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BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/16/2024 Technocratic Communism, Chris Deal &J6ers Jalise/Troy Koen

Published Sept. 16, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Vicky Davis Technocratic Communism The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what. The primary policy areas used to conquer our states and country are: Regionalism Trade Policy Environmentalism Regionalism is a strategy to disenfranchise the voters - depriving them of honest, elected representation and as a method of de-construction of the United States as a nation-state. Idaho is statutorily a participant in the Pacific Northwest Economic Region (PNWER). The PNWER is a collective of states and provinces of Canada. The PNWER has propagated other international initiatives - programs as they like to call them. Metropolitanism is regionalism at a lower level. It was first detected in the Boise area with the Treasure Valley Partnership (TVP) to establish a region with several counties and cities with elected officials partnered with businessmen (Boise Valley Economic Partnership (BVEP)). Again the collective organization that includes elected officials deprives the voters of the elected representation. The communist collectivists are now working in Coeur d'Alene to establish a metropolitan organization there. Fascism-Communism is being implemented in the U.S. using the strategy of regionalism and environmentalism. The United States and our government under the Constitution is being de-constructed every single day. The international economic agreements signed by the U.S. which government and media characterized as "trade" have been used to harmonize our systems of government and regulatory authority in preparation for the merger of governance over North America and ultimately South America. On June 27, 1990, President George Bush announced the Enterprise of the Americas initiative that was to culminate into the Free Trade Area of the Americas. You can watch the event on C-Span. George Bush: "the first fully free, democratic hemisphere but when all are equal partners in a free trade zone stretching from the port of Anchorage to the Tierra del Fuego.” You don't have a country if you don't have borders. We see it every day as the United States is being invaded with illegal aliens across the southern border. The United States is being de-constructed every day but I hear nobody talking about it in terms that people would understand. When the La Paz treaty was signed with Mexico (1983) followed by the NAFTA agreement (1992-1993), followed by the establishment of the World Trade Organization, the U.S. was opened up for foreign investment including foreign country sovereign wealth funds. What did the foreigners go for first? Our water. Isn't it funny that the EPA didn't object to first a Canadian buying land over an aquifer in Colorado. Then the Saudis buying land with water under it in Arizona. The question for Idaho is - who did they sell Idaho water to that the EPA is trying to limit Idaho farmers from using Idaho water? They use environmental protection to block use of our water which I believe is because they sold it to some foreigner or foreign country. I don't hear anybody talking about that. The internationalization of environmental policy began in 1969 when Richard Nixon signed the National Environmental Protection Act. It became effective in 1970. The legislation created the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ). The original intent was to provide representation at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in 1972. In 1970, Nixon created the EPA first through Executive Order and then through Reorganization Plan No. 3. The EPA was initially to monitor government activities as it pertains to the environment. Their authority was expanded to include management of the environment of the United States - breaching our state borders and ultimately becoming the overseer of the entire North American continent along with the Mexican EPA and the Canadian EPA. This was followed by George Bush' Free Trade Area of the Americas - announced on June 27, 1990 as the Enterprise of the Americas Initiative. 10am Chris Deal - Analysis of the assasination attempt of President Donald Trump. BlackRock and 11am J6er Jalise Middleton with Troy Smocks- will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Troy Koen Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.~Proverbs 31:8 For many are called but few are chosen ~Mathew 22:14 Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Vicki Davis, Chris Deal, Jalise Middleton, Troy Koen

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg, NLC. It's the sixteenth day of September twenty twenty four and I'm very happy that you're joining us today. So this weekend I went to Chicago and it was kind of fun. I went to serves for Trump. It serves for Trump event and met Rod Blagojevich as well as as the police chief for nine, you know, for New York City and nine eleven, eleven Bernie. That was a real honor. And there was a lot of amazing patriots there who are standing for this nation on wavering. And I just want to give him a shout out because. because uh um uh all of my friends that planned that event at trump tower they did an amazing job it was beautiful and I just want to thank everybody involved in that because uh well planned out event fun time great to talk to some of the ambassadors that were there from serbia and bosnia and such and so uh really really appreciated that and And everyone that's out there working hard. So today I have on Vicki Davis with the technocratic tyranny. Got to get my day started. I seriously have not had enough coffee. Technocratic tyranny. um communism is what we're going to be talking about then at ten o'clock chris deal the big deal is going to be on and we will be talking about the assassination attempts that have been going on because I don't know about you but there's a there's a few things that just aren't setting well with me in a couple of different ways. And so we're going to go over that at ten o'clock. At eleven o'clock, it is Jalise Middleton with our Jay Sixers series, Political Prisoners in America. And she's on with Troy Cohen. So with that said, I'm going to bring on Vicki. Hey, Vicki, how are you doing this morning? Hi, Donna. Just fine. Thank you. Good. Getting the morning you know, queued up here without a glitch, hopefully. But actually, it's been a real interesting weekend. I don't know if you guys have noticed this, but because we do have a tech company, we're noticing a lot of things going on behind the scenes. And if you're seeing interruption in your internet, um, and, and some other communications, I would say kind of expect it because there, there's just some weird stuff going on ever since that polygon event went on where they were playing war games, cyber war games. There's, there's been definitely some interruptions and we were noticing it on, um, the down detectors and some of the, uh, some of the, uh, they're kind of matching. So there's a pattern going on there. We're going to keep our eyes open on that. And Brandenburg News Network will be the reliable source for keeping things up and running as much as we possibly can. If the grid goes down, I believe we're still going to be able to keep quite a bit of this up if you can attach. That's the key there. So anyhow, so what's happening in Vicki World this morning? Well, I've been working on... putting together my older research on what is actually the North American Union. The NAFTA agreement and the NAFTA treaty, the La Paz Treaty, all of these treaties and international agreements are all incorporated successively into each agreement. And, you know, I've known this for a long time, that what they were doing is building a North American Union, which is an international infrastructure over the top of our country. But it's really because it's such treason, in my opinion, it's really difficult to absorb it, you know, that they would actually do that. Well, it's so widespread. And I think this is why people have such a hard time, quite honestly, getting, how do I say it, getting their arms around this and exactly how calculated this whole plan actually was. You know, it wasn't like this just popped up yesterday. They've been working on this for decades and decades and decades and how they They had strategic steps to lead us to where we are now and where we're supposed to go. I think there's some good people that interrupted their steps, but with that said, the steps are there and can be followed. Yeah, and basically they're disintegrating our nation state. What they did with these agreements was to separate our economy You're coming in a little muffled right now. You've got to talk right at the microphone. I'm sorry. What they did essentially was to separate our economy from our political system. That's why our Congress seems so neutered. It's because they have been neutered. And all of the power shifted to the presidency because of these international agreements. And so but it's so difficult to to fix that idea in your mind because it is so treasonous. And it's just not something you would expect the leaders of your own country to do. But essentially, they followed the model of the establishment of the European Union. And which, of course, was accomplished through the Marshall Plan after World War II. And that's when the international system of economic development was built, the World Bank, the IMF, all of that. Well, I would put it when Reagan came into office, he began disassembling our government with his initiative on privatization, and then he had a commission on industrial competitiveness. And he signed the treaty with Mexico that I call the La Paz Treaty, but it's really the North American agreement on, you know, it's a long title. But it's in that agreement that they began stitching together or setting up the framework for building the North American Union. And then when George Bush came into office, of course, he continued on with it, but not so obviously. He had an initiative called the Enterprise of the Americas, which, you know, was an economic plan for Mexico and South America. I can't remember the specifics, but it's called Enterprise of the Americas. It's called what? Enterprise of the Americas. Okay. And... On C-SPAN, interestingly enough, they called one of their programs the Latin American Initiative. But it's all the same thing. It's an economic plan for the countries of North America. And then, of course, when Clinton came into office, he signed the NAFTA agreement. which really was the, I would call it the death warrant for America. And then they began building North American international institutions, you know, to sit over the top of our government. And they bifurcated our agencies of government in such a way that there would be the international part and then the domestic part. They did all of this so that it was not really obvious to anybody, unless you know the inside story of what they were trying to do. So what I'm hearing you say, and I have reason to believe that this is absolutely true because there's a pattern there, is that there wasn't one of them that wasn't in on this steal. And you can go all the way, you can go back for decades and decades. And the fact that even, do you believe Reagan was selected? Yes. Yes, I do. I do too. You know, and this, this is one of those things that, I mean, there's pictures out there of, of people that were hanging out together. It wasn't coincidental that people that were put up to look to be enemies, they were all friends. They were playing a part. And, uh, when I listen to speakers, because there's a lot of good speakers that speak on topics, and they know how to rah-rah you into believing what they have to say. But if you listen to them for just a little bit longer, you realize, even when it comes to nine-eleven, they were in on the cover-up. Yes, yeah. I kind of suspect that that was a military operation, actually. That's my belief. My belief was that it was CIA Mossad, which you can't differentiate between the two of them anymore, nor Britain's intelligence agencies. They're all working together. And somewhere down the line, they placed their puppets in place. And it's all about stealing what the workers actually do because these people are parasites. So by privatizing or doing these public-private partnerships, they have literally taken over what Americans have worked to build. They don't do anything. They're just paper pushers. Right. And these agreements, they constitute what I consider to be grand theft of our country. I mean, that's what they've done, building an infrastructure over the top and putting our economy at a different level. The corporations are partnered with government and the workers are just kind of left out in the cold, you know, the working people. That's why they continue to import new working people. because they can pay them dirt cheap. And leaving the American people out of work in our own country. Well, and I'm going to say that you can see the parasitic nature of developers. And I'm just going to say it right there. They're all in bed together. They're getting special favors. They get their breaks with the local planning commission. the planning commission or the master plans. They break it for these people. It's just like what I saw in Grand Rapids when we went through COVID, which absolutely shocks and horrifies me. They were taking not only parking spots and they were designating them only on taxpayer roads to be used by the NGOs. They gave special treatment to the NGOs and they gave them public spaces that we all should have access to. And all of a sudden we were being closed out or fenced out of our own property and given favor to those people that were making money off the system. The same thing happened with restaurants and it continues on to this day where they've allowed restaurants to expand onto sidewalks, onto streets, onto... If any of us would have done what they have done and just decided, well, I guess I'm just going to take over the sidewalk. I guess I'm just going to take over a lane of traffic here and expand my business out onto the lanes of traffic. We would be severely punished. It would be put in, you know, arrested, probably put in jail for. And and had assets seized and they went and they did it all over the place. They do it through the regulatory commissions. They do it through our pain for the regulations, which are unconstitutional. And then basically copywriting them. But they say they're not. They just put a copy of that up in the up in the. file it in the Library of Congress or somewhere, you know, and you can go see it, but you can't have a copy of it. And so it's unuseful. So you still have to pay them double taxation. These people are so good at double taxation. and feeing us to death that they should get, as far as criminality, they should be getting a whole chart of gold stars by the criminal enterprise because it's kind of brilliant, albeit completely and utterly criminal. Well, did you ever hear of the fair tax, the plan for the fair tax? I've heard some of it, but tell me what you know. Okay, as part of the disintegration of the United States as a country and the bifurcation, basically they are eroding the power of the federal government. Well, the IRS is a national taxation system, right? The bear tax was a plan to convert to a national sales tax system where you would pay sales tax on everything, including the interest portion of your home mortgage. And it's an absolutely psychopathic concept to put a sales tax on everything. But what it does is it allows them to eliminate the national taxation system. I know everybody hates the IRS, but if you understand what the purpose of the fair tax was, which was not fair. I mean, that's a big clue. Whenever they put a name like fair tax on a bill, you know it's bad. But anyway, they promoted the idea as a twenty three percent inclusive tax. That word inclusive is really important because what it has to do with the calculation and what it really amounts to is a thirty percent tax on everything. Absolutely everything. Your utility bills, your. Your grocery bills, your mortgage interest, you name it, thirty percent tax on everything. So that was the plan to to get rid of the national taxation system, which was based on income. So, you know, and the thing that is that just this boggles the mind is they want to talk about tax, tax, tax. But I'm not hearing anybody that wants to do any cuts in spending, which are which really need to be addressed before any of this is cut, cut the spending and pull it right back into what was allowable by the Constitution. And unfortunately, we've been in the system for so long that people are numb to it. They don't even realize that the whole thing really needs to be reworked. And I don't mean sort of. I'm talking like ninety percent nullification of departments of of what they have taken ownership over. It needs to just be nullified. We can do that through system. Norton versus Shelby County, etc. There's many, many ways to do this. But it's really shocking. And go after the laws and all of the nonsense on the books that they did. We could go after that with Marbury versus Madison and some other laws that are on the books. But it's mind-boggling how... incredibly audacious, the audacity of these people to grab anything they see. It's like whatever we work for. Oh, that's mine. And that's mine. And that's mine. And that's mine. And that's mine. And that's mine. And it's double mine. That's their mentality. I heard a librarian one time years ago, and I was just disgusted with what she had to say. She was laughing and she was kind of like, you know, like, it's amazing what you can do with a bunch of taxpayers money. Like, I'm like, you got to be kidding me. Yeah. And that's their mentality. And it's all they use it in order to commandeer and steal. Yeah. That's because we're not living in the country that we thought we were. I mean, you know, I was I'm a senior citizen. Let's just say that. And this is nowhere near the country that I grew up in. And so, but even though I've been immersed in trying to figure out to define what they did to our country, it's still so difficult to absorb that. You know, you fall back into thinking that you're living in America. When you're not, what you're living in is in the North American Union. And once they set up all these treaties to establish the North American Union, that's when they really released the states to set up their own economic development plans. And Idaho, for example, was one of the first states to participate in an economic union that includes British provinces. It's called the Pacific Northwest Economic Region. And there are five or six states. I'm going to post this in the chat room. I don't know if you can. Yeah, I can look at anything you post in the chat. I can put it up there. I think this is so important for people to know because all of this has been so hidden from us. And they convince us that all this good stuff is for our own good. No, they're a bunch of thieves. I mean, that's what it is. They're a bunch of thieves. Yes, and they've stolen our country right out from under us. So do you think it's a fair thing to say that America is, we've already lost it? uh I think so I think so but if people we can get it back but people have to understand what they did they have to understand how the united states as a country was subverted and they built this north american union over the top of it and there are north american institutions that um that I don't know if they dictate policy or exactly how it works. from a legal standpoint, from a regulatory standpoint. But I do know that if an outside corporation, like a corporation from China, for example, claims that the United States is prohibiting them from doing business in the United States, they can sue and the agreement will be settled under the NAFTA Commission, the NAFTA Economic Commission. they, they have already stolen it from the American people, but the law is on our side. So it's kind of like, it's like an ongoing crime that's being committed. It wasn't a one time, Hey, we're going to come in and, and, uh, take your country over by economic means, as well as, you know, regulatory means and, and, uh, writing illegal laws to do it on and on that conflict with the constitution, et cetera. And we're just going to keep chomping away like a parasite does or a cancer for that matter, with bite by bite by bite until you're dead. And that's the concern I have with, say, like the Convention of States or Constitutional Convention. That would be the stupidest thing we could do right now. Absolutely. They would take the one thing that's kind of standing in the way. Well, it's two things. God's the first thing that's standing in the way. But the Constitution is the other one, and we cannot touch it because we don't have – We do not have the integrity, honesty of people in the seats. And I'm telling you, every single one of those people need to be removed. I don't care who they are. And we need to start over with actual people in the positions who are just normal, everyday Americans, because these people have blown every opportunity for us to trust them. And I don't think we should ever give it back again, because quite honestly, once somebody lies, they're always a liar. you, you, you're not going to stop it. Once they bite that apple of, of, uh, of, uh, sin, you know, of sin and of doing things the wrong way. And they do one thing wrong. It's like, well, it's not that bad. I'm just going to do this. And nobody's going to know once they start down that path, it's all over. It's, it is over. They basically will never come back to plum again where, where they, uh, can be trusted in the situation. Yeah. And, and, There's like a conspiracy of silence. You know, when I first started researching it, there was an article that was written by one of the writers of the John Birch Society. And it had to do something with... Can you keep talking a minute? I have to take this call. I'll be right back. Okay. It had to do with something going on in Nuevo Laredo, Mexico. And what they were saying in that article was so foreign to me, a foreign concept to me, that I started researching it. I said, what the heck is this about? And so it was from that point on, that piece by piece I've been building the picture of what's going on. And what's going on is that while they were building this international governing system over the top of our country, they were eroding our national sovereignty. And they separated our economic system from our political system. So we still vote for people and we think that's going to help. Well, I'm sure everybody's noticed that, yeah, you can vote somebody in. They can't do a damn thing because everything is at the international level through treaties. Well, and honestly, it's like we're going to have to stand pretty tough and get somebody that's willing to make some really, and I mean really, unpopular decisions and I think that the thing I like best about President Trump is that I think he set us up to have a chip shot to take some of this stuff down. First of all, it had to come with some disclosure on what was going on. And he was great at being the fall guy for pointing things out to us on what was wrong. Take, for example, his endorsements. I'm just going to be the one to go on record to say this, but the endorsements by President Trump absolutely suck. If you look at the people he endorsed, it was like they were terrible. But I'm going to go back to, I think he's playing four-D chess here, maybe five-D, because I think what he was doing is teaching us not to listen to other people telling us what to do. but to grow up and act like real adults instead of brainwashed baby birds with our mouths open going, who do we do this for? What do we do this for? And not even ask the why question, but to follow anyone who tells us what to do that we like, okay? He was teaching us to whether we like somebody or don't like them, to get in there and figure it out. Figure it out. Oh, my phone's just going crazy this morning. I've been in a firestorm of processes and things going on, and it's crazy. It's been crazy out there. So he's teaching us to think for ourselves. And if you listen to President Trump, oh, for gosh sakes, if you listen to President Trump or anybody else out there telling you how to think, you've got to stop and think because I think he's trying to teach us to absolutely think for ourselves and dig into this and find out the information and stop being the village idiots out there to listen to whoever's telling us what to do because all of it can be co-opted. Oh, and their messaging is absolutely crafted. If you look at the history, the timeline, we have to go back, even if you just go back to when the NAFTA agreement was signed, That was in nineteen ninety three. So, you know, for what is this? So for thirty years they have had this secret, this open secret out in the open that they signed away the sovereignty of our country. And the people that we choose to elect to put into office I don't know how many of them really understand what has been done, but I think a significant enough percentage of them understand it, which means that they are lying to you every single day that they pretend that the United States is still a sovereign, independent country. Well, here's another thing that I think we need to talk about, about them compromising everything we see. Okay. Everything. Now, even when it comes to President Trump, the rightful president of the United States, when I see the videos of him, there's at least, there's a ton of body doubles for President Trump out there. And quite honestly, I'm worried about his safety. It's not just in the assassination. footage that's out there. And I've got a lot of questions about all of this because there's too much of it that's been stacked up. When we rely on a person or a message coming through in any direction without questioning it, were in trouble and were liable to be led away. For example, a lot of people trust the Gateway Pundit. The Gateway Pundit did irreparable damage to me by saying that I'm a billionaire. I am not a billionaire. It was a lie. And they were in on manipulating the election or the information just even at that level. But everybody perceives them as a trusted right source, blah, blah, blah. Nope. All right, village idiots, it's time to wake up here. You've got to question everything. And even when you look at what is happening around President Trump right now, I love him. He's the greatest president the United States has ever had, in my opinion. He knew how to use tariffs. He set us up for tax reform, for further tax reform. He dragged things out in the open for us to deal with. He showed us that even somebody we love can make really bad decisions, like his endorsements and or... I believe they were intentional to wake us up. I really did. I believe he's a good man. And I do believe that the people standing with him, that there's a lot of good people standing with him. But is the focus of this all just to show us what we want to hear? to make it easy for us to continue on being a lazy patriot or to wake up the United States of America and say, yeah, guess what, guys? Your country's already in the trash can. You better step up and figure this out for yourself and stop putting people in place that are kings and queens and step up as we the people to have self-governance. That's absolutely right. How many fake messages have been put out there in President Trump's name? I don't know about you, but you can get a million fundraising crap that's coming across on your phone through text messages. I'm going to tell you right now, how many of that is actually coming from President Trump? I'm going to say none of it, as well as a lot of the messages that are put out there. How much of it's CG? I'm going to tell you right now, I've got a trained eye for that thing. A lot of it. Most of what you're seeing is CGI. It isn't even real. And so we've got to stop believing this nonsense and being lazy and getting in there and doing the research just like you've done. It's amazing. Well, once you truly integrate the idea that we have been totally lied to, nothing is as it appears to be on the surface. I'm going to echo that. Nothing is as it seems. Trump, his heart may be in the right place, but he is surrounded by sharks. The people who have lied to us, a lot of those people, they are totally into the political system. And they want to ensure that the agenda rolls on. You know, it's like Trump promised he would get us out of NAFTA. Well, he didn't do it. He signed the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, USMCA, which what that did really was to integrate the two side agreements there were, the agreement on the environment and the agreement on labor, into the main agreement. Now, who advised him to do that when he said he would get us out of NAFTA? And why would he have done that? I mean, there's the baseline question is why would he have done that? Mm-hmm. Well, he has an advisor who is involved in trade. His name is Peter Navarro. And I'm sure it was Navarro who got him to sign the USMCA. And when I listened to Trump on it, he thought it was a new agreement, which it isn't. It's the NAFTA agreement. And they just incorporated those side agreements into the main agreement. So I'm sure that was bad advice to Trump, you know, to sign that. And it's difficult to blame him for it because you've really got to dig down into the details of when this started, you know, with the signing of the NAFTA agreement. There's a program on C-SPAN that was the signing agreement for NAFTA September fourteenth. Can you put a link in the chat? Yeah. I'll put that up there because I think this is really important, guys, to understand these documents we're looking at so that somebody can't lead us astray. Because this is so pervasive. It's hard to actually get our arms around this. The only one I want to talk to right now that's in the position of power is the one that's willing. And I mean the one that's willing to... I don't know, strike most of it from the record. I mean, we've got to go through nullification, and I mean radical nullification. Yeah. But to do that, you know, it has to be done in such a way that people don't get hurt. Oh, good. Yeah. Well, what I'd like to see most of all is the La Paz Treaty. the montreal uh treaty on trans boundary waste agreement that was a treaty also they build these things step by step and that article that you're showing right there that is those are the steps that have to be undone to get us out of the north american union Now, people that, you know, the think tanks that all work on this, they like to call it the North American community, which sounds warm and friendly, right? But it's not a community. It is a union, just like the European Union. And the European Commission sits over the top of the European Union, and they're the ones that make the economic decisions for Europe. what were the nation states that are just shells of their former selves right um so but but that's the model they used you know is economic union um let me go to Well, they've got all the pretty words. It's like everything else. They've got the pretty words because they know how to mislead. I mean, that's absolutely what evil does. It tells you what you want to hear. It tells you, it's okay. You can do this. It's not a problem. There's not going to be any problem with this. Do what you will, and there's no repercussions for it. And there's no problem. Yeah, well, they specifically and intentionally mislead you. Yeah. As to, you know, what they're doing and why they're doing it. They tell you what you want to hear and then they do the exact opposite. Mm-hmm. And then you sit there going, I don't understand why they didn't do what they said they were going to do. Well, you know what? A snake that bites is probably going to bite again. You know, you can't expect them to do something different than what's already there. And you've seen it. There's a pattern there. Pretty actually sure they're going to do it again. This is amazing. Yeah, it is. And it is so hard, though, to wrap your mind around it. it's so difficult to think that they would betray us in such a huge and monumental way. I don't know. Maybe, maybe that's just my problem, you know, but. Well, you know, God told us that, that, you know, human beings are, are just desperately evil. And I mean, that's, That's the fact. And that's why we have to have laws because there's very few people that will do the right thing without, you know, the threat of law over the top of them or threat of prosecution. And I'm going to go back to that. The true test of character is that you'll do the right thing in the dark, in the light, no matter what you do, you're consistent. Yes. without excuses, without trying to make excuses for doing the wrong thing or justifying them. And people are great at justifying stuff. And it's really unfortunate, but it's the way it is. Yeah. And most of them really work hard at justifying it when it affects their own pocketbook. Yeah. And I've told people that work for me, one of the things I do when I train them is I'm like, Uh, almost everybody is willing to lie. I'm going to say almost everyone. Okay. Some people will lie for five dollars. Some people will lie for a hundred dollars. Some people will lie for a thousand dollars, but underneath that, they won't lie. When you get up in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, almost everyone will lie. You get in millions of dollars, you're going to be hard pressed to find somebody that will stand on it regardless of the consequences. Now they're out there, but there's not many of it. But the question is, what are you actually willing to lie for? And that determines your character right there. You know, and, and unfortunately we've got a, we got a nation of liars and that's why we got liars sitting in the seats. They, they, it's representative of our, of our country. And I'm sorry, but, but if we don't change our hearts, we're never going to be able to, to do the right thing because it starts with us. Yeah. Well, you know, With me, there are some things that are more important than money. Our country is more important than money. The future of our children is more important than money. And I guess a lot of people don't feel that way. They don't even think of the children. They segregate their minds. they just do what's good for today and let tomorrow take care of itself. You know, there's actually an IQ test for that, that they give children where they'll put them in a room and they'll say, okay, and they'll have like ten candies out on the table or so. And then they'll let the kids go into the room to play, but they don't say much other than if you don't touch those candies, And you wait, we'll come back in and say, it depends on how old the kids are, you know, the younger, the child, the short of attention span they have, but they'll say it won't be back in, in twenty minutes. And if you don't touch those candies, you leave them alone. We'll give you a pound of candy and then wait and see what the kids do, whether they grab for the thing that is instant gratification, or if they're willing to wait for something of real value. And it's an IQ test. I'm going to tell you right now, there's not many people I know that would pass that one. Yeah, that doesn't surprise me because that pattern goes on into adulthood. Right. Well, think about it this way. If God promises you that you will have something better than doing what's immediately in front of you, that's instant gratification if you just don't partake in it. you know, any of those things that lead to our destruction. If you just wait. And how many people have we listened to that have gone in for gender mutilation surgeries that it destroyed them? And what they've said is, if I would have just waited and or had help in this, it's heartbreaking. But the liars that are sitting in the seats, sitting in the seats, who have no interest in human beings whatsoever, they're only there to profit off of our pain and misery. And Pritzker is a poster child for that with the gender mutilation surgeries. I mean, you can even look at how many clinics have come forward or these trade associations. How many people in business have gone and jumped into wanting to do all these trades across the border? How many people have sold their land to developers instead of saying, wait a minute, I'm going to hold the line here on what I know to be right. in my own personal space. Not many. Most people, somebody comes and slaps a million dollars on the table, they're going to go ahead and sell that to China in a New York minute. I'm going to tell you what, they won't even think about it. Yeah. China owns, last I heard, about three hundred thousand acres of farmland in the United States. What the heck were they thinking when they allowed a country to invest in our country. That tells you right there that we don't have a country. We have an economic territory and it's wide open. Yeah, it doesn't matter. That's why the illegals come in and can vote because they're coming in by the millions. And not only that, we're paying for the invasion because of these people that are sitting in the seats. All they want is for Americans to be a slave class to them. They want to do like the national database, the national ID and that sort of thing so that they can categorize us and run us right into the pens that they want us to be in, deciding where we live, what we're able to do for a living. who gets favor and who gets the money so that they give us back. This is communism. Guys, newsflash, you are here. We are already there. We live in a communist country. And it's our country that has caused most of the problems across the globe with the wars and with all this sort of thing. Why? Because we've got criminals sitting in the seats. Now, is it all of our fault? Yes. Well, we've had a part in it. But these are really, really evil people. And they've worked together. And we believe, because we don't think like them, we believe that they would do the right thing. And none of them have. None of them have. They may even give an illusion of doing a momentary right thing. But until they're willing to say it's time to flip that switch and shut this machine down, this beast system, We're going to have a problem. And in the Bible, it talks about the beast. You're in it. Well, the world has a problem because, like you said, the people that are running this country, they are absolutely evil. They are beyond evil. I mean, how do you steal a country? lie to the people, and then try to turn the people into just merely working commodities, except that they are not the preferred commodities. The imports, the illegals, the ones that come here illegally, those are the preferred working commodities. They're easier to control. Yeah. And so... And then you throw the drug gangs and the drug cartels in it, and they've got a terrorist army that can wage war upon the American citizenry and shut us down and threaten and coerce us and try to put us into court. I met Rod Blagojevich this weekend, and he was set up by Obama. That's why President Trump pardoned him. And you know what? When you get your hands around how important that presidential pardon is, When you have an entire system that's absolutely just gone to crap, individuals have the ability to even be tried for treason. And then if the system breaks down, there's a way out. Now, if you've got a bad person in the seat, it's complete and utter chaos. It's demonic. But if you've got a good person sitting in the seat, then there's hope for the average person. It all goes back to who's sitting in the seats. Right. The thing is though, they don't move fast enough. Right. The biggest thing, the biggest thing would be for a president to, um, appoint a few people to start explaining what happened to our country, you know, and, um, so that people can really understand how we lost our country. We lost our country with these international agreements that created the North American Union. And so we have to get rid of that whole international superstructure and get back to being the United States of America with our own government not involved in these international institutions. I think the State Department should be completely torn down. I agree with you. And you know what? This is something that I think is going to be shocking to people, too, because they don't realize there's a candidate here in Michigan who one of his campaign managers was absolutely working for the State Department. But nobody digs down into that because, you know, they don't want to look at it. And look at the connections behind all the headlines. But the reality is the State Department is absolutely backing and putting up candidates. Easy to prove that one. Yeah. Oh, that'd be great. Maybe you can send me an email with links on that. Yeah, I would say that people should look into Mike Markey. Mike Markey. Yeah, in the state of Michigan. Look into Mike Markey and the people in his campaign around him. I think that's going to have everybody. If it doesn't make your blood run cold, then you're that person that took the candy on the first round on the table there rather than waiting. You've got to look at that. But when I see somebody that's got somebody in their campaign that actually worked for the State Department, newsflash, you've got a problem. Or the CIA or something else like that. Newsflash, you probably have a problem. You know, I should do like a, what was it, Jeff Foxworthy did the redneck, you know, the redneck thing. It's like, you know, if you see this and you see that, you see that, you might have a problem, you know? Uh-huh. Well, and that's what the American people need to see. They need to understand how this thing treason was accomplished in a step-by-step way. Well, you know what? That's what you and I are going to do. Because if nobody's going to appoint anybody and get this stuff done so that the American people can know what's going on, we're going to do this on No Censorship BNN so that we actually help educate people and let them know this is what's going on behind the scenes. The UN needs to be kicked out of the United States. They are absolutely invading They're an international invading entity. So is the World Economic Forum. Boom. Pull the plug on that. Boom. Pull the plug on all funding for Planned Parenthood and any of these abortion. You know, when I was in Chicago this weekend, there were these huge billboards and they were real expensive ones. So who's funding this and why? I want to know why these things are being funded. And I couldn't get a picture of them. As I was driving, of course, but it was like abortion in Illinois. Abortion is health care. And they kept coming up and I'm like going, how much money is going into these billboards to kill human beings? And when people find out that this whole cat eating nonsense that's going on in Springfield, Ohio is going on, when they realize where this is going to, and what, I mean, I know people who have seen kids in cages. I know someone who saw human beings sealed in plastic bags. If people have have not opened their eyes a little bit, it's going to be really shocking on what's actually happening behind the scenes. This is a soft disclosure, this whole Haitian cat thing and what happened in them eating pets, what's happened in Haiti, what's been going on with the voodoo and nonsense and the Satanism with consuming other animals. let's put it that way, whether they be animal or human, guys, this is what's going on. And this is not tinfoil hat wearing stuff. It's just that y'all haven't been looking into this and not everybody, probably most people here already know that because they would have shut this down, shut the channel off a long time ago. But the rest of the United States is absolutely not going to be able to process this. Right. Well, you know, they did not. conquer our country militarily. They conquered it by capturing our political elites and getting them to sign international agreements. They conquered it by spiritual means because they broke down the American people and basically neutered the entire population. And then once they had everybody brainwashed into believing one direction they could walk right in. It's just like a child molester. What do they do? They give you candy first, right? And all the promises. And then bam, they got you. Then they can do whatever they want. Well, there is what China calls a people's war on the American people. And these things that you're naming, like importing cannibals, opening our borders to allow people foreign gangs to come in and take over housing complexes. All the bad things that are going on are part of what you would call a war on the people by means other than the military. So it's a complicated picture and you have to have your mind look at the world in a different way, a completely different way. And because nothing is as you think it is. And so all of these things that they're allowing to be imported into our country that are really bad, those are campaigns of war against people, people-to-people war. You know, it's like Antifa waging war on patriots and the government, the state government, they allow Antifa, they have been allowing Antifa and these other groups to attack patriots. Well, those are campaigns of war. Well, I think I'm just listening to you. I'm looking up something else to give people some potential good feels here as we're going through this. But I'm listening to you while we're going through this. And the thing of it is, is that we're going to have to face these hard realities. Schools, the Constitution never provided for public education the way that we think of it right now. And we're literally going to have to rethink everything. All of those things that we think are there to protect our safety. You know, do this, sign the Patriot Act, right? To protect our safety. They converted the concept of defense to be security. And so every time they use the word security, you know that you're looking at something different than you think it is. It's their security. It's not your security. Right. It's so important to get our hands around this. They don't care about us at all. Not at all. And look at their bank accounts. I mean, follow the money. The money tells you where they're doing. They're trying to build alliances and use the system in order to grow for them so they can pay for the politicians to get more for them. It's like the hungry caterpillar, never satisfied, never, ever satisfied. It always goes back to just that parasitic involvement with just continuing to continuing to, I don't know, do the wrong thing. That's all I can say about it. It's really pretty sad, you know, until we get our arms around the fact that the true treasure we have is what, is what we have with God almighty with, with, each other and the gifts that the wondrous gifts that he put, it's not about money. It's not about things. It's not this material world. You know, it's like God said, you know, be, you know, be in the world, but not of the world. What does that mean? You know, what, what does that mean? It means you have to really, truly reject the material world. I mean, in, in any of its, any of its alluring qualities, you know, and it's not to say that we can't enjoy what we're doing, but it's a lot more fun to fix problems and take care of other people. than to amass things. And as soon as you amass things, then everybody's out to try and figure out how to take things because people tend to be that same mentality that we see in the government. And it's a spiritual problem. I mean, this nation, first and foremost, is going to have to go back to God in gratitude and spend our time in prayer, in gratitude, and absolutely figuring out how to get to the hearts of others who are absolutely in captive, captive by, by evil. No, no two ways about it. And I mean, this is, this is, this is going to be our path going forward. We're going to have to go in that path. Yeah. Well, our country has been teaching people that money is the most important thing. Oh yeah. We worship it. Your value is measured by the amount of money that you have. And, um, uh, That has to change. We need to raise people of character that put money in its proper perspective. I love money as much as anybody else. I hate it. People are so stupid around it. It's amazing. Because in the world we're living, money has been defined as the highest and best goal and so it's just it turns my stomach actually um but uh I don't I I don't know it maybe it if they understand what the stakes are you know your money or your country what's more important to you um your money today or your children's future um And what they're living in. Yeah. So, you know, and make your choice, you know. I'm going to play a video here just real quick, just to have some good feels here. And then we can go on with this because I think that this is such an important subject. And I really want to continue on with this a little bit. And I'll see if I started at the right moment. This is a great, this is really a great video. And I love the monk that, is behind us. Hang on a minute. Let me see if I can get the sound up. I'm going to have to break in because this is YouTube, so I'll have to break in so I don't get a community strike against our stuff. But we need to really think about the gratitude and love around us, even in the midst of the war that we're in right now. Don't let it get you down. You were chosen to be here at this time. Just be tough and walk with God and trust that he has this. It's his war. It's not just another day. It's the one day that is given to you today. It's given to you. It's a gift. It's the only gift that you have right now. And the only appropriate response is gratefulness. If you do nothing else but to cultivate that response to the great gift that this unique day is, if you learn to respond as if it were the first day in your life and the very last day, then you will have spent this day very well. Okay, I'm going to pause that a minute so we don't get a strike and then we'll come back to that. And honestly, you know, being able to hold your brains together when everybody else around you is failing because there's no grasp on or really trust in God that God's got this. God's got this. We are, I think, being charged right now into not only waking up, but learning why the process is so bad and those processes that got us here, that it never happens again. And I think that this analysis is just critical to us as a country to realize that, yep, we ushered Satan right into this nation. We have agreed to the terms and conditions of evil and we want to know why it's gone to hell. Well, it starts with staying faithful to God Almighty and walking away from things of this world. It's His world. It's not ours. And it's His battle. It's His plan. And He allows us to participate in His good works. And that is the reward. It's not the shiny streets of gold that everybody wants to talk about or anything else like that. It's those intangible characteristics and qualities. that you can't put a price on. And not how many boats do you have, how much property you have. You know, you turn into a greedy little dragon when you get into those areas. And it's really unfortunate. And that's where we lose our heart and our soul for each other and for what's really important. Yeah, I agree. So I'm going to play just a little more because I think this is wonderful. Begin by opening your eyes and be surprised that you have eyes you can open. That incredible array of colors that is constantly offered to us for pure enjoyment. Look at the sky. Be so really look at the sky. We just think of the weather. Even of the weather, we don't think of all the many nuances of weather. We just think of good weather and bad weather. This day, right now, is unique weather. A kind that will never exactly in that form come again. The formation of clouds in the sky will never be the same as it is right now. There you go. I'm going to put that in the chat. I'll put that in the chat and we'll come back to that because I love that video. You know, for a while there, I listened to that video every single morning to start my day out when I was in, you know, my time for prayer. And I would listen to that, and I would get my mind going in the right direction. And I think that's important. I did that for a few months at one point in time, just because it was like, I really need to focus on gratitude. It's like you get so focused on things that are wrong, but realize that no matter what, God's walking with us through this. No matter what we walk through, we can put our trust in him. So anyhow, my next guest is not here yet. I know that Chris said that he might be a little bit late. So can we stay on and continue on? Sure. Okay. Where do you want to go next? Well, I would just like to tell people that I'm trying to bring forward all of my early research with my current research so that they can get a picture of what's happened to our country. Because if you have to go do it piece by piece like I did, it's difficult to do because the concepts are so big. And so you get kind of a mind block because it's so unbelievable what they did to us. So I'm going to try to condense it and put it together so that people can see exactly what was done and know that it's real. When I first started, I mean, people thought I was a conspiracy theorist. They never heard of anything I talked about. And so I rather painstakingly documented what I learned when I learned it, along with a few other people. And so it does need to be put together in such a way that you can see how it unfolds, where it started and how it unfolds. This is really interesting that you have this, the timeline on your website. And this is, is this by Deborah K. Niwa? Niwa, Debbie Niwa. Debbie Niwa. And who is she? She was a friend of mine. I met her when I was working with the Idaho Eagle Forum. And she was a graphics artist. So she took the information that a lot of us were finding and she put it into a report. And if you go down to about page six, that's when the timeline starts and you can follow it year by year um there you go right there um follow it year by year and find out what was done that and when they did it um in order to build the north american union well this is so diabolical and evil and you can actually see um you know you can actually see uh the names and put the names together here to see who was involved in it. And I'm sure if you went like three or four connections past them, you could put a whole network together of exactly who was involved in this and see the connections. Yeah. And that's probably one of the most important reports on the internet in terms of showing you step-by-step who did what, and ultimately how they're actually rolling out legislation for the North American union. Is there anything that went on after this timeline that's laid out like this, that goes from say, uh, to where we are now? Uh, not that I know of, but, uh, there, there should be, I, I would love to see that. Uh-huh. I mean, get all the traders names and, you know, throw them in a file so we know who they all are. Yeah. Well, I'm going to be spending probably more time on that because it's least documented. And so from the time of the bombing of the World Trade Center, well, from the time George Bush took office, George W. Bush took office, all throughout his presidency, He just signed free trade agreement after free trade agreement after free trade agreement. I was always a Republican, and I always thought it was the Democrats really who were selling out our country, but not true. It's a bipartisan effort. Well, the Republicans are more dangerous at this point in time because we've got a whole country that believes that they stand for what they are what they have their message packaged in. But quite honestly, it's just a packaging method. All of their, all of their communications are, they work on their messaging so that they can drag people in to follow them that, that, you know, you can, you can paint anything up as a, you know, and have a Trojan horse that's really bringing in something that's, that's not, not what it appears. And that's what I see the Republican party as, as the big Trojan horse that, that is a, You know, parading is one thing when it's just really not because those headlines. Yep. They sound great, man. This is what we all stand for. Fantastic. But what are they doing? The answer to that is pretty much a half ass effort, in my opinion. Well, if any effort at all, there's a secret. Yeah, there's a political consultant named Frank Luntz, L-U-N-T-Z. And for years and years, he coached politicians on the language to use, on painting word pictures for people. Basically, how to lie to your constituents is what his job was. And he's really very good at it. But he was kind of exposed during the George W. Bush administration, people finally figured out what he was doing. But go study that guy, Frank Luntz, because he is one of those people who could teach a master class in propaganda and in deceptive imaging, deceptive language. Oh, my. Looks like he's got a boyfriend, too. Does he? Yeah. Well, that kind of makes some sense. I really started looking hard at him, I think, in the two thousand seven campaign because he was telling Republicans he was doing he did some kind of convention in Las Vegas and you know, presenting the image of the economy. Oh, we're all doing so great. You know, this is your next vacation. While in reality, the truth is our economy was collapsing. Kind of curious about that. I don't really want to click on it. Maybe I should, but, but yeah, it's like, you never know. So he's got a wife and a boyfriend. I don't know. It looks, it looks like it's coming up. It makes you want to question, doesn't it? Does me. He is just. Yeah, now he's saying that Trump's campaign is over. Okay, that's all I need to see about him. And he's saying that Trump lost the debate. Of course he is, because he's spinning it in all kinds of directions. Most honored. He's one of the most honored communication professionals in America today. He's a political commentator, pollster, and consultant who has worked for Fortune five hundred companies and CEOs. and appeared in media outlets. He's deep in the swamp. Oh, he's a master. He's a master at propaganda. Huh. Well, there you go. That's all I need to see. I think I need to click on the boyfriend reference. I just got to find out. McCarthy confirms living arrangements with Luntz. Oh, no. Well, that's very disappointing. Okay, here we go. Married, wife, gay, house, network, Trump, Fox News. I don't know. We have to click on this. Who knows? You know, that too could be like a hit job on us, you know, just to be a distraction. You know, we don't know. Yeah, that's true. That's one of those things, you know, you got to look into for a little bit because somebody may be trying to take, there's so much lying going on out there. It's incredible. Everybody's lying. I'm not going to say that there's any, there's any validity to this whatsoever, but it was kind of interesting that it came up on DuckDuckGo as one of the topics that people actually looked up on him. Isn't that wild? Yeah. Oh, he's from Hartford, Connecticut too. Okay. That's, that's interesting. Let's just see what it says. Okay. So should we go to Wiki, which is not reliable? Yeah. Well, I use Wiki all the time, but what I do, I read the article, but I look at the footnotes. I get the references. That's where the real value in Wiki is. Yeah. We'll see. Early life. West Hartford, Connecticut. That's insurance country. Yeah. His family is Jewish. He graduated from Hall High School. Funded by the Thornton Award. What is that? Esther Dupont Thornton, not Thornton, but Thornton. I don't know, but him being an exchange student with the UK says kind of how important he is. Yeah. There's a television stations. That should make all of us raise an eyebrow right there. George Washington University, as well as New York University, Abu Dhabi campus. All right. Interesting. So there you go, guys. I think that, you know, this guy looks like he's really into it here. He was really an important character for a long time. Very high. high profile, if you watched political campaigns. Oh, and he did these focus groups with the voters to see what was important to them. And then he would frame or fabricate campaign positions based on what he learned. And he just is an absolute master at it. Well, there you go. I'm not going to get in his personal life. I think that, you know, that's where UK or the Dr. Go wants us to go, but we're not going to bite on that. No, no, that's irrelevant. That's irrelevant. It's just a distraction. So, I mean, this is, there's a lot of distraction out there and just because you read something doesn't mean it's true. And so I would never say that he's one way or the other, because I don't know the man and, but we can look at some clues here. And, and I think that's an important part of the process. So don't know, concerned enough to be concerned about though. Give a second. He's worth studying because to learn how propaganda is put together, you know, what the people behind your politicians think and how they manipulate messages, because, because how the manipulation works, They can't do it to you anymore. Okay, so here you go. He's a West Point professor, biography. Interesting. Well, you know, I've been studying aircraft in the military, and I've got some real questions on what's going on there. If you start studying, you know, like the Raptor, the F-二, And as opposed to the F-Thirty-Five and such and the spy planes and such going on, there's a lot we don't know. You can make some, you know, you can make some assumptions about what we're seeing, but it's it's a. It takes a little while to dig down into these things to see exactly, follow the money on why they did this, who did it, who did cost-cutting measures that were stupid and why. Disarmament of the nation. In, in, uh, I think it was our Congress voted for general and complete disarmament of our country. And that apparently was a UN initiative. But they have been steadily disarming us over the years. Let me find a page for you. And selling all of our stuff overseas to say, I don't know, like Ukraine, who is talking about missiles to Russia. I got some questions about all this, though. You know, I don't buy anything hook, line and sink or even the narrative of, you know, shooting missiles into Russia. I really not buy most of what I hear. I'm buying the money laundering, that's for sure. But they've got to have something for people to bite on or else we drag them all out in the street. Okay. Put disarmament of the United States together with the Nunn-Lugar cooperative. Can you put that in a private chat? I'll just pick up what you're looking at so I know I'm looking at the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. That's really helpful. Yeah, I'm really not buying most of what I'm seeing out there. Even I've got some questions about this whole Russia, Russia, Russia thing. Of course, we're going over to the boogeyman to say that there's a crisis being created there. But we don't have any information on it. All we're getting is what they want us to know. That's it. Yeah. So I'm not putting any tent stakes down anywhere. Probably there's only a couple of places and a couple of directions that I'm actually saying, well, this is true without question. Well, I have a number of articles on the disarmament of the United States. It started basically after the Soviet Union allegedly collapsed. And they thought they were going to get... Yeah, they thought they were going to get a peace dividend. And that's when they started building the technocratic systems and defining the concept of redefining defense as security. And the security is provided by these IT systems. And so I don't know. Our country does some unbelievably stupid things. Evil things. Evil. Let's call it out for what it is. It's not just stupid. They know what they're doing. Yeah, they do. And so they cannibalized the Defense Department in terms of building what you would call military technology, which would be ships and airplanes and things like that. And I don't know if you followed Boeing, but what Boeing did is they distributed their production over North America. You know, this component produced here, that component produced there, basically breaking up their production into supply chains across North America, which just has destroyed Boeing. They can't keep quality control anymore. It used to be that planes were designed and built in Seattle, Washington, but they changed that, I guess, when they, I don't know if it was when they moved to Chicago or when the administrative offices moved to Chicago, but they've just destroyed Boeing. Well, I'm going to put something else out there on how they've really screwed the United States through the military industrial complex. And that's we pay for the designs. We pay for them to do designs for us. And it used to be, and I think it was Jeep. It was when the Jeeps came out. There's another name for it. I'm not thinking of it right now. But what they would do is they would put it out there for designs to come in. The designs would come in. And the one that we accepted and paid for was accepted by the military. And they put those plans out there for multiple companies to build. They didn't just pay for the design and then give them a no-bid contract to the contractor to protect their interest in the designs. And that's exactly what they've done. So they've made these great big companies. that are getting no bid contracts for them because they own, we pay them for it. Do you see what I'm saying? We're paying for the design and then we have to, we protect their product. What it should be is pay for the design that's out there. And once you've got the design, put it out there to contractors that make the, that make the cut for security, safety and security, and let a bunch of them compete for this. That competition is what's going to lower the price. Now, I'm sure all of them out there aren't going to like me for saying that, but this is like nonsense. I watched a very interesting event this morning from nineteen ninety one. And it was a deal. Democratic Leadership Conference event on the new economy and the Democratic Leadership Council. I don't know how much you know about the DLC, but that was the technocratic core of the Democratic Party. DLC? Yeah, Democratic Leadership Council. But in this program, what the first speaker talks about is building an economy for the exceptional. They had an idea that the United States would build the unique components of things, the unique things, and then just export the mass production to somewhere like communist China. And In this video, he actually says that, that they're going to build our economy around the exception. I can tell you as a former IT people that there was an eighty-twenty rule. We would always work on what would solve eighty percent of the problem, but the exceptions we left for another time because there is no return on investment for the exceptions. So I was really, I was shocked to hear this guy talk about designing the American economy around the idea of building the exceptional items, the exceptions. Do you have a video for that or do you have a link? Yeah. Yeah, I do. I have the chat a minute and I'll throw that out there. So what I'll do is I'm going to take these links and I'll put it on my telegram channel for everybody to see. And then let me grab, man, it's like every time you come on here, I'm like, I'm like link rich here. So there, there it is. Okay. Oh no. Ignore that or delete it. Can't do that, but I'll just ignore it. How's that? Okay. I thought I copied it, but it apparently didn't copy. No worries. We'll just kind of throw this in here a minute. Okay, there it is. The C-SPAN video on the economy. So I'm looking at the links between the technocratic tyranny and channeling reality. um, which is another, another site of yours. Yeah, it's an older one. Um, it, the site has some problems, but there's a lot of really important information there. And so I'm trying to bring the important ones forward to the new website. Okay. I'm trying to get all these links so that I'm just going to drop it into one. Um, I'm going to drop it into one, uh, telegram post I'll have to smooth this out later so be a little bit uh patient with me so that I can this is if I do when I'm online like this it just works out a little better and otherwise I get busy usually my phone's already going off this morning I hate to tell everybody that but it is what it is and uh Well, this particular C-SPAN program is important because it seems to me that that's where the idea of American exceptionalism came from. Explain that to me. Well, have you ever heard Madeleine Albright or any of those people talk about American exceptionalism? Yes. Yeah. The only thing we're exceptional at is having particularly stupid and evil leadership. Okay. Hang on. Okay. I just sent a whole mess of links to my telegram channel. I'll smooth them out later for, forgive me for being a little chaotic here, but we're just gonna, we're just going to roll with it a minute. Okay. Yeah. Let's see. Where Chris is today. Chris is late. I'm gonna have to harass him. All right. So we've got C-SPAN. And is it in this video here? Yes, that is an especially important video. Let's see if we can get this thing. Okay, we'll see if we can get this puppy to play. Because what he's talking about is the future of the economy. Okay, there we go. And Donna, get the sound on. He's going back to try to deal with economic policy at the State House, which would be- Thank you very much, Senator. I want to thank Speaker Flaherty for joining us this morning. He's going back to try to deal with economic policy at the State House, which would be dramatically enhanced if the economy of the state were also doing well. It's a pleasure to introduce one of the Commonwealth's outstanding legislators, and we have a number of outstanding legislators with us this morning. This one will be moderating today's panel entitled The New Economy. Representative Susan Roark from the City of Lowell has compiled an outstanding record in the past eight years. Now a member of the influential House Committee on Ways and Means, she was a driving force behind the and has pushed to improve our drunk driving and auto insurance laws. Please join me in welcoming one of our two co-chairs, along with Mayor Mike Capuano of the Massachusetts Democratic Leadership Council, Representative Susan Rohr. Okay, now if you scroll forward past her, because she just introduces the next speaker, but scroll past her to get to the male speaker that follows her. Okay, let's see how far. Let's see. If I can see his picture. Is that guy? Yeah, yeah, that guy, I think. Okay, let me see if I can come back to where she steps away. See, this is how it works, guys. Real news for real people by real people at the kitchen table. Yeah, that guy. Let's assume it starts there. Producing a higher standard of living and increased economic security. In other words, better for the last is that the national Governor's Association awarded Mr. Ross its annual prize for distinguished state service to government. He's also served as president of a food brokerage firm and as a Michigan state senator, so he's no stranger to politics. Please welcome Doug Ross. The DLC is seeking to offer this country a new choice. They're offering a new choice because they don't believe that the old choices are working, that those industrial age organizations we call the National Democrats, the Bush administration, are increasingly becoming obsolete. And in no area is that more evident than in dealing with the new realities of the American economy. Despite the fact, despite the fact that seventy percent of all Americans have seen their real wages actually decline over the last fifteen years, and despite the fact median family income in this country is, in real terms again, basically unchanged since nineteen seventy three, still neither party offers any coherent, believable, common sense program or strategy for producing a higher standard of living and increased economic security. In other words, better jobs for people in this country and more security. Now, in thinking about the best way to explain the DLC strategy, it's called democratic capitalism. It occurred to me that rather than talking abstractions, we could look at the experience we've just gone through in the Persian Gulf and see, in ways we've all watched on CNN, what the strategy is for building effective American information age organizations. Because the vision and values and strategies used to build that force that we saw in the Gulf mirror exactly the strategy that is contained in the DLC's Democratic Capitalism Plan. So let's take a look briefly at what happened there. You had a group of officers coming out of Vietnam reaching two conclusions. One, that warfare was undergoing substantial and significant change, new realities that had to be And secondly, decision, commitment, next time they were gonna win. Acceptance that realities had changed in basic ways and commitment to succeeding, to winning. And then this group of officers, including people like the Powells and the Schwartz cops and all kinds of people, at least you and I never really had a chance to see or meet. decided that if they were going to build the first information age military force that the world had ever seen, that if they were going to be able to bring to bear skilled people using advanced technologies in highly flexible and mobile ways, to defeat armies that still relied on industrial-age hierarchy, top-down command systems, relatively unskilled soldiers disciplined to do fairly routine fighting tasks. They were going to have to do something that didn't look anything like what either Republicans or, for that matter, Democrats in Washington tended to do when they thought about the economy. Do you want to put a comment in here? Yeah, the important thing there is that they needed a bigger bureaucracy in Washington. What he revealed is that it was the military that was behind the driving force for what became the technocratic tyranny. And I have an article on Colin Powell, a speech that he gave at Harvard in And what was he doing there? He was doing the same thing that General George C. Marshall did when he introduced the Marshall Plan. So you have two generals laying out the plan. The Marshall Plan ultimately led to the establishment of the European Commission over time, the European Union. And then you have Colin Powell, And his plan, basically the same thing for the same purpose, except that it had to do with environmental technology, as if the United States was going to build an economy around the idea of technology to protect the environment. Well, the lesson learned there is don't let a general idea design your economy and so that's kind of where we're at but but that program and I just watched that this morning is probably one of the most important that I've watched in a long time because the I don't know if you know the democrat leadership council basically um ran our economic policy all during the Clinton administration. Oh, yeah, they are so important. You must know, you must find out who the Democratic Leadership Council was. And they were, of course, connected to the Progressive Policy Institute. And that's where all of the policy came out of. I mean, that is a big key piece of information that everybody needs to know about is the Democratic Leadership Council. What's really crazy is to see how many people are involved in this. It's mind-boggling. Yeah. Well, these kind of people, they were... The way I've done my research, because I was a computer systems analyst programmer, all of the threads that I followed had to do with IT systems and government policy for the IT systems and who was involved. Well, it happens to be that the DLC got started. Initially, they were called the Atari Democrats, and they partnered with with the tech companies in Silicon Valley. And the idea was to protect the tech companies from Asia, from Asian corporations. And so that's how that whole thread kind of got started with a group of Democrats in Congress, basically partnering together to protect the tech industry. And out of that, the Democratic Leadership Council evolved. And so that's why they're so important to follow. And I have some articles on the DLC, the Atari Democrats. I mean, one of the big Atari Democrats was Al Gore. And Al Gore, you know, you remember when he said he invented the internet? Yeah. Yeah. Well, he didn't invent the Internet, obviously, but he did make it available. He sponsored the legislation to open it up to public use in nineteen ninety one. With the High Performance Computing Act of nineteen ninety one. Wow. And so they get this together pretty well, didn't they? Oh, they did. Well, because systems people. They think logically. They think step by step. Because in any IT project, you can't do the whole thing all at once normally, unless it's a really, really small project. You have to break it up into phases. So that's what IT people excel at, is thinking logically, designing solutions, breaking it up into phases so that you can do it piece by piece by piece. And so it was the tech industry that was behind the DLC in essentially opening up our telecommunications system to allow them to build what I call the technocratic tyranny. So, yeah, I think this is real important for us to continue to go through all this because because quite honestly, I really it's it's it's amazing how much of this was lost because, you know, it's like fake news. All it does is just it just I don't know, it's just five second headlines. Yeah, well, it's a cover story and they do they do distract people. The news media does distract people with these meaningless, stupid stories that. don't affect anything and then they just talk about them on and on and on and on wow so what's debbie's archive uh she doesn't have one she never maintained a uh website oh because there's like a debbie's archive button there oh those are articles yeah you can click on that um she was involved in the redefinition of our education system So she would send me articles and I would post them. Oh, that's cool. And she was a mom. She got involved with Tucson schools. So she wrote about that. She wrote about a lot of stuff, mostly the schools and then the North American Union. Huh. Sounds like you have a pretty nice group of people there working on this together. Oh, we had a great group of people. They still together working or not? No, no. We had the Eagle Forum and my other friend was president of the Idaho chapter of Eagle Forum. And then we worked with the John Birch Society. And so Jane, my friend that was the president of Idaho Eagle Forum, she was sending out the things that we would write all over the country to all the presidents of the different chapters of Eagle Forum. And so that helped spread the word. I think that contributed significantly to making people aware around the country You know, numerically, it wasn't a lot of people, but they were significant people. Okay, I'm going to go to your other website, channeling reality here a minute. Oh, I like Vicki's rants. That'd be perfect. I love listening to people who are really super passionate about what they believe in. and let them just go off and listen to them and then sort through the information as it comes out. I think you find a lot of hidden nuggets that way just by listening. Anything you want to take a look at here? No, but there's a lot of important pieces to the puzzle there. I've read so many articles and I have some things, especially within education, other important things that other people wrote that exposed the agenda, but what the other people weren't grasping is that it was all of these evolutionary changes in our system had to do with IT technology, telecommunications technology, right from the beginning, right from when John F. Kennedy set up his direct communications line with the Soviet Union. Remember the red phone? You probably don't remember. I do. Oh, good, good. OK, but our agenda has centered around telecommunications almost since, well, even they were working on computer systems in the nineteen forties. And so, you know, like a system to calculate the trajectory of rockets or the Bank of America's computer system that read the magnetic ink on a check and was able to automatically post to an account. So it's really the evolution of computers and information technology that has shaped our country. It's the tail that has wagged the dog. Kind of an interesting fact that has, I think, escaped so many people is just the raw amount of manipulation and lying that's going on. Yes. I know when I'm out in the public and I'm talking to people, it It is absolutely crazy to me that when somebody looks you right in the eye and you know they're lying their tail off, you know they're lying to you, there's not one bit of truth in what they're saying and they do it anyway. And unless we're really thinking, I don't know, unless we're really thinking at every moment of our day and not assuming anybody's on the right side of anything, it doesn't mean to be paranoid. I mean, it's just sitting there going, well, well, well, I wonder how that's going to shake out. Okay, what's this? The organization of power. Uh-huh. Yeah, without, I was trying to, I'm just clicking on things that look kind of interesting just for, to get a few different things out here that get people interested in what we're actually looking at. You've got a ton of stuff in here. This is just, it's absolutely incredible. Well, yeah, I was on a heads down mission to, try and figure out what the hell's going on in our economy, in our country. And so I traversed history, you know, going back to before World War II and then after World War II and trying to understand the big picture. Because as an IT person, as a computer programmer, what I know is that you can't ever solve a problem unless you go back to the beginning where the problem started. You got to fix it at the beginning where it started going wrong. And so that's what I tried to do is to get back to where we went wrong. When did we take this wrong road? And so it took me in a lot of different directions over the years. But that's really what my objective was, is to show the what, the who. Because for any IT project, for anything big, there is always power. that authorizes the changes. You can't do a damn thing unless you have a power steering committee or a power person in charge that is over the top of all entities involved. And so finding out the what, the who, and not just the power, but what other entities are involved and where the money is coming from and what is the objective. The entity layers is amazing. And how many of these layers go through foundations too? They'll have foundations involved in them also. Yes. As a matter of fact, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Foundation, and the Ford Foundation, which was created after World War II, those are the big driving foundations for the agenda. When you look at the Gerald Ford Foundation in Michigan, there should be huge, and I mean huge concern. Well, there are so many... Yeah, there are. No, I didn't encounter that one, but there are so many foundations involved and they are the ones that are really taking the place of the regular people's voice. Recently, I found out there are over nine thousand nonprofits in Idaho. So they're going to be starting to talk about, you know, raising taxes. Well, my suggestion is that they should cut the nonprofit organizations, make them non-tax exempt. I agree. I think this, this non-tax exempt stuff is nonsense. And it's so misleading to say there that, you know, donate to the nonprofit, do this with the nonprofit sob, sob, sob, sob, why? And you know what? They're just, they're, they're like little microorganisms that are like our own government. They've gotten so corrupt and I'm not saying every one of them is, but a lot of them are. I would say the vast majority are. I would too. And, uh, If people want to contribute to the people, to the nonprofits that are turning your city and county into a communist state, go ahead, but don't get a tax deduction for it. Don't make the American people pay for their own enslavement. Well, it's just like the corporate welfare. How much corporate welfare do we have going on out there? A lot. Do the mom and pop organizations get any of these tax breaks? Hell no. It goes up to the big corporations that are all tied in with, say, BlackRock and Vanguard and State Street Capital, Arabella, all of them. They're all tied in. They get all the breaks. So what they do is they'll come in. Why, you know, when you look at the small mom and pop operations, That's exactly what Gretchen, the criminal Whitmer did in the state of Michigan when she shut the state down. She opened up, well, we're going to protect the American and we're going to make it secure. We're going to make sure it's all right. Guess what? Your head is on the chopping block and the machete is about to lop it off, okay? Because honestly, they opened the doors to say like Home Depot and some of the big box organizations that are out there. you could still go into the big box organizations through one door. And that's how they were preventing the spread. If you want to really look at it, how is it that they're trying to funnel everybody into one spot to ensure there was more contact, to ensure that everybody was brainwashed out of their mind to wear these masks, they were afraid to step out as they were surveilling everyone. And if you came in without a mask, The cameras caught you. They did facial recognition. I'm sure I'm right at the top of the list. Me too. I didn't wear a mask. There was only one store that I wore a mask in because I couldn't go into this store without it. It was a couple of places that I did. Like my mom, you know, my mom died recently, a couple of weeks ago. And when she was, she had just broken her back. And when I went into the hospital, I was like, you know, I went in there, I'll be damned if I'm going to wear a mask. And so I went in there without one. And I realized after talking to the nurses, how angry a lot of the nurses were. They were just furious with wearing these masks. And I thought, you know what, they're in here taking care of patients and that sort of thing. Because not everybody that was in the hospital system is evil. You can't just throw a blanket statement across. There were some people that had the guts to stay in it and do and help however they could. And it's an unfortunate situation. Not that I think that anybody that participated in deploying the clot shots did. is going to be able to move on here without some sort of accountability attached to them. And I'll put prosecution in because because they should know better. In fact, I have a friend whose daughter just quit working at one hospital in Grand Rapids because there were all sorts of mistakes made on the patients. And she said, they just don't care. And she quit. She's on her way out. She said, I can't, I'm good. She said, I've never made a mistake taking care of people. And I absolutely cannot live with doing this. So she quit, walked away. Did you see the recent story about Steward Healthcare? No. It's a hospital chain of about thirty. They owned about thirty community hospitals, but that hospital chain was owned by a holding company, meaning that they were not in the hospital business. They were in the money business. They're in the money business. And so what they did, they gutted the hospitals of their operating essentials. So the hospital basically was, people were dying, getting injured, not being served. It's really a terrible story. There was a recent hearing on that in Congress. that I watched, which is when I found out about it. But a holding company is a private equity company. And so they just buy properties and then bleed them dry. Do you remember in the nineteen nineties movies about Larry the Liquidator and Gordon Gekko, the Wall Street vulture? Yes. Yeah. Those people are vulture capitalists. And so they're even attacking our healthcare systems. And so I really recommend that people go watch that hearing about Steward's Health because that quality, the third world health system is coming to an area near you to attend. It's already here. They were killing people. I've been saying that from the beginning that the hospitals are killing fields. They're the killing fields in the United States of America right now. And people don't matter. It's all about the bodies and such. So it's crazy. Well, Vicki, I'm really glad that you were on today. And I look forward to doing this again next week, Monday. We'll just bring you on here and do the technocratic communism. And if you and I are going to bring this forward, well, then so be it. I think that's great because your information is It needs to be shared. And I just I'm so grateful to know you. I think this is just amazing. And people need to know and see what's happened to the United States by bringing together what we know and helping to educate people on what's going on. I think I'm going to bring Chris on just for a minute because. Hey, Chris, how you doing? Hi, how are you, Donna? Good, you're late, but that's okay. I have to give Chris a little bit of grief because we're friends. But I want to get into this Blackwater Indecor nonsense we've got out there and the analysis on the assassination attempts on President Trump because that's what we're going to talk about today because there's things that are not adding up, guys. And I mean, a lot of stuff is not adding up on this at all. Not at all. And we're going to have to think our way through this one. Could you come back on another day this week? Oh, sure. And if I, you know, you touched a real good point. subject to get into because a lot of people don't understand or know about investigating and what it takes to investigate a case or a crime. And what we're not seeing, what we are seeing is the fooling of the American people. You know, when you're doing an investigation, you don't just hone down on the place where it happened. You have to also look at financials. You have to look at any heavy action concerning that with all the characters in play, every single person. You have to look at all the financials. You have to even look at media and see what media is presenting and when they're presenting it, such as YouTube. Yeah, and you have to do it in a way that you're not shut down when people try to make you feel that they're gaslighting you. If they're making you feel stupid or that sort of thing, you've got to get past that because, of course, the enemy is going to want to shut us down. And you can't pay attention to that or let that daunt you. You've got to keep going undaunted and unwavering in finding the truth. And it takes a special mindset to do that. absolutely donna and when when things like this occur uh like I I immediately went outside the circle I didn't focus on the immediate ground where it happened I started looking at the median financials and what I found was The media had already put out the lone shooter narrative. They had already put out a bio. Anything you want to know about the shooter was in a twenty minute quick bio that they had to have made up prior to the shooting. And I say that because overnight, they could not go and do a daylight interview with a student that they had to find that went to school with him that could find an appointment time in which he could do this interview. They created a bio of the guy. And what you kept hearing was, He was alone, he wore military clothes, he was not accepted in his societal surroundings and whatnot. But that's fine, but all this came out too soon. You can't get that much information on somebody to the point where you can make a bio or a video explaining the person's psychological background. You cannot get that much information in twenty four hours overnight and then have two of those media presses released. That was the red flag for me. Number one. Number two were some of the papers coming out and, you know, saying, hey, this shooter has nothing to do with with with us. or with the owner of the building. Now, they won't tell you who the owner of the building is. They won't give you any of the facts. They're gonna make you dig for it and find out yourself. Well, we find out that the building that the shooter was on, it's called the AGR building, his parent company is AGR International. Uh, they were, and, and they, they made rebar screws that if you wanted to make a pipe bomb, that's where you would go to the, to the parent company. Um, and I'm not saying, believe me, I'm not saying that this is, this is where they come from, but that's, that's the kind of stuff that, that, uh, that they made. All right. So, but I mean, I'm looking at everything, um, I have to look at everything in a negative light, but I also have to look at everything in a positive light because I can't go with facts that are, all right, let me continue what I was saying. Anyway, so what I found was that we have a media that is separating the shooter from the owner of the building. So then I went to the owner of the building building to find who that was. And I found out that the owner of the building was BlackRock. Well, how did I find that out? Well, I had to find out that the building was sold four months prior to the shooting occurring to a company called Indecor. Indecor, that company is located in Sarasota, the very city that I live. And it's on University Parkway. I looked up who the signer of that building is, and the signer is Black Rock. And there's the connection. I also looked. Right. And I found another tie with the media that was defending AGR from the shooter saying they're not related. There is no tie. Bullshit. There is a tie. I just found it. And not only did I find that tie, but when I looked into the paper or the media company that was defending AGR, I found out their partnerships. If you'd like to get with any of our partnerships, and it lists the partnerships that they're with. The Netherlands is one of them. Well, what transpires in the Netherlands? Welcome to DeVos Land and the Dutch Bankers. Absolutely. Absolutely. This is amazing. The fingerprints of globalism and the woke-ism is all over. It's getting too easy to find. They're blatantly just... They're stupid. They're arrogant and they're stupid, so they put it out there for us to find, quite honestly. Well, Chris, I've got my next guest to come on, but let's look for... Can we look at Thursday? Okay. Sure, sure, absolutely. Let's come on Thursday. Thursday, yes. Yeah, we'll talk when I get off the broadcast here. Well, let's go on Thursday. And I just really want to thank you for all the work you're doing in this and for coming on and sharing that. Because, I mean, people need to know the reality of this. If it doesn't look like it makes sense, it's probably not making sense. You know, it goes back to the duck. You know, it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, wiles like a duck. The damn thing's a duck, okay? I mean, that's just the way it is. So anyhow. That's it in a nutshell. I would love to come on Thursday. Thank you very much. I don't mean to hold up your time. I know you got other guests. Hello, other guests. And hello, audience, and goodbye. So I'll see you Thursday. We'll see you Thursday. Thanks, Chris. All right. Thank you, Donald. Good morning and welcome to the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the sixteenth day of September twenty twenty four. Welcome to our show. And without any further delay, I'm going to bring in my buddy, Delise Middleton. How are you doing? You're muted. There you go. All right. That helps out a lot. Awesome. Well, welcome and welcome to you today, Troy. And I'm thankful that you're here today. I have to leave. My phone's been blowing up all morning, so I'm going to pass the football. Let's see. I got to go this way. this morning and I have to get off on my way here today and try to accomplish some other holding people accountable stuff as well as I got to get my dog to the vet today this afternoon so I've got a fully packed day today it's a good day but it'll be a good day Nothing wrong with the dog, just a normal checkup type thing. So I can make sure that she's got all of her heartworm medicine and flea protection and all that good stuff. You know, I, in fact, am a very, very obsessed animal owner. You know, it's like I take good care of my animals. So thank you for being on today and thank you for being on Troy. And I welcome you to the show. And, and, uh, We will be talking to you guys later, okay? Have a wonderful day. And everybody, go to, the best non-conceder who's ever not conceded in the history of the United States of America. And I'd like to have a discussion with the rightful president of the United States, President Donald J. Trump, about that. And we're going to fight until we win this. Tomorrow, I'm going to be talking about the resolutions that we passed. including one on nullifying the twenty twenty election, red flag law repealing, cessation of payments to illegal immigrants, protecting our borders and a surprise when I'll tell you about tomorrow. So we will see you guys later and carry on and have a great day. Bye. Thank you. Troy, I'm so excited to see your face. So you're one that I really don't know very much about. So this is going to be very inquisitive on my end because unlike most that I've interviewed to date, I kind of know a little bit of their story and I might know just a tad of yours. But when were you arrested for January six? Hi, Jalise. Thank you for having me on. Um, I was, uh, it was almost a year ago, it was eleven months. Um, it was, uh, I don't remember the exact date, but they swatted me at work. So right before, when we're going into work, uh, while all the people are walking in the place I was working at at the time, uh, about three hundred people were coming in that shift at that point. So swatted me at work, um, and arrested me at that point. Then went into, you know, they took me down immediately to the Marshalls, got booked in and stayed there the rest of the day. I was able to get out with several conditions the same day. So luckily I didn't have to fight my way out without, you know, from the outside, from the inside in, excuse me, from the inside out. And was able to be released on my own recognizance. So again, like most J-Sixers, you were so dangerous, they needed a SWAT team. Yes, and it was just eleven months ago. Well, it was at that time, what is that, three years and change? Almost three and a half years? So three and a half years later, And so let me clear up for the listeners. If I remember correctly, and don't quote me on it, but I'm pretty sure about it. Normally, the statute of limitations for them to go after somebody is three years or two years. But they extended that to go after January six defendants to basically keep going after them during the entire reign of the Biden regime. Right. Yes. Yeah. So they they waited right up to pretty close to their limit. And that's when they that's when they swatted me. So luckily. I had been preparing because I had no clue. You know, of course, I was there and I saw what was happening to the other people. And so I had a few years to kind of prepare, you know, my family, prepare my finances and try to, you know, be where, you know, if I do end up having this and the expense for lawyers are just if you can even find one that'll take your case. and all they say and what they say is that you're going to uh you're going to fight and then you'll get a lot more years or if you plea then you you're basically giving up before there's no contest there's no it's just you agree to everything that they say you did right and that's part of the plea so I have to agree to things that are out of they're not in the right order or they weren't there. I wasn't inside the building or that, you know, different things. And so you, you're sitting there having to plead to misleading things or outright lies. And it just, it just is really maddening that they're putting so high a price to, to going and fighting and, And you're going to lose anyways. From what I understand, they have a small jury pool that they keep selecting the same jurors from. So you have a professional jurors. And everybody is we're just we're basically we're just going to run you through this mill and grind you to pieces. And what comes out at the end is you with a felony and and spend time in prison. For what would be a. a misdemeanor at best if they would even be charged for any of the things that were done by most of the January Sixers and myself. right probably a fifty dollar ticket but instead um they they grab you on everything they make you confess all kinds of stuff you didn't do and they take over control of your life so when you sign that uh that plea deal you are signing that they can they can snoop in your phone which hey guys that guy's doing it anyway the january six defendants experience it firsthand And when you can hear them on the other line or you can hear the clicking or heaven forbid, as I've had happen one time where when I hung up my phone, I heard him talking. So there are situations like that. But at least it's illegal for them to be doing it. But when you sign that affidavit, you give them complete permission and control to snoop into all of your electronic devices. And for an extended period of time, they also make you sign an agreement to basically talk to them and rat out anybody that you knew anything about. Now, for me and my husband, we went there alone, you know, just the two of us. We didn't know anybody out there. So it would have been hard to rat anybody out. But you're signing that you'll do that. And so there's a lot of nefarious things I want you to sign to. And you give up your opportunity for an appeal. Yeah, when I when I took the plea agreement and I sent it back to my lawyer, I had I had made so many marks on it. I said, this whole thing needs to be rewritten. And because of the errors in it, it looks like someone in high school wrote this thing up. But it's really to their Justice Department that they put this stuff out. I could do pro se, defending myself, and do as good a job as what they're doing. Or better. No doubt. Yeah, you can tell DEI's had a strong effect on the DOJ. So how did you, did you go ahead and take a plea deal? Where are you at in your case right now? Uh, so right now, um, my next court date is in person to take the plea bill plea bargain or the deal. And, um, uh, what they've, my total accumulation, my lawyer at one point had said, twenty-four years was a total accumulation, uh, um, But when I added it up, it came up with twenty two and a half. But actually what they've given in the plea offer is twenty four to thirty months. And what did you go up or down? So what did you plead to? It ended up being just one felony for what they call, uh, uh, assault. And then there's three other or two other, uh, assault obstruction. And, um, I think preventing officer in his duties or something to that effect. Wait a minute. You pled to the eighteen USC, fifteen, twelve? No. Um, this is, uh, I'd have to, um, I can pull it up, but it's not the fifteen twelve. No, I've been watching. I've been. What? I'm going to try to see if I can pull it up. I've got it on my. my phone here and but uh we can continue on and as I get through this I could yeah sure absolutely I just that really red flagged me I'm like are they still doing that to intimidate people and you know because god you just don't know what they're going to do next I mean I truly tell people all the time, you cannot impute logic to tyranny. So just stop it. People will call me and say, you just won't believe it. They're doing this and doing that. They don't even have the law to do it. And I'm like, you're trying to impute logic to tyranny, okay? Tyranny is the right thing. When you look at some of these guys that are, what do they call it? Policing the police videos or something that you see on YouTube. And these guys are, you know, they're, I'm just here videotaping. I'm here on public and whatever. They're pushing the law. They're pushing the officers. But when you, when you start pushing back. when you go into court and you start pushing back on certain things of what jurisdiction they have, you know, there has to be a harmed party. And when the judge says the harm party is this state for a traffic ticket, then you go to try to say, well, this, no one is harmed. There is no accuser. There's no one here that is harmed that can say this was done to me. And they don't recognize that. So it's been for a long time. They don't recognize the Constitution. They don't recognize the process of law. That's a good point that hasn't been brought up here yet. So in these trials, just so the viewers know, most of these J-Sixers are not getting to face their accusers. And they're stating that, just like what you said, that the people that were harmed was basically the Capitol, the American people. So they're representing the American people. I want that witness stand with every single American claiming they were harmed. Because I know what will outnumber, okay? I have about seventy-six percent support at the last poll that January six defendants, it was a setup. So, if that were the case, then let's start calling people in one by one and let's check the numbers. Right, right. Yeah, but they have a ninety-seven percent conviction rate and I think it's going up to ninety-eight after J-six is all complete. Oh, yeah. Oh, easy. Out of all the January six defendants, I only know of one exoneration. I keep hearing the media and even within the J-six community say there's been two exonerations. But I think the other exoneration they're referring to is that a pionon known as Joseph Thomas, he got exonerated from one charge. That should speak for itself. one of like nine, ten, eleven charges we had. So, yeah, that's what we're looking at to go into the courtroom. And it's sad and pathetic that we were there to peacefully protest. And a lot of people, I wouldn't even call it a protest. They wanted to hear speakers that were due to be there around the Capitol speaking. And yet, Now we're domestic terrorists. So, you know, and we're obviously bringing this show on the tail end of yet another assassination attempt on President Trump. And. You know, that speaks for itself. My husband schooled me this morning on the weaponry of the gun they're claiming he used because they're calling it an AK-Forty-Seven, but they're showing a Russian sniper gun, rifle. And that is very different than a spray gun, you know, that's highly inaccurate that a novice would be using versus a sniper rifle. So we're kind of waiting to see if we get clarity on that. My husband knows weapons very, very well. Right. I was telling my wife, I was like, I think they're about to replace Kamala because they missed again. Oh, my goodness. It's all so sickening. And I hope the American people know what they're doing. So they're trying to stop the war so that they don't have to hold an election at all. So I hope the American people are wise enough to see this false flag. They're trying to pull a J-six, a nationwide J-six. in order to prevent an election. And I just hope the American people are intelligent enough not to call for this and to continue to pray for them. So yeah, yeah. So, okay, so you obviously, you never went into the Capitol, you said. So there's an entryway that I did end up going into. It was, but it was like a, a, a, a corridor or a vestibule area. So I, I didn't think that I was considered in the building, but, uh, you know, obviously any, any time that you can break plane of a doorway there, they're saying that's inside the building. So, you know, it's, there's kind of just a vestibule area. It wasn't necessarily a, uh, an area, but it, um, uh, uh, excuse me, a, a, it was like right at the two doored area of the, of the Capitol. Wow. What did your life look like? I got out of it. I was like, I got to a point where I was like, you know what, this is, I'm not going to go in the building and there's no point in me being here. So I just, that's when I, that's when I just got out of, out of the area. How long were you in there? In that area? Oh, maybe five minutes. They were just pushing against the, uh, the doorway where the police were at and they were just spraying everyone. And what I'd done for most of the day was just helping people that were overcome with the pepper spray or the whatever gas they were using. So I was, you know, pulling people out, At one point, there was a guy that was being shot at with rubber bullets by about seven, maybe nine officers. These were semiotic rifles that they were shooting the rubber bullets at this person. This person was on the ground, fetal position curled up, and they were still shooting at him, and people were trying to go rescue him. They would shoot the other people, so they would run away, the people, because they were getting shot at as well. And so I came and I flanked the police. And as soon as they saw me about thirty feet away from them, they saw me as, you know, hey, this guy's right here coming up to us. And so I directed their fire. I don't know how many were shooting at me because I turned around to protect my front. And I just let them unload on my back and my legs and so forth. So when I did that, somebody went and retrieved that guy. We got home in on that. Yeah, I kind of standard police techniques. Yeah, I have my head held up when they're not a threat. Right. I had my hands held out and kind of, you know, like a Jesus pose backwards, of course, but, and walked away from them like really slowly to make sure that they had enough time to go get this guy. And so luckily that's what transpired is he's able to get, you know, I don't think that they would have shot him to death. Although at any point you hit a person in the right spot in the, in the neck or, or, or the head and they can either be paralyzed or they can be killed even with a rubber bullet. Well, people need to know that too, because, you know, we interviewed Josh Black on here and he's the one you see with the rubber bullet shot through his jaw. I thought that was a canister. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to over speak. I thought that was a canister. Was it a canister or was it a rubber bullet? You know, it seems like he might have corrected me on the show. It was yellow, whatever it was. He said it wasn't rubber. He knew that. It was plastic. It broke teeth. I thought that was just like a rag or something pushing through, and that was fat and blood. No. It fully penetrated and broke teeth. Excuse me? It fully penetrated his jaw, his cheek, and it broke teeth. And to this day, they wouldn't give him medical treatment in the prison. He actually now has the cutest little dimple there. You know, it's the war wound, but, you know, it was perfectly placed where it just made him a little cuter. What the enemy intends for evil, God intends for good. And that's just the way it is. And so that for those who call him Lord, and that's exactly Josh Black. He's a stronghold and believer. He loves the Lord. And everything's been turned over. So tell me what your life looked like before January six. What was it all about for you? Um, okay. So I'm going to do a quick, a quick, uh, synopsis of, of my biblical view, as opposed to a secular, secular view of what people are. So, you know, I was, uh, became a born again Christian at a young age. Uh, I forget now if it was eleven or twelve. And of course, I didn't follow everything. You know, I grew up as a, as a kid and had a little bit of a, uh, a fun streak or whatever you want to call it. Uh, um and didn't necessarily go off the deep end with you know harmful things with the you know and your teens and whatnot but just uh uh kind of normal some some mischievous stuff some you know benign you know activities and so forth but um uh so as a as a saved person I see most people when they start portraying, oh, this is the person I am, this is who I am, what I see is what I'm getting is a secular worldview of what a person is. Whereas I would say that a person is either a Christian or a non-Christian, and that's a conversation that they have with God, not a conversation that I'm gonna go judge somebody based on their actions, because we all come to fail the commandments and the law. We've all sinned and fall short of the glory of God. And I love that you point to that because the reality is everybody does. And then they want to call the Christians hypocrites. And it's like, no, we're jacked up people trying to find our way like you. We don't have the answers. We're just, the only difference is we're saved. We know the one who does know the answers. Right. Yes. And, you know, there's even, When you sin, we're kind of getting off subject here a little bit, but yeah, even when you sin, there's a thing, if somebody has an anger issue and they sin repeatedly over and over because of their anger, that's something that they haven't overcome yet. It's not something that they're a sociopath yet. to be used use whatever they want to use for evil that's a difference that you know that you're working on something different so there's there's so many things that we as people as humans or as you know people that are in the sinful world that we have to overcome and to you know it's it's it's just like the bible says you know don't don't worry about the speck in that person's eye when you have this plank you know know and this whole thing about judging people that's so in error of people say oh don't judge the bible says not to judge no it says do not judge lest you be judged and the measure you judge will be the measure judged upon you so you know it's I'm going to get real light whenever I start getting judging of people I'm going to get hey you know what I don't want god to throw you know throw me down the tubes just because I you know so I give a lot of latitude to More so sinners are doing what they're going to do. Sinners are sinners. But Christians, you know, I can if it's, you know, Christian love, I can, you know, chastise or say say something. But you also have to understand they've got there just because they don't have the problems you have and you don't have the problems they have. Doesn't mean that you need to go, you know, bear down on them for something that they're having a real issue with instead of helping them. But anyway, so you were asking me kind of what I was doing before January six. And so some of the things that I was doing was just chasing life goals. I was frustrated with the church ever since in my young twenties, realizing that so much of the church has been infiltrated by what I call secular, uh, I don't know. I don't know if they're humanists or, or if they're, you know, basically Satan is in the church. Why would he not be in the church? Satan doesn't have to worry about the people that are not saved. He's not out there making them do worse. He's got his demons that can do that. And then, and you know, they, they can chase all that down, but these people are already unsaved or doing something wrong. or satanic or whatever you wanna evil, they're already doing that. So where does he, Satan is gonna concentrate his effort in the church. And that's what he's done. He's distracted all these people in church. He's distracted, he's gotten people that are not Christians to be the pastors. lead them astray and that's just I was just frustrated seeing that in our american church article on that that they have actually found a significant level of actual satanist leaders from the satanic temple that lead churches and then they hold their satanic rituals uh under under the church like in the basement in the attic in the private rooms which helps sacrifice the whole nine yards trafficking children I can't even fathom that. I can't fathom it. But you're right. Satan comes to steal, kill, destroy. And if you are not a born again believer, he's not interested in making life more difficult for you. But a Christian he is. And that's why the word talks about basically once you're saved, you have just been indoctrinated into a war. A war. Right. So what I have been doing since my early twenties, and when I first realized that Janet Reno was killing Americans, like in the Waco situation, yeah, that was a bad guy. David Koresh is not somebody to be any representative of Christianity or of role model of any degree. He's a cult leader, but to burn the building down with the children in it, to save the children, that just doesn't make sense. They just, you're like, what was the purpose of this? And I, and so I started. So I, I started at that point being a lot more critical about my government and just kind of at a certain point, I wasn't political, but I was trying to, I guess, study and garnish knowledge of, what the heck is going on? And, uh, so kind of to a degree I checked out, uh, as an outward, uh, at any kind of a, a large scale, uh, of, of what I was trying to do to help people understand this. Cause they, they would come at me like I was crazy. I was, you know, the same time as alec jones came out I was probably already there I was you know me and him would have probably uh started seeing the same things around the same time uh and saying the same stuff uh you know and people look at you like you're crazy my wife she didn't understand it she didn't want to hear about the mk ultra program and you know kathy o'brien and her story uh So you woke up to this very early. See, I woke up very late. The Lord basically woke me up May. Nineteenth of twenty twenty is when I woke up. So right before nine eleven. Oh, no, twenty twenty. Not two thousand. Oh, twenty twenty. OK, I'm sorry. Yeah, I wish it would have been that far back. I like to say I was I hated politics. My husband would talk about it. Miles would roll back in my head. So I think she's asking me questions. But when when you in twenty twenty, did you see. um bernie sanders lose the election before it even happened I mean was that part of your waking up beyond a doubt I had no doubt about that and I knew that hillary clinton was demonic I could see it and I could build um I knew of of you know bill clinton's corruption within I don't know what level um but I did know and the only reason I'll tell you how I knew that is I come to christ in august of I was pro-choice and I wanted to vote because of that and um the lord actually I thought he would convict my spirit that not to vote for him. And I didn't understand it, but it was over that abortion issue. And I went, I really battled with it. I mean, as a new Christian and finally someone had made a comment and I knew it came from the Lord. If you're going to call yourself a Christian, you're a little Christ. You're coming into agreement that his way is better than your way. He's smarter and he knows everything that you don't. And so you walk by faith. And because of that, I voted for Bush during that. Now, we all know how that played out. But from there on, I recognize demonic corruption within there. I just didn't think it was that. I thought my country hung the moon. I did. I thought, you know, even good people do bad things. I mean, I'm telling you, the worst thing our government could have ever done for a human being is come after people like me that trusted them and believed the best about them. Because now my eyes are open and can never be closed again to that scene. And they were getting to run incognito because of people like me. Right. Yeah. Yeah. And there's, and it's still out there. There's a lot of people that are, and it's, it's what I call the American distraction. They, they're, they're in their own prison. Uh, they're in their own prison of, uh, propagate, uh, propaganda. this propaganda is this they get their little peanuts for going to their job and they have their own house and their little family and they're left alone they're happy I they don't care what happens to me and you and I'm not I'm not necessarily beating them up I I was the same way until it happened to me too now I'm like I gotta wake you up because I'm my brother's keeper and I love you and if you don't listen you're going to get hurt But I know where they're at because I was there. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, it's this American distraction. It's your hobbies, where your status is in the community and your career. All these things are the secular outward showing of you. But those are just things that you do. Those are things that you're interested in. and you will buy clothes or you'll spend money. So they just, although a lot of people, what they're, what they're wanting is to be left alone because they just want to be comfortable. And we live in such a luxurious time as Americans, uh, that we were, we're living with this leisure life and we filled it with all these distractions. And now it's getting to the point that we're filling it with these sexual deviancies. And it's just getting, it's, it's a, it's a slow self-degradation of a, of a person in their life. And you're like, how did I get here? You know, twenty years ago, I liked Monday night football and cold beer, you know, and then now. I'm over here, you know. We've been lulled to sleep. You know, I watched an interview from Jonathan Cahn. He is a Jewish man that wrote The Halbingers. And he's just phenomenal at recognizing the demonic idol worshiping of these false gods that we have created. retrace the biblical times to get to where we're at again. And the first one was Baal, where it's indifference, comfort, you're agnostic, and he lulls you in that, look, nothing bad happened. It's okay to be here. Then from there, you pick up, I think it's the theme of the goddess, the sexuality. I really don't know. He has several names. And it's where all sex goes. Well, we went through that in the sixties, this sexual revolution. Then the next God came in and I can't remember his name, but this is, I mean, this is exactly what Rome did. We are doing exactly what Rome did. And so go ahead. And then more people cannot have freedom. The more, The more amoral a civilization is, the more the government has to take away their freedoms to keep them from destroying themselves. And ultimately you end up, your civilization is destroyed. It just takes a lot longer because you've got your daddy government to hold you back from your own deviancy. And it's just sad to watch it happen in slow motion. So you have a family, I would assume. I take it you're probably very involved in them before day six. Yes. Yeah. I have all grown children. My youngest is graduating high school. So at the time she was, you know, just starting high school. And so we had homeschooled. our children for the most part. And then in high school or middle school, we let them go to public school. And so we had, you know, I was homeschooled myself, but that was back in the eighties when it w it was just a, the homeschool. Yeah, we were, we were, we were on the news. We were on the news because we were one of three families in this small Texas town. San Angelo. Wow. Unbelievable. In the eighties, I was, I was graduating high school in the eighties and I can remember right here about high school and it's like, okay, y'all are free, but you act different. You're... Well, actually that's what I didn't like about the homeschool kids was, you know, y'all aren't normal people. Y'all are like Pentecostal or something. I couldn't, I couldn't, I was not even part of, you know, I was, I was a Christian and I was, you know, we would go to church and, you know, I even, you know, went to singing, uh, uh, uh, what do you call the, uh, singing schools for the, this kind of, uh, uh, Baptist background, uh, uh, primitive Baptist background. uh yeah but I still I still you know I raced bmx I rode bikes and you know we we would uh you know we'd have fun on our bikes and it's just like a normal childhood you know even as a teenager the normal normal childhood that uh you're just enjoying it yourself and homeschool was just one of the things you got to do and so I could spend eight hours a day riding my my bmx and and jumping and riding in trails and you know I didn't you know we could because I would finish my schoolwork early or whatever or I'm or it'd take me a long time and I'd be late I wouldn't get out that day but A very beautiful Christian founded family in January, I suppose. And obviously you're very, very faith-based, very knowledgeable on the word, know the Lord personally. And so what are you looking at now because of January six? So I was very upset when I realized that I had been duped or, or, nudged, whatever you want to call it. That's an actual term in the FBI. You just nailed it. Nudged. In other words, let me explain to the viewers. Nudging in the FBI, which I'm like you, that's when I heard this spoken through James O'Keefe interview. I wanted to cry because that's what happened to me and my husband. We have human instincts. We're natural. You either fight or flight when you're in a dangerous situation. And because of January six, you got two million people there. You couldn't run away. So they would nudge you. What that means is they would shove you or do something to prompt a reaction to see what you were doing. Well, men are natural protectors, so they would protect the women. So they'd nudge the women. They'd shove them or they'd knock them down or do something vicious to them. And that's what happened with me and Mark. They actually started hitting him with a baton. They hit me with a baton. We were in prayer. We were huddled in front. We didn't do anything. That was the nudge to get us to react. Well, you know, we're from Texas, too. We're Southern folks. I don't know that I have a flight instinct. I couldn't have, even if I did. So, of course, I react and defend us. And then, of course, we're felons for assaulting police officers because we were doing nothing wrong and they attacked us. That's a nudging. Right. Yeah, the... The, the, there was, there was two different points where I would say that my nudging got the best of me or whatever. One was when they were shooting the canisters and hitting people like that other fellow, uh, that had his face, uh, opened up by the, whatever it was, a canister or whatever it was. Uh, I saw things like that happening, the flash bangs that were shooting into the crowd and, and it upset me that they were provoking the crowd. And I went to go help this woman, which is like I said before, this was something I was just, I was upset. I knew they were going to do that. I wanted to see firsthand because I didn't want to be lied to on TV again of what's happening. So I, instead of hanging back, uh, I decided to go and see for myself what the heck was going on. Cause I heard all the noise, you know, of the stuff that was started. And I see this woman, she's stuck on a two or three foot concrete block. She can't get down. And she's holding her American flag. And they're just shooting a canister continuously at her of pepper spray. And she was overcome with it. And she was just up there sobbing and overcome with the pepper spray. And so I had to... was nothing to wipe her face with so that she could you know she couldn't see or anything she was just standing there and uh I guess they're waiting for her to fall down off the concrete block and fall down you know and hit the ground I I don't know what the purpose of the continuous spray is uh because she was doing nothing but holding a flag up and it wasn't even it was probably ten fifteen feet away from the uh bike racks she wasn't even That's exactly how they did me and my husband left. It's no exit. Right. So I got a flag. Somebody gave us a flag that didn't have pepper spray on it. And I wiped her face enough where she'd get down. And I tried to get her down and she was, she was just upset. And she told me to leave her alone. And so I, you know, I left her alone. And then I saw the, some of the crowd and the cops were right there by the bike racks. And I went over there and, and they were kind of shoving the bike rack back and forth or leaning up against it or whatever. And they shoved the bike rack my direction and hit my hand. And, and I looked around and I saw that, you know, the other guys had a hold of it. And I was like, So I grabbed the bike rack. They shoved it at me. I grabbed it and pulled it. That was the assault. That was, you know. So just to let you know, during my trial, they accused us of leaning into the back racks, shoving it toward the police. And police testified that that is deadly force, which is why they had permission to beat us about the head and shoulders with batons. Well, interestingly, you know, we were saying we never pushed on the Valkyrax. We never touched them until y'all shoved them into us. Well, we look at the video. We ended up with an aerial view video from an Antifa member that actually videoed the attack. If we were pushing it, it would have leaned this way, but the back racks were leaning this way. So when my attorney says, do you see these back racks? And he's like, yes. And you agree that it's steadily forced for the Middletons to have shoved them into you and why that could be so dangerous. And he says, yes. And he says, do you notice which way the back rack is leaning? Yes. and he said yes and he said there it's leaning toward the middletons is that correct yes so how if they're pushing the rack is it leaning in toward them and he's like I don't know and He said, well, I do look at this hand and he shows him another angle and he says, y'all are pushing the back racks into the Middletons. And that's deadly force that you just testified to. And he said, no, because it was dangerous that they weren't linked together. We're just trying to straighten them out. Well, then the aerial view, we go back and look at the whole length of the of the back rack and there was no bulge in it right there. None. But yet they got away with lying like that on the stand. Right, yeah. It doesn't matter. They're there to convict you. And something I was going to bring up earlier was when we were talking about this professional jury and all this, and you don't get to see your accuser. So they bring out, I think it's the same guy that was on television doing an interview or something. So he's kind of got this famous... spot now. From what I understand, they bring him out on many of the cases that they're going to trial on. He goes and testifies how bad it was. He has nothing to do with your case. He just shows up to speak to his point of view, what he saw, what was going through him. Then they say, well, that's you. yeah ours was a female but yes they did bring her in she was on the east side I was on the west side but she testified how dangerous uh the whole scene was and you know what she witnessed that officers being harmed and all this she wasn't even at our spot so you're right about that now uh I want to make sure that I get as much of your story in because I think it's absolutely This is so important to me, not just for your story, but for them to see the person behind the story. Yes, you're a Jay Sixer. You'll wear that banner now for all eternity. You're going down in history as an American that stood for our constitutional right to vote. But who is that person? This will probably be the only history that you get to really put out there who you are because they write a false narrative about you. Oh, yeah. So what do you want the people to know about who you are? Well, what I was doing before, like I said, I was just kind of chasing my life goals, getting prepared for retirement. We had COVID and all this other stuff at the same time as well. So I was trying to determine where am I at with changing career. I lost my job because I wouldn't take the vaccine and I wouldn't do the testing and wouldn't pay for all my tests every week to do that. And so I I ended up quitting my job. And it's something I tell people when they say, well, they'll never come after me over my dead body. And I'm like, they're never coming for your life. You'll lose your career before your life. And they're like, what does that mean? It's like, well, when do you ever stand up? When your job is threatened, if you stand up and you say, well, if I do this, I may lose my job. That's your excuse to not stand up. And people will always kick that can down the road. Well, well, it's not going to happen whenever I, whenever they come for me, you know, that'll be the end of flame of glory. Well, no, that's never coming. That's never going to happen because you keep sitting down instead of standing up because your career comes in front of you and you're, you're chasing this money and you're chasing this stuff that you don't even, when you're in the ground, you don't take your money with you. You don't take this stuff. So you're chasing something that, uh, is part of this whole distraction, you know, and I was doing. We want to keep you up on your feet just well enough to have your comfort and And to be content. And when you look at it, they're already getting, I think it's like forty six percent of our income, if I recall. I have a term made. It's called monetary slavery. Yes. Yes. And they're just trying to keep keep the peace while they sit there and rob you and rob you and rob you. It's fooling a frog. You've all heard fooling a frog. Right. And I've added this to that ever since COVID was we're under medical slavery, too. They want to keep you sick enough to go to work and pay for all this medical care, eat bad food, processed food, get diseases, get sick. And then they want you to spend all the rest of your money, the rest of your life trying to get better at paying the medical system and it's medical slavery. And we keep your army disarmed. Right. So I was spending a lot of my time studying these kind of things, looking into this, what happens with our, why do we have the roller coaster now where before we didn't in the stock market? Well, that's because all the major factories were blown up after World War II. We were King Kong in the stock market. We could buy and hold. Well, now all these other countries have modern factories and they're better than our factories because we were lazy. We didn't upgrade our factories like they did theirs, but they had all their factories bombed out. That's why we have, you can't play in the stock market like you could before, buy and hold. And I've studied all these things over this time because I was like, I couldn't get a person like yourself in two thousand five to even listen to the things I had to say. I mean, I didn't I didn't even listen to Alex Jones until recently. because it just I understood what he was saying it was true but if some of it was just it's so brash or so far out it's it's what can I I I may understand that it's happening but what's the point you know they're turning the frogs gay okay so you know the medical the science behind it I understand but to what does that mean to me so I didn't even I you know I had checked out of a lot of those kind of things just because I was studying it, but I was not participating in that world. But I was also not able to, on a personal level, I would find people and have discussions with them and make possibly be an effect in their life, whether it be Christian or politically or, hey, your government's dirty. and it's a lot dirtier than I'm going to even explain to you I'll explain some of this to you and that's what I was doing and then after january six after my world was turned upside down and citibank and other banks would uh uh all my credit cards I just got notification after notification I got email from google saying that my investigation's over uh and and the uh the government was you know here's the here's the investigation number And after all this turmoil in my life, after I would January six and after I got swatted, you know, so now. My relationship with God is more prayerful. I'm spending a lot more time with my family where before I was also spending a lot of time chasing for retirement or what I get. Just got caught up like other people do with the part of this American distraction. I was using my knowledge about it to do smart things. So I wasn't wasting my money, wasting my time, but I was still being distracted You're doing it in a good way, but it was still a distraction. Yeah. I wasn't doing what I could as the parable of the mustard seed. Let me ask you this. Where are you now in your case? Like I said at the onset, I do have a plea agreement that I'm going to take. I figure that it's better to have my effect outside of prison. And while I do go in prison, I'm going to let God, whether it's write books or do something to that effect, or whether it's start up a church ministry of some type, I'm just going to let God guide me in that. Hopefully my ego stays out of it and I'm not trying to push things that I shouldn't be. And just let God lead my life in that. And that's another thing that I've been doing as well. I was listening to Alex Jones. He was talking about he's, God's been speaking to him or whatever. And he was, he's like, all these things are distracting my channeling to you. Alex is what he was saying. He was relaying about God and it spoke to me. Uh, I need to all of like the little sins or little stuff or drinking here or doing this or wasting my time or whatever. I've got to start eliminating that so that God can, it can speak to me. And so, you know, my Christian walk is getting a little stronger or a lot stronger and things like that where it was before, but it was also almost boxed away, so to speak. Uh, it was, it was very strong. Right. So that's been what's changing as well as my walk relationship is becoming more personalized where it was before, but it was also come and go. It wasn't a steady daily all the time throughout the day where you can let your thoughts be evil, but you can change those to godly thoughts. I'm more in tune to any of these thoughts that are just secular thoughts or whatever. I'm pushing those out now more actively. And that's it. Just preparing for the next two or three years and then preparing for what comes after. So you are looking at some prison time coming. You just don't know how much. Right. And I mean, you're using it as a ministry for the Lord. I tell people, don't you dare let me hear that you're self-surrendering on this. That's a joke. That's a lie from the pit of hell. You have been called into the mission field and you are reporting for duty. Don't you dare forget it. I'm on fire now. And it's just, it's so liberating to have lost three jobs over being swatted, over being, over the COVID. I'm so liberated now. It's like you're living a real life now. Yeah. Yeah. And all of a sudden everything's laid at the feet of the cross and all your fear is gone. Your fear of rejection, fear of failure, all these different things that held you in bondage. And all of a sudden you're set free and it's like, okay, it's game on like Donkey Kong. What do you want me to do today, Lord? That's it. All right. I love it. Listen, we're going to close this out. Do you have any final words you would like to share? What I would like to see is, hang on, I've got my, I've got to let this pass. Sorry, my notification comes up. What I would like to express on the people in general at all levels. is that this is no this is not a left right or a democrat or even american thing this is we have not had such uh human trafficking slavery stealing of the body organs in ukraine the women are getting their and sisters and they're getting their their brothers and their husbands and their dads back and their bodies are all carved up because they've taken all their organs out well these organs have to be extracted while they're alive so they were wounded in battle But they didn't choose to heal them as best they could as wounded soldiers. Instead, they've chosen to extract their body parts and sell their body parts on the market. And then they send the carcass back to the families and they have a term for that in Ukraine. But this is going all over the world. You know, the Uyghurs in China and all of this is a very evil, demonic war that's going on for Satan to destroy God's creation. And I think that we're always in prayer for the persecuted church. We're always in prayer for the leaders and the persecuted people, whether they're fellow Christians or not. And the people that are being harmed all over the world. This is a bigger thing than just this, but Just imagine if they killed one hundred and eighty, one hundred sixty million over the last century with Pol Pot and and Stalin and all the others, you know, the Hitler and so forth. And Chairman Mao, you know, that was that was while America was strong. If America is not here, we're actually we've propagated so much of this that how much killing is going to happen if we're no longer a an entity or we're just a blip, we're just another declining first world country to second world or third world status. I'm going to plug a movie right here because it's speaking to what you're talking about. If you can stomach it, I'm going to tell you this ripped me to shreds, but there's a movie called This is Treason. Ryan Maida is one of the producers of that. I encourage you to watch that movie. Do not watch it in the presence of your children. It is definitely too heavy for that. But yeah, it's talking about what you're saying right here. Right. Well, in closing, what I did want to say with all that I just spoke to was that I would express to people to pray and to get your walk with God, determine if you are a Christian or if you need to find someone someone to help you. You don't want to be the Christian that's cast in the rocks or the thorns. You want to be the Christian that has people to help them grow in their Christian walk. So there's, I've seen people where they, they, you know, they burst up and as a, as a new Christian, a new follower and, but they're still surrounded by their old people and they end up, I've, I've had a friend that did that and he ended up, uh, overdosing. So, he didn't, he did very little in his Christian walk. And then he ended up overdosing because he didn't have, uh, uh, surrounded himself. You know, I wasn't, I wasn't there with him always. We were traveling different parts of the country. And so, yeah. And you touched on that, that even amongst the Christian community, we tend to compartmentalize God. And, um, it's not, we've got to jump through that barrier. and make him our complete world and and totally relinquish to him and that that's even amongst believers like I don't I can't make out like I understand all that I can just tell you it was that way for me too that there was a level of compartmentalization and when I got j-six it was all late before and that's where the freedom comes And without it, your life is in danger because I've told y'all before, if they fix your claims, they have not contemplated suicide in some way. And it because it's just it's going to be a natural thought process because of how big and how heavy the weight of the government is on our neck. So, Troy, we've got to close out. Would you like to close us in prayer or I can do that? I don't want you to be put on the spot. Actually, I need to go ahead and dip out. I'll be in prayer with you guys. But I do need to go ahead and get back on the job. Okay. Thank you so much for giving some time to us. We wish you the best and we will live through prayer. God bless you. Thank you. Amen. Heavenly Father, we come before you and... just another beautiful day where you have encouraged, restored, you have glorified, and we're grateful that you have trusted us to trot in your footsteps, that you have, that Jesus went to the cross and he shed his blood for us, that he gave us an out, that we no longer have to fall to sin. We no longer have to die. You hate death as much as we do. And because of what you did on the cross, we don't ever have to experience that again. Father, we thank you that we can nestle up in your arms and be protected and encouraged and restored. that we are safe there, that there is nothing the enemy can bring to us that you have not already went before us protecting us from. And Father, we thank you for that because without it, this would be very scary times. I pray for those that don't know you, that they would seek you, that they would seek you earnestly with everything in their heart. It's not just a prayer of words. You know the heart. And if the heart is not fully invested in repenting and asking you to come into their life, it simply doesn't happen. I want this to be an invitation for those that have been hearing this segment for over a month now, that they see our hope that is nestled in you, our faith that is carrying us strong in a mighty way that probably looks confusing to them. Father, I pray that you would give them a holy nudge, that they would feel you right now in a way that they say, yes, I don't want any more of what I've been getting. I've tried everything else. I want something new. Father, I feel you calling me to give that fancy word of altar call, but it's truly just people saying, I'm done living the way I'm living. Surely you can do better than me. And Father, I just pray for these people that they would have the courage, no matter where they're at, whether they're hearing it in a headset in the grocery store, or whether they're sitting in their car broken, whether they're in front of their children that are screaming and crying for lunch. Father, that you would give them the strength and courage to just speak it out loud right where they're at. Father, come to me, help me. So I also pray for our nation and our leaders that they would humble themselves before you, that we would turn our eyes to you, that you are faithful to restore our nation if we do this. There is nothing the enemy can throw at us that you have not already overcome. The battle has been won. The question is what side you're going to be on when you bow before the Lord. So Father, I pray that the people's eyes are opened. Continue to give the January six defendants strength. Let them feel your love and peace in such a mighty way. We thank you for all that you do and all that you've done. It has all been taken to the cross past, present and future. All these things we thank you for. May you be glorified. Amen. And guys, that is a wrap. I hope this has been a good one. I'm feeling something really moving in the spirit. I'm not sure what it is. I do want to clarify the movie is what is treason, not this is treason. But anyway, y'all look to the Lord and you glorify him through this. He's already got this battle. It's already won. And meanwhile, stay attuned, stay attentive. continue to follow us. We'll be here tomorrow. I'm excited. We're going to have Philip Vogel on and we've got a great week lined out. We've got Philip Vogel and Cash Kelly. If y'all are familiar with him, both men are going to have a fantastic story. So anyway, glorify God and be blessed and we will see you tomorrow.