Published Jan. 28, 2025, 9:02 a.m.
9am John Tatar - Lawful Defense Tatar Tuesday with John Tatar. Studying the Constitution. Know the law and use the law - using the law to defend yourself. All things Constitution and Lawful Process. Tatar Tuesday with John Tatar X/Twitter: Facebook: Rumble: Odysee: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, John Tatar
good morning and welcome to brandenburg news network I am donna brandenburg and it's the day of january twenty twenty five and welcome to our show today uh we're gonna be talking about the internal revenue service and some of the laws uh attached that with john tater today on lawful defense and uh tater tuesday so um I'm gonna jump right into that right now and I'm trying to do about three things all at the same time so if it seems disjointed I'm fighting the censorship machine this morning john And I'm fighting it with honor and dignity and savagery. So yesterday I posted something on TikTok. And I'm pretty sure I was censored because I mentioned the bird flu on there, which is this is zero censorship. So I got to kind of watch myself sometimes, I guess. But at any rate, that kind of happened yesterday. So the savagery has begun today. I'm going to have to, you know, creatively change my words on some of these things. platforms that should actually be working under a platform rather than a publisher. And so the laws on that need to be kind of clarified so that they're trying to avoid liability is what they're trying to do. But they're trying to play ball under both platform as well as publisher. And so we have to play the game just a little bit. And that's kind of what I'm doing. So anyhow, how are you this morning? I am good. Good. All is well. What's happening in John world this morning? Well, I am finishing up my court case. I'm doing my title page. This is the last of the act that is required in federal court to file a case. Oh, really? My case, and I will talk about it more if you want later. My case is, you can see how thick it is. Okay. My case is against three judges. The three judges are Nugent, Cole, and Yonker. And it's ready to go in. It's a couple of hundred pages. And I called the court yesterday, and I have to go downtown physically and file it. And once it's filed, then I can start doing it electronically. But I have to go down and physically file it first. Okay. So it's almost ready to go. I just got to do a couple more documents, which I'll get done today. And Thursday, I plan on filing. So next week, if you want to chat about it a little bit, we can. That sounds like a great idea. I tell you what, right now I've got several lawsuits I want to file, and I just got to get really good at it, like you are. But there's a couple of them that need to be filed, and they need to be filed immediately on Benson. And so that's kind of one of the things that's on my radar right now. One that wants to run for governor? Yeah. Yes. What a joke. I'm like, I'm so out on her. She can't run an election. She can't run an office. She can't follow the law. She can't follow the campaign. Fine. She can't follow nothing. And she's running. She's almost like poster child for failure. Absolutely. Poster child. Yeah. A couple of good lawsuits against her might change her mind from running for governor. Yeah, like she has, you know. You know, I believe that she wasn't, she didn't decide that she wanted to run for governor. The deep state decided that she'd be a good patsy to run for governor. Somebody that they can pull the strings on, make her do what they want to do. And then, of course, she would get governor and she'd make all that money and be a crook just like Whitmer. This is typical behavior. But I don't think she had the I don't think she has the wherewithal to be a governor. She probably has the wherewithal of being a Secretary of State, I'll give you that right there. That's true, but I think she was placed in there just like Whitmer and just like Nessel. They're all the same. Who do you think placed her? The three whores of Lansing. Not wrong. You're not wrong, John. You're not wrong. You know, it's like I don't know. It's just like it's just it's just nonsense. And, you know, what the people the crux of the problem is, is that the people have to get smarter. They have to do the research. They have to know who they're voting for. Now, I've been watching like the the the candidates to the governor's race myself and looking at this going. All right. The Get Along Club last time made sure that Dixon, who was a DeVos candidate until she won the primary. Why? Well, let's see. Compromisable, doesn't have any knowledge and is a great puppet. Okay. And that's all it is. I mean, listen to them talk for two minutes and they go back to, we're going to make you all wealthy. We're going to do this for you. We're going to fix the damn roads. We're going to do all these things and make this wonderful fantasy land with what everybody wants to hear. There's no truth behind any of it. They're liars, cheats, and thieves, and that's all they got. Why would we vote in somebody who's in office right now who has patently failed? And all of them that have run for office or been in office, I mean, I don't care who it is. If somebody wanted to run that was never in an office, I'd vote for them over anyone that showed up on the screen. I agree. I agree. Vote them all out. They're all out. liars, cheats and thieves. Not one of them have gone after the twenty twenty election, which has to be righted. They want to shut all of us up that says that are like we've got to write the twenty twenty election or in twenty twenty eight. We are going to have the same thing again. They set us up for failure in twenty twenty eight by saying, oh, you know what? President Trump's in now. We don't need to do anything. Come on, Margaret. We're going to sit back here and drink our tea. We're not going to talk about this because President Trump's in office and he's going to fix everything. Well, that's great until he's not in office, and he's kind of an old guy right now, so not like he's going to live for another, you know, two thousand years. So who's going to step up next? Or you're bringing up an interesting point. They're talking about amending the Constitution. You know that, don't you? They're talking about amending the Twenty-Second Amendment. And you know what that's all about. Yeah, that's called breaking the law because they can't. We need to go to nullification and not keep adding more. I mean, I don't know. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. I'm trying. The twenty second amendment says president can only be in office for two terms. So they're trying to change that, to amend it, to say to take it back to before they put that twenty second amendment in. to take it back and say the president can run as many times as he wants, give him three terms. I think that's called a dictator or a king, people. No, no. What if Trump is running the next election, wants to run for office in the next election? I tell you what. I've got some problems with some of this. I'm going to tell you all of it. But my problem is, is that, is that can they, let's go back. Okay. So I'm going to be, I'm going to be real teachable right now and not try to get off my, my bias here. My bias is, is that we need to have term limits and, and, or have people that can turn over so that we don't get an entrenched government that just keeps running, running, running. That's number one. Number two, President Trump's an old guy. I agree with that. He has absolutely served this country with honor and distinction. He has been beat up. He has put himself in the way of threats, both foreign and domestic. He has taken so many hits legally for the American people. Where are the American people stepping up to also reciprocate and take care of him instead of sitting back like a bunch of baby birds waiting for mama bird to drop the worms in our mouths? Well, I agree with that, too, that we have been brought up thinking that government is our nanny. And government runs our lives. Well, that's part of the educational process that's been screwed up over these years. We've never been taught. We've never, I have, but, and a lot of it's been through my own learning and stuff, not through the school system, but I had some teachers that were out on the edge. that believe that we have, one teacher used to call them demagogues. And I had other teachers that were talking about the corruption that was going on in government back when I was in high school. And so I picked this up, picked these words up and picked these thoughts up and did some reading and learning and understanding. And back in the nineteen seventies, I got involved with protests against the internal revenues as one of the big fights. And it's been going on ever since. But it took. an education and a lot of people didn't get involved in that education. A lot of people were always looking for the easy way out. That's it right there. What's the football game on today? What time is the game on today? I had kids in my class that could name every single hockey player, but couldn't tell me what the First Amendment was in the Constitution. Yeah, we had that problem. And of course, parents didn't push the constitution, didn't push the learning of the laws and stuff. Oh, my son likes hockey. And if he didn't like hockey, he wouldn't have anything to like. And he would be bored and life would be bad and all this BS that they would hand me as a teacher when I'd say, look, I'm teaching government. Your son or daughter has no clue what's going on in this class. but they can tell me who all the baseball players are, what they play and what base and so on and so forth. And I said, you know, what's important? Why should you learn? Well, the problem is, and I use my old argument every single time I was up in front of the class, if you don't know your rights, you don't have any. That is so important for people to understand. If you don't know what your rights are, if you don't know what the Constitution says, the first ten amendments, to start with, you don't have any rights. And if you don't know how to fight it, I mean, I think everybody should go through a course on filing pro se, you know, because that way you're outside of it. I mean, I literally think that there needs to be something, a mechanism for people to file and defend themselves if they know the law. and cut out all these high-dollar lawyers who are basically working for the damn judges and be able to go after people based on... Most people can't even fight in court at this point in time because it's way too expensive. But it's been a slow, gradual taking of the government or taking of this country from the people. And the people are not focused on what's important. That's the biggest problem. People don't focus on the issues. They focus on the breads and circuses, right? They don't pay any attention to who's in office. All they know is that, well, you know, she's a good looking woman. I'll vote for her or he looks like he's a good looking guy. And that was what Kennedy and Nixon, when the Kennedy and Nixon debate was up, not that I was for Nixon, not that I was really for Kennedy either. I was kind of young to even know the difference between the two. Later on, I understood what was going on. But at that point in time, Nixon lost because he looked disheveled in front of the camera. Kennedy won because he had the nice posture. He had a glamorous look about him. And a lot of people voted for him just because of that reason. They had no idea of who this guy was or what he was running or what he was thinking about. If I had known who Kennedy was at the very beginning from his father, who was a bootlegger, a criminal, You know, does the apple fall far from the tree? Was Kennedy the same? Well, Kennedy started out the same way. He started out as a deep stater. He changed as he got into office and as he realized the office was ripping him off and forcing him to do things that he didn't want to do and that's why I said he was going to destroy the cia because the cia was lying to him and got us involved in the bay of pigs so I think a lot of people go through that and they'll get in office like that and and then they realize they don't even realize how corrupt it really is until they get there Watch some of them, you'll see the fire in their eyes that they're disgusted in what they're being asked to do. And some of them are just like, pony up the cash. Some of them are pony up the cash and they'll do anything for it. And it's really sad. You do know that if you run on a Democrat or Republican ticket, that once you're in office, that you owe back to the party cash. You have to go on campaign trails or whatever and gain money so you can pay your way in the political system. That's the way systems set up. That's why the Republicans and Democrats are so money heavy is because you as a politician, that public functionary, that works as a Republican has to return back to the Republican Party so many dollars. Same with the Democrats. So it's kind of a play as you pay or whatever. Anyway, play as you go. How is that? You know what I was? Everybody was like, oh, man, Craig. Craig is the is the forerunner for the Republican Party. Well, of course he was. The frickin Republican Party gave him what, like like twenty million dollars right out of the gate as their pick. that they literally gave him money as their pick and then I believe it was john yobb took his cut which is twenty percent and then out of here that's how this stuff works guys if you got a front runner guaranteed they were chosen and they're being propped up by these these political parties which should be abolished I wanted to tell you this is kind of cool so we're having a shake up in the constitution party right now the taxpayers party of michigan And we've got a new, in Kent County, we've got a new chair and vice chair here. I'm first vice chair again. And I think we're going to see the same thing, a shakeup in the state party at some point in time. And I think this is going to be really positive. We are going to do things very differently. And I will be reaching out to more people because the ability to make changes is going to be much, I think, much easier. and getting people involved will be much easier. So I think this is, we watch this going forward. It's going to be a more positive thing because I'm, I'm all about right now. If you really want to know all political parties should be abolished, but we have to use the tools at hand to stop this, this influence. They have, they have way too much influence and they're being bought off by big, big tech, big corporations that your money as a citizen, doesn't matter to them they just print more they they don't need our money might as well keep it maybe you can fight them in court but to support candidates to support the you know the parties or anything like that you're just you're just paying into the system and you're laughing at you at this point in time needs to stop hold on to your cash and we need to abolish these all of these parties and do something different my opinion So kind of a thing. But yeah, so it was the Republican Party that made sure that Craig was the front runner in there, coerced him into running. I talked to him personally. He said he never wanted to run as governor. Wakes up one day. There's a full page ad that says Craig's running for governor. He said he looked at that, shocked, going, I don't want to run for governor. But he said, what was I going to do? He said, here it's all over the place and the whole state's cheering for him. He said, I just wanted to be chief of police. And they pushed him in that direction. And pretty sure that when you see stuff like that, they're going to do it again. But Craig's first position on the polls and everything, that was paid for by the deep state. They figured he was a good candidate and they could push him around. I would say you're correct on that because they ran that full page ad that he woke up to and said, well, I don't know what to do, so I guess I'm running. He said, I never, I heard him with my own ears. We were sitting in a restaurant in Detroit because I reached out to him. He's like, I never wanted to run for governor. And my husband was there to hear it. And there was another person there that heard his words coming out of his mouth. It was the Republican Party that absolutely drove this and effed this up beyond all belief that it was all about money. He wasn't the front runner. He was the paid. He was the propped up person in the front and never gave anybody else a chance because they slammed twenty million dollars on it. And Yobb took off with his cut and went right down there into the Caribbean. Where? Real darn close to Epstein. Ah, well, yeah. I'm going to just do this. So you want to go into the IRS? Yeah. Before we do that, I just wanted to make one point. Why do we have people that are, what do we call them, the people that are involved at the ground level? I can't think of the name. Well, let's forget it. It will come to me in a little bit. But my point is, how do they pick candidates? Who's supposed to be picking the candidates? It's supposed to be the delegates. The delegates are supposed to pick the candidates. So if the delegates are ignorant, which a lot of them are, a lot of them just say, oh, I'm a delegate, and therefore I'm supposed to be important. But when you're a delegate, you should know who the candidate is that you're voting for, and you should be able to guide the proper candidates into office and not follow along with what the Republican Party or Democratic Party says. So the process is screwed up from the beginning. They're dumb enough to state it right out in the open. I was at the Vashon Manic Electioneering Rally over there in Washington, Michigan, and everybody that was sitting at the top in the VIP section that was in charge said, we're doing this for the delegates so they will vote with us. And it was stated. It was stated over and over again. It was to manipulate so they will feel good and vote for us. It was stated over and over again. Exactly. exactly well that's the biggest problem that's where the problem starts down at the grass what we call grassroots level the delegates who are supposed to know the candidates and pick the appropriate candidates they don't do that because they are a lot of them are ignorant taking orders a lot of them take orders a lot of them have no clue what's going on or why and um That's the biggest problem. Once they pick their candidate to run for office, then, I mean, it's off and running. It's like a horse race. Well, and look at what they had. I mean, when I went to the political events and Kelly and Saldana was there, all of these, honestly, these political wannabe big supporter type chicks, they acted like a bunch of sixteen-year-old girls on a pom-pom squad and they were full-time flirting with Kelly and Saldana. I was honestly, I was like, Oh, my gosh. I'm like, I can't even put words to this. It was the flirt fest going on there. And then I actually knew a guy that spoke up for him. I'm not going to say his name, his full name, but it was Michael. And he said every time Tudor Dixon was around him, he said, I run from her. He said, she's got her hands on me every time I'm near her. She's constantly... Not like a nice, you know, hey, how you doing? But he's like, she was like pawing him. And she said every time he was around, Tudor Dixon was pawing him. And he's like, I don't even want to be in the same room where she is just because of that. But that's what they do is that they'll pick out people that they're not just having fun. They're not, they're not, they're full time flirting. And it's manipulation. It's too bad. But that's what I saw of the Bobsy twins there of Kelly and Soldano. They were absolutely the flirt fest going on. It was sad. All right. That takes us to the next topic, which is back to the internal revenue. And the reason I want to do this is because several people had called me on the telephone and said, you know, they looked up this six, three, three, one, but they did it incorrectly. If you don't look it up properly, then you don't get the law. You get the internal revenue rags and you don't want that. because the Internal Revenue Regs reads this document, and then they make up their own laws, rules, and regulations to implement this. So you don't want the rules from the Internal Revenue, you want the actual law. And that's why when you look this up, you need to put down Title XXVI, USC, and that will bring up the appropriate part of the law. And then you can read that part of the law, and that part of the law will tell you what the government can do and can't do. The internal revenue regulations are whatever they think that says, their interpretation, or however they're going to implement that. And it's incorrect, as I'm going to tell you right now, because when they implement that regulation, and they go after your property or your bank accounts or whatever, they eliminate A, always. If you look on their form, which they send out to these third party debt collectors, the third party debt collector is the bank, is the mortgage company, is the, I don't know, anybody that, oh, your employer, he's a third party debt collector. So the internal revenue really has their hands off. We're not collecting any money from you. We're not collecting any tax from you. The third party debt collector, your employer, is sending the money to the internal revenue. And what's the internal revenue going to do? Say, oh, we don't want this money. It's not correct. It's not legal. And so on and so forth. No, they take the money. It's a third party debt collector. And the IRS really has no legal ability to use a third-party debt collector to collect the debt like they're doing. But they're doing it and they're getting away with it and people run out and then they voluntarily fill out a W- which says they have so many exemptions, which goes into a process of telling you if you have so many exemptions, you owe so much tax based on your income And an income is the generic term, not the legal term, which is a profit or a gain, because the internal revenue basically says you're worth nothing, you're zero. So any cash that comes into you is what the internal revenue would say is a profit or a gain. But it isn't, it's your exchange for your time of life. again which I say is finite you can only live so many years and then and you can only work so many years and then you're done working so you have a finite uh amount of time and ability to earn any money or to replace your time of life basically so so the internal revenue uh is deciding that you are zero based does is there an employer out there that would hire you if you were worth nothing well I think there are I don't think so wait we do it all the time in the government how many buildings do we ever are empty sitting home you know so but I know what you mean governments are government people are taxable under the federal income tax I have no federal income tax due or owing. I do not work for the federal government. I have no federal income tax due or owing. And that's the way people should be talking to the internal revenue if you are trying to battle the system. You have no federal income. It's not an income tax. I have no federal income tax due and owing. because you have to work for the federal government in one form or another as an employee or as an elected official, elected public functionary, in order to have a federal income tax due and owed. We are citizens of the United States. We are not federal employees or have no federal income tax due and owed. So that's the way you have to look at it. And you got to use the language properly. And you got to deal, it's like I say, when you talk about going to court on a traffic violation, you talk that I am traveling, not driving. You know, when you are driving, That came from the old Conestoga wagons where the salespeople that would have their pots and pans and wheat and rye and everything in the back of their wagon, and they would go from one store to another store. They would be driving a team of horses. I don't drive a team of horses. I drive, I don't drive a vehicle because I do not travel in commerce. I travel from point A to point B. So there's a big difference in the words and distinction of the words that you use when you go to court and you fight these battles. You can't talk about driving Because driving is a commercial effort where you're driving goods and services from a point you're driving an eighteen wheeler. That's driving, driving an eighteen wheeler for profit, either for you or the company you're working for. But if you're in just in your vehicle, traveling from point a to point P you're traveling, and there's a big difference when you go to court, if you're arguing in front of the judge and somehow you slip and say driving. You've lost, you've lost the battle because you admit that you are in commerce. You admit that you are trapped, that you are not traveling, but you are doing some commercial venture, even though you're not now try to back out of that later. after you make the mistake in a court is very difficult same with internal revenue if you have no federal income tax due in owing I have no federal I do pay taxes I pay property taxes I don't pay an income tax when I buy a goods or services because that's an excise tax so if I buy a um oh I don't know uh If I buy a car, for example, there is an excise tax on that car. I pay that excise tax. That's the income tax I'm paying through the corporation. Corporations pay the income tax. I don't pay an income tax. I pay a tax based on the vehicle that I purchase or the food that I purchase or whatever. There's a big distinction and a big difference when you talk about the different types of taxes that are out there. It's not that I don't pay a tax. I pay property tax. I pay excise tax. I pay direct tax and indirect taxes. But the point is I don't pay a federal income tax because I'm not a federal employee. And so that's what you gotta look at. And Title XXVI, section six, three, three, one, basically says in A, who is required to pay a federal income tax? And that is, as it says about the third or fourth line down, that it is paid upon the salaries of officers. I can't read it very well because it's real small. Do you want me to read it for you? Yeah, I read that part. I can only see dots from here. Levy may be made upon the accrued salary or wages of any officer, employee or elected official of the United States, the District of Columbia or any agency or instrumentality of the United States or the District of Columbia by serving a notice of levy on the employer as defined in Section of such officer, employee, or elected official. If the secretary makes a finding that the collection of such tax is in jeopardy, notice and demand for immediate payment of such tax may be made by the secretary and upon failure or refusal to pay such tax, collection thereof by levy shall be lawful without regard to a ten-day period provided in this section. I had a question here, John. Okay, so my question on this is that, first of all, what would be the reason for assessing this, assessing a government employee? What would be the purpose? You're working for the federal government, and the federal government has the authority to regulate you because you work for the federal government. But why would they levy against an employee if they were paying them the correct amount? No, it says if they don't or if they believe that they didn't pay the correct amount or that they're hiding the tax or whatever reason there may be that they don't believe. Their math, I suspect that most IRS agents don't have a basic understanding of adding and subtracting. Or management. I mean, I mean, why are we okay, this is just a base level thing. Why would we be taxing a government employee at all Pam for what they they're supposed to get and call her good? Why don't we give it and take it back? This is the problem that I see with all forms of government. We're going to give you what we think you need and then you got to give it back to us. And then I can decide based on what I want to accomplish, what you're actually going to give back to me. So it's actually it's a wage manipulation at its core. I've never heard anybody talk about it, but why would you even waste all the resources and time and effort to collect taxes at all from any of these people because they're employees? Set the wage at what it's supposed to be, a fair wage, and leave it alone. This is the control. The government wants on their people, that's all. And they have the authority to do that on their people. They do, but it's kind of stupid, really. I mean, it's a waste of money, of the taxpayers' money. If you're just going to, I'm going to give it to you. Now I've got to create a whole department and staff to manage it so we can take part of it back. And then we're going to take some of it back. By the way, you do know that, and it used to be a long time ago that I knew this. And so I'm sure the volume or the amount is different now. But congressmen are exempt on their first seventy thousand dollars that they make. And that was years ago. So it's probably a hundred and some now they're exempt. So they pay no federal federal income tax on their first hundred and twenty five. or whatever it is. I don't know what it is now. We can look it up and find out. But they are exempt. That's why they can play this game on the rest of the employees of the federal government. Well, I am completely against having anyone in government having any benefits that the rest of us don't have. So like state funerals, gone. They should be gone. The inaugurations, gone. gone swear them in and come to work and that's it all you know I understand some of the pomp and circumstance that that helps unite the culture I get that and I think some of that that helps unite the culture but most of it really needs to be reviewed because it's basically making them into kings and princess it turns these organizations into king makers just like the political parties The, the radical change that really needs to be made to write the United States. People would really have to be open-minded to it, but it's the only way to win because you have to get rid of things. You can't just add to it. It's just like all of these things I'm seeing president Trump doing, and I'm not spoken on this because nobody gets a pass for me. Even if I like them and I support president Trump, I think that we need to be able to question things and instruct when we want things done. Right. You've got to be educated to do that. Right. But unless all the illegals we deport, all of these changes we make, that's great. It's a great starting point. But unless we go back and write twenty twenty and pick up every one of these people that committed crimes against the United States and get them on a nice one way ticket to get them all to a nice, sunny, warm place where they never return from again. We're going to have the same people that are going to go back and write the same laws and figure out how to cheat over and over. It's the people that have broken the laws that are the problem. And they will find new ways to cheat unless we have a merciless cleaning out of these organizations. and send them packing with no way to ever have access to writing laws, to serving in a government official, to telling other people what to do. They have to be completely disabled from holding office again or any of these functions. Well, I frankly think that that's happening. I don't think it's going to happen overnight, but I think that's happening right now. I do too. Trump is cleaning house. When I say Trump, I don't mean Trump alone. Trump, the Trump team, the patriots, whatever you want to call it, they're doing a house cleaning. We know right now that Trump has already said he's not going to fund the UN, that he's pulling the funding from the UN. Good start. Pardon? Good start, but let's go ahead and go after those people that signed the treaties. There's no treaties. Well, I'm just saying the treaties and whatever else. We need to see the connections there and go after them because they subvert the United States of America. All of these organizations. Well, I think he's doing that. And you heard the latest with what's the country? Columbia. Yeah, Columbia. I think it was Columbia that didn't want to take their people back. Yeah, that was fun. Yeah, well, that's happening. It can't happen all of a sudden all at once, but it is happening day by day. People are getting the message. People are learning. Even though we do have people like AOC crying and moaning that, oh, all of these aliens are going to be returned back to their home. Oh, terrible, terrible, terrible. She's part of the problem. She's not alone. These things are coming out. But it took them over a hundred years to establish their presence in the United States. And now we're expecting Trump in, what, four or five days to change everything? It's not going to happen. He's done really well in four or five days. I'm going to tell you. It's just amazing. Not going to spike the football, though, until we get over the line in the end zone. And we will. And we will. But it does take time. And it does take the education of the general public who still think Obama's a good guy, who thinks Biden's a good guy, who hates Trump. So it takes time to get these people to... to find out what reality is. And some of them will never face reality anyway. I got a good one that will help them out. Did you know that what really is a very important part that came out with Columbia is that Back in the Bush years, the Bush administration destroyed the farming and flower growing in California and wrote a treaty with Columbia and basically gave a five billion dollar industry based in California, which was flower growing. and ruined all lands and handed it over to them. They are in jeopardy right now of having one of their main exports, which is flowers for say like Valentine's day and such being completely decimated. And honestly it should be, they should be able to support their own economy. And we should have a whole bunch of people that says, sign me up. I'm going to start growing flowers and making, making domestically, making flowers great again here in the United States. which would encourage the jobs in California. We lost tens of thousands of jobs over that agreement that Bush made with Columbia. Bush, the traitor, who also needs to be called out for what he is and have the whole rat's nest of them. Yeah, I agree with you. But I say it's going to take time. Trump's got a world to deal with, not only the United States, but a world that's pushing back like China, for example. And he's saying, you know, China, if you don't do what we're expecting to do, remember all that property you bought? We're just going to confiscate it. Well, you know, international investment is there because Malaysia did that. Malaysia did that years ago. China came into Malaysia, bought a whole bunch of property and said, we're going to do development. And Malaysia finally looked at him and said, wait, hold the phone here. This is not an investment. This is an invasion. took all the property back and sold all the development to the Malaysian nationals at like pennies on the dollar, like five cents for a dollar. And that's really what took down the real estate market in China to a greater degree, which I think was kind of brilliant of Malaysia. I'm hoping to see it here. Well, it's happening. It's happening. I think we just need to sit back and and not get too excited about it, do whatever we can. Like I said, I'm suing three judges. They need to be called out. I know of another person in our group that's suing a judge. Needs to be called out. We need to go after the criminals because we can't expect Trump to go after these criminals. These criminals are local. We have to expose them ourselves. And so I'm doing my part. Everybody's got to do whatever part they can. And if you've not been involved in the court system because you've been flying under the radar all these years, you don't really understand how corrupt the court system is and how corrupt the attorneys are because you've never had to face them because you've never been in front of them and you've never pled your case in front of them. So you have no idea how corrupt the system is. Debate and thinking what they're saying while they're saying it to try to twist your words. I've had that happen a few times. Oh, they're good at that. I think it's fun. They've had all this practice and you haven't had it that practice. It's kind of fun though. I actually like being on a stand. I've been, I've been called to testify several times. I actually very much enjoy that. Well, Whether you enjoy it or don't enjoy it, there's a lot of people that are afraid to death of standing in front of a judge. He's got this big black robe on. He's three steps above you. So he looks like he's Mr. Powerful and you are or Miss Powerful and you are just a local person at the bottom that doesn't know what's going on. And he's going to railroad you if he can't. That's why you have to be educated in the law. You have to know what the law says, how it applies. That includes not only traffic, not only all of the other civil infractions that you could be involved in, but federal infractions by the Internal Revenue and other organizations of such nature. that those organizations don't exist according to Norton versus Shelby County. And that that's the way you got to deal with them. They don't exist. They have no authority under the law to do anything to you as an individual, but you have to know how to fight that battle and what language to use and how to do it. And then you'll be somewhat successful. Not everybody is going to be a hundred percent successful. I may not. This is now the, uh, Fourth case that I have filed in court, several of the case, and they're all kind of connected in a sense. The first three filings that I did was against Judge Batani. And when I call him a judge, I'm using that term very loosely. Judge Batani, Judge Linda Parker, who is another big time crook. And these are federal judges. And then, of course, there's Nugent, who is a crook and a liar, and Yonker and Cole. So these are the people that I'm going against. And then I've got a whole bunch on the state side that I'm getting ready to go against. As soon as this one's filed, I'm starting my next case. Can you send me a copy of your case when you file it? I'd like to see it. I might. Okay. It's public, isn't it? You can go pull it once it's filed, yeah. You can go on to PACER and pull the whole case out. Yeah, I can probably send you the complaint, but I don't think I'll send you all of the exhibits. There's a hundred and nine, a hundred and ten pages of exhibits. Really? Are those filed publicly then too, though? All of it's filed publicly. All of the stuff that's been going on in court. I would really like to get stuff like this out in front of people so they can, they can get educated on it. You know, all, I think it's really interesting to pull cases and read them and see the, see, well, this is what they were trying to do here. This is what they were thinking. And I, and I got to thank you for that in, in, really and helping me be even interested in this wow do we have a lot of comments this morning like a lot lab and charlotte and eric and uh and hawks and curtis curtis had a whole bunch of he had a whole bunch of stuff on here curtis says that we should have a donna a think tank donna I like that. So anyhow, wonder if Michonne's going to pick Garrett Saldana as MIGOP co-chair. Oh, there's a good idea for you. At least give the younger gals somebody to flirt with. Fun. Delegates are blindfolded by party rulers. It's a scheme. They already know who's going to win by Charlotte. What about when they ask for driver's license? Who? It says, because there were conditions based off of taxpayers' money, we need checks and balances. It's a scheme. What about when they ask for a driver's license? I think she's just talking about driver's license in general. Who asked for the driver's license? Charlotte did. Yeah, but who would ask for the driver's license? I don't know. Probably police officers. Are you driving? No. We're traveling. We're traveling. Is a license required to travel? It is not. And what amendment covers that? The one you want to tell us about. The First Amendment covers that. It doesn't say in the First Amendment that you have a right to travel, but it does say that you have a right to assemble. How are you going to assemble if you can't travel? How are you going to go to church if you can't travel? Excuse me. You have a right to travel. That's an inherent right. And there's a lot of federal cases that talk about the right to travel. I got a whole litany of those. If you wanted to look some of them up and read them. The right to travel is an inherent right that we were given as we were given. That God gave us when we came to this earth. Because without the ability to travel, you can't do anything. What can you do? Is there a case that you bring up for that specifically? There's a ton of them, and I can look them up for next week, and I'll give you a list of them. That sounds good. Love that. Federal cases on these are all Supreme Court decisions about traveling. All right. Denise also is bringing up, how about campaign funds? The entire system supports continued criminality, money laundering, pay to play. Anyway, it's cut money corrupts. It is. I would agree with that. And that's why the Federal Reserve has to go away. And we have to go back to sound money system. Because as long as they can print money out of nothing, as long as they can... create debt as long as they can uh you know print your greenbacks without any backing but except the paper and the ink that it's printed on they can money longer because they can print hundreds of thousands of digits and send a hundred of thousands of digits overseas, and those digits are what they consider money. Those digits have no backing of any kind by the banking system, by the Federal Reserve. they are just pieces of uh they are just digits that are on a computer so as long as we have this digital system that we are living with and it is a digital system you say we got to have hard money the the paperbacks that we live that we have they're not worth any more than in in intrinsic value than the paper and the ink it's ink that's printed on that paper that's the vessel for what a fraction of a cent you have a hundred dollar bill so they that that's how they are able to do the money laundering they are able to pay for all of the political systems bribery so on and so forth because money has no value And the way the Federal Reserve is propped up is we pay a federal income tax to support that system. Without the federal income tax, they would not be able to run the scam that they're running on us. John Hock says, and only the legislative branch can raise funds. I've got another thing that I want to talk about when we're talking about money laundering. I think these casinos that are all over the place, because I have a friend that worked in a casino, or she works in a casino down in North Carolina. And she said that too, people come in with bags of cash. And that's one of the ways that they launder money at studios. Studios are huge into this. So something to put on everybody's radar right there. Have you ever heard of the from Denise? I have heard of them, yes. What do you know about it? Dr. Lee Merritt, Dangerous Names had him on. And let's see, talking about not paying, how to circumvent paying income tax. All I can tell you and anybody out there that if you plan on not paying a federal income tax, you better know the laws and the rules and the regulations. because the government will come after you in all directions and you'll get balled up in something. So if you're just coming into this system, I've been at this for many, many years. This is not something I picked up overnight. I can give you the bits and pieces and one of the bits and pieces is the six, three, three, one. And if you know the code at all, you will find that in the code there is no law that says they have the right to tax an individual. There's no law anywhere in the entire Internal Revenue Code. But that's only part of the learning process. I mean, I'm giving you a little bit of stuff, so hopefully you get real excited and you do start doing a deep dive. You got to know that the... Bruce Shaver versus Union Pacific Railroad, for example, says that Congress got no new taxing power. That means there's only two types of taxes Congress can do, direct and indirect. And an income tax, federal income tax, is a direct tax on the federal employees, not on the private citizens. So these are the nuances that you have to really know and understand in order to go up against the internal revenue. Otherwise, they're going to get you balled up in all which ways and scare the daylights out of you. And, you know, I... Many years ago, I was looking over my shoulder thinking that they were coming. I shed that fear over time, but that fear is there. And of course, they showed back in the sixties and seventies, breaking people's car windows and dragging you out of your car and taking your car and abusing you. uh and doing all kinds of evil things that they got away with back then because our government was uh encouraged the income tax system as it was set up but by law it's not correct it's not been proper and I think now with the change of uh trump coming in office and and going into looking at transparency, we're going to see a lot of this stuff come out. So would I go with a group called the law group? It's not bad information maybe to listen to it, but I would research it and be sure it's correct. Like anything, you know, you've got to realize that that the decisions we make in our own life have to be our own to take responsibility for. So even I wanted to go off in this a little bit of a direction here, too, because it's important to realize that at the end of the day, it has to be our responsibility. If we're looking for the government to solve all of our problems, they're not going to do it in the right way. They are the problem. They are the problem. And I love President Trump. I love what he's doing. And I just want to say thank you to him and everybody that's working with him. But that doesn't mean we shut off our thinking skills. We still have to be thinking critically in order to not go after people, but to help them. When you have a good person in office or good people in office, You don't want to be the problem. You want to be a help. You want to help keep the eyes on things to say, okay, just a minute, guys. I know you're good people. Have you thought about this? Have you thought about this? Have you seen this? It's not to lay them out. It's to help them. And with that said, I'm going to go back to this a minute because I think this is one of the ways that people are being manipulated right now is this whole thought process of, of we're gonna fix all your problems it's all about wealth wealth in america well I want we're going to listen to this just a minute and then I want to go further in this Yes. camera stop just a minute so I don't get a youtube strike and well guess doesn't matter I've been permanently banned so I'm gonna make another account this week but here we go Cardinalish keeps you thin. Dragonfell is for birds. A dragon cheer will clear up your skin. Watch the prophets come rolling in. Watch the prophets come rolling in. Every little piece, every little crease, lead us to the dragon, we'll buy him up, tie him up, drag him from the cage, show him that we're brave. We'll find him up, grind him up, lop him up, chop him up. Can't you hear that jingle, jingle sound? Oh, yeah. It's money, money, money by the pound. This is what I see our elected officials coming forward and promising everybody wealth and prosperity, wealth and prosperity, but they're leaving out the critical part of this, which is we have to seek God first in those invisible qualities of honesty, integrity, honor, valor, refusing to just sell this nation out like they all have been doing for the past how many decades. They've sold us out just like they're talking there, cutting it up and piecing it out. Are we willing to stand for those invisible qualities that have no payoff, but do it just because it's the right thing? And when I hear somebody constantly promising everyone wealth constantly, it compromises our integrity because the little bait's out there, guys. They're going to give us the bait and see if you'll bite on it. And there's a warning right there for everyone. If somebody is promising you wealth, wealth, wealth, and prosperity, you better have your priorities correct and realize that integrity, honesty, and service need to come way before this. Well, actually, that cartoon that you showed is annoying to me. I think it's supposed to be by design. Oh, geez. Yeah, that would be when I click off the TV. Yeah, that actually is how I see politicians. They are probably that way. It's a chicken in every garage and a car in every pot, right? Yeah. exactly but that's the point being made there is that you know we've got it we've got to think about things differently if somebody's just offering you all the wealth and the riches that's exactly what satan did to jesus it is give you everything and we've got to be very cautious about this because these people are really good at manipulating and that's what I have to say about it um Anyhow, deep state Republicans from Curtis have allowed the Democrats to monopolize the city government of the largest cities. Now the Democrats control the sanctuary cities. True, true enough, Curtis. There is no such thing as a sanctuary city, Curtis. He knows that. Anyway. Anybody that thinks that they've got a sanctuary city, those politicians are going to... those public functionaries are going to find a rude awakening by Hexa. He's going to have them all arrested. Anyway, I hate to cut it short, but we've reached my... I got to disappear. I burned John out with the money, money, money by the pound. That's what it was. But I don't know. Anyhow, so let's say a prayer a minute. We'll let you go on your way because I got to go on my way too, okay? Okay. All right. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so much for John and all the wonderful people who are willing to step forward and share what they know. It's so important for us to just be able to sit down and talk. We don't always have to agree with each other, but our mission is bigger than that. It's to restore this nation as one nation under you, indivisible with liberty and justice for all. And we're willing to do that. We just ask that you would lead us and that you would give us the eyes, the feet and the hands to follow where you would ask us to go. You've been a great friend to us. We want to be a friend to you. Let everybody know that they're loved out there. There's a lot of, a lot of anxiety that people have and, and, uh, just a lot of anxiety and some real problems that people are facing with the changes that we're seeing. It's okay. Give us the ability to stand strong and firm and have peace in the midst of change because change isn't bad. We just have to be open to it and, and, uh, do it for the right reason. Anyhow, in Jesus precious name, we pray. Amen. So John, tell everybody about your meeting. We have a meeting Wednesday, uh, seven to nine. Uh, and if you want to get involved, uh, just click on, go to the website, Magnificent Republic, call me, and I will send you a invite so you can show up at the meeting. It's pretty simple. And then you'll have, then you can find out more about what's going on, learn more about the law and be able to deal with these public functionaries and push back like you should. Is there anything in here that you want me to click on to show everybody or not? So here you go. If you keep rolling down, you'll see, you'll, you'll see further, uh, you'll see your, our, our, uh, uh, BNN broadcast that's down toward the bottom, but we're in there. Cool. Yeah. Very, very cool. So, so go ahead and give, give John a, a watch and really learn. I mean, I think that, you know, you're, you, you know, absolutely you're a great teacher and you would miss out on, on, oh, here's court cases. Let's see what you have. You would miss out on the education and the content that they have put out here for us to learn from. And I just can't even imagine how many hours you guys have in this. Well, our, uh, Janice Daniels is kind of the spearhead of this program. She's doing a lot of the work. I love Janice. She's cool. And she's the one that's putting things together. That's awesome. Love it. All right. I'll have my case listed once it's filed. Yeah, that's great. So, well, everybody go to because I'm the best non-conceder who's ever not conceded in history in the United States of America. And I'd like to have a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump about it in cowboy boots. And with that said, give John a shout out. Go join their group and really learn. They do a really good job. Some of the nicest people I've met in my travel are in this group. They're just wonderful. And there's a shout out to everybody in John's group. You know, just wonderful, educated people that just want their nation back and have it follow the law. So with that said, God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love. And God bless America. Make it a great day. Go out and be John. There you go. Bye, everyone. Bye bye. See you next week. See you tomorrow on Liberty Essentials.