BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 10/3/2024 Technocratic Communism, Against Hate,J6ers Middleton/Black

Published Oct. 3, 2024, 9:02 a.m.

9am Vicky Davis Technocratic Communism The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what. 10am Casey Whalen - Against Hate - Coeur D'Alene Casino Casey is an independent investigative journalist in Coeur D'Alene, Idaho and has worked on the issues that are being carried out in our local communities. He exposes the culturalist marxist revolution behind the created chaos. North Idaho Exposed. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton with Joshua Black- will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Joshua Black Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

good morning and welcome to brandenburg news network I am donna brandenburg and it's the third day of october twenty twenty four and I gotta tell you it was a herculean test task to get on here today um I had to go to the barn this morning and after that I had a horse that was colicking so basically I was flying here trying to get trying to get as much done as I could but we're here this is the way we do it so welcome here this morning first off I've got vicki davis on and we're going to be talking about the technocratic uh communism And at ten o'clock, we're going to be talking to Casey Whalen again. I love Casey. Casey's cool. And he's going to be talking about a united against hate situation. You know, they always like to say things like that. But this is kind of an expose on what's going on in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. And honestly, I really find it really interesting to watch what's going on in Coeur d'Alene because it's an example of what's happening all over the United States of America. And then after that, eleven o'clock, Jalise Middleton with Joshua Black. And I'm still considering whether I'm going to come on tomorrow or not for a number of reasons. But I will let everybody know. Go to my Telegram channel at Brandenburg, number four M-I. And I'll give you information there. So at any rate, I'm going to bring on my my first guest, Vicki. Hey, Vicki, how you doing? Hi, just fine. Thank you. Awesome. It's really early for you out there where you are, isn't it? It's seven, but I've been up for a couple of hours, so it's okay. I'm awake. You know, that's something that I do, too. I'm usually up by five in the morning, five, five-thirty at the latest. And, uh, I think that, uh, right now I need to, this next month I'm going to be going to the barn early. So if things go awry there, I'll be coming in here. Hey, so, um, anyhow, what do we want to talk about today? I think, um, I think let's start out with just, you know, girlfriend talk like, like, um, like we do, you know, um, at one of the, one of the projects that I think Vicki and I are going to be working on coming up is I've been writing a bunch of resolutions because I'm the vice chair of the U.S. Taxpayers Party in Michigan, which is the Constitution Party in Michigan. But because Benson is a communist dictator and our secretary of state and someone who has been not necessarily doing everything the way that it should be done, she's trying to suppress us by refusing to allow us to change our name to the rest of the United States. Anyhow, we got five resolutions finished this last month and I want to start doing some more. I've got about twenty five on the docket here that I've been working on and somebody brought up one having to do with the UN. So I think that Vicki and I are going to be working on resolutions against these treaties. as well as our involvement in, say, unconstitutional, subversive entities that are trying to destroy the United States of America by treaties and other such things, which really has been negatively impacting the United States. So you said that you had something that you wanted to show. I want to show something really quick. I actually brought my Twitter channel up today, and I was kind of excited about this because Ta-da! We're live on Twitter. So that's kind of, I still call it Twitter, on X. And you can go there if you would like. And I share information there. Quite often the information I share on Twitter is different than what I share on Telegram, just so you know. Sometimes I cross over, but not always. So anyhow, where do you want to go today, my friend? Well, I've been working on a timeline. When I first started this, I started it because things were happening in the United States that I considered to be un-American. Our country was being massively invaded by imported H-B visa workers from uh primarily india but also from the philippines and I you know and it was for the profession that I'm in and so it wasn't just computer programmers it was also engineers so you know I I started with that saying what in the world is going on why are they putting their own people out of work by importing cheap labor. And I soon found out that the trade agreement that ultimately ended up in creating the World Trade Organization included labor. They put it under the heading of service. But in effect, it was the commodification of labor. And so employers all over the U.S. were importing H-B visa workers. Our borders were being massively invaded by people from Mexico. So we were getting it from both directions, you know. White-collar jobs were being taken by H-B visa people, and blue-collar jobs were being taken by this massive invasion of labor from across our southern border. And what's really disturbing about that to me as A, an employer, and B, as an American, right, is that they're using it to take away American jobs. And they're like, well, we need it for our labor force. We need it for our labor force. Well, yes and no. I understand why they're doing it, because they can cut their labor forces. And what really has got me torqued over this is that they're doing this, say, like what Tyson did, Then the United States stepped in and funded the replacement of American workers with lower paying immigrants. I'm going to say not immigrants, but lower paid illegal aliens is what it is. Because they can't complain about anything. They can't complain about working conditions. They can't complain about hours. They're basically slaves. They sure are. And the companies that are taking advantage of this should be really investigated into that matter. Because usually, you know, it's just like when you have like a learning disability, it usually comes with comorbidities. You know, it's comorbid with if you're dyslexic, it's usually comorbid with X, Y, Z down the line, right? Usually have more than one. Well, the same thing with corruption. If you have one type of corruption, I'll guarantee you there's others there. Because they've proven... that they don't have a standard. You know what I mean? So where you find one, you usually find others. It's just the way that it is. Yeah. Well, and people think that America has such high moral standards. B.S. If they did, they would not allow this, what is essentially a war on American working people. Yes. But this shortage shouting, they've been shortage shouting for the last thirty years. And I really didn't understand how employers, and I have a list of all the employers that were shouting, we have shortages, shortages, that's several pages long. and it it almost seemed like a conspiracy but back then I I didn't understand enough to know but in fact it was and is a conspiracy now you have to look at you know from my history I started um I I went to a uh a school in california in Silicon Valley, before it was Silicon Valley, there was a tech school that started up in Santa Clara. And that was at the beginning of the information age, what you would call the information age. And back then, you could say there was a shortage. But Over that period of time, from that, that was about nineteen seventy seven forward. If you have a shortage of something, the capitalist way is there's a shortage. You pay the people more and then you train more people to take jobs in whatever industry it is. It's supply and demand. But with the international trade agreements, They've put their fingers on the scale of supply and demand by bringing in outside supply to drop. And what does that do? It drops the wages of working people in the United States. And then watch what happens or how they spun that in another direction. They spun it in the direction of companies are evil and you got to beat up on these small companies. Well, what exactly they did is they used that division to destroy small to medium-sized business in America. But nobody says anything about the corporations. Nobody says a thing about what these corporations are doing. Yes, and that's all part of the propaganda campaign against the American people by way of our economy. Absolutely. And what we've had is when they signed the trade agreements, and in particular when they created the World Trade Organization, they just opened up our country for commerce, they called it. But they didn't just allow foreign corporations to come into the United States. They allowed countries to invest in the United States. And that's why you have the communist Chinese government owning farmland in America. They're owning our business, too, because most of these corporations are funded. And even honestly, I'm going to say even a lot of the smaller businesses now, what they've done is they've crept in because it's mostly foreign money that's that's funding all of it. Yes, exactly. And yeah, so so you have American businesses trying to compete with foreign governments money, you know, as they come in and buy up our country. And as you drill down into what has happened to the United States and you follow the history of the free trade area of the Americas, it becomes pretty clear that the idea was subversion and disintegration of the American government to be replaced by a system of international governance under the Organization of American States, regional governing. And the OAS, of course, it was the first regional organization created under the UN system. I think the year was So, and that's been, that's, they've been working on it all this time to destroy the, to destroy America, basically to disintegrate our government and put us under this communist fascist system under the UN. Yeah, and unfortunately we've got, Hang on a second. I've got a horse that was colicking here, and I'm getting information on her just right now. But I think that what, I don't know. I'm going to quick take this call. If you'd like to talk to everybody for a minute, could you do that for me? Okay, sure. Okay, I'll be right back. Okay. Yeah, what I've been working on is trying to put together a timeline. Well, first of all, to try and put the pieces together and then to put together a timeline of how they have, over time, changed our system of government. I don't know how many people are aware that during the Clinton administration, they quote, reinvented government, and they actually called it that. And in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, our government and the G-Seven, they decided on eleven pilot projects for global systems. You know, and a global healthcare system is one of them. And so, I mean, all the pieces are there for people to see what they've done to our country. completely unconstitutional, but it all started with trade agreements, the establishment of the United Nations, and then trade agreements. Well, when you go back even further to the origin of the Fed, I think this has been absolutely planned forever, but the origin of the Fed was World War I, and the reason for the war, in my opinion, and World War II was for the UN. So they had this thing pretty scripted out from what I can see. Well, yeah, the Fed, I think, was part of a set of things that they did in, what was it, that we had a guy, I think he was Secretary of State at the time. His name was Cordell Hull. And Cordell Hull, he was interested in trade. I guess he was a tobacco farmer, and he was trading with Great Britain. And so a lot of what happened in those early years, you could attribute to Cordell Hull. And then Cordell Hull was... He was older at that point, the point that the UN was created. But he was there also to help create the United Nations. So it all goes to trade history. And I have a book called The Merchants of Peace. And the problem with trade before they created the Fed was that if a ship, you know, was going to another country to buy stuff, they had to bring the gold and silver with them. And of course, you know, the pirates and all of that stuff. So a system, the International, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in, uh, in So there was a purpose behind that. But somehow, gee whiz, it got mixed up with our currency. Is it a good book? Yeah, Merchants of Peace. Yeah, is it a good book? Merchants of War. Oh, Merchants of War. Okay, let me go back again. Sorry. Yeah, Merchants of Peace. Like I said, I can do one thing well, several things not so much. Okay. It says War and Peace, but looks like, yeah, it's not coming up. Is it by Usman? No, it actually was put together by, oh, shoot, what's his name? It was the Carnegie Foundation that commissioned the book. Okay. Okay. And he tells the story of the creation of the International Chamber of Commerce. There's a PDF up there online, looks like, somewhere. Oh, that'd be great if it is, because everybody should know that history. International Chamber of Commerce. Oh, here it is. Oh, no, that's The Merchant. Okay, here it is. Merchants of Peace. It's by George Ridgway. Merchants of Peace, Twenty Years of Business Diplomacy Through the International Chamber of Commerce. Ta-da, here you go. Thanks to the Wayback Machine, which I am a big, big, big fan of. There you go. Oh, it's actually, somebody scanned it? Yeah. So a lot of awesome. A lot of people should get that. Well, I tell you what, a lot of times I'm a big fan of saving things offline because I was told to save things offline because the system is going to go down eventually. So I think it's probably probably a very good idea to do that. So if you can get to the point where you're actually archiving some of these things. Yeah, these things. It's it's. It's pretty brilliant if you get good at this. But the Wayback Machine usually keeps a lot of... There you go. What did I do here? We'll find it. There's the preview. And let's see. We've got share flag, download options. Oh, they have the nineteen fifty nine edition. I've got the nineteen thirty nineteen thirty nine edition. I actually have both because I thought it was so I don't know. OK, they'll have downloadable files there. I'll have to look around a little bit because you can usually find. downloadable files of this sort of stuff. Once you start on one place, you get on the rabbit hole a little bit and you can usually find everything you need. Somebody's got it somewhere. Oh, here we go. We've got Anna's archive. I'm not familiar with this one. Kind of interesting. Let's see what we got here. I love looking for stuff like this. I could sit here and poke around on things like this forever. Yeah, me too. It's so exciting, you know, you spend a day or two looking for something and then you find it on some obscure website somewhere. Yeah, so somebody's got it. We've got one at Looks like you can probably find it there. Yeah, even if it's the Yeah, you'll be able to poke around enough to find what you need, though, at any rate. That's what you just need to do is you just need to do what I did. Put it in, throw it out there and see what you come up with. And then eventually you're going to find what you need. So Anna's Archive is the largest truly open library in human history. We mirror Sci-Hub and LibGen, Scrape and Open Source, ZLib, Deju, and more. So there's, let's see, there's thirty seven million books and one hundred five million papers preserved forever right there. And all of our code data are open source. Ta-da! So there we go. I will post this link right now into into my telegram channel minute. And now guess what? I hooked a Twitter up so I can put it into my Twitter account too while we're on. Let's see if I can get that working. So anyhow, I digress. So it's telegram and let's see if I can put it on Twitter. So, so yeah, what, what's really amazing is how, um, I don't know. There we go. I'm going to see if I can post this while we're talking here. Hey, hey, hey, guys. I'm going to be a pro at this, moving around to two different social media accounts. Fantastic. So anyhow, okay, so where do you want to go from here now that I'm completely derailed on my thought process? Okay, I watched a or listened to an interview with Matt Taibbi. You're muffled right now, so I don't know what happened to your sound. Oh, okay. How's that? That's better. Okay. I listened to an interview of Matt Taibbi talking about government funding of censorship. And he talked about a hearing of the Small Business Committee and how they released an interim report on the subject of government censorship, which I don't think the timing is coincidental with the recent appearance of Julian Assange at the Council of Europe talking about his ordeal as the American government tried to censor him. But... Where was the interview at? Council... Oh, the interview? If you... On my website, you have to click... I don't have it showing yet, but if you go to the archives and look at Click down so you can see the dates that I posted things. Okay. You'll see it. It's called the Censorship Industrial Complex. Okay. Okay. And it was found that our government is actually funding the censorship of small domestic businesses. Here we'll go, this one right here, Twitter files prove government was in on censorship. Yeah, that's the Taibbi report. And I included that in the article that I wrote about it. Well, it turns out that the report is talking primarily about a State Department bureau called the Global Engagement Center. So it's the State Department, that is basically leading the charge on censorship of our media and trying to censor media around the world. Because they can no longer control the message for almost the entire history of our country. They could control the message because the media... to to reveal information that was cost prohibitive but the internet democratized information so you're able to do your podcast I'm able to do my research and publish it and so the government can no longer control information right we we are the news would you like me to play just a little bit of this right now uh yeah if if it's the right if Yeah, go ahead. And as we said, we know about it because of Matt Taibbi, who has been at the center of it. He joins us tonight. Can you hear it? Thanks so much for coming on. Barely. So just to offer to our audience your extensive reporting on this, which is on Twitter and on your Substack. But to summarize, having looked at these documents for weeks now, how deep was the penetration of Twitter by u.s law enforcement and intelligence okay I'll go ahead and I'm going to go ahead and click conclusively after looking I'm not sure that I can uh let's see uh come back come back um I'm not sure that I can get it to come through on our on my feed I forgot about the uh private chat I could I think I can just post the link in there for what I'm talking about. If you can post, yeah, the private chat would be the best way to do it. I mean, I can go around here and try to find stuff, but my, my ability to hit exactly what you're, here we go. Perfect. Hey, this is real helpful. Yeah. Yeah. This is, you know, this is real news for real people, viral people at the kitchen table. You know, we do our best. But it's real. That's what it is. It's definitely real. It's perfect. It's real. Okay. The report, interestingly enough, is they talk about the Global Engagement Center, which is, as I said, is a State Department agency. But they also mention the National Endowment for Democracy, NED. And I've done quite a bit of work on NED because the first time I ever heard about NED was that in two thousand five George President George Bush mentioned it in a speech that he gave to the Organization of American States, the OAS. And so and You know, let me see if I can get that, his statement, because it's really important because he talks about the color revolutions. Okay, I'm posting this as we speak on Twitter. And Telegram. Here it is. I got it. Okay, here's what George Bush said. His speech was on June six, two thousand and five. And he was talking about the CAFTA agreement, which was the free trade agreement with the Central American states. He said, we come together at a great moment in history when freedom is on the march around the world. In the last year and a half, think about this. We've witnessed the Rose Revolution in Georgia, an Orange Revolution in Ukraine, a Purple Revolution in Iraq, a Tulip Revolution in Kyrgyzstan, and a Cedar Revolution in Lebanon. And these are just the beginnings. Across Central Asia, hope is stirring at the prospect of change. and change will come. Across the broader Middle East, we are seeing the rise of a new generation whose hearts burn for freedom and they will have it. Do you have a link to that, please? Yeah, I had to go to my old website. Okay. I know I have it in one of my newer articles. I'm going to just tell everybody right now, her website is just incredible with the amount of information that Vicki has done and put out there. I mean, I'm telling you what, it's absolutely inspiring and spectacular. Here's the other website. I'll go ahead and put this up here a minute. Oh, you've got all the color revolutions and write down. Wow. Yeah. I just went out and did a search on them. So I don't know how many of those links are still good, but you know, you probably ought to be able to get them at the archive, but I wanted to know what, you know, what is that about? What's he talking about? And that's when I discovered NED, the National Endowment for Democracy and and their connection to the color revolutions probably via usaid so I think you could say that both ned and usaid were behind the color revolutions over in Europe. But if you look at what's happening in the United States, I think it was the United States that first of all was the subject of a color revolution. Now, the interesting thing about NED is that NED is comprised of four foundations, a foundation of four Republicans for the political party Republicans, one for the Democrats, one for business, which is primarily the Chamber of Commerce, and then one for the labor unions, which was initially the AFL-CIO. So you have foundations for these four, what would you call them, societal institutions. and Soros kind of set things up, you know, he's got, he's got parent, parent entities that have, have their, their branches that come off of it in my, from what I've seen. Yeah. Well, yeah, they built this entire network of foundations. You know, you could say the Ford foundation, the Rockefeller foundation, the tides foundation. I mean, just go down the list. Um, we really that's one reform we really need in the united states is to change the law and get rid of all these damn foundations because most of them are working against our country So here's our list that we need to get rid of is the, we need to get rid of like, no, I don't know, like, ninety percent of the people sit in the seats, foundations, NGOs, all of these things that have no real accountability. Yeah. Corporate ownership of land in the United States. You know what? We could really do some great positive things. And it really wouldn't take too long to get there. You just need to know which cords to cut that are holding this together. And all of a sudden, the entire structure falls. Yes. And one of the important cords that I want to see cut is the treaty with Mexico. In nineteen eighty three, Ronald Reagan signed a treaty with Mexico, creating an international zone on our border. And the purpose of the treaty was ostensibly for cleanup of the border region. But it was the EPA that was put in charge of it. But the ultimate authority is, of course, the State Department. But they used that treaty to begin to build North American governing structures, you know, kind of over the top of our own government. And that's really what happened. I was trying to show in the article that I, the other article that I posted that I've been working on, which was, let me get, oh, crud. Got to do it again. Sorry to get that link for you. So we do, we go through here and we, you know, we find it as we go. This is how it is. Honestly, this is how it is when you're in, say, like in an on group is that people build off of each other and bring things to the table. And, you know, we sit there all night long going, hmm, hmm. And then somebody else will bring something in. And it's kind of an amazing thing because everybody has such a, different, vast amount of information, all of a sudden you start plugging, plugging everything in together and you've got a incredible amount of knowledge and, and wisdom to, to bring forth. So I love this. This is great. This is like one of my favorite things to do. It takes a few minutes. You know what? We've been trained by Jeopardy to wait for a few minutes. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, we can do that. Just think the music in your head. Or I could sing it, which probably nobody wants. Yeah, nobody would want me to do that for sure. No. Anyway, that treaty, the La Paz Treaty, was a breach of our national sovereignty. And the treaty was written in such a way that it was open-ended. It was a framework treaty that could be modified just by annex of the parties. Which, who did they make the parties? It was the American EPA administrator and the Mexican administrator. equivalent EPA administrator with the State Department overseeing it. And they could invite anybody they want. I mean, basically, it was like a blank check for the State Department to basically start cannibalizing our government, our country. Okay, and that, the international zone that they created on the border, it started out about sixty miles on either side of the border where they, you know, American corporations moved down there for the cheap labor. But there were no environmental standards in Mexico. It was a joke. Well, that's the problem with dealing with any of these international agreements is that the only one that they hold accountable is the United States of America, which means that the small to medium-sized business can't compete. And the corporations, well, they kind of do what they want. I mean, they're really – because there's no one to hold accountable. They just keep passing the buck. That's the problem I have with corporations anyway is and then enter in Citizens United, which turned them into entities. But they're entities with no one that that you can hold accountable for. So they do what they want and just say, Oops, I didn't mean that. Just like the EPA. The EPA is one of the biggest polluters in North America. Yeah. Yeah. It's all a farce. Everything is a farce. You know, there is the edifice of caring about the environment. But then they do things like it was the EPA not looking at the water system in Flint. And so, you know, when they changed the source of the water, I guess they didn't make sure it was clean water. I mean, how the hell does that happen? They don't care. It's like anything else that we have alleged oversight in. Do you know why those things are there? It's to shut the American people up and make them go find your little toys to play with children. That's what they're doing with us. So if they can placate the American people and get them out of the way, They can do whatever they want, like the DNR in the state of Michigan, which is clear-cutting and basically raping the state of all of our natural resources. You look at what happened with Ice Mountain, which I think is owned by Nestle now. Two hundred and fifty dollars is what they paid for a for a permit. to take millions and millions of gallons of water out of this state. Who in the, that the people of Michigan own. They're coming after Idaho water also. That's what they did. You know what? You know what? Somebody who had a brain up in Alaska actually decided, huh, you know what? This stuff is owned by the people of the, of Alaska, the petroleum products that are coming out of there. And the people in Alaska get a paycheck and, for the royalties on what they're pulling out. Who in the hell missed that here in Michigan? And just let these companies grab whatever they want. They pay for a stupid permit in order to go out. And then you look at the DNR. What do they do? They go out there and they, where's the receipt? How, how much money have they pulled off for logging that they kept raising the price of lumber in the state of Michigan of all sorts? I mean, that was a big deal and they just, they just took it off. Free, basically, and then sold it back to us, a resource which arguably we own because they're clear-cutting state land. And it's a mess up there. Totally a mess. Well, I saw a place, I think it was in Virginia or Kentucky, somewhere around there, that they were just basically leveling the hills, you know, to extract minerals. And you wonder, you know, who allowed them to do that? I mean, where is the American government? Well, they're selling our country out from under us. They are destroying our country. And so it just, it upsets me so much. And you remember the Bundy Ranch deal, right, in Nevada? Yeah. Yeah, he was on a couple of weeks ago on being on. Oh, good. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. I think that they were either trying to steal his water because he had a water system, you know, that they built to take water from a river there to water his cattle. And that's how they were able to keep the cattle in the desert. But there was also supposedly an issue with some kind of tortoise that Harry Reid had made a deal with the Chinese to build a solar farm in southern Nevada. And they were going to relocate these tortoises up higher north where the Bundy Ranch was. Well, that's stupid. You cannot... You cannot... relocate critters that you know are from a certain location you know altitude and weather and all of that stuff you can't just move them You want to hear how big of a farce that this environmental crap is? I'm just going to lay it out there that those of us who have to work outside and pay attention to these things. And I am a, to my core, an animal lover. I hit a butterfly as I was driving last week and I was like sick to my stomach for about ten minutes yesterday. just because I don't like, I don't like killing critters for no reason. Okay. So, but with that said, you know, there's, there is things that you have to do and, and you have to be realistic too. Right. So we were out in Connecticut working a job out there and it was, it was the turtles. We had to be careful of the turtles that was out there in this area. Now I want to, I want to set the scene here because we were kind of like on top of a, of a very high hill. You could see probably, I'm going to say, fifteen miles from where we were, and it was all woods, okay? We were going through an area that was pretty much all woods, and I don't know how many acres over there, but I'm telling you, we're talking fifteen, maybe miles of just woods. And it's spread out on either side of me, pretty much as far as I could see, I couldn't see anything. And so we're talking miles and square miles on top is a huge area. Okay. And so so we were working there, I think it was on, you know, it was on a border. So there was even more across the border. So it wasn't like it wasn't like we're close tight to a metropolitan or a city. There are a few towns in there that were winding around in these really windy roads, by the way. And so we all had to go to turtle training because of the endangered turtles that were up there. So I get up to turtle training one day and I'm going up to the job trailer to go up to turtle training. And this guy walks in. He was our turtle training expert. He walks in. I'm like, oh, man, the guy looks like a turtle. You know, he walks in and he comes and he goes, I'm going to tell you what. These turtles, they're so endangered. We got to be really, really careful of these turtles up here. So, you know, we're listening. He goes, I got out of my truck and I walked in here to the job trailer and I saw five turtles on the way in. And I'm sitting there going. We're on a. It was a small right-of-way, a sixty-foot right-of-way up in the woods. And I'm like going, how the hell can turtles be endangered when you saw five of them working less than thirty feet? And everybody's sitting there going, shut up, Donna, shut up, Donna, shut up. And I'm like, I'm not going to shut up over this. I'm like, we're having to stop our crew for endangered turtles. And I mean, I could tell you guys a ton of stories of how these people... You know, rig it. Let's let's go into like lead based paint certified, which I am. And then we'll go into some of the other, you know, the other trains and the lesser prairie chicken and all this kind of nonsense that this that this old, you know, this old codger just wanted free bulldozing done on his property. It's like unbelievable. And everybody sits there and nobody tells the truth. They sit there and they buy into this nonsense. I just, I can't believe that nobody has the guts to say anything when they smell, see, and are experiencing bullshit and they just close down and nobody says anything. Cause you know, they, I don't know. I don't know why it's complete nonsense. Yeah. Well, they're afraid, afraid to, uh, make waves with the most powerful agency of government. But obviously they're trying to basically keep you from doing your job. They're just trying to find a way to make money off of it is what they're doing and justify their jobs. That's exactly what it is. That's part of the redesign of government was entrepreneurial government. And that is in writing. That is real. That government was to become entrepreneurial. Well, and that's why you have all those stupid trainings that nobody needs. But on the endangered species, number one, they can genetically engineer new species anytime they want. Well, you know what they're doing with the eagles up in Alaska, don't you? Oh, God, don't tell me there. There were so many eagles up in Alaska. There's so many eagles everywhere. It's crazy. I mean, you go out to Iowa. I tried to sneak up on some one time because I thought, you know, I didn't want to disturb them. I wasn't, like, trying to harm them. But I'm like, well, I want to see how close they'll get while you're sitting on the road here eating a dead raccoon or something like that. And so I crept up on them with my pickup truck really, really slow. I got it because I don't want to hurt them. I love eagles. I absolutely love them. And I had to get past them. They had literally blocked the road. You can go out there and you have thirteen eagles sitting on the ground on the road somewhere eating a carcass or something. So don't tell me they're in danger. But the reason why they did that is because when they introduce a species like that, They close the entire area down so that they can do whatever they want. It's like cover for their nonsense going on up there. And nobody's calling them out for it. The entirety of this whole nonsense needs to be absolutely nullified, throw it in the trash. And under Norton versus Shelby County, now everybody out there listening has just clapped that knows what exactly this is all about, which is creating unconstitutional agencies. And they just create one on top of another, on top of another, on top of another. They do not legally exist. They do not exist. The only reason why they do is because we have given them permission to tell us what to do, just like the masks. You know, the EPA was originally created just for government oversight purposes. But somehow it went from overseeing what the government was doing to basically taking over our country. Same thing with executive orders. Executive orders have no bearing on the population whatsoever. A governor cannot issue an executive order over the population. It only is applicable to the employees of the The said state or whatever. That's the only way that you can that you can issue an executive order. In fact, I met the guy that was behind all the executive orders that President Trump, the rightful president of the United States, wrote, which I thought they were absolutely brilliant. I met this guy. And and I'm like, how did you how I want to get back into conversation because I'm like, how did you do this? Number one, and you know that these like aren't a lawful thing that anybody has to follow. And I thought it was his reaction was really interesting. But when you look at the executive orders, they really they never went after the population. They went after processes and policies inside how the nation works. That's allowable. It can be an executive order that tells employees, this is what you're doing. This is what you're doing. You know, that international zone on the border, they did basically turn the presidency into a, I don't want to say dictatorship, but into an imperial position. That treaty? The imperial presidency, yes, because the international zone is, of course, international, so the president can issue executive orders in terms of applying tariffs and whatever. Because he is in charge of that area, which is where all of the goods come through. Wow. And so, yeah, when you really look at it, it was so very treacherous, such a betrayal of our country to sign that treaty. with Mexico. And then of course they, they did a flip flop. They did that one with Mexico and then they did a, an environmental agreement with Canada and then, you know, and back and forth like that. And the objective all along was to create the free trade area of the Americas, which is open borders, which means you don't have a country. Free trade. Say that again. The free trade what? Free trade area of the Americas. I might be able to bring up a website you could go to. In nineteen ninety four, Clinton. OK, here. It's great having you put it in the private chat. I love that. Yeah, this is the sellout of America. The takedown of America. And they knew what they were doing. Don't you wait and say, you know, I know I'm not supposed to hate these people, but I hate these people. You know, it's like what a nasty, nasty group of people. that did this. Absolutely. Okay. Free trade area of the Americas. Wow. This is kind of cool. Yeah. This is the kind of timeline we need right there. It basically is the plans of action to basically disintegrate our borders, to put us under the Organization of American States, which is under the United Nations. You know, when they had that whole COVID thing and Tedros was running it. What they ultimately ended up doing was working through the Pan American Health Organization. So it wasn't even our country that was calling the shots. It was the Pan American Health Organization. But they don't, you know, we're all mushrooms out here. We don't know about this stuff. Yeah, it's amazing how stupid they all think that we are. You know, when I started running for governor, one of the first things that I was told, and I was kind of shocked because, you know, then all of a sudden people want to come and see if you're manipulatable to be able to be worthy to be into their little non-worthy organizations most of the time. And so he said, you know, you've got to like dumb down what you're talking about because people are about the level of, of a third grader. Guys, I'm just going to tell you the truth. This is what the politicians think of you because that's what I was told. They're like, they literally said it. It was said over and over again that the population of Michigan is about a third grade intelligence. And that that's the way they should be taught to. And if I don't do that, then I would lose all of them. Like, well, if I lose all of them, then I'm not the right person for the, for the job because I, I'm not going to change my message to, uh, to, to craft a message of what I'm not or what I don't believe in. This is as good as it gets. If you don't like it, go, go, um, vote for somebody else. That's, that's not going to serve our nation. I'll get it done with or without a title. I don't like titles anyway. Okay, here you go. So regional directors, right? Uh-huh. Wow. Got to have the doctors in there, the experts. They got to have letters and numbers behind and in front of their names. Oh, yeah. Even if their IQ is about a hundred and ten, you know, because it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter how smart you are or how good you are. It's what your attributes are for the DEI. What is it that you can do and be manipulated into doing instead of having your primary characteristics should always be integrity. If they can't pass some sort of an integrity or a test of some sort that, you know, I don't know why we're not qualifying these people because people need to be given not just because they could speak pretty words and they've got the million dollar presence or whatever it is. We need to have people out there that can speak the truth, that aren't afraid to speak the truth, that are committed to speaking the truth and will do it Because it's the right thing to do. I'm assuming that Casey gave me a laughable this morning. I just put it in the case. Let me bring Casey on a minute. Morning, Casey. How you doing? I'm good. How are you? doing good. We're sitting here talking about treaties and the nonsense of how they sold our country out. It's amazing. All I can say is Casey was the one who brought Vicki and I together to be able to talk. And I want to thank you. You're an outstanding person, Casey and Vicki. I just, I just can't say enough about what a wonderful individual you are and how smart you are and how incredible you put this together. I, I, I, I just, I don't think I've seen anyone you're equal and doing research and then not only researching it, but organizing it into a way that people can in fact, um, look at the information, have it there in a reference format, really, as well as learning, you know? Well, I was a systems analyst, and so I needed That's what I did on my job, you know, for computer systems. What do you do? And, you know, you document it and say, okay, here's what we're going to do to change that. And so that it was just something that I have always done, you know, because I did it my job. So I had to organize this material so I could understand what the heck's going on. I'm going to make you an avatar. I need you to send me a photo of yourself. And then what I'll do is I'm going to make a cartoon avatar for you. Oh, I actually do have an avatar. I just keep forgetting to get it to you. I think you can put it up yourself for your computer. I have it. So we need to put an avatar up there so that people can get used to seeing you and seeing what you've done. So the NAFTA, love says NAFTA destroyed the auto industry. Charlotte said, like your webpage, you do a great job putting information together. People are seeing it. You're amazing. And so anyhow, Charlotte, thirty one U.S. Code nine one oh nine definitions, mixed ownership, government corporation and wholly owned government corporation. A good one to look up. Can you please text that reference to me, Charlotte? Well, on that one. that you put up because I have a hard time pulling it off the chat. And Love said that her husband and her had to take a three dollar an hour pay cut or lose his job back in the nineties. Oh yeah. They're going to do that. They're going to try to do that again. I just heard about that recently. I can't remember if it was auto workers or I can't remember what group it was, but they are talking pay cuts. Again, pay cuts in the middle of massive inflation. And I have to say, I have a complaint about Trump. One of his platform things was he wants to eliminate income taxes on Social Security recipients, which is a nice thing to do. You know, because of the inflation and whatever. There are a hell of a lot of people on Social Security that don't pay taxes anyway. And this inflation is absolutely killing them. And so I really think that that, you know, there's got to be a complete tax overhaul because there really isn't. We're not taxing anything correctly in the United States of America. And we're above an eighty five percent tax rate right now and going in, you know, going in reverse on all of our savings, all everything that they're implementing a hidden tax. Yes, they are. Yes, they are. And it's called the fair tax system. And when people hear about it, you know, just a sales tax on everything, people say, yeah, that's great. They don't understand the details. You've got to get into the details to understand it because it's going to be about a fifty percent tax tax. At a minimum, and probably more than that, because they're going to try to replace the whole taxing system of the U.S. But the most important part of it is that it privatizes tax collection, privatizes it. No, that sounds like a good idea, just like privatizing the prisons. How'd that work out for us? Not worth a crap. Privatizing everything that the government does, even the computer systems. Because, you know, you can privatize something like mowing the lawn because that's a blue-collar job. But when you're talking about intellectual property, property intellectual things like systems you've got uh contractors that they can carry out a contract for a lifetime absolutely for a lifetime because it's all intellectual you know So well, there's there's no end to this conversation that that we could have on these subjects. And I just so appreciate you so much and all the work that you've done. I know you had another some things to do today and you're so gracious with your time. Thank you. Thank you for coming on this morning. OK, well, thank you for having me. And it's good to see you, Casey. really looking forward to giving you what I have I think we can put what you have with united against hate with what I have and then we'll have a complete picture I love that. I'm going to go to a really quick break. And Vicki, I'm thinking about taking some time off next week because I've got some things I absolutely have to get done. And I've got to figure out how to break video up into smaller clips. So I thought if I just took all the video that I have, the I've got so many hours of interviews and such and start flooding media out there with that. I might work on that again a little bit next week. But I'll let you guys know what next week is going to bring. If you'd like to plan on Monday morning, again, I've got that time slotted for you, Vicki, at nine o'clock. So if you plan for that, that'd be great. And I think I'm going to take tomorrow off and get a few things done that I need to get done. And then we'll shoot for Monday. How's that? Okay, sounds good. Awesome. I'll be right back for the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. Hang on. We'll be right back. Yeah. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the third day of October, twenty twenty four in our second hour. I've got Casey Whalen in. How are you doing? Casey Whalen in the house. I'm doing good. Thanks for having me on today, Donna. Appreciate it. And we're to talk about this this program that that's been launched by the Department of Justice a couple of years ago. OK, I'm going to pull you sent me a document here. Let me let me grab that a minute and going to take a minute to load while while we're talking here so so I'll just start going into it and you can just go right through chronologically go through this substack document I'll probably I've wrote about this before but I want to make one final like article on this topic and then reference a bunch of data data points essentially um so essentially uh let me see if you It's going to take just a minute to come through. OK, no worries. No worries. Basically, there's a there's an event called United Against Hate that took place in North Idaho on November seventeenth, two thousand twenty two. And I had been researching basically since a little back story, I guess, real quick before we get into this to give people a little idea since we have an hour. I was a citizen. I was basically what's called a First Amendment auditor, and that's where you go around filming police. You would assert your rights, and in conjunction with that, I would hand out full-size constitutions, which I acquired from the Idaho Secretary of State's office, full-size constitutions with the state constitution and the constitution in them, and I would take them to the sheriff's departments and police departments, Did that for a while and basically started doing public records requests and found out that I was being disseminated through the fusion centers. Actually, they cited me handing out these constitutions and all this and saying, I'm not just for internal purposes only, that I'm not wanted, just FYI. I think we've shown that on your show. Actually, that's referenced at the end of this article or what I sent you there. So anyways, uh, through that, I'd been doing a lot of research and I, you know, went to a, uh, a drag queen. What are the, what's that? Uh, drag queen story hour in Spokane, Washington in two that are two thousand nineteen in June of two thousand nineteen. And I went to two of those and that really changed my life because I was trying to stay neutral on this and just basically cover this drag queen story hour at this library. But as fate would have it, they basically kicked all the press across the street. So the library was cordoned off and they kicked all the press across the street essentially. I was the only one able to go back over and film the drag queen story hour outside the library. They wouldn't let you go in and film in the story hour, but that's a whole other topic in itself. Yeah, they're going to use the excuse of protecting the kids as they've got the freak show going on and they're grooming our children. Yeah, so at that event, I met a pastor, Afshin Yaktin. He's actually Iranian. He moved here when he was a kid and a really great guy. He got arrested because he tried to go into the library. And so I got all the body camera footage, like, thirty plus hours of body camera footage and gave that to him to help him with his defense because they charged him with trespass from the library. So anyways, There was a shift in my life where I then decided I needed to follow this more morally for the kids. I had been researching this group called the Kootenai County Task Force on Human Relations in our area, which promotes the LGBTQ agenda. There's also a Human Rights Education Institute. The purpose of it wasn't to bash on these groups, but it's because they're promoting this ideology within my community. And over the years, I'm sure as you've maybe documented too, these groups, you know, have had a detrimental effect on our society. And so I've just been researching them and trying to expose them. Well, Fast forward to where what I was just talking about in on November seventeenth, two thousand two thousand twenty two. There was an event called United Against Hate that was being held at the Coeur d'Alene Casino. So on tribal land, essentially. And it was held by the DOJ, the U.S. District Attorney's Office of Idaho, the FBI, the Coeur d'Alene Tribe and the group I had been researching for the past couple of years, the Kootenai County Task Force. on human relations. And so this was a huge red flag to me to see these, you know, uh, these, these, these law enforcement entities working specifically with this entity that I've been researching and trying to expose in my community. So I went to the event and I don't know if you have the sub stack up there yet. Okay. Uh, so this is just unlisted just for you to share these data points, but, um, and you can kind of scroll down a little bit here as we go. And so I emailed the U S district attorney's office. This was the first real red flag to me. And I asked about media as far as filming this event. And they replied back and they said, there will be no separate area for press. We are being hosted by the Coeur d'Alene tribe who has kindly offered their facilities to hold such a large event. The event space is at the casino and there are no firearms, cameras, or recording equipment allowed at the casino. We anticipate that all attendees will follow the tribe's rules and requirements. Thank you. So, of course, I'm sure you would be going, OK, it's a public event with public entities at, you know what I mean? It's just ridiculous. So if you scroll down there, you can see a picture of the venue. Well, they didn't. I don't I think they violated the Open Meetings Act on something that is publicly should be available. And if they disqualified themselves by being at the casino, then that's the bads on them right there. Yeah, so immediately I was, of course, with this affiliation, I was already on guard. But then after that, I was going, okay, they want their own narrative. So I took a little camera. I took a Black Betty here. This is Black Betty, my little Sony camera. I name all my cameras. Well... My big camera is called Big Black Betty, and this is Black Betty. Then I have Red Pill, which is my other, my red camera. But anyways, so if you see this picture here, the casino's in the front, and then the back is this event center. So it was actually not even in the casino. It was in this event area where they hold events. um and so that the next uh data point there is a video um and since we have an hour you might as well play it just to give you a feel of what this event is and I'm kind of going at this a little bit differently I'm kind of not explaining exactly what it is off the bat because I want people to sort of understand where I was coming from and this is happening in your community So that's really why I'm doing this because I've been trying to shout this from the rooftops for like the last two years that this is happening and you'll see why this is so important here soon. And you can play that now if you'd like. The breadth of what the task force has done and continues to do in Idaho, like I said, is inspirational. And with its partners, there are no signs of it slowing down. It's only really just ramping up. I will submit to you that the United States is a country, and it's been said here before, wherein hate has existed. And hate is not a crime. The issue of hate, oftentimes I'm looking at the priest who baptized my youngest child. Those are things we learn in churches and what we're going to do. But hate is not a crime. What's a crime? What's a hate crime? And what is a hate incident? Basically, a hate incident would be anything that is protected by the First Amendment. So here are some examples up here. If you want to gather, have a group gather, and the whole purpose of your group to gather is to promote hate against some group, some religion, some entity, that is First Amendment protected activity. That would be considered just an incident because there is no crime that occurred because individuals were not threatened, attacked, or anything of that nature. But once again, circulating offensive material around the community does not constitute a federal hate crime. It's just a hate incident. And then posting figurative views online. Once again, that's our First Amendment protected activities. Whether we think this stuff should be occurring or not, everybody has that First Amendment protection where you can say and do within reason what you want to do. And it falls within our criminal area of law. How do we report it? The FBI is interested in hearing about both hate crimes and hate incidents. Partly because even if it's a hate incident, it helps us to understand what is going on in our communities and are these hate instances growing? Are they decreasing? Because usually it's going to be the instances, the incidents that are occurring, which ultimately are going to lead to the crimes and actions that result from some of those. So the FBI is very interested in learning what is going on in the community as it relates to the And so if I have the instance of an individual in the community that has attended anti-Jewish rallies or anti-Zionist rallies, and the individual that they happen to attack, was a Jew. It helps me to put together that this individual has a bias against this particular group and so all those eight incidents that we've collected because they were reported to us help us to prove the crime that occurred because we can now show a pattern of the bias and it helps us to get into these laws so just because they didn't create a crime in the incident that information is still valuable for us for a potential crime that may occur down the road. So for me it's you know we want to collect What the left is doing, what the right's doing, what the center's doing as it relates to a crime state incident, just because at that point we understand we have a better picture if we just pick one side. It's a very skewed picture, and there's always another side to the story with what's going on. How about we get rid of this ridiculous title of hate crimes and hate incidences and just say there's either crimes being committed or there's not? I mean, maybe I'm looking at this way too much common sense and simplification. But I think that this is, you know, if we want to talk about the hate crimes, let's go right to the FBI law. yeah and we'll get to that too actually that is that exact point we'll get sorry maybe I jumped the gun here I got a data point for that specific example but I wanted to show this this quarter lane press article so they said no cameras we we you know everybody's gonna respect what the tribe wants and that yet you have our quarter lane press there uh reporting on the the united against hate event you know saying we have to correct that wasn't you that took that that took that or did you take that It was somebody else. No, I took the video. I took the video. I had my little camera at my table and I was just kind of I was sitting next to a lady from the Pacific Justice Institute. Got it. Actually. And yeah, because he met PJI there. And I was sitting next to Kathleen Hartley from PJI and just sitting there trying to film the best I could with my tiny little camera. And anyways, so that shows you the hypocrisy. They're trying to completely control the narrative. So again, another red flag, right? So if you keep scrolling here, I just wanted to put that in just to show people the hypocrisy. And then it does show this affirmation of this. The forum was organized by Joshua Hewitt from the U.S. District Attorney's Office of Idaho in conjunction with the tribe, Kootenai County Task Force, U.S. Department of Justice, FBI, says United Against Hate is an initiative launched by the Department of Justice to improve efforts to combat hate crimes and hate incidents through building relationships at the local level. The objective is to create and strengthen trust among community leaders, law enforcement, and members of the public, but only if you're friendly to the LGBTQ agenda. So if you're conservative and you're not going with that agenda, then you can't be part of their group. Here are some posters to show the constant. You'll see the narrative here. You can click on the first picture and go through them and look at them real quick. I'm doing this to show people this is happening in your state right now. Merrick Garland ordered all ninety-four U.S. District Attorney's offices to participate in this program. And we'll get more into that in a second. But, um, you can see here, you have like the, uh, universities, you have the ADL that's part of this. You can just kind of scroll through some of these just to show people an example, but. You need to get a hold of your U.S. District Attorney's office in your state and find out when these United Against Hate meetings are happening because they are required to hold public meetings to encourage the public to report these hate incidents and hate crimes. And like FBI agent Brian Gunnarsson said, a hate incident basically is someone has a bias against race, color, religion, etc., They are keeping lists of this. That's why this is so important, why I'm, you know, trying to stress that. So the KGB there has got us all on a bunch of their lists. Yeah, but what I'm trying to say is, you know, essentially these are people that are very, they're promoting the LGBTQ agenda, human rights groups, you know, colleges. You can scroll through a couple more there. That's the one we just saw there at the Coeur d'Alene Casino. Here's one that has the ADL, Boise State University, DOJ, another Bonner County Human Rights Task Force. This is the LATO. It's another Human Rights Task Force in conjunction with the tribe and the DOJ and FBI. So you see there's a common thread here. Oh, yeah. And so, yeah. Okay. Anyways, we'll just keep going here. And then I put a call, there's another phone call right above those posters with Brian Gunderson. And it's only a minute long if you just want to play it really quick, but it's hilarious. What is white nationalism to you? What does that term mean? That's a good question, because I don't... That falls into what our DT guys look into. I don't... I don't know what, I think sometimes they have these statements, white nationalism, and it's just this overarching, I have no clue what it really means, outside of these are people that are white, that are proud to be white sometimes, and sometimes they lump in people that are racist towards anybody that's not white. Well, I mean, what's wrong with being a nationalist? What's wrong with loving your country? Oh, absolutely. There's nothing wrong with being white. There's nothing wrong with being a nationalist. So I just think it's a tongue-in-cheek way of attacking Christianity, honestly. Yeah, dead over the target on that one. I think what's attacking everyone is that Caucasians only make up eight percent of the entire globe. You want to talk about minority status. You know, newsflash, you know. It's, it's hilarious. I love that. So what I was doing there actually, it was, I'd went to the United against hate event. Right. Uh, and so I was calling to report a hate incident because former, uh, attorney general of Idaho and former Idaho Supreme court justice, Jim Jones wrote an op-ed called Idaho must once again, send the hate mongers packing. And in this op-ed he wrote, he condemns, uh, where is it here? Well, the white, he talks about the white race, uh, you know, condemning the white race. I think basically, uh, talks about, talks about Christianity, the Christian nationalists, I think is what he references in this. And so I reported him for, you know, a hate incident because he's talking about race and religion and condemning. Who is this Casey? Uh, I, Idaho Supreme Court, uh, Justice Jim Jones. Uh, he's the, he used to be the, the AG of Idaho, but he, his, the title of his article is Idaho must once again, send the hate mongers packing. and so he wrote this to condemn you know essentially white people and uh christians and so I that's why I called the report him so I'm kind of being a smart ass but uh so he calls me back after I contacted the doj and we had like a five minute conversation and so I brought up a couple of you know you you heard some of that call but And, of course, nothing happens. So they're keeping lists of these hate incidents. And then if there is a crime committed, they actually, I believe, they can tack on extra charges. I know a friend of mine, actually, a new acquaintance. Excuse me there. A new acquaintance of mine out of Wisconsin. I was researching United Against Hate in Wisconsin. He was charged with disorderly conduct and then they actually tacked on a hate crime modifier like a month later. And he wasn't being... I won't go into it. It doesn't really matter. But they're trying to negotiate with him right now and he's going to take it to a jury trial and probably have it thrown out. So... But anyways, I want to keep going here and talk about this at the federal level now. I kind of set that up for people to kind of get a rough idea of what United Against Hate is. But we're going to go into now when it was launched in twenty twenty two. And by the end of this, you kind of have a feel for why it's so important, why you need to look in your local community for this program and the players promoting this. And this is another like, it's like a four minute video, but it really kind of encapsulates United Against Hate and the program's rollout nationally. So it's a bunch of excerpts from newsreels and different segments to kind of parse this and to give people more of a flavor of this at a national level. If you want to play some of it. Yeah, you don't have to play all of it. You can play some of it. Let's just go ahead and play it. One of my first acts as Attorney General, I directed an expedited review to determine how the department could improve its efforts to combat hate crimes and hate incidents. New tonight, the Eastern Washington District of Washington's U.S. Attorney's Office has been chosen for the United Against Hate program. The Justice Department remains committed to enforcing federal hate crime laws. But we also recognize that prosecutions alone are not enough. Hate crimes are a felony in Washington. They're also some of the most underreported crimes across the nation. For the past four months, there's been an effort in eastern Washington to change that. That is why the Justice Department has launched its new United Against Hate program. Hate crimes have been on the rise in the United States, driven primarily by crimes based on race and ethnicity, but also sexual orientation and religious bias. This initiative brings together community groups, community leaders, and law enforcement at every level to build trust and strengthen coordination to combat unlawful acts of hate. Happening today, the Hate Free Vermont forums continue with an event in St. Albans. It's tonight from five thirty to seven thirty. This is the third one, followed by Rutland and Bennington. The forums are put on by the United States Attorney's Office, the Vermont Attorney General's Office and the Rutland Area NAACP. The initiative seeks to improve the reporting of hate crimes and hate incidents by working with communities about how to identify and report on lawful acts of hate. But people are still discriminated against today for all sorts of things, race, religion, gender identity, and sometimes that discrimination leads to a hate crime. Today, the College of Idaho, along with the Wasmus Center for Human Rights, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the FBI, they hosted an event called United Against Hate. investigate or prosecute people because of their ideology or the views they hold. Members of the U.S. Attorney's Office, the FBI and state police talked about First Amendment speech, what qualifies as a hate crime, and the groups who are protected under the law. The U.S. Justice Department is keeping a close watch on hate crimes. In Nashville, the U.S. Attorney has three full-time lawyers, three dedicated to civil rights cases. The United States Department of Justice knows we have an obligation both legally and morally, to hold individuals accountable for crimes driven by all forms of hatred. enforcement members gathered inside the auditorium at scranton high school to learn about the united against hate initiative the program was developed to teach people to recognize hate crimes and hate incidents and how to get law enforcement involved members of the u.s attorney's office who organized this event say as the city grows it becomes more diverse and that's when hate crimes become a bigger problem we wanted to bring the community together to have a conversation about creating did you hear that donna where hate crimes don't even happen in the first place they basically said as as as the city becomes more diverse it basically brings in more problems right so right this organization issue is like it's creating its own problem of course correct correct so that gives you you have to play all of it if you don't want to but Well, there's definitely an agenda going on there and they know it. It's like all the development. We had somebody in our local township, Don Tillman was sitting in front of the township meeting last week. Development is the priority. I'm like, no, it's not. You have one job to do, and that is to defend and uphold the rights of the people in the township. It's not to give it to people that are from another area. I said, that's like China buying our farmland. And you can see it right here in the moronic way they're running the township. And one of the guys got jumpy, and he said, well, we're just regular citizens. We don't know these things. And I'm like... Well, I guess you're going to after you get the legal flogging that's going to come after this. So, so that, that sort of gives people a flavor. That's Josh Hewitt right there. He's the, uh, of the U S district attorney of Idaho. Who's been promoting these events in Idaho. But, uh, the Genesis, if you want to scroll down a little bit there, this is from, uh, so Merrick Garland was at the, at the white house on September, fifteenth, two thousand twenty-two. And he, uh, you know, launched unite against hate. And it does say right there, the highlighted portion, that the program will undertake targeted engagement with community groups from the LGBTQI community and other communities victimized by hate crimes to increase understanding about how to report hate crimes. This is straight up some Nazi stuff going on right there. You know, you know. Rat out your neighbors. If you don't like what your neighbors are doing, turn them into us and we'll take care of everything and nobody will see a thing. And just wait, it gets better. So this was basically brought about by a Senate bill passed in two thousand twenty one. I put the link there, the PDF to that bill. This is called the Jabara Hire No Hate Act and hire as in Heather Hire, who was killed at Charlottesville, who had a heart attack. And they say that she was hit by a car, but she had a heart attack. So It's basically named after her. But in this bill, Senate bill, grants for states to create state run hate crimes reporting hotlines. Grants for states and local governments to implement the national incident based reporting system. That's NIBRS, the national incident based reporting system. and to conduct law enforcement activities or crime reduction programs to prevent, address, or respond to hate crimes. So that's essentially what that bill does, and it basically gave the fuel for United Against Hate. Nazification right there. Yeah, it says here in this bill that the attorney general may make grants to states and units of local government to assist the state or unit of local government in implementing the national incident based reporting system, including to train employees and identifying and classifying hate crimes in the N.I.B.R.S. Is that the way it's a uniform crime reporting system basically is what it is. Is that from this link right here, Casey? uh no that's just basically uh just kind of fleshes out what the united so the program held the white house was called united we stand on september uh and then he he launched merrick garland launched this united against hate program essentially so um But since this bill has passed, there's been a bill in Washington State, and that's called SB-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C And one of the facets of the bill, before it was taken out, was that it basically created a hotline for the AG's office to report hate crimes and bias incidents. But they also, just to show you how much they want this, they wanted to create a compensation program for up to two thousand dollars per person targeted by a specific hate crime or bias incident for damages or losses subject to the availability of funds. Yeah, isn't that insane? That's insane. And what is the bill? Here, I'll put it in the chat there for you. This is insanity. So they took that last part out. But when I heard about that last year, because I'd been researching all this, I was going, wow, they want it so bad. know they want to incentivize their citizens to do this it's so sick yeah let's go let's go rat everybody out and then pay you for doing it so you accuse anybody anytime anywhere and we'll pay you two thousand dollars for jumping just go scroll up to the nazi wagon to the scroll up to the top there's a box at the on the first page yeah down a little bit right there wow the second bullet point Hey, I'm liking their stupidity of their evil genius. It kind of works, but not really. I suppose if you're a Nazi, it'd work, but I don't think it's working well at all for the rest of us. Sorry, I had to adjust my camera there. Okay, so the next thing I wanted to mention here, which I didn't put in that substack, is that this was also in tandem promoted by the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism, and it was made by the National Security Council and the White House. This is June of, so you can actually look this up, the National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism. And in this, it mentions paramilitary going after the Second Amendment, basically by means of trying to crack down on states law, existing laws and going after people for acting in a paramilitary fashion, which is a whole other topic in itself. But it does flesh out the reporting incident or the reporting aspect of the national incident reporting system. And it basically just outlines these grants, these hotlines, and gives ground for United Against Hate. So this is another important document because it just outlines a lot of really important things that we're dealing with today. And again, this is all because of the Biden-Harris administration. So it seems as if... you know once trump left office these things became enacted to go after uh political opposition in my opinion so you can keep going here do you want me to play do you want me to hit play on this one no that's just basically merrick garland at the united against hate event just we kind of saw some of those those highlights I kind of hate criminals so I guess I'm guilty of it somewhere because I hate criminals And I believe that that man has had criminal involvement in the border invasion, the border and the invasion, the paid invasion of our country. And so, yeah, this is just the ten eighty six there, the no hate act. You can just scroll through that. OK. But I just want to sort of outline all this for people, because I've been doing a lot of research on it, and I have a lot of the pieces. So this is an interesting thing I found just recently, actually. This is Masood Akhtar. He's an Indian-born, moved to America. He's a scientist, essentially. And he basically created this United Against Hate. It's called United We Stand, United Against Hate. And the website is with hyphens in between each word. And so he's out of Madison, Wisconsin. And I found this just a couple months ago doing research on United Against Hate in Wisconsin. And essentially, if you look here, you can see they took his program. So he created this program in two thousand seventeen after a local school had some kids giving the Hitler salute or whatever. So he created this this program and the DOJ and so you can see here in two thousand nineteen, He meets with Christopher Wray of the FBI and is given an award. What is it? The agency's Community Leadership Award. Oh, that's an award to be proud of. Yeah, the Southern Poverty Law Center also saluted Massoud's work. And then if you scroll down, you can see this is Massoud with Joe Biden at the White House at the United Against Hate event in twenty twenty two. And you can play this little video here. Can I, can I make a statement here? I'll get us off. I think so. Like my youngest daughter is from India. So she is in fact Indian. Nobody freaking hates Indians. Okay. I've got a daughter who's Indian. I'm just going to state it out there. It's not like a, I don't know. It's ridiculous. Masood Akhtar is an Indian American Muslim activist and the founder of We Are Many United Against Hate, a nonpartisan organization using outreach and intervention to address the root causes of hate, bigotry, and racism. We Are Many United Against Hate to help heal divides by organizing community and school panels across Wisconsin with former white supremacists, religious leaders, educators, and law enforcement. to focus on engaging middle and high school youth who are often targeted and recruited by hate groups. Okay, I just wanted to show that. To me, that was really interesting. It was very profound when I found that just two months ago. And then I actually emailed Masood, and I asked him for an interview, and I haven't heard anything. So, you know. I can see why he doesn't want to talk. But anyways, so this is another little clip. This is something I've been noticing. I'm sure other people have been noticing this, too, that you'll have these people will be talking about white supremacy, and then they'll pivot, and then they'll mention white nationalism or Christian nationalism. And so they're trying to muddy the waters, essentially. So I don't know if you all know this, but Christian was once a leader in a white supremacist organization fueled by hate and violence. And I wonder, Christian, if you could just briefly tell us about how that path started. What propelled you onto it? Well, first I want to say I'm incredibly humbled to be here. It's an honor. But I would be remiss if I didn't point out my privilege in being here. see the lower third where his name is it says she starts out saying former white supremacist and then the lower third where his name is it says former white nationalist This is at the White House, okay? This isn't like, this is like big time. They're supposed to be, you know, accurate here. This is the problem that I have with them framing anybody in the news, framing and telling you this man in a very dramatic way was a former president. He is a former white supremacist. And they're couching this in the emotions that they want you to feel. It's not just like, okay, this guy was in a group that is alleged to be. Where's their proof? They're giving a narrative based on no receipts, and it's an opinion. We don't even know if it's true, right? Yeah, he does have a background. So it sounds like he was a white supremacist. But there's been people like this guy that either they were doing it on purpose to propagandize or whatever the case may be. Or somebody's paying him. Who knows? My point was to show that we're at the White House, we're calling this guy a former white supremacist, but under his name on the lower third, we're going to call him a former white nationalist. It's just muddying the waters so that they can eventually just, if you're a Christian, if you're a nationalist, whatever, all in the same camp, they're setting the stage to pounce on people that are Christians, essentially, in my opinion. It's all a setup to change people's opinions and definitions, opinions, and actually create a group that they can get the majority of the United States to hate. And they're driving the bus. They're trying to control the behavior of the bureaucracy, and that's not the government's job. Period. Period. Period. So this is just how I put that in there. If you want to report a hate incident or hate crime, there you go. Contact the FBI. I've actually done it twice now. But just to find out how the mechanism works, to show people that it's all just a bunch of BS. Because ironically in Coeur d'Alene, I think it was July first or July second, our city passed a hate crime ordinance and it basically mimicked our our state law of malicious harassment where essentially if you you know yell you know an epitaph at somebody for the race color race religion sex whatever that they could charge you with you know some sort of hate crime And so in the Fourth of July parade this year, two days after this hate crime ordinance has passed in the city, a city council member called me and my friend white supremacists while he's going down the Fourth of July parade. And so I called the DOJ and reported the hate incident or the hate crime. And she said, well, the FBI is going to launch an investigation on Monday. Of course, nothing happened because he wasn't threatening us. He was just calling us white supremacists, which is absolutely ridiculous. But just the slander. Yeah, we talked about that, I guess, on your show. Yeah. but anyway you know it's just it we already have like you said at the start of the show we already have laws for crimes we don't need a special class uh that's anti-american right just for harassment it's meant to to divide us I think and it's also meant to get some people off because all of a sudden this poor group of people they have the right to commit these crimes because We need to understand them. They've been under pressure for so long that that's what they're doing with this. It's kind of black and white. There's no excuse. If you murder somebody, that's a crime. And I don't care why you committed that crime. I could care less. You committed a crime and it doesn't need all these qualifiers so they can divert the guilt on it. That's exactly what this is about is diverting guilt to watering things down and giving people that they want to get out of responsibility a way out and harass others. Yeah, we're kind of running out of time. So I'll speed this up a little bit, but, um, I guess I was dragging on a little bit too much there. So right there is the link there to find your local us district attorney's office. I encourage people to go to these United against hate events, which are at least once a year. I've noticed in Idaho, they've been a couple, they've had them a couple of times every year, but you should go to these and, and, and. You know, kind of confront these people and ask them, well, they are nervous in public. They don't know how to answer some of these questions and you can scroll down and you can take a look at the, what another example, but I wanted, I just threw that in there. I was trying to find United against hate in Michigan. So they do mention the United against hate, but I couldn't find it. Like I could in Idaho district, uh, the U S attorney's office for Eastern district of Michigan. I think that's in Wayne county, Southeast Michigan. series of forums designed to educate the public about civil rights enforcement tools available to address hate crimes, bias, incidents, and discrimination. Anyways, you can go look on your own time and encourage people to do that. And then, so here's a billboard. I mean, from my information, it said it was from Springfield, Ohio, where the FBI is seeking to recruit victims with giant billboards written in Haitian Creole encouraging people to report hate crimes. I heard this was in Louisiana. That could be the case, but... Anyway, it's still interesting. It shows, you know, bringing the Haitians in and it'll report whitey. So here's a... And we'll give you money. What a great scam. Two thousand bucks. Come on. So this is from the U.S. District Attorney's Office of Western Washington. And so this is only a minute, but I want you to watch their faces. The question, you'll see the question is, who decides what is hate speech? Watch their faces. One says, is it Mayor Garland who decides what a hate crime is and is it your job to explain it? So who decides what a hate crime is? Yeah, so that's defined by statute. So Congress that, or in the case of the state legislature, Right passes these statutes that that tell us what do we have to prove to prove a hate crime. So that's how we define it. Right. But it is totally true that that may be different than what we all feel colloquially is a hate crime. Right. And so I think the best way to think about it is we're just what we are coming out here and explaining is really What is a federal or a state hate crime that can be proven in criminal court, right? Not necessarily, you know, what is something that might be like a hate incident, right? That's good. Yeah, that's funny. That's like a little kid who got their hand caught in the cookie jar. I didn't mean to do it. You can see how they're all kind of like, uh. I don't want to answer that. You got to play this. This just came out a couple days ago. And this was an Elon Musk reply to this video with exclamation point, exclamation point. What is the point of this subcommittee? Because it's necessary for the public and the media to hear, to try and provide cover for the eradication of the Department of Justice and the FBI. We are having these hearings so that you become immune. You become inured to the notion of the removal of the FBI and DOJ. So that those agencies are no longer there to serve as a check against white nationalism, great replacement theorists, Christian nationalists, white fragility, fascists, and the twice impeached convicted felon, former president and would be dictator Donald Trump. Oh my goodness. Yeah. Yeah. You're a traitor, sweetie. It's like... Well, you heard her. The DOJ and FBI serve as a check against white nationalism, the great replacement theory, Christian nationalism. So that tells you, I mean, they totally enacted this United Against Hate program to target their political opposition. We're not real Americans, Casey. And it's being used by our local human rights groups and it's being done in your community. They are making lists on you and your family right now. Make them away. So this is a real, I want to go back to, we only have a couple minutes left, so I want to show some goods from these relationships. So back in two thousand twenty two on June eleven, there was a Pride in the Park event hosted by Our local North Idaho Pride Alliance. And if you scroll down a little bit, they had a drag queen dance party. There's a video on my ex-account, Casey underscore Whalen, W-H-A-L-E-N, if you want to see the video I'm referring to, where kids were giving money to these adult entertainers in public and the cops were positioned out of view. You know, and of course, nothing is done. Oh, we can't do anything. So it's real sick. What's going on? They're just taking orders. And this is. Yeah. Yeah. This is sad. You know, when you see when you see something like this, I, you know, I'm sorry. But where does this have any place in society? I'm going to tell you what, if somebody came out there and had a cross or something else on them, they would be immediately fried by the department. But these morons come out in public. We had that with BLM, burn, loot, and murder here in Grand Rapids. And the chief of police went and took a knee to these bastards in the street. as the cops stood down in the buildings. And it's like, this is a corporation. At that moment in time, they're working for a corporation. This is not an organic movement. This is not even an NGO, which should be illegal. He took a knee to a corporation and was working for the corporation in submission to these people on the streets of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Everybody all the way up to the mayor should have been fired immediately. Sorry, I digress. So should this person right there. He's a crap. Click on that first image. That's Michelle Beach. She's an Idaho State Patrol officer, and this was taken in two thousand twenty one. But here's the North Idaho Pride Alliance talking about Michelle Beach. You have the Human Rights Education Institute below saying I'm glad she's on our side. She was on the board of the North Idaho Pride Alliance. In June, if you scroll to the next picture here, You can see this is a letter from the North Idaho Pride Alliance. They're asking Michelle Beach, the ISP officer, and Jeanette Laster, the director of the Human Rights Education Institute, to report a Catholic rosary walk that was happening in an adjacent park because they were worried about it interfering with their pride stride. So they asked them to report it to the FBI and scroll to the next picture. And here's Michelle Beach saying, uh, I can't, it's hard for me to read it, but she basically sends it to the Coeur d'Alene police department. And which is disseminated through the fusion centers, by the way. Here's a letter from Jeanette Laster from the human rights education Institute saying, sent to the FBI. Thanks. And then these last two emails are just some of these sick people that are trying to get people that were hosting the Catholic Rosary Walk. They're trying to figure out which diocese they were part of so they can get them in trouble. That's how sick they are. This is really sick. And who was BLM doing? BLM was one that was burning down the black neighborhoods. African-American businesses is what they attacked. Hmm. In a lot of cases, it wasn't like they were protecting them. They were also attacking them. It's crap. Yeah, not good. And then if you can get out of that now and go to the picture below it. You can see this is an example of the internal flyers. This is an internal flyer within the Coeur d'Alene Police Department. So they contacted the police on June fifth, six days before the Pride in the Park event, and this is an internal bulletin that they created within the Coeur d'Alene Police Department with the help of the fusion centers to create this poster. And so it mentions Vincent Fox or Vince Fox, who's a friend of mine. He had nothing to do with the event. He was just promoting it. So they were, you know, saying that he was, he, it was all his doing and he is Catholic, but he had, he was just promoting the event. He, you can see the little snippet there. He was promoting the event there on the lower left. And so then you can see some examples of records requests I got through public records over the years. And the first two are from the Regional Intelligence Center nine, Rig nine out of Eastern Washington. They disseminate information within the police departments to the fusion centers. There's generally one fusion center per state. In Idaho and in Washington, those fusion centers are run by the Idaho State Police. So that's how insidious this is. We have a lady who is an Idaho State Patrol officer on the board of the North Idaho Pride Alliance, proactively reporting a Catholic rosary walk to the police department who's relaying it to the fusion center, which is run by the Idaho State Police. So we do live in a police state. We do. I actually know somebody that had a report made to arrest Gretchen Whitmer for her shutting the state down. Took it to the state police and the police said, it looks absolutely perfect, but if you try to have her arrested, we will shoot you. And that was what the state police said to the guy that's flat out. And he's been on my channel several times. And this is a sad reality in America. Yep. So I just want to encourage people to try to find your United Against Hate event in your state. And it could just be looking up your state name in United Against Hate or you can go to the U.S. District Attorney's Office. I know in Idaho, the U.S. District Attorney's Office use Eventbrite and then you have to register and all that. So I encourage people to go. What's that? We need our state legislators to help us break this bond between law enforcement and these human rights networks. It's very dangerous. They're creating lists on regular people, and it's been happening for a couple years easily. Okay, yeah, here we go. We got it right here. Research it on the fly, guys. That's what we do. Hate crimes and bias incidences. Oh, there you go. I don't hate anybody individually, but I hate these systems. I'm going to tell you what. Yeah. I haven't found that. Interesting. Yeah, you'll have to pin it down. Oh, here you go. Virtual forum, September tenth. The with with the. We rise standing together against hate. East Lansing, Michigan. Cool. You have to keep an eye on this page because they usually will just keep updating the events through one page, topics and resources. And I'd like to see Donna Brandenburg go to one of these and ask some questions. I would pay to I'd pay to see that. That would that would be a scorn moment. You know, that would be one of those things where you see every go. Then Donna gets arrested. Yeah, watch Donna get arrested. Well, what's your definition of, you know, it seems to me like you're hating, you know, white Christians. Oh, September tenth is, yeah, we're now in October. It's all past, but they'll have another one. You'll just have to watch it. Yeah, just keep an eye on it. Or there may be video from it or something. I actually got Wilkes Barre High School in Pennsylvania. They had United Against Hate at their school and then they broadcast it within the school district so all the kids could see it even if they weren't at the event. And I was able to do a record request and get that United Against Hate event. So if you want to see that, you can go to my Rumble channel, which is North Idaho Exposed. And then you can just search in my content for United Against Hate. And I filmed two of these locally. And then I have the one from Wilkes-Barre High School. Well, let's look at this a little bit. So it's a Big Ten A, which is, this is one of the colleges, Michigan State University is a Big Ten. So you watch the integration of the indoctrination universities, you know, that's a real problem right now. At least they put some networking. You know what generally Republicans and or conservatives do? They suck at networking. They don't put any networking time in anything. People need to get together to talk. So we've got John Johnson. Let's see who else is there. Oh, and Dana Nessel. Wow. I got a lawsuit. This is definitely it. They're just not really calling it United Against Hate, but it's the same thing. Yeah, I want to see what else they got on here. No, this is good. We've got to get you up to speed. Yeah, no kidding. Because you had no idea about this, right, I'm guessing? No, none. No one's really talking about this, so that's why it's so important. They're making lists on people. You know, and what's really funny is that we're talking about race relationships and such, and honestly, when I went to college, I spent way too many years in college, okay? Just going to say that right now. And, uh, I was on the, uh, uh, the committee for, it was committee for race, uh, race relations when I was in the early eighties, cause that was a big thing. And, uh, we, we had, uh, we, there was a couple of people in there and the one, uh, Charlene Reed that was in there, she was, uh, I was also on staff at the university at the time. And, uh, she said to me too, she said, uh, You are like the only truly colorblind person. She was an African-American from Detroit. She said, you're the only truly color or the most colorblind person I have ever met in my entire life. I said, because I really don't give a crap. You know, I just don't care. It seems like a dumb thing to, you know, to judge anybody on. It's like the same thing as it would almost be like judging somebody on your hair color. And you can't get two Baptists in the room to agree on anything. How do they think they're going to have, you know, two white people, two African-Americans, two Blacks, you know, name, pick your subcategory that they've divided us into and see if you can get two people anywhere to agree on anything. Never going to happen. Scroll up. There was extremism in gaming. Go back a page or two. Real quick. One more. Housing. Of course they got to get housing. Right there. They're trying to commandeer the housing and make that nationalized too. Right there. There you go. Huh. There's a good get. Yeah, they got this thing all scripted out. We're going to go after it bits and pieces at a time. Yep. Yeah. Last time I was at a conference with Dana Nessel, it was a press conference and I was the only one in there, which by the way, was involved by a, in a, in a crime that was committed in the state of Michigan in the signature gathering. And she completely said that we are completely, you know, innocent of all things. But I want everybody to see where this is actually going to lead to, because it's going to be really interesting. Signature gatherers were definitely, definitely doing the wrong thing, truly. But we had, I can tell you right now that there was an investigator on the case, and all of a sudden he was removed off the case. And he told me that they had sign confessions from some of the signature gatherers. And all of a sudden, a new special agent got on there. And all of a sudden, no, there were no crimes committed. We don't have anything like that. You didn't see anything. Bullshit, I didn't. Those people are changing evidence inside that attorney general's office. She walked past me to leave the room, stuck her behind in my face and turned the other way. and made sure that she was like this on the other side of the aisle to stick her behind in my face. Class act, class act. That's all I can say. But I will say it. So there you go. Any thing else you want to bring up here, Casey? Because I can go back to that and finish up here in a minute. No, I think we kind of hit the highlights there. I just wanted to give people the flavor of the genesis of this program. And I really want to see Donna Brandenburg go to one of these events, though. That would be a riot. It's amazing what happens when you get somebody in there and record their answers. After it's over, you can ask them questions. That'd be good. I love that. I've gotten asked so many questions from different people. that you know they're trying to get to an answer that they're looking for to nail you. My favorite one that I think is terrible is what I've been asked this several times by, and I know Rick Grinnell and And a lot of people in that community, I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends. I've got a soft spot in my heart for people that just want to live their lives, not as a paid political operative or agenda. I just do. Okay. And what I get asked a lot is, so what's your opinion on gay marriage? You know what my response is on that? My response is always my opinion on gay marriage is that's a stupid question. And I'm insulted that you would even ask me such an important, stupid question, because the question that should be answered is why is the government marriage at all? Why should they be issuing licensing licenses for something that God ordained that has no place in government? This shouldn't be something to collect money. And the only reason why they do that is to commandeer your assets. And hopefully hope that your marriage fails so that they can park your kids out. That's exactly what it is. And take a cut of what you have for the civil action jurisdiction, which goes into the retirement fund. That's the question. And so anyhow, but I digress. Don't ask me a dumb question if you don't want to be fried on the spot for an actual answer. That's good. Yeah, I think a lot of us just don't like, you know, hate the sin, love the sinner. God loves everybody, I think, and we don't have to agree with people's actions, but I just don't like how it's being used to brainwash children and the repercussions of that where kids are cutting themselves and just... I don't like the ownership of children by the state. And that's the problem is that the children are the responsibility solely of their parents. And if they actually cared, we wouldn't have eight hundred fifty thousand kids missing in the largest child trafficking organization on the planet, CPS. You can't tell me they care because these kids have disappeared with no trace, no accountability. Everybody's like, well, we don't know what happened. Well, really, maybe then the whole organization should be criminally held responsible including all the people involved in this criminally responsible for the loss of kidnapped children and then losing them into the black hole of death and despair against our children with child trafficking, because that's exactly what's going on there. So, yeah, I'm all kinds of done with that, too. I mean, you can't usurp what God put in place is the smallest form of government, which is the family. and the rights of a family to raise their children without interference. Yeah, you'll have Diego Rodriguez on your show again, talk about the CPS topic. Yeah, I can get Tara Rota's in there too. I haven't had her on, but I know Tara, and she's a whistleblower from within. That'd be good, get a little panel going. Yeah, get a panel on telling people. And then the Hamners, because Stephanie and I tried to, help with the Hamners when they took their daughter, Liliana Rose, and broadcast live her in her incarceration during a parental visit. And all of a sudden the Boots heard that we were online and they walked in, what's going on here? They were a little hostile as I was asking her how things were going within the incarceration by an unlawful entity, which does not exist under Norton versus Shelby County. They're all criminals at this point in time. They've usurped their authority. So anyhow, thank you, Casey, for being on today and tell me how to find you. Yeah, you can follow me on That's W-H-A-L-E-N. I'm on Twitter or X, Casey underscore Whalen, and on Rumble, North Idaho Exposed, North Idaho Exposed with a D, and I contribute to multiple platforms in the area. Yeah, and I tag you in quite a few of my posts whenever you're on. I tag you in my And I like to make sure everybody knows who's involved, that they can have quick access to things. But anyhow, the show link today on Twitter had your Twitter, your Twitter handle tag down there. So you can find Casey by my stuff, too. I got, you know, I got nothing in my heart other than wanting to see you do very well and get your get your work out there. Because like Vicki, you're amazing. And we'll be right back. Thank you. I'm going to go to a quick, quick break. And thank you so much, my friend, for coming on here. I have so much respect for you. You've done such an amazing job and I'm proud to stand with you. So we'll be right back. You too. Thank you. Thank you. good morning and welcome back to the third hour of brandenburg news network I am donna brandenburg it's the third of october twenty twenty four and welcome to our show and we're gonna go right into day six political prisoners in america and I like your hat twenty twenty was in fact rigged and uh that's that's beautiful joshua and uh welcome this morning guys hello There sure aren't a lack of bad guys to find out there and find something to fight against. All I can say is that everybody that's out there better get involved with something because as this ship's going down, we need to have everybody bailing water. That is absolutely right. I tell you, they're going to do everything possible to try to create a hostile environment to get a war going so they don't have to hold an election. Yeah, that's a fact. Is that what you think is occurring too, Josh? Say that again? Is that what you're seeing occur also? No. I kind of had that idea when I started seeing the hurricane and they're not helping them or they weren't helping them. They say they are now, but I don't know for sure. They want destruction and chaos. It's a spiritual warfare. It has nothing to do with politics. People don't realize that. A lot of people don't realize that, and the ones that do need to be praying more. It has nothing to do with anything but a spiritual warfare. The devil wants to kill, steal, and destroy, and God wants to bring life and life more abundant. He wants salvation and healing and prosperity for everybody but the devil wants to kill you and he hates your guts and the democrats work for him you know all their selfish desires that comes from the spirit world you know and the flesh hey guys we just got a we just got a wonderful gift here terry anderson just called in and I've been wanting terry to be on this show and so terry welcome this morning doing excellent, even better that you called in. Thank you so much. So I would like you to give an introduction of yourself and tell everybody who you are, because this is kind of a special situation to have you be able to jump on. Terry just called me from a, he's calling me from a correctional facility. And I want you to tell everybody what's going on with you, please. Hi, Terry. Terry Anderson. I am the Executive Director of American Pensioner Relief over two years ago, and we have been in the business of helping raise awareness and helping with financial assistance for families that have come under the scrutiny, the tyrannical overreach of our federal government, primarily the January six community. But we also like to be able to help anybody who's come under that overreach of our government, which I am a victim of at this point. So after two years of being out on pretrial release, waiting my court date on a Second Amendment gun charge in Del Rio, Texas, that I got while I was down detecting, deterring, and reporting the illegal invasion that was happening down the border, I violated one of the many terms of my pretrial release. while awaiting my trial, which should be October twenty fourth. And again, my trial was on a Second Amendment gun charge that I picked up down here on the border. We're hoping that, you know, that a win on my gun charge will help solidify the Bruin case and how that affects people across the country as far as their Second Amendment rights are concerned. So that's kind of it in a nutshell. Yeah, I don't think they quite understand. And or I'm wondering if any of these people can actually read at this point in time, because clearly they have not read the Second Amendment. So absolutely there, you know, in the second shall not be infringed, and all our government has done since the Constitution has found different ways to infringe on our Second Amendment rights. Continuing to this day, you know, we're talking about AR clips and bone stocks and different things that they're trying to classify as, you know, not needed, you know, or magazine clips. And there's just been so many different things, and what they're doing is they're whittling away at it. Over and over and over again. Well, fortunately, in July of twenty twenty two, the Bruin case came down to the Supreme Court and the Bruin case, which was the was written by Clarence Thomas or he did the dissertation on it. And the dissertation said, you know, not be infringed and that goes across the board you know and so what I have found myself in a situation of is where my second amendment rights have been violated I'm fighting back against that the government doesn't like that we're using the bruin case to you know we want to help have a win in our case to help solidify the bruin case because what the lower courts are doing right now is they're taking the Bruin case and they're saying, yeah, well, that's okay, except for in this instance, like if he's got a restraining order against him or if he's threatening him. limits on that but you know as far as we the people the general population there should be no limits on that there should be nothing um and if there's somebody that's such a violent criminal they should be locked up until they're rehabilitated if they can't be rehabilitated then they need to stay in jail otherwise they should be given their second amendment rights back so So that's kind of where I'm at with that. And again, this goes generations forward. What we do right now in fighting for our Second Amendment rights is going to help our country going forward as far as our children and our grandchildren being able to have and bear arms in this country. So it's important. Well, it goes right back to that slippery slope. We were just talking about United Against Hate, which is their way to categorize hate speech. And the question is, is that who gets to determine at that point in time? We the people don't. At that point in time, we the people don't get to determine anything. they just randomly usurp the authority, never grant, you know, the authorities never granted to them. And, and then all of a sudden it's like you get a committee and you know what happens in committee, everything dies in committee, including anything that looks like intelligent behavior or thought process. So, you know, it's like, it's like it's going to be those people that are looking for power or, over other people. That's the only reason why they would do this. I don't believe we would even have a problem if they actually enforced the laws we have on the books, the ones that are constitutionally allowable and legal. That would solve the problem. But that's just way too simple of a solution for these people, apparently. Right. Well, that's what they've done. They've floated our government with these bureaucrats and these organizations within there that actually, they don't write law. What they do is they just have their, you know, the DNJ and the FBI, and they have all these different organizations that have their own rules that they try to apply as law, and it's not law. And so what we've got to do is we've got to say, hey, you know, we're going to go by the Constitution. The Constitution says, shall not Pretty plain and simple, but when you get all these bureaucracies in there muddying the waters and trying to put their own skin on that, instead of we the people saying, no, we have this right, this is our God-ordained right, as written in the Constitution, and we have to fight for that. Because if we don't fight for that, that's what they've been doing over the last hundred and fifty years, is whittling away at our rights. They gave us our rights, and now it was, and what do they talk about, a republic? We've been given this republic, and now it's up to us to keep it. Yeah, I agree with you in a hundred percent. And you can see the usurpation that they have and also mismanagement when you look into the prison system, which I know they're monitoring this call. So I'll just give them a little bit of fodder to put me on another list. You know, the prison systems and what they've done with the J sixers in America is absolutely criminal activity. And it's under the guise of a governmental organizations. And it should not have nothing like this should have ever happened. ever happened on American soil. There's instances of them being guilty or committing crimes that look like kidnapping, as well as they violated several amendments, the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, with all the J-Sixers out there. And you can look at them, even what they did with some of the J-Sixers, of not letting them leave once they're out D.C., Well, they did it in order to silence them and impoverish them the whole ten yards. Every single one of these people should absolutely be ashamed to look at themselves in the mirror every day and understand what they have done to other human beings. And I think this goes way past crimes against humanity, torture, and the highest levels. of human rights violation. They can stop with their little hate crime nonsense and let's look at real crimes where we have real victims that they have, you know, they've attacked on our soil. Well, you know, that's what, when we started American Patriot Elite, and again, it was built around the J-Six, but when I was originally charged with this, I had no one to turn to. The FBI, Homeland Security, ATF, local police forces all raided my house, thirty assorted personnel, five tactical vehicles, you know, the pre-dawn assault raid, the same as that Jay Sixers got. And so, of course, when I ended up in federal holding at that time, I had, you know, who else would I call? But I called Mark and Jalise Middleton because they had just been through this and I knew them. And I said, hey, Mark and Jalise, you know, I just had the FBI raid my house. What do you do? And so, you know, what we've learned through American Patriot League and all of this is that anybody who comes underneath attack for standing up for your constitutional rights, your amendment rights, you know, abortion, silence us across the board Donna and what we want to do is have a safety net so that if somebody stands up for their rights and they end up in a position like I'm at you know who takes care of my family how do I get assistance for my family because you know I was the primary breadwinner for our family and now I'm going to be locked up for however long you know hopefully I have not went to trial my trial is set for October twenty third and twenty fourth. It's a two day trial. Hopefully we win in trial. You know, that would be the best thing. If not, we were taking this to the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals. And if need be, we take it to the Supreme Court. And again, you know, solidifying these Second Amendment rights now for the J Sixers. The trap has been set. We know I was there January six. I was, you know, kitty corner back behind where Mark and Elise was not going to have not been charged. I didn't cross any barricades. I put all my pictures on Facebook, but you know, they can still try to find some way to, you know, to say, Hey, you were there. Now we're in charge of this too. They're going to keep coming after us until we stand together, which is what we've tried to do with American picture. We've created this safety net, create this organization that's there to help, the families and the people that are in jail, you know, like commissary money when you're in there. And I'm seeing this firsthand. I've been locked up now for the last three weeks with and with illegal aliens. The people that I was down on the border fighting against, I'm now locked up with. And so it's kind of ironic that God's put me in a particular situation in here, and he will see me through this. But I'm just grateful that you gave me some time on here, Donna. I know my phone time will probably be running out here shortly. They give me a fifteen minutes per call, and it'll probably be telling me here any minute that my time is almost up. So I just wanted to thank you for having us on. I know Mark and Jalise are doing great work out there. I'm praying for them. One day I have sentencing coming up on the twenty-second as well. So our organization, you know, is doing everything we can for people that, you know, to ensure that you don't end up in situations like I'm in or Mark and Julissa are in, but that if you do, there is help there for you. So please reach out to our organization and please keep pounding. And Donna, I know you've been a great advocate for our organization and we're so grateful Oh, thank you. Show up and go in and do the different things that you've done. We definitely consider you a partner. So thank you so much. Oh, that was really gracious. Thank you so much. I really appreciate that. I'd like you to call back again if you run out of time and tell us how you're doing personally down there because we care about you as a person. You know, let's give a real brief summary of that and then let's have you back on and we can do it for a whole hour. You just keep calling me back. Okay, very good. So brief summary of where I'm at right now. Yeah. Okay, so again, this is Jerry Anderson. I'm the co-founder and the executive director of American Patriot League. I am locked up in Del Rio, Texas in a federal holding facility awaiting trial on October the third and twenty fourth for a second amendment gun charge that should not have even been picked up. I was charged by a state state agency and the federal government picked it up, raided my house and I had been out on pretrial release, but now I am I have violated one of the many terms of my pre-trial release. And so now I am sitting here awaiting trial. And again, you know, we're going to talk with you more about that. I can call back and, you know, probably take me about three or four minutes to turn around and call back. Okay. What do you think, Julie? Do you want him to come back on right now or do you want him to come on another day? I want to have him on an hour show if we're able to get it. I think we can do that next week. Why don't we, I was going to take some time off next week, but I think I'll come on Monday and then I'm going to start doing some different things. But how about, how about we plan on Monday, Terry, and then Monday at eleven o'clock Eastern Standard Time and we'll do a whole hour show. Okay, well, that's fine, Donna. Yeah, I guess I misunderstood you, but that's absolutely fine. You have one minute remaining. There's our little timer, but I do appreciate the chance to come on and just kind of share the plight of what's going on with me and then also just to continue to endorse American Patriot Relief. And if anybody can help, it's Wonderful. Tell everybody to tune in to Brandenburg News Network because we're going to keep beating this drum until we get better behavior out of our government. That sounds great, Donna. Brandenburg News Network, we love it, and we're so grateful to be partnered with you, and thank you so much, okay? Thank you so much. We're all fighting together. Proud to stand with you. Love you, Terry. God bless you, too. Bye-bye. Thank you for using. Wow, that was amazing. We timed that out just about perfectly. That was a God thing if I ever saw one. Absolutely. He had called in twice. Let's see. He had called in twice, and I didn't pick up the first time. The second time he called in, I'm like, that's kind of weird. I better pick this up. Sorry to have the interruption on your time here, but I kind of thought that was a little important. Oh, it is totally important. You know, Terry, I tell you, he was like a wild Mustang when it came to American Patriot Relief. Although we're all co-founders, me, Mark, and Terry, Terry was the wild Mustang that ran with it. We had met up at his home after he got out of prison to just minister, restore, you know, put the word of God back in him, remind him who he is in Christ. And through it all, me and Mark had already felt the call to start a nonprofit and start helping the other J-Sixers. But Terry didn't waste no time. Out of the blue, he mentioned it. And me and Mark just looked at each other like, oh, this is going to be a God thing. And sure enough, two weeks later, Terry calls us up and he's like, okay, I've got a board in place. We're having a meeting on Monday. And I'm like, okay. I'm so proud of Terry. Well, I guess we've got Terry Anderson on Monday, so I was going to talk to you. I think I need to take a little bit of time off. I've been sick here for about a week or so, and I'm not terribly sick, but I just think I feel like I need to give myself a little bit of rest because I've got one heck of a schedule in front of me. So tomorrow, I think I'm going to take tomorrow off, but then we'll be back on Monday with Terry Anderson. Okay. Okay. So I hope that lingering goes away when you get some rest. That can be so miserable. Well, you know what the problem is? You know what the problem is? The problem is me, because I don't stop. Like, I am a spaz, born, raised, bred spaz. Once I get going, I'm just chunking them like a machine, you know? And then it hits at nine o'clock at night, and you're like, I shouldn't have done that. Yeah, sickness, who's got time for sickness? That's for wimps, right? Yeah. I'm the same way. It's like, do anything to me. Just don't tell me I have to be still. I am the worst patient in the whole world. When I am not feeling well, I'm just the worst. I'm not terrible right now, but I just can feel that I probably should get a little bit more rest to be at the top of my game. So that's it. Donna, I hear that zinc helps. Yeah, I've been pounding that stuff down like your Tic Tacs right now. Yeah. You can overdose on it, so you're not supposed to take more than about ten milligrams per day. Well, you know what happens? So, like, I'm a research nerd, is that if you take too much zinc, all you do is you get – I've got a son that has done this, and he's also a nerd and did some welding that he got into the zinc cloud a little bit. And you feel like you have the flu for a few days, and then you're immune to a cold for, like, the next year. Yeah. I'm not recommending it to anyone, just so you know, because you're going to feel bad. But yeah, so consult your doctor. This is not medical advice. Well, you can get kicked off of YouTube for saying that, or you could during COVID. If you said, yeah, zinc helps with COVID, then boom, you're gone. Deleted. Yeah, well, I'll tell you what. I talked to the gal who got diagnosed with cancer years ago and decided not to ever go back again. And then I just took everything that they said would kill me and just figured out what the dosage was. And I'm like, well, if they say it's going to kill you, it's got to work. There's got to be something. Well, you might notice that I'm still here. Right. Well, Jesus was an experiment. Jesus went to the fig tree and told it like cursed it. And I think you're not supposed to pray for cancer. You're supposed to speak to it and command it to leave. A lot of people don't understand that because it's a why would he curse the fig tree? The time for figs was not yet. He knew like he wasn't stupid. He knew that. But he did it to show people this is how the kingdom of God operates. OK, let's just do that right now to everything that that all this whatever's going on here. In the name of Jesus, I command all sickness and disease to leave. And I've got people sitting here with me. And you know what? And we're all in agreement. And we love Jesus Christ by the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen. It's all about the blood. Who the aristocracy, the old aristocracy, she bathed in the blood of six hundred virgins. Why was she doing this? Do we think this is new? It is not. It is not new. And the most expensive drug on the planet. What do you think it is, guys? And it's real. Why did they catch, you know, I'm going to say semis full of adrenal glands. And they said, oh, they were penguin adrenal glands. Right. You know, let's get a little smarter than this, people, than biting on whatever they tell us. Because they lying their ever-living tails off. and uh you know it's like it's unfortunate but where do you think these kids are going oh yeah man it's it's it's hard to even think about what they're doing to these people these little innocent they want to kill them before they're born and then they want to torture them after they're born that's exactly what they're doing and if you say this is not spiritual you're ignorant you have no idea what's going on I hate to be mean but this is a spiritual battle You're not being mean, you're being truthful. It's, you know, it's people have to realize that this is not, this is not political. It has nothing to do with politics, you know, because it wasn't that long ago when you voted. Keep going. I can't hear you. These are very loud. But it wasn't that long ago when a Democrat and a Republican wasn't that different. Nowadays, it's night and day. Absolutely. You know, my husband ran for office. And when he was running for office, we had somebody in the crowd say, don't you consider yourself an extremist? And he looked square at them and said, you know, my bar hasn't moved. I'm still standing on all the constitutional conservativeism that has been around since the dawn of time. Y'all have moved the bar more and more liberal, making me look like an extremist. So you want to know something that when somebody asks you that question, you say, absolutely, I'm an extremist. I'm an extremist when it comes to defending human rights and cutting through the bullshit that they have out there that's trying to hide their human rights abuses. If that's an extremist, that's what I am because I will stand with Americans. I don't care who you are. I do not care I will not divide and I refuse to divide people out by segments and subgroups just to give them an excuse to peel people off just like they would a predator would peel sheep away from the flock to to um destroy us Divide and conquer. That's that's always been the plan. Yeah. You know, I want to separate black and white. Every every man and woman, every kind of any kind of division they can make. They want to do it because if if the American people would ever get together and just sit down and talk about what's really going on, the blacks, the whites, the gays, the straights, the men, the women, all the nationalities, if we could just drop the the. and just talk like normal Americans, we would realize that most of us agree. The majority of Americans agree on the truth. You know, we just want to be left alone. Hey, just leave us alone. You know, like the best churches I've ever been to. It was never all of one color. I've been to all black churches and it wasn't that good. I've been to all white churches and it wasn't that good. I've been to churches where it was mixed and it was like the power of God was there. And there's something about that, because whenever the power of God is in a place, it attracts people of all different kinds. You know, I'm just I don't know if that's a hundred percent truth, but I've noticed in my life that the best churches where you can feel the presence of God, the joy of the Lord is there. The worship is fantastic. There's blacks, whites, Hispanics. There's all kinds. I went to a church the other day. It was blacks, whites on the stage. And there was a guy from Russia was in there. There was a guy from somewhere in Africa. I forget where it was, but he was a missionary in Africa. And it was like it was it was the melting pot was in this little church. But the power of God was there. And it was amazing. And something further than that, too. I'm going to tell you what. I had a neighbor about thirty some years ago who was transgender. Six foot five, beard, long hair, and and still had the five o'clock shadow and such, but I would sit and talk with him. And I never held one thing against him. But what I do hold against people is when they're grooming children. I don't care what label they have. We've got female teachers that are grooming children and they don't get called out because for some reason it's okay for a woman to be about a pedophile more than a man. And I don't think that that's okay. And it's like, I don't think anybody should get a pass on usurping parental rights to raise their children and grooming children in some crackpot ideology that's just there to wreck kids and take them away from their children. That's what it's about. It's about ownership of our children for nefarious reasons. But if somebody wants to live their life that way, I'm not going to say no. You know, we'll sit down and talk. I'm sure they're going to disagree with things that I believe in and I do in my life too. But I would still fight for their ability to live their life the way they like, whether I agree with them or not. And I would sit down in a very loving way. Love the sinner, hate the sin. Yes, exactly. To me, they are really the saddest manifestation of Satan coming into our population and causing confusion. And I feel like we opened that door in politics. That's why we see it through politics. People see with their eyes and think it's the Democrats or the liberals. But if you're looking with your spirit, you see that we open the door there. And that's just why it has came through right there. It's because of the whole ideology of separation of church and state, just like Jesus on the at the transfiguration. Satan came and deceived and just slightly twisted that constitution. People didn't question it. They just bought into it thinking it was no big deal. So we pulled Christ out of schools. We pulled Christ out of politics and rolled out a red carpet for Satan to come in without argument because we don't talk about politics and religion. And therefore he was able to run rampant until all of a sudden he had our entire government taken over. And now we're looking and going, holy crap, what have we done? Well, we did it back in the sixties. Well, when you look at the underpinning and even go to the, the, the underpinning of the spirit of the sins that are underneath it all. It's all of it comes from lies and deception. The whole thing. If you destroy the lie and you destroy the deception and you get everything out in the open, Throw it all out in the light. That's what has to happen. The darkness has to go away. Throw it all out in the light. And then the sin that each of us, I'm sure, are unaware of around us. There's not one of us that's not going to be touched by this. Because, you know, there is deception and sin all around us. And you may not even know that it's there because, you know, human beings tend to see things through the lens of being the hero of their own life. Instead of I mean, that's what that's a human characteristic. We all think we're the heroes of our own life. You know what? None of us are. The only one that was perfect was Jesus Christ. And you'll notice he didn't throw a stone. He sat with prostitutes and tax collectors. Why? Because he knew they needed the doctor, just like all of us did. And that doctor is Jesus Christ. That's true. Yeah. Well, there was a Sally. I had a Sally who was a. Two of the guys in the room were spirit-filled Christians, and he was not an atheist, but he was just anti-church. And whenever we'd talk about him, he would cuss. And he's like, I don't need to be a Christian. I'm a good person. He wants to be judged on his own actions. And we kept trying to explain it to him. Like, look, man, nobody's perfect. He goes, well, I'm not as bad as this guy. I said, yeah, and that guy wasn't as bad as Hitler, and Hitler wasn't as bad as Stalin. But they're all going to hell. I said, if you're not as bad as the guy going to hell, you're still going to hell. And he just refused to listen because he was angry because he was in there for he was actually innocent. He told me the story about ten times and I heard him tell other people the same story. And he was painting a picture of the of what happened in my mind. And every time he told the story, it was the same picture or it would add new details. So I could tell because I listened to him for almost a year telling that story and it was always the same. So I'm ninety nine point nine nine nine infinity sure that he was innocent and he was angry about the process that put him in there, which is another subject we could probably talk about. But he was he refused to accept Christ because he felt like he was good enough. And that's the thing, nobody's good enough. Well, let's do an ethics test here. Is it okay to cheat on your taxes as long as you don't get caught? Is it okay to think of anything that you may have done that has been even slightly not honest? Is that okay? Where's your tolerance for drawing that line and what's the standard? Are you? And then and then why does it make anyone any better than anyone else if they've done one thing wrong? They're in violation of all the law. Right. What is this? Satan is the father of lies and Jesus is the truth. I think that's the worst crime is lying. I mean, I can't handle a liar. That's my that's my thing. As soon as somebody lies to me, I will never trust him again. And I mean, I'll never trust him again. You have to forgive. I forgive them, but I don't trust them again. It's like I forgive them, but it's like at that moment in time, I look at them and go, okay, that there's a spotted dog right there. Well, if they accept Jesus, then they can earn your trust back. Maybe. I always watch people and say that trust is hard earned. Before Jesus, I was the worst of the worst. I mean, I would lie just for the heck of it. I'd just make up a story just to have something to say. But after Jesus, that's when I realized, okay, I'm following the truth. I need to tell the truth. You know, so I, since then, the last time I told a lie, it was an accident. I was telling a story and it was two and I said three. And then as soon as I said it, I was like, whoa, where did that come from? I was exaggerating just to make the story sound better. And it was like, it broke my heart. I was like, it took me, but I lied, you know? So you'd say you'd never speak to me again because, or you never trust me. Like it just, I have a sin nature. Let's say that would be a mistake because you knew it right there. There's a, that's a mistake. When somebody outright lies for deception, there's a difference because we do make mistakes and we go back and we correct them because we're human beings. But there's an intentional lie. Well, in the church, they say mistake, but a mistake is a sin. You know, a mistake is just a soft way of saying sin. I don't know if I agree with that entirely, because I think that there's a big difference in that because human beings, we may not say something right or we may have to think about it. And when we're communicating with others, we're kind of navigating a little bit and and such. But I see I see a lie is a bold face type of deception, whereas when people make a mistake. It's not necessarily always intentional. It's sort of like, you know, you can be walking and you trip. It didn't, you didn't mean to trip, but you tripped up and you readjust and I understand that. But what I was talking about was I said three when it was really two and I knew it was two. But I said three on purpose trying to make myself because it was about a five. That's what I look at with it is I'm looking at that as spiritual discernment. You know, spiritual discernment is really what the point both of you are getting at. Because it is a spirit of deception. It is when you catch someone lying intently, either to harm or to build up oneself, their story. But you can be... You can be a good spirited person that tells a lie because we've all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. So wherever you are in your growth process in maturing as a Christian, it's still where you're falling short. It don't make you a bad person. It's the spirit pushing it that is bad. And if we can never wrap around that, even within the Christian community, how can we ever expect the loss to do that? Because the fact is, it's just what you said, Josh. It is hate the thin, love the sinner. Okay. It is showing grace and mercy. Do you think Jesus is sitting there condemning us and pointing a finger at us and rejecting us because we said two instead of three or three instead of two? That is outlandish. He's probably sitting there looking at you like this going. Yeah. He is totally full of love and mercy. And he's literally saying, let's do it again. The very fact that you felt the sense of correction shows the mark of the Holy Spirit on you because the lost are telling these lies and not giving two rips about it because there's nothing within their spirit. The Holy Spirit saying, baby, I love you, but let's not say that again. You know? I couldn't even finish the story. It was like my heart got ripped out. I almost felt like I was by myself again. I was like, whoa. I was like, hey, I got to go. That's why I'm looking at you going like this, going, hmm. He only has to do it for a look once you got the Holy Spirit. He just has to look at you and you're like... Sorry, Dad. This was years ago, but it was still... I can't say it was a mistake. It was... I was trying to make myself look good. It was pride, too. You know, I didn't realize. And the reason that I fell is to show mercy to others, because we're like, if I'm walking this close with the Lord, with the Holy Spirit stamped on me and I'm still screwing up. how much more are they suffering? They are not in Christ. And it should be, it should be an opportunity for us to learn to show more mercy to others. Unfortunately, we get bowed up of look at me. I've corrected that. I'm, I'm this. Yeah. Yeah. I'm going to step out. Cause I got to go. I've got a speaking event tonight and I've got to get a few things ready for that. And then tomorrow I'm going to, I'm going to take tomorrow off. I think, I think that's what we're going to do. And then we'll be back on Monday. So everybody out there, have a great weekend. I'm going to let Jalise and Joshua take this away here. And I'm going to go get ready for my event tonight that I got to speak at. And you guys have a wonderful, wonderful weekend. Jalise will say the prayer and God bless you. And have you been doing the heart hands? I always end the show with God bless you. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day and be an example if you don't have one. And take it away, Jaleesa. I'll be seeing you Monday. Thank you so much. Nice to see you again. That is awesome. Josh, you know what I love about having you on? You are so good, folks. You are so on fire for Christ. And this is the time me and you already have figured out and Donna too has figured out how this war is going to be won. And it is going to be won through being vocal. It is going to be won through prayer. It is going to be won by not powering to the enemy, by bringing darkness into the light and standing firm on truth. And that is going to come out of the Christian community. But don't you know, as Christians, just with all the dawn of history, that means that we're going to suffer extreme persecution. But that is how the battle is won. And I feel like we're doing that at American Patriot Relief. I feel like you're doing that. That you're standing firm. You're speaking out. You're not cowering down in fear. And the enemy can do what he feels like he needs to do because our daddy's already won this battle. Yeah, but it all comes down to next month. Yes. I think God's got a plan for it, whichever way it goes. People seem to think that God's in control of everything. And I just I don't believe that's true. I think God gave us the authority and we have to because Romans eight, nineteen says for the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. And then God's Jesus up there waiting for his enemies to be made his footstool. Why is he waiting? He's waiting on us. We have to do what he's told us to do. He goes, they that love me keep my commandments. Well, if you're not keeping his commandments, do you love him? You know, we have to do, we have a part to play in this. Jesus walked around and he kept, whenever the devil would say, you're the son of God, he'd say, shut up. He didn't want to be known as the son of God. He came to be a man. He had to die as a man. He shed the blood of a man because a man had to pay the price. He laid aside all of his glory and came down as a child. And he had to become a man. He says, who the son of man? Who am I? The son of man. He kept saying son of man, son of man. He was trying the temptation in the like right after he got baptized. He goes, if you're the son of God, do this. He goes, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every, if you're the son of God, do this. If you're the son of God, do this. If you're the son of, like, that was the temptation. His temptation, his biggest temptation was to be the son of God. And he was, but he couldn't walk in that authority. He had to walk in the authority of a man. And we have to do, he says, everything I've done, y'all are going to do greater. Well, I haven't seen that. I haven't seen that have you seen that I've heard stories of people being raised from the dead I've heard stories of miracles I've experienced miracles but we're not seeing greater works than what jesus did why it's not because of him he gave us authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and we're not anything that happens to america is the church's fault that's just the fact of the matter That's a good question. I'm going to hammer you on this one. Who's the church? Those that follow the Spirit. Those that are born again. So you are responsible. Yes. I am responsible. I am so sick of people casting stones at pastors and churches. You might as well get over yourself because we are the temple of God. And the fact that you didn't stand on truth, the fact you did not call out sin, the fact that you sat complacent caused our country to fail. That is the failure in the United States of America. So until we quit pointing that finger forward and start letting it come back and claim responsibility that we did this, then we are at the mercy of this situation and we have to claim responsibility. We have to come back in and say, I failed here. Lord, use me. You said greater things can be done. I, I need to, I think Josh is having problems with his camera and mic, I think, but, um, But, you know, we can talk about this for a minute because the reality is greater things can be done through those who believe in Christ Jesus, through those who are stamped with the Holy Spirit. So we do have that responsibility. But furthermore, the scriptures even talk about in the end times, we're going to start seeing that yet again in a more prevalent way. he's trying to come back on I hope he can get signal uh but anyway you notice to summarize this you know greater things are going to occur in in times it says that that the older men will have dreams and the younger men will prophesy and you know there'll be great healings and all of this is waiting on on the christian people that are walking in price. Sorry, I lost you there for a minute. I got a phone call. I forgot to set the don't disturb thing. Of course, it was a phone call I've been waiting on for days, but you know, we'll get to that. Oh, my gosh. All we were talking about here that I carried on the conversation with is the fact that we are the church and we as individuals have failed in not standing firm on God's truths. And that's what's got to change. And it's by each person feeling convicted in their heart to not only stand on truth and the word of God, but also to cast out darkness, to stand on truth and come back at people that are claiming to be Christians, but then not walking in a Christian way. One thing a lot of people don't realize is that when Jesus was here, Everywhere he went, he picked a fight with religious people. The biggest problem was religious people, the Pharisees. Oh, vipers, hypocrites and Pharisees, which was basically the worst thing you could ever say to any Jewish person was you're a viper. Like that was like the lowest like that was just fighting words. You know, everywhere he went, he picked a fight with because he was he didn't like what they were doing. And the church is the biggest problem with Christianity is the church. Not the body of Christ, but the church establishment. You can't get on Christian TV unless you've got twenty-eight minutes of talking and a book to sell. John the Baptist would not be allowed on Christian TV or Christian radio because he said, repent, turn away from your sins, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. They wouldn't let him on TV. Jesus, if he went to most churches, they wouldn't let him preach. If they didn't know if he was in disguise and he showed up and said, here's my sermon. They're like, you can't say that here. That's blasphemy. You know, you have a good point right there, because I rarely hear any more anybody talking about repentance. And I know at the end of the shows, I often pray to the Lord, asking that the people will bow to their knees and repent. And that's it. That's a cuss word in this day and time. Well, there's a YouTube channel where the guy, he's got almost a million followers, and all he ever does is talk bad about other preachers. And I was like, what about David when he went in the cave and he cut off Saul's corner? He could have killed him. He was using the bathroom, wasn't paying attention. He snuck up behind and cut off a corner. He could have killed him, but he didn't. He says, I will not touch God's anointing. Well, he was an anointing. The anointing was on David. So why did he say that? Because this man at one time was anointed. I'm not going to be the one that does it. There's a point. Because if you recall, if you recall that Jesus says, of course, this is later, but Jesus says that God puts the governing governments in place, that he ordains them to govern. Now, before people come at me, I'm going to tell you, as I have twice, two other times on this show, don't come at me about it being a Jay Sixer and not being obedient to the governing authorities that God put in place. Because in the United States of America, the governing authority is our Constitution. They are in position to uphold the Constitution, which they are not doing, which makes them not the governing authority, which doesn't put us subservient to them. Well, I still don't have a gun now because I'm on probation. Even though I have a God given right to carry arms and it doesn't specify what kind of arms I can go buy a machine gun if I had my constitutional rights. But I don't. But I'm living under that because I don't want to go back to prison, you know. Because if I go, I would have to go for longer than I was in there before. And there's no get out of jail early for that one. Before I had the Trump First Step Act, I got out earlier because of that. I got out because I'd already done three months. So I did eleven months straight in prison. And it would have been like twenty-something. If I go back now, it'll be twenty, I don't know, twenty, eighteen, nineteen, twenty months, something like that. And there would be no getting out early. So, You know, the scriptures tell us to be to be wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. And so I feel like that is a placement of that. You know, it's not always wise to poke the bear. I mean, you know, if the bear is not in a cage, it's probably not a good idea to poke the bear. And right now the bear is not in the cage. Right. You know, people don't realize that the Constitution says that our rights come from God. or the declaration of independence. I get them confused a lot. I do too. But the reality of it is, you know, we want to yell about all of our rights and they are, they're God ordained rights. And, you know, we're called to, we are free in Christ. We are called to stand on those and, you know, try to be our brother's keeper. That's what we're doing. And, um, You know, I'm so sad at the state of our nation. I'm sad that we have people on the East Coast that we're all watching die. We're watching them hold them hostage while they're down in a life and death situation and refusing help to them. And my fear is that people will want to rise up in arms. And I just plead with our people that even in biblical times, there were lives that had to be lost. I'm not calling for that. I'm not asking for that. I'm simply saying that rising up in arms at this very moment would do nothing but secure a corrupt government to stay in power. And we have to be very wise in our decisions. So I call for the people to bow in prayer for the mighty Lord to lower his hand and protect these people and raise them up. Yeah, I was watching a YouTube channel the other day. It's Cletus McFarlane. It's one of my favorite shows. He does race cars and Real, real funny. He doesn't cuss. He says, heck yeah, brother, and not that version. But other than that, they rarely cuss. So it's it's a good show. And but he had recently bought a helicopter because he's making bank on that show. He's got millions of subscribers. And but he took his helicopter down there and started like rescuing people and bringing them water. And I thought that was like it was. It did my heart good to say that because he's been blessed by, you know, and he was thanking all the YouTube people like, hey, thanks for watching. You know, it's because of y'all that I, you know, but I thought that was that was a class act. You know, I don't like I don't know the guy. He'll never. I'll never meet him. That's what's such a crime against humanity is these beautiful people willing to use their own resources, the love in their heart, their capabilities, their skill sets to try to save these people. And yet the government is coming in and threatening them with imprisonment if they interfere. And there's just going to be a special place in hell for these people if they don't repent. Well, I'm pretty sure our military has a bunch of helicopters unless they gave them out of the Taliban, which I'm pretty sure they did give up quite a few to them. But I'm pretty sure that the American government has a bunch of helicopters. They could be down there. They could they could be helping. They don't need Congress to pass them and they don't need. Kamala Harris to sign anything into law. They've got the resources. They've got the time because most of them, there's ten guys to do one job. I mean, I've seen the corruption in the prison system. It was unbelievable. The money wasted and stolen in there is just, you couldn't even imagine. Millions and millions. Countless millions. So they don't even need money. They just type in the computer that they have the money and they do. So what's the problem? What like why couldn't they be down there on day one? You know, that's exactly right. They could have been. And, you know. I can't help, and I'm not meaning to neutralize what happened during the Holocaust by all means, but isn't this the start of the Holocaust for America? When you have entire cities, the people being starved and left homeless and without food and without water and watch them suffer and die. Isn't that the start of the Holocaust for America? Well, that's the red states and they're going to vote for Trump. So they don't want to rescue them. They don't want the people. Yeah. So they did this very thing in Hawaii. These people still don't have their land back. They still don't have their homes back. They are taking the prime lands and the government then will refuse to let them rebuild so that they can do whatever agenda they have, that they're taking all of our most beautiful land. You can almost bet the next hit will be in Colorado and, Simply because they've got to get Pikes Peak and they've got to get Garden of the Gods and all of that. I mean, you can almost predict this crap. They're looking for the most beautiful places to take. And I personally, I thought it was such radical conspiracy theory and flat out stupid to think that they were creating the weather. After that hurricane, I full on believe it. And I'll tell you, you know, sitting on home confinement, I've watched what I used to think was the I forgot what they're called, but the water trails in the sky from airplanes when I was a kid. And I know these are different. Those are chemtrails. And what mankind always done from the very dawn of time tried to be God. That's what they tried to be. So, of course, they've created weather. And of course, they're going to take out the areas they want to take out so that they have it for themselves because it's a spiritual war. Well, they've come out and said it's not even top secret anymore. They did that in Vietnam. My dad was over there when they did it. He said the monsoon was normally a certain amount of time. He said it was twice that much. He says everything was flooded. The whole country got flooded, and they did it. They put some aluminum particles. I don't know exactly how they do it, but they just seed the clouds. They go up real high, and they put it in there. I don't know how it works, but they've been working on this since the late sixties. So if they were doing this in sixty eight and sixty nine and it was working, they were able to accomplish their goal in the before the seventies. I mean, what do you think they can do now? They've got satellites we don't know about. They've got unlimited resources. If you can just go to your bank and tell them, hey, type in five trillion dollars. Yes, sir, Mr. Black. Here you go. You have five trillion dollars. OK, thank you. I mean, what could you do if you had like that's what they do. They don't even print the money anymore. They just type in the computer like we need a hundred trillion dollars. There you go. A hundred or whatever. They just type it in the computer, and it doesn't even exist. Why do you think after they gave away all that money during COVID that there was no more? Everybody was out of change. Everybody was out of cash. There was no cash because they just said that there was a trillion dollars, and then there wasn't. They didn't even print it. They didn't even waste their time printing new money. I agree with you. It's part of the agenda. They've got to bankrupt our nation to go under the one world government. So they've got to bring down the United States. And I don't know. To me, it takes more faith to not believe that it's happening than it does to believe it's happening. Well, you need to put another dollar in the Alex Jones was right jar. Yeah. I mean, because... He's been wrong a couple of times, but over his history, the guy's crazy, but I love him. I would love to do an interview on his show, but he's been talking about stuff for a long time. I haven't watched the show in a while, so I don't know what he's doing now. I don't watch him either, but I can tell you from the excerpts I've seen and read on him, it's like, dang, this is to the level of profit, actually. Yeah. He does a lot of research. He's been doing this for a long time. I always said when I was in construction, nothing pays like experience. That holds true to a lot of things. There's a lot of people out there that are Why do you think they shut him down? Anybody that the government goes after as hard as they do, you need to pay attention to it. Like Donald Trump, they've never gone after anybody as hard as they have Donald Trump. But look what they did to Alex Jones. They basically charged him a billion dollars for talking on his show about something that he thought was possibly happening. Okay, he was wrong. Okay, fine. He was wrong. But he's, you know, they charge him like eight, nine hundred billion dollars. I think a million. People don't realize there's even laws on the books against that. There is actually a formula that they're required to go by to determine fines for people based on their net worth. It don't matter. Their laws are for you. They're not for them. You obey the law or we put you in prison. We don't obey the law. We steal your money. The goal was to get him completely silenced. They want to figure out a way to put him in jail. They're going to try something. They want him silenced where he can't even. But then they'll put him in jail. They'll put him in solitary where he can't use the phone. They don't want him. They want to stop him. So if they want to stop him, they want to stop Trump. We maybe start to pay attention to it because I'm not a big fan of the government, the Republicans or the Democrats. So, I mean, there's there's some good Republicans and there's a. Most of the good Democrats have changed sides now, like Tulsi Gabbard. I'm not one hundred percent on her like she's. But I would rather like if we had to lose to a Democrat, I'd rather it be her. You know what I mean? Like if we had to lose to a Democrat, I would rather it be. What's his name? Kennedy. Like I disagree. I disagree with a lot of the stuff he says, but he's at least he's sane. And he's anti-establishment. You know, now he's pulling for Trump and Tulsi's pulling for Trump. There's a reason for that. A Kennedy pulling for a Republican? Did you ever think that was going to happen? That's crazy, you know. But look, the whole world wants to stop Trump. All the dictators want to stop him. Putin don't want him coming in there. You know, nobody wants him in office except for true blue-blooded Americans, you know. And it's not a color thing. Every time they do a poll, his different groups go up. It's like his white numbers have been staying the same. But like the blacks, it's like up a half a percent or a percent every month or two. It's like they're getting woke up. That's what we need to do. We need to make sure that all the... the blacks and all the different groups that they've created, that those people get, because they need to know what's going on. They're voting. Especially them over the black community, over anyone else, I feel like, because they're the ones that have been used as a governmental pawn forever. And it's not fair. They have annihilated their families. They have victimized their children. They've called them criminals. They've illegally incarcerated. They've tortured them in prison. They have not taken away their voice. And now they're sacrificing their children. It's not. I mean, tell me when last time you've seen an abortion clinic in a rich neighborhood. It's all this is all stuff set up. Right. Establish this. Why else would they reward a woman for not being married by giving her more welfare? And that happens to this very day. It's done on purpose. It's all part of the plan. And so, you know, the white community needs to be standing strong and trying to hold the government off of them. Because let me tell you, the government's come after them harder than any other race on this continent. And it's simple. I don't even know why they've done it. But what I do know is we need to run to our brother's rescue. That's what I do know. We need to stand firm for them, even if it means standing against them because they don't understand that that's happening. Well, there's a... There's a video I've got on Twitter. It was months ago. But there was this black dude showing the history of the Democrat Party. And I wish that would get out to everybody. People need to see that. They started the KKK. Margaret Sanger, she was in a group called the Ladies of the KKK. She started Planned Parenthood, and she wrote a letter to some Democrat senator that says, we do not want word to go out that we intend to exterminate the Negro population. That's what she said in her letter. That was why they started Planned Parenthood. Abortion was designed to kill black people and have them pay for it. And they're laughing at them. Joe Biden, he was like anti-busing. He was anti like he was Jim Crow. They're talking about, oh, Jim Crow this and he voted for Jim Crow. He was all aboard for Jim Crow. He loved Jim Crow. Like he was like he came because he's so old. He's like people in their eighties. They're not like they didn't grow up in the environment we did, you know? So it's like, well, I was, I grew up like I was in the nineties. There was hardly any racism. I mean, like, I just like, that's what we saw the explosion of interracial marriage, interracial relationships. Yeah. Because my kids were born in the nineties and they, I literally watched this because I was born in nineteen seventy. OK, I've seen the whole gauntlet of where the black community was treated substandard, where my mother would draw me close to her and say, don't don't get near that man. OK, I was raised in the racism, plus watching my children then grow up and and accept that we are all one body. We're all one people. We're we're human beings. And there are no differences other than what you choose to make a difference. We all come from Adam and Eve. So the racism card is just a big joke because in the nineties, I really feel like that went by the wayside. That doesn't mean you don't have your extremists on either end that still want to hold on to racism. But it was definitely dying off with our parents and our grandparents. That's for sure. Right. Well, we've got to close this out. We just went everywhere all over the board. But do you have any final things you'd like to share with us? I'd like to hear an update on you, where you're at, what's going on. Are you rebuilding your life? What's it looking like? Um, I'm about to get a winter job, grass, uh, my grass business. I missed the opening season when the phone rings off the hook. So I basically lost this whole year. Um, but, uh, I'm probably going to get a job this winter. Actually, I've already talked to the place I'm going to go. And, uh, I think it, I think it's a God thing. not I get like an ounce like an audible voice or anything but I just I feel led to go work there because I think it'll give me a pulpit you know someplace I can talk to people I can show I can be a good employee and those are hard to find I've tried hiring people for my company and it's like you wouldn't believe if you've ever hired people you know what I'm talking about it's unbelievable but uh my plan is to go in there and just do a really good job and just show them that you know and then when when I get the opportunity, I'm going to preach Christ. So it'll give me a pulpit and I'll get paid for it. So I'll be paid to be in the ministry. Amen to that. I love it. Josh, thank you for coming on this show. I'm going to close this out in prayer. And if you would join me, I would sure appreciate it. Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us. Thank you for your son, for the sacrifice of Jesus' blood on the cross for our sins, that we all now can be empowered. to stand firm through this trying time, whether this is the beginning of the end or whether we have a long battle ahead before getting there. Father, we know that you're on the throne and that you have equipped us and called us to such a time as this. I praise you for the opportunity that I have to serve you in this way. And I pray that all of your children that call you by name They call themselves Christians, would rise up and intercede in prayer for this nation, that we would bow our head before you, Father. That we would confess our sins and repent of our evil ways, of our complacency, of getting too comfortable and falling asleep. Father, just as Peter did in the garden and John, of falling asleep, when we're called to be alert and looking out, we have failed. And Father, I just right now, on behalf of our nation, ask forgiveness for that. We are awake. Now give us the mighty strength to stand firm on truth, to not back down, regardless of the threats made toward us, that we would look ahead in this nation with spiritual lives instead of physical lives, that we are reminded that this battle has been won. Father, I pray for all the January six defendants that have cowered down in fear because of their placement in their relationship with you, that they don't know you or don't know how to don't know how to stand on truth. Father, I pray for them that they would rise up with a mighty boldness. To simply stand firm and refuse to be a victim to a tyrannical government. That we are victors in Jesus Christ and we are bought with a price. We've been bought with the blood of Jesus. We thank you for the opportunity to stand firm and have that covering over us. Father, we love you. I love this nation. I pray that we all can bow before you and repent and rise up as a mighty nation again for your name's sake so that you can be glorified. All this we ask in your name. Amen. Amen. Well, Josh, thank you so much for coming on the show. I always enjoy having you on because you are so on fire for Christ. And it's going to take those of us that are on fire to be bold and to reach out to people one at a time, not only on shows like this, but one at a time. And ask about people's relationship with Christ and would they like to know more? I believe the great awakening is right on the heels of this. I really do. I believe that we are going to see a mass number of people turn to Christ. And the scripture tells us that the day or the hour will not come until the very last Gentile is brought to the kingdom of God. And so we still have a job to do as long as we're breathing. And I'm sure you're out doing that. There's a preacher I've been watching on YouTube who's been slaughtering sacred cows. He's one of the best preachers I've ever seen. His name's Kevin Zadai, Z-A-D-A-I. I highly recommend you listen to his sermons. What's his name again? Kevin Zadai, Z-A-D-A-I. okay it's uh it's it's profound you may have to like sometimes he's entered like he'll he'll have about four or five different people on before him I usually just fast forward that um but uh and it's they pray in tongues sometimes so that might make peaceful uncomfortable but if it does just fast forward you know but you the sermons he's preaching are uh things that we all know and some people but some people don't I mean there's it's uh I think I think he has a message from god and uh I think it's because I very rarely hear sermons that that step on your toes as much as he does you're probably gonna be he's probably gonna challenge you to do more than what you're doing I mean if you're if you want to be lukewarm I don't recommend his show or his channel I don't recommend being lukewarm. Well, Jesus said he would puke you out of his, you make me vomit is what he said. That's the literal translation. If you're lukewarm, you make me want to puke. I don't want to be that guy. When you get to heaven and he goes, whoa. It's a lover of self and man over a love for him. You're trying to play both sides of the aisle instead of just saying, I'm all in and I don't care how I look. All Christians are hypocrites because we're asking you to follow Jesus. You know what I'm saying? We're not being perfect. So I'm a hypocrite. I'm asking you to follow perfection, and I'm not doing a perfect job. I try to, and I've got a pretty good record. I've gone pretty good bits of time without sinning, but I'm liable any day now. Some hot young thing walks by in some scantily clad, I might just look. I try not to. I cover my eyes whenever, but I'm still tempted to sin. But the more time I spend with the Lord, the more time I read my Bible, the more time I pray in tongues it's a whole lot easier to resist the temptation of the flesh and uh but I recommend his show uh his channel people tell me they don't go to church because of the hypocrites I said well come join me and be one yeah we've got plenty of space for you you know like I don't like church because of all the people. If you're looking for a perfect church, you're not going to find one. The minute you get in it, you'll screw it up. I could talk all day. Thanks for having me on. Anytime, just let me know. Thank you, Josh. I appreciate it. I'll be calling on you again. I think our world needs a whole lot more Joshes out there. A whole lot more Jesus. Amen. I love you, brother. God bless. Thank you. Everyone go to Help us out. Become a volunteer. Stand for our J-Sixers because that's exactly why they got away with this hurricane. That's why they've gotten away with Hawaii. That's why they're getting away with winning over this nation. through evil practice is what they've done with the January six defendants. Come and stand firm with us. God bless you all. Okay. Thank you.