BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/6/2024 Off the Grid, George Webb, J6ers Jalise/Couy Griffin

Published Sept. 6, 2024, 9 a.m.

9am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 10am George Webb and Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independent Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country Researcher - Vicky Davis Voice of the People - Daniel and Hollis Smeriglio Independent Journalist - Casey Whalen Thought Criminals - Christina Holbrook Melissa Frysel The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton with Couy Griffin- will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Couy Griffin Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Dr David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter, George Webb, Vicky Davis, Casey Whalen, Dan & Hollis Smeriglio, Christina Holbrook, Melissa Frysel, Jalise Middleton, Couy Griffin

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the sixth day of September, twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show today. Big show today. We've got we're going to start out with off the grid with Dr. David Kent, Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT guy. Second hour is our citizen journalist panel. And we're going to be featuring people on that segment from here on out. I think today we have someone who I followed for quite a while and I really have a lot of respect for this guy. His name is George Webb. And then one day on YouTube, YouTube should be ashamed of itself. He was removed and lost four thousand videos. That serious censorship. So he was over the target on what he was talking about for years. And so he'll be on at ten o'clock with that group, as well as I'm bringing Vicki Davis back on again. I was so impressed with her yesterday. You should have seen me when I got offline. I was like, you know, I was like doing a happy dance all over the house because I always like finding people who do actual research. And who bring the receipts with them, which is it's just amazing. And then the third hour today is Jay Sixers political prisoners in America with Jalise Middleton. And today she has on Coy Griffith. And so I'm kind of our Griffin. I'm excited to talk to them. It's always fun having the Jay Sixers on because honestly, when we talk politics, you know, I hear everybody say, oh, I hate politics. I hate politics. Well, I don't like the cheating part of politics. However, we have to get in and listen to people's story and how bad decisions affect real people, because that's all we got. It's either them, the bad guys, people who are doing evil, that are taking advantage of very innocent people who are meaning well that don't think like them. And then there's people who just want to be people and left alone and live their lives, loving their families, raising their families, and doing the things that we enjoy. So when with the amount of subversion in the United States, I think it's very important to talk about it. We're going to keep talking. Jalise was supposed to be sentenced, I believe, on the fourteenth this month. I made a commitment to do this every day until the fourteenth of September. Well, her sentencing got moved back another month. So I think we're just going to keep going. There's like sixteen hundred people. that have been affected by this that are J-Sixers. So we actually could be doing this for a very long time. But with that said, I'm going to bring on my buddies, Ralph, the IT guy, and Karen. How are you guys doing today? Good morning. Good. Awesome. I like when you have Jaleesa on because she's so good at what she does in those interviews, too. She comes armed with questions. So she really has put it into a good format. Like, how did you get here? What did you do before J-Six? What happened to you? And how has this changed you? And, of course, it always comes around to a very spiritual outcome. I haven't talked to one of the J-Sixers or had them on that I haven't seen – a significant amount of change by the pressure and the evil that's happened in these gulags and with their unlawful arrests or lack of arraignment, the fact that they're holding them without finishing them. I mean, they've all been denied the right to a speedy trial. Every one of them has. And so, I mean, I think this is such a significant thing to continue on that I'm planning on doing this until we give them all a voice. That's cool. Yeah. And it doesn't always amaze you every time that somebody new is on. How bad? It just continues. It's like you think you got to the bottom level of bad and criminality and complicity with the politicians or our public functionaries who have done nothing. And I mean nothing, all of them, even the ones that have. All the right words in the headlines, right? That nobody's done a thing. They haven't stepped in. They haven't fought this. They haven't done anything. And I have some observations on this that I'm going to put out there. Probably not going to make a lot of friends when I put all of this out here in certain areas because they like to have their stuff covered up. But I'm becoming more and more convinced that there are an awful lot more political issues operatives that are that are deep state operatives at every level of our government, even the ones that are in small groups and that parade around its grassroots. I think I think it's just crawling and it's just a smaller microchasm of what or microeconomy I'm not sure what word I'm looking for here. Maybe it was the right word, of the political parties. The grassroots and the small groups, they honestly are functioning exactly as political parties do. It's just a smaller scale. And they follow the political parties. They don't really go off on their own at all. They're in lockstep. So if you look at most of the grassroots groups, they align with the Republican Party. And of course, the Republican Party sends down operatives. to steer the group. So you're not seeing a lot of independent leadership going on there to actually evaluate. And I've seen this in almost every group that I've attended. I'm going to say not everyone, but I would say about ninety nine percent of them. And I'm going to point out the flaws and what they're doing here at some point in time, too, because I realized that a current one that I went to that we've got a Ryan Kelly two point all coming up in the ranks that that they're going to be pushing for two thousand six. Now, the problem I have with that is I've got informants all over the place, people that talk to me and I'll never say their names. Never, never, never, never under any circumstances. I protect people's honor as well as if they're going to tell me something is a whistleblower. I protect who they are. But I do know someone that said, saw the pictures of Ryan Kelly where they're allegedly holding him. And this person said, it looks like a summer camp. It does not look like a gulag, which I look at this from the beginning. I've always said that when they picked out the five candidates that they had already made up their mind to run for the state of Michigan for governor until the serious spoiler Donna Brandenburg came up. Um, they had, it was Ryan Kelly. It was Garrett Saldano, who, when you look at the backgrounds of all of these people, you've got to start looking at them, not what they say. Tudor Dixon, she's from a globalist family, was backed by DeVos money. Um, uh, The Ralph Rebant. And I've got some questions there. I've got a lot of questions. Nice enough guy. I mean, all of them are nice people, but I have a lot of things that procedurally we have to question. And then James Craig. And James Craig was pretty, he was pissed when he talked to me about how they got him in to run for governor. He did not want to run for governor. And he was kind of coerced into it because they took a full page ad out that said, the chief of police was running for the governor of the state of Michigan. He goes, I woke up and here's this big ad. And he said, I didn't want to run for governor. I like being chief of police. And he was mad about it when he talked to me. I mean, I sat right there looking him in the face, talking to him. I had a couple of witnesses there that, that actually also heard the conversation as we were discussing, he didn't want to run. They had to get him out of the way so that he could not be chief of police in Detroit and, because he was the one that actually stepped in and stopped blm he was brought in under emergency powers or in an under emergency state of emergency that was declared so he wasn't there in a position where he had to listen to what the mayor said unlike grand rapids who Rosalind Bliss was the commie mayor. Rosalind Bliss had the chief of police there, gave him the orders to tell the police to stand down. And he was the one that took a knee in front of BLM out in the streets of Grand Rapids as these traitors let them burn the city of Grand Rapids down. And it all goes back. And this is what James Craig said, too. He said it all goes back to the mayors because the chief of police answers to the mayor. What happened in New York City? The deputy mayor and the first mayor being their homes being raided. Just speaking of. Well, and you never know how much of this is, is, uh, uh, is theater. Okay. Because I kind of wonder on some things that I've seen and heard, because I have to ask, I ask all kinds of questions and I never believe anything that anybody says without listening to it. And I don't take sides. I just listen and observe. But when you see people talk about getting rated and, um, their stories, there's some holes in the story. You gotta sit back and go, were they part of it? Were they actually raided or were they the FBI? Did the FBI set this up as not only a theater to make people afraid if they're fear mongering or they're spreading fear porn out there, you can probably make a really good assumption that they're probably themselves FBI. Well, it makes the FBI look good. When they're going after any kind of public official, because then the public is like, oh, well, the FBI is doing their job. And the public, because the public officials are usually wrong. The functionaries, I should say, as John Tate likes to use. Public functionaries. Get it right or John will take you out for it. Oh, yeah. So they they there's all kinds of narrative possibilities with that. And so you have to ask, OK, what is going on? Really? Really? Well, and I saw something last night that was a little disturbing to me, and I think I need to do a breakdown of it. But there was either if somebody is so traumatized that their goal or their action makes the entire room set down, I think I need to talk about it. Let me frame it because I'm going to post some videos so I can talk about it. and show you what I'm saying so that everybody goes, oh, Brandenburg is just going off on some sort of weird tangent again. But I think that like everything, we have to look at everything, assess it, not for what we want it to say, but for what we're actually seeing and trust our own selves and our own evaluations for what we're seeing. But just because somebody says that they were raided or that there was something going on doesn't mean that we automatically bite on that. because we don't know if the FBI lie or the CIA or, you know, MS six or frigging whatever, you know, Mossad, these are all working together. They're all like relatively indistinguishable at this point, any of these intelligence agencies are the, the, uh, uh, management at the top. But just because somebody says that they're involved in it doesn't mean that they're involved in it just because they say it because, uh, these people are really good at working at their emotions, really, really good at working at our emotions. and taking us down the primrose path. I saw that immediately with Tudor Dixon. She had cancer, her dad died, blah, blah, blah. What does that have to do with giving somebody a job? Are we giving people a job for pity points to make them feel better because they had a rough time in life? Or are we actually making decisions on somebody who's qualified? And I mean, I'll go back to this again. I was completely disgusted by this because when somebody uses... Hey, David, how you doing? Good morning. Good morning. When somebody uses cancer or something that's an unfortunate circumstance that happened to them to justify giving them a job, whoever's voting for them is stupid. I mean, flat out stupid. And it should be an insult. I had a cancer diagnosis, and my dad died when I was running. Okay? I never did that. I never mentioned it. I never mentioned it because I would never have done something like that. It's a lack of integrity to throw something that is somebody's using pity points to, to, to get people who are not thinking, but run by emotions to vote for them. I would never have said, sat there with, with Dixon and said, well, my dad died on Valentine's day while I was running. And, You know, it's like I had a cancer diagnosis. but I would never have put that out there while I was running because there's so many people that are hurting for it. What a disgusting thing. We're going to throw something out there that has hurt so many people as a justification for voting for somebody. That's dumb. If somebody has been rated, is that a justification for voting for them? No, we should be fighting for the rights, but that doesn't mean they're qualified. Those are two separate things. And we have to separate our emotions from a logical, smart decision. Are they qualified? And last night I asked a pretty pointed question at somebody about holding the FBI accountable for being raided. And I'm like, what are you doing? You're talking accountability, but what are you doing to hold them accountable? And they're like, you don't understand. Things are so tough, blah, blah, blah. And I'm like, how can you tell me that you're going to hold people accountable when you haven't gone on the offense before? And I heard a charge that could have been taken to the courts for kidnapping. So why did they walk away from that and spend an hour and a half making everybody afraid of being saying that they're Christian or being afraid of them coming in their houses? I mean, what are we, like a nation of cowards? They're going to come at us and come at our families and such. And we're going to say, okay, we're going to shut up and sit down. Hell no. That's when we double down, hit them harder. And when they come after you, go after them in the court system. And if that doesn't work, go after the judges, go after the prosecutors. It doesn't make any difference. The fight does not stop. If they're not going to do their jobs, you just keep coming back and you increase your pressure on them until you get some response. But that's exactly what I saw. And I was like, I walked out of there and I was like, man, we got to wake people up because if they're still in this mindset of giving people pity points to give them a job, we're in trouble. That's not self-rule. That's not self-governance. That is just giving people who are unqualified and have a sob story a job. And that's stupid. Yeah. And on the flip side of that, I ran into two people last week, two separate people. That said something along the lines of, oh, Trump has got to stop being mean to people and putting them down and calling them names. He's going to lose the race because of that. And I'm like, you know what? I think he's doing it purposely because obviously he can talk to dignitaries and other people and not do that. He's trying to wake people up that. You don't vote on that type of thing. You vote on the policies of the person, not because he's mean or calls people mean names. It's the same thing. You got to really figure out what are their policies and what are they going to do to help us. And vote for that. Not because they say mean things or they've had cancer in the past. Right. They were rated or they were a movie star or they were a politician. And I really like this person. I keep hearing this with Christina Caramo. And I listened to a presentation on poor Christina Caramo. She was she was, you know, taken out of that meeting. Well, Christina Caramo kicked me out of a meeting. I had the same right to be there that she had at that. nobody said a thing and so she was the one that kicked me out of the meeting in grand rapids and boohoo christina it happened to her life is the it sucks when karma turns around and bites you because that's exactly what happened and so but my whole thing was is that just because christina caramo and people like her and she's a sister in the lord what has that to do with doing a job I'm glad she's a sister-in-law I like christina on a personal level She was a failure as the chairman of the party. She couldn't get the job done. I published the books because they were such an abysmal disgrace. But that didn't mean that we should put Pete Hoekstra or Mr. Patriot twice. Mr. Trader in the position and expect things are going to turn around and they put them in because he could get the big donors. So guess what? Y'all just got the thirty pieces, you know, went after the thirty pieces of silver and you got what you got. But it wasn't my fault. I didn't do any pity votes. I didn't think it was a good idea. I didn't put somebody in that signed the Patriot Act twice. I found something else to consider, too, is not just what when you're voting for people. Don't just look at what their policies are. Look at their record, because a lot of these politicians have had a a political career in lower levels of government, which where they're vetted. Yeah. And if you actually look at their voting record, that is pretty telling because a lot of them will. Well, I like anything for their for their policies and vote completely different. It's like it. Yeah. Back in the Romney versus Obama era. And people were like, oh, you have to vote for Romney because he's so much better than Obama. Well, look at their voting records. They were almost identical. Well, he was all involved with Burisma oil in Ukraine. And then, you know, you've got Ron Romney, his niece. These are families. And I don't care what labels they were under. Romney was right over there in Ukraine, just like Pelosi and, you know, baby Pelosi and the rest of them, you know. The time period where I was looking at his voting record and just checking on that, I think there were only out of, oh, Gosh, I'm not even sure how many things he voted on in the sample time period I was looking at. There were only like two things that he voted different than Obama on. Yeah, because they're all in the same thing. So Ralph, I want to talk. Can I congratulate you, David? Sure. I'll pre-congratulations. I'll pre-congratulations. So David and Jeannie are getting married tomorrow, and I'm very, very excited about this. Congratulations. Congratulations. Thank you, guys. Much love and very, very happy for you guys. I think this is wonderful. And I want to be the first one to wish you just a lifetime of love and happiness. I can't think of two people who who deserve to have a wonderful life more than the two of you. Thank you. That's so nice of you. I appreciate it. You are the first. Thank you. That's good. I got it under the line. Thank you. We're very excited. All the plans all set and things are going well. Things are going well. The weather, it's outdoor wedding. So, you know, we've got the big tent and everything, but it's kind of gloomy. It's been so nice for weeks. And of course it's going to be chilly and maybe a little rainy. We'll see. I officiated at a wedding and it was on the beach. And it started to rain and trying to dodge between raindrops to go out there and have it on the beach with a photographer's lens getting all full of stuff. But it was it was very memorable. So no matter how it turns out, it's going to be absolutely wonderful. Thank you. Thank you so much. I appreciate that. It means a lot. It's going to be a great day for you guys. So Ralph, let's segue into something that we've seen that's really super concerning. So nerds, we're nerds, right? And we want to talk about something that we've been working on and it is a communication system. Okay. We're all friends. You guys all know we're all friends. And we being Ralph, myself and and such have been working on a communication system. And it's kind of a big deal because it's one of those things that we've worked on to be able to keep our system up. Now, you all know that when everything else went down, we were able to keep Brandenburg News Network up. And we can keep it up under almost all situations, no matter what, which is kind of cool. Where everybody else went down, we were still going. Okay, which is kind of a Herculean task, but it worked. So we've been working on off-the-grid solutions for communications for, let's just say that the grid goes down, communications go down. We have a solution that we can, in fact, keep people in contact no matter what. It even has some guards against EMPs. Wow. You need a special equipment to do this on the receiver's end, on our end? Yes. It's bi-directional. So the same equipment is able to send and receive. Okay. And it doesn't require a ham radio license. And that's part of the critical part of this is that, you know, with hams, you can You can pretty much, if you've got a ham radio license and you know what you're doing, you can broadcast using a piece of wet string for an antenna. That's the term that they use for that. But if you don't have a ham radio license, you have to have something that you can do that is unlicensed, that you don't need the license for to be able to talk to people long range. And that's what we've been working on. So we have several different things that we have kind of, I'm going to say perfected, and nobody else has been able to do it, which is kind of cool. And we have a combination of base stations as well as individual. I'm not going to give you absolutely everything on it because when we package it and we put it out there to be able to keep people in contact, it's kind of impressive. Let's just put it that way. So one of the ways of communicating relies on, it relies on radio, okay, radio waves. And there is a company now that's trying to buy the public radio waves, which is another way to shut down abilities to communicate to each other and make us irrelevant to talk over us and commandeer things that should be publicly held and operated. We've seen the same thing in their cities where the city of Grand Rapids has literally given public roads and such to businesses or NGOs. It's happening all the time. They'll put a stake out there and say on the public parking next to houses and such and say, oh, this is just for Catholic services. I've got one of those in front of one of my houses down there. took the parking away from the taxpayers and gave it to the NGOs to give them favor. It's happening all the time. Now, and I'd like you to talk about this some, but I'm going to put this out there. And I think that everything I said here was probably appropriate. Is that correct, Ralph? Yeah, I'd say so. And to give a little background for people that don't know much about radio, the way that the radio works, This is one of the reasons why I think that the FCC is actually kind of a critical agency. They overstep their bounds quite a bit, but the FCC is kind of involved in protecting effectively property rights because radio waves cross physical boundaries, right? The FCC has the radio spectrum divided up. So you have certain frequencies, like certain radio channels kind of that are designated for different things. So like you've got the really, really low frequency stuff that's designated just for submarines, because that's the only way that you can talk to submarines all the way up to really, really high frequency stuff. And I mean, Without that, you wouldn't have the ability to have Wi-Fi because you have to have certain allocations of that frequency for certain things or else people just end up broadcasting over the top of each other and stepping on each other, right? So there's certain parts of the radio spectrum that are designated for public use. Just like there's certain parts of it that are designated for ham radio use. You have to be a ham to broadcast on ham radio frequencies. Well, there's parts of it that are for public use and don't require a license. That's why Wi-Fi works is it's in one of those unlicensed bands. And those bands are set up in such a way that to be able to use them, your equipment has to meet certain criteria like broadcast power requirements. It can't. broadcast at high power levels. And it has to be tolerant of other users in the same band so that everybody can kind of cooperate. And this company here, NextNav, is petitioning the FCC to try and take a very large chunk of one of the main unlicensed bands, the nine hundred megahertz band. um and basically use that they're trying to say oh yeah people can still use this band unlicensed we just want priority in it so we can use higher power levels and we can basically stomp on anybody that's using these chunks of the band which would interrupt the wi-fi and everything else am I correct well certain certain types of wi-fi most of the wi-fi has gone to higher But the problem is, is the higher frequencies tend to get blocked worse by like walls and trees and stuff. So the nine hundred megahertz band a lot of times gets used for like garage door openers, baby monitors, RFID, anything that needs to be able to broadcast like throughout your entire house. This gets used for the smart meters for electricity and the ability to intercept it to and to interfere with the communications. Oh, it certainly has the ability to interfere with it. Interception, probably kind of, but anybody, it's a public use ban. Anyone can intercept communications in there, which is why for a lot of those uses, you really have to use encryption to be able to guarantee privacy. I'm thinking, see us screwing with it. If they can screw with the communications in there, then they can do all sorts of things like plant or modify communication. That's one of the biggest problems with this is they're asking for a priority on a public ban so that they can stomp on everybody's private use of this ban with impunity. Why do they have to use this band? Why can't they use some other band like other GPS companies? Because, well, for one thing, they don't want to just do GPS here. They're actually also planning on squishing five G into this somehow, which there there's already frequencies all over the place around this. But the reason why they're trying to do this, in my opinion, is because basically they're trying to cheap out on it. And all of the other bands have are that are not already public use. already have license holders like Verizon, and they don't want to spend the money to buy this from Verizon. So what did they do? They hired somebody from Verizon to lobby the FCC to take over part of the public use ones. So basically they're interested in, they're asking to create a conflict in first article rights. Pretty much, yeah. So the reason why this one is critical among the unlicensed bands is because this is one of the lower frequency ones that's available in the U.S. The FCC has already quite long ago allocated most of the other lower frequency bands to commercial users, which is why... We've pretty much never been able to have really long-range communications that have worked effectively up until recently. But this one is one of... This is like the last long-range band that's available to the public without having a ham radio license. Is this what a CB would use? No. No, a CB is in... I think it's the eleven meter band, which is lower frequency than this. Let me see where that is. So while you're checking, you know, they can't. They're trying like heck, but they can't get rid of the First Amendment, you know, the free speech. But what they can do is not give you a platform to have free speech. Exactly. They're literally taking over everything. They want to take over every social media platform, throw the owners in jail, throw people in jail for saying the wrong things. And then I just wonder, what is it they are so worried about? They don't want us talking about it. I don't wonder. Yeah. Well, this is funny, but there's something that came out of Dan Bagiornos saying not to say anything derogatory on any platform like Fakebook or X, et cetera. And the person that said this is a very connected person in security and such and says, sounds like we got some stuff going down because they're warning people about it. Lots of warnings out for not saying anything. You know what? Screw them. Say it anyway. You know? Yeah. So the CB band is about right around. This is up in the nine hundred megahertz band. So it's not quite as long range as CB, but it's got a higher data rate so you can use it for digital stuff that you can encrypt. CB, there's restrictions on what you can put on CB where it's not entirely unrestricted. So I think the restrictions there would be you can only have so much power and it has to be just voice and you can't encrypt it. With the nine hundred megahertz band, you're free to do digital communications because it's high frequency enough to be able to do digital communications. And because the higher frequency you go, the faster you can transmit data. And because it's an unlicensed band, it it the the nine hundred megahertz band permits encryption. So you can have multiple users on the band and still have. some sense of privacy there. So you can have stuff like garage door openers. You wouldn't want a garage door opener that is completely unencoded where anybody with the same model of garage door opener can just drive by your house and hit the button on theirs and have it open every single one of them in the neighborhood. And that's why the unlicensed bands are particularly important. Also, if they kind of, if they set the precedent for this, where they say, oh yeah, we can assign commercial users as a priority user in a band and an unlicensed band, and that's okay. Then what happens when they start doing that with the two point four mega or the two point four gigahertz band and five gigahertz band that have Wi-Fi on them because they want to allocate it to five G so that people have to pay for it and not use their own equipment. Well, they're trying to get people to anything you use every single part of your life. You have to buy into the system. And in event, it really it becomes almost like a tax because all of these people are our public private partnerships. They we are living in communist China here in the United States. I'm sorry. The United States is a communist nation. And they have basically taken ownership over corporate America and they're all working together. They have stocks in these companies and they're getting payoffs around the back way as well as the contracts. That's how they've taken over the nation. It's economic warfare. And so if you can't talk to anybody unless you buy into their services, you're out and on your ear out in the wilderness there. Yeah, a tax to be paid to the corporatocracy. Yep. Ooh, that's a good word. Yep. So, yeah, this one is kind of... Who's the head of the FCC, do you know? Because I know the person in charge of the FTC is like a very loyal Trump guy, which I'm surprised they didn't replace him. Yeah, the FCC tends to kind of rotate out quite frequently, and... they have a bit of a problem of having a revolving door policy between the FCC and in particular Comcast and Verizon, where they kind of trade people back and forth quite a bit. Just like everything else. Yeah. It's your little comfy government job after they've, you know, subverted the United States of America through, through economic warfare. Yeah. It's a Joe Biden, um, put this Jessica Rosen Wurzel leads the FCC. Like to see what their bios are. Let's check out a bio here. Let's see what our chairwoman is. Jessica Wurzel. Your shot at success. Look at this. All fighting to protect net neutrality. Named as Politicos, to watch the profile by InStyle Magazine, celebrating women who show up, speak, and get things done. Well, what the hell has she done? They've not quoted one thing. Senior Communications Counsel for the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. They say that Harris is someone that gets things done, too. Under the leadership of Senator John D. Rockefeller. Oh, yay. I'm so impressed. I have no words to say. And I will say, too, that this is a petition to the FCC to make this rule. And I think they... I don't know when the comment period on it is. I don't remember. It may actually be over by now. I'm not sure. But... Pretty much anyone is able to petition the FCC for this sort of thing. They have not publicly announced a decision on this yet. So I can't say that this is something that falls on that the FCC has responsibility for enacting this change yet. Okay, here we go. Sorry, go ahead. So I can't fault these people for this change yet until they make the decision on it. Yeah, but you can go in there and look at their bio, what they've got out there. Like number one was a nothing burger here. Car, Brandon cars, like car commission, commissioner. He's a good guy. He's a FCC, not FCC. Right. Well, look, you can sit there and read a little bit of his resume. He actually lists things. You know, he leads groundbreaking telehealth initiative at the FCC, connected care pilot program that supports delivery of high quality care to low income Americans, veterans. Okay. He's actually done something. Compare that to the one above him. And I'm like, what has he done? There's nothing there. That's what I'm talking about of like comparing resumes and knowing what you're talking about instead of just going, oh, she's a nice person. What is net neutrality? I've heard that term so many times and that's our excuse for doing a lot of this. What does that mean? Okay. So the idea behind net neutrality is that when you get into the deeper structure of the internet, there are a very small number of companies that run the backbone of the Internet, which is super, super high speed data links. And then the companies that you buy Internet service from, like Comcast, they actually buy their Internet service from these backbone providers. I see. Who are those companies? Do you know? What's that? Do you know who those companies are? What companies own those, like AT&T, big infrastructure companies? They're actually kind of generally not very well known, like outside of the IT community. So like level three is one of the big ones that services most of Michigan. Okay. I would say almost all of Michigan's traffic touches level three at some point in time. Uh, they, they run one of the biggest interconnects down in, uh, down in Chicago. And when that one goes down, it pretty much takes out most of Michigan. All right. Check this out. Level three American company. listed by Isn't that surprising? That's a luminous Bill Gates. And remember, uh, Peter Dixon had lumen learning. Yep. I have it in my notes here from one of your talks. You mentioned lumen learning. I wrote it down. century link to acquire level three communications and it goes right back to lumen lumen is bill gates so bill gates um the gates empire or or uh tentacle of the squid uh economic squid goes down there and look at through thirty four billion dollar acquisition of level three communication do you really think these people need our money in politics they're laughing every time we give them five dollars and have to sacrifice a cup of coffee to support these people. They don't need it. They're getting this kind of money from above them. Another one you could look into is US Signal. They do quite a bit in that space as well. CenturyLink does as well. How about Akamai Technology? Tori always talks about that. What's that? CenturyLink, did you say which one? US Signal. Yes. Akamai does quite a bit, but I would put them closer to being in the data center and point space, whereas these guys tend to focus on the actual backbone links. So US Signal actually has a location in right downtown Grand Rapids, and it's quite well connected. I would say they're smaller than level three, at least around here. But They have some of the really, really high-speed data links. Okay, so I got to say something here. So we've got one south of Seventy-Sixth Street by One-Thirty-One here. And oh my goodness, who would guess? Byron Center. That one is pretty well-connected. It's not as well-connected as their one downtown. Is that the pyramid? Is that the stuff that's in the pyramid too? Oh, there you go. You got a pyramid right there. What's the data center in the pyramid called? That's Switch, right? Switch was the one that had their servers breached. And that's the one that they were having to do with, I believe, their election, our elections and such. You know, I haven't really paid much attention to the one in the pyramid since... Shortly after construction, they had a major outage in there because contrary to good practice for data center design, they routed both of their, at least this is what I heard. They routed both of their incoming power feeds through the same trench and somebody hit it with a backhoe. This is the one that the pyramid right here. I can tell you that it's forty thousand square foot Grand Rapids East data center. That's where switches. I'm pretty sure. And that's something where I believe they track that back to the breaches in the service having to do with elections. Do you remember in Nashville that explosion at AT&T in Nashville, that crazy thing that happened after the election? Yeah. Was that one of these? Yeah, I believe that that was. I want to pinpoint where this is. I don't know on that. but I'm pretty sure you're right, David. Okay. This is too interesting right here. Sorry. You talk amongst yourselves and I'm going to say, well, another, okay. Another rabbit trail here, you know, uh, as long as we're on the subject of data centers going poof, um, is the, the whole, uh, Chip shortage from COVID, right? We had all the microchip shortages from COVID, and that's why we couldn't make electronics for four years. Had absolutely nothing to do with that. This is very little to do with COVID, I should say. The real reason... for a lot of those microchip shortages is because of a series of mysterious fires in chip foundries around Asia during COVID that all of a sudden just came out of nowhere. And these chip foundries that use just tons and tons of water for all of their washing steps. Somehow I'll just burst into flames with a man within a matter of like two months and not a single one of them was in China. Sabotage. Corporate. One of them, uh, was like the only one in the world really that was well suited for doing radio chips. And that really set the radio industry back, uh, just immensely because they ended up having to retool all of their chips to be able to run on different foundries production processes. And that took in some cases, like at least two years, I think for them to be able to retool all of that. But yeah, anybody curious about that, I would, I would encourage them to go look up the chip foundry fires of I think it started in twenty nineteen, but it was it really geared up in twenty twenty. Okay. So that, that company is not in by the peer. It's not at the pyramid, but it's close to it. So I thought I'd show you where it is. It's right there. There's M-thirty-seven, forty-fourth and fifty-second street. So the, uh, I'll see if I can find the pyramid here. So why wouldn't that have happened during Trump's turn? What? The fires? Yeah. Well, none of them were in the U.S. At least, well, I think there were two of them in the U.S. that had minor fires, but they were able to get under control before they spread. And the ones in Asia, however, largely they ended up just being complete and total losses of the foundries. Kind of like the ivermectin factories. I just find the timing kind of interesting. Yeah, I hadn't heard about the ivermectin factories. Oh, yeah, the manufacturers burned up. Yeah, so if you think that the whole COVID thing, that all of the uncomfortableness on everyone was an accident, you might want to look into things a little bit more. So to return to the topic, net neutrality, what that is at its core is, is making sure that providers in between you and whatever you're trying to look at cannot filter what goes across their lines. The reason why this came up really kind of comes down to Netflix. Because the way that the companies that connect to the back, the way that the backbone providers connect together is generally with something called a peering agreement, where in the past, they just basically said, okay, I'm going to connect to you at this data speed and we'll transmit, I'll take data from your customers, you take data from my customers and we're all good. And generally it would balance out the two directions of things and it would be mutually beneficial for both companies. And they've had these peering agreements in place for years. Well, Netflix comes along and starts – it's a little more complicated than this because there's kind of an intermediary company there. But the data distribution for Netflix takes an enormous amount of download bandwidth, not a whole lot of upload bandwidth. So the data is generally mostly going in one direction. Right. Now, when they started up, they started finding basically like the cheapest places that they could put all of their data transmission. And that ended up causing a huge amount of asymmetrical loading on all these links between the providers. And they were only able to only some of them were able to build Netflix. So these other providers that were having to carry this traffic for Netflix and not get paid for it basically decided that hey, this isn't working out right for us. We need to be able to throttle Netflix traffic so that if they want us to carry it, they have to pay us too. Well, the problem you run into with that is once you've got that filtering mechanism in place, well, now you can filter anything and you can make it so that if anyone wants to be able to run a website or transmit any kind of data anywhere across the internet, that now they have to pay every provider out there to be able to transmit their data to all of that provider's customers. For example, let's say you're running a blog and it gets particularly popular. Without net neutrality, you could potentially have an issue where you would now have to pay Comcast separately to have people that are Comcast customers be able to even look at your blog. And then all of the other internet providers, you pay Verizon, you pay AT&T, you pay CenturyLink, you pay Level Three, you know, all of the intermediaries. Basically, you would have to pay them all separately to be able to transmit anything on the internet. It would If they enacted that kind of thing, it would pretty much destroy the free exchange of information on the internet. So the net neutrality stuff kind of came up as a, guys, we need to revert this back to the way it was and enforce the same rules that the internet started with a free transmission of data without filtering or monitoring of it. It has since, kind of, there are some issues with the way that they're trying to enforce net neutrality because previously it wasn't a governmental mandate. It was just a general practice within the industry. The way they're trying to enforce it now means that, well, now if it, if the government's getting involved in it, then the government is saying you can't enforce or you can't make these changes for monitoring and, and enforcement. Well, now these companies are saying, well, that's how we stop spammers. How are we going to do that if we're forced to do this? Because now we can't filter anything. So there's some issues on both sides of that. It really needs to be something that goes back to being an industry-wide acceptance of those policies and not governmentally shoved down everyone's throats. But the internet has gotten so centralized, and even more so with CenturyLink buying up level three, that that kind of cooperation is getting less and less likely in the industry. So yeah, it's a thorny issue. particularly in the IT space where people actually know things about it. There are some pretty heated discussions and arguments between IT people on the benefits and drawbacks of the whole net neutrality thing. How does Starlink fit into this? If all these big companies own all this backbone and stuff, it seems like Starlink just bypasses everything. It does. And However, they still have to connect to the backbone because, for example, Netflix isn't probably connected directly to Starlink. I see. So if you want to go to Netflix, well, now your traffic has to go up to the satellites through the Starlink network back down to one of their ground stations where it connects to the backbone, which carries the traffic to like Akamai, which then connects you into Netflix that may run behind Akamai's front end servers. So theoretically, someone like President Trump could just wipe out all of those companies if everyone had free Starlink access, bypass all of them, and they're done. Well, you'd have to have all of the servers also directly connected to Starlink. Yeah, but I'm just saying, if we wanted to get rid of Google... Like, okay, Google, you're not allowed to connect to Starlink. And if everybody else is on, if people are on Starlink, then Google's gone. Graybearded Fedora just said, I refuse to use Akamai server since Linode sold out on their values and transitioned into a globalist oriented corporation. I don't think you can get that. Linode was a pretty good, was a pretty good company. I thought prior to that. And yeah, there's some concerns there. They all sell out, you know, in the end, you know, so many, well, I can't say all, but that is a problem of people selling out their family run businesses to these big corporations. It's part of the problem when we sell out for money instead of standing on principles. Yeah. Yeah. And Linode really was kind of a, it's one of those like small companies that stayed with small company culture despite growing until they sold out. But yeah, there's issues there. The question is, how do you guard against that? And to a certain extent, that's one of the big advantages of Tor, is that if you're running stuff on Tor, well, now it means that the providers cannot selectively filter what you're looking through. So, like, they can't just say, well, you can't go to Netflix now because they haven't paid us or something like that. That's also one of the big advantages of pretty much any VPN system is that, well, now it's all encrypted. It makes it so that the providers can't see it. Great, except now you're adding a whole bunch of extra overhead. You're slowing things down. You have to carry even more traffic than you did before because every time you encrypt stuff, it generally gets – it adds size to it. So the traffic gets more. And there's issues there. And Tor is a Department of Defense – slash DARPA project. So if you're using it to do nefarious things, I would say... You gotta get caught. Yeah. There's not actually, in my opinion, a ton of privacy that Tor actually affords you. Since you're explaining things so well for the common person who does not know much about this stuff, how does the NSA fit into this? Because they say that every text, every phone call, every single thing, website you go to, everything is captured. How did they get into this huge web? Well, this is something that long before Snowden, the IT community was... was trying to sound the alarm bells about this stuff because a lot of these interchange points actually have a room dedicated to the NSA. And they basically have a tap on everything that goes through the interchange points that transmits that into the NSA room where nobody can access. Nobody knows what's going on. Oh, And there's pictures that people got of these things back, I would say, around, I don't know, in areas that were right next to the NSA rooms. So you'd have basically like a public rack that you could rent a space within that rack to run your servers within an AT&T data center. Well, the NSA was basically just doing the same thing and renting a room right next to everybody else. And there's pictures of these things out there. And we were all trying to sound the alarm bells and nobody would listen. But it's like, oh no, that would never happen in America. Well, it has been. Sounds like the political arena. People have been, you know, we've been trying to warn people for a long time, too. And, you know, it's too hard for people to really get their arms around how evil these people are and how far reaching the swamp is. Yeah. And that's part of the problem, too, with like for the NSA, part of the problem that I have with Bitcoin. So the NSA just built that, you know, they've got data centers. all over the place, right? You got to pretty much figure that they've got effectively infinite computing power. Well, the problem with Bitcoin is that it operates off of a public voting consensus, which means that the only reason why it currently operates correctly on the transaction log on it is because no one entity has more than fifty one percent control over the blockchain. Well, that amount of control is kind of determined by how many nodes can be on the Bitcoin network. Well, what happens if the NSA decides to just spin up fifty two percent of the nodes themselves? Well, now they can take complete control of the blockchain and take it over, rewrite anything they want and basically take any, anything that's on there, they would be able to transfer it to themselves because they would be able to then vote themselves the consensus. But Ralph, that's how our democracy works. Yeah. Yeah. And that's, That's the thing is basically if you're, it's effectively the same kind of problem of any of the voting cheating that we see in our public voting system, as well as the issue of importing and then granting voting rights to non-citizen immigrants, is that if you can overwhelm a voting system with invalid votes that go in one particular direction. Well, now you've got control of it. And I've got the same thing with blockchain, you've got the same thing with Tor, to a certain extent, because Tor, if you have a significant number of Tor nodes that you're running, it means that you're able to capture and capture filter and or read more and more a larger proportion of the traffic that's going through the network and if you've got somebody with basically infinite computing power there's nothing really stopping them from doing that and you would probably never know well you know when you check your bank account yeah Well, guys, I'm going to give you two seconds here. And I mean, that was a great explanation, Ralph. And I'm going to give you a couple seconds to close out in order to go to our next segment here. But thank you so much for that explanation. I have a big problem with anything that there is an intermediary on, which is why I'm a fan of actual money, like not fiat currency, not Bitcoin or anything, because you're relying on the fact that there's going to be an electrical grid that's going to work. And there's also going to be a communications grid that's that's going to work and that it can't be hacked and anything digital can be hacked, anything. So I've got our elections, everything. So we need to really, really think this stuff through. So I'm going to give you like two seconds to say closing comments and we're going to take a break and come back with a second hour. I think I took up enough of everybody's time. I think it was great. It was great. I would just say things are going to be, I think, pretty crazy before the election, and everybody should walk in faith. Don't rely on your vision and ears. Just have faith. I think it's also important to have these local communications, you know? Walk to your neighbor. because if we didn't have the internet how would you do things you know that's what off the grid is all about that's the whole point of this is is to rethink how you how you do things Well, and everybody can keep their eyes open here because we've got the radio-based network that we've put together and that we're working on right now. And that is completely separate from anything out there, providers and such, because we were going for decentralization and local control. The last thing I want to say, congratulations to David and Jeannie. We just all wish you a wonderful life together and are looking very much forward to your wedding and everything. And just God bless you in everything you do from now and much happiness. Thank you so much. It means so much. And we'll be right back with Casey Whalen, George Webb, and Dan and Hollis Marigulio. I see our backstage. So we'll be right back. Thank you. Good morning and welcome back to Brandenburg News Network and our second hour. This is Donna Brandenburg and it's the sixth day of September, twenty twenty four. And welcome everybody to the show today. I've got on here. Oh, let's see. I lost Dan and Hollis. Here we go, everybody. I'll get get it together here. I want to welcome everybody here. Casey Whalen, George Webb, Dan and Hollis Smiriglio and Dr. David Kent, who's getting married tomorrow. So welcome to the show this morning. And I got to say, I am so thrilled to have you on my show, George. I can't even tell you this is you. You have been somebody that I have. I watched for years and I didn't think I'd ever get a chance to talk to you. So this is quite an honor. And I'm so glad that you're here today. Well, it's an honor to be talking to the future governor of Michigan, I think. So that's a pretty cool thing because we've done a lot of groundwork in Michigan on just exactly the last thing you guys were talking about was where do you go for news when they cut the internet? Neighborhood News Network was, hey, reach out to have some real people that you can go to and somebody who has access to a radio. In the unlikely event of a water landing... Well, I tell you, we've been working on an off-the-grid solution for communications, and we've got one heck of a system that we've been able to perfect. It includes base stations as well as individual receivers and transmitters and such. And we can reach easily. We can reach things like Boston. We can reach pretty much all over the United States right now. We have a few dead zones, but we really have made some great strides in this and kind of excited with it. I'm excited to share this with everyone because we are going to have to decentralize everything. So I want to give you the floor here a minute and let you talk because you have just, I had somebody that is a friend that's in military intelligence yesterday asked me to ask you what you know about the Juan brothers and then among other things because you are an incredible source of knowledge. And so what do you want to talk about today, George? Well, I first want to do a shout out to the great Casey Whalen. Um, I had followed Casey, um, you know, from afar and I just got a chance to meet Casey in Coeur d'Alene. And, you know, I, I finally found somebody who, who works as hard as I do. I mean, he's, uh, you know, with all these FOIA requests and this is real, uh, you know, shoe leather journalism where you have to do all these requests to get the official documents. So I just want to throw it over to Casey first to have him talk about, because I sort of do federal and he does state and he does state better than anybody. And here's an example of a guy, if you want to rally around a state Capitol or rally around a big city like Coeur d'Alene, here's a guy who is a key organizer. I don't know what to say. Thank you. I appreciate that. I would like you don't excuse me, we don't have a lot of time with you. So we only have maybe maybe half an hour. So I would like to throw it back to you. But I really do appreciate that. And I look forward to working with you more in the future. And hopefully we can make this a thing where we can catch you here on a regular basis and chat on our citizen journalist panel with with Don and all these awesome people that are here. So thank you so much. Well, the other thing is, too, is this is why I created Brandenburg News Network is because, you know, I can we can we can keep this up and it's independent. So the only one that can censor it is me and I don't censor anything. So people can come on here. And I like to talk to people that that have had their voice taken away. That's my favorite type of people, not the big audience builders or anything like that. But people have actually been damaged by this, you know, this surveillance censorship state, this communism that's, that's crept into the United States of America. And the only way we can do that is standing together. So please, please share what you would like to with us today. We're just honored to have you here. Well, I like what Dr. Dave said, which is just let Jesus be the boss. And then everything's very simple. You never have to get up and worry about what to do. That's so great. And I just had a chance to go out to the hinterlands here in Idaho and I reviewed a guy who did a total off the grid. You know, he offered me a cabin there. But, you know, with the D to A inverters and the solar panels and the high, you know, everything that you can imagine. So I've seen it done first class. And so I'm getting an education in that, too, because I do think we're coming up with a lot of hype. Peter Strzok has just come out with a new movie, which is what I call a J-seven movie. It's called War Game. And it keeps harping on this, how all of these bad people out there who are actually building businesses and farms and ranches, how they want to come to Washington and take over, right? So they need to have all these, you know, Wesley Clark and all these former CIA guys and generals with the Atlantic Council. They need to plan on how to stop us, and they need to war room, and they need to war game it. You know, and then we're seeing this cycle up. This movie, War Game, has Peter Strzok actually in it. uh you know uh so they're not kidding this wesley clark's in this movie war game they shopped it out in uh park city at the um the the sundance in january they couldn't get anybody to buy it they did a limited film release in la and uh chicago when I was at the convention and then also new york And now they're, Peter Strzok is literally right now in LA with a big wallet and a big checkbook trying to get some video on demand like a Netflix or a Showtime or somebody like that to shop this thing out. And it's, it's the J six you know, propaganda all over. It's very reminiscent of the event two Oh one video where everybody's in the room and then You've only got six hours to emergency, that kind of thing. And it's using the same kind of artificial hype, artificial scenarios to create a open gateway to now saying we should use snipers on innocent civilians who are protesting. That's the culmination of the movie is use of force, use of deadly force. so this stuff is happening uh it is being put out by the you know surveillance state and we've got to respond to it we've got to you know the great minds like casey whalen and all the great minds here on the uh on the brandenburg channel have to respond to that and say hey This is propaganda. This is how Hitler did it with burning the Reichstag. Here's a couple of Mussolini examples. Here's a couple of examples with the Red Brigade after World War II to put in fascist governments. And aren't we starting to walk down that same line right now here with this propaganda right before the election? I think we've been walking down that line for a very long time. The Kenyan was the master of propaganda and the laws that he passed and such. And it's just gotten worse. But I agree with you. People have to step up and they have to fight back and fight. call it out, and do the real work, the legal work that needs to be done, because the law is on our side. If we actually follow it, the law is on our side. We don't have to get into crazy land here. Well, I'm so excited about your candidacy, Donna, that I want to talk to some of my friends in Michigan. We're going to lay down a spot that you can't get very far from Ohio, up I-Seventy-Five. going toward Detroit without stopping to the Donna Brandenburg campaign location in that location. So we got you covered. Exit seven across from the Ford factory is where we're going. You know, this thing is There are people like yourself that care about Americans, that care about American jobs. They don't want to see Americans building EVs that are before their time. Hybrids, yeah, that makes a lot of sense. But EVs take up mountains and mountains of metals. For little tiny bits of lithium, the people who are working at Ford and other big factories, that's my favorite thing when I go to Michigan is visit all the auto factories. They need people such as yourself. to say those are alternatives. It's not all new, you know, agenda. Twenty one world government EVs are going to be the answer. We can do this with hybrids, you know, that we need people with voices such as yourself who can chart out a clear and rational course going forward. And that's why I'm so excited to see your candidacy in Michigan. Thank you. Thank you very much. Yeah, I'm the only non-conceding governor candidate from the twenty twenty two election. And I'm just I just keep punching forward, you know, and I think I think it's a it's a worthy fight. Can you tell me where you're where your campaign headquarters is located? Right here. You're looking at it right now. Give me a city. I'll make sure we have huge marches. Well, I came out of Grand Rapids, Michigan, so it's Grand Rapids and that sort of thing. Well, look at Grand Rapids. I mean, I just kind of key off of different things. You've got, you know, Eric Prince there. You've got Spectrum Health. You've got Nancy DeVos. You've got all these people that are taking deep state money. That's where the, in two thousand sixteen, we had the the hits from the supposedly Trump. hotel communicating with the Russians, that was fake. It was actually out of Spectrum Health in Grand Rapids. The people that are investigating the Trump investigation, Eric Prince is on one of the boards, that's supposed to be a guy who has got our best interests at heart. Wasn't he the guy who profited from two wars that lasted two decades? Sold off to Apollo. I've been saying this for a while that Grand Rapids is the head of the snake. There's so much going on here. It's just crazy. And we could talk about that for days and never hit the bottom of criminality here, including the data centers like Switch that we were talking about ahead of time and the breaches, the technology breaches right here in Grand Rapids. And then you've got Betsy DeVos, who is a coward and resigned on January seven after after the J six stuff. And then all of a sudden Pence gets twenty two million dollars and nobody says a thing. Incredible. Well, well, I'm glad you're from Grand Rapids because there's I met so many great people in Grand Rapids. We had a big thing this year in Albion, Michigan. We had a screening of the January six movie that was time coded. so that you got a four-way split screen of everything that was happening and you could see what the operatives were doing versus the Trump folks that were going to watch supposedly the machinery of democracy working for them. But you had Joe Biggs and the Proud Boys seemingly working. I interviewed Joe Biggs a year before. He said he worked for Stanley McChrystal in Afghanistan, did psychological operations for Stanley McChrystal in Afghanistan. He's the biggest non-Trumper ever. Right. He's the one who throws the three little bicycle gates, not the Trump people. I was there. I filmed it. I called it out live. So why do we want to hold the red hats responsible? Right. Also, they're the same group, the orange hats that bust into the Capitol. This was all shown on a forty foot screen in Albion, Michigan. They're at the bomb, beautiful bomb center there. It's right on the train line to you in Grand Rapids between you and Detroit. And then they're the ones who break the windows. And then they go around and open the doors, the magnetic doors for the Trump people to walk in. Right. And they're on these kind of little, you know, wheelchair platforms. So you can't get off the thing. So you have to go into the Capitol. So it's sort of a kind of a cattle herding thing operation. And then you have people that are saying, oh, everybody broke Nancy Pelosi's mementos in her office. These are horrible Trump people. I'm sorry, I muted my mic. I was there, I saw what people were doing. There were ranch owners, there were business owners, there were farm owners, there were people who had worked with their hands, there were people on the trades. If the ones that did get herded in, except for a small group of who knows what, But they went to the Hall of Statues, which is every state capital has a statue. You've been in the capital many times. And they were taking selfies because they'd never been in the capital before. They were taking selfies of themselves with their state capital, right? That is your January six. Look at how they responded. These private inquiries and basically commissions to try to demonize these people they made a movie about him saying you're the insurrectionist next door nancy pelosi's daughter made the insurrectionist next door when all along they knew that they were the ones that planted the fake pipe bomb at the dnc right with kamala harris right so they created this huge mass formation psychosis around something that did not happen right that was make crime right and then they want to demonize everybody in america right that was january sixth What scares me is when Peter Strzok starts making a January seventh, which I call the slaughter pen. We had the Ukrainian snipers there. We had snipers there. They just weren't given the green light to fire on the crowd. But this movie is the justification. This war game movie is the justification to say deadly use of force, right? So this, we can turn it into a slaughter pen, right? We did not go after all the folks that were involved in the Trump assassination. We got a guy, new news out this morning in the New York Post, where the bag man, the Pakistani bag man who had visited Iran fifteen times promising a million dollar bounty to kill Trump, right? That guy, Merchant, right? He actually drew out, he crossed the T for the Trump assassination and dotted the I for the Trump assassination. He drew out the FBI document this morning coming out in New York Post. He drew the square of where the people were, of all the thirty thousand people in the Butler rally. He drew that square and then he dotted the I where Trump's podium was. Right. This official document. And then he talked about the long shot. Now he's arrested the day before. the Trump assassination. And we're supposed to believe that that's not related to the Trump assassination. A million-dollar bag man, he squares the T, he dots the I, and he draws the long shot, and that's not related to the Trump assassination. This is really happening in America, and we have to, as journalists, bring out the contradictions here and the ridiculousness of this. Of course they were looking the other way to let the Trump assassination occur. Where is the round-the-clock hearings that we had for the Jay Sixers taking their selfies in front of their statues? Nowhere. Where's the deep inquiry that we should be having? I know Congress is on recess. Now they're back on the night. We've got a demand that they put as much effort into finding out the background and what led up to the Trump assassination. Remember, they all sold short on BJT stock, made millions out of that Austin group, right? That doesn't look good. We need as much investigation in that, right, as we had for the Jay Sixers who took the selfies with the state statues. I agree. Well said. And I don't really care, quite honestly, that they're on recess because they've been on recess since J-six. Nobody's done anything. I mean, do these people even show up for work? They sure as heck don't pay attention to their oath of office or upholding the Constitution or anything like that. And so I don't know. It seems like they're all pretty absent and they've been absent from the beginning. That's so funny. You're going to provide a lot of good quips for the press in Lansing. Gretchen Whitmer is going to just be there snapping pencils at her state rep or whatever sinecure job they give her. I think she's kind of like non-present kind of an individual because that's another one. She shows up to smile and do the queen wave and such. And then she like brings a hammer down on everybody and walks away like a little girl. Nestle did that. Nestle played the little girl. Well, who knew what was going to happen? I turned it over to the state police. Yeah, right. Did that just, that just gives you the right to walk away from your job? I don't think so. Well, look at the, we covered this when we had our studio in Temperance, Michigan, right there on the border of Ohio. We covered the the twelve people that were involved in the chat in the supposed Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping story. And I think it was nine or ten of the people were FBI informants. There was only two Jim Oakes who got caught in that chat session. But they made so much big deal about how Gretchen Whitmer was within a thread of her life and all that stuff. And these are the things they dream up. Where's that island up there? Sault Ste. Marie and the summer home, the governor's mansion. You're going to have to change that. You guys are going to have to change the carpets and drapes up there and breathe some new life into that place because all they do right now are these deep state make crime, you know, fake scenario, hair pulling scenarios. When's the last time they ever did the work of the people up there in Mackinac at the summer governor's house? I think, Donna, you're going to breathe a breath of fresh air in Mackinac. Well, I think there's a lot of improvement that can be made for sure. I think the first thing needs to happen is an exorcism of every single state building we have here because of the lack of God involved in all of it. I mean, I don't think they're playing on the same sheet of music as we are at all. Not only do they not care about us, but they've brought in such horrific level of criminality and crimes and the crimes against humanity. It's not just, you know, I mean, when we talk about it, I mean, they've all committed prison. And unfortunately the legislature has to there. I don't believe that we have one of them sitting in there that have not played the game to get in, to get in office at this point in time. You even look at say Marjorie Taylor green people jump on the headlines of her. What has she done for the J sixers? Not one damn thing. What have any of them done? to address these big problems that are going on that go right back to the offenses against the Constitution and we the people. It's incredible. And they don't have an excuse for this. So I think that the housecleaning that needs to be done, it needs to be absolutely decisive. It needs to be without mercy at this point in time because the level of criminality that's going on And, uh, and I, I, I really do think that the, that the house cleaning is a, is a very nice, gentle way of saying, uh, you know, the, the all must go, you know, sale. I mean, I keep telling everybody vote them all out. Yeah. Well, you know, it's, uh, go ahead, Casey. Sorry. I don't want to interrupt the conversation. I just want to see if we only have a couple of minutes left with you, George. I want to see if Vicki Davis can maybe ask a question if you have a chance. Sure. Sure. Oh, I was just wondering, George, I've been following you for years and a total fan. Thank you for all the work you do for the people of our country. It's truly amazing. Amazing. Absolutely amazing. Can you mention any technologies that we don't know about that you've come across? I know you've talked about the flip phones and things like that, missing uranium. But I'm sure with all your deep investigations, you've come across some stuff that's just probably out of this world. Let's go to Vicki a second. Vicki, you had a question because Casey wanted to hear what you had to say a second. I'll come back to that. Okay. Well, it does tie in with the subject that you've been talking about, which is the government's war on the people. And do you know who Admiral Art Sobrowski was? Not familiar with that name. Okay. Well, he was an admiral. And he brought forth a defense package called Net Centric Warfare. Okay, but that goes along with the question I really wanted to ask you, which is that were you aware of the global systems that G-Seven agreed to? The integrated global systems, and there were eleven of them, and all of the G-seven countries participated collectively in building these systems. Were you aware of those? Yeah, I was at G-seven and I got stopped in Oberau on my way up there, up the hill by a whole bunch of NATO troops. I did, there was sort of a world, you know, Cyclops Eye kind of technologies that they all agreed on. I wasn't actually there to cover it because I did get stopped. But I do, Whitney Webb's done a lot of stuff on total information awareness with Admiral Poindexter and Palantir. And I am aware of the net centric warfare also. And all of this stuff comes from DARPA in the war theater and then is reapplied in a civil sense. Sometimes they just turned on the volume of the weaponry. for civil surveillance because it goes right from military policing to civil policing. And a lot of this information, as Dr. Dave mentioned, the whole idea of could vaccination be detectable with a cell phone? that you had been at a certain location on a certain day. And then could you have certain things on your clothing that could be seen from space? And we covered that and with total information awareness, two thousands, two thousand seventeen, two thousand eighteen at the Navy lab in Anacostia. OK. But then what if we could do inside the airways? What if there could be something that couldn't be taken off like clothing to identify the terrorist? And then as soon as we get the DOD and DARPA to pay for that for twenty years, let's now put it into a civil situation. Now let's come up with a mass formation psychosis around a pandemic so that we can start doing internal You've seen Bill Gates with the dissolving microneedles, right? And I covered that in one of my books. And that was gonna be sort of the mark of the beast kind of patch that you could scan with a cell phone and there's your serial number, sort of an internal barcode. But it turns out there are some things that cause variations in skin and so forth, from side effects and so forth that can be used as sort of a barcode by individual facial technology. Technology can be integrated into that. Palantir is the one, Peter Thiel, is the one working on all this as a collation point of all these different technologies. So you can take things that are just natural variations, not just voice prints, not just facial, but other things, and tie it in sort of Internet of Things. This is where Internet of Things was originally pushed forward and then carry that to more of a constant surveillance state. They look at when you go through a camera location on the freeway as a data point, right? And they want to collect as many data points on you and your life as possible, hopefully with video, right? So that they can replay that movie at any time that they want to take you down, right? So all of what DARPA is thinking about all the time is Data points, data points, data points, collection points, collection points. Collect it all. That's how they think at NSA and that's how they think at DARPA. So we follow those technologies very closely. There's Digit, D-I-G-I-T for the handheld. This is the old Star Trek scanner, which is to wave it over you and it gives me your total medical history, your total, the history of all your family, et cetera, all your connections, your social network. That's the Digit product, D-I-G-E-T, I think. we've covered that in michigan in in project um uh blackjack which is the droning you know I can swarm hundreds of drones at you like they do in israel when they take out a hamas guy but now if you're the bad guy right I can swarm hundreds of drones at you these are little small killer drones each one can shoot a very small little pellet but How do you escape hundreds of drones? So we're looking at all this technology. It all comes from the military theaters, and then it's all using mass formation psychosis and psychological operations. We then move it into the civilian sphere, right? Yeah, they use a civilian front. It's military technology, and the military is running, but they use a civilian front. and have you looked at the fusion centers and how they uh these are uh systems that control and monitor everything and you know what the danger is really is that when you talked about those drones and how they could release drones on uh an individual um The problem is that what we're seeing with J-Six and everything else is that they've defined a significant percentage of the American people as the enemy. And they can use all of that technology against the American people. There may have been a prove-out of Crooks getting the first shot. It could have been a drone shot, actually. And that is the SAIC CUAS technology. It's the counter sniper technology used to swarm drones at a sniper in a battlefield situation. SAIC CUAS. And the representative... on the call out on the radio from the Butler counter radio called out a, a license plate associated with a SAIC CUAS representative. So you wonder if that was a justification for using swarming technology in a, in a, anti-sniper situation. So I know I'm running out of time, but I could go on and on. But the Substack- You're welcome to stay. We're not going to cut it off. I'll stay. I learned so much. But I just want to say is where you can find all the receipts. And then RealGeorgeWebOne is my Twitter. And that's where I have the short a thirty second one minute updates as these things come out but a lot of people say well you know I'm just getting drips and drabs here and there and I want to put together into a cohesive hole that's where you go when you want uh all the receipts okay I have one more question for you since all of this technology has been weaponized and the military is running it What would you say to the idea that the military is violating posse comitatus? Well, I think Posse Comitatus went away a while ago with Donald Rumsfeld, right? I mean, that's where they basically, I think Katrina and Eric Prince was where they had the governor waive Posse Comitatus in two thousand four Landreau, if I'm not mistaken. And there that's all they do. That's all they sit around. That's all Dick Cheney does when he's writing these scenarios for continuity of government. How could we trigger continuity of government? Well, we'll have J six. Oh, well, we'll need a bomb at the DNC. OK, great. Well, we'll have nine-eleven and we'll blow up the World Trade Center. That was getting started on continuity of government. When somebody drops a pencil in Washington, there's certain scenarios that are written now where you can invoke continuity of government. The big planes going into buildings, they were just getting started. You could do it also same day, a little bit of anthrax supposedly out at flight ninety-three and all the people that are involved in the Trump assassination, Sheriff Tony Guy, Cheetle, who was in the office in the White House on nine eleven with Dick Cheney, all the same people who leave the assassination roof wide open. So and all the all the Beaver County deputies that were supposed six deputies with high powered rifles supposedly covering something right in front of their face all work for Sheriff Tony Guy in Beaver County. So the the incredible oddities and, you know, one in a million scenarios that you keep stacking on another. It's almost like winning the lottery every day for a week in order for crooks to be able to be on that roof on unguarded. Well, this is such an honor to have you here. You're welcome to stay on as long as you want. Do you think Trump enacted CLG? No, a COG can be enacted by the head of NORTHCOM, which is a military position, which is the reason they did NORTHCOM was because it's control of all the missiles. And COG was originally thought of as, well, if the president is killed with some kind of dirty bomb nuke in Washington, D.C., and the vice president's killed, who could Who will we always know can run the government? They thought, well, there's a guy in the bottom of Cheyenne Mountain, and he's behind a whole big rock wall. We'll have him take over the government. Then there is a way of handing the football off to various people. We know the vice president is OK in the Oval Office. Bush is on the plane to Offutt Air Force Base on nine eleven. We can hand the ball off to him and then he can do a whole bunch of sign offs of executive orders. Let's start gain of function for bioweapons. We have a knowledge of an anthrax attack at Shanksville, which is really Wimber. Right. So he can sign off all these things. And he did. Bobby Kennedy Jr. is the only candidate or the only person I've really heard talk about how all the Fauci experiments in his book were launched by Dick Cheney after nine-eleven right it was a Brock Obama's as few things as Brock Obama did right is he actually cut back on a lot of the gain of function that Dick Cheney put in motion the day of nine-eleven that had to be pre-planned that had to have foreknowledge that had to be forethought of what he was going to do because he only had seconds to write that off and you only need an hour or so of continuity of government to get all these things signed off. Disavowing the Bioweapons Convention, you can't think of something like that in the middle of a nine-eleven, but it had to be pre-planned. Bobby Kennedy Jr., I'm so glad he's aligned with Trump now because he's the one who understands that. Tulsi Gabbard on the other side is the one who talks about false flags, talks about funding ISIS. She's now working with Trump. Hopefully Trump in this next administration will get these people who are knowledgeable about these deep state ruses and so forth close to him rather than having the, you know, General Kelly and McMaster, all these other shills that are just deep state trolls and implants. Did I hear you say that there was a biological research lab at Shanksville? Well, it's a genomic lab. The Cancer Genome Atlas Project was there. The Cancer Marker Program was there. It's the Walter Reed Army Hospital. And interestingly enough, I don't have time to go into it on my segment, but it's also where the Human Genome Project had a lab for doing different testing and experimentation because they don't want it happening in Bethesda. And one Bob Malone is there on nine, eleven, just saying, and his boss, Nick Jacobs, says he was. And that's where they basically are the people who go out and discover the anthrax attack. So just saying that George is late for another interview. So he probably doesn't have time to stick around much longer. Vicki, do you have time or do you need to go? I have to go at in at the top of the hour. Oh, okay. Well, we'll just keep going then. This was great. I have a question on when you mentioned Peter Thiel and such, the connections with J.D. Vance. What are your thoughts on that? Well, I don't want to be a Debbie Downer on J.D. Vance, but I don't see him as coming from any kind of grassroots political career. I like his faith, to be honest with you, but I see him as a kind of a Mike Pence type character. He's going to be one of these wolf in sheep's clothing later on that are going to say, I'd never vote for Donald Trump. And then people don't believe that, but that's exactly what Mike Pence just did. Now, here's a glad hander and a water carrier and a litter bearer for Dick Cheney. Also, look at McCain's son who just came out and said, I wouldn't vote for Donald Trump. Another guy who came out and said Saddam Hussein had weaponized anthrax, right? Well, on the Johnny Carson show, if you remember with John McCain. So all these handmaidens and litter bearers and apparatchiks of Dick Cheney are coming out, you know, right after Labor Day and saying, we don't want Donald Trump, right? Trump responds, if you haven't seen it, with the whole Walls family, Tim Walls family, and there's like thirty of them, and they all I'm a Wall's relative and they're all sponsoring Donald Trump. So which is worse? If you get a bunch of CIA retread hacks to come out and say they won't vote for Donald Trump or all the family of the vice presidential elect candidate or nominee coming out and saying they want to support Donald Trump. I think Trump is really very effective right now. by going to people who are real people and not CIA, you know, apparatchiks. Now, that's the one thing I don't like about J.D. Vance because he just screams agency, right? And I wish they would have went with a Tulsi Gabbard. I wish you would have went with a Bobby Kennedy Jr. or a Kristi Noem from South Dakota or somebody like that, you know, a grassroots candidate rather than, you know, a somebody so closely associated with the agencies. I wish you would have gone with anybody sitting here on the show right now today rather than somebody who's been in politics forever. I mean, I would vote for any one of you over any of the candidates that have come forward because I'm talking just like real people. I'm so sick of these celebrity politicians. I'm just absolutely done with this. We need to just have real people come forward instead of somebody who's made it a political career to screw the American people. Because that's exactly what they're going to do. It's not like they're going to stop. If they were going to change anything, they already would have. But all I'm seeing is people that have gone, you know, go along to get along. I really do like Kennedy because when I met him, I thought he was the most sincere politician I've ever seen in my life. And he admitted when he made a mistake. I thought that was really amazing because nobody's perfect. And to admit that, you know, you changed your point on something instead of You know, instead of, you know, carrying that on until your last breath, I thought that was an amazing way to handle it. And he's smart. He'd be an outstanding attorney general. He'd go after people with bared teeth in these corporations that have violated human rights. And I think he'd be amazing. But yeah, I'll vote for you, George. Why don't you run? You run for something. We'll vote for you. Well, I like being able to move across all states and all the national issues and internationally. We do a lot in Europe. We do a lot in Germany and France and in Geneva, the power centers of NATO. and the world government. So we, we feel like we have to be out there at WEF and J seven G seven, like they said earlier. So I feel like I need to keep my independent status, but, but I love folks like you who are on the ground who, who, who can be in, a Kalamazoo in a, in a half an hour where they make the Pfizer virus. Excuse me. Did I say virus? I meant the Pfizer vaccine, but, but you know what I'm saying? It was kind of appropriate really, you know, you've got four facilities up here in Grand Rapids, Grand Rapids, you know, nature boy and girl that said that they were, you know, building this out of the garage. I think not, you know, they've got four facilities up here that were packaging the, the, the vaccine up here and people are missing all that. It's really unfortunate. I have another question for you. When you disappeared off of YouTube and they took, they nuked four thousand videos, do you have a repository of them or are they somewhere that you would be able to upload and or distribute again? Some of them were saved. Senator Tim Kaine worked with Donny O'Sullivan at CNN and specifically went to the CEO at that time was Wojo, I think, which was Sergey Brin's wife, or maybe it was Larry Page's girlfriend. I can't remember which, but they whacked me and I had no notice. So I didn't have any time to back up. And I was really running and gunning sometimes in Washington at that time. I was doing ten, twelve videos a day for different interviews. So that's why I piled up so many videos. Some of them have been other people have snatched them and so forth. And what I'm doing is when I find them, I, you know, I'm rerecording and updating. So I'm saying, OK, here's what I was talking about then. Kamala Harris with, you know, in twenty eighteen, I was talking about her weird, wacky Freemason group. And I'm updating it to now and saying, Hey, look, If you're willing to do these kind of weird, wacky assassination groups, you get to be the presidential nominee. It's not because you serve the people of California or, you know, she would tell if you ever made the great point, she she hammered a lot of the minor drug crime people and let a lot of the major drug people go in California. How does that make any sense? Right. It shows you that if you're a minor drug person, what you need to do is get into major drug crime and then Kamala Harris will let you go. But if you're a pot dealer, then you're going to serve big time. That's what I have been concentrating on is to try to get out, do the shoe leather journalism, go through as many shoelaces as I can in a day, and just try to bring the truth to the American people. It's worked so far. I'm not dead yet, but I see the thing with my partner did pass away in, unfortunately, in August. But I do see the indictment that came out yesterday against Benny Johnson with the Department of Justice, more lawfare, more make crime. Then they throw Tim Pool in there. And ten million dollars, can you imagine what we could do with ten million dollars supposedly that they're receiving through these things? That what the press didn't do was go to the actual indictment and look and see who's behind the money that they got. It's Kalashnikov. For people who don't know Kalashnikov, it's right there in the indictment. Kalashnikov's the ones who do the AK-Forty-Seven, right? We had totally torn apart the whole Kalashnikov network, Kalashnikov USA, owned by Paul Wellen in Novi, Michigan, right? He also has the Kingsmeade Arsenal in Michigan. He has the New Century Arms in Las Vegas. He has the Legend Arsenal in Florida. That's where Kalashnikov USA was based. We talked about the handler, the Peter Strzok's handler or his infiltrate into the Trump campaign, which is Maria Butina. Her handler was Torshin, the person who was the number one representative for Kalashnikov USA, touring the United States, touring all these different gun shows, entrapping all these patriots in a gun entrapment scheme, trying to get them to say something negative or violent about the government. This is all Peter Strzok entrapment operations, trust operations. So it's all Kalashnikov, USA. It's all, two thousand sixteen, Russia, Russia, Russia all over again. That's where they were feeding the money from, right? It wasn't through RT. They're going after RT this morning and doing sanctions against RT. I worked with RT. all the time I saw him you know they're on the same street as sputnik you know right by the white house everybody knows where there are there's twenty people that work there it's not a whole uh office full of kgb agents it's twenty people that are going over and filming trump doing you know a comment at the white house just like everyone else they're trying to make this look like rt is funding this no it's the peter struck kalashnikov people that the same people that did russia russia russia in We dismantled the whole network. Paul Wellen has been recruiting snipers for the Clinton Foundation since nineteen ninety six. He's the guy who for DHS, Paul Wellen, the one that Kamala Harris and Biden just flew to Turkey, right, to pick him up and fly him back. He's the Marine that's supposedly arrested. That Marine was dishonorably discharged for giving away secrets and things like encrypted radios. That Marine was getting a thumb drive of Spetsnaz operators, snipers in Red Square, right, to bring into the United States to places like Michigan. I can't remember what the gun show is, but we went there. That routine was at the Michigan gun show. It was out toward Novi, a little north of Novi. But this is the operation. It's not U.S. patriots, you know, stocking, piling a bunch of guns to go take over Washington. It's them with their agents and their fake Russians bringing in their operative to create a false narrative that there are somehow people applauding the interaction. It's exactly like the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, fake kidnappings. These are fake insurrections with fake Russians. It's fake Russia, Russia, Russia. And we just dismantled that thing for the last eight years. And now they're bringing it out again. And the problem when they don't indict me, I wish they would indict me because then I'd be able to bring out all our evidence and discovery. But they indict the Tim Pools of the world. They don't indict the Casey Whalens because he's way too smart, too. Right. He has the whole background on this, too. I'm not trying to get you indicted, Casey, but they indict the Tim Pools. They indict the dunce cap knit hat guys who just talk about poop and do poop casts, right? They deliberately go after millennials who don't know anything about the Cold War, who don't know anything about the Russia machinations. They don't know anything about, you know, false flags or anything like that. Not that I don't, I'm not trying to go after Tim Pool, but I'm just saying the way they do this fake Russia stuff is they don't put it in the hands of knowledgeable people. They fund people who are not informed. I mean, Tim Pool is against the Ukraine war, but he doesn't know who Kolomoisky is. If you don't know who Kolomoisky is, you shouldn't be talking about Ukraine, right? And I make that point in my latest Substack. This is their fake crime and fake Russia, Russia, Russia that they're doing. The only difference between this Russia, Russia, Russia that they're doing now and the one that was in two thousand sixteen is they had more time before in July and June and March to infiltrate people into the campaign. Now they don't have any time left because the Trump assassination failed. So now they're doing this kind of, oh, the media is all bought by Russia, which is, again, all fake media hoax. Right. It's all fake media hoax. Sorry, I'm just kind of unloading. Perfect. We're your audience right now, which is just honored to be here with you and hear what you have to say. Yeah, well, I mean, these things I write about in the Substack, nothing against Tim Pool. Now, there is one guy they indicted who's sharp, who does his homework, and that's Benny Johnson. And they're going to regret the day that they indicted Benny Johnson because Benny Johnson has a big network. I work with the researchers for Bobby Kennedy down in Santa Monica. I'm also working with James O'Keefe's researchers. We're going to go to town. with Benny Johnson because Benny Johnson is going to bring it and they're going to rue the day that they ever indicted Benny Johnson because he's a smart cookie and he's got a big research network. So that's where we're putting our marbles right now, fighting this thing. I'm not going to make the mistake of making Tim a hero and trying to teach him who Kolomoisky is in Ukraine, I don't have that kind of time. But we do have the ability to fight back through Betty Johnson's network and knock this thing down before the election because it's just total, it's like Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping, it's just total make crime. Well, those kind of setups are very useful for then making a political case for some issue or another, mostly always gun control, because they do intend to try and take our guns. And these false flag events that they set up or dialectics that they set up, every single time they use them. As a matter of fact, there was just a shooting in Georgia, another school shooting, Well, take Georgia, for instance, you know, here again, we have the miracle whiz kid, you know, shooter who's thirteen years old. Lots of people reported the kid, said, you know, May, twenty, twenty three, that he was a danger. He was ideating school shooting. He was effectuating school shooting. Right. The family services went out to his house and he said, it wasn't me. Oh, it wasn't me. But you somehow had control over eighteen different IP addresses in eighteen different states with discord servers. You're that smart of a kid. It's sort of like crooks where they had three encrypted overseas accounts for chat sessions in three different countries and then three overseas encrypted crypto accounts, right? We're getting this scenario and trope that these kids are the most genius kids that know how to avoid all federal NSA listening technologies and collected all schemes, right? They're the ones that know every which way. My brother worked for the NSA for a while. He wrote test beds for the NSA and they were testing things all the time with the top experts in cybersecurity. But no, no, these thirteen-year-old kids know how to compartmentalize all their communication in eleven different states with eleven different IP addresses over Discord servers in order to fool everyone. No. What happened was Family Services found a hot fit, found somebody who had horrific ideation, and then decided to go ahead and play along with the ideation. Who buys a fourteen-year-old an AK-Forty-Seven for a Christmas present? That just isn't something that normal parents do, right? They put their AK-Forty-Seven in a lock and key or a gun safe. Every gun owner I've ever met, and I've never owned a gun, but the ones I've met and interviewed put it in a gun safe. They never let their kids even get close to it. It's got a combination. Some of them have biometrics on it and so forth. They want, again, they're pushing forward something that doesn't exist in the real world that they've culled and culled and culled and groomed, right? So that they can have this example data point, which is a corner case of a corner case, right? And then they want to say, they want to push this out to their house organs like CNN and MSNBC and make that be a standard, you know? So all these, you know, swing voters, purple voters in the suburbs, usually suburban women, they go, oh my God, You know, Trump is calling and training all these fourteen year old AK forty seven assassins to go shoot up our schools. Those are the kind of assumptions that are being made in these little panel discussions on CNN today. Today. Right. And we have to be the ones that take the pin and prick that balloon fake scenario because it's family services in Georgia that let this thing go and groomed it along. Right. They could have easily stopped it and said, hey, We want to know when your kid's coming and going. You need to check in at the office in the morning when you're coming and going. You don't have rights on the school ground unless you're supervised at all times. That's what I'm doing if I'm the principal. I don't want you after you've ideated school shooting to be walking on my school grounds without supervision. And I don't know how somebody gets into a school with an AK-Forty-Seven. That still remains to be seen. And we saw in the Crooks case, five years of grooming, five years of him ideating building bombs and having seven hundred encrypted messages. The FBI still hasn't released those messages. We still don't know who the DNC bomber is, but we know the person who was grooming crooks was encouraging people to go to Washington, D.C. to bomb government buildings in Washington, D.C. Why wouldn't that be one of the top people on my list in terms of suspects? So these are all the questions that we continue asking on our substack and working with people like Casey Whalen and local reporters all over the country to try to get these facts out. So we're working with people in Georgia right now. We want to get the whole fact set out there for the American people. I love this so much. Well, you're welcome on here anytime you want. And honestly, if you want a channel to put your videos up on, I'm your girl. Right. Put me on a friend and in such because because, you know, the only one that could censor is me and I don't censor. So if you want a safe place to put your videos and keep them up, Brandenburg News Network will absolutely be thrilled to do that. I'll take you up on it. We have an archivist that's volunteered. So I'll take you up on that. And with that, I got to just say, I'm going to go to this next thing. Casey Whalen, the incredible journalist that you are. I've covered all the great stuff. Casey Whalen, so great because you know what? They're going to use, let's say the Coeur d'Alene Idaho is going to buy license plate readers, you know, for people coming in and out. The only guy covering the story, Casey Whalen, right? The Priest River, I went down and visited Priest River about schools and this big contention over the state schools. The governor is there. The governor's there. Nobody else is there. The only guy there, Casey Whalen, right? Over and over again. And these are the people we try to identify in every state so that we have people on the ground and we know what's happening on the ground and we could get resources of our citizen journalists teed in with them, and this is our neighborhood news concept, so that we can get this information, a collection system, and get the information collated and validated and verified before we get it out to the American people. So Casey, just one of fifty, it's one of about more than fifty, but in every state, this is the idea, and the Brandenburg News Network, I love the fact that there's a place now that we can show our work, so this is awesome, and I'll take you up on it. Well, it would be a true honor. I would tell you that. But, you know, I'm like a five-year-old. I'm going to ask you like a million questions. Next time. I got to go to this next thing. But, yeah. That's fine. Well, thank you so much for being on here today, George. And God bless you with everything that you do. We're going to stay on for just a minute and let everybody have a few more words here. And we'll end this segment here with last words. Thank you. And I look forward to being on again. Anybody have any closing words here to this segment before we bring Delisa in? Only to say that it was awesome. And thank you so much for inviting me and letting me ask George some questions. I really appreciate that. Well, I got to tell you, you guys are all like my favorite people. I got to tell you, Vicki, you have no idea. What my house looked like after I got off being online with you yesterday, I was like talking a million miles a minute to anyone who happened to be in the vicinity about what a great interview you had. I'm like... I'm like this is amazing it's like she understands the things that I understand only she's got all this stuff actually put together in a way instead of keeping it in your head like I do you got this stuff just like diagram and you came with the receipts I was like the entire day the most un obnoxious person you could possibly Because I was singing the praises of Vicki Davis all day long. Everybody that was around me knows all about you. And I really want to do an ongoing segment with you. And it was extraordinary, the interview that we did yesterday. And I got to just tell you that I have so much respect for you. And it was such a great interview. And I got to just tell you, thank you. It's like you and Casey and all the work that everybody does behind the scenes. David does work. You know, everybody that's on B&M, none of us get paid for anything. We are on here to do it because we just love America. We want our country back. Right. I want my damn country back. That's what I want. And to stand with people like you guys who just put your heart and soul into these things. I can tell you that I am so honored to know you guys and to see what you put together, Vicki. I'm going to tell you what, absolutely highest respects from Donna Brandenburg for you, Casey, David, and everybody here. It just, you totally made my day yesterday. Well, thank you. Thank you so much. That makes it all worthwhile when people see it and start reading. and they can then pick up the threads and go research more themselves you know that that's what I live for at this point I think what I'm going to do in fact I just wrote it down is I'm going to I'm going to designate donna brandenburg uh holidays national holidays for people and yesterday is going to be your national holiday for John Brandenburg, where we're going to talk about Vicki Davis on November fifth, every year from here forward for the amazing work you've done. It's just extraordinary. So I want to thank you. So does anybody else have like last words here for the show? I mean, everybody, real patient, listening to George talk and what an honor to have him on today. I am just, just floored. Yeah, that one bit of information, I did not know that about Shanksville. And the fact that it was connected to the Human Genome Project is huge because I covered that too. I mean, that was when the Department of Energy signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Institutes of Health. to develop the infrastructure for genome research. So I've got a report that's about, I don't know, twelve pages long. I'll send you the link to it about the Human Genome Project. Yes, please text it to me and I'll put it right on my Telegram channel. so that everybody has access to that too. So we put everybody's work out there and repost. I mean, if any of you guys always, you know that if you send me anything, whether it's on X or if it's on a text or something, I will post it and make sure that you guys get the recognition that you deserve for the work that you've done. You're extraordinary, all of you. So any other last words, Casey, you got anything else to say or David? Not really, no. I just appreciate the time. Thank you so much. And it was great to have George on and Vicky and Dave. Dan and Hollis didn't get a chance to say anything, unfortunately. That's the problem with having so many people on some of these streams. But thanks so much. It was a great show. just sort of happened today. You know, I want to make sure everybody's included so that if they want to talk, they can, or if, if there's not time, I mean, they're very gracious. And that's what they said to Dan, Dan Hollis. I'd love to all didn't want to interrupt the greatness must run for an eleven a.m. interview. God bless you all. God bless you guys too. Hollis and Dan, you guys are amazing. So with that said, once again, congratulations to Dr. David and, uh, And Jeannie and their marriage tomorrow and blessings from all of us. And we're going to keep saying that because we just really want to God to bless you richly. And so I've got Jalise back there clapping. So, I mean, you know, she's going to be praying for you. We want everybody praying for David and Jeannie's marriage tomorrow. No rain. a beautiful day now. And, you know, for many, many, many years of just, just wonderful life together and such. So with that said, I'm going to go and take a real quick break here and I'll be right back on with the Delise and Coy Griffin. And we will, we will be back on next week. Same, same bat time, same bat channel. Love you guys a lot. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. This is our third hour of the day. And what a great hour last hour was. If you didn't see the interview with George Webb, I'm really excited about this. I mean, we have so many great guests on here and we're actually bringing the truth forward. It was a gray bearded fedora just said, Let's get Brandenburg News Network, the true counterbalance to the Marxist narrative. I love that. Yes, Brandenburg News Network, Truth Network is going to keep going on and bringing the truth and giving people a voice who haven't had their voice or been silenced. My commitment to the Jay Sixers is absolutely set in stone. And with that said, I'm going to bring on my next guest, Jaleese Middleton and Coy Griffin. How are you guys doing? Doing good. Thank you. Thank you for having us. Hey, Coy. Hey, Jaleese. I haven't seen him in a while. Great morning. I love it. I love everybody from Texas and from the South that comes on. And I love your accent. It's great. Thank you. The Michigan accent's all messed up. You want to know why? Yeah, this is the Michigan accent, right? Michigan accent is we leave out letters and words and we like smash everything together. And I always tell everybody, because it's so damn cold up here. If you don't talk fast, your lips freeze together in the winter. Good morning. How are you? And we're like, and we're off to our day. That cracks me up because one of our funniest terms down here is if you don't do. So funny. Well, good morning. And I'm just so glad to have you guys on here. And thank you for letting me know that your sentencing was pushed off again until October. So I guess we're going to be doing this for a while, aren't we? It sounds like it. And I praise the Lord for every single day of it. You know, I've had a long, long haul of walking by faith. I know Coy has too. And that, you know, that's some of the hope I want to bring to the world and to the J-Sixers is, yes, the story is horrific. You need to know the details. You need to know the level of tyranny. But you also need to know that we serve a mighty God and that there is hope in the midst of this storm. And that is my goal in this. So, yeah. Usually you hear us talking about the personal stories even more than what happened January six, because we've all heard the government's narrative. We've all heard or should have by now heard many of the January six defendant stories. And I always like to tie it in. You need to know you know, what happened, you know, that day in their perspective. Um, but you also, uh, you need to see the person behind, behind that banner. And this guy, this guy's been true to character from the get go. He's a mighty warrior. Um, he was doing a beautiful thing that day. And I get so excited because there are quite a few of us that we were arrested for praying. And Coy is one of those. And so anyway, I'm going to jump right into his story because he's got a good one. So that's awesome. And what's really amazing is how, you know, this whole segment for me, everything I've seen with the Jay Sixers, it really is about the walk with God and the faith that has been that God has shown himself so mighty under such great criminality by our government, the persecution that's happened and all they've done instead of driving us away from God, driving us into, into self pity or driving us into being silent. They like poured gasoline on a fire and they, And this, you know, you can see the spirit of God is just moving so mightily. What a time to be alive. This is like one of those things that you couldn't, God couldn't have given us a better gift than to be born now, to be involved in this now and to see his hand moving so mightily. It's amazing. I'm going to take a real quick break and let you guys talk. And then I'll be back. I'll be able to listen to you and such, but I'll be back in a little bit. But I'm going to let you guys go and talk about this so that you can just really get into the details. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Coy, okay? Nice to meet you as well. Thank you. That is awesome stuff right there. She has been so generous to share the third hour for January six defendants. And Koi, what I try to do here is, you know, we've been on thousands of podcasts. You know it. I know it. And it's usually the same story over and over and over and over again. But Koi, I try to do a little something different, and that's let the people recognize who you, the person, are. So here are some of the questions that I'm trying to get answered during your interview, and I just kind of give them straight up front. That's who were you before January six? What did your life look like? What were you doing? What was important to you? And what happened to you on January six or the raid or both? You can talk about any of it. And then what happened to you because of January six? And where's your case now? And, you know, moving forward, what do you foresee in your future? You know, I appreciate all those questions, Elise. And I was, I was excited to be able to come on today and answer them when you first sent them out to me, because they are important, you know, in order to Truly understand January six. You have to really understand the spirit and the motive of why we were there, you know, and my background goes back into ministry, you know, before politics. Anyways, I served as a lead pastor of a cowboy church out here in New Mexico for about five years. Before that, I was very heavily involved in street evangelism where I took my horse out kind of the same way that I do in politics. I did in ministry where I would take my, I rode horseback from San Francisco to Jerusalem and across the United States twice. I rode across about eleven different countries. in West and East Europe, eventually winding up in the city streets of the old city of Jerusalem. So my heart, I pray, is bent towards the kingdom, towards only serving the Lord Jesus Christ and the power in his name. And I believe that's what drove me into politics, you know. As I served in ministry, I was bivocational. I opened a restaurant of all things and a barbecue restaurant. And so before I ran for office, I was dealing with the moral decay of our communities and our society through my pastor's position. And then in business, I was struggling to survive with such heavy regulation and taxation. And then when President Trump came along, I've always been intrigued by politics. I've always been involved. When President Trump came along, he was making a great effort towards securing our border in which right now where I sit, I'm seventy five miles from the southern border. So we're a community directly affected by illegal immigration and those that come along with it. So, you know, it didn't take much of a nudge for me to run for, after Trump was in there, to run for office. Where I ran for county commissioner, I won by a great majority. I didn't even hardly have to campaign because- Okay, I want to summarize this. So you are a pastor? That's correct. Politically charged, well, I hate to say charged, politically interested, staying up to date. You were a business owner and, uh, you said something else. Um, yeah. Very, very involved. Very, very knowledgeable. You're not, oh, and commissioner. Yes. Yeah. Holy moly. So you like to say bid thee. that's why that's, and that's what took me to Washington DC on January six, because, um, you know, as we know that, or people should know, um, the certification process of the election only ends in Washington DC, but it begins on the County level. It begins, um, through the County commissioners are the first step of certification of the election. And so, as I said, as a County commissioner here in Otero County, um, and I heard the, the rhetoric from the president about how China had stole our elections and our elections were compromised. And not only through Trump, but also Ted Cruz, Mike Pompeo, all of the higher ups, if you want to call them that, in politics were saying that our elections were compromised. So as I sat on the bottom floor, and when the certification vote came to me, I voted no on the certification. because I had questions, you know, I had questions. We use Dominion tabulators out here. New Mexico is very corrupt and our voting system is very corrupt. So I voted no on the certification on twenty twenty. And then I traveled to Washington, D.C. on January six to once again stand on that conviction peacefully and patriotically to protest the the the elections and and to try to encourage Mike Pence and the DC bureaucrats to reconsider the certification. But yeah, I mean, my motives have been pure from the start, Jaleese. I didn't have any malicious or, you know, I wasn't going there to try to do what they said I did, which was try to overturn the government. I love, I think we have the greatest government in the world. I just feel like We have too many bad actors involved in the greatest government in the world. There's too much corruption. If we could flush it out and put good people in, you know, in those offices, then I believe that our republic would once again come alive. I believe that we would get representation to the least of the people and our voices would be respected. But yeah, so. that's kind of my, I mean, you know, I was very heavily involved before January six. You know, we have a lot of folks that, you know, they kind of came onto the scene, if you will, during or after January six. But my work started long before that. I've sat down in the office with the president of the United States. I know President Trump and he knows me. You know, he's I've been called under his direction on different occasions. I've been invited to events, you know. But, yeah. But I don't know. I just feel like... I don't know if my efforts are necessarily appreciated sometimes by those on the very top level. I feel like sometimes if your motives truly are pure, then you're a threat to not just the Democrats, but also the big money Republicans, the establishment people. And so many good Americans have been crushed and devastated by January six. And, and in my opinion, I've much been left behind, you know, I mean, yeah, our plight wasn't even mentioned at the RNC at the convention, you know, January six wasn't mentioned one time. And, And either they're complicit in it or they're a bunch of spineless, weak cowards that can't even step out of the shadow and mention January six. I've been very I was very upset over that myself. I've heard many January six defendants, even on this show. coming on and going, what the heck? He's not even mentioning us during the campaign. But here's the plea I want to put out. And I haven't always been in politics. I was one that walked into this completely naive. I was a swing voter. I was absolutely clueless. Sometimes it was even a game to me. And I'm ashamed to admit the condition of our country right now is partly on my back to blame. because I was an uneducated voter and I did not take the time to become an educated voter. And I now recognize the harm in that. And so I've been playing catch up. For three and a half years, for sure. And so with that said, you know, one thing I have recognized, I'm a reader of people. I'm outrageously discerning. I've been gifted with the gift of discernment. And because of that, that's a gifting I try to bring to the table. I can't out talk you in politics. I can't. But I can probably educate a lot in in our faith. And I can definitely read people very, very well. And one of the things that I try to encourage the January six defendants and the American people, he he was a man of his word. Everything he said he was going to do in his first presidency, he did it. And people got mad at him over it. But, you know, I remember a man that said, I'm going to drain the swamp. Well, for some reason, everyone sat back wanting him to be the hero, wanting him to be their God. Oh, you're going to drain the swamp. You're going to arrest all the bad people. You're going to make this perfect utopia of America. He cannot do it alone. He is not God. Not to be too overly critical to Lisa, and I don't mean to cut you off, but he also said that he was going to, he was going to investigate and prosecute Hillary Clinton whenever he was running for office as well. And that never happened, you know, and I've mentioned that publicly and I get, A headline from the Rolling Stones where Cowboys for Trump bashes President Trump. I wasn't bashing him. I was just calling something to light that he said he was going to do. And I said at the end of his term, the only ones that got thrown in jail were me and others like me that had stood behind the strongest, you know, so. And, you know, I support President Trump. I believe in his platform. America first. Absolutely. Put our children first. Absolutely. Secure our border. Absolutely. All those things. But I'll never blindly follow any man, you know. I still have a bad taste of George W. Bush in my mouth. And I'm not going to do that again because I was one of those those guys that thought that George W. Bush was truly a man of his word whenever he was on. probably one of the worst we've ever had. So I'm not going to do that with President Trump either. I'm going to question what he's doing. I'm going to question the people that he has around him. I'm going to question whenever I see videos of him meeting with Kellyanne Conway and people of that sort, whenever he can't take the time to meet with others, J-Six defendants that are rotting away in prison right now. I mean, I haven't seen him I haven't seen President Trump meet with the family of Jake Lang, and Jake Lang's been in prison three and a half years in solitary confinement without a trial, you know, and people rip A guy like Jay Kling, you know, you have all these pundits or the peanut gallery inside the J-Six community. They're saying, oh, he's a fed, oh, he's working with the government, oh, he's this and he's that. And I say, I don't care who the man is. He's been in prison for three and a half years without a trial. I would advocate... For Antifa, I would advocate for a government informant. Any human being that is stripped of their human rights I don't care what their background is. There's such a thing as human rights. And I speak from experience of the DC Gulag. I spent three weeks in solitary confinement. They had me in a cell for nine days and refused me to take a shower, refused me to use the telephone, stripped all of my human rights away from me. And it was the most traumatic time of my life. And I wouldn't wish that kind of pain or the mental trauma on anybody, regardless of what they did. I'm a huge defender of justice. I believe in manual labor and I believe in execution, but I don't believe in sticking a man in solitary confinement for twenty three hours a day. I agree. Something that we should not be doing in this country. And to happen to somebody that hasn't even been convicted of a crime is even worse. I share this all the time on this show that at this point, nobody should care two bits what occurred on January six as far as what a January six defendant did for their own welfare, the welfare of this country. They need to be worried about the fact that civil rights have been violated, that we're being treated subhuman by our government. And that is the fight that's at hand. So I totally agree with you on that. At this point, in my mind, I could care less what they're being accused of. It does not matter at this point because I have seen child molesters. I've seen rapists. I've seen murders. I've seen mass murders. get out of prison in less time and get their conviction in less time than what they've done with these January six defendants. And it is simply an opportunity for them to to initiate lawfare on us. And that's the same tools they're going to use against any American that stands against them because none of us are wealthy enough to fight that fight. And so they get their punishment in the process. Yeah, and set an example, you know, I mean, what they did through January six, it wasn't necessarily only to punish the offender, but it was to scare anybody else off from ever going again. And I'll tell you something. I believe that the elections are going to once again be stolen. I hate to say it. I believe that Kamala Harris is going to be the next president. But I'll tell you one cowboy that's not going to be in Washington, D.C. on January the sixth. I'm not to go back and subject yourself to the possibility of going through what we've already been through. whenever those that you were fighting for run and hide, and the Republican Congress, Mike Johnson, and the rest, McCarthy and all of them, do nothing to advocate for us, but only try to mark us as being bad people, you know, whenever we showed up just to try to exercise our constitutional right to peacefully assemble and stand up against what we believe was a stolen election and has been proven been a stolen election. So yeah. Um, I agree with you. In fact, you know, I'm just going to back up on that statement a minute. Not only do they plan on stealing it again, they already have. When Texas, I mean, I saw a chart earlier this week, Texas being the highest and that's the state I'm in, of new registered voters. Why? Because you've left that border open all this time and they're registering the voters. Here in Texas, we've got people going all around to Texas high concentration of illegals living in apartments, living out and about and asking them if they would like to register to vote. Now they're doing it on purpose because it's a setup. The question is being asked, would you like to register to vote? And one hundred percent of the time they're getting the answer. I already have. When I went to apply for my driver's license, they registered me. That is not legal. And right now I'm working with, not with ActBlue, I'm working with OMG, with James O'Keefe. Anybody can do it. I hope you get in touch with me and ask to be a volunteer. Because what we do is we look at people that have been donating to ActBlue. What's been happening, I think it's foreign interference, but we have had money funneled in to ActBlue through people's names that they don't even know they've donated to ActBlue. because they didn't they just stole their identity to funnel money into the democratic campaign I'm telling you the first day I I got their instructions and opened it up I broke down crying I had to close my computer and I just went to bed because I felt like the walls closed in on me I realized they've already stole it again it's not they're going to it's that they already have And that's what we have to wake up and sober up to the fact and the truth is, is that our votes don't matter. You know, I mean, we're in such a push right now to register voters, you know, and it's register, register, register. Chase ballots, gather ballots, harvest ballots. I'm sorry, but all that does, whenever you, the only reason why there's a push to register more voters is because it gives those at the top a bigger pool to steal votes from. It's not about, even these illegals, I mean, I truly honestly do believe that I would imagine that probably half of the illegals would vote for Donald Trump and a conservative candidate because they're coming to this country for security, for employment, for jobs, for opportunity, all those things that's given by the right. Do you really believe that? I'm going to challenge that. I'm here in Texas. We're dealing with the illegals in an astonishing amount. To the point where we're losing about five kids a week in my area. Like, it's ridiculous. So my question to you is, these aren't just your average illegals that we used to get ten years ago where they're coming to a better tomorrow. These are your Venezuelans and all your gangs coming over to take over our country. And because they've been given that permission, I'm sure part of the deal and indebtedness is to vote these these tyrants back into office. Do you not agree with that? Yeah, but it's again, if our votes mattered, then we can have that discussion, that dialogue and think, okay, well, there's this many that are going to vote that way and this many that are going to vote that way. But the thing that, again, we have to sober up to the fact is, is our votes don't matter. It doesn't matter which way they vote. Whenever you have the controllers at the top, including Dominion, that have digital tabulators that all they have to do to control the vote is to turn a knob. It doesn't matter which way people vote. Whenever you have all of the avenues that they're cheating, that's why I believe the only way that we're going to ever get our country back is whenever we have county commissioners who will vote no on the certification whenever it comes before them. If we could get a push, which I believe there's a strong one right now, for county commissioners to refuse to certify the vote unless their demands are met, unless we get rid of the digital tabulators, we get rid of the drop boxes, we get rid of the mail-in ballots, we get rid of all the ways that they're stealing our votes and say we're not going to certify because I'll I'll share something with you, and it's very interesting. Whenever I sat as a county commissioner, this was in twenty twenty two, I once again voted no on the certification. The certification vote is a yes, no board decision, a county board decision, your county where you're at, your commissioners will vote yes or no to certify the vote. Well, they say you have to vote yes. You it's it's it's just procedural. You have to vote. Yes. Well, I said, no, I'm going to vote. No, I don't trust the machines. I don't trust the drop boxes. So I voted no. The secretary of state through the New Mexico Supreme Court threatened me. with a fourth degree felony and to remove me from office unless I voted yes on a yes, no board decision. And it makes you sit back and go, well, why? If we have to vote yes, why don't they just remove us from the process? I'll tell you the reason why they don't. It's about liability. Because when you have a yes-no vote and you choose yes, now you assume the liability for the fraud of the election. The county commissioners have to wake up to this fact and understand that they're not controlled by the law. They're controlled by their oath. Their oath is before God. That's why we put our hand on a Bible and swear our oath before God, because that's who we serve through our oath. Not the laws, because they'll come in with all this scary felonies and removing you from office and all this spooky stuff. Which tells you what you should be doing. because they're threatening you but I want to go back to something you're saying because sadly and and I don't know that donna's uh crowd would be this but I know I have learned over through this process about commissioners because For me, it's game on like Donkey Kong when it comes to our commissioners and our sheriffs, because now I realize they're not manning up. They're always the ones that want to act the most manly during election, bellowing up there with their belt buckle and their hat and all of this and acting tough. And then I'm the one with the balls standing up for our country and not them. So I'm pretty lit over it. So the first thing I want to point out It's the job of a commissioner because the American people do not realize it. They're thinking their county commissioner is supposed to keep their gravel road without potholes. They're thinking their county commissioner is supposed to keep the streets level. But that is the very least of their job. They are buying you off with that ideology. Because the real job, and I'm going to leave it to you to share, but the real job is where our nation is falling at their feet. And just like Christians that are too scared to stand up and act as the Christian God has called them to be, which is the fish swimming upstream, not going with the crowd, but standing boldly on the word of God. and not caving into it through intimidation. That's why Coy, me, you, a few others that I've interviewed on here, one that stands out to me is Joshua Black, that stood up and will not bow down to the tyranny because of the word of Jesus Christ that dwells in our heart. Nobody else is really doing it. So tell me about the commissioner job. The commissioners and the county officials is where our republic is represented. We're a constitutional republic and the voice of the people is first manifest through your local government. If we followed the constitution, the only policy or legislation that should affect the daily lives of the citizenry should only be set by local officials, county commissioners. If there's ever to be any influence inside of our school system, that should be done through the local governments. It shouldn't be legislated and dictated through Washington DC. So the county commissioners, as you mentioned, it's not, yeah, we're fiscal agents of the county. We fund different departments and we handle the public's money. But our bigger responsibility is the rights of the people, the constitutional rights of the people. And the county commissioners are only second to the county sheriffs because right now we think county sheriffs, it's about law enforcement. And that's kind of this thing that we have in a grain in our head is, well, we're going to elect a sheriff because we're We have a bunch of drug dealers and speeders and we need to enforce the law. The sheriff is given the law to enforce, but he is not. The sheriff is the most important political position that we have on the county level. That's why we give the man authority. a gun and a badge and we put him in charge of the law. The county sheriffs are the highest jurisdictional officer in the county, which says all of the J-six warrants that are being carried out, any warrants that come from the state or the fed first have to come through the sheriff's department. The sheriffs could put their feet down and our founding fathers were brilliant. By establishing our county sheriff as the highest jurisdictional officer, because this is a person we have contact with. D.C., we don't. The upper fed, we don't. But the county sheriffs, there's an elected position every four years. And if your county sheriff isn't protecting your constitutional rights, then vote him out. Well, something I discovered with our sheriff here in Cook County, Texas, is that he didn't he don't know the Constitution. So can you protect something you don't know? They bypassed him. The FBI, when coming to raid me and my husband, did not contact our sheriff. That's how little they thought of our sheriff. Now I'm not beating up our sheriff. That was a decision of the FBI. Where I am holding him accountable is what have you done since then? Nothing except tell me and Mark, hey, I'll write an affidavit stating they never even got in touch with me. Our so-called local representation that has to be there if a Fed agent comes onto private property was the DMV, the DPS, sorry, a DPS officer. And so that's what I want to point out to the people. When you have a sheriff up for reelection, you need to be going to those little conservative group meetings. And the first thing you need to do is start challenging him on his knowledge of the Constitution. The second thing you need to do is give him a scenario of being a January six defendant and see what he does about it. Because if he if he stutters around, he don't know his job. His job was to protect me that day. His job was to tell the FBI, you take a leap because they are in my county. I haven't had any trouble with them. They have never even been arrested. They don't even have a ticket in our system. So you can take your butt home and I'll go question them and find out what the problem is. That's what should have happened. Absolutely. And one thing that this is probably there, this is extremely important for any of your listeners that might have been in DC on January six and might be living in fear of the treatment that could be coming. is the best way to avoid an accident is to be preemptive, is to brace yourself. And so right now, if there's anybody watching this show that's a little bit concerned that the FBI might come knocking, I would encourage you right now today to get a hold of your county sheriff before it happens to you. Call your county sheriff. Tell them that you were in D.C. on January six. Tell them your actions on January six. Tell them you did your side of the story and tell them that if and do it in confidence, do it in privacy, do it just with you and him. But. But get him on track. Don't allow to have what happened to Jaleesa and Mark happen to you where your sheriff has his head in the sand and the FBI comes in there and kicks your door down. And then you're sitting there going, man, you know, the sheriff should have protected me. Get your light of fire under your sheriff right now and tell him I expect you to protect me, protect my rights. To have constitute to peacefully and patriotically to have attended J six, you know, I mean, it's what what the listeners may or may not know. And I'll share back with you to get your opinion on it. But they tried to take our First Amendment through January six. I mean for every single individual not just a january six defendant they did that with the eighteen usc fifteen twelve charge which me and my husband had it just got dropped that was a protection of evidence uh charge that they established in nineteen eighty four during the enron scandal now it was because they were shredding papers trying to cover up uh you know your wrongdoing during an investigation it was an evidence protecting law but what they did is they switched it on january six defendants for three hundred and fifty of us to make it a uh a protection of government officials law therefore making it look like all january six defendants violated it had they succeeded in the supreme court not have held up its purpose What would have happened is it would have become illegal for you to protest any government official anywhere. So if they showed up at your kid's school to have a town hall meeting and you're out front telling people, do not vote for this guy. He's a loser, blah, blah, blah. You could have went to prison for twenty years. People don't realize how close their First Amendment come to getting tore down. They have no idea. And it's all selective prosecution by the weaponized government, weaponized judiciary, you know, because, I mean, you have the leftists that will go burn cities down in protest of laws or protest of the government and nothing happens. I mean, look, whenever they take over capitals and stuff and you have a bunch of. perverted drag queens that are laid out in the middle of a Capitol Hall. In Dallas, Texas, we have Venezuelans that have taken over an apartment building just like they did in Aurora, Colorado. And I'm telling you, I'm disgusted and appalled. To me, There is something sacred about Texas. You step over our border. Every one of us are toting a gun. What in the heck is going on over there? You know what it is? Because they're a sanctuary city. They invited that crap in. That's what they did. And where's our nation right now? I don't know. I don't know. Can you hear me, Jaleese? You froze up. Hey, Jaleese. You're frozen. I don't know if anybody out there can hear me. I don't know. Hey, out. I don't know if anybody's out there. Look, it's Nancy Pelosi. Her teeth are staying in. I don't know what's going on with this deal. Tell us more of your story in the sheriff. You know, my story after, after January six, when things really got real, I came back to New Mexico and my political adversaries, they, they smelled blood in the water. They smelled weakness. They thought that they could take me down. So they waged a recall against me in my commissioner seat. And it was very heavily funded with, with the left's money. And it was about three months of radio campaigns, newspaper advertisements, trying to get me recalled from office. And in three months time, the recall fell flat. They weren't able to get twenty six percent of the constituents in my county to sign the recall. So since they couldn't get me removed through the regular recourse, which was a recall, I had plaintiffs from outside of my county file a civil lawsuit against me on grounds of insurrection. I went to a state district court in Santa Fe, New Mexico, had a bench trial before a liberal Democrat judge, went up against the ACLU, the NAACP, Lawrence Tribe, Dan Abrams, all the biggest hitters in the left, legally speaking. And at the end of my trial, they found me guilty of insurrection in a civil courtroom. And through a state district court's order, that district court judge removed me from my commission seat and barred me from ever holding office again on grounds of insurrection, which was the most corrupt thing that they could have tried to pull because we all know that insurrection is a very egregious criminal matter. And I had already been through the criminal process in Washington DC. You know, I was charged with disorderly conduct and I was charged with trespass. Well, I was adjudicated or acquitted of disorderly conduct because I did nothing disorderly on January the sixth, but they found me guilty of trespass, which I have under appeal right now. But going back to the removal of office, I'm the only, elected official in the last hundred years or so that's been removed from a political office on grounds of insurrection. And as God is my witness, I had no intention of overthrowing the government or even stopping the transition of power. All I wanted was just a closer look at the certification and for Mike Pence to do what he legally and constitutionally could have done, and that's to roll that vote back to the states and allow the states to vote one by one on the certification of the of the twenty twenty election. So it was very bogus. I I filed a I filed a brief or a briefs into the United States Supreme Court. I was represented there to try to get that insurrection, um, insurrection, uh, charge overturned. And unfortunately the United States Supreme court didn't have the backbone to, to, to rule on it and give me an opinion. They kicked it, which only allows New Mexico's precedents to stand. So, uh, it's been very difficult, you know, I mean, I, I gave everything to my, I gave everything to my political position because, um, I, that's just what I do. You know, I mean, I, I took my oath of office and I swore my oath before God and to the people. And so whenever they removed me from office, it, it really hurt because they, they forced me to break my oath. And, uh, that was probably one of the most painful things that they'd done. But then whenever they removed me from office, the most hypocritical thing, one of them, um, is that the governor of New Mexico, who is a radical Democrat, was able to choose who to replace me. So she chose a Democrat who had run for office eight times in Otero County and lost every time she ran. That's who the governor of New Mexico, Michelle Grisham, chose to replace me in my commission seat. And these are the very same people that will say our democracy is under attack. Our democracy is under attack whenever they will use a state district court to rule on an egregious criminal matter to remove an elected official on insurrection and then hand select who she wants in there to represent the people that had elected me. So it just, once again, goes to prove the hypocrisy of the left. But I don't know, you know, as Jaleesa and I were talking a little bit earlier, about the spiritual side of it is that's the real battle that we're in right now. The real battle that we're in is a battle of good and evil. It's a battle of light and dark. We get wrapped up in the politics because the politics is only a manifestation of the spiritual. I mean, whenever you have spiritually wicked people in office, their policy, legislation, politics are gonna reflect their heart. And so, That's what we're really up against right now. And what's going to save us? What will save us is the Lord Jesus Christ and only him. We have to turn to him. The Second Chronicle, seven, fourteen says, as I prayed over the steps of the West Side on January six, is that if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and repent. And turn from their wicked ways. Humble ourselves. Humble ourselves to the commandments of God. Repent. Repent of what? Repent of such things as homosexuality. Repent of such things as human trafficking. Repent of those things that are evil in its nature. We have to recognize those things. We can't condone them or embrace them. We have to call good, good. and evil, evil. And if we will do that as a country and we will quit thinking that Donald Trump's gonna fly in with this cape on and save everybody, then I believe that God will hear from heaven and he will heal our land. But we have to turn fully and completely and totally and only to him because I believe that our elections were compromised. I believe they were stolen. I believe the majority of Americans supported donald trump over joe biden would I bet my life on that no my life is too precious to bet on something that I'm not sure of I'm not certain of I believe it it's my opinion but I don't know it for a fact but what I would bet my life on is the word of god I would I would bet my life on the word of god and what is the word of god says The word of God says that God is the one that giveth and God is the one that taketh away, that God is the one that establishes our rulers. So if I truly believe that, then I have to rest on the fact that if God wanted Donald Trump in office today, Donald Trump would be in office today. And so I have to sit back and go, well, why would God allow somebody that actually wants to to protect life, to protect the American people, why would he allow him to lose? And I think it's because we, as Christians, put more hope and trust and faith in the person of Donald Trump and not in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We have to know that God is sovereign. We have to know that Jesus is the one in control of all things. And Trump is just, Trump is just a man, you know, and just like many men, They liked the me, me, me, I'm going to do this, I'm going to do that, I, I, I, me, me, me, look at me, give me money, and all the nonsense that politicians do. But my message for Donald Trump would be to humble yourself before God continually, daily. Express that in everything you say, you know. And, yeah, our... The position right now on lie on this abortion issue, you know, I mean, I saw Trump the other day saying that he didn't think six weeks to get an abortion was enough time. And, you know, if Trump continues with those kind of positions, Julius. I think the elections are going to get stolen again. I really do. I mean, I think we have to come in line with God. We have to come in line with his commandments. My position on abortion, my position on homosexuality, my position on those big big moral issues in our world is not my position. It's not my opinion. I hide behind the word of God. If God says, bless a man when he lies with another man, then I'd say, what's the big deal? But it doesn't. It calls homosexuality an abomination. And now I'm not going to judge a homosexual. I have many friends that are homosexual. You know, I, I don't, I'm not going to treat them any different. I'm not going to treat them bad. I'm not going to shake their hand and look them in the eye and love them just like I do everybody else. But I'm not going to agree with their lifestyle. I'm not going to tell them, oh, yeah, I'm glad you see you got a new boyfriend. You know, I'm not going to celebrate that. their lifestyle. I'm not going to have pride in their lifestyle. I'm sorry. I'm going to rest over here where God is and in God's commands. And if they don't like that, and if they want to judge me and be mad at me because I don't celebrate them being homosexual, well, I can live with that, you know? You know, I think that's a big misnomer within the Christian community is they They assume because we don't agree with their lifestyle that we hate them. But the reality is the Christian is only called to call sin, sin. Okay. If I sin, I'm not going to tell you it's right. When I cuss, I'm the first one to tell you that is a sin against God. It is not righteous behavior. And we're called to rise above it. Okay. I say the same thing with homosexuality. I don't see it any different than somebody choosing to live with their boyfriend or girlfriend before marriage. Sin is sin is sin. And as long as we can all agree that it's sin, I'm never going to have an issue with you. The issue is going to become when you're trying to make me say sin is okay. Sin is not okay. Yeah. But I'll, but I'll never, I mean, I will never support a political leader that's out this openly homosexual. I just, it just goes against my grain. I'm sorry. I mean, I, And I hope that you would only hope that those people could be open-minded enough and accepting enough to accept the fact that my opinion is different than theirs. Well, you have a scriptural basis for that even, because when the scripture talks about homosexuality or women acting out sexually, it says that you went against your nature, right? OK, if you're designed a certain way and you're going against it, then you have to question, you know, would you run out and chop your nose off? Well, no, you would not. So there has to be a level. And this is where I think people will get mad. But there has to be a level of mental illness to take. to do something that's painful to the body that's against our nature okay sin is sin but it the scripture says that it refers to our sin nature's our flesh okay that's not against our nature It's against God. It's not against our nature. When you act out in those ways, the scripture takes it a step further and says you're acting against nature. Yeah. And it's about sexual perversion too, you know. And the fact of the matter is that perversion is never satisfied. I think that's why we have... such a deal with, with drag, all this drag stuff and transgender and the mutilation and, and it's, it's, it's sexual perversion. And that, that once you give yourself over to perversion, you can never, it's just, you just go to further and further extremes where you have to call it what it is at its inception at the seed of it. And as you mentioned, as I rest too, the very nature of homosexuality is perversion, I believe. It goes against nature. It's sexual perversion. And until we really begin to recognize and humble ourselves and repent of that, I believe we're going to continue on a downward spiral on the same way that Rome failed. I mean, look at Rome. Rome was the most powerful military in the world. They had the most money. They had the most infrastructure. And what did they do? They crumbled from the inside. Why? Because it was morality. It was a morality in their society. And I believe that America has those same morality issues today. And if we don't address them and confront them, I believe that it's going to be the cancer that will eventually devastate and destroy our- I agree with you. I really- In my heart of hearts, I've always believed America is the Babylon referred to in Revelation. Be interesting to see how it plays out. But I, you know, I believe the same way you do. I think yesterday on here, I gave the example of Sodom and Gomorrah of Lot throwing his daughter out to be raped so that he could get the angels of the Lord in his house to prevent them from being raped. That's how disgusting Sodom and Gomorrah was. Well, what are we doing when we're sending our kids to school knowing that they are indoctrinating them into homosexuality, into transgenderism, confusing them about their identity? and teaching them to rebel against their parents. They're telling them, your parents are just so foggy. They're confused. You have a right to be anything you want to be. If you want to be a cat, you be a cat. Well, what that has done is, number one, Satan is a deceiver, but he is also the author of confusion. So he's been welcomed into the school system everywhere we kick God out. Our government, that's why Satan is now running rampant, and we've got this spiritual battle going on. And our school systems, that's why all of a sudden our kids are becoming cats, dogs and and transgender and cutting off body parts and everything else is Satanist author of confusion. But what what is our what is the Republican Party stand for nowadays? You know, I mean, used to be not that long ago, the Republican Party stood strong for for the family unit for marriage between a man and a woman. We were pro-life. We were against abortion. Now we've become so lukewarm and watered down that I don't even know what we accept or what we embrace anymore. I mean, the Republicans are talking about a fifteen week abortion ban. OK, so they they say it's a fifteen week abortion ban. So after fifteen weeks. You can't get an abortion. You ban abortion after fifteen weeks. But up until fifteen weeks, you can get an abortion at will and on demand. That's almost four months pregnant. And they want to say they're pro-life. That's a pro-life position. No, that's protecting abortion. And we're so stupid that we all of a sudden we think, oh, yeah, the Republicans, they're pro-life. They're going to ban abortion. No, they're not. They're going to protect abortion for fifteen weeks. I tell people all the time though, Koi, and here's where I'm going to, I'm going to hit it with you too. You're not running for office and God is the one on the throne and he's working through man. The likelihood of us getting a solid job, christian that is going to bring in christian values one hundred percent in ideology because christians can't even fully agree I mean you've seen it as well as I have I know christians that support abortion I don't know how you do that but I have some that claim that so what we have to do when it comes to politics when it comes to the presidency we definitely have to vote our values and our morals we're never going to get it a hundred percent that's where each individual christian rises up in their faith to love people to teach people and to be the matthew xxviii of going out and telling the world from Judea to Samaria and to the ends of the earth. That is it. That's our responsibility. We have to vote our morals. And and so but you're never going to get it perfectly aligned. So I want to make sure to come back to some for the viewers, because it would be a tragedy if I left it here. I know we both feel like this is already a stolen election. So people may question themselves. Well, then why vote? Just forget it. Forget the whole thing. I don't want to stand on anybody agreeing with abortion. I don't want that on my watch. I don't want the Lord to hold me account to that. I'm not voting. Well, I think that's a dishonor to the Lord too. I think that's a dishonor to you as an American citizen. I think we have the moral obligation to stand on truth. to the very best that we're able to, and to fill the gaps in the dark places, okay? Because where we are, light shines in. So I feel like we still have that obligation to vote. It's just like if you run across, you're standing at a light and there's a beggar and he starts to come up to your window, you know, are you gonna give or are you not gonna give? And so many people say, well, I'm not gonna give because he's just gonna go buy alcohol with it. And I say, well, I'm gonna give Because I'm held to account to be my brother's keeper and to watch over him. And they say, no, you can't because then you're helping him in his addiction. And that's where I come in and say that I'm held accountable to be the hands and feet of Christ. And how someone handles that after I hand that off is between them and the Lord. I have a responsibility. I think I disagree with you. You know, I mean, do you keep playing a game that's rigged? You know, I mean, if you're sitting down playing cards with somebody and you know that they're cheating you, do you just think, oh, I just need to bet more? I just need to put more money on the table and I'm going to win. I need to give myself more. No, you quit playing the game until the game is fixed. That doesn't mean you disengage yourself and just say, oh, I'm just going to stay home. No, go to your county commissioners. Go to the county and say, don't certify the election. Don't certify until we have reform. That's the only way we're going to have any reform is if it's demanded on the local county level. But by continuing, oh, let's go register voters. Let's go register. Let's go. Vote, vote, vote, vote. Why? That's exactly what they want. They want you to keep doing this. Because at the end of the day, they know they're going to steal the election. What they want is they want everyone to stand down, which is why they did January six. They want us to stand down. So when we take ourselves out of the game, now you've handed it completely over to evil. Are we really ready for revelation to play out? I'm not. I'm not saying you take yourself out of the game. I'm not saying you disengage yourself. I'm saying you go to your county commissioners and you say, don't certify the vote. Quit playing the game. I agree with you. So are you saying not to vote too? Huh? I said I agree with you on the commissioners and the sheriffs. But are you also saying all you're going to do is lobby your commissioners and the sheriffs? I'm going to vote. I'm going to vote. I'm going to vote. But I'm going to also... demand that for not, I mean, I don't know, maybe, I mean, I said, I'm going to, I, you know, even though whenever we vote, I know that our votes are just getting stolen, you know, but I just feel like the only way out of this is for our county commissioners not to certify. And for all those J sixers that went to Washington DC on January six, Instead of going to DC, go to your local county government instead of Washington, DC. Show up at your county courthouse on the day of certification and demand a no vote on the certification of the election. If we could have a shift to that, And we can have our influencers and the people that carry the big message and have all the avenues to speak on. If they could start speaking, go to your county on the day of certification and demand that the county commissioners hold the line. and vote no on the certification, then we could stop it. We can stop it before it gets started. But the problem that we have is we don't understand the processes. Our county commissioners rubber stamp it. And then all of a sudden it goes all the way to the end. And then it's like the house is on fire. We got to put it out whenever we could have stopped the fire from ever getting going. on the local county level. I feel like that's the only option. I just I just I think you've got a really good point. I will agree for sure that the lack of involvement from the American people is what is getting us in this situation. You know, I hate to admit it. I really, really do, because I was one of them. But I like our complacency. That is the sickness. Our comfort is a sickness. We are literally, as a country, ignoring the fire all around us, even though it's completely encircled our homes. We're ignoring it because we want to go to our job and live our life. Well, baby, it's no longer an option. Well, yeah, we're not the only ones ignoring it. Look at Look at Trump and the Republican Congress and all of them. They're just playing politics as usual. Oh, we got to swamp the vote. We have to have more poll watchers. We can have more people watch the election be stolen. What have the Republicans, including Trump, done physically on the ground to secure our elections? Nothing. All they do is just campaign, and I'm going to do this, and I'm going to do that, and I'm going to do that. No, you're not. You're going to get this election stolen again, and then you're going to be crying again that the elections got stolen whenever you did nothing to prevent it from happening before it happened. We have to be preemptive. We have to be preventative, and if we can do those things, we can protect the vote. If we just let it just keep going the way it's going... We're done. I agree. You know, one of the things I keep thinking about that the American people, something simple they can do is when they've got them boxes everywhere to to submit their votes that are being unmaintained. Build a team that your whole job is to sit there with your cell phone camera on, ready to ask people what they're doing if they're putting more than one vote in it. But we have, we've got that. We've got all of that from the last two elections. Well, we don't know. You know, we'll expose that. It shouldn't be there. I agree. But the American people have to rise up. That is how this nation was established is through the American spirit. And we don't have to rely solely on our governing officials to tell us what they're going to allow and not allow. No, this is our country. that they are subsequent to us. And so when we stand up and act like the boss, when we stand up and demand truth and integrity, when we show up to hold people accountable, fearlessly, things start changing. Yeah. But the only reason why the drop boxes are even in place right now is because the county commissioners and the county sheriffs have allowed it. The county commissioners with the county sheriff could remove the ballot drop boxes right now in the county if they had a backbone. That's where our demands need to be again. we can clean the boat up, but it's going to have to be done on the local level. It's not going to come from DC. It's not going to come today. It's going to have to come from your County. And if you look at the County breakout across America, We're red from one coast to the other, from top to bottom. We're red through and through. We have conservative leaders in place on the county levels, and we just need to push. And if Trump would start speaking the same message that I'm speaking right now, then I think that he could they could build a fight. Mike Lindell, all the, all the big, big ones that have such a loud voice. If they could start saying, you guys can do it. Then, then they could create that push, but that would mean they would have to render power. That would mean that they would have to say, well, maybe I can't save the day. Maybe you can say that. I, this whole two, what is it? Uh, too big to rig that is the most ridiculous statement I've ever heard in my life I'm intrigued that that would have come out of his mouth let alone anybody else's you know I keep telling people where is too much and people say well you can't you can't steal higher than the population in that county bull they did it in twenty twenty eighty one million votes You know, they gave Biden eighty one million votes, probably the least popular presidential candidate in American history. He shouldn't have made it out of the the Democrat convention. Bernie Sanders was the first one that had the election stolen from him from Joe Biden. And then they just used Biden all the way through. Yeah. You know, I agree that the statement too big to rig, that would be like saying, you know, to put too big a bet on a card table, thinking that if you just bet a big enough amount, you're not going to lose the game. It's stupidity in its purest form, in my opinion. I agree with you. Hey, I want to, I want to touch on something else that you have talked about, but you know, very briefly, you did talk about your time in the DC Gulag. Will you share with the people what you were actually doing January six versus what the DOJ said you were doing? Yeah. You know, on January the sixth, I, uh, I traveled with Amy Kramer and the America First bus tour, Dustin Stockton, Jennifer Lawrence, Greg Locke. We all traveled together to Washington, D.C. We had like two stops a day most of the time up through the south. But I was going to Washington, D.C. first off because President Trump called. And secondly, because I thought that maybe there was going to be a different plan of action, maybe another plan of action, maybe a new revelation, maybe something, you know, I didn't know. I just I knew that President Trump, when you have the sitting president of the United States telling the people China stole your elections, then I thought, wow. there was going to be something. We weren't just going to hand the key to China. I figured there was going to be something that they were going to engage to save our country. And so I went there with that heart. I didn't even know what was going on at the Capitol. I didn't even know there was anything. I just went to go support the president. I stood out on the mall. And then I got a text message from... From Gary Chapman, he was Amy Grant, the Christian recording artist. He's a friend of mine. It was her first husband, Gary. Great guy, great brother in the Lord. He sent me a text telling me to go pray with people on that day and told me about a vision that one of the people from their church had had. And so I went. I felt that was of the Lord, you know, just like if I was to call you up out of the blue, Jaleese, and say, hey, Jaleese, you need to go pray with these people over here. you would translate that not coming from Floyd Griffin, but you would translate it as of the Lord. So that was my heart in it. Um, I went down to the Capitol where I was able to finally pray with people, um, Never pushed through any barricades, never did anything that I have any conviction of at all. I went simply and solely for the fact to pray. But yeah, I was arrested on a misdemeanor trespass charge, spent three weeks in solitary confinement in the D.C. Gulag, was removed from office on grounds of insurrection. First person in over a hundred years that that's happened to. You weren't charged with insurrection. No, I was. It was a civil lawsuit of insurrection. It was in a civil court. Would they not have to prove insurrection in order to convict of it? They proved it in a civil courtroom before a corrupt Democrat judge on a bench trial and that the judge found me guilty of insurrection specifically and removed me from office, removed me from my commission seat and barred me from ever holding office again here in New Mexico. So it wasn't without consequences. You know, I mean, some people say, oh, well, It was just in a civil courtroom. Yeah, it was in a civil courtroom, but they still took my commission seat away from me. And let me understand, those are elected positions. Exactly. A judge has the power to tell every single person in your county their vote is shit. What he wants goes. Is that what you're telling me? Yeah, and I'm telling you it happened after they tried to recall me too, because- They tried a regular recall campaign against me, which failed. They couldn't get twenty six percent of the people to sign their petition. So since they couldn't recall me, they couldn't get me out through a recall. Then they used a civil lawsuit and found me guilty of insurrection in a civil courtroom of a criminal matter. And the crazy thing about it, as you said, Jaleesa, I mean, the people spoke twice. First, when they elected me. Second, whenever they didn't recall me, they also said, no, we want Coy to stay. But since I was removed from office, it allowed the radical governor of New Mexico, Michelle Grisham, to hand select who she wanted in my commission seat. She picked a Democrat who had ran for office eight times and lost every time she's ever ran for office. That's who the governor put in my commission seat to represent the people who had elected me. And these are the same people that will say our democracy is under attack whenever they use a civil courtroom to remove an elected official. I am infuriated by this. Yeah, it's... It's just, yeah, it's nuts. You know, I mean, it's been very painful for me, you know, I mean. So, no, I mean, we all know the twenty twenty election was still in. If you if you weren't sure about it, then you sure as heck know now, by the way, they've responded. OK, but and we know that twenty twenty four most likely is going to be still. But you're telling me because I happen to know of a situation in Arizona at the county level. that something very similar happened for the GOP. I don't even remember the position. So I know it's happening on a small level, but I am, and even with Mark, okay, when me and Mark were arrested, he was a precinct chair, elected position, and they just removed him out of the position. Now, I don't know why these thoughts are just now starting to form in my head. I told you sometimes I'm pretty slow. But does the American people see your vote is under attack? You have every right to stand firm on this because does New Mexico have laws in place that a felon cannot hold these positions? No, felons can run for office in America. There's felons that are elected right now in our state legislature, you know. So they had no right to remove you out of the position. They had no, if anything, you should have, if they did have laws on the books, you should have been able to serve out your term and not be able to go back in. But that was not the case. This was straight up stolen in front of the people. And has anybody stood up for you in your county? No, I mean, the county sheriff was the one that removed me from my office. You know, they stood guard at my door as I cleaned my desk out, you know. So you could say that I was removed by a state district court judge. But really, when you boil it all down, I was removed by my county sheriff because my county sheriff could have stood by me. But he chose not to. Why? Why? because he's a man of procedure and protocol and because he goes, oh, well, we just got to follow the rules. That's the problem with our county sheriffs is most of them come up through departments, come up through the military where they're so used to taking orders and they're conditioned to take orders that whenever they finally get in the office of sheriff, that's all they do is take orders from the state and the fed instead of standing up and representing the people we could have. You know, the county could have protected me, but they chose to get rid of me. But honestly, the county didn't like me either because I wasn't serving the county either. You served the people. Yep. Yep. I get it. Coy, this has been off the charts for me. It really has. I love when iron sharpens iron. And I feel like that's exactly what occurred here today. And I am honored to call you my brother. I am proud to be in this fight with you. And, you know, I don't know what the J Sixers can really do for each other. I don't know what the Lord is doing. All I know is you and I have to stand firm. We have to proclaim truth. We have to stand on the rock. And we have to stay connected to the vine. And that is what we're doing. So at this point, none of us really have answers. All we do know, we have one answer. God wins. And we don't know when. We don't know how. It is all reliant on the American people. coming in agreement with me and Coy and saying, but God and bowing before him. It's not enough to know him guys. All of you that are like, I know the Lord. I love the Lord. Good for you. You know what? Satan did too. He knew him. He talks to him all the time. He flees. So that's not enough. You have to relinquish your life to him. You have to relinquish authority to him. You have to tell him not my agenda, but yours, not my dreams, but yours, not a goal, but yours. And that's where change is made. So we need to be bowing on our feet and, We need to be interceding for this country, bowing on our knees, interceding for this country and proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and King over America. Amen. And hold fast to the truth that we know that vengeance is of the Lord. It's not ours, you know. So even though we've been treated so unjustly and we we want to vent that anger and, but we have to just rest in humility and know that God is our shepherd. He's the one, he's our defender and vengeance is his. And I believe that Jesus is coming again soon. And whenever he does come, um, all things will be made right. You know, so that that's what drives me forward is knowing that our lives here, but a vapor it's, we're like a wisp of smoke. We're here today and we're gone tomorrow, but, the reward for your faithfulness is an eternal reward and heaven's going to be a cool place. So stay focused on that. I got, so I am, it left me as quick as it came in. Tell me where you're at right now. As far as where are you in your case? Is it overdone? No. I, I, on my, on my trespass conviction, I, I went to the DC court of appeals. I have briefs filed. It was orally argued. I was supposed to get, um, a response back in four to five months and it's been eight. So they're dragging their feet. They're slow rolling it. Um, Judy Kelly's done a good job, um, covering, covering the appeal. And, uh, I'm, I'm really hoping that, uh, Soon I'll get a response back on the on the seventeen fifty two charge of misdemeanor trespass. And if I can get that conviction overturned based on grounds that the area wasn't clearly marked, the government didn't follow protocol, all the things that they didn't do. If I can get that seventeen fifty two overturned, it won't only give me relief, but it will give tens of thousands of others relief, too. It will shatter their whole case against all J Sixers. Because that is where evidence got brought in that was very manipulative and distortive. And that's where they were able to also get the interfering with interstate commerce. They got everything off of that seventeen fifty two charge that has been up before the Supreme Court two other times and upheld, which is stupid. It's stupid. They are using it as a weapon now against American citizens and the Supreme Court's allowing it. Well, the the seventeen fifty two charge to would if I can get that conviction overturned, it would say that not only did we not break the law by entering into the area, but that any actions that were taken against us to remove us from that area would have been tyrannical actions by an oppressive government. So it would really be a strong shot over the bow. So I believe that's the reason why they haven't responded to it yet. But um again patience patience and trusting in the lord and I know that god's timing is not our timing but his timing is perfect I agree with you coy will you close us up in prayer I'd be honored to let us pray father god we thank you lord god for this time we thank you father for the technology lord that allows us to to bring our thoughts and our hearts together father um Lord, we know, God, that you sit on the same throne that you've sat on since the beginning of time, Lord God, that you are the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end, that all things are in your hand, Father. And so we just rejoice in that, Father. We find such great comfort, Lord God, in knowing, Father, that you're the great shepherd, Father. We just rejoice, Father, and are humbled, Lord God, by knowing that you came and and walk this earth as a man through your son, Jesus, Father, and that your life was perfect and that life was laid down so that we in our sin, Father God, in our wretchedness, Father, can come to you, Lord, and be forgiven through the atoning blood of Jesus, Father, and stand fast in the power of the resurrection and the hope of eternal life, Lord. So, Father, I pray, Lord, for Jalise and Mark. I thank you, God, for their hearts through this, Lord. I just pray, Father, your blessing be upon them. Lord, we left every J six are up to you. God has been been devastated through January six and not only those father, but also just all our other brothers and sisters father around the world. Lord God that have been persecuted for righteousness sake. We just pray, Lord, that you you give them encouragement right now. Father, we pray, Lord God, that your Holy Spirit give him peace. And we pray, Father, that we may be united, Father, moving forward, Lord God, to not budge off of the rock that you've established. And we just pray, Father, for our country. We pray, God, for a better day. We pray, Father, for hearts to be filled with conviction and truth. And we pray above all things for the name of Jesus to be glorified and lifted up as we come before you in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Excellent prayer. Thank you so much. Thank you, Joyce. I am honored to know you. I really am. And I pray the best for you too. And so for all you listeners out there, continue to listen. Tune in Monday. We're already on Friday. Tune in Monday with Donna. And we just praise her so much for giving us this platform and giving us an opportunity to let you, the listener, know who we really are. because we've been so defamed in the public eye. And it's more important that we know who we are in Christ, but it's always encouraging and feels good to know that you know who we are too. So I hope to see y'all again Monday. Remember, she is your governor that did not concede and is not conceded. So God bless you all. And I will see you on Monday. Bye-bye.