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BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 10/7/2024 Technocratic Communism, North Carolina Live - Holbrook

Published Oct. 7, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Vicky Davis Technocratic Communism The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what. 10am Christina Holbrook - Live from North Carolina. Intenpendent Jouralist and TicTok content creator, Cristina is on the ground and recounting what is going on in North Carolina X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Vicky Davis, Cristina Holbrook

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the seventh day of October, twenty twenty two, twenty twenty two, twenty twenty four. I guess it's time for me to wake up this morning and welcome to our show today. The first hour I have Vicki Davis on the technocratic communism as well as at ten o'clock. We have Christina Holbrook and Melissa Frazzo coming on, and they're going to be talking about what's going on in North Carolina. So they were supposed to be streaming from there live, and I think we've got a situation where people are actually being threatened, and they had to turn around and not go down there because they were not only threatened but doxxed. So there's some things going on down there that we perhaps really don't understand, the subversion of even helping everyday Americans that is going on down there. and how far these people are willing to go to destroy American lives in America. I'm going to put something up in a minute on my Telegram channel, but for right now, I want to welcome Vicki on. Morning, Vicki, how you doing? Good morning. Fine, thanks. I forgot the darn icon. Oh, yeah, we got to have your little avatar up there. Yeah, I'll do it right after I get off the show. I'll get the icon. Well, and I really like starting the week out with you on Monday morning at nine o'clock, honestly, because, you know, there's a tendency to want to go to things that are just softly enter into what's going on. You know what? We don't have time for that anymore. And I think that to get into things that are a little bit more of a hardcore information is where we're going to need to go because we've wasted enough time and people really need to understand exactly how we got here, why we're here, how we get out of this. and educate ourselves. So I'm going to bring up this book real quickly. There's a few things that I really want to talk about. This is a book by Thomas Wood, and it's Nullification. And I want to read just a couple of things here in the first chapter. When the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, was asked by a reporter in where in the Constitution she found the authority to impose a health insurance mandate on Americans, she laughed and replied, are you serious? Are you serious? The reporter answered that indeed he was. The speaker just shook her head, then took another question. Because, of course, they don't want to answer questions like that when they don't have authority. Pelosi's press spokesman clarified the speaker's non-answer by explaining that this was not a serious question. Who the hell are they to tell us what's a serious question or not, right? Senator Pat Leahy was asked the same question repeatedly. Where in the Constitution is the federal government granted the authority to do this? His answer was, there's no question there's authority. Nobody questions that. So he had no idea, in other words. Senator Mark Warner, in turn, came out with this gem of constitutional insight. There is no place in the Constitution that talks about you ought to have the right to get a telephone. but we have made those choices as a country over the years. Got that? So what if the Constitution says nothing about granting the federal government the power to force Americans to buy approved health insurance packages? The Constitution also says nothing about allowing American citizens to buy a telephone, eat a Taco Bell or whatever, have children and do those things or do those things, don't we? The difference that managed to escape Senator Warner is that in a free society, people do not require constitutional authority to act. The government does. So the controversy over health care reflects a much broader issue. and deeper constitutional void in American life. Some fifteen years ago, the Supreme Court Justice asked the United States Solicitor General, the government's lawyer for the Supreme Court, if he could name an activity or program that, in his view, would fall outside the bounds of what the Constitution authorizes the federal government to do. And he could not. This contempt for the constitutional limitations on the federal government is bipartisan and longstanding. Unsurprisingly, when a Constitution is thought of not as the strict limitation on government that its original supporters sold it as, but as something so compendiously broad that almost to defy limitation, the government will continue to grow. Nullification begins with an axiomatic point that a federal law that violates the Constitution is no law at all. It is void and has no effect. And I think that this is important because we're going to go to Norton v. Shelby County, which Judge Cannon did quote in her Supreme Court ruling that these organizations that are not specifically called out by or in is allowable in the Constitution do not exist and need to absolutely have somebody with a pen. come through there and strike them from their existence. And I think this can go to with say the treaties. And we've been talking about the treaties a lot here. You and I have Vicki. So where, where do we want to go with this today? Other than the fact that no one is paying attention to what the rule of law is right now. Yeah. Well, it's from our point of view, the constitution is the highest law of the land. But what they did is to use the ability to make treaties with other countries. They used that treaty power to build an infrastructure over the top of our country. Steal our sovereignty and really hand it over to the global crime syndicate. Right. But the thing is, what they did is that they didn't come at the people of the United States directly. What they did is to make these treaties for allegedly commercial purposes. You know, free trade across borders. and institutions built to manage trade across borders. Well, and what I've said, I've said this many times, that they separated our economy from our political system. The economy is regulated under these international agreements by these international institutions. And that kind of leaves we the people out in the cold. In a modern context, you cannot separate your economy from the people, from the political system. It's all part and parcel of the same thing, but that's precisely what they did. And that's why we're having a problem with control of our country, control of our politicians, control of policy because of these international agreements. Now, somebody at some point is going to have to sue to tear apart this entire international infrastructure that has been built because it's beyond our ability to control. We have no authority over the organization of American states. which is the regional, you know, for the entire America's continent. That is the regional representative to the United Nations. Okay, so I'm going to throw the website up here. You shared a link. And I think that people really need to know that this is quite organized. When I talked to Casey Whalen, Casey has this all laid out too. It's amazing. So here's the Organization of American States, premier regional forum for political discussion, political analysis, decision-making in Western hemisphere affairs. The OAS brings together leaders from nations across the Americas to address hemispheric issues, opportunities. Together, they seek to build cooperation among states to advance common regional agenda on democratic government, human rights, and multidimensional security and sustainable development. There's all the buzzwords, guys. And surprisingly, here's the offices in member states. Look at where they all are. It's all over the Caribbean. That's because they're trying to get them organized into... a manageable unit right now, you know, all those, uh, countries are kind of, they still have their independence. We don't. Well, and look at the weird thing is, is, I mean, that's where a lot of the human trafficking is going on in the, in the islands down there. Look at, uh, Epstein and such. I mean, he's kind of like poster child for what's going on, but he's not the only one. Yeah. You see, the problem is you're looking at those, uh, units as people. No, no, they're workers. And as workers, they're controlled under the international agreements. They probably control the ports and everything. Oh, absolutely. They control everything that you could say is commercial. But they do have things that pertain to humans, but humans are subjugated to the commercial agreements. This is real interesting, all these little... these little entities and such, because they always have to have partners with other entities. And I am absolutely against anything that gives advantage to subgroups because it's always just for the money or for rights. And that's how they divide us up. So when I see indigenous peoples or Afro descendants or gender or that sort of thing, this is actually creating a protected class of person who cannot be questioned. And I have a real problem with it. I have a real problem. I had somebody else came up and they made a video about, you know, I served in the military and I love the military. Don't go there after me with torches and pitchforks. But when somebody virtue signals that sort of thing, that is creating a, you can't question this person because they have a proud military service. Well, I'm sorry, we should have already learned this by now by seeing some dirty generals that we've had in the system that have been pretty well moved out of the way so that we can get good people in there. And Baron Reinhold even said that most of the people that he saw enforce the human experiment jab on the military, All of them should be held to accountability. You cannot have a protected class of citizens. We're a nation of laws. And the laws apply equally. It's the equal hand of justice. Yeah. I was listening to a speech by James Lindsay. He was speaking to some group or the other. And he talked about the two systems of law. And it occurred to me. The Nineteen Sixty-Four Civil Rights Act actually created two systems of law. One system of law under civil rights for minorities of all kinds. As a matter of fact, when you add up what all the minorities constitute, they're not a minority, they're a majority. I think it's like white European descent is only like eight percent of the globe. So, you know, it's like we're wherever, wherever white considered white Caucasian. I hate those terms, white and black. What a stupid term to put to people, really. But I mean, you know, it's I've never seen a truly white person or a truly black person. So it's a it's kind of one of those dumb categories, you know. And so but but when you look at people of European descent, We're by far the minority globally. It's not my fault that there's plenty of people like the Dutch banking families and the Rothschilds and et cetera that fall under or get assumed as that, whether they are or not. It's like I have a difference of opinion on the Rothschilds and what their descent really is because it's not what we've been sold. But you look at the actual numbers, Eight percent. Eight percent. Don't blame me for what the criminals do. I don't associate with those kind of people. However, you know, it's a crime is a crime. The law is the law and it needs to be applied without giving a preferential treatment to anyone. Yeah. Well, what we need to do is to repeal that legislation and go back to all people are created equal. Under the Constitution. And, you know, because the days of segregation and stuff, those are long over. Right. Well, it's like if a politician breaks the law, they need to be prosecuted. There's good and bad everywhere. If a cop breaks the law. And they probably should be prosecuted. They should not, if they're actually sticking to the law, not this nonsense, this non-law DOJ we have going on right now, which is just a sham. But if we returned everything to blind justice... then I think that's where we need to go and not say, well, you can't say that because I'm a this or that or the other thing. Well, so that's an excuse for breaking the law? Or is that an excuse for failure and favor and getting more money or whatever it is? It's ridiculous. And that's what's dividing us right there. Well, they're using that as a weapon against us. There is a section within the Department of Justice that that's called the Community Relations. And that agency, that section within DOJ is the one that's going around and intimidating everybody. You know, Casey Whalen was on talking about United Against Hate. Well, I'm sorry, I've got a tick on my throat. No worries. Real news for real people by real people at the kitchen table. Okay. Anyway, that campaign by the department of justice is, uh, that they're intimidating, terrorizing people with, um, it is from that section within DOJ. And so these, uh, I consider them to be, within DOJ, I consider them to be a terrorist group. Absolutely. There's so many terrorist groups parading as NGOs, it's not even funny. And they're getting funded. They're funding it through our government. Yeah. Yeah. So we're all paying for it through that tax exemption. Yeah, you want to see something? I'm going to put something up on my Telegram channel a minute. Talk amongst yourself a second here, and I'm going to put this thing up. This is so crazy, and I'm speechless about what is actually going on here. It's like you can even look at the nonsense with the illegals. We're funding an invasion of and the destruction of our country through, and we're paying for this. I actually heard somebody online the other day say, maybe we should just, you know, if they send us a tax bill, go ahead and send them seven hundred fifty dollars like they're doing to the people down south. Right. Meanwhile, they're spending thousands on people that are illegal. Yeah, well, billions when you start adding the tally up or they're going to their little deep state headquarters over there in Ukraine. I'm kind of glad Putin's over there, quite honestly. Check this out. Breaking. Illegal immigration populations have increased by hundreds of percent in swing states during the Biden-Harris cheating administration, failure administration. According to court filings, Georgia, four hundred and one percent. North Carolina, four hundred and forty six percent. Pennsylvania, two hundred and forty one percent. Arizona, seven hundred and thirty seven percent. Nevada, five hundred sixty two percent. Michigan, seven. And Michigan comes in as the winner at seven hundred and seventy five percent. Wisconsin, four hundred and sixty seven percent. They are literally invaded. You know, this this honestly, if you look at what happened during the Crusades, this is this is quite honestly not brought up a lot. But I think we should bring it up a lot. The Crusades were a lot more cut and dry on what they were really doing there than what they're talking about. What we've been told that that really was about a. uh, an invasion of, uh, of Europe and, uh, to push back that invasion of Europe right there. And the goal was, is to eliminate, eliminate the, uh, the white race from, from European, from the European, uh, countries. They're doing it again. They're doing it again. And, uh, So that is actually, I believe, what the underpinning of that is. If you really look at the facts, it's sort of like Civil War wasn't really about slavery. That's what it gets billed as, but it was a lot more complex than that. States' rights, yeah. States' rights. The South wanted to break away. They were trading with Europe, Britain primarily. And they didn't want any interference from the American government. The American government, as I understand it, somebody might correct me on this, but as I understand it, the American government was protecting our economy so that we could build a country. If you have a foreign outside... country coming in and undercutting all of your american producers you won't um you won't have an economy and that's really what's happened to our economy it was gutted initially the uh you know when they signed the la paz treaty and they created the the international zone and the Maquiladoros, which I think were just zones for business, they all moved down there. Well, what did they do? Everybody who worked in those manufacturing facilities in America, they lost their jobs. Their jobs are gone. And they tried to put forth the idea that, oh, people can go be retrained to become computer programmers or in the information sector of the economy. Well, that's simply not true. You've got to be in the upper level of IQ to be programmer, number one. And number two, not everybody is suited to sit and work in an office or at home on a computer system. I mean, it's just it was an absurd idea. But the thing is, is that because of the organization of our institutions under the National Endowment for Democracy, the organization of institutions includes the Democrat Party, the Republican Party, the Chamber of Commerce and the unions. And those four societal institutions, they put forth a propaganda campaign to say free trade is good, you know, without really explaining it. And what people tend to do is they lock on to words, free trade, you know, and they say, oh, free trade is a great thing. You know, we need to be free. We are a country of freedoms. Well, you're a country of suckers is what you are because those four societal institutions waged a propaganda campaign to convince you of economic policies that put you out of work, that destroyed your community, that exported your manufacturing business to other countries, first Mexico and then over to China. And here now we're struggling for the life of our country because we don't have an economy that will support the people of this country, right? Right. And I think that that's something that we really have to work on as a species here is not listening to every pretty word that comes our way. Because, you know what, most of that is just to deceive and distract us. we're in a fifth generation warfare scenario right now, which is information warfare. If they can get us going in the absolutely wrong direction, they get us out of the way so they can do whatever they want. So going back to no protected classes, don't buy into this nonsense. We have to stick to core issues. If we want to fix this nation, it's going to be sticking to core issues instead of going out in the weeds and, and getting distracted by every little shiny thing that comes our way. And that means when it comes to, you know, going to the, the voting booth, you know, when we go to vote, we need to stick to what we need to do and we need to know who we're voting for. If, if one, if, if somebody is super popular on the, on the, uh, uh, ballot or something. I think that I just saw that Tudor Dixon and John James just got picked to be maybe the next governor candidate for the state of Michigan again. I'm going to tell you what, Tudor Dixon is a failure. And the reason why she was a failure is that she conceded that election before the votes were even counted. Somebody must have paid her to do that. uh yeah you think something was something was wrong you don't lay down you want to have a you want to have somebody that's going to stand up there and lay down when things get a little tough or is just up there to be to be a I have a real problem with anybody that's a news anchor they're they're paid to deliver a message who's pulling their strings who's telling them what to say Our news has been collectivized. So I'm sure you've seen those videos where the news anchors are all repeating the same story all over the country. So we have controlled news. And that was a really hard thing when I first started was... overcoming the propaganda. We are swimming in propaganda brought to you by the corporations that benefit from turning our country into just simply commercial territory. And as just, you know, the Americas as simply commercial territories makes you a damn slave. I mean figure it out. Think about it. Well, and that's I guess that's the thing of it is, is it's like we're either going to figure this out and live, you know, get this get this thing figured out. And it's not for free. It's not for free stuff, which are our entire government is turned into like a vendor government. How much money can you get out of the government? People don't even make the connection that that money is coming from your neighbors, your friends, your family. This isn't nothing's free. Someone is producing in order to have money. that money there. And people are not getting it. They're like, well, I'm just going to take what I can because you know what? That's owed to me. I'm entitled to that. Really? I don't even like that word. I mean, to me, that's another one of those low IQ words, just like democracy and entitlement. Who entitled who to anything? If you didn't work for it, you didn't own it and you're not entitled to it. Uh-huh. Yep. Well, that's true. I'm going to stick with that. You know what? I'm kind of done with this whole nonsense because, you know, you listen to so many people that are like, well, the government's, you know, unethical. Well, maybe you should look in your own backyard first to see just exactly who is unethical and who is taking things. Get the plank out of your own eye before you start criticizing it because we got the government we deserve right now. It's representative of all of America. Because the corporations are in control. I mean, let's just say that straight up. It's corporations that are basically setting policy for the United States. And our government, federal government, has become just a puppet show. They put on a show for you as if our country is operating under the law the way that it should be. But it's just a puppet show. And they have set everything up so the corporations are receiving the benefits. The corporations are the biggest welfare queens in the world. Corporate welfare needs to come to a screeching halt. Yes. Yes. And what I was talking about for a while was telling corporations, you either come back home on American soil or you're out permanently. And a guy said to me, he says, well, what about what they produce? I said, well, what we could do is change. tell the corporation, if you don't come back on our shores, we will take your patents and we will give them to somebody else so that somebody else in our country can produce whatever it was that that trader corporation was producing. Oh, I'm glad you said that trader because they're traders. And the other thing that really gripes me about it is that these idiot politicians go ahead and write blank checks to these corporations. You know, I think I think Mary Barra from Ford, I think she got eight hundred and twenty six million dollars on something. And then there's no there's no expectation of producing anything. They just give them money. They don't have to say, well, we're going to create four thousand jobs. Did they do it? There's no accountability. And all of a sudden they take off with the money and go down to Mexico. And there's there's absolutely no accountability. They just like pass the money out. Like it's, you know, certainly. Do you remember that bailout of, I think it was Ford Corporation. The government gave them some four billion dollars. Maybe it was GM. I can't remember. One of those. It was GM. GM. And they took that money and they were going to open factories in China. So they took your taxpayer dollars, gave it to GM so GM could open manufacturing facilities in China. I mean, hello, you know, come on. It's just that they have, I think that this is really what the communist system is. It wasn't really about people. I mean, they've lied to us, misled us about everything. Absolutely everything. I think the communist system is really about commercial ventures and agreements for commerce. I mean, look at the Soviet Union, the way that it was organized. The businesses were entirely separated from the people. They turned the world for the people into a police state. You know, and the people were basically slaves to the state, which I think was really slaves to the corporations that ran the state. So, which is a completely upside down view of what we have been taught about communism. And I think communism in the Americas are all these commercial agreements. where businesses collude to basically have free access to everything while the people are being enslaved. Well, and look at what CCP does. CCP, absolutely. They say that they own all businesses they own. So anything that's here that's a Chinese-based business is owned by the CCP. Why did they allow the CCP to participate in the World Trade Organization? They knew China was a communist country. They made no bones about it. They never have. They've always been a communist country. So, you know, why were they allowed to participate in what is supposed to be a Western system of commerce, trade? You know, we have been always about the money. So you get weak people in office or people who are placed that are part of this global organization. I think a lot of them are just they're just selected. They're selected, you know, and that because they made the cut to be manipulated, individuals are easily manipulated. So they let them they let them hold a title somewhere. And just, you know, if you want to agree to what they want to have done and you'll have unlimited power and money. It's not worth it, and you're selling your soul out to a place that's going to give you a one-way ticket to a real hot and abysmal place. But I don't think that that's going to end well for anybody, but I think that that's exactly what's happening. And then they kick back to the politicians or the corporations that are playing within the network. Oh, yeah, that's something I wanted to mention. You know how the price of drugs is so high? And what they did is they set up a mechanism to be able to control access to drugs under that universal health system that they passed. They call it health care, but it's not health care. It's insurance. And the pension benefits managers are the ones that control access to drugs. Well, they have raised the price of drugs up so high that people can't afford them. What the deal is, though, on the inside is that the pension fund managers get rebates. Well, what's another word for rebate? Kickback. So for a product that should cost maybe seventy dollars, They are charging over a thousand dollars, but the pension benefit manager gets a kickback of the biggest percentage of that thousand dollars. So, I mean, it is a system that is so rotten and so corrupt that you can't even imagine. I mean, you wouldn't even think of it. Well, and then look at what's happening with the illegal, unlawful DOJ that's going on right now and all of the activist judges that are participating in it. We have a civil action jurisdiction. Ninety-eight percent of all cases in Michigan are money judgments. And it's because they take a percentage of those money judgments and it goes right into their retirement. So, of course, they've got a reason to only prosecute cases that will involve a money judgment because they're going to grab about eighteen percent of that. And it's going to go into the retirement fund for these people that are working in the Justice Department, the Injustice Department, as well as the people that are part of any part of our legal system. It's horrific. Yeah. Yeah. And why isn't anybody, I'm surprised that you know about that. Not many people know about that. I've been doing this for a while too, you know, and it's kind of like, thankfully I have really smart people that I talk to, which helps to educate me too. But I mean, it's like anybody else, you and myself and such, for the amount of research we've done over the years and people we've talked to and looked into things, it's like Whitmer. I did an expose on Whitmer many years ago. and the connection to Blue Cross and Blue Shield and how they screwed the entire state of Michigan, and it was her dad that was involved in this, and how they screwed the entire state of Michigan by turning Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan from a beneficiary trust owned by the people of Michigan into a mutual. They literally stole the company. from Michigan. Nobody said anything. And guess what? Dan Lope followed up her dad and Dan Lope was the one that got her in office as the governor of Michigan. And oh my goodness, he got about an eighteen million dollar payoff after she got in office to explain that to me. And then you can go to his wife, Amy Tattery, and we'll get the foundations and the trust she set up. And it's all tied in. It all rolls, it all rolls in that direction. And, you know, we've been told, watch the wives, watch the wives, but watch the wives and the husbands because they will move money around between spouses and family members in order to kind of just make it disappear. Yeah. Yeah. That's, I'm glad you brought that up. I found that, you know, years ago that they were using family members, wives, That's why all the sons of politicians are now in trouble. But they still have not brought out the truth about that corrupt system. It's not just Hunter Biden or the kid Archer, the young guy named Archer. It's the system that is corrupt. Well, Pelosi was involved in Burisma Oil. You've got Pelosi, Biden, Mitt Romney, and John Kerry. They're all involved in this. And they try to make people think that they're on opposite sides of the aisle, but they're all playing ball together. Every single one of them is playing ball. Yeah. Yeah. And people don't know that because business and... Politics on this level are really outside the view. I was listening to some of the debates, and they're still talking about the abortion issue. For crying out loud, get over it. But they do that to distract the people. Well, it's emotionally charged, and that's why. I am amazed at how... in up there and actually fighting issues. They don't even know how to fight it. So they just keep people chasing their tails around on issues that are an issue of passion and conscience on both sides of the aisle. The way you handle that is you just defund the whole thing. This whole thing would fall right apart if there were no money involved in it. But they can money launder underneath those issues that are emotionally charged. Look at the gender mutilation surgeries. That's all money charged. You defund it, this thing goes away. Well, somebody, I forget who, they are going to be filing a lawsuit on the decision for, what is it, that United, Citizens United. Because what that case did was to unleash corporations to be able to spend as much money as they want. Well, it made them into a person, and in effect, it gave them the rights of a person. A person with a whole hell of a lot of money. Yeah, right. And so if you look at corporations, they now have their foundations established And their foundations fund other foundations. So there's all this money flowing into our political system to buy candidates, to buy issues. And it's just, we're drowning. I mean, we the people are dying through all this flood of money. you know, into our political system. They bought our country lock, stock and barrel. Long time ago. And right now the government we have is the enemy of the people. Yes, it most certainly is. Our government is a puppet of both corporations and And they are subservient to this international structure that was created through international agreements. Hey, I have a great idea. Why don't we come up with a solution here? The solution is, is everybody walks away. If they're in a position that's working for the government, just walk away and refuse to participate. Go do something else. You're smart people, I'm hoping. You know, maybe not if you're working for the government, but but, you know, and maybe you'll avoid prosecution at some point in time. Well, the problem with that is our government, as corrupt and rotten as it is, is the key to our salvation. If we destroy our own government, we will still be under a legal system, but it will be under the Organization of American States and the United Nations. You know how we have those nests of Marxists up in Northern Idaho? They will be your government. So we cannot destroy the American government. We need to take it back. We need to take it back through the legal system and through educating people. And all of those people that are out there saying, you know, we've got to get rid of government. They are bought and paid for by the corporations that will benefit from the elimination of our government. Wow, this is amazing. So Rumble just went down and it just came back up. So I hope everybody stays with it because it looks like it cut out on me when we were talking about that. Just for about three minutes, it looked like it was down. That's interesting. Yeah, it sure is. Because you know what? Just stay with us. If a channel goes down or something like that, you can always jump back on and just stay with it. Because we can keep things up here. But some of the other channels that I broadcast to can't always keep it up. But you know where you can always find it at? You can always get on. Brandenburg news network, and we're able to keep it up on there fairly decently, which is, which is a good thing. Let's see. We've got, yeah, rumble is back up. And, uh, so, so we're having some problems this morning out there on in a cyber world, clearly, but, uh, just stay with us. And if you, if you get lost, you can always find us at Brandenburg news And you spelled it just like I spelled my last name, right? Ding, ding, ding, ding right there. Okay. That's good. You've got a nice setup there. That's what a lot of people say. It's like they really... Because I can do it live. And the reason why I think it's so important to do a live broadcast on multiple platforms, not just our own, but on multiple platforms, is that it self-checks that there was nothing that was edited, photoshopped, or anything. I mean, I got no filters on this. This is just the way it is. And, you know... it's not edited, it's live, and it's just out there. It is what it is. You either like it or you don't like it. Don't care. Not my problem. We just put it out there so that we get information out. If people are looking for it, they'll find it. Yeah. Well, and that's kind of how I feel about my website. I don't market it. I don't take advertisements. I put it out there. And if people are looking for information, they'll find it. God has a way of doing that, of directing us where he wants it to be. Sometimes, quite honestly, because we're so into analysis here, I spoke at an event, a Freedom Circle event last week, which was really fun. Very nice group of people. But, you know, of course, you know, I've got, I've got a capacity to actually hold a lot of information in my brain. So I just start talking. I don't really plan what I'm going to say and such. But, uh, they were introducing it as that this is not just a news feed. It is, I don't remember how she said it. I'll have to look it up. But it's a news feed for people who really like meat and And not headlines because we get into the meat of things, which some people can't process that. I get that. It's a little bit too much too early in the morning for some people to stomach. But honestly, that's the only way we're going to write the nation is by diving into these issues, looking at treaties, looking at the law. looking at the underpinnings of what actually tore the United States down, looking at history, talking about those things, finding out what's really happening in people's lives that resulted. in a government that's completely and totally off the rails and rogue, because I mean, look at what's happening down in North Carolina and in Florida, uh, by the way, we kind of lost everything that we had down in Florida. So, um, I just think that it's, if, if God intended us to be there or be able to go back there again, we just had a really, really little place down there that was, uh, not a, not a big deal at all, but we literally lost pretty, we lost everything down there. And, uh, if he, if he wanted, you know, this is another good thing to talk about being resilient when things go to hell because they're going to go to hell, right? Is that if this is your home, you got a problem because this is a temporary place. This is not my home. And, and if things change, they change. And if God really wanted us to be there or wanted me to be, be there on a, on a, uh, For any reason, he would have us there. But if he's going to destroy our little place down there and take it away, well, I guess he's got another adventure for me. I'm not going to cry any tears about it. It's time to just move on and see what else he has in store. Life is an adventure. And God has a way of moving us to where he wants us to be. And I have complete faith in him that wherever he wants us to go or talk about or do, it's going to be fine. It's going to be okay. He's good all the time. And we can put our little ideas aside and just follow him. I think that's important. Yeah, that is so true because it seems to me like my entire life led me to for here and now to do what I'm doing. I think so, too. Isn't that funny how all of us were prepared to be here now? We were chosen to be here now. And I believe it was God Almighty that prepared us every step of the way not to get stuck in our comfort zone. I really don't think God is interested in our comfort whatsoever. I think he's interested in our eternal life. state, let's just put it that way, our eternal state and whether we grow. I don't think he's, I don't think he's necessarily interested in us staying as children, you know, wanting the next new toy and, and really not having either the intestinal fortitude to do the right thing or the focus of being an adult to help others around us. I don't think he's interested in our playtime. I really don't. No, I don't either. I, because I, I could, sit down and list the coincidences that brought me to the place where I am, but there are too many coincidences for it to be a coincidence. No coincidences. Absolutely. And don't you ever look back at your life and go, wow, um, I would never decide to go through this little adventure ever, ever again. But once you get through it, you look back and say, Hmm, wow, did I learn a lot from that? You know? And, uh, patience and that sort of thing. I didn't used to be as patient as I am. I'm pretty patient. Actually, people say that people tell me that at any rate, but I didn't used to be patient and at all, not at all. And I think that you learn that by going through things that require you to have to exercise those intangible characteristics that we all, we all should desire. Uh-huh. Yeah, I was never very patient, but I am a lot more patient now than I ever was before. Actually, this mission that I've been on has taught me patience, because people don't instantly grasp what I'm talking about, or they don't instantly grasp these concepts that are outside the norm of their understanding of our country the world that we live in and how evil some people are you know that are running these big corporations and politicians and people that will actually do really evil and despicable things for money and so Well, it's like, you know, we talked about slavery and the Civil War earlier. You know, I listen to the reparations nonsense that's going on. We need reparations. It's like, you know what, the entirety of the United States needs reparations because we've all been stolen from by the politicians, in my opinion. So let's just take all the things that they stole and throw it on the table and divide it up evenly. And not only that, there's modern day slavery going on right now. So when I hear people say that, it's always about selfish gain or selfish gain for money for themselves. All for me and none for you. That's what it's all about. It's not about reparations because, you know, from who are you going to get reparations from? Who's alive right now that participated in this? And why, you know what I mean? Yeah. Oh, exactly. Ridiculous. Show me where you were enslaved. By me. And why this is my problem, you know, to fix the things that happened, you know, generations ago. And then you can go back and say almost every, almost every race of people have been enslaved at some point in time. The Irish, I'm part Irish, you know, Irish were enslaved. He's absolutely one of the poorest treated groups of people. The Jews would have been enslaved. I mean, everybody's been enslaved at some point in time. All you got to do is go back because power hungry people who break the law are not a respecter of persons and who they victimize. And furthermore, there's so much slavery going on right now in the United States of America with a, the illegals that are coming in. You think they have a voice? They got nothing to say. Once they get here, if somebody puts them in a job, they can't say anything, no matter what's going on. They don't have any rights because they know that they're told to shut up and they'll shut up. What about all the human trafficking that's going on? There's literally slavery in America right now. And anybody asking for reparations is a selfish child, blaming their failure on somebody else. And I'm sorry, I grew up as a poor kid and I would never, ever blame anybody for, for, you know, being, I kind of missed that white privilege. I'm just telling you that because I didn't see that. I was not, not in that class. You didn't get any, huh? No, I actually figured out that I could dig worms out of the manure pile. And I sold them to a bait shop when I was in, when I was in high school. And I figured out that digging through horse, you know, horse crap and, That sort of thing. You can dig a lot of worms out of that if you have a good manure pile. I made it into a little worm enterprise and sold it to bait shops. I don't know where digging in a pile of shit is white privilege. I totally missed that. You're so lucky. I'm so lucky. It was amazing. The main thing is... you know, I just, I'll, I'll, I would do any job because I mean, they're all equally important. It doesn't matter what it is. In fact, most of the time when you, I would rather never sit at a, sit on a committee or in a, at the table. It's ridiculous. Yeah. Well, I, I was the same way girl, you know, a family, a poor family, but I did babysitting. I worked a little grocery store. Of course I did the car hop thing and the, the fast food places. I mean, I, you know, I worked, I would say from the time I was about twelve when I started babysitting, I never stopped. There is no stop to that. Yeah, I worked. I was slave labor for my dad. Let's put it that way. You know, I was filling trucks by the time I was seven. And you know what? It didn't hurt me at all. Not at all. I learned to work and I don't, I don't play very well. I don't enjoy playing. No people like go sit out on a boat. And I'm like, why would you want to sit on a boat all day? I agree with you on that. Yeah. Why would you sit on a boat all day? That seems like such a, it just, I don't understand it. I just, I don't enjoy it. I don't understand it. I just sit there and go, man, I've got about a million things I could be doing. And this is just seems like a, just a incredible waste of time. You know, I would, that's just the way I look at things. You know, I would rather help pack, you know, patch up a horse or make honey, you know, or a spin honey. You don't make honey, but you know, do something that's productive that I can give away or something, but just sitting there doing nothing, wasting time really bothers me. It's not, I get, I'm too fidgety for that. Yeah. That's funny. Yeah. Don't invite me on a boat anymore, guys. Okay. Just, just don't do it. It's, it's not, it's something that I don't really enjoy. So, You can go on your boats. It's fine. But I got work to do. So do you want to go through this little graphic a minute and tell people what they're seeing? Yeah. Those were the summits where they were agreeing to a plan of action. And the purpose of the plan of action was to, over time, harmonize our laws with the other countries of the Americas. So I mean, this only begins in nineteen ninety four. But the history of US trade goes back, I guess, almost like to the beginning of our country. But when when they started making agreements for the Americas, that's when you really need to start looking at trade history to see how they signed away our sovereignty. They've disenfranchised the American people from being able to control our own government. And so the most important thing to understand is how these trade agreements work, the history of them, and what they did to American national sovereignty. I think it's a really good thing that we're going through here. I want to talk some more about doing resolutions with you. We talked about that before. one of the ways that we can fight that I think is really important. It's like I'm kind of done with these political party nonsense because they're just picking lousy candidates. They're stooges. They're just stooges. They're just stooges. They're picking lousy candidates just as a placeholder so that they can, you know, pull their little puppet strings and such. And nothing's going to change unless we decide to change the way that we look at things and we run this country, which is supposed to come from we the people. we're going to have to change things substantially. But we're going to need to know how to do this. So my whole plan here is to continue on with the resolutions and send them. They're not a binding document. I get that. But you've got to think strategically and go in steps. So we have five of them with the Constitution Party here in Michigan, which is a U.S. taxpayers' party. That is has been approved to go and is going to all of the politicians and such, which is a first step to suing them. And they are not they are not immune to being sued personally. They just don't get that because they're not real smart. OK. And so we really need to we really need to know exactly what the power is in our hands. There's a meeting at the, this is kind of interesting, there's a meeting at the Board of Education for Byron Township tonight, and they voted in Title IX, so they're forcing a re-vote tonight. These people have no idea what they're doing. They didn't even realize that the Supreme Court already ruled on this is unenforceable. And so I shot a warning shot to one of them today across the bow and said, you guys are breaking the law, number one, because this has already been ruled on. So realize that you are not immune from being sued for your actions. You can't say, oh, sorry, like Dana Nessel did. Oh, sorry, I didn't know. That's not an excuse. Ignorance is not an excuse for breaking the law. So I would just say to anybody out there, if you're going to be in a position, you better know what you're able to do and what you're not. Because if you do something like this and you literally break the law by bringing something forward and voting for it. I had somebody last couple of weeks ago at our township council going, well, we don't know. We're just a citizen. You know what? It's not an excuse. You broke the law. You broke the law. That's why there should be no protected class. They can't sit there and go, well, I didn't know. Because then you get into Dana Nessel world, which is just sitting there like a little girl going, well, I didn't know I passed it on to the state police. What was I supposed to do? Maybe your job as an adult who filled the position as attorney general for the state of Michigan. I don't know. I got a clue what you should do, but I don't know. Maybe it's just me. I don't know. Yeah, no, I totally agree with you on that. And the biggest thing that the resolutions do is, is that it tells the politicians, number one, that you know what's going on, and number two, that you're serious about it. So you got to do something. You can't just sit there and twiddle your thumbs and watch it burn and then go show up to these free coffee and and cookie meetings, and then leave there and not have a job and wonder why you wasted the time. Because most of them are distractions. And I mean, this is another thing that you and I can go down through too, is these organizations, as you were showing on that one graphic, that all of these little support organizations that they spin off underneath them, NGOs of some sort or another, or in their political, their terrorist or domestic terrorist organizations, because that's what they are. You can call it anything you want. But if they're holding the economy hostage overhead or anything else, they're a terrorist organization and they should be dealt with as such. Yeah, absolutely. I would tell people, go to the Organization of American States website and read the history. know that history so that so that you you know what you're looking at and that's there you go it's right there I'll put in my telegram channel guys and then you can go there and take a look at how they've torn down the united states of america and then also Look at the people that are involved there. Make a mental list in your mind so that you know exactly who you're talking to. And remember that because they'll pop up again. These people are like, you know, they just continue to remake themselves over and over and over again. And if they shout out and say, well, I've had X amount of years in the military and I've got this history and that history, that should cut no weight with anyone. I'm glad they served their country. That's not the point. But the point is, is if they try to shut you down from questioning them because they've got some sort of pedigree, that's where you need to call them out right there and say, at this point in time, thank you so much for your service. But we're on equal terms right now. You are not. I don't care if it's a general. I appreciate your service. But on American soil, we are equal. We are equal here. And if you need to be questioned, guess what? I'm thankful that you had great service. I hope you've done the right thing since then. If you haven't, you still need to be questioned. So, well, thanks for being on this morning, Vicki. I'm going to jump to my next segment here. And we're going to plan on every Monday at nine o'clock. It's going to be Vicki and myself going through treaties and the underpinnings of really how the United States of America was sold out, which is it's a shame. It's been devastating. We have all been harmed by these domestic terrorists. that parade like do-gooder organizations. But let's just watch what happened with FEMA and see how much of a do-gooder organization they really are when push comes to shove. No, they're just money laundering organizations. So any last words? No, but I'm really looking forward to going through this because it's hard to find people that will look at this kind of stuff where you have to Use your brain. Oh, you're a dead center in Nerdville here. This is Brandenburg News Network isn't just kind of sort of Nerdville. This is like the super nerds come here that want to really figure out what's going on. You know, remember, I was in the Anon community before I ran for governor. That is like super, super nerds. So you're in super nerd central. Outstanding. All right, guys, I'm going to play. I'm going to play my little intro here, real short break. And I'll be back with my girls, Melissa Friesel and and Christina Holbrook. I love these guys. It's going to be great. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg. It's the seventh day of October twenty twenty four. And welcome to our show. I'm going to jump right into this with thought criminals, Christina Holbrook and Melissa Fries. How are you guys doing? I'm exhausted, if I'm being quite honest. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I've been tracking this. Well, it's if you want to call it a hurricane since before it made landfall. I don't know. That's what I do. You know, I watched the disasters. I saw what was going in real time. And on the twenty sixth, the twenty seventh, I started seeing all of the truth that we see now and saw that nothing was happening. I. Spent three days pushing, pushing, pushing. I called Trump's one of, you know, somebody I know that's very close to Trump on the morning of the twenty eighth, I believe it was. And let her know. I'm like. Biden has said nothing. Kamala has said nothing. I said, you know, I haven't seen Trump say anything yet either, but I have to think about the fact that every person I've spoken to on the phone here going on three days after this, nobody knows. So I'm letting you know. A couple hours later is when we heard Trump announce that he was putting Hurricane Helene on his... and he was heading out to Georgia the next morning. So that was actually Sunday, the twenty ninth. And at that point, all Biden had done that I had seen was have a meeting with Zelensky to send more money and. You know, running around doing his stuff, he people, people wanted to debate. I was watching, you know, this made landfall. Twenty six flooding started the twenty seventh, twenty eighth. You know, Zelensky's here taking money. Twenty-ninth, after the people finally start pushing this up through all the algorithms and into the faces, unfortunately, of everybody, is when Biden starts to act. I put out a video. Why in the hell did he not have National Guard on standby? You know, well, we warned people. We warned this could be bad. I'm sorry. A commander in chief that really gives a damn about the American people and is doing his job to protect us. You're not going to make damn excuses. You're going to be watching. You're going to have somebody assigned to that. And you are going to be like, you know what? These are the people that I love and I care about. And so, therefore, we're going to do what we need. Oh, well, it's up to the state governor to call it in. Well, how in the hell is somebody supposed to call it in when there's no damn communications? Y'all don't have enough damn sense to have somebody sitting there and watching and saying, hey, palms are down. Maybe we should check on things. This is the most, excuse my language, dipshit government in the history of the world, in my opinion. Domestic terrorism. Yes. The government, our government has turned into the enemy of the people. They are, they are refusing people to come into that area and threatening them with arrest as well as intimidation and coercion. And I just think that we need to call it out for it is they're domestic terrorists. Yes. Yes. And we, and yeah, they don't get to tell us what to do. Well, they think they do. And that's where I've been working this week trying to apply things is they're not supposed to tell us what to do. And we're supposed to be telling them what to do. And so I believe it was Monday. I was trying to find a way. I'm seeing all of America suffering. Starting to lose their minds because what do I do? What do I do? How can I help? And so I start putting together like we're going to do phone drives. We're going to use our voices through the process because sitting here and using them on social media and all these platforms, they're not going to come look and see what we think if we're just sitting here talking on these social media platforms. Nothing's being recorded. They have to record our voices when we call our congressmen and our governors and the White House. And, you know, we have to get those voices recorded, you know. And so luckily, right after that, you saw that Matt Gaetz confronted Mayorkas. Well, and he said he had, you know, like ten thousand whistleblowers. Well, that's because we called. And I'm going to try to keep pushing that. Um, like I said, you know, we need to do it and we're going to drop another call out today. Um, I would like to talk about that on here and see how, you know, maybe we could strategically come up with something, you know, where do the calls need to go today? We have tens of tens of thousands of people ready to call and I need help pushing the call out when we figure it out. Um, and I think Christina and I'll talk about, we talked about this last night. Um, You know, it's come to my attention that no help is coming. It's not going to do us any good to push the legislators right now. We can hit their local offices with the phone calls, but they're not in session to put them back in session. We're going to have to refund the government to refund the government. We're risking more money going to Ukraine and to all this other stuff and being stolen from us. So we're pretty well stuck the next month. So, you know, we need to figure out how we could keep the people motivated to try to make some impact, maybe with our local sheriffs or local governors. I don't know. I would like to discuss that on this show. I am noticing there are resources going in from the American people. I believe the governor of North Carolina come out and said that you can't stop anyone from bringing in resources to these communities. The problem that they're having is... a lot of these people that are missing they are in just real remote locations so unless you are physically capable of hiking uh and and you know hiking up and down mountains and possibly having to carry people out um the locations are so remote that you know you're gonna need horseback or or some people went down with donkeys uh fortunately the american people did respond um I don't think initially they were responding because You know, it was that FEMA, you know, FEMA is supposed to do these things. The Red Cross, this is what we pay for our taxpayer dollars. But when that, I don't know who the lady was, the white lady with the blonde hair that came out and did the meeting from the White House. and she is talking about setting realistic expectations, that the people need to set realistic expectations. And that really upset me. Like, okay, well, let's talk about realistic expectations. Realistically, in my mind, the United States government uh fails pretty much on every national disaster that we have had this is a catastrophe of biblical proportion they are under reporting the loss of life they are under reporting the amount of people missing They are shutting people down that is trying to get the truth out about what is happening. I'll give you an instance. I was on a live on TikTok because I'm a TikTok content creator. And there was a lady that had attended a meeting at one of, I can't remember the name, Chimney Rock. And they're trying to buy their land, okay? And they were going and apparently, allegedly, there were people that were in the trees that were unalive. And not only did she say it on this live, but multiple people said it. And there's an online Reddit forum about it and that they were just going to bulldoze all that stuff down in the, you know, including. They weren't going to recover anything. They were just going to come out and wipe the land out and call it a day. And that got some people riled up. Now, we don't really know what's happening as far as us because we're not there. So we have to go on what the local people are telling us. And you were supposed to be there today, but you ended up getting turned around because of a threat, correct? Yes. So I... just like we've done in the past, was starting to crowdsource. And a gentleman down there that is affiliated with a large content creator called Austin Foreman, and they have this Austin Foreman family, Austin Foreman Nation, just he created, you know, from when he went viral, created a platform. And his platform was supposed to be about anti-bullying. Well, I created some videos to start to crowdfund like we do, because that's how when you're a private citizen, you can accept donations as long as you convey that they are not in my state, that they are not taxable or not tax deductible donations. And there are some certain stipulations with some certain things that you may have to file as income on your your taxes which I was completely prepared to do um but I have been threatened um I have been doxxed my information has been doxxed uh everybody all over tiktok even people came out that we have worked for before me and melissa like sean sorry um and created a video like whoa whoa this is not you guys are wrong uh chrissy helps people all the time and I've been with her when she helped people um I was threatened they posted videos that went viral saying if you see this girl in this town and it is it is progressed to where anybody that defended me was attacked by this aff austin effin foreman nation um Now I have contacted the FBI because it's cyber bullying. And not only is it cyber bullying, it's defamation. He created like twelve videos. And these are people that have a large platform on TikTok. So they speak to the masses. And it's a very dangerous situation when you don't lead on facts, because never in my life would I steal from anyone, let alone you know, a hurricane victim. So what he did was stop me from being able to help those people. And those people are in need. The American people, though, have come together and there are, you know, some people say they have like too much water. And I don't you know, I'm not there. I can't tell you what they have, but I do know that there are still people missing. There are still people missing, and my expectation of our government, they should have been prepared. Regardless of if the storm, an unprecedented storm at that, shifted and went this way or that way, that storm set over the major areas of it, and Cincinnati was included in the outskirts of the storm for seven hours. There are just the devastation. We should have been prepared after things like Katrina. And they weren't. You should have called every private helicopter people that you could. You should have a disaster plan in the process. We should not just be relying on FEMA and the Red Cross, because we all know that anything associated with our government right now is very questionable. I'm going to be really concerned right now because when I saw the Red Cross was down there and their involvement of what happened with the Clintons in Haiti, I'm really concerned because wherever, when you see a disaster area and watch these organizations go in there, they're not going in there for the right reason, in my opinion. watch what they do with the money and then start thinking about what happened to all the kids in Hawaii. Think about what happened to all the kids in Haiti. I would be real concerned and have everybody keep their eyes open on what's happening down there in these, in the hurricane areas, because I'm just going to tell you right now, I suspect, I highly suspect that there's an awful lot of people down there that are, that are grabbing kids and, and they're going to disappear. We have an epidemic problem. with child trafficking. I'm going to bring Chris in here right now. Hey, Chris, how you doing? How you doing, Chris? You there? I don't think he can hear us. While he's jumping on, I'll say, yeah, I've already put something out, but it's being censored. You know, on calling our legislators, calling our states, we should be demanding that the children be Our orphan children in those mountains need to be handed over to local churches and not government organizations. They don't need to go into CPS. No, we cannot trust them. My aunt runs the Baptist Children's Home pretty well, has most of her life in Waxahachie. Reach out there. They could take the children. People want to be, oh, you're trying to push religion, this and that. I am a trauma survivor. I was essayed as a child. I went through it. The system failed me, you know, and they're safer with the faith organizations than they are with our government, period. I don't care if you're an atheist. And, you know, your child is going to be safer with the church organizations than they will CPS. Well, you need to have them in people with people you know. I mean, why would you trust your children with anyone at this point in time? You don't know them. This is stranger danger for moms and dads. Stranger danger. If you don't know these people, if you really don't know who they are, just because it's an organization... Why would you trust them? This is exactly where pedophiles, creeps, and child traffickers are going to go to pick up kids. Right, which is why it needs to be small. I think small and local churches need to be involved, not the big ones, not the ones with all the money. Because, honey, if you had all that money to begin with, why haven't you helped with the last five disasters that we've had? Why didn't you open your doors in the other hurricanes? Because you're part of the problems. bought and paid for, you know? There was a story about a young child that their parents are missing, which is, you know, there's a lot of them. And someone had took on this child that they didn't even know. And it's like, I get the need right now, but But we cannot just be putting them anywhere because that is how we are in this section, especially with the Department of Child Services. That is how these things happen. And you're creating trauma on top of trauma. And right now, we really need to focus into restoring and uniting the United States and shedding all of the corruption from our government. Because at this point, I don't trust any government agency. I don't know anybody that does because of the corruption. And that is sad to say. It's a very sad case. But that is the reality of the situation. And unless the people unite together and stop tearing each other down, then this place is a dumpster fire right now. Everything about the United States is a dumpster fire. And the future that I see for the United States... It's just not good. And the people that are trying to make change and trying to speak out, those are the people that are attacked. And it really weighs on my soul. I've never been a victim of cyberbullying, never. And if it was just me that the situation was in, I could handle that. It's the internet. But it's not just me. It's everybody being attacked. And we have to come to a place where even if we don't agree, that we understand the future if we don't change it. Because we don't have a future if we don't change it. Our children and grandchildren will not have the liberties that we had to be happy, functioning children. So then you are creating adults with mental illness. and drug addictions, and you're not creating productive society members, and then you're programming them to believe in ideology. It's just, we have, I mean, it's so concerning to me right now. We have to press on the people to unite and see things for what they are. Or this shit is going to keep happening. I one hundred percent believe that that Hurricane Helene was weather manipulation. And I believe that it was done so that they could get the lithium that are under those mountains and not just the lithium, the gold and cobalt. Because if you don't know yet, Our second gentleman is a stakeholder in the company that has been trying to force itself, Piedmont, into mining this lithium. So when you have situations that have links like that, you should be suspect. That is a conflict of interest for our government. Hey, Chris, how you doing? Great, great. How you doing? Doing good. Didn't know if you could hear us or not. Chris is down in Florida. And he's got a nickname, so we call him Chris. So, Frank. And he's down in Florida right now. And how's the hurricane situation down there right now? It's slow. It's developing. It's getting bigger. And people are moving out as fast as they can. But, you know, it could change. Change direction. You never know. Where's it looking like it's heading now? And is it strange that we've got two of them right basically on the same path? Yeah, all of this is very, very strange and probably non-coincidental. because they've been cloud seeding. Our government's been working over Africa and other countries for a long time, especially India. But I got to say, the CPS thing she was talking about, I'd like to take those people right away out with the tracking system. People that want to step up and have kids instead of going through the government scam interview. We have some people that are dying to be parents and are probably more qualified than the people that our CPS sends them to. I mean, then our government gets them through the CPS. So I think we need an immediate rescue plan for these kids. Get these kids out. Have anybody that's listening that knows somebody that wants a child, have them step up. And maybe we need to get some authority, real authority, not the CPS, not our government. Our government, I'm telling you, every single agency is against us. This is not a government that's trying to help out or an administration that's trying to help our children. That's for sure. They're trying to hurt our children. They're sending them into places that me as a... ex-government warfare person would not enter. So all I got to say is we need someone that has that direct government tie to stand up and separate themselves, grow a little ball, separate themselves from the CPS. We need some whistleblowers. We need to connect, make a group that way. and maybe set up our own agency separate from the CPS and people like Hillary Clinton and these other assholes, they need to go to jail because they're the ones that are protecting the CPS. They're the ones that are sending out the hits to the politicians that stood up and made the CPS, exposed the CPS for what they were about three years ago, there was a congresswoman that she got hit, her and her husband both, in their home. And the daughter is sort of doesn't really know what happened. They spun the story that He shot her and then he shot himself. That's all bullshit. Just like the guy that hung himself and shot himself in the chest. You know, the suicide. That's all bullshit. Yeah, they're outlying. They take people out like crazy. I mean, I believe that Andrew Breitbart was taken out. I don't believe he had a heart attack at all. It was too suspicious, right, especially after he mentioned John Fodesta and human trafficking and such. Listen to this. We're going to go back to cloud seeding. We're here with Kristen Megan. She's a military veteran, right? Yes, I was in the U.S. Air Force for nine years. Wow. And you came out and blew the whistle on geoengineering, things that you witnessed were going on. Can you give us the real nutshell? Absolutely. Basically, I have heard of what many people know as the term chemtrails. And I worked in a job called bio environmental engineering. And I figured, I thought that was insane. And why would we do something like that? Modify the weather by using hazardous materials in our atmosphere. So, and actually the process of trying to debunk it or disprove it, I realized it was actually coming right out of my office as I was one of the people that was approving the chemicals. And it really shook the core of my oath. Sampling obligation and I blew the whistle and I got out and I've now used my credentials, my oath and my powers for good to help people understand it's very real. It's now openly admitted. There are multiple forms of weather modification. I specifically found the one of stratosphere aerosol injection and collectively around the globe. We have to understand that is now being admitted because they're saying it's combating climate change. While the climate change we need to be worried about is manmade climate engineering, also known as geoengineering. And when you say you have chemicals being pumped into the air, what kind of chemicals are they putting out that's rained down on humanity, basically? Nanoparticulate metals, like you have different sulfates and barium and stromium. I know it's probably changed over time. I know they use silver iodide for certain things. But these are the odd part of it was the quantities that I saw them coming in, the form that they were coming in. And it's the same type of materials that I was trying to engineer out of the workplace to substitute with safer materials. And when you notice that the what's called a safety data sheet, information about a chemical of what personal protective equipment to wear. How do you dispose of it? How do you pack it to ship it? When key information is missing, I ask questions, and my questions led to demonization, and I knew I found something I shouldn't have. Interesting, isn't it? Wow. It goes right under her nose. Yeah. How many people are participating in this and they don't even know that they're participating in this, you know, just, just watching these hurricanes and where the path is going should be, should make everybody ask a few questions because we don't really know what's, we don't really know what's going on. But I remember back in, I got to think what it was. It was eleven eleven where there was a, an earthquake in Alaska and they found that the origin was across the, the, uh, planet in the Indian Ocean. So that earthquake quite likely was created. Well, if you look at some of the weather people, there's a bunch of them on TikTok where they actually map it. They use the systems that the weathermen... You can see the... It's almost like it was some kind of vibration or something pushing this storm. But we're seeing these on the models. You can see the abnormalities of them on the actual models. I wish I had that picture to show you guys, but it was actually towards the bottom of Georgia where the storm was, and it was almost rotating on the edge of the storm. And to me, it looked like the storm was being pushed by some kind of frequency. And I don't think that these storms are... our God or our weather at all. I am one hundred percent convinced that this is modification of our weather and this is a direct assault on the American people. Agreed, and I'm putting the link to, I believe, the image that you were talking about, it came out yesterday in multiple places where. Can you put it in private chat? Yeah, so that's a link to some of the anomalies that they were seeing. It looks like. You were talking about magnetic magnetic frequencies, this and that, but that was that came out yesterday. So if you want to put it up, there's just something's not right. Of course, we've been saying something's not right for awhile and people like myself that have been in Christina who have worked these disasters all year and you know in the panhandle we were all we were trying to warn officials and. people about this during the panhandle fires from what we were seeing and oh you're crazy you need mental help and this and that and no that was a direct energy weapon they're taking the land yeah and and we've been pushing back that's one thing we called on the other day was uh pushing back on the land grab because the people see it you know I spoke to somebody at the Cherokee Nation, the Eastern Cherokee tribe. They are furious. I put an email out to them last night to contact them and let them know you have tens of thousands of fair complected Scots Irish with our little bit of Cherokee blood and we want to help. So I'm going to see how we could partner up. All of us. to work with Cherokee Nation because they see it too. I mean, they've been screaming about this over a hundred years. And those mountains are sacred. Those mountains are indigenous. You know, I don't think a lot of people know that, you know, the white people that everybody's laughing about got targeted. They want to say all this sundown stuff. No, they were Irish. They're Scottish. The Irish and the Cherokee have been friends. They have suffered together. When the Cherokee were walking down the Trail of Tears and the Irish were being unalived and needed help, they helped them during their own suffering. You don't do that for populations of people that you don't care about. You know what I mean? And so, you know... The left has driven everybody into this, oh, white people are bad, sundown cities, and they're just a bunch of hillbillies. This was an act of genocide on descendants of both the Irish and the Cherokee. This was not, you know, some, you're taking out the racists. No. Oh, yeah, you got to tell her about that. So, Miss Donna, what she's referring to, and for the audience, she said unalive instead of killed, because on TikTok, you cannot use the word killed. It's a censorship thing. That is why she said unalived. But what, I lost my train of thought. Squirrel. Squirrel. Irish and the Scottish and the Cherokees. Um, and what, what, um, you know, it's like we, we think about world war two and the Holocaust and most people's mind goes right to the Jews, but there were just an incredible, there were like six million Christians and, and, uh, gypsies that were killed at the same time and populations we don't even know. Look at what happened with the Bolshevik revolution and how many, how many farmers were killed. They go after the land and, I allege that when they want to go and and unalive people, when you look at the Transcontinental Railroad, that was not about that was not about what they told us at all. There's like a thirty foot swath that goes through millions of acres. And then they exterminated the American bison in order to starve out the people. And now look, if you go out there right now, how much land has our government taken over where you can't fly drones, you can't do anything. We have no idea what they're doing out there in the millions and millions of acres. Michigan, the DNR, the DNR has claimed four point six million acres in Michigan and they hold all the mineral rights and the logging rights. And I saw them clear cutting up north. They clear cut the land. It's a disaster up there. It's all about our natural resources and stealing it from the people. It's, it's the craziest thing. To me, if the people, come on, Duchess, come on, girl. If the people really, the dog is great. Yeah. She's, we rescue aggressive, aggressive pit bulls that have been through trauma and she's, Her buddy got put down last week. He was a fifteen year old staffie. And she is just really she's become super protective and super attached to me right now. So I know what she's going through. But the people don't realize the truth. And when you try to tell them the truth, they will kill you. I mean, they will kill you. The government will not. It's like they look at it as like collateral damage. That's what you are. You're collateral damage to their plan. I attended a conference in Chattanooga, Tennessee this week. I can't remember the name of the people that put it on. Something Tennessee for Liberty, I think it was. And I met a lady by the name of Chrisanne Hall. Oh, I love Chrisanne. She's amazing. Yeah, I got her book. And then Mark Anthony was there as well. It was just, it was a great event. And then the gentleman, one of the... one of the embalmers and the doctor, the pathologist that originally spoke out on the COVID. He was there as well. Richard Hirschman? That's exactly who it was. Yeah, because he's been on BNN before. I've interviewed him. Oh, has he? Yeah. Oh, he's amazing. I had a great time. It was great. But I, you know, I'm always been aware of the amount of corruption that the government will go through. But the I mean, this stuff is a direct assault on American people. COVID, you guys think that that was just oh, it just came and then, you know, just just happened. No, a lot of these, this is bio warfare on the American people because with this whole one world government BS, they need the United States, okay? Their agenda, they need us. So we are propagandized. And if you lack the ability to critically think, They've already got you. And if you're a voice, they'll just kill you. It's like, they'll just do this off you. They can try, but that's what I say. The thing of it is, is that we just have to keep talking and there's no fear here. You know, that you're not a spirit of fear. The more of us that speak out and taught truth. the more out of control they are. They can't stop this anymore. Nobody can stop and nothing can stop what's coming. It's just the way it is. It's that we have an educated population that's becoming more educated into what they've done and the crimes they've committed. They have committed crimes, sedition, treason, crimes against humanity. Pick one. They're guilty of every day. Crimes of aggression. What's that? Crimes of aggression. You know, I was looking last night. Yeah. You know, I was looking. OK, well, we know our government shut down. There's nothing we can do this next month. Is there anything else we could do? So I started looking at international law and all of this falls down into. crimes of aggression. I mean, frankly, they would be war crimes, but because we haven't had a declared war here in the U.S., then it falls into the war crimes can also be considered to be crimes of aggression if you don't have the war element. Now, I mean, I have a list of people at this point after watching all this that I would say, how do we file charges of crimes of aggression? But to do that, you have to contact the ICC, the International Courts, which is tied to the UN and the WHO and all that. I mean, we don't even really have that outlet without it benefiting potentially another enemy country. Well, right now, the enemy is everywhere, okay? Everywhere. You're dealing with Iran, Lebanon, Israel, all of that stuff. This is not by chance. This is designed. They have been doing this and preparing for this for years. You look at our colleges and the way that they have been programming, the liberal colleges, they've been programming our youth from very small ages. So we don't have one problem. We have hundreds of problems in every sector of our government. And the right and the left and this division thing, there is no different. There's corruption on both sides. And until the American people come to some understanding that it will take us No one can change this but the American people. And until we realize and make a conscious choice to come together, then we will lose this country. It will slip through the fingers of, it will slip through our fingers and it's already happening. You know, you sit on your couch in your comfortable home and you put your kids to bed and you make dinner and you do these motions over and over every day and you're okay with your life until it affects you directly okay and a lot of people yeah they may be paying a little bit more money at the grocery store or at the pump but you see the people now in north carolina florida georgia and tennessee they are being directly affected and that can happen to you and your neighbor and the state over so until the american people realize that it is the American people that own this shit and we come together as one. You might as well write this shit off because it's already gone. There you go. I'm going to show you. I found a gray bearded fedora. Eric posted this. I'm going to play this a minute. There's one simple turmeric hack that anyone can use to shed pounds on demand. Outshining even Ozempic for weight loss. He out fat. There you go. Didn't know that, so there you go. Was Hurricane Helene's path behavior just the result of natural processes and climate patterns, or was it manipulated? The circular blue flashes seen in this video are frequency transmissions from the NEXRAD network of transmitter installations. All available science evidence makes clear that atmospheric frequency transmissions can and do have a repelling effect on air masses, especially if and when the air masses have been seeded with electrically conductive nanoparticles. The brighter the blue flash from a frequency transmission installation, the more pronounced and powerful the repelling effect on any air mass or storm in the vicinity will be. Where there are no blue flashes, there is no transmission, thus no repelling effect, thus no resistance for a migrating storm. Translation, a migrating storm will be hindered from moving toward frequency transmissions and will easily migrate in a direction with no transmissions. So again, I ask, was Hurricane Helene's path and behavior just an act of nature, or was it engineered? You decide. Well, it was absolutely engineered. the reason I say this is because I live in cincinnati okay and There you go. Sorry about that. So I live in Cincinnati, okay? And in Cincinnati, like, it's amazing. Like, my house legit sits on where the jet stream comes out of Indianapolis, it dips down, and then it shoots up to the northeast, right? So I see some very impressive storms. Well... We don't have storms that come from the east, not a lot. Most of our storms come from the west, and they keep that same pattern with the jet stream. So this storm is... It is so the likelihood of a storm coming from the east spinning on the top of Cincinnati for seven hours is the percentage is very minimal. And it reminds me. of a storm that happened in two thousand and eight with Hurricane Ike that took out two point one billion people's electricity. We were without electricity for almost seven days. Now, that storm came from the West, like most of them do. So if you just take this down and just break it down on a basic common sense of what you you know, on a basic common sense level of how the weather operates, It's easily, you can easily come to the conclusion that this is weather manipulation. It is murder is what it is. It's murder by the United States government. Now, I don't know where this goes and how far up the top it goes, but I am awfully suspicious that it goes pretty far because the lithium that is under those mountains, the Appalachian Mountains, has always been a poorer community so there who's gonna stand up what billionaire or what series of people are gonna stand up and say hey you know you up all my you're not gonna do that nobody because these people don't have the money or the resources or the voice or the platform to stand up and say this isn't right everyone knows it's not right If you look at this storm and you think that this was actual like a weather event, then I would advise you to do some research. And I hate saying that to people because it sounds so condescending, but it's clear. We see it. These people that are telling you and you're calling them conspiracy theorists, those are the educated people that you need to look to because they step on anybody with the truth. at this point. They try to silence you. Phone a friend should be a conspiracy theorist at this point in time because they break the mold for being to be controlled and they literally will question anything. Let me see if I get this to play. Okay, this is North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper. I've seen this. The specter of EV battery companies and chip makers and EV manufacturers coming to the triad, that's putting all the pieces of the puzzle together. for economic success for North Carolina and particularly around the triad. We're going to see this transformation occur. We might as well get the economic benefit from it. In North Carolina, we have pushed through a bipartisan clean energy bill that requires a significant reduction in carbon emissions from our power sector. Remember the faces of those traitors right there. They're traitors. I think if the people had complied and allowed Piedmont to mine those resources, then what is happening now probably would not have happened. I'm sorry, I disagree on that because Spruce Pine has the only quartz deposit in, from what I understand, the world. To manufacture the AI chips. Oh, because that's a special type, of course. You're absolutely right. And chimney rock. I mean, there's all sorts of information out there on chimney rock and gold in those mountains. Yeah, this was a direct assault on the American people. This is murder. For our natural resources. Hey, Frank, you out there? I can see you. I can bring you back in a minute, but I can't see you. See you, see you, but I know you're there. So yeah, this is too bad. Well, one thing that came out of this that I think is really positive, quite honestly, is to see how many people actually care and stepped up to do something when they saw human suffering and tragedy. It's really been pretty inspiring and really shows the difference between what the government is incapable of doing, but what we the people can do. And you know what? I heard somebody say that when the tax bill comes around, maybe we should just give the government like seven hundred fifty dollars, which is what they're giving the the victims down there. I thought that was a kind of an interesting twist on it and can't say they're wrong. You know, if they're just going to continue to steal and money launder, why are we funding these people? People are being denied. They're being denied that seven hundred fifty dollars. It's all over TikTok right now. FEMA is denying them. One point that while it's still fresh on my mind here that I don't know how we can address this, but you know, trying to look at the other end, the recovery end, and looking at what we can do now. All those trees that are down, has anybody, I mean, who do we need to contact to demand that the government does not come in and collect those trees? Why are we not giving the tools to the survivors to use those to build log cabins? Yeah, to rebuild. So I don't know what we have to do or who has to be contacted on that, but I think we should get a grassroots effort on that as well, demanding, you know, that those fallen trees be preserved for rebuilding. I mean, that's cost effective. You know, you're not going to have to haul in more materials. We're not going to have to deal with the lumber costs. I mean, those trees need to stay there in those mountains for the people to rebuild their homes. They'll sell them and profit off of them. That's what they'll do. They'll sell them back their resources and they will profit off of it. Right. But how can we do something now to stop that? I mean, we know what they're going to do. What actions are we going to take to prevent it? That's a good question. Good point. Good point. Yeah, none of this stuff should just be thrown away necessarily. But I've been in an area where a derecho hit in Iowa and such, and it was devastating. There were thousands of homes there that were absolutely destroyed. And the tarp stayed on them for well over a year. You could still go through there and see tarps because there were no supplies to put them back together. And the amount of of trees and brush and that sort of thing. Mostly they, mostly they chip it all just to get it out of the way because, because the amount of the amount of devastation is so great that, that an average person has no ability to clean up that much destruction. So you need heavy equipment and, and a, operators and that sort of thing I mean it is it is a very large very large operation but to your point even if they're doing that it the the benefit of anything that can be salvaged and or um you know move for why wouldn't they just chip it and roll it into say like like a fuel source if there's not too much dirt on the logs and such that's another thing they have to contend with though is that a lot of these trees that are down are going to be, it's not going to be like cutting them out in the middle of the forest somewhere and picking it up and putting it on a truck. They're going to be waterlogged. We're going to have a lot of dirt in them and such. So this is a complicated thing to arrange. But to your point, it really needs to go back to local companies instead of, some of these big contractors that seem to always get the national contract. Because what ends up happening is they give it to one of these large contractors and they sub it out. So there's just another layer to take money off of. That's really what's going on here. It's not just money, though. When you sub through different contractors down the line, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, you lose your... your authority. So this contractor right here at the beginning doesn't know what a subcontractor for people down the line is because I've done that work. So you've got a general contractor and then another company gets involved, they sub it to someone else and then that subperson subs it to somebody else. It happens all the time. You lose the ability to keep track of what is actually happening. But our government has their gritty little freaking hands in everybody's pocket. And until the American people stand up and come together and unite and realize we are the ones that have to change this, it is our responsibility through the Constitution of the United States to when our government becomes tyrannical to do something about that. So I don't understand why so many Americans are just sitting on the sidelines. They're not voting and all they're doing is bitching and complaining. That gets us nowhere. There are people out here trying to make change in this world and we are being attacked. It's mind boggling to me that the good ones that want to do good are shut down. It's just I don't have all the answers, Ms. Sona, by any means, but I will stand up for the American people. And that is something that I pride myself on doing. So if you are effing with the American people, then you are essentially effing with me. And I am a force to be reckoned with when it becomes things that I care about. And I care about the American people and I care about the United States of America because I want generations from now to have peace, the peace that we do not have right now. And just sit there comfortably on your couch and bitch and complain because that's what you can contribute to. I really like your call, the strategy of calling, Melissa. That's a great idea. Do something, do anything. But the point being is that we've got to stay away from the things that are just the shiny things that are meant to distract. and actually jump in and help people. Wonderful, wonderful stories are going to come out of this of people's heroism, of jumping in and helping those that are really in need. And this is going to be like any situation we've ever had through history. You can see it in World War II. You can see it when people have stepped up when there's been tyrannical governments before, where the people will do incredible acts of bravery and kindness, heroism. It's amazing. And we can choose this day. We can choose this day to do that type of a contribution and then look at those that are in government and say, you know what, there's going to come a day of reckoning for your theft, for your murder, for all of these things that you've done against the people, the crimes that have been committed against humanity and such. There's going to come a day because there are some people who are unwavering who will stand not only in your way, but hold those that have done these crimes accountable. And I think every single last person, they think they're going to get away with this. They made the tools to spy on us. And guess what? Real smart people have probably used them to catch them. And when President Trump, the rightful president of the United States, said, I caught them, I caught them all. I don't think he's kidding. I think he actually knows because of some really smart people that use the tools for destruction and turned it around for our good. I really do believe that. But we're going to go through some bumpy times, and we've been warning about that for quite a while. Some of this, unfortunately, we're not waking up quick enough to handle these problems. And the more people we wake up, the more people that we show this nonsense to, Get them thinking instead of just reacting and hoping that somebody comes to pull them out of trouble. The quicker we are done with this and we can move on. So I just sent a link for one of the first songs for this catastrophe dropped. I found it yesterday. I just sent you a link for that, Donna. I'd suggest playing that one. Is it Eric Church that did it? Who was it? I'm not sure. It's a beautiful song. Let's see if we have any... Let's see. Hang on a minute. Let me get the sound on. Ta-da. There's bodies down on the market street. But we didn't know why I said we made a telly. And the good folks found us in the mountain park. Very nice. Yeah, it's a beautiful song. Isn't it Eric Church, Melissa? Is that who wrote it? I'm not sure who it is. I'd like to find the original. It's not just the royalties or whatever that that artist is donating to the victims of North Carolina. It's every single profit that comes from that song. will go to those victims that's awesome well guys I think that this is uh I think we're gonna come to the end of the show here because um I'm I've got like a million projects to do this week so so I need to need to attend to some of those things so But I am so thankful for you ladies and all the work you do. I mean, I'm so proud to stand with you and, you know, with people that actually do something and not just talk about doing something, but actually will jump into the fight and help the people that are in need. I'm so grateful to know both of you. Do you have any last words today? And I tell you what, let's say a prayer and then I'll give you last words. How's that? Good enough? Dear Heavenly Father, thank you so very much for walking us through these times and these trials and things that are going on around us that we don't understand why they're happening always. But we know that you are with us in times that we can see these huge evils that are happening around us. And you know what? We trust you. We trust you on the path that you put ahead of us. And we ask that you would give us a feet to walk this path. Help us to know exactly what to do how to be helpful, keep our hearts soft, help us to be, um, help us not to get bitter over this is what I guess I'm trying to say. Help us to be able to keep our eyes on you, see the world the way that you see it and do the right thing. No matter what anybody does around us, help us to follow you doing the right thing. And, uh, and honestly working for your kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. That's what we really need to be doing. And to the criminals, I ask that you would expose them, that you would bring everything to the surface, that everything would be seen and out in the light, and that they would be held accountable for what they've done, the unspeakable crimes that have been committed against innocent people. And we know that you will defend your children and the innocent people that they intend to hurt because... You are a good father and we trust you. You've been a wonderful friend to us. And I ask your favor on Melissa, Christina, Chris, and Vicki this day, everybody that spent their time to come on the show and help educate others on what they know, as well as all the people that are listening to the show. I ask that you would bring healing to their hearts, their families, their bodies, and that your favor would be upon them and this entire nation. Thank you so much for everything you've done. We love you. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Amen. All right, last words, girlfriends. Okay, so just, you know, there are people that can't help financially or physically with these type of disasters. So pray. If that's all you can do, pray. Without ceasing. yes because you don't understand the impact of prayer especially when you have a large community of people praying that positivity it brings light to other people so if that is all you can do then do that but do something I would say god save us and In addition to prayer, fasting, we have thousands of people in those mountains that are still alive that haven't eaten in a week. We can fast to deprive ourselves and draw ourselves closer to God in this situation rather than gorging ourselves with what's in front of us that many don't have right now. Amen. Amen. Being thankful, you know, I mean, just even being thankful for the circumstances we have and understanding that out of really horrible times, there's always something that God will work around and bring it to good, even in loss. You know, we lost pretty much everything down there with the hurricane in our little place that was down there. And, you know, there's a lot of loss going on. There's a lot of people that have been experiencing losing people that they love and such. Well, you know, It's a horrible thing when we lose things and we feel sad. And that's a beautiful testimony to the fact that we cared. It would be much worse if we acted like those people in government that hurt others without a conscience. And so if you actually feel and you feel that sadness, give yourself a pat on the back because you're still human where so many are not. And that's something to celebrate this day, even though it hurts. We can we can celebrate those things and know that God put something in you. that is really, really good and that he's walking with you through this. So feel joy and happiness on this and look for things to do that you can change. If God wanted to turn this around, he could just go boom and it would be done. But for whatever reason, he is allowing these things to happen. And so we just need to be willing to trust him and follow him. And I think it's going to be okay. Death is assured for all of us. And we have to be okay with those things because this is temporary. There's nothing here that's going to be standing forever. And so when we go to God, he is eternal and he cares about you so very much, even when things change or we see tragedies. It's going to be okay. Just keep your eyes on him. Keep walking. Keep following him and keep going and refuse to capitulate or give in. And if you don't have an example, be one. So with that said, God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day because you know what? It's our choice, even in tough times. Even in crisis, we can be the stability here when we lean on God and let us carry it forward. So we'll see you all tomorrow. Thanks for being on today and have a wonderful day. Stay on the line, guys. I'm just going to end the broadcast a minute.