BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/15/2024 OSINT Jason Ladd & J6ers Jalise Middleton, Joshua Black

Published Aug. 15, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am - 11am Jason Ladd will be discussing How to find anything with open source intelligence. How to find anything … open source browsers… Jason Ladd serves as an Information systems specialist for The America Project, where he plays a crucial role in managing and securing information systems to support important initiatives. He is a retired US Army Infantryman and Intelligence collector who highlights his expertise in gathering and analyzing information. He earned a Master of Science degree in International Relations which further demonstrates his commitment to professionalism, education, and personal growth. Jason is a dedicated husband and father, prioritizing his family alongside his professional pursuits. His passion for scuba diving and fly fishing shows his adventurous side and his love for exploring the outdoors and underwater world. Additionally, serving as the Executive Vice President of a veteran organization showcases his dedication to supporting and advocating for fellow veterans and Americans. Jason Ladd's multifaceted background and involvement in various roles highlight his commitment to serving and making a positive impact. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Joshua Black - I have served my time in prison, 437 days. I am on probation and paying $100 a month for damages I didn’t do. I have to let a fed watch me pee in a cup every month. I can’t leave the Northern District of Alabama without getting permission two weeks in advance. Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the 15th day of August 2024. Welcome to our show today. Had an interesting day yesterday. I went to the J.D. Vance rally in where? Byron Center, Michigan. You know, like go past, well, it's not quite that bad anymore, but go past all the soybean and all the cows and past the last cow and that's where you find Byron Center. It's actually not that bad. of being remote, but it is a farming community. And it was very nice to see all my friends that are out there. I've got a ton of you that I was able to connect with saying hi to Dirk and another horse buddy and Judge Mark Boonstra, who is another horse person who raises Friesians as such. and Bill O'Grady and a lot of friends that I've seen over time. It was really nice to connect with everyone, I got to tell you. And people are asking me my opinion of it. Got a lot of observations, I really do. And the Cordises were so gracious to host this event at their trucking company. And I just, they're actually my neighbors. So that was a really nice event. And I want to thank everybody for all the work they put into it. The Cordes family was very gracious and it was very nice to be there. I have some pictures I can show us, you know, we can get into later, but I want to go ahead and get into this show because I've got somebody on today that I, well, everybody that's on today is very, very respected by me. So Jason Ladd is an OSINT guy, open source intelligence. And a lot of people are interested in how we go through things and find things that when investigations are being done, And I think everybody knows that I've got a lot of friends who are independent investigators, such as Peter Berninger and Jonathan Kegel, who I just love, Jonathan, and as well as Jason and Jason Ikes and a lot of other people that are out there who are independent investigators. OK, tons of us out there. Well, The tools are out there for every single person to, in fact, investigate the things that we're curious about. So when we see things, which mainly they're pitching headlines at us, we really need to get behind the scenes and find out the truth of what's going on. and start asking questions. Every time something comes around for Donna Brandenburg, Donna Brandenburg sits there and goes, well, well, well, this is interesting, but I don't make decisions based on that. I look at it and it just gives me other questions to ask and answer, just like the Q stuff that came out. And anybody can flip their gourd on the Q posts and such. I love the Q posts and I'll tell you why. I'm actually in the Q posts, which is interesting. They get you to ask questions. There was no answers given. The people that gave answers were people who were trying to make money off of it. But actual investigators were going, hmm, this is interesting. I'm going to look here and see if I can find the answers for myself, not listening to anyone else, but finding the documents. And those sorts of things are why I love talking to people like Jason Ladd. and finding out what they found, just normal people that have gotten into the game while maybe abnormal, very intelligent people, but also people who are just willing to get in there and do the hard work to find out what's really going on behind the scenes. This is important. And it's important for every single one of us to decide that we're going to be our own truth police and find out whether something is true or false before we just jump on the bandwagon And start repeating stuff that's not true. Now, are we going to get it 100%? Probably not. But we're going to get closer to the truth every time we exercise our minds, our abilities to look into things. And I think that's important. So Jason's going to be on for two hours this morning because there's a lot we can go into. And I wanted to go back over some things. that maybe other people haven't seen with his previous interview. And then at 11 o'clock, once again, bringing those J6ers on because they are lying to us. We have political prisoners in the United States of America. J6 was a Fed surrection. It was a setup by the Feds, in my opinion, and I'm entitled to that. And I'm also entitled to say whatever I want under my First Amendment rights. And if they come after me, I'm going to sue the living hell out of them, which could also be fun. But the point being is that we need to tell their stories that not enough of America has woken up to the plight of the Jay Sixers and understanding what kind of egregious crime this is against Americans. If they attack one of us and our rights, they've attacked all of us. And we have to get united together, not behind political parties or ideologies or any of this stuff. But by the fact that we are Americans, we are all created by God, and we are going to have to make some serious decisions. This battle we're in is a spiritual battle between good and evil. And all the isms have to go away. It's just pure and simple. This is whether we're willing to stand to defend each other as Americans, as one family, as human beings, firstly. and fight for the rights of each other and not stand when people are being hurt by very evil people. And with that said, I think that we've got an awful lot of cleaning out the ranks to do ahead of us, but that's okay. We're going to do this. And I want everyone to know that I really do believe that we are seeing the change out of the old guard. There's a lot I see. People ask me that. I'm at all these events. I can tell you what I see personally. And I know a lot of people, probably a shocking amount of people. And I do believe that this process is always also and already underway. And so I'm going to bring on Jason right now, and we're going to have a wonderful talk today. Morning, Jason. How are you doing? I'm good, Donna. Good. And while we talked before we got online about the usurpations that are going on, not only in surveillance, but what happened to me with the person from the township clerk that went past all of my signs and to give us a piece of official paperwork or no trespassing signs, handed it to an employee, which is not okay. You don't hand an unsealed document, unsealed in an envelope. I've got it. I can show everybody what they handed me. With Peggy Sattler's name signed in blue ink, for him just to open the flap and say, okay, this is what it was. After they handed it to him, passed my no trust, the man, we have to start suing them for their violations. We can't just sit here and say, well, I'm going to ignore this. We have to go after these people because they're just used to doing this. And then I showed Jason the picture of the woman that came down the driveway on her bike. And Jason's conclusion on that too was she was not wearing a normal headset. This is a, this is actually a two-way radio type type operation. So, so where do you want to go with this? Because this is, this is kind of a, kind of a big deal. Absolutely. Yeah. You know, and, and you, you mentioned all of your horse people and you know, that's, that's some of the most intelligent community out there are your, your horse people. Um, so I'm, I'm not being biased or anything, but. Well, I'm biased. But this, this lady, yeah. You know, we get, we get to this lady and when, when you sent me that picture and I'm, I'm studying that picture, uh, what first thing that stood out to me was what is that coming out of her right ear? Uh, if you're staring at the picture, uh, it would be, you know, to the left side of it, but, uh, And immediately I'm like, wow, okay. In my early years of doing executive protection work, you know, I recognize that earpiece, right? That's the, uh, what we call the James Bond earpiece because at one time, you know, it was, it was the secret, uh, earpiece that was the hideaway that went over the backside of your ear. And then it kind of spiraled into the back of your, uh, uh, collar. So, so that it couldn't be seen. Uh, and, um, If you look real close, you can actually see it in that picture. And riding a bike, you can look at it and say, well, okay, that could be anything, right? That could be your hair. No, that's an earpiece. That is an absolute earpiece. And I can tell you with... Almost 100 percent matter of factness that that is an earpiece. But that type of earpiece, if you if you pull up, you know, looking into earpieces for two way radios or for cell phones or whatever, what you're going to see is those are one of the classic things that comes up. on Amazon or whatever. But if you know what you're looking for, you'll see that it just doesn't plug into an iPhone or even an Android phone. You can't get those. You got to buy different adapters and all that. And it's just, it's a waste of money. So what this tells me, what this picture tells me is that she has on a two-way radio of some sort. Well, where is it? Well, if you're riding a bicycle and you place a two way radio on, uh, your side or on the, uh, your waistband of the front of your waistband, it's going to be extremely difficult to pedal that bicycle. Why? Because your knees and your thighs are going to be jamming up into the bottom of that two way radio. Um, and it's going to push it off of your waistband. So where would you place this two-way radio? Well, you would place it in the back of your waistband, right? So that's why you can't see a radio on her waistband or you can't see that she has a radio is because it's on the backside of her waistband. So, you know, she's got a generic, it looks like a generic Walmart bicycle. that was probably just purchased if you want to be frank right um and she's looking like she's not just kind of lollygagging along and you know it's a morning ride I took the wrong turn into this um driveway and and I'm just gonna get lost back in here no she's looking for something and somebody and she's got that radio on to speak to someone if I had to guess probably the the microphone button to trigger her speech would be on her left hand or maybe her right hand depending on what she is or ambidextrous either one. But, uh, as I look at this, you know, these, these, these earpieces come down and they split off. They come into a single connector and then they split off. One piece goes to, um, which, what is your microphone switch, right? It's a little bitty, um, button that you push right to speak. And then the other split off is you'll have right in here somewhere, you'll have the microphone piece attached here or it'll be attached down here. You'll see a lot of people, you know, making fun of the Secret Service by talking into their wrist or talking into their right here into their hand. It's because that's where the microphone has has ran and the little button. So where that's at, I don't know. It really doesn't matter at this point. But what does matter is that she has a two-way radio on her body, on her person somewhere. And the everyday, all-day mother or grandmother, in her case, doesn't just go out with a security earpiece and microphone and a two-way radio. and ride a generic bicycle down someone's driveway. It just doesn't happen. Right. And the township has really pulled some crap on us, on me here personally. They denied my FOIA when I was looking for election records, as well as hiding a tax bill for, and it took us three, four times to get down there to actually have them miraculously find it. Sounds like Jonathan Brader miraculously finding 10,000 of my, my petition signatures when I was running for governor, they alleged that we were doing another type of business. Now they came back and said, alleging we're doing another type of business there. And then they send somebody with a two-way wire to record or to communicate with trying to set us up as at, you know, trying to set us up under surveillance of some sort. This is all kinds. And you know what guys, this is happening to me. It's been consistent. I called down to the township and I chewed their tail for it, for the guy from this, from the township coming on my property, pass to private property. Do not, do not enter type signs, you know, no trespassing type signs came on my property. And this has been a constant harassment from the township. And I called down there. I said, you will cease and desist any targeting, any any more harassment or coercion or threat upon my person. And I wasn't nice about it. I had no intention of being nice about it. It's like you will stop right now. You're breaking the law. And you know what? I really think that when this happens to all of us, because another organization that does this that's in egregious violations of it is the DNR Eagle in the state of Michigan. The DNR, we're going to use it for simplification, is seizing land. They know what they're doing. We've actually found some executive orders that were written by the state that show, in my opinion, criminal conspiracy for what they're doing. And I believe that this is a criminal conspiracy to harass myself because I'll speak out against these bastards and won't back down. on on their criminal behavior so so this is this is we're just compiling evidence I know that some of them are listening so I would suggest that you get a little smarter than to attack people who are sick of your crap because we're not going to back down and you're dumb enough to do it in a dumb way that that people who have horse sense are going to in fact pick this out And not going to let this lay. Right. You know, and we can go back into the horse sense mode, right? If you've been around horses long enough and you've been into that community of people, you've got to have some common sense to be around a horse. Oh, yeah. If you don't have common sense, you're going to get your head kicked in, right? It is going to happen. You know, I've seen people, I grew up around horses. I've had horses my entire life, except for the past four years. We have to come here and visit and you'll have a horse experience. Yeah. Well, we're in South Florida in a farm. one of the oldest ranching communities in the United States. And, uh, there's, there's, there's horses everywhere. And my son has got into bull riding and now you don't have to have common sense to get on a bull. No, you gotta be dumb as a rock to get on a bull. I'm sorry. I'll have to, I'll come out and say it. Well, my, my son last, last, yesterday was his first day. He's 15. He, yesterday was his first time on a bull. And, um, we went to a practice pen and, um, We ended up in the ER last night with some stitches and some pride was gone. I mean, the bull decided to step on his nether regions and it was painful for him. So he's sucking, but back to, we won't get into that, but back to the common sense and the horse people, you get to have common sense. to be around an animal that's anywhere from 14 to 1800 pounds, right? And depending on the breed of animal that you've got, right? So if you're getting up into giraffes and percherons and those kind of breeds, well, you've got to have a little bit more sense because You know that let's let's go to this right here's here's a standard open source Intel that you would use right, this is a OSINT tradecraft that you would use if. You woke up in the morning to go out and feed your horses you're not if you know that you're going to put a halter on your horse. And you're going to tie that horse up and you're going to clean his hooves out you're going to groom him you're going to brush his tail. are you going to wear flip flops or flip flops or go barefooted out there to the barn to do that? You know, it's, it's like, um, I've seen it happen and, and I've had to correct it, but, um, it's just because they didn't know, but it, it takes common sense to, to, to think about that. Okay. Well, if I'm going out there and this, this animal has a aluminum or steel shoe on its foot, uh, or it has jagged hooves without, uh, you know, a metal on there without shoes and it steps on an open foot that's, that's in, you know, flip-flops, that shit's going to hurt. You're going to have a broken foot. I've been stepped on with a cowboy boot on and that it's like, it's just like, Oh, it is. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I would, I used to shoe my own horses and I've, I've had, I ended up wearing steel-toed boots just because it was, it, I got tired of, putting that front hoof down, taking it off the stand from rasping off the hoof and that front foot just stomping my toe. I'm like, you know, this is, I've got to find another way of this. Process improvement happening. Yeah, but we go into that, you know, this is open source, right? This is open source tradecraft that you use, you know? So we mirror that in here with this lady on this bicycle. And this lady on this bicycle, what I see, here's another OSINT tradecraft tool, right? is that looks like it's probably a North Face jacket or a Marmot or some sort. And she's got a hair wrap on, some fancy glasses and some yoga pants and then some nice tennis shoes that are probably quite expensive. And then this cheap bicycle, right? So how do I know that this bicycle is cheap? Well, here we go again with that paying attention to your surroundings. Look at the front forks of that bicycle. They're not front forks that are shock front forks. They're just standard old metal rigid frame bicycle. It's got a chain guard over it. All cheaper bicycles will have that chain guard over it. and it's just not an expensive bicycle. It's got the roller reflectors on the spokes of the tires. So it's showing me that this bicycle is less than 200 bucks. So she's not dressed in accordance with what a bicyclist like she is dressed would, would be on. She should be on a trick or a specialized or something that's a thousand dollar bicycle, but she's not, she's on and, and she looks very confident in riding that bicycle. So here we go again. Her face is kind of, she's kind of got trepidation in her face though too. She does. She does. So, so what is she up to? She's up to setting down a Brandenburg for somebody else. And that's breaking the law in criminal conspiracy going on here. And guess what? We're going to find the links. It's just, you know, I'm hoping they're really listening to this because there are some of us who are really pissed off at this sort of thing. And, you know, trying to take my land through hiding a tax bill. is not okay. And the thing of it is, is that they've been doing this for a long time all over the state of Michigan. Make no mistake. They'll run the clock out so that all of a sudden you don't even know you have one until most people, it would be too late for them to be able to get the money around to, in fact, pay that bill. It's a setup. The state's been doing it for a long time. The DNR is in charge of 4.6 million acres. There's all kinds of stuff written into the code and executive orders and blah, blah, blah. and appointments and nonsense out there that are showing me that they are aggressively going after private lands. Right. Right. So, you know, Donna, you brought me on to talk about this OSINT and how we can use it, right? How can we implement it into our everyday life? Well, let's take a distraught and pissed off wife that found out that her husband is cheating on her. She is the greatest OSINT analyst and collection person in the world, right? She is going to find out everything that you need to know. One of the, I would say it's probably the greatest definition for OSINT, for Open Source Intel is it's defined as intelligence produced by collecting, evaluating, and analyzing publicly available information with the purpose of answering a specific intelligence question. So what most people don't realize is that OSINT is our everyday usage, right? We just, what we need to do is learn how to use it in a more productive way. There are platforms out there that you can use, that you can buy subscriptions to and use every day. However, you don't want to use some of these things with your everyday computer. Go to the pawn shop, right? Think outside the box. Go to the pawn shop and buy a laptop. That's all right. Buy a laptop. download some software on it that is, you know, some VPN stuff and get you a little bit of protection. But use that as your OSINT. That's your research. That's your research computer. And keep that separate because, you know, and I think that that's a real important thing to know how to camouflage just a little bit. Right, right. Yeah, you definitely want to do that. You know, when you're finding this meaningful information that you're looking for, you start leaving a trail, right? You start leaving a digital trail. And there are always people who are more intelligent than you are, right? There's always going to be that one person who is more intelligent. And when you start, these flags start popping up. And people start getting word of, well, what are they researching and what are they looking into? And they start looking into you. That's when the ark inciting starts happening. Right. You're in a whole different kettle of fish at that point, right? People are providing actionable intelligence on you at this point. And that actionable intelligence can lead down a very dark road. that can ultimately cause you problems. You're seeing it firsthand, right? With people like this lady coming down and starting to encroach upon your property. Other folks that are trespassing. One of the biggest things that I have a problem with right now and that it's being addressed in the law enforcement community is trespassing by law enforcement officials by the officials by city officials. Well, just because you have a badge and a gun doesn't give you the permission to open somebody's gate or to drive on their property. Right. Have a signed warrant by judge that you can come onto that property or There is a threat of life, limb, eyesight to yourself or someone else, right? There has to be a credible reason for them to be on there, not just, well, I'm going to go look around and just see. No, that's trespassing. That's breaking the law. And because you're someone in a distinguished position or a or a badged and gunned professional, that still doesn't make it right. But people are thinking that it does and it doesn't. You know, for us to start standing up to these things and finding out who thinks they're above the law from here on out, right, and getting ahead of that and bringing that to the public's eye, look, this ain't happening. So these legislations are being put into play right now by certain states because people are getting sick and tired of it. It's like, well, judge so-and-so has got the right to come onto your property anytime he wants to. No, just because you're a judge, just because you're a bad professional doesn't give you that right. So we've got to start doing some research and getting that research out there and holding our officials, our elected officials responsible for upholding you know, these laws and doing something about it. Like this lady here, she's trespassing. She sure is. She was like, I didn't see the signs. I'm like, yeah, sure. That plausible liability thing doesn't work. It doesn't matter if you, I didn't see the signs. Well, they're right there. It's like, I'm sorry, but I don't buy that. You can't, it's the only thing to look at on the driveway besides, you know, foliage and, that's it you know it's not like you're downtown in a downtown city where there's all kinds of things to look at there's nothing there but the signs yeah does that make it right if if if I was to shoot my neighbor um after someone threw sand in my eye and I had my my weapon and I just started pulling the trigger and pointing I couldn't see what I was shooting right oh I didn't see I didn't see well you still shot someone you still killed someone right you're still held accountable it doesn't matter that that excuse of well I didn't see that that doesn't work anymore it's like not anymore anymore it's like if it's if it's there if it's showing well you've got a distance if you're looking ahead of you you've got peripheral vision you know everyone has peripheral vision to a degree And if it's in front of you, you saw it. Your brain saw it. If this chick is riding a bike, she saw the damn signs. I mean, that's just the way that there is. There's no two ways about it. What is she going to look at? One pine cone, one other leaf, everything else but a sign. A huge amount of signs sitting there. I don't think she's illiterate. What? No. So no, I'm not buying it. I'm not buying it at all. So, yeah. So that's funny. Charlotte says, get a sign saying, tired, tired, tired of hiding dead bodies. No trespass. That's funny. So, Well, last time you were on, you brought up a bunch of sites and is, can we go through some of those sites again that we, that we, because I want to show people what they can do. And you know, if you, do you want to share your screen or do you want me to share? Oh, you can. Yeah. You can share yours. You know, one of the, the, the big websites that is And it's constantly changing with information and you always have to be on top of it because some of these will come on, they'll be on like GitHub and things of that nature. And then they'll go to the wayside because people are using them, these web developers are using them for information gathering activities. And then once they get what they need, they shut the website down or they shut the platform down, the app. So you'll get into the things on here and it's OSINT, O-S-I-N-T and you'll see what comes up in is a list of, it's just this cool little web looking thing. And, and it's, and it's talking about osip framework. There you go. Yeah. And you can click on each one of these things. Like let's, let's use, go for, for instance, right. Username. We want to, we want to, we've got someone's username or we want to look up someone's username. We can go into these search engines and specific sites. Now, be advised some of these things will go to the dark web, right? Through tour websites. Um, and they are full of viruses, full of them. That goes back to us using our, um, or pawn shop bought or purchased a computer, right? We have nothing else on this computer. We don't have any identifying information on this computer. We don't research anything. We don't send emails. We don't attach any information about us or our family to that computer, right? That computer that you do this research on is purchased only for research and not Do you save to this computer or do you not even save anything you're looking at to this computer? Don't even save anything to it. You know, there's a digital footprint in everything. But still just don't save anything. My concern with some of this, and people have to understand that when you get into this kind of research, remember, if you're saving pictures off that you're horrified by because of what you're seeing to prove it and you're gathering evidence, the problem that you have with that is that you could be charged with a crime of holding on to images or whatever else. That that you might your intentions might be good, but there but the reality is, is that, you know, that all of our little buddies out there and intelligence are watching everything they're doing. They're watching this thing right now. I can tell you that because I know some of them. And so they're watching every single thing you do. And so whether your intention is good or not, remember, you don't have plausible deniability. If you start downloading pictures of, you know, of kids being abused or anything like that, because you think you're going to be the one that's going to save the world and such, you're going to be set up. And there's an awful lot of stuff out there to set individuals up specifically to the bad guys and the good guys are doing it, okay? But the bad guys are doing it if you're a good person to catch you and set you up, just like the feds erection that happened in J6. They are actively doing this. There's a person out there that's talking about telling people to stop paying their taxes and let's just start a tax revolt sort of thing. Well, I'm going to tell you what, this person is not going to bear any fault if you don't pay your taxes. He's trying to incite people to do the wrong thing. The law is on our side. If you stay with what's legal and lawful, we still have a path to fixing this. But if people go off into stupid land there and cowboy up and decide that they're going to do this as some sort of a superhero like we see on the movies, you're going to get your sorry self burned. And so this is where some common sense horse senses, because they are literally setting people up. You know how easy it is to frame somebody by planting stuff on their computer or by planting drugs in their car or setting them up. I think there's a lot of good people that are in office right now that we think are bad people. that have been compromised and set up. I really do. There's a lot of threats. There's a lot of coercion. There's a lot of stuff that they do when people get into power to compromise them and say, okay, we got this on you, whether it's true or false, you know, they will set you up so that they've got, this is, this is what we got on you and you're going to do this, or we will either kill you, your family members or destroy you. forever to the point where you might as well commit suicide right now. This is happening all over the place. Right. You know, everything we do, everything we see, everything we talk on, everything that we communicate on to include our vehicles. It's all tracked. Every bit of it is tracked. You know, it's unless you drive a 1970 pickup truck. Right. Or a car. It's tracked. And and there are devices nowadays you're talking, you know, 13 year old kids can purchase off Amazon. You know, the the little tracking devices for your iPhones or iPads. What are those things called? I can't even remember the name of them now, but I bought my daughter some when she was going over to Italy a couple of months ago. But the tags, the eye tags, the Apple Air tags, that's what they are. And you can stick them on anything, right? And you can track all of your stuff. Well, why can't you track? Why can't you stick that thing on a vehicle? I know people that work for one of the cities around here who have literally done that and stuck trackers in vehicles. on on cars it's a it is it's it's so easy to do now you know back they admitted to doing this yeah that's sad that's sad that they they've that it's come down to that and it's blatant disregard for people's privacy and they're showing what they're capable of doing and it's a it's a tactic right it's uh it's it's a scare tactic and they're doing it on purpose These things are done on purpose to get you looking around, to get you paranoid, to get... And it works, right? It is absolutely foolproof because who's not going to be paranoid? If you find a tracker on your vehicle... All of a sudden you're going through your luggage that you had at the airport and you come across a tracker or a tracking device or something of the sort. You're going to be like, what? Your paranoid level just went from, you know, two or three to you're spiking at 100 percent now. Unless you employ some really good brain, logical brain things. If you got a tracker on you or they're tracking you, which they probably are if you're watching the show anyway, because we're not go along, get along kind of people. That's a first off, it's a badge of honor. It really is. And second, although I don't agree with it, I go right straight to pissed. I go past the paranoia. I go past the sadness or the freaked out to pissed. And how am I going to get them? That's the direction you go. Plant those boots and sit there and say, this is going to be fun. You just kicked a bee's nest, a hornet's nest. and uh not a good plan right yeah yeah so it's you just got to be careful and mindful of of what it is that you're doing you know make sure if if you're getting into uh open source you know analysis you're doing your own independent open source analysis just be just be careful be careful what you're looking at be careful who you're looking up and be careful of the information that you find out. You said it earlier, pictures, right? There's so many things attached in digital photos now. You know, you mentioned, and Jason Ikes is on here all the time and I'm sure he's watching right now, but he. Man, you want to come on and tell me and, and text me and I'll, I'll get it. You know, him and I work great together. And, and we, we, we, our, our, the way our thoughts go back and forth, we can sit and we can nitpick one subject down to the most minute pieces. Right. And yeah, and, and it's a lot of people have trouble finding somebody that can do that. So, so Jicks and I can do that. Um, and, and we work well when we do that, but what we do is, is we can take a photo and he can bring up a, uh, subject about that photo. And before you know it, we have a 10 page report going on or an analysis of this one photo. Well, think about what these professional tradecraft and some of these organizations who are darker than certain three letter agencies can do. There's buildings full of them in D.C. And there are a lot of them that are young guys that have nothing better to do than get in there and play super spook, trying to find out everything about everyone, you know? Yeah. So it's a dangerous game, right? It's a dangerous game. And it's a game of cat and mouse, if you want to be realistic. Yeah. Because this digital footprint, if someone's researching me, if someone is looking into me, I know. I know if someone's looking into me, things start pinging. I've got certain things in place that that we won't talk on on this this podcast. But I can tell when someone is is researching me and it's happening here all the time. pretty frequently here in the last two weeks. I had all my VPNs that I had. I had three computers that were set up. They were all under VPN. They were all under a very scrutinized security system. I constantly updated them. It was every several hours, backups, all of this. Well, all of a sudden, I'm driving up to Tennessee a couple of weeks ago, and I get three emails from three separate countries. And the country was Venezuela, Brazil, and Argentina that had hacked my system completely. They hacked all three computers. How they broke through this VPN system, I have no idea. That's very, very tight. I mean, I've had some people that are cybersecurity experts that are friends of mine that couldn't get through. And I'm like, okay, so this was a sophisticated system that hacked all three of my computers. And they had a reason to hack all three of my computers. Did they get anything? Okay, maybe. Maybe they got... you know, uh, sexy email that I sent to my wife, you know, what could he do? So did they get some, some, uh, word documents or Excel documents? Yeah. But you know what, that's, those were things that I'm building another business with and, and okay. It's not a lot of credible information on me other than maybe my movements. And I don't think they want to follow me around everywhere. It's kind of boring. I have a boring life. But these things happen, right? They happen. And when you get on that spectrum, when you get on that scale and you start pinging that flag up here of these people, you start having things like this happen. Oh, I have friends that they've targeted, that I know that they've targeted in order to send somebody that pretends to be a friend and wants to get close to them for information. Mm-hmm. No two ways about it. There's so much there's so much going on that spooky stuff. And, you know, getting to the computers is one level. But on a personal level, there's that sort of thing that's happening, too. Yeah. Yeah. It's, you know, paper is your biggest friend nowadays. Right. It used to not be the computer and hard drives and thumb drives were your friend. Not anymore. You know, it's it's good. It goes back to the paper. Right. You always go back to paper. And if you've got a good safe that you can put your papers in, get all your information, this sensitive information to you and your family and put those in a safe. Nobody's going to get in that safe. They're going to try, but they're not going to get in there. But they can't steal that because it's a physical thing. Right. Right. Go back to the go back to the old way of doing things. Go back to the the physical pieces of paper. You know, OK, yeah, that gets into, you know, well, that means we're going to cut down more trees. Well, guess what? More trees are going to grow up in its place. Yeah, it's it's not like there's there's a limited amount of trees that we have out there now. Every time you cut a tree down, there's two other ones getting ready to grow up to be cut down. If you manage it like a crop, you know, it's like they've got everybody so stupid right now with this climate nonsense out there that nobody understands. Do people actually understand how much food you can grow on a half an acre? If we got rid of all these nonsense yards with all the chemicals being pushed on them and all the maintenance, it's just like with all of the farm subsidies and that sort of thing. Do people really understand how wasteful this stuff is? It's unbelievable. If we wanted to put ethanol, get rid of the frigging farm subsidies, because that's what that was all about. Go back to switchgrass. You plant it once. You don't have to water it. You don't have to till it. You don't have to do nothing with it. Mow it down at the end of the year, and you do the same thing you can do with corn, and we don't have to waste all these corn subsidies. But people just buy into that. You know, I'm going to tell you, get yourself a package of zucchini seeds. And throw those in the ground next year. You're going to be so sick of zucchinis. It's not even funny. You know, you could not eat the amount of food that God himself brings out of the earth. And once we learn that. Right. Right. It's a it's sustainability. You know, back in. Well, the mid 2000s, 2010 to 2010. 2013, I'll give that time frame because I don't want to nail down dates and times. But at one point in time, I was working on a project through the USAID. And it was a agricultural contract through USAID and USDA and teaching Afghans sustainable farming. Well, You can't teach somebody that has thousands of years of just throwing out seeds into a pile of dry dirt and getting them to follow your way, right? Their way works. It's not... what you would think it's not a good yield, right? Their corn's this long versus our corn is this long. And they're like, well, it's worked for thousands of years. Well, you can't tell them any different, right? You just can't tell them, but they're able to sustain themselves. Well, we're trying to teach them sustainability when they already know about sustainability. And we're using the GMOs to do it. I mean, they've got the old ways where we've wrecked our food supply by having to have these high yields. And it's leaving all the oils out of the food and all the nutrients and such. And they're not in the United States. We don't feed the soil. We throw down a quick acting fertilizer and such, but it strips all the minerals and the nutrients out of the soil. out of the ground instead of growing it the way we are, we should be growing it, rotating our crops out, using beans to fix nitrogen, all that sort of thing that should be working without going to these GMOs to feed the fat cats and, and the pharmaceuticals and Monsanto and all that sort of nonsense, you know, because they sell glyphosates. That's what they want to do is kill the soil. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's, It's plans, right? It's just plans that have been in to play for years. And you're. It's funny. I'm just going to change the subject for a minute, but I just got a text from Jicks and potential September 18th, Trump will likely be sentenced to one year, uh, and, and prison. Well, doesn't that just make sense? Is that timeline just work out just perfect that he's going to be sentenced, uh, to one year? Well, if he's sentenced to prison, can he, uh, physically take presidency if he's elected, if he's in prison? I don't know. But anyway, we, we won't get on that, that rabbit hole. When he sent that, I was like, wow, that's perfect timing. But, um, Plausible deniability. Oh, no. Whatever should we do? We're going to target the president. We're going to target the seated president on J6 to overthrow the election. And screw up the electors and then get a whole bunch of people, you know, arrest a whole bunch of people to put terror into the American people. You know what? I don't know about you. They just completely, I think, are making all of us so angry at them that that this this did not make us afraid. It made us angry and it's going to continue to make us angrier at their criminal behavior. That's a criminal conspiracy. And when you affect someone's emotions, right? Go back to that word tradecraft. Tradecraft is a very instrumental word to be used and understood in these times that we're in right now. And to understand tradecraft, you know, special operations guys and intelligence guys go through girls as well. Go through these... tradecraft schools, right? And when I say tradecraft, let's take for instance, a mechanic, right? And if he's a diesel mechanic, he goes to school to learn how to be a diesel mechanic. Well, he's not sure how to diagnose certain things yet until he gets out and actually learns the workings of the diesel engine and how it runs and how it starts and what stops the diesel engine from running and what makes it run even better. So he has to actually get into the workforce and learn how to do these things. That's his tradecraft that he is that he's learning. And then he goes to work for someone that is very experienced in the diesel mechanic world. And that person starts teaching him all these little things that he didn't learn in school to become a diesel mechanic. Well, what he's teaching him is tradecraft, right? Diesel mechanic, tradecraft. Everything is a trade craft, right? Everything that you do, if it's a specialty and you learn the little ins and outs and how to manipulate each thing, it's a trade craft, right? So if you're a team roper and rodeos and competition, right, you have a header and you have a healer. Uh, the, the header, uh, he is, is his trade craft. How are you going to get faster than everybody else? How are you going to get to winning more money than everyone else? Well, you've got to come up with a strategy and you've got to learn. So you're going to reach out to people who are good at it and you're going to learn their trade craft. And then you're going to build on that trade craft and make it better for you. So that's the, that's that trade craft is everything, right? Um, Intelligence Collection Tradecraft, Intelligence Analyst Tradecraft, OSINT Tradecraft, right? So all of these different trade crafts are everything. Everything that we do every day is a trade craft. Everything that we learn, learning how to drive, right? Well, if you've been driving for 20 years and you go from Detroit, Michigan, to Houston, Texas, and then go to a little small town in Florida, right? You have to develop your tradecraft of driving. You have to learn how to manipulate your Detroit driving ways to your Houston, Texas driving ways to your small town, Florida driving ways. You've got to come up with different ways to fit into that if you want to fit into the driving and not get wrecked, right? You want to know where you've got to really survive when you're driving. New York City, first of all, is absolutely nuts. But you know what the other one is? It's Nashville. Nashville lanes don't matter. I got my pickup truck, my dog. They go around on the right side of you. They go around on every side. I'm like, man, Nashville is like a nightmare to drive through. I grew up about 45 minutes south of Nashville. And I watched Nashville go from I could make it from my house to Second Avenue or Broadway in downtown Nashville in 40 minutes to it would take an hour and 20 minutes now to get from that that my where I grew up at to downtown Nashville. It's insane. It is. It is. It is. And you know where they all came from? They all moved in there from California. Yeah. Well, there, there you go. I think they said it was 23,000 families moved in from Southern California into, into middle Tennessee in the last three years. If that's the, if that's the case and it's families, if you multiply how many, how many of them are already driving right out of those families, It's like, good grief, that's insanity. But anyway, we'll... We digress, but that's okay. Yeah. So, okay, so where do we want to go with this? Okay, so we've got the tool works of the OSINT framework. And as you said, when you go into these things, you can really get yourself into some problems. Are there any ones on here that are safe for us to jump into? You know, some of these are anything that can be pulled up via Google. I'm a big proponent of Brave. I like Brave. And that's what I use on everything just because it's got a very good, they don't track your stuff. You don't start getting ads and all that kind of stuff. So it went from DuckDuckGo to Brave. And now I'm really happy with Brave right now as a, really an open source search engine platform. Anything in here that you can use in this OSINT framework, I'm not going to limit any of it to any one. It's just what you feel comfortable with clicking on. Right. That goes for anything. If you go into if you go into a porn site, you know, it's you're going to get more than likely some kind of virus on your computer. Right. If you go into a dark Web site that. is not supported by anything if it comes up as you know not being supported by any browser or it comes up this network is unsafe or all of a sudden you get three pop-ups on your computer it's time to close out of that get away from that because more than likely through those three pop-ups there's going to be hundreds of thousands of back doors to those pop-ups that's going to get into your system so uh, not getting into a cyber, uh, security framework because that's not really my realm, but, uh, that's what you're getting into at that point, right? You're, you're, uh, you're, you're open to all kinds of attacks at that point. You're open to things shutting your computer completely down. Uh, you can go on, you can see right there, um, that you got pulled up. It says dark web just below terrorism. Um, And if you click on that little bubble right there, it'll come up with several dark web ways to get in. You can go into that Tor directories or Tor website, Tor search. Under that Tor platform, right? There is every unethical hacker. I'm going to use that word unethical broadly that is just looking to get into your system now this these unethical hackers maybe a 15 year old filipino kid who is just absolutely brilliant with cyber stuff and if he can get into there and he's crawling the whip I mean he's he's mining for data just Every single day. And if he gets that one time, one thing pop up where he can get your information that is beneficial to him or beneficial to someone else and he can sell it, you bet your rear end he's going to do that. And he's got the ability to do that. And he'll never have to leave his house. He's got some kind of computer that, you know, is probably operating on DOS system from the late 80s, early 90s. And he's just crawling people's systems and waiting for somebody to click on to something. And it doesn't really have to be much, right? You can click on Oh, wow. You know, I like that. That's a recipe. Well, that recipe will contain a virus or a bot or something that will attach to your system and crawl your entire system. You know, you've got these OSINT platforms out here through LexisNexis, through Thomson Reuters, Clear. You've got DataMiner that you or I, if we've got the money, we can buy a subscription to it. Well, you take DataMiner, for instance, another one, Ontic, O-N-T-I-C, and you purchase these systems, you can do a data crawl yourself if you've got the money to do it. Now, it's fairly expensive. But if you've got the money to crawl people's data, I mean, ultimately, is that ethical? You're in the gray area. You're in the gray area. But then you go into, well, what people don't know is not going to hurt them. But, you know, a lot of us are ethically minded. We were raised right. We're not dirtbags, right? So we don't want to get in someone's underwear drawer. No, it goes like that gets into that. For me, that gets into the stalking. That gets into stalking, which is just that's not okay. You know, there's better things you can do with your time. than to stalk individuals. And I have a real ethical problem with that because, you know, I've been asked to look into things on other people and it's like, no, I'm not going to do that because I don't think that that's right. And, uh, but, but if there's something that comes up like this chick that comes on my property, or the things that are going on with public functionaries, I will go after them and I will find out what's going on there because it's a direct threat against my person. But to go into people's personal lives is like, like I've got too much to do to waste my time on that. First of all, I have a life. And second of all, there's something very evil about that. And when people do that, you can assume that they mean harm to people. They're not there to help someone. And there's a lot better things that we can put our time into in helping people. than just sitting out there like a little demon, you know, trying to cause harm to people. If you really are a person of faith, and I see this in politics all the time, there's very few people of faith in politics, real faith, very, very few. Most people are out there just lobbing bombs at other people to tear each other down. And in those situations, it's a better thing just to be quiet. And, uh, you know, that you've got a lot of hurting people. I mean, if you're going to, if you're going to take somebody down for criminal behavior, that's one thing, but just to go in there and, and, you know, and go after their character or ruin their families or, or do that for sport. There, there's a lot of people that do that for sport. There is a total and complete breakdown of not only ethics, but, but, uh, It's pure evil. And Jesus said that. Jesus talked about the fact that our words and taming the tongue and our intentions should be in our... The first thing when you see somebody doing something wrong, to look at them and say, they've got a spiritual problem going on here. Now, are they hurting other people? Are they an immediate threat? If they are, you have to disable the immediate threat. If they are not, then you should be able to walk into that and say, hey, buddy, it looks like we've got some problems here. I had that with several people that I would stop them and say, looks like you need a little prayer right now. And, you know, not that way. I'm being a smart aleck now, but really in a true compassionate way and say, you know, what's going on here? It looks like there's some problems here and And I'll ask them, I'll say, why would you do this? This to me, there's a problem here. Why would you think this is okay? And when you ask them questions, and quite often, then it makes them, it's an ethics thing, it makes them have to really think about would you like somebody to do this to you? Would you like somebody to crawl around in your life just to get things to harm you? And I'm going to say pretty much everybody out there, unless you're completely insane would say now that that wouldn't be a comfortable thing. You know, for some of us, I got nothing to hide. I'm against, you know, it's like, I, I mean, this is one of the reasons why I go live on broadcast is that, and I'll, I'll have, I was telling somebody about when I was in a, a conference with Dana Nessel and the media went after me and I, I, I was recording live and they don't like the cameras turned on them. I can tell you that. And when you drop the hammer on one of these people, watch them turn absolutely white as a ghost. And then, then they'll, they'll start getting, you know, flushed red because they have publicly gotten their tail that the camera should be on these people. If they come after you turn a camera on them because they mean you harm. But, you know, I'm getting off in the weeds here, but the point is, is that you don't do this to harm another person just for sport. Yeah. You know, one of the very beneficial tool to use, let's just get this out here. In the OSINT world, if you really want to know people's connections, if you want to know about them and you want to know their connections, learn to conduct social network analysis and and what that will do is that will tell you what kind of person someone is right you as kids our parents always told us you know you become who you hang around with you know um if you're hanging around with a bad crowd you're going to become part of the bad crowd whether you're doing something bad or not everyone's going to look at you as being part of the bad crowd. So don't hang around with the bad kids, right? So that was social network analysis. When you learn how to conduct social network analysis, you will be able to pinpoint You take one person and you look under his social medias. There's apps and platforms for this. I'm not going to give any and promote any of them because they're all really, really good platforms. Can you just give some names? It's not promoting. It's giving people something to look at. What would they be called? You know, one of the good social network analysis that I use is a platform that is an app that I've created. It hasn't gone live yet, but it's part of Data Wise Intel Solutions, which is a company that I own that we haven't went public with yet. And this app is basically what you do. And hopefully in the next three months, we're going to have it rolled out, is you put in people's names. So if I put in four names, what that's going to do is I wanna know about, here's my main guy and this main guy knows these three people, okay? And I put that into that application and it is going to crawl the web and it is going to give, okay, well, if John Smith talks to Susan Jones over here more than three or four times a week, it's gonna put all of her connections. So he's connected to her. then it's going to put all the connections that she has and then it's going to loop them back around to him and it's going to provide websites social media accounts all of these things through this social network analysis now I will give you uh I'll give you the actual uh one that I have used um recently okay the website to it let me pull it up um Here we go. This is crazy. Never in there. OK, so this is and it's a little bit of a learning curve, but it's for a lot of people. They have paid platforms and they have free platforms, but the paid platform is definitely the best one. I can tell you that. But it's Sotnet V. So it's HTTPS. and then forward slash forward slash So And this is a good one. It's been a good one for me. And then if that one doesn't work out for you, I would use Gephi. be the same to be OK, let me put this up here a minute. But those are the two that I have I've used. And if you can take a look at it, this is kind of what our software data wise is going to be doing as well. And But it will instead of bringing up a bunch of dots and lines and all that kind of stuff, all those dots and lines are going to come out into an Excel spreadsheet with each person that has a linkage. And it's going to be in order of highest priority to lowest priority. personnel that this person is linked to. It's going to give criminal statistics on each individual if they have a background, whether they're a convicted felon or whatever. So yeah, that's the Gephi. It's a pretty good system. It's got a little glitches in it, but I've used both of those. I prefer the SOCnet V. It's just seems to be easier for me because I understand all the little, I mean, you can't go wrong. If you start learning how to do this, this is all open source that you can learn how to do. And it is a little difficult. It's a learning curve, but you know, all targeting analysts in the government, all human intelligence collectors will use this, not all of them, but I say I'm using that term broadly, but a majority of them. What's the payment subscription cost on SockNet? SockNet, I was paying, I think $799 a year, $799. Oh geez, that's it? Yeah, it wasn't. And that was for a certain subscription. I would, what I would do is I would send them an email. or contact, and they can give you a list of what they charge for certain things. If you're an independent investigator like we all are, they can give you a pretty good price. I'm looking in their menu right now. I'm kind of poking around. Yeah, dig around. You know, I'll dig around. Give them a call. These people are very... They are very knowledgeable. Let me ask you this. So we're working on something for an unmoderated AI model right now. And because the problem is, is they've got everybody so afraid of AI. The only reason why they've got to be afraid of AI is because they're well, they're worried it's going to tell the truth. And so they've got a lot of these programs out there like Grok. Claude opening chat GPT that they hallucinate because they're being moderated. And so they're hiding things and they're training their own model to hide things from us. But what they're really scared of is they're really scared that there's going to be something that's not going to change the truth and that the truth is going to come out. And honestly, we're kind of working on something like that right now. Do you have an unmoderated AI model that you know of right now that's up and working? I do not. That I know of? No. It is possible, and I'm pretty sure that if it's not out there, it's going to be out there fairly quickly. I would say within the next month. Within the next month. Things are moving very fast. And once we get rid of these moderated ones that are teaching it to lie to you and, you know, cause that's what they're doing. They're trying to get us to sucked into the AI to honestly, it's my opinion that they released some of this AI too soon. And it's on a crash course for self-destruction because the problem is, is It's because they released it too soon. So it's based on information in its way to machine learn that is flawed and will lead to its own destruction. Mm-hmm. So, you know, as everybody's afraid of, oh, no, AI, AI, it's the most miracle. There are some things about it that I think are amazing. I like looking into it and just kind of poking around at it, okay? So there's some things that are really good about AI. And if you've got some of the models are better than other models, however, with that said, you still have to check the resources that it's kicking out to you. Because if you're being targeted, I'm going to guarantee you that you've got a higher probability that it's going to give you something to set you up for failure. Absolutely. Absolutely. So you've got to be really careful and test it once in a while. Once in a while, I'll test it if I'm just want to see something. And I asked what my state rep was. Simple question. And Grok threw out the wrong the wrong name. So it's a good thing to give them questions that you know the answer to just to see how accurate it is. Do your own open source intelligence, your own OSINT, and see if it's lying to you or not. That's a real smart thing for anyone to do is test those things to find out. I mean, test people. Ask them questions that you know the answer to. And it's not that everybody's got to know everything. It's impossible for them to do that. But if they don't know something, how do they handle something they don't know? Are they going to lie to you? Are they going to try to pull the wool over your eyes? And watch their eyes when they're talking. Tulsi Gabbard's one that she has a hard time with it because she goes into rapid blinking. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Or, or, you know, that's a body language. Yeah. Yeah. It's a, that's a, that's another trade craft, right? Reading people. Oh yeah. It's not a hundred percent accurate, but it is real close. More accurate than anything else I've ever met out there is to be able to stand face to face with somebody, look in their eyes and know whether they're giving you a complete line of bullshit or not. And the other thing is to trust your intuition on people because your intuition is God talking to you and letting you know what you're really seeing. You'll know when you talk to somebody, whether they're for real or not. The gut never lies. The gut is absolutely the... the greatest thing, you know, ever. Well, my gut told me that, well, your gut doesn't lie, you know? So yeah, it may, it may, uh, stretch the truth a little bit, but sometimes, uh, You got to go with your gut instinct on things. We've been taught to ignore that. But I mean, that's part of their brainwashing on people. It's not to trust the spiritual side of, I mean, we're spirits embodied in a meat suit. I mean, that's what it is. But first and foremost, we are a spiritual entity. And they want to cut God out of our lives. And that part of us, that that is the reality and just turn us into like a zombie apocalypse here you've got to trust god you've got to go to god and then trust him to tell you what you need to know in all situations and he will talk to you he'll tell you what you need to know I mean this is no secret so you know people I'm gonna I need to look back where I was at you know I i i agree 100 with what you're saying with that um what I was gonna I guess change the subject on just a touch not really a change in the subject but on a uh on another note right one of the oscent tools that I have um come to really enjoy and to really um see as beneficial in my work is spatial analysis. Okay. I can't really give you other than, you know, Esri, you can go and you can learn a little bit about it. Esri and the ArcGIS platform is very, very instrumental in getting information, learning about information, but you're talking about 7,800 to 9,000, uh, and up a year. So it's a, it's a very pricey platform, but spatial analysis, um, you, you can use spatial analysis in that. And, and here's what, here's what's, here's, what's key to that, right? When, when you can do hotspot analysis and you can identify areas that, um, have higher concentrations of, let's say, the activity that you're looking into, right? Whether it's crime data, whether it's voters, you know, you got higher Republicans versus a higher Democratic area or whatever. know you can you can identify these areas with high concentrations um through this hot spot analysis in and you can say okay well I've got this high crime area here but it's not a high crime over here and why is it not a high crime over here and you can bring these things into what they call spatial interpolation right these are this gets into a whole different kettle of fish as well with um you know calculations and crap that it just makes my mind start frying you know you probably see it smoking right now but um this spatial interpolation uh and hotspot analysis is just absolutely key uh to certain things you can go and and use open source stuff like uh crime data or um U.S. Census information to create hotspot analysis or even demographic analysis and do overlays. But through these ESRI platforms, you can do all these different overlays of data and demographic data with and you can combine all these data sets and all this is open source, right? If you've got the money to spend, you can absolutely do it from your own home, your own office. Now, is that okay to do it from home or your office? Because before when we were talking, you said too, some of this stuff, you should go to like, you know, find different places to go to connect to the internet so they can't develop a profile on you. Absolutely. Now, doing things of that nature, uh, you know, doing spatial analysis, um, Esri and the ArcGIS, uh, system is, they've got a good encryption program. Um, you know, you can do that at home. It's not gonna, it's just going to be data that you're pulling. Uh, data is fine. You can collect data. Um, you know, again, you'll want to do that on a centralized computer that you've purchased, uh, through, um, a pawn shop or off of, you know, Facebook marketplace, uh, or something where, where there's, there's no track back to you, but, um, you can do these things. If you've got an Esri platform, you you've already, and you've got a subscription to Esri and the art just platform, uh, you know, you've already created a digital trail and, uh, people's going to want to know why you've got, uh, art just in your house, but, They can't come and start hacking into your stuff through the ArcGIS program because it's a very good encryption. And you can download that stuff into a hard drive immediately, pull that hard drive and then delete your entire system. Well, what's real funny about that is you might as well just shove it right in their faces and let them know that we're watching them. You know, I don't I'm not a person that's going to go to fear. It's like if you're going to do it, go big or sit home and play Parcheesi because it's like, you know, you're either going to be in it to win or or it's a weapon that could be turned against you. So if you decide to do something like this, this is all on you. Nobody's telling you to do it. We're giving you some tools to that that you can look into and do some research with and such. But make no mistake about this. You're going to have to have that attitude, that screw-em attitude. And whatever comes is going to be all on you. We're not giving advice. We're giving you tools. If you choose to do this, this is all on you. And we're going to lay out some of the targeting that could happen. Any of us that have decided to step into this arena, or run for office, or do something just as a regular citizen, I'm going to tell you what, you're going to be targeted. And that's okay. That's okay. You just got to look at it as a game. You just got to be able to outsmart them and get enough crap on them that if they decide to pop their head up and threaten you, that you have something that can bite them back. That's a smart thing to do. Make sure you got something that if they decide to do that, that you can sink your teeth into them and you're not going to let go. Learn to play chess. That's right. Play against yourself. Set up a chessboard and play against yourself, you know, and make a move every day. So when you get up in the morning, you go straight to your chessboard. And you make a move. And then the next morning you do the same thing. And, you know, play against yourself. Learn these strategies. I'll tell you. And if you don't want to do it yourself and if you want to hire someone to do your OSINT collection or your OSINT analysis, I'll tell you that one of the best people to look into to hire is a political strategist. Someone who has won multiple campaigns. or who has been the political strategist for that campaign. Does opposition research because they spend full time digging crap up on the, on the opponents. Absolutely. Absolutely. And you know, once again, that's another, another wing of data wise Intel solutions that is, is opposition research. And again, Do you know a way that we can, I'm sorry, there's a lag. I'm sorry, I don't mean to step on you. There's a little bit of a lag here. Do you know any sites that, so I'm just going to ask you a bunch of questions. Do you know any sites, because I know some, that will look up the legal cases on a subject to back it for precedent or to see what the cases say? That is, yeah, I think it's PACER, P-A-C-E-R. Okay, yeah. Is a good one to look up cases, to look up, you know, criminal convictions on what are they, what have they been charged with, what have been convicted of, what's happening in a, you know, a lawsuit with an LLC or a corporation. PACER has always been a very good one. And I think it is pay per search is kind of how they operate. Okay. Yeah. That's another one. Another one that you brought up was earlier is it's the personal one that a lot of these things I think pull from LexisNexis. That's one that I know a lot of attorneys use that one. It is. And it's an expensive platform. Very expensive. Yeah. But yeah, LexisNexis, even Thomson Reuters, they've got one. It's Thomson Reuters Clear. You can get these things from... But again, they're pricey platforms, right? They're meant for large corporations. But Pacer is one. And And just the easy, go to the county that the issue is happening with, right, or the city, and look in the court records. You know, if you need to really get in-depth, go directly to the courthouse itself and pull up their dockets. It's all public information, to my knowledge. I know all the southern states, Alabama, Florida, Tennessee, North Carolina, Ohio, I've been to all of those states and actually looked up records, court records, and went directly to certain counties and looked up things. So I know those states for sure allow you to do these things. Yeah, this is super, super interesting. Well, where else can we go with this? Oh man, it's unlimited. Yeah, what do you want to poke into and out there and see what we can find? You don't want to ask me that. I do. Yes, I do. Well, listen, I'm going to poke the bear. I'm going to poke the bear and I'm going to poke it on a Republican. I didn't want to. but I'm I'm very um I don't like stolen valor I don't either and there's a there's a problem with all of this tim waltz and some of these other nonsense people that are out there well we've got a uh there's a little investigation going on server podcast out there right now after the the trump assassination attempt in in pennsylvania A lot of people came forward, a lot of these these so-called sniper sniper trained folks, this, that and other. And they got all this media attention talking about how, you know, and being portrayed as a U.S. Army sniper. Expert, right. Subject matter expert in this stuff. Well, and one of them was a representative from Florida who is a U.S. Army veteran. And this individual made several comments and was portrayed as a sniper and has never been to a sniper school. And a lot of guys have started investigating this individual. And they're getting shut down by other Republicans. Can we see his name? Yeah, Cori Bush. Or excuse me, Cori Bush. Cori Mills. I was just reading something about Cori Bush. But Corey Mills. Now, I haven't seen all the information because I've got other things going on, but it just a friend of mine who's really deep in this investigation and who was in his same unit, right, and served along with Corey Mills is in 82nd is like, you know, every claim that he has is false. This is ridiculous. Uh, we don't understand this and we don't understand why it's being covered up. So, um, you know, this is a bear that needs poked these, these representatives, Tim Wallace. Okay. He's a Democrat, Corey Mills. He's a Republican. How many other of the, how many other representatives are out there that have been elected officials who have, um, lied about what they've done in their military service or in law enforcement service, right? How many of them are out there? And it's time they start bringing these people forward, right? And because if they are willing to lie about their service, what else are they willing to lie about? It tells me that they have zero integrity. There's no integrity. There's no care for the American people because why would you have to lie To get into a position of an elected position. And then how are we going to be able to trust you to be our representative? If you're willing to lie about your service like that, that's just, it's uncalled for. It's not okay. It's not okay. Yeah. It's not OK. You know, he was he was in the spotlight really big on. Oh, look at me. I'm rescuing Afghans. I'm rescuing Americans from from the Afghan withdrawal. I'm rescuing Israeli Americans. I'm I'm. rescuing Ukrainian Americans. And and he's in he all of a sudden he's bam bam. Look at me, look at me, look at me. And he's all over these platforms for the last couple of years rescuing people. And it's like, OK, but now you're you're a professional rescuer. But you were also a trained sniper. That just doesn't make any sense. What does make sense is that he was a medic. He was an Army medic. We do know that. And I won't go into any more information on him right now. We could save that for a different time. And I could put you in touch with this individual that's going into these podcasts that has done all of this FOIAs on him and come up with information that will just blow your mind. Yeah, I'd like to have his name in an interview because I think this is a big deal that people are not looking into the backgrounds of people. And I've got a lot of, you know, I hate to say it, but I went to the Vance rally yesterday. But when you look into the background of J.D. Vance, how does somebody make that radical of a turnaround happen? From being a never-Trumper in with Peter Thiel to all of a sudden being the Trump guy. Exactly. I've got some real questions about this. And my questions are is that I support President Trump, okay? Unapologetically, the man did so much for this country, it's unbelievable. But to see somebody that comes next to him that was so outspoken about that, I'm still not convinced. And I'm not going to drink the Kool-Aid just because he's got the headlines out there. There there's a, there's some proof that he's got to prove to me that he's actually who he says he was because, and this is my open source intelligence on that. What if you put somebody in there or just like they did Pence, he seems like Pence 2.0. What a better place to put in a globalist and give an excuse to take president Trump out and have somebody sitting in the wings. I am real concerned about this and I'm concerned about the, the health and welfare of the rightful president of the United States, Donald J. Trump. Yeah, I'm very concerned about it. I did. Donna, let me touch on this a little bit. About six months ago, I started looking into who Trump's VP would be. Oh, man. Yeah. And what I started doing was I started putting all of these people down who possibilities just doing my own research, right? My own OSINT, what I know, how to read people, how to read photos, how to read videos and people's mannerisms. And six months ago, I come up with JD Vance being picked as the, his VP. It was already set in stone. It was set in stone before anyone even had a clue. And what did you find in that thing? Because I'm really concerned because it's like Pence was a traitor. And, you know, it's like you look at you look at what happened there and and look at Betsy DeVos resigns the day after J6. And the traders that are connected are just incredible to connect these traders. And all of a sudden, this guy comes up. I look at Doug Bergman. I met Doug Bergman. I'm like, nice guy. But he was behind the app for the red flag laws for tracking Americans. And he was also behind the selling of land to China around the military bases there. I'm sorry, people. The road to hell is paved with nice people. I'm that have the tongue of a serpent to mislead us. And we got to get smarter than that and look at what we're actually dealing with. But I want to know how you found J.D. Vance and what you found on him, because I think people need to be aware of this. And so help me, God, if if President Trump and the Republicans don't do their due diligence and put somebody in that's going to create harm, I think he was forced to take Pence. you know, the last one. And, and potentially. Vance too. I think he is absolutely forced to pick Vance. I do too. I've got some real big questions there. I was at a, was that a Turning Point USA? I can't remember if it was TPUSA event. It's been a year ago now, I guess it has. And yeah, So give a little backstory on before I came to do what I do now. I was an executive protection person for several Daily Wire personalities. Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Michael Knowles, Candace Owens. And I've done that was my specific full time job. That's what I did. And I was with them. everywhere they would go. Not all of them at once, but individually. And what I learned a lot of is we spent a lot of time in Washington, D.C. And Matt Walsh did a video or a documentary called What is a Woman? You remember that? And then Michael Knowles was on a show with Ted Cruz. and they would do these shows. And so I got to know Ted Cruz a little bit and I got to know his staffers a little bit. And I was at this event later on about a year ago with the America Project. And we were sitting in the crowd And Ted Cruz come on and this was, I believe it was a TP USA. Uh, Charlie Kirk was whatever it was. Charlie Kirk had on anyway. So I'm sitting there and Ted Cruz comes on stage and his guest was JD Vance. And I was watching, uh, Ted Cruz and, uh, being around Ted Cruz for, uh, you know, a lot and being able to smoke cigars and drink high dollar whiskey at Shelly's Backroom Tavern in Washington, D.C. with him, I got to know a little bit about him. And what I noticed about him was he said, you know what? He said, you'd be a fine VP for Trump ever become president again. And when he said that, it was with absolute certainty that that he meant every word that he said to J.D. Vance at that time. You'd be a great candidate for a VP. And I thought to myself right then, I'm like, I bet that's who's going to be his VP because he's young. He's young into the, you know. As an elected official, he's got a poor, poor, pitiful me background. It's going to be perfect. He was a poor boy and now you got a rich boy. You know, he worked himself all the way to the top. It makes perfect sense. It makes perfect sense. So. What that tells me is at that point was I needed to start paying real close attention to JD Vance. So I just basically started watching everything that he did. So every place that Trump was in court or if it was a very, very prominent event that was going on, JD Vance was there. Ted Cruz wasn't there. You didn't have Vivek Ramaswamy there. You didn't have Candace Owens there. You didn't have anybody that all these people were talking about. You didn't have your Tulsi Gabbards. You know, you didn't have your South Dakota governor there that everybody was talking about. Oh, that'd be great. Trump's vice presidential pick. No. It all pointed directly to J.D. Vance. And it pointed from that day that Ted Cruz said, you'd be a great vice presidential pick. And they both laughed. You know, they did their little political giggle on stage in front of everybody. It's nauseating. It's very nauseating. It's nauseating. They think we're dumb enough that we don't see this crap that they're doing. Right. And and something that I said on our signal thread that my company or not my company, but the America Project that we work with or that I work for, we were talking about and we were talking about who's going to be the VP. And I said all all lines point. And this was three or four months ago. Lines point to J.D. Vance. That's going to be his. And no one believed me. No, no, there's no way J.D. Vance would be the VP. pick. I'm like, I'm telling you, I am 100% if I had to put my paycheck on it and bet on it, that that's who it would be. No one could see it. No one could see it. But what I did for those months and months and months was just write and write and write and continue to do these Open source intel on J.D. Vance, on Ted Cruz, on where Trump was, where J.D. Vance was at the time, and every place that Trump was at to include all of his hearings in New York City. J.D. Vance was there. Why? Why was he there? What was any reason? Oh, well, I'm here to support Trump. Well, what does the vice president do? He supports the president of the United States. So everywhere Trump was at, J.D. Vance was at. So right then, that was the flag, right? That was the point that led to, okay, we need to start paying attention to this J.D. Vance guy. And then all of a sudden, it's like, well, what about, he didn't like Trump a couple of years ago. He thought Trump was what, an idiot or whatever he called him. He couldn't stand him. And now he's supporting him. Well, he's either supporting him, you know, when he was going to all those hearings as a, you know, because he wanted to see him get convicted and go to jail. Or he was supporting him so everyone could see that here's this unique looking individual, J.D. Vance, at every hearing that Donald J. Trump was at. And that's exactly what took place was he was at every hearing that Donald J. Trump was at. And what did he do with the media? He spoke out to every time that the media was reaching out to people about these convictions and whatnot, and these hearings and charges, you know, these frivolous charges about Trump. And he would speak out and speak in, you know, well, I support him and he's this and he's that. He wasn't his attorney. Well, What does he have? What does he need? And what is there to gain by J.D. Vance? Well, I got to tell you, I shook his hand yesterday and it was 88 degrees out and we were out there for a long time. He wasn't out there for so long. But I'm going to tell you what, his hand was absolutely cold and clammy. I mean, it was like, it was like just, it was, it was cold. I mean, his hand was absolutely cold and it was like a cold clammy, you know, it wasn't like a normal, a normal handshake that you would get. I was really shocked because that, that actually shocked me how cold his hands were. The hand was cold and it was like, you know, it was like sweaty, cold and clammy, but it was too hot to have a cold hand. I mean, I can't even imagine anybody out there. I mean, there was one, one picture that I posted and, uh, my, my, uh, here, I'll put it up here a minute. And I was, I was out there sweating. I'm going to tell you. And, uh, did he give you a strong handshake or was it kind of a limp noodle? Uh, sure as hell wasn't a good one. You know, I was like, it was just like a cold clammy here. I'll go through some of my pictures here that happened. But, you know, there's a lot of things that we don't always expect when we go to these events. But I was kind of like, hmm, that's unusual. Usually guys' hands are a little bit, you know, a little bit. So this was the event right here and such. And that's Vance and my neighbor, Charlie Cordes. Let's see if I can find Angela Reese. I say hi to everybody. Whether you like these people or not, I don't care. I say hi to everybody. Yep. Because I'm still trying to find the truth. Buddies, friends, and such. So that was on my Telegram channel. Oh, I thought this was great watch, but, but look at, I was, I was shaking his hand, said a few words, but man, I'm sweating like a butcher. I don't know if you see the back of my shirt, but, but it was, it was decently hot out there and I'm used to being outside. And so, you know, and with my cowboy boots on my jeans on and such, but his hands were absolutely cold and clammy, which was to me, I said, I was, you know, the, the, The farm girl in me was like, what the living hell? You know, it's like it's about 90 degrees out here, hot as hell, no shade. And this guy's hands are absolutely freezing. So here, that was real super interesting. But I don't play this. Okay. So I don't know if you guys saw this, but when President Trump, I was at the RNC, President Trump, the rightful president of the United States. This is my friend. Eric Tilton, he's a cognitive carbony, right, subsects and such, and also a very good researcher. Our families are friends. Love, love. He's honest as the day is long and just a good man, okay? So we were sitting there, and we both are kind of into the fact that in the RNC, they play Nessun Dorma. And so we're standing there. We're like, holy crap, this is cool. So listen to this. having a riot with us we all know Right. Way too much fun with that. But that was that was the last scene in Some of All Fears where the deep state, they're basically cutting the throat of the deep state as the song was playing. And I do believe that I believe that that is actually happening. So a lot of the stuff you see. People watch me go after the criminal part of what's going on in U2, and they're like, oh, we're sick of hearing this. But the reality is that we have to be aware of these things. It doesn't make me afraid or upset about this at all. I just want to get in there and just keep grubbing this stuff out. We have to get to the absolutely very last criminal that has waged war against the United States of America. And that doesn't mean we go to puppies, kitties, and all the fun stuff all the time. We are in a freaking war. And every moment of our life, we should be fighting for the rights of other Americans, fighting against what they've done to this nation in a savage way. Yeah, absolutely. Absolute savagery. and finding out who's behind this and holding them accountable. Well, you can't do that by just spending time in fun land all the time. But this is where you really find out who the real warriors are and who are the part-time summer soldiers, the ones that can go the distance and don't walk away from this and will not walk away from this, such as yourself and Jason and Eric and some of the other, Jaleese Middleton. you know, the, the people that are out there that refuse to walk away from it, but stand on the basis that we are here to serve this nation, this, this world, because it's God's world. And we serve God period, end of story, no backing down because he's going to carry us through until we make sure every wrong is righted. And, uh, that, that until God's kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven, we're not going to back down. Right. You know, my, my, um, my lineage goes and wartime lineage goes all the way back to, you know, the 1500s. And every lad, man had been to war. So as far back as the Revolutionary War. Um, as you know, we've got documentation for it. So, so I go back to my great, great grandfather, which was, you know, civil war. Then my great grandfather, which was also civil war, um, uh, timeframes, which is strange. The age is weird, but, but whatever, uh, that was a strange time. And then my grandfather, um, he was world war two. Um, and, um, and then he was in Korea and then my father. was Vietnam and Gulf War. And then myself was, you know, Iraq and Afghanistan. And it's like I go back to just, you know, my dad had volunteered so that my uncle didn't have to go to because he had just gotten married. And so my dad volunteered to go to Vietnam so so that my uncle wouldn't get drafted. And then he fought in Vietnam. And then my grandfather, who was, you know, the greatest generation, 101st Airborne in World War II, they were fighting for a cause, right? They were fighting for a cause. And that was so that the United States of America didn't have to live like, you know, Germany and Russia and all these other countries. countries that were just subdued into nothing. Right. And, and that's why I fought or so I thought, but for these people to try to steal that from us, from what my family fought for is it pisses me off. Like it is. And my wife has to calm me down sometimes, you know, she's like, you got to, you got to lower your, you're going to have a heart attack. And I'm like, these, these dirtbag politicians who are in office who would send our kids to war while they coddled their kids and kept them from going to war they didn't give a about the common man or the common man and woman's kid they care less all they care about is that greenback and and their you know prominent political stance if if there's another war I'm going to start freaking grabbing their kids and I'm going to put I'm going to take them all. I'm going to get me a bus and I'm going to drive to everyone's house and I get on my bus, get on my bus. We're going to enlist in the military and you're going to fight. You know, it doesn't matter that you're a that you're a political person's kid. I give two shits. You know, you're an American. And if my kid's going, your kid's going, you know, it's, it's not, especially if there's a draft, if there's a draft, God forbid, they'll probably arrest me and put me in a federal penitentiary because if the ones that are dodging the drafts, I live in South Florida. I live right on Lake Okeechobee. That place is full of alligators. You want to dodge a draft, but you want to send my kid to, To war? Well. This is called toxic masculinity at its finest. You come to threaten our families and such, and you're going to have a problem. You've gotten away with it for a very long time. But I think the tables are about to turn here because they've pushed everybody. But I'm going to go back to that right now. We're not in any way, shape, or form advocating violence because there is a lawful way to do it. But you come after Americans, and there's going to be a tipping point here of no return where those people that just want to be alone and are sick of watching everything that we love be destroyed for your sick, sick, Um, pursuits, pedophilia, uh, child trafficking, tearing this nation down, transgender genital mutilation. Look at Pritzker. Pritzker should be one of the first in line for prosecution because they made money off of all these gender mutilation clinics. And cause there wasn't really any, they own the majority of that to my knowledge. And I mean, how much money he did, did he raised in his, I don't know the amount, but all I can do is look at the trend. And I mean, the man, the man is despicable. $348 million for a gubernatorial race. What? Tell me that's not, that's not criminal. Tell me that guy is not a mob boss, right? He is running a transnational criminal organization. to be able to raise $348 million for a race that you should only raise how much, Donna? You went for the governor of Michigan, right? Well, I was told I need to raise $52 million and I laughed in their faces. I'm like, well, the problem with me is I'm not willing to take the dark money or the pack money. because it should be illegal. And so, you know, it's like one of those things that we have to be able to stand. And I'm like, win, lose or draw. It's going to be in God's hands. But you were still responsible to do the right thing. And the ends don't justify the means for me. I don't. It's not OK. You have to do it the right way with without wavering. But but three hundred four. That is that is insanity. It's it is absolutely. And you can go into the FEC and you can see these numbers and don't quote me on the exact down to the dollar or cent, but, but over 300 million, I think it's 348 million. If I'm not mistaken, uh, you go into the FEC and look what JB Pritzker raised for that, right. That Illinois race. And it is, it's, it's not justified. You can't justify that. You cannot. No, that's tying our politics. And more than that, you know, it's like they're placing these people in position. And I'm going to say it's not just there. It's all the way down to the township level. And the city levels, it's it's this is such a a when when they launched this coup against the United States of America, it is so big and it goes into our election systems. I mean, the whole thing is a sham. All you got to do is look at everything and go, how are we? And they're like, well, American people have to trust in the system. No, we don't. You're stupid if you have trust in the system because the system is broken and the clerks will be like, well, I did everything right. Just like Nestle did. Nestle did. I did everything right. No, you didn't. No. And when one person comes to you with concerns, they set the clerks up to sign their name on the line to be responsible for this as a scapegoat for what they did up higher. Because if it ever comes down to that, they're going to try to pin this on the clerks. Even though the clerks may have done to their knowledge, it doesn't come from the clerks. It came above the clerks. It came in the operating systems of the computers that they leaked to every state sponsored terrorist hacking group across the globe. This is a global crime syndicate and they exist to cover up for each other. for self-perpetuating income and in industries, they're all colluding and it's not conspiracy theory. This is a criminal conspiracy to defraud the American people. I mean, we're at an 85% tax rate, people. I don't know if you put this all together, but when you start looking at all the discretionary taxes on top of the income taxes, on top of the cigarette taxes on top of the property taxes, on top of the fees, the inspections, the on and on and on. Even if you're not owning and you're in a rental property, you're getting hit by fees via the collection agencies that they've deemed are their collection agencies as the landlords. And people are so dumb to look at and say it's the landlords. No, it's not. Not always. It's coming from above them. And it's just like they turned the doctors into their foot soldiers. They turned the nurses into their foot soldiers. They have used the shot to absolutely come after our military and harm and do experiments on people. These people are sick bastards. And they have, you know, I don't know how deep down into the research a lot of people have gone. But when you get down into it and see what they're doing, because the cartels are running Mexico. Mexico basically launched an act of war against the United States of America by passing people through that border. That means that they literally attacked the United States of America by international law. They can accept them, but they may not pass them on. And they did. And that fentanyl across that border. You bet they did. That's a biohazard issue. Right. That is that is another act of war. Right. You're pushing that. It's a weapon of mass destruction. Right. You know, it's the halls of Congress. are nothing more than the halls of the most well-organized and operated transnational criminal organization in the entire world. Yep. And they keep telling us, we got to look at the Middle East. They want us to look under every damn camel out there for weapons of mass destruction. Well, I hate to tell you that. It's within our borders. And we need to stop looking under the behind of every damn camel out there or whatever else it is. And I'm saying it tongue in cheek, guys, okay? And start looking at what the real threat is to our nation. And their responsibility is to protect our nation, not every other country on the planet. If we get strong, we can help. But right now, we're broke. We are flat broke. We are so far in debt. And they did it intentionally to break and destroy this nation and then try to divvy the land up. My guess is that if the collapse comes, and I believe it will, it's going to be divvied up between probably China on our west coast and coming in through Canada and several other countries coming from the east. Yeah. If we get that far. Now, that's if I believe one theory of thought. My theory is that the good guys are in control right now and that they're showing people what you think you want. We're going to let you see what you really want, what you have signed up for. And we're just going to show you and sit back and go, huh, how's that working for you? Is that working okay? Like a mom and a dad would. And are you ready to run the country the way it's supposed to? I'm guessing that there's a lot of people out there that are doing that right now. They're like, huh, doing the dad, mom thing and giving people enough rope to hang them a little bit. And then once we dig out, have to dig out of that, hopefully, you know, God will have some pretty smart people in place to turn this around rapidly and and dig people out of trouble. But they better not forget what they have done because it's the American people that have allowed this. The fault lies squarely on the American people for not holding people responsible and allowing this stuff to happen. If we don't want it to happen again, everybody's going to have to get in the game. They're going to have to run for office. They're going to have to talk and instruct people. They're going to have to know how this works. They're going to have to re-educate themselves, not go to re-education camps, but care enough about this nation and the people that are being persecuted like the J6ers. And I'm not going to stop chirping on this issue until every single person is out of the gulags, set back on their feet, and has reparations made, true reparations, by the United States of America through seizing all funds of these bastards that are sitting in the seats right now. That's how we do it. We don't take it out of the American coffers. We go after them personally and take every bit of unjust gain that they went after and boom, that's how it's done. But yeah, perhaps. So, well, thank you for coming on today. And I really appreciate you a lot. I've always really appreciated talking to you and such and the help that you have. I've got my next guest, Jalista. Milton and Joshua Black, Jay Sixers, who are waiting for sentencing by corrupt, miserable people who are not following the law and actually have political prisoners on American soil. If this doesn't just burn you, I mean, not you personally, but everyone, if this doesn't just burn your bacon right now, it should absolutely infuriate every single one of us on what has been done there. And we need to get into this fight in a very, very savage way, in my opinion. I'd love to have you back on again, maybe next week. Absolutely. Because I don't think we're done crawling down this thing and equipping people with not only the tools, but some reality check on what's going on out there so that we get smarter so we can, in fact, hold people accountable that we don't know. And if you're just believing the headlines... you don't really know what's going on. You've got to do your own research. So any last words here, Jason? No, I'm looking forward to coming back, bring any time and, you know, let me know ahead of time and I'll put together a little training scenario that we can, we can talk through with some, with some bullet points and data points and, and really get into the meat and potatoes of open source. Let's do it. Can you do it next week, Thursday at 10 o'clock? I've got a gal whose daughter, the school basically has damaged this girl to the point of her committing suicide because they tried to convince her at 12 years old she was transgender. She did not accomplish a suicide this past week, but it was very close. And this mom was a, as a Christian, she was a teacher and she's trying to warn people about the schools in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. And though they, they, they, they're great. They're great at hiding behind titles, names. That's why I disregard all of them. I want to look at what's going on, but she's like, people have no idea what they are pushing on kids under the American flag in our schools and what happened to her daughter. So she's going to be on nine o'clock on next Thursday. If you can come on on 10, I just, You know, I'll just, you know, that I've got about an hour then because Jalise will be on after that, but I can probably, I can probably look for another time that we can have two hours or even more, but, or maybe we could do a night one. Let's talk when we get offline and then, then get this thing moving. Cause I think this is so important. Absolutely. Yes, it is. I'm looking forward to it. Thank you for having me, Donna. Tell your company and how they can get ahold of you. So Jason Ladd, Currently, I'm working for the America Project, but my company that will be going live soon is You can go to, see a little bit about what we're going to have rolling out, what we do. what we're capable of doing. So just take a look. Send me an email for some information. And if you want to give me a call, by all means, my number is on that website. Give me a call and we can chat. That's awesome. So, okay. Well, thank you so much for being on today. Okay, guys, I'm going to take a real quick break right now and I'll be back with Jaleese Middleton and Joshua Black talking more about the Jay Sixers. And you know what? Invite your friends to watch us. I have a friend that's online right now that was watching yesterday and he was literally, he sent me pictures of him just sobbing, listening to the testimony. He's like, Donna, we've got to do something. I'm like, Well, we are. We're trying. And the more people we get the word out to, the more that's the work we need to do right now. And then we need to come together and hold the entire legislature walked away from these people. They've all committed treason. They've gone along to get along. And all of us are going to need to band together here and hold them accountable for what they've done by holding Americans as political prisoners. And it's a horrible thing. So thanks for coming on today, Jason. Just so honored to know you. And I mean, this is amazing. And we will be right back. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the 15th day of August 2024 and welcome to the third hour of our show today. As we've been doing here and I've made a commitment to the J6ers with headed up by Jaleese Middleton here to bring people on and tell their story. And I'd love to give you a few seconds here to call on your friends, your neighbors and people you know because the stories are heartening. really showcase the human spirit and also how God brings us into difficulty. Sometimes to teach us things that we would never have known. It's been my experience in my life that hardship has given me more gifts than anything living the way that I would want things to be done. ever, ever could. And sometimes we face those hardships to teach us, but this should be encouragement and a motivation for everyone to get in the game and help these people out because this is horrible. It's just absolutely horrible. But with that said, I'm going to bring on my guests here this morning. Welcome, Dasha. Welcome, Delise. How are you? Great. Thank you for having me back on. This has been such a joy to get to share with all your listeners, my brothers and sisters now. They're family to me. This is stronger than blood. You know, I was raised in the South. Blood's thicker than water. Well, I'm here to tell you that got tried by fire and that is not true. I think you can be closer to people outside of your biological family when it's based on a spiritual connection. And when you're tried by fire, when you're in the trenches fighting for something that you believe in, quite often I think you have, a bond that defies, it defies explanation. It really does. But, but we, I've been, I've been having fun with this too. And, and several people have said, Jalise is an angel. I'm like, I think she kind of is. I have people that will beg to differ. I'm here to tell you. Yeah, just piss Texas mama off one time and then you'll see a different side. I tell everybody, I said, you know, being a Christian is no different than being anybody else in the aspect that every morning when you put your feet on the floor, you have a choice to walk in the flesh or walk by Christ. And that makes us look like hypocrites sometimes because we're human too. So it is a crap shoot with me just like anyone else. Yeah, there's good days and there's days that maybe we could do a little better, but you know, you keep, the thing that is, is you just keep walking and you refuse to, you refuse to lay down when you're in the middle of a fight. So I literally had people sending me pictures yesterday of them crying, listening to the testimony of the, so I really do think that this is important. to the information to get this out there and to show people that every decision a politician makes, if they decide, our political figures, if they decide, or government, public functionaries, whatever you want to call it, they decide to send us to war somewhere. Those bodies that we're looking at are our responsibility. You can't blame them because we put them in place. either by allowing them to cheat the elections or voting for them. This isn't something we can point to them and say it's their fault. It is their fault, but we allowed it. It's our fault too. And we're learning how to stand together and stand in the right way to make things right. And as I said to you before, I think that we need to continue on this You know, it's great that you're on house arrest there kind of, you know, and it is. I just I hope I don't leave anybody feeling sorry for me. I've suffered nothing. like Josh Black and like Don Hazard and Christian Manley, where they have been imprisoned for years when they were just normal people going through their life, doing what a good person does, working, trying to be the best they can be, and then they get attacked by the government. I'm sitting here on a farm at... basically doing life like I did before. When you're way out in the country, once a week you head off to the store, you get everything done in one shot and you get your tail home and you don't want to be in the city anyway because you've got your quiet little nest out in the country. It really hasn't changed for me. There's some things that's harder, but honestly, it has given me time with the Lord and I'm just sitting here going, okay, I am, it would be like Rambo out there doing pushups and pull ups and, you know, punch bag and getting stronger for his battle. And I'm sitting here with the Lord getting stronger and it's like, Ooh, this ain't going to go well for you, but God's telling you, it ain't going to go well. You woke my daddy up and he's big. Yeah, no kidding. That's, that's, uh, it's, it's just really totally amazing. And I really treasure this time. I mean, I really think that we're seeing things that a lot of people would have wished to have seen, because I believe that we're seeing the removing of the old guard. Now, with that said, when you've gotten into such a criminal situation that we have with our government and the global crime syndicate, and it's gotten so big and so out of control, it's like cutting out a cancer, really. the longer you let it go, the worse it's going to be to deal with a problem. And you all know, I've alluded to this a little bit, but I got diagnosed with an incurable cancer years ago, which turns out that there are a bunch of patent liars. And, you know, it's like, I'm going to do a show on it sometime because I've just talked about it just a little bit. But It might be today. I happen to know that if he's willing to talk about it, that Josh has a little bit of a story similar. Well, that's cool. It might be today then. I think it'll shock people because I went to the cancer doctor four times. And I realized that this was a as an independent thinker and an ornery person who doesn't like anything that's normal. You know, I homeschooled my kids. I home birthed my kids. And after a doctor tried to kill my first one and myself, we almost died. And I was like, no, we're done with this. And I just never went back. And so when I see something that's wrong. It's literally wham. That, that, that thing is just completely severed. I don't, I don't typically go back into something that's stupidville just to think that, that they're going to come back and do the right thing. That's not my personality. And so, you know, so, so it's, it's, they're lying to us. So wherever this goes today, I put it in your hands, God almighty, and let people know that, that, that there are answers for everything. If you're willing, to make some changes. and to take responsibility for your own self, for your own bad self. That's what you got to do is you've got to stop the bad choices. Or if you're in drugs, you've got to stop the bad choices. I was not. But anything we do that's destructive, you got to sit down and say, what has been my part in this? Did I have a part in this? Did I not have a part in this? If you did, then you got to stop. If you didn't, okay, now let's unravel where I'm at right now and not look for anything to blame. But just what do you got now and how am I going to fix it with what I have? That's it. That's the only thing you do. All right. I like that. Well, I want to introduce Josh Black. He looks so different from January 6th that the people will not recognize him. I'm excited for him to tell his story. How be you, Josh? I'm well. It is well with my soul. How did you look differently? Because I'd like to see a before and after picture because I'm... Well, the famous picture of me, there's a lot of blood and I had a full beard. It's Alabama and it's 95% humidity. So I had to get the air conditioner installed by removing my hair. But yeah, there's a pretty famous picture of me. I don't know how to share it because my phone is being used for this. So at least you have one that that of Josh, I believe I could acquire one. Yeah, I wonder is did you you know, and I think you might have put one in an email to me. Let me look a minute and see if I can bring the email up that you sent. So go ahead and talk amongst yourselves and I will see what I can find here. Okay. That would be awesome. Yeah. He, um, Josh here, you know, I don't know all of his story. I'm going to leave him for it, but, um, he is the, the famous guy at the police. I'm not sure if it's Metro or Capitol. I'm kind of thinking it was Capitol in your situation, uh, shot him at close range with a rubber bullet. Oh yeah. Got a picture of you right here. It was plastic. It wasn't rubber. I wish it had been plastic. Rubber would have bounced off maybe a little, right? Plastic, it hit my tooth. It came down from the balcony at an angle, hit my tooth, and it exploded. It was like a plastic shotgun shell. It was .59 caliber. And it had like a plastic light bulb type shape on the end of it. I'm assuming after I pulled all the pieces out and it was full of sand. So it was like a shoot them in the chest and their feet go up in the air kind of gun. You know, it was right. And it was like it turned me all the way around backwards like it flipped me around. I thought I got hit with a baton because it was so forceful. And it was so, it couldn't have been a plastic bullet. It was just too, I didn't realize I'd been shot for a few minutes later when I started spitting out blood and there was plastic coming out. And I pulled this big chunk of plastic, clear plastic, and it was kind of rounded. And I was like, well, that's strange. That doesn't, it wasn't registering what happened. And then once somebody, some guy grabbed a hold of my, one of the instigators, he grabbed my arm, so they shot him in the blank face. And then I was like, oh, well, that makes sense, you know, but it was pretty forceful in it. You know, this is a good moment to share with the viewers because a lot of people are not familiar with J6 and what things have occurred. But I have been doing this now for the week. And one thing that I'm hoping I'm getting across to the people is there were a lot of bad acting police out there that day, too. And this was illegal in itself to be aiming at the face of rioters. And mind you, we were not rioters that day until they started beating us up and hurting us. Right. We started out as protesters and they have, you know, rules of engagement. for the police. They have rules for crowd control. They have rules for what is considered lethal force. That was lethal force on you. That could have killed you. It could have blinded you. And they definitely hit you in a position that that very well could have happened. And you had no action to justify it. They were randomly shooting. And that's what I think is so important for the viewers to know. I've heard a lot of people, you probably have too, Josh, where unbeknownst to them, they're making foolish comments, but they're like, well, you shouldn't have been there anyway. Well, first off, yes, we had every reason to be there that day. My question is, why were you not there? You knew that there was something shady going on with the election, whether you agreed it was stolen or not. you knew there were some anomalies during the night to at least justify an investigation. Second off, we were not told we couldn't be there. There was no fencing to tell us we couldn't be there. There were no police telling us to leave. There was a little boom box that nobody could hear because 2 million people were there chanting. And yet they decided to attack in that manner, even when we were peaceful. And I don't know your story, but, um, I'm happy to hear it. So what say you about that? Well, they showed the video in court. There was a guy with a camera directly beside the guy with the rifle or the I don't know what you call it. I guess it'd be a rifle, but it looked like a grenade launcher. It had a big tube on the bottom. I mean, it was it was a big gun and he had the camera directly beside it. So like the rifles here, let's say the rifles here and the camera was right beside it. Like, I mean, it was right. So he was shoot when he shot, they showed it in slow motion and they showed the bullet and it was going directly for my head and about a foot from my head. It dropped, you know, like just enough to where it did. Cause if it had hit me in the temple, that would have been fatal or the eye. I mean, that could have been, you know, that, that would have killed me. That was attempted murder, you know? And it was just surprising. And there's a lot of crazy things happened. When I was in court, they showed a video of me protecting a cop and the cop and the prosecutor gets up there and says, yeah, but it would have been better for everybody if you weren't there. I'm like, that cop would have got boot stomped by them Antifa guys, you know, or Fez. I don't know what they were, but they were, you could tell the difference between people there. There were people just standing around taking pictures and shouting USA, USA. And then there were people that were just aggressively trying their best to aggravate the police. Well, and they were probably targeting the good cops that were there, the bad cops, because we're in a war right now. There were good cops there. There were a lot of good cops. but there was just enough bad ones. And it's like the crowd. There was a lot of majority good people there, but there was just enough bad ones. And that's what happened. It was a bunch of good people were standing around chanting USA. Now, they were angry. They were upset. I mean, the evidence showed that the election was stolen, although they say it wasn't, even though it was never seen in court by anyone. They said, oh, he lost 62 court cases. Yeah, court cases where they never looked at the evidence. Nobody ever went to court. Like, I don't understand why other people keep saying that. Well, to add to that, Joshua, just so you know, I actually got an opportunity to dig into that a little bit because an article came out. What people don't realize is Trump won 32 cases in lawsuits he had filed for a stolen election. See, they sweep that part under the rug. I'm trying to get attention and I didn't know that. Yeah. Yeah. Fake news. It is fake news. It's a real thing. You know, when, when I was at the rally yesterday, there were several people in there that asked like inflammatory questions that were supposed to just be, but you can tell every single one of them that has a, an engineered question and that they're, they're set, they're setups all of them. They're bought and paid. They're part of the Marxist, the Marxist infiltration and coup against this nation. Satanic Marxist. I'll throw in there. Yeah, Karl Marx, most evil people to ever live. I don't know if he was particularly more evil, but the results, the fruit of his tree, was probably one of the most evil things that ever happened in this world. I don't know if anybody wants to comment on that. We don't censor. I don't censor here. You can say anything you want, and it stays up, and it's just the way it is. Terry, I don't have proof for that, but... He was necessary to set up for the end times because there's coming an Antichrist. You know, the Christians will lose. People don't realize that before Jesus comes back, it's going to be bad. And during the tribulation, it's going to be unbelievably horrible. Christians will be murdered by the thousands, maybe the millions. But don't we win when that happens? I'm just saying. Jesus comes back. He's coming back with a sea people. He was a lamb. They call him the lion and the lamb. He's not the lion. He's the lamb and the lion because he was the lamb first. He came and he didn't. When they accused him, he kept his mouth shut. He took the punishment. He paid the price for our sin. And then when he comes back next time, he's coming back with a sword. He's coming back with an iron rod, and he's not asking questions. He's giving commands. He's giving answers. I don't think he's going to be negotiating. I think the negotiation time would be past that. Right now. We're in the grace period. They call it the dispensation of grace. He is forgiving of sin now, but there's coming a time where that's done. That's over with. When he comes back, you've made up your mind. You're going to choose you this day who you will serve. And I was wanting to comment on your previous guest. There's a scripture I was wanting to read, if you don't mind. Oh, please do. For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing. And the politicians are high things. That's why when I went into the Senate chamber and prayed, I was, for lack of better words, I was attacking a high place and I was claiming it for the Lord. But it says casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought of the obedience of Christ. The weapons of warfare are not of this world. Our weapons are spiritual. And that's what we need to focus on. We keep. We keep thinking that we need to do something to help God fix this thing. And there are things we need. We need to vote. We need to do our we need to be. We need to have integrity. We need to show love. We need to have patience. You need to love your enemies. Bless those that curse you. Do good to those who despitefully use you and persecute. That's hard. You know, but if you do that, you're a Christian extremist. And that's what I want. A Christian nationalist? Would that be us? Well, I mean, they use the word nationalist as a bad word, but it's not. It's an honor. America first. I'm not saying we should destroy every country on the planet, but we need to take care of our own people. Our politicians should be doing what's best for us, but they're not. People don't realize this is a spiritual battle. It has nothing to do with Democrat or Republicans because they're Republicans. There's a couple of good Democrats, not many, but there's a couple of decent ones. They're murdering babies. They murdered a million babies in America last year. A million, a thousand, thousand babies were murdered in their mother's womb. God hates the shedding of innocent blood. People don't realize that. God is love, but there's things he hates. One thing is pride. Ooh. I'm stepping on my own toes there. Right. All of us. That was my morning Bible study this morning. I've got a question for you, Joshua. This is going to be kind of tough for you. It may be. I doubt it. So you were directly attacked by a police officer that obviously was not following protocols. When I have looked at so much of this footage, I don't believe the, I don't believe, people just don't know what they don't know, right? So those that are lost and being led by the enemy, I don't believe know they're lost, led by the enemy. They think they're doing right. Because I remember when I was a non-believer, I was that way. There's a script. There's a scripture that says, the God of this world, which is Satan, blinded the mind of those that believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel should shine unto them. They can't see it. That's the thing. Jesus said, John 3, 3, I think it says, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom. He can't see it. He does not. He cannot comprehend it. There's no part of him that will ever understand. Unless you're born again, you don't have the eyes to see it. So that's why people are easily led astray. And they believe lies because the truth is not in them. It's a spiritual battle like that scripture I read. This has nothing to do with all this stuff that we keep talking about. This is a spiritual battle. So therefore, I got a two-part question. Therefore, can you have any hatred for the person or do you recognize the enemy leading that person? Yeah, like I said, it's a spiritual battle. You're supposed to love your enemies. Matthew 5, 44. Just go look at it in the King James because NIV edited out a bunch of it. And I'm an anti-NIV guy. And they took you off for it. Now, one other question. The second part of that question. Did you see an uncanny leading where it seemed like the strongest Christians were being attacked out there that day? I can't say that for sure. I know I was attacked I know I was attacked. I just wonder. I know the praying grandma has been in the news, which is funny because I was a praying grandma. We both had blonde hair. Like, it's kind of funny, not funny. But anyway, you know, she's been in the news because on four misdemeanors, she was she was sentenced to one hundred and three thousand dollars to repay. And she didn't harm an individual. She didn't harm the Capitol. So that's been in the news this week. But one thing I've noticed just so predominantly is it seemed like Of two million people, I know they're, you know, the Lord says broad is the path, narrow is the gate, right? Like it talks about how few Christians will actually enter the kingdom of heaven. And yet it seemed like some of the most powerhouse, born again believing, speak it, proclaim it, cast demons. And those were the ones that I find powerful. my friend list and I don't know if I just draw men or if there was an actual targeting showing the spiritual war is what I'm getting at well the demons can see things that we can't You know, so they know who the Christian is because we glow. I don't know. I mean, I can't say for sure. Can I show you something? Yes. You're going to love this. OK, this goes back to the abortion issue. And I think that we need to talk about this because people think that abortion, it's just tissue. It's just tissue, they say. No, it's not. And I think that because they have hidden the truth so much, they don't understand. They are selling baby parts. They are selling live babies. They're telling the moms the babies are dead and they are selling them. And James O'Keefe actually exposed that. And yet everyone just brushed it under the rug because it was just too ugly. Well, we're not going to let them get away with us because honestly, I think all people need to see this. This is the flash of light at the moment of conception. This is all of us when we began. How can you look at that? A normal human being and say, oh, it's just tissue. Let's look at this again, because this is significant. Every single person out there is going to have to come to the terms. If you think you've got no purpose in your life or that you're not special or you're just there's nothing there is. Each one of us have a unique soul and spirit. We are a spirit inhabiting a body. This is how we all set out. When you kill a baby in the womb, This is the very breath of God going in to create a human being. That is each one. And you can even see, you can even see where the sperm enters in is right there. This is significant and cannot be we can't the science you want to talk. Oh, the science is on our side. Well, it is, it is on our side. Everything points to God and the fact that they're killing human beings and they're doing it for profit. They did it with Pfizer. They did it with the Johnson and Johnson. They did it with the shots. They, they, they are, they are murdering human beings for some sick reason, pure evil. And you know, this is, this is something we are going to have to face. Well, there's a scripture in the, it's the passion. I'm a King James guy mainly, but the passion translation translates this a little better. It says Psalm 139, 16. It says, you saw who you created me to be before I became me. Before I'd ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book. There's a book written about it. God has a plan for your life and it's written in a book in heaven. And we have to make sure that we open that book and then we pursue what he has for us, because his plan for your life is going to be the greatest life you could ever live. Like there's other things you can do in life. You can I mean, you get rich, you have all the fun, you get all the toys. OK, great. But if you do what God has planned for your life, you don't know what life is until you do that. If you're not following Christ, you're not alive. You don't have, you know. Josh, I see that light in you and I get so excited hearing you talk and watching you quote scripture. I mean, you see your eyes read it in your brain where you've embedded it. He's got the cheat sheet in front of him. But let me tell you, I love that. And here's what's so amazing, guys. Josh, how long have you served in prison? It's 437 days, 11 months in prison and 99 days in jail in the gulag. And when did you get out? Ma'am? When did you get out? June 6th, about two months ago. Within two months. And I'm sure Wally was in prison. In fact, I know because I've talked to him. When he first come out, he actually was almost feeling a sense of grief because he not only missed the fellowship, but the Bible studies. Will you share that story? Yeah, there's... I don't take this the wrong way, but there was a large part of my prison experience that I enjoyed. I mean, there was a lot of bad things. Don't get me wrong. But I had all day to read my Bible. Now, there was no air conditioning and that was horrible. But we had 10 or 15 Bible studies a week. I had my best friend. I miss him. I wish I could go hang out with him right now. I would like to go and visit for like go. Spend the night. I would love to go spend a week, just hang out with my friends. There's a lot of good men in prison. People don't realize how many men are in there that have already served more time than they should have. A lot of them were guilty. They were like, yeah, I did the crime. But they're not the same people that they were when they committed the crime. There's a lot of men in there. There's quite a few innocent people in there, too. But there's a lot of men in prison who don't need to be there. And you're not talking about just J6ers. You're talking about all the prisoners, right? Yeah, there's some that are kind of like the church was weird because I mean, it was church was kind of weird. There was there was two or three different kinds of people there. You know what I mean? It was a. There were some people that were in love with the Lord and there were some people that were there just to distract. There were some people there because there was a bunch of ceiling fans. It was kind of cool in there. So it was like, it was almost air conditioned, not quite, but it was, you know, it was kind of, plus they had a band and the music was, you know, kind of rocking. So it was, it was, you know, a good hour where you could get away from, you know, and usually they didn't mess with us too bad in there. So like, but it was, yeah, my Sally, I miss him a lot. I've sent him money. I've sent him some books. You know, I'm like, I'm missing. I'm hoping that we can when he still got like three or four years left. So when he gets out, I'm hoping we can do a podcast because we disagreed about certain subjects. But we had to finally agree to disagree. And we don't talk about that subject anymore. But with those things, you know, but yeah, I miss it because every day at eight o'clock, every night at eight o'clock. The count was at nine, so you had to be in your room at nine, because if you missed the count, they would trash everybody else's room so that they would punish you. That should be criminal, but they will get the other prisoners to punish you. That's what they're doing outside of the prison. They're trying to get us to fight with each other so we kill each other off so they don't have to do their dirty work because they're a bunch of miserable cowards. Well, like the whole racism thing. They're doing that to us on purpose because they don't want the whites and the blacks to hate each other. Why? they don't want us uniting because I've got a black old lady she's elderly I don't know how old she is but she's a I go to her when I cut her grass I always schedule her for last because I'm gonna sit on her porch for an hour and talk to her you know I mean I've had another guy he's not my customer anymore but it was a black dude didn't matter he was I love the guy First day I met him, I knew. I was like, you're a Christian, aren't you? He goes, yeah, how'd you know? I said, what do you mean, how did I know? I can see him on you, you know? And me and him just immediately best friends. Like, I love the guy, you know? I always get so excited to get in the presence of another believer. I attribute it to when... when mary went to elizabeth and they were both pregnant and elizabeth was pregnant with john and mary was pregnant with jesus and what does the scripture say that that john jumped for joy in her womb when coming into the presence of the lord and I believe the holy spirit jumps for joy when it gets in the presence of another believer because we recognize each other's spirits and it's like oh there's my cousin there's my sister You know, it's funny when you do that because, you know, to describe it to other people, but you literally, when you have the Holy Spirit in you, you kind of are not as much trapped into the physical world as you were before. And so you do recognize that spirit. Nobody has to even open their mouths. You sense it. It's like you have a different sense about it. And you can tell when somebody who's a believer in truth or who is just plain Christian, who speaks fluent Christianese, which is a bunch of crap. But somebody who's a true believer, you can spot it a mile away. That's why I get excited about Josh's story, because it's not that prison's light. I know it's not. It's a miracle he's been brought through it. But it goes to show, listen, I'm honest to my own demise. And when even as a believer, when I would see horrific stuff that the that, you know, I would get myself into or or bad situations and people would say, but the Lord is with you. And I think still what? Like I'm still having to deal with this. Right. I'm just being honest. OK. And it's taken growth and maturity in my walk. But what really locked it in place was January 6th. Because I have not served a day of misery. Because the Holy Spirit has been with me, carrying the load, protecting me from it, reminding me who I am in him. It doesn't matter what you think about who I am. He's telling me my value. He's telling me my worth. He's rising me up. And for the first time, I realized, oh, well, your opinion don't matter. But it took me going through this to see that. And that's exactly what Josh emulates through Grayson. That's the destruction of the fear of man. And so like when you see somebody who values the opinion of other human beings. to the point that it's manipulating them or moving them around that fear of men instead of the fear of god and knowing that god almighty is is you know directing our even if you don't nobody agrees with the path you're on god has you on a specific path and nobody has to agree with it or put the stamp of approval on it because who are these people It's like they don't have the right to approve or not approve of us. We're here to encourage each other and help each other hold the bad guys accountable so they can't hurt the good guys or people who are innocent. But but the reality is, is that nobody has that right. And that right of judgment is reserved for God Almighty. We're like a bunch of little kids fumbling around on a playground, throwing rocks at each other and fighting over marbles. It's ridiculous. It's absolutely ridiculous. And it's as old as biblical time. This morning, my Bible study was in 1 Corinthians where where Paul's writing them going, how dare you, you know, reject me like I'm something, you know, I mean, he's writing them over this very topic of I administered you, encouraged you, built you up. I send you a letter to correct you. And now you're going to tell me that there's, there's better, you know, speakers. He's like, I'm not a bad person just because I'm not a good speaker. Like I write you well. And he's, I just find it funny that that's the topic that comes up in here because that was the oldest biblical times right there. Right. Or the other thing is the amount of gossip in the churches or in these circles where people, and they justify it. They'll tell people, oh, you know, I'm praying for this person because, and that justifies it. That doesn't justify anything. True love walks in backwards and lays the sheet over someone and turns their back on sin when it's a personal thing. You don't pray that out in front of other people. That's the absolute absence of love. Jesus came to cover our sins and to help lead us out of doing the wrong thing. And I think that that's the best example of love was when Noah fell asleep in his tent and his sons came in and the first one laughed and paraded it out in front of everybody, made fun of them. The sons that loved him walked in backwards, didn't even look upon it. And, and, and covered, you know, covered. That's, that's not what we do. We don't drag people's sins out in the open, which goes back to the, the, the segment before on OSINT technology. It is a despicable thing to try to drag things out in the open on people to try to tear them down or ruin their families. We don't do that. And it's the antithesis of love, integrity, or it's, it is pure evil, but I digress a little bit. Yeah. I'm sure Josh will jump on it too, but there is a season for it. You know, the scripture tells us confront them in private. If they do not repent and turn from their ways, bring a second witness with you, confront them again. And if they still continue, you expose them publicly in the church. There's a process. It says love covers a multitude of sins. So if you do by that, then you should be okay. The intent is what's important here. Because when you follow that process, your intent is out of love. It's better to cut off your hand. It's better to poke out your eye. Then to fall into sin and lose your your, you know, your salvation. And this is kind of a word to that, you know, I'm doing this out of love for you. I don't want you to succumb to your sin and fall away from your faith. And whereas the person that would expose that immediately is doing it for self-gratification. They want to be right. Better than you, you know. Yeah. It's a really good chapter to read. I read it a lot. I stayed there a while. It says put on and put off about four or five times each. And put on Christ, put off your flesh. I can't quote it, but that's basically what it says. But it says it over and over and over again. So I had to study, what does it mean, put on Christ? And then I read Galatians 5, where it talks about the fruit of the Spirit. That's what people should be... why would somebody want to be a christian if you're walking around miserable all the time and you're worse off than the the heathen you know if you have love because it says uh always have an answer for the hope that is within you and when I was in there the lord revealed to me he says when I he says the hope there I mean the fruit of the spirit And I'm like, well, hope is not a fruit of the spirit. He goes, well, that's just, he says, read it again. And I read it again. I was like, it was like revelation. I was like, okay, so this, this makes sense, you know? So he says, always have an answer for the love, the joy and the peace, the gentleness, the goodness. When you're different than everybody, you got to have an answer for that because people are going to notice that if you're mean and you cut people off in traffic and you're flying a hundred miles an hour down the road, freeway you're no different anybody else I love to go fast but I go the speed limit because I'm a Christian you know it still bothers me working on it but you know I love to go fast I got a v8 for a reason you know I drive a Camaro I heard you say that I'm like I'm convicted I've had more tickets in that car than my whole lifetime put together this is where Josh goes more power you know the odds are that if you keep speeding, you're going to get more. I don't want a ticket. I don't want to say, Oh Lord, deliver me from this ticket. He said, well, I used to quit speed. Oh, the Lord wasn't testing you. You just drove too fast. You know, I want to point out, you just said that. I mean, you clearly stated, you know, don't pray for deliverance. When you know you're in the wrong, you ask for forgiveness. Um, That speaks to January 6th right there. I'm going to I'm going to reel it back to that because, you know, I think I've been known for saying I don't know that anybody doesn't have some sort of dog in the hunt. Now, you might have a little teacup chihuahua. But everybody's got some sort of dog in the house like me. I had to take it back to the cross on my mindset. I was angry that day. I was quick to respond. The scriptures tell us to turn the other cheek. I didn't. I immediately responded. Now, granted, it was out of fear and and surprise. But, you know, there wasn't a there wasn't a breaking of the law. But there was a wrong to my father and I had to take that back to him. And so when these people hear the stories of January 6th defendants and especially those of us that are that are strong with our relationship with the Lord, we have taken some stuff back to the cross on our mindsets or our attitude. Or, you know, so when I say we might have had a dog in the hunt, it might not have been against the law. It was against our relationship with our Lord and Savior. And I think that's true for every single person that's on the planet. It's a constant introspection and smoothing the rough edges off of who we are to be more like God. To try to, I mean, we're supposed to be like, we're supposed to be learning and that we're supposed to be, you know, he's transforming us, but we have to be willing to walk in that direction too and take the instruction and the teachability that comes with it. You know, if you screw up, it's not like you're a horrible person. We all screw up. Don't think you're any better than the rest of us. You know, we all screw up and it doesn't mean that you're a failure or that there's something wrong with you. What was that, Josh? You are a horrible person. You don't deserve it. That's the point. Grace means he gives you what you don't deserve. I had a guy in jail. He was talking to me. He's like, man, I'm trying, but I just keep sinning, man. I just don't feel like I deserve it. I said, well, what are you talking about? He goes, man, I just don't deserve God's love. I said, you're right. You don't. I said, you're a turd. And I don't know what that came about. I think you're talking. because it was a very uneducated black guy and he was, you know, like not exactly high IQ individual, but I was like, God was speaking to him through me. I said, you're a turd. You don't deserve any of it. That's the point. That's the whole point. If you don't understand that, you don't understand any of it. You don't deserve it. You're not a good person. You are wicked. but because of him he paid the price he purchased your sins he put them on himself and he gave you now you're the righteousness of god in christ jesus I'm not a sinner saved by grace I'm the righteousness of god in christ I was a sinner but that died it was buried in the water and then it was resurrected I'm a new creation created in christ jesus unto good works I was created for a purpose and that's to do god's will on this earth I'm not a good person but I'm the righteousness of god in christ jesus Yeah, if you say I'm the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus, go ask my wife. She'll tell you a different story. But, you know, that's a good point, Josh, because at that point, there's one thing you cannot have in your character in order to receive the salvation of Jesus Christ. And that's pride, because you have to humble yourself to acknowledge that you don't deserve it. And you have to take a gift you know you don't deserve. Well, there's a beautiful, there's a Christian rap song. I can't remember all of it says, uh, the goal of faith is to believe that we need to be saved. When I preach the gospel to people, I go through the 10 command or four or five of the 10 commandments. There's a, there's a guy online. I can't think of his name, but he does, uh, He does street preaching, and that's what he does. He goes, hey, have you ever told a lie? Like, yeah. Well, what do you call a person who tells lies? A liar. He goes, well, have you ever stolen anything? Yeah. He goes, what do you call somebody who stole something? A thief. He goes, no, a lying thief. You know, and he's funny because there's a crowd, you know, but he's showing them that you don't deserve it. That's the point. You know, I don't I had a guy in there in prison. He goes, I don't need to be saved. I'm not as bad as that guy. He's a child molester. He's a he murdered somebody. I'm not as bad as them. I didn't commit the crime I'm in here for. I don't need a savior. That was a problem. I said, have you ever told a lie? He goes, yeah. I said, well, then you're a liar, you know. I don't lie anymore. So I don't matter. You have to be perfect. Only perfect people go to heaven. And you're not perfect unless you've been born again. That's what that term born because your old spirit dies and you get a brand new spirit. It wasn't like you get you become a new creation that never existed before. See, I am the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. And God sees me holy and blameless without spot or wrinkle. No blemishes at all. That's the way God sees me. Now, my wife may see me different, but that's not what God's going to judge me on. He's not going to judge me on what I did. He's going to judge me on what Jesus did. And I can't come to heaven and say, I come in the name of Josh. He's going to say, well, there's a fiery pit for you, bro. That's what I deserve because I deserve that. That's what I deserve. If I got to heaven, he goes, you're going to hell. I'm saying, you're right. I deserve it. I wouldn't even argue with him. I mean, nobody's going to argue with him, but... He would be right because that's what I deserve. You know, I've never before I was a Christian, I was a horrible individual. You know, I don't want to mention some things because I might go to prison again. You know, I was a horrible person. I was selfish. It was all about me. And that's one thing I learned is the opposite of love is not hate. The opposite of love is selfishness. The opposite of lust is hate. People say, oh, love and hate. It ain't love and hate. It's love and selfishness because love is not a feeling. Love is an action. What do you do? God so loved the world that he gave. And that's what we're called to do. You know, I don't know how to handle this because we're in a spiritual warfare. The Democrats are wicked. They're murdering babies by the millions a year. A million babies a year they're murdering. They're putting out God's light. He wrote a book about those kids. He has plans for those kids. to live an abundant life in his glory. He made them to be partakers of his divine nature. And now that's taken away. And the devil came to steal, kill, and destroy. But Jesus came so that we can have life and have it more abundantly. That's what he came for. You know, there's a, I call it, there's about eight gospels in the Bible, but that's my own. Like Luke in book Acts, he says, the gospel is basically how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil for God was with him. That's what he came for, to heal all that were oppressed of the devil. Because the devil is the God of this world. People say, oh, God's in control. Yeah, well, you have free will. You know, I could go in there and beat my wife to death if I felt like it. God don't, it's not God's will. I could go steal something. That ain't God's will. I could go, I could do any sin I want, but that ain't God's will. God wants me to live sin free. So I have free will. I choose. Cause we are, he gave Adam authority and then the devil took it away. It's like a lease. The devil has a lease to this planet for, I think about 7,000 years. Don't quote me on that, but he had a lease for this planet. And then we gave it to him. We gave it to the devil. Adam gave it to the devil. And then Jesus came in and took it back. So the devil's still here. He still has the lease, but we got a key to the house now and we don't have to let him in our room. You know, if you give the devil a key to your house, he'll walk in anytime he wants, but he's not welcome here. I don't worry about the devil showing up at my house. He knows better, you know? Casting down a magic, because whenever I get those thoughts, like I had a problem with women, you know, like most men. And I learned that scripture, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ. Now, sometimes when I see like there's good looking women all over the place and when you see one, it kind of catches your eye. That picture will stick. Men take pictures in their brain. That's the way we work. And I have to talk to it. I have to quote that scripture sometimes four or five times, sometimes six or seven times. But eventually, I was addicted to pornography for 20, 30 years. And I never I never thought I could ever be. And even as a Christian, I was still tempted. I still indulge. I still go look at it. And I felt horrible. I felt condemned. I wanted to serve the Lord. But I had this this just strong, lustful desire to I just didn't want to quit. My flesh wanted to do it. And I just couldn't. And then I found that scripture. And the Lord was like, hey, you need to you need to pay attention here. And I don't know why, but I got stuck on that page of that one. that was like a paragraph of my bible but it was one scripture and I just kept saying it out loud over and over and over again I got set free you know the word of god set me free it's a two-edged sword that'll split even your soul and your spirit because we're a three-part being created in the image of god he created us to be like him we are that's why satan hates us so bad because satan was the greatest thing ever made and then all of a sudden we come along and we look just like jesus We have a spirit, a soul, and a body just like God. And he don't like that. He hates our guts. He wants to kill you. He wants to destroy you. And he wants to use you to destroy other people. That's his entire goal. He hates God, but he can't hurt him. But he can hurt you if you let him. But you don't have to let him. The name of Jesus and the blood of Jesus are power. There's power in the blood of Jesus. And you have to remember that. The devil don't have no place in my house. The devil ain't welcome here. He don't come over and mess with me. He knows better. You know, I think that's also a good point over January six that I share with people a lot. You know, we wonder how this happened. You know, I've always wondered how the Holocaust even happened. And now we see it. We see what a slippery slope it is. But, you know, when we falsely let the enemy twist our constitution, a separation of church and state, we open the door for a foothold for the enemy. And that's why he come in through politics, because what were the two things you don't you don't talk about socially, politics and religion? And we literally rolled out a red carpet for him to come in this way and attack. And but Josh, I see where he is doing such a mighty work. And you I love what he this persecution don't you know when you press I always picture when I gotta tell you a quick one When my kids were little, my son came in the house. And as he was walking through the door, he saw a spider. And he went to step on the spider. He goes, oh, look, it's got something on its back. And just as I go to scream, don't step on that, he stepped on it. And baby spiders went everywhere. I mean, thousands of them. And I'm like, oh my gosh, it was in my house. I was freaking out. We're all stomping on them. And I think that's a great picture of a Christian, because when you press us and you try to oppress us and you try to crush us, then all we do is get bigger and broader with more of us because through our persecution, his testimony, you know, when we are weak, he is strong. And through our testimony, we create tons of little Christians. And through Christ, obviously, we don't do it ourselves, but our testimony humbles the heart and it gives a vision for those that hear our story. And I see that happening with you, Josh. And it excites me to see it. And I could not wait for today to bring you on because of that. Watch. And he took a glass and he gets up there and he didn't say a word and he smashes it on the ground and he stands there and he stomps on it for like 10 minutes and everybody's looking at him like, what's going on here? And then the sermon was that if you take a glass. It's a one piece. It's easy to pick up. It's easy to clean up. But the more you smash on it, the more little pieces you get. And it's kind of the same as the spider story. But it's an old parable told a different way. Exactly. It started out as sand. And then as it got pressed and crushed, it become glass. And then the more you try to break it down, the more little pieces you get. That's right. So tell me, Josh, what's your future look like now? I'm waiting on direction right now. I've got an idea I don't want to say out loud yet, but I'm actually thinking about, I've got a lawn care business and I would like to find somebody to either sell it to or give it to or they'd pay me some residual income because I just I'm just god's not with me on it anymore it's like and that's not saying it right it's like I just don't think that's where my future is but uh I've uh I guess I will say it I've been thinking about getting a job at a dollar store because I'll be in front of people and I would have an opportunity to because a lot it's hard to find a good help you know i could go in there and I could I could be a christian and do the best job I can do be the best employee they ever had and uh and I could talk to people every day I'd probably get fired for preaching eventually but I'm cool with that you know but I want to be able to I want to be able to talk to people about the lord and I just I need a way to do that you know and there's 10 000 people on youtube that are preaching every day and it's like I just I mean, like, you know, I still got bills to pay, you know. So, I mean, you got to make a living. I want to preach full time, but I just don't like the idea of doing it for a living, you know, taking up an offering and putting it in my pocket. I just, I don't. I mean, I know it has to be done and that's kind of part of it, but it's. And it's biblical. You know, Paul addresses that. I'm not saying anything against it. I just don't. I just. I know. I hear you. I know what you're saying. That's how I ended up, you know, as a co-founder of American Patriot Relief and saying me and Mark are writing ourselves out of the bylaws. I'm going to trust in the Lord for this. He calls me to be my brother's keeper, and I'm going to do that. And I'm going to trust him to provide for me. And I said, besides, you people suck at providing for people because people aren't givers of their money. You know, greed is such a big problem in our society. And I want the Lord to provide for me. He's a giver in abundance and overflowing. So we just took up that notion and have ran with it. And he has abundantly provided for us. So abundantly at times I feel ashamed. He has made a little spoiled brat out of me. I'm going to tell you straight up he has. I wake up every morning. I'm like, what do you have for me today? What are we going to do? What do you want to tell me? I'm so excited. He'll show me a vision. He'll show me a scripture. I'm a spoiled brat. If I have a day, I didn't hear anything from him. I kind of mope around for the day. so you know it's a beautiful thing and and josh how are you on probation right now uh hold on a second uh yes I am I got 22 months left So just to point out, do you mind sharing what your charges were? I know it's kind of late in this segment to ask that. If you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to. I don't mind. I just don't remember what it was. Three different knife charges and then two different misdemeanors. It was like, I forget, trespass. Basically, I had a knife and I was trespassing, but I had five charges. Tell us about that knife real quick. I forgot. Now I remember. Yeah. Well, I always carry a knife and the Lord told me to go to D.C. And and so I finally made up my mind I was going to do it, even though I didn't really want to. I did. I was kind of 50 50 on it, you know. But I told my dad I was going. He goes, hey, you know, D.C. has got no guns. Because I carry a gun whenever I go to see. I used to. I can't now. But I used to carry it. Like, I live outside of Birmingham. And if I'm going to Birmingham, I'm not going without a gun. You know, I just don't go to Birmingham anymore. But I was thinking about going to D.C. And I was like, my dad's like, 10 people say, don't bring a gun. Don't bring a gun. You'll go to prison. I was like, all right, I'm not going to bring a gun. I said, but I'm not going defenseless. And the fact that I said that I don't want to be defenseless, I got convicted of one of the felonies because it was intended to be used as a weapon. So I couldn't even fight that one because I had said in some recording that I didn't want to be defenseless. And apparently saying that is against the law. So, yeah. Seriously? Yes. Because I said I didn't want to be defenseless, I was convicted of one. Because there was three different felonies and they had three different rules in order to convict you of it. And all three of them were different. It was the same charge, same knife, same building, same... Everything's the same, but it was three... I got convicted of all three. How can you get convicted of three felonies for... I still don't understand that. I had one knife. I didn't have three knives, you know, and it was under three inches, but they just kept measuring. They measured the bolster. They said, well, if you stab somebody, it would go more than three inches deep. I said, well, they changed the rules. They took over the planes in 9-11 with a box cutter, and that blade's about an inch long. What does that matter? You know, I can do way more. If I'm going to want to hurt somebody, I would rather have a box cutter than a big old huge bowie knife. And that's what I want to clarify for the people. So the laws in DC, you're not allowed to carry a gun, which of course all of us Southern folks are allowed to carry everywhere. And the other thing is you cannot have a knife over three inches long. which he did not. So he did not break the law. So they modified the law and expound upon its definition in order to convict on that. Me and Mark had that happen with us on some charges where the assaulting police officers, because they attacked us, they expounded so broadly on the law that when we yelled to them, which we yelled something derogatory when they attacked us, because We didn't expect it, and we just, you know, you get in the flesh real quick. But anyway, we yelled something at them. Well, that was opposing them. So now we were guilty of assaulting police officers because we opposed them. What are these? These are like the Kingpin Super Soldier Snowflake Brigade out there. What the heck's up with that? Six plus five little wuss guys. I mean, they're pretending to be guys and they have to say charges like that. What kind of a man does that? That's not a man. Well, we can learn to call liberal soy boys. So there you go. That's an on man. That's a, that's a, you know, if somebody said that something to my husband, he'd just be like, I just don't care. And then he'd walk away. You know, absolutely nothing there. Oh, they hurt my feelings. They opposed me. Kind of a cowardly wuss. Are you guys? Yeah. Love covers a multitude of sins. It does. Cover up stupidity. Raw, blatant stupidity like that. I'm sorry. There's no excuse for that kind of moronic, ridiculous behavior by people pretending to be law enforcement who we all know we're not. Paid thugs. It is what it is. I always like to point out these scenarios because the public needs to know the public needs to know the truth of that day and how we got caught in their web, how we got caught in their net. Because we're to be what gentle as doves, wise as serpents. And I feel like, for me personally, I kind of let my guard down that day. And I'll tell you another failure that I had that I had to take back to the cross. And it was that I didn't realize that at the time, but I went there not trusting that the Lord was on top of this and correcting this. I went feeling like I had a responsibility to stand on that truth and correct that. And I had to take that back to the cross. So that's why I'm always, you know, And I don't ever want other Jay Sixers to think I'm offending them in some way that we all have a dog in the hunt. But it may not be against, you know, the legal system. It may be against our Lord and Savior where we have to take that back and go, OK, I kind of didn't have such a good mindset there. You know, well, I was on a mission from God, like the Blues Brothers, you know, prison, too, by the way. But yeah. I mean, God told me to go, and I've been praying and fasting because I went to the Dalton rally two days with January 4th, and I fasted either the day before or that day, and I drove up there to Georgia. And then I fasted the next day and then I fasted January 6th. It was like three or four days. And so I'd been praying in the spirit. You know, I did my Bible study when I started driving. I couldn't do it, but I had my audio Bible on my phone. So I was listening to the script. I like to read it better than listen to it. But but I was like I was going because I felt like the Lord was sending me there. But he didn't tell me why. He never tells me why. That's one thing I don't really like. I wish I'd like to get a text that said. That way I can't mess it up. But he wants us to be led by his spirit. You know, as many as are led by the spirit of God, they are the sons of God. But I was just, I was walking around, what am I doing here? The whole time I was like, Lord, what am I, I'd say something. Do you want me to go talk to them? There was a guy preaching out there. He was, he was called himself a Christian, but he was just super hateful. Just, just, I mean, just super hateful. And I went up there and I started throwing him softball questions like, why do I need a savior? You know, like trying to help him out to get him back up because he was just, Like, you homosexuals are going to burn in hell. And I was like, yeah, that, like, catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar, man. Like, you know, it says it's the goodness of God that leads people to repentance. And he was just super hateful. And so I started throwing him softballs. And he wound up yelling at me, you're a liar. I asked him three or four questions. And he goes, and then he gets up and starts yelling at me. I said, hey, whoa, man, I'm a Christian. He goes, well, you're a liar. And I was like, whoa, God's like, yeah, I'm not a liar. This ain't what you're here for. So the guy standing beside him, he was over there praying in the spirit. I was like, hey, man. He's like, yeah, I don't know what we're going to do about this guy. He's hurting the cause. But he had a big speaker, had a microphone. It was like he was sent from the devil. It was horrible. If I wasn't a Christian, there's no way I would have wanted to be one after that. Because this guy was... He was pushing people away on purpose, it looked like. But I walked away, and I'm like, well, what am I doing here? So I walked around the whole, until everything started, I was like, what am I doing here, Lord? Where do you want me to go? What do you want me to do? And I found a prayer tent that had been there for months and months, 20-something months, I think. And I walked in there and started praying, and God's presence was in there. I was like, yeah, I think I'm just going to stay right here, you know? The Lord was like, no, you don't. It's just, look, no, this ain't where I want you to be. And I was like... all right, this is where I want to be. You know, he's like, no, I was like, so I leave out and I, and, uh, I'll start walking towards the Capitol and, uh, And I'm just, I don't have any direction at all. And I get up there and I just started doing the next right thing. And like when the cops started getting beat up, I started trying to get in between them. You know, when that cop got knocked down, I got, you know, hey, whoa, what are you doing? Stop. You know, one guy came up and says, I'm going to kill you and your whole effing family. I looked at him. I was like, whoa. So I said, hey, you know, I figure there's probably a few Trump supporters there. You know, I didn't think all of them were, you know. antifa or feds or whatever instigators and so I was like hey look at this guy he's like he's not a trump supporter and he kind of like tucked his head down and kind of wiggled away and got out of sight you know but uh but that's what I was doing I was basically just trying to protect the cops but I was asking myself hey you need to let us in you know like if you let us in because I wasn't going to force my way in I wasn't going to break the boundary because like I obey the rules I'm a Christian. I'm supposed to. And this wasn't a war. These people were Americans. I thought they were serving their country. I thought they were good men protecting my capital. I wasn't against them. They didn't steal the election. They just showed up. They got a family to pay for. They got bills to pay. So I wasn't against the cops, but I just kept getting in between. I was trying to make peace. Bible said, Jesus said, blessed are the peacemakers. And I like being blessed. So I was going to just try to make peace as much as I could. 20 feet to my left and to my right, there was hardly any violence. There was two guys that kept, I bet good money they were Antifa. Because they were just not, they were trying their best to start fights. And they just kept on vulgar, screaming, hollering, grabbing the cops, just on and on and on. But I was doing everything I could to make peace. And then, you know, one thing led to another and I wind up inside the big God. I got down to the bottom of steps. I'd already been shot in the face and all the adrenaline ran out. I was around the other side. I think it was the east side. And I'm standing out there at the bottom of the steps and the steps are packed so tight. You couldn't have walked up there if you wanted to. And I was sitting down there and I was like, all right, Lord, I'm going to go back to the truck. I'm going to go get I'm done. I've had all I want. He goes, no, go to the top of the stairs. I said, whoa, wait a minute. I said, Lord. And I looked up at the top and they were spraying pepper spray back and forth at each other. i said lord I said they're spraying pepper spray at each other and I've I don't want no part of that like I'm I'm I don't want no part of that pepper spray I said plus and now I made an excuse I said well I can't get up there because they're so tightly packed that I can't and then before I even finish saying it the crowd the guys that got sprayed with pepper spray were walking down in like a military style they had their hand on the guy's shoulder in front and all of them were red puffy face tears couldn't they were all had their eyes and they were blunt you know like squinting and none of them were looking they were just walking the guy in the front was waving his hands like just to get people out of his way and then everybody split like six feet wide and then I looked I could have done jumping jacks walking up through there and I was like they took away my excuse you know because like I was I did not want to go up there and I was like I was done I had all I wanted it was like oh you're a hero I ain't a hero I just you know god told me to go and I was like oh lord I'll try it can I talk you out of this But I wound up going to the top of the stairs, and then people were pushing, trying to push the door open, and it was a 20,000-pound magnetic lock. You couldn't open that door with a semi-truck, you know? And people were crushing. I thought I was going to die. I really, really thought I was going to die because I got crushed so bad that I was breathing like this, like... Cause I couldn't move my chest. It was crushed in. Like I couldn't breathe at all. And I was barely just, I mean, just a little bit of my lungs were getting there and I was breathing really fast, trying not to pass out. And it was painful. Like I was seriously being crushed. And then the door got open from the inside and I was crushed up against the cop behind the door. So I couldn't get out. So, but the pressure got off a little bit. I was trying to get off the cop. So I wasn't hurting him, but I couldn't cause I wasn't strong enough. And cause there was a thousand people behind me. So I wound up wiggling around to the door. I had to get in the door because I was suffocating, you know. So I wound up going in the door. My feet weren't even on the ground. And they said I forced my way in. They said I used my soft, small stature to negotiate, you know. Like if I'd have been a big guy, they'd have said I used my size to get in. But if I was a little guy, they'd have said I used this small size to, you know. So everything – when they say everything you say can and will be used against you, they're not kidding. Everything – we'll be used against you, so I wind up getting in the door, and I'm like, well, all right, now what, I can't get out that door, there was no, I mean, people were crushed, like, they were popping through, like, they'd come through, and it would, like, open up like that, you know, it was just, it was insane amount of pressure, people just pushing, and pushing, and pushing, it was unbelievable, so I get in there, I'm like, what now, everything was packed, and I was like, I just want to get out, I came here to pray, I was just looking somewhere quiet, where I could go pray, I would have found a door, and gotten left, that was my plan, I didn't, really have a plan but I was like that seems like the next right thing so I that shout out to cliff he always says that do the next right thing but uh so I was just looking for somewhere to pray so I wound up finding this uh said door it said u.s senate on it and there was a little desk there and I guess a security guard or roll call guy or something I don't know but it was a little desk and had a little pair of stairs behind it and so nobody was anywhere around me so I got down on my knees started praying and the presence of god fell on me and it was like whoa, it was like the glory of God was here. And I was like, whoa, this is like, this is what I covet. This is what I love. I'm a glory addict. You know, I want more and more and more and more like this. I just can't wait to get to heaven. But like God's glory fell down. Then these guys start walking down and they're like blankety blank, blank, blank. And I was like, well, thanks a lot. You know, like... His glory didn't leave, but it wasn't as strong. It was like I was able to like I was crying. I had to wipe the tears off and I'm like, don't know what I'm doing. Then some guy says, hey, the door to the Senate's open. I was like, well, there's my cue. You know, so I walked around and as soon as I walked in the door, a guy was knocking their little school desk. The room is extremely small. It's not as big as it looks on TV. Like I was surprised at how small it was. And the desks were like little bitty school desks. It was it was weird because I was expecting to be some grandiose, you know, but it was. But anyway, he was knocking the desk over and grab some folders and threw them up in the air. And I said, whoa, hey, man, what are you doing? You were just saying whose house? Our house. Don't destroy our house. And he looks at me like, you know, like, whoa, I wasn't expecting that because he had momentum when we got in there. There was you could feel it in the air. It was like we're going to destroy this place. It was like a spiritual thing. You could like we were there to destroy it. But I wasn't with him. You know, so I said, whoa, what are you doing, man? And he looks at me like, well, and he looks at two other guys. like they were together you know because they were doing the eye you know you know how you look at somebody you can kind of like you know your husband or you know my wife I can look at her and she knows what I'm saying it was that kind of thing they were like what do we do now you know they were like I don't know you know and they went back and forth for a second and then another guy came in and he was like people were sitting in the vice president's chair the president of the senate and uh I was like hey man you can't sit in those chairs he goes well they can steal an election we can't sit in their chairs I said look man I totally agree with you But my battery's about to die. But he said, I said, yeah, you can't sit in those chairs. And so coffee. I can't remember his name, but this big dude comes in there and he kind of helped me out. And then everybody, we were just trying to keep the peace because when we first got there, they were trying to trash the place. And I think that's why God sent me there because I think the goal was to knock all the tables up, trash the place, you know, maybe light it on fire, just destroy it in such a way that it would be, you know, look what the MAGA Republicans did to our house. That's what I hear when I hear your story is you served what God called you there for that day. Well, also, when I got there, I prayed that God would have mercy on our nation for killing 63 million babies. It's 64 or five now. But at the time it was 63 million babies. That's what I was praying. I pled the blood of Jesus. You know, I said, Lord, I plead the blood because we don't deserve it. We don't deserve his mercy. You know, like Sodom and Gomorrah ain't done half of what we've done. Sodom and Gomorrah was like. little house on the Prairie compared to us, you know, the wickedness that America has perpetrated across the world is unbelievable. But I asked God for mercy. I said, Lord, if there's 10 righteous, you know, like just, just help us out. We need, you know, like, I don't know what your plans are, but this just seems to be going in the wrong direction. And, you know, I got done praying and wandered around a little bit and, you know, there's some other things that I've all seen the videos, I'm sure. But, uh, But after that, I just left and went outside. I know your battery is starting to die and we don't want to miss the opportunity for prayer. I want to put this up here too. There's a little bit more of an up close and personal of you getting shot in the face by the cowards that paraded as law enforcement that day in D.C. and shooting towards your face, actually shooting you in the face. And I'm pretty sure every single one of them is going to be brought to justice because The terrorists are the ones in our government. They weren't the J6ers. And it is my opinion. It's terrible. Absolutely. Oh, did you get plugged up? That's awesome. So I love that everyone got to see that picture because a lot of your early impression came from, you know, false narratives. And for me, Josh Blacks was one of those in that, you know, I definitely saw the horror in that they would shoot at the face of a protester. But even for me, You know, like, say, honest to a fault. My first thought was, well, golly, what did you do? How close did you get up there? Like, what were you doing? Your natural reaction is that because we're a nation that we believed was fairness and honesty. And I don't know what kind of dope I was smoking, but I truly thought we had a good government. Yeah, I mean, it surprised me because when the FBI started asking me questions, I told them everything because I hadn't committed any crimes. I'd committed no moral crimes. And I helped. I've been a peacemaker the whole time. I stopped people from destroying the place. They even showed the video in court and they still sent me to prison. They convicted me, gave me 22 months in prison. And I was sitting there like, for what? Like, I've seen people on TV burning buildings down. Lighting cars on fire, punching people in the face. They didn't go to prison. You know, like I'm protecting cops. They beat up cops. They get paid money and I go to prison. You know, I just never saw that coming. I thought I thought we had just I thought the scales of justice was wearing a blindfold. You know, the scale is fair, you know, but it's not. It's not. And it's devastating when we figure it out because we thought that we were that naive. I can remember my first court hearing and I'll probably get emotional even saying it. But I remember when I saw it come up on the screen, the United States of America versus Jaleesa Middleton. And I thought, I'm not against them. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I saw that. That really bothered me. My dad fought in Vietnam. My brother fought in Afghanistan. My grandfather was in North Africa and war worked. My family goes in the military all the way back to forever, you know. And to love our country that much and be called traitors, to be called insurrectionists, that was so stupid. And I tell people all the time, you know why they didn't charge us with insurrection, don't you? Because then all of our attorneys would have started trying to prove the stolen election to show that we weren't insurrecting. And they could not afford to have that research because that would have uncovered what they're trying to cover up. If they had appointed you an attorney, they wouldn't have. Oh, I don't know. I had an appointed attorney and I would I would definitely say he would have not not everybody is definitely an officer of the court and has an allegiance to the court. But some people are like you and me, Josh, where we have a higher allegiance to the Lord Jesus Christ. So but I will tell you, they were a unicorn riding on a rainbow. So you had to reach out to find them. Well, do we have any last words for today? And then let's say a prayer. Josh, I would like you to say the prayer today. All right. That would be awesome. Hold up one second. I just want to say, please go help Josh out with his gifts and go because they're trying to stay on their feet while still under this persecution. And also to go to American Patriot Relief and become a monthly donor. We serve the January 6th defendants. We're all volunteer donors. And we are in it to till the very last one comes out of there. And even then we're going to be in there for the politically and religious persecuted. So please go there and become a monthly donor. Okay. Before I pray, can I give a few shout outs? Sure. I was on a cowboy logic on rumble and I think it was seven 20, but my picture is on the, the, the most gruesome picture is on the header for the, for the thing. And I think it's the second hour. And, uh, my favorite musician is Josh Geralds. It's a Christian musician. He's independent. So he's, he, he should be on the radio cause he's got about 10 albums and there's everything from rap to bluegrass. I mean, there's no telling if you don't like one song, just listen to the next album, you know, but it's my favorite artist. And there's a book called heavenly visitation by Kevin Zadai, Z A D A I. I highly recommend that everybody get that and read it. It may challenge your, your, uh, denominational thinking, but it's a very powerful book. And I think it's something that a lot of Christians need to read. It's Heavenly Visitation by Kevin Zadai, Z-A-D-A-I. I highly recommend that. Thank you. Thank you for that. All right, let me pray. Lord God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth and the sea and all that in them is. Lord, I thank you for your grace and your mercy. I thank you for the blood of Jesus, without which we cannot come to see you. We would have to live apart from you. But because of your love for us, you sent your son to pay the price to purchase us from darkness into your light. And Lord, I pray that you give everyone who can hear my voice. the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you. Pray that the eyes of their understanding will be enlightened, that they will know what is the hope of your calling and what the riches of the glory of your inheritance in the saints. And what is the exceeding greatness of your power to us who believe according to the working of your mighty power, which you wrought in Christ when you raised him from the dead and set him at your own right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion and every name that is named, not only in this world, but also that which is to come. And has put all things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body. which is those who call on the name of Christ. Father, I pray that you strengthen everyone who hears me. And for those that do not know you, Lord, I pray that you knock on the door of their heart. And anybody, I just thank you, Lord God Almighty, in Jesus' name. And anybody out there who is not a believer, you can't trust what your mind is telling you, but your heart is telling you right now that this is something you want to do. There's a difference between your soul and your spirit. Your spirit is what God is trying to talk to. And that's the part that you need to be led by. If you want peace and love and joy and kindness, if you want to be a good man or a good woman in this world, you have to follow the Lord. There's no other way. You have to give your life to the Lord. There aren't two choices. jesus said you must be born again it's not an option there's a lot of options in this world but being born again is not one because you are full of sin maybe some worse than others but you are full of sin and you do not deserve to go to heaven but jesus paid the price for you and your your heart is telling you right now that this is true you have to let's don't he said if you will hear my voice harden not your hearts Because if you harden your hearts, eventually you won't hear that voice at all. But if you're hearing that voice right now, that's the Lord speaking to you. That's God telling you that he loves you and he wants you. He desires you more than you can imagine. There are no words to explain. It's peace that passes understanding and joy unspeakable. The Bible cannot even describe how good it is because there are no words. Listen to what your heart is telling you now. He is the Lord. You just believe that he was born of a virgin. He lived a holy life without sin. He died, and after three days he was raised again, and now he's seated on the right hand of the Father. If you ask him to save you, he will. That's his greatest desire. All of heaven will throw a party when you do. So just go get your Bible, read John and Romans. and ask God to give you understanding because you can't understand it without the Holy Ghost. But if you read your Bible, read the book of John, read the book of Romans, and ask God to give you understanding, and he will. He wants to. He wants you to be saved more than you want to be rich, more than you want to be famous, more than you want to be happy. He loves you more than words can explain. There are no words to describe how much he loves you. And he has a plan for your life to do great things. Now, you might not wind up going to prison like some of us, but, you know, he has a plan for you. And it's a good one. All right. That's it. Thank you for that. Thank you. I feel the Holy Spirit moving and I'm excited to hear from the viewers. I have a feeling that he did a mighty work through you and he's continuing to do it. And it was definitely my honor to have you on the show today. Donna, thank you for giving a platform for this. You don't even know what you're doing. You don't. Thank you. It's a blessing every day to be on here and listen to the stories and realize that it the stories of our lives that tell the truth of what we're going through right now and to document this for future generations to be able to see what's going on and watch people who have come up against tremendous persecution and still be able to get back on your feet again and give the glory to God Almighty in all circumstances in life, no matter what we faced. we can still get back up on our feet and we get right back in the fight again for God's good purposes. And we give the glory to God and realizing that this is the path he gave us. Sometimes it's a difficult path. And we didn't even get into the cancer thing today. I was hoping to get into that. But, you know, Josh, I would love for you to come back on in the future. And maybe that's the time to have that discussion because there's so many things that everyone is facing on a daily basis. whether it's provision. I really think, one of my friends is running from office and she said, I can't get anybody to donate. I said, nobody's donating because they're having such a hard time just surviving from what these politicians have done to everyday Americans and our businesses. And the cost of housing and the inflation, this is all engineered to break us down. And this is where we can stand there and say, you know what, they can knock us down all they want, but we're not going to stop. And we're going to give glory to God no matter what comes in our direction. It's okay. And it's going to be okay. I think that when you trade out the things of this world for the things of God, That is the treasure that you will give everything you have for when you realize it, it changes everything. And you're not just going to be okay. You're going to be fabulous. And, you know, it's like no matter what happens, you're going to be fabulous because it doesn't get to you in the way it does if you don't have God where you're walking with him. He's talking to you. He's protecting you and such. And it's a totally different reality. So I think that's one of the greatest altar calls I've ever heard in my life, Joshua. And I thank you so much for what you have to say. Let's do this again. Schedule Josh again, please, Delise, because I'd like to come in and talk again because this is where the rubber meets the road right there. I'm definitely bringing him in. He has got to get his, you know, I always want to share with people who they were before and, you know, what Jan 6 looked like and what are they going through now and how did Christ work in that? Those are the four questions I really want to answer for people. But Josh has a great past story, even before Jan 6. God has been using him for a long time. I'm sure he has. We're going to hit that. We're coming back in on that. Don't think you escaped, Josh. We're coming after you. I was a quadriplegic, so we'll leave it at that. This is going to be a great discussion when we talk about health care issues, because I think that when people have to face unovercomeable odds, how the world defines them, and you have to face, you either face death or you face things like that. And all of a sudden, the world changes in ways that you never expected. And you see not only miracles of God, And it's not what we want. He always gives us something better. When things don't go the way that we define what we want to see happen, and we get rid of all of our preconceived notions, and we just follow him, and we refuse to stop walking, we just continue step after step after step, not seeing the future, not caring what it brings, because we know who holds the future in his hands. And so when you get rid of all that, you brush that all out of the way and you realize we came here with nothing. We leave here with nothing. And anything we have, we're going to lay that at the feet of Jesus Christ himself. But anything in this material world, it's a gift from him. We can enjoy it, but it can be gone that fast. And that's an okay thing because what we think we have here and what we really have in Christ is so different. And it's not something to fear. It's something to run into fear. full on with no fear or trepidation. I look forward to looking into my savior's face full on. And you know, that, that is, that is every day I'm here. I'm like, all right, God, come on. I'm here. That's great. But I'm homesick for heaven. You know, we're going to, we're going to do what we need to do here because it's, it's what we do, you know, but, but, uh, I think those of us already know where we're going. Some of us have already seen it. And, uh, The reality of what is before us is so beautiful. And the trinkets we have here are that, they're trinkets. And it's something to look forward to, not to dread, but make every day and every minute you have count. Tell those people around you that you love them, that they're important, that they were that flash of light. that they matter, that their thoughts matter, their actions matter, the things that are important to them matter because God put that into each and every one of us. And it's a gift. Even those things that we're annoyed with in other people, it's a gift. And he's going to use those things to knock those rough edges off of us as he creates that beautiful diamond that shines for him. And what does it shine? It shines the light of Christ. It's not us. We just reflect him and he shines through us. And may God take away anything where people see us and only see him. That's what we want. So thank you so much for the prayers. And this is where we go to that part of the show, boys and girls, where we go ding, ding, ding, ding, go to because I'm the best non-conceited or whoever didn't concede, not conceited. in the history of the United States, and I would still like to have a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, which we acknowledge and will fight for until the day we die, because they not only stole him and his rightful taking of that office, they attacked a seated president, Jay Six, but they deprived Americans of their voice and their right to have a decision in the self-governance of this country. And whether anybody likes President Trump or not, get past yourself in the little bit of a, oh, you know, I don't like his mean tweets. I don't like this, that, and that. It doesn't matter. They attacked on the basis of an unlawful action in a coup that they launched against us. And when they attack one of us, they attacked us all. And we can't back down from that for a minute. We do not back down. When we see people whose rights have been violated, whether we agree with them, whether we like them, it doesn't make any difference. Stand on principle, stand on wavering and stand to your very last breath until we write this. We're in a war and the war right now is. What we need to pray for is, you know, your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. And until that fight is done, we stand. We don't have to win it all. It's not about us. But what it is, is about the individual choice to do the right thing. No matter what happens around us, we're still responsible to do the right thing. And so there you go. We'll be on tomorrow. And we have, who's on? Joshua Hernandez is on tomorrow. And I look forward to Joshua Black coming back very much. And so thank you both for the time today. And so we're going to end it with our little heart hands. God bless you all out there. God bless all those whom you love. And God bless America. Make it a great day. It starts here. It starts here. And it starts here. Because God will give you the strength to make it through anything and to carry you through no matter what. Because guess what? He ordered our steps. He cannot. I said that from the very beginning when I was running. People were coming to tell me, you know, it's likely you're going to be killed during this run because I'm kind of a not back down kind of a gal. And I'll, you know. I'll stick it right in their faces, right? And I'm like, well, the problem that they have is that they can't kill me because of the fact that God alone will be ending my life. And no man can kill us when you are in Christ. It is God that determines the days of our life so we can walk forward with no fear. And in any situation that he calls us to do, realizing that Our lives are in his hand and we lay them at his feet, realizing that whether we have five minutes, an hour, two weeks, two months, 20 years, 100 years, God determines that. And so we don't have to be afraid of men and and it's going to be OK. So thank you so much for being here, both of you. I really appreciate it. Stay on the line a minute. We'll talk a minute. Best altar call I've ever heard in my life. And thank you so much. And we'll be seeing you tomorrow. Stay on the line, you two, please.