BNN - Brandenburg News Network

Melissa Howard


I am a graduate from MCC for Graphic design/ illustration. Was fortunate to have entered into this field with the best of both worlds. Before technology and as technology was being introduced into the field. I also went to MSU and graduated from their Horse Management Program....but this all is only paper! My experience exceeded all of this by life experience! It opened my eyes to a lot of things as well. I co-owned a construction business with my ex-husband, Built a home, started a graphic design business, worked for a local newspaper. I've owned horses myself for the past 26 years, and was trying to start up an equestrian program when I graduated MSU, but tragically my son was killed, which put my life and plans in a tailspin. That was probably the beginning of my seeking justice in a corrupt system! Currently still in the throws of it concerning my daughter and CPS. God has put a major detour in my life and my plans, so now I'm just waiting to see what will unfold as I turn to the next page....