BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/19/2024 Stan Lewzewski, Chris Deal & J6ers Jalise/Brandon Fellows

Published Aug. 19, 2024, 9:03 a.m.

9am Stanley Leszewski, President, American Substance Abuse Foundation @SubstanceL7672 Helping America become "Clean and Sober" one day at a time in which will contribute to the growth and prosperity of our great Nation. Non-Governmental & Nonprofit Organization located in Jersey City, NJ. 10am Chris Deal - Chris is not only a trusted friend, but has a long history of military service to America both in Vietnam as a Marine and in several security positions that he held domestically. We will be talking about the current state of America as it relates to the world stage and what the implications are to Everyday Americans. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton - will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. J6er - Brandon Fellows will be talking about his experience as a J6er. Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it is the 19th day of August 2024 and welcome to our show today. So today we have on the first segment is Stanley Lazuski and he's been on before and I just love this guy. He is the founder of American Substance Abuse. And he has helped so many people. It's amazing. And I just love talking to him because he actually really cares about people. And it comes across very clearly. Second hour is Chris Diehl, who is a security person, a Marine, and has a very interesting take on what's actually happening and the interactions with the deep state. Third hour is Jaleese Middleton. And she has a gentleman on named Brandon Fellows. And he's going to be talking about his experience as a J6er. So These stories are amazing. And I think that we can all see that God is truly working through everyone right now that is willing to step up for the cause and such. But I want to start out this morning first off with and welcome Stanley. Hey, Stanley, how you doing? Good morning, Donna. Great to be on again. Yeah, it's nice to hear. Before we were on, his cat was going crazy. And I'm waiting to see Kitty there some point in time. We all love our pets. Yes, very much. So everything going pretty well. It looks like you've been pretty active in the substance abuse area, really helping people. And then also is what's going on with Jeff Bongiorno, because this is such a crazy time. When I see what's going on down there in Palm Beach County, it's like, you've got to be kidding me. It looks to me like I've been calling Wendy, weak Wendy, And, uh, cause I can't even imagine somebody that's that weak that she has to kick out or remove an opponent, you know, somebody who's running against her. She can't even win honestly, or have a fair fight. They've got to remove anyone that could possibly run against them because the American population, all these people suck. Without question. Um, that day, uh, Jeff and I, we arrived, it was my first time visiting the facility. And just the atmosphere and the whole experience, you know, walking in, seeing how it was structured and the security procedure, the process to get in, just to be led to another room with a podium that no one's standing in front of and to sit down and look at monitors while Wendy and the other people that work with her sit behind a wall. And, you know, the people around me, you know, I'm friends with, you know, through politics down here in Palm Beach. And Woman Candace sitting to my side, I'm asking her questions, talking to her, and I'm expressing how I feel. I'm absorbing it. I'm immersing myself in the experience. And I'm saying to myself, wow, if I was someone else from one of the constituents from the area to walk in and to experience going in there, not knowing anything and having questions to ask, and you have to fill out a form. I felt like I was in a city council meeting. And it was all structured. to limit transparency and information. So you basically get what they choose to show you and you have to fill out a form and, you know, it's selective. And, you know, it's supposed to be, you know, for the people, by the people and someone working there who's, you know, who has integrity and honesty. And it seemed opposite. The whole overall experience was different. I mean, negatively, you know, it felt like they had something to hide there. I mean, for people to come in and not be able to ask whatever questions they want to come in whenever they want. You know, it's it doesn't it doesn't feel public. It feels private. And for them to sit back and it was they were on a defense. You know, you sit there, you say something, you get out of line and corrected you and they threatened you. You know, one more time, we're going to have the sheriff's office to remove you. And all people were doing was looking at ballots, looking at signatures up on the screen that they were showing. And, you know, either good or bad. And, you know, they were stressed out and they were reacting, you know, defensively in that sense. So it's like you can't question them in any way, shape or form, or they start screaming some sort of platitudes to shut you down. And this has gotten to be, you know, you can tell right now that they're panicked. If they were actually in control of the situation, they wouldn't be so absolutely hostile because what they're afraid of is an awake population. People like you and myself who step up and call them out on things because they're part of a global crime syndicate and they're complicit. I agree with you. You know, there's something to hide there. I mean, you know, I'm all for what Jeff and millions of other people for one day voting paper ballots. You know, get rid of everything else. It's a waste of time and money. You know, I don't care how thick those concrete walls are, how bulletproof the glass is. You know, you're dealing with electronic voting machines. And as you can see, you know, all over social media, I follow, you know, I try to follow so much, it's overwhelming. But every system, NASA, the Department of Defense, everyone's been hacked. You know, it's not guaranteed. It's not 100%. And as you can see, as it's been demonstrated with the Dominion voting machines, You know, it's all a facade. You know, it's all smoke and mirrors. It's a big show. You know, it's a fraudulent operation, and they know what they're doing, and, you know, there's crimes being committed. And to go there and to see what they're running, I felt like I was in a Wizard of Oz movie. You know, you hear voices from the ceiling, and I see a podium, and there's no one there except the sheriff's officer standing next to it. And I know the man's doing his job, but nothing about it. But it's, you know, we were sitting there, they were putting these ballots up on the screens, and, you know, it's either pass or, you know, slide it to the side, you know, let's look back at it again. And I remember I was speaking to Candace on the side of me, you know, asking her questions, and Wendy Link, out of nowhere, you know, she's like, I thought I had told the sheriff officer to have that man removed, and I thought she was inferring to me. But she said, no, the man in the green shirt, and that was Jeffrey Bongiorno. And Jeff is sitting there for absolutely no reason. She had him removed. He did nothing wrong and said nothing wrong. And you know what? Even if he did say something, who cares? You know, what's freedom of speech? You know, it's we're sitting there looking at ballots. You know, this isn't a courtroom. This is a federal court. And they don't have the right to remove. Let me. And if you really look at it for what it is, you know. That sheriff officer, like I said in the video, like, you know, what about our constitutional rights, you know? And we were being removed. You know, we were being thrown out. And I said to Wendy, if he goes, I go, we all go. You know, she shouldn't have thrown him out, and she shouldn't hide behind him and be so defensive unless she has something to hide. I mean, there's people down there. They watch, and, you know, there's truckloads of ballots coming in. And, you know, who's to say that the handful of ballots that she slid, you know, on the screen that day You know, it wasn't all there for show and tell. You know, we really don't know what's going on around the clock in that facility. Absolutely. Let me play this video so everybody can see them removing Jeff. He didn't disrupt anybody. I don't understand. This doesn't have anything to do with him running for supervisor election, does it? You don't know who that is. Well, if you're throwing them out, I guess I have to go, too. Right? Throw us all out. We didn't do anything wrong. The sheriff is standing here. He knows. He knows our constitutional rights. I'm sure he's going to enforce our constitutional rights. What? What did he do? They're asking him to leave. But why? Did you see him do anything wrong? Disrupt him? So they're your boss? Yes, sir. You have a constitution. You have the right to stand up for our constitutional rights. Yeah, they're trying to hide it. You did really, really well there speaking up for him, too. I just want to say that that was pretty inspiring. You know, I try to keep principles before personalities in situations like that, you know. But as I said out loud, you know, that sheriff's officer was under command. So somebody told him. to follow instructions that Wendy Wink Gibson. He's just a coward that he was acting like a coward. He's just taking offers. You know, he's under orders, strict orders. Like she said, goes, goes. And you know what? She's not the sheriff of Palm beach. Right. She's the ballot wizard, you know, I want to play this from this one, from a different angle here. This gentleman in the green. Not for you to say, coward. What a coward. Looks like a dirty cop to me. Well, we don't know these things, but, you know, for... It's an embarrassment on behalf of Wendy link. You know, it's a complete embarrassment to Palm beach itself. You know, something like that should have never happened with the people sitting there, you know, trying to have a clean, fair, transparent election and people really care with dignity. and and good morals and virtues you know we're sitting here we want the right thing to happen we want a fair election but this is what you get in return well I mean you know we say we and it's your point that we don't know if they're if it's a dirty cop or not but all I got to do is look at this thing and you know common sense I mean all of us are talked to by you know we have common sense and also some of us have you know you walk in a situation and you say that it didn't feel right. The Holy Spirit's talking to you the whole time and he's showing you everything you need to know. But that dude standing up, removing somebody who didn't do anything wrong and was sitting there to remove the opponent of the person in charge of the meeting, you can come to the conclusions of the fact that he is complicit. He's a dirty cop. If he doesn't have enough fortitude to stand on his own on his own to defend the people of this nation who he's supposed to be protecting, then he's nothing more than an order taker and he's a dirty cop. He's part of the problem. And, you know, that's what it looks like to me. That is my opinion. Right. I plan on reaching out to the two sheriffs that are running now in Palm Beach, Gorga and Diaz. You know, I'd like their input. I'd like to have maybe have them on your show and see where they stand in supporting the constitutional rights of the people in Palm Beach and what their take would be on a situation. You know, where are they? How come they're not down there? You know, when this is going on and not being involved in it, I have anything to say. You know, we hear crickets right now. And I have a lot of people that reach out to me like, Stan, you know, get Diaz. I kind of like Diaz because he wears that sheriff hat all the time. And the other guy wears a suit. So for me, on a psychological profiling point, you know, one represents bureaucracy and money because he wears the suit. And the other one, I wonder if he leaves his hat every day and he can't leave his house every day without putting his hat on. You understand? You know, it's like a little kid wanting to grow up to be a cowboy. But, you know, he's a grown man. And Diaz, you know, I like what he has to say. But, you know, like they say, you really don't know someone until you get to know them for a period of time. I'd like to hear their input, and I'd really love them to come down there and speak up. They talk about representing the people, and we're constitutional sheriffs, and that's what we're going to do. But I only really hear one out of the two of them really voicing that, and we've yet to see them show up and be part of this problem. Because what happened down there with Jeff, it really bothered me, and I know it hurt Jeff a lot. It bothered him. But you know what? Jeff is a strong man, and Jeff is the man for supervisor of elections in Palm Beach. And I don't know anyone else who's dedicated all his time around the clock. Jeff could be on the beach, in the pool, hanging out, enjoying society. But you know what? He locks away in his office, and he focuses on saving his country. All his time and resources are focusing on fighting fraud in this country. And I don't know anyone else who is more suitable to have that job. So I got a message for Wendy Link. Wendy, Your time has come, and it is tick, tick, tick, just a matter of time. Jeff Bongiorno is going to be the supervisor of elections in Palm Beach. He's the man for the job. And the country could benefit by having a whole lot more Jeffs out there. I think so, too. So let's watch this chick. She looks like a cop with training wheels still on. And I hate to say it, but she does. And, I mean, you know, I couldn't help but watch her. And then I'm going to make a comment here because – I'm a little bit tougher on stupid women than I am stupid men, quite honestly. That's correct. That's correct. Can I speak to your supervisor? Okay, so you're violating my First Amendment, right? I have a right to be here. I got to leave. If I don't leave, what's going to happen? You'll be trespassed. I'll be what? Trespassed. Allison, what's your last name? I'm not required to give it. You're not required to give it. Is that with a hyphen? Is that like a married name? I'm not required to give it. They do that in Columbia, you know. Yeah. Okay. So if you continue to harass us. I'm harassing. I'm just asking questions. Okay. Well, it's not the time for asking questions right now. We've asked you to leave. So unless you have business here, like you're voting. Yeah. Isn't that business? If you are, you're welcome to vote. Can I do a public record question on you? Sure. Do you have a pen and paper? That's correct. Little Miss Tough Pants there. She's trying to be real tough. Hide behind a badge. I mean, the video speaks for itself. It goes back to what I said. They're on the defense, and it's a defensive strategy. And what they're doing is executing, you know, war enforcement as their henchmen, you know, the guardsmen. And what they're doing is wrong. You know, anybody should be able to walk in at any time and ask her any question they feel, you know. How was your day today, Wendy? Can you tell me more about how the process works down here and what you do? And it's not like that. You see what happens when someone walks in and they have questions to ask? You're face-to-face with sheriff's officers. But what kind of rights do you have? People pay by taxpayer money. And that's a little extreme, wouldn't you think? This is what a brown shirt looks like right there. And, you know, somebody that takes orders that doesn't even understand that she's supposed to be there defending the rights of, say, somebody who said their rights violated. She's just an order taker. And, you know, I don't know. I've got a lack of respect for somebody who hides behind a badge and does not uphold the law because they're taking orders from someone else who is not upholding the law. Right. You know, this isn't just in Florida. It's nationwide. And it comes down to local politics. And, you know, it's pretty much, you know, bring us the votes. We'll give you a job, a city job, a county job. And, you know, it's all about politics, who you know, power, money. And you know what? If you don't follow through on orders, chances are we're going to replace you. You know, you're not going to have a job. And that's what happens on a local level. You know, I've seen it in my town in Jersey City. You know, my friends and family, they work in law enforcement. They're involved with politics on a local level back there. And, you know, I speak about a story when I was about 16, 17 years old back in Jersey City. I was in my friend's family's club. It was a private social club. And across the street, there was a trucking company, a small trucking company. And a bunch of the older guys, you know, the heavy Italian guys, packed cigars in their mouth. Like, come on, you know, let's go across the street. We got a little work for you. You know, we need you to do something. And we walked into the warehouse, and at the loading dock, they had a few straight jobs backed up to the loading dock. And when we went inside around, there was all voting machines on the loading dock lined up. And these guys had a box that looked like a cigar box, two of them. And one was going down and cutting the seals off the voting machines. And I don't know what they did. I was young at the time, and, you know, I was more focused on, you know, partying, having a good time, hanging out in the club and all that. But they were joking around, like, before we went over. And even up until we went in, they're saying, we know it's going to be mayor of Jersey City for the next 40 years. And they're laughing. I'm listening. I'm like, these guys are out of their minds. But when I saw the voting machines and I saw them cutting the seals off and whatever they were doing in the machines and they put replacement seals back on, I never forgot that story. When did that happen? I'm 52 years old that happened back when I was young you know 16 17 years old around there and so so this has been you know and I think that we're on the same page on this that this has been going on for decades and decades that they've been cheating and rigging and selecting candidates and giving us the the illusion of choosing our candidates And I think the political parties are involved in it. It's one great big crime syndicate, which is in action. And it's a miracle of God that the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, got in. Right. 100%. I mean, you know, people don't like when I speak about, you know, my hometown in Jersey City. I live in Florida now, Palm Beach. And my focus and concern and my mission is to help Jeff get into office and to support Jeff and all the work that he's doing. But I have to bring up my story because it's kind of important, because if it's happening where I live, it's happening everywhere. These politicians have an agenda, and it's the Democrats. You know, in Jersey City, it's Democratic run, the majority is Democrat, and it's a sanctuary city. And from working with Jeff, the experience with Jeff, and that memory from when I was younger, with the voting machines in Jersey City, it all comes together, and I can actually see the truth to what's happening. They're replacing American citizens with illegals who are coming into the country. I've had people who work in social services in Jersey City reach out to me, and they want to keep it anonymous. We're like, Stan, you know, we work in social services, you know, welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and housing, and they're under strict orders to register and give assistance to anyone without citizenship or any kind of ID and to also register them to vote. So what they're doing is they're trying to hijack this from the local level because if you control it from the bottom, it ripples to the top. You understand what I'm saying to you? Hang on a second. So when you say social services, is it like social services, is it NGO or is it a? The city. The city. Welfare, social services. You know, you ain't got nowhere to go. I need food stamps. I'm homeless in the street. And these people reached out to me and the only advice I could give them, you know, Write up a letter, an email, make a video, and send it to the Attorney General's office in New Jersey. You know, I wrote up about it. I put it on social media. I sent a few emails out to them. I don't know if they're executing some kind of investigation or what. But, you know, I look at it like this. You know, if it's happening there, it's happening everywhere. And it happened the last time with Donald Trump. You know, there's no way Biden won that election. And I don't like to curse, but you know what? America is a big shit show now run by the circus organization. You know, the administration that's in there now is just a complete failure. Have you seen the posts on what's happening in Chicago this week? They've already delivered pallets of bricks in Chicago where the convention is being held. And I heard that there's a thousand cops that have refused to come into work. All I can say is Chicago, if Chicago doesn't end up having a serious amount of harm done to it by these communist infiltrators, it's going to be a miracle. Well, you know, there's something I say in life, you know, when I work with people in recovery and even out in the real world, outside of recovery, you're going to meet two kinds of people in life. You're going to meet The kind of people that are going to help you and become a good person, experience positive growth. And the rest of them are going to teach you how not to be and what not to do. And what's happening in politics right now, you see one side and you see the other side. And you know what? I want to be on the right side. And from the administration and what's happening in all these other cities, like Chicago, for instance, they're teaching you. how not to be and what not to do. And Florida has a lot to lose right now because if that ever happens to Florida, I have nowhere else to run and see palm trees. It's going to be gone. Our countries, the future of our country is at risk right now. And I honestly feel if this next election doesn't turn out right and Trump doesn't come in, there's going to be civil unrest and the worst is yet to come. You think it's bad now. This country wouldn't survive another four years. Well, and I think that the bad guys have a plan, but the good guys have a plan too. But the bad guy's plan is to create chaos and false flags. So I'm going to see if I can pull this up. I have a hard time because I have a hard time pulling up my Twitter posts, or I still call it Twitter. But let me see if I can pull this up here a minute because Tony Saruga puts out some really amazing – Let me see if I can do it because I'm not tied into Twitter on this computer. He is an intelligence analyst who claims there will be a terrorist attack on U.S. soil in 14 months. And some of the things that he's posted is they have, let me see if I can get it up here. I bet I can't. Oh, you know what? If I post that, I know where to pull it up. I'll pull it up from my Twitter page. Here we go. my uh telegram page I do try to post this on everything on telegram it's the easiest thing for me to to uh show when I'm online actually so if you go to my telegram at brandenburg number four m I you will in fact be able to see what I post so this is uh tony suruga We are at 61,001 foreign Antifa and over 27,012 domestic Antifa in the Chicago area. The device was present at three or more Antifa protests and riots. The average Antifa soldier comes from white, wealthy, globalist elite families based in Europe. and the United States, the top 1% of the 1% are from straight-up globalist families. So they have 154 of these devices were linked to 10 or more Antifa protest riots and also visited key card required FBI DOJ parking garages in D.C. in the past six months. Additionally, nine were also present at two or more Patriot Front marches, which should be really concerning. It sounds to me like Straight up, we've got the FBI involved in this and probably infiltrating both sides. So anyhow, my partners and I have been lifetime data scientists. We own the digital ID of every mobile device computer in the United States and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world. Our extensive experience in big, deep data includes geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement, U.S. government agencies like CIA and NSA, DOD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations. First thing I want to say about this is this is one way that the United States government is using private companies to spy on Americans. It's a loophole that they're using to get around it. Not real happy with what I'm seeing, but we are in a war, so you use every weapon available to you, I suppose. There are a number of videos documenting these ghost buses, as well as a number of mostly nondescript BOJ vans that dropped off ninja-wearing individuals that appear in other videos to have breached the Capitol cutting fence, removing barricades, opening doors and other nefarious behavior. Also tracked the infamous J6 pipe bomber from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where it made a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made. So my point here is that there is a lot of stuff going on right now. And I will make a guess, honestly, It's just a Donna Brandenburg, nobody doesn't know anything, kind of just looking at this and making a guess. That any disruption that you see in Chicago is going to be like what we saw at J6, which would be federal agents dressing up as MAGA as well as Antifa. Right, right. They're playing the roles. They're playing dress up. They're trans. They're trans FBI. They're trans intelligence officers. You know, they go back and forth between being a patriot or being Antifa or something else like that. So, you know, to cause confusion. I think there's enough good guys also infiltrating the bad guys. So what you see out there is is. Antifa theater and a lot of it's mega theater too. So you don't know who you're talking to. You can't, you can't make a decision just based on what they're saying or what they're wearing. You have to really pay attention and have situational awareness on that person and ask the Holy spirit to show you, to show you in the spiritual realm, what you're actually looking at. He'll, he will. I mean, he'll show you everything you need to know. I've never been to a MAGA rally where anybody who's MAGA has gotten out of line or done something bad. Not truly MAGA. You can pretty much differentiate who's the good guy and who's the bad guy, who's the good actor and the bad actor by their behavior at these places. Well, look at Ray Epps. Look at Ray Epps at J6. There's no there's no you'd have to be an idiot not to realize that he was a plant and not a good guy plant either necessarily. I mean, he was he was one that was basically directing people. So he wasn't he's involved. He wasn't just a guy that showed up there that day without a plan. Right. And so I think a lot of times when you go to these events, you'll see people who are actually parading as MAGA. There's political operatives on both sides. And so just because they have the garb on doesn't mean you're not looking at a wolf in sheep's clothing. Donna, I'm listening to your words come out of your mouth. And as you speak and what you're saying, what you're saying, I'm saying to myself, I can't believe I'm in America right now and this is happening. yeah yeah it's crazy you know when I was a little kid I never imagined growing up and experience life and society the way it is right now in america this is insane it's insanity and it's it's out of hand and um something needs to be done these these lunatics need to be removed from office at every level from local all the way up you know even you know in in the law department you know it's it's a mess what happened where did it all go wrong Well, I think it went wrong because we, the people who are supposed to be in charge, decided it was more important to play all the time instead of acting like real adults and taking care of business. And that's been going on for many, many years. I mean, it started, I'm older than you, you know, and it's like it started when we were kids. It started before we were kids. And the education system basically brainwashed everybody into the woke ideology through their cultural engineering. And so these people are truly evil and take advantage of really good people who have good hearts and mean well and just really want to have a good life with their families and their communities and such. But unfortunately, they've hijacked them through emotions and through the goodness of their heart, thinking that they're like us and they're not. They look like us, but they're not like us. They don't think like us. We're dealing with high functioning psychopaths. who will absolutely take advantage of people who are innocent and try to recruit them into doing stupid things as their minions. They're like, you ever see that show Despicable Me? They've got all the little yellow minions running around, and they're just following orders. That's like that cop, that cop that was on the video. That cop's nothing more than a minion. He just should put on a yellow suit to show his cowardice and the fact that he's a minion. I think that's what we should do. Dress them up in yellow suits so that we can see who the cowards are and show their cowardice. Forget the brown shirts. Let's dress them in yellow. Easier to spot. I had a friend. I was on the phone last night, and he was He was telling me a story about his brother. His brother's daughter was all Trump supporter, MAGA. And something happened where she got some kind of scholarship to go to college out of state. I don't remember exactly where. But after four years and coming back, she was far left. And he goes, I can't understand what happened, Stan. You know, she was all for Trump and everything. And here it is going through the fourth year. She comes back to visit. And she's a Democrat. She's far left views. And, you know, it's like a completely different person. She's my daughter. And I had to tell her, get out of my house. She was talking. And I said to her, I said, I said, doesn't it make sense? Like, you know, my life is dedicated to helping people in substance abuse. And some of these these radical ideologies out there impact the mind. And it hijacks the mind just like an addictive substance, like a drink or a drug. The first thing that happens when somebody puts an addictive substance in their body is it hijacks the mind and it controls them from that point on. It dictates their behavior and how they're going to live from that point on. And some of these institutions, these schools, colleges, that's what they're doing. They're grooming and indoctrinating the younger minds on their own belief systems and their political views. It's supposed to be biased and it's not. Well, look at how, okay, so I spent way too much time in college. I'll give you that. And I think that's why I'm so ornery about it. I told my kids, don't go. So there's no reason to go anymore. And my oldest one was graduated. I homeschooled and he tested out of high school at 10 years old. And then I wanted to get him into college because I thought that was the thing to do at the time, but I wasn't going to let him do it by himself. So I went back and I took classes with him. How much the education degraded from when I was in there, and it was bad then, okay, in looking at it in retrospect. What they set up is basically a prison camp for reeducation. And they tell all the kids, oh, you're smarter than your mom and dad. They just don't know. This is a new way to think about this. Your mom and dad are idiots. They go after the family, of course. And then the kids become way smarter than mom and dad. They end up having contempt. for their mother and their father as well as the family structure the things at home because they're just way too important for that now they know more than anybody now and I i think the biggest thing that I saw it was the increase in disrespect and total contempt for the staff, even the staff at college when I went back with my oldest son. He would say, he or she in all the classes would say, don't print while I'm talking. Within two seconds, bam, that printer would go off and nobody was listening to anything because they don't have to pay attention to the rules because that's exactly what the education system has taught them. You're better than this. You don't have to respect anybody. You're a special snowflake. You do whatever you want. And that has carried through our whole society where that part of society that nobody else matters, you know, you be you, be yourself, put it out there, you know, celebrate you every single day and forget about the people around you because you're just better than them and smarter because we told you you are. And so when I look at the the degradation that's happened in these, you know, that's the mindset, but it's almost perfectly set up for brainwashing of a cult. They, you know, kids go away from home. They're in, they're isolated from everything they had in their families, their, their culture, their values, everything they're isolated. And all of a sudden now they've got their, the new friends. And I got to tell you, it looks an awful lot like a, like a, uh, a brainwashing mind control camp when you look at it from the outside. And they don't even test for knowledge. You have no ability to question what's being taught. It's just test. It's teach to test so that you answer the questions the way they want them answered. And so you're not questioning anything. You're not learning critical thinking. You're not learning to To step outside of the box and try something different. All you're doing is regurgitating and testing the crap that they're feeding you. That's all they've become. They're teaching them not to think for themselves. Yes. Teaching them to keep a closed mind. Listen, always the right way. Anything else other than that? It's wrong. You pretty much get canceled out. And then they play the expert card. We're the experts. We're educated. We've got letters behind our name. You should trust us. It's like letters. What does that mean? I have a degree from the School of Hard Knocks. I learned through trial and error. It goes back to what we were talking about. These institutions are creating armies of individuals coming out of them that are brainwashed into attacking society and causing chaos. And it's like having robots out on a battlefield in society. I speak about it in substance abuse, like the fentanyl that comes from China, from the cartels into the country. It's hijacking the minds, it's hijacking the lives of American citizens. So instead of American citizens becoming some type of productive, becoming productive in society and contributing to the growth and prosperity of our country, they're becoming a burden on society and on the economy. And it's weakening our country. And I really believe it's a matter of national security. So you take that one part and now you take the second part, you control the institutions and the schools and you inject these radical ideologies in the minds of the younger generation, and you throw the substance abuse on top of that, and you throw the controlled media on top of that, and what do you have set up for you? What's happened to America? It's a real war. The war is within. It's within ourselves, what's happening on the inside. And just like you have to detox someone to get them to become productive in America, we need to detox politics from all these corrupt politicians that are wrong people that are holding office. They get these positions and they hold these positions hostage. Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer. I had a friend of mine back in New York send me a video. He got Chuck Schumer next to him and Chuck's smiling. He goes, hey, Chuck, how you doing? You know, you're a failure. You're a piece of shit. You're a scumbag. You know, New York don't like you no more. And his smile dropped and he started walking away. And as he's walking away, they call him, Chuck, you're a loser, Chuck. Chuck, you're a loser. And I'll say it too. Chuck Schumer, you're a fucking loser. I come from there and I miss going to these rallies up there and getting in their faces. I like Laura Loom and what she does. I respect her. She's great. She's effective at what she does. It's an amazing thing to have freedom of speech. So, yeah, you know, I think the other thing that is really significant to say with you on the show is how much money laundering has gone into these education systems. When you look at the money and foundations that they're laundering money to, it's unbelievable. The NGOs are money laundering. like crazy also. But when you look at how they use the drugs, the history of drugs in America was being imported in by the CIA. They were bringing the drugs in. It's our own country that's been bringing the drugs into this country. And it still stands to this day to fund their wars and their military industrial complex. And I have a friend who is in, I have several friends who are high up officers in the Navy. He's come right out and said most of the admirals that are in our Navy should absolutely be tried for crimes that they've committed because they have gone along with the system. Instead of standing up, just like this dirty cop that stood up there that removed Jeff without probable cause, listening to a little Nazi public functionary. destroy his right to be there. Violating open... There was nothing he did wrong. What were the grounds? What were the grounds? I would want to know what's the grounds for removal. And you better start quoting the freaking law. If you're a constitutional sheriff and you have sheriff officers... are under you I think they all should have the same knowledge as you and all should stand up for the constitution you know they shouldn't follow through what wendy link says you know and um how come nobody stood up for the people and and said anything you know on behalf of the people you know when I asked jeff to leave any other people to leave from now you know that's what bothers me the most and how come you know you don't see the sheriff's offices going down there and holding a press conference like, hey, let's work this out. This isn't how it's supposed to be. Nobody's talking about it because nobody gives a shit. Everybody's focused on other things. And you know what? This is one of the problems. There's too much complacency as well. It's like football. You have college football. Those college players, they play hard with all their heart and soul. They're the real deal because they want to make it to the NFL. But once you get to the NFL, what's after that? So a lot of them get paid off with money, big contracts, endorsements. And what's after the NFL? That's it. They become complacent. You know, I don't even have to play that hard anymore. I already made it. So just like in politics, you know, what else is there? After you become a congressman or, you know, there's a problem and it has to be addressed quickly. I think it's too late. Well, the thing of it is, is people are looking for money and fame and glory and that sort of thing. And what we should be looking at truly from a point of integrity and honesty is to more or less live a life of anonymity and just fix things and, you know, go from one problem that we see to the next to the next. and fix the things that are in front of us, not trying to gain notoriety. And if everybody just fixed what was in front of them on a daily basis and took responsibility instead of looking at this whole globally, I'm globally aware crap, you know, and and such, you know, it was really funny. I went to India when I adopted my daughter and that was a God thing. The whole the whole story was amazing how We found her to adopt. And, you know, people would come back here and you listen to people that are trying to be super, super bohemian and whatever else. And they're all peace, love and whatever globally aware. I'm like, you ever been to India? Yeah. Have you really been to India? Have you really seen the dynamics there and what people are willing to do to make them burn off their karma? They'll leave somebody bleeding on the street because don't want to help them. Because you know what? That would mean. that we're gonna we're gonna interfere with the karma they're burning off I mean I swear to you you'd have car you would have cars that would go off the road and take out a whole bunch of people rather than to hit a dang cow and I was I was talking to somebody over there and I'm like the people are starving to death and I'm like I'm I'm a vegetarian I'll give you that but it's for health reasons but I looked at this these cows and I'm like granted they're like they're like stick cows there's no meter on the cows whatsoever You know, you'd be eating like beef jerky just right off the cow. You would have to process it, you know, and not much of it either. But I'm like, I'm like, that's not your Aunt Matilda. I'm going to tell you that right now. You know, cheeseburger. Yeah. I'm like, I'm like, I'm looking at this going, going, I'm sorry. But, you know, and you watch the destruction. It's this whole the whole agenda of destroying people. living human beings is just so pervasive around the world. You know, look at how many babies have been killed in the womb. But I think what's going to be shocking to people is how many babies were delivered alive that they sell. That's going to be shocking. What's that? They want the adrenochrome, the organs, organ harvesting. It's scientific research. And then I hear these stories about how they drink the baby's blood with the adrenochrome. And I don't know how much truth is into it, but I have an open mind. And I realize this is a spiritual war that's going on, not just in the United States, but across the world. And I pray a lot. I have a friend. I actually have a friend that was stuffed into a trunk at a party. And, um, they, they actually injected him against his will, um, with adrenochrome, uh, when I believe he was minor. And so this stuff is real. If you, if you know somebody, it's just like, I know people who have seen the kids in the cages. I, you know, that, that have rescued kids in cages and such. It's, it's for real. It is absolutely for real. And, uh, you can't walk away from somebody that you know is not, they're not out in front of the camera. The people that know this stuff don't get in front of the camera. They're working in anonymity behind the scenes. And the ones that are in front of the camera talking about it, usually they're just doing it to build an audience or make money. The ones that are really working for it are doing it for no money. They're working on it with whatever they can scrape up to write this stuff. And and fix it. But there are people out there that are doing that and actually a lot of them. And those are the true remnant of God that are willing to work and they're not looking at it as a way to make a business out of it. That's the one thing that I see too and I'm sure you see it too in substance abuse where people are trying to make a buck out of other people's suffering. It's despicable. It's turned into a revolving door of numerous facilities nationwide, methadone clinics, rehabs, detoxes. They're prescribing a substance. They try to brainwash you into believing that it's a medication like Like if somebody has diabetes, they have to take insulin every day. You know, there's a substance out there called methadone. It's a synthetic opioid. And it was created by the government to help control the heroin problem a long time ago. And what it's doing, it's being administered today. And the requirement is to sit in these three-hour group meetings at these facilities. And they actually brainwashed. clients that come in and can believe in that it's medicine I call it liquid handcuffs because it's 20 to 50 times stronger than heroin and it's 20 to 50 times harder to detox off of so you you go from from street drug heroin that's pretty much fentanyl now it's not even heroin to go into these facilities after losing everything in your life like my own story you know everything in my life I touched turned to nothing ever lasted it only got worse The more I use, you know, I'm very fortunate to be alive today and I can't put a price on my life today. It's priceless. But going back to the methadone, once an individual is on it for a period of time, you're hooked on it. So that means wherever they go, they need it because after. Forty eight to seventy two hours and not having a daily dose of methadone, it's something after you drink every day, they go into withdrawals. And withdrawals are really extreme. Tremors, dry heaving, you can't eat. It's like the flu times a thousand. And these people are stuck on it for the rest of their lives. And I was one of them that were fortunate. I had to fight to get off of it. I believe for me personally, it was worse getting off methadone than it was to kick heroin and all the other street drugs and pain pills. But these facilities are revolving doors now for society. You know, people come in, they're struggling, they really want help, but they're not helping them. You know, you have drug counselors there. They're just sitting there. There's people selling drugs and sitting in these places. And it's a failure all around. You know, the success rate isn't as high as it used to be. And a lot of the people, I hate to say it, that are in these facilities have a political agenda themselves, you know. There are a lot of organizations that are NGOs for substance abuse, and they front as other things in politics because, you know what, if they don't comply with the local politicians, they're not going to qualify for grant money from the federal government. Exactly. So a lot of these facilities have to go along with what they're told to do, and it becomes part of the machine, the money wheel. In society, the economy is part of the problem too. The revenues and profits that are generated are from the problem too. Law enforcement, crime, substance abuse, it's fueling the economy. It's part of it. It's fueling the bail bondsman, the judicial system. It's putting law enforcement at work. So the more drugs, the more problems, the more jobs, the more the money gets recycled, the taxpayer's money. But what's losing at the end? We're losing American lives. And people aren't becoming educated and becoming part of the problem in society. And that causes a failure for America. You know, you fail gym class. It's no different. You know, it's a failure. And I believe politicians need to really look at what's happening here. I honestly feel it's a threat to national security with the substance abuse and what's going on with the educational system with these radical ideologies that are being injected. And these institutions that's supposed to be educating people to teach them how to speak for themselves and believe what they want to believe and teach them about the constitutional rights in America. But they're doing opposite. When I was a kid and I was in school, I put my head over my heart and I said the national anthem. You know, a flag was in the classroom. God was in the classroom. That's not in the classroom anymore today. Yeah, there's a school up in Coeur d'Alene that they're flying an American flag, but there's a radical trans agenda going on up there. And I've got a gal that's supposed to be on Thursday, but I think we're going to have to reschedule her. She has been watching the destruction of her daughter as she almost died a couple weeks ago through self-abuse. And the daughter did. She's 14 years old. These schools that are pushing these agendas need to be no more because, you know, and look at how they're using. We'll go back to what you said about the NGOs. Look at how they've weaponized all the departments, all of these lettered departments, the NEA, the MEA, all of it needs to be abolished and go back to local control and instead of isolating people or pushing them into these indoctrination camps, we have to have strong families. Now, I had a question for you. When you look at your recovery, was part of your recovery getting close to your family again? Or what was the biggest factor for you for your recovery? I wanted to live. My will to live came back to me and this desire, whatever you want to call it. There was something in my soul and something I saw the last time I overdosed. I was dead on arrival. I didn't have a heartbeat or pulse for almost eight minutes. And, you know, I saw something. I had an experience. Tell it again. I've heard it before, but I'd like you to tell it again because maybe people haven't heard this. You know, it repeats over my mind. And the more I think about it, the more I start remembering, you know, it was a traumatic experience for me. And I kind of blocked it out. And, you know, I worked with a a few therapists on a situation and helping me remember more, but it was darkness and it was the most peaceful, beautiful sleep I've ever had in my entire life. And I felt love. And, you know, the experience overall made me not fear death any longer because there's so much peace in my soul and in my heart. It wasn't physical. It was something spiritual. And it went from darkness to light. I didn't see anything, and I could hear it. You know, it's not your time. Go back. And when I kind of like felt like I was looking around, I saw like an image. It actually looked like some type of angel, like the silhouette of an angel. And it was really bright. And the next thing I know, I was coming to on a gurney and I hear beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep. That was me with all the wires on me and hoses down my throat, you know, sitting up and a curtain. I was holding the curtain standing up and I didn't know where I was. Everything was blurry and they ran over to me to like, you know, lay down, calm down and And when I walked out of there, I had so much to think about. And at that time, my health was so bad. I was at 485 pounds. I walked with a cane for about two and a half years. And I just never looked back over my shoulder. I had to dig deep for the strength. And I did a lot of praying. And I'm where I'm at today. You know, I can't put a price on my life. You know, from the perspective of someone who battled substance abuse, And I remember there was a time I was sitting on the edge of my bed. It was snowing out years ago. And I'm looking out my window. And my beautiful neighbor next door, she's bringing her daughter to school. And I remember we used to date and go for dinner once in a while. I'm watching her bring her daughter to school. And I see my neighbor across the street coming out of the house to get in a BMW to go to work on Wall Street. And the neighborhood kid's waiting for the bus to go to college. And I'm sitting there, and I started crying. I had track marks on my arm. And I realized that I'm never going to have my life back. This is how I'm going to die. And I remember falling out and hitting the floor. And when I woke up in the emergency room, you know, my life changed. And I realized the most important thing that Stanley had to change was everything about myself. And it took a lot of work. And I'm a work in progress every day from this point on. I want to bring in my next guest here too, Chris. Morning, Chris. How you doing? Hey, good morning, Donna. coming back from the dentist, so. No, you're fine. You're fine. Well, this is great. This is how it is. I can tell you the first interview on camera, I had actually just had oral surgery because I had some problems with my jaw and I had some bone cut out of my mouth and they had my teeth backed on, but I had to do this interview. So I sat there and I talked like this most of the time, but there were people that actually picked it up. And so you just do what you got to do. It's better to be real, right? I know you were listening to this conversation, and the reason why I decided to bring Chris on is because Chris also had a death experience where Chris died also and had an experience that is similar to yours. And I think you guys would really enjoy talking about this right now because you cannot be close to God without being completely transformed. Agreed. Without question. Oh, I'm sorry. Go ahead. No, go ahead, Chris. Go ahead. And listening to what you were saying, every single thing that you were saying is exactly how I felt. I felt nothing but love, but not the kind of love that you experience here. This kind of love that I got was, you know how the Bible says that you're being carried or he will carry you? And I think that that's what the strength of this love, which none of us, well, I had never felt it here. But when I went there, I felt this insurmountable amount of love that could pick up a tank and throw it. You know, I mean, it was, I don't know how to describe it other than that it's something that I've never felt before. And It's also, I never saw like an angel or anything like that, but I did experience. I didn't have to because the love that I got was enough. When I came back, I had no fear of death anymore. I had no want for any material things. I had no desire to strive for. I used to like, oh, wow, I really love that. I got to have that. Never, never again did I want for anything material. It's so profound and it's so real what God has to offer that we as people here not being there, we allow the evil things that are here to slow us down from getting to the purpose of why we're here, I think. And I think Jesus definitely died for that because he knows that the temptation of evil, the demons, our not understanding the other dimension, the war they're having, the evil and stuff like that. All I can say is God is a very forgiving God. And I just pray that a lot of us get in touch with him, think more about him than allowing the space and free time for a demon to come inside of you, yourself. But what you had to say, I'm sorry about all that. But what... What you said was pretty right on, you know. I mean, I experienced like, I mean, I was like flying a million miles an hour. But there was no body attached to me. It was like I was out of the eyes. I felt like I was part of everything. All of it. Immersed in it completely. Even years later, like after that last experience with my battle with my demons. know I come down here and start working with jeff and I didn't know what I was getting involved with when I came down here with jeff but um the one day I woke up and I realized you know I had another medical problem and to be diagnosed with colon cancer you know third stage and being told oh you need radiation you know we're gonna put the seed in your butt and you know get this therapy and you know I never went forward with anything and I took a holistic approach I did a lot of praying and you know what I'm still here it's in remission my blood work's good You know, I kind of started looking up in the sky and I'm like, after everything I've been through now, this, you know, I couldn't understand, you know, why me? And, you know, my mission today is, you know, I put my hand out and I try to help someone, you know, I'm on a spiritual path and. You know, I came from darkness. I survived. And, you know, I speak about this in substance abuse. You know, I've met some of the smartest people with degrees. Addiction doesn't discriminate. It doesn't matter how big your house is, how much money you got, what kind of education you got, what kind of, what color your skin is, what your political views are. You know, I can predict anybody's future. If they got a drug and alcohol problem, the longer they use, the worse it gets. It doesn't get any better, you know? And, um, I'm the light at the end of the tunnel. I'm living proof that there's a chance. I carry my history and my story like a badge of honor to help someone else, to bring faith and hope to the next person who's living in the darkness, who's hijacked by demons. If I could do it, anybody could do it. My hand's out to help people and what I do I know what it's like when people turn their back on me and you know what I speak my truth and I love when people judge me because they help me not be like them you know people say how do you get up there and talk about you know I used to do heroin and do this they said I speak my truth you know people don't like me don't like me I'm not here to run from personality contests to make friends I'm here to share my truth and my story and if I can help someone so be it other than that who likes me and who doesn't I don't really give a you know You know, you're the good person or you suck. You know, I really can't differentiate it any other way. Hey, the multitudes will hate you because they hated me first. So, hey, keep on keeping on. And, you know, you'll get more. I noticed I get more rejection than I do people that. Go, oh yeah, yeah, that's, you know, right on. But the point is, people get it when they get it. It's not up to us to make them get it. It's not up to us to go, it's just us to, you know, say, give them some words of hope that come from the word of God himself, Jesus. Give them that. make it short and sweet and let them, they'll get it. It'll come back to them. I had someone come back to me and they go, wow, you know what? You said this three months ago and you know, something, it just dawned on me. You're right. I'm like, well, you know that it was like, uh, God confirming to me, keep up, uh, you know, keep, keep repeating the word, you know, people will get it, but, but it's not up to us for them to get it because God is so powerful and, and he's got a plan. It's not for us to interfere with the plan, but he's just using us as part of his plan. So, uh, when they get it, they get it. It's not for us to worry about, uh, because that was a big worry for me. But, uh, You know, it's just a revelation. I sort of came to myself. But when you were talking about addiction, it leads right back to where you left off before you started speaking about addiction. I'm going to let you guys talk for a second. I'll be right back. But just keep going. OK. OK. The government. Because I work as a contractor for the government in different areas. And I can tell you that the reason that we have that issue is because of the government. And when I say government, I don't mean politicians. Because the politicians are a... They're nothing more than carriers of messages that... they either leak to the media or report what the leak is. And those people that are politicians, most of them couldn't run a lemonade stand. You take Jamie Raskin, for example, saying they're pushing these agendas like climate change. Okay, so Donald Trump gets hit with a bullet stands there and raises his fist, fight, fight, fight, right? Jamie Raskin at the committee hearing to try to find out and find accountability for that brings out an agenda about taking away AR-15. This is a good reason why we should take away AR-15. Okay, so Jamie Raskin, if you get into a car accident and your car hit somebody else and kill somebody, do we have to take all the cars away? Exactly. Exactly. It's not the gun that kills people. It's people that kill people. It's the behavior of the people. And what affects the behaviors of society? Everything we're talking about. Exactly. Spirit within, buddy. And also, if they actually follow the law and upheld the law, instead of trying to blame objects, actually holding people to correct behavior under the law, who would have thought? Maybe that would actually fix things, you know? Yeah, but the devil does not want accountability. What he wants is to dismantle. Yeah, do what thou will. Yep, and that's how you do it. You know, they can, they can keep screwing around with us for so long, but there's enough of us out there that are kind of sick of their crap and are willing to fight for the things that are right. The things that we need to do to, to defend and protect those people that are actually innocent. You know, we're supposed to be real, real adults take care of the tribe, right? That's it. That's it. How many people right now are you, are you helping and do you have any needs right now for them? Me? Yeah, a lot of people. It's I spread myself thin at times. You know, I work for a transportation company in Boca. You know, I try to find time to work with Jeff. But, you know, my life is substance abuse. And, you know, I have a lot on my plate right now. How do people how to how to people that are not working with you either help you? You know, how do they help you? The people that I'm helping, how do they help me? Yeah. Well, if there's somebody out there such as myself or somebody else out there that is listening to this, how can they help you in your effort to help others? Share the message. I'm going to have a couple of videos coming out soon, little bios about me and my story. But the only way to help someone is try to lead them to where the help is, to the local Alcoholics Anonymous, AA meeting, local 12-step meeting, or Narcotics Anonymous, local NA meeting, 12-step meeting. You know, you could go anywhere around the world. You could find an AA or NA meeting. You could go on any cruise ship. They have an AA meeting. You know, it's the second most circulated book on the planet is the book of Alcoholics Anonymous next to the Bible. And, you know, it's a spiritual program for people who have a void that they fill with alcohol, drugs, sex, gambling, Maybe you just want to experience a different way to live your life. You don't necessarily need to have a drug or an alcohol problem. I believe politics could really benefit from a really good 12-step program. And I have a really good program I can apply to. You should send something like that to me because I'd like to see it. Maybe I can rewrite it for political hacks that are out there looking for. Yeah, there's a lot of hacks. Wendy, you're hacking. Yeah, weak Wendy Link. She's the weakest link. You know, I don't know her personally, but, you know, let's go back to that a little bit. You know, the next time I come down there, you know, I want to see some sheriff officers show up. So Diaz and Gorgio, if you're around, you know, come up, come reach out to me, reach out to Jeff. Let's get together and see who the real sheriff is in Palm Beach. You know, you talk to talk. It's time to walk the walk. It's almost election time. You know, Jeff is doing the talking and the walking, and Jeff's work speaks for itself. And, Wendy, your time is ticking. It's just a matter of time. Weak link, windy link. That's what it is. Weak link, weakest link, windy link. You know, the, the real sad thing is, is when you watch her and you watch these little, these little Nazi guards there that were playing cop hiding behind the band, the badge. Cause I mean, that's really what it is. Any, any good cop I've ever known is, is they, they don't behave that way. They just, they just don't act that way. They don't sit there trying to grab some sort of power, you know, and, and hold it over people. They're actually there to help, not just to be a jerk. Since I'm living down here, I was fortunate. I meet a lot of sheriff officers, and they're really nice people, really great people. They're MAGA, Trump, and I can't say names, but a lot of them, I'll say this, they're under orders. They're under a chain of command. And you know what? They know. They might know that it's wrong, and they know they can say and do something else. But like I said, they can't. They're under orders. And there's more to it than meets the eye. We have the people's constitutional rights. We have a right to be defended too by the sheriff, not just Wendy Link, not just the politicians. What about the people with the sheriff's offices? The sheriff themselves coming down and being part of this problem. Yeah, all it would take would be a couple of people to stand up and hit them with a lawsuit for what they're doing to them that's unconstitutional or illegal within the department. We need people that are whistleblowers within these departments to step forward. This is where you walk out in faith and say, I'm going to be the one that's going to report these people and start suing them. And I'm going to trust God to provide for me and not stay as a cog in this beast machine that's going on. We have to walk away from this stuff. If you don't walk away from bad, illegal, unconstitutional orders, you're part of it. And each of us on an individual basis has to weigh that out and decide, I'm not going to do that. This is unconstitutional and I refuse to participate. I've got a good sample of that. Okay. Remember when BLM went ahead and burned up police cars, burned up federal buildings, broke windows, went ahead and looted and all that. And the police were told, the sheriff were told to stand down. You know what? If it were me, I would have said, No, I would have gotten a few guys together first. I would have said, let's go in and do what we were, swore an oath to do, which is to protect and serve. So we go in, we take care of business. If we get arrested for protecting and serving the community, then that shows exactly where the fault lies. with the mayor or the governor or whoever brings that charge. You can arrest me if you want and put me in jail for doing what I was told to do, but if you're the one that's arresting me, I should be arresting you. For you telling me to stand down and to turn my back against the citizens in which I took an oath to protect, you're telling me not to protect them? I got a four-letter word for you. And, you know, it's the institutions that have been invaded by evil, have been infiltrated by socialism and these people that believe in Allah and all that shit. This country was founded on God. It was founded on the love of God and it was founded. We have a Bill of Rights. And we've got in office, we've got socialists, communists, and politicians that believe in Allah. Well, this country wasn't founded on Muhammad. Sorry to tell you, but this country was founded on God. This country was founded on something greater. No man can take my rights to defend myself away. because God gave me those rights, not man. So you can kiss my ass and all of you politicians that feel that way, you need to be arrested or just thrown out of office now because you're doing the opposite in which you defrauded the American people by lying to them and telling them you were running for a Democrat office when you're not a Democrat, you're a socialist. Bernie Sanders, Step down. We don't have a category to vote for, socialists. You're either Democrat, Republican, independent, or constitutional. That's all that's on the ticket. Not communism, not socialism, not Allah, not Mohammed, not none of these people from the Middle East. No, you cannot run. You should not have taken an oath because it's obvious what's going on. It's obvious. mean this this country has flipped completely 100 upside down government's too big and government decides what's best for people it's not the people telling the government and our local elected officials what we want. You go back to the Western days. You remember they'd have a town meeting and all the people would show up and they all discuss amongst themselves what's best for our town. And it's decided amongst the people and the elected officials follow through with what the people want. And it's opposite today. We need officials who do that. Let's open it up. Let's open up full transparencies. Well, you know, you shouldn't have to fill out a card and only be allowed to speak for three minutes when you show up to a local meeting in a municipality. That's a bunch of crap. You know, you want a real politician who walks the walk and talks the talk. My office, the door to my office is open 24-7. Here's my phone number. You have a problem, let's all meet once a month. I want to hear everything the community has to say, what the people have to say, and let's address the problems together. not decide amongst our board what we think is best for the people. That's not how you govern. Am I right or wrong? Speaking Chinese, does somebody not understand me? I don't make sense? Right. It's really simple. I didn't spend four years in college. I wasn't that fortunate enough. But anybody with a little common sense and a little bit of knowledge can make sense of all of this. There's a problem in politics today, and there's a simple solution. Get rid of the problem. and focus more on change. And we need change. We need the right people. And the wrong people are in there. They're sellouts. No, they're trying to centralize both power and money. It's a collectivism type mentality. And what we really need is to decentralize everything so that there's local control and hold people accountable for serving within a job description, not just do whatever the heck you want. But they don't even know what the job description is anymore because once they get in, it's like all bets are off. They can do anything. We actually found something. So So I'm in a little group of people and we've been, I'm actually in several groups of people, but this little one that I'm in that formed recently, we're combing through the laws and we actually found some stuff that is criminal conspiracy happening in Michigan to subvert the law. And these people are dumb enough that they left a trail that you can actually find. And it's all public information. These people are so dumb that, you know, because an arrogant, it's their arrogance in just being able to say, I'm just going to do whatever I want. Instead of you were hired to do a job. And the board of directors is the citizenry. It's not the political parties. It's not the dollars that you're getting in to fund your next campaign so that you can entrench yourself like a no good for nothing Biden or Harris. All they are, anybody that's been in for more than one or two terms, out they go, guys. They need to be gone because they're entrenched and they're paid to be entrenched. Big money. And so who's telling them what to say? We don't have to throw them out. We can stick them in recycling and sanitation problems in the world. You know, we can recycle their positions. Yeah, I like that. Maybe we should promote them when they're retired to actually serving the community by running a garbage truck and knowing what it's like to having to work And I think that the whole garbage guy things, you know, the guys that do sanitation, they're amazing, you know. They're going around cleaning up other people's shit, you know. Yeah, that's right. Yeah, right. Talking about putting up with people's shit, that's the. I do it every day, you know. My arms, I open with hugs, you know, the worst of the worst. Bring them to me, I'll help them. Yeah. Not on my back. But, you know, the world can benefit by having some really good, genuine people out there who have a good heart and a good mind and are willing to be resilient enough and stand their ground and start helping make a change. You know, I saw Jeff post up, you know, Wendy Link blocked him on social media, on Twitter. I started laughing, cracking up. And then I was like, wait a minute, let me check. And you know what? I was blocked too. So this is where it goes to say, you know, stop sitting home watching TV on the couch with the remote control in your hand, you know, and sitting behind the keyboard as a keyboard warrior. And you know what? Get up, get dressed and show up in your local community. Because when Jeff and I and Candice and everybody else showed up, you know, we made an impact. And sometimes you only have to say a word. You just got to be there. it's so important to show up that face to face you know it makes a difference it really matters social media is good for passing a message you know logically but you know showing up is something different you know that's where spirituality comes in you know you really get to immerse yourself in in in the moment and see it for what it is and experience it you know it's it's great you know I love the path that god put me on where I'm at right now and Thank you, Donna, for having me on again. Chris? Yeah, thank you for being on. I always love talking with you, Stanley, and thank you for being on today and sharing all your knowledge and such. I mean, I think this is what real news is, is talking to real people about what what they know on the ground. It's not a created content. None of us know what we're going to talk about anytime. People ask me like, Stan, when you go on it, do they give you like a printout, like an email, what you're going to talk about? You know, is it scripted? I'm like, nah, man, you know, you just get on it. Donna's great. You know, she's, you're pleasant. You know, I was nervous the first few times. I was like, oh, you want to go on Donna's show? I'm like, oh no, man, you're kidding me, right? Like, what are we going to talk about? Who cares? There's a saying in recovery, right? Like many come, few are chosen. And you know what? I thank God for every day that I wake up because the moment I wake up and I take that deep breath in the morning, I realize how many people are taking their last breath. And you know what? It's another day I woke up without a compulsion or a desire to pick up a drink or a drug. You know, I won today. The life I have today, I can't put a price on. You know, I could win the lottery for $4 billion. It's not going to make me as happy as I am today. I could go anywhere and do anything in this world. Bad days, stress, anxiety. I am not threatened by a drink or a drug no longer. You probably can't understand what I'm talking about. For those of you out there in the world who are battling their demons and have substance abuse issues, they can identify what I'm talking about because you know what? I have a life today and I thank God for the life I have. And I thank God for the people that God put in my life. Cause you know, what are people like you and, people who care enough to come forward and put it out there, I wouldn't be here today. That's really nice. And, you know, there's so many of us that just love you to pieces, Stanley, and love what you're doing with everybody out there. This is cracking me up with what you're saying about people asking if we hand you a sheet of what you're talking about. The three-point. If they actually watch the show, this is like an out-of-control amoeba. It kind of, like, stretches and moves in different positions. Nobody knows where this is going to go. We had Jason on. We went for, like, five different topics, and then we went into your chickens. And you put us on hold. I mean, I was cracking up laughing. It was great, though. You know, this is grassroots, you know, right here, news. And, you know, we speak the truth, and that's all that matters. This is just talking as real people. That's all it is. So, well, thank you for coming on today. And I appreciate you staying a little longer today. This is really nice. I wish you lived closer. You come over here and we feed you breakfast. Chris was up here for quite a while. And we had, you know, we're like, we like welcome. We like welcome everybody into the family. Everybody gets adopted. I'll definitely come up and visit you guys soon. I promise. you have to do that because everybody gets adopted you know we're all family and and it's just such a it's such a nice time and we need to change that you know it's so funny I i got to tell you this crazy story I don't mean to cut into your time here chris but but I can make sure you have things to talk about but we went we went so my husband and I we went and uh we like to get a cup of coffee in the morning to ride around sometimes right so we went to this store and we came out of this store And these two older gentlemen were parking in a handicapped spot. They came out and we stood there in the parking lot, just talking about everything. And we probably sat there for 30 minutes, just like we do here, right? Never met him before. Didn't know anything about it. Next thing you know, they're inviting me to some senior classes that they're involved in. And I'm like, well, how old do you have to be? And it was one of the guy's birthdays. He was 85. And he goes, oh, you have to be 55. I'm like, dude, I made the cut, right? And so I went and I looked it up and they've emailed me. But think about this. And I said to them, too, I said, oh, I'll go talk to anybody. I can talk to anybody. Chris, you can attest to that. And, you know, I can talk to anybody and I never know what I'm going to talk about. I mean, that's what having a conversational skills is all about. You just sit down and talk to people and find out what's going on in their lives. And you might find out where you can really help them just by not guarding ourself. not worrying about what people will think about us, not worrying. Why do we have the fear of man? It's a fear of man or the fear of God. What do you got to be afraid of with other people that they're going to disapprove of you? They're going to disapprove of you because we're all fallen people. And all of us deserve to have our sorry butts thrown into hell. It's only by the grace of God and the righteousness of Jesus Christ that we get to go because we're all fallen. We're all imperfect. We're all kind of like a bunch of little kids fighting over marbles in a playground. It's stupid. It's ridiculous. So anyhow, we ended up talking to these guys and it turns out that one of them in his previous, you know, when he was younger, came from the same area that my husband came from. And all of a sudden they had all kinds of things to talk about. And it was really cute and fun. And like I always say, it's like you talk to somebody you don't know, you're just meeting a new friend you didn't know you had. But the only way you do that is by opening your arms up. And if they get out of control a little bit, you can address the bad behavior. But but other otherwise, you know, most most people are just good people. There's a very small percentage of people that are truly evil. And then there's a lot of people that choose to do stupid stuff because they're just in survival mode. It's like horses, horse training. Horses do stupid stuff when they are threatened. So it's a security thing. When they're threatened and they're in survival mode, they're afraid. That's the only reason why somebody makes a bad if they're not truly evil. They're either afraid or they're threatened. They're looking for security. That's it. And to keep those in mind, dealing with human beings is like horse training. So you assume that they're okay. And if they're not okay, broom them. You know what I mean? If they're truly involved in evil, you can try to speak to them and help them out for being stupid and evil. But there comes a point sometimes where you've got to move them away from where they're going to do damage to you and the people you love. I mean, but most people aren't in that category. Small percentage of people are in that category. And those are the ones I bring the hammer down on. Healthy boundaries. All right, guys, I have to go. Thank you, Donna, for having me. Chris, pleasure meeting you. God bless America. God bless you guys. Go out and help a whole bunch of people, Stanley. You're amazing. I'm not Superman. I don't walk on water. I don't know. I kind of think you are. You need a cape, dude. You're amazing. Thank you. Bye for now. Bye-bye. Take care. You too. So, hey, Chris, it's back to you and I again. All right. All right. Yeah. I like that guy. Yeah, I like Stanley a lot. I mean, talk about talk about just I don't even know the word to say it. You know, a true a true a true person. He's got a true soul that just cares about people so deeply and how God used the unfortunate circumstances in his life to actually use it. I mean, I've always said this, you need a little manure to make the garden grow, right? You got to have a little shit in your life in order to grow. And if you haven't had hard times in your life, you're probably pretty shallow and selfish. That's all I got to say about it. real true growth comes out of having a little crap in your life, having a little shit, being able to handle that and realistically look at God and saying, oh, he gave me a little food here for growth. He's not letting me be a spoiled child. He's making me grow up. He's showing me how to grow up and serve other people, how to be honest, how to get sick of the shit and decide, no, I don't want to be there. I want to be up in the rain and the clouds and where the fresh air is not not groveling in the shit that's out there. And I think that's what happens when you have hard times on your life. It really builds character. I mean, honestly, you know, I know you really well as a very good friend and a friend, you know, my entire family. And it's like all of the shit you went through in your life. Someday I'd like you to tell your story if you're comfortable with it, because it's an amazing story of someone who had a larger purpose even from a very young age and overcame incredible obstacles by yourself. It, it really, it really created a person who is willing to always defend things that are wrong and stand for the things that are right with honor integrity. And, um, as a good example for the people around you, I mean, I think you're amazing. I really do. Oh, that's very nice of you Donna. Um, Yeah, well, when I was a contractor, I didn't really understand what this was really about. We were told it was to serve, protect, and do the right thing. This is for America. And as it turned out, it was a building block to the destruction and the dismantling of America, because that's how the ones that are planning for the politicians to say what they say and do what they do. It's not really the politicians. I mean, you can go in with the best of attitudes and the best of intentions but if the true power down below underneath that remains unseen or tries not to show their face they're the ones that truly run this world and we have to get rid of them because if we can get rid of them then we can be ourselves then we can do what we want to do without having any restrictions the way God wanted it in the very beginning. We're his children. We're not the children of the law enforcement. We're not the children of the politicians, the mayor, the governor, and the system. The system is designed to fail. The system is designed to keep you afloat long enough to steal from. And that's what I wound up learning, that in all this chaos of love for America and but all the propaganda that supported the reasons why we do what we do. When in all actuality, it's not support at all. It's quite the opposite. That's a front. It's a front for the system to make the system look good so that you'll be a part of it. What's truly behind it is evil. And it is about the destruction of and the slavery and the taking from all these millions of people. They don't just want our money. They want the wealth of the world now. And we would not be able to see it if it wasn't for God getting a man like Donald Trump to become elected the 45th president of the United States in which he served and was used by God to show all of the American people what's truly going on, that we do have the ability to have a self-independence of oil and gas, and we can be independent of ourselves instead of dependent upon Saudi Arabia or China or all these other countries that the CIA is criminally involved with in stealing secrets bringing them back for the betterment of our elite, which do run the world. They're the ones that basically dictate our economy. We need to get rid of the CIA. We need to get rid of the ATF. We need to get rid of the FBI completely. All of these, I don't care if it's the agricultural department, every single agency in this government is corrupt, has no standing for you and me. They do not want to help us. They're there to take from us. They're there to be used by the CIA, the FBI. The FBI is the CIA. They're the domestic CIA. The CIA goes and commits crimes in foreign countries, steals and brings back information that will be useful for us to use against them so that then it comes back. We then produce. We make money. The FBI commits the domestic fraud, the domestic crime. They are the domestic CIA, the FBI is. They were designed for a different purpose in the beginning. But just like anything else, you leave it on the stove too long, it gets foiled. And the mindset of bigger is always better. Or I remember when I was in college, it's like, if you're not growing, you're dying. So that method of brainwashing people, even in the university's was you've got to grow to really be something. You've got to keep growing. You've got to keep producing. You've got to this, that, and the other thing. It's a lie because, you know what, bigger isn't always better. I know so many business owners that as they've gotten older, they've downsized their businesses because you downsize the business, you downsize the headaches, and just earn a nice living instead of trying to build these big – I can tell you that we used to do bigger jobs. We don't do them anymore because it's too much of a pain. It's like I would rather have something that's a little bit smaller that's actually enjoyable than dealing with these corporate psychopaths because a lot of people are in that mindset. They step on people to get ahead of others, and it's all been programmed in. So they end up being the foot soldiers just like the NGOs. I mean, they have wrecked. any intention of the NGOs, the nonprofits, when they say nonprofit, it's a lie. It's just that they have to manipulate the money so they don't show a profit on paper. But they're funneling money all over the place with these things and the campaigns and such. How much money gets funneled and money laundered on the campaigns like smurfing? I would love to see how much money all of these candidates and get a real count. I mean, Peter Berninger has done a really great job on the smurfing issue and actually call them out for smurfing and money laundering that they've done through the campaigns. I would like to see how many people have gotten book deals, how many people that have gotten speaking engagements because of the network of NGOs and such. I mean, it's got to just be astronomical. Yeah, yeah. And when you start speaking out about that stuff and exposing it, that's when your critics, the critics are the ones that are a part of it. Or they're on a lower level where they defend it. But either way, that's something that, that's an infiltration that we have to get rid of. We have to start all over again if we want to see the success of what God wanted this country to be to begin with. And we have to go back to George Washington days and get on one knee and pray to God and hope to God will bless this nation and put a wall of protection around our country once again, because we have we have. torn that wall down ourselves by the majority of Americans doing what we want to do instead of what God wants us to do. I'm not here trying to tell your audience that they have to immediately bend a knee, and I'm not giving any kind of sermon, but in a way- You're welcome to, because the truth is the truth. Truth is the truth. I mean, you know, our president, our leader, let's put it this way. Our leader is God. There is nothing that man can do to improve your life. And each and every single one of you have problems out there. And those problems were not created by God. Those problems were either created by bad decisions that you made or bad decisions that you made because you were influenced by by someone who was making a bad decision. We have a big influence of evil. Wouldn't it be nice to have a big influence on positive things that would help you? So many people are out there talking about doom and gloom. Well, you know, doom and gloom can only be inevitable if you buy into it. If you buy into Satanist preaching, Or you can buy into God's preaching. You can read the Bible and you could start with Matthew, John, if you want it. Go straight through Matthew. And once I read Matthew, oh my God, Sermon on the Mount. If you can't find a reflection on that, You know, that made like a topical sense to me, but I didn't really get it until after what happened to me happened to me with that accident. It was like because the good influencers were basically taken away from me, my parents, and at an early age. And if it wasn't for the foundation that they gave me, As a child, I had a God foundation. They put me through Catholic school, which was, which is now showing to be something different, but, but God deals with everybody on an individual basis that I learned. And when I went to church and I saw that cross and I saw Jesus on that cross, although it was a statue. it affected me deeply to think that people could do that to somebody. And I think that that along with my parents teaching me, you know, right from wrong, the government, you know, civic, love America. And they gave me a good foundation, although they died when I was young. If I didn't have that, I'd be like the kids today who God was taken out of the school. God was taken out of the homes. Parents were split up. The nuclear family has been divided because how can you have solidity if you don't have a good foundation? Of course, you're going to have people go, I don't like the way this is going. This relationship is going. I got to go. You know, it teaches our generations to be quitters, not fighters. And it's easy to quit when you don't have the strength of God behind you or the foundation of God underneath you. That gives you that solidity to say, this happened, but I'm moving forward because I know God's got something better for me. Even though I may have been, let's say, struck down by an enemy that's trying to, like, what was his name, Jason? That was struck down with a drug. Addiction, right? Or alcoholism or whatever it might be. The fact that you don't have to let that define you. You can go to God about that and you will be amazed at the power in which he would be able to take you out of your scenario that you actually accepted and put yourself in. No one else did it. No one else made that decision. But you did. But the beautiful thing about knowing that is that you can make the same decision into getting out of that. You decide what your life is. Nobody else does. You do. And you have all the power in the world in which with God gave you that power to create. And you can do that. And it's just an awesome, awesome thing. Once you find the love of God, there's no going back. There's no going back. Absolutely. One of the things that you're talking about going into the Bible, because we used to look things up all the time. And I think that one of the greatest things that I did as an adult, because I homeschooled my kids, is I read to them. I read to them like hours and hours and hours a day. When you don't watch TV, you've got all kinds of time and You don't participate in a lot of the nonsense out there. You've got all kinds of time, okay? It's just the way it is. I can listen to excuses from anybody, and people are always amazed at how much I get done in a day because I'm kind of a spaz. But it's not just that. It's the fact that you learn to be a good time manager and not waste your time. And every second that we have is a gift from God. And from the time I was little, I don't know why I knew this or felt this way, but I always felt like I'm going to use every minute I have to do something that's good, no matter what it is, right? So when I see something that is negative, like TV or movies or anything like that, I literally can sit there for 15 minutes before I'm like, We know I got to get moving. I can't stand this. I hate watching TV. I just hate it. Right. I'll watch documentaries. You know, if I want to learn something about engineering, I'm really interested in like the engineering documentaries and that sort of thing to see, you know, why bridges fail or or, you know, you know, the substrate for highways or, you know, that that sort of thing. I love I love watching that kind of stuff. power grids because I'm an information junkie. But if it doesn't have a benefit for me either acquiring knowledge, which is a tool, and knowledge is just a tool, it doesn't make you any better. It's a tool. It's a waste of time. But one of the things when my kids were little that we would read the Bible every single day and it was part of our lives. And so I had a variety of children's Bibles that I read. And I'd start out with when they were little, we would read the beginner's Bible, which is pretty much, it's written a lot of pictures in it, cartoons and such. And I can tell you right now, as an adult, one of the beefs that I have with modern education, and quite honestly, I have enough education that I could be certified K-12 if I took like student teaching plus pedagogy and that sort of thing, which doesn't make me any smarter. It just means that I've got a lot of education behind me. Probably makes me dumber overall, but who knows. But The problem with being in the education system is they never give you context. So it's a whole bunch of unrelated bits of information that you're trying to fit together. And what does this really mean? Why is this important to another subject, right? If you don't have a timeline or you don't have like a table of contents that you really understand in a subject, you're never going to learn it. If you go to a child's Bible or a beginner's Bible, which is maybe a paragraph on each page, and you go through the whole thing and read it. I mean, you could literally read a beginner's Bible in a couple of hours or a day. But what it does is gives you a timeline of the Bible so that when you go in and you read an adult version of a Bible, the pieces start fitting together and how these people are related and how one event led to another event. and where that geographically took place and what the influences. So you don't feel so lost, right? Anybody can pull a verse out of a Bible and try to make it make sense to their lives. That's fine. God does talk to us that way. But if you really want to learn it and not feel lost, that's not a bad place to start. And don't be ashamed of reading a kid's Bible because I do think it's a great profitable thing to do. Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Got to walk before you can run. Yep, that's right. Better to start with something good than the alternative. You were mentioning television, even music. Most of it is really devised to take you away, to take us away on a different path. And it even... I think, let's see, in school they taught us about the gods, the Greek gods. And I think it was Apollo, I want to say Apollo, that was sort of like the god of information, creativity, music, entertainment, but it was a sway away from our god. The God, the true God, the real God. It was an earthly God, Apollo, that had all this bait for the world. It's all things that you would look at the world and desire rather than the things of spiritual God. And every time you turn around, it's in your face. If it's not on a car radio, if it's not being sold at a store, you know, if it's not. on tv which they've got everybody focused on tv which is the biggest deceptor of reality uh known to man is is television truly it always has been it's always been there even when we thought it was good it wasn't Well, it's programming and they can filter images. And it's just like, you know, like here today, you got out of the dentist today, which I think is great. I do my first interview while I'm running for office and I've got my mouth packed in because I had a bone cut out of my jaw and I'd gotten out of like oral surgery like two days before this stupid interview. And I'm sitting there going, okay, I got to figure out how to do this. And, you know, as I've got my mouth packed in, And, uh, and it was, it was, I wasn't in a lot of pain, which was kind of amazing. You know, when you have your, your, uh, jaw operated on and, and such. And I just, I just went up there and I'm like, you know what? No matter what anybody says, I don't really give a crap about what anybody thinks about me. It's like, you know, I'm going to be real. And, and I have a lot of respect for people that go on that, that are real and not trying to be something that they're not, you know, it's just like, if this is how you are today, you Be what you are today. If you are being yourself and be your best self, which doesn't mean putting on a show, be what you really are. That's your best self. Whether you're having a good day or a bad day, you're sad. If somebody says, how you doing? You know how that goes? People will say, how you doing? Unlikely to tell them. You know, it's like somebody says, how you doing to Donna Brandenburg? I'll say, not worth a damn today. Or, you know, it's like, It's like, oh, I got this going on or that going on. You know, don't ever ask me that question if you don't really want to know the truth, because I'm probably going to tell you, you know. And when I when I ask people that question, I expect them to tell me the truth. I'm not asking it just to say, how are you doing? How you doing? But nobody really cares. Right. Yeah. Those people are like, oh, good, good. Meanwhile, they got tons of stuff that they're worried about. They're on their way to face pain and. Yeah, they get on TikTok and they've got all the filters on to make sure people can't see their face the way they really look. And it's like, you know, don't be ashamed of yourself. Be who you are. It's good enough. And it's the way God created you. You don't have to be a movie star. You don't have to have all the right words. It's funny when, it's really funny to me that Stanley was asked those questions. Like, do you get a list of talking points when you come on Brandenburg News Network? I'm like, no. You know, it's like I think it's hilarious because because no, it's like it's like truly. And I mean, you know, this to be true because we've been friends for quite a while. But the reality is, is we are just people and we just talk and we talk about real issues and we let God lead the conversation wherever it is. I mean, I never know what I'm going to talk about. Never. I don't plan it. I don't plan for it. When I used to give speeches to the biggest thing that General Flynn said to me, which is the best advice I'd ever had, you know, we're friends. He just said, because, you know, I was trying to do things right at the beginning going, I don't know how to do this. I'm not a politician. I'm, you know, I nothing, you know, and I get up there and I have a few notes and I'd be like within five minutes, I'm like going, I can't follow these notes. This is nuts. And as soon as I just get on the podium and just said, I'm done with this, I'm just going to get up there and just be me. And whether whether people like what I have to say that day or not, it's going to be authentic. And I think that that's what people are starved for is real relationships, real people getting to the base of what they really need to help them. And instead of hiding ourselves and who we are, put yourself out there and be okay with it. And if somebody criticizes you, it's probably from they're, they're seeing you through their own lens. You know, like when somebody, when somebody criticizes you or says, Oh, I know what that person is doing. Really? I don't think you do. I don't know if anybody has that ability to do that. They're telling you. It's like they're playing a poker hand. It's like they're telling you what they would do in that situation. It has no bearing on the situation. It has no bearing on what the people are doing because they don't know. They're literally telling you what they would do if they were in those certain circumstances, which... If it goes to a bad place, you know that that person's got a bad heart and they failed right then and there. Because if you put them in a compromised position, they're going to do the wrong thing. And when I hear people say stuff like that, give me advice like that, I go, well, what are you doing right now? Yeah. I just turn it around. Yeah. Yeah. Or you need to fix my problem. That comes up a lot. You know, it was funny. It's like, you know, I, I don't know. You saw a lot of people stick their finger in my face and say, you work for me, you know, you work for me like that. How the hell is that in any, any terms right to talk to a politician that way? You know, we've got a lot of people in there that are, that are, uh, Threaten, compromise, and blackmail. Make no mistakes. There's a lot of people that have weak constitutions that wouldn't say, you threaten me, you're just going to get your throat chucked right against the wall if you threaten me. And they caved. for whatever reason. But do you think you're really going to get anything done by approaching people that way? If there's a clear and present threat, I'm going to chuck them right against the wall, right? And that's just the way it is. Not like grab your torches and pitchforks, unless it's necessary, but generally you can do it with a verbal thrashing. But But, you know, it's like, and to the point, it was like, I'd look at him and go, well, actually, I don't work for you. I am a citizen who decided to step forward and run for office. And until I receive one check from the government or anyone else in this capacity, you know, the government, I don't work for anybody. I'm a person. I am actually Donna Brandenburg. I am not associated with any organization right now. So you can take that or leave it. I don't really care. Remember that lady? What was that? I missed it. Remember that lady? I think it was one of the last places we went. And the lady goes, she raises her hand like this, right in front of you. And you go, yes, ma'am. And she goes, well, why should we believe you? Tell me why we should believe you. And you go, you shouldn't. None of you should believe me. You also do your due diligence and research me. And then you'll find out if I'm telling the truth today or not. Yeah, I just came right out and said it. I said, you shouldn't trust me or anybody else out there. Why do you think we've gotten in this position to begin with? You don't know these people that you're voting for. You do not know these people that are talking to you. You know nothing about them. They have, you know, it's like I went to the Vance rally last week. Wish you would have been there with me. We would have had some interesting discussions. I'm going to tell you what, because I'm going to tell you what I'm seeing. And we need to question both sides of the bullshit because that's what it is. All right. I question the left. I question the right. I question all of it because everybody is lying and they're lying bigly. And so you got to question it and go do your own research, right? When I go to these rallies and and listen to prosperity, prosperity, money, money, money. Do you really think this is any different than the other side? I know. When that's all they're promising is prosperity and how rich the United States is going to be, they're playing to the failings of human beings who have all their selves in this world invested in what they have, what they make, what they're going to do. And leading people right down stupidville. It's like you better start questioning the policies. And I have said this a million times and I'm going to say it again. I will defend President Trump. He's the rightful president of the United States. He had the election stolen from him. And I will defend him as an American who was deprived of his office. And I don't care whether anyone likes him or not. I happen to like him, right? I thought his policies were amazing. And he did a good job swimming in the swamp. I have some serious questions about JD Vance and I don't care what he says because I feel like he's Pence 2.0. And, uh, And I'm going to tell you what I shook the man's hands and I'm a pretty good read on character people as, as somebody, but not only understanding that, but as his, how do you go from being a radical anti-Trumper to, Oh, president Trump and I were going to do this, that, and the other thing, and do that kind of a turnabout. Well, I'm going to tell you, I have never shake. I have never shook the hand of a male, an actual human male. that was any more girly than JD Vance's handshake. He came past me and I shook it and it was like, Oh God, it was like frigging 90 degrees out. And I felt like I grabbed a cold clammy fish and his hand was, was cold. and like cold and clammy and sweaty. I'm like, dude, did you just crawl out of the swamp or what? I mean, I don't even, I can't even tell you if I've ever had a handshake of a man that was any colder, clammy. I was like, what did I do? I grabbed like pasta, like a wet noodle. It was weird. It was just weird. But I walked away from there going, okay, you guys keep plugging this away. There still are some of us real Americans who are not going to drink the Kool-Aid. And with saying that, the biggest question I have is, was President Trump forced to take him? I don't know the answer to this. He was forced to take Pence. And what happened? DeVos walks out and resigns January 7th. She walks out and resigns on the 7th, right after January 6th, which is going to be a perfect lead into our next segue here. She resigns. Pence gets $22 million. Nobody says a thing on the United States of America. Just like Marjorie Taylor Greene. I was trying to find a meme of her with her sitting there trying to be, you know, like all kinds of cowboy up there, you know, and she, she brings up the same words that come out of, out of JD Vance's mouth of calling on his mama. Nice folksy, nice folksy little, I'm a mama said this or mama said that let's pull the guns out and, and, uh, and uh try to make everybody go rah rah that re type of stuff if she were something she would have stood for these j6ers would have gone to the map for and she and any one of them would have stood up and said this is political prisoners in america no no no no they just keep flapping their chat chops and they don't do a thing and stand in front of the camera toting their little gun out there that I'm pretty extra sure she's probably never shot in her life and uh you know and and they're do nothing go nowhere defend nobody uh politicians that I don't know I'm kind of done with this there's no excuse for any of this and I think all of us need to be asking some hard questions on both sides of the aisle because from what I see they're all working together well right now I i think we have a uh a house that's I want to say 50 percent of the House is basically globalist and they're paid off and they're blackmailed. Then you've got the Senate, which are the ones that if Comer and all of them brought the charges to the Senate, the Senate would probably turn it down in protection of their own. So and look at all the Israeli dual citizens there. What kind of nonsense is that? And then you've got Miss Somali up there and in Minnesota telling us that she puts the rights of Somalia, you know, that she's fighting for the rights of Somalia. Then go back to your own country. I should be fighting for the rights of Americans and standing for something. And I'm so disgusted with these people. It's like every single one of them that's sitting in office, whether they were threatened or not at this point in time, unless they step up or step away from this, they're complicit cowards. And every one of them needs to have their sorry butts shipped off to Gitmo and, and stick them in a military tribunal. And you, you could literally hang them all just on what happened with J six, all of them. I think we could come up with like a, like a million charges for all of them. Actually, it wouldn't be that hard to do, but I digress. Yes. Uh, I think, uh, I think you're right on that. Uh, I think we do have a couple that are that are basically their hands are tied. They're powerless because of the fact that the overwhelming and you hit the nail on the head. We got people from Somalia in there supporting Somalia, not USA. You got people in there that are Muslims that only care about what. allah wants well that's great but this country was founded on god not allah so you can't represent me you can't represent anyone out there except for those muslims that's all you're doing if your your foundation is allah then that's all you can represent you can't represent every single american in this country if you're socialist how the hell can you tell me Admit to me, this is a crime. It's a crime of fraud that people admit they're socialists, yet they pretend to represent capitalism. There's not a socialist that calls himself a socialist that believes in capitalism. They don't believe in capitalism. They take from others. How can you take an oath? And how can you, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and the rest of you stand by and not say anything about that? Right. How can they do? But you know what, Chris, to be fair and balanced, let's get the ADL coming after me, too. Right. And the Chinese Communist Party and the Christian church, because I'm going to tell you what, it's like the Seven Mountains Church. That's that's those churches and everything. You look at every single thing we have has been infiltrated. I've got no gripe. with the normal people, whether they're Chinese or the normal Chinese people. I have no gripes with the Jewish people. I have no gripes actually with the Muslim people. My doctor's a Muslim. It's like, I don't have a gripe. What I have a gripe with is the global crime syndicate that has infiltrated everything, radicalized and paid for people who are out there protesting and tearing down. and then blaming groups of people that they may or may not even be part of. You know, this is like everybody's just put on a costume. Let's pretend to be a cop when we're not. Like the thing I showed with Jeff this morning. That wasn't a cop. That was a wannabe cop. That was a cop that was following orders that was breaking the law. And, you know, it's like we need to get past all of this and get down to the real people. And my next guests are ready to go on. You and I could sit here and talk for six hours. I mean, we've done it before. So thanks for coming on this morning, Chris. We're going to go to a real quick break. And we'll be talking to Chris again next week because this is just like being able to go off the rails with a really good friend and say whatever you want to say, which that's pretty much what we do every day here on Brandenburg News Network. So I'll be right back. And thanks for coming on, Chris. All right. Thank you. Bye. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the 19th day of August 2024. Welcome to our show. And I'm going to bring on my buddies here, my J6er buddies, Jaleese Middleton and Brandon Fellows. How are you guys doing? Doing good. Doing good. Thank you. I'll go first, I guess. I'm doing well. How are you? Good. Awesome. We've been beating that up pretty hard today because, you know, I got to tell you, people have got to start questioning things instead of just taking the lazy way out and listening to headlines. And I think that that's where we got in this position to begin with. And somebody earlier said that he gets asked a lot, whenever you're on BNN, do you get like a list of things that you're supposed to talk about or say? And I'm like, you gotta be kidding me. We just kind of get on here and This is like an amoeba out of control. It kind of goes like wherever God leads. But I saw you backstage going like this when I was beating up J.D. Vance a little bit. I've got some huge concerns. I have no idea why when somebody does that radical of a change and all of a sudden he's following him around to all of his trials. He's never been there. I'm really concerned that President Trump is being forced to do something That he either doesn't want or there's another reason there. You know, God help us all. But this is like the worst handshake I've ever had in my life. And I'm talking like cold and clammy and 90 degree weather. How do you explain that? I don't know what to make of him either. But I'm like you. I'm slow to be a fan. And, you know, I felt the same way with Mike Pence back when he chose him. And I'm feeling the same way now. I'm like, you know, he he wasn't a fan of Jay Sixers. He he did. He was pretty much a never Trumper. And then suddenly, you know, he's all in a greatest thing since sliced bread. And he seems to be a little bit of a chameleon, which is concerning to me. So, yeah. Well, yeah. And it seems a little convenient. Okay. So I'm just going to say this because it is a concern for mine. Um, if they had somebody that was a stronger candidate than Mr. Mamaw JD Vance. Okay. I got a problem with this. Okay. Um, I think that it would actually be a protection for President Trump. But you got somebody in there that's tied with Peter Thiel and some other of these globalist things. Unless he's a real good spy that had been infiltrating these things for years and was trying to get in on the inside. But he hasn't talked about that. he hasn't blown the whistle on all these connections. I've got some real concerns here, serious concerns, that it would be very convenient if the deep state placed somebody who they've already tried to assassinate, And place somebody next to him to have somebody waiting in the wings in case something bad happens to him. I am very concerned for the health and well-being of President Trump. And I wish that he would have appointed somebody that was going to be a true terror to the deep state. Somebody who was going to get in there and haul tail with no apologies to this. The American people would vote for that person because they understand and they're sick of it too. You know, I tell the Jay Sixers all the time they've been upset with Trump that in, you know, in his speaking, he's gotten real radio silent on the Jay Sixers. But like I tell them, you know, he's got to play the game and win all the vote he can win. we're you know we have to trust him and his decisions and and wait for him to get in office because even as conservatives a lot of people are ignorant to what occurred on january 6th and so they still are not convinced it was a setup and you know until the truth can can get out and they're covering it up they won't allow the video footage out uh we're seeing evidence of that constantly where the the doj won't release uh information and whatnot we're kind of stuck we got to let him get into office and let him do what he does best well and I think the thing of it is is my my problem is is that I question everyone and everything though I'm a unapologetic president trump supporter right but I always question things in situational awareness and something doesn't look right there and that's that's my concern it is my concern I don't have an answer for it but I do I do see some things that should be concerning to all of us and that we should be going because you know what even god warned about this of wanting a king This is what a king does. That's right. You asked for it, you got it. That's the failing of the American people. That's not the failing of President Trump. When we appoint and we want a king, that's... That's a problem. We need to look at this. The people that are in office are there to serve a specific function. And so what happens? What happens when something eventually happens to President Trump? Because all of us are going to die at some point. I don't care who you are. We're all mortal, right? So what's next? Who steps up next? I just wonder if that's not why we're going through this. It's because we made him our God. I mean, I'm not saying, you know, every individual, but I think overall, what was the first thing they did when they... When the election was stolen, when all of this horrible stuff started occurring, everyone's screaming for Trump, Trump, Trump. You should be turning your eyes to the Lord Jesus Christ and getting on your knees and repenting and saying, I need you to clean this up. I don't know where I got myself into, but I've got to get out. I agree with that. And I want you to think about this. OK, so God has patterns in the Bible. There's always patterns that repeat. Patterns are what we look at to actually know who we're talking to. It's not what people say or even what they do. It's the patterns that you look for to find out, right? Well, Moses was not allowed to go into the promised land. And people will sit there and say, well, it's because he struck the rock and he didn't listen to God. I think God allowed him to do that and knew he was going to do it and such. But more importantly, if God would have allowed Moses to go in the Promised Land, they would have started worshiping Moses and made a king out of him because people's natural inclination is to worship creation rather than the Creator. Well, it actually says that in Jude. It references, I believe it's Michael. It references him being slow to get somewhere because he was warring with Satan over Moses' bones. God took, you know, took the bones of Moses. He was never found buried. You know what I'm saying? They kept it concealed. And the concern was that the people would worship the bones of Moses. So you have some legitimacy to that argument for sure. So, you know, whether that was the case or not, well, we can ask when we get there. But I hope I hope he has repented from his stupidity and evil and is willing to actually serve, you know, the American people. The point being is that the that the government right now, it's just it's it's really it's a collection of self-interest. That's what it is. It's not really a government. Just let's just think about it. And I had somebody that said this the other day. And I'm like, yeah, this is how I always viewed the Chamber of Commerce's and that sort of thing. It's the pat yourself on the back club and it's a gathering of self-interest and they don't care about anything about that stuff. It's like it becomes an entity and of itself. And the thing of it is, is that these people are there to serve we the people, not themselves, not to have bigger, better, better programs, not to build bigger castles for themselves on the backs of the people. This is kind of all kinds of backwards. But, you know, going back to the Jay Sixers play, I would actually give somebody credibility, which none of them have that I have seen to step up and say or or. or make it their issue. If they wanted to make this an issue, they could. They could absolutely. The governors could have made this an issue. The legislatures could have made this an issue. But I'm not seeing anyone that's doing a darn thing except for absolutely just walking away for it and giving it lip service. But I don't see them doing anything. Am I wrong or am I right? Talk about that. I'm sorry. So what do you think of that? Talk about that. Is Congress and governors doing anything? And why do you think they're not? No, but before I touch on that, I wanted to I was this was one thing I was thinking of. I actually briefly think that this J.D. Vance pick was kind of smart. I don't like him. But one of my favorite books was, it was focused on Abraham Lincoln and it was called Team of Rivals. And Abraham Lincoln shocked a lot of people by selecting a whole bunch of people that his base didn't approve of. Some of which were Democrats, some of which were the extreme of the Republican Party, like I think it was Seward Folly up in New York, part of the abolitionist movement that upset a lot of the Southerners. So I think this J.D. Vance pick was kind of smart, just like his avoiding the January six topic like you guys were just talking about a few minutes ago. I think a lot of people inside the D.C. jail and other jails that I've been with, I've been with about 170 to 180 January six defendants. A lot of them get upset in the moment for understandable reasons that Why isn't Trump saying he's going to pardon all of us? Why isn't Trump talking about this every day? Why is this? Because it's a touchy subject. You know, just a couple of years ago, nobody supported us. Our first person that was like, hey, these guys are being treated as political prisoners was Putin. Now we've got people cheering in stadiums and we beat Taylor Swift in the song charts. So it's a crazy turnaround story. Do I think these people are fighting for us? No. But I am glad, we just need to, my big thing is, I think we can get more people fighting for us if we start cracking down on the illegal immigration, not allowing them to vote, the illegals coming in, and also we need to be cracked down and make sure that people are watching polls and there's actually something done about it. If something like what happened in Maricopa in 2022, which we all saw, or what happened in 2020, There needs to be measures in place. And I know some places have, but it's just so hard to keep up to date with, okay, well, what about this area? What about this area? There's no way I'm going to spend that much time keeping up to date. I'm not fully confident in it, but I think that's the way we can get it fixed. I think it's better than it was a couple of years ago. Thanks to Trump. Yes. Okay. So I want to now back up and introduce you. This guy is so intelligent, but he is truly, I can say hands down the funniest Jay Sixer that we have. Okay. The funniest. Okay. Why? Yeah, I'm counting 1,470 people. And this guy is our biggest hot mess, but I love him with all my heart because he's so funny, so intelligent, such a people person. And I just think he's, I mean... I don't want to call J6 a movement because this is life and death for us. It's not a movement. We didn't ask for this. We didn't want to be in this. We're stuck in this. And we've had to come out as warriors to be victorious. But straight up, I mean, golly, I don't know where we'd be without Brandon Fellows. So if people don't know, he was also the one behind Fauci during his little hearing. Making the faces and representing the American people in their thoughts, okay? But he really is so much deeper than that. He is fearless. So I know I didn't spend this much time introducing all our other guests, but Brandon's an amazing guy. And he's really overcome some radical obstacles. I wish that people could have... I hope you do researching and see what he even did within the prison when he was in solitary confinement. This guy was fearless in getting to the American people and letting them hear the truth of what was going on while he was being held hostage. How did you do that? Tell us what was going on there. I'm curious because I don't know your story. This is where you get to educate. Pretend like I'm everybody watching out there. Yeah, I got you. First off, I want to say she made me sound like I'm very, you know, very funny and happy. I am trying to just pull through my misery. I scratched my eyeball. And so yeah, that's why it's all red today. So I'm just sitting. Yeah, just I'm just pushing through that today. So just, you know, excuse the not like, you know, normal. I don't know. I don't want to call it bubbly. That's kind of feminine. But my normal I'll just say whatever the normal bubbliness of me. But yeah, Thank you for that great introduction. Inside the D.C. jail, I unfortunately had to represent myself. I was in there for nonviolent charges. This is my first time. My criminal history was nothing. So that's why, despite facing a 20-year charge, I only had to be in there for 42, well, they sentenced me to 42 months. But I served 35 months, 1,075 days. And A decent amount of it was in the DC jail. And while I was in there, I went through horrendous conditions. And how I recorded those conditions was I opted to represent myself. I started, you know, it felt like we were all going to be found guilty by these jury trials. So far we have only been found guilty by these jury trials. And I was just like, okay, I saw a hundred thousand dollar attorneys over here and over there. know get paid just to give them a terrible plea deal and then I just I was like yeah I'm not really looking I'm not super excited about that so as I represented myself because it's the largest criminal investigation in american history they and with the most amount of data in criminal history um we have I finally was given a laptop with usb drives to be able to look through some of the discovery um which is like footage from that day, body camera footage and or phone things that have been subpoenaed from my device. And when they gave me this laptop, they forgot to delete the camera app on it. And so I was in there and I remember I had gotten the DDA of the jail, deputy director of administration, Ms. Wilson, I forget her first name, but I get her, she subpoenaed over to court, a court hearing on April 14th, 2022. And we show up, And she basically lies her butt off and says, oh, this isn't happening to them. This isn't happening to them. Everything's fine. And I call her out, say that she's lying. My judge does nothing. And I said, even the marshals agree with me. The marshals and the DOC did an internal investigation based off my claims, which they released March 17th, 2022. And the judge still did nothing. So I said, all right, well, what else am I going to do? I ended up deciding to release some videos showing that she was lying, video proof. And rather, when my judge finally got wind of it, rather than punish her for lying in court, he punished me and said, you were live streaming in jail, which I wasn't live streaming. But I gave the videos to my standby counsel and said, hey, can you release this to someone? And he gave it to Cara Castronova over at the Gateway Pundit. And so if you look up those, you can see some of my videos on there, um, of the terrible conditions. Yeah. It's, uh, depending on where you are, if you're outside of DC, the algorithm seems to be okay with you just typing in on Google or duck, duck, go, uh, Brandon fellows, DC jail videos, gateway pundit, and it pops up. There's multiple videos. Some of which, uh, and by the way, you'll see, I look crazy because they didn't let us get haircuts, cut me off at any time. But we didn't get haircuts, didn't get shaves, because we were not allowed to, because we're in the domestic terrorist wing. And so we had two options. It was either chemically burn your hair off with this stuff called Nair, or just look crazy while you're going in and attempting to tell the judge, hey, I'm not crazy, can I get out? So a lot of people ended up burning their hair, their skin off. Yep, that's the... That bag right there is what came out of the sink. You'll have to go through these ads. Thank God we didn't get the hemorrhoid commercials, but hang on a second. I messaged them like, guys, what's up with your commercial choice? Yeah. They always do like hemorrhoid commercials or, you know, that kind of thing. I mean, I mean, are you constipated? This is the kind of stuff that they, for you that watch this might have a real bowel problem. I don't know. So anyhow, can you give us a heads up on what this is all about? Uh, yeah. So which one is this? I believe this is one, this is on my birthday, uh, my 28th birthday, I think. And, um, So I'm recording of 2022. As you can see, my hair looks crazy. It's because we didn't shower. I don't know how many days it had been at that point, but the longest I went without being able to shower was nine days. Those are, and then obviously I've got some facial hair from not being able to shave. That's my cell that I hadn't been out of for maybe a couple of weeks. I don't know. But I'm going to show you what came out of my drinking water, my sink, which is in a little bag. I think this is that video. So yeah. Hello, today is April 11th, 2022. It is 10.49 a.m. I want to show you something. So I'm back in my old cell because of the clogged toilet. Look, I don't know if you can see, but they left water, poop water, presumably, on the ground. Can you see it? Can you see it? If not, well, it's there. I could not believe it. I got my own version of fireworks coming from my sink. It was the most disgusting explosion I've ever seen in person. And I collected some samples. And I'm gonna bring it in court and present it. But this is some, I don't know if you can make this out, but this is some of the fluid that shot out from that sink phone but this is a headphone case and look at this bro this is I shoved it in there with it because it exploded all of my toothbrush it was right in the sink right now let me put this down I want you to imagine look at that so imagine that that sink the hole just like started just like shot up and like stuff went all over. Let me get a better view. Um, and stuff just went like from like there, like shot up to here and splattered everywhere. It was doing. And so I collected it. It was all over my toothbrush. I had to get a new toothbrush. Fortunately, I had one this time. able to turn it in um yeah I still have that bag you still have the bag yeah my uh standby council held on to it forever and unfortunately he asked me this is why I got rid of those guys um so he said oh we're gonna we're gonna request we're gonna create a donation page and we're gonna ask for ten thousand dollars to be able to uh go get it tested in the laboratory for black mold And I said, dude, don't do that. I'm like, because you can just get a black mold test kit. That sounds ridiculous. No. He's, oh, okay, I won't do it. And then I didn't get to see it until I was out in this May. And I see he just ignored everything I asked and just put it on there. And I'm like, dude, this screams like, The guy is a scam artist. And I was upset that he put it on here because this has my name attached to it. So it's like, help us raise money so we can get it tested in a lab. And I'm like, dude, if anybody understands anything about black mold, that sounds ridiculous. But yeah, he did it anyway. So I got rid of them. Well, for other reasons. But yeah, he ended up keeping the money that was raised for that video, which he said was going to be for me. But oh, we didn't raise enough for the lab. And that's not uncommon with the attorneys for Jay's Fixtures, that they raise money on their back, keep the money, claiming it's to help with their case, but their whole agenda from day one is to get famous and make money. Yep, and get you a plea deal, because that's nice, easy work. And by the way, I had three time-served plea deals, and they still wouldn't let me out of jail, two of which were for misdemeanors. Sorry, one of which was for a misdemeanor. My lawyers are so pissed They were like, Brandon, it's a misdemeanor. You can leave with a misdemeanor. But I didn't knowingly do it. And the police made me feel welcome. So I don't think that's right of me to do it. And on the paperwork, they wanted, which I've heard from other January 6th defendants. So I saw this coming from a mile away. They wanted people to say that Donald Trump told them to go in. And I said, I'm not doing that. I don't think you should be pardoned if you say that, because that's a lie. A lot of people ended up doing it. And yeah. And then he had an argument to go after Trump. I even had an attorney, a public defender for my husband, that just decided to go rogue. He wasn't even representing us. He filed motions without us even knowing. And the motion said that because they hadn't prosecuted Trump at selective prosecution and we should be, our charges should be dropped. And when I read, I read it in the news. That's how I found out he filed that motion. I'm like, have you lost your mind? that you're not representing you, you're representing me. And when you screw up, I go to prison for it. So nothing is to go to the courts without you showing it to me first and letting me add or subtract what I feel like needs to happen because you're my voice. And fortunately, he ended up removed off the case for a conflict of interest. But it was appalling. It was appalling. And so now we have that. When you Google me and Mark, it looks like we tried to throw Trump under the bus. Well, we didn't even know about it. Yeah, I know. The lawyers quickly try to rush him. Can I tell a quick story? It's really quick. You know what? This is your time. You can say whatever you want. And I don't censor. You can even say it any way you want. Yeah. So you're a free man here. So I remember this. This was a perfect example of like, wow, I definitely am sketched out about these lawyers. The guy was Robert Palmer. He's from Florida. And he was originally. Yeah, yeah, yes. And originally they had claimed that he was the man who murdered. Was it Civic? Sidnick. Officer Sidnick. And Sidnick. Yes. And so. said he murdered him with a fire extinguisher well then after he took his plea deal you see uh some footage come out the fire extinguisher that the guy threw just hits a riot shield and bounces off he's like that's the murder but I thought it was funny but um in a sad way but what ended up happening was he was on vacation in uh the florida keys with his girlfriend and he he hired a lawyer for like a hundred and twenty thousand dollars and he says great lawyer Lawyer called up the prosecutor, said, I've got a great plea deal for you, but you've got to come up and self-surrender. It's zero to five years. The prosecutor said, you're probably only going to get probation. Prosecutor said, you're only going to get probation. And so he goes all the way up to DC, self-surrenders. Then his lawyer says, hey, I know you're really against being vaccinated, but your judge really does not like people that aren't vaccinated. So he gets vaccinated. And, um, then he goes in and he says, Hey, your judge is going to want you to like blame Donald Trump and say, you're extremely sorry. You knew you shouldn't have been there. So he does like the biggest, and he cries up there and he's like, Donald Trump told me to do it. It was terrible. I was fooled. He didn't lose it. He didn't win. And then he gets five and a half years, which they went over the, over the plea deal. And the lawyer's like, the lawyer's gone. He's like, well, if you, you know, pay me basically the same or a bit more, we can take this on appeal. But his lawyer set him up for that. And, uh, then he got, he was the longest at that time. He had the longest sentence of anybody because he was kind of early with it. But, uh, I got to say this. This goes back to doing the right thing. When you do the right thing before God and you tell the truth and such, he will defend you. You don't have to lie to try to get out of things because you decide to take this all on your own and do stuff like that and lie to set somebody else up. God's going to give you exactly what you deserve for that, for being a traitor. That's being a traitor right there. If he lied about what was going on, he deserved the punishment. You know, I don't think anybody really deserves... the level of abuse the government has dished out on them. But I can tell you, me and Mark had the same thing. We were offered a plea deal. We didn't want to take it. We felt like we were lying. You know, it was our second plea deal. Our attorneys were pushing us to take it. We didn't have money to keep those attorneys. And, you know, I went to my life group and I'm like, guys, what do y'all think? You know, I can't make the decision. And our lead life group, leader was so amazing. He goes, Jaleis, walk in the direction that your heart is leading and the Lord will redirect you if you're wrong and trust him for it. So we decided, okay, we're going to tell him we're taking the plea deal. So we did. And I had a heart attack two days later. So I'm sitting in the hospital with this heart attack and a new stent. And while I'm there, we get the paperwork. Mark brings it to the hospital and I start reading it. I mean, my heart's just sunk. I feel like I'm going to die. I can't breathe. And his sister calls to see how I'm doing. And in the conversation, she goes, oh, and you know, the FBI came and talked to all my neighbors and talked to me and threatened me that I needed to make you take the plea deal or it wasn't going to go well for me. And I knew right then I saw it so clear that I'm trying to make a deal with the devil and I'm not called to make deals with the devil. I'm called to stand on the rock of Jesus Christ. And at that point, I bailed out of everything and said, I will have no more plea deals. And every attorney we went to talk to, I said, if you even attempt a plea deal, just know you're going to have to go to trial. And if you're not comfortable going to trial, you're not the right attorney for me. You're going to want to jump off this wagon. And that's where it landed. So I agree. But see, we had the I had the gifting of 400 J6ers going before me. Right. So we're all learning as we go. Things to do, not to do, you know, walk. I mean, this has been the biggest faith challenge of my entire life. And I think it probably has for everyone, whether they call it that or not. Right. Like it don't matter where you were on the spectrum. My daddy used to have a saying that there are no. What was it? There are no atheists in foxholes. That's what my dad used to say. And we're all in a foxhole fight. And so no matter where you are in your faith, you have a form of faith somewhere going on right now. Yeah. I do think it's, it's paying off too. Cause you know, I held out and everybody, you know, in the news, they're like, ha ha, what a fool. He got found guilty. And like, well, I saved money and got found guilty. The other people wasted money and got found guilty. But then I felt definite, like some, some more like we're, we're speeding up the justice going on. Um, when the Supreme court threw away the only felony that I have. Um, now of course I've got to wait through all these stupid procedures, but I know that it's just a matter of time until they update my case. And then, I've been wrongfully imprisoned the whole time. Go into detail on that, Brandon, because this is what makes me furious. This is what they did to almost all of them. Everyone made a big deal about this 1512 being dropped in. Oh, it's going to save all these J6ers. No, because the one said it was their only felony. They had already made almost all of them their prison time first. So go into detail there. Yeah, there's some people that got released out of prison, not many from it that were like, you know, in between. And then obviously there's some people that have it on top of their other felonies. And I know, for instance, a very contentious name out there. Jake Lang, for instance, had his 1512 dropped. He was one of the names listed on the Supreme Court. And then what they did in return was they just superseded him with uh some other felony the 231 civil disorder yep yeah I think that's what it was um and so but the civil disorder charge uh I'm familiar with that because that was my first plea deal that's a five-year maximum charge uh to my memory um but Uh, yeah, I mean, for me though, I mean, and the nice thing, it doesn't bring back my family members that I lost while I was in jail or bring back the time or, you know, bring, you know, put me back where I was in my business, um, that I had prior all this, but I, uh, can sue for wrongful imprisonment. So that'll take a long time. The civil courts take forever, but I mean, there's that. Cause I was in there for, yeah. Cause they said I'm looking anywhere between 24. to 30, like four months of wrongful imprisonment. Now you'll have to debate about that because I don't want to bore you, but yeah, I'm looking at that. I'm curious why it's not boring. Your story is not boring. We need to know because people, people need to know a, how to help you and learn from what happened. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. So, um, Because the misdemeanor, like I have four misdemeanors, but what they do is they group the misdemeanors together unless they do it, unless they rule consecutively. Consecutively would mean you have to serve each charge separately. But that almost like never happens. Never happens. And so every January 6th defendant, to my knowledge, except for Daryl Neely from D.C., has been charged consecutively. So, so far, I think that's like one out of a thousand. Concurrently. Sorry, yes, concurrently. Daryl Neely, to my knowledge, I think was consecutively because he had his felonies dropped and then they just were like, well, we're going to give you the misdemeanors. So I think that was because he's a D.C. native and because the D.C. people were like, hey, we're only going to find you guilty of these misdemeanors because Well, Daryl and I get along great. I just want to say this. I know people always freak out about this, but Daryl's black. And I think maybe the D.C. jury was like, oh, we can't we can't do this to him. That's my guess. I don't know. He's very he's very kind. So with the misdemeanors, though, being concurrently ruled concurrently. I'm looking at 12 months, but because they gave me around one sixth of the time for the felony. they, you know, you would assume, okay, well, what's one six around one six of 12 months, it'd be about two months. So that's why just shy of 36 months, I've been told you could be looking at 34 months, you could even be argued, you could argue for more, because a lot of the people on the misdemeanors, some of which some of those people have gotten just house arrest. But regardless, even if they were to argue successfully, that you had that I had been held for I would have been you know, sentenced to 12 months on the misdemeanors, that's still 20, about 24 months of wrongful imprisonment. So that's why you get that range between, according to lawyers that I've spoken to, between 24 to 34, maybe more, that you can sue for wrongful imprisonment. So, and then of course, that'll be in the, you can sue for the conditions as well, which were unconstitutional. And the nice thing is the marshals and the DOC came out and said that, Um, so we have even federal, you know, institutions that have said they come in agreement with us, Congress members. Well, you know, so here's, here's a question. Why do they, if they're so, if they're so righteous and running the prisons the way they should, which we all know they're not, I mean, the prison system is a train wreck in the United States of America, not even talking about the Gulag. The whole thing is, is, you know, they're stuffing it full of, uh, you know, dads that aren't paying child support or something like that. And they're letting the drug dealers and the murderers and the rapists go. So, I mean, there's all sorts of things that are just not there. It's turned into kind of a debtor's prison rather than a criminal holding place. And so we all know what they're doing. If they were doing the right thing, why would they not allow people to either live stream or have that transparency? Because they're like hiding like snakes under rocks. That's why. And I think that there needs to be some transparency because that's assuming that they're all righteous and they're not. They're not righteous. If they're doing the right thing, it's just like politicians. If the politicians were doing the right thing, they wouldn't have any problem having a camera on. on them all the time. And I maintain that, you know, it's like, um, I, when I go to meetings, I'll, I'll actually be live streaming when I'm in meetings quite often. And if there's reporters there, I met was at one place where Dana Nestler attorney general was, I turned the camera on the reporters and said, fine, you want to play this game? Then how do you like it with camera shoved in your face? So they couldn't lie about what's being said. And I mean, that, that goes both ways. Do you want me to play this next video that was here? uh which I don't remember which one it is but maybe this one uh oh uh that one shows I could give a summary if you want um or I think there's several of them in here yeah oh there's roaches in the sink well yeah there's like two tiny ones um I'm downplaying it but uh so hold on that one's interesting um It promotes her- That was the first one. That was so shocking. First one I thought, not maybe your first one. Okay, let's play that one. Let's see if we can go past the hemorrhoid medicine and all the constipation stuff that goes on Gateway Pundit. I always have to tell, because I show people, I live in DC now, they force me to, and I always show people around here. I'm like, hey, you guys care about prison reforms, right? Hey, check this out. But then I always have to- you know, they'll show like, man, just like constipation videos, or I'll just say he said I could say anything. They'll show like erectile dysfunction stuff. And I'm like, Oh, geez, dude. Like, come on. It's like the most embarrassing ad to show ever. And I'm just like, this isn't based off the algorithm. This is the this is the gateway pundit and their random ads. Once it's passed, then I can show them the video. Well, I've got an ax to grind against Gateway Pundit because one of the ways they sabotaged my run was by calling me billionaire Donna Brandenburg, which I am not. I've never seen that financial statement and they never retracted it. And what it did is it did irreparable damage to me personally as a candidate because they misrepresented me and threw me in the same category as a globalist. And people were like, well, she's a billionaire. She should pay for everything. And I mean, well, actually I'm not. And that's a bad attitude, no matter what anybody has, but they, they did irreparable damage to my person, Donna Brandenburg by lying and failing to retract it and mischaracterizing me. So here you go. So they can keep their little erectile dysfunction, constipation, whatever, you know, bodily function or there's, there's a neuropathy and, uh, All kinds of things. They didn't even spell it right. So neuropath. Yeah, they didn't even spell it right. So here we go. Graphic light. Okay. So today is 1254 p.m. Actually, I have to have it. People are terrible. Islam is the best thing to ever happen since, well, sliced bread was in, what, the early 1900s. So there's not been anything as good of a development since Islam and sliced bread. So I guess I'll say that. I don't know. But that's essentially what they try to push. It's nonstop how great black people are. That's great. You know, that's great. But where's the white people? Why is it only attacks against white people? And not, hey, here's something cool that a white person has done. Nothing. Yeah, it's a very racist tablet. So anyhow. Okay, so I'm going to have to mirror this later. But looking at the re-education tablet and all the pro-Islam stuff. So let me get a clear view that I'll have to mirror. So there. So the top thing it's saying is the characteristics of a successful Muslim. Now let me go down to... Number five, I'm going to read it and then I'm going to show it so that way I can screenshot it or something and somebody else can mirror it and see that it actually says this. Let's see. Those who guard their chastity, i.e. private parts from illegal sexual acts, except for their wives or the slaves, that's in parentheses, that their right hand possesses. For then they are free from blame. so that is number six so we'll rewind that brandon were you allowed to have a bible in the gulag it took it took quite a while to get one um but eventually I got one I think it was like two or three months but every time they moved you in the jail you wouldn't get your stuff and then you'd have to like you know do that all over again like hey And sometimes it would take two to three weeks and it's like, Hey, I need a Bible. Um, so yeah, it was, it was back and forth. But you could get this Quran and this indoctrination stuff, right? Yeah. Yeah. So, and also the, the, uh, religious, I forget the actual title he held, but he would walk around and hand off, uh, Oh, what's that guy's name? Um, Elijah Muhammad. Uh, he like leads, um, Uh, it's like the very, like the national nation of Islam. That's what it is. Nation of Islam, which is like, Hey, we've got to take control of America and like get rid of the white devils. So that's what he promoted. Um, this religious like coordinator or whatever that would always come up. We never saw the like pastors or anything, um, up until 2023 till somebody like came and visited us. But this guy would come by with, uh, the nation of Islam paper. And like some of the titles would be like, the white devil, how do we deal with them? And stuff like that. So and then on the tablets, of course, you could read about the Quran and stuff. But yeah, there was not what's really sad is this is actually a military move parading as a religion. And that's, that's the problem with all of it. You know, you've got, you've got the, the different religions are parading as it's just sort of like, you know, when you look at, at say DC, the Vatican and London and watching the different, the different roles that people take, or let's say the world economic form is usually three. It's like, you've got, you've got Schwab, Gates and Soros. And what they do is they fund different things. So World Economic Forum is the economic attack on the world. You've got Gates, which is medical and the food. And then you've got Soros, who is the open societies attacking the world. Well, when you look at the different religions that have been infiltrated, You've got the NGO churches, Christian churches in the United States that closed their doors during the COVID outbreaks, which I'd say every single one of them are going to receive a major smack from God Almighty for that. Because they're not pulling the wool over his eyes at all and the rest of us either. You've got the Muslim Brotherhood, which Huma Abedin was involved in. And you've got the Hillary Clinton ties to that. And most of the people that were in that have been in uh in government they went through iran you've got brennan and uh and a barack obama and the rest of them who basically were floating with the muslim brotherhood and then you've got all the the um the uh uh the people from israel who are I'm going to differentiate between the religious jews and the ones that are parading as such who are the money behind things and have dual citizenship with Israel who are pushing the money part of it. And they divide tasks. It appears that they divide tasks. So that was, in my opinion, a direct attack from radicalizing people in the prisons to use a religion to attack the United States of America. It sounds like a threatened attack. I feel threatened attacked by it, sort of. Yeah. And, you know, they're very... not peaceful and I remember when I went to philadelphia there was this rule it was definitely ruled by the muslims which I was like wow supposed to be minority religion it's interesting that I go in here and it's the you know like they run things um this is in philadelphia and I get there and at first I was one of three white people out of 120 people um and they said white people can't use the phones past 5 30 pm I said I looked oh I mean I didn't say anything I just looked around and I'm like Well, three to 120, I guess that's the rule. Definitely not winning that fight. And also, if you get into a fight, then you have to serve more jail time. So I'm just always trying to like, yep, just trying to work my best with de-escalation training. But his poor dude, Devin, I forget his last name. He's a January Sixer, about like a month and a half into me being there. Him, Scott something from Maryland, and These two other guys, I'm bad with names. Anyhow, they come in and Scott apparently slammed his door too loud during Muslim prayer call. When I say prayer call, they scream it. They scream the Allah, Allah, Allah, Akbar stuff. And wakes up everybody, they'll do it at three in the morning. One of my roommates was one of those people and I'm like, dude, come on, dude, I just fell asleep. And he'll scream it at three in the morning. But anyhow, the point that I'm getting to is Devin, closed his door too loudly, and he got attacked by eight people for closing the door too loudly. And I guess the reason I brought this up is that, yeah, there's not many things I'm scared of. A lot of liberals that I occasionally argue with, they say, oh, you're transphobic because you don't think that that's right for people to do that, or you're this phobic or that phobic. No, I'm not phobic. Not afraid of most things, but Islam, I think most people should be afraid of, especially women, because they don't want to give, you know, they want to make you the slaves. Real Islam, that's what Muhammad did. Look to the founders. Just like real Christianity, you don't look to the Crusades. You look to Jesus, right? You don't look to somebody, you know, preaching peace. You look to Muhammad, who did the exact opposite. You want to look at the founders? That's what will tell you what that religion is all about. And I'm afraid of the spread of Islam, which it is spreading rapidly. It's not peaceful. And, yeah, I definitely have been seeing it both in the prisons and when I was out here in D.C. when they were burning the American flags over here at Union Station. Yeah, and, you know, this whole nonsense with the Palestinian people defending Palestine under a Palestinian flag on American soil, absolutely every single one of them should be thrown out as an invading army and prosecuted, in my opinion. That's crap. You want to go in? and talk about Palestine. Palestine, don't make us have to fight your wars. Go to your own wars. And certainly you do not serve another nation on American soil under a foreign flag or you're a traitor. Or an invader. And either one of them has a bad outcome. Yeah. What are you doing now? Well, my 90th day just passed yesterday of being free. I got out May 20th. this year. So I just two weeks ago got my ID. On Thursday, I got my permit. It takes forever. It sounds like crazy, but after three years, everything expires and you've got to go through this process, get your social security card, everything. Everything's extremely slow moving. Welcome to the communist America. I'm sorry? Welcome to the communist United States of America under Biden. And what I want to point out You know, for the viewers, I mean, we all know that that stuff takes time. But you've also got to keep in mind, he's forced to stay in D.C. So in whatever home he managed to find. I'll show you. I've got the Capitol behind me. Hold on. If you can see. Actually, do you want to go on a quick tour as you talk? Yes. Go ahead. I'm listening. He knows how to keep us connected in. So he's the one I'm forced to stay in D.C. because he lost everything, you know, while there and didn't claim my home. And so he's forced there in a liberal Democratic area where nobody wants to rent a house to you or an apartment or anything. Oh, he lost connection. And he also... They won't employ you. This guy went through torture in prison and still turned around and kept out fighting. Look at that. Can you see it? Yep. Hold on. I'm coming closer to the edge. Yeah, there it is. I'll go back. I know it's windy up here. I'm listening. That's awesome. So, you know, he and he has kept an excellent attitude and found a way to make it. I don't even know how he's making it, but I do know he is still very active in D.C. and and has managed to get a vehicle, to get his permit, to get his driver's license again, whatever, you know, he had to reacquire. So what is already difficult when you don't have all this in your background is It's tenfold, and he's still pushing through it. It's just amazing. It really is. Somebody asked a question that says, what's going on with Jake Lang? I think he got out of solitary. I'm sorry. I'm trying to put this back in. I think he got out of solitary recently, and I think he has trial on August 29th. I think that was the date. I actually, I know he's contentious. I don't know where you guys stand on it, but I try my best to get along with everybody. Jake was nice to me while I was in there. I know everybody has some sort of opinion on him. But yeah, he messaged me. I meant to message him back. But yeah, he is, his trial, I know, I think it's like really close. Yes, I think so. I think it may have delayed a couple days, maybe 15 days. I'm not quite sure. I thought I did read something on that. At the end of the day, I could care less what that January 6th defendant did on January 6th. Now, this is just me personally, because every single individual civil rights have been violated. Constitution has been trampled on. And at the end of the day, that occurrence is what is going to hurt you. It's going to hurt the viewers. It's going to hurt your children, your grandchildren. Because even in mine and Mark's trial, On Thursday, the second to the last day of the trial, The DOJ come in there, filled up our courtroom, and their whole agenda for an hour and a half minimum was to try to annihilate the Constitution with our case against each individual charge, where all they were doing was trying to get the judge to interpret that charge a little more broadly, a little more broadly, a little more broadly. And the whole idea was to annihilate the Constitution. And that's what the American people need to focus on. You can find good and evil in every single individual. OK, I've told you when you put your feet on the floor every morning, you have a decision to make. Am I going to walk in the flesh or walk by the spirit? And we just make those choices. And even good people do bad things. Bad people do good things. At the end of the day, if you cannot focus your attention on the the sovereignty of a human being and that our rights come from god and focus on our constitution getting destroyed you're already getting distracted and pulled off in the weeds by all the stuff that the narrative wants to take you And so Jake Lang's just another Jay Sixer to me, except for that he's had a powerful voice and he's very good at what he does. And that has been very beneficial to the January 6th defendants because the rest of us could not get our voice heard like Jake could. And that in itself is massive. That is a big deal. He's been a massive fundraiser to help January 6th defendants. So everyone has a different place to stand on Jake. Everyone's got opinions to make. But at the end of the day, he has done a lot of good with the platform that he created. Yeah. And I will say his dad, you know, a lot of people have different opinions on Jake, but his dad is great. I haven't heard. And, you know, really, I don't think many people disagree on this point. His dad was actually when I was going up to upstate New York. um was offering me not just a place but he was offering me uh a job to get back into um even though I was like I was like um I wanted to start up my business again but he said I actually was going to just work with him because I know he had owned many franchises um and I while I was in jail you know one of the things I do was read and I read a lot about franchise law and Um, the benefits of having franchises or this sort of entity. And I was like, yeah, it'd be nice to at least get some, some training with him. Um, but yeah, that, that trial, I honestly think, I think Jake knows, uh, he's going to be found guilty. And I think, I think if they just gave David Dempsey 20 years, I think Jake, honestly, Um, at least for now, you know, I say these numbers, hopefully Trump gets in and gets it all tossed aside, but I think, yeah, it'll be right around there. Um, cause a lot of prayer for sure. Yeah. So, um, yeah, but I will say, I will say this though. Um, yeah, it was, I was actually going up there and six days prior to being released, they said, Hey, you've got to come down to DC. So to answer your question, what you were bringing up before, before I had an ADHD moment, I was like, I'm going to show you the Capitol. I am going to be getting my motorcycle registered today. So that's exciting. But yeah, things are both slow moving and fast moving. And I'm going up to New York this week to go visit my family for the first time. Oh, excellent. We'll be spending two weekends up there and the week. That's awesome. One more question for you. I want to go back to your prison time. I don't want to dwell on it too much, but you mentioned losing family. Can you share that? No, I'm very open. It was October of 2021. My grandmother died. If you look into some of the news, my mom, half my family are Democrats. That's great. It's not. I love them. It's just, you know, it's bad. Sadly misled. Yes. And so my grandmother that died, though, was more of my mom. She was, I mean, my mom and I are nothing alike. She's afraid of driving. I've done the motorcycle winter challenge where you ride it up in upstate New York, and I've crashed 14 times on black ice. We're total opposites. And my grandmother is just, she was so much like me, but She died in October of 2021. And then my grandfather, she always kept on top of him. He's one of those grumpy grandfathers who's like, I don't need to take the cell phone down to the barn. And it's Albany, New York. You know, it's a county in Albany, New York. So it's not like in the middle of nowhere. But like, you know, we still have some farms up there. And she would like, Lou, you take down that. You take your phone down with you. You don't know if you're going to need it. So with her gone, I was like, no one's going to be on him. And I was like, Mom, I know you're soft, but you got to be on him because I'm normally the one that jumps on. It's like, you know, she's sick or something. And so she's too soft. And so, you know, he's telling her on the phone, hey, I don't need you to come see me. And I said, Mom, don't listen to him. Show up. And, well, he unfortunately also died because my mom didn't go to go see him. And, yeah, this was the dark part was it was February of 2022, just a couple months later. They'd been married like 50 years, too. So then they died so close together, October of 2021, February of 2022. But they found him frozen outside, leaned up against a tree. They think he fell or had a heart attack. And then he was fine, but too weak to get up. And so he just moved over to the tree and then just sat there waiting for somebody. But nobody came. And you were in prison during this? Yeah. It took him three days to thaw. And then my other sets of grandparents, so I actually lost all my grandparents. The other set died also as well on my dad's side. So yeah, that was all while I was in jail. So I was left close to them, but yeah. You know, and that's irreparable. You can never, I don't care if you get some sort of settlement, you know, financial compensation, you can never get all of those moments back. And so the people got to see the lives being annihilated. It just makes me so sad. You know, fortunately this isn't where the story ends, but it, you know, I can't help but talk about the pain that because I don't know how we call ourselves human beings. And then we hear these horror stories and we're like, well, what's for lunch? You know, I mean, At some point, you got to say, that's my brother. I've got to go stand up for that. And I don't care what they throw my way. Because if they'll do it to him, they're going to do it to me. They're going to, you know... I have a really hard time understanding it. And I guess I'll go to my grave not understanding it. That's why I was there. Yeah, that's a good thing. The fact that you don't understand it is a really healthy thing. It means that you are aware that there's something really wrong. And I wouldn't feel too bad about that. I'm not sure it's a good thing to understand it, you know. yeah it just it leaves you forever confused you know um but uh you know we didn't get too much into politics and brandon is so smart in this stuff how old are you brandon I I'm almost 30 and a half almost 30. you're a puppy you're just you're a puppy and and this kid really really sees the truth. I mean, and just such a little warrior. Like I say, I couldn't wait to get him on. I actually started trying last week, but he is ADHD. I'm not going to lie. Well, I got to tell you, I'm going to need to jump off of here for a little bit. Do you want to stay on for a while or do you want to end it and bring you back on another time? Let's end it and bring Brandon back on another time. And then we'll go through a bunch of your videos and introduce you, reintroduce you again. So did you like to say the prayer today? I absolutely would. Thank you. Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunities to get our voices heard, to glorify you, to always have that solid foundation to bring it back. to stand on your word, to stand on your truth, and to know where the line is at. This world is getting crazy. Each day we're bringing people that have been victimized by the craziness of this world. But you have given us the strength and the courage to stand on truth, and we thank you for that. I pray for special blessings on Brandon as he tries to rebuild his life from all this destruction and that he would have a platform and a mighty voice to continue to bring truth to the area around him. Help us to turn our eyes back toward you as a nation and come back up under your umbrella of blessing. All this we ask in your name. Amen. Amen. God, please let your favor rest mightily upon Jaleese and Brandon and all the J6ers, as well as everyone out there who's been a victim of this horrible system that we have. And we just want to say thank you for everything you've done for us. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. Well, this is that part of the show, boys and girls. We go to ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. Go to because I'm the best non-conceiter who has ever not conceded to liars, cheats, and thieves. And I'm going to continue to do so. Fireworks are going to start here shortly because I've got a couple of lawsuits that are going to be filed, and I am filing a couple of them. So we've got all kinds of punching to do to see that this nation is back to – Let him have it. Not going to back down. So with that said, hard hands time. God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love. God bless America. Make it a great day. If you don't have a good example, be one. You know, look at look at Brandon. This is cracking me up. You know, he's got he's got one of those attitudes. Yeah, I'm going to take what comes at me. I'm going to make make it the best of it. It's going to be OK. And I really do believe that when you when you trust in God, he will always make a way and we'll go back to that. The ends don't justify the means. If you're asked to lie, don't do it. Tell the truth and give it over to God, but do the right thing. If you're faced with a decision to make, and it includes having to lie to get to the end that you want, It's not going to have the outcome that you really want. You need to stand on the truth and then let God worry about the rest of it. So have a great day. We'll be on tomorrow. Tomorrow I have on John Tater and Christine O'Donnell, who is running for office and has got an amazing story, as well as we've got, who's the J6er on tomorrow? Oh. I don't look at that. If I'm not looking at it, I'm not looking at my brain. My brain is like is that if my brain were hard drive and beyond like full. So I would like to ask your viewers real quick. Please go to Gibson. Go look up Brandon Fellows. You can do Gibson. Go dot com backslash G.A.J. X.A. And help him out as he tries to rebuild his life. You can also go to where you can adopt a January 6th defendant that is being held hostage. You can also become a monthly donor to help all the other January 6th defendants. And with that, I'll call it a wrap. We need your help. There you go. And I can put a post out with that later. If you text it to me, I'll make sure that I put that out there. It was a pleasure. And thank you guys so much. You guys have a great day. Stay on the line. I'm going to end it right now. And you guys missed part of the conversation. Sorry.