Published Nov. 13, 2024, 9:02 a.m.
9am Bill Mohr II, Karen the Riveter, & Ralph the IT Guy will be discussing true liberty and the principles the Founding Fathers intended. Also we will be discussing the role of religion in government. The Mohr family has a long history in the study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be teaching current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. X/Twitter: Rumble: Odysee: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Bill Mohr, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter
Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg. It's the thirteenth day of November twenty twenty four. And welcome to our show today. I had my second guest had to cancel due to some health issues. So we're just going to be doing Liberty Essentials this morning. And with that said, I'm bringing on my buddies, Bill, Karen and Ralph. How are you guys doing this morning? Good morning. Good morning. Sitting out there in the sun, Bill, not in your not in your man cave. You would be amazing how sunny it is out here. I got to lean way back because that sun is blaring. There's not a cloud in the sky. Granted, it was thirty one degrees when I woke up in my truck this morning. So it's cold up here in the Appalachians. But during the day, it doesn't get too bad. It's easy to work in. OK, well, you know, I've got a bunch of questions for you because we we were not able to go to the national convention for the Constitution Party this year. due to several things and several things that I had to take care of at home that were potentially a life and death matter. Let's just put it that way. And so we really felt like we needed to stay home, but I'll be to the next one. At any rate, and then you're down there working in the mountains of North Carolina, which I got to say, guys, we need more on the ground people that are reporting what's happening because nothing and I'm telling you nothing is as it seems. So what's what's happening down there, Bill? What where do you want to start the convention or do you want to start with the with the. Well, let's get the political nonsense out of the way because I have a hunch if we get all the way to that point, everyone's just going to click the video off because they don't want to hear it afterwards. So if we do it now, you all got to listen until we get to the good stuff, right? Yeah. So, yeah, we had our national Constitution Party meeting down in Raleigh, which was the main purpose why I had to come down here. But as Christ said, we're to go out and preach to Jerusalem and then Judea and then to all the uttermost parts of the earth. What it is, is my Jerusalem and my Judea changes wherever I go, right? That's the way I see it. So I'm not, I'm not home to do, to do the things I would normally do. But since I'm down in Raleigh, you know, I'm only a couple hours away from, from where the devastation as reported over on the western side of the state is. And So my little local area is now down here for the next week, and I just help out wherever I can. But the national meeting, it was interesting. I didn't know if you knew it, Donna, but Ivan Raiklin was down there. I didn't know he was going to be there, but Ivan's a friend of mine, so I saw him in a couple of videos down there, and I was sorry I missed him, but... So we had some decent discussion. A couple of us opened up. You remember, everybody should remember us reporting about the National Convention earlier this year and the absolute nonsense that tried to happen from the floor. Because nobody was willing to talk about it in committee where we could actually handle things. The funny thing was, it was Bill and I are sitting in the back and like every five minutes I'm raising my hands. And, you know, I was that person in the room that was like objecting to most things because it was nonsense. Yeah. Yeah. So with all of that happening, the end outcome of that was that they just kicked the can down the road and they threw it in the standing rules for the next convention, which has no authority until the convention. So, you know, it is what it is, but we just kicked the can down the road. So we're going to have to deal with that at a future date. So instead of just waiting till the next convention, there were a couple of us in there that pushed the issue. And even though I tried to submit some things that, frankly, I never got a single response from, which is rather disturbing, especially when you send it out to, you know, the majority of the states across the nation. But that is what it is. I don't care. There were a couple other decent things brought up regarding vote tallies and such. And as Americans, we should always desire what we call free and fair elections, right? That doesn't mean free from sacrifice because it's going to take some sacrifice to be able to get there on voting day for some people, right? Not everything is just absolutely free. As we talk about on this show, this whole absentee ballot for anyone thing is complete nonsense. The fact that we now extend early voting, I don't know, what is it, like two weeks ahead or more than that now? It's nonsense because the precincts are small enough and they've operated that way for so long. The precinct numbers haven't changed. So why is it that the people think it's a good idea to extend a voting period ahead of what it used to be? That's my first question. My second question would have been, why would they push that issue? In my opinion, it gives them more time to manipulate anything, right? No, that's just my opinion. I try not to base things on my opinions, but that's the way it seems. I don't see any other guys for it. So on that note, in a political party, we work and operate the same way. We have not precincts, but we have districts and representatives from those districts that come in. And you got to go back, think of the early foundation of the country, right? The states and their local areas would send their representatives, their delegates up to the Continental Congress, and they would handle the matter on behalf of the people. It's no different within a political party. Because we are selected to go in place of our states and represent our states in that manner. So because of that, we had an issue across numerous of the states because of this delegate voting change that they tried to pull on the floor. And instead of waiting... We decided to open up that can of worms right here and right now, which turned into several hours, Donna, several hours of discussing this back and forth, the good, the bad. And then it got pushed off till the second day where we weren't going to have any business, but I got pushed off the second day for another hour and a half or so. Right. And. Those of us who were pushing that issue to be brought up, we didn't expect a resolve. but we expected people to start thinking about it, right? That was the intent. And it opened up a lot of doors. Some of the people who were trying to push their agenda early on at the convention this year, a lot of those people, not a lot, several of those people came up and started agreeing with the amendments that we were proposing, right? Because it accomplishes the same purpose without losing the original intent, right? That I can agree with. I've said it before that the Constitution works in the U.S., right? The Constitution works if we hold to it. It's as simple as that. However, I agree that the Constitution lacked some minor updates along the way, especially as we increase in technology, we increase in ways we do commerce throughout the states. So there were some fine adjustments that should have been made that the state delegations have failed to do over the years. And I'm okay with that because it works as it is. It's just a little clumsy working through some of that because as we know, Samuel Adams said, how strangely the tools of a tyrant will pervert the plain meaning of words, right? So as words get perverted and they try to change their meaning, people buy into it and they get brainwashed. and believe that what something says is completely different than the original intent of it. That is one thing that I like about the Constitution Party in general, because when we discuss certain things, at least those who have been here for any amount of time, when we discuss things... We go back to the original intent. Why was that put in place? What purpose did it have? Before we go tearing it down, we need to know the safeguards that the founders of the party put in place to handle these things. That is not what you see out of the Republican Party that happened this year, right? If there's anybody out there still that hasn't read the Republican Party platform, do yourself a favor and read through it and look at how many things they stripped out of the Republican Party platform. And things that have very significant meaning, right? We mentioned it before. There's no reference to God in the law except for two times where it references God in a really light manner, right? There's no reference to the security of free state by the militias and the right of those people to keep and bear arms, right? Right. There's one mention of that hidden deep within a another subject that really doesn't have a whole lot of bearing in that they lose the entire intent of what that amendment was. And the majority of it just just revolves around now the whims of the people. Right. And a lot of people would say, well, that's a good thing because the majority prevails in America. Right. Everybody shake your head. No. Right. It's not a majority republic. And we have to we have to have the structure in place or it will it will be torn down by bad actors that are out there. That's right. The United States is a republic, not a democracy. Anybody who says it's a democracy that holds public office should be impeached and removed on the spot because that is a audible representation that they fail to uphold their oath. As simple as that, a republic is ruled by law and legislated according to that law. Plain and simple. A democracy is where all the people get together and fifty one percent of the people determine what the other forty nine percent are supposed to do or can't do or what they should or should not have. Kind of resembles what we have today. Right. But it's not supposed to be this way. That is where the Constitution Party makes a good stand. Now, we had some good speakers there as well. We had the chairman of Georgia, and I'm losing his name right now, Ricardo Davis, the chairman of the Georgia Constitution Party. He came up and they've been fighting the elections down there pretty heavily. Georgia's election system is a little bit different than Michigan when it comes to electing federal offices. But he's been in that fight for a long time. He's making a lot of headway. I would encourage anybody interested, go ahead and get a hold of him. Again, he's the chairman of the Georgia State Constitution Party by the name of Ricardo Davis. We also had... Ivan Raiklin. Now, here's where I break a little bit, because I like Ivan in the sense he understands what America is missing, and that's justice, right? And they call him the deep state marauder, I guess. I love that term. He should be the Secretary of Retribution, too. Secretary of Retribution. He's not afraid to go after people, right? And he's not afraid to put up tactical solutions as to how to do that. I disagree a lot with the people he wants to put in place, but I agree completely in the regards of how it needs to happen, right? If you're looking from a tactical solution from the federal government. I also disagree with the fact I don't think it'll work because the federal government is so beyond its scope of authority. And even some of the things that he was talking about, they don't have the authority to do that. So I disagree in that sense in that it's going to have to take the people. And we talk about all the time on the show. It's going to have to take that. I might get a tree falling on my truck here in a minute. I hear some cutting next to me. It's going to take the people to stand up and put a stop to it. Right. And the people, you know, don't don't go running and grab all your rifles and head to Washington, D.C. You're not accomplishing anything in that manner. Right. We don't play the offensive here. We are on the lawful side. The law is on our side. And all we have to do is put it out there and it will defend itself, right? There will be sacrifice. There may be casualties. But we do not take the offensive against those kind of people, right? There's plenty of defensive mechanism that this works with. And mainly that at the local level. I just got done talking about the militias, the security of a free state. If we really want to talk about that, we cannot leave the term militia out of it. And we have to understand what that term actually is. It is no more than the people who are capable of defending their state. it's plain and simple. If you read through most of the state statutes regarding that, because the militias are to be disciplined and they are to be regulated, right? So they're supposed to be organized. They're supposed to be a set standard. There should be captains and sergeants over certain areas. They should be training. They should be practicing, right? That is your security of a free state. And to my knowledge, all of the founding fathers had a statement that revolved around that singular idea as well. Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, man, they wrote tons and tons on the militias. So you want to talk about the people who put that in place. What was their intent? Go back and read what their intent was and you'll find out. I don't care what anybody else wants to pervert the meanings to say. We need to focus on the intent and why it was put there. So this is all going to start at a local level. It's going to start in your townships or your municipalities, your counties, and then hopefully the states. And it's really only going to take one. If we get one township that actually does it and sets it up legally and organize it, it will promote the sister counties. It will provoke the sisters counties to do the same or the sister townships to do the same rather. And once a handful of townships are starting to do it, You can push it right into the county. It's that quick because it's already organized. Here, put up a county captain. You guys are the head of all of this, right? Keep it going. Now, that doesn't mean you go to sleep and let them handle it. It means you keep pushing them. There's a word that oftentimes I think is misinterpreted as well, and that's the word comfort. We hear the word comfort in the scriptures, especially the comforter being the Holy Spirit. If you go back to the early times, even before America's founding, the word comfort was actually used as a symbolism to poke or to prod on. It wasn't just a hand of comfort as we understand it today, a hand of compassion, but rather it was an encouragement to continue to step forward, to continue in the fight. Right. It's a little bit different than the way it's being promoted today. So once all of this is organized, then you're able to protect a free state and you're able to to claim the state's rightful authority and sovereignty. And you can go tell the federal government to fly kite because they don't have the authority to be in your state without your legislature's permission. They don't have authority to conduct business that is outside the Constitution. Right. And yet they do this on a regular day-by-day basis through all these departments and expect the states to set up similar departments to be able to interface back and forth one with another. So I guess I went a little farther than I intended to. So the Constitution Party meeting... This is all the kind of stuff you hear over and over and over. At every meeting, there will be some forms of this. And there are some who take it really serious. There are some who kind of, you know, well, we don't want to rock the boat too much kind of thing, right? I think we all need to be rocking the boat because the boat's filling up with water and it's going down. And if you don't rock people awake, everybody's going down with it, right? So there's a political spiel of this morning, right? It's always interesting to go there because, you know, I'm pretty sure that, I don't know, everything that we see out there isn't exactly what we think it is. And you've got to get in and do your homework and see what's actually happening behind the scenes. Right. Because there's so much deception going on that you've got to sit back and keep your eyes on God. That's the only way you're going to retain your sanity in a world of lies. And we're in a war. And being in a war, war's main thing is it's deception. Deception. All war is deception. And so we have to really be critical in our thinking. Use discernment and remember that the only thing we can really count on here is God Almighty. Yeah, and when you talk about deception, this is one of the things. We just came out of an election season, right? The majority of people in America will, when you ask them, they will agree that you can't trust what the mainstream media says. And then we get through an election, and here's one of the things. Who reports the election results? Who's in charge of reporting election results? Is it not the mainstream media? There are very few third parties out there who are actually reporting election results. And the majority of them still have to get their information through what the media promotes, right? There's a pipeline that goes to selected media sources. So they control everything. It's not decentralized. So whatever message it is, and I maintain, I think they're just plugging numbers in. I really do. and that they plug numbers in because at the last election, we saw a few outlets that actually just posted the results and said, oh no, this was a glitch in it. But the final results match their little glitch that they had come out, which all of us should question. They were literally typing in the results, Boom. How come the regular election or the final election match those results? And there's things there's anomalies in this that we can't walk away from just because our guy won. OK, and that that is a real big problem. It's like, oh, yeah, our guy won. Now let's just sit back and watch and fix things. Well, if we don't go after these elections and make sure that they're honest. They're going to get us and it's going to be a setup for the next one, no matter what happens. So we can't just stay home and stop. We've got to continue to question this. There are down ballot races that I am absolutely convinced were totally rigged. When you look at the twenty twenty two election where I lost, I had something like fifteen thousand votes. It is statistically impossible. Excuse me. Well, and if you remember the twenty twenty two election, there were several news outlets that well before the election, they published the election results. Right. And they say they did it accidentally, but they published results for it for the public to see. And then they said, oh, well, we were we were just testing our system. Well, two questions. One, I was talking about that completely matched it. Right. Yeah. One, what are those systems that you're using? And two, what data did you give them to put in there? Those should be those should have been the first two questions that should have been asked. And then how you accidentally publish election results. I mean, we're supposed to have secure, secure, you know, the most secure elections in history. Right. That's that's being said every election cycle now. And it's getting to just be rhetoric with the people. But the majority of them believe it, depending on who wins. Right. Like in in twenty twenty. The people that promoted the Democrat Party in twenty twenty, they said, oh, it's the most secure election we've ever had. Right. In twenty sixteen, the same thing with the Republican Party. This is the most secure election we had this latest election. Right. We got the same repeating rhetoric that's going on. And yet. It hasn't been fixed. The media still controls the narrative. They still control the outcome. And you can tell what people are listening to by what they're promoting out of their own mouths. Oh, I think I saw how many people conceded that, you know, conceded. Look at the conceding part of this. Yes. You realize they're in on this. And I'm going to go back to that twenty twenty two election. Anybody can say it's sour grapes. No, it's not. Because I tell you what I've said from the beginning that I won by losing. I really won by losing this. I'm not sour about it. I had like fifteen thousand votes in a statewide race. In this last race, John Tater got more votes than I did running for sheriff of Wayne County in that twenty twenty two election. This last election, David Nygermeyer ended up getting thirty four thousand votes for like drain commission. It was he was right running for drain commissioner, wasn't he? Bill, what was David running for? How is it possible that somebody in a local race, really a county race, gets thirty four thousand votes who never campaigned? And I was all over the state and I had fifteen thousand. It is statistically impossible. Well, I think I saw a poll that was run and I'm going to say it was in the in the weeks leading up to the election. It was probably two weeks before. And again, this is something that you got to kind of question who was running the poll, but the poll was about people's trust in the elections that they were actually accurate. And I think it was somewhere in the range of like, sixty-five to seventy percent of the people that they polled said that they didn't trust the election outcomes. So people are starting to wake up, I think. Yeah, I think they're starting to wake up, but clearly we're not there because I don't see a lot of demand for proof that Trump was elected. If you're going to try to prove who wasn't elected, you should also prove who was elected. It goes both ways, and the people ought to be demanding the entire thing. I think we're on the way there, but I don't know. And I think this, the overwhelming support that President Trump had. And I mean, I think he won by a lot larger margin than what they're reporting. I agree. So if that's the case, why wouldn't we all demand it to have a fair count on his to settle everybody's? And I'm not talking recount the ballots. That's the dumbest thing anybody could do because that's not where they're cheating. They're cheating in the programming. That's where they're cheating. They're cheating in other areas. You go count what the polls took in and it's not going to matter. because they're cheating in the absentee ballots. They're cheating in things that we have no access to the actual information. They're cheating in stacking the registrations. They're cheating in baseline, the programming language that the machines are programmed with. They're cheating in the fact that two of our clerks in the UP decided to go with paper ballot hand count, and they were removed by the Secretary of State. So they're cheating this thing all over the place. And if we think that we're going to be able to sit back and say, yay, our guy won. Let's raise the flag. Fantastic. Wonderful. That's great. If this whole entire election is rigged, which it is. In that, why did they let him win? I'm going to say it. I don't understand it because down ballot was all rigged. And why is it that Mike Rogers, all right, I'm going to tell you right now, he's a lousy candidate. Mike Rogers was a crappy candidate. But there's no possible way. with the overwhelming support for president trump that he still did not win over slotkin who really sucks okay there's it's it's statistically it is absolutely illogical and he conceded right away look at tudor dixon in twenty twenty two she conceded before the votes were counted he conceded before we were done even getting the getting the count in Tell me how this is and how that they declared it. And they're still counting ballots. And they stopped counting at ten thirty at night. And then they started ten minutes later. You tell me that we had an honest election and I'll tell you you're completely delusional or you're a liar. Yep, and that is the way it's been going on over and over and over. You know, I think we need to quit voting for president. We need to quit voting for our U.S. senators and such like that. And I think it needs to return back to the original intent of that, is that we put up the people in our states as they're supposed to, and the states put up the people in the federal government. That means your primary focus is on people in your own backyard. The states, you are to be putting up the wisest people, those who fear God, who hate filthy lucre, who are not covetous people. You know, those those qualifications in Exodus eighteen that the Lord gave to Moses. Those people you can vouch for in your own state because I mean, there are only a handful of states that take forever to drive across. Right. In an election year, you could everybody could contact every single person running in their state without a whole lot of trouble. Right. And there you can vouch for the character and the integrity of an individual, right? Go visit them at their home for Pete's sakes. I'll tell you, and I might have brought this up before, when I ran for a couple different positions in a township of forty seven hundred people and three thousand actual registered voters. I had one person, one person stop by my house, right? I opened the door for him, right? I am a public name on a ballot. I deserve, or you deserve my respect in that manner. And if you're gonna come talk to me, I'll open the door. I'll have a cup of coffee with you. Sit down, bring your friends. Let's talk for an hour or two, you know? That is what should be expected out of these candidates. The fact that our system is so screwed up and is so revolving around money, right? And both other parties, the unit party will tell you that, that it's the money that wins it. Because if they have money, they can go out and promote their candidates over and over and over across every media network they can, billboards, flyers, mailers, and all that. Well, why are we spending so much money? Why are we giving money to these candidates instead of just asking them the appropriate questions and then going out and promoting them ourselves? If we really care about the future of our nation and the future of our posterity, that should be our primary focus. It's getting the word out, not just getting the money. I'm going to say something real unpopular right now, and that's okay. Suck it up, buttercups. The political parties are accepting corporate money and dark money. They are literally being funded by foreign money. Those political organizations themselves should absolutely be abolished. It is not we the people. They don't care about our money. There's so much cheating in the money schemes. And who is paying to back candidates? And I just found out this week, Bill, I found something out that came through Bob Cushman, that DTE was paying First Choice, who rigged the signatures for Don and Brandenburg. So all of these organizations are tied into being paid off. They don't need your money as an American. Your money does not count in the political races. Not at all. Because they're all getting all these PACs that are funding them. Where's the money coming in for the PACs? It's all big money donations because that's how they can do it. They can take in larger amounts of money through the PACs in order to fund the candidates that who wants in? The corporations, corporate America, the economic warfare that's going on in this state. in order to protect cartels. And the cartels, what I'm going to call as a cartel is all of the organizations that protect industries that are writing the regulations. It's not just a drug cartel. We've got cartels all over this nation that's set to protect their interests in an industrial or in an economic way. We don't matter right now. And just because they allowed our guy that we liked his principles to win, I'm like, what the living hell? I'm like, why did they allow him to win? When they stacked the election on every other level, I'm not buying it. Well, and to Bill's points earlier about the president and the Senate, One of the other benefits that you get from that is you get a time delay so that the government isn't just basically thrown into complete chaos every election cycle. You can actually start doing some long-term planning because it takes longer for those positions to turn over because you've got multiple levels to go through. for the public's opinion to actually fully take root in the federal government. The House is supposed to be a much more representative form of what is the opinion of the people currently. But the Senate, really, you're supposed to be able to basically represent your opinion as a voter on the state level. And then it takes another cycle for that to go up to the federal level. So you have a time delay. I mean, that's one of the big complaints everybody has about NASA right now is that you know, they're doing the stuff that's like basically wasting all kinds of money because there's no ability to long-term plan. And you see that in just about any of the areas where there are large federal contracts right now, because you don't know if the next election cycle that they're going to just basically throw out their plan because it's, you know, the previous plan, because it wasn't their idea and put in a new plan. That's completely different. Well, it, it, really screws up any ability to long-term plan and it makes the elections themselves incredibly contentious because we've returned a lot of those positions to being closer to a democracy of direct election and it turns over too quick. Yeah, and I believe that was the original intent. And one of the things that helped strengthen that argument this last year while I was looking – as chairman of the U.S. Taxpayers Party in Michigan or the Constitution Party in Michigan – I've got to keep up on a lot of the election law, right? And I... I mean, if you want to print it out, go ahead. You can make a book out of the amount of election laws that we have in the state of Michigan alone. And there are some contradictions in them themselves. But one of the things that I caught... was per our U.S. Constitution, we have to set up electors, right? The states set up electors and the electors elect the president, right? The people have never elected the president. The problem is... In the state of Michigan, what has been done is that the electoral college in the state of Michigan has flipped to popular vote. And let me explain how this works. You know, they've been pushing this for quite some time, going to popular vote. And the way that they're slowly incorporating that, and you look at all the other states too, there are only a select few where this is not done this way. But the political parties now are setting up their electors, right? In Michigan, we have fifteen electors. The political parties establish their electors by nomination from those in the party, right? Without the people's choice. Now, depending on who receives the most popular vote in the state of Michigan... That party sends their electors out. We saw that happen in twenty twenty. There was a big a big roar over that. Right. Because we had both parties trying to send electors. But the political parties send their electors out. And so far, you know, it is what it is. It's a party system when you start talking about it that way. But here's where it gets even more interesting. The electors, once they get to Lansing that day to cast their ballot for who is going to be president and vice president. Did everybody know that if one elector decides to leave the majority and not elect their political party candidate, right, who sent them, not elect their political party candidate, but instead maybe they have a change of conscience or something that they realize, hey, this is not correct. I need to vote for somebody else. In the state of Michigan, that person is considered immediately to have abandoned their election and their seat becomes vacant to which the other fourteen electors may fill with whomever they want. You want to talk about a way to shove in popular vote. Why are the people, as established, not setting up their own electors? Because we've gotten into this party mindset where the political parties are in control of the majority of what happens in the elections. It's such a complicated... Let's go back to the rigging here a minute and go back to something else that's going to have to be talked about. Twenty twenty two, that election, if by rigging the vote for Donna Brandenburg for governor to fifteen thousand votes, which is statistically impossible when you see the other local offices across the state, it is impossible. OK, what if that's enough to kick the entire party off so we have no ballot access? And I think that that was probably part of what was happening back there is that we're going to have to look into this because they literally, the major parties and whoever was running the election or rigging it could have literally eliminated one entire political party off the ballot. Well, and I think that's done by design because once a political party becomes a threat, then as long as we don't correct this, then they have the opportunity to do that with anybody they want, right? They can off their political dissents. Mark Petzold was a good example of that. And I forget what year he ran. I want to say it was twenty sixteen. maybe, but he ran for Congress and he actually pulled out of a gerrymandered Democrat district, right? So one district that they claim the majority of the people vote Democrat Party for. Now, gerrymandering is a whole other topic, right? But they do that specifically to try to divide the people into groups, depending on where they live, to keep a fifty-fifty set, right? That's where they get this whole bipartisan idea. That's absolute nonsense. Why don't we have tripartisan, quadpartisan? What does it matter? There is no such thing. When you're elected, you no longer represent your party. Hopefully you stand by the ideals because that's what the people expect, but you no longer represent your party. You represent the people. There's no partisan position anywhere, right? There's no gerrymandering anymore in the state of Michigan. We have the independent redistricting commission that just recently got in trouble for redistricting based on racial lines. Yeah, you mean that two and a half pages we added to our constitution? Yeah, that was absolute nonsense. That's the thing. I mean, people and I just had this conversation with somebody the other day about the Convention of States people. People think that somehow by adding to our Constitution and by adding to our laws, somehow that we're going to make things better because, hey, now look, now they can't do this. Well, wait a minute. Have they been following the law or following the Constitution yet? If the answer is no, then adding to it is going to give you the same results. If we want the results we used to get, we have to do the things we used to do. Let's go back and actually establish the law and the Constitution and have the people uphold it. And then we might be able to correct some of these issues. But adding to it is not going to help the problem at this point. Agreed. It's just nonsense. It really is. We as people need to understand where we came from, right? Lest we forget where we're going. If we don't know the foundation by which we stand, then we have no idea how to build upon it. And that's the biggest issue. People think we have this fluctuating foundation that can change at the whim of a political party or change at the whim of the pen of an executive branch. That's absolute and utter foolishness to think that that is how this nation was founded. The people are the law. Everybody else are servants to the people. And the servant is not supposed to rule over the master, right? You're reading a book of Lamentations chapter five. I actually have a song about that whole chapter. And it talks about how when the Israelites were in captivity and wouldn't listen to the prophet Jeremiah, one of the things that he had said in his prayer for the Lord to turn back the nation of Israel was, was that servants have ruled over us and there is none that does deliver us out of their hand. We are in that position almost entirely as America right now. We have servants ruling over the people, right? We have a fascist system of government, almost, almost a monarchy. If you listen to the way some people talk, they're promoting monarchy with a mild form of democracy. I don't know what you'd even call that. I'm sure there's a term for it. Pretty much a dictatorship, right? It's like a king in parliament, except the king overrules parliament. So that is what a lot of, yep, there goes a tree. Got one on the truck. Where have we seen an example of a king overruling parliament before? Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't think anybody in America has ever had to deal with that situation. Oh, wait a minute. No, I think there was a few million people back in seventeen seventies. I had to work through that, wasn't there? You know, it does sound kind of familiar. We got to be careful what we're promoting. There's a whole idea behind that. I'm going to throw something else out there right now, OK? Because I know that there's there's a lot of stuff going on behind the scenes. And this is really valuable for analysis on what's going on and what we need to do because we're so far away from it. But I'm going to throw it out there. What if the military is, in fact, in control of what's happening right now and or God himself is giving the people what they wanted to show us exactly what we shouldn't have and that it's for a bigger purpose right now? I mean, I'm willing to go there. I really am. But we're going to have to realize that the direction that this is going is going to be a bad direction overall. And we have to get back to how this nation was formed because they came out of tyranny. So if that's the case, if that's the case, and I'm not saying it is or not, because we're still here and anybody that really knows isn't saying anything. But if that's the case, that we are under military working through this right now, which it very well could be, the outcome could be very surprising at some point in time. And I think we need to, which brings us probably to the next subject. We really have to watch what we're seeing and whose side we're taking on anything. Stay on God's side because things are not what they appear ever. Okay. Which brings us to Bill in North Carolina. now let's mind right now on the narrative that we've been sold down there because uh I think that there's I think that there's a distraction going on there's there's always truth whenever there's smoke there's fire somewhere but it may not be what we think it is go ahead bill So we're a couple weeks, months beyond the date that all this happened now, right? And I'm down here just noticing what's left, okay? Uh, so I've seen, I've seen a lot of road washouts and such. In fact, I've, I've been up some pretty interesting road. Donna, you've seen my truck, right? My little twelve thousand pound truck here. And I'm going up roads that are like seven foot wide up through the side of a mountain where the half the road is washed out. Right. I get that. There are causes of nature that that create damages that we have to fix. A lot of the roadways have been cleared out down here. In fact, I only know of one in the entire area that is not cleared out. And that's actually right down the road from where I'm sitting now. And you can get through with cars, but not trucks. Now, one of the narratives that was pushed, anybody you talk to nowadays, if you mention the town of Asheville, they should already know what happened. Hurricane came through and destroyed Asheville. That was kind of the narrative that we were given. I'll admit I knew nothing about Asheville. I didn't know what it looked like, how it operated, the size of it. I knew nothing, right? But I was kind of excited to see it and excited to come down here and help. So we stayed down here with a friend on Sunday and then drove into the area in North Carolina where the media was heavily promoting it. And one of the places I wanted to get to was Asheville, right? So I drive in there. Well, to my surprise, Asheville is like the size of Lansing. It's no small little town. It's not even a small village. It's not even a small city. It's fairly large. And it didn't matter where I drove in Asheville, unless I got outside of Asheville, like you know, twenty minutes, there was really nothing in Asheville. That town is flourishing. There are people all over the place. All the businesses are open. There's power. I didn't notice anything outside of a normal town in that area. Now, there were some small districts, like the arts district down there, which is just outside of the city. There was a lot of damage that happened there. But the point is the media I think wanted everybody to believe that like whole towns were just washed away, that there was just flat lands and nothing but debris and devastation. Right. Uh, cause that's the way, that's kind of the way I had it in my mind. I didn't say I believed it, but that's how it was seemingly being portrayed. And I had some other friends down here who had been in, in and out of the areas, uh, from Asheville probably about forty minutes in any direction including into Tennessee there was more damage on the Tennessee North Carolina line than I have ever seen in North Carolina and I have heard nothing about Tennessee across any news sources now granted I don't watch a whole lot of them but the damages are mainly consistent to small residential areas. Uh, and we're talking little bitty towns that are built up in, uh, in and around the river areas of the mountains. So we're, you know, rainwater and mountain water comes down and flows to get to the bottom. The villages that are put up next to those for obvious reasons, the people that originally settled there needed a water supply, right? Uh, the amount of rain that came down rose those rivers up so high that they did create a lot of residential damages in small towns. There's like Elk Park, which is just northeast, and Banner Elk. I'm currently out in Boone, North Carolina right now, and the whole town of Boone is perfectly fine. You get outside again, and there are some damages to the road and such that I was talking about. Currently, we're on a job site. There's a tons of very large fallen trees across people's property that were cleaning up, but the media exaggerates it. And I'm not sure why they did it in this case. I'm not going to try to come up with opinions, but they exaggerate things to get an emotional appeal from people. And what the purpose was this time, I'm not sure. Um, The people that are down here, I'm sure some of them had an emotional appeal to come down here. I was already coming down here. And like we were talking earlier, my Jerusalem and Judea have now changed. And here I am. So I'm going to help out while I'm here in any manner that I can. I went to every local fire department because they were the main supply source. For the residents. So I went to every local fire department from Asheville to Boone down to Linville. And if you look on a map, I made like this big giant square up the banner elk area and every single fire department, either, either a couple of them were closed and they were only open like Friday, Saturdays. Or the ones that were open and had people there, I had a chance to talk to them a little bit. I said, hey, I'm down here for the week. I mean, do you know of anybody or anything that I can help out or that I can do, you know, whether here or somewhere else? And without fail, every single one of them said, no, we're pretty well taken care of now. Right. And I had a chance to talk with a lot of the locals out in Banner Elk as well. I talked to as many people as I can out here. And it's the same message across there, except for the people who lost everything, which once again, that's few and far between the areas, except for those people. The majority of the people that still have their homes with damage have pretty much been taken care of in the most part. They're back to living with some mild inconveniences, right? The electric companies have been out here in full force. I've seen probably eight or nine different gravel companies hauling gravel, helping rebuild the roads. There are people down here that are just constantly working. And that was an encouragement to see. My fear was that I'd come down and find just a couple of people. And the group currently that I'm working with, believe it or not, anybody that knows me knows I come out of the Grand Rapids area of Michigan, right? That whole surrounding area in Kent County. There's eight other people who showed up this morning that are all from Rockford. from City Church in Rockford. And here's a point that I want to make. You never know who you're going to meet wherever you are, right? I'm thirteen hours away from home and I live twenty minutes away from these people that I'm talking to, right? That's really cool how God brings people together. We have something in common. The other thing is City Church is a fairly large church in Rockford. Um, And they have set up teams to alternate coming down every week, right? That is cool. And I understand they have a lot of people up there. I don't know how much, but probably hundreds of people that attend up there. But it's cool that they are able to do that. Now, on one of the previous show, I talked about how we had a group of twelve and I was the only one out of the twelve to make the commitment and actually stick to it to come down here, right? We can't, no matter how small we are, we can't think that we're not going to make a difference. As I drove around here, in every town, there were multiple churches, right? Even a little bitty town that has, from what you can see from the main road, maybe thirty to forty homes. A little town like that would have at least two churches there. depending on the denomination that they relate to. That's a whole other issue. But without fail, the majority of the churches I saw down here, they had nothing promoting outside that they were doing anything. They had nothing on their signs. And I would say less than ten percent were open or taking supplies for anything. Right. A lot of that was being handled by local businesses, and the church doors are closed. Now, some people may argue and say, well, yeah, but, you know, the church building, that should be used for Sunday, and you can't, you know, for the Sabbath. We can't take that out of the picture. And you're right in that regard. But as I said before, what is it to be part of the church except the hands and feet of Christ? We are to go to a day. It's your entire life. Why do you part it out? You know, not saying to you, but why would anybody part this up to go to church on Sunday? This should be every minute of your life living what you believe. We are the physical representation of Christ's body here on earth currently. Right. And I said it before. What do hands and feet do? Right. Feet go places. Hands do things. Those are the two most simplest ideals of what the church should be doing is going places and doing things, not just opening your door Sunday morning and closing them Sunday evening or however you want to do it. There is so much out here. And the fact that I see more there, I found a guy from Australia yesterday. Who was working with a team that we were working with. He came all the way out to Australia. I asked him, I was like, what brought you out here? And he made a comment, oh, he just got lost, right? We get to joke around a little bit as well. But, I mean, there are people from other countries coming out here. My question is, why? Why can't the local churches bind together? I'll tell you what, the churches, they have a lack of communication out here. Even the ones that are collecting supplies, some have an abundance of supplies like clothes and such, whereas another church may have an abundance of food but needs clothes for their area. And one of the issues is that lack of communication. We're all so separated by these denominations, which shouldn't be existing, but we're all separated by these denomination barriers that keep us from maintaining that close-knit fellowship with true believers. There is no reason why the churches should be so unorganized. And that goes back to the militia too. And I will tell you, I believe the churches are the local militias. Being the people, the ones upholding the law and know the law, or should in the church anyway, that should be the number two thing that we ought to understand. One is salvation. Two is the law. And, you know, you got to understand the law before it can bring you into salvation anyway. But as you grow, we should be understanding more and more about why things were put in place like that. And the fact that we cannot create a system, and Donna, you'll understand this. You're more business-minded than I am. The fact we can't create a system to communicate... and move things around quickly, right? I mean, the volunteers are here, the people are here. There's no reason why people should have to come outside of other areas. I'm glad they do, but I would love to see communities that are able to handle themselves and be completely self-sufficient in any manner possible, right? That's one thing we're working on at our local township level. not only establishing a militia, but being completely self-sufficient from any government subsidies whatsoever. Because that's one of the biggest issues. People think taking these government grants are such a good idea. Well, I'm here to tell you they're not because they come with strings, right? Our local communities have to be able to be self-sufficient and have to be able to be the number one resource for anything that happens in their own communities and their sister communities. Remember the tribes of Israel, when one went out to war, the others would fight with them, right? Sister communities have to have a way to communicate to each other, to give information out to And to be able to act accordingly, right? If we're not doing that, then we're isolating ourselves and the enemy takes us out one at a time. The same with the individual life. Same with the church bodies. It revolves the same way every time. One other thing. We had somebody send us down with a bunch of Walmart gift cards, okay? Um, and I mean, they spent a lot of money on Walmart gift cards and I'm really glad they did. The area we're in currently has a Walmart that's closed. Okay. And I'll probably drive back and take some pictures cause you might, you might catch some things. This Walmart they say is closed for remodeling. Okay. It's horrible time to remodel a Walmart in my opinion. Uh, because they're kind of up in the city. Well, they're up in the city in Boone where there's not, any damage right so it seems really strange they'd be remodeling walmart but not only that their entire parking lot is completely fenced off and has a gate one way in one way out with gate guards completely unmarked security I'll get you some pictures of this donna because it's really interesting some of the vehicles and trailers and equipment they have set up there seemingly indicate that it's more of a organized site, much more so than just for contractors to come in for remodeling. And I don't know where to go with that. But you understand what I'm saying. And I'm not going to make any accusation until I actually get some more information on it. But I've seen several spots like that as well. Oh, let me tell you the one thing I haven't seen, right? In all of my travels and cities going through the heavily damaged areas to the cities with no damage, except maybe some wind damage, right? The one thing I haven't seen is FEMA. I was excited. I wanted to come down here and see FEMA because I heard some stories. And I wanted to instruct them a little bit because they're servants, right? I wanted to instruct them a little bit on what they are to do and what they are not to do, namely what they are not to do. But there has not been one single FEMA trailer or vehicle anywhere, and I don't know how many miles I put on here, probably two hundred and fifty miles in the last forty eight hours. There has not been one that I have seen. So people tell me, what good is FEMA? Where are they at? I don't know. Well, I tell you what, um, the, your question on, on Walmart, there's a lot of stuff that seems to be happening around Walmart that are reported around the United States. And, uh, so I don't, I don't have an answer on that either, but we got to keep our minds open to that. This could be just about anything. And, uh, you know, and, and pay attention to those kinds of things because things are not what they appear right now. And so I think that that's a, that's a good point. Lots of crazy stuff going on. That's all I can say about this. I mean, this is this whole thing is, is bringing to light the fact that what we're being fed isn't necessarily true. And just buckle up and see what's see what's really going on here. Yeah, and that was one of the things I wanted to make sure I did while I was down here. I didn't come down here just to be a reporter, right? But I try to keep track of things as I see them. And I'll actually be doing a show Friday morning as well as I get more updates and more information. I'll be doing a show Friday morning with Tim Brown, the morning show host from Sons of Liberty. He asked me to come on as well. So if you want to get a little bit more, you can check that out. You can see us live at six o'clock. Hopefully it works because it didn't on Monday. So I don't know what the deal was. They're having a couple of small issues with connectivity over there. But I'll have more updates as we go, and he'll have a lot of the images and pictures that we're going to send them a little bit later on in the week as well. So you can catch it later. They have it recorded on their channels or their website. And that should be really interesting because the more and more I find out here and I see, it kind of just ties everything together a little bit more each day. But... The main point is there are people down here helping. Praise God, people are down here helping. And I'm talking thousands, right? And praise God that the damage wasn't what they described, right? That is my big thing. Because I didn't want to really see what they were exaggerating or promoting across the media. So I'm glad to see that a lot of it is being overplayed in the minds of people. But... I'm also glad to see that there are churches stepping up and doing things, even though some don't, uh, or some are incapable of, right. I'm glad to see that there are some out there still understanding what it means, uh, to go out and, and, uh, and be the hands and feet of the body of Christ. Um, and to go out and help your local communities, your local neighbors and watch out for them, uh, in any manner that needs be, uh, The jobs we're working on actually yesterday and today are right side by side. And these are just an older couple who have lived up here in the hills for a long time, longer than I've been around the earth. And they can't do the things that we're doing for them, right? But there are people who can, and those people have come down to do it. And here's another thing. The team I'm working with, I think this morning we have... Oh, probably close to twenty five people, maybe a little bit short of that. This is one team out of fifteen with the group that I'm working with down here. And so there's fourteen other teams. I think we were the largest this morning, but there's fourteen other teams who are all out doing things. And this is from like home cleanup, right? Removing stuff, tearing out drywall, such like that out of some of the homes that were that had flood damage. We're kind of doing tree work because that's, you know, that's my thing. But there's so much that people can do. I don't think the majority of people look at it and they seem to focus on one thing. You know, they see one thing, like maybe somebody going in with heavy equipment and they say, well, I can't do that. So, you know, I'll just let them do it. Well, what can you do? Can you haul a bag of trash? Probably. There's people out here doing that today. There's people with shovels and rakes cleaning up damage out of yards. I mean, it's the simple stuff. We're just out here showing love to the community in action that there are people, in fact, in the name of Jesus Christ, that care enough about them to try to make a difference. And it's not just North Carolina, right? This extends even into the political world. It extends to your own backyard, your own township, your own community, your own counties to do the same thing there, right? In Jerusalem first, then Judea. So in your own backyard and communities, then to your county, then to the uttermost parts of the earth, your state, your nation, the other nations surrounding you. But we haven't gotten that far yet. We need to start focusing back on the Jerusalem-Judea idea and start promoting the love of Christ through action in our own local areas. Because you never know who you're going to connect with. I have no idea the background of any of these people, yet we're all here motivated by one sole purpose. That, to me, is the most profound thing. Like I said, when I met those people from Michigan, that's the most profound thing that I could think of down here. The fact that God would ordain ten people from within twenty minutes of each other to all come thirteen hours away to help out one old lady that needs some trees off her property so she could move her out. How cool is that? You know, he works in such such small, almost insignificant ways, according to man's mind. But he does it in such a cool fashion that I could have never imagined I would meet some of these people. Right. So get out, talk to your local people, see what they need. Let's put it this way. Somebody might need a can of formula for their baby, right? The simplest little things. Christ said, if you give a cup of cold water to one of these little ones in my name, you're doing it as unto me. And the Pharisees were really confounded by that. They said, hey, when did we do this for you? We never did any of this stuff for you. And that was his point, is that we show his love through even the simplest little actions that we may not even think about, but that come natural for those who have the spirit abiding in them. If it's not one of your ideals to go out and help somebody when you see they need help or hear of them needing help in any way, financially, physically, materialistic wise, maybe we need to check what spirit we're following. Because that seems to be a big problem in this nation. We become so self-focused and self-dependent and self-centered that we lose the ability to even care for one another. So that's why I'm here. That's what I've seen. And I look forward to seeing a whole lot more while I'm down here. We should be leaving out Saturday morning, making the thirteen hour trip back home. So y'all consider that while you're praying. You know, I drive a I drive a two thousand two four pickup truck with a diesel and like two hundred and seventy thousand miles that weighs twelve thousand pounds across the nation. So Lord willing, he decides his truck will make it back home because I really thought I was going to have some issues climbing some of these hills out here. That's awesome. What an awesome recount report and also an encouragement for everyone to get in the game and do something because that's where it's at. We're supposed to be living our lives. Wonderful. Karen, you got any comments today? And how about you, Ralph? I just wanted to thank Bill for giving us the report of what you witnessed. I mean, I was following all the damage reports that the people were providing, and it sounds very different from your perspective, but I was doing that within the first week or two. And maybe a lot has changed since then. But I like how you have brought in the gospel aspect with it, the ministry aspect with it, because that's the most important aspect. I think that, you know, we talk about the media today. how they're reporting this, how they're reporting the election. I am beginning to suspect, well, not beginning. I've suspected for a while that those reports are under control of the good guys to some degree too. I suspect that we're supposed to learn some things from that coverage. Is it, Is it perhaps that all eyes looked in that direction because we were seeing some other things besides the damage that we were supposed to take note of? They were supposed to learn this lesson or lessons about ministry, how we are supposed to be helping others and so on. I think there's a lot of benefit when media does things in a crazy way. I think there's a lot of benefit when we see a contrast between how Trump's votes appear in a count versus the down-ballot races. So even when things seem bad, if you keep your distance and think about it, you might find that things are actually going to be good. They're actually going to teach us lessons. I've learned that in my life where I thought I was doing the right thing, turned out not to be the right thing, feel bad about that. But in the long run, it was good. A lot of good has come of it. So... That helps keep me balanced. This last week, I've had some time to sit back and reflect. I took a break from carrying the Riveter for a few days. I'm paying attention to what's going on, but I just decided not to post because I needed some self-reflection and processing time of my own. And it's okay to do that from time to time. I think a lot of people are in a place like that where we need to take a breath and reflect And not focus on so much of the bad because there's a lot of that negativity coming around us everywhere. And focus on what is good and holy. And like Bill said, sometimes that just like what I've been doing, it just means focusing on yourself and those around you first. And then you can deal with what's out there in the rest of the world. Well, going back to that, if you don't have a good example, be one. We're supposed to be the light of Christ in this world. There's no promise that this world is going to be wonderful and flowers and fantastic. We were not promised that. But what we are promised is that if we hold on to God, we hold on to God and we live for Jesus Christ, we are his body here. that he will help us and enable us no matter what we are to face. He'll give us strength and discernment and courage to fight or courage to serve or whatever it is he calls us to do. We just have to remember that we are here to live for him. And this has never been promised. Our comfort's never been promised. Do you know what I mean? It's like this is not heaven. We pray for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven. But right now, we got a lot of work to do. And it's not conditional on how great we feel or what we see going right or anything like that. It's that we're digging in down and dirty, digging in and getting the work done that needs to be done here in a fallen world. Yeah, and in fact, if I can just touch on that a minute, we were promised just the opposite. Reading through the New Testament, I read that through much trial and tribulation, we're going to enter into the kingdom of God, right? And that if we're walking in his light, that we're going to suffer persecution, right? But we should be rejoicing in our afflictions. That is what the Christian life has promised. If we're not in a war, maybe you need to get in one, right? Let's prove who God is here because even a candle shines bright in a dark room. And this is the time, everybody. This is the time, Christians, to get out there and let your light shine that the whole world may see it. Because who is not drawn to the light when you stand in a dark room? I know I want to see where my next foot's going. And I would assume most other people do as well. But if the deeds are dark, if the deeds are evil, then they're not going to want to stand in the light. It's a perfect way to make distinction among the people as well. If you're being attacked, if you're being persecuted or attacked or suppressed or censored or anything, it's a badge of honor. It means you're over the freaking target. You're over the target because they're silencing you or they're discriminating, truly true discrimination, not fake stuff so you can get free stuff, things for free, but actual real persecution or real censorship or whatever it may be. You're over the target. Booyah! That is an honor and should be accepted as such. So, Ralph. I think another thing to hear that kind of that this illustrates is looking to the king to come in and and take care of things, you know, looking to with with how FEMA is operating versus looking to the people and what they're actually coming in and doing there. And, you know, we've we've seen the whole problem of looking to a king played out I mean uh bring it up before I'll bring it up again look look to judges first second samuel and first and second kings you know to see what happens when uh a populace tries to uh wants and then is given that the uh the king that they want and what the disastrous consequences of that And then you look to Nebuchadnezzar was used for God's purposes. I mean, that was his persecution of the nation of the Israelites was appointed by God. And ultimately that ended up bringing about the change that needed to happen both in the Israelites as well as saving Persia later on. And so, yeah, there's stuff to think about, you know, some of the some of the some of this stuff, I think some of the hardship that we're seeing, kind of needs to happen to be able to bring people around to seeing things for the way they actually are and that to a certain extent people do not actually learn some of those lessons without that some of that hardship yeah just as just just as our founders said the flags that they were flying during a revolutionary war were an appeal to heaven and no king but king jesus And that declaration should be made across this nation today because there's still none other name by which men are to be saved. I subject myself to no king except him, to no tyrant, to no man. And each one of us should make the same declaration. Well said. Hey, Bill, you want to pray today? Sure. Let's have you say the prayer for today, okay? All right. Father, we thank you again for this Wednesday morning, Father, and though we be hours apart, that you've given us the technology to be able to come together. Father, it's an amazing, amazing thing that you raise up nations, Father, and you lower nations and you raise kings and lower kings as well. And Father, we thank you. Thank you for that. And Father, we know that you are the righteous judge here. We know that you are the King of Kings. And we appeal to you day by day, Father, to continue to guide us as we seek the restoration of this nation, Father, or guide us into something other, if it be your will as well. We thank you for the call on the people of this nation to come down and In the local areas of North Carolina here as well, Father. And the fact that there are still people that are standing up willing to help and serve in your name. That there are still local bodies, Father, that are willing to serve in your name as well. And we ask your blessing on each and every one that does. In the smallest amount, Father, we know that you will return to those who have. And that is that have in your name. And you will even take from those that have not, even that which they have. Father, we know you're righteous in doing so. Your judgments are absolutely perfect in that regard and every other aspect that we read. So, Father, I ask your continual blessing here. Father, keep pushing us in promotion of the correct ideals as we proceed throughout what our little known history is, and that being just our vapor. Keep Keep a guide on our tongues, Father, that we can bless both you and man and refrain from cursing any. Father, I ask that you would give us leadership abilities. Help us to bring people together, Father, and unite under your word. And continue to guide us in all wisdom as you see fit, Father. We know you give it to those who ask. So, Father, we ask this day for these things. In Jesus' name, amen. In Jesus' name, amen. Thank you so much, guys. This was absolutely wonderful. I really, really appreciate all the words of wisdom from every single one of you. It was really – you guys are great friends, and I really love you all to pieces. So, and I hope you have safe travels there, Bill, and to come back home safe and that the rest of your trip down there is absolutely wonderful, that you're a blessing and that you're also blessed. So that's part of the show, boys and girls, where you go to ding, ding, ding, ding, go to because I'm the best non-conceder who's ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And I would still like to have a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump about this and cowboy boots. That's right. Got to get that in there in cowboy boots. So what we're talking about here, guys, is being mentally tough. There's no guarantees in this world, but the only guarantee we have is that God will walk with us through whatever he calls us to do. and that he promised to save us if we turn to him and accept his son, our Savior, Jesus Christ, as the payment for our sins. And he made a way to him. And you can walk in this on this earth. I believe we can walk on this earth with God because he guides us, he directs us, he gives us strength, and he helps us in all situations. So whatever you have going on today, no matter what disaster you're facing, what grief or shame that you face for doing something that maybe you shouldn't have done. Well, guess what? Welcome to the club. We're all sinners saved by grace. And, and, uh, we can help each other walk through this together with, with love and with, uh, with love and compassion and empathy for each other, because the only one that's perfect is God Almighty, Jesus Christ, and He didn't throw a stone. So as we walk forward, and I'm not saying forgiving people, or I'm not saying just walking away from the great evils that are done. I'm talking about there's some discernment here. There's people just being people, and then there's people who literally have done things that are just pure evil, that God can probably forgive them, However, there's got to be justice on this earth. And we're going to have to remember that that takes some discernment to be able to sort things out a little bit. That's why Solomon was there. Solomon kind of had a really good ability to sort things out and come to some conclusion to have peace in the land. And so that's something to keep in mind. So with that said, God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Be mentally tough. Keep your heart pure and turn things over to God and watch the miracles that he's able to do and will do as we turn to him. Have a great day and we'll see you tomorrow. I've got Richard Gage on tomorrow, an architect evaluating. And I'm taking a lot of fire for this. I really am. Because people are saying, oh, you've jumped in on the dark side here and propaganda and blah, blah, blah. You know what? True journalism throws everything out there and doesn't make decisions for people. We look at everything. And somehow the truth floats to the top. And if we don't treat it like a cult of personality that, well, this person's right, that person's wrong, but listen for information, I'm pretty sure we're going to get closer to the truth. So have a great day and we will see you tomorrow.