk to each other and such. But I think that it's just really important. And I know some people don't want these things talked about. They don't want to get down to the bottom of these things. That's the reason why our country has been so screwed up for so long is because we can't talk about those things that are important to just like, you know, nobody's like myself, you know, who are just out here trying to figure out what the heck's going on. Because everybody's lying out there. That's the one thing that I can tell you is that, you know, it's like the whole plain politics crap that's going on out there. I was talking to somebody this morning that I actually do trust. And I'm like, I'm going to tell you what. I'm like, I ain't trusting anybody right now. Because then I think that's a real healthy thing. Because the good guys are spinning crap. The bad guys are spinning crap. It's like watching a spy versus spy book. You remember that episode? Mad magazine crap going on. And who's on the outside? Nobody's like me. The people who haven't played ball with them that have a lot of questions that are just a voter that really never were involved in politics because I hated all of them. And I still do. And it's getting worse. You know, it's like I really feel that way. And I think a lot of people feel the same way. I mean, we're disgusted with this. This isn't I don't think this is what what it was supposed to be like. Does that make sense? It makes a whole lot of sense, you know, you know, coming on my end, you know, most of my time is focused in substance abuse work that I do. But, you know, it pretty much applies basic principles like across society in America where, you know, people have a belief system and, you know, their minds are hijacked on a lot of ideologies. And, you know, they deal with a lot of personal social issues in life. So when they when they when they catch on to a belief and, you know, you got Biden up there. You have Harris up there. They have a following. They have supporters. But if you really look at and question the motives of these politicians and their actions, they say one thing to the people, but their actions say another. Look at our country, what the Democrats have done to our country today. It's terrible. A lot of people break it down to a spiritual problem. I break it down. We have the wrong people. in politics and just like in society in general, the regular people just like us, but they all have a strategic plan in place that they're trying to execute to bring this country down. And it goes back to what you were saying earlier about China and people supporting operatives being around American politicians. And there's so much there, it's unbearable for the average mind. Even me, I have a problem processing everything. There's just so much. And when I'm out there and I'm doing campaign work with Jeff and you know, I go to a lot of functions and I start listening and it's like, God gave me this, this gift today where he put me in a room with somebody for 30 seconds, 60 seconds. And I listened to him. I could pretty much figure them out, you know, who's bullshit and who's being real. But, um, you know, I look at it like this, you know, no matter how much we, we recycle information online, social media, or out in the general public, you know, people are going to decide and do exactly what they want to do at the end. And, you know, I really feel, you know, on the lines of where Jeff is, the work he's putting in and everybody's putting in towards taking back the paper ballots. You know, we need to get rid of these electronic voting machines and we really need to bring it back because you know what? I look at the statistics and it doesn't matter what kind of security features you have set up in your networks or where you are in the world. Everything's being infiltrated. And that's a problem. It's a huge problem. And and, you know, it's like it's like one of the things that comes to my mind is I don't think we need to be, you know, demoralized by this or feel bad. But but but but we got to run right to the fire here and figure out what the hell's going on, because there's there's so much of it. And at every single level. What's not going on? In every way you can think of, the playbook is being executed to bring this country down. We have the political ideologies on one side hijacking the country. We have international issues that are coming around and we have these open borders. We have chaos within society because you have people from all over the world pouring in and they're just not mixing in right. It's too fast and You know, we have people here that hate Americans. And I honestly believe, you know, they're paid and sent here for a reason. And, you know, if you look at the statistics, like Jeff does the analytics to pull up the charts where, you know, certain states along the border, you know, they're registering voters by hundreds of thousands, you know, each week. And it's always the states that have the problem with the influx of these people coming into our country. And, you know, Everybody's talking, but nobody's really doing anything. And when you when you like people like me, like I'm just my my name isn't out there and, you know, nobody popular. But when you speak out about it and you try to get the community involved, you know, people look at you like you have six eyes on your face. And it's too much for them to understand because they're already stuck on stupid, you know, it. to bring the information out and simplify it to people to make them understand what's really happening. And I feel that's important, bringing awareness. You know, look, our government has a problem, and this is what the problems are, and we need to do something about it. And as soon as people like us come up and step forward and start talking about these things, the other side wants to watch us out. They don't want nobody to know about it because they want to get on with their agenda. They're constantly trying to silence us so that we can't have this discussion and get to the bottom of it. I mean, I think the worst thing you can do is to silence somebody when they've got an issue. We've got to be able to listen to each other and say, well, I see why you feel that way. And then explore it and say, tell me what you know. Why do you have these checks in your spirit? Why do you think something's wrong here? And let people talk because because, you know, we have we have what is it? We have a three hundred thirty three million people in the United States and everyone has an opinion on things. And we see things from such a different from such a different vantage point that nobody can know everything. So we need to rely on each other as like a family to sit here and figure out what's really going on, because Our nation is in an active war right now. We are actively at war. People just don't recognize it because we're used to seeing a war that people are dying from bullets and bombs and such. But the war we're in is an information war. And it is creating confusion. It's a cold war. It's a cold war. Chaos, confusion. It's causing people not to talk to each other and to silence each other instead of saying things. let me know what you, why, why do you feel this way? Why? You know, I'm going to bring Mike on right now. Mike, good morning. Mike was behind 9-11 missing links. This is another thing. Nobody wants to talk about this. And I'm going to tell you what I have been, I have been questioning things and people off for years because I just don't take things at face value. And, uh, Somebody said something to me yesterday. They're like, well, I almost got kicked out of the RNC because somebody didn't like some of my posts and they weren't offensive. I was asking some questions and I'm like, that's kind of the wrong thing to do to Donna Brandenburg is to threaten me because all it does is just massively piss me off. And it's like if somebody needed to stay, they could have asked and said, well, can you think about this? And I would have probably said, yeah, that's fine. But when you threaten somebody to throw them out of the convention, and I never took the post down. They're there if you want to see what I was posting during the convention. It's all there. And ask me, ask you if it was offensive to you or not. It wasn't to me. I was asking questions about some things that I saw there. and what I was told and um and it was basically about um I heard one person say that this was one big commercial for president trump and I'm like all right I appreciate everybody getting behind him because I am a I am a unapologetic trump supporter but however I have some questions on aren't we supposed to be there to be supporting and representing our constituents And when words like that are said, shouldn't that raise a red flag a little bit? It did to me. And I'm like, this is part of the problem. And then to threaten somebody who's asking a question about that to get it in a proper perspective of perhaps we should be thinking about our constituents and not just being in a very controlled environment. that is a huge rah-rah. Am I making any sense to somebody out there? It seemed like it to me, but, you know, Mike, you've been investigating. You put out 9-11 missing links. And I know I was asking questions right from the beginning. I remember when the towers came down. I was sitting in a restaurant with my dad and my kids. And we both started watching this, and it was like, oh, my God. First words out of my dad's mouth. My dad was a pretty smart guy. He's like, that's controlled demolition. Well, good morning. How are you guys doing today? Good morning and welcome to our very controversial pissing everybody off show this morning because how dare us ask questions. Hopefully I won't top you there with pissing people off, but I've done my fair share for over the years. I started roughly 20 years ago as a 9-11 activist. I kind of Got into the Alex Jones loose change scene. I was at the Ground Zero event and five year anniversary in 06 and 07. And I my start was, you know, I used to pass out tons of DVDs and just, you know, big activists and 07 came around. I was on a one of the head guys for the Ron Paul campaign for Wisconsin. And so I was real big into Ron Paul at that time, too. But one of the glaring things that wasn't being mentioned on 9-11 was a certain friend and ally in the Middle East that had clear involvement. And it was it was striking at how many 9-11 conspiracy films wouldn't dare touch this. And so I started looking into this and it was just an amazing amount of information that hadn't been touched with loose change 9-11 in plain sight by Davon Clice. I mean, just there was a bunch of them out there and none of them had touched us. And there was a really infamous Fox News clip. That was a four part series that talked about how they caught active duty Israeli military that were controlled demolition experts, spies, and they infiltrated the government, the highest levels. And this was Fox mainstream news with Carl Cameron. And I thought, wow, you know, for for all these 9-11 conspiracies out there, nobody's touching this one with a 10 foot pole. And I started to figure out why. And so that's what I started late 07, kind of putting together the project for 9-11 Missing Links. And I released it August 18th, 2008. And since then, it's been seen anywhere from 60 to 100 million times around the world. So, yeah. It's certainly had its legs. I think what we're going to be doing for the 25-year anniversary coming up in 26 here is doing an updated release version because this movie is not even in letterbox format. That's how old it is at this point. When we made it, we had two hours and seven minutes or two hours and five minutes depending on if you have the really early release of a film that just nonstop hammers uh israel's involvement in 9 11 and it starts out with three it has three chapters in it the first one is going to be the levon affair um and then the second chapter is going to be the uss liberty and so what we're doing is setting the pretext that this has happened before that you know this country hasn't really been that big of a friend and ally to us in the past and so therefore when you present the 9 11 chapter it kind of goes in to show the evidence of everything that's going on in there But when we made this film back in 2008, we had approximately what would have been a five-hour movie of evidence. And if anybody knows and you watch this movie, it's just hammer, hammer, hammer, hammer, hammers, you know, evidence so fast as you. It's kind of a lot to take in even in that two hours. So we'd like to take some of the stuff out that we thought wasn't that – maybe crucial or, you know, it was good evidence, but some of the stuff that we missed, for instance, one of the big pieces I was really upset about we didn't put in there was a guy who was supposedly this Al Qaeda leader. And his name was Adam Gadon. His real name is Adam Perlman. And he was from San Francisco. His father was on the board of the ADL in San Francisco. But he presented himself as this really big Muslim terrorist. And he later got caught by the U.S. government. I forget exactly what happened to him later on, but it came out that his name was Adam Perlman and that he had been for San Francisco. But, you know, just stuff like that that showed like this. I'm sure there was Al Qaeda. You know what I mean? I'm sure there's real people that believed in Al Qaeda, but there was people presented to us like, you know, Tim Osmond, known as Osama bin Laden. You know what I mean? So there was so much stuff that was going on. But, yeah, that was kind of the. rough and cut dirty of how it came into where I'm at now at this point. Well, you sent me some clips here. There's a clip of a guy that's from January 20, 2008. Do you want me to play that? Yeah, I'll give you a breakdown of what this is. So at the time I put Missing Links out, I was doing activism as well. This first one is a senator from Wisconsin. His name is Senator Russ Feingold. When The Patriot Act was being introduced. He was touted as this awesome leader of our civil rights and everything by voting against the Patriot Act. The only senator out of 100 senators that did so. But this guy was no innocent guy at all. He was obviously funded by AIPAC. He's a dual citizen of Israel and everything else. I mean, he presented himself as a hero, but he's really not. So I came there to approach him. Ironically, this was a town hall a block away from the USS Liberty Memorial Library in Grafton, Wisconsin. So I, yeah, so I had brought this up and the locals in that town are very well familiar with that library and the event. So yeah, if you go ahead and play that, I'll show you that. Okay. See if it'll let me play it. Sometimes it, sometimes it won't. They it's, it's kind of funny. They get it and they start screwing with my, if there's something that they don't want out there, they can, they'll, they'll screw with a feed like this. Yeah, I'm well aware of that. Let me see if I can put it into another browser here a minute. That's okay. This is what we do on Brandenburg News Network. We believe in our First Amendment rights, which they don't like too well, but that's okay. We just keep going. And I fully intend to be a large pain in the ass the rest of my life to these people. You know, that is the goal, in fact, you know. Somebody asked me about, you know, my governor's run here. And I'm like, well, honestly, anybody that wants the title should be disqualified. And I never wanted the title. I wanted to fix the United States. I just saw that as a way to do it. So here you go. Well, it turned out that there was a lot of Israeli agents that were caught around the towers on 9-11 with military intelligence and electronic surveillance intercept next to those foreign units. being involved in the attacks has been classified. I'll be happy to look at it. I've come on the Intelligence Committee. I've never heard anything like this. And frankly, it's a vicious slur on Israel, which is a great ally of the United States. The notion that the Israelis were part of this is... I said we could come to an apex firing trial that's going on right now. Anybody who did anything wrong, they should be charged. I know, I know. Okay, this one right here, I'll give you a quick on this one. This guy is Congressman Sensenbrenner from Wisconsin as well. He was the guy that introduced the Patriot Act both times, and the second time or the first time, I forget one, he had shut down the session because people were arguing over the Patriot Act, basically trampling over our rights, and he slammed his gavel down and said, I will not be hearing any more of this, and just shut it down. And... So I came to approach him with the same stuff. You can go ahead with that one. What we have here nowadays is an overwhelming population of school citizens in Israel, and it's actually completely in our government, one being Michael Chertoff, who's director of Homeland Security. Now, Michael Chertoff happens to be the guy whose mother was one of the founding members of Mossad. At the same time, she was involved in Mossad. They were performing terror attacks in Israel that had been in 2005 in Lebanon. Now they have another bill that's H.R. 1955 that's in the House, and it's written by the same pack of people that are deriving our foreign policy. And here's a screenshot. This screenshot basically labeled out the fact that hundreds of Mossad agents from Israel were caught by our FBI field agents. And this is one of the screenshots right here. Evidence linking these Israelis to 9-11. I'm here today. I noticed the ADL. Go ahead. You want me to keep going on that or you want to introduce this next clip? Yeah, this next clip. The ADL had put out an article, I want to say 2011, blaming Myself and Ryan Dawson for putting out the theory that Israel is involved in 9-11. It was a big hit piece. And I decided I'm going to go approach the director of the ADL who was showing a video at the Scottsdale Community College in Arizona. So this is a video where I go approach him and I'm talking to him about the USS Liberty and he's saying it's this and that. The funny thing was in this video clip is here's an FBI agent comes walking out. Cause I was in the hallway where they were showing this movie and FBI agent comes walking out to like intercept this whole thing. Go ahead. Yeah. I was hosting an event called, uh, the many faces of hate. I couldn't pass up on the chance to, uh, Come have a little discussion myself, considering I just recently found out that they wrote about me on ADL's website, saying that, well, accurately saying that my film, 9-11 Missing Links, portrays that G.O.S. did 9-11. For the past 13 years, Bill Strauss has served as the Arizona Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League. Your name? Bill. Bill Strauss. The NSA documents have said, yes, we did detain Israelis, but them being involved in 9-11 has been blasted. We came prepared today. By the way, today is August 22, 2009. Sorry about Canadians. Let's talk about Mexicans. I see these clips. You can pass up on these. This is just activism we did in Boise, Idaho and a couple other places. And we did a also did a gentleman by the name of Bruce Gorman, who was a 20 year veteran of the Navy. They had built a 9-11 memorial bus in 05, and he spent a ton of money and time, etched glass, the whole thing. He saw my film in 08, right after it was released, and he called me up and he says, hey, I want to donate this memorial bus to you. So right around September 09, we took this bus on a tour around the entire country, stopped at the end. Stopped at the NSA building and just outside of D.C., stopped at the White House, went to Ground Zero with it, and then traveled all the way across the country, ending in Idaho at the time where I was living. But I was real busy in 06, 07, 08, and 09. In 2010, I ended up moving to Upper Michigan and continuing to build the family I have now, and it was just seven children, six of which are boys and one girl. And that's pretty much what's kind of tied me down since then, you know, haven't been too busy on none of this stuff since then, but. It's really, it's really interesting. And just so if anybody knows, you know, I am, I'm personally, I have no qualms against the people of any nation or country. I've got a big, big complaint in a big beef with the governments of all countries and including our own government. I've got a big beef with that right now because they're all a bunch of liars and they're setting things and they're all in cahoots with each other. They're all doing it together. They know what they're doing. It's a concerted global effort and it ties in so many people. It's, it's almost shocking how big, how big this whole operations. And furthermore, you know, when you look at countries that are willing to kill its own citizens and That's where we should be really concerned of. Look at what happened in October. It's terrible. Look at COVID. This is government execution of its own citizens. And everybody better stop playing the pity me card. I'm this, I'm that. You don't like this or that. I'm going to tell you I'm a Christian, and I will go after the Christians. with more venom than anybody on the planet because you can see like the, what is it, the Seven Mountain or the thing down there in Texas and such. That's another thing that's located around Austin, which came up earlier today. So I think that we need to stop this feeling sorry for ourselves crap when people question things. and say, I don't care if there's somebody close to me or not. We've got to get to the truth, and we've got to stop protecting people under these engineered, subversive categories of protected citizens. It's crap. I had a lot of questions when 9-11 hit, but before that, I'm born and raised in Jersey City, New Jersey, right across from lower Manhattan. The first bombing in 1993, they blew the sub basement up my friend patty galisi had a car lot in jersey city and he also had a u-haul office he rented the u-haul to the sheep who was behind that and he actually lived in my neighborhood a few blocks away where they found the drums of diesel fuel and oil fertilizer and you know I always questioned you know I was I was probably like 20 years old back then I was still you know living a different lifestyle but um you know my mind was open enough to question, like, you know, what was that really about? You know, it was the first time to experience a terrorist attack in the United States. And, you know, I remember a lot of fear. But moving forward, 9-11 hit. And, again, I was like, wow. You know, I remember I reflected back on 93. And, you know, my mom, she worked for the city of Jersey City, and we had to close down Liberty Park. And they were ferrying, and people who had little boats were bringing dead bodies across, and they were laying them in the fields of Liberty Park. But there's a company at the foot of the turnpike going into the Holland Tunnel from Jersey City going into Manhattan. And it's called Moishe's Moving and Storage Guarantee Records Management. And there was questions in the community in Jersey City when that first happened, why an Israeli-owned corporation who has accounts for basically all Scattering ops in Leahy. They went in upstairs on the top floor. I worked there for a short period of time. The whole top floor was cleared out and renovated for Israelis that came into the country. But what I'm getting to is before the plane struck the Trade Center, they were up on the roof with cameras and they were already recording. So it was mentioned, it was spoken about, and then you never heard about it again. And it was also Israelis a little further north on boulevard east filming also over in manhattan and these videos surfaced shortly and people questioned it and I never heard any more of it after that and going back to the conspiracy theory it was these cds that were floating around they were being handed out by people and it was showing drawings of how the pentagon wasn't hit by a plane there's no wind there's no debris you know it was a missile And, you know, I questioned a lot back then. And, you know, even with certain buildings that weren't hit, they were collapsing. And like you said, you know, anybody with a little open mind and a common sense, you could see the windows blown out like it was controlled demolition. And, you know, when it first hit, with 9-11, I was on a West Side Highway. It was actually heading towards the World Trade Center. I believe I was working for Jeff at the time. We had his trucking company in Jersey doing sales. And... You know, it was the most horrific thing I ever saw. I never felt so much fear in my life. You know, I felt powerless. And at the same time, you know, it pierces your soul, you know, because it was something unbelievable. And I literally had started crying. It was so sad. And when that bowl of dust came up, I remember turning around, going through the blockade back through the Holland Tunnel to Jersey City because I didn't know what was happening. I heard Howard Stern on a radio station. oh, it was the Chinese, it was the Russians. And, you know, it was so confusing for so many. But today, you know, you can reflect back and go through all the details and information. And, you know, there's so much questionable. It's all completely questionable. But thank you, you know, for your work and research and, you know, what you put into it, because you bring a lot of information, you know, to society. And I feel like Madonna said, you know, we all need to speak out and Government needs to hear where we're at and what we believe and the questions we have. Because from what I understand, they work for us. It's about us and what we want. And if we want answers, give us the answers. Let us know. Yeah. Stop shutting us down. They keep trying to shut us down that we can't talk about these things or say what's actually happened because, you know, that would screw up their little control mechanism. They want to control the message. They want to control the information. They want to control the population. They want to control the money. They want to control everything. It is, it is, it's something that we absolutely have to, and I mean, we have to face this. So I'm going to, I've got your Oh, here's one posting of it. Let's see if it's you. On YouTube, they'll shut me down for this. I'm sure if I put it up there for very long, but we'll go ahead and throw it up there and see what we have here. I'm not picking on anybody. I just want to get to the truth. Is this correct? Yeah, that looks, I mean, there's so many different copies of them. I'm surprised that any of them are on YouTube anymore. I can put that up. Is that, is it getting stuck or is that the way it goes? That's the way it goes. I mean, um, right here. Yeah. That's where it starts. i think I watched every single thing I could get my hands on when this came out including general stumble buying and such with the pentagon and such that I i was absolutely obsessed with this because none of it made sense And there was like insider trading going on with that, just like they were with the stocks that surrounded President Trump's assassination attempt. I mean, there's so many questions to ask. Well, Stan, you brought up a good point, too, the moving truck stuff. That is always a very common theme amongst this, whether it was the 93 bombing, 9-11 itself, they had urban moving systems. Now, urban moving systems was another moving company or U-Haul or a la OKCity. Yeah, I started believing and wondering if it's just the front for something more, you know, a governmental function from a foreign country that's over here. You know, I remember when I worked for Guaranty Records Management, I'm saying, why would they want to clear out the top floor in this warehouse and have Israeli citizens living there who work for them? And they never leave. They're there 24 hours, seven days a week. And, you know, who's to say, you know, there's nothing nefarious going on? You know, question everything. Question everything we have to. And another thing. First of all, so I'm going to question. Well, and the thing is, is they had urban moving systems was set up just earlier that year in 9-11. And they had a half million dollar grant from the federal government to set this up. So this is another piece of evidence we never put in missing links. And I wanted to trace down who was in charge of setting that bill up, who's the one that authorized it. And where did they follow that? You know what they say? Follow the money. Right. So I want to follow that half million dollars on And I have the screenshots of it. I don't know if it's still be there these days, but that was just one of the many things. But I mean, like I said, this moving truck theme, you know, the inside job that was Oklahoma City bombing was, you know, the rider truck and everything that was behind that. There was other instances we mentioned in Missing Links down in Mexico and California. I'm a little rusty. It was a Southwestern United States, too, where it was a moving truck theme slash bombing that was going on or attempted. And this is something they've always used. Another one was a really common thing. And they mentioned this on Fox News was these mall carts. And I had actually ironically with Ryan Dawson himself in North Carolina at the time. had confronted these mall cart operations. You know, these, they seem like, Oh, it's no big deal. Whether it's bath salts or zoom helicopters or cheap trinkets. And it's always these Israeli foreigners that are running these mall car operations as if they're set up to be on call wherever they're at in any mall in America. And it just, it was, like I said, it was mentioned on Fox news that these, some of these people that had these Randy's mall carts for zoom copter were involved in some of the spy ring network going on in the United States. So, I confronted one in North Carolina. I'd also confronted one in in Wisconsin and Appleton. And Brendan O'Connell actually caught on to this and did this down in Australia and ended up getting in trouble and sent to prison for this situation where he gotten a little tough with one of the cameramen that was following him around. But, yeah, this seems like the spy network at this was very extensive and probably to this day still is. That's crazy. That's, that's something that I didn't put my finger on even looking at that. So, I mean, this is the great thing about just getting together and talking about issues or talking about what we know is that people will be, people can share what they know and help that, you know, educate us all. My question is what's going to happen next. You know, we have Biden who's stepping down and, you know, we have all these illegals here and I believe a lot of them are operatives. And I, I, I hope not, but I believe they're going to execute some kind of plan and something's going to go down in the United States before the next election. You know, from what I hear, there's a lot of chatter out there amongst certain groups that I speak with. And, you know, I wish I had a psychic ball and I could see a future. But, you know, I believe, you know, we have to prepare for the worst because, you know, at this point, you know, anything can happen. What are you hearing? I'm very vulnerable and, you know, it's The whole world's laughing at us. What are you hearing, Stan? Mar-a-Lago, you know, they're going to make another attempt on Trump. You know, Florida's under threat. You know, they don't want him. They want him out of the picture. You know, Trump knows the truth on all these clowns. And I believe, you know, before he decided to run for president, you know, Trump was already heavily involved. He knew the dirt on everybody. And so when he came in and he stood up there in front of the world and said, I'm going to clean the swamp, And he stood behind Hillary Clinton. He said, I'm gonna throw your ass in jail. And, uh, you know, that was it, you know, maybe they thought it was, you know, just, you know, putting on a show, but, um, he was serious. You know, he, he said what he said and he meant what he said, but, um, from day one, they focused all the time and energy on going after Trump. You know, I give that man a lot of respect, you know, he developed a lot of grit in politics. I just love him. He is an amazing individual. I was at Club 47 on his birthday, June 14th. And while he was speaking, he'd bring up fentanyl. I'm like, yeah. I'm like, you know, the czar of substance abuse. And I said to Jeff, I was like, Jeff, you don't understand how compelled I was to put my hand up and say, Mr. President, can I have a few minutes to speak about substance abuse? But, yeah, you know, we need Trump. We need him in office. And we need more people like Trump. We need more people like us out there bringing awareness and even getting some of these people whose minds are already hijacked on the ideologies of the Democrats. You know, we need to bring them over to the light, you know, and show them the way. Look, you know, we're not the bad people here. And, you know, you really aren't bad people. So let's help detox some of these ideologies in your mind and bring it back to God and, you know, live in a life of a good virtual moral you know I feel like a lot of these people in politics you know they're the wrong people and like you said Donna you know I love calling people out and getting in their face and you know but um what how much can we do you know from from sitting where we're at at our houses and we can talk I like to get in the faces you know I got a video of me in Jersey City my friend he's a fed And he's like, I'm doing detail at City Hall in Jersey City tonight. This was right after the attack in Israel. And I'm like, you're kidding me. I was like, what's happening? He goes, there's about 500 protesters down here, Hamas supporters. And I was just on my way back to my apartment in Jersey City. I said, I'm going to pass by. I said, how many people are there in their face? He goes, nobody. So I'm saying, wow, these Jersey City Republicans again, another clown show. So I pull up and I'm the only one there, I get out of my phone, I'm recording it, I'm calling, you effing terrorists, use all sellouts, go back to your country, America has enough problems, bring your problems back over there to the sandbox. We don't need this, it's a biblical walk from day one. I'm just catching on you, the czar of substance abuse, I got something that'll tie us both into the 9-11 stuff here. Early, right before 9-11 happened, the U.S. Department of Justice was doing a big investigation, open investigation on what was the ecstasy Israeli ring going on. So they were using Orthodox rabbis from Israel to ship over tons of ecstasy. Now, at the time, right before 9-11 happens, Mr. Sammy the Bull Gravano, who was already on a witness protection program, happened to be involved in this ring and was in Phoenix. And he was like the main hub in the Arizona area for dealing the ecstasy. He later got entrapped and busted in that by the locals there. And so it started to get out. It was getting out really wild. Well, this is one of the investigations that got squashed when 9-11 happened. So, yeah, if you look up 2000, 2001 Israeli ecstasy ring that was being investigated, it was the same with the Apex firing that I confronted Feingold about got swept under the table. And, you know, there would seem to be some people in our government that were interested in looking into this. And as soon as they started looking into this, something or another would happen, whether it was 9-11 or whatever. somebody got taken out, you know, but anything that ever had to do with this going on in the government, whether anything with this country would always just get swept under the table, I guess. Right. I honestly believe, you know, substance abuse is one of the key factors and an impact in society across our country, because, you know, if you get society addicted, you know, we have alcohol already. Now to legalize the marijuana, a lot of People involved in the political world in Florida here, they heard about me and they hear me speak a little bit and they're grabbing me. They want to form a committee and they want to get marijuana off the ballot down here, but I can't be involved in that at this time. But what I'm saying is society in general, you know, we have alcohol, we have marijuana, and we have a lot of cocaine, a lot of heroin out there, and we have fentanyl now. So if you go back, remember they started pushing the ecstasy pills. Now today we have a fentanyl problem. And it originates from China. So strategically, China is attacking us without firing a single shot. They're manufacturing the precursors. They're selling it to the cartels. They're down in Venezuela. They're in China. Russia's down there in Mexico with China, in Venezuela. They're in Cuba. And what they're doing is I honestly believe they're helping educate these cartels. They're arming them. They're financing them, and they want fentanyl in the United States. They want to hijack each American mind, and so instead of Americans getting an education and becoming some type of success, I don't care if you're cleaning toilets or right up to becoming doctors and researchers and lawyers, instead of them becoming some type of successful person in society, they're becoming a burden. It's reverting. Their lives are being hijacked on addictive substitutes People are dying from fat and all, and it's destroying us. Can I throw a bomb in the middle of the room here a minute? So, like, if you look in history, there was an airline called Air America. It was a CIA-owned and run airline. And they were literally running drugs into the United States because they had to find another way to fund their wars. So what did they do? They got in with a mob and had the mob be the distribution network for our own government. which was CIA. And if you look at CIA, Mossad and GCHQ, they're pretty much indistinguishable now because all of them are in bed together. And if I die, I was right. And so, you know, all of all of those things. But now we get another one called CIS air that are Biden in his in his speech. infamous child sniffing pedophile wisdom that's going out there with the kids sniffer. It's like they're giving $10,300, I believe, to transport these kids that are in the human trafficking pipeline back to their native country and guess what they ain't getting back they're going back to mexico back in the hands of the cartels but the really sick thing is that these these uh this plane this airline I'm gonna say I question who the ownership really is of this but it is it is a in a live organ transplant transport If everyone isn't super concerned about this, I got to tell you, you've taken too many stupid pills because this is shocking. When I heard about this, I was so shocked. And we are funding this. They're funding it from our tax dollars to rerun these kids when they ship them out of here, to rerun them right back through the system again so they can resell them. And this is what's happening with drugs, human beings. There's no end to the evil these people are capable of. Yeah, they do this in China. They do it in Israel with the Gazans. They've been caught stealing their organs over there. And like I said, in China as well, the organ theft industry, if you will, is sickening. May I ask you a question? How many people have you ever known that have actually gotten an organ transplant? I don't know those kind of people. I have, if you go on my, my social media platform, I do have a friend, somebody, a sponsor, his wife has been waiting for a kidney transfer for years now. So she had to learn how to do self dialysis at home. She's a nurse in the hospital in Jersey. And I, everybody I know who had health issues and they waited for a transplant, they never got it. So you hear about all this organ harvesting. Where's that going to? That's what I want to know. It's like, I'm not buying this, guys. Is it really being used for something more nefarious? Like, you know, China does a lot of research and development with a lot of biological weapons. And like I said, you know, I believe, you know, like the coronavirus, I call it the China kiss. They blew a kiss across the seas to us. And, you know, who's to say, you know, something worse isn't out there or already here? You know, we don't know what came across the border, just like we don't know who's here now. Right, right. Well, and I think the next thing to keep our eyes open on, and I do believe this, is that they're going to have to start another war because that's where they make their money. It's killing people. It's in warmongering. These neocons, all of them need to go. And so it's like it – my – I was talking to somebody about military poisons, right? Yeah. And I think that we need to keep our eyes on that because certain poisons are more likely to be used in certain areas. If we see a poison attack or fentanyl attack or a drug attack or something like that, you can predict where the war is going to start next because they're going to blame it on them because they always got to have a boogeyman. And so I'm keeping my eyes on China, Russia, Ukraine and Iran. And just, I hope I'm wrong, but guess what? It's just like 9-11. They use that to start wars besides, you know, besides make everybody afraid so that we would be like, oh yes, yes, please surveil us more to catch the bad guys. No, they were turning us into more compliant pets in their slave class. And so that they could look at every single thing that they're doing. And I hope they're all listening, because screw all of you. You know, we're all done with this. We're just literally done with all of this. But, you know, they can aerosolize fentanyl. Break it all down. And you know what? The problem in America is the Democratic administration that's there. The root cause of all the problems are originating from these Democratic policies and ideologies. But it's all of them, Stanley. I think it's all of them because it's like you've got people on both sides that are hiding. And I want to show you something that was really interesting. When I was at the convention, I did put this on my Telegram channel, and anybody may look at it that wants to because – I'm going to stand behind this because I think that there are some really good people out there that are trying to expose it. Guess what? We need to catch up a little bit here and get smarter when they're dropping clues for us. I'm waiting to hear for some of these big-name Democrats, you know, stand up in front of the world and say, look, I'm turning to Trump. I'm going to support Trump. Yeah. Nobody's doing it, and nobody has, I'm sorry to say, the balls, you know. tough enough to get up there and actually say, you know, Trump's the right guy, you know, let's switch. Yes. I got to, I got to find my, I went way too far up on my feed here. But I really think this is an important thing to, to realize that we have what I noticed when we were, when we were there is they had these backdrops behind people. And I thought it was extraordinary. You couldn't hardly miss it because there were backdrops behind some of them. And I'm like, Oh my gosh, they're pointing to who is a problem. It was undeniable. And then they had everyday Americans and then they had, you know, let me see. I'm going to see if I can scroll through my backdrop behind me right there. Okay. I've got some of the things from the convention that I posted there, but let me, let me show you this. This is kind of wild. Because it wasn't every single person. It was the people that it was some of them. And I thought this was kind of crazy. I'm like, oh, there's some good guys working behind this because they would have never got this through. But check this out. They had like they had this New World Order title down here. And then they would have these people like at the head of the pyramid. But it wasn't everybody. Check this out. Oh, there's our own John James, Mr. you know, I could go into that a little bit. He's got a facility that went from $34 million to like $134 million in a year over there on the other side of the state. And then all of a sudden they go to somebody that's an everyday American. And once president Trump got on, was, was watching and came out and sat there in the, in the big white cushy chairs and such. All of a sudden, all of the ones that were there that were not perhaps good people that they were maybe pointing out to us, I would hope that people are opening their eyes a little bit and watching this stuff. So look, oh, there's another one. And you just keep going. Oh, there's another one and another one. And all of a sudden, everyday Americans. And it was one after another, after another, and another, and then another everyday American. I switched to where I was sitting. Right in our face all the time with this stuff, aren't they? They're in our face. You hear people saying, you know, Skull and Bones, Illuminati, you know, they're the ones getting the money, the ones without the backdrop of the pyramid, and, you know, they get nothing. It's almost gaslighting. Yeah. I mean, explain this to me, explain this, why they would have a new world order, uh, reference and then stick their faces right at the top of the pyramid. To me, I don't believe in coincidences. And then you've got, uh, um, uh, I can't think of her name. Um, uh, Marsha Blackburn. And she was the only one that had a patriot symbol behind her. The only one that was standing with Trump, with President Trump, the rightful president of the United States. And anybody says that I'm not a Trump supporter or that I'm going after Trump. No, I'm not. I'm trying to protect the man because he's got people around him that I really have some questions about. And his beautiful family. I mean, look at Melania. Isn't she gorgeous? I absolutely love Melania. I think Melania is just... i I I'm I couldn't be prouder of of a woman that just really represents women in such style and grace class she is pure class I love this woman and you know just just I every time I look I actually had a file on her for the outfits that she wore because I I'm like I want to be her when I grow up you know and then you have another everyday american and another everyday american I believe that was Mark, let's see, that was Benjamin Joseph, another everyday American. And another patriot, that one had, she had a patriot sign around her. And then another everyday American, just like us, people that are just like us that are asking questions and want answers, not part of the system. And then this was interesting. This was the guy that was the head of the Teamsters Union. And he had kind of the same thing, but he was the only one that had a White House backdrop that had the White House behind him. And President Trump, Melania, all the Trumps stood while he was speaking. They stood up for him the whole time he was speaking. They stood. I think I got a picture of it here. They all stood while he was speaking. They never sat down. And he spoke for a long time. Right, right, right. I've tried so hard not to pick apart things like this, but it's so compelling. Look at it. How can you walk away from it? They had nothing there that had the New World Order under it when the rest of them did. And he had the White House. I mean, I'm just asking questions. Somebody explain this to me. It was really interesting to me. So kind of a, just in case, there's a message right there. And he was talking about, about, you know, the, the Teamsters and the unions and such. And, and I'm not saying that I believe that anyone is, is I'm not putting anybody on a pedestal right now. I'm actually, these are my buddies. We were sitting. Yeah. Yeah. We were sitting at the end of the day processing and such. And then I started looking into J.D. Vance and the fact that he's a writer and producer once again, you know, which is always suspect. But he's J.D. Vance is like Pence number two. He's just going to wait to stick the knife in the back when it's time is right. I think I'm absolutely concerned about this. He was in with Peter Thiel and Marjorie Taylor Greene, and everyone I've had on here that has talked about J6 has said she could have stopped it. They could have all of them stopped it, and they did nothing. They could have gotten in there. She's busy banging everybody at her local gym, so now she's blackmailed. You said that, didn't you? I had to drop it. Yeah, I don't know. Donna, I have a question. I want to bring up a conversation I had with some individuals. Yeah, please. It all broke down to that, like, Stan, what if Biden, all the government, Trump, everyone, it's just like a big act they put it on for the people. And the people that are really calling the shots, we're never going to know who it is. And they asked me, like, Stan, do you believe that's a possibility? So I asked you the same thing. Do you believe it's a possibility? I think we can easily figure out who it is. I mean, Peter Thiel is certainly one of them. I've got names, and I started publishing the names on this. It's like Peter Thiel, there's some wonderful, wonderful researchers out there. Jonathan Kegel, he's the top of my list for researchers. I love what Jonathan puts out there. Judah Ayers, he was in Amway. He has got a lawsuit against him like there's no tomorrow and is out of them and their connections and the connections to to all of these companies that are out there. The Aspen Institute came up. It's all connected. That's why when I have Jeff on and Jeff was trying to derail me on it, ain't going to happen. The elections are being bought and paid for by these people above them. If we don't get to the head of the snake, we're dead. And that's the reality of it right there. It's the economic warfare. It's those controlling money. And it's not just the banks. It's the ones that are behind it. And they've got all of these organizations up there. If you watch on Tuesday when I go through them with Courtney Turner and such, all of them and where they came from and how they're interacting. The MK Ultra crap that's going on there, how they went through all of, you know, and then you get up to the new ones, not the ones that are back in history, but the new ones, but they're all connected. All of them are. And they pass back and forth assets. They give each other jobs and such. All you got to do is look at that and you can figure the network out. Right. who's paying to play, and who's taking the money. I've been trying to develop this mental filter to filter out all the theatrics and all the Jerry Springer politics out there and riffraff. And I kind of simplified it and broke it down to the most important part is that your local elections. Because if you have the wrong people on a local level, you know, it's like planting a seed. You know, if you don't take care of it the right way, it's never going to grow. It's going to die. And I feel like, you know, it's the people on a local level that have to be real careful about who comes into office because it's a tier system. They're vetting them. On a low level, you know, they're going to infiltrate and they're going to hijack and they're going to dominate. I got it. There's a perfect example of that. I live in a very rural town in upper Michigan and somebody had moved here basically from a condo association out in Connecticut. Yeah. So they moved out here and then they wanted to, you know, a lot of people in the town, the county of living where there's really no industry to do of, you got to think of creative ways. So there's guys that run, you know, have their own scrap yards and stuff and, Might not have the prettiest lawn or whatever. But this lady comes in and she gets somehow appointed to a county board and comes out with these blight laws that say you have to stack your firewood a certain way or else we'll throw thousands of dollars of fine on you. So the idea here is, is because this area that I live in, in a lot of rural areas in America where everybody wanted to leave all the big cities when the COVID stuff started, property values went up and it started, oh, hey, these places we normally go hang out in the summer vacations, we want to move to now. And so you got these people coming in and they're taking people. Keep making the rules and I'll keep breaking them. Yeah, there goes the neighborhood. Watch the commies flee from the cities, you know. Yeah, she got ran out of the meeting. I mean, the entire town basically showed up. You should have got a group of people together and walked the neighborhood and kicked the stacks of firewood down. Bench forks and all. There you go. You've got more important things to worry about in the world than how you're stacking firewood. Yeah, I mean, each building has to have the same paint color. It was so tyrannical. And up here, especially this county, is extremely free. I mean, as long as you're not doing narcotics up here, they leave everybody alone. Nobody gets messed with. And, yeah, and then this lady comes in with these crazy blight laws. It's like... How are they going to feel when the same people who made the rules to stock your firewood the right way are now stocking firewood for the Chinese? Which they probably are. Somebody is paying these people to do this. Somebody is paying them to step in and act like tyrannical kings and queens that we are their subjects. That goes back to what I was saying about these ideologies that are being inserted into society. You know, like DEI. Who wants their kid told, like, oh, you don't have to be a girl anymore. You can be a boy, you know. And it's insane what's happening. It's crazy. It's insanity. And, you know, how did the country get to where it is today, Donna? Yeah, well, we were infiltrated and taken over. As I said before, we are in an active war zone right now. And how many people do you guys know? This is crazy. You want to know something that is really crazy? I've got a friend that's down in Cincinnati, and she said the amount of deaths and the weird deaths that were happening there, 70 people in one day. Wow. I think that this is something that we all need to look into a little bit, too, is to see these mass deaths across the United States because they're not done killing us yet. And find out about things like that, like 70 deaths in one day in Cincinnati. It is unusual. It's like a double the death rate that normally is. Why is this happening? And I'd like to know if there's some similarities on that across the United States, if there's any coroners out there that actually aren't part of the system or morticians or embalmers and stuff. Y'all better need to start speaking up here because I think that there's something going on here that we're going to find a real pattern involved. Yeah, there's a lot. I believe it has a lot to do with vaccines. And who's to say it is not something else already going around? Well, I'm unvaccinated, so if I'm dead, you can put it in she probably got Arkansas-ed category or CIA-ed off or something like that. CIA, Mossad, GCHQ, they're all the same. They're all here, right? You brought up a good point, is that they're poisoning us every which way they can. I mean, to the point now where they're biologically targeting us through our DNA at this point. And the only real answer to this, whether it's the kids being told to be trannies in the school systems or your food at the local supermarket, is... What a lot of people have already done in the last decade or two, they've kind of had the radar, see what's coming, but maybe they don't know the details we do. And it seems to have been a concerted effort for the people that are, have a good radar for this to basically start a homestead, to do everything at home, homeschooling, grow your own food, and to detach from this system as much as you possibly can. And that's, you know, that's what we've been doing up here, you know, to a degree with the homeschooling and trying to grow our own food and I think I was ahead of everybody. I think I was ahead of everybody because I homeschooled my kids and I'm 60 years old. So it was one of those things that I was done with it back then, you know. And I started the Brandenburg Chicken Revolution. That's what... Anybody that starts chickens, I've been trying to get people to do chickens so that we can produce our own food and that sort of thing. But it's really something that everybody should do. You should be able to put your own food up. You should be able to find it. We should be planting certain things across the entire state of Michigan because we have native plants that they have destroyed. We could go back to, I remember in the 90s, hearing a radio station talking about, yeah, they took the DNA from a frog and they combined it with the DNA of a tomato, and a tomato has the longest shelf life. And so later on, when I really got into it, like, what's GMOs? And I never heard of it. And it goes back to Monsanto. They were the manufacturers of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. And they made all the weaponry. And it was- Well, they started as a biological chemical plant. Right. So Monsanto did all genetic research and changed all the DNA and all the seeds in our crops today. Well, it started out with Bayer. It started out with Bayer. And Bayer merged with Monsanto. Bayer as well. Right. You know, I remember them saying in the beginning, oh, it's for other countries. Third world countries have flooding problems. This way the wheat crops could withstand until the waters, you know, reside and- you know, to make the plant last longer when it's flooding. But, you know, it's extreme now. You know, you read about, you know, look at America, the weight problem, the obesity problem. You know, if you go back 30 years, 40 years, you know, there wasn't an obesity problem. So if you look at the timeline and you see where all the genetic research started taking place and you see the reflection in society with the physical appearance of people, you know, you have to question it and look at it for what it is. You know, like 100 million people all of a sudden wake up one day and say, oh, we're going to start overeating. You know, it's like the chickens, you know. Yeah, you see how the chickens grow? Have you ever seen a Vantrus chicken? I had some Vantrus years ago. Man, those things are just huge. They can't even support their own weight if you don't butcher them before they're like 10 weeks old. You got to butcher them at eight weeks old or they break their own legs because they get so big so fast. They're modified. Yeah, they're modified. They're chickens. Oh, yeah. It's like, well, no, that's how they breed them to take on weight that fast. Eight weeks and you've got a butcherable chicken. If you get past 10 weeks, they literally their legs will break under their own weight because they can't support them. And this is like this like really messed up. I'm going to tell you. The only thing I really know about chickens is they lay eggs and I know how to cook them and eat them. That's about it. Well, I don't know if you guys, because you guys aren't as old as I am, but I mean, when I remember my dad, and my dad was always in really, really good shape, but everybody, you know, everybody at, hang on one second, that worked with my dad, they were all in shape. Hang on a second, because I've got to catch this call. Go ahead and talk amongst yourselves a minute. Yeah, I'm sitting on 40 to 50 chickens at all times, and we usually butcher a bunch. Most all egg layers. We don't ever have too many meat burgers, but. We went from politics, a little bit of substance abuse, into 9-11. Now we're talking about chickens. Got to have some chicken. Oh, boy. Yeah, the chickens, man. I'm trying to get some cows, actually, but get some cattle up here. I got quite a few teenagers like to eat, and the chickens aren't providing enough at this point. Right, right, right. I'm back. I'm back. Sorry. I had to take that call real quick. I've got a noon call and they were making sure that I was available for that one. So, so yeah, you know, all, all of these things, you know, we do it off the grid, off the grid show. I do that on Fridays and I've got Dr. David Kent on with that. And we talk about what you would do. What happens if we're EMP? Well, first off, you're not going to have sewer or water. That's number one. And if they take the grid down, the communications is going to be the least of your problems. Survival is going to be the number one problem that you have right there. And is it likely? I mean, think about this. If you were Putin, would you would you nuke a country? Heck no. You sit there and cut the power grid and watch them kill each other and then come in and take the land and the resources. You know, and I'm not saying Putin's a bad guy or he's going to do it. I kind of don't think Putin's as big of a boogeyman as what people think. And he's smart. So he's not dumb enough to do that. Our own government would do that. But the rest of them. Yeah, I was going to say that people running this government are destroying this country faster than any foreign army could do at this point. Well, I'm going to tell you what's going on in Michigan, which is why I say I'm completely convinced that Michigan is the head of the snake. We've got all of the oligarchs here, and it's unbelievable. But the DNR in Michigan is controlling everything. 4.6 million acres. You're here. You know what I'm talking about. They control all the waterways. They own the mineral rights and logging rights. And I don't even know where the hell is that money going off of what they're doing. I mean, I was up there. They're clear-cutting Michigan. And nobody's saying a thing. They're literally clear-cutting, taking the resources, and running right out of the state with them. Yeah, I see more DNR law enforcement up here than I do county and state boys. And they can come on your land, too. They can come on your land. They can accuse you of anything and take whatever they want. They've got more power than the Michigan State Police. Yeah, it's like the family court systems. I mean, they just lay a decree down, and it's done. You've got no recourse because there's no balance of power. Our state has gotten so far out of whack. it's it's I i don't think anybody outside of michigan really has a grasp on what's going on I had somebody tell me oh you guys just need to do this and I said clearly you have no idea what's really going on in the state of michigan you have no idea and you know it's like we've got the great lakes perfect place to traffic kids drugs weapons and everything else they can dump it right off into the great lakes you'll never see it again and there's a there's a history of the islands around michigan there's a ton of islands around michigan and all of our waterways that they can go inland on, that Michigan is the perfect storm for trafficking all of the bad stuff. And so why is it, plus we have the resources, why is it that all of these oligarchs are sitting right here in Michigan and funding the elections without oversight? We don't hear a lot about the northern border. We hear a lot about everything about the southern border. What's your take on the northern border of America? That's exactly it. Nobody's watching anything. They can walk right in here. We got Canada on the other side. Moose, don't come any further. You guys heard about they brought the Border Patrol's Authority 200 miles inland from the border, I believe it is. Basically, all of Upper Michigan is considered jurisdiction of Border Patrol at this point. It's free range. It's open. It's open. There's something where they extended it. Getting a boat and you can land anywhere and nobody's looking because they wouldn't know that you're a foreign actor. I mean, that's the truth. Take off from Baby Castro land up there, Trudeau, Baby Castro, who has destroyed Marxists up there. Among his own citizens. With their own citizens. They took their guns. Give us your guns. You don't need them. Yep. And then sit there like sitting ducks so we can pick you guys off at will and only let the people who will comply with us live. I wonder sometimes, you know, if you go back all through history, you know, you had one group, one country invading another and doing land grabs. You know, we have the southern border open. We have Mexico coming in and all these people coming in. You know, I start wondering, you know, maybe it's time we start looking at that and, you know, making Mexico part of America and expanding and using its natural resources, militarizing it, getting rid of the cartels. You know, I mean, if you're going to keep an open border and have all these people here, you might as well claim Mexico and make it American. You know, same for Canada. You know, strategically, you know, long term, it would be great, but I don't think it would have happened. People say, oh, you're crazy. Now you're thinking out of your mind now. Well, think about this. The international law, they've broken international law when they pass refugees through their border. They can take them on, but they can't pass them through. So in a way, the cartels that run in Mexico, they have waged war on the United States. Yeah, it's coming in through Canada, too. Right. You're just not hearing about it. You saw the person they elected down there in Mexico, right? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Go ahead and say it, Mike. Oh, I'm just going to say that, you know, there's 37 ever candidates that were executed for her to get in. Right. I don't need to say anything else. Everybody else knows about her, but. And where is she from, Mike? What's her background that we should be concerned about here? Not Chinese or Irish. I'll tell you that. Yeah, sure. In a Catholic country, how do you accomplish this? This doesn't make any sense. And of course, you know, everybody's like going, oh, you can't say that, guys. Keep your mouth shut because somebody's going to get their feelings hurt. You know what? Those are the very people that are going to kill the people that they have killed. basically posing as. I don't believe any of these people are necessarily Jewish. I don't believe that they're Jewish. I don't believe that the ones that pose are Christians are Christians at all. I don't believe that. I believe they're infiltrators. I think that they're radical infiltrators that use good portions of people and use them in order to to kill people, the ones that they've taken their identity on. I mean, that's I really do believe that, you know, I was I went to something this past week in Florida, and I would say that probably 90% of the people there were gay or lesbian. And they're like, they're like, we don't want anything to do with any of this. None of it. They said, we just we don't want any of this activist stuff out there. And I talked to him. I talked to everybody, you know, and everybody's like, Donna Brandenburg talks to everybody. Oh, no, she's one of them. You know, whatever their little one of them statement is. And I'm like. One of them. I want to know what one of them is. Yeah, I want to know what one of them is. That's a good question. I met Rick Grinnell there, and he's a very nice person. He's actually from West Michigan, and I got to talk to him, and he's very, very nice. And he's been very close to President Trump for a very long time. and got to talk to him and got to talk to a bunch of other people that were there. And they, everybody in this organization wants the same thing that all conservatives are talking about wanting. They just want to be left alone and they don't want to be used in saying what they're like. They're like, we're not out there saying that you can, they're like, we are absolutely against genital mutilation. We're against proselytizing to children. We're against all of this. But, of course, the Marxists go in, try to take a market segment, and they use that against the people. They've done it to the Jews. They've done it to Christians. They've done it to everybody else. Black Lives Matter, is that representative of the black population? I don't think so. I think they're paid operatives. Speaking of the tranny agenda, if you will, I know Candace Owens actually did a really good piece going back into where this – I wouldn't say where it originated from because I think there's a certain religious book out there that shows to have what six or seven or eight different genders. Um, the religion we shall not speak of. 72, isn't it? I identify as a microwave today. Right, right. I identify as a Ferrari. No, the, um, the uh where you guys know about the magnus hirschfield and the institute of sexual liberation or whatever that was I don't so magnus hirschfield was one of the pioneers of the training agenda and this was going on during weimar germany before an austrian painter took over And this center was where they started the first experiments of sexual organ mutilation. And so when this Austrian painter took over that country, you always heard of the book burnings and the book burnings. And Candace Owens did a really good piece of showing that. Well, the books that were burning were these ones from Magnus Hirschfield Center or the Trani books were all these sexual degeneracy type books. And so it's the same playbook that was going on in Weimar, Germany. It's going on here, although. the drug degeneracy, the only fans and the porn degeneracy, these sexual abominations of what was the Institute of Marriage and just children in general. So it's the same playbook that's being played here that was going on there at that point in time, too. But if you look at Magnus Hirschfeld, he was one of the pioneers of just like, you know, the – Communism was a pioneer of Marx, Karl Marx. Magnus Hirschfeld was going to be a pioneer of the sodomite agenda, the tranny agenda, whatever you want to call it. If you go back to Asherah worship and the priests, they would dance around with their knives because this goes back to Satanism and Luciferianism. This is really where it goes back to. They would dance around with their knives after they'd done genital mutilation. And, you know, the Bible lays it all out there for everybody. If you want to see what actually happens, you know, it's like it's not exactly a book of good deeds. It's not they're not books of good deeds. It's books of a compilation of books of how horrible people can be and what not to do. And because, you know, it's all happened before. It's all, you know, history repeats itself. But, yeah, look into the Asherah worship. That's a that's a whole black hole of hell right there. I'm going to tell you. I say that all the time. And when I speak in recovery and I speak in general, you're going to meet two types of people in life. You're going to meet people that are genuinely, sincerely nice, kind, and help you experience positive things and be a positive impact on you. We experienced good growth and relationships and overall in life. And the rest of them is just going to teach you how not to be and what not to do. And that applies in recovery and that applies out in the real world and politics and everyone. You're either a good person or a bad person. You bring in a Bible. The Bible is a great, great blueprint to learn how to live a life of good moral value. And it teaches you kindness and love and all that is good in the world. If you take all religions, that's your defense against evil. You have to learn how to live with good morals and good virtues to be a good person. And if you look at all the strategic planning, and ideologies they keep bringing up that are inserted into society. You know, what's missing? You know, why is there more bad than good that we see in the world? Because we kick God out of schools and prayer. Where's the defense for all that is good? Where's the defense to drown out the darkness and bring in the light into the minds and hearts of people? Not just in America, but everywhere. Well, moms and dads, you know, you're the, You're the ones that raise the next generation and you got to step in and not let your kids be put into these organizations that are there to, in fact, destroy them because they're all working together. Well, guys, this has been great. Mike, I want you to come back on and we're going to talk more about 9-11 because that's like one of my favorite subjects to have. And Stanley, it's always just such a pleasure. I love talking to you. And it's so fun to see people that are actually doing things to help other people in their lives. And your story of just recovery and weight loss is just inspiring. And how many people. Yeah, show your muscles off. That's right. You know, you got some weight loss going on or what? I was up to 485 pounds about four years ago. I walked with a cane for three years. I should have been dead a hundred times ago. They counted me out. And I took one deep breath and I said, I'm going to give it one more shot. And, you know, I'm here today. I'm on a spiritual path. And, you know, I try to help people as much as I can. You know, I put my hand. Congrats on that. Congrats. The worst, the worst, the broken of the broken. And, you know, I'll take my time patiently and try to help someone get right with themselves and get back on track. You know, I hear from the kindness of my heart. Stanley is a really kind person. I love talking to you because you live through such a rough time that you've got just incredible empathy. And it's always a pleasure to talk with you. You know, I get to talk to a lot of political people who don't give a damn about anything. And you know what? I had to stop giving out my substance abuse cards because a lot of these functions I attend, they walk up to me, congressmen, senators, and they reek of alcohol and cigarette. And I'm like, Here's one of my cards. They look at it like, what do I need this for? Just in case, put it in your pocket. Yeah, that's a good thing to do. Honestly, you don't want your cab driver drunk and high on drugs driving you anywhere, right? Do you want your politicians drunk and high? Think about it. Mike, let me get your number. Donna, could you give Mike my phone number? We could talk a little. Yeah, well, I actually I like you guys on together because, yeah, this is there's some really good chemistry here. I think we should do this again with all three of us because we're all asking everyday American questions. We're asking the questions that that people have on their mind. But, you know, and I think there was a lot of people at that RNC that were asking questions, but didn't maybe speak out. You know, people like to bring on to I'll catch up with you, you know, behind the scenes. I'll text you. Yeah, I would love that. I think we need to get stuff out there because people need to talk. And there was a lot of people that were asking questions around me. You know, I look at the heights of people that are quoted and how the heights match up. You know, it's like President Trump is six foot three, six foot four. How do you stand him next to somebody who's you know, 5'11", 5'10", and have me at the same height. Doesn't make any sense to me. And I hope they're protecting him. I mean, we've been assured that they're protecting him and that he's in a good spot. I just hope that he is being protected. And that's, you know, that everyone is protected. I really, really do. And I wish the best for everyone because we're living in troubled times. You know, there's very few people that we come in contact with that honestly are who they say they are we know our families we know our friends we know those people we can trust around us but when somebody comes up to you at an event you don't know these people I don't care what their title is we don't know them stranger danger you know here I am you know god appointed me mom to the world here you go I'm gonna say it stranger danger out there you don't know these people you you know their names they've been they've been um put out there and you've been told to trust them, but you don't know them. And we need to remember that, that unless you know somebody, full stop, you know, full stop on stuff a little bit, question things, it's okay. So we always pray at the end of the program here. So I can pray unless one of you guys wants to pray. Do you want to pray or you want me to pray? You go ahead. You go ahead. All right. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so very, very much for Stanley and for all the work that he's done in substance abuse and all the people that he's helped. For Mike and for Jeff and for Jason and the proud people that have stood for this nation and are doing the right thing and putting their time, their words, their sacred fortunes behind their actions because we love you. And first and foremost, we love you. We're here to serve you and your world. This is your sandbox. And whatever it is that you ask us to do, we are willing to lay it all at your feet because it's all about you anyway. All we can do is stand or walk when you tell us to do it, but it's all you. And we want to honor you with our words. our thoughts, our actions, and everything we do. We love you so very much. And thank you for this day. We ask that you help us that you would be the one that would untangle this mess that's around us. We want to know the truth is you've said the truth, you know, the truth is, is what we are after. You are the way, the truth and the life. And that's, that is a first and foremost in our minds. Always. We ask that we would be able to reach out to a very, hurting world that people don't know who to trust or where to go. Well, I'm going to say it right now. They need to trust you because you are the only one that's perfect. We are not. We're human beings and we're highly flawed. we, we, even if we try to do the right thing, we're going to fall. We're going to do some, we're going to do wrong things. Even if we try to do the right things. And that's where you come in with your salvation and your forgiveness to us that we, we, when we do make mistakes that you set us back on our feet again and say, it's okay. I love you. Try it again. You'll get it right. Just keep trying again. You'll get it right. Just don't stop. And we thank you for that forgiveness, that grace, that mercy that you give us every single day. And, uh, Guide our paths. We love you. You've been a wonderful friend to us. And we love you. Please let your favor rest on Stanley and Mike and Jeff and on Jason to stay. And every single person that's out there who turns towards you, let them hear your voice and follow your lead in every step of the way in their lives. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. God bless us all. Thank you. And so this is the part of the show, boys and girls, go to because I'm the best non-conceiter who has ever not conceded. And I will not concede to liars, cheats and thieves. And we're just going to keep saying it. And it may, it may make people upset. They may not like what we have to say, but you know what? We're going to say those unpopular things because we need some answers and blindly following the, People that we don't know if they're honest or criminals is where we've got in this place to begin with. So we have to ask those hard questions. And with that said, remember, you're not alone. There's a lot of really good people out there. I'm pretty sure that the good people put those backdrops behind people to show us who they are. I'm pretty sure that the good guys put those out there. Just saying. But so don't think you're that you're alone. Don't feel sad or forsaken. God will never leave us. And he's going to make a way. Just turn to him. That's where safety is. That's where truth is. That's where love is. That's where all those things that we love and we care about. That's where we find it all. So that's that heart hands time. God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. If you don't have an example, be one. And that's all we can do. And God will honor. He will always honor your intention. He will always honor your effort that you put in things. And you may not even see how he multiplies that. If he asks you to do something, he will equip you. Just do it. And don't worry about the outcome because that's in his hands. So have a great day. Hey, guys, stay on a minute. I'm going to end it. And then we'll go on to our days. And I'll see you tomorrow. Bye-bye.