BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 8/7/2024 Liberty Essentials & Derrick Gibson NY

Published Aug. 7, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Bill Mohr II, Karen the Riveter, & Ralph the IT Guy will be discussing true liberty and the principles the Founding Fathers intended. Also we will be discussing the role of religion in government. The Mohr family has a long history in the study of the Constitution and lawful self governance. We will be teaching current issues and apply the Constitution for guidance. 10am Derrick Gibson - 2022 New York Governor Candidate will be on talking about a variety of subjects and his continued fight for America. He is a supporter of upholding the law a a staunch supporter of President Donald J Trump. Candidate for District 20 Senate -Former Gov candidate for NYS. Businessman/criminal justice major/automotive. X/Twitter: Rumble:

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network I am Donna Brandenburg and it is let's see seventh day of august 2024 and welcome to the show today um we are going to start out with liberty essentials with with uh bill moore ralph the it guy and karen the riveter and then at 10 o'clock it will be derrick gibson now I met derrick at turning point action in detroit and it was really fun talking with him he ran for governor of the state of new york in 2022 and coincidentally He was removed for something going on with his signatures. Just seems a little bit familiar what happened to me. He's also started several organizations. I'll let him introduce himself to you with those, but that'll be a fun interview. I interviewed him there, and he is delightful. He's fun, and he does things that just are very much provocateur. um, uh, actions. I like the guy anyhow. So welcome to the show. And I'm gonna bring in our guests today. Hey guys, how you doing? Good. Good morning. Good morning. And Bill, Karen and Ralph worlds this morning. Well, I just got up from like what? Four or five days on a couch. Right. So I feel pretty good actually getting up and walking around and working again. Uh, that was kind of a nightmare. Whenever I went around, uh, I think almost all of my kids got it. I don't know. It was giant, giant head cold. Shut all of us down for several days. That's not good. Nope. Up and about. Working it all back out again. Got my strength back. So here we go. Well, there you go. How about you, Karen? What's happening? Oh, I'm just checking the garden this morning and looking at my little baby chicks. I got some new hens and they're getting into trouble. They're just a little rambunctious. I caught them in the act the other day trying to sneak under a little hole that they dug. It was hilarious because there was three on the other side and now they're in the pen with big hens, which were not, they were just looking a little confused. And there was one stuck in the middle. It was like catching a little kid getting stuck. It was like trying to get under, but it was like the biggest one of the six. Did it get along pretty well with the older chickens? Well, they're not in with them yet. They're not supposed to be because they're still too small. They're not even quite feathered all the way. I was kind of wondering about this. It's like, how is this working for you? So that's funny. They're in a separate pen. Okay. How about you, Ralph? What's happening? This week has just been a lot of dealing with lightning damage. This is crazy. Okay. So we had a very crazy outage in an area in Michigan that kind of affected us. And it was like a small area, but it did, in fact, affect us, which was weird, wasn't it? Yep. Yep. I don't know. I don't know. You know, not to be conspiratorial, but to be conspiratorial and that not not as a theory, but conspiracies are real. Right. So you look at that and go, how in the world does this happen? It was just just strange. Anyhow, I do believe that there's weather manipulation going on. There just is no explanation for some of the stuff that we've seen and even formations in the clouds that we've seen lately that I'm 60 years old and I've never seen anything like this my entire life. When you see a wall of clouds happening and it's unusual. Let's just put it that way. It's very unusual. Now, maybe if we go back like 10,000 years, which nobody knows, what was it? Somebody this week said that it was the highest temperatures in Michigan in or in the United States that we've ever seen since like, you know, in the last 100 years. And it's like, where'd you get the stats on that? You know, or 1,000 years? I think they said 1,000 years. And it's like, where'd you get the stats on that, buddy? I'd like to see 1,000-year stats on weather that, you know, the documentation. They can't even keep track of what's happened in the elections for 22 months. I'm so sure that we're going to go back 1,000 years. But at any rate, I digress. So what are we going to talk about today, Velva? Well, for the past several weeks, we've gone through and done different founding documents, right? Just small excerpts, because to actually go through and break them all apart would require more than an hour's time, and we'd have to split it up into multiple shows. So we've been doing small excerpts from different founding documents. Today, I was actually going through, not today, but throughout the past couple weeks, I've been going through some of what happened in the USSR in the fall of the Soviet Union. Going through some of the events that happened there and drawing similarities with what we currently see happening in the United States now. There's not a whole lot of difference. It's just the majority of stuff you would have seen done physically over in the USSR you see being done digitally in the minds of the people here in the United States. One of the things I brought up was their Operation Truck. That was counterintelligence offered by the Soviet Union to broadcast lies with a little bit of truth to make people continuously broadcast misinformation to each other. That's something that is currently being done all the time. Even though we complain about such like the fact checkers or Snopes, which is all owned by the CIA, several other places you can find they use as legitimate or qualified information, they shut down the truth consistently. They will continue to censor people, anybody promoting truth. However, you have the other side of it. Those that claim they're promoting truth and think they're doing good is often mixed with lies itself that the fact checkers want to promote and they leave it alone, right? A lot of that, you can see a lot of what I have on social media. I've never been in Facebook jail, right? And I don't say that being prideful, but I've never been there. And I believe a lot of that is because the stuff that I was promoting during that time when a lot of people were being thrown in there is actually outside of what they would normally look at. Because I try not to promote the same drawn conclusions or the same media promoted ideas that they constantly want pushed. I can't verify that, but that seems to be the only difference from a lot of the stuff that I do compared to a lot of what I see other friends and such doing. So there was a man by the name of Alexander, and I'm going to try to get his last name right. I think it's Solzhenitsyn, right? S-O-L-Z-H-E-N-I-T-S-Y-N, Solzhenitsyn, right? He was born in Russia. He was a Soviet or USSR citizen at the time. He lived through the major destruction that had happened there. He was a famous writer that began to be in power. There's a website that you can go through. It's actually got his autobiography on it as well, which is really short. It's got a lot of his works that you can read through. And He was one of the dissidents that fought against Stalin in the early regime, was actually thrown in a gulag, right? And he is the reason why we know so much about the Russian gulags that we do. He was from the inside writing and detailing it, writing and creating all the history that we can use today to understand what was happening. When he was arrested, this is making a really long story short, but when he was arrested in 1974, February 12th, 1974, he had finished an essay called Live Not by Lies. There's somebody within the Constitution Party, and you'll know him, his name is David Gilley. He had taken Alexander's essay, and translated it. This guy is very fluent in Russian, a very phenomenal guy. Uh, and he's translated it. And that's actually the, uh, what I wanted to go through today. There is a copy on this website as well. If you scroll down a little bit, you'll find it, uh, called live not by lies. And it's very close translation. Yeah. David Gilley is a brilliant guy. He is. He's fun to, he's, I'm, I'm glad to know him. And, uh, you know, one of those people that has made such an impact on just raw intelligence. And I mean, that's just incredibly high IQ individual. And he's fun to talk to because he's got a mind that's just, it's just amazing. Yeah, I like the way he translated some of the literature. Some of his grammar I like better than what was on the website there. Where is David Gilley's translation of it then? David Gilley only has it in paper, right? Got it. I just happen to be lucky enough to have a copy from him. It's one of those, you know, received by request only types, I guess. Got it. But anyway, the one online is a very good translation as well. There's not a whole lot of ideological differences. It's mainly just grammatical differences. So he had written this to help his Russian friends and family and the rest that remained there to promote the idea that everything that we send out or that we talk about or that we participate in, we need to verify that it is truth. And some things are just almost impossible to verify. Okay, we did not plan this, guys, but this is crazy because it seems like it's an out. It's kind of inspired off of my Monday show with intelligence officer Tom Speciale. And this was not coordinated. I don't know if you watched it, but we were talking about truth on Monday. So this was not a coordinated or planned effort to my knowledge, but this is really interesting. So, yeah, when we start promoting any amount of false truths, we're promoting a lot, right? We use the analogy often of rat poison, right? How do you kill a rat with rat poison? What is it made of? Well, it's 99.99% rat food and .01% poison. It only takes a little bit to ruin the truth, okay? If you promote the truth, it'll defend itself. But when you start mixing it, People will begin to believe small lies at a time, and that's how these world leaders in the past have gotten into power. They promote small lies over and over, and eventually the people believe it, right? That was one of Adolf Hitler's famous phrases. If you promote a lie loud enough, long enough, and often enough, the people will believe it, and it's absolutely true for those who don't know the truth, right? So we'll jump into this, and we'll Feel free to interrupt and pause and break as we go because there's a lot that ties into the same things you can see happening today. Again, this is David Gilley's translation of Live Not by Lies. He says, there was a time when we dared not even whisper. Now we write and read Samutstead, which is their newspaper. Vent our bitter hearts openly in each other's presence during smoke breaks and scientific research institutes. What disaster will they bring upon us next? What are they dragging us into now? There's the useless bankrupting in outer space. I think that's the right word, sorry. While we are ruined and bankrupt here at home. The propping up of far-off barbaric regimes and the fomenting of civil wars, and they senselessly raised up Mao Zedong at our expense, And it is we who will be sent to fight for him. And we'll have to go. Where are you going to hide? And they sentence whomever they want and make cripples of the healthy. It's all they. We are powerless. Sounds a lot like what I hear from a lot of really demoralized people out there. You know, that whole first paragraph. I think everybody has heard people talk about that. They are so big, so powerful. What can we possibly do to stop? Right. The whole idea there. He says, We've all but reached the bottom. General spiritual destruction has come upon us all, and any day now a physical destruction will ignite and consume us together with our children. And we, as ever, smile like cowards and mutter insipidities. What can we do to stop it? We are powerless. We have been so dehumanized that for our miserable daily crumbs, we will surrender all principle, our very souls, all the strivings of our fathers, all prospects for our prodigy, If but to hug tightly our comfortable existence. We have no firmness left, nor pride, nor warmth in our veins. We do not even fear a general nuclear death, nor a third world war. Maybe we'll find some crack to crawl into. The one thing we fear is a single step of civic courage. Please let me not be torn from the crowd to stand alone. Let me not be left without a stick of white bread or gas or a Moscow residence permit. I mentioned this, what, two weeks ago when we went through the American crisis. Remember when Thomas Paine had met the man standing there with a child in his arms? And the guy said, well, let me have peace in my life. The great coward's cry, all the while not caring about his own children. It's kind of the same principle there. What they beat into us in political indoctrination now springs up as a native plant in the souls of our minds. Just let me survive as painlessly as possible. Environment, social conditions are everything. One cannot escape these. Conditions determine consciousness. Don't look at us. We can do nothing. That's what they say. But we can do everything. But we lie to ourselves to assuage our souls. There is no they. It is we who are to blame for it all. We ourselves and no one else. That is the most... true statement that I have heard because you know everybody wants to talk about how bad the government is but the government is a reflection of us if they're corrupt it's because the country is morally bankrupt and you can see it everywhere you go lack of courage lack of lack of standing up and refusing to capitulate to evil, lack of being involved. How many times have you heard, I don't want to be involved in government? Well, you know what? I hate to say it, honeys. We're all involved in it. We're paying for our own demise right now in their extorted taxes and everything else. You can't not be involved because you're involved by default. And had we stepped up, 30, 40 years ago, all right? You guys are outside of that, but I'm not. But had we stepped up and had we known then, I'm not even saying that it's our fault, right? But had we been aware, stepped up, I think we probably could have headed this off before they have the power that they have right now. But Are we going to look back at this in another 40 years and say, I wish we would have done something in 2024 to head this off with what we know now? It is a slippery slope and it's not going to get better unless we get away from the normal accepted policies of carrying out government, of carrying out our daily life, of looking at buying things for our comfort and such instead of putting everything we have into defeating the evil that's here. And the evil is coming for people, souls. It's murdering. It's destruction. It's Satan himself. Well, at the gym this morning, one of the songs that came up on the radio there was Another Brick in the Wall by Pink Floyd. And there have been warning signs for a very long time now but people ignored them. And the worst part about all that is the next generation is going to stand up, just as my generation has done and the generation before me, and look back at the people who stood around and did nothing because they just wanted a decent, easy American life, and they're going to look back and say, why didn't you fight for us? Why did you leave the fight for us to handle? Right. That scares the crap out of me, thinking my kids might say that to me. Well, I don't think they're going to say it about you or anybody else that's here, because anybody that's here is probably already standing up to fight. But the question is, how far are you willing to go? The people are still sufferable. I love that phrase. I just keep repeating it because they had that right in the Declaration of Independence. These people are still suffering. like willing to accept the evils as sufferable and and they talk about it a lot but they're not they're not they're willing to accept it up to a point I and I think we're nearing that but we still have a ways to go well sufferable it's like like even suffering the parties right now I mean, I'm not walking away from this, these political parties. And yesterday I wrote a post that said, okay, because somebody said, who are you endorsing? And, you know, people want to ask me, you know, my opinion quite often. And I'll say, who are you endorsing? I'm like, I'm not going to endorse. I think it's wrong. And so I'm like, that my point being is anybody that has big money ads or anything else behind them, they're being funded by big money. They're being funded by the big dark money, the corporate money. If you vote for them because you've seen them on the ads, you're complicit. And so I'm like, I don't vote. I won't vote for anybody that has the big advertising behind them. I won't vote for when you start seeing that there's money involved in it. And it's like my whole thing is we need to vote all incumbents out because they are all complicit. They have all been vetted. They are part of the system and they have all of them failed and the parties have failed. And we are going to have to go to the point of abolishing the political parties. That's all we have right now. I'm praying to God that this whole system comes down because it is not something we can build on. It's a lazy way of running the country and just sitting there and accusing other people of doing the wrong things, sitting back and watching them fail instead of getting involved. And I do hope everyone voted yesterday, too, because whether you are involved in the parties that had primaries yesterday or not, one of the most important things on the ballot yesterday was in my opinion, were the judicial candidates. There were so many activist judges on the ballot yesterday. It's not even funny. And this round of voting is one of our backstops against that kind of thing. You have to vote. That's the first step of being involved. So go ahead, Bill. Where are you going to go next? Well, remember on that note, because I just heard it yesterday. I hear it every election cycle. Well, why do we vote? Because voting doesn't matter, right? And I've said similar things to say that, you know, your vote only goes as far as what you believe the counters say, right? Meaning that the upper level offices, right, the U.S. offices and even the upper state offices and sometimes even counties say, I believe your vote is not going to show. Because that is all, well, we haven't fixed those issues yet. Because of that, those votes are not going to matter. However, it does matter in the fact that you have to answer for what you voted for or didn't vote for. Understand that as an individual, we all will give an account to to the creator as to what we did with our voice. Well, and the bigger issue here in that is, in my opinion, Bill, is that it's not up to us to see the end game. When God asks you to do something, whether you think you can do it, whether you're equipped to do it, whether you see any go, whether you win, lose, or draw, God asks you to do something and you do it. It's up to him to to either carry the ball in one direction or another direction. But as long as you do what you know you're supposed to do, that's the game right there. And you made the good point earlier between your gubernatorial race and then Aaron's precinct delegate run, right? The fact that somebody at a local level can garner several hundred votes, But then somebody running at a state level who campaigned, right? And somebody running at a state level who campaigned can barely garnish $15,000, right? There's a point to that because I've always said local elections are controllable, right? We can vote people in or out at the local level. Your township level doesn't. is very controllable, right? There are several in Michigan that are corrupt enough that you actually need watchers and challengers in there to fight for. And the minor parties really do have pretty good success at a local level as well. Yeah. Most of the townships, the clerks are still willing to actually run things correctly. It's when it goes up the chain through the county to the state, that's when numbers get manipulated, right? Every time it changes hands, numbers can be manipulated very easily. Well, they're flipping them inside the machines. I mean, they're flipping them inside the machines at the programming level, the operating system level. No two ways about it. That there's enough evidence there. I kind of hope somebody actually arrests somebody on making a statement like that. I don't think they got the guts to do it because they know we're right. And they know there's evidence. There's evidence. You want to arrest any of us on this thing. The voting was rigged. The elections are rigged. It's rigged at the operating system level of all the machines. The modems are connected to the Internet. They're flipping the votes. You can see them flipping the votes. You can see them batching votes in. And the evidence is all there. And watch them. They're not going to arrest anybody. They keep threatening because they know if they arrest somebody, it's going to come out. But that went to court so many times and it's lost every time. Except if you look at the records and it wasn't actually accepted into the court and there was no ruling on it in almost every single case. But they've made everybody believe that the evidence has been presented and it was actually decided on when it wasn't. There were so many false cases started just to fail to make it look that way. And then we've brought it up before with the American Heritage Foundation. When you look at all the previous convictions and arrests that have been made for election fraud in the past several years, it's there. It's very clear. And anybody missing it, you're only missing it because you're not looking for it. That's what it comes down to. But like you said, we still have a duty to do the right thing on our level. Yep. Regardless of what they're doing. my husband and I voted last night cast our ballots and I was number 155 in our township yep I was 251 out of 4 700 people I was 110. i don't remember my number Okay, well, let's go ahead and continue, Bill. Well, everything we just talked about leads right up into the very next section, right, where we just talked about how we ourselves have to do it. We're the ones to blame, and it's all us. There's no they. But some will object, but really, what are you going to come up with? We have been muzzled. No one listens to us. No one asks us. How can we make them listen to us? He says. It is impossible to change their minds. The natural thing would be to elect a new them. But there is no such thing in our country, referring to the USSR, as electing new ones. In the West, they have such things as strikes, protest demonstrations, but we are so beaten down the thought is terrifying. What, refuse to work, suddenly go out into the street? and all the other fateful paths tried out in the last hundred years of bitter Russian history, we are even less fitted for those. And rightly said, now when every axe has hacked its own, when the seed that was sown has have sprung up, it is clear to us all how errant were those paths, how diluted our childish concepts that by terror and bloody uprising we could make our land just and happy. No thank you. Fathers of the Enlightenment, now we know stinking means brings stinking ends. Let our hands at least be clean. And so, has the circle closed upon us? And is there really no way out? And have we really nothing left but do wait inherently for something to happen suddenly of itself? But it will never fall away from us on its own, not so long as we, every one of us, every day continue to affirm it, praise it, strengthen it, so long as we decline to turn away at the very least from its most vulnerable point, from the lie. When violence breaks in upon a peaceful human life, its face is aflame with self-confidence. It emblazons on its banner and proclaims boldly, I am violence. Run, hide, I will crush all. But violence soon ages. But a few years pass and it is already less sure of itself. We saw that happening over the last several years, right? The lie lost its power. The violence lost its power. All within just a few years' time. And this was written back in 74. Remember that. For violence has nothing in which to clothe its nakedness but lies. And lies can only be maintained by violence. And it is not every day, not on every shoulder, that it lays its ponderous paw. It demands of us only subservience to the lie, daily participation in the lie. All filthy lies in this. And just here, right here, the one key that we have ignored, the simplest, most easily accessible key to our deliverance, personal non-participation in lies. Let lies cover everything. Let lies possess everything. But let us resist in this smallest thing. Let them rule without me. And there lies a breach in this imaginary ring of our confinement, the easiest for us and the most devastating for the lie. For when men once turn away from the lie, it simply ceases to exist. Like an infection, it can only exist within living men. We are not called upon, we are not ripened, to go into the square and shout out the truth, or even to utter aloud what we think. No need for that, that is frightful. But let us merely refuse to say what we do not think. This is the first step he's talking about. If you can't get up and proclaim the truth, at least quit participating in the lie. And that is the path for us, the easiest and most accessible in our long-grown organic cowardice, so very much easier, frightful to contemplate, than civil disobedience a la Gandhi. Our path to refuse to render conscious support to lies, once having ascertained the boundary of the lie, each will discern it differently." " step away from that gangrenous limit, to refuse to tape up the dead bones and scales of ideology, to refuse to sew together the torn rags. And we will be astounded how soon and how helplessly the lie will fall away and will suddenly appear in its own proper nakedness, naked before the world's gates." So let each of us choose through our timidity whether he will remain the conscious servant of the lie, not by inclination to be sure, but to feed his family, to nurture his children in the spirit of lies, or whether the time has arrived for him to stand erect, an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries. So here, Donna, you and I have been, or you have been working specifically on some resolutions that are going to be brought up here in the near future, right? Yeah, I've got five of them really coming along pretty well, and then I've got, they keep getting in. I think I'm up to 15 more right now that I'm working on, and we're going to name names for removal, and then I am working on trying to figure out how to do pro se to as an outreach or how do I say the next step away from the resolutions because we're going to have to do something. to stand there and have some teeth in it. But with that said, you know, I literally, we cannot do this alone. We have to stand together, united. And that means everyone that says that they care has got to stop backing away from this and getting into the things that matter, not this nonsense of who we like, who we don't like, whose team we're on, who's not team we're on and such. But is this going to actually right the problems that we have? So this document, when you get a chance throughout this week, get back on that website and read through it a couple times. Because if you look at the format of this, it is in fact his own resolution, right? Done in essay form. Most resolutions we see have the whereases and then the resolves at the end, right? This is the same principle. Everything we just read was basically the whereases, the facts that are happening and the facts of what people are or aren't doing. Now, the last part of the document, he ends by giving us the results of what we should be willing to resolve in our own lives to stand against what we see. He says, and from that day forth... He, and then point by point, will no longer write, sign, or publish in any manner a single phrase that in his opinion distorts the truth. Will not utter such a phrase either in private or in an assemblage, not from a script handed to him, nor in the role of an agitator, teacher, mentor, or from the theatrical stage. He will not depict in it painting, sculpture, photographically, technologically, musically, will not accompany nor relay a single false thought nor a single distortion of the truth that he can discern as such. Will not embellish either his spoken or his written word with a single leading quotation in flattery. For instance, for the success of his work, if he does not fully share the sentiment or if it is not precisely... He will not permit himself to be dragged to a demonstration or rally if this is against his wish and desire. Will not take in hand nor hold aloft a banner or slogan of which he does not fully approve. Will not raise his hand in support of a suggestion that he does not sincerely endorse. Will not vote openly or secretly for a person whom he considers unworthy or doubtful. Will not permit himself to be compelled to attend a meeting where the forced distorted discussion of a question is expected. will immediately leave a session, meeting, lecture, show, or movie the moment he hears from the speaker a lie, ideological drivel, or shameless propaganda. He will not subscribe to or buy a newspaper or magazine in which information is twisted or the most pertinent facts are concealed. It is certain we have not enumerated all of the possibilities and necessary acts by which one can turn away from the lie, but whoever begins to cleanse himself will, with a clear gaze, more easily discern other cases. One example, my wife used to work in a bank vault for Comerica Bank years and years ago. They are taught, as they handle money... to be able to depict counterfeit bills, they don't go through and study different ways of counterfeiting bills, right? What they look like, what they feel like. But they spend their entire time understanding, feeling, looking at, and depicting what an actual dollar bill, 520, 5,500, whatever, what those look and what those feel like. the moment a counterfeit bill comes through their fingertips, something doesn't feel right anymore. And they're able to pick up counterfeits that way, right? We don't understand a lie by studying the lies. We understand the lie by studying the truth, right? What we're supposed to be, what this is supposed to look like. And you will understand. Can I bring something up here on this point that you said, because this is really, I don't mean to interrupt you. But going back to the truth and providing absolute, unwavering, immutable truth, you know, things that don't change that are forever. This, though, often starts by the way we see. And this goes back to my earlier conversations with Tom Speciality. He said, you know, we should only talk the truth. And how do you know something is the truth? But it comes back to the fact that we have to trust ourselves also and what God puts in us to discern the truth. and look at things and go, this is in fact a lie because we know the truth. So providing absolute proof of truth sometimes is a little bit Difficult to do, but when you see it and you know something's wrong because you know the truth, the overall truthful, does this make sense? You have to trust yourself in the way that God leads you because if you don't walk in faith, listening to God, trusting that little voice inside you that will always talk to you, you're going to be lost. And that is step one for all of us. that we have to connect with God and trust that he's talking to us, and then move into investigation. And I think, too, there's a clear distinction here between the attitude presented here and the one presented on Monday, and that this is, as was mentioned earlier, a personal choice. This is not a top-down squelching of opinion that disagrees with the accepted narrative of what is truth. This is a personal choice to not utter something that you do not believe is true. Good point. Okay, continue, please, Bill. Yeah, that's where it starts, right? We've said it here numerous times. It starts at the local level. That's the way the governments form. That's the way this entire country exists, from the individuals up, not the other way around. So we saw some of this happening in 2020, 2021, right? Especially the persecution of nurses, right? Persecution of doctors. We saw that it was blatant, clear across the news media, right? You could see it. And thank God there were people willing to step up, set their shoes aside and walk out in defense of the truth. He writes here, of course, everything will not run smoothly at first. Some will lose his job for a time. Remember that year, all right? so that they'll have to choose. But there remains no escaping for any human being who desires to be an honest. No one among us, even in the safest of the technical sciences, can even for a day elude even one of these steps that we have named, toward the truth or toward the lie, in the direction of spiritual independence or of spiritual lackeyism. And whoever lacks even the courage to defend his own soul, let him not boast of his progressive views. Let him not smugly intone that he is an academic or national artist, a retired man of affairs or a general. Let him confess to himself, I am cattle, a coward, but let me be warm and sated. Even this path, the most moderate of all paths of resistance, will not be easy for us who have done time in the camps, but how much easier than self-immolation or even a hunger strike. The flames will not engulf your body, nor your eyes burst from the heat, and your family will always find black bread and clean water. He used the word black here. That I might have to get with him because that's probably white bread that he's referring to. Has not that great European nation, betrayed and deceived by us, Czechoslovakia, shown us that even a naked breast can stand against tanks if within it there beats a worthy heart? You say this will be no easy path. No, but the easiest of those possible. A difficult choice for the body, but the only choice for the spirit. A difficult path, yet there are even now people among us, tens of them, who have kept all of these points, who live by truth for years now. And so it will not be necessary to step out alone at the first, but merely to join oneself to others. The more of us who join in this path with a friendlier goodwill, the easier and shorter it will seem to us all. If we become thousands, they will hardly be able to exact their reprisal. If we become tens of thousands, we will not recognize our country. If, however, we prove cowards, then it is no time for us to complain that they will not let us breathe. It will be we who are choking ourselves, bend a little more supinely, wait a bit more, and our brothers the biologists will soon announce the day when they can read our thoughts and remake our genes. If we prove cowards in this, then we are nothing, hopeless, and will have earned Pushkin's contempt. And a quote by Pushkin was, what are freedom's gifts to the herd? Theirs from generation to generation is but the belled yoke and the latch. I think that's a pretty good, doggone good essay. That's a great essay. How did you come upon this? Well, that was actually presented to me a few years ago by David Gilley. And he told me to look at it. This is what he claims was probably the start to the downfall of the USSR. It was this being promoted across the entire Soviet Union and people starting to act on it. that began the turn to reclaim Russia as we know it today. So I can't verify that as fact, but it definitely held a good point. And the writings here were published shortly after that, in 1988, were published publicly across Russia. Before that, it was all private, one-to-one. It was like an underground system that Alexander wrote through. And I use Alexander just because I can't pronounce his last name right every time. But he wrote underground most of the time and would very rarely see his works published until later on in his life anyway. Is it Schultzenitzen? Schultzenitzen? Schultzenitzen, something like that. Solzhenitsyn. I've never heard it pronounced, so I'm merely guessing on what I see there. But it holds a lot of good points, that it's each individual's responsibility to denounce any lies that we see. And not only to denounce them, but not to partake in them at all. One of the things that we point out... Look at what goes on in the American church today. How many empty churches do we have? And this may seem off topic, but follow me through to the end here. For instance, I was helping out one up here in New Eagle County. Just two old men was all that was left because everyone else had left. The whole building was falling apart. and I had offered my help. I said, this is what we can do here. I don't mind fixing buildings up. I'm not one to charge for such a thing. It's just a duty that we have. But they didn't want it because they were so tied up in the system. They couldn't break free from their government handouts. And I wasn't willing to reconstruct what used to be there if it's all done on government handout because then it's no longer a church. But when you think about such things and know there are hundreds of little bitty empty churches that still try to promote truth at least as much as they know it compared to just giant mega churches who oftentimes are just entertaining goats, right? As Spurgeon had said. And then look at, compare that to sports arenas, right? Read through the book of Jeremiah when God talks about Israel having a God in each of their city, right? According to the number of thy cities are thy gods, O Israel, he said. You think about that. We have football stadiums in like every major city across America, right? We have baseball stadiums in every major city across America, right? I draw that comparison all the time when I look at that and see how packed those stadiums are. See how much people will distort their bodies and paint their faces and go out there in the middle of a blizzard to watch people get paid millions of dollars to fight over pigskin that they can all buy themselves. And then to see on Sunday morning... I was hoping somebody would laugh. I was going to try to stay serious the whole time. But then to see on Sunday morning the same area with tons of little empty churches. Where is the lie being promoted? Well, you know what you're seeing is you're seeing people that aren't willing to work and just want to be entertained. And it comes down to not what do you talk about, where did you go, but what did you do? What kind of a, what work have you been willing to do along the way? You know, and we see that all the time. It's like people show up to meetings and such, but they're not willing to do anything. They just want to be there. They want to sit there. They want to be entertained. They want to know, what are you going to do? Because I've got this idea. And I mean, we've talked about this a lot. What are you going to do to make sure that my idea gets carried forward? And I'm like, Well, what are you going to do? It's your idea. You're not jumping on anybody else's idea, but you want people to jump on yours. Well, guess what? Everybody seems like they want somebody else to fix their problems. Instead of saying, I'm going to do this. These are my steps to accomplish what God has put into my heart. I can go to a group of people. and see what assistance they can give me. However, it is my responsibility to carry out what God put in my heart. Just want their bread and circuses. Yes. But there's another branch topic here, too, that I wanted to kind of circle back on from something Bill said. And that is the concept of not making money off of doing the right thing. Right. And that is... It's kind of a branch topic, but it's something that's significant that we see a lot is people wanting to be paid for or otherwise compensated for doing something that they really have a civic duty to do in the first place. Exactly. For me. How can I make money on every single turn of my life? How can I take, take, take? How can I make a deal? That whole thing, when I got it figured out that this was a human characteristic, because I know the four of us that are on this panel right now, I know you guys know enough to know that we are not always making trades. People don't believe that. But I think everybody here looks at what can I do to be helpful in this world? Money aside, right? And I mean, there's sometimes things go in the right direction, but there's a lot we all do that we just do it because it's the right thing to do. But when I came to, when somebody finally explained it to me, the human condition is that people are always making trades all the time. I give you this and I expect something in return. And, you know, so when you see people that have that mindset that is, you know, they're keeping a tab in their mind. they're, they're really keeping it. And, and I saw this one instance that was really shocking to me. A friend of ours, dad died and somebody that I know said, yeah, I guess I better go to that because I might need them for something sometime. I was like, That's not why you go to a funeral. That is not why you serve. That is not why when you see somebody in need or hurting that you do something. You do it because the reward of doing the right thing is a reward. It's not that you're going to get back. It's that you're able to participate in something beautiful and good and wholesome. The reward is being able to participate and do the good works. And I think that's what our a reward in heaven is going to be. People want to look at these rewards. Oh, I want this. I want this. I want this. I think the reward is, is that God's going to give us more work to do. And just the, the doing of good things. That's the reward. It's going to be shocking to those people that have a materialistic mind mindset that they get to do. They get to have, have, have building up their own little personal castle in their minds, in their bodies, in their things. That's not how it works. it works that you will probably be given more good things to do or more difficult tasks to do. And are you going to fold or are you going to continue on? Well, he who can be trusted with little can typically be trusted with much, right? But he who can't be trusted with much can no longer be trusted with little either. Basically, what you just brought up was the story of the rich man and Lazarus, right? The rich man ended up lifting up his eyes in hell and is still expecting Lazarus to come and dip his finger and go touch his tongue. But he was told, you in your life received your reward. You received the good thing. Lazarus just received the evil things all his life. Now he's comforted in your torment. Christ talks about that in the New Testament as well when he goes into and says, not all who say Lord, Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven. There were people who say, hey, didn't we cast out demons in your name? Didn't we heal these people in your name? They're using God like a genie in a bottle. It says, depart from me ye who work lawlessly. Why? Because they were in it for them. They did not understand. They were not repentant. They just wanted some sort of reaction or benefit to themselves for that purpose. That's the whole point. And on that same note, you mentioned, Donna, that everybody should be in on this helping, right? We did mention a bunch of resolutions we got coming up. I look forward to that. I really do. I think the reaction that I got from all these resolutions that I wrote was really amazing when I said this. I just decided to do this. And, you know, and I started looking at things and I'd like some feedback on it because I've never done it before. I don't know what I'm doing, just like I didn't when I ran for governor, but it needed to be done. And I just jumped forward and I'm going to start Zoom meetings with anybody that wants to, you know, jump in and look at this and help with this. Because, you know what, I know we always talk about having members to the party. I would love people to join the party. It would be great to have somebody that says, you know what, guys? You guys have been the underdog fighting with everybody just beating the living hell out of you in the public square and everything else. And you know what? I'm going to come and help you guys. I'm willing to join. I'm willing to stand with you and fight for this nation. But it doesn't matter. We're going to do it anyway. but I would love to see people join in and, and absolutely join in and say, you know what? I see an effort here that I think I want to get involved in and I'm willing to come in and help and stand and stand with us. So I'm going to, I'm going to announce this. And it's like, you know, I haven't talked to you about you guys about it yet, but whether they're a part of the party or not, we're all Americans. And I would love to see people step up and, and, put their input into this and help us be better. And then hopefully you will have the ability to look at this and say, you know what, I'm going to join this and I'm willing to stand with people that are not going to compromise or fall into the same structures that have been taking and tearing this nation down. Yeah, and it's obviously not about money, right? You can ask Don or I, show up at a meeting, you'll find out it's not about money. But it's more about actual hands, actual workers. And it's not like Don or I are going to ask you, hey, we need you from 1 to 5 in the afternoon, five days a week. Because I can't even give you that. There's just no way that that can happen in my life. But what we can use is maybe... Maybe you can separate one hour every other week. Or every week with resolutions because we got to get these things done because I'm calling for a complete cessation of using these voting machines. The voting machines have to be stopped and it's got to be stopped before the 2024 elections. And an offshoot of that is being able to file pro se to stop these machines dead in their tracks before this election because they are rigging the elections. We have no election if we have the voting machines amongst the other things. And it's important, but you're absolutely right. You don't have to stop your life like I have. And I know other people have that are not getting paid for this, you know, but we've got to jump in. Yeah, it only takes a little bit of time every once in a while. And I want to say one more thing to just because I feel like I need to have a good bitch session right now. I'm going to tell everybody who thinks that Donna Brandenburg is in this for anything to shove it squarely where the sun doesn't shine. Because the point being is that I have not, you know, we I have not. done anything. I never wanted to be in the public eye. It was painful for me beyond all things. You know, when I got asked to run, I didn't decide I was going to run. I got asked to run. I really never wanted to be in the public eye. I am very happy to be, I'm actually very much an introvert and I like my alone time. It's a, it's a, It's an everyday push for me to go out and be in front of people and such, because if it were my choice, I wouldn't be. I'd be learning. I'd be reading. I'd be researching. I'd be working with individuals. I'd be helping in the background. Right. This is not something I want to do. Brandenburg News Network came out of me being completely and totally pissed off. at being canceled, being shoved to the background, being told to shut up, being told, you know, having the election completely rigged, having a crime committed against me by keeping me off the ballot, not once, but twice, as the only person I believe that has a distinction of being kicked off the ballot two times in an election cycle with two different parties. And still getting on. And still getting on the ballot, refusing to quit. And it's like, there's nobody here that's getting paid. You can go to all the other shows that are on. The first question they're going to ask is, how are you polling? What kind of money have you raised? Screw them all. This is not what we're about here. This is not what the taxpayers party is about. And this is, I'm going to tell you what, whatever God determines is going to happen, so be it. if the American population is so dumb to continue on the way that they have been and to be so dumb to be go along and get along, I'll tell you right now, God's going to hand them their tail and you're going to be out in the desert for another 40 years of pain and suffering, just like it's happened before. The precedent, the pattern is there. It is a choice of apathy and and self-righteousness to sit there and buy into the lies and being afraid of being called names. and having your neighbor hate you. You get in the political arena and you run for anything, immediately, 90% of the people that you thought were your friends are going to be completely gone. They're going to turn their back on you. They're going to spit, pretty much spit on you when you walk past them because, oh, you're just another politician. Well, you know what? It takes some guts to step forward and to be that person that refuses to go along, get along, to say those hard things that need to be said, regardless of what anybody tells you you should say or not or do. and to do it without money, to do it without payment, to do it because you love not only this country, which God gifted us with, which requires maintenance, which most people don't have the guts to stand up because they want their comfort. They want their this. They want their neighbors to love them every time they come and bring them cookies at their little personal bitch sessions at these meetings. And they don't do a damn thing. They stand for nothing. That requires work. It requires being able to stand there and take the pushback and the hate that's going to come your way and doing it for no payment without money just because it's the right thing to do. I want to vouch for you, Donna, that I was there in the beginning. I never met you before. I didn't know very much about you at all. I was invited to come and you were just... like in the process of considering running you wanted to get some feedback from other people and I challenged you and you took you stood there and you listened and you accepted that you didn't have all the answers to the questions you did your ground I mean you didn't wilt and cry and go I'm done with this I can't do this but you gas and oil companies these people are are miserable But I could see in your eyes that you were striving to do this. This wasn't your idea that you were just determined to all get out to gain something for yourself. You understood that this was going to be a hardship. This was not going to be easy. Was this really something that was a reasonable step for you and for the state? And for the country, really. Maybe you didn't realize that then, but you were not out there to make a name for yourself. Yesterday, I shared a link to an article about some people running for the mayor in Grand Rapids. And there were three or four candidates who had these nice, pleasant photos of them on the street or with their family in front of a nice house. and you're so used to seeing you know I'm I'm well to do and a nice person or I'm just like you um and then there's this guy who's who's like well I think he was giving a peace signal but he's like shadow beard and staring at the camera really up close and horrible quality photo he goes by pronouns of they them themselves whatever and the language of his answers to the questions was quite different he was in there for an agenda I want to see pissed off patriots that are going to get out there and say what needs to be said, regardless of anybody else's approval, because the ones that are approving are probably part of that indoctrination group. that are just go along to get along and they don't stand for anything. We have to risk saying those things that are going to, because it's the way we truly feel or think about things. And that's not always going to be the way the crowd goes. The crowd always goes into, into, um, the crowd always goes along and goes to the, let's just say the dumbing down of America is real. Okay. The easy path, the crowd goes the easy path, but the ones that change the world are willing to stand up and do the hard things sometimes by themselves and sometimes against incredible, incredible people. persecution and such. That is where I think we test our souls and find out really what a person's made of right there. It's not just going along. What are you doing that shows that this is not just an exercise, but this is what you really feel. This is what's in here. This is what's in here and what you're willing to die for. You're going to be the sheep that follows the goats or the sheep that follows the shepherd? There you go. That's it. And what's the motivation? Is the motivation, honestly, for a political party in the United States of America? Or are we in a spiritual warfare where we're watching people around us not only be killed with these clot shots, with everything else that's going on, by a government that's waged war against its people? Like Ukraine, 700,000 people dead. They're telling you a lie. I've got an inside source. that there has been 700,000 people murdered in Ukraine because they're going to use it as a place to displace and move people to. That's their plan. The goal here is to watch these people and serve our Heavenly Father, God Almighty, no matter what the outcome is. And that takes some guts and courage. and speaking out when nobody is accepting the message. They killed Jesus for it, and it was the religious establishment that killed Jesus. It wasn't. It wasn't. And I want you guys to look at this, because when you start looking at the churches and how they're used right now, DeVos' have got the Seventh Mountain churches down there, and all of these nonsense churches that have accepted the 501c3s, they gutlessly folded. When the COVID shots and the lockdowns came out, is that for real or is it a lie? It's a lie. And we're going to have to get really good at going through this and understanding what's really happening on a personal basis. And I want to thank you. Derek's backstage right now, so I want to bring Derek in. But it's like I have said some really unpopular things, even being part of the taxpayers, part of the Constitution Party. I'm the vice chair of the Constitution Party in Michigan. And I have unapologetically said, I will be voting for President Donald J. Trump. I support him because they robbed him of his office in 2020. The attack was not just against him. It was against all of us. This is the hill to die on right there. But I also nominated for the Constitution Party, Randall Terry. And the reason being is that people have to have choices. And he stands for the right and the sanctity of life. We are all on the same. We're all on the same team. And the demonizing of people that are fighting on the same team, even Jesus said, if they're fighting with us, shut up your face. And basically I'm going to paraphrase them. Stop people in building teams that you're willing to die for every single thing that comes out of these people's mouths. Get a bigger picture of this, which is an eternal perspective and, and fight together. So, I'm going to give you each like 30 seconds because Derek has been very patient there and gracious, and I love you, Derek. Thank you. But we need to close this up here, and I'll give you each 30 seconds time. Go ahead, Bill. Then Kieran and Ralph. Well, remember in Act 16 when Paul and Silas healed the demonic lady and the guys realized that all their fortunes are gone now because this girl can no longer predict the future through demonic activity, right? They brought them to who? to the magistrates, the governing officials, the people in charge of the law. And what did they say? These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city. In 20 and 21, they said, And teach customs which are not lawful for us to receive, neither to observe, being Romans. And the multitude rose up against them, and the magistrates rent off their clothes and commanded to beat them. Is that what's happening to us? Of course not. Why? Is my question. Are we willing to? Are we willing to be the ones to trouble the present so that we can change the future? We should be. Outstanding, outstanding quote and subject there, Bill. That's great. Karen, 30 seconds or less. When Bill was reading a while ago about the statement about not participating in the lie, I had this vision of the very easy example of people who chose not to wear masks. Initially, it took a lot of courage for a lot of those people to do it. I was one of them that it was hard. I found ways around it. that was a way to not participate in the lie and I noticed yesterday in one of the harris the harris waltz rally there were people wearing masks there they are still participating in the lie that is a big difference it's it's it's a very simple example of what he was saying in there that day yep ralph oh I think just a lot of good stuff said here today that essay was great This is outstanding. Well, I will post that on my Telegram channel. So guys, thank you so much for coming on. I'm going to go ahead and play the intro here and I will be right back with Derek Gibson. And he, you know, I found out he had a problem with the petitions too. Just like this, this thing is so rigged. From top to bottom, it's incredible. Because anybody that's a good candidate that they've kept off the ballot by their nonsense, that's the person you need to listen to. Not the one that looks like Betsy and Dick DeVos, one of the precinct delegate positions in ADA. Are we this stupid? Are we this stupid that we actually, or is it rigged? I'm going to say it's rigged. But it's it's probably a combination. OK, so I'll be back in just a minute with Derek Gibson and dare to be different. Dare to be the disruptor. Dare to be the misfit. Dare to be the one that people look at and go, oh, God, they're back again. You know, be that person. OK, that's what we're going to do. I'll be right back. Thanks, guys, for being on. Bye. Thank you. Good morning and welcome to the second hour of Brandenburg News Network. I'm here on the seventh day of August 2024 and welcome to our second hour. I'm going to bring on my very special guest, Derek Gibson. How you doing, Derek? Well, good morning. I'm well. Hopefully you're doing the same. Always good. We're here talking to everybody. Got friends out there. What could be better? I know that's right. On top of the dirt. There you go. That's right. Another day to live and make a change here and the things that we see that are wrong. So what are we talking about today? I loved our interview, the last interview that we did at Turning Point, and it was so fun talking to you. We're both quite well enabled to say the unpopular things, and I love that. Right. And that's what's need to be said. People have got too comfortable with the lies, the bull crap. So it's time for somebody to flip the tables over in temple again. I love that. So can you give everyone a little bit of your history? I know it, but I'd like to have you say it in your words. And it's kind of good for people to get to know you a little bit, because I got to tell you, we were just laughing during the interview because of all the nonsense that had been the propaganda, the things that are lies that have been put out there. But tell everybody about your journey, what got you started in it, and then the organizations you started, as well as your run for governor. And I want to hear about your petition debacle there, because I had the same thing was removed. So you and I are brother and sister in this fight here for this nation, as well as being very committed Christians. And I don't mean that in a sense that a lot of people probably believe it in of just showing up. I believe that in, in, in the willing to die for our faith and accepting Jesus Christ as our savior. And we're, we're this, all this stuff needs to be said. So, so go ahead, please. Yeah, you're right about that. So good morning to everyone in the audience, everyone out there. My name is Derek Gibson. I'm a candidate for New York state governor. I was a former candidate last term and have issues there. But give you a little background on me. I was born in New York City. I moved to the South, well, my parents moved to the South when I was at a young age and I was raised in the Georgia area. So I went to school, graduated high school, won a scholarship to a technical college. I earned me a degree in automotive technology. And what propelled me to get into the political arena at that particular time at an early age was I got a chance to meet former President Carter on one Sadat and Menashe in Begin while I was taking a aircraft lesson trying to be a pilot. So I met those guys and it inspired me to get into politics when watching those particular guys. I went on to work in the automotive industry after that. And then I dipped back in and went to school and got my degree in criminal justice, devil and devil and law enforcement and other things. And I'm here today. And will you tell everybody what you fly? Yeah, I fly small planes and helicopters. Yeah, so there you go. There is one of Donna Brandenburg's accession is helicopters. I think they're cool. I like to track them and such. So that doubles or triples or quadruples your cool factor right there for me. Okay, then. We got to go flying one day, maybe. That sounds like fun. So with that said, what did you do? What does your political career look like? And when you got kicked off the ballot, what did you do and how have you been supporting President Trump, the rightful president of the United States? So to take the lead, I've been supporting President Trump since he took office in 2016. I got behind him. I watched him as he was campaigning. I thought the guy had absolutely no chance to become president of the United States. And because in the back of my mind, I always say they appointed a selective for president. And I was like, this is Hillary Clinton. They're going to put her in the office. So that's where I was. But when I President Trump surprised everybody and got into office. And I started watching him and his policies. And I like the way they got talk. He went in and he talked. He didn't have that clean edge on him. He just let you have it like it was. And I was like, wow, I can relate to this guy. Because people need to hear that kind of talk at this particular time. And he did those things. Then I started watching his policies, which was very good for America and America First. And even my community, the black community, was trying to uplift us because we have definitely been left behind and our community wasn't all for the peace of the American dream. And President Trump came into office and he put those things in place, even though the media was beating them down with Russia, Russia and racism and all other types of things. So I decided to run for governor because my former governor, Andrew Cuomo, said Republicans and conservatives wasn't welcome in the state of New York. And I was looking at what was going on in the state of New York, and it was like everything was going backwards and not forward. It wasn't good for our state. So I decided to put my hat in the ring and run. And I was actually doing very, very well up until the time of a GOP leader there, Nick Langworth, which is a congressman now. forced the county leaders, we go by county leaders, to endorse former candidate Lee Zeldin, who was just a friend of mine. He's a pretty good guy. But the time wasn't right for Lee Zeldin. As you know, he lost. And we went from there. So we challenged me, Andrew Giuliani, and a couple more candidates. So they said in order to get on the ballot, we would have to go out and gather signatures, which I did, over 15,000. But I had something done on me at that particular time while I was gathering the signatures. And I was like, this don't even make sense. Why don't we have an open primary on the Republican side? It's more like they just appointing people, you know, to be the county and then people voice really is not being heard. So I dropped it and it disqualified me because I wouldn't turn the signatures in. So that is where we stood on the last gubernatorial race. I got legal. We got legal matters in court in the New York Supreme Court. trying to force the GOP to open up a primary so that people can have a voice and pick the people that they actually want to run for that particular office. I love that. That's amazing. They got me with the petitions too, but I gathered like almost 28,000 and they basically went in and scratched without any proper process, without due process, without following the law. They basically, they never offered me a challenge and kicked me off the Republican ticket. And it was a combination of the signature gatherers, as well as what happened within the Board of Elections, including losing 10,000 signatures that they only found after a student Supreme Court. And so, I mean, there's so much going on here. I don't think that a lot of people have their arms around how bad the corruption is in, you running for office, but it doesn't mean you stop, you do it anyway. You got to fight. So and then what else did you what else have you done? Well, it was terrible, you know, all my own business, automotive repair shops, transmission repair shops, and construction company, which we was in contracts to do for the HBC colleges under President Trump. We was going to renovate, you know, the housing, be a house, and more dormitories. And we was in a contract with Jackson State in Mississippi at the time. Dion Summers was the coach there, so we were going to do the enclosed stadium, and we was going to do the new dormitories when Biden got elected. He killed everything that was gone. So under that, just those things, the few things I just named, Biden canceled those things out that really hurt our community, the Black community. We had a platinum plan on the agenda. We had opportunity zones, things like that. And they killed that right off the set when Biden took office. Hmm. Yeah, it really is kind of sad to see how many policies that President Trump really understood how to unify the entire country and honestly keep us out of wars. And the first day Biden got his little fake inauguration that happened after his little fake election, that he got in. I mean, he bombed Syria day one. And right off the bat, we were plunged right into foreign conflicts in a horrific way. So let's see. I think you're gone. There you are. You're back. So, yeah, I put it on. Do not disturb. But a phone call came through anyway. Yeah, no worries. That does happen. it's a live, live, uh, live broadcast. It's kind of interesting. It's real news for real people by real people at the kitchen table. I always say that. So it's okay, whatever it is. So what, what else is going on though? Um, and what else have you been involved in? So I read an article that you really got into trouble for, for supporting the proud boys and, uh, Right. Actually, that was an article that wasn't written correctly because, as you know, I am a proud boy. So not only am I supporting a proud boy, I am a proud boy. I've been a proud boy about 14 or 15 years. And as you know, the ACLU deem it as a white supremacist group. You know, I guess I'm a white guy. Well, we're going to go there because that's one of the things that we were laughing at. It's like I don't really ascribe to this white or black thing whatsoever because it's like you guys just got a better tan than I do. And, you know, it's like and so just so you know, I don't think I've ever seen any white privilege happening because I was digging worms out of a manure pile when I was a teenager trying to earn that whole part of my life escaped me. So, you know, it's like the white privilege never happened. And, you know, so you and I had a funny discussion about this, but you just got a better tan, which I wish I had. It's all good. But, you know, it was going on in today's world right now with the so-called election, so-called calling President Trump a dictator. And then the same people called him a dictator came out and nominated Kamala Harris. to beat the head of the DNC ticket to run for president. I was like, whatever happened to the voting from the people to choose the person to nominate? So if you look at it, they're very hypocritical, got a falcon tongue, and they nominated Kamala Harris instead of letting the people pick, and they called Trump a dictator. I was like, wow, I don't know who's the dictator. But the environment is ugly out here right now with this election. They're trying to do everything they can to steal the election from President Trump. He actually will win it by a landslide. It was a free and fair election, but we cannot get complacent on that. We have got to get ourselves to the poll, get everybody we know to the poll so we can overwhelm the cheating that they are going to do. Because it's clear that Kamala Harris is not that popular. She was polling around 28 percent just before she was elected. did like a dictator and pointed to run for the presidency. So if you look at the media, oh, she's leading this state. She's leading the poll. That's just manipulation to manipulate your mind and thinking that she's leading. So when they do come over to plan to cheat, which I'm sure they already have, they say, oh, she was leading the poll. It was no cheating, this and that. So you can see right through, clearly see what's going on in this nation with our elections. No better than Venezuela. It's the same exact thing. And we must stand up and fight and push back against these people. They kicked me out of Twitter yesterday. You know, I do very well. I was going to ask you about that because I got on Twitter and it's like, what the heck happened? It's like you're not there. And this is what I looked at this morning. I'm like, what happened to Derek? Because I was, you know, I tag you in my posts and such. And all of a sudden I'm like, you're like, you're gone. Right, gone. And permanent. So I'm permanently in the red. I'm permanent. I can see, but I can't post like I do nothing. Why? What did you do? They didn't say, but I imagine because, you know, I talk so blunt. So I imagine, you know, when I was talking about the Muslim, when I was talking about the faggots, whatever I call them, faggots. I'm not politically correct. I mean, it is what it is. So I imagine it was one of those things that got me. But they don't tell you what it is. They just say you can file an appeal. I don't know. So this is where we're at. Yeah. It's, it's really, it's really sad. And you know, it's like the hate speech that's going on. I think that this is crazy. You know, it's, it's just, you know, they're, they're just determining what words we can use and what, you know, it's like, I don't, I don't censor here. And, You know, if they kick me off another platform, so be it, because I don't censor and I believe in free speech. I don't have to agree with what people say, but I do feel like my internal compass is like, I would rather hear the truth. You know, this is the other thing when we come to talking about truth. I would rather have somebody walk up to me and say, Brandenburg, I absolutely can't stand you. You are a miserable human being. There's not one redeeming quality about you. And cuss and swear, whatever they want to say. But at least you got the truth. And I'd be like, OK, I can respect that. You know how to deal with those type of people. When they show it, you know how to deal with. But the one that hide it, like the Democrats do, it's hard to deal with those type of people when they do that. So I would rather have somebody open and honest than you know how to take those particular people. Yeah, exactly. I mean, say what's on your mind. And I mean, that's that is our God given right to say what what we believe and have that civil discourse and talk. But you know what? I still believe that we earn the right in a way when we're talking to people on an individual basis. And it's through respect. you respect other people, whether you agree or disagree with them. You know, it's like, like, you know, if we got into the racism discussion, I can get into that quite heavily, because we're, I've got a mixed race or family. And so, you know, it's, it's, what's really funny to me is, I had some reporters, some young white reporters, which they're not white. They just don't have a tan and they're different, right? And so they came to my house and they were trying to label me as this conservative white woman from the burbs and who shouldn't be able to have the right to talk. because you know whatever she says is going to be wrong because of white privilege and everything else that they have going on there which is bullshit it's just bullshit so these reporters show up at my door and I came out with my my you know south indian my black indian daughter who you know on my hip and they're just like you could see the horror in their face it's like It's like, you know, I didn't do it intentionally. It's just part of my it was part of my life, you know, and it was like all of a sudden they look at me and then I saw the horror in their faces. And this was back before I was really politically involved. And I was like, what's their problem? You know, it didn't even dawn on me as anything unusual. And then I go, oh, I get it. They're trying to label me as white woman from the birds. Shut your mouth. You don't have the right to talk. Right. That's right. They ran out of words real fast when they realized that their strategy didn't work so well because, you know, I'm pretty colorblind. I don't care. I just don't care. It's like people are different. You can't get two people no matter what they identify as in a room without having Some differences in the way we we live. We celebrate holidays. We do this. It's not it's you know, there's similarities. I'll give you that between groups. No, no two ways about it. They just want self-hate. They want you to hate yourself for being a so-called white person. They want you to hate yourself. Tameless person. A tanless person. That's what I mean. Right, right, right. And they want you to hate you. And when you don't do that, you push them against their narrative. I mean, it makes no sense that it comes directly from Satan and their division and their confusion. It's coming from Satan. So I call them Satan minions. That is exactly what they are because they're pushing that message out of confusion and it makes absolutely no sense. I don't entertain crap like that at all. I know God created us all. We are all human beings. Hate the evil, do not hate a person's skin color or whatever race they are. I've never felt that way about anyone that is different than me in anything. I literally was one of those kids that watched Sesame Street in the morning and And they said, one of these things doesn't belong. And they had like the four examples you have to choose. And I was that kid that looked at me like, well, they they all belong. And, you know, and I didn't see the differences. And I saw that way with people. I could you know, I just I don't see the differences. I see human beings and I see a lot of groups that have been marginalized because of of racism. a social cultural engineering to divide us, to make us hate each other, so that we have to identify as one thing or another. I am Donna Brandenburg, and that's the only thing I identify with. It will literally, you know, the things I like or I dislike may change based on what I see or more information, but I don't really identify as anything. I had somebody that tried to tell me that I couldn't, you know, I couldn't say something last week or two weeks ago, and I'm like, Just so you know, their dog was peeing on the common area of one of our buildings. And I'm like, your dog doesn't get to piss on the floor. And I'm like, I'm sorry. It's not OK for other people to have to walk over this. He's like, oh, what you said, you use language. And I'm like, I identify as a person that says whatever the hell I want to say. You're going to have to grow up and get used to it as you walk back into your apartment and turn on. on, um, you know, HBO or whatever it is that you watch where they use all the words. And it's like, and it's like, don't be a hypocrite to me. Cause I will call you out for it. And, uh, you know, in your, if you want to believe that that's fine, but don't use it to, as, as a battering ram to beat on me, because the moment that happens, it's game over. But Right, and it's crazy that all of this is going on, but to go back to the political arena on Kamala Harris' pick for the vice president, the same guy that wanted to put tampons in me and Rich, I was like, what the hell are we doing in this country? How depraved can we be at this particular moment? And people celebrate that guy and the pick. I mean, it's just stunning to me. I don't understand. I can't wrap my head around it. And I can see how people can't support stuff like that at all. Do they not see or hear what is happening going on in this nation? Evidently not. I guess they still got the scales on their eyes and they just can't see. It's a sad time in this world. Well, if you don't have God in charge of your life and in charge of the way you look at it, you kind of can't blame them in a way because if they don't have discernment, they form their own little gods within this world, in the material world. Because they've walked away from God Almighty. And that's unfortunate. They're probably not going to have discernment at that point in time. And just chase after whatever tells them they're going to gain from that material world becomes their God. We had a great discussion last hour. I know you were sitting there listening to some of it about how we have to put God first in all things. Right. Tell me some more about your faith and how you... I love that discussion. Let's talk about God for a while. So, you know, I was raised up in a Christian home, Christian conservative home, and we was instilled the values. We read the Bible. We was made to go to Sunday school, to church, which I got tired of. I went so much singing in the gospel choir, all that. But it stuck with us, all seven of us, brothers and sisters. It stuck with us. We never left it. We just stayed it because it makes sense. So we got grout morals and other things, you know, that was important. closeness to God that will draw you closeness to God. So this is what was taught and took to the family of our seven kids that my mom had. And we did not stray away. I know some people stray away, but we did not stray away. We stayed on that path after going out into the world, going to college and see how people act, how they conduct themselves. It was just like astonishing to me. And I never said a curse word until I was about 23 years old. I mean, because we weren't allowed to do any of that. Well, derogatory word or whatever you call it. But until then, but it was like, yes, when I went to college, it was like a whole nother world. I wasn't aware of people's talk, their actions, how disrespectful people were. It really, I just, I couldn't grasp it. I was like, who does this in life? You know, so it was a uh, learned experience to me, to me. So I joined the church, became a member of the church and I served in the church, sung in the, uh, gospel choir and did, uh, all the different things, you know, towards, uh, living a godly life. And basically that's it. Just stuck to the basic principle that was taught to us. Well, I have a lot of respect for you with also your background in, uh, you know, construction and, and having, um, you know, in, uh, uh, transmission work that you do. I mean, I think that's something we need to focus on too is, is the trades because how much our education system system has absolutely destroyed our younger generation by giving them thoughts, but they're, they can't support themselves because they taught them nothing that's profitable. So what are some of the things on your, on your platform that you really believe in? Cause I think you and I are so similar. It's crazy. Yeah, well, I had on about, you know, bringing our technical high schools back throughout the state of New York, getting rid of the Board of Education, which President Trump picked up for me, just sending it back to the cities and state, you know, the boroughs or whatever, lead the state out of because it was forcing, you know, the schools to. do this certain curriculum out of, which made absolutely no sense. So it was driving it back where it belonged. So we educate our children so when they get out of high school, they'll be able to speak the corporate language because they can't at this particular time. And college is absolutely no good unless you're going to be in a certain field. Otherwise, you're wasting your time. These technical high schools, well, you can get out of high school and go make your good living, make $100,000, $200,000 a year being a plumber. Automotive mechanics skills are unlimited, which you can make, which I did myself. I made myself wealthy by doing that. You have got to give these kids something, some kind of skill set so they can survive, so they can compete into society. But I think what happened is the reason they took this technical stuff out of high school because so many people were taking full advantage of it and not going to college and They wanted a permanent, we said poor class, whatever class, they wanted that. And they didn't want people just getting money like that. That's just my thoughts. I believe that's why it was taken out of schools itself. And yeah, it's right now, I will have to deal with crime that is running rampant. The illegal aliens we have in the state of New York, which is just overburdening New York state itself. And as a governor, not even one would be allowed to live, illegal alien would be allowed to live in the state of New York. I will work with ICE. I direct my officers to work with ICE. Use the guard that we have. We get rid of these people out of the state of New York. Taxes are too high. I want to bring the taxes way down. Actually, I want to do like the state of Florida do not have state income tax. We can do that if we... become good stewards of the taxpayers' money. There's no need for all the taxes that we tax. I can't even open a business in New York State. I don't even try. I got a business in Georgia where it's business friendly. If I open up in New York State, I'll pay out too many fees. It's ridiculous, but We have got to, as patriots, we have got to come back to bring them back around to our Constitution. We don't have the right to life that is in our New York State Constitution, which we have a Constitution of Congress coming up in 2027, and I'm fighting for that so we can get that put into our state Constitution. And I want to make a business-friendly New York State so our business will come back, get in breaks so we can provide jobs for our citizens. Our farmers is being put out of business. They're putting solo panel farms up or whatever, forcing the farmers out. We're buying food from other states instead of getting it from New York state, which we have a vast majority of farmers at the supply of a school system and other things in the state of New York. So that's just a few of the things that I want to do in the state of New York. Yeah, those, those, well, all of those issues and things can be expanded to what are, What are some of the other problems that you're seeing there? Because I just like to listen to you talk and tell everybody what's on your mind. Well, the problems we are having is we got these so-called progressives in New York City. They call themselves progressives, which they are really regressive. If you look at all of their policies, it's taking us back to the Stone Age days. So especially with not prosecuting people, it's... The housing that they are forcing landlords to let people stay in their housing without pay for years before you can get them out of there. So it's really destroying New York City. It's destroying the business owner, like I said before, just a few minutes ago. So what we got to do is turn these things around and ask governor. I would have the power to remove prosecutors. I would have the power to remove the males from the cities if they are not doing what they're supposed to do. And especially with the crime, I could be able to appoint a prosecutor to carry those sentences out of order to prosecute these particular cases, which I would do on day one because They have actually, it's not safe to walk down the street. It's not safe to be on our subway system. You could attack a young male masturbating on the system, standing up right behind a woman the other day. I mean, it's in public. And when one of the MTA employees spoke on it, the MTA said, threatened to fire him because he was speaking out warning the young ladies and the people that ride the rail system that what is going on. So we are backwards in New York City, which I live in New York City, but we have got to get a grip on New York City. We have got to get all these illegal aliens out of New York City. As you know, they do vote in our election. I was the first one to file a lawsuit when Mayor de Blasio was attempting to let these people vote in our local elections. And my lawsuit was thrown out. Saying that it didn't have any standing was like it didn't affect me. I was like, really, but I'm a New York State citizen, you know, so they vote and they get what they want. And as a citizen, I'm not getting what I want. Then later on, somebody else took it back to court and I kind of won that. But to say that. In the state of New York, if you get an ID or a driver's license, you're automatically registered to vote. And they're encouraging these illegal aliens to get those. So they're automatically being registered to vote. So they are voting out of election in regards to what anybody say or what you hear. Illegal aliens voting out of election. Now, so we are losing our grip on this country. If we don't do something drastic and if we don't do it immediately, we're going to lose this country as we know it. The Constitution is being subverted. I heard Congressman Jamie Raffens saying what they, if Trump win and how they plan not to let him take office. I mean, people like that should be moved from office immediately. But even speaking like that, and you're a congressperson, you're supposed to follow the Constitution of the land. So those type of people need to be removed from our office. which is a good thing. I'm glad they're out of that one by one. So a little like the dominoes are falling. I hope they continue to fall and we can take our country back and govern according to our federal constitution. And as you know, our state constitution is triumphing over the federal constitution. That's not supposed to be allowed. They're trying to take your Second Amendment rights away. They're taking your free speech away. I mean, it's ridiculous. And we just can't sit on the sidelines any longer and just wait and hope that somehow we got to get out there and fight ourselves. I'm in agreement with you on all those points. So it's a pleasure. You know, it's really a pleasure to talk to you about this. And if you need any help, how do you is your website still up? Because I was looking for your website, too. And that looked like that was down. It is. Everything is down. So I'm working on to get some stuff. I'm going to put up a gift, go see. And we're going to go from now with it. And then we're going to move forward on getting things put back up. When is your election? Twenty six then. That is correct. It's in 26. Yeah. I'm having a hard time with it because I'm the only non-conceding governor candidate in the state of Michigan. And so I'm just kind of, I don't know how I could go forward without feeling like we have to write that 2020 election because a crime was committed. And yeah. Yeah. It was totally stolen, and I don't want you to say anybody was stolen. I even worked on the task force, and I was surveying in Georgia. I came to Georgia working on the task force from the northeast all the way down. And I witnessed, I've seen Florida tags. And these vehicles are a follow-up. And they spoke to the homeless. They paid the homeless $20. They got the information, filled the balance out. So it was huge cheating, regardless of what they say. The election was stolen. It was a soft, cool pull on President Trump. And it was pulled by the three-letter agents, the CIA and others. NSA. It was poor by them. They know exactly what they did. They are the ones that tried to murder President Trump on live TV and live in person in front of millions of people to send a message so we'll shut up and they can keep doing what they are doing. But it failed miserably because God turned President Trump's head at the perfect time. So I have no faith in these agencies at all. They are corrupt. just like in Venezuela and everybody else, or maybe worse, in the United States of America. The CIA put a statement out saying that they had nothing to do with it. I was like, okay, if you put that statement out, that means you had something to do with it because you'd never come out and put a statement out. So we are living in some turbulent times, and God is exposing things as we even speak. Things are being exposed. That was a total debacle with that assassination attempt. They killed a guy that they hired. to kill President Trump, which they was going to do anyway after the infielder said, well, we're going to take care of it. We'll put money in the banks overseas and this, that, and the other. But they was going to kill him anyway because they do not want him to talk. He is not the main guy. He was recruited. He was paid to go up there and shoot President Trump. And then they shot him. All the time lapse, if you look at everything that happened. They waited, waited, waited. They knew the guy was a threat. They knew he had a range finder. And then they let President Trump took the stage. They was in, all in on it. I mean, they're sick and serving, infiltrating and everything else. This stuff is terrible out here. And it's scary times, but President Trump got God surrounding him. And I believe he was going to be just fine. Yeah, the Trump card is always God's here with us. You know, that is the card right there. is that God is the one that's walking us through these times. And I think that's an amazing thing that we can all, um, you know, that we can all remember that that is the truth. So there's a few comments in here. People really love you. And, uh, I think this is great. Derek's right. Democrat party. Uh, if I was in it, I would not be. So they took the choices away. Never seen anything. Thankful for people like Derek and Donna don't give up. And, uh, lots of, uh, Lots of, let me help you get a website going for you, Derek. Donna knows how to get in contact with me. And just call me when you're done. Amazing creations there. And you know my phone number. So just go ahead and call me and I'll help you guys get connected on that. And share, Charlotte says, wish we had 100 Darleys, right? I love Darley. The fact that he won with only 57%, that's another lie. The guy blew this out of the water. There's no two ways about it. Everybody loves Dar. Dar is a friend of mine. He's the only sheriff in the state of Michigan that's actually done any substantial fighting here. And that's a doer, not a talker, but a doer. And Dar is a doer. So just for clarification. But Donna, you know, if they elect constitutional sheriffs, the government wouldn't be doing half the things they're doing. If Florida had a constitutional sheriff, they would have never came to Florida and raided President Trump's home. The sheriff, they have to come through their sheriff in order to do anything. We don't have a constitutional sheriff. This is something that we need to concentrate on, getting constitutional sheriff to cut out a lot of this government overreach and stuff that they are doing because the constitutional sheriff set it up so the feds can't do absolutely nothing unless they come through him. They have to get an okay from that. So we need to concentrate on getting these, if they're not constituting a sheriff, do not vote for them. You got to make sure that, question them and make sure they are constituting a sheriff, then ask them, how would you deal with a situation like when they're ready to present Trump's home? If they give you the wrong answer, then don't vote for them because they have the power, the constable has the power to stop all of that. The feds cannot just come into a state and do something without the grace of the sheriff in that particular area. I want to say congratulations to Terry McCoskey. He's a friend of mine and he did win the sheriff's race over from Macomb County. Got a new sheriff in town. I think things are going to get real there real quick. And I love Terry and Anna. They're good friends. And I just want to congratulate them on the win. It's a well-deserved, outstanding candidate for sheriff. Many, many years in law enforcement. And he really does understand the problem and the problems as well as how to treat people as people and criminals as criminals is the difference there, you know. And so I think that this is going to be a market improvement for Macomb County. And hopefully we'll have more that follow there. Well, is there anything else that you want to talk to yet before we end the broadcast today? Actually, I hope this. I just want to make a statement. I cannot stand people using. skin color, and gender like they're doing with Harris. It doesn't matter about the color of her skin. None of that matter. It's no matter whether she's a female or a male. If you elect these people and they are unguarded, you're going to continue to get the same thing that you had for decades. So we need to start looking beyond skin color. We need to look beyond gender. Oh, she's a female. The first thing I was like, how she know she's a female? These same people are pushing to find a woman. Yes. I mean, it's nonsense. And it makes me sick to my stomach. I'm so tired of the race baiting. I'm so sick of it. I mean, it's just agitating. It gets on my last nerve. We got to see each other as brothers and sisters, not by skin color, not by male or female, just because we want to get elected to an office. And that's about it for this. I agree with you on 100% on that. I mean, that really is when you start defining people by, you know, I'm going to vote for this person because it's a woman. I'm going to vote for this person because, you know, they're white or they're Latino or they're black. That is racism right there because you can't see them as just a person. And it's also a lot of times it's for self, it's for self enrichment or how much money can be put in my pocket instead of who do we elect? that we'll do the right thing for the United States of America. And that's all people. And that we, you know, we need to stand together as, you know, for all people. If we're abandoning anyone, we're not doing our jobs. You know, it's like no matter who they are. I think that we have a higher calling from God Almighty to stand with people and be here to do his work. You know, we're not here for ourselves. We're here to do his work. in the eternal scheme of things and an eternal perspective. Well, I think this is a great, great time to sign off here. And then let me know what your website is as soon as you get it back up. And would you like to pray today? I always pray at the end of the broadcast. I can pray or you can pray. I would love it. That would be phenomenal. Thank you, Derek. Thank you. Go ahead. Dear Heavenly Father, I ask that you shine your light, shine your grace. Put everything in front of the people in America. Let their eyes open up. Let the scales fall from their eyes. Father God, as you know, we are in some turbulent times. These are bad times for adults. These are terrible times for children. I ask that you give us the strength. That you give us the strength. of Samson so we can conquer this nation and bring it back to where it belongs, bring our Christian values back, what this nation was founded on, dear Heavenly Father. Father God, I ask you to bless this nation. Do not remove your hand from this nation, dear Heavenly Father. Father God, I ask that the few that are praying, that you enlighten them Raise them up so their light can shine around this entire nation. Heavenly Father, Father God, and I pray for President Trump as he's fighting the good fight, trying to become the commanding chief and bring this nation back to his godly principles. Heavenly Father, Father God, and I ask you to bless the children. put a fence around them, put your armor around them so the adults will stop taking advantage of them, dear Heavenly Father. Father God, open their minds like every single person in the United States of America. Let them see where we're erring, where we're going off course, and bring them back into your loving arms, dear Heavenly Father. In Jesus' name I pray, amen. Well, thank you so much. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. And thank you to every single person out there. And you know what? I want to find your interview that we did at TPA. I might play that either tomorrow or Friday so you can see what we were talking about at TPA. Maybe Friday afternoon or Friday morning after TPA. interviews I'll play that but uh just saying that thank you so much for coming on today and this is where we go to please go to because I'm the best non-conceiter who has ever not conceived in the history of the united states of america because I will not stop or concede to liars cheats and thieves and we're gonna we're gonna write this thing So help us, God. We're going to write this thing and we're not going to quit fighting. And just remember, the whole show today was about truth. And listening to God is the truth. He will talk to you. He will tell you what. He'll give you discernment. He'll give you wisdom. He'll give you anything you need to do what he asks you to do. He will not abandon you nor forsake you. That's the truth. He's good all the time and he uses all things. We work together for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purposes. So don't shy away from things. Have the courage to run right into the fire to solve a problem. Don't be afraid of that. And I don't mean that like literally. Okay. You know, but don't be afraid to do the hard things that God asks you to do because it's going to be okay. We have to just have courage in everything we do. No fear. This is a no fear zone. We, we, step forward. We do what we need to do. And we handle problems because we're not doing this for ourselves. We're doing this for those that come after us. And I really, as Bill said earlier, I really think that it's a high calling to be able to say, it's a higher calling. And we don't want those people to look back and say, why did they abandon us? Why didn't they do something? They had the ability to do something. We still have the ability to do something. And that is to step up Get in the game. Run for an office. You can run for an office. You can go to your meetings and the board meetings and your state meetings. You can go to these meetings. You can write letters. You can start lawsuits. You can do it pro se. It just takes some work because we're all going to have to get educated. It's tough to get in there in an area that is uncharted waters. Our entire nation. is in the uncharted waters right now. We don't know where this is going to go. Biden, if they replace Biden, I believe there's eight states. They cannot change out on the state ballot. Whoever comes after them, I don't think they can get on the ballot. I think it's too late to change them out. And so when we go forward and see what's happening, we are absolutely in uncharted waters. What happens if we don't have an election this year? It's a real possibility. I've heard it from too many people. What happens if somebody finally lands something that says the machines are completely corrupt, fake, and fake election, just like fake news, just like fake candidates that they have out there? What happens if all those things that we have been taught to believe in go away? What happens if the school indoctrination camps go away? What happens then? You know what? Absolutely. I've been praying for this for a long time. What happens if the monetary system fails? It's going down. I mean, this week we can see what happened in Japan, Korea, as well as China. What happens if all those things that we've been taught to rely on in the material world all of a sudden vanish? It can happen. It's done it over and over again. And we need to be spiritually prepared for that. We've not seen that. But I pretty much think it's going to happen. You know, look at what happened in Venezuela. And that's the direct link to our voting systems in the United States of America. They're not even being recognized by other countries in the world. What happens if we go through a fake election? And all of a sudden the rest of the world goes, guess what? They're smarter than the people in the United States. We're not going to recognize this election. And you no longer are recognized as a country in the global scheme of things as the globalists run around doing whatever they want because we have not stood up and gotten loud enough and fought these people. You know what? At the end of the day, the only thing that we have ever had is God Almighty and each other. And we're going to have to grab each other by the hands, put our differences aside, learn to talk to each other with respect, whether we agree or we disagree. We have to be able to listen to what people say, their thoughts, their ideas and such, and come up not with our ideas, but with the best idea that stands before God and is honoring to God. And there's the answer right there. It doesn't matter if the world melts away. The only thing that we need to worry about is God Almighty and we'll be fine. So have a great day today. And with that said, God bless you all. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. Make it a great day. It starts here, here and here. If you don't have an example, be one. If you don't have somebody that shows you the way to do something that you've never done, don't worry. God's with you. He'll walk with you through it. And you can rest assured in that with great faith that he'll never, never abandon you. So stay in the line a minute. I'm going to end the broadcast. And we need to talk after the broadcast, which is a really fun stuff. So, and I will see you tomorrow. Tomorrow I have Commander Jay Furman on. who is a real interesting guy, another pilot, helicopter pilot. I'm like totally dying here. And then Baron Reinhold, who will be on also. There's another gentleman that will be on with him too, talking about some of the same issues that we have talked about today, some of the race issues that we are rejecting entirely. He will be on tomorrow, and we will see you tomorrow. Have a great day. Thank you, Donna. Thank you.