BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/8/2024 Commander Jay Furman, Captain Baron Reinhold & Antonio Jone

Published Aug. 8, 2024, 9:03 a.m.

9am Commander Jay Furman - Retiring after 28 years of military service helping our nation’s allies, he has returned to Texas shocked by our fake borders, lost freedoms, and sky-rocketing prices. After watching similar trends in other nations, he has decided to take a stand at home against bad policies causing problems that are clear and present dangers to South Texan’s safety, freedom, and survival – for generations to come. Furman’s campaign is not politics as normal, because nothing is normal right now. It is a clear-eyed call to action for Texans to defend their Republic. For as Texas goes, so goes the nation. Commander Furman is an America First conservative, Christian, devoted husband, and father. His policy priorities align with the Constitution and limited federal government. Most governing should be pushed down to state and local communities, where people know their problems best and competitive markets thrive without federal regulations that enrich special interests and fatten bureaucrats far from home. Most of our problems are caused by lying politicians in Washington, who use your money create solutions that only make the problems worse and make them seem more relevant. Today’s Democrats are the most radical and lawless in history. South Texans did not vote for: fake borders, gender madness, a weakened military, sky-high prices, energy dependence, another foreign war, arrested political enemies, spying on the American public and Church, giving up our gun rights. Rep. Henry Cuellar has. In fact, he has voted with President Biden 95% of the time. Commander Furman’s priorities are Land, Liberty, and Prosperity. His call to action Enough Talk* focuses on community-driven solutions that reject distracting circus politics with practical approaches to local issues, emphasizing a commitment to action over empty talk and pork barrel politics. Commander Furman’s vision takes back our southwest border, empowers South Texas small business, blocks the woke insanity, and puts Texans back in-charge of their day-to-day lives —- not big business, not big media, and definitely not today’s Democrat-run federal government. It is none of their business how you raise your children or what values you instill in them. It is none of their business how you put food on your own table. They should get out of your way so you can do those things, while they protect borders, increase trade, and keep Americans guarding their own citizens. 10am Captain Baron V. Reinhold, USN (ret.) was in the Navy from 1985-2020 and was a Naval Flight Officer, also a co-founder of Middle East Missions in 2007 and currently serve as its president. Baron began a consulting business after retiring from active duty on 1 Jan 2020 and was a Republican candidate for Sheriff of Gwinnett County in 2024. Captain Reinhold grew up in Miami, Florida and graduated from Miami Palmetto Senior High School in 1985. He then enlisted in the Navy and attended the Naval Academy Preparatory School in Newport, Rhode Island. In 1990, he graduated from the United States Naval Academy with a Bachelor of Science Degree in History and was “winged” as a Naval Flight Officer (NFO) in December of 1991. His first operational tour was with VP-22, the “Blue Geese” at NAS Barbers Point, Hawaii. Following OPERATION DESERT STROM, he deployed with VP-22 to the Persian Gulf to enforce the United Nations’ sanctions against Iraq and support OPERATION RESTORE HOPE in Somalia. After decommissioning the “Blue Geese” in 1994, Captain Reinhold reported to the “Screaming Eagles” of VP-1 and conducted workups and a WESTPAC deployment as a “Screaming Eagle.” In June of 1995, Captain Reinhold reported to VP-30, “The Pro’s Nest” at NAS Jacksonville, Florida, where he served as a Fleet Replacement Squadron (FRS) Instructor NFO for three years. He went on to serve as the Communications Officer for Commander Carrier Group FOUR (CCG-4) in Norfolk, Virginia from April 1998 to December 1999. He then attended the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) in Monterey, California where he earned a Master of Arts Degree in National Security Affairs in 2001. Immediately following 9/11, Captain Reinhold reported to the VPU-1 “Old Buzzards” at NAS Brunswick, Maine, where he deployed as a detachment Officer In Charge (OIC) and Mission Aircraft Commander executing critical JCS tasking in the PACOM, EUCOM, and CENTCOM Areas of Responsibility (AORs) to include combat detachments at the outset of both OPERATION ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM (OIF). As a result of their combat performance the “Buzzards” were awarded the Battle Efficiency (Battle “E”) ribbon in 2003. Captain Reinhold then reported to the United States Navy Central Command (USNAVCENT) Headquarters in Manama, Bahrain, in September of 2003, where he served as the Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Operations Officer and then as the Security Cooperation Officer. He served as Professor of Naval Science and Commanding Officer of Naval Reserve Officer Training Corp (NROTC) Atlanta Region from July 2015 until retiring in January 2020. NROTC Atlanta Region consisted of Midshipman from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Kennesaw State University, Georgia State University, Morehouse College, Spelman College, and Clark Atlanta University. Antonion Jones - A Christian husband, and father of 4 girls is a native of Birmingham, AL. Graduated from Tennessee State University with a bachelors in Information Technology. All state football player and track athlete in High School(Graduated with Honors) and 2xs college football champion. Served as the president of his HOA, former Planning Commission member, and deacon at his church A 20 year registered business owner in the state of GA. One business includes branding for small businesses that include: photography, web, and graphic design. Business #2 is landscaping in the Gwinnett Area which includes over 1000 services per year. Antonio has helped 3 other gentlemen in the Gwinnett area become business owners by providing them with many overflow customers from his business. In addition to these 2 businesses, a significant amount of time was spent in music production and audio engineering. Being in audio has helped with the footing of an unexpected venture into the podcast world. Antonio started War Room Gwinnett County after seeing so many bad things happening in the Gwinnett County School system. The podcast is not limited to the schools. It also covers the DA, County Commission, City Council, and Sheriff's office. These 5 areas of focus that can enhance or destroy local society. He believes we are in a fight for our nation and everyone that believes in God, Family, and Country must stay and/or get involved and make a difference. The Bible says "without faith, it is impossible to please God". We must have faith but we also have to do the work. I have much respect for your courage and work ethic to make a difference. #gothedistance X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the eighth day of August 2024. Welcome to our show today. For all of you who are in Michigan, we can breathe a sigh of relief because finally the humidity decided to go away and the temperature started to drop, which was Absolutely fantastic. I hope that everybody is recognizing the day for what it is today. It is National Leave a Zucchini on Your Neighbor's Porch Day. And I got to tell you, I think I could feed our whole town with the amount of zucchinis I have in my garden because my overachieving son planted. all the seeds and all the seeds germinated. So at any rate, it's going to be going to be a fun day today. So I've got today is apparently Navy Day, which I think is fun. My first guest is Commander Jay Furman. He's a retired Navy commander. And, you know, we have to retire has been working on the border. So I'm sure we have a lot to talk about. I did interview him at Turning Point USA and and our Turning Point Action. and was really impressed with the amount of professionalism that he has, as well as, I think this guy's got his act together, okay? And so with that said, he's running for office, and I wanted to introduce himself to you. And then after that, I have another guy from the Navy, and he is a captain, Captain Naval Flight Officer, Captain Baron Reinhold, who I've had numerous discussions with. I really have fun time talking with him. He's got the special kind of ornery that Donna Brandenburg has with the nonsense that's going on out there, which I personally like. And he's bringing on with him Antonio Jones. So this is going to be a fun interview. So with that said, I'm going to bring on Commander Jay Furman. How are you? Good morning, Donna. How are you? I'm happy to be here. Yeah, thank you. I look forward to this interview today. I'd like you to introduce yourself to everyone and give everybody a little bit of an idea of what you have going on down there with your run and then also your history, what you've done over your life. Because I do think that the stories we tell about our lives really are more important than the little headline bits that people throw out there. Sure. Yeah. That's a nice way to quip that. Lots of things thrown around these days. So, yeah, you said it. I'm retired after 28 years in the Navy. I've come back home to my home state of Texas. And I find it not as I left it. And I take umbrage to that. In fact, it's more... It's more than those polite speak. It's really resembling borders I've been on, the worst borders I've been on in the world. And after you've experienced the thing that is most dangerous to Western civilization, that's killed more modern nations in history, that is illegal mass migration, that's weaponized, then once that is in your nose and you can recognize the look and feel of that, You don't want it to happen to home, and that's what's happening here. Texas has kind of been the gateway for it, and we have the longest border on the southwest border. We are running in a district that traditionally the worst of the worst come through. This district's 230 miles of border, but the most guns, the most drugs, the most money pass through this border, and usually the most people, but we're doing kind of a blocking maneuver in Eagle Pass, Greg Abbott, and a lot of folks are flowing around Texas now. But nonetheless, a lot of folks just come in and a lot of people have arrived. And that part, that last part is the most dangerous. And that's really kind of my clarion after having served overseas and experienced weaponized mass migration several times. It's really a weapon of war, as I said, and it's an insidious one that's really difficult. to back off from once you've ingested that weapon. Now, these are poor souls that have entered our country, most of them unwitting to this Machiavellian idea, but make no mistake, our enemies and maybe people from inside corrupted have created this intentionally to really bring America to its knees and maybe worse. So that's why I am running here in the great state of Texas. Of course, a lot come with security everywhere I've operated in the world. Security didn't happen unless you have a robust economy. It's always been the case with America and really the source of our strength. And so and then really the third part of my platform is really responding to the cultural attack that's happening across the nation. And that truly is a distraction. So if you understand hybrid warfare, fifth generation warfare, You understand that the cultural attack is to distract us from these two mainline attacks. That's the physical attack for our border and the fiscal attack to the dollar. And that's happening at a rate that we thought unbelievable at this moment. Just the spending all the way to the upsetting of longtime allies that have caused them to walk away from things as provincial as the petrodollar. It's really kind of what we're all sitting or standing on. So, yeah, I'm back to Texas. That's Congressional District 28. just gives people some geography. I like to say it begins with the Alamo that's in the district. So it's San Antonio down to Laredo and then runs the Rio Grande River to Rio Grande City and then up. So we're a massive district here in Texas, as said, the second longest border, but really the most intractable part. 20-year incumbent I'm running against. And we felt called to this area because the values of the National Democrats, which he REPRESENTS, DESPITE HIS MODERATE SPEAK, BUT HE VOTES WITH THEM ALMOST 100% OF THE TIME, DON'T MATCH THE GOOD PEOPLE OF SOUTH TEXAS. 85% HISPANIC ACROSS MY DISTRICT, AND REALLY THIS IS A POPULATION, DON, I THINK THAT SHOULD REMIND ALL OF US AND WILL REMIND ALL OF US, AND PERHAPS IF I CAN JUST SAY IT, MAY SAVE AMERICA In that reminding and in becoming active politically, the Hispanic population hasn't largely, as compared to other people groups, left the values of God, family, country. And so we are really proud of that. And that's a South Texas Morite all the way through. And no matter your background, So I really believe that we can be a bannerman, if you will, or a guidon bearer to signal to the rest of the nation and the Hispanic nation across coast to coast that it's time to move over to the Republicans where your values are more aligned with their platform and not the radical thing that's running us off the fiscal and the physical cliff. And to say nothing of the attack on our kids that's an assault that we never thought they would be in the trench warfare of the Third World War, which Yeah, you could really make a very strong argument that we're amongst right now. And the most dangerous part is most people don't realize. Yeah, it's kind of crazy to watch what's happening and the things that people are capable of in regards to children. I mean, things that we never, ever thought would be possible. So there's a couple of things I wanted to have you talk about. One is your service, because I'm totally amazed by that. And I believe the fact that you're a helicopter pilot. Which, right? I was helicopter, jets, props, the whole thing across my career. Yes, ma'am. Okay. So like you hit every single one of those things that Donna Brandenburg is obsessed about because I love aircraft. And so took flight lessons and that sort of thing. And I find airplanes and all aircraft to be absolutely amazing. I like looking at how the technology of how they fly. I like looking at the engines and And and everybody knows SR 72 exists. OK, so no matter how much they try to hide it. So at any rate, you know, those kind of things I'm really important or I think is important. So I'm interested in that. But in when we talk about the human aspect of the border and I and also the Democrat Party, I think there are a lot of people. and both the parties that are super lost right now, because things aren't what they thought they were. They thought that they were standing for human beings and human life. I think one of the best apologies I ever heard was from Robert F. Kennedy Jr. when he said, I was standing right next to him, and he said, we made a mistake. He said, I thought that this was going to be compassionate. And he said, we created the most dangerous humanitarian crisis the world has ever seen. And I thought that was really amazing when you don't know something and you're willing to take responsibility for it. It's really super inspiring. And I've got a lot of respect for anybody that does that. The human part of it, going back to that a lot of people are unwittingly and they're victims of what's going on there. What have you seen that helps people have a balance, not just... you know, the fact that all illegal aliens are bad and they're here to take our vote and this, that, and the other thing, because there's truth to that. But I don't think that they're necessarily always complicit. And I want to know how many of these people have been kidnapped, forced, coerced, threatened their families at home for it with death. I mean, this is, there's bad people that are behind this. Yeah, they're a hundred percent are, you know, I, Yeah, RFK really kind of said it right. And a lot of people were well-intended. And so if I could speak to that real quick, and back to my service, so I'll tie that in. You know, half the career I was a pilot in the main and I flew. Well, I began flying Blackhawks on the border before I left Texas in a drug mission and fire and everything else the National Guard did. But then, you know, I went to college, Texas A&M, and then after that switched over to the Navy and flew different things at the E6B Mercury, which is the global STRATCOM. command and control uh platform airborne and uh which that's nukes and then uh and then and then halfway through my Naval career I uh became very interested in foreign affairs uh when I was at you know in port I would uh help the uh our command staff with uh the the diplomatic duties that we assume as a naval ship pulling into port you're basically a floating Embassy We're set up for that on an aircraft carrier for sure. And so my admiral piqued my interest in becoming what we call a foreign area officer. And then they shipped me off and I've forever been chasing that. So I've served in Africa. Where were you when you were doing that? I'm really curious where you ended up traveling to. Oh, yeah, sure. So, you know, pre-foreign area officer minting, I was in Southeast Asia and sailing around that entire area of operations. And so, you know, we pull in and you have just all kinds of people come on board the ship and we entertain on the ship. And, you know, people understand it's not just soirees and parties. You know, I was made aware of the importance of this kind of craft and, you know, think back to, well, I don't know, any kind of old maybe... But, you know, one of my extra duties at sea was strike operations, but then by night, if you will, I was officer of the deck underway. And so we received intel one night steaming through that AOR in some area, and that we needed to move the entire strike group a certain distance and a certain direction away from a certain area. And that came from a cocktail party in Tokyo that a foreign area officer had discerned and put things together and sussed out through human intel and social interaction and that sort of thing. And we immediately moved an entire strike group away from a thing. And it proved correct, accurate, and just I thought, wow, that really happened. And that does happen, apparently. And so it's kind of this kid's wildest dreams, thinking this whole, all this world of intrigue and military kind of go together. And then from there, the Admiral, in the conversations, pursued that. So talking about our border and other borders, I've served on African borders. I've served on some of the places that people would consider the worst borders, where populations have moved around those borders like a bowling ball inside of a car wreck. And that's the danger analogy, if you will. And yes, my number's 15 million, it's probably north of that now, as far as what we've ingested since Biden came into office January, 2021. And because the border patrol aren't counting by half and we don't know what comes in in the dark of night, in between the ports of entry, we're in carpet squares and sneaking in the worst of the worst people and carrying the worst things and the worst intentions. So those numbers are really, the actual numbers are very high. But so, you know, on the outside of this, what I call basically a human bomb are a lot of unwitting people. And they came here for opportunity, and we attracted them, just like RFK said, and we thought we were doing the right thing. People sold it to Americans, whoever, because we didn't vote on this, but whoever was, you know, by proxy deciding this or had to be sold on the idea, thought that we were, you know, bringing people in to help them. But really, we're drawing them through a meat grinder humanity. They're raped and killed on the way in. There's There are pits south of our border, major towns, called Descartes pits, and this is where you just kind of throw the bodies. We're talking children, women, everybody. It's really terrible. People need to have in their mind it's not the Statue of Liberty these people are walking toward, the land of opportunity and liberty, Ellis Island, if you will. It's not that entry point. This is a population we're breaking to bring in. They arrive that way, and they really enter into second-class citizenry because they can be taken advantage of by American employers, and then to say nothing of the cartel who has the vic on them. You never get out of that debt, whether you paid it or not. They still own you because you are in that kind of odd in-between status as not citizen, and they peel people off all the time for illicit trade. And the cartel is moving everywhere in our country The crime is not just paying the coyotes to get into our country. I mean, that's not their profit center. Profit center is that plus drugs and plus all the other industry that they're getting involved, the illicit industry to get involved in our country. And then they're making it horizontal. So they are trying to launder that money in every way possible, car dealerships, restaurants, retail, agriculture. The cartel is trying to move into every industry it can because we have enriched the largest organization in the history of man right on our southern border who can facilitate any sort of evil into our country and are presently sending those volleys. uh you know through you know and other countries are using them to do that so we're talking about the iranian terror network we're talking about the russians have been down a long time actually and and the chinese I mean there are troops of chinese who seem coming across marching into our and our borders and that's real the the pla the people's liberation army is actually working with mexico right now officially in a security cooperation capacity which is what I used to do in other places overseas with our allies And they're helping them build infrastructure south of the border. But the Chinese never go anywhere without it centering on their interests and the usually two-sided interests. So, you know, as a for instance, there's a Chinese domestic law that says anything the Chinese build or have, you know, part in building, they own anything that touches it. So any kind of intel that comes in, any radio wave, because they build sensors into infrastructure in places like Africa and others that they do this, and ostensibly Mexico, but I don't know any specifics, you know, and so that's all sucked into Beijing. So they're here on a zero-sum, you know, hegemon, you know, A reshuffling game. And they're using their proxy Mexico, which is corrupt from the stem up. And the biggest middleman and the most dangerous list organization in the world is the cartel. And our leadership is complicit with this. Now, let's just say they bought off on the lie that, hey, I need voter replacement because we can't get Americans to vote for us. No one's showing up to our rallies, so let's import them. And or wage reduction. And that's the other side that's bought off on this thing. And it's really, you know, those things are neither are going to be healthy for this country. Obviously, non-citizens voting for American elections is a non-starter and you can't. You know, even the state of Texas, you have to have an ID to vote unless you don't have one. Scroll on down. You can check a box. You can even get an ID card, which are automatically registered. You just have to swear a firm by threat of, you know, of law that you are able to vote. And so this is a problem that we're importing, and it's really a shame. Let me just say, Donna, America is an immigration nation. That's our secret sauce. But this is warfare in this kind of a new era. Hiding in plain sight is one of the most dangerous things, and that's what they've done. They've camouflaged this attack through something that we all know and recognize. We think immigration, okay, well, it's up a tick. Okay, fine. Well, it's way past up a tick. But, you know, even the Texas story, you know, our Mexico-Texas story of kind of one population, one border, you know, fluid seasonal workers, this sort of thing, we've had, you know, a symbiotic relationship for hundreds of years. And more or less, there's been some contention, but certainly, you know, 100 years plus, we've worked it out in one way or another. They're attacking that greater familia, if you will, and running through our border like a Trojan horse. And so our domestic issue has turned into an international attack, no kidding, on our southern approach. So we should all think about the southwest border as the new Maginot Line, because it is a demarcation in this war that is on our shores. Yeah, it's really amazing. And I don't know how people can look at the invasion and call it anything other than an invasion and a complicit coup from our elected officials. And so if you're running against somebody who's a 20-year veteran in the office you're running for, is that correct? He's a 20-year incumbent. He's a 20-year incumbent, I'll say, rather than a veteran, so there's no mistake there. But he's 20 years in that office. It's like voting for Biden. How does anybody in the world think you're going to have a guy that's been in longer than the freaking dinosaurs and expect things to be different because... They're all entrenched. They're entrenched. They are not going to change anything. If they've been in office, they've been in office for a reason. They were vetted. They were approved. It's very much a Masonic type of a system. You vet people. I mean, that's what it is. I mean, let's see how easily this person will fold and go along to get along with a group, right? I mean, that's what it's all about. If you're going to vet the system and think outside of the box, and refuse to capitulate to things you don't believe in and say, no, this is wrong. I'm kind of done with this. You're not going to get in office with the establishment. And I know this this past week I was, you know, we voted on Tuesday and this week people were asking me, who do you endorse? And I'm like, I don't endorse because it should be illegal and it should be illegal. because you should be able to think for yourself and vote for who you think is best because you've actually done the work. But my whole point was this, vote them all out because they have all failed. No matter what their headline is, they have all failed because one person in office could have absolutely blown apart this whole J6 fedsurrection crap. And got people out. If somebody wanted to, they could have made, you know, and it's like, I don't know, maybe nobody's seen what a real tizzy fit looks like. But if they threw a tizzy fit and made this thing a real issue and started throwing actual law at it instead of just talking about or ignoring it. I'm pretty sure a lot of these problems could go away. I don't understand in Michigan why our legislature, and this is Republicans and Democrats, didn't say full stop, timeout. We did not have – there's too much in question, and until we've answered everybody's questions and we can prove it, we need to decertify the election. I don't understand this. But the border – have you talked to people down there on the border – individually, have you got any experience? Because you talk about fighting on the border. What does that look like? Well, so, yeah, I'm on the border all the time. You know, what does that look like? You know, the other part of the money that's, I call it border incorporated. So the whole world's paying to get on our border from south to north or even now north to south in Canada. But Also, we are paying, via Washington, all kinds of money to NGOs to usher people into the interior as fast as they can and with as least mess as possible. So the border, interestingly, while it is dangerous, very, very dangerous, it's not anywhere where it could be. They're trying to get people into the interior, into voting locations that are key, in my opinion. And so, you know, if you're on the border, you're thinking, well, okay, you know, it's bad. We see people running through our yards, but it's not what I see on TV, millions of million people pouring in unless you're at certain spots. And so it's really oddly orderly and otherworldly how we have, how we just systematically unhinge the gate and then funnel people in as fast as we can to where we need them. It's quite the slick operation. We've got our own, you know, You know, the poor Border Patrol, they're really good at their job, but they haven't been doing it in a while. They're basically Walmart greeters, or I like to say greeters to Disney World, because, you know, we're giving away our sovereignty. It's the most precious thing we have. And it's just a giveaway. And they're just, you know, they don't know what to do. I mean, they have to feed their families, too. And, you know, under threat of their own job, they've got that thing locked up. And Really, this entire un-migrate, this backwards illegal immigration process has been worked by some of the best professionals. It was void that the administration has hired 50 different outfits to try to help Mayorkas undo the policy and to make as leaky as possible, as fast as possible. That's really the game. It's as many bodies as they can in as many places as they need them right now. So on the border, yeah, it's incredibly dangerous. If you live approximately to the cartel that's running things, there's There's no real future with that. You know, you end up – because the lieutenants all have – or the people higher up placed in the cartel all have homes north of the border. You know, you're going to school with their kids. You live in the same neighborhoods. People just get disappeared every once in a while. And there's real recruiting that happens in Texas high schools, scarily so. I mean, you know, ladies being – you know, who – I don't know how you get into this, but they start creating cartel soldiers. That's about as detailed as I want to get. I didn't know that was a real thing. And so they create that in the high schools. That's the thing. That's the thing. So there's kind of a baby manufacturing system. There's, yeah, so I, you know, and there's just a lot to this, but I'm trying to give a, you know, and then the guys are peeled off to be enforcers or transporters, that sort of thing. And they really target the youth, the underage youth, because they can't be prosecuted like an adult. It's even as innocuous as a guy or a young man or lady will get a Snapchat message in Houston or Dallas or whatever and say, hey, do you want to earn these stacks of cash that I'm showing you a picture of? All you got to do is drive your mom's SUV down to this geolocation, and they send it in different ways, and so you can't ever really – track them and they go and show up and they get four seats and then four bodies pile in and they get paid thousands of dollars per head and then drive back to the town. And, you know, they're just part of the process, but they're really corrupting our children. I mean, and so, I mean, as leaders, we're trying to figure out how we compete with a kid getting five grand for a five-hour drive. That's tough. And I'm going to say it to everybody. There's tons of good kids, tons of good families down the border. It's really one family on the border. It's a lifestyle to live on the frontera. And the cartel's always been a factor, but they are Way out of control. Now they're grabbing people in the US and then kidnapping them back to Mexico. Ransom for, you know, kidnapped for ransom. The problem is that. Well, such that people are concerned about getting out of line and really speaking against this whole thing too much. It's absolutely, the snatch and grab problem is difficult because we don't have operational control of the border generally. But certainly, if you get sucked south, your life's in peril and it's really how much you can pay. um that's you know we used to I grew up going to mexico we we would we cross um in in my district all the time in various places and go to the interior I didn't spend a lot of time on the on the on the border towns a lot of a lot of high school kids did uh and junior high kids do but or did not no one does anymore um but you know we'd go away into the interior and just mexico was just this you know just it was a completely different place it's it's a beautiful lovely country amazing people And really, because of corrupt leadership, the worst has come out, as expressed in the country. And this can happen anywhere. You know, nobody, no country's above barbarism. No country's above devolving to our basest human level. And we're rapidly racing there. So if we mix with this sort of element enough, you know, it's... it's gonna go bad for us. So, you know, we have for so long depended upon the good American heart being in the majority and really kind of, you know, insisting we have good government, insisting accountability, insisting whatever. You know, we're sort of shifting into an area of like isolated, you know, I'm fine, leave me alone. You know, the problem hadn't approached me yet. I'm scared to even talk out now. You know, we're sort of conditioning the American public to be something that heretofore never was. And it certainly, you know, is not part of our success formula as a people. demanding good government and really the best of each other by community. And so the border communities are different. It's just they are under siege from the North and the South. And the local leadership has been, understandably, as kind of like I discussed here, slid into corruption. The guy I'm running against is charged by the Department of Justice for larceny, bribery, money laundering, and peddling foreign influence for other countries over the U.S. interest as a sitting congressman. He and his wife both are. And so he's kind of a caricature of where we are right now, I think, and how bad it can get. And he's kind of done things with impunity. He's known as El Patron in the town. And I know, right? His sister was the tax collector. His brother is the sitting sheriff. It's this entire, I mean, you can't make this stuff up. And so, and he's been there 20 years at Congress, about 20 years prior to that almost. He was a state representative. And it's just this backroom deal sort of politician has a great front, you know, facing side to the business and is really good at that. So it's yes, this establishment, as you say, is running us off the cliff on those two ways I said, and really we're kind of being led by our worst enemies. And so, you know, you don't think China knows all of our corruption points. That's actually how they weave themselves into countries and problems. They exploit those corrupt centers. I can't tell you, you know, operating in Africa, you know, all they had to do is co-opt the leadership there, figure out their favorite little, you know, Hamlet in south of France and buy them a home or, you know, whatever. You know, they have no compunction, no problem, you know, working against the worst of man. And China, as a matter of diplomatic effort, does that. And their business and their military and their government are all one You know, one thing. And so they can move with great effect. They have basically through debt capitalism shored up Africa, much of Southeast Asia, Eastern Europe they're moving through. Huawei is part of this, by the way, the 5G network. They're crawling up Latin America. And they're here and they're trying to and are buying property here and strategically placed property. And they mean to own us without ever firing a shot. They may subsume us and they want to fall in on our infrastructure. It's just more practical. And they would like it if we'd all just kind of be a mentoring candidate along with them and a useful apparatchik. Again, to our own each corrupted desires and self-preservation mode. And the Russians too. This administration has pushed the Russians and the Chinese together like never before. I spent a career trying to keep them apart. That was always our policy. uh that you know that you've got a really bad combination of them working together and so the russians are classically uh they said they've said 50 years ago how they're going to own us as a country uh etiologically uh through through this psychological warfare this is the fifth generation and uh and and really you know crawl into this country uh from the inside out or defeat us from the inside out so um they're doing it and they're literally crawling into our country and via proxies and there's a lot of convenient bedfellows so you know all the jihadists that ever, you know, had a dream of blowing up America, there's perfect passage entry into our country. So that, you know, they don't have to, you know, send missiles over from the ocean, you know, into our country. They are creating missiles inside of our own country. And what this looks like, when a human bomb goes off, it looks like, well, it looks like what we see in Britain right now a little bit, but just on scale. It's terrible. Right, and so, but when any people perceive lawlessness and they don't have governance and God in their heart, then they will do, you know, whatever they feel like they can get away with. And when that piles in with a mob mentality and you have somebody that crawled up here through the Darien Gap and they're exploited up, you know, when they're here and they're broken anyways, and you got, you know, these poor souls, you know, I'd put them up against any Walmart shopper. And so, you know, we're just, we're unaware. And the most dangerous thing is that ignorance of the current attack, that it is not bombs in Pearl Harbor. It is the Islamization of Europe as a tactic. As Americans, we have to understand that our political class, there's too much firewall between us. They're parasites. That's what they are. They're a parasite class that feeds off of the population of America. They produce nothing. They just sit there and they talk. They make rules to enrich themselves. But I haven't really seen a whole lot come out of anybody that actually benefits the population. But, man, they will, like, hand out money overseas like it's, you know, candies coming out of a PEZ dispenser to kindergartners, you know. It's like this. It's kind of half of that disappears more than half. It was right back into their pocket. Y'all it goes into the banks overseas in Singapore. I mean, we've got millions of dollars that, that say Pelosi and everybody else has in Singapore and Deutsche bank and all of that sort of thing. When you start looking at their personal financials, all right, how does a person that makes their, their income ever be able to pocket that much money without the, without favors and such? And you look at our ex-governor Granholm that made $1.6 million on a stock trade and all the insider training. That person doesn't even know how much oil we burn in a day. She doesn't even know how many barrels of oil. Why does she have any passage into being the energy secretary? That was one of the dumbest things. But I think they like to appoint people that are in that that category that are, you know, they're complicit, or they're weak, or they just do, they're just being do what they're told, you know, instead of knowing the subject matter thinking, I mean, they just put useful idiots in place. And then as they tear the nation down, which is really unfortunate, but it is what it is, I suppose. But that's, that's, it's really interesting to hear the dynamics of behind how this is all working. What, what is your, what is your biggest concern right now for the, if you had to say one concern, what's your one concern that's that really occupying the, you know, that, or what's the pin that you pull to have the whole house of cards or the card you pulled about the whole house of cards come down of criminality. Yeah. The oxygen, the oxygen of, of clear information and people willing to, to do something with it. You know, it's, So, you know, we're under attack in every which way. It's a physical attack as described as a physical attack. It's, you know, there's a new pandemic coming. We have foreign war looming, you know, with Iran. We, you know, this fall, you know, there's a debt service that's going to quadruple on all our long-term T-bills. Our commercial real estate and many of those contracts are coming up at the same time as the election. There is such pain coming for this country. And the problem here is people – And a people, you know, either physically for themselves or just wanting to eat, will do anything and will accept any sort of stability. It's kind of the drowning mentality, you know. Drowning people will drown another person trying to stand on top of their head. So that is the place we don't need to get to. We need to very quickly start having conversations like this, and peer-to-peer is the most reliable thing, and say, hey, look, it doesn't matter what your politics are. This is not a political thing. This isn't every American thing. The barbarians that are already inside the gate are not going to stop at your virtue signaling or your political sign in your yard when they crawl up that yard and walk right through your door to rape and pillage. When that moment comes, God forbid it does, but I feel like that's certainly the fear cudgel that's going to be used to most effect. um you know and we have our own criminality so there's plenty of true you know foot soldiers for that you know where a lot of these people come you know if you have something you have you have a personal guards you have you know high masonry walls and embedded glass at the top and it's you know you you're prepared right um you know here you know you have the presumption of of first responder safety and that's really you know an instance over time I can call them and there's there's you know they'll show up within enough time to help me and what have you and and we don't live behind walls we have two panes of glass most people and and uh in the deadbolt of the door maybe a shotgun right so I mean that's mass is a quantity of warfare all of its own and so you just you can't it's just think of like some of the zombie think like some of the zombie uh you know movies you've seen apocalypse is upon us yeah Yeah. So and these are and these are, you know, other precious, you know, you know, image bearers of the Lord that are, you know, kind of pointed at each other. And that's the most dangerous thing, man against man and tearing ourselves apart. So the auction of information, of telling the story, being bold, holding people accountable, not buying in the same lies. We're realizing we don't have Democrats and Republicans anymore. We have a status quo party and the We the People party, and really the representation is just opposite of where they should be. The least amount of Congress are representing the most people, and that's almost all of us. And the greatest number of people in Congress are truly representing the donor class, which is a very tiny number. of people, the special interests that are controlling things. Now, some people might say, well, the system's so complicated, we really need these people to overlord and take care of us. Our system was not designed for governance in a black box. Our government system was designed to have checks and balances, accountability, because it understood the condition of man's heart. you know barriers to to to market economy and you know have been put in place in dc to to to limit the uh uh you know a a situation where you know they're trying to keep out their competitors and so you know it's it's it's tough uh you know when the rest of us are 1200 or plus miles away and we really can't you know hold that accountable You know, our federal government really, by charter, should only be doing national defense, interstate commerce, and foreign affairs. And the rest of it's down to the states in this constitutional republic. And really that allows our problems and our solutions to be closer together and closer to us so that we can monitor and deploy those appropriately and efficiently. So D.C. has, you know, kind of through the inertia of the times and the hubris of America becoming so great, has never relinquished back control or power or money and influence that it's taken. And so we really have to dilute that back to the states. That's the main thing. Otherwise, this will keep happening again and again. We'll have an American moment. We'll come together. We'll elect the right person. But then this thing will happen. It's a Jeffersonian problem he identified years ago. And so it's this bureaucratic, we're kind of past the tipping point on this bureaucratic thing that we call the US government. And it has its own speed. It's trying to, you know, feed itself. And so it's not in our interest. So we have to extricate ourselves from that. On the border level, though, the nearest alligator to the boat, the thing that keeps me up at night, It's no kidding, all these people we're letting in and they're all among us and we don't know who they are. The biggest thing I find on the border are ID cards, passports, and work papers. You can almost from space draw a line with as much litter of those things on our border because everybody walks in, they tell you who they are, whoever they want to, and where they're from, wherever they want to be from. So we don't know who the bad guys are. What I try to tell my Democrat friends, it's like, hey, you are compassionate people, and this is why weaponized mass migration is so dangerous. You know, it's as if you let people, literally we've done this, but it's as if we all opened up the hallway to our children's school and allowed that to be sheltering spaces for these illegals that have come in, and now three years on, somebody killed somebody. We're like, oh. You mean you're not all good people? Oh, would the bad people please leave? But they won't. Right. Who are they? Who are they? It's an intractable security problem. We have to humanely deport all of Biden's illegals because it was done incorrectly because we don't know who they are. We can't DNA test them, you know, minority report, figure out if they're going to be good or bad, you know, even if even if they don't. Even if this moment doesn't kick off in social disorder like Britain, they're all unfunded mandates. They all have chain migration. We're paying them $2,300 a month. We can't afford in 12 months from now the service on the U.S. debt due to these new unfunded mandates. If they want to come here, they've got to work, period. And they're not. My big employer friends are telling me they still have the labor shortfalls because we're just paying them right now, and they're not working. And I tell you, as a Texan, you know, the Mexicans that would come across and that worked here seasonally and then went back – had to, you know, it was a different mentality completely. It was here to work. It was, you know, with mutual respect. And now, though, what you have is handout, angry if you don't get something, if that handout doesn't get filled. And if it doesn't get filled, you just take it. It's a completely different mentality that we are actually preconditioning them coming in here with an expectation of, you know, an unreasonable expectation of just, you know, getting something. And so it's the big American giveaway. It's as if America is Macy's in downtown Chicago and the looting is, you know, is turned up full blast. Everybody's just running in through, you know, through the display glass. That's America right now. And so you can't, nothing's safe in that environment. Security comes first. Everywhere I've operated in the world, Maslow's hierarchy of needs is in effect. whether it's in the deepest, darkest jungles of the Congo or it's here in America, you will protect your family first, okay? So security has to come first before we can have anything else. And so, you know, and people respond in that way. And so given those moments of uncertainty and like, oh, goodness, once the mob thing kicks off, You're going to block and tackle for yourself. But moreover, more important for Americans, Maslow's in effect too. We need to drop our politics. If the other villages come to burn ours down, we have to band together with our neighbors. It doesn't matter what we think left or right with our neighbors. We can disagree on everything else. We only have to agree on living. That's the existential moment we're at right now. We need to band together, defeat the other village or kick them out. And that's really where we're at. So you can choose America or death at this moment because that's the direction we're headed. And our leadership, who's going to try to provide bad solutions to this disorder that, again, heaven forbid, comes. That they created. that they created is going to bring in martial law solutions, gun grab solutions, you know, bad solutions for bad problems they created. And that's part of the plan. We have to, as conservatives, quit being back foot reactionary like we have been for so long and see around the corner and understand, well, OK, if this is intentional, why? Well, it's not just a vote. It's a power grab as well. And it's, you know, it's got this they got this really intractable. Their problem is the opposite of our problem. You know, their problem is us and being informed and being, you know, demanding of our government and, you know, holding it accountable. That's their problem. And so, you know, every country, back to the guns, for example, and for people that feel uncomfortable with that, you know, it's far more uncomfortable to be a country without independent, responsible citizens with guns. That's when the crime goes down. Well, yes. And so in the U.K., 20 years ago when they lost, you know, for a long time, you know, they don't have a country anymore. It's basically a London stand. And then what is happening in the U.K. is permitted to happen because people can't defend themselves. In Australia, they lost their guns about 10 years before COVID. If anybody's paying attention to the draconian attack on the population in Australia, Western Australia, you know – That's what happens. You disarm a public, and then you've got them. So the Second Amendment was designed to protect us against a tyrannous government, and people have to hold on to that like their lives depend on it, because they do. So we have a future to all worry about, no matter what your politics are. If you have children, you know, raise your children, you know, in the place of safety and prosperity, and you want them to have a good future. You know, that's not political dependence. You know, we, again, we need to get back to the basics of what's what. And so, you know, we have to protect, we have to feed, and we have to nurture, and we have to, you know, we can't do those basic functions as individual families in the present environment. The government's increasingly trying to provide solutions for us, and they fail continually. I can't think of many projects the government has done well. No, they suck, like everything. So people really are, the American heart and ingenuity is really an individualism at the local community level. And so where we need to come together on a national level to oppose another nation, let's say, or to have a discussion on, like, international trades and tariffs, okay. But even to the state level, Texas should be having those discussions with, say, I don't know, India, you know, more so than the U.S. perhaps sometimes. So, you know, it's a human management issue. And we're so big, so successful that you can't run a command economy over that. You know, it doesn't work. And our form of government is not outside in. It can't be exterior controlling. It has to be inside out, interior and bottom up control or, you know, governing. And, you know, and so that's just that's that is our secret sauce. And we've been able to add people to that as we've gone along. in a responsible way and so that we can all, you know, have opportunity at the American dream. But that's diminishing quickly for everyone. So, you know, and we have to dam up the border of the security problem while keeping the lights on and turning the economy on full rev. And we have to, you know, push out the federal encroachment on states, you know, jurisdiction on things like schools and all these other, you know, social norms that they're attacking through things like, you know, equity and diversity and et cetera. So, you know, really those are, you know, the environmental movement is an attack on essential Americanism and our money. You know, the DEI thing is an attack on, really our culture and to distract us from these other mainline attacks that will take us offline within a year. So, but yeah, no, it's been good. This has been a great interview. I've really enjoyed talking, you know, when we met and I think you're doing great things and we just have to keep this conversation going. Please check us out. I'll plug my, my, my thing. I've got it up here somewhere. Hang on a minute. Cause you know, if we all put our coffee money, into our leaders, they wouldn't be beholding and dependent upon the special interests as much, right? It is a terrible game we have. Our Democrat process to run this Constitution Republic is pay to play. And it's very hard to be Mr. Smith and go to Congress because this is a very difficult thing to do on scale. But like I say, if we put our Starbucks money equivalent into our just people who represent us, It makes sense that, you know, then they would be more responsive to us because there is a market system there. So, yeah, or I have an app, too, Donna. I should push. Yeah, if you give me that, I'll help you. I'll certainly help you. Well, thank you. Yeah. And it's a people's app. It's about, yes, it's focused on this election, but really it's about election integrity and how to get trained and deployed into that. So the Commander Furman app, it's found in the Play Store and in the Apple App Store. You just have to type in Commander, spell it out, and then Furman, F-U-R-M-A-N, and pop it up. Download it. And what I would ask you and your viewers to do is to share that app. It doesn't matter if they're not in this district or not. Just share the app and create awareness and create notifications. because more is coming. So I'm an operationally minded military guy. So, you know, all of my tenants, my platforms, land, liberty, prosperity, and all that's wrapped into God, because those are temporary solutions. We have to get back to the heart of the people. And so in the center of this country, the heart of this country, and those constructed Christian values. But, you know, so everyone, like the land has its own app, and that's going to be deployed in a week. operational border lights. And that's really just a vignette maybe of kind of what we're doing in this campaign. We're starting now leadership issues and getting involved in real tangible things now. And this is a way for the population anywhere, but certainly my constituents, to take a little of the power back on this border issue. And we're crowdsourcing really the information about the border and how everybody experiences the border in their own very personal way. And they take a picture or they load up a comment and then social network it across this app. And so they, and then they can also share it through other socials as well. But the idea is to gather the biggest community of interest that's interested in a secure border as possible, and then use that for the public's influence in the we have to uh you know we have to you know have a voice when we're trying to you know construct another bad border bill if you will uh and say look you know we don't agree with this guys and we can snap pull this entire community of interest right now that's coming uh and we you know that the campaign has various other things like that going on so come come get to know us it's you know it is true that every state's a border state we need to gather this voice as big as possible and really push back. And that's the most essential thing federal government should be doing is defending us. And they're not. And it's from the inside out now that it's probably a creative. But thank you for having me, Don. I appreciate you. Yeah, thanks for coming on. And to your point that every single state, if you're not, if you don't think you're a border state, you are. But more than that, we have to have people that are actually sitting on that southern border who understand the situation and and that can actually fight what's going on down there because, because, you know, up in Michigan, I mean, we've got our own problems of the pipeline goes right up through from Texas. The start point is Texas. The end point to a lot of this is, is the head of the snake, which is Michigan. It's not just a mitten here anymore. We've become the head of the snake for, human trafficking and all sorts of things going on because they can make people disappear in the Great Lakes very easily. And we have an international port here. There are so many things that we're connected on. And people really need to look in their local areas and get really real about what's going on. But certainly to help you in your run to unseat an incumbent that has been there way too long. If he was going to change something, he would have. 20 years is enough. failure, I would say, for anyone who's got, you know, two, you know, half a brain even, you should be able to look at that and go, what's going to change? Nothing. No, we're not any better 20 years on, and we're not any safer, and, you know, bread and eggs cost way more, and he's been co-author to this border thing, even though his moderate rhetoric, but he votes 96% with the Biden administration. The Harris administration is absolutely radical in voting. So, you know, it's but this is but that's the profit center for him. Right. And it's self-interest. And clearly he's been paid by other countries. And really, it's a much worse story. Even on that, we're talking blood on the hands kind of stuff. Crazy. Oh, there's a lot. Yeah, it is. It's true. And people don't realize the connection. But, well, this has been wonderful. I do appreciate you. We can be the block and maneuver done correctly on the worst part of the border, on our southwest border. So I encourage everybody to get informed about our race. We really would appreciate, coast to coast, that this could be something that would be helpful to everyone. Well, and I think these discussions are things that we really need to have. And quite honestly, I think right now, because the political landscape is so bad, that the really good people that are in different organizations, and everything's been infiltrated. There's no two ways about it. It's just the way that parasites work. They're going to infiltrate something good, and we have to be on the watch for that. But there's such a benefit to having that military training. And, you know, if you can get the military to work with, like, the business sector, and I'm not talking Black Rock, Vanguard, State Street, the parasitic economic sector, entities which have launched economic warfare on us. I'm talking small to medium business. People who actually have to sign their names on checks. I understand in a very personal way how that works. If you can bring those two sides together with the structure and and uh you know the planning and such I think we can write things very very quickly I'm really really positive on on where we are right now because the the great thing is is like with me doing these interviews I don't know I'm over like I think I've got over 700 um I I've got so many interviews that I've done and shows I think 650 700 shows something like that and then And that's like double the interviews are on them because I do probably like two to three interviews a time. And I get to talk to so many good people. So like with listening to the problems, I want people to understand that we still outnumber the bad guys. And that is what they're really afraid of. They're afraid of an awake population who understands their rights, will hold people accountable. And there's an awful lot of us out there that are not in this for money or gain. We're in it. We're in it because a, we're pissed off. It's like, just like, just like Robin hood, you know, investing, they are scared to death. So I'm breaking it, but they are scared to death of small donors and people that are involved in mass. And it just, a waterfall begins with a drop. So we can absolutely do this. That's the American thing. And we're a last minute country. So we can do this. Let's gather. You can't sit on the sidelines. You sit on the sidelines, you're going to give this thing away for your kids. Yeah, and that's what it's all about is leaving something for our legacy or posterity. Well, I'm going to let you go. You need to go head up and pick somebody up at the airport, I guess. But I'd love to have you back on again because I think we could talk for like an entire day and never run out of topics, you know. And I really appreciate your experience and your wisdom and your perspective. So you have a really great day. I'm going to go to break right now, and I'll be right back with Baron Reinhold and Antonio Jones. Thank you. All right. Thank you. Welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, and it's the eighth day of August 2024. And I'm going to launch right into my second show. I'm going to see it looks like Barron's out there, but I don't know if his camera's working. Morning, gentlemen. How you doing? Great. Hey, doing great. Thank you, Donna, for having us on here or having me on here. Colleague Barron Reinhold. Can you hear me, Donna? Yeah, I can hear you. I just can't see you. It said I needed to download a different browser, so I'm temporarily in the dark, but I'm here and appreciate the opportunity. You know what? Commander Furman had the problem this morning, which is really odd. We don't have that problem. Very often. So they must have changed some programming in the browsers that people are connecting with. And so because and that happens, they're trying to shut down any of us that are independent media. And I can always keep it up and running here. But it's the connection on the other end that sometimes, you know, that I have no control over. And they definitely are trying to silence that. anyone who's fighting for this nation. Well, welcome and go ahead. And if you want to join with your phone or anything else like that, I mean, that's what Jay did this morning. You know, we, we, we, this is real news for real people by real people at the kitchen table, sort of right now, but. you know you guys get it it's like we just take whatever comes and quite honestly uh the the thing I always say right before I get on is okay jesus take the wheel whatever you want to be out there it's going to be real it's going to be authentic it may or may not be what people want to hear but I'm going to tell you what it's going to be real and from the heart so welcome today guys I'm I'm so, so happy to meet you for the first time, Antonio. This is nice. And to be able to talk to you two gentlemen. Oh, there you go. I'm going to get rid of this one. And let's see if we can put you in here. Oh, okay. If you can disconnect. I was too close for missiles. Switched the guns on my iPhone here. Oh, that's fine. You might have to do earbuds. We're getting a little echo in there. There we go. Yeah. There you go. This is how real it is. You ever watch those newscasters that are like from foreign countries and they say, today in the state of Britain, this is happening. And you're like, how the heck do you learn to talk that way? I couldn't even think of that kind of nonsense. It's kind of like listening to Mike Pence talk all the time. I don't know if you guys noticed that, too. He's a plastic political action figure. That's all I think when I see him. I mean, man, dude. Man, I mean, at least loosen it up somewhere. Hey, Baron, I think we got to get Donna a flag in the background. Yeah, yeah, I hear you. We'll get her hooked up. We'll send her something. Yeah, we'll have to do that. You guys haven't seen my toys here. I've got a whole bunch of toys because I have a son that is on, he does a lot of 3D printing. So this is the stuff that I have on my desk. So check that out. Biden is not on there, is he? You beat me to it. She must have not listened to what Nancy Pelosi's suggestion was to add Biden. I've had this one for a while, but we at the Brandenburg Residence have already put the rightful president of the United States, President, let's see, wrong side, President Donald J. Trump on Mount Rushmore. You heard it first here on Brandenburg News Network. Well, I love that. Well, it's great getting you two together because, you know, Donna, you're the female white version of Antonio, I think. You guys have the Jedi mind meld going because we just did a podcast yesterday at Antonio's Gwinnett War Room, which is an awesome service to our county and getting truth out to the people down here just outside of Atlanta, the million or so folks that we're trying to get factual data to. And it's been an honor over the last couple of years getting to know Antonio. and forge our friendship. And then up in Detroit, meeting you and getting to talk to you up there, you know, Derek Gibson and, and the crew, it was a lot, it was a lot of fun. So Derek was on yesterday and just, just so you know, it's like, like I was at the gym this morning with one of my very, very wonderful tan friends. And I'm like, all right, I completely reject this whole black white nonsense because it comes down to this. It's like I've never seen a black person. I've never seen a white person with some version of tan. And it's a dumb discussion. OK, it's like it really is because we're all God's children. And, you know, it's like it's like I'm just I'm just like it. There you go. I got to get that out of the way. Derek and I talked about it yesterday. And the funny thing is when those of us who are totally not going to buy into the whole narrative to divide us, whether it's male, female, or any of these other things that are meant to divide us, we have to stand here and go, I'm talking to a human being. God created them. That's good enough for me. And, you know, it's like it's like Republicans and Democrats. We need to be done with this kind of stuff because we have to stand together as Americans. We're fighting for our very life as a nation. We talked about it yesterday. Antonio and I were talking and it's like, listen, there are all of these other words that divide and categories are a joke. The reality is in America, you either believe in the Constitution and support and defend it or you're hostile. You're an enemy of it. There's no neutral ground. And unfortunately, you know, we're in an environment where there are so many people that wittingly or unwittingly are fighting the Constitution. You know, part of that's by design. We haven't taught civics in this country, you know, accurately in about a century. But you just look at, you know, people's wide ignorance of their own rights. You know, we the people is capitalized for a reason. You know, we have the power. You know, that's what our founders intended. And in the states and the federal government, obviously, you know, was a very thin piece of that solution set, an important piece, but a very small piece of that. And we've completely lost that. And over the years, you know, the state governments and we, the people have ceded all of that, almost all that authority to the federal government. You know, our founders said when government fears the people, that's a good thing. And when the people fear the government, it's a bad thing. And here we are. You know, we had people on the show yesterday on Antonio's show, you know, that, you know, were were the recipients of federal agents kicking in doors and throwing them out in pajamas. And I mean, all kinds of insanity. The thuggery that's going on is is out of control. And the Constitution is summarily ignored to our own peril. And that is going to ultimately result in bad things if we don't get that in check. That goes back to what she started off with. There's been a growing thirst for us to get rid of all of these. Because you know, Baron, I talk to you quite frequently about all of the hyphenated stuff that's going on inside of the Republican party. I mean, I know it's useful when we're trying to, you know, market and get out into different communities and everything like that. But the first word of we, the people is we, you know, it's us together. Like she said, we're all made it in the image of God. And we have to keep pushing for an initiative to get rid of all of these subgroups. Because the other thing that starts to happen, Donna, is it divides us. That's not who we are. We all agree on that, especially the three of us on this show. We're never going to become closer together as one if we keep playing into this game. It's divide and conquer. A victim mindset, right? Yep. And you're absolutely right. I mean, and all of us have had hurts, but we can't have that drive us or have that be our MO to who we are. I mean, I mean, I'm a 60 year old woman. And I remember when I first started in business, going to a bank to get a loan and absolutely had somebody look at me and go, wow, I'd give you this loan if you were a guy. And I sat there and I'm like, I'm like, Wow, are you going to regret that decision? You know, it's like you don't let people's stupidity, ignorance, being an absolute idiot define who you are. You know who you are. You know what God put in with you, and you've got to believe that first. What God says about you before anybody who's just a moron says one thing that's just ignorant, right? And I think to your point, but I'm sorry to interrupt you. Go ahead, Antonia, because you're absolutely right. Yeah. All the hyphenated stuff. And Barron knows that this it just it irritates me that we are we as Republicans, conservatives are allowing this game to be played in a party. What's going to happen is if once we get this initiative rolling, because it's like more and more I talk to people, it's like you just brought it up. We never had a conversation about it. Me and Barron talks about it all the time and he relates it to things that the military did to qualify people coming in. I'm a big football and team guy. I played all the way through college. It's never been about what you look like or even where you come from. It's just about the opportunity to come together with our eyes set on one goal. I think that We need to in the party, we need to return back to the Judeo-Christian values so that we have the founders were smart enough to know that they just couldn't write the Constitution. You know, we all know that they had to say and include, you know, these rights are given to us by God. You know, what does that do? It put convictions on our hearts and it's for us to do the right thing. And all of these hyphenated things that's going on in a party, what it does is it's It creates division. We all know that. And it sees power to individuals inside of the party, you know, all over again. Just like you say, when you went to the bank, oh, I give you this position. If you were a man, you know, what are we hearing nowadays? The rhetoric? Oh, well, you know, we need to make sure we have more people of color to do this. No, let's just let the person qualify and, you know, stop putting people on the head, telling them they had a bad time. And I said this on the Alex Jones show. I said, hey, Alex. I've never been a slave and you never own one. So why we keep getting on this divisive stuff that we never went through together? Let's just press forward together and do great things. I love that. I absolutely love that. I think that we have to go, as you said, to your point, both of you, it's a qualification, either you're qualified or not. And all of this emotional politics, this emotional politics and nonsense that's going on has got to stop. And people need to learn a better way to evaluate Instead of just those things that put their hooks into you to get you to move. One of the, one of the gals, I think this is, this is pretty telling. And I think to talk about this needs to needs to really all come out. One of the people I ran against for governor in Michigan, she came out and she's like, you know, I'm a cancer survivor and my dad died during my run. And I'm like, Well, I had a cancer diagnosis, but I sure as hell am not going to throw that out to get the pity vote for somebody else because this has nothing to do with the job. It's like if you're so weak, you have to use that to get votes from people that are actually hurting and such. Then you're a pretty pathetic human being. And, you know, or our, I feel this way to try to, to try to move people by emotions. It's despicable. And those people should be absolutely disqualified immediately because they're making it all about themselves instead of what am I here to serve this nation for? And that's everyone, you know, but it's got to come to an end. And I think these really raw conversations. So, um, need to be had. And just so you know, Antonio, I got kicked off everything. So we don't know each other just for everybody out there. So this is like coming on cold here and talking. But I got kicked off of everything. One of the companies I own is a tech company. So I'm like, fine, we're just going to make YouTube irrelevant. So decided to create Brandenburg News Network. And I do not censor. So you can say absolutely anything you want to say. And I will uphold your Free speech, your right to free speech, whether I agree or disagree with you, say whatever's on your heart, and I will love you more for that. Well, me and Baron, we already have, we know we're going to get kicked off of something. So I was just messaging with Jeff Clark this morning on X, telling him, I was like, man, I want to say I'm jealous, but you've already got your door kicked in or whatever by the FBI. I told him, I was like, dude, you're one up on me. I just know if and when that happened, I'm not inviting it. But if it happens, it just tells us that we're on the right path for truth because the Bible promises us persecution, you know, and that's going to come down from our government. And that's why I'm glad we're having this conversation, because it feels good to know that there are other people out here that are not being, I mean, not just because we're getting persecuted together, but there are other people fighting that are standing up for what's right. You know what they're scared of? They're actually scared of somebody that's actually got some guts behind them. So like when they tried to shut us down for COVID, I went up to two cops and I just put my hand out. I said, arrest me now because I will not comply. They wouldn't arrest me. And I'm like, man, I got to try way harder on this to make a point because if we're going to go to the mat, let's get in there and just hammer this thing out and not wait for it. But Jesus did that. Jesus was the provocateur. He's like, you're going to come and get me? You better be prepared because this girl ain't going to let go once I bite. After the podcast yesterday, I turned to Antonio. I said, do you like the top bunk or the bottom? He's like, what are you talking about? We're going to be spending more time together. I love you guys. This is great. So we got two things we got to get for fighting for our rights. We hadn't got a mug shot yet, Baron. So we haven't. That's that's one check. One box we haven't checked off. And I guess the FBI. Can kick in and then the next thing will be, well, I guess the first thing will be getting canceled off of these platforms. Then you get your head shot or whatever down at the local jail and then the FBI kicks your door or whatever. You know, I don't know what order that stuff comes in, but they never follow policy. So we're never quite sure in any way, depending on where they got their donuts from that morning. Well, I mean, in the military context, what we always talk about, and you probably heard this, you know, you receive the most anti-air fire when you're directly over the target. And, you know, the more that you see, you know, the powers of government using their power unconstitutionally against citizens who are actually, you know, by definition in control of this, you know, the more that you know that you're doing the right thing. You know, you come from a constitutional position and, you know, we've seen that, you know, that that that even the federal government backs down. I mean, when I was running for sheriff, you know, over the last two years, what motivated me to do that was, you know, during covid, we saw down in Hillsborough County and Tampa that, you know there's a sheriff that went to a pastor of a 5 000 person church and arrested him for having uh church service which is a constitutional guarded right and no one can abrogate that period and the same time out in um uh arizona There was a pastor that took a voice message down to his local sheriff and said, hey, I just got this from the state police of New Mexico saying that they're shutting down my church. I can't have church next Sunday. He said, I fully intend to have church. And you're the senior law enforcement officer. What do you intend to do? And the guy said, well, I'll be out in front of your church making sure they don't mess with you. standoff went on for a couple weeks the state police would show up and and the sheriff was out there were not letting them uh you know trot on this their uh constitutional rights which is the prime role of the sheriff and uh the state police finally you know the governor said go down and shut that church down and the the uh sheriff called the congregation in an hour early the next sunday deputized all of them They all signed the paperwork. The sheriff walked outside and said, listen, everybody in here is now one of my deputies. If you walk in, I'll arrest you and make you post bond. For disturbing, you know, you know, one of my meetings and it was kind of like and he said, oh, by the way, as they were leaving, don't come back. We've got it in this county. But when you stand on the Constitution and then you kind of use a little wit and humor and checkmate them, you know, they back down. It's you know, there's there's stuff that, you know, there's going to be, you know, instances when it's kind of rough and. You know, some of us take it on the chin, but ultimately we need to stand up. You know, bullies only back down when they're hit in the face. And, you know, the tyrants only back down, you know, when when when they're made to. And you ultimately give them the ultimatum. You back down. I mean, that's history. You either you either find a place where, you know, it's you can live under the current regime or the current regime goes. That's human history. And that's what we did in this country. And then we made a constitution that is being summarily dismissed, which is the law of the land. And the more the government presses this issue and does not follow its own documents, which the closer we get to a real peril in this country, it's really kind of scary. So here's the thing that the deep state and the deep states within us, we have to make them understand. As they're pulling us off of this cliff, We got to let them know that we're going to have our hands around their throats until we hit the bottom. And there's no question about that. So we got to keep fighting in our own capacities and everything like that. But we can never back down. I mean, they shot President Trump. They've, you know, they've bankrupted effectively Alex Jones. They put Steve Bannon in jail. Peter Navarro went to jail or orange for so many people. We got J6 people. And the work that we're doing right now is so important and in waking up the public and courage is contagious. So we just got to keep showing the force and keep showing up and letting them know. We know how this story ends. Every platform I go on, I try to remember that. Let everybody know that God has given us an appointed time to be born and a time to die. So that dash in the middle is what we'll be judged on. So if, you know, we know how the story ends, so we might as well fight so that we stand before God. He can say, well done. And quite frankly, I want to black a couple of eyes before you get back. I don't know how y'all feel, but you know. In a legal way, the best way we can do it. So it's important that we keep fighting in what we're doing. Well, those people that have done some really, you know, the really bad things, they did it knowingly. It's not like they just decided to wake up one day and rig an election. This is a huge amount of people who are coordinated to, and basically it was a coup against the United States of America. And they knew what they were doing. Absolutely. And it's tied into politics. The institutions, our colleges have turned into nothing more than indoctrination camps. And then in Michigan here, they were doing saving day registration. There were the amount of crimes that were committed in this election. You really never get to the bottom of it. And I don't understand how the entire legislature can look at this and go, oh, we had a free and fair election. In what universe? I don't know how this can even be stated that with a straight face they say this. And we're supposed to be okay with this? I'm not. I'll get black eyes with you. I'm a horse girl. If I can't hit them with my hand, I'll get them with my cowboy boots. Right up where the sun don't shine, you know? Yeah. So to Sidney Powell's credit, when she came out and said, just what you said, this is massive, I believe that's what she meant. And then right here in our own legislature in Georgia, this is how I got dialed in to everything is because I didn't vote for Trump in 16. I was still kind of lost, you know, civically ignorant. But my wife came across a podcast with Candace Owen. And it was kind of like around the George Floyd stuff. And she was listening to that and said, hey, we need to come here and listen to this together. And she was just hitting on all the facts, just hammering it away. And she wasn't saying it nice. But we've always had conservative values. And this time in 20, when we voted the right way, I knew something went right and the vote was stolen. So I watched every legislative hearing that they had across the whole entire country. And there's no way You know that this election wasn't stolen. So that kind of got me dialed in to everything. And I watched our legislature. There was a group of guys down there that wanted to do the right thing. But that heavy hand came down from top down. And it's my opinion that Kemp and a few other other ones. were benefiting off of these manipulated elections. And that's what we kind of still see playing out. There was an election board meeting where they had two meetings. That was yesterday and the day before. And we have a three-seat majority, and I'm going to call them the big three. We have Janelle King, Dr. Janice Johnson, and I forget the third guy's name. But the chair was appointed by the governor And he was against passing some of the rules that would, I believe, let them continue to go ahead and investigate the 17000 ballots that they did not have cast cast vote records for in Fulton County. And the three had to actually overrule him. And I don't know if you saw, but Jeffrey Duncan's was supposed to be a Republican candidate. Has gone on CNN. He hated on Hershel Walker. He recently trashed Trump. And then the governor came out and basically said he's not going to vote for Trump. Now, Jeffrey Duncan is the former lieutenant governor before we had Burt Jones. And I've been at Jeffrey Duncan for like over two years. I've been very vocal because right now there's an unmasking going on and people are going to have to make a decision. You're either going to be with we the people or you're going to be with the globalist, globalist elite uniparty establishment who is ruining our country, making it unsafe and ruining the future for our children. That's what's going on in Georgia right now. And we have a small we are the majority. But I'm saying on the as far as the levers of power, there are a handful of people here. And I believe, you know, is my opinion that our governor and some of those people in that top cabinet may be benefiting from these elections being corrupted from what I'm seeing. I'd say you're pretty much right, is that they're doing it. When you look at the amount of self-enrichment that goes on, I mean, how do these people amass these large holdings and money and such? Where are they getting paid on the backside? And the amount of money that has disappeared into foreign countries and why do the people hate us yet it's because it never gets to the people it's going it's getting to everywhere but where it's intended to go even if you were on the right side of this decision but they're they're starving out our own country and destroying it from the inside out that's that was the plan it's been the plan for a very long time which is unfortunate and we've let them do it who's whose fault is this this is a hard thing for people to say because they want to point to everybody that's sitting in in the seats Well, yeah, that is their fault. They've made a lot of bad choices and there's a real problem, but it's our fault ultimately, because we have allowed it. I think one of the hardest things for me, so I was a political hater, hated every one of them. If I walked into one of the meetings before I ran for governor, I would have just sat there and looked at all of them like they were like, you know, carp on the bottom of a river pond scum, you know, that's in that category. And, uh, so just to, just to sit there and look at them, it wouldn't have, wouldn't have had one, not one good thing to say. Right. Then you kind of get into it and realize, oh, okay, I see how this works a little bit better. Um, if we talk to them and say, you have to do this and we're going to start writing letters. And if you don't, we're going to remove you. And I'm going to be the biggest annoyance of your life campaigning against you and or recruiting somebody to campaign and or replacing you because I'm putting you on notice right now. You either perform for we the people and walk away from your very poor choices or you will be replaced. But when you say that, you got to be willing to step up. But it's not only that. I mean, I absolutely agree. I actually placed... more of the blame historically um and I'm a I'm a bible believing christian but I placed it on square on the shoulders of the church they oh man you're singing right there don't don't you know over the century and a half of dot dot getting out of the public square turning oh you know in the 20s turning over you know their god-given mandate to you know care for the poor and do this that and the other They turned that over to the government when that started the socialist progression. And then they bought into the lie of, OK, we can't talk about politics and church because we'll lose our tax exempt status. And it's a slow boil with the frog. And the reality is, like you said earlier, we we. should be in this as a literal public servant. That term is meaningless almost today because people don't get into politics to be a public servant. They get into politics to, you know, to line their own pockets. And again, you see their net worth going in and exiting. And it doesn't matter if they're in four years or 40 years. I mean, it's exponential growth that no one else has the ability. And it's self-interested. And the American people are an afterthought. And and it's sad, like you said, that you have to be, you know, a constant annoyance and irritant, you know, to get anybody to listen. They have to fear not keeping their power. So they you know, if they don't have their power and their ability to generate wealth, you know, you know, illegally or at least, you know, you know, underhandedly, then, you know, then that's that's what motivated motivates not all of them, but most of them, it seems. And that's it's pathetic. I'm like you, I'm super critical of the Christian church. I'm a Christian, but the church fell down. And any of those churches that shut their doors for that 30 pieces of silver COVID money, 501 tax exempt status, I'm telling you right now, they were traitors to this nation. We left our church and we just found one. It took two and a half years to find one. And we were literally going looking for the best churches sitting there until, you know, in this time, usually we get really involved really fast. But now I'm like, OK, what is this church really about? You have to be there to figure this out. And I let my son came home from this one church where the pastor actually went in and taught the senior high group there. Or maybe it was the young adult college group. But but anyway, my son is grilling him is like, hey, why don't you ever talk about anything important from the pulpit? Or why don't you ever talk about what's going on in society in our country right now? And this, that and the other. And he literally said, well, if we if we get too political, we'll lose our tax exempt status. And he came home from church or came home from that group. And I was like, OK, we're not attending this church anymore. We're looking for the next one. But it's laughable, but it's sad because when man fears man more than God, then, I mean, that's kind of the state of where we are. And our nation obviously was founded, you know, I'm not saying 100% of our founders were Christians, but they all believed- in the biblical precepts and they believed in the wisdom of scripture, because obviously they founded the country on that. I mean, you can't get a paragraph into any original text or more than a page without them either quoting or paraphrasing scripture. So, you know, until, you know, until we're in less, I believe God changes the hearts of men. Our country is on a collision course and we are going to eventually end up, I believe, in a civil war revolution. I don't want that. I've spent 35 years in the Navy seeing what happens in those types of societies and environments. It's not good. I don't I'm the last person on the planet that wants that. But if we continue to summarily dismiss our Constitution and, you know, the government continues its march into tyranny and, you know, you've got, you know, you know, the president or supposed president demonizing, you know, half of his population and throwing people in jail without trials and and, you know, using the forces of our of government power to kick in doors. and bring up false accusations and so forth and get clown judges to sign off on bogus warrants, eventually that comes to an end. The pressure cooker will, when you keep adding a flamethrower to it, the pressure cooker, no matter what it's made out of, will eventually blow. And that's a scary day. And that is coming, I believe, unless God changes the hearts of men and we have another revival in this country. Don't you have this image in your head? I do. I have this image in my head of God sitting back there, you know, like all of our dads did when we were younger and going, so how's that working for you? Are you ready to stop the nonsense or do I need to turn the pressure up a little bit? You know, I mean that. That was my dad. My dad was in the military and he was one of those guys that he would look, he made me tough. I'm going to tell you, he was a tough dad. He really was. He'd look at you and go, stop your crying or I'll give you something to cry about. Now, you know, get up, soldier and walk. I mean, there was like no, no room for any. for any pity party on anything. I mean, it was like, and, and I mean, honestly, I think this is part of demonizing the male population is that, you know what, I'm going to say it, dear God, please bring on the toxic masculinity. We, we, you know, it's like, and it's not toxic. You know, I say that tongue in cheek. It's like, you know, it's like when, when you have a really tough dad, you're probably going to be really successful because they're not going to buy into this emotional nonsense that paralyzes you when things go wrong. They're going to go get up, move. And, and, you know, you know, and then say, say, this is what they're doing. They'll put it in perspective, put you on your, you know, get you on your feet, stand behind you with your arms crossed, ready to pummel anybody that's going to come against you. And but but they teach you those those things of strength. And I got to tell you, guys out there, you've heard me say this a million times. Bring on the toxic masculinity. And I don't care what any snowflake out there says. You can just shut the hell up, snowflake. Right. And and, you know, this is that this is a critical time. And if you're doing this and beating on people that are here to defend you. You are, in fact, the problem there. Sometimes you've got to deal with an issue and there's no soft way around it. If somebody committed a crime, you know, you know, raped a little kid, you know, the human trafficking that's going on, all this nonsense going on. They know what they're doing. It wasn't a mistake. It wasn't the fault of their poor upbringing. It may have contributed to it, but they still had that moment of individual decision. And you can't just say, oh, it's okay. We're just going to let them go so they can do it again. Are you insane? This has got to stop. That's right. We talked about that with the national president for veterans for Trump yesterday, Robert Cornicelli, a whole conversation that we need to have about men and male headships. We'll have to have you to be a part of that conversation. Well, I'll make everybody all kinds of uncomfortable with that one. Oh, yeah. It's you know, people look at me and they're like, you know, I have a CPL and it's like somebody won't do the job. I will do the job. OK, but people always say to me, you know, you should be carrying all the time. And I look at my husband who's like a man's man's man's man. You know, it's that kind of a guy. I'm like, I got this guy and he's just waiting for somebody to do something wrong to his family. And he ain't going to care if he goes to jail over it. You know, it's like it's like he's going to defend his family and there's going to be no apology. He won't apologize for it. And I do think that the majority of men out there feel the same way. I think that the soy boy stuff is in a minority. They're just loud because people are listening to them and using that weakness as a weapon. But the majority of men out there, I mean, I look at the examples around me. You know, you want to watch inspiring videos. Watch the ones of people doing random acts of kindness. Is it women? No, no, no. It's not women. It is the men who will jump into the burning building, who will jump into this freezing cold water to rescue a dog. I've never seen a woman do it. It's always the guys. And it's like brain switches off. They go to mission. They go right to the mission and they accomplish the goal of the threat they seek. And that's so important. And one thing I'll bring up, okay, is you guys don't know, I raise horses. And so I've got horses and such, and I have three breeding stallions and such. The parallel to how God creates the world, it's in the world and you can see it. It's like, you know, if I go out on a stallion on the trails, I'm going to start with a mare. A mare, you go out there, a chipmunk jumps overhead from branch to branch, and oh my gosh, a lion's going to kill her, and she's freaking out and jumping around and being crazy, right? I go out on a stallion, that stallion's going to watch and go, huh, gets real big puffs up and goes, do I kick your tail now or in 20 feet? So, you know, you better back down because you're going to get it handed to you. And it's an amazing thing to see. It's biological. You know, they dig up somebody who says they're trans. I guarantee you in 100 years, they're going to go, that's a dude. That is not a woman. That is a guy. That all falls away. They're going to look at the chromosomes, the bone structure, and it's over. That determines what's a man or a woman. And none of us are really confused except for the agenda pushers. Except for the Olympic Boxing Committee. Did you guys look at that and go, why is anybody even watching this? They're watching domestic abuse, and this is somehow we're supposed to be okay with this pathetic male? He's a pathetic male. That's all there is to it. yeah well men have not stood up and defended and fortified and protected their families and this bleeds into every aspect of life when um when trump came here last weekend he called out brian kemp which he should have he he rightfully did he went after kemp and trump is a guy who likes to build people up you know I got an opportunity to have a private meeting with him. You know, he's in the meeting joking about getting shot in the ear. I mean, he's a really funny guy. But you can just tell that he really cares for and adores people. And one of the things that Alex Jones said was Trump's a completely different person when he's dealing with just a regular everyday person or if he's engaging with a world leader or some type of trying to get some type of business deal. So he came here this past weekend. You know, he called Kemp out and then you got people that were saying, well, he shouldn't have said that. So here's my input on it. Kemp did not fortify the... He did not investigate the 2020 election. He and his team have not done much now between that point and uh today and he should have called him out so he should have been upset with him you know why kemp's mad because trump said something about him you see how these two different these things are completely this soy boy um you know crying in the corner he said something about me so you're gonna sell your whole state out and not do the right thing because some guy said something about you how ridiculous is this though is also that he's he was a part of you know When you're supporting Raffensperger and you got in the way, I mean, there is a lot of baggage that he doesn't want revealed. So he's got a vested interest in keeping all that stuff down and covered. Yeah, but there again, there's the corruption issue. You know, and the lack of the spirit and the fear of God. We're fearing man, like she said, fearing man more than you're fearing God. Both of you guys said that. And that's what we're dealing with. And it's going to be rife with corruption. Like you said, Baron, unless the hearts and minds of men are changed, you know. And that comes down to every single person. And, and we were reading an essay yesterday. This was kind of an interesting, I'll bring this up just a minute. Oh, you know what? Let's see. I'll bring yours up first. Let's see. Here you go. Go the distance. I like to, I like to bring up websites and let people know how to get, get in touch with you. So there's Antonio's website. That's where I got your bio from. And yeah, Go to the Distance USA. There you go. That's where you can find Antoni. The first time he performed that publicly was at one of my fundraisers for Sheriff. And then when we met Derek Gibson, there was a fundraiser for Reagan Box. He's running for Senate here. She's also a lifelong horse raiser and breeder and trainer. He's been on here a couple times. I know him, Reagan. You two, if you've never met her in person, you guys are just, I mean, it's crazy. She's awesome. But anyway, Derek was there and Antonio performed there, which is if you hear him live, it's just absolutely unhinged. And I said, dude, I'm not going to rest until you're performing that at the inauguration. I love that. So yesterday we were talking about a a Russian person who was in the Gulag. And what he wrote when he was there, are you familiar? You're saying yes. Okay, so everybody knows. I just got to say, I can't salute properly, but I'm going to go like this for you. Because I don't think I have ever seen a better resume in my entire life than your resume, Barron. I sat there and I was reading all of your stuff and I'm going, okay, this guy's probably in my top two favorite individuals militarily that I've ever seen in my life. The other one is my friend, who is my friend, General Flynn. And, you know, that, that, well, and I like, I like Admiral Rogers too. General Flynn, Admiral Rogers. And Baron Reinhold. Okay. And I read your resume and I'm like, I'm like, what are you like inhuman or something like this? How does a person do all this? But I, there you go. So we were going through this, this essay yesterday. Are you familiar with this gentleman? I can't, let me see. Alexander Solzhenitsyn. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. And talking about being immovable when you disagree with something and not just going along to get along and what you're willing to do for your belief system. There's so much compromise going on in a... In an integrity way. And people think that, well, I'm going to jump into the swamp and I'm going to move in this direction with the swamp. I don't think you can do that. You know, I really don't. I think that you can work with all people, but you're also there to set things straight when things kind of go awry and stay still. The issue is, and I'll tell you a real quick short story about that, but the issue, yeah, I gave a speech because I was, my last job in the Navy was, I was the ROTC commanding officer for all the schools in Atlanta. So I had three historically black colleges and three large state universities. Actually, a couple, a year ago, December, I asked to speak at both of them for their commissioning ceremonies just a few years after I retired. The premise of my thing was, listen, nobody remembers what graduation speakers say, but if you remember anything, in 35 years in the Navy, this was the one thing And essentially is, in order to stand on principle, you have to have principle. And I said, I taught leadership and ethics to all of the graduating seniors in their capstone course. And every day in class, we would ask what's right and how do you know? So you're deeply talking about deeply held positions. And I said, if you just remember anything, know what's right and do what's right, regardless of the consequences. And I said, that sounds simple. It's not. Because in order to know what's right, I said, as a Bible-believing Christian, you've got to know the Word of God inside and out. And not only know it, you need to know how to apply it. And then you need to stand on that. And it's like whatever comes, hell or high water, whether it means you get your career taken away, you get whatever it is, you need to stand on that because you know what is right. And you need to push back. I mean, you look at biblical history and what did the prophets do? They went up to the powers and the principalities of the day and they stuck their finger in the chest of the king and they said, you're an abomination and a disgrace to the living God. You need to change. That's what they did. You know, what do pastors do today? I know a couple that still are like that, but I mean, I can count them on one hand. So, you know, we need to get that back. We need to know the God of creation and we need to stand on that and believe that he has called us. to a time such as this and we need to act. We cannot cower anymore. Our nation was formed by principled godly men who believed that. The pastors and the pulpits fled the pulpits and went into battle because they knew what was right and they would no longer bow down to the tyrannical abomination, which was King George and his tyrannical regime at that time. And if we don't get that back, we're just gonna see the progression. And, you know, it's so, you know, when I when I gave my little talk, I said, I need to tell you about the person, you know, who I have the more respect for than anybody else I've ever met in the DOD. And that's past, you know, you know, my entire life. I said, her name is Jenny Reed. She used to work for me, was a lieutenant commander. She, I had not seen her in a few years. I saw a picture of her on the front cover of the Navy Times that she was relieved of command. She's a really strong Christian Gale, phenomenal leader. I called her up. She was a commander at the time. And I said, Jenny, this is Barron. I just saw the cover of the Navy Times. This doesn't have anything to do with COVID. She said, yeah. She said, I put in for a waiver request. They denied it summarily. I wrote a letter telling them it was against my religious beliefs. I told them it was against the Constitution. I told them it was against the Nuremberg Code because you're actually experimenting on humans, which is against, we didn't learn anything from World War II apparently. And I told him it was statutorily illegal because they were actually injecting us with a vaccine that wasn't even the one that they got emergency youth authorization for. So it was illegal what they were doing there. And they did it anyway. And then they relieved me and they were forcing her to retire a year early, which means She was only going to have two year time in grade. You have to have three in order to retire at that pay grade. So they were going to steal money from her for life. And she think about this. Think about the courage that this woman had from the president, the commander in chief, down through every admiral and general in the Pentagon, down to her one star admiral, down to her captain above her. Every one of them was was was on her like, you know, firing for effect. And she wouldn't get off the rock because she knew she was right. And whatever whatever come, you know, she wasn't going to move off that rock because she was a principled individual. Not one admiral or general in the entire Department of Defense stood up and said, I'm taking off my collar device. I can't I can't obey this and I will not inflict this on my people. Not one. We had, I think, one or two captains or colonels, and then the rest were lower-level people. And that's a disgrace. I mean, and what pains me the most is these are all my classmates from the Naval Academy, you know, the one, two, and three stars that were enforcing this and going along with this. And I believe every single one of them should be relieved of command and charged with dereliction of duty, a violation of their oath of office, and actually prosecuted. I believe that. Because they... You know what they did in, you know, enforcing those vaccinations, which weren't vaccinations. They were gene therapies and they were experimental. There's nothing different from what they did in Nazi Germany and what our entire Department of Defense inflicted on our population. And we wonder why we can't recruit people. I mean, it's insane. We can't recruit people in part, a small part, because of what they try to attribute it to. Oh, well, the kids are overweight now, and so many people have taken drugs. Okay, yeah, that accounts for part of it. But most of it is you've broken faith with the chain of command in the American people. And people like me, who was personally responsible for bringing hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people into the DOD on all branches. I actively, especially when the mandates were on, I actively said, do not do this. Do not go in. Now, I dial it back from that. I give people an idea of, OK, we've got a woke. insane, you know, group of leadership that will not stand for you. And, you know, the biggest lie is that, you know, people, you know, in, you know, people are our priority and all these posters and things that sound great on posters, but are absolute abject lies. It's just not true. you see the results of what happens and they're not the priority. The priority is going along to get along and not, they're not standing on principle because they're not principled people. They do not have core beliefs that they will not, you know, kowtow to. The best and brightest and the ones that are the principled leaders have been driven out of the DoD and are not promoting above 06 and they haven't for a long time. And that's, you know, that's my opinion. How do you reverse the damage that's been done, say, militarily at this point in time? I mean, the only constitutional branch that should have a standing president is the Navy. And that was to protect the borders. I mean, that's Constitution states that. So but how do you clean something out that's so big that, you know, it's almost like the same thing in politics. It's a very Masonic structure where they vet the useful idiots up till about level three. And if you are not somebody who will comply or take orders or go along to get along, you're not going to get you know advance how do you clean that out and how do you restore the the faith of the american people in in it's a massive uh I've actually thought about this and it would be a massive effort you know what it would require in my opinion if I was you know if I was the president you know then you know I would do everything in my power to essentially um start going back through the records of those people that got drummed out because they wouldn't go along with the status quo. So you're going to have to go to retired people who are actual patriots and actually believe in the Constitution and actually enforce it. and ask them, hey, will you come back? If I bring you back in, give you whatever waivers are required, would you come back and serve your country? I'm asking you as the president of the United States. It would have to be a massive effort because honest to God, I believe that every single flag officer is compromised. Every one of them. There's not one on active duty that didn't go along with the vaccine mandates. And that is, there's no excuse. You cannot get around the fact that they endorsed human experimentation. They either they either agreed with it or they gave their tacit approval by not saying anything. And I've talked to a bunch of them because, you know, these are my friends. You know, I've talked to them behind closed doors and they're like, yeah. You know, I was like, what are you doing? You know, what are you doing? You know, when they first started out with the mask mandates, you know, you know, they would I would go in and talk to a two star. And I was like, listen, I was like, you think your people are stupid? And he's like, no. And I was like, well, you know, you've got a mask over your face that you took off the second that I came in when I took mine off. And so you obviously don't believe this works right now. Well, you think your people are stupid. They know that it doesn't work, but you're freaking putting this on and going along with this insanity. So what's that say about you? And then, you know, you're losing faith with your people because you're you're playing like it. And they don't know that you they probably lose more respect for you if they knew that you didn't believe it either. But, you know, and then, you know, the next time I visit, you know, it's it's the Vax mandates. And it's like, OK, now you're taking people's livelihood away from them. And, you know, they want to serve their country and you're totally putting them in an impossible, almost impossible position. And so it's just like there is no coming back from that. You never regain that trust. You cannot. You can't. There's no way you did something that's so gross. It'd be like putting somebody it'd be like putting, you know, one of the Nazi guards back in charge, you know, after, you know, in the 1950s, you know, putting them back in charge of, you know, a unit. I mean, you cannot come back from that. Well, they need to be dismissed and and, you know, not just dismissed. I think nationally, even, you know, the Fauci's and all these other people that perpetrated dishonest and perpetrated the lies need to be held to account. We cannot ignore it and just assume, OK, if we ignore it long enough, it goes away. It doesn't. We've got a gaping open wound nationally that will never heal. You've broken trust with the American people. Everybody knows people that have died from the vaccination and not the COVID. A handful of people, obviously. There are people that did die from... Well, they were killing them with ventilators. Remdesivir. That was executed by doing that. And the people in the hospital going along, they knew. You know, these people aren't stupid. They've spent their whole life in this. They knew what was going on. They just did not. They weren't principled people, so they wouldn't push back. There was too much money involved. They didn't want to lose their livelihood. And they said, OK, I'll throw the switch on the gas chamber because I don't I want to bring bread home to my family. That is the bottom line. And until we address that as a nation, we will not heal. And this will not go away. That will always be an underpinning of, you know, exactly what it is. People were executed and that's got proof. And that's the same thing about the 2020 election. It's the same thing. We have to deal with 2020. It has to be investigated. We have to go back to it. And a lady said this, I don't know if it was at the SEB or if somebody said this on the show yesterday, Baron, but that's like saying that a murder happened and You've got a person that's deceased now, and you're just going to move past it and just go to the next murder or whatever the case may be. Sounds like Hillary Clinton, right? Hey, what does it matter? The guy shot himself and then hung himself afterwards. Yeah, you can't just sit there and look at it. We were looking at the murder of our country and our process. And in 2020, we cannot go forward until we write that. And every single person that had something to do with certifying that election was guilty because there was enough evidence right there that they could have stopped it and done an immediate injunction and stop the process until we had it figured out. I do believe that anyone that had anything to do with any of this nonsense that has broken the trust, and I'm going to say the word treason, if they committed treason. Well, I'll take it a step further. I mean, yesterday I said this on Antonio's show. The reality is our constitutional republic boils down to, in my mind, one thing, one person, one vote. Because if you can't vote people out of office, then it's not a constitutional republic. So- If any individual cast two votes or help somebody else cast two votes, that is an act of treason, which is a capital crime and should be treated as such. If it's proven that you actually did that, then you should actually be brought up on treason. You should be prosecuted. And if found guilty, that should be a capital crime and should be treated as such. And then guess what? People wouldn't be doing it because they would actually see how important it is to enforce the base fundamentals of what our republic is founded on. Yeah. And we had a guy on yesterday that is for handmark, hand counted, same day paper ballots. And he went to a meeting here in Georgia. And this is breaking news in the newspaper and all over the place currently as we speak. And he was talking, I guess, getting at one of the maybe a legislator about the process or something like that. He had another guy. walk up to him, start a confrontation because he was questioning that official. And I'm sure it had to do something with election integrity. Well, that guy spit in his face. They hate us, just like Steve Bannon always says. They hate you, your kids. You know, these are the globalist elites that think they know better, that are stealing our money, that are robbing us and ripping us off. They care nothing about God, family, and country and the Constitution. And we do have to stand up against these people and not back down, Donna, like you said. Yeah, and somebody's got to have the guts to make those hard decisions. that we've been avoiding making these decisions because, and I think most people have that in that intrinsic personality or belief system that if I'm a better person, the world will be better and learn from, you know, me doing the right thing. They don't understand that that's the way they think. Not everybody thinks that way. And if you study personalities or, or, you know, uh, you know, mental disorders, mental disorders of any kind. There are some things that you are not going to be able to change no matter how good you are. And honestly, it's one of those things that I have a hard time teaching new people that work for me in the businesses. Some of them are a little bit hostile, the businesses that we have. And it's like, you have to understand people don't think the way you do. So don't make that mistake. The first mistake is believing that everybody's just like you because they don't necessarily have that same mindset. Some people, most people, I've met very few people in my life that will not tell a lie. And I mean very few. Some people will lie over $5, some over $10, some for $10,000, some for threats, coercion on their families, or you can upkeep upping the ante. But usually people will get to their breaking point at some point in time. There are a few people that will not lie. but they're very, very few and far between. So the first thing is assess what are they really looking for? What is their motivator? And you're gonna find things that are really not pleasant to have to deal with. It doesn't mean that they're necessarily a bad, bad person, but there's only one perfect and that's Jesus Christ. And if we start looking at people to be our savior or political processes and such and and I'm gonna go there even looking at president trump I am an unapologetic president trump supporter and people come up and say well you know he should have cleaned people out he should have done this who is he going to get to step forward Were you willing to step forward to support him? Were you willing to stand there and be able to say, I would take a bullet for you and I won't fail you no matter what happens? Where were those people? They weren't there. There weren't enough of them. There may have been a few, but there were not enough. And if the people are going to self-govern, then every single one of us has to say, you're my president and I will stand with you unwavering. And I will also be there to instruct you, to help protect you from bad information, to make sure that you have as good a counsel, not that I'm always going to be right, but that I will give you the best I have to stand with you in truth and honesty and integrity. And then once he's in office, I mean, the dude's almost 80 years old. What's next? You know, the only answer to that is we are. And that means we have to have a sustainable in a business. You have to have a sustainability plan or the whole thing falls apart. The government is supposed to be there as a service to we the people, not the focus of our lives. And that starting point is there. It's an administrative process to handle our affairs financially that we don't want to handle so we can live our lives and make money and or to benefit the common good. I'm going to tell you right now, the whole of them needs to be about 90% nullification, firing from top to bottom, and start over after we do an audit to find out exactly what's happened down to the last penny in the departments. and hold them accountable. And the first thing is, is they need to be stripped of their citizenship, stripped of their citizenship so they can never be in that position again to hold power from now until Christ comes back. You've failed. You did not uphold what you should have done. And we can never trust you again because you've shown weakness in the midst of adversity. And, uh, then after that, I don't know, ship them off to get Mo and see if they make it through military tribunals. And so sad, too bad. You might have to meet big daddy up there and face him and have him figure out what's going to happen to you eternally. Because there, there, we have to do our job here and clean things out here to protect the innocent, to protect our children. We're sucking at this. It's bad. Human trafficking is rampant. And, uh, You know, the lack of integrity of of protecting those around us is is it can't stand. It's true. It's true. But who's going to step up and do it because they're afraid that people are not going to like that. They're going to have, you know, they're you know, people are going to have their feelings hurt. I'm sorry. Choose better. Yeah. I mean, and ultimately it just goes back to like I said, anyway. you've got to have principle and that has to be unwavering if you're gonna stand on it and risk everything. I mean, our founders, you know, pledged their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor. They pledged everything on something that was actually, if you look at it, it was insane what they were attempting to do. Not the goal of it, but to think that they would be successful was ludicrous. I mean, the British fleet at that time was about 15 times as strong as our current fleet in the United States today. The ships of the line, and you look at the power that they had and the global reach. And, you know, the sun never set on the British Empire. And to think that a bunch of guys, you know, in Virginia and a few others, you know, with squirrel guns, we're going to take on the world's mightiest superpower and actually win was pretty crazy. But they believe that, you know, that that God was calling them to do that. And they did it. And, you know, with, you know, obviously, I hate saying anything good about the French, but, you know. Yeah. In the end, you know, when the French jumped in and a couple of, you know, you know, God can do what he's going to do. But we have to be willing and we have to be engaged. And, you know, to some degree, when I decided, OK, I'm going to run for sheriff and and be the closest constitutional authority to the people of my county and not let their rights get trod upon to some degree, because I knew how gross the, you know, the election fraud was in Gwinnett County. I mean, we were ground zero of 2000 mules here. And I was like, well, you know, again, God's sovereign. So at 57, I'm going to go to the law enforcement academy and I'm going to give this thing a go. And if he wants me in, then I'm going to be in. And if he doesn't, then there's something else he's got planned. And and I'm good with that. But yeah. But you've got to put yourself in a position to be used. And if it happens to align with what God's trying to accomplish or going to accomplish, I should say, then great. And if not, he's going to use you for what he wants you to use you for. And so it's but at the core of that, you have to believe in something. so deeply that you're willing to do something that seems crazy and almost zero chance of success. Because guess what? Throughout history, it's come down many times to one person or one family, you know, the Noahs, the Gideons. I mean, you just go through and one person, you know, being obedient, the Moses, you know, is change the world you know the josephs you know there's time and time and time and time again where one person has changed the outcome of the entire world and uh you know it's I'm not saying I'm not so you know to think that oh I'm going to be that guy or whatever but but you might be the concept you might be We need to that needs to be our mindset. And we need to say, hey, this life is, you know, this life is a vapor. You know, let's do what's right. And if, you know, like Antonio said earlier in the program, you know, our days are numbered. You know, the number of breaths we take were known before we were born and they were given to us by God. And no one on planet Earth is going to add one more breath or one less. That's right. what's right because we know what's right. And don't worry about what is going to happen to us. That's right. Our eternity began when we accepted the free gift of salvation for Christ and repented for our sins and follow him. So that's when our eternity began. So to be absent with this body is to be present with the Lord. So, you know, what's the problem here? That's what I see. I'm like, so what's the problem? You know, it's like up to do what's right. And, you know, that's that's extremely free. Now, you know, you need to you know, you need to qualify. I mean, Scripture also says in this life, there will be adversity. You look at all the apostles that were all murdered except for one in heinous ways. They all spent time in jail. I mean, so it's not saying it's going to be a cake. the day, you know, you know, Paul said to live as Christ and to die as gain. So if you keep the, the grand, you know, scope of things in focus and know that we've already won. So the question is, what do we do on the way to the finish line that we know that we're going to, you know, be the first guy or Dale, or, you know, we're going to cross this finish line. The story's written. So how about let's live lives worthy of the calling and not worry about anything else. And if, you know, and, you know, and you don't know, I mean, how many times in history has somebody taken through the horns and that actually is what Christ or God used to, to spark the change. Whether it's, you know, martyrs doing things, you know, I mean, when, when somebody shows some steel on their spine, then that motivates others. And, you know, and, You know, if I've got to be the catalyst, I've got to be the catalyst. I'm happy to be the catalyst. But we've got to think about things outside of ourselves and our own little, you know, you know, you know, illegally, you know, grafting money or, you know, for, you know, and taking these positions, you know, to do, you know, self-interested thing. And we've got to think about that. what we're called to do. And that's to fill oaths if we're in public office. And that's, you know, to do what's right. And again, all of those things stem from what is what is Proverbs? You know, one say that, you know, the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So if we don't know you know the word of god we cannot possibly you know understand what's right to do and we don't fear him because we're going to do our own thing and despite the fact that you know the creator has given us a very clear instruction book and uh you know and has charged us to do you know his his uh you know his will so how did you start your classes out for teaching ethics and integrity? Because I think that's a good, a good plumb line to throw out there for people today. When you ask what is right, because there there's such a, I tell you about this. Um, just, just a little bit. All right. I got to plug my phone in or it's going to, I had to do that a little bit earlier too. So that's why if I'm messing around on here, I'm looking for a cord. So, yeah, it's really interesting because, um, Again, I taught the capstone course, Leadership and Ethics, to all of my senior, graduating seniors. And when the national curriculum, actually, it's a philosophy course. We study a philosopher, usually some dead German, and what his philosophy was. And then we talk about it. And then the other part of the class, it's an hour and a half class, was a military case study, typically with some moral ethical problem. And we talk about the decision making in that scenario. um but what I did with the class was you know okay if we're supposed to talk about what's right and how do you know every day in class you know I started the class by saying listen First of all, because I taught Georgia Tech first, I said, first of all, this is interesting. I said, I've often thought this, but I definitively know it's true. I'm the dumbest person in the room. I said, I've seen all your test scores, so everybody in here is smarter than me. But I said, we will talk about the difference between IQ and wisdom during the course of this class. But I said, we're talking every day in class, what's right and how do you know? So when you ask me about what I think is right and how do I know, don't get butthurt if I quote 10 or 15 Bible verses, because... I believe that the word of God is objective truth. So I'm telling you what I believe and why I believe it. And you can raise your hand and say, Skipper, I think you're full of crap. And I encourage you to do that because I've already designed this class for everybody in here to get an A. You're going to have to fight me not to get an A. You're going to have to do work. I'm smart enough to know what I wouldn't do if I was in your shoes. So I know how to make you work. But I said, the bottom line is, you know, raise your hand. You'll get a higher A the more you disagree with me. I said, uh, but, and I'm going to ask you this. Oh, maybe it's, maybe his phone went coming on and off here a little bit. We'll see. He'll, he'll probably pop back on here a minute. Oh, I'm trying to get back in. Yeah. We can't see you, but you're there. Somebody came in on my phone to, to call me. Okay. That's how real this is guys. For real people. And we get phone calls. Yeah. It's live. Oh, there he is. He disappeared. Just you and I now for a minute. He'll come back on. so yeah we'll just we'll give him a minute to come back on but we and I can talk about all kinds of things while he's he's working on the phone thing here oh yes it's yeah it's so much stuff we can go but courage courage and uh knowing what you believe why you believe it and it has to sit on something that's connected with moral value and that the the best thing for that is the judeo-christian values of the teachings of the bible Sorry about that. He's back. Yeah. Yeah. So so anyway, it was crazy because, you know, this this dialogue started off in this class. And so what I did is, you know, after kind of introducing the class and what we were going to be doing, the last two minutes of class, I had made this 50 question survey. and so the it was just yes or no you know true or false and you had to I wanted them to fill it out very quickly so that it would just get the raw thing and you know only have two minutes to do it so it started off easy you know is it okay to lie yes or no cheat yes or no steal yes or no are there absolute laws of mathematics yes or no physics yes or no are there absolute laws of morality yes or no and then the you know the cart goes over the edge and I said you know I started you know is premarital sex okay yes or no between two 18 year olds 18 and 17 18 16 18 15 18 14 18 13 all the way down what about a 40 year old to 18 it went all the way down And I was like, is homosexuality okay? Is bisexuality okay? Is transgender okay? Is necrophilia okay? I mean, everything that I could think of, I threw the kitchen sink in there. Is bestiality okay? Is abortion okay? If yes, percent viability outside the womb. Or is partial birth abortion okay? It's like circle one. If yes, or if the baby was meant to be born, or not to be aborted, but was actually born, should the doctor then be able to kill it after it's born? If yes, circle one, within the first hour, the first day, the first week, the first month, sometime before graduating high school. And so I just drove everything right off the cliff, right? So everyone fills this out. The next day in class, I go, okay, so what did we learn yesterday in class? I was like, well, first of all, we learned that I'm the dumbest person in the room. And I said, how many people think they got a hundred percent on that test I gave yesterday? And man, all of a sudden it was like a preparation age commercial. You know, people are side to side, like what? No eye contact. I mean, people, I said, come on, you guys are the rocket scientists. I'm the dumb aviator here. You know, I think I got a hundred percent. Now they're really nervous. And they're like, shifted around and I was like, guys, I designed this class. So half of your grade is going to be class participation. And so I and right now you're all getting apps. So what I designed you to get an A. So somebody better start talking pretty soon or this because the whole semester is going to be like this. And so anyway, I finally. But the bottom line in the in the class, I wanted to sharpen their thinking. I can care less. If they agreed with me, disagree with me or fell somewhere in between. I just wanted them to think through their positions and, you know, and and see that most of the positions are pretty thin. Like, you know, why is abortion OK? Oh, it's a woman's right. Well, who said, you know, you ask the second question or definitely the third question and they've got no answers because they're not basing it. they're not basing their decisions and their thinking on anything other than quicksand. So, you know, I was trying to expose that. Now, again, this is another reason why I thought, okay, I'm going to get relieved of command because either, either the schools, the schools are going to fire me. But I said, there's no way I'm going to survive four years. And the crazy thing is not only did I survive four years doing that, but in all six schools on anonymous surveys by those that ship, but I got the highest scores you could get as a professor. I mean, they love the class. And it's because I think because I didn't. It wasn't regurgitation of what the professor thinks. It's actually thinking and articulating what you believe and then allowing other people and encouraging and mandating that other people question that and to sharpen your thinking. But that's not what we do today. We, what we do today is we, you know, do in doc and then we crucify people for not, you know, toting the party line. And that's why, you know, that's why the nation is in such bad shape. Very few people believe in anything that's, you know, objective truth. And so, yeah, we got, we got problems. That ain't how you run a democracy. And that's what they talk about all the time. Democracy. Yeah. Yeah, that word is like an IQ test fail right there. It's like saying elections are about the future. Forget about what just happened. Yeah. Yeah. We're going to ignore it. We're going to ignore it. That's the thing that slays me with Camilla, Camilla, whatever. Camilla. Camilla. Camilla. Cruella. She's out there like talking like, oh, I'm going to do all these things. It's like she hasn't been the number two person in America for the last four years. It's like, wait a minute. You know, you're talking about all these initiatives that you've done 180 out from that, you know, for three and a half years and you want to just ignore that. Yeah. She's a real special little snowflake there, isn't she? Well, that's what Montel said. Oh, you guys are funny. I'm definitely going... Antonio, you want the top bunkers? Billy Brown. Why do they always call people... I know this is off-subject, but why do you get Bill out of William? Hey, or bills. Maybe we should ask Camila that question. She seems to have a lot of answers, doesn't she? I don't know. I'm so done with this whole thing. It's just not even funny. I mean, we really need to see a large change happening. Just this constant, as you said, regurgitating this fake news, fake lies, fake elections, fake politicians, fake service, all of that that we're having to confront every day. I'm hoping that everybody out there is just done with this. and is willing to accept the change when it comes and then jump in to help. Well, people are seeing it. I mean, most people, a lot of people won't get engaged. Until it's they can't ignore it anymore. When it's on your front doorstep and coming into your house, you have no other you know, you don't you can't ignore it anymore. And the bottom line is that's where we're headed. I mean, yesterday, I think it was the day before they were talking about like child protective services and this that if you disagree with transgender, this, that and the other. And, you know, your kid wants to do it. They'll take your kid away from you. I'm like, OK, that's on my threshold to my door. You come into my house trying to take my kid away. And I mean, it's at some point everybody's got a red line that gets, you know, tripped. And on so many fronts right now, they're pushing towards those red lines. And I don't know if it's if it's on purpose because they want to trigger an event and then use that as a pretext to be more draconian. Or if it's just out of arrogance and hubris combination, there's probably a lot of things depending upon, you know, you know who it is that you're talking about. But, you know, the conflict is coming and, you know, we're wise to think about, you know, how, you know, how and why it's coming and what our response is. I mean, last night when I got home, I read an article by David Betts. civil war comes to the West and it's it's I think shockingly accurate and it talks about why every all the conditions right now are right in the West for basically for civil war to break out and and why it is you know that it will break out and It's a little bit unnerving, but the detail that he goes into is really, really good. And probably that whole article is worth one of these podcasts on its own. Well, I'll sit on here with you guys all day and visit, right? Because that's my thing. i I honestly I learned so much with it I'm assuming that's the magazine right there military uh military strategy magazine yeah okay yeah I'll what I can do is I'll I'll put this on my telegram channel because I will post that when we get you know when we when we get off here but is there anything else I'd love to have you guys back on again this was great I know you're all you're busy but but you won't get canceled on brandenburg news now I can guarantee you that and so you know it's I think I think this is the biggest thing is that we have to be open to talking with people and honestly we learn best from each other not not in a not the way that they're doing it right now in the indoctrination camps that are making You know, disabling people and just teaching them to be better sheeple. We need to have discussions like we used to around the table. You know, I think if we just went into every small town, you know, where the old farmers all sit. That happens in every small town across the nation. You got the big table in the front or in the way in the back. And it's all the old farmers sit there and they've got three, four hours to solve all the world's problems. They all have an opinion and such. And, you know, if we had about two or three of those tables, we could probably write this nation real quick because it's based on common sense, not, you know, not theoryville, but what actually works. and people who are actually in the trenches working in industry, raising their families, whatever that may be. Not theory land that never works the way it's supposed to. So, well, can you guys come back on again? This was a lot of fun. Oh, yeah. Yeah, both of you. Definitely. I love this. And any, any last words that you want to say? Cause I always end with a prayer and, or if you want to go off in another tangent, I've got some more time, but otherwise we can reconvene. I just, I mean, I like to, you know, cause what we talk about are a lot of hard truths and a lot of it seems, you know, very overwhelming and, and kind of scary. And I like to just remind people that listen, you know, God did not roll over in bed in 2020. And it's like, what the heck is going on down there? And he didn't, you know, every day when crazy stuff happens, he's not like, you know, okay, what is going on? Things are out of control. He controls the universe and he's allowing things to take place ultimately for eternal ends. So we need to be reminded as believers that, hey, you know, ultimately the most important thing is that we live a life that's worthy of the calling that we're, um, know with all those midshipmen that I had that I was absolutely disagreed with I had you know um on so many different issues I was like listen up you know and dem you know I said I i will you know do everything in my power to support you know you and your this that and and so you make people grapple with okay this guy who completely disagrees with me would you know take a bullet for me and would also and is also advocating for me and you know, my studies or, you know, whatever the issues were that they're struggled, um, you know, and you make them wrestle with the fact that, you know, you know, love overcomes, you know, people, they can't grasp the concept of, okay, uh, why is it that this person totally disagrees with me is willing to engage and, and, um, and so forth. So, you know, I think the most important thing to leave with is, Hey, we need to know what we believe We need to be ready and willing to die. And we need to know that all of us are going to spend an eternity somewhere and and engage people with that truth and compassionately and encourage them to, you know, and tell them, you know, give an account for the belief that we have and why we believe it. And and but not back down. I mean, when it comes to, you know, the things that we're called to do. And these are hard truths that we talked about that we're called to do. We're called to push back against evil. We are. And and not to give up on that. So we can hold both of those concurrently. And we can, you know, you know, and I don't metaphorically violently disagree with somebody, but also, you know, love the enemy in the same at the same time. So those two things, it's important, I think, you know, to keep in mind and that eternity is ultimately the most important thing we need to keep in mind. Over to you, Antonio. Hey, I think you said everything that needed to be said. The only thing that I would say is you're absolutely right about eternity. And a good friend of mine up in Forsyth, Stacy Ryans, always says the most important work that we'll do is going to be inside of the four walls of our home. But I believe we can do two things at one time. And we need to expand that and to speak to the church missions first. I think that we need to have more missions here locally because we're supposed to take care of home first. And it's great to go all over the world doing this and doing that and making sure that people know who Christ is and have the opportunity to explain to them about salvation and everything that goes along with that. There's a lot of work. We're losing our country. We're losing our home on so many levels. So When we get on the airplane, they always tell you in the instructions to make sure you put your I know mask is a bad word, but your your oxygen mask on before you help someone else. And I strongly believe in that. And I tell people to be encouraged. Like you said, we know we win this in the end. But this whole thing about life. The judgment started on the world. It goes all the way back to the garden. So, you know, we've been under the judgment for all of those days. So this whole life that we live is about obedience, whether we're going to be faithful or not to what God calls us to do. And there is no provision in the Bible that says obedience. It gives us the right to sit around, sit on the couch and say, oh, these things are going to happen. God knows everything that's going to happen. Like you say, he knows how many breaths you're going to take before you even conceived in your mother's womb. So right now I'm calling on men to stand up, stand on the Judeo. Give your lives to Christ. You know, repent. The Bible tells us, you know, he'll heal our land if we repent and follow him. And that's what we should be doing first and foremost and encouraging other people to do the right thing. Shameless plug. Make sure you guys go to There's a song on there. I would like for you guys to listen to it. Michael, have you have you heard it yet, Donna? I'm ashamed to say I have not. OK, so I went to the website here. Where do I find the song? Go on the home page. And there's a there's yeah, there's a video there. Real America's Voice has featured me on their show and they played it. Shout out to Carolyn Ryan. She heard me sing the song at a election integrity meeting that Garland Favorito invited me to. So shout out to Garland and people that have tried to help me push this song along. So this song is for the people. You know, I've been on many stages. I used to. you know performing r&b so I've been all around the world doing that but this time this material is for the people so the reason why I wanted to push this song so hard first of all I hope that it would encourage people um and be an inspiration to them um but let's go on the home page is that that that's the all the way to the top that was the click that I did okay okay where do I go I'll scroll go down Did I do it wrong? There you go. Okay. Did I tell you that's going to be at the inauguration? Yeah. So Baron's my manager and producer now. And cellmate in jail. Yeah, and cellmate. So he's going to be everything. So if I'm blessed enough for this song to go viral and do whatever it's going to do, this will help people follow my page and we can help. get more information out through my podcast that we're doing is that's war room Gwinnett County. So you can look that up on all platforms. I will be hosting an hour on the Alex Jones show. So we're trying to connect that now. So that's what I'm trying to bring to the table. And hopefully I can get Donna to hear the song and put it out through her network. Let's see if I can play it. So this is our song. Go the distance, go the distance USA. That was barren. The audio is really low, so I don't know if that's... Yeah, that could be. I've got it going to the speaker. Okay. So... That's a great that's a great thing. If they can't hear it, I tell you what we'll do is that I'll put it on my telegram channel and I'll put it because everybody that's here probably is on my also my telegram channel. So it's at Brandenburg, the number four. I'll post that there and see if I can bring it in. I have to what I have to do is I have to load it in into the dashboard here for it to be heard reasonably right. I'll send you a link to it so you can download the MP4 for it. So you'll be able to do that one day. Yeah, that's great. I can do it that way. So it's a little difficult when I'm online, but it's such a pleasure to meet you. I mean, when Barron brought you up about, I don't know how many days ago it was, said you should have Antonio and I on at the same time. I'm like, that's great. Whatever you want to do, that's great. And so it's been a real pleasure to meet you and get the chance to talk to both of you. Of course, Barron, we've had lots of discussions and talked about everything that needs to be fixed, how we're ready to bring the heat to everything and handle problems here, which is kind of great. I always pray at the end of the broadcast. Would one of you guys like to pray or do you want me to do? I'm happy to. Love it. All right. Heavenly Father, what an honor and a privilege it is to be called a child of the living King. Father, I pray that you would use our words, however imperfect they are, to be instruments and tools of yours that we would reach a lost and dying world, that we would encourage people, that we would be able to be salt and light in our lives. a generation that's just dying and desperately looking for looking for something but they don't know what they're looking for father use us to bring the love of Christ and the truth into their life so that they are quickened that their mind is quickened to things eternal that their heart turns towards you that our nation Lord would would once again live up to its motto and God recrust. I pray for a revival. I pray that your Holy Spirit would be unleashed on our land, that we would once again honor you and turn from our wicked ways, and that you would use us, whatever it takes, and whatever sacrifices we need to make, just like you did when our nation was founded. Lord, I pray that men would step up and once again pledge their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred honor to regain their the gift that you gave us, and through sacrifice and blood, the way that this nation was founded. And in our early years, we were honoring to you, but we so quickly strayed. And Father, just bring us back to you, I pray. And again, give us a vision for eternity and give us a vision for the loss so that we can turn hearts towards you. In your son's name we pray, amen. Thank you so much. So any last words here, guys, before we come back on again? I look forward to the next time. I told you you two are kindred spirits, so it's fun seeing you all together, all of us in the same room here. It's been great. That's really fun. I love you both. This is really fun. And it was a great time to get together. So this is what it's like guys, when you get together with other Patriots who truly love God, Jesus is our savior, not just in eternity. It's every single day. If you walk with Christ, you can ask him, it's like, okay, screwed up. What do you want me to do? Or, you know, this is bothering me or can you help me out with this? Or what would you like me to do to help in this situation? Or do you want me to, Whatever it is. It makes the path so much easier when God is leading it instead of us thinking we know what we're doing because we don't. We're like a bunch of little kids floundering around in a sandbox. And the only one that has the way is Jesus Christ. It's God Almighty. It's precious son, Jesus Christ. And I'm going to tell you what makes it a whole lot easier when you just stop trying to be God and let God be God and you be you and you follow his lead. It really does. But with that said, you know, there's a lot of resiliency and mental toughness that we're going to have to have going forward. There is no way out of what's coming. Nothing's going to stop what's coming. The die's already been cast. And so before we get to... let's just say the toilet paper incidents of what year was it, where people lose their minds, get stupid when things melt down, you're going to have to be prepared. And the most important thing is mentally prepared so that you can deal with the changes. Now, I was behind grief and loss today. That was one of my projects I worked with and I funded and founded and such. And people react the same way whenever a circumstance changes. We don't like change and we go into grieving, whether it's losing a job, a favorite necklace, a person. It's all the same. Human beings react the same way. And so when things change, if you get used to the thought that things are going to change, it's just this part of life, right? And that whatever comes next is just going to be another day. Something else we'll deal with when it comes. You're more than equipped to deal with whatever comes to you. But more than that, we can do this together. There's going to be there's really good people that will come alongside of you, me, Aaron, Antonio. Jay Furman, all of us. There's good people that will step up, but you've got to realize that there's nothing that we can't overcome as we stand together as one family, one nation under God, it will be okay. So don't dread the future. Don't dread those changes. March right in there, you know, stick it in the bad guy's faces and say, guess what? We don't waver. We don't give up. We are your worst nightmare because we're resilient and we're willing to fight for what we love. It's not about what we hate. We fight for what we love. And we love our families and we love each other and we love all good things that flows directly from the hands of God almighty. So it's going to be okay. So with that said, um, go to, it's part of the show, boys and girls go to Brandenburg for governor, because I'm the best non-conceiter who has ever not conceded in the history of the United States. I would like to have a discussion with president Trump. Please needle him for me and say, Hey, you know what? You need to talk with Brandenburg here. Let's get a meeting. You need to talk with Brandenburg. Right. And, uh, I've got the, I'll even sign and give you this off of my desk, right? As a cool gift. So there you go. I'm going to challenge you. You got to write Joe Biden name on there or something. I'm going to sign at the rightful president of the United States, first appearing on Mount Rushmore here. But at any rate, remember this. Everything we have, we have everything. We can have peace in the midst of all sorts of things going wrong. You don't have to react. You don't have to be sad about it. Look at it and say, well, this is going to be a new day. If you get diagnosed with cancer like I did years ago, I never got sad. I just looked at it and said, well, it's going to be a new day. I'm going to get this thing figured out. and uh not not the doctor said I was a little psychotic I'm sure but that's okay I'll tell you the story someday it was actually pretty funny and uh walk into that those situations god allows them they're okay it's okay he you learn from things like that and it's amazing how tough you get when you go through things and you don't you don't feel sorry for yourself you just go forward so with that said um it's going to be a great day make it so god bless you god bless all those whom you love and god bless america Make it a great day. And if you don't have an example, just be one. So you guys stay on one second. This is where the fun part of the show is. This is where we talk when we get off broadcast. Wish you could be with us, but we'll see you tomorrow. Tomorrow I have on Off the Grid with Dr. David Kent. in the first hour. The second hour is my citizen journalist panel for BNN. And the third hour tomorrow is Jalise Middleton, who is the J6er, who is waiting to be sentencing. And I basically said, let's stick it in their faces. We're going to put this on BNN every day until her sentencing and have other J6ers out there talking about what they've done. The cowardice of the people in our government to not stand up for political prisoners on American soil is a offense We will never forget. So join us tomorrow. It's going to be a lot of fun and I will see you guys later.