BNN - Brandenburg News Network

BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 9/20/2024 Off the Grid, Dr Karlyn Borsenko, J6ers Jalise/McGrew

Published Sept. 20, 2024, 9:01 a.m.

9am Off the Grid - Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy and Karen the Riveter! What do to become independent, or when the power grid goes down. Also news and views on what's going on in the world 10am Dr Karlyn Borysenko, Casey Whalen and Citizen Journalists Panel!! We are doing a weekly recap of what we are working on. This is real news!!! A panel of independent Journalists who have broken the cycle of Fake News, and want to get out the truth because of love for God, Family and Country Dr Karyly Borysenko Voice of the People - Daniel and Hollis Smeriglio Independent Journalist - Casey Whalen Thought Criminals - Christina Holbrook Melissa Frysel The United Nations as an organization is world communism. The strategy to impose world communism on the people of the United States (and the other countries in this hemisphere) has been economic rather than military as the people were led to believe it would be. It's our own leaders who were the Pied Pipers leading us to this demise of the U.S. I'm working on a timeline that shows the who, when and what. 11am J6er Jalise Middleton with Leslie McGrew- will be highlighting the stories of the J6ers every weekday at 11am EST while waiting for her sentencing. Leslie McGrew Jalise and Mark's experience prompted the formation of the nonprofit organization American patriot relief. This organization has been formed to educate the public on tactics being used against the American people by our government and three letter agencies. We also educate the public on the facts of January 6th. American patriot relief provides financial assistance to January 6th defendants and their families during this tumultuous time. We provide commissary to the political hostages. We provide transportation to and from their trial and sentencing along with travel to report for duty at their assigned prison. It is the goal of American patriot relief to be our brothers keeper by warning and preparing the people for the future along with showing the love of Jesus Christ to our persecuted brethren. X/Twitter: Rumble: Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Dr David Kent, Ralph the IT Guy, Karen the Riveter, Dr. Karlyn, Borysenko, Dan and Holllis Smeriglio, Casey Whalen, Christina Holbrook, Jalise Middleton, Leslie McGrew

Transcript in English (auto-generated)

Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the twenty day of September twenty twenty four and welcome to our show today. I hope you're having a wonderful day and that you've got a wonderful weekend planned. There sure is a lot going on out there. And you know what? It's a it's a great time to be alive. I wanted to read you something this morning. Let me see if I can pull it up here a second and start the day out right. All right. So this is from I love Jonathan Cahn. I think Jonathan Cahn is just an amazing individual. And I just I just love him to death. And I got his newsletter. So if you don't get his newsletter, look up Sapphire's Hope. It's and sign up for a Sapphire's newsletter. It's a wonderful way to start the day out. So anyhow, today's post was, I know ministers whose basic attitude is, I could have a very successful ministry if I just didn't have to deal with the people. All right. You feel like that? Like a lot? I get it. In the same way you might be saying, I want to be loving, forgiving, and patient, but it's impossible with the people I have to deal with. It would be a lot easier to be godly if we didn't have to deal with people. But how could you be loving if you didn't have people to love or forgive if you didn't have people to forgive? The only type of people you can forgive are those who have sinned against you or just offended you or whatever. How can you be patient if you don't have people to be patient with? The only type of people to be patient with are those who are hard to be patient with. People come with baggage, but that's kind of a side issue. After God, people are the main issue, and your job is to love them. So set your heart on loving those people that are impossible in your life, because there's no way you're going to be successful in the Lord, your ministry, your calling, without people. I thought that was one of those things that is timely and a great thing to remember as we go into this day. So here we go. The schedule is off the grid this morning with Dr. David Kent, Ralph the IT guy, Karen the Riveter, and I don't see her backstage, so I hope she gets on here and she's okay. And second hour is with the Citizen Journalist panel. And that, as we're featuring today, Dr. Karlyn Borsinko. And that should be a really interesting show because she talks about Marxism and the origin of Marxism and such. And Casey Whalen, Christina Holbrook, Dannon and Hollis Smiraglio, and whoever else shows up. Vicki Davis might be on here today or Melissa Freisel. I never know who's going to show up. In the eleventh hour, it will be with Jaleese Middleton. Political Prisoners in America, the Jay Sixers, and she'll be on this morning with Leslie McGraw. And with that, we're going to just get started. Hey, guys, how you doing? Doing well, thank you. Good morning. I hope you guys notice this, but notice this. It is the beginning of Plano Fridays. And salute to all the Pepe fans today. Oh, Karen's out today, so it's just us, you guys. So... I think we can hold on for it. Yeah, we'll manage. All of us can talk too much, but I can talk too much sometimes, but that's okay. So what are we going to talk about today? I'm a little concerned. So everybody pray for Chris Steele because I haven't heard from him in a couple of days and he was supposed to be on yesterday and he didn't make it on and I don't know why. So let's pray for Chris. He was doing some Pretty important investigative work, actually. And we were going to go down and run down on what's going on with the assassinations. And I think that this is pretty telling because there's ties to BlackRock and the buildings and some other nonsense, as well as all the assassins, the attempted assassins, are tied in with BlackRock. They've been on commercials and on and on. But check this out. Why was the property sold for nothing? Why does the Trump assassin's wife own a house on federal land? Because the federal government owns way too much of our land. So does the state of Michigan. I'll tell you that with four point six million acres in the DNR. I'm going to allege because I think that it is my opinion that the DNR and such is part of the child trafficking that's going on across the United States. They got a perfect guise and a perfect way to hide what they're doing. on four point six million acres in the state of Michigan. So why does the Trump assassin's wife own a house on federal land? Why was his property sold for nothing? And on the occupant of the house, a real estate agent bus driver that has sold twenty nine properties, all for zero dollars. Very suspicious. Yeah. You think you can bring this one up here? Here we go. Alicia Dixon, D.C. Rhode Island. And here we go. It's all, all kinds of, they always have nicknames too, or they have, they have nicknames or they have, they have other aliases too. When you looked, when I, when I was working, you remember this last week, Sean Taylor had his house raided by the feds down in, in Tennessee. He only just so everybody knows he's a private investigator. And Sean and I worked together on several things. And I love Sean a lot. Nice, nice guy. OK, they raided his his house and his business for information. I'm pretty sure he's smart enough that any of us that are in the game here, they can go after us. But I'm going to say to him, you know, F you all. Any of us that have been in this for a while know exactly how to move things around. And there's dead man switches all over the place as well as no, anybody that's doing this would be stupid to put it in one spot. You got to have it out there. And this is one of the reasons why I do things live. Cause they can't say that we have altered the information or anything like that, but any of us know how to put things in a myriad of places. So they, If they started kicking, they would never find it all. And I know that Sean's the same way. So I'm pretty extra sure that some of the stuff that he's done, it's going to get ready to drop here in a very, very, and I mean very damning way to the criminals involved. You guys just keep it up because I'm going to tell you what, there's some of us who will never, ever stop. Why did they go into his home and raid him? Oh, of course, because he's an investigator investigating all sorts of things. Mainly what he's really interested in a lot of things, but some of the work that he's done is on human trafficking and the networks behind the scenes. And so as we work through this and start pointing out those people who are involved in this, the web just gets wider and wider and wider. And I can tell you one of the things that I saw personally when in my path of investigating or working with people that are investigating, the amount of aliases that are out there behind people. And I guess it's just time to throw this thing out there. Just about everybody that you deal with or that we see that is sitting in the seat of power or the ones behind, especially the ones that come up that look like they're grassroots or grassroots leaders, if you get into them and you start digging in behind the scenes, you're going to find a ton, and I mean a ton of aliases, as well as properties that don't have addresses. One of the things that I did see that was down in Tennessee, because there's a huge amount of trafficking, I would say governmental corruption, institutionalized child trafficking is happening with our government. No two ways about it. And one of the things that I did see was there was a house on a river that had, it looks like a nothing house, but underneath it, underneath the substructure, underneath this really, really small house, which had access, it had a driveway right down to one of the waterways. And underneath this house was a a trucking depot that you'd never see. You'd never see it unless you knew it was there and somehow there was pictures inside it. So there's a lot of people that have infiltrated these networks. And you could get semis in there. You could drive them right in underneath the hill and turn up right underneath one of these houses, which had access to dump off either to take in or dump off the waterways, which is why I have a huge suspicion about why they have commandeered four point six million acres by the D and are the you know, that the new word for it is a different word for it because they keep changing their names. If you see departments changing their names, guaranteed they're involved in criminal behavior. I will guarantee you I would I would bet anything on it that I'm right on that. And I've seen it. And so, yeah, you could see them. They come in, the trucks would come in to either pick up or drop off. And then they shoot them right down the waterways. And it's pretty, pretty damning. you know, what you can find if you really start looking for. But see, most people get tied up with this fake news, complicit media, and you should flush them all. I'm just going to tell you that right now. Anything that's got a large, large audience out there, Unless they're just like go big or go to home time and they're outing people. And I mean, you got to even look at who they're outing because a lot of times they do hit pieces on people just like they did on President Trump. Anybody that's for real, they'll do some with. But when you see what they're putting out there, if they're five minute headlines, instead of coming with the receipts, guaranteed they're part of the problem. And even if they look like they're on the right, a lot of them. I'm going to tell you what, I think everybody should scrutinize Gateway Pundit tremendously because they honestly, they committed libel on me by telling everybody that I was a billionaire, never retracted it. And I had an attorney down in Florida say the damage that was done to me by that one statement that they put out there on the conservative side, they said, you will never, ever get away from the damage that they did to you. That's terrible. You work every day. I mean, everybody knows me, knows that I, you know, did some, I walk with weights in the morning. And so I was up and after I set everything up this morning, walked with weights. And then all of a sudden I had to run over to the barn and meet with a crew and such and But not just the barn. I mean, barn isn't a business. That's hobby. But but, you know, it's like I work every single day. My husband works every single day. My children work every single day and we will do every shit job that nobody wants to do. I mean, the summer I couldn't get enough cleaners because people are so there's too many people on entitlements. And so I'm like in there in nineties plus degree weather, scrubbing down walls and cleaning apartments and houses for people to move in because I couldn't get somebody to do the cleaning. We couldn't find reliable cleaners. So guess what? Tag down and Brandenburg's it, you know, and it doesn't bother me. I'm probably the best cleaner out there that I can hire and I'm faster than anyone. Because I started doing it. And when I started all of this stuff, I did all my own construction. I did all my own cleaning. I did all of that. So, you know, you find ways of doing real quick. You muck your own stalls. you muck your own stalls. I muck all stalls. I power wash. I still, I still do that stuff. Every single, you know, every single day I'm doing something, you know, and I know my dad who was a, who was an amazing guy. He really was honest as the day is long principle to a fault almost. And he always told me when I was younger, he's like, you never ever ask anyone to do what you haven't done or what you're not willing to do. Oh yeah. First thing they teach you when you're an intern or medical student even, you got to do everything before you can ask someone else or And you're never above that. You know, I had an employee say one time when we were standing there and there was garbage on the ground outside of there. And my husband and I, we just started picking up trash. And somebody said, I can't believe that the two of you are, are picking the trash up and not telling somebody just what to do. I'm like going, nobody's any better than anybody else. And so if you see something needs to be done, you know, get, get your ego out of your, you know, out of the way. And those of us who are standing here, you know, all of us that are here, if a job needs to be done, we gotta be willing to do it. And that means it doesn't matter what it is. There's not enough people working. And it talks about it in the Bible. It talks about the fact that the fields are ripe for harvest and there's not enough people to work. And how many people want to sit on their little thrones in a coffee shop all day, you know, pretending like they know everything, but they've never done a thing except sit there with an opinion. Well, opinions are like, you know, everybody knows what they're like and they're all full of shit. So that's all I can say. You know what? I know you're not a billionaire because you're not part of the deep state. I don't think you can be a billionaire unless you're part of the problem. I agree with that. For the most part. You know, there's people like Trump that somehow managed. But I think that if you're going to be a billionaire, they're going to take you down unless you're part of it. And I keep telling people, stop watching Fox News. They are the worst. They are so bad. They are actually really CNN, MSNBC and stuff. They're in your face. You know that they hate Trump. They hate us. But to pretend that you're on someone's side and really working against them like Fox News is terrible. and same with these big accounts on the internet you think about you know the the cia or deep state whatever has been you know controlling our news for probably fifty sixty years the internet comes along you think that they just said well forget it we're not going to try and control the population anymore no they put in their assets you know in these big accounts like you say it came out I think a week or two ago some of these guys are making four hundred thousand dollars a week Yes. And it's like, and it's peddling both, what we perceive as both sides is actually one side. And they're just creating a narrative. And honestly, we got to be smart enough and thinking big enough to realize that I just saw a lawsuit that was out there and it was a lawsuit by the Republican Party. I'm going to make a bet. Okay. I'm going to look at her future here and just take a guess on what's going to happen. I'm going to guess that that lawsuit is going to go nowhere and they're going to go, oh, well, we tried. Because, of course, it's just like with the bills. They'll talk to each other and say, you do this bill and we're just going to shoot it down when it gets here. You do this bill and then I'll shoot it down. So it's just lobbing the ball back and forth. But they're working together and it's all optics. None of them are working for us. Another thing to think about, too, is that any of these people who are consistently on the big platforms, like, for example, if you've got somebody that's got a channel on YouTube, that means that they are having to comply with YouTube's content guidelines and are therefore not... they are somewhat under the control of Google, whether they like it or not. They can't say what they want to. And the same is true of the app stores. Both Google's app store for Android as well as Apple's app store. That's one of the reasons why if you look at the controversy around Parler when that started up, That was largely because they went after them for App Store violations. So anything that has survived all of that kind of stuff, you got to kind of wonder how, you know? Yeah. What do they call that? The Great Purge? You know, when they took everyone off of Twitter and shut down all the YouTube accounts. You can tell the people that didn't have that happen to them are probably... connected in some way. Well, it's just like, I got nuked off of Twitter with the Flynn's. They, they, you know, that whole, that whole thing, we all got nuked off the same day. That is a, is a badge of honor at this point in time, because they went after us to silence us. And that's why we're here on Brandenburg news network. They tried to silence us. I mean, I got nuked off of literally everything and silence. I've got so, you know, The Facebook people say, do you have a Facebook page? And I'm like, I'm like, I don't use it because it's still, it's just sitting there because I can't say anything on it. But I've got so many strikes that if I do one wrong thing, I'm out of there. I think I got thirty six thousand followers on it or something like that. But I couldn't really post anything to it. I do it at Telegram and my YouTube. I had a YouTube channel. I'm back on X. All of my original channels are pretty well gone or gone. or what, but you know, we, we get out here on about nine different, besides We've got nine other things that we, you know, that we've gone to that we had to come back and other reincarnations. And then when they attacked us, we just went on tour and said, screw you people. You do it again. I'm going to set up another hundred thousand core nodes and good luck with that. You know, but, uh, I've noticed sometimes some of those platforms seem to come and go. And I'm assuming that's probably also because of, uh, things that they disagree with, you know, blocking things. Let's talk about what actually happened to Patreon, okay? Because I think this is really interesting. Somebody came to me recently and said, we want to kick a whole bunch of money at you to help you. And it's like, okay, I get that on almost a, I don't know, weekly or daily basis sometimes. You know, we want to help you. We want to help you. Somebody says that. I'm telling you what, they don't want to help you. They're there for some other reason. I have not really met that many people that are in that category, especially when they dangle the little money bait in front of you like a carrot. Right. And so one of the discussions we had is they wanted, oh, we got to make an app. You know, we got to make it easy for people and replace all the other news networks. Time out. Hold the phone. Let's actually do an analysis on this, and I'm going to let Ralph address this. Also, Matt Gaetz said during an appearance on Breitbart News that there are currently five known assassination teams in the United States here to kill Donald Trump, three of which are foreign. I'm going to guess that there's a hell of a lot more than five of them. Just saying. And that's the way it is. But I digress. Go ahead. Let's talk about the app, please. Oh, yeah. So the way that the app stores work, and this is in particular, I'm going to single out Apple's app store here a minute because of the amount of evidence that's come out from the European Union going after them for being anti-competitive. And the problem that you've got there is that I believe the Android App Store works similarly, but not quite as strict in that Apple's App Store, if you have an app on there, not only does your app have to comply with their content guidelines of being basically inoffensive, all of the content you distribute through it also needs to comply with those guidelines. But they also mandate that any Payments that are made to that service have to be made using Apple's payment processing where they take an enormous cut on it. I think it's something like somewhere between thirty and forty five percent. And. That is basically for the life of that customer with that service. So that's why, for example, most services that you would sign up for don't allow you to set up an account with membership. Like, for example, I think Netflix, you have to set up the account in a browser and then you can sign into it on the app. And the reason for that is because otherwise, according to Apple's the way that they try to enforce their terms of service, if a customer were to sign up through the app, well, that customer is basically claimed by Apple as more or less like a, a sales commission on all of the payments for that customer perpetually. So it's not just even one payment it's for that customer. So that's why a lot of the services, if you sign up for them, they don't allow you to sign up for a paid service through the app is for that reason. Well, look at the structures. The same thing as the CCP. Anything that's in China, basically the government claims ownership of it. They basically commandeered everything and allow you to work, right? We've got the same thing in the United States of America right now. And the only thing that is constraining them from just steamrolling us and being full on in trouble like China is right now, is the Constitution of the United States and in several of our state constitutions, even though the one for the state of Michigan, the nineteen sixty three constitution was illegally installed. And so that that's that's something to remember when you're in the app store, you're you know, you're doing you're playing ball with them. Who are you actually playing ball with? These companies are anti-competitive and you can't blame them for doing that. But the way they're doing, our government is supposed to balance that by breaking them up or putting in regulations so they can't. Antitrust. Exactly. But look how much money they pay to our politicians. They're all paid off and nothing's going to get done with the current political regime. I haven't seen an effective use of the Sherman Antitrust Act since probably the seventies. Yeah. Google should be broken up a long time ago. Well, you look at, you look at and there's that, that whole time, there are so many anti-American regulations and laws that came out and there was a fundamental shift in the United States of America around . And it wasn't just the money. It was like all of a sudden it just broke loose at that time, and it was an immediate ramping up of bad stuff. So you can look at the treaties that were made. You look at the ERISA. Didn't we go off the gold standard at the same time? Yeah. And look at ERISA. When the ERISA laws or the ERISA Act came out, that really screwed our country up big time. And most people don't know enough about this. I know about this because we were, in fact, involved in a situation with the Central States Teamsters campaign. And I'm going to tell you what happened with that ERISA. I'll give you a, I'll give you the cliff, the shortened version of it is that when Sudebaker went under in nineteen sixty nine, they they grabbed all the pensions. And so they decided that and when they when they went under and that's where ERISA came out of. And so. that was to protect the pensions. But what they did is they didn't protect against the union mismanaging or looting their own pensions. And when you look at like the US debt clock and you look at the unfunded liabilities, blah, blah, blah, The really scary thing, if you really know what's going on, is that they can say, okay, this pension is defunct, that pension is defunct, and oh my gosh, we're going to get the money to refund it. Well, if they can't come back on the companies that they rolled in to make up for the deficit, even though they paid their share, they're going after them in order to break the companies in effect and take what they have or nationalize it. the businesses and such, if they don't have the money, it goes back to the United States citizenry to make up the deficits, which the unions, in fact, looted or mismanaged. Now, when you look at the amount of money in those unfunded liabilities, which goes not just to the unions, it's all over the place. I mean, this is organized crime at the top level, complicit with the people seated in the seats of government. And you can, if you take a look at that, you want to have your mind blown when you talk about thirty six million, thirty six trillion dollars in debt. Hold my beer. Go look at the unfunded liabilities and see what it's up to. A hundred trillion, maybe a hundred trillion, another hundred trillion. I'm guessing at least yeah it's you I think the last time I looked at it was like a hundred and hundred and fifty nine or let's look it up I'll pull it up if we were a business we would be forced into bankruptcy if the country was a business but that is completely bankrupt right now totally and utterly and completely bankrupt we're past bankrupt you know So U.S. debt, debt per taxpayer, two hundred sixty nine thousand two hundred sixty nine. Oh, yeah. Interesting. Now let's go down here and see what we got in unfunded liabilities, because all of this nonsense was created by our politicians that it ramped up under Trump. Oh, we're over we're over two hundred. Oh, my goodness. I was wrong. Two hundred nineteen trillion dollars. U.S. unfunded liabilities, limited liability per citizen. Six hundred forty eight thousand eight hundred seventy nine dollars. And you think you're and you think your house payment is bad, you think you think the debt in your house, how many people out there have a six hundred forty eight thousand dollar house? My goodness. This is what these criminal, despicable, help me to find the words that are eloquent right now because I wanna use bad words, right? I don't think those words exist. They're corrupt. It's massive corruption. Yeah. I don't think the nice friendly words for that exist. I can't even come up with a nice friendly word that would be an elegant way to insult them. I think everybody else out there knows all the words. I know all the words, and I know how to use them in a spectacular way. But it's like, you know, to spare everybody from that. But look at this. It's like, you know, you've got all kinds of stuff here. So I really think that to watch this is shocking. And, of course, we're all kind of watching this. They come up with all kinds. Let's see what we have here. Payroll revenue, all kinds of nonsense in here. Well, it's not nonsense. It's stuff that we should just make our blood boil and not just not just have our blood run cold. It should make our blood boil over this. So here's something else. OK, so I went to the anonymous conservative this morning and I don't follow all any source. One hundred percent. I watch him for lengths, but check this out. How is Ryan Roth, the man with no money for child support, able to suddenly start living in a pricey house in Hawaii and afford flights to Taiwan, Turkey, Poland, and what? What, boys and girls? Ukraine? The deep state capital of the world? Well, I'm not sure if it's that or Kazakhstan at this point. Why is Ryan Roth never served a day in jail when he was... When he has one hundred different counts to his name. Why was your fiancee OK with him flying Ukraine for months at a time? How was he able to feed himself in Ukraine when he only had sixty eight dollars in his bank account? He's an asset. He's, you know, they pick out people that are are, you know, I don't know. It's crazy. Down and out. mentally at home. But anyhow, that was Vigilant Fox that I like him. I'll go down all these things just to see the headlines and then I'll click on them and see. Here, let's look at this. This is another great way to research here. Let's go to this. But don't believe everything you hear, even here, even anywhere. You really have to look at stuff and go, what is the What's behind it? Who's funding it? I want to know who's funding even these links. Who is funding these links? I don't know. You know, unless you get into it and look at it. But this is interesting. Wow. Ten feet away. It went a mess. That's for sure. Yeah. Agent was less than ten feet away when he shot at. Yeah, but it comes with a segment with Laura Ingram, Fox News. So, you know, it's probably not true. Or there's something else behind that. Oh, yeah. There's always something else behind it. I don't believe any of it. And you can't have a lone gunman. Have you ever been anywhere with Secret Service? Yeah. I mean, I've been to the Trump rallies and, like, you're not getting nothing in there. There's no way. It was crazy. I mean, you want to talk about crazy phones jam. You go through like barricades, the Jersey barricades, and they've got staggered. There's no way that you could run anything through it in a straight shot. You know what I saw once? This is a really cool thing. And I don't even know what to make of it. But when Trump came to Washington, Michigan, this was right after the, the, the election. Yeah, the traumatic electioneering rally, we will affectionately call it. Yeah, and there was this huge, massive line, and everybody was waiting in line. And I just needed to walk around. My back was killing me. And I walked, like, through the woods, and I looked up on this hill, and there were full military up there with helmets, everything. And there was this big truck with this, I don't even know what to describe it, like some sort of antenna on top of it. in a tent next to it. And they were all walking around with rifles and stuff up on this hill. It was crazy. I'd never seen anything like it. I haven't seen it since. I've been to a bunch of rallies, never seen it on TV. Like something is going on. I snapped a couple pictures and I don't know where they are. Now they have drone technology and they're using facial recognition to software on everything they know all of us I mean if you've been to an airport or anything else like that they've got they they've got oh they don't keep that information remember yeah you look at the media they can read your through your eye on your your your your retina scan as you're walking through an airport that's how the the tech is now Well, you look at the three D scanners, you know, the first, it was the backscatter x-ray machines. And then it was now they've got the, uh, the millimeter wave machines and, uh, all, we don't save any of that data. You know, it's, it's checked over for it's checked over and thrown away. Well then why was the, why did the procurement contract for that list as a requirement for those machines that they'd be able to save that data? Yeah. Oh, my goodness. They weren't expecting people to read the contracts. Who would have guessed? Yeah. Who reads those? Nobody. They're too long and too complicated. Okay. So I got to tell you guys. So my pro se lawsuit that I've got going on for Prio is I got a response back from Gretchen Nestle. And what? Benson and Brader yesterday. They've been assigned an assistant attorney to defend them and came back with their motion to dismiss and or their motion to whatever. And it's all about jurisdiction. It's the same bullshit that happened to me when I sued in the Supreme Court of Michigan. And the Supreme Court says, we don't have jurisdiction over this. Well, only because you're gutless cowards. That's the only reason why. And we had to go to the federal lawsuit. So I'm going to tell you, I'm going to take a gander at what they're actually trying to do. They're trying to see they never admitted that we were wrong with our evidence. They literally agreed with us. Yeah. Well, all those cases are thrown out on standing and things like that. Yeah. The lack of evidence or lack of proof. Well, they actually agreed with all of our evidence by not talking about it at all. They went right to jurisdiction, and they're trying to get us into the court of claims, which is an illegal court. It shouldn't exist, and it's only there to protect the government. So they want the judge at the circuit court to throw it out, which is okay, because guess what? That little can's going to get kicked right up the chain of command if the judge decides to rule against us. And guess what? If the judge decides to throw this out on standing, we just got another name to add to the list of traitors to the United States of America who refuse to take seriously their duty, their oath of office, and protect the American people. Instead, sitting in the pool together... You know, can I throw something out there? Yeah, of course. Just something I thought is a counter argument. And I've never heard anyone talk about this, Tory or anyone. But in my mind, obviously, Trump knew they were going to steal the election. And I think he couldn't for this to all play out as it's obviously something is playing out, you know, behind the scenes that we're just not going to be privy to. And maybe these judges have been instructed to throw these cases out or to put them off because they can't say the election was stolen, put Trump in because then it wouldn't be able to play out the way it's supposed to play out. I mean, I'm just thinking, you know, because a lot of stuff just doesn't make sense. Like Trump was smart. He knew they were going to steal the election. You know, he got in by foiling their attempts to steal the election for Hillary. So I don't know. Everybody should fight like Tory. You're doing everything that Tory says. File these lawsuits and FOIAs and flood them with it. Sooner or later, something will get through. So Curtis is on behind the scenes here and making comments. The DNR has been harvesting hundreds of thousands of dollars in lumber. They have been clear-cutting the state land for years. And I saw it when I went up to Camp Grayling. I was shocked at how much. And like, four point six million acres in the state of Michigan. The DNR, the criminal DNR, who can walk on your land without a warrant and seize your property, you're never going to see it again. They can do whatever they want. And they have the mineral rights and logging rights to all of that land. And I want to know where the receipt is. Where does the money go? Yeah, where's all that money going? Yeah, I'm going to guess that it has something to do with, oh, I don't know, maybe the Dutch banking system that's sitting its sorry behind right here in Michigan. The head of the snake in the United States of America. It's not Washington, D.C., it's Michigan. I can tell you where some of our taxpayers, not to change the subject too much about the DNR, but yesterday I was in Pontiac and we drove down this back street and there was a line of fifty migrants in line by this church in just a decrepit part of Pontiac. And they were passing out food and stuff to everybody. What's the church's name? Catholic something. It wasn't Catholic. Some sort of Catholic. And it was just like, it was a terrible place. Catholic services, Lutheran services, Bethany Christian services are all getting paid big dollars. By our tax dollars. By our tax dollars. Paying them for the invasion. Exactly. I have the nine nineties that I broke apart a few years ago on Bethany. And I'm going to tell you what, half of their four hundred thousand dollar budget went to refugee services and refugee relocation. That's exactly where this money is. And I'm coming down so hard on what appears to be the Christian church. The true church is the body of believers. But they come in, they commandeer the name Christian or church or do-gooder organization of one or the other. And I'm going to tell you what, you can't believe the titles. Keep your money. Do not donate to any political cause, any political person, any, I don't care what it is. you don't know where that money's going and they're already stealing enough from you by, by the, by our taxes. We're not taxes. That's like a shakedown. That's a criminal shakedown, coercion, threat. The whole thing needs to be absolutely redone. And then pro and every one of these, these people prosecuted, you know, they need to be tried for treason. Yeah. A hundred percent. That's a scary word. What does that end with boys and girls? There's been a lot of resignations lately after this P. Diddy thing. It's starting. Tick tock. And we've talked, too, about the cancer research stuff and how if you've had cancer, you know. Like we have. Yeah, if you've had cancer, you know exactly how effective all of these big cancer research organizations and funds are. It's an industry. Oh, yeah. It's not like they're trying to cure you. No, I would not recommend, having had cancer, I would not recommend to anybody to donate to these cancer research organizations. Not that there are not good researchers in there. I think there are a lot of good researchers that are trying to do the right thing, but if they find out anything that would actually, uh, not just temporarily treat people, but cure people, it's never going to get out. There's not, there's too much money and not fixing it. Yeah. And all of the sick and dead and all of the donation to all of these funds to try and help is part of the reason why it doesn't get fixed. Well, that's one of the reasons why we don't do money here on Brandenburg News Network. And if you see somebody making money off these videos somewhere, it has nothing to do with me. I see people that put a donation button on and then they'll use the content generated here. And I always tell people if it can help get our country back. And I spend a lot of money keeping this up. I'm going to tell you, it's a lot of work. I'm working on this free for probably, you know, eight, ten hours a day. I'm on here. pretty much every weekday for two to four hours. And we pay for the connections. You know, I pay for the connections. I pay for the server. I pay for all the tech that has to go into this. I set up a podcast. It's a tremendous effort. But I haven't asked anybody to help. We've thought about actually putting a donation button just because it would help if we could have a little extra help just to pay for the connections and such. However, I won't do it if I can see who's donating to it because then people would say, oh, this person or that person is donating to it. So, you know, if you know who it is that you would be under influence. Right. And I never want anything to do to have any influence by any entity, person, organization or anything like that. I don't care if President Trump stepped in here and said, you know what, Brandenburg, I'm going to give you X amount of dollars to do. to uh you know amp this channel up and here you go here's that because I've been offered a lot of money right if he said that I would respectfully decline I would thank him graciously and say thank you so much you are the greatest president in the history of the united states of america in my opinion you knew how to do tariffs you set us up for tax reform he set us up for everything good that we could go forward with But I would respectfully decline and say, you know what, I respectfully decline. If I knew it was coming from him or anybody else, I would decline it. I'm curious, when they offered you money, did you ever get to the point where, find out what strings were involved? No, I don't even ask because I like cut it off the knees before it even starts. It's like now I just God keeps telling me don't take any money for it and such, because I think that what it does is that it it compromises the integrity. Yeah, it really compromises the integrity. And also right now, even if they even if somebody gave me money and said, you keep doing doing down and, you know, being your same mouthy self and, you know, taking everybody's task. And that's fine if somebody did that or if I did that, but I'm going to tell you what it would do is there's a lot of people out there that by appearances would say, oh, see, he lied. These people are actually the ones that are funding her. And I would never want... I would never want that even to be in question to the last person out there. You may not like what I have to say. I don't care. I could care less whether somebody, it is, it is absolutely irrelevant to me whether somebody likes what I have to say or not. I am a private citizen who is exercising my first amendment rights to who is fighting as a patriot to defend the United States of America by giving other patriots, whether I agree with them or not, was what they have to say, a venue and a place to talk without censorship. And people say things on here that other people just like, I can't believe they said that. I'm like going, why? Why should you care? Listen for information and support their ability to talk or bring up issues that make you uncomfortable. That's what really needs to happen is talk about issues that make us all really uncomfortable and kind of cringe. You ever listen to somebody, and I'll do that some days. I'll be on here, and I'll listen to something, and inside I'm cringing just a little bit, you know? But I'll just be like, ooh, that was a tough pill for everybody to swallow and or just listen to. Your free speech platform, free speech platform, right? One hundred percent. Yeah. I like listening to a lot of I look into a lot of just because I'm fascinated by it. Civil engineering and city planning kind of stuff. And there's always little nuggets of information that you can get out of people that you disagree with, like the whole fifteen minute city concept. It has been so co-opted, but you actually dig down into the people that started that movement and it basically was a deregulation movement not a not the tyranny that they are trying to push with it now but it was a deregulation movement to try and bring cities back to the way that they used to be constructed where you had shop owners living above their shops so you had living and working mixed together rather than having everything completely separated out by zoning And the original concepts behind it, if you actually get down in there and do some digging, a lot of those original concepts were really good. But then it got co-opted into the not just let's make everything available to people so they don't have to leave. And it got turned into let's make it so people can't leave to force everyone to only interact with their local area. you know, isolate people. Ooh, segregation type stuff. Is that where you're going with this, Ralph? Yeah, it really got co-opted bad. And even like the defund the police movement, if you look at the people that originally started that, it wasn't about eliminate all law enforcement. It was about having problems with how much the local police departments were procuring equipment from the military that then came with all of the associated exorbitantly expensive maintenance costs because it's through the military industrial complex that they had to get all the parts and all the service and everything. And it was overburdening all of these police departments with all of the maintenance on keeping up with this equipment. And That's kind of where the defund the police thing started is, well, if they're going to mismanage our funds this much and they think they can take this on as an additional cost that goes to the taxpayers. Well, this is a gross mismanagement of our funds. And then it got that whole movement got co-opted to basically eliminate all law enforcement and just allow for the complete collapse of law and order. But that was not the original intent of that movement. And once again, you wouldn't know that unless you actually got in there and listened to what the core argument used to be. Yes, and that's the problem with fake news that we've got going on here is that it cuts out the reality behind it. They can say whatever they want, and there's no accountability for it. Check this out. Florida governor says FBI blocked state investigators from Trump. I'm going to say FBI. The FBI. That's what it is. Federal Bureau of Insurrections blocked the state investigators from Trump assassination crime scene. So there you go. Are we all surprised? No, we're not surprised at all. Let's see what it says here. Should we even listen to Fox News? I don't know. I'm going to take that out. I'd rather listen to Ammon Bundy or somebody else who's ordinary enough to actually fight them. I'm not going to go there. I talk and I listen to everything, but not this morning. I'm not going to sit there and waste my time on that. No more fake news. Let's see what else we see. CCP-loving potential agent Waltz's former National Guard colleague alleged his classified nuclear manual went missing from Nebraska during his tenure. All right, guys. I just got to put this out here. You know, I'm friends with Jonathan Cagle, right? The greatest researcher on the planet, if you ask me. I love Jonathan. Well, he's one of them. I like him and I like Vicki Davis. Anyhow, who has been absolutely banned. He got kicked off at X. telling the truth and he came up with another account because he just keeps getting kicked off and he comes back I had a discussion with him and the reality is and here's your here's your wonderful thing that gives you something to pray about today guys not with fear but let's bring god into everything and I ask him to help us because uh we've got criminal evil Horrible. I can't, I can't say the words. There's just not enough words to say. I got to look up like a Victorian insult so I can use it and sound like I'm a little educated instead of calling what I want to call them. So in any rate, we were talking the other day and the reality is, is that the nuclear codes were distributed across the globe. Well, I can't say that's that means much, though, because the nuclear codes for like forty years were eight zeros. Yeah. Right. But the point being is that if you think that you're safe here because only the president has the nuclear codes or those around him. I got a lot of news for you. Everyone has them. And the only reason why we haven't been vaporized off the planet is the assurance of mutual destruction at this point. That's it. And so anything that looks like security that's gone on with integrity ain't happening. And that God has kept us from being nuked off the planet. So speaking of getting kicked off of X, there's a couple alternatives to some of these that I don't think are too bad. Mastodon is a real interesting one that is kind of a distributed alternative to like Twitter X. Yeah. It's open source and it operates a little bit more like email where you have separate servers and each person can be attached to a server and they all talk to each other. It has some downsides in that it kind of like tracks everything that you do and distributes that information, but they're fairly upfront about what kind of data gets pushed around the network. There's another one that's that a lot of people like called Matrix, and I haven't really used it, but the technical underpinnings of it are really interesting. And then there's another one that's probably one of my favorites. That's a protocol called Secure Scuttlebutt that is implemented by a whole bunch of different clients that can all talk to each other, like Miniverse and Planetary Social and a bunch of other ones that that one is real interesting because it's basically It's more or less mathematically impossible to censor without being obvious. And the whole network has backups of the various nodes on it. It's really cool. The development on that has kind of slowed to nearly a stop over the last couple of years as they've been re-engineering the protocol. A lot of the things they've been doing with it are really cool, but... Yeah, that's one that if we had a few more developers out there working on that, that would be wonderful if they wanted to kind of work on some of these alternatives because there's way too much to do and not nearly enough people to do it. Once again, we don't have enough workers. I want to show you something that just popped up. Okay, check this out. Record two point seven five million unauthorized entries in the US this fiscal year. CPB reports that CBP. One app is, if you follow that, you can follow that as a real problem. I mean, a sincere, serious problem. Figure encompasses encounters and apprehensions across all U.S. borders. Newsflash, we don't just have a southern border. Every single state is a border state at this point in time. And if we had governors that were worth a crap, they would protect the borders of their own states and act like a mini country government. and take care of this nonsense. They have the right. State's rights, Tenth Amendment, not only ensures it, but demands it. It's technically obligatory. It is. If you read through the Constitution. It is. So we've got two million seven hundred fifty six thousand six hundred forty six following the publication of the August figures. Well, I'm going to tell you what, it's worse than that because they're using a four digit Social Security number as an ID. I want you to think about how stupid this is just for a minute. OK, just just go outside your comfort zone a minute and just think about this. You've got four digits that they're using as an identifier, right? Social Security number, your last four digits. That's a grand total of ten thousand unique identifiers. In a country of three hundred and thirty some odd, not including all the illegal aliens here, three hundred thirty some citizens in the United States. Think about that. How in the hell can you ensure that you have an identifier border security with a four-digit identifier, which is a social security number? And not only that, it's not legally allowable, but they made everybody sucked into thinking that we can use it. We should all be screaming from the hills. And not only that, they recycle social security numbers. So your social security number may be from somebody that died years and years ago. It's been common knowledge in the IT community that they've pushed that for decades of don't use a social security number as a unique record identifier for a person because they get recycled. Yeah. And so now they combine it with a four digit social security number or they don't combine it. They use that as your identifier. That's only ten thousand unique numbers. You know, think chew on that for a little while. What is going on? Nothing. That's the problem. Nothing is going on that looks like lawful elections right now. The whole thing is rigged. Top to bottom. That's okay. I'm going to keep suing them. I think I'm kind of having fun with this whole thing. And I got other lawsuits sitting in the queue besides the five resolutions that we passed. with the Constitution Party here in Michigan that we've passed. You know what that's going to result in? More lawsuits, because they're not going to do it. And so I think, just so everybody knows, I think everybody should jump on with the US Taxpayers Party in Michigan here, which should say the Constitution Party, except for Benson, the criminal, will not allow us in her communal fascist Nazi way to change our name to what the National Party is. and so I don't know I think just need to have the party identify as trans so it can change its name yeah we should do that the most yeah then they'll do it for sure that's what we should do if we if we changed our name to the michigan trans party it was just not we we man we sail right in there like there was no tomorrow that's a waiver right on wait right on yeah It'd be funny. So anyhow, guys, what's your last words? I've got Casey and Carlin sitting backstage and I'm excited to talk to him in the second hour. So what do you have to say? Last words. Keep on fighting, FOIAs, lawsuits if you can do it, and just be ready for something to happen because we're getting down to the nitty gritty before the election. So I think they'll try something. They're already trying plenty of some things, and it's good for everybody to be prepared. And aside from that, even if they weren't, we're going into winter soon. You should be prepared anyway. Especially in Michigan. It's cold out here, guys. Somebody thought it was funny. They said, wow, yesterday. Said, wow, you really have a strong Michigan accent. And I said, yeah, you want to know why we have a strong Michigan accent? Because we leave out letters and we leave out words. We combine things constantly, right? Yeah. And I said, the reason is, is it's so damn cold. If you don't do that, your lips will freeze together before you get everything out. So we just like sail right past everything. Right. So and I want to leave you guys with this. OK, what's the most important thing that you should be focusing right now? You know what it is? Get out and vote and talk to everybody who says, oh, my vote doesn't matter. Well, you know what? That doesn't mean that you get to walk away from your duty. And say, well, they're cheating. It doesn't matter. I'm just going to walk away and sit home and drink, you know, drink my wine or my coffee or whatever and sit on my lazy behind at home. No, no excuse. Just because everybody in the whole world does the wrong thing doesn't mean that gives you the pass to say, well, they're doing, I guess I'm going to do it. It is our solemn duty. to get out there and vote and to make it our mission to bring people with us. Go have an election or a voting party, your little own personal voting party. Get about ten or fifteen of your friends and say, you know what, we're going to all go vote together and I'll pick up anybody that doesn't have a ride and afterwards we're going to go back and we're going to have lunch or we're going to go get a piece of pie and coffee somewhere. Or we're going to do, you know, we're going to do something. But you should really turn this into a personal event and make it very personal. You don't have to go with a whole bunch of, you know, okay, the Republican Party of this or the Constitution Party of this or that. We're all going to do it together. So that works too. But you got neighbors, you got family, you got friends, you know, you got people you know. Turn it into a personal party and go and get people out there to vote and make it an event, make it fun. And, you know, read why. Get into why. This is such a privilege to have self-governance. Take it seriously and decide that you're going to fight on that level and that single-handedly in your group of friends, you're going to do what you need to do to get things done. So thanks, guys, for being on. I love you guys to pieces. You know, God bless your new marriage, David. Thank you. And I hope that I get to see you this week. Definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Put that, there's your date. That's your date time. We'll talk about it next week. That's your date. Okay. That'd be fun. So at any rate, I'm going to be back in just a minute. My guests are backstage and guess what? I'm taking a real quick break and I'll be back with citizen journalist panel. We've got Casey Whelan and Dr. Carlin. I think it's the Borsenko, Borsenko, Borsenko. I think I said it right. And we will see who else joins us today. But in the meantime, give us a few minutes and we'll be right back. Good morning and welcome to Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg. It is the twenty three of September twenty twenty four. And welcome to our show. I'm kind of excited about this next segment because we've got our citizen journals panel and we're we're featuring today. Karlyn Borschenko. And so I'm very excited to to talk to her as well as my buddy, Casey Whelan. Hi, guys. Doing today. Good. Thank you for having me. Yeah. Thank you for being on. I am. Oh. Let's see, Kate. I hear you, uh, Carlin. I'm here. I just want to interrupt you. Thank you for having us. Yeah, this is great. Well, I pray, I welcome to our show and it's very nice to meet you. I, I, uh, looked at some of your, the stuff that you put out there in sub stack and let's just throw this up here a minute. Actively unawoke. I love it. So here we go. And, uh, this is Dr. Carlin. So, uh, Thought I'd bring that up there. And where do we want to go with it today, guys? It looks like we're talking about the Michigan Department of Education is grooming children. Yeah. So this was this was a bunch of stuff I exposed. I mean, well, over a year ago now is at the beginning of twenty twenty three. But since it was Michigan specific, I thought it would be appropriate for this. And of course, it's still probably happening in Michigan schools today. So essentially what I have is a three part series on my sub stack. where I got access to a google drive of trainings that are used they were funded by the michigan department of education and they were used literally with teachers all over the state of michigan and in some of these trainings they're teaching so this is the uh this is the michigan teacher of the year a couple years ago teaching um teachers to basically get students to fill out online forms that only go to the teacher where they're telling the teacher here's the gender I want to go by here's the pronouns I want to go by here's my private cell phone number so you can contact me and stuff like that and it basically gives the teachers the ability to have conversations with students outside of their parents ever knowing about it about Gender identity and things like that. And that's one of the primary ways we see schools being actively used against the parents, not just in Michigan, but all over the country. Yeah, it's pretty sobering, isn't it? Yeah, and I mean, this is literally, I mean, to this day, it's in a Google Drive on the Michigan Department of Education website. So all the recordings are there. I broke down the recordings in the article so people can take it in bite-sized chunks, but it is extremely important that parents in public schools understand exactly what teachers are being taught and what teachers are bringing into the classroom because the public schools and again this is not just in michigan but it is all over the country are the first line where parental rights are really being under attack wow here you go and it's like and of course you can't use these trains to be utilized or shared without the express authorized permission of the michigan department of education Well, it's not my fault they put it in a Google Doc that allowed me to download them, was it? Freedom of the press, baby. I'm not in Michigan. What's the Michigan Department of Education going to do? Well, I'm sure in an article. So there you go. Now, who is this that were, that were, yeah, there were some teachers within the presentation where they were actually talking about, and yeah, these are teachers that, um, at least a couple of years ago were working in Michigan public schools and they're actively talking about how they're teaching gender ideology in elementary school. Uh, yeah. If you've got it hooked into the sound, you can, yeah. I don't know if you can hear it or not. We'll see. Yeah. YouTube has been a little rough on me to upload from on, on most of the browsers. They kind of, uh, Actually, um, we had two people that work at the elementary level that have had at least two kids come out. And I find that given the school I work in at the elementary level, amazing and hopeful. And I want to be in their schools and I want to know how they made that happen because I'm tired of it. being pushed off to the high school level. I've really had it off. So glad to hear that it's working for some people. Super happy about that. That's awesome. A lot of it has begun with the, um, counseling department, you know, at the elementary level and then, you know, continuing into the middle school level, but also administration. Um, we've done a lot in our school. to just raise that awareness, but mostly just have the conversation. And we've started every single conversation with, we really don't know all of the answers, but we're willing to hear everything that needs to be talked about, and then we can look for them together. So that's really worked well at our school for both elementary and middle school. Yeah, so what you just heard there was they were talking about elementary schoolers coming out with the help of the guidance counselor. When they say coming out, they don't mean coming out as gay. They mean coming out as trans or non-binary. Wow. So that they can prey on them and do like a gender reassignment sterilization surgery, which is, you know, what I'm going to call it what it is. It's genital mutilation of our children. Yeah, well, most of the time it doesn't actually come to that. And I mean, and thank God for that. That's actually a really good thing. The goal of queer activism in the public schools isn't actually to trans the kids. That's more of an outcome that is completely unethical and ridiculous. But the goal of queer activism in schools is actually much more nefarious than that. It's to abolish the gender binary by making kids believe that they are that they are not a man or a woman or that gender is fluid or things like that. And that's really what they're trying to push, because what far-left activists want to do is they want to abolish this idea of men and women entirely as a direct attack on not only the institutions that uphold our society, but also on directly the nuclear family, which they believe they need to overcome in order to institute a Marxist society. So I'm not suggesting that kids that are being medically transitioned is not something we should worry about. It absolutely is. I just want people to know that in the majority of cases, kids are not actually being medicalized, but they are still being convinced that they are gender non-binary or gender queer. And that is actually what the goal of a lot of this stuff is. This is really interesting to talk about. When I looked at your stuff, you do a lot about the origins of Marxism and such from what I saw. and why they have chosen all of these directions that they've gone into. Yeah. So what I do is not so much the origins of Marxism, but what I do is I follow real revolutionary Marxists and socialists that are active in the United States today. They're teaching in schools all over the country. They're the ones pushing critical race theory, gender ideology, queer activism. environmental justice, abolish the police, they're the ones behind the campus protests and so I only look at what's actually going on in the real world and I try to explain to people here is why they're doing what they're doing because the final end goal of all of this is to overthrow the United States government and in order to do that they need to essentially break down all the institutions that are upholding our society. Gender is one of the ways they do that, race is one of the ways that they do that, But really, every crazy idea you see in the country right now can eventually be linked back to one of these ideas that is all about overthrowing capitalism. I would just like to say thank you for coming on. I'm relatively new to you, but I appreciate the information that you have. Some of what you said has resonated with me because we just interviewed a lady named Sheila Bucher. She enrolled her daughter. We were referring to her as Ann, but now we're referring to her by her full name, Georgia Ann Bucher. She was enrolled at Lakes Middle School here in the Coeur d'Alene School District. And basically, it sounds like from what Sheila is saying that her daughter and she was raised in a Catholic or a Christian school background. Sheila is a kindergarten teacher and she worked. She was in the same school as her daughter until she couldn't teach her sixth grade math. So she enrolled her in Lakes Middle School. And it sounds like from what Sheila is saying that the counselor in that school had played a large part. in convincing, or at least Georgia Ann thought she was a cat named Felix or a boy, you know, and she ended up starting cutting herself. She actually cut her face like the Joker. And if you want to see that video, Donna, you can go to my Rumble on North Idaho Exposed. It's pinned at the very top and there's some uh, you know, images in there of, of, uh, blurred, but I mean, you can see some of this and it's a very real life example of exactly what you're talking about. And this poor woman's devastated. And just as an update to some people that may have followed this story, cause it did go a bit viral. Um, Georgia Ann was, is, has been getting help, but she has basically relapsed. She was, uh, in a, uh, somewhat rural area kind of on a farm getting help and They do a lot of activities and one of the activities they were doing is they were in a in a stream or a river nearby and She grabbed a sharp rock and then that night she ended up trying to cut her legs and her whole body and it sounded like she lost a lot of blood but I Don't know where it's at right now. But anyways, it's just a very real-life example if people want to see the very thing you're talking about It's very very sad I don't see it pinned, so give me some instruction here. Is it this one right here? That's the update. If you just keep going down, I can link it. I'll find it. Yeah, find it and throw it in the chat. I got a lot of stuff. Yeah, Casey, you're a beast. It's amazing. well and and sadly what casey's talking about there are stories like that all over the country there was um there was it was either last year or the year before and I all this stuff kind of bleeds together in my head after a while but there was a lawsuit that was filed out in long island um by the parents of a fifth grade girl who the fifth grader had been going into school and the teacher convinced her that she was a boy and was using male pronouns and a male name in school but no one told the parents about this at all and so this uh This kid was going home every day being called different names and pronouns by their parents and then going to school and being called a boy. The school counselor was calling them a boy, all this stuff. And this led to the student ultimately becoming suicidal and expressing suicidal ideation to the counselor for which the parents ultimately ended up suing the school. This also happened in the state of Colorado. There's a woman that does a lot of activism. She goes by Erin for parental rights. She had exactly the same thing happen to her daughter. Her daughter went to an afterschool GSA club, got all this sparkly stickers and things, and they convinced her that she was trans when she was not and never told the parents. And this also created a lot of psychological problems that they had to get help for. That's horrible. It's just absolutely horrible. Okay. Let's play a little bit of this. Yeah, this was done in conjunction with the Idaho Tribune. Hello, everyone. Casey Whalen reporting for the Idaho Tribune. Over the last handful of years, we've seen a gradual increase of Marxist indoctrination in school districts throughout the country, namely the LGBTQ movement. This has had a great effect on the children of these schools that are being influenced by this ideology. We're here with the brave woman who's here to present her story of her daughter that attended one of these local schools and has paid a great price for this indoctrination. Thank you so much for joining us today, Sheila. So tell us a little bit about Anne and her earlier life. Okay, well, I adopted her when she was three months old. Foster cared her for a year. It's a more longer format interview, so... Is there a place where you can... Just jump ahead a couple minutes. We chronologically lay it out, so she explains it. You know, her background, her upbringing... pictures of her before she had this mindset, and then pictures after she was affected by it, and it's drastic. It's a completely different person. She even says in this interview here that she had one of her friends stay over. A lot of this, there's a lot of peer pressure. I'm sure that Dr. Carlin can attest to that. And a lot of bullying is what I was hearing. Some of that didn't get put in the interview. Um, but she had Georgia and had one of her friends stay over and they ended up live streaming themselves, cutting themselves. Oh my God. And love and happiness at that school and her friends. And you shared some of those pictures. Yes. And so, and I also took kids in my house in the summer when Dan was being raised and, um, She was very comforting to the other kids. And it was easy to do my job because she was so compassionate and loving to the other children. And she was just a fun kid. Happy all the time. And you two are very close. Yes. And our relationship has been amazingly wonderful. Right after this, she'll start talking about the school and the counselor and how she basically kind of blames the counselor. Now, the other link I posted in the chat is Sheila and I going to the school and she's trying to get records from the school because she thinks that Some records that the school had transferred to another school after all this happened weren't sent to that school. So we tried to go to the school and she just can't get records. We go to the school district, can't get records. She gets a lawyer to try to maybe sue the school district. Nothing really comes of that. So she's very frustrated. She wanted to wear a chest binder. Tell us about that sketch. She came to me. weeks into sixth grade. Now remember, she's only twelve. Okay. So let me see if I can get the other one here. I'll put these in my Telegram channel. At Brandenburg, the number four M-I. I always put the links on there for all of us. And I'll post the links while we're talking here in a minute. and so that you can go in and you can look at this. And I encourage you to share this information because so many families have been so horribly hurt by these terrible, mentally ill people that prey upon children to ruin their lives. From the beginning of the year to the end, for the whole school year. For the whole school year. I haven't released this yet, actually. There's really not much to see. I mean, this is just more for backstory. If people want to check it out, I can release it, I guess. But she was maybe going to file a lawsuit, so I hadn't released that. But there's not going to be a lawsuit. Do you want me to... It's an unlisted video. I mean, if you don't want it out there yet, that's fine. I don't see why it can't be public now. It just shows she tries to go to the school district, the school and the school district, and can't get records. So... But can you test us some of that, Dr. Carlin, as far as bullying? Well, I mean, there certainly is a lot of peer pressure that gets created in schools. And what happens is so essentially when kids come out as trans or non-binary or genderqueer or any of these things, they get a lot of positive reinforcement from from the teachers, from the friends, from the advisers and all this stuff. And so especially when you're talking about kids being in their teenage years, they're going through puberty there. There's a thing which is awkward for anyone. and all of a sudden they're getting all this positive reinforcement because they're saying they're trans or non-binary that's something that's very compelling and if they go back on that later there absolutely can be bullying and there can be um you know social pressure to adhere to that you know another aspect of this and I did send this over to you as well donna and this is something this is honestly one of the most disturbing things I've ever covered in my life um is that autistic students are particularly targeted by gender ideology in schools and um about at the beginning of twenty twenty three I infiltrated a private training called autistic sex education it was given by a phd student at the university of pittsburgh that had come out of columbia university teachers college and um this training was actually given as a keynote at the national sex ed conference in which means it was going out to sex ed teachers all over the country. This is just one of several autistic sex education trainings that I've infiltrated since then, but it was certainly the most disturbing. It is up on my sub stack today. And basically what you see is they are specifically targeting autistic students. They're teaching autistic students how to talk dirty, how to find porn and only fans. how to use sex toys, how to masturbate. And they're doing this all outside of, you know, the parents being around. And they specifically teach them that seventy percent of autistic students are non-binary because, again, non-binary is what they're really going for. They're not going for trans. They're going for non-binary. And another thing I want to mention, too, is that This is not actually mental illness. I disagree with that characterization. It's much worse than that. They have a focused goal of overturning capitalism in our country. And the way they're doing that, and one of the ways they're doing that, is by attacking gender specifically as an attack on the nuclear family. So this is not... bunch of mentally ill people just doing crazy things this is part of a centuries-long plan that they have been rolling out since the Frankfurt School came to America in the thirties and there are a whole bunch of clips in here if you want to and it predates that right because the mark I always thought the Frankfurt School was the genesis of Marxism we're really it isn't it's the genesis of cultural theory Well, yeah, so so so no marks and angles definitely were were before the Frankfurt School, but the Frankfurt School is important because the Frankfurt School is what brought it to America when they came specifically at Columbia University. Columbia University is actually the most woke of all Ivy League schools by far, because that's where it started in America. Morning, Christina. How are you doing? I'm doing good. Hello. Hi, how are you guys doing? Good. Can you touch on the Columbia University aspect? That's one of the things you brought up the other day when I was talking with you. Yeah. So I just wanted to say to Donna, the next video on this is actually more disturbing than the one you're on. So the under the heading, Dylan really loves masturbation. That's where the good stuff, well, the good stuff really gets started. So yeah, Columbia University, we saw Columbia University is the epicenter of the campus protests. that were springing up all over the country and are, by the way, still going on on college campuses today now that students are back on campus. It's just not being reported as much as it was before. And Columbia University specifically has what is considered to be the preeminent teacher training college. It's called Teachers College at Columbia University. And anytime you see a teacher like in your kid's school that's come out of Columbia University Teachers College, you need to really question what that person's doing because every single teacher I've ever encountered every single activist I've ever encountered from that specific college is is about as far left radical marxist as you can possibly get um there's a woman that teaches at columbia university her name is bettina love she is one of the preeminent education activists in the country she's a far left radical revolutionary socialist you can find her all over the internet if you look for her and she's actually a professor at columbia university teachers college Now, can you talk, I'm sorry, I don't mean to dominate the conversation here, but can you talk about the genesis of the Frankfurt School coming to America and this affiliation with Columbia University? Yeah, so essentially the Frankfurt School is a group of thought leaders that brought cultural Marxism to America. You've got like Horkheimer and Adorno and things like that. Well, Engels was before that. Marx and Engels wrote the Communist Manifesto. That was before that. But essentially what happened is in the nineteen thirties, they started coming. There's there's Bettina in the nineteen thirties. They started coming and teaching classes at Columbia University. And then after World War Two, when they essentially got excommunicated from Germany, they they really formally came and set up shop at Columbia University. And even if you go to the Frankfurt School today, I mean, the Frankfurt School actually still exists today. And they're talking about, I actually have a clip on my sub stack of this. It's the most bizarre thing. They're talking about justifying the radical overthrow of society to this day in the Frankfurt School. And that is the influence that made its way into America at Columbia University. This is where the long march through the institution started. So the long march through the institutions is essentially this idea of if we take over the colleges and they started with the Ivy League schools and then they kind of trickled down into all the other colleges, they got themselves in faculty positions at colleges. Faculty positions are... near impossible to be fired from once you get into them so you sit in them for a good long time once they took over the colleges they took over the schools of education the schools of education is where teachers are trained to be teachers and in order to be a teacher in almost every state in this country you have to have a college degree of some sort and so if you are specifically sending your kids to college to go to learn how to be a teacher chances are they're going through um far left radical indoctrination as part of as literally part of their training to become a teacher so this is how they capture the k through twelve public schools is they put themselves in charge of training the people who are going to be teaching the kids which article has that in that you would like me to highlight So let's go to the autistic sex ed one because people are going to be really shocked at the one that you just had up on the screen. So this is the autistic sex ed trainer talking about how they really love masturbation and they love teaching your child about masturbation. What's the title of that video? well you can find it on my sub stack it's good it says autistic it's under the autistic sex education I posted on my telegram channel so I'll post that plus links on x when I'm done here too so that will and I'll make sure that your um all of the links are in there so that they can find you carlin I appreciate that yeah so um so yeah this whole article is just filled with clips from the autistic sex ed training and and I want to make sure people are aware of this too every major conservative news outlet was made aware of this article fox news specifically invited me on fox and friends to talk about this they cancelled about a half an hour after they invited me they never rescheduled And and the thing I and the reason I say this is like a lot of people assume that if you have outlandish stuff like this, that it's going to get covered on conservative media and people are going to know about it. No, that almost never happens. The conservative media and this is everyone from Fox News to The Blaze to Daily Wire to Stephen Crowder to every every conservative outlet you can think of. They all knew about this and no one covered it. I I'm going to tell you what I have not found you know I I can honestly say I get I get clips here there and everywhere that I look at right I look at literally everything and I am so disappointed at the level of of hiding what's going on and it's not on the left side it's on the left side and the right side it's not just one or the other and they're all being funded because they're two wings of the same bird and they're against us And so when you look at how this all functions, it goes back to the term, follow the money. And you can start seeing where they were, where they're all in bed together. You know, all you got to do is look at Ukraine, look at Ukraine and you've got, you've got, you know, you've got Pelosi, but you've also got Romney there. You've got all of them are playing ball across the globe. All of them are. Yeah, it's very true. If people knew the amount of stories that are not covered on conservative media that are, quite frankly, far worse than most of the things that conservative media covers, they would be literally shocked. Well, that's what I'm here for. I think all of us are here. We're all here to get the truth out. and bring forward whether people like it or not. And sometimes, you know, I watched you getting roasted on X there a little bit, Christina. That's okay, I can take it. Because people were not, they wanted to believe the narrative that's been out there. And that's great. There's if there's truth, but you got to bring the receipts. You've got to bring the proof of what you're talking about, not just because you want to believe in it. You've got to be able to dig deeper than that and get to what's actually happening. Not what they're telling you that's happening because they're both programming. Well, I've been watching for, I put a map on my office wall. I've been watching both the left and the right plant narratives across the United States for the last, I don't know, month and a half now, to the point where I can almost predict where they're going next and what the narrative is gonna be. It's so sickening at this point. And all that, what happened on X, All that did was show me exactly how programmed the people are. I'm sitting here telling you that where you're trying to link this conversation together is from an entirely different city. But yet, I told everyone, just show me the proof. I don't have an opinion on whether or not it's truth. I have an opinion on you guys believing it because it's a narrative. Just show me the proof. And you know how many people sent me the same video? Probably about two thousand. And I'm like, I don't understand. Like, what part are you not getting? To your point, I was watching all these pagers and walkie-talkies explode. You know, people flying out windows and losing hands and arms and faces and that sort of thing. And I got to tell you, it's like my critical thinking goes into gear there. And I'm like, what are we actually seeing here? And I really have some questions because the primary video that came out there was the same cinematography motion that they do at all of these protests. It's flying around so fast with all of these images that you can't get a lock at actually what you're seeing. And so when you see that, start noticing the patterns because I'm a pattern person. I have an unusual skill of being able to pick things out visually because I can see more than two million colors. It's a weird characteristic. There's a very small percent of the population that has that. And when I start looking at the colors, I can perfectly match them or perfectly match certain things in them. What I see in these scenarios is that a lot of them, especially the cinematography, I picked it out immediately when Wuhan came out and the videos were of Wuhan and they were spraying the streets and such. I'm like, that's gaming software, people. That's not real. It is impossible to move a camera in the directions that they are and look at the repeated colors there that match identically. And so when I started watching these videos of these pagers that were exploding, does it happen? I don't know the answer to that. It's like it looks like most of it that there's some truth to it. But there's an awful lot of propaganda in there outside of what's really happening. So somebody's either driving it to make it look way this way or way that way. It's probably somewhere in the middle. Am I saying it didn't happen? That's not what I'm saying. I'm not saying that it didn't happen. I'm saying that a couple of those videos lost all credibility to me because the cinematography was absolutely in the range of manipulation of images to traumatize people to engage their emotions. That's what it is, Miss Donna. That's exactly what it is. People run on their emotions these days. So they see these videos and most of these people can't determine. I mean, it's taken me a long time to determine what what videos are truthful. And I use exactly what you just said, because our camera, when they pan like that, our technology, I mean, it's good, but it's not so good that everything is going to be one hundred percent like that. I know the word I'm looking for clear is not it, but I'm sure you understand what I mean. We'll see what the CIA does is the CIA will do that. And the flash images, if they're brainwashing people so quick that you can't really get it. So it's like this, right? And when you look at some of those videos that they say are on the ground, They're brainwashing videos. And we've got to remember that and question what we're seeing. But anyhow, it's crazy. I'd like to stick on this topic a little bit on this woke stuff from Michigan, because I think that the stuff that you're bringing forward is critically important. We all get off on these tangents every day because we're. I know what you guys are talking about. Yeah, it's like we're literally sick of all of it out there because there's so much of it. But this is a direct attack against our children is what you're bringing up here, Dr. Carlin. And I really appreciate it. Yeah, it's not just a direct attack on children. It's a direct attack on the American way of life, because, again, all of this is part of a much bigger picture to overthrow to overthrow capitalism in America. But I really think people should hear some clips from this article if we have time to play a couple of them. And tell me, let's scroll down a little bit and I'll tell you which ones are the good ones. So let's start scrolls. scroll up a little bit that one right there right there one right there right in front of you like let's play that one that's this is this is the autistic sex ed trainer talking about masturbation with your kids People, I hate to say it, it's going to be uncomfortable. And, you know, just, you know, wait till I start throwing more of the stuff where there's chopping faces off of people. If you are a parent, again, this is my offer to like, I will happily come talk about masturbation with your autistic child. I've done it with many autistic children. It brings me a lot of joy. And it's kind of, if it makes you uncomfortable, if you're like, I'm a parent, I am not that child parent and I'm happy to do it. it brings him joy oh yeah well it gets it gets worse than that scroll down a little bit more to the next one he's a sexual deviant who likes to diddle kids is what it sounds like this is not this is not someone who was born a man listen to this one okay sorry I just gotta say it I mean you don't do this with children I'm sorry this is not okay wait but there's a reason that's not even the worst one hang on there's a reason they're doing this Homeschool, guys. Take your answer. Homeschool your children. Get rid of the Department of Education. You did not come here expecting to hear me say words like dick and cock. I'm sorry, and you don't know me very well. But I think that you got to use anatomically correct language. It is really helpful. No, I'm not saying teach kindergartners this, but when you are working with autistic folks who are like starting to get to an age where they're having conversations around sex, it's really important to teach them the slang terms for these body parts too, but also that they can recognize them and also so that they can just like use them in a sexual context. It's totally legitimate if someone wants to use penis to talk about their body during sex. But a lot of people use words like dick and cock. And maybe that's a little bit of a sexier word. And to see people have a right to know that those are words that they use. My inspiration for all the work that I do is a young man I've been working with for many years. I feel like his mom, I think, is here. And my favorite story about this person from recent years is that we were having a conversation around like, what if I want to have sex? What do I do? And we were on a walk and he asked me, he was like, can I say to someone like, will you touch my member? And it took me a second to be like, what are we talking about? And then he was like, can I say to someone like, will you touch my member? And I I was like okay that's not an inappropriate word to call your penis like that's a very normal like it is definitely a slang term but if you are in a situation where like you're about to have sex with someone and you use member that's probably an unexpected word to be hearing in a sexual context and you know here we were taught I like got to talking about how dick and cock are like words that a lot of people with penises used to talk about their bodies in a sexual context so slang is important um I am happy to if if these are conversations you would not like to be having with your children um I'm happy to have them for you because they bring me a lot of joy oh they bring him a lot of joy so this kind of thing brings him joy Oh, God. Dear God, help us all. I don't even know what to say right now. I'm kind of in a state of shock, to be honest, because I hear that these things are happening, but I did not... My kids are grown. They're in college. And my daughters tell me all about the indoctrination in college. But I did not understand that there were people out there, I guess... like this that were really taking it to this level. I was on a live last night and some lady was showing us a form from the doctor's office that she wasn't allowed to fill out about her twelve year olds. You know how he felt about sex and what he was and what his gender was and if he was like bi or trans and they wanted his specific phone number not hers wouldn't send it to hers at all so this is a god moment for me right now because I did not realize and I'm sure there are multiple I'm sure this is not a singular event I'm sure that there are tons of people out like this that's insane no I have I have tons of clips like this I have I've been tracking trainings like this for years I have them all on video it's all on my youtube channel it's all on my sub stack I've been trying to tell people about it and I can't get it covered in conservative media of course because they don't want anyone to know about this but uh but but the thing is it is that I really want people to understand is I I don't want people to be just like completely distracted by the sexualization of this because although that is important and I'm not saying that's not a problem there is a much bigger picture here what these trainings actually are are attacks on parental rights and that's really critical because parental rights are being attacked all over the country one of the most common ways parental rights are being attacked is in school districts that implement policies that say that the school district and the teachers are not allowed to communicate with parents what is going on with the kids what gender they're identifying as what pronouns they're identifying as there are specific forms that the kids have to fill out to give the school permission to tell the parents what's going on because they do not tell the parents by default in the state of California it is actually now illegal to tell the parents what's going on and a lot of school districts even if it's not illegal in the state the school district has policies that prevent the teacher from communicating with the parents and so if the teacher does the teacher is going to get fired and so this is a very big problem and The only solution to it, abolishing the Department of Education is not actually going to fix this problem, by the way, because this is all happening at the local level. I'm not saying that's not good, but I'm just saying that people should not mistake. If Trump gets elected and Trump actually does that, it would be great, but it's not actually going to solve this problem because that's not going to abolish the public schools at the local level. What you need to do is pull your kids out of public school. Full stop. Yeah, for real. Full stop. You know, I was a homeschool mom. I was done with it. You know, I'm sixty years old and I was done with it when my kids were growing up and I pulled my kids out of school and we were under threat of being arrested for homeschooling our kids. And I just got to tell you, though, I have way more education than I probably should have. You don't need an education in the universities to homeschool your kids. And I want to encourage people that the best teacher for your children is you as a parent, because you have the motivation. You can find help. There's resources out there that is of your choosing and what you want to see your kids do. There's lots of them out there. And quite honestly, when you've got the majority of resources and time going into this social engineering crap, You don't have to spend the six hours or eight hours a day if you put them into all of these extracurricular nonsense things to get them away from your family and basically peel them off. And I want to make a good point here is that people are herd animals that are being victimized by predators. We need to be together. And what better to destroy the family, to single people out so the predators can pick them off one at a time. I said that last night, Ms. Donna, when I was in that live. That's exactly what I said. And that destroys the country right there. They checkmate destroy the country by going after the kids. Well, I mean, our children can't legally enter into a binding contract until they're eighteen. They can't have a car in their name. They can't do all these things because, you know, you're basically property of your parents. And the legal system looks at that way as at the children. But yet the schools can go behind a parent's back. That's going to get someone seriously hurt. Like you're going to run into the wrong person, first of all. Well, you said the magic words is is that they are considered to be property of their parents. And that's actually what the far left is trying to overcome when they're when they're trying to dismantle parental rights. And you actually articulated it perfectly because how so people think that when the left is talking about abolishing capitalism, they mean abolishing an economic system where we go into the store and buy stuff. That's not actually what they're talking about. They're talking about abolishing private property ownership. and they do actually consider parental rights to be a form of private property ownership with which you own your children and they they perceive it as their job to liberate the children from being the property of their parents and so that is actually one of the arguments that they um that they make that this is about like that children are considered property no one should be considered property and so children should be able to make all their own decisions and again a lot of people teaching in schools are are far left radicals and so the people that are teaching in the schools the people that are administering the schools the people that are setting the policy in the schools They're the ones that are implementing these policies that are directed tax on parental rights for explicitly the property reason. So that brings me to a question. Are you so is because I know during like COVID there was, you know, money awarded to the schools if they were trying to become like a one stop shop where they can see the psychiatrist and get their haircut, all of that sort of thing. Are you noticing a difference between like because I live in an inner city So is there a difference or is it across the board? Because now I'm getting ready to go down to the school down the road and start asking some questions. There is no difference. And that is a mistake that a lot of people on the right make is they believe that this is only happening in blue cities. This is only happening in blue areas. No, this is in every single school district in the country. And I can prove that just by telling you to go to your school district's website, not the school website, go to the school district website and look up the term equity. and equity is code for marxism any school that has an equity department and they pretty much all do now a more an equity program or is putting equity into the curriculum they are teaching far left ideology and usually it's all over their website and you can find it with a very simple search do you want to do another um another video clip here uh we can go back to that and watch this because you know I think yeah let's go into autistic sex ed again and just keep scrolling down I'll tell you what are the good ones to uh to watch for this If you can't get your stuff up there, by the way, on YouTube or whatever, if they take you down, just give me a call. You can be up on Brandenburg News Network. Don't worry. I'm on YouTube. I actually have a lot of stuff. I do okay on YouTube. I've actually had a problem with them. I'm also on Rumble. But in this one, they're talking about how basically, seventy percent of autistic kids are queer or non-binary. So this is a good one for people to hear. Get a little all-seeing eye up here. Yeah, well, it's on my book, yeah. I can put it on TikTok as long as I'm real careful about what I say. OK, this is my favorite statistic of all time ever, which is that seventy percent of autistics are LGBTQ plus, with fifty percent of that population being trans. Seventy percent and fifty percent both round up to one hundred. Awesome. That's a huge number. What does that mean? This means that all autistic individuals need to be talked to and informed about queer and trans identities and how those folks have sex. um this also means that if you are teaching sex ed to your autistic student you need to be comfortable and competent in the subject of queer and trans issues which a lot of people are not um queer and trans autistic folks are even more likely some articles say like twice five times whatever um likely to end up in trouble with a lot of things contract stis have negative mental health outcomes excuse me, all things that are completely preventable with adequate sex education. Yeah, so the point of that video is that, again, they are making the assumption that if a child is autistic, that they are queer or trans and they need to specifically be taught about gender identity and things like that. Go down to the next video because the next video is where they're teaching kids specifically how to find porn. Do you think, okay, because I got a problem with this whole autism thing, because I know back in the day, there wasn't a lot of autism. And I've been doing a lot of research on like the vaccines and the injuries from those, not just the COVID vaccine. Do you think they're making these children to be autistic? No, I mean, I wouldn't go so far as to say that. And that's not something I have any expertise in and not something I would comment on. I'm just commenting on this was presented, like the content that you're watching now was presented as a keynote speech at the National Sex Education Conference in December of it went out to basically every sex educator in the country that was at that conference and so this is the content that they're teaching in schools essentially well they've already told us they're coming for your kids yeah yeah they said that a few times we need to learn to be to we this is insane I did not realize the magnitude of this situation. Okay. Porn and cyber safety. Porn literacy. Porn literacy is important. I'm not a porn literacy expert, but I will tell you that in general, it means like teaching students things about ethical porn, where to find porn, ethical porn consumption. It also helps students get literally, if you break it down, it helps them get literate with porn, which like, helps them understand that porn is not reality. No, like, I don't know. Lesbian porn is very different than real-life lesbian sex. And I did not know that based on the porn that I was watching until I started doing it. And what you're watching is very different from what actually exists out there. I think a whole everyone, neurotypical or neurodivergent, needs some porn literacy, but that, you know, whatever. I think explaining the legal and safety issues associated with porn websites is very important. Be very clear about the legal consequences associated with porn. Those things vary by state. They are just really good to know. Also, young folks are sexting and swapping nudes. You might want to be clear with them about the laws around those things in their states as well, because there are risks involved. I am not here to tell you that nobody is doing it. I am here to tell you that they are all doing it. And you should just have conversations around safety and the law and risk when you are having those conversations with them. But again, it is like a normal thing. human behavior so I don't know these things guys I want to point out on this slide because he didn't say it overtly but it says directly on the slide in the second bullet point show students where to find ethical porn including paid sites like only fans who determines what ethical porn is though the sex ed teacher that's teaching the kids Yeah, that's kind of disgusting. It is shocking. This is shocking that this is in Michigan, that they would put this out. This is national. This is not just a minute. This is national. This is a national thing going on here. But it's also this is this is horrible. OK, well, you know, I think that we need to be aware of what they're doing for our, you know, to brainwash and wreck our kids. Yeah. And I mean, it just keeps going. It's like crazy clip after crazy clip after crazy clip. And people can visit my Substack and they can find it. It's just like go to Karlyn, Look up autistic sex education in the search bar. It'll come right up. It's also on my YouTube channel. It's on the homepage of my YouTube channel of people. And people who have autistic kids need to know this because this is just one of several trainings that I have where they're specifically talking about targeting autistic kids. They actually believe that autism is a form of gender identity called autigender. And so and I have another training about that that was done within the University of California Community Colleges system or the California Community Colleges system. several months ago where they're teaching that autism is a gender identity. And so that's another reason that you need to teach autistic students that they're trans or non-binary because it's a very specific gender identity. That's crazy that all of that, that you just said sounds like insanity to me. It all just, it doesn't even register correctly with my brain. Casey, what's your, what's your comment on this? This is nuts. Yeah, it is. It is. It is insane. I shouldn't be surprised, I guess, but it just gets worse and worse. Now, I guess one of the things I'm thinking of now after hearing that is I've heard these whisperings of bestiality. I heard something about something of the professor, something at the University of Florida, like over a year ago, was promoting this acceptance of bestiality. I don't know if you've heard anything about this. I have not heard anything about that specifically. I did. So here's the thing. Here's the thing that people need to know. And I really think that people, and I know that there are a lot of outlandish things that go on in the world, but I really want to recommend people, if you come across something like that, it all like nine times out of ten that's gonna be a random anomaly that is not that is not actually representative of what the left is pushing and so it can and and the reason I say this that it's not that it's not bad but like what happens when you have these really outlandish things like like professors that are talking like there was this one professor that got caught having sex with like a dog or something but but like that doesn't mean that's a thing that the left does that means that that that specific person is a sick and demented person and they got caught doing something sick and demented and what what tends to happen is that people focus in and they say this is representative of everything when it's really not and then that one outlandish thing gets just all the energy and then all of the other crazy stuff that is happening that is predictable that we can see on video showing up over and over and over again in these trainings that stuff gets ignored because you've got one crazy anomaly going on over here so No, I actually haven't heard any talk about bestiality. And again, I literally watch Queer Marxists almost every single day of the week. I watch their trainings. I've gone undercover at their events and stuff like that, and they don't talk about that. The other thing, too, is that although we did hear stuff that sounded like sexualization in that autistic sex ed training, the whole idea that the entire left is seeking to sexualize children is generally speaking not true actually I've heard them talk about how they want to protect children from sexualization um and so and so again I'm not suggesting it's not important but it's like a like when it happens it really is a small sliver of the problem the bigger problem is that they are trying to eliminate this idea of gender again they're trying to get rid of the idea that male and female exist and it is a binary and you are one or the other and they're doing that by trying to convince kids that they're genderqueer or gender non-binary and that's the thing that we really should be focusing on in my life though Why would they want to get rid of this, of two genders? I just don't understand that. Why? You want me to take a stab at this? I'll take a stab at this as a Christian because you look at all of the gods, the occult gods of the past, almost every single one of them are transgender. And so it seems to me to just be a nuclear family in a destruction of anything good for humanity. So it does have to do with the nuclear family. It does not have to do with any sort of paganism or occultism or Gnosticism. That's not something that's actually talked about on the left, though. I understand why you have that perspective, Donna. So what it is is and I do think it's important to be specific about this, you know. So what it is, is the ultimate goal of the far left is to overthrow capitalism in America. capitalism is specifically defined as private property. One of the things, and, and so all the attacks on race, gender, trans queer, all this stuff, they're actually just different attacks on capitalism. And so what the left believes, and again, I have them on video saying this and people can find it on my sub stack is that capitalism, which is defined as private property ownership created the gender binary. The gender binary is also known as the patriarchy. It put men in the workplace where they had access to all the power and all the money. it put women in the home where they did the unpaid labor of raising the children who would become the next generation of oppressed workers under capitalism and if they eliminate the gender binary that's a direct attack on the nuclear family where the left very literally believes that capitalism as a social system is reproduced in the nuclear family when parents raise kids to have what they call capitalist values And so all of this, when it comes to queer and gender, is an attack on the gender binary, which is an attack on the nuclear family with the ultimate goal of overthrowing both the economic and social system of capitalism in America. I know that might sound complicated to people who are hearing this for the first time. But again, like if people want to follow my work, I will show you video clips of them talking about this. I actually just did a we watched a training from the Denver communists about a couple of days ago on my YouTube channel where they literally said everything that I just said overtly. And so this is what I do. I do breakdowns on the website. I do breakdowns to teach people the language of the left so that. It demystifies what the left is doing so that we can better understand the problem so we can better solve it. But we have proof that the breakdown of the nuclear family is in a whole very detrimental to our society. You can look at any inner city community where especially with the African-American community and see where The breakdown in the nuclear family has contributed to more crime. I mean, I could go on for days with that. So we have this proof that if you break down the nuclear family, then at whole, people do worse. So I don't understand why that's a goal of theirs. I get the capitalism point of it, but you could talk to anybody that knows anything about the breakdown of the nuclear family, and they'll give you the exact same example that I just gave you. yeah so so the goal the destabilization of society is a goal of the left it's not it's not it's a feature for them it's because it is so here the four goals of the woke left are always the same gain as much power as possible destabilize the system attack capitalism usher in their marxist utopia if they don't destabilize the system then they are not going to be able to overthrow the current system that we have in america and that is ultimately the goal It's overthrowing capitalism in America. And so the destabilization in terms of when you're seeing the BLM riots, that was a massive destabilization effort. When you're seeing the protests that are going on, that is a destabilization effort. And so when they destabilize the system, what they do is they cause problems for people. I mean, inflation is one of the problems they've caused for people. I mean, basically all the things that are causing pain. And they go, you know why things suck right now? Things suck because of capitalism. They very literally believe that capitalism has created every problem we have in society. And then they say, your life is hard right now and your kids are learning all this crazy stuff because of capitalism. Why don't we overthrow capitalism and usher in Marxism? So they don't consider it a problem that society is falling apart. They think that they're going to be able to usher in their Marxist revolution a lot faster if the faster society falls apart. Falls apart, right. Okay, I get it. I get it. And if I may interject, there's just a couple of minutes left and you're not getting out of here that easy. You need to talk about your challenge and why you're doing this challenge. Oh, you want me to talk about James Lindsay? So one of the biggest barriers I have of actually getting this information in the public is Conservative Inc. To be honest, they actually hinder my work way more than people on the left do. And that's funny since I go undercover at leftist trainings. But James Lindsay right now, he's a guy that's been lifted up on the conservative right by Turning Point USA, Moms for Liberty. He's a so-called expert in the left, but the thing of it is James refuses to respond to any intellectual criticisms of his work. He also refuses to really look at primary source video evidence from the left. And so I've issued a public challenge to James to come and debate me on these issues. And I want to be able to show primary source video evidence and compare it with what James Lindsay is teaching. Because right now, James Lindsay is literally teaching that queer Marxism and socialism is a Gnostic sex cult led by Oprah and some sort of globalist new world order conspiracy theory. And people actually do believe this and it sounds crazy, but it's just not, it's exactly what I said. It's an attack on the gender binary and the nuclear family. And I think that the public needs to be informed of this. I think parents need to be informed of this because I really do believe what James Lindsay is teaching the public is going to get people's kids taken away because they do not understand what's actually going on so I have challenged him to a public debate and james can come and uh I will I will debate him anytime any place as long as a couple conditions are met to include I get to show primary source video evidence from leftist trainings the debate is live so it will be unedited and I want to do it virtually and not in person and as long as james meets those conditions I will debate him anytime any place well I'll help you out I'll make a video for you all right hold on a minute let's check this out here a minute oh yeah james is a james is a liberal atheist by the way that's lifted up by turning point usa as as at their christian focused events he is a liberal atheist yeah I met him um at the last one event was that um the people maybe I think it was the people's convention Yeah, he was there. Yeah. Yeah. I know James. I filmed him a couple of times in Southern Idaho. I have a bunch of questions here for him. He was he's in he's in Coeur d'Alene or he just probably left Coeur d'Alene. Well, I think this is important. This is important to bring this stuff out because just because they say they're one thing doesn't mean that we need to look into it a little bit. a little bit further because I I've never heard of the man before so I don't know I I you know it can only cover so much ground that's why we have to stand together so this is amazing totally amazing I am gonna get tracy um when I will get tracy I'll text her when I get off the phone you know I'm talking about miss honor yeah okay because I think her and her would just be great together Yeah, we can do that. Absolutely. We'll see if you guys can come back on because I'd love to give this a little bit more airplay here and get this in front of people so that they think that this is just like, you know, little handouts, a coloring book, a book. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. This goes so far deeper than that. It's not even funny. And quite honestly, it's a very committed project. believer in christ a christian when I all I got to do is look at all of these these and I understand it feels like a distraction but all I have to do is look at baphomet baal malik all of them guys it's a guy with boobs okay that's what we're talking here it's a transgender uh god that that sorry stuff has gone back for many many many years okay and I hate to say it but we're gonna go I think we need to address all of these things with open and honesty if you're a guy this you're either an x or you're a y that's it they're gonna dig your body up in a thousand years and everything goes away your skeletons there and they're gonna go up That's a dude. That's a guy. And even if you went after your body with a hole saw to make your pelvis look wider, they're still going to go, that's a dude. That's a woman. And there's no getting around us. I mean, we can play dress up all we want. But in my barn, the horses aren't confused. The chickens aren't confused. The dog's not confused. Nobody's confused anymore. And it works great, doesn't it, in your barn? It works great. It just goes seamlessly, right? Yeah. Nobody's suicidal in a barn, okay? Nobody's trying to figure out what they are. They know what they are. There's no confusion there. Clearly, there's no confusion. I'm just completely shocked by this. I'm kind of floored, actually. This is not the conversation I thought that we was going to have or expect it by any means. So I wasn't adequately prepared for it, but I am very thankful for it because I definitely thought that you know, this like it wasn't happening in my city and, you know, that it was like a select part of the left. And I didn't put together like I talk about capitalism all day long. And I did not put that together just because that's I'm not that's not what I study. That's, you know, that's what you study. So it's like and I would I like to believe that I'm pretty aware. But I am just shocked at how uneducated I am. Well, look at the follow the money. I mean, the follow the money part of this, if they're trying to destroy if they're trying to destroy property rights and commandeer people as well as private property rights. This is the trajectory the United States of America is on right now. It's totally on that trajectory for having state-owned businesses. They're owning... Fifty-one percent of the land west of the Rockies is owned by our federal government. When you look at all these property rights that they've gone after, I mean, it starts really locking us together in a puzzle that we can get our arms around a little bit. And I just I'm glad you brought this stuff forward. This is this is shocking. Yeah. And one last thing, and I really do appreciate you guys having me on, and I understand this is overwhelming. And to your point, Christina, this is something that people just haven't been exposed to for the most part. I discovered this stuff years ago purely by accident. I was watching diversity trainings on my YouTube channel. I was watching college classes. I was watching all this stuff. And one day that kind of led me back into far left radical revolutionary socialism. And so I started watching their trainings. I started going to their events. dressed up as a non-binary person. I had to wear a chest binder and everything. And I said I secretly recorded them and all this stuff. And so a lot of people just haven't been exposed to this content because it's not something that conservative influencers will cover. But again, if you go to my Substack, which is, there's a link at the top that says how to speak socialist and if you click on that link the very first post you're going to find is a four hour master class where I've taken dozens of clips of from of the the radical revolutionary socialist trainings that I've watched that I've infiltrated over the years and I've put them together for people in a way that it breaks down the language and you can really start to see how this is showing up in society so I do have a class for that it's about four hours long I know it's a big commitment but if you go through that class you will never see the world the same way again I promise you and and it's it is far scarier than you think it is yeah so go to my main sub stack and go to the the how to speak socialist link at the very top let's see am I there or not I can't see your screen. So I'm actually on woke and then how to speak socialist. Here we go. Yeah. And then the very first link on that page is going to be the four hour masterclass and it's totally for free. Um, it's available that people can watch at any time. What social media are you on? You said YouTube rumble. Yeah, I'm on YouTube rumble X primarily. Those are the main ones. Substack, obviously, is my main content. Yeah, I'm pretty disgusted with the Republican Party right now, Miss Donna. So it's not shocking that conservatives are shutting her down. Yeah. Yeah, conservatives are my biggest challenge. Like, not even close. I'm not shocked. And I wouldn't have told you that last week. I wouldn't have told you that last week. Well, we've been talking about that really on the show. I know one of the gals that was involved with crafting the heartbeat bill. And she said, you know what fought the heartbeat bill the hardest? It was right to life. And so when you look at the fight we have going on, it's really easy to stamp a label on things and say, oh, we can't question that. We can't question Christians. We can't question, you know, Israel. We can't question Muslims. We can't question this, that, or the other. I mean, make a freaking list. It's two of protected classes of people. You know what? And I hate to say it, but each and every one of us needs to sit there and say, question me. Question the things I'm associated with. is I want to know the truth. I don't want to sit here walking through life as a, as a complicit criminal, just because we didn't know. And in order to do that, we're going to have to stop protecting everything that we think we believe in because everything's been infiltrated. Every single thing you see a five Oh one C three run the other way. They were absolutely involved in stashing ballots in our elections. Yeah. They were. They're taking money for being part of the problem. And going back to the human trafficking part that we were talking about earlier with, say, Catholic services or Lutheran services or Bethany Christian services. Catholic social societies. That's what I'm on right now. Look at their budgets. Look at where the money is going inside of them. And you'll have your answer right there. It's extreme. I'm getting ready to go down to Texas here in a couple, I don't know, month or so after the election, probably. And Colorado, we got some leads out there. I'm going to send this to Melissa so that she can hear everything she just said, because I'm pretty sure she's going to be pretty shocked herself. Yeah, I actually infiltrated a gender ideology conference at the University of Colorado Boulder a couple months back. And in that and this is also on my sub stack. This is actually one of the craziest things I've ever heard. There was a person presenting at this gender conference. I was about to do it. I was sitting in the front row of it, and this person has multiple personality disorder, dissociative disorder. I swear, no, wait, it gets better. And this person said that having, and it's called formally dissociative disorder. I just don't think people know what that means. This person said they had multiple entities within themselves. They all had different genders. And they said that this is a gender identity called system gender disorder. So now having multiple personality disorders and gender identity, and I'm not joking about this. I made a video about it on my sub stack. I was sitting in that presentation and this sounds a little crazy, but there was some sort of demonic force that attached itself to me during that presentation. And I actually had to have a friend do like a spiritual like cleansing ritual on me because I was tweaking for hours after that my whole body was tweaking and shaking and she was like carlin something attached itself to you in that presentation I'm fairly certain like like demonic energy is real when it comes to these people I'm not joking about this and it is it was I'm watching this person and it got attached to me yeah I'm well aware I do a lot of things with uh well we won't it's we'll that's another show We'll go there right now because I'm going to go into the next one. We are truly in a battle between good and evil. And if you don't think that the evil exists, that's what they want you to believe. They want you to believe that these gods that were worshipped of old or these demonic forces don't exist. They want you to believe the best thing they can do that evil can do is to convince you it doesn't exist. Yeah, that's the whole point. That's the whole point, is that this is a battle between good and evil. Period. And once you recognize that it's there, I don't step on anybody's beliefs, but once you recognize that it's there, and if you read the Bible, you can go back between the occult and God all day long and try to form some similarities, but God gives gifts to people. And I see it in this day and age everywhere, especially within myself. Like I can see the evil on people. I mean, like you could almost smell it. And it's so, our society right now is so just over consumed with evil. And it's, I consider it like off balance. Like you can't have all this evil and all of this corruption and then not have something to balance it out. I mean it's I mean like like what luke um what is it twelve fifty one he said jesus says I'm bringing peace to the earth no I'm bringing division fathers will go against their father the sons sons will go against their fathers and then it goes on um it goes a little bit to say you know you see the clouds and you know it's going to rain you see the southern wind and you know it's going to be warm but you don't see the discernment you don't have discernment to see the signs of the times it's it's almost everywhere So I understand probably what you were feeling like when you left that place that day, because I've had that experience myself at several of these conferences that I've been to. Well, and I think that goes back to all of it. It's a battle between good and evil. And I personally don't believe that they can coexist. And so, you know, I don't think you, you can't, you can't serve two masters. And so you either, you either have to make a choice. You either go, you know, you either, you either choose to do and, and be on the side of God and do his work here, or you're going to be serving the other side. There's no two ways about it. And, uh, You know, it's it's a that's a long discussion on the choices we make to choose to choose to walk away from from everything bad and honestly stand with with our our our heavenly father and his his savior, Jesus Christ, that that makes a. makes atonement for the things we've all done wrong because we've all done things that are wrong. And you just don't get out of that without the help of God helping you out of it. But certainly, certainly there's a lot here to talk about and unpack. But I'm really, really grateful for you coming on today. I'd love for you to come back again. Because I think we could dig into this further and I will absolutely put this stuff out here. And let's poke the bear about this a little bit, because I think that this is such a deep subject that parents and we can get into homeschool references and how, you know, how some of us, I mean, my one of my kids has graduated from ten, tested him out of he tested out of and graduated from high school at ten years old, started college and attended college at twelve years old at four point. And I went with him because I would. I knew what it was all about because, you know, I spent way too many years in the college system. And I decided I'd take the classes with him and went back and took engineering, industrial robotics and computer programming with him. And I was shocked with what I saw. And I would face off with the professors because I was, of course, older and more ornery, which is a good thing in today's society, you know, and tell them what was it. But that way I could see what they were teaching my son and counterbalance that. So if a dummy like me can have a kid that actually graduates from high school at ten and was attending college at twelve, our university type system, our colleges and freaking four pointed. How much do you think these imbeciles in our schools that are teaching this gender nonsense, do you think that you're not qualified? Seriously? You're qualified. And with that said, I'm going to jump off here. Let's see. I've got to see. I think Jalise jumped off here. She's not attached here. I'm going to go see where she is and see if we can go on to the next statement because, oh, it was canceled. Let's see. Canceled, huh? Hang on a minute. Let me see. I'm going to ask her to jump on and she can. I got to go to work, Miss Donna. I love you guys. You guys have a blessed day. Awesome. You have a great day too. And thank you for being on, Christina. I'm going to see if I can get Jalise back on and we'll just talk. We'll need to counterbalance here. Yeah. I do actually have to jump off as well, but I do really appreciate you, you having me and I'm happy to come back anytime in the future. And like I said, I have, I have clips for days. I have a clips of this, like I have thousands of hours of this stuff archived on my YouTube channel. So I'm happy to talk anytime you guys would like. Okay. That sounds like a great idea. Thank you so much for being on here today. And I really, really appreciate you jumping on. I'm going to see if I can get Jalise back on. We're going to go to a quick break here and we'll be talking again. Thank you so much. Good morning and welcome to the third hour of Brandenburg News Network. I am Donna Brandenburg and it's the twenty-third September twenty-two and welcome to our show. I'm waiting for Jalise to get back on. I went over so I'm thinking that she probably had to go to the little girl's room a minute and that we will have her on just a minute. There's a few headlines that I want to jump on here and just look at. Let me see. Wasn't that crazy? All the training in in our education system. I'm I'm totally disgusted and in Chocton, even more committed to honestly see, honestly see exactly what's going on in these schools. So I think I think just release will be on in just a minute. No problem. Should be on in just a second. OK, so anyhow, Jerome Powell, migration is raising Americans unemployment. Duh, that's kind of a chip shot, isn't it? Here, hang on a minute. Let's take a look at this. But I'm glad they put it out there. Here we go with. Let's see what we got here. This is in Breitbart. Jerome Powell, migration is raising Americans unemployment rate. Well, you know, all you have to do is and we need to start naming names and then stop buying the products from these companies. like Tyson, that laid off a whole slew of people only to be replaced by having the United States of America pay their labor costs. This is horrible. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says the nation's unemployment rate is being raised by Homeland Security Chief Alejandro Mayorkas' huge inflow of migrants. And, yeah, that's absolutely true. You can watch how they're replacing the American worker, and I think we really need to talk about this. Morning, Jalise. How are you doing? I'm good. How are you doing? Doing really good. We're going down with Alejandro Mayorkas' ability and support for illegal immigrants replacing American workers. I'm disgusted by this. And every one of these people, they're traitors to the United States of America. And they absolutely, they need to be gone. I'm telling you what. So Mayorkas' ability to raise and lower migration rates makes him the nation's de facto labor czar. Well, and gives extraordinary influence over American unemployment rates, wages, housing, and even their interest rates. uh, elections matter. Okay. Marat New Yorkers insists he has the legal power to set blue collar and white collar immigration rates as he sees fit. Oh yeah, really? That's like, uh, that's like, uh, rights and jurisdiction not granted Mr. Trader, regardless of migration numbers set by Congress in in the wishes of ordinary Americans. Oh, see, see, this is the deal guys. They think that they're better than us. They think that they have a status that we are not entitled to. And this is just crazy. Leb says, my daughter dated a guy ten years ago whose dad sold her chickens, Tyson. He told her at that time that Tyson was hiring a lot of illegals. And John Hotz says, the guy talking about sex, the voice is fast and sounds robotic. Well, it's a trans person, according to... Oh, hey, I got to take this call a minute because Frank Deal finally called me back. And I just, we're just going to say, say, hey, how you doing? You're sick. Well, I'm glad you're not dead. I was afraid you were, you didn't show up for two days and I was, I'm online right now, but I wanted to make sure you're okay. I will call you later, Chris. Okay. All right. Bye-bye. I'm very glad to hear that Chris is not dead, because if I don't hear from him in a couple of days, I get a little paranoid, because he's one of those very selfish individuals who will do what it takes to take the country back, regardless of the pain or injury to himself. I love Chris, and I'm glad Chris is okay. He does sound like hell on the phone, though, so I believe him right now that he is sick. Okay. Thank you, Jesus, for protecting Chris. Let's go back to what we said here, because we're going to balance this out by two sisters in Christ. And I'm going to tell you, demon possession is real. And we are dealing with demonic possession and the fact that these people have set themselves against God. If you don't believe in demon possession, let me tell you, I have had... God has protected me my whole life, but I'm going to tell you what. If you ever come face to face with true demon possession, I want to get somebody on here that is somebody in my family. And my family, honestly, has had to come face to face with true demon possession. I mean, to the point of somebody's voice changing and knowing things that they couldn't know. And if you don't believe in demon possession, if you're around true demon possession, you're going to become a believer real quick. And if you have to come face to face with something that is truly demonic and set against God, you may not think that it's out there. That's no worries. Ask God to show you if you really want to be bomb proof convinced that demons exist, that hell exists. Just ask him to ask him to prove it to you. But if you ask him that question, he will, without a doubt, show you and your nightmare is going to begin right there. And you will be running to God so quick to get away from that side. It's not even funny. Years ago, I really wanted, I decided years ago that I wanted God to burn anything out of me that was set against him, probably thirty years ago. Maybe a little more than thirty years ago. Good prayer. And I was like, I'm one of those go big or go home kind of gals. OK, I don't want to be in the middle. I don't want to be lukewarm. I don't want to be one. And I never will be one of these people that just goes along to get along. I mean, God, I want to see it all. I want to know what's going on. And this little path set me on a path where I ended up being in contact with somebody who does exorcisms and etc. But it wasn't when I got in contact with it, God literally showed me, literally showed me everything I needed or ever wanted to know. in my life about about honestly the the battle between good and evil there's no getting around it when you actually see it you're you're going to run towards Jesus Christ like like uh because you'll know what the other side really is all about and it's tangible it's real And and there's no escaping the battle between good and evil. Once you get your eyes open and you actually see what you're looking at or experiencing what you're looking at. Unfortunately, a lot of people think this is just like Gentile Jesus with a lamb on his foot and that the pages of the Bible are just black and white reading. Just a quaint story. And stuff doesn't know how to apply it. Like, I think the thing that baffles me the most about this, Donna, is that. The believers, okay, let's lump all claimed believers, okay? Anybody that just claims to believe in God. What I see is that they will believe there's a God and yet worship a liar. And what I mean by that is God tells us that we have an enemy, that he is the devil lurking around, roaring and looking for opportunity to destroy us, to still kill and destroy. And yet they don't believe that part of it. And I'm like, why would you worship a liar? You need to just like exit the building if you're going to think that, because I would prefer not worship anything, which obviously is still worshiping the enemy. But when you proclaim that you love God or you know God, that you're a believer, and yet you don't believe that part of what he's telling you. I mean, you have literally set yourself up for a win from the enemy. You really have, because now you think you're covered, only you're not covered. And the enemy is getting to roam freely in your life. So you're thinking, oh, I'm just persecuted. You know, if I'm doing my job right, I'm going to be persecuted. No, no. That might be it, but I'm willing to bet you it's not. You have allowed the enemy into your home, destroying you as you think that you're worshiping God. Well, I want to go here. I'm just going to go here because look at, okay, so now we've got here, you can look at Baphomet, Bale, you can look at Moloch, all of them, and in the Hillary Clinton and the emails from WikiLeaks, they talked about sacrificing a chicken in the backyard. These people are straight up Satan worshippers. And I hate to tell you this, this is a dude with boobs, okay? They have a transgender... God that they worship. And when you go back to Asherah worship, the people that go back, you can go back to these ancient religions. Guess what, guys? It's alive and well right here. It's alive and well in West Michigan. If you go to the Facebook page of the West Michigan Satanic organization. I pulled some of this up. They literally are drinking blood from a goat skull. They are literally, you can go, they put, they're dumb enough to put the pictures out there. They are rubbing, they're rubbing blood on their naked bodies in these, in these things. And they proudly display this, but I just want to let you know what, what you're seeing here. You've got the caduceus here, which is a big pharma. You have the, The goat worship and historically worship of a goat, the goats in a flock are the ones that divide it. If you have a flock of sheep and goats, if you put goats in with sheep, the goats will divide the flock, which is what we're seeing with people that look like or get into the flock. Even when you look at the political parties, you got goats in there among the lambs and you got to be smartly. Look at the hand symbol there. It's all over the place when you look at entertainment. They're telling you. They're telling you. What they are. The hand up and the hand down. I just saw on Twitter last night them comparing where Kamala keeps saying, you know, like what is does not have to be bound to what has been. And she keeps using that symbol right there of one hand up and one hand down on this. That's exactly what they do. They're communicating to each other. And look at the upside down cross. It's all here. And I'm sorry. We're going to have to address this because when you look at even the holidays, the high holy holidays for Satanists, it's all there. You know what? If you want to be shocked, I can show you. I can pull up a satanic. If you really want to see what's going on, I can pull up a satanic ritual. And you literally most people won't be able to stomach more than five minutes of it. They peel people alive. They beat them with the carcasses of dead animals while they sit there in blood. These people are alive. They are sacrificed and they're not willingly doing this. This is not a willing thing. And I mean, to go around and say that it's just a quaint theory, clearly, When I hear that from people, I'm like, y'all are stupid. Because in Asherah worship, the priests used to dance around with the knives after they cut off somebody's genitals. And they would celebrate with their knives. This goes back. We have to know the history of where we are. and acknowledge it for what it is. We're talking pure evil Satanism, sacrifice of human beings, the sacrifice of animals. Why do you think the stuff in Cincinnati has come up? Haiti? Haiti is the voodoo capital of the Western hemisphere. They literally are sacrificing, killing, and killing as part of the religion. I was in a house years ago, and... I will never forget it, but I went in there to buy. It was a property that I was looking at buying, and I walked in here, and there were dried hearts. There were red chicken feet. There were all sorts of little voodoo dolls above, and I had no idea what I was getting in there. I went down into the basement because I was like, wow, okay, interesting. Got down in the basement. There was an altar with dried hearts on this altar, and And I thought I was going to like pass out cold. I'm like, I'm out of here. This is like, and it was a real physical manifestation of just like, holy Moses. It was incredible. I turned around, walked outside. I was like, all right, I'm never going to go back into that property again, unless we have an exorcist here to chase the demons out of here. It was full on. This stuff is happening. This was in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This stuff is happening in your neighborhood. I'm going to pull up the West Michigan Satanist Facebook. Let's see what we have here. Because some of it they blocked because. You know, I just recently watched a twenty minute video from Jonathan Cahn. I think that's how you pronounce his last name. I just read one of the things this morning. Harbingers. Yes. Yeah. I love how he names these demons so that we can pray against them. That's the thing is people don't understand. Well, what can I do? You know, they can do what they want to do. You're right. But your God is more mighty than any demon. And when you proclaim the name of Jesus Christ, when you stand on his principles, when you speak his scriptures, you're keeping a barrier between you and the demonic and you're casting the demonic. So that's a really good video to watch. I was just so amazed by it because it named them out. And he followed it through with, hey, we started... with worshiping Baal, which is kind of agnosticism, there is no God. And then we turned and started worshiping Moloch, which is sacrificing our babies to them. And then I think, well, no, it was Athena. I think it's a Greek goddess, but I forgot. She comes in many names and she is basically the corruptor of sex, the worshiper of sex. She's the identity of sex. And then turn around to Moloch where we start sacrificing the babies to Moloch. And then the last one was the transgender. And I forgot the name of that one too. Asherah. Asherah. Yeah, sure was. Yeah. But I mean, if you go through this and you look at the West Michigan Satanic Temple and look at what they have. Oh, they've got like rituals on there where they're rubbing blood on their bodies and crap. And it's like it's like this stuff is for real, guys. And it's in your back frickin yard. This is where our five hundred thousand lost children are at. Yeah. Pretty extra sure that's exactly where it's going. And until we... Until we acknowledge this, look at, there you go. We've got all kinds of nonsense there in the Capitol and that sort of thing. But watch how there's always children around. There's always children. And I should see if I can jump on their Facebook page because for a while there I was going, I screenshotted a bunch of their stuff. I'm like going, you're going to throw it out there? Guess what? I'm going to put it out because people need to see exactly what they are doing. are capable of and what honestly what they what they are willing to what they are willing to uh put out there for the world to see and what they actually do believe and what the holidays are and such oh look at this this is funny ta-da you are temporarily blocked wow yep Yeah, nothing to see here, huh? Nothing to see here. You know, the thing is, the scriptures tell us to avoid every kind of evil. And I think it's very important to avoid it. I guard it off of my TV. I guard it off of my music. And I even really guard it and speak. I mean, I can tell you there is going to be a prayer ceremony after this phone call. because I don't believe we're to have anything to do with it. But on the same token, I do think we need to be knowledgeable of it. We also need to be aware of their practice because that is things that we can pray against. That is things that people can be delivered from. And when you are a born again believer, you carry the power to deliver people. Now, the thing of it is, is you have to know what a little bit of what you're doing and a little bit of how the demonic work works. The demons were because we are a vessel that the scriptures call us a vessel. So whatever you take out, you have to be prepared to refill. And the problem that people get into is they just wildly are casting these demons. Well, the scripture tells you that they will bring back their friends with them. So you don't want to just empty something without someone being prepared to refill it with the Holy Spirit. And, you know, so that can be a touch practice for people that they don't understand very well. I actually got a story of delivering a demon. I won't go too much into it, but I will tell you this. The craziest thing happened that I never would have thought could happen. My cat was walking through the room as it was occurring. And it went into my cat. And my cat went absolutely crazy the minute it happened. We all watched it happen. And I had to come back again, casting this demon from my cat. Well, I tell you, when you read the stories of the Bible, I mean, they're for real. The going into the pigs and, you know, the demons going to the pigs and that sort of thing. It's for real. And when they can say it's about empathy, of course, because the snake comes with the tongue of what we want to hear. That's why you can't believe everything that comes across. You know, Jesus is the blood of Jesus Christ. The fact that he died, if you don't have the covering of Jesus Christ, where you could walk right through the middle of anything, if you don't have that protection, you're out there unprotected and the demonic forces are going to spend full time. Think about the story in scripture of the guy trying to catch the demon and the demon's like, You know, Jesus, I know. John, I know. Who are you? Right. And he got he was stripped naked and ran naked in the streets being attacked by this demon. So, yeah, it's very, very touchy warfare. It's important that the people know that it's real because that's how Satan's getting by with all that he's getting by with. It's people thinking he's just this little red horn suit guy. They're not understanding that these are real principalities, real powers, real demonic forces that are working within you. And I'm telling you, I'm always, you know, probably more vulnerable than I should be with people. But, you know, I tend to struggle with taking my words captive and being cautious with what I speak out into the atmosphere. And that is something that the Lord has really been working on me with for the past three, four years. And I'm telling you, just recently, you know, it always seems like he's, he's doing little things to teach you along the way, little nuggets, but then suddenly, Just big time, he's like flooding it on you and you know it's really important for you to pick it up at this point. And I feel like that's what's happening for me right now is he's flooding me with that, that you have to take your words and be cautious with them because the enemy tries to use them against you. And he can't be in your mind knowing your thoughts, but he can sure know your words and know how to attack you through those words. And that's something I really always struggled with. You know, I hear people saying, you can speak things into being. And I'm like, I'm not God. God spoke everything into being. But the truth is, we are little Christ. And he said, you will do by far more things than I. I don't know how all that plays out. I don't want to give a false presentation to the people. I'm learning as I talk about it right now. But one thing I feel rest assured the Holy Spirit is assuring me of is you need to be careful with your words, what you claim is yours. You know, my heart problem, my cancer, my whatever. Is it really yours? Are you going to claim it? Or is it something trying to be impressed on you that has made you sick because you've become fearful and embraced it? You know, there's so much there. And I don't have all the answers. I don't want to make out what I do. I don't want anybody to feel condemned. I'm just saying these are things that are starting to show up for me that I am seeing with my eyes for the first time. and realizing, okay, I've got some work to do on my words. I've always confessed to your viewers that testing has always been a problem for me, but I know I can take it captive because do I do that in church? No. Do I do it around certain people? No. Do I do it under introduction? No. So I know I'm in control of it, but somewhere I've bought a lie that I'm acting on that has somehow I've allowed myself to have that permission that it's not mine to have permission for. So that's, you know, just to tell your viewers, these are little things that that the enemy gets in your door with. He really does. Yeah. And, you know, it's it's I think as time goes on, you know, whether whether people believe in something or not, the truth is the truth. That's our beliefs. It's apart from our belief system. You know, you can sit there and go, I don't believe I see air because I can't see it. OK, it doesn't mean it's not here, you know, and it's just because you've made up your mind. And I mean, you being any of us in our ignorance, we make up our mind on things, but that doesn't make it true. And, you know, we have to be very careful that we're not holding on to things that we think are true, which are blatantly false. The truth is the truth. And start seeking it and asking God. He will tell you and lead you through what you need. Maybe he might take you to scenic route a few times to get there so that you learn things along the way. I call it take another lap. I call it take another lap. Going around the mountain for forty years. Take another lap. yeah, he's got to go around the mountain a little bit and that's, that's good. And then I'm, I'm kind of interested in this because this is, I I've been looking and they've got me blocked on, they've got me blocked and they've also made, made parts of their, their sacrifice. That's okay. Guess what guys? I screenshotted them. And, uh, I got a ton of stuff that I screenshot from their site because it was like, people need to know exactly what these people are about and what they're capable of. And you can, you could find some of this. You gotta be a little bit, have a little bit of a good stomach, you know, or a tough stomach for it because it is, it is incredible, you know? And it's like, all I'm going to say is that Satan is not allowed to, anywhere near here, you know, you go find, you know, you're not allowed here in the name of Jesus Christ. You are not allowed. And that's just the way it is, you know, be gone with you in the name of Jesus. Yeah. By the blood of Jesus Christ. You're not allowed here. And it's like those people that have welcomed him in. I got a lot of news for you. This ain't going to end well. And it's time to start thinking your life choices. Because, you know, those kind of life choices have consequences. And you get so far into this and you're not going to get out. And I don't know if you watch, but you watch the people that were involved in these events. these ritual sacrifices and such that they had to do in order to gain uh money and power say like in hollywood and they'll come right out and tell you what they had to do they will tell you and people will say I'm just keep I'm just doing enough to stay alive yeah and they're not they're absolutely not you know and that's important for the viewers to understand too is that um You know, you don't get a choice in making in having a choice like you not choosing anything is not a choice for you by not choosing either side. You still choose the demonic side. You have to specifically set out to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. You have to. If you don't, you automatically get the other. There is an automatic receipt. And that's what I think a lot of people don't understand is they're like, well, when I'm on my deathbed, you've missed the whole point of all of it. If that's even a thought process for you, because he offers so much here now. I'll be honest with your viewers. You know, I've told you, like, I'll be too honest if you don't watch me. Here's one of mine. I wasn't afraid to die. I'm still not afraid to die. So I could care less about heaven. So you were not going to, and I didn't care. So you couldn't entice me to receive Christ. Well, you don't want to die. You don't want to burn in hell. You know, that did nothing for me. Don't you want to go to heaven? No, that did nothing for me. Nothing. Nothing. Where the game changer was is he can change your life right here, right now. Well, when I came to Christ, I didn't want to live anymore. I was at that point. I was, in fact, I was actively attempting suicide and he showed up there with me and an audible voice, by the way. So people that say, oh, you know, that's a thing in the past. Yeah, I can affirm that's not the case because I got an audible voice. And I was alone in the room. So I share this with people because at that point, he was obviously very real to me. It wasn't by my fear of death. It wasn't by my fear of burning in hell. Because like a lot of people, really wasn't too sure I believed all that. I really didn't, to be perfectly honest. It was what he could do right here, right now. So we don't got to wait to go to heaven to receive good gifts from the Lord. That's why as I'm walking through all this J-Fix stuff, I still have total peace. I still have total joy. He's providing that right here, right now. I don't have to wait on it. I believe the word is that the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know, sometimes the words are too fancy for us to receive. You had a good word for that the other day. I forgot what it was. I don't know, something referring to religious speech. And I thought, that's good, that's good. Christianese. I call it Christianese. And you know what? It's like, no wonder, no wonder all of us ran from this at some point in time. I remember that. I was just like, uh-uh, you're a liar. I don't care what you're saying. And and or you walk around and somebody and this this is a cultural thing from this area. And I'm just going to say that it's it typically is in the more Dutch communities here in West Michigan. I'm part Dutch. So screw y'all. I know what I'm talking about here. Right. And it's like it's like what they do is they go. I'm praying for you. Oh, yes. And you're like. You know, it's like save it. Go choke on your joke. Go choke on that for a while until you caught the Christian ease that's been engaged in your throat to be fake and have a piety battle with everybody and try to look like you're better than everybody in some sort of a pious, pious bunch of bullshit. Because I can tell you, when I was a kid, there were a lot of people around that. Oh, you can't watch movies. You can't do this. You can't do that. They go to the next town and do it. Well, nobody saw them. And they're sitting there going, I don't know about you, but I'm not buying any of this. You know? It's like, no. I think at some point, you know, probably every Christian has to walk through a legalist ideology for a minute before they get on the other side to wholeness. I love what my, I had an AA counselor at our church that she was just so raw. Like if you asked her, baby, you were getting answered. There wasn't no Christian needs involved. And she didn't care if she stepped on your toes. And one time I asked her about things I was seeing in her personality that was confusing me. And she come back at me and said, I'm going to tell you, your walk is like a clock with a pendulum. It's going to swing way over to the holier than thou side when you come to Christ. And then it's going to swing way over to the forget God, I'm wild and crazy and I can do what I want to do. because he's going to forgive me. And she said, along the way, it's eventually going to land in the middle and you're going to have the grace and mercy and all the character traits of Christ. And you're never going to be totally arrived, but you're going to be in a place to finally claim the word of God and speak it into people's lives. And she said, I suggest you wait on that. That's really funny, you know, but but it's so true. And I mean, I mean, the what has been sold to us as being Christian. And until you understand, because people are just like, oh, those Christians, those Christians. Well, you know what? There's a lot of people parading as Christians that are not. They are absolutely just just like people that say they're. Republicans, they're not, they're Marxists. Or people that say they're Democrats, no, they're not, they're Marxists. Not to say that everybody that claims it is a Marxist, but to say that you can't guarantee, because even Jesus said that, he said, don't listen to those people that preach another Jesus, okay? Another, not God's son. And the point being is that Christians aren't better than anyone, we're just saved. And that's it, because we realize that in and of ourselves, there's nothing good. Right. There's nothing good. The only time that we can do anything good is when it's by God's grace, by God's mercy, by God's leading. He covers everything we've done wrong, like a good father would, you know. You ever remember when your dad and your mom looked at you when you were little and you did something wrong? Well, besides the fact that my dad would have just like, you know, annihilated us on the spot because he was he was pretty, pretty tough dad. But but the point being is that mom's dad's look at you, you know, they'll do it the nice way first and say, don't do it again, you know. And then then after that, sometimes we're dumb enough that we got to learn from ourselves on our own mistakes. And then he'll just say, all right, how's that working for you? I told you not to touch the hot stove or I told you not to do that. And you went ahead and did it anyway, as we wreck our own lives. And he's not going to force you to do it. He's not going to force you to get out of being an idiot. He'll let you be an idiot as long as you want to and let you experience everything you need to to prove to yourself that you are, in fact, an idiot. And that's love that, you know. OK, so that's something that needs touched on, because what we're seeing is. Anytime the enemy comes to steal ground, the first thing he does is hijack the language. I've mentioned that before in here. And little things we've seen is like the word justice is justice. But then the enemy will say social justice to try to change the identity of the word and what it means. Conspiracy. theorists to make everybody think it's a discredit. Right. They add words to it or they change its identity. So right now what you're seeing, the two biggest things I'm seeing in our society right now, two words, the word love is now referring to sex and It's not referring to an action of love. Love isn't just a fuzzy feeling. The fuzzy feeling comes because of the action you initiated as love. You did something out of love. I cook you a meal. I buy you a gift. I tell you I love you. I do things you enjoy. because I love you. I serve you because I love you. And those feelings, those actions, action work creates a feeling because they are hijacking the word love. Love is love. No, love is not love. What are you pulling this pie out of the sky? That's a lie. And people are buying it. The other thing that I see is the word truth. Your truth. That's your truth. That's my truth. You're a liar. I'll tell you to your face. Look at me. You're a liar. Like that is not the case. There is one truth. I am the way, the truth, the life. No man comes to the father except through me. See, there's one truth, Jesus Christ. You can get as mad at it as you want. Take it up with him. That ain't me. I'm quoting him. That's on you. So, but we got to stop letting our words get hijacked. So when you're hearing a new cool sounding thing, you better take it captive of who introduced that term and what does it really mean and how are they using it? One of my biggest pet peeves from about twenty years ago was people start to say baby mom. Do you realize that was how they they finalized breaking down the family structure is having a baby mom and baby daddy. It was okay to just get knocked up without relationship. May not be what you want to hear, but it is the truth because now it broke down the relationship that it's okay to have children without the relationship. And then when there's no relationship, well, I'll be your God. This was a breakdown. These are terms that were used to break down the sanctity. But I'm telling you, as a woman, I am so much more than just a baby mama. I provided so much more. That is the very least of what my body has produced for this society. And so that is where we lose structure and foundation. And I'm watching it now happen at a very fast pace of breaking down terminology. Take those thoughts captive. Be careful with them. When you hear them and they click in your ear and sound pretty hip and cool, and I'm going to take it on, you better challenge it. You better pray and ask the Lord, what are they really saying with this new way of saying this? Because they're twisting the word to rob it from you. Yeah, you're absolutely right. There's so much more. It's like, you know, I've talked about this whole wearing genitals on your head. When they were doing that Me Too movement, I'm like going, do you realize that you've got genitals on your head and this is your identity? It's breaking down the wall. This is all you are? It's like, wow, have they brainwashed you into being a non-person and you're wearing genitals on your head, people. I don't. Did anybody else stop and pause and go, me too. What do you mean? Me too. That's all I am is I wear genitals on my head. Demons are devaluing them down to nothing but genitalia because they see them as no value whatsoever, except what can you do for me sexually? And that tells you how they've spent their time. OK, that right there was a perfect sign of it. They devalued the woman down to nothing but a vagina. They devalued the man, the father, the leader of his household down and nothing but his genitalia, because that's all they're saying. That's why they're saying children is sexual. They see nothing else, no value to them whatsoever. Right. Very demonic. That's well said. And I agree. And it goes back to the, you know, like I'm just going to say it again. It's like bring on the toxic masculinity because I don't see it as toxic. It's like you guys out there do your jobs. All right. It's like it's like God created men and women and there's only men and there's only women. He created men and women. Y'all either got an X or you got a Y. That's it. You're in chromosomes. That is it. You're done. It's over right there. The discussion ends. And it's like people were created the way that they are for a reason. And quite honestly, when I see men, the way that I see men is men at their best. When men are at their best, they are the most selfless men. of anything on the planet. They will lay their lives down for their families without even skipping a beat. If you go on and you look at videos on random acts of kindness, because I was on a kick watching those for a while there. And I would watch, you know, at night before I went to bed, I'd put on something, random acts of kindness. And by what I saw, about ninety eight percent of the involvement in random acts of kindness, it was all men. And they would jump in front of, they'd jump in a lake and pull their dog out that was drowning. They would jump right in and try to get a coyote's foot out of a trap. They would jump in front of everything that was a threat to the human beings around them. And I just sit there at night and go, I love you guys you're just so beautiful and you know and it's like it's like not beautiful in the classical sense sense but beautiful in a heart and you know and and I just I just see you know you know I see little boys that grow up and they want to be firemen and they want to be policemen and they want to save people and you know all of these things that are just incredibly caregiving and, and incredibly responsible for the world around them. And then you see this nutsoid feminazi bullshit out there. And I'm like, this doesn't represent me. I don't feel that way. I don't, I don't feel that way towards men. And I'll give you that. I'm kind of a tough gal, but, but you know what? It's like, I, I, I don't think that if the guys all stepped in and did that, I'd be like, you guys got this. I got other things I want to do. If I don't see something being done, I will step up. But I was thinking about that the other day. It's like God sent first Jesus back to the Jews who rejected him. And who rejected him? Was it the Jewish people? It was the Pharisees. It was the religious sector of people. who rejected Jesus Christ and killed him. And if he came back today, you know who would kill him? It'd be the religious Pharisee Christian church would kill Jesus Christ today. Yeah, I can't even argue it. I really can't. The reality, and here's why. I have always said, and I'll hold to it till my last drawn breath, there's only one reason for divorce, there's only one reason for failure, and that is selfishness, selfish pride. That is it. Everything that fails in your life, you're going to be able to take it back to that at some point. And that's even within my own. I'm going to insert one thing just in there to think about also abuse. I don't think God expects us to stay in a situation. Why were they getting abused? The abuser was selfish. The abuser, domination and or control. I was in Bible study fellowship for years. And I think one of the wisest things that I heard ever come out of somebody's mouth is that if you don't allow God or you don't make sure that God is in charge, you will try to be God. And when that happens, bad things happen every time because we are people. We are human beings and human beings are flawed. We were born in dissent. It doesn't make you – I've got Log Cab in Michigan. It says it takes so much to raise a child. It does. Those hats are repulsive. That March after President Trump's inauguration destroyed D.C. as well. I agree with you. I am, like, so disgusted by this. And as a woman, it's like I am so disgusted with – So much of what I, and as a Christian, I'm disgusted at the religious wackos that speak Christianese within the, that claim to be within the Christian church. And I'm going to tell you right now, God's going to look at them and say, I never knew you. See, I think it's a spirit of pride. You know, we've gotten in a place where everybody is afraid to reveal the good and the bad and the ugly. Okay. And when you're going into church wanting, and I think we all do it. I think it's human nature to try to put on that mask and pretend we're more than what we are. But I can tell you the times in my life that I screwed up so big there was no way I was cleaning it up. I've had two of them to where it was so big there wasn't a snowball's chance in hell I was going to clean it up. And that forced me to reveal the truth of my brokenness, my failure. And I had to, in fact, I love the home church that I come to Christ in. I love it because I later become, you know, in leadership of the church. And the pastor joined one time and I very rarely ever talked to the pastor. And he came in that group and I was talking about this. And he laughed and he said, I remember you slinking in here on your belly like a snake. And I'm here to tell you that's exactly how I slinked in there. But why do we got to get to that broken place? Like, can't we just... We just do it on the daily. But for some reason, we you know, he puts us all back together again. We feel whole. We know he did it and then slowly start bowing up with pride again. And there has to be another brokenness come about where we where we got ourselves in too much trouble and had to go back to daddy and say, I screwed up and I need you to fix it again. Yeah. I don't know. This is a really honest discussion between two believers on this. And I'm going to bring this up because I haven't showed up here on this. And I've got I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends. All right. New flesh. Everybody knows that if they know me pretty well, they'll know that I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends. And you want to know what really pisses me off about the Christian church. And this started years ago. Okay. I know all the words and I use all the words on occasion. And this is really pisses me off. I was in a Bible study and this is actually the terms that were used. I just can't stand this gay and lesbian thing and blah, blah, blah. And I sat there and I was like, I was quiet because I was the least Christian person in everybody's eyes in the self-righteous club that I was sitting in there. And I just kind of sat there because I was just learning and such. And so finally, the leader of the group looks over at me and she's like, and she was actually pretty mature Christian. She looked at me, she goes, what do you think, Donna? You know, it's like everybody's got that friend that they go, what do you think, Bob? And they know that Bob is going to be like cutting on loose, cutting loose on everybody. And I'm like going crazy. I think I got enough to worry about myself right now instead of just going after somebody else. And honestly, in today's day and age, to go after one group of people or another on what you are not guilty of just to beat on somebody and feel like you're superior. You are the problem right there. Because they're not looking at their own sin. If somebody cracks everybody open and you saw everybody the way that God saw them, you would be able to rip each other apart on so many levels. Every level. But what they've done is they've taken and they've divided us out. And they've made certain sins, what people consider sins, worse than others. We're going to gloss over this. And they've taken it and made it into a social engineering agenda. There's not one person I know who's gay and lesbian that is okay with these pride things. It does not reveal them. It doesn't reveal them. And they're like, this isn't me. And you know what? This is funded by the same government that is tearing this nation down. And when are we going to get smarter and say, you know, we're all people. We're all screwed up. All of us are. You need to find somebody with your open arms and welcome them in. And if you're in one of these Christian speaking fake churches with fake Jesus's in it, open up one in your house. Since the five Oh one, I'll guarantee you they're taking the government money to push the agendas that they want to divide people and to push you off the sides to hurt people and hurting people, hurt more people. You are the problem. You know, I want to touch on that because I think sometimes people haven't taken your your listeners. I know are very, very well educated in politics, but probably as ordinary as I am. So that's a bad thing. But, you know. I think there has been something that people aren't really identifying. And that is that what these Marxists do is because they're trying to get people to fight against each other and cause civil unrest so they can achieve their agenda. Because they know that if we're unified, we're a force they cannot break. They can't penetrate that. So what they do is they steal identities and put their own narrative to it. Again, back to the words. So you saw black people's identity get stolen with BLM. Their identity got stolen. These were telling you all black people believe this way. All black people believe in reparations. All black people deserve. And the truth is, I have many black friends and they were like, this is a crock of crap. Now, some of them started to go down the rabbit hole. But what happened is a year or two in, they're like, I don't believe that way. believe that you hate me because of my color. I don't feel held down because of my color. And they started questioning it and realized that's not me. And then there was protests. They were privileged, spoiled little white kids. White kids. Telling black people who they are. And what a ripoff. What a ripoff and an atrocity to them. That just made, I wanted to go slay dragons over that. It's like, how dare you? I mean, how would a white people have felt if that happened? That someone claimed our identity and how we're thinking and what we believe. And we're looking at it going... I've never had that thought. I've never had that. I do not have that opinion of, you know, we got to get away from the patriarchy. We got to stand up like these little mouthy feminazis. And guess who they are? Most of them, they're spoiled little privileged kids. That's what they are. And then they turn away. you're gonna stand on a stage and have everybody worship all these little little girls that aren't real women because real women can sit back there and go we love our guys I don't know about you and that's what's happening now they stole the identity of women and they're starting to do it with women now they're still and they steal the identity of the of the palestinians they steal the identity of of jews they're stealing all these identities and we keep falling for it my doctor is a muslim And we had wonderful discussions. And I don't care. In fact, they were ashamed to tell me that they were Muslim because I'm like, man, you guys are really, really very nice. I said, what church do you go to? I just kind of asked them that off the cuff. And they're like, well... They didn't want to tell me. And so they're like, well, we're Muslim, but not like we see on TV. We're not even Muslim enough for our family. Well, we're not Christian enough for our family. What the hell does this mean, people? What does this mean? I don't I don't even understand this is it we're not christian enough to fit in with a pharisaical church that that that killed jesus and killed anybody that was you know last time I checked because I in fact read my bible jesus was hanging out with prostitutes and tax collectors exactly he was hanging out with the people in the church he went to people's homes he welcomed them in He fed them. He didn't differentiate between people. He was not a respecter of persons. The Bible talks about one of the hugest sins is being a respecter of, and that's not a hugest sin, they're all bad, right? Is being a respecter of persons. So how can somebody that wants to peel off wonderful groups of people that are willing to fight? I've heard more people who are gay and lesbian speak out about pedophilia against it and stand up for the rights of children and against the mutilation of our children, the sexual mutilation. I've heard more people who are gay and lesbian be disgusted by this than any of the straight people I know. And you want to sit and peel them off. I think we need to do a serious personality check here on what's going on and, and get off this piety thing, you know? So let's just say it right now. This is going to be a piety anonymous group here. And we're going to, I'm a sinner and I've been saved by grace and it's okay. I still screw up. I'm going to screw up till the day I die. And that's just the way it is. And I'm no better than anybody out there listening to this. I may be more ornery than them. I may be more outspoken and I might be more ornery than them. But I'm not going to sit here with Gentile Jesus with a lamb on my foot as I watch the people around me in the United States of America, their rights be violated, mischaracterized as horrible people when they're, in fact, very good people. And, you know, they're doing great things. But I'm going to play devil's advocate on that for a second. I sure am. So not, and I agree with you. I see so much of Christians just throwing stones at them. I see it as constantly. However, I equally see those of us that are loving them as any other person, realizing that we all sin, we all fall short of the glory of God. I lived with my husband before I married him. That's in the same sin family as where you're at. All this, wrap around it all. And yet they'll still accuse me of you're judging me. You're judging me. And in fact, so my challenge for anybody living a homosexual lifestyle would be listen to the words. Don't assume because I'm a Christian, I'm thinking that about you. I've been attacked on Facebook for that before. And I'm telling you, I would have stood with them in arms against what I had witnessed on Facebook happening. I would have stood with them in arms. because they were right. But then they attacked me too by grouping me in as one of you Christians. Well, aren't you doing the same thing? Stop it. Stop it. I have blood running through my veins. Love me for that. And that's what I'm gonna do with you. And if you're gonna call yourself a Christian, you can stand against sin the only problem I run into with anybody is when you want to claim sin is okay you're not going to get those words out of my mouth whether I'm the one committing the sin or whether you're the one that's not going to happen so as long as you don't bring that question up trying to make me agree with your lifestyle we're never going to have a problem because we've all sinned and fall short of the glory of god but I'm willing to own that my sin is my is thin And I need them to do the same. I don't actually. They'll figure it out. It's giving mercy to each other and loving each other and realizing we're all on a walk. And you know what? You know, this is another this is another gripe I have against people that speak straight Christianese. I had a huge gripe about this is is the the elevation of one sin over another just based on what you what you say. don't do. And also thinking that we know everything about certain things in the Bible or slapping a pastor's name on somebody and making that okay. That's not okay either. Each one of us is supposed to be a minister in our own right. And ministering doesn't mean you're beating the hell out of everybody because they don't agree with you on every single thing comes out of your mouth. It means that are you looking at people and saying, I love you. Welcome in. And are you are you violating the center? Are you being hospitable? The Bible calls for us to have hospitality. It doesn't say we're like the judge, jury and executioner sitting there. It means are you a respecter of persons? I don't think God sees any of us as any different from each other. We all need his help. And he really loves us and really, really wants he loves each and every one of us. He doesn't see somebody as, oh, that's a despicable sinner. He's like, I'm here. I'm here. My arms are open. What makes us fall into sin is very simple. We buy a lie and then we act on it. Do you think your father's going to judge you on that? He knows you've got an enemy out there manipulating you and lying to you. That's where sin occurs. It happened with Eve and it's happened ever since. It even happened with Adam. Adam bought a lie that it is okay even though the Lord told him it wasn't. It all starts with buying a lie and believing it is truth and acting on it. So no, where are you going to get judgment of that? Are you God and you don't buy a lie on occasion and act on it? we all do we all do and then we find out the truth somewhere along the way and once we embed it into our spirit we get delivered from that sin because it takes the lie away that was the foundation for it that's how we overcome sin we can't do it in our own strength it comes through god revealing truth And that is between him and that person, not between them. People are not our personal project. We don't look at other people and say, okay, I'm going to point out this is wrong and this is wrong and this is wrong. And now you're my personal project. That's speaking Christianese. That's a Pharisee. Okay. But on both sides, I love to tell this story because when I was running for governor actively, I kept getting asked, and this is funny. Well, what do you think about gay marriage? And that would come up a lot because they're always testing you. What do you think about this? It's always a trap to tell you, what do you think about this? Or they'll ask you a compound question of three different questions. And no matter how you answer it, they're going to hang on one of them. So I don't answer those questions. I'll answer a specific question so I can give a very specific and complete answer, sometimes too much. What do you think about gay marriage? And you know what my response is to that? I think it's a stupid question and I'm insulted that you would ask me such a jackass question like that here, there, anywhere. I don't care. It's a dumb question. And it shows the lack of a base level analysis on that question at all. It's a dumb question. And the reason being is that the question that should be asked is why is the government in marriage at all? The only reason why the government is in marriage is for a transfer of wealth and property ownership so that they can own your property, betting on and engineering that your marriage is going to end, whatever it is, or it's for getting special favors or money from the government. so it's all about a transfer of money I don't think the government should be it they can't they used to give pelvics to women that got married you had to have a pelvic before you could get married they had to check your genitals in order for you to be be able to be married I'm not kidding you okay oh I believe it because what people recognize is that it's a covenant between the two people and the lord it's a covenant It is a life covenant. So if you're taking it and just looking at it from a legal stance of your piece of paper, well, that's why we've got sixty percent marriage failure. But when you when you took it as a covenant relationship with you and the Lord and you take it back to scripture, which, by the way, was that to be graphic, the hymen being broken on the wedding dress because blood covered the marriage. Then you realize, oh, this is a blood covenant between you and the Lord. So now you look at marriage totally different. So then when you take it like that, can you have A homosexual marriage. Well, you can in a legal sense, but you can't in a biblical sense because of the way that it's done, the covenant, the way it's done. And see, from from my perspective, people will fixate on one thing that they just make it their issue. It's their issue. You know what? In a government situation, in a government situation, whether you like what other people do or not. I'm sorry they hit eighteen years old. They do what they want to do and you do what you want to do. And we fight for each other's rights. The government should not be giving licensing out, period, because the license is only there to do something that is typically illegal. If you don't if you're not doing anything illegal, you should be able to do whatever you want to do with that. That's exactly what I just did there and started saying, like, that's constitutional. That's that's what the Constitution with this nation is being built on. So with that said, if somebody wants to get married and go get married somewhere and they're marrying somebody that's of the same sex, it's none of our business. It is not our business because the government needs to stay out of that. And it's like we need to judge our own lives because if you are going to sit there and have that stupid discussion, which is completely and utterly ignorant to me because it tells me that, first of all, you don't know the Constitution. You don't know the law. You don't know nothing. OK, the Constitution of the state of Michigan does actually state that that homosexual activity is punishable by death. But our Constitution in the state of Michigan was installed illegal in nineteen sixty three. So everything right now is gone is gone to hell because they didn't have the numbers to even put it in place with that set with that set. OK. In our society, the way that we are to conduct ourselves is to fight for the rights of others. Now, I'm going to say, is abortion correct? Is abortion correct? Well, I don't know. I can show you a wonderful, handy little video that I like to bring up on occasion here that kind of usually stops people in their tracks, and that would be, The Flash of Light at Conception. Oh, you showed me that. That's beautiful. I'm going to tell you, if you haven't seen The Flash of Light at Conception, I'm going to see if I can bring up the seventeen or so second video here. Seventeen is my favorite number, by the way. I'm going to see if I can put this up. It might take me a minute. You can do the Jeopardy music right now. It comes up. Okay. Let me see if I can pull it up here. Just take me in that. And sometimes YouTube wants to nuke me here. And anyone that, that watches this, Honestly, you should be absolutely celebrating because this is literally God himself breathing life into you. This is not random. This is absolutely, it's totally amazing. This is totally amazing. First time I saw this, I was like, whoa, why aren't we playing this every freaking day? It's amazing. This is you. If you feel bad about yourself today, if somebody's made you feel inadequate for any reason whatsoever, you're probably speaking to somebody who's a Pharisee that doesn't accept you and love you and welcome you in and open their doors of hospitality. You're not talking to somebody who's truly walking with Christ. I'm going to tell you that right now and I'll say it right out loud. You're talking to a fake. So watch this. This is you. Discussion over right there. This is not just a bunch of cells. This is, in fact, the beginning. Makes me want to cry every time. It's a human being that's being conceived and breathed in the breath of God himself. Every single person. God breathed on you. He planned you from before time. He knew who you were going to be. He planned every part of you. And the things that are good and even the things that aren't so good. You know what? He loves you anyway. Go to him and talk to him. He's waiting. He's been waiting for you your whole life. You know, he had that soul that he put with that DNA specifically to be in that mom's womb. Because he trusted her of how she was going to choose to raise that child and what she was going to do with it. Now I speak into that because not only do I know so many people that were adopted and I know so many people that were in abusive homes and so many people that they questioned so much around the foundation of their childhood. But what I always want to bring to the table If he knew you before you were born, he created that path for you, knowing it was going to bring you exactly where you needed to be in relationship with him when it's all said and done. Some paths are way harder than others. We can't make out like we understand all that. We never will. I was raped when I was thirteen. I don't understand why. That is evil. It's demonic. I get it. But it gave me the opportunity to go back to my daddy and go, but I lived. And I'm stronger for it. And I'm more compassionate to that now. And all of those things. So then I'm going to have those people that come in and argue, well, what about rape? Well, let me tell you about rape. It was still divine because it was God that breathed life to that child. What are you going to do with the traumas in your life? Are you going to run from them? And then you traumatize yourself for a long time, by the way. when you choose abortion through rape, or you can take that and let him make beauty from ashes out of that. Yes. Every, every negative thing that happens to our, our, us in our lives, all things, all things work for good to those who love the Lord and called according to his purposes. all things all and and you can look at it and okay so I'm going to go back to the firm uh the firm uh analogies here because of course I'm a farmer and I am a first class manure shoveler and stall cleaner You can't grow a garden. You can't grow without a little bit of manure. If you've had shit in your life, guaranteed God's going to use it to grow a beautiful garden in you that you can't get any other way. The more you see someone shine, where when they come into a room, they light it up. I can promise you, hands down, every time it's because they've got more trauma in their life than what you have that you're seeing that light. I can guarantee you that that's very accurate. You know, and we've talked about, I don't know if you've been on, but I've been talking about being diagnosed with cancer years ago, but I never skipped a beat. And the story, one of these days, I'm going to tell the full story because it is kind of funny to me. I think it's hilarious. And I went to the cancer doctor four times and I was like, this is nuts. They don't want to cure me. I'm out of here. And I never went back. Now, I'm not giving the medical advice except for it. It was the best thing I could have. Challenge everything. Yeah. Challenge everything because they lie in there. They're ever living behind. And it's like, you know, it's like I never skipped a beat. I'm like, huh. Never felt sorry for myself. Was like, wow, this is going to be an interesting day. huh, guess I'm going to have to figure this one out because they sure can't. If they're telling me it's uncurable, I guess I'm going to have to figure it out by myself. And that's exactly what I did. I'm like, you morons can't do it. Well, your plan sucks. I'm going to make my own. And I didn't fall back on, oh, whatever has happened to me. I'm like, well, and it was really odd. I really felt like God was talking to me and I felt like it was supposed to happen. And I was like, well, this is kind of cool, actually. It didn't take me too long either. I'm like, wow, this is kind of cool. I get to experiment with something else. And that's exactly what I did. and uh and it's been an interesting journey for sure I never really even talked about it much in fact I never told my mom and dad for at least a year and a half to two years because I'm like I didn't tell anybody except for the people in my family because I'm like you when you get cancer you spend way more time helping the people around you accept it well what they do is giving you advice what they do it yeah right and what they do is they want they they project onto you how they think that they would feel if they had how they would react because the scary thing it's not in their body so it feels really scary right and so you're trying to say it's going to be okay don't worry about it you know we got this and And I had a friend who died a few years ago from cancer. She had several different kinds of cancer. And I'd go pick her up. And that's about the time I built the first billboard that we put a big President Trump, you know, We'd ride around, and she's like, man, she goes, I love it when we get together and talk. She goes, because it's so taxing talking to everybody else. And as soon as somebody sees you and they know that you had a cancer diagnosis, well, how are you doing? How's the cancer? And it's a big tragedy. And they talk to you like you're dying. And it's like, it's like every minute of your day, you know, you are this. And it's like, I don't even think about it. I'm going to tell you that right now. It's like, that is probably the least amount of anything I think about in my life. Last thing. I mean, I can't go into time when somebody brings it up. I can't go an entire year and never think about it because it's, it has no place in me I'm not afraid of it it's like I think it's throwing your pearls to swine when you get a diagnosis like that and you start spewing it to everybody then you're getting all that feedback back and you're getting that victim mentality to embrace it and you're wrapping your brain around it that I have cancer you don't have enough thing. You don't know how to make cancer. No. And I still, this is stuff I'm just recently developing. So it's really a touchy topic because I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis at four years old and it has wrecked havoc. in my life because I embraced it. And all of a sudden, I'm getting these little steps of deliverance and healing that I didn't believe were possible. And man, you people, don't you dare, don't you Christians start coming at me with if you have enough faith. You liar, because he says, if you have a mustard seed. So there is no lack of faith in me causing it. That is correct. Don't you like it, though, that when the piety club comes after you, it's like the piety club comes after you because you're just not Christian enough. Let me tell you where that ends up. Spare me. Spare me. So spare me. Yes, for all those Christians that do that. Number one, I'm fixing to disprove you in the word of God. Ten lepers walked past Jesus, didn't know him from Adam, and he healed every one of them. And they didn't ask for healing. So don't tell me it's because I didn't ask for healing. Don't tell me it was because I didn't have that mustard seed of faith. You're full of crap. Own that you have read that wrong and claim it. Okay. And here's the second thing I have to say to you, because of you telling that to people, when they get to a point where they've relinquished it all to God and heaven forbid, they stopped all medication, fully believing in his deliverance and healing like I did, when that wasn't where he called them to, because in a relationship with him that he's working through them, not anything to do with you, then guess what they do when they're not healed? They walk away believing they're not good enough or that God is a fake. And they walk away from the church because of what you've said. So please stop, stop, stop, stop. And I didn't mean to go off on that tangent, but I've walked this walk. No, I think we need to. I think we need to go on because I am more. I am. You need to be able to criticize those things that you believe in and those things that if you're if you're Jewish, I'm going to tell you what, you better be criticizing Israel. And the ADL can go shove it because they need to get on. You know, they can go ahead and put me on their watch. I'm sure I'm already there. But I'm also probably equally on the other watch list, too, because because there should never be a protected class of people from hate speech or this. I got to jump on this one because I hundred percent disagree. So what do you do with the word of God? In that in that mindset? The word of God is separate from a person who takes on the name of a Christian because there's so many people that have absolutely infiltrated. So my point here is, is just because somebody says they're Christian doesn't mean they are at all. Just because somebody says that they're one thing, I'm going after the terminology here. and the amount of wolves and sheep's clothing that we have out there. And so when I see the Christian church right now, and we've had this discussion, I am repulsed by these five Oh one C threes. I, that's a government church who has taken money. So when I say that I am going after this in a, in a historical establishment on, on, um, unbiased, not, not necessarily unbiased, but a, uh, A very critical view. In a world view of the church. Okay. That's my criticism. But when it comes to the body of Christ. Should be fit with it. Help me understand that. Well, Israel is a country and it was set up from England. And so you have the country of Israel and then you have the Jewish people. I'm not critical of the Jewish people, but the Jewish people need to criticize the hypocrisy and the lies That are part of the Jewish. Or not the Jewish. The Israel as a government. I am not critical necessarily of the Chinese people. But I'm pretty darn critical. Of the Chinese government. I see what you're saying there. There's a difference. The reason I ask you. What you do with the Bible in that. Is because the entire Old Testament. Is laying out. The chosen people. Of Israel. Of the Jewish people. And it also lines out that anything that comes against them will fail because they are God's chosen people. Then you add into that when Ishmael come on scene with Abraham, who was his firstborn, but it wasn't the promised child of Isaac, that these two are going to war against each other because Ishmael was born of the slave woman that's not being free in Christ. And we see that playing out through the nations from the dawn of time. And he said all the way until his return, that's going to play out. So I'm just curious how that because I don't add up what I'm hearing. I differentiate between people and the systems, the the establishment type systems. And so if a person is Jewish, you know, they should be equally as critical of the systems that's come against God's the kingdom of God here. they should be able to criticize us and say well that's a lie that's that's instead of what the adl does which is it's a protected class and oh god forbid you should speak anything wrong and there's a lot of christians that are like that we're above that we're better than that we can't be questions question that is wrong you all each and every one of us there's no one that should ever be above being questioned and not necessarily for condemnation. Sometimes it's for teaching or it's for, it's for redirection. It's for saying, you know, and you can do it really, really respectfully. I mean, and you shouldn't be doing it most of the time when people say you need to have accountability police over you. Okay. And, and I'm going to tell you, I've, I am I think that God can talk to us and he'll put things in front of us in nice ways, sometimes not as comfortable ways. However, when I look at most of this that's going on inside the Christian church, I'll be very critical about this. It's people interjecting themselves and think they know better than everybody else and want to have that piety contest on. God doesn't necessarily work that way. He can. I'm not going to put God in a box. He can do whatever he wants, and I don't hold him to a contract. But the point being is that there are so many people that interject themselves in, and they become the controller. They become the one that's judge, jury, and executioner on everybody else's life. You know, you need to be doing this. You need to be doing that. It's the lack of coding it in love. It's usually with a pride. And sometimes it's straight up manipulation and domination. I absolutely, I will rip that out by the throat when I see that around me. If their whole agenda is, I love you enough to not leave you where you're at. If it's, you know what, I remember the pain that that caused. Are you feeling this and that? Because I was there just recently. I'm learning. You know, but the problem is we don't come in humility. We come with an agenda. That's why the Lord says our heart is wicked to the core. Only he can read it. Even the good things we try to do, usually it's with an agenda. I, you know, I very often. Yeah. I mean, I when we do something and and we're thinking, well, you know, look what I did there. Did you just do it to feel good about yourself? Like I can take it down to almost make myself crazy over it. Like, but I see so much wickedness, but at the end of the day, you know, I agree with you within the church. The church body is called to hold one another accountable. However, we do it completely wrong because we have forgotten how to love first. If you're looking at somebody to criticize them, is that you do what I tell you to do or off with your head and I'll never talk to you again? I don't think that's what God meant. It's not. It's totally not. But on the flip side, let me be devil's advocate again. On the flip side, As somebody that truly grieved for somebody in the trap that they're in and tried to come to them and say, you know, sister, I love you, but this is what I'm seeing. And I just want you to know I'm here for you. You know, this is what the word is saying. This is what I'm hearing in your life. And I want you to know I'm here. And they attack me for condemning them. I've had this happen more times than I can count, especially within the homosexual community. They automatically assume I'm attacking them and it's like, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to receive that from you because the reality is that I am putting you in the same house with me of saying I have been sexually immoral and trapped in that bondage And you're in sin the same way I'm in sin. And I'm coming alongside you telling you, I love you. I'm not here to condemn you that I'm with you, but don't try to make me believe that what the life you're living is not a life of sin. I'm trying to introduce you to a father that has helped me that will help you too. And they go off on you. So it happens both ways. It's not just within the Christian community. I think we fail at it more. I've learned that. I think we fail at it more. And I think it is out of pride. I think it is a lack of humility. And I think it's us bowing up, trying to be our own God, if you want to know the truth. I would agree with you. Being our own God is the big problem there. We threw God out of the United States of America. Now we throw him out of our own lives instead of letting him be involved. My method on this is that on a personal basis with people, I look at them and go, God's will be done. And, you know, whatever, whatever it is, because if we pray that God's will be done, because we don't know the path that he has set out for them. We have no idea. And it's like, I'm not going to sit here and be judge, jury and executioner on what anybody does, because I had enough to worry about my own life. And I'm like, there's plenty of things that I probably should do differently. There's no two ways about it. And I'm working on myself with what God wants me to do and say, I hope you love me because I'll love you. And when I fall down and prove that That I'm human. I will also be there with you when you prove that you are also human and that there's only one that was perfect. And that's Jesus Christ. And he didn't throw any stones. He opened his arm. He opened his arms in love and he died. You know, I talked earlier about the times in my life that I fell to a point that I couldn't fix it. There was no other way out of it other than trusting the Lord to fix it. And, you know, I just want to go back to that for a second, because what led me to Christ, what got me to submit my life to the Lord was people showing me grace. Because that showed the character of God. Not once was it somebody pointing their finger at me, telling me what I'm doing wrong. It was the grace of going, I don't care what you've done wrong. I still love you. And I'm going to stand by you through thick and thin. That shows the character of Christ. And everyone gets that wrong, you know? But just showing the grace and saying, I don't care what you're doing wrong. I love you. And I hope you come alongside me and I hope we become friends. Yes. And let's just help each other along this journey of life. And there isn't anybody that's above anybody else here. The only one that's above is God Almighty. And until we get that right and see each other as... as brothers and sisters here and take care of people as we're responsible for them, for their hearts. You see somebody that's sad, maybe you should stop. And even if you don't know them, just say, yeah, you know, like, hey, you want to, are you doing okay today? Are you doing okay? How about we go to lunch? Heaven forbid you cancel your normal daily routine and you invest in someone else. How about you miss work for the day? Because on your way to work, while stopped at the gas station, you could tell somebody was wounded. And don't automatically assume that they are trying to get you like that. They're that they're, you know, a lot of times it's like people are just being people and it's not, you know, it's hard to be offended when you're really full of love for people and you look at somebody that does something and, and that seems offensive. And it's like, if you can step back and say, this has nothing to do with me, nothing whatsoever. Something else happened in their day and they're just acting out like- Give them a minute, they're hurt. Give them a minute, walk around the thing and say, hey buddy, come on, let's go do this together, that together and drop the offense and turn it into- Which, by the way- What's going on here? It's a spirit of offense. The Lord has been showing me that in me. I get offended very easy. I may or may not respond to it. I tend to show people grace when I get offended. But I get offended a lot. And he has started showing me that it's a spirit of offense. Take that word captive. Because for me, when I heard that, I realized I am... I am going into a handshaken covenant with a spirit that is not of the Lord. And I've started giving that back of when I hear myself saying, I'm so offended, telling the story of whatever happened. I'm so offended. I'm so offended. I'm so offended. And all of a sudden I'm hearing, I'm in relationship with the spirit of offense. I'm in a relationship with the spirit of offense. And all of a sudden I'm pulling that sucker back going, you know what? I'm not offended. Who am I? Who am I to get offended? Game changer. I hope it works for others. Total game changer. Total, total game changer. Well, you know what? It's time for me to visit the little girl's room here in a minute because my bladder is offended. But at any rate, see, we're human beings. Sorry. That's as good as it gets. And so why don't we say a prayer here a minute? And I just want to bless everybody out there today. And I really think that I don't care who you are. God loves you. We love you. You have a family here. No matter what has happened, where you are, we come together. We can help each other. We can fix anything. And that's the truth. We can even go after people who are not doing the right thing. I'm not going to be giving a lot of mercy here for somebody who's a pedophile. I'm going to tell you that right now. Because if we don't stop some of this nonsense that's going on, more and more people, there is a hard line when it comes to law and order. And this country is a country of laws, not men, not popularity contests. We've got to get over that, done with this. We've got to follow a process and a procedure to guarantee the rights of each person to live safely and to thrive. to have the rights to life liberty and property this is what we're standing on right now the founding fathers knew what they were doing and it was based on the bible you don't believe it get crack a bible go get a bible and crack it and read it and go to kings and judges and you will find out this nation was absolutely built on biblical principles to ensure peace in the land that we can live together peacefully. It doesn't mean we have to agree with each other, but we can live at peace with each other. And you know, in the presence of God almighty, that's what needs to happen. And he's good all the time. He can't, we can't talk. We cannot top him. So there you go. Dear Heavenly Father, I ask for your blessings and your favor to be upon every single person that's out there today. And whatever hurts they have, you know. You know what's happened. You've seen everything. It's not like it's a mystery to you, which I think is wonderful because we can be completely honest and true in our communications with you. We can tell you everything because you're seeing it whether lights are on or whether the lights are off. You see things, everything, even our hearts. what we hold dear, the love in our hearts, and not just a bad thing, but the very, very good things that you've built within each and every human being out there. I ask that you would completely and totally confuse the plans of the enemy this day, that people can open their eyes and see your love, your purposes, that you adore them, that you created them, that you knew them from the beginning of time, before time began. You already knew them and that they're precious to you, that they are your children. And we ask for you to absolutely muzzle evil in each and every person's life, that you would absolutely bind evil up, that we can see you for who you are. And truly... and shut the phone up so that I can talk to you, so that each and every one of us can walk with you in this life. And we're so thankful that you loved us enough to send your only begotten son, that whosoever believes in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. And I really think about that a lot. I think about that a lot. The fact that you just want to have a relationship with us, that you are willing to go to such extent is not to be born in the little wooden manger that everybody thinks in the nativity scene, but that you were born on a pile of manure in a shepherd's cave. There wasn't any wood there. We know the truth. And that's the same picture of you coming into our hearts, being willing to walk with us in the things we do well, things we don't do so well. And we're thankful that you bear with us with our good side and the things that we do that's not so good. And you still love us anyway. And that's a true friend. A true friend doesn't just walk with us when we're always at the top of our game. A true friend sits with us no matter what and loves us in spite of it. And we're thankful for that. And everything that you've done for us, it's only through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, the only one that was perfect and the only one that didn't throw a stone. And we will be walking with you in the same manner. Everyone is welcome. That door is open wide. And that the love of Christ may touch every single person. And the blessings of God Almighty, may they rest upon everyone that's listening. That your blessings would be upon them. That they would have peace that passes understanding. Joy as we walk through all circumstances. Strength that only comes from you. And the goodness... in leading us in paths of righteousness for your name's sake. We're so thankful. And we just want to let you know that we love you. We so love you. And we want to be like you. We really want to be like you. And we want to follow you. Give us the path, a clear path to walk and the feet to walk that path you put in front of us, no matter what it is or where it may lead. We love you. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen. So there we go, boys and girls, and here's the end of the show. We've been on a long time, and I've got to go to the bathroom. So with that said, go to because I'm the best non-conceited or whoever non-conceited in the history of the United States of America. And guess what? I want to have a discussion with President Trump, the rightful president of the United States. It's Flannel Friday. Pepe agrees. And with that said, have a great weekend. You know, laugh about these things. Find find a reason to be happy. OK. And you get diagnosed with something. Just blow right through it. Not going to matter. OK. And don't take yourself so serious. Right. I don't want to laugh at myself. Yeah. Seriously. Can you imagine God looks at us and he's like. I see it all the time. He's like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. And I created this, right? So, but anyway, have a great weekend and God bless you. God bless all those whom you love and God bless America. I'm going to give you a challenge. If you don't have a good example, be one. You're challenged to be one if you don't have one. You know, if you're hurting out there in your heart and you're just absolutely hurting, you know what? We love you. We, we love you. I love you. I'm not looking at you for the things that other people do. I don't, I look at systems, at crimes and systems and things that go wrong, but people are people and we need to stand together and help each other out. I'm going to tell you what I need help. Everyone does. And, and just, Just doing the right thing and walking. Nobody can do this by themselves. Nobody. And we aren't going to fix the United States or this world by looking at it as having a king in front of us that's going to lead us. It's going to be you and I coming together following the only king. King of kings, the Lord of lords. And you know his name. His name is Jesus. And we're going to go forward with that kind of a mindset of reconciliation and letting God restore this land. And have a great weekend. Love you to pizzas. Love you to lease and hang on a minute. I'm going to end the broadcast and, and we'll see you Monday morning.